#anger and disappointment is justified though!
track-five · 1 year
Thoughts on the tour cancellation? I’m so torn because as an American fan, I know I don’t have the right to speak for Asian Louies and it’s okay for them to be angry and upset. They’ve been waiting 8 years and once again they get the short end of the stick. At the same time I don’t think it’s Louis’ fault at all. He was so excited to tour Asia. I think his team has handled this in the worst way possible (what’s new🙄) but I don’t think he deserves to be slammed like he has been. Asian fans didn’t deserve to hear it from live nation or Twitter update accounts. His team 1000% should have and still should put out a statement. There’s no way they didn’t know a couple days in advance. I do find it incredibly strange that the only news we’ve heard from Louis or his team is a measly paragraph tweet apologizing. The difference from him breaking his arm and posting x rays and a notes app apology because he had to cancel a few signings and one show, to canceling an entire leg of tour and only writing a couple sentences is super weird and leads me to believe he can’t say anything else. The whole situation is messed up and I hope he’s okay.
oh boy ok i haven’t been tracking this closely today, so if anything new happened that i missed i could be completely off here…
i really feel for all of the fans in asia because they get the short end of the stick too often :( this is giving “harry cancelling his chicago show day-of via ticketmaster” and i’m really not sure what to think. shit happens sometimes, and we have to accept the disappointment knowing the decision is probably what was best for the person we care about. i believe harry didn’t owe us any explanation even though we wanted one, but hshq absolutely did owe us an announcement (and honestly an apology…both of which we didn’t get, but LA did!). i feel the same about louis.
we are never owed a look into harry or louis’ personal lives, but louis is so adamant that there’s a symbiotic relationship between himself and the fans…so the way this is being handled is very odd and makes me think something very personal is going on. i don’t blame louis for the response, but i’m inclined to blame his team.
as we’ve seen time and time again louis is in charge of a lot, but he has people working for him behind the scenes. he’s not the kind of guy to get every tweet pre-approved by a pr team, but i have a feeling he’s not in charge of the response here. even if he is, lthq still should have been the ones to announce it.
performing is his passion, but it’s also his job. regardless of how fun his shows are and how close we feel to him there, it’s essentially a transactional experience. his team knows this. it’s disappointing if your friend backs out of a coffee date with no explanation, but there are no stakes. if an artist backs out of shows, there was time and money invested on many fronts. when his team spends so much time pushing genuineness and transparency on us through aotv, it’s strange that all we have is a remix of every other apology tweet over the years. they absolutely dropped the ball on this one, and i feel so bad for him for the backlash he’s getting.
we are never owed an explanation, but we are owed the courtesy of hearing it directly from the artist (aka their team). that’s the bare minimum in my opinion. my guess is there’s something going on with louis. if there’s something serious he’s dealing with, the burden of making this difficult announcement (and blame for its inadequacy) should absolutely not fall on him, but on lthq and lthq only. there’s obviously a lot of nuance to decisions like this, so it’s hard to assign blame when we truly have no idea. i hope he’s alright, and my heart goes out to the fans whose shows were cancelled.
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cum-allergy · 3 months
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envy-of-the-apple · 2 months
Rewound Infinitely
Gojo Satoru x Reader
Part one: Infinite Rewind
Synopsis: A decade later, Gojo has finally caught up with you. Weddings take a lot of planning.
Word Count: 8.6k
(Warnings: flashbacks to gore, not healthy trauma coping, thats all tho! pretty wholesome compared to last time)
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Some things about him had changed within a decade, while others stayed the same. 
Even taller than you last saw him. His hair has been styled, no longer ivory chaos. You can't see a single blemish or mark despite the decade of fighting curses. He's as flawless as the first day you met him. No glasses; the entirety of his blue keeps you still.
You've seen this Satoru before: Suguru's memories, with glassy eyes, ruffled ivory hair, and an empty expression. Seeing such beauty yourself when you're standing right in front of him, it's breathtaking. 
Even the lights of Tokyo couldn't compare to him. 
You say nothing. You can't. Your mouth is dry and pointless. You're not even sure where to even begin. In front of a God, your insecurities pile up all over again. Is he disappointed by you? How could you explain everything that you put him through? Your mouth opens, you think you're about to speak: an apology, a plea, anything-
"—You're late!" 
His hands reach up to squish your cheeks together. It was so unexpected, you squeak. 
And Gojo Satoru is pouting. 
It's a wave. The ocean of anxiety, guilt, and fear crashes into the shore. You feel nothing but indignant rage at the brat who clearly hadn't matured one damn bit. 
"I'm not late!" You hiss back. "If anything, you're the one who's late. I was—"
You're cut off by his laugh, light and happy. 
He isn't offended by your outburst; he's overjoyed about it. His cheeks are dabbed with pink, and his lips are so wide that he's showing his teeth. Your anger wanes when he pulls you into his chest, arms circling around you. You can smell his cologne when he buries his face into your hair. 
"There you are. Finally." He melts into you like butter. "I missed you, Greeny." 
His voice is soft, quiet, and sincere. You can't do anything but hug him back, allowing him to sink.
"I missed you, too." You whisper.
He hums. Apart from the wind, it's quiet. He's clinging onto you as though he's afraid once he lets go, you'll disappear forever. His behavior is justified. You were constantly meddling with his life before whisking away. Just this once, you allow him to keep you within his reach, letting the cat catch the canary. 
"This is sweet 'n all. But we're actually getting late." He mutters. "Also, we gotta do something about your clothes." 
One moment, you're atop the Tokyo Skybridge; the next, you're standing in an upscale boutique. 
Satoru skips away from you. Meanwhile, you're frozen, brain scrambling to catch up with what happened. Teleport. He can teleport now.
"Mr. Gojo, sir." A voice calls. An older woman smiles at him. 
He gives her a casual wave before gesturing over to you. "Mind giving this one a dress? It's a black-tie event. We don't have a budget." 
The woman turns to you with a smile. "Of course, sir." 
Dazed, you pliantly follow the woman into the back of the boutique. Her hold on you is gentle as she ushers you through the hall with one hand on either side of your shoulders. When you look back, Satoru is waving with a wide grin. The door shuts behind you. 
"Do you have any preferences?" 
You turn back to the woman. She's still smiling. You can't tell if it's genuine or customer service. Perhaps both. 
Did Satoru not like what you're wearing? When you look down, it makes sense. Your time on the tower wasn't kind to your hair, not to mention your clothes. This morning, you'd just thrown on the first thing you saw. 
This morning. That felt like centuries ago. 
She's still waiting. You give a trepid smile. 
"Anything," you say, "anything as long as it's cheap. I'm not exactly swimming in cash." 
She gives a confused look. "Oh, but Mr. Gojo is paying, isn't he?" 
Was he? You had no idea what was happening, much less what he had just said. She returns to her usual smile. 
"If you have nothing in mind, let's see here..." 
Some time later, your usual clothing was removed and replaced by something satin and long. It was a pretty dress that fell right to your feet. A set of women also flitted in and worked on your hair and face, putting everything back in your face so that you looked more human and less cryptid. 
"What do you think?" She asks, looking at you through that mirror. 
Pretty, you looked pretty. But when you looked closer, no amount of make-up could remove that look in your eyes. 
When you step back out, Satoru is waiting with a tapping foot. 
"Finally!" He exclaims, standing up. He doesn't acknowledge the dress, probably because he's seen himself in better. "Thanks, Hana. Okay, let's go." 
"Go?" You prod. "Go where? You—you still haven't told me what you're even doing—" 
It's no use. He grabs your hand, instantly warping you away from the boutique. 
You're outside. There's people everywhere. In the distance, you can see a crystal glass dome. The sun was still in the sky, which was strange because you remembered watching a sunset not too long ago, unless you weren't in Japan anymore. To prove it to yourself, you check your phone location. Yakima, Washington. What the fuck.
Was this some type of torture, him flitting you from continent to continent, all in a ploy to punish you for something? You give him a pleading look. 
"Just tell me what's going on—" 
"Nuh-uh." He grins. "It's a surprise! Besides, you'll figure it out soon enough. Now, I gotta' go. Stay here, be good, and find the panda!" 
And then he's gone.
You always knew he was insane, but this is ridiculous, even for him. To leave you in the middle of nowhere, that asshole.  
There is no one you recognize in the crowd, but they are all walking towards the dome, so you meekly follow. What did he say? Find the panda? It had to be a metaphor of some kind, or perhaps there was a panda statue you needed to wait under. 
And then you see a panda on two legs walking and talking with a group of teenagers.
Seriously, what else did you expect? 
Feeling like you've just aged five years, you approach the group. Including the animal, there's five. They all look like 14-16 years old. You feel like you're in high school all over again when they glance over at you. The girl looks particularly unimpressed. 
"Hi." You look at the panda. Maybe it's a really good costume because no one else looks shocked. "Satoru said I should find you...?" 
One of them seems to get the code. The one with black hair and puppy eyes perks up. 
"Ah! Are you 'Greeny'?" Did he tell everyone about that nickname? Didn't you tell him it was supposed to be a secret? Though, it doesn't really matter anymore. 
"It's not my actual name." You say before introducing yourself. 
He gives a nod. "Okkutso Yuta." He bows. What a polite kid. "This is my friend, Inumaki Toge." 
The kid with half his face under his scarf gives a wave. You smile. 
"Just Maki." The girl steps in before she gives you a once-over. "I like your dress." 
"Oh, thank you!" You say happily, "I love yours as well!" 
She looks away, but you have a feeling she has a hard time taking compliments. 
"I'm Panda." The panda fucking says, and no, it isn't a costume, but you're too tired to ask at this point. "Nice to finally meet you." 
When the final kid says nothing, Panda reaches over and wraps a furry hand around his shoulder. 
"And this is Fushiguro Megumi! He's shy." Panda says cheerily. The boy flusters under his weight. 
"Get off." Fushiguro gripes. 
"Don't mind him." Maki rolls her eyes. "He's just throwing a tantrum because his sister couldn't make it, and he's gonna have to socialize with people instead of hiding behind her." 
Fushiguro glares, but he doesn't respond to that. He just gives you a nod, and you decide these are good kids. At the very least, they're all way better than that brat Satoru. 
"So, why are we waiting out here?" You ask, peering around. 
"The doors haven't opened, yet," Okkutso kindly relays, "we're just waiting out here until everything is set up." 
"If they're taking this long, then they should at least ask for help." Maki crosses her arms. "We've been waiting out here for at least thirty minutes." 
"At least there's food." Panda tries to assuage. 
"Salmon," says Inumaki. 
"They're serving salmon out here?" You give him an incredulous look and he waves his arms around. 
"Bonito flakes." Inumaki says. Okkutso tries to come to his rescue. 
"Inumaki can't speak anything but food items because of his curse-" Maki quickly yanks him down by his collar frantically. Fushiguro is whispering something in his ear. You watch them go back and forth before it clicks. 
"Does it have something to do with his technique?" You ask, curiously. 
They stop squabbling. 
"Oh, our bad. Sorry 'bout that." Panda gives a sheepish grin. "We didn't think you'd know about jujutsu sorcery 'cause...well. Your cursed energy is really low." 
"Super low." Maki agrees. 
"Even lower than Maki's." That earns Panda a punch from her. 
"Thank you," you dryly say, before you turn back to the building. 
"What's going on in that place anyway?" 
They all give you an odd look before they look at each other. Did you say something wrong?
"Did Gojo-sensei not tell you anything?" Okkotsu asks. 
You allow yourself to leak some bitterness. "Satoru just dropped me on the sidewalk before teleporting away. He never tells me anything.
"That sounds like him." Panda nods. 
"Idiot," Maki says.
"Such an idiot," Fushiguro says, and now you feel bad for Satoru.
"Our sensei's getting married today." Okkutso supplies. He points at the dome. 
You don't get why you didn't realize it sooner. You knew these kids, at least Okkutso, Maki, Panda, and Inumaki. They all showed up on the very last day Geto Suguru died. Okkutso, in particular, had fought and defeated Suguru. 
These were Gojo Satoru's students. 
You think back to the last time you saw Satoru. He didn't look like a groom, but he's an eccentric guy. You wondered what kind of person would put up with him for the rest of their lives. You pitied them. 
"Oh." You frown. "His wedding? I—I would have at least brought a gift." 
"I don't think he'd mind," Panda said, "besides, you didn't even know!" 
You still felt a bit guilty. 
"We didn't bring anything either," Fushiguro states, and it helps just a tiny bit. 
"When the ceremony begins, you can sit with us," Okkutso tells you, "we're supposed to keep an eye on you, anyway." 
"You're not talking to a dog." Maki grunts. 
"Oh no I—I didn't mean to be offensive!" Okkutso backtracks. "It's just—well, Gojo-sensei's been talking about you for a while, and we want to make sure everything goes smoothly and we were all really excited to meet you so—" 
He keeps rambling like that until Inumaki pats his shoulder. You laugh, amused. 
"I wasn't offended or anything." You tell him before his words sink in. "Wait, Satoru talks about me?" 
"All the time." Maki responds, an edge to her voice. "'Greeny this', 'Greeny that'." 
"We usually tune him out when he gets like that," Panda says, "honestly, we didn't even think you were real until just now." 
"I always thought 'Greeny' was an inside joke Gojo-sensei and Haibara-sensei had," Okkotsu admits. 
Something warm bubbles in your stomach. 
"So," Fushiguro speaks, "how do you know Gojo, anyway?" 
You didn't know the story Gojo told them so you simply keep it vague. 
"I knew him as a kid." 
It's Panda who gets the most excited about this. 
"Really? What was he like as a teenager?" 
"A brat." You instantly respond, and then you think a little more. "But I don't think that ever changed." 
They ask you a couple more questions about Gojo's high school days. You oblige, thinking this as payback for how Satoru dropped you here without saying anything. You don't know how long you spend out there, airing out Gojo's younger days while his students get increasingly giggly. 
Okkotsu is the one who notices the crowd is moving. 
"I think they opened the doors." He smiles. "Let's go, everyone." 
You follow behind Maki, admiring the architecture. It's a grand building. Sparkling crystal glass lets the sunlight bleed in. The decoration was something else entirely. Small white flowers adorn the chandelier, and they cascade down the edges. Ice sculptures of angels greeted the guests. Live music was already playing. Satoru knows how to plan a wedding. 
Maki finds you all seats. You sit next to her. Fushiguro follows you. Okkutso, Inumaki, and Panda take the seats behind you. While you wait for the guests to settle down, you pass your time, waiting for the students to bicker with one another. From your assumption, it looked as though Maki, Panda, and occasionally Inumaki butted heads with each other. Okkutso often served as the timid referee, trying to get everyone to calm down, which almost always made things worse. Fushiguro just elected to ignore everything. 
"Are they always like this?" You lean over to whisper to him. Fushiguro gives a tired nod. 
"Every. Single. Day." He's saying this from experience, but at least you get a show. 
Everyone settles down eventually. The kids grow quiet when the music starts to swell. The indoor lights dim. It's starting. 
You've never been to a wedding this grand before. There was a live orchestra. Women and men were dressed in baby blue, gently strumming away their cellos, violins, and violas. 
It's how you miss Satoru's entrance. He's already standing on the altar by the time you look back. He's changed into something more formal. The suit and green tie fit him. A perfectly put-together beauty. As though he can sense your stare, he catches your eye and winks. 
But why was he already up there? Shouldn't he be—
"Sensei's coming!" Okkotsu whisper-yells. Inumaki hushes him.
Everyone turns to face the door. You do, too. 
Your heart stops when you see him. 
It's all there. Black hair, but it's longer this time around. Of course it is, he's had years to grow it out. He's tall, he must've grown since highschool. 
You don't think you're breathing when you watch him walk down the aisle. The music is low, barely loud enough to hide the click of his heels. He takes his rightful place beside Satoru, his best man. Satoru gives him a nudge, and Suguru shakes his head fondly. 
Everyone turns to see Shoko's entrance. You should too, but you keep staring at him. How much he's changed since high school. How much he's changed since he waltzed onstage wearing a priest's outfit, filled with nothing but empty hatred for those he viewed as weak. 
But he's not wearing that twisted monk costume. His eyes aren't dull and dead and bitter. There's no sickly faux smile on his lips.
Today, Suguru looks like the happiest man on Earth. 
His eyes are wide and eager and sparkling purple beauties. He's 27, but he looks younger. The lines of exhaustion and heartbreak aren't so prominent. And you—and you—
You just sit there, watching as Shoko walks up to the altar, watching as they stand as bride and groom. His daughters, adorned in pretty blue dresses, stand right behind him, smiling so hard you're sure it hurts. The priest speaks. They say their vows. You can't hear a single word. It's like you're behind a glass wall, and you can see him, but you can't feel him. 
 When they kiss, everything comes back. The crowd celebrates. Satoru ruffles Himeno's hair. Nanako smiles wider. Behind you, Inumaki and Panda sniffles. Okkotsu hands them a tissue. 
"It’s pretty." Maki comments. Fushiguro gives a hum of agreement. 
Satoru finds you and the kids when you're waiting for the reception to start. 
He appears behind you with a cheery, "And how are my lovely students holding up?" You almost spill your drink in shock.
"Sensei!" Okkotsu chirps. "Where's Geto-sensei and Ieiri-sensei?" 
"Shoko's around; Suguru's taking a break," Gojo answers with a grin. "If you don't mind me, I'll be stealing this one for a sec." 
He doesn't wait for an answer, steering you away by your shoulders. You look behind you. Panda waves. Fushiguro just looks even more upset. You wave back at them regardless. 
"I can't believe you put your students out on babysitting duty." You tell him. "And what's with this wedding? There's no alcohol anywhere." To make your point, you take another sip of your apple juice. 
"We have kids here. Kinda' have to make it alcohol-free," Satoru says. 
"The bartender could ID them." You suggest. 
"You think teens who fight curses daily wouldn't figure out how to get around that?" He grins. You frown at his frustratingly good response. 
“What’d you think of them?”
“The kids.” He urges. “What’d you think?”
Your brows scrunch. You have no idea what he means by that. Eventually, you take a breath.
“I like how...close they are.” You eventually say. “The bond they share. They care. I think each one of them will be good sorcerers.”
He’s silent, and you think you might have misunderstood his question.
“I learned that from you,” Satoru says, “keeping them together, making sure they can grow, get stronger, together. You were always so insistent on that, back then. I’m glad you were. It was one of the best things about you.”
You stare at him. Really stare. You’ve never heard him sound so genuine, so sincere before. You look into his crystal-blue eyes, wide and earnest. Part of you wants to take a picture, so you could keep it forever.
Eventually, Gojo successfully drags you to a less crowded area of the party. He looks around. 
"Hm, he should be around here somewhere...?" Satoru hums to himself. 
"Who?" You ask. That question answers itself. 
Haibara Yu is waiting a little ways ahead. By now, the sun was starting to set. His brown hair turned gold. Gojo eagerly hurries you forward as he calls out to him. You stumble, still lost at what you're seeing. 
"Guess who I brought?" Gojo sweetly sings, Yu-Haibara, he hasn't let you call him Yu yet-tilts his head.
He smiles, confused. "Oh? Hello!" He says cheerily. "Who's this?" He asks to Gojo. 
"Guess," Gojo says. 
Haibara stares at you, and you decide to give him a hint. 
"Brocolli head?" 
He gapes. It's almost the same reaction he had last time. Last time, when you had to convince him to kill you so you could go back in time to save Satoru.  
"No way." He gasps. "Greeny?"
 He doesn't remember. He wouldn't, why would he? Still, it's nice to see the innocence on his face, rather than the pain you saw last time. Right before he snapped your neck. 
You think he was crying the last time you two saw each other. 
In this timeline, Haibara is hugging you so tightly you think your head's about to explode. 
"It's really you?" Haibara says, but his bear hug muffles his words. "“—I—I can’t believe it? It’s actually you! I thought I’d never see you again even though Satoru said we'd see you again one day, and—and then suddenly you pop up outta’ nowhere—not that I’m complaining— but—”
"Haibara." You plead. "You're suffocating me." 
"Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry." He lets you go, and your lungs inflate again. "I—I'm just so happy! And—and you're a girl!" He says it like it's the most surprising thing about this whole revelation. Maybe it is. 
Satoru is always needy for attention and whines as always. 
"Wait, you two came up with a code word?" He complains. "That's not fair. We never did that." 
"I mean, it was Haibara's idea." You point out. "You should be smarter next time." 
That makes him frown even more. You laugh. 
"Yu." Haibara suddenly says. 
You turn to him. 
"My friends call me Yu." 
It's nice to know that no matter what timeline you're in, Yu will always remain stagnant. 
"Okay, lover boy," Gojo says with a not-so playful bite, "keep your eye on this one for me, okay? Gotta' go do more best man shit." 
Satoru's gone once again. You look at Yu. 
"He's been running around since I got here." You tell him. "Does that man ever rest?" 
"Nope." Haibara grins, before taking your arm. "Follow me; you should meet a couple of people." 
He leads you through the crowd. You spot the teens moping about out of the corner of your eye. Panda and Inumaki seem to be in a push-up competition. Maki is egging them on. You wisely decide not to disturb them.
Yu drops your hand to wave to someone. There's no need for any kind of introduction for these people. 
Riko and Misato Kuroi smile at you first. Miss Kuroi's aged beautifully since you last saw her. Wispy silver hair knitted seamlessly into brown strands. She never got that chance to grow gray hairs last time. You're staring so much it might be rude. 
"Yu?" Riko asks and you think you're about to break because they know each other. "Who's this?" 
"Uh, this-" Haibara chokes before looking at your awkwardly. Right, he doesn't know your actual name. 
Come to think of it, Satoru doesn't know either. He never bothered to ask too. Probably on purpose. Ass. 
You smile and politely introduce yourself. It takes everything within you not to scream and hug them both because in this timeline, they don't know you. They never did. 
But you can change that now. 
"Hello!" Riko beams. "I'm Kuroi Riko, but just Riko is fine! And this is my mom: Kuroi Misato." 
She says that so plainly, like that had always been her name, like Miss Kuroi had always been her mother. You wonder how long it took for those two realities to become her norm. Or maybe it hardly took time at all. 
"It's wonderful to meet you." Miss Kuroi states before she tilts her head. "May I ask how you know the couple?" 
Haibara jumps in for you. "Um—actually, this is Satoru's date!" He fumbles. 
You do a double-take. No, you technically weren't Satoru's date. But you technically entered the wedding with him. And he was the one who 'invited' you. Fuck, you were the brat's date. Damn it. 
"Ah." Nanami cuts in for the first time. "So, you're the one Gojo won't shut up about." 
His accusation sounds like Maki's, but less harsh. You wonder if he has a favorite student. 
Nanami looks the most different from his high school counterpart. A new haircut, less slouchy, more tall and refined. He blinks at you, slow and calculating. 
Sheepishly, you laugh. "Yeah...that's me....sorry." 
"Don't be rude, Kento." 
Ieiri arrives with a soft smile and painted features. She's changed out of her glowing gown, sticking to something small yet perfectly elegant: a short white dress that curls ever so slightly at the ends. Riko's the first to hug her, ecstatic. Ieiri hugs her back, too, because they've become friends in this timeline. The circles under her eyes are less prominent. Her smile looks more real. This isn't the timeline where she's had to bury her friend; it's the timeline she's allowed to marry him. 
"Congratulations," you say politely once everyone is done cooing over her. She smiles at you, the way a stranger would. 
Then, her head tilts. 
"Sorry," she hesitates, "do we know each other? You...feel familiar somehow." 
Ieiri was the first person you met when you activated your technique and returned to the past for the first time. She was the one who calmed you down, kept you grounded. In a way, you owed a lot to her. 
Looking at her, you can see why Suguru kept her cigarettes in his pocket. 
You shrug. "I must have one of those faces." 
The attention turns back to her, her beautiful dress, pure and white and beautiful. You feel Haibara stare at you. You shake your head at him. It wasn't the time. Maybe it never will be. 
"This really is a beautiful wedding," Mistato says when the conversation reaches a pleasant lull, "I can't imagine how much it cost." 
She shrugged. 
"Probably a fortune, but I let Satoru deal with the numbers." 
Misato looks confused, and Ieiri laughs. 
"He paid for everything." She gestures to the venue. "Suguru and I didn't have to fork over a single cent. It's the least he could do for being a pain in the ass for 12 years." 
Damn, you knew he was rich, but you didn't know he was rich rich. Maybe you should consider being nicer to him. If you ask politely, perhaps you could get him to pay off your car loans. 
"I'll get him to pay for my wedding too." Riko proudly says. 
"He'd probably do it, too." Ieiri nodded along. "He offered, just like that. The only thing he was hellbent on was the date." 
"The date?" You echo. Ieiri shrugs, messing with her laced sleeves. 
"Said it absolutely needed to be on December 24th. Something about spirituality. I never listened to that guy's rants." 
It comes to you immediately, but you're pushing it away. No way. Satoru wouldn't. There isn't a chance in Hell he would have convinced his friends to have the biggest day of their lives on the same day you were supposed to meet him. 
No, of course, he would do that. Ass. 
"So, how do you know Satoru?" Riko asks you. When she realized how rude it sounded, she backtracked. "I—I didn't mean anything by it! It's just...the guy only knows five people. When he spoke about bringing someone along, I thought he was joking." 
"Same here," Nanami says. Haibara stifles a laugh, and you realize all of Satoru's friends think he's a loser. 
Friends. Back then, he only had one of those. 
"Um." You toss Haibara look. He shrugs. "We met a few years ago! But we just recently reconnected." That's close enough to the truth. Good enough.��
You remember your blunder. You sympathetically look at Shoko. 
"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to bring a gift," you say, "I was blindsided. Satoru barely gave me enough time to get ready." 
You laugh, and you're hoping they laugh it off too. They don't, instead Shoko, Nanami, Riko, and Misato look at you. Then, they look at each other. 
Nanami speaks first. He clears his throat.
"Did Satoru....abduct you?" 
"That sounds like him." Misato sighs, more exasperated than anything else.
Riko nods along with her. "We tried to teach him. Where did we go wrong?" she laments. 
Haibara and Shoko laugh as you desperately try to defend your not-date date because he didn't actually kidnap you, but he did bring you here against your will and started dragging you along like some toy, but it's the context about that that matters. You wished they could've had a bit more faith in him. Poor Satoru. 
It ends eventually. Ieiri excuses herself. Riko and Misato go too. You stay with Yu and Nanami, watching as they get into increasingly petty arguments. It’s hilarious how quickly Yu is able to bring the usually staunch and serious Nanami down to his level.
Sometime later, you find yourself roaming the balcony. The party roars on indoors, laughing, talking, cheering. It was chilly outside, you should go back in within a few minutes. You just needed a break from the action.
The sun had already gone down, by then. You were somewhere out in the country. The buildings sparsely dotted the horizon. There were no artificial lights. It meant the stars could shine as brightly as they wanted to, with no one to stop them.
You hadn’t seen Satoru in a while. You had no idea where he’d run off to. It didn’t matter; you knew he’d eventually pop out of a box to harass you again.
But now that you had space for yourself, you needed to think.
You rest your hands over the rail, looking up at the stars. There were so many out tonight.
You fixed the future. You changed everything. Does that mean you still needed to tell Satoru about the past timeline?
You promised him answers the next time you two met. You promised him an explanation. He waited ten years for that. You pinch at the fabric of the dress.
This future that you carefully built, crafted with your own hands. It’s delicate, a glass castle.
It’s justice, but did that make it right?
“Want one?”
The voice makes you jump.
He stares at you, leaning against the rail. Purple eyes, mirroring the starry sky.
You knew these eyes, for a while, they used to be yours.
You stare at him. Then, you stare at the cigarette in his inviting fingers.
Your fingers twitch.
“No—no, I’m fine.” You smile. “Actually, I’m trying to quit.”
“Ah.” Suguru says, lighting it up before bringing it to his lips. “Shouldn’t tempt you, then. Pardon, what’s your name?”
You can hear your heartbeat. It’s loud, right in your ear. You wonder if he can hear it too. Are his curses around? Can they smell it? Your blood? Are they still as ravenous as the last time, eager to tear and fester and eat—
“It’s Greeny,” you say, “you can call me Greeny. ”
He hums in approval.
“Geto Suguru,” he says, “though I’m pretty sure you already know that.” You both share a huff of laughter.
“My fiancé quit a few years ago.” Suguru starts, mentioning the cherry-red cigarette. “Thought I’d follow in her footsteps, but here I am.” He shrugs before he winces.
“Wife, sorry.” He corrects. “I still can’t believe it.”
The monsters come out to play their song. You close your eyes, forgive Suguru, and you die once more.
You smile at his tone. He sounded like that 12 years ago, when he was still just a kid. Full of soft wonder.
“I’m guessing you’ve been planning this for a long time?” You ask.
He shrugs. “Shoko did most of the work. This is all thanks to her, really. Unfortunately, I was too busy managing the school.”
“I heard you were a principal?” You prod.
Suguru nods, “Our current one recently retired. I’m trying to follow in his footsteps.”
You think of Principal Yaga, the one with sunglasses and a stern expression. He looks a lot like Nanami in some areas. But he acts more like Suguru than anyone you ever knew.
And you knew Suguru; you knew him as well as yourself.
The screams start up again, and you forgive Suguru. 
“I can tell you’re already making him proud,” you say, “I met your students. They’re good kids.”
He smiles, soft, gentle. Those used to be your smiles.
“They are, aren’t they?” He repeats back, “some of them had a rough beginning, but it all worked out somehow.” He hums. “I’m glad.”
His daughters, the ones standing beside him as he kissed his wife, wide eyes and even wider grins. They didn’t have the darkness in their faces. The bitterness. Like they did in the last timeline.
You were glad, too.
This death is a lot more painful than the others. 
The curse that's holding you is more intelligent than its predecessors. It keeps you alive, tearing at your skin, feasting on your flesh. Blood is everywhere. You scream until it rips out your vocal cords. It's almost a mercy to just die. 
You forgive Suguru.
“It sounds like you’ve had personal experience with that sort of thing.” When he looks at you, you quickly say. “Your eyes. I—I can see it. I’ve always been good at that sort of thing.” You knew Suguru. His eyes matched yours.
He doesn’t look offended. Suguru takes a minute, reaching up to his black locks. He removes the elastic, pretty black hair falls down his shoulders He’s grown it out since high school. It reaches his waist.
He eases himself back onto the rail, looking up at the stars. You follow.
“Yeah, I do,” he’s saying, “I think I know what it’s like being them at that age. Alone, isolated, slipping down a rock. Drowning, but no one can see it.” Ingested. Exorcised. Ingested. Exorcised.
“When I was younger...it was really hard. Some days, I was so full of hate and anger. The pain was a lot. Sometimes, I had this despicable idea that it was someone else’s fault I was like this. Someone innocent.” He laughs, bitter.
“And, on those days, I would often feel something.”
You look at him. Suguru doesn’t stare back, eyes lost in the stars.
“Sometimes, it’d be a voice. Other times a small nudge on my shoulders, pushing me in the right direction. Once, it was a hug, keeping me from doing something that would’ve changed my life forever. And it would be just a bit more bearable, like I wasn’t so alone.”
You can feel your heart in your throat. Your fingers grip the railing.
“What did you think it was?” You expect hate, disgust. You want to give yourself a reason.
You forgive Suguru.
He takes a moment, coming back from heaven. His eyes find yours.
“I’m not sure.” He admits. “I’m not religious, but I always liked to think of it as—”
An angel. A hand of God. A higher power. It doesn’t matter what Suguru said, you knew what he meant.
A part of you always wondered why Suguru would return to Jujutsu society, when he wanted nothing more than to run from it. You expected him to retire. Instead, he took the reins of the beast, wrangling it down. Now, you get why.
“That’s why you’re a teacher now,” you say, “so you could be the same thing for your students.”
He nods, and you think of Maki. You think of Okkutso. You think of Panda. You think of Fushiguro. You think of Inumaki. Suguru must have been there for Maki, even when her own family wasn’t. Suguru must have helped Okkutso control his technique, being the only one who could. Suguru, must have made these kids better than they ever possibly could’ve been. Fighting for them instead of against them.
“Sorry.” He blinks. “I—I didn’t mean to get so sentimental. It’s been years since I thought about my own highschool years.” He laughs, voice full.
“You’re just...really nice to talk to.” He hums. “I don’t think I can explain it but it’s...familiar somehow.”
You look at him. He’s older, but in some ways, he hasn’t really changed. Even now, when you look at him, you see a reflection of yourself.
“I can see why he likes you.”
“Who?” You ask when he brings you back from your thoughts.
“The idiot.” But he says it so affectionately, so lovingly, you can’t help but smile. “I saw him dragging you around earlier. Sorry about that. I would’ve stepped in but...” He trails off, thinking.
“It’s been a while since I saw him like that.”
You hadn’t noticed anything about Satoru. He smiled just as brightly as he did in highschool. Now, you wonder if this was the first time in a while Suguru had seen that side of him: carefree, no longer The Strongest.
It hurts. It hurts so much. Blood seeps into the pavement. You can hear the curse laughing. It sounds like him.
You forgive Suguru. 
“Are you and him…” he trails off.
“No.” You laugh. “No, I’m his….childhood friend. We just haven’t seen each other in a while.”
“Oh?” He tilts his head. “How long has it been?”
You decide to be honest. “Ten or so years, give or take?”
He whistles.
“No wonder he’s bouncing around like a yipping puppy,” He says, and you can’t help but agree with the analogy.
“In any case.” He leans over the railing. His cigarette is down to its last embers. “I hope you stick around. A friend…I think he needs more of those more than anything.”
You stare at him. Those purple eyes. You can see what Shoko sees. You can see what Satoru saw all those timelines ago. They only ever saw the light, the gentleness, of Geto Suguru.
You are the only person in the world who knows him.
He’s killed people. He’s killed you. No matter how much logic or justification or pain was involved, the blood of the innocent is still sticky. It still drips across the pavement, scarring the sidewalk in red. It still hurts.
When Suguru would kill you, you’d force yourself to forgive him. You needed to die without regrets, because the pain of hatred builds up, you’ve seen it happen firsthand.
But now that you’re free, what Suguru did to you wasn't fair. Just because his innocence was taken away doesn’t give him the right to take the lives of others. It never gives anyone the right to murder. You keep telling yourself that this Suguru and that Suguru were different…but they weren’t. Not really. The look in their eyes matched perfectly.
He’d do it again, in the right conditions.
And yet.
You forgive Suguru.
You can’t judge him. If there is a God, maybe Suguru will have to pay for the crimes he committed all those timelines ago. You can’t save Suguru from that. But to you, the debt is paid.
Besides, you’re too tired to hate him. And you won’t allow yourself to fall into the same cycle he struggled to break free from.
You look into his eyes. Then, at his ring. You smile. 
And that's enough.
“I will,” you say, “I will.”
Then, as two parts of a whole, the two of you stare at the stars for a little while longer.
The reception was nice. A fancy dinner, you can’t remember the last time you ate something. The speeches were beautiful, especially Shoko’s. You swore you saw Nanami shed a tear, but you never said anything about it.
You saw a glimpse of white hair in the crowd before the first dance began. Stunning music. The couple must have practiced for months. Bride and Groom, husband and wife, held hands and looked at each other like they were the only ones in the room.
Megumi stood beside you, watching Ieiri and Geto sway to the music. As though the kid could sense him, Megumi’s serene face sours. You’re about to ask him what’s wrong when there’s a tap on your shoulder.
“Cute, huh?” Satoru starts, mentioning at the dance. “It didn’t look this put-together in the beginning. Shoko gave him a ton of bruises,” he says with a shit-eating grin.
You frown. “Shouldn’t you be doing something else than gossiping about your friends?”
“I am! I’m checking up on my son!” And then he turns to Fushiguru. “Megumi!”
“No.” Fushiguro instantly rebukes.
“Don’t mind him.” Satoru chides. “He’s going through an angst phase.” Fushiguro rolls his eyes, but he shifts just a tiny bit.
“Y’know, he was actually supposed to be the flower boy, but he refused. Such a shame, the pictures would’ve been something else.” Gojo sighed and now you’re convinced they aren’t father and son.
“That was never going to happen.” Fushiguro says, and as if he thinks you’re naive enough to believe Satoru, he glances at you. “Never.”
“Of course not.” You crack a smile.
You watch as Ieiri descends into a graceful spin, Geto taking the lead. When he tips her over, your eyes soften.
Gojo leans over; you can feel his breath in your ear.
“Next year.” He whispers. “For us, it’ll definetly be next year.”
You jerk away but he’s already skipping off, having the audacity to call out a cheerful ‘toodles’.
“What did he say?” Fushiguro questions.
That’s what you wanted to know, too, but you were so tired, and the night was so long, and you couldn’t bother to get out your Gojo translator and figure it out.
“The same stuff he always says. Nonsense.” You decide on. Fushiguro takes the answer.
“I don’t understand how he has all that energy.” You mutter, watching Satoru disappear through the crowd.
“I thought he’d get better with age, turns out I was wrong,” Fushiguro says.
“I wanted to ask,” you start, your eyes still on Ieiri and Geto, “how do you know Gojo? Aren’t you still in middle school?”
“Everyone knows Gojo. He’s pretty famous in the jujutsu world.” Fushiguro shrugs. “But personally...he’s my benefactor. Took me and my sister in when my parents left.”
You look at him. And you feel like an idiot.
He’s the spitting image of his father. Sharp cobalt eyes. Black hair. Fushiguro Toji is all over the young man.
Gojo Satoru, the one who killed the sorcerer killer, took care of his enemy’s children.
“What?” Fushiguro asks when you’re smiling
You shake your head. “No, no it’s nothing.”
Satoru told you that you’re the one who taught him about the importance of bonds. But you think he should take some of the credit too.
Eventually, everyone gets on the dancefloor.
It’s a mess. Absolute chaos. Panda and Inumaki are trying and failing to do the waltz. Maki and Okkuttso are lightly swaying to the music. They’ve managed to get Fushiguro up there too. Though, he doesn’t look extremely happy.
The adults are even worse. Apparently, the retired principal Yaga is a pretty good dancer. You think one of them found alcohol, because Haibara looks absolutely wasted. He’s swinging his arms around, almost hitting the other guests. Nanami is trying to get his attention, but the guy wants none of it. When Haibara catches your eye, he wildly waves in clear invitation.
You smile back, but you shake your head. You think he’s about to come up to you, but something else catches his eye, and he’s grinning at a very irrated-looking Iori.
You were sitting on a chair, just people-watching. It was a nice break from everything. To listen to the music, lightly tap your feet, play with the frill of your dress. You weren’t really in the mood to dance.
Besides, you weren’t technically invited here anyway. It’d be rude to just burst on the scene.
“There you are! Been looking all over for you!”
You don’t have to look over to see who it is. Satoru slumps down in a chair next to you.
“Greeny, you gotta’ do something about your cursed energy. It’s so weak. Like finding a needle in a haystack.”
“Thanks,” you say dryly.
“Always happy to help.” Satoru beams, and then he glances over at the floor.
“We’re dancing after this song, by the way.”
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s so cute you think you have a choice, Greeny.”
You frown. “There’s no point in calling me Greeny anymore. Unless you still don’t know my name.”
“I do, but it doesn’t matter,” Satoru says arrogantly. “You’ll always be my Greeny to me.”
You roll your eyes. Even now, he’s a brat. You thought all these years would mellow him down just a tiny bit.
“So,” you start, “are you done with your ‘best man shit’?”
“Yup.” He announces. “Now, I can sit back and enjoy the show.”
You smile, but you can still feel the butterflies in your stomach. He’s been running around so far and it’s given you time. Now, that he’s free, it means you two have to talk.
And you aren’t sure if you truly want to.
You flex your fingers.
“Um, how have you—”
“Stop.” Satoru interrupts. “Let’s not make this awful, Greeny.”
You nod immediately, relaxing. His voice gets softer, after that.
“I’m glad you chose that color,” he says, “I was sorta’ hoping you would.”
You look down at the dress. A deep green. You hadn’t even thought about the color, the boutique lady had basically thrown it at you.
The shade of Satoru’s green tie matches your dress. You can feel your smile again. Typical.
“I’m glad I did too,” you honestly say. And then, you continue to fiddle with your fingers. Ultimately, you decide to just bite the bullet.
“I thought you’d be mad.” You finally say, words jittery and unfocused. “Angry at me for...for what I did.”
He’s silent, and you feared that it was all true. The laughs and the jabs were all a facade.
"I don’t think I was ever mad." He responds, staring into the crowd. "Hurt, yeah. Then, it faded into something that stung everytime I thought about it, and then...something else. And now, I know it's a waste to get mad because you're finally here now. With me." 
His tone pitches upwards as he reaches over to painfully pinch your cheek. 
"'Sides, I know you can't escape me anymore, Greeny," Satoru cheerfully says, "Now, I know your face, your name, and with little effort, I could probably find your address, your social security-" 
"Okay! Okay!" You pull away, rubbing your cheek. Damn, he's scary. "Threat acknowledged." 
"Good!" He straightens himself back up, and you find yourself slumping again.
“I am sorry, though,” you say, “for leaving like that. I...I always wished I could do that a bit differently. You deserved better.”
“Don’t do that.” He shakes his head. “Don’t blame yourself for only doing what you could. It eats at you, Greeny. It really does.” He sighs, leaning forward in his chair.
“You deserved better too,” he says back, voice barely above the music, “I always had some regrets about those years. I thought I could’ve done more to help you, back then.”
There it was again: selfishness, the urge to do good to others while retaining that greed. You supposed you taught him that.
You put your face in your hands.
“Even though, you dragged me here against my will, I feel so guilty being here.” You complain, hoping it’ll lighten the mood. “You should apologize to everyone because I crashed the party.”
Satoru scoffs. “What are you talking about? Everyone loves you!” He exclaims. “Look, Yu’s ecstatic. Riko won’t stop gushing about you; you even have Nanami’s approval! I don’t even have that!” You roll your eyes, sinking back in your seat.
“Besides, you needed to come. You needed to see it.”
“See what?” You ask.
“This.” He points to the venue, the ballroom full of glittery whites and sparkles.
“Look around, Greeny. Look at all the people you saved.”
Haibara and Riko are dancing together. Two dead children finally had the chance to grow up. Misato speaks to Nanami. Beautiful gray hair, eyes that aren’t so tired. Shoko sparkling in her dress, and Geto—
The same day he was supposed to die, Suguru was getting married.
“Thank you.” When you look at him, Satoru is staring right at you. His sea eyes give everything and more.
“Thank you for saving all of us.”
Your heart skips, then just stops completely. You can’t cry, you won’t not here, not on such a happy day. But your eyes are stinging. And Satoru is turning blurry.
And then, like Satoru always does, he ruins the moment.
"Did you just fall for me a little?"
His head tilts. That same mischievous, irritating smile lights up on his face.
You relax, laughing out of disbelief. When you speak, your voice is barely scratchy. "You're so full of yourself; it's actually a little cute." 
"You think I'm cute?" 
"Did you hear anything else that I just said?" 
"I heard you think I'm cute,” Satoru responds proudly, and you doubt he’d ever let you hear the end of it.
“And besides! Today is supposed to be a celebration for you too!” He exclaims.
“Oh really?”
“Yes,” Satoru says proudly, “you did it! You became a fully-fledged sorcerer. Considering your low CE, you might pass as grade four, but when I talk to our new principal, I’m sure he’ll make things right. Get ready to join be and him in the big leagues.”
You could read between the lines. Satoru wanted to tell everyone. You think a while ago, you might have agreed, but...
“Can...Can I quit being a sorcerer?” You ask. “I’m tired.”
He takes a second. Some of you wonders if he’ll try to talk you out of this. It’s more beneficial for him if you stay as an asset to the jujutsu world. How many people’s lives will be saved by a technique like yours? To be able to go back in time again and again and again. To die again and again and again.
“Someone once told me that it’s okay to be selfish every once in a while.” Satoru looks at you, eyes like lilies once again. “I won’t fault you for it. I don’t think anyone will.”
When you try to smile, it feels wobbly.
“That person sounds smart.”
“Nah.” He grins. “An idiot, actually. Way too oblivious.”
You laugh, despite the insult.
“Quit,” Satoru says when it’s quiet again, “do whatever you want. But...you can’t run away, okay? I won’t let you.”
It’s barely a touch. His hand reaches for your fingers. You’re the one who grabs it.
“I won’t.” You promise. “I won’t.”
He’s satisfied with that. You can tell when he squeezes your hand back.
You look at him, and you decide you won't tell Satoru what happened in the last timeline.
There's no point. It wouldn't do anything but shatter everything he worked so hard to make. Why would you break the glass when you could just add concrete, make it stronger? You saved everyone. A few white lies here and there just keep this future safe.
And you know this Satoru. If you told him, he'd carry that burden with you like the soldier he was. You don't want him to do that. You don't want him to have the same look you see in your own face. One last sacrifice.
When you come back, Satoru is shifting in his seat, uncrossing his legs.
“So...about that dance?”
“Ugh, fine.” You stand up. “One dance. And if you do anything embarrassing, I’m leaving.”
“Clearly, you don’t know me as well as you think you do.” He grins, standing up himself.
He doesn’t release your hand for the rest of the night.
You don’t mind.
(When you disappear again, Maki’s the one who finds you.
By then, it’d been long into the night. Shoko and Suguru were already gone, off to their honeymoon in the Maldives. Riko, Misato, and most of the students were sleeping off the night. Maki, his most diligent student, was helping the remaining adults pack up the venue.
She’s dragging chairs away when she grunts in Satoru’ direction.
“By the way, your date’s sleeping outside.”
Ah, you were on the balcony. No wonder he couldn’t find you. Satoru needed to do something about your cursed energy. What’s the point of having six eyes when he can’t even find the one person who’s evaded him for a decade?
You’ve completely passed out. Slumped over on a chair, head bent at an angle that could not be comfortable. Satoru knows he should feel bad. He dragged you around the entire night like a ragdoll. This was partially his fault.
He can’t really blame himself, not when you were finally here.
It still feels like a dream. Being able to hear your voice, not Suguru’s, not Yu’s. Your touch. Your eyes. Your face. Your laugh. For years, he’s wondered what it sounded like.
Reality beat even his perfect daydreams.
Seeing you up there on the Tokyo Skytree. The wind pushing your hair back and forth. It was breathtaking.
Even the lights of Tokyo, couldn’t compare to you.
He leans down, lips at your ear, voice low because he’s too prideful to let anyone else hear, not even you.
“I know it’s too late, but you looked really pretty tonight.”
You say nothing, but you shift, murmur something in your sleep. It’s all he needs.
He ditches the clean up party, taking you within his arms. He thinks he says something to Yu, but Satoru doesn’t really care if he heard. Right now, he only has one priority.
Tonight, he’ll sleep on the hotel’s pull-out sofa while you snooze in the luxurious queen-sized bed. You’ll probably be mad in the morning, something about how you should’ve taken the couch, but he doesn’t mind your mindless acts of selflessness.
He’s waited a decade. He deserves to keep you.
And he knows you won’t fault him for being selfish one more time.)
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hellspawnmotel · 2 months
i LOVE ur analyses (ur noelle + ralsei ones completely changed the way i view those characters) and if u ever started a yt channel for video essays i would BE THERE. ur art has a comforting quality that can be twisted into something disturbing/raw that i rlly like and admire. i wanna know more of ur thoughts on chara. i think they killed themselves bc of their dread of humanity + they thought what they were feeling (anger/vengence) was inherent to being a human and not a monster. thoughts?
thank you, that's very kind of you!! I don't think what I have to say would be very well suited for video essays though haha, it's just my personal readings of the text and I really don't want people to look at it and assume that I'm completely right, or even that I think I'm completely right. there are tropes and themes that I get particularly caught up in and I have my very obvious biases, plus when it comes to deltarune the story isn't even done yet..... I would hate for somebody to get totally invested in my interpretation and then get mad or disappointed if something that happens further in negates it. (that and my video making/editing skills begin and end with cutting together amvs)
as for chara..... (warning this is about to get heavy, maybe don't read if you're dealing with suicidal thoughts of your own)
.....always a complex question, especially when it comes to their death. I never really want to say anything definitive about them, because well, we don't actually know, do we? but this in particular...... with suicidal thoughts and ideation, you're always looking for a way to justify it. I don't think there was one specific reason chara went down that path, because there never really is. it starts with one thought, and then all the reasons you could possibly come up with start to clump together and form an unbearable weight. I think it's significant that chara came up with "the plan" after (accidentally or not) poisoning asgore. maybe it started with the guilt of hurting somebody they loved, which grew into the guilt of 'I'm such a burden to these wonderful people, they would be better off without me' which grew into the guilt of being human at all. but they still wanted to be useful to their family, leave them with a gift.... if their death can both free monsterkind AND destroy humanity, then really it would be worse of them to NOT die. that idea would stick in their brain and become a comfort to them- it's okay, because before too long, everyone I love with be safe and happy and I'll be dead, and I won't have to feel so awful every day. this is the only way to make up for all the time they wasted on caring for me. but then, of course, everything goes so extremely wrong..... I can't imagine the anguish chara would've felt in death, for not only failing but dooming asriel alongside them. they weren't thinking about the pain it would inflict on their family even if the plan had worked, or ever stop to consider that one day they might be able to feel better, and now they'll never get a chance to see it.
I think that also nicely leads in the main routes in undertale's storyline. in one, chara is a passenger on frisk and the player's journey, and they watch frisk inconvenience everyone they meet over and over but ultimately make their lives better just by being a friend and believing in love, which mirrors chara's own life and what they failed to see in it. in the other, chara is guided into dealing with their pain in a different way, by destroying it. the world is cruel, and unfair, and it hurts the good people while the bad flourish- better to do away with it entirely. if there's no life, then there's no suffering. if chara is all that exists, they become the nexus of pain. if they have to become a demon anyway, they can learn to love it. it's all humans are good for anyway. maybe this is easier than trying to fight it ever was.
but like, it's not, obviously. being a good person is hard sometimes, and it's even harder to be good to yourself. in the end though, if you give into hate and destruction, you'll be left with nothing but emptiness. whether through harming others or harming yourself..... either way you've closed yourself off from the world and your ability to experience the beauty of life, in all its faults.
okay I think I should stop there before I get too preachy or existential LMAO I hope that answered your question though! talking about chara is a dang rabbit hole. like, you're a creepypasta-ass character from a video game, why you making me think this deep. maybe if you werent so tragic and interesting I'd get less distracted, jerk.
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lila-lou · 7 months
✨ His only exception - Pt. 6/? ✨
Summary: 12 months ago, Butcher went above and beyond to have you join his team. You had a simple office job at Supe Affairs. The same thing every day, working from 9 to 5 and watching Butcher and his team defeat one renegade after another. One evening, however, something changed.
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2515
A/N: This is part 6 of “His only exeption”.
English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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You could both hear Frenchie, but neither you nor Ben wanted to be the one to look away first. Be the one to give in. For once, Frenchie realized he was out of place a little quicker than usual and ran away before things got too messy.
“I definitely don’t have to fucking justify myself to you. I'm fucking Soldier Boy. I don’t have to justify myself to anyone”, he stood in front of you with broad shoulders and looked down at you.
“That’s not the point”, you raised your voice, but you were put in your place faster than you would have liked. With his forearm on your chest, he pushed you against the wall next to the door.
Once again he was portrayed as the bad guy, even though all he wanted to do was help. Wanted to do the right thing. Ben thought you were different, that you saw something good in him, but obviously he was wrong.
“I think i went too soft on you. Know your fucking place or I’ll make you”, he growled threateningly, fixing his gaze on you for a moment longer. He shook his head pathetically, the corners of his mouth hanging as he heard your heart start to race. “Fucking pathetic. Like all fucking women”, he hissed, releasing you with a firm jerk.
Ben had to protect you both. Despite all the hate and anger within him, or perhaps because of it, he still behaved like a soldier.
He had to protect you from losing your life because of him or his actions, and he had to protect himself from being abandoned and disappointed by a woman again. He wouldn't let something like the the thing with the Russians happen again. Whatever made him want more from you, than your mouth around his cock, wouldn't be allowed from now on.
It was Annie who broke the silence between the two of you by entering the room. “Hey (y/n). How are you doing? How you feeling?”, she gently stroked your forearm. Your eyes stayed on Ben for a moment, but he fled, leaving the two of you alone.
"Good. I guess”, you mumbled, watching Ben leave.
Annie pressed her lips together as she saw your longing look. “Nuh-uh… (y/n)… Seriously. You don’t want this, trust me”, she sighed, looking at you with pity. “He’s not one of the good guys”.
“I don’t know what you mean” you murmur, wrapping your amre around your torso. Lost in thought, you chewed on your bottom lip as you continued to look at the door to the room.
“Mhmm, sure. Now try again”, Annie murmured.
Your eyes met Annie's and unfortunately revealed too much of what was going on. Feelings, that you neither could nor wanted to place, were boiling inside you.
Shaking your head slightly, you sighed, thanked Annie for looking out for your well-being, but then left the room.
After a long shower, you slipped into fresh clothes and walked past the living room, where Ben and the others were sitting, to leave the apartment. “Oi, where are you going?”, Butcher called to you, craning his head. A football game was playing in the background. “Just out. I need some fresh air”, you crossed your arms and looked into the living room from the door. “I don’t think that’s a good idea”, Butcher replied, putting his beer on the table. "Should I come with you?", Annie looked at you.
Ben was listening to your discussion about whether or not you should go out alone, but he acted as if his attention was just on the television.
“I’m a Supe now. What’s going to happen?”, you shrugged, earning a snide mockery from Ben. “You have something to say, huh?”. You narrow your eyes at Ben, who is sipping his bottle of whiskey. “Oh, absolutely not, Dollfface. Go out and have fun”, he gave you a fake smile. Butcher looked at the two of you and knew something was off. Why would Ben react like that to what you just said? But he couldn't put his finger on it. “All fucking amateurs”, Ben chuckled, standing up with his whiskey. Before he walked past you into his room, he stopped right in front of you and leaned so close that his lips touched your ear. “You'll notice soon”, he whispered, winking at you and leaving you confused.
“See you later”, you mumbled after a while to Butcher and left the apartment.
Ben should have told you, but he didn't. He didn't even know why. It would have been much safer for you to know.
You walked through the dark and empty streets, lost in thought, for over two hours. Aside from desperately trying to discover your abilities, you were busy trying to understand Ben's behavior. One moment he was kissing you, the next he was treating you like a worthless piece of shit. He had saved your life, but he was also the one who had put it in danger. You felt like you were hanging on a rope that he tightened or loosened at will.
But what did you actually want? In any case, you didn't want to be a Supe. Never. And now you have the crap. And then the whole thing with Ben. It felt like you hadn't had any other topic on your mind for weeks than him. It wasn't that you were in love with him, but rather that you tried to find justification in all of his actions, despite your actual dislike for Supes. Not seeing him as the bad guy. Like Annie. Or the others. You knew there was something good in him somewhere, even if he really didn't make it easy for you to stick to your beliefs. Despite your best efforts, you just couldn't put your finger on what made you so attached to Ben. Of course you had a similar sense of humor, often similar opinions and views and of course Ben was really good looking. But that wasn´t enough for… You couldn't even finish your thought, and probably wouldn't have wanted to, when suddenly someone landed on the floor behind you. With a force that almost knocked you to the ground.
“Well, look at that. Who do we have here?”. The Supe puts his hands on his hips behind you. “What is a beautiful young woman like you doing here all alone?”. Your breath hitched as you turned around to make sure it was who you thought it was. After you had been looking for him for months and there was no greater mission than to finally catch him alone and take him prisoner, the son of a bitch just stood in front of you.
"Are you speechless?", Homelander cocked his head to the side before taking a few steps towards you. You needed to somehow regain your nerve. “Homelander. Wow. What an honor”, you accomplished your acting masterpiece and bowed slightly. "Mhmm, all nice and polite. Well-bred. I’m almost thrilled”, he gave you a bright smile. “Of course you know who I am, but would you like to tell me your name?”, he was now standing directly in front of you. You knew that even as Supe you wouldn't stand a chance against Homelander. “(y/n)”, you said, quieter than you planned as his scent invaded your nose. Normally you wouldn't be so awkward and intimidated around Supes, but Homelander was different. Not only was he stronger than all the other Supes, he was also crazier.
“Pretty name, pretty girl. But seriously. Don't you know how dangerous it is out here this late? With the psychopath Soldier Boy on the loose”, he shook his head and clicked his tongue. You almost raised an eyebrow at his statement, but you stopped yourself at the last moment. He of all people said Ben was a psychopath.
“Oh, I'm a Supe too, it's okay. But thanks”, you waved and were about to leave, but Homelander’s laughter stopped you. "You? A supe? Hardly, darling. I can smell your human blood from miles away. Not to mention your off heartbeat”, he placed a hand on your shoulder.
Your eyes met and as a cold shiver of the bad kind ran down your spine, Homelander's pupils moved quickly and repeatedly left and right as his eyes narrowed. It seemed like he was trying to concentrate. His mouth opened and he raised a finger before putting it thoughtfully to his lips.
With much effort, Homelander could hear the Compound V in your blood and feel it pulsating under his hand on your shoulder. But it wasn't pure V. It was mixed. He frowned in confusion and surprise. And from one second to the next his expression was ice cold. How could you be alive with compound V in your blood and still be human? What were you?
"Who did this? Why are you still alive?", he pulled on your arm so hard that it almost broke. As shocked as you were, there was absolutely nothing you could do. Especially not when Homelander grabbed your jaw and squeezed it tight. "Answer me!", he roared before being thrown backwards with great force.
When you turned around, you saw Ben. Well, the pissed off version of Ben. With quick and heavy steps, he walked determinedly towards Homelander, who stood up again within seconds. "You did that!". He knew as soon as he recognized Soldier Boy. “If you want to fight, then fucking fight! But do like a man and stop scaring little girls, like a little pussy”, Ben hissed and swung his shield, but only hit the street, which immediately opened up as Homelander quickly turned to the side. "What was your plan?", Homelander looked at Ben with his crazy eyes and wide grin. Ben swung again, but missed his target again. “Did you want to equate her with us and it didn’t work? Maybe I should try it".
That was all Ben needed to escalate. With anger flaring within him, he lunged at Homelander and started a actual fight. Meanwhile, trying to ignore your dizziness and racing heart, you fished your phone out of your pocket and called Butcher.
"We'll be right there, darling", Butcher grinned on the other end of the line before gathering the others and heading out.
The minutes before Butcher and the others arrived seemed like hours. And all you could do was watch helplessly as Ben and Homelander beat each other to death.
However, when Ben was on the floor with Homelander on top of him and you saw Homelander's eyes start to glow red, you knew you had to do something. Ben’s chest began to glow too, but you knew he wouldn’t recharge in time. As if guided by an invisible force, you grabbed the nearest stick from the ground, run towards the two of them and ram the stick into Homelander's ear. He roared, fell to the ground and while you were still on top of Ben and his burning chest, Ben pushed you away with all his strength before finally exploding.
It was a blessing that Butcher showed up at that exact moment and with great difficulty catched you before you hit the ground. While Annie sprinted off with Hughie to find Homelander, Butcher handed you off to MM before he and Kimiko ran into the cloud of dust surrounding Soldier Boy.
“It’s okay, I can stand”, you murmured. MM carefully lowered you to the ground, keeping an eye on you as you frantically asked about Ben. You started to run, but Frenchie stopped you with a hug from behind. “Wait”, he murmured and like MM, looked expectantly at the dust that was slowly but surely dissipating.
It seemed like you couldn't catch your breath until you saw Ben walking towards you. As always, unharmed. When he arrived with Butcher and Kimiko, he brushed the dust off his suit and looked around. “Fucking pussy. Hiding somewhere”, he cursed under his breath as he continued to look out for Homelander, not noticing how his arm had found its way around your waist. He held you protectively, just inches away from his body as he scanned the entire area. Butcher looked at the two of you thoughtfully, but was brought out of his thoughts by Kimiko, who nudged him with her elbow as Hughie and Annie returned. “There’s no sign of Homelander", Hughie announced between heavy breaths. "Fucking amazing!”, Butcher cursed loudly and hit the nearest lantern so hard that it fell over and shattered with a loud crack.
As Butcher and Hughie discussed what to do, you only now became aware of Ben's tight grip on your body. You looked up at him, breathless. Only when your eyes met did he lower his arm and take a step away from you.
A few minutes later you were in the backseat of Hughie's car with Ben. Annie at the wheel and Hughie in the passenger seat.
“How did you even know where I was?”, You looked sideways at Ben as he swallowed a few pills so he wouldn’t have to endure all this shit sober anymore. “Don’t bother”, he murmured, crossing his arms and closing his eyes, hoping you would let the subject go. “The fuck, Ben. Why can’t you just talk to me?”, you raised both hands angrily. "Why can't you just shut the fuck up?", he replied monotonously, his eyes still closed.
You just groaned in annoyance because you knew he wouldn't tell you anything in front of Annie and Hughie anyway. His moods would probably give you whiplash at some point.
When you got home, you wanted nothing more than to fall into your soft and warm bed and forget the last 3 days. Unfortunately, Butcher had other plans. First he wanted to discuss what had just happened.
The meeting went slowly. And while Ben could at least get drunk and snort one line after another, you had to endure it all sober and tired. You felt like you were at marriage counseling as Butcher paced in front of you and the couch, you answered questions, and Ben either sniffed oder drank.
When Butcher finally left you alone after almost an hour, you followed Ben into his room.
“(y/n). Seriously. What the fuck do you want?”, He groaned in annoyance as he sank onto his bed and you closed the door behind him.
“I wanted to thank you. For saving my life. Again”, you sighed, dropping your hands. “And", you walked over to him and sat down onto the bed next to Ben. “I want to know what all the Supe Blood stuff means. Homelander said I wasn't a Supe. What am I? What have you done to me, Ben?”.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 7
Taglist: @deangirl96, @thatgirljayy, @suckitands33, @deans-spinster-witch @mimaria420 @kaz11283 @uncle-eggy
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burningdreambanana · 22 days
An analysis on how the show turned Alicent into an accidental villain (part 1)
I think we are all disappointed with the way Alicent was portrayed this season but I think the issues with her character started in season 1, with the writers inability to give her good motivations, or even settle on what her motivations should be, which doomed her character from the start.
In interviews about season 1, Alicent is described as the medieval equivalent of a "Trump Wife" (which is very dumb in itself, since contrary to a modern conservative woman, Alicent doesn't exactly have much choice but to the accept the patriarchy) but essentially they meant Alicent, contrary to Rhaenyra, supports the patriarchy, the existing system : this is her worldview, she is a traditionalist.
But is this true? The answer is no. Alicent does not support the patriarchy in the show. In fact, she supported Rhaenyra's claim over her own's son right up until she had a personal grievance against Rhaenyra. And once she doesn't have that personal grievance anymore because she forgives Rhaenyra in S1E8, she's back to accepting her as queen.
If the writers wanted Alicent to be a supporter of the patriarchy, then they should have made her support Aegon's claim from his very birth. Which makes perfect sense, Alicent has grown in a world where all she's ever known is male primogeniture and it is still the law everywhere in the realm. Her nonchalance at her son being passed over when being the heir should be his birthright is really weird and was the first sign that the writers are unable to let go of their modern sensibilities and really immerse themselves (and us) in Westeros. They also decided to make the threat posed by Rhaenyra on Alicent's sons lives as a mere lie invented by Otto, when in fact Rhaenyra's claim is so shaky (and becomes shakier when she has bastards) that there's a huge likelihood that she would indeed need to get rid of them in order to ascend the throne in peace and secure the Strong boys's ascenscion to the throne as well.
If they had followed with that, than Alicent would have had solid motivations : the unfairness and humiliation of having her son being depraved of what should have been his birthright, and her legitimate fear for her children's safety.
Instead, since they made Alicent turn on Rhaenyra because of a personal grievance, she ends up looking like this petty, bitter, crazy woman who made everyone's life much more miserable, damaged her sons and put all her family in danger because of a grudge.
And it doesn't help that her grudge is poorly explained and pretty confusing. What exactly is Alicent so angry about ? Is it because, like Emily Carey said, she was in love with Cole? We didn't see that all in the show and Rhaenyra had no way of knowing so it would be insane to be this pissed for that. Is it because she in love with Rhaenyra and basically acting like a crazy ex even though they never were together and she herself is married? Is it because during their confrontation Rhaenyra didn't reveal her affair with Cole and implied she was virgin (though she never actually said)? It would be pretty rich of Alicent to be pissed about that considering she concealed her meetings with Viserys to Rhaenyra for months. Did she assume that because Rhaenyra slept with Cole than it must have been true she had sex with Daemon in a brothel? Is she just that pissed that Rhaenyra had sex out of wedlock ? (it would make sense for her to be disappointed but angry?).
All of these possible reasons make Alicent look frankly irrational and insane.
Then when her anger is finally justified after what happened to Aemond, this is where she decides to forgive Rhaenyra, making her apparent fear of her children's lives she transmitted to them look like a lie she made up to justify her anger and turn her children against Rhaenyra and her kids.
Her final motivation of S1, which is to follow Viserys "last command" doesn't make her look innocent, it makes her look worse. Not just because it's so dumb she actually believed Viserys changed his mind, but because we know for a fact Alicent has had not trouble disregarding Viserys wishes before, even to his face. But now that he is dead she acts like she has no choice? And forces Aegon on a throne he doesn't want, somehow acting as if this is not a declaration of war towards Rhaenyra and Daemon, and still taking a holier than thou, I can have this and peace too attitude.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
1. The Revolution Is a Relationship
[…] Something that worries me about social justice communities is that we tend to conceptualize “revolution” as a product, as a place and time that we expend all of our energy and anger to create – often without regard to the toll this takes on individuals and our relationships. [...] In our – often justified – anger and disappointment at the failure of ourselves and our communities to uphold the dream of revolution, we lash out. [...] What if revolution isn’t a product, some distant promised land, but the relationships that we have right now? What if revolution is, in addition to – not instead of – direct action and community organizing, the process of rupture and repair that happens when we fuck up and hold each other accountable and forgive?
2. The Oppressor Lives Within
[…] I’ve started to believe that I can’t engage in authentic activism, I can’t create positive change without recognizing and naming my own participation in the oppressive systems that I’m trying to undo. Coming from this position, I’m forced to have compassion for the people around me who I see also participating in oppression, even as I’m also angry at them. With compassion comes understanding, and with understanding comes belief in the possibility of change. When we become capable of holding that contradiction in our hearts – when we can be angry and compassionate at the same time, at ourselves as well as others – entirely new possibilities for healing and transformation emerge.
3. Accountability Starts in the Heart
[…] I often wonder how different things would look if it were more of a cultural norm to understand accountability as a practice that comes from within the individual, instead of a consequence that must be forced onto someone externally. What if we taught each other to honor the responsibility that comes with holding ourselves accountable, rather than seeing self-accountability as a shameful admission of guilt? What if we could have real conversations with each other about harm, in good faith? In a culture of indispensability, I cannot ignore someone when they tell me I have harmed them – they are precious to me, and I have to try to understand and respond accordingly. […]
4. Perpetrator/Survivor is a False Dichotomy
There is an intense moral dynamic in social justice culture that tends to separate people into binaries of “right” and “wrong.” […] “Perpetrators” are considered evil and unforgivable, while “survivors” are good and pure, yet denied agency to define themselves. Among the many problems of this dynamic is the fact that it obscures the complex reality that many people are both survivors and perpetrators of violence (though violence, of course, exists within a wide spectrum of behaviors). Within a culture of disposability – whether it be the criminal justice system of the state or community practices of exiling people – the perpetrator/survivor dichotomy is useful because it appears to make things easier. It helps us make decisions about who to punish and who to pity.
5. Punishment Isn’t Justice
[…] It isn’t inherently wrong to want someone who hurt you to feel the same pain – to want retribution, or even revenge. But as Schulman also writes, punishment is rarely, if ever, actually an instrument of justice – it is most often an expression of power over those with less. How often do we see the vastly wealthy or politically powerful punished for the enormous harms they do to marginalized communities? How often are marginalized individuals put in prison or killed for minor (or non-existent) offenses? As long as our conception of justice is based on the violent use of power, the powerful will remain unaccountable, while the powerless are scapegoated.
6. Nuance Isn’t an Excuse for Harm
[…] [I]ndispensability means that everyone – especially those have experienced harm – are precious and require justice. In other words, we cannot allow the fact that something is complicated or scary prevent us from trying to stop it. Trapped in the perpetrator/survivor dichotomy of understanding harm, it might seem like we have only two options: to ignore harm or to punish perpetrators. But in fact, there are often other strategies available. They involve taking anyone’s – everyone’s – expressions of pain seriously enough to ask hard questions and have tough conversations. They involve dedicating time and resources to ensuring that anyone who has been harmed has the support they need to heal.
7. Healing Is Both Rage and Forgiveness
If the revolution is a relationship, then the revolution must include room for both rage and forgiveness: We have to be able to tolerate the inevitability that we will be angry at one another, will commit harm against one another. When we are harmed, we must be allowed the space to rage. We need to be able to express the depth of our hurt, our hatred of those who hurt us and those who allowed it to happen – especially when those people are the ones we love. It is up to the community to hold and contain this rage – to hear and validate and give it space, while also preventing it from creating further harm. […]
8. Community Is the Answer
[…] Perhaps the reason we tend to recreate disposability culture and trauma responses over and over is because we are all, secretly, that frightened runaway kid, constantly searching for a home, but not really believing we can find one. Maybe we don’t create communities of true interdependence – of indispensability, of forever-family – because we are terrified of what will happen if we try. But I believe, have to believe, that true community is possible for me and for all of us. The truth is, we can’t keep going on the way we have been. We need each other, need to find each other, in order to survive. And I have faith that we can.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 8 days
Shattered Trust
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Summary: Stephen finds out you tampered with Dark magicks, he's not pleased.
WC: 500ish
Warnings: Stephen is mad
A/N: I know next to nobody reads for Strange anymore, but I'm making it my dity to write for the lesser popular characters from MCU anyway, fight me.
Read on Ao3!
The Sanctum was eerily quiet, save for the soft crackling of a fire in the hearth. You stood in front of Stephen, the air between you thick with tension, as though the magic in the room itself was holding its breath. His eyes—sharp, calculating—rested on you, but his usual aura of calm was nowhere to be found.
“I had to,” you whispered, but the words felt hollow, echoing in the vast space around you. You had been over this in your head a hundred times, justifying it to yourself, but standing here, face to face with the Sorcerer Supreme, it seemed different. Smaller.
Stephen crossed his arms, his cloak shifting slightly as he did. He raised an eyebrow, but his expression was unreadable. “What did you expect me to say?” His voice was low, but there was an edge to it, sharp enough to cut through the thick silence.
You swallowed, meeting his gaze, though it felt like staring into the eye of a storm. You weren’t sure what you had expected. Forgiveness? Understanding? Something more than the cold judgment you see now?
“I thought you’d—” you started, but the words trailed off, lost under the weight of his stare. You knew Stephen wasn’t one for forgiveness, not easily at least. His world was black and white, ruled by logic, by precision. You had broken the rules. You had defied him, acted recklessly, and now... the consequences were more than either of you could bear.
He let out a slow breath, his eyes narrowing. “You thought I’d just… what? Look the other way? Accept it?”
You flinched, feeling the weight of his disappointment hit harder than any spell. “I was trying to help,” you said, your voice quiet. “I thought if I acted quickly, I could fix it before it got worse.”
Stephen stepped closer, his presence almost overwhelming. “And now it is worse,” he said, his tone icy. “You don’t understand the dangers of the magic you’ve tampered with. You don’t understand what could’ve happened.”
His words stung, cutting deep, but there was something more in his eyes—something underneath the frustration. Fear. Fear for what you’d done. Fear for what you might still do.
“I trusted you,” he continued, softer now, the anger fading into something more vulnerable. “And you broke that trust.”
The guilt settled heavily in your chest. “I didn’t mean to…” you murmured, but the words sounded small, insignificant.
Stephen sighed, running a hand through his hair, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I know,” he said quietly, the fire in his voice finally extinguished. “But what did you expect me to say when the world we’re protecting could unravel because of one mistake?”
You didn’t have an answer. Not one he would want to hear.
“I’ll fix it,” you said instead, your voice more certain this time. “I’ll make it right.”
For a long moment, Stephen was silent, his gaze holding yours. Then, slowly, he nodded, though the weight of what was left unsaid hung between you. “You’d better,” he said softly. “Because next time, I might not be able to.”
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venerawrites · 5 months
Can you do headconon of naruto boys how they would react if their s/o is an unintentional flirt. So if someone comes up and starts flirting but they just think they are being nice and accidentally starts flirting back. I'm talking rock lee level ignorance.
If you don't want to don't worry about it.
author's note: oh, I love this idea! The request didn't specify which Naruto boys should I so, so I decided to do it for Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru (since they are the first ones I got the inspiration for). Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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➤ Naruto
I love Naruto, he is one of my fav boys, but the truth is he can be quite ignorant at times too (especially when it comes to flirting).
It would take him quite a long time to realise someone is flirting with his s/o, he would probably think they are just being nice too.
Same goes for his partner - if they flirt back, he would not pay too much attention to it at first, assuming that they are just being nice and keeping up the conversation going.
It would take the other person touching his s/o or getting too close to them for his liking, for him to realise that maybe their intentions are not as innocent as he initially thought.
He is totally the type of guy to butt in the conversation while embracing his s/o from behind and glaring at the person who is trying to get their attention.
I don't think he would say anything at first but given his puffed chest and the slight growl coming out of his chest, it would be so obvious he is jealous.
Naruto would NEVER blame his s/o - he is the type of partner who no matter what his loved one does, he would always justify it and excuse it.
If the other person doesn't get the hint they need to back off, he would just end the conversation with an abrupt "goodbye", before picking his s/o and leaving.
Would totally seek validation and comfort from his s/o through the remainder of the day, as well as clinging to their side and pampering them with kisses and attention.
➤ Kiba
I feel like Kiba is already quite a jealous man, so seeing someone flirt with his s/o is enough to trigger him.
Before his partner can even reply or flirt back, he would be already next to them, giving the person who dared to so openly compliment them a piece of his mind.
He doesn't hold back - he would be quite aggressive, poking his finger in their chest and baring his fangs.
Now, if his s/o actually flirt back, he would be quite upset (even tho it was unintentional).
I feel like he would definitely know his partner can be quite playful with others (this is how they managed to win his heart, after all), but he is so influenced by his emotions, that he would totally start a fight afterward.
Like how can his s/o not know this guy was flirting with them?
And they replied back? They should've just walked away!
I love Kiba, but I imagine he can be quite childish about relationship stuff, so he is totally the one to pout for a few days and maybe even give his s/o the silent treatment.
Luckily, his jealousy and anger pass pretty quickly, so he will be at his s/o doorstep muttering awkward apologies pretty soon after.
➤ Shikamaru
He is not the type to openly show his feelings, so I really doubt he would say anything if he saw such a situation unfolding before him.
Shikamaru is both annoyed and disappointed - more by his s/o than the other person.
I would imagine he knows his s/o can be an unintentional flirt and he already had a few talks with them before about it, so why do they keep doing it?
I feel like even though his partner genuinely thought they were just being nice, Shikamaru would more or less see this as some form of betrayal.
He wouldn't care about the other person as much as Naruto and Kiba, nor he would cause a scene - at the end of the day, he was in a relationship with his s/o, so they were the ones owing him loyalty, and the respect of not flirting with others.
Would TOTALLY glare holes at them tho!
He wouldn't confront his lover straight away, instead he would probably distance himself for a while, so he could cool off and think the situation over.
His s/o better let him be - I feel like he is the type of person that he would come when he is ready. If he feels pressured before that, there is a high chance he will lash out and say stuff that he doesn't really mean.
It would probably take a week or two for him to feel comfortable talking about it and when he does he would make sure to carefully explain to his s/o how to recognize signs of when someone is just being nice and when someone is trying to actually get with them.
cc artwork: Jocelin Carmes
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iamqueenpotato · 1 year
I Hate That I Love You - Part Seven
A/N-  Hi guys! Surprisingly I wrote this one way quicker than I thought. I hope you guys enjoy! It is also very late where I'm at so if there are some errors, I tried my best to proof read it but there may be some things I missed. I appreciate all the support you guys have given me! Love you!
Word Count: 2.6k 
Warnings: Angst(But like what's new lol) 
Part One Part Eight
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It had been three days.
Three days since Azriel spoke to you, three days since he finally told you how he felt, but even though your reaction was justified, it still hurt him. The disappointment on your face was burned into his mind, his shadows kept whispering your name, your moans a constant echo in his thoughts. 
He knew he made a mistake when he chose Elain, but a friend is all he thought you saw him as. He tried to move on with her. You never once showed any interest, but that day you admitted those feelings he saw how wrong he was. And by the time the truth came forward he was stuck in a place that he could not easily break free from. 
You were-are his best friend, even if you didn't think so, he still saw you as that. But who knew the two of you shared the same fears of ruining the relationship you had. He hated that he was so blind to your affections. 
Azriel should have noticed sooner, he should have taken that risk and told you long ago how he felt about you. But he was a fool and let his fears stand in the way of what could have been. And he made you feel unimportant, neglected. Something he could never forgive himself for, he should have paid more attention to you. 
The situation he currently was in was all his fault. When you had left the first time he was devastated, not only for the fact that he had lost his best friend, but that you had reciprocated those feelings Azriel thought to never had existed. He should have confessed then and there, he should of begged more to keep you from leaving, he should have never chose Elain over you, it wasn’t fair to either of you with the mistakes he had made. He should have tried harder to fight for what he wanted. 
And the more he thought about it, the more he realized Elain and him did not fit together. She was sweet and caring, and she meant well but he never felt as though he could tell her everything, as though he could never be transparent about the things he goes through. At the end of the day it only seemed she was a body to keep his bed warm, and he felt terrible to even think of her in such a way.
But with you it was different. Elain would always cower away and be visibly disturbed when he would explain the things he had done for his missions, Always claiming how maybe he shouldn’t do such things anymore, then perhaps it wouldn't be an issue. And maybe she was right, but it never made him feel better. He knew the things he had done were graphic, he knew the horrid things he’d put others through for information, and at the end of the day all he wanted was someone to talk to about it, Elain could never be that person. 
But you always have been.
He vividly remembers the first time coming to your room after a mission that had put more blood on his hands. It wasn’t the torture or killing that bothered him, it was the feeling afterwards that broke him, the hollowness he felt, the disappointment that he experienced that never went away. One night it swallowed him, he was in his room, washing away the blood of a few males he was instructed to interrogate when the feelings crept on him like a dark fog, he couldn’t breathe, only able to stare at his blood stained hands, he felt like a monster. He knew those men deserved it and he found their deaths to be satisfying. But maybe that made him more of a horror than he could ever imagine. 
He made it to your room in the midst of his panic attack, pounding on the door still in his leathers, blood all over him. And when you opened the door, you did not look at him with anger or disgust. He must’ve woken you that night, based on the tiredness in your eyes and the mess your hair was in, but you didn’t yell at him nor push him out. Instead you brought him in, he didn’t even have to say a word for you to understand what he needed. You brought him into your bathroom, wiping the blood off his hands, his face, out of his hair. You were so gentle when it came to him, it was something he never experienced before. You ran a bath for him, telling him to finish up and you would be waiting outside. And when he came out he found you sitting in front of the fire, two cups of tea in front of you, he sat on the opposite side of the couch tentatively grabbing the tea from your hands. And then he talked about everything. Every last gory detail of his kills, the pain he felt inside. You did not flinch, nor did you tell him to stop because you were disturbed, you sat and listened, holding his hand the entire time. The hands that brought so much death, but you held on to them so tightly that he wanted you to never let go. He could live in that moment, his fingers interlaced with yours if that meant you would never leave his side. You never once criticized his choices. He didn’t feel alone for the first time in his life. And he never felt alone knowing he had you. 
It was a memory that he had cherished. He had many fond memories of you, but that one always stood out to him. And now looking back, that was the start of his love for you.
Azriel didn’t realize he was crying as he watched the memory playback in his mind until he was brought back to reality as the clock in his room struck at the new hour. He didn’t bother wiping his tears away, he let them fall, he let his pain show.
He and Elain are to be wed in a little over an hour. But deep down he knew he couldn’t go through with it. He tried to end it, but between being sent on last minute missions and Elain celebrating with her friends and sisters, he never found the chance to speak to her about it. He needed more time, he needed a chance to sit alone with his thoughts, he did not want this wedding he knew that as much, but it wasn’t an easy thing to just end. 
You were a sensitive topic to bring up around Elain, he never knew why, since he had never once mentioned his feelings to anyone but each time he spoke his emotions about missing you, she would become aggravated and want to change the subject, or climb on top of him to distract him. How was he supposed to claim the reason he can’t be with her was because of you? He didn't want to hurt her either but to fix what he had broken it was a choice he would have to make. Because he has never loved someone as much as he loves you. 
He was sitting alone in front of the windows as his body shook with sobs. He felt so stupid, so naïve to have made such mistakes. He had something amazing in front of him the entire time, and he fucked it all up. 
There was a knock at the door, his shadows alerting him of his brother standing on the other side. “What do you want, Rhys?” Azriel called out, wiping away the tears from his cheeks. But Rhys let himself into his room, not saying a word until he sat down next to him. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready for your wedding?” Rhys asked, wiping away lint from his jacket. 
“I am not going through with it.” Azriel spoke silently. 
“Good.” Rhys stated, and Azriel looked at him confused, Rhys continued. “You know I will support you through it all Azriel, but your choices have been quite questionable lately. I know you mean well with Elain, but she is not the one for you brother. She never was.” 
“I know that now. I think I’ve always known. It just took some time to see the truth.” Azriel leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palm. 
“So what are you going to do about it then?” 
“I have to find Elain, tell her the truth. Then hopefully Y/N will have the heart to forgive me one day.” Azriel stared up at the ceiling, attempting to keep his tears at bay. His only goal was to gain your forgiveness. He couldn’t even begin to fathom the thought of you rejecting the bond. 
“Well it is quite the day to do so, quite dramatic if I may point out.” Rhys gave a lighthearted chuckle, before leaning forward on his legs. 
“I wanted to do it earlier but I hadn’t found the time.” 
Rhys nodded, a silence falling between them before he spoke again. "I won’t lie, I enjoyed seeing you feel only part of what Y/N has felt for the last couple years.” 
“Years? Fuck.” Azriel pondered the reality of it, years you had felt something for him when he had never noticed, he had made you feel such pain for so long, he didn’t deserve another chance with you, he didn’t deserve you at all. You were this light to him, and the darkness of his mistakes suffocated it. “Rhys, how do I take back what I have done? How do I make Y/N believe she is the one I want.” Even if it took years or even decades he would spend his entire life trying to make it up to you. 
“Well first I believe you need to end an engagement to my sister-in-law. After that, I believe that is a conversation you need to have with your mate. And pray she gives you another chance.”
Azriel knew those things, but there was still one question sitting on the tip of his tongue. “Where did you send her, Rhys?” Azriel fidgeted with the loose string of fabric on the arm rest. 
“Do you promise not to interfere?” Rhys questioned and Azriel nodded. “I sent her back to Windhaven.” 
Azriel shot out of his chair. “Windhaven!” He paced back and forth in his room, “With no escort? No protection?” 
“You of all people should know Y/N can handle herself brother.” Rhys did not look bothered, and Azriel knew the skills you possessed but if something went wrong and you got hurt, he would never forgive himself. He began walking to the door but Rhys’s voice stopped him. “Where are you headed?” 
Azriel didn’t bother to look back at his brother. “I will not interfere, I just need to make sure she is safe.” He opened the door but was immediately greeted by Elain and her sisters. “Elain. Hi.” Azriel forced out, his voice quiet and hoarse. 
“We are supposed to be getting married soon, what are you doing sulking around?” Elain bit out, her sister's eyes going wide at the sudden volume of her tone. Azriel sighed. “Is this because of that whore?” 
“What?” Azriel looked down at her, anger flashing in his eyes. “What did you just say?” 
“Y/N, is this because of her? You heard me correctly.” Elain crossed her arms in front of her chest, with no remorse for her words. 
“Elain.” Nesta snapped, but her sister ignored her. 
“Were you going to never share the fact that you kissed her or that you wanted to fuck her? Was that information supposed to be a secret?” Elain continued on, and the anger only grew within Azriel, how dare she speak of you in such a way. She had no right to call you such slurs. “We were better off when she wasn’t around. She put a damper on our relationship, we were much happier when she ran off the first time, she should have stayed away.” 
“Enough!” Azriel snapped, and Elain stumbled backwards, shocked to see him react in such a way. “You do not speak of her that way, Elain. Y/N did not do anything to impede on our relationship, I was the one that kissed her. Me. She was the one who thought it wasn’t right. Do not spread such lies about her. Now if you don’t mind I need to be on my way.” He pushed past Elain. Nesta and Feyre moved out of his way as he stepped into the hallway, moving further away from his room. 
“Do not take another step, Azriel, or the wedding is off.” Elain yelled down the hall. As if were a threat, as if he would continue his life with her after the things she had said. 
“Call it off Elain.” He knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t something that involved her anymore. And the one thing he thought would be hard to confront, fell off his tongue with such ease.
“How dare you? After all that we have been through? You would end that for her?” Elain stormed toward him down the hall, he did not move, he would stand his ground, for you and for himself. 
“Yes.” He eyed down Elain, shock and hurt across her features. “I have loved her for years Elain, and I thought I lost her when she left, that I would never have a chance to ask for forgiveness and I am sorry I led you on, I am sorry I let it get this far. But she is my purpose, she is the one that holds my heart. So throw your worst at me Elain, scream, curse, hit me for all I care but know nothing is stronger than the love I have for her, my soul yearns for her. Nothing will ever change that. I should have never hidden my feelings for her. I made a mistake and I am truly sorry that it has affected you so, but Y/N is my best friend, my other half and I should have never put her second.” It felt like such a relief to say those words out loud, to finally let the truth free. 
“I saw this coming. I knew you would choose her.” She spoke loudly, as if she had always doubted him from the start.
“Then why are you shocked?” He spoke coldly, not afraid of the consequences anymore.
“You bastard.” Elain cursed, raising her hand to slap Azriel across the face, and he stood there, ready to accept it, she could hit him all she would like, but he would not change his mind. 
Suddenly a sharp pain flowed throughout his body, like he was just thrown across the room, as if his body was being dragged along sharp rocks. Azriel collapsed onto his knees, bracing himself with his arms as the agony came and went like a gust of wind. 
He felt like someone was screaming in his mind, calling out for help, reaching for him, and that thread tugged within his chest, fear and pain rushing down the bond. “Y/N.” He choked out, panic lacing his voice. He was gasping for air, clutching his chest with one hand while the other kept him from collapsing. 
“Azriel what is going on, what just happened?” He felt Feyre’s hand on his shoulder. Noticing the small crowd that formed around him.
He looked up toward his high lady, his breathing still rapid. His shadows circled around him, whispering horrid things in his ear. Mate. Hurt. Panic. Injured. Trapped. “Something’s wrong, terribly wrong.” He pulled at the bond, but there was no response, just emptiness. “Y/N is in trouble.” His heart began racing, fear filling his thoughts. 
He didn’t wait for a response before disappearing into his shadows, heading directly for Windhaven.
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Taglist: @honestlywtfisgoingon @fanfictioniseverything @marina468 @positivewitch @maviee @blurredlamplight @bookslut420 @starswholistenedanddreamsanswered @elle10 @dragonstoneprincess @holywolfsstuff @reiincarnatiion @valeridarkness @feiwelinchen @sv0430 @kennedy-brooke @emturtles @nightcourtwritings @zephyg-06 @chantalleke91 @katherinereid @loulou0101 @shadowsingersmate24 @tcris2020 @shadowsinger-654 @nobody00sthings @lucyysthings @turkishgirlslife @rachelnicolee @mich0731 @tobifeemo @kristeristerin @sinnful-darling @hannzoaks @zoe2 @strangersunghoon @bangtanbecks @juneangel21 @hanatsuki-hime @acourtofmarvels @cmay25 @its-sam-allgood @a-frog-with-a-laptop​ @dream-alittlebiggerdarling​ @kazbrkker​ @sstanbarnes​ @j-pendragonx​ @yakoxshadow​ @whorefortim​ 
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deadlynavigation · 2 years
Hello, I really enjoyed your m! Wednesday x reader stories. Can you write about how his s/o gets shocked by the amount of gifts his gives and the expensive family vacations he takes them? Forgetting that he and his family are loaded lol.
Money Well Spent
Fandom: The Addams Family
Pairing: Male!Wednesday Addams x Reader
Warnings: Mild swearing, mentions of seduction, rich people being rich
Author's Note: Wednesday is aged up in this- same as previous fics
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Your boyfriend had money. Was money. And it was getting ridiculous.
There were a couple of times he had crossed the line, a couple of times when he put a bit too much pressure on the already thin ice.
After a while, you kept a mental list of these moments.
It’s been almost a week since you last saw your boyfriend. Wednesday had accepted an offer for his work, but there was a catch- a weeklong business trip in New York.
Not that you blame him. From what he told you about the offer, it’s an amazing opportunity for both his position and his company, one that would benefit him for years to come. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t miss his gloomy presence and warm embraces from time to time.
So imagine your despair when he calls your cell, on the day he’s supposed to arrive back, informing you of a last-minute change of plans.
“So you’re staying another day.”
“With a heavy heart, cara mia.”
You sigh quietly, and it carries to the other end of the line. “I do apologize, Y/n. I didn’t account for further negotiations regarding the business deal.”
“It’s fine, Wednesday. It’s not that big of a deal- I’ve survived this long without you, haven’t I?”
“If only I could say the same, darling.”
And so here you were on a Friday night, watching some generic TV program and mulling over your to-do list for next week. If Wednesday were here, he’d kiss you until you forgot about it, claiming that the weekend is for you and him, not work.
After a bit of sulking, you hear movement near your apartment’s entrance. Probably the building settling. But as the mysterious sounds grow louder, you rise from the sofa, mind on high alert. You creep near the entranceway, eyes scanning for a weapon of some sorts.
“Y/n, are you home?” Wednesday’s voice echoes throughout the apartment as you pick up a particularly heavy shoe. Dropping it quickly, you make your way to the door, where Wednesday is leaning against the frame.
“Darling.” He breathes in relief.
“You’re- back. I thought you had until tomorrow morning?”
“I was reminded once more of a man’s desire for money.”
You rub your forehead. “You bribed an agent.”
“I satisfied his materialistic desires.”
You stare at him for a minute before giving up trying to understand your boyfriend. Sensing your disapproval, Wednesday drops his luggage and pulls a small package from his coat pocket. It almost looks like a ring box, all black and ready to be opened.
“I understand your anger with me, Y/n. It is completely justified. However, this may make up for my tardiness.” He offers the box to you, face dead serious with a hint of anticipation. You take the box from him, opening it with steady hands. Wednesday has given you gifts before- expensive gifts. This better not be a repeat.
As the lid pulls back, a watch is revealed- a Jaquet Droz, from the look of it. You’re in love with it the second you see the sleek design. And though you’re tempted, you pull back into reality, facing your lover once more. He’s adopted the stance of a sheepish partner, knowing you would never allow yourself to buy this (but would want it all the same).
“You’re not buying me out with this.” You insist.
“Of course not, darling. I’d be disappointed if this was all it took.”
“And I’m expecting an apology.”
“In the morning. I was gone for a week, cara mia. Let me enjoy you right now, instead of the reminder of your absence.”
And so you sigh and grumble, but in the end, Wednesday has won your heart over with his loving words and actions and watch.
“Mr. and Mrs. Addams, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You say, muting the excitement in your voice for fear of them despising your expressive voice.
“The pleasure is ours. We’ve been waiting for Wednesday to introduce us to you, Y/n.” Gomez Addams replies happily.
“We’ve heard all about you from our son. All good things, of course. Tell us, is it true you’ve lit a spider’s heart on fire?”
“Mother, Father.” Wednesday cuts in. “Please don’t overwhelm them. We’ve only just arrived, and you’re picking them apart like they’re a deceased relative.”
“No, it’s fine.” You say, then lean over to your boyfriend. “You’re telling me that story later.”
“Of course.” Wednesday whispers, then turns back to his parents. “Shall we?” He gestures to the sitting room.
“Ah, yes. But before we do, your father has something for Y/n.”
Your eyebrows furrow. You turn to Wednesday, who is avoiding your glare in favor of picking a conversation with his mother, catching up quickly as Gomez goes to grab whatever it is he has up his sleeve.
“Here we are!” You all startle at Gomez’s loud exclamation in the room over. Clattering noises are heard before the father rushes back to you, Wednesday, and Morticia, holding a long object draped in velvety red fabric.
“This has been passed down to Addams’ lovers for generations. I gifted it to Morticia, my mother bestowed it upon my father, and her father… It’s been in the family for decades, and now it’s your turn to hold it.” And with that, he pulls what is possibly the most expensive-looking sword you have ever seen from the fabric, holding it out to you. Your eyes go wide as you look from the sword to Wednesday and back to the sword.
“Wow- thank you,” you marvel. Words cannot describe how beautiful the weapon is- and as you think of that, you almost snort at the irony. But it’s true. The sword really is amazing, jewels trapped in its metal as it glints in the moonlight.
“I would have told you, beloved, but that would ruin the surprise,” Wednesday murmurs into your ears as you accept the sword with a delicate touch. “You are holding thousands of dollars worth of beauty in your hand, yet it pales in comparison to you.”
You almost drop the sword as Wednesday takes on a seductive tone. You want to yell at him, that he is in front of his parents and this sword is worth more than all your organs combined, but damn, his voice-
“It’s an honor, Mr. Addams, Mrs. Addams.” You turn back to your hosts.
“Please, call me Morticia, dear.” Morticia smiles.
“And feel free to call me Gomez. You are part of the family now- and family uses first names.”
With that, they stride into the sitting room, expecting their son and his lover to follow. And you do- after you glare at Wednesday, drag him down by his coat lapels to kiss him heatedly, and hiss at him that you will be getting gloves to handle this sword.
“Pack your bags, cara mia.” Wednesday strides into your shared room, dark sunglasses hiding his eyes.
Your head rises from your book, eyebrows raised. “...Why?” You ask hesitantly.
“We’re going on a trip.”
You place your book down, not mentally prepared for Wednesday’s antics. “Kay, I’m gonna need a little bit more than that. You’re not just whisking me away to god knows where without any explanation whatsoever.”
Wednesday sighs dramatically as you wait, not moving to pack as he hoped you would. It’s a tense couple seconds, breeze fluttering in from the open windows as your gazes lock and a silent argument occurs.
Wednesday, surprisingly, breaks first. “To Spain,” he starts. “My father has friends there, and he thought it was high time he visited them again. With the whole family this time.”
Only the Addams Family could schedule an impromptu trip to another country with a snap of their fingers.
“See? That wasn’t that hard.” You coo sarcastically. “Now- what? I’m not technically family…”
Wednesday stops for a moment, taking your words in before walking over to where you’re perched on the sofa.
“Cara mia.” He murmurs, dropping to his knees in front of you. His fingers draw a path from your cheek to chin, settling there as he talks. “Look at me. You are family. My parents, however bothersome they may be, consider you the daughter they never had- and Pugsley hasn’t tried to put an arrow through your heart yet. You are family, as far as any of us are concerned.”
You breathe deeply for a moment, bathing in the romantic words of your lover. “All right, then.” The words tumble out of your mouth.
“Excellent. Now go pack.” Wednesday stands back up and goes to grab your suitcase.
That man would be the death of you.
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icycoldninja · 7 months
Those eyes (Sephiroth x Reader angst)
Sephiroth's eyes, a shining turquoise tinged with mako green, and slit-like pupils, were regarded as terrifying by most people, but this was usually because whenever they looked into those eyes, they were met with certain death. But not you. No, Sephiroth would and could never terrify you. Whenever you looked into those dazzling eyes, you were filled with a sense of astonishment, of infatuation. Sephiroth's eyes had a soothing effect on you; when you made eye contact with him, you felt calmer and safer than usual. Sephiroth's gaze was always filled with warmth when it was directed towards you, always full of love and care.
So why was it so unsettling now?
Why were those beautiful, beautiful eyes of his making you shiver so?
Why was looking directly at them so difficult?
Why were you afraid?
Your knees were shaking, your entre body trembling as you beheld the winged monstrosity floating before you. No, how could you say such a thing? He wasn't a monster, just misunderstood! Right? Wasn't he?
Or were you just deluding yourself into thinking that, trying to justify your lover's actions? Was he even fit to be called your lover? No, stop thinking thoughts like that, of course he was, he was Sephiroth, your beloved!
"Join me," He intoned, stretching out his leather-clad hand. "We can rule the world together, free of the influence of those humans." Something inside you compelled you to take his hand, to allow him to drag you into whatever world waited beyond. At the same time, however, a part of you wanted to run away; to turn tail and dash away as fast as you possibly can and get away from this freak of nature.
No, this was wrong--why were you thinking such evil thoughts like these?! Sephiroth was your lover! You loved him! How dare you regard him as a freak? He wasn't! You knew he wasn't!
It seemed as though Sephiroth could read your mind, as his quiet smile quickly melted into a disappointed frown. His mako-tinged eyes, normally glittering with life, grew cold and dark. You'd never seen him look so hurt; it destroyed you to think that he was feeling this way because of you and your hesitance.
"I see," He mumbled, withdrawing his hand despondently. his eyes, filled with pain and sorrow, lingered on you for a few more moments. You reached out half-heartedly, the words you wanted to say stuck in your throat, unable to come out. You hated seeing him like this; you wanted to comfort him, to tell him that you loved him, and that you would gladly follow him anywhere, but you didn't. You couldn't. All you could do was stand there in hesitance, terrified and frustrated all at the same time.
Sephiroth closed his eyes and let out a small, barely auditable sigh. "So, you have made your decision." These words filled you with panic; you wanted nothing more than to shout your disagreement; to tell him that you hadn't made a choice, that you were conflicted and didn't know what to do! Unfortunately, those words wadded up in your throat as well, practically welding your mouth shut.
With another crestfallen sigh, Sephiroth turned around and began striding away, leaving you standing there, fists clenched, lip trembling, but unable to do or say anything.
Little did you know that as he walked away,those gorgeous eyes of Sephiroth's overflowed with hot, salty tears brought on by unfounded feelings of sadness, anger, and betrayal.
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tjwritesfanfics · 18 days
Universe Twelve *King Knight*
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Pairing: Thorn Adams x Reader
Summary: Thorn’s upbringing was horrible, it felt like betrayal at first, but you weren’t going to let your leader face his demons alone. Your loyalty has him questioning everything around him.
Rating: Teen?
Warnings: Cheating?? And drug tripping
Words: 650
Every Universe Masterlist | Main Masterlist
AN I know that Willow accepted Thorn, but for now we enjoy fiction
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“Banish him.” Your head whips to look at Rowena. “Banish him.” Then to Percival. Soon everyone had joined in, a chorus of banish him ringing in your ears.
They can’t be serious! Eyes going to Thorn, his head lowered, a defeated aura coming from him. You lock eyes with his life partner, Willow, pleading with her to help him. To do something, but all you could see on her face was betrayal.
You could understand where the coven was coming from, but to banish Thorn instead of embracing him went against everything you personally stood for. Judge not by the past, but by the actions they put forth.
Thorn bids everyone goodbye, grabbing his walking helper for his walk about and left the house.
“How could you all turn your back on him?!” You shout, jumping from your spot on the couch, unbridled anger in your eyes. “I understand not all of you were outcasts growing up, but that shouldn’t matter right now! Thorn has done nothing but be welcoming and understanding to all of your plights and now that he has a problem you turn away.”
“And you!” You turn to Willow. “You are his life partner. If anything, I would expect you to encourage him. Priestess, you disappoint me.”
Rushing past the people you considered your family, you chase after the only man who had ever understood you. You knew he found his life partner in Willow, but that didn’t stop you from being drawn to Thorn. You never questioned the force of fate before and you weren’t going to start now.
“Thorn!” He jumped slightly, not expecting anyone to come after him, and turned to you with wide eyes. “You can’t go on a walk about alone. You have weak ankles.”
“How did you… Y/n you can’t stop me. I need to face my demons.”
You shake your head, grabbing and handing him the canister you found on the picnic table, “Not alone you don’t have to. Everyone deserves someone to lean on, even if it’s just to make sure you don’t hurt yourself along the way. And also staying hydrated.”
Thorn stared at the canister for a moment before drinking half and handing it to you. “If you insist on coming, I am not the one to stop you, but please you also need to be hydrated as well.”
You toast to Thorn, downing the rest of the liquid, ready to follow him wherever this trip may lead you.
Colors became taste. Sight became sound. The gravity you felt once holding you down wasn’t there and floating became your mode of transportation.
You were unsure how far you and Thorn had traveled, continuing to lean on each other for strength, physically, spiritually, and mentally.
Never before had you felt this close to Thorn. Sitting together under a tree, a stable rock in one of his hands and a wise and wild pinecone in yours.
“You love him.” The pinecone echoed your own thoughts, “His life partner abandoned him, but you stay by his side.” You shake your head. As much as you yearn for Thorn, you weren’t going to come between him and the woman the universe chose.
“You love her.” Thorn looked at the rock he held in his hand. He knew the rock was right, but a part of him had a hard time accepting it. Willow was his life partner, but she betrayed him, though justified, it still hurt. But you went with him. Didn’t take no for an answer and refused to let him be alone with his own thoughts. It was probably the only reason Thorn had made it this far, made up his mind to go and face the people at the reunion.
Once this was all over, Thorn knew what he had to do. You would become his new life partner, possibly his true and forever life partner.
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celesteskingdom · 5 months
Jason Todd, the man you are
This is an excerpt from one of my fics that I wanted to share! Jason Todd is my favorite character from DC, and I could go on and on about him.
That wouldn’t be fair to either of them, though. Jason always felt so constricted–trapped–when he felt even an ounce of vulnerability or a shred of personal attachment to anyone. It made things difficult, such as reminding him of his past and all the pain, disappointment, anger, and regret that came with it. Not too long ago, he found himself lashing out at everyone–Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Oracle, the list goes on–that brought any of that on.
He was filled with so much anger and hate; he used immense violence as an outlet. 
That’s not to say that he isn’t angry or hateful anymore, though. It just..lessened over time. Things didn’t go as he planned; Nightwing and Batman didn’t react like they did when he did the big reveal–he didn’t know a lot of things, but he thought he did. He thought he had all the pieces of the puzzle and that it justified his actions–his violence, his poison laced words, his murders–but it didn’t. And he ended up making so many misconceptions, so many mistakes, and so many assumptions.
He hurt his dad. He hurt his older brother. And god, he hurt his new little brother–Tim was so small; he was (and still is) just a kid. He did all that.
Jason-centric fic authors don't know happiness. (/j)
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I apologize in advance for how long this is but I've been so disappointed in this season and my only consolation is knowing other fans share my feelings. Going through your blog has been a relief. I honestly can't believe how badly they've mishandled Aemond this season.
I don't even think it's the plot itself, it's how they execute it that's so frustrating. If you insist on having these moments at least make them make sense for the character. I could see a rift forming between him and Alicent, pushing Aemond into being more cold and distant, but making that happen off screen makes it much less believable. Have him come home still shaken from what he's done and seeking comfort from the only person who's ever given him any. Only for that person to reject him in anger, forcing him to bottle up his own vulnerabilities. If you have to make him dismiss Alicent from the council, make it a misguided attempt to make it up to her, to 'save' her because she looks so miserable. A 'you can rest now mother, I will handle this' kind of thing. It's another form of the misogyny they tirelessly insist on pushing but it works better for his character. Make him try to bargain with Aegon for his silence, telling him that it's crucial for the stability of the realm if the truth doesn't come out, that Aemond only did what was necessary you see. It would be so interesting to see him try and pontificate while Aegon is just lying there whimpering and scared out of his mind. Add the threats in there but have Aemond provide some justification for his actions even though he once again let the monster in him take over in that battle.
I've always felt like the difference between Daemon and Aemond was that Deamon shamelessly pursued his own interests while Aemond had this angry righteousness to him. He felt slighted and mistreated all while seeing himself better than those around him. Seeing him try to justify his mounting cruelty while slowly spiraling and becoming more and more like his impulsive, selfish uncle would have been so interesting to see.
Alas, all we get is a shell of a once interesting character. It's such a shame to see him stripped of his only redeeming qualities. They've practically removed all the nuance from his character and I'll forever be disappointed by that.
Hello, and thank you for your message!
No need to apologize, I'm grateful to you for sharing your opinion - and glad that me doing the same on my blog could be of some help to you.
I loved the expression you used - "angry righteousness". In season 1 Aemond was built up as a dutiful son who is ready to do what is needed for his family in spite of his own ambition - that he has in spades - and that made his loyalty even more remarkable. I believe it would have been more in accordance with that characterization if Aemond had been actually shown to yearn for power because he truly believes he is the one that could wield it to the maximum advantage of his family. And the saddest thing is that it is exactly the angle Ewan has on Aemond's motivation, according to his interviews, but the script gave us nothing to support it with. Once again, the actor understands and cherishes his character way more and way better than the writers.
I also completely agree with you on the matter of poor execution. However much I dislike the fact of Aemond distancing himself from his family as a plot move (not giving any thought to Jaehaerys' murder, attacking Aegon, dismissing Alicent), the worst part is that his actions (or inaction) are kind of disconnected from each other - we can see the "what"- and we are kind of supposed to see the "why", I guess - but the pieces of the puzzle are not coming together. Aemond mostly remains closed off not only from other characters but from the audience as well, and the few vulnerable moments the script gave him work mostly thanks to Ewan's acting. And in general - there is not nearly enough of Aemond in this season where he was supposed to be one of the main characters.
Overall, this season is a huge disappointment (and not only because of what has been done to Aemond's character) but at least the acting has been top notch (from Ewan in particular and from pretty much everyone else) just as it was in season 1. It doesn't make up for all the flaws (if only in part) but I, for one, am going to take every crumb of goodness this excuse of a show will give.
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cskv11 · 6 months
No art request but do you have any head cannons for bill??🤨
Ey yo why you makin that face? Is this some kind of interrogation??
Personally, I'm not a very headcanon kind of guy, more than anything cause I like to be able to see the author's vision, but more importantly, to avoid disappointments. Although this does not stop me from having a couple of headcanons:
First of all, I believe Bill had a much deeper thing going on with Ford, more than we were lent to in the show and the journal.
like- this "Oh my Muse" kind of thing is much freakier than just a nickname, these two nerds did way more than just a portal, if you know what I mean.
On the same matter, I think that, though at some point their relationship might've been kind of genuine, Bill saw Ford the same way a person sees their dog: someone who swears unconditional loyalty to their god/owner.
While this kind of bond does leave space for love and affection, there's this clearly marked boundary, a jeriarchy that states that one of the counterparts has a higher, a more elevated position in the relationship.
This same thing makes me assume, too, that Bill had felt betrayed as much as Ford did. Not because Ford did something wrong or deserved it (this poor soul had sacrificed everything he had, he isolated himself from everyone he knew just because he thought Bill was on the right; heck, even after scarring Fiddleford FOR LIFE, instead of apologizing or trying to help him, he was so gaslit from Bill poisonous words he thought Fiddleford was trying to sabotage his work) but because Bill's egotistical and narcissistic ass believed someone as naive as Ford was not capable of such thing. When Ford finally opens his eyes and gives his back to Bill, the dude is completely bamboozled. He did NOT expect Ford to drastically decide they were no longer friends. Bill expected Ford to say "Fuck it, we ball" and finish the portal once and for all. Bill thought Ford would be loyal to him no matter how bad the sittuation could get.
What would Bill do once he got through the portal? I don't think he'd kill him right away; he'd toy with Ford for a bit, til he got tired of it, and then would finish him off, just for fun.
As of Bill's backstory, I do think he used to have a brother. And for whatever reason, this same thing is the leading one for him to have become the wacky dude we know him for. Maybe his brother died/ got killed, which made Bill go apeshit, or maybe he hated his brother so much he was the one who killed him. Alex Hirsch did say Bill had a worse relationship with his father than Stanley did. Maybe what happened with Bill was a Stanley/Stanford dynamic, but multiplied by a hundred.
Say, he was his brother's shadow, and in an outburst of anger, he killed him, thought of the consequences of his parents seeing that scene and said "fuck it, no witnesses", took a gas can and burnt the whole family down.
This, too, comes related to what the axolotl said: "saw his own dimension brun. Misses home and can't return".
Additionally, the "says he's happy; he's a liar" verse and Bill's own "lie until you aren't liying; lie until the lie has become the truth" advice makes me strongly believe the dude has gaslit himself from the horrors he's commited so much he does actually believe his lies. He could tell you the sky is pink, and he would honestly believe it. And don't even try arguing with him about it, he will find a way of justifying why the sky is, in fact, pink.
Though it would be an interesting journey to redeem this guy, I would really love for him to continue being this horrible dude he is.
I don't know what The Book of Bill will be about, but if we're given more of bits about his origins, it would be amazing. But not go on full detail about it, cause one of the determining traits this dude has is being a mystery. And if they do end up telling something about his backstory, let it be some ironic and absolutely unserious tale; make the audience guess where's the lie and where's the truth.
Does this suffice your question, anon??? 🤨🤨🤨
Is there something else you're craving to ask? I have no trouble in answering haha
Also- I apologize for not posting much, there's a lot of funny requests i wanna draw but it's kind of impossible for me to do much right now. I've got lots of exams and so very little free time, BUT i'll try making something for this next weekend!! :)
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