#angelica prompt
niwatari-rei · 2 years
Angelica + Daisuke and Baku!?
Angelica - What makes a muse a muse
“How long do I have to stay still for? This is so boring~”
The tapir whined, trying his best not to move about.
“Only just for a while longer.”
Daisuke turned to look away from the easel.
“Had I known you were gonna do something like this, I would have turned you down right away.”
He huffed in annoyance.
“Sorry, I just wanted to paint you just this once since I just got inspired.”
The aspiring artist said with a sheepish smile.
“At least warn me next time if you’re going to be doing this for hours on end.”
Defective rolled his eyes.
And yet he couldn’t find it in his to say no.
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swingstep · 11 months
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she said, "it just feels inhumane to lose this much." 'cause when you leave, you know you take more than your love.
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anonarat · 7 months
Even just sitting in the wheelchair was painful for Claes. It had been a brutal battery of experiments on her hip joints. Yet she couldn’t resist being here.
The Fratellos were all out on missions, leaving just her and Angelica behind. Claes couldn’t put her finger on why, when it was just the two of them, she gravitated to Angelica. Maybe she was just trying to fill a void she didn’t truly understand. It wasn’t like Angelica even remembered her often these days.
Nevertheless, here she was sat with the picture book because it always enthralled Angelica, and that’s what mattered.
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🍾 “I never realized how dangerous champagne could be.”
‘Is this for everyone?’ Angelica asked, lifting the lid to one crate, only to have Cas bat her hand away. She looked up at him sharply. He looked harassed, his hair a mess and his eyes seemed to have bags beneath them. Concern prickled down the back of her neck as she gently caught his wrist before he could rush off to do whatever it was he thought was important now. ‘Did Dad put you up to this?’
‘Who else?’ he asked, attention skimming the other boxes. They were all piled around the office space, taking up more space than their little team ever did. ‘Now –’
‘Nope,’ she said, tightening her grip ever so slightly. ‘What’s in the boxes?’
With a sigh, Cas ran his free hand down his face, as if he might be able to wipe away the exhaustion. ‘Champagne for some party.’
‘This much?’ Angelica asked, finally releasing him so she could fully take in the boxes.
Cas chuckled bitterly. ‘Trying to make a good impression. I’ve already stubbed my toe like six times trying to make sure they’re all in the right places.’
‘I never realised how dangerous champagne could be,’ she said drily.
‘That’s because you can never actually remember nights out,’ Castor teased, moving away before she could swat his arm.
Angelica refrained from even making the gesture, however. Instead, she focused on the way his back was slightly hunched, the obvious signs of exhaustion that she knew her father hadn’t contemplated when he’d given the young man this particular job. All of it outside of his remit, in her eyes. Dangerous was the word for it.
‘So, where do they all have to go?’ she asked, moving to follow him.
She saw the argument bubbling behind his eyes, and the moment he realised that to argue would be futile. She just hoped that an extra pair of hands would make the whole thing that little bit easier for him.
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lancermylove · 2 months
Type of Flower (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: No pairing.
Warning: None
Prompt: What flower represents him the best?
A/N: The days haven't been good, and nature helps, so have some pretty flowers. Keep in mind that flower symbolism varies depending on the culture.
Black Rose - Symbolizes elegance, mystery, and pride.
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Marigold - symbolizes desire and wealth.
Also often used in Indian weddings. Do you hear wedding bells? Almost wrote wedding beel.
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Hydrangea - represents heartfelt emotions but also envy.
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Snapdragon - symbolizes anger, strength, and growth.
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Orchid - represents beauty, luxury, and sensuality.
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Sunflower - represents warmth, happiness, nourishment, and loyalty.
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Lavender - symbolizes relaxation, calm, silence, and renewal.
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Chrysanthemum - symbolizes power, nobility, and affection.
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Forget Me Nots - represents eternity, loyalty, and respect.
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Angelica - represents inspiration, protection, and connection to divinity.
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Daisy - symbolizes innocence, purity, and youthfulness.
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Wisteria - represents wisdom, longevity, and immorality.
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Gladiolus - symbolizes integrity, strength, and honor.
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Clematis - ambition, mischief, and development.
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White Rose - purity, spirituality, and holiness.
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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screamingcrows · 1 month
Pyrogenic sprouts
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Notes: I banged this out in what can only be described as a fit of delirium. Let this be my first venture into writing Wuthering Waves, unedited and made without a single thought in my mind except Mortefi spinning like a rotisserie chicken. I already know what direction this continues. Keep this out of AI. ~1.5k Tags: Mortefi x reader, first meeting, fluff Minors, blank and ageless blogs DNI
When the ground is scorched, pyrogenic plants are swift to repopulate the charred area, sprouting as soon as one day after the flames die out. They spread their roots and turn the soil, nourishing those that will come after.
Soon enough, the entire area will once more be lush and green, given a second chance at life after an event that should by all means have created an inhospitable wasteland.
Over the years, Mortefi had been forced to accept the reality of what he was. A walking time bomb that could be set off at a moments notice if circumstance aligned. Since the last time he overclocked, he'd been adamant in doing all within his power to temper the flames that raged within. For although he understood that as much as fires consumed they also birthed new life, he refused to be a culling destruction for any.
Except the tacet discords that were currently disintegrating on the ground. Burnt to ashes in a less literal sense than the countless angelicas, lemongrass, noctemint, and if the fresh scent wafting along the smoke was anything to go by, there'd been perillas as well. A pity those had been burned, they made for a satisfying addition to his candies.
His eyes closed for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady the adrenaline racing through his body, feeling the familiar crackle of sparks along his pectoral, never having gotten quite used to the pulsing of his tacet mark. The almost ritualistic motion of wiping his hands against his coat, despite never touching the enemy, was crudely interrupted when small hands, curiously rough, shoved at his chest.
It wasn't enough to knock him off balance, simply taking a step backwards to separate himself from the unfamiliar touch and cracking open an eye to be met with your enraged expression. Well, if you had the energy to be enraged, then the injuries you'd sustained could only be superficial. Which was lucky considering the profound lack of medical supplies currently on his person.
"What the hell do you think you're doing!" your voice was a shrill thing, he mused, briefly scanning the surrounding area for potential threats you could attract with your cry of death, "You've ruined everything!"
For a moment, he thanked the upbringing he'd had, uncertain if commanding the calm exterior he did now would've been possible had he not spent his youth performing every second out of the mansion. At least you were being direct.
"I would hardly call providing assistance 'ruining' anything, miss," your stare remained unyielding as the thorns in the distance, only prompting a sigh from Mortefi, "I believe it would be prudent to let me escort you back, this area was recently deemed unsafe for civilians if you were unaware."
He might have chuckled at your frustrated whine if it didn't immediately tick him off to your impending denial. Truthfully, he didn't have time for this. A barely finished child-sized glider, with joints to flap the wings for a little extra airtime of course, lay waiting atop one of his counters. Not to mention the actual work that needed completion. Just because Jinzhou had averted crisis didn't mean progress could afford to halt.
The dismissal hand you were waving had Mortefi needing another deep breath, fingers itching for his lighter, "Leave me alone will you, you've cause enough problems for me already and I still have stuff to do."
Oh if only it was so easy to leave you to your own devices he would. But there you were, alone and unarmed as well. No sign of being a resonator either. This was just perfect. He'd forgone breakfast, having stayed up most of the night and just needed to collect a few feathers for the glider, wanting to finish and deliver the gift today, and he really didn't have time to assist some thankless civilian with their death-wish.
"I suggest you let me take you back and hire a guard next time."
How the lighter had made it into his hands was beyond him, only noticing when you scoffed incredulously, looking more like a scorned child than the adult you supposedly were. Or perhaps you were simply as adept at mimicry as the plants you so cared for.
"And I suggest you learn to stay out of other people's business," your voice had lost the brittle edge, replaced instead by pure annoyance.
He felt a pang in his chest, the look in your eye merging with that hint of helpless fury in your voice. It resonated with his memories. The ashes had slowly settled at least, and he silently mourned having blackened the edges of another coat. More to take care of once he was home.
As nonchalant as possible, he shoved the lighter back into his pocket and gestured for you to move, "get on with it then, I don't have all day."
At least you didn't argue, resigning to showing your displeasure in the stomping of your boots. Your name had a foreign sound to it, but knowing firsthand how tumultuous moving could be, he deigned it unimportant to pry further. The harshness of your words stood in sharp contrast to the occupation you divulged; a florist of all things. Though he supposed that did explain the volatile reaction to seeing a scorched field.
The realization that he'd spent seconds destroying what might have been several days worth of business did make stir in the pit of stomach, and for just a moment, he wondered if it would one day fill him as rage had if left unchecked.
Likewise, you'd gone eerily silent when he'd begun explaining his field of research. Tacetite weaponry didn't sit well with everyone. Mortefi was acutely aware and it wasn't a discussion he wished to have in his current state.
"Keep that lighter pocketed, you hear me?"
Mortefi grit his teeth, releasing the familiar metal back into his pocket, observing as you squatted down and began cutting stems and peeling back leaves with surprising efficiency, quickly collecting a sizeable pile of various flowers and greenery. The latter to fill out bouquets he presumed. He ran a hand through his hair, grunting softly when it came back a little moist. Wonderful, he'd need to shower properly before returning to the academy.
"How long before you collect wares again?" The question lingered heavy as smoke for a minute, almost making him regret asking.
"Tomorrow, I collect daily," your voice was almost pleasant now that you were focused on something else. He felt the familiar twitch in his fingers, aching to busy himself instead of standing around like a helpless moron.
"I would advise you to find a different area, the frequencies have been chaotic here for a while, a tacet field is expected to show up within days."
The shrug of your shoulders was expected, and thus did nothing significant to sour his mood. You'd been warned, anything beyond was your own responsibility. Perhaps he should offer to make a shield, or a weapon of some sort, even if you weren't trained for combat, a simple explosive should be manageable, or a portable turret maybe? Maybe a sentinel drone, one that would detect shifts in the air and alert you before tacet discords could manifest?
But that wouldn't be any use against local wildlife. Not unless he programmed some feature that would let it discern potentially harmful creatures. It would be doable, and he should already have most of the parts for it.
"And I will once again ask you, Mortefi, to stay out of my business, what is it with you scholars?" Mortefi opened his eyes at the sound of his name just in time to see you shove a large bundle of cut flowers into his arms before continuing under your breath, "honestly, there must be something in the water you drink at the academy."
Mortefi couldn't help but feel a smile tug at his lips, what a ridiculous theory, "curiosity is the essence of progress," he paused for a moment, not bothering to argue with serving as a pack animal, he was already in this far, "Speaking of, I have several ideas that might-"
"I'm not turning a big enough profit to invest in some inventor, I'll continue as I have."
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The scent of flowers continued to cling to him long after helping you arrange the flowers at your humble stand, rickety wooden frame desperately in need of a helping hand. It left a trail of pungent sweetness even after showering, and he found himself needing to pop another candy into his mouth to not mutter something at the countless researchers staring at him as he trekked to his laboratory.
Toys quickly finished, he began drafting up various designs for a little sentinel. Perhaps it could serve to carry your harvest as well if he was a little clever about the logistics and specifications of it's components.
Part 2
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multifamdomfan · 11 months
Hi, if requests are still open and if you still write for Hamilton could I request an imagine where the fem!reader was Alex’s wife, they met and fell in love during the Winter's ball. And, she first met him when she was in the war (dressed as a man) but Alex never knew it was her until he found out himself. And maybe has a near-death experience fighting in a duel for any reason you want. And years later, she maybe becomes a lawyer/statesman or whatever as long as she's not a housewife and she finds out Alex had an affair and she like goes to Laurens for comfort but he ends up confessing he has loved her since day one when they met at the Winter's ball but saw she was so much happier with Alex (and it's kind of like an Angelica situation.) and how he would have never if he knew that was what Alex was going to do to her. And finally, he asked her to be with him. Also, could you please make the reader Washington's adopted daughter? I know it's a lot but even if you don't do it, thank you for just reading it. I just kinda wanted a lot of angst followed by fluff but since I can't stand the thought of having been with some who cheated on me and didn't love me, could you please make Alex still love the reader but realize if he wanted her to be happy, he would have to let her go and as soon as the Reader is thinking "You know what? I should forgive." He just dies. I feel bad for the Reader, not gonna lie. Thank you again. <33
Prompts: "May I have this dance?" (Hamilton to Reader) "Shit, are you bleeding?!" (Hamilton to Reader) “You need to leave. Right now.” (Reader to Hamilton) “You need to let her go.” (Anyone who seems right to Hamilton) "Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?" (Laurens to Reader) But hey, it’s up to you, I'm just giving suggestions on what I was thinking.
Note: And yes, in my fantasy world, Laurens doesn't die and is still alive in Act II.
😮😍 I love this request! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hope you don't mind but I'm turning this into a two part.
warning: angst,character death,cheating
Why does love hurt so much? Pt. 1
I was reading my book in my room when my dad, George Washington, knocked gently against the door. Well if you want to get technical he's my adoptive dad. My biological parents when I was young and was sent to the orphanage when George and his wife ,Martha, adopted me. I closed my book and put it down and called out "Come in!" When Dad came in I immediately knew that something was wrong. He was fiddling with his hands and his eyes cast down onto the floor looking frantic. "What is it father?"
"Y/N I need to tell you something," I looked at him curiously while Dad was looking like he was trying to find the right words to say. "There is really no way to say this but I'm going to go to war." He said this quickly and nervously watching to see how I'll react.I didn't respond, not at first I looked at him with a blank expression trying to comprehend what he just said.
"What?" He remained silent like he was waiting for me to tell, scream, or do something. "Let me come with you, I can help!"
"No! You're not coming, it's too dangerous."
"But you're going! You will be there to look after me and you taught me to use a gun since I was ten!"
"I won't always be there to look after you, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. Just promise me that you won't follow me."
I sighed in defeat "I promise." Dad came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back thinking about how I lied to his face.
I put my hair that's now shoulder length and tied my hair up. I looked down at myself with my uniform on with bandages over my breast to flatten them out. I nodded at my reflection in approval before walking out of my tent. My dad found out that I was pretending to be a man to fight in the war immediately but he kept my secret.
I approached my friends Lafayette, Hercules, John, and Alexander. We became friends quickly, and no. They have no idea that I'm a woman and plan to keep it that way. There is one problem, I developed a crush on one of the four men. It's Alex, I couldn't help it. He's passionate, smart, and kind. "Hey James!" Hercules called over to me.
Yes James is the name that I chose because it was my biological dad's name. "Hi." I responded, lowering my voice and octive to keep from sounding too feminine. I sat next to Alexander and joined in on the conversation before we heard a loud noise. We all turned our heads to see what it was. It was the red coats, we sprung into action grabbing our guns.
There was death all around us with an overwhelming smell of blood but we had to keep moving I killed a couple men before they could kill me first. Then I was a man aiming for Alexander about to shoot, without thinking I shoved him out of the way and took the bullet. All I could hear was a distant yelling at the word "James!" He quickly rushed over and got in my field of vision. "Shit, you're bleeding."
"You need to leave. Right now." I responded not wanting him to find out. Alex ignored what I said and ripped my shirt off and saw the bandages being soaked with blood. He looked shocked at first but knew it wasn't the time to talk about it and used my shirt to apply pressure to the wound and rushed me to the medics.
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kaeyachi · 6 months
Before starting, please note that this is purely for Kaeya’s lore. If you guys are also interested in the more detailed discussion for Perinheri and the namecard (both with interesting stories and implications involving so much more than just Kaeya),then I highly suggest for you to search in various social medias for a more in depth look into each! Both of these are incredibly interesting, especially since it basically involves Khaenri'ah predicting us and our twin's arrival to Teyvat and other key characters in the Cataclysm.
Additionally, this is kinda long. This is me basically giving a tiny bit of a breakdown for Perinheri and the namecard, and then proceeding to provide 3-ish different theories for Kaeya in relation to these sources (along with older information that we got). Maybe grab a snack and some water?
Without further ado, let’s proceed with the actual lore talk and theories!
First up, I will discuss a bit about Perinheri, the book that can be purchased from Fontaine.
Perinheri is the name of the book’s protagonist. He, like all others who have arrived to Khaenri’ah are adopted into Khaenri’ahs orphanage. This orphanage accepted 2 kinds of people- people from beyond (like us, the traveler) and Teyvatian.
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Soon, some of these children became the knights for Khaenri’ah. The best of these knights are mentioned specifically by Angelica (someone who says she is from pre-Morax Liyue):
Njord, who I think may be Rhinedottir due to the description of them being the one who “walks with the Darksprites (war beasts created with Alchemy)”
Alf, the greatest warrior in the Universitas Magistorum (take note of this!!)
Alberich, commander of half the knights (I’m guessing the other half was under Dainsleif? They split the kids in the divorce/j)
Perinheri, our book protagonist who is called “the undefeated” (I lowkey want this to be Capitano). He also had a best friend named Hleobrant, who is also a formidable knight as proven by his track record of easily defeating other knights who were willing to battle him.
To cut the story short, Angelica invites Hleobrant up to the surface. Perinheri, wary of her, joined them. Upon reaching the surface, however, Hleobrant turns into a monster because, according to Angelica, Hleobrant had betrayed his own archon, meaning he is a child of Teyvat. Perinheri, on the other hand, had no god to betray in the first place, implying he is an outlander (he represents no other nation other than the nation that adopted him, which is Khaenri’ah)
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And with that information given to us, we are now left to assume…that the Alberich ancestor may be similar to Perinheri- someone not of this world and adopted by Khaenri’ah.
However, a certain detail from a certain namecard brings that to question as well.
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In this namecard, the word Sovereign is officially used, and the one talking is involved with the Universitas Magistorum of Khaenri’ah. That means that Khaenri’ah may actually have had a dragon sovereign. Now who could this sovereign be?
We have 1 more dragon who is technically unaccounted for, and that is the Dragon King Nibelung (as mentioned by Apep and Neuvillette). Nibelung had gathered forbidden knowledge and shared it to his fellow dragon sovereigns at the time and prompted them to join him into a war against the Heavenly Principles (which led to their tragic demise).
Now, why would Nibelung possibly be Khaenri’ah’s dragon sovereign? It had only been stated by both Apep and Neuvillette that he was their Dragon King.
Well, it all boils down to their source material for Nibelung’s name. The Der Ring des Nibelung (The Ring Cycle).
The story? It involves a Nibelung (elf race) by the name of Alberich. The same story also includes the name Rhinedottir. This is why some assume that Nibelung is Khaenri’ah’s dragon sovereign.
Interestingly enough, they are also the two people who were highly involved with the Cataclysm AND the two families from Khaenri’ah that have left their children in Mondstadt (Kaeya and Albedo).
Here’s the thing. Nibelung died before the Cataclysm. That means another dragon sovereign had to have been born in replacement to the old one. Could we dare assume…based on source material…that the reborn dragon sovereign is Anfortas Alberich? Because based on the timeline, it could still happen. We are left with time in between for the Sovereign v. Heavenly Principles and the Cataclysm.
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This could be an alternative idea as well as how the Alberich clan also didn’t turn into monsters instead of being descended from an outlander. If they were born of the dragon sovereign of Khaenri’ah, then they would have no archon to betray in the first place either. Additionally, this is how Anfortas became first in line and uncontested for regency - the Alberich clan technically had ruling rights due to being descendants of their sovereign.
But…where does this leave Kaeya? What does all of this imply? Why is he their last hope? WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HIM?!
Well, I have 3 theories for this specific topic. 1- The Alberich clan is separate from Nibelung and the first Alberich is an outlander/ non-Teyvatian. 2- Anfortas Alberich was the dragon sovereign who let a mortal king rule over him (similar to Neuvillette). 3- Somehow neither? The Alberich clan could simply be born of Khaenri’ah
The Alberich clan is separate from Nibelung, and the first Alberich is an outlander/ non-Teyvatian
Since the only legit proof we have of Nibelung possibly being an Alberich is from the source material, the defense could be a bit flimsy to many. What we do have, however, is an actual implication for the clan to be descended from an outlander.
The Alberich clan in itself is a clan of nobles, and knowing how nobles are, they have this blood purity mindset that probably kept most of their clan from transforming into monsters. Pls don’t ask for the inbreeding implications my mind is already reeling over here…
Perhaps Perinheri had returned to Khaenri’ah to warn his countrymen about what could happen should a Teyvatian go back to the surface, or perhaps someone else found out at a different time. Either way, this discovery could have possibly caused blood purity concerns, and thus the selective choosing of which knights leave to fight in the surface (like that one Alberich in Sumeru) PLUS the interest in war machinery by Khaenri’ah which could help them fight in the surface.
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This could be further proven by the fact that Clothar Alberich would have been shamed by his family had they known he had a child with a woman from Mondstadt. Other than the fact that the woman wasn’t a noble of Khaenri’ah, this just also risked her and the child to turning into monsters as well if they moved to Khaenri’ah (and move to Khaenri’ah they did).
But since Kaeya is not a monster, is he a pureblood then?
I kind of doubt it due to several reasons… but ignoring Kaeya’s suspicious genetics aside, what we do have is the very high possibility that Kaeya has never step foot into Khaenri’ah.
Caribert had stepped into Khaenri’ah, as implied by Clothar when he said “no more red sky”. This was how Caribert was doomed to become a hilichurl- by having Teyvatian blood and entering Khaenri’ah. If Kaeya hadn’t stepped inside Khaenri’ah, however, then he has technically not yet betrayed his archon (whether it may be Nahida, due to my assumed birth nation for him, or Venti, the archon of his current home nation).
But do you guys see how dangerous this idea is though when it comes to future plot lines? If Kaeya goes to Khaenri’ah (whether forcibly or willingly), then he would not be able to leave until we, the traveler, figure out how to fix this. No one from Teyvat can visit him either lest they want to turn into hilichurls or get trapped along with him. Even if he is somehow a pureblood, then perhaps going to Khaenri’ah would just activate his own curse of immortality, which we can highly bet that this is something he doesn’t want.
The only way he could get a free pass over this is if there is something special about him… and maybe that’s why he is called their last hope…
 Anfortas Alberich was the dragon sovereign who let a mortal king rule over him
Let us say that Hoyo did apparently want us to consider that the Alberich line are the descendants of the newly formed dragon sovereign Anfortas. What would it possibly entail?
Well, the only source material with whom we have had regular conversations with is Neuvillette, and we are 500 years too late to know the exact details of how that works, but basically we get the idea that once a dragon sovereign died, a new one will take its place later on, but not immediately. Another detail is that it takes an archon to let go of their position back to the sovereign for them to regain full power and, in general, better understanding .
While without an archon, there could be a possibility that the time spent missing a dragon sovereign had lead to Khaenri’ah choosing their own new leader- a King by the name of Irmin. We don’t know what kind of powers King Irmin had, however, since he is recognized by the people before the new dragon sovereign was reborn, then he could simply be the archon equivalent in this situation (especially since the gnosis is not important in the grand scheme of things involving rulership transfer when we really think about it).
The new sovereign could easily mingle and observe the others, it was how Neuvillette was able to hide his true self from the people of Fontaine, after all. It is also easy for the people of Khaenri’ah to assume that Anfortas is simply another lost child in need of a new home. Maybe he saw how the king ruled and approved of it?
This could honestly explain Caribert’s mental state as well despite having being turned into a hilichurl. Despite being half-Teyvatian, a portion of him might also be the blood of a dragon sovereign. Surely that must account for something?
Additionally, we don’t exactly have proof of Anfortas’ death, right? (unless I missed it somewhere…). Who knows what he has been doing if he is actually still alive after all…
This means that Kaeya can be Khaenri’ahn without his ancestors being from beyond this world. Again, however, are Kaeya’s genetics getting questioned! Why are the other Alberich successfully cursed, but Kaeya isn’t?
Boldest statement from me, a Kaeya simp, but perhaps while the other simply had dragon blood in them, Kaeya may actually be their next in line.
Because seriously speaking, Khaenri’ah still somewhat has its people, but it has no ruler. It is not our twin, they have decided to rule the Abyss Order (and the fact that they cannot assume the King/Queen position is still up for questioning, because the Abyss Order is still Kaeya's if we are following birthright). If Anfortas is still alive, then of course Kaeya can't assume the role of Dragon Sovereign, but if Anfortas actually died along the way of our travels… (5-star Kaeya? Pls Hoyo???). Also, I know the chance that Kaeya’s eye being different from the rest of the Khaenri’ahns are just because he’s an early character, but imagine how fun it would be if that was their indication that he is their next ruler hahaha
If Kaeya won’t be the next dragon sovereign (because I literally don’t have a solid backing for this one folks), then having dragon sovereign blood must mean something for him, right Like, idk, free access pass to Khaenri’ah without repercussions? Hidden abilities? Anything dragon involved?
On a side note, the amount of times the mention of  “stepping through fire” or something similar when it comes to Kaeya is looking a bit suspicious as well. The first instance is him facing Diluc’s flames. The next mention is from his father’s notes that state that “we of the Alberich Clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers”. The next is during his hangout quest where he had to act as the character who had walked through fire to convince his father of his innocence. It’s starting to sound like having the protective capabilities of dragon scales, does it not?
Also, doesn’t this idea make things harder for Kaeya to decide on who to side with? He quite literally will have the responsibility over this nation. Mona did say that fate will catch up with him…
The Alberich clan could simply be born of Khaenri’ah
There isn’t much to say for this other than the fact that actual Khaenri’ahns have always existed prior to all the outlanders and sovereign drama. They could have always been nobles and a family of knights. I am also trying to manage my expectations over here because the other 2 theories seem a bit too good to be true, and I think I need to calm down even though their looking very very possible to me right now thanks to the information given to us. TRYING TO MANAGE THE DELULU REAL HARD HERE.
This does, however, make Kaeya’s intentions a bit more done by him and not for his responsibilities to Khaenri’ah. Kaeya might simply want what is best for his birth nation and home nation. The simplicity sure is nice to think about.
In addition, hoyo can easily create another character to fill up the Dragon King position as well (even if that one was my favorite idea)
Also, just to put it out there because this was originally supposed to be my actual lore post before I found all these info, but I've been exchanging mildly insane ideas with @/makiandcheese and one idea I proposed was that Kaeya isn't born- he is created as partnership of a Sumeru scholar and Kaeya's father who commissioned for it (which makes him curseless and allows hints of Sumeru in his design)
The idea was that Khaenri'ah got tired of waiting for us (the traveler) to arrive and lead the war against the heavenly principles, and so they started the idea of creating their own. This then, unfortunately, was the real cause of their downfall. This surprisingly connects well with an Alberich stealing something from the Rhinedottir in the original story WHICH WAS NOT MY INTENTION, but hey if it works out huh?
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This also connects to the original theory, which is the fact that in CN, Kaeya isn't a spy, but is instead described as a "pawn". A pawn is technically a part of a chess set...and Genshin has their own chess reference, which are the gnosis.
A special ability of these pawns is that once they reach the edge of the enemy's side, they could "ascend" to a higher position (alternatively, this could also imply that all archons were pawns that ascended).
Interestingly enough as well, both Mondstadt and Khaenri'ah somehow maintained the monarchy type of system (with Mondstadt slightly modifying things BUT they also still have their uncrowned king Diluc). Kaeya has positioned himself very near the top...
In conclusion!
WHAT IS THIS LORE. WHY IS THIS SO STRESSFUL FOR HIM? FOR US? I’D DRINK REGULARLY TOO, TF? We should all wrap Kaeya in several blankets and tell him very cute bedtime stories and play classical music and give him goodnight kisses and tell him words of affirmation because this all sounds EXHAUSTING.
If you managed to survive this entire hellpost of Kaeya lore and theories, then congratulations! and ily!! Odds are, I was motivated by you to actually finish this one, so thanks!
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salientseraph · 1 year
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Didn't know it was a thing until now so I rushed to make something for the first prompt "Gather the Posse" with me and my friends GIRLIES✊✊
Annabelle, Angelica, Vidalia, and Bonnie!! My loves
People anatomy is surprisingly kinda shitty but at least the horses turned out alright!! I still don't know how to draw horse gear tho😋
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I saw this prompt on another fandom but I thought it would be perfect for Caskett!
Prompt: "Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too or is that just Christmas?”
CHB'23 #10: Contentment
Season Six
She's just pulling her hair out of the collar of her t-shirt, checking her outfit in the mirror when he comes running into the bedroom, a package clutched in his hands and she watches him launch it on the bed before turning to her.
She watches him in the mirror, slide up behind her and wraps his arms around her.
"You are up to something, Mr Castle," she fixes him with a stare, the one that he knows means there's no use denying anything.
"I have something to ask."
"Should I be concerned?" She teases.
"Can we do ugly sweaters for Halloween too or is that just Christmas?"
She smirks. "Who said I'd do them at Christmas?"
"I have my ways," he assures her.
"What's in the package?"
"Okay, so I was looking for costume ideas and I found these sweaters... and well, I was excited and thought we could wear them out for the marathon at the Angelica."
She crosses to the bed, sits back and watches him tear into the packaging, smirking at the excitement on his face.
He watches her face when he pulls out the bright orange one. "Don't worry, this is for Alexis. She'll probably only wear it at home but I liked it."
He unfolds it and holds up a pumpkin sweater and Kate smiles, knowing how much he missed having her at home.
She watched him stroke it for a minute before putting it aside and morphing into a manchild again, eagerly pulling out two black sweatshirts. They both were adorned with a skeleton, front and back and she actually thought they were pretty cool. And he looked so eager, matching Halloween sweaters kind of made her heart soar a little.
"Okay, I like those. I'm in. You book the tickets and I'll make sure I'm home in time to be your date," she promises, pulling the sweater in her size out of his hands, pressing a kiss to his lips and stepping away to try it on and watched again in the mirror as he watched, a look of contentment on his face.
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eclipian · 2 months
Fuck AI Headmate #10 & 11
pt: fuck AI headmate #10 & 11
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
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divider credit
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Name: Angelica , Angelique , Victoria , Eleanor , Ballora , Isabella , Lucille , Harper , Abigal
Age: 18
Pronouns: She/Her , Shy/Hyr , Shi/Hir , Ae/Aer , Heir/Heirs , Ro/Royal , High/Highness , Princess/Princesses , Rose/Roses , Heart/Hearts , Petal/Petals , Devo/Devotion , ♛/♛s , 🜲/🜲s ,♕/♕s ,♚/♚s , ♔/♔s , 👑/👑s , ⚜️/⚜️s , 🌹/🌹s
Gender: Genderfae , Genderose , Rosegender , Coronasola , Roquillic , Solgladic , Ridranthine , Royalcoric , Roselexic , Kvenleikrósic , Violirosetress , Rosebodiment , Rerosymblic , Rubrutextic , Rosflorvian , Rosepaintic
Attraction: Aroace , Platonic Attraction , Familial Attraction
Other IDs: Dissoqueen , Rose Presentic
Species: Human + Red Rose Kin
Origin/Modifiers: Rosegenic , Hydraconscious , Spitetive
Role: Heir , Sister Figure
Aesthetics: Royalcore , Princesscore , Queencore , Ballet Academia ,
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Name: Basil , Raphael , Adonis , Hazen , Jophiel , Apollo , Rupert , Florence , Flynn , Sebastian
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him , Hy/Hym , Hi/Him , Heir/Heirs , Ae/Aer , Ro/Royal , High/Highness , Prince/Princes , Star/Stars , Honor/Honors , Spark/Sprarks , Devo/Devotion , ♛/♛s , 🜲/🜲s ,♕/♕s ,♚/♚s , ♔/♔s , 👑/👑s , ⚜️/⚜️s , ⚔️/⚔️s
Gender: Genderfaun , Coronaluna , Prindragic , Princic , Ridranthine , Starryprincegender , Knighthing , Knightpresentic , Knightcenic
Attraction: Aroace , Platonic Attraction , Familial Attraction
Other IDs: Dissoking , Alderknight ,
Species: Human + White Horse Therian
Origin/Modifiers: Hydraconscious , Spitetive
Role: Heir , Brother Figure , Knight
Aesthetics: Royalcore , Princecore , Kingcore , Knightcore
pt: name , age , pronouns , gender , attraction , other ids , species , origins/modifiers , role , aesthetics
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Disclaimer: Middle image is made with the use of AI. This blog does not condone or promote putting AI over real artist. This post is using it as a way to middle finger those w who try to claim AI creations as actual pieces of art. I mod music am not making prompts for the images.
tags: @bahtive & @drowntowns
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jazzystudios82 · 1 month
Diabolik Lovers: An Angel's Embrace AU Shorts #1 - The Songbird meets the Vampire King ♡
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DL OTP Prompt #1: Meet Cute | Meet Ugly
meet-cute: a cute, charming, or amusing first encounter between romantic partners (as in a movie)
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This short is based on the 1st prompt made by @yuriko-mukami for the 2024 DL OTP Challenge they're hosting. The ship I'm using for this is an OC x Canon pairing that I made for the AU "An Angel's Embrace": Angelica Amor x Karlheinz Sakamaki.
Though I have to admit, this probably will steer more towards the "meet ugly" side of the prompt depending on how this goes.
WARNING: Diabolik Lovers is a dark series with mature themes and topics. Discretion is advised. . . .
The Demon Realm. . . .
"Why the long face, sis?" Angelica's younger brother, Camilo, asked. Angelica looked at her younger brother with a rather dejected expression. "It's nothing, Camilo." she replied.
"The look on your face doesn't look like you're thinking about 'nothing', Angie." her youngest brother, the more mature and stoic Victor, said as he looked up from his book. "Are you not happy with the fact that Lady Christa is marrying Lord Karlheinz because he's. . .well, you know."
Angelica knew what Victor was referring to. It wasn't uncommon for demons to marry within their own family. Several of them did it, so it wasn't a surprise that Christa was marrying her older cousin, the infamous Vampire King Karlheinz Sakamaki.
Now while this was something that Angelica herself didn't like, it wasn't what was making her, in her brothers' words, "sullen".
"Honestly, I couldn't care less." she said, looking outside the carriage window to see if they were getting closer to the Sakamaki Castle. So far, they seemed to still be a good distance away.
"Really? Then is it because Wolfgang couldn't come with us to the wedding?"
". . . .I-"
"Don't lie." Victor interrupted. "It's beneath you."
Camilo roughly hit Victor with his elbow, causing the light pink haired male to look at his brother with distaste. "Camilo-"
"Oi, be nicer, alright?" Camilo told him, then added in a hushed whisper, "That's her husband you're talking about, remember."
". . . .Why are you acting like I've lost my memory about our brother-in-law?"
"I'm not-"
"Fine, I'll admit it. Especially if it gets you two to be quiet." Angelica interrupted, getting her brother's attention. "I do wish that he was here. I mean, it would be like a little reunion between the three of us." she revealed.
"Hmm, I guess that makes sense." Camilo said.
"Indeed." Victor added. "The three of you were close during our school years at Nevermore. In fact, if I remember correctly, she's the one to have introduced you two to each other. But I think that there's no need for you to be so worried. Wolfgang just needed to take care of something for his father, so he should make it in time."
"Vic's right Angie, there's no need to be so sad." Camilo said, trying to raise his sister's morale. "Knowing your husband, he'll be there in no time."
As she continued to look out the window, Angelica saw that they were now getting closer to the Vampire King's castle, where she noticed several other fancy carriages varying in colors at the front entrance. As a footman arrived at Angelica's side of the carriage, he opened the door and helped the silver eyed woman and her brothers out.
"Lady Angelica of the Amor family?" the footman asked. "Yes? Do you need something from me?" Angelica asked as her brothers were getting out of the carriage.
"Lady Christa has informed me that you and your family are to be seated with near the front with her and Lord Karlheinz's family. Please follow me."
The Sakamaki Castle, the Royal Gardens. . . .
"This is where Lady Christa wants to have you seated." the footman said, gesturing to the pristine seats that were saved for Angelica and her family, most of whom aren't at the wedding yet.
"Well, thank you good sir for saving these for us." Angelica said with a smile. She was unaware that the footman had blushed at the smile she gave him.
"Y-you're. . . .You're welcome, Lady Amor." he said with a light stutter. "If you and your brothers need anything, please let me or the head butler know."
Angelica nodded her head and went to go find Christa while her brothers stayed behind to interact with some of the other guests. She wanted to give her friend a little gift that she made for her before the wedding started, as it was something of a personal matter for her. She then used her magic to summon the gift, which was a small box wrapped in white wrapping paper and topped with a cute little rose red bow.
As Angelica walked through the castle's gardens, she overheard what sounded like a couple bickering with one another, though it seemed like who the feminine voice belonged to was doing most of it. Now Angelica didn't want to snoop on the couple, as it was unbecoming and rude for a woman to do such a thing: at least, that's what her mother used to tell her when she was younger.
However, the silver eyed woman stopped in her tracks when she heard Christa's name being mentioned. "?" Curiosity overcame her, which made Angelica hide herself behind the rose bushes and stayed as quiet as a mouse to listen to the conversation.
"I can't believe you Karl! It's bad enough that you took that plain woman as your second wife, but Christa?! Are you kidding me?!" the woman shouted in a shrill voice. "Now Cordelia, you know that I had no other choice." the man said, calm and collected. "Christa's parents and mine always did want us to be together, and it could help me with my current. . . .situation."
Angelica immediately tensed when she realized who they were. Karlheinz and Cordelia Sakamaki?! If she was caught listening to them, who knows what they'd do to her.
Not wanting to be caught, Angelica immediately snuck away from the still arguing couple, hoping that their argument would keep them distracted long enough for her to make her escape.
Though Cordelia didn't notice her at all, it appeared that a certain golden eyed vampire did.
As soon as she realized that she was far away, Angelica had stopped to rest as her poor feet were sore, it didn't help that she wore those stupid heels her aunt got her specifically for Christa's wedding. Angelica didn't mind wearing heels, she just hated that these particular ones dug into her skin when she ran.
'Maldicen estos estúpidos tacones!' Angelica thought as she sat down on a stone bench and took off her heels so her feet could rest, making her release a sigh of relief.
However, before she could have a chance to relax, Angelica immediately stiffened when she heard a now familiar voice say, "Ah, so this is where you went to."
Angelica turned her head to the direction where she heard the voice, and saw that it was none other than Christa's fiancé, Karlheinz. The pink haired woman immediately tried to get up and give him a proper curtsy. "Y-Your Majesty-"
"Now now, there's no need for that, my dear." Karlheinz said, his voice deep and suave. His golden eyes looked down at her feet and an expression that resembled concern appeared on his handsome features. "Oh my, those heels truly must have done a number on your poor feet."
Angelica immediately got embarrassed and quickly grabbed her shoes and put them back on, wincing at the pain that returned. "I'm so sorry! I-" "It's fine, my dear." Karlheinz interrupted. "I don't mind. After all, I could smell your blood from the cuts on your feet."
Angelica was, for a moment, rather speechless. How was she supposed to respond to that?
"Oh. . . .I-"
"Now, is there a reason why you're in my garden and not with the rest of the guests?"
Angelica, after taking in a deep breath, summoned the present for her friend, the reason she was in the gardens in the first place. "What is that?" Karlheinz asked as his eyes laid on the small box. "This is a gift for Christa, Your Majesty." Angelica explained.
"A gift? And you couldn't have left it with the others because. . . .?"
Angelica had gotten rather embarrassed, but decided to just get it over with. After all, Karlheinz is Christa's fiancé after all, so it shouldn't be a big deal telling him this, right?
"It's. . . .it's a replacement of an old item of hers that she lost during our school days." Angelica revealed.
"?" Karlheinz waited for her to explain further, which Angelica did. "When we were roommates, Christa had this rose pendant that she wore all the time. It was one of her most treasured items," Angelica said, a small smile appearing on her face as she remembered their time at the academy.
"Unfortunately, she lost it right before our class graduation. I remember how saddened she was, the poor thing. Luckily, It was rather easy for me to recreate, since the design was easy to remember and the materials weren't difficult to find."
When Angelica looked up from the gift box and back at Karlheinz, and was surprised to see that the Vampire King had a small look of shock on his face. "Your Majesty? Are you alright?"
"I. . . .I'm fine, my dear it's just. . . .it's rather uncommon for a demon to show such human emotions." was Karlheinz's response.
"Oh. . .well, I suppose you can thank my father for that. He's a human." Angelica told him.
The revelation was very much shocking for the Vampire King, Angelica could tell that much. After all, it was practically unheard of for a demon to be raised by a human in Eden.
"You were. . . .hold on a second. Tell me, were you a student at Nevermore Academy?" Karlheinz questioned.
"Yes, I was." Angelica answered, a little confused. What did this have to do with what she told him?
"Then. . . .are you by any chance An-"
"Angelica? Are you here?" a soft feminine voice called out. A familiar one at that.
Christa emerged from the shadows, wearing an extravagant white silk dress that seemed to be encrusted with rubies and pearls, a matching necklace and earrings, white heels, and a white lace veil.
But what truly caught Angelica's attention was that right next to Christa was a large human-sized wolf with royal blue fur. Angelica, however, wasn't afraid of the wolf, as she knew who the wolf was. In fact, she was actually quite happy to see him.
The green eyed wolf's ears perked up, and he immediately ran up towards Angelica, shifting from wolf into man in the process.
"Mein Engel!" Wolfgang exclaimed, embracing Angelica. "It's so good to see you again!"
"I'm happy to see you too, Wolfie," Angelica said. As soon as he released her from his embrace, Angelica noticed that Karlheinz and Christa were both staring at them, though the two white haired vampires had different reactions.
Christa was looking at them with an adoring expression while Karlheinz simply looked confused. "Oh, my apologies, Your Majesty." Angelica said, an embarrassed look on her face. "This is my husband, Wolfgang. He's the son of Lord Gottfried."
"Ah, I see." Karlheinz said, the confusion now gone. "I remember seeing you at my meetings with the other clan leaders, though if I remember correctly, you were much smaller then."
"Oh, well I-"
"Angie? What's that in your hand?" Christa asked, hoping that she had prevented things from getting awkward between her fiancé and Angelica's husband.
"Oh! It's a gift that I wanted to give to you," Angelica said. The pink haired woman walked up to the blushing bride and gifted her the small box. Christa opened it and gasped when she saw what the box was containing. "Angie, how did you- -I thought I lost it!" Christa said, doing her best not to tear up.
"Well, I couldn't locate the original, so I had to create a new one from scratch." Angelica explained. "Do you like it?" "Like it? Angie, I love it!" Christa exclaimed as she embraced her silver eyed friend. "Thank you so much!" Angelica smiled as she returned her friend's hug. "You're welcome, Christa."
As the two women let each other go, they both failed to notice that Karlheinz was staring at the two. Well, at Angelica, to be accurate. This continued up until Wolfgang reminded everyone to head back to the wedding so the ceremony could begin.
Even when he and Christa recited their vows, the older male couldn't get the pink haired woman out of his mind.
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Gabriel Amor (Angelica's father: The Witch King & current head of the Amor family)
For those wondering, while Gabriel is a human, he is also an immortal witch, so he's around the same age as Karlheinz, Burai, and Giesbach if he was still alive.
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Camilo Amor (Angelica's brother: The middle triplet)
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Victor Amor (Angelica's brother: The youngest triplet)
For those wondering, this is how I imagined what Christa's pendant looks like. I wanted it to evoke Christa's "White Rose" nickname.
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Hope this turned out well! What do you guys think?
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creation-key · 1 year
Drunken Calls
Part 2
Synopsis: accidentally confessing while laughing
Warnings: drinking mentioned, barely any cussing, mostly pure fluff/ maybe angst?
a/n: I don’t have any original ideas, that i want share 😏, so i have stolen this prompt from @mangocherri , thank you love for the inspo! And if I completely butchered it and you want me to take this down, I so will, don’t even worry about it. enjoy, we’ll at least try to 🥸
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It’s Saturday night? morning? you don’t even know at this point anymore. Your best friend Sierra took you out that night to celebrate your doctorate’s degree in Psychology.
You’re not much of a party girl on your own, but when with the right people, you never want to sleep. And that is exactly what you’re experiencing in the present, only now, you’re sipping on some fruit drink, the taste of alcohol no longer prevalent because of how much you’ve consumed that night already.
You’ve all gathered at your house for the after party, you called it, which was really your smart sober part of your brain, long gone now, trying to keep everyone from driving home. With the night still young , it’s 2 am, you’re talking up a storm, just really spilling the beans on every secret you’ve ever had, including your crush on your sister’s boyfriend.
Everyone having already sobered up and drinking water gasp, granted it’s only 4 people, including yourself, but the gasp sounded otherworldly to your intoxicated brain.
Not fully understanding what you had just admitted to, you yawn saying you’re gonna “hit the hay,” you wink, for literally no reason at all, and stumble your way to your bedroom, tripping over air at least 27 million times.
You reach your room and plop down on your bed face down, completely ready to just fall asleep like that until your phone, which you had forgotten about, starts to ring loudly. You groan, begrudgingly getting up to answer it.
“hEllor?” You slur out, reaching for a bottle of water half drunken on your night stand, in hopes of quenching your thirst.
“Hey, y/n, wait are you drunk?” The unknown person says.
“No, this is Patrick,” You laugh, dying at your joke, slapping your knee for extra effect. You set the phone face up on your bed, pressing the speaker button.
“Well I guess that answers that, there’s no way sober you would such an awful joke.” The person on the other line giggles.
“Heyy, watch it mister whoever you are. I can and will kick your ass. You know I know karate?”
“Oh really?” Mystery man asks.
“Yep, my best friend Harry taught me once. Do you know Harry?”
“Yeah, I’d say I know him pretty well, he’s kind of a goof isn’t he?” The man questions.
You laugh out loud at that, responding in between laughter.
“Yeah he’s a goof, but that’s why i love him. He’s unapologetically himself no matter the situation. You know sometimes I think I relate to the Schuyler sisters more than I’d like to.” The man on the other line takes in a sharp breath, before moving around asking shakily,
“why is that?”
“Because sometimes I wish I had been satisfied and never introduced him to my little sister, oh well, at least i still have him in life. Maybe I’ll meet a rich man like Angelica and move across the sea only seeing them on major holidays and vacations! Yeahhh, that’d be ideal.” You sigh at the end, it quickly turning into a yawn, after hearing no noise coming for the other end you assume the man has gone to sleep, so you bid your goodbyes, hanging up the phone and going to sleep.
The Next Morning~
You wake up in the morning with a sticky taped your head- it reads
“Hey girl, we all left as soon as Harry arrived, don’t worry we called ubers just in case. Had fun last night, also about that little secret, it’s safe with us little miss doctor, Love you and can’t wait to do this again!”
You laugh, throwing the sticky note on your bedside table, sitting up straight only to be hit with a ton of bricks to your mental. Memories from the night before come flooding back as well as the mention of Harry being in your house, recalled from the sticky note. Getting up, warily, you make your way to the shower and get ready for the day, you put on pajamas.
Hoping that you’d taken long enough in the bathroom for Harry to have left, you make your way downstairs, only to be met with a nervous smiling Harry eating pancakes and fruit at your table.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked with a worried look.
You look back at him embarrassed, but answer
“oh, i’m okay, just a little tired, and my head’s hurting, but i already took some medicine.”
“Do you, um- do you remember anything from last night?” He looks down at his plate.
You know with your own plate sitting across from him at the table.
“Uh yeah, all of it actually, in fact, this is so funny really, just as I was about to go to sleep some guy, i think, called me, but i never read his contact name so i had no clue who it was, plus the alcohol kind of distorted their voice so i couldn’t tell, anyways, I had a whole conversation with him.” You laugh as you recall the memory, giggling a little at end at yourself for being so silly as a drunk.
“What did you guys talk about?” Harry asked, his eyes now glued to the sink faucet.
“Oh nothing much, talked about karate and just spilled my deepest darkest secrets to him. Are you okay?” You look at him worried.
“Um, yeah. Why do you ask?” Him still not looking at you.
“Because you haven’t made eye contact with me since I walked in, and even then, it was only for a moment. What’s going on?” He looks up you and then back down at the floor, as if pondering what to say next.
“I love you too. I always have, honestly if I’m being completely transparent, I think that’s why I started dating your sister, I mean you guys are just so similar but so different in your own ways, but I just couldn’t learn to love the differences in her. And I know that sounds bad, but I cant ignore what i’ve been yearning to hear from you from the moment we met and not tell you how i’m feeling.” He takes a breath at the end.
You stare at him, trying to comprehend his words, trying to understand where he could have gotten this from, and the only thing that comes to mind is-
“It was you… you were on the phone last night. Weren’t you?” He nods. You stand up, almost knocking your chair over before backing up into a corner.
“y/n we can go somewhere, just us, a date. It doesn’t have to be weird love promise. I already talked to your sister, she under-“
You interrupt him-
“Harry i can’t do that to my sister. If you love me like you say you do, you know that i can’t and will not. I was fine with being in love with you in secret. And you told her? Why would you do that, you were both so happy. Always smiling. I can’t, please. Leave.” He starts shaking his head getting up to approach you.
“Harry leave before I lose it. I can’t do this right now, or ever. Please.” He opens and closes his mouth, defeated he leaves.
You fall to the ground, cupping your face to hold back your sobs from being heard from outside your door, where you sure Harry is waiting for you to let him back in. But you can’t-
you won’t.
thoughts on a part 2, i enjoyed writing the angst hehe
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gothikangelica · 2 years
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This was done recently. My best vampire, Alucard!
Up until now, Alucard only had one decent fanart, which was one of the prompts for 2021's Goretober on DA. It's still good, if I am to be honest. But it needed more. So I grabbed my stuff, brainstormed and there we go. ^^ I was in a dilemma which form I would give him, the default or Level 1. To end it, I split him in both forms, like he's slowly transforming himself. Added his shadows as well the Hellhound. And of course, not forgetting his famous Casull.
Boy am I satisfied with this piece! I really hope it made Alucard justice.
Print available!
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sallysavestheday · 11 months
Another Year Under the Bridge
Thanks to everyone who sent in prompts for my birthday drabble collection (and a couple of additional friends who didn't ask but get one anyway). Enjoy your little bites of cake in The Slow Roll of the Years.
@grey-gazania @eilinelsghost @polutrope @spiced-wine-fic @thelordofgifs @antares0606 @melestasflight @tathrin @searchingforserendipity25 @cuarthol @anerea-lantiria @dreamingthroughthenoise @zealouswerewolfcollector @angelica-ramses @trash-birbs-hoard
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remvamp · 9 months
i start school soon so please be patient with whatever i end up drawing !!
@jazzyjayjay came up with most of these prompts :3 <333
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