#anf donnie
autumnmoon15 · 22 days
While everyone is saying goodbye to each other, The Wrong Side of the Portal Mikey and Michelangelo from cabin 10 approach you!
They... don't seem upset like everyone else.
"Want some stickers?" Michelangelo asks, holding out a bunch of stickers for you to choose from. "We have enough."
"They glow in the dark!" Mikey cheerfully added, bouncing on his heels. "Like our magic! To remember us."
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"Thanks! We'll treasure these." Seina added while holding the stickers in her hands.
Meanwhile, in the background. Mikey was putting a few stickers on Raph while Mikey had a bunch of stickers on him, and Leo had some stickers on him while he was forcing Donnie to put stickers on him, even though Donnie was pulling away from him.
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ezgurple · 10 months
I thought it was so cool that other people were drawing there ocs with your boys so I ended up trying with my own turtles! I really love your au and your art style!
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YOUR RAPH LOOKZ AWESOME 🤬ANF YOUR DONNIE IS A ROBOT!?!!?! MY BRAIN BLEW UP. now i wanna draw more of them together. im sorry my don ripped your donni’z hed off…🤦 he can be so weird sometimes
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I was wondering if you're doing requests and if so can we have some headcannons of mob Raph having and raising a baby with him? I also saw that you had one for mob Donnie and you recently did one for Mikey, I'm a sucker for big angry men being soft with babies
Love this idea, now I just need someone to ask for raising a little one with Mob! Leo and it will be complete!
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Having/raising a baby with Mob! Raph
the first thing that comes to mind- doting.
this man will wait on you hand a foot when you're pregnant
you have to tell him to back off a little bit
he didn't even flinch when you told him you were pregnant, he had baby fever forever and always so he was ready
he gets you every pregnancy craving anf keeps a list of your favourite ones
he tries them too, obvs
because he's such a foody
he plays music for your belly in the later stages of pregnancy because he was told it's good for their developemtn and rubs gives your belly a kiss after he gives you one every time he sees you
and when that baby comes....
He may be a hardass but that kid could do no wrong in his eyes
even during the terrible 2's when they're hitting out and throwing tantrums every 2 minutes he's calm and collected
they are the apple of his eye, well and truly
his fears start to show when they're schooling age, however
because he's worried about bullying and such
but he figures he'll get ahead of it first
trains his kid
"And what do we do if someone calls you a name?"
"get them in the bathroom later where there are no witnesses!"
"that's correct!"
and you're overhearing this like "Raphael what the fuck are you teaching our child that for???"
the *most* protective pappa anyone could ask for
he is feared at parent-teacher evenings
because no one wants to tell him that his kid is kind of mouthy
((wonder where they get it from...))
or that they gave a teacher a black eye
the teacher was in their personal space, though, and yelling
he was proud of them for that as well, excited his kid was "moving up a weight group" as he put it, and getting into fights with adults
he's a force to be reckoned with as a father
he's not super strict, either, but he does have certain rules
and gods help those kids if they try and push back against his authority
he'll take a lot of shit from them, but 0 disrespect
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
More O'Neil Technologies thoughts
Irma will of course still be boy/girl crazy. Maybe I will even think about some people for her to date.
Also more importantly she will randomly be like "I could do that" about the craziest things. Like I mean for a certain thing they're designing they're working with miners because they need this very specific mineral and it turns out it is usually mined unethically and so now they have a social justice side quest which they will approach by designing safer means but they are also in touch with the mining company's union and yeah anyway it's a whole side quest. And Irma is very involved because it's all very administrative, but the whole time she's very clueless because of all the technical language, following April around like 'what did he say? why are they upset? oh did we make the deal are we done? no? ah beans. well when's lunch'
But at the end of it when things start working out, what all she's been observing starts to sink in and she's like 'I could be a miner'
And other just random things like that. Leatherhead has her help him hold Timothy still to put a bandaid on him Once and she's like 'I am a medical assistant :)'
idk I'm thinking about Super Irma and Donatello's Degree and I just love an Irma who is a healthy daydreamer and a little bit full of herself.
April is used to this from their college years, deeply admires it actually, her general response is like 'cool keep me updated.' Casey takes everything anyone at O'Neil Tech says seriously except for Timothy anf the Neutrinos, so he's often scratching his head like 'is Irma quitting?? Oh no I get it she's just moving departments! Do we have a, uh, mining department?'
Donny gives her heck about it. Of course at first he's a polite little sweetheart but as he gets to know her and starts to feel more comfortable in his role as technically-her-boss, these two are going to banter so much
Irma: I think I could be a scientist
Donny: Sure, I'll train you right after Timothy becomes a ninja.
Irma: Thanks! I--wait a minute
Donny: lol
Irma: I could be a truck driver.
Donny: You know you'd be driving your own truck, not in the passenger seat next to the hunky men, right?
Irma: Hey, leave me alone. It's easy for you, you already have a cool car and a hunky girlfriend.
Donny: I'll build you a truck if you stop daydreaming on the clock (he jests)
Irma: I'll call HR on you
Donny, deadpan: No, please, don't, I'm terrified of mutants.
Irma 😈: I'll tell him how many coffees you had today.
Donny, suddenly sincere: No wait please don't call Leatherhead--I was just kidding honest go back to daydreaming I'll leave you alone.
Irma, picking up the phone
Donny: I'm going I'm going!
Irma: You know, I could probably learn acupuncture. Do you think I could learn acupuncture?
Donny: I'm sitting on pins and needles
Irma: But do you think I could?
Donny: I'm glad I have a shell
Irma: I could probably be a politician.
Donny: A politician? Are we that miserable to work for? Do we need to negotiate a raise?
Donny: Wait let me guess.. it was the men in suits 😑
Irma: You don't understand his teeth--
Donny: Aaahshd I don't wanna hear this!
Irma: They literally sparkled like a cartoon character~
Donny: You need to raise your standards.
Irma: I want a 15% raise.
Irma: What? I'm raising my standards :3
Donny, squinting: Well-played, Langenstein. Well-played
('No but seriously,' he will say later, 'We need you in the role you're in. You could easily be a politician or even a miner probably, but we'd be losing an administrator with unmatched negotiation skills, the ability to pick things up quickly, stay level in any kind of situation--we can't afford to lose you.'
'Alright alright I'm not going anywhere. But do feel free to tell me anytime how invaluable I am to the company.'
Harold, watching the exchange: 'Well Donny certainly can't negotiate')
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
aaaa thank you! thats so nice to hear!!
im glad your as crazy over him as i am lol
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Wow the adopted Dee au got angsty really quick. A while ago you said about Dee and Raphie carrying Leon around a lot. Are there any others that would see that anf want to join in the game of “don’t let Leo’s feet touch the ground”?
I mean, Adopted Donnie has always been the more angsty of the two adopted aus, its just a little more so during movie events, especially it's apocalypse timeline. (i honestly think, out of all the different apocalypse timelines i got, Adopted Donnie probably has the most angsty one. though seer twins is a very close second.)
but, on a lighter note! I could see uncle Mike trying to get in on the game, but he literally can't b/c either Raphie or Dee is always holding hiim. (though, if he did manage to join the 'carry leon around" game, i could see him turning it into a chase like game as he and Leon team up to not let Raphie or Dee catch them lol)
Thank you!
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 9 months
Lee Raph :D
day 17, Just chill
Summary: Its Winter wich means more robberies and since Raph is burned out the others decide to "chill" out the snapping turtle.
A/n: Lee Raph? You got it👍and sorry this is AGIAN rushed 😭. T-CEST AND PRO SHIPPERS DNI. Everyone else ENJOY!!
Lee: Raph.
Ler: Leo, Donnie, Mikey
Warningd: tickles, Fluff, comfort anf begin burned out! Enjoy!
Loud bangs and groaning are heard from the training room where Raph is training on a training dummy with his powers while the younger turtles peeked from the corner. Looking at the oldest turtle in concern. Raph was starting to overwork himself with the day and night shifts, fighting crime is no such easy thing. Especially when it's holidays, crime RISES when it's snow - show time (pun intended) and Raph is always there, patrolling and beating crime. So naturally the younger brothers are concerned. So they plan to somehow talk to Raph and try to make him see, that Raph is burning himself out.
The younger brothers sneak from behind Raph, ready to talk to them. Before the oldest brother said.
❤️: Guys. I know you guys are behind me.
Raph said before turning around and looking at them curiously but also a bit annoyed for them to interrupt his training. The 3 turtles looked at their older brother before the red slider said.
💙: Hii Raph uh um we need to talk about your...stink-
❤️:What stink?-
🧡:Your burn stink, you're burning yourself out Raph!
❤️:What?? No!! Raph is fine!!
Raph said crossing his arms as Donnie butted in.
💜:But brother this week you fought off 78% more criminals alone then with us. Which is a LOT dear brother.
🧡:Yea Raph are you fine??
❤️:*scoff* Raphs fine!
Raph scoffed rolling his eyes and turning around to the training dummy. The younger turtles knew he woudnt open up to them unless they did something, so, Mikey had a idea, he used his chains to stop Raph from punching the dummy and pulled him onto the floor before getting on top of him and starting to scratch the turtles neck making Raph giggle.
❤️:Whaha??? Hehhey!! StHoHOHopp!!
By then the twins joined in, Donnie tickling Raphs shell while Leo tickled his sides. Making Raph start hysterically laugh and snort.
💙:We won't stop til you tell us what's been bothering you!!
Raph laughed out loud, the younger trio stopped looking at him for a explanation as Raph explained.
❤️:You see...it's just...I feel like more responsibility is now on us since we got day shifts but the thing is I don't whant you guys to over work yourselves so Raph decided to beat most of the guys alone so you guys whould have fun doing your things!...
💙:Awww Raph but we'd love to help! Besides, if we work together it's less work for everyone! And it's best not to overwork yourself!
🧡:Yea! Raph. We love and appreciate you brother! But you need to think about yourself to cause overworking yourself won't help!
💜: Yea what they said!
❤️:*Sigh*...thanks guys...
Raph then hugged them all in a big bear hug.
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mutant-munchies · 6 months
I come with even more questions (becuz im mentally unstable)
do any of ur turtlz have any sort of disablity?
wut r their agez?
r their kraang in ur universe and/or shreddr?
how would ur guyz react to arrow :3
1. They do, Raph has dyslexia specifically as well as well as anxiety
Leo has PTSD which caused her insomnia
Mikey has vision problems
Donnie would have scoliosis and uses walking canes
2. Im not good with giving characters ages lol but Leo would probably be 17 about, Raph and Donnie being about 15-16 and Mikey being around maybe 5-6
3. Both Kraang anf Shredder are in my interation/au yeah‼️neither are "the good guys" lol
4. All of them would react differently
Mikey would be the most interested in talking to them/being friends and probably want to touch their hair(he likes hair lol)and be very social
Leo would be cautious but try to be respectful and friendly
Donnie and Raph would be more distant, Raph would talk more but probably be snappy/seem annoyed. Donnies not very social around people physically so they'd have to talk to Donnie first lol
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xxj4zzxx · 8 months
„Keine Sorge. Ihr könnt euch auf mich verlassen.“ antwortete April zuversichtlich. „Und du dich auf uns.“ sagte Karai zu ihr. April umarmte uns alle zum Abschied. Und wir küssten uns kurz. Wir machten uns bereit und gingen durch das Portal.
Dad und ich warteten im Hauptquartier auf die Jungs und die anderen. Wir konnten uns keine Minuten entspannen. Er versuchte mich zu beruhigen, da er bemerkte das ich mir anfing Sorgen zu machen. Doch nichts funktionierte. Es sind bereits 4 Stunden vergangen seit Sie aufgebrochen sind und noch immer habe ich keinen Anruf von Donnie erhalten das ich das Portal öffnen soll. Langsam konnte ich nicht mehr warten. Ich beschloss ihnen zu folgen und selbst durch das Portal zu gehen und sie zu suchen. Doch bevor ich auch nur das Portal öffnen konnte bekam ich einen Anruf von Donnie. „April, öffne das Portal! Schnell!“ schrie er durchs Telefon. Ohne zu antworten öffnete ich sofort das Portal. Nach wenigen Sekunden kamen Sie alle durch. „Schließen, schließen, sofort das Portal schließen!“ schrie Raph aufgebracht zu mir. Schockiert tat ich das was er mir sagte und schloss sofort das Portal. Erleichtert und erschöpft atmeten Sie. „Was ist passiert?“ fragte ich Sie schockiert. Sie sahen nicht gut aus. Sie hatten wohl einen schweren Kampf hinter sich und hatten einiges einstecken müssen. „Tigerclaw und die anderen haben sich mit Crang Primus verbündet. Sie haben neue Waffen und sind stärker geworden. Sie waren ebenfalls auf der Suche nach deiner Mum.“ erklärte Leo mir. „Habt ihr Sie gefunden? Oder wisst ihr wo Sie ist?“ fragte ich sie hoffnungsvoll. „Leider nicht aber das gut ist das die Crang und Tigerclaw Sie auch nicht gefunden haben.“ antwortete Cassy mir. „Hauptsache ihr seit alle noch am Leben und zurückgekommen.“ sagte ich voller Hoffnung zu ihnen. Ich ging zu Donnie und umarmte ihn erleichtert. Er stöhnte vor Schmerz auf als ich seinen Arm berührte. „Aua.“ stieß er aus. „Was ist los?“ fragte ich ihn und sah mir seinen Arm genauer an. „Alles gut. Er ist nur Überbeansprucht.“ antwortete er mir und spielte seinen Schmerz herunter. Sein Arm war voller blauer Flecken ich bewegte ihn ein bisschen um zu sehen wie Donnie wirklich reagiert. Es schmerzte ihn und er stieß wieder ein „aua.“ Aus. „Der ist nicht nur überbeansprucht, dein Arm ist komplett verstaucht.“ sagte ich zu ihm und holte sofort ein Kühlpack für ihn und ein Verband. Mein Dad, Shini und Karai halfen den anderen sie zu verarzten. Shini und Karai schien es noch einigermaßen gut zu gehen. „April, das ist nichts wirklich. Das geht bis morgen wieder weg und dann können wir weiter nach deiner Mum suchen.“ sagte Donnie zu mir. „Donnie dein Arm ist verletzt das bedeutet du kannst nicht mit deinem Bo Stab kämpfen und wir anderen sind auch ziemlich angeschlagen. Wir können morgen nicht weitersuchen. Wir müssen zuerst unsere Wunden versorgen und heilen. So leid es mir tut April aber wir müssen erstmal abwarten.“ erklärte Leo mir und Donnie. „Du hast Recht Leo ihr müsst euch erstmal ausruhen. Ich bin nur froh das es euch sonst allen soweit gut geht." sagte ich verständnisvoll zu ihnen. Ich verband Donnie‘s Arm und gab ihm ein Eisbeutel. „ April, wir haben an den Koordinaten von Dr. Rockwell das hier gefunden.“ sagte Donnie zu mir und übergab mir eine Halskette. Mein Dad kam zu mir und sah sich die Kette an. „Das ist die Halskette von deiner Mutter. Ich hatte Sie ihr zum Geburtstag geschenkt. Schau mal nach man müsste die Kette öffnen können.“ erzählte mir mein Dad. Ich sah mir die Kette genauer an und fand an der Seite ein kleinen Verschluss. Ich öffnete die Kette und mein Dad und ich sahen uns zusammen den Inhalt an. In der Halskette befand sich ein altes Familienfoto von uns, worauf ich sechs Jahre alt war. „Das Foto haben wir an deinem 6 Geburtstag aufgenommen.“ erzählte mein Dad traurig. Ich unterdrückte meine Tränen doch wurde zum Glück von einem kleinen Gerät abgelenkt. Ich nahm es aus der Halskette heraus und zeigte es den anderen. „Was ist das?“ fragte ich in die Runde. „Das sieht aus wie ein USB Stick nur als Crang Version.“ sagte Donnie. Ich holte sofort seinen Laptop und steckte den Stick ein. Wir setzten uns auf die Couch und alle anderen versammelten sich um uns. Zum Glück hatte Donnie damals einen Anschluss für die Kommunikation-Kugel gebaut.
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autumnmoon15 · 1 month
A purple spider-like mutant with fluffy hair and green eyes gestured to a clothing rack full of fancy and sparkly clothes
"Hello Darling(s)! Would you care to try my new designs?" He asks with a smile
A blonde haired slider mutant smiles and says "They're so pretty you'll LOVE them!!" Spoke
Space tour Kumo from Cabin 8 offers you some of his latest designs to try on!
"Gasp! Of course I would try it, is that even a question?" Donnie replied.
"That was literally a question, Donnie." Seina in the background added.
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Threw up in front of toy donnie and and all anf it's like ah that's embarrassing.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[2k3 Don and Raph; I feel Don will immediately regret this uwu]
It had been at least a couple of days since Master Splinter had given him ‘the talk’, and yet, Donatello was still embarrassed as all Hell about it. He had even avoided the kitchen in that time, leaving him cranky without his coffee
There was only so long he could go without it though. Venturing to the kitchen, he was relieved to only see Raphael in there. Sighing out, Donatello strolls in, heading straight for his precious coffee machine,
“I’m glad it’s just you and I Raph, Donatello casually comments as he looks for his mug, “Last time, Master Splinter found me alone, and gave me the birds and the bees talk…”
He leaned back against the counter, waiting for the coffee to heat up. It’s then be noticed the silence, and he felt his heart sink. Looking to Raph with wide eyes, he swallowed,
“Please tell me I’m not the only that he’s spoken too about that.”
Oh, him and his big mouth!
Ignoring whatever Raph was telling him, Donatello opted to instead unplug their coffee machine. Gathering it and his mug up, not worrying about the potential burns he may get from doing this, he begins leaving, grumbling,
“I’m taking this with me and never leaving my lab again.”
| Muse Interaction
Despite them all growing up with Splinters strict bed time schedule only Leo seemed to take to it the best. In that he at least kept to a more stable bed time. Mikey could be hit or miss but he was pretty much somewhat on a routine himself. But, they could both be early risers despite it. Donnie and Raphael could be more the night owls Donnie less seeing how they went days with out sleep altogether. So running into each other wasn't that uncommon Raph on his way to sneak out only to find Donnie going on day three of no sleep.  And well some nights were Raph telling them to ‘go the fuck to sleep’ other had them up chatting to each other being the only ones alive to the world at the time.So when Donnie had been recently holed up in his lab eh Raphael didn’t think much of it. This is why the coffee pot was kept in the kitchen however even if Don was partly the only one who ever drank the stuff. Leo and Splinter preferred tea. Mikey never needed it and Raph only drank it with Donnie.
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“And out from the lab comes the resident brain Stine.” Raph goes to greet his brother as he was leaning up against the counter “Don’t seem like the coffee has seen any use for a bit was startin’ ta think you might be passed out in the lab.” He was kidding but seeing Donnie finally stumble out of said lab did bring some relief. And of course the first thing Donnie went for was the coffee pot, Raph just let a faint smile show on his beak turning to the side to open up the cardboard where they kept the coffee to grab it for them. Handing over the canister towards his twin. And they went anf got the pot up and going now.
“I’m glad it’s just you and I Raph”
“yeah? Why's that?” Not that Raph minded the sentiment or didn’t return it even. Heck, their nights together were often his favorite. Not that he would admit that out loud, but it was the truth. As Donatello went looking for his mug Raph, moving back to how he was resting against the counter. Curious about what lead to Don hiding away this time. Didn't seem lole some personal project from that bit alone.
“Last time, Master Splinter found me alone, and gave me the birds and the bees talk…”
Oh. Now Raph normally would smirk and rejoice in one of his brothers' pain over that. However, instead, his eyes widen a bit as he just looked at Donnie their own eyes suddenly widen like looking into a mirror as they shared the expression.
"He gave yas the talk?"
“Please tell me I’m not the only that he’s spoken too about that.”
"Well... not exactly." Raphael commented on. He also had the joy of getting that talk worse because Splinter sat Casey down along with him. He would have rather it just been him why did he have to rope them into sure was nice he knew Splinter liked Casey and saw them as family even but that had to be the worst day if Raphael's life to this very moment
"Yeah I don't blame ya hidin' away 'ike ya 'ave. I dipped outta her a few weeks myself-" cut off when he picks up on all the noises going on beside him in that very moment. Turning to watch Donatello the usual more level headed of the group currently unplugging the coffee machine from the wall. Gating the thing up into his arms along with his mug in hand. Raph haven't even noticed when the pot finished brewing let alone when donnie got his mug made up.
"Hey are ya brain dead from the lack of coffee ya gonna burn yourself that things too hot!." Raph jumped to scold and hated it because he sounded like fucking Leo when he did it.
“I’m taking this with me and never leaving my lab again.”
Donnie grumbled back, oh look they really were twins. Raph rolled his eyes and huffed before going and grabbing at his twins arm. More to keep the top of the machine from getting to close to Donnie from how they were lugging the thing around.
"Oh come on Don, it ain't that bad jeez and ya already got 'the talk'what more could Splinter do now? Stop bein' a wuss and man up." As if Raph had any room to talk considering how he himself ran off after getting that same talk from thier father. But, he chose to ignore that because this wasn't about him anyway. Working on getting the machine out from Donnies hold. Because if he had one in his lab, they really would not see Donnie as much as they do now.
"I will break it don' think I can't or won't." Of course he could, and of course, he would find a way to make it happen. Carful to pull the manchie back so the top was angel away from both of them before he set it back to the counter, careful to push it back into place. "Man ya got me soundin' 'ike Splinter Jr over here now."
It's hard to say which Raphael was more upset about.
"Jeez it ain't the end of the world sometimes Don you can be the most dramtic turtle. Even more than Mikey an' thats saying somethin'. Now stop bein' an idiot and just sit down and drink your sludge."
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hi! can u write for rottmnt boys plus april when their boyfriend who lost an arm runs at them and picks them up with ease? boyfriend is also really tall and strong, able to carry all turtles and splinter easily and like donnie, they're into making inventions and super charming, chill and flirty? thank u!!!!!
A/n: I love the rise April she's definitely a lot better then the 2012 one by a lot. Thank your for requesting
Summary: your pick up the boys plus April with one arm and with ease
He didn't how what happened but you were really happy
You had come to the lair and was super excited
This had happened before but what you did will forever keep him up at night in a good way
You had come rushing towards him and he opened his arms expecting a hug
But when you wrapped your arm around and lifted him up like a he was paper
He was blushing
And holding on
But you had a good hold on him and you were tall enough to have a long enough arm that full wraps around leos waist
He was there very flustered and holding on
But he secretly wanted you to do it everyday
He was just chilling In the lairs kitchen minding his own business
When you walked in
Now it's normal for you to hug mikey from behind when he's cooking but you have never done this before
You wrapped your arm around his waist and lifted him into a hug with ease
Mikey let out a shocked gasp before laughing
He has a ticklish waist so he was laughing like crazy
But this isn't the first time you tickled him on accident
One day you were making something at your places and mikey came over
You had wrapped your arm around his waist and pulled him to you giving him a kiss
But he was laughing so that kiss turned into a teeth kiss (yall teeth missing is adorable and I seen someone on tik tok show pictures of it and omg it's amazing)
She was at home watching TV minding her own business
When you opened her door and just walked in
Now she didn't know you were coming so you gave her quite the scare
But she forgive you
She asked why you were their and you just wanted to see her
She was happy you came all the way to her apartment but she was still confused
Until you picked her up in a hug
She blushed a bit
But laughed and wiggled since she's ticklish
Once you put her down she was hugging her sides giggling
But once she calmed down she wanted you to stay for dinner since she too missed you
So he was as usual in his lab working on a project
He didn't expect company at all
Do when he felt a presence behind him he was nervous
His brothers were home and it would be obvious if it was April or hid dad
He completely forgot about you at the moment so he was terrified
He didn't move and when he felt your arm slid across his waist he thought it was the end
But nope you pulled him into a hug while giving him some advice on his project
Since you were also a inventor need your advice was kinda needed
But Donnie wasn't processing anything he was shaking and still scared
So yes you have to calm him down at scaring him so bad
He was in the training room thinking
He had buddy(the foot clan Soldier the one turned good, I can't remember his name so now it's buddy) with him
He wasn't thinking about what to do he was just sitting their in front of raph waiting
But when you walked in buddy's attention turned to you
He said something that raph didn't hear so he didn't pay any attention to it
He was still thinking not noticing how you hugged buddy and was now on your way to him
Raph didn't notice your arm slid across his waist
But he definitely noticed when you lifted him off the ground and into a hug
He let out a surprised gasp
Anf grapped your arm scared you were gonna drop him
But when he calmed down he was a bit frustrated before chuckling
A/n:sorry this took awhile and that mikeys and raphs is quite longer than the rest. I hope you enjoyed
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I've yet again fallen into my tmnt phase, especially Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD!
So, anyway, i just watched the movie, right? And i have headcanons. And while I'm sure Leo is also heavily injured by the end (not in the movie cause movie magic healing, but realistically? Yikes.), i wanna focus on my all time favorite turtle: Raphael.
Did you know turtles can feel pain in their shell? Hey, hey, remember how he was stabbed through said shell? Fun, huh? Also, they showed splattering of blood so i fully imagine he has a wound on his shoulder now. And it wasn't treated for a good while in the movie, so that will hurt to heal. Infection? Ouch.
ALSO! His eye. I fully headcanon him being blind in the eye he had to rip the kraang slime out of. My boy will have to relearn some coordination, anf he will never really see in 3D again. I'm saying this as someone with a prosthetic left eye, you lose an eye, you lose perception of depth. I have to watch glasses from the side when pouring water. 3D movies? 2D for me. It takes a while to start to guess accurately how far things are.
He will also get jumpy from peaple reaching towards his head. He still loves hugs (this iteration is so touchy, i love them), but his face? Not without previous warning and consent. At least for a while.
I've also seen people draw Mikey with scars on his arms from the portal, and am reminded that Raph and Donnie joined in that and it crawled up their hands too.
Anyway, i need more injured!Raph fics, cause i love him, and i love family comfort. Yumm.
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twinkskeletons · 2 years
Sometimes I think a little too much about What a Catch Donnie and Saturday an Kids Aren't Alright anf Pete and oatrick and best friends and soulmates and they just theyyshxjklsnsmlf crying throwing up passing away
i knooww i wish i could find some way to express my thoughts clearer but i just bluescreen if i think abt it for too long like oh my god they found each other and have such a unique relationship and create together and care so much.. 2 decades of bestfriends... no ones doing it like them
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