#andrew when he said that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t blow you:
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palmettios · 9 months ago
at the end of the day, andrew and neil were just two people who matched each other’s freak and i think that’s beautiful
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a-magical-evening · 11 months ago
I was thinking about my ask about Matt and Trey hugging and it kinda does seem like Matt is deliberately avoiding hugging Trey. This is just a guess, I don't really have any info to support this hypothesis. But maybe Trey doesn't like hugging people in general?? Has he hugged someone else before?? I really don't know.
There's a huge chance I'm wrong but maybe Trey doesn't like being hugged so Matt is just respecting his personal space?? It would honestly give more context why Matt gave Trey an air hug instead of walking up to him and hugging him. The hug from Baseketball could be an exception and just him acting. But in social situations he doesn't like it.
I donno do you think this theory has any truth to it?
Ooh, hello again 😊 That’s an interesting theory, and it’s had me pondering all morning! (No worries RE: guessing, providing evidence. It’s fun to think about these things, and look for patterns, especially when we recognise that it’s all speculation.)
First, I’m not sure if Matt’s deliberately avoiding hugging Trey, though I must admit it does appear that way, and if the reason is he’s respecting Trey’s boundaries, I’m totally on board with that. However, there may not have been many opportunities for a genuine hug between them to be captured on film.
A few things come to mind that might contribute to not having visuals of M&T hugs:
Men often aren’t huggers 🤷‍♀️ That could be a sweeping statement, skewed through my cultural lens as a Brit, but at least in my experience, guys don’t hug that much.
The times we get to see M&T are often red carpets, appearances, interviews, documentaries, etc., and those aren’t really conducive to hugging. They wouldn’t hug in greeting, for example, if they’d already hung out backstage or spent the whole day together already. Those types of hugs all probably occur “off camera.”
We’ve got pics of them (most likely) drunk hugging/grabbing each other, so it’s not something they won’t do, but that could further support that hugging doesn’t really come up that often for them in their public appearances.
That being said, other forms of physical touch don’t seem to be off the table for them. As I mentioned in the hug post, they often rest their head on or put their arms around each other, which might contradict the theory that Trey doesn't like being touched.
Related: @behind-the-blow pointed out a moment (that I can't find right now, argh!!) in which Matt touches Trey’s arm as they’re walking onstage to accept an award. It might've been awkward if they’d walked up there and just hugged each other, but Matt's touch conveyed so much while also taking into account that they’re stood before a massive audience.
I feel it’s worth considering too how M&T get physically close with others (besides their partners and children, where hugs are probably a given.) John Stamos immediately comes to mind! I know next to nothing about this man, but he seems to exhibit some sort of gravitational pull that makes Matt and Trey more open to physical proximity. Perhaps that’s just how John is, so it rubs off on those around him. That gives weight to your theory that Trey might not like hugging in general, if it takes someone who's openly tactile to get him into that mindset.
I mean, look at this guy’s power!
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There’s also this lovely pic of Trey with Andrew Rannells that lives in my head rent free.
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It reminds me so much of how Trey cuddles up to Matt in some pictures. It’s physically quite intimate, but again, perhaps not as much as a hug is.
Again, I’ve rambled on 😅, but I definitely think there could be truth in your theory. I could also believe Matt isn’t into hugging, Trey isn’t, or neither of them are, or it's simply not something they’re comfortable doing in public, or it just doesn't come up very often. Either way, it'd make my life if we did get footage of them hugging!!! I've got my fingers crossed we'll get something like that in the upcoming Casa Bonita documentary!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
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swampthingking · 1 year ago
just to add another layer to this—
can you imagine how andrew felt when he not only was getting moved again, but he was going to be under the guardianship of another man. a younger man. not just a foster parent, but a man around the same age as his (supposed) other abusers. definitely around the same age as drake. imagine drake being andrew’s foster parent instead of his foster brother. there would be no one else in that house. not that cass or richard went out of their way to protect andrew, but there would be no need for drake—or andrew’s other abusers—to sneak around.
andrew had no reason to trust nicky—none at all. andrew had no idea what nicky would do for him and andrew, he had no reason to believe there was any good in nicky. especially any good intention to be directed towards andrew, who was a victim of csa by multiple people.
andrew would have been distrustful from the start, and nicky’s kindness and care would have raised his hackles even more, like, i know why you’re being so nice to me. i know what you want from me. andrew’s presumably experienced this song and dance before, the softening before the fatal blow. the grooming before the assault. finding out nicky is gay, and how open nicky is about his sexuality would have 100% added another layer of wariness, maybe even hatred. that could also be why andrew never shared he was gay with nicky or aaron, he didn’t feel safe (he probably felt so much shame in being gay anyways). he didn’t want to put any ideas in nicky’s head.
and on top of that— andrew had just proven his devotion to aaron. he had killed their own mother for aaron, after only a few months of knowing him. andrew, based off of his trauma and experiences in previous homes, probably assumed they were being moved from one abuser to the other. andrew can handle being beaten—he can fight, he can defend himself, he can defend his brother from physical abuse—but sexual abuse? fuck.
he would, we all know andrew would protect aaron from sexual abuse, we saw it after thanksgiving, when andrew said did he touch you? i’ll kill him, and aaron said he’s already dead. but andrew would have blamed himself for life if aaron ever experienced the type of abuse andrew did, especially if it happened while they lived under the same roof. especially if andrew risked getting comfortable and as punishment, wasn’t able to stop it.
i wonder if andrew had laid the groundwork to get rid of nicky if he needed to. if nicky put a hand on aaron, i fully believe andrew would have done what he needed to do. maybe he knew he wouldn’t get away with it for a second time, and maybe he didn’t care.
and nicky’s kindness towards andrew would have been disconcerting, but nicky’s kindness towards aaron? oh. it doesn’t matter that aaron and nicky knew each other before, maybe even grew up together. it doesn’t matter that they’re blood related. it doesn’t matter that aaron knew nicky before he became their guardian, whether they were close or not. it mattered that they were in nicky’s hands, and nicky had taken in two troubled teens, and nobody would believe them if the worst happened.
i can imagine andrew watching nicky’s every interaction with aaron, watching for lingering glances or touches or ‘jokes.’ not allowing aaron to be alone with nicky. being awakened in the middle of the night at either nicky or aaron getting up to use the bathroom, standing at his door until he saw them go back to their own room. he might have waited there a long time, making sure nicky didn’t go into aaron’s room. until he heard snores. maybe he left his own door unlocked just to test if nicky would come in during the night.
i can imagine andrew pushing and pushing nicky, just waiting for him to snap. waiting for nicky to lash out, get violent, get mean, but nicky probably never did. no. nicky probably teared up. nicky probably excused himself and called erik, or cried silently in his room. nicky probably walked away and came back when he was calm, and put on a happy face to make the twins comfortable because nicky knew angry authority figures unsettled them.
and yes, nicky doesn’t know where the boundary lines are sometimes. sometimes nicky says suggestive or even vulgar things, sometimes nicky doesn’t know when to stop, but andrew will always made these lines clear. we saw that canonically. we saw what happened if nicky went too far.
i can see their years living together as a constant trial. and after the first year, maybe andrew untensed infinitesimally. maybe andrew let aaron and nicky alone together (even if andrew’s vigilance never wavered). maybe andrew noticed nicky’s attempts at care, at love, at family. but even after living safely with nicky for years, do you think andrew would ever feel comfortable living under the care of another man? do you think andrew would ever be comfortable surrendering his protection over aaron?
this is why it’s so heartbreaking and, honestly, emotional when andrew chooses neil over aaron. for andrew, i don’t think him choosing neil over aaron was a caring more about one than the other thing. i think it was more i trust you to keep yourself safe, and i do not think they would get there if neil hadn’t made them go to therapy. i do not think andrew would have seen the other side of aaron; just the aaron he met at 16. the addict. the fiend. the abused. the grieving. the hating. he’d never seen the aaron that wanted. that dreamed. that loved. (i can imagine them sitting in therapy, aaron talking about his future, or about katelyn, and he looks fond, or excited, and andrew kinda tilts his head in wonder. seeing fondness and excitement on his face that isn’t his face is uncanny.)
i think andrew would have chosen neil over aaron nonetheless, but i think he would have hated aaron for making him choose between his brother, the man he needs to protect, or the man he wants. the man who makes andrew feel safe. who makes andrew feel protected. who gives it freely.
neil helped andrew see that he is capable of having healthy relationships with people without the need for barters. and i think andrew knew deep down, if he made aaron uphold this deal, aaron would end up resenting him.
andrew had to choose if he wanted aaron in his life and despising him, or if he wanted aaron to make his own decision and risk not being in aaron’s life. not being able to protect him.
in a way, though they chose their partners over one another, they still chose each other. they chose the other’s happiness and in turn, their own. and it was probably hard. it was probably painful to let aaron go, to accept that i did everything i could, and he still might leave me.
i think the twins breaking their deal was their first real moment of trust. they chose brotherhood over being indebted to one another. they chose the other’s choice. they trusted each other to drift apart and come back.
and in the end, aaron stayed in therapy with andrew, without the deal. they take turns going to one another’s houses on holidays.
this would not have been possible without nicky. those years living together in a safe environment allowed the twins to get to know one another, even though it wasn’t the real them (hopefully they learned how to communicate in therapy. hopefully they let their walls down). they accepted that they are brothers and they have to figure out what that means. they couldn’t do that at tilda’s, because it was always protect, protect, protect. life is different when you aren’t constantly in fight-or-flight.
sorry for the long read. nicky hemmick people will always find something to hate on you for but i will always love you
I think Nicky does piss Andrew off, but not because he's loud and dramatic; because he cares.
Nicky cares, and Andrew can't fathom why. When Nicky agreed to come back to be their legal guardian, he barely knew Aaron and had never even met Andrew before. But he put his own needs and happiness aside for the sake of 'family'. Even when they hurt Nicky, emotionally or physically, Nicky never turned his back on them. Out of everyone, Nicky stayed; he didn't even need a deal. He stayed without being asked or demanding anything in return.
Nicky is likely the best parent Andrew has ever had. An eighteen year old with his own trauma and no idea how to be a good parent to two utterly broken teenagers. Part of him is, of course, grateful but the unjustness of this wreck of a boy only three years his senior being the best, most successful and most caring guardian Andrew ever had would make him—justifiably, I think—pissed off.
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that-vampire-loser · 3 years ago
Kevin, after that night back at Eden’s: *looking up what Andrew said to make Neil react like that*
Kevin: *reading* “I hate you, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t…”
Kevin: *slaps his laptop closed*
Kevin: *rewatches old Trojan games so he doesn’t have to think about this*
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 3 years ago
Bad Memories Part Two :)
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A/N: I hope everyone enjoys the second part ! 
@sabrinajenre96 requested  this story ! I hope you like it :) 
The car ride to the bar was silent and you couldn’t help think it was because of your blow out earlier.  
You weren’t usually the one to loose your cool like that but they just brought it out of you. 
You were happy now with Scott happier than you ever been but seeing them together just made your blood boil.
 You just hope Scott didn’t read two much into it. You just kind of shook your head and tried to get those thoughts to disappear. 
All you cared about was just focusing on the case and getting home as soon as possible.  Which you weren’t sure was even possible. I mean this whole thing was a mess. 
You just laid back and closed your eyes. Hoping to just shut your brain off for a minute. 
“Hey Y/N you there come on” Vo said shaking you 
“Are we here already” You asked opening up your eyes looking around. 
“Yea we are look at you slacking on the job” Raines said laughing 
“I wasn’t slacking just hoping i would wake back up and not be here” You said 
“Soon let’s finish this hopefully our CI’s alibi works out and we can prove he’s not our guy” VO said. 
You got out the car and started walking with them into the bar. It was empty with only one older man sitting there. 
Considering it was afternoon there was no one there which made this place seem depressing. 
You walked up to the bar and Vo and raines looked around the place. A bartender finally came out a few minutes later. 
She was a older girl who you could tell worked their sense the day it opened. 
“How can we help you officers” She asked 
“First off all were Special  Agents with the FBI second were not here for any trouble we just need to know if this man was in here the other night it would have been a thursday” You asked showing the pic of Andrew 
“Dont know don’t remember” the lady said not even looking at the picture. 
“Come on were not here to bust anyone up or anything just a yes or no and you won’t hear from us again” you said 
She looked up at you with a look on her face. 
“Yeah he was here I remember he was all alone he was upset about something wouldn’t tell me what” The lady said 
“Do you remember the time he was here and how long” You asked 
“Yeah from 9 to about 11 he was here a while milking his drinks and he was checking his phone a lot” The lady said 
“Thank you” You said 
You walked over to Raines and Vo who were seeing if there were any cameras in the place or anything really. 
“Well the bartender can confirm Andrew was here the time of the murder” You said 
“We don’t see any cameras so the bartender’s abli will have to make do” Raines said 
“Well I don’t see why she would lie to cover for him so we take this back to base and then we start at point one” VO said’
“Yeah there not gonna take our word for it so seems like were gonna have to work this whole case before we go home” You said 
“Come on guys” Raines said 
You all left the bar and headed back to the district.  You just hoped you could take down who ever was responsible for all this.
 You knew Andrew wasn’t involved he did have his run ins with the law but he was never violent. 
You made it back to the district and headed back in. Trudy gave you a look that was hard to read so he heard about what happened. 
You just ignored it and the three of you made your way back upstairs. Everyone was sitting at their desk when you walked in and Scott was talking to Voight and the commissioner who you recognized. 
“Andrew didn’t do it we confirmed his Alibi so where do we start now” You asked 
“Who confirmed his Alibi” Hailey asked 
“The bartender said he was there from 9-11 during the time of the murder so we know he’s not the shooter” Vo said 
“Doesn’t mean he’s not involved somehow” Jay said 
“Come on just admit you got it wrong Andrew is a criminal Yes but he was never violent” You said 
“We didn’t get it wrong we don’t know anything yet” Kevin said 
You tried to compose yourself and not get mad. Understanding that maybe they were just being defensive. 
Vo and Raines noticed the look on your face and could tell something was wrong with you. They just gave you a look like they agreed but let’s not fight. 
“Look we know Andrew didn’t do it so we have to look somewhere else if were going to solve this okay.” You said 
“James your witness said Andrew was involved but he clearly wasn’t so why don’t we vent James and see what else we get” You said. 
Jay was about to say something but then the commissioner , Scott and Voight all walked out and they had a look on their face. 
“So the cop who was wounded he just died so we all need to work together to solve this” The commissioner said 
“Yeah of course” Kim said 
The commissioner walked out and no matter if you were Fed or local a cops death was always rough. 
“What do we got so far” Scott asked 
“Andrew’s alibi checks out so we need to start out at square one I say we take another look at James he clearly knows something” You said 
“What do you guys have on him” Scott asked 
“We know he’s a big dealer selling to soccer moms and even down the food chain” Kim said 
“What about the cop” You asked 
“What about him” Adam asked 
“What was he doing there was he undercover or was he called there” You asked 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean” Adam asked offended 
“Nothing but we need all the facts of the case so it’s just a question” Scott said trying to calm down the situation. 
“He was called there actually” Kevin said 
“By who” Raines asked 
“We don’t know” Jay said 
“What if the person who called in wanted him there can we run the number” Raines asked 
“Yeah give me a second” Hailey said 
You looked over at Scott like something’s not right and he looked back at you like I know. 
“The number came from wow actually James” Hailey said 
“So what if the cop was involved either looking the wrong way or what if James was threatening him” Vo said 
“Either way we know James is involved with this and he was probably the shooter and set our guy up for the fall” Raines said. 
“We need to find James now” Voight said 
“Were go we know where he might be” Jay said 
The rest of the intelligence unit got up and walked out. Voight went with then leaving you and your team alone. 
“So I guess were just not that important” Raines said 
“How do we not know there not out there doing some shady stuff” You said 
“We don’t but honestly at this point I say who cares we got our man what and that’s what we came for” Scott said 
“So what we just leave come all this way to talk to a bartender” Vo said making a point. 
“I know but it feels like what ever we do there going to cut us out of it” Raines said 
“So were the FBI we can solve this and make sure any loose ends are tied up we owe that to Andrew so I say we follow through” You said 
“Are you sure” Scott asked 
“Yeah it seems like to me the case is almost done anyways we know James did it we need to know what happened with the cop and the rest of the loose ends so we dig into him and wait and see if they bring James in” You said 
“Okay let’s do this” Scott said 
You all made your way back to your workspace. Raines sitting next to you and Vo and Scott on the other table. 
You and Raines took the cop and Scott and Vo took James to see if there was anything there. 
Looking into financials and social media the usual works. You were in the financial and Raines took social media which was more his flow. 
Looking at his bank statements and stuff you saw a bunch of despotis all under 5 grand as to not to look suspicious. 
“Guys i got something” You yelled 
“The cop Brian it looks like he was involved there was a bunch of deposits all under 5 grand to avoid detection” You said 
“Yeah it looks like him and James might know each other they went to the same high school same class” Raines said 
“It looks like the Cop might have been protection and help  we got a couple times where some of James's crew was let go without any arrest record” Vo said
“So why kill him” Scott said 
“Maybe Brian wanted out he was up for a detective promotion maybe he wanted a clean slate” Raines said 
“Were know more when James gets here hopefully” You said 
You all went back to work after that trying to build a solid case. About 2 hours later Intelligence came back with James in hand which actually surprised you. 
“Where did you find him” You asked 
“He was out at one of his drug houses hiding out” Kim said 
Kevin walked him back to integration. 
“How about me and Scott take him the two bosses” Voight said 
“Let’s go we found some stuff out while you all were gone” Scott said
They walked back to the integration room.
“What did you guys find” Hailey asked 
“Turns out the Cop and James went to high school together and according to Brian’s financial’s he was despoting 5 grand into his account. 
Some of James's guys also would be picked up and let go without arrest” Raines said 
“Also Brian was up for a promotion so there’s a chance he wanted out and James didn’t agree with that” You said 
“Yeah so it sounds like it’s open and shut then” Jay said in a defensive manner 
 No one really said anything after that. You Raines and Vo were all sitting at one desk together. There was nothing really to be done at this point. 
A little bit later Scott and Voight came out
“With the help of the Fly team and what you all found out we cornered James and got him he copped to the murders to cut a deal” Voight said 
“Andrew is free to go and will be flying out with us” Scott said 
“Great that’s it were all done here” You asked 
“Yeah we’ll have to spend a few days down here dealing with paperwork and waiting for them to process Andrew but then we can leave” Scott said 
“Good maybe we can see a few sights while were here” Raines said laughing. 
“Thank you guys all of you for the help” Voight said 
“Of course” Scott said shaking your hand. 
You all got your stuff from the break room and then headed out. You walked over to Kim and gave her a hug 
“It was good seeing you” Kim said 
“You too don’t be a stranger next time come to Budapest” You said 
“Yeah right” Kim said 
“Come on it’s so pretty but uh let’s grab a beer together before I leave” You said
“It’s a date” Kim said 
You left after that the rest of the team said their goodbyes and followed you out. You all made it down to the rental car when suddenly you heard a name call after you. It was Jay running after you. 
“Hey Y/N can I talk to you” Jay asked 
“Maybe you should” Scott whispered to you
“Yeah sure” You said 
You walked over to him and at first it was super awkward and no one was saying anything. 
“I’m sorry about the way things got handled and I wish i could have done things differently. But I am grateful for the help and you know maybe your find someone” Jay said 
“Yeah well thanks for implications I’m lonely I’m married to Scott and my life in Budapest is amazing I love my team my husband I get to travel and yeah I wish things ended differently too” You said 
“I’m sorry again I didn’t mean to imply you were alone I just uh I’m sorry” Jay rambled 
“Me to but you know what we both have lives know we moved on I probably won’t be back to the states in god knows how long so let’s just move on were good” You said 
“Were good yeah you know good luck out there with everything and I’m glad your happy” Jay said 
“I’m glad your happy to” You said 
Walking away you decided to leave it at that. There was nothing else left to say. You were glad you had the conversation though it felt good to put the past to bed and move on. 
You walked back over to the team who was waiting in the car. 
“So we are going to see the bean downtown then bar hopping” Raines said 
“Oh we are now and how did Scott agree to that” You asked laughing 
“Well i figured there’s nothing left to do until tomorrow so let’s have fun” Scott said 
“I think your rubbing off on him Y/N he’s been a lot more fun sense you guys got married” Vo said 
“Well I try my best to make him happy” You said leaning in kissing him making everyone laugh 
“Okay that’s enough now” Scott said 
“That’s the Scott we know” Raines said 
“Come on let’s go have fun” You yelled 
Everyone cheered after that and you all headed out.
 You were glad you came down not only to help Andrew but it was also the closure you needed. It finally felt like you were able to put the past to bed. 
Now you are ready to have fun, live it up and enjoy some time with your husband and team, the best family you could have ever asked for.
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afriendlyblackhottie · 4 years ago
Dance, Dance
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Summary: there’s been too much going on ever since you started messing around with your best friend.
Pairings: Colin Shea x Black!Best Friend!Reader
Warnings: minors dni, smut, angst, fluff
(A/N: yaaaay it’s done. This was a fun little series. I loved writing it. Titled after the song Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy. Thanks everyone that enjoyed. Like, follow, reblog, and comment ☺️)
»»——————————- ♡ —————-————-««
You didn’t even know it was possible for you to fake smile for this long. As much as you enjoyed doing the whole music thing, industry shit was kind of the worse. You’d been overdue for at least a glass of champagne, but now you needed something stronger like whisky.
Things had been hectic lately. Just getting stuff ready and playing ball. The label that signed you was a smaller offshoot of a bigger one and so now you were here watching Colin take one for the team and schmooze it up since he knew the rest of you hated this part.
It wasn’t like you were bad at the whole thing. It’s just there was only so much you could deal with before finally reaching your limit. And all the old men ogling you was definitely something you could live without.
“Hey,” Ryan, your bass player, greeted as he sat beside you. It was kind of funny seeing the rest of them in suits and shit. You didn’t think they could wear anything but jeans and converse.
Hell for Colin clothing was already optional. Now he was there wearing a suit. Playing the part. And doing it well. You couldn’t lie, though. He looked good as hell. Obviously you weren’t the only one to notice. The woman whispering in his ear right no clearly saw it too.
“Hey,” you said with a sigh. This dress was scratchy as hell, but it was cute. It was probably worth more than your rent so you were really trying to not mess it up. Fuck you felt awkward.
So, yeah things had been a little weird since they’d walked in on you on Colin’s lap. Not that they could see that his pants had been undone from how you were but let’s just say the rest of the band had been doing this thing where they’d been trying to figure out your couple name ever since.
Still you didn’t know how to act around them. Especially since you’d left like your ass was on fire. Unlike with the whole girlfriend thing, the two of you didn’t get the chance to talk even a little after that. It felt like life was pulling the both of you in so many directions what were you even supposed to say. Sure the guys managed to squeeze their jokes in but other than that nothing.
You’d had photo shoots and meetings and just all kinds of shit. Sure this was definitely the life you wanted and you kind of appreciated the distraction. Didn’t mean you wanted to keep living in limbo with him. So it’s not like you’d been avoiding him so much as finding the time to have serious conversations was kind of not there.
At the same time it’s like were you even prepared for whatever he had to say. You don’t give a guy head and then make out with him for him to stop and start with ‘I just don’t think-‘ and expect him to say something not terrible. Especially not a guy like Colin. Even if you were holding out hope.
You knew his track record going into it. Which is why those rules had been in place. You’d been around a thousand Colin’s. You knew how it went. It was hit it and quit it every time. What made you different. If he really wanted to talk he would have. Nothing had ever kept him from telling you dumb shit all the time. Suddenly he couldn’t text?
Whatever. You didn’t even want to care. This was about the music. It was your fault anyway. You’d known better than to get tangled up in him but you’d done it anyway. You’d just have to live with that.
“So what are we doing tomorrow?” He asked.
You shrugged with a sigh. “I dunno. Was just thinking about keeping a low profile. I’m not really feeling it right now.”
Ryan frowned. “You know Colin doesn’t care,” he replied with a chuckle. “You know how he gets.”
“That’s fine,” you replied with a small smile with a shrug, bringing your glass of whiskey up to your lips. Thank goddess for an open bar, though, right. At least that would help you through the night.
“Okay so,” Colin said finally coming over to plop down beside you on a barstool,“how we feeling about an after party?”
You shrugged while him and Ryan started talking it over. If anything you’d probably go back to the hotel but whatever.
You rested your chin on your fists as the boys talked. It’s not that you wanted to be sad girl right now. You should be the happiest you’d ever been and you were but fuck this is gonna sound so lame but you missed your best friend. But no you forgot to wear underwear and now apparently neither of you knew how to act around each other.
“What about you?” He asked. “You know we’re no good without our fearless leader.”
“I thought this was a party,” you said setting your glass down. “I didn’t realize I was leading you into battle.”
Colin chuckled. “Oh it’s us against the world, Baby. There’s always a war.” He winked as he grabbed your glass. Not even phased when you protested and made grabby hands for it. “I’ll get you a new one if you say yes.”
“Eat a dick,” you grumbled then tried to get the bartender’s attention.
“Who pissed in your iced coffee?” He asked with a chuckle. “Come on. It’ll be fun. Better than whatever the fuck this is.” Can’t argue with that.
You shrugged. “I’ll see. I’m kinda tired.”
He pouted. “Don’t be a party pooper. Come on. Don’t you wanna hang with us. Keep us out of trouble.”
“Keep him out of trouble,” Ryan corrected making you laugh.
“Yes. Fine. Keep me out of trouble.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “Come on. I’ll make it worth it.”
“How?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well,” he started as he thought, “I’m already taking you out for breakfast tomorrow so that’s out.”
“You are?” You asked with a chuckle. This was news to you.
“Um, duh,” he said before poking your side. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. It’s not that serious.”
Colin sighed, rolling his eyes. “Come on. I promise it’ll be fun.” He nudged you. Then his face softened. “Do you really not wanna go?”
No, but even though you were irritated with him you still felt like a lovesick puppy. And his eyes had gotten all romantic looking. It was so hard not giving in to him.
That’s how you found yourself out in the New York air. Crossing your arms in front of you. “What’s this?” You asked as you walked up to a limo.
“Our ride,” he said, into your ear.
“Hey, Colin,” the woman greeted him with a smile as she walked passed to get in. “You coming?”
He had the nerve to smile at you all brightly as he grabbed your arm. “Isn’t this cool,” he said as he sat beside her. You on the other side of him. Why didn’t you just go back to the fucking hotel when you had the chance.
The entire way to the party was filled with them laughing and talking. The entire time you were thinking say something, anything, but no you sat there awkward as hell. Ryan and your drummer James were sort of trying to include you while your rhythm guitarist Parker had decided to go to the hotel. You wish you’d just gone with him. You knew that’d be your first mistake.
You hated being in such a sour mood. Especially with so many people around. “You want a drink or something?” Colin asked into your ear, trying to talk over the loud music. You sighed, putting on another smile on as you nodded.
You tried to follow behind him, but this place was crowded. Looking back you saw that Ryan and James were no longer next to you either. Shit. Way to make this situation better, right.
Well Colin was right at least. This was better than that place crawling in suits. You walked along trying to find at least one of the men you came with and you were officially over it. Then you saw the balcony and decided to check out there next.
The fresh air was kind of nice. Maybe you just needed to clear your head for a minute. Hell you were ready to go to bed anyway.
Maybe tomorrow you’ll spend the day in the city. Doing whatever you wandered upon. No thinking about the next few months and how everything’s going to go from zero to one hundred. Not that you weren’t looking forward to it, but for now you wanted to welcome a little bit of peace.
Hopefully there’d be no thoughts about a certain guitar player either. That you doubt, but you could try. You yawned and groaned. Fuck it you’re leaving.
“Of all the people I thought I might see tonight,” a familiar voice said before you could get inside.
That voice made you stiffen. Then you started groaning as you turned to face him. “As if my night couldn’t get any worse. What are you even doing here?”
“What you think you’re the only one that gets invited to parties?” He asked.
When you’d parted from your last band, it wasn’t exactly the nicest situation. You always made your rule clear even if you’d broke it with Colin. Even with him it’s not like he did what Andrew did.
Things had been going okay with them, but it was nothing like now. This time around it felt so real. Like musically you were meant to be. Maybe that’s why you didn’t want to ruin things by blowing up even if Colin was sending you enough mixed signals to write an album about.
Back then though. It wasn’t like this. Yeah you liked your other bandmates back then, but with Colin, Ryan, and James it almost felt like a family. You all meshed. You all got along. Despite everything going on you loved them.
With Andrew’s band there was never a connection. You played. You went home. Over and done with. So the night he corned you, trying to kiss you it came out of nowhere. When you told the rest of them didn’t care. You were replaceable. Then you saw that flyer and decided to say fuck it and quit.
“What are you doing here?” He asked now, taking out a cigarette.
You shrugged. “That’s none of your business.”
He scoffed. “Heard you guys got signed. Who’d you sleep with to manage that?”
“Well, it wasn’t you.”
He rolled his eyes. “Who you here with? The new guys you’re blowing?”
You clenched your jaw before taking a deep breath. He didn’t know. Who the fuck cares. So you started walking away because you really did not give two shits.
“Yeah, my friend Dina was telling me you fucked her ex,” he said.
Your back stiffened as you stopped. Closing your eyes. God you wanted to scream at him, but he wasn’t worth the trouble. Wasn’t worth causing a scene. That’s what you told yourself last time and that’s what you were telling yourself now.
“Yeah said she walked in on you too,” he said coming up behind you.
“Dina doesn’t know what what she’s talking about.” You took a deep breath then bit your tongue, but still didn’t turn to face him.
“Well she sure had a lot to say. About how much of a whore you turned into after being a little tease.”
You closed your eyes suddenly feeling sick. You shouldn’t let it get to you. You knew it but fuck. This is why you didn’t do this. You didn’t need the drama.
“Dude, fuck off,” you finally said wrapping your arms around yourself as tried walking away again, trying to tune out whatever shit was spewing out of his mouth.
Promising yourself that you wouldn’t cry. Eyes finally catching Colin’s as he did a grin spread and then quickly fell from his face. Standing around the same girl from earlier. At least he managed to keep up with her.
He started walking towards you without a word and seeing his way was the only way towards the exit there was no avoiding him. That’s when you felt fingers grabbing at your wrist. Twisting your arm so you had no choice but to face him.
In between the, “you little sl-“ and Colin pushing him away from you, you’d ended knocking into someone. Beer spilling on the front of your dress. Way to make a shitty moment even worse guys. This was a fucking loan. Thanks for that. Fuck tonight just wasn’t your night huh.
“I’m so sorry,” a drunk girl slurred, putting her hands on your shoulders.
“No it’s okay,” you sighed feeling your eyes prickle with tears. Fuck you hated it. Your chest suddenly feeling tight. You had to get the fuck out of here.
As soon as you made it to the elevator you took a deep breath. Closing your eyes and leaning down the wall as the doors closed.
“What the hell was that?” Colin said. You squeezed your eyelids. The little bit of frustration that had left, coming back in an instant. “Did he hurt you?” He asked, grabbing your hand. “What the hell happened?”
“Stop,” you said, snatching it away. “Just… stop.” Your heart felt like it was sinking into your chest. You just wanted to eat and shower snd sleep. Fine fuck it. Shower and sleep. You’ll eat in the morning. You just wanted Colin to stop following you and for him to shut up.
“Hey!” He stopped you as soon as you got off. “What’s wrong? Just tell me what happened.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to care okay.” You shrugged. “You weren’t thinking about me ten minutes ago.”
“What do you mean I was looking all over for you,” he said furrowing his eyebrow.
You rolled your eyes again. Ugh it felt like you couldn’t stop. “Yeah, it sure looked like it.”
“I was. You can ask Ryan and James. Alyssa was helping me.”
“Do you think I’m fucking stupid, Colin?” You asked raising your eyebrow. “I get it. We messed around and you’re a fuckboy or whatever. It’s not like I was expecting to be different or something. You do this all the time. That’s fine but you don’t have to pretend like you give a shit. And I’m the fucking idiot for thinking you would because I thougt-” your voice broke as you just shook your head and walked away.
Colin stood there looking stunned. Feeling like he was one second away from puking. Finally taking a deep breath when he realized that if he didn’t catch up to you know you’d get into a taxi without him.
“Wait, Y/N,” he called out.
But you didn’t turn around. Heart thumping in your chest. You blew out your cheeks and rested your head against the window. Feeling there was a lump in your throat.
You felt like such a baby. All teary eyed in a cab. Red eyed as you made your way to your room. Crying in the shower. Then not stopping as you settled into bed. And for what. You fucking up the one thing you always told yourself. Listening to your stupid vagina. And your heart as much as you hated to admit it.
Not only was it stressful to think about what this would do for the band, but you and Colin had really built up the best connection. Now what happens. You’re not gonna get that with someone else. And that was the worst part.
Your eyes were so heavy, but you were suddenly so awake. All that complaining about being tired. Now look you can’t even sleep. Your head felt too heavy. Nose too stuffy, too.
You scrolled through your phone. And may or may not have done a small dive into who this Alyssa girl could be. Then message after message started rolling in now that it was a little passed midnight. You’d get to them in the morning. You’d also stole his weed pen so you could relax a little bit.
So. Sucks to be him.
That’s when you heard the door open. Stomach flipping and mouthing, ‘fuck.’ Dropping your phone because if you could pretend you were asleep maybe he’d leave you fuck alone. Ugh he probably got the key from the front desk.
The television was still on and it’s not like he’d never walked in on you sleep in front of the TV before so he’d think nothing of it. Your back was facing the door so it’s not like he could see you. You’ll take your chances.
You heard crinkling and him shuffling a little, but you were mostly trying to be quiet. A few moments later you heard him getting down on his knees beside you. “Hey,” he whispered into your ear before kissing your temple.
Nope. Go away.
“I know you’re awake you little thief.” He chuckled, but then stopped when he realized you clearly weren’t giving in. Turning over away from him. Colin took a deep breath. “Babe, I’m sorry.”
Your eyebrow raised. Okay so maybe you weren’t expecting that.
“I’m sorry I lost you tonight,” he sighed. “I’m sorry for not talking about things sooner. And if I made you think there was anything going on with me and Alyssa. Who does not like me by the way. She’s into Ryan,” he added, with a chuckle.
You snorted out a laugh. “Seriously?” Finally breaking your silence.
“Uh huh.” He laughed. “I know right. They kept dragging me between them once he found out. I felt like I was in fucking middle school.”
Then it got quiet.
“I’m sorry if I made you think you were just a booty call,” he finally said.
Your eyes opened, but you still didn’t turn to face him. You weren’t really sure what you were supposed to say or do if you did.
“You have always been more than a booty call. I get that I’ve done things before, but I’d never treat you like that. Why do you think we haven’t had sex. I couldn’t have our first time be on that gross fucking couch.”
… fair.
You wanted to pull his hair. Not even in the sexy way. He was so annoying. Why couldn’t you just have been asleep so you could have been mad at him for a little longer.
Colin didn’t wait for you to respond as he got in behind you. Scooping you into his arms from behind. “You’re my best friend, Baby. I’d never fuck us up. I don’t wanna lose you.” Then he started kissing your cheek softly.
“You’re so annoying,” you mumbled, but still didn’t turn over.
“Maybe,” he said. “But it’s cuz I can’t stand when you’re mad at me.” He sighed wrapping you up in his arms. “Remember that one time? And it was just over lyrics.” He chuckle. Then when he realized you weren’t laughing he sighed again. “I promise I’ll make tomorrow better. Well today. Or whatever. You know what I mean.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t run in here on some I have to be the first shit.” You finally turned to look at him and he was quick to kiss your forehead. Eyes ask puffy. Nosy really stuffy. He didn’t care. Just wanted to have his lips on you.
“I am, but now I can’t stop apologizing.” He chuckled. “I really am sorry.”
“We can work on your road to forgiveness plan.”
“As long as you’re the one paving it I’ll do whatever it takes.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so corny.”
“Maybe.” He chuckled. “I’m just trying to get you to smile.”
You sniffled. God he was so annoying. “I know.”
He looked at you softly before swiping his lips across yours. “Okay now I’m gonna be the first person. Happy birthday, Baby.”
Another sniffle as you couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling softly. “Thank you. How do you know you’re the first?”
“Oh you’re cool because all our little fan girls are wishing you a happy birthday,” he said with a laugh.
“You’re just jealous.”
“Never. You deserve it.”
“Stop being such a fucking sap right now.” You whined pushing him away.
“Nope. I actually have a surprise for you,” he said, letting go so he could get out of bed. “No peeking!” Then he kissed your cheek again.
Of course you weren’t gonna listen, but since he wasn’t made of glass you couldn’t see. His body blocking whatever view you may have had. Just heard the flicker of a lighter.
“So, I was gonna go with the old fashioned flowers and chocolate for an apology,” he started. “But since it’s your birthday,” he said as he turned around with a little cake in his hands, freshly lit numeral candles on top.
As he softly started to sing happy birthday you felt yourself tearing up again. Of course he had to do something like this. Sappy asshole. Just had to make it impossible to stay mad at him.
Now you were sitting with your legs criss crossed applesauce across from him. Not being able to help the smile that spread across your face.
“Make a wish, Baby,” he said. As you blew out the flame he looked at you softly. That same stupid romantic look in his eyes. And it was like you couldn’t help yourself as you started to lean in. Lips connecting and it almost felt relieving. 
Colin pulled away for a minute to set the cake on the night stand. Going back to you he pull you onto his lap. Lips moving against yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck then put your hands in his hair.
He laid you down. Thumb stroking your cheek. Tongues finally meeting. Kisses deep. Now sleep was the farthest thing from your mind. You just wanted to feel him.
All of the thoughts about how that was it had melted away. If he was going to be serious about this than you wanted it. Wanted him. “Colin,” you whimpered. His lips going against your throat.
“What do you want, Baby?” He asked in a whisper.
Clothes started to be removed. Hands and lips going to intimate spots. Like between your legs as he made sure your pussy would be ready for him. His mouth touching you just how you needed. Moans and sighs spilling from your lips.
“Y/N, Baby,” he whispered as he wrapped his arm around your leg so he could spread you open for him. Getting snug between your thighs as he lined himself up. “You sure? We don’t have-“
You cut him off with a kiss. He obviously got the message as he started to push into you. The head of his cock already making your head spin.
“Colin,” you whimpered against his lips.
“That’s it,” he said. “It’s okay. I got you.”
You nodded and moaned, foreheads resting against each other. Looking into those soft blue eyes as he inched in. “Ah,” you squeaked.
“You’ve got this,” he whispered into your ear as he finally bottomed out. Staying still for a moment so you could could used to him. Fuck he was big. You don’t think you’d ever felt this full before.
Hips rocking slowly as his lips went back to yours again. “Colin,” you whimpered again.
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispered as he looked down at you.
“Tell me what you do want, Baby. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Harder. Please.” Fuck you felt desperate. He was just filling you up so good. Just how you needed him.
He pressed his lips to yours as he started getting deeper. Rolling his hips into yours. Then pushing your arm above your head with his hands holding yours down.
“Right there!” You pulled away with a gasp.
“Where?” He asked into your ear not stopping what he was doing before pulling your earlobe between his teeth. Nibbling on it. Making your eyes go blurry.
“Oh,” you let out another little squeak. That wasn’t good enough for Colin, though. He wanted you to scream his name.
He raised up off of you. Getting on his knees and pushing your legs up by your ears. Hands on the back of your thighs.
Every time he went in, your body bounced from the force. Pussy squeezing him tight. He looked between you seeing the way your wetness covered him. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Pussy even prettier with my dick in it.”
Why was he doing this to you. Was it not enough that he was about to turn you inside out? He had to talk to you like that too. Why was he trying to ruin you like this. He was fucking you like he wanted to be the only man to fuck you. Maybe he did. Maybe you wanted him to be.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah!” You cried out
“That’s it. That’s what I like to fucking hear. Doing so good for me, Baby,” he groaned. “Gonna fuck you all night. Keep you full a me. Want that?”
“Uh huh,” was all you could say. Your orgasm was hitting you so hard. “Colin. I’m cumming.” It was like you were weeping. “Oh my god.”
“Fuck yeah,” he groaned as your pussy tightened around him. Orgasm gushing out of you. “That’s my girl,” he said as he put his hand on your clit. Coaxing it out even more. “Keep cumming for me, Baby. That’s it.”
It happened so quickly. One minute he was fucking into you and then the next his face was between your thighs. If he was trying to make you squirt he got his wish. Your legs shaking, body spasming as he forced you there.
You covered your eyes with your hand just as he pushed back into you. Where he grabbed your arm to push it up so you were no longer covered. “Don’t you ever cover yourself, you hear me,” he said as he started fucking into you again. “I want you to look at me when I make you cum.” He put his lips against your chin.
Fuck. This was gonna be a long night.
You don’t know how many times you’d orgasmed. Just that it felt like once they started they didn’t stop. Just the way he was getting you there and trying to keep you there was almost too much. As soon as he came in you, you were ready to pass out. Your body officially worn out. But forced yourself to use the bathroom before bed even though walking really didn’t seem like a great option at the moment.
Then you got back in his arms. Snuggling into him. Colin holding you tight. It felt like where you were supposed to be.
As the sunlight broke, you were so worn out that you stayed like that for a minute. Him waking up first with your head tucked under his chin. Yawning and checking the time. Not that he cared. He’d stay like this for as long as you wanted him to.
When you started to stir, he nuzzled you with his nose. Kissing your forehead gently. “Morning, Birthday Girl,” he whispered in a raspy voice.
You moaned and stretched. Putting your head in his neck again. “Not yet.”
He chuckled. “We have to get to brunch.”
“There’s always dinner. I’m tired.”
He smacked your butt. “No, no, no. I’m not letting you sleep the day away. I gotta make up for yesterday.”
“Make up for yesterday by being my pillow. And we can have sex in between.”
Colin laughed softly. “As tempting as that is, we gotta get up.”
You took a deep breath out your nose. “Fine, but I get to pick off your plate.”
“When do you not?” He rubbed your back. Colin reached over to grab his phone to check the time. “Wait, what the fuck,” he chuckled.
“What?” You asked, with a yawn.
“James said, ‘I’m happy for you guys really but we’re going to breakfast without you if you don’t hurry up. Happy birthday y/n.”
You laughed. “What?”
“The one before it was stop having sex we’re hungry. Ryan said, ‘Colin stop being the Yoko Ono of this ba-‘I’m the Yoko On- oh now they’re fighting about it.”
You snorted. “They’re gonna argue about this all day, aren’t they?”
“Yeah probably.” Colin laughed.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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crushpdf · 3 years ago
andrew minyard for the character ask 🫡🖤
i hate u so much 😌
favorite thing about them
he is so honest. to others--his manic teasing and his violent threats alike are 100% serious. but also--to himself. here andrew is, thinking he’s shattered, afraid to break again, so sure that he’ll never have someone to take care of him. but--he takes such good care of himself! and it’s not immediately obvious, since self-care often looks more like shopping sprees and meditation and positive affirmations. self-care doesn’t look like scars on wrists and knives under pillows and ten feet between himself and anyone else’s emotions. but, andrew has taken the time to intimately learn his own limits. and he fiercely abides by them. he shamelessly knows who and what he likes, who and what he’ll protect. he religiously attends therapy, he leaves when he feels like leaving, he stays when he feels like staying, he lives 100% according to his own rules. and that seems selfish, or cruel, or even just fucking bizarre. but it’s self-care, babey! andrew is honest with himself and takes care of himself 🥺
least favorite thing about them
i disagree with the promise he made aaron. i disagree with his casual and troubling misogyny. i disagree with his indifference towards inflicting violence, and the way he believes it’s deserved. his personal code of conduct absolutely goes too far, and while i just said that i love how he lives for himself---- ya also gotta live for others. it’s about community, bro.
favorite line
mia i hate u so much 😘
> better luck next time (iconic)
> don’t touch my things, riko. i don’t share (iconic)
> that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t blow you (iconic)
> remember this feeling. this is the moment you stop being the rabbit (what the FUCK!!!)
> you have joan of exy over there. make do without me. (babe)
> [am i at ninety four yet?] you are at one hundred (babe)
> you were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs... you are a pipe dream (*static noises*)
i would say andrew and kevin but they are something entirely other than bros 😂 so honestly? andrew/wymack 🥰
aftg fandom is the first and only fandom where i’ve had One True Pairing. like. anything other than andreil is the notp 😌
random headcanon
i am 100% on team Chubby Andrew. boy simply does not workout with the team, he stands in the goal, he loves his sweets (other headcanon) and he is stocky and short and strong. erase his abs!!!
unpopular opinion
oh ho hoooo im gonna get crucified for this one 😌 i think in fanon, sure, and in other universes of aftg, sure, but-- in the final published canon series that we have, kandreil would not work, and im glad it’s not endgame 🎯
song i associate with them
yeah yeah yeah mm hmm okay normal feelings here
favorite picture of them
rainbowd00dles and chuck-the-goon have two of my fave character designs for him. this one makes me go crazy go stupid
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americasass91 · 4 years ago
His Kind of Beautiful
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Hello lovely people! I don’t even know where to begin here. My ex popped up as a friend I may know on Facebook the other day. Of course it brought up all these memories. (I’ve been with my husband for over a decade so this ex was from way back when.) Anyways, I couldn’t help but think back to when and why we broke up. We worked together (that was a mistake) and I was chatting with one of our coworkers. The guy looked at me and was like ‘I don’t want to get in the middle of anything but your boyfriend said something about you the other day and it bothered me.’ I told him to tell me what he said. ‘He said you weren’t pretty enough to blow him.’ (Fun fact! I had already blown him a few times by this point.) So of course I thought my life was ruined. I mean I was only 17/18. I called him right away and asked him if it was true. The fucker didn’t even deny it! He was like I was just joking around. So I told him since I wasn’t pretty enough to blow him, I wasn’t pretty enough to date him either. That’s the last time I spoke to him.
Anyways! That’s what inspired this little fic. I know we all go through days where we don’t feel pretty or beautiful. But you know what? We are all beautiful no matter what! Please if you ever feel less than that and need to talk, I am here and willing to listen! Nobody should go through life feeling anything less than beautiful.
So I knew I needed to somehow incorporate this into a fic. At first I was going to go with Steve but I took a look at my Masterlist and realized I only had one Andy fic on there. That’s just despicable! So without any further ado, please enjoy this fic with our lovely, handsome floofy haired lawyer daddy!
Rating: Explicit (Like I could write something that doesn’t involve sex with Andrew)
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Language, fingering, unprotected sex(Remember: Sex is cleaner with a packaged weiner), and just Andy being fluffy
You honestly didn’t even know why you had agreed to this. You hated first dates in general, let alone a blind date.
But your friend, Jane, assured you this guy was handsome and nice and worth your time to go out with.
So, you pulled a blue dress from your closet that you’d only worn maybe twice in your life and actually did your eye makeup.
After getting fully ready you take one last look at yourself in the mirror. For once you didn’t hate the woman staring back at you. This dress happened to accentuate your curves and the color of your eyeshadow made your eyes pop. You wouldn’t necessarily say you were pretty, but you looked decent.
You slip on your heels and grab your purse and head out of your apartment. As you go to lock your door, the apartment door behind you opens.
“Good evening, neighbor.”
You turn around with a smile on your face and return the greeting to your sinfully handsome neighbor, Andy.
He can’t help but notice how pretty you look. “Where are you going all dressed up?”
You blush and start heading towards the elevator together. “Oh, my friend set me up on a blind date. I’m nervous. Haven’t been on a date in awhile.”
He presses the button for the lobby. “Blind date, huh? Yeah I went on one of those recently. First date since the divorce. It was...interesting.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as you both headed into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. You turn towards him. “Interesting, how?”
“Well, for starters, she was almost an hour late. Then when she showed up, she didn’t even apologize for being late. She just sat down and demanded the waiter bring her a cocktail. By snapping her fingers at him.”
The elevator doors open. You head into the lobby and notice Andy following you. “So I think it’s safe to say you aren’t calling her for a second date?” He opens the door to the outside for you. You smile in thanks and head out into the warm evening air of Boston.
He rolls his eyes as he follows you onto the street and hails down a cab. “Absolutely not.” He gestures for you to take the cab.
You look at him confused. “Don’t you need one?”
He waves you off. “Nah, I’m heading to pick up Jake to take him to dinner. He finally found some time to fit his old man into his ‘busy’ teenager schedule.” He heads towards his Audi you now realize is parked in front of the building right behind your cab.
You scoff at him as you open the cab door. “Old man? Oh, please. You can’t be more than what? 38?”
He opens the door to his own vehicle and smirks at you. “Try 43, sweetheart. Hey! Good luck on your date!” He waves and gets into his car. You return the wave and get into the cab and give the driver the address to the restaurant and try to get your mind off of how good Andy’s ass looked in the jeans he was wearing.
You arrived at the restaurant with a few minutes to spare. You wanted to get there a little early so you could get a drink from the bar and calm your nerves.
You find a seat away from the other patrons and order a glass of wine. You scan your eyes over the room to see if your date has arrived yet. You weren’t entirely sure what he looked like but you knew he was going to be wearing a red shirt.
The bartender sets your wine in front of you. You hand over a 10 dollar bill and tell him to keep the change. As you sip your wine, you check your phone for the time. 7:02. You’re about ready to text your friend to ask if your date is normally late when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You turn around and look up at who you assume to be your date for the evening. He was handsome. Not as handsome as Andy, but handsome enough.
He gives you a small smile. “Hi, are you Y/N?”
You nod your head with a smile. “Yes, hi! It’s nice to meet you. You must be Jason?” You then gesture to the seat next to you. “Would you like to have a drink before we get a table?”
He nods once and takes a seat next to you and flags down the bartender to order a scotch.
The bartender sets the drink in front of him. Jason thanks him and pays for his drink.
You can feel the awkwardness start to creep in. And when that happens, you tend to get chatty.
“So, what do you do for a living?” You smile hoping to ease the tension building.
He turns to look you up and down. And not subtly. He shakes his head in disapproval and downs his drink before standing up. “Listen, I’m sorry but I can’t do this. Jane lied to me.”
You can’t help the confused look that crosses your face. “She lied to you? How?”
He gives you another not so subtle once over. “She told me you were beautiful. And no offense, but I just don’t see it.”
You can’t help the jaw drop. Sure you knew you weren’t gorgeous but damn. You’d never had a man be bold enough to actually say it to your face. “So, you’re just gonna leave? Not even give me a chance because I’m not your version of beautiful?”
He scoffs and checks out a girl that walks by the two of you. “What can I say? I’ve got standards that you just don’t meet.”
You feel like you’ve just been punched in the gut. That’s it. You’re fucking done. You reach behind you and grab your wine glass and throw the drink in his face.
You grab your purse and head towards the door. You turn back to face him. “I may not meet your ‘beauty standards’ but at least I’m not an asshole!” With that you flip him off and head outside to hail a cab to head back home.
You manage to make it almost all the way home before the tears start to fall. Sure he was a stranger and his opinion didn’t matter. But it still fucking hurt that he didn’t want you and didn’t even think you were pretty enough to share a meal with. Your self esteem already sucked and this asshole sure as hell didn’t make it any better.
The blue dress goes in the trash as soon as you step into your apartment. You take off your nice lace bra you had put on. You take your makeup off with a wipe and pull your hair up in a ponytail. You throw on some hello kitty pajama shorts and a t- shirt that’s at least 2 sizes too big for you.
Then you head into your kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine from a bottle you keep in the fridge for emergencies. You think this classifies as one.
You grab your phone off the counter and call your favorite Chinese place. You order double what you normally do because nobody wants to sleep with you. Might as well eat whatever the fuck you wanted. God, you can’t believe you shaved your legs for that asshole.
The lady on the phone lets you know it’ll be at least an hour. You give her your card number and thank her before refilling your now empty glass.
As you’re sitting on the couch waiting for your food, you can’t help but replay the events of the evening. Then that takes you into a downward spiral as you think back to all of your exes.
Come to think of it, they’ve all left you for one reason or another. A majority of them cheated with someone way prettier than you. Wow, maybe you were the problem. Clearly you were going for guys out of your league.
Maybe you needed to reevaluate the standards you had. Which quite frankly, wasn’t much. You just wanted them to not be a serial killer.
Perhaps you should just give up on dating. You were perfectly happy alone. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be for you.
Before your thoughts could spiral anymore, your doorbell rang. You glance at your phone. Damn that hour flew by.
You grab $10 out of your purse for a tip and open your door. As you’re grabbing the bags and thanking the delivery guy, Andy steps out of the elevator with confusion written all over his face. “Hey, Y/N. Thought you had a date?”
You could almost feel the tears trying to well up again. No, you weren’t going to cry. Especially in front of your handsome neighbor.
“Yeah, it uh, didn’t work out. Shit happens.”
He puts his key in the lock and opens his door then turns to look at you. “Not your type?”
You can’t help the rush of air that leaves your mouth. “Not exactly. I wasn’t his. Apparently Jane, our mutual friend, told him I was beautiful and well. He didn’t agree with her.”
Andy furrows his brows and cocks his head to the side. “What? Was he blind or something?”
You shake your head. “Nope. I just wasn’t up to his standards.”
Andy mumbles something under his breath. “Well, I’m sorry. Some guys can be real assholes.”
You wave him off. “No need to apologize. I get that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
Andy shakes his head. “Still, I’m sorry. That really sucks. And he really said you weren’t beautiful to your face?”
You give him a sad smile and shrug your shoulders. “It’s okay, really. I’m used to not being wanted. Have a nice night, Andy.”
You turn and head back into your apartment before he has a chance to reply. You don’t need his pity. You just need to drown yourself in the rest of your wine and gorge yourself on the greasy Chinese.
Just as you set the food down on the counter, you hear a knock at your door.
Confused, you head over and open it to find Andy standing there. And he looks kinda pissed.
“What do you mean you’re used to not being wanted?”
You sigh and put your hands on your hips. “It’s not the first time some guy hasn’t wanted me and it won’t be the last.”
Andy shakes his head as he pushes his way inside and shuts the door with his foot. “There’s just something I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “And what’s that?”
He then proceeds to walk closer to you, forcing you backwards until your back touches the wall. He puts his hands on either side of your head and gazes down at you. You’ve never been this close to him before. You can feel his chest move against yours as he breathes. You can feel the heat radiating off of him.God, he smells good.  You realize you’re not breathing and take a deep breath. He smiles down at you and takes his left hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear that had fallen free from your ponytail.
“That some moron would think that you’re not beautiful. He’s fuckin crazy, Y/N.”
Your breath hitches as his left hand has now grabbed the back of your neck to raise your lips towards his. You close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable kiss. “I guess I’m just not everyone’s kind of beautiful.”
He leans in, just barely brushing his lips against yours. “You’re my kind of beautiful.”
WIth that, he presses his lips to yours for a slow but intense kiss. You can’t help the moan that escapes your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him all the way up against you. He grunts when his hardening cock comes into contact with your soft belly.
After a few minutes of intense kisses that take your breath away, he pulls back and presses his forehead against yours. “Will you let me show you how beautiful I think you are?”
You don’t even need to think about it. “Yes, please.”
He smiles and leans in for one more quick kiss. “Take me to the bedroom, pretty girl.”
You quickly grab his hand and lead him down the hall towards your bedroom, making a quick stop in the kitchen to throw the Chinese food in the fridge.
Once in your room Andy spins you around and presses your back up against his front. He leans forward and starts placing soft kisses against your neck. His left hand rests at your waist while his right hand moves up under your shirt towards your breasts. “Is this okay, pretty girl?” His voice is so low and husky. Your panties didn’t even stand a chance.
You nod. “Yes, please. Touch me, Andy.”
He groans a little and reaches up to cup your right breast in his hand. You hear him let out a growl as he continues to fondle your breast. While his left hand makes its way into your shorts, brushing his finger over your clit. You jolt forward at the sensation, whimpering out in the process.
“You like that, pretty girl? Like my fingers on your little cunt?”
You grab a hold of his wrist and writhe against him as he lowers his fingers towards your entrance. He gathers your slick up before moving his fingers back towards your clit and starts slowly circling it.
“Fuck, Andy. Feels so good.”
“Yeah? You want my fingers inside you, baby?”
You quickly nod. “Please. Need to feel you.”
He lowers his hand back down to your entrance and slowly slides his middle finger against your walls. You arch your back and moan out his name as he starts pumping it slowly.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so tight. When’s the last time you’ve been touched, pretty girl?”
“Too long. Feels so good. I need more. Please.”
His index finger quickly joins the middle one. He starts pumping them in and out of you quicker, curling them just right so they rub up against your g spot. “Oh, fuck!” You can’t help but yell out at the feeling. It’s been so long since someone’s taken the time to pleasure you, let alone find your g spot. You could feel the coil tightening already. You were embarrassingly close and he hadn’t even really started yet.
“You gonna cum for me already, pretty girl? Do it. Make a mess on my fingers.”
He moves his thumb and starts circling your clit. Your legs start shaking. He presses his thumb down just a little harder and you’re gone. You cum with a shout of Andy’s name into the otherwise empty room.
He continues pumping his fingers in and out but removes his thumb from your clit, not wanting to overstimulate you too much. “Good girl. So fuckin’ pretty when you cum.”
You lower your head in embarrassment. He spins you around and places his finger under your chin so he can raise your head so you’re looking at him. “Don’t hide from me, pretty girl. I want to see everything.” He takes his left hand and raises it to his mouth, sucking your essence off of his fingers. He moans into his hand. “You taste so fucking sweet. Knew you would.”
He grabs your face to pull you in for a sweet kiss as he slowly pushes you towards the bed. The back of your knees touch your mattress before he pulls away. He smiles down at you as he grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up and off, tossing it somewhere in the room. His gaze then falls to your breasts. He licks his lips hungrily. Before he can get too caught up, he hooks his thumbs into your shorts and pulls them and your panties down and off your legs, helping you step out of them.
He stands back up and pulls you in for another kiss, your hands fall to his chest. You start to unbutton his shirt, revealing his chest to you a little at a time. You pull away to get the last few buttons and push his shirt over his shoulders and are surprised to see his chest and abdomen sprinkled with various tattoos. You never would’ve guessed. You can’t help but let your hand trace over a quote on his collarbone or onto the eagle covering his pec.
“I never would have pegged you for a tattoo guy. These are amazing.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I only have them where they can be covered up by clothes.” He grabs your wrists to stop your tracing. “You can trace all of them some other time, pretty girl. Right now, I need to be inside of you.”
You can’t help the shiver that runs down your spine at his words. His dirty talk was going to be the death of you.
He moves his hands towards his belt buckle and starts undoing it. You couldn’t help but notice the slight tremble to his hands. You place your hands on top of his and look at his face. “Hey, if you don’t want to do this, that’s ok.”
He looks into your eyes and gives you a shy smile. “No, I want to. God, do I want to. It’s just, I haven’t been with anyone since Laurie and I guess I’m a little nervous.”
You couldn’t help the pull you felt at your heart at his words. He was nervous. Thank god. So were you. This beautiful man wanted to sleep with you, of course you were nervous. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous too. You’re kind of intimidating.”
He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brows. “Intimidating? Why is that?”
You remove your hands from his and gesture up and down his body. “Just look at you. You’re breathtaking, Andy. And I’m just me.” Your gaze falls down to your feet, unable to look at him.
He puts his finger under your chin and raises your head so that you’re forced to look at him. “Speak for yourself, pretty girl. You’re the breathtaking one.”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Yeah, right.”
His gaze on you hardens just a little. He grabs your hand and places it over his pants against his erection. “Do you feel that? Feel what you do to me? Nobody but you can make me this hard, pretty girl. I’ve been in a constant state of arousal since I moved in, watching you coming in and out of your apartment in your tight skirts and almost see-through blouses. Making me go fuckin’ crazy.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything or make a move then?” Of course your self doubt was starting to creep in. Maybe this was him just wanting to get his dick wet. You needed to know.
He grabs your hands and brings your knuckles to his mouth, giving them a soft kiss. “Honestly? I thought there was no way in hell an old man like me would have a shot with a sweet thing like you.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your mouth. “Please. You’re only 43.”
He pulls you in for a sweet, lingering kiss. “Yeah, well. Probably too old for you. But after what you said to me, about how you’re used to not being wanted? I stopped caring how old I was. I needed to show you just exactly how much you’re wanted. So, can I still show you, pretty girl?”
You quickly nod your head and help him finish removing his pants, leaving him in just his black briefs. The fabric doing nothing to hide the outline of his hard cock. Jesus. He looked big. Bigger than anything you’ve taken. You couldn’t wait.
You quickly pulled his briefs over his hips and down his legs. His cock sprang free and smacked against his inked abdomen, making him hiss. You grab him at the base and slowly start pumping him, looking at his face for his reaction. His head is thrown back and his eyes are closed as he moans out your name at the feeling. His hands are gripping your hips.
You smear his precum that’s gathered at the tip and use that to help jerk him off a little faster. You tighten your grip as you pick up your pace, loving the sounds you're pulling from him. You start to go on your knees when he suddenly pulls you back up. You look at him in confusion. “If I let you continue, this will be over before it even starts. Gonna make me blow my load like an inexperienced teenager.”
You couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself but once again furrow your brows as Andy walks to the other side of the bed. He starts looking around in your nightstand. “Do you have any condoms?”
You shake your head. “I did but they expired. If you’re okay with it, I’m on birth control. And I got tested after my last partner and I’m clean.”
He pushes the drawer to the nightstand back in and climbs onto the bed and lays on his back, hand lazily stroking his cock. “I’m more than okay with that. I just had a full work up done. I’m healthy as well.”
You barely acknowledge what he said, unable to remove your eyes from his hand that’s wrapped around his cock. You pull your bottom lip in between your teeth and let out a little whimper. Andy chuckles at you. “Well, are you going to just stare at it, pretty girl? Or are you going to hop on my lap and get comfy?”
That gets your attention. You meet his gaze. “You want me on top?”
He nods. “Wanna be able to see all of you, baby girl.” He removes his hand from his cock and pats his thigh. “Come on, pretty girl. Ride me.”
Well that sight just caused a new wave of arousal to pool at your core. You had only been on top once before and it was only for a short time.
You place your knees gently on the bed and crawl the short way to him. You swing your left leg over him so that you're sitting right above where he wants you. You thread your hands through his hair and lean down for a heated kiss. You lick his bottom lip, wanting in. He doesn’t even hesitate to open his mouth to let you in.
He places his left hand on your hip while the other grabs his cock. He pushes your body down so that you’re hovering over it. “Please. Fuck me, pretty girl.”
You keep your lips attached to his as you slowly sink down on him. You get about halfway before you stop and pull away to look at him, trying to slow down your breathing. He brings his right hand up to cup your cheek. “You ok? Do you wanna stop?” The quick shake of your head makes him chuckle. “No, god no. I just need a minute. You’re fucking huge Andy.”
He can’t help the cocky smirk that appears. “Yeah, I know. Just take all the time you need.” He rubs his hand up and down your back to help calm you down. It only takes you a few more seconds before you continue to impale yourself on his impressive dick.
You let out a breath of relief when your hips settle flush against his. He grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for another kiss. You slowly start rocking your hips against him. He feels fucking incredible. Hitting all the right spots inside of you.
You pull away from the kiss and raise up a little and plant your hands on your headboard for some leverage. The rock of your hips speed up significantly. You move all the way up until his tip is barely inside before you slam yourself back down against him. You’re pulling the most beautiful sounds from his lips. It makes you move that much faster and harder against him.
Andy moves his hands to your breasts and gives them a good squeeze. Then he starts pinching your nipples, eliciting a moan from you. “That’s it, baby girl. Doing so good. You look so gorgeous fuckin’ yourself on my cock. Goddamn. Riding me so well.”
The praise he’s giving you just spurs you on. You raise up even more and place your hands on his chest and pick up your pace just a little more. You can feel the coil tightening in your belly. You’re going to cum and hard.
Andy keeps his left hand on your breast and keeps pinching your nipple. He moves his right hand down until his thumb is pressing against your clit, giving you the friction you needed. “Can feel you squeezing me, pretty girl. Cum for me. Make a mess.”
He presses his thumb just a little harder and that’s all it takes. You free fall over the edge of bliss with a scream of Andy’s name, your hips faltering from their rhythm.
You slow down your pace as you come down from your high, collapsing against Andy’s chest. He cradles you in his arms and rubs his hands up and down your back. “Still with me, sweet girl?”
You weakly nod your head and take just a second to catch your breath. It takes you a moment to realize he didn’t finish. You raise your head off his chest to look at him. “Why didn’t you cum?”
He smiles and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. “Oh, I will. Don’t worry. Just wanted to watch you fall apart on top of me. And let me just say, it’s one of the prettiest sights I’ve ever seen. You look gorgeous when you cum, Y/N. Almost made me lose it. Think you can take some more?”
You nod your head eagerly, already wanting to cum around his cock again. “Then why don’t you be a good girl and turn around and get on your hands and knees for me?”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You quickly pull off of him and turn around to get on your hands and knees. He takes a second to admire the view of your once again dripping pussy before he gets up on his knees behind you. He grabs a hold of your ass and gives it a hard squeeze. “Such a nice ass. I bet it’ll jiggle real nice while I’m fuckin’ you.”
He grabs a hold of the base of his cock and moves it towards your entrance. Before he starts pushing in, he gives your right cheek a hard smack. You drop down onto your elbows and moan into the sheets below you. Fuck. You didn’t know you liked that. He places his right hand on your hip and squeezes.
“Hmm. We’ll have to revisit that later.” And that’s the last thing he says before he slams home. You arch your back and fist the sheets as he sets a hard and fast pace.
And boy was he right. Your ass does jiggle nicely with every snap of his hips against it. He threads his left hand through your hair and gives it a tug. It makes you clench around him. “Fuck, baby girl. Keep squeezing me like that and I’m not going to last long.”
You move your head to the side and peer back at him. You clench around him again and it earns you another groan and smack to your ass. “Want you to cum for me, Andy. Please. Fill me up.”
He stills for just a second and wraps his left arm around your chest and lifts you up until your back is flush against his chest. This time he keeps his thrusts nice and slow. He places a kiss to the side of your neck. “Yeah? Want me to fill that pussy up, huh? To claim you as mine?”
You let a whimper escape your lips and you grip onto his arm that’s holding you against him as he starts picking up the pace of his thrusts. You clench around him again. “I am yours, Andy.”
He quickly moves his right hand down and starts circling your clit. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re gonna make me cum. Cum with me, please.”
You start pushing back and meeting his thrusts, desperate to get him to his release.
It only takes a few more snaps of his hips and circles against your clit before you're both falling over the edge while moaning out the other's name.
He continues pumping his hips until he’s completely spent and gently moves to lay the both of you onto your sides, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms.
He slowly pulls out of you and turns you around so that you’re facing him. He tucks your now loose hair behind your ear. “Hi, there.”
You chuckle and move up against him and press your face into the crook of his neck. “Hello.” You place a gentle kiss to his pulse point and relax as he wraps his arms around you.
There’s only a few minutes of peaceful silence when:
“So, was that good for you?”
You pull away and look up at him with an incredulous look on your face and smack his shoulder. You both start laughing.
“Of course it was good for me. Did you enjoy yourself, Andrew?”
He pulls you in for another sweet kiss. “Oh, yeah. But you know. Just to be sure. We might need to do it again.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. It only makes you laugh once more.
“You are such a dork. How about we get a shower and then heat up the food you so rudely interrupted me from eating before?”
His jaw drops in mock hurt. “You weren’t complaining when I was making you come around my cock, pretty girl.”
You sit up and stretch your arms over your head. You swing your legs over the side and stand up, wobbling just a little. You hear a chuckle behind you and playfully send a glare his way as you make your way to the bathroom.
You turn on the light and can’t help but look at your reflection in the mirror.
Your hair is a hot mess, having fallen out of it’s ponytail. Your lips were swollen and red from all the kissing. Your nipples looked slightly red from all pinching they had been subjected to. Your skin flushed from the orgasms. And there was what looked like a bruise forming on your hip in the shape of his hand.
And yet. You’ve never felt more beautiful.
You see Andy walking up behind you in the mirror. He smiles at you.
You turn around and return it before throwing your arms around his neck and raising yourself up on your toes to pull him in for a kiss. He gladly wraps his arms around you and reciprocates.
You pull away with a smile still attached to your face. “Not that I mind, pretty girl. But, what was that for?”
You shrug. “Just thank you. For making me feel beautiful.”
He smiles down at you and pulls you in for another quick kiss. You can feel him hardening once again against your hip. “Why don’t we skip the shower for now? I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
And with that he pulls you back into the bedroom where he spends the rest of the night showing you that you’re his kind of beautiful.
Permanent Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @IIIoIs 
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spnae · 2 years ago
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Chapter 22 It's Complicated
Spike patted the bed next to him and gripped the sheets as he reluctantly pulled his head up. Buffy wasn’t in bed or in their room. He got up, pulled on some clean clothes and went looking for her. She was easy to find, or maybe it just wasn’t hard because he knew her well.
He paused in the doorway of the second floor training room, watching her. She was practicing her staff work again. The staff moved through the air with decisive movement. He grinned as he watched her purposely drop the staff, perform a few of the new moves he had taught her, flip and pick up the staff again.
Spike moved closer. She gave no indication she noticed him until she brought a strike down that would have clobbered him on the side of the head if he hadn’t been ready for it. He was. He gripped the wood of the staff while an easy grin spread over his face.
“Thought I might find you here.”
Buffy jerked on the staff with a swift motion, pulling him off balance. She swung it around in an arch around her and brought it down at shin level, knocking him flat on his back. She gave him a sunny smile. He shot out a leg, hooking a foot behind her ankle and she dropped to the floor, letting out a little huff as she landed. Spike rolled onto all fours and stalked over until he was on top of her. Their faces, inches apart.
“Good morning to you too,” he grinned.
“It’s not morning,” she said as she reached a hand up to the back of his neck.
“Still have some time before we have to leave,” he pressed into her for a kiss.
Buffy accepted it but ended the kiss after only a moment, “I needed to blow off some steam.”
Spike tilted his head and quickly jumped to his feet with an easy predator grace. He extended a hand down to her to pull her up. When he did so, it was with such force that when she sprang up she stumbled against his chest. “Didn’t do enough of that last night?”
She grinned, “Different kind of steam.”
He studied her face a moment as she took a few steps back from him. Worry was coming off of her in subtle waves, “This about Rome?”, he asked.
She picked up the staff again and began beating up a dummy, “Wil emailed me back. Nothing out of the ordinary. Ok, that’s not true. It was nothing they couldn't handle. I guess there was a little weird going on with some sort of a spell but she says they got it all Scoobied out.”
“That’s good, right?”
“But you’re not convinced that was the whole of it?”
She puffed out a breath, “Wil hasn’t had a kerfuly spell in a long time… I’m worried it wasn’t her.”
“You think it’s the Nibblet,” he said plainly, it wasn’t a question.
“I don’t know.”
He moved his hands to his hips and circled his head down and back up, “Buffy, I know you want to keep her safe but you can’t seriously think she isn’t going to find her place in this life with or without you or your permission for that matter. She’s already in it, has been for a long time. There’s no way she’s ducking out now. She’s going to do whatever it takes to help out the Scoobies and figure out where she fits in.”
She stopped hitting the dummy and paused holding the staff upright at arm’s length, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, she isn’t a Slayer but she is an incredibly smart girl. Last time I saw her she was already starting on the watcher junior path. I assume that’s still something she’s into, yeah? She’s also got an interest and some small talent for witchcraft. Wouldn’t surprise me if Willow’s been showing her the ropes.”
“I— I’m an idiot. I even sort of gave Wil the green light to train her. I mean not officially or anything but I did tell her Dawn could be her assistant when she needed it… and Dawn’s always hanging out with Andrew and Violet…”
“You get your blinders on a little tight sometimes but you’re no idiot. I’d say she’s getting her baby-witch on. Still doesn’t mean that she isn’t shagging Peaches Jr. or some other hapless frat boy. Unless she’s going in for the birds now,” he rolled a shoulder.
Buffy blinked, “I’d be less worried if she were. No, she’s definitely into guys.”
“Could be he isn’t her type.”
“Fairly sure her type is any decently cute guy that smiles at her.”
“Oh come on, she knows better than that.”
“I hope you’re right.”
He took several steps towards her and laid a hand on her arm. She dropped the staff and went to him, letting him hold her.
“Call the girl. Quit mucking about with the emails and just call the girl,” he said. His tone was firm but gentle. Buffy nodded and leaned in to rest her head on his chest.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Blunder on headstrong, kicking ass and taking names like the amazing force of nature you are.”
“Well duh… I don’t mean that…”
He looked at her calmly, “I know what you mean. I wouldn’t let that happen.”
“One of the many reasons I love you,” she smiled sadly and shook her head, “Alright, I’m going to go call Dawn.”
“Let me know how things go.”
“I will,” she went up on to her toes to kiss him then left.
He watched her go. After a minute he shifted his weight into a relaxed fighting stance, “You just going to keep standing there like some master-creep, lurking about?” Spike asked loudly.
Angel came out from behind the screen blocking the stairs going up to Giles’s room. “I didn’t want to interrupt,” he gestured towards the door Buffy had gone through, “She’s worried.”
“Always is.”
“What did she mean; when you said you ‘wouldn’t let that happen’?”
Spike turned towards the door she had exited and picked up the staff Buffy had left leaning against the wall. He balanced it in his hands and gave it a slow spin. Angel watched him intently. “Don’t know if you’ve noticed but the girl’s had it kinda rough the past few years,” Spike nodded towards the rack of staffs behind Angel, “Fancy a go?”
“You’re on pipsqueak,” he grinned tightly as he grabbed a staff and settled into a fighting stance, “Been a while hasn’t it?”
“Not so long,” Spike struck at Angel.
Angel deflected the blow easily and returned with a fake to the right and landed a blow against Spike’s staff on his left. “But what did she mean?” Angel asked.
They exchanged a few more strikes, blocking one another with little effort. “It’s personal, Slayer stuff.”
“Didn’t sound like it.”
Spike spun the staff up and shouldered it, “Her personal Slayer stuff then,” his tone was unyielding.
Angel nodded and advanced again, bringing the staff around to ground level. Spike jumped avoiding the strike, “Too slow old man,” Spike crowed.
“Right… but you help her?” Angel asked as he landed another strike across Spike’s staff.
Spike held Angel off with a high block. He broke his hold suddenly. Spinning around he managed to land a hard blow across Angel’s back, “Course I do. All a bloke can do is try. Don’t know what good it’s doing yet, but I definitely try.”
Angel nodded, as he rolled his shoulders, “She really does love you, huhh?”
“Not sure I’d believe it either if I wasn’t living it,” he grinned easily as he deflected another staff blow.
Angel furrowed his eyebrows, glaring daggers at him, “I can’t get used to you smelling like her.”
Spike rolled his eyes and spun with his staff taking Angel out at the knees, “You know it really is gross when you say it like that.”
“You know damn well what I meant.”
“Well sure, it’s no secret you’re jealous. Hell, even I can’t blame you for that.”
“You got a point, Runt?” He grunted before coming up to his knees and blocking another blow.
“I know what it’s like being in love with her and watching her being happy with someone else. We’ve both been there. She’s made her choice.”
Angel pulled himself up, “And somehow it’s you. How is that even possible?”
The fight continued. Each of the vampires continued to exchange strike after strike. Spike kicked Angel squarely in the chest, “You still have no idea what I’ve done for her.”
Angel staggered back. He clutched at his chest and brought his staff up to block as he straightened up “The soul thing? Hello! Original vampire with a soul. Right here!” He took a hard swing at Spike’s head.
Spike took the hit but recovered quickly, “What you’ve got there is a curse! I made a choice! Big difference!” He seethed. Spike continued to twirl the staff hitting him. He gripped the staff in one hand and grabbed Angel by the front of his shirt with the other. He jerked him once and released him with a push.
“Oh so you mean to tell me Angelus would go halfway across the world. Willingly go through all sorts of trials and torments. All just so he— you could get your soul? All for her. Just to be someone who could possibly, potentially, be worthy of her? Because that’s exactly what I did. I did that. Me. Angelus doesn’t give a rat's ass about Buffy,” he finished as he brought the staff around to hit Angel hard in the stomach.
Before Angel could recover, he spun, bringing the staff around to Angel’s lower back. The blow knocked him down onto his knees. Angel scrambled back to his feet to resume his fighting stance. “Know what I think? I think you’re just jealous I got to her first.”
“Oh you want to open that can of worms, do you?”
“Struck a nerve?”
“See I got the bit about loving her and being with her and all. What I didn’t get before, was the fact that she was just a girl when you did. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not delusional, we both did some horrible things to girls that age when we were evil. We were soulless, beasts… but you. You had a soul when you bed her. You’re immortal, or next best thing, and you couldn’t have waited until she was at least a legal adult? You go on about having a soul and all but deep down your moral compass never did point quite right did it? It’s why you spent a hundred years in the gutter. Truth is that this whole having a soul thing has a lot to do with the sort of person we were when we were alive, don’t it?”
“You know nothing about me and Buffy!” Angel growled as he attacked Spike, he landed a solid blow to his rib cage and a second blow to the side of Spike’s face. He dropped the staff, pinning him to the wall with his forearm across his throat.
Spike raised his eyebrows, “Don’t I?”
Angel’s eyes flashed with anger.
“She ever tell you who Dawn’s trusted sitter was? Bit was about the same age I wager. I was soulless and never touched the Bit!”
“You weren’t dating her either, you weren’t in love with the girl. Plus, you were all chips-ahoy!”
Spike kneed Angel in the stomach. Brought his arms up breaking Angel’s hold on him. He retrieved his staff and stood on guard. “Get real, Peaches. Nibblet had a crush on me, plain as day. Plenty I could have done to her that would have never come close to registering on that bloody chip. Never had the mind to take advantage of the situation. Not once. Treated the girl like my own kid sister, I did.”
“Buffy and I were in love!” Angel charged at Spike, punching him several times in the ribs..
Spike broke away and struck Angel at the back of the knees with his staff, then again at the back of the neck. “That makes it all alright then. I might have done a lot of deprived things, bunch of them with you. Hell even some with Buffy, even. But at least she had a say in it, as an adult. You always tried to make it out like you were the better man. It’s all been bullshit. Even without a soul I knew better. I didn’t understand a hell of a lot of things, couldn’t always control the evil inside and it always seemed like a great big gray area between right and wrong back then but at least I had a general idea about what right and wrong was. It’s why I got my soul. I knew it was the right thing to do.”
He gaped up at Spike.
Spike shouldered his staff and continued, “Angelus would torture and kill everyone in this castle and laugh as he did it before drinking them dry. We both know it.”
“Like William the Bloody wouldn’t?” Angel spat as he stood up again.
“I’d have to be mad to go back to that. Soul or no soul, I’d still do anything for Buffy,” he said as he walked over to the rack to put the staff away. “Thanks for the warmup, Old Man,” he huffed.
Spike headed out of the room, leaving Angel alone to consider his words. Angel had always thought Spike had always been a strange vampire. He always thought it had something to do with what he did to Drusilla. Or maybe the way he, Angelus that is, had treated him. Now, he wasn’t so sure. Now he really began to wonder if there was more to Spike than he ever wanted to admit.
“Are you sure about this, Buffy?” Wendy asked, her tone uneasy.
“Just stand back and let Angel do the talking.”
They were back in the altar room where they had originally met Elric. The room was much more crowded than the previous night. Twelve more Minch elders joined Elric, the thirteen demons stood on the far side of the room. They had added a podium next to the altar where Angel stood talking to the Elders.
Spike, Buffy, Wendy and her group of girls stood back a few feet behind Angel listening intently. Little baby Alun kicked his legs happily as they dangled from the baby carrier Wendy wore on her chest. He had been relatively quiet while they made their way there but now they were standing still he had started making a lot of silly baby sounds. Buffy hoped that the fact the baby was clearly happy and cared for would work in their favor. Even though she couldn’t understand a word they were saying, it seemed like Angel had everything in hand. She hoped.
The Minch elder Angel had been talking to was a matronly looking demon with fine white dreadlocks that trailed down to her ankles. Small silver charms and intricately woven wire or possibly a fine chain had been worked into her hair carefully. Like Elric, she too had a number of visible piercings. Hers ran along her ears mostly and one in the center of her bottom lip. Buffy watched as she walked around and past Angel to the spot where Wendy stood holding the baby. She looked the baby over, and allowed the tiny demon to grab her finger on her delicately webbed hand. The older demon woman smiled, showing a set of very straight, very sharp teeth that looked as though they might be made of metal.
Wendy made a gulping sound but stayed still and quiet with a hand on the baby’s back. After several moments the demon woman bowed her head to Wendy and the girls standing with her. She walked around pausing briefly in front of Spike. She looked him over and gave a haute sniff before making her way back over to the other elders.
They huddled around her in a circle as they talked in hushed tones. Buffy nudged Spike, “What’s going on?” She whispered.
“Having a little powwow it would seem,” he answered in a horse whisper.
“Ya think?”
“This Minch stuff isn’t the easiest you know, it’s not like Fyarl. Makes Latin look like daisy picking.”
“Between you and Angel, I always thought you were the language guy,” she kept her voice low.
“Eh, normally am. I probably have more of them under my belt than him. Can’t really do this one or Chinese.”
Angel turned towards them slightly and swatted the air behind him signaling them to quiet down. Buffy shot him an apologetic look. Spike didn’t bother, he just folded his arms over his chest.
A second elder stepped forward. This one was taller than the others. Bald like Elric but with a row of piercings running from where his hairline would have been, clear down to his neck like a Mohawk. in addition to the pierced Mohawk, he also had one at the bridge of his nose, another like a large bullring, and sported a beard that could have been tucked into his belt. He too circled around the group scrutinizing each of them in turn but did not pause. He simply kept going until he rejoined the rest of his fellows. All of whom, Buffy now noticed, were all sporting a large number of visible piercings.
There was a short discussion amongst the thirteen elders. The tall bald one with the beard, came back in front of Angel and began speaking again. Angel nodded and gestured towards the girls and Buffy as he answered him. The bald elder furrowed his brow and gestured to Spike. Angel gave an exasperated little nod and mumbled something in a tone to match.
“What the hell was that?” Buffy hissed quietly in Spike’s ear.
Spike took her hand and squeezed, “Angel being a ponce and getting called out on it. It’s a formality, Pet. No worries as long as Peaches doesn’t screw up the parlay,” he answered her.
Elric stepped forward and addressed Angel. It was a short conversation. At the end of which Angel bowed as Elric handed him something and stepped away. He caught Spike and Buffy’s eyes and the three of them ushered the girls and the baby out quickly. They were back in the main tunnel on the way back to the castle before Buffy stopped Spike and Angel, letting the girls go on ahead of them.
“Alright you two, spill. What was with the quick exit?”
“Just the way they do things, Pet. They aren’t keen on having outsiders hanging around.”
“Spike’s right, that’s not the part we have to worry about.”
“What is it now?”
Angel cleared his throat, “Same as before. When we get back we’ll have to get the baby stuff together and get some things ready for his return tomorrow night.”
“Why does that sound like there’s more to it than you’re letting on?” She asked.
“Because you’re a smart lady,” Spike interjected, “What are you leaving out, I know I didn’t catch everything in there.”
“Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut,” Angel snapped.
Buffy was getting annoyed, “Guys, focus.”
Angel huffed, “Yeah. The gifts… They expect a procession of gifts. Each of us is expected to bring something of value.”
“So we’ll divide the stuff up.”
“I don't think diapers and baby clothes are going to cut it. Not completely. We can still give them that stuff but they have made a few requests too.”
“What do you mean? Like a reverse ransom?”
“Actually yeah, sort of.”
She frowned, “Great… and this is supposed to happen tomorrow night? What else do we need to take?”
“I have a list here. Most of it is pretty standard stuff you probably have at the castle.”
“Let me see that,” she said, grabbing the paper off of him. She skimmed down the list, “This isn’t a ransom, it’s a demon baby registry! We already bought over half the stuff on here… wait… what do they need a houseplant for?”
Angel snatched the paper back from her, “Houseplant? Houseplant…” he repeated, “I’m just going by what they told me.”
“Right,” she said skeptically. She reached out her hand for the list, “I’d better get started on this before tomorrow night. I’ll get Faith and the girls to help with it,” she read it over again and handed it to Spike.
“Good call, Slayer.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose and looked back up at Spike, “A houseplant?”
Early the next evening, Buffy stood in the living room double checking the gift list against the baskets and bags containing the gifts. She was bent over one of the bags when Spike walked in. A slow grin formed on his face when he saw her with her butt in the air like that. She hadn’t noticed him as he moved closer to press the front of his jeans against her backside.
Startled, Buffy stood up with a yelp, “What the— Oh, Spike!”
Laughing, Spike reached out a hand to steady her before she fell over, “Wohh there, Love. It’s just me. Your tender lovin’ man. You’re awfully jumpy.”
She turned around and allowed him to envelope her in his arms, “It’s just been a long day. I keep feeling like I forgot something. There should be something for each of us to carry. There’s seven of us, three big gift bags and two baskets packed to the gills. That’s five…”
“The greenery,” he said nodding towards a beautiful looking snake plant one of the girls had managed to scrounge up.
“Right, that’s six… why am I—“
“Baby blue?”
Buffy slapped her forehead with her palm, “Seven!” Buffy sighed exasperatedly and buried her head in his chest, “I can’t wait for this to all be over,” she mumbled against his gray button down dress shirt. She noticed his hair was still damp from the shower and inhaled the scent of his soap, letting it calm her. He smelled exceptionally good.
“Get this sorted out tonight. Send Angel on his merry way. Suss out what’s really going on back in Rome. And start having some fun, just you and me.”
Buffy looked up at him, “I really like the sound of that,” she murmured as she leaned in for a kiss. He brought a hand to the back of her head and the other pressed into the small of her back. Buffy felt the tension melt out of her body as she ran her hands over his muscular back and they deepened the kiss.
They didn’t break apart until they heard a forced cough coming from the archway leading from the entryway hall into the living room. They both looked up to see Faith and Angel standing there. Angel gaped at the sight before him. Buffy and Spike intertwined in the midst of a large pile of baby gifts. This, coupled with the sparring session with Spike the day before, was like a punch to the gut.
Angel hadn’t felt this level of defeat since Spike had beaten him to the cup that was supposed to determine which one of them would get to become human. Granted, that had turned out to be a fake. It still reminded him that he had signed away his right to the Shanshu prophecy.
He still hadn’t told Spike, he’d practically given the prophecy over to him. It hadn’t really hit him until that moment that he’d also handed over any legitimate claim he could have still had on Buffy. He hung his head looking at his shoes and stepped out of the doorway into the hall and back through to the kitchen. He didn’t belong here.
“I’ll get him,” Faith said.
“Nah, I got this,” Buffy argued.
Buffy went to let go of Spike, he held tight for a moment, “Just a minute, Love. He probably just needs some space. I went a bit hard on him yesterday.”
Buffy placed a hand on his chest and looked up into his eyes, “I need his head in the game. That’s the whole reason he’s here. We can’t have him screwing up now, you know that. I got this,” she said, patting his chest as she did. Then she made her way into the kitchen where Angel was preparing a mug of blood.
“Everything ready to go?” He asked casually.
Buffy eyed him, “Yeah, everything is accounted for. How are you holding up?”
He shook his head, “Buffy— I’m not trying to be the jealous ex-boyfriend here,” he said, taking the blood from the microwave.
“Trying, not trying…” she shrugged and gave him a knowing look, “You’ve been sulking since you got here.”
“You’re happy and that’s what matters… I just… I wish it could have been me.”
“It can’t.”
“I know.”
“I’m not the same girl I was.”
“No, you’re not.”
“So we’re good?” She said briskly, she was having a hard time keeping the anger out of her voice, “I told you before, you don’t get to come in, all possessive every time I get a new boyfriend. It’s not fair to any of us. Plus it’s damn stupid!”
Angel looked at the deep red liquid in his cup and back up at her, “I know. No more harking on your choice of boyfriends.”
“Well fortunately I don’t think you’re gonna have to worry about any future boyfriends. Pretty sure I’m done. Just make nice with Spike. Stop being an ass and we’re good.”
Angel clenched his jaw and relaxed, “Fine. But the minute he breaks your heart or—“
“Yeah, I get it.”
He took a breath and let it out, letting the motion of his chest settle him despite having no need for oxygen, “What happened to the cookie dough thing? Are you telling me you’re suddenly done baking?”
“Not exactly, but neither is Spike… we’re sort of baking together,” she frowned at her own choice of words.
“Always thought he was half-baked,” Angel huffed but gave her a little half smile.
Buffy gave a tiny snort, and sobered. “I love him. What I have with him is… well it’s different from what you and I had.”
“Yes, had! You were— you were one part lover, one part mentor. That kind of thing gets all twisted. There was never a chance that could work. Not really. Spike and I… we’re equals in a lot of ways and where we’re not, we sort of balance each other. I can totally be myself with him. It’s just… it’s nice… it’s beyond nice. I need him. I’ve never truly needed someone before. Not the way I need him. It’s hard to put into words. I just know I hate being without him for more than a day or two. I just wish I had known when he first got back, ghost or not,” she gave him a pointed look.
“I can accept you’ve moved on, I can even somehow accept it’s with him. You smell so much like each other now it’s…”
“Getting gross dude…”
“Look, you might be with him for the long hull, but I do not have to say or do anything that makes life easier for that bleached idiot.”
She pursed her lips, “Great talk. I feel loads better. Let’s give back this Minch kid and then we’ll all go for karaoke afterwards!”
Angel missed the sarcasm, “Not exactly my thing…”
“No kidding, not mine either… Might go to a club tonight though. You really need to lighten up. You’re like a big ball of cloudy dark blahh.”
“Thanks, really appreciate that.”
“Yeah… so anyway,” she nodded briskly, glancing at the little silver watch she was wearing, “We roll out in ten.”
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iconic-ponytail · 4 years ago
there's always money in the banana stand
riverdale promptathon week 3: yellow + business
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Even as the sun sets, even as the breeze blows, the hell furnace of July in Riverdale burns on. It’s triply as sweltering inside the tiny booth running three freezers, offloading heat to sustain the frozen merchandise inside. “How can it be so hot in there when we are supposed to be selling frozen bananas?” JB complains, at least twice a week.
She’s twelve. Complaint is her new first language. She complains about being left in Riverdale while Gladys went back to Toledo. She complains about living in a trailer park that usually does not have warm water. She complains about their father being imprisoned for covering up a gruesome murder. But most of all, she complains about working in the banana stand.
Child labor laws aside, Jughead can’t blame her for that one. He hates the damn banana stand, but it’s their best shot.
Gladys’ monthly check covers rent and utilities for the trailer. Everything else is on him, now. The idiot eighteen year old who decided to petition the court to be his sister’s legal guardian. Well, and his idiot mom who signed off on it. So he needs money, and the Jones family has never been particularly flush with cash, just trampled over by FP’s failed “business opportunities.”
Enter: the banana stand.
It’s not the fastest revenue stream, Jughead finds. But it’s got potential.
Initially, Dilton doesn’t let him sell during the Twilight Drive-In’s concession stand hours. Before or after the movie, sure, but no overlap. “I’m not worried about competition, Jones. It’s just too humiliating for me to watch you sweat through that horrible yellow polo you call ‘branding.’”
But when customers asked him more than twice a night when the banana stand would be open, Dilton caved.
It’s not like being open during the screening hours is a whole lot more preferable. He only just transferred from Southside to Riverdale High last spring; now he’s the rising senior who hands out phallic symbols from inside a giant phallic symbol. Not exactly a boon to his popularity.
Still, recently the money is enough to pay the internet bill and keep JB fed for dinner when she can’t go to the summer breakfast and lunch program at the local park district. It’s still not enough for him to eat particularly well, and the smell of hot dogs and slurp of his classmates’ slushies makes the heat feel like a minor inconvenience.
He eyes the tip jar, willing himself to wait on rampaging the concession stand until the beginning of the film roar dies down. It’s a double feature tonight, which means maybe he can score enough cash to cover those damn college application fees his counselor will start hounding him about week one of school.
Then he sees her—Betty Cooper. She’s laughing, watching Archie Andrews try to catch popcorn in his mouth, tossed by his paramour, Veronica Lodge. She pauses to sip from her slushie straw, her lips—which he’s watched argue against homophobic and racist comments in their advanced lit class, or pressed to the cheek of her other best friend, Kevin Keller. Which he’s imagined, doing slightly less savory things, though the mere thought of said imagining has his heart pounding wildly.
(Jughead’s been eating way too many fucking bananas. Someone needs to check his potassium levels.)
His absolutely pathetic gaze, once available three times a day in their shared classes where Jughead has still not managed to exert any confidence whatsoever regarding speech, eye contact, or general acknowledgement of Betty Cooper’s existence other than whatever drooling may or may not be happening, all of which he finds he has no control over… is all interrupted by the absolute polar opposite of Betty Cooper. Hiram Lodge zooms up to the banana stand on his segway, angling to a stop just before taking out the stand’s foundation.
“Still getting a hang of that, Mayor Lodge?”
Hiram grimaces. “Just checking that you’ve renewed your business permit, Jones.”
They do this once a week. It’s still the same permit.
“You know,” Hiram starts as Jughead rustles for the paperwork to make him go the fuck away, “I could find you an arrangement with a better banana supplier. For a discount. If you’re interested.”
Jughead rolls his eyes. “I’m not interested in your GMO, black market bananas, Hiram.”
Hiram gives him a pointed look. Jughead rolls his eyes even harder. “Mayor Lodge.” He proffers the papers, Hiram waves them away. “I’ll take one chocolate peanut butter dip. With peanuts.”
Jughead kisses his teeth. “That will be $3.50.”
Hiram’s whole face goes serpentine. “Not between business partners, Jones. Put it on my tab.”
Jughead grits his teeth, handing the finished banana so aggressively he hopes that the chocolate splatters and stains Hiram’s $500 tie. It is only slightly worth it to watch Hiram struggle with navigating the segway one-handed, frozen banana in the other.
He muffles a chuckle before realizing he’s used the dead end of the chopped peanut topping, and exits the stand to update the order board hanging on the outside. It’s mostly an excuse to feel a ten degree drop in temperature, a sweet relief he might be able to extend by grabbing a hot dog before the intermission rush.
He’s crossing off peanuts from the topping list and spinning around when he hears a shriek and a sudden, cold slosh across his chest. The yellow polo drips with artificial blue slushie, but Jughead swallows his fucking hell when he sees that the shriek, gaping stare of horror, and stumble in question all belong to his very own blonde kryptonite.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD, jesus, shit, I’m so sorry!”
Jughead is frozen while Betty grabs about half his napkin dispenser and starts pawing at his shirt in a vain attempt to right the giant sticky blue mess all over his chest.
Finally, Jughead swallows the golf ball in his throat and chokes out. “Honestly, it’s fine. That stand is a sauna. I needed that.”
Betty stops, both her blotting and her stream of apologizing (which includes a fair bit of cursing, and he is a little revolted with himself by how much this turns him on).
“It’s going to get very sticky, soon. Maybe I should buy a bottle of cold water?”
Jughead can’t help himself. “Oh, impromptu yellow t-shirt contest?”
Betty grins.
I did that.
“Do you have any employees who could bring you another shirt?”
Jughead shakes his head. “Just my sister. She’s playing video games at home. There’s no earthly way she’ll bring me a spare.”
Betty cocks her head. “I had a feeling you were more than the silent back row kind of guy.”
The fact that Betty Cooper has, at any point, considered what kind of guy he is triggers full-on nervous blathering. “I’m usually very tired at school. I have this little sister—but I’m kind of um, her guardian. So I’m doing this stupid banana stand thing because it’s like one of the three assets to our entire family name I guess? Anyway, it’s hard to engage with Haggly’s basic discussion questions at eight in the morning when you spent the whole night dreaming about wholesale banana margins.”
He’s essentially vomiting words, but Betty is still smiling.
“Anyway, I should crawl back into my fruit-shaped purgatory and let you go back to your friends.”
She’s biting her lip, hedging. “Honestly, they’re probably using the alone time to make out in the car, and I’d rather let them get all their sexual tension out so that I don’t have to feel it radiating off of them for the whole second half of the double feature.”
Jughead laughs and tamps down the impulse to offer her a frozen banana, because he cannot possibly say something like that without making it sound sexual.
“What are frozen banana profit margins like, anyway?” Betty asks, either genuinely interested or legitimately flirting with him. Jughead finds both potentials baffling.
Jughead hesitates, then ducks inside the stand, pulling out his spiral bound notebook. “I’m still kind of figuring it out. All my records are in here.”
Betty sidles up to the stand, taking up the whole window. They’re both leaning over the scribbled line items on college ruled paper; he can smell her shampoo. She takes the notebook, scanning thoroughly.
“Do you have a pencil?”
He hands her one and observes her going to work, writing out some algebraic formula and calculating quickly in her head. There is a calculator within his reach, but he thinks handing it to her might come off as an insult. (Jughead wouldn’t know; he assumes Betty is in an advanced math class. Jughead is not.)
After a few minutes of watching her devoted focus, thinking about her hands touching his pencil, thinking about her hands wrapped around his hand, or his—
“I don’t know how to tell this to you, Jug.”
The shortening of his name stops his heart for a jolt, and his response is embarrassingly delayed. “What is it?”
Betty winces but smiles through it, a combination she’s surely learned to use when delivering bad news. It’s well earned, it really does soften the blow.
“There’s no money in the banana stand. At least, not with these margins.”
Jughead finds himself less than devastated by this news, mostly because it makes a hell of a lot of sense. The messenger doesn’t hurt, either.
“But,” she interrupts. “I don’t know if you’ve nailed down your course load for senior year. But I’m taking AP Econ? This could be, um, a good project. Like, if you want to take the class. Or even if you don’t. Not that you’re like a project or… whatever. I’m just saying we could figure it out. Make lemonade out of… bananas.”
Betty Cooper is extremely cute when she stammers.
Jughead doesn’t know what to do, so he gives her an easy out. “I can’t like, hire you, if that wasn’t obvious by the whole… deficit spending or whatever the whole negative circled number at the bottom of the page really means.”
She flushes. “No, that would be highway robbery. I just thought there might be an… opportunity. For um, us. I mean, for you and I. I mean—” she clears her throat, as if it’s closing up. “An academic opportunity. Or, in your case, professional. Well, a betterment of your livelihood. Okay, um, shit, just… I should go!”
She turns away, her face the deepest scarlet he’s ever seen.
“Betty, wait.”
She pivots back, eyes down at the ground.
“How about I buy you a new slushie and you come back into the booth. Tell me everything I’m doing wrong for the rest of the night.”
Betty looks up, biting the corner of her smile. “Sounds like a deal.”
They shake on it.
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blackstarising · 4 years ago
precipice, a buckysarah fic | also on ao3
bucky and sarah spend saturday mornings together on the wilson's back porch. neither remembers when this became a habit.
She’s awake for a few moments before she hears it, the creaking, through the open window. It’s not loud, of course, it’s never loud, Daddy had dutifully oiled the swing’s joints to make sure that wouldn’t happen, but age had touched it just enough that, nowadays, you’d know if someone was sitting there.
Sarah sits up, and rubs the sleep from her eyes. The thick, summer air fills her lungs, the same that coats her forehead in a sheen of sweat. Lingering tension from melts from her shoulders. Unconsciously, she brushes the dog tags nestled inside of her shirt.
He’s okay. Thank God.
A familiar electric buzz runs up the back of her spine as she pads past the boys’ rooms and tiptoes down the stairs. Months ago, that buzz would have prompted her toss her bonnet onto her bed, to swiftly change into jeans and a somewhat presentable T-shirt, even though Saturday mornings before 8 were, by law, designated as Sarah Time.
And then, three weeks ago, the last time she’d seen him in person, she’d raced down the stairs to get AJ’s stuffed toy (some Minecraft thing? Sarah could never keep track) that he’d accidentally left outside before he woke up, cheesy printed pajamas and all. He hadn’t flinched.
He could fit into Sarah Time, she’d decided, right then and there. Lizzo’s “Cuz I Love You” was left on repeat on her phone for her the rest of the day.
So she slips downstairs, ‘Bad Mama Jama’ shirt and all. Coffee steeps. Two mugs are produced, lactose-free milk dumped into each, and a sizable glop of honey into hers.
After all this time, his breath still catches a little when he sees her come out the back door. The humidity that sticks to Bucky’s skin like a stifling coat makes her skin shimmer in the faint sunlight. She yawns, her nose wrinkling just enough that it’s painfully cute, and then she relaxes, still sleepy but serene as she presses the hot mug into his right hand.
“Hey.” He greets her.
“Hey.” Her smile grows. “You’re back.”
“I am. With cinnamon rolls.” Sure enough, a paper bag rests next to the swing. He pats his left side, and she obliges. Their thighs touch plainly this time.
She takes a slow sip of her coffee. “Hope you haven’t been sitting here all night. Where’s Sam?”
“About an hour, and still in DC. Captain America business, and all that.”
“And what? No Winter Soldier business?”
Bucky shrugs. “I like the quiet.” Her quiet. Or maybe just her and the boys, though the boys weren’t that quiet. And ‘like’ was too weak a word at this point, probably.
She takes another sip of coffee, strangely proud. He does too, if only to silence the annoyingly insistent voice in the back of his head nagging him to just put his arm around her shoulder already.
“Still not sure about this fancy milk, though.”
“You mean milk that me and the kids can actually digest?” Sarah knows damn well he can’t taste the difference. “Well, I have bad news for you about oat milk. And soy milk." She grins wickedly. "And don't forget rice milk-”
“None of which belong in coffee.” After nearly a century of identities and missions she’s not sure if she ever wants to hear about, his Brooklyn accent is faint, but he still stretches out the caw in ‘coffee’. How mortifying it is, the way she perks up when that grit bleeds out.
He brushes the bright blue hem of her bonnet. “Is this new?”
She shakes her head and pulls it off. Dark braids tumble down her shoulders. These ones are new, he notices - they’re tighter at the root, and shimmer with oil that smells of roses. “Found out AJ stuffed it in the couch cushions a month ago. I just happened to stick my hand down there yesterday. I do not know what it is about him and that damn couch.” She snickers. “Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a signed check for a million dollars down there one day.”
He chuckles, and gives the ground a little kick the start the swing going again. “Did he get his new glasses yet? Last time I was here, he was saying that he didn’t want to see the optometrist again.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t like the...” Sarah makes a motion with a finger, like she’s pressing a button. “There’s a little gun they use. They blow a puff of air onto your eyeball.”
Bucky recoils a little. “They what?”
“It’s supposed to measure it for the prescription. They tried to do it on me before they did his. I thought it was supposed to be just like a little breeze, but it bounces off your eye.” She pauses and scratches her head. “I may have hollered-”
“Ha! I bet he took that well.”
“I had to get him on my lap to calm down.” She sighs and pouts, just a little. “At least he still wants to be held. Cass makes me drop him off a block away from school now.”
Cass is indeed growing. Overnight, he’s shot up like a reed so that he’s just as high as Bucky’s shoulders. His normally smooth skin is interrupted by a few bumps, and his voice bounces around in pitch like an untuned clarinet. Something in his chest twinges when he considers it, how time marches forward. How, very soon, the collective wide-eyed innocence of the boys will harden into adulthood.
Her gaze falls to his left hand. The fingers curl and flex. She still remembers the first time she’d looked at his arm, really looked at it, the dark plates molding and shifting. It’d been the second time they’d shared this same porch, waiting for Sam to bring back the boys from fishing.
I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, Sarah, he’d said suddenly, catching her gaze. His voice had been heavy, but clear. Dark blue eyes filled with regret. I’ve hurt people. Killed people. I didn’t have a choice, but, with you and- here, she’d held her breath as his Adam’s apple bobbed, how quickly he’d blinked - and the boys, I...I don’t want- I need you to know all of me. Who I’ve been. Who I am. And then you can decide. But you can’t do that if I’m not honest.
She doesn’t remember what she’d said after. She does remember watching him get into the truck so Sam could take him to the airport. How he’d paused when he’d opened the door, and turned towards her, eyes wide. Vulnerable. How she’d smiled at him, and waved, maybe a bit too cheesily, like it’d been the easiest thing in the world, because despite it all, oddly, she hadn’t been afraid. How the widest grin had broken out on his face and something deep inside her chest that had been closed had burst open for the first time since she’d lost Andrew. And she remembers watching the truck pull out of the drive as her heart filled to such a capacity that her chest hurt, and the second they’d disappeared over the hill she’d promptly burst into tears, well, really, half laughing and half sobbing, because how the hell was she supposed to know she could find that feeling again?
It’s only when she sees his jaw clench that she finally notices the cut, long and fading pink against his chiseled cheekbones. Maybe she’s getting too used to them - he’s always injured in some way when he gets back.
He can see that familiar softening in her eyes as she catches sight of the gash. Well, it had been a gash just an hour before, the result of catching a thrown knife on his cheek before he’d caught the hilt. But what’s about to happen next will play like clockwork.
First, she’s going to try to get a closer look. Her index and pointer finger come up just under his chin, tilting his head to the side. His skin tingles, the electricity of her concern rushing through him.
Then, she’ll hum. She’s never chastised him, though he wouldn’t know what there’d be to say if she tried. But that hum says more than enough.
In the moment, she doesn’t feel herself cupping his face with both hands, it just sort of happens. Her throat dries instantly as the stubble brushes in her palms.
He can’t breathe, but every single muscle in his body relaxes. He sinks into her touch.
“Y- you should see the other guy,” he manages to get out. There’s a faint memory that breaks to the surface, the docks in New York, 1940-something, 1943? A date whose name has been lost to time, the last date he’d ever go on. Soft hands cupping his face, just like this, and warm, pleading ruby-red lips crashing dully into his, a whisper to not forget her.
Sarah’s tongue darts between her lips. Both thumbs rub small circles into his cheeks. It wasn’t a question of if he wanted to kiss her, no. When has a day gone by that he hasn’t thought of kissing her? How is it that it’s never happened, but he can see it, clear as crystal, and hold it in his mind’s eye. How can he already feel her warm and flush and present and breathless and real against him?
Very slowly, she comes back to herself, and her face immediately flushes with a sharper heat. Her hands awkwardly drop from his face. She tries to think of something, anything, to interrupt the silence (to explain herself?), but every word that comes to mind sticks helplessly in her throat and she just can’t stand it because she’s the same, she’s exactly the same as she’d been at 17, leg jiggling and sweating and staring a hole right through the back of Andrew’s head in AP Calculus.
(She’d never wanted to punch Sam so bad back then when he’d had the audacity to say well, just tell him, already. The audacity of him, to think things were so simple.)
She leans back, scooting just a hair away this time. The crest of the sun beams through the trees, painfully bright. Her pulse is louder now. She’s looking at the small grove so intently she doesn’t even register the weight gently settle on her left shoulder at first. It only clicks when she feels the cool metal of his thumb brush up and down her bicep. Their eyes lock, brown against against blue.
He’s still smiling, and she, she realizes, is too.
So she melts into him. She melts into him, her ear landing over his chest, her arm wrapping around the small of his back. She sighs into the muted whoosh whoosh whoosh of his heartbeat, the cotton of his shirt, and the faint smell of spearmint on his breath. Another kick of her foot and they’re swinging yet again, back and forth, back and forth. The sun pulls itself up ever higher and higher.
The light starts to burn his cheek. “The boys’ll be up soon,” he murmurs into her hair.
She snuggles deeper into him. “Mmm.”
They’re on the precipice of something, this, they both know. They're inching closer and closer, and one day they’ll step off, and she’ll kiss him full on the mouth and whenever he’ll come back to the house he’ll be coming back home and whenever they go anywhere they’ll stick each others hand in their back pockets in that particular way that teenagers do that let everyone know that they’re each others and there’s nothing they can do about it.
One day. But for now, this is more than enough.
They like the quiet.
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skunked-up-kicks · 3 years ago
Omg... same... I don't remember my first reaction to that kevin-andrew staring line, but like for example, it took me a while to get why Nicky warned Neil not to look too much at Kevin. And when people interpret things sexually/romantically in the fandom I'm definitely surprised, like the cigarette pack in Andrew's back pocket turned into staring at his ass etc. I did find stuff like Andrew brushing Neil's back more telling, but I didn't read every moment from a sexual attraction lense u know
I don't know if my last ask made sense but basically same sometimes im like "oh you guys think this line is about attraction. ok. i didn't know that" i feel like i learnt to see the romance/attraction in most of it bc i remember i felt like neil for the longest time -- i didn't see the signs of 'attraction' a lot of the time, though i did see more blatant flirting
lil disclaimer thingy: i understand everyone reads book differently and is coming from different perspectives, and i'm not intending to shame anyone or anything, just wanna talk about my experience reading aftg.
so, if i'm being honest... i do genuinely find it so baffling that people read certain scenes (mainly book 1 scenes) as sexual. like you mentioned the infamous 'neil sussed the twins out by which one had a cigarette packet in their back pocket' scene that people have turned into 'neil was ogling andrew's ass'. which.. neil is a respectful king and would never, okay? i hate when ppl make him into a fucking creep :// but also it's a good example of an early moment in the series that showed how observant and clever neil could be so it also makes me sad that the moment got stripped of that in favour of it being sexual :(
anyway, besides sexual clearly not being how it's intended to be read, it's also weird to me because like... my mind was not at all in the place to be reading scenes as sexual when i first read that scene.
we've just been introduced to neil not that long ago, and he's been presented to us as a traumatized teenager who's been squatting in his highschool's gym locker room, seems to have a nicotine addiction, is really anxious, has seen his mum die, and i'm also pretty sure there's lines about how lonely neil is and about how much he's grieving his mum. not that long before the cigarette-in-back-pocket scene doesn't neil have a moment at the window where he thinks "one of us has to make it mum"??
what i'm very poorly trying to explain is that, at least when i first read the books, i was really attached to neil early on and more importantly i was really protective of him. cause he's a child really... and a very hurt and distressed one at that, who's in a new and clearly unsafe environment. andrew's group is not presented in a good light early on, so i was rightfully suspicious and untrusting of them. how people can be given a character like neil in a situation like that and be playing matchmaker almost immediately is... yeah.
like... my mind wasn't in the place to be going "oooo neil thinks one of them has a nice ass!!🥴🥴"... LIKE? the scenes before certainly aren't set up in a way that's leading you down that train of thought...
it's the same as the scene where neil puts andrew's hand under his shirt, people talked about seeing that as sexual too. but andrew's been raped literally like 2 or 3 pages ago??? when i read those kinds of posts i can't help but think "how is this what's on your guys minds right now??..."
plus, when people say they saw these moments as sexual attraction they are often also implying they were thinking "maybe they'll get together". which is why i mentioned that i didn't trust andrew's group, cause i assumed everyone else felt the same, so i also assumed that like me they wouldn't be thinking of neil possibly getting with any of them... cause if you don't think they're trustworthy... why would you? i just wanted to protect neil from them ngl :') the only other character i liked at the time besides neil was wymack cause he actually showed that he cared about neil's wellbeing.
even that scene where andrew runs his fingers also neil's back, i honestly thought andrew was trying to intimidate neil... cause i didn't fucking like or trust andrew! he had non-con drugged not that long ago and i was still pissed at him and his group at the time. plus, andrew had used touching neil as a way to try and intimidate him before that so. even if i had picked up on the fact that andrew was attracted to neil from that during my first read, i wouldn't have thought they'd be getting together, or even wanted them too lol.
also because, aside from what i've said, there was also the fact neil told us he didn't swing... some scenes happened before that but most that people talk about happened after. if i'm reading a book and i'm having moments where i'm thinking maybe someone is attracted to the main character it's because i assume something might actually happen!
but i believed neil was aro/ace and so i wasn't looking for moments of neil being attracted to people, or moments of others being attracted to him. i never really bothered trying to read between the lines, it never even crossed my mind for so long... cause i had already set my mind on "neil won't end up with anyone". i only remembering it occurring to me at the "doesn't mean i wouldn't blow you" scene.
and honestly, when that happened i remember thinking something like "andrew's gonna end up getting rejected". idk? i never doubted neil was aspec, i started off thinking he was aro/ace like i said but i never went "oh he's gay", i just went "oh so he's not aro/ace but he's somewhere on the spectrum of being asexual".
and also tbh... i liked that neil never thought of things sexually. it was nice :'( and seeing his own thoughts and actions getting interpreted in that way, especially after we should have been under the assumption he wasn't interested in things like that... it rubs me the wrong way.
(i know aro/ace ppl can have relationships and/or have sex, but the way neil presented his sexuality and acted when hit on. to me, it made it seem like he was completely uninterested in either)
i can understand going back through the book after reading for the first time and being like "oh andrew's actions or words here might have been partially motivated by his attraction to neil at the time!", but through the first read? and for neil?? it's weird to me...
this is quite long so sorry bout that lol, i think i'll leave it here. it's nice to see someone else feel a similar way anyway ;^;
again, i don't think it's wrong if people read it differently. it just confuses me cause it's so different from my experience reading it and what i would expect it to be like for others
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simonsrosebud · 4 years ago
the one where someone doesn’t know who kevin day is, pt. 5
part one two three four
extra kalton content
games are over for the rest of the winter, and since winter break doesn’t officially start for another week it means that kevin spends most of his time at dalton’s apartment.
which, to be frank, isn’t any different than normal.
what is different, is that now kevin has much more free time to worry about meeting dalton’s family. how did he let himself get roped into staying there for a week?
oh right. because he’s trying to be a good boyfriend. and being a good boyfriend means doing this for dalton because it’s important to him. that’s probably why it’s stressing him out.
kevin flinches when a carrot hits his cheek. “come back to the present, will you?”
he drops his head back against the sofa. “sorry. i zoned out.”
and when dalton is dropping him off at his class for his first final of the semester, “are you okay?”
kevin shrugs. “i’m nervous about meeting your family.” he looks at dalton’s lap instead of his face.
dalton puts the car in park and leans over the center console to kiss his cheek. he stays there for a moment. “i know it won’t help to say there’s nothing to worry about, but it’s still true. they’ll love you because i love you.”
“what?” kevin drags his stare up to dalton’s face. he’s smiling, he knows exactly what he’s done.
and dalton takes kevin’s face in his hands. “i love you. and i don’t expect you to say it back, and me saying it probably isn’t helping to make you less nervous, but thinking about me loving you is probably nicer than thinking about meeting my family.” he kisses kevin. “you gotta go, kev.”
kevin’s mouth is still hanging a little, and when he drags himself out of the car he leans into the open window. “you-you’re just gonna spring that on me and leave?”
“yep. and you’re going to think about it when you’re doubting yourself taking this exam.” he puts the car in drive, and blows him a dramatic kiss. “text me when you’re done?”
“no- i mean, yes, but-“
“good luck, love you!” and he drives off.
kevin watches his car until it turns the corner, and tugs at his hair before going inside.
he may have failed his exam, he may not have. he can’t really tell. either way, he lies a little to dalton when walking out. just got done, still have to wait for the class to end the exam before we can leave.
that kinda sucks. just txt me when ur done
kevin doesn’t know who to call, but his thumb eventually lands on abby.
“hey. are you okay? i feel like you never call me,” she laughs, and kevin grimaces. he should do it more often, then.
“i’m just stressed about something and… you’re the only person i thought to call.” he sits on a nearby bench outside his building. before abby can say anything he gets back to it. “dalton said i love you this morning and i don’t know what to do about it.”
“well, kevin, you don’t have to do anything about it. you can say it back? if you feel the same way?”
he does. he thinks. does he? is it just him thinking he should say it back because it’s the nice thing to do? he and thea never said it.
kevin shakes his head. his relationship with thea was toxic and a little fabricated.
kevin freezes. he’s never said i love you to someone and meant it. he takes a deep breath. he’s so fucked up. he knows he’s fucked up and it makes his head spin, but he can’t dwell on it because more of his reality would crash around him, and he’s already working through enough of it with bee behind the scenes.
“i’m here. i don’t know if i feel the same, yet.”
“i know. you don’t have to say it. you can wait until you’re ready, or you don’t ever have to say it if you never feel it. he seems nice, i mean, i’d surely think that he’d be okay with you waiting?”
why did he call her? no one really knows his relationship but him.
he calls dalton. “i’m out, now. can you take me to the stadium?”
kevin shoots on an empty goal, hounding balls at cones for what’s probably close to two hours before the door opens.
wymack looks at him expectantly. “remember when betsy said you shouldn’t be spending more time here than necessary? like you did last year with the god-awful night practices?”
kevin plants the end of his racquet to the ground. “i had a lot on my mind.”
wymack retreats back through the hall. kevin follows. “should i be playing dad or coach right now?”
kevin doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to him saying things like that. about being his father. it’s not like he ever thought of him as just his coach, the day he found out that david wymack was his father that’s all he’s been able to think of him as in his head. the reality of it is just… different. shocking, even now.
“both?” wymack turns, an eyebrow raised. “dalton told me he loves me. i can’t say it back yet, so i don’t know what to say to him when i see him.”
he crosses his arms. “hey, dalton, you know i’m basically head over heels for you as anyone can tell, but i can’t say i love you yet because i’ve got shit up here that i need to settle first.” and after a moment. “too coach?
kevin shrugs. “it’s what i expected.”
it’s close enough to what he tells dalton, too. just without the head over heels and softer wording of “i’m fucked in the head”.
and he feels a little lighter when dalton kisses him and tells him it’s okay. “i told you you don’t have to say it. are you uncomfortable with me saying it again? do you want me to wait?”
and he doesn’t want to- or know how to say no, i need you to keep saying it until i believe you. i need you to keep saying it so i don’t forget. so that i know you mean it.
instead, he shrugs. he’s been shrugging so much lately. he’ll turn into neil. “i like hearing it.”
“kay.” dalton smiles. “i love you, then.”
he wasn’t planning on telling dalton anything past that, but then they start making out, and dalton lies him down, and he panics. “hey.” he says.
dalton has his lips on his neck. “hey.”
“no, hey, stop, d.” and he’s off of him quicker than he can comprehend.
“are you okay?”
“yeah,” he breathes. “no, i’m fine, i just…” he sits up. “i… can’t say i love you yet because i’ve never said it to anyone.”
“i’ve only been in two other real relationships before this, that’s okay-“
“no, i mean.” he sighs. “when i was... with the ravens, you know... saying i love you, or even like, oh love you man to a friend just... wasn’t something that-that we did. especially the way i was raised, i may have said it to a friend once or twice. but i don’t...” he looks up, and dalton feels pain in his chest from the pure vulnerability in his eyes. he slides his hands up gently to kevin’s face as he whispers, “i don’t think i’ve ever said i love you to anyone and meant it.”
“hey,” he whispers back. “that’s okay, kev. that’s okay.” he hugs him and kevin takes the biggest breath ever as he tucks his face into dalton’s shoulder.
and two weeks later, kevin’s standing on the porch of the miller family home in bowie, maryland.
he glances down at the address in his notes. this is the right one.
he should have let dalton pick him up from the airport. he knows he feels bad about it, but he didn’t want him to see how nervous he was.
he knocks on the door.
it opens after a few moments. a girl almost his height stands inside the door, and kevin panics. “hi.”
but she grins. “hi! you’re kevin! come in!” she steps back and it’s so fucking warm in the house compared to outside. “i’m so excited you’re here, dalton told us all about youuu” she coos as she leads him further into the house. dalton is shouting as he runs across the kitchen to turn down the stove to stop something from boiling over, and when he turns he grins.
“kevin!” he very obviously tries not to run over to hug him, and almost lifts kevin off his toes. “how long have you been here?” he whispers.
“twenty seconds.”
“oh good. okay. how was your flight?” he shrugs. “okay, cool, uh, let’s take your bag to my room.”
dalton kind of rushes them downstairs. his room and a spare bedroom are the only ones down there, and when he shuts the door behind them he takes a deep breath. “i’m sorry. i’m really nervous. my family’s kind of loud and my sisters are those people who just kind of act like they’ve known you for a while within five minutes of meeting you, so they probably won’t care to be weird in front of you. and my dad acts real tough and he’ll do the dad thing from movies and hammer you” kevin has no idea what he’s talking about. “um, and my sisters are annoying and if they bitch at each other just ignore it- it’s just what they do. and i just-”
“dalton it’s fine!” kevin shrugs out of his coat. “you forget i’ve lived with andrew, nicky, and neil. every awkward or tense moment is created because of them.”
he also knows how to school his expression in strange situations. again, he’s grown up in the spotlight.
so dalton leads him back upstairs where his mother is standing at the stove and his two sisters are at the table leaned close and whispering. they stop and both turn when the boys come up. “sorry, stole him for a second. um, mom, this is kevin.”
“oh, call me anne. it’s so nice to finally meet you! dalton’s told us plenty.”
“you as well. i’m just glad i was able to come out here this winter.” he’s got on his press smile on instinct. he’s so nervous, he feels like he’s sweating.
“i’m carmen, this is bella!” the girls wave from their spots at the table, and before he can say hello carmen speaks up again. he’s not complaining. “so you play exy? bella plays exy.” bella elbows her. “what!”
“i really don’t. i joined intramural at school so my friend wouldn’t be alone. i’m really bad.”
“not terrible, he could teach you some moves. he’s incredible.” now kevin shoots dalton a look. “what.”
“no, it’s okay, i mean i know who you are.” kevin’s stomach drops a little. “not like- i know that you’re famous for exy, i don’t like know you.”
kevin’s trying hard not to regret coming. why did he think he could act normal with someone else’s family?
but surprisingly, things smooth out after a few more minutes of painstaking conversation. granted, after kevin meets dalton’s father after comes home.
“kevin day. it’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” he’s proud of his handshake, but mr. miller doesn’t pay it any mind.
“george. nice to meet you.” he nods, and grabs a bottle from the fridge. “beer? dalt, you get him a drink?”
kevin stiffens as he sits back at the table. “i don’t drink, sir.”
george frowns for a moment. he doesn’t remember how old dalton said he was. “you’re not underage, are you?” only three years younger, right?
“no, i just don’t drink.” anymore.
“fair enough.” he sits back at the table, and gestures towards his face. “see you’ve got a tattoo. why the face?”
“dad!” carmen is doing homework on her laptop, but looks up with a shocked look on her face. “don’t be rude,” she mumbles.
“i’m just asking!”
kevin honestly doesn’t know who to go by, but he feels his dad is the right route. “it’s a cover up. the one under it was a cocky premature thing with... uh, my, my-”
“his kind of brother.” kevin wishes carmen would butt out. but he has to play nice.
“oh! i’m sorry, i thought dalton said you were an only child.” and his dad actually seems sorry that he got his information wrong, despite it not even coming up yet, that kevin feels bad. he balls his fists under the table.
“we weren’t related. i just grew up with him. my family situation is... complicated.”
george holds his hands up after a speedy glancing at dalton. kevin thanks god for whatever face dalton must have made at him. “not my business to intrude. forget i asked about the face.”
and then things smooth out. they eat dinner, and kevin helps put dishes into the dishwasher to boost his morale with anne before joining dalton and his sisters in the living room. he sinks into the couch. dalton looks bored at what bella has on, the history channel, but kevin zones in on it. he tends to watch it a lot when andrew and neil aren’t there. or while he’s doing homework.
an hour in, both kevin and bella are enamored by whatever segment they’re playing. when dalton gets up to grab a drink, carmen smiles to herself and tosses a mini pretzel at bella, it lands on her sleeve, but she doesn’t notice.
she shakes her head. she does the same to kevin. it lands in his hood, and when he doesn’t move to take it out carmen leans forward.
dalton walks back in and lingers when he sees her. “you ever watch these two watch the history channel?” he frowns. what? “you could cut the sexual tension with a knife!”
bella snaps and kicks carmen. dalton rolls his eyes and sits with his head in kevin’s lap. carmen looks at him with a challenging brow. dalton isn’t going to let her win her little experiment.
he leans up and kisses kevin’s chin. “wanna go downstairs?”
kevin slides his hand into dalton’s hair, looks down at him for a moment. “soon. there’s still twenty minutes left.”
dalton’s jaw drops. carmen cackles.
at least he’s fitting in.
the rest of kevin’s trip to maryland at dalton’s family home are when they go to NYC for a day, and when he and dalton are just lounging around at the house and kevin says i love you
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gautierprotectionsquad · 4 years ago
All my favorite very ace-spec moments in AFTG
from the top of my head. I do own the books so I will sometimes quote directly from them.
“I don’t swing. Can we go play exy now?”
When he looks away while Allison and Seth are kissing and thinks about his confusion over Allison and Seth’s relationship and how it works.
When that poor Vixen tries to flirt with him:
“I can give you my number," Marissa said. Neil didn't remember asking for it at any point that night. Neil: "What for?" Marissa: "I would like to get to know you better. I think we could have a lot of fun together, just the two of us. You're very interesting, Neil." Neil: "I wouldn't call you. I socialize with the Foxes or not at all.”
Neil: “Why don’t you like women.” Nicky: “they’re too soft.” Neil: thinks about all the hard-ass women he knows. “no they aren’t?” Nicky: no I meant literally.
Nicky: “Exy can’t love you back.” Neil: “So?”
“Why does Roland think you're tying me down?” Roland is talking about sex but Neil completely misses that and when Andrew tries to clarify (not really), still doesn’t explicitly use the word sex so Neil is still confused.
“That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you." The world tilted a little bit sideways. Neil dug his shoes harder into the floor so he wouldn't fall over. "You like me.”
Neil in no way considering Andrew as an option until Andrew kisses him and he’s like (italicized) oh and then goes full flirt mode.
Neil watching all of the male players exercising after the kiss to test if he’s attracted to them and finding he is not. I’ve done this.
Neil not feeling the sexual tension AT ALL and Andrew throwing a beer cap at him to get his attention so they can make out.
"It's a waste of time and money. They'll all lose. I've said all year I don't swing and I meant it. Kissing you doesn't make me look at any of them differently. The only one I'm interested in is you.” THIS. THIS WHOLE THING.
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yetanotherbuffyblog · 4 years ago
Well that sucked.
The gist of this episode is that the Scoobies and Potentials get tired of Buffy’s questionable leadership and decide to dump her. There’s some other stuff: Spike and Andrew investigate Caleb’s past, and Caleb confronts Buffy in the abandoned school.
But the main thrust is that everyone kicks Buffy out because she’s not doing a great job. And it’s true, she’s not doing that great of a job. That’s not news. But they decide to elect Faith their new leader because she’s a Slayer and not constantly being harsh on them right now. And to be fair to Faith she doesn’t want that, but they do it anyway and that’s dumb.
TV Tropes has a good summary of points under ‘Unintentionally Unsympathetic.’
-Clem is pretty nice. Not sure why he’s comfortable just driving out during broad daylight. Maybe he’s not, but things are desperate.
-Faith still offers prison trades. She offers to give up chips for “box of cigarettes and soap.”
-Is it not possible to grow back Xander’s eye by magic? I don’t think anyone should try, as there would be probably be some sort of horrible trade-off, but given how many crazy things magic has been shown to be able to do I’m surprised it hasn’t really been discussed.
-I talked about this with Warren, but Caleb’s schtick being a virulent misogynist is, again, very awkward in the wake of all the stuff that’s come out about Joss Whedon’s practices regarding actresses and female writers on the sets of his shows and movies.
-Buffy’s fights with Caleb are all really straightforward attacks? She doesn’t use anything other than straightforward attacks.
-Did Hot Pockets do product placement? For Andrew to be complaining about Faith stealing his despite it being labeled.
-Oh gosh I forgot how 90’s/early 2000’s the music in the Bronze was…
-The Bronze is not safe! The Bronze has never been safe! Why would anyone think it would be okay to bring people there during an apocalypse.
-Faith shouldn’t be going anywhere! She’s a criminal! She should have thought what being on the run actually means! Going to a public club is stupid!
-I’m thinking there’s a lot of ‘character acts stupid to get this Plot to work’ going around. Let’s call it the influence of the Hellmouth.
-If the cops really wanted to kill Faith, they wouldn’t tell her they were going to shot her, they’d just shoot her. They have no reason to taunt about it, they don’t know her? Again, let’s chalk it up to Hellmouth.
-The whole thing about ‘letting these girls blow off steam’ would have worked a lot better before the disaster at the vineyard fighting Caleb? And what’s weirder is that Giles is FINE with it when he was the one going on about people not taking things seriously. Why is he okay with this? I’m not saying he can’t be, but there has to be a reason for the switch given to us on-screen and it hasn’t been.
-I think because this is the last season the writers wanted to have a certain storyline and so they throw the Conflict Ball in there, but it’s just… this happens with shows sometimes. I get it. Sometimes you need to move things at a pace and so you give people conflict you don’t have time to properly build. We’ve all been there. But this is a lot, and asking us to accept that the entire cast just turns on the protagonist right now, when she’s under a lot of pressure? Seems more than a little stupid. Maybe it’ll be worth it in the end, but right now it feels annoying and egregious.
-There are A LOT of Potentials. Did I not realize how many of these girls there are?
-The info that Giles found said that the mission was empty, but the priest they find there says that they are all dead and killed. What did he do with the bodies and blood?
-“Democracies don’t win battles.” WHAT THE FUDGE BUFFY
-Dawn you can’t just kick your own sister out of the house what the fudge. Not only is it a massive dick move, but IT’S NOT YOUR HOUSE, AND BUFFY IS YOUR LEGAL GUARDIAN WHAT THE FUDGE
-I don’t like Buffy being booted from the group, and her behavior leading up to it, but I appreciate that she wants the group to stay together and encourages Faith to lead them well.
-I am a little surprised that with the whole ‘used to be a supervillain’ thing, and being a nerd, Andrew doesn’t know Latin? Then again his and Jonathan’s Spanish was atrocious so it kind of makes sense that they didn’t know an ancient foreign language.
-The Latin inscription found says that the something is only for ‘her’ to hold, and that made Caleb go into a murder rage?
-Wait did this air around the same time as Firefly what the fudge
-Still don’t have a satisfying explanation as to what Caleb’s deal is, but I think we will get something on that later on.
-Spike knows how they make onion rings!
-Oh and I guess Spike’s going to be the one guy who doesn’t turn on Buffy? That’s… stupid, that the former/maybe love interest is the one who doesn’t turn. It just smacks of laziness to me. Again, maybe it won’t be terrible by the end, but right now it doesn’t feel so great.
-Look, even if they’re upset with Buffy, nothing they’ve seen of Faith shows that she would be a better leader than Buffy? She is wanted by the police and took them out to the Bronze when they know there’s a villain out there who can, and is happy to, kill them all! And while she’s a cool character, she’s not the person who should be in charge, and she knows it! These people have no clue.
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danwylds · 4 years ago
Right okay I never actually got myself to write this fic so have my notes for the fic except I haven’t read through them since June when I wrote them and I refuse to edit anything
Right is bakery au but not
Neil either turned down the offer of exy for the foxes or for coach whatever the fuck his name was
He got caught earlier tho which is . Unfortunate
Stuart still comes in
Maybe I’ll have him move back to Britain for a while? To avoid the moriyamas n stuff
He NEVER misses a match of the ravens/foxes tho
Which leads to him seeing the frankly sickening interview of Kevin and riko
Neil is like yo Stuart let me start smth
Stuart is like Neil the only reason you’d go back to the states right now is if you did smth that you could hide and you can’t do that for shit
So Neil is like yk what I’m gonna find a way bc I’m not letting this kid go through this (Andrews quite into this idea when it’s shared)
So he says yo. Stuart. Uncle. Sir. Let me open a bakery or something in the states
Stuart is like no you fucking idiot
And Neil is like but c o n s i d e r
You can get info or smth
Just have another business in the states yk
AND I’d get out of your hair
And Stuart is like hm okay but you’ve gotta live in a complex I choose for you
And Neil is all only if I can choose where it’s gonna be
It’s a deal
He (very obviously) chooses a place near palmetto
Stuart is tired but is like he’ll be under protection n shit so I guess??? And he’s not stupid enough to start something right. Right.
It’s a bakery that starts out kinda slow
But Neil finds he likes baking and Stuart pays for his nephew to have some sort of normal life so it doesn’t matter too much
Renee starts to frequent it
At first it’s to pick up sweets for Andrew
But eventually she starts bringing Allison on dates there bc they have a cute little seating area (figure where Seth fits in? I think he’ll survive?)
Uhhh what’s a timeline
I think this’ll be around the winter holidays (Jewish neil? Look into it)
So thanksgiving will have happened . I think Andrew agreed to go Not bc he particularly wanted to but bc he cares for Nicky and knows he’ll probably go anyways
Yeah so thanksgiving. h
Andrew JUST got off his drugs and he’s so damn protective of his own that he hardly even leaves their sides
Edens is a def no for em
Meanwhile Neil is tentative friends w Renee who has brought all the upperclassmen there a few times
Allison bullies him for his clothing but it’s okay he deserves it
Renee is sweet and stops em from doing anything too drastic which Neil appreciates
Matt,, my baby,, he’s so happy he just asks Neil about random stuff
Dan is sweet too!!
Seth kinda hates him but Neil hasn’t paid enough attention to return the favor
One day close to the winter banquet the upperclassmen are like yeah Neil we’re gonna go to this thing and it should be really fun!! Oh you know what? Our teammate Nicky needs a date and his cousin doesn’t really like anyone from his class and he’s super fucking crazy abt it so if that doesn’t deter you then you should totally join !
Neil is like oh chance to fuck up Riko? Absolutely I’ll go
when he and Allison emerge from the girls room Aaron is like Who is that
And Allison is “oh nickys date (:”
Andrew gets twitchy and holds a knife to her throat
Renee is like Andrew I stg get away from my gf and Seth is like manic pixie nightmare fuel I’m gonna beat the shit outta you
And Neil is just like same shit every day I guess
And he’s like so you’re Nicky then? COMPLETELY IGNORING YK. ALL THAT
Andrew is like “he is. Don’t touch him”
And Neil straight up says I don’t think you get to set boundaries for people, actually
And Neil has no idea what the effect is of that on Andrew but it’s enough to make him glare
Which is terrifying to everyone but Neil bc again. Dumbass
Anyways Neil very purposely hooks his arm through nickys and they head off to the bus
Dunno what happens there but I’ll figure it out
It’s glorious
Kevin and riko are like who the FUCK are you
And Neil is all wouldn’t you like to know weather boy
They relocate and they’re all like . Ah. That’s why you and Renee get along
It’s kinda funny ngl
Andrew doesn’t think so but fuck him
I think that they head back to the bus when this shit I’d over and wymack is like excuse me what the fuck
And Aaron in german is like thank god he never joined the team bc I could not handle more of that
And Neil in German is like would you believe me I’d I told you I was almost signed
And Andrew is like I fucking Knew it I hate it here
N e ways things go back to normal for the most part
The upperclassmen still show up
Seth has a bit of grudging respect for him
It’s later that all the foxes are getting drunk from a lose that Renee calls him and is like Neil please can I usher them inside for a bit I think they need a place to chill so we don’t get yelled at for being too loud in the dorms
And Neil is like uhh sure why not
It turns out it was not just the upperclassmen
He gives them all water bottles and whatever and lets them lounge around
Gives em some food which they pay for w the coachs card
Uhhh idk time passes and some of the foxes pass out so neil is like y’all can chill in the break room? They have couches
He stays out there bc the bakery is still open
Andrew comes out like hey fuck you but also can I get more of those pastries
Idk I want them to be in love already
Uhh yeah I think they don’t say anything until
“what happened to your face”
“A truth for a truth?”
“If you must insist”
“Fine, my father tried to kill me”
Andrew raises his eyebrow but neils like bitch you said a truth for a truth it’s your turn now
Neil asks him why he wears arm bands
We get the whole knives and scars
They’re quiet again
I don’t know man let them be in love
Uhhh okay
I think Andrew will tell neil like
“That’s the code for the court, Kevin practices at night.”
Neil is like how would you know I’d enjoy playing exy? And andrew is like dipshit that’s how we met
I’m running out of ideas oh no
Maybe they play a couple of night game things
Exchange a few more truths
sick okay! They start dating but since Baltimore happened earlier they never actually come out to the rest of the team
I like to think when they play against the ravens again neils like haha babe you can have as many sweets as you want if you shut down the goal
Also Neil says it’s hot which is like a big thing to persuade Andrew but shhhhh
Yeah the foxes win they celebrate by getting drunk and they all show up at neils like hello again (:
Same thing happens but this time andrew and Neil are together and basically are doing nothing but making out
At least the store is closed
Nicky comes out and just YELLS
Allison wins SO much money
Yeah idk how to end this but happily ever after :3
If you want me to turn this into a fic I will!
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