#andrew milton
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abovesn4kes · 8 months ago
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Sadie and some bad folk
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dalekofchaos · 5 months ago
There was never a rat in the Van Der Linde Gang
I'm gonna be honest. Micah is a conniving snake. But there was never a rat.
Why did Blackwater fail? Dutch killed a mother in cold blood and then a massacre happened. The money was a set up and Dutch took the bait. Pinkertons swarmed the area and even Landon Rickets was there.
How did they find them at Horseshoe? By chance the Pinkertons found Arthur and Jack fishing, but was it really by chance? What happens in chapter 2?
A bar fight where fucking everyone in town is there, which afterwords Dutch is there
You sprang Sean free and there are bounty hunters who flee, you seriously don't think they talked??
John killing Micah led to Ross and Fordham finding him. Any of the missions I mentioned practically led Milton and Ross to finding Arthur near Horseshoe.
How did the Gray/Braithewaite scheme fail?
The Grays knew what they were doing and so did the Braithewaites. They played both families instead of just one and instead of LYING LOW. Dutch's vanity, ego and sense of wanting petty revenge against Confederate white trash caused Sean to be killed and Jack to be abducted.
How did Saint Denis fail?
Dutch played Bronte in his own city, refused a favor(you do NOT refuse the Mob asking a favor) which caused the set up, then Bronte's murder and finally the Bank Robbery which they knew they were there.
The common theory is someone from the gang snitched and talked to the Pinkertons. Who exactly ? Micah ? Well, Agent Milton said they picked up Micah AFTER they came back from Guarma, so it could not have been him. Molly ? Again, Milton said they did pick her up (not mentioned when), but she did not say anything. I have also read theories that it might have been Agibail who snitched to which my response is - pure BS.
The truth is, nobody snitched, nobody talked. Yes. Yet the reaction of the Pinkertons was insanely fast, as if they knew the robbery was going to go down. How you wonder ? Well, it's simple. It's a long one, but have a read.
From the very beginning of the game, Dutch has been claiming that they are a few steps ahead of everyone else, but his arrogance proved to be the downfall. You see, the Pinkertons are not as dull and foolish as Dutch claim them to be, they are extremely efficient as a detective agency proven by the fact that they tracked down Arthur in Valentine. Now, when the gang moved to Clemens Point near Rhodes, the Pinkertons lost their trail for a while. However the gang contradicted their own plan of staying low by creating a huge chaos in Rhodes after killing both the Gray's and the Braithwaite's (best mission in the game btw). As soon as the word spread of the massacre of both the families in Rhodes all over the place, the Pinkertons connected the dots and knew that it could be the Van Der Lind gang who created the fuss and if so, they must be camping somewhere near Rhodes. Nonetheless, they found the gang hideout after sniffing around, a day or two after the Braithwaite massacre. At this point Agent Milton knew these bunch of people would not be too hard to find as all you need to do is to sniff around an area where there has been murder and madness.
Now to Saint Denis, Dutch dismissed Hosea's idea and went after Angelo Bronte just after the failed trolley station robbery. If he listened to Hosea, hit the bank at once, then vanished, the Pinkertons would have never caught on and they would be harvesting mango's in Tahiti. But a failed trolley station robbery followed by a huge shootout in the city killing dozens of cops then followed by a kidnapping and murder of the most powerful man in the city was enough chaos for the Pinkertons to realize it's the Van Der Lind gang. So they knew the gang is around this city and increased security in Saint Denis hoping that the next time they attempt a robbery, it would be the endgame. That is why as soon as the bank robbery started, the Pinkertons were all over the place.
It is also easy to explain why Hosea was captured and Abigail escaped. While causing the distraction, both of them did not realise how fast the response is going to be. The Pinkertons caught Hosea as his face along with other male members of the gang was known to them, specially Hosea, Dutch and Arthur as they have been the oldest members of the gang. But Abigail at this point was unknown to them so it was easy for her to walk right past them without them realizing.
Why did the gang fell?
Micah got into Dutch's ear, Hosea died and Arthur got sick.
Micah promised him riches and the glorious scores that appealed to Dutch's ego and vanity. But he wasn't the rat.
If he did rat, he was playing Dutch and the Pinkertons to get the Blackwater money and the money for turning in Dutch.
It was all Dutch.
Dutch. killed Cornwall in broad fucking daylight. Arthur sprung John out of prison, they blew up a fucking bridge, Dutch led the Natives to their doom, Colm's execution turned into a bloodbath, an attack on the Oil Refinery which led to the deaths of Colonel Favors and Eagle Flies and to top it all with robbing the military. It's no fucking wonder the Pinkertons found them.
There was no rat. The Pinkerton’s were actually just good at their jobs. Micah being a rat makes no sense if you actually think about it. There’s NO WAY the pinkertons would have been ok with the death of Leviticus Cornwall as he was paying their wages. Micah and Dutch planned to kill him together. There’s also the fact that Micah straight up killed Pinkertons in the firefight that ensued cornwall’s death. Micah was an asshole but not a rat. Watch that scene with Milton and Arthur again…Milton would have most likely let Arthur go with that false information but Arthur decided to attack him. There was never a rat, they got played.
It's a combination of things on why they all failed.
Reason 1. Dutch's vanity and ego. Dutch desperately needed to be seen as this great American hero. He cares more of the thrill of “one last score” it’s all about his ego and how he has to be seen as this Evelyn Millerian figure. This great American Literature hero when he’s really as bad as the greed that he says poisons America. He never cared about the people in the gang. It was the prestige of the name "The VAN DER LINDE Gang" HIM. He wanted to be seen as this infamous outlaw and righteous leader. He didn't care about the people in the gang. Arthur? He was dying and he didn't care. John? He wanted him to hang. Abigail? He left her behind the first chance he got. Micah killed Susan RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM and Dutch didn't care. He considerd Mary-Beth, Pearson and Uncle leaving as a betrayal. Dutch never cared for the people within the VDL Gang. He cared what they could do for him and the glory they could bring him. It was never of settling down to become farmers, it was always about the thrill of being an outlaw the that great big score.
There are a lot of people who think if Hosea never died, then Dutch never would've lost it. He was always bad. He just had good ways of masking it. Hosea failed at every venture to talk out of getting Dutch to see sense and avoid bloodshed. If Hosea lived, there is a very good chance that Dutch would've lost it and had Hosea killed. Either it would've been an accidental death like he tried by leaving Arthur behind, he would've went into full paranoid mode "You're trying to undermine me and take the group from me" and order Hosea to draw his gun and then shoot him. Like Hosea said "You'll damn us all" and he did.
Reason 2. Loyalty to a fault.
Loyalty held the gang together. Loyalty was what Dutch valued - blind, obedient loyalty. “He had a plan,�� after all.
Doubt broke the gang apart. Dutch became suspicious, uncertain of the faith of even his most dedicated friends. This undermined the entire operation and caused its eventual downfall.
“You’ll betray me, Arthur,” Dutch says, “You’re the type.” Dutch couldn’t be more wrong on that account.
Micah is named by the Pinkertons as a rat, but according to them, he wasn’t approached until after they’d returned from Guarma. So, by that timeline, the Pinkerton’s hadn’t needed a rat to foil their plans in Blackwater, or to find Arthur fishing by the side of a stream, or for the bank robbery in Saint Denis.
The Pinkertons always knew where Dutch was and what he was up to. They didn’t need a rat, especially not after their return from Guarma. So, why drop Micah’s name?
Well, the Pinkertons knew the gang was scrambling, that they were on the run, and that it was damn near impossible to arrest one of them at a time without a successful rescue of said gang member, ie Micah, John, Abigail and Sean. They are not the local sheriff’s office, after all. They are the federals and they want Dutch Vander Linde done in for good.
Staring down the barrel of a gun, why would a Pinkerton agent spill their collateral to the enemy? Arthur wasn’t even asking for any information at the time. Why would this agent, in his dying moments, tell Arthur that Micah was the rat?
Unless the agent knew the gang was on thin ice, and that loyalty was all that was keeping it together. He introduced what he hoped would be a final blow to the gang, accomplishing post-huminously what had been his career goal in life.
Also, why would Micah become an informant after Guarma? What were the promising him? After all, he stuck with Dutch and formed a new gang after Arthur died. He never took a big cut from the government and ran. He was a brown-noser and an asshole, but stood nothing to gain from becoming a rat.
Arthur hated Micah, so he took the bait. He wanted a reason to hate him, to have him kicked out of the gang. Micah was pragmatic and greedy and he hardened Dutch’s humanitarian side - the side that Arthur valued. But, Micah being a rat wasn’t the truth.
After all, we know who became a rat - John Marston.
Arthur’s readiness to believe a Pinkerton’s dying words proved the point of the narrative - the gang fell apart because they lost faith in Dutch, and because Dutch grew jealous and fearful as their doubts became apparent.
Loyalty kept the gang together, and its absence tore the gang apart.
Reason 3. "We didn't need a rat. We got sloppier than the town drunk."
The gang was careless. It got sloppy and their overconfidence and ego was their downfall.
Micah wasn’t the cause of their downfall he simply hastened it. The game tells you from the opening titles how it’s going to end and why. It mentions that the remaining gangs are being hunted down and destroyed with the word underlined for emphasis. It was always going to end in their demise, it just happened quicker than it would have because they got sloppy, careless, conceited, and arrogant.
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bourbonificould · 8 months ago
The Walking Dead Game Characters as the Van der Linde Gang
+ Antagonists; with @debtnramen & @juno-box
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shit ton of tags
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sp1n3-ch1ll · 7 months ago
Sometimes I just can't BELIEVE how Dutch just left John to die, and how he just wanted to leave Abigail with Mr. Milton. Like, he practically raised John, since he was twelve years of age. TWELVE YEARS OF AGE. And then just leaves him to die whenever he gets shot in chapter 6. That was fifteen years of being together, and it's still fucking crazy how Dutch just lied to everyone telling them that he was dead, knowing damn well that he was probably alive. And as for Abigail, I think I understand that Dutch didn't want to get caught by the pinkertons, and by the agency while getting Abigail, but if he was as good as a man he said he fucking was, then he should have went and got Abigail. I just think Dutch was fucking horrible for doing those things, and I'm so GLAD he got what he deserved in red dead redemption 1.
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eclaire-went-bam · 10 months ago
mlp au my friend and i made last night
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pistolenprinz · 5 months ago
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a little something the bestie and i thought up while talking prep last night
(i'm from florida & a katrina + wilma survivor; i'm allowed to make the joke. before anyone gets their britches in a twist. also abigail hate will get you blocked, we stan)
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EDIT: Typo, should be Domhnall Gleeson. But you know who I meant.
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grace-pricilla-taylor · 2 years ago
“am i meant to take solace in that?” ( Milton // sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins )
The red headed woman stood before Andrew with sorrowful eyes. He had just recently discovered her affair with one Javier Escuella, how Grace had snuck away with the man while Milton was out of town and spent hours tucked into the man’s side under the cover of darkness.
“I would think there is no solace to be had, Andrew.” Grace raised her glass to her lips and took a drink. “My apologies mean nothing to you.” Grace gave a simple shrug. It was not that she did not love Andrew but there were things he blatantly refused to give her that Javier had so willingly done. Soft touches and warm embraces.
“Like I have told you already,” Grace set her empty glass on the counter and stared at it. “I did not know he works for the man you were hunting. The affair ended the moment I found out.”
Did she really owe Andrew anymore answers? He had done nothing but be angry at her since the month after their wedding. Sure, he tried to spoil her, take her to fine restaurants, allow her to simply live the lifestyle she had been in since her parents immigrated here. But it wasn’t what Grace needed. It had never been.
“I do not love him, I never did.” Grace finally met his eyes. “A sentiment I am sure you are familiar with.”
After a long pause, Grace sighed. “You trapped me in a loveless marriage and told me to be happy. You stole away my future and my happiness. Therefore,” Her eyes grew devoid of light as she stared at him. “We are even. We are both trapped.”
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matias-2003 · 4 months ago
Cómo me imagino el Red Dead Redemption 2 con doblaje al español latino (parte 2)
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Si llego a tener más ideas voy a hacer otro post
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lostinthewildwest · 9 months ago
this is not you. ( Milton or Sean @ Grace )
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TW: Blood, Death
Since the day Andrew had sent her into the gang, Grace knew she ran the risk of taking a life but she never thought it would be like this. Was she justified, had the necessity been bred? Yes. She'd had to kill. That was the world she lived it, wasn't it? Kill or be killed. Despite these facts, Graces hands still shook and her breath still trembled as in entered and left her. Never had she shown up to Andrews office unannounced and never looking like she was living in a camp with a gang but after everything she'd seen and done, that was where she found herself. Instinct had taken her to her husband, to explain or comfort, or beg to be relieved of this task. The people of the office stopped to stare at the small redhead as she walked past desks and open office doors to get to Andrews. There was only a moment that she stood in the doorway of his office, her green eyes shining with hot tears, before Andrew caught sight of her and dismissed the person he was speaking with. "Andrew," Grace breathed out his name on the verge of breaking. "I had to..." Her face was splattered with drying blood, her hands coated in a thick layer of it, and her clothes had been ripped and thoroughly dirtied. "I killed him. I didn't...have a choice." And within moments, the door was closed and she was being ushered further into the room. Whatever he said, wherever he touched her, Grace didn't register it. The event played over and over in her mind, the sounds, the smells, the visuals. God, all the blood. "This is not you." His voice finally broke through the never-ending torture in her mind and Grace looked up to him. Wasn't it, though? Wasn't she the woman that had gutted a man for laying a hand on her? Hadn't it been her running with a gang of outlaws and feeding information back to her husband? "What happened to me?"
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clem8tis · 5 months ago
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1st ed. vc andrews covers by milton charles & gillian hills
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flowerprintundies · 8 months ago
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The "best" of my work-sketchbook (2/2)
Save me Jeffrey Combs, save me...
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arsont-t · 11 months ago
Hear me out, the bioshock cast but they are all working in a corporation (Andrew's) and it's a "the office" like romcom/sitcom.
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holofizz · 4 months ago
Todays offering of screenshots from the totally normal image collection on my HDD...
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weyounthevorta · 11 months ago
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Spend that $10 wisely
$10 Tier
- Shran (Star Trek Enterprise)
- Anton Mordrid (Doctor Mordrid)
- Harriman Gray (Babylon 5)
- Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond)
$5 Tier
- Weyoun (Deep Space Nine)
- Milton Dammers (Frighteners)
- Herbert West (Reanimator)
- Chaz (Dead Man Walking)
$3 Tier
- Dinosaur Bob (Love and a .45)
- Jimmy Wilkins (Hunter)
- Doc Haggis (Lurking Fear)
- Andrew Paris (Phantom Empire)
$2 Tier
- Sheperd Lambrick (Would You Rather)
- D-Day (Fortress)
- John Reilly (Castle Freak)
- Jay Brooks (I Still Know What You Did Last Summer)
$1 Tier
- Brunt, FCA (Deep Space Nine)
- Lonnie Hawks (Death Falls)
- Penk (Star Trek Voyager)
- Father Jonathan (Evil Clergyman)
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brianfrench1995 · 5 months ago
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"Wish you were here!"
Hurricane Andrew, South Florida, August 24, 1992 Postcard
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