#andre and audrey deserve worse
Dear Chloé Haters,
Now that "Revolution" has aired, I hope you're proud of yourselves.
I hope you're proud that she's gonna live with her abusive mother, I hope you're proud that she lost everything; including the two friends (Adrien and Sabrina) that she actually cared for and were willing to help her, I hope you're proud that no one, not even her own father or sister, loves her. I especially hope you're proud that you got your wish: That she's worse that Gabriel, Lila, Nathalie, and Félix, and that she's an irredeemable monster because your precious Marinette and your God Thomas Astruc said so; just so you can have your stupid ass Love Square ship (Which I'm starting to despise more and more thanks to how poorly written this show is and because of you guys.) and that she might be (Key word: might) written out for good because Thomas himself hates her for the most pathetic fucking reason ever.
If you can honestly look at this and go "Woohoo yes! It's about time that bitch got karma! She had it coming all these years!"
A. You don't know a damn thing about karma and how it works.
B. You also don't know what it's like to be abused and how abuse can affect someone, especially someone as young as Chloe was when her mom left her.
And C. You especially don't know what it's like to be change for the better, only to fail repeatedly because old habits are hard to change for the better.
Oh, and don't you dare fucking give me that "Well Mylène said her mom left her and she turned out fine" or "Well Gabriel was a shitty person as a teenager, and he only got worse" crap. I don't want to hear a goddamn thing about those shitty ass arguments. That just proves that you're biased and Thomas doesn't know a fuck ton about abused victims and how they cope differently.
I don't want to deal with you. Not now. Not ever.
Get off my page if you hate Chloe. Block me for all I care. Hell, call me a bully or racist apologist or hell, even a sociopath apologist for all I care.
I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck.
You got your wish, and now my wish is to not associate with any of you people.
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"not abuse" despite the fact that it's acknowledged that Audrey's actions towards Zoe and Andre are abusive which is even worse
I just commented on the Schrödinger thing.
How it's abuse when it's Zoé, and now when it's André too.
But her actions toward Chloé are either 'totally normal idk what you're talking about it's not abusive to delibritly call your child the wrong name to tell them how little they matter to you' or 'oh well actually Chloé was mean so she deserves to be mistreated it's not abuse it's the consequences of her selfish evil actions of *checks notes* trying to gain her mother's love by repeating the way her mother treats her onto everyone else!".
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One thing that really does bother me a lot about season 4&5 Chloe is that…she doesn’t even show genuine love or interest in anything anymore. She’s just always having this “better than everyone” attitude about everything. Yes she did this in other seasons, but it just feels completely different now. It doesn’t even feel enjoyable to watch anymore, she’s not even that character that “you love to hate” anymore, she doesn’t even feel like Chloe anymore. She’s not even a bully with redeemable qualities anymore, she’s just this one-dimensional evil shell, just so people won’t feel sorry for her. It’s OOC, it’s stupid, it’s just…ugh.
And if anyone’s gonna to dare show up and say:
No…it’s not.
Because it’s the way you write it. Don’t you see? It doesn’t even FEEL like she had this “backwards development” Thomas claims he was giving her, she just feels ridiculously unrealistically evil now. That’s dumb, even for Miraculous. It’s dumb because…even bad and evil people have a humane side, like Gabriel, Audrey, Andre etc., but apparently Chloe's still worse than all of them combined for some reason.
As mean as she was, I don't imagine seasons 2 and 3 Chloe doing this or behaving like this. Heck, I don't even imagine season 1 Chloe doing this. Thomas has turned one of his most complex characters from the show into a blander version of true her self, all because so people would grow to hate her, just like he does…for some strange and immature reason. Now I’ve pretty much accept that Chloe is a lost cause, but to no real through of her own. In show, the adults in her life failed her, and in real life, her creator failed her. She’s never going to redeem, have proper development or a happy ending as long as that guy is in charge.
I’m not saying that Chloe was never wrong nor didn’t deserve any punishment, but I don’t blame nor hate her more than them. I never will.
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wooawi · 1 year
Andre disowning Chloe is such a disgusting cop-out, oh my God. And not even for the writers, no, I’ve talked enough about how much the writing of season 5 is really badly thought out. It’s a disgusting cop-out for Andre.
We’ve seen that he apparently had dreams to be a film director and to make the world a better place, but had to give it up to “fit in” with his family. He became the mayor literally just to impress Audrey and hates his current life because of her and his “selfish, heartless daughter”. So now he wants out. And he gets out by... giving it all up.
And, yes, if there are toxic people in your life, people who make you give up your dreams to pursue them and further destroy your life by disrespecting you and treating you like shit, then drop them. But this isn’t just his wife that he could divorce, no. This is his daughter we are talking about.
Chloe, no matter how terrible she is, is still a product of his own shit parenting. If he didn’t want a heartless and selfish daughter, maybe he should have actually put effort into raising her rather than just throwing money at her every time she cried. The fact of the matter is that she’s like every other child on the planet: she didn’t ask to be brought into the world. It was his own decision to have a child, but when it got too hard, he just gets to give up??
And we’re supposed to side with him as the victim?
My brother in Christ, it is your fault your daughter’s a fucking asshole. It is your mess to fix and your problem to deal with. You can’t just say “well, I tried” and drop her like that. What happened to parental responsibility? To taking care of your goddamn kids and helping them through their childhood? Andre didn’t try for a second to help his daughter become a better person and just put his own shortcomings on her “nature”.
And what’s worse, is that he gets “awarded” custody of Zoe. He gets rewarded for being a shit parent by getting another kid to fuck up with. I feel terrible for Zoe. She’s still a kid and deserves at least one loving parent, not some idiot who failed at both jobs he was given throughout his adulthood: being a mayor and a father. It isn’t fair to Chloe, and it especially is not fair to Zoe.
Why are they being punished because Andre Bourgeois can’t take responsibility for a goddamn thing in his life?
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jennrypan · 1 year
So..MLB basically says.
Gabriel, Tomoe, Jagged Stone, Audrey and Andre are ALLLLL worthy of redemption and theyre actually NOT that bad despite one being an actual terrorist and the others being either overbearing to an abusive degree, neglectful and childish or verbally abuse.
Obviously Chloe and Lila are assholes and deserve repercussions for being bullies and treating others like shit, anyone with a brain can see that but to be so heinous and down right stupid to claim these kids are more fucked up than the actual adults who are fully aware of whats going on?? Whos been alive longer?? Seriously?? Make that make sense.
Why does Gabriel get to redeem himself after spending months terrorizing Paris, killing people, neglecting his son and even physically abusing him when he deems it fit?? Why does he get a pass?? Cuz his baby mom got sick doin shit she knows she shouldnt be doing?? Really??
Why does Audrey and Andre get to not see anyone call them out for how they made Chloe?? Why does Andre get to disown Chloe and start over with her nicer copy?? After making her into the spoiled brat she is cuz HE GAVE HER EVERYTHING SHE WANTED, HE COULDVE PUT HIS FOOT DOWN BUT HE DIDNT?? HES A GROWN MAN, and suddenly hes done?? Cuz he wanted to be some dumbass director?? Seriously?? Sir you made your daughter that way and allowed your shitty wife to talk down to her and destroy her self worth, you allowed your daughter to keep demanding things from people and never ONCE tried to speak up, and suddenly you wanna start over with a kid that isnt even yours??
Jagged Stone literally abandons his whole ass kids cuz "kids arent cool" and he KNEW WHERE THEY WERE, KNEW WHO THEY WERE, and likely wouldve NEVER told them unless Luka in his akumatized form actually found him cuz hes a fucking man child going through a midlife crisis
(also lol @ all the salt fics saying hed be there for Marinette more than her own parents. Mf wasnt even there for his own kids, bffr)
I cant really say much on Tomoe cuz we dont really get much on her besides little hints but giving how Kagami is and how she mentions she wasnt even allowed to draw shows that Tomoe is exactly like Gabriel and what do ya know..Kagamis also a senti monster. Its fucked up!
Why do these grown ass adults get passes but Lila and Chloe dont? Chloes apparently a little soulless monster and Lila?? Is a fucking sociopath pulling an Orphan with all these new identities?? What the fuck??
Also lets not forget, Felix tried to make Adrien lose his friends, mocked Adrien for being an abused kid, found out Adriens mother is in the basement and REFUSES TO TELL HIM?? He gave Gabriel all of the miraculous, and instead of helping his COUSIN, he helps this random girl hes now suddenly obsessed with?? What?? But no yeah FELIX deserves to be forgiven despite all of his actions also being just as selfish and terrible as Chloe and Lila but go the fuck off ig, but EVEN STILL HES NOT WORSE THAN GABRIEL
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plumsaffron · 12 days
My assumptions were correct, the salters just couldn’t let go of the past after Lila’s debut and the infamous season 3 episode. No wonder I still see these bozos still plague here, YouTube and whatever social media site exists. They are the reason why I hardly touch fanfic crossovers since I fear seeing them sink to the low levels of that ship, bashing and all.
They might as well make hatedoms of fictional characters from other series/franchise look sane and reasonable.
I may not be a sports fan but Major League Baseball should have the MLB acronyms not the stupid show. The former earned and actually deserved it after all.
The Miraculous Ladybug plaguedom got it coming for a looonggg time with their poor behavior.
Yep. I be avoiding searching up or typing Lila Rossi anywhere besides here (or Discord servers I’m in or Telegram channels) these days. And the funny part is the things they jeered about are ignored when similar or surpassing crap happens in their faces, when she’s not present, happened episodes earlier or later. Ya got Animaestro and The Party Crasher. Earlier you could say Frozer. And later you can say Crocoduel, Gabriel Agreste (The Episode) or Rocketear. I could say of even later, Evolution, Intuition, or non canon Plastic Special. There also exists The NY Special or Shanghai Special. Even The Christmas Special where Ladybug completely disregards what Adrien said and proceeded to attempt merking Santa Claus (which could have been a normal Parisian). I could list many more episodes but nah.
They are disgustingly choosey and are…
They are the same bozos that are aware or should know that a woman died because people chased her to her death for wanting to see more of Lila. Tried to deal with it but you know, unfortunately… And now (or rather since that leak happened,) pests want to disregard what Lila said to Gabriel Agreste in Oni-Chan and desire Lila to be a predo and encourage that egregious thing or thought to become canon by writers and too many buffoons discard the ramifications of that and seem to want to be lame and ignore that what’s being said against her is disgusting.
It’s ultimate level of justifying their delusions because ignoring and let her go is too much work. Them believing their stupid actions to be righteous. They’re even more funny to me considering Miraculous Secrets Lila when Marinette (delusionally) believes she can Adrien could still save her (instead of leave her alone and not make things worse like Adrien said in the infamous episode).
These hotshots and scums.
They’ve set destruction in motion something can never undo.
Or that they set in motion what they don’t want to undo or stop.
This grotesque thirst to want to be inherently right against her while disregarding all else. They hated what was being twisted or done against Chloe & what happened to Chloe. They can sadly somewhat acknowledge that Marinette was the idiot to Kagami (but definitely mostly only at the end of Mr. Pigeon 72 because Kagami finally supported the cage coded ship). They somewhat can admit when Luka or mostly Juleka is being a punching bag. Despite all of that, they some reason are allergic to Lila and want Marinette to be predestined as right for all, ironically, which is amusing because that discards above what they can perceive and Adrien or Alya.
Their Twisted Sense Of Grave spitting justification.
Due to their tunnel vision of only seeing Lila, they should just admit they love Gabuse, Maribuse, Adult Abuse Apologia winners, Derision, Deflagration, Revolution, Recreation, Omnicidal Victor and his apologists. How about they also admit that they are in awe for Tomoe Tsurugi, Audrey Bourgeois, Nathalie failing Emilie and Emilie’s legacy, Both Andres, Theo Barbot.
And how about they plea to adoring Adrien Kagami Juleka Luka Chloe and Ironically Marinette suffering. How about they also admit that they secretly love the writers they say they say they hate, Jeremy Zag, and Ezra Weisz. They should make it easier for themselves and confess that they secretly love that incident that made Cristina Vee leave Twitter. How about they finally just announce they are happy that wife to be, never will be.
Sigh... It’s just who many are & it will never go away.
No matter what happens.
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k7l4d4 · 4 months
K Reviews and Rants: Miraculous Ladybug Season 5! Episode 18
Here we are, time for the "Emotion" review! Oohh boy... this is gonna be an annoying one.
Overall, beyond the issues with this episode in how it tries to shill Marinette and Zoe's friendship, Felix literally trying to wipe out Paris and all of humanity just because he can and the show framing it as "him having no choice" and "just doing what he needs to," the biggest issue with this episode is it's criticism of "the rich."
Like, I know, "eat the rich" is a thing, and there are a LOT of exploitative jerks who take advantage of the lower class in the world. But this? What this did was try and present a bunch of teenagers just being spoiled brats and doing nothing but being uncomfortable with a "poor person" around them as deserving of Felix's pointless rampage. It tries to have Zoe critique them by labeling them as "braindead zombies," which if anything makes Felix's actions WORSE because it makes them come off as not a threat, just annoyances. And what really sinks it home how shallow this episode's "message" is... is how it doesn't criticize the biggest Rich Hate Sinks in the show, Andre and Audrey. Oh it takes a stab at Gabe, but he's meant to be sympathetic later on (emphasis on "meant to be"), but the series has already downplayed how much of a corrupt official Andre is and ignores how horrible Audrey is as a person in favor of making her toxic control over Andre a joke and blowing off her emotional and verbal abuse of BOTH her daughters. It's aimless, weak, and just doesn't seem to have any overarching POINT to it.
Anyway, that's my two cents in hindsight. Onto the review!
Episode 18: Emotion 
And we start off with Andre giving a "couples' ice cream" to Adrien and Marinette, and aside from acting like a bit of a brat and demanding that there's no drama going on, he doesn't look like he'll go Akuma for once. 
And another near kiss between Adrien and Marinette got killed. Albeit this time it doesn't look like supernatural BS by Gabriel, just regular BS. 
Marinette is worried at how "weird" Adrien is being lately, and tries to get intel from Nino about what's happening to him... and we more or less get yet another case of the show trying to act as if Marinette's stalking was some big joke they could wink and nudge about. 
And now we have Marinette learning about the Diamond Dance. From Alya. Which, granted, wouldn't be so bad since Alya is a journalist... but she apparently didn't even do the research, she just "knows about it" and used Alliance to pull up the info for Marinette. 
Now we get a scene of Kagami training in swordsmanship with Tomoe, before...ughh... Lila shows up. Nope, not gonna mention how royally idiotic her still believing anything Lila says is, I'm not gonna do it. 
...PFFFT. Wow, I genuinely cannot tell if Kagami is that fucking dense or she is genuinely throwing shade at Lila. "You're not a precious stone, you're just a stone." Best line in this mess. 
If this is meant to be Kagami having an "autism" moment, though, I'm not impressed.
Zoe making a "joke" comparing the attendants of the Diamond Dance (the sons and daughters of Paris' elite) to a party of brain-eating Zombies is gonna set the tone for things. The unironic description of the children of the 1% in such a way is all kinds of toxic and obnoxious to me. 
We get a tiny reference to Zoe's life in New York (no real details beyond the "rich brats making her life a nightmare at school"). 
And a moment of Zoe shilling how "Marinette taught her not to let her family control her life" despite the fact that, by all accounts, THEY NEVER DID. 
I honestly just have no words at the moment. I can barely follow along with whatever thought process the writers are having Marinette go through right now. All I can get is that Marinette thinks she needs to "save" Adrien from his dad... again. 
Also, the masquerade masks acting as the invitations just screams obnoxious to me. 
Oh, and yet more proof that Gabe is a fucking hypocrite who puts his need for control over whatever alleged "love" he has for Adrien as his son.
The one upside is that we are getting more signs that Gabriel is gonna cut Lila loose... which is both one of the smartest and dumbest things he could possibly do. Smart since she's a manipulative troublemaker who isn't nearly as useful as she presents herself as, dumb because she's far too close to his operations at this point. 
Although the fact that Lila is genuinely dumb enough to think she can dictate terms to the guy who is literally HER BOSS makes his decision even smarter. This level of arrogant self-assurance and ignorance of reality is one of the biggest reasons her being so successful baffles me. 
Now we get a "funny" moment involving Andre, Audrey, and Chloe arriving at the ball.
Chloe describing Adrien as "the traitor" just sounds so completely and utterly WRONG to me. Like, it adds nothing and just sounds awkward with her voice. It's the issue with the lead-up to her becoming Sole Destroyer all over again. She just DOES NOT SOUND RIGHT when they try and put words nastier than kindergarten grade bullying in her mouth. 
Marinette's reasoning for why she's even going to the party screams of plot contrivance. She's literally forcing herself into a party she wasn't ever invited to... just to tell Adrien that it'd be okay if he told her about it and that she wouldn't have minded if he had to go but didn't want to. All things she could literally have just TEXTED HIM ABOUT. IT IS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD!!! 
There's one big fucking hole in Marinette's plan to infiltrate the dance: even if she has an invitation, she's walking through the front-door. While paparazzi are mobbing the entrance for photos, and unlike in Inside Job, they aren't just going to conveniently lose all ability to notice her. 
And we get Adrien's arrival and then his staring weirdly intently at Kagami's ring. THAT doesn't mean ANYTHING at all, I'm sure. /s 
And now Amelie is on the scene. And we get a scene of Amelia accusing Gabriel of having "changed" since whatever happened to Emilie, which doesn't make a lick of sense since Adrien, consistently, has described Gabe as ALWAYS having been this much of an ass.
And NOW we get a scene of Amelie criticizing Nathalie for going along with the "different" Gabe... and Nathalie going, sorry but I have no choice. The FUCK YOU DON'T WOMAN!! This, shit like THIS, is why them trying to make Nathalie redeemable DOES NOT FUCKING WORK!!! 
"There's always a choice, Nathalie," AMELIE IS THE LAST PERSON WHO SHOULD BE SAYING THIS!! She KNOWINGLY harbored her son from the heroes, CHOOSING to shield him from the consequences of his actions!! She does not get to say shit like this!! 
I'm honestly just baffled that the security detail isn't concerned on any level by how out of place Marinette is. Not to be classist, but literally EVERYONE looks dressed up, whereas she's... casual. Granted, so would Zoe, so maybe they somehow knew that's the kind of style Zoe likes? Who knows. 
And now, after using the mask/invitation to get in, she's just "suddenly dolled up to the nines," in the same ritzy style as the rest of the guests are. HOW!? Is, is it some kind of super-tech or something?? That would honestly be believable, IF we were given ANY kind of explanation at all!! 
And now we get Chloe shoving her face in the disguised Marinette's, with Marinette using Zoe's name... I'm honestly baffled on why Chloe doesn't recognize her, since she should know damn well that Zoe had an invitation and recognize Marinette's voice... nope, not gonna think about it, that way lies madness. Also, they are really hitting all the "shallow, vapid brat" stereotypes with her today, huh? 
The way she more or less implied that all rich kids have underlings makes me want to drive my head against a wall. Like, this is just obnoxiously stereotypical. THIS is what Astruc is dead set on implying is the deepest evil humanity can sink to!? THIS!? Also, her stating that they make fun of their "underlings" doesn't make a lick of sense since Chloe hasn't really ever made fun of Sabrina. She, at worst, just takes advantage of her.
We get a few brief muffled snippets of conversations of the other rich kids and, again, they are basically just cardboard cutouts of Chloe's post-flanderization personality. This is literally a "party" of walking stereotypes. Kagami and Adrien then have a conversation, with Kagami questioning why Adrien kissed her hand "because he's in love with Marinette," which is the kind of thing that's really shoehorned in. At a big fancy event like this, I'm pretty sure he would be expected to do that REGARDLESS OF HIS FEELINGS. 
Adrien, who I'm "suspecting" is not Adrien, asks Kagami if she's jealous. Kagami honestly answers, and I'm just... why? WHY!? Why would EITHER of them CARE enough to talk about this!? Is this meant to be a set-up of some kind?? I don't get what this is meant to introduce!! WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS AWKWARD CONVERSATION!? 
Also, the way Kagami phrases her reaction as "shutting off her feelings" feels icky to me. If this is meant to be some kind of neurodivergence wink and a nudge, MY ANGER RISES. But even if it isn't, the set-up, treating emotions like something you have to "turn off for other people's happiness" DISGUSTS ME on so many levels!! You don't have to stop loving someone to want to support their happiness with somebody else!! God fucking DAMMIT I thought we were past this shit!! And now we get "Adrien" calling Kagami "his Queen." I am creeped out on so many levels, since he's not even pretending to talk like Adrien by now. 
Kagami saying things like "I am the descendant of Samurai women, we follow orders because we choose to" makes me want to puke. THIS is the kind of shit that I find infuriating, because they are all but blatantly stating that she is being emotionally abused and gaslit, and that's not even going into the implications she's a fucking SENTIMONSTER!!! God dammit does this infuriate me. 
"Let's leave." "Are you insane, we can't do that!" "Of course we can, I can." Well THAT isn't ominous at fucking ALL.
The way they frame Kagami realizing "Adrien" is serious as something interesting weirds me the fuck out. It comes off as kinda predatory, like him being someone who knows something deeply personal about another and intending to exploit her over it, with her being none the wiser. 
And after the remainder of that awkward "conversation," we get the sight of them before the guests of the Diamond Dance... and Marinette immediately rushes for Adrien. ...She's supposed to be SMART, right? RIGHT!? 
Honestly, even if she HAD been invited, her basically shoulder-checking her way past the other guests to get to Adrien SHOULD HAVE gotten her kicked out of this idiotic ball. 
And now she's in front of "Adrien" rambling like an idiot. Telling "him" things that she could've just fucking TEXTED HIM. Deep breathes... deep breathes... And now we get Marinette and Fadrian dancing together, nothing uncomfortable about that at all, while Chloe tries to rally the guests... who all can't bring themselves to touch Marinette for the most superficial reasons imaginable. Astruc really wasn't even TRYING. 
Also, for once? Chloe's basically entirely in the right about all this. While her elitist attitude is deplorable, not only does Marinette not have permission to be there at all, she had already massively disrupted the entire (boring, dull, unoriginal) party. I'm just wondering why the HELL none of the fully human security detail members from outside the ballroom itself haven't been called in to kick her out!? It's not as if she (in her civilian form) has any kind of powers that would let her get the drop on things!!
Also, I'm mildly surprised that Gabe hasn't tried ordering F-Adrien to pull away and stop dancing with her... but that would spoil the surprise, now wouldn't it? It's not as if he's had any problem using his power over Adrien in as unsubtle ways possible BEFORE today. 
"They're all looking at me like I'm a monster," Marinette, please shut the fuck up. They aren't looking at you like you're a monster, they are looking at you like you are someone who broke into a party you had no business being at under false pretenses (and being too much of a bunch of whiny brats to want to remove by their own power). Also, it's really "funny" how the only adults present are Gabe, Tomoe, Audrey, and Andre. 
For a so-called gathering of the Elite. 
"Look closer Marinette, THEY'RE the monsters." Why? What have they done, IN ANY WAY, to be described that harshly!? Adrien's a fucking shut-in, so it's not as if he knows any of these people, the worst you can say about them is that they are spoiled!! They aren't monsters, they are just people, people who don't yet know better, and whose only crime is being part of a group you don't fucking LIKE!!! GET THE ABSOLUTE FUCK OVER YOURSELF ASTRUC!!! 
Of fucking COURSE it's fucking Felix!! All it took was him saying something totally out of character within earshot of Marinette for it to make any kind of sense!! Also, I kinda just "love" how Marinette instantly thinks Felix "did something to Adrien," which doesn't make any sense given his track record. Even at his worst up until now, all Felix really did was impersonate Adrien and tried to damage his reputation. So her thinking he "did something to Adrien" just... feels insanely stupid.
Now we get Chloe literally JUMPING on Marinette to tear off her mask... instead of just calling in security from outside. Because WHY THE FUCK NOT!? Oh, and Felix is transforming in public, I guess. 
Wait, NOW I see the other adults, they were just out of most of the shots. 
"I can wipe out anyone bathed in the light of the Red Moon with the snap of my feathers!" Question: When did Felix get the fucking Rooster Miraculous? You know, the one that is supposed to grant people any superpower they can imagine so long as it doesn't violate some utterly arbitrary rule? 
Argos honestly works fairly well as a delusional villain, honestly. He talks like he's "wiping people out" for some kind of moral basis, but literally EVERY TIME HE HAS SHOWED UP, he has done nothing but torment Adrien, damage his social life, enable Gabe's cruelty, so on and so forth to utterly idiotic degrees. Him acting like what he's doing is for the sake of others is BULLSHIT. He just wants to be the one doing the controlling. 
Kagami screaming in horror at the sight of her mother being wiped out is honestly the most believable part of this whole episode. As much as Tomoe has been shoehorned into the role of being a villain, Kagami genuinely CARES about her, which makes Felix's attitude even more stupid. Literally all of this is just him power-tripping over getting to do whatever the fuck he wants to the people around him. 
Now we get a cringe-inducing musical number. Like, the lyrics alone basically spell out that Felix is a selfish hypocrite who only cares about anything so far as it relates to him getting what he wants. 
Also, while he's right in that he isn't working for Monarch/Hawkmoth/WHOEVER THE FUCK HE IS, him acting as if he needed to hand over all the Miraculouses "for his plans" when he literally had the perfect Miraculous for stealing the Peacock without any problem at all just reeks of self-serving hypocrisy. 
And now we get to the root of his hypocrisy. His wish wouldn't even be BAD if he hasn't been consistently a self-serving hypocritical douche-canoe all this fucking TIME. The fact that he's labeling Marinette with the "controlling others, deciding others' fates" BS just spells that out. He doesn't know what he's talking about, and he doesn't fucking CARE. He just wants free rein to do what HE wants and fuck the consequences towards anyone else. Also, he can't realistically use snapping her away as a threat because he's already revealed he needs her to stick around. 
Also, them trying to make him sound sympathetic by acting like he has "nothing to lose" just screams "PITY ME!!" at max volume. It falls flat with how much of a selfish and despicable tool they've made him out to be. This isn't revealing someone previously thought bad has depths no one had considered (like what it looked like they were doing with Chloe in Season 2), this is them trying to ignore how blatantly hypocritical this idiot is. 
Like, he literally just admitted he would rather wipe out EVERYONE in the world if he has to if it means getting his way. 
"The whole world has been bathed in the light of the Red Moon." Seriously? Like, seriously. It's a spherical object hovering over the sky of Paris. It's not even covering ALL OF FRANCE, let alone the world. 
And we get some scenes of Felix wandering an empty Paris before getting confronted by Kagami. Ugghhh....
And he reveals he can bring people back, fantastic. 
If the transformations are meant to block people from realizing someone is transformed, how did Adrien notice that Argos is Felix? HOW!? Also, we literally fucking SAW Red Moon get created during the ball, so just... did he make TWO OF THEM? AND USED A SMALLER ONE IN PRIVATE OR SOMETHING??? 
Him calling Adrien his "favorite cousin" is a bad joke. Adrien is his ONLY fucking cousin, and he routinely treats him like shit. Unless Felix is delusional beyond words, this comes off more as him mocking Adrien for "not having the guts to stand up to his oppressors." 
Seriously, them framing the wholesale slaughter of the entirety of Paris as "saving Adrien" and conveniently ignoring how literally NOTHING Felix has ever done or said to Adrien prior to this has been anything other then malicious really makes me feel sick to my stomach. 
Okay, so he DID make the stupid thing earlier. Still doesn't explain how he made it disappear and reappear, OR how Adrien could see through his transformation. Also, he's apparently been stalking Adrien for WHO KNOWS how long, yet the knowledge that Adrien is in Love with Marinette came as a SURPRISE TO HIM!? WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS!? 
Wow, how convenient of him to ignore how he tried to ruin Adrien's social life. And tormented his friends pretending to be him. And all the other times he's done nothing but make life harder for the people he allegedly cares for to satisfy his personal whims. This... this is just some delusional psycho throwing a tantrum. I think I'm gonna throw up. 
I just... I just cannot take this seriously. Felix has been consistently utterly malicious and self-serving all this time. Trying to reframe that as him giving a shit about Adrien (who he hasn't properly seen in years and tried to ruin the life of) and Kagami (who he doesn't even fucking KNOW) just doesn't WORK. 
"Do you really think I'm that evil?" Yes. Yes they do. Because you literally ACT that evil. You literally threatened to WIPE OUT THE WORLD just to get your own way.
Something's wrong, I can usually bring back whoever I want!" How would you even KNOW THAT!? HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU BEEN TESTING THIS FUCKED UP POWER ON IN SECRET!? 
Again, them trying to make him sound remorseful DOES NOT FUCKING WORK when he didn't have any problem wiping out ALL OF FUCKING PARIS. 
If him talking so remorsefully to the non-sentient orb in the sky he made is supposed to be touching, it fails. He just looks unhinged. 
And now we learn that Amelie knew all along about Felix being Argos and what he was planning. Mother of the fucking year people!!! You can't make her come across as sympathetic when she's the accomplice of the guy who tried to genocide Paris. 
And it's done. I'm just... drained by this. I don't hate this as much as the prior episode, even if I am infuriated by it, since my anger is more inflamed by... things going on in the world being carried over to the writing here. These writers are fucking HACKS.
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Bourgeois’ family is the cheapest version of Nakiri’s family from Food wars which is both of them having one family members who ever doing affair (Azami & Audrey) and had an illegitimate child (Asahi & Zoe). Sorry spoiler, so surprised That Azami doesn’t realize that he had a child before married to Mana Nakiri. later he feel guilty and decided to quit from Nakiri’s family although Erina still accepting him after what he did and invited Asahi to become the Nakiri’s family.
I’m just wondering, did Audrey will take the responsibility to Zoe because she knows she was cheating or even Her affair will visiting Paris for her responsibility. I don’t have the empathy for this narcissistic woman since before, she neither care to Zoe nor Chloe unlike Azami although he was so harsh on caring Erina, but her daughter still can refused him for his act and can accept his mistakes in the past.
Too bad, this show was reaching 100 episodes and so many wasted potential because asstruc and the writers were still using same storyline. Tbh, this show could become better if thomas can treating his characters that he made equally not only focus on Creepynette and her shenanigans but also the others (i.e. Agreste, Bourgeois & Tsurugi families). Well sadly, his ego, pride and his vision on viewing his audiences like some dumb braindead who don’t understand the story and he’s too busy for blocking the people and giving illogical explanation on Twitter 🥴
I haven’t seen that anime, but that honestly sounds far better than what we have with the Bourgeois family.
The fact that the writers said nothing about what Zoe’s life was like living with Audrey “Doesn’t Even Know Her Own Daughter’s Name” Bourgeois really goes to show just how last-minute her addition feels. They seriously expect us to believe that her relationship with Chloe, someone she barely knows, is worth discussing two whole episodes towards instead of her emotionally neglectful mother. 
The most we get is Zoe acknowledging that they share the same mother and that’s how she tricked Chloe into wearing her soon to be pointless Magical Charm in the first place. Because it’s not enough Marinette has to convince Chloe to bond with her terrible human being of a mother. Now Zoe has to gaslight Chloe into accepting something for her own protection from the crazy butterfly man by claiming it was a gift from their mother, who again, doesn’t give a rat’s ass about either of them.
Say what you will about Chloe, but Audrey is a far worse person who somehow manages to get away with far more than Chloe. Audrey never actually gets called out on her actions while Chloe routinely gets punished for every evil plan she comes up with, because the writers seriously want us to believe she deserves punishment more.
The thing is that both Chloe, Zoe, and even Andre are victims of Audrey’s verbal abuse in some way, yet the show just loves to play it off as a joke because if it isn’t Adrien being insulted, why should we even care?
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starfallskitter · 3 years
THIS is Chloe’s redemption arc
Hi! I don’t usually do big media analysis things, but I like Miraculous Ladybug and I’m a writer and familiar with these tropes. I was thinking about Chloe’s character in season 4 and how everyone’s been so upset with what seems like a reversal of her character arc, so I wanted to unpack everything and explain what I believe is going on.
In short: Chloe getting worse, becoming mean again, is the only way she can, after the three seasons she’s had so far, get a satisfying redemption arc. 
Zoe is also very important to her arc; while it could perhaps have been done differently, Zoe’s introduction is perhaps the clearest way of developing Chloe’s character and giving her redemption. But I’ll get to that in a moment.
I recently rewatched the first half of season 1 and most of season 3, so I’ll probably draw from more recent memories in discussion here. Season 4 is, however, the main point of discussion in this post, so big spoiler warning if you aren’t up to date on Sole Crusher and Queen Banana at the very least.
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So, character arcs can generally be shortened to a question of, ‘what does this character need to learn? And do they learn it?’, although typically there are bumps along the way, with characters learning the wrong lessons, making mistakes, backtracking, etc. Sometimes it’s a negative character arc where they learn a lie, or refuse to change.
In Chloe’s case, the thing she needs to learn is simple. She believes, in season 1 episode 1, that she is inherently better than other people. She still believes this throughout the entire show up to this point. She needs to learn that that’s not the case.
Success to Chloe is how much power you have, and she expects power. It’s reinforced for her at every turn. Her dad gets her everything she wants, and he’s the Mayor, so his power becomes hers. Her ‘best friend’ is a rich, famous supermodel, which is ultimate success to her, and at the start she’s his only friend, so he must consider her on his level (how he came into this situation doesn’t matter to her). She’s constantly followed by someone who lets her have complete power over her just to get a glimpse of Chloe’s wealth. Bullying and beauty are both sources of power to her as well. Power is success, she has a lot of power, she’s successful, she’s acheived all she wants to.
So, naturally, she loves Ladybug, the most powerful superhero in Paris. She wants to be accepted by Ladybug, and loved by Ladybug, because Ladybug has power, and Ladybug accepting her as her peer means Chloe is on her level. Everyone loves Ladybug, therefore Ladybug has more power than Hawkmoth, the real reason Chloe is on her side.
This doesn’t change much throughout season one. 
In Season 2, though, we meet her mother, who can be summed up as the main source of this thought pattern. Chloe idealises her, more even than Ladybug, and her approval as a powerful person who knows it feels like all Chloe needs. When Chloe gets the Bee Miraculous, it’s not because Ladybug thinks she’s a peer, but Chloe, somewhat desperately, believes that being a Miraculous holder will make her good enough in her mother’s eyes. From the wiki:
Chloé, however, is furious and angrily asks her mother why, out of all people, she would take Marinette to New York City instead of her own daughter. Audrey says that it's because Marinette is exceptional. Chloé retorts that she's exceptional, too, but Audrey says that the only thing exceptional about her is her mother. Hurt by this comment and wanting to prove her mother wrong, Chloé reveals that she has the Bee Miraculous in her possession and transforms into Queen Bee in front of everyone, including the press.
When she gets the Bee Miraculous, it’s not because she’s changed in any way, and it’s not a catalyst for change. The whole plot of Queen Wasp is that Chloe is trying to prove she’s exceptional, but her being exceptional is not what she needs to learn; in fact, it’s the opposite. She needs to learn that she is no more exceptional than anyone else. She doesn’t learn this here.
Again, from the wiki:
Marinette tells Audrey that Chloé is exceptional -- exceptionally mean. She lists all of Chloé's worst qualities, angering both her and Audrey but also making the two realize that they have a lot in common. When Marinette leaves, Audrey asks Chloé if she is really as bad as Marinette said, to which Chloé says that her only friend in school is Sabrina, and she enjoys giving her butler a hard time. Audrey takes back her earlier comment about Chloé not being exceptional, embraces her, and decides to stay in Paris with her.
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This is just reaffirming the problem: Chloe’s belief that her power, coming from her cruelty and bullying, makes her special, so she deserves the power, etc. This is not a change in her character arc; this is still setting her up to change later on.
What this sets up is Chloe’s false character arc. It seems, on the outside, that what Chloe needs to learn is how to be nice, or good. That being kind is something she doesn’t know how to do, and she just needs to try. 
This is often a character arc that children’s show bullies have because it’s easy and simple to understand, but it’s not realistic. Bullies are usually not bullies just because they don’t know how to be nice; some are, perhaps, but the truly mean ones who do acts of cruelty because they can have a fundamentally twisted view of the world, like Chloe’s.
A lot of people think Chloe’s false redemption arc was her real one, and it got thrown out the window. Here’s why the false one is important for the real one.
For Chloe to learn that she’s not special, she has to get rid of the idea that being powerful in any way leads to happiness, or the power is equal to success.
In Season 3 we get continuance of the false arc. Importantly, we see her core behavior has not actually changed. At times, she acts heroically, but it’s not necessarily out of the goodness of her heart; and at the times she does this doesn’t necessarily change her character arc, either. She still has a heart. It’ll come out much more later. But she’s still pushing people around. There is no significant change in how she fundamentally treats Sabrina, or her butler, or Marinette, or her father. She doesn’t see them or relate to them any differently. She’s also using her superhero identity to reinforce the idea that she’s special; she remarks constantly about how she’s Queen Bee, she’s a hero, she’s better than everyone, you get the gist. Becoming Queen Bee has reinforced the primary lie (that she is special) that her character arc is going to change.
We see, in Miraculer, Mayura demanding Chloe join them, and Chloe refusing.
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At first, it seems like Chloe’s doing well to refuse. Like she has a sense of justice. In truth, though, she’s mainly on Ladybug’s side because the heroes are usually seen as more powerful and cooler than the villains. There might be a sense of justice there, but that’s ultimately irrelevant to the core flaw that she needs to fix to become a better person.
And then, Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen. Ladybug doesn’t give her enough power, so she takes Hawkmoth’s side.
While Ladybug, Cat Noir and Ryuko fight Heart Hunter, Chloé becomes furious and throws her bee signal off of the roof, losing her hope. Hawk Moth comes and tries to convince Chloé to join him. Chloé is reluctant at first, because he is the one who akumatized her parents. Hawk Moth asks what Ladybug has done for her, since Chloé was the one who trusted Ladybug the most as a fan. Chloé finally agrees, but demands that Hawk Moth deakumatizes her parents first. Hawk Moth accepts these conditions.
This is the ultimate thing that reinforces the lie, that she is special and more powerful. The false character arc, that she just needs to learn to be nice, is thrown aside; she was nice to Ladybug, put herself on Ladybug’s side, and tried to work for justice, but it didn’t change that what she ultimately wanted, and felt was most important, was power, being special, status. The moment at the end of Heart Hunter is where she does her heel-turn, and now, what happens next?
Well, rememeber that she needs to learn she’s not special. As of now, she’s had the belief that she’s special reinforced, not weakened. It’s been reinforced as far as it can go. There is nothing she can do to believe she’s any more special than she believes she is. And now, being pissed at Ladybug, her false arc thrown aside, there’s no reason to try and act nice. It didn’t make her happy, after all.
So in Season 4, she doubles down on what she still believes matters: Power.
She’s worse to Sabrina, locking her in her closet, making her chase after the car, etc. She will only consider the best, most powerful friends like her: Zoe, her sister, has to be just as special, just as powerful.... and as we saw at the end of season 2, that means mean.
Which brings me to Zoe.
Zoe is important because she’s everything Chloe could’ve been if she’d already learned her lesson, for one. She’s successful at making friends because she cares about how nice someone is, not their status, which is what Chloe doesn’t get. She’s so frustated that Zoe makes friends at the end of Sole Crusher by just being nice. Chloe wants those friends, but everything in the show so far has taught her that power is important and it’s what will get her love and attention, and her power comes from, again, bullying and her dad.
And that’s also where Andre comes in. The other thing Zoe does is change Chloe’s biggest enabler- Andre. In Queen Banana, he refuses Chloe’s demands for the first time pretty much ever, and draws a hard line in the sand.
Suddenly, a little bit of Chloe’s power is taken away from her in that moment. She can’t understand how Zoe can be happier than her or why her father might tell her no. They’re incompatible with her worldview- that she is special, and powerful, and deserves things just for being special.
At this point, Chloe has to lose everything. She thinks that cruelty to others will make her happy; that demanding things gets her what she wants. It has, so far. So for her to change, that needs to not work. We’re seeing just the beginnings of that in Season 4 so far; she can’t demand anything from her father (although Queen Banana is full of demands she does get). Zoe didn’t find happiness through the method Chloe said she would in Sole Crusher (really, Sole Crusher lays out what Chloe’s been imagining the world is like the entire show. That’s it in a nutshell, really). Adrien told her she needed to be nicer and lowkey rejected her friendship at the end of Queen Banana. Zoe, the sister who is better off doing the opposite of what Chloe thought would make her happy and successful, took her symbol of power- the Bee Miraculous, her superhero identity- away from her. Chloe’s worldview is slowly unravelling as of Season 4.
So, what needs to happen next?
One: she will lose everything. Two: she’ll learn that power doesn’t make her happy. Three: she’ll realise that kindness and justice and equality, etc. are more important. Four: she’ll do something major to show that she understands this and has changed. Five: she’ll permanently stop putting herself above others.
I can’t project too far in the future, but what I can say is what is probably going to come next for the topic of her losing everything. Her father is going to say no more often; her mother will disappoint her; Zoe will continue to do well. Chloe may learn that Zoe is Vesperia, I’m not sure.
But the one main thing that I think, personally, Chloe needs to lose in some dramatic way is Sabrina. Sabrina is just about the last thing that has remained the same for Chloe so far. And I think that that change won’t come by Sabrina’s doing, necessarily. She’s not vengeful and doesn’t see or care about Chloe’s flaws.
But the thing is, it seems obvious by now that everyone in the class is getting a Miraculous. We’ve seen spoilers for Mylene’s and Juleka’s, and my personal opinion is that the four remaining unpaired Miraculous pair up to the three remaining classmates + the one other student who seems to recur (personal guesses: Ivan - Ox, Nathaniel - Rooster, Marc - Dog, Sabrina - Goat), but regardless, what I imagine would break Chloe’s existing worldview more than anything else, and leave it open to change, is Sabrina getting a Miraculous, and Chloe knowing it’s her.
Sabrina is Chloe’s trailing, forever-present symbol of power. She’s always got power over Sabrina. Sabrina being special in a way that Chloe no longer is, a way that got taken by her ‘lame’ sister who she views as less powerful than her, should put a lot into perspective for her.
In short: Chloe is going to have a bad time, and be a bad time, for most of this season, if not all of it. She’s got to learn that her worldview is wrong.
That’s how her character arc will end. That’s how we get a satisfying change, something meaningful happening to her, and her really changing from the bully she was. Miraculous is a lot more complicated than most kid’s shows and it didn’t simplify it down to ‘bully learns to be nice’- Chloe’s character arc is about changing the fundamental thing that made her so mean in the first place. It’s about learning that she is not at all exceptional, and that she is just like anyone else. And that she’ll prefer it that way.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts & Reactions to Sole Crusher & Queen Banana!
Here's my 2 in 1! Starting with Sole Crusher. Loved the tourist feel in the beginning, gives it a very different feel and interesting to see it from Zoe's perspective. Aww Zoe's so nice to Marinette right away. And it's awfully sad that she only ever had one friend. :c I wonder who that friend is? Zoe's right about her family not appreciating the baked goods from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. I don't know if she's fully aware of the history there, or if she just knows how picky her mother and sister are. But it was awfully sweet of her to give them to the tour guide to give to her family instead. So Zoe learned: in order to survive, she had to put on an act and be somebody she's not, because her family wouldn't accept her being a decent person that cares about others. When asked about her middle school, her response, "I found a cockroach in my locker!" Might not be true, doesn't sound like it's the only thing at all if so, but sadly it was enough for her mom to not question anything.
Chloe's definitely a lot worse now after Miracle Queen. In my opinion, this is us beginning to see how low she's gotten and will continue to get. As Avatar Aang once said, "When we reach our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change." I'll write more on this in a separate post later. Zoe's sure scared to object to anything and be herself. Not even hesitating to act like a brat when around Chloe. If she didn't end up growing up around Chloe, how horrible are her parents??? We know Audrey is pretty bad, but even then if she had a decent dad she'd likely not end up like this. I suppose we'll have to see, but this poor girl. :/ Rose: Can we adopt her? Lol awww. Wonderful of Marinette to know that after only one brief encounter with Zoe, she knows that the Zoe at school isn't really her, and wants to genuinely help. How can anybody hate that about her? I don't get it. If it's because she doesn't do things how you'd like them...Most things in life won't go as you want them, or be taken by others as you may intend them, so you have to appreciate what's there and the intent of others actions. "But my family made me think that to deserve my place, I had to give up on some of my dreams." If Andre's talking about his parents here, as he said "When I was young", then oof this poor man, no wonder he's so timid and such a pushover. If he's referring to Audrey and Chloe... then that's a huge oof because Audrey knew exactly who she was marrying and should've never ended up with him in the first place if she didn't want to be with a director. So Zoe left because she couldn't stand it in New York anymore around her dad and the kids at her school. She hoped that she wouldn't have to act anymore and could just be herself. It really sounds like she needed to act a certain way in order to survive getting bullied, or worse. Dang, she really must not have met Chloe before then, or heard anything about her if she thought living with her mom and sister would be better. But in a way, it is better for her, because she has Marinette and the kids at school now. And she has Andre who's probably a better parent to her than her actual parents. Which is surprising and also not at the same time. "We end up hiding our feelings deep down in here." Okay so he says that with a booklet that has Emilie's face on it held up to his chest. Now, it may just be nothing but him thinking about his director dream. But. It could've also been any other object he held to his heart, it could've been something without a face on it or at least not her face. And Andre did work with Emilie. So I would not be surprised at all if there was something there that this is hinting at. Hmmmm. Also, I guess that's not Tomoe Tsurugi? Even though it's Kagami's model they used. And she's really pretty, too! Maybe something will come from this, or the animators didn't think it through when they added that image. Who knows. Even Chloe's first thought when she's in trouble is to go to Marinette what the heck 😂 When Kaalki teleported into Adrien's room...had Adrien turned around as it
happened he would've seen enough of her room to recognize it. Instead the portal changed and was outdoors. But lol poor Kaalki slamming against the window! All his things getting sucked in and Plagg's cheese was hilarious. XD Chloe's second thought of where to go: Luka's. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 🤔 "This winner and loser thing doesn't exist!" Sad that Chloe thinks this way at all, who even taught her this? x.x Chat Noir: Did somebody start off on the wrong foot today? Marinette: I'm not finished! Chat Noir: Huh? LOL I laughed so hard at this moment. Did she forget who she is at the moment because even Chat's like what "I will always support you!" AWWWWWW what a good friend! And I think by helping Zoe become stronger, she'll in turn help Chloe be a better person too. But I'll talk about this again later. Poor Sabrina in this episode, my goodness. She works in a tiny closet and has to run along the limo. Chloe's seriously getting awful. Zoe's charm is the cutest one so far! So pretty. Ivan giving Zoe a hug was the cutest thing ever. Like, I don't ship them, but this shouldn't have anything to do with it. He and the rest of the kids care about her and respect her for being open and honest with her struggles, and want to be there for her. It's so wholesome. 😭 I find it interesting that even Audrey in this episode doesn't always know how to react to Chloe. xD But thank you Andre for caring enough about her to keep her in Paris and trying to keep some peace between the two. "For the first time in my life, I feel at home." 😭😭😭😭😭 Just imagine for a minute if Marinette didn't bother to help Zoe, believed how she acted at school rather than when she met her, and didn't tell the other kids about what was going on. Everything for her would be so drastically different. All because Marinette showed some kindness. Now onto Queen Banana. Well poor Marinette can't help but faceplant on the news. xD I can just tell what Alya leaned into say "You okay, girl?" and Marinette mumbling under the cape, "that's what the news is going to see of me, aren't they?" "Afraid so." "groan" Ah okay, Thomas was an alumni of the school. Cool. Poor Andre, he's just doing what Zoe suggested of him and not give up his dream of directing! I wonder if being around Luka and Juleka made Zoe want to put that pink streak in her hair. xD I want Luka and Zoe to be really good friends, that'd be so cool. Chloe being really awful some more. To everybody. I've noticed a pattern and I think I have her figured out pretty well. I'll be writing a in-depth post about her soon! She's making them change the entire movie just for her. xPP I said to my sister, "as soon as she leaves they should just film their original ideas." They do, thank goodness. xD I got so happy that we get an Adrienette scene in this ep! And then I saw he's locked in a cage, willingly, smiling at Marinette while the door shuts and I just burst out laughing. He's not even nervous he's locked in a cage, suspended in the air! Booooooy must like Marinette a lot! "Now let's take care of Adrien and get him out of that cage." OMG thank you, Marinette. While the image of him is comical, it's making me so uncomfortable that someone's up there like that and that someone also being terrified of being locked up in such a small space. Also, how long do you think Adrien would've stayed up there had Marinette not said something? Oh? What a change of pace, when Adrien goes to try to make things better for everyone, he screws it up pretty badly to be what really drives Chloe to get akumatized. She may have cooled off enough on her own as she tells Adrien "I'm fine." ...until he suggests apologizing to everyone. "You promised to stop being rude to everyone. And I told you that we couldn't be friends otherwise." OOF. Okay so her reaction to this really goes into the territory I want to talk about in my upcoming post about Chloe. "Banana BOOM BOOM!" lololol it sounds so funny in German dub xDD Marinette instantly pulling Zoe away from the attack x33 Ladybug's spin move with Chat Noir XD
it's like what's happening we're fighting an akuma not dancing This entire akuma feels like a Donkey Kong game and I love it. Those games are my childhood. Ooof Ladybug needs to be more careful with her Lucky Charms, they can sometimes be massive! Like that giant doughnut in Weredad. I seriously legit thought that the Gorilla was Gorilla, Adrien's bodyguard before the episode aired. XD The best heroes in this show tend to be the ones that have the most self-doubt, have you noticed? Ladybug, Carapace, and Vesperia all expressed serious doubt in themselves being a superhero, but when they suit up they're fierce! Like they were born to be a hero. Don't worry about Chat kissing Vesperia's hand. That's just the way he is, it's not in a flirting way. c: I remember when people freaked out about Rena Rouge and Chat Noir. It's the same as that, nothing more. "Or I'll turn her into baby mush!" LOL Chloe threatening to turn Ladybug into baby food hahaha that sounds so outrageous and weird that it's funny. And yet in this situation, would be actually possible so it's quite disturbing....hm. Dang, Hawk Moth trying to reakumatize her immediately. You go Zoe, speak up for yourself! And good on Andre for putting his foot down about Zoe too. "You may hate me, but I love you. And I'll always love you even if the whole world hates you." OKAY, THAT WAS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. Including the way she convinced Chloe to take the charm. Marinette's literally in hearing range of Adrien as she's talking to Tikki LOL she's like 5-6 feet away maybe? But that's okay, he probably would think nothing of it if he heard Marinette talking lol. I really like Zoe's character, I think she makes a wonderful addition to the show and that her character is extremely important. ;) Again I'll talk about it in my upcoming post! I've really noticed a lot of things when it comes to Chloe that I look forward to sharing my thoughts on sometime early this week. I really don't think things are as clear cut as a lot of people seem to think about her.
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coolkat122 · 7 years
Male:Mal x Reader
I hope that you guys enjoy this lovely Evil genderbent Mal that is brought to you by DragonStar sponsored by wickedisheretostay.org which was made possible by viewers like you 👍.
Fair warning I don't know much of descendants lore, I've only seen the movies and the mini series so some shit might (will) be wrong so yeah.
Ben: Bentlie
Audrey: Andre
Chad: Cindy 
Jane: James
Lonnie: Louie? (Might change it)
Carlos: Carla 
Jay: Jen 
Evie: Evan
Mal: Mal (yes still)
If you have better ones please let me know and I'll  change it to them instead.
Much like Princess Bentlie you too believed that the children in Isle of the Lost deserve a chance to prove that they can be good unlike their parents so you were all for it when she talked her parents into the idea but of course they wanted to start it with a few at first (babysteps).
Once everything was set up they brought the teens to Auradon, you stood within the crowd to watch as they arrived and "stepped"  out of the limo, two girls were fighting over something which you weren’t too focused on youreyes were on the tall purple hair boy. His eyes quickly scan through the crowd which included you before landing on Bentlie as she approached him with Andre by her side.
You couldn't hear them but from what you could tell the boy was faking the smile on his face as they talked. After a few seconds Bentlie lead them out of sight into the school dorms not seeing a reason to stick around you left.
~The Next Day~
You had heard about the mishap at the museum and couldn’t help but think that it was the villain kids, the timing of it was just too weird but you didn't want to say anything because you had no proof and you could be wrong so instead you just decided to keep your eyes on them for any strange behavior. 
So far they weren’t doing much Jen was trying out for the girls sport team, Carla was learning that not every furry creature wants to eat him, Evan was getting suckered into doing Cindy's home work and Mal looks like he's just been doing normal stuff.... nothing really out of the ordinary.
You frowned because it just didn't seem right out of all of them he's the only one behaving, it's almost too behaved. Your frown deepened. 'Just what's going on here? Are they honestly trying to be good and I'm just assuming things? Or are suspicions justified? I do believe that the villains kids can be more than just a next generation of their parents but the museum incident just seems like more than a coincidence' You sighed.
"God let me be wrong" You said out loud to no one (that you know of anyway), soon he got up from the bench and left. Before you could follow after but James fell from putting up the signs for Bentlie's crowning and leaded on you, quite roughly too.
"Ow f-" You were cut off when James got up and apologize over and over repeatedly while carefully helping you up. Once up you rubbed your bruised arm and cringedfrom the sore feeling from your body.
"It's fine James it was an accident" You looked him over to see if he was alright, for the most part he looked fine just a slight bruise on the side of his face, ruffled hair and a few specks dirt on his clothes.
"Looks like you've got a bruise on the side of your face tho" He touched it and winch.
"Ouch, I think I should go get it taken care of or at least find a way to hide before my dad finds out..." He said as he placed a hand to cover it."Would you like me to get you somethingfor your arm?" You shook your head.
"No I'm good thanks anyway" He nodded before quickly rushing off to do something about the bruise while I sighed out of disappointment for losing Mal.
~P.O.V Shift~
I had gone back to my room after no luck of finding Mal. I share the room with Repunzel's kid who wasn't here at the moment probably because she's helping decorate the crowning party, she is a lovely girl and quite artsy, and very kind her only flaw her long and I mean long hair that gets everywhere other than that I am happy that I got her to room with rather than Cindy.  
I sat down on my bed just as Ruby steps in and looks to me concernly. "____ are you okay?" I frowned a bit unaware that I looked trouble enough for her to be concerned in the first place. 
"Yeah why do you ask?" She stepped forward and was about to sit down next to me but I quickly shouted not wanting her to get paint on my bed.
"Wait!" I  placed my hands to block as she looked at me worriedly.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she stepped back.
"Your usually always covered in paint, I don’t want it on my bed covers" She blinked before calming down. "You know for like the fifth time this week" I said remembering how annoyed I was with having to clean it up, sure she offered but I was afraid she might make it worse.
"Oh is that it?" She moved the hand that was behind her back and rubbed her blonde hair. "Uh sorry I wasn't thinking" Now much calmer she sat on her bed facing me. "Well anyway, I was asking because you just seem troubled so what's eating at you?" 
"Nothings eating at me, I'm completely fine" I lied which I didn’t like doing especially to Ruby but I didn't want to tell her that I suspect that the Vkids broke into the museum, I just don't want to seem like I don't believe in them which I do.... and I don't at the same time well more like I'm just cautious. I don't want to believe in them too much that I'm blinded to facts.
"Are you sure? if you want to tell me anything you can" I nodded.
"I know but at the moment I have nothing..... you know I feel tired so I'mgoing to sleep early okay?" She slowly nodded and smiled.
"Of course" And with that I laid down and slowly started to fall asleep but not before hearing Ruby leave  after that it was pretty much la-la land.
When I finally woke up the next morning I noticed that my covers were changed and there was a note taped to it, I picked it up and read it hoping it would explain why my covers were different from what I went to sleep in.
Hey _____ when I got back I was covered in paint because of a little mishap earlier and I accidentally got paint on your covers.... I know that it’s probably the.. 4th time this week? But I wasn't paying attention to where I was about to sit and well you get the pic but don't worry your bestie is going to clean it up and make it good as new  ;p 
P.S you are a heavy sleeper :I 
My eye twitched as I read the letter and was holding back the scream of frustration but I didn't want to alert anyone and have them wonder why I was screaming for seemingly no reason. With a sigh I got up from my bed and noticed the paint that covered our floor. "Seriously Ruby?"
I shook my head and got dressed once I was done I went to class and continued on with observing the Vkids, it has usual Mal was well behaved no suspicious behavior other than the fact that he's well behaved when class was over I went back to follow in between classes until lunch. 
And still nothing as I sat there watching him and his friends until Evan noticed and pointed it out so I quickly looked away pretending that I was eating my sandwich. That's when Ruby showed up.
"Hey _____ did you get my note?" She sat down in front of me blocking my view of Mal.
"Yes Ruby I got your note and really you messed them up again? Seriously?" She laughed awkwardly before looking apologetic.
"Yeah,sorry I really wasn’t paying attention I was too busy thinking about why there was this girl with hair covering her face rushing past me which is why I ended up covered in paint in the first place" She explained while I brushed it off, it's nothing new one the girls probably saw a zit and rushed to cover it. The princess were super obsessed with not being caught with one.
After lunch had passed and the rest of our classes were over with I decided to follow him just this once if I still come up empty handed then I'll let it go. 
I followed him into the garden area and into the maze which was stupid but I know this place like the back of my hand before I drifted away from being friends with Bentlie we would play in this like crazy so I came to learn about its in and outs. So I'mconfident enough that I'll be fine.
After awhile we came to a stop and he called me out. "You can stop following me now"
'Shit' I slowly stepped out from where I was hiding as he turned to face me, his green eyes looked me over before making eye contact.
"So are you going to explain why you were following me?" He asked while I quickly thought of a lie.
"I was curious to how you were adjusting" He sighed.
"So we're doing it this way huh?" He flipped through a spell book and before I could do anything veins started wrapping me up tight to the point where I couldn't move an inch.
"Feel like talking now?" I glared but didn't want to give it so I told another lie.
"Alright Pinocchio have it your way" Again he went flipping through the pages and casted another spell.
"Now why are you following me?" With zero control I told him everything and he frowned. "That's it? I thought you knew more" He rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Why? What more do you have planned? And why did you break into the museum anyway? What's in there that was worth getting sent back to the isle?" I shot question after question and when I was done he smirked. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He mocked enjoying the fact of how little I know of his plan. 
"Well it doesn't matter if I know or not heroes always win so just you wait, they'll put a stop to your plans" He chuckled before calming himself.
"Are we thinking about two different heroes here? Cause have you seen these losers?" He pointed in the direction of the school. "They have their heads shoved so far up their asses they won't notice it until it'stoo late and their parents have gone soft from living in la-la land for too long that they won't even be a problem" I did think about it and sure some of them *cough* Cindy *cough* aren't exactly all that dependable but I'm willing to bet that good will triumph over evil like it has so many times before.
"They just might surprise you" I glared as his smirk widen more, taking another step closer he bent down to eye level with me not once breaking eye contact. 
"We'll see about that but in the meantime I can't have you telle-tailing so I need to think of the perfect spell that will keep your mouth shut" He checked his book for the perfect spell carefully reading over each one. "Hmm should I make you a toad? No knowing these idoits one of them might kiss you with 'true love first kiss' Oooo"  He did air quotes before rolling his eyes. "Maybe a rose but then someone might start plucking your petals that would bad I want you around when I win" He made a couple of tsk’ing sounds before his eyes perked up.
"I could turn you into a snowglobe, I really liked my old one back in the isle so having you would be a nice replacement" My eyes widen as I tried to move but as I stated before these veins left absolutely no room for movement.
He readied up the spell and I closed my eyes praying to be saved but as I felt completely different and tiny snowflakes falling on me it was safe to say that no one showed up to save me, no knight in shining armor, no random passersby-er. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was giant green orbs with specks of gold in them which were Mal's eyes. 
He moved the globe away from his face and started taunting me. "Well aren't you adorable when you're all tiny and helpless" He laughed darkly.
"You won't get away with this" my voice echoed in the dome as he rolled his eyes.
"Geez it's like a broken record with you, oh well its not like it isn't fun seeing you so hopeful. it only makes me want to win more so I can crush it into oblivion"  He placed me into his school bag. "Get comfortable that globe is going to be your home for the next three days"
The constant shifting due to his walking was extremely uncomfortable but not as much as the darkness of the inside of his bag which made me look into a way out even faster and hoped that my absence will be noticed quickly but I felt like I wasn't getting out anytime soon..........
DONE FINALLY DONE! This took all day to finish and finally I did it.
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