#andorian antennae
Maybe I am just over-analysing again BUT
When I first started watching Star Trek: Prodigy I was a bit sad and annoyed that the antennae from Tysess are not moving. It's a thing that newer Star Trek seems to do and I do not know why. I mean, we all remember Star Trek: Enterprise, right?
On my second watch however I saw, that they sometimes move indeed. However they just slightly sway for and back.
Other then that, Tysess' antennae are mostly straight up. When else did we see that? Every time Shran's antennae were straight up, he was either threatening someone or very alert.
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Therefore my headcanon:
Tysess' antennae are constantly straight up, because with Janeway as a captain/ commanding officer, he knows he doesn't have a moment of peace and constantly needs to be alert to make sure that she doesn't kill herself, the ship or both.
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indignantlemur · 8 months
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Why yes, I have been very productive today - why do you ask?
@the-lady-general  @starrynightgardens  @emilie786  @horta-in-charge  @emochook  @velvet-luvie  @creature-of-the-stars @unknownfacelessfanfictions
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undyinglantern · 2 years
as far as I’m aware, I’m inclined to believe there is no bad Star Trek, but I’ll concede that enterprise is probably on the lower end- with its biggest flaw being how boring it can be at times (and sometimes for large expanses of time). That being said, it did spoil us wrt andorians and I’m going to be so disappointed when they either don’t appear in other series or don’t have wibbly wobbly antennae
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leolaroot · 3 months
kid from a species without antennas growing up with andorian friends and he starts using his fingers to do little emotive gestures to try and bridge that communication gap
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adrian-sheppy · 7 months
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for star trek au. want to make more . we wll see. . info dump under cut. its a bit disjointed
this whole au endevour has had me reading all the wikis for andorians. like “transgender” on andoria would be a blanket term because of the four named “canon” sexes (and the unnamed sexes that would fall “between” these!. and who knows how many genders.) i'm not gonna get into it here . there's a lot to say .
andorians are militant and family oriented. child rearing is very important. they suffer near constant population issues; one cause is that they need four people to have one kid. andorians are traditionally polyamorous and pansexual but they wouldnt use these terms . barney cant cut it in an andorian polycule so barney dating one guy (WHO IS VULCAN!!!) and neither of them wanting kids = traditional andorians instantly dislike him. guy with the biggest target on his back. joined star fleet so people back home would stop eviscerating him. like now when barney loses an antenna he is treated nicely instead of being roasted until it grows back! so cool . andorians in star fleet would be more accepting of untraditional andorian relationships . i.e jennifer lower decks . but gordons a vulcan so thats gonna cause some issues also...
...dont get me started on gordon's relationship with Vulcans and how they would treat him... like NO ONE talks about sybok outside of final frontier (i think he was mentioned in snw ?) not even in DISCO where the s'chn t'gai family is a FUCKING FOCAL POINT. they pretend he doens't exist because vulcans put things into boxes and rationalize them away . and when they cant? dont acknowledge it. call it irrational and move on... and then in comes gordon (number one hater of the vulcan science academy btw) and he cant regulate his emotions like the majority of vulcans can. he makes many vulcans uncomfortable by just EXISTING. its like the prejudice spock has to deal with but times 100x because he CANT keep his cool. it's used to discredit him and to question his vulcan heritage . and its called a “defect” primarily by vulcan doctors. his brain is just more similar to a humans than a vulcans. its a congenital disorder by vulcan standards.
they were both dealt shit cards and born into a culture that doesn't work for them (or gordon finds out later about said culture and see it has no room for him), so waht do? escape to the stars. misfits congregate in star fleet. and barney runs hot like the vulcan deserts and gordon runs cold like the ice moon of andoria and in eachothers arms they are at home and accepted for being the outcasted assholes that they are . . . . . ... and gordon is a chocoholic. love wins.
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clementine-kesh · 8 months
man andorians are the best they’ve really got it all. frozen ice planet. expressive antennae. polyamory. blue. no one else is doing it like them
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glitter-and-metal · 1 year
Star Trek things I love, in no particular order:
When they would get an animal, add some minor costume to it, and bang....it's an alien. Yes, the unicorn dog from TOS is the perfect example of this.
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The little smile Lieutenant Malcolm Reed gets when he gets to blow something up.
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Also on Enterprise, that bitch fight rogue sparring between Reed and Hayes. That was glorious. And hilarious.
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Janeway and her coffee
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Bashir and Garak. Need I say more?
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The spots on the Trills. Idk. I just like leopard/cheetah patterns and this reminds me of them.
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Andorian antennae and the fact that they move. They're warriors but look adorable.
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This....weird scene
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And there's way more but this list would end up endless.
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powerpcinside · 7 months
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Sims 2: Andorian Skins (& Antennae)
Three shades of blue, plus a hybrid blue-green and an Aenar skin. Also includes matching antennae using Nixnivis's Andorian Antennae. These are based off of @dreadpirate's Party For One, as usual, and are customized and not townified.
The downside about being customized is that Andorian/Aenar hybrids won't get the skin automatically applied, instead it'll be a 50/50 based off of the parents. To fix that, you would need to change the child's skintone in SimPE. Here is the code for the hybrid skin for convenience:
Anyway, both the skin and antennae are included in the zip file. Models are, from left to right, Aenar on adult female, hybrid on child female, Dark Blue on adult female, Light Blue on elder male, and Medium Blue on teen male.
DOWNLOAD: SimFileShare
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Is there a sort of dictionary out there for andorian/ aenar antennae movements ?
Because I've written my fair share of Oneshots and Multishots with Andorians and Aenar ( Tysess, Hemmer, Shran) , I think about six or seven, and I still am pretty Sure that I didn't use some kind of 'universal translation' for those movements.
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indignantlemur · 8 months
Hi! :)
I am curious, is there an antennae equivalent for a facepalm??
A facepalm is a uniquely Human gesture, but it generally expresses exasperation and dismay. Working with the base emotions, I think in terms of antennae movements you'd wind up with a combination of weary-droopy and irritable-flicking, and probably paired with either a wince or a flat expression depending on the circumstance. The guide I posted isn't a perfect reference chart by any means, since Andorian antennae act as a kind of thermometer for their moods - often on a completely subconscious level. It takes a great deal of practice to control them consciously, and that goes doubly for controlling their movements and expressions for a long period of time.
That's partly why it's so frustrating for Dagmar when Ambassador Thoris, Thelen, and Shral hold their antennae perfectly still and give nothing away - it's the Andorian poker face. As I've emphasized many times, Andorian faces aren't as expressive as Human faces are due to their subdermal chitin and much more limited facial musculature, so they're effectively taking away the other half of Dagmar's lexicon for reading Andorians when they do that. It's very inconsiderate of them.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
It's kind of weird that the Vulcans have never been redesigned.
The Romulans have been redesigned; as have the Trill, the Borg, the Talosians; Disco, at least, has done distinct takes on the Ferengi and the Cardassians. The Klingons have been redesigned so many times it's a meme. The Andorians can look like anything, so long as its blue (or grey) and had antennas, and no one can seem to agree on what a Tellarite is supposed to look like, other than kinda piggy. Even the Bajorans had their noses tweaked in between TNG and DS9, and the Orions cycle between different shades of green. But the Vulcans just look the same as they did almost sixty years ago. It's bizarre.
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undyinglantern · 2 years
cannot stop thinking abt shran getting one of his antennae sliced off and having to learn how to rebalance himself again and mentioning itll take 9 months to grow back
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sagegarnishsims · 23 days
Have you ever wanted your sims to rock that "Season One, Star Trek: The Next Generation" look? Well, I did too. So I made a Starfleet Skant!
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☆ custom catalog thumbnails ☆ teen to elder female only ☆ base game compatible ☆ 24 swatches
⚠️You will need to DL the original mesh⚠️
Mesh: Cabana Dress by @dear-solar Comes in "Command & Helm Red", "Science & Medical Blue", and "Engineering, Security & Ops Gold". Every color of uniform has 8 swatches. One plain, and the rest with the classic TNG combadge and rank pips. It's also enabled for the GeekCon outfits, so you may have Trekkies show up at those!
Recolors of the TNG skant must follow the TOU laid out by dear-solar
Male version is HERE because men deserve skants too, after all. It's canon!
CC for models after the cut
Vulcan: Hair: "Female Hair G8" by GinkoSims Ears: "Pointy Ears For All" by senni Andorian: Hair: "not another mullet" by boredtrait Antennae: "i believe" by itsgohliad
Cardassian: Face: "Ziyal Cardassian Ridges" by lupinsims Body: made by me Spoon makeup: made by me Hair: "Lynnette Locs V1" by sheabuttyr Lips: "Cobalt" by remussurion Poses: Various by ratboysims Set: Enterprise-D by kotakesims (all cc is linked there) Holodeck Walls and Floors by sagegarnish
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galacticleechart · 8 months
I'm shifting into soup mode
I finally drew my changeling OC, Cordi! This meme came across my dashboard and I thought, "Alright, this is my sign. I need to draw Cordi with this."
I headcanon that they get goopy whenever they get flustered.
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Also two tidbits of information about Cordi! Their pronouns are mirror pronouns (so they will use the pronouns of whoever they're talking to, this extends to neo and xeno pronouns of course) and their humanoid solid appearance they chose by picking different features they love from various species! This includes andorian antennae, trill spots, vulcanoid ears/eyebrows, and klingon head ridges that transition to a bajoran nose/nose ridges.
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more-better-words · 29 days
Monica set the little ceramic pot down in the windowsill, turning it this way and that, so the glossy leaves could best catch the pale Martian sun. "And what did you say it's called?" Karveth asked, peering over her shoulder at the plant.
"They're violets," she said. "Amira gave them to me as a housewarming present."
He looked around the apartment, antennae moving in slow consideration. "It's warm enough." She laughed.
"It's a figure of speech."
"I see." He looked at the violets again, their soft streaked petals velvety in the light. "You have at least three shirts this color," he noted. "I'd say that constitutes a preference." She gave a vaguely sheepish shrug.
"What can I say? I've always liked purple." She looked at him, extending a pale blue fingertip to delicately touch one of the flowers. "Though these days, I think I like blue better."
He looked at her sidelong, a little smile pulling at the corner of his mouth. "You know my policy on flattery," he said with faux sternness. She returned the look with studied innocence.
"It'll get me whatever I want?"
They shared a teasing smile, and she reached for the pot, giving it another slight turn. There must have been a tiny chip on the rim; it caught on her finger and she hissed softly with pain. Karveth took her hand, turning it gently to reveal the thin line of bright red on her forefinger.
"Iron-based blood," he mused. "It makes for a lovely color as well." He pressed a soft kiss to the small wound. "But it's better when you keep it inside your skin."
"I try to." She looked down at her hand in his, pink human skin against Andorian blue. "Maybe this is why I've always liked purple," she said quietly.
"It is a blending," he remarked, equally soft. "Like us, perhaps?"
"Yeah," she said, smiling. "Yeah, I think so."
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