#and you know... i'm really drawing a blank
yumekojabaml · 3 days
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 3
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Summary: You and Damian had an art project about forced and real love.
Tw: OOC Damian.
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The following day, destiny intervened once more as you found yourself paired with Damian for an art project. With hearts pounding with anticipation, you invited him to work on the project at your home. As you stepped into your world, filled with books and the scent of freshly baked cookies, an awkward silence filled the air. Damian, his face unreadable, surveyed the cozy surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and detachment.
“Maybe we can do a clay art of it if you don't mind?” Damian looked you and said. “What is the art going to look like?” You took out your sketchbook filled with a ton of drawings you went to and empty page drawing a Inspiration.
You showed him the picture after you were done. It was a hand holding one healthy heart with gentleness and love. And another one where the hand is squishing the heart making it bleed. “That’s… impressive.” It was something Damian had never seen before.
“Thanks.” You smiled at Damian. His heart skipped a beat from the smile. “Let's start the project, shall we?” He nodded. So Damian was doing.
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As he gathered his thoughts, he glanced at M/n. Their passion was evident in every swirl of the brush. An unexpected warmth erupted in his chest, the kind he hadn’t felt before. The way M/n laughed softly while painting, the way their brow furrowed in concentration, or how they occasionally looked over, sharing smiles of encouragement—it was all disarming.
“Hey, Damian, what’s holding you back?” M/n asked, tilting their head, a playful smile dancing on his lips.
He blinked, surprised that they were talking to him like they cared. “It’s… difficult,” he admitted, finding a rare moment of honesty. “These concepts are… complex.”
“True love and forceful love are challenging,” M/n said thoughtfully, setting their brush down. “But that’s the beauty of art, isn’t it? It can express the darkest struggles and the brightest joys. Just let it flow.”
Damian stared at his blank clay hands once again, feeling oddly restless. Ignoring the tightening in his chest, he picked up his brush, his movements awkward at first. But as he let M/n’s warmth wash over him—his laughter, his passion for art—he found a rhythm. His strokes transformed from frantic lines into dark, swirling shadows.
"I'm hungry imma go make something want anything?" M/n got up making his way to the door.
The silence settled between them, he whispered, “Why do I feel... warm around you?”
M/n made a shocked expression, and he took a step closer. “uh, maybe it's warm In here...I really don't know?"
"Tch, I'll just take water nothing else."
'WHY, why  do I  feel this way towards him. He a boy nothing FUCKING special. I just wanna know what's so special about him?
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andthebubbles · 2 years
FINALLY i like an aussie actor (or a famous aussie anything) lmao, also charlie vickers finally has a fucking wiki page
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
This little NPC is lost. The Narrator [Black] has come to guide her back to where she needs to be. [Blank Scripts AU]
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I imagine Black would be a lot more tolerant toward his NPCs since they're basically just the Dungeons spawns, and by extension, his own creations.
[If you're familiar with manhwas / manhuas that features the dungeon / system genre, you'd be able to understand this AU a lot easier. The majority of my inspiration for worldbuilding came from those specific genres.]
[NOTE: 'Dungeon' is just another term for the Parable. Technically, Black owns a Dungeon and the Parable is just a small part of it. The Dungeon itself is much, much larger.]
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For context, the comic below references this post about the Dungeon's children/guard dogs.
[They're more like the immune system since all they do is make sure the (body) is safe.]
[The reason the Narrator [Black] considers them his children is that the Dungeon is feeding off his energy and in turn shares the 'nutrients' to the monsters it produces, which transforms them into an image that resembles his power.]
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And the old man below is Joseph!
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Joseph is NOT AN NPC! He is a person who exists outside of the Dungeon!
[There are two separate 'worlds' for this AU. Inside the Dungeon (where most of the game-like stuff is happening) and the world outside (pretty much their normal world.)]
[There is a secret third world, and that's our world. Our reality.]
These characters are not actually important or anything, I just made them to make the AU feel more lively. To make a world that exists, you know?
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When the Narrator [Black] first established himself in their world, he found a growing problem with homelessness. Not understanding human norms or why this has become a problem in the first place, he offers (tricks) them into working for him as janitors for the Dungeon and they accept for the money.
Most of them left after they got paid, but Joseph was one of the people who stayed. He doesn't have anywhere else to go and has no ambitions in life. He just wishes to live a peaceful life with food and a roof over his head.
Joseph defaults to referring to the Narrator [Black] with feminine terms due to his appearance despite his voice. The Narrator [Black] is not the type to care for such terms anyway so he doesn't care how other people refer to him as long as there's respect.
This post focuses more on the worldbuilding and background aspects of the AU! There are a lot more in store for the Blank Scripts AU, and I want to explore more on how the characters might interact with their surroundings and how this would work to make a world that makes sense.
It would be so cool if people made self-inserts or OCs for my AU actually. I'd love to see how you guys would work with my stuff. Play around with it like a barbie world for your little barbie dolls. Be canon compliant, be canon divergent, who cares, have fun.
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sysig · 4 months
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Even stardust shimmers, darling 🌟 (Patreon)
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notozthewizard · 1 year
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Merlin fantasy creature AU part 3
The poem in the picture is a part of "Giving" by Khalil Gibran
The first time Merlin has to use so much magical energy, he's not ready for the consequences. He used to feel exhausted after using too much at once, that's a fact. But he didn't know the chaotic force would literally rip his human body apart.
The pain doesn't matter though. If he doesn't do anything he'll die here right after Lancelot and then the serpents will invade Camelot. Even if he did survive there would be nothing to come back to. So he braces himself. Ready for any outcome.
He blacks out. Wakes up with Lance tending to his wounds and regrets not dying because it hurts even more.
They have to spend a few days away from Camelot so Merlin's power stabilizes again and he can regenerate his body at least to the point of getting rid of the very visible and unnatural crystals and holes pulsing with yellow energy.
Arthur is kinda annoyed at first. They were supposed to be back ages ago and it wasn't even that hard of a mission. He knows very well how close Merlin and Lancelot are. He's seen them whispering in the castle's corridors to each other countless times. Maybe that was their whole plan, to get a week or two off work.
Few more days pass by and he's pretty sure that's not it. He starts worrying and honestly hoping. Maybe they did run away together. Good for them. At least they're alive. Somewhere. Ugh.
He finally gets some free time and almost decides to go on a search when finally he's informed that Merlin and Lancelot came back. He doesn't think. Just wants to finally see them again. See Merlin again and make sure he's okay.
He's far from it but he's breathing. And that's something. Arthur gets angry at Merlin for neglecting his wounds and takes him to Gaius. He gets a few days off after that.
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Part 2
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ya know, I said it offhandedly in the tags of the last post but I'm wondering what a Chica themed cookbook would include now. Pizza is the obvious one, same with cake and cupcakes. She has some canon stuff with something about chowder, Chica chug, Chica bites, uhhhh the uhhh skinny taco from Help Wanted 2, lemon Chicabars, the blendee, and whatever else she normally has I dunno. Her Fizzy Faz flavour is pink lemonade so there's that too...
She's then got the whole mazercise thing, so fruit smoothies and just general stuff with fruit is probably gonna work. Obviously she's a chicken, so there's that too.
Honestly, I can see her having a cake section where she tells the recipes to her friend's favourite cakes. So the obvious would be carrot cake for Bonnie then I dunno a lemon lime cheesecake for Monty or something?
I think the thing about a Chica cookbook is that it's just so easy to visualise and work with that it would be kind of hard to get it wrong, and yet, this isn't a real thing that exists for some reason??
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shiraishi--kanade · 5 months
So does anyone here have a DAMN clue what An's assignment is. At all?
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Dc x dp (Harper x Valerie)
Valerie lifted her coffee cup to her lips mechanically only to sigh when nothing flowed through. This was the third cup of the day and she still felt ready to pass out.
She once again repeated to herself that this was for the greater good. 
“Valerie.” She could hear Vladimir Masters call.
For the greater good she reminded herself. Pasting a smile on her face, Valerie walked back to the hotel’s sofa where her employer was waiting. 
“Yes, Mr. Masters?”
“Get me some food. The plane’s meal was disgusting.”
“Right away, Mr. Masters.”
In moments like these she couldn’t help but wonder if this was really the only way to take Vlad down. Working as a personal assistant to find some non-ghost related dirt on the millionaire sounded thrilling in theory, but the practice was proving to be a nightmare.
She asked the lady at the front desk for some appetizers which arrived promptly. And after only a few minutes more of waiting the receptionist announced their rooms were ready.
"I have a brunch tomorrow with Robert, so tell the front desk to make a wake-up call for 8." Vlad said as they stepped into the elevator. "Also, call ahead at the store, you know the one, and make sure they have the cherimoya liqueur I ordered. Don't forget the flowers for Robert's wife."
"Yes, sir."
Vlad stepped off the elevator before turning towards her with a regretful face. "I cannot apologize enough for having to put you up in the Hamptons, there were just no more rooms here."
As if. This was clearly another way of showing off his money and power.
"It's no problem at all, Mr. Masters," said Valerie with a bright smile, playing dumb.
"I know the Hamptons is a ways away from the Orchards, but I'll still ask that you be here by 8:30 on the dot."
"Of course, sir. I'll be there!" Valerie said as the elevator closed on Vlad's kindhearted smile.
She was so sick of his benevolent act, especially since he also never missed an opportunity to make masked snide comments in the form of backhand compliments. It would've been chipping at her ego if she wasn't already aware of the absolute trash being that Vlad was and how little his opinion mattered.
She got her phone out to check where the Hamptons Hotel was and asked the front desk to call a taxi. As it dropped her off in front of a fairly old, but decent building, Valerie finally let out a sigh at the idea of getting to fall in bed soon. She checked in, took a shower and undid her luggage and by the time she was done, hunger was beating out exhaustion.
So, with a weary groan, she stoop up once again. Grabbing her handbag, she made sure her Fenton thermos and blasters were in it, just in case. With her phone and wallet, she stepped outside in search of food. She soon spotted a hotdog vendor and scarfed one down on one of Grant Park's bench. Valerie was sitting, comfortably full, watching the wind rustle the leaves on the tree when a flash of familiar green caught her eye.
In front of her was Cujo, wagging his tail at full tilt and his tongue sticking out.
"Shit," she uttered, before quickly looking around to make sure there was no one close enough to witness the green glowing dog. "Come here Cujo," she coaxed as she slowly dropped her hand in her bag to grab the thermos.
The dog let out a high-pitched yip, before taking a few steps in her direction. "Good boy," Valerie said. "Just a little closer, ok? Can you do that for me?"
Cujo took another step and she closed her hand on the thermos. Just as she was about to whip it out, there was a loud noise and the dog startled and in a second, he had already turned tail and started running away.
"No! Cujo, heel!" Valerie yelled, but it was no use. With a curse she set out after him, hoping that the dog wouldn't leave the park as it offered some sort of cover.
Judging by the absence of screams, Valerie was assuming nobody had seen him yet, but as this was Gotham, you never really knew. She managed to gain a bit on the dog when he started slowing down by one of the park benches, sniffing at one leg. She slowed down and got the thermos out ready to uncap it. Unfortunately, the dog probably had sniffed her out somehow because he turned to her, barked once and turned invisible. Luckily for Valerie, he was still tangible and still leaving imprints in the grass, so she took off after him following the imprints.
The game of cat and mouse lasted for a good ten minutes, and Cujo led them out of the park and up to the waterfront where she could only look on as the fading in-and-out-of-view dog started running on the water in the direction of the Narrows. Looking around desperately, Valerie spotted a bridge's entranceway about 500 feet away. She ran for it and started down the path, all the while keeping an eye on her right for a flash of green. Time passed and Valerie could feel a stitch starting in her side, but she finally made it to the other side, just in time to see Cujo step on land too. She was less than 100 feet from him, so she started running at full speed. He took a turn and Valerie was about to do the same when she collided hard with someone.
She fell back heavily on the ground and the thermos rolled away. As she lay there, trying to catch her breathe, she heard the person she'd barrelled in groan. Suddenly, super-aware she'd just charged right at someone at full speed, she rolled to her knees with a wince before turning towards them.
"I am so sorry!" Valerie said to the fallen form. "I wasn't looking where I was going, this is completely on me."
The person sat up and something in the back of Valerie's brain gave an appreciative hum. Then shaking it off, she got to her feet and offered a hand to the other girl.
"I'm Valerie, I am so sorry about this."
The girl squinted a bit, before taking the hand and pulling herself up. "I'm Harper," she said. "You really know how to knock a girl off her feet."
Valerie blushed "Oh, um, yes? I try not to do it very often."
"So, what you're saying is I'm special?" Harper said with a teasing smile, which had Valerie's blush worsening. "So, where were you running to so fast?"
"My friend's dog got loose" Valerie sighed, the colour in her cheeks dying out a bit as she picked up the thermos. "I saw him turn on this street, but I don't know where he went."
"That really sucks," Harper said with a frown. Then, her expression cleared up and she continued. "You know what, how about I give you a hand? I live here, so I know the area pretty well."
"Oh, no, you really don't have to," Valerie tried to refuse, not wanting Harper to see the glowing green dog.
"I insist," the other girl said with a winsome smile.
Valerie felt torn. She didn't want to be rude because on one hand there were no good reasons to turn down the offer, but on the other she really did not want the cute girl to see Cujo. As if to help her out of the dilemma, Harper's phone rang.
She took it out if her pocket and put it to her ear. "Hello? Oh, hey Cullen. Yeah, I'm on my way. What? You mean, right now? Yeah, ok, I'll be there right away."
She turned back towards Valerie with a regretful face. "I am so sorry, my brother needs me back right now."
"It's ok," Valerie reassured, feeling a mix of relieved and disappointed. "It's not the first time Cujo has run off, I'm pretty used to it."
Harper looked at her for a moment, before she took out a pen and a piece of paper out of her own bag and scribbled something on it.
"Here," she said. "It's my number. If anything happens, please don't hesitate to call me. The Narrows can get pretty dangerous, especially at night."
Valerie took the paper and put it in her bag.
"Thanks, I'll keep it in mind," Valerie said before turning towards the other girl. "See you around Harper," she said with a smile.
"See you around Valerie," the other girl answered with a smile of her own. She waved goodbye and started walking the way Valerie had come.
Valerie let herself look at her departing figure for a moment, before shaking herself out of it. Right. She had to find Cujo before he could be seen by any civilians. Or worse, any of the bats.
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sophieswundergarten · 2 months
Does anybody else here like Epithet Erased?
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
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monster-noises · 6 months
I am experiencing... frustration.
#monster noises#why must the ideas you can see the clearest in your head be the hardest to capture?#I'm trying to make a new phone lock screen#(currently I'm using the drawing of laz and heis on the motorcycle and while I looove that image it's been there for a few years now)#and I have a very Precise Idea of what I want it to be#in the same style as I did my FaHI playlist cover#but I can't seem to get the thumbnail looking in anyway Correct#and it's really..... frustrating........... and disheartening#then when I try and like actually figure out what I need to Fix it's like my brain blanks out and I"m stumbling around completely clueless#and then I just start uselessly spiraling and just AUGH#why can't I have the kind of brain that hits a barrier and proceeds to problem-solve?#why do I have to have a brain that hits a barrier and just.. rolls over in defeat#not even a tantrum or a breakdown#just#0 resistance laying down and giving up#it's stupid and I'm mad about it but I still don't know what to do about it at all#I wish I could explain it in a way that would allow someone to maybe be able to help me actually#cause it seems every time I try there's always some fundamental misunderstanding about Which Step In The Process Is Challenging#like that one time I tried asking about it on twitter#asking if anyone had resources for How to be better at learning from and interpreting references/doing studies#or just learning for art purposes in general (in a way that won't cause me to Break Down)#and people linked a bunch of how-to's on how to Draw from Reference#and I know those /Sound/ like the same thing but they arrrrren't#and I know those people's heart's were in a good place but I know How to use a reference#I know How to do a life drawing or a study#I get it on a practical level#but there is something fundamental to the process of interpreting and understanding what exactly I'm doing that I just...#Don't Have#and That's really really Really hard to explain#it's like how I'm actually good at math I just can't do word problems because I can't glean what is required of me from a word problem.
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
The soft, slow melody of the violin began to waft through the cool, crisp air outside the mausoleum, Randall’s heart pounding as he played, his eyes fixed on the door to the crypt: He couldn’t tell if his racing pulse was because this was the first time he’d ventured beyond the walls of the opera house in many, many years (even with his face so obscured, the notion of being spotted set a cold, aching pit in his gut) or because he was nervous the prospect of speaking with Emily after six long months of silence, but at any rate, he could feel himself quivering beneath the dark layers he used to hide himself in.
And yet, he still played for her, a haunting melody that he was sure would be familiar to her-the love theme from Don Juan Triumphant. He just put the bow to the strings and began to play, and that was the song that came-perhaps it was a plea for her to hear him out, perhaps it was a confession of love (love she once held for him, he realized all too late), perhaps it was an effort to comfort her in the midst of her mourning, or perhaps some combination of the three. At any rate, he was there, and for all his fear, he was glad to be with her.
“Emily...” he whispered softly on the wind, his voice mournful and tender as he called to her, eyes pleading as he watched the door, waiting to see her: He could only hope that she would be willing to hear him out. He had so much to tell her...
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tathrin · 2 years
What do you think lesbians are attracted to in women that we can’t be attracted to in men?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives exclusive woman-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait women have that men can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
I'm an aromantic asexual so I'm not attracted to anything, you're going to have to find somebody else to do whatever weird thing you're trying to bait me into doing here sorry.
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loves4ge · 2 months
tattoo artist!au, cw: partial nudity, mdni
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choso can feel his heart stutter in his chest, bumping against his ribcage. god, who just walked in? the pen he's using to draw in his tablet clatters to the ground, though he can't be bothered to pick it up because he is too busy staring at you.
oh, you, with your lovely little dress hitching near the middle of your thigh. strappy sandals and painted nails, you have him hooked. the parlor is dimly lit and smells of ink and paper and alcohol. the kind that's used for cleaning wounds and not the one that you get drunk on with your friends on friday nights. he doesn't even hear your words and you have to repeat them.
"sorry, what did you say?" he sounds out of breath despite not doing any physical exertion. and you grin, that smile would put the sun to shame.
"that's alright. i wanted to get a tattoo but i wasn't sure if you accepted walk-ins?" you trail off towards the end in an inquiring tone. you know that they don't. it's their pinned post on social media.
he does not accept walk-ins. "sure we do, what do you have in mind?"
your eyes brighten, grinning even wider, and choso thinks he might just die and go to heaven right now. he can't stop glancing at you when you show him the designs on your phone.
"where do you want it done?" he asks at the end, opening a blank page on his tablet to finalize a design. you can't help but observe him, leaning over the counter, hair in two twin ponytails and eyeliner done to perfection.
"i was thinking my hip? like if i wore a bikini, i want the tattoo to be partially obscured by the bikini bottoms." choso thinks he may as well have short-circuited with the speed his brain is malfunctioning. you notice his delayed response and almost cooed. he's shy.
this isn't the first time a client has asked for a tattoo in a risqué position, and he's never batted an eye at nudity either. but he's entirely unsure of himself when you strip down to your panties (you ended up taking off the short dress, though you did wear a cami underneath it), and he's thinking maybe he does have a problem with nudity after all (most people call this problem an erection, but choso's not that crude).
"you're gonna have to pull it aside, or i can cut it off." he doesn't specify which part, and now your eyes widen.
swallowing thickly, you ask, "what do you mean?" you know what he means, but you sort of hope he meant something else.
"the side of your underwear, we can just cut a slit—oh," he understands what his previous sentence sounded like when he sees your face contort into disbelief and then promptly dissolve into relief.
he doesn't look at you directly, "sorry, i don't know why i said that. it's, oh god, sorry to make you uncomfort—" he's cut off by your words of understanding.
"it's my fault really. i swear i'm not uncomfortable. really, choso." oh, the money he'd pay to hear his name leave your lips again.
"…if you say so. i'll use the scissors now, if that's okay?" you nod, smiling to encourage him. god knows he needs no encouragement to cut off your panties. there's silence in the parlor except for the sound of fabric being cut. he hands you a small towel to cover whatever you need to, but you just place it to the side. you know what you're doing. choso isn't sure if you're an angel or the devil.
he makes sure his ponytails aren't loose and puts on some nitrile gloves, black like his hair. you're wondering if you should break the silence, make some small talk, put the boy out of his misery, or just let the tension simmer.
"i really like the face tattoo thing you've got going on." he snaps up to look at you, then immediately reddens. his fingers hover above the black stripe across his face.
"mhm." you lift your hand, thumbing his cheek where the tattoo ends. he's still the entire time.
you'd be the death of him.
with careful hands, he sanitizes the part of your hip where the tattoo would go on. he may have taken a little bit longer than usual, his fingertips pressing into your skin with the thin layer of an alcohol wipe acting as a barrier. your skin is soft, and he wants to grip your hips more actively. without the façade of a tattooist doing his job.
you're not feeling calm anymore, and in a sudden fit of unadvised decision-making, you grab choso's wrist (this choice was not peer-reviewed by your groupchat, but at the moment you find it in yourself that you don't really care). he startles but doesn't say anything.
"i'm nervous," you murmur. he instantly softens, melts, and reaches out to grab your shoulder in a sort of platonic 'i'm there for you' way. you're not planning to be platonic.
"that's alright lovely, everybody gets nervous before tattoos. it's more common than you think. would you like water?" his voice is soothing, and the way his lips move. you know what you need. you know what would calm you down.
"i know another way we can get rid of my nerves."
"mm, how so?"
"kiss me."
he almost chokes. he looks at your dead serious expression.
he is so fucked.
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dreamer-329 · 1 year
34: is there a song you know every word to by heart?
A bunch so I'll name a few; fly me to the moon-frank sinatra, I love to love-tina charles, pismo moja-oliver dragojević and zidovi-lu jakelić
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u3pxx · 6 months
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ah, dungeon food... delicious in dungeon!
1 | 2 | 3 | one out of three dungeon meshi illustrations i did for a class! 🍲🐲
id in alt text | like this art? it's a print, here! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
hi there! this is actually the first illustration i finished out of the three but i decided to post the falin one first because it seemed fitting when the dragon episode came out pftt
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and since a while has passed, i'm very happy to say that i got a high grade for the mock covers i did! which i'm really happy for since ngl, the venn diagram of "drawings for school that i got a high grade for" and "drawings for school that i'm actually proud of" is very, very small lmao
to save time, i had to forgo coloring in the lines for this drawing which gives it a fair amount of contrast, while i still enjoy looking at it, i wonder what it would look like if i softened it with colored lineart.
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i used a different pen for inking this and i was actually surprised at how quick i was! if you don't know, i love doing lineart but i usually am terribly slow at it, inking this one was a pretty fast ordeal!
i streamed this over on the klapollomb server as i was drawing it and i just distinctly remember that after the flats stage and onto shading it: i paused, pen in my hand, looking at the screen with a blank look before i typed into voice chat in all caps, "I FORGOT HOW I RENDER" ASKSKSK
it's been a while since i've actually drawn anything digital that's like, a fullass piece, so yeah 😭 i can forget sometimes. i've been doing trad art for school for like 2 years straight now so the moment i got the opportunity to do digital art i went all out lol
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