thomasf51 · 2 years
Wrong man detained by West Chester police at Meijer
Too follow up on the BROKEN SYSTEM. Two West Chester police officers and Meijer are named in a lawsuit filed by a Butler County man who alleges he was illegally detained in yet another example of a Black person being confronted by law enforcement while going about everyday life and doing nothing illegal.
Eric Lindsay walked in to a supermarket arriving after two West Chester police responded to a shop lifter. Dispatch reported to the officers the description of the suspect as a white male wearing a red hoodie. Lindsay, a 60 year old black man walked into the store behind the officers responding to the call. It was not long after these two officer decided to disregard the shoplifter and began to question Mr. Lindsay even though he had done nothing wrong.
To top it off. The chief of police made excuses for the officers behavior.
This is not a broken system. This is clearly bad people managing a system that is made for all and turning it in to made for some. In my opinion the West Chester Police Chief is the problem and he needs to be fired.
If you are black in West Chester and do nothing. You are just as wrong as the officers. If you are white and do nothing, then you condone this injustice. Everyone in West Chester should stand up and tell you city leaders that Joel Herzog MUST GO!
Amid a federal lawsuit filed against the township, Police Chief Joel Herzog and others by two now former captains who allege the chief has a pattern of racism, sexism and other misconduct. Even a lieutenant and three officers in the department have filed complaints involving similar allegations with the township just last year.
If your mayor or counsel members do not address this. Then they should not see another term! For that is your POWER! Use it or Loss it! VOTE!
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thomasf51 · 2 years
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What a headline
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thomasf51 · 2 years
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thomasf51 · 2 years
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thomasf51 · 2 years
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thomasf51 · 2 years
The System Is Broken
Many people continue to say how the system is broken... This really dumbfounds me. If a person operating a forklift manages to hurt someone or damage property. Would you blame it on the forklift or the person operating it? Most government systems especially in laws, regulations, standards and policies are in place for checks and balances of the system you deemed to be broken. (example) Innocent until proven guilty. That is part of the system. If an officer of the system chooses NOT to act in accordance to this. It is not the system's fault. But that person who ignores it and the chain of command that allows it. I believe if we stop blaming the system and start blaming those who manage the system, we might be able to make a difference. So, let’s stop saying the system is broken and start pushing toward changing the people who manage the system. If you believe your system is broken. I think you should a look at the person(s) managing the system and hold them accountable. Just my 2 cents!
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