#and yes i think kyle would top in some of these and its not the ones you think
asteria7fics · 1 day
Style Alternate Universe ideas that you should write because I won't get around to it.
Kyle is a disgruntled modeling scout and Stan is a handsome young man from a small town that Kyle manages to sign... For work, and no other reason. Bonus if Cartman is Kyle's boss and they have to find a way out of his grasp so they can run off into the sunset together (gay).
Stan works as a mechanic. Kyle takes his car in one day for routine maintenance, then keeps making excuses to bring his car back in just so he can see/chat with/admire Stan. Bonus if Stan secretly keeps fucking Kyle's car up a little bit to get him back into the shop for the exact same reasons.
Kyle is a therapist with Stan as a client (for depression? Alcoholism? Hoarding? Take your pick), and slowly falls in love with him even though he knows it's horrible and wrong. Bonus if Stan ends their professional relationship before Kyle can and then turns around and asks Kyle to coffee. What a loser. Also I might actually write this one shhhh don't tell anybody.
Stan is the coach for the local high school's football team, and a new student joins the team; the eldest son of a recently divorced Kyle. Bonus points if Stan silently pines for Kyle, assuming he isn't into guys, but Kyle makes the first move.
...or something. I dunno.
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goatisbetheres · 11 months
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The Penguins, Boston Bruins, Carolina Hurricanes, and Washington Capitals have already started the process of implementing optional neck protection for players, a Penguins and league source told The Athletic. The collective aim is to stock up on multiple available forms of equipment for players, at their choosing, to test during practices.
The sooner the better, several Penguins players said on Tuesday.
“Not wait until training camp,” Evgeni Malkinsaid. “Do it now. Maybe players will like, maybe not. Our choice, you know?
“But, yes, wear in practice, see what feels good. Maybe not same thing like big pad for neck. But if shirt or cover like for socks and wrists, let’s try. Not wait.”
The death of Johnson, who died after his neck was cut by a skate blade during a collision in an English league game on Saturday, sparked Penguins general manager Kyle Dubas and coach Mike Sullivan to discuss the pros and cons of bringing neck protection gear into the club’s equipment mix. Advised by members of the equipment staff on details to consider — not only comfort but also how the protective element would look on players — Dubas reached out to the league and suggested head equipment manager Jon Taglianetti inquire with manufacturers.
Currently, manufacturers offer neck guards and base layer tops that prevent or lessen the severity of cuts.
“We’re in the process right now of trying to talk to our players about some protective equipment in those vulnerable areas,” Sullivan said. He added the Penguins’ minor-league affiliates, the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins (AHL) and Wheeling Nailers (ECHL), are now required to wear a form of neck and wrist guards.
The Penguins — because Johnson was once one of their own — want to set an example that could eventually lead to neck protection becoming mandatory in the NHL. However, that would require the league and its Players’ Association to reach an agreement, which is unlikely this season.
Even procuring options for players with which to experiment sooner than later comes with challenges. Specifically, a Penguins source said, the club is having “a hard time getting stuff” because of high demand in the wake of Johnson’s death.
“Of course, we’re talking about it now,” Kris Letang said. “But there’s a reason why kids are wearing it, you know?
“There’s always going to be accidents. But if you can minimize the risk and if they can find something that’s going to be comfortable for the guys to play with, it should be an experiment.
“I don’t know how it’s going to play out. But I’d probably try something.”
Like Pettersson, Letang sat at his locker on Tuesday and found it impossible not to think about Johnson while discussing the neck protection topic. He’s proud his organization, the only one he’s known over 18 NHL seasons, is attempting to lead by example.
“But it shouldn’t just be the Penguins,” he said. “Everybody should (be) trying something.
“We all know what happened (to Johnson). We should try to prevent something like that from happening again if it can be done.”
this is so important
also this tweet
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virgil-upinthestars · 1 month
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like a little prayer - chapter one
Pairing: Loki x Mobius, Deadpool x Wolverine
Words: 2,585
Summary: Mobius and Sylvie pull some strings to contact some of the only people who might be able to get to Loki, proposing a plan that could help them all.
Chapter Warnings: Strong language, somewhat insincere threats of violence, light shenanigans, angst, pining, gay bickering
header/ch 1
Into the sparkly sling ring portal, out onto a squeaky black marble floor. Wade’s forehead collided with it, which was less than courteous, and he made a mental note to ask Cassandra what the fuck if they ever met again, but he dearly hoped that would never happen. 
“Ugh, rude!” he groaned, getting his knees under him and grabbing Logan’s quite muscular arm to pull himself up. Logan promptly shoved him into what felt like a desk. 
“Hello,” said a dry, faintly raspy voice. “If you two could sit down and not knock over your drinks, that would be nice.”
Wade grabbed a chair, steadying himself and squinting at a frankly dumpy-looking middle-aged man in a brown suit. “’Scuse me?”
“We’re back,” Logan muttered, his eyes darting around the ceiling beyond the cubicle, and yep, that orange lighting was unmistakable. “She sent us back here. Why’d she do that?”
“Well, I’d assume it’s because you can go anywhere from here, but I’d like to hope it was because I asked nicely,” the man mused, sitting on the other side of the desk and pushing two paper coffee cups towards them. As per usual whenever someone else bought him coffee, Wade popped the top off to check the contents. Once he saw the whipped cream and sprinkles, he gave the drink an approving nod and lifted his mask to down half the contents.
Logan didn't touch his, as he apparently found much more joy in glaring at the man who had so graciously offered them caffeine after a fight. “Nicely?”
“Mm, yes,” The man took a sip of his own coffee, those eyes flicking between the two of them. “The TVA’s had a deal with Cassandra Nova, ever since a few of our operatives ended up in the Void. I’d be the first to admit that a large majority of the Void’s inhabitants probably don't deserve to be there, but unfortunately, that doesn't apply to everyone.” 
“Yeah, Nicepool definitely deserves to be down there," Wade snorted, wiping whipped cream off his face. "Not Mary Puppins, though, can we go get her?”
The man opened one of the orange files on his desk, and turned it around so they could see its contents. “Pyro. Decent kid, but he's taken a deal with your department head, Paradox, to kill Nova. Which I imagine went over fantastically.”
“Yeah,” Wade sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Remind me what this has to do with saving my universe?” Just to be nice, totally not because he felt guilty, he jabbed a thumb towards Logan. “Or fixing his?”
“Well, I've been watching the two of you for a bit, and . . . .” The man folded his fingers on the table. “I think you can help me.”
Immediately, Logan’s eye twitched. “Why should we?”
A smile just flickered on the other man’s face, and he looked up from Pyro’s file. Something about those eyes gave Wade pause, even though they were set in the face of what looked like a middle-aged dad. 
“Okay,” Wade sighed, and he decided that this guy looked like his name would probably be Phil. Or Kyle. Ooh, or John, or — “Owen. We’re on a bit of a mission right now, and unless you’re willing to help me save my universe from that Tom Wambsgans-looking guy — don’t get me wrong, I loved Succession, it was like watching a house full of sex offenders burn down, but —”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” the man said, closing Pyro's file and brushing it to the side. There was a hard light in his eyes, one that Wade recognized: desperation. “Yes, Paradox wants to destroy your timeline, but from what I'm guessing, Nova would be perfectly happy destroying all of them.”
“You people like your guesses,” Logan grumbled.
Wade sighed. “For the last time, peanut, it was an educated wish —”
“Call me that again, and I'll shove that double-whip diabetes bomb right up your —”
“Okay,” the man said loudly, now looking very much like a middle-aged dad. Possibly also a jet ski salesman. “I’ll just cut to the chase. Also, your coffee has Irish whiskey in it, so please do me a favor and drink it.”
“Really?” Logan muttered, lifting the drink. He took a hesitant sip, but it soon turned into chugging the whole drink in one go.
“Thank you,” the man sighed, then cleared his throat. “You two have been dealing with middle management this whole time.” His eyes flickered with a new sort of light, something like hope. “How would you like to go all the way to the top?”
Mobius M. Mobius had been having a very rough few months. First, he finally manages to catch a Loki, then fucks up by getting attached to him, then gets betrayed by him, which, honestly, what was he expecting — only for that Loki to come back, wide eyed and pleading with him. Then Sylvie went and committed some good old-fashioned murder, and the multiverse started falling apart, tearing Loki into pieces across space and time as he desperately tries to help, and eventually decides that the best way to solve it was apparently to go fuck himself off into oblivion without discussing it with any of them.  
Mobius could’ve killed him.
He also would've given anything to see him again.
He also didn't know whether Loki would feel the same, ‘I did it for you’ or not.
He also was about two inches away from ripping his own ears off so he didn't have to hear these two assholes keep going at each other in some kind of weird, extremely violent, seventy-two hour long foreplay. 
“So, it's a tree,” said Wade Wilson, holding his empty coffee cup like a drag queen as Mobius led them down the hall. Logan was trailing behind, silent for now, but still looking like he was debating whether to slam Wade against or through the nearest wall. “You fancy-pants time CIA bastards take orders from a tree?”
Mobius took a long breath. He could almost hear Loki snapping back that we used to take orders from three lizards who turned out to be robots, how’s the tree sound now?
It was making his heart ache.
“We don't take orders from the tree,” Mobius said, forcing himself to maintain an easy tone. “We protect it. It contains all timelines, all possibilities, branching out into infinity. We can't control it, it can't control us, we can only protect h—it. And if the tree were threatened, the fabric of space-time would start to unravel.”
“Oh, so that’s why you're open to stopping Tom Wambsgans from destroying my universe!” Wade laughed. “Finally, there's a threat big enough to the precious tree for you to acknowledge the fact that my whole life —”
“I didn't know about your timeline, okay?” Mobius sighed, shoving open a door marked NO ENTRY. He led them down a curving stairwell, to where Sylvie had agreed to meet him. “No one knew, until five minutes ago, when unsanctioned time-ripper activity was detected in your universe. B-15’s running through the normal channels to shut it down, but until then, I'm trying to arrange something that will help both of us.”
“Oh, both?” Wade said, tossing his empty cup into the abyss. He promptly sat on the railing and began to slide down it. “Do tell.”
“Yes,” Mobius said, gritting his teeth. The line between his thoughts and his words were quickly becoming blurred. “I get you to the guy at the top, you get him to sustain your world while we deal with Paradox, and then you get him to come the fuck out of his little self-imposed isolation hermit hole.”
Precious silence hung for a few seconds, only to be punctuated by a soft “ooh”.
“So,” Wade slid to Mobius’s side, somehow balancing like a goddamn French girl on the railing. “This guy at the top, huh? You two have a history?”
Mobius glanced back at Logan, who just snorted and rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who gave him coffee.”
“Couple of hand brushes?” Wade was saying, his voice needling into Mobius’s ear. “Lingering hugs? Old married couple banter? Maybe even a soft, gentle, unforgettable night on an office couch —”
“Like you two didn’t basically hate-fuck in that Odyssey!” Mobius snapped, making the white eyes of Wade’s mask go wide.
“Pervert,” he said at last. “That was a very private moment.”
“I will throw you down this stairwell,” Logan hissed, an honest-to-God vein popping out on his forehead. “Say another word, I fucking dare you — ”
Logan swung a fist towards Wade. Mobius barely had time to think the claws aren’t out, that’s an improvement before the Wolverine’s blow was stopped by a swirl of green light.
“Oh, my!” called a familiar voice. Mobius leaned over and caught sight of Sylvie on the landing below, her eyes fragile with a hopeless sort of amusement, like a man set for execution laughing because he had sixty-nine days to live. “This is them?”
“I’m afraid so,” Mobius called back, unable to hide the relief in his voice that he was now one step closer to getting these repressed disasters out of his sight. “Do you have it?”
“Of course I do,” she snorted, flicking He Who Remains’ TemPad out of her jacket pocket as she climbed the stairs towards them. “I held my end of the bargain. The real question is if they’ll hold theirs.” Her lips twitched slightly as Logan yelled for her to get your fucking magic off me, and directed his arm back to his side before releasing control. Her eyes flickered as she met Mobius’s gaze. “You really think this will work?”
“I hope so,” Mobius replied, forcing a smile to compensate for the slight shake in his voice. “I really hope so.”
“Right,” Sylvie muttered, turning the TemPad over in her hands as she surveyed the two men. “Wade Wilson and Logan Howlett. Gifted with extraordinary healing powers.”
Wade slid off the railing. “Among other things,”
“Good.” Sylvie’s eyes flashed. “We’ll be testing them today.”
“Hold on,” said Logan, the first time he’d really spoken without provocation. He shouldered his way past Wade to scowl at Mobius and Sylvie with equal force. “Whatever this is, I’m not doing it for free.”
“Oh, fantastic,” Mobius sighed, frantically running through a meager list of things the Wolverine might be willing to risk his life for. An overaged bottle of Jack Daniels probably wouldn’t count. Neither would another Irish coffee. Maybe —
“X-23,” Logan said, his voice brusque. “Laura. She’s in the Void. Get her out.”
Mobius blinked.
“Oh my God,” Wade whispered. “I knew the dad instinct was in there somewhere.”
“Shut up,” Logan snapped, before refocusing on them. “Get her out of there and I’ll do it.”
“Uh, sure,” Mobius glanced towards Sylvie, who gave an easy shrug. “Where, uh . . . do you want us to bring her here, or —”
“I don’t care.” Logan’s throat bobbed. “Take her to this idiot’s world if you want, just don’t take her to mine.”
“His is in danger, though —”
The man’s eyes hardened. “Well, it won’t be.”
For a moment, Wade was actually speechless. The Merc with a Mouth was staring at Logan like he’d just dropped out of the sky, white eyes of his mask wide and hands hanging listlessly in the air. 
“You got it,” Mobius said, pulling his TemPad out of his pocket. Ever since he’d come out of the Void himself, he’d tried to keep a closer eye on anyone who might be surviving down there. He hadn’t even been sure that X-23 was still alive until he’d caught word of her with these two, and now that she’d raided Nova’s place with her friends, they’d all be easy to find. “Sylvie, you wanna give them the speech?”
“Love to.” Sylvie held up the black and gold disc, shocking Wade out of his trance with a shiny thing. “This is a TemPad. With it, I’ll be sending the two of you straight to the trunk of the tree itself, where hopefully, you’ll be able to withstand the Gods-awful amount of temporal radiation long enough to get the attention of the annoying prick at the center. Sound good?”
“Ooh, temporal radiation!” Wade let out a whistle. “I’ve never experienced that one before. What does it do?”
Sylvie’s lip twitched, but there was no humor in her eyes. “Turn you into skin spaghetti.”
“The levels around the tree would be very lethal to me or Mobius, but we’ve been hoping for a while that you two would be able to complete the job for us.” She twirled the disc in her fingers, and at a sharp look from Mobius, she rolled her eyes and continued. “And we’ll be sending this with you, for your way back.”
“Really?” Wade brightened, holding out a hand. “Yes, please — ”
“Not you.” Sylvie pointed at Logan. “You. You actually seem like the responsible type.”
“Oh, we are truly in catastrophic times,” Wade groaned, leaning back against the railing. “So, about this ‘annoying prick at the center’ —”
Mobius’s TemPad began to buzz. He flicked the notification away from the approximated map of the Void he’d been building, but then there was another alert, and then another, and the thing was nearly buzzing out of his hands. Over it all, highest priority, was a message from B-15.
If you don’t reappear sometime in the next thirty seconds, the whole multiverse is fucked.
Mobius’s heart shot into his throat as he scrolled through the hundreds of alerts, then dropped right down into his stomach.
“Shit,” he whispered.
“Mobius?” Tense worry spiked in Sylvie’s voice, nearly shocking him out of his haze. “Mobius, what’s happened —”
“It’s Cassandra Nova,” he choked out, fumbling up the stairs. “She’s — she’s heading for the Time-Ripper.” His heart pounded in his ears. “She’s — she’s going to —”
She’s going to kill him.
Sylvie hissed something in an old Asgardian tongue, flicking her TemPad and opening a door in front of him. “Get to the war room, I’ll make sure these idiots make it to the tree.”
“Just —” Mobius turned back to Wade and Logan, two men in bright primary-colored suits standing in a TVA stairwell, two men who were as likely to try and kill each other as they were to fuck, two men who were each certified mental disasters but as it stood, his only chance of ever seeing Loki again. 
He’d been watching them for more than a while. He’d gone looking for variants who could withstand the tree’s temporal radiation the second he’d gotten back to the TVA, since Sylvie had told him she could pinpoint the tree’s location, but he hadn’t been able to convince any to help him until now. Here were two men, just as desperate as he was, two men who were now looking back at him with that mirrored, last-ditch determination.
Because fuck it — if this didn’t work, nothing would. 
Mobius swallowed, managing to say, “Just — tell him I miss him, would you?”
If he’s even still alive when you reach him. If any of us are still alive.
Wade nodded. “You got it, Lightning McQueen.”
His lips twitched. “Mobius.”
“Oh!” The white eyes of his mask widened. “You’re Mobius! Which means the guy in the tree has to be —”
Mobius didn’t even care how Wade knew, he didn’t want to hear that name said out loud. He knew he wouldn’t be able to stand it. Instead, he turned and bolted up the stairs. 
Towards the one thing he could do.
header/ch 1
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missuswalker · 1 year
Kyle dating hc's pleaaaaase 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
meow meow meow 🤭🤭
relationship headcannons || kyle broflovski x fem reader
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✮ summary: kyle as your boyfreind ✮ warnings: i was gonna do what i did for the clyde one but changed my mind, so nsfw content, reminder that characters are aged up (i'm too much of a kyle girl to pass up the oppurtunity)
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before ya'll started dating he did your homework for you as a rizz tactic
he thought it would make you want him
turns out you wanted him even before he started doing your homework, so he starts making you do it yourself
but kyle would do anything for you, so if you ask him with that pretty face of yours, he'll do it anyways
ya'll had a long "are we dating are we not phase"
he's been screwed over so many times that he wanted to make sure you were the one
you definitely were
after much convincing from stan and a couple hundred "no balls, you wont"s from cartman, kyle finally asks to be his gee-eff (girlfriend)
over text in your instagram dms
he did it very romantically though
loooooooong paragraph about how much he likes you and wants you to be all his
ends it with "And I know you piss me off sometimes, but I think I could really make us work."
as SOON as you say yes
"Come over. You have my address."
anyways, moving on, he acts like he thinks pet names are cringe, but he can't help but call you that goody goody shit like "angel"
do you hear purring? sorry
anyways, he spoils you to death, like what was in my love language hcs
"oh wow that's so cute" "what color do you want it in" "kyle 😟"
loooves when you wear his boxer shorts around his house, he thinks he's THE man when you do
his mom likes to talk to him about embarrassing things in front of you to mess with him
"hi boobala, your spiderman underwear is fresh out of the dryer 🥰" "ma, that's ikes, get out 😡😡😡😨😰"
when you guys cuddle, he puts his hand up your shirt and rubs your back
he has cold ass hands though
kisses the top of your head all the time
he's like 6'2 so if you're shorter than him he's all like "aww elf 😻😻" when in reality he's just tall
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first time he was suuuuuper sweet and gentle
after that he puts his temper into it
its like theres an earth quake from the bed rocking
ike ain't a snitch though 🤐
he is rough, hoowee
grunts, huffs, groans
all the good shit
probably says some good girl shit at some point
if he's actually upset, he rather you take control
lets you do whatever you want and whimpers
he whines yall
but if cartman pissed him off, its not the same
has you in doggy style and goes WILD
he don't care if you're screaming
yeah he does, when he's finished he STRESSES about sheila
"dude, you were fucking rabid, i'm so fucked 😰😰"
sheila side eyes him at breakfast but doesn't say anything
makes gerald give him the talk
gerald makes randy give him the talk
randy informs him of new positions
someone on wattpad said "jew in the streets, freak in the sheets"
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v1x3n · 6 months
-⸝⸝ʚ THE MOHAWK ɞ⸝⸝
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141 - johnny 'soap' mctavish ⸝⸝ navigation
୨୧ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : you're an art teacher who moved over to a new school for a new start, you weren't expecting to get in between 4 of the other teachers ; johnny mctavish - the chemistry teacher, simon riley - the english teacher, kyle garrick - the pe teacher and john price - the history teacher.
୨୧ 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 : fluff - eventual angst, more fluff and smut.
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part one / ?? - also not proof read
your last school got annoying, some shitty northern school where all the kids wouldnt listen. the annoying little pricks would run rampage across the place, litter everywhere because the school spent the money not on bins or cleaners but for stuff for the principal and the higher ups. so you quit and jumped from school to school untill you landed at this one.
this new school had its ups and downs but all good schools had that. the staff were nice and the kids were decent. not many kids were classed as 'rebels', most of them were good, well-behaved. well in school they were, you didnt want to see what kind of stuff they did after school. even just being in the school half a week, you had heard some stuff. normal British school rumours though. 'this teachers shagged students!' 'i heard the pe teacher is a nonce and cheating on his wife!' obviously they werent true though.
after a while you had met nearly every one in your floor, you hadnt met this one man who was strutting around. speaking to everyone and then eventually you. it was lunch break and you with a few other teachers were chatting, thats when he rocked up. he wore a ironed light blue shirt with a black/grey sweater on the top, his sleeves rolled up to the top of his forearm, just below his elbow. his pants were brown and perfectly outlined the shape of his bulking thighs. "yer new 'ere" he speaks, directly at you yet you hadnt noticed and continued eating your pasta pot. so he sat next to you, he dumped himself down and smiled cheekily at you, "i said 'yer new 'ere" his voice changed to a more dominating tone.
"ah sorry!" you slightly chuckle, pure nervousness. he returns a wide smile at you whilst he takes in your laugh. you give him your name and he replies with, "nice to meet ya, me names johnny"
as you continue eating your meal, he pulls out his. you take the chance to gaze up at his face, well more his hair. his kind of grown out Mohawk made you think what his personality was like. he seemed nice so far.
you couldnt say it wasnt pretty hot though, obviously you wouldn't tell people that! you were barley a week into being at this school and you had liked it so far, you wouldnt want your chances ruined because of your silly attraction to his hair. his fluffy, brown long hair.
"what department ye in, bonnie?"
"hm." he sits whilst chewing down on his beef sandwich.
the two of yous talked for a while, the whole of lunch actually. a few people tagged along, just another teacher who you had been talking too for the last few days, she was nice. her name was liv and she was luckily another art teacher. you three were talking, mostly about you : where you came from,other schools youve been at and what you thought on this school.
everyone shared their opinions on the school, you thought it was decent whilst the other two liked it. they had told you after a bit all the flaws dont seem like flaws. it was entertaining, all the rumours and drama that went around.
lunch soon finished and johnny smiled cheekily once more at you, "what days will you be working?"
"i get mondays off" you reply with a happy smile. "great! i ken see ya everyday" he smirks.
you giggle nervously at him and nod, "ill see ya, johnny"
"bye hen"
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ taglist: @xxshadowbabexx // @wonyoungloversblog // @ambitiousabi4288 // @royaltysuite // @tiredlittle-wallflower // @nic-stars // @snowyaddiction
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not a req but i was js thinking: imagine the boys w a famous s/o (could be an actor, sports, wtv) and like they see an edit of their s/o on tiktok or sum and they show their s/o like “LOOK. ITS U. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE”
idk man this was so random lol but what do u think they would be like if smth like that happened
You say "not a req" and yet I will TREAT IT AS A REQ
The 141 with a Famous Spouse: Edits.
TW: Some NSFW stuff under the cut (m!masturbation).
You and Simon/John/Johnny/Kyle have been very private about your relationship. Both a mix of you being in the public's eye and his career, it just makes sense to keep it secretive. He doesn't even *tell* anyone he's married and you never say his name in public, only ever referring to him as 'my husband' in interviews, leaving your fans to wonder.
John: I think John isn't as active on social media to find edits easily... But there was that one time where he watched an online interview of yours on youtube and they had you reacting to fanfiction and edits and he did a quick google search and... That man will 100% download every tiktok with an edit of yours he can find, so he can watch them in the field when there's no reception. One time he texts you a link to one he particularly loves and adds: "Look at how talented your fans are. They somehow make me love you more with each one of these I find."
Simon: You'd never expect it but he *loves* to watch your interviews on tv/online, and read the tweets whenever something relating to you goes viral. It's only a matter of time until he stumbles across edits. And, let me tell you, he's not even shy about it. He'll watch them while you're both at home lounging. You'll just hear some music coming from his phone and then your own voice reciting that one line from that one interview that one time. "Are you watching videos of me when I'm literally lying on top of you?" "Yes I am. They're very well edited."
Kyle: Boy has known of edits being a thing for ages, watches them for other actors and athletes, so why would he not watch them of their spouse? He especially loves the ones where they ship you with some other celebrity you posed with one time after a movie premiere or a song release or what have you. Like, he cackles at them, knowing your fans are so clueless, he's so proud of himself for 'bagging' you... Sometimes he turns the phone over for you to see them and you always groan at the shit-eating grin on his face. "You're cheating on me with that actor, huh?" He always jokes.
Johnny: Is an ABSOLUTE degenerate. He'll be watching those borderline NSFW edits of you. He's not ashamed about it. Sometimes he jerks off to them too. The man has you on his bed more often than not and yet somehow he still finds time to rub one out to an edit of you in a movie/music video/interview/red carpet and the dirtiest, filthiest song lyrics overtop. He'll also lose it if it includes a scene from that one time you were wearing something sheer, showing off your whole body. The one time you caught him, you heard him murmur a "God, I'm so fuckin' lucky to have ye." under his breath while watching the same edit on repeat.
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lovelykil · 1 year
Kyle x reader but its an aquarium date, BUT the aquarium has one of those events where you can spend the night in the aquarium 🤭 maybe smut??
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「 Fishy Date 」
kyle x reader older ver.
cw; none I think kaksnhd
note; I love sharks so I projected a little on here sorry 🤷🏾‍♀️ (not) I do this a lot on my stories so 😭 anyway
"You wanna go to the aquarium for our date?"
"Yeah why not? I used to go there all the time as a kid it would be fun to visit again and relive everything." You set your phone down to look at Kyle. He leaned on his pillow looking at the open Google page to the aquarium.
He looked up at you, his expression confused.
"It smells though."
"It's an aquarium.."
"Yeah so it smells fishy." Kyle turned off his phone. You couldn't help but crack a smile, covering your mouth to giggle.
The ginger rose his eyebrow staring at you again "What's so funny?"
"You said fishy, that was corny."
"Oh– you idiot." He caught on, causing a grin to appear on his face as he ruffled your hair. You chuckled some more before going to rest your head on his chest.
He set his hand on your waist and looked down at you.
"Sooo.. aquarium then?" You smiled innocently up at him. You held your bright smile hoping to convince him, after a few seconds of him looking down at you deciding whether or not he should agree he eventually did with a sigh.
"Okay finee."
"Alright good cause I already bought us tickets."
"Oh so if I didn't say yes we still would've gone.."
"Love youu"
When the time finally came to go to your aquarium date you guys got ready packing a sleeping bag since the aquarium you got tickets to was holding an event, to which a specific amount of people to buy the first 25 tickets would sleep over by the various sea animals.
Lucky enough you were the 10th person to buy that ticket, they were selling like hot cakes.. who knew so many people would want to sleep with smelly fish?
Once you guys got to the place you squealed, being at your childhood favorite place really brought you back. Kyle held your hand smiling down at you seeing you get excited.
You guys walked in and began your adventure.
"Oh, and this is an Epaulette shark! They live in shallow water or any tidal pool, I think this one is an adult cause of its lightish brown skin on top you see? Aren't they so cool?" You pressed your hand against the cold glass, admiring the sea creature who swam with no care in the world. Kyle joined you, pressing both of his hands against the glass.
"You know a lot about sharks babe." He spoke with a giggle. You felt your cheeks burn, you had always been a huge fan of sharks you couldn't help but be a little nerd freak when it came to those magnificent little monsters.
"I just really like them, shut up." You defended, walking away from him. After some time of him watching the shark swim back and forth he looked back, looking around to find you.
He wandered the aquarium frantically after a few minutes of not seeing you, you guys have been at the aquarium for about 2 hours now you've seen everything so he had no idea where you could gone now.
Kyle got out his phone about to dial your number when an announcement came on the speaker.
attention all parents and children, the aquarium will be now hosting our fish-tastic sleepover! Everyone with ticket 'F' will now move to floor 2, stay safe and remember to have fun.
As people moved to floor 2 it began to get crowded, people shoved the teen as he anxiously tried to look for you it was far too loud to even call you now. He cursed to himself trying to get his way through the crowd.
"Y/n! Where are you-" Kyle quickly walked into the 2nd floor, sweeping the place with his eyes hoping to find you, there were only roaming kids with their parents until he saw a familiar person, setting down their sleeping mat by the low dimmed tank that held the jellyfish at. He walked toward the person, his suspension rising to see if it was actually you or not.
"Y/n?" Kyle asked, getting closer. You took off your jacket, looking in the direction of who called your name. Once Kyle saw your face his body immediately relax, stepping toward you.
"I was looking all over for you.. I'm glad I found you." He put his hand on his chest in relief. You smirked slightly, setting down your jacket on your sleeping bag. "Awh you were worried weren't you?" You walked to him to hold his face. His cheeks redden, though you could barely see due to the area you were in.
The jellyfish corner was shrouded in darkness, creating the perfect ambiance for a peaceful slumber and a great place to watch the jellyfish gracefully glide through the water to reflect on various things.
Kyle nodded his head, feeling your hand on his cheek. You heartily smiled at your worried boyfriend going in to kiss his cheek to clear his anxiety.
"Sorry I just wanted to wander off but you found me and now we can be together and watch the jellyfish!" You let go of him to sit down. "Why did you choose this spot?" Kyle sat beside you, looking at your side. You stared at the dark tank, your eyes softened as you watched the majestic creature float around in its habitat.
"Because they look so pretty." You spoke, your eyes remaining on the tank. Kyle studied your face, you looked so memorized and lost in thought all you watched was the jellyfish.
"You look so pretty in the dimmed dark blue light.." Kyle blurted out under his breath, he was captured by your beautiful in that moment he couldn't help but compliment you.
"What'd you say?" You slowly turned your head, not hearing what the ginger mumbled. He blushed, clearing his throat. "Oh uh nothing. Yeah the jellyfish are pretty.." He nervously smiled at you. Your confused expression changed to a slight smile, you grabbed his hand to hold.
"You look so pretty here you know?" You placed a kiss on his pale skin, then looked up to see his surprised face. He rubbed his face with his free hand already starting to be in a mess.
"God sometimes you're just too much." He whispered. You giggled at your boyfriend's flustered state, crawling to him to sit in his lap.
He sighed looking up at you in his lap, you smiled down at him he couldn't help but smile back, putting his hands around your waist. You wrapped your hands around his neck going in to kiss his forehead.
"This date was fun, thank you Ky."
"You're welcome, it was fun until I lost you."
You laughed, letting go of his neck to hold his shoulders.
"Sorry! Won't happen again.. considering now I kinda want you." You rubbed his shoulders slowly, smirking. Kyle looked at you oblivious to what you were trying to imply. But after you reached under his shirt, getting close to his neck he finally realized.
"Jesus christ Y/n there's kids here-"
"So? They'll eventually learn about this shit anyway."
"Oh god."
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clus444 · 2 months
RealityStar! Gaz Part 3
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Open The Chat Rooms
"Hello everyone! I'm your host, Sativa, and I'm here to test certain theories about love. The contestants will blindly choose their 'Their Forever Partner' and be put through challenges so we can find out how forever their partners are gonna be," Sativa says cheekily. "Sometimes we put what we call 'spies' in the game that no one knows about. Their job is to act like their here for love but its to test limits. More will be explained later as I want to get this show on the road. My final question to the contestants is, are you ready?" The screen turns black and I stare at it waiting for something else to happen.
The words ' Start dating' appear with a loading bar under it. The room is nicely decorated with a beach theme to it. The walls are a nice blue color with a accent wall painted to resemble a beach. They put nice black couch in the wobble with beach themed pillows. Quotes about not giving up taped on the wall. One camera not so secretly placed in the top corner of the room.
The bar finishes loading and 12 profiles pop up. I accept 4 chats and I start three with a simple,
Everyone was told no names in case recognition happened. Especially since some have made it known they were on the show. One of the chats consisted of talking about sports only, one treated it as a sex thing kinda and I immediately left, and the others were downright boringgg!
How hard is it to have a normal conversation? Though I can't completely blame them. Dating for me hasn't been lucky and I think I find myself carrying that onto here. But hell can you blame me? Rome wasn't built in a day.
I decide to click on one more before finishing for the day. Clearing my mind and coming at this with as much positive energy as I can.
R- Your profile says that you are from Great Britain
Is the food as bad as they say?
G-Though I love my country,God bless the queen (She's alive right now,I have my reasons), the food does have its faults compared to America
R- Are you trying to say it is better than any other place?!?
G-I said we had some faults... We have some delicacies
R- Can you even count chicken masala...
G- I'll have you know that degradation is my kink
I laugh out loud at that. I guess I kinda did go in hard.
R- Looks like we have something in common.
We began texting back and forth the conversation flowing smoothly. I catch myself giggling and twirling my hair. We talk about movies and of course land on the argument of rose and jack. He could've fit!
G- Yes the door was big enough but! Weight would weigh them down.
R- Puh-Lease! She could have given him her life jacket to help cover him for the cold.
We talk about each others families. His father was enlisted in the army but now spends his days in the wilderness to get his hands dirty. His mom stayed at home to care for him and his sisters. I told him about how my father died which left me and my mother. I only have one sister.
R- My father passed when I was young so I don't have many memories with him.
G- Daddy issues go crazy for the both of us.
Though my father is here, we weren't always close. We are now repairing our relationship.
I also found him to be very funny and quite sassy! His quick comebacks had me dying on the floor. I'm sure the viewers will have a field day with our messages.
A buzz happens and lets us know that we have to stop chatting.
G- I'll text you tomorrow. Tell your other dudes I'm first in line.
I smile as I reread his text. I fist bump the air as I start to feel like this wasn't a complete failure. Maybe love is in my cards or maybe I'm being naive and desperate. I'm not quite sure but what I do know is that if this doesn't work out, Hot Girl Summer will!
Kyle receives a small message that says...
S- Feel free to make a confessional. Just grab the camera under the couch and set it where to computer is.
He thinks for a moment weighing his options. He grabs the camera and sets it up. How should I start?
"I'm Kyle Garrick but everyone calls me Garrick. So far I've talked to 8 people. Only two really catch my eye but I have my doubts about this whole thing," He pauses and laughs.
"For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that none of this is real. What can I say? Stacey and I share a similar military family background. And the other one just seems crazy. But I will admit how interested I am to see how this plays out," He finishes talking and signs out.
Giving you all some more plot but I cant lie and say I wanna skip some parts. Anyways hope you enjoyed!!!
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ramrage · 1 year
“fitting a square peg into a square peg” or “and they both were tops”
Chapter 3: lets get this bre(a)d
work rating: E
chapter rating: M
characters: John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick cameo, John Price cameo
Tags: Sexual Tension, terrible flirting, Masturbation, First Time Bottoming, Fantasizing
part 1
part 2
ao3 link
“Fuck,” Soap said around a desperate exhale. He gingerly extracted his hands, rubbing the digits together and studying their wetness. 
“I need to talk to Ghost.”
Soap fell asleep with the ease typical of cumming one’s brains out, which was a relief because otherwise, surely he’d be devising a game plan until the sun came up. 
He woke several minutes before his alarm was due to scream its mechanical little head off, lingering for just a moment of stillness before springing up and out to meet the day head-on.
Nothing too unusual there. His body had long gotten used to its typical 0500 rise time, even more reliable on mornings before a mission. 
And what was this but yet another mission?
The main difference was that, instead of wreaking several flavors of havoc on the enemy du jour, he’d (potentially) be wreaking havoc on the delicate balance of his most-prized relationship. That, or he was setting himself up for the best few hours (no less) of his natural-born life. Scratch that. He was a c-section baby, so his birth wasn’t exactly natural per se , but the sentiment still stood. 
Talk to Ghost. 
That’s just about all he managed to iron out vis-a-vis his game plan. Would he pull him off to the side? How would he say what he had to say? He considered this, brows performing an intricate dance as he scrubbed at his teeth with an extra-normal amount of vigor. 
The eyebrows pulled down in a caricature of pensiveness.
Research question: is there a particularly elegant way to more or less say the following: 
Hey, things were weird last night. Y’know, the whole “both of us are tops” thing. Anyways, I want to shag the life out of you in any way that I can—no really. In any way that I can. So yeah, this is all to say that I gave the old fingers a test run—a joy ride, actually—and as generous Lady Luck would have it, not only am I open to the possibility of you fucking my ass into next week, I’m actually gagging for it. This is all to say, could you, would you please—pretty please—give me a one-way ticket to pound town?
Y’know, something like that.
Then he’d wait for Ghost’s response—probably a resounding “Yes please!” to which he’d respond:
Grand! Knew you’d understand .
Or maybe even:
Well, what are we waiting for? Christmas? 
According to his extensive research, Ghost would most likely tell him to shut the fuck up or some other such permutation of words to similar ends and then finally, fucking finally, they would have dirty, freaky, nasty sex until one or both parties were unable to walk normally for a minimum of 8 hours.
Simple as.
The end.
Smell you later.
But here was the rub: he had to find Ghost, and lord knows that could be a challenge on a normal day, let alone a day like the one he’d be walking into. The energy could very well be tense at best. 
Maybe he could just wing it. After all, fortune favors the bold and what’s bolder than propositioning your commanding officer sans plan?
Soap’s eyebrows were cocked at a strange angle when a dribble of spitty toothpaste slipped from the corner of his mouth. 
“Damn,” he said around the toothbrush. There was no way to know for sure, but he probably had spent the past five minutes assaulting his molars. Whoops. Happens to the best of us, and if you think about it, it’s better to do too much than too little. At least that’s what he told himself, shrugging. There were more pressing matters at hand, anyhow. 
With the minty-freshest breath known to man and a healthy quantity of nerves, Soap just about burst out of his door, swept forth by the awe-inspiring winds of horniness. A veritable hurricane of down-badness. 
The sun was shining brightly, the birds were chirping, baby deer were entering the world all wide-eyed, slimy, and adorable. It was a beautiful day filled to bursting with possibility and new life.
At least, that’s what it felt like.
The corridor swam with unintelligible chatter, but it sounded cheerful. The only light to speak of came from the nasty fluorescents overhead, but their smoker-tooth yellow was charming in its own special way. Even the hideous barf-colored linoleum seemed to be in a good mood, pressing kisses to the soles of Soap’s boot as he hurried over to the mess hall. 
“Nice morning we’re having eh,” Soap asked, grinning, to some Private he’d never spoken a word to prior.
They didn’t seem to get the memo regarding how fucking momentous this day was, so they just nodded or something and agreed, sort of taken aback. If Soap remembered correctly, they addressed him as “sir” which was indicative of the good health of the base’s hierarchical ecosystem–a good omen if Soap’s ever seen one.
He makes it to the mess hall in record time and is met by the most lovely chorus of voices, but while he was passively happy for the merry bunch, he had a very specific someone to speak to. Luckily, that specific someone was notoriously easy to find.
So it became clear quite quickly that Ghost wasn’t in the mess hall. Damn. But apparently Gaz was. “Alright, Soap?”
“No complaints, just trying to find Ghost so I can let him know he can fuck me up the ass,” Soap thought. 
“Lookin’ good, feelin’ good,” he said instead, clapping a hand on Gaz’s shoulder in greeting. 
Gaz was looking good, probably riding the post-mission high, as was his right. Soap would be, too, that is if he wasn’t too damn preoccupied. Speaking of, he didn’t have much of a reason to be lingering in the mess hall anymore, so he’d better be off. 
Unfortunately, Gaz took that moment to glance at his tray and then Soap’s trayless hands. “Hey, go grab some food and I’ll save you a seat.” Damn.
“Oh, naw, don’t worry ‘bout me. I was actually on my way out,” Soap lied, dismissing the offer with a friendly wave.
Gaz frowned minutely. “But you just got here.”
Damn damn. “Aye,” Soap laughed with a nod, taking that time to figure out a nice alibi, “aye. The ol’ Ritalin kicked in quickly today and completely ruined my appetite. I guess it’ll be a big lunch day, eh?” Inwardly, Soap pats himself on the back for such a good cover story. Whenever this whole special ops thing goes A over T, he could have a promising future as a spy or something.
“Ah, that’s a shame. Chow actually looked half-decent for once,” Gaz said with a commisserative smile. “Try to get something in you, though, yeah?” Soap froze. “You’re practically wasting away already.”
“Heh, you kidding?” Soap said. He flexed his right bicep in hopes it sold the joke more than his shaky delivery did. 
Gaz rolled his eyes. “Absolutely feeble.”
Soap rolled his eyes right back. “Eh, I’ll be sure to hit the gym, then.”
“You better. Best to stay on top of things,” Gaz mused. “See ya round.”
“Right, see you round.”
Soap booked it once Gaz turned away to look for a table. Might’ve even left a human-shaped cloud of dust in his wake.
“Steamin’ hell,” he thought to himself as he barreled down the corridor, making his way to the gym just as he promised. Of course, the whole motivation part was a bit different than advertised. “Get something in me ? Stay on top ?” Apparently the higher powers were amused by the whole situation. At least someone was. 
He was mere seconds away from barging into the gym when a voice called at his back.
“Sergeant MacTavish!”
He suppressed a groan. “Top of the morning, Cap.” Not sure where that came from.
Price shot him a strange look. “Switching teams, are we?” He ambled forward to meet Soap, looking amused as he went. “Trading your alba gu brath for eirinn go brach? ” 
“Ah never,” Soap dismissed with a put-on chuckle, “just keeping you on your toes.”
“No need to try for that, Sergeant. You do it quite well without the effort,” Price teased. He seemed relaxed, at least by his standards, and hadn’t yet saddled Soap with any bullshit tasks, so his presence here was something of a mystery.
Might as well address that head-on. It was that sort of day.
“So, what brings you to these hallowed halls, then?” Soap asked, settling his weight on one leg in preparation for a conversation that he really would prefer to not have.
Price gestured broadly to the dingy walls, “Just enjoying our day off with a scenic walk.”
“Heh, right,” Soap laughed. Still, no apparent reason for engagement. On any other day, Soap would be more than happy—enthused, even—to shoot the shit with his favorite Captain but, well, you already know. 
Price folded his arm over his chest and jabbed his chin in Soap’s direction. “What about you, then? Going to teach those weights a lesson?”
“Aye,” Soap said, flexing that right bicep again. “Gaz was saying I was looking rather small.”
“Never really liked that one much, if I’m being honest,” Price noted with a pensive frown.
“I’m saying.”
“Glad to hear we’re on the same page.” Sensing the relative lack of enthusiasm behind Soap’s response, Price slapped his thighs in that fatherly indication that he was about ready to go elsewhere. “Well, I’ll leave you to it, then. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Not one to pass on a perfectly good opportunity to throw a jab, Soap clicked his tongue, “Not sure how much good it’ll do me to putter around on the treadmill for fifteen minutes, but Captain’s orders are Captain’s orders.” He was already smiling at Price’s reaction before it even happened.
“Never really liked you much, if I’m being honest,” Price shot back with a scowl before continuing his stroll down the hall.
“Enjoy your walk,” Soap called just as Price was about to round the corner.
Soap was happy to be back on track, but he realized belatedly that he probably should’ve asked the old man where Ghost was. Well, too late for that now. He’d just have to roll with the punches, he decided, hoping with all the force he could muster that he’d be greeted with a pleasant sight once he pushed through the doors into the gym.
Okay, he took back all the nasty things he’d thought about those higher powers because lo and behold, who was sending a punching bag through hell but Ghost? 
Soap channeled those irksome nerves into strides that’d earn the envy of Olympic long jumpers and hauled his spritely ass to stand right behind the man of the hour. Nay, the man of the year. The man of forever? 
Nah, too much.
Ghost wrenched around at the waist as if puzzling out the precise context of an unplanned explosion. To be fair, it wasn’t that far off—he had trouble regulating his volume in ordinary circumstances. Soap cringed inwardly and tried to brush off the gaff.
“Soap, fucking hell, nearly burst an artery.” 
Funny enough, Ghost also looked like he was puzzling out the precise context of an unplanned explosion, which again, fair. He gave Soap a once over, looking sort of disturbed what with paint-covered eyebrows dipping below the orbital bones of his mask. Once he assessed the sight before him to a satisfactory degree, he grunted. “The fuck did you take this morning?”
His voice really was a treat when he was being rude. Soap’s face peeled open to reveal a grin that, while intended to look roguishly charming, came out sort of deranged, “A shower.”
“No you didn’t,” Ghost said, scoffing.
“No I didn’t,” Soap agreed. Not sure why he said that. In his head, he expected to be a bit more suave, but hey, back in the saddle.
A weird silence hung over them for a moment. This wasn’t ideal.
You’ve fucking done it, you absolute fucking roaster. 
“Just waiting for you to tell me why you decided to scream right in my ear is all,” Ghost said incredulously, shifting his weight minutely from one foot to the other.
Oh right, he had to talk to Ghost.
“I have to talk to you.”
Ghost took a second longer to respond than what would be considered his version of normal, which was already a second or two longer than the average metric. In that time, his slight air of discomfort solidified into something slightly more confident and on-brand.
“We’re talking right now, aren’t we?”
Soap rolled his eyes at the obvious deflection. It wouldn’t take a rocket surgeon to figure out why he was there. “I’d prefer somewhere more private. Classified information, and all.”
“Hm, intel from the mission?” Ghost mocked.
“Somethin’ like that.”
The door apparently became awfully interesting, because Ghost’s eyes were glued to it. “Last I checked, all of that was settled.”
Soap tipped his head, almost a shrug. “New developments,” he reasoned. He waited for Ghost to agree, to start walking, to fucking blink, but no, the man was stock still. Soap deflated on a long-suffering sigh. “C’mon, don’t make me beg.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ghost said, rolling his eyes. Great timing. A pair of footsteps were drawing close at a decent clip and while his true meaning was obscured under a layer of bullshit, Soap really would prefer not having an audience as he harangued his commanding officer regarding their sexual relationship. “Right then, where did you plan on having this little chat?”
Might as well go back to square one, Soap reckoned. “How about your office?”
Now it was Ghost’s turn to sigh, all perturbed as if he wasn’t about to receive the best news he’d get all week, “Very well.”
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I would love to know your rankings of the live action (+ podcast) Bruce Waynes. :)
Janie you are one of the best tumblr mutuals anyone could ask for. so reasonable, never absorbed by stupid discourse, so fun to talk shit with. you were also sent from hell to kill me.
disclaimer 1: I'm excluding the 40s Batman serials because I haven't seen them and even I don't love committing to a bit so hard that I'm willing to watch them to make one (1) 5 note post.
disclaimer 2: all of my opinions are right and I'm not interested in arguing with anyone about any of this.
anyway, let's get rolling. as with the Riddler, we'll be proceeding chronologically!
Adam West (Batman '66) - 10/10
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the sixties Batman series gets a lot of shit for being excellent, and I for one will not stand for it! its biggest crime is, I think, being itself and having a good time; it's stupid and charming and really funny, and I think Adam West is a rock solid foundation on which to build the show. his Bruce is a freak of the unflinching normie, devastatingly upright and pathologically wholesome while also a bit of a skank. I suspect he's too chummy with Republicans and yet I trust him with my life. I could write entire essays about what's going on with this man's masculinity. also worth noting that Batman 1966 is like, easily my second favorite live action Batman movie of all time. I love him, your honor.
Michael Keaton (Batman 1989 and Batman Returns) - 10/10
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my BELOVED. for those of you wondering when I said '66 was my second favorite movie YES, Batman Returns is the first! Michael Keaton's Bruce is a grade-A freak of the week and I want to wrap him in a weighted blanket about it to see if that will possibly calm him down. his films are great because he's used sparingly, something that no fucking Batman movie knows how to do anymore, and it makes the screentime he does have so much more effective. his Bruce/Batman contrast is stunning - his Batman is an unblinking stalwart lunatic in a suit so crunchy he can barely move; his Bruce a charmingly inept sad sack in a sexy little sweater. and I can't even start talking about his dynamic with Michelle Pfeiffer's electric Selina Kyle or we'll be here all day. chef's kiss, Mr. Keaton.
Val Kilmer (Batman Forever) - Kiss From a Rose/10
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right off the gate I would like to acknowledge that whatever else I may say about him, Val Kilmer has the most kissable mouth of any Batman. look at him! good for you, Mr. Kilmer!
anyway, I'm gonna level with you gamers: I've made absolutely no secret of my distaste for Batman Forever, which I think is genuinely dumber and worse than Batman and Robin. Kilmer's Bruce is serving us almost nothing; he's a stale whole wheat cracker to whom things are incessantly Happening. he's being aggressively propositioned by Nicole Kidman when he's Batman and by Jim Carrey when he's Bruce; Tommy Lee Jones keeps trying to murder him while giving a performance that would seem absurdly over the top if he weren't right next to the aforementioned Carrey; and he's just adopted a poor little 25 year old orphan with some serious attitude problems. everyone in this film is so much at all times, and between that and Joel Schumacher's intensely questionable direction I don't really blame Kilmer for deciding to say fuck it and make Bruce more of a mannequin than a man. I think there are some intriguing glimpses of the Batman that could have been here and there in his role, but he's ultimately done in by being trapped in an unspeakable clusterfuck of a movie.
George Clooney (Batman and Robin) - Bat Credit Card/10
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where West's Bruce sidles through life with a veneer of normalcy that seems to be just barely concealing the potential to throw someone out a window at any moment, Clooney's Bruce genuinely seems like he's got his shit together. he actually seems to be reflecting the character arc he's limped through across three previous films and two recast actors, and as a result is so well-adjusted and fatherly that it's almost unsettling. who is this very normal man? why is dressing up like a bat to fight Austrian Mr. Freeze and drag queen Poison Ivy? surely he should be filing his taxes or going to a parent-teacher meeting to discuss his 30 year old son's behavior in class.
Christian Bale (Dark Knight Saga) - 3/10
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real talk, friends: I don't remember Bale's performances that well, because I haven't watched one of his Batman movies since the Dark Knight Rises came out in theaters. I do not recall liking the movie, nor having any particularly favorable reaction to Bale at any point in the trilogy. I always felt his strongest performance was "Bruce Wayne being Batman playing idiot billionaire Bruce Wayne," portraying the pretense of Bruce better than he played either a sincere Bruce or Batman. dare I say it, I don't think Christopher Nolan let him be enough of a weirdo. disappointing underutilization of a man who who is extremely willing to be unhinged. three stars.
Ben Affleck (Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League) - 10/10
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I'm just going to say upfront that Ben Affleck's self-written/produced/directed/starred in Batfamily movie is my pop cultural white whale and I'm going to die mad about it, which should probably give you an indication of where this one is going. Batfleck is so perfect to me. that is my baby baby 40-something year old boy with manic depression and homicidal tendencies. is he going through a bit of a grimdark phase? yes. duh. it happens! but he feels soooo bad about it, and he spends the next movie getting bullied by literally everyone to make up for it. he's just so TIRED. this is a Bruce who's SEEN SOME SHIT. he's canonically lost a Robin; he's a grieving dad! he's broken and he's trying and more than any other Bruce I can see him driving around a minivan full of bastard parkour children. every day I miss him.
Robert Pattinson (Thee Batman 2022) - 10/10
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when I heard certified real-life freakboy Robert Pattinson had been cast as my personal favorite fictional freakboy I felt hope about a DC movie announcement for the first time in years. and you know what? it was justified. Pattinson is a very specific take on Bruce Wayne that I definitely don't think works in all settings - a Bruce for all seasons he is not. but within his own miserable, wet little Gotham he can do no wrong. I love this pale, pathetic insomniac. I love that he hates eye contact. I love that he barely seems to willing to eat or sleep. I love how obviously confused he is in his attraction to Zoë Kravitz's Selina. I love that after the film's climax we find him covered in filth and working tirelessly to dig civilians out of rubble, offering comfort where he can. I'm so genuinely excited to see this version of Bruce continue too grow. that's my SON.
and since you threw in podcasts for no reason that I can immediately discern
Winston Duke (Batman Unburied) - 10/10
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Winston Duke's take on Bruce is so profoundly dear to me. like Pattinson I think he's not exactly an archetypal Bruce but what he's serving is perfect for this universe, not least of all because Duke is voice acting his ass off. his Bruce is warmer and more emotionally vulnerable than most - he tells Alfred he loves him! - while maintaining the requisite cocktail of mental illnesses that makes Batman what he is, which makes him a wildly compelling narrator to ride along with. his Batman voice arrives late in the story but is absolutely worth the wait; Duke is bringing something positively primordial to the Bat that makes you understand instantly why the folks of Gotham might assume he's some kind of inhuman monster (something that also plays well with the fact that Duke's Bruce is, presumably, meant to be understood as a Black man, which puts his vigilante activities and difficult relationship with the police in a very different light than any white Bruce's). cannot wait to get more of him when the blessed second season drops and drills holes in my brain; you've all been warned that I will be unhinged at that time.
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rainbowgod666 · 10 months
Sonic.exe: (drunk as shit) an' uh- you... y... uuuhhh... honestly? Your girl isss... rreeEALLYy cool actshtually... (demoman noises) aa- at leasth you donth av to let a one offf phrase thefine yu...
SCP-166 Epon: (showing off her eìre goddess side) y- yuyeaahhh... thscanks for teaching her about... th-uuuhh thE SECOND AMENDMENT (she- did she fucking down half a pint of hard liquor like th- IS THAT IN THE "APOCALYPSE KNIGHT" CODE?) WOOOOOOOOOO! thiss... thissum gus shite i tellyahwat...- anyway ye t- think its hardd? Boi lemme tell ye, im suppos' ta be the Foundation's WAIFU! And thossshshshsheee...ff... fUCKs go after... (sighs) the fuckin' furrybait shy girll
Sonic.exe: prEaCh girl, thats... thatsh whut ye learned from whenyou uh... l-lived in a c...hurch
Epon: y-yuh cause like... me father's alto cLef yknow??? He focken döömped me thaer! Me name meansh fucken MEESTÆK in HEBREw! Like???
Sonic.exe: at leASt yer creatorshnot a fuken EDGELORD! HAAAAA
(They both drown the cringe in alcohol)
Herobrine: the top sniper of the Creepypasta Unit and the Second Knight of the Apocalypse everyone. (Disappointment intensifies)
Tumblr furry: hang on, i get to stay AWAKE and it still counts as anesthesia?
Aubergine Man: its some SCP shit but its actually harmless (turns on red lightsaber) anyway, you said you wanted to transition?
Tumblr furry: yes pls i need the gender euphoria
Aubergine Man: Based.
Aubergine Man: also you get a free blåhaj after gender-affirming surgery and you get three months of hormones free of charge, but then you need a renewal service and depending on the fandom the price can change-
Gaster (from the storage room): afton PLEASE dont advertise during sURGERY
Orochimaru, all the way from the office: yeah! Its annoying!
Aubergine Man William Afton: ah whatever, anyway time for some personalized genital moddding :D
Eric: so... uuhhh
Kyle: no, i wont tell anybody WHAT you used as the generator for dickinbaus
Butters: you promise?
Kyle: considering that i just saw 30 SCPs taped toghether to generate infinite energy from a taco-bell induced diharrea attack from cartman, yeah
Eric: good.
Eric: so... (looms at butter) you wanna do a nuclear warcrime? I want to staple a nuclear reactor to the dickinbaus
Butters: yeah! Nuclear energy!!!
Kyle: what the fuck is wrong with you two
Pomni: what is this... white space?
Ink: welcome to the anti-void
Uncle grandpa: its basically an infinite canvas at the bottom of the undertale multiverse.
Dr.bright: its also a physical version of the Noosphere
Pomni:... a- (spontaneous combustion)
I fucking told y'all
(All the charachters that ever canonically knew or had access to a "white space" like the undertale anti-void/uncle grandpa "intermission space" proceed to nod, agree, and talk about how such a simple concept is THIS complex apparently)
MONIST-1 RA: when i discovered that "Deimos" is also the name of a Madcom Charahcter i... genuinely liked this rock even more
Metat Aun: some people compare me to a scene of an extremely ancient cradle film... "2001 space odissey"... whatever tf that means
P.O.L.L.V.X.: a pilot canonically "pacified" me by having yaoi seggs with me
(Everyone embarassed)
Lancer!Alex (callsign ALPHA): (face bursts from pavement like he got shot from a basement or shit) and i would do it agaaain~
(All NHPs are now currently screaming in abject fear at the UwU NHP-Fucker pilot)
Collector: why are we in ukraine?
Sonic.exe: i wanna teach you how to use a sniper rifle by killing some REALLY bad russian generals
Collector:... considering my lore, i would like you to define "bad"
Sonic.exe: the one we're "hunting" rn? He kills 10% of his squad every time they lose. And they lose A LOT.
Sonic.exe: were using Alex's "special ammo". This one is .65 BMG, Telekill/Depleted Uranium anti-tank DARPA. And theyre encased in fucking NuclearCraft Extreme Alloy. Because the powder used is so reactive it makes caesium and water look like a fart in a kids cartoon.
Collector:... (realizes that theyre basically launching nukes out of a customized-af barrett) what the fuck is Alex ON when he does these things???
Sonic.exe: the autistic spectrum
Collector: oh yeah right
(48??u or something idk)
Xian Xiaoli: i need a melee weapon but all i have is the pieces to make a shotgun the size of a Barbarossa!
RA, from a busted radio: then do it?
Xian: how???
RA: let me use my Funny OP-plz-nerf Paracasualty Powers
Xian Xiaoli: (MONIST-1 RA enlightened noises)
Xian Xiaoli: (shudders) whOOH! That actually felt kinda good... thanks!
RA: any day girl!
Shinji: just so you know, i figured that you didnt wanna do this to "save humanity"
Kaworu: how did you know?
Shinji: Kaworu, we have been lovely breeding each other for 6 hours straight. Its 2 AM and were naked under the covers while we cant feel our S H L O N G S anymore, this is TOO gay to be a "world-saving effort", and honestly?
Shinji, fully embracing kaworu: i wouldnt have any other way ❤️
(They then kept being lovebirds throughout the entire night. Rei was the only one who knew about this but shes based enough that when Asuka asked her she roundhouse kicked her into the wall) (because rei is THUG LIFE BAYBEEEE)
SCP-096: wait, WHAT
Umbral: yeah, my name is like this because he thought "Number 96" sounded dumb. And one day he goes "actually when I watched the anime i never figured out your name" SO NOW HERE WE ARE!
096: at least its a good name...?
Betê Noire betty: please tell me you're joking.
Bright: yep. Were now Alex's OCs because our creatore were associate with Predators
Betty: what
Bright: yeah hes like that
Bright: yep. He has good intentions, but sonetimes the way he goes about them are... excessively violent.
Betty: and he excuses his mistakes with autism?
Bright: only when its ACTUALLY the autism
Hank: no you dont get it- Rye is the girlfriend, and Chelsea is the emoticona support pillow
Chelsea: exactly
Rye: (whispers to chelsea) wait so we take turns?
Chelsea: (whispers back) yeah girl, i got the assets but you got the wholesome
Rye: (whispering) aww tysm
Hunter: honestly nice UNO win there, anyways why are we in your room and what did you mean by "taking your rewar-"
Willow: (stretches Vine like whip)
Hunter: (blushing HARD) oh shit-
(30 mins later, in the living room)
The collector: (staring right at Luz and Amity with the eyes of somebody that is 👌 this close to SNAPPING.) this is what i hear every fucking time i just wanna play pokemon in PEACE, and you two decide to give more material to the "next generation" part of our fandom.
Monika: ok no seriously Alex, your mom is right- YOU CANT BUY MORE YUGIOH DUDE STAHP
Need content for unboxing. ( ◕_◕)
Monika: (mental breakdown) why are you like this
Bright: i still feel you did something REALLY stupid
Clef: RE-LAAAAAX. Alex is a literal eigenweapon but he has a moral compass, hes gonna go there and do the job
Shaw: clef. You basically unleashed the only thing that can kill 682 (and then ressurrect it for "natural order" bullshit) on a small CI platoon that managed to get SCP-882.
Shaw: you sent a nuclear bomb eater to recover a nuclear bomb from nuclear thieves
Clef: (realizes that he is gonna be the reason the Veil is gonna be used as a hanging rope for the CI) fuck.
Epon: why does my "knight" form... excite you so much
Sìgurros: girl, look me in the eyes and TELL me that "fiery war goddes of bare-handed murder with toned abs and large bazonkas" isnt peak waifu
Epon: (teary-eyed from the compliment) t...thank youuuu 🥺
Sìgurrós: exactly :3
Benjamin kirby Tennyson: i feel like i am forgetting something important
Rex salazar: well you know how the reference goes
Daniel Fenton: if you forgot then it wasnt important!
Ben: u guys are right :3 its probably nothing
(Meanwhile, a few trilion lightyears from earth...)
Alex (Gear5): Ğømü ģòmų ñô...
Divinity: (cant speak on account of getting fisted from across every fandom ever at once)
Belos: what.
Luz: yeah so... Alex is about to kill us all
Collector: and its all your fault
Amity: and YOU wanted to join forces with him
Odalia: yeah i know dear daughter, i mean- you get a girlfriend that is a human with less manners than a wild animal? Eh i can survive that. The literal emperor of the boiling isles being not only ugly, misoginistic and bigoted, but also a massive idiot? Oh titan NOPE
Hunter: yeah... considering what he did until now, if i knew he was THIS stupid i would have defected the instant i saw someone else even remotely smart
Eda: congratulations, youre a failure
(And then everyone died in a gigantic HBM mod themed explosion because yes.) (AND there was epic music behind it because here in italy we use sick beats as condiment for explosions)
Herobrine: between Entity303 using all our internet connection for yaoi, and SCP-4335 basically being kirby but with even less braincells?
Herobrine: better than the screming italians and their constant overkillage anyway
Bill: the what
Scunt player: what... ARE you?
Alex, omnitrix transformation 250 "team fortress" version SCOUT ultimate form cyberpsychosis scout: im... your upgrade?
Scunt player: that explains the green
Cyberpsychosis scout: those are a ben 10 reference
The entire fucking server: (peeks to see whats happening) what.
Jax: you know, i get that i need to be nicer to others...
Talloran: BOO! GROW A PAIR!
Jax: (crying in existential pain)
Lmao get rekt
Pomni:... why do i feel satisfied looking at this
Pomni: i want to kill.
Caine: what
Pomni: (looks right at caine) you will be the last one to see this place die.
Caine: what???
Ragatha: (blushing) woah uh-
Pomni: (points to ragatha) you shall reign over the aftermath of my fury.
Ragatha:... thats actually kinda hot ngl
Caine: WHAT THE-
049: im sorry what
1048: ok look we get it sounds weird but-
2295: we want to build an EVA unit!
(Downtime action "Go Diving", gain result 6)
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ALPHA: what the fu-
SCP-035: so uhm... if you ever need to know, SCP stuff is compatible with this setting but uuuuhhh... NOT the other way around!
ALPHA: i have questions and that wasnt one of them
Chara: why does the fnaf movie have a scene where a child does MY "eyes bleeding void" thing?
G. Freddy: in that film im the 「stand」 of a little girl and matpat is there to do the "just a theory" line. Dont ask wtf were the producers smoking
Sonic.exe after hearing about the "pissing on the moon" incident: yeah sure, like eggman actually DID that...
(A few hours later)
Sonic.exe: (traumatized)
Sonic: we told you.
Shadow: seriously, he was drunk, what did you expect.
Sonic.exe: (broken innocence noises)
Tails: is he gonna have that thousand-yard stare for long? I need somebody to debug a program...
Baby: i excuse the glorified dress-up but i draw the line at tHIS
Afton: (doing the California Girls meme as a mass of wires in the Vanny costume... all while the "proportions" are "exaggerated") this is how its fucken done :>
Gregory: really. THIS is the villain of the series?
Baby: the film removed all the nuance dear
Gregory: sick claw tho
Baby: ty
Cyana: (looks around)
Cyana: where the fuck am i.
Susie: kris where the fuck are we
Kris: this is the chernobyl reactor in 1989, we are here because Towa from DBXV wants to stop Boris The Slav Superstar to crawl out of Reactor 4
Susie: oh yeah, side gig at the dragonball time patrol, i remember
Kris: you need some Omega-3 girl
Susie: where the fuck do i find all that fish tho?
Kris: do i LOOK like i would know?
Herobrine: ma dici che qualcuno ci fa caso che noi due (come tutti) sappiamo l'italiano
Sans: seeeeeeeeh come se qualcuno ci facesse caso
Herobrine: la "libreria" a snowdin si chiama "librerbia".
Sans: ...senti un pò blockman-
Alex: im 70% sure this is normal
Cross: Alex, Xgaster is getting springlocked
Alex: yeah thats what i said
Xgaster: (suffering for his fandom crimes in an excessively graphic way)
Astolfo: being in the testosterone squad is actually really based
(postal dude does a terrorism)
Astolfo: i mean, the only reason im here is that all my testosterone went in my Monster Can and im also pretty sure its also a health problem for future me but hey i get to be the sniper because i have the lowest T of all the squad
Astolfo: (another Gmod explosion in the background) which is probably ANOTHER health hazard. but Duke smokes literal kilos of cigars a day, Postal dude heals using crack, and im pretty sure Slayer is like, 1% Biologically Human so im... probably fine!
Astolfo: we get full health benefits (not just dental) and we kill people as the most masculine team ever, so we're not getting bored anytime soon
(another fucking explosion but this time its CLOSER???) (boi wut dhehel boi)
Cimmerian: i have no idea WHY am i able to kill Alex by telling him hes wrong.
Cimmerian: and at this point? im not fucking asking.
Frisk: wait, how did we end up like this?
Betty: see, the thing is, Alex rewrote like three AUs toghether and taped them to eachother, and it WORKED. years later we do wacky adventures and right now were fighting plantera
Asriel, currently escaping from the funny omega flowey joke: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FU-
Frisk: yeah its the last part thats confusing
Chara (flying on a- thats a fucking jetpack): Dimensional Breach. we are going deep into Asriel's Terraria file to grab a zenith and unfuck things up back there
Frisk: ok... still doesnt explain asriel's starter weapon being a funny prism tho
Massive wave of mindustry drones all ominously chanting the "hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper" song:
Alex: so yeah, im gonna out-drone robotnik
Sonic:... compared to eggman, robotnik is fucking insane
Sonic.exe: and extremely pathetic
Sonic: exactly my (technically our) point, but still; Alex. WHAT THE FUCK
Sonic.exe: oh no hes doing that thing where hes both in and out of this reality
Sonic: fuck
Ink: so uhm... should we do something about that?
(SCP-3125 stuck in the threads holding the papers that make the Undertale Multiverse while other SCP gods try to pull him out)
Uncle sam: (turns out to be an immortal sarkic man that genuinely wants to help)
[REDACTED]: let him cook.
Vriska: 4r3 y0u 3v3r g0nn4 w47ch 0ur 53r135?
Tf do i know
Vriska: FU-
Shaggy: like zoinks scoob
Shaggy: we fell in the backrooms
Scooby: ruh roh
Rick:... tumblr is-
Emptier than you expect?
Rick: yeah.
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thegreatwicked · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @pickleprickle!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently seven but there will be more oe shots soon...
2. What's your total A03 word count? 149,505
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Star Wars and the DC verse are my top two, but I also write for Assassins Creed, the Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, and some Marvel.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bet You Wish You Had Me Back (Shane Walsh x FOC) SMUT one shot
Unbreakable Bonds (Obi-Wan x FOC) Slow burn, eventual smut/romance
Shadows of Deception (Roman Sionis x FOC) SMUT. SMUT. SMUT.
After the Storm (Hux x FOC) One shot; smut, sex polle troupe... kinda.
1001 Lonely Nights (Dean Winchester x FOC) Smut, one shot
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to you guys, your comments make my day and make me want to write more!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose it would have to be 1001 Lonely Nights, I don't currently have much angsty stuff right now but trust me thats about to change very soon as i'm dipping my toes into the murky Sith Obi-wan waters...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think it would have to be Bet You Wish You Had Me Back, and only because as of right now that story is complete.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I haven't but I'm sure theres someone out there with something shitty to say...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All the smut. All the time. Give me more of that sweet and spicy capsaicin.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't but there cold be a good one out there I haven't gottent o or discoveed. Truthfully I'm not a huge fan and I much prefer leaving fandom easter eggs for you guys to find.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but that could be fun!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Oooh... Thats tough, I love my OCs... But If i had to choose I'd say Bruce Wayne/Batman x Selina Kyle/Catwoman. The Bat and the Cat.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't really know, I have lots of WIPs and I think I'm doing an ok job on all of them writing fairly frequently, for me its simple matter of 'It''ll be done when it's done' but lovely comments do tend to speed up the process. ;)
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told my smut is very poetic and emotionally evocative and you can get a sense of more than just the physical interactions between the characters adn you have a feel for what they're going through and thinking. I've also been told I write very good first person. I like to write first person POV from established canon characters like Jason Todd, Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, etc because we don't often get a look into their minds and it's fun to wear their boots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I really don't know, I know I tend to bite off more than I can chew...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It depends, I have a story I'm writing from the POV of a British character and thats similar, but I feel like, if I can't do it right and believably then best not to do it at all.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Probably Lord of the Rings. MANY moons ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? It's a tie between Unbreakable Bonds and Shadows of Deception. I love them both because both OCs are different and both male leads; Obi-wan Kenobi and Roman Sionis are VERY different, despite being played by the same actor. That wasn't planed, I swear...
No pressure tags! @heyhawtdawgs, @split-spectrum. @firstofficerwiggles, @ladyinwriting18. @blueeyedheizer, @thenightmarketofdathomir @acciotwinz, @221bshrlocked. @littleredwing89. @murdockussy. @kittyofalltrades. @jedianjakenobi. @eloquentmoon. @amhrosina. @rebelbluerobin @anatee, @wickedscribbles on AO3 @thefamilybruno (you too, you fantastic writer you!)
If I tagged you then I've read your stuff and its amazing, have a lovely day you fantastic people you!
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elisysd · 13 days
7. Tell me why there's a wire in my brain that doesn't know the difference of love and in pain
Summary : Kyle Dawson would never be more than a childhood crush to Romy Schumacher and she had made her peace with that fact a long time ago. But when a drunken night leads her waking up next to him, new and old feelings come back to the surface and what started as a mistake quickly becomes an habit. Even if she swore to herself that she would never fall again for the world champion, her heart has other plans. After all, the heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.
If you want to be part of the taglist, please drop a message and I'll be adding you 🥰
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
TW: animal violence
Chapter soundtrack: Tears For Fun - Griff
She felt the morning sun hitting her face and sighed, content, before rolling over, enjoying the sheets on her skin until events of the night before made her open her eyes. She had overslept. She should already be gone. She was about to get up and put her dress back on when she felt his hand circling her wrist, forcing her to stay where she was. Kyle was awake, fully and for a while if she could judge it by how open his eyes were. He looked at her, without a word, judging how she would react before slowly letting her go. She blushed and slowly got out of the bed, putting her underwear on, then dress and shoes, very conscious of each of her steps, her breathing shallow as she was feeling his gaze on her, keeping track of her movements. When she was done, she awkwardly went to the door and that’s when she felt him behind her.
“You’re not leaving me again.”
“See, that’s why I’m always making sure I leave before you wake up. It’s making things weird.”
“I’m done letting you run away.”
“And I won’t have this conversation again.”
“Tell me why. Just tell me why you refuse to explore what we have. I’m not asking for a relationship Romy… I just want to know what we are.”
“I already told you.”
“No, you’re eluding it. Talk to me. Please.”
She sighed and bit her lip, avoiding his gaze. 
“I… I don’t do serious and committed relationships. It’s not for me. I like having fun with you but I can’t offer you anything else,” she said, hoping it would be enough for him to let go.
“Why? I’m not forcing you, I just want to understand,” he smiled softly, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You wouldn’t understand, Kyle,” she huffed.
“Let me try.”
“Because I can already read the headlines from there!” she finally erupted. “Romy Schumacher sleeping her way through the top. Or whatever shit they would come up with. Because according to them, that’s the only reason why I have a seat in F1. You don’t know how hard it had been for me when I arrived. Never again. I will never be dragged in the mud like I’ve been ever again. I don’t want to go through that. Once was enough.”
She was trying her best to brush it off, to not show how it still affected her but Kyle knew her. He could see right through what she desperately wanted to hide. And when he gently took her in his arms, she broke down.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone that story, probably not even to Julia, but when Seb arrived as a team principal in Audi, his only request was that I would join as a new driver. That was the only reason he would say yes. He is almost like a second dad for me, he is my mentor, the one who believed in me when other people would not. He fought tooth and nail to get me a seat because for a while Audi was very reluctant to take me in. But they really wanted Seb so they didn’t have much choice. When I was announced, a lot of important people from Audi preferred to leave rather than having a woman in their car and some talked to the media. Rumors were spread about how I got the position. It was everywhere, in every tabloid of every single country. I was apparently having an affair with Seb, he was cheating on his wife with a girl that could be his daughter. I was a homewrecker, a slut, a venal woman. And honestly, I could have handled that if it hadn’t been for the threats. At first, it was stupid comments under my posts and in DMs. But then some people managed to find my house, some tracked me out like I was a vulgar animal. Followed me, screamed nasty things to my ears. I had to get bodyguards for my safety but even that wasn’t dissuading the worst haters.
[TW] Once I was at Audi’s factory and a package was sent to me. Like it happens often, you know it. Fan letters and all… But it was not a letter. Gosh, I still dream about it sometimes. It was the head of a dog ,with blood and a few words written saying ‘you’re the next, bitch.’. [END OF TW]
I remember sitting there, mortified. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t talk. I had to be exfiltrated while the team was checking everything I received. After that, I had a huge talk with my dad and Seb. They were truly concerned about my safety. They seriously asked me if I wanted to keep going. Maybe it was the shock, I don’t know, but I said yes. I couldn’t let them win. I wouldn’t. If I was stepping down, what kind of message was I sending? There are so many girls who started racing because I was inspiring them. I couldn’t do that to them. So, I said that I was going to do it. I don’t regret it. But I would be lying to say that it didn’t affect the way I behave. I choose who I surround myself with, I choose what I show and I always think twice about what I say. One night stands are easy, there are no expectations. Relationships, on the other hand… You and I both know what would be said if what is going on between us was made public. It already lasted long enough”
Kyle didn’t know what to say. He knew what she had been through, he had read the tabloids. More than once had he needed to ask his team to stop talking about Romy in degrading terms. Sometimes, it was pissing him off to hear that his sport was still so unwelcoming to women. For months before and after her arrival, she had been the talk of the paddock. He never really understood why. For anyone who had watched and followed Romy in junior categories, it was obvious that she would end up in F1. She had won championships and for any other drivers it would have been more than enough to be offered a seat. 
“I didn’t know how bad it had been… Romy, I’m sorry. You were always so smiley.”
“Yeah. It was easier to build this whole persona with a nice smile and a bitchy attitude. If I  showed that I didn’t care, then people would get off my back.”
“You kept everything bottled up inside.”
“I had a good support system. Seb in first place. He really built the team from scratch, making sure I was in a safe and healthy environment.”
“Well, you have me as well. You don’t have to be strong all the time. You can lean on me. I promise I won’t go anywhere. I’m your friend first and foremost and if you really don’t want us to be anything else, it’s fine with me.”
“You make me feel good, you know. It’s easy with you. But I don’t have anything else to offer, Kyle. I wish I could, but I can’t lead you on. You don’t deserve that.”
“I take whatever you will give me, don’t worry.”
“That’s the thing. I know you would but I don’t want you to end up resenting me and, before you say anything, that is what will happen if we keep going like that.”
“I won’t resent you. I could never. I just wish you could trust me more,” he sadly smiled, his hand cradling her cheek as he kissed her forehead. 
Something seemed to shift in the air after their discussions. Romy stopped avoiding him and Kyle started to live in the moment and together, they developed a weird routine. They were having friendly interactions during the day, and passionate conversations that didn’t require much talking at night. And it was okay for them both. Romy also stopped fleeing before he was awake but he hadn’t tried to push her limits. He was doing exactly what he promised her, taking what she was willing to give. 
Time flew by until the Casa Grand Prix where, after an impeccable race, Romy had earned her first podium of the season and Kyle was almost happier for her third place than he was for his own win. Audi was improving. Fast. And a part of him started to get worried, maybe Lamborghini should put more risks into the car development. She was ecstatic and for a moment he wondered if she was not about to jump into his arms. But she didn’t, only giving him a bright smile. 
As they were waiting for the podium to start, she sat next to him and Kyle couldn’t help himself but to brush slightly her hand with his fingertips. He swore he saw her flinch and that reaction made him proud. It was little things that were happening sometimes that made him keep faith and hope that someday, they could be more. It was the way her eyes were often soft when she was looking at him. How she shivered when he was kissing her shoulder, how she was the one to send a goodnight text when they were apart. There was something. And he wouldn’t give up on it. 
He couldn’t help but look at her on the podium as she was holding her proud smile, in vain. He was sure she had tears in her eyes but she would never show it. And when the champagne celebrations started, Kyle made sure she would get a shower she would remember. If her smile was wide, it was even wider now and he swore they were the only ones up there. The rest of the world could wait. But he didn’t expect to see her giving him the same treatment with the same fervor. She was spraying him as much as she could, making him back down while laughing. 
“Stop! You’re making me blind with this thing!”
She didn’t listen to him.
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Going out seemed like an obvious thing to do to celebrate podiums. They had ended up in a bowling area, a bit last minute and the evening had felt nice until a fight between Julia and Ethan had broken down. After that, no one had the heart to party anymore and little by little the group had gone their separate ways. Only Romy and Kyle had stayed behind. 
“Well, what a day…” she said. 
“Yeah. If only our best friends could stop being this stupid. They are making it harder for everyone.”
“Do you think one day they will get along?”
“You know, I have a nice feeling about them,” he sighed, feeling tired. “I think the race and all the traveling got to me. My head is pounding.”
“You’re getting old,” she teased him. 
“Shut up.”
But he wasn’t joking or taking it lightly. His head was pounding like rarely. He had not drunk anything beside a coke. He suddenly felt the need to sit down but stumbled a little bit. He thought it had not been noticeable but when he felt Romy’s hand holding his arm and guiding him to a chair, he knew he had done a poor job hiding it.
“Just give me a minute. It’s nothing. I’m more tired than I thought, I guess.”
“Do you want a glass of water? Can I do something?”
He opened his eyes and took a deep breath before giving her a reassuring smile. 
“I’m okay. I already feel better.”
It was not entirely true but the last thing he wanted was to worry her. Her frown had not left her during the whole trip to the hotel and when he saw her pressing his floor and not hers, he joked about how he was not feeling good enough for spending the night together. 
“You’re not in shape to please a woman, you look like you’ve been hit by a truck, Kyle. You’re pale. I’m not leaving you alone.”
“It’s nothing Romy, believe me, it’s not the first time it happens.”
“And it’s supposed to make me feel better?” 
“It goes away quickly most of the time.”
“But not today. Don’t lie to me. I feel how you are leaning on me. You’re weak.”
“Jeez… thanks,” he gritted his teeth. 
“Don’t play male alpha with me. You told me a few weeks ago that I could lean on you, well now it’s my turn to prove to you that you can do just the same.”
When they made it to his room, Kyle didn’t take long before collapsing on his bed. He felt Romy removing his shoes and helping him get comfortable. 
“How long has it been going? The headaches and dizziness, I mean.”
“It started before the beginning of the season. It comes and goes. It’s probably nothing, I think being a world champion is taking a toll on me. Maybe I’m not handling the pressure as well as I thought.”
“Did you go to the doctor?”
“I’m not sick Romy.”
“Maybe not. But you never know.”
He finally opened his eyes and saw how worried she was and he felt guilty. She was supposed to be happy about her podium, not worrying about him.
“Romy, come here, please.” 
She sighed and came closer, nuzzling to his side as he brought her closer. 
“I’m okay, I promise. It’s nothing but if it can help you feel better, I’ll go visit a specialist. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
“It’s a bit too late. You would have collapsed if I had not been there.”
“I would have not,” he replied. 
“If it makes you sleep better at night.”
“Speaking of sleeping, you should get some. You can go, nothing will happen to me,” he tried to reassure her. 
“Bold of you to assume I will leave your side tonight,” she smiled, kissing his cheek. 
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Author's note: Romy's backstory is pretty horrible, I know. I just want to hug her and tell her she'll be fine. Not immediately though, I need to torture her a little bit more, but one day she'll be okay.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
Taglist: @smoooothoperator-admin
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Please tell me more about Nina’s flat 🙏 I think it’s so cozy with fluffy pillows everywhere and maybe some flowers 🌺 is she into flowers and if yes what’s her favorite ones?!
Okay so it's a studio on the second floor of this older brick building. Price bought it for her but just tells her that he's owned it for years and doesn't mind letting her live there (Just secret possible dad things). I made this up quickly because I'm too lazy to open up Sims to design it.
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The doors on the one side of the couch lead to a balcony that she never locks. Simon makes a habit of climbing up and entering that way to try and scare her into locking it. if it is ever locked it's because Kyle did it.
The walls are a light blue grey color. The floors are darker, cool hard wood.
Big light pink velvet couch. It's honestly a bit too big for the space but she loves that she can stretch out on it. The rug is a taupey cream color and her coffee table has a glass top. She has a big tv that Kyle picked out (and turned motion smoothing off for) and his old PS4 sits underneath it with games and movies.
Her kitchen is pretty decent. She mostly bakes so her little pantry in the corner is filled with different types of flour, sugar, yeast, baking chips, measuring cups, scales, anything you can think of.
Her dishes are all mis matched because she is a fiend for the Anthropologie sale section.
She has a smaller tv on her dresser by her bed so she can watch bake off in bed. No, literally it's all she watches on that tv.
She likes flowers but is awful at taking care of them. Kyle regularly picks her up new ones. She doesn't really have a specific favorite but she likes bouquets that look a bit more wild, like something you would pick yourself.
Her flat always smells good. It's like her signature thing. It either smells like a bakery or something just warm and musky.
Ambient lighting only. If it's day time the blinds and curtains are open to let in light but the moment its dark she turns on a couple warm lamps around the flat. She has those color changing bulbs and will change them if Kyle annoys her too much. He knows to stop when she turns every light in the flat bright red.
The screen between the living room and bedroom is a rattan and paper.
Her bed has an iron frame with decorate headboard and footboard. She has a lot of pillows and sleeps almost a foot down from the top because of it. Layers of blankets, a comforter, sometimes a quilt if it's really cold. She refuses to pay for heating because "I'll put on clothes or lay in bed. It's not hard."
She loves decorating for Christmas and hosting parties. She has a little faux tree that she puts up next to the tv and decorates it with little food ornaments. She got matching stockings for her and Kyle with their initials on them even though she either spends Christmas with the whole Garrick family or Price, more often times both.
There's a chair in the corner of her bedroom that is just stacked with Jellycats. Most are gifts from Kyle but she also loves getting the little bakery type ones. He squares up with them when she's not looking and has gotten scolded for punching them.
"He started it."
"He's a plush croissant."
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Complete List of All My WIPs
You know when you’re bored and simultaneously procrastinating. Yeah.
Anyway, here’s a comprehensive list of my WIPs which are sorted by fandom. In order, it’s Gintama, DC, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and then some misc. fandoms. It’ll be updated as I get more WIPs. Few have playlists that I made for the fic specifically, or for the general ship/ characters.
(Edit: adding a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure section because I started it like a week back and already know I Will be having WIPs)
If any of you guys want to know more about any of the fics, just send me an ask. I’d be happy to answer. (*´▽`*)
1. The Misadventures of Mutsu and Sakamoto
Self explanatory, just a little comedic thing.
2. Everyone’s crazy about a sharply dressed man, or in this case… an idiotic merchant?
The only thing I've written for this is 'Essentially the story of different people realizing that Sakamoto is actually really hot.' I can't even say anything to defend myself, Chief.
3.Copper veins, Hands clenched tight
Kouka on Kounan fic. Follows different epithets she has throughout her life [The Blessed, The Cursed, The Lonely, The Master of Kounan, Kouka]
4. Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep 
Premise has huge spoilers so I’ll just give a sparknotes version - Takasugi fakes his death, manages to piss off Sakamoto, Zura, and the entirety of Kabukicho.
5. Digging too Deep 
Sakamoto thinks about his childhood, realizes its more messed up than he thought.
6. As Winds Pass By 
Also has huge spoilers in its premise. Sparknotes version is that this takes place in a world where the canon ending of Gintama happened, and then the second movie's premise of the epidemic happens. Somehow, in the midst of all of this, Sakamoto realizes that he's now immortal.
7. For all the stars in the universe (I was entranced into orbiting you) 
 Atmospheric 2nd person fic following Sakamoto and his unrequited love towards Gintoki. Lots of space metaphors.
8. A person by any other name would still be just as stupid 
Absolutely no clue what's it about, I have written a page though.
9. You know you have cool friends when you guys would be considered an invasive species
My Hero Academia crossover where the Joi 4 get dropped into the MHA universe, get annoyed at the league of villains and decide they're gonna create a better one. A very crack-y fic.
10. Star Eater 
Sakamoto isn't quite human. follows his life from birth to just after the end of the war. I have been half-jokingly calling it my magnum opus.
11. Kakashi’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Posted, will update)
Naruto crossover where Kakashi gets dropped into the Gintama universe. No I have not abandoned it, yes it has been like 3 years since I last updated.
12. Unfridged (Reforged)
Alexandra DeWitt’s journey as a ghost through Greek lands, with Nyx (?) wanting to her to be their presence in the real world, but she has to go through trials before she can do so.
13.  Mirror Mirror On the Wall
A Hal Jordan angst fic grappling with identity. Written in second person and has the style of ‘Bluets’ but focuses on green.
14.  It Will Come Back
In the 25th century, the wards around Gotham keep out creatures that for some reason only Booster's family can see. The 21st century doesn't have those kind of wards.
15. Fingers Entwined, Hearts in Beat
An Orpheus and Eurydice TimKon au. Angst is at full throttle.
16. Top Gun Superboy (working title) Top gun AU with Kon as Maverick and Tim as Iceman. 
17. And I’d Make A Deal With God
Booster Gold grieves over Ted in their shared apartment.
18. Fire of Unknown Origin
A Bioshock au. Jason and Kyle are trapped down in Rapture. Separately, they both figure out that someone is acting as 'Atlas', a freedom fighter who is supposed to be long dead. After a chance meeting, they decide to work together to figure out what the hell is going on.
19.  New Wave Starhunters
A Cowboy Bebop AU. Both Jason and Kyle were cryogenically frozen after two separate accidents years apart. Kyle loses all his memories when he wakes up. Jason remembers, but it has been long enough that everyone he's ever known and loved is dead. They both end up as bounty hunters, and this is their story.
20. Fleeting Touch 
Hal's a ghost stuck in the apartment he used to live in. Barry moved into his new apartment two weeks ago. Can I make it anymore obvious?
21. It's Gettin Hard, this Holdin' back
Just a fluff piece where Barry notices how often Hal touches him, and starts to become hyperware of it because he has a crush on Hal.
22. In the Cracks Beneath Our Feet 
 A Pacific Rim au set in the early days where Jagars where piloted by one pilot. Hal witnesses the destruction of Coast City by Cyborg Superman, but the whole thing is covered up by the board of directors. Hal lashes out at the, and as a result he is put on increasing dangerous missions to get rid of him. They also get Barry (who figured out the one person system is severely harming pilots but isn’t allowed to go public with the findings) to monitor his health and to attempt to ‘spy’ on him. They both ending up slowly realizing the other also hates the Shatterdome and try to fight the corruption of the place. 
23. Wasted Sunset, Forlorn Sunrise [Complete!] A 'the summer hikaru died' au. Hal as Yoshiki, and Barry as Hikaru. Worked on this for the HalBarry Big Bang 2023 in collaboration with @chocolateteapotsvis ! You can see the accompanying art here.
Bonus [Complete]: And One Day Closer to Death Fic I worked on for the Superboy Superzine. It's late at night. Kon contemplates.
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Museum au - gojo is a new museum curator (for art pieces) and geto is the ghost that haunts it (with no memories of the past).
25. At the Tip of Your Tongue, In the Back of Your Lungs
Second person Gojo POV, following the timeline from when Gojo and Geto meet for the first time till the end of the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie.
26. An Endless Sea
A SatoSugu Pacific Rim Au. Also set in a time before the two pilot drift technology was developed. They’re the greatest pilots in the world until Riko and tengen’s mission where they had to protect Riko goes wrong. Gojo becomes even more stronger with his Jager after the mission, but Geto seems to find his limit and has to have a specific number of missions he can go per day. Geto centric.
27. Jujutsu Textin’ (Posted, but still updating)
A modern day twitter fic where most of the characters are in college.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
28. La Ciruela
It’s late at night, yet both Caesar and Joseph are here on this balcony outside. Joseph hides his heart well. Caesar pines.
29. You Gonna Do Something Killer?
....this is so embarrassing I can’t believe I’m adding it in. Caejose smut fic based on that tequila joseph tiktok and art. Joseph bets that he can seduce Caesar. Caesar- very stupidly, and already in love with Jojo - agrees to it.
30. Distant Dreams, Distant Hearts
Kujo family dynamics (Holly-Jotaro, Jotaro-Jolyne) centric fic with a focus on cards.
31.  Before My Body Is Dry (working title)
A Spiderverse au with a twist, with Jolyne as Miles and Jotaro as Jefferson Davis. 
32. Red Heaven, White Hell
A Daredevil exploration fic based on colours: red blood, red fights, red justice – white hospital, white crimes, white grief.
33. Time Wounds All the Heals (working title)
An Alex Rider (show) fic. A timeloop story where Alex keeps returning back in time, usually after he finds out Ian dies. Card games will be definitely used as some sort of metaphor.
34. The Oddball Blues
A comedy/ romance Giant Killing fic centered around Tsubaki and Kubota’s spare time in Abu Dhabi.
35. Biohazards, Ballistics, and Global Political Tension: An investigation into the impact of bio-organic weapons on modern society (Posted, but still updating)
Collab with @fangirl-on-fire3 ! A collection of accounts about different events in the resident evil universe in the format of a draft of a PhD report. 
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amporella · 1 year
HAI AMP… another (not very) mysterious anon (its just nana) here to give my two cents on the whole “is kyle/are the boys ‘worse’ than cartman” situation
i feel like people forget that characters don’t actually have to be characters if that makes sense? like characters can have a sole purpose of simply conveying a message instead of having to be a fully developed character with a backstory that contributes to their final goals and the way they are. for example, in romeo and juliet, the prince isn’t necessarily a fully fleshed out character, but a representation of justice within the play
in any case, like you said previously, cartman isn’t designed to be a character, he is more of an example if anything. his main purpose in the show is to be laughed at and ridiculed because of his amusingly stupid behaviour, and he frequently doesn’t ever have much good coming to him, and if he does it isnt for long, for example in cartmanland where he gets a million dollars and loses it in the same episode solely because he is stupid with the way he handles it; again, he is designed to be laughed at and mocked for how he behaved, and he is not a character that the audience is made to sympathise/empathise with at all
in conclusion: cartman is a racist, antisemitic asshole and is not meant to be compared to the other boys because their storytelling purposes do not intertwine with cartman’s. stan, kyle and kenny all have completely different roles and allegorical meanings to cartman and one would think this is a given concept but i suppose not ^_^
yours faithfully, nana
(also yes i sent this in as an anon ask because my sp blog is a sideblog… screams and cries)
THIS IS VERY TRUE AND WORDED VERY WELL... Cartman is one of those characters with a sole purpose, and he fills it very well! He's iconically evil; you'd be hard pressed to find more well-known despicable characters, given just how he's embedded himself into pop culture (speaking of pop culture, Spotify took his Poker Face cover off!!! which is very sad...). In that sense, he's a great, highly entertaining villain: it only becomes complicated once you try and take him as more than just that.
Him not being meant to be compared to the other boys is also a very good point!! Because he really isn't. Off the top of my head, it's much harder to think of a genuinely emotional Cartman episode, in the same way the other boys each have at least one of their own. I'm sure some people interpret some of his episodes that way, but in reality; he's just not a character the viewer is intended to feel legitimate sympathy for. It's why other characters (even in a satire like South Park) get episodes that showcases their more human parts (a great example is The Poor Kid, for Kenny), while Cartman essentially gets zip. His most humanizing episodes are still played off as jokes, because they're really not meant to be humanizing at all.
I've seen plenty of people who want to make Cartman more than that, which in theory, I don't have much of a problem with; it's when people begin twisting themselves into knots to justify why canon supports him as redeemable that issues begin to arise. It is surprising to me how many people love an evil character but want to take the evil out of him!! At that point, I don't think it's really Cartman anymore.
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