#and will probably go through the rest of the main questline as intended
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queerloquial · 7 years ago
me: yknow what, i dont need canon, ill use my own ideas
also me: loops said ideas back around to tie neatly into canon so that its like nothing was changed at all
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paigelts05 · 2 years ago
The Lingering Spectre ending - FNAF World OC’s Plot
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Published: May 27, 2021
The ending made for the FNAF world creator challenge on the FNAF amino. Must have completed the main questline for the Dusty Manor. The main questline for the dusty Manor ends with beating Rusty. You must have Springtrap, Shadow Freddy, Shadow Bonnie, Phantom Freddy, Phantom Foxy, Phantom Marionette, and Phantom Chica unlocked. You must have access to the Backstage (secret area from the Halloween update). This can be either done through the secret enterance at the start of the game or by getting the hard mode ending. You must get to the purplegeist fight, but before you enter the fight, you must have at least one of the Toxin Vials and one of the Targeted Mixes in your byte loadout. Here's where things diverge. 🦉 You are now en-route to the Lingering Spectre ending🦉 Purplegeist will immediately die to the toxin. When Chica's magic rainbow shows up, she will complain about the bumpy landing and the fight will go on as normal. Once the fight is over, instead of what would usually happen, you are sent back to just outside the Dusty Manor. Note that the game will automatically save after arriving back at the Dusty Manor, and when you exit and re-enter the game, you will always spawn in the Manor from now on and all of the places on the 'jump' menu are blocked off. A cutscene will play between Belladona and Springtrap. Cutscene 1. Uses normal layout. Belladonna: "It worked, but that geist was no more than a lump of code made to emulate him. But it works." Springtrap: "And what do you intend on doing with this information?" Belladona: "Take the code I made by brewing these poisons here and export them. Use Rusty to find him, and the rest will play out as you just saw. One drop of poison should be enough to erase him." Springtrap: "interesting. I never knew that virtual beings could be properly poisoned. I always saw it as damage over time that decremented a variable, but to damage the virtual being itself outside the constraints of its own code. To erase it. I have no doubts that you will succeed." Cutscene end. A second cutscene will then play between Shadow Freddy and Oxana: Cutscene 2. Uses normal layout. Oxana: "So, whilst I feel that we haven't scratched the surface of what this world's troubles are, our poisoners over there seem to rather content." Shadow Freddy: "I don't think that we will be able to scratch the surface of what is going on here. I don't even know if we have done all this before. But if we are to begin the hunt for the purple menace, who I believe we all know who you're on about, we need to make haste." Oxana: "Agreed. We also must ensure that those we take with us have forms outside of this virtual world." Shadow Freddy: "Whilst everyone came here initially as a refuge from the outside world, there are many whose memories have deteriorated to the point where this world is thier whole reality. But I know six of us who still have memories." Oxana: "And I make eight, so we should have a whole party loadout." Shadow Freddy: "Eight?" Oxana: "So you don't know about my mole? Cecilia. Or as you know her, Phantom Chica. She's more alive than your phantom friends, but has a hard time staying in her own body." Shadow Freddy: "I see. Now, what do we do?" Oxana: "I'm not sure. Let's head to the study. I have probably written something about getting out somewhere." Cutscene end. After the cutscene ends, party composition becomes limited to Springtrap, Shadow Freddy, Shadow Bonnie, Phantom Freddy, Phantom Foxy, Phantom Marionette, Phantom Chica, and Oxana Olwen. The next thing to do is to head to the Manor and to the study, going back through the back wall of the main hall as always. When in the study, another cutscene will start, this time, using the overworld as a backdrop, placing the whole party around the study. Text boxes appear at the top of the screen and the tail of the text box denotes who is talking. Cutscene 3. Uses new layout. Phantom Foxy: "So, why is it just us lot?" Belladona: "Because the others have no memories left of outside this virtual world. I'm no fighter, so I can just tag along behind." Phantom Foxy: "Lucky there was only this many of us then, hu." Phantom Chica: "If there were more, I'd have taken charge of a third party. Only eight units and an NPC means we can all stick together without having to crack this world open." Oxana: "I found it. I'll just let everyone now, even if we escape, part of us will remain here. Albeit just a shell, but everything we do leaves code fragments behind. These are basically memories, so don't freak out, but these memories can be accessed and played back. Including what I'm saying now. Also our departure won't effect this world in any major way due to these code fragments behind left behind. What we are going to do will only truly happen once, but outside observers of this virtual world may watch this happen over and over again if they so please." Shadow Bonnie: "So we don't have to worry about this place imploding behind us. That's what you're saying." Oxana: "Precisely. No end of the world scenarios today. We can take as long as we need." Cutscene end. After this cutscene ends, you are playing as Shadow Freddy, with the party plus Belladona and Rusty all in the study. You can talk to the other characters and should, as you can't leave the study until the next bit of story progression has been made. Talking to another character will trigger a text box like the ones from cutscene 3. Attempting to leave will have Shadow Freddy say "I can't leave. I'd just get myself killed." Talking to: Springtrap: "I personally can't wait to find and erase that monster. There are many people who want him gone, and I guess I'm just another name on the list." Belladona and Rusty: "Rusty's been doing pretty well. Did you see the strange exit in the flipside to the lab? I think that's our way out." "Coo" "Rusty thinks so too." Shadow Bonnie: "No wonder you're so weak, spreading yourself across worlds like this, even if this one is virtual. Surprised you've not shorted out already." Phantom Freddy: "I'm going to be honest. I was lost when I got here and I'm still lost now. I hope I'm not a burden." Phantom Foxy: "Finding things here is tough. I mean I like a challenge, but walking through walls isn't something I've ever had to consider." Phantom Marionette: "I just want to go back to somewhere I know. Adventure is fun, but even the most intrepid explorers get homesick eventually." Phantom Chica: "I can't believe nobody noticed. Well, nobody even asked, and I understand why someone would be against sharing thier true identity here." Oxana Olwen: "Hmmm. Makes sense makes sense. And if that goes there then in theory it should work. As for that..." Talking segment end. After these conversations, regardless of the order, Oxana will speak up in a fourth cutscene. Cutscene 4. Uses new layout. Oxana: "I've got it. Belladona, are there any instabilities in the passage you opened to your lab?" Belladona: "Yes. Between second layer coridoors 2 and 3. The walls lack collision and there is a glitched exit in the centre." Oxana: "Can you do anything with it?" Belladona: "Yes, but it'll probably be a one way trip." Oxana: "It's not like any of us were able to get out the way we came in, so why would it need to be anything else?" Belladona: "Correct." Phantom Freddy: "Wait, aren't you a novelist? How are you going to bring your manuscripts with you?" Oxana: "Thank you for the concern, but what I write here is stored in external documents, so that's already been dealt with. Aren't you forgetting that this world is - at its core - virtual?" Phantom Freddy: "Right. And I'm guessing Belladona has a way of getting Rusty out of here too." Oxana: "Yes. The fact that she was made to be taken out of this world and put into another system was likely what caused her all that pain in the first place." Phantom Freddy: "Cool." Shadow Freddy: "So I assume we're going back to the flipside then." Belladona: "As soon as I've sorted out the exit point." Cutscene end. You now need to make your way down to the kitchen. You may modify the party, but any playable characters that are not the eight specified earlier are blacked out and unselectabe. This means all you can do is change party order and switch who is in party 1 and party 2. Any bytes and chips you have may be switched out as normal. Upon arriving at the kitchen, Belladona is already there. Approaching her starts the next cutscene. Cutscene 5. Uses new layout. Belladona: "Right, I've isolated it. I just need a few things. The exit point doesn't work as I want it to at the minute, so by default it'll still send you back up here. I need a few things from my lab, and a few things from up here." "From up here, I need a quill from the bedroom, a jar of poison I hid in the bathroom, some flowers from the landing, and a plate from the dining room. Then you can accompany me to my lab because I have a hunch that there are some things in this world that won't be happy with us trying to leave." Cutscene end You now need to go around the Manor, collecting the items specified. Talking to Belladona before collecting these will make her say "A quill from the bedroom, a jar of poison I hid in the bathroom, some flowers from the landing, and a plate from the dining room. Do you need to buy anything." This time, Belladona sells all the bytes and armour add-ons as a way of compensating for the fact that now you are locked into this ending and can't leave the Manor. During this search, it's recommended that you do some level grinding, as these party members may be a bit underleveled. Enemy health and exp yield will be scaled to the leading member of the first party. After obtaining a the necessary items, you need to talk to Belladona again. Cutscene 6. Uses new layout. Oxana: "We've got it." Belladona: "Great. Now to get to my lab." Phantom Chica: "I sense that something is already there. I feel that it may attack us as soon as we enter. We can't be taken off guard." Oxana: "Right. Stay alert everyone." Cutscene end Now you can enter the glitches item in the kitchen again. However, before you do this, you can talk to Belladona to access the shop, and you may still encounter enemies in the kitchen, so it is recommended you get everything you need now, as there are two major bosses coming up and only one more opportunitiy to get anything after this point. Upon entering the flipside, you need to follow the same directions as last time to get to the lab. Exiting via the secret exit will take you to the kitchen. Upon entering the lab, a short cutscene will play Cutscene 7. Uses new layout. Phantom Chica: "I knew it! Look out!" Cutscene end A battle against the first main boss of this ending will begin. This fight is against Firewall. The first of the two bosses with a fourth wall breaking name. Firewalls attacks are 4th wall and alarm. He only has these two moves, but spends most moves performing basic attacks. After the boss fight, a longer cutscene will play. Cutscene 8. Uses new layout. Phantom Chica: "Just as I predicted. I bet this is just the first of a slew of creations designed to keep us in. Get what you need, then get us back to the main Manor so we can proceed." Belladona: *Rummaging through lab equipment* "Got it. That's all I need. Back to the Manor in 3, 2, 1!" Cutscene end You are then immediately sent back to the enterance hall of the Manor. Upon entering the kitchen, another cutscene will play. Cutscene 9. Uses new layout. Belladona: "Ok. Now I can deal with making the path out of here." Phantom Chica: "Be quick about it. We are liable to be attacked again." Belladona: "Alright, alright, I'm on it. Give me a minute." "..." "Damn it. I just need one more favour, ok?" "Remember the buttons you used to get to the study the first time you met Oxana? I need you to press all the buttons. Order does not matter. Just get them all pressed, then I should be able to activate this." Cutscene end After this cutscene is you last chance to gain any levels or buy any equipment that you need. You must go around the Manor pressing all the buttons that you found when going through the Manor the first time. Order does not matter, just get them all pressed. Returning to Belladona before pressing all buttons will bring up the shop. Returning to her after will trigger a small cutscene where she asks "Ready?". Replying "No" will take you to the shop. After selecting ready, Belladona will say "This is the point of no return. Are you sure you're prepared?" Selecting yes will cause the next cutscene to start. Cutscene 10. Uses new layout. Belladona: "I take it that everyone is ready." Eight text boxes appear that say "yes" - one for each party member - and one that says "beep" for Rusty. Belladona: "Good. Let's go." The party then enters the glitch in the kitchen. Cutscene end After entering the glitch, all exits that aren't the secret exit will take you to the start of the Manors flipside. Navigate to the second lower layer coridoor, and you should be able to see a bright glitch. A text box says "there it is!", And then you can continue. Go to the third corridor, and you will be able to walk through the wall towards the glitch and enter it. This will take you to layer 3, and the start of 'The Maze'. Layer three is a straight line forward, and will take you to the red layer where OMC lives. A cutscene will start. Cutscene 11. Uses new layout. OMC: "What in the-" Belladona: "Relax, were just passing through. It is not my fault that your layer is closest to the way out of this place." OMC: "You just completely changed the layout of my domain." Belladona: "I just added a few coridoors. And how about instead of fishing whilst lamenting the loss of that cowgirl you fell in love with before you died, you come with us? Maybe you'll be able to find her." OMC: "We have already located eachother, and she choses to remain out there to guide the dead, I stay here. Sayonara." Belladona: "Goodbye." Oxana: "So, where does this path begin and where do we go?" Belladona: "Down there, and the way to the way out should be nearby." Cutscene end You now need to navigate the maze's red layer. It's not much of a maze, and taking a wrong exit just takes you back to being across the lake from OMC. After finding the correct exit, you will be at the final room. There is a glitch at the end of the room, and it looks like this is the way out. Upon arriving at the final room, a cutscene will play Cutscene 12. Uses new layout. Belladona: "Here we are! And look at that portal. I made that! It isn't much of a looker, but functionality wise, it does its job." Oxana: "Then let's get going." *The party takes a step towards the portal and the room shakes* Phantom Chica: "Damn it! I knew it wasn't going to be this easy. Everyone! Look out!" Cutscene end. The cutscene then fades out into the fight with the final boss of this story. Breakpoint. Breakpoint has three moves: Fourth Wall, Alarm, and Bin-Aray. Bin-Aray is a high damage single target move. It will likely kill whoever it hits, so make sure you have giftboxes up as often as possible. After defeating Breakpoint, there will be one more cutscene. For this cutscene and after, you have no control over anything other than progressing the text. Cutscene Final. Uses new layout. Phantom Chica: "Phew. That was tough. At least we made it. Everyone alive? Sound off." Eight text boxes appear on screen. One for each party member saying "here", minus the one who asked, one for Belladona, and one for Rusty, whose text box says "beep". Oxana: "Let's get out of here before this happens again." Belladona: "Before anyone asks, I do know where this takes us. We will be in my real world lab. I will look different and alive. Oxana will look different and alive. Phantom Chica will look like a girl in a wheelchair wired up to half a dozen machines and half dead, but alive. I know the rest of you are ghosts or spirits, and you will resume your normal forms. The only one of us who won't be in my lab will be Springtrap, who will be wherever he was before he came to this virtual world. Here's the address of my lab. I want to check on everyone including you when we get back." Belladona approaches Springtrap, then moves back to where she was. Belladona: "Now let's get going. See you on the other side." All the characters approach the glitchy looking portal and the screen fades to white. A final message will appear on screen. "And so we left." "And to you, the player who has stumbled across our memory fragments." "I hope it's not too jaring to hear about a these 'memory fragments', and know you're basically watching someone's memories in program form." "And I know we've never met, and likely never will." "But after I checked on everyone - and rest assured, everyone is doing A-Ok back in the real world. They've adjusted back well, mostly going back to basically being guardians for still living loved ones - I figured that I'd give something to those who bear witness to our accomplishment. As I thought of our escape as some kind of ending to this story." "A happy ending, but doesn't everyone need a happy ending from time to time?" "So, for putting up with our memories, I give you one final snippet of code: a 'trophy', as you call it, so that you may remember what you saw." The game then exits to the main menu, and alongside the other trophies sits a new trophy: the Lingering Spectre trophy.
Lingering Spectre ending assets
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Published: May 27, 2021
The asset sheet for the maze, bosses, and trophy for the Lingering Spectre ending.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
On Ameridan's Trail
(Previous quest - What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric)
Main questline: On Ameridan’s Trail
Characters involved: Bram Kenric, Lace Harding
A spirit - in the guise of Inquisitor Ameridan's lover, Telana - revealed that Ameridan travelled upriver.
Part 1: Follow the river and look for spires. Follow the spire path to an ancient ruin.
(The Tevinter ruin can be seen in the distance.)
Party comments:
Varric: Well, we're up the river. That old Tevinter building must be what the spirit meant.
Sera: So. River, metal—just like the friendly spirit said. Great.
Cole: Yes. Upriver, spires, a place to pray and plan, one last night. This is it.
Solas: This must be the area the spirit referred to.
(Approach the ruin. It’s guarded by a large group of Hakkonites.)
Party comments:
Dorian: It seems the Jaws of Hakkon would rather we weren’t here.
Blackwall: Look's like we've stumbled on what they don't want found.
Cassandra: The Jaws of Hakkon must be guarding this place for a reason.
Iron Bull: We found something they don't want found.
(Defeat the Hakkonites and enter Razikale’s Reach.)
(Dorian has a unique comment about each Tevinter ruin. Here’s what he has to say about Razikale’s Reach.)
Dorian: Makes you wonder about the sad, mid-level bureaucrat who thought building an outpost here would be a career boost.
Part 2: Wait for Harding and Kenric to arrive. Investigate the area.
Kenric: This is brilliant! This must be what the spirit meant. Excellent find! From what I can see, this is an ancillary station, likely a scouting post for the larger structure to the east. What can it tell us about where Inquisitor Ameridan went? Hmm…
Harding: I got Professor Kenric here safely. The rest is up to you.
Kenric: Lady Harding was quite nimble in the wilderness!
Harding: I'll be watching to make sure the Hakkonites don't come back.
(Enter the main courtyard. There are strange tiles on the ground.)
Kenric: This is Tevinter, from well before the last Inquisitor's time. I understand they used such tiles as locks. Interesting, though not likely related to Ameridan.
(There are two closed doors on your right and left. In front of each door, there’s a smaller tileset, similar to the one in the center of the courtyard. They show two patterns.)
Kenric: I believe that shape relates to the tiles. If you could replicate the shape in the tiles, something... would happen?
(Once you press the tiles in the correct order, replicating the pattern visible in the smaller tileset, the corresponding doors open. Kenric has an additional remark after both doors have been opened.)
Kenric: Brilliant! Look at that!
(The following remarks appear to have been cut from the game, but they can still be found in the voice file connected to this questline. They might’ve been intended to occur during the investigation of the outskirts of Razikale’s Reach.)
* Kenric: Hmm, Dalish. Of course, modern clans often carry heirlooms—it may be from a Dalish clan passing through.
* Kenric: I've heard of such illuminations but only encountered drawings. Elven or the common tongue? It's not quite legible.
* Kenric: An Orlesian buckle. Unlikely to have been dropped by ancient Tevinters, wouldn't you say?
PC: Is this useful?
Kenric: (Laughs.) Merely interesting.
PC: That's... good?
(Continue exploring the ruin. One of the chambers is guarded by a magical barrier.)
Part 3: Find a way to take down the barrier.
(Investigate the inscription on the left side of the barrier.)
Kenric: This is elven. I believe it's the word for "light."
(Investigate the inscription on the right side of the barrier.)
Kenric: "Theneras." The elven word for "dream," I think.
Kenric: It's some sort of clue to this barrier. I'm not sure how…
(Find a veilfire source on the battlements. Use it to dispel the barrier.)
Part 4: Explore the chamber.
Kenric: Oh, well done. Well done, indeed.
Harding: That's something you don't see every day.
Kenric: A pair of shrines. This one is clearly Andrastian, albeit from a very early period, likely pre-Divine. But this is elven. One of their gods. Um, what was it...? "Every mother finds druffalo among sleeping juniper groves..." G-something, the one with the deer.
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: Every mother finds what? [2]
Special: That sentence is incomplete. [3] (Becomes available after following the dialogue branch [2] “Every mother finds what?”)
Elf: Ghilan'nain. [4]
History: Ghilan'nain. [5]
Special: Solas? [6]
Special: Sera? [7]
General: Focus, Kenric. [8]
[2] Investigate: Every mother finds what?
PC: What was that, every mother finds druffalo?
Kenric: Oh, it's, um, a memory aid to help me with the names of the elven gods. "Every" is Elgar'nan, "mother" is Mythal, "finds" is Fallow-something… (Coughs.) I was more focused on early Chantry history. I didn't really do elves. [Back to 1]
[3] Special: That sentence is incomplete.
PC: Are you sure that your memory aid caught all the elven gods?
Kenric: Well, there's only one "F", for Falon'Din. I suppose I forgot Fen'Harel.
(If Solas is in the party.) Solas: Most people do.
Kenric: This isn't him, though. It's one of the ladies, ah, obviously. G-something… [Back to 1]
[4] Elf: Ghilan'nain.
PC: That would be Ghilan'nain, Mother of the Halla. [9]
[5] History: Ghilan'nain.
PC: That would be Ghilan'nain, Mother of the Halla. [9]
[6] Special: Solas?
PC: (Looks expectantly at Solas.)
Solas: (Sighs.) Ghilan'nain. [9]
[7] Special: Sera?
PC: Sera, I don't suppose...?
Sera: I know things. It's Ghilan'nain. Ghilan'nain. Arse. [9]
[8] General: Focus, Kenric.
PC: Unless the deer points us at the final resting place of Inquisitor Ameridan, we can probably leave it for now.
Kenric: Right. Regardless of the deity, this is clearly elven. [Go straight to 10]
[9] Kenric: Yes, brilliant, thank you! That would have bothered me all day. [10]
[10] Harding: Two shrines for two lovers: Inquisitor Ameridan and Telana. Maybe Telana was an elf.
Kenric: Oh, yes, that's good! The Chantry expunged references to elves before the Exalted March on the Dales. They erased the Canticle of Shartan. They must have done the same to Telana. [11]
[11] Dialogue options:
General: That's offensive. [12]
General: That's normal. [13]
General: Is this where Ameridan died? [14]
[12] General: That's offensive.
PC: The Chantry should not rewrite history to cover up inconvenient truths.
Party comments:
Cassandra: Agreed. The Chant of Light should spread the truth, not suppress it.
Kenric: Regardless, the important thing is what this tells us. It's not a burial site, that much is obvious. [15]
[13] General: That's normal.
PC: It's only natural. History is written by the victor, after all.
Party comments:
Cassandra: Natural, perhaps. But not right.
Kenric: Regardless, the important thing is what this tells us. It's not a burial site, that much is obvious. [15]
[14] General: Is this where Ameridan died?
PC: Do you think this is where Ameridan died?
Kenric: No, this was a site of preparation, not burial. Ameridan and Telana put up this shrine together. [15]
[15] Harding: Look at those flowers. They're not native to the area. What if they were left at the shrine as an offering?
Kenric: Yes, a night of prayer before battle against the dragon. But then where, where… We're missing something. What are we missing? Where did you go?
Part 5: Look for more clues.
(Activate one of the veilfire runes in the chamber.)
PC: Professor, look at this: "Shartan 10:7" and "Transfigurations 10:1."
Kenric: Shartan is dissonant: "And before them, empty, outstretched lay the land which led to the gates of Minrathous." And Transfigurations is, "The Light shall lead her safely through the paths of this world." Why these verses? Why would Inquisitor Ameridan take the time to carve this before going into battle?
(Activate the other veilfire rune.)
PC: "The gates of Minrathous." Isn't there a Tevinter fortress in the area?
Kenric: Yes? ...Oh, of course, the ritual site! To seal the dragon away, Ameridan's elven mage must have used a spell, at a site of great power!
Harding: My scouts have checked the fortress. It's sealed behind a wall of ice. It has to be magic.
PC: Let's look around. Ameridan found a way through that ice, so that way should be nearby.
Part 6: Activate a trail marker.
PC: "The Light shall lead her safely through the paths of this world and into the next."
Kenric: Brilliant! When the Imperium abandoned this fortress, they left the wall of ice to—to... lock the door behind them?
Harding: And every lock has a key.
Kenric: Like these trail markers. Ameridan must have known how to use them. If they can melt through the ice, that must be where Ameridan sealed away the dragon.
PC: I'll follow the markers and see what we can find.
Part 7: Light all of the trail markers.
(Leave the temple and follow the trail of light across the Frostback Basin.)
Party comments when you activate the first trail marker in the forest:
First comment:
Cassandra: Are we certain these trail markers will burn through this wall of ice around the fortress?
Blackwall: Let's hope these trail markers can breach the wall of ice around the fortress.
Iron Bull: We sure these things will burn through the magical ice?
(If no companion makes a comment here.)
PC: Hopefully this removes the wall of ice around the Tevinter fortress.
Possible second comment:
Dorian: As long as the trail markers are still functional, we should be fine.
Vivienne: At least the trail markers appear to be functional.
Solas: Given that the trail markers retain enough energy to illuminate one another, I see no reason to worry.
Possible third comment:
Sera: No ice, still a wall. What about that?
Cole: But there's still a wall. Light doesn't make walls go away.
Varric: You think these things will get us through that giant fortress wall?
(After activating the third marker, you’ll have to cross the river by foot, which causes your companions to voice their dissatisfaction.)
Party comments:
Sera: Ugh, water everywhere. Everything is dank and chafy.
Dorian: Are we wading now? I'm so glad I came along.
Vivienne: It appears we shall be reduced to wading. Lovely.
Iron Bull: Looks like we're wading.
(If Varric is in the party, he always speaks at the end.) Varric: I don't know what you're complaining about. You're taller than I am.
(The path from the sixth to seventh trail marker is destroyed, so you’ll have to take a detour.)
Party comments:
Sera: The road is not a road anymore. Find another way, yeah?
Varric: 800 years is a long time to expect a path to stay pristine. We'll have to find another way.
Iron Bull: Rockslide took out the path. We'll have to go around.
Cassandra: The path is gone. We must find another way around.
Solas: The path has been destroyed. We will need to find another way.
Blackwall: With the path destroyed, we'll have to find another way around.
(Activate the ninth trail marker - one before the last.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: We are almost to the fortress.
Iron Bull: Not far to that old Vint fortress now.
Blackwall: That Tevinter fortress shouldn't be much further.
(The trail markers lead to the Old Temple where the Jaws of Hakkon burrowed in.)
(Dorian has a unique comment about each Tevinter ruin. Here’s what he has to say about the Old Temple.)
Dorian: Tevinter architecture at its finest. This just screams "I hated my parents and had no friends as a child," doesn't it?
(Activate the last marker and dissolve the magical wall of ice. You may attempt to attack the Hakkonites defending the battlements, but they’ll just keep coming and one of the male Hakkonites will mock your efforts.)
Hakkonite taunts:
Your gods are weak, Inquisitor! You will see the power of Hakkon when we destroy the lowlands! Can your lowland magic melt stone as well as ice?
Will you stay and wait, lowland fools? The walls are stone. They will not melt! (Laughs.)
The Jaws of Hakkon can hold this fortress until the winter snaps your bones!
The Jaws of Hakkon will bring death to you all!
Will you bring an army to breach these walls? We will destroy you all!
Your mother was a nug and your father smelled of elfroot!
Party comments:
Solas: This fortress is too well-fortified for a direct assault! We must find some other way inside! Perhaps Kenric will have a suggestion! (Or) Perhaps the Avvar at Stone-Bear Hold will have a suggestion!
Dorian: I don't see us breaching these walls. Could we try something else? Perhaps Kenric will have a suggestion! (Or) Perhaps our new friends at Stone-Bear Hold will have some ideas!
Cassandra: The fortress is too well-defended! We must find another way in! Perhaps Kenric will have some idea! (Or) The Avvar at Stone-Bear Hold may have ideas!
Blackwall: We cannot take this fortress in a direct assault. We must find another way! Perhaps Kenric will know something! (Or) The Avvar at Stone-Bear Hold have no love for these Hakkonites! They may have an idea!
Sera: Up the front isn't working. Find a different hole! (Laughs) I hate other people's arrows! Tell Kenric this won't work! (Or) We need friends! The Stone-Bears hate this lot—get them!
Varric: I don't think we're taking this fortress with a direct assault! Can we talk about it with Kenric maybe, somewhere we aren't being shot at? (Or) Anybody got a better idea? The Avvar at Stone-Bear Hold might have some ideas!
Iron Bull: No way we take this place by force! We need another plan! Maybe Kenric can tell us something! (Or) What about Stone-Bear Hold? Anybody can get in, it'll be them!
Cole: Too strong, too many! We need a different way! Kenric sent us here! He can send us somewhere else! (Or) The Avvar at Stone-Bear Hold! They want to help!
Vivienne: We are ill-equipped for a siege, my dear! Perhaps a change of tactics? Perhaps Kenric will have a suggestion! (Or) Our new friends at Stone-Bear Hold may be of some use!
(In case you have come across the Old Temple prior to this questline, you’ll still find it protected by a wall of ice, but with no clues how to dispel it, so you might hear some comments from your companions.)
Party comments:
Dorian: A wall of ice. Lovely. I don't see any way through for now.
Sera: Well. Not your normal... giant wall of ice. Maybe leave it alone?
Solas: This wall is magical in nature. Curious, though I see no way through at the moment.
Vivienne: This is obviously magical, and just as obviously impassable for now.
(Report back to Kenric after you took care of the ice-wall.)
General: I disabled the fortress wards.
PC: I used the trail markers to disable the wards on the Tevinter fortress. Unfortunately, the Jaws of Hakkon hold the fortress.
Kenric: The Hakkonites? Oh dear. That's going to make it difficult to study the area. Lady Harding discussed the other Avvar. They haven't been hostile. Do you think they might help? I'm sorry I don't have anything more useful. I like battles when they've been over for a few ages.
(Go to Stone-Bear and plan the assault with Professor Kenric and Svarah Sun-Hair.)
(Next quest - Ameridan's End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon)
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gamesception · 5 years ago
Vanilla Necromancer, part 1
Looking to play some vidya game.  Mostly I want to play Outer Worlds, but I don’t trust my laptop to run it, and if I have to play it on console I’d rather wait for the switch port.  Was playing The terrible Kingdom Hearts gacha game, but it tricked me into spending money one to many times so it got the cold turkey.  I’ll still react to the rest of the story at some point, but right now I’m bitter so no.  And I’m busy lately, so I need something dumb & mindless that I won’t mind dropping when Outer Worlds does release, so I don’t want to mess with Witcher yet.  So... what to play?
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Call me basic, because I am, but I always quite liked Skyrim, largely because necromancy is cool and Skyrim’s one of relatively few fantasy RPGs that let you go pretty hog wild with it.  Especially if you play it on PC modded to high heaven - perk overhauls that let you collect bones to build extra skeletons, expanded necromancy spells, playable lich transformation, re-worked college of winterhold to make playing a mage in general more interesting, build your own guild to recruit a necromantic coven, alternate faction alliances for non-hostile relationships with npc undead & necromancers, etc etc etc.
With all those mods tailored perfectly to my preferences, It’s maybe not surprising that, while I’ve played Skyrim a bunch, I haven’t played vanilla Skyrim since the game originally released.  But the convenient portability of the Switch is a good excuse to give it another go, and, looking back, even without all those mods it’s really surprising how much support there is for a Necromancer.  So here he is, Sellosus the Blind, named for a Necromancer D&D character I once ran who betrayed the party so spectacularly that he derailed the game completely and became the primary antagonist for the rest of the campaign.
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We god a nice, crotchety, grey haired, big bearded, spooky eyed old man.  Fantastic necromancer mancer material right here.  Nord isn’t the best for caster, necromancy especially.  Dark Elf is probably the best there, Breton’s pretty close, but for all the characters I’ve run through this game, I’ve actually played through either side of the civil war plot arc.  So Sellosus will be a Nord, to better fit into the Stormcast side.
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As usual, Alduin interrupts my execution.  Major goof on his part!.
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Ralof and I escape from dragon and Imperials alike, and make our way towards Riverwood.
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Along the way I attune the Mage Stone for an early game head start on leveling some of my key skills.  Ralof doesn’t approve, but it’s only temporary, so I’m sure he’ll get over it.
Of course, he’d approve of my main Standing Stone choice even less, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself
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We reach Riverwood and meet with Ralof’s Sister Gerdur.  They ask me to head to Whiterun to ask the Jarl to send aid in case the dragon comes to.  Fair enough, but I’ve got a quick side errend to run first.  But that’ll wait for next post, if I feel motivated enough to continue.
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So for the moment, here I am, Sellosus the Blind, novice necromancer.  Bit of a short start, so maybe I’ll throw in a few thoughts on this guy’s build.
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Obviously Magicka’s going to be Sellosus’s primary stat.  Conjuration spells are pricey.  Eventually this guy is going to be throwing out multiple expendable lackies per combat and that cost adds up.  So lots of Magicka, relatively little Health, very little Stamina.  Since I’ll be wearing robes instead of armor for flavor and style he’s going to be very fragile, but that’s ok.  Once his primary skills are running properly he’s one of the safest builds in the game.  Speaking of...
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Conjuration is obviously Sellosus’s primary skill.  All the explicitly necromantic spells are conjuration, as are most of the necromantic perks, both in terms of undead manipulation (summoning undead, animating corpses) and stealing souls to use for enchantment.  The school has four main lines of perks - boosting summoned elementals, boosting animated dead, enhancing conjured weapons, and discounting conjuration spells.
Sellosus will be summoning elementals a fair bit early on, but I won’t be taking any of those perks as in the long term undead use will replace all of that.  The undead enhancing tree sounds perfect but long term most of those abilities aren’t exactly worth while either... but Sellosus will still be taking them because the capstone ability to summon or animate two minions at once is amazing and a cornerstone of the entire build.  The conjured weapon tree will be useful as the bound bow spell will eventually be an acceptable in-school alternative to destruction spells for range damage, and one of the perks will automatically apply soul trap to targets hit by bound weapons, which is much more convenient than actively casting the spell in combat - though it will still have out of combat uses.  The discount line is useful because conjuration spells are just kind of pricey in general, and again Sellosus will eventually be throwing them about willy nilly.
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Another key skill for Sellosus is Enchanting.  In Elder Scrolls games, enchanting magic items is an inherently necromantic endeavor, as the energy that powers those enchantments come from captured souls.  Which is pretty cool!  Eventually Sellosus’s mastery of soul magic will allow him to create magic equipment that far exceeds anything found in the game naturally... with maybe one or two key exceptions.  That’s relatively late game, though.  I won’t be bothering with Enchanting too much early on.
The skill’s perk tree has three main paths - one enhancing elemental effects - which I might bother with for protection but... eh.  Another enhances the use and recharge of magic weapons and that’s just not Sellosus either.  But the center line greatly enhances skill & stat augmentations on magic equipment you make, and that will be huge later on.
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Another key skill for Sellosus will be Illusion, for a few reasons.  First is that one of the captsone abilities of Illusion is partially necromantic in nature - allowing illusion spells to affect undead (along with daedra & constructs) which are normally immune.  This will eventually allow Sellosus to pass through hordes of otherwise hostile draugers completely unhindered as the lesser undead fall under the sway of his dark magic.  Second is the relatively high level illusion perk that allows spells to be cast silently.  Combined with stealth enhancing illusion spells like muffle and invisibility, this will allow Sellosus to remain entirely unseen by enemies while conjuring wave after wave of summoned minions.  Third is to steal style points from one of the greatest undead arcanists in fiction, Adventure Time’s Lich.  The Lich was a powerful necromancer, but its greatest threat was the ability to manipulate the minds of those exposed to its magic.  With mastery of both illusion and conjuration, Sellosus will be able to turn his enemies against each other and then raise the corpses of whichever fall first to keep fighting until no enemies are left, making for a pretty sick play style all told.
Theskill tree has a discount line - useful because I’ll be casting the stealth spells a lot and they’re pretty pricey.  To maintain invisibility in combat I’ll have to re-cast it after every other action I take so yeah any discount there is appreciated.  Then there’s a line that enhances the level caps of the various types of offensive illusion and with the way they work those are pretty obligatory.  Finally there’s a line that enhances the effect against different creature types, and the silent casting perk falls in there, so once again obligatory.  Sellosus may end up getting every single illusion perk, the only skill tree where that’s likely despite conjuration and enchantment theoretically being more central to the theme.
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Sellosus’s last key skill is restoration.  This is a fairly minor skill in the build as I don’t plan on casting a lot of restoration spells in combat.  Again, despite the low hit points, once the build is working it’s extremely safe.  If all goes well my enemies should be slaughtering each other before they even catch sight of me. 
However, there are a few perks in restoration that will prove essential.  The ability to heal stamina along with health when casting restoration spells will help a lot with Sellosus’s lack of stamina advancement.  More importantly the ‘Necromage’ perk enhances the affects of all of your spells when used against the undead.  With the overall tone of the restoration school, this is obviously intended for virtuous wizards to purge the undead from skyrim with their destruction spells, but for Sellosus?  Sellosus will eventually *be* undead himself, at which point that perk will enhance the effect of positive magics he uses on himself, including that of any magical equipment he creates for himself.
So that’s the build, or at least the plan for it.  Even just in the perk trees, that’s already a lot of necromantic goodness to enjoy, and I haven’t even really gotten into the spells, questlines, & magic items.  Something to talk about later, if I keep posting this.
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Cyberpunk 2077: Every Romance Option in the Game
This Cyberpunk 2077 article contains spoilers.
In the grand tradition of Mass Effect and other RPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 does let you romance some of the notable characters you’ll meet during CD Projekt Red’s massive adventure. However, it’s entirely possible to go through the game without realizing that these romance options are available to you.
In fact, Cyberpunk 2077‘s romance requirements are so specific that even if you are keeping an eye out for the right opportunities, one false step can permanently prevent you from being able to pursue even a temporary fling much less a long-term relationship.
So while some romances are impossible to pursue unless you create a certain kind of character at the start of the game, it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the game’s available romance options if you want to avoid missing your chance at some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s most memorable interactions.
Judy Alvarez
Requirements: Feminine V Only
One of the internet’s favorite Cyberpunk 2077 characters is also one of the game’s most impactful romance options. However, it’s going to be a while before you can start a relationship with Judy. If you’re interested, though, (and if you’ve chosen a female V avatar) here’s what you need to do:
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Call Judy when prompted to during the main story.
Follow the Judy questline that becomes available a little later in the game.
During the “Pisces” mission, refuse Maiko’s plan.
Complete the rest of Judy’s quests to unlock the Pyramid Song quest. You’ll receive a pretty clear prompt asking if you want to make your move. Choose that option.,
The morning after, Judy will ask you what last night meant. If you want to start a relationship with Judy, say that it was the beginning of something special.
Not only does a relationship with Judy result in certain story alterations (which can include changes to the game’s multiple endings), but you’ll gain access to her apartment and an additional item stash.
Panam Palmer
Requirements: Masculine V Only
Panam is an interesting romance option as you’ll actually have several chances to flirt with her during the game’s main quest. However, she’ll refuse you every time. While it is possible to actually start a relationship with Panam, doing so will require you to complete this specific series of steps:
Finish all the main Panam side quests until she calls you and offers you the Riders on the Storm mission.
During Riders of the Storm, choose every dialog option that lets you flirt with Panam.
During the With a Little Help from My Friends quest, choose not to tell Saul about the plan. When Panam asks why you did that, don’t choose the option related to money.
During the Queen of the Highway mission, you’ll be able to make a move on Panam. Be sure to choose the “Oh yeah, let’s go” dialog option during this sequence.
At the end of that quest, kiss Panam when given the option to do so. This will properly start the relationship.
Much like Judy, a relationship with Panam can impact the game’s ending, but the significance of your decision to start dating her also depends on some of the other choices you make throughout the game.
Kerry Eurodyne
Requirements: Masculine V Only
Kerry is actually one of the “easiest” romance options in Cyberpunk 2077 as starting a relationship with him only requires the following steps:
Follow Johnny’s request to meet Kerry as part of the Johnny Silverhand questline.
Break into Kerry’s house to meet him and then follow the rest of the Silverhand questline involving Kerry.
During the Off the Leash mission, choose to flirt with Kerry when you have the chance to do so.
Accept the Boat Drinks side job and kiss Kerry when prompted to do so.
After the Boat Drinks job, you can choose to start a relationship with Kerry or make it a one-time thing.
Unlike Judy and Panam, starting a relationship with Kerry has less of an overall impact on the game’s ending and storyline. However, a few minor things will change if choose him as a partner.
River Ward
Requirements: Feminine V Only
River is by far the most unique long-term romance option as he’s the only potential relationship partner you won’t meet during the course of the game’s main story (at least based on what we know so far). While that makes it very easy to miss this character, you can start dating him by following these steps:
Accept the I Fought the Law quest.
By following that questline, you’ll eventually meet River who will offer you a side job called The Hunt.
This is where things get complicated. During The Hunt, you’ll need to keep River alive. That means you’ll have to find every piece of evidence in the braindance sequences included as part of this mission chain. If you miss any evidence, you can still save River by knowing that the name of the farm that you’re looking for is called “Edgewood.”
Do not leave River alone at the farm or he will die.
After completing The Hunt, indicate you’re interested in River when given the chance to do so.
Take the side job called Following the River. As part of this mission, you’ll have the chance to begin your long-term relationship with River.
While River doesn’t have as much of a possible impact on the game’s endings as some of the other potential partners, the side quest associated with this relationship is absolutely one of Cyberpunk 2077‘s best. As such, you’ll probably want to follow this path even if you don’t pursue intend to start a relationship with River.
Meredith Stout
Requirements: Masculine Corpo V Only
One of the game’s earliest romance options is actually easy to miss given the number of paths you can take at this point in the game. If you want to romance Meredith, though, here’s what you need to do:
Choose to make a deal with Meredith before The Pickup mission.
There’s some debate about this part, but it seems the safest play is to accept the chip that Meredith gives you and not decrypt it.
During The Pickup, choose to pay for the bot with the chip Meredith gave you.
Open the message that Meredith sends you after the mission and meet her at the motel.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty much the end of the Meredith romance line. There doesn’t seem to be a way to continue your relationship with her and it doesn’t have an impact on the game’s story.
Rogue Amendiares
Requirements: Any V
One of Cyberpunk 2077‘s most memorable quest givers isn’t a long-term romance option, but you can initiate a brief fling by following these steps:
Work your way up to the Tapeworm mission by following the main story.
Honor Johnny’s request to visit Rogue by taking over your body.
Following the quests and story moments that come after will eventually lead to Johnny and Rogue going on a date.
Rogue may not be a “commitment” romance option, but choosing to romance her can alter certain elements of the game’s ending. We don’t want to dive too much into those spoilers here, though, and it’s possible for this romance to not amount to much in the end if you decide to pursue other options near the story’s climax.
Alt Cunningham
Requirements: Any V
This is actually the only romance option that all Cyberpunk 2077 players will encounter during the course of the game’s campaign. Just follow the Johnny Silverhand story until you reach an early sequence involving Alt. It’s seemingly impossible to miss this romance unless you just ignore the main story entirely.
While brief (at least in the player’s mind) this relationship ends up playing a major role in the final moments of the game.
Requirements: Any V
We’re kind of stretching the word “romance” here, but Joy-Toys are Cyberpunk 2077‘s version of prostitutes. They’re clearly marked on the game’s map by the “lip” icons which will lead you to male and female Joy-Toys.
Your time with Joy-Toys will set you back a 100 eddies, and choosing to utilize their services will trigger a cutscene featuring nudity.
The post Cyberpunk 2077: Every Romance Option in the Game appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ndzTVH
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aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Cyberpunk 2077: Every Romance Option in the Game
This Cyberpunk 2077 article contains spoilers.
In the grand tradition of Mass Effect and other RPGs, Cyberpunk 2077 does let you romance some of the notable characters you’ll meet during CD Projekt Red’s massive adventure. However, it’s entirely possible to go through the game without realizing that these romance options are available to you.
In fact, Cyberpunk 2077‘s romance requirements are so specific that even if you are keeping an eye out for the right opportunities, one false step can permanently prevent you from being able to pursue even a temporary fling much less a long-term relationship.
So while some romances are impossible to pursue unless you create a certain kind of character at the start of the game, it might be a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the game’s available romance options if you want to avoid missing your chance at some of Cyberpunk 2077‘s most memorable interactions.
Judy Alvarez
Requirements: Feminine V Only
One of the internet’s favorite Cyberpunk 2077 characters is also one of the game’s most impactful romance options. However, it’s going to be a while before you can start a relationship with Judy. If you’re interested, though, (and if you’ve chosen a female V avatar) here’s what you need to do:
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Call Judy when prompted to during the main story.
Follow the Judy questline that becomes available a little later in the game.
During the “Pisces” mission, refuse Maiko’s plan.
Complete the rest of Judy’s quests to unlock the Pyramid Song quest. You’ll receive a pretty clear prompt asking if you want to make your move. Choose that option.,
The morning after, Judy will ask you what last night meant. If you want to start a relationship with Judy, say that it was the beginning of something special.
Not only does a relationship with Judy result in certain story alterations (which can include changes to the game’s multiple endings), but you’ll gain access to her apartment and an additional item stash.
Panam Palmer
Requirements: Masculine V Only
Panam is an interesting romance option as you’ll actually have several chances to flirt with her during the game’s main quest. However, she’ll refuse you every time. While it is possible to actually start a relationship with Panam, doing so will require you to complete this specific series of steps:
Finish all the main Panam side quests until she calls you and offers you the Riders on the Storm mission.
During Riders of the Storm, choose every dialog option that lets you flirt with Panam.
During the With a Little Help from My Friends quest, choose not to tell Saul about the plan. When Panam asks why you did that, don’t choose the option related to money.
During the Queen of the Highway mission, you’ll be able to make a move on Panam. Be sure to choose the “Oh yeah, let’s go” dialog option during this sequence.
At the end of that quest, kiss Panam when given the option to do so. This will properly start the relationship.
Much like Judy, a relationship with Panam can impact the game’s ending, but the significance of your decision to start dating her also depends on some of the other choices you make throughout the game.
Kerry Eurodyne
Requirements: Masculine V Only
Kerry is actually one of the “easiest” romance options in Cyberpunk 2077 as starting a relationship with him only requires the following steps:
Follow Johnny’s request to meet Kerry as part of the Johnny Silverhand questline.
Break into Kerry’s house to meet him and then follow the rest of the Silverhand questline involving Kerry.
During the Off the Leash mission, choose to flirt with Kerry when you have the chance to do so.
Accept the Boat Drinks side job and kiss Kerry when prompted to do so.
After the Boat Drinks job, you can choose to start a relationship with Kerry or make it a one-time thing.
Unlike Judy and Panam, starting a relationship with Kerry has less of an overall impact on the game’s ending and storyline. However, a few minor things will change if choose him as a partner.
River Ward
Requirements: Feminine V Only
River is by far the most unique long-term romance option as he’s the only potential relationship partner you won’t meet during the course of the game’s main story (at least based on what we know so far). While that makes it very easy to miss this character, you can start dating him by following these steps:
Accept the I Fought the Law quest.
By following that questline, you’ll eventually meet River who will offer you a side job called The Hunt.
This is where things get complicated. During The Hunt, you’ll need to keep River alive. That means you’ll have to find every piece of evidence in the braindance sequences included as part of this mission chain. If you miss any evidence, you can still save River by knowing that the name of the farm that you’re looking for is called “Edgewood.”
Do not leave River alone at the farm or he will die.
After completing The Hunt, indicate you’re interested in River when given the chance to do so.
Take the side job called Following the River. As part of this mission, you’ll have the chance to begin your long-term relationship with River.
While River doesn’t have as much of a possible impact on the game’s endings as some of the other potential partners, the side quest associated with this relationship is absolutely one of Cyberpunk 2077‘s best. As such, you’ll probably want to follow this path even if you don’t pursue intend to start a relationship with River.
Meredith Stout
Requirements: Masculine Corpo V Only
One of the game’s earliest romance options is actually easy to miss given the number of paths you can take at this point in the game. If you want to romance Meredith, though, here’s what you need to do:
Choose to make a deal with Meredith before The Pickup mission.
There’s some debate about this part, but it seems the safest play is to accept the chip that Meredith gives you and not decrypt it.
During The Pickup, choose to pay for the bot with the chip Meredith gave you.
Open the message that Meredith sends you after the mission and meet her at the motel.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty much the end of the Meredith romance line. There doesn’t seem to be a way to continue your relationship with her and it doesn’t have an impact on the game’s story.
Rogue Amendiares
Requirements: Any V
One of Cyberpunk 2077‘s most memorable quest givers isn’t a long-term romance option, but you can initiate a brief fling by following these steps:
Work your way up to the Tapeworm mission by following the main story.
Honor Johnny’s request to visit Rogue by taking over your body.
Following the quests and story moments that come after will eventually lead to Johnny and Rogue going on a date.
Rogue may not be a “commitment” romance option, but choosing to romance her can alter certain elements of the game’s ending. We don’t want to dive too much into those spoilers here, though, and it’s possible for this romance to not amount to much in the end if you decide to pursue other options near the story’s climax.
Alt Cunningham
Requirements: Any V
This is actually the only romance option that all Cyberpunk 2077 players will encounter during the course of the game’s campaign. Just follow the Johnny Silverhand story until you reach an early sequence involving Alt. It’s seemingly impossible to miss this romance unless you just ignore the main story entirely.
While brief (at least in the player’s mind) this relationship ends up playing a major role in the final moments of the game.
Requirements: Any V
We’re kind of stretching the word “romance” here, but Joy-Toys are Cyberpunk 2077‘s version of prostitutes. They’re clearly marked on the game’s map by the “lip” icons which will lead you to male and female Joy-Toys.
Your time with Joy-Toys will set you back a 100 eddies, and choosing to utilize their services will trigger a cutscene featuring nudity.
The post Cyberpunk 2077: Every Romance Option in the Game appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ndzTVH
0 notes