#ettie jurard
queerloquial · 3 months
1, 4, 7, 12, 19, 24, 27, and 32, for,,,, all of your characters :3c
[TES OC Ask Meme] gee, thanks nerd, 5 characters with 8 questions each -_- this took weeks to finish!
What era(s) is your OC from?
Ettie Jurard is 2nd era (ESO), Fihrah and Andraste are 3rd (Morrowind and Oblivion), & Maur Stormcrown and Filirin Ice-Veins are 4th (Skyrim)
How old is your OC? Is their age typical for their race, or are they an outlier?
Ettie is 100% High Rock Breton, so in my personal Tamriel that puts her life expectancy around 120-130. She died roughly around 100, having spent much of her life as a wandering templar, and refusing to give up the habit even after retiring to what was meant to be a twilight period of quieter service in a an abbey in Stormhaven (this, naturally, is what ended in her running across the Worm Cult and getting sacrificed to begin with)
Fihrah is a Redguard-Dunmer Technically-Breton, so if all works out well he'll make it to about 90 or so. As it stands, he's like 20, but will say he's 25
Andraste is a Reachfolk Breton, and accustomed to a semi-nomadic life in the craggy Druadach Mountains along the southwest edge of Skyrim. At best he'd be looking at 60 or 70, though with the wave of bad luck that swept over his clan, he feels lucky to be approaching 50 (spoiler: he doesn't make it to 50)
Maur is mostly of High Rock Breton descent, though one grandparent is a Bosmer, so her prospects as a mortal would be somewhere in the 140 area, especially had she stayed in Skingrad. Alas, she was needed elsewhere, and through years of awakening and then strengthening her dragon soul, crested over 240 before she decided she'd seen enough and let her dragon have full control of their soul again. During the events of Skyrim she's 18-turning-19
Filirin is a Nord through and through (wow, see, I *am* capable of making non-Breton characters!), so as a human he's looking at 65-75. When he joins the companions he's vaguely 30. Idk I'll figure it out
What province does your OC currently live in?
Ettie doesn't technically live anywhere. She doesn't live at all, in fact; bit of a technical necessity as a shard of Stendarr
Fihrah is currently in Morrowind, and beyond that, I have no idea. I'm still getting started in the game tbh
Andraste technically owned a shitty little Riverfront District shack in the Imperial City, Cyrodiil, though he much preferred to live on the road and mostly left the shack to the use of the Thieves' Guild and the beggars they employed. One could perhaps say he currently lives in Aetherius :>
Maur owned Lakeview Manor in central-south Skyrim as her primary residence, though also had the rights to houses in each of the other holds. Like Andraste, she used these for Guild purposes
Filirin is quite content to live out of Jorrvaskr in Whiterun, Skyrim
Which different provinces has your OC visited? If they haven’t visited any others, do they have a particular place they’d like to go?
Ettie's been everywhere, man. Everywhere. All across Tamriel, several Daedric planes, several Aetherial planes... the work of the god of mercy is never done
Fihrah was probably born somewhere in Cyrodiil, and would have lived there for the first part of his life before whatever alleged criminal incident got him shipped off to Morrowind. Maybe he has half a dream of traveling to the Alik'r Desert someday, see the other half of his heritage now that he's had a taste of Dunmer culture
Andraste lived on the edges of High Rock and Skyrim, and once left alone wandered south into Cyrodiil. He's never been anywhere else, and didn't particularly want to, for the most part. Briefly he entertained daydreams of 'what if Martin, as emperor, needs to travel; surely I'd be at his side as a Blade, yes?', but, :)
Maur was born in western High Rock, actually, before she and her older brother were sent to their aunt and uncle in Cyrodiil. After the events of Skyrim, she takes up as a wandering mercenary, venturing into the edges of Vvardenfell, the Alik'r, returning to High Rock, even catching a ship to Pellitine (though always careful to avoid setting foot in Cyrodiil again; no telling whether the Guild still intended to make good on her blood price)
Filirin was born in Skyrim, raised in Skyrim, and if he has his way he'll die in Skyrim
How easily does your OC make friends?
Ettie, even before mantling, had a bit of a... a capybara vibe, one might say. You know that tumblr post about how capybaras get along with a lot of other animals because they're just kinda naturally calming (which I've never bothered to fact check, it occurs to me as I write this post)? She's like that. Has a calm, even voice and a warming smile for everyone she meets. She's got ride-or-dies all across Tamriel
Fihrah does not. Fihrah has the "how the Fuck does interpersonal interaction work" autism, so he's great at solo jobs but flounders in social settings, especially now that he's in a new province where he doesn't have coin to throw into buying rounds (and/or companionship-by-the-hour) at the nearest tavern
Andraste really does not. He was liked well enough in his clan, made a name for himself as a forward scout, but without the structure of Reachfolk life he feels lost, and so settles for putting everything of himself into whatever the job at hand is. No socializing, no chatting with employers further than the job details, nothing... at least, until he has to escort Martin to Weynon Priory (which takes far longer than it reasonably should because he has a strong distrust of roads and so insisted on trekking through the wilderness). Over the course of Oblivion's events, they become what Andraste would consider very close (and outsiders would say "they sure are standing in the same room, huh"), though even he doesn't realize just how miserable he really was living alone until Martin is gone
Maur's friends are all people she paid to be there. She (and her brother) grew up ostracized and bullied for being part-elven; she was, after all, born only eight years after the end of the Great War, and many humans in Cyrodiil harbored grudges against elves for the acts of the Aldmeri Dominion. Bretons simply got lumped in by virtue of being not-fully-human. Her teenage years living on the street and then as a pet didn't do any favors to her ability to socialize, so as a free adult, all she knows is hiring mercenaries and sex workers
Filirin is perhaps a bit too friendly. Very trusting, both in others and in his own ability to adapt to and extract himself from unsavory situations. He takes people at their word, and largely is content that way, though it doesn't do much to help the sting of shame when someone has to inform him that once again he has severely misjudged another's intentions
What moral boundaries does your OC have? Have they ever crossed them? What happened?
Ettie and Filirin are on the "good guys" end of the spectrum. One because she's a TES-flavor paladin and mantling the god of mercy, one because he's lived his entire life on his ancestral homestead and was raised to be an honest, gods-fearing Nord boy. By virtue of being player characters, they naturally end up in situations that push or break their self-imposed limits. Ettie greatly dislikes killing, but frequently has to burn through an alarming number of cultists serving various daedric princes. Filirin I'm thinking is deeply averse to desecrating corpses, including by looting, which will be fun to play in the game full of draugr ruins!
Fihrah is middle of the road. He'd Like to be a law-abiding citizen- and preferably regarded as heroic- but circumstances demand otherwise, and he ends up doing a lot more sketchy shit than he wants to acknowledge in order to get from one day to the next.
Andraste and Maur gave up on conventional morality long ago. Pure survival mode. Andraste's primary boundary is that he hates being given orders, especially when it's to do somebody else's dirty work, while Maur spent just enough time around Guild thieves to adopt the philosophy of having standards for who gets stolen from.
Your OC runs into some bandits on the road. Does your OC comply with their demands, fight them off, flee the area, or etc.?
Ettie talks them down. If they don't listen to mortal reason, a flare of aedric influence in the vein of "these are not the droids you're looking for" does the trick. Exception: if the bandits lead with violence, especially against any non-combatants she's traveling with, there's no wasting time with words
Fihrah probably just complies unless it's like, one, *maybe* two bandits, and they have to look like he can reasonable take them on
Andraste starts with trying to ignore and nonverbally threaten them away, but has no qualms defending himself
Maur sorts out whether they're just, like, some desperate scrap accosting travelers for pocket change or Legit Bandits. Group 1 gets coin and a "go home, kid", group 2 gets taken care of as quickly as possible. She's got shit to do- everyone and their mother's asking her for help! There's no time to waste on petty fucks like these!
Filirin honestly probably flees, albeit to see if the nearest town has a bounty out on them + to hire a mercenary or two to make sure the job gets done
A guard has confronted your OC, suspecting that they’ve broken the law in some way. What offense is your OC most likely to be accused of? Did they actually do it?
Ettie has to be a case of mistaken identity. She has never committed a crime in her life, death, or second life
Fihrah, again, only knows how to socialize via partying, so chances are he's getting pinned for public drunkenness and/or disturbing the peace
Andraste has an inherently sketchy look to him; reclusive, somewhat haggard, coming into town solely to sell goods of dubious acquisition. He could be accused of anything the good citizens of Cyrodiil can think of to get him out of their view as quickly as possible. He is also a Guild thief, technically speaking, but he actually doesn't do a lot of theft when not specifically ordered to (and/or when seeking to get his due payment from employers who thought to change the terms of their agreements)
Maur, from a young age, was habitually breaking locks. Sometimes to get at interesting goods (such as her village's beekeeper's honey storage shed), sometimes just to see how fast she could figure out the puzzle before her. As an adult, she works for the Thieves' Guild, so naturally there's a certain reputation that follows her
Filirin... I'm honestly not sure yet. His original concept was another 'not willingly breaking any laws' type, but maybe when I get into v2 in my next Skyrim run he'll be a little sketchier. A smuggler maybe? Think Hawke at the start of Dragon Age 2, taking on grunt work to support their family
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queerloquial · 6 years
tagged by @loghainmactir to write the first 3 words that come to mind for each oc
jasper: sweaters, cabin, flamingo
maura: blue, shield, blood
viktel: spirit, shout, fur
sacha: tavern, lute, stone
maur: rocks, salt, travel
elliott: pristine, glow, silver
clara: pink, sparkle, parakeet
sorley: blue, beast, sigh
aodhan: light, streak, drop
ettie: faith, wait, gleam
sehris: grin, sword, flick
mia: leather, window, vanish
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queerloquial · 6 years
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since ive been getting so many new motif pieces from the event, i finally gave ettie some new armor
might tweak it a little, either dye the leg piece light gray or the armor stark white so they match better, idk
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queerloquial · 7 years
the shroud of smoke and dust and burning white light fades, and kurog and alga lie dead on the ground. ettie, kings champion, kings slayer, stands over them- by a margin of three or four feet, from her heels to the smoldering stone floor. white-gold light flickers around her like fire in the wind, in the shape of an armored warrior tall and broad as a giant, shimmering hand extended towards the dead in a gesture of farewell, of consecration. the words roll through bazrags head like distant thunder, {rest now, children of trinimac, and harm no more}
proud, stalwart chieftain though he is, he feels all the air and battle-rage rush out of his chest as the shimmering display turns to regard him. later he would tell himself he kept his dignity of his own will while face-to-face with an aedroths splendor, but in the moment he only feels the paralyzing cold burn of holy fear
it and she stop before him, and as he looks up into her face, with eyes as the sun and no trace of visible humanity to her anymore, he feels rather than sees a soft smile break beneath kind, wise eyes
{stand tall, bazrag chief of fharun. you have brought a great victory over injustice this day}, the silent echo is deafening, and it's all he can do to think of a reply, much less try to speak it aloud. etties arm stretches forward and the spectral hand rests on his shoulder, both weightless and crushing. {a heavy price has been paid by too many, yet still more will live in peace. the infection has been cleansed; let the wound hurt, so it may heal, and the scar bear witness to the strength of your people. now, receive my champion once more, and may blessings rain upon you and your house}
the light warps like a guttering flame and ettie lowers gently like a marionette to the ground. her face is soft at rest, as in a dream, and stirs only as the last beams of light caress her cheek before fading. when she opens her eyes, they're the same earthy brown as before. she blinks up at bazrag and gives him a tired smile,
"I see you've met my patron"
"... patron," his mouth feels like lead, but the word scrapes out. she huffs a laugh,
"chief bazrag, I don't believe we've had a formal introduction." crossing one arm across her chest, she bows, "I am sir ettrique jurard, crusader for and servant of stendarr. at your service"
he silently takes in the faint strings of glimmering light washing over her armor like dripping water, the smoking stone of the meeting grounds where smiting fire had only just raged, and nods slowly
"good to know"
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queerloquial · 6 years
me: yknow what, i dont need canon, ill use my own ideas
also me: loops said ideas back around to tie neatly into canon so that its like nothing was changed at all
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queerloquial · 7 years
rubs mehands together... ☠ ♥ and ♦ for ettie...
angry/violent headcanon
shes very slow to anger, herself, and violence is never her first resort to solving a problem. she very firmly believes in the words of stendarr- particularly the part about mercy and compassion being not only for fellow followers, but for all who dont seek to harm the undeserving
that said, when she /does/ turn to violence? being an avatar of one of the aedra is not without its perks, even when her divine doesnt personally manifest through her
family headcanon
her parents were well-meaning, but poor, and as soon as she was old enough sent her to serve in their local chapel of the divines. she grew up there, among others like herself, or who had chosen themselves to dedicate their lives to the divines. not all of them grew up to serve stendarr specifically, or even stayed with the church at all, but they were her family, just as much as the priests and healers and other crusaders she came to know when she transferred to one of stendarrs temples in stormhaven
quirks/hobbies headcanon
*cassandra pentaghast voice* “its literature. smutty literature”
(reads the equivalent of 10k pwp oneshots with at least half a dozen kinks, minimum three Problematic TM concepts per fic, and keeps copies of her favorites in her pack for those long, boring nights alone on the road)
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queerloquial · 7 years
ETTIE ☮ - friendship headcanon ♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon ♒ - cooking/food headcanon ▼ - childhood headcanon
she has friends all across high rock, from her decades as an active crusader serving a temple. people remember the ones who save their farms from daedric cultists, or heal their near-death child, or empty their coin purse to pay off mercenaries into giving up their current contract. does she remember them? mm, not really
shes a passable cook, and enjoys trying new recipes when she has the time, equipment, and supplies, but like, nobodys going to specifically /ask/ for her to cover mealtime unless there really is nobody better available
as far as she currently remembers, she was an only child. but she was the oldest of three in her birth family. there was a middle daughter who grew up to join the local chapter of the fighters guild, and eventually broke off to run with a small-time independent mercenary company, and a youngest son, whose promising career as a petty thief came to an unexpected end when the lord he was to be robbing was actually home- and entirely nonchalant about the break-in, and the fact that it occurred while he was bathing. a string of interesting events later, the brother is living fairly comfortably in his manor as a “personal servant” (much to the disappointment of the lords mother, who previously had nagged him for years about grandkids)
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queerloquial · 7 years
sleep headcanon ★ - sad headcanon ☆ - happy headcanon ☠ - angry/violent headcanon ✿ - Sex headcanon ■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, aaaaand old age headcanon
since her second life began, she hasnt dreamed once
im thinking when she retired from being a wandering crusader, it was to take up a guard post at her temple. more of a title than a job; there was certainly no shortage of younger knights to handle actual protective duties, should anyone be foolhardy enough to actually try to attack what was more or less a small, independent army backed by one of the aedra. she’d served there for decades, grown to know every inch of the property, every person who lived there. the priests and healers and knights and scribes and the children they raised and trained, the farmers who kept their gardens tended and their community kitchen operating
she had a partner there, armell cormier. theyd known each other since before their official dedication to stendarr, when they were under the care of the church, and grew only more inseparable as the years passed. they trained to be knights together, and passed with flying colors. a few years into their service, an incident with a cult of necromancers left armell with heavy ptsd, and ve had to retire from service. ve stayed on with the temple, helping the groundskeepers, and ettie maintained a relationship with vir even as her work frequently had her traveling to other areas of the country and away from vir. when she finally retired herself, they lived comfortably and quietly together for several years
and then what shouldve been a routine day trip to a nearby village was interrupted by cultists, ettie was killed and had her soul stolen, armell never found out that vir wife was brought back [as a vestige/as an avatar of stendarr- i havent decided], and she doesnt have enough of her memories to recall that she was ever married to begin with
there is at least one trainee at her temple who is named after her, for the aid she gave his mother when she showed up at the gates as a pregnant teen running from a terrible family and worse husband
I can’t decide, so here’s two headcanons: she’s a service top, and has a ladder piercing downstairs
wait no, three. she absolutely gets around with some of the recurring npcs. darien, gabriele benele, and eveli sharp-arrow come to mind
bedroom/house/living quarters
she has a house in glenumbra. a decent bed, some standard storage, cooking and dining space. decorated tastefully with souvenirs of her adventures; a bosmeri wall hanging, a dunmer rug, curtains from sentinel, etc etc
old age
this /is/ her old age. most wouldnt count living on the road as a chronic hero and daedra-slayer as standard retirement activities, but shit man, she already died, like hell is she going to sit around the countryside watching the world get fucked seven ways to sundas when she is perfectly capable of taking up her axe and doing something about it
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queerloquial · 7 years
@in-fi-ni. ettie would be a virgo. september 15, tamrielic equivalent would be the lady
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queerloquial · 7 years
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a really shitty aesthetic bc 1. im bored and 2. i love my eso main more than i anticipated when i first made her
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queerloquial · 7 years
so it's like 3 am and I'm out of filter so
I'm kinda toying w the idea of ettie being like, specially chosen by stendarr for hero purposes. kinda like the concept of shezzarines in the day-to-day of it, in that the majority of the time she's just ("just") got uncanny skill in combat and can't seem to die when she should, and seems to have a habit of specifically going in and out of various afterlives and planes of oblivion to give death the finger and set things right. but I also like the idea that, occasionally, she acts as an avatar for stendarr, since unlike the daedric princes, the aedra are limited in how much direct influence they can exert in tamriel. but perhaps, they could take hold of a willing vessel for a time, when needed
bc tbh, I feel like the big fight at the end of the orsinium plotline wouldve been Perfect for a dramatic divine smiting- like, brightly glowing, avatar state, *you dare defy me*, display of holy fury. bc like hell would the god of *justice and mercy* really just sit back as kurogs plot unfolded, stacking one betrayal on top of the next, ready to spread needless suffering and death in the name of amassing power
but also I feel like the whole "the gods are distant and uncaring but we have faith and pray to them anyways" thing is boring as fuck, especially in fantasy worlds like tamriel where p much Everyone is religious but nobodys god ever like. does anything, outside of the ~evil daedra~
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