Dragon Age Inquisition: Jaws of Hakkon - Transcript
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 3 years ago
you crazy, glorious bastard, ur compiling of avvar resources is absolutely incredible. thank u for ur service
Thanks, anon! Go on an Avvar spree and spread the craziness.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 3 years ago
Transcript access
I gathered the entire Jaws of Hakkon transcript into one google doc for easy browsing (because tumblr search engine is trash).
Google document - link
Also, I finally collected all of the companion remarks and put them on the Dragon Age fandom wiki, they can be found on the individual dialogue pages under the Jaws of Hakkon DLC label. So if you'd like to read through every piece of dialogue that your favourite companion says during JoH, jump right in!
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Public Service Announcement
I'm done with compiling this transcript, I think I have >99% of the dialogue lines collected in the correct places. If you see that something's missing or you notice a mistake, big or small, please contact me and I'll fix it as soon as possible. In case you're looking for a specific topic being discussed but cannot find it, don't hesitate to message me so that I can point you to the desired entry and add tags if needed.
If you simply want to talk about the Avvar lore, feel free to reach out to me as well. I've got way too many thoughts on this topic and I'm happy to discuss it. On my main blog, I sometimes share meta and headcanons about the Avvar culture.
I hope you'll find this transcript useful. Please consider sharing a link to this blog so that more people can know that this transcript exists and maybe discover something they haven't seen in their own playthroughs.
Lady keep you.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Developer notes - Character descriptions
Each character with a speaking role (no matter how small) has a "bio" - a summary intended mainly for the voice acting crew. These notes include some details that a director should have in mind when choosing an actor for the role. The "age range" does not reflect the actual age of a character, but rather how young or old their voice should sound. It’s also originally given in hexadecimal system, so I added the conversion to decimal. 
Without further ado, here are all the character profiles from the Jaws of Hakkon DLC, sorted by factions they belong to.
Stone-Bear Hold
Avvar Augur
Gender: Male
Character description: The Augur is an important figure in a village of people called the Avvar “barbarians” in the wilderness. He’s a magic-worker, a councilor, and an intermediary between the real world and the spirits. He can be a bit “otherworldly” as a result. He’s a smart man, unexpectedly jolly for his solemn position.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Thane Svarah Sun-Hair
Gender: Female
Character description: Thane (leader) of a hold of “barbarians” called the Avvar, a proud, independent people who live by hunting and trading in the wild. Tall and wiry, she is still strong despite her age. She’s a fair and observant woman who can judge the moods of her hold and the other hold they trade with in the blink of an eye. Smart, pragmatic, and not afraid to hit things or make hard decisions.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)2D = (dec)45
Gender: Female
Character description: This is a bear. Like literally a bear. I’m adding this because I need lines in the conversations where people talk to the bear, and the bear grunts or growls, but unless there is an actor who does like an AWESOME impression of a bear, I’m assuming we are using existing bear-audio.
Accent: Grizzly or Northern Brown
Race: Bear
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Arena Master = Arrken Feldsen
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar man in charge of an arena where his people train and fight in rituals. Brisk, Loves fighting - loves the theory, the practice, the philosophical arguments about honor and when to fight - loves it all. Gets a bit bloodthirsty when cheering on the fights.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age Range: (hex)23 = (dec)35
Skald = Fullna Hethsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: A skald (a bard and a keeper of oral histories) among the Avvar, a tribe of “barbarians” in the mountains. Proud of her people’s history, protective of her clan’s reputation. Aware she’s a bit young for a bard, so takes the role seriously and a bit self-conciously.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. Finds himself in a climbing race to settle a dispute with another villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. Finds himself in a climbing race to settle a dispute with another villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Mountain climber = Runa Lyrsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: A young Avvar with a passion for climbing the highest slopes around your mountain home. Cheery, energetic, and absolutely fearless.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Gender: Female
Character description: A fisherwoman wondering about her cousin.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Conspiracy Guy = Helsdim Rolfsen
Gender: Male
Character description: Helsdim Rolfsen is an Avvar trader. His work takes him outside his small mountainside village and he has an appreciation for the greater world as a result. He takes pride in the fact that he’s literate, a rarity among the Avvar, and is very into “alternate history”. (He’s a bit of a conspiracy nut, in other words, but a harmless one.) Helsdim longs to see more of the world, but he’s stuck in his little hometown village.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
The Exile = Sigrid Gulsdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: An Avvar = a clan of tough mountain-dwelling people who the rest of the countries consider barbarians. She exiled herself to the woods outside her village because she thinks she’s made a mistake who brought shame on her clan. A bit dour but fiercely loyal to her people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Master of the Hunt
Gender: Male
Character description: Avvar Master of the Hunt, Old, seasoned, and blunt. Slow to give out praise, but sincere when he does.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)3C = (dec)60
Gyda Myrdotten
Gender: Female
Character description: Woman in charge of burying the dead. Sly, clever. Can seem unsympathetic, but is truly dedicated to her work and following traditions properly.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Finn = Finn Caldansen
Gender: Male
Character description: A kind young man who was injured while helping a friend. Sad over the death of his father.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)12 = (dec)18
Arvid Rolfsen
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar fisherman, old enough to be past most posturing and bragging, proud to be part of Stone-Bear Hold and unimpressed with the evil Hakkon worshippers.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Friendly Avvar Male = Einar, fisherman working with Arvid
Gender: Male
Character description: Friendly Avvar talking to his friends.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Friendly Avvar Female = unnamed fisherwoman working with Arvid
Gender: Female
Character description: Friendly Avvar talking to her friends.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Guardsman 01
Gender: Male
Character description: A guard for a small village. Strong, watchful.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Guardsman 02
Gender: Male
Character description: A guard for a small village. Easygoing.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Crafter 01
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar villager. You craft goods and mend things.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Hunter 01
Gender: Female
Character description: A hunter who provides for her small village. Sharp-eyed, capable.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Avvar Hunter 02
Gender: Female
Character description: A hunter who provides for her small village. Experienced, capable.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Scout 01
Gender: Male
Character description: An Avvar scout. Good at his job. Cares for his clan of close-knit people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Scout 02
Gender: Female
Character description: An Avvar scout. Good at her job. Cares for his clan of close-knit people.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Avvar Villager 01
Gender: Female
Character description: A hard-working Avvar villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Avvar Villager 02
Gender: Male
Character description: A hard-working Avvar villager.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Jaws of Hakkon
Gurd Harofsen
Gender: Male
Character description: Powerful, proud, menacing Avvar warrior. Heads a group calling themselves the Jaws of Hakkon. He serves a powerful warrior-god, and plans to voluntarily give up his own life in order to be a vessel for this god. A thug and a bully.
Speech pattern: He is chanting with a specific rhythm in his main conversation. See conversation-file notes.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Hakkon Beastmaster
Gender: Male
Character description: An evil member of a warrior cult who has kidnapped a bear for nefarious purposes. Your basic loud yelling bad guy.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Hakkonite Bully
Gender: Female
Character description: An angry thug who fights for the Jaws of Hakkon. She is trying to bully some non-warriors from a different hold, and reacts angrily as soon as she sees the Inquisitor.
Accent: North British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Hakkon Warrior 01
Gender: Male
Character description: A barbarian warrior.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Hakkon Warrior 02
Gender: Female
Character description: A barbarian warrior.
Accent: Light North Country
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
First Inquisition
Inquisitor Ameridan
Gender: Male
Character description: A man in early middle age, an intelligent and seasoned warrior. He is somber and serious, driven by a duty he never asked for.
Accent: Welsh
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)28 = (dec)40
Gender: Female
Character description: This is a spirit that touched Inquisitor Ameridan’s wife, Telana, and speaks with her memories. She is a spirit of compassion, just like Cole, and has much of the same empathy and “talking as though in someone else’s head” that Cole does. Unlike Cole, she is clearly and obviously a spirit, tired and worn away from centuries of waiting for someone to tell her story to.
In life, Telana was a Dalish elf (hence request for Welsh accent).
Accent: Welsh
Race: Elf (Spirit)
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Second Inquisition and associates
Professor Bram Kenric
Gender: Male
Character description: A professor from Starkhaven who is bright, enthusiastic, and a little absent-minded. He’s the one whose theories pulled the Inquisition out here on the hunt for the Last Inquisitor, Ameridan (who vanished 800 years ago), and while he’s a little out of his element here in the wild, he is determined to see this through.
He’s innocent and naive, generally speaking, and may have a slight crush on Scout Harding (who he calls “Lady Harding”).
Accent: Scottish
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Gender: Female
Character description: An eager research assistant for Professor Kenric. She has a driven, A-type personality. As an elf, she’s faced some prejudice at the University.
Accent: French
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)14 = (dec)20
Lieutenant Farrow
Gender: Male
Character description: Professional Inquisition soldier. Very good at his job.
Accent: British
Race: Elf
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Camp Researcher Male
Gender: Male
Character description: Man at research camp.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Camp Researcher Female
Gender: Female
Character description: Woman at research camp.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Havard-Pierre d’Amortisan
Gender: Male
Character description: A baron who researches dangerous animals. Intrigued by a mysterious animal that no one has ever seen. Speaks in a Lovecraft/Edwaridan-Horror-Story type manner.
Accent: French
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)2D = (dec)45
Gender: Male
Character description: Long-suffering assistant to Havard-Pierre d’Amortisan (a baron who studies dangerous creatures.) Dry, butler-like. Think Alfred from Batman.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Gender: Male
Character description: Young soldier whose friend has been murdered. Now possessed by a spirit//demon
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)19 = (dec)25
Forward Camp Soldier 2
Gender: Male
Character description: An Inquisition soldier.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
Forward Camp Soldier 3
Gender: Male
Character description: An Inquisition soldier.
Accent: British
Race: Human
Age range: (hex)1E = (dec)30
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Jaws of Hakkon - Party Banter
Sera: The veil is wobbly here.
Dorian: Perhaps a bit warbly instead?
Cassandra: Certainly not! It's much more squeaky.
Iron Bull: I was going with spicy.
Vivienne: Don't be ridiculous, darling. It's clearly snarky.
Blackwall: You sure it isn't wiggly?
Varric: I'd say more wonky, myself.
Sera: What? Let me check. Sensing. Sense-y. Definitely wobbly.
Solas: (Sighs.)
Vivienne: Demons still scare you, dear? After all we've been through? Might you have suffered some form of injury as a child?
Sera: You and yours are the broken ones. Being scared of things that are scary is normal. Your "training" is the weird thing. Ask anyone who's not one of you.
Vivienne: Because I have been trained not to be afraid?
Sera: It's like... you're scabbed over or something. Makes me wonder what else you don't feel.
(Alternatively, if the Inquisitor is in a romance with Sera.)
Sera: It's like you don't feel. Not like Inky/Buckles/Shiny/Teetness/Tadwinks/Honey Tongue, anyway.
Vivienne: I feel everything in the proper measure.
Sera: Right. Because you're normal. Just ask you.
Dorian: For hating the outdoors, you sure seem to like bad weather.
Sera: What's that now?
Dorian: The other day, you were outside in the rain, staring up with a grin on your face.
Sera: I smile at clouds.
Dorian: Of course you do.
Sera: What, I should hunch and swear at the rain pissing off my nose? Let the weather win? I smile the frig out of clouds. Maybe they get tired of trying.
Dorian: Are we still talking about clouds?
Sera: What
Dorian: Never mind. Drinks and insults later?
Sera: We're both buying. Then there's double.
(Stone-Bear Hold, passing by the landmark “In Fear of Hryngnar'' located next to Trainer Arrken Feldsen.)
Dorian: Every time I think I've seen the ugliest possible Avvar statue, a new one turns up that surpasses my expectations.
Sera: Creepy. Needs a hat. And breeches.
Blackwall: Maybe a mustache?
Sera: (Laughs.) Oh, that's good! We can draw one with soot!
Vivienne: Hmm. Cover it in gold leaf and it wouldn't be terrible.
(Nigel’s Point)
Dorian: The ancient Imperium did like to leave a mark. I wonder how long they stayed?
(Old Temple)
Dorian: Tevinter architecture at its finest. This just screams "I hated my parents and had no friends as a child," doesn't it?
(Razikale’s Reach)
Dorian: Makes you wonder about the sad, mid-level bureaucrat who thought building an outpost here would be a career boost.
(Tevinter ruins)
Cassandra: The Imperium reached even here.
Varric: I'm starting to think that if we went to the moon or the bottom of the sea, we'd find Tevinter ruins there.
(Swamp Kuldsdotten)
Dorian: I'm shocked I've never seen this plant before. It's so melodramatic, half the magisterium should be growing it.
Vivienne: Barbwood. A parasitic tree that grows through the body of its host. Useful in alchemy. Makes terrible furniture.
Dialogue options:
General: What do you use it for? [1]
General: Why is it terrible? [2]
[1] General: What do you use it for?
PC: What sort of uses does it have?
Vivienne: Vivienne: The sap makes potent restorative potions. Extracts from the leaves are useful for transmutations. Harvesting either one is too dangerous to attempt often. More's the pity. If the Inquisition could get herbalists out here to harvest it, you could make a fortune. Or several.
[2] General: Why is it terrible?
PC: What's so terrible about it?
Vivienne: Barbwood doesn't die, it goes dormant. Spill one drop of water on it and it sprouts... and infests your other furniture. I knew a comte in Montsimmard who had it take over his dining room. The Circle cleared the infestation free of charge.
(Swamp Kuldsdotten)
Cole: The trees are fighting. They are very angry, but very slow.
Cassandra: Be prepared. There's no telling what trouble we'll find down here.
(Swamp Kuldsdotten)
Iron Bull: Good place to get ambushed. Watch your back.
Inquisitor: You do know it's not physically possible to watch your own back.
Iron Bull: And now I'm thinking about it.
Inquisitor: Is there such a thing as a good place to get ambushed?
Iron Bull: "Pitch-black swampy wilderness," is at the bottom, next to armories and anyplace with hooks hanging from the ceiling. Everything else you rank in descending order from there. Expensive glassware shops, wine cellars, maybe an Orlesian ball. Those would be good places.
(Swamp Kuldsdotten)
Blackwall: How can it be so dark?
Sera: Because there’s no light, silly.
Blackwall: Ah... yes, that must be it.
(Cloudcap Lake)
Sera: Ugh, smells like the lake chucked its innards.
Inquisitor: I suppose you hate fish, too?
Sera: I like them cooked or hidden under some nob's furniture. Not up my nose.
Inquisitor: Put it out of your mind if it bothers you.
Sera: I can't out-think the air. Is that a special Herald power? Can't wait for the chant about that.
(Varsdotten River)
Blackwall: I wonder what they're catching up here. Sunfish? Trout?
Varric: How do fish even get into the mountains? Can they climb?
Sera: Fish stink until fried. Then get in my mouth.
(Tree bridge)
Dorian: Everyone remember not to look down.
Sera: If you close your eyes it's like flying. I bet, anyway. Don't do it, you'll fall. Which is flying, but shit.
Inquisitor: I may have already looked.
Dorian: (if the Inquisitor is in a romance with Dorian) Just try not to think about it. Or fall. I'd have to jump down after you. It would be very touching and so melodramatic it would become tiresome.
Dorian: (if the Inquisitor is in a romance with Cullen) Just try not to think about it. Or fall. Falling would be worse. I am not going to be the one to explain to Cullen that I let you fall to your death from a tree.
Dorian: (if the Inquisitor is in a romance with Josephine) Just try not to think about it. Or fall. Falling would be worse. I have no desire to tell Josephine that I let you fall to your doom from a tree in the middle of nowhere.
Dorian: (if the Inquisitor is in another romance/unromanced) Just try not to think about it. Or fall. Falling would be worse. Nobody wants to be the one to tell the world the Inquisitor fell off a log into an abyss.
Inquisitor: Are you saying that because you already did?
Dorian: Let's not start a whole game of, "Who looked down and suddenly felt the weight of their own mortality," shall we? Some of us have to concentrate on walking. If you do happen to look down, I also don't recommend thinking about how far it is to the ground.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Ambient comments made by the Avvar
Ambient comments - Stone-Bear Hold
Avvar woman: Greetings, stranger.
Avvar man: Our guests are welcome... so long as their weapons stay sheathed.
Avvar man: What's your business, lowlander?
Avvar woman: The thane looks troubled lately.
Avvar man: More wyverns in the forest these days.
Avvar man 1: That Helsdim. Always making up strange stories or looking at Orlesian books.
Avvar man 2: Aye. It isn't natural! Must come from learning how to read.
Avvar woman 1: Catch anything today?
Avvar woman 2: Nothing yet. Too many visitors stirring up the forest. The gods don't like it.
Avvar man: The new thatching is good. Fine work.
Avvar man: What did I tell you? Lowlanders from the north.
Avvar woman: Why do they dress like that?
Avvar woman 1: Half the traps were empty.
Avvar woman 2: Is someone poaching? Can't be.
Avvar man: Thread of cold in the air today.
Avvar woman: All the rams are growing thick coats. It'll be a bad winter.
Avvar man: Have you seen the animals the Jaws of Hakkon keep? Rat-things with frost dripping from their claws?
Avvar woman: I have. Augur says it's bad magic.
Avvar woman: Wind seems colder than it should.
Avvar man 1: The augur's saying blood will spill before the new moon.
Avvar man 2: Let the Jaws of Hakkon try something. They know whose ground this is.
(The following comments start occurring after the battle with the Hakkonites - see “Ameridan’s End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon” -replacing the previous, less enthusiastic greetings.)
Avvar woman: Welcome, friend.
Avvar woman: The hold's glad to see you.
Avvar man: Good hunting, Inquisitor!
Avvar woman 1: The Master of the Hunt saw me shoot that Hakkonite archer through the eye! Said I had an eagle's sight...
Avvar woman 2: (Scoffs.) You're not trying to spread your own legend-mark!
Avvar woman 1: What? No! 'Course not.
Avvar man: We should have a feast and invite the other friend-sworn holds.
Avvar woman: It feels like ages since we saw them. Should the lowlanders come?
Avvar man: The Jaws of Hakkon haven't left, even though their leader lies cold and dead.
Avvar woman: Their hold's broken. Let the few who remain try to cause trouble now.
Avvar man: The augur says the gods are well pleased. The other holds will celebrate what happened here.
(The following comments start occurring after the Hakkon is freed from the dragon form - see “Hakkon Wintersbreath”.)
Avvar man 1: Hakkon dead. At last.
Avvar man 2: The augur's working to restore him true. We'll start the offerings soon.
Avvar woman: Killing a god! Your enemies should be impressed, Inquisitor!
Avvar man 1: What a battle. We should set it in song!
Avvar man 2: No fear. Fullna Hethsdotten won't let a god's death go to waste.
(The following comments start occurring after the Inquisitor receives the legend-mark from the people of Stone-Bear Hold - see “Guests of the Hold”.)
Avvar man: First-Thaw. Be welcome.
Avvar woman: Inquisitor First-Thaw.
Avvar man: Inquisitor. I mean, First-Thaw. That'll take getting used to.
Ambient comments - the boathouse
(Side note: in one of the banters, the young Avvar fisherman is identified as Einar, meaning that he’s most likely the same man who was working with Finn Caldansen on the day when Finn was injured - see “A Father’s Name”.)
Einar: (Laughs.) You know I caught him down there after? His face went as red as a sunburnt nug!
Avvar fisherwoman: Nugs don't sunburn, you fool.
Einar: If they did, Arvid would've looked just like one!
Avvar fisherwoman: (Laughs.) I don't doubt that.
Arvid: I'm standing right here!
Einar: How's your shoulder?
Avvar fisherwoman: Sore, but better. Did I thank you for bringing the broth?
Einar: Yes—but I don't mind hearing it twice.
Avvar fisherwoman: If I catch that Korth-cursed beast again, I'll—
Einar: Injure the other shoulder?
Avvar fisherwoman: (Laughs.) Probably. But you'll bring broth—won't you, Einar?
Einar: Always.
Avvar fisherwoman: Is that true?
Einar: He won't say—will you?
Arvid: You'll perish from curiosity before I do.
Avvar fisherwoman: By the Lady, I'll weep at the burial!
Einar: (Laughs.)
Arvid: Have you two completed your work?
Einar: Always!
Avvar fisherwoman: The Lady herself is witness to our diligence.
Arvid: (Laughs.)
(The following exchange happens if Grandin was allowed to live and continue taking his revenge on the Hakkonites - see “The Loss of a Friend”.)
Avvar fisherwoman: You’ve heard?
Einar: That he killed Hakkonites? Saved the child, is what I heard.
Avvar fisherwoman: So he did. But what he did to the hunters... they say it was him.
Einar: The spirit spoke of the Inquisition?
Avvar fisherwoman: I'd guess he's god-touched and too weak for it.
(The following comment should occur after the battle with the Hakkonites.)
Arvid: I'm sure half the hold's told you already, but you have my gratitude for dealing with them. More than paid your debt for the boat—that's certain.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Ambient comments made by the Inquisition's soldiers
Ambient comments - Research Camp
Male soldier: Your Worship.
Female soldier: Inquisitor.
Male soldier: Have you been to the hold?
Female soldier: No. I've heard it's quite the sight.
Male soldier: A new book? May I borrow it when you're done?
Female soldier: Of course. But if you mark the pages by bending the corners…
Male soldier: I won't!
Male soldier 1: Here.
Male soldier 2: Ah! Kenric was looking for this.
Female soldier: Ameridan?
Male soldier: No. That refers to Orinna.
Female soldier 1: The Left Hand? Not surprising. Do you know much of her?
Female soldier 2: I have every confidence in Lady Pentaghast.
(The following exchange occurs after visiting the Lady’s Rest island - see “What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan”.)
Male soldier: A spirit?
Female soldier: It spoke to the Inquisitor.
(The following exchange refers to the death of Jace, friend of Scout Grandin - see “The Loss of a Friend”.)
Female soldier: You've heard about Jace?
Male soldier: (Sighs.) I have.
(The following exchange occurs after the truth about Ameridan’s identity is revealed. Completing the war table mission “Assuage Ameridan’s heirs” might be required.)
Female soldier: But a mage? How can that be?
Male soldier: It's been declared in Val Royeaux.
Ambient comments - River Camp
Male soldier 1: How's it coming?
Male soldier 2: Making progress.
Male soldier 1: Let me know if you need a break.
Male soldier 2: I'm alright. Thanks.
Male soldier 1: Missive from Harding.
Male soldier 2: Let's see.
Male soldier 1: Unfriendly place, this.
Male soldier 2: Rather be stationed here than in the Approach.
Male soldier 1: Supplies?
Male soldier 2: On their way.
(The following exchange occurs if the main game was completed.)
Male soldier 1: You ever think about going home?
Male soldier 2: That Corypheus bastard may be dead, but I'll stay on. This is good work.
(The following comment occurs prior to initiating “The Loss of a Friend”, hinting at what happened to Scout Grandin.)
Male soldier: The Jaws of Hakkon, fighting a demon. I went for aid, but when I returned, the demon was gone.
(The following exchange happens if Grandin was allowed to live and continue taking his revenge on the Hakkonites - see “The Loss of a Friend”.)
Male soldier 1: Grandin? I heard he was killed…
Male soldier 2: I swear I heard his voice…
(The following comment occurs after Hakkon Wintersbreath is set free.)
Male soldier: Did you see that dragon?
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Judgement: Storvacker
Side quest: Judgment: Storvacker
Characters involved: Svarah Sun-Hair, Storvacker
(After granting the legend-mark - see the side quest “Guests of the Hold” - Svarah will ask the Inquisitor to pass a judgement on Storvacker. Interact with Storvacker who’s standing near the entrance to the Thane's hall in order to initiate the cutscene.)
Svarah: I hear you judge wrongs among your people, Inquisitor. If you are willing, I ask you to judge Storvacker.
PC: I’m sorry?
Svarah: As a warrior of our hold, Storvacker should have died rather than submit to the vile ritual the Jaws of Hakkon had prepared. It is... unclear whether the augur or I should judge such a thing. You are here. I would be grateful. [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
General: If it helps? [2]
General: I'll "bear" that burden. [3]
General: She's. A. Bear. [4]
[2] General: If it helps?
PC: I... suppose I could render judgment. If it helps the hold. [5]
[3] General: I'll "bear" that burden.
PC: Very well. I wouldn't want life in the hold to become... unbearable. [5]
Party comments:
Cassandra: Ugh.
[4] General: She's. A. Bear.
PC: She doesn't even have the faintest idea why she's here! [5]
[5] Storvacker: (Great yawn.)
Svarah: (Sighs.) Storvacker, will you speak to the hold for your deeds? [6]
[6] Dialogue options:
General: Cut back on her treats? [7]
General: We'll "bear" her misconduct. [8]
General: This is punishment enough. [9]
Mage: Tranquili-bear? [10]
Special: I'm recruiting her. [11]
[7] General: Cut back on her treats?
PC: I... assume she gets choice scraps now and then? Storvacker: No treats for a week.
Svarah: Yes. Fullna should not have snuck her honeycakes. Perhaps she will fight better with less fat on her. [12]
[8] General: We'll "bear" her misconduct.
PC: Storvacker, I demand an unflattering report of your performance as a hold-beast. It will be recited to you every day for one week. I trust this is sufficient... em"bear"rassment?
Party comments:
Cassandra: Ugh!
Svarah: (Sighs.) It will give our skald a challenge, Inquisitor. [12]
[8] General: This is punishment enough.
PC: As leader of the Inquisition, I declare this trial sufficiently scornful to be punishment. Live well, be free to go, et cetera.
Storvacker: (Inquisitive snuffling.)
Svarah: I see the tales told of your kindness did not lie. [12]
[10] Mage: Tranquili-bear?
PC: When lowland mages commit grave crimes, there is a Rite of Tranquility. Now, just hypothetically…
Svarah: No. [Back to 6]
[11] Special: I'm recruiting her.
PC: As honorary member of the hold, I believe a hold-beast can travel with my people and still "keep her oaths.” Storvacker, as Inquisitor "First-Thaw," your punishment will be to serve my Inquisition.
Storvacker: (Inquisitive growl.)
Svarah: Lady! (Sighs.) The Master of the Hunt will make mockery of me for this. [12]
[12] (Storvacker leaves the Thane’s hall.)
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Guests of the Hold
Side quest: Guests of the Hold
Characters involved: Svarah Sun-Hair
Though guest status has been granted, it will take some effort for Stone-Bear Hold to view the Inquisition as a trusted friend.
Earn 5 points of approval and kill Hakkon Wintersbreath to impress Stone-Bear Hold and receive a legend-mark in return.
Quests that count towards “Guests of the Hold”:
A Father's Name
0 points if the offering is handed to Finn
1 point if the offering is handed to the Master of the Hunt
Hakkon's Trials
1 point upon completion
In Exile
1 point upon completion (regardless of whether Sigrid was recruited into the Inquisition or encouraged to talk to the augur)
It Remains to be Seen
1 point upon completion
1 extra point if the augur’s question about the purpose of veilfire runes is answered correctly by choosing the option “Renewal?” (“It was about your “gods” returning, but in different forms?”)
Up and Away
1 point upon completion
Send Skywatcher to Stone-Bear Hold (war table)
1 point upon completion
Send Relics of Tyrdda Bright-Axe (war table)
1 point upon completion
Hakkon Wintersbreath
The final main quest of the DLC doesn’t grant approval points but has to be completed in order to conclude “Guests of the Hold” and receive the legend-mark. The approval points can still be earned even after the main questline is finished.
(Approach Thane Svarah after killing Hakkon Wintersbreath and gathering enough approval from Stone-Bear Hold.)
Svarah: Inquisitor, you have done more for us than most who are of Stone-Bear Hold. It is not right that a guest do so much. The hold has spoken, and you are no guest. You are kin. More than that, your deeds have earned a legend-mark worthy of one who broke the Jaws of Hakkon. From today, you are known to us as Inquisitor First-Thaw! [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
Pleased: I am honored. [2]
Confused: First-Thaw? [3]
Stoic: Thank you. [4]
[2] Pleased: I am honored.
PC: I will be worthy of the gift you give me, Thane Sun-Hair.
Svarah: I cannot say that all Avvar will be allies with the lowlands… But your story will be told across the Frostbacks.
[3] Confused: First-Thaw?
PC: What? I mean... I'm sorry, that's... but... First-Thaw?
Svarah: Yes. When the ice breaks and new spring comes to give life to the world! It is a very good name.
[4] Stoic: Thank you.
PC: Thank you, Thane Sun-Hair.
Svarah: I cannot say that all Avvar will be allies with the lowlands… But your story will be told across the Frostbacks.
(If you reapproach Svarah, she greets you using your legend-mark.)
Svarah: Inquisitor First-Thaw.
Party comments:
Varric: So... "First-Thaw"? That's... quite the legend. Sort of damp? But, you know, still legendary.
Dorian: Your legend is "First-Thaw"? Really? They think you defrosted their god for them? How valiant.
Iron Bull: I'm just saying, they could have gone with "Ice-Render" or "Cold-One" instead. "First-Thaw"... sounds mushy.
Vivienne: I would perhaps not have Josephine add "First-Thaw" to your official titles, darling. It sounds... moist.
Cassandra: First-Thaw"? Really?
PC (in response to Cassandra): Don't. Say. A Word.
Cassandra: I wouldn't dream of it.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Conversations with Kenric
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: Where are you from? [2]
Investigate: How did you get the job? [3]
Investigate: Let’s discuss Ameridan. [4]
Investigate: Tell me about the University. [5]
General: What’s our next step? [6] (At the start of the DLC, before you investigate the Lady’s Rest island.)
General: What’s our next step? [7] (After you’ve investigated the island and spoke to Telana’s spirit.)
General: What’s our next step? [8] (After you’ve found Ameridan’s shrine but before activating all of the trail markers.)
General: What’s our next step? [9] (After you’ve lit every trail marker and taken down the ice wall.)
[2] Investigate: Where are you from?
PC: I take it you're not from Orlais originally.
Kenric: (Laughs.) No. Starkhaven. Fourth son of Lord and Lady Kenric, destined for Chantry service. Fortunately, I convinced them the University might be a fashionable alternative.
[3] Investigate: How did you get the job?
PC: How were you assigned to the Inquisition?
Kenric: I study primarily the early Chantry, particularly around the signing of the Nevarran Accord. That was why I transferred to the University of Orlais. Closer to the source than Starkhaven. Sadly, most scholars took Inquisitor Ameridan's history as settled, even with so many questions remaining. No one took my ideas seriously until your Inquisition formed. I wrote Ambassador Montilyet and well, here we are.
[4] Investigate: Let’s discuss Ameridan.
PC: I'd like to discuss Inquisitor Ameridan.
Kenric: Of course. Your predecessor. Existing historical records are contentious. Some say he was a devout Andrastian. Others suggest he cared little for religion, gaining leadership of the Seekers through Emperor Drakon's friendship. He disappeared around the time the Seekers of Truth, the original Inquisition, incorporated into the newfound Chantry. [Go to 4a, 4b, 4c or 4d]
[4a] (If you didn’t investigate the Lady’s Rest island.)
Kenric: It's not clear why. Some say that he was tired of his responsibilities and wanted one last great dragon hunt.
[4b] (If you investigated the Lady’s Rest island and found orders from Emperor Kordillus that were given to Ameridan - see “What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan”.)
Kenric: Historians assumed he retired to go dragon-hunting. Our new information should shake up academic circles profoundly!
[4c] (If you spoke with Ameridan and informed Kenric that he was an elven mage - see “Hakkon Wintersbreath”.)
Kenric: Of course, learning that he was an elf, not to mention a mage, will... I anticipate some heated discussions.
[4d] (If you spoke with Ameridan and told Kenric that he was a human noble, concealing his real identity - see “Hakkon Wintersbreath”.)
Kenric: Learning that he sacrificed himself to save all of Orlais should shake up academic circles considerably.
[5] Investigate: Tell me about the University.
PC: What's it like at the University of Orlais?
Kenric: Oh, it's brilliant. Some of the greatest minds I've ever known. The university was always well regarded, but Empress Celene made it the envy of all Thedas. She even got them to start admitting elves. A few bent noses, but it's worth it. Knowledge knows no bounds, and all. [Go to 5a, 5b or 5c]
[5a] (If Celene remained the Empress of Orlais.) With that unpleasantness with Grand Duke Gaspard done, the university is safe as a haven for knowledge.
[5b] (If Gaspard is the current Emperor of Orlais.) Emperor Gaspard hasn't demanded any changes yet. We're... hopeful it remains so.
[5c] (If “Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts” questline has not yet been completed.) I confess that we're worried about the fighting between Celene and Gaspard. Hopefully that settles down soon.
[Back to 1]
[6] General: What’s our next step? (At the start of the DLC, before you investigate the Lady’s Rest island.)
PC: What do you need me to do next, Professor?
Kenric: I'd still like to find out what's on that island to the southeast. We know the Inquisitor was in the area. Lady Harding mentioned Avvar in the area who aren't hostile, but they wouldn't speak of the island. I mean... Scout Harding. (Coughs.)
[7] General: What’s our next step? (After you’ve investigated the island and spoke to Telana’s spirit.)
PC: What do you need me to do next, Professor?
Kenric: That spirit on the island said something about Ameridan going upriver to... someplace with spires? While you search upriver, I'll continue studying these buckles. That, uh, sounded better in my head.
[8] General: What’s our next step? (After you’ve found Ameridan’s shrine but before activating all of the trail markers.)
PC: What do you need me to do next, Professor?
Kenric: It appears that Inquisitor Ameridan died in the Tevinter fortress. The trail markers you found might destroy that elemental ward—the, ah, walls of ice?
[9] General: What’s our next step? (After you’ve lit every trail marker and taken down the ice wall.)
PC: What do you need me to do next, Professor?
Kenric: Well, we need to find a way into that Tevinter fortress the markers pointed at.
With the elemental wards disabled, the only real impediment is the horde of angry Hakkonites guarding it. Although that's... still rather an inconvenience, isn't it?
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Worthy of Publication
Side quest: Worthy of Publication
Characters involved: Colette
Kenric's research assistant, Colette, left to survey Tevinter ruins. Her findings could offer historical insight into the Basin's past.
Part 1: Find Colette.
(Colette went to investigate the Tevinter ruins. She can be found in Swamp Kuldsdotten.)
Part 2: Rescue Colette
(Colette has been ambushed by a group of lurkers.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: Over there. We must do something.
Iron Bull: Over there. She's not fighting those off alone.
Cole: Over there. Can we help?
Sera: Over there. She needs help.
Blackwall: Over there. She'll be overwhelmed.
Varric: Over there. She'll be overwhelmed.
Colette: Maker—ahh!
(Defeat the lurkers.)
Part 3: Speak with Colette.
Colette: Inquisitor. Still finding it difficult to breathe. But I'm not strewn across the landscape, so thank you. I'm Colette. Professor Kenric's research assistant. I was hoping to conduct a survey of a Tevinter ruin in the hills. I may not have chosen the best route… [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: You study with Kenric? [2]
General: Tell me about the ruin. [3]
General: Goodbye. [4]
[2] Investigate: You study with Kenric?
PC: You're Kenric's research assistant, so that makes you a student at the University of Orlais?
Colette: It does. Why? [5]
[5] Subsequent dialogue options:
General: You’re an elf. [6]
General: I didn’t mean to offend. [7]
General: Forget I asked. [8]
[6] General: You’re an elf.
PC: Orlesian institutions aren't always... accepting of elves.
Colette: So the side glances and loud whispers remind me. The University accepts those worthy of admission. Though elven students are few. [Go to 9 or back to 1]
[7] General: I didn’t mean to offend.
PC: If I've said something wrong...
Colette: I'm sorry. That's usually asked with skepticism. The University accepts those worthy of admission. Though elven students are few. [Go to 9 or back to 1]
[8] General: Forget I asked.
PC: It was only a question.
Colette: I'm sorry. That's usually asked with skepticism. The University accepts those worthy of admission. Though elven students are few. [Go to 9 or back to 1]
[9] Special: Do you like it?
PC: How do you find it there?
Colette: It's not easy, but this is what I want. And I like working for Professor Kenric. Elven research students... where publication's concerned, their work's often deemed "not substantial enough for formal credit." But Kenric cares about people who want to learn. If our research finds an audience, I know my name will be included. [Back to 1]
[3] General: Tell me about the ruin.
PC: What were you hoping to find at the ruin?
Colette: The Tevinters' time here was brief, but their architecture endured, offering shelter, forming landmarks. Ancient Avvar would have encountered these structures, which certainly predate Inquisitor Ameridan. Evaluating the ruins could offer insight into the region's history—once I can get set up.
PC: You're still going there?
Colette: I've read everything we have on Ameridan, and studied up on new excavation techniques. I won't waste this opportunity. If you've a map, I can show you my destination. If you'd be interested in the findings. [Back to 1]
[4] General: Goodbye.
PC: Stay safe.
Colette: I will. [Exits the conversation]
Part 4: Meet Colette at the Tevinter ruins.
(Approach the old Tevinter ruin, Nigel's Point)
Party comments:
Cassandra: This must be the place Kenric's assistant was trying to reach.
Solas: This must be where Kenric's assistant came to study.
Blackwall: This must be where Colette wanted to study.
Iron Bull: Is this where Kenric's assistant was headed?
Dorian: This must be where Colette wished to study.
Vivienne: I believe this was Colette's destination.
Varric: Was this what Colette was trying to reach?
(Dorian has a unique comment about each Tevinter ruin. Here’s what he has to say about Nigel’s Point)
Dorian: The ancient Imperium did like to leave a mark. I wonder how long they stayed?
(Find Collette.)
Colette: Inquisitor! You may want to see this.
(Interact with Colette.)
Colette: Inquisitor! I was going to send word. I've found something. This inscription—almost completely faded, but: "Two stood. Felled sixty true before our triumph." "A breath in the hunt and let rest the lowlanders, worthy of the Lady's care." The markings and surrounding artifacts date to Ameridan's time. The references and script suggest Avvar.
Dialogue options:
General: Let's speak another time. [9]
General: Go on. [10]
[9] General: Let's speak another time.
PC: Another time, Colette.
Colette: Oh. Yes, Inquisitor. [Exits the conversation.]
[10] General: Go on.
PC: What’s your theory?
Colette: I need to complete a full survey and have Professor Kenric evaluate the site himself… But this may be a tribute to Haron and Orinna, Inquisitor Ameridan's companions. [11]
[11] Subsequent dialogue options:
Investigate: How do you know it's them? [12]
Investigate: What happened here? [13]
Investigate: Tell me about Haron. [14]
Investigate: Tell me about Orinna. [15]
Investigate: What will you do now? [16]
General: Goodbye. [17]
[12] Investigate: How do you know it's them?
PC: What makes you think the inscription refers to Haron and Orinna?
Colette: It's only a theory, but the age of the markings and surrounding artifacts match the timeline we've established for Ameridan. I've found glass fragments in the clay, several with slight veins of discoloration. Blue—like templar artifacts.
PC: Templars?
Colette: The templars were a new order in Ameridan's time. Given their small numbers then, few would be found outside the Chantry's reach. It's unusual to find one deep in uncharted territory. Unless he traveled here for a purpose—as Haron would have. [Go to 18 or back to 11]
[18] Special: What about Ameridan himself?
PC: You don't think the inscription could refer to Ameridan himself?
Colette: It's possible... but Ameridan would have been recognized as a leader, which the inscription might have noted out of respect. And "a breath in the hunt." Why note that your hunt continues unless your remaining prey was someone important? [Back to 11]
[13] Investigate: What happened here?
PC: What happened here?
Colette: An encounter with ancient Avvar—and not a friendly one. Ameridan and his companions were outnumbered in an unfamiliar place. If Ameridan's not here, perhaps someone bought him the time needed to keep going? [Go to 19 or back to 11]
[19] Special: The Avvar paid respect.
PC: If this is the resting place of Haron and Orinna, it only remains because the Avvar took time to honor them.
Colette: Respect for a worthy adversary? It wouldn't be out of place. [Back to 11]
[14] Investigate: Tell me about Haron.
PC: What do you know about Haron?
Colette: When the Templar Order was first formed, Ser Haron was among its members. He's arguably the most famous of the original templars, though he was never one of their leaders. He's better known as one of Inquisitor Ameridan's confidants. They'd known each other since youth. [Go to 20 or back to 11]
[20] Special: Friends, then.
PC: So they were close. Friends.
Colette: When Ameridan was made Inquisitor, Haron's position in his inner circle was assumed. A few ballads about them survive. The type with adventures and happy endings. I don't know if they're true. They remind me of my brothers, though. [Back to 11]
[15] Investigate: Tell me about Orinna.
PC: What can you tell me about Orinna?
Colette: Orinna was an alchemist in Orzammar. It's said she met Ameridan while dealing with a demon—but it's not known why Ameridan was there. Demons aren't common in the Deep Roads, but they were a problem for the Inquisition at the time. Orinna knew she could help, so she joined Ameridan. [Go to 21 or back to 11]
[21] Special: Was she exiled?
PC: If she left Orzammar, that would make her a surfacer.
Colette: She "turned her back on the stone," though it's said she had few regrets. Some claim she was actually from one of Orzammar's noble families, but who can say? She never used her last name on the surface and, once exiled, the family likely struck her name from personal documents. Professor Kenric petitioned Orzammar's Shaperate to grant him access to their records, but the request was turned down. [Back to 11]
[16] Investigate: What will you do now?
PC: What will you do with this information?
Colette: Professor Kenric will expect detailed notes on the location, stone and clay samples, and any trace artifacts I can find. If Ameridan's history is compiled, this could be worth an entire chapter. (Gasps.) I might get credit on the inside cover!
[17] General: Goodbye.
PC: Thank you, Colette.
Colette: Inquisitor. [Exits the conversation]
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Master of the Hunt
Master of the Hunt is in charge of the hunts in Stone-Bear Hold.
Involvement: Storvacker Caged (main quest), A Father’s Name (side quest)
(If you approach the Master of the Hunt before speaking with Svarah.)
Master of the Hunt: The thane wants to talk to you, lowlander. I'd do as she wishes.
(If you approach him after speaking with Svarah.)
Master of the Hunt: Inquisitor. You've need of a hunter, or you just wandering? Doubt you lowlanders see many holds, but I'll tell you there are none finer. [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: You’re a hunter? [2]
General: I’m looking for Storvacker. [3] (If you spoke to Svarah about Storvacker’s disappearance, see “Storvacker Caged” main quest.)
General: About Caldan’s offering… [4] (If you spoke to Gyda Myrdotten about Caldan’s funeral, see “A Father’s Name” side quest for the full transcript.)
General: Goodbye. [5]
[2] Investigate: You’re a hunter?
PC: I assume you go hunting yourself.
Master of the Hunt: Course I do. Who says otherwise?
PC: No one.
Master of the Hunt: I lead our hunts, Inquisitor. My leg aches, one eye can't see in the dark, and I bring more meat than anyone in the hold! Goat's piss, "Do I hunt"! [6]
[6] Subsequent dialogue options:
General: I didn’t mean to offend. [7]
General: Yes, yes, I get it. [8]
General: You're full of it. [9]
[7] General: I didn’t mean to offend.
PC: I apologize. I was just curious.
Master of the Hunt: Tch. Suppose you can't help lowlander's manners. [Back to 1]
[8] General: Yes, yes, I get it.
PC: A "yes" would've been fine.
Master of the Hunt: Tch. Suppose you can't help lowlander's manners. [Back to 1]
[9] General: You're full of it.
PC: I suppose you'd also best me with one hand tied behind your back.
Master of the Hunt: I'd bind my eyes to make it fair.
PC: If I have to knock sense into you, I'd have you see it coming.
Master of the Hunt: If I beat sense into you, you'll not see for a week!
PC: Old man, I will not be your suicide.
Master of the Hunt: (Chuckles.) There's spine to you, eh? (Loud laughter.) [Back to 1]
[3] General: I’m looking for Storvacker.
PC: Do you have any idea where Storvacker has gone?
Master of the Hunt: Our hold-animal's a hungry one. She might be after the game in the valley to the west. As the weather's turning, I'd not think she'd roam further. [Back to 1]
[4] General: About Caldan’s offering…
PC: I spoke to the woman preparing bodies for funeral. She said I might make an offering. For Caldan.
Master of the Hunt: How would... as a gift! Sly woman. In that case, I'll accept an offering from the hand that gives it. Tradition says the offering's made to Korth. Only creatures who touch the gods' realm will do. I'll mark where some were last spotted. It'd be an unmatched gift, lowlander. I still pity Caldan's son though... losing his father's name. [Go to 10 or back to 1]
[10] Special: His name?
PC: What do you mean?
Master of the Hunt: Finn failed to complete the rites. That'll see him disowned when the burial's complete.
Party comments:
Sera: Wait, so he does this or he's the wrong kind of elf?
PC (in response to Sera): What?
Sera: Never mind. You help.
Master of the Hunt: He's fatherless whether you do this or not, Inquisitor. Seeing it done will give him some peace, I imagine. [Back to 1]
[5] General: Goodbye.
PC: Farewell.
Master of the Hunt: Farewell. [Exits the conversation]
(Search for the Fade-touched creatures in the Basin.)
(After killing one of the Fade-touched beasts.)
PC: One of the animals the huntmaster described.
Party comments:
Dorian: Strange creature—not like others we've seen. Apart from wanting to eat us. Fascinating. I suspect it came into contact with the Fade.
Cole: It's not like the others. It touched something larger, left itself pale.
Solas: A unique animal. Certainly unlike others in the Basin. It often traveled where the Veil is thin. Many creatures avoid such places.
Vivienne: A unique animal. Unlike others we've encountered. Many creatures avoid places where the Veil is thin. I suspect this was an exception.
(If no companion makes a comment.)
PC: This creature... it's different from others in the Basin.
(After killing the three Fade-touched beasts needed for the offering.)
PC: This should be enough for the offering.
Party comments:
First comment:
Sera: So give it to the hold and make Finn's life shit, or give it to Finn. We help him. Not asking. Do it.
Blackwall: Caldan's son has lost enough. We shouldn't allow him to lose his name. Give it to Finn.
Varric: The huntmaster said he'd accept a gift from the hand that gave it—let Finn do it.
Iron Bull: No one said a gift to the hold had to include everyone. Could be a gift for someone's son.
Cole: The hold is a place, but also the people in it. Like Finn. If he gave the offering, he will hurt, but less.
Second comment:
Vivienne: We've been permitted to bend tradition. It may be best to tread carefully.
Dorian: Bending the rules further than what's already allowed? Not to sound unkind, but we don't want to upset the hold.
Cassandra: Kind though that may be, it bends the laws of their tradition. It's... something to consider.
Solas: A generous thought that bends the laws of their tradition. Whether the Avvar—or their spirits—would see that as an act of kindness or disrespect is hard to say.
(If you decide to hand the offering directly to the Master of the Hunt instead of Finn.)
Master of the Hunt: Inquisitor. [11]
[11] Dialogue options:
General: I have the offering. [12]
[12] General: I have the offering.
PC: I have the offering for Caldan Enversen.
Master of the Hunt: I'll see it properly prepared and sent to Gyda. She'll be making the final preparations soon, I imagine.
Party comments:
Vivienne: In times of crisis, too many die without proper rites or prayers. This was kindly done, my dear.
Blackwall: Won't be easy on the son. He's lost more than he should.
(If you reapproach the Master of the Hunt after handing the offering to Finn.)
Master of the Hun: Finn Caldansen's a good lad. His father was always proud of him. Still would be.
(If you reapproach the Master of the Hunt after you completing the side quest “Hakkon’s Trials”.)
Master of the Hunt: Heard you passed Hakkon's trials.
(Additionally, if you didn’t hunt down the Fade-Touched beasts yet during the side quest "A Father's Name".) Master of the Hunt: If you hunt as well as you fight, you'll fit in well.
(Additionally, if you did successfully hunt down the three Fade-Touched beasts.) Master of the Hunt: Not half bad on the hunt either, I don't mind saying.
(If you reapproach the Master of the Hunt after freeing Hakkon.)
Master of the Hunt: A fine hunt with the dragon, and good it's gone. God or no, they eat you out of house and home.
(If you reapproach the Master of the Hunt after receiving the legend-mark.)
Master of the Hunt: First-Thaw. Any other lowlander doesn't understand what a gift that name is, you thrash them.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Gyda Myrdotten
Gyda Myrdotten prepares bodies for the sky burial in Stone-Bear Hold.
Involvement: A Father’s Name (side quest).
(If you approach Gyda before speaking with Svarah.)
Gyda: The thane seeks your presence. I would not delay you.
(If you approach her after speaking with Svarah.)
Gyda: Be welcome, Inquisitor, though I fear I've time for little more than a greeting. I must prepare these souls for their greater journey—particularly those who depart without the reverence due. Their way is often hardest. [1]
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: What are the proper rites? [2]
General: Is there a problem? [3]
General: Caldan’s son is injured. [4] (Becomes available after following the dialogue branch [3] “Is there a problem?”, provided that you already spoke to Finn.)
General: Goodbye. [5]
[2] Investigate: What are the proper rites?
PC: I'm not familiar with Avvar funerals. May I ask what proper rites entail?
Gyda: When the time comes, we are given sky burials. For most, the body is laid out, and prayers given. When the birds come, they carry the soul to the Lady of the Skies. The body, unneeded, is gone. [Go to 6 or back to 1]
[6] Special: You said “for most.”
PC: For most?
Gyda: Some souls—such as Caldan's—are chosen to return. The augur reads the signs at birth. It is a rare honor. In order to return, an offering is made to Korth the Mountain-Father and buried beneath the body. A piece of the soul thus remains, allowing the rest to return to this world and be reborn. [Back to 1]
[3] General: Is there a problem?
PC: Will someone not be given proper rites?
Gyda: Caldan Enversen is one of the few whose soul may return. Blood-kin must make an offering to the huntmaster, who prepares it. Or so it should be. Caldan's son, Finn, has failed in this duty. But then... there's you.
PC: Me?
Gyda: You're a guest of our hold. A gift from you cannot be refused—even an offering for Caldan. I cannot dictate the nature of a gift, but if my suggestion appeals to you, speak to the huntmaster. [Back to 1]
[4] General: Caldan’s son is injured.
PC: Caldan's son is injured. It's not his fault he can't make the offering.
Gyda: As disappointing as that may be, it is not my place to ignore the gods' laws on a whim. I honor them—in word and spirit, Inquisitor. [Go to 7 or back to 1]
[7] Special: You offered an alternative.
PC: You suggested a way around tradition by letting me make the offering?
Gyda: The spirits have seen Finn fail. To undo it may be to undo their will. A gift from another does not bear this weight. Caldan's soul could travel easily. [Back to 1]
[5] General: Goodbye.
PC: I should be off.
Gyda: Lady keep you. [Exits the conversation]
(Speak to the Master of the Hunt, who will inform you what’s required for the offering. Give the offering either to Finn or to the Master of the Hunt and then return to Gyda. See “A Father’s Name” for the full transcript.)
(If the side quest “A Father’s name” is completed by giving the offering to Finn.)
Gyda: I'm told our huntmaster prepares an offering from Finn Caldansen. Nothing more's been said. I will only thank you for paying hospitality to an invalid. I must complete the preparations. A strange turn of events may not make Caldan's journey any easier. The gods measure both outcome and the actions—or deceptions—behind it.
(If the side quest “A Father’s name” is completed by giving the offering directly to the Master of the Hunt.)
Gyda: I understand our huntmaster prepares Caldan Enversen's offering as we speak. This gift is beyond worth. You have my thanks, Inquisitor. I must complete the preparations.
(Unlike the other characters, Gyda doesn’t have a reaction to the Inquisitor defeating Hakkon Wintersbreath or receiving a legend-mark.)
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
A Father's Name
Side quest: A Father's Name
Characters involved: Finn Caldansen, Gyda Myrdotten, Master of the Hunt
A woman prepares bodies for sky burial at Stone-Bear Hold. Caldan Enversen's body should receive special rites; however, his son failed to complete them. As guests of the hold, the Inquisition may present the required offering as a gift.
(This quest can be initiated either by speaking with Gyda Myrdotten or Finn Caldansen. Speaking to Finn is optional, as the quest can be completed by handing the offering directly to the Master of the Hunt.)
(Talk to Finn.)
(If you approach Finn before speaking with Svarah.)
Finn: You're the Inquisitor, aren't you? I shouldn't keep you from meeting the thane.
(If you approach Finn after speaking with Svarah.)
Finn: Inquisitor, I'm honored by your visit. I'm Finn Cal... um, Finn Caldansen. Forgive me if I don't stand to greet you properly.
[1] Dialogue options:
Investigate: You're injured? [2]
General: You seem troubled. [3] (If you haven’t spoken to Gyda Myrdotten and didn’t learn that she is prepering Caldan Enversen’s body for a funeral. Otherwise, this option disappears.)
General: You can't complete the rites. [4] (Becomes available after speaking with Gyda Myrdotten.)
General: Goodbye. [5]
[2] Investigate: You're injured?
PC: How were you injured?
Finn: A storm blew up a few months back. The worst we've seen in a while. I was helping to secure the fishing boats. Einar nearly fell in. I caught him, but the current caught me. My leg got crushed against the rocks. It hasn't set properly. [Back to 1]
(Side note: Einar is one of the Avvar fishers who can be found near the boathouse by the lake.)
[3] General: You seem troubled.
PC: You seem troubled. Is it your injury?
Finn: In part. Gyda Myrdotten prepares my father's body for sky burial.
Party comments:
Cassandra: I’m sorry.
Varric: Well, shit.
Vivienne: You have my condolences.
Cole: Hurt and harrowed. Knotted and nameless. Can't be him, could never be him. But who am I?
Finn (in response to Cole): How did—yes.
(Continued.) Finn: (Sighs.) I knew it would be soon. I just... I miss him. [Back to 1]
[4] General: You can't complete the rites.
PC: I know about your father's burial—and the offering.
Finn: I tried. I dragged myself out of this cursed bed, but the pain… I collapsed. The huntmaster found me and dragged me back. Said we didn't need another dead man. [5]
[5] Subsequent dialogue options:
General: I'll find the offering. [6]
General: Is this worth dying for? [7]
General: You're lucky he found you. [8]
[6] General: I'll find the offering.
PC: I'm told I can make the offering as a gift for the hold. I'll try to do so for your father.
Finn: He won't be my father much longer. [Go to 9 or 10, depending on whether you’ve learned what losing one’s name means to the Avvar.]
[9] PC: What do you mean? [Go to 11]
[10] PC: The loss of your name…
Finn: It doesn't matter. [Go to 13]
[7] General: Is this worth dying for?
PC: If your father were still here, would he not agree?
Finn: He won't be my father much longer but... yes. [Go to 9 or 10, depending on whether you’ve learned what losing one’s name means to the Avvar.]
[9] PC: What do you mean? [Go to 11]
[10] PC: The loss of your name…
Finn: It doesn't matter. [Go to 13]
[8] General: You're lucky he found you.
PC: You're lucky he found you before that was the case. [Go to 11 or 12, depending on whether you’ve learned what losing one’s name means to the Avvar.]
[11] Finn: I can't make the offering. When the sky burial's complete, I'll lose the right to bear my father's name.
Party comments:
Sera: Wait, so he does this or he's the wrong kind of elf?
PC (in response to Sera): What?
Sera: Never mind. You help.
(Side note: this reaction from Sera can occur either when speaking with Finn or the Master of the Hunt about the loss of a name, whichever conversation happens first.)
[Go to 13]
[12] PC: I know it means the loss of your name, but… [13]
[13] Finn: Whether or not he's my father, I still love him. I would not see his soul severed from the earth, if it's meant to return. If you can make a gift of the offering... there's no way I could repay you. [Back to 1]
[5] General: Goodbye.
PC: I’ll let you rest.
Finn: Lady keep you. [Exits the conversation]
(Speak with Gyda Myrdotten and the Master of the Hunt if you haven’t already.)
(Talk to Gyda about Caldan’s funeral.)
Gyda: Be welcome, Inquisitor, though I fear I've time for little more than a greeting. I must prepare these souls for their greater journey—particularly those who depart without the reverence due. Their way is often hardest. [14]
[14] Dialogue options:
Investigate: What are the proper rites? [15]
General: Is there a problem? [16]
General: Caldan’s son is injured. [17] (Becomes available after following the dialogue branch [16] “Is there a problem?”, provided that you already spoke to Finn.)
General: Goodbye. [18]
[15] Investigate: What are the proper rites?
PC: I'm not familiar with Avvar funerals. May I ask what proper rites entail?
Gyda: When the time comes, we are given sky burials. For most, the body is laid out, and prayers given. When the birds come, they carry the soul to the Lady of the Skies. The body, unneeded, is gone. [Go to 19 or back to 14]
[19] Special: You said “for most.”
PC: For most?
Gyda: Some souls—such as Caldan's—are chosen to return. The augur reads the signs at birth. It is a rare honor. In order to return, an offering is made to Korth the Mountain-Father and buried beneath the body. A piece of the soul thus remains, allowing the rest to return to this world and be reborn. [Back to 14]
[16] General: Is there a problem?
PC: Will someone not be given proper rites?
Gyda: Caldan Enversen is one of the few whose soul may return. Blood-kin must make an offering to the huntmaster, who prepares it. Or so it should be. Caldan's son, Finn, has failed in this duty. But then... there's you.
PC: Me?
Gyda: You're a guest of our hold. A gift from you cannot be refused—even an offering for Caldan. I cannot dictate the nature of a gift, but if my suggestion appeals to you, speak to the huntmaster. [Back to 14]
[17] General: Caldan’s son is injured.
PC: Caldan's son is injured. It's not his fault he can't make the offering.
Gyda: As disappointing as that may be, it is not my place to ignore the gods' laws on a whim. I honor them—in word and spirit, Inquisitor. [Go to 20 or back to 14]
[20] Special: You offered an alternative.
PC: You suggested a way around tradition by letting me make the offering?
Gyda: The spirits have seen Finn fail. To undo it may be to undo their will. A gift from another does not bear this weight. Caldan's soul could travel easily. [Back to 14]
[18] General: Goodbye.
PC: I should be off.
Gyda: Lady keep you. [Exits the conversation]
(Talk to the Master of the Hunt about Caldan’s funeral.)
Dialogue options:
General: About Caldan’s offering… [21]
[21] General: About Caldan’s offering…
PC: I spoke to the woman preparing bodies for funeral. She said I might make an offering. For Caldan.
Master of the Hunt: How would... as a gift! Sly woman. In that case, I'll accept an offering from the hand that gives it. Tradition says the offering's made to Korth. Only creatures who touch the gods' realm will do. I'll mark where some were last spotted. It'd be an unmatched gift, lowlander. I still pity Caldan's son though... losing his father's name. [Go to 22]
[22] Special: His name?
PC: What do you mean?
Master of the Hunt: Finn failed to complete the rites. That'll see him disowned when the burial's complete.
Party comments:
Sera: Wait, so he does this or he's the wrong kind of elf?
PC (in response to Sera): What?
Sera: Never mind. You help.
Master of the Hunt: He's fatherless whether you do this or not, Inquisitor. Seeing it done will give him some peace, I imagine.
(Search for the Fade-touched creatures in the Basin.)
(After killing one of the Fade-touched beasts.)
PC: One of the animals the huntmaster described.
Party comments:
Dorian: Strange creature—not like others we've seen. Apart from wanting to eat us. Fascinating. I suspect it came into contact with the Fade.
Cole: It's not like the others. It touched something larger, left itself pale.
Solas: A unique animal. Certainly unlike others in the Basin. It often traveled where the Veil is thin. Many creatures avoid such places.
Vivienne: A unique animal. Unlike others we've encountered. Many creatures avoid places where the Veil is thin. I suspect this was an exception.
(If no companion makes a comment.)
PC: This creature... it's different from others in the Basin.
(After killing the three Fade-touched beasts needed for the offering.)
PC: This should be enough for the offering.
Party comments:
First comment:
Sera: So give it to the hold and make Finn's life shit, or give it to Finn. We help him. Not asking. Do it.
Blackwall: Caldan's son has lost enough. We shouldn't allow him to lose his name. Give it to Finn.
Varric: The huntmaster said he'd accept a gift from the hand that gave it—let Finn do it.
Iron Bull: No one said a gift to the hold had to include everyone. Could be a gift for someone's son.
Cole: The hold is a place, but also the people in it. Like Finn. If he gave the offering, he will hurt, but less.
Second comment:
Vivienne: We've been permitted to bend tradition. It may be best to tread carefully.
Dorian: Bending the rules further than what's already allowed? Not to sound unkind, but we don't want to upset the hold.
Cassandra: Kind though that may be, it bends the laws of their tradition. It's... something to consider.
Solas: A generous thought that bends the laws of their tradition. Whether the Avvar—or their spirits—would see that as an act of kindness or disrespect is hard to say.
(Return to the Hold when you killed three Fade-touched beasts. You can hand the offering to Finn or to the Master of the Hunt.)
(If you decide to hand the offering to the Master of the Hunt.)
Dialogue options:
General: I have the offering.
General: I have the offering.
PC: I have the offering for Caldan Enversen.
Master of the Hunt: I'll see it properly prepared and sent to Gyda. She'll be making the final preparations soon, I imagine.
Party comments:
Vivienne: In times of crisis, too many die without proper rites or prayers. This was kindly done, my dear.
Blackwall: Won't be easy on the son. He's lost more than he should.
Master of the Hun: Finn Caldansen's a good lad. His father was always proud of him. Still would be.
(If you decide to hand the offering to Finn.)
Dialogue options:
General: Here. Take the offering.
General: Here. Take the offering.
PC: Here—an offering for your father. From you.
Finn: Inquisitor, I can't.
PC: Consider my gift to the hold a gift to you. Though perhaps don't spread that around.
Finn: But the huntmaster—
PC: Said he'd accept an offering from the hand that gave it.
Finn: I... I don't know what to say.
Party comments:
Cole: Say the words he would want: "Fly to the Lady in peace, and come back soon."
Varric: Just take care of yourself.
Sera: Say what they want, and you can belong. But maybe when you figure that threatening you was shit, come look for a Jenny.
Finn: Thank you.
(Return to Gyda.)
(If the offering was given to Finn.)
Gyda: I'm told our huntmaster prepares an offering from Finn Caldansen. Nothing more's been said. I will only thank you for paying hospitality to an invalid. I must complete the preparations. A strange turn of events may not make Caldan's journey any easier. The gods measure both outcome and the actions—or deceptions—behind it.
(If the offering was given directly to the Master of the Hunt.)
Gyda: I understand our huntmaster prepares Caldan Enversen's offering as we speak. This gift is beyond worth. You have my thanks, Inquisitor. I must complete the preparations.
[The quest ends.]
(If you reapproach Finn after handing the offering directly to the Master of the Hunt.)
Finn: The offering will be prepared for burial. My father... no, I'm only Finn. Still, I rest easy knowing Caldan's soul will journey well. Thank you, Inquisitor.
(If you reapproach Finn after handing the offering to him.)
Finn: Inquisitor, you're always welcome in my home.
(If you reapproach Finn after freeing Hakkon.)
Finn: You killed Hakkon Wintersbreath? The hold breathes easier now.
(If you reapproach Finn after receiving the legend-mark.)
Finn: "First-Thaw." You'll be remembered in our legends now. Not many lowlanders are.
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Where Once We Walked
Side quest: Where Once We Walked
Characters involved: Ameridan (memory)
Inquisitor Ameridan has granted the current Inquisition access to his final memories. Retracing his steps will offer insight into the former Inquisitor's life.
(The dialogue from this quest has been transcribed by u/whiptrip on Dragon Age subreddit, so credit goes to them.)
[1] Memory at the beach.
Ameridan: I dislike being so far from home. Halamshiral needs me. The darkspawn have grown stronger. Some of my brothers would let those creatures destroy Orlais. They think Drakon no better than the Imperium. But if we do not stand with the humans against the darkspawn, we might lose everything we have gained. I will fight this Avvar-dragon for you, Drakon... and then we shall drive back the darkspawn together.
First additional comment:
Cassandra: But he died here... and the elves ignored the Second Blight as it spread across Orlais. So began the animosity that led to the destruction of the Dales.
Dorian: If the elves had helped Orlais during the Second Blight, Orlais might not have turned on them later.
Vivienne: If the elves had not ignored the Second Blight, relations with Orlais might never have soured. Orlais and the Dales might never have gone to war.
Solas: But he never returned... and the elves of the Dales ignored the Second Blight. Less than one hundred years later, that hostility turned to war and the elves lost their homeland again.
Second additional comment:
Blackwall: The Jaws of Hakkon failed to destroy the lowlands, but their dragon did lead to the end of the elves.
Iron Bull: So the ancient Hakkonite asshole didn't destroy the lowlands like they wanted, but they did get the elves.
Varric: (Grunts.) Looks like the Jaws of Hakkon indirectly destroyed the Dales.
Sera: Pride-cookies. Frigging again.
[2] Memory at the Tevinter cavern.
Ameridan: If I must go to the end of Thedas itself for Drakon, I am at least glad to have friends at my side. Telana and Haron have been arguing about Haron using the lyrium to fight demons. Some things never change. Orinna has a new alchemical trick she wants to try. Like pitch or tar, but stronger. A recipe straight from Orzammar. They argue, fuss, and mock each other mercilessly... and I would be lost without them.
Additional comments:
Solas: The more things change...
Cassandra: A dwarf getting on someone's nerves... I can't imagine.
Dorian: Yes, what's that like?
Varric: This Orinna sounds like good people.
Sera: Different and spitting, but still trying. Learn those lessons, now-people.
Vivienne: Every age has those destined for greatness, it seems.
Iron Bull: Sounds like the old Inquisitor could've used someone bigger up front.
Blackwall: Let us hope we fare better than they did.
Cole: They were happy. Then dead, but this is still here.
Memory at the Tevinter ruin.
Ameridan: We have a plan. Haron and Orinna will lead the Avvar elsewhere, so Telana and I can deal with the dragon. My spirit companion believes we can seal the dragon away, even if we cannot kill it. It is less clear whether I can do so without sealing myself in as well... but I have little choice. This beast will wreak devastation across Orlais unless we stop it now.
First additional comment:
Cassandra: No one ever knew. Their heroism was lost to history.
Dorian: He saved all of Orlais from the Avvar, and no one ever knew.
Vivienne: What extraordinary courage. A pity history forgot them.
Varric: It's a damn fine story. Shame nobody found it 'til now.
Second additional comment:
Solas: He did not do it for recognition. He did it because it was necessary.
Blackwall: Heroism shouldn't be about fame. It's about doing what's needed, no matter the cost.
Cole: It doesn't matter that no one remembers. What matters is that they helped.
Sera: People-people don't do things so you know them. Good on him.
[3] Memory at the shrine.
Ameridan: I prepare now for my final battle against this dragon of the Avvar. All is in place. I offer thanks to Ghilan'nain, Halla-Mother, and to Andraste, Maker-Bride. As you were raised up from mortal men to stand with our Creators, our Makers, so raise me up now to defend this world.
First additional comment:
Sera: Ohhhh, he's one of those. Elfy-elves don't like that these days. Or anything.
Cassandra: Inquisitor Ameridan, who helped bring the Inquisition into the Chantry, built a shrine for the Maker and the elven gods.
Vivienne: He prayed to both Andraste and the elven gods? What a quaint idea.
Blackwall: The Inquisitor honored both the Maker and the elven gods.
Iron Bull: He made a shrine for the human gods and the elven ones. You don't see that much these days.
Second additional comment:
Cole: "They're not so different, Drakon. Just another pair of boots to walk the same road." He doesn't see, wants it simple, but I can help him get there. There's room for both.
Varric: Belief is a funny thing. An elven Inquisitor must have had a careful path to walk. (If the Inquisitor is an elf) Still does, I suppose.
Dorian: You had something similar in ancient Tevinter. People kept the holidays but renamed them for the Maker. So instead of celebrating Andoralis at the start of summer, you have Summerday, and it's about the Maker.
Solas: It's a rare mind that has room to honor both beliefs equally.
[4] Memory on the Lady’s Rest island.
Ameridan: Telana, my love. I should not have asked you to come with me, though I know you would not have stayed behind. You are a Dreamer, and this dragon the Avvar have tamed carries a demon inside it. I can see how its presence hurts you. You should be at Halamshiral, reminding our people of our alliance with Drakon. Not here, risking death again with me. Still, in the old tongue, your name, Telanadas, means "nothing is inevitable." I will remember your name and hope.
First additional comment:
Solas: Ameridan was correct. The presence of such a powerful spirit would have caused a Dreamer like Telana immeasurable pain.
Dorian: A Dreamer like Telana would have been sensitive to demons. This spirit of Hakkon would have caused her a great deal of pain.
Vivienne: Dreamers are said to be sensitive to the presence of demons. I imagine this Hakkon demon caused Telana significant pain.
Cassandra: Dreamers are said to be sensitive to demons. A creature like Hakkon would have caused Telana terrible pain.
Second additional comment:
Iron Bull: More pain than watching her husband and all her fighting buddies get killed?
Varric: No more pain than watching everyone she loves die, I imagine.
Cole: Too bright, blinding, breaking, broken. "Get to safety. I will seal us both away. It's not forever. Come back with aid." But her leg was broken. She could only lie down and try to see him one last time.
Sera: It hurt the Inquisitor too. You can tell because he took so long to say "she died."
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Main questline - order of completion
Several of the main quests in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC can be approached at different times. The order in which quests are completed affects some of the dialogue options.
In this transcript, each main quest page is linked to the previous and the next quest (at the beginning and the end of each entry), but for the sake of clarity, the links follow only one of the possible routes. If a dialogue option depends on the completion status of another quest, it's noted in the brackets beside that option.
Here's a more detailed explanation of the order of completion for the main questline.
1. Jaws of Hakkon - introduction to professor Bram Kenric.
*2. The Basin Beckons - Kenric explains his research and points the Inquisitor towards the friendly Avvar and the island that might connect to Ameridan.
* This quest can be entirely skipped, which is going to affect the initial dialogue with Arvid Rolfsen during What Yet Lingers: Find a way to get to the island.
Afterwards, the main questline branches out. Here's the route that is listed in the quest index of this transcript.
3. What Yet Lingers: Find a way to get to the island - speak with the Avvar fisherman.
4. Avvar Allies - speak with the Thane of Stone-Bear Hold.
5. Storvacker Caged - search for Storvacker.
6. What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan - sail to the Lady’s Rest island.
7. What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric - report to Kenric with your findings on Ameridan and Telana.
8. On Ameridan’s Trail - investigate the last place Ameridan visited before disappearing.
Another possible route is to first speak with Svarah Sun-Hair. This means that during What Yet Lingers: Find a way to get to the island you gain the access to the boat right away, since Arvid Rolfsen recognizes the guest-welcome you received from Svarah. You don't have to go to Stone-Bear Hold to ask for Svarah's permission, as is the case if you approach Arvid first. The entire What Yet Lingers questline can be concluded only after Avvar Allies.
3. Avvar Allies
4. Storvacker Caged
5. What Yet Lingers: Find a way to get to the island
6. What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan
7. What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric
8. On Ameridan’s Trail
The next major difference in possible routes is the time of completion of Storvacker Caged. This quest can be tackled at any point after Avvar Allies, even after On Ameridan’s Trail.
3. Avvar Allies
4. What Yet Lingers: Find a way to get to the island
5. What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan
6. What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric
7. On Ameridan’s Trail
8. Storvacker Caged
However, both Storvacker Caged and What Yet Lingers: Look for information on Inquisitor Ameridan have to be completed in order to choose the following dialogue options:
"Hakkon connects to Ameridan" when speaking with Svarah (either at the end of Storvacker Caged or the beginning of Ameridan’s End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon)
"Ameridan and Hakkon connect" when speaking with Kenric (during What Yet Lingers: Return to Kenric)
The main questline converges after Avvar Allies, What Yet Lingers, Storvacker Caged, and On Ameridan's Trail have been completed.
9. Ameridan’s End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon
10. Ameridan’s End: Talk to Ameridan
11. Hakkon Wintersbreath
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jawsofhakkontranscript · 4 years ago
Hakkon Wintersbreath
(Previous quest - Ameridan’s End: Talk to Ameridan)
Main questline: Hakkon Wintersbreath
Characters involved: Lace Harding, Svarah Sun-Hair, Hakkon Wintersbreath, Bram Kenric
The Jaws of Hakkon have released a dragon said to carry the spirit of an Avvar god. The dragon flew into the Frostback Basin and will wreak havoc unless stopped.
(If you decide to speak with Svarah before dealing with Hakkon.)
Svarah: That was a good fight. The Jaws of Hakkon are broken and holdless. Their stragglers yet wander the woods, but their foolish plan died with Gurd Harofsen. All that remains is the dragon. It has not yet attacked the lowlands. Without the Hakkonites to pull it to purpose, it is confused. Still, I would strike soon.
(Go to the lakeshore and fight the dragon.)
Hakkon: Lowlanders, I am the breath of winter, the cold wind of war! Join me in battle and die!
Hakkon’s battle cries:
We will soak the ground with lowlander blood!
Prove yourself in battle!
Fight me!
You gain glory in death!
I am cold! I am war!
(The dragon is at low health.)
Hakkon: You fight well! A worthy battle!
(The dragon dies.)
Hakkon: I am slain. Well fought, lowlanders. It was a good battle. I die... content.
(Harding arrives.)
Harding: I've never gotten to see you take down a dragon in person.
(If the main game has been completed.)
PC: Corypheus had a dragon. You were there when I killed him.
Harding: No, I was below when you killed him. Hard to get a good view with a floating mountain in my way. I must say… It's fun to see it up close.
(If the main game has not been completed.)
Harding: I must say… It's fun to see it up close.
Dialogue options:
General: Thanks for the help. [1]
General: I hope it worked. [2]
General: You're a dragon slayer! [3]
[1] General: Thanks for the help.
PC: I appreciate the assistance.
Harding: My pleasure. [4]
[2] General: I hope it worked.
PC: With any luck, this puts an end to Hakkon permanently.
Harding: Or as permanently as it gets for an Avvar god. [4]
[3] General: You're a dragon slayer!
PC: Perhaps this calls for a new title. Dragonslayer Harding, perhaps?
Harding: A fancy title goes against the point of being a scout. Nobody should see me coming. [4]
[4] Harding: Inquisitor Ameridan would have been proud that you finished what he started. It's strange. History forgot so much of who he was. They never knew he died saving everyone. Do you ever feel that way? [5]
[5] Dialogue options:
Investigate: How do you know about him? [6]
General: I feel that way sometimes. [7]
General: I don't feel forgotten. [8]
General: It doesn’t matter. [9]
[6] Investigate: How do you know about him?
PC: You weren't in the fortress. How'd you hear about Ameridan?
Harding: I'm a scout, remember? Who do you think writes the messages Leliana reads? [Back to 5]
[7] General: I feel that way sometimes.
PC: There are things they don't understand, things no one outside the Inquisition will ever know.
Harding: Some of the secrets are necessary, don't get me wrong. It's just… [10]
[8] General: I don't feel forgotten.
PC: Right now, half of Thedas would recognize me on sight.
Harding: Right. But they see the Inquisitor, this larger-than-life figure. [10]
[9] General: It doesn’t matter.
PC: It's not about what we feel. It's about doing what needs to be done.
Harding: I suppose you’re right. [Go straight to 15]
[10] Harding: Every time you're "more than just a person" to someone, you're also less than a person to them. They don't see that a real normal woman/man fought the Avvar and killed that dragon. And they certainly don't know about your strange fixation with elfroot. [11]
[11] Dialogue options:
General: Thanks. [12]
General: Easy on the elfroot! [13]
General: Being like that is necessary. [14]
[12] General: Thanks.
PC: It's nice to hear that someone remembers I'm just a person... elfroot notwithstanding.
Harding: Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Scout's honor. [15]
[13] General: Easy on the elfroot!
PC: My feelings for elfroot are classified, Scout Harding.
Harding: (Laughs.) I'll carry your secret to my pyre. [15]
[14] General: Being like that is necessary.
PC: That's the way it has to be. People would be terrified if they realized their leaders were just people.
Harding: I suppose you're right. [15]
[15] Harding: For what it's worth... nice work, Trevelyan/Lavellan/Adaar/Cadash. Anyway, I'll be at camp if there's anything here you want to finish up. Otherwise, see you at Skyhold! [Exits the conversation]
(The spirit of Hakkon is released from the dragon. He soars into the sky and vanishes.)
(Go back to Stone-Bear Hold and speak with the Thane.)
Svarah: My augur tells me you have slain the dragon. Hakkon has left this world. You have our thanks. Now we can sing him back to life where he belongs, in the land of dreams.
(Go back to the camp and speak with Kenric.)
Kenric: Inquisitor, I understand you located the final resting place of Inquisitor Ameridan!
Dialogue options:
General: We found more than that. [20]
General: Close, but not quite. [21]
General: He wasn't dead. [22]
[20] General: We found more than that.
PC: I was able to speak with the Inquisitor briefly before he died. [23]
[21] General: Close, but not quite.
PC: He wasn't resting when we found him. Waiting, maybe. [23]
[22] General: He wasn't dead.
PC: Ameridan was still alive. [23]
[23] Kenric: I'm sorry?
PC: A ritual kept Inquisitor Ameridan alive all these centuries, binding him and the dragon.
Kenric: Oh, did his... Telana cast some sort of spell before retreating? Or... you... you're not implying that Ameridan was a mage? I'm committed to the truth, but if such an important figure in Chantry history were revealed to have been a mage… [24]
[24] Subsequent dialogue options:
General: Ameridan was an elf. [25]
General: Ameridan was a noble. [26]
[25] General: Ameridan was an elf.
PC: Not just a mage, Kenric. An elven mage.
Kenric: An... oh. Oh, Andraste's dimples. This will be... I'll either be famous or beheaded. This upends centuries of history, not to mention families claiming descent from him. There may be... consternation. Nevertheless, what matters is the truth. If he was elven, then the Dalish... well, it will be... just brilliant. [27]
[26] General: Ameridan was a noble.
PC: Ameridan was a human warrior, of course. We believe Telana cast the spell that bound them.
Kenric: Excellent. I look forward to examining any relics that might be recovered. As I said, many noble families in Orlais claim some relation to the Inquisitor. They will be quite pleased. [27]
[27] Kenric: I will spread the word appropriately. Thank you again for this marvelous opportunity. [Exits the conversation]
The main questline ends.
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