#and when there might be a leviathan swimming around this room with you just outside of view
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
the fact that no game in existence activates a primal, deep-rooted fear in me like rain world, somehow
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What's uppp! Luv ur blog and i got curious with the matchups so i'd like to request a matchup for MHA!
Also just to recognize my ask, I'd like to go with 🪩
So let's get to myself:
I'm female and go by she/her. Also i’m straight.
1,80 (5'11/6'0?), chubby, brown eyes, dark red (colored) mid length hair, usual ear piercings, one nose piercing on the side and a lip piercing (ashley), big ahh feet and hands LMAOOO.
Ijust can't decide so i switch it a lot. Either it's streetwear, punk or something elegant/ sweet (wild combo ik). My room looks pretty natural (lots of plants and wood etc.) since i need something that keeps me down to earth 💀
Music taste:
Big ass spectrum but let's try. Luv rock/hardrock/ metal, enjoy techno from time to time. The usual tiktok songs,.. Tbh anything that's very loud or makes my headphones vibrate 10/10. From time to time i do enjoy the calm/classical music but only if i REALLY feel like it.
Fav current songs if it helps:
Black No. 1 from Type O Negative
Fucking Your Ghost In Chains of Ice from Leviathan (pls ignore the title 😭)
prayer1 from april27
Nightmare from plenka
Stay from Narrow Head
Wicked Game from Chris Isaak
I've seen others mention it so; aries sun, pisces moon, virgo rising and ENTP.
honestly think it fits just not AS serious. People often mention i look rather intimidating at first which is understandable since i can seem uninterested and reserved but when talking to me i really love making others laugh, as well as laughing myself. Honestly my love language (combined with aggressive love). Love to goof around but i like to seem more closed off at first.
It makes things more interesting. Very personal emotions i like to only keep for myself (like most ig). I isolate pretty quickly and don't mind it since I've always been more independent and alone (not at all badly, i like the peace around me while enjoying the chaos inside my head 🫦😭).
I've actually never been in an relationship but based on other experiences i like both to be in control and let someone have control.
definitely not the type to only have one thing.
Swimming, MUSIC, analyzing, watching trash tv and cooking shows (i just love judging people < /3), reading on my phone ig though i don't read many books irl, gaming from time to time, eating LMAO, adrenaline boosting stuff like rollercoasters,...
Cooking (ironically), bugs that have this hard shell on them (scared shitless, can't deal with them biches), morning breath, no motivation days, people that don't have their own personality (i get annoyed easily)
so yeah idk if this is too long or short or whatever.
I'd be happy if you would match me but if you don't feel like it that's totally fine love <3 don't stress, take ur time.
Hi 🪩Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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You and Shoto are the “intimidating but actually just reserved” couple of UA. People are often too scared to approach you, especially when you’re together but once they get to know you, they enjoy your company.
Shoto loves the more goofy side of you, especially since it brings out his sillier side as well. He feels honoured that you’re comfortable enough with him that you feel you can let that more private side of you out.
Enjoys watching tv with you and just relaxing in general. He doesn’t mind what you get up to, as long as you’re spending time together.
Shoto’s surprisingly good at motivating you when you’re struggling to find the energy to do anything. He’s been there before and knows how annoying it is.
Gets rid of bugs for you. He’s happy to either take them outside or just kill them depending on which you would prefer. If it’s a particularly large bug, he might baulk a bit but he’ll push his own concerns aside to help you out.
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Deadly Envy
Word Count: 1.8k Description: Perhaps directing insults directly to the Avatar of Envy's face is a mistake -- or, Leviathan reminds some demons of their place. Part of the A Demon's Nature series. Finally got back to continuing this, so here's Leviathan! Apologies for the delay, hope this is okay;; Note: Vepar is a demon associated with the sea and is one of the 72 demons that Solomon has a pact with, mentioned in the Ars Goetia. They were often depicted as a merman. Lassal is a minor demon named in the Liber de Angelis and is associated with the moon. Can also be found on AO3 here. content warning: blood, brute force violence, mild gore, use of hallucinogens
The Avatar of Envy was not one to find comfort in being alone with his thoughts, but there were times where he would wander to a certain cove by the oceanside, a place just for him where he found a sense of peace, a sense of belonging. The taste of salt in the air, the gentle spray of ocean mist, the sound of the waves crashing into the surrounding rocks -- yes, this was another home for him, one he dearly missed.
Leviathan closed his eyes, basking in the light of the Devildom moon as he debated going into the water tonight. It would be nice to go for a swim, but he was also itching to get back home and watch the latest episode of the anime he had recently gotten into.
“Well, well, who do we have here?”
Leviathan’s eyes snapped open, his body tense as he recognized the voice of the demon who unceremoniously interrupted him.
“Vepar,” the name left the sea serpent’s lips in a near hiss. “What are you doing here?”
“Why, enjoying the view this fine evening. I assume you’re doing the same? What a surprise, to see you actually outside! I thought you loved the computer screen more these days.” They laughed, a ripple of malice present in what should have been a joyous sound.
Of all demons, why did it have to be Vepar that had found his sanctuary? Every time Leviathan looked at them, or thought about them, envy bubbled in his chest and filled every fiber of his being.
Vepar had been one of the angels who fell alongside the brothers in the Great Celestial War - one of the few survivors outside of his family - and had been a rather high-ranking officer in the army at the time. After becoming a demon, they managed to become a Captain in Hell’s Royal Navy, following Leviathan as his subordinate. Or, that’s how it would have appeared, if it wasn’t for the fact that Vepar had seemingly lost all respect for their superior.
Their relationship was practically non-existent these days, as the Royal Navy hadn’t been active in centuries. They were never terribly close to begin with, but a great chasm seemed to have opened up between them as the years passed and Leviathan watched Vepar be so … successful.
How was it that this demon who ranked beneath him had managed to climb up so much higher in the social sphere? In true normie fashion, they had no issue conversing with strangers and seemed to make friends wherever they went. They were smooth with their words, charming with their smile, and always knew the right thing to say.
Except when it came to Leviathan.
“What’s with that look? I was just speaking the truth, wasn’t I?” Vepar grins, their mockery obvious. They brush a long lock of hair from their face before looking over their shoulder. “Oh, Lassal, look who I found!” They call out behind them, and soon another demon appears from the dark, his wispy white hair reflecting the moonlight. He was one of the lesser demons who seemed to cling to Vepar whenever they were together.
“Ah, Lord Leviathan..!” Lassal starts a bit nervously, unsure how to act in this situation. After all, he often joined in on the endless ribbing of the Avatar of Envy. The Greater Demon was never around to hear it, so what was the harm? “It’s, uh, nice to see you.”
“I was just telling him how strange it was to see him here. After all, I don’t think there’s a video game store anywhere near this area.” Vepar continues, the deriding smile still on his face. “Such a rare sighting of the ever-elusive demon. And all alone, too … but, I suppose it’s true that you don’t have any friends.”
Leviathan glares at the long-haired demon, his hands now curled into fists as they continue their jabs. Has he really become such a joke? Of course, a worthless otaku like me doesn’t deserve any respect, he thinks, They only care about my position when they have to…
“I would offer you to join us, but… hmm, you’d honestly just kill the mood.” Vepar shrugs, turning to Lassal, and attempts to get him to join in. “Isn’t that right? I mean, we all know how pathetic he is!”
The jealous thoughts continue to invade his mind. They only care because of my brothers. I’m obviously the weakest link, huh? Even Solomon liked Vepar enough to make a pact with them … they might be even better friends than we are …
“R-right!” Lassal easily bends to the other demon’s will. “Sorry, Leviathan, but you’re not really fun to have around.”
And then they feel comfortable enough to talk like this to me, to my face?! They have all the qualities I lack, everything is so much easier for them, and I’m just a laughing stock who only deserves mockery, huh? Is that it..?
“Oh, so polite. Come now, weren’t we talking earlier of how sad of a demon he is?”
“Yeah,” All nervousness is gone from Lassal, a rather smug expression taking over his features instead. “It’s hard to believe that he’s one of the demons ruling over us...it’s funny because even he knows how depressing he is, isn’t that right?”
They really think they’re so much better than me?!
“And to think, he’s Grand Admiral -- ”
“SHUT UP!” Leviathan finally speaks, his envy burning hot and turning into rage as he lunges at Vepar, his claws digging into their throat. “You actually think you can just talk to me like that?” His eyes shift, turning more snake-like while ink spreads through his sclera. His horns grow larger, his tail longer, and his teeth look a bit too sharp when he growls at them. “May I remind you that YOU serve under ME?”
A gargled choke manages to leave the caught demon’s mouth, their eyes wide in surprise. Lassal, who let out a squeak of terror when the third-born attacked, was trying to scurry away from the scene -- only to be caught by Leviathan’s tail in a tight grip.
“And where do you think you’re going?” The sea serpent shot a deadly glare at the lower-level demon, hoisting him up into the air to dangle upside-down. Leviathan turns his attention back to the other demon, trying to stop himself from ripping their head off right then and there.
“I might not be the most sociable guy, or the most popular, or the coolest, or … whatever! But if you really think you can just talk shit to my face and get away with it, you’ve got another thing coming.” His forked tongue slips through his lips with a menacing hiss. “It seems you both need a reminder that I’m the Third Demon Lord, your superior, your Greater, your ruler.”
“I-I’m sorry…” Vepar manages to get out, their previous haughty air vanishing as dread sunk in, a heaviness sinking into their bones. “I--”
“Oh, save your fucking apologies, Vepar!” Leviathan spits at their face. “If it wasn’t for your little pact with Solomon, I would kill you this instant.” He momentarily digs his claws further into their skin. “Your little friend, on the other hand…”
Lassal whimpers, trying to shake his head furiously. “P-please Lord Leviathan! I-I only said such things b-because Vepar made me! They -- “ His words are cut off with a choke as the Avatar’s tail tightens around their neck as Leviathan brings him close to his own face.
“Wow, throwing them under the bus? I guess I can’t expect anything more from the likes of you.” Leviathan sneers, the claws of his free hand going to drag down along Lassal’s face, venom leaving their tips and entering his bloodstream. With a flick of his tail he slams Lassal into the ground head-first, the jagged rock they were upon cracking slightly from the force. “If you thought I was going to go cry in my room because of your taunting, you were sadly mistaken.”
Lassal’s skull was fractured, blood dripping from the head wound caused by impact. If he was trying to say anything more, it came out in incoherent words and sounds, which soon turned into struggling screams. The venom that now coursed through his veins had a hallucinogenic quality that made the victim feel as if they were drowning, and it seemed to be working rather well. Leviathan thrashed him about again, making sure to smash his skull against the rock over and over and over and over and --
“Leviathan, stop! He’s dead!” Vepar screams, managing to get some more words out as the grip on their throat had slightly loosened while the Avatar was preoccupied with the other demon. Leviathan makes sure to deliver one more whack for good measure before dropping Lassal to the ground, his head smashed to bits and nothing more than a messy pile of bone, blood, and flesh.
“So he is.” His voice is cold, distant. His orange-purple eyes are glowing as he turns his attention back to the still living demon. “Now, as for you, Vepar… what was it that you wanted to say earlier? Something about how you couldn’t believe I could still be called the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy?”
“I-I didn’t say that, I just … look, I’m sorry, okay? You just a-appeared to have become so weak, you -- “
“...became an easy target?” Leviathan finishes their thought. “Well, let this be a lesson, Vepar. Think you’re better than me all you want, think you have so much more than I do, but at the end of the day…” He drags his claws down Vepar’s chest, sharp points sinking into their flesh and creating several large gashes that spurt dark ichor. They bite their lip in an attempt to hold back their cries of pain, tears streaming down their cheeks. “...I am at the top. I have more power than you do, and I will make sure that your existence will be a miserable one if you dare challenge me again.”
Mumbled words left Vepar’s lips, soon followed by a sharp cry when Leviathan sank his claws into their torso once more.
“What was that?”
“Y-yes Grand Admiral, sir. N-never again, sir!” The words tumbled out without a second thought, the demon trying not to let his body tremble too much from the mix of fear and pain.
“Good.” Leviathan retracts his claws and lets Vepar slump to the ground to their knees, his cold gaze lingering on them for a moment before looking over to the mangled corpse of Lassal. Turning away from the scene, Leviathan begins to walk away, raising a hand in the air.
“Clean that mess up.” He pauses, looking over his shoulder to fix the fellow sea demon a menacing glare. “And that’s an order.”
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Play With Me
Request: hii can i request an nsfw of Leviathan and fem s/o with forced feminization and humiliation ( levi receiving) ??
Warnings: Light Humiliation, Usage of a Strap
Word Count: 2K
A/N: Echo from Bad Dragon is what I’m referencing!! I hope you like it!! I’ve been in a big er- power move lately!! Shigaraki will get one too so Gamer Simps, yall are getting fed these next few days!!
You stand in Leviathan’s room, the blue hue against your skin making you glow. You look at the bathtub, a frown on your lips. You have enjoyed doing this ordeal on something softer but a gaming chair will suffice. You’re sure those are soft and made for comfort given how long people must sit in them. You fix your strap, the cock in your hand feeling firm. Shadows move under the closet door. In the fish tank, a lone orange fish blinks at you before swimming away. Your face burns, the thought of a beloved pet watching what you’re about to do making you slightly embarrassed. The thought floats away as soon as it comes when the door creaks and out steps a demon clad in pink and frills.
Leviathan steps out of the closet in a revealing maid outfit. Your smile thins, glee coursing through your veins as he tries to pull down on the frilly fabric that wraps around his waist is laced at the ends with white, two white stain bows that pinch at the waist and pull the fabric together. The frilling hardly covers the beginning of his bulge hidden in pink panties decorated with lace at the edges and a white satin bow in the front. His chest is covered by a lacy bralette, his soft pink nipples peeking through the lacy fabric. Around his neck is a frilly collar, scrunched against his neck. He stares at the floor, hands bunched around the frills as he starts to leak at the tip of his cock.
“Already wet and hard, huh Levi?” You jest, your steps coming closer to him, the ends of your heel clacking against the tile in his room. “Turn around for me, sweetheart.” He nods his head, his teeth sinking into his lower lip as he spins slowly, stopping until his bum is facing you. Against the tight underwear, a heart shape is pressed against the fabric. “Already prepped, I see.”
“Are you proud of me?” He asks, turning back around to face you, his steps coming closer to you. “I did a good job, right?” His smile is nervous, slowly becoming wide as he looks towards you for approval.
Your smile falls, a curl of your upper lip graces your features. You click your tongue in response, and roll your eyes. “So desperate for any amount of approval, hm?” You sigh, your shoulders slumping and gaze looking bored. “You reek of desperation, you filthy slut. Now hurry up and get on your knees.” He nods his head, walking closer to you until you stop him. “Ah, ah,” you lilt, wagging a finger in the air. “Crawl over to me. I want to see you work for my cock, okay?” You sit on Leviathan’s gaming chair, the leather cushioning your beck as you cross your legs.
The strap that rests is a soft blue and white mixed together. The tip is thick enough, the rest of the cock slowly expanding with a gentle curve and pushed against the lower base. A medial ring circles around the lower base, firm and expanding just before slimming down into a softer base. The strap circles around you, hugging at your hips as a smaller, and slender version of your cock rubs against your inner walls. You sit at his chair, barely able to contain your smile as Leviathan crawls towards you, his head held high as he keeps a heavy blush on his face.
“Beg for it,” you murmur when he rests at your feet.
“Please let me suck your cock. I’m gross and pervy and I need to have my throat filled with your cock. Please. I’m already leaking just by looking at it.” His voice cracks, a frown against his lips. He shifts his legs together, his hand going to clutch at the frills around his waist, his middle and ring finger extended to graze against the panties. You look down, his eyes glistening with tears and bottom lip trembling, and he gives you a look so pitiful it might have been cute if it weren’t on someone so disgusting. I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll be your dirty otaku if you let me.”
Satisfied enough, you nod your head and let out a sigh, you smile softening. “Get on your knees, Leviathan.” You lean against the back of the chair, your legs spreading as the strap bobs with the movement. Leviathan rises onto his knees, his warm breath against your inner thighs, his soft, dirty hands holding you tight at your thighs. The smaller toy moves inside of you, your walls conforming around the false cock, your face tightens, the soft curve of the cock hitting against your sweet spot. “You’re gonna suck my cock and you’re gonna make it good. Do you understand?” He nods his head, his tongue, a soft pink that fades into a darker blue, peeks out to wet his lips. You raise your leg, the point of your heel pressed against his shoulder. “I asked you a question, I expect an answer in response.” He mutters a quick yes under his breath, his face leaning closer to your cock. His pale skin is marked with red, an indent pressed against his shoulder.
His lips wet the head of the cock, the tip of it shining with spit. The soft blue and white cloud-like cock drips with his saliva. His cheeks are a deep red, tears filling his eyes only to spill out and curve past his cheeks. With each bob of his head, he gags, eyes filling with sweet tears as he buries himself into you. You’re sure that if you could feel the sensation of his mouth, that you’d be quick to release into his mouth but all you have for now is the slender cocktoy inside of you, rubbing so pitifully against your gummy walls. He presses himself close, cheeks flushed red and hands now moving to grip onto your thighs, his nails pressing into your skin and you’re too consumed by him to even care that he’s touching you. Even with the strap-on, he gives it his all, burying himself to the base of your cock, his cheeks hollowed and a hand slipping from your thigh to palm himself through the thin fabric of his panties.
“Okay,” you breathe out, a pool of saliva under your tongue, “get up and bend over.” You want as he rises, a tent in his underwear with the light pink now soiled by his own pre-ejaculate. He bends himself over his desk, his abdomen pressed against the edge of the desk, hands cushioned under his chin. Your hands trace over his hips, edging around the frills and lace and slowly pulling them off. The pink is now dark as it lines his cock. You press your lip against the base of his spine, his skin rising with goosebumps. Your name is muttered as your hands cusp his waits, grabbing at the hem of the underwear. His skin is pale, freckled with scales that begin to bud around his pubic area. He waits with bated breath, his hands curling and scraping against the desk. Amber eyes glance to the edge of the desk where it meets the wall, his figures watching him with an unblinking gaze as his underwear pools around his ankles. He looks away, raising his legs to step out of them carefully with his head lowered. He says something too low to be heard and he can’t be bothered to repeat himself.
You pull the heart plug out of him, his taint leaking with shining lube that spills out. Your hand curves over his bum, the fat of it soft under your palms. You’re quick to strike, hearing him yelp as red spreads around him. Your smile stretches thinner as your hand once again strikes him, red blooming across him as he whimpers, his legs tensing and muscles pulled taut. He counts under his breath, steadily and by the time he reaches twenty, his cock is erect, pressing against the desk as it dribbles out arousal.
You teeter at his rim, circling him with every breath, dipping a finger inside of him. It’s wet inside, thick, heavy cream that shines against your finger and he pushes himself out to you, a hand slipping to grab at his own rear. His nimble fingers press into the fat and he spreads himself. With only a loving touch against his wrist, you press your cock head against him and enter him slowly. You hiss as the toy inside of you rubs against your walls, edging deeper into you, pressed so firmly against your walls as the base of your toy presses deep inside of him. He coos, his back arching upwards and his hand faltering to the front of himself, wrapping around his cock and pumping it rapidly.
Your nails leave red crescents against his skin. He’s pitiful under you, needy and huffing like a bitch in heat. Your hands grip onto him tightly, brows furrowed and the creases deep. Sweat beads at your brow and despite his noises of pleasure, it still isn’t enough.
His head is pulled back, your hands knitted into his purple hair, pulling him backwards. He lets out a yelp- more out of shock rather than pain given how his lips almost upturn into a smile. “Are you actually enjoying this?” You spit out, slapping your hips into his rear, tightening your hold on his hair. Anger seeps into you, your words holding more poison. You aren’t sure if you’re angry out of embarrassment at the lack of true power that you have over him, or if it’s anger disguised as lust, so desperate to hear his moans that you’re willing to call him anything vile as long as he shows you his pleasure. “You’re fucking slut, Leviathan.” You curse at yourself. You’re unable to find anything truly original.
“More,” he gasps out, leaning forward, his hair pulled further. “More, please,” he says in a high pitched voice. “I’m a slut, just fuck me, please.” His hand pumps himself, the clicking in the room becoming sharper the longer he continues.
Your cunt leaks, dripping onto your inner thighs. Your other hand hooks into his mouth, brows furrowing as his teeth scratch the outside of your finger. “Third-fucking-powerful,” you hiss out, slamming into him. “All you are is a bitch in heat, begging and pushing your ass deeper onto my cock. You’re dressed in pink and frills-” your hips still, burying yourself deep into him, and you think you can feel his muscles twitching around you- “dressed like a whore and clenching on my cock like one.” He mumbles around your fingers, drool slipping past his lips and onto his chin. “How cute, you’ve resorted to babbling. Are you so desperate for cock that you’ve lost all sense of communication? Hm?” Your lip curls, your hips pulling out till the tip remains inside and you push back inside of him. “You’re pathetic Leviathan- so horrid that I’ll have to go and wash myself to rid myself of you and your stench but damn, you make for a good fuck.” You lean close to him, your breath faint against him. “Much better than the others, at least.” He goes rigid, his body tensing and he cries out your name- broken and full of cries. It’s repeated until it’s a whisper, your own name foreign to your ears.
You pull out of him, your face flushed and heart racing as you stare at the demon below you. He’s limp, legs spread as semen runs down his thigh. His taint gapes, and you frown. Your finger traces around the rim, ignoring his whines and the bucking of his hips.
“Next time,” you whisper, your finger edging into him, “I think I’ll get something to properly fill you.” Your finger edge back out, your hand gentle against the curve of his bum as you soothe the red skin. “How does that sound? Does that sound like something the princess might like?” He nods his head, turning slightly to look over at you. You give a curt nod. “All right-” your hand rests at the bottom of his back- “I’m going to go get you a snack, stay here, okay?” You step away from him to kiss at the front of his head, his hair sticking to his forehead and eyes heavy with exhaustion.
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"I like you the way you are."
Mammon × Camy (MC) short story
Here's the first request story for my summer event! (Or at least kinda, actually I was the one to ask for permission to write this... xD)
The MC Camy belongs to my dear friend @sketch-guardian. I really hope I did this fluffy duo justice, it's a lot of fun to write those cuties (*´▽`*)
(links to: summer story Masterlist/ request rules)
Have fun~!
„We´re going to the beach?“
“Ya bet we do!”
Mammon was standing in Camy´s room, grinning all wide and excited as he told his human the news. “We annoyed Lucifer until he´d let us go, so now we´re having a vacation in the human world!”
The human girl gave a hesitant nod. She wasn´t the biggest fan of the beach, but seeing her favourite demon this happy was already enough to go along with the plan regardless.
As the words kept bubbling out of Mammon like a waterfall, he noticed Camy wasn´t really sharing his enthusiasm, so he took a step closer to the girl sitting on her bed, making sure to lock eyes with her.
“Whatever ya worry about, don´t. I´ll make sure you have the time of your life, okay? It´ll just be you, me, swimming hand in hand to our heart´s content… Alright?”
He beamed a smile at her, through which he missed the subtle flash of fright that went through her expression. Then, Camy curled her lips in a reserved smile as well.
“Alright. As long as you´re with me, I´m sure it will be great.”
The inhabitants of the House of Lamentation are known for causing a ruckus. That didn´t change, even in the human world. Lucifer had his hands full with keeping his brothers out of trouble whilst not arousing too much suspicion with all those humans hanging out at the beach themselves.
As much as Mammon wanted to partake in this ruckus, he wanted to spend this time with Camy even more. He was waiting for her to come out of the summer cottage they have rented, feeling more nervous by the second.
The reason? Well…
Camy was known to wear hoodies, like, all the time. Mammon wasn´t one to complain about that, the hoodies made cuddling even cosier, after all. However, now that they were at the beach, the sun shining down strongly and the ocean waiting for them to take a swim, Camy would come out of the hotel in swimwear for sure.
Hence, the boy was nervous as frick. N-Not in a creepy way! But, ya know… Mammon had fallen for Camy big time, so obviously it would be a big deal to see her like this. Then again, he did not want to appear creepy, so he tried staying calm, but oh man, was it difficult to stay calm when he was so excited to hang out with her for the whole day, also his mind keeps switching back to the swimwear issue and his weak heart can honestly not cope with-
“Mammon? Are you okay?”
I would have loved to write out the kind of noise Mammon made when he heard Camy´s voice behind him, but this level of “Aaasdfdssdh” is not part of my vocabulary sadly. But what I CAN describe is the jump Mammon did while pressing out said noise.
“C-Camy! You´re finally done!” He laughed immediately after to distract her from his flushed red face – which lost its colour again when he turned to look at her.
“Uhm… Is something wrong?” Camy tilted her head, seeing Mammon´s almost shocked expression.
“N… No…” The demon mumbled as he was looking at her outfit: a shirt with sleeves all the way to her elbows, paired with some long jeans. “But, uhm… Isn´t it kinda warm in those clothes?”
The girl gave a shrug. “It´s fine. I´m not really planning of staying in the sun for too long anyway. Also I´m used to hot days from my homeland, so there´s no need to worry.”
“Oh, okay” Mammon replied, trying to ignore this tiny sting in his chest. Instead, he tried to focus on the cute smile on Camy´s face as she asked him to go search for a sun lounger together.
As Camy didn´t want to go swimming, the two took a stroll along the seashore instead. At some point, however, Mammon had to take a little dip into the cold ocean water as his demon body wasn´t really used to the summer heat.
“Aaaaah… That´s way better…!” The boy was grinning from ear to ear as he floated in the water. “Oi, human, you sure you don´t wanna join me?” He peeked over to Camy.
She had rolled up her pants to at least put her feet into the water and was bending down to inspect the sand. “Yeah, I´m good” she answered, then turned around stretched out her arm. “Look! This seashell is super shiny on the inside.”
A little grumpy over her stubbornness, Mammon's face was forming a pout as he started to inspect the shell in Camy's hands.
"You're seriously interested in some crap that's swimming in the-" he stopped, eyes going wide as he saw the shell's shininess. "Woah. It's pretty."
A smile spread on Camy's face as she mustered Mammon's sparkling expression. "Right? And the outside has this cool, purple gradient. I've never seen one like this before..."
"There are different kinds of shells?" Mammon asked, to which Camy gave a nod. She explained as much as she could about them -- and suddenly, Mammon was digging in the sand, too.
The girl gave a little laugh. "What was that about 'some crap' earlier?"
A small tsundere blush showed on Mammon's cheeks.
"Well, I've never looked at them this closely before..." he pouted. "But everything sounds so interesting when you're the one talking about it..."
Now the blush had jumped onto Camy's face. Being a bit too flustered to respond anything coherent, Camy continued her search after mumbling a tiny "I see".
The pair was really successful in finding a fair share of various beautiful shells in all forms and sizes. Mammon had mentioned wanting to show them off in some way, so Camy suggested they could make cute jewelry out of them.
The second Mammon's brain comprehended that would mean matching accessories with his human, he was sold. The demon had dashed back to the vacation home almost immediately to grab his phone so they could do a bit of research on the topic.
So Camy was waiting at the beach... Waiting for a weirdly long time. The scorching summer heat made it almost painful for her, even under an umbrella. Grumbling, the girl looked at her clothes, then over to the sparkly, refreshing sea. She didn't tell Mammon, but Camy was actually wearing swimwear under those clothes...
The girl let out a big sigh. She ached to dive into the cool water, but her stomach turned at the mere thought of undressing herself in front of all these people that looked so much... better... than her...
The intrusive thoughts kept nagging at her for quite a while, only being disrupted when Leviathan approached the girl.
"Camy! You're waiting for Mammon, right? It seems Lucifer told him to go get something from the store. Mammon urged me to tell you before leaving."
"Oh okay. Thank you, Levi! I'll just... keep waiting, then" she replied, eyes already drifting over to the water again...
Mammon was pretty pissed. He couldn't even remember doing that thing Lucifer had scolded him for, so why did HE have to go out to buy groceries that BEEL ate?!
He knew Camy would be waiting for him to come back, so he grabbed those onions and whatnot in the speed of light and hurried back to the beach. Panting from almost running home, he frantically scanned the sun lounger area for Camy... but couldn't find her. Also looking over the rest of the beach, there was no sight of her, either. So instead Mammon went up to Satan and annoyed him until he'd spill the information he needed.
... But Satan also didn't know? And after running back to the cottage to search there, there was still no Camy?? And she wouldn't pick up the thirty calls he'd already left her?!
Mammon's panic mode activated. He went to look everywhere all over again, from one end of the beach to the other. Just so holding himself back from literally turning around stones to search underneath them, he was about to go crazy as he reached the other end of the beach.
But then, as he passed a large boulder, he locked eyes with a girl in swimwear, half of her body submerged in the water...
The second he realised he was staring at Camy, Mammon let out a panicked scream. And simultaneously, once Camy understood Mammon had just found her as she was taking a swim, she was screaming, too. So while one was stumbling backwards into the sand and the other yeeted herself into the ocean, they were squealing out their panic from the top of their lungs.
It took a moment for both to somewhat recover again, but Mammon was the first one to look back at her.
"C-c-camy...! I was... You were..." His brain was running with way too much speed for his mouth to form the right words. Meanwhile Camy had emerged from the water just enough to breathe out of her nose again. She glanced at the demon in great embarrassment.
"You're... Swimming" Mammon then said.
Camy frowned. "... It was too warm, so I thought I'd manage to take a quick dip before you come back, but..." She mumbled as a response. "You were faster than I thought..."
A little silence came over them, with Camy trying to figure out how to save herself out of the water and Mammon trying to understand why she wouldn't swimming together with him earlier.
"Uhm..." The human spoke up after a while. "Y-you can go back to the loungers, I'll dry myself off and meet you there."
Mammon's response was a confused blink. "But if you're already in the water, I might as well join ya and we'll-"
"N-no!" Camy blurted out with a bit too much force. She immediately gained a worried stare.
So she grew sick of hiding those painful feelings. "Look, Mammon, I'm... not confident about my body. I don't like showing much of my body, especially since all you demons seem to be naturally good-looking... It's not that I didn't want to swim with you, it's just... I don't want to torture you with, well, the sight of me."
Her hands were cramped around her waist, and the more Camy spoke, the more she wished to submerge into the water again and never come back. It got even worse when Mammon wouldn't answer for what felt like eternity.
So eventually, Camy turned her narrowed gaze to look at him, only to find an expression of pure disbelief on his face.
"Camy" he finally called out.
"... Yes?"
Then Mammon stretched out his hand. "Come out of the water" he prompted, a sad ring to his tone. "Please" he added when Camy wouldn't react.
"B-but I don't want you to dislike m-"
"Trust me."
Slowly, Camy reached for his hand and got pulled out of the water softly.
She immediately had to endure Mammon's gaze, pressing her own eyes shut to not having to see his disappointment. The next thing she felt, however, was how Mammon's arms wrapped around her.
"S-stupid human" the demon mumbled against her head. His face was painted in the brightest blush as he tried to squeeze all his adoration for her into this hug.
"Mammon..." Camy blinked in surprise. "Y-you shouldn't hug me, I'm-"
"I don't care" he interrupted her. "Whatever it is, cut it. Actually, I should keep hugging ya as a punishment for saying such stupid crap."
The girl felt her eyes tearing up, but as Mammon really did not seem like loosening his embrace any time soon, she sheepishly wrapped her arms around him, too.
They listened to the mellow crashing of the waves, calming down more with every breath.
At some point, Camy felt Mammon shake his head.
"Really now..." He huffed. "I felt something was botherin' ya n' started thinkin' I hurt ya by accident..."
"What? No!" Camy gave him a little squeeze. "You're not the problem. It's just that I feared that you would... you know... be disappointed..."
"Camy" Mammon pulled back to hold her by her shoulders. "I like you the way you are."
They stared at each other until Mammon had to hide his rising embarrassment over his own words. "L-like, I... I think you're beautiful" he mumbled. "A-and...! As long as ya are healthy and happy, th-that's really all that matters, right?"
They hugged once more, partly because Mammon had to hide his face once again. But finally, Camy understood he was meaning it.
"Thank you, Mammon."
He gave a nod. "Make sure ya always remember that! And now... It's time to take another swim!"
With that, he tackled her into the water.
The girl was squealing, all puzzled, but Mammon wouldn't let her escape.
"I promised ya, it would be just us two and the water, right? And the Great Mammon is one to keep his promises!"
And as he grinned at her, Camy looked back with sparkling eyes.
"Yeah" she mused. "That's why you're so great."
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obeyme-sinners · 4 years
Headcanons with the boys #2 (clothing stealer MC)
More self indulgent stuff, this time with an MC who tends to steal clothing from friends/significant others (mostly with very little concern about making actual outfits out of said clothing) to have something that smells like their people to comfort them.
First off, uh, no? Hell no. And absolutely not. When you do eventually get your hands on some of his clothing though, he softens up about it (when he sees you in one of his plain black undershirts he just has to melt a little. You're so cute like that, he wants to ravish you). You are allocated one piece of clothing a week and that does not include his cloak or anything he generally wears on a daily basis. But if you're in a situation that makes you feel nervous and he knows his scent will help you calm down, he'll throw his cloak around your shoulders and lead you away for a bit. No, you do not get to keep it. He rotates what clothing of his you have so that you have something that smells more freshly of him.
Look, if you're gonna be snatching stuff from his closet, he's gonna be snatching stuff from yours as well. It's only fair. It doesn't matter that some of your stuff might not fit him! He doesn't have to wear it to just snag it anyway- wait, don't take that the wrong way! He's just saying that he'll be taking something from you for every piece of clothing that you take from him! It's not like he's going to be sneaking what he takes from you underneath his pillows so it can feel like you're sleeping next to him... totally not... and you're a fool for thinking it! But seriously, he's fine with it - sometimes he'll even drop a shirt or a jacket off at your room before snagging two (or three...) of your clothing pieces to bring back with him.
You... you sure that you wanna take any of his stuff? He's well aware that he doesn't always smell the best, and yeah his clothing can be pretty comfy but half of it is from fandoms that you probably don't even know so the significance is totally lost on you! Like if you really want to take something that's fine but... you're sure? At least take the stuff he knows he's washed recently, the stuff that he knows will be comfy. And oh, okay, you do look... really, really cute in his stuff. That might be a problem, he just wants to hold you now, and make sure that he gets a few pictures because the way the sleeve of his shirt slips off your shoulder is both hilarious and adorable and he is in fact going to implode.
Huh, if you insist, sure. He doesn't mind too terribly much, just make sure that you're not getting any stains on his clothes while you have them. You look absolutely adorable in your mismatched outfit, with his jacket over one of Mammon's shirt and a pair of Asmo's silky pajama pants. An absolute disaster, maybe, and something that should probably never be seen outside of the house, but adorable nonetheless. He'll hand off his jacket at random times if he starts feeling too warm - he knows that you'll accept it without question, and seeing you bury your face against the fabric to take in his scent makes him feel surprisingly happy. It's just oddly wholesome in a way he wasn't expecting, but hey, he's not going to complain.
He has enough clothing that he won't miss one or two shirts here and there. He doesn't mind you taking his pajamas either, they're mostly there for when he's readying for bed instead of actually sleeping. He might have a fit when he sees how you're wearing all the clothing that you've acquired though - NONE of it even matches, not to mention that half of what you're wearing is HILARIOUSLY oversized on you and the other half still has you almost swimming in fabric! Demon guys aren't small, especially next to a human, and just. Agh! At least have some style with it, please, he's begging you. But really when he sees you taking some comfort in the fact that his clothing smells like him, all other thoughts are thrown out the door.
Honestly he probably handed off his jacket without even having to be asked. Whether it be to eat without getting it messy or because he was working out, you'll end up with it in your lap. He'll be a little confused as to why you want to keep it, but he won't deny you any clothing of his that you might want (up to and including the shirt he's currently wearing). He always gets this super happy and dopey grin on his face when he sees you wearing his shirts - they look like a dress on you, he just can't help the laugh that he gives every time he sees you. He understands the need to feel connected to the people closest to you, too. And really he's just glad that you've included him on your clothing collection crusade. 
Doesn't seem to care either way about it. He's too damn tired, okay? Besides, clothes are just clothes, it's not like they have some special meaning to him. Internally though he's grinning to himself, because he's been seeing you wear all of his brothers' clothing but up until recently he's been trapped in the attic, which doesn't exactly give you many chances to actually ask him for something as well. It feels good to be included into this group, especially once Beel explains why you steal and collect the clothing of your friends. He also entirely melts the first time he sees you cuddling that hoodie that he gave you, with your face pressed into it and your chest rising and falling as a sign of total relaxation.
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gloryofluv · 3 years
Order Up! (Coffee Shop AU) Chapter 6
Well, this chapter is bordering 5k words. I didn't want to shorten it due to how fun the actual scene is! Let's see what the boys are like outside of the cafe? Shall we? I think we shall!
Previous Chapter
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She was sighing and standing at the counter in the large kitchen. It was vacant. Why did it seem so much so now? Alex glanced over to the hedges and noted lights changing color in the vast yard. What were they doing?
Her phone beeped. She checked the text.
Unsaved number: Want me to come over? You appear pensive.
She scanned the windows to see a silhouette in the window. It seems someone had been watching her plenty. There was a bit of jostling with the shadow, and it was gone. Her phone rang, and the same number was calling.
“Dammit, Asmo!” Satan growled.
“Oh, does Satan have a girlfriend? What’s your name, honey?” Asmo cooed into the phone.
“Alex,” she smiled.
“Alex! Alex, why did you give Satan your number and not me? What’s that about?” Asmo whined into the phone.
She stifled a giggle as her timer went off. “Well, Asmo, he definitely can be persuasive.”
“How about you come over, baby? We were all just about to go swimming,” Asmo sighed and laughed. “I have a few suits you might fit. I do love an amazing two-piece.”
Alex hummed and tilted her head. “I just finished baking some cookies,” she said while pulling the sheet out with an oven mitt.
“Beel, Alex said she’s bringing over cookies!” Asmo shouted.
Alex groaned. “I never said that.”
Satan growled. “Give that back, you heathen. I’m sorry, Alex. My brothers are morons.”
She giggled and started setting the cookies on the rack. “It’s fine, Satan.”
“Alex is comin’ here?” Mammon shouted in the distance on the other end.
“No!” Satan snapped. “Now fuck off.”
“Satan, please tell her to come! We’re going swimming!” Asmo whined.
Wow, this was very enlightening. Alex was smiling as she finished setting the cookies out to cool. Now she could see why Lucifer was very discreet about the knowledge of her whereabouts.
“Yo, Mammon said Alex was on her way here?” Belphie questioned in the background.
“This is my bedroom, and do I need to pull out my paintball gun and shoot you fuckers in the face to make that a point? Get out,” Satan muffled; he likely was covering the phone speaker.
“I could come over,” she offered. “I just baked two batches of cookies that I was going to give to Jordan’s mother. I can afford to spare some.”
Silence. “You really want to join this chaos?” he asked in a low tone.
“Well, you all aren’t going to rape and kill me, right?” Alex laughed as she set the sheets into the sink.
“Um, no,” Satan snorted. “I’m pretty sure most of these idiots don’t know what cunnilingus is, let alone how to use their dick.”
Alex was so glad he couldn’t see her blush. “Well, then,” she paused and cleared her throat. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt, right?”
Satan chuckled. “I can meet you down at the door if you prefer.”
“That might be best. Educate me on all the quick exits, too,” she laughed.
“I’ll see you in five minutes?” Satan asked.
“Five,” Alex affirmed.
“Oh! Is she coming!” Asmo cried from farther away from the speaker.
“Get the fuck out!” Satan snarled, and the phone disconnected.
Alex was batting a thousand today. Maybe she had been lonely a lot longer than she convinced herself otherwise? Shaking her head, she pulled out a Tupperware and placed a decent amount of the cookies into it. She was in her jeans and a regular t-shirt. That wasn’t too bad.
Breathe. Well, this was going to be interesting. She dialed and pressed the phone to her cheek. Her feet carried her to her purse just as the call connected.
“Alex, what’s wrong?” Jordan asked.
“I’m walking over to see them,” she said. “If I die, I’m going to haunt you.”
“Fair,” he laughed. “Levi-chan, Alex is coming over.”
Alex blinked and stopped in her tracks. “You’re there ?”
“Yeah, darling, I come over almost every week to hang with Levi. When you were at school, we would hang out because he’s part of my cosplay circuit.”
“Jordan! Don’t tell her that!” Leviathan hissed.
“Fine, I’ll see you momentarily,” She sighed and shouldered her bag.
“See ya soon!” Jordan laughed and hung up.
Jordan and collecting his introverts… she shook her head and walked out the door, locking it behind her. Pacing across the street seemed like running a mile. It was quite nerve-wracking. She twitched her nose and approached the pathway, glancing up at the massive house.
Okay. She stepped up toward the door and scowled at the boot marks on it. Strange. The door opened, and Satan smirked before leaning on the door jam. “I see you found your way here.”
“Easy as walking next door,” she laughed.
“Just to let you know, my brothers don’t represent or even come close to my moral values,” he sighed and moved from the entrance. “Come join us in hell.”
Alex laughed and stepped inside. It actually did read frat house, but not in a cringy way—tons of pictures on the wall, goofy quotes, or even of them.
“Put your bag down on the table so that no one digs through it,” he suggested and pointed to the side table by the door.
Alex rocked her head and slid it off before Satan led her down a hallway and into a giant kitchen. The motherload of kitchens, actually. It was pristine and bright with top-of-the-line gadgets and plenty of counter space, including a large island.
Beelzebub was digging in the fridge and turned to blink. “Alex, you really did come.”
This sweet boy was shirtless and gorgeous. Alex swallowed and smiled. “Yes, I did. I brought cookies.”
“How many times have I instructed that we do not leave our clothing lying around? Mammon, where are you!” A loud shout was heard down the hall, and Alex cringed.
Satan snorted. “You’ll get used to his shrill tones. Or you won’t,” he rolled his eyes.
Beel approached and set down his light beer. “Alex, those cookies look really delicious.”
She set them on the counter and pulled off the lid. “Please have a couple. I brought them for all of you.”
“Fuckin’ Lucifer!” Mammon huffed and walked into the room. “Woah, Alex, you’re here, in our house.” He stopped dead and rubbed his damp chest.
Beel groaned after devouring the first cookie. “These are almost as good as Barbatos’s.”
Mammon frowned and stomped toward the island. “What is it? Oh, you brought me cookies?”
“I brought everyone cookies, yes,” Alex nodded.
Satan reached over and leaned on the island with a smile. “I invited her.”
“They’re my mother’s recipe. She said you could win over any man with a good cookie,” Alex giggled and exhaled. “She was a riot.”
“Come on, let’s go!” Mammon huffed and yanked Alex’s arm.
“Wait, where,” she struggled, and he tugged her out the way he came and into a vast sitting room. She could hardly get her footing as he pulled her along and out a sliding glass door.
“Hey, Asmo! Look who came and brought me cookies but not you,” Mammon laughed.
Alex groaned and pulled her arm from him. “Don’t do that!” she snapped and reached over, flicking his nose.
Mammon froze, and his cheeks darkened. “Did ya just flick me?” he huffed and rubbed his nose.
Asmo screeched with laughter. “Mammon, you idiot!”
Alex glanced over and saw a small pool connected to a jacuzzi which Asmodeus and Belphegor were inside. Belphie waved with a sleepy smile and climbed out. “Well, look who came out of hiding. The rare and unusual white-haired doe. You know the myth is, if you catch her, she has to grant you a wish.”
She beamed and gestured to the sliding glass door where Beel was walking out. “I brought over cookies as a peace offering for you not to shoot this doe.”
Belphegor laughed and rocked his head. “Hopefully, Beel didn’t eat all of them.”
Mammon wrapped his arm around Alex. “She came over to see me.”
“No, actually, I came over because I came over. Satan invited me,” Alex said and nudged Mammon with her elbow, causing him to jerk and huff.
“Stop that. I’m ticklish there,” he groaned.
“Actually, I invited you over,” Asmo laughed and relaxed in the hot water. “You don’t have to have a suit, honey. You can just get in with whatever you have under your clothes.”
Beel offered the container to Belphie, who took a cookie. “Thanks, Beel. I bet they taste great.”
“They do,” Beel nodded.
Satan peeled in between Alex and Mammon. “Thank you for being an idiot. We’ll be going now. We have tons of books to review.”
“Shut up, Satan! You’re not gonna steal her away!” Mammon snapped.
“What is the meaning of all the idiotic bickering? Our neighbors could hear all of you seven blocks down!”
Alex jumped, and Beel moved next to her to reveal Lucifer. Oh, a dressed-down Lucifer? Buttoned up charcoal long-sleeve with the sleeves rolled up? No tie. Pretty handsome.
“Oh,” Lucifer scowled. “Alex, what are you doing here?”
“She brought cookies for us,” Beel smiled and offered Lucifer the container.
Lucifer examined his brothers before reaching in and taking a cookie. “Thank you.”
Mammon groaned and shoved Satan. “Lay off, would ya?”
Unfortunately, in their jostling and now the bickering that ensued, Alex was caught in the middle. Rubber soles and wet ground don’t mix near a pool, and she was toppled into the water. The absolute hilarity of it all. These brothers fought and argued probably all the time.
Surfacing, she huffed and shivered. “Shit, I wasn’t ready for that,” she sputtered and yanked her hair from her face.
“Fuck, are you alright?” Satan scrambled and bent to the edge to offer her a hand.
She smiled and let out a stream of giggles. “I’m fine. It’s just a pool, and I’m most certainly not allergic to water.”
He hoisted her from the pool and helped her to her feet. Lucifer was pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m truly sorry, Alex.”
“Alex, I’m sorry, really,” Mammon puffed and raced to one of the chairs. “Here, use my towel,” he grumbled and handed it to her.
She took it and shrugged. “I’m fine. Not the first time I was thrown into a pool,” she voiced and yanked off her shoes and socks. They were soaking, so Alex placed them carefully aside while wrapping the large towel around her body.
Lucifer exhaled and waved his hand toward himself. “Let’s go inside. I’ll find you something to wear in the meantime.”
“She could just take off her clothes!” Asmo laughed.
Lucifer shot him a warning glare before assisting the dripping woman into the house. The sitting room was quite cozy now that she could see it from another angle. It had a large tv with plenty of seating space on a section couch. There were board games on the shelves, and it all weirdly screamed family.
Jordan and Leviathan appeared just as they were about to reach the other end of the room. “What happened?” Jordan laughed.
“Well, I got caught between two brothers arguing and fell into the pool,” Alex laughed.
“Sounds about right. We were just coming down to see how you’re faring,” Jordan smiled.
Leviathan was hiding behind his towel. “Hi, Alex.”
“Hi, Levi,” she smiled.
“We’ll see you out by the pool. I convinced Levi to come down for some normie fun,” Jordan laughed and waved.
The pair passed by Lucifer, and he breathed before glancing at Alex. “I would have preferred you would have told me you were coming over.”
“I know, I should have,” Alex rocked her head.
He smiled and coaxed her along, and they moved toward the staircase. More pictures and paintings. Actually, quite a few paintings and most of them were of a dark landscape with a bright moon and stars. They were entrancing.
After the third flight, Lucifer ushered Alex toward a door to the right, and he opened it to reveal a bathroom. Lucifer flicked on the light and pointed. “Go ahead and attempt to dry off. I’ll fetch something for you to wear.”
“Are you going to be able to find me something that will actually fit?” She questioned with curled lips as she entered the room.
“Not likely, but I will make due,” he responded and shut the door.
Well, that’s one way to allow her to adjust. Alex breathed and yanked off her wet t-shirt, setting it in the sink. She did that with her pants and grimaced at him seeing her underwear. They weren’t like the sexy kind women prepare to wear around a man who may or may not be interested. No, they were plain and unflattering.
Alex exhaled and tore them off before tucking them into her jeans. Better. She wrapped the towel around her chilled sink and placed the seat down on the toilet before sitting.
What a bathroom. A huge tub had a shower wand connected to it midway—tons of little metal shelves with products of all sorts. There also was a shower to the right, and the glass that surrounded it seemed pristine and clean. More products in the shower… hmm, interesting indeed.
The knock at the door came with a voice. “I found something suitable for you.”
Alex cleared her throat and went to the door, cracking it. Lucifer was staring at her face, just her face. She actually could see the piercing concentration he was using for such an act. He offered the clothing and nodded.
“Thank you, Lucifer. I would have been chafing with jeans on,” she laughed.
“Well, let’s avoid such circumstances.”
“I’ll be out in a moment.”
He rocked his head, and she shut the door. Now, what did this man bring her to wear? Alex set the clothing down and shrugged. Not horrible. A t-shirt that was black and three sizes too big, and a pair of leggings that had to be Asmodeus’s because they were lavender and tiny. Well, unless someone has a girlfriend in this house.
Alex situated the leggings and was impressed that they didn’t reveal anything private. She then tossed on the shirt, tying it off to the side, so she wasn’t walking around in a curtain of cloth. Alex took the towel and wrapped her clothing in it before walking out of the bathroom.
Lucifer had out his phone and glanced over with a nod. “Suitable for now. I’ll throw those in to wash when we head down.”
Alex rocked her head, and they walked toward the staircase. “Are you upset I came over?”
He shook his head with a large exhale. “It was bound to be my irritation sooner or later. They will need to help you move.”
Alex laughed and shook her head. “Lucifer, all of you barely know me.”
It was so sudden. He had her turned and against the wall. Not in a kiss or even a heavy glare. No, he pressed his hand on the wall next to her while the other was pointing at her nose. “Stop this. Now. If I insist on assisting you, I don’t appreciate stubborn neglect. I’m not ignorant of grief and what it takes to live through it. Stop doing a disservice to yourself by trying to be strong.”
Cue the thump, thump of her heart and wide eyes. “I-I just, I don’t know anything else,” she stammered in a breathy tone.
“Well, that will be mended,” he voiced and pulled from her space.
Alex licked her lips and swallowed as her cheeks burned. Has anyone ever talked like that to her before? No, actually. Forcefully taking help was something she’d really never experienced because no one gave two shits about her outside of Jordan’s family. It was different.
“So who’s leggings are these? You have seven girlfriends hidden here too?” Alex questioned with a smile as they walked down the staircase.
Lucifer glanced over at her with pure sarcasm laced on his features. “Obviously.”
“Just some weird group community. I had no idea,” She laughed.
Lucifer stifled a smile and waved his hand. “As if any of my brothers are capable enough to be adult males in a relationship,” he snorted.
“It’s all about application, Lucifer,” Alex giggled.
They returned to the ground floor, and he wagged his fingers. “Let me put those in. If you go home before they’re done, I’ll have them dropped off for you.”
“Okay,” she agreed and handed him the bundle.
He exhaled and shook his head. “Try to avoid another trip into the pool, Alex.”
“Roger that,” she beamed.
Lucifer patted her shoulder with his available hand and moved toward the door on the left. Alex took that as a dismissal of some sort and walked back toward the sitting room. She watched as Jordan was in his trunks and waving flamboyantly while strutting next to the pool.
“Now introducing, the one the only, J Getlow!” Jordan declared.
Asmo had a remote in his hand and turned on the music. Sure enough, Jennifer Lopez’s I Ain’t Your Mama started playing. Alex lingered in the room and watched Jordan strut while lip-syncing, and the brothers seemed amused. Beelzebub was in the pool. Satan was reading a book on a chair a safe distance from the pool. Belphie was in the hot tub with Asmo and was grimacing despite watching.
Mammon was lounging on a tube with his glasses on in the pool a distance from Beel. Alex couldn’t see Leviathan until she noted white limbs hanging just in view in the pool. Well, they all were out there. Alex approached the door and smirked as Jordan finished the song.
Asmo clapped and laughed. “Oh, darling, you’re one of my favorite people!”
Jordan bowed before flipping into the pool. “I haven’t done a good drag show in forever,” he announced when he surfaced.
“The last one was pretty excellent,” Alex finally spoke as she came outside.
Jordan laughed and blew her a kiss. “Alex, you’ve always been my biggest fan.”
“Always. You deserve it too. You’re the extrovert to my introvert,” she laughed and walked around toward the seat next to Satan.
“Alex, lovely, Jordan was telling me you absolutely don’t date?” Asmo puffed with a scowl. “We need to fix that.”
Alex snorted and crossed her legs across the lounge. “Asmo, I didn’t have time to date. I was on a mission to make sure I got a degree so I could pay for my life.”
“It’s true, she slept maybe six hours at most every day, went to work, then jetted off to school. I’m not even positive she was human,” Jordan laughed and crawled into the hot tub.
Beel walked over to the pool edge where she sat. “Did you at least eat?”
Alex shifted her head from side to side. “More or less. Jordan always made sure I had food,” she laughed.
“By the way, those leggings look stunning on you. You can keep them,” Asmo giggled and waved.
“I think it is the first time I’ve seen her in something, not jeans or sweats,” Jordan laughed.
“Oh, I smell a shopping trip,” Asmo nodded.
Alex exhaled and smirked over at the man reading. “All the time?”
“Yes, Alex, all the time,” Satan snorted.
Alex shifted and ruffled Satan’s hair, causing him to blush. “What’s that like to live with your family in one big house?”
“It’s annoying as shit,” Belphie huffed as he shoved Asmo away from him and climbed from the water. “But we do alright,” he added and walked over.
This was likely Alex’s first time being around so many shirtless men. She remembered going to the beach as a teenager, but this was a pretty condensed experience. Jordan glanced back at her several times, almost as if checking to see if she was uncomfortable. Surprisingly she wasn’t.
Belphegor pushed her legs aside and sat down. “So, Alex. How close do you live?”
“Close,” she replied.
“How close!” Asmo shouted with wide eyes.
“Close,” she echoed.
Satan leaned to her and smirked before whispering. “Please don’t tell them. It’s my get back.”
Alex smiled and nodded.
“So, Solomon told me that Alex is going to come over for dinner this week? I didn’t realize you liked Solomon. Fair warning, his cooking isn’t the best,” Asmo voiced as he lounged against the rim.
“I said no such thing. Solomon is a pushy bastard,” Alex giggled.
Belphegor wrapped his purple towel around himself and forcefully scooted closer to Alex, pushing her over so he could relax against the back of the chair with her. Alex puffed and moved. Talk about pushy bastards. Satan exhaled while shaking his head.
“You see, Asmo and Solomon like to incite a new religion every once and a while,” Belphegor grumbled. “‘Oh, my fucking god,’ tends to be Asmo’s chant,” he rolled his eyes.
Alex covered her mouth as she turned tomato. “What?” she squeaked.
Satan groaned. “Can you just for once, Belphie, just once, not enjoy shock value?”
“I’m glad you noticed, Belphie! That was years ago, though. We grew bored of each other,” Asmo sighed. “Maybe I’ll call him soon.”
“That is way more than I needed to know,” Alex shook her head.
“That man has a nice dick,” Asmo giggled.
Jordan shook his head. “Not worth the trouble. He’s way too difficult.”
“Apparently, that’s what Alex enjoys,” Satan grumbled.
“She does! Alex likes difficult people because they surprise her,” Jordan laughed and glanced back at Levi in the pool. “Come on in here, Levi-chan. I promise I’ll slap Asmo around if he bothers you.”
Asmo grinned and wagged his fingers under his chin. “Don’t tempt me, J baby.”
Levi grumbled to himself but complied, sliding into the hot tub.
“Is it like this here, every day?” Alex questioned.
“Oh, yeah,” Mammon perked up and climbed from the water. He sat down on her chair near her feet.
“Don’t get her wet, scumbag,” Belphie growled.
“Or do!” Asmo laughed. “She can put on more of mine and Lucifer’s clothes!”
Lucifer’s shirt? Alex glanced down at the plain black t-shirt. He actually owned casual wear?
“Insufferable asshole,” Belphie snorted and plucked at the shirt.
“Cruelty has more reason,” Satan nodded.
“Do either of you ever stop complaining?”
Alex glanced over to see Lucifer walking out to the pool. He was in his same outfit but had pages in hand. “You’re working still?” Alex asked.
Lucifer exhaled and lifted the papers. “When am I not? We have a long day tomorrow. It’s time for everyone to dry off and settle in for the evening.”
“You’re not my father,” Belphie challenged.
“If I was, you would have never made it to puberty,” Lucifer shook his head.
Alex laughed and nudged Belphie. “You are a bit of a prick.”
“You like it,” Belphie snorted.
Those still in the water climbed out and reached for towels. Alex shifted from her blocked in seating around Mammon and Belphegor before standing. “I suppose I better go. I have work in the morning. This was fun.”
“You have to come over more,” Beel nodded. “Come eat dinner.”
“Do you have an obsession with feeding everyone you crush on, Beel?” Satan questioned.
Beel blushed and exhaled. “She lives alone.”
Jordan rocked his head. “He has a point. It might be good for you, Alex.”
She laughed and patted Beelzebub’s arm. “I’ll think about it. Behave yourself,” she said and patted Mammon’s head.
“I always behave,” he puffed with pink cheeks.
“No, you do not,” Lucifer groaned. “Your creditor bills explain that explicitly.”
Alex stifled a smile and waved at the group. “I’ll see all of you soon,” she said and reached for her shoes.
“What a mighty fine ass to get behind,” Asmo teased.
Alex stood up with tinted cheeks and puffed. “Goodbye, Asmo,” she groaned.
“Let me walk you out,” Lucifer declared.
She nodded as the boys bid her goodbye and followed Lucifer through the house with her shoes in hand. Nabbing her bag at the door, he paused before opening it.
“I had fun,” Alex smiled.
“Really?” he scowled.
“Yes, really,” she laughed and rolled her eyes. “I think all of you are interesting and very different. I’ve never been around that in my life.”
“You’re welcome to come over whenever you like. Just as long as you can stomach their chaos,” Lucifer voiced and exhaled.
“Lucifer, I deal with them at work pretty well. I think I’m capable of drawing my own limits. I wish you wouldn’t stress about this so much. For the first time in my life, I think I really enjoy my neighbors. Even if it is for only a short time,” she explained and tilted her head.
He touched her shoulder and nodded. “Don’t hesitate, alright?”
“Alright,” she beamed.
He opened the door, and she stepped outside of it, putting on her shoes enough to walk. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I look forward to it,” Alex responded and waved before walking down the path.
She glanced back once she was on the sidewalk to see him still observing her. The woman paced back home and noted that the light poured from their front door, and the dark form of him watching remained. This man. She couldn’t quite wrap her head around his demeanor.
Well, it was time for a shower and bed. She was definitely keeping his shirt until he asked for it back. If he ever did.
@rsmrymnt-tea @otome-scribbles
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storysofmyown · 4 years
Obey me! Scarred, Chap. 13
Plot:It’s time for the next step in Diavolo’s plan to unify the  realms. But, in order to work, the demons would be subjected to confront  their worst fears, and in some cases, who they are.  
Trigger Warning: Mentions of wounds, death, self hate, manipulation.
Word count: 6,076
There was a thunderous silence that enveloped the house of lamentation. The feelings of insecurities, sadness, and danger that could be felt at the brink of the territory was enough to intoxicate and leave a dark mark within anyone close by. And all of them knew it. All I them knew just how badly they were doing. Each one locked withing their own safe heaven, locked doors of muffled screams and yells of isolation as Mc sat in their bed, heart put at ease by the banishment of God from the devildom. The being could never set foot in the devildom unless permission from the current king was granted, this should have put Mc’s mind at ease as well. But the moment each of the doors closed slowly, or with bangs, the moment Mc took in the notice of how much silence took place of the usual vivid house…their heart sank. Not a word had been spoken at their way home. Them all too focused on helping the injured family that they didn’t process at all. But Mc saw the curtain of tears that was being held back in each of the demons eyes.
 Mc sat on their bed, the screams of pain of the demons resonating in their mind just as much as the sight of Asmodeus burned face, Beel’s stab wound, and the contorted pain that was depicted in each of the demons faces the moment they thought Mc was going to due at the hand of their father. And who could blame them…who could blame them from pausing their feelings long enough until they were somewhere, they could…breath…but could they breath right now? God had stepped in their house, had gone trough each and every single one of their minds, dissecting their fears to perfection, how were they supposed to breath in a space that had been tainted by the blood dripping figure of their father…
 Mc groaned for the seventh time since they arrived at their room. Unease bothering them with every second, left to the imagination what the demons might be doing…They needed to check up on them, even it was just outside their door to make sure that they were breathing…even just that would be enough for Mc. Every step they took from their room up the stairs was like walking to a cemetery. And as their steps echoed in the seemingly empty hall, Mc saw, right in front of Lucifer’s room, the demon sitting on the floor, a blank expression on his face as a sole wing covered in bandages moved ever so slightly. The demon didn’t seem to notice Mc, or perhaps he had and chose not to address them, whatever it was, the demon didn’t react at all when Mc sat beside him, back against the wall, face turned in his direction as the man seemed to be lost in his thought, and he certainly was. His hair was messy and for a moment Mc thought that perhaps he was devoid of all emotion…but then he faced them. And in those red eyes that had threatened to kill them so many times before, Mc saw the pure fear and sadness he felt.
 “…he was right…” Mc did not say anything. They had to stop themselves from ripping those thought out of Lucifer.  They just sat, and listened, because they would rather listen to Lucifer scream for endless hours as he poured out all those thoughts and everything that had always plagued him. They would rather see the man cry like never, than from him to deny all those feelings that were eating him alive. Inside, the demon was completely crumbling down with every passing second, as the words of his father slowly but surely made their home in his heart. “…I still expect to see her smile when I open my eyes…”
And the silence remained…it remained for exactly one second more, because sometimes we just need time to understand what is happening…and Lucifer had just realized just how broken his family was. The silence remained for just one second more…before the sobs of Lucifer as he covered his face with his hands broke this tormented silence that had made itself at home in their minds.
 Within closed door and abysmal darkness, hidden behind mountains of knowledge and pledges of self-worth, corroded by doubt and unsure if he could even consider himself one of their own, in bed laid a demon. A demon full of rage, hate, despise, wrath, but underneath all…sadness. In the back of his mind words of displeasure being repeated one after the other. Flashes of his family and the sweet smile of a woman he never meets plagued him. What was once meant to be a sanctuary where he could be himself had turned into a prison he built slowly over the years, a prison that no matter what he did or who reached it could not come down, because he had made sure it didn’t. Now he was being faced by dangers within the wall of his own prison and the young demon had never felt so helpless. The monster that had plagued him for years had finally reached to him and were making sure he knew of their presence.
 Over and over God’s voice asked the same question. Again, and again and again and he didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to think about how different he was from his family. He didn’t want to think about the implications of his birth or the way the others had always treated him. He didn’t want to think about his childhood and how behind every laugh and smile and fun moment behind the eyes of the demons he called family there had always been doubt towards him or sadness about their sister. He hated it. He hated it so badly, he hated being different, he hated not having ever been with his family when they were happy in the celestial realm. He hated wanting that. He hated the way they all pitied him, he hated having to hate things with his entire beings but most importantly…he hated himself…but what did that even mean? How could he hate himself when he didn’t even knew who he was…
 Who really are you, Satan?
 Those words…over and over, and over again, ripping his heart to pieces. How was he supposed to know that?
 Who really are you, Satan?
 He was someone…he had to be. No matter how they looked at it Satan had to be someone and he knew it…right?
 Who really are you, Satan?
 Because it just made sense, there was no way he was no one. He had knowledge and a history, he had people around him, so he had to be someone…he needed to be someone but-
 Who Really Are You, Satan?
 “…who really are you?” He questioned, now in front of a mirror as he looked at himself and past himself, kneeled down as a feeling he was used to hid seethed out of him as tears decided it was time for them to plague him.
The state of himself surprised him…when had he broken the mirror? That didn’t matter, what laid beyond the mirror was far more broken than the hundreds of fragments on the floor…when was the last time he cried…when was the last time he was anything other than the condescending bookworm that always had a quick response and a sharp tongue to everyone in his family…to everyone around him…whatever he was…if he was anything at all…he hated it…he hated it so much…
 There was only darkness surrounding him. The noise had died down, his own breathing had slowed to an inaudible level. Hands no longer shaking as they were wrapped around his neck. He could still feel the phantom ache of God’s hands wrapped around his neck as he starred into his eyes and made Leviathan fear for his own life. Only twice in his life had he ever felt that scared, when the war took place, and when God confronted him alone that one time…and in those scenarios he was still the week little brother, the one that needed protection. He was the laughing matter of the family, Grand Admiral Leviathan of hells Navy, yet a weak pathetic demon that couldn’t fight off God and ended up getting reverted to his angel form…how was he supposed to be the third born?
 He was weak, if it hadn’t been for Mc’s help and the others God would have been able to get out of the weak trap he had set him on, and possibly kill them all…or worse, because as an angel there were flashes of light were he could see himself attacking those he loved…attacking his family…why was he so weak…how had he let God take control of him like that? Leviathan took a deep breath s his eyes were focused on the aquarium were Henry was peacefully swimming, his eyes suddenly focusing on his own reflection starring back at him. The tired eyes and the dried blood, the hand wrapped around his neck…which when moved, gave away to purple bruises which every time he looked at all he could hear was the diabolical laugh of God and remember those glowing eyes…
 Leviathan closed his eyes and took a deep breath…but all he saw was God standing in front of him, the feeling of God humiliating him, the lack of air and the way the coldness had made him shrink in himself as God manipulated and hurt him in ways that Leviathan had been suffering for so long…the repeating form that mocked him of the demons, the bag hitting the floor, his ears ringing as his knees gave out, breathing accelerated…he hated his father…he hated that Lucifer was right by worrying about him so much, because he had a reason to worry. After all, Leviathan was weak…of course Lucifer would put someone to be his guard so he would not go and get himself killed. Lucifer didn’t trust that he could stand on his own and Leviathan knew he was right!
But that did not mean it didn’t hurt. That didn’t mean he hated the way everyone saw him and the way God had taken advantages of all those insecurities and fears that Leviathan had tried so hard to escape. He hated the way his hands were shaking in that moment and how he couldn’t do anything for himself. Even Mc was stronger than him when they had magic and he was supposed to be one of the damn ruler of hell?! He hated how his family knew all of this and looked for ways to protect him, he hated they had all the reason in the world to do so…but most of all…but worst of all, he hated himself…
 “-mon!” Mammon heard the echo of a voice. It was calling him, but there was something holding him from the inside that did not let him recognize the voice. “ma…MMON ple…ASE!” The fading voice begged harder, why were they calling him? Furthermore, where was he? There was something holding him down, not letting him get up as he wanted, a feeling of chains pulling him down, chains that were growing weaker as the voice became more and more present. “Hear me denizens of the darkness…” …wait…Mammon recognized that voice. “…you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it…” Yeah…of course he recognized that voice, how could he not.
 “…Mc?” Mammon tried to call out, but his voice was that of a ghost.
 “Hear me and do as I command.” He started to struggle against the chains, who even if weakened, they still held him down. Now, it was a race of who was the weakest one, if Mammon or the chains, the demons kept struggling trying to break free as the voice of the human he had grown so fond off finished the incantation. But nothing, he still had not managed to break free, he was still being subjected to whatever punishment was this. For a moment he contemplated giving up…maybe that way everyone would be happier without the troublemaker to cause more problems.
 But as he was thinking that the chains were getting weaker and weaker, then another voice came in. A voice that could kill with the amount of fear it inflicted on those he claimed to love. The voice of his father as the decorated that it was time to deal with the human.
 “No…No, I won’t let you!” Mammon gritted his teeth. Pulling on the chains who still refused to brake as he screamed for them to realize. He needed to be quick, he needed to save them. He may not had been the best oldest brother or even a good demon but this…he was not about to let anyone else get hurt. The chain broke…and as the sound of the pieces hit the floor, Mammon’s eyes snapped open, just in time to see his father send a lightning bolt in Mc’s direction, who was just awaiting it, who was just ready to accept it. “D-damn it” He whispers, as he launches himself at Mc’s body, either to shield them or some them out of the way, but as his body was meant to collide with Mc’s, they disappeared.
 Mammon stumbled upwards as the expected action did not take place. He blinked in confusion before he heard a devious voice laughing. Sending chills to every part of his body. He turned around…or maybe the room shifted, but there was a fireplace now and Mc was standing behind an armchair, as God looked at Mammon. The memory immediately being recognized as his heart sank. No…he was meant to protect them…not hurt them.
 “…attack them.” Mammon could feel his body moving without his permission as Mc’s scared expression appeared closer to him. His heart beating fast before somehow managing to stop right in front of their face. Claws out, inches away from tarring at their skin as they gazed into his eyes. Their scared expression changed to that of a smirk.
 “Are you going to hurt me Mammon? Because you already did.” Blood…blood started spearing on Mc’s body as he watched in horror as claw marks and bite wounds started to appear on Mc’s body, tears of blackness started dripping from their face before slowly morphing into blood, he could hear the sound of bones braking as mc starred directly into his eyes. No…no, no, no, no, no! Please no! He cannot lose anyone else! Mammon closed his eyes, tightly as he begged for the sight to go away. “…Mammon…” The sound of a now distorted voice made him snap his eyes open almost instinctively, Mc was no longer standing in front of him…now they were lying dead on the floor with blank eyes as he stood on a pool of their blood.
 “…mc…” His voice was shaking as he looked at the scene, closing and opening his eyes…and the more he reapeated this action the more bodies were seen…those of his family, those of his brothers and even his nephew were laying dead on the floor, all of their dead and blank eyes starring directly at him. Mammon had to choke down a sob, his eyes dancing with the circles that the drops of blood caused, Mammon was shaking at this point. His knees had hit the floor as he closed his eyes and tears fell slowly.
 “How pathetic.” Mammon looked up, not knowing what to expect but just wanting to get this over with. The form that appeared in front of him…even his own father would have been better than having those white robes bathed in blood as his own eyes looked down on him. “C’mon on Mammon…we could have all the power and the money in the world…yet…you are so pathetic…” The figure in front of him crouches down, darkness in the eyes that once looked at his family with love before sighing. “Mhm…father, Lucifer…our brother, Satan…even Mc…they all think you are pathetic and a waste of space…and they are right.”
 Mammon jolted awake. He could hear the noise of his accelerated heart rate as he breathed in rapidly, barely maintaining composure as he took in the darkness in his room before the flashes of his family dead came again to torment his mind. It didn’t take long before Mammon broke down and was sobbing all alone in his room asking himself how could he be so fucking useless.
  Belphegor lied in his bed, looking at his twin between tired eyes and broken pieces of himself, the sight reminded Beel of all the mistakes he had committed, all the ways he had failed everyone in his life. From not being able to save Lilith, from being one of the first demons to be transformed by his father…not being strong enough to keep fighting after the archangel stabbed him…he was surprised how he had yet to cry at all. His back was resting against the wall, eyes locked on Belphie before het let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes, forming a fist with his hands as all the thoughts came spiraling back at him.
 Deep breath…exhale…inhale…Lilith had come back for just a moment trough Mc…Lilith had looked at them and claimed she loved them…The memories of her smile were always linked with those of her screams of pain as she fell to her death…deep…breath…exhale…inhale… oh…he was crying. A touch to his face and purple eyes meeting those of his twin confirmed it.
 Belphegors eyes had been lost as he gazed into the bracelet, his heartbeat having slowed down so much he wasn’t aware of existence any longer, all he could think about was the existence Lilith…o her lack of existence…Belphegor brought the bracelet to his lips, kissing it softly, tears in the corner of his eyes before he heard his brother choke down a sob he wasn’t even aware of. Belphegor looked at Beel with such sadness and pain…how had he neglected his own brother this much? How had he forgotten of his pain once again? Belphegor moved over to his brother slowly, he doubts Beel heard him judging by his expression once he touched his cheek.
 “Beel?” Belphegor spoke softly, his voice merely a whisper, if his brother had not been so close, he probably would not have heard him. He just plopped his head on Belphegor’s shoulders… because what was there to say? That he was sorry? That Lilith died because of him? That every night he woke up with tears in his eyes because all he could see was the face of Lilith the moment, he made the decision between his twin and his little sister? That he was guilty of it all? That even as an angel he was victim of the sins that plagued his skin as he watched them share their love for humans while he stayed behind. Didn’t Belphegor already know all of this? Didn’t his brother avoided him because of all of his? Neither of them where aware of when it happened, or who started it, but both were now crying in each other arms, Belphegor sobbed as he held Beel close, unaware of how many times how twin had wished to be held like this when he cried over Lilith’s memories.
 “…I miss her…” Beel spoke after a few minutes of only tears being heard.
 “I know…” Belphegor sniffled a little, pulling away just enough to catch a glimpse of the bracelets, Belphegor chuckled sadly before taking Lilith’s one off, taking Beel’s wrist and putting it on.
 “Belphie…is that?” Beel did not even had time to finish his sentence, recognizing the bracelet immediately, eyes damping with tears once again.
 “That way, we will both be connected to her.” Belphegor managed to smile, taking Beel’s pinky in his and making the inner promise of always being there by his brother. Maybe it was Belphegors influence, or maybe even the ache that both felt from the fight and the pain from their wounds, but they fell asleep hugging each other like they used to do, except that now Lilith was not in the middle singing…but they still had each other, they still loved each other just like they loved all the others.
 Mc´s words left their throat the moment they saw the demon start crying. The demon that held himself so high and mighty no one thought could be knocked down. The demon that had looked over his family for who knows how long and had always protected them…yet here he was…thinking he had failed those he cares about, his heart being torn open at the realization that he didn’t do enough for those he loved yet not realizing how much he had actually done. It was devastating watching the always prideful firstborn breakdown like that as he cried and was consumed by his own resentment. It took only a few moments for the demon to control himself, looking at the ceiling as the tears left their trail along his cheeks, a devouring silence as Mc saw the expression of the man.
 How many times had he cried like this and no one found out? How many times had he hid his feelings of fear for his family behind the carefully crafted façade of a strict older brother who was now in pain at the mere thought of having hurt his family? Lucifer cleared his throat and chuckled dryly, moving his head to the side, and locking red eyes with those of Mc. “I…this is all my fault…I should just go to them and tell them…how sorry I am.” Lucifer closed his eyes…only for his heart to break at the sound of a soft voice speaking through the maze of hate and sadness that had consumed the house.
 Lucifer looked at his brother, a twisted knot in his throat as he tried to find a way to confront him. He had wanted to apologize to them…but not like this…he wanted to do it properly…but he had heard. Mc watched from the floor as Lucifer got up, taking a few steps towards Leviathan, who for some reason was glaring at Lucifer, their hands shaking with fear. But the words that came from Lucifers mouth had already took a toll on the envious brother. His glare was sharp and venomous, why would he react like that at his brother saying he was sorry?
 “What do you mean you are sorry?!” Leviathans voice was heard echoing through the hall, sounding commanding like never as he locked teary eyes with Lucifer, shattering the demon’s heart even further.  “Why are you apologizing?!”
 “Leviathan…” There was such a fear and sadness in Lucifers eyes as Leviathan took some steps back, moving away from his older brother. Lucifer just wanted to protect all of them yet here they were…all his brothers and his son were broken…he was broken…how was he meant to fix this?
 “Answer my question!” Leviathan was glaring at his brothers, but behind that glare there was no bite nor hate. There was just sadness and desperation for words and explanations to be provided. Why would Lucifer need to apologize for the actions of his father? Why would Lucifer need to blame himself for the actions of the man that had tormented them way before the Celestial War? He should not…unless he felt like he needed to protect his brothers because he knew they wouldn’t be able to protect themselves. Gods words became a storm feeding the insecurities of Leviathan as he basically begged for the world to give him a reason not to loathe himself…as he begged for Lucifer to blame god and not himself because if Lucifer blamed himself then…then that meant that he… “…why are you apologizing?” Leviathans teary eyes meet those of Lucifer…and the little control the demon had left shattered the instant his brother looked at him like that.
 “…why do you think Leviathan?” Lucifer scoffed, his demeanor changed at the yelling of his younger brother, hints of a glare could be seen in the man’s expression.
 “W-what’s going on?” Satan opened the door to his room, the demons hair gave away just how much he was hiding in as he tried to keep his voice calm and monotone, but for the first time everyone could see trough his carefully crafted masks and feel the panic and sheer desperation the young demon felt as his anger had run out and all he had left was the sadness in that moment, as he looked at his uncle and his father, memories of how he and Mc had to fight them…doubts of  he should even be there right now…the young demon’s gaze was meet by the overwhelming anger of Leviathan. “…why are you yelling?”
 Satan tried his best to port a blank expression and not let anything show…but everyone could see…and the young demon just felt…exposed. But his mind could not process all those feelings right now…or more like it didn’t want to process them, distracting itself by the situation taking place right outside the jail that was his room. And the fact that his question was ignored only made the unwelcome feeling to grow.
 “Don’t give me that! I want an actual answer!” Leviathan ignored Satan’s voice, eyes focused more on Lucifer who looked now at his son, he felt a tug in his heart, knowing how much pain his son must be in given the sheer emotions that were being overflowed by his vulnerable expression at the fight.  
 Door could be heard opening, first the form of Mammon could be seen walking out of his room, hunched a little, half lidded red eyes as looked at the scene unfold, the usual talkative brother going quiet at the news that Lucifer had apologized, moving carefully towards Leviathan, in an attempt to appease the demon who was close to losing control. Beel and Belphie also had come out of their rooms after hearing Leviathan yelling, surprised expressions at the sudden snap of their older brother who always avoided any type of confrontation.
 “…I’m apologizing because thanks to me Father got to all of you!” Lucifer blurted out, anger and sadness, confusion, pain, and disappointment attacked him as he looked back at his brother. “I didn’t protect any of you…”
 “…You think we are so weak that we need your protection all the time?! Even if you were there Father would have manipulated us…how weak do you actually think we are?!” Leviathans eyes were shadowed by his hair, his demon form out as his tail swung slowly to his sides, before pulling from Mammon’s hold, who only looked at his younger brother with sadness. “…how weak do you think I am…”
 “Lucifer…it wasn’t your fault” Beel’s voice comes in, he was holding hands with Belphegor the whole time, both afraid of letting go and losing themselves in the thoughts and fear, neither of them daring to let go thinking that if they did they would watch the disappear like Lilith had…but even while holding each other up, that didn’t meant either of them could handle what was going on. “Y-you…you don’t have to blame yourself” Beel’s sadness could be felt in the air as mc saw his shoulders shaking lightly.
 The sight of his little brother crying broke Lucifer even more. The words not helping at all. How was it not his fault? If he had let go of Lilith so many years ago then perhaps he could have been there for his brothers, if he had been there for his brothers then none of them would feel the way they did…if he had been there for them then perhaps God would not have had any insecurities to exploit of abuse his family. This was all his fault…and the fact that it was Beel the one saying it wasn’t…and that he shouldn’t blame himself…the same anger he felt the night Satan was born corroded his thoughts as he chucked darkly.
 “Please Beel, don’t be such an hypocrite, you claim I shouldn’t blame myself, but you still believe it’s your fault that Lilith is dead…” Everyone’s eyes went wide at Lucifer’s voice, Beel’s expression was that of a child being hit for the first time by the person they loved so dearly, his eyes immediately covered in tears as he opened and closed his mouth, not knowing what to say.
 “Lucifer what the hell was that?!” Belphegor shot up, glaring at his eldest brother for having said something like that to Beel, knowing well how the demon felt about the whole situation.
 “Y-yeah! There was no need for you to say that Beel was just trying to help.” Mammon’s eyes moved from Belphegor to Lucifer, and then to Mc, his scared expression gave Mc goosebumps as millions of words were stuck in their throats, not knowing what to say to stop the fighting of the demons.
 “O-okay how about we calm dow-“
 “Shut up, Satan! I am not going to let Lucifer talk like that to Beel!”
 “Talk like what?! All I said was the truth”
 “…I d-do blame my self for what happe-“
 “I don’t care how much you blame yourself! Lucifer still has no right to speak like that to any os us!”
 “Its no use Belphegor, all Lucifer sees us as is weak brothers that cant even go out alone”
 “Okay guys, we need to calm down. L-lets stop yelling-“
 “Mammon stop trying to act all mature-“
 “Belphie don’t take it out on Mammon!”
 The yelling and screaming was overwhelming. Lucifer, Leviathan and Belphegor were fighting like never before, Leviathan accusing Lucifer of think all of them were weak, Belphegor mad because Lucifer had hurt beel, and Lucifer enraged by the fact that his brothers couldn’t see things his way. Everyone was so…angry, and mad and Satan should be feeling angry as hell but he wasn’t…he wasn’t feeling mad at all. The one thing he was supposed to be…the one thing that was him…he wasn’t feeling it at all. He didn’t even knew when but his hands were covering his ears as Mammon stood in front of him, saying something the demon refused to hear, he could see Beel holding back Leviathan while Belphegor full on screamed at Lucifer. Mc was watching from the side with shocked eyes, a hand holding Lucifers arms, either holding him back or stabilizing him and then…and then there was a crash.
 The sound of something broken, it was like the embodiment of their family had come crashing down for milleniums and finally…finally it had hit rock bottom, it was finally broken. The room fell quiet, only for sobs to be heard…sobs coming from the room of the only demon that wasn’t there.
  Lucifer whispered, before basically sprinting to the demon’s room, the rest following closely as he threw the door open, scanning the room looking for his brother. Part of him knew he must be okay, part of him remembered his white eyes and wings when his father reverted him back to angel.
 “…Asmodeus?” Mc asked in a soft voice when the demon comes into view, his long bangs attempting to hide the side of his face which was covered in bandages after the burn. The eyes of the human falling on one of the younger demons as he was kneeling in his room, in front of a broken mirror and his bleeding hand.
 “Asmo!” Lucifer rushes to his brothers side, kneeling beside the smallest demon, taking his hand to inspect it as the demon refused to look up. The noise of the glass braking had put a stop to all the fighthing outside…but the sight of the demon made mc somehow wish for the fight to come back, for him to look anything else than that broken and sad. “What do you think you are doing?” Lucifers voice is full of desperation as he looks at the spilled blood before he can feel Asmodeus other hand take his, a thumb slowly caressing his as the demon looked up.
 Tears in the eye that wasn’t covered in bandages before he gave Lucifer the weakest smile he had ever seen his brother port. Immediately the wave of feelings he felt in that moment made him feel sick as he starred back at his brother, the others feeling like the world outside ha disappeared and like the only thing that mattered right now were the people inside that room, the only ones mattering were those who have been hurt so badly moments ago. The silence was only broken when Asmodeus opened his mouth, a small sob escaping his lips before he could even get a word out, the others walking closer.
 “D-do you…do you blame me…f-for being the f-first one father controlled?” His voice was so many things at the same time, a soft tone that awoke immediate tears in the family, a slap on the face which told Lucifer more than the endless yells his mind repeated each night, a gentle hand that proclaimed how everything would be okay. But most of all, it was a reminder, a message…a silent plea. And the worst of all…he was being sincere.
 He had heard every word as he gazed at his tormented reflection, the way Lucifer blamed himself, the way Leviathan loathed himself, Beel refusing to acknowledge that it was his fathers fault the fact that Lilith was gone…it got him wondering…was he at fount that everyone else got controlled? If he hadn’t been so weak…then perhaps…perhaps he could have resisted long enough for someone to walk in and that way his father’s plan wouldn’t have taken off. That way his face wouldn’t be burned…that way his family wouldn’t have been put under that sick and twisted control as well. He meant every word…and Lucifer was not about to let another member of his family be corrupted by feelings of guilt.
��“…no…I would never blame you” Lucifer finally answered, soft like never in his life. Of course he would never blame any of them, he could never blame beel for not saving Lilith, he could never blame Belphegor for showing Lilith the human world, least of all blame Asmodeus for the actions of God…but here he was…blaming himself…oh the sweet irony.
 Then the strangest thing happened, the thing that neither of the demons expected at all. Lucifer chuckled, it was low and barely audible, but very slowly the chuckle transformed into a laugh as he closed his eyes, Mc was confused but…the sight of Lucifers tears falling as the laugh died and his expression shifted to that of a pained one, a sob marking a line between everything as he pulled Asmodeus into a hug, before taking Mammon’s hand, since he was the closest, and bringing him down for the hug as well. Mammon let out a soft yelp at the sudden pull but he fell on his knees beside the two, immediately being hugged by Lucifer as well as he looked at the remaining members of his family who watched in awe, he extended his hand, welcoming them to be even more closer that they were once.
 The memory of the first night they came the house of lamentation crossed his mind. The seven of them slept together for none could bare the idea of being apart in that moment…and neither could any of them now, so before long, the seven demons were all hugging into a ball…and for the first time they let their full emotions out. There were sobs and many tears as they held into the other, there was fear and insecurities, feelings of guilt and hate either towards themselves or the being that had caused them all. But there was something even deeper than that, there was something even deeper than the same scars God had inflicted on his sons, and that was the love they had for one another.
 Because you could take everything from them, but as long as they had each other…as long as the seven were a family…they could get trough anything. And mc was more sure than ever about it as they joined the hug. They didn’t expect the seven to simply be okay tomorrow, there were many screams, tears and sleepless nights to go trough until they all felt secure again…but for just that one moment, for just that one second as Lucifer held his family and they were all there alive…they felt safe.
So...here it is! The final chapter of Scarred! I am truly sorry for the wait and i know that this chapter is probably not worth the 2-3 month hiatus this fic went trough but I wanted this final chapter to be good...I’m still not totally convinced it gave the vibe that i wanted it to...and I’m pretty sure the narration style changed like at least five times but, i don’t hate this version so. I really hope you guys like the conclusion to this fic and i must thank you all for reading it! So yeah, hope you guys enjoy the final chapter of Scarred and thank you so much to everyone that commented, reblogged or liked it! Stay safe loves!!
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
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hydrangeahug · 3 years
[ Coffee and Wine ]
Simeon x Lucifer | Chapter 4 out of ? | Angst with a happy ending
Read on Ao3
Chapter 4. Chaos, destruction and tea
The way back was relatively quiet, but that was to be expected considering that it was currently around 5AM. Only a few demons were up at this time, most of which went to their job or back home from a long day of work. Lucifer would have enjoyed this quiet morning walk if it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't slept the night before and that the silence gave him too much time to think about the events of the day once more.
How would he explain to his brothers that Simeon not only fell, but will also be living with them soon? Lucifer had no doubt that some of them would be happy, while others might not have a good reaction towards such a huge change in their life. But even then, he had made up his mind. Simeon will be living with them, if they want him to or not is irrelevant.
Lucifer passed by the Colosseum on his way back and it looked like some demons had started investigating the area on either Diavolo's or Barbatos' command. It was highly unlikely to find something relating to Simeon's fall but it was better than missing some key elements that might help them later on, or that could help Simeon remember what happened.
It wasn't long until Lucifer arrived at the house. It was… weirdly quiet from the outside. You wouldn't even be able to guess just how much chaos happens inside every single day if you just walked by. Part of Lucifer wanted to go back and ask if the castle perhaps had a room for him, he was tired, had a headache and needed sleep. And he knew all too well that he wasn't going to get any sleep for a few more hours with the brothers nearby.
And a small part of him wanted to stay with Simeon for just a short while longer.
Lucifer put his hand on the doorknob, ready to open the door. And as if on command, there was a loud scream heard from the inside. Based on the high pitched ringing in Lucifer's ears, it was most likely Asmodeus. Of course he couldn't just get back home without anything happening, how could he even believe that it would be any different.
Oh how he wished to be back at the castle right now, but there was no use in standing there hoping things would get better on their own, they never did with the brothers, after all. So he took the small amount of willpower he still had left and went inside, but nothing that he was mentally prepared for could have prepared him for the flood that came out of their house the moment he opened the door.
So <em>that's</em> why Asmodeus had screamed.
The water had now mostly gone outside while Lucifer stood there, and if Lucifer wasn't drenched, tired and ready to murder the next demon in his sight, then maybe he would even joke about the plants outside finally getting some water. But right now he wanted to know who was at fault for the entire House of Lamentation being turned into a bathtub. So he finally made his way towards the entrance while trying his best not to slip on the stairs that could now be used as a slide.
"Lucifer! Look at what they've done to the house! My makeup and clothes are completely ruined..." Asmodeus was the first to 'greet' Lucifer back home. He was standing inside next to the door, most likely in an attempt to escape once things got bad, but he seemingly didn't expect things to end up this bad either.
"Who do you mean by <em>they</em>?" Lucifer took a few steps inside, hoping to see whoever was at fault for this still in the area. But it seemed like they took the opportunity when Lucifer was still in shock to run.
"Mammon and Levi! Levi was screaming at Mammon to give him his money back when I went out of my room, then Mammon ran downstairs in an attempt to get away but Levi catched up to him! And then at some point Levi summoned Lotan…" 
Of course it was Mammon! Who else would dare to cause such destruction at such an hour? "Did you see where they went?" Oh how Lucifer hoped that he had gotten far enough away so he couldn't catch up, unless he wanted to find out just how done Lucifer was with the day. But knowing these two, they were probably still fighting somewhere in the house.
"I think I saw Levi running upstairs, maybe he was running after Mammon again…? Maybe Mammon ran to his room?" That was to be expected. Mammon usually barricaded himself into his room when Leviathan wanted his money back. But this time it seems like Leviathan somehow got Mammon out of his room at first so he tried running outside instead. Which, as Lucifer could both see and feel, ended up in utter chaos and destruction.
Without saying anything else, Lucifer made his way towards the stairs. At first he couldn't hear anything that could indicate Mammon or Leviathan on the upper floor, but then he heard it. There was one voice coming from the direction of Mammon's room. Leviathan's, Lucifer assumed.
"MAMMON GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" with the sound of someone banging against a door with almost enough strength to punch the door in.
"Leviathan, do you mind explaining to me why the lower floor has been turned into a swimming pool?" Leviathan slowly turned around towards the voice until he realized that it was, indeed, Lucifer's, and that he didn't just imagine that.
"I'm… sorry… I truly didn't mean too! I was just so mad at Mammon because he-"
Lucifer made his way towards Mammon's door and interrupted Leviathan's speech to get Mammon out of his room, after all, it wasn't fair to only scream at Leviathan, right? "Mammon, if you do not come out of this room in the next second then giving anyone their money back will be the least of your problems."
Mammon opened the door right after Lucifer had finished his sentence and immediately started talking in an attempt at getting away, Lucifer wondered how he still hadn't noticed that no matter what he would say, none of his words could get him out of trouble, no matter how often he tried. "He was the one to summon Lotan! Not me! I don't see why you'd need me for this! And I have a modeling job in a few minutes-"
"Oh? At 5:30AM? That's quite early for you, don't you think? I don't remember you ever taking a job so early in the morning. But even if so, I'm sure they'll understand if I give them a call to let them know that you will be a <em>bit</em> late. Actually, how about you give me their number right now?" Lucifer knew that it was a lie, Mammon wasn't a morning person and it was surprising that he was awake at this hour at all.
"Nononono it's alright! I'm sure they'll understand if I'm a bit late!!"
"Mammon, your lies are embarrassing…" Leviathan said, who was seemingly not all too happy about seeing the man who had taken his money once again, or perhaps he still hadn't returned the money he last 'borrowed'.
"Oi! What do ya mean by lies??"
Lucifer caught into his hand to catch the two bickering demons' attention. "Now that we have that settled, how about we talk about the mess in the entire first floor? Mammon…?"
"Why are ya lookin' at me like that! It wasn't me!" Mammon put his hand up to point at Leviathan and continued, " It was this weirdo! He got all mad at me for something we already discussed and chased me around the house until he suddenly summoned Lotan!"
"Are you two done now? I was going to only hang you two from the chandelier for half a day if you cleaned the mess you made but it seems like you'd rather have a whole day all to yourself."
And they were gone before Lucifer could say another word. Oh well, Lucifer could worry about how well they actually cleaned once he woke up.
[ The House of Lamentation ]
Lucifer: if I find any of you just <em>looking</em> at my room anywhere before 12 then they will spend the next few days hanging from the chandelier until Simeon arrives here.
Satan: Well someone sure sounds like they didn't catch enough sleep tonight…
Beelzebub: Is Simeon visiting us?
Belphegor: Now that you mention it, Satan, I didn't see Lucifer anywhere in the last few hours.
Asmodeus: He came home just a short while ago! I wonder where he was, maybe on a date? ♡
Belphegor: Probably on a date with Diavolo, if anything.
Belphegor: But what does Simeon want from us? Hopefully not another exchange program…
Simeon couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried. Each time he closed his eyes they immediately opened up again, fearing the images he might see in his sleep, the nightmares he most definitely would have. The only reason he didn't have them earlier was because he passed out from the pain and blood loss. And while he didn't wish to feel the pain from then again, he did wish that he could have slept long enough for him to actually feel energized. It was now 6AM, Simeon noted after looking at the small alarm clock on the bedside table next to him for what felt like the 50th time.
But the moments that his mind couldn't rest also felt like torture. He repeatedly thought about the incident of the day, the pain, the fear. And if his mind wasn't busy with the past then it thought about the future, which part of him also feared.
Simeon wasn't one to be too afraid of uncertainty, or what people thought of him. But knowing that he would soon live with the people who he once saw as family, until he left them to their own fate, was frightening.
They didn't seem to hold a grudge against him, or at least they didn't when he was an exchange student. But back then he also didn't directly live with them. Perhaps they actually all hated him?
And then his mind once again found another way to make him suffer. Luke. What was with Luke? Who would take care of him now that Simeon was gone? And how would they tell him that Simeon was now no longer welcome in the Celestial Realm? And not only that, but that the person who had teached him how to be a proper angel was now no longer an angel himself? He had to ask Diavolo if he could find a way to contact Luke. He needed to talk to him.
There was a gentle knock on the door, taking Simeon out of thoughts. Simeon didn't expect anyone to come by so early - or should he say late? - but he wouldn't mind some company, especially not with the way his mind was wandering now, so he let the person in.
"I apologise for the intrusion, I'm just here to bring some clothes you can wear for the next few days." It was Barbatos. He had a few neatly folded clothes in his hands and made his way towards the closet.
"It's alright, I wasn't sleeping anyway. Thank you."
While putting the clothes into the closet Barbatos spoke up again. "Is there anything troubling you? I could make you some tea, I'm sure I have something that could help you sleep."
There was, a lot. But Simeon didn't want to dump the mess that was his mind onto someone else, even if he knew that Barbatos was trustworthy. "I think that everything that happened in the last few hours was just...a lot." And he didn't lie with that. He did feel overwhelmed by the events of the last day, he just left out a few other things.
"Of course, what happened wasn't something you could just get used to in such a short while. I still remember how the brothers were when they had to get used to living here." Barbatos turned around and gently smiled at Simeon, seemingly in an attempt to make him feel better and more at ease. "If you'd like then I could tell you some stories about that time that I know off while we relax with some tea?"
"That sounds great. Thank you Barbatos."
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helldumpster · 3 years
Judgment and Circles
The Judgment
Hell is the place where those who sin suffer the consequences of their own actions and home of all demons. The Lord of the underworld is the one responsible for judging the soul as worthy of reincarnation or not. Those who Lucifer judges as a good soul can reincarnate immediately. He selects a life at random and sends the soul back to the human realm as a newborn. The reincarnated soul has no idea about their past life, although sometimes they can recall some minor details, but nothing major, when the system fails a little.
On the other hand, the ones who Lucifer judges as bad souls or sinners have to pay for the mistakes of their past life however the Prince thinks as suitable. The penitence is as severe and long as the wrongdoings of the sinner, according do Lucifer himself, going from helping as a demon for a couple of centuries to suffering eternal and excruciating pain in the deepest parts of Hell, or even going back to the human realm and having the most miserable life possible.
There also is a third option. The alternative being the signing of a contract with any of the available demons and becoming part of hell permanently. The soul can sign this contract either if they were judged as good or bad. For the good ones it can be a guarantee that they won’t have to come to lead a bad life and just be stable in hell. For the bad ones is a way to be forgiven for all the sins they committed.
After signing the contract, the soul is no longer a soul turning into a ‘Contract Demon’. The Contract Demons are assigned to a specific circle of hell depending on the sin that they commited, in the case of good souls they just get assigned to the same circle as the demon they signed with.
Hell "geography"
There are two ways humans can enter Hell: by dying or by the secret entry, the hole in the ground that leads to the stairs a long way down. The secret entry is a portal that changes its placement at random or as soon as someone is naive enough to get inside. Once the person goes down the first set of stairs they find a river embraced by darkness and a little boat. As soon as they get into the boat their soul now belongs to Lucifer and there is absolutely no way out. They ride for 3 whole days in complete darkness before getting to the gates of Hell. The gates are a physical representation of the portal that takes them to the circle they’re supposed to go to. Hell is subdivided in nine different circles. As one goes further down, the higher the numbers representing the circle is, just as the level of wickedness of the sins.
First circle
The circle of the ones who didn’t actually sin, but were carried there by Lucifer himself (like the Fallen Angels), or were born from a demon like the Cambions. This circle is the darkest one, being the closest to the entry of hell. It seems like an abandoned village but there, surprisingly, are beings living in all of the houses. At the edge of the village there is a forest that leads to the second circle.
Second circle
The circle for those who committed lust and sexual related demons. Home of Asmodeus and his subordinates. This circle is a desert with extraordinarily strong winds that can easily carry a demon from one side to another, and only one building right in the middle with a set of stair that goes upwards and downwards infinitely to its never ending floors. Going all the way down the stairs there is a door that opens to a shed in the third circle.
Third circle
This circle is for who committed gluttony and the demons who need to eat actual flesh and human meat to survive. There is a constant blizzard and hundreds of frozen lakes that homes sirens, who live under the thin layer of ice, and a couple of mountains. Between all the lakes lies one only cabin that houses Beelzebub. Behind the cabin there is a trail that leads to a cave in the mountains that leads to the fourth circle
Fourth circle
This circle is for the ones that were too greedy in life. It resembles a mine, going further down with no sight of the bottom. The lighting being almost nonexistent plus a hot and humid atmosphere, a lot of tunnels that seem like a maze with rocks and boulders that fall and roll from nowhere and vampires all around. Inside of one of these tunnels, if taken the right turns, one can find the home of Mammon. At the bottom of this mine-like cave is a river that leads to the next circle.
Fifth circle
This circle is for the ones who committed the sin of sloth. The river is actually boiling hot and never stops flowing at high speed so it drowns those who are too lazy to swim upwards. Besides the boiling river, this circle resembles a beautiful forest where the Fairies and Drudes live. At the top of some tree you might find a little treehouse where Belphegor lives. Following the river till the end, there is a waterfall that you can’t see the bottom of, that leads to the sixth circle.
Sixth circle
This circle is for those who couldn’t contain their wrath and unleashed it into somebody else, and for those who are in contact with their pagan beliefs, also called witches. Most of the residents here were women that were burnt at the stake accused of heresy that got access to actual power after descending to hell. This place resembles a gigantic cemetery, dark for all eternity, with a lot of graves, that are actually doors to the witches’ houses. The only backlit place is the huge tomb where one can find Satan drinking inside of one of the rooms that make this huge mansion. If one goes deep enough into the cemetery they can find a huge, dark and kind of creepy forest that leads to the next circle.
Seventh circle
This is the circle for those who are envious and those who committed the ultimate form of violence to themselves. There is absolutely no sign of life or happiness around this circle, there are dead distorted trees all around, a river that looks like boiling blood and ashes that forever come from the grey sky. A lifeless grey desert which homes the suicidals in the form of those distorted dead trees. Between the roots of the largest tree in this forest there is an entrance to the home of Leviathan and also the way to the next circle.
Eighth circle
This circle is the one that holds the cruelest punishments over and over. Some like having to live inside the memory of your worst fear or being ripped apart numerous times, all of these happen here and are executed by the Demons of Fate, assigned by Lucifer to punish those who will suffer for the rest of eternity. From the outside it looks like a gigantic jail with really tall metal walls all around with only one way in, a golden gate. Behind the enormous building there is an abyss that falls to the deepest part of Hell.
Ninth circle
The last circle is home of the proud and traitors. And home of the Prince of Hell himself. It is a small ice castle right in the middle of an ice cold lake that is bigger on the inside than on the outside. Filled with numerous rooms that no one except Lucifer can get in and out of. The main room is Lucifer's office, where he judges the dead and sometimes brings in some of his favorites demons punishing sinners for his own entertainment. Inside Lucifer’s office, on the bottom left drawer of his work table lies the soul bank.
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nightwingvixen23 · 5 years
JayRoy short fanfic I whipped up inspired by this god damned song right here lol👇
@aceofenderdark i was in a legit mood lol
Roy speaks in the way that Siren’s sing, flooding venom in to my mouth and watching it drip like a ruptured peach to the sting of front teeth. Ripping such fragile skin into nasty pieces of flesh, letting lay bare the very salacious core hidden in the seam. 
His flaming hair has grown out (frequently used to twisting or tying it up into a knot) tonight it remains loose. Untamed. And my fingers play through that somehow flawless shit storm, tangling each lock into madness; they overall might dangle into his glaring eyes but that does nothing to befog the fire smoking from within. He looks wild above me. Never have I asked to be such a blooded piece of meat at the ready to be gutted; staring into the yawning mouth of the lion, of whom, is fucking starved. 
Right now, I know that he knows that it’s not his nails nor teeth that I fear will gift me new damage, but his eyes. They inspire, burn, destroy. I’m left suspended in the company of a gore leaking orifice that bellows ‘look at me’ should my mind toe outside the line of our depraved Love Nest; this being no more then the feral charge then skirmish to the floor of a Gotham City safehouse.
We sure are givin’ some poor son of a bitch a show, I think, spotting the newfangled surveillance camera I hadn’t noticed sooner, newly installed high left. My mind darts to Tim making my hands sweat, however, Roy’s fingers bruising my chin pull me back down into the waters of our fucked up little fantasy. 
The holsters loyal to each my thighs are disengaged, followed by the faint skidding rattle of two M1911 pistols being launched across a cement floor. This all titters a secret to me that I am now in the hands of no mercy.
It’s during a moment like this (offering myself over to be caught in the line of fire) that I swear by the unholy mess in me that Roy Harper is some sort of Saintly Deity of Insanity that which no god can put a name to. Why else would I worship this fucker’s dick like i do ? Call me crude, vulgar, whatever...doesn’t change the fact that the shitty ass truth, is in fact, the shitty ass truth. That truth being that I demand his unsympathetic grip akin to an infant demanding it’s very first breath of life. The affliction of every scar mapping my body is something that I didn’t fuckin’ ask to be met with, nevertheless, something about the power that comes with directing an overdose of a serpentine thirst such as this one that makes me feel more in control then when my hands are gripping lead. 
Our lips meet with vigor. I’ve never known it to be smooth. Never known us to take our time, yanno ? It’s always fierce. Hot. A clash of potent teeth seeking to grip and rip apart tender skin. To taste blood. And what’s a good fuck without the taste of blood ? C’mon. We’re deep. We’re thorough: two adrenaline filled junkies having gotten our first real swallow of the golden necator that has seduced us, dripping from uncut fruit laying bare in our wake while with instructions to never have one bite; we’re obsessed.
The tinkering jangle of an unhooked belt. The lick of Roy’s tongue into my mouth still tasting of shitty liquor from the corner store. A sinners Paradise. I tilt my head back for him and let teeth ascend onto my neck. I’m the lamb, sticking it’s neck out for the butcher. I want this. I want him to brand me intensely then cool it with a kiss because that is something that this world has done too many fucking times to me, and I’ve got the scars to prove it. 
Yeah, only because the world never did leave a kiss of apology.
Chewed mint gum, stale tobacco, and secrets kept out in the rain for far too long, left to tarnish with the coming of nightfall; this is his eternal flavour. 
Isn’t there some goddamn way for us to endure this way ? Twined together ? Just like this. Simply him ritualizing my abdomen that rose and fell with shaky gasps, his tongue marveling the carved indent of muscle there, tracing every groove proving personal fortitude. Proving that my ass didn’t get dropped down onto this fuckin waste land of a planet just to roll over like a creature without fight.
A trifling jungle, Life is.
“God. What a million mother fuckers would trade to see the Red Hood in this wrecked state. You wanna beg for me, doll ? That’s right. Beg for me then,” Roy’s voice is an instrument. His words, musical of filth. I’m being serenaded by the devil and it’s mother fuckin’ magical. Even so, I aim to punch him in the throat. I wasn’t gonna do much damage, was just gonna let him know what toes the line, but his hand wraps around my curled wrist and my bicep tenses. I’m straining to reach him. Straining to infect him, however somewhere in the tangle of that violence dance I strained also for his mouth like an addict for a needle. A taboo puppet. A homicidal angel, like he once called me before I spit in his eye earning my face into the wall.
What even are we doing, Roy Harper ? Why do we do this ? And why does it feel so right to scream your name into the hush of a blacked out room while you turn me inside out ? I’d ring God on the manner, but fuck—I just start pissing myself with laughter each time I start.
Gotta love this shade of grey I’ve established my life in the thick of. Grey is the blueprint of a soul caught in limbo. It’s a nice color. The ambiance is sedated, disrupted here and there by the tortured hollar of a condemned conscience—but life ain’t no fucking picnic.
Then again, even a tongue tied fool knows that.
I can feel the frayed corners of ultimate reality beginning to shimmer. Roy watches me rising high even while knowing that soon I’ll crash, we will, together. And it’s so gorgeous for just a second that I could die like this. I know that it gets old hearing others romanticize death, yet I serious in the face of it. Serious and deeply, deeply in enamoured. Swept upon sandy beaches as to evade the lusting leviathan of the sea again and again. But I just wade back into the waters, deluded at times. Something like a drunk falling around town with an empty bottle of gin; everyone stares but no one will give directions to the nearest pub.
The vast gulf of the abyss beckons nearer with breath peppered by wanderlust and saliva spiked in moonshine. I can only take so much, however I’m forced, and so gorge on this easy feast.
Has a human ever been so unsteady and yet resistant ? So crippled and yet defiant ? I have many bones to pick with myself. I’ve splintered the masterpiece of my life into something ugly.
But I am a beast, aren’t I? And a Beast has always been one to see the Beauty in crude things. There is peace in the bloodstains, there is marvelous enrichment in the grimace of the faces. Cut me deeper Roy, squeeze red from my flesh so to let me continue my artistry. Open up the brushes of my fingers with your fangs and allow this woeful composer to create something for us both to laugh at.
Each finger in my mouth taste like pure sin. They scrape my gums until lips go down onto mine; then the fingers are put back into place. I choke. He chuckles. Fucking bastard.
Through these eyes of mine white with carnal tears, I look up and into the face of the man I didn’t mean to fall in love with wearing my blood upon his lips like a god damned badge of honor.
There’ll be no victor at the end of this unchaste warfare and I feel the cannon fires terminal blow. Yup. that’s my fucked up heart. What a tool.  
But it’s been this way for centuries, hasn’t it ? 
Sensuality is the baddest of bitches with hips that carve into yours tastefully. She’s the perfect fusion of warm and wanton that leaves you so powerfully drugged, that when you turn over to sleep soundly for having seen Nirvana it’s self, she’s able to hijack your shit with ease. Now your ass is left high and dry. But hey, you gotta relish her; notably on the day you find Sensuality knocking at your door again for having conceived with you a child named Regret, something that she drops off for you to raise alone. Now you’re in solitary as Regret clings to you tightly, sucking the life from your chest, but yet, still you nourish it. You love it because shit, it’s half of Sensuality isn’t it ? And had she not once been your reason worth living ?
I twist my fingers around Roy’s cross necklace still finding a way to glint silver in the dark, and pull him down into me with a grunt. For once, it’s his eyes that are glossed with hysterical fever, swimming and asphyxiated by all 7 of the Deadly Sins.
Yeah. That’s right fucker. At least for tonight, “You’re mine.”
Was that his whine that I heard ? Unquestionable was his moan. I think I hear him praying, but that doesn’t change the fact that come sunrise
We’ll both be waking up alone; 
the bruises I left on his neck the only souvenirs of my Love.
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nightwingvixen22 · 5 years
Shaded In Grey
Summary : Jason loves Roy just as much as he loves the bruises that he paints into his skin; but to hell if he’ll ever let him know that and change the interplay of their lusting dance amongst the grey
Roy speaks in the way that Siren’s sing, flooding venom in to my mouth and watching it drip like a ruptured peach to the sting of front teeth. Ripping such fragile skin into nasty pieces of flesh, letting lay bare the very salacious core hidden in the seam.
His flaming hair has grown out (frequently used to twisting or tying it up into a knot) tonight it remains loose. Untamed. And my fingers play through that somehow flawless shit storm, tangling each lock into madness; they overall might dangle into his glaring eyes but that does nothing to befog the fire smoking from within. He looks wild above me. Never have I asked to be such a blooded piece of meat at the ready to be gutted; staring into the yawning mouth of the lion, of whom, is fucking starved.
Right now, I know that he knows that it’s not his nails nor teeth that I fear will gift me new damage, but his eyes. They inspire, burn, destroy. I’m left suspended in the company of a gore leaking orifice that bellows ‘look at me’ should my mind toe outside the line of our depraved Love Nest; this being no more then the feral charge then skirmish to the floor of a Gotham City safehouse.
We sure are givin’ some poor son of a bitch a show, I think, spotting the newfangled surveillance camera I hadn’t noticed sooner, newly installed high left. My mind darts to Tim making my hands sweat, however, Roy’s fingers bruising my chin pull me back down into the waters of our fucked up little fantasy.
The holsters loyal to each my thighs are disengaged, followed by the faint skidding rattle of two M1911 pistols being launched across a cement floor. This all titters a secret to me that I am now in the hands of no mercy.
It’s during a moment like this (offering myself over to be caught in the line of fire) that I swear by the unholy mess in me that Roy Harper is some sort of Saintly Deity of Insanity that which no god can put a name to. Why else would I worship this fucker’s dick like i do ? Call me crude, vulgar, whatever…doesn’t change the fact that the shitty ass truth, is in fact, the shitty ass truth. That truth being that I demand his unsympathetic grip akin to an infant demanding it’s very first breath of life. The affliction of every scar mapping my body is something that I didn’t fuckin’ ask to be met with, nevertheless, something about the power that comes with directing an overdose of a serpentine thirst such as this one that makes me feel more in control then when my hands are gripping lead.
Our lips meet with vigor. I’ve never known it to be smooth. Never known us to take our time, yanno ? It’s always fierce. Hot. A clash of potent teeth seeking to grip and rip apart tender skin. To taste blood. And what’s a good fuck without the taste of blood ? C’mon. We’re deep. We’re thorough: two adrenaline filled junkies having gotten our first real swallow of the golden necator that has seduced us, dripping from uncut fruit laying bare in our wake while with instructions to never have one bite; we’re obsessed.
The tinkering jangle of an unhooked belt. The lick of Roy’s tongue into my mouth still tasting of shitty liquor from the corner store. A sinners Paradise. I tilt my head back for him and let teeth ascend onto my neck. I’m the lamb, sticking it’s neck out for the butcher. I want this. I want him to brand me intensely then cool it with a kiss because that is something that this world has done too many fucking times to me, and I’ve got the scars to prove it.
Yeah, only because the world never did leave a kiss of apology.
Chewed mint gum, stale tobacco, and secrets kept out in the rain for far too long, left to tarnish with the coming of nightfall; this is his eternal flavour.
Isn’t there some goddamn way for us to endure this way ? Twined together ? Just like this. Simply him ritualizing my abdomen that rose and fell with shaky gasps, his tongue marveling the carved indent of muscle there, tracing every groove proving personal fortitude. Proving that my ass didn’t get dropped down onto this fuckin waste land of a planet just to roll over like a creature without fight.
A trifling jungle, Life is.
“God. What a million mother fuckers would trade to see the Red Hood in this wrecked state. You wanna beg for me, doll ? That’s right. Beg for me then,” Roy’s voice is an instrument. His words, musical of filth. I’m being serenaded by the devil and it’s mother fuckin’ magical. Even so, I aim to punch him in the throat. I wasn’t gonna do much damage, was just gonna let him know what toes the line, but his hand wraps around my curled wrist and my bicep tenses. I’m straining to reach him. Straining to infect him, however somewhere in the tangle of that violence dance I strained also for his mouth like an addict for a needle. A taboo puppet. A homicidal angel, like he once called me before I spit in his eye earning my face into the wall.
What even are we doing, Roy Harper ? Why do we do this ? And why does it feel so right to scream your name into the hush of a blacked out room while you turn me inside out ? I’d ring God on the manner, but fuck—I just start pissing myself with laughter each time I start.
Gotta love this shade of grey I’ve established my life in the thick of. Grey is the blueprint of a soul caught in limbo. It’s a nice color. The ambiance is sedated, disrupted here and there by the tortured hollar of a condemned conscience—but life ain’t no fucking picnic.
Then again, even a tongue tied fool knows that.
I can feel the frayed corners of ultimate reality beginning to shimmer. Roy watches me rising high even while knowing that soon I’ll crash, we will, together. And it’s so gorgeous for just a second that I could die like this. I know that it gets old hearing others romanticize death, yet I serious in the face of it. Serious and deeply, deeply in enamoured. Swept upon sandy beaches as to evade the lusting leviathan of the sea again and again. But I just wade back into the waters, deluded at times. Something like a drunk falling around town with an empty bottle of gin; everyone stares but no one will give directions to the nearest pub.
The vast gulf of the abyss beckons nearer with breath peppered by wanderlust and saliva spiked in moonshine. I can only take so much, however I’m forced, and so gorge on this easy feast.
Has a human ever been so unsteady and yet resistant ? So crippled and yet defiant ? I have many bones to pick with myself. I’ve splintered the masterpiece of my life into something ugly.
But I am a beast, aren’t I? And a Beast has always been one to see the Beauty in crude things. There is peace in the bloodstains, there is marvelous enrichment in the grimace of the faces. Cut me deeper Roy, squeeze red from my flesh so to let me continue my artistry. Open up the brushes of my fingers with your fangs and allow this woeful composer to create something for us both to laugh at.
Each finger in my mouth taste like pure sin. They scrape my gums until lips go down onto mine; then the fingers are put back into place. I choke. He chuckles. Fucking bastard.
Through these eyes of mine white with carnal tears, I look up and into the face of the man I didn’t mean to fall in love with wearing my blood upon his lips like a god damned badge of honor.
There’ll be no victor at the end of this unchaste warfare and I feel the cannon fires terminal blow. Yup. that’s my fucked up heart. What a tool.  
But it’s been this way for centuries, hasn’t it ?
Sensuality is the baddest of bitches with hips that carve into yours tastefully. She’s the perfect fusion of warm and wanton that leaves you so powerfully drugged, that when you turn over to sleep soundly for having seen Nirvana it’s self, she’s able to hijack your shit with ease. Now your ass is left high and dry. But hey, you gotta relish her; notably on the day you find Sensuality knocking at your door again for having conceived with you a child named Regret, something that she drops off for you to raise alone. Now you’re in solitary as Regret clings to you tightly, sucking the life from your chest, but yet, still you nourish it. You love it because shit, it’s half of Sensuality isn’t it ? And had she not once been your reason worth living ?
I twist my fingers around Roy’s cross necklace still finding a way to glint silver in the dark, and pull him down into me with a grunt. For once, it’s his eyes that are glossed with hysterical fever, swimming and asphyxiated by all 7 of the Deadly Sins.
Yeah. That’s right fucker. At least for tonight, “You’re mine.”
Was that his whine that I heard ? Unquestionable was his moan. I think I hear him praying, but that doesn’t change the fact that come sunrise
We’ll both be waking up alone;
the bruises I left on his neck the only souvenirs of my Love.
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Into the Deep
Warnings: Blood mention, arguing, major character deaths, anxiety, drowning, crying, food mention
Word Count: ~1.3k
Pairings: Platonic LAMP, Brotherly Logicality
Ch. 14
Logan waited, watching as Roman did his best to dispel the blood. The moment he stepped back into the habitat, Logan shoved him up against the wall.
“I have had it with you risking our lives!”
The mercenary shoved back, but Logan was much stronger than he seemed. Pinned there, he snarled, “Stow it, Logan! Virgil can’t find a cure to this disease without subjects to study. I’m just bringing them here. Or have you not noticed that the only things here are the Crabsquids and little tiny things?”
“Virgil, tell him!” Logan whipped his head around, anger softening as he saw the terrified look on Virgil’s face. “Please...you have to tell him I’m right.”
“I...I -”
Virgil began to tremble, his mouth moving but no voice coming out. Any other day, Logan would’ve rushed to his side, but his rage was beginning to overtake his rational thought.
Patton came to Virgil’s rescue. As he slid down the ladder, he marched forward, eyes alight with anger. “You’re BOTH wrong!”
“What are you -”
“He’s right.” Virgil’s voice was barely above a whisper. The room fell silent as they waited for him to speak once more. “Roman...I-I can’t find out how, or if, they can resist the bacteria if they’re all dead.”
“It’s not exactly easy to bring them back alive.” Roman snapped. “Unless you’d like to give it a try. Oh, that’s right, you’re too afraid to go out there.”
Logan shoved Roman again, making the mercenary growl. “What he means is that you’re being reckless.”
“And Logan...it’s not any better if we hole ourselves up in the base. I can’t study anything if we don’t go outside.” Virgil wrapped his arms around himself, gaze moving to the floor. “We need to find some sort of middle ground.”
“No.” Logan let go of Roman, taking a step back. Roman brushed himself off. Logan could feel the hatred radiating off of him. “We are not compromising. Not while we have this reckless moron on my seabase.”
Roman glared daggers at the captain, starting to shake with anger. “Your seabase? I’m the one who did all the work!”
“We’re going outside!” Patton yelled over the two. He held his hand out to Virgil, who clung tightly to it.
The fight continued, Logan and Roman not even noticing what had happened until Patton and Virgil were already out in the water.
Patton Sanders has left the habitat.
Virgil Torgal has left the habitat.
“Patton! Virgil!” Logan darted to the door, looking out the window. The two men were swimming off to their seamoths. He hit a button, activating their radios. “Get back here! It’s dangerous!”
They continued swimming. Virgil glanced back toward the base, but he didn’t show any signs of stopping.
“I know you can hear me!”
A distant roar echoed through the caves. Instead of turning around, Virgil and Patton swam quicker, making it to the seamoths.
It took a moment for the roar to register in Roman’s ears, but once it did he froze. He knew that roar.
“Logan. Lo! Get off the radio!”
Roman pulled at Logan’s arm, only to be shoved away. “Patton! Virgil!”
“LOGAN!” Roman slammed a knife into the radio. Sparks flew out of the console, making Logan reel back. “Put on your helmet.”
The roar echoed once more. Logan’s eyes widened and he dove for his rebreather.
Roman watched a dark shape come flying toward their base. “BRACE!”
Water poured in as the shape made contact. Logan was thrown clear from the base, going dizzy as his head smacked into one of the stalactites.
The shape moved again, heading directly for Logan.
The captain was too terrified to move. Just before the tentacles on its face could reach him, Roman appeared out of nowhere, a piece of the broken seabase in his hand. With all of his might, he jammed the metal into the leviathan’s neck. He grabbed hold as it began to twist, swimming off into the darkness.
Through his blurred vision, Logan saw a flash of light below him.
Moving slowly, he swam toward where the light had been. It vanished before he could get too close, before appearing further away.
Logan blinked hard, wondering if he was seeing this correctly.
Or if he was seeing anything at all.
His thoughts moved to his brother. He certainly hoped that Patton and Virgil would get out of this alive. If there was anyone who could figure out a cure, it would be those two. Perhaps...perhaps he’d merely been slowing them down.
30 seconds of oxygen.
Logan closed his eyes. The image of his brother and friend filled his mind. He prayed to any deity he could think.
Please. Let them live.
He already knew he was doomed.
Something definitely had the scent of his blood.
Gasping for breath, Virgil dragged Patton onto the beach. “What the HELL?”
“We have to go back!” Diving back toward the water, Patton was grabbed by the arm.
“Are you crazy?!” Collapsing in the sand, Virgil let the tears roll down his cheeks. “We can’t go back. That thing destroyed the base!”
“We can’t just abandon Logan and Roman!”
“They’re probably already dead!”
The shouting match died as the words sunk in. They were alone. They had no one to protect them, and no one to call the shots.
All they had was each other.
“Virge...do you - do you really think that...that they’re…”
Virgil nodded slowly. Patton began to sob, desperately clinging to Virgil, who wrapped his arms around him. “They couldn’t possibly have lived through that. Hope-hopefully they went quickly. Painlessly.”
After Patton cried himself out, the two of them gathered as many rocks as they could. Virgil had offered to make Logan’s grave, but Patton refused, saying it was something he had to do.
As the sun began to rise, the two of them made their way to what was left of their old base. There was enough for them to take shelter, as well as share the bed.
Patton moved to the small window, staring out as the sun moved higher into the sky. He pulled out his tablet, activating the voice log.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen the sunlight in months. I...I wish you could see it, Lo. I know you hated all that time we spent underwater. We all dreamed of it. It’s hard to enjoy without you. You...you were right. We should’ve never left the island. We shouldn’t have gone so deep. Something obviously didn’t want us down there.”
Patton took a shaky breath, hearing Virgil coughing violently behind him.
“Despite our best efforts, we were unable to figure out what the bacteria was, let alone find a cure. Our health is only deteriorating. I think...I think I’m starting to have visions. Of a lonely mother calling out for me.”
A coughing fit overtook Patton.
“Virgil says that Logan and Roman are dead. At least that means you’re a part of this planet’s ecosystem. A part of something bigger. It’s a little reassuring to know that when we go...we’ll go with you.”
The sun rose higher, painting the sky in pinks and oranges.
“And until then...there’s always the view.”
Patton sat, watching the sky turn to its natural blue. When the sun was high enough, he let out a sigh. He and Virgil would have to go hunting for food soon. Maybe they could redo the growbeds.
Patton turned, his blood turning to ice.
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flowerfan2 · 6 years
Conduct Unbecoming
McDanno, M (for themes), 5200 words, A03
Steve confesses something to Danny that he's afraid will change their relationship forever.  But he can't keep quiet any longer about what happened back at school, not when the perpetrator is about to be put into an even greater position of power.
Important note:  This story was inspired by several recent news stories, and a podcast where author Roxane Gay addressed the dilemma surrounding how to react when a loved one tells you they have done something difficult to forgive (in that case, rape).  Steve’s misconduct in this story is not of the same magnitude as the crime that was the subject of that discussion, but it does raise some very significant (and possibly triggering) issues.  Contact me if you want to know more before reading.
Conduct Unbecoming
Steve leans against the counter and tries to hold it together for just a little bit longer.  Despite the ridiculously long day they’d had, on top of a ridiculously busy week, Danny is fairly chipper as he bustles around Steve’s kitchen, rambling on about marsala and mushrooms and some other recipe related trivia that Steve isn’t really listening to.  Danny looks good - stubble dusting his chin, the top few buttons of his shirt undone, his hands flying as he talks a mile a minute.  Steve can’t bring himself to interrupt just yet.
 “Hey, babe, you with me?” Danny has finally come to a stop, one hip jutted out and a concerned look on his face, spoon dangling from his hand.
 “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.”
 Danny doesn’t buy it, moving in closer and squinting at Steve.  “I admit I don’t really have a name for that face.  But it doesn’t look good.”  He bumps his shoulder against Steve’s.  “Sit down and tell me about it.”
 “After dinner.”  
 Danny shrugs, and moves to pour them each a glass of red wine.  “Whatever you say.”  He turns back to the stove, and starts up his prattle again, trying to get them back into a more familiar Friday night rhythm.  Steve has to give him kudos for trying.
 When the food is eaten and the dishes cleaned and stowed, Danny grabs two beers and walks outside. Steve trails him down to the chairs by the water, and they clink their bottles together as they sit down.  
 “All right, spill,” Danny says after a few minutes.  “And don’t tell me nothing’s wrong, you look like you’re afraid Cujo is going to come up out of the ocean and bite your head off.”
 “Cujo’s a dog,” Steve replies, trying to hang on to a few more moments of normalcy.
 “Okay, a Kraken or something.  Leviathan, whatever.  Quit stalling and spit it out.  You’re making me nervous.  We’ve only been doing this for a few months, I can’t have screwed it up that bad yet.”
 Steve grimaces.  He wasn’t breaking up with Danny, far from it. Nothing has made him happier then Danny finally agreeing to give them a go as a romantic couple, after dancing around it for so long.    Steve only hopes Danny won’t feel differently when the night is over.
 Steve reaches out to take Danny’s hand and squeezes it.  “Don’t be nervous.  It’s not anything like that.”
 Danny nods and turns Steve’s hand in his own, shifting until he can twine their fingers together. “Whatever’s eating you, Steve, you can tell me.”
 “I know,” Steve says softly. “I just don’t want to.”
 “Come on, big guy.  I know talking about your feelings is hard for you, but you can do it.”  Danny gives him a fond look, and scoots closer, leaning forward.  “I’ve got your back, Steve.  Whatever it is.”
 Steve takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.  “I can’t go to Charlie’s soccer game with you guys tomorrow morning.”
 Danny raises an eyebrow. “Not really that big a deal, but okay, I can work with that-”
 “Because I’ve got a meeting at the base at 9 a.m.  And afterwards, I might not be in the Navy anymore.”
 Danny gives him an appraising look, with a hint of apprehension.  “You feeling your age, buddy?  What have we said about making retirement decisions without consulting each other, huh?  Wait - you’re not sick again, are you?  You just had a check-up, there wasn’t any sign of radiation damage…”
 “I’m not talking honorable discharge.”
 Crickets would have been a welcome sound in the depth of the resulting silence.
 Danny sits up a little straighter, and rubs a hand over his face.  “Steve, you want to give me a little more to go on, here?”
 “I lied during an investigation.”
 Danny considers this, and Steve knows what’s running through his head – they’ve managed to bluff their way through so many questionable tactics  -  perps somehow dangling off of buildings, inexplicably thrown in shark tanks, clumsily falling down stairs.  “Steve, we-”
 “Not with Five-0.  In college.  A midshipman was sexually assaulted, and I said I didn’t see it.”
 Even in the golden light of the sunset, Danny’s face goes pale.  He lets go of Steve’s hand (don’t flinch, Steve thinks, it’s just the beginning) and sits back in his chair.  
 “Tell me about it from the beginning, Steve.”  Danny’s voice is suddenly cold, and Steve doesn’t know what else he was expecting. “All of it.”
 Steve dives in.  It’s time.  “It was winter, my first year.  It had been a rough few weeks.  There was an ongoing exercise where the plebes were grouped together randomly and pitted against each other in skills tests, speed, agility, marksmanship. One of the smaller guys, Kevin Nathan, was falling behind, and his team didn’t do what they should have to support him. They got reamed out, disqualified, for failing to work together.”  Steve paused, unable to look at Danny as he continued, instead staring out over the darkening waves.
 “That night the rest of Nathan’s team cornered him in the locker room and assaulted him.  I was in the pool, lost in my own head doing laps, but I heard something when I came up for a break.  Sound was all wonky in there, though, and it took me a few minutes to figure out where it was coming from.  By the time I found the spot, everyone had scattered.”
 “The next day Nathan was gone.  A few days later, a rumor spread that he was claiming that one of the guys, Tom Clark, had raped him.  Next thing you know there was an investigation, complete with the insinuation that Nathan was probably gay, and if so, there wasn’t much anyone could have done to protect him.”
 Steve glanced over at Danny, who was hanging his head down in his hands.   When Steve didn’t go on, Danny finally looked up.
 “You said you lied. How?”  Danny asked, his voice rough.
 “The guys who did it claimed they hadn’t been anywhere near the pool or the locker room.  I had signed in when I went to swim, so they asked me if I saw anything.  I said I didn’t.”
 Steve remembered the interview, sitting in an uncomfortable chair, men in uniforms running through a rote list of questions and sending him on his way.  He remembered waiting for them to ask if he heard anything, if he had any reason to think that something had happened there that night, if he had any reason to believe Nathan’s allegations, but the questions never came. Just “did you see anything?” and then “thank you for your time, Midshipman.”
 “You didn’t tell them what you heard,” Danny says flatly.
 Danny stands up and starts pacing, his bare feet hardly making a sound in the sand.  “Why now, Steve?  Why are you telling me this now?  Oh wait, yeah, because you’re about to go fall on your sword, seek absolution from the military gods.  What brought on this crisis of conscience?”
 There’s a straight answer for Danny’s question, unfortunately, and it isn’t just that Steve finally decided to do the right thing.  “Clark, the one who Nathan said raped him, he’s up for an ambassadorship. I can’t let it happen.”
 “But up until now, it’s been just dandy?  You had no problem with this, this monster doing whatever he’s been doing all this time?” Danny spits out his words.  “What has he been doing, huh?”
 “He’s been stationed in South Korea.”
 Danny looks like he’s about to explode when Steve fails to give any more detail.  “I’m sure the rest is classified, so I’ll have to just imagine. I bet he’s been busy spreading tolerance and goodwill everywhere, except when he’s tormenting subordinates and assaulting anyone who’s the least bit different than what he deems acceptable.”
 “I’m so sorry, Danny,” Steve says.  “I’m so sorry.”  
 “You’re sorry – you’re saying sorry to me?  What have you done to me?  What about to that kid?  To all the kids that monster has hurt, huh, what about them?”
 “I know.”  Steve struggles up out of his chair, his legs barely supporting him, and takes a tentative step towards Danny.  “That’s why I’m turning myself in.”
 Danny locks eyes with Steve, and suddenly the full meaning of what might happen tomorrow seems to take the wind out of him.  For a brief moment, Steve thinks Danny might fold himself around him, take Steve in his arms and tell him everything is going to be okay.
 But instead Danny turns on his heel and walks away, waving one arm up in the air.  “I gotta go.  I just…”
 Danny disappears into the house, presumably to get his shoes, and a minute later he backs the Camaro out of Steve’s driveway and takes off down the road with a squeal of his tires. Leaving Steve alone, just like he deserves.
 It takes Steve a few minutes to realize that he is now sitting on the sand, the cold seeping into his skin through the seat of his pants.  He isn’t surprised by Danny’s reaction, not really.  He had half expected Danny to slug him, to pull back and just beat the crap out of him.  He had kind of hoped he would.
 Instead Steve saw that look on Danny’s face, disgust and horror and raw pain, with nothing else to focus on but the sure knowledge that he was going to lose Danny over this. And he couldn’t even blame him.
 It wasn’t as if Steve didn’t know Danny’s views on the issue.  Steve felt the same way, as ironic and pointless as it was to think that, under the circumstances.  Crimes are crimes, no matter how old you are, and being a teenager isn’t an excuse.  
 Just a few weeks ago Five-0 was all out for drinks to celebrate the end to a particularly tricky case when they had overheard some guy ranting about how a drunk mistake by a teenager shouldn’t ruin his whole life, that the asshole politician who had just been accused of raping a girl back in high school didn’t deserve to be punished for “one bad decision.”  Junior and Tani had jumped up to rip the guy a new one, and Danny had nodded along, proud of their rookies for not putting up with that kind of warped bullshit.
 This isn’t complicated stuff.  They all know right from wrong.  Assault is wrong, sexual assault is horribly wrong, homophobic hate crimes in the military are, unquestionably, wrong.  And failing to speak up in the face of these things is the act of a coward, let alone conduct unbecoming an officer.
 Steve wakes up some time later, sprawled out on the sand, chilled to the bone.  Even in Hawaii, it can get cold at night.  He wonders if he’ll ever have another night with Danny, curled up in bed together, laughing and kissing and laughing some more.  He’s never had so much fun with another person, in or out of bed.  He’s never had so much to lose.
 Steve drags himself into the house and collapses on the couch until the sun comes up, then forces himself to shower and dress.  He considers putting on his uniform, but it feels wrong to seek its comfort given the story he has to tell.  Instead he pulls on ordinary clothes, a short sleeve shirt and cargo pants, and tries not to throw up when he sees his face staring back at him in the bathroom mirror.
 At eight o’clock, he squares his shoulders and opens the door, nearly crashing into Danny, who is standing outside on the porch, coffee in his hand.
 “Drink this, and get in the car,” Danny says.  His eyes meet Steve’s briefly, and Steve can tell that for all his bravado, Danny didn’t sleep much last night either.  It’s one more ache on top of a mile high pile of them.
 But Danny strides down the path and Steve can do nothing but follow him.  There’s a moment of confusion when they get to the Camaro, both of them heading for the passenger seat.
 “What, all of a sudden you don’t want to drive?  Have I got to do all the work here?”  Danny is trying to keep his voice light, Steve can tell, but Steve’s mind is still spinning.  He can’t process the fact that Danny is here, he doesn’t know whether to be happy or to give in to the panic threatening to overwhelm him.  
 Danny finally huffs out a sigh and gets into the driver’s seat when Steve stays frozen in place. He’s just glad Danny didn’t throw the keys at him, he probably would have just stared as they fell to the ground.
 “Come on, zip zip, we’re not getting any younger,” Danny says, waving at Steve until he gets into the car.  “Might run into traffic on the way to the base,” Danny mumbles as he backs out of the driveway.  “Not like anyone here even knows what traffic is.  Come to New Jersey, check out the George Washington Bridge, you’ll see some real traffic.”
 It’s a classic Danny rant, one of his older ones, and it gives Steve a glimmer of hope.  But then he remembers where they’re going, and he wonders if Danny showed up to make sure he actually went through with it.  
 “Couldn’t trust me to do this myself, could you,” Steve says.  
 Danny shoots a sharp look at Steve, and then flings his arm out to punch him in the arm.  Hard.  “What the fuck are you talking about?”
 Steve rubs his arm, and quickly forces himself to reevaluate the situation.  Danny’s alternating between glaring at him and the road, and Steve’s eyes take in his closely shaven face, carefully styled hair, perfect tie…
 “Your tie,” Steve starts, earning himself a wide eyed look on top of the glare.
 “Yes, I’m wearing a tie. You can’t possibly object to this tie, Steven.  You gave it to me yourself.”
 Steve was charged with getting Danny a gag gift last Christmas for the Five-0 party, and he followed through, more or less, with a tie adorned with Danny’s least favorite fruit. But it’s made out of fine silk, tiny delicate gold pineapples on a soft blue background, and Steve could tell by the way had Danny stroked it and tried to hide his smile that he had done well.
 “I did get it for you, didn’t I?” Steve says, in wonderment.  Danny is dressed up, for him, for this horrid, sickening day.
 But he still doesn’t understand.  If anything, he’s even more confused.  “Why,” Steve’s voice cracks and he starts over.  “Why are you here?”
 Danny shifts and Steve thinks he’s going to smack him again, but it doesn’t happen.  Instead Danny reaches for Steve, his hand landing on Steve’s arm, and he sort of pets him awkwardly before putting his hand back on the steering wheel.  
 “I could ask myself the same question,” Danny says.  “I did, more or less, for a good number of hours last night.  But in the end, I kept winding up in the same place.  No matter what you did, Steve, no matter what you do, I’m with you.  I may be angry, and upset, and fucking confused as hell, but I’m still with you.”
 Steve’s heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest.  “It’s that simple?”
 “Didn’t say it was simple. But that’s how it is.”
 When they get to the base, Steve expects Danny to drop him off, but he doesn’t.  Instead Danny gets out of the car and walks inside with Steve, doing what he always tends to do when faced with Steve’s military background, and acts as if he’s not intimidated in the least.  There have been times when Danny’s behavior exasperated Steve, when he wished that Danny could show military officers the respect they deserved. But today, when Steve feels like he’s a dead man walking, when he’s about to dig into the military’s stained and dirty laundry, Danny’s civilian stubbornness is a comfort.
 Danny accepts an invitation to wait while Steve goes in to his meeting – it’s not Tripler, where they can hold each other’s hands while put-upon nurses fuss over them.  Steve has to do this himself.  But knowing he has Danny at his back, well, it’s pretty amazing.  It gives him just a little boost of confidence, the thought that if Danny hasn’t abandoned him, maybe there will be something worth salvaging of himself when all is said and done.
 Almost three hours later, when Steve finally makes it back to the lobby, Danny is still sitting there. He doesn’t complain about how long it took, or how bored he’s been, he just jumps up out of his seat and walks at Steve’s side back to the car.  
 It’s not until they’ve left the base and pulled on to the highway that Danny’s shoulders relax. Steve knows there wasn’t much chance of the Navy actually detaining him, but he’s still as relieved as Danny seems to be that he’s back on familiar turf, riding along in the Camaro like it’s just an ordinary day.
 Steve waits for Danny to ask him how it went, but he doesn’t, just reaches over and gives Steve’s hand a squeeze.  Steve grabs on tight and doesn’t let go.
 He realizes he must have dozed off when the car pulls to a stop.  They’re in front of Rachel’s new house, a modest ranch with a pretty yard. “Danny…?”
 “We missed Charlie’s soccer game, so I figured we’d stop by and say hello.”
 It seems like a weird time for a visit, but Steve can’t bring himself to question it.  Steve feels like he’s in a daze as they get out of the car, Charlie running out of the house to fling himself at Danny.  Danny lifts his son in the air and then tucks him against his hip as Rachel ushers them inside.
 “Take this guy for a sec while I compare calendars with Rachel, okay?  We’ve got to figure out logistics for Grace’s cheer retreat, there’s a thorny carpool issue that needs my attention.”  Steve doesn’t really register what Danny is saying, but then he’s got his arms full of a squirming five-year old and he’s forced to focus.
 “Uncle Steve, I scored a goal today!  It was awesome!  But I fell and got a scratch, wanna see?”  Charlie slides out of Steve’s arms and flops down on the floor, pointing to his leg. He’s still wearing his cute little red soccer t-shirt with the name of his team and their sponsor on it (My Café, a truly awesome breakfast spot in Kapolei), but his long socks have been pushed down to reveal a couple of red marks.
 “Looks like it hurts, buddy. How’d that happen?”  Steve sits down next to him and is regaled with the story of Briana and Kai and how the ball somehow rolled right between them towards the goal and would have gone in except for how Charlie dived and caught it with his hands.
 “But I wasn’t ‘posed to use my hands, ‘cause it wasn’t my turn to be keeper.  But Kai said I did good anyway and gave me a high five.” Charlie raises his hand over his head to demonstrate, and Steve gives him a high five.  This leaves Charlie completely open to tickling, which Charlie is clearly anticipating, so before long they are rolling on the ground together, Charlie laughing uncontrollably as he pokes his little fingers into Steve’s stomach.
 “Whew, I’m tired,” Charlie finally exclaims dramatically.  “And hungry. Mom said she’d bring us a snack soon. Wanna read books while we wait?”
 “Sure, pal.”  Steve marvels a bit at the boy’s ability to manage him.  He’s already so much like Danny.  Charlie dashes across the room to retrieve a handful of books and then climbs into Steve’s lap.  “Okay, go.”
 Charlie hands Steve a book about sharks, and Steve makes comfortable, still on the floor, but with his back against an armchair.  Charlie leans his head against Steve’s shoulder, a warm weight against his chest. His soft blond hair tickles Steve’s nose as he drags his finger across the pages of the book, outlining the pictures he likes most.  
 They’re reading about how many teeth sharks have and comparing them to how many Charlie has in his own mouth, and whether Charlie will have as many teeth as a shark when he’s all grown up, when Rachel comes in and sets a tray of cheese and fruit on the table.  
 Danny follows her and sits down on the couch, a fond expression on his face as he meets Steve’s eyes.  
 “You want to take over?” Steve asks quietly, but Charlie shakes his head firmly.
 “Nuh-uh.  I like reading with you, Uncle Steve.  Keep going.”  Charlie snuggles closer in Steve’s arms.
 Steve feels tears well up in his eyes.  Charlie is all that is good and sweet in the world, and he trusts Steve to look after him. He’s not sure he should be allowed to do that anymore, but Danny clearly wants him to believe differently.
 Soon the little boy is asleep, and Rachel takes him back to his room.  Danny slides a napkin full of cheese slices and small rounds of bread towards Steve, along with a glass of juice Steve hadn’t even noticed.  Steve eats quickly, his hand shaking as he lifts the glass.  He hadn’t even realized he was hungry.
 “Charlie loves you, you know,” Danny says quietly as they head back out to the car.  “So does Grace.”
 Steve knows what Danny’s doing, knows he’s trying to make him see the good in himself.  He wouldn’t have thought it would help, but it does. Danny’s sweet little boy is a powerful force, like Danny himself.
 Back on the highway, Danny has apparently decided that Steve is fortified enough to talk about what happened.
 “All right, fill me in.”
 Steve knows he’s not asking about the gossip from Charlie’s soccer game.  Another time, he might have pretended to misunderstand, work Danny up into a little friendly banter.  But not today.   “They weren’t surprised when I told them about Clark.”
 “What?  What do you mean, they weren’t surprised?”  Danny almost swerves, cursing to himself as he eases his foot off the pedal to slide into the right lane.  
 “Apparently there have been other accusations.”
 “And yet he’s still being considered for-”  Danny’s voice drips with disbelief.
 “Yup.”  Steve lets this sink in.  He’s still not sure it’s registering properly in his own mind, the knowledge that these types of allegations mean so little.  It’s upsetting on so many levels.  He knows the military has its faults, isn’t perfect by far, but he hates to believe that a man like Clark would be allowed to continue in his position once his superiors became aware of his misconduct.
 In fact, as the meeting this morning had gone on, Steve had just become more confident that he was doing the right thing.  And he didn’t want it to get covered up any longer.  He was still trying to figure out how to best approach it, but there was one move that seemed like a potential next step.  “I told them I’d go public with it, if nothing was done.”
 Danny lets out a low whistle.  “Damn. That’s bold, babe.”  
 Steve thinks Danny sounds proud of him for being willing to expose himself to the world on this, but it’s not just him that would be at risk.  Going public would also inevitably reveal the victim’s identity, even if Steve tried to keep it quiet.  Nathan might not welcome that kind of attention, especially after all this time.  “I think I’d have to ask Nathan first, though.”
 Danny doesn’t respond, and Steve is suddenly scared that he screwed up.  “Do you think I shouldn’t talk to Nathan?  Is that a bad idea?  Should I not go public?”
 “Maybe?  I don’t know.  Would it help him to have this on the news, on the internet and everywhere else? Or would it just be to make yourself feel better?”  Danny glances at Steve.  “Sorry – I don’t mean to -- I don’t have a clue how to do this, Steve.  This is above my pay scale.  But there must be people who know, who’ve thought it through. I think you’ve got to talk to someone.”
 “Like a counselor?” Steve’s had the same thought.
 “Yeah, among other people. I contacted my guy, the one I talked to after the liver thing, to see if he could refer you to someone.”  Danny pauses.  “I didn’t say too much, promise, just the general gist.  You’re not mad, are you?”
 Steve chokes out a sound. “Mad?  How the hell would I have any right to be mad?”
 “I dunno, this isn’t my business, you don’t like therapy, I should butt out, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing, god, any number of reasons.”
 Steve parses this, tries to figure out how to respond.  He knew this would take a toll on Danny, he just didn’t anticipate him trying to share Steve’s burdens, too.  He should have known better.  “You’re doing fine, Danno.  More than fine.  I’m – I’m so grateful, you can’t even imagine.”
 Danny relaxes. “Okay.  Good.  Just, well, tell me if I cross a line, okay?”
 Steve nods, and they drive on.  Steve can see Danny formulating another question.  “So, um, what’s gonna happen with you?”
 “Not sure yet.”
 Danny raises an eyebrow at him, and Steve sighs.  “They didn’t seem to know what to do with me.  Kept saying it was over twenty years ago, and I was just a kid, and I didn’t do anything that any kid wouldn’t have done.  Tried to blame whoever did the investigation.”
 “That doesn’t sound right.”
 “No, it doesn’t.  It isn’t.  I had obligations as a midshipman, I was part of the Navy even then.”
 “This doesn’t give me warm feelings about the military, you know that.”
 “I know.  For what it’s worth, it’s not over… it’ll go through the process, I have an appointment with an investigator next week.”
 “But you’re probably still going to be a sailor, right?”
 Steve clenches his fists together, lets himself say the words he’s been thinking all morning. “Unless I leave.”
 “Is that something you’re considering?”
 “Yeah.  After all this… yeah.”  He leans his head back and lets out a long sigh, wishing he could just close his eyes and make it all go away.  “By the way, I’m meeting the governor tonight.  Face to face.  Figured I’d better keep him in the loop.”
 Danny shoots a look at him. “You’re not gonna lose your job, Steve. Especially not if the military doesn’t even care about it.”
 Steve shrugs.  “We’ll see.”  He wishes he could be more certain about it.  Next to losing Danny, losing Five-0 wouldn’t compare, but it would still hurt.
 They finally get to Steve’s house.  Danny climbs out of the car and stretches his arms up in the air, his back muscles rippling under his thin shirt.  “I think Charlie had the right idea.”
 “What’s that?”  Steve asks, walking up the path and unlocking the front door.  It feels like it was years ago that he came outside and found Danny there, ready to stand by him through this awful day.
 “Naps,” Danny says, his voice light.  “We should take a nap.  You’ll be in better shape to talk to the governor later.”
 This sounds like a fantastic idea.  “I couldn’t agree more.”
 They drag themselves up the stairs and both strip down to their shorts.  Danny slides under the covers first and holds an arm out for Steve.
 “Come here, you.”
 Steve obeys, his breath catching as he digs his head into the side of Danny’s neck.  “Thank you.  Thank you for still being here.”  Steve can hardly believe that Danny is welcoming him back into his arms, his bed. His life.
 “I’m not going anywhere,” Danny says softly.  
 Steve lets himself sink into Danny, breathe in his scent, feel his strong body wrapped around his own. He wants to hold on to this feeling, the reassurance and safety of his lover’s embrace, but Steve can’t quite relax yet.
 “How can you forgive me for this?”  Steve finally asks, his words whispered into Danny’s skin.  Because as much as Danny said yesterday that he wasn’t the one Steve needed to apologize to, Steve knows better.  Steve’s not who Danny thought he was.  Even after all they’ve been through together, too many near-death experiences and demonstrations of loyalty to count, Steve hid this from him.  
 Danny wraps a strong hand around the back of Steve’s neck, fingers threading up into his hair, and shifts until he can meet Steve’s gaze.  “I love you, that’s how.  Love you like crazy, and I’m not willing to give that up.  You’ve got some work to do, I think.  But we’re gonna get through it, you and me. ”
 “How can I fix it, though? I can’t go back.”
 “Yeah, that’s why you move forward.  Do something to address the kind of mindset that let that attack happen in the first place. We’ll figure out how – talk to advocates, support groups, I don’t know.  You’ve got the kind of reputation, the rank, to get people to listen.  If you’re willing to try.”
 “I am.  Whatever it takes.”  He’s not sure this kind of thing can be fixed, not easily, but Danny’s right – he’s got to try.
 “Good.”  Danny shifts, curling closer around Steve, his hand shifting to stroke his cheek.  “I know you, Steve.  I know what’s in your heart.  You’re a good man, the best man I know.”
 “I don’t feel like a good man.”
 Danny kisses his cheek, warm lips pressing gently against his skin, and Steve shivers.  “Trust me, you are.  I don’t pretend to know how it all works.  Maybe that experience back in college affected you so much, you never let something slide again.  You turned it into determination to do the right thing, to not let the bad guys get away. Or maybe that’s all just psycho-babble, I don’t know.  But you’ve made a positive difference in so many people’s lives, I can’t even count them. And if you put your mind to it, you can make a difference with this, too.”
 Steve would like to believe this, he really, really would.  But he can’t help doubting himself.  “Are you sure?”  
 “I don’t have all the answers, Steve,” Danny says, pulling Steve tightly against his chest and wrapping his arms around his shoulders.  “God knows, I wish I did,” Danny breathes into his hair.  “Just give it time.  Work on it. I’ll be with you, all the way.”
 Steve’s pretty sure that nothing can make up for the harm Nathan suffered.  But given that he can’t turn back the clock, he wants to believe what Danny says – that he can do something now to make a difference.  And with Danny by his side, he figures he’s got a fighting chance.
 Note: "Conduct Unbecoming" is from Article 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: "Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman:  Any commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."   A gentleman is understood to have a duty to avoid dishonest acts, displays of indecency, lawlessness, dealing unfairly, indecorum, injustice, or acts of cruelty.
 Disclaimer:  I have no experience with how the military would actually investigate either the initial complaint, or Steve’s confession years later; any mistakes are my own.  But I do have personal experience with what it feels like to be faced with the dilemma presented a loved one asks for forgiveness for something arguably unforgiveable.  This story would have been even harder to write if Steve had been the assailant (as in the case discussed in the Roxane Gay podcast) but I just couldn’t do it. I welcome your thoughts, but please be gentle – it’s the time of year for forgiveness in the Jewish tradition, so perhaps I erred on that side.
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chvrchesrp · 8 years
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LEVIATHAN, origins just before the dawn of human life, now a DEMON. WORKING: VP of HR @ Daystar Casino. LIVING: 4D @ The Kavanagh.
Demons don’t have nightmares often, but when they do, they’re of you. It’s said that when demons misbehave, you’re there, finding them vulnerable, drowning them, picking out their teeth for souvenirs, singing a death note, a lullaby where they might die at the end. An enforcer, a power, a legend in your own right, it was you who killed the Leviathan—thought impossible—and you who stole its name. If you devour the monsters, you can call any place home.
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Content trigger warning: abuse, death and torture mentions.
You were created from nothing, not for yourself, but for others. Named Leliel, you were made an angel in Heaven; an Envoy, a Guardian Angel. The only angel to be written down by man as woman, you were charged with conception, looking after those in the womb, looking after childbirth. Assuring other beings life—but never to have one of your own. The way God, Baal, treated you and those like you were like tools, something to do a job and then not thought of outside of that, nor given room to become more than that. He wouldn’t listen when you asked for, cried for, more. It was only the humans who moved him, now, or so it seemed. Your rage grew at the injustice and you designed to see God brought to feel as low as you did. You wanted to prove the infallible to be fallible—and so you did. When God made the Behemoth and the Leviathan to prove to Job his might, that the beasts could not be killed or captured, then you had your goal. The cost didn’t matter to you; indeed, perhaps you barely considered that. You used your resources. You were dating Raziel, a higher-ranking angel charged with overseeing your overseer, Zahariel. Raziel was the angel of secrets and mysteries; his books were expansive. There, you found your answers and kept them to yourself.
You, of all angels, the lowest of the low, you were the one to capture and kill the Leviathan. You wore its teeth around your neck, made its home your home: you found a love for the sea you had never had before, but you saw yourself, your true self, in its reflections. It is this memory that kept you going as you were punished brutally for the highest blasphemy Heaven had yet known. But you, you survived and caught the attention of Heaven’s golden boy, the one called Lucifer. He saw your true self and met it with his own. It was only to you he confided his trust, his dreams: he saw what you saw. He designed a bigger blasphemy. Lucifer wanted angels to walk out of Heaven, to be anywhere but under God’s thumb—and he was going to kill God to make it happen. It sounded impossible but enthralling—and you’d done the impossible before. Together, you and Lucifer staged the Grigori Rebellion, in which no small number of angels, many of them Envoys, went to war for their rights. The rebellion was ‘suppressed’ by others, including Gabriel, but the deed was done: Lucifer killed God, knowing he would be exiled for it. You and many others followed him to Hell. There, you were raised high, second only to him, named Prince of Princes, and have never wavered. 
As a demon, you chose your new name: Leviathan. You enjoy your position; with much of the power and less of the responsibility, you were free to become your own person. You found you liked to sing. You found you like to swim, to dive. You have a notable fondness for angler fish. And you have a fondness for the tasks you’d chosen in Hell. Never one to repeat the errors of Baal, your brutality knows a time and a place, knows consideration, but it is swift and cutting. Even Satan fears you, a little bit, for you have punished him. Killing isn’t your primary art—it’s Lucifer who kills, not you—it’s the torture, and to find an equal at that is terrifying for Satan, though he’d never admit it. You like to keep the teeth of those you’re particularly proud of having worked on and you have one of his. With the Princes out of line lately, it’s a pleasure to get to stretch your claws. When you’re not keeping the other Princes in line, you enjoy a cigar in the casino and a laugh; while your loyalty is uncompromising, your moods shift like the tides, both the blade and the sheath; the teeth and the smile.
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Leviathan is portrayed by Lesley-Ann Brandt. Changing the faceclaim is ALLOWED; alternates include Sarah Shahi and Elodie Yung. Leviathan is currently TAKEN and not available for application.
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Into the Deep
Warnings: Fatal illness, talk of death, killing a creature, blood mention
Word Count: ~950
Pairings: Platonic LAMP, Brotherly Logicality
Ch. 13
Once the four of them knew they were sick, Logan started seeing more symptoms.
He caught himself scratching at his scalp more often.
Virgil would dissolve into the worst coughing fits.
Patton and Roman both began to develop horrible blisters.
Speaking of the latter, Roman had begun to bring live specimens back for Virgil to study. He’d started off quite small, bringing back a few Boomerang fish. But as the subjects started dying, he started to go bigger and bigger.
Logan was furious when he brought back a Sand Shark.
“That thing could’ve killed us!”
Roman rolled his eyes, scratching the shark’s belly. “No way. This guy is tame.”
The shark moved quickly, nearly biting Roman’s arm off. The mercenary was faster, stabbing it in the stomach, killing it instantly.
“Okay, I may have been wrong.”
Logan could practically feel the smoke coming out of his ears. “Roman, no more creatures. You just end up killing them, which is making Patton and Virgil upset.”
“Please, I don’t have to listen to you.” Roman moved around Logan, gathering a few more materials. “As for the other two, it can’t be helped. We need to know what’s going on.”
“Roman -”
“Would you prefer that we die here?!” The sudden shouting made Logan stop short. “Because if someone doesn’t do something, that’s what’s going to happen!”
Virgil slid down the ladder, glaring at the two of them. “Could you be quiet? Patton finally got to sleep, his blisters have been -”
The researcher started coughing. Logan winced at the noise. It sounded like his lungs were about to come right out of his throat, despite all the impossibility of that happening.
Roman shot Logan a look before heading back out.
Roman Maida has left the habitat.
Logan rushed to Virgil’s side, helping him into a chair. “Is there anything I can do?”
Virgil shook his head, desperately trying to hide his shiny eyes. “No. There’s nothing any of us can do. This bacteria is going to kill us all.”
“We might still -”
“The only way we’d find a cure is if there was a goddamn miracle.” He snapped. After seeing the shock on Logan’s face, Virgil took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I just...I feel helpless.”
“I think we all do.” Logan began to pace. “Science isn’t helping, which puts three of us on edge. Brute force obviously won’t do anything, which is why Roman is getting more and more reckless. At this point, we’ll kill each other before the bacteria does.”
There was a beat of silence.
“When was the last time you slept?”
Logan blinked, trying to recall. “I think...possibly 53 hours ago?”
“Logan.” Virgil pulled out the Dad voice, something he’d learned from Patton. “Go sleep. I’ll sit here and wait for Roman.”
“Are you sure? I can -”
Virgil grabbed his wrist, dragging him over to the ladder. “Go. Or I’ll wake up Patton and make him snuggle you to sleep.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Seeing Virgil suck in a deep breath was all the convincing Logan needed. He scrambled up the ladder, curling up next to his sleeping brother.
He fell asleep instantly.
After what felt like minutes, he heard Roman enter the habitat. Moving carefully so as not to wake Patton, he headed down to the main level.
Roman had a terrifying grin on his face as he strolled into the room.
“Why are you so happy?”
Instead of answering, Roman turned his gaze onto Virgil. “Virge. I brought you something.”
Movement in the corner of his eye had Logan darting to the window. His brain short-circuited for a small moment at what he was seeing. “Is that a LEVIATHAN outside?!”
“Yep. Towed it home on the back of the sub.” Pride dripped from Roman’s voice. “Found him swimming around another mountain. We should really check it out, it had -”
“You KILLED that thing?” Logan’s hands went to his hair. “I thought we told you no more killing!”
“Relax, Specs, it’s still breathing! I was about to finish the job, but if you’d rather I can continue this conversation?” Roman asked, nodding when Logan shook his head. “That’s what I thought. Make yourself useful and pass me that hardened blade.”
“You’re insane.”
The blade was passed over by Virgil, who hadn’t said a word this whole time. His wide eyes were staring out the window. He looked ready to bolt at any second.
Logan began to pace. “I can’t believe you! How could you bring that thing here?! What if it’s not as hurt as it looks? There are plenty of species that play dead, only to kill their predators! What if others come? It could have a mate, or children!”
“Which would you prefer, Captain?” Roman asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “That it got curious and swam out here? Or that I caught it and killed its ass?”
Rage flooded into Logan’s veins. He pointed a finger at Roman, poking him in the chest. “If we ever get off this damn planet, I’m going to drag you through every court in the Federation! You’ll never go on another mission, so help me God.”
Roman huffed. “God certainly isn’t helping us now. Or had you forgotten that we’re stuck here and dying?”
“Just...go kill that thing before it breaks free.”
Roman Maida has left the habitat.
Virgil stared out the window, wincing when he saw the blood fill the water. “The blood might bring something else here. Something bigger.”
“Those are nearly as big as a Cyclopes. I think it’s as big as we’re going to see.” Logan mused, watching as Roman made sure the predator was dead.
Virgil shook his head. “There’s always a bigger fish.”
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