#and when he gets told off for it - first by thor and then later odin - he knows nothing he does will ever be enough to be worthy to them
fandxmslxt69 · 9 months
One and Only
Prince!Loki x f!asgardian noble!reader
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Warnings: um none. maybe a few grammar errors or weird sentences, some suggestive content (mentions of sex like once) Reader is mentioned to be wearing a green silky dress, and Loki is sort of wearing his suit adjacent to the one in Avengers + His horns.
A/N: Dearest lovely @fictive-sl0th - first of all, thank you for organising this amazingly fun Secret Santa event for us- it's been so much fun and I'm happy that it's my first event on Tumblr! Secondly, I truly hope you enjoy this little thing Camille- your prompt was so much fun and I hope I did it justice!
Synopsis: Loki is forced to find a bride, and things take a turn when a familiar face shows up.
Prompt: King Odin wants Loki to marry so he orders him to pick a bride during the annual yule ball. (He’s not amused haha) But things take a spicy turn when you show up and turn out to be a coveted noblewoman instead of the tempting, mysterious villager you pretended to be during all your earlier accidental encounters. In the end Odin gets what he wants ;)
Word count: 2.7k
“It’s time to do something useful. You will find a bride as soon as possible, Loki. With my heir off playing dress up on Midgard, I have none but you to wed off,”“Now, I’m sure Thor will come back with a nice bride-” 
“Asgard will NOT have a mortal woman as its first bride. Not now, not ever. It’s decided. This year’s Yule ball will be to find you a bride. Only Asgard’s finest, most eligible women will be up for a chance at marriage with you,” 
Loki grumbled to himself as the maids fussed over him. This was useless. Loki had no desire for marriage for another few centuries. His mood went from poor to sour to downright depressed and cynical as the days counted down to Yule. He thought perhaps someone would talk some sense into Odin, and yet there was a sinking feeling in his stomach after Odin declared his choice that told him he didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. 
One of the maids tucked too hard on his cape, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Watch it,” he snapped. The maid muttered a quick apology, but before he could get another word in, there was a knock at the door before Frigga stepped in. 
Loki felt himself relax as she walked into his room, taking her time to look him over as she walked closer. “I’ll take it from here,” She addressed the women softly. They nodded and hurried out the door, but Loki couldn’t help letting out a groan while watching them hurry out. “I’ve scared them out of their minds,” “Now now,” Frigga stood beside him as she smiled at him in the mirror. “I’m sure Ingrid understands the stress you’re under,” Loki grumbled again under his breath. “I will find her later, to apologise,” Frigga hummed as she fussed at his clothes. He was wearing his finest Asgardian leather, the colours of the armour were a deep green and a rustic black only leather could give off. Frigga had ensured the suit stayed in the best conditions, even going as far as ordering the gold arm plates remade to be in perfect condition. He looked like the perfect image of the Asgardian prince. Regal and poise, and impeccable fashion taste. Even his head piece was polished thoroughly, and it lay on his bed, waiting for him to pick it up and wear it. His signature horns. His signature dress. 
He’s just missing that signature Loki grin. But he had no intention of giving anyone that smile. It was already someone’s. He had no desire to share it with another. 
“What are you thinking about?” Frigga had stopped fussing over him and stood behind him, watching him intently through the mirror.
“Nothing,” He lied quickly. 
“Nothing?” He nodded. “Exactly. Nothing,” She hummed, turning around to grab his horns from the bed. “Very well. I do hope we get to see that girl you’ve been sneaking off to see. Perhaps she will be a good fit,” He nodded, the words not registering until a few seconds later. His eyes widened, and he spun around to look at her. “What? What girl?” He closed the distance between him and his mother, grabbing his horns from her. “There is no girl. There’s never been a girl. What are you talking about?” 
Frigga raises her eyebrows. “Right…”
He nodded, carefully placing the horns on his head. There is no girl. Not anymore. 
She won’t even be there, so what’s the point?
“I don’t think there is anyone for me,” The words fell out of his lips before he could stop them.
Frigga’s eyes softened. “My dear boy, if I can see everything you hold, I know someone out there can too,”
Yes, he thought. She can, but what about everyone else? Odin? What did he think? The thoughts only soured his mood even more. “Perhaps we should go now,” He said curtly, holding his arm out for his mother. Frigga smiled softly, an edge of sadness in her eyes. 
“Very well,” She said, hooking her arm around his as they left his room.
*                                                               *                                                               *
Asgard’s usually plain ballroom had transformed itself to fit the spirit of Yule. Decked in only the most lavish of decorations, the ballroom glittered and sparkled as people settled in, women dressed in their finest robes and men in only their best attire. Loki stood by his mother and Thor as Odin drilled on, giving thanks to those who came, and promising a dance to every woman from Loki before he was to pick his bride. With every word he spoke, Loki felt a shiver run down his neck. He had no desire to be here, but this was not the first time he had been forced to forget about his own feelings and opinions, so he knew how to power through the night. 
You stood in your own corner with your mother, who made comments at everyone she could get her hands on. You only rolled your eyes or muttered a word in conversation, your mind too preoccupied. You had no idea how to feel about coming. At first, you had no desire to go. Why, all of a sudden, was Loki wanting to get married? Had he not told you, mere days ago, that he had no intention to run his life? It’s silly, it’s not like you were in love with him (maybe a little) or betrothed to him, but it still felt like a small dagger to your heart. Then, you thought perhaps he had a change of heart. Or perhaps it was his mother’s idea. Perhaps you even had a chance. He knew you, at least. He flirted with you, outside of this castle at least. And then you remembered that he only actually knew you as the girl he ran into at the village. And suddenly, bile rose up your mouth and you threw your invitation out. 
But naturally, your mother wasted no chances to shove you with any respectable man, and a prince is as respectable as they come- and there was nothing in the Nine Realms that could have stopped her from going to the Yule Ball. So here you found yourself, in your finest green silks (unintentional) and the best pieces of your gold as your mother fussed over every piece of hair out of place. 
You watched Loki from your corner as he danced with the first few women. He had a polite smile on his hands, and a few times you heard him laugh at something one of them would say, and your gut twisted and your lunch made its way up your throat. The laughs brought you back to your own secret encounters with him, nights you spent wandering the village and exchanging stories. You remembered the first time you made him laugh so freely, and it unlocked a new desire in you- to make him laugh for eternity. 
Perhaps that was a little too obsessive at the time. But you couldn’t blame it on yourself. Loki was the kind of man who wormed his way into the heart and nested there forever. Once he was in, there was no way to flush him out of your system. Certainly not after knowing what lay beneath his clothes and his….various talents. A blush crept up your neck just at the thought of those sensual nights with him- frantic, urgent and allconsuming. 
When he laughed with his new partner, something hard set in your gut. Maybe you didn’t have the best chance at winning this, but Norns, you were going to make sure he knew those laughs were yours first. 
You handed your glass to your mother, ensuring that your dress was in its best condition, and  fixed the draped piece of fabric over your shoulders. You could feel all eyes on you as you walked as elegantly as you could to Loki as the song ended. “Your Highness,” You interrupted politely, and the woman shot you a dirty look. “Am I have your next dance?” Loki began to say something before he fell silent, his eyes widening a fraction as they took in your face, and then trailing down your body. He made a noise at the back of his throat as he reached for your hand, motioning with the other for the songs to recommence. “Of course,” He said, although it sounded strained.
You smiled, stepping closer as he pulled you up against him, your bodies moving in sync to the music, your name fell from his lips in a stunned whisper. 
“What are you doing here? Did you sneak in?” Loki asked in disbelief. 
You laughed quietly. “No, Your Highness, I got my invitation like everyone else here,” He frowned, that pretty sculpted face of his scrunching up. “What? But…I thought- you’re just-” “A simple village girl?” You finished for him.
He paused, then looked almost offended. “Darling, simple is an offensive word to use to describe yourself. Nothing about you is ‘simple’,” Your heart skipped a beat, and those butterflies erupted in your stomach again. “Thank you, Your Highness,” “Oh quit that,” He said as he spun you around. “You say it like you don’t know me,” 
“Perhaps I don’t,” You replied.
“You know me better than all the others in this room,” He leaned in, smiling softly. “How in the Nine Realms did you get here, darling?” You bit your lip, trying to fight back the stupid smile from spreading across your face. “I told you, I got my invitation. I came here with my mother,” He hummed. “So, you are not a villager,” He frowned slightly at his own stupidity. How had he not asked before- in all your recent encounters? Perhaps the mystery that came with you was too addictive- the ability to leave behind all masks and remain bare to a complete stranger was…a safe haven, he supposed. You did know more about him than anyone else attending tonight. Secrets he’d never shared. Jokes he never told. Books he had no one to talk with. No one but you. You held so much of him, and he thought he held so much of you- but how much of it was real? You giggled. “No, I am not,” “Hm. Cheeky. It seems I have been fooled,” “Not…fooled. Simply….misguided. An inaccurate conclusion. I assure you though, I had no intentions of deception. I stand true to every other word I said,” You added, as if you could read his face, as if you could hear the worries and doubts in his mind. “But you never said you were noble,” You shrugged. “And you never asked,” A smile tugged at his lips, an odd sense of comfort settling in him. You were still…you. “No…I suppose I never did,” He leaned in then, dropping his voice to a whisper, “You look ravishing tonight, though. How have I never seen you in such a fine colour?” 
You blushed really then, looking up to meet his piercing eyes. “You look quite good in that colour yourself, Loki,” 
He chuckled, offering no other reply as you continued to dance. Soon, the song ended, and you stepped back from each other. Before you could turn to leave and potentially cry and laugh your heart out, he took your hand and leaned down, placing a soft kiss on it. He looked back up at you, and Norns, how gorgeous he really looked- all smirks and piercing eyes and those horns. “I hope to have another dance soon, my lady,” You nodded quickly, your mind short circuiting as another woman came up to ask for his next dance. You stepped back, before speed walking back to your spot by your mother. Of course, she shot a billion questions an hour, but you only ignored her, eyes focused on the man dancing at the centre of the room, glowing brighter than even the sun. 
Time passed, and you had no idea how many dances Loki went through before other pairs began to join. You danced with a few, but really your mind kept wandering back to Loki. 
When was he going to ask you that second dance? Was he really going to? 
Maybe he had somehow telepathically heard you, because just as you finished your dance with a nice gentleman, Loki stood from his seat at the front- having taken a break from dancing- and made his way back to the dance floor. 
The entire ballroom held its breath, and you stupidly turned around as if to make conversation with the person closest to you, or even run. Before you even had the chance to utter a sentence to a poor woman whose face looks pale with fear, your name rang loudly throughout the ballroom, coming from none other than the most handsome prince you had even laid eyes on. You turned around slowly, face tilted up to meet his eyes. “Your Highness?” He held out his hand, a smile tugging at his lips. “May I have another dance?” Everything felt deathly still as Loki led you back to the centre of the floor, and the music started again. You danced and you twirled across the floor, hand in hand with Loki as he grinned widely at you. He didn’t grin like that at anyone tonight. Maybe you were reading into the situation too much, but your heart melted just from his smile and the way his eyes held such pure joy as you danced through not one, but two, but three songs. By the end, you were breathless, partly from dancing, but partly from his fixing gaze and the overwhelming urge to kiss him. Even after all the times you’ve met, you were always consumed with the need to kiss him, to touch him, to run your hands through his hair and trace every line of his body. He was addictive, and while you had always thought love took its time to settle in, some part of you always knew that Loki might just be it. 
You were nearly drowning in the colour of his eyes, and that soft, bright smile he wore for you. Your face hurt from how hard you were smiling at him, and you were so close- just a little higher and your lips could connect with his. It was almost trance like, how soft his lips looked were hypnotic, and the way he eyed yours with a desperate need only encouraged you. You leaned up, he leaned down a little, arm wrapped around your body, lips almost touching and-
“Ahem,” Odin stood from his throne, and you felt the spell shatter. Damnit. 
“I believe,” Odin paused, his eye landing on you and Loki, who jumped apart from one another like you were set on flames. Your cheeks were flushed, avoiding the eyes of everyone, and Loki stared right ahead at Thor, who you noticed was smiling widely and making incredibly disturbing faces at his brother. “Prince Loki has found a bride,” 
Loki’s eyes flickered to you, his mouth opening to argue with Odin. Probably to argue- to say that he hadn’t even asked for your opinion, to add that marriage takes time, or should be considered and debated. 
Maybe you were foolish, or a little too desperate, or maybe it was the magic of Yule that possessed you, but you simply smiled and gave a little bow to Loki. 
“You-,” He swallowed, looking around nervously. “You would accept? If I asked you to be my wife?” 
You smiled widely. “Would you wish for me to be your wife?” A pause, then a small nod. “I don’t think there is anyone else I’d like to share my jokes with,” Your heart was pretty much exploding in your chest. Your hands were definitely shaking, and you thought you might just pass out right then. “Well, lucky you, because I only want your jokes, and I only want your smiles and your laughs to be mine. I…I would be honoured, to be your wife, and to call you my husband, Loki,” 
Sounds of cheer echoed around you, and Loki’s face broke out into the widest grin you had ever seen as he looked at you like he had just handed him the world. “I had no idea you were obsessed with me,” He said, though you could barely hear his words over the sound of festivals. 
“Maybe a little,” You replied, and his grin only widened. 
“Well, I’m obsessed with you a lot,” He tugged you closer to him, sealing your lips in a kiss.
Tags: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @cultofcarter @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @quirkiest-turtle @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 9 months
Despite Everything (Loki X Twin!Brother!Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Loki X Twin!Brother!Reader
Universe: Marvel, Avengers
Warnings: Spoilers to Thor & beginning of Avengers, mention of death, and mourning.
Request:💚💚Hey! I dont ask for requests very often so Im sorry if this is bad. But I was wondering if you could do a Loki request? Like where the reader is Loki's twin brother and him and Loki are super close (reader and Thor are close too but not like reader and Loki close), but when Loki fell into the void (in the first Thor movie) reader got real depressed and went out to find him only for Thor to find reader to tell him Loki is planning on attacking New York.Reader goes with Thor to stop Loki and meets all the Avengers. And instead of Loki him destroying New York he snaps out of Thanos's mind control and feels super remorseful. Maybe even incoorperate that they're Frost Giants somehow, too?
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Your earliest memory was that of being with your twin brother. You were extremely young at the time, and being mischievous, had snuck away from your mother to explore, and gotten lost. Loki was more confident than you, or at least pretended to be, so he had took up holding your hand and pulling you through the vast hallways for a sign of anyone, while you got yourself worked up and cried quietly, though the entire time, he kept reassuring you. “Don’t worry Y/N! There’s people everywhere, we’ll find someone soon, or they’ll find us!” He was right in the end, hearing Odin’s booming voice calling for you, and you followed it till you were saw him, sprinting and running to him and hugging his legs, even as he scorned you for scaring your mother senseless. Thor teased you both relentlessly about the incident for over 100 years. 
That dynamic has really not changed, even hundreds of years later. Loki came up with something mischievous, and with very little convincing you would join him on these shenanigans, things happened, and you would talk about it years later, sometime Thor laughing at it, sometimes you and Loki were the ones laughing.
It had been a while since that. A long while. 
Everything fell apart when Thor, Loki, and some of your friends went off to Jotunheim without you, since you had been helping your mother with something, starting a second war with the Frost Giants and your elder brother banished to Earth. Due to all that, it took you a while to notice that Loki’s behaviour was odd, even with all the tension, and he didn’t tell you what was wrong when you asked the first time, and before you could ask again, your father had fell into Odin sleep, and after a short conversation with you and Loki and your adamance since he was the more confident out of your two, he became Acting King, with you and your mother helping him at the side. 
It wasn’t long after that, that Loki came to you late one night before bed, and admitted what happened at Jotunheim. About his skin turning blue, about confronting your father before his sleep, where he admitted that you and him weren’t his actual children- you were frost giants, abandoned by your own kind, on the dirty, freezing floor, left to die, seperated by a few feet just so you two couldn’t warm each other or find any comfort in each other. Odin had found you both, finding Loki first, before he heard your cries as well, that being how he decided which of you was older. He took you back to Asguard, and raised you with your mother.
It was an incredibly hard pill to swallow, and while you were still coming to terms with it all, the implications, how it affects the rest of your life, Loki was already feeling betrayal, abandoned and backstabbed by those around him and you, the fact that no one had told you two, and there was no plan to do so, and Loki had enough rage for you both. 
Unfortunately for you, by the time you understood how far Loki was planning and willing to go, it was already too late. Thor was able to get back to Asgard, a battle broke out, the Bifrost destroyed, and Loki… Loki fell. 
The days afterwards were hectic. You felt the eyes on you, expecting you to follow in your brother’s steps, to lash out, to cause havoc. Expecting you to be a monster. Your felt their looks burning into your back, but you never turned to look them in the eye, or address it. You were too devastated to care. 
Thor addressed it though. 
The first time he confronted a group glaring and whispering as you simply tried to monuever from your room to see your mother was a shock for everyone, including you. Thor shamed them for it, pointing out you were in mourning, and so was he, over your brother, even if he did make mistakes. Thor’s voice easily carries in the hallways, so everyone in the radius heard, and the word spread quickly that he wasn’t standing for you to be disrespected. After the dressing down he gave, he took your shoulder and led you to where you needed to go. 
A few days later, no one dared stare, or whisper, especially with Thor always nearby like a guard dog. After weeks, Thor’s presence wasn’t needed to ensure you were left be, but he still remained close, assuring you that despite everything, you are still his brother. Loki is still his brother, and you both are family to him. He got you to open up to him about what Loki shared with you, what you had felt after he had told you, and how you think Loki was feeling, helping you both grapple with why what happened. Thor had a period of blaming himself- that if he hadn’t had been so reckless and pushed Loki to come with him to Jotunheim, or even go at all, none of this would have happened. You tried to convince him that he couldn’t have known, and that he had grown as a person himself since then, thanks to his previous actions. He told you after a few days he had forgiven himself… but you knew Thor. You knew that was a lie, and that Thor was too stubborn to try and let you convince him otherwise on the subject. It was probably why he was really upping the protective older brother act. Guilt. 
After months, you found a new norm. You were still a member of the family, assured by your brother, mother and father. Your brother had shown his love and loyalty to you with his actions since the early days. Your mother showed it through her being there for you, reminding you she loved you and calling you her son, and your father showed it by never saying a word about Thor’s adamance and scoldings of people in the kingdom, and even ignoring and interrupting people who tried to bring it up to him, making it clear in his own way that he agreed in Thor’s actions. Fandall, Volstagg, Sif and Hogun, quickly warmed back up to you, practically forcing you to partake in the group’s antics. You still deeply missed Loki, wishing he was here, that things were different, feeling like a part of you was missing, but your friends and family made sure you barely had a moment to be caught up in those feelings. You were finally starting to heal, and learning to cope. 
That was, until Thor came to see you one day. The Bifrost had been rebuilt, and he had been sent by Odin to check on things. You had expected him to be gone for a few days, so seeing him back so early was alarming. His face was solemn as well, and he quickly asked for you two to speak alone, which you agreed. As soon as you were, he didn’t hesitate to tell you what was wrong. 
“Loki’s alive.” The words were a slap in the face for you. You remained staring at your older brother in disbelief, waiting for him to tell you this was a sick joke, but then you remembered who you were speaking to. Thor wouldn’t do that. 
“That’s… not possible. Loki can’t be alive-how? You saw him die-” 
“I saw him fall.” He corrected you. “I presumed that meant death for him- we all did. But I was wrong. He’s found his way to Midgard, and he’s got his hand on the Tesseract and he’s causing havoc there. He’s killed over a hundred people so far, and I’m now working with a group to try and stop him, and hopefully bring him home alive.” He explained to you. 
“Then why are you here?” You asked him with urgency. “What do you need from here? I’ll get it for you- even if father will be angry about it.” 
“I need you.” Thor told you, making you stop. “I can’t get through to him. He’s still angry about what happened… but he opened up to you. He’ll listen to you. You’re his twin, his brother by blood.” Thor explained to you. “I need you to come with me to Midgard, and try and talk him down.” He begged. For you, there was no question. No other option. 
As soon as you arrived on Midgard, there was a group waiting for you, all of them eyeing you in a way that felt eerily familiar. They were looking at you like how your people used to look at you after… “This is my brother, and Loki’s twin, Y/N. He came to help, so I expect you to be nothing but kind to him, understood?” Thor ordered, making it clear he also noted their looks.
“Sorry if we’re all a bit tense around his family, especially his actual biological family.” One of them commented- a man with a goatee. 
“Do you know where he is?” You asked, choosing to ignore the comment. 
“Yeah, we managed to lock him in a cell for now.” Another man spoke up, that one in a purple shirt, seeming a little more shy. 
“Okay. Take me to him.” You requested.
The way to the Helicarrier had been mostly awkward silence, sometimes interupted by some of the group trying to learn more about you- if you and Loki were actual twins are were just born around the same time and passed off as twins, if you were a Frost Giant as well, where you had been when Loki ‘turned evil’, why you hadn’t turned out the same, though by that point, Thor had finished that conversation immediately with a simple “Enough”, repeating it when someone tried to continue it. When you did arrive on board, you were introduced to another small group of people, Fury, Coulson, Hill- seemingly the ones running everything and who brought this team and Thor together. They asked their own questions- though in a more respectful and reserved tone, their glances to your brother over your shoulder telling you they were being careful not to set him off. After explaining what they hoped for from you- calm him down, get him to back down from his plan, and then have him go with you and Thor back to Asgard with no further incidents where he’d serve a small sentence, but after that, free to live his life- under continual supervision by your family to ensure something like this never happened again. If you couldn’t do that, then it was still up for debate on how he’d be handled. As you saw it, Fury was clearly offering you a way to get your brother back with minimal issues, and you weren’t going to risk it. 
“One of us at least is going in there with you- as a neutral party.” Stark spoke up. 
“I’ll do it.” Thor immediately spoke up. 
“Shouldn’t it be a neutral party? Not a family reunion?” Barton commented. 
“Neither’s a good idea.” You spoke up. 
“You’re not going in there alone with him, we don’t know you well enough.” Steve told you.
“But I know him. I’ll watch over it all.” Thor argued. 
“No! Listen to me!” You snapped. “I know Loki, better than anyone. He keeps his walls entirely up around people. He only told me about our true heritage when he knew for sure we were alone. If anyone else is in that room, he won’t say anything. He won’t cooperate. If anything, it’ll work him up. He’ll probably presume you’ve brought me here against my will and are using me as a pawn to get him to cooperate, which will make him angier. If Thor’s in there, he’ll presume I’m taking sides and betraying him. Let me go in alone, and just… talk to him.” You begged. 
“Alright. Fair enough. But we’ll be monitoring from another room nearby, just in case anything happens.” Fury decided, seeming to take almost everyone by surprise, some opening their mouths to protest, before he shot them a look. “Hill, escort him down to the cell.” 
Stepping into the room alone was anxiety inducing. As soon as you stepped in, it felt like the room was colder, the hairs on your arms standing up, and your heart began tor race. You glanced back as the door shut behind you, before you turned to look at the large spherical room you stood in, the cell made of glass on all sides in the middle, and inside, your twin brother, staring back at you in shock. “Loki!” You couldn’t help the sigh of relief as you rushed closer to the glass, while he remained still in the centre, staring at you.
“Y/N? How are you- what are you doing here?” He questioned in alarm.
“I came here for you.” You told him. “Thor told me you were alive, and I came immediately. Loki I’ve missed you so much- Thor and Mother as well.” He scoffed at that. 
“He missed me? Thor is currently siding with the ones who locked me in here!” He responded, pointing to the door aggressively. 
“He’s also advocating for you. He’s also advocated for me.” You told him with urgence. 
“Advocating? How has he stood for us?” He questioned. 
“He stood up for me after you left!” You snapped, making his expression soften. “Everyone looked at me different after you left. They spoke about me with me right in front of them. The looks they gave me made me want to curl up and die… But Thor didn’t turn his back on me. He confronted those who did, he was right by my side, and he let me grieve in peace… Loki, he stepped up for me, because he’s our brother, and he’s advocating for you now, because he’s our brother. For him, nothing has changed. We’re family, no matter who’s blood we come from.” You explained. 
“Is that the whole truth?” He questioned you, his voice a lot calmer, though also sadder, and you nodded. 
“Despite everything, you will always have me and Thor, and mother and father. Despite everything, we still have a family, and we still have a home. Please, Loki… come home with me.” 
Loki frowned, looking down in shame. “It’s not that easy… The tesseract… It was given to me on an exception, an exception to follow his plan, and if I don’t follow it… he’ll reign hell on me, you, Thor… and everyone else. He has an army, we don’t stand a chance.” He expressed to you. 
“Okay… okay. Well, tell me everything you can about this being, and we’ll figure it out, okay? We’ll tell father, and he’ll help, and I’m sure if we give them time to heal and show you’re a changed man and regretful about what happened, so will the Avengers, especially if this being intends to harm their home.” You pointed out, speaking loudly to ensure they heard you, remembering what Fury had stated.
“Y/N… Why are you willing to take on my burden? I put myself in this situation.” Loki questioned. 
“If I recall currently, it’s always been your mischievous ideas getting both you in trouble, with me directly by your side. Why would this be any different? And If I remember correctly, Thor was always the one to see the fun in it all, make father be softer on us, and even take the fall for it. When this is all done, we’ll look back and laugh, but for now, let us help you with this nonsense.” You begged. Loki stared at you, pure surprise in his eyes. He wasn’t expecting to see his twin brother here today, he wasn’t expecting to hear that Thor had remained loyal to you back home and caring for you despite his actions, and he wasn’t expecting you to literally beg him to come home- a home you claimed was waiting for him. But the most shocking, was his own change. He never expected himself to change his mind, and switch sides so suddenly. 
“Alright… I’ll tell you everything. He’s called Thanos…”
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my GIF
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acrystalwitch · 1 year
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(***NO N*zis or TERFs allowed to interact with this post or my blog*** This is a post for Norse pagans or polytheists looking to work with Odin. This is all based on my own experiences working with the all father and nothing here is to be taken as a hard fact. If your practice differs from my own that is totally fine. There will be a lot of UPG and SPG)
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An incomplete summary of Odin in Norse mythology.
Odin, god of war and wisdom is a key figure in the Norse myths and is involved in a lot of the stories. He is the head of the Norse gods and is called the All father, because it’s by him that all of humans were created. He is married to Frigg and together they had Baldur and Hodr. Odin also has other sons, Thor, Vali, and Vidar.
He has two ravens Huginn and Muninn, and two wolves Geri and Freki.
He only has one eye, he sacrificed his other eye by throwing it into Mimir’s well in exchange for knowledge that could better help him prevent Ragnarok.
Another famous story of his is when he hung upside down from the tree of life for nine days and nine nights to get knowledge of other worlds and to be able to know everything about the runes.
The type of magic he practices (Seiðr) was a feminine type of magic that wasn’t always looked highly on when men would participate in it. Yet our Allfather was very practiced in it.
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My experience working with him: One thing to know about working with Odin going in, he will be very honest and blunt. My other deities have a habit of being softer on my feelings than I’ve heard other devotees say they’ve been with them, I’m assuming because I’m very sensitive. But Odin..? He does not care. He will stop giving advice if I tell him I don’t want to hear it. But, if I ask for advice…oh boy, am I gonna get his full opinion. He is very much a father in the way he goes about things, he cares but he wants his followers to push themselves as much as they can, learning as much as you can and always growing, never staying sedentary for too long.
I have a notebook dedicated to him that I’ve been using to work on learning the runes and that seems to be the best offering to give him in my practice right now. He never misses a chance to remind me I need to get back to learning the runes too.
I always wondered why it mattered so much to him that I learn them. Eventually he told me that it was because they really would be useful in spells, and wards and making bind runes out of them is something I’m learning to do now.
He is not the easiest deity to work with, he may even push your buttons on purpose to get you to think harder on things. I’ve noticed he’s even been rude before just to see if I’d stand up for myself and set boundaries and then he’ll explain himself after. Lots of tests trials and teachings. But man, is it worth it for the immense amount of knowledge and mentorship that he can bring. All in all, I’m glad he came to me later in my practice as I might’ve been scared off from deity work if he was the first. But, I love him to pieces and hope to work with him for a long time.
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Offerings and associations of Odin
(Odin does not eat food so I’ve seen many people say not to give him food offerings, I disagree! Give him things that he can feed to Geri and Freki. He is known to still fill his plate and just give them bits over meals. So don’t hesitate to gift him any food offerings you would to any other Norse god)
-colors: gray, dark blue, black
- tree Imagery, Yggdrasil in particular
- raven Imagery, black feathers
- wolf Imagery
- clear quartz
- onyx
- blue goldstone
- amethyst
- carnelian
- the hermit tarot card
- the hanged man tarot card
- the four of cups tarot card
- the king of swords tarot card
- mead, wine, alcohol
- poetry (he writes poems!)
- mugwort scent/incense
- Ansuz rune ᚨ
- learn about the runes
- learn his myths
- learn useful and practical knowledge
- read books
- ask him for advice
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There are many more ways to learn about him and get close to him. A great one is reading the Hávamál. If you meditate or do tarot or rune casting those are also great ways to contact him and get closer to him.
Signs he might be reaching out; seeing ravens more than usual or in non native areas, very windy days, rain, seeing his name often, feeling drawn to his mythology, seeing his tarot cards pop up often, you already work with one of his sons (I think he sent Thor to me first to soften my idea of the Norse gods and be a warm intro into their pantheon.)
He is a great god to work with, lots of work though. Odin is not for the weak minded, but he’s been so worth getting to know.
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actuallyastingray · 7 months
Hello Supablr. Sorry this took forever, but I've been working on a follow up project once I'm done with these. More on that later, so for now just enjoy the takes
Skarra: Feral, cackling gremlin trying to pretend he's not empty inside. Needs a hug, possibly several hugs, but is too afraid of cooties to ask. He's either going to have a Prince Zuko level redemption or go full Anakin Skywalker
Dingaan: Dammit Dingaan! You can't be both the lovable, clueless himbo and dumb, jock bully at the same time. Pick one!
Automatic: So, if we ever get a Rookie Season 2, are we gonna see him become the third wheel in Skarra and Shakes' rivalry? Cause no joke, this guy lost his job to Shakes and has way more reason to hate him than Skarra does
Max Power: I'm not a shipper, but why are there no pairings between him and Shakes? I mean, technically there's two of him, but still
Dooma: Oh Dooma, Dooma, Dooma. The writers made such a big deal about bringing you back, and then they promptly forgot about you. Guess upstaging Skarra really isn't all that easy.
Uber: Somehow, a 6.5, 300+ lb. German muscle man is giving me more babygirl vibes then a Sailor Moon character. Also, it's hilarious when you realize he outranks his coach.
Ja Nein: The rarely seen lovechild between adorkableness and pure evil. The "first day at the unit" meme was invented for this guy specifically.
Thor: If he grows a beard, we can call him Odin
Von Eye: Why did it take me four seasons to realize his name is a pun? What is wrong with me?
Chuck: Seriously, I want to see this guy succeed. I want him train up his team, pull off a win, and feel good about it just so he can tell Toni to screw off
John Johnson: The most loveable himbo in a team that consists of equally loveable himbos
Miko Chen: The only thing not completely wholesome about him is how little screen time he gets. That's about as shameful as Ura-Giri's strategies.
De los Santos: He really needs his own Boss theme, but does that make him the bad guy? Cause lets face it, he's not the bad guy
Don Aldo: That's not how hair physics works
Ninja: The second most absent arch-rival in my history of watching cartoons. At least they both brought him back and gave him an identity as El Matador's rival. Still wish we got to see more of the tigers
Liquido: Ten years ago, if I told myself I would one day describe someone as a "sociopathic surfer-dude" I would start to question my own sanity
Andre Meda: His name is an astronomy pun, his team uses constellations as a secret formation code, and his coach has them train in outer space. This guy is a huge closet nerd, and you can't change my mind.
Vladmir Savich: They made a few half-baked attempts to make him a villain and the fanbase is having none of it. Good for him.
Riano: WHY IS THERE NOT MORE CONTENT OF HIM AND SHAKES BEING FRIENDS? They were such good friends, and we have like zero content to prove it. Do the writers not realize how much of a foil he could have been to Skarra? Riano and Shakes being best friends, and Skarra is feeling like he's been replaced, thus hating Shakes even more. Sorry for the long rant but c'mon Moonbug, this guy had so much potential
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yummygender · 11 months
Narcissistic Loki HC
(Got this idea off of a Cinema Therapy video on Loki, will talk about NPD and mental health as a whole as well as self harm, abuse, and murder. Just straight up murder. This man killed people.)
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NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder): A disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance. The cause is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
Ok, obviously he got it from being taken away from Jotenhiem at such a young age only to learn about it like a millennial or so later.
This poor boy genuinely craves to have emotions like Thor.
He’s so scared of asking questions because of the fear of being told something he doesn’t want to hear and then have to hold back any reactions that could be seen as negative.
Is know for getting into extremely toxic relationships with people and ends up being with them for too long or ending the relationship by ruining everything they had, which constantly angers him.
His mental health? Yeah, this ain’t it chief…and sadly Asgard has no therapists or anything similar to that.
Has actually burnt himself on purpose with candles while reading just to feel something.
Once he did learn about it while strolling through Midgard while trying to get away from Odin, he went into a depression episode which lead to a panic attack in his bed at 3 in the morning.
Is too scared to tell anyone because mental health and mental illnesses aren’t a thing in Asgard and by learning about it in Midgard, he also learned that it was constantly demonized like him by mortals so he just said ‘fuck it’ and never told anyone about it except for a few therapists he talked to while on Midgard that were found dead in their offices due to ‘heart attacks’. (Yeah, he killed them.)
When he falls in love, he doesn’t recognize it at all and will deny it before the person he’s in love with points it out.
In fact, he doesn’t recognize any emotions at all because Odin never taught him.
Frigga had a feeling he had some sort of personality disorder since he was a kid, but never really had any proof.
Due to the amount of abuse he suffered from Odin, whenever someone yells at him or says something he doesn’t like, he will frantically build up walls of excuses and deflects anything.
Sensitive to any feedback but genuinely wants to be told if he’s doing something wrong. (Yeah…Mobius has a lot on his hands rn)
If you raise your hand while talking to him, he will either block or attack first and act like it never happened only to later fully realize what happened and run back to apologize in tears.
He’s so scared of getting hit or hurting people that he will oftentimes purposefully withdraw himself from the world as a whole and lock himself up in his room.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Hello, how are you doing? Can I request RoR characters react to reader following her grandparents/parents path and become a soldier? I'm curious who will support her and who will try to change her mind. How will they react to her returning after serving for a long time and what happen if she dies during her service?
-When you first announced that you were going to join the military, to become a soldier like your hero, your grandfather, had been in his youth, you received a range of different reactions.
-Many were worried for your safety, trying to forbid you from even contemplating the idea of become a soldier, even if you weren’t going into a combat zone, there was a chance you could get hurt. They would never threaten you into staying, heavens no, but they may try to guilt you, telling you how they don’t want to lose you.
            -Adam, Eve, Zerofuku, and Tesla (who didn’t want to lose anyone else important to him)
-Many were on the fence, after you gave your argument that becoming a solider would provide you with skills that you could use in the future for a different career, and the military would even pay for higher education once you finished with your time. They wanted you to succeed and you made a valid point, but at the same time, they didn’t want to see you get hurt.
            -Qin Shi Huang, Buddha, Kojiro, Beelzebub, Hermes, Loki, and Jack.
-And many were supportive of you, of your ambitions to follow in the footsteps of your grandfather. Of course, they were worried for you, anyone would be to see someone they care about going off to serve, but they were going to stand beside you and support this decision, as it was yours to make.
-Lu Bu, Thor, Zeus, Ares, Hermes, Poseidon, Hades, Raiden, Shiva, Hercules, Brunnhilde, and Odin
-No matter how long you had been gone, even if it was less than a month, they missed you, they all did, even if some didn’t say it out loud. Your letters were what kept them going, hearing about your adventures and assignments, where you were and what you have seen, you sounded happy, so they stayed strong for you.
-Upon your return after two long years away, you told none of them you were coming home, instead dropping in as a surprise to catch them all off guard and like before, their reactions were mixed but all happy to have you home.
-The ones who had screamed in shock before melting into ugly crying while hugging you, refusing to let others have a turn to welcome you home.
            -Eve, Ares, Raiden, Kojiro, Loki (but if you mention it he will deny), Hermes, and Zerofuku
-The ones who were stunned silent, seeing you there before enveloping you in a huge hug before playfully scolding you for not tell them you were coming home and shocking them like this.
            -Zeus, Hades, Hercules, Brunnhilde, Qin Shi Huang, Buddha, Jack, Adam, and Tesla
-The ones who just smile but you can see the tension leave them as they patted you on the head, welcoming you home, and commenting on how much you have grown.
            - Lu Bu, Thor, Poseidon, Shiva, and Odin, Buddha, and Beelzebub
-They all knew you were smart, having learned from them, you weren’t a greenhorn when it came to combat, especially after you decided to go into the military, several of them took it upon themselves to train you in both armed and unarmed combat so you would be better prepared, even if you weren’t going into a combat area.
-When the news came in that there was an attack on the base you were stationed in, most were ready to take up arms to come and rescue you. As reports start coming in of casualties, many of them prayed and hoped to whoever would listen to them that you were safe.
-It wasn’t until two days later when you were found in the rubble, still alive but only barely, being one of the very few survivors of the attack.
-When you arrived home, you were immediately taken by the valkyries to their medical facilities so you could get the best care possible in your recovery.
-The ones who had been against you going were the loudest when arguing with the others, saying this was what they wanted to avoid, but they were mad, not listening to those who were more levelheaded that you weren’t even in a combat area, but they too were made that a non-combat compound had been attacked.
-They stood by your side in your recovery process, watching you heal and get better. You were smiling like nothing hard happened, but those who knew the horrors of war could see that slight dimness in your eyes, you were changed, but you were alive and still with them.
-That was all that mattered to them, you were alive.
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itsthestutterforme · 2 years
“His Beloved” (Loki Oneshot)
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Prompt: “Try not to die… again.”
Notes: GIF is not mine, credit to the owner, reader is black 💅🏾, all mistakes are my own
The streets were eerily quiet despite how crowded they were from everyone walking home from the Queen’s funeral. You found yourself wandering into the pub because of it’s loud volume. At least that didn’t change. You saw Lady Sif sitting next to Thor on the balcony.
Thor spies you first and gave you a sad smile. You approached him and pulled him in for a tight hug while he was still seated. You cupped the back of his head and rubbed a few circles on his back. He relaxes under your touch, you felt your shoulder dampen from his tears. “I’m so sorry, Thor.”
Lady Sif closes the door to the balcony for privacy. The grip on your waist tightens, which was an indicator that it was okay to pull away. You pull away slowly and wiped away his tears with your thumb. You sat on the other side of him and linked your hands. “Does Loki know?” You asked him.
“No, I was going to tell him later today.” “I could tell him. You just worry about getting your head cleared.” “I’ve been thinking of a plan to lure the Dark Elves out. We need your help.” He explains. You looked to Lady Sif and she gave you a nod. “But I thought King Odin declared that we were in a temporary state of emergency?”
“He did. We reside outside the law on this endeavor,” Thor states. “I understand if you can’t help. You have your family to look out for.” “You and Loki are my family,” you rested your hand on his. “Thank you, Lady Y/N.” His lips twitched and he squeezed your hand.
“When is the briefing?” “My quarters at dawn,” you nodded, giving his hand a squeeze before standing from the chair. “Where are you going?” Lady Sif asks. “To visit Loki,” “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” “Its just a visit,” you grew annoyed by her advances. “I don’t know what you see in him, Y/N. He’s a trickster. He has no honor,”
“It’s not your job to understand who I fancy, Lady Sif. Good night,” you dismissed, rushing off the balcony and back into the street. “How many times is she going to allow him to hurt her?” Sif asks Thor. “She loves him. It’s not just something she can turn off.”
You went home to change into something more comfortable before entering the castle. “I need a moment with him,” you told the guard, Loki’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Lady Y/N,”
“He doesn’t know… He deserves to know.” You said softly. “Very well,” you stared at the guard for a moment. “Absolutely not,” he adds. “I’ll leave my weapons here,” “You are a weapon,”
“I’m no harm. I promise you.” “I can’t risk the lives of everyone on my post based on a promise,” you opened your mouth to object once again. “You will let her pass,” Thor’s voice booms behind you. “Your Grace,” the guard bows his head. “My apologies, Lady Y/N.”
“Don’t apologize for doing your job,” you gave him a smile. “Thank you, Your Grace.” You said to Thor. You walked passed the nearby guards and waited for them to open the gate.
“What drove you to grace me with your presence, Y/N?” He smiles at you playfully until he registers your sad expression. “What happened? Are you hurt?” You walked through the gate and they put it back up. Taking your hands into his, your gazed into his hazel green eyes.
It was nice to be held by him again. These passed six months have been difficult. The first month of his absence was the worst. The nightmares. The emptiness. You haven’t felt anything like it. You missed him.
“There’s something I need to tell you,” “What is it? You’re worrying me, darling.” “It’s your mother.. the Dark Elves planned an attack to get the Aether that has made Jane it’s host. Your mother gave her life to protect her.” He pulls away from your hands. “When was this?” A tear trails down his cheek and you felt compelled to wipe it away.
But you knew that he needed space and you respected that. “This morning. The funeral was this evening,” he runs a hand over his face as he turns away from you. You bowed you head for a moment. The thought of leaving him be crossed your mind.
He yells out and all the furniture in the cell flies against the gate. The guards. rush over to the cell and you held your hand up, signaling that were okay. “Loki,” you uttered when he falls to his knees. You heart broke when you rounded him and saw his tear stained cheeks.
He looks up at you as broken as the day he found out he was of Jotunheim lineage, desperate for intimacy and reassurance. You held the side of his face and more stray tears left his eyes. He rests his forehead against your stomach and your hands smoothed over his gelled hair.
“Did she suffer?” He croaked. “She was stabbed through the heart,” his grip on your thighs tightened. You knew exactly where he was going with this. “Let yourself grieve. Even if it is for a moment.” You said softly, continued to smooth your hand over his hair.
Today was the day. The day you would get thrown in jail for treason for helping Thor escape with Loki and Jane. You were posted with Volstagg outside of the elven ship. Volstagg shot you a look when he sees Thor with Jane and Loki on either side of him. “Just.. don’t kiss him.” He grumbles.
“I’m not going to kiss him,” you reassure him. Thor approaches held out his hand and you grasped his forearm. He leaned his forehead against yours. “Be careful,” you told him as he pulled away. Jane gave you a once, jealousy takes a hold of her until she saw the way you looked at Loki when he approached you.
“You shouldn’t be here. You’ll get tried for treason,” Loki scolds. “You needn’t worry about that. Come here,” you pulled him close by the back of his neck and he rests his head on your shoulder. Feeling his breath fan against the sensitive part of your neck. Volstagg converses with Thor while Jane watches the whole interaction.
From someone who’s done nothing but wreck havoc, she never would have thought he had a gentle side of him. “Try not to die..” “Again,” you added in unison. You pull away from each other and exchanged a smile. “Off you go,” Volstagg said to the group.
Thor grabbed Loki and made their way over to the ship. You turned your attention to the sound of metal scraping and men’s voice. “Loki!” You heard Thor call from behind you. Before you had time to register, you felt a large hand cup your chin.
Loki devours your lips for a few paces, nibbling at your bottom lip and massaging your tongue with his. He pecks your lips afterwards and left you dumbfounded.
Thor drags Loki away from you and throws him into the ship. “Couldn’t leave my beloved without a goodbye kiss, could I?” You heard his voice in your head. “Took you long enough. You come back here in one piece, you understand?” “As you wish, darling.” You smiled as his soft baritone soothes your nerves.
Volstagg nudges you off balance and you had to use your magic to stay upright. You sent him a glare. “You said you weren’t going to kiss him,” he scolds. “He kissed me,” “You didn’t exactly oppose, did you? Gods, I’m going to be sick.” “Let’s just get this over with,” you gesture to the ten to twelve men rushing towards you.
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mistress-ofmagic · 2 years
Around the Realms in 80 Days - Chapter 16
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Notes: I'd apologise for this taking so long to get up but I seem to be doing that every single chapter - maybe it's time to admit I'm just crappy at managing my time and writing! My lame excuse this time is I've been spending any writing energy I have on my doctorate application, sob!
Nevertheless I hope you enjoy this chapter! I enjoyed writing it, it feels very lighthearted after a few deep chats between Latte and Loki, so I hope you enjoy this silliness! 
I love you all so much and thank you as always for putting up with me and still reading! Mwah!
Mentions of periods.
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here
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The taxi ride back to Stark Towers was done in silence. A game of waiting and seeing who would break their silence first. 
You refused for it to be you so you continued to stare out of the window and not look at the dark haired man beside you. 
Asshole. Who did he think he is? He didn’t have to snap at me for asking a simple question. 
Your mind flicked briefly to Oliver. He seemed nice. Like the kind of person who wouldn’t have a go at you for the strangest of things. 
Maybe you should look him up on Facebook when you got back to Stark Towers. It would be nice to have someone you could actually talk to about normal things without them either getting very flirty or very hostile. 
You dared to steal a glance at Loki next to you. He had mirrored your position, staring out of the window and refusing to look at you. His eyes were dark and he was, surprise surprise, scowling at the window, as if it had just cursed his first-born.
You inwardly sighed, refusing to break the quiet by making any actual noise. Loki had told you yesterday that he hadn’t been angry at you, he’d been angry at his situation, especially around issues with Odin. Perhaps the demon had, well, triggered him by bringing up his past. Something about Odin not being his father and the jotenn-somethings. Your Norse mythology was not up to scratch and you made a mental note to google it later. 
He’d told you as much yesterday, when he had said he didn’t know how to be friends, and that Odin was a sore subject for him. You regretted your words to him. Granted, he should not have snapped at you like he did, and you had full intention of bringing that up to him, but you should have been the bigger person you thought. You knew better and while he shouldn’t have been so rude, you shouldn’t have risen to the bait, knowing that any conversation involving his father would have upset him. 
He needed to work on his ability to not lash out at you when he was upset, and you needed to learn to be a bit more patient with him. 
You closed your eyes and rested your head back. You would apologise for snapping and reprimand him later, when he was less angry. 
The moments of the car had nearly drifted you off to a little nap, when suddenly the worst cramp attacked your uterus. 
“Fuck!” You yelled grabbing your stomach, breaking your vow of silence inadvertently.
Loki faced you quickly. 
“What is it?” 
You gripped your stomach and scrunched your face up willing the pain to go. 
“Nothing.” You said through gritted teeth. 
“Don’t test me mortal, I am not in a patient mood. Tell me what is wrong.” 
“It’s just… ah, shit!” Another one hit you hard. 
“Mortal?” Loki looked at you, both concerned and impatient. He put his hands up as if he was going to move to touch you and then put his hands back onto his lap. 
“It’s just a cramp, honestly I’ll get some paracetamol and a hot water bottle back at the towers and I’ll be fine.” 
“Did you eat too much of those wheat biscuits?” He asked tentatively.
You chucked a bit at that before another cramp hit you. 
“Christs sake! No, erm… if you must know, they are period cramps.” 
“Period cramps! How much louder do you want me to say it? Maybe Tony Stark didn’t hear me back at the helicraft.” 
So much for being patient, but it was very hard to be so when you were bleeding out from your vagina. 
Loki tutted didn’t say anything but you barely noticed, waiting until the stabbing pain dulled. When it had diluted back into a manageable ache, you stretched back out again, breathing heavily. 
“What…is a period cramp?” Loki asked forcefully pleasant, annoyed at your angry display. 
Oh God they probably had a different name for it on Asgard. “My menstrual cycle.” 
Loki’s jaw popped and he spoke through gritted teeth. 
“If you are not going to make any sense…” 
“I don’t know how else to tell you Loki, the lining of my uterus is bleeding out through my vagina!” You shrieked. 
Embarrassingly, you made eye contact with the driver in the rear view mirror. He looked away quickly. 
Loki looked very pale and had started fidgeting beside you. 
“Norns. We should get you to a Midgardian healer.” He leaned forward in his seat “Driver!”
“What are you doing?” You hissed. 
“What are you doing? Something is seriously wrong.” He paused. “That…”  He looked you up and down and spoke your name “that isn’t normal. I think you need to get help.” He spoke slowly and delicately, trying very hard to be patient. 
“No I don’t, it’s fine Loki this is normal.”
“It most certainly is not!” He snapped again. 
Clearly his patience had not lasted long. 
“Most people with uteruses bleed monthly!” You hissed again.
“Monthly?” He exclaimed, staring at your, strangely, “This happens monthly.” He seemed to loose some of the fight within him. 
“Stop staring at me like I’m dying Loki for Christs sake. Yes, all woman on Earth bleed monthly.
It hurts like a bitch, it makes me tired and achey and cranky and I don’t want to have any more of this conversation with you.” 
He continued to stare at you suspiciously, as if he didn’t believe you and pursed his lips. 
“Perhaps we could take a trip to the healers anyway…”
“I’m not going to the doctors for period cramps Loki, they’ll laugh in my face.” You snorted, “they laugh at people with vaginas when they are having serious period issues, never mind a few relatively mild cramps.” You muttered more so to yourself. You didn’t much feel like explaining the barriers to care to Loki right now. 
He shifted again next to you, looking uncomfortable. He opened his mouth to speak again and you glared at him.
“Speak to Thor if you are so interested. He dates a human after all.”
Loki scowled and muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “I’m not asking Thor about the inner workings of a mortal woman.”
You turned around again facing the window and for a while silence fell over the two of you. You could see Loki fidgeting again next to you so you glanced over to see what he was doing. 
To your surprise, you saw him fighting with a mobile phone. How long had he had one of those you wondered. By the looks of how he seemed to be struggling with it, not long. When he noticed you watching him, he turned further towards the window so you couldn’t see him.
“When did you get one of those?” 
“Yesterday. Stark said I had to have one so he can get in touch with him.” He replied, strained. 
“Do you want me to help?” 
“No.” He shot back quickly. 
You rolled your eyes and went back to staring out the window. 
Another few minuets passed in silence as you felt him getting more irate next to you.
“It’s stuck.” Loki, out of nowhere, thrust the phone at you. 
Sighing you accepted Loki’s unconventional plea for help and took the phone off him. 
“You’ve locked yourself out, you have to wait for bit before you can type in your password again.” You frowned,
“Why did you set a picture of Stark in a wetsuit as your background picture?” 
“He set it and I can’t change it” He replied, unhappily. 
You snorted, “Look you can type it in now. Tell me your password, I’ll do it.”
“It’s…” He sighed and lowered his voice, mumbling something you didn’t catch. 
He repeated himself but you still couldn’t tell what he was saying. 
“Can you say it louder please?” 
“Stark Rules 69.” He blurted loudly, catching the attention of the driver again. “He…”
“Set it and you can’t change it?” 
Loki nodded glumly. 
You typed the password in opening his previous webpages up. Your heart jumped funnily upon seeing his last search, 
Loki made to grab the phone but you held it away, clearly taking him by surprise as his arms were much longer than yours and would have normally been able to grab them especially in a confined space. 
“Let me put my number in your phone first.”  
He raised a brow at you.
“Your number? Your phone’s number? Why ever would I need that?” 
“You you can text me the next time you have a question about mortal humans reproductive cycle.” You chuckled as you inputted your name and then called yourself to ensure you had his number. “Have you texted anyone before? Do you know how to?” 
Loki snatched his phone back. “Yes thank you.” He said sarcastically before mumbling “Thor keeps sending me little pictures of animals.” 
You snorted and pulled out your own phone. 
“Hi Loki” You messaged, adding some of your own emojis. 
Loki shot you a strange look but didn’t comment. You closed your eyes, waiting for the journey to end so you could go back to bed and be in pain in peace. Finally you pulled up into Star Towers garage and you felt your phone buzz in your pocket twice. 
You had two messages, one from Tony Stark asking for both you and Loki to meet him in the Avengers conference room, and the other from Loki,
“Hello little mortal” 
  “So, when Loki goes to the Fire Realm…” 
You were sat around the conference table with a couple of the Avengers, and Loki of course. You figured Natasha and Steve were still back at the helicraft, so instead Sam, Vision and Bruce Banner sat around the table. 
Loki had shot Bruce a very cold look upon entering which had surprised you, as your first impressions were that he was actually really nice. Aside from the whole Hulk thing. 
Unfortunately, you hadn’t been allowed to return to bed when you had arrived back at the towers, and were forced immediately into a meeting with Tony, who had somehow made it back before you and Loki did. 
Unless he had flown over in his suit which made sense actually. You had only seen Tony so far in his suit on the news when in the middle of a battle, so imagining him just flying around on an average Tuesday afternoon seemed very funny for some reason. You zoned out completely and instead imagined Tony zooming through supermarkets to get his shopping in his suit, or flying the dog around the park. 
Your phone vibrated quietly in your pocket and you checked it slyly.
Loki: Something amusing? 
You shot Loki a dirty look over the table. On second thoughts, perhaps it had been a bad idea to tell him to text you.
     I’m trying to listen. Stop texting me.
Loki: You’re doing a very good job of it too, besides I thought you would prefer this to me telepathically communicating, as you hated that so much.
    Why don’t you just not contact me at all? How about that?
Loki: Oh dear, I think you’d be awfully disappointed if I ever did that. 
You glanced at him again, confused. Did he mean “oh dear” as in oh no, or did he mean oh dear, as in calling you an affectionate name? Surely not.
More importantly, why did the idea of Loki calling you a pet name make you feel a bit fuzzy?
Snapping yourself out of it and facing the front again, you were met with Stark giving you an expectant look. 
You cleared your throat. 
“We’ll have to prepare her of course, but she can do it.” Loki seemed to be answering for you. To what, you had no idea. 
Asshole, of course he managed to listen and text. 
Stark rolled his eyes,
“Your trip to the fire realm Wonderland, keep up.” 
“My trip to where now?”
“Well if Loki’s got to go so have you, you’re his babysitter after all.” 
What was happening? You’d zoned out for a few minuets and now you were going to a new planet? 
“Nows the time to show your inter-universal relations with individuals under high pressure situations.” Tony repeated your words back to you and grinned. 
You smiled at him sarcastically. Dickhead. You never should have opened your big fat mouth. 
Still, you thought to yourself, this is what you signed up for. This had got to be more interesting than returning to your nine-to-five right?
You had a lot of questions about the whole trip to the fire realm situation. One of which included, Am I going to burn to death? Given the present company, you decided to keep them to yourself. 
“Thor will go with Loki, as well as some of the Asgardians. They know the different realms way better than we will, we would benefit more from staying on Earth and continuing to explore the portals. I liked Wonderland’s idea about the attacks being a distraction, we need to try and find out what they were trying to distract our attention from while the Asgardians explore who the demon leader was making deals with.” 
You sat up straighter in your chair, amazed that they would take your idea so seriously. 
“Thor is going to try and contact his Asgardian foot soldiers or whatever.”
Loki actually gave a little snort at that. 
“The party will leave in three days.” He concluded as though that were the end of the meeting.
“Oh and…not a word to Fury about this.” 
Three days before you left for another another planet. You smacked your head onto your arms, folded on the table. 
It must have been past midnight. 
After the meeting you had grabbed some food and headed to Starks personal library, desperate to do some research on realms to get an idea of what you were going to face. 
After getting over the initial surprise of Stark having a physical library (he seemed too high tech for that) you had managed to find some pretty interesting books on Norse Mythology. You were currently cramming them in like the night before an exam. 
By this point, a lot of it was gibberish and the prospect of heading to a “hot and glowing land of fire” wasn’t sounding promising. 
You eyes started to close shut and let yourself relax in the quietness and coolness of the library. Pretty soon, you were drifting to sleep when…
Your phones vibrations reverberated around the quiet room. 
You jumped suddenly in your seat and opened your eyes, blinking heavily. Grabbing your phone you squinted blearily to see who had brought you out of your sleep. 
It was from a number you didn’t have saved in your phone.
Hello! Um…it’s Oliver here, we met earlier in the helicraft? You were about to interview a mythical being and I was wearing a doctor who badge? Hope you don’t mind I got your number from Stark industries database. If you think this is creepy feel free to ignore this message. Bye!
Huh, Oliver. You quickly formatted a response. 
“Hi, little bit creepy but I think it might be creepier being on Tony Starks database…”
You saved his number, waiting for your phone to ping and he got back surprisingly fast. 
Oliver: Yeah I get that…would It be most creepy if I asked you out for a coffee sometime? Not sure I can promise I’m better company than a fire demon…”
Chuckling you thought about your response when your phone buzzed again, this time from someone else. 
God I’m popular today…
Loki: Mortal, when are you coming to bed? 
You rolled your eyes and responded.
    Don’t say it like that it sounds…dodgy.
Loki: Don’t be so prudish and come to our bed.
      That’s much worse. Imagine if someone found these texts.
Loki: I’m tired and I do not wish for you to wake me by your clattering when you finally return.
      Just go to sleep I’ll sleep on the sofa so I don’t wake you.
Loki: Unfortunately I have superb hearing and you will wake me anyway.
Of course he does. You put your phone down and rubbed your eyes. You probably won’t find out much more information now anyway perhaps it was time to head to your (unfortunately) shared room.
Oh, you realised you had forgotten to reply to Oliver. Perhaps meeting him for a coffee wouldn’t be be so bad…?  You had a couple of days free before you apparently went on an expedition to your     third Realm, perhaps you should act like a normal person for once. 
   I’d like that, thanks, :) I think I’ve had enough fire demons to last me a lifetime, so you’ll be  much better company.
After pressing send, your phone buzzed again from Loki.
Loki: If you don’t come to bed soon mortal I will teleport you here. Humans, especially in your condition, need lots of rest, so I’ve read. I need you to take me into town tomorrow, there are some books I need to collect and I’m not having you being grumpy for it. 
A second buzz.
Oliver: Can you do tomorrow afternoon? 
How had your life come to this? Were you two-timing now? Two dates in one day?
Not that taking Loki into town was a date of course. You huffed quietly to yourself, imagining briefly what dating Loki would be like. Could Loki have a softer, more romantic side? What kind of a first date would suit him? Being a Prince and all, he might take you to a fancy restaurant perhaps.  You indulged yourself, allowing your mind to wander to what it would be like to be asked on a date by Loki, not just commanded to because you were his babysitter and he wasn’t allowed out the house without you. 
Your heart sank at that thought, remembering that he only needed you with him because he had been told by Stark, you doubted he would have told you to come with him otherwise. Weird that that thought had caused such a strong reaction, you wouldn’t actually want Loki to ask you on a date right…
You flicked between the two messengers on your phone deciding who to respond to. 
“Ugh!” You yelled out loud to the quiet library. 
Loki didn’t actually want to run errands with you, he just needed you to leave the house, whereas Oliver wanted to go on a date with you. You could just tell Loki no, he probably couldn’t do anything really other than be super pissed at you. But then, he was usually super pissed at you so no real change there. 
But how would you rather spend your day anyway?
“Fucks sake.” You muttered.
You wrote your reply hastily and turned your phone off. 
A/N ooooo what did you think? Who do you think she picked???
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xalygatorx · 9 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 25, "Gems of Power"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Cora and Loki attempt to head off the apocalypse with the recruitment of the Warriors Three to help them get to the infinity stones before Thanos can. Cora and Loki travel to Midgard to warn Thor and the other Avengers.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.6k
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When the power was pulled from the throne room, Cora could only liken it to being inside a vacuum hose as it finally turned off. The agony of the past few moments had left her weak and shaking, and Loki's reserved demeanor did nothing to soothe her. "What the hell happened?" she murmured, trying to push herself up even as her limbs felt like jelly.
Loki took his eyes off the high arch of the doorway and frowned grimly, his seithr replicating Odin again just as the guards burst in to make sure their king was all right. It threw her off how complete the illusion was and how good Loki was at playing the part of his adoptive father. Even his grumbling at the guards who were attempting to fuss over him was accurate.
He shooed them away to go help the others—who had apparently also been plagued by Thanos' mind-numbingly fierce infliction—before helping Cora to her feet. His eyes caught on a black mark at the inside of her finger and he turned her hand, studying the tattoo he was almost fully certain hadn't been there when they'd first met. Loki's brow furrowed faintly at it and Cora noticed immediately, having been about to ask again what was going on. "When did you get this?" he asked quietly.
"Before I got put in the capsule," Cora replied, bending her finger to better view the inch-long tattoo. "I saw it in the dream I had the night before." She frowned faintly, remembering that her parents had been in that dream. "What does it mean?"
There was an instant of hesitation before Loki said, "Ice," and then nodded for her to follow him, still wearing the facade of Odin's form.
"That's ironic," Cora murmured, walking at his side. "But it makes sense."
It also means Frost Giant, he added silently, wondering if she knew. If Frigga had mentioned it at some point in their talks. What exactly had they talked about? Suddenly Loki was insatiably curious, but he would have to ask later. There were more important things to worry about now. He was still pale from the news beneath the seithr.
"But if you're here, where's…," Cora began and she stopped, looking horrified for a moment before Loki glanced at her and rolled his eyes.
"I did not kill him," Loki grumbled. "Though he deserves nothing less."
"Then why didn't you?" Cora asked as she glanced over at him. "Because of Thor, right?" Loki shot her a glare and she held down a smirk. "I'm not teasing you, I'm just stating facts. At least, what I hope are facts…" She frowned slowly and finally asked, "What…happened out there? In the Dark World?"
The disguised prince's expression smoothed and he looked thoughtful as he began to climb up the spiral staircase leading to the library. "I nearly died."
"I know, Thor told me, but… Why?"
A slight smile that entailed an amount of irony curved his lips as he let the illusion drop, knowing no one would be up here after all the chaos. "Sentiment."
She squinted her eyes a bit at him and when he noticed, he arched a brow. "What?"
"You're taller than me again."
"I like it, but I don't." Loki laughed softly and teasingly messed up her hair before they walked into the library. Despite the very much impending peril, he was half-giddy to be in her airspace, much more to be able to just reach out and touch her again. He still harbored some of her warmth on his chest and within his arms from embracing her. 
As she attempted to smooth it back into place, she asked, "Who is Thanatos? And the Ragnarök… I thought that was just a myth."
"His name is Thanos and, to your kind up until a short while past, we were all 'myths'," he pointed out calmly. Loki went to one of the tomes on a nearby golden desk, checking the cover before flipping it open and starting to turn the pages. "He is the epitome of madness. Thanos and the Other were the ones truly behind the Chitauri attack on your city, I just had a hand in leading the army."
"They were the ones who…?" she started, not needing to finish because they both knew what she meant.
Memories of the torture flashed through his mind. More vividly now that the familiar agony had refreshed their traces. "Yes." He was honestly surprised Cora had bounced back so well after the mental onslaught. Maybe her own pain had been less or, like so many other things, she was simply exempt from the usual rules. His, included. "The Ragnarök was not supposed to happen for another few millennia. We were going to prepare here, but it seems Thanos plans to act as a catalyst and bring the Fall early."
"Did he just come here to flex his muscles or was there some other reason? Why not just go through with things underhandedly, so by the time anyone knew, it was too late?" Cora looked over at Loki when he didn't answer her right away and saw the odd look on his face as he watched her. "What? I'm just asking."
"I'm going to have to keep an eye on you," he murmured teasingly before saying, "He would have been smarter to do so, but that is not his way. He glories in boasting and being recognized. Thanos is the universe's biggest romanticist of death and he positively relishes in it." Loki grimaced, remembering the uprooted vault. "He also needed the Tesseract. The relic that was used before to fuel the Chitauri scepter I had while the creatures laid waste to New York."
"Why would he need the Tesseract again? It didn't work the first time, right? What makes him think it'll work now?"
"Because I do not think he is intending to use it on its own," Loki murmured, his fingers stilling against the pages of the book. "Look here." Cora looked down, her eyes widening at the apocalyptic scene moving around on the page opposite one filled with runic scripture. "This is the interpretation we have of the Ragnarök. It is a destruction of all the nine realms, not solely Asgard."
"No one is safe," Cora murmured softly, finding it hard to think straight with this new information weighing her down. There was a small stretch of silence before she looked up at him and immediately went into her usual businesslike mode of problem-solving whenever there was a crisis. "How do we stop it? You said he wasn't using the Tesseract alone, what else does he need?"
Loki looked at her like she was mad. "Cora, it is prophesied, there is no—"
"Bullshit," she said firmly, turning to face him fully. "You said the Ragnarök wasn't supposed to happen for a few more millennia, right? If that bastard can change the course of supposed destiny, so can I and so can you, dammit. Now what else does he need?"
Loki blinked at her, always surprised by her fire, but flipped back a few pages to an ornate diagram of six differently colored symbols linked by black lines with a golden hand at the center. "The Tesseract is an infinity stone. There are six in total—mind, power, time, space, soul, and reality—and then the gauntlet that binds them all. If he achieves such power, he will be unstoppable."
"Then we have to get the ones he still needs, right?"
"You act like this is all so simple. You have seen just a small sliver of Thanos's power. He drowns in his own insanity and is reckless and merciless at that, you haven't the slightest idea what we are up against."
"We'll just need some help if that's the case," she said simply.
"And who do you suspect would help…" But the look on her face said it all. "No."
It took an extensive discussion and multiple attempts to keep both Sif and Volstagg—mostly Sif—from pummeling their fists into Loki's face, but Cora eventually got the entire explanation out. As always, the Warriors Three were perfectly willing to fight, now that they knew what they were up against.
"The Aether is, as far as we know, still with the Collector, where we left it," Volstagg pointed out. "Sif and I dealt with him last time. We will again, to start… Then we will attempt to track down the Ka Stone, which is said to be in the next realm over, in Alfheim. They've kept it safeguarded for the near-whole of its existence."
"The Tesseract is gone… We have been narrowed down to five stones to get and we are running out of time," Fandral sighed. "I can see if that odd doctor in Midgard who has been holding onto the space stone would be willing to part with it. Inside the Orb of Agamotto."
"What about the soul stone?" Cora asked, wondering why that one hadn't been brought up.
Loki shook his head beside her. "No one has seen it in millennia. It is likely the least of our worries because of that. I believe if Thanos already had it, he would be advertising it to all the Nine." Sif begrudgingly nodded in agreement with her comrades. "However, the Cask of Ancient Winters lies underground in Jotunheim now. The time gem lies inside it."
"You may be the best to retrieve that one, Loki," Fandral admitted with no malice, just simple truth. Loki gave a short nod and then kept his silence.
"Then it's settled," Cora said quietly, running a hand through her hair and causing her belongings to jingle a bit on her arm. She'd gotten her things from the room since they would be leaving and who knew what she'd need and if she'd be coming back here afterward. "First though, we're going to Midgard."
"For?" Sif asked curiously.
"Thor and the other Avengers," Cora explained. "They'll need to know and we'll need all the allies we can get."
"Did you not have to leave in the first place to escape persecution? You won't be safe there," Sif said worriedly.
"Nowhere's safe now," Cora pointed out logically with a small shrug.
The group was silent a few moments before Volstagg stood and gave a nod of his head toward the BiFrost. "Let us go, then. There is not a moment to spare."
The sheer force of Thanos's power had put Asgard in various states of rubble and ruin. As they walked, Cora glanced up at Loki, who looked tense and had a hard set to his jaw. "The outcome?" she wondered aloud, guessing that as his focus of apprehension.
"In a way," he admitted quietly. "A whole succession of outcomes."
Cora had a feeling part of his stress was seeing Thor again and having to explain why and how he was alive—again—and then have all-out war come down on their heads. When they reached Heimdall, the gatekeeper seemed slightly weakened, but did not give any notion that he was without his usual strength. It lay mostly in his amber eyes.
His brows rose when he saw Loki. "Back from the dead again, are we?" he jabbed lightly in his deep, bass-like voice.
Loki gave the faint hint of a smirk as Sif said, "We need your power, Heimdall. An induced Ragnarök is upon us."
Heimdall's look grew grim, but he slammed his sword home into the center of the BiFrost observatory, the golden arcs along the walls rearranging themselves. "Where to?"
"Sif and myself to the Collector's keep," Volstagg replied. "And Fandral, Loki, and Cora to Midgard."
"We will soon need transport to Jotunheim, as well," Loki added.
Heimdall nodded and bid them be careful before sending them through, one group at a time. Sif and Volstagg went first and as Loki, Fandral, and Cora waited their turn, Cora turned to Heimdall. "I sincerely hope this is not the last time we meet," she told him and he smiled.
"I do not think it will be," Heimdall replied confidently. "I've faith in you to stop this atrocity."
"Hope I can live up to your expectations," Cora said truthfully as Loki guided her forward to step through the spinning golden portal.
"If you go in fighting with half the attitude you carry in a normal day, Thanos will be groveling at your feet!" he shouted and Cora laughed just before she was sucked into the vortex with Loki and Fandral, en route to Midgard once again.
When the blinding golden beams released them in another adrenaline-rush of a transport, Cora vaguely heard the sound of a car horn before she was pushed down. Smoky city smell stung her nose as she scrambled to get up, sighing as she saw Loki with his fist buried halfway into the grill of a black, bubbly-looking cab and small masses of civilians stopping to shriek and gawk at the sight, some even recognizing him from the Chitauri incident. By the looks of it, they were in London, which made sense after all that Jane had told her.
Cora reached out and took Loki's arm before towing him down the street to the sidewalk, making sure to mention conventions whenever someone gave them a funny look in their Asgardian garb. "Where's Fandral?" she asked, glancing around worriedly, hoping he wasn't brandishing his sword at a bus after what Loki pulled with the truck. Even if he had done it to keep them from being hit.
"Wherever he needed to go to get to the space gem," Loki said. "Heimdall separated us as soon as we breached the realm… Do you even know where we are going?"
"No, I've never been to London," she muttered irritably before remembering the last bit of her conversation with Jane and stopping to dig around in her purse as a couple passed her and grumbled about American tourists on their way.
"Well then how do you suppose we will even find my brother?"
"Shut up."
As she picked through the loose bits in her purse, Cora heard the dialogue replaying in her head. "I should go. I don't want anyone to realize I'm here, you know?"
"Oh, yeah, by all means. But here." She'd gone to her jacket across the room and pulled a slip of from the pocket. "Take this and give me a call next time you're, well, on Earth. If we all survive this, that is." 
Loki stopped and watched her pull out the business card Jane had given her and start to dial the number on her phone, which was on its last few percentage points of battery life. "Please pick up, please pick up," she murmured in a quiet chant just before hearing the answer. "Jane! Sorry, it's Cora."
"Cora? You actually get cell reception on Asgard?"
"No, I'm back in Midgard. London, actually. Listen, I need directions to your flat. We need to talk to you and Thor."
Jane gave her the instructions based on where they figured out Cora was and then remembered Cora's choice of words as they were about to hang up. "Wait, 'we'?" It was a question, but her tone hinted at her already having an inkling of what was going on. An inkling she wasn't sure was possible.
"It's probably exactly what you're thinking and we'll be there soon," Cora managed to get in just before her phone died. She dropped the device back into her purse and grabbed Loki's hand. "Come on," she said, towing him along behind her as she hurried down street after street that Jane had discussed with her, thinking how ridiculous it seemed now to remember that she'd led a boring life some time not too long ago.
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Next chapter: Chapter 26, "Reunion"
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Ok so I did a rewatch thread for ATLA a few years ago, and I’m doing it again for the LCU: Loki Cinematic Universe
Forgot Thor dropped out of the Sky in New Mexico of all places lmao. Darcy my beloved.
This movie is making me emotional like a minute in. They haven’t even introduced Lokes yet don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
really gives Star Wars x Lord of the rings energy huh
YEA THOR AND LOKI. Loki’s child casting is ridiculously impeccable though…same nose, facial expressions, we sure this kid ain’t Tom’s?
When I saw Sif I made this face. 😏 Wow the way they delayed Adult! Loki reveal for dramatic effect. And when I saw him I made this face 😩 and giggled like a schoolgirl. Hnnng I can’t handle Sifki in the same frame they’re too fine. Ok shut up simp.
ZOOM IN ON FRIGGA AT “FIRSTBORN” Obviously they just wanted to show his mom, and they may not have known Hela would be Odin’s daughter when making Thor, but fuck it is funny in hindsight.
ZOOM IN ON LOKI AT SELFISH AMBITION been there Lokes I get ya. They look….so damn good in silver, can we have Loki in Silver again?
Young Thor has anger issues, I forgot how hotheaded he was. wow he’s come a long way…or is that the inconsistent writing…
Loki: judges you in bisexual. Also Loki: don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious
I forgot about Hogun I feel bad
Don’t go to Jotunheim that will start Loki’s villain arc and spiral into the entire infinity saga
Heimdall told Loki he wasn’t dressed warm enough the foreshadowing. WHEN BIFROST ACTIVATED TO GO TO JOTUNHEIM LOKI GOT ZAPPED FIRST. Where are the frost giants? *camera pans to Loki* there is SO much foreshadowing in this scene, also to Loki being a backstabbing little bitchsicle
Loki’s personality and character voice has been the same for 12 years stop complaining antis. Also thank Tom for that!
Loki should have played off “run back home, little princess” as Laufey referring to them, not Thor. Maybe chaos wouldn’t ensue. Thor you are a rambunctious irresponsible nightmare. You make Loki look cool and calculated, which they are, unless they’re having a psychotic break. Loki really would be and was a better ruler.
While that scene is heartbreaking, Loki and the frost giant looking at each other in confusion will never not be funny
Loki saved Fandral awwww I ship it
I like this Thor better. He got too goofy and himbo later. He’s a golden retriever, but a jumpy, bitey golden retriever that tries to pick up sticks that are too big and get it into danger.
Loki was so scared this whole movie. His face is just…filled with dread half the time poor kitten
The love of Thor’s life during Thor: doing fancy science experiments, hanging with her friends, living her best nerd life. The love of Loki’s life during Thor: watches people die gruesome deaths, chokes on ash from supervolcano, narrowly avoids getting sucked into black hole, nearly drowns in mega tsunami, almost gets incinerated by nuke.
Until Sylvie, only Darcy could match Loki’s sheer level of chaos gremlin
Stop punching for 3 seconds Thor or I swear to god I’m gonna punch my television
“Thor is reckless and dangerous” you’re one to talk, Loki
The way Sif says Loki’s name, the way she reaches out to him first, as if she knows her sway on him…hmmm. Fandral jumping to defend Loki as if he himself has been offended….hmmmm.
“Am I cursed” thank you I will be crying though the whole scene. The way he tries to stay collected and just loses his shit…(I actually did cry and had to cut myself a slice of cake)
“Why do you twist my words” he has BPD Odin, that’s your fault
Thor: ANOTHER. Jane: no smashing, unless you’re smashing me
There is such a marked difference in how Loki acts after finding out he’s Jotun, down to the shaky way Tom delivers his lines. Loki is trying to put on this mask of grandeur and poise, when he’s so clearly…broken. How do I reach through the screen and tell him I love him? Loki is king, what he’s wanted forever, and he can’t even enjoy it. He is absolutely devastated. FuCK. But also, he’s having cynical fun with it. He’s had a terrible day, he’s done with everyone’s bullshit, and he’s decided to do whatever he fucking wants
He’s decided to become what everyone wanted from him…He found out he’s Jotun, and he wants to purge that from history and become someone he could never be…
He and Sif soooooo obviously have history, like how did I miss this? There also may be a bit of subtext with Fandral… Loki my Bi king
Also they are so androgynously beautiful this movie, Loki my genderfluid queen
Loki on earth: I will intentionally attract attention by being sexy. Thor on earth: I will unintentionally attract attention by acting like an alien, which I am
Loki’s only real friend is his mother. Unfortunately, I relate.
Jane and Thor are a better fit than I remember. They’re both impulsive, adventurous, but she mellows him out and is his voice of reason. He brings her out of her shell, keeps her life exciting.
Sup Clint
Thor is kinda cute, but too manly for me. My type is tomboys and femboys and everything in between.
I feel like Loki, yelling at Thor through the tv to calm the fuck down and stop hitting people and just sit his ass down and make a fucking plan. Thor and his hammer I swear to god. Maybe if you calmed tf down, you’d be worthy again, you hotheaded arrogant fool
Cinematography popping offfff
Loki: Father is dead. Me: YOU LYING SACK OF ✨beauty✨ *tries to be angry at Loki, literally drools instead* Loki: you are still banished. Me: you little shit! (affectionate). I hate you so much (sexually frustrated)
Loki and Mjolnir. The way he was frustrated, then angry, then heartbroken, but never hopeful. He knew he was never gonna pick that hammer up, but he still tried and failed. He looked like he was gonna yell, then looked like he was gonna cry…baby baby nooo
I’m really just Loki lite. Or Loki is me on a really bad day. Like when it’s 4:am and I’m considering murdering my grandmother. I’ll be like…jeez, am I really that much like Loki? He does some really fucked up stuff. Then I realize that if I was in the same situation, I would do the exact same thing. Psychologically, we are nearly identical. I also have the same gender, sexuality, skin, hair and eye color. I may be a variant, send help.
Marry me Lady Sif
Not Loki showing empathy…no one tell that corner of the fandom that idolizes his worst self and thinks he’s nothing but a cold hearted self obsessed psychopath. Did anyone really think that Robot punch was gonna kill Thor? The hulk hits harder than that. Loki was going easy on him. He does care, somewhere deep in his whole…mess. He never truly wanted to kill Thor, he just thought he did. I don’t think he could have gone through with it either. If he did, killing Thor might have killed him too. Look up splitting in bpd, and you’ll get it.
The plot of this movie is just: Loki has a breakdown
Ok I’m tearing up again at 4:40 am in the morning because sad popsicle just wants to feel loved…but he’s already loved…they just can’t believe anyone would love them for who they are… so he self sabotages bc deep down…they don’t feel worthy of the love they desperately crave *has a breakdown myself*
Loki is just me when I have a borderline personality disorder rage episode, provoke people by saying hurtful shit, and wanna jump off a bridge afterwards ngl
If you destroy the bridge you’ll never see her again…Loki trying to manipulate Thor, or Loki being a hopeless romantic and caring…a bit of both.
Loki’s su!c!de attempt genuinely made me cry, especially because I know he survives actual physical and psychological torture afterwards, and does things that likely haunt him forever. I wish I could tell him that a few years down the line, he will know his family and everyone in Asgard pitied him, loved him, mourned him, and in another timeline he will meet someone who will make him feel understood and validated and seen the way he thought impossible. It’s also making me worry about Sylvie attempting the same next season because…Loki and Sylvie are cut from the same cloth and as they said, they truly have been where she is now and felt what she feels.
End credit scene…I see you Lokes
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goingrampant · 6 months
In the first Thor movie, Loki makes a comment about how he's upset that Thor seems to have changed as a result of his interaction with Jane Foster, and Loki suggests he should also pay a visit to her. Feminists have interpreted this as a rape threat--Loki as an aggressive man threatening sexual violence toward a woman as a means of attacking a rival man (in the game of patriarchy, women are the ball)--and describe feelings of revulsion surrounding Loki for this reason. The Loki fandom then feelings of terror for them, because people stan a rapist, and then Joss Whedon is brought into it as the guy who made the rapist cool. Can I just say, I think this is a misreading?
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Loki isn't particularly macho. He has a feminine side. If a Jotunn told him to "run home, little princess," he probably wouldn't take offense in quite the way Thor does. In the myths, he repeatedly crossdresses and transforms into female beings of various species, as is alluded to in a deleted scene where Thor calls him "cow" like that one time Loki became a cow, and then Thor: The Dark World alludes to a myth where Loki had the two of them dress up as women by making Thor look like Sif. He's a subtextually queer element ultimately made explicit in the Loki TV series when he describes himself as bisexual, an official dossier notes him as genderfluid, and an alternate universe's Loki transitions to female and takes the name Sylvie. All that is present in the background of Thor through Tom Hiddleston's expressive acting showing Loki's vulnerability and apparent attraction to Thor. (I don't care if it squicks you or not. I think that's in the film as a background element. Besides, he's adopted.)
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Loki is a king who subjugates people. In the case of the movie, he is the acting king of Asgard after Odin decided to go into a coma to avoid an awkward conversation that was making him feel emotions. Despite the movie telegraphing that Loki was trying to betray Odin, this was a red herring to hide the fact that Loki was manipulating events to make him look like a big hero protecting Asgard to get daddy's love. He's not particularly nice, but he's not the archetypal "strong man, grr!" figure that some feminists seem to think he is. When he makes his so-called rape threat, he's literally crying because he feels betrayed by Thor aligning himself with Jane Foster over him, after Loki went to great effort to make the world (Odin, Thor, and Asgard in general) see him as Thor's equal. This isn't a "macho man clinging to toxic masculinity" situation.
In this vulnerable state, he suggests he visit her himself. I think this is a threat, not of rape, but of replacing Thor as her romantic partner. Loki feels disposable, so he's trying to make Thor also feel disposable. Before, Thor's value lay in being heir to the throne, so that's what Loki was envious of. Now, Thor values being Jane's boyfriend and champion of humanity, so Loki's envy switched targets. It's worth noting that in the myth, it's indicated that Loki does sleep with Thor's wife, Sif, on one occasion, which allows Loki to bring it up as a boast in an insult-trading session. (The Loki TV series later canonized this with Loki sleeping with Sif before betraying her by cutting off her hair, but Sif was not actually married to Thor in this retelling.) The original Thor film has a smattering of allusions to myth, so it's reasonable to speculate they may have been setting up Loki trying to cuck Thor in the sequel.
It's worth noting that, though she didn't get a credit, Guardians of the Galaxy screenwriter Nicole Pearlman was a writer on Thor. Most of the Jane Foster content is the result of her contributions, giving the film a feminine feel. A significant amount of the film is for women, giving the female audience a romcom with a love interest who starts out arrogant and learns to be respectful. Thor is in parallel with Mr. Darcy, the arrogant rich man who learns to be nice through his love for the female protagonist, in Pride and Prejudice. I can see her working with the other writers to set up a love triangle with Loki as George Wickham, the roguish bad boy treated badly by Mr. Darcy, with whom he frequently quarrels. I personally suspect the writers' vision for the second Thor film would have been interplanetary Pride and Prejudice, if things hadn't been derailed by Joss Whedon taking over as writer/director of The Avengers and rewriting everything.
In the sequel hook that ended up being retconned away, Loki is shown puppetting Dr. Selvig, controlling his mind while invisibly shadowing him. Loki leads him to work with SHIELD in examinations of the Tesseract as an Asgardian artifact. Another plot thread set up and later abandoned is that Jane will find Thor now that he destroyed the Bifrost. Presumably, the notes he left her would help her construct a new wormhole. This would logically be connected to her roommate and colleague, Dr. Selvig, being part of the SHIELD investigation of the Tesseract: shown to have powers similar to the Bifrost in beaming Red Skull to another planet. That means Loki would play a key role in its construction. Following his threat to Thor, I think he would have been the Jacob to his Edward and been an alternate Asgardian love interest to create a love triangle. (The Hulk rampaging would also probably be the instigating event of the plot, based on setup in The Incredible Hulk, and Red Skull might have turned up on the first planet the new Bifrost took them to.)
Anyway, that's what I think was going on. Not an evil rape threat, but a sympathetic self-hating tragic figure lashing out at his brother/crush (he's adopted) with a threat of replacing him as love interest in the setup for a Pride and Prejudice retelling targeted at the female demographic. No need to write diatribes on Loki being misogynistic. (Honestly, I wonder how many of those feminists ended up being offended by Sylvie as a trans character, seeing as many of the feminists paranoid about rape threats are radfems/TERFs and not worth listening to anyway.)
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nyxlaufeyson · 9 months
The Verdict (Pandora's Box)- Chapter 7
Main Masterlist - Pandora's Box Masterlist
w/c: 3,743
a/n: Okay, so first of all, jeez it's been a while. Life happened, school started, and this chapter threw me in for a doozy. I had no clue how to get from one plot point to the other, so it was a real struggle. I pieced it together, and I'm still not 100% happy with it, but it works. So sorry if this chapter isn't super realistic, but I tried and this is a fictional story based off of a fictional world anyways.
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Pandora awoke to a soft knock on the door, followed by a voice. “Pandora?” She heard Loki call, and she reluctantly got out of bed to open the door.
Thor and Loki were standing in the doorway, and Thor smiled at her. “Did you have a good night’s slumber?” He asked, and Pandora nodded. 
She had, in fact, actually had a decent night’s sleep compared to her usual sleep schedule. The comfortable bed, along with the melatonin released from a few tears, must have helped her drift off.
“Great.” Thor said, grinning. “Me and my brother have come to escort you to breakfast.”
Pandora strummed her fingers through the air, and she was dressed in what Asgardian men would usually wear, because it was more comfortable than the Asgardian dresses. She kept her hair down, something she rarely did. She stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. 
“Let’s go then.” She said, and walked between Thor and Loki as they made their way through the halls.
They were silent for a moment, before Pandora spoke once more. “Do we know when the council is planning on continuing our lovely discussion?” She inquired, and Loki nodded. 
“Odin and his court plan to meet later in the afternoon, and he does expect us to be there.” Loki said, gesturing to all three of them. “Which means it’s probably best we come up with some things to say in response to all their complaints.” 
Pandora nodded. “Shouldn’t be that hard.” She said as they made their way to a table and sat down. There were traditional Asgardian breakfast foods that filled the table, and Pandora’s mouth nearly watered at the sight.
Thor began to pile his plate with all that he could fit, before she and Loki followed. The three of them sat down, and Pandora noticed others fill the room and grab their own plates, several of them throwing ugly glances towards Pandora. 
Frigga came up to her, smiling. “Did you sleep well, dear?” She asked, and Pandora nodded with a small smile. 
“I did. Thank you for…” she paused, considering her words, “... your hospitality.” Pandora replied, and Frigga put her hand on Pandora’s shoulder. Pandora had to control herself from flinching, not exactly delighted by the physical contact.
“Of course. I must get going now, I shall see you all later in the day.” Frigga dismissed herself, and Pandora continued to eat with Loki and Thor. 
After she had finished with her food, she started thinking about what the council might bring up against her. “Do you know what they plan on using against me?”
Thor shrugged, while Loki thought the question over before responding. “I am not sure. Odin isn’t exactly transparent when it comes to what he has planned. But, I am certain he will bring up how you managed to evade Heimdall’s all-seeing eye.”
Pandora bit her lip, looking down. Truth was, she had no idea how Heimdall could not see her. Ever since she had made it out of Helheim, she had expected to be inevitably found. In fact, when nobody came after her, she had begun to grow wary.
She added another sugar cube to her tea and stirred it with a spoon, watching as the white cube melted into the steaming tea and separated before dissolving. She didn’t answer, because she didn’t know what to say. What could she say that wouldn’t sound like a blatant lie? If she told them that she honestly hadn’t had a clue, then they would presume that she was lying.
“Also, when you said you had help escaping, and told Odin he knew who you were talking about, what did you mean? I meant to ask you yesterday, but didn’t want to make things more… stressful for you.” Loki asked, and Pandora took a sip of her tea to delay her response.
Considering the fact that before arriving in Helheim, Pandora had no idea of her ‘helper’s’ existence, she seriously doubted that Loki and Thor had any idea of their existence. And, not wanting to stir up any old drama before their current problems had been solved, Pandora was not going to be the one to alert them of said person’s existence.
Once Pandora knew she was out of time to sip her tea without looking suspicious, she answered. “Another person who was banished to Helheim as well. She was, is, substantially powerful.”
“Do you know their name? Anything about them that we should know?” Thor asked, and Pandora bit her lip before shaking her head.
“No, she never did give me her name. She said that it was unimportant” She lied, and she was convincing. After all, she’d had centuries to practice the craft of lying. 
She only felt a twinge guilty at the lie. Thor had shown her hospitality and didn’t turn her in to Odin and leave it at that. However, she knew that if she revealed too much information that Thor was unaware of, that it would influence him to make irrational decisions. 
To make up for the lie, Pandora followed it up with a truth. “But she was Aesir. A goddess.” She said, and Thor. “I’m sure Odin knows who helped me, I know that she had… history with him.”
Loki didn’t seem entirely convinced with the fact that Pandora knew that her, for lack of better word, ‘companion’ was an Aesir goddess, but not the simple knowledge of her name. Nonetheless, he didn’t say anything.
“I’m sure it will all go smoothly.” Thor said, optimism lining his voice. “The council is composed of… reasonable people.”
Loki and Pandora locked eyes, both clearly trying not to snort. Thor might have faith in the council, but Pandora and Loki were significantly more doubtful.
Pandora smiled, dropping the napkin that she had used to wipe her mouth onto the plate in front of her. “I admire your hope, Thor.”
Thor returned her smile. “Hope is always a good trait to have.” 
“Yes.” Pandora said, tilting her head ever so slightly. “I suppose it is.”
Hope was a beautiful thing. Hope was what had helped her through some very difficult times. However, it also seemed to let her down. She could hope all she wanted, but that wouldn’t change reality. It was alright, though, because she had other ways to alter reality.
Pandora had once again found herself sitting at the large ebony table surrounded by people that were either scared or annoyed by her. She felt more confident than she had yesterday, now that she was no longer being surprised by any long-lost siblings.
As Loki had predicted, the council had asked her how she had evaded Heimdall’s watch. She had prepared an answer, one that she had thought about for around an hour, despite its simplicity.
What she had not expected, however, was for her to lock eyes with Heimdall right after Odin asked the question. Heimdall looked uncomfortable, and a little bit nervous. Now, Pandora almost excused his look as him being upset that he hadn’t been able to see her. But, when she met his gaze, Pandora seemed to understand.
She hadn’t been out of Heimdall’s sight. He had seen her the entire time. He had lied to the king. He had committed treason. Why he had done such a thing, Pandora hadn’t a clue, but she wasn’t going to reveal his secret, especially since it was probably the only reason Pandora hadn’t been caught sooner.
So, Pandora gave the answer that she had rehearsed. “Magic.” She said, and for good measure, she continued, “A simple but adequate spell that broadcasts a different location each time someone tries to locate me.”
She noticed Heimdall slightly relax after she had answered, confirming her suspicions. “I see.” Odin said, rubbing his beard. He didn’t look like he believed her, but it was obvious that it was what he expected her to say. After all, it made perfect sense.
Pandora had expected all of the questions that had been thrown at her thus far, but what she didn’t expect was for Frigga to ask her the same question that she had asked Pandora in the cells. “What do you want in life?”
It wasn’t clear to Odin or anyone else why Frigga would have asked such a question, but it was obvious to Pandora: sympathy. The council didn’t have much of that to give, all things considered, but she considered that some of them might feel guilty for sending her off as a child. Banking off of their small bits of sympathy might prove beneficial, so Pandora knew she needed to answer.
But, even though she knew she needed to say something, Pandora froze. She could tell that she wasn’t the only one uncomfortable with the question, as several of the council members were beginning to whisper. 
She felt a hand grab hers under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. She looked to her left to see that the hand belonged to Loki, although his gaze wasn’t focused on her, he pretended to be fully focused on the council and their questions.
This gave Pandora the confidence she needed, so she drew in a breath. “I would like to have some sort of stability. People that care for me, and vice versa.” The answer was a less emotional one than what she had given Frigga, but it still made her feel partially vulnerable.
The council hadn’t been expecting this answer, nor had they accepted it. Someone even had the nerve to laugh, although they quickly turned it into an awkward cough once the Allmother glanced their way.
“I know you all don’t believe me, but it’s true. To be fair, I was a child when I was kicked out. I haven’t exactly had any sense of stability since then. I’m sure you all would feel the same if taken out of your posh lives and forced to survive on your own.”
After that, the whispering stopped and the council’s awkward glances turned downwards. They were the ones that had sent her off in the first place, and they deserved to feel awkward.
Nobody spoke for a few minutes, until finally Frigga broke the silence. “I suppose we all would feel the same way in your situation.” She mused, and to Pandora’s surprise, a few people mumbled agreements.
Odin cleared his throat and everyone turned their attention towards him. “Well then, what did you do in Midgard while you resided there?”
“I took different jobs at different places, moving every now and then to avoid any suspicions. I’ve been a barista, a sales associate, a private investigator; I’ve collected several jobs over the years to keep me busy.” Pandora explained, recounting her experiences. Some of her jobs had been wonderful, while others had not. Whenever her work involved customer service, Pandora found it more difficult as she had to handle a plethora of stupid people.
She hadn’t done anything particularly violent on Earth, and nothing that was too illegal. Some Midgaurdian laws seemed to be too constrictive, so it wasn’t entirely her fault that she occasionally did something that was against the law.
“What would you do if you were to go back to Midgard?” Frigga asked, folding her hands neatly on the table. 
Pandora wasn’t entirely sure what she would do if she was able to go back to Earth, but she had some ideas. It would certainly make it easier that she wouldn’t have to worry about someone finding her, now that it had already happened. “I suppose I would continue what I have been doing. Move around and get new jobs, and then just repeat the process.” 
What she really wanted to do was settle down, but nowhere in the mortal world she had felt entirely at ‘home.’ She wasn’t sure what ‘home’ was supposed to feel like. Was it supposed to feel like when she was a child with her parents?
Plus, with her being hunted down, she couldn’t have risked it. “Maybe if I find somewhere that I like, I’ll be able to settle down.”
Frigga nodded and looked at Odin, who seemed to be deep in thought. Could he actually be considering letting Pandora go? If so, she would be indebted to Frigga. Pandora had doubted her chances of being released, as she had already been hatching an escape plan. She could probably get Loki to help, but she wasn’t sure how loyal Thor would be to his father and his decisions.
Odin looked over to Thor. “My son, you said that your group of… heroes didn’t find any crimes or deaths connected to her?”
Thor shook his head. “No father, we did not find anything connecting the lady to any sort of wrong-doing on Midgard.”
Suddenly, the hall doors burst open and King Njord walked in. Pandora had to literally bite her tongue to keep from saying or doing anything that would get her in deeper trouble.
Njord narrowed his eyes at Pandora, walking over to Odin and greeting him with a bow. “I apologize I could not make it earlier, Allfather. I had business to attend to in Vanaheim. I see you have found the prisoner.”
Njord walked and took a seat directly in front of Pandora. “I’m surprised this matter is not already closed. I thought we had a clear understanding of what was to happen if the girl was ever caught.” 
Frigga frowned at the man. “An execution without a proper royal trial? Now, Njord, that doesn’t seem very just to me.”
Pandora wasn’t exactly surprised that they had planned to execute her before Thor and Loki stepped in. However, that didn’t stop her from feeling an overwhelming sense of dread. Even with her magic being stronger than ever, she didn’t know if she would have been able to take all the guards alone as they brought her to her doom.
“I didn’t know that a trial was needed when she was clearly guilty and escaped Helheim.” He said, and Pandora grimaced. She wanted to punch him square in the jaw, but that would have to wait until another date. She grabbed a hold of her necklace locket, twirling it around in her fingers.
Loki was about to say something, but Frigga subtly raised her hand to stop him. Loki took note of the gesture, and held his tongue.
“Thor has just explained to us that Pandora had done nothing of malice on Midgard. The only crimes we have her committing were centuries ago, and surely those were not entirely her fault.” Frigga said, but Njord didn’t seem to give her the same respect he gave Odin. 
He didn’t even need to come up with a response. “She was a danger to the nine realms, and we did what needed to be done. She still is a danger, and I thought that you both would be able to see that.”
Pandora scowled. “Tell me, Njord, how exactly was a kid that much of a threat that you had to banish her to Hel?”
Njord seemed taken aback by the fact Pandora did not address him with his title, but he quickly composed himself. “Seiðr is a dangerous art and should not be in the hands of those we can not trust!” 
Pandora was about to make another retort, but a beautiful goddess walked in. Everything about her screamed that she was powerful, and not someone to cross. It was Freya, Njord’s daughter.
Njord seemed surprised by his daughter’s arrival. “Freya, what are you-” but he paused as she strutted right up to Pandora and offered her hand. Pandora stood up, firmly shaking Freya’s hand.
Freya smiled, eyeing Pandora up and down. It wasn’t a glance of judgment, but one that was of assessment. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Pandora. I have heard a lot about you.”
Pandora attempted to smother her surprise with a calculated smile. “The pleasure is all mine, my Princess.” The fact that Pandora called Freya by her title and not him clearly pissed Njord off, which made Pandora smirk.
“I know I’m not usually on the counsel, but as Princess of Vanaheim I invoke my right to have a say in this matter.” All around the table, members wore shocked faces. Even Loki was surprised. Neither him nor Pandora had seen this coming, although it was not unwelcome. Since Freya was a magic-wielding goddess, she would be easier to convince that Pandora meant no harm to the realms. 
Odin, after recovering from the initial shock, shushed the court from their conversations. “Very well then, Princess Freya, please take a seat.”
Frigga tasked herself to bring them up to speed on the situation. “So, we were just learning of how Pandora wishes to have a stable life without being on the run. As you know, much of her life has been devoid of that.”
Freya nodded. “Perfectly reasonable. I don’t see the problem with it.” Njord looked at her, livid. 
“Don’t see a problem with it?” He spat, throwing his hands up in the air. “She is dangerous. She’s killed, probably more than we know of. How can we let her loose when we know she could bring death and destruction?” 
Freya leveled her shoulders, not looking bothered. “So have I. Lots of people are dangerous, but that doesn’t mean that they will inflict harm. The death she caused centuries ago was the result of a child discovering something that was buried within. Did you forget how it was when I discovered my magic?”
This seemed to temporarily silence Njord, and Thor used that time to speak. “Father, what if I kept an eye on her? You send Pandora back to Midgard, and I will check in with her and ensure all is well.” 
Frigga seemed pleased with the plan, and Odin didn’t immediately reject it. Njord, however, was not easily swayed. “Absolutely not. She would just run away like she has before.”
Pandora narrowed her eyes at him, but didn’t speak. She could not find words that would be nice enough to describe her point, so she opted for silence. 
“Pandora, will you please follow one of the guards back to your room? I will discuss the matter with the council and we will come to a decision.” Odin said, and Pandora nodded, walking towards the exit with a guard. 
She turned back towards the table, the royals, her parents, and smiled. It was somewhat forced, but it was a smile nonetheless. “Thank you for considering my case.” She bowed, locked eyes with Loki, and her smile became a tad more genuine. “Thank you.”
The guard led her out of the great hall and back to her temporary room. Now, all she could do was wait. She rested, knowing that if the outcome was not in their favor, she would need to have all the energy she could muster.
Three knocks sounded at the door. The pattern sounded rushed, but not dangerous. If they had denied her request to return to Midgard, would they have the courtesy to knock? She would have assumed them to run in and seize her.
However, she did not want to push her luck. She moved closer to the door, ready to go into a defensive mode. Would they want to execute her? Or would they lock her up for all of eternity?
Pandora pushed the door open, finding just Loki and Thor. They both had smiles on their faces, and Pandora dropped her defensive state a little bit. “You are free to live!” Thor shouted.
She didn’t know how to react. She didn’t exactly plan it all out this far. She had mostly expected to be fighting for her life at this moment, but the fact things had gone right? How was one supposed to react? Finding out that she would no longer have to run, after running all her life?
“Of course, there are restrictions, and you’ll have to stay in touch with me, but you won’t be stuck in a cell…” Thor began to ramble about some of the things the council would expect her to do, and that she would need to check in with Thor often. Pandora, still in shock, pulled Loki and Thor into a hug.
She hadn’t hugged anyone in a long while, but it felt right. It was a little awkward, her between two men who reacted very differently to the hug. Thor returned the embrace, but Loki was hesitant and stiff. After a second, though, he caught his wits and wrapped his arm around her. “Thank you.” Pandora whispered, afraid that she would wake up and be in a cell, or worse, in Hel.
“You're welcome.” Loki and Thor said at the same time, locking eyes with each other. It had been a while since they had worked together to achieve a common goal, and it felt strangely satisfying now that they had. Maybe their strained sibling relationship needed this.
Pandora pulled away, letting a tear fall down her cheek. “We will return to Midgard in the morning.” Thor said, and Pandora nodded. He bid his goodbyes, leaving Pandora and Loki alone.
“Will you be coming with us?” Pandora asked, and Loki frowned. He hadn’t ever dreamed of returning once his assignment was done. But after getting to know Pandora, even as little as he had been able to, he was intrigued.
Intrigue wasn’t all that influenced his decision. In truth, his mother had talked to him about it. She wanted Loki to go with Thor and help out the Avengers more, to try to build a better image for himself. He wasn’t ecstatic about the idea, but he could always come back to Asgard and say it didn’t work out.
“My mother talked to me, she wants me to go with Thor and continue to help out the Avengers. Something about ‘reforming my image in the public’s eye.’” He made a face, and Pandora laughed, looking relieved.
She smiled. “I’m glad. I’m not sure where I’ll go when we go back, but I hope we can remain in contact.” 
Loki smiled and nodded at her. “I would like that.”
And so, Loki left Pandora to pack a couple of dresses that she had found in the closet along with the vase of flowers. The flowers had not shown a singular sign of death, and they were as vibrant as they had been when she first received them.
TAGS: (Comment or inbox me to be added/removed; along with what to be tagged for): @michief-dream @iceeericeee @anukulee
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taking-thyme · 2 years
I find it so funny that I’m like “I’m not a good witch, I barely even meditate, nothing spiritual going on here” meanwhile I have supernatural things happen to me constantly but I still don’t think anything of it. I’m like if Shane Madej was a witch 🤦‍♀️
Like seriously, here’s a list of all the supernatural shit that’s happened to me so far:
I once started sobbing with worry because it was November and there wasn’t any snow yet, and not 5 minutes later did a blizzard begin. There was no snow on the forecast (hence the crying). My siblings still call me “the snow witch” after this incident 
I was joking about Satan at school one day and my nose immediately started bleeding. I told my history teacher and he absolutely freaked out and accused me of being a demon
My sister’s Godmother’s prayer rope (basically an Orthodox Rosary) exploded for no reason. It was just hanging on a hook, nothing touched it, and then I heard a “POP” and beads went around the room as the prayer rope lay in pieces on my desk. I cannot stress enough how literally nothing was touching it or anything. I just said “wow I must be haunted” and carried on with my day
I once had a dream where I actually hit the ground after falling. Apparently old wives tales say that if you hit the ground during a falling dream you actually die. Who knows, maybe I am dead and Purgatory is just Earth but worse?
I asked the Universe for a sign on what to do while walking home, disgruntled after a day of doing nothing, and immediately a Dove erupted out of a nearby tree fighting off a Crow. That’s an omen if I’ve ever seen one
I’m a pagan witch who works with Apollo, Thor and Odin. I once had a very important dream where I was speaking with Odin and Thor, but unfortunately I can’t remember what they said to me. I’m just so amazed that I actually had a dream about them
Also, on the note about working with Apollo, there are TONS of crows and ravens in my neighborhood and I always say "Hi Apollo" whenever I see them. In a tarot reading about which deity to work with, The Sun card flung itself out of the pile and I was like "Okaayyy, Apollo it is!"
I was listening to a Tarot reading once and the reader went “I feel like the name Gigi or Cici is important” and I literally had to stand up and pace because my deceased Great Grandmother’s name was Gigi. A couple days later I was talking about her with my Mom and she mentioned redoing some of Gigi’s old craft projects, and I heard a woman say “Don’t mess with my stuff”.. So apparently Gigi is some sort of ghost or spirit guide 
I frequently see shadowy humanoid figures in my peripheral vision, but when I turn to greet them nobody’s there. While I do wear glasses, I’ve gotten my eyesight checked for anything that could be causing these figures and have gotten nothing. The figures are sometimes very detailed, with clothes and eyes, but once again, one look and nothing was ever there. I sometimes wonder if I’m seeing ghosts or something. 
My mother was declared reproductively sterile before giving birth to me and my 3 older siblings. Yet more evidence that I’m secretly a demon
That time a faerie ring popped up in my backyard. Our garden has flourished effortlessly every year since. 
As a witch, the first spell I ever performed was a healing spell. My friend was sick with Crohn's Disease and was bed bound at the hospital for a while, so I got his permission to do a healing spell to try and make him feel better. Not 30 minutes after the spell was complete did I get a text from him saying he felt a lot better and that it must've worked. He was also allowed to go home a few days later. 
I have a really good sense of Intuition, to the point where I can feel when it’s going to rain or snow before it actually does. I was on a walk with my Mom once, and I told her we shouldn’t go down that path because there would be snakes. She said that’s ridiculous, but not 5 minutes later, she just goes “Damn you, child” as a snake slides past her foot. I still haven’t let her live that down. 
Conclusion: I may be the Witch version of a Disney Princess. If I ever randomly stop posting, assume I've been whisked away on a magical adventure, please and thank you.
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explodedjunk · 1 year
It started, but will it end?
It’s just a short story, nothing huge.
Hela, Thor, and Loki’s adventure when Loki is adopted.
I’m planning on maybe making a series and make more chapters but my grammar is as bad a dog, and this fanfic will also be and Au in the mcu where Hela didn’t leave and also show the Odinsons childhood in this Au story.
I hope this can show the age differences in this Au (There age is in human years)
I did some research off of them and this is what i got. Enjoy! ❤️
Story on tumblr:
After the war between the Giants and the Asgardians, Odin Borson found an infant, which eventually turned into Loki Odinson of Asgard. That’s when everything started.
Frigga had taken out a crib, Thor was questioning as to why as he stood there and watched, until Frigga called Thor to come closer, and there he was, Loki.
“Who is it” Thor questioned
“It’s your newly young brother, Loki” Frigga uttered
“Can I play with him, Does he talk, Is he awake, Is he oka-“ Frigga cut him off.
“He was just born, he’s sleeping. You’ll have to wait to play later, he isn’t as big as you yet, he’s a few months old, and you, my beautiful first son is seven and will protect Loki everyday.” Frigga assured.
Hela walked in with a questioning but considerate face. “Brother, you should let our baby brother rest.” Hela paused. “Come with me Thor, I’ll teach you how to use your hammer” Thor grinned, but then replied “Just a few minutes” Frigga knew that the love Thor had for his little brother just began, and would never end.
Loki’s eyes spit open and looked at Thor, and wailed out gibberish but then, everything went quiet, after a few seconds there was a yell and tears came out. Thor then assured Loki “Don’t worry baby brother, I will always protect you and stay by your side. No matter what happens in Asgard and anywhere else.” Hela smiled but then nodded her head saying to come and its time to leave now, but Thor gave a look to his mother told hold Loki, Frigga approved and so they went.
6 years later, Loki was 6, Thor was 13, and Hela was 19.
Hela and Thor had grown up to be war partners and help each other, Although due of Loki’s young age and mostly no experience, Thor and Loki grew a relationship, a really strong one, they were inseparable. However, Their father had gotten into some funny business with some of the people and Thor and Hela was there to help arrange the problems their father has created.
The morning before the arrangement, Loki and Thor was seated together.
“Brother are you going to leave” he questioned.
Thor understood that Loki was sad that they were gonna be gone. “Brother, I’m coming back. I will be gone for a few hours but I assure you that me and Hela will be okay” Thor exclaimed. Loki started tearing up, Thor was use to it, Loki was mischievous but emotional with Thor and their family. Thor then hugged Loki goodbye even though it will not be there last, but as Thor walker to find Odin and Hela, Loki tugged on Thor’s shirt.
Thor gave a questioning look to Loki even though he knew that Loki was very attached, but Thor assumed that it’s just because he was young and not very matured yet. Thor then scolded Loki saying it was dangerous and not some game they played together.
“Brother, please stay” Thor knew he couldn’t get out of this situation, he hated seeing Loki sad but Thor knew he couldn’t betray his father and his older sister so Thor pushed off Loki, and flew away to Hela and his father. Hearing Loki’s loud screaming complains on the way.
Hela noticed Thor’s different act and Hela questioned it, “What has gotten you put down?” Thor blinked “Nothing” Hela looked so tired of his responses always being ‘nothing’ Hela then demanded “It’s always nothing with you, you will tell me now, and not come into my room again telling me your problems when you can tell me them now. What happened”
Thor felt threatened by Hela finally flashing out. Thor had a long pause until Hela gave him that look. “Loki was crying because we were leaving and i kept telling him i have to go but he was being so stubborn, and he then tugged on my clothes so i pushed him off and flew away” Hela was shocked.
Hela then said, “Loki probably isn’t that worried about me, he just wants his big brother to be with him, he was always attached to you. Loki just will never learn to grow without you..Well for now, and Loki will probably be asleep by now as that infant never has a break, don’t think about it and let’s get our job done.” Thor smiled and got to work.
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worstloki · 4 years
Loki’s been calling Asgard out for its hypocrisy and genocide and colonialism since 2011 but apparently it wasn't as important until Thor got around to realising that it was an issue and naturally that took him literal years to do, and even then it was because his life was literally crumbling around him and he saw a detailed colour-coded diagram 🙄🙄
#no offence to literally every other character that heard the phrase 'of the nine realms' and SAW thor's love for violence first hand....#but... well... full offence for no one questioning it#also i would like to say: SHAME on thor for arguing against loki destroying jotunheim and knowing asgard's war history and not asking#apparently he only questioned genocide long enough to fight loki over it and never asked any follow up questions at all#thor KNOWS about BOR and ODIN and about how they had war and genocided but for some reason its only bad when LOKI does it???#even loki knows genocide is a bad thing and the oly reason he even considers doing it to jotunheim is because he's having a breakdown#asgard dehumanising the race into monsters wasnt the only thing that convinced loki's fracturing mind that it was okay to do anyways#sure that was what motivated THOR but he's the hero right so we'll ignore that#LOKI meanwhile had the racism AND the internalised racism AND the war on his hands AND proving his worth as a son AND the breakdown#at least Loki's situation is understandable - even with the villain coding - while Thor attacked jotunheim because he was angy and wanted to#LITERALLY - that was the LITERAL reason#meanwhile even while drowning in sadness and internal conflict Loki was able to point out the hypocrisy of everything with ''why not?''#because what Loki is planning to do is actually saving Asgardian lives that Thor would've lost if things had gone his way instead#if the lives of jotuns arent worth anything what difference does it make anyways right? thats not a life its just a creature right?#but thor has suddenly pulled a 180 degree turn for NO APPARENT REASON - we are NEVER shown why he decides genocide is wrong#suddenly Thor and Loki have reversed their goals and LOKI isnt the one advocating against a fight and he doesnt even understand why#Loki in trying to be like Thor and prove himself worthy like Thor has in his mental state actually managed to become what Thor was#and when he gets told off for it - first by thor and then later odin - he knows nothing he does will ever be enough to be worthy to them#not only was who he was - he very identity - a lie ... but the actions and goals he'd spent his life striving for had always been worthless#Loki returns in Thor: The Dark World and straight-up points out the hypocrisy of Odin and Thor once again#Loki's been continuously pointing out that if his actions are wrong then SO WERE ASGARD'S this entire time#so no you cant praise ragnarok for ''calling asgard out'' as capitalist colonialists who went around commiting genocide to control people#if you're going to credit anyone for that you're going to HAVE to credit loki#he's been the only one with sense on asgard for the past thousand years and all asgard did was treat him badly for it#ANYONE else would've snapped sooner and Loki is a literal angel for managing a thousand or so years without killing odin/thor/frigga already#he even went on to forgive them and focus instead on himself moving on from the abuse#meanwhile THOR knows the violent history but doesnt think its bad until the person he's fighting (hela) turns out to have been a part of it#and its not finding that out that sparks that realisation... he doesnt actually buy into that being bad until he SEES the mural#thor apparently needs pictures of hela hung up where his used to be in order to see anything wrong with forcing subjugation of other realms
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 24 here
Summary : Loki bares his soul open for you. Well just a part of it and you both come to an agreement.
Trigger warning : Mentions of Statutory rape, Abortion, Child abuse, blackmail. Don't read if it's not your thing and then complain.
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When you heard a knock on the door, you got up from the bed and took a deep breath. You looked up as you opened the door and there he was with his typical smirky smiley look on his face. His hands inside the pocket of his jeans
"Come in" you told him as you turned around to strut away "Side you?" He muttered under his breath and you glared at him as you gasped. Shameless little giant fucker.
You crossed your arms as he closed the door, then he walked towards you, and you took a few steps backwards "Talk" you looked him right into the eyes, he was still wearing the same thing as before, with a black jacket on top of it, his arms looked suffocated in the sleeves of his jacket, you were not ready for those arms again and that high ponytail and those fucking stray strands of hair on his perfectly angular face. Send him to hell somebody please?
He sighed as he looked at you, he did come here to talk, but now when he's in front of you, all of a sudden he has no idea where to start and what to say.
"Straight to business I see" 
You rolled your eyes and he gave you a tight lipped smile. Then he walked closer to you, Norns he wanted to do more than just talk right now, you looked so good in your shorts and tank top and he just wanted to hold you and kiss you and do more of that good stuff but he can't. He grabbed both of your hands in his and your palms disappeared in them. So small "Tiny little human" he chuckled and you looked up at him, he stood so close, so so close, why does he have to smell so good all the time.
"Are you going to apologise?" You asked him and he shook his head in no. "Then why are you here?" You asked him again as you got furious and he looked at you "Can I make it upto you without apologising?" He asked you and you sighed
"A wise woman told me to share how I feel" your heart skipped a beat as you heard his soft voice. You didn't have to solve an equation to figure out who that wise woman must be "Andd?" You tilted your head to the left as you looked at him.
 "I have too many skeletons in my closet, too many things I can't tell you, things you won't understand, things you'd judge me for" he said to you and you looked down.
You have judged him in the past, there's no denying that "What skeletons? I already know about your father" you told him and he sighed "That's just the end of it, you don't know what led me there" he told you and your eyes met his,
"I have some idea, your mother she-" before you could finish he cut you off "I uhh..can we not talk about that?" He mumbled hurriedly and you nodded your head "I'm just..I don't do this, I have never done this, last time I felt something remotely innocent for a girl was when I was 15, had a huge crush on this girl Darcy, she was older than me, her mother used to work for mama" 
You had no right to feel jealous about 15 year old Loki having romantic feelings for a girl but you did anyway. Besides you were just 8 at the time.
"What happened to her?" You asked him and he looked at you "Thor fucked her first, then she fucked me, I liked her so I wasn't really thinking straight, lost my virginity to her, I didn't know about her and thor when we did it, she got pregnant with my kid a few days later, and her mother had to leave with her, I later found out that it wasn't even my child, it was Thor's" 
Okay you were not ready for that revelation, he dumped it all out in one go as if it was nothing "The worst part is Thor only did it to spite me, because Odin asked him to do that, to show me that I can't even get the girl I want, when she got pregnant Thor freaked out, then Odin told her that he'll pay her loads of money to sleep with me so they can shift the blame on me instead" 
Okay you were Definitely not ready to hear that. How can a man stoop so low against his own son? Why did he adopt him if he didn't want another son?
"That's truly fucked up Loki" he smiled as he teared up and you squeezed his hands in a comforting manner, your thumbs rubbing against his knuckles "That's just the tip of the barrel" he told you and all you wanted to do was wrap your arms around him and comfort him. He was right about those skeletons, you couldn't help but wonder what else he had in there if this was just the tip of the barrel.
"How old was she? When she had sex with you?" You asked him and he looked to the side, with a smile on his face he answered you "Same as thor, she was 19" you gulped as you processed it, this was wrong on so many levels. The fact that his dad was involved in all this and Thor? You can't believe he did that.
"You know you were not at fault here right? What happened to you was illegal and- " He cut you off before you could say anything further
"She didn't force me, I did it because I wanted to, so it was my fault indeed" you nodded your head and you unhooked your fingers from his. His heart sank at the motion, you're going to judge him right? Throw him out? That's what he feared would happen, that's why he didn't want to unload his past on you but he was surprised when instead of telling him off you hugged him instead, you kept your face on his chest and he wrapped his arms around you once the shock subsided.
"What happened to the baby?" You asked him and he snickered "Probably got rid of it, we never saw her again after that" he told you and you sighed. 
"Why are you telling me this, Loki?" You asked him and he pulled you away from his embrace
"So you'd know that I haven't felt anything emotional ever since then, i don't do emotions and feelings, and relationships, and you're the type of girl who lives for that white picket fence American dream, I can't give you what you would want from me and you'd want it from me, if not today then maybe a few years from now, I would never be able to give you anything more than sex" 
You looked at him as he spoke, he was back to his stoic self, as if he didn't just share a grave traumatic incident from his past. Maybe he was right that night, maybe he didn't leave to hurt you but to protect you from himself  "That's what you say and believe right?" You asked him and he scrunched his forehead in confusion "What?" 
"You said you don't do feelings and emotions but.. you cared about me and I felt it, you cuddled me and didn't try even once to fuck me even when I asked you to do it, you didn't until I was completely sure, you took care of me when I needed it, you made me feel good about myself when I was insecure, you fed me with your own hands, you made that sweet gesture in front of the whole world, you call me birdy for emotional nostalgic reasons, what do you think you were doing when you did those things for me?" 
You asked him and he was looking at you all perplexed, his eyebrows furrowed, as if he got hit with a thunderbolt. He looked adorable in the moment, like a child who just got to know that Santa clause is not real,
"I ..it wasn't.. I took care of you because that's what anyone would do? I admit that I have missed you alot but it's not that I'm in love with you, it doesn't exist, it's all physical and chemical, it's science" he muttered in one breath and you can't believe him right now..
"Really?? Are we back on that now?" You huffed as you walked away and sat down on the bed in frustration. So he walked towards you and crouched down to sit on the floor in front of you. Even on his knees, he almost reached your face level, not your fault that the height of the bed was lower than normal. 
"I can't do this unless you're completely honest with me loki" You said to him in a meek voice and he cupped your cheeks, honest, he can be honest. "I do care about you little birdy, I have missed you, and I want you, I can't be more honest than that" he whispered as he kissed your forehead and you placed your forehead on his. The need to get engulfed in him got stronger every second but he was still confusing you with every sentence he spoke.
"Admit that it's not just physical" you huffed as you took a deep breath and he looked up as if cursing internally, probably scolding himself for coming here
"It's not just physical" you looked at him as he said that, trying to figure out if he meant it or he was just humoring you.
He pulled you down on his thighs and you gasped as you got squished between his rock hard physique "So what are we doing? I'm still confused" you asked him frankly and he kissed on your neck
"I don't want to hurt you birdy, I don't want to turn into my father someday, I don't want a sweet girl like you to cry everyday because of me, I want you to be happy and loved, even if love doesn't exist, I know you believe in it and I want to save that belief for you and I never want you to lose that light " he told you the honest truth, you asked for it and the truth made you tear up. 
He's not a man of poetic words, he always did more than he ever said but right now as he said those words to you, you saw the Honesty in his eyes, he wasn't lying to you in the moment you knew that, but at the same time he wasn't making any promises for the future and it scared you. The more time you spend with him, the more you got to know him on a deeper level, the more you fell for him, and it's really hard for you to wrap your mind around the fact that he might just feel the same way about you, but he felt something and that you could tell with surity.
"Do you know how much it hurt when you left me like that, like I meant nothing to you, as if I was just another notch on your bedpost" his smile faltered and he pulled away from you as he heard you, he made you sit up on the bed again as the guilt sneaked in again, he didn't forget that night. How could he forget hurting you like that?
 "I know" he looked down and for a second you thought he'd apologize to you but he didn't "Did it mean anything to you?" You asked him and he wiped the tears that fell down on your cheeks
"It meant everything pretty girl, it meant everything I promise" he mumbled as he placed a soft kiss on your right cheek "Was I good?" He looked at you and then he kissed on your left cheek. He wanted to give you a real kiss but he wanted you to kiss him this time.
"The best, I have only thought of you ever since that night, never ever doubt yourself sweetheart" Oh no you didn't believe him. You were nothing special. Not for a guy like him, he could have anyone he desires if he already didn't.
"Why am I not able to believe you?" you asked him and he smiled.
"Because you don't trust me" Who would after what he did?
"I don't" You couldn't after what he did.
"What can I do?" He asked you and you asked him things that bothered you the most.
"What is this? What's happening, are you still my rebound guy? Or you want me to be your sub? Or we are just going to fuck until we are bored of each other"
He didn't want to make fake promises to you, he felt vulnerable in the moment, you made him feel the most vulnerable he has ever felt in his life but he won't ruin you like Odin ruined his mother, his mama.
"Do you love me?" He asked you and you shook your head in no.
"No" you didn't even know yourself whether you did it or not but you knew that right now in this very moment you were addicted to him and you craved him more than just sex "I don't either" he told you and your heart sank even though you just said the same thing to him.
"Then what is this feeling?" You asked him and he sighed "I don't know, but I want to be with you, and I want you to be mine" he told you and you sniffed at the direct confession. You didn't expect that.
"Like, as a sub? As a sexual partner? Two fuck thingy, three fuck thingy?" You raised your voice a little bit but when he answered your question, his voice was silky smooth,sugary sweet, laced with honey and softness.
"Noo, I want you to be mine and mine only, Do I want to fuck you? yes, I want to ruin you all night but I don't want to leave afterwards, I want to stay and hold you, cuddle you and kiss you, I want to wake up with you and make breakfast for you, pancakes not crepes" he chuckled and then he continued again " I want to protect you from every harm, every hurt, everything that can make you sad or cry, I want to take care of you when you need me, I want you to kiss me before I leave you, I want to kiss you when you do the same, then I want to come to you no matter where you are in the world and kiss you after a long day, a gist of what I want from you birdy" 
The butterflies that hopped around in your tummy as you heard his sweet words felt indescribable, you were not sure if they were butterflies anymore, felt more like dinosaurs "That's sweet I guess, I feel there's a 'But' at the end of the last sentence?" You couldn't say anything, your voice choked on your tears and you looked to the side to avoid his intense gaze.
"Yes there's a but. I can't promise you that I'll be any good at this, I don't even know what I am saying or doing right now but you make me feel as if it's alright for me to open up to you. That night when I left, I was terrified of everything I just told you, terrified of this and more" 
He couldn't have been more honest than this even if he tried, he was already miles away from his comfort zone "Ummm okay I get your point" you told him and he placed his arms on the bed on either side of your thighs "What do you want from me sweetheart?" He needed to know too, he's promising you a present, not a future, he doesn't even know if you'd even want him once you find out the whole truth about his life, things he have suffered, when you find out about who he is 
"More or less, the same thing, is this going to be a relationship?" You asked him and he caught his cheek between his teeth as he thought about it  "Do we have to put a label on it?" 
You shook your head as he asked, maybe just not yet. Maybe you'll be over the infatuation soon and wouldn't even want him anymore. A girl could wish right. But you knew you were only kidding yourself. You're obsessed with him.
"You can't fuck other girls" you told him strictly, you can't share him, even if it's not a relationship you won't share him as long as he's yours. He'll be Yours. Gosh. You can't believe you're falling into an agreement like that, a year ago you would have laughed if someone told you about all this.
"That goes without saying birdy, you have ruined me too anyways, I am 'how do I put it in decent words?'" he thought for few seconds and then he answered, and the answer left you all flustered "Pussy whipped" 
You placed your fingers on his mouth as you chuckled and you felt his fingers rubbing the fresh bruise on your knees, the soft but sensuous touch instantly fired you up but you had to control yourself.
"How did you get this?" He asked you in a concerned tone, he hates it, especially on you, he hates the sight of it, the only kind of marks he'd ever want on your soft skin would be from his lips and his fingers maybe, but they'd be a reminder of the nights he'd spend pleasuring you and taking it from you. You shrugged as you heard him "Fell down while rehearsing" 
You told him and he placed his hand behind your calf to lift your leg up and then leaned down to peck the bruise, Fuck him honestly. Million ways to sunday. 
"It hurts?" He asked softly and you shook your head "I'm used to it, I'm very clumsy" you told him and he smiled. There are other types of marks he would like to give you if you're used to them.
"What about your boyfriend Mackie? Are you going to break poor sap's heart? I feel like a homewrecker" He smirked and you rolled your eyes
"He's gay, and I lied, end of discussion" you said hurriedly and he smirked again, Maybe he wouldn't be so smitten by you if you weren't this adorable. A guy could wish right? But he knew He was only fooling himself with the thought. He would still be obsessed with you.
"I know you threatened him" it was your turn to smirk and he opened his mouth to say something funny but then he stopped and looked at you intently.
"I'll threaten your own father if he ever dare to hurt you" You shouldn't have blushed like a school girl but you did. Maybe not your father but the thought of this tall gorgeous strong man beating other people up for you turned you on in a weird way.
"I'm still upset with you" you told him and he stood up suddenly. Should have stayed down because now all you wanted to do was, climb him up like a ladder. 
"How can I make up for that?" He asked you and you gulped nervously "Ummm I don't know, do something?"
"Hmm get ready then I'll take you out and then I'm going to take you" he winked at you and you felt your face heating up "Nooo, not so soon, not before I clear the next round, I'm only staying here if I clear the next round" he smiled as he heard you, as if distance would stop him from getting to you. Only he could stop himself from doing so.
"Let me take you out at least?" He asked you and you nodded your head "Fine, I'll be ready in an hour, wait for me in the lobby" you told him and he smiled as you walked him towards the door "Wear something green?" He asked you and you shook your head as you pushed him out of the door "No" 
He chuckled as he heard "What shade of green though?" Oh birdy. You sweet sweet thing.
"Doesn't matter, you'll make it look pretty I know" he winked at you, and you blushed at his words. Then you closed the door.
6 months, had sex already and you're on your first date. It wasn't ideal for the old you but the new you, the "Drunk on Loki You" felt excited about it.
He couldn't stop smiling as he took the elevator down to the lobby. He couldn't stop thinking about you, he's taking you on a date, like a normal man. A date with his birdy. He was going to call frigga but suddenly he bumped into someone and his cell phone dropped on the floor. 
"Watch where you're going, would you?" he yelped in a frustrated tone as he bent down to pick up his phone but then he looked up and sighed, in shock and confusion. He never wanted to see her again.
"Loki? What a surprise" she chuckled and he glared at her
"Hey Sandra"
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