#and what if you got one of the best gilgameshes fate has offered
anime-scarves · 1 year
Strange/Fake ep0 was sooooo good. I can't wait for the rest of the show to come out. I think it's next year, but man I've been excited for this one since I read the first volume.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
If the v3 cast were Masters, which Servants would they summon who has the highest compatibility with them ?
Akamatsu and Amakusa
Amami and Nursery Rhyme
Iruma and Caligula
Ouma and Nightingale
Ki-bo and Kotarou
Gonta and Bedivere
Saihara and Arjuna
Shirogane and Gilgamesh (Caster)
Shinguuji and Medusa
Chabashira and Xuanzang
Toujou and Queen of Sheba
Harukawa and Jason
Hoshi and Dantes
Momota and Mandricardo
Yumeno and Nagiko
Angie and Douman
Explanations under the cut in case you're confused, because you probably are.
First off, Twitter people might be wondering why so many choices are different from what I chose for this thread. Obvious consideration for who is normally summonable aside, the main thing I kept in mind here is that compatibility summon comes in two flavors. Pattern A is a hero similar in nature to Master (Sakura and Medusa, Ryuunosuke and Gilles, etc), and Pattern B is the hero the Master needs for the personal struggles of their character arc (Pepe and Ash, Erice and Voyager, Elsa and Arash, Jinako and Karna, etc). Pattern B is always more interesting than Pattern A, so that's what I'm using for all my choices. Now let me go over them one by one.
1. I say things will be different from the thread and immediately break the promise with Akamatsu. Akamatsu relied a lot on Saihara's brain to build her plan, but their relationship was never one of mutual trust because she knew Saihara would agree to her harsher and more definitive methods. The hero Akamatsu needs is someone both competent and like-minded. Someone who shares her earnest will to save everyone and willingness to use more extreme methods for it. Amakusa is the Servant for her.
2. For Amami, I'll go with Nursery Rhyme. Much like Raikou got Nursery in the Heian Singularity's Imperial Grail War as the emotional crutch daughter figure she needed, Amami gets an emotional crutch little sister figure to help him reunite with the twelve he lost. This pair would be interesting because it'd subvert Nursery's usual MO of simply forcing others to reconnect with their inner child. The whole reason why he lost 12 sisters is that his passion for seafaring and exploration distracts him from what he's supposed to do. Her role as the villain of the Santa Nightingale event shows she can be harsh when children are being neglected, so Nursery would be the force pulling Amami back on track, but she'd have to balance that with allowing him to enjoy himself to preserve his childish love for adventure. He'd be a tough and delicate case for our Hero of Children.
3. The hero Iruma needs is... anyone who tolerates her, really. My first thought was Karna, but he's about finding value where no one else does, and Iruma has her share of undeniable value, so I think he isn't the best choice. Their pair would be a watered-down version of Jinako's pair anyway. Fate/ actually quite scarce of Servants defined by being all-tolerant because that's a trait they push more on Fujimaru, but two examples that come to mind are Romulus, the man who loved all of Rome (read: human civilization) in both its sins and achievements; and Caligula, the man who went crazy trying to do the same. Romulus is too OP to help Iruma tone down her ego, so I'll go with Caligula.
4. Ouma is a hard case. He needs someone he can absolutely trust and finding one of those is a huge challenge. The only ones Ouma has expressed full trust to were Gonta because he was unquestionably good and weak-willed enough to never stray away from Ouma's instruction without asking first; and chapter 5 Momota, who was in circumstances so complicated that he wouldn't dare to throw away the chance Ouma's script offered. Ouma is the kind of paranoid control freak who would intentionally go for a Berserker because even the ones who speak are single-minded in a way that makes them easy to plan around. The alternative would be someone so like-minded in methods and standards that he'd probably hate them but still trust as someone who thinks the same way he would, but only BB fits that bill and she's not normally summonable. With that card off the table, the only options Ouma has left are Berserker he can trust to never kill anyone ever, and the only Zerk valuing life this much is Nightingale. BB's fellow nurse, amusingly enough.
5. Ki-bo would be offended with Alaya if he summoned a robot or homunculus just because he's a robot. And he also wishes for a partner that will treat him as an equal without denying what makes him different as a robot. In short, he needs a human Servant who is used to having normal relationships with robots. But not Chen Gong or Red Hare because they're too evil, nor Orion because he's too crude. That leaves us with robot Danzou's human son, Fuuma Kotarou.
6. Gonta's wish is to become a true gentleman his human family can acknowledge, and for that, he needs the example of someone who is both well-mannered and of a noble heart. Bedivere is an easy choice.
7. As I mentioned a few times before around 2017~18, I strongly think the best thing about Saihara is his interactions with Hoshi. Saihara is a guy feeling eternally guilty because he made one "good guy" murderer pay for his crime and he tries to make up for it by forcefully validating Hoshi's mass-murdering of the mafia. Then in Fate/, we have Arjuna, an all-around excellent man who adamantly believes himself to be evil because he did one dishonorable thing once. Saihara is the stubborn validating Master Arjuna needs to make him understand that he is not the monster he believes himself to be.
8. The first thing about Shirogane is that she really doesn't like reality, especially when it concerns herself. She can't muster any interest in the boring, plain girl she is or the boring, plain world she lives in, so she makes a hobby and a job out of becoming someone else, a larger-than-life figure in a fictional world. She loves all Danganronpa characters but expresses greater adoration towards Junko and Kamukura, the most unreal the series has produced. Enter Gilgamesh, the Hero King with the comically large ego and literally all Noble Phantasm to satiate Tsumugi's craving for a break from reality. That said, Gilgamesh has the recurring hobby of playing therapist to a Master disconnected from their own self and is the franchise's greatest symbol of the willing departure from the Age of Gods into the Age of Man. As much as he fits her tastes on a surface level, he's the guy who transitioned the flashy world of fantasy she dreams of into the plain world she hates, and he'll use most of his free time to the same on a personal level for her. The Caster version is being specifically picked because Archer has childish beef with modernity, and Caster is intentionally making his arsenal more limited and unimpressive, which is self-demonstrative of the points he wants to make to Shirogane.
9. One of his Free Time Events has him explaining why Medusa is his favorite myth, and I definitely can't claim to know this shit better than him. Deep emotional attachment to a story can net you compatibility summon, as Kiara is there to show, and Shinguuji gets bonus points from how TM Medusa became a monster out of living her life for her sisters rather than for herself.
10. Cute and righteous female Buddhist mentor figure who does martial arts. What else could Chabashira ask for?
11. Toujou takes self-worth from serving big important people with utmost perfection, so she needs her Servant to be a king or similarly important leader. But she also needs it to be a support Caster so she can properly invert the Master-Servant relationship and personally fight the enemy Servant for her king. The only characters in the middle of the Venn diagram of kings and support Casters are Medea and Sheba, and Medea wants nothing to do with the royalty life anymore, so Sheba it is.
12. The role of the hero Harukawa needs is already properly fulfilled by Momota in the story, so I'll go with Jason because he shares all of Momota's strengths and flaws. He's someone who'll force her to be part of a team, relentlessly encourage her to break out of her shell, and have a shitty personality she can never fully respect, making the relationship balanced. And things would go even smoother with Jason because his summon comes with Atalante, who is someone Harukawa can easily relate to.
13. Hoshi needs someone who would assure him of his choices and make him comfortably reconnect with his past like he did with Saihara in his Free Time Events. As practically the face of the Avenger Class, Dantes defines himself as an ally and guardian to the ones who were wronged and lashed out in less than virtuous ways, so he's a perfect fit.
14. Momota is too aware of himself as the protagonist of his own story to want a hero. He would instead want a loyal sidekick or a like-minded rival. Voyager is a good sidekick option due to his fit with Momota's wish for greater adventure further beyond and is a Servant Momota mentions in his Free Time Events, so there's the emotional connection to his story there. For a rival, a big-name adventurer like Drake or Odysseus could work, and so could a wandering warrior like Musashi. But there's one option that fits both roles: Mandricardo. Rica has the adventurer experience necessary to eventually compete with Momota, but also Saihara's level of self-esteem, allowing him to start on the sidekick role until Momota pulls him out of it and shapes him into a proper rival.
15. Like with Harukawa, the role of hero Yumeno needs is already fulfilled by Chabashira in canon, so we know what she needs is someone with high energy and a deep understanding of emotions. And Fate/'s biggest connoisseur of human emotion is none other than our Kiyohara no Nagiko.
16. Angie is a complicated case because she doesn't react well to being disobeyed. My first idea for someone with a functioning partnership with her is a knight, but knights generally work on the premise that their king is selfless and righteous, which Angie isn't. There are people like Lan Ling, Liangyu, the ninjas, Mori, or Okita, who submit their lives to anyone's authority, but for that same reason, they wouldn't help Angie improve. What she really needs is someone good at feigning humility, like Limbo. He wouldn't have good intentions for her Master, but by manipulating situations out of her control without letting her feel like her divine words are being challenged, he can force some level of change in her mindset. It's better than nothing.
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nerfherder-writes · 5 years
Note: Hhhhh first post for Fate and more than that I choose my favourite bastard man to do it with. I’ll try do more since I’ve got like a whole list of scenarios I wanna do, including a continuation of this if I feel the need. This is a reader insert and all future oneshots/ficlets will be of the same nature.
Servant: Gilgamesh (Caster) Rating: M Warnings: Dubcon? Yeah dubcon
You don’t get a lot of mages coming into this little cafe. You’re not even sure those with a status higher than your own (in this case, significantly higher) know the place exists. It’s nothing extraordinary, at least according to you it isn’t, and the coffee is decent more often than not. Certainly not extravagant enough for those living the high life.
But the middle-aged man you serve is exactly the last type of person you expect to walk through the doors, and were it not for the look of excitement on his face when he spots an empty table, you’d assume him lost or confused.
You only know he’s a mage when you actually talk to him. He’s clueless as to what each term on the chalkboard means, watches the coffee machine like it’s the most fascinating thing in the world, and most important of all he calls satchels of sugar “remarkable”. It’s all the things you used to be - that your parents used to be, before losing face and status all in one blow - and it’s almost jarring wondering just what in the world brought this man here. You still serve him with a smile, still listen politely as he tells you how much his students adore this cafe, still tell him you hope the place lives up to the hype. And for the next half an hour you don’t hear a peep from him; he reads his newspaper, sips his coffee, munches on his cake, and then he’s gone.
A stunning encounter first thing in the morning, but at least you get a reward out of it. As you clean his table and pick up the numerous napkins he’d left stacked by his plate, there’s a sizeable tip - all cash, more than you ever get on a good day - and a napkin wrapped around it, declaring two simple yet powerful words: All yours.
You wish mages would come here more often. You’d be able to splurge on so much more stuff. Maybe even put away some money for a vacation. The Bahamas is apparently a popular place to chill out for a week.
The rest of your day isn’t as shocking - a few regulars come in and mooch off the wifi, some newcomers passing through town decide to go for the least busy cafe they can find. It’s calm. It’s normal. You can almost forget that someone from a whole other world, a world you used to call home, had popped in for a simple coffee. For a while you do forget - it isn’t until you sit down at the end of the day and count your tips that the man’s kind face flashes through your mind again, and suddenly you have to ask yourself if he truly had students frequenting the place. You like to think you’d notice by now if they were.
There are no urgent tasks for the night, no people to meet or plans made around your shift, so like usual you volunteer to lock up. Your manager always seems to appreciate the gesture, being a single father on a time limit for how long he can leave his kids at school, and after the first few weeks you’ve slowly become the only one people can trust to close shop properly. A few others either forgot something or accidentally locked the cleaner out, and one former employee even stole some money. It’s honestly a miracle that everyone thought you’d be more reliable right off the bat after all those mishaps.
It gives you time to wind down from the day at least. Gives you a breather before you get on the bus and join the evening crowd on your way home.
The front lights are off and you’re back in casual clothes as you wait for the cleaner. It’s 6:15, the usual time you begin your wait, and true to routine you browse through your apps for anything new. There’s an email telling you a package you ordered has been shipped, a few notifications that a blog you follow posted pictures during your shift. You don’t even bother to check your bank account to see if you have enough to get take out for dinner - the tip from the mage is more than enough to cover a pizza or something. You deserve a treat.
It’s 6:30 when you look up from your phone again. You’re not sure what prompts you to - a hunch? But you set the phone down on the counter and you take in your surroundings, and suddenly it dawns on you how alone you are. An unshakable rush grips you, fills your gut with a sour sensation. Something feels off, you think as you slowly emerge from behind the counter. Like something’s missing? No, like something’s been added to the scene.
You can’t put your finger on it. But your instincts recall the mage once more, this time with renewed caution.
There’s something - no, someone here that shouldn’t be.
The air to your left ripples and shifts. You’re not sure what to thank - crazed will to live or a crest that’s more convenient than a signifier of status at this point - but it pushes your reflexes into overdrive. One arm raises, fingers pointed at the distortion, and you utter the curse, “Gandr.”
The crimson blast, large and round and full of more power than you’d intended, doesn’t hit the target. The air shifts again, moving impossibly fast to your right, and instead your attack shatters the nearest table and chairs. You barely have time to feel disappointed, let alone strike the other side. One moment you’re upright, eyes to the front of the dark cafe, and the next you’re staring up at the ceiling, bent over the counter backwards as a hand tightly grips your throat.
He looms over you like an omen, red eyes cast aglow with murder. You don’t recognise the clothing he wears - the turban or the open half-cloak, and you can’t place just what in the world the fabric you feel against your skin is. You reach up to pry his hand off your throat, to try and escape before something happens, but his other hand snatches your wrist with just as strong a grip. You can already feel your fingers go numb.
“How detestable,” he growls. You’re taken aback by the venom in his voice - but most of all by how exhausted it sounds. The grip on your throat loosens as he inches impossibly closer, pressing himself up against you. There’s a reluctance in his movements, almost as though part of him refuses to so much as touch you.
You’re nothing if not an opportunist. You still have one free hand, and if he’s as exhausted as he sounds then surely you can resort to fisticuffs. You curl your free hand into a fist, keeping up the struggle with your other in the hopes it leaves his focus on holding you in place, and with a final bout of desperation you swing the best punch you can offer.
Air rushes down your throat, but in exchange your free hand is slammed mercilessly onto the counter. The murder in his eyes intensifies. You cough and splutter, and all the while he seethes. Any minute now, you think, some magical bastard is going to kill you and leave your body for the cleaner to find. Who knows, maybe you’ll be mugged too.
There’s a glow either side of you, a warm sensation wrapping around your hands and wrists and stopping midway along your forearms. You watch as he pulls his hands back, no longer gripping your own. Confusion washes over you; it only intensifies when, upon a tentative pull of your arms, you find yourself rooted to the spot. A quick glance shows runes circling your arms, bathing a golden glow against your skin to match his hair.
“Mongrel who dares call himself a Master,” the man hisses. He repositions himself, no longer pressed against you and instead taking his time airing his frustrations. “To have me stoop to such a level - he won’t live to regret it.”
He sucks in a deep breath - composing himself? - and then he’s looming over you again, hands planted firmly on the counter at either side of your head. The position would feel intimate, if not for the situation you’re in. You tug at the runes again, but still you don’t budge. Whatever he intends to do - whatever he’s been told to do - you’re stuck until he’s done. And you really, truly dread finding out what that is.
But then what he’d said hits you, something clicking in your mind. Master? As in, the title given to mages in the Holy Grail War? You didn’t think those still went on around here, especially when the last documented one in this town was over a century ago. But that’s what he’d said, and it certainly would explain the speed and the clothing, as well as the distortions in the air where he’d been.
One of his hands lightly touches the side of your face. He brushes some hair aside, and in the hopes of stalling you blurt out, “Do you mean the mage from this morning?”
That one question makes his angry expression turn into one of interest. His brows rise, a sly smile replacing his scowl, and for a moment he seems to regard you differently. Almost like you’re worth his time now, like something to investigate. Your heart sinks as his thumb swipes against your cheekbone.
“So the fool didn’t pick a brainless mongrel off the street,” he drawls. “A small boon compared to his slight against me. You should feel honoured, little mage - you’ve been chosen to personally service the King of Heroes himself.”
He leans down, closing the remaining distance between you, and for a moment you don’t register what he does. All you can taste is something sweet, something unfamiliar, and then a feeling of being emptied washes over you. It’s like you’re casting spells over and over without rest, except the mana isn’t pouring from where it should be - you feel it being dragged up your throat, gathered between your teeth. It isn’t until you feel his tongue push past your lips to lap at the sensation that the dots connect. He’s siphoning you. The Master he mentioned is using you to replenish mana rather than doing it himself.
You recall the mage. You recall the tip. You recall the napkin. All yours.
The note hadn’t been for you. It’d been for his Servant.
A burst of rage overcomes you. You don’t consider the consequences as you slam your teeth together hard, digging into the man’s tongue mercilessly and earning stunned, wide eyes staring down at you. He pulls back as you taste blood, but you don’t see a scowl. You see excitement. You see amusement.
“You resist your king?” he says, and you can’t help notice the affection in his tone. Like he’s glad you’re not taking this lying down. He wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, the barest amounts of blood swept away by the contact.
You spit up at him. Some of the blood left in your mouth lands on his clothing. You take a certain pride in forcing him to compose himself again.
He’s silent for a moment. And then, with an almost sage-like calmness, he says, “So be it.”
With movements so tender, so feather-light and unfamiliar, the King of Heroes skims his fingertips across your face. He tucks stray hairs behind your ears, lingering around your eyes every so often, before finally he removes your sight entirely. His hand is warm as it covers your eyes, the darkness uncomfortable at first. You try to turn away, his grip so light that you know you should’ve been able to, but somehow that warmth traps you beneath him like a weight. So heavy, so powerful. You want so desperately to struggle, to break free despite it all, yet the more you try the more that weight pins you down.
The sweetness is back, but instead of diving right in for a feast the King of Heroes merely skims his lips over your own. Fleeting, at first. A reassurance, testing the waters in any other, far better scenario. He’s warm - so warm - and the heat is steadily spreading through your clothes, seeping into your skin. Whatever chill the night air would threaten, whatever room temperature the room remains in, you feel as though you could overcome them. It’s like you’re being cradled by the sun itself - and when the palm of his hand pulls away ever so slowly from your face, you almost think that’s exactly where you are.
His face is close. You can feel his calm breaths landing on your lips. For all of a minute he just stares, and his eyes bore so deep into you that you forget just why you’d been struggling earlier.
(A small voice in the back of your mind screams. It thrashes about and screeches about the fact that this Servant, this pseudo-familiar of the mage from this morning, is here to suck you dry.)
(A much, much larger part of you hyper focuses on the metaphor. It’s not only the King of Heroes’ heat suffocating you now, but your own.)
Your breath hitches involuntarily. Red eyes narrow just a bit, satisfaction bubbling to the surface. When he shifts, resuming his previous position, your legs turn to jelly with each nudge his own give to part them.
(What if he kills you?)
(Getting railed to death wouldn’t be so bad.)
The glow around your wrists fades, but you don’t dare move them. What could you even do? Where would you even start? The King of Heroes is so clearly leading this dance, and you can’t bring yourself to act until he signals you to.
The King of Heroes lets out a long, slow breath. He closes his eyes for a moment. He exhales even slower. This isn’t like before, when he’d had to compose himself because of your actions - this is something closer to steeling himself. No, urging himself on?
(He’s weaker, the smaller part of you cheers.)
(He’s weaker, the greater part of you panics.)
He’d come here to replenish mana, you remind yourself, and you don’t even give it a second thought when your body pushes itself up. Your arms snake around him - one around his shoulders, another gripping the hair under his turban - and you all but cling to him as you drink in his warmth. Your lips meet his own, hardly as feather-light as your teeth bump into his. More of that warmth floods through you; everything inside you is surging to life, your blood on fire and your heart hammering away faster than you can count. The King of Heroes is stunned, frozen for a moment, and then the warmth engulfs you. His arms circle your waist, pull you closer.
He’s back in control.
The way his lips move on yours, the way he grips you so tightly - it’s intoxicating. The sweetness is ever-present, a taste you can’t figure out and can’t get enough of. You want more - you chase it every time his tongue moves, throat burning for the sensation. More, more, more. What is that taste? Is it the King of Heroes? Is it his power? More. You need more.
One hand drags along your waist. He tugs at your shirt, and when warm fingers brush against your bare skin you let slip a muffled squeak. Your mind is racing, thoughts rapidly transforming into a cyclone of primal emotions. Lower, lower, you find yourself begging; but that hand travels higher, traces along your navel at a torturously slow pace.
Fingertips turn to a full palm. He drags his hand along your skin and maps the outline of your hips. Higher and higher, hiking your shirt up and up. Does he want it off? You try to move, to accommodate his wishes, but he practically grinds his hips down against your own. The moan doesn’t quite slip out - not until the nail of his thumb brushes against your chest, dangerously close to one of your nipples. You’re not normally this sensitive - you don’t think you are, at least? - and it catches you by surprise when you break the dizzying kiss to cry out in joy at the King of Heroes toying with your nimple in tandem with another grind of his hips against yours.
(Some part of you, an impossibly-surviving rationality, panics. What did he do to you earlier? Is this some kind of-- You don’t know, sex magic? You don’t know shit about Servants other than that they’re pseudo-familiars and after a cup that would make a crusader weep tears of joy. Can all of them do this? Oh God, what if another mage in the Grail War finds you? What if another Servant gets sicced on you like this? Are you even going to survive the King of Heroes? What the fuck did this bastard do to you?)
(Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.)
You don’t even notice your grip is wavering on the man. One moment you can feel the strain of your muscles as you cling to him, and the next you’re prone in his arms as he lifts you higher - up onto the counter’s edge, his head dipping to the crook of your neck while he pushes your knees further, further apart. Nothing separates you save for the clothes you both wear, and it becomes very apparent even those won’t remain for long. He inhales deeply against the skin of your throat. His palm continues to glide along your chest, now on a mission as it inches your shirt up in earnest. His tongue drags itself up the crook of your neck, taking a delicate taste of your skin as though he were a connoisseur. It feels so nice, so warm, the way his breath lands on you.
And then it’s gone as quickly as he’d graced you with it. He pulls back - you fight a whimper as cold air hits you all of a sudden - and moves his gaze slowly down your form. The King of Heroes only deigns to meet your gaze once - and you feel the air leave your lungs when he does.
He drops your shirt like it’s the most disgusting thing in the world. The pleasant atmosphere he’d made for you - (more like himself, the rational part of you grumbles) - crumbles away and is replaced by the same disdain he’d greeted you with.
The King of Heroes slowly closes his eyes and takes a deep, calming breath. He’s obviously trying to keep his cool right now. “Shirt. Off,” he commands. When his eyes open again, the predatory edge to them is back. “Before I tear it off myself.”
(Like hell--)
(Oh, hot.)
You don’t move immediately. You’re stuck in two (three) mindsets, wanting so bad for him to dominate again and just manhandle you, while at the same time reluctant to deny his orders in case he abandons you. (You shouldn’t be doing either. You should be running. You should be running.) The internal conflict even gives the King of Heroes pause, a tilt of his head leaving him looking down his nose at you. You’re slowly becoming unworthy of his time - pick one, you scream at yourself, you have to pick which route you’ll take.
He takes a step back. Your stomach lurches - you’ve taken too long, you’ve taken too much time - and all you can do is watch, mouth agape, as he turns his focus elsewhere. The air around you distorts, slowly begins to glow. It’s the same gold from earlier that had held you in place, but now there’s more. So much more. You count a dozen before you remember to breathe again, small ripples of gold that illuminate the King of Heroes like spotlights. He regards them with a scrutinous eye, holds a hand out beneath one. You can only watch as something long and wooden, its head curled in an odd fashion and sporting carvings, pokes out and slowly descends into his palm.
(Holy shit, you’re going to die.)
(It’s fine. You just need to get his favour.)
The King of Heroes lets out a short hum - unimpressed, but not angered. “It should suffice,” he says, mostly to himself. The stave returns to the gold portal, and just as quickly it’s replaced with something bigger. Something deadlier.
(That’s a fucking axe.)
(You can’t think of anything sexy about axes. You’re nowhere near the territory for a lumberjack fantasy.)
And then he turns to you.
It’s a knee-jerk reaction. You’re still stuck under his spell (literally) but your body acts on its own, a final show of self preservation on display despite the big, shiny blade he’s hefting in his hand. You’re not even sure how you managed it, being practically inebriated. One leg curls up, foot wedged between the two of you, and then you’re somehow reinforcing the limb and kicking violently at his toned stomach. He doesn’t move by much, stumbling back just a step - but you send yourself flying over the edge of the counter and far from his reach.
You’re sprawled on the floor and gasping for air. The room is spinning, your lungs are on fire. Your head had unceremoniously come in contact with one of the cafe’s cabinets, a throbbing left behind that makes you flinch whenever you try to move. Everything hurts, like you’ve been forced into a marathon with no rest, and you can barely lift yourself to your knees in an attempt at defending yourself.
(Go back. Go back. Go back--)
You grab at your hair with one hand, hoping to cradle your head and soothe its ache. It has the opposite effect.
“Shit,” you gasp. The pools of gold vanish, and then ever so slowly his footfalls move in your direction.
Shit is right.
The knob of his large, ornate axe blocks the only exit from behind the counter. You can barely see with the room spinning so fast, but still you fire off another gandr in his general direction. It misses - obviously, you berate yourself, what the hell did you expect would happen? - but you’re more surprised that you aren’t immediately met with retaliation.
No, it’s laughter that reaches your ears and makes your head ache more and more. You try to look at the King of Heroes, try to figure out what the fresh hell he’s doing, but he’s moving too fast for you to catch sight of him proper. All you can see is a flurry of red and gold and white approaching you, descending upon you, forcing you into a corner.
Trapped again. Definitely much more vulnerable than last time.
“How amusing,” he drawls, voice so close that you almost feel like he’s in your head, “that you think you still stand a chance. To raise your hand when you know full well who you’re at the mercy of.”
“Get y’er mana elsh’ware,” you slur. God, you hope you’re not concussed. You won’t be able to think of an excuse for it.
The King of Heroes reaches out. You try to flinch back, but all you succeed in doing is making your head hurt even more when it bumps the cabinet behind you. Warm fingers take hold of your chin and hold your head in place. Once again his breath tickles your skin, and his voice is right in your ear.
“For tonight, perhaps,” he all but purrs. One finger taps against your jaw teasingly. “But worry not, mongrel. I won’t be forgetting you any time soon.”
He backs away in an instant. He handles his axe with care, and he leaves you with an almost playful promise lingering in the air.
“Once I’m done disposing of the mage who dare calls himself a Master, of course.”
He vanishes in a burst of gold. You stare, dumbfounded, up at the space he once occupied. It takes more time than you want to admit for his words to sink in.
Shit is right, you think once more.
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tarisilmarwen · 6 years
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Tari’s Top Twenty OTPs - #9
OTP: Shirou/Saber
Fandom: Fate/Stay Night
Shirou: Orphaned in the fire at the end of the previous disastrous Grail War, Shirou is taken in by a mage named Kiritsugu Emiya, after whom he models his dream of becoming a hero.  Shirou has no sense of self-worth, and hides crippling survivor’s guilt, only happy when he’s helping others, and constantly taking on more than he can handle out of a desire to save, protect, and serve.  When he’s thrown into the Grail War, it seems like the perfect opportunity for him to step up, but Shirou has to learn some hard truths in the process.  In all three routes, he emerges stronger and wiser.
Saber: Also known as Arturia, a female version of King Arthur of myth.  Saber accepted the burden of kingship as a young girl and did her best to protect and serve her people.  When her kingdom fell, she felt an immense amount of guilt and blamed herself, vowing to win the Grail to erase her kingship and give her people another, better chance.  Saber is a dutiful knight, highly skilled and fierce.  Underneath her cold and callous veneer though, Saber is warm and caring, noble and brave and intensely protective.
Together: Shirou and Saber have trouble seeing eye to eye sometimes, both of them recognizing their own flaws in each other and butting heads about how to approach the Grail War.  Shirou refuses to see Saber as a tool, treating her with respect and gentleness.  Saber dutifully serves as his protector.  They become partners and friends, mutually worrying and caring about each other and fighting to keep each other safe.  Saber at first is afraid to let her walls down and allow herself a bit of selfish happiness, but Shirou breaks through to her before the end.
How I Got Into The Fandom: My then-boyfriend (now husband) was the one who introduced me to the show, back when we were just starting to date.  We watched a few episodes here and there whenever we got the chance to get together.
When I Started Shipping Them: It was obvious that Shirou was ridiculously in love with Saber from the beginning and I greatly enjoyed how he flailed about his feelings around her but it wasn’t until they tag-teamed against Berserker in this epic Battle Couple moment where they took hold of the sword together and just wrecked Berserker that I found my heart truly and completely captured.
Why I Love Them: A Battle Couple who fell in love at first sight (at least on Shirou’s end) and who mutually care about each other, learning how to be a team and navigate their awkward feelings for each other?  It’s not really surprising they climbed their way into my heart.  Shirou and Saber clash in beautiful tragic ways but they truly want each other to have some self-worth and love themselves and it just kills them to see the other hurting in self-destructive ways.  Somehow though they manage to figure things out, and become a very sweet, loving partnernship and it is heartwarming to watch.
Three Favorite Moments:
1. “You were my scabbard.”
(Most of these are gonna be from Fate route, obvs.)
Saber and Shirou are walking home, hand in hand and smiling, having made up after a bitter argument.  (A philosophical disagreement about their roles as Master and Servant, naturally.)  Enter Gilgamesh, a creepy, slimy, and unfortunately very powerful Archer-class Servant.
Gilgamesh attacks, wipes the floor with both of them, and is ready to offer Saber a perverse deal–become his property and he’ll let them live.  But Shirou, who just basically refuses to die at this point, hauls himself up, declaring he won’t let Gilgamesh have her… because he loves her.
Shirou’s mental blocks shatter and he's able to project and trace Avalon, Saber’s legendary scabbard.  Saber pulls herself up, slings Excalibur into Avalon, and they’re able to deflect Gilgamesh’s blast and send him retreating.
Shirou promptly swoons into Saber’s arms, and she holds him tenderly, realizing that her Master has had her scabbard inside him all this time.
2. Team Blue vs Berserker.
The moment that made me ship it.  Rin, Shirou, and Saber are fighting their best, but they’re still no match for Berserker.  Saber is ready to expend all her mana in a blast from Excalibur.  Shirou has to use a Command Seal to stop her.
Instead, he pushes his tracing abilities past his current limit, summoning from his shared memories with Saber her sword Caliburn.
Saber runs up to support him, taking hold of the sword with him.  They look at each other, determined, already knowing in their minds what they must do.  Then they turn and charge at Berserker and break through his mighty sword, killing him at last.
3. Shirou summons Saber.
Cornered by Lancer, his back against the wall, Shirou shouts that he won’t be killed there, senselessly.  (At least not again, lol.)  Lines on the back of his hand begin to glow.  A hidden magic circle lights up.  And from the pages of history steps forth Arturia, blocking Lancer’s strike and throwing him back.
She turns, and Shirou’s breath catches and his brain stops, because he’s looking at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, standing there radiant and powerful, glowing in the silver moonlight.
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dcmissionaries · 6 years
DokiDokiCon III + The Fic of Destiny
"Welcome to the annual Otaku Festival of Daten City- DokiDokiCon! This will be our third year running, and boy is it another wonderful sight to see!" The reporter chirped as she walked down the halls of the convention center, "Despite the terrible events of the previous two years, the convention is still going strong! I'm sure they feel safe because our very own Daten Celebrities have attended- maybe some people are coming just to see them in action!"
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The truth was, the Angels had been asked to attend by the convention's very own curator. Due to his terrible luck with ghost attacks every year, he bribed the Angels with free tickets and merchandise if they attended- even going as far as to offer Hollywood-tier costume artists to make their cosplays. Needless to say, Strappon couldn't refuse the offer lest he be hated forever by the resident Anime Enthusiasts. The most pressing matter, of course, was the note that had been slid into his DMs by God: "Story..." Strappon whispered to himself, "What kind of story? Romance? Suspense? God, I wish You would give us more than one word..."
"It's aight, I'm sure we'll be good knowing what we know." Blazer waved their hand dismissively. Their costume had already been made prior in anticipation of the event months in advance, so they were just there for moral support, so they say. "I really hope it's not another 'inconvenient super power' ghost..." Duster sighed. Everyone likely felt this way, considering the circumstances last time in addition to the debacle at the hotsprings. --- Just as Angels surely got their note, so did Demons. Even those who had moved to the Abbey for amnesty got the email for their glorious, murderous Supreme Absolute. "Lost Soul sighted at or near the Convention Center in the center of Daten. Those not attending will be culled. We see all. We know all. Do not disobey." Talk about creepy. 
The air around the convention was filled with excitement and merriment a s thousands of attendees piled in, with plenty more waiting in line to g et their bags and badges checked on the way in. The Angels were lead in with their VIP badges, caught up in the energy o f the convention scene- especially with their fancy costumes.
BRIT:  Strappon walked in behind Blazer and Duster, attempting not to get swa  mped by the fans of their professional-looking Zelda cosplays.  "Remember, we do have a mission to follow-up on..." He said, trying no  t to say it too loud so as to ruin the fun they were obviously about t  o have.  "Relax, Strap. We got this." Blazer said as they posed with their swor  d for a photo. There was a hairflip for emphasis.
KURP:  Luna followed up behind the group, holding a poor cramped up Sukajan w  ho was still recovering from his failed Kinjaz routines. Now he truly  misses his cybernetic body, he played himself.  Out from behind them popped in Hot Pants who was rather excitable to b  e walking around as Toon Link. He was mostly excited to make faces whi  le taking pictures if anything.  In some other nondescript area of the con, there was a Bayonetta cospl  ayer who was in obvious emotional distress, their makeup constantly be  ing cleaned off their face and reapplied by a lovely Jeanne cosplayer.   There was a small pig accompanying the pair.
COFFIN:  Dzilla followed close behind the group, stopping to take pictures. The   giant woman cosplayed the giant woman, Opal. On her shoulder was an e  xtremely excited Mary Janes.  The bean of a boy was dressed up as Sapp  hire.  Foxstole was chilling, sipping a cappuccino in her Tracer cosplay.
SAIYAN:  Undershirt arrived wearing the same damn cosplay outfit that he'd worn   the last two times because he's unoriginal, along with Wristband and  Tuxedo Jacket. TJ didn't really want to get into the whole dressing up   aspect so he wore his usual outfit. Wristband decided to go as Videl,   having her hair styled into two magenta pigtails. The three of them r  an into Blazer and their little group.  "Oh, hey guys, nice choices of cosplay!" he said to Blazer and the res  t.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Bowtie was there, dress  ed as Azula from the best anime //shot.  She accompanied the Bayo and  Jeanne cosplayers in their struggle with makeup.  "Are you two good there?" she asked them.
OMEGA:  Boxer was cosplaying as Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, he was s  o excited to come to Doki Doki Con! "This is so awesome!" Boxer said a  s he was ready was the Con.  Raincoat was cosplaying as Aqua from Kingdom Hearts, she had worked ve  ry hard on the costume along with the Keyblade too. "I get to finally  try out my Aqua Costume." Raincoat said with a smile on her face as sh  e looked at Boxer.  Emperor Crown was cosplaying as Gilgamesh from Fate Series and Father  Crucifix was cosplaying as Dracula from Castlevania Series. These two  were focus to cosplay by Raincoat and Boxer. "Well, at least this cost  ume doesn't ruin my looks." Emperor Crown chuckles a little with a smi  rk on his face. "I will never until kids and their cosplaying..." Fath  er Crucifix sighs as he follows Boxer and Raincoat.
HITA:  Skipping and jumping and twirling into the entryway, Brooch managed to   somehow get over to where Mister Strappon was standing.  Regardless o  f how fun it was to dress up as the character Lana from Hyrule Warrior  s, she at least took her job seriously.  She squinted out at the crowd  s, eyes darting around to assess what all was happening.  "I just hope we don't wreck the center.  My cousin said her boyfriend  has had to fix it every year since the Con started."  She glanced arou  nd again, hoping to spy others she knew.  She spotted the blue man, Mi  ster Undershirt, and was happy when they made their way over.  Almost.    She squinted at the Tux Man and had a thought, digging into her bag  and pulling out a domino mask, top hat, and cape.  "Wear them."  She shoved them straight at Tuxedo Jacket.  "Wear them n  ow, you can't not cosplay!!  Be Tuxedo Mask!!"  She was definitely not   shoving her magical girl agenda, no.  On the other end of the Con center, a tall person was dressed as an ex  ceptional rendition of the Fierce Deity from Legend of Zelda.  Meander  ing through the halls, VF, the Fierce Deity in question, hummed in its   doubled voice in amusement at the way people were reacting to various   cosplayers.  Humans were so silly, really.
KURP:  "No, we're not good, my kid was taken for crying out loud!" Replied th  e Bayonetta cosplayer, who was actually Hairpin.  "At least my photo shoots are coming out amazing..."
OMEGA:  "I don't know why we have to wear this Brother!" Tank Top said as he w  as cosplaying as Hikaru from Ouran High School. "You just have to wear   this today, Brother." Dress Shirt said as he was cosplaying as Kaoru  from Ouran High School. "But couldn't you find any better costumes..."   Tank Top mutter as he didn't like this costume. "These were the only  twin costumes i could find. Besides, you look cute in that costume." D  ress Shirt chuckles as he looks at his Brother. "W-Whatever." Tank Top   said as he blushes a little from that.
SAIYAN:  Tuxedo Jacket was taken aback by Brooches' sudden appearance as he was   quickly handed a mask and a cape. Normally he would have said no, but   with items he was handed it was better to just accept it.  "UGH! Fine!" he groaned as he put the items on.  "How do I look?" he asked.  Meanwhile, Bowtie frowned a bit at HP's response. Poor guy, he was goi  ng through a lot.  "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot about all that. At least you have the picture  s!" Bowtie said before leaning in a bit.  "Is there anyway I can make this better?" she asked HP.
KURP:  "Yeah, if you got my kid back! We still haven't gotten any leads and t  his is honestly upsetting," he said, wiping away the makeup that had j  ust been reapplied to his face. His husband had his work cut out for h  im, honestly.
BRIT:  "Thanks." Blazer said nonchalantly in reply to Undershirt, "I see you'  re using the same costume as you usually do. You're well-known for it  anyway, so there's no reason to diss your lack of originality."  "Blazer, please..." Duster muttered. He adjusted the hat to his Vaati  cosplay before being asked for another picture and meandering off. He  took Hot Pants' hand so they could pose together.  Amulet, dressed as Jeanne, handed his husband another tissue. He was g  lad they were using magic for some of the makeup, and that his costume   was made of premium red vinyl, otherwise this would be messy for both   of them.  "Honey, we'll find him. Just... Try to enjoy the convention a little."   He said.
COFFIN:  A black hearse rolled up to the entrance. Vampire Collar stepped out f  irst as Thorn. Assless Chaps soon followed as Dusk. Lastly, Jong stepp  ed out as Luna. The Hex boys had made it to DDC. They made their way t  o the group with a trail of Scooby Doo fans close behind.  Mary Janes just climes on Dzilla. Dzilla turned and waved to Foxstole.   Fox yawned,"Ciao D. Nice cosplay, never pegged you as the type."  Dzilla shrugged and tossed Mary in the air. "Do not judge by covers Fo  x. " She caught the giggling boy as she completed the sentence.  Virgin Killer nyoomed down the street on her Harley. She stepped off a  nd took off her helmet. She gave Diadem a kiss on the forehead. The tw  o had gone as Dexter and DeeDee. "You look so cuttte~!" Virgin squeale  d.
KURP:  "How can I enjoy it knowing my baby boy isn't in my arms!"  At this point Hairpin was getting somewhat hysterical, but he did try  to calm himself down, blowing his nose in the tissue hand to him.  "Fine, but. No promises," he said.  Archer gloves literally arrived a few minutes later with some starbuck  s, in full-blown Revali cosplay, catching up with Strappon's group. He   wasn't really appreciative but how could he deny Luna after being sho  wn the kid dressed as Zelda.  "Should we move around? I'm interested in seeing what this 'artist all  ey' is all about."
OSCAR:  Gloves and Sapphire followed the group, and was taken few pictures by  other cosplayers. Gloves was cosplay as Lucario and Sapphire was cospl  ay as Shalour Gym, Korrina. They don't mind getting pictures by other  cosplayers. They like it.  Meanwhile on the other side of the convention, Dress Socks and G-Strin  gs was there, getting pictures by other cosplayers as well. Dress Sock  s cosplaying as Soul from Soul eater and G-Strings was cosplaying as M  aka from soul eater. Both of them are in their human disguises and des  pite Dress Socks hate being in one since it makes him itchy, he don't  want to attract the wrong crowed. So he brought himself some lotion fo  r himself from home and apply to his skin so it won't itch that much.  Overall, they're with the other side with the demons, hellbents, and i  nquisitors.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong had a smile plastered on his face. He was clearly enjoying himsel  f and all the attention they were getting. It reminded him of his burl  esque days. He reached for Vampire Collar's hand and took hold of it.  He was hyped.  Near the entrance, there was a rather peculiar Sucy Manbavaran, who wa  s really just Pointe. What made her so peculiar was the giant glowing  blue sword strapped to her back. She somehow managed to get the sword  past security under the excuse that if you look really closely, it was   clearly lined with pixels. whatever that meant. She was taking pictur  es with other Little Witch Academia cosplayers, and handing them 20% o  ff coupons to an actual real actually legit witch shop.  Diadem smiled sheepishly at Virg's comments. "So do you. We should mee  t up with the others now." He was a bit nervous to be out and about, b  ut he had been convinced to go. He held on to Virgin's arm.
OMEGA:  "Jong! Vampire Collar! Over here you guys!" Boxer called out to them a  s he waved his arm in the air to get their attention.  Raincoat was with Boxer excited for the Con.  Father Crucifix and Emperor Crown were getting a lot of people to come   up to them and take picture of them in their costume.
KURP:  "Boxer, dear!"  A rather sultry voice came from behind him and suddenly the imposing f  igure of Asmodeus had his grubby little hands all over Boxer.  "So who are you supposed to be, huh? Some big tough guy from some post  -apocalyptic universe or something?
OMEGA:  "I am Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, it is a very classic anime  ." Boxer answered Asmodeus the Demon Lord of Lust.
RYAN:  Pauldron slowly moved through the crowd, dressed as Kaneli from Zelda,   looking very confused as he looked for his Revali. A blushing mess, h  is ease disappearing the second he posed for photos.  Thigh High was currently using him as a human shield to slowly push th  rough the people. Dressed as our Lord and saviour Sonic the Hedgehog i  n her own homemade suit, she was having the time of her life.  “For someone so nervous, you’re fitting in rather well.” She mused at  the old man.  “I used to attract crowds like this all the time when I was younger.”  He pointed out as he turned to look down at the angel.  “But it has been quite some time since I’ve been treated like this…” P  auldron confessed as he tried to black out that one time when everyone   called him a bear on Twitter.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar held Jong's hand and kissed him. He snaked his arm arou  nd Jong's waist and he smiled.  Assless Chaps moved his arm around Jong too and he smirked, walking to   the group with them. "We look absolutely wonderful."  Virgin Killer took Diadem's arm and walks with him. "Of course babes.  C'mon let loose!" She giggled. "We look bomb."
SAIYAN:  Bowtie patted the poor man in the shoulder. He was really torn up abou  t this, and rightfully so. But she smiled when he took up her offer.  "I'll help you take your mind off of it for a bit, don't worry." She c  onsoled him.  Meanwhile, Undershirt turned to Blazer with an eyeroll.  "Thanks for the backhanded compliment, totally makes me feel better" h  e said to him.  While Undershirt was talking, Wristband noticed that Asmo had made an  appearance. Without saying anything, she walked away from the group an  d wandered to his side. She silently placed a hand on his shoulder.  "Don't think about slinking away anywhere, I'm gonna be watching you l  ike a hawk. So no funny business, okay?" she asked him.
FUJOSHI:  Somewhere in the midst of the chatter, a small, chubby girl was wander  ing and weaving between all the cosplayers with hearts in her eyes. Sh  e was so mystified- everyone was so real!  "Oh, this is so much like I've dreamed! So many kawaii Anime character  s surrounding me- I could just write a fanfiction right now!" She sque  eled, "But I don't know what to do, yet! I should find some muse with  them..."  Fujoshi wandered further into the crowd to find some pretty damn profe  ssional cosplays. She stood back and sat down to watch them talking to   each other from a distance.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong gave a little wave to boxer with his free hand, then nodded with  respect to Asmodeus.  Pointe noticed the group Jong was in, and immediately gravitated over  there. She was now walking beside them. She was bodyguard Sucy Manbava  ran.  Diadem smiled and nodded, as they caught up with their squad. He point  ed at Boxer, and then made the throat cutting sign while mouthing "If  you hurt him you're a dead man."
KURP:  "I would say that's a little too old school for me, but I am partial t  o the JoJo series myself," Asmodeus admitted.  "How about we try and have a nice time today. After all, we're technic  ally still /boyfriends/."  His fun was immediately interrupted by the sudden appearance of Wristb  and. Oh bother, what does she want. He rolled his eyes as she spoke, a  lmost shooing her away.  "Listen, the worst I'll do is go fuck someone behind the con or someth  ing. This is a good opportunity for me to feed. I won't kill anyone, I   promise."  "What do you have in mind?" Hairpin asked. He would be lying if he sai  d he wasn't curious.  Archer looked around as his group began chattering among themselves, t  rying to figure out what venue to hit first when he spotted what seeme  d to be Pauldron. He waved enthusiastically, hoping to get the attenti  on of the man.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Meanwhile, just outside the Con, Ruka was on his knees, weeping over h  is ruined Doomguy cosplay with Flat Cap and Vest in their costumes wat  ching over him. "Nice going, Helmet. Ya ruined his costume with your m  eat juices. Now we gotta get him a new one." Flat Cap said to Helmet,  who was rather stupid in his ham costume.
OMEGA:  Boxer was surprise that Asmodeus like Jojo, he thought that he would l  ike Yuri on Ice or Ecchi Anime. But he was getting nervous by Asmodeus   trying to seduce him? Is that it? Well the boy had to get out of ther  e.  "Actually Asmodeus, me and Boxer were going to check out the Art and Anime Figures they have." Raincoat said as he grabs Boxer to her side.  "And i think a demon like you wouldn't be interest in that." She said  as she had found a way to save Boxer.  "Brother Pauldron! It's good to see you here!" Father Crucifix said as   he walked over to Pauldron with a smile showing his fangs.  Emperor Crown was taking more Pictures with Fans of the Fate Series.
SAIYAN:  It was Wristband's turn to roll her eyes this time, as Asmo tried to d  ownplay her concerns.  "That's exactly what I'm concerned about. That's why I'm keeping you i  n my sights for the rest of the con" Wristband said sternly.
OSCAR:  While walking around in the con, Gloves and Sapphire was enjoying gett  ing pictures by other cosplayers. Especially for Sapphire, this is her   first time for her to be in the convention and having the time of her   life. Plus, she can rollerblade around at the convention. Gloves was  also having fun, not only he's in his second favorite cosplay as Lucar  io, but getting hugs by young and old people, with permission of cours  e. While  enjoying, they spotted Archer Gloves from afar and approach  him with smile on their faces. He can't see Gloves smile since he's we  aring a mask, but he's smiling.  "Hey, Archer!" Gloves said, waving to him. "Nice cosplay you got on."  Sapphire was next to him and she's waving as well.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings are walking around in the crowed  of cosplayers at the sight to find the Lost Soul. Yet, nice and kind k  ids walk over to them and ask if they could have a picture with them.  They look at each other and look back at the kids with the kids. Might   as well have fun first while finding the Lost Soul. After all, it's t  heir first time being here.  While taking picture, they all made a cool pose and say the line, "Sou  l Residence!"
EMI:  Finally making his way through the line, Trenchcoat, dressed as Joker  from Persona 5, made is way through the crowds of con-goers while star  ing at his pamphlet, walking passed the giant lion-like statue that wa  s also surrounded by a crowd. There were so many damn people here and  he was starting to get irritated.  Meanwhile, Mong was enjoying his freedom from Hell, and his freedom fr  om clothes since he was cosplaying a strange orange-haired version of  Felicia from Darkstalkers. Man he loved being mostly naked.
RYAN:  Pauldron visibly cringed when he heard many onlookers praise his outfi  t, too many mentioning d*ddy under their breathe.  “You know if you went as Kass, Cheeky could have lent you his accordio  n.” Thigh High remarked as she leaned on his back, completely obscured   by the sheer size of this lad.  “I do not know where this instrument has been, so I do not wish to tou  ch it. Much less, carry it around for a whole day!” He laughed through   his teeth so he could continue to pose for photos. A hand waving in h  is peripheral caused him to turn his head. Immediately he began to try   to walk towards Archer Gloves only to blocked off by more admirers. P  auldron let out a sigh and was about to give up on his pursuit when hi  s companion came to his rescue.  Coming to stand in front of him, Thigh High raised her arms and simply   announced,  “Move, I’m gay!”  “Thigh High, that’s not exactly… helpful?” He began to whisper before  being astonished as the crowd parted before her, not unlike that one b  iblical scene.  “Never underestimate the raw power of our Lord and saviour!” Thigh Hig  h scoffed at the non-believer as she tugged him towards the man of int  erest.
HITA:  Humming the Zelda theme to herself, Brooch began to wander off, her ha  ir still moving as if sentient when people came too close.  She was al  l too happy to pose for pictures, striking poses gleefully.  Her atten  tion was snatched by an exceptional Sonic and it made her sad she didn  't have her Tails costume.  She basically nyoomed to Thigh High, clapp  ing happily at seeing the outfit.  "You make me wish I had my Tails outfit and that Visor was here as Knu  ckles!!  It'd be great!"  So excited she was, she didn't notice her ha  ir lifting like it was in a Ghibli movie.  VF finally spotted people it knew, heading to the grouping of Bowtie,  HP, and Amulet.  While it didn't much care for this sector and it foun  d the absolute to be a few plastic monkeys short of a full barrel, HP  would have made the South-West proud.  It slid a notepad out of its cl  othes, eyebrows furrowing and mouth pulling into a frown at the conver  sation that had been going on.  'Has there been any updates?  Your girl-child keeps pestering it for s  ome reason to aid in the search.'  Its fingers twitched and it wrote a   further note to the group.  'If It can assist, It will do so.'
YARANAIKA:  This was the best convention she'd ever seen!  Hearts in her eyes, Yar  anaika's expert outfitting skills had hidden was she really looked lik  e.  Yes, she still had a bit of a give away but give her a break!!  Sa  ilor Scout ensemble set, she wandered through the halls, hoping for th  e best of the best to inspire her.  If only she could find someone who loved the animes as much as she did  !  If only she could find a partner to bring the most sugoi of love st  ories to life in this place!  With this in mind, the disguised ghost became a bit lost in thought as   she prepared for the story to unfold.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar yoinked Jong away from Boxer, dipping him into a kiss.  Assless Chaps shook his head and he crossed his arms. "Annnd there the  y go."  Virgin Killer looked at Asmodeus and gave him the Chancla eyes. She ch  illed and took pictures with Diadem.  Fox sat on Dzilla's shoulder and Mary Janes gave her a high five. Mary   looked on at the crouds. "Look at allll these chickens!"
KURP:  "Now, now dear," Asmodeus said to Diadem, "I can take care of myself.  I can take rejection, at least."  No, he honestly couldn't. He was sensitive.  He smiled deviously as Raincoat spoke, wrapping an arm of his with Box  er's, "Actually, considering I hang around many enthusiasts, I acquire  d quite the taste for Japanese related animation so I'd be interested  in coming along with you two. Well, specifically Boxer."  He huffed at Wristband, once again, gesturing her to leave. "Listen, I   prefer some privacy when I'm in the act. At least respect that."  Archer quirked a brow as he was approached by Gloves and Sapphire, wav  ing a bit at them.  "Uh..Who are you?" He asked. He never seen these people in his life, a  s if he could see who was under what he assumed to be a fursuit. Furri  es do not interact.  His attention was refocused on Pauldron who was inching closer. Taking   deep breaths, he also approached Pauldron, looking up to the large ma  n. God, he just knows he's got a big dick, he just knows it.  "I see Lady Luna made a good call, huh? You look rather dapper in that   outfit."  Hairpin took the note he was handed and looked up to VF, shaking his h  ead, "No. Nobody's seen those 'Flies' anywhere since they took Armlet.   Hopefully we get new leads soon...Maybe you could speak to Sash? I kn  ow the two of you were kind of close."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong's eyes widened at suddenly being dipped, but he eventually just c  losed his eyes and let it happen.  Pointe had separated from the group and was reading through some magic  al girl mangas somewhere, clearly starry-eyed because of the chapter s  he was on.  Diadem pat Asmodeus on the back. "Still, cant hurt to have back up, ri  ght?" The boy smiled at his grandad, before adjusting his glasses, whi  ch admittedly were is /actual/ glasses and not just ones for the cospl  ay. He went back to taking pictures with Virg.
SAIYAN:  Wristband laughed a bit at Asmo trying to get out of this situation. A  s if there was any chance that she'd leave him alone for any amount of   time.  "Well that's too bad buddy, I don't want people being sucked dry and d  ying on my watch" Wristband replied.
OMEGA:  "Fine..." Raincoat sigh as she took Boxer and Asmodeus to look at Anim  e Figures and Art.  "Mother, save me." Boxer thought to himself as he thought Asmodeus wou  ld live him alone.  Emperor Crown was starting to love the Pictures.  Meanwhile the Brothers were searching for the Lost Soul. "Where could  that Lost Soul be?" Dress Shirt ask himself as he looked around with h  is Brother. Tank Top was eating some cookies that he bought but was ge  tting some crumbs on his face. Then Dress Short got a idea going over  to his Brother and licking the crumbs off his face. The plan was to lu  re out the Lost Soul with the power of Yaoi and Brotherly Love! Though   Ouran High School Fans were storming at the twins!
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar slowly tilted him back up and he pulled away with a hap  py sigh. "Glad to see I can still surprise you."  Assless stretched and yawned. "Weirdos. I'll meet you dweebs later, ch  ecking on dad boy blue bunny guy." He walked over to Asmo.  Virgin bumped Diadem's hip with her own and she took his hand. "Wanna  go to the r-section and check out a lil surprise~?"  Dzilla walked over to Asmodeus and she patted his shoulder. "Hello Asm  odeus, Wristband. I can watch him if you'd like?"   Mary Janes squeaked and hopped down, hugging the leg of the large dem  on. "Azzy!"
OSCAR:  Gloves was little surprise that he doesn't know him, but I guess it wa  s his cosplay at fault. It did cover his whole entire body after all,  including his head.  "Who am I? Oh right! This mask blocks out my head to everyone to see.  Gives me a sec..." He said. He took off his head with his paws to reve  al Gloves under cosplay Lucario to Archer Gloves.  "Sorry about that. I guess we haven't introduce to you." Gloves said.  "My name's Gloves Stone and this here on my left side is Sapphire, wea  ring her Korrina cosplay." He looks at her.  "Hello." Sapphire said. "Isn't this con wonderful?" She ask. "This is  my first time being here and there's so many people here wearing aweso  me cosplays, including yours." She smiles to Archer Gloves.
SAIYAN:  Meanwhile, Bowtie tried to think of something fun for her and HP to do  .  "Well....maybe we could go out for ice cream? Ice cream always makes m  e feel better" She said to HP.
HITA:  Frowning in deep thought, VF considered its options here.  Tilting its   head, a new note passed to the distraught man.  'It will get in touch with him and grandmother.  The Flies as you call   them sounds familiar.  Almost like something its grandmother ousted s  ome time ago.'  It frowned even harder at the thought.  Actually, it s  ounded very familiar.  What was it about that name?  'A cult It thinks  ?'  Fingers curling, it smiled almost cruelly at the thought of wiping out   a cult.  One of the many things it had yet to let go of was the urge  to purge all cults.  'It will aid you how It can.'
SOUP KITTY:  Jong was blushing, and it was noticeable as heck. He held on for dear  life to Vamp. This truly had swept him off his feet.  Diadem looked a bit confused but agreed. "What is the surprise?" he as  ked. It was almost as if he didn't know the implications of where they   were going. Still, oblivious as ever, he followed happily and innocen  tly.  Pointe had found somewhere to sit, and kept reading her magical girl m  anga. She had managed to save up all her allowance and the money she m  ade from helping around the shop, and was having tons of fun buying al  l the merch that her little heart could desire.
BRIT:  Duster pulled Hot Pants along as they had just exited the merch room w  ith more than enough Doujins, several figures, a body pillow, and too  many stuffed alpacas. Duster was carrying everything, being the talles  t.  "Hots... I think we need to bring some of this merchandise to the car.  " He said, "It's a bit much to carry."  Strappon wandered the con aimlessly, feeling terribly out of place. He   did take pictures of some cool costumes that he liked regardless of w  hether or not he was familiar with the series.
RYAN:  Giggling at Brooch’s sentient hair, Thigh High beamed at the woman bef  ore her.  “We should have called to coordinate, but your Lana looks so good!!!!”   She squealed as she did the ok hand, shaking it for emphasis.”  Pauldron gazed down at Archer Gloves and simply stated: “You dress wel  l.”  Thigh High cackled at the display in front of her before slapping Paul  dron on the back as she pointed at his tree trunk arms,  “This bad boy can fit so many feathers on his “wings”. I ‘m honestly h  ella jealous.”  “Luna has very good tastes when it comes to this sort of scenery! Much   better than Cheeky’s.” Pauldron stammered out as he began to fan hims  elf, was it hot in here or was it just him.  “It’s just you.” Thigh High smirked much to Pauldron's horror he'd act  ually said it aloud, what a fucking pleb. Then she gestured towards Cr  ucifix. Pulling him by the collar to whisper in his ear, she held up a   hand and whispered, “You’ve been so busy being gay you didn’t even no  tice that he’s right beside you!”  “Uhhhh….. Hello there Father Crucifix, long time no see!” The man righ  ted himself up immediately and turned towards the man, holding out his   hand. Pauldron, baby, please get your shit together.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar picked Jong up and he casually danced around with him i  n his arms.  Virgin plopped by her booth. She smiled and Bob slithered out of her c  leavage. Bob waves to Diadem. "This is the booth for me and Flat's com  pany."
OMEGA:  "Indeed, I see you are cosplaying too. Boxer and Raincoat made me cosp  lay, they thought that i would make a good Dracula." Father Crucifix s  aid as he smiles at his friend. "Though how are you doing?" He ask as  he looked at Pauldron.  Meanwhile Raincoat and Boxer along with Asmodeus were by the Anime Fig  ures. "I wonder if that got a Gundam Figure or Jojo Figure!" Boxer sai  d as he looked at the Figures. "Today, i will find that Aqua Figure!"  Raincoat said as she was looking at the Kingdom Hearts stuff.
SAIYAN:  Wristband turned to Dzilla and smiled a bit at her offer.  "Thanks, but I think I got this. Unless you wanted to help me, then I  have no issues with that." Wristband replied.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka walked around the con in his Doomguy costume, looking at all the  stands, merch, and all the goddamn furries everywhere. What he wouldn'  t give for a flamethrower right about now. Distracted by his disgust t  owards the furries, he accidentally bumped into Strappon, falling on h  is ass. "Hey! Watch where you're going, fucker!"  Flat Cap and Vest were just looking through Dark Soul merch at one the   stands, with Vest hissing at the statues of Smough and Ornstein in ba  ck the stand.
KURP:  Seeing that Strappon went on without them, Luna and Sukajan got an ide  a. They let Strappon mosey around the convention floor before approach  ing him, Sukajan swinging Strappon to pose with them as Luna held out  a phone for a selfie-styled picture.  "Say Till Valhalla!" Luna said, trying to impersonate Mercy as best sh  e could.  "Ugh," Asmodeus groaned as Wristband began following his little group.   "It's already in my contract that I can't kill, why keep watch over m  e? Go out and enjoy this convention!"  Archer looked back at Gloves and Sapphire, squinting a bit, "Uh, it's  alright I guess. This isn't something I'm really used to."  At this point he practically stuck himself to Pauldron's side, wrappin  g his arms around Pauldron's as the man was speaking to someone else.  Boy he was getting nervous for no reason.  "Yeah, they're a cult from what little information we scrunched up. Ap  parently a group of people that deeply worship an old demon of lore, B  eelzebub. Everyone thinks Sash is him, but who knows. Any help is appr  eciated, nonetheless," Hairpin said, giving a smile to VF.  He crinkled his nose at Bowtie's silly suggestion, "Honestly, I don't  have the appetite to eat anything right now..."  Hot Pants looked at everything Duster was carrying, arching a brow. "I   mean, if you let me carry something, this wouldn't be a problem but y  eah, let's go back to the car real quick before your arms pop off."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong giggled in delight. The dancing seemed to have attracted some sta  res, but honestly he was having too much fin to care.  "Hey thats pretty cool!" Diadem said. "what do you guys do?" He was ho  nestly clueless, he probably missed the memo.  Pointe was walking around again, and bumped into Thigh High, in the no  n literal sense. "Oh hey! Aren't you friends with my sister?"
SAIYAN:  Wristband just shook her head again, her magenta pig tails swishing ba  ck and forth in front of her.  "Because, Asmo, it's my job. As an angel I gotta make sure no one gets   hurt by demons and ghost and the like" She said to him.
COFFIN:  Dzilla smiled back,"I would love to help you. I would also like to cat  ch up a little with him is all."  Was Mary Janes nibbling on Asmo's leg? Yes. Was he ready to rangle the   bullworm? Yeah.  Virgin chucked and shook her head, "Oh Dia.. We have an adult toy comp  any." Bob wiggled and stuck his sucker to Diadem's hand.  Vampire Collar placed him down after a little bit, laughing some. "I l  ove you darling.~ "
BRIT:  Strappon had probably been knocked foreward by the force of Ruka's ent  ire self, but was swept up by Sukajan. He had not only been accosted b  y a man in full armor, but was now having pictures taken of him.  "I was watching where I was headed!" He shouted to Ruka from Su's heft  y grip. He pouted at the man who was holding him. "And can I help you?  "  Duster was glad Hot Pants offered, because he was now going to carry 8  0% of the items. They were dropped on him.  "Fuck, I'm glad you offered." He said simply, "Carry your own weight."
HITA:  Giggling at the sillines of the people before her, Brooch bounced a bi  t in joy at Thigh High's compliment.  She was happy!  She had a chance   to get it made professionally but her cousin wanted to make it.  Of c  ourse, because of this, the outfit was bulletproof.  Kevlar was appare  ntly a hassle to sew into clothing but it was still there.  "My cousin made it for me!  You haven't met Sleevies yet but she wants   to meet you one day for sure!  We've all just been... looking for Mis  s Bifocals."  She shifted, hair going limp before she bounced back.  "  Anyway!"  She smiled at how silly everyone was being but kept her eye  warily on the floor.  She turned her eyes back to the people in front  of her with a grin.  "What interesitng costumes you all have!"  And with the mention of Beelzebub, it clicked.  Eyes narrowing, it cur  led its lips in annoyance.  'You speak of they that are banned from its home, then.  It thought so  .'  Nodding as it handed off the note, it tilted its head at the demon  s before it.  Eyes alighting on the way that Amulet and Bowtie seemed  to be reacting to this, it inclined its head to the trio.  'It will be   bringing this to its grandmother and the hunting will commence in glo  rious fashion.'
YARANAIKA:  Seeing a girl by herself, Yaranaika wandered over to Pointe and giggle  d at the mangas.  "Hello pretty girl!!  Mind if I sit here with you??"  Her hair seemed  to look slick in the light and almost moved on its own before she sett  led to smile kindly down at Pointe.
OMEGA:  "Boxer! I found one of Kotobukiya Bishoujo!" Raincoat said as she hold  s up one of the figures which was Female Version of the Thor from the  Marvel Universe.  "So Cool! How much is it?" Boxer ask as he looked Raincoat though keep  ing his eyes on the figure.  "Seems to be fifty dollars." Raincoat answer as she holds the figure.  "I'll buy it!" Boxer said as he buys the figure.  Soon the two started to buy some Figures and Artwork of Characters tha  t they like.
OSCAR:  Gloves smiles back to Archer Gloves and wears back his cosplay helmet.   When he does that, he turn too Sapphire and she was looking at someth  ing on her left side. Turning his head at the direction, she was looki  ng at the ice cream stand.  "Wanna get some ice cream?" He ask her. She respond to a yes and went  towards the ice cream stand.  Waving goodbye to the little ones, Dress Socks and G-Strings continue  their search for the Lost Soul.  "Okay." Dress Socks said to G-Strings. "If I where to be a Lost Soul,  where would I be?" He said.  "Probably at the merchandise?" G-Strings guess. "Most people usually g  et cool figures and T-Shirts, so why not?"  "Yeah." Dress Socks said. "Let's start." Like that they're walking tow  ards to different merchandises in the search of the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem's face looked as if he had just learned all the secrets of the  universe. "Oooooh" He just nodded his head after that.  "I love you too~" Jong cooed. It was probably super apparent to anyone   who looked at them, that they were super in love. Jong kept an arm ar  ound vamp's neck, and gazed lovingly into his eyes.  "Sure!" Pointe chirped, this person seemed nice enough. "Would you lik  e to read with me?" She asked, offering up a bag filled with a bunch o  f newly bought mangas.
KURP:  Taking some of the merch off Duster, Hot Pants yanked off the more imp  ortant hauls of their little trip, the stuffed alpacas.  "I have no idea how you could see with these obviously obscuring your  vision," he commented.  Upon reading the note that he was handed, a chill went down his spine.   He wasn't even the target and he feels afraid for his life.  "T-thank you," he managed.  "It's us, Strap. You just kind of left us in the dust," Sukajan said a  s his grip loosened, straightening up the former Templer. He looked do  wn at Ruka who had his ass flat on the ground.  "Nice Doom Marine outfit there, dude."  Asmodeus rolled his eyes again.  "Fine, but please don't be in the room when I'm feeding!"
RYAN:  Thigh High sweated nervously before tugging on her collar and averting   her gaze from Pointe's.  "Haha, yeah, friends. Haha"  Pauldron looked down at her and said what we're all thinking,  "Stop laughing, it makes you sound very suspicious!" As he was feeling   way more confident with how close Archer was standing to next to him.  "I'm doing a lot better now that Cheeky is now preoccupied with this,  Leon Leonhart." Pauldron answered Crucifix's questioned.  "Uhm actually you forgot a Leon. There's three (3)." Thigh High correc  ted as she poked her head into the middle of their conversation, holdi  ng up three fingers to emphasize her point.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Thanks, i guess." Ruka said as he got back up on his feet, "That Helm  et fucker got meat juice all over it earlier but I managed to clean mo  st of it off. Afterwards, I puntkicked his ass back to the Abbey."  Flat Cap eventually got tired of staring at Dark Souls merch and left  Vest to go do his own thing, forgetting that Vest was liable to steal  everything in the booth. After some walking, he noticed VK and Diadem  and walked over them. "Oi, Virgy! I see ye got a booth set up, eh?"
KURP:  "Hell yeah I'm three (3) whole Leon!" Leon yelled from the distance. W  here the fuck did he come from.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's smile fell from her face. She really didn't know what to say  to him right know. His child really was all that was on his mind and t  here was nothing that would be able to change that it would seem.  "Well, I'm sure that he'll turn up soon." Bowtie said, trying her best   to comfort the poor carrot.  Meanwhile back with Asmo and Wristband the two just kept on arguing.  "How about I just turn around while you do it. But if I hear screams o  f pain I will step in and put and end to it" she said sternly.
OMEGA:  "That's great to hear." Father Crucifix said as he smiles showing his  vampire fangs a little. "I wish Ball Gown was here with me. Maybe she  could of been the Bride of Dracula." He chuckles as he looks a Pauldro  n.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer started to laugh, holding her stomach. She loved him to  bits and pieces. "Yeah, so I figured why not have a lil somethin out."   She shrugged and squeaked when she heard Flatcap. "Heya sweets! Yeah!   I talked to the event management office and they were chill with it."  Vampire Collar kissed his nose and he moved his arms around Jong's hip  s. "Good.~ How're you holding up Dulce?" He rubbed the others sides.  Mary Janes heard feeding and he gasped. He then took his Hello kitty l  unchbox out of his bear. He opened it and it was filled to the brim wi  th dino chicken nuggets. "If you get hungry you can have some of these   with me!" Oh this sweet boy.  Dzilla chuckled and she shook her head.
KURP:  "Her name is /Lisa/, at least have the decency to look up the series y  ou're dressing up as, you," Archer spat, looking at Crucifix almost ac  cusingly.  He tried to hold on to Pauldron's hand, noticing that his tiny ones we  re absolutely dwarfed. Feeling his face flush, he grabbed on to it wit  h both hands. He felt like he was going to die on the spot, Lord help  him.  "So anyways. I've been interested in going to this artist alley they h  ave here. Anyone want to come with?"  "Ew, no!" Asmodeus said, "Just stay outside the room, goodness! Even I   have more decency than that..."  Sighing, he caught up with Boxer, once again wrapping his arms around  him.  "So tell me /Boxxy/, what do you want? You can ask me for anything, I  have unlimited funds for your pleasure! Just point to it and it'll be  your's."  "I hope so too," Hairpin said. It finally seemed like his crying spell   was ending, tugging on Amulet to reapply some of his makeup.  "That's kind of a justified response," Luna said to Ruka, "If you need   any proper repairs on that costume, just ask? I'm sure we got some ma  terials to spruce it up back at the house."
OSCAR:  While walking to different Booths with no sigh of the Lost Soul, Dress   Socks spotted a booth that got his interest. He walks over to it with   G-String with a curious look on her face. As they reach to the booth,   theirs an item that was calling out to him and it was cosplay Inuyash  a Tessaiga Sword. His eyes was glittered and want it so bad.  G-Strings looks at the sword, then back at Dress Socks. "Are you sure  you wanna buy it?" She ask him. "It cost $120.00 to buy it."  "Yes!" Dress Socks answer immediately. "I know that we got...'Cosplay  weapons', but this sword look so cool!" He don't want to blow their co  ver that they have demonic weapons on them. Otherwise, they'll be kick  ed out.  G-Strings sighs and looks at him. "Alright. If you demonic hearts want  s it, then go for it." She said.  With that, Dress Socks immediately bought it and strap it behind his b  ack.  Meanwhile, Gloves and Sapphire are enjoying their Ice cream and sittin  g at the bench. Gloves purchase Vanilla and Chocolate swirl and Sapphi  re purchase Resse Pieces Ice Cream.
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem laughed along with her, he was glad he came.  Jong giggled a bit "I'm doing okay. A lot better than this morning." J  ong stood on his tip toes and planted a kiss on Vamp's cheek. "I had p  retty bad morning sickness." He sighed a little bit. "How about you? A  re you doing okay?" Jong smiled warmly at his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Ummmmmm" Boxer said as he started to sweat nervously as he look at As  modeus. He try to find away out of this before the things go "Sexually   Wrong". "I NEED TO US THE RESTROOM!" He shouted out nervously then ru  nning in the Bathroom.  Raincoat sigh as she wanted to have fun time with her best friend but  can't because of Asmodeus.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Nah, it's fine." Ruka began, "This shit's actual combat armor I bough  t off Ebay so a little meat juice ain't gonna do much to it."  "Fuckin' A!" Flat Cap exclaimed, pumping his fist, "Which reminds me.  I got an idea for a new dildo." He sat in a chair next to VK as he spo  ke.
RYAN:  "I'm so sorry to hear about Bifocals. Is there anything I can do to he  lp?" Thigh High quietly asked. This the third disappearance, and she w  as getting a bit worried. However, before the dread could consume her  she spotted the couple before her.  Thigh High blinked.  She was laughing at Archer's attempts to hold Pauldron's hand that her   laugh became silent and she was rolling on the floor.  "His hands to small for his got dang boyfriend." She croaked out betwe  en breaths.  Pauldron rolled his eyes and began pulling Archer with him. Mostly to  escape Thigh High, partially to ensure Archer doesn't murder someone.  "An artist alley sounds great!."
SAIYAN:  Wristband chuckled at Asmo's decency assertion.  "Oh come on, I could give you some pointers on your technique if you w  anted" she said jokingly to him.  Bowtie could only give a reassuring smile and a pat on HP's back as he   seemed to start getting ahold of himself after what seemed like and e  ternity crying.  "How about we go look around at some of the booths that are here, huh?  " She suggested to HP.
KURP:  "Who the fuck just sells the Doom Marine's armor? Dude, good luck that   you'll live by the next weekend," Sukajan said, adjusting his cosplay  's scarf. He was an avid believer that the Doom Marine actually existe  d.  "Oh shut it!"  It was clear that Asmodeus was flustered. How dare this woman just say   that, in front of his anime merch booth!  "Anyways, at least let me have fun with this Boxer kid. I want to see  how long he'll last before he actually dumps me. After all, we never d  id break up. Wouldn't you like to know how terrible he is to say no?"  "I guess we could go out and look at stuff in the merch room, yeah," H  airpin said, getting up.  It was a good call that Pauldron decided to move on as Archer was actu  ally more than ready to maim a person for his hardships. He simply poi  nted as he was dragged away. He'll get his chance some other day. Righ  t now, the focus was Pauldron.  "Maybe we could find some nice things to take home! Though, my budget'  s limited for today..."
FUJOSHI:  As the convention fun continued, the small woman pattered around to fi  nd a muse. Entering the Dealers' room, she gasped softly as she spotte  d two pristine subjects: an elusive otter and a twink with the cutest  little feet she ever did see. She whipped out her notebook and began w  riting:
As a laugh escaped the young demon's supple lips, it sounded uncharacter istically cherubic. There was something so mesmerizing about the demon, even despite the fact that Flat Cap was an Angel. It was as if something came over him at that very moment... Diadem was undeniably adorable. "You know," The Angel said suddenly, turning toward the cosplay-clad dem on as if nothing he'd said previously mattered, "You're pretty cute in t hat dumb costume." Diadem blushed violently and covered his face with a squeek. How sudden this compliment came from this dashing stranger!
SAIYAN:  "I'm not saying you can't have fun with him, just don't suck him dry u  ntil he disintegrates" Wristband replied to Asmo as she folded her arm  s and leaned against one of the booths.  Bowtie grabbed HP and started walking towards some of the booths to ch  eck out some of the stuff that they were selling.  "Well, what do you think? See anything of interest?" she asked him.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar rubbed his lower back. "I heard...I'm sorry sweetheart.  " He nuzzles him. "I'm fine dear no worries."  Virgin clapped her hands excitedly,"Ooo! I can't wait~!"  Mary realized that the adult he was clinging to indeed ment sex. He st  arted to eat his chicken nuggets, boy was stressed but fuck was Asmo g  ood transportation.  Virgin Killer blinked "uh..n..nani?"  Assless yeeted himself over to check on his sister.  Dzilla blinked and looked around. "Where is my grand child..?" She sta  rted to panic and search around.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Pfft, I'll be fine. Especially since I got this bad boy along with th  e armor." Ruka said, pulling out a shotgun that looked just like the o  ne Doom Marine uses.  Flat Cap held his mouth after he said that. "Uhhhh....okay, that was f  uckin' weird." He said, confused about what just happened. Yeah, he'd  totally fuck Diadem if he could but he was a demon so why the fuck he  did just call him cute?
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem removed his hands from his face, and blinked slowly. He looked  over at Virg, and then back at Flat Cap with a concerned look on his f  ace. "What... was that..?" He cleared his throat. He looked nervous.
OMEGA:  Emperor Crown was still taking pictures because his Pride was taking o  ver him. The Demon Brothers were still trying to lure the Lost Soul ou  t with Fan-service of Brothers "Loving each other" though Fans of Oura  n were taking pictures and some going crazy over this.  Boxer then came out of the Bathroom slowly thinking that he got that a  ll out of his system.
BRIT:  Strappon felt terrible for not recognizing Luna and Sukajan to begin w  ith and cleared his throat.  "I'm so sorry. I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts." He apologi  zed, turning toward Ruka. He looked the costume up and down, "The armo  r is pretty wild, actually."  Blazer walked out of the bathroom behind Boxer and noticed he looked n  ervous.  "Hey, man. You alright?" They asked, "You're lookin pale."
SOUP KITTY:  Jong looked over at Boxer, a little bit concerned. "Baby? I'll be righ  t back.." He walked over to boxer to see what was wrong. "Hey, are you   doing okay?" Jong was clearly very concerned.  Pointe was still reading her mangas somewhere. Hoping that somehow, th  igh highs could pick up on her thought, which went something like "I k  now you guys are in lesbians with eachother."
RYAN:  Pauldron was about to brag about covering it himself, but then he reme  mbered that he had most of his money on lockdown ever since Cheeky ema  iled that Nigerian Prince and used everyone's info. Pauldron was regre  tting leaving Thigh High behind. She may be intolerable at times but,  she does have deep pockets.  "Mine is too... However, I'm sure we can combine what we've got to get   something nice!" He looked down at Archer and smiled,  "Though I'm sure the time we spend together will be more valuable!" He   said as he squeezed his hands.  "Ha gay!" Thigh High called from her spot on the ground. Pauldron's sh  oulders fell as he sighed. It was beginning to become very clear to Pa  uldron that Thigh High got her personality from his other partner and  not her mother.
OMEGA:  "Asmodeus is acting weird. Our Relationship was fake and stuff but he  still acting like he is my boyfriend." Boxer said to Blazer and Jong a  s he looks at them. "I want to have fun today and be a nerd..." Boxer  said as he look down feeling that this day was sour.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest was casually trying to sneak out a duffle bag full of Dark Souls,   Monster Hunter, World of Warcraft, and The Witch merch. Pay no attent  ion to this man.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong chuckled a bit and pat boxer on the back. "Maybe it was a little  more real than you thought?" Jong smiled.
YARANAIKA:  Having been reading mangas with Pointe, Yaranaika's eyes locked onto t  he pair that had become, clearly, an OTP.  Squealing in delight, hands   clapping together, the ghost thanks the Shipping Gods for their decis  ion to answer her prayers to give some juicy ship fun.  "This is exciting!  That was cute, cute, cute!"
KURP:  "Are you sure you should be encouraging that? I mean, that kid is an a  ngel." This simply confused Asmodeus. Is she going to watch over him o  r not, make up your mind.  It took him a bit to realize that he had a child in tow. He looked ove  r to where Mary was and blinked.  "Oh, well. Guess he's going to have questions later on."  Luna's face paled, taking the gun real quick as she painted a bright o  range tip on it.  "Sorry if you don't want this confiscated, it's gonna need that orange   tip."  Sukajan patted Strappon, "Don't sweat it, I'm guessing this is your fi  rst proper con experience?"  Hairpin tapped his chin as he looked around the dealer's room.  "It'd be nice if I could find something for Piggles," he said, "I know   Amulet wanted to buy her a new sweater but I doubt people are selling   anything small enough for her."  Archer could feel the heat on his face at the suggestion, "We could! I  'm sure we have enough for something that's of high quality. Or maybe  we could buy some nice stationary, that's always nice."  He was close to fainting as Pauldron went on if it weren't for his mig  hty need to rip his namesakes off to summon his bow.  "Yeah and what of it!" He called back to Thigh High.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi giggled wildly as she heard the interaction between the two an  d decided to turn it up a notch.
The squeel Diadem made was the cutest thing Flat Cap had ever heard! And look at that blush- he thought to himself- it only makes his boyish fac e look even cuter! He seemed to flustered. "Mr. Flat Cap, please. I'm a gentleman!" Diadem managed to sputter, batt ing his lashes in a flirtatious manner. His voice was soft and British a s usual. "If you intend to court me, do it correctly." "Correctly, huh? Then how about-" Flat Cap moved closer to Diadem and sw ept him backward in a dip! "A kiss?" A wind blew and Sakura petals scented the air sweetly as their moment wa s held for what seemed like ages in time, but was actually a few moments .
OMEGA:  "If it was real then i would be a Demon and i don't want to be a Demon  ." Boxer said as he look down. "I don't want to end up like my Father.  " He said as he was starting to feel more sour as he talked.
COFFIN:  Vampire Collar nodded, "Be careful love." He checked on his phone to s  ee what everyone else was doing, keeping an eye on the two.  Virgin Killer made a small noise and she raised a brow. "What in the d  ick suck...?" She smelled something fishy.  Assless crossed his arms and looked around. "I'm gonna check on the sp  ooks. Be back." He walked off to go check on Vampire after pecking Dia  dem's cheek.  Dzilla finds Mary on Asmodeus' leg and she sighs. He'd be okay.  The Tracer of the group made her way over to the other overwatch dweeb  s. Foxstole stretched. "Glad to see more people doing this game." She  looked at Luna.  Mary was nugget filled and embarrassed. His face was hidden in Asmo's  leg. He mumbled hello.
BRIT:  "Man, if he's making you uncomfortable, you have the authority to brea  k it off." Blazer explained, giving him a reassuring hand to the shoul  der, "You're not obligated to stay with him, 'specially if you feel li  ke he's using you. It's not healthy. Just tell him: 'I don't think we  should be together anymore.' You don't gotta explain yourself, bro."
SOUP KITTY:  Diadem snapped out of it and planted his feet on the ground making him  self stand up, the nervous look was one of fear now, as he had no idea   what had happened. He started muttering to himself, clearly terrified  . He stepped away from Flat Cap and stood behind Virg.  "What the h*ck   is happening?"  Jong gave boxer a reassuring no homo bro hug. "Just break it off then?  "  Pointe continued to be intrigued by her manga, way too invested in the   story to be paying attention to anything else.
OMEGA:  "But he knows it's all fake! We staged so he could help me get my job  back when he was Gogo!" Boxer said as he stand up and looked at Blazer  s. "Why are Demons drawn to me..." He said as he sat back down and loo  k down.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong rolled his eyes a little. "Just do it anyway. Things might seem o  ne way to you but they may not be like that to other people."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka grimaced when Luna placed the orange tip on the gun. "Come on, it  's not like im actually gonna use it. Not yet, anyways." He said as a  smirk appeared on his face.  Flat Cap blinked a few times before coming to his senses as well and l  ooked at his hands. "Okay...I'm actually starting to get a little scar  ed now. And comin' from me, that's sayin' something."
SAIYAN:  "Look, do you want to smash or not?" Wristband said with a glare at As  mo.  Meanwhile Bowtie looked at HP with a raised eyebrow.  "Who the heck is Piggles?" she asked him
COFFIN:  Mary Janes straight up faints. Wasted.  Virgin Killer scoops up Diadem and she chancla glares at Flatcap. "Lip  s off my twink mr."  Assless Chaps and Vampire Collar were watching things, well mostly Vam  pire. Assless was patrolling around him.  Dzilla was trying to get S.U merch for her boy.
BRIT:  "This is Lady Piggles, you uncultured fop." Came Amulet's voice as he  strolled in with a stroller. It contained one (1) tiny piglet in a beh  emoth costume, "And you will address her as such."  "Buddy, just dump the fuck." Blazer pushed a bit, "He seduced Cowlneck  , too, remember? Cowl hasn't spoken a positive word to Asmodeus since  then. Usually he's a catty bitch, but he knows he was wronged, and you   do, too."  They sighed and shook their head.  "And Demons are drawn to you because you fall for it. Some of us are j  ust way too susceptible to their temptations. You wear your sins on yo  ur sleeve a bit." They explained.
FUJOSHI:  The little lady gasped as Virgin Killer scooped Diadem up. She had to  fix this, and quick! She sat on the floor and really let her notebook  have it:
"Hey, Virgin! What's going on?" Diadem asked the tall, scantilly clad la dy with rage in his eyes, "This absolute stud is trying to give me the b est romance of my life!" "I can't keep this going, I know you two are terrible for each other! Wh at about me? I thought we were a thing!" Virgin Killed wept, holding Dia dem crushingly close to her. She seemed so angry about this- the injusti ce was too much for her, but she didn't realize how she was coming betwe en such a beautiful relationship! ((Just like a dumb baka girl to come between two kawaii boys having a re lationship, said Fujoshi as she wrote feverishly)) Flat Cap acted immediately and swept Diadem out of Virgin Killer's obvio usly weak grip. "Don't worry, Di. I'll keep you safe." He said, holding the boy close. D iadem looked like he was going to cry!
OMEGA:  "Alright, Jong and Blazer. Thank you." Boxer said as he hugs the two g  iving them the most strongest hug ever.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Flat Cap shook his head and noticed Diadem in his arms once again. He  quickly pushed away, though not hard enough as to knock him over. "OOo  ookay!!! Yeah yeah yeah something's really wrong and I dont like it! I  ....fuck, I need to use the restroom." With said, he quickly made his  way to the nearest bathroom to wash his face. "What the fuckin' hell..  .?" He muttered to himself.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer blinks and nearly summons her weapon. "Hold the mother f  ucking phone and put it on vibrate, what the fuck!?" Bob yeeted himsel  f out of her cleavage and he stuck a sucker to Diadem's face. "Okay no  w this shits definitely a good damn ghost. I can feel it in my cooch."
 Assless Chaps rushed over to his sister and he hugged Diadem. "Sweet l  orrrd..I leave forrre two minutes..arrre you okay?" Assless looked dow  n and squished Diadem's cheeks.  Vampire Collar quickly moved to Jong and took his hand. "I feel like s  omething might be up."
SOUP KITTY:  And he did start crying. Tears started streaming down his cheeks as he   was pushed away, clearly more confused now than ever. He had bumped r  ight into to Virgin. "I'm so sorry I don't know what's happening a-and  .." he couldn't finish his words now. He was too confused. He came out   here to have a good time and he was honestly feeling so attacked righ  t now. This boy was sensitive beyond belief. Rest in peace Diadem.  Jong wiggled out of the hug "Dude careful, I have buns in the oven." h  e then looked at vamp "Hmm?"
KURP:  Luna looked at Ruka with an exasperated expression. She didn't even wa  nt to know. She instead turned around to see Foxstole, smiling as the  other angel approached her.  "Hey, that's a pretty nice Tracer cosplay you got going on!"  "I do!" Asmodeus began, "But I'm concerned over the fact that you're m  aking an exception, is all. Unless the kid is truly that bad..."  Upon seeing the piglet, Hairpin began to make small kissy noises at it   as he grabbed the piglet and held it in his arms.  "And she's the fairest Lady in the convention. Aren't you?"
SAIYAN:  Bowtie's eyes lit up as she saw the adorable little piglet in a stroll  er. She never really had felt like the way she did when seeing a cute  cat or dog when she saw a pig before but her she was fawning over one.  "Awww! Isn't she adorable?! I didn't know you guys had a pig! How long   have you had her?" she asked, completely ignoring Amulet's orders to  call her by a certain title.  Wristband laughed at Asmo's comment.  "You don't know the half of it" she replied.
OMEGA:  "Oh Sorry, I just like hugging people." Boxer said with a smile as he  feeling better.  Raincoat was watching the Weird Fanfic happening.
COFFIN:  Dzilla  Usain Bolted over to Asmodeus and she scooped up Mary Janes. "  Um what exactly happened and why is he out cold??"  Vampire Collar looked down at Boxer and he cleared his throat a tad. "  I feel like something's going on. I have no clue what but if this is l  ike last year I suggest we keep our guards up." Dadpire has arrived.  Virgin and Assless hug Diadem and they start to purr, trying to calm h  im. "It's okay sweetie." They said in unison.
KURP:  Asmodeus got closer to Wristband, "Do tell. I wasn't really paying att  ention to him under aliases. Had to play the part of some catty actor  and all."  He was caught off guard by Dzilla's entrance and shrugged.  "Guess the kiddie heard things he wasn't supposed to because I didn't  even know he was around until it was too late."
BRIT:  Blazer very well dangled in Boxer's grip, adjusting the sword on their   back to avoid hurting the boy holding him.  "Yer welcome." They said through a smooshed face.  Amulet crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as Bowtie fawned over his  little piglet.
KURP:  "We've had her for a few years now. I'm sure we've had her for at leas  t three years," Hairpin said, "Amulet gifted her to me but truth is, h  e fell smitten with her first."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Wanting to explore the con some more and maybe get some merch, if Vest   hasn't stolen already, Ruka walked off and took off the orange tip fr  om the shotgun cause fuck Luna. He eventually ran into Tank Top and Dr  ess Shirt doing some gay shit in front of a bunch of fangirls. "What t  he flying fuck are you sons of bitches doing?" He asked as he approach  ed the brothers.
SAIYAN:  Bowtie was surprised to hear how old the pig was. She thought it was s  till a baby, but it turned out that she was actually much older than t  hat.  "Wow, I didn't think she was that old. I thought she was still a littl  e piglet." She replied to HP.  Meanwhile, Wristband rubbed her temples, thinking of Boxer and his ant  ics that he's pulled in the past.  "Jeez, where do I begin? The dude's been a hassle from day one. He eve  n managed to punch a Seraph in the face. That was pretty amusing to wa  tch. So no one would object to something bad happening to him. It woul  d be karma for sure." Wristband explained.
COFFIN:  Dzilla nodded,"Yeah makes sense." She took him off to go get the print  s signed. Was he limp on her shoulder? Yeah.
YARANAIKA:  It took some time but Yaranaika stood, waving happily at Pointe after  returning her manga.  "I have to go!"  She placed her hands on the girl's face and skipped o  ff.  Unseen to her and probably to Pointe as well, a small tendril of  ghostly energy attached to Pointe's cheek and sank into the skin.  Aft  er she skipped away she began to look for others.  Eyes swirling in he  r joy, she saw her new goal.  Hot Pants and Duster may have been expecting a fun day but she could t  ell this OTP would be amazing!  It just wasn't... sugoi enough.  Yeah!  She clapped her hands together in devious glee as her pigtails almost  looked to be curling.  Skipping over, she giggled in what she deemed t  o be a cute manner but was truly just... mad.  Insane, really.  Like a   Hime laugh.  "Your cosplays are so sugoi!!  Where'd you get 'em?!"
RYAN:  Shaking herself out of her stupor, Thigh High stood up as she was call  ed out by Archer Gloves.  "You're both hella old and yet, you're acting like you're highschool c  rushes it's honestly kinda pathet-"  "Your father told me about your date with Pumps and Luna." Pauldron cu  t in, he's maybe a healer but.....  "And I'm the only reason he hasn't told anyone... Though I don't belie  ve I should be trying to protect you when you're clearly okay with air  ing other people's business."  "No papa." Thigh High dropped her accusatory pointed finger and shook  her fist at the sky. How could you father? Not even the McCree Voice R  eel was enough to shut him up, she should have known that. Hanging her   head in defeat.  "Fine, but don't expect me to part the sea of weebs for you anytime so  on!"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was making her way down town, walking fast, faces past on the  way to a shitshow. BA DA DA DA DA DA.. DA DA DA DA. After abruptly clo  sing shop upon hearing this con had full sets of the Pokemon mangos, s  he was ready to blow hard earned money on stuff that had already been  uploaded illegally online, that she had red about 4 times prior. She s  lipped through the crowds, and for once nobody seemed to question why  she dressed like a 10 year old from a video game.  She scanned through the seating area in the front of the con and locat  ed her target. Her eyes glint red as a grin swept over her face. Money   in hand, the 23 year old raced over to Pointe. "HI SO-" She started,  jumping in place. "THE MANGAS?" She finished.
OMEGA:  "What is happening with Mr. Banjo?" Boxer ask as he looked over at Fla  tcap and Diadem who were acting weird.  All other character are busy. Maybe. I have to much characters.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe looked at the girl who had just touched her face, and then over   at Ruffles "oh here-" she said, handing over the full sets she had pi  cked up. She smiled.  Jong was pretty much heart eye emojis for vamp right now. He loved his   Dadpire.  Diadem had calmed down a little. What a horrifying experience that was  . Truly one he'll remember for years.
KURP:  "The Seraph in question?," He inquired, "If it's Dermal, then the guy  deserves it too."  "Yeah. I'm unsure of why she retained this size, but I'm guessing she  must be a different type of micro pig," Hairpin said, setting Piggles  back down on her little stroller.  Archer huffed as he tugged on his namesakes, straightening them out, "  I'm sure yelling has the same effect to get them out of the way," he s  aid.  Hot Pants blinked as some girl suddenly approached them. He was strugg  ling to keep the alpacas within his grip, adjusting himself as he trie  d to find words.  "Uuuuh, we had them custom made by a friend," he said.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, holding out AT LEAST two hundred dollars in cash. _"W  ill this cover the fees, my fair lady?"_ She uttered, in the very most   seriously serious tone. After all, it was a convention. Shits pricey  there m'dude.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi was stunned. These two were not as kawaii as she had first hop  ed. Giving up on this current fandom, she stood and pattered off to fi  nd another possible ship she could write about. Life was too short to  write about a sunken ship.
OMEGA:  "We are trying to lure the Lost Soul out." Dress Shirt said as he look  ed at Ruka. "This wasn't my idea but my Brothers idea. He is fucking B  i after all." Tank Top said as he looked at Ruka too. "So, what the fu  cking is going on with your friend?" He ask as he points over to Flatc  ap.
SOUP KITTY:  Pointe nodded "that should cover it." In reality, pointe had dished ou  t a lot more than that for one set. But she wasn't about to break some  one's dreams like this.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles blinked, glossing over what books were included, she was shock  ed. "Wait-are you sure? Dude this stuff goes for loooaaads more online  , especially if it's collectors edition-" She blinked, taking a seat n  ext to Pointe. She opened her purse and began shoveling out quite a lo  t of 20 dollar bills.  "Honestly just tell me when" She stated, as if the money was water and   the space she was placing the money was a glass, being filled at a re  sturaunt.
BRIT:  Duster snagged a few alpacas away from Hot Pants to keep them from fal  ling over. He turned and quirked a brow at the young woman. She had th  e chaotic air about her... Like one of the Silver Elite. It made visib  ly uncomfortable, but he had to be courteous.  "A few touchups were made by professionals, but my brother helped us m  ake them. Thank you for the... Compliment." He said, moving the cape a   little bit. He wondered if he should cheese the Vaati charm he'd lear  ned about, but he didn't want to get caught up in all this. That was m  ore a Cowlneck thing.
SOUP KITTY:  "holy shit you're good its okay" Pointe just stared wide eyed at the n  ew stack of $20s on her hand. She was mildly shook. A light shookening  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka looked over at Flat Cap as he walked into the bathroom. "Okay fir  st off," he began, turning back to the brothers, "That fucker ain't my   friend. Second of all: How the fuck should I know? And third of all:  What kind of ghost would be attracted by this degenerate shit?" He the  n remembered the incident with Jackalube a while back, "Actually, dont   answer that."  Flat Cap, meanwhile, started washing his face.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire was done with their delicious ice cream, they g  o on a walk through the con and look at the different booths.  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was getting a little tired from w  alking and rest on the brown bench. "Man," Dress Socks said. "There's  lots of people in here and it's hard to find the Lost Soul. It's like  finding a Lost Soul in a Hay Stack!" He shouted.  "I know," G-Strings said. "But we need to be patient. Sooner or later,   that Lost Soul will be found. For now, I need to rest."  Dress Socks nod and now watch other Cosplay pass by them.
COFFIN:  Dadpire held Jong close to his hip and he pecked the top of his head.  "Nothing is happening to my husband to be."  Foxstole sat near a booth on her phone, she was bored and people were  loud.  Virgin Killer sighed and she coated her baby carrot boy in kisses.  Assless Chaps sighs,"I'll get you some waterrr." He walked off and bum  ped into Ruka before losing his balance in his heels and falling on to  p of him. "Holy fuck.." He looked down at Ruka. "Oh. Grrreat."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles stopped mid-pouring cash into a minor's hands and blinked.
LAST TIME ON DCM: Doki Doki Con was underway and Angels had been so graciously invited to this year's convention, taking advantage of this as a time to relax and have fun from their busy work schedules. Demons, on the other hand, had been instructed to keep an eye out for a potential Lost Soul but they we re having poor luck in trying to draw it out...for the most part. Abbey-goers, that included both Demons and Angels, began experiencing we ird events where they acted out shitty fic scenes that were probably wri tten by some middle school kid that barely discovered yaoi. Will it be all sakura petals and fun times or turn into something more s inister? Hopefully neither.
SOPHIE:  Ruffles is queer and here.
BRIT:  Strappon had found himself someplace to be with Luna Circlet and Sukaj  an.  Blazer had recovered from the bearhug and went to seek out some of the  ir fellow cosplayers, trying to keep a lookout for odd activity that w  asn't being caused by Asmodeus.
OMEGA:  Boxer head back to re-join Raincoat to continue their convention fun.  Emperor Crown got done taking pictures and join up with Father Crucifi  x.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt stop with their "Brother Love" and started to   search for the Ghost.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Ruka dropped his shotgun as Assless bumped and feel on top of him. He  shook his head and looked up at Assless before furrowing his brow. "Ge  t the fuck of me!" He exclaimed, pushing the Hex Boy off.  Flat Cap finally emerged from the bathroom, a large cloud of smoke exi  ting the door as he opened. Motherfucker was smoking weed again.  Helmet finally arrived at the Con, waddling through the entrance in hi  s ham costume that smelled of stinky meat.
KURP:  It was clear to Hot Pants that Duster wasn't feeling like humoring a r  andom patron of the con and nudged him.  "Uh, thank you for the compliments, but we gotta go take care of a few   things right now. Our hands are kind of full, ya know?"  Near the entrace of the con, a  new face was being bombarded by enthus  iastic children, cosplayers, and cosplay enthusiasts alike. Speedo hea  rd about a potential Lost Soul from the work email but he wasn't expec  ting it to be this pact at the convention. He was actually regretting  not making a disguise for the occasion as he could barely move a foot  without being stopped for a photo or two. Oh bother.  Asmodeus spotted Boxer and approached him with open arms, ready to giv  e him a hug.  "Boxxy!" He cooed, "Sweetie. Was your stomach hurting? You certainly t  ook a bit over there. I hope everything's okay."  Luna was busying herself with making quick adjustments to Sukajan's co  splay, eventually moving on to fixing Strappon's shirt as well. Not so   much that Strappon needed it, but it was a force of habit at this poi  nt.  Sukajan looked around, sitting down for a bit in silence before jumpin  g up on his feet.  "We should probably go look for others, see how they're doing and all.   Something doesn't feel right..."
COFFIN:  Mary Janes woke up covered in Steven universe plushies and he nearly f  ainted again. He got up and climbed onto his nana. "THANK YOU THANK YO  U THANK YOU!" Mary screeched as he kissed Dzilla's cheeks.  Dzilla started to chuckle and she pecked his forehead. "Never a proble  m Mary."  Assless Chaps grunted when his ass hit the floor. He rolled his eyes a  nd he got up, dusting himself off. "Was planning on it dick munch."  Foxstole was taking a smoke break.
OWLIE:  "Um, hello guys!" Polo said, smiling and waving at some of the angels  as they approached. He was wearing his Blue Diamond costume and he loo  ked pretty proud about it.  In fact, every member of the Buttondown household was wearing Steven U  niverse-themed costumes. Monocle strutted in his Yellow Diamond costum  e, (Those boots made him feel tall and powerful) and Sneakers in a Rub  y costume followed closely, he was looking around, looking for his boy  friend.  Henley Shirt, dressed as Pink Diamond, was pulling a wagon, in the wag  on was Cardigan, cosplaying as White Diamond, Her headpiece was glowin  g like a lamp and she remained in a single pose while Henley dragged h  er along.
SOUP KITTY:  Jong scrolled through his phone for a bit before looking back up. Noth  ing seemed out of the ordinary yet but if his Dadpire was concerned th  en he would be alert.  Pointe shoved the cash into her wallet and cried internally. She could   get more anime figures now. She would like to not only thank God but  also the Goddess for this newfound fortune.  Diadem regained his composure. He definitely looked like he had been c  rying. Why was he like this. This whole thing was definitely cause for   concern though. "Hey, I'm gonna go meet up with Jong. That was way to  o weird." And with that, the twink was on his way. Blessed be his twin  k nubs, which so quickly carried him all the way to where Jong was. He   promptly let him know what had just happened.  "I'm gonna text Virg and Assless to meet us here. I dont want things t  o get too out of hand and have us all be split up."  Diadem simply nodded at this and stood next to Jong and Vamp, with his   arms crossed. Boy oh boy did he wanna go home.
OMEGA:  Boxer gulps and gives Asmodeus a gentle hug. "My stomach is fine just  need to take a number two, hehe." Boxer chuckles nervously as he looks   at Asmodeus. He would tell Asmodeus something later but not right now  .
EMI:  Mong was spending a lot of time showing off in his cute costume. It wa  s a perfect opportunity to binge, that's for sure, but the uh... Viril  ity of a lot of the men around here was questionable, at the very leas  t. Thankfully there were plenty of berzerkers around.  Why was he there again? Oh, right. Lost Soul or something. He was sure   he would find it by doing his usual duties anyway.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes boyfriend senses tingled and he steered his grandmother ove  r to the diamond authority. He hopped off of the giant woman and he hu  gged Sneakers. "Sneakie!!" Dzilla simply waved to the adults of the gr  oup.  Vampire Collar sent a text to Assless Chaps and he exhaled. He took hi  s sippy cup out of his hair and he started to chug it. He was indeed a   nervous drinker. "I sent Assless a text he should be over soon if he  sees it."  Virgin Killer made her way over to the two Hex boys and her Dexter. "H  ey kiddies. Anyone else getting the feeling some shit might be up?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Try to watch where you're fucking going next time, leech." Ruka said  as he got up and grabbed the shotgun before walking off. After passing   some booths, he noticed a man in an admittedly really good shark man  cosplay and approached him after a group of people were done taking ph  otos of him. "Gotta say, man. You're killing it with that shark man ge  tup."  Helmet wandered through the con like an idiot, amazed by all the booth  s and merch before noticing Strappon with Luna and Sukajan. "Brother S  trappon, Ser Sukajan, Madam Luna!" He exclaimed, waddling towards the  trio. "What doth thou all thinketh of my cosplay?"
OWLIE:  "This is fucking pointless," Circlet said in distaste as she looked do  wn at her costume, she was cosplaying as Allura from Voltron. She and  Pocket Watch (dressed as HIM from the Power Puff Girls) are walking ar  ound, looking for their comrades.  "Nonsense, Circe" Pocket Watch chuckled as he stopped and took some se  lfies with some cosplayers. He turned to her and grinned, let's just h  ave some fun while doing our job, okay?"  "Mary!" Sneakers said as he ran to catch the bean in a tight embrace.  "Wow... You look pretty"  "/Hello Starlight/~" Cardigan said, still remaining in character, blin  king at Mary Janes and gave him an eerie smile.
KURP:  "Do you want me to give you a few kisses to make you feel better anywa  ys?" Asmodeus asked, once again embracing Boxer, playing with his hair  .  "By the way, my offer still stands. Ever want anything from here, I ca  n get it for you."  "There are some right now," Luna said, pointing over to Polo's little  group. "Hi guys!" She called out, waving to them, "Your outfits are al  l nice, glad you could make it."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles was sitting next to Pointe, after making the young girl consid  erably more wealthy.  She had a gameboy in her hands and it was clear  she had some business to finish. Flipping open the lid on the device,  you could hear very distinct bells followed by what sounded like highl  y bit-compressed trumpets. It was then it became clear that the girl w  as trying to catch the legendary in her game, but not with a master ba  ll. No.  Her eyes had bags under them from the pure repetition she had to endur  e to try and catch a legendary whale in a simple pokeball. She'd spent   hours resetting her game and trying again and again. Her friends sugg  ested she just use a masterball, but no, it wasn't that simple. The ma  sterball was ugly. Who'd use that. Not Ruffles.
COFFIN:  "Trrry to be less of a chode next time." Assless spat before checking  his phone. He looked at his texts and he made his way to complete the  Hexes.  Mary's face paint covered his blush but he was certainly warming up. "  Y-y-you look pretty t-too." He smiled at Cardigan and he waved. "Hiya  White!"
OMEGA:  "You!" Emperor Crown said as he walks over to Henley Shirt. He looked  at him and started to chuckle. "It looks a i don't have to do anything   because you're ridiculous costume has done it for me!" Emperor Crown  laugh as he was being a asshole.  "Polo and Mono good to see you here. Also, great costumes." Father Cru  cifix said as he approach to them with a smile.  "Ummm not at the moment. I just want to have a fun day and be a Nerd."   Boxer said with a nervous smile as he looks at Asmodeus.  Raincoat was looking at the Art of Aqua from Kingdom Hearts.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Vest soon came back to the Con after shoving the bag of stolen merch i  n his truck and was now in his Sly Cooper cosplay rather than the Hann  ibal Lecter one Flat Cap forced on him. He looked around for more stuf  f to steal, he noticed PW and Circlet, more specifically PW. "Hey, Poc  ket Watch!" He called out as he approached them, "I love you Him costu  me! Oh, and your costume looks good too, Circlet."
OSCAR:  While walking at different booths, Gloves and Sapphire was looking at  different materials from the stands. Most of them contain some shirts  of different cartoon shows they've watch and some of them was differen  t anime that they never watch. While looking, Sapphire got a glimpse o  f an item that she look at and it was a Poké Ball. She forgot that her   cosplay doesn't contain a Poké Ball and plans on buying it. Luckily,  it was only five dollars to pay for a ball and she pays for it for her  self.  Gloves was with her getting a Poké Ball and he was getting few attenti  ons form other cosplayers. As such, they let them get a picture of him   and wave while saying, "Lucario!"  Meanwhile, Dress Socks and G-Strings was sitting on a brown bench sinc  e they walk for so long, but now they got up and continues to search f  or the Lost Soul again.
SOPHIE:  As Ruffles became more and more agitated by her game, one of the "mock  " pokeballs on her belt fell loose. As it hit the ground, the contents   inside popped out.
OWLIE:  "Thank you, Miss Luna," Polo said, grinning slightly. "Me and Monocle  worked hard to make the costumes, I'm glad it looks good"  "/Hello Starlight/" Cardigan said once again. Henley rolled his eyes,  but then his head turned at the direction of EC's voice. He gritted hi  s teeth. "Piss off, fucker, I'm not in the mood to talk to you, so get   out of my face or you'll get another round of ass kicking"  "No fighting" Monocle said strictly, his heels clacking against the ti  led floor as he approached the two. "Try to stay away as far from each   other, will you?  "Thank you, dear vest~" PW said, smiling widely. Circlet returned the  greeting with a simple wave.
OMEGA:  "My My My what rude little tongue you have." EC said as he was about s  ummon his weapon but was stopped by Mono with said "No Fighting". "Wha  tever, my revenge is complete thanks to your costume." He chuckles as  he looks at him. He was being like a asshole which he was.  Tank Top and Dress Shirt keep their eyes out for the Lost Soul.
SOUP KITTY:  As the pokeball opened, it wasn't a figure that popped out. Instead it   was a girl. An angry one. This particular girl looked like a very dis  gruntled Pikachu. Her eyes darted around the room. She wasn't in Kansa  s anymore. Kansas being the woods where she last remembered being. She   felt her eye twitch. /he/ was close by. Yes. ___He.___  Across the convention, a chill ran down Diadem's spine. "Pinafore is h  ere." He muttered. Now wanting to leave more than before.  Less importantly, Purity Ring had just shown up as Bombshell Wonder Wo  man. She kept getting pulled aside for pictures.  Pointe's jaw dropped at the sight of pinafore freshly out of her pokeb  all. "What the fuck" was all that she could manage to say. What the fu  ck indeed.  Jong just looked at Diadem. He blinked. "What. Isn't she like, in a ga  rbage can somewhere?"
SOPHIE:  Ruffles held Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt, slipping her fi  nger under it and hooking it around. "Hey, bad, we talked about this."   She muttered, searching through her bag. She reached in and pulled ou  t a Pikachu headband and fixed it on the girl's head. It was as if she   had a trainer's bond with her pokemon. Which was strange because this   wasn't a pokemon but instead a raging psychopath hellbent on getting  the love of her life in a Princess Lea costume in a dungeon.  But regardless, she turned to address Pointe's simple, and understanda  ble response. Still holding Pinafore back by the collar of her shirt,  Ruffles simply replied "She uh. Well, she broke into my house a while  back and I hucked this ball at her and it worked so. Yeah. Frankly I'm   rolling with the insanity."
BRIT:  Duster nodded at Hots' suggestion and made a break for the door with q  uick feet. No thanks, no fangirl today. After unloading their merch in  to his car, they made their way back into the con at a different entra  nce.  "I don't want to encounter her again." He said to Hot Pants, after bei  ng pulled aside by a few people for pictures. "I'd rather not deal wit  h the rabid types."  Blazer stared Asmodeus down for a good couple of seconds before approa  ching the group and giving Asmo a rough pat to the back.  "Listen, sugar daddy. Back off a bit. He's clearly crawlin in his skin  ." They said.
SOUP KITTY:  Pinafore made a pouty face. To a stranger, this would seem very very c  ute. She looked at Ruffles "Its not like i can be more than five feet  away from you anyway." She sighed, and opened her locket. It was a pic  ture of Diadem, her true love. Sure she had other loves, but, Diadem?  He was her first. Her first love that is. She started giggling quietly  , which quite frankly, was a bit unsettling the more it went on. And i  t went on for a /while./
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer heard Pinafore and she gripped the sweater in her bag. "  I don't know how Pg a beheading is but she's gonna need more than pare  ntal guidance after I'm done." She fumed.
 Assless Chaps licked his sisters cheek,"Calm down. We should be fine.  She's on bitch watch. We have biggerrr fish to frrrry."  Mary Janes was hugging his boy, showing him all the toys Dzilla had go  t him.  Foxstole stretched and walked over to Pinafore, "You good?" The Tracer   cosplayed rose a brow.
KURP:  Luna sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Not only was a familiar  face, that she didn't like, there but now the despot of the Abbey as w  ell.  "Listen," she began, getting up and putting herself in between Henley  and Emperor Crown, "We're all here to have a good time. If you're here   to pick fights, then kindly leave this place."  Hot Pants nodded as he posed with Duster while taking pictures, "Somet  hing felt more off about that particular girl, but that could just be  me. You wanna go back and snag more merch?"  Clearly he was ready to blow out his monthly funds.  A small chuckle came out of Asmodeus as he turned around to Blazer, st  ill playing with Boxer's hair.  "What, I'm only fulfilling my role of being a good /boyfriend/. Now, i  f he doesn't want me to be that, /he/ needs to tell me, otherwise I'm  staying where I am. I want to hear it from him, only then I'll stop."
SOPHIE:  Ruffles simply pulled out a spritz bottle and sprayed the maniac. "Bad  . Stop it." She stated, holding the bottle sideways, as if it were a g  un in an edgy Hollywood movie. Even though holding guns sideways is ve  ry inefficient, and the same could be said about a spritz bottle, as g  ravity is not on your side.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet slipped a banana peel and mcfucking fell on his back. He tried  to get up but his ham costume made his arms and legs like little nubs  so all he could do was roll around in a circle.  "So, is there any specific you guys are looking for here? I can go get   it if you want." Vest said, as his fake raccoon tail somehow waged wi  th excitement. Listen, this con had lots of stuff he could steal but h  e just didn't know to what to get next after that big haul earlier.  Flat Cap scared a guy in a Courage the Cowardly Dog costume with a big   green spooky mask, just like in the show.
KURP:  "Huh?"  Said shark man turned around to Ruka, trying to process the person tha  t was speaking to him and then looked at himself. He quirked a brow in   confusion.  "Uuuh, thanks I guess? This isn't really a getup. This is how I look,"   he said simply, "Your costume is nice too?"  Sukajan sighed as discourse almost immediately started up before he lo  oked over to the source of a foul smell. Of course, it was Helmet, cov  ered in rotting meat. He saw the man roll around and honestly? He wasn  't really going to help.
OMEGA:  "Fine, besides a Emperor doesn't need to waste his time with fools." E  mperor Crown said as he looks at Henley Shirt then walks over to fans  of the Fate Series. He started to take pictures with them.  Boxer went quiet.  Raincoat is almost done shopping.
HITA:  There was a twitch as VF smelled something tasty.  Following its nose  after politely waving to its superiors, the demon wandered towards a l  arge crowd.  Okay, so the tasty smell was kind of rank but that was fi  ne.  It was hungry, damn it.  It hadn't eaten lunch yet and the though  t of hunting a cult had its stomach rumbling.  Turning its head, it lo  oked over at Helmet and licked its lips a bit.  There it was again!  Hair twisting behind her, Brooch spun in place an  d took a determined stride back to the large group she'd left.  This f  eeling of dread twisting her up had to be nefarious!  How dare this vi  llain she sensed be invisible to her justice seeking gaze?!  So focuse  d she was, she walked right by a creepily smiling Sailor Moon cosplaye  r without noticing her hair curling in disgust.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika's eyes twinkled merrily as she viewed those around her.  Wha  t pretty people!  Her eyes locked onto Emperor Crown.  What a big man!    He clearly needed love!  And affection!  Rubbing her hands together  in glee, she began to skip merrily to the man, a pigtail wrapping coyl  y around his leg.  "Hello!  I love your cosplay!!"
FUJOSHI:  The tiny terror found her way to a larger group of cosplayers and near  ly squealed when she saw such a dashing white demon walking around. He   was so handsome! Now, who would he be perfect with?  She scanned the group and settled her bespectacled eyes on the yellow  lady.  She was clearly in a bad mood- she should gift her with this ha  ndsome man!
Yellow Diamond was so done with this crowd! To lower herself to such a l evel and keep company with such fools- even if the beautiful Blue Diamon d was accompanying her. How she wished she could find some company worth y of her presence. The White Demon Prince had caught her eyes, his aqua hair that flowed li ke a waterfall down his back, and those large horns... He was so beautif ul- the most beautiful specimen of another species she had ever seen. The demon turned to face the lovely lemon beauty with interest, catching her eyes with his own cerulean orbs. He threw her a charming smirk to m ake her feel welcome, and it caused her to feel her face flush.
KURP:  Asmodeus snapped out of his near trance-like state, looking around his   surroundings confused. When and how did he get where he was, he remem  bered that he was next to Boxer and Blazer.  "What...Uh..."
OWLIE:  "What the hell...?" Monocle shook his head and locked eyes with Polo,  what is happening to him?  "Are you okay?" Polo asked him. Monocle shrugged, he felt like someone   just assumed his gender, and why the hell is his face red?
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Wait, for real?" Ruka asked, taking off his helmet, revealing his dem  on visage, and looked up and down at the shark man. "Oh, you must be o  ne of those siren fucks, like Minishit."
KURP:  Asmodeus squinted at the cosplay group before him. Especially those as   Diamonds.  "My, uh. The Diaminds certainly got smaller than what I remembered....  "  "Mini-who?"  Speedo tilted his head as he spoke, tapping his chin pensively.  "But yes, I'm a Siren. Berzerker-Siren, rather..."
OMEGA:  "Are you okay, Asmodeus?" Boxer ask as he looked at him a little confu  se on what happen.
OWLIE:  Monocle kept looking at the towering (understatement of the year) demo  n before him. Polo began to get concerned over his fiance.
OMEGA:  "Why thank you! Someone finally realize my beauty and grace!" EC said  with a smile filled with pride. He loved when people compliment him. "  But please continue to praise me for i am your Emperor! I come from a  Bloodline of Kings!" He said as he getting some of his sin out.
BRIT:  Duster looked down at the rolling ham in front of him with pity.  "Hots, I think we should help him." He said in a sort of detached tone  .  Blazer watched as Asmodeus vaporized in front of them. Right in front  of their salad. How rude. They blinked.  "Uh. What." They said, looking at Boxer with a perplexed expression, "  Asmo just disappeared."
OMEGA:  "How did that happen?" Boxer ask as he looked at Blazer with confusion  .
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Hmmm, you're not inbred, are you?" Ruka asked, raising an eyebrow.  "Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling WHAT?! Keep rolling, rolling,   rolling, rolling!" Helmet sang as he continued to roll.
COFFIN:  Mary Janes watched everything going on and he nibbled a nugget. "The m  itochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
FUJOSHI:  The giggling once again ensued at their confused expressions and Fujos  hi began to write more:
"Who are you...?" Yellow Diamond asked with a demanding tone. It seemed to waver as the domineering white Prince walked up to her in long stride s. "I should ask you the same question, beautiful. Your eyes shine like dia monds, as does your glistening golden flesh." He spoke, taking her hand and kissing it gently with his plump lips. "Thanks." She spoke, covering one of her cheeks with her hand, "I am mad e of them."
KURP:  Hot Pants made a face as he looked down at Helmet, cringing as the man   sang.  "I think he's fine, babe..."  Speedo's eyes widened with shock and disgust, staring daggers into Ruk  a for such a ridiculous question.  "No," he said simply.  As soon as Asmodeus snapped out of it again, he nearly began crying.  "What the fuck!" He yelled, "Whoever's doing that better stop before I   find you!"
OWLIE:  "EXCUSE ME?" Polo said, he was clearly shooketh, he moved in front of  Monocle and stared daggers at Asmodeus, "He's mine, buddy, back off"  "Ooh, drama~" Cardigan said, finally breaking character as she took he  r phone out and hit record.
KURP:  "Oh don't flatter yourself!" Asmodeus began, "Your guy's cute but he's   too broke for my tastes."  "Asmodeus!" Luna harped, "Don't be rude!"  "What? It's true!" He said.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire continues to walk, they spotted Helmet from afa  r and seeing him rolling on the floor wearing a ham suit. They don't k  now why he choose that cosplay but if Gloves remember correctly, this  boy love hams, like, a lot. Plus, it's a little sad to see him rolling   around over and over. So Gloves ask Sapphire to take off his Lucario  paws and walk over to him to help him up.  "Hey there Helmet." Gloves said, looking down. "Let me give you a hand  ." He reach out his right hand to him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Okay, good. Means you're not as much of a freak as him." Ruka said th  en put the helmet back on. "So, have you had any luck finding the lost   soul at all?"  Helmet stopped rolling as Gloves approached him and offered his hand.  He reached with his nub arm and grabbed his hand. "I thank you for you  r aid, furry man!" He said as he was pulled up.
OSCAR:  Gloves was feeling a little heart stab when Helmet say 'furry man', bu  t at least he knows that this cosplay really took effect on covering h  is whole body, including his face.  "Actually..." He took off his 'Lucario Head' and reveal to Helmet. "It  's Gloves." He said. When he did that, he smell something funky in the   air. He smell around at first, but the smell was coming to Helmet cos  play. "Helmet. Are you wearing actual Ham?" He ask, looking confuse as   fuck.
BRIT:  "Beat us to it, then." Duster said, clearly not concerned. He pushed s  ome of his hair back behind his shoulder. "That's an... Interesting co  stume, Helmet."  "Listen, if I knew how he did it I wouldn't be as concerned. We gotta  find him before shit hits the fan." Blazer stated, turning to look aro  und., "You can stay here and think about why you can't break up with t  his jerk or something."  They ran off. It couldn't be that hard to find a nearly 7-foot tall wh  ite demon.
KURP:  "No," he said, shaking his head, "At least not on the outside. Though  that lion statue gives me some bad vibes..."  "Didn't know Lady Googoo was relevant again," Hots added.
FUJOSHI:  Time for more drama! Fujoshi adjusted her place in the crowd and had a   sit on the floor, giggling madly. People around her began to make sur  e to avoid her, and there was a very clear 5-foot radius around the yo  ung girl who was feverishly writing in a notebook. She would write the   perfect romance! If not for herself, then for everyone around them!
"My darling Diamond." The tall Prince spoke in his charming manner, "It' s apparent that maybe this should be a threesome? Clearly all you diamon ds would like me, the most beautiful Prince of Demons." He flipped his aqua waterfall strands in dramatic fashion and it mesmeri sed the diamonds. Yellow Diamond blushed violently. The Prince took her hand and pulled her roughly into his chest. There was a heat in the air between them! "I believe we should take this... To more private quarters, dear. Unless your friends would like to come!" Surely, this was going to be something so...
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi stopped writing and covered her face.  "What am I doing! I can't write smut!" She screamed.
OMEGA:  "Okay..." Boxer said as he look down and stay where he was. Though at  least Raincoat was with him.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I am glad you think so, Ser Duster! I made from chunks of ham and oth  er meats at the local butcher!" Helmet said proudly.  "Well, I'll just go shoot it then if it-" Ruka began before hearing th  e scream. He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay.....I think I know  where the ghost is.....and I hope i'm fucking wrong. Let's go, Sharkba  it." He then cocked the shotgun and headed the source of the scream. I  s this shotgun gonna be effective against the lost soul. Probably not,   but it's fucking cool.
KURP:  Asmodeus pushed Monocle away in clear disgust. This was anything but c  onsentual and he was actually starting to cry.  "I can hear you!" He yelled, shaking his fist at the ceiling. His voic  e lowered as his frustration grew.  "And when I find whoever it is, I will tear them apart!"  Speedo nodded and began following Ruka but stopped as the nickname was   brought up. He sighed, looking almost defeated and decided to let the   other demon do as he pleased. He just didn't feel like dealing with s  omeone calling him Sharkbait, it was always impossible to get people t  o stop calling him that once it started.  He instead went in the opposite direction, getting stopped occasionall  y for photos.
OWLIE:  "W-what the fuck..." Monocle stammered, seemingly snapped back to his  senses as Asmodeus pushed him away. He hid behind Polo, flustered as f  uck. Polo, who looked murderous as he looked around the vicinity, grow  led aggresively "I'm gonna fucking kill that ghost."
OSCAR:  While Dress Socks and G-Strings was walking, like forever within the c  on, they saw people that was getting a little crowded and bumping into   each other. They try to squeeze out of there and one they did, they p  op from the other side and see that everyone's like at least 5-foot ra  dius away from the person that was sitting on the floor. But this pers  on wasn't ordinary at all, but a Lost Soul. With Grin on their faces,  they summon out their weapons and pointed at her.  "Finally..." Dress Socks said in his Human Soul Disguise. "We finally  found Lost Soul number 3."  "Let's get her!" G-Strings shouted in her Human Maka Disguise.
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer strayed away from the group she was in and decided to go   look for the soul on her own. She summoned cavity and walked with it,   stopping for pictures here and there. She bumped into Speedo and she  squeaked. "Sorry! Are you okay? Pleasetellmeididntfuckupyourcosplay."  She frantically checked him.
SAIYAN:  Wristband had been watching Asmo like a hawk...until he decided to poo  f on her. She gave a bit of a groan of frustration that he managed to  lose her. She quickly ran around for a bit before she bumped into Blaz  er.  "Hey, have you seen Asmo at all? He just poofed on me and I don't want   him causing a ruckus" she said, panting a bit from the sprinting she  was doing.
HITA:  Sidling closer, VF leaned closer to the ham clad Helmet, sniffing in i  nterest.  It leaned closer to tap on the man's shoulder, holding up a  hastily scribbled note.  'Are you going to eat all that?'  VF seemed far more interested in the   man inside of the ham than should be necessary but at least it reigne  d itself it.  Even if it wasn't allowed, technically, to eat humans, i  t also refused to waste all the ham.  In the meantime it was a time for a Brooch Approach™!!!  Brooch's hair   twisted and she began to leap around just like her character would.    She had heard G-Strings yell and like Hell was she letting a demon do  this!  Landing with a sort of inhuman grace she faced off against the  demons and the... tiny... child?  "Miss, I must insist you do desist!  You can't just jam people togethe  r like that!"
YARANAIKA:  Despite the way Yaranaika was clinging to Emperor Crown with her hair,   the crowd began to back away.  What was happening?  Why was her skin  slowly turning black?  The malevolent grin on her face split open and  before their eyes she began to warp.  "I think you'd be so sugoi with a nice lover!!"  It was this moment when the girl twisted from a Senshi into what could   only be called a creepy thing.  "Te...ke...te...ke...."  She twisted her head around, tongue still fir  mly around Emperor Crown as he began to shrink.  Eyes began to grow, h  is muscle mass decreased, and he began to clearly display typical of f  eminine people in yaois.  "Te...ke!  TEKEKEKE!  KAWAII!!"
OSCAR:  Dress Socks and G-Strings was surprise to see Brooch appearance out of   the sky and land gracefully. They don't know her, but they're not let  ting her to protect the Lost Soul. "Well Miss..." G-Strings said. "Sor  ry to burst your bubble, but where here on an important mission and th  at little 'child's' coming with us."  "We don't want to hurt you, but if you going to protect her and interf  ere us..." Dress Socks said as he weird up his Sabers. "When we're goi  ng to have a little problem."  Meanwhile, Gloves was right about the costume and feel a little gross  out of the ham Cosplay. It's meant for eating, not wearing. With a sig  h, he puts on his 'Lucario Helmet and look at Helmet. "Well...at least   you like what you love." He said.  Sapphire didn't say anything, but was making a gross out expression to   Helmet.
OMEGA:  "My Face! What did you do to my beauty and grace!" Emperor Crown said  as he was now Uke-ified. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed as he  looked horrible now.
KURP:  Speedo held out his hands as if trying to asses the lady that just bum  ped into him.  "Huh? Oh no, I'm fine. Are you okay?"  He noticed that she was holding a weapon-looking object and the color  looked oddly like a Demon's. Maybe it actually was. He pointed to it.  "I'm guessing you're also looking for that Lost Soul?"
BRIT:  "Helmet. That's actually disgusting." Duster sighed.  Blazer adjusted their footing before they were ploughed over by Wristb  and and looked at her with slight aggravation before realizing who it  was.  "Yeah, he disappeared but... There's a lot of screaming coming from th  at direction." They said, pointing in the direction of the ghost. Thei  r finger drooped a little.  "Oh."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer sighed in relief, "M-me? Yeah I'm fine no worries." She  looked over at Cavity. "This old thing? Oh yeah, it's been fucking wit  h the con goers. I take it you are too?" She tilted her pigtailed head  .  Mary Janes ran over to the girl and he say down next to her. He offere  d her a chicken nugget. "Hiya! Mr. Ruka you're gonna scare her if you  use those!"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "I was going to, yes! But I am more than willing to share!" Helmet rep  lied to VK after reading the note then turned to Duster. "That, Ser Du  ster is not disgusting. What is disgusting.....is....uhhh......FRENCH  CHEESE!" Someone help this man.  Ruka pushed and shoved people his way through the crow of people, cuss  ing as he did so, before coming to an open area where he saw Brooch, G  -Strings, and Dress Socks. When he heard G-Strings mention a child, he   turned to face the small girl sitting on the floor. So that's the lit  tle shit they're looking for. He approached the girl and loomed over h  er, shotgun in both hands.  Flat Cap had been wandering the con for the few minutes, being stoned  and scaring some folks and eventually came across EC caught in the ton  gue of a ghost, transforming before his eyes. "Yoooooo.....Freaky shit  e right there."
OMEGA:  "What is that idiot doing?" Tank Top ask he points to Ruka who was loo  ming over a small girl. Dress Shirt turn around to look at what Ruka w  as going to do.
FUJOSHI:  Fujo jumped at the accusations by others and adjusted her glasses to l  ook up at Brooch with a small gasp.  "M-miss? I-I'm sorry!! I'm just h-having some fun!" She squeaked and g  ot up, flustered, "I-I gotta go!!"  She turned to run and immediately encountered Ruka. She was shuddering  , but she stopped and puffed out her cheeks in a pout.  "Yara-sensei!!" She screamed to the ghost at the top of her lungs, "S-  Super Henshin Transformation!"  The small form of the Lost Soul was enveloped in a bright light and th  ere was some kind of show going on- but everyone was too blinded to ac  tually see it. It was safe to assume there was a fancy Sailor Moon-esq  ue henshin.  "Now you suckers are gonna get it!" She laughed. Her form had changed  significantly to be a tall slender woman with long twintails, a pair o  f cat ears, and a Senshi outfit.
BRIT:  Duster shook his head at the inference made by Helmet and turned to th  e entrance.  "I want to look at that statue outside. It must be a new addition. Mig  ht be a nice place to hold a photoshoot." He said, nudging Hot Pants.
KURP:  Speedo nodded at Virgin Killer.  "Yeah. It was in the work email at the office. Might as well do what I  'm told considering I just got here. Don't want to lose my job."  He noticed that there was screaming and people running from just behin  d Virgin Killer and pointed in that direction.  "I'm guessing we know where to look..."  Asmodeus was getting ready to maim the Lost Soul, but was promptly sto  pped by Luna by shoving over her prop staff at him as she had summoned   her weapon.  "Take Strappon someone safe, Sukajan and I will keep the perimeter cle  ar!"  "Ugh, fine. Make sure her death is agonizing if anything," Asmodeus sa  id as he took Strappon along.  Hot Pants squinted at the scene that played out before him, squinting  at it as it went on. He looked at Duster, then back at the scene, then   back to Duster with a heavy sigh. Taking his boyfriend's hand, he tug  ged at him to follow.  "Yeah let's just go. I came here to have a nice con experience and I'm   gonna fucking have it so I don't feel like looking at the fucking gho  sts or whatever right now."
JAY:  Ribbon was running drastically late, but to be fair, it was only becau  se she had no idea how to navigate the area around the abbey that they   had taken up residence in. She was clad in a rather well-kept black d  ress suit and skirt, with brown short hair. Definitely just a disguise   and not a dumb cosplay. Especially not a dumb cosplay of a Korean mob  ile dating sim.  In any case, she had finally managed to get to the convention, coffee  in-hand, as she looked around for familiar faces around the entrance.  She couldn't remember any of the Angels she had seen around the abbey.
YARANAIKA:  "Te...ke...?"  Twisting around almost more unnaturally than the way sh  e'd shifted before, Yaranaika's eyes on the side of her head zeroed in   on the mess with her OTP bestie.  She giggled maliciously as she race  d forward.  Imagine an enraged Winston but a Teke-Teke and there's som  ething you never want to see again.  Her tongue lashed out, catching G  loves in its slimy grip.  The slobber covering the poor boy soaked int  o his fursuit and into his skin, shifting him into a grossly vile warp  ing of himself.  "Tekekekeke!!  Coming, Fujo-chan!!"  A large hand reached forward and  grasped Ruka by the leg, tossing him up and then smashing him under a  large, meaty paw.  "How kawaii you are, Fujo-chan!!"  The demon in her   grasp was facing a harsh transformation himself, incapable of fightin  g the change overcoming him.  "Tekeke!  I can't believe you all tried that!"  Picking up Ruka in her   grasp, she threw him at the pair that had confronted her friend initi  ally, allowing him to slam into the floor before Dress Socks and G-Str  ings.  There was an almost sick thud as Ruka hit the floor even as she   dropped Gloves from her tongue's grasp.  "Tekekekeke!!!"
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi's smile widened as she began to whip around the con, flying wi  th the translucent wings on her back.  "Oh, how sad! Poor little Ruka has been battered to the ground!" She w  hined, "But he will get up and he will find his next Uke sugoi boy!"  She swept down and gave Dress Socks a hard hit to the head.
OMEGA:  "The Ghost!" Father Crucifix said as he gets out his weapon. "Boxer! R  aincoat! Time to fight!" He command as Boxer and Raincoat summoned the  ir weapons. Raincoat took cover and started to shoot at Yaranaika from   a far raining bullets on her. Boxer and Father Crucifix come charging   in at the Ghost sending slashes with a mix of punches.  Dress Shirt grabbed Tank Top's arm and spin him around and around then   sending flying at the Lost Soul with his weapon out. "Time cut you up  ! Sailor Girl!" Tank Top said as he slashes at her with a wild smile o  n his face. Dress Shit summon his weapon and started to fire at her.
COFFIN:  Dzilla runs over with Mary to attack Fujoshi. Mary trips on his dress  and he tumbles over gracefully. Dzilla lands a decent hit with her axe  s.  Foxstole lazily throws her naginata and slashes her cheek. She yawns a  nd grabs her weapon as it returns to her. "Booooring."
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Motherfuck...." Ruka grumbled as he got up on his feet then growled w  hen he overheard Fujoshi. "I'm gonna Uke sugoi YOUR FUCKING FACE!" He  shouted, not noticing or caring much about his enlarged body and small  er head then grabbed the shotgun, firing it at Yaranaika as payback fo  r slamming him into the ground even though it didn't effect her before   summoning his chained blades and slashed at Fujoshi as she flew in th  e air.  Flat Cap meanwhile just unloaded his gun at Yaranaika cause he only no  w realized that the ghost wasn't just him being high as a fucking kite  .
OSCAR:  Gloves was surprise to get attack by the ghost and can feel the slim o  nto his skin from her long tongue, eww. "AH SICK!" He said. Without kn  owing, she turn him into a grossly vile and feel so weak and the boy's   upset that the ghost did this to him.  Once release with tears within his mask, he summons his namesakes, run  s over to her and give the ghost a punch at the face. "IT COST $300 DO  LLARS, YOU GHOST!" He shouted, upsettingly.  Sapphire was surprise to see Gloves taken by the ghost and made his co  stume cover in her saliva. How dare she. As she summon her namesake in  to a Glaive, she runs over to the ghost and slash her left arm.  As Dress Sock and G-Strings see Ruka flying by Yaranaika's strength an  d it was coming at them. Both of them got hit and when Dress Socks was   going to stand, Fujoshi hit his head hard. It hurt like hell, but he  was piss now. As his eyes was glowing in gold and growl angrily, he sl  ash Fujoshi with his Sabers at her guts. "DON'T MESS WITH ME!" He shou  ted.  As G-Strings gets up, she throws her Big Shuriken at Fujoshi, but it m  ade a grain on her right arm.
BRIT:  Duster was posing with Hot Pants in front of the large draconic statue  . People were going wild over their costumes, and the fact that Duster   was already a well-known model anyway.  Blazer made their way all the way to the Ghost scene and spun their sw  ord off their back- in classic RPG Hero Fashion. A few pictures were s  napped from frightened, yet intrigued, onlookers.  "Alright, Fucker-- Shit, there's a Lost Soul, too. How the fuck do we  deal with those again??" They asked, very confused suddenly.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi screamed from the hit she took and turned to the crowd, much a  ngrier!  "That's it!" She yelled, "I'mma do the dance!"  She summoned a wand that looked definitely like a cosplay prop and beg  an doing a dance. She weaved and spun in a dance only classic RPG Fans   might have been familiar with- seemed like a ripoff, but it was enoug  h to make  any fan cry tears of blood. It was incredibly mesmerizing..  .  To the point where onlookers would be transfixed on it!
EMI:  Nightshirt was minding his own damn business despite the boring battle  s going on. He was sitting on a bench in front of a huge lion statue t  hat seemed to have gotten a lot of attention before the Ghost and Soul   attacked. He scratched his head, seemingly uneffected by all the shit   going on. He looked back at the "statue" that just flicked it's tail  and he blinked.
KURP:  Hot Pants felt a sinister presence beginning to loom by. It almost fel  t like it was his aunt and snapped his head behind him only to see the   statue's tail suddenly move. He turned around completely, getting a s  inking feeling in his stomach.
SAIYAN:  Wristband looked over at all of the screaming that was going on and qu  ickly saw the reason for the panic.  "Oh, so that's what's going on" she said before sighing.  Why couldn't they have anything cool going on that doesn't have ghosts   involved.
OMEGA:  Tank Top dropped his weapon as his eyes started to cry tears of blood.   "MY EYES!" Tank Top shouted as the dance was causing his eyes to blee  d. "I got your Brother!" Dress Shirt said as he sends a Hell of Bullet  s at the Lost Soul.
YARANAIKA:  Screeching violently, Yaranaika spun about, charging at Raincoat.  How   dare she??!!?!  She lifted a hand and slammed onto the ground   Rainc  oat launched into the air and the ghost used her to climb up and into  the rafters, letting drool drip onto the floor.  She hissed down at ev  eryone and then dropped down.  She staggered, slamming the ground with   massive fists and trying to startle the rest.
JAY:  Ribbon's directionless meandering was brought to a halt quickly when s  he heard loud screaming and other various noises from deeper in the co  nvention center. She quickly started to make her way towards all the l  oud noise.  "Geez, guys, already find the ghost?"
BRIT:  Duster heard the minute sounds of something moving behind them and his   head snapped around. His complexion would have paled further had he n  ot been wearing greyish-white makeup.  "The... Statue is moving?" He asked.
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings was about to attack Fujoshi, the light wa  s hitting on them by her and it's hurting their eyes. It hurt so much  that it start tearing in blood. "OWOWOWOWOW!" G-Strings shouted, painf  ully.  Dress Socks was hurting also and his tears starting to bleed also, yet  , his demonic pride won't get the best of him as he throws his right S  aber hard at her left leg.  Gloves and Sapphire was planning on their next attack at Yaranaika, bu  t both of them didn't land a hit as the Ghost slamming the ground, cau  sing the ground to shake and made them fall to the ground.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  "Gah, fuck!" Ruka shouted, gritting his teeth as he began to tear in b  lood but managed to shrug it off and landed another hit on Fujoshi's a  bdomen.  Flat Cap fell his ass but to managed to keep rooting, tooting, and sho  oting at Yaranaika despite his fall, turning the ghost into swiss chee  se.
KURP:  Hot Pants stared at the statue in silence as he got closer to Duster,  embracing the man's waist.  "Dude, I think it did. I just saw the tail move..."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer noticed her fiance and she ran over,"Babe! Took ya long  enough!" She kissed her cheek. "Never a dull moment huh?"  Assless Chaps readied his Harlots and he stretched. "This should be fu  n."  Dzilla held up her screaming grandson like Simba. They were both bleed  ing.  Vampire Collar was pretty cool with it, just meant more for his sippy  cup. He's so licking Jong's face. Yummy.  Foxstole wiped her eyes and noped out to the statue.
OMEGA:  "Raincoat! Boxer!" Father Crucifix said as he wipes the blood from his   lip as he look at the Ghost. "Yes Sir!" They said as they looked at h  im. "Time to finish this!" He said as he charges at the Ghost head on  first. He was slashing the Ghost up like no tomorrow. Next was Raincoa  t who came close up to the Ghost unloading every shell on to her. Fina  lly, there was Boxer who could feel the power of the North Star callin  g to him as his ripped off and then...  "ATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA  T!!!" Boxer shouted as he hits the Ghost in every press-point then tur  n his back and started to walk. Though once he got a few distance away   he turn around and point to her recreating the most iconic moment in  anime history.  __"Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"__
OSCAR:  As Dress Socks and G-Strings look at Fujoshi with fierce in their tear   bloody eyes, they going to corrupt this ghost once and for all. As G-  Strings took out another Big Shuriken, both of them throw their weapon   at her. Dress Socks Left Saber hit her chest and G-Strings hit her at   the forehead. "BULLS EYE!" Dress Socks and G-Strings said.
JAY:  Ribbon chuckled as Virgin came up to her and smooched her cheek, a war  m smile almost immediately coming to her face. "Aw, good to see you, t  oo! And, yeah, I can't leave you guys alone for five minutes, can I?"  Ribbon summoned Stripper and turned to face the Lost Soul. "Now, what  the hell is going on?"
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  Helmet suddenly sat up in front of Ribbon and turned to face her. "Wha  t is happening.....is Beans!" With that, Helmet laid back down and beg  an rolling while singing Rollin' by Limp Bizkit again before hitting a   booth, causing the whole thing to fall on top of him.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire got off the ground, they went over towards Yara  naika and hit the ghost with their namesakes. Gloves punch her face on  ce more while Sapphire thrust her chest with her glaive.
KURP:  Speedo was about to start greeting Ribbon, seeing that Virgin Killer n  ow had a companion before stopping himself as Helmet came in. He didn'  t say anything, he just watched as he felt his soul leave his body. Th  e smell of flesh beginning to give him a headache.  Someone help him.
COFFIN:  Virgin snickered and she gripped Cavity. "Fuck have I missed you.~"  S  he gave it a twirl. "We had two weebs now we got one weeb. Also, I met   a cutie~!" She smirked and pointed to Speedo.  Assless gulped. "Wow that's one hot piece of sushi."
BRIT:  Duster squinted at the statue and pulled his namesake out of his bag,  moving aside a few of the ferrets he had brought with him and turning  it into Blood-Coated. He very carefully extended it to poke the statue  .
JAY:  Ribbon turns her head to nod a short, silent greeting to Speedo, while   beginning to swing her whip around in her hand. Her head turned back  towards the Lost Soul, the demon deciding to boldly leap for her and s  end Stripper right into her face. Unfortunately, she totally missed, a  nd instead jumped right past her.
KURP:  "I'll pretend I didn't hear that..." Speedo muttered as he returned Ri  bbon's gesture before she went off. They had this covered so he felt n  o need to actually participate.  Hot Pants took Duster's bag, making sure the ferrets inside were still   there, stuffing in the few that were wiggling out. He took a step bac  k, moving behind Duster. If this was anything serious, he knew he was  dead, he didn't have a weapon on him.  "Be careful babe..." He said.
FUJOSHI:  Fujoshi had finished her dance, skillfully dodging until she was able  to finish and bow. Of course, it was at that point someone hit her dea  d center and she went tumbling backward.  "You're all so rude!!" She yelled, rushing at as many of them as possi  ble and doing some kind of pirouette spin-kick! Ouch!  She then made a break for it, running out of the convention center to  try and escape. Her threads started to unravel and she turned dramatic  ally toward her opponents.  "Y-You!! You meanies!" She squealed, obviously starting to bawl like a   child.
KURP:  The statue suddenly came to life...because it wasn't a statue to begin   with. The statue was none other than the Teostra that wasn't captured   months prior to this event.  It didn't appreciate being poked by some sharp object and swiped at Du  ster. Not aggressively to attack, but to keep distance between the two  , a warning swipe.  It got up soon after that, its attention being caught by the distresse  d squealing of a spirit. With a roar it lunged towards Fujoshi and cau  ght her between its paws. Without hesitation, it just gulped her down  whole.  Hot Pants looked on in horror as he clutched the bag harder.  "I'm going to stay in the car," he said.  "I knew there was something up with that statue," Speedo said, crossin  g his arms.
YARANAIKA:  Yaranaika made a lot of noise suddenly. It was something like out of a   horror movie.  "TEKETEKE--- N-N-NANIIIIII!?!?!?!" She screamed, twisting and turning  and writhing. In a fit of rage, the ghost went scampering toward Glove  s and Sapphire, making an awful hissing noise.  She stopped suddenly, as if she had hit a glass wall, and exploded in  a powerful scream.  "MY OTP!!!!" She yelled before she blasted into bits.
EMI:  Nightshirt floated behind Teostra, holding his hands over his mouth.  "Oops. My bad." He mumbled. "Welp, that's enough excitement for me tod  ay."  He looked at his ringing phone and disappeared in a puff of fire.
BRIT:  Duster had backed up quickly to avoid getting swat into the air and lo  oked on in mild horror as the dragon devoured the Lost Soul that had b  een slowly becoming a ghost- it caused a mild explosion within Teostra  's mouth, but all that was left was a little smoke.  "God, why... Where did this thing come from?" He asked through gritted   teeth.  "Shit..." Blazer grumbled under their breath.
COFFIN:  Assless Chaps blinked and walked to the Teostra. "That's a big big bab  y."  Virgin stretched and her tail moved about, she leaned on Cavity. "A ve  ry big baby."  Mary Janes yeeted outside and screamed puppy.
OSCAR:  As Gloves and Sapphire see Yaranaika exploded, it made Gloves feel not   weak anymore and was back to normal. Yet now, he's angry than before  for having that slime on his cosplay 'Lucario Suit'. "Aw man! Look at  my cosplay! IT'S RUINED!" He shouted, angrily. "$300 wasted."  Sapphire give light pats to Gloves back for his cosplay being ruined.  "Well...at least we get to live another day." She said. Gloves didn't  say anything, but feeling shame.  When they heard a big pound on the ground, they turn their heads at th  e big Teostra and made them fear from seeing it eat a Lost Soul.  "What the fuck!" Gloves said, shockingly.  As Dress and G-Strings was about to capture the Lost Soul, it was gull  ible up by Teostra and maaaan it's a big one. Both of them immediately   jaw drop at the sight and who knew it can eat Lost Souls.
TOTALLY NOT DJ:  After watching Fujo get mcfucking eaten, Ruka decided he had enough of   cons for one day. He changed his blades back and walked over to Vest  who was hiding in a booth that got wrecked from the fight. "Let's go,  Kleptofuck. I wanna go home." He said, grabbing Vest by the collar of  his shirt and dragging him out the convention center.  "I don't wanna go though. There's still merch I wanna get, plus Pocket   Watch is here!" Vest whined.  "You can suck his dick after you drop me off at the house." Ruka said  as he tossed Vest into the driver's seat and got into the passenger se  at.
KURP:  Before Hot Pants actually left, he called out, "Oi, that's the cat fuc  k we needed to catch a few months back! Stay away, the fire permanentl  y damages Soul Threads!"  As if on cue, Toestra spread its wing and flew a few feet off the grou  nd, breathing its fire to disperse everyone that had gathered around i  t. It then quickly flew off to God knows where. Probably to have anoth  er sit without being poked at, maybe.
OMEGA:  "Fist of the North Star is the Father of all manly anime." Boxer said  as he grab his bag filled with anime figures and arts. He walked back  to his Raincoat and Father Crucifix with a smile on his face.  Dress Shirt picked up Tank Top and started to head out of the conventi  on. "Are we going home?" Tank Top ask as he breathes heavily. "Yes." D  ress Shirt said as he helps his Brother out.
JAY:  Ribbon was left alone by the Lost Soul, who simply ran right out, inst  ead of standing to fight. This left the demon rather confused, and may  be a bit embarrassed, considering she had just been so dramatic about  attacking. She looked back towards Virgin Killer with a nervous smile.
BRIT:  Strappon's struggle to release himself from Asmodeus' tittygrip came t  o fruition as he was finally free. He ran to the Angels as fast as he  possibly could, away from the Demon Prince.  "Oh, thank Heavens. Good job, Angels." He panted, giving them all a th  umbs-up, "Though, I wish we could have repented the Lost Soul peaceful  ly..."  "Yeah. Manly anime." Blazer said, adjusting their costume with a huff  and turning to Boxer. "Too bad you don't have the balls those protags  have to break up with your goddamn abuser. I really suggest you figure   out the words you gotta say, because your life is gonna be hella wors  e if you say nothing."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer giggled and she hugged Ribbon close to her hip from behi  nd. "Nice going my little cherry.~"
JAY:  Ribbon smiled sheepishly, her face a slightly lighter tinge of red tha  n normal. "Eheheh... I just kinda went on reflexes there, but are we a  ctually even going to bother fighting? Since we, you know. Kinda aren'  t with Hell Corp, at the moment?"
OSCAR:  Hearing Hot Pants warning, Gloves, Sapphire, Dress Socks, and G-String  s was getting away from the Fire from Teostra as fast as possible beca  use in no way in gods hell they want their cosplay to burn. It's too e  xpensive! As they did, they see Teostra escape.  "We need to capture it." Dress Socks and G-Strings said, in sync.  Gloves and Sapphire painted and hear Strappon saying. "Same...here." G  loves said.
SAIYAN:  "Good job guys!" Undershirt said as he hopped down from the top of a m  erchandise stand he was using to watch the fight.  Tuxedo Jacket too came out of the woodworks to gather around with the  rest of the angels.  Wristband finally managed to catch up with Asmo after trying to chase  him down after so long, feelsgoodman!
OMEGA:  "Yeah, i didn't want to say it today but I will say it maybe later or  tomorrow." Boxer said with a smile as he looks at Blazer. "I am just g  lad that i got to do the one "Omae Wa Mo Shindeiru"technique on the Gh  ost!" He said as he looks at Blazer.
KURP:  Asmodeus tailed closely behind Strappon, looking almost offended, "Lis  ten, if you're not into vanilla, you could have just said so. Were you   not taught manners?"  He was holding a sundae of sorts.  "Or you could say you're not into the whole being fed deal. Dear mothe  r of mine, you people are shit at communication..." He said, shaking h  is head. He then turned around and gave his ice cream to Wristband.  "There, I lost my appetite."
COFFIN:  Virgin Killer shrugged and she kissed her shoulder. "I mean, if we don  't need to I don't see why we are. Though the work out is pretty nice.  "  Assless Chaps returned with a funnel cake shaped like a dick. "What ex  actly did I miss herrre?" He poked Asmodeus.
SAIYAN:  "Thanks, I guess" Wristband said as she grabbed the ice cream and bega  n to lick it. It tasted great, even more so because she was so done wi  th this job of babysitting this demon all day. She deserved a treat fo  r sure.
BRIT:  Blazer's mouth formed a tight line at Boxer's response and let out a h  eavy sigh.  "Kids will be kids." They said, "Whatevs."  Strappon shuddered slightly and jabbed an elbow backward into Asmo's g  ut.  "Give me a damn warning, heathen." He hissed.
JAY:  Ribbon nodded and leaned back into Virgin's arms, sighing gently. "Wel  l, that's a relief, at least. I didn't really feel up to fighting with   a ghost or lost soul today. Chilling at the abbey has been... Well, m  aybe more necessary than I thought."
COFFIN:  Virgin kissed at her neck. "I mean, if it'll help the angels out a lit  tle I don't see why not? But yeah, it's..weird."
OMEGA:  "Well then shall we continue on with the Convection guys?" Raincoat as  k as he looked at Boxer, Father Crucifix, and Emperor Crown. "Sure!" B  oxer said as he was excited to continue with a smile on his face. "Tha  t would be lovely." Father Crucifix said with a smile on his face too.   "I guess." Emperor Crown said as cracks his neck.
The Angels were able to continue their con-going antics with significant ly more ease knowing the Ghost had been repented. They were given praise by the congoers and were even awarded with free merchandise! In the distance, there was a dark figure holding the Banshee Threads fro m the  corrupted Fujoshi. He held up the thread as it writhed in his han d and let it go, letting it drift in the wind. "Weakling." He said simply, turning back and leaving wordlessly.
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chromaticstasis · 3 years
Strings of Fate:  Prologue
Aine and Ruwa are a successful idol duo.  They find themselves in collaboration with  a progressive rock band that has struggled to find success.  Fate/Stay Night rock band/idol group AU. Rated Explicit for future chapters.
A contentious sigh signals the man's trepidation. "It is something to think about," he says slowly, rolling a pen in his teeth as he looks over the short, crude contract. Crimson eyes looked up from the table to give a hard stare to the priest sitting opposite of him. The man of the cloth looked quite pleased with himself, content to sip his tea in a leisurely fashion while his colleague looked over the papers he brought. His smile is arrogant, as though he knows he'll get what he wants. "Your girls are quite beautiful," he says in a pleasant tone. "And the publicity from such an odd collaboration would build on itself." He snorts. "Come on, Kirei, is that the best line you have?" He tilts his head and glowers. "They're idols. It's their literal job to be beautiful." "And talented," Kirei answers, savoring another sip of his drink. "You have an eye for talented beauties, Caster," the priest's eyes slyly glint. "That is how you earned the name, is it not?" He set his tea cup down and clasped his hands on the table. "Besides, my boys aren't as rough around the edges as their material would have you believe." Caster scoffs and looks down at the paper again, trying to find some reason to deny Kirei's request. The wording was careful and it left plenty of room to back out if things got out of hand. After he sweeps over the contract again, he looks back to Kirei, this time his expression less hostile. "I'm not sure how I feel about pimping out my idols to be eye candy for your audiences, Kirei." The priest laughs, a harsh, cold sound. "'Pimp'? This is a musical collaboration, not a dating service." He waves a hand dismissively, but then leans forward with another cunning grin. "However, if rumors should spread, certainly that kind of publicity can only be good for both our clients?" Caster narrows his eyes. After another long, hard look at the priest, he can't find fault with his reasoning. He closes his eyes and sighs, resigned. "Keep to your end of this bargain, Kotomine," he points the pen at the priest, "or I'll have your ass, financially and professionally." Before he changes his mind, Caster leans over the paperwork and signs it, his signature scribbled chicken scratch. "Excellent!" Kirei leans back in his chair, crosses one leg over the other, and folds his hands into his lap. "You will not regret this decision. We will both succeed with this joint venture." He shakes his head and sighs. "Whatever you say, Kotomine," he dismisses. "Remember. One of those 'boys' is my brother. That means if you fuck this up, I'll be after you personally, too. Got it?" "Have no fear," he answers through a catlike smile. "I take only calculated risks. I have every confidence this will end well, even if some things may go awry." Caster leans back in his chair and sighs, then stands. "It had better." He turns and walks away. Though he knows intellectually that Kotomine Kirei was very good at what he does, he has a nagging feeling that something was going to go against the plan. He leaves the restaurant, pulls his hood up and shoves his hands into his pockets before departing. Aine, Ruwa, he thinks, I'll look out for you. Don't worry, Back at the table, Kirei is joined by a man with pale skin and blonde hair. He snorts as he sits where Caster once did. "He went for it?" Kirei smirks. "Of course he did. Our argument was iron-clad." His gaze meets the new man's, and his smirk sharpens. "Worry not, Gilgamesh. You shall be within striking distance of the object of your desires." He snorts derisively in response to Kirei's word choice. "Do not presume you've done me any favors, priest," he says as some sort of reminder. "And I will thank you not to act as though you've set out bait for a scared rabbit." His ruby-red eyes glimmer dangerously. "I will win her over on my own. You set this up because you want to get rich. Do not presume to think otherwise." "Perish the thought," Kirei says with some sarcasm. "Besides," he adds, "the press won't give a damn what a band's bass player is doing." He makes a show of indifferently sipping his drink. Gilgamesh snarls and tightens his fists at the slight. "All the more reason to stop acting like you've done me a favor," he seethes. Kirei nods. "As I told the Caster, this is a musical collaboration." He looks up from the brim of his cup. "Not a dating service." He lifts an eyebrow. "Why are you here, anyway?" At that question, the blonde man peered at the priest. "I wanted to be sure you would not screw us over. Emiya and Cu Chulainn are in this purely for the music. They're not savvy in the ways of conniving musical managers." He crosses his arms, his stare unblinking. Kirei smirks all over again. "Fair enough." ////////// A young lady with short, punkish black and grey hair and brilliant purple eyes stared at herself through her glasses in the mirror, her expression weary.  The muffled sounds of thousands of fans made their way through the walls of the dressing room where she prepared for her performance.  "Aine!"  She's jolted out of her stare attack by her friend's voice.  "Hurry up!  We're late to the stage!" Aine shot her friend a small smile.  "They'll wait for us.  Just listen to them," she gestured toward the door.  "They're chanting your name.  'Ruwa!  Ruwa!  Ruwa!'"  She grins at her friend reassuringly.  "Trust me, they won't leave."  As she speaks, Aine tucks her hair up into a net, then lowers her idol wig on.  They managed to get her to wear a hair piece that looks similar to Ruwa's natural locks.  While Aine's hair was short and dark, Ruwa's radiant, blonde hair framed her face and trailed well down past her back,  long and luxurious.   Ruwa was built to be an idol.  She had the face, body, voice, and disposition for the profession that made her a force to be reckoned with.  So, when Ruwa asked her to start an idol group with her, Aine was excited.  Though she looked different from her friend, she still was more than happy to support her.   Which is why she continued now.  Ruwa's career has taken off, and Aine was usually relegated as a support on stage.  Which suited her just as well.  But work as an idol was beginning to wear on her.  Having to dress in clothing that straddled the line between provocative and modest left little room for practicality.  Wearing the wig was itchy and bulky, though with some tricks of the trade, she has learned how to minimize the discomfort there.  She did manage to convince their manager to allow her to wear cute flats instead of high heels, because dancing for hours at a time in that sort of footwear left her aching and unable to walk for a day or two after a performance.   It's clear to Aine that Ruwa is caught up in the idol hype.  She loves their fans.  She'd do encores and meet-and-greets all day and all night, if time would allow. Thankfully, Caster put a stop to that.  He, at least, saw how Aine suffered when Ruwa tried to give too much to the crowd.  "Always leave them wanting more," he'd said to her when she tried to argue with him, and though at first she seemed dissatisfied with his explanation, eventually, she saw the payoff.  When she didn't give them everything they asked for, they were more willing to stick around for what she was offering, be it a concert with only one song as an encore, or a meet-and-greet with time limits.   She had them wrapped around her little finger.  And she handled them with great care.   Which is why Aine is so torn.  She wants to support her friend in her work.  But she is not built for life as an idol.  She didn't have the same social graces when it came to persistent fans.  She didn't care for the wardrobe choices.  Even the music choice wasn't hers.  Not really.  Oh, she performed well.  Even now, on stage, with the idol's smile on her face, the bubbly personality, the high notes, all meant to uplift the audience, all meant to bring a little brightness to their lives, she was competent. But, her heart wasn't in it.  Not anymore.  Now that Ruwa is the clear headliner in their duo, Aine felt the time to let her be a solo act was near.   Then, she'd be free to pursue her own goals. But, today's not the day.  Today, she's content to be Ruwa's backup, because even though Aine didn't know if she wanted to perform anymore, she loved watching Ruwa dominate the stage.   At the end of the show, as the fans roared their admiration, the duo left the stage, grinning and waving to everyone on their way backstage.  Only after the door was shut and they had made it back to the dressing room did they both allow their weariness to show.   "What a great show!"  Ruwa was beaming.  Though she was overheated, she looked dewy instead of sweaty, like there was a natural glow to her. "Yeah!"  Aine moved to remove her wig and release her natural hair from the netting.  "Ugh, I'm sticky," she complains, placing the hair piece on the mannequin head by the mirror.  She flips on a desk fan and lounges in front of it.  "Ahhh, that's much better." A gentle knock came a few minutes later.  "It's open!"  Ruwa's voice greeted their manager, who cracked open the door and peeked in. "Are you girls decent?"  He paused before he opened the door to step fully inside.  He was dressed in his usual sky-blue hoodie, and his darker-blue hair was tied, as usual, in its long rattail.  His eyes lit up with pride.  "You did wonderful out there.  That was a packed venue!"
Aine smiles wistfully, but Ruwa jumped on the comment.  "Of course it was!"  She grinned, as though unaware of her own pridefulness.  "We put on a hell of a show every time!  It'd be weird if the venue wasn't packed." Caster grinned at Ruwa.  "That's what I like to hear."  He looked to Aine, his smile taming a little bit upon seeing the look on her face.  He pretended not to notice.  "Come here, ladies, I have some great news!"  He waited, but the room was small enough that he was met with unimpressed stares.  He chuckled. "Okay, okay.  Here it is.  I've arranged for you to collaborate with a rock band." Aine's ears perked up.  Rock would be a pleasant change of pace.   "A collaboration?"  Ruwa sounded more suspicious than Aine felt.  "With who?" Caster rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  "Kirei's crew." "I'm sorry, what!"  Ruwa snapped.  "The band with your kid brother?  Really?"  She seemed more surprised than anything else.   Caster patiently glanced at the blonde girl.  "Yeah.  But I'd hardly call him a 'kid' these days," he lamented.   Ruwa groaned.  "But their band is so... so..."  She gestured with her hands, implying somehow without words that she was unimpressed with the choice. "I think it'll be fun," Aine spoke up, in unusually high spirits, given that she's not twenty minutes out from having been on stage.  "Come on, Ruwa.  Let's do it.  Please?" Her friend gave her an appraising stare.  "You seem enthused," she observed.  She paused for a moment, then considered Caster.  "Well, I guess I'm out-voted.  Collab, it is!"  She seemed to perk up, as if Aine's enthusiasm for the idea infected her. "Great to hear!"  Caster grinned.  "Especially since I already signed the contract." "Damn it, Caster!"  The girls both cursed at him, then threw small objects at him, clearly displeased at having been signed on to a project when they weren't consulted.  His apologies were all laced with laughter, and couldn't sound less sincere if he tried. ////////// "Rejoice, degenerates, for I have found our big break!"  Kirei busted into the recording studio, also known as Emiya's garage, papers in hand and arms spread wide, like he was giving a sermon. The trio hadn't begun practice yet, and were still tuning their instruments, Gil on his bass, Cu on his guitar, and Emiya setting up his drum kit.  Gil, completely unsurprised, eyed Kirei from his spot, sitting on a folding chair, running his fingers along the strings of his instrument. "Great news!"  Cu was enthusiastic, as he often was when presented with a new opportunity.  "What is it?  Are we underlining for a big shot?  Is there a competition of some kind?" Kirei's smile was a little more predatory than Cu would have liked, and when he caught on to that expression, his enthusiasm dulled a bit.  He crossed his arms and waited patiently for the priest to explain himself. "Better."  His answer had a reptilian quality to it.  He motioned for the three men to gather around the folding table set aside for snacks, drinks, and other odds and ends, and when they huddled around, he laid a picture on the table of two young, blonde women with great, big, open smiles holding microphones. "What the hell?"  Emiya squinted at the image.  "I think I've seen them before." "Huh?"  Cu's face was more curious.  He tilted his head.  "You mean, these girls?  Haven't we seen them at festivals and competitions?" "The very same."  Kirei smiles that crocodile grin. Cu narrows his eyes and chews on the inside of his cheek.  "But, they're so..."  He gestures in a way that shows he's a little confused.  "... how are they supposed to mesh with us?" Gil snorts.  "You can see heavy metal bands playing with classical orchestra, but you can't see a prog rock band pairing with idols?"  He chuckles and shakes his head.  "You have no imagination, mongrel." Cu snapped at Gil.  "I told you not to call me that."  But he sags and sighs.  "I do admit, it's hard to see."  He picks up his guitar and strums out a few chords.  "What are the details?  I can't imagine we'd just jump on stage together without rehearsing?" Kirei nods.  "Indeed.  But their facilities are much better than... well..."  He gestures broadly around.  "Besides, they do need more security.  These girls pack stadiums, and you are still getting a toehold." "Yeah, maybe we need a new manager," Emiya quips. "Watch it," Kirei points at the drummer, who busies himself by testing his instruments.  Kirei stares at Emiya for a solid few seconds before he continues.  "To answer your question more directly, yes.  You will meet and rehearse.  You'll need to, because the songs in mind are new to both groups."  He hands out more papers with sheet music.   Cu snorts.  "We're not going to be these girls' backup band, old man."  He scans the sheet music, and the more he reads, the higher his eyebrows climb on his forehead.  "Oh.  But this song looks like it slaps!"  He sets down the sheets and strums out a few notes.  "Okay.  It's not garage band quality, but it'll pass.  Now, here's hoping these pop princesses don't turn their dainty little noses up at us scrubs."  His grin is wicked and rebellious.  "But, I kinda hope they do.  Just so we can see them squirm." Kirei sighs.  "Be respectful, please.  They're your partners, not your betters in this contract."  He gives Cu a reprimanding stare.  "You will be duetting with the one named Aine." Cu shrugs.  "Works for me.  Long as I can play and she doesn't get in my way."  He's oblivious to the seething glare Gilgamesh shoots to both he and the priest. "Shut up and play," Emiya sighs, tired of the conversation, punctuating his comment by throwing down a heavy beat, which Gilgamesh picks up on the bass, and Cu joins in with his guitar to one of their old, familiar songs to get warmed up.   The volume of the instruments was enough to chase Kirei out of the garage and away from them. On his way out, Kirei smiles triumphantly.  They were legally bound to follow the contracts he set out.  But at least, this way, it won't be a fight to get them to go along with his plan.  They will find success with this venture.  He was sure of it.
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theonyxpath · 7 years
As Gen Con looms ever closer and most of us at Onyx Path and a really big chunk of our tremendous freelancers look at spending a week getting to talk face to face with each other and all of you attending in Indianapolis, we’re also looking at a bunch of things that are happenin’ here at Onyx Path central.
As you might have guessed from the photo, Pugmire has started shipping to backers of its Kickstarter. The photo is especially nice because it shows pretty much all of the physical rewards in one shot!
  Besides being great for the Pugmire backers, this is also pretty big news for Onyx Path publishing as a whole. This is our first totally new game line we’ve taken from idea to the published work. To have it turn out so well, and to have so much of a Pugmire community already playing and reading…well, that’s immensely gratifying and bodes well for our future projects.
And if we are doing well in general, that means that the chance of us producing more projects for your favorite game lines goes up, too.
Additionally, as I mentioned last week, Pugmire will be something folks will start seeing in their Friendly Local Game Stores before the end of the year, and that is an experiment that could open up a lot of possibilities.
    You might note below in the project progress report section of the BLURBS!, that Deviant: The Renegades is now officially in the First Draft stage of writing. (That’s the logo and CofD-style skull above here).
Deviant has been a long time getting to this stage, and someday perhaps Dapper Dave Brookshaw will talk more about the ups and downs of getting it here, but suffice to say that the Dapper One busted his hump to pin down as many parts of the setting and rules as he could and really prep this game to be something special.
As a refresher, here’s the gist: you’re a human being who was remade by a shadowy organization (could be one madman, could be a vast international cabal), with all manner of powers … which are linked to mutations and curses. The bad stuff.
Deviants range from wild and uncontrollable psychics to savage human-animal hybrids to abominable mixes of man and machine to creations of surgical horror. You’re out for revenge against the powers that created you… and they’ve got no idea how hard you’re gonna hit them.
Here’s the text we’ve used before:
You woke up…different. Someone changed you; on a slab, an operating table, an altar. By luck or by fate, you escaped. Hunted by the ones who made you, they hold all the cards. Except one thing, what they don’t know is that a fire burns within you because what they did wasn’t right. What they don’t know is that YOU’RE hunting THEM.
Deviant presents a game where the victims of experiments band together to bring down the monolithic organizations that twisted and warped them.
    Wraith20 art by Samuel Araya
  We are in the last week of the Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 Kickstarter, and we’d love to get the next Dark Era added to the book before the fabled 48 hour warning! With the Eras we have, that will be expanded by another line, and the ones we expect to add from backer Reward Tiers, this is already set to be a sweet book.
But getting some Eras in after the 48 hour scramble would mean a sweet book and a Dark Eras 2 Companion book, and that would really add to the fun. So tell your friends, tell perfect strangers, just let folks know that the more backers we get the better the chance is for more Dark Eras!
      Brian LeBlanc illustration from the Changeling 20th Jumpstart
  You also might have noticed, if you’re the noticin’ type, that pretty much all of our Exalted 3rd projects have started moving forward these last few months. Some of that is certainly the very hard and dedicated work of our new developers, Eric Minton and Robert Vance, and some is due to the same sort of changes to our infrastructure I’ve remarked on all this year.
We just had a great Skype conference with our EX3 devs, and they had many ideas they pitched for further ways to develop the line. Some totally new projects and some ideas for projects requested by our always exciting Exalted community.
The trick for us is to balance what experienced Exalted players need/want, what we need to do to bring newcomers into Exalted, and what kind of a schedule we can put together that does both of those things while not letting the “big books” take too long to see the light of day.
Yes, we have always had a lot on our plates, and those plates are not only full, but we are juggling them as fast as we can! And by juggling, I really mean trying to deliver the very best quality projects while still respecting the situations our creators go through in their lives as they are trying to create that high quality.
Like I mentioned last week; there’s also another balancing act of getting our projects into the best venues for not only all of you to buy them, but also so that our community will grow, while not letting Onyx get caught in a bad deal. The making of art and entertainment is integral to what we do, but nothing will get published if we make too many bad and unprofitable deals.
Lots of those spinning plates.
You’ll hear more about that, and new projects, and all sort of stuff at and during Gen Con as we announce things, reveal this year’s brochure, and generally make pests of ourselves all over social media.
      Here again art for Beckett’s Jyhad Diary by Michael Gaydos
    Finally, a plug here for our long, long, time friend, artist Michael Gaydos, who wants you to know that he is offering a lot of his RPG art for sale here: http://ift.tt/2uSBJRs
Not only are you sure to recognize some of the art Michael has for sale there, at really nice prices, I must say, but you might also recognize his name since he has had some well-deserved success recently with his comic work on Jessica Jones (and I hear he’s also doing some Defenders art?).
He’s a wonderful artist, I’ve been blessed to work with him for just so many years on Vampire in particular, and it’s a perfect time to buy a piece of his art.
As a suggestion.
Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 is now in its last week! Last week we added the Golden Age of Pirates Dark Era, featuring the Mage: The Awakening and Geist: The Sin-Eaters game lines!
Now, help us decide on which Dark Eras and which game-lines should fill up this Prestige Edition book! We’re starting with The French Revolution for Vampire: The Requiem and Demon: The Descent, The Great War – Western Front for Geist: The Sin-Eaters and Werewolf: The Forsaken, Light of the Sun – Europe 1600s for Deviant: The Renegades and Mage: The Awakening, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World for Changeling: The Lost and Promethean: The Created, Rise of the Last Imperials – China for Mummy: The Curse and Hunter: The Vigil, and One Thousand and One Nights – Islamic Golden Age for Beast: The Primordial and Vampire: The Requiem.
We’re voting on which of these three Dark Eras to add into the book after our next Stretch Goal is met: King Arthur’s Britannia, the Epic of Gilgamesh, or the Jazz Age/Roaring 20s. Come back the Kickstarter and vote on your favorite!
  We’re delighted to announce the opening of our ebook store on Amazon! You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle. Our initial selection includes these fiction anthologies: Vampire: the Masquerade‘s Endless Ages, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage 2, Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition‘s Truth Beyond Paradox, Chronicles of Darkness‘ God Machine Chronicle, Mummy: The Curse‘s Curse of the Blue Nile, and Beast: The Primordial‘s The Primordial Feast!
And now you can get these books in the Barnes and Noble Nook store too!
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Endless Ages Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II
Mage: The Ascension: Truth Beyond Paradox
Chronicles of Darkness: The God-Machine Chronicle Anthology
Mummy: The Curse: Curse of the Blue Nile
Beast: The Primordial: The Primordial Feast Anthology
  And here are six more fiction books:
Vampire: The Masquerade: Of Predators and Prey: The Hunters Hunted II Anthology
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: The Poison Tree
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Songs of the Sun and Moon: Tales of the Changing Breeds
Vampire: The Requiem: The Strix Chronicle Anthology
Werewolf: The Forsaken: The Idigam Chronicle Anthology
Mage: The Awakening: The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology
  Andand six more more:
Vampire: The Masquerade: The Beast Within Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: W20 Cookbook (Kindle, Nook)
Exalted: Tales from the Age of Sorrows (Kindle, Nook)
Chronicles of Darkness: Tales of the Dark Eras (Kindle, Nook)
Promethean: The Created: The Firestorm Chronicle Anthology (Kindle, Nook)
Demon: The Descent: Demon: Interface (Kindle, Nook)
      Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Here’s the link to the press release we put out about how Onyx Path is now selling through Indie Press Revolution: http://ift.tt/1ZlTT6z
You can now order wave 2 of our Deluxe and Prestige print overrun books, including Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary, and Deluxe V20 Dark Ages! And Screens…so many Screens!
This Wednesday we will be adding new Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras shirts to our RedBubble store! Now you can support your favorite game lines in their historical versions!
    Satyr Phil Brucato beckons you once more into the Annex of Mage: The Ascension with this 300 page follow-up to M20. The M20 Book of Secrets is NOW on sale in PDF and PoD versions at DTRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2tKyJtb
More Than Magick
For mages who think they have everything, this trove of treasures expands upon the wealth of material presented throughout Mage: The Ascension’s 20th Anniversary Edition. New Traits, new rules, essays, answers, information… the Secrets are revealed within.
Enter the Annex
Building upon the M20 core rulebook, this Book of Secrets features updated rules and setting material, such as…
An M20 FAQ Genres & Resources
Matters of Focus Justice & Influence
New Abilities, Archetypes, Merits & Flaws
Expanded Rules for Combat, Resonance, Wonders, Computer Systems, and More
This Ascension Continues…
      Chomping it’s way to you comes the Dagger of Spiragos adventure PDF for Scarred Lands! This second in the Spiragos trilogy for levels 4-6 is now in both 5e and Pathfinder PDF versions on DriveThruRPG.com!
PF: http://ift.tt/2uvy38a
5e: http://ift.tt/2uS6FDT
The Titans’ Relics Must Be Destroyed! 
Artifacts from the fallen titan Spiragos have been recovered, and forces are at work that would see them used for ill. The Dagger of Spiragos and the Ring of Spiragos are now in the player characters’ hands — and they must do what they can to rid Scarn of the foul relics of the titans, whatever the cost!
What Came Before 
Dagger of Spiragos is a sequel to the 2014 Gen Con Scarred Lands Special Preview adventure, Gauntlet of Spiragos (available as a free download on DriveThruRPG. com and RPGnow.com). It is also the second adventure in the Spiragos Saga, with Ring of Spiragos, the dramatic finale, as the third and culminating title.
In Gauntlet of Spiragos, the PCs traveled to the legendary Chasm of Flies, where they discovered a tribe of spider-eye goblins who possessed relics of their fallen master, Spiragos. Now, with those items in hand, the PCs travel to the city of Fangsfall, where they must seek aid in destroying the foul objects.
But others wish to possess these items, too,
    Sailing out of the dark, the V20 Dark Ages Companion PDF and physical book PoD versions are going on sale Wednesday on DriveThruRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2pX42dq
Travel the long roads and deep seas in search of power and experience danger, or tackle the wilderness to hunt monsters and face death. Settlements large and small dot the black expanse with the promise of sanctuary, life, and community. These bastions of civilization present cold comfort, when playing host to vampire warlords and sadistic Cainite faiths. Whether led by a Prince, a coordinated belief, or hounded by monsters from without and within — no domain is truly the same as another.
Dark Ages Companion includes:
• Domains scattered across the world, from small fiefdoms to massive cities. Bath, Bjarkarey, Constantinople, Rome, Mogadishu, and Mangaluru each receive coverage.
• Apocrypha including plot hooks, new Paths, and mysteries to explore in your games.
• A how-to guide on building a domain within your chronicle, including events and servants necessary to make a domain as functional or dysfunctional as you wish.
• A study on warfare in the Dark Ages period, so combat in your chronicles can gain authenticity and lethality.
      From the Primordial to your Chronicles, Beast‘s Building a Legend has risen in PDF and PoD formats on DTRPG.com!
…so why should the Storyteller have all the fun?
The whole troupe should get in on the action, making for a chronicle that reflects the preferences and predilections of all the players.
Building a Legend is a guide for doing exactly that — making a cohesive chronicle, starting with character creation, for Beast: The Primordial. It includes advice on creating Storyteller characters, folding in real world history, and populating the Primordial Dream.
        From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina (Vampire: The Requiem Elizabethan London 1593). We have shared the world with monsters for millennia. In Elizabeth’s London, vampires built their own empire brick by bloody brick while Elizabeth I cemented her grip on newly Protestant England. Carefully balancing demands from those with Catholic and Lutheran sympathies, she forged a police state. Yet London emerged as a thriving cultural center, and from the crucible emerged a Kindred society forever changed.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG!
      What dark secrets do the eldest vampires hold? Find out in Thousand Years of Night for Vampire: The Requiem! Advance PDF version available now on DriveThruRPG.com. http://ift.tt/2sV8lZR
You may think that with a multitude of people coming, going, dying and running away, we’d be tired, done, or ready to give up. Instead, I find myself restless, looking for the next thing.  There’s always a next thing, and I for one am not yet ready to die.
– Elder Kincaid, Daeva Crone
This book includes:
• Detailed instructions on creating elder vampires, including how to base chronicles around them
• A look into the lives of elders, how they spend their nights, who they work with, and why including their roles in both their clans and covenants
• New Devotions, Merits, and Rituals for elder vampires
• The kinds of creatures that pose a threat to elder vampires, including Inamorata, Lamia, Sons of Phobos, a new elder conspiracy, and more
      From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: To The Strongest (Mage Death of Alexander 330-320 BCE). In the rise and fall of Alexander the Great’s Empire, armies marched and cultures clashed. In the birth pangs of Hellenistic civilization, Awakened sorcerers all over the ancient world met, fought, and joined together. In the chaos of Alexander’s assassination and the wars that followed, Cults became Orders amid conflicts still burning in the present day.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG!
  From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: Three Kingdoms of Darkness (Changeling and Geist China 220-280). Famine weakens the empire, and war splits it apart. It is an age of ambition and strife, where the hungry dead walk the earth in great numbers, and the Lost must rely on their own kingdoms. Warlords and commoners, ghost-speakers and orphans — who truly serves the Mandate of Heaven?
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2rp8hPL
    From the massive Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras main book, we have pulled this single chapter, Dark Eras: The Wolf and the Raven (Werewolf and Geist Vikings 700-1100). The Viking expansion across Europe comes at a pivotal time in history, as new faiths rose to challenge the old and new ways threatened to sweep ancient tradition aside. The Forsaken sail with raiders and explorers, seeking new lands to claim and new spirits to conquer, while Sin-Eaters walk the battlefields bringing the honored dead to their final rewards. The world grows larger and more dangerous by the day, but there are great rewards for those brave enough to fight for them.
On sale in PDF and physical copy PoD versions on DTRPG! http://ift.tt/2rUjKtX
      Curated by Matthew McFarland, developer of Changeling: the Dreaming Twentieth Anniversary Edition and featuring authors such as Myranda Kalis, Wren Handman, and Peter Woodworth, this C20 Anthology of Dreams is on sale in electronic/PDF and physical copy PoD formats on DTRPG.com! http://ift.tt/2snBT0X
We dream, and we tell stories. We dream of love and the sort of person who might complete us. We dream of horror and wake breathless. We dream of magic, of flying through the air, or breathing underwater. We dream of fantastic vistas and amazing monsters.
We dream, and then we wake, and we tell stories. Our dreams create the Kithain, the changelings. Our stories are sustenance.
GenCon IS IN TWO WEEKS. August 17th – 20th, Indianapolis. Our booth will actually be 20′ x 30′ this year that we’ll be sharing with Nocturnal Media and White Wolf. We’re looking at new displays this year, like a back drop and magazine racks for the brochure(s). FYI, 4-Day passes have sold out! First time ever! Here’s the map again of where we’ll be:
  In November, we’ll be at Game Hole Con in Madison, WI. More news as we have it, and here’s their website: http://ift.tt/RIm6qP
      And now, the new project status updates!
    DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel (Jackie Cassada) (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Monarchies of Mau (Monarchies of Mau)
Night Horrors: The Tormented (Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Kithbook Boggans (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  Second Draft
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Ex Novel 2 (Aaron Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
DtD Night Horrors: Enemy Action (Demon: the Descent)
Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
SL Ring of Spiragos (Pathfinder – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Ring of Spiragos (5e – Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
Pugmire Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers (Pugmire)
Scion: Origins (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Hero (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
GtS Geist 2e core (Geist: the Sin-Eaters Second Edition)
  WW Manuscript Approval:
M20 Cookbook (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Ready Made Characters (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  Post-Editing Development:
Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
VtR Half-Damned (Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition)
W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
V20 Dark Ages Jumpstart (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
In Art Direction
W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook – Ellis is working on painting everything up.
Cavaliers of Mars
Wraith 20
W20 Changing Ways – AD’d and Contracted.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff
VDA Jumpstart
Scion Origins
Ring of Spiragos
Ex 3 Arms of the Chosen – Finals coming in.
Beast PG – Finals rolling in for most of the stuff.
VtR Half Damned – AD’d and Contracted.
Book of Freeholds
  Marketing Stuff
  In Layout
Prince’s Gambit – New Cards out for playtesting.
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary – Working up a test chapter this week.
M20 Art Book – In progress…
  At Press
Beckett Screen – Shipped to shipper.
Pugmire – SHIPPING!
Pugmire Screen – SHIPPING!
Pugmire Cards & Dice, Pins – SHIPPING!
Scarred Land PGs & Wise and the Wicked PF & 5e – Printing.
Monarchies of Mau Early Access – PoD proofs coming.
Dark Eras: Lily Sabre and Thorn – Waiting for PoD proofs.
Dark Eras: A Grimm Dark Era – Waiting for PoD proofs.
VTR: Thousand Years of Night – PoD proofs coming.
Gen Con 2017 Brochure – Signed off on proof on Thursday.
Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition) – PoD uploaded and processing…
C20 Jumpstart PDF – Out to backers soon.
CtL Huntsmen Chronicle Anthology PDF – prepping for going live.
      TODAY’S REASON TO CELEBRATE: It’s J. K. Rowling‘s birthday! Harry Potter can be argued as the “setting” that opened the door to what has become a much more fantasy-genre, geek-aware, world, and we owe her big thanks for that!
4 notes · View notes
dankesdarkman · 7 years
Fate and Economics: How FSN Is An Economical Commentary By The Spacebattles Forum
You know what’s normal? fate shitposting
You know what’s fun? fate  economics shitposting
The beginning of this madness
Raguna Blade said:
You know, thinking on it, yeah that totally makes sense based on what I know of japanese work culture. Especially when mixed with the targeted audience of the FS/N games (otaku type) who were already on the outside edge of such culture and were totally open to hearing alternate idea's of what to do, it makes a clear amount of sense. Tying with the heroines then, it sort of follows that the various routes demonstrate how things work out for him. Following Saber, who basically embodies the Work your ass into dust ideal set's him up with an impossible goal for happiness. Saber has to Wait Forever, He has to work forever and if they can both keep it up without fucking it all up along the way, Glory GLory forever. Rin though? Rin's got a discrete clear goal. It requires hard work certainly, but it's not the end all be all. You need to work certainly, you need to work hard, the world is utterly vicious and will swallow you up (the clocktower, then, is true society I guess. None of those fake niceties, it's kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, real Chaos Route stuff there.) but there's plenty to do aside from it and happiness can coincide easily enough if you're willing to stick out that hand and work for it. And then yeah, Sakura is a full on rejection of that, and it makes sense that in her route there would be the most shit going horribly wrong is just in general kind of the most painful (as my recollection calls anyway). Shirous not only rejecting the dominant paradigm for work ethic, sorta, but he's doing to be with someone who is kind of coded as handicapped(? Recollections may be failing I apologize). Severe Trauma, violent violent freak outs (or just freak outs in general really), Sakura is a broken girl really. SO He not only rejects the idea that he has to work himself into dust for his ideals, Ideals he still technically has but needs to better consider and come to terms with as I understand it, But he makes use of that titanic drive to do something utterly radical and do what would make him truly happy even if it means rejecting basically the entire culture he's in. So that's neat. And Bludflag Imma need you to stop. I can legitimately go at this all day, but my surface level knowledge of the FS/N series is gonna out me as a clown sooner or later and I kinda need to dodge that. Assuming I haven't run face first into the clowning pie already.
frozenchicken said:
The Economic Simulationism of the Fate Franchise Part 1-Economic Mechanisms Many compliments have been offered to Nasu for the depth of his worldbuilding, but very few discuss the blatant economic commentary hidden within his works. In particular, the Masters and Servants of the 5th Holy Grail War* are each distinct commentaries on various Economic mechanisms and social systems. Mechanisms Spoiler: Large Corporations
The first of these mechanisms is one that is obvious even to those unfamiliar with economic theory. The Archer-class Servant Gilgamesh is a Great and Powerful Hero, stronger than any other in the series. He enacted his deeds long ago, and in addition to the power and wealth this initially brought him, he laid claim to the Gate of Babylon, a Capitalistic Means of Production that grows his strength from the work of others. In this current age he has thus become an unstoppable juggernaught who can throw his weight around anywhere in the Marketplace of Ideas. Obviously, Gilgamesh symbolises the tyrannical strength of a Corporation who has become too large, and managed to gain a Monopoly. Interestingly, we can see that his Villainy is linked to his growth and desire to expand, as he never possessed such horrific goals in pre-modern times, or when people had purposes that suited his goals. Interestingly, we know that Gilgamesh was at his most personable back in Ancient times when his friend Enkidu was present. This a clear commentary on the necessity of competition to cause healthier business structures. Spoiler: Rational Choice vs Behavioural Economics
One of the simplest and most basic Economic theorems-known as 'Rational Choice Theory'-is examined by the character of Medea ('Caster'). Rational Choice Theory is the assumption that all individuals within in an Economy will act within their own best interests, acting in order to maximise their profits and minimise their losses. This behavioural pattern is shown by Medea's first master, Atram Galiast. Atram is a skilled mage, backed by the Magus Association and equipped with a workshop full of human sacrifices that could massively empower Caster's Magic. With his support, she could easily achieve success in the Holy Grail War. She instead elects to kill him, release the sacrifices, and wander around without hope of survival. In this, we see that Nasu has chosen to support the converse theoreom that is Behavioural Economics. This is the psychology-based study of human behaviours that examines why humans embrace irrational behaviours that makes modelling human action in an economic model so difficult. Medea rejects her first master due to hatred of being bound, and yet embraces Souichirou Kuzuki for his kindness, in spite of the the tactical disadvantage his lack of magic brings. This demonstrates both how standard logical predictions of her actions fail, however once we understand her psychology better (such as the fact she would rather embrace temporary happiness with Kuzuki rather than seek the ideal perfection of a Holy Grail Wish), we become better able to understand her decisions. *Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Unlimited Blade Works, et al. ------------------------------------------------------------- AN: There, look at what you've all made me do. You crazy people. Also, I'm neither an Economist nor an expert on Fate lore, so I accept no blame for this being an illogical pile of absolute BS. We all knew that going in. I was planning to write up a section called 'Love Triangles as Symbolism for Competing Economic Social Systems', but it's 3am here, so I won't. I also didn't comment on all that 'Saberface' stuff, but that's because I know practically nothing about the 10 billion variations of Saber. If somebody wants to actually continue this, be my guest. I have no idea what my work ethic will be like in the morning. [Perk Activation: Sloth!] ....Seriously, feel free.
BlueHelix said:
The Symbology Of Saber In Economics (Or: I Really, Really, Hate Things Like Macroeconomics. Yorokobe, TehChron, frozenchicken, and Neroj. Feel free to critique, this is a half-assed attempt in between my analysis of the MotSR world, and developing my own quest idea.) One could put Saber into one of two possibilities: Keynesian economics, and a pure representation of capitalism. Let's begin with the Keynesian aspect. The ideal of Keynes is a planned economy, that "spends against the wind." Okay, let's break it down. This great plan, hatched by Uther Pendragon and Merlin, try to create something amazing, which is a symbol for the planners like those of Keynesian economics. And Keynes, for a large part, works in times of war, which basically is King Arthur's entire reign. The people unite, things go along to rationing and planning. In times of economic downturn, Keynes says to spend more and more, and to go into debt, which is a little similar to how Saber had to drain the resources of a village to go to war. And in times of economic surplus, one raises taxes and then pays those debts off, which shows in the prosperity of Camelot before it fell. In the perfect ideal of Keynes, also known as "Saber Lily," Keynes works perfectly, with it being a utopian ideal that whenever things go wrong, the government will intervene. On the other hand, Hayek in "The Journey To Serfdom," envisions that this so-called planned economy will fail, and sets the ground for the total corruption of Keynes' ideas, which finally takes the form of in terms of TYPE-MOON as the inversion of Saber: Saber Alter. In between the range of Saber Lily to Saber Alter, from Mysterious Heroine X, to Saber Lion, to Nero, would be the variability of how Keynes' ideas actually worked out in the long run. Secondly, one could look at Saber, and at an extension of her, Camelot, through the lens of free-market capitalism. Saber begins at her journey, and has a really successful start: pulling the Sword of Owed Victory, Caliburn, out of the stone. However, this is really the beginning of a bubble, as she can no longer be a normal person, but rather has to be a king, which is exacerbated by how so many people put faith into her (a false representation at that, as they believed for her to be a male, and put a false set of expectations upon Arturia, putting an enormous task that she, and most of her counterparts, were doomed to failure), and put some truly significant investments into a stock that was higher-valued than its true value (such as Guinevere. And look at how that turned out.) For the longest while though, just like the post-World War I American economy, Saber, buoyed by support from so many, managed to get through the countless wars and competition. However, like all bubbles must eventually do, they burst. And the indicator for this was the eventual plateau of Camelot and Merlin (a vital investor/co-founder) leaving for better pastures (woman troubles.) Then came the confrontation by Mordred, who took so many of her knights (investors) away, leading to a civil war (Black Tuesday and the Great Depression.) Which all went to hell, leading to Arturia making a deal with Alaya (a government bailout), which as we all know, generally fails (Hoover, am I right? And really, Roosevelt as well, because it was the Second World War that revived the American Economy), which leads to a major conflict (Holy Grail War=World Wars. You could fit an enormous amount of connections and parallels here, especially how the Fourth is similar the the First World War, and the Fifth is similar to the Second World War) in order to rejuvenate our stocks (Saber) through the major investments and turnarounds (the Wishes), which usually are misused, and we head back to a depression after a peak (Angra Mainyu and the Corrupted Grail.) This continues on ad infinitum, with the hope that things will be better for the individual, similar to the Fate Route (that one quote I forgot where they say something along the lines that one has to seek forever, and the other will have to wait forever. Halp Bludflag), and maybe, it will work out, similar to the Avalon Bonus Episode: "Welcome back, Shirou."
Raguna Blade said:
Hm. Maybe? Although there's another pretty obvious bit in play here. As far as systems go I can't say but well... Ilya represents Old Money. Like Flat out. Her family is wealthy, one of the ancient and old magus families, they're the ones who functionally MADE the grail wars and the systems that everyone has to deal with, or at least has lived through their transitions, and compared to everyone else, they have a flat overwhelming advantage that simply cannot be surmounted by playing the game as it's supposed to be done. If, as the Grail Wars was supposed to be (basically a big ole tournament of heroic spirits fighting each other) went to plan, basically nobody in the running has a chance at victory. Ignoring Girugamesh for a second here, nobody else was remotely in Hercs range. Flat out, his ass SHOULD have won. And had things functioned as intended, had the other players not basically gone out of their way to get around it, he would have smashed them to pieces. Which, well, is actually a lot how it works with old money anyways. When you have the best education, the best tools, the money, the connections, and all that, it takes something coming from out of left field entirely or a variety of smaller systems and groups rising up to actually topple that power. Now of course I don't know the actual status of the Einzburn family's wealth and a quick wiki walk shows me little to say their exact financial standings, but it has been made clear that as of present the head of the family is basically sinking everything they have into making damn sure that they win the grail war. That is, they want to continue to win the system that they created/had a hand in creating for as long as possible and...Well, past acts in the Grail War Series has proven them to be kind of breaking down. Their attempts to game the system fail spectacularly (See that Whole Avenger thing) and functionally spells their doom down the line as the blow back from basically breaking the system they created keeps coming back to haunt them (Mud of the Grail My guys), while attempts to hire an outside agitator ultimately proves to be damnably effective, in giving the reigns to someone who they do not have perfect control over, it also further destabilizes their control over the system that they are inherently tied to. In fact, let's talk about Mr The Ends Have to Justify The Means for A second, Since he is, in fact, Our Girl Ilya's Old man. At least, as far as it goes with alchemic golemy nonsense. Not quite sure about the blood lines there. But we see him, and Kiritsugu is unquestionably an outsider to the system the Einzburn's have up and running. Oh yes, he is a magus, no doubt, but in the view of this, His family is fallen disgraced and can't claim old money status because well...Dudes poor as shit. Relatively. But the thing is, due to his nature as an outsider, because he's taken the time to grow up outside of the system, to develop and learn things in it, he comes to a very specific view of the world. What it represents in an economic sense isn't important for this here, but the important thing is that because of this, and then later training he acquired in order to pass through the world that he was an outsider of, He was better able to navigate in ways that others in the system simply couldn't conceive of. This of course lead to his ASTOUNDING success at the 4th Grail War, but because again he was fundamentally an outsider, he saw how clearly the system was broken by the time he won and had a choice in the matter. The System can't support itself anylonger, not in the way that it exists presently. It can only be destroyed, and built upon. So what's this to do with Ilya? Well, again, Ilya is Old Money. She has the resources, the connections, the education, the knowledge all that. She can do a tremendous amount. She can, in fact, just about grant the wish of any given person she wishes given those connections. I mean hell, she's literally the Holy Grail. She's literally the system she's built to work within. And as such, compared to the Einzburn Family as a whole, she has unparalleled power to shift control and ultimately destroy the system as she see's fit. And ultimately, in every single route she is dead or dying. Fate See's the system crumble around her, leaving her functionally on life support. Unlimited BLade Works See's the system Kill her itself for it's self (as repped by the glorious golden boy himself), before ultimately self destructing anyway. But Heavens Feel? Well, that's about the only route she has Agency as Grail-chan, and in here we see her, as far as true route's go, Sacrifice herself for Shirou, Underpaid Everyman with Anarchic Leanings. The system is breaking down and dying, and rather than let everything collapse into the rubble and close off any kind of hope for the future (such as it were) she gave a part of herself to those who most wish to abandon what ultimately proved to be a failure of a system, effectively trusting them with the power and resources and such to go forth and create a better tomorrow and all that. Alternatively, It's the Old Money using their powers for good, fostering the growth of a new system that will inevitably replace it down the line, given her existence as a opposite to the Grail that Sakura Represents. Which, Just for the moment, As Black And White Grails, the two play off each other interestingly in that the Matous Are ALSO old money with deep ties to the system. But where Black Grail Sakura could probably be described as Old Money lording it's power around to ill effects, Ilya would essentially be the opposite. Of course, that is a bit beyond what I'm able to play with here.
BlueHelix said:
Okay, first off, someone compile the shitposts about Rin and distill it into something coherent. It is literally that easy, and I'm way too exhausted to do that right now. I think what you're going with here is that Sakura symbolizes those that are under the "capitalist boot" that look to communism as a better alternative, like how Sakura is hot for Shirou. And Shirou is definitely a communist, wanting to save everyone and all that. Actually, the Emiyas could represent the parts of Asia that turned to communism (spits to the side). Norikata Emiya, who went all in towards the pursuit of advancing himself (actually, most hardcore magi) would fit the bad part of free-market capitalism. Such as the big corporations stepping over the people, oil companies and factories polluting the earth, etc., he and ruthless magi represent those who cast others down for their goals of greed and similar actions. And he gets shot by his son after screwing things up royally. Make of that what you will. Now, I'm going to only talk about Natalia, Kiritsugu's sensei, briefly. I'm going to put her as the original capitalists that turned to communism. She has a Russian name, after all. So she represents Russia, who then taught Kiritsugu (other to-be communist states), all she knew (communism/Marxism). And then Kiritsugu has that dream/ideal of being a superhero, to save everyone (haha definitely communism there), which then, after Natalia's death (the reality of a communist state after the "glorious revolution"), turns him into a ruthless machine (Lenin in his first decade or so). However, after taking a job from a third party to win the Fourth Holy Grail War (World War II connection), he meets Irisviel and fathers Illya, significantly mellowing him out (New Economic Policy). At the end, however, the true vision of his dream (the failures of communism: Stalin. Great Leap Forward. Five Year Plans. et al.) is shown to be horrific, which then forces him to cast aside his dream. Then he passes down the ideal of his dream to Shirou. I think basically anyone could make an easy amount of connections between Shirou Emiya and communism. He wants to save the world. He fights against Gilgamesh (the 1% bourgeoisie lording over the poor proletariat), Kirei (the cruel rich finding joy in abusing the poor and others), and Dark Sakura (dark side of capitalism incarnate). He is the "imitation that surpasses the original" (refined "communism" that China, Vietnam, and others have that have outlasted Soviet Russia, the OG communist state, which could technically be Gilgamesh in the sense of being the "original," Natalia on account of being Russian, and Kiritsugu who passed the dream down). He creates an infinite amount of swords with his Reality Marble which then he distributes for the "greater good." And of course: Shirou's inherently self destructive unless something happens to change him. Archer anybody? Edit: I'm done with economic analysis for today. Need to get some rest for the next exams.
Mortifer said:
Okay, okay, how do I sound smart when I know nothing about economics... Uh... Well, the thing about Shinji is that he is, as per canon, actually rather knowledgeable about the theory behind Magecraft, He's just utterly incapable of using it. And his main reason for hating Sakura isn't that she can Magecraft, but that Sakura pitied him for it. He hated that. So, uh... I give up, I don't know economics. Maybe he represents something to do with putting in a lot of effort but not having anything to start with and might be commentary on how being born without advantages is nigh impossible a goal to overcome? I don't know, I don't economics, I should really just shut up before I say something objectively wrong and stupid-sounding. ...Actually, that's never stopped me before. Shinji's backstory friendship with Shirou is symbolic of how those who are disadvantaged in the system may embrace anarchism because the current system isn't working for them, and the two of them stopped being friends when Shirou found out Shinji hit Sakura, which is symbolic of... ...Something... Abusing flaws in a system to progress when the system itself isn't working for them? Criminal activity when legit methods don't work for them I don't know, I'm blanking on how to pretend I know what I'm talking about without getting political and even I refuse to touch the cancer known as politics. Maybe the relationship between Shinji and Sakura can be vaguely considered to be charity? Shinji doesn't care about Sakura, just the benefits he can get from her, but as soon as Shinji starts seeking too much from Sakura she cuts him off. By killing him. Yeah, if I keep following this train of thought I'm going to end up concluding that Sakura's killing Shinji is evidence that capitalism will eventually lead to The Purge so I'm gonna wait until someone else uses something I tossed around here in a way that makes sense and then I'll claim credit.
frozenchicken said:
The Economic Simulationism of the Fate Franchise Part 1-Economic Mechanisms Many compliments have been offered to Nasu for the depth of his worldbuilding, but very few discuss the blatant economic commentary hidden within his works. In particular, the Masters and Servants of the 5th Holy Grail War are each distinct commentaries on various Economic mechanisms and social systems. Mechanisms Spoiler: Large Corporations
The first of these mechanisms is one that is obvious even to those unfamiliar with economic theory. The Archer-class Servant Gilgamesh is a Great and Powerful Hero, stronger than any other in the series. He enacted his deeds long ago, and in addition to the power and wealth this initially brought him, he laid claim to the Gate of Babylon, a Capitalistic Means of Production that grows his strength from the work of others. In this current age he has thus become an unstoppable juggernaught who can throw his weight around anywhere in the Marketplace of Ideas. Obviously, Gilgamesh symbolises the tyrannical strength of a Corporation who has become too large, and managed to gain a Monopoly. Interestingly, we can see that his Villainy is linked to his growth and desire to expand, as he never possessed such horrific goals in pre-modern times, or when people had purposes that suited his goals. Interestingly, we know that Gilgamesh was at his most personable back in Ancient times when his friend Enkidu was present. This a clear commentary on the necessity of competition to cause healthier business structures. Spoiler: Rational Choice vs Behavioural Economics
One of the simplest and most basic Economic theorems-known as 'Rational Choice Theory'-is examined by the character of Medea ('Caster'). Rational Choice Theory is the assumption that all individuals within in an Economy will act within their own best interests, acting in order to maximise their profits and minimise their losses. This behavioural pattern is shown by Medea's first master, Atram Galiast. Atram is a skilled mage, backed by the Magus Association and equipped with a workshop full of human sacrifices that could massively empower Caster's Magic. With his support, she could easily achieve success in the Holy Grail War. She instead elects to kill him, release the sacrifices, and wander around without hope of survival. In this, we see that Nasu has chosen to support the converse theoreom that is Behavioural Economics. This is the psychology-based study of human behaviours that examines why humans embrace irrational behaviours that makes modelling human action in an economic model so difficult. Medea rejects her first master due to hatred of being bound, and yet embraces Souichirou Kuzuki for his kindness, in spite of the the tactical disadvantage his lack of magic brings. This demonstrates both how standard logical predictions of her actions fail, however once we understand her psychology better (such as the fact she would rather embrace temporary happiness with Kuzuki rather than seek the ideal perfection of a Holy Grail Wish), we become better able to understand her decisions. Part 2- Love Triangles as a Symbol of Competing Economic Models Whilst Financial mechanisms can greatly influence the Global Economy, they are all ultimately subordinate to the various social and Economic systems championed by various nations. This is displayed most clearly in the form of the Masters of the Holy Grail War, particularly Shirou and his assorted romantic interests. Spoiler: Advertising and PR is an important part of the Capitalist System
Tohsaka Rin is perhaps the simplest of the Masters to classify, as her connection to the Capitalist Model has many facets. She is an ambitious young Mage, who desires to work hard in the Holy Grail War so as to achieve success. This expresses itself as desire for a Wish, but also a desire to obtain the Wealth her family once had. Indeed, Nasu makes her connection to finance even more obvious by literally using valuable jewels to store and empower her magic. Moreover, her Capitalistic Philosophy is displayed by the way she not only uses her own efforts, but suborns other Economic systems and models into alliance with herself, and as seen in the UBW Route she even purchases The Means of Production (Saber) for herself and rides her accumulating asset-derived wealth to a successful circumstance. It is perhaps easy to think of Rin as having an unkind philosophy, but it is eventually shown that her pragmatic outlook is simply a way of creating a stable platform of success that she can use to enact her desired philanthropies. Spoiler: Anarchism as an Adaptively Symbiotic Social Construct
The character of Shirou began as a blank protagonist in the F/SN visual novel, who progressed into an Amnesiac anime protagonist with many love interests, multiple established 'Routes' of development and the ability to copy the weapons of others. It is therefore no surprise to say he represents a sort of Symbiotic Anarchy, that is extremely flexible, born from rejection of the ideals of previous systems (as represented by The Revolution), and yet willing to ally with other Economic systems that he believes will align well with him. Though his Anarchistic Philosophy is lacking obvious markers of a particular Economic Policy, he does maintain a clear ideological philosophy that represents itself as a rejection of the unphilanthropic mechanisms of the systems of the past, which is also displayed by an initial fondness for the philanthropic basis of Socialism (Sakura). However, as events continue, he finds himself strongly connected to the will of the People (Saber) and eventually comes into a symbiotic alliance with Rin (Anarcho-Capitalism). One of Shirou's best traits is his adaptability, as he later gains the ability to copy the Economic Mechanisms of other systems. However, he must be careful with his development lest he end up as something he despises (as symbolised by Archer). Spoiler: The Pitfalls of an Idealised Philanthropic EconomyTo build on the earlier analysis, the kind-hearted Sakura initially represents Socialism, and the worms within her are a metaphor for how such centralised power attracts corrupt interests who seek to gain control of everything. The routes where Shinji takes over show one vision of how this can end, as a decadent and corrupt Communist governmental system that replaces her, and exploits the efforts of the past, with his extreme incompetence symbolising the degradation of the state until an eventual collapse. Dark Sakura is the other end of the situation, where the self-interested powers seize control of the state mechanisms, maintaining a coherent Facist government at the cost of perverting the kind-natured original designs of the economic system. Spoiler: The Idealised Economy as represented by a Magical Girl
Illya represents the dream of a post-scarcity economy. She is artificial, shares a parent with Anarchism, her unaging youth shows just how far we are away from achieving that dream, and (much like Sakura) her potential as a Grail Vessel shows the hopeful, dream-like nature of their systems and how they are vulnerable to degradation/corruption. Herakles (and his 12 Labours) symbolises the impossible difficulties involved in achieving such a dream, but also the impossible strength of such a system if it were actually achieved. (Continued in the next post, as SB has an Image Limit).
frozenchicken said:
Part 3- Economic Analysis and The People Economic Systems of the Past Spoiler: Rejection of the Old and the Revolutions that followWe can see that Natalia rejects the old systems and turns away from them, but it is Kiritsugu who is the most interesting representation of this aspect, as he is The Revolution. He enlists the help of the Masses (as represented by Saber), and then proceeds to destroy all the existing power structures. His path is bloody and destructive, he fails to achieve his goals and in the end his victory only ends in disillusionment as he destroys the unrealistic hopes presented by the Holy Grail. However, in the wake of his passing, two new philosophies, Shirou (Anarchism) and Illya (Post-Scarcity) come to be. Spoiler: The limitations of Theory when contrasted against Pragmatism
The final aspect of Fate to be analysed is The Holy Grail, which represents the Grand Theories of Economists, with each wish being an idealised end state of various economic models-and the cursed nature shows they all eventually fail to predict how human agency alters events, causing the models to go off-track. Shirou (Anarchism) does not have a specific Wish in mind, but may react in a manner determined by circumstance. Saber has multiple desires, that may include allying herself to other economic systems, seeking a perfect state for capitalism to operate by, or perhaps even rejecting the truth of trickle-down economics and attempting to remove the elitist mechanisms of the capitalist state-as represented by herself. All the manifestations of the Grail that interact with a member of the Matou family seem to end badly for them, and though an ideal state could be found, most have given up hope of that. Special Thanks to Raguna, Blue Helix, Last Sanction and also to Karugus for coming up with that 'Invisible Hand' line. Oh, and also Mortifier whose lengthy contribution ended up...well, it's quality, not quantity that matters, right?
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Fate/Grand Order Voice Actresses Unleash Their Thirst at USA Tour Finale
The Fate/Grand Order USA Tour 2019 came to a close in front of hundreds of fans Saturday, concluding the four-stop tour at its final destination: Anime NYC. Donned in cardboard hats resembling the massively popular game’s mascot character Fou, fans were joined by English Fate/Grand Order Producer Albert Kao as well as special guests Aoi Yuki and Rumi Okubo, who voice several of the game’s characters, for a celebration of Fate Grand/Order complete with big announcements and a rather revealing Q&A, to say the least!
  The guests were each “summoned” on stage as their heroic spirits from the game. Rumi Okubo was introduced as the voice of Astolfo and Elizabeth Bathory’s many different incarnations. Aoi Yuki followed and was introduced as the voice behind Shuten Doji and the many incarnations of Okita Soji. Okubo greeted everyone and said that despite it being her first time in New York, she already felt like a New Yorker. Yuki stated she was happy to be in New York because she’s a fan of the New York Rangers hockey team, and that despite it being her first time in New York, “I already feel like a Ranger.”
    Kao led the Q&A by asking if they’d had a chance to sight-see yet. Okubo had seen a few attractions, while Yuki hadn’t had a chance yet. She added that she wanted to go to the Metropolitan museum “where all the catalysts of the servants are,” and Okubo agreed.
  While they hadn’t had much time to spend across the city, they had been on the convention floor checking out everyone’s F/GO cosplays. Okubo revealed she had been seeking out all the Astolfo and Elizabeth cosplayers and taking their pictures “without telling them I voice [the characters].” Yuki said she had taken pictures of an Okita and a “very beautiful Jeanne Alter,” causing Okubo to exclaim that she wasn’t one of her characters.
  The subject was directed to the F/GO USA Tour booth set up in the Exhibitor’s Hall and the various features they set up for fans to interact with, including a replica of Kintoki’s bike from the game. Kao said that when planning the tour they had considered incorporating some features from the Japanese F/GO festivals, but ultimately decided to build entirely new things specially for the American audience. When asked if they’d interacted with the booth at all, Yuki said that because her character Shuten has “a very deep relationship with Kintoki,” as soon as she saw his bike she “immediately knew” she had to ride it.
    It was pointed out that on one of the large Shuten Douji images featured at the booth Yuki had taken the time to specifically autograph her thigh. Yuki sheepishly admitted that she wasn’t sure where to sign at first and the most lit up area of the picture happened to be her thigh.
  A trailer was shown for the recent Seven Duels of Swordmasters event, and the two were asked what memorable things they remembered from it, since they both actively play F/GO in addition to their voice contributions. Okubo said that the Hidden True Name system stood out the most to her. Yuki noted that “not a lot of good things happen” in the Japanese history version of the events, so seeing them retold the way they were in F/GO left her “excited and warm-hearted.”
  Okubo added that she’s sure a lot of players were surprised by the ending and that she hopes the story being set around so many Japanese servants sparked some interest in learning Japanese history. 
    The question of when Muramasa will be released as a servant is brought up ― a question that’s become a bit of an in-joke among fans for some time now. Yuki replies that she honestly doesn’t know. “Every time I meet [the developers] I ask the same question, but they never tell us... I’m sure one of these days Muramasa will come out... Until then continue to support F/GO please.”
  Kao then introduces the audience to the current Christmas-themed event: the Little Santa Alter, a rerun of last year’s Christmas event wherein users can gain Jeanne d’Arc (Alter Santa Lily) as a limited servant (a name everyone on stage inevitably struggled to say correctly). When asked what their memories of the event were, Yuki admitted that she’s a relatively newer player and missed the event’s Japanese run. 
  What stuck out the most to Okubo was the ascension material being a Gilles de Rai doll, which she wishes would be made and sold as merchandise. She also really liked the prize roulette system and would like to see it in more events. Unfortunately, she said, “when I asked our staff why we don’t do that, they kind of looked at me with forlorn, sad eyes, so I’ll never ask that question again.”
    They all joked that those were the eyes of a gacha player. “A servant will definitely come to you [if] you continue to roll the gacha,” Yuki went on to say. “That’s what gacha is all about.” Both actresses offered some emotional support to a very dejected-looking Kao.
  The topic then shifts to the different characters Okubo plays; Kao asks how she distinguishes between all the different versions of Elizabeth Bathory she voices. Okubo admitted that most of them are pretty similar so she doesn’t change things up at all before adding “The problem is the mechas... when I first received the description, I read it and thought, ‘Mech? Mecha? Seriously?!” For Mecha Eli-Chan she decided to go with a somewhat more childish performance than usual. 
  With the topic of the limited Christmas in mind, she added that she was first surprised to find out how many people missed out on Caster Elizabeth for one of the Halloween-themed events, which taught her the importance of playing the events. Yuki agreed, saying she never realized the regret she’d have as a new player who only owns Astolfo and base Elizabeth and has already missed out on getting Okubo’s other characters. Okubo jokingly asks the developers to give her some Elizabeths. On the side, Yuki adds that her Astolfo and Elizabeth are NP-level 5 and begins petting a tiny Astolfo plush that Okubo had brought on stage with her, causing Okubo to start shouting “Ah, ah, thank you. Thank you. That feels good,” in her Astolfo voice.
  It only got weirder from there!
    Kao asks Okubo about her process creating the voice for Astolfo, but she interrupts herself while answering to start making more suggestive Astolfo noises as Yuki continues to pet the plush. Regaining her composure, she answers, “He’s cute, and he’s a boy, but... He doesn’t care about being cool or boyish. He doesn’t care about gender that much. That’s what I had in mind when I voiced Astolfo.” Kao then asks what she had in mind when voicing him in the spinoff gag anime Learning With Manga! F/GO, to which her voice trails off in a simple “Ehhhh…” before moving on.
  When asked about how her performance differed between F/GO and the Fate/Apocrypha anime, Okubo said that for Apocrypha she “started from scratch again” and looked inside herself to channel her own cute and masculine sides. “Honestly, it was very hard for me.” Yuki said she originally watched Apocrypha because Karna, her favorite servant, was in it, “but then watching Astolfo in it I thought, ‘Wow, he’s cool.’”
  The conversation moved to Yuki’s role as Okita Souji and what she had to keep in mind for her performance. According to her, the staff had made it apparent that there needs to be a differentiation between her coolness in battle and her loving side when interacting with her master. “It was very easy to built the character based off that.”
    Okubo then made some suggestive comments about Okita generating and sucking up Critical Stars that the translator thought best not to translate entirely.
  Kao pointed out that Okita was first introduced in the GUDAGUDA Honnouji event which is known for its fast-paced, comedic dialogue. Yuki noted that she had been told to play it rhythmically “in a staccato.”
  When it came to voicing the role of Shuten Doji, Yuki said “I kept in mind [that] she’s small but sexy. She’s not big, but she has the sweet-scented musical voice I wanted to convey when voicing her.” Okubo admitted that when she uses Shuten in her party she honestly gets “really excited” and tries to get her damaged so she can hear those voice lines. Kao said he had never thought about playing the game that way, to which Okubo replied, “Don’t you do that with Gilgamesh? I thought you liked Gilgamesh.”
    The conversation then devolves (or evolves, depending on how you look at it) into a rapidfire Gilgamesh thirst-fest: 
  “I like it when his hair is down.”
  “His bangs are awesome.”
  “So awesome.”
  “Caster Gilgamesh in Babylonia, you have to love him,” Okubo says at some point.
  “Caster Gilgamesh is one of the characters you definitely want to have as a boss. As your work boss,” Yuki adds.
  “I want to offer my services to him,” Okubo replies. The entire crowd erupts in laughter, and Okubo attempt to clarify with “That’s spending money, right? That’s what it means,” and Kao to ask what the panel’s supposed to be about again.
  Yuki reminds the panel they were talking about Shuten Doji and finishes answering the original question by pointing out that even as a native Japanese speaker, learning to speak with a Kyoto dialect for Shuten was so challenging that she required special training for it. 
    Kao then says he was given info that they’re both in a LINE group with a few other F/GO voice actors called “FGOtaku” and asks what kind of things they talk about there, opening up a whole new can of worms.
  Yuki asks, “Can I really say that?” to which Okubo responds, “Honestly, there’s a lot of conversations that shouldn’t be recorded or archived.”
  “I love Karna, so when my love for Karna is at its full peak, FGOtaku is where I go to let out all my passion for Karna,” Yuki admits.
  “Every time she prefaces her chat with ‘This is unbelievable!’ we’re like ‘Oh no, not again,’” Okubo jokes. “Then whenever we open it we go ‘Oh that’s pretty cute,’ so that’s how those conversations go.”
  “That kind of banter happens with every favorite servant in the LINE chat group.”
  “Especially when new costumes or Saint Graph images come out of our favs. We all get excited,” Okubo confessed. “I look at the backsides of the servants. I personally love to look at the hands of men.”
  “This has kind of gotten sexual. We should probably stop.”
  Kao says he always thought he was the crazy one, to which Yuki and Okubo both reply “Same, same.”
    Trying to get back on topic, he asks which Noble Phantasm in the game is their favorite. Yuki says that her favorite would have to be Ruler Jeanne’s because of how helpful it is, and that as long as you have Merlin and Ruler Jeanne you can pretty much go endlessly during turns. “Any time there’s a battle I can’t beat, my lineup would be Mash, Jeanne, Ruler Jeanne, and Merlin. You can easily go 70 turns with that. My maximum is 158 turns.”
  Okubo answers that her favorite right now is Mecha Eli-Chan’s because of how hard it hits, and that her other favorite is Paul Bunyan’s “because it’s fast.” Yuki adds that on that note she likes Arash’s Noble Phantasm and the two perform it together. Okubo says that his voice actor told her to actually try playing with him to hear his victory lines. Yuki says that she likes how cute Paul Bunyan is, but that Arashi has nice muscles. “I like the underarm. I like the armpits.”
    Bracing himself for what would inevitably come next, Kao had one final question for them, “Who’s your favorite servant?” 
  Keeping it short and easy, Yuki simply shouted “Karna!” Okubo retorted, “You like Karna because you love Karna. I like Gilgamesh, but what I actually want to do is just watch him from afar. Trying to become friends with him is probably super hard. If you do, you’ll probably be really stressed out.”
  Yuki said that if she could summon a servant in real life it would be Karna so she could make him her husband. Okubo said she’s simply a fan of Gilgamesh’s, but if she could really go out with a servant it’d be Archer Emiya. Yuki asked if the question had changed to which servant do you want as a boyfriend, then said for her Robin Hood would be good for her because he takes care of people and she needs to be taken care of. 
    She then asked Okubo to explain in her words why she’d choose Emiya, to which she replied that he takes good care of his friends, he’s a good cook, and he’ll scold you when he needs to.
  “By the way,” she added, “If Gilgamesh was here I wanna be his chair. Please sit on me.”
  With the somewhat risque Q&A out of the way, it was finally time for announcements, beginning with details of this year’s Fate/Grand Order Thanksgiving Special running from November 20th until December 1st. In addition to seven days of extra login bonuses, the event will feature limited time missions, ½ AP cost for all daily quests, daily pickup summons, and a new Spiritron Dress for Astolfo.
  A trailer was then shown announcing that Pseudosingularity IV: Heretical Salem would be coming soon to F/GO and be the final chapter of Arc 1.5. 
  It was also announced that Noble Phantasm subtitles would be released in a same-day update across all versions, and that to celebrate the conclusion of the Fate/Grand Order USA Tour all English F/GO players would be receiving 30 Saint Quartz. 
    As the panel came to a close, both actresses offered their final words of thanks to the audience. 
  “Thank you all for coming again," Okubo led. “I was supposed to be here as a voice actress guest, but for some reason I decided to talk about being Gilgamesh’s chair. I hope when you leave this panel you forget about all that… Seeing everyone enjoying F/GO makes me happy as a voice actress and a player... Thank you all again for coming.”
  “Thank you all for coming,” Yuki added graciously. “Seeing all these American masters, I saw everyone was kind and warm-hearted. I learned that today and was very happy... The love of my life, Karna, the singularity he shines most in is five in America. I know that because he shines there America the country is my holy site. I’d like to come to America to see and meet everyone again. Thank you all for coming.”
    Are you excited for the upcoming Fate/Grand Order events? Do you want Gilgamesh to use you as a chair and sit on you too? Let us know in the comments below!
Danni Wilmoth is a Features writer for Crunchyroll and co-host of the video game podcast Indiecent. You can find more words from her on Twitter @NanamisEgg.
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