#and what do you do if the worst news comes
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gallusrostromegalus · 3 days ago
A friend of mine has been reading The Locked Tomb trilogy aka descended into Lesbian Necromancer Hell . He's having a great time, and been sending me reports from the pits.
Now I know that in the context of the story "DEATH TO VULTURES AND SCAVENGERS FIRST" is very poetic and badass, but taken with the context that this is the motto of the bone-manipulating guys, the motto sounds slightly less badass and more like they've been having an ongoing problem with Lammergeiers.
Thing is,
A Lammergeier is like, the single most badass familiar an osteomancer could have. Fuck off huge raptorial bird that is either black and white or black and blood red so either way it goes with your goth-ass aesthetic and is extremely easy to train to bring you fun and interesting new bones? Why does the ninth house NOT have these?
Oh right. Jod.
Anyway, this combined with a previous idea I had about Truly Awful Bird/Mammal combinations for The Worst Gryphon Ever, and you know what? Some fuckass idiot in that universe WOULD make a Lammergeier/Spotted Hyena Gryphon. Now that's a creature made to fuck over necromancers six ways from Sunday.
Eats flesh AND bones.
Constantly scream-laughing.
Terrifyingly intelligent.
-And then whatever idiot created this abomination made it big enough to ride and drool corrosive venom because everyone in that universe automatically doubles down on any bad idea they have.
Harrow is sobbing at it's mere existence.
Gideon is trying to cradle it in her arms. This is their daughter now.
"Daddy harrowhark put a bone in mommy griddlecakes and she made Princess Bonefucker Ultraviolence 9000 and birthed her with her own womb-" Gideon is saying aloud in the most babytalk voice possible to the gryphon, who is rolled over on its back and entirely agreeable with being smothered with affection, because if the Gryphon has a sole redeeming feature it's that it possesses the zen like chill that comes from the bone-deep knowledge that it is at the absolute apex of the local food chain.
It's also wearing Gideon's sunglasses.
They do not fit.
Gideon may spoil Princesss Bonefucker Ultraviolence 9000 but that animal is OBSESSED with Harrow. It's a real Daddy's Girl kind of creature, and it will attempt to eat the face of anyone that so much as looks at Harrow without her permission. Harrow isn't sure about this thing until it takes an actual shilouette-altering sized CHUNK out of Ortus' ass, and then she becomes very fond of Daddy's Special Little Apex Predator. She deigns to give it one (1) headpat, and is treated to Princess Bonefucker's "Happiness Noise", which sounds like someone threw a handful of gravel into a running garbage disposal.
"Why..?" Harrow asks, feeling the remaining edges of her sanity start to melt.
"Why not?" Asks Gideon, accurately reporting the entire thought process that went into the creation of this horror.
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lnfours · 12 hours ago
love looks pretty on you | ln4
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summary: my pretty baby or 5 silent moments of love between the two of you.
warnings: i fear this is LONG. a shit ton of fluff, reader and lando needing some reassurance here and there, fem!reader, reader is a friend of max fewtrell’s who lando’s always had an eye on, language, pregnancy, and some suggestive content.
radio check: this idea is inspired by the talented @norrissm’s post called ‘behind the visor’ because i couldn’t get the thought of writing about little moments like these out of my brain. please make sure to go read ‘behind the visor’ if you haven’t already! sasha is so talented and all her works are so beautiful.
masterlist | listen
— one.
he was shaky, hands sweaty and he had a nervous pit in his stomach. he was almost 100% sure hadn’t felt nerves like this before. not even when he was behind the wheel of his race car, waiting for the lights to go out.
he had finally managed to work up the courage to ask you on a date after months and months of yearning. he had asked max about you a million times. if you were seeing anyone, if you were interested in him, the whole nine yards. and max, being the best friend and wingman that he is, managed to get you to come with him to singapore.
you had always thought lando was cute, and you’d be lying if you said you never thought about what could happen between you two. back then, you used to think he was max’s annoying, rich and prissy friend when you were younger. but the closer you got to him, the more you saw what max saw.
the guy who’d give you the shirt off his back and would always show up for his friends. the sweet, charismatic guy who would always stop for a fan even when he was having the worst day imaginable.
he made it easy to fall for him.
you pulled him into a hug after the race, not caring that he was sweaty, and smelled like a mix of fuel and rubber. the papaya orange of his race car glowing in the lights of singapore. a race he led every lap of ahead of verstappen. you couldn’t be prouder of the man in front of you.
“stupid question,” he started.
please, let this be it.
“do you wanna get dinner sometime?”
you immediately nodded, the moment you had been waiting what felt like a lifetime for finally unfolding in front of your eyes. of course, you were eager to say yes.
“sure,” you smiled, doing your best to play it cool, “i’d love to.”
he smiled, the boyish grin that made your knees go weak and your heart beat a little faster. he was sure that right there in that moment, there was nothing you could do that wouldn’t make him fall in love with you.
your eyes sparkled as you looked up at him, the prettiest color he’d ever seen.
his new favorite color.
the two of you had made plans to go out once you were home in london and he was back in woking at the mtc. and now, that day had finally come.
in preparation for his big day, he had gone through all the steps to make sure this date was perfect. he pulled all the stops, managed to squeeze in a reservation at the fancy italian restaurant in the city, and he even asked max what your favorite flowers were so he could pick them up on the way to your house.
he tried his best to shake off his nerves as he raised his fist to knock on your front door. he heard rustling behind the wood before the it opened and there you stood. your hair styled just the way you liked it, sporting a gorgeous dress you had bought just for this special occasion, and a pretty shade of lipstick he just wanted to kiss right off of you.
you were the definition of show stopping.
“hey,” you smiled, grabbing your purse from the back of the sofa in arms length.
“hey,” he smiled, trying his best not to fumble as he handed you the flowers. you accepted them with the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, one almost as bright as the sun.
soon you were climbing into the extravagant mclaren, heading towards the restaurant. you watched the city you loved pass you by, and he watched as you looked out the window. you never looked prettier than you did right now. beautiful, but unaware.
he pulled up and let the valet take his keys. he offered you his arm as you walked into the dimly lit room, him saying a soft ‘be right back’ as he walked up the front desk.
he talked to the host, to which the host looked down at his book in front of him. you watched as the older man shook his head, lando immediately beginning to panic.
you laughed softly when he retuned to you with a sheepish grin, a hand scratching at the back of his neck, “so, apparently they ran out of room for this time. the girl on the phone wasn’t paying attention and overbooked. they offered a table but i didn’t want to take anyone’s reservation-“
you smiled, shaking your head as your heart tightened in your chest at his thoughtfulness towards complete strangers, “‘s okay,”
“did you wanna come back later? or we could go somewhere else! i know this good sushi place a few blocks away-“
“you don’t eat sushi.” you laughed.
“yeah, but if you want it, i can suffer,” he shrugged and you couldn’t help the grin on your face. you shook your head, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the restaurant.
“i saw a burger place down at this corner,” you said, making the left out of the doors and heading towards the spot you saw on the drive here.
he furrowed his eyebrows at you, “burgers?”
you nodded, heels clicking against the concrete of the sidewalk, “yeah, is that okay with you?”
he looked over at you, nodding softly, “yeah, whatever you want.”
you led the way, and on the short walk there lando thought to himself. thought about how you didn’t really care that you couldn’t get into the fanciest italian place in the city. couldn’t have cared less, actually.
His mind shifted from ‘oh no, this date is going to be one of the worst ones ever’ to ‘actually, this might be one of the best ones’.
you ordered your food and found one of the tables, lando insisting on pulling the chair out for you. you laughed and thanked him, sitting across from him as he took his suit jacket off and hung it on the back of the chair.
“‘m sorry,”
he wasn’t sure what he was apologizing for. but he felt the need to.
“don’t be,” you shook your head, “this is still pretty great.”
“you sure?” he asked. his eyes full of worry and genuine concern. he felt like he had let you down. felt like he couldn’t uphold his promise to the perfect date.
“as much as fancy dinners are fun and all, i don’t mind a little burger joint once in a while either.”
he smiled. it was gonna be okay.
the older gentleman behind the counter called your number, lando getting up and grabbing the tray of food as the two of you talked. the food was incredible and the conversation the two of you had was even better.
when he stood to throw away your trash, you walked towards the counter to the elderly man. lando watched from the corner of his eye as you sparked up a conversation.
“the food was wonderful,” you smiled, “are you guys new?”
the older man shook his head, “been here a long time, about 20 years or so. people stopped coming in once that new fancy-schmancy restaurant down the street opened. you two are the only customers i’ve had all week.”
your heart hurt for the man, clear that he had poured all he owned into his business. you looked over to lando who joined the two of you now.
“well, i’m sure we’ll be back,” you smiled, “right, lan?”
“definitely,” lando nodded, “thanks for saving our date.”
the older man laughed, “you kids are welcome any time. thanks for giving me a chance.”
you said your goodbyes after learning the man’s name was frank. you opened the door, ready to walk out when you saw lando leave the man a tip. by the look on the older man’s face, you knew it was a decent amount. you smiled, your heart clenching in your chest as lando insisted that he kept it.
“no, i insist! you saved the date i landed with the girl of my dreams.”
you were sure now that he was the only man you’d ever be in love with.
his voice cut you off from your thoughts, nodding as you took his arm. waving goodbye to frank again as you walked down the sidewalk and back to the car.
— two.
winter break was finally in full swing. and this year, he had insisted on taking you on a vacation, a little get away since he had missed your two year anniversary due to the new race calendar.
so you did just that as soon as winter break started. a two week vacation in the maldives where it was just you, him, the sun and the sea.
you had spent the day in the bed, the both of you wrapped under the cool sheets. he had splurged and booked one of the fancy bungalows on the water, the beautiful clear blue water and the gorgeous scenery adding to the beauty of the whole trip.
after dinner, you were quick to grab one of your bikinis from the attached deck. he smiled as you walked back inside, the tiny two piece in your hands.
“sunset swim?”
you nodded, stepping inside the bathroom to change and to quickly pull your hair up. he changed as you did also, the two of you jumping off the wooden deck and into the water. your eyes traveled over to where he was pushing the wet curls from his forehead.
the water droplets clung to his sun kissed chest, the redness already slowly starting to fade and you knew it’d turn into a tan by the morning. he looked so pretty in this moment, the sunset behind him looking like a painting.
you swam towards him, letting him pull you closer by your hips. you wrapped your legs around his torso, his hands falling to the backs of your thighs.
“hey, pretty girl,”
you smiled back, the same gorgeous smile you’ve always had that he swore he’d never get sick of, “hey, handsome,”
he leaned down, dipping his head to kiss your lips. you hummed contently into the kiss, smiling against his lips. he pulled away after a few seconds, enjoying the feeling of your fingers playing with the curls at the nape of his neck.
“are you having a good time?”
his voice was laced with a hint of wonder, wonder if he had done a good job at making up for the fact that he was in vegas during your anniversary. he hated the fact that he had missed such an important milestone, but you had understood. you understood that his job would pull him place to place for weeks on end.
he had struck the lottery with you, the most understanding and comforting person. he knew you didn’t hold a grudge with him. and in reality, a date at frank’s would’ve made up for the missed time, but he really wanted to do something special.
you nodded, “having a great time, baby. thank you. for everything.”
“don’t have to thank me,” he said, “it was the least i could do.”
you chuckled, “i fear you’ve set my standards so unbelievably high.”
he laughed with you, “you’re saying i’ve ruined you?”
you hummed back, laughing when his head dipped to your neck, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke, “in more ways than one i hope.”
you laughed, your head falling back slightly. he smiled at the sight in front of him, how pretty your laugh was as it fell from your lips. how pretty you looked in the watercolored sunset, and how your eyes had that little sparkle. the same one they had that night you hugged him after the singapore race. the night he had finally grown the courage to ask you out.
he was so hopelessly in love with you. you had ruined him the same way he ruined you. but that was okay with him. he was certain that there was no one else in the world his soul would mesh with like yours.
“let’s get married.”
his blurted words caught the both of you off guard. you looked at him, wide eyed but a smile softly forming on your lips as you let out a chuckle, “what?”
“lan, what did you say?”
he gulped now, scared that if he repeated it he’d be shot down. he knew you were the one he was going to marry, he’s known that forever. but, what if you weren’t on the same page yet. what if you weren’t ready for the marriage, the house, the dog, the kids.
dear god… please don’t let it be true.
“let’s get married,” he said again, this time a slight shake to his voice, “i mean, if that’s what you want- if you… if you want to.”
your face lit up in a smile as you cupped his face, “of course i want to. don’t question it for even a second.”
he smiled now, “you’re sure?”
you nodded, “you’re the only one i want. the one i wanna spend the rest of my life with, go grey with. the one i want to wake up next to and go to bed at the end of the night with. you’re it for me. you always have been,”
he smiled, pulling you closer if it was even possible, “so yeah. let’s get married.”
he kissed you sweetly, you flush against his chest. you kissed him back with just as much love and passion and longing, a sense of forever hanging in the air around you.
“c’mon,” he mumbled softly against your lips, “let’s go find your perfect ring.”
you followed him as he climbed out of the water, grabbing a towel from the lounge chairs. you climbed out with him, the two of you sitting out in the setting sun as you scrolled through his phone designing the perfect ring.
once you had settled on what you wanted, you smiled up at him as he made note to head to the jewelers in monaco as soon as he got back.
the two of you were about to head inside when you felt arms wrap around your body. you squealed and giggled when he threw you over his shoulder, taking you inside the bungalow with a playful slap on your butt before placing you on the bed, laughing when he climbed up your body, leaving a trail of kisses along your stomach and chest until he reached your lips once again.
and your bikini top might’ve found its way to the hardwood floor shortly after.
— three.
the cameras cut back to you as you watched the screens in front of you. you had been able to make it to the dutch grand prix, excitement in the air in the mclaren garage as it finally came down to the last five laps. lando held the lead from his pole position, right ahead of the other papaya car that belonged to oscar. the two mclarens leading the pack with verstappen in third.
you and lily were holding hands, the camera man zooming into the sparkling diamond on that finger. the one that everyone had seen all over their timelines, the one that cause so many articles to be written about how much it could be worth. it was the talk of the paddock.
‘little lando norris’ was engaged!
you had even seen charles and max talking earlier, charles defeatedly handing max a twenty dollar bill. you laughed at the idea that your friends had placed a bet on your fiancé. a little harsh, but fitting, and most of all, funny as fuck.
the end of the race came closer and closer until both mclarens crossed the line, checkered flag waving as it showed on screen as a mclaren one-two. you and lily cheered happily, you pulling her into a hug. you both joined in the sea of papaya as they raced to the parc fermé.
the mechanics and engineers made sure to let you and lily come to the front of the crowd. the two of you still holding hands as you cheered for the men in papaya. you dropped her hand as oscar came over to her, pulling her into a hug across the metal barricade. you smiled at the young couple before you saw a certain someone enter your peripheral.
lando made his way to you, opening his arms as you reached across the barrier to hug him. you smiled, taking in the familiar smell of fuel and rubber.
“i’m so proud of you,” the happy tears glossing over your eyes filled his chest with a certain sense of pride. one that he would always crave, “you were amazing.”
“and you’re my trophy,” he smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips, “my favorite one.”
“don’t lie, you love that miami one.”
“none of them could ever compare to you, love.”
you smiled, acknowledging the fact that he had to be whisked away. you were quick to give oscar a hug, lily doing the same for lando as you watched both men dressed in papaya walk off, lando patting his younger teammate on the back.
you all stayed, waiting for them to take their spots on the podium. you smiled when he took the top step, the british national anthem playing loud and proud. you could see that he was searching for you in the large crowd, and when he found you he smiled to himself before putting his hand to his heart and pointing at you. a silent way of saying ‘i love you’.
you mouthed the words back to him, unsure if he could see you say them. but you know that he knows you did.
it was a couple hours later when he returned to his drivers room. you had positioned yourself on the sofa comfortably, scrolling through your phone and liking all the things the fans had to say about your engagement, the ring and most of all the race.
“ready, fiancée?”
you nodded, taking his extended hand. the two of you walking through the mclaren hospitality as you all bid a ‘good night’ to one another.
your phone buzzed with an incoming call. the call you had been anxious about reciving.
you looked over at lando, softly dropping his hand which made him look over to you curiously, “everything okay?”
you nodded, “i gotta take this call. i’ll be right back.”
he nodded, letting you walk away. luckily, a couple of the drivers seemed to be heading in your direction, giving someone for lando to talk to while you took the call.
“hello?” you raised the phone to your ear.
“hi! is this y/n?”
“it is,”
“great! it’s doctor jenkins, how’re you, honey?”
“i’m good, how’re you?”
“good!” you could hear her smile on the other end of the phone, “i just wanted to give you a call because we got your test results back. is this information you’re okay with me giving to you over the phone?”
“yeah,” you said, “totally okay.”
“perfect,” she smiled, “in that case, i just wanted to say that you are clear from the stomach bug and any other gastrointestinal issues. however, your hcg levels came back extremely high, which means-“
“i’m pregnant?”
your heart dropped, your eyes fixing to lando who was laughing with lewis, charles, yuki and oscar. you immediately felt the bile burn its way up your throat. you swallowed it down, remembering that you had the doctor on the phone.
“exactly,” she said happily, “you’re about four weeks now. congratulations!”
“i- i don’t know what to say.” you stood, shocked that your entire world just changed with one simple phone call.
“i understand, and i know this is all new and quite scary, but just know you have an amazing support system- not just with me and my office, but with your fiancé and your friends as well.”
you smiled at the older woman’s sweet words, “thank you, doctor jenkins.”
“no need to thank me,” she said, “while i have you, i just wanted to set up your first appointment for when you get back, just a little check on the baby and make sure they’re healthy and well.”
you agreed on a day and time after you get back to london from the netherlands. you hung up the phone, the worry and shock still running through your system but a hint of slight relief from the woman’s sweet words.
you walked back over to lando, who looked at you with slight concern. you said hello to your friends, thanking them all for their congratulations before you looked to lando. the others engaging in their own conversations.
“you okay?” he asked lowly.
“can we go back to the hotel? i’m not feeling good,”
he nodded, “of course,” he took your hand in his as he turned to his fellow drivers, “we’re gonna head back. see you guys next week!”
“see you, mate!”
you walked with lando in a comfortable silence back to the car. the two of you climbing into the back before the driver made his way to your hotel.
you made it to your shared room, anxiety still radiating off you and he could feel it.
he kicked his shoes off as he joined you on the edge of the bed, “hey, you okay, baby?”
you chewed on your bottom lip, tears burning in your eyes as you shook your head, “uhm, i don’t know,”
he frowned, “hey, hey,” he gently brought a hand up to wipe away your tears, “what’s the matter? what’s got you so upset?”
“lan, that call,” you said, “it was from my doctor.”
the instant worry that flashed through his eyes was unnoticed, and you couldn’t help the tears from streaming down your face.
“is everything okay?”
“yeah,” you nodded, “i mean- maybe? i think so? i don’t know,”
“what’d she say, baby?” he asked, his voice gentle. you appreciated how gentle he was with you. always.
“i don’t have the stomach bug,” you said, “im.. i’m pregnant, lan.”
his eyes went wide, his heart dropping for a millisecond, “you’re pregnant?”
you nodded, biting down on your lip to try to hold back your tears. however, the disgust and repulsiveness and disappointment you were expecting never came. instead, you watched as his face broke out into a smile.
“i’m gonna be a dad?”
you nodded, “and i’m gonna be a mom.”
“baby, this is great!” he smiled, now happy tears starting to form in his eyes as he wiped yours away, “we get to be parents! and baby, we’re gonna be the coolest fucking parents ever.”
his excitement reeled you back in, “you’re not.. upset? not even a little?”
“why would i be upset?” he asked, “i mean, was this planned? not really, but we weren’t necessarily not planning for this either. but it’s okay, our little best friend is in there!”
your heart was so full it felt like it could burst. you loved him with every fiber in your being. til the ends of the earth. everything was gonna be okay.
you smiled, “we’re having a baby,”
he nodded, kissing the top of your head as he pulled you closer into his chest as he repeated it back to you, “we’re having a baby.”
you sat like that for a while, letting him press kisses to your hair and your temples, every doubt in your mind slowly fading away. all because of him.
— four.
the machines beeping slowly faded into the background as the two of you looked down at your beautiful baby girl. the pink blanket wrapped around her small frame, her finger holding onto lando’s. it was a sight that would make any heartless man cry.
you smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder as you sat together on the hospital bed, your voice low, “we made the cutest little girl.”
“she’s got your eyes,” he mumbled softly, admiring the beauty of his daughter. all of each of your best traits compiled into one tiny little human. a human that was already loved by so many and who had so many people excited to meet her.
two of those many people knocking on the door gently. you and lando smiled, you laughing at the ridiculously large teddy bear that was almost as tall as the man carrying it.
“he saw it in the gift shop window and insisted,” p laughed, “he said he would be ‘the worst uncle ever’ if he didn’t get it, even though i said she’d never know.”
you and lando laughed as max put the giant bear next to all the other gifts. the little girl was only 5 hours old and has already met all her grandparents and aunties and uncles. everyone had either shown up with balloons, flowers or a little baby outfit. oscar had shown up with a custom made mclaren shirt, one that of course had the australian and the british flag on it.
but max was taking the cake with the giant teddy bear.
“she would hate me, i know it,” max said, smiling softly at his friend who was holding the little girl so delicately, “would you look at that. already a daddy’s girl.”
“i fear she was like that since she was in the womb,” you said, “she’d kick me every time she heard him talk.”
“she was just excited to hear her papa,” lando joked and you all laughed softly as you looked over to the couple in front of you, “you guys wanna hold her?”
pietra nodded excitedly, taking the sleeping baby from lando’s arms gently before sitting in the reclining chair next to the bed. max stood next to her, half sitting on the arm rest as he smiled down at the little girl.
“what name did you come up with?” max asked, raising his head to look at the two of you.
you told them her name and the two of them smiled, “very fitting.”
“isn’t it?!” you smiled, “lando didn’t like it at first.”
“shocker,” max joked and lando raised his hands in mock surrender.
“i like it now,” he said, “that’s all that matters.”
“she’s perfect,” pietra said, “oh my goodness, look! she’s got a lando mole!”
“i know!” you cooed, “that was the first thing i said!”
lando and max shook their heads and laughed at their partners. you laid your head on his shoulder again, the two of you smiling as you watched max look at her with love in his eyes. he was ready to do anything for this baby girl like his life depended on it.
“wanna hold her, max?”
max was hesitant, but agreed when p urged him. he sat in the chair and let her put the baby girl into his arms. just as he got situated, she woke up from her nap. happy gurgles and a giggle escaping from her lips when she opened her eyes and saw max.
“oh my goodness, look at you,” he smiled, “hello little one! i’m your uncle max.”
you smiled as she made happy baby noises, ineligible but still cute. and most importantly, happy.
“so, we were thinking and we wanted to ask you, with your guys’ approval of course,” lando started, “we want you guys to be her godparents.”
the two of them looked at you with slightly wide eyes, “you’re serious?”
you both nodded, “we don’t see why not.”
“immediately yes, of course!” p smiled, leaning over to hug the both of you. you laughed, hugging her back as max looked to his best friend with happy tears in his eyes.
“thank you, buddy.”
lando nodded, smiling as he wiped his own tears from his eyes, “you guys mean the world to us, so. it’s the least we can do, really.”
“yknow, the name maxine has a really nice ring to it,” max joked and all of you laughed.
“i don’t think so, bud.”
“worth a shot.”
you smiled up at lando who turned his neck to smile back at you. you giggled softly when he placed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
you both laid there in complete contentment as you watched your best friends giggle and play with the little girl in max’s arms. almost all the people you loved in the same room, your whole heart together.
you were sure that this is what life was all about. moments like these.
— five.
“guys! everyone’s gonna be here soon!” you yelled up the stairs, mainly talking to your now husband, but instead, your freshly turned three year old daughter popped up at the top of the stairs.
“momma! come look!”
you giggled softly, making your way up the stairs and following your daughter into her bedroom.
“what’re you guys up to?”
“look!” she beamed, bringing you a piece of paper, “we drew daddy’s race car!”
you smiled down at you husband who smiled back at you, “don’t forget, we drew uncle oscar’s too, baby.”
the little girl bounced up and down, “look, mommy! uncle oscar!”
you laughed, crouching down next to lando who had found himself in one of the tiny chairs. you looked at the pictures they drew, “are you gonna give it to uncle oscar and aunt lily when they get here?”
“yeah!” she smiled, “but i want daddy to keep his.”
“i’m gonna hang it on the highest spot on the fridge,” lando smiled, “so everyone can see just how talented my little girl is.”
you smiled at the two as he picked her up, standing up with her on his hip. you were impressed he managed to get out of the tiny wooden chair with no help.
you stood with them, smiling as you tried to fix your daughters unruly curls, “we gotta get you changed, little miss. everyone’s gonna be here soon.”
“everyone for my birthday party?”
you nodded, “yep! everyone’s coming to celebrate the birthday girl!”
she laughed and smiled as lando tickled her sides playfully. you laughed with them, your whole heart in one tiny little room.
the doorbell rang and you smiled, calling back to the two as you moved to get the door, “hurry up! everyone’s coming!”
you laughed when you heard her and lando talking about princess dresses and tutus, jogging down the stairs to open the door. you smiled when you were met with cisca and adam, bringing them into a hug before they came inside.
“hi honey!” cisca smiled.
“hi guys!” you smiled, “how’re you? how was the drive?”
“good!” adam said, “drive wasn’t too bad.”
“not at all!” cisca smiled, “i just can’t believe she’s three already.”
you nodded, “me either.”
and speaking of the devil, she came barreling down the stairs. bright pink princess dress on topped with the matching tiara to sit on top of her messy brown curls. ones that resembled lando’s.
“grandma! grandpa!”
“hey, little one!”
“there’s the birthday girl!”
you spent a few minutes catching up with his parents before others started to show up. and before you knew it, you had a full house of people who came up to celebrate your daughters birthday. a house full of love.
you smiled as she played with the other kids invited, lando’s arm wrapping around you. you smiled, leaning into his side as you watched your daughter laugh and smile.
“i know we’ve talked about it a bit before, but would you want another?” he asked, looking over at you. you met his eyes, smiling softly before nodding.
“yeah, i do,” you smiled, looking back into the yard, “i feel like she would like a sibling, too.”
he nodded, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “me too.”
“there you two are!” you heard max before the sound of the back door closing caught your attention, max and p waking towards you two with smiles, “we’ve been looking for you.”
“what’s up?” you asked.
p handed you an envelope with a smile, her diamond ring sparkling brightly in the sunshine, “we’ve been wanting to tell you in person, and maybe your daughters birthday isn’t the best time to tell you, but, we wanted to tell you before everyone else.”
you both looked at them confused before lando opened the envelope, the sonogram picture making both of your eyes go wide. they smiled as you squealed happily, pulling p into a hug.
“you’re kidding!? this is great!!” you smiled, lando pulling his best friend into a hug as well. the four of you laughing and smiling.
“congrats, mate!” lando smiled.
“yknow what this means, right?” you asked and p nodded happily.
“baby clothes shopping!”
“oh my god,” max groaned playfully, looking to his friend as the two girls talked about baby clothes, “does it end?”
lando smiled, shaking his head as he watched you laugh and smile with p, “no, but that’s the best part.”
it was true. the best parts of his life always contained you. the other half of his beating heart.
you smiled at lando as p showed you all the different ideas she had for the nursery already. he smiled back, love written all over his face.
he solidified it by mouthing those 3 words, ‘i love you’.
‘i love you, too’.
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mcyt-n-stuff · 2 days ago
in wilbur’s imagination…
wilbur stood stiffly, unkindly—across from dream, staring into his smile—the smile that was ever present when he hurt his tommy under that mask.
“hello, dream.” he said, smiling.
dream sat upright almost immediately and pulled himself up, “wilbur? how’d you get in here?” he asked, his voice faltering for a moment as he exclaimed wilbur’s name, but he quickly recovered.
wilbur could only imagine the utter shock etched on dreams face under that smile. that mask.
“oh-i- you know, i have my ways,” wilbur took a moment to chuckle, merely at the audacity of dream. his audacity to breathe—his audacity to talk—his audacity to live after hurting his tommy.
“i- i was just-…it’s so-so good to see you again, man. i- i- thank you, for everything you did. for reviving me, giving me this new lease on life…” wilbur said softly, idly twirling the redstone torch in his hand.
a bead of sweat ran down dreams face.
“a-and you’ve come to repay the favor.” right? dream said asked.
“yeah…,” wilbur took a step closer, “you could say that. i-i just- i actually just got away from talking with them,”
a cold shiver ran through dream.
as cold as the caldron that held the very water he drank.
as cold as the death glare wilbur started giving him at the very moment he walked in the room.
“with tommy.”
“I-i mean, you remember- you remember tommy. you haven’t been in here long enough to forget tommy,”
wilbur would have knocked dream out if he had forgotten tommy among the other things he did, but he held back, his grip tighting on the torch in his hand.
he held back only because he knew the next few minutes would be worth it.
so, so worth it.
“have you?” wilbur mused. “i mean-”
“oh, no. i remember tommy.” dream took a careful step back, making the mistake of daring to speak spitefully to wilbur.
“yeah? you remember everything?” wilbur stepped closer.
“oh yeah, I remember everything,” dream said, the smile on his mask seeming more and more sadistic and taunting to wilbur by the second.
“he told me about the exile.” wilbur said somberly.
wilbur said angrily.
wilbur said bitterly.
he paced around the small, desolate, tension-filled box that encaged dream.
it was pitiful.
but wilbur was not the kind who pitied.
he was not the kind to show mercy.
the kind who pitied was ghostbur.
but it would seem ghostbur wasn’t around anymore.
“he told me…about logstedshire. about- about the party…and, most importantly,”
wilbur stoped pacing, holding up the torch in his hands, staring at it fondly.
“about that tower, dream. and the pit-”
“fond memories.” dream muttered. dream interrupted.“fond memories.”
those words were one of dream’s worst that could ever possibly come out of his mouth- specifically the first,
wilbur’s head snapped up.
“what did you say?”
dream chuckled. “those were some fond memories, wilbur.”
and those words were dreams second worst.
wilbur merely laughed, taking a single tnt out of the many he had in his inventory, and placing the block onto the counter that separated this monster from wilbur.
“that’s what i thought you said.”
he paused savoring the scene of dream backing up fearfully, then placed his torch.
“wha-what are you doing-” dream exclaimed dreadfully.
“I only have a few moments-”
the tnt exploded with a hiss, blinding both of them for a moment, and leaving dream’s mask chipped, one frightful eye of dream’s now exposed- a green eye the color of acid that held fear instead of his usually malice.
for the first time in a long while, dream felt fear.
wilbur felt alive.
he pushed himself up from where he had been knocked back by the explosion, immediately connecting his fist, his calloused hard fist- into dreams face.
wilbur pushed and punched dream as hard as he could, knocking him into the water.
“STOP WILBUR-” dream pleaded, barely audible, desperately trying to push wilbur away and swim to the surface.
“DREAM. THIS IS THE END FOR YOU!” wilbur roared.
several minutes later, dream was dead, his body surrounded by his own blood.
wilbur hadn’t bothered to clear up the mess dream had made.
wilbur’s words that he had said as Dream clung onto him for dear life echoed just as he left the room, slathered in blood and water dripping down from his boots,
“YOU ARE SCUM,” wilbur kicked dream’s hand off of him, his eyes burning with resentment that he didn’t know he had until afterward.
wilbur killed him again.
and again.
and again.
and the fire in his eyes dimmed.
the burning resentment left, the fire from it released from that tnt block, both physically and mentally.
he had killed dream, though not forever, he knew.
what wilbur didn’t know, though, was that he, too, had become scum.
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when it dawned on you
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womanofwords · 3 days ago
Everybody's Favourite (Part 1)
Everything turned upside-down when the principal pulled you out of class when you were seven years old. You'd been colouring nicely when she came in.
"Y/N, I'd like to talk to you," she said. "Could you come with me?"
"Have I done something wrong?" you asked.
"No, dear. Just get your stuff."
You collected your things and went with her, where a police officer was waiting. "Here's Y/N, officer," she said to him. That was when you learned, in a haze of horror, that your dear mother had died while you were colouring in class without a care in the world. Car accident.
"Not to worry, she made arrangements as to who would look after you in the event of this happening," the police officer said. "Your biological father . . . Bruce Wayne."
So off you went to your new home, away from your friends and old neighbourhood and everything you'd ever known, and towards the figure known as Bruce Wayne.
The first thing you noticed about your father was that he was, obviously, very rich. All his cars were the fancy ones you used to stare at with your mom when you would walk together.
When you arrived, you had all sorts of questions for your father. "How did you meet my mother? Why didn't you talk to me before this? Did you like spending time with her?"
"I'm rather busy, Y/N. I'll show you to your room," Bruce said, escorting you to a guest bedroom. "We can decorate it later."
Later never came.
After a few weeks, you met his other kids, Dick, Jason, Tim, Barbara, Cass, and Stephanie. They all looked so cool, like teenagers from a movie. But they always had to 'do stuff'.
"What kind of stuff?" you asked.
"They're a part of scholarships for gifted students," Bruce said, before any of them could say anything. "I happen to be privately tutoring them."
"Oh. So you spend time with them because they're talented?"
"You could put it that way."
That revelation lit a fire underneath you. If your father wanted talented kids, then you would have to be a talented kid.
In everything you could get your hands on.
You became a polyglot, devouring different languages like nobody's business. You took part in gymnastics, just like Dick, and also track. You got straight As in everything, forcing yourself to study night after night. You read the same classic books Jason loved so you could (hopefully) have something to bond with him over. You took some coding classes so you had something to talk about with Tim.
Alfred became a consistent source of comfort, bringing you food and making sure that you didn't over work yourself. He came to every event you had, loyally videotaping it for future viewing.
Nobody cared to look at the tapes. Nobody watched you collect your awards for fastest times, or graduate early as valedictorian. Nobody listened to your headmaster sing your praises as he listed your various scholastic accomplishments.
Damian was the worst. The moment he met you, it was clear that he would hate you until he died. He looked at you with such disgust, such contempt for your existence. Once, he cornered you with a katana that he held so close to your neck that you were cut. Another time, he sicced Titus onto you, leading to a nasty bite mark on your arms when you put them up to defend yourself.
"Titus mauling you would have been an improvement to the Wayne bloodline," he sneered, as you bawled your eyes out. "When are you going to get it through your simple-minded skull that we don't care what happens to you? It's annoying to hear you chatter to us and make conversation about being head of your class and breaking sports records. We all scoff about it when we're on patrol."
Your throat went dry. "Patrol?"
"Of course. Father, Dick, Jason, Stephanie, and myself all have our own alter egos. I am by my father's side cleaning the streets of scumbags as Batman and Robin while you are trying to be top of your stupid little class." He punched you in the stomach, hard. "Honestly, it's a relief to get away from you and your nauseating neediness."
Alfred came to console you after the fact, but he wouldn't hear a word against Damian for hurting you, or Bruce for letting it happen. "Master Damian has had a . . . difficult life, Y/N," he said. "And Bruce's childhood was by no means easy."
You gave up on your family after that. Nobody really wanted you, and Damian actively hated you.
You were nobody's favourite.
Part 1 <- You are here
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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ninelieswithme · 1 day ago
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𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛’𝚜
𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
⛧ ᴛᴡ = sʟɪɢʜᴛ ɢᴏʀᴇ, sᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, sʟɪɢʜᴛ ɴsꜰᴡ.
⛧ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ -after moving to a old American suburban  town after your parents split, you found yourself here in a upstate univercity, bumping into new faces.. one being a very important someone~
⛧ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ - HAYYY ɪᴍ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴇᴇᴇᴘʏʏʏ ɪ ᴍɪssᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏs sᴏʀʀʏ ɪʟʟ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ɪɴᴠɪɴᴄɪʙʟᴇ/ʀᴇsɪᴅᴇɴᴛ ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ!! Also I drew him :3 (ps don’t hate im pretty new to digi art 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻) HES AT THE BOTTOM IOF THE POST BBGS also this was really fun till their were so many plot endings ughhh ☹️☹️ BUT YEA ITS LIKE MARK OF S1-S2-S3 all kinda together 😭😭 + I had this on repeat when I was making this.
⛧ ʜᴇʀᴏ x ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴀɴ - 2.1k ᴡᴏʀᴅs, EXTENSION AT THE BOTTOM - 679 words additional :3 - overall 2.7k+ words
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ!!
ʀᴇʙʟᴏɴɢs/ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛs ᴀʀᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇᴅ!
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ ⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ ⛧°。
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Your worn sneakers skidded and slid down the halls tiling, you tripping on your laces every so often.
You were late.. Already??
First day in your new school?
And you’ve already fucked it up..
Way to go Y/N.
You really need to invest in a clock.
18 and still not waking up on time..
Come on that’s embarrassing, it’s not first grade!!
You cut corners, ignoring the occasional question from a walking by teacher.
Your head was down, a map of the school clutched in your hand, undone laces swinging,
You didn’t see him, He sure did until it was too late.
You fell head first into his chest, even in a sweater you could feel tone muscle.. hell even abs if you looke-
“What are you doing?? He’s not your boyfriend!!”
You mentally scolded yourself, pushing off of him a little to harshly, stumbling back, stepping on your undone lace, landing hard on the cool tile.
“Stupid laces”, you blamed as if you weren’t the one dismissing the concerns.
The scent of old books and something else…musky, almost animalistic.
You dusted yourself, while Mark looked stunned at you..
Shell-shocked even.
You quirked a brow at the guy, him just turning away.. weird..
Obviously you thought the worst like usual, thoughts on asking, A. “is something on my face”, B. “what” or the most likely one you’d say C. “the fuck are you staring at.”
Mm so you chose option D
You’re new, the last thing you need are bully’s.
So you apologised profusely to mark.
Averting eye contact.. idiot..
If you had just stared at him.. you would have seen..
he’s a total nutter
His eyes intense.
Not breaking or yielding, not for a second.
And people think eye fucking isn’t a thing. 🙄🙄
But no.. you’d rather be selfish, look away, make things harder for yourself.
Your map all crumpled.. looks like you’re gonna need another.
You mumbled a final apology.
Eyes averted, looking to the ground, more entertained by silly sneakers than him.
“S..Sorry.. I uh- this is so embarrassing, I’m uh New?, and yea.. fuck this.. I’m just gonna go bye”
Fixing your skirt one last time before walking off.
You held your skirt harshly running off to god knows where, you’ve probably missed your class six times anyways..
When you were out of his fully extended ear shot, he sighed, as if you stole his breath.
His heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs.
It wasn’t just his heart, he could hear yours, a frantic drumbeat echoing in his ears, a rapid staccato against the thrum of his own.
It was such a pretty sound!!
I mean everything about you seems pretty already..
He heard the shallow, slightly ragged breaths, the frantic whispers of her thoughts – a torrent of self-recrimination and fear of being late.
He could feel the tremor in your hands, the quickening pulse point near your throat, hell, even the subtle shift in weight as you braced herself for the floor.
It was overwhelming.
Mark possessed powers, he’s a Viltrumite after all, and from what his dad said that’s somehow a big deal.
But you didn’t know that..
You didn’t know shit.. all you knew was that you just bumped into a really weird kid..
Not fucking invincible
He could hear the inner workings of others – their heartbeat, their breathing, the silent symphony of their anxieties.. even desires.
His powers more burdensome than helpful.. everyone around him always dying.. it’s not fair.
But You.. You were different.
You gave him a bigger meaning.. after dad left and had Mark in charge.. everything’s so fucking bleak..
Don’t get him started on Amber.. or Eve
Their both headaches
Whining birds, bitch and squawking, only ever caring when it suits the chicks.
Hell now he has to manage this ungrateful planet, look after a sibling that’s off leash..
This is all too difficult.. he only wanted to help.. to help this dying planet.. and what he gets in return.
A slap in the face
Well that’s too bad..
Cuz he’s so fucking close to just splitting this planet in half and run thousands of people 6 feet under.
But you.. gee, this feeling.. he’s never felt it before and never wants to stop feeling it.
With the small seconds he was with you.
You’ve just changed not just Earths whole destiny.. but well
Your own.
it was a tidal wave, a sensory overload that left him breathless.
Left him feeling like he just took his true first free breath, a rebirth.
Like love a first sight.. mmm nahhh more like.. It was love at first…collision.. no no no love at first breath.
Maybe even love at first life.
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A few days had passed and well you were settling in fine, family’s dialled down after the divorce.
But mark.. oh no he hasn’t lost any momentum.
Giving up is something foreign to him.
So it didn’t take long for Mark to get notes on you,
Especially that mark’s desperate enough to ask GDA..
Seriously.. Ceci…
After WHAT HE DID TO MARK.. and he’s able to set that aside for a few address leaks 😋 Mm your favourite things or two.
Cecil didn’t want to at first, especially after mark nearly killing him for what.. the third time now.
But hay it’s hard to say no to the strongest being on the fucking planet right
The spawn of the Omni-Man himself.. the same man that killed all the guardians of the globe.
And maybe a spring of hypocritical threats “i don’t do threats..” mm that’s not what Cecil remembers..
More on the lines of “Cecil I swear.. if you don’t fucking tell me, I’ll pop your skull like a pop rock and use your brains as a face mask.. TELL ME Y/N’A NUMBER YOU PEIC-“
Soooo Cecil tried backing you up.. but well how can you keep a being like a Viltrumite at bay from its objective.
After Cecil finally fed into marks delusional ideas.
Seeing it fit, as a way to manipulate and control Mark..
He didn’t need more reasons to work with Cecil.. he has infinite data on you now and owes it to Cecil.
Seeing it as Cecil was one of the best way for you and him to get together.. even thanking Cecil..
After the info was out, in the light..
Marks mental health deteriorated.. quickly.. scaring even Rex at the globe, how brutal he was becoming.. for a guy who’s known to pull his punches..
Creaking villains heads open like walnuts.. it wasn’t a good look for Mark as an older brother..
Oliver always being brutal and lacking compassion but after you and Mark met.. Oliver straight up disregards life.
It wasn’t like he cared.. only thing he cared about is keeping you safe..
Making Mark more Viltrumite than man, at this point.
And if being Cecil’s lap dog does the trick in keeping you safe, then he’ll be the best god damn lap dog, Cecil will ever have.
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He’s memorised your schedule, your routine, everything.
Over a few weeks, Mark has completely gone cold to Eve, shoving her off, Mark’s pursuit on you escalating.
He’s always there.. always around.. in the mask or not..
Especially when it came out you liked Invisible..
Poor you.. poor poor thing, your the definition of fucked, literally and figuratively
Mark making sure to be extra.. in well everything, fighting bad guy, flirting with you, at the university, flirting with you like a nerd.. at your WORK?? FLIRTING WITH YOU..
The guy won’t give up!!
And at the university it was like having a body guard.. he created you with the highest respect he had..
But he was always around.. holding your books.. in the hallway, in the Library, even at your locker…
The only reason he hadn’t dropped out yet being his only tie to you right now is that satanic place!
Like come on baby.. just give him your number~ he knows you like him.. so let’s make it official.. Don’t be difficult now~
He knows your schedule better than you do, it’s almost embarrassing 😔
His silly girl.. not knowing her next class.. it’s fine he’ll take you, just don’t ask howwww~~
He knew your likes and dislikes, your hopes and fears, all milked from the symphony of your inner world.
He knew the you let out a soft sigh when you read a particularly poignant passage in your novels you love..
He even bought the whole series, so he could bond with you how sweet!
The frustrated groan you let out when you struggled with a math problem, the thrill of victory when she aced a history test.
The cough you did intentionally so people would stop talking
Even that you have a.. well.. adventurous mind about Invisible’s physic.. that he’d happily spoil to you..
Spoil that he does whimper and whine when he’s close..
That he imagines your hot cunt clamping on him then a silly flesh light, That he growls on accident.
Spoil that he slur’s his words when he’s close as if he has a lisp..
That he sucks pussy likes he’s a major in it.. that he’d suck your folds for the life of him…
That he’d nip and whimper if you asked
You’re such a perv.. but a perv he’ll happily entertain and love to the fullest.. even if it means a few thousand have to die
Remember love~ super hearing~~ you and your “friends” should keep it down. It’s annoying hearing them speak about what should only.. ONLY be yours..
Obviously eventually the constant stalking started freaking you out.. in the beginning you thought he was.. yes awkward.. a lil weird.. yea.. but charming, even cute.. but his “kindness” has morphed into something suffocating..
Plus items are getting moved.. or going missing without a trace.. you’d hate to point fingers but.. you’ve got a big feeling.. your onto him
And well you’re hitting your breaking point.. Even hiding from him.. pulling sick days..
Everything but he just.. won’t. Get. The. Hint..
More like he ignores the hint..
He knew far too much.
Understood you too well, leaving you to have a chilling feeling of being exposed, vulnerable.
A specific time, mark was walking with you out of university to your bus, him eventually pulling you to the side.. with hurt expression.. leaning in very close.. lips close nearly.. putting a hand on your shoulder.. rubbing gently while he spoke in a feather light tone.
“You know.. I’m sorry about your dad and mums divorce that much be very hard..” Mark would say.. HOW THE FUCK DOES HE know.. Who told him.. your blood ran cold, all you could do was stand there fawn, while this.. this.. this MORON poured out special memories y-you had with your family when it was intact.. for him.. to.. what… relate to??
You snapped.. yelled in his face stunning him.. he looked very shocked, then hurt..
He tried soothing you back to his side.. that only overstimulating your nerves more.. so you shoved him away from you. Walking off fast.
he had his hands out.. eyes begging to come back to him..
Mark swore he’s never felt his heart break like this.. he just wanted to care for you.. you’ve been through so much in a small human life..
He’s sorry.. so fucking sorry.. JUST DON’T LEAVE!! PLEASE
He just wants to check your okay.. but instead you wound his bleeding heart and run off..
This is so unfair.. when he’s trying your mad at him.. when he’s not your not interested..
Just let him love you!!
It’s all he’s ever wanted..
If you don’t love him back.. theirs no guarantee you and your family are safe.. and definitely not Earth.
So now you better stop being an ungrateful brat and come back here right now!!
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⛧ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ɴᴏᴛᴇ - ALSO HERES MORE OF MY WRITING FOR KINDA A ENDING :3 LOL HERES THE DRAWING BTW AND ALSO SORRY I LOST PLOT A LITTLE I WAS A LIL TIRED (Eepy he’s so cute). But love you guys nighty nighty me = eeppy deepy
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This extension being - 679 words :3
Screaming.. Crying, everything, You just wanted to him to leave!! His eyes hurt and glossy.. looking like a lost puppy. Eventually you tried to slam the door in his face.. Mark blocking it with expert speed slamming the door back into one of the walls, the thing going of the hinges.. A huge hole in the wall.. mark still holding on to the thought you’ll prevail.. and he won’t need to kill you and conquer this planet..because well the only reason he’s even protecting earth, your Marks most valuable thing in the universe to him. You <3 You stepped back looking at mark as if he’s a freak of nature.. “Y/N please.. listen.. you need to hear this.. I haven’t been honest to you.. a-and you’re mad.. b-but this’ll change it.. and w-we’ll be the same a-again!”Mark said in a shaky tone, tripping over his words.. his eyes watery.. what is this pain..It makes him want to crush his own heart.. rip out his own eyes.. eat his own skin.. WHY DOES THIS HURT?!!“Thing’s will go back to n-normal right” Words tumbling out in a rush, a torrent of desperate emotion. Mark trying and failing to persuade you.. more like himself.. giving you the crooked smile you used to like.Forcing his hand onto yours.. in a vice grip..He’s terrified.. of what.. he has no idea.. but he’s on the verge of tears to just beg for your forgiveness. You recoiled, heart beating like a panicked drum solo in Mark’s ears. Trying to tug your hand away.. only making mark construct more.. “Y-You love me.. you’ve told me.. please baby.. I love.. the only reason I know everything about you is to protect you!!?”Love.. Mark?? WHAT“I don’t love you mark what??” You shot back.. Marks lips quivering..“You love Invincible.. don’t you.. right?? You have drawings of him” “What are you talking about-“ You spoke, looking confused at mark his hold on your hand numb when he snarled. “ANSWER ME!!” You flinched immediately staring at mark.. clearly he’s been having mental breakdowns far too often. You tried to calm your nerves.. mark wasn’t doing good, you tried prying your hand away to help, for Mark to just-, with lightning speed have you in a choke hold. “Answer.. now” Lifting you up, while he hovered on to the ground. He shook you lightly.. legs dangling, your body consumed by fear you nodded your head just wanting this to end. Mark abruptly putting you back down gently, with a gentle smile.. What The FUCK? Then leaning forward kissing your slightly red neck. You froze fast.. this was all a weird mind fuck, Marks psyche this badly damaged from what.. a few harsh actions from you.. God save us all “Mm’sorry.. I didn’t mean it.. mm’im sorry.. i just.. I’m so scared.. you were so mean Y/N.. made me lose my temper..” He said feverish, peppering a trail of kisses over your slightly red neck from him choking you out a second ago. He quickly herded you from the house, dragging you forcefully. You tried resisting, but that resistance was only faced with discipline. You tried bargaining, screaming, promising not to tell to even begging It was too late for that.. He’ll take you by force. You tried keeping distance.. Feet padding back, the laces damp from what was the rain of the night. In a flash all of the distance was gone, he didn’t answer your pleas..He felt horrible.. yes.. would he stop.. mmm noWith one of his hands around your waist the other near your neck. Vision going blotchy.. You tried to struggle.. tried to scream.. but no noise came out.. He strangling you. You heard small sorrys and begs while your ears rung.. Feeling the light headed.. eventually passing out. Once he was.. sure you were asleep in his arms he kissed you lightly. A gentle reminder.. he’s doing this for you. Because well.. he loves you “You gave me no choice.. Y/N.. this is your fault..” And there shouldn’t be a reason they’re just school strangers. He won’t allow it!
⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ ⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧ ⛧°。
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saddeneddimple · 1 day ago
—𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑨𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝑰𝒕? | 𝑱. 𝑾𝑾 ☾
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Genre: Fluff, Suggestive, established relationship, neutral au (this content is 18+, any interaction below the age will be blocked)
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~After four months of knowing each other and hitting it off after meeting in an RPG, you and Wonwoo decided on a simple date night binge-watching a new television series in your house, meeting your sweet cat, as well as enjoying each others company ♥︎~
Pairing: UnofficialBf!Wonwoo x Afab!Reader
Warning(s): A little bit of cussing, mentions of alcohol, reader is very nervous (mentions of anxiety/nervousness), heavy kissing, subtle grinding, flirting, heavy talk
svt masterlist the bookshelf (main m.list)
a/n: originally this was Cat Mom, but i kept trying to write it over and over again and i just hated the story more and more, it has a similar(ish) topic but there was a switch-up which im much happier with. ik im the worst at consistency..enjoy!
word count: 2.2k
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Your heart skipped beats as you looked at yourself in the mirror, working on your final touches, topping it off with a deep breath. Wonwoo was coming over to your house to watch a show you both planned on binging together, and it being the first time he was going to be inside your home, as ecstatic as you were, anxiety invaded your body. The combination of nervousness and perfectionism didn’t collide well—double, triple, even quadruple checking and fixing everything—clumsiness taking over at times from how jittery you’d get.
Meeting in some RPG you were peer pressured into purchasing by your friends, you and Wonwoo met just playing together, joining each other in quests and occasionally helping each other reach to the games top rank. It went from you both went from exchanging Discords, to numbers, and when you found out you both lived in the same area, it graduated to going on several dates and hanging out in person.
You both clicked in an instant, feeling as if you didn’t need a filter around him or felt the need to pick and choose certain traits to accommodate to his unmentioned preferences, often leaving you thinking that perhaps you felt more comfortable with him at times than with the friends you’ve been around for years.
Your hands running through fabric of your clothing, smoothing itself, you take a final look at yourself in the mirror before the music you had quietly playing through your bluetooth speakers gets interrupted by a familiar jingle being your ringtone. Looking at your cellphones screen, you watched as the phone buzzed on the table, the screen displaying Wonwoos contact name, alongside a picture you had of him from one of the many dates you went on. The skin of your cheeks started growing warm, a soft shade of pink seeping out, your makeup failing to cover the current state of your face.
Clearing your throat, you answer the phone a couple rings before the call ended, “Heyy.” You greeted, playing it off as casual as possible to cover your nervous state.
“Hey, Y/N, uh, what was the code to the gate again? I forgot.” He chuckled over the phone, listening to his husky voice from the call alone sent chills down your spine. You tell him the code, following with a question, “You know which building, right?”
“Yeah, I know—“ He followed with telling you your building and apartment number, “Alright I’m past the gates now, I’ll see you in a little bit, okay?”
“See ya! Call me if you get lost.” You snicker, exiting your bedroom as you walked to the fridge in your kitchen, double checking if you had all the snacks and booze you got just the other day.
“Will do. Bye.” He hung up the call, allowing you to finally breathe a little more comfortably.
It isn’t official yet, neither of you have made the move or tugged at the idea of making it official. You both were consistent and mutually agreed on taking things slow, making this a friends-to-relationship type of deal. You appreciated and even loved the fact he never tried to rush you and was so consistent on taking things slow, refusing to surpass any boundaries and just letting things happen at the right time, it makes the connection between the both of you spark brighter, your infatuation towards him as well grow stronger.
You really liked him and currently, the thought of possibly putting the stamp on making it official has crossed your mind nonstop. Every time you’re around him, your feelings get stronger, you feel secure and sure about him, his intentions are clear, and the fact he’s so respectful and aware of your wants and needs as well as aware of your intentions makes you like him even more.
After a couple of minutes, those minutes feeling like dreadful, elongated hours, you hear a knock on your front door, your already speeding heart racing more than you believe it would, the butterflies in your stomach kicking you. Taking a self-soothing breath, you adjust your already fixed hair as you approached the door, unlocking it as you slowly pull it open, revealing a smiling Wonwoo.
His soft grin etched on his cheeks as his frames sat snuggly on his nose, his broad, catwalk silhouette towered over you as his hands were behind his back, appearing as if he were hiding something from you. An uncontrollably wide smile grows on your face, needing to purse your lips to disguise the wide, almost insane-looking grin.
“Heyyyy!” You greeted, opening the door wider. His eyes skimmed all over you, his sharp yet gentle eyes analyzing your beautiful details.
“Hey, you.” He greeted in return, freeing one of his arms in order to give you a small yet warm hug, your entire body feeling as if sparks were ignited inside of you. After breaking the hug, his hands grazed down your arm, softly holding your hand, fingers intertwining with yours. His soft gaze stayed stuck on you, your sparkling eyes turning into crescents from your wide smile.
“I got this for you, I saw them and it reminded me of you.” He chuckled a little awkwardly, having the hidden arm reveal a bouquet of flowers.
Your eyes widened as a small gasp comes out of you, admiring the bundle of blossoms, a combination of soft pink and deep red roses scattered in the bundle, white gerbera daisies between some of the roses, forming a beautiful contrast with the flowers, the colors of the roses popping out, wrapped in newspaper as it was tightened with a red ribbon, tied with an elegant and aligned bow.
“Oh my god—they’re so beautiful! Thank you, Wonu.” You pout to the sweet gesture, pulling him in for another hug, the scent of his cologne intoxicating you. “Come in, come in!” You gesture him, faintly holding his hand as he walked into the apartment.
Entering the apartment, he was analyzing the living space, nodding his head in approval to the decorative design you picked out for the home, his eyes suddenly braking at the end of your couch, spotting the cat tree. With his head slightly tilted as his eyebrows subtly furrowed, he asked, “You have a cat?”
Your eyes followed in his eyes direction, looking at your cat tree with him,
“Yeah! I do. She’s probably hidden somewhere she doesn’t really do too well with strangers.” You chuckle as you prep a vase you had, partially filling it with water as you set the flowers inside of it, arranging the bouquet to your liking.
He gave a returning chuckle in response as his eyes shifted to you, watching you arrange the flowers as you place it in the center of your dining table, watching as you were admiring the bunch while he was admiring you, his adoring gaze never straying away.
You look back, catching his eyes on you, your body flushed as a smile instinctively widened across your face, breaking eye contact.
“What?-“ you drag in your shy tone, a small giggle escaping you as you attempt to look at him, nearly failing to maintain eye contact.
“Nothing, you’re just so cute.” His smile widening, his nose scrunching a little in admiration to your flustered state.
His words alone made you break eye contact once again, looking down as your smile never faded, your grin so wide it nearly cramped your face.
“Stop—“ You whine as Wonwoo approached you, holding both your hands as his smug grin remains sewn on his cheeks, meanwhile you bit your bottom lip to hide your bashful smile.
Your bodies grew closer, his hand slivering its way to your waist, holding it lightly as your bodies swayed amongst each other. Looking at his plush lips, the craving to taste them grew stronger, but both your nervousness and the sake of trying not to make a move too quick held you back.
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You both eventually settled down, gathering the snacks you prepared as well as a couple of beers, both of you sitting on the couch as you shared a blanket.
His arm wrapped around your shoulder, his thumb grazing your clothed skin, both your eyes glued on the screen, micro expressions revealing reactions to the scenes and plot of the show you started watching.
Suddenly, you hear a soft meow from a distance, making you turn your head in the sounds direction, catching your sweet tabby cat looking at you, following a stretch before hopping on the couch. The cat grabbed Wonwoos attention as well, finally meeting your feline child for the first time.
A small gasp can be heard from him, “Is that your cat? She’s so cute!” He whisper yells, trying not to interrupt the show as best he could as well as in attempt to not scare off your cat.
You nod in response with a smile, gesturing the cat to come closer, which she did. Once she looked at Wonwoo she stood still as a statue, her eyes widening. She approached him slowly, sniffing him along the way, being very cautious with every step she took.
Catching the both of you off guard, especially you, you watch her immediately warm up to Wonwoo, standing on his lap, loudly purring as she rubbed her head on his chest, wanting his attention. You go wide-eyed, your jaw dropping as she gets pet with Wonwoos free hand.
“She got comfortable with you insanely quick! What?” You chuckled.
Wonwoo pulled you closer with the arm he had around you, your heart that was finally calm beginning to race.
“I guess she knows I like you.” He murmured. A beam of lightning rippled through your body, your face flushed to a rosey red, fortunately hidden by the darkness surrounding the both of you, the TV being the only source of light available.
“She definitely knows I like you.” You chuckled, in attempt to hide the fact you’re internally shrieking.
His eyes met yours, his glasses reflecting the glowing screen in its corners. You melt in his arms, looking into his dilated cat-like eyes, his large frame hovering over you in contrast to his gentle demeanor. The moment got slightly interrupted when your cat suddenly ran off to a small beeping sound, Wonwoo jolted a little to her sudden reaction.
“It’s just the feeder, it’s okay.” You reassure with a chuckle, a small brush of confidence stroked your body as you softly cup his cheek to have him look at you, taking off his glasses in the process.
“I want to see your eyes better.” You mutter out, your eyes shifting between his eyes and lips.
A smirked etched on his face as his free hand ghosts over your thigh, “What about the show?” He asked, his velvety voice deepening,
“What about it?” You ask, both your bodies inching closer, that spark of subtle dominance leaving as quickly as it entered.
His chuckle darkened as his hand gripped your thigh, moving your leg on top of his, nearly straddling him, “You’re so cute when you act like you aren’t flustered—makes me want to just get you more nervous and shy.”
With a sheepish grin, your breathing suddenly hitched to the movement, his eyes piercing into yours, not allowing you to break its deepening contact.
“Wonuu—“ You whined, following a timid giggle.
“Yeah?” He raised his eyebrow, his hand cupping your cheek, his bottom lip grazed yours, his hot breath fanning against your skin.
“Oh, fuck that.” You groan out, pulling him by the collar of his hoodie, your lips finally crashing as your body turned to putty against his.
His sweet taste foreign yet turned instantly addicting, letting a sigh come out of you as his hands subtly roamed your delicate body, their final placement being at your waist, your pressed bodies only getting closer, having your legs straddled on one of his thighs. Your fingers running through his hair, you slightly tug on the silky strands, causing a groan to escape him, his grip only tightening as your lips remained hungrily intertwined, his soft tongue gliding on your bottom lip, eventually dominating your mouth.
Your stomach turned into a knot as your core got tense, your breathing gone heavy as you feel yourself pool above him. He moved his hand to cup your cheek, however his thumb traveled to the opposite end of your jaw, his fingers nearly on your throat. Feeling his placement, your desire turned darker, pushing yourself forward which made his land lace around your throat, having him react to your move with a smug chuckle.
He distanced his lips from yours, leaving a small clear trail between each other. A small whine leaves you as you felt empty without his taste, needing that fix. His intimidating eyes looked up to your current state, on top of him as your radiating heat was seeping into him, watching how you leashed yourself with his hand, how easily you gave into him.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re like this.” He cooed, his hand on your waist pulling you closer, the sudden grinding friction making you sharply inhale as your core pulsated, your breathing growing heavier as you felt the puddle beneath you grow worse, your body becoming sensitive to the touch, its sensation sending waves of subtle pleasure up your taut muscles.
“What about the show?” You ask his question from earlier, trying to disguise your embarrassment from the quick turn to desperation.
“What about it?” He tilted his head, repeating your previous words with a smirk, a small scoff coming out of you before your lips crash onto his once again, deeper and hungrier than before.
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miiju86 · 3 days ago
" ... those girls still do exist". Sorry, but no. This is a religious/faith based belief. 'Gender' in that sense does not exist.
This is a religious and political belief based on the custom of socially enforced patriarchy - 'gender'.
And coming with that belief comes automatically the whole ideological construct and system behind it.
Without patriarchy - without male-supremacist sexual colonization of women and girls - there is no 'gender'. There are only neutral bodies of either female or male sex, with or without any DSDs.
Nobody and no body is "superior" or "inferior", nobody has a "girl-mode brain" or is an "alpha male". The sex of your body has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with what things you like, if you are a caring person or not, what clothes you wear, how your hair is cut, how you act and talk, what work you do and so on.
There is nobody "born in the wrong body". There are no "women trapped in men's bodies". These people are simply just men.
"Trans" is something you do, not a state of existence of its own.
I can understand in cases of living with extremely severe dysphoria, while knowing full well that patriarchy most likely will persist during their lifetime (and with it its pressure to uphold its social class system through gender norms and their consequences), that somebody might want to transition. Such people exist.
Yet they still pay a horrendous price. Suicide statistics for transitioned people don't go down - they actually go up! They become lifelong patients and suffer extreme physical, medical damage that can not be reversed and face significantly shortened lifespans - and that on the regular(!). Complications are almost the norm for people trying to transition.
In the face of all this to still believe and even go and promote this.... (not to mention the political ties to straight up the extreme right through pharma/medical industry and even horrendous animal expreiments and testing on a massive, industrial scale caused by the gender-industry, as well as the reasons following below). That's like spitting these people right in the face.
But at least they know what and why they are. These trans people know what they are really doing, why and also - most important - the cause of their suffering and the wish & the will to end that, not to uphold and even strenghten it!! They do not believe in an inner gender identity and a gendered soul. Because no such thing exists.
And thank the universe & reality that it does not - because if 'gender' was true and natural and innate, all these things would automatically also be rendered "true", "natural", "innate" and - the worst of it all - justified; Systemic inequality, based on male-supremacism; misogyny to the point of complete dehumanization of femaleness; based on that then following the complete (sexual) colonization of women and girls; then homophobia to the point of even its existence getting denied and erased; racism, especially against black women; ableism to the point of eugenics & forced sterilization of mainly young autistic people; extreme capitalist consumerism with total comodification of human life (not to mention any other living thing) in the style of privatized corporate transhumanism and - sadly - so much more.
Not to mention the fascistoid nature of it all - just like other faith based theocracies, patriarchy driven (driven back; only in new clothes) to that totalitarian state is fascist/fascistoid by its nature. No wonder since it is its base.
Patriarchy - male-supremacist colonization - has done enough. It has brought so much suffering in this world and in literally every single one of our lives.
As a lifelong feminist I do understand the unbelievable hurt it can cause, even today, in "the west" and even to members of the privileged class.
But please - wake up!
Do not buy into their agenda.
'Gender' does not exist.
If you feel any real compassion for people with dysphoria, for women and girls, for intersex people, for same-sex attracted people, for children, men, everyone - fight AGAINST the enforcing and further upholding of 'gender'.
It is an ideology designed to be a tool of oppression, of division and class hierarchy. It is socially enforced patriarchy. Nothing else. Don't be their "police" who gets around pressuring and terrorizing people into compliance with the system. And don't be their department of propaganda who goes around to blind and deceive people.
That non of you do this out of real compassion is clear - we just have to look how you treat detransitioners. We just have to look how you exclusively attack women's rights and how you never look for how uphold both sides. We just have to look how you, when talking about transpeople and trans rights, only ever mean transwomen - males, the ruling/upper class in the system. Everyone else is just a pawn, a means to an end and gets discarded as soon as there's no more profit to squeeze out of.
We have no space for male-supremacists. No space for colonizers. No space for hateful people driven by fantasies of supremacy and bootlicking.
Abolish gender.
btw you have to realize that there will be trans women who do not transition, who cannot transition, and do not want to transition, whether that is socially or medically or aesthetically or any combination of those. whether they like how they look or not, those girls will exist. and you dont get to belittle those women and girls for how they look or their choices in life, even if you are a trans woman and it makes you feel good because you hated your pre transition self or you’ve been hurt by men who look like that or whatever.
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pookietv · 3 days ago
nausea | arthur tv
hey guys! i have been MIA for crazy amounts of time but here is a little self indulgent fluff fic to satiate your fanfiction needs :P
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the ache in your lower stomach had plagued you for far too long now, a sick kind of dull ache that just completely ruined your mood. you had always struggled with periods - the nausea which led you to gripping the toilet bowl and praying for the gagging to end, or the lower back pain which was enough to make you want to pull your spine from your back just for some relief.
so that's what your day had consisted of: curled up in your soft floral bedsheets, trashy TV playing from your laptop which lay next to you, brightness turned all the way down to avoid offending your migraine, though it was being half ignored, curtains pulled closed even though sunlight was still leaking through.
you had become content with the fact that this is how your day would be spent, with even slightly moving hurting, and had reduced yourself to bed-dwelling.
well, at least until you got a text from arthur.
"hey babe, should be at yours in about 15 mins, you almost ready?"
fuck. your self pity party had made you completely forget that you and arthur had plans today - some new spot for food had opened and arthur had been so excited to take you.
not bearing being able to look at the bright screen, you quickly clicked call so you didn't have to text out your whole apology and explanation.
he picked up quickly, "hi you, everything good?" his voice rang down the phone, as soft and lovely as usual.
"arthur, 'm so sorry... i really don't think i'm gonna make it out today, i've got the worst pain," you said, voice slightly quiet cause you felt so bad ruining the nice day you had planned.
"huh? you didn't tell me you were getting sick, are you okay?"
you hummed for a second, "not sick, just period - y'know, cramps and migraines and aches, but i'm really sorry i'm just cancelling on you now, i feel dreadful,"
"you don't need to feel bad, not your fault at all babe," he said, voice gentle and laced with concern, "i'll come round, look after you hm?"
you felt a small smile of flattery creep onto your face, "oh, arthur you don't have to do that, feel bad you being stuck in the house with a miserable me,"
"oh hush, told you i wanted to see you today, even if it is a grumpy you," he said, and you could hear his grin down the phone.
"mkay, well, uh, feel free to come round whenever, you've got a spare key," you said softly, face still half smushed in the pillow.
"see you soon, darling," he said gently, and the phone clicked.
you hadn't been planning on falling asleep, but the sheets that wrapped around you like a cocoon and the dull throbbing of your headache became a lullabye, eyes closing before you even realised you were falling asleep.
it was only when you heard soft thudding footsteps when you began to stir, eyes slightly fluttering open to the touch of a hand stroking your hair, and arthur in front of you, small smile lingering on his face.
"hey, you. sorry, didn't mean to wake you, you just looked so peaceful. you wanna go back to sleep?"
your arms stretched slightly above your head, still laid down and looking at arthur crouched on the ground, level with your bed.
"mmm, no. 'm awake now," you smiled, pulling yourself up from the cosy bed, now sat upright.
"you look warm," arthur murmured, hand pressing against your cheek lightly.
"really? feel like i've been freezing all day," you said softly.
he frowned a little, and stood himself up offering you his hand.
"outta bed so soon?" you pouted mockingly, and arthur shook his head jokingly in response.
"well, if you don't wanna come see the surprise be my guest..." he teased, and despite your throbbing head, that was enough to rouse you out of your pile of blankets.
your feet padded across the carpet, following him to your front room that had been temporarily converted into what looked like somewhere to hibernate for winter - each inch of sofa covered in fluffy blanket or pillows, and enough snacks on the coffee table to comfortably provide for a family of four for at least two weeks.
the curtains were drawn, despite it being daytime, and instead your small lamps were turned on around the room, but the main source of light came from the TV, which had your switch loaded up and connected to it.
"i figured since your head was hurting we could keep it dark in here, and i got all your favourite foods, at least all the ones i could find - and i figured you've been so busy recently and you always talk about how you wanna finish playing portal with me so i figured if you're not feeling too sleepy or ill that maybe today would be a good day to just chill and play, but if you'd rather not or don't like the idea we can totally-" arthur rambled on, until you cut him off.
"arthur, you're so sweet. i'd love to have a chill day and play portal with you." you said softly, hugging his side with a wide grin on your face.
"okay, good. i just didn't want you to be alone if you weren't feeling well." he said softly, hand resting lightly on your back, thumb gently smoothing over the fabric of your shirt.
"i also got peppermint tea, which is apparently supposed to be good for period pain, who knew? it's apparently supposed to be an anti-inflammatory, which means it can reduce cramps and nausea, so,"
"arthur, i love you but could we maybe go into the science of peppermint tea after we start playing?" you teased lightly.
he grinned, "yeah, of course. whatever you want."
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sha-brytols · 3 days ago
you see in my mind palace where da2 was written by smart people with sexy brains the justanders merge would have been a slow burn you know. act 1 anders has that outgoing charmer persona he had in awakening and thats why he gets on so well with varric and isabela you know. i mean it makes sense as to why he's so well liked in darktown the refugees feel comfortable around him he comes across as warm and friendly. lirene all but calling him kind and disarming and sexy seems more appropriate instead of mildly offputting. but also you know there's still Something Different about him. he's more insightful. selfless. the way he talks is just a Little More formal. he's less flirtatious and more earnest and tender and he's notably far more respectful with the way he discusses his feelings on spiritual matters than you'd expect from the What If Andraste Was Actually An Ugly Hag guy.
then the justice reveal happens and you come to realize theres two separate forces at work here and you get to know each of them as individuals. the merge is still fresh and they're just so fundamentally different there's still a clear divide which means justice actually has the opportunity to be a character. you get to speak to justice and he's still that passionate, inquisitive spirit who finds value in the mundane and romanticizes humanity as the embodiment of freedom. he's blunt and direct to fault and feels almost alien to the people around him and his interactions with other characters are stiff at best and downright hostile at worst because like can you blame them. that's a demon possessing a mortal host. its the very essence of everything the chantry has conditioned people to hate and fear. but as the player you have this innate special insight to who he is. he's changed too. he's more light-hearted. he has a far better grasp of humor and social cues. he loves animals and theres a running gag where characters find him trying to befriend feral cats. he's oddly charming and is the one that actually hits hawke with those initial anders flirt lines from act 1.
then act 2 rolls around and its subtle at first but theres this undeniable blurred line forming between justice and anders. maybe justice fronts less but anders is still picking up his habits and speaking more and more like him. maybe there's just much more "inbetween" moments where the two bleed into one another than there was before. either way its become clear that the possession is becoming something of a fusion and man maybe THATS where the rivalry conflict is truly born because hawke sees what's happening and is alarmed for the both of them and the major source of conflict is actually that hawke believes they're both losing their identity to this new unnatural being.
idk just SOMETHING that respects justice and anders' characters while still exploring what was objectively an insanely interesting story concept like do you see what im trying to get at here. do you understand my vision.
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sweetdispatch · 2 days ago
Hi V! Can I get 8 red velvet cookies with vanilla and crushed almonds please?
Nursery - N. Hischier
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v' bakery pairing: Nico Hischier x fem!reader summary: You and Nico were excited at the news that you're pregnant but one night, your whole life fell apart warning: miscarriage, swear words taglist: @bunbunbl0gs @hwalllllllelujah
This was supposed to be your and Nico's little miracle. When you found out that you’re pregnant, you two couldn’t be more happy. It was like a dream come true. You’ve been together for the past 4 years and slowly, you were talking about creating your own family. When you learned that this is happening, both of you were excited. 
Nico was jumping around you and tried to help you as much as he could. He knew it was still early stage and you weren’t even showing but he didn’t want you to do anything. He was always there, cooking and cleaning. For him, the best scenario would be if you would just lay and didn’t even lift a finger. 
First month since you found out that you’re expecting has been good for you. Except for having morning sickness, you felt full of energy and ready to do anything. Nico was grateful that you’ve been feeling well. He didn’t want you to suffer for the next few months. You two spent plenty of nights talking about your little miracle, already thinking about names. 
During the break in the NHL you and Nico cleaned a guest room and started thinking about arranging this for a nursery. You really wanted to paint the walls and start buying baby clothes but Nico was telling you to wait until you two learn what the gender is. You were impatient and wanted to have this done now. You were too excited to wait. 
Your whole life fell apart one evening. You were taking a shower and you noticed blood running down your leg. You yelled for Nico to come here and he panicked just like you. Quickly, you got dressed and went with him to the hospital. There you got the worst news. You miscarried. 
This news broke you completely. You didn’t even try to hide it. You didn’t eat or talk. Nico was trying to bring the conversation, tried to help you but you were pushing him away. Every single day, he was telling you that this is not your fault but you weren’t listening. You were the one carrying your kid so you believed it’s your fault. 
You completely cut off your friends. You don't need to listen to how everyone is sorry for you and that they can help you in anything. You felt that this is your problem and not everyone else. What you forgot is that you’re not the only one who’s hurt. Nico was also mourning after this loss. He knew he had to be strong for you that’s why he didn’t show you this. 
Nico was heartbroken. He didn’t expect this to happen to you. He really wanted to talk with you, to be sure that you’re okay but you weren’t talking. It felt like he’s living with a ghost. You were barely leaving the bedroom and didn’t even look at him. When he was leaving for training, he was crying in his car trying to handle everything. 
One day something broke in Nico. He returned home and he had to talk with you. He was giving you space for the past week but it was enough. He needed to have a conversation with you even if it was forced. He simply needed to hear your voice. When he returned, he spotted that the bedroom doors were opened which means you left the room. His heart broke when he spotted you sitting in the room that was supposed to be a nursery. 
“How are you today?” Nico asked and sat next to you. You didn’t answer, still looking at the window in front of you. “Baby talk to me” He pleaded desperately. 
“There’s nothing to say. I feel awful and it’s all my fault so drop it” You sighed. 
“I won’t. You need to talk with me. We’re together in this” Nico grabbed your hand but you quickly took it from his hold. 
“We’re not! I’m the guilty one so leave me alone. I mean it Nico. It’s better if we break up. I’m not worth being a mother and your girlfriend” You said with tears in your eyes. 
“Stop this nonsense” Nico raised his voice. “This isn’t you Y/N. This is not the strong woman I fall for so talk to me” This part he said quietly. 
“You want me to talk? Fine!” You took a deep breath. “Everyday I’m waking up with the knowledge that I lost a kid. Everyday I’m waking up with guilt and nothing can help it. I can’t move on and I don’t even know if I can. This is haunting me and I really don’t know what to do. I want to just disappear, I want this pain to go away but I can’t. I can’t look at you because I feel responsible for letting you down” You were crying when you finished the sentence. 
“You didn’t let me down. You did nothing wrong. Shit happens. Unfortunately it happened to us but I know that we can survive this. Trust me, I would take your whole pain just to see a smile on your face again” Nico grabbed your hand again and this time you let him hold it. “We need to be strong. Nothing is happening for no reason baby. We’ve got this. Now, it might not look like it but I know we can” He squeezed your hand. 
“You think? Because it doesn’t feel like it” You looked at your hand. 
“I know it. It’s gonna be tough but I believe in us. I believe in you” Nico smiled at you. You didn’t say anything back, just laid a head on his shoulder. You knew that it’s gonna be a difficult road in front of you but you trusted Nico. If he believed, you believed too.
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levissslutt · 2 days ago
Warnings : 18+ MDNI smut, car sex wc : 2809
The mechanic
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"Son of a bitch." You cursed under your breathe as your red convertible broke down on you again. This was the 3rd time this month, all the fucking theatrics were pissing you off.
Sinking down into the drivers seat your lip began to tremble, just a soft knock on the window made you jump.
You turned seeing a man leaning to peer into your window, but not low enough to be creepy, all you could really see was his salt and peppered beard.
"Hey- uh my shop is just across the street, I saw you break down a minute ago, you need a hand? Its going to get dark soon." He spoke through the crack in the window.
You turned slightly to see the man better. He wasn't bad looking, cute smile, caramel skin, and soft brown eyes that held sincerity. He looked almost tired. But they darted around yours, not missing a detail.
"I got my little one back in the shop, he's doing his homework, but we can stay out here tho , I don't mean no harm, just willing to give a hand." He held his hands up.
The man seemed a little older than you, but you nodded, praying to whoever was listening that this was just a genuine human being.
Stepping out of the vehicle with a huff, you shook his hand.
"Hi, I appreciate it Im Bella."
He shook it back, eyes flickering to your lips.
"Im Josh, and like I said before that's my shop right across the street, with the sign."
You sighed realizing you had barely said a word to the man.
"Im sorry, I don't mean to come off rude, its just- been a long ass day."
He let out a low breathy laugh. "Im already knowing."
"What's a young lady like yourself doing out here at this time of the night."
He watched you silently, taking in the cute pout on your full lips.
"Well I own a yoga studio in the city, but I stay just up the street in those quiet townhomes."
His face had lit up, "for real? me and my lil' man stay over there too."
"Whattt- that's crazy. Ive been over here for about four years now, but about a year ago I was in a bad wreck and Ive just been having the worst luck with replacements." Your mood lightened a bit learning of a new face in the area.
He chuckled lightly as you ranted at your dilemma.
“ Well I gotchu, lemme take a look.”
You perked up even more, "you really wouldn't mind helping me?"
He chuckled, " not at all."
He moved with confidence to the drivers side door popping up the lever for the hood, then wrapping back around to prop it open. You sat on the curb, to the left of him watching him silently. You told yourself at first you were making sure he wasn’t doing anything he wasn’t supposed to be…..that’s why you were checking him out…yea!
“So this yoga studio you own, giving you good business?” His question broke you out of your thoughts.
“Blessed ain’t even the word, if I keep hitting my monthly goals like i’ve been these past few years I might be able to open another location by the end of next year, what about you and your shop?”
He let out a low whistle, impressed. “You got a genuine vibe to you I can tell you got a good head on your shoulders, you keep up that tunnel vision, it’s up from here.”
You smiled at the older man, not expecting his compliment.
“But, contrast to you I might have to close this shop down, which sucks, however this is my 6th location in the state.”
Your head snapped up, “man what you got me beat, six locations is incredible, that’s wassup.”
He continued working with easy confidence, chucking at your comment. “Not even, this was my pops business, and I took over when he passed.”
His eyes flicked to your bare thighs as he tightened a cap, and popped the lid closed. You caught it.
“Oh wow I’m sorr- wait are you done ?”
You got up not even registering his movements until he leaned onto the hood, looking smug. “Crank it up for me ma and tell me.”
Your stomach flipped at the way he was looking at you now, not necessarily staring, but watching very closely. Taking in your work out attire and the dip in your hips. ' Damn she fine.' He thought.
Sliding into the driver seat your turned your key, the car started immediately, smoothly. Your mouth was slightly agape, as you leaned back into the seat.
The man rounded to the passenger side, grinning ear to ear. “I got the magic touch just like pops” he grinned, tapping your window.
Rounding the car he made his way to stand right in front of you now, watching you with those deep brown eyes, since he’d come to your widow from his shop you couldn’t peel your eyes away from him, the tension building with each second.
He felt it too.
Gathering yourself you tried to sound neutral, “so what now Mr. handy man you want a payment.” You should not have said that.
His eyes glossed over with something dark, it only flashed for a second, and just as fast as it came it had gone, leaving a devilish grin in its place.
“I got something in mind, Ms. yoga instructor .”
Your lips parted slightly as your breath shortened, chest rising and falling slightly faster. Taking a step towards you the man was now inches from you…watching.
“Tell me something else ma.” He drawled, eyes twinkling.
“Hmm?” You couldn’t say any actual words now or your voice would've cracked at the tension that was now brewing in the air.
“You flexible?”
The fuck
Raising an eyebrow at the man, you scoffed.
Chuckling he threw his hands up, “you asked me for a payment…..ma.”
“And to think you was just a sweet mechanic trying to help out a poor helpless girl.” You laughed, but it held no real bite, considering the way he was eye fucking you, also considering how much you were enjoying it.
His smile stretched showing, his capped canines.
‘Oh?, you hadn’t noticed those before.’
The sight only made you squeeze your legs together slightly, but he caught the movement nonetheless, smirking.
The two of you locked eyes, your breathing had hitched, and before you could think too much you slid onto the center console, inviting him into the drivers seat.
He slid in smoothly, shutting the door, with zero hesitation.
Now that he was in your car, and you were all but pressed up against his side, you really took the time to look at the man. He had grey hairs that littered his hair all the way down to his beard. Contrast to all the grey, his face held not one wrinkle, his lips were full and pink, and his eyes were small and oval, that twinkled as you eyed him.
Chuckling he rubbed his hands together, "so you gon stare me down and not come sit on my lap huh?"
His voice was lower now, dripping wit a dark undertone. "Come here girl."
Slowly you forced yourself to move. You were grown, he was grown, why the fuck were you acting so shy, cause what you really wanted to do to him was fuck him to tears.
Your legs finally moved, and straddled him in the drivers seat, his large hands came and rested on your thighs, circling his thumb in slow deliberate motions.
His eyes were locked onto you, he was already taking a chance even asking something like this of a literal stranger, but you looked so damn good it didn't make no sense.
"I know you want to ma, go head'."
"You in my head or sum Mr. Mechanic?"
"Not at all pretty girl, I just see where your eyes lingering the most."
He leaned in inches from your lips.
Without wasting another second, you reached up running your fingers through his beard. He sat back, smiling with a satisfied hum. You couldn't help but marvel at how soft it was.
His hands slid from your thighs to your waist, pressing you flat against him, lips crashing into each others. With the engine running, the only sound was, that, the engine.
He didn't let you up for a second, he engulfed you, kissing you as if you owed him- ohh wait. You did owe home.
Your hips stuttered into his as you shuddered at the chills running up your back. His hands began to roam as he tongued the inside of your mouth, fighting and immediately winning for dominance.
He pulled back for a second to you let you catch your breathe, a string of saliva falling from the connection.
"Fuck girl." His hips bucked up lightly, his hardening length creeping up your thigh.
He breathed into your cheek before peppering kisses along your jaw. His hands were traveling, now moving up your stomach to your boobs, cupping the soft mounds.
He grinned into the sloppy kiss at the fact that you didn't have a bra on.
Your heart hammered into your rib cage, you were positive he could feel it, but it didn’t stop his movements.
You had to take control of the situation because there was no way in hell you were about to let him dominate you, he was going to get fucked, not you. After all you did owe him.
Pushing yourself off of him you attempted to get in between his knees on the car floor. After pushing the seat all the way back, you had a percent view of him.
His clothes were dirty, obviously, he's a mechanic, but his skin was soft and vibrant. Regardless of the way he looked he smelt of something clean and earthy, and something slightly masculine as well.
You eyed him as your fingers curled around his waistband, pulling them low enough for his member to pop out, slapping his stomach.
'Fuckin hell'.
Your eyes didn't leave his, and he was too mesmerized to tear his away from yours. Your tongue found his tip, swirling around the swollen head.
He jerked beneath you, growling lowly at the feeling. You worked his head, until his breathing was faster, chest rising and falling. Sinking your mouth all the way onto his length, causing his breath to hitch, and his hand flew to the back of your head, guiding you.
Your eyes met his as you came up, letting him out your mouth with a 'pop.'
"You keep sucking my shit like that I might need a yoga membership."
You smirked at the man, you were nowhere near done with him yet. You took him back in your mouth, you were utterly satisfied watching his hooded eyes flutter shut at the sensation.
His breathing picked up rapidly as you bobbed your head on his length, his hips slowly began to move into your head, needing some friction. Your hands found his balls, fondling them gently in rhythm with your mouth. He was squirming now, small whimpers escaped the husky man above you.
What a beautiful sight that was, he may have had you quiet a bit ago when he first walked up to the car, but now? All you could hear was the sounds of his tip hitting the back of your throat, the sound of you swallowing him whole in your mouth.
"Fuck ma, im finna nut."
His hips were jerking into you now, his hand in your hair, a guide for his movements. Tears brimmed your eyes from the force of him hitting the back of your throat, but you didn't care. You were going to unravel this man.
Your hands moved to rest on his thighs as he continued face fucking you, his mouth agape, and brows furrowed, you watched him closely.
His eyes were glowering into yours, he couldn't believe this was actually happening.
His breaths were short and jagged, he jerked underneath you again.
"Here I go baby." He whispered. His movements didn't falter at all and without warning, he shot his load into the back of your throat, warm and thick. It was all you could do not to throw it back up on him, he knew damn well he was wrong for that, not to worry you still were not done with the mechanic.
Before he could gather himself you pushed yourself onto him, his eyes widening slightly. He watched you slide your yoga shorts down hovering just above him.
His eyes were all but twinkling at this point.
"You bout to ride my shit pretty girl?"
He didn't even try to hide the wicked grin plastered on his face.
You nodded biting your lip, taking him into your hand you slid his tip up and down your entrance coating his tip in your essence. Fuck a condom honestly. His hands were trembling on your waist from pure pleasure, you weren't going to let him up tho.
Without warning you sunk onto his length, causing his head to drop onto the back of the seat.
“Fuuckk Josh.” You hissed.
He felt so damn good, kissing all the right places you needed him too. His hands found your ass as you adjusted to his size.
You were completely naked in front of him, no way did you think this is how this interaction would go….you sitting on is dick.
His eyes fluttered as he watched you, in pure ecstasy.
“You look so damn good girl.”
He nipped at your neck and then your boobs, leaving a trail in its path. Your hips were bouncing on top of him in steady movements that made your thighs burn but you didn’t care.
You wanted to fuck this man .
Your pussy was clenching onto him as if she’d never been filled before, and honestly the way he was fucking back into you…..maybe she hadn't.
Your hands found his shoulders for stability as you snapped your hips together, the windows were fogging up and his son was long forgot about, hope that boy got a lot of homework.
He was getting ready to flip you into the back when you stopped him, running your hand up the back of his neck, your fingers curled around the end of his long mullet, grabbing a fist full of his curls, jerking his head back to look at you.
“This my shit Joshua .” You growled into the base of his ear. That cocky smirk of his gone, now replaced with an exasperated look. Begging.
You weren’t letting up on the man, the burn in your thighs only adding to the knot forming in your stomach. His hands were rested lazily on your hips as he was a whimpering mess underneath you.
All that bite he had was gone, and you had him right were you wanted.
“You want me to stop Josh?”
You peered down into his eyes as you whispered to him.
Had it not been for the fact that you were 2 centimeters away from his face, you would’ve missed it.
Tears brimmed the man’s eyes as you fucked him. Riding him in the drivers seat of your car.
“N- no ma don’t stop.”
You could barely make out his words, a hushed whimper left his lips, like he don’t want you to hear him. Fuck that.
“Let me hear you pretty boy.”
He almost couldn’t take that, letting out a string of moans, eyes rolled to the back of his head as your right hand still gripped his hair. His hips had given out as you rolled yours into him, leaving small kitten kisses on his neck.
The knot in your stomach was ready to give out just at the sight of him alone, let alone the way he pulsated inside of you.
“F-fuck me ma.”
You grinned, hips grinding into his.
Without warning his hand gripped your neck as you pounded into him, using that leverage he began snapping his own hips back into your pussy.
Sending ripples through your ass. At this point you were seeing stars. The way his hips stuttered, indicated that he was too. You fucked each other into oblivion. The edges of your vision blurred as your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave, him following shortly behind you.
His moans were loud, filling up the tiny space.
"Gah damn ma, I just. nutted. all. in yo shit."
He was breathless, dragging out each word like he'd just run a marathon. Your head rested on his chest eyes fluttering.
"I might break yo car again just to have you ride me like that one mo' time mama."
You grinned, too tired to move an inch, "yea right boy you wish." Voice hushed and fucked out.
He only chuckled at you, as your eyes fought to stay open.
"You just fucked me like a side piece and now you done fell asleep."
He watched you fight to keep your eyes open after that workout, but ultimately failed.
No way you just fell asleep butt ass naked in your car in the arms of a stranger, how tf was you supposed to get home.
When you woke your hips were deliciously sore, unable to even stretch properly. When your eyes finally fixated on the room that laid out in front of you, you were in your bed. In your house.
"How the fuck did I get here.."
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fou4summer · 1 day ago
I'm your one true love
yoo jaeyi × fem!reader
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Synopsis: You knew that Jaeyi liked you, and you liked her too, but you always tried to deny it by dating other people. Then one day, after your recent breakup, Jaeyi comforts you and brightens your entire next day, eventually it makes you both confess.
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word count: 1.7k
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You were in multiple relationships and they all ended up the same way. With you being cheated on or just both of you just deciding that it wont work out. After every breakup you would go to your bestfriend, Jaeyi, who always comforted you and made you forget about it easily.
She never had anyone even tho the whole school is head over heels for her. She would always say how she already has someone she likes. At first you would always annoy her to tell you who it is, but over time you kinda got it yourself. It was you.
You thought it would eventually stop and that it was just a stupid crush she had on you. Not until you started to feel the mutual feelings about her too. When things would get too risky like you two sitting alone too close to each other, you would always lie that theres a new guy that you like. Everytime her mood would shift, her smile dropping. One time it was a bit more than that...
You were in your room, watching movies and having fun. There was a romantic scene going on in one and she took glances at you. You turned your head towards her and you were inches away from each other.
Her hand was moving slowly on top of yours as she leaned closer. The worst of all you didn't back away. You even put your hand on her shoulder pulling her closer. Until you realized that this could ruin your friendship forever, and you would lose your best friend.
"I'm sorry I really can't do this..." You remove her hand away and stand up from your bed.
"You know I like that guy and-" You try to make up something, but she cuts you off.
"I'm gonna go..." She picks her bag and leaves before you could stop her. You heard in her shaky voice that she was about to cry. You felt so stupid for doing this to her. She was the best choice for you and you knew it.
Come on she rejected half the school and the most popular boys were being pathetic asking her out, but she refused to even look at them. Her eyes were always on you.
Now you were with this one guy. I mean he was popular, handsome and not that nice, but not rude. You got a bit of popularity while being with him so that was a plus too. Even tho you deep down knew you would be much more popular and happy if you were with Jaeyi. You just avoided the thoughts.
You were sure you found the perfect guy, until you caught him cheating right in front of you. You were actually a bit broken cause that was your longest relationship. You broke up with him after he tried to tell you how it 'isn't what it looks like'. You heard that sentence so many times you could literally predict when he would say it.
You were still friends with Jaeyi after that night that happened months ago from now. She apologized and it broke you even more.
You were in your room, crying and you felt horrible about doing that, but you still called Jaeyi. It was actually pretty late, around midnight, but she still picked up in an istant.
"Y/N? Is everything alright? Did something happen?" Her voice was raspy and tired making you smile to yourself that she cares about you that much to answer even this late.
"Hey Jaeyi...I'm sorry that im calling this late...It's just that he cheated on me and I broke up with him and I don't know what to do..." You sobbed between words wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
"Oh its okay sshhh...Do you want me to come over?" She said her voice calm and non-judgemental. You quickly replied with a quiet 'yes', feeling like a jerk for doing this to her.
"I'll be there in five minutes...Okay?" Her voice made you calm down a little, knowing that she'll be there soon. You ended the call and unlocked the front door. She opened the door coming in quietly so your parents don't wake up.
"Hey..." She peeked through the door of your room making you sit up a bit. When you saw her you started crying again.
"Y/N...It's okay now...I'm here..." She pulls you into a hug, wrapping her arms around you, holding you close. You put your head against her sweatshirt, soaking it with tears. She caressed your back while whispering sweet things to you until your crying stopped.
"How about we lie down hm?" She whispered and you just nodded. She lied down with your head resting on her chest.
"I'm sorry Jaeyi...I'm sorry..." You couldn't explain anything, but she knew what you were apologizing for.
"It's okay Y/N...I forgive you..." She ran her hand through your hair, making you feel sleepy.
"I love you..." You mumbled against her, your hand resting on her shoulder.
"I love you too Y/N...I love you so much..." Her words made you tear up again, but you didn't want to worry her again, so you just kept quiet until you both fell asleep.
You woke up to your mom calling you to eat. You groaned before looking at the time. It was 1PM already. You never slept that long. You also noticed that Jaeyi was gone. You ran out of your room, finding your parents at the table, both confused by your action.
"Where is Jaeyi?" They both smile at your face expression before your mom answered.
"She left awhile ago. She doesn't sleep till afternoon like someone here. She left you a note on your desk, you should check it out after having lunch." Your mom says placing food on your plate.
After eating, you hurried to your room to see the note she left you. It was on your desk and it said.
Come to todays school festival with me please. 6PM at the school gate. I'm looking forward to it and I have a suprise:)
You smile at the note before turning around to find your mom standing there.
"You better not say that 'you are going out with some guy already' Y/N." She crossed her arms waiting for your answer.
"Don't worry, I'm going with Jaeyi this time. And stop reading my stuff!" You yell as you run to the bathroom to get ready.
You arrive at the school gate, about to text her, but you felt someone already tap your shoulder. When you turn around, you see Jaeyi in a beautiful pink cardigan that matched the pink tulips in her hand.
"This is my suprise!" She gives you the flowers making you smile and jump into her hug as she wraps her arms around you. She smelled just as gorgeous as she looked.
"Come on lets go!" You take her hand in yours before stepping into the festival.
That day was maybe the best one in your life. You ate popcorn, cotton candy and had cold drinks laughing and teasing each other all day. You went to the ballpit spending hours there like little kids.
You were now sitting at the bench that had a really nice view. You both looked at the stars as her hand slowly touched yours. It was obvious, she was nervous not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Not this time. You took her hand intertwining your fingers together and placing them in your lap.
She turned around to find you already looking at her. She was so cute and adorable. You were thinking to yourself 'How did I manage to reject this person so many times when she was the only one making me this happy?' She nervously smiled looking at you. You didn't want her to think that you'll do the same again.
You slowly leaned in, closing the distance between you. You felt her stiffen a bit, but she quickly relaxed kissing you back. You placed your arms around her neck, pulling her closer. One of her hands went down on your waist while the other caressed your face. You both broke the kiss to catch your breaths. You realized that no one kissed you like that before. It was so full of pure love.
"D-do you like the flowers...?" She broke the silence, her voice nervous and shy. You smiled nodding, making her smile too. You sat there looking at the stars and you kissed her a few more times making her smile into each one.
"Sooo...How did you like today?" You were walking back from the festival, holding hands.
"It was amazing. Thank you Jaeyi...You really made my day..." That made her chuckle squeezing your hand a little.
"Always." She looked at the beautiful sky above you. You wanted to just tell her that directly, your feelings for her. You stopped walking making her turn around confused and a bit worried.
"Is everything okay?" She asked and you give her a small nod before taking a deep breath. She needed to hear this.
"Jaeyi...I've liked you all this time. I just-I just didn't want to ruin our friendship or whatever...I was stupid and-" You were cut off by her lips against yours. The kiss turned into a bit more as her hands sneaked under your shirt resting on your lower back.
"You don't know how long i've waited for you to say that. You made me wait for so long..." She took your hand placing it on her cheek and you blushed at how she nuzzled her head into your hand.
"I'm sorry Jaeyi, but now I'll make it up to you for all those years rejecting you. I promise." You told her as she pulled you closer.
"Y/N...Will you be my girlfriend?" You smile instantly nodding and kissing her again.
"I knew from the start that I was always your true love..." She says against your lips before leaning in for more, but you stop her.
"Oh wow stop that!" You hit her arm playfully and she laughs.
She walks you to your house. You kiss and giggle a bit more in front before you eventually go home. Unfortunately your mom saw that and teased you for the whole month saying how she knew from the start. You never lost your bestfriend, she just became the best girlfriend that you never want to lose.
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nathanbatemanfucker · 2 days ago
Hello! Could I request a story about Joaquin caring for his significant other with a endometriosis flare up? Thank you ❤️
Where Candles Flicker
about this: pairing: joaquin torres x f!avenger!reader, wc: 707, contents: endometriosis flare up, pain, food mention, anxiety, low self esteem, caretaker!joaquin, an: hope u enjoy this one lovely, thank you for resquesting someting! <3
danny ramirez characters masterlist
Joaquin wakes to the sounds of you clambering out of bed. His eyes open, vision blurry as he takes you in. You’re hunched over a bit, one hand cradling your stomach, the other rubbing at your back. He knows exactly what kind of day you’re having. 
When you hear him stir, you glance over your shoulder regretfully. You hadn’t meant to wake him up. “Vuelve a dormir, estoy bien.”
“No estás bien, y lo sabes,” He sits up quickly, leaning across the bed to run a hand soothingly. You flinch away and he knows that this flare must be one of your worst. “Hey, querida, sit down. What do you need?”
“I was just gonna run a bath. It’s fine.”
“If it’s so fine, then let me do it. Sit,” He says firmly, pushing himself out of bed and making his way around to you.
“Are you—“
“Sure? I’m sure,” He takes your face into his hands, gently running his thumbs over your cheekbones. “Rest, mi amor.”
“Okay,” You whisper softly, leaning into the strong softness of his hands. 
While in the bath surrounded by the soft scent of chamomile and flickering candle flames, the two of you determined the cause of the flare was that you’d gone too hard yesterday sparring. It was hard not to when you didn’t have any of the fancy powers or gear that a lot of the other Avengers had. 
Joaquin didn’t push too hard, not with you being in such a delicate state already but he gently told you that you’re enough. That you didn’t have to push your body past its limits to be seen because you already are. 
That is what most of the day consists of. You trying to be brave, and Joaquin reminding you that you don’t have to be, not with him.
He sees the stress in your eyes when you realize you have to tell Sam you aren’t coming— he does it for the both of you, telling you to get comfortable on the couch. 
You learn that Joaquin’s become very good at reading your body language. He simply watches and waits. Even when you’re trying to breathe through a particularly hard wave of pain or get comfortable, he’s helping you before you have the courage to find the words.
His love for you and taking care of you is etched into every word and action. It’s in the way he wraps you up in your heated blanket. In the sweetness of the peppermint tea and the heartiness of chicken noodle soup. In how foregoes turning on the TV and instead pulls out one of your favorite poetry books to read to you. In the gentle certainty of his hands as he gives you a massage.
He’s still himself, bubbly and optimistic but he never invalidates your pain or experience. He meets you right where you are and only tries his best to make you feel better. 
You feel eternally fortunate. Beloved and cherished even on your darkest days.
And at the end of the day, though your body still aches and the fatigue is still there, it isn’t in your heart. There’s only space for Joaquin there. 
The two of you have made it back to bed, and he holds you close, his hands warm and soothing on your lower belly. 
Joaquin dusts kisses across your temple. “How’re you feeling, mi amor?”
“Better,” You grit out through a new wave of pain. 
“The truth.”
“There’s still some pain but I just wanna focus on you. How good you are to me and how much I love you.”
Joaquin hums, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “Then let me be your focus, corazón. I’ve got you.”
He means it, he does. In the way his hands never falter, tracing warmth over your skin. In the quiet rise and fall of his breath against your back, as grounding as ever. In the unspoken promise that tomorrow, and every day after, he’ll still be here, loving you through the worst of it.
You exhale, melting into him, into the peaceful assurance of his care. The pain is still there, but it’s lighter now—drowned out by the weight of love that holds you safe.
lmk if you'd like to be on the sfw (or nsf1 if 18+) joaquin torres taglist!
sfw joaquin taglist: @magikdarkholme, @plan3t-plut0, @mewmew222, @linnygirl09, @ezhz444, @karmaswitch, @badbishsblog, @glader13, @how2besalty, @happypopcornprincess, @hiireadstuffsometimes, @lisiliely, @spider-steve, @nolita-fairytale, @hrlzy, @faretheeoscar, @giuliahowlett, @abriefnirvana, @fanboyswhore9 , @sidkneeeee, @sophreakingfunny, @heartbreakgirlism, @peachyxlynch, @lomlbuckybarnes, @a-randomscrub, @ajcs150, @glimodejun, @isuckatmath, @arsonhotchner, @moonymeloncholymoney, @sidkneeeee, @galaxywannabe, @retrosabers, @marchingicenotes7, @marroonwitch, @jaebugzz
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nymphaura777 · 19 hours ago
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Scripting 101:
(this is for the people who are interested in scripting it's not compulsory for everyone)
So y'all have must heard about scripting. Like, legit, it’s a game changer when it comes to manifestation. It’s basically writing your dream life as if it’s already happening, and trust me, it’s way cooler than it sounds.
You just grab a notebook or even some random paper lying around (though having a cute journal makes it feel fancier ngl), and you write stuff like, "I’m so happy living my dream life" or "Omg, my relationship is everything I ever wanted." You gotta act like you’re already living it.
But when you write it, you gotta feel it. Like, don’t just throw the stuff down like a robot. Feel the vibes, u know? Imagine you’re waking up in your dream house or chilling with your soulmate, and you’re like, "Yep, this is my life now." It’s all about getting into that mindset where you’re like, "I already have this." The universe LOVES that kinda energy, trust me.
Also, no need to overthink it. Just write whatever feels good to you. Wanna manifest being rich? Write about counting stacks of cash. Dreaming about your soulmate? Write about how they make you feel and how cute y’all are together. But, pro tip: always add gratitude. Like, “I’m so thankful for my amazing life” vibes. Gratitude is like the secret sauce to make this whole thing work.
And bro, it actually works. I’ve scripted about some stuff, and it’s like, BOOM, outta nowhere, things start aligning. You don’t need to script every day like it’s homework, do it when you’re in the mood and let the magic happen. The key is to believe it’s real and then, idk, just vibe and let the universe do its thing.
So, if you’re interested in scripting or you love scripting, and you're procrastinating so why tf? Grab a pen, light a candle or something, and start writing your dream life. Like, what’s the worst that can happen? You just manifest a whole new reality for yourself. No big deal, right?
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medeasgirl · 2 days ago
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pair: kate bishop x reader
summary: you come home after a long shift to find kate at your door again, injured. you do all you can to patch her up, but that’s not all that’s wrong.
note: nothing graphic in this one! just some barely there angst, and a fluffy ending. reader’s a bit oblivious in this one. i love kate bishop so much, and this is my first time posting something on this blog, but there’ll be a lot more to come! requests are open <3
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It was past midnight when you arrived home, soaked from the rain, and kicked your shoes off with a sigh. It was miserable out, the storm brewing over the city had left the streets slick and especially dangerous, which hadn’t helped your shift at the hospital.
Your cat, Dante, purrs loudly from where he’s curled up on the couch. You mumble a greeting, stripping out of your coat. Your shift was especially tiring today, and you grab a carton of yesterday’s takeaway before joining Dante on the couch, turning on the news. They detail a shootout in the city, not far away from your place, and you furrow your brow as they play the footage. Is that—?
There’s a series of desperate knocks on your door, and you put your takeout down mournfully, leaving the news on. You have a sinking feeling in your chest as you open the door and double take.
“I- sorry,” Kate pants. “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” You take her in, hair disheveled, her purple suit stained with deep red at her stomach…
“Jesus, Kate,” you rasp and pull her inside. You know the drill by now. It’s not the first time she’s come to you. Though, this is the first time she’s taken a bullet to her side, and she winces as you tug her out of the doorway. You round on her. “That was you at that shootout, wasn’t it? What do you think—”
“Please,” Kate whines. “Save it for later?” Her vision is swimming, and everything feels a little fuzzy around the edges. She clutches at your kitchen counter with bloody hands, and you rush to her, suddenly afraid she might collapse.
“Shit,” you mumble to yourself, scrambling for the first aid kits you’ve learned to keep since a superhero decided to start crashing at your place after missions. “Don’t know why you keep coming to me,” you huff, grabbing wrap bandages. Kate grins through the pain.
“You’re a nurse,” she reasons, lowering herself down to the floor with a groan. You fight the urge to roll your eyes, instead helping her to the ground. Dante the cat meows interestedly.
“Nurse in training,” you amend, shooing him away. “Can you take that off?”
Kate blinks and looks down at her suit. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, hold on.” She winces as she reaches back for the zipper and you grab her wrist quickly, stopping her before she hurts herself more.
“Alright, I’d better do that,” you say quickly, trying to hide the flush rising on your cheeks. You were able to remain professional in situations like this every day, so why was it that Kate Bishop rendered you useless? Granted she was pretty, really pretty, even when she was bleeding on your kitchen floor.
You unzip her suit carefully, down to the hip, revealing her toned stomach, littered with bruises, and her purple sports bra. You fight off a smile at the color. “Is that fine?” you ask shakily.
“Yeah,” she breathes. “Is it bad?” You look down at her side, and prepare yourself for the worst. You press down lightly on the wound, and she bites back a whimper, her nails coming up to press into the skin of your arm. You murmur a soft apology, but breathe a sigh of relief when you assess the wound, noting that it’s not that deep.
“Just a scratch. Bled a lot, which is scary, but it’s not deep. Should heal just fine,” you press a finger to her chest lightly. “You got lucky.”
Kate smiles weakly. “I did, didn’t I?” she murmurs, looking at you in a way that is entirely too earnest. You feel your heart beating out of your chest and look down, away from her, fighting a blush.
You clean her wound in silence, only interrupted by the faint sounds of Dante’s paws against the tile and soft purrs. It might be domestic, in any other situation. You can feel Kate’s gaze on you, soft and genuine, and you can’t stop the warmth that bubbles in your chest.
“This might hurt,” you say softly, unscrewing the little tube of antibiotic ointment. You spread it with as gentle of a touch as you can manage, but Kate still hisses in pain. She grabs your arm. You shush her gently.
“Shit,” she laughs nervously, not removing her hand from your arm, instead squeezing softly. You finish quickly, making a show of putting the ointment away.
“It’s done,” you promise. “I just have to wrap it now.”
She breathes shakily. “Sorry for bleeding all over your kitchen,” she jokes, but it comes out weak, and tired. You wonder how much sleep she’s gotten.
You unspool the bandages, smiling in spite of yourself. “You’re making a habit of it,” you hum, wrapping the bandage around her torso. Her skin is warm against your fingertips. She shivers lightly at your touch.
“Yeah,” she breathes. “Sorry about that,” she says more genuinely, brow pinched as if she’s worried she might be intruding on you. It makes you want to laugh, almost. If only she knew how much she was on your mind.
“No, don’t be,” you rush out. “I mean, I don’t mind.” It comes out clumsily and you wince. Kate blinks.
“No?” she asks quietly, an edge of something like hope in her voice. Your hands still, looking up at her. There’s warmth in her cheeks again, and heat in her gaze, and you find your eyes drawn to the way her lips are slightly parted…
You squeak slightly. “No, no, I mean, it’s practice. Not everyone is on call to a superhero,” you tease.
Kate deflates slightly at that, sobering quickly. “Right,” she mutters.
Your fingers slacken around the bandage. Shit. Did she mean something else? “No, I meant—“
She clears her throat. “Yeah, um. Thanks for your help. Again,” she smiles weakly, taking the bandage from your loosened grip and fastening it tight around herself. You look on, dumbfounded, unable to shake the feeling that you’ve misunderstood.
You swallow thickly, nodding. “No problem.” She tries to pull herself up and you take her hand, steadying her. Kate’s hand is soft in yours, her finger tips a little calloused but still so gentle when they graze your palm. Then it hits you.
You don’t want her to leave.
You realize you’ve been holding on to her for too long, and drop her hand like a hot coal. Kate’s face falls.
“I’ll, uh. Just be going,” she mutters, moving past you with a hand on her side. Something inside you screams not to let her go and you can’t help but panic a little.
“Wait,” you say, sharper than you intended, and she flinches a bit. Guilt immediately washes over you. “I… did I say something wrong?” It comes out a little brokenly. The last thing you want to do is ruin this, whatever it is, the late nights in your kitchen, patching up a cut on her temple, so close you could just brush your lips against hers, softly. But you won’t, because if you screwed it up, you know you’d miss it too much. Miss her too much.
Kate looks miserable. “No,” she huffs. “No. I just misjudged something.” She zips her suit back up, not looking at you. “I have to go.”
“Kate,” you murmur. She meets your gaze silently, and you bring a hand to her cheek. You brush aside her hair to find a little scar, from a cut you patched up just a week ago. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I don’t know why I keep coming here. I’m sorry,” she whispers. “And I know, I know you don’t mind helping me, but I feel like I’m taking advantage—”
You frown. “Kate, what are you talking about?”
“I come here every week to bleed out in your kitchen. Just to see you, you realize that?”
You blink. Of everything, that had never occurred to you. That she could possibly look at you and feel the same bubbling warmth that you did. All the late night visits, all the times you were close enough to press your lips to her skin, and you didn’t, for fear of rejection… and now Kate thought you were rejecting her?
“But you. You were hurt—” you mumble stupidly.
Kate sighs. “You think I couldn’t fix that myself? I wanted you.” She fiddles with the fabric of her suit, her face hot against your hand, where it seems to be stuck. “And I misjudged it, clearly, I’m sorry.”
“You say sorry too much.”
“I— what?”
“Kate,” you mumble, bringing your other hand to her cheek, flushed a sweet pink. Your eyes dart down to her lips, bitten and a little bloodied, but looking so petal soft it makes you dizzy. “Kate,” you say thickly, tilting forward to press your forehead to hers, noses brushing.
She swallows, bringing a hand to your waist. It’s a delicate kiss, tentative, and you can taste the sharp tang of blood as your lips meet, but Kate’s mouth is sweet and warm. Her hand strokes up the small of your back, pressing you into her as her mouth moves softly against yours.
She pulls away, and presses a kiss to your forehead, leaving you slightly breathless, your body tingling with warmth. Against your skin, she smiles.
“So does this mean I can keep crashing at yours?” She wags an eyebrow.
Dante purrs in approval from where he’s curled around Kate’s feet. And you smile, pulling her in once again.
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mapofsouthdakota · 2 days ago
Headcanon -
Barista Caleb takes your order
Details: dokidoki fluffy coffee caleb, maybe he adds apple juice and a squeeze of lemon? 700ish words.
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“Morning,” he says, a slow, easy grin tugging at his lips as he leans against the counter. His voice is smooth, low, but carries just enough amusement to make you feel like he’s been waiting all morning for someone interesting to talk to. “First time here?”
You blink, thrown for a second, before shaking your head. “Uh—no, I’ve been here before. Just… not with you taking my order.”
“Ah,” he hums, like this is important information. “Well, in that case, I’ll have to make sure your experience today is exceptional. What can I get for you?”
It’s almost unfair, how casual he is about it. You manage to give him your order, your voice steadier than you expect, but the moment he nods and writes your name on the cup, you realize you might be in trouble.
Because he is breathtaking.
Not just in a pretty-boy, “oh, he’s attractive” kind of way. No, it’s the way he moves—fluid, self-assured, a quiet kind of charisma that doesn’t demand attention but holds it anyway. His apron is tied perfectly at his waist, snug but comfortable, emphasizing his lean build. He works with an effortless grace, hands moving with quick, precise motions as he sets up your drink like he’s been doing it all his life.
And then there’s the new barista.
You notice them standing beside him, apron still a little too crisp, movements stiff with nerves. He notices too.
“Hey, you good?” he asks, his tone light, but genuinely concerned.
The newbie nods, but hesitantly. He watches them for half a second, then gestures toward your order.
“Wanna make this one?”
They freeze. “Uh—me?”
“Yeah, you,” he grins, nodding toward the espresso machine. “C’mon, it’s just one drink. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“…I mess it up?”
“That’s the spirit,” he teases, nudging them lightly with his elbow. “But seriously, don’t worry. I’ll walk you through it.”
You watch as the newbie hesitantly steps up, hands fumbling with the portafilter. He lets them struggle for a second before stepping in behind them, close enough that his voice drops slightly, quiet and patient.
“Here, let me help.”
And then he does something devastating.
He reaches out, his hands brushing over theirs as he adjusts their grip, fingers steady and sure. “You wanna lock it in like this. Feel that little click? That means it’s in place.”
The newbie nods, but their breath catches slightly, and—yeah, okay, you can’t blame them. He is warm, too close, and entirely too unaware of how unfair it is to exist like this.
“Good,” he says, pulling back just enough to give them space. “Now, hit that button—yeah, that one. You got it.”
You swear you see the newbie swallow hard, cheeks dusted pink. He doesn’t comment on it—maybe he’s too focused on the drink, or maybe he’s just used to this.
Because you are feeling the exact same thing.
The drink comes together eventually, and the newbie looks both relieved and still slightly dazed. He claps them on the shoulder, offering a quick, reassuring grin.
“See? Not so bad,” he says. “Next time, I’m letting you handle it without the assist.”
They make a sound that’s somewhere between a laugh and a nervous gulp.
And then, finally, he turns back to you.
He picks up your cup, spinning it slightly between his fingers before sliding it across the counter toward you.
“Here you go,” he says, his voice just a little softer now, a little more directed at you. “Hope you like it.” And then, after a pause, his smirk deepens.
“If not… guess you’ll just have to come back so I can make it up to you.”
Your fingers tighten around the cup, heat creeping up your neck. Your brain offers you several possible responses—flirty, cool, clever—and you say none of them.
Because all you can think about is how easy it would be to just ask. His number. His shift schedule. Anything that would let you turn this brief interaction into something more.
But the words sit heavy on your tongue, unspoken.
You just nod. And walk away.
And as you take your first sip, the new barista catches your gaze, their expression a perfect mirror of yours—slightly dazed, a little overwhelmed, and absolutely thinking the same thing.
This isn’t just a barista.
This is a problem.
And then you glance at the counter one last time, at the name tag pinned neatly to his apron.
More chapters? Help a writer out to chose where to go next!
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