#and vernon spitting fire
monamipencil · 5 months
lalali mv .... another day another slay
me after the mv
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arliedraws · 2 months
For the work in progress game: came back wrong.
If you’ve been asked that one already: undeliverable.
came back wrong - sirius comes back wrong during dh
Harry inhaled, silently treading through the snow, gripping the wand before him in anticipation of an attack. The woods were unearthly quiet except for the man’s mumbling, still indiscernible as he approached. It seemed like the man had no idea where he was going, only that he needed to press on. “Sirius?” Harry called quietly. The man immobilized. “Sirius, is that—is it really you?” Slowly, the stranger turned, his wide, pale eyes falling on Harry with terror. They flickered up and down. Harry gripped the wand, ready to fire, but the man simply stared at him as if he held no recognition. It was no ghost, that was plain by the deep tracks in the snow. There was an emptiness to his gaze that struck Harry as what the victim of a Dementor’s Kiss looked like. A familiar voice cut through the silence. “Harry?” The man took two clumsy steps forward. Something seemed to stop him, however, because he froze, regarding Harry with fear.
Aaaaaand undeliverable is me noodling around what might've happened if Padfoot came to the Hut-on-the-Rock in PS/SS and Hagrid picked up both Harry and a new dog for himself:
Inside Hagrid’s hut, Harry pretended to enjoy Hagrid’s offering of rock cakes and tea. He tried to ignore the huge black dog by complaining about Professor Snape, telling him how Snape had singled him out and humiliated him in front of the entire class. Hagrid, however, avoided talking about Snape by patting the black dog’s head. “Reckon yeh’d like to know how this one’s gettin’ on, eh?” said Hagrid nervously. “Er—” “Brilliant creature, Harry. Gets on well with Fang, no trouble there. Seems to understand a fair bit o’ what I tell ‘im—nothin’ too complicated, but seems ter know things like ‘sit’ an’ ‘stay’ n’ ‘follow me.' Found a good one out i’ the middle o’ the sea, didn' yeh, Harry?” Ron set a hardened cake back on his saucer, frowning. “What d’you mean? Harry found a dog? That dog?” “Er—yeah,” said Harry. “He—er—he just sort of showed up at the island where Uncle Vernon brought us. He must’ve been lost in the storm or something.” “He looks like the Grim,” muttered Ron, avoiding the dog's eyes too. “Codswallop,” barked Hagrid. “He’s jus’ an ordinary dog—not some ruddy omen o’ death. Wizards are a superstitious lot,” he told Harry. But Harry was bursting to spit out that it was not an ordinary dog. He’d seen its human form—a skeletal specter of a man before it transformed into the beast that now rested its head on Harry’s lap. The eyes looked up at him, its eerie gaze pleading.
Thank you!
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searchingforgravity · 2 years
The New Maid - PART 2 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: It's your first day on the job as a maid at Graceland. Elvis arrives with the Memphis Mafia and, to your surprise, instantly notices you. And he is not happy about it. He thinks that you're too young for the job and is very unhappy with the fact that he wasn't consulted by his step-mother beforehand. He has an argument with his father, so you decide to be extra attentive to show you're worthy. After a few drinks, Elvis notices your efforts.
TW: Making out, groping, alcohol consumption, cleaning kink? (will be more evident in future parts)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 2478
A/N: Hello Everyone! In this one, you really get a gauge for how Elvis and the reader will interact with each other. There's a lot of tension in the beginning of the relationship between them. It's the reader's first interaction with Elvis and some stuff happens between them. Anyway, happy reading!
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"Dad, what the hell is a little girl doin' cleaning my house," you overhear Elvis spit out at his father. You stop cold in your tracks while re-checking the hallway you cleaned earlier this morning. You thought he was fine with you here. You actually had the chance to meet him when he arrived with the Memphis Mafia, and he was very pleasant towards you. He greeted you with a sweet "Hello darlin'" and asked your name. That was about two hours ago, and it seems his feelings have changed. You’re pulled out of your thoughts when you hear Vernon Presley speak. "Son, she's not a child. She's twenty-four years old." This made the superstar scoff. "And," Vernon added, "She has multiple years of experience. We needed someone with open availability on short notice. She's been working tirelessly since 5:00a.m. and she's done an outstanding job". It warmed your heart to hear those words come out of his mouth. At least someone appreciated your efforts thus far. "Let me guess, Dee hired her, didn't she?" Elvis sneered, lowering his voice, lest Dee be lurking around somewhere. "Boy, you better not speak an ill word of Dee. I trust her judgement. You should too." It seemed Elvis wasn't too fond of Dee either. Noted. "Yeah, well you better hope she's reliable. You know how particular I am about my staff. I can't believe you guys hired a fuckin' child while I was gone. Hell, hire the whole circus if you want. It's not like I would have any say over it any how," He hollered, storming away leaving his father alone in the private kitchen. A surge of anger runs through you. How dare he judge your abilities based on your age? You can understand his concern, you suppose, but to talk of you that way without even knowing you? It was demeaning. You walk away as quietly as you can and enter one of the guest bedrooms. You fluff the pillows rather harshly for the third time today. Well, Mr. Superstar, I'll just have to prove you wrong.
Later that night you were served dinner in your private quarters while Elvis and his Mafia ate and partied in the dining area, no doubt excited to be back at Graceland. Dee allowed you an hour break to go and collect your things from the motel. She was sure to remind you that she would not give you accommodations or 'rides' to collect your items when they are already paying you to be here. You leave for the motel in a huff.
Back at Graceland, Elvis was livid. How could his father let Dee hire someone without his consent? Although he was upset about your age, that wasn't the only thing that bothered him. It was his step-mother. Oh, how he hated that woman. But she did him one favor by hiring you, because damn if you weren't the prettiest thing he'd seen in some time. You were so soft spoken when he met you earlier that day, but he could tell there was something in you he wanted only to himself. There was a glimmer of fire in your eyes that couldn't be contained. It was dangerous, and he subconsciously longed for it. He knew full well that he had to keep things professional with you if you were to work for him, but it became increasingly difficult to contain his delinquent fantasies. His thoughts lingered as he took a drink from his scotch, deciding to listen to music on his record player. Nutbush City Limits by Ike and Tina Turner roared throughout the house as his friends were lounging on the couch, smoking and drinking. God he loves this song. "Hey E.P.! Come take a shot with us!" Sonny West shouts as he holds up a bottle of vodka. Elvis smiles. Usually he'd stick to sipping his scotch on such a laid back night, but screw it. What could go wrong?
As you approach the steps to Graceland, you knock on the door. After a moment, one of the other staff members lets you in. Dee gives you your last task of the evening: cleaning the kitchen. You decide to put extra effort into this as you begin spraying and scrubbing the countertops. You pause as you see a bottle of merlot and a note addressed to you. '(Y/N), please enjoy some wine tonight as a thank you for your hard work today, as well as a welcoming gift into our home. Feel free to enjoy in the living area. We look forward to you working here in Graceland further. -Vernon Presley.' You smile to yourself as you fold the note and place it in your apron pocket. How kind Elvis' father was, and so different from the treatment you've been receiving from Dee. You briefly wonder if that woman has some sort of vendetta against you. Deciding you'll enjoy some wine after showering tonight, you return to your work. You hear the men going back to their rooms as the party starts to die down. As soon as the last door shuts, you turn to find Elvis watching you. This sends a surge of electricity through your body. Your cheeks flush as you look away to return to your cleaning duties. After a few minutes, you chance a glance back over. He's gone. You release a breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. Why are you so on edge around this man? You try rationalizing that it was from the argument you overheard earlier that day, but there's a nagging voice in the back of your mind saying it's much more complicated than that.
After showering and putting your clothes away, you get into one of your nicest pajama sets: a striped baby pink long sleeve shirt and matching bottoms. Everyone had long gone to bed so you didn't bother putting on a daytime dress. You were bubbling with excitement to explore the place as you descend the stairs to make your way into the kitchen. When you arrive, there is a glass already waiting for you. Was this here earlier when you were cleaning? You rationalize that Vernon probably left it for you as you pour yourself a small glass then make your way to the living area. You're greeted with exuberant peacock stained glass windows, cascading drapes, and a beautiful baby grand piano. You ponder what it would be like to live in a house as extravagant as this as you walk over to a record player, sipping on your wine. Would it be paradise to have such a glorious place to call home, or would you be in a constant state of worry? You wouldn't have any financial worries at least, that is if you're Elvis Presley. You sift through his records: Chuck Berry, B.B. King, James Brown, Ike and Tina Turner... the list goes on. You loved Chuck Berry growing up. Loved how he made you feel alive again on days when you were down. You spot a speck of dust on the shelf next to the record player and absentmindedly swipe at it with your hand. You're too distracted to realize that someone had entered the room and was watching you with their bottom lip between their teeth.
"I see you enjoy taking people's wine glasses while their back is turned," you hear suddenly from behind you. You turn in an instant, wide-eyed, and see none other than Elvis holding a new glass of wine, leaning against the entryway wall. You almost drop the glass you're holding. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize this was yours.." You catch his eyes trailing down your body. Or did you imagine it? You look down, suddenly realizing how ridiculous you look standing sheepishly in your pajamas. Your cheeks turn almost as crimson as the wine you were previously enjoying. "That's alright sweetheart, I was just messin' with ya'" He says with a hint of amusement in his voice. You briefly look up from the floor into his crystal blue eyes. They entrance you. You could get trapped in them and never look back. You avert your eyes as you remember his harsh words from earlier, how he made you feel so small in front of his father. In an attempt to change the subject you offer, "Your father is a very pleasant man." His eyes bore into you, but you refuse to connect. He clears his throat in slight agitation. "Yes, he's very welcoming to newcomers. I assume he left this wine out for you...I guess I should be the one apologizing." You ease up a bit as you give in and return your gaze to his. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I couldn't finish the whole bottle myself anyway." You offer a smile. He laughs out loud. "I'm sure we would have a grand time if you did," he suggests. The words shake you to your core. You suppress this feeling as you bite back "Oh, no. I really shouldn't. I'm just a child, after all." You regret the words as soon as they tumble out of your mouth. You weren't even supposed to have heard the conversation. You cower instantly. He pauses, taken aback as he searches for a response. "It's not very polite to listen in on people's private conversations, honey." Oh no. This is not the direction you wanted your first conversation with him to go. "Of course, I-I'm sorry, Mr. Presley. I assure you, I can provide the service you need. I didn't mean to eavesdrop” you relent, regaining your composure. Your words trigger something within him. Your voice echoes in his mind. "Mr. Presley." Usually he doesn't like his staff addressing him by his last name, but those words coming from your soft, pink lips intoxicates him. He readjusts himself, his pants beginning to feel restricted. "Yes, well...I-I didn't mean anything by it dear. You've been doing a very good job. I was just being an ass. And please, It's Elvis." He hesitates. "I'm sorry if you've caught me staring a few times. I rather enjoy watching you clean up." He whispers seductively. He knows it's dangerous, but something deep inside of him needs to know what you're thinking. He knows it's wrong, maybe that makes him want it more. The only thing that gives you away is your slight shift in position. But it was there. That tension that builds when two people clearly want one another, but can't admit it. You stare at him, contemplating how to respond to his bold words. You admit, before really thinking, "I don't mind you watching."
There is a palpable silence that invades the room. His eyes are pleading for you to do something. Anything. You decide that this job is more important than what is or isn't happening right now. "I should get to bed, I have to be up early in the morning," you say, regret flooding your voice. He nods, seemingly accepting your answer. You saunter past him and make your way to the kitchen to wash the glass that was previously pressed to your lips. As you're cleaning, you start to spiral. Oh God, (y/n), why did you say that? It was anything but innocent, you and him both know that. You dry your hands gingerly with the hand towel as you shake away these thoughts. You turn to go to your room when you're stopped short. Elvis followed you in to the kitchen and is standing behind you. He walks ever so slowly to you, testing the waters. The smell of his cologne and a tinge of alcohol on his lips invades your senses. He's drunk. You look up into his sparkling eyes, and you're completely lost in them. He gently and cautiously runs his hand up your arm to land on crook of your neck. "Tell me you don't want this," he whispers. He's asking permission. Your mind goes blank. Of course you want this, what 'this' was, you didn't know, but at the moment you wanted anything he wanted to give you. You don't know where this sudden wanting is coming from, but it's taking all of your energy to fight it. “You're drunk," you whisper back, breathless. "I wouldn't want you any less if I wasn't, darlin'." Oh God, he wants me. Your mind is reeling. What could I possibly say to him after that? During your moment of hesitation, he brings his other hand to your back and pulls you into him, molding his lips to yours. You try pulling away but his grip is firm, strong. His grasp tightens, and your self-control falters. You kiss him back despite yourself. He lets out the softest moan as he deepens the kiss, leaning you against the kitchen counter. You release all inhibitions and run your fingers through his hair. God his hair is so smooth, like silk against your fingertips. His desperation increases as he runs his tongue against your lips, pleading for entry. He lifts you onto the counter, and gently slips his tongue into your mouth. You both sigh at the new sensation. You barley put up a fight as his tongue explores yours, refusing to relinquish dominance. His hands start their journey on your body, longing to touch every inch as he grazes over where you need him most. You gasp and he takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, spreading your legs apart with his knee to fill the space between your thighs. You can feel his erection graze your thigh as he gently rubs your core. You sigh from the relief, and it spurs him on. He gently grabs your ass and pulls you flush against him. You feel his hardness against you. You whine as you grind against him, earning a low growl in response. He brings his hands to your pajama pants and tries snaking it underneath the clothing, further diminishing the gap between you. You grab his hand to stop him. You can't let this go too far. "Let me have you, (y/n)," he begs in your ear. You snap back to reality. "Elvis, stop" You say regretfully. You're completely flustered. He pulls back to look at you, his eyes blown with lust, begging you to let him continue. You shake your head, avoiding his gaze. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- I can't." You can't find the right words to say, your mind is moving a million miles a minute. You hop down from the countertop and try to stop yourself from sprinting up the stairs. He calls after you, but you don't stop until you reach your room, sinking to the floor against your closed door. Embarrassment floods your face as you hide it behind your hands. What have you done?
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whumpinggrounds · 2 years
CW: BBU general warning, fire, difficulty breathing, smoke inhalation, male whumpee, pet whump, female whumper kinda
“Oh god. Oh, my god. The house – the house – our house!” Mistress Caroline is wailing, wailing like Barnaby has never heard her wail. “Vernon, Vernon, can’t they hurry? Won’t they hurry? I don’t understand where they are-”
Buoying up his distraught wife with an arm under her armpits, Master Vernon stares at the towering pile of smoke with an expression that’s attempting stoicism. “Come on now, Caroline. Deep breaths, darling.” He jostles her, and she shrieks again. Barnaby could’ve told him that wouldn’t work. “The fire department will be here in moments, it’ll…it’ll all be all right.”
“It won’t be all right!” Mistress Caroline’s hands come up to clutch at her throat. “Our home – our beautiful home – our beautiful things, all of our things-”
“They’re just things, dear, we can replace-”
“Oh, you.” There’s real venom in Mistress Caroline’s voice as she rounds on her husband. She’s raising her hand to beat on his chest, the way she does when she’s truly furious, but before she can, her gaze catches on something behind her husband.
Her gaze catches on her loyal servant, Barnaby.
Never has Barnaby longed more fiercely for Pierce, the older Box Boy, a grave and gray-haired expert who outgrew the title boy more than thirty years ago. Pierce would understand the desperate light in Mistress Caroline’s eyes. Pierce would know how to soothe her, settle her, make her see reason.
Barnaby just steps forward, head bowed. “Ma’am?”
“Barnaby, I need you to go into the house for my jewelry box, understand? You know the one, the painted china with the mirrored lid-”
“Caroline.” Now it’s Master Vernon’s turn to be sharp with irritation. “The boy is brand new. He is worth much more than whatever’s in that jewelry box-”
Now Mistress Caroline does slap him. One quick blow across the mouth, more to shock him than to harm. “Have a heart!” There’s true misery in her voice. “Some of those pieces belonged to my grandmother – my great-grandmother! I have to…I have to at least try…”
Faced by his wife dissolving into tears, Master Vernon softens, even with his cheek pink from where she slapped him. “Oh, honey, the fire isn’t even near our bedroom,” he tries, but Mistress Caroline won’t be soothed now. She’s nearly hysterical. Once again, her eyes fix on Barnaby.
“Go,” she urges, flapping a hand at him. “I said go!”
For one endless moment, Barnaby waits for Master Vernon to intervene, but his master doesn’t look at him. His arms are encircling his weeping wife. He’s picking his battles, and he isn’t picking Barnaby.
Taking a deep breath of air already tinged by smoke, the Box Boy turns toward the house.
Opening the door, he’s met with a wall of smoke, black and thick and choking. Even as he coughs, Barnaby plunges into the house, obedient until the end. From the rear of the house, the kitchen spits off heat and light and hideous smoke, smoke that burns his eyes and sears his throat. Taking even a few steps froward is agony. Bent almost double, Barnaby creeps forward, one hand fumbling ahead of him, the other rubbing uselessly at his eyes.
His reaching hand finds the banister. The thought of going up, of entering into the suffocating blanket of ash, makes Barnaby’s legs weak. Around him, the wood of the house screams under the assault of flames and heat, and Barnaby whines with it.
He doesn’t want to.
He doesn’t want to.
He must.
One foot, and then the other, Barnaby climbs the stairs. By the end, he’s almost crawling, rasping in air as best he can, staying as close to the floor as possible.
Just a few more steps. A few more steps to the bedroom, and then within it, Mistress Caroline’s bureau. The jewelry box is on it. Barnaby can picture it, cool white china and painted flowers. Once he has it in his hands. Then he can leave this hell.
Are his eyes full of grit, or is the hallway carpet blurring beneath his fingers? Barnaby can’t tell. His eyes are in agony, his throat, his lungs. He coughs but no sound comes out, he tries to breathe but there’s no air. The radiant heat on his skin and the blisters it raises don’t register. Barnaby is cooking from the inside out.
Still, nonsensically, he drags himself forward. Over the heavy hall carpet, over the threshold of the room that Master Vernon and Mistress Caroline share. There’s a window open, and smoke billows out into the sky, pours out into the sky, utterly overwhelms any glimpse he might catch of the sky.
There’s fresher air near the floor. Barnaby drinks it in greedily, hacking as he does. On hands and knees, vision fading, he creeps toward the bureau.
When the firefighters find him, he’s unconscious at the base of the dresser, curled in the fetal position. They reach down to move him, and the jewelry box spills from his insensible hands.
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sassaffrassa · 8 months
ok it now being two almost three months into the year an whole year later and i just posted 25 smubbles in a row got real unhinged about smubbles over that year which sort of skews the answers here HOWEVER
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
🤔 gonna say the Rusalka fic even though that's really nebulous bc maybe if i say it out loud i'll actually start it. (it's a lie it's gonna be another 25 smubbles, but that's different, those exist in their own category)
or maybe Wholesome Prison Blues, aka Better Living Through Jailbreak, where roche and ciaran are in an eternal fire prison together
“Don’t you know anything about us? Best elf-hunter in the north, they called you. Before the witch hunters stole your title.”
“Scoia’tael— not elves. I never needed to know how you lived to know how you died."
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
doppler!Roche is the one i keep thinking about and never knowing how to start, but i wanna play there so much. drunken waif dies in the street and no one notices, so a doppler on the run takes his body and shoves him into the river, stepping out into broad daylight just in time to find out he's been recruited to the king's spy corps.
fast forward and he's drunk the kool-aid, fully fanatic about king and country, and using his shifting to enhance his spy work, knowing full well that if they ever catch him neither side will even deign to spit on his grave.
something something then he gets caught
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
god i sure hope it’s “that fucking guy with 100k words exclusively in drabbles” because that seems to be the trajectory i’m on (sorry to the vernon roche tag on ao3, but also i’m not sorry at all lol whoops)
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I thought about it and decided: Why not show my fanfiction? So today I will show one of my works, and especially for you, I translated it into English (because I am Russian) myself. I hope that you like it.
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~ The soul of beloved brother ~
The night sky, which was strewn with billions of stars, covered the town like a dome. Serenity was in the air. Residents saw off "yesterday" and prepared for a new day.
All the misfits were in their beds. They are very tired, training their stage magic skills. But some people couldn't sleep. And I'm talking about Dante Vernon right now. Ask, why is he not sleeping at such a late hour? Well, he had a very sad dream.
He found himself in his shop, but there was one difference: he looked the same as many years ago, in his youth. Looking at the counters with goods, Dante recalled his childhood. He remembered his father, his friends.....his cousin Lyle.... Then the wizard remembered the creation of the "Emerald Ring" .....and the fire in the "Grand Oak Resort". And guilt overwhelmed him. How he would like to go back and fix everything......
- Hello, Dante!- a painfully familiar voice sounded.....
- Lyle....is it really you? Dante asked incredulously. His eyes filled with tears.
In front of him stood a man with blond hair that stuck out in all directions. His eyes were like a clear sky, and his smile was brighter than any star. Lyle was wearing a white shirt with a black bow tie and black trousers. Leather shoes glittered on his feet.
Carter is the spitting image of him, -Dante thought.
- Well, you give! Don't recognize your brother!- the man laughed loudly, as if he was 14 years old again.
- I miss you so much......Lyle ...- said the wizard. Tears continued to flow from his eyes like little rivulets.
The soul came up to Mr. Vernon and hugged him tightly.
- Thank you, Dante, for taking care of my son. I'm so sorry I left him.... -Lyle said regretfully.
- He had to go through a lot...... Dante said sadly, but decided to change the "mood" of this conversation - But he is safe now. Carter is your little copy, in case you didn't know,- the wizard said with pride.
- Hah! - the ghost laughed - And your daughter is just lovely! I'm glad you have your own family.
The brothers hugged for a long time. After all, they haven't seen each other for many years. But unfortunately this moment could not last forever. And at that moment, Lyle let go of his friend, brother and began to walk away, dissolving into the light of the sun.
- Lyle! Wait!- Dante ran to him. He didn't want to lose it again.
- I'm glad that we met again, say hello to Leila and Carter, - Lyle Wilder Lock finally said.
Dante jumped up in bed. Tears continued to flow from his eyes. And the wizard felt such an unimaginable longing that he wanted to scream. There was a rustling nearby and later it turned out that it was James who woke up.
- Honey, what's wrong? -The other Mr. Vernon asked anxiously.
- I saw Lyle......- only Dante said and James understood everything without words. The other Mr. Vernon hugged his husband, patting him on the back. There were no sobs, but it didn't make it any easier. But after the tantrum, the men went to bed. And in the darkness of the night Dante whispered:
- Good night.......bro....
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dyke-yoonji · 2 years
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spark a fire, burn the stars
"It's just powder until a spark ignites it."
Stiles accidentally wills a hunter dead while trying to save Erica and Boyd from the basement, unthreading a tapestry of magic, betrayal, power, lies, love and secrets woven all around Beacon Hills.
Stiles was not a violent person. While he did react violently sometimes, when his dad or his mom or Scott was involved, he was more of the flight guy, rather than the fight guy. He knew his talents, and fighting didn’t make it top ten.
But for a second, as he felt the spit on his cheek while his not-really-friends were shocked over and over for no good reason and saw this asshole standing over him being gleeful about the pain he had inflicted, he wanted him to hurt. 
He wanted him to burn.
He wanted him to feel every pain Stiles, Boyd and Erica had been enduring all evening, he wanted him to be electrocuted alive, and beaten over and over by someone bigger and stronger than him, he wanted him to suffer and be humiliated the way all three of them had suffered and been humiliated.
For a second, he wanted him dead.
And between the blink of an eye and the next, Avery was screaming.
written by: @dyke-yoonji​ (graveltotempo) with art by: @evanesdust​
word count: 68k
general tags: season two canon divergent, magical stiles, canon typical violence, hale pack 2.0, Scott McCall gets better, light angst, Vernon Boyd & Erica Reyes & Stiles Stilinski friendship, Sheriff Stilinski knows, magical realism, eventual happy ending
coming soon to the @twsterekbigbang
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
joshua hong
something more it’s a tale as old as time- your roommate walks in on you masturbating and things escalate from there
studio session you and your boyfriend decide to try something new- aka letting other members watch him edge you (ft. seungcheol, jeonghan, wonwoo, seokmin, and vernon)
the method taking method acting to the next level
one-up you should’ve told your boyfriend the truth about that stranger at the grocery store. inspired by an audio by @/aas on quinn (iykyk)
they wanna (fuck) ft. vernon your boyfriend joshua wants to try something new with you… and his best friend
can’t sleep
spitting in your mouth
turn ons
nsfw headcanons ft. wonwoo + mingyu
sugar daddy line
pornstar headcanon ft mingyu
obsessed with your boobs + cont
praise kink
bulge kink
morning sex
sex after being sick ♡
tipsy threesome w wonwoo
switch!shua ♡
relaxing threesome w wonwoo
hot tub ♡
pussy slapping ♡
riding sub!shua
husband shua
riding sub!shua’s face ♡
ruining your orgasm
don’t moan
another wonshua threesome
show off
noisy ♡
husband shua eating you out ♡
cramps ♡
The Picture pt two ♡
threesome w jun
1st look fit
rubbing your head
in front of jeonghan ♡
wonshua polycule ♡
t-shirt ♡
making out
kiss it better
coming home tipsy
cockwarming tease
competitive threesome with wonwoo
lazy evening sex
by the fire
eating you out for the first time
getting cucked by jeonghan
competitive threesome 2.0 with wonwoo
riding him on the couch
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madraynesims · 2 years
Strangetown: In The Sims 3
To continue on my last post about my Sims 3 Strangetown experience, Kayleigh gave birth to a little girl named Janet, and by now they had a second child, another daughter named Francine!
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I mentioned before Kayleigh, Dominic had 3 children with Chloe Curious, here they are! Their eldest daughter, Jolene, is to the right. She’s Evil and Mean Spirited, definitely reminds me of Dominic lol. In the middle is their other daughter Esmeralda, she’s a sweetie. Then their son, Keenan, to the left. Oh! Jolene is currently dating Rex Hogg, the son of Dusty Hogg and Cindy Freebers. Chloe’s sister Lola still lives with them. Kristen Loste and Erin Beaker have both moved out and started families of their own.
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Speaking of Dusty Hogg. This whole playthrough Dusty and Cindy Freebers have been on and off. Ending up with 6 children together before they both rolled the want to get married, just to immediately break up the second I left the household. LOL. From left to right we have their daughters; Stacy, Chana, Judith and their sons Darren, Allan and Rex. Chana is in a relationship with Kelley Beaker, the eldest son of Loki and Circe Beaker!
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Circe and Loki Beaker had two children before ending up in a divorce. On the right is Kelley, not sure why he has black hair? I guess it was randomized. He gets along best with his dad and still lives with him. Their youngest son is named Cecil and he gets along best with his mom. Circe and Cecil both moved out together after the divorce. Loki is romantically interested in Annie Howell now, but she actually just got engaged to Buck Grunt recently! Awhile back Nervous got fed up and moved into his own apartment. He never got involved with Annie, but he was dating Jonas Bragg before Jonas passed away.
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Ophelia and Johnny Smith got married the second they became adults and started a family! They currently live in Olive’s home, which Ophelia inherited, with their daughter Ginny and son Chadrick. Ophelia just got pregnant, so there’s a third on the way! They also have 5 dogs. FIVE. Unfortunately, at this time Johnny is in mourning because both his parents have passed away from old age. This is the part I hate lol when everyone gets too old.
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One of my favorite families to follow are the Fusillis. Ripp Grunt and Ara dated when they were teens and got married when they became unexpectedly pregnant with their oldest son, Jon. They bought a house together and had another child named Stephanie. I just think they’re so cute together.
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The Rossums! Isaac and Roberta Rossum had 3 children together. The oldest son is Vernon, who looks just like Roberta. To the right is Mitchel, spitting image of Isaac tbh. Then their daughter Letitia. Vernon never got along with his parents and moved out once he became a teen and is currently dating Hazel Dente’s eldest daughter Marlana. Unfortunately, while Isaac wasn’t home, Roberta got into Isaac’s inventing bench and caught herself on fire, tragically burning to death.
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Erin and Lazlo Curious got together pretty early on. They had one son together named Jedediah. He turned out pretty cute, and a genius! My favorite thing here was Lazlo was the first sim to adopt a pet. He got Fuzzball when she was a little kitten.
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I love love loveee the Smith family. XY-XY and XHT-F got married right away and had 3 sons together. The eldest son to the left is XCT-U, to the right is XHT-M and their youngest X1-X2. XCT-U is in a relationship with Tycho Curious (who is female in my game) and XHT-M is dating Janis Smith, the youngest daughter of Jenny and Mister Smith. The two Smith families are very close, Mister Smith was always coming over to visit. The two older boys don’t seem to get along, XCT-U actually decided to move out to live with Tycho and Pascal.
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Some honorable mentions: Daddy Bigbucks had a son named Fidel with Pita Florica. Yes. Fidel. Jill Smith hasn’t been able to settle down. She had a son named Andrea with Buck Grunt, then had another son with Jorge Mole. Vidcund Curious had a one time fling with Renee Andrews, resulting in a son named Jabari, whom he complains about child support for every chance he gets. Frankie Fusilli is in a relationship with Crystal Vu. They have two daughters, Charmaine and Dianna. Kristen and Ajay Loner married and have two daughters, Trina and Alisa.
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idkwhatursayinh · 2 years
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therealmintedmango · 4 years
Cerberus - Part One
Summary: ...”An eerie shadowy figure looms across the way making my murderous blood run cold. It looks smaller than a bear so the thought of running into a bloodthirsty wild animal leaves my mind. It looks not like a wild boar or cat. Wait. There appears to be not just one figure looming across the meadow but two. My eyes widen. The figures don't move but they both stand like humans would upon two legs. But they are bigger… Much larger now that I squint across at these two unknown figures. My stomach drops as I feel like a low growl is produced by the looming, unwavering figures… with… glowing amber eyes?...”
Genre: Werewolf/ Shifter AU; Medieval AU; Strangers-To-Lovers AU; Heavy Angst; Soulmate AU; Eventual romance/ smut
Beta Read By: @justanothergirlfromeurope​ Thank you so much my darling for helping me with this! You are wonderful! Thank you! 💖
Rating: NC 18+, Explicit 
Words: 5,379 
Pairings: (Eventually) ot7 BTS x Human Female Reader 
Warnings: Dark themes; Possible Yandere Vibes in the future; Death; Gore; Murder/ Killing; Implied Incest (nothing happens - I promise); Mentions of being naked/ being seen naked; I think that’s it.
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It’s late July in the afternoon, the hot sun baking boils on exposed skin if you are a brave enough soul to show any flesh. The cicadas cry, the large winged beasts screaming into the scorching air, sounding like terrible, angry monsters. My giggles cut through the loud droning of the winged beetles, pleased to my core I even let out an unladylike snort, shoulders shaking as Seungkwan tells the group of us a joke. I sit with a few of my brothers - the princes of the land in which father rules - in the shade of the maple when the laughing ceases as a shadow blocks the sun from roasting us further. The younger crowd of my brothers and I look up to see it is men from the king’s court, walking over to our shady spot in the garden, solemn features, shiny hats, and a loyalty to my father is the only thing they share. 
They say that mother has passed.
My brother Minghao gets up and asks where the older kin of boys are. The advisors tell him as he barks at us to stay here. The castle, they say. Infection, they say. Seokmin gasps, the bright smile like mother’s downturned at the news. Seungkwan’s joyful attitude dies. Vernon covers his face with his hands, a sob ripping from his throat. Youngest of my thirteen brothers, Chan, clings to me suddenly, tears welling in his large brown orbs as I hold him steadfast. 
The food sitting in my stomach feels rotten and cursed all of a sudden. All the sound dies from my ears, my mouth hangs open as the breath escapes me. 
Infection they say? How could they say such a thing? She was never ill, I think as people are running in and out of the castle, screaming and crying—something I wish I could do at this moment. I flinch, hearing my most vicious brother - Soonyoung - bellow a sound I wasn’t aware he was able to produce. 
I feel the same, but only in my heart for my lips cannot utter even a simple, single whisper. 
I was never close with mother even being the only daughter she had out of the fourteen children she created over the years with father when she was fertile - the only job a woman of nobility has in these times. And when she is finished having many children she is to still retain her youthful appearance which she did easily. 
They said that she gave her children a little piece of herself when she birthed us all. Chan has her sparkling eyes, Seokmin her smile, Junhui has her high cheekbones, Soonyoung has her unbreakable spirit, Minghao has her sharp tongue, Jeonghan has her cunning brain, Jihoon has her feisty attitude, Mingyu has her ability to be understanding and kind in the midst of her fire and passion, Seungkwan retains her strange sense of humor, Wonwoo got her cool intelligence, Vernon got her uncanny skill to be so young but so strong at the same time, Seungcheol has her unyielding stride, and Joshua her wit. And they say that I am a twin of my mother physically: her hair, her body type, her smile, eyes, her wide hips, sharp shoulders, feet, hands, legs, and even my fingernails. 
I only wish I had her spirit and fire my brothers bear, but perhaps they took it all before I was created in her belly? They say that children suck precious things out of you. Did I take everything else from her? Was my guilt eating me alive? 
My father, the king of this land, kept her locked away most of the time in the high tower of the west portion of the castle. I don’t know much about father but I know he is easily jealous. He wants the best whatever that may be: the most children, the best cloaks, the best military, the cleanest streets, the shiniest coins, the happiest peasants, the most beautiful queen in all of the land. Father hated when mother would talk to anyone that wasn’t close kin at dinner time or when we went to the market when she would merely look at the fruit seller man. She would be gone for days, no trace of her for a week or so, emerging with tired eyes, brushing the stray hairs from my face as she smiled sadly at me. Little did I know there was no fruit seller in the cobblestone market either. 
Still, my heart aches for a mother I had and hardly ever knew. 
The sound of the boisterous cicadas fills my ears, hearing returning to normal as brothers Jeonghan and Joshua come to collect us shortly after that, faces made of what looks like stone. 
It has been many moons since mother has passed. The air that was once ripe with colors and sounds is quieter now. It’s cool, my peacoat and shawl wrapped around me when I roam the garden in the afternoon with a different brother each day. It’s almost time for a harvest moon which comes in a week, Wonwoo told me on our walk yesterday. The demons and goblins of the underworld are said to have sprung up from the dirt and mud during these times. We sent mother away on a burning ship out to sea so I can’t help but wonder if mother is in the sky, the ground, or the sea still. 
My brother Soonyoung and I walk quietly together, the brown leaves crunching under our boots. It is a rare time when his voice is still. I know he is pondering what to say to me. 
What can one say to me? 
I love them deeply though, their touch and affection they still bring to me after each day. Sun up to sun down they coddle me. They have always coddled me, even the elder ones who are fit and strong and ready to be wed treat me as if I am a babe. I used to hate feeling like this, like I am small and unimportant, a babe who needs protecting. The only daughter the king has ever had. One of fourteen. I am no one to my father, to his people. But to my brothers now I see, I am their youngest sister. Something they only have one of. They cling tighter to me emotionally and physically now that mother is no longer here. 
I will take this feeling and hold onto it. I am important to them for that is why they treat me this way. 
The sound of horse hooves clattering up the path behind startles me. Soonyoung shields me, pulling me into his warm chest. I am comforted and protected. 
“Prince Soonyoung, Princess.” The captain speaks monotone. They do not call my name for I am a woman. Even of nobility and the pride of my brothers, I have no name besides my title.  
The captain’s lips move. I have no idea if what I heard was true. Soonyoung snarls and tells them that it's preposterous and evil and to shoo before he cuts them with his blade attached to his hip. They turn on their stallions and leave, a fog rolling into the garden as I feel hot and confused. 
Did I hear them correctly? 
They say that father wants to marry me.
They say that he will never be able to find a bride as beautiful and as perfect as my mother. They said that I will wed at sunset tomorrow. 
It is my turn to be made of stone as I fall into darkness. My breath is gone, a warm exhale hits the cool air, leaving my lips in a wisp before I pass out in my middle brother’s strong arms. 
When I awaken, my eldest brother, Prince Seungcheol, is heard pleading with my father in the political hall. His usually calm voice echoes against the rock of the building, the fire crackling in his basins as my thirteen brothers all object to me being my father's next bride. His brows are kit, furrowed as his lips speak my thoughts for me while father watches with mild amusement, seated at his holy throne. 
“She is not ready to be wed! She has not even bled yet!” He remarks, flinging his hands out to his sides. Little do they know, I have, I have just kept it a secret, becoming a woman is nobody's business but my own. “She is your daughter! Think, father! Think! How the kingdom will hate you for that! It is vile!” His voice cracks, tears swim in his brown eyes as my brothers shake their heads in agreement. 
Yes. How vile indeed, I think watching them all silently behind a pillar from above the hall. 
Father gets up with a wretched smile stretched upon his lips. I take a few steps forward, uncloaking myself from the secrets of the darkness in my nightgown a maid must have dressed me in, looking over the stone railing. “She is our littlest sister! Our only sister! She deserves to be married for love and only love-“
I gasp as my stomach pits into itself. My brothers flinch. 
“How dare you talk like this to me, Seungcheol!” Father spits, anger flashing in his eyes like the fire in the torch basins. “She is a woman. She has no rights no matter who and what she is. She belongs to me.” 
“How dare you treat Y/N like an object and not like your daughter!” Soonyoung snarls, mothers fire lit inside of him like the hot sun. He is brilliant and strong like a tiger who burns through the forest in his powerful wake. 
Father raises his hand striking Soonyoung across his cheek with a sound that echoes in the corners of the hall. Something falls from his hands, though its clanking sound is covered up from the shouts that follow. 
“How dare you thirteen boys!” Father is shouting, my feet are moving on their own, rushing down the stairs to my brothers. “All of you are utterly worthless!” He shouts as Mingyu, the tallest brother, rage ablaze on his face as he moves toward the king, arms raised as he acts like he is about to slap father. 
Please, don’t! Is what I want to say, but I cannot. 
“Guards!” My father shouts into the hall as they come running in at his command. “Flog them all hundred lashes each!” He smiles a wicked smile as I run up to the scene with the ones carrying swords and pointed sticks. “And if they make a sound give them ten more!”
My brothers are being beaten and detained and my heart is breaking into fragile glass as the noise and blood coming from their mouths is too much to bear.
I do the only thing I can do. 
It is my turn to protect my brothers. 
Please mother, give me all your strength to stand up to this vile, evil man who surely killed you for the sport of it. My gut twists thinking of the peril I may face rising to the challenge that is our father. 
“Stop!” I say, my voice shaking as the next few seconds feel like hours and the eyes of all the men in the hall are on me. I walk toward my weathered and old looking father as he smirks a devilish grin down at me ascending the steps to his throne. 
“Father please, I beg you: I will marry you and do whatever you say, as long as you let them go now.” My voice does not shake now. My voice is calm and steady. Mother’s spirit fills me at this moment as I speak up to my father. Before this, I have not spoken to him before this for what feels like eons until now. 
“No!” Several of my brothers yell as I stand in false confidence, inhaling the iron from the red liquid that fills the hall. “No! No! No!” They shout as I stand in front of the man that doesn’t see me as a daughter. I am an object to him, whether I like it or not. 
He smiles, stroking his wiry, grey beard as he sits back on his golden chair, cloaks draped over his shoulders pool and spill over the seat behind him. 
“Whatever you say?” Father quips and I nod, hands balling into fists onto my sides, nails that are not mine dig into skin that is also not mine. “Then strip.”
My eyes grow wide, my lips part in shock, my blood which is mine boils, white-hot and merciless trapped in this skin that should belong to my mother. 
“Father, please!” Jeonghan, my father’s son and second eldest, pleads now. “Be reasonable!”
“She said anything, boys.” My father, the ugly worm that he is, states calmly. 
“Should a virgin be seen like this before she is wed?” Joshua makes a good point while father rips his pupils away from me as Jihoon, smart bugger that he is, recites the article of the kingdom where it is unlawful for a virgin to be seen in such a state before she is made another man’s woman. 
Father scoffs as he says, “Flog them two hundred times if they don’t like-“
“No.” I say, holding my ground, brushing hair out of my face. All eyes on me again as Chan starts crying. “I will do what you wish.” 
“Then do it!” Father shouts, banging his fist on the arm of the golden seat as he gets up. “Do it now and if anyone makes a noise: I will behead you.” 
I do it. I find the buttons on my yellow nightgown, my hands do not shake or waver as I shake the comfortable garment from my shoulders. My slip is the only thing that covers me now. My brothers close their eyes, look away, Chan choking on his sobs but the only thing I can hear is the roar of the crackling of fire. I step out of my nightgown, walking up to my father's throne. I see it. Glinting in the torch light. A stray blade lies upon the steps close to the devil king that is my flesh and blood. 
Praise the gods for the viscous middle brother I have. 
I step out of my white slip now, distracting the men who have their wicked eyes set upon me, hungry wolves ready to take any meat they can. I hold my father’s gaze as it travels down my body, making sure he does not look upon what my right hand is doing. 
I have it. I move quickly, the spirit of my mother now fully alive inside of the body that is said not to be mine. 
But now it’s mine. 
I am not a disrespectful child nor have I lashed out against my parents ever. I followed the rules without exception, never spoke out of turn and always let my older brothers go first for treats and presents. Always. I am a slave to my family and the system that I was born into. The ugly demons and snaggle-toothed goblins are really alive and well during this time as my brothers have said. The scent of strong ale hits my nose the closer I get. Maybe the beings of the underworld have possessed him? I am looking for a way out, a way to logically justify the way father is. But no. I know the real answer. 
This man is evil. Has always been evil. And he needs to be stopped. 
I am not a killer. But I am sick of the mistreatment of my family. I know my father killed my mother. There was no infection. None. 
Like a crazy witch with eyes burning like white-hot coals, whose blood is singeing to be set free, I plunge the pointed blade into my father’s throat. 
Blood spurts from his neck, squirting against my bare flesh, his eyes roll back as he gurgles profanity, my body blazing as my whole existence is overcome with the desire to end this cycle of corrupt injustice. 
“Run!” Vernon shouts as the guards descend in my direction. I drop the blade in haste, my brothers scream for me to run away as the guards scream mutiny. 
And I do. 
-Somewhere deep within the neighboring wood...-
“I’m hungry.” A clear tenor tone sounds off in the dark wood, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he resumes a human form in all his naked glory. Hoseok’s lithe body full of sweat glistens under the moonlight as he reaches for his purple cloaks under the large tree in the middle of the bog they just finished running around in. 
“Me as well, brother.” A deep bass vibrates off the trunks of the thick trees, his wolf form morphing into his handsome, tan body. 
“Taehyung, Hoseok.” A soft voice wafts through the air. “We aren’t to feast before the full moon.” The eldest quips, melting from his shiny fur, shaking his dark locks free from his collar as he dresses under the almost pregnant moon. 
“I can’t wait.” The second eldest grunts as he comes into the torch light that was burning on the stump next to their favorite tree. “The air is ripe with so much wildlife tonight.” He wets the edges of his lips, the thought of fresh, pink, juicy flesh at the forefront of his mind as well as his brothers.
“Where are Jungkook and Jimin?” Namjoon growls as he quickly morphs into his tall self, sweaty skin glistening under the light from the mother moon. Their run through the dense wood was very fruitful in the sense that they let loose and got a lot of pent up energy out of their bodies.
“Weren’t they behind you, Yoongi?” Seokjin questions as he scoops up the younger one’s clothes in his arms, signaling Taehyung and Namjoon to take the torch light. Yoongi shakes his white hair back and forth with a solemn grunt. “Very well,” Seokjin nods, twitching his nostrils in the air. “Hoseok, you have the loudest howl. Will you please call for the troublemakers?” 
The man with the hair as bright as cherry pie chuckles right before he sucks in a large breath. The third eldest bellows a howl that will be heard throughout the wood surely. 
They wait with bated breath for two of the younger brothers to respond. The wind whips around them carrying the smell of fallen, rotting leaves, thick moisture in the atmosphere, and the odor of something unfamiliar in the air. They all exchange looks in the torches' soft, orange glow. Something doesn’t feel right. 
The five brothers start to become uneasy. Taehyung shifts on his feet. Yoongi wets the edges of his lips more. Namjoon shifts his eyes between his brothers, swallowing uncomfortably. Hoseok frowns, kicking a few leaves in the dirt as he waits for the brothers to return his call. 
After another moment or two, the second eldest bristles, anger flashing in his amber orbs. “I swear if those wild banshees from the Twicelands have set another trap for us in our forest-“
The white-haired brother is cut off by the sudden cry of both of his brothers they were in search of, coming east off the dense bog.
“Come quickly!” Jimin yelps, his higher pitch ringing around the wood. “Come see brothers!” 
Meanwhile, Jungkook only utters one word that has the brothers taking off like bats out of the deep trenches of hell. “Mate!”
My skin is on fire, my fingertips numb, and my feet hurt as I run naked from the castle into the blackness of the night. 
I escaped through the kitchens, not a sane soul awake at this hour so I quietly slipped through the cracks. I hear more yelling and shouting but I cannot slow down. The blood of my father drips down my naked body, making me feel like a painted warrior. 
A shout is heard from the stable. The men on my father’s court call my name but it is not a happy sound. It is a sound of lies, of deceit, of pain they want to inflict upon me. I shudder when I hear Soonyoung scream a throaty battle cry into the evening air, on his way to find these men and rip them limb from limb surely. 
Under the almost full, pregnant moon, a blood bath is occurring in the usually peaceful castle.
I trip on an exposed root from a tree beyond the stables. When I gather myself, pushing up off the ground, I see a bed sheet hanging from a line out to dry and I snatch it from the air. I tie it, tugging it around myself loosely, giving my legs room to carry me off into the thick wood that lines the backside of the castle. 
Dread and fear taint my senses as I pad along the brush barefoot, trying to maintain a quietness even though I am running. The fallen leaves crunch underfoot, the earth cold. My naked body starts to shiver, the adrenaline of my actions wilting away as I fly through branches and bushes. I have no clue where I am headed, the pale moonlight guiding me. Wherever I see on my path I go next. 
My feet slip on the slick ground under my feet. I trip over my heel several times, mud and dirt covering my palms as I right myself. I must not look like a princess, so disgusting, covered in blood and unkept in this feeble, white bed sheet. 
I have to press on, I remind myself.
My breathing is ragged as I climb through long, pointed branches and under low shrubs. I stop for a second to catch my breath as I glance at the almost completely blackened forest. The nightlife of the dark wood whispering around me: bats screeching overhead, crickets that haven’t died out sing into the cold night air, even a pack of wolves howl out into the throes of the velvet evening. 
I suck in a cool gust of air, ready to trek along the unknown path once more. 
Wisps of my breath leave my lips as the cold night air stings my lungs. It feels as though I have been running for ages, the torch light not visible through the thickness of the tall trees. Have I run far enough? I think as I come to a little clearing in the wood, a meadow of soft, lush clover encompasses the land. 
An eerie shadowy figure looms across the way making my murderous blood run cold. It looks smaller than a bear so the thought of running into a bloodthirsty wild animal leaves my mind. It looks not like a wild boar or cat. Wait. There appears to be not just one figure looming across the meadow but two. My eyes widen. The figures don't move but they both stand like humans would upon two legs. But they are bigger… Much larger now that I squint across at these two unknown figures. My stomach drops as I feel like a low growl is produced by the looming, unwavering figures… with… glowing amber eyes?
 A wind whips through the meadow quickly, breezing from behind me, whipping my hair and the bedsheet about like a flag on a pike. 
I hear the sound of horses and I gasp, covering my mouth with the noise I just made. I shake my head, snapping out of my trance of looking to the almost human like figures. 
Have they found me? Have the guards and the men of my father’s court located me? My brothers were surely fighting, right? I pray none of my kin have lost their lives because of me. Or are they not men from my father’s castle? Would they hurt me? Torture me? Deflower me?
I shudder. 
I turn to run east, looking over my shoulder to the figures that have disappeared in the trees. A fog sweeping through the thicket, blocking my vision. It was probably a trick of my scared mind, I remind myself. 
Another thought chills me to the bone as I feel the exposed skin of my legs and arms slice under the thorn bush I accidentally stumble into, making more noise than necessary. I squeak in pain. The more I try and pry myself of the spikes, the more I become entangled inside of the nasty, winding plant. I want to call for help but I don’t want to alert whatever is coming near me. 
It is almost the harvest moon. The line between realms is blurred meaning creatures that normally I think exist in fairy tales are real at this time of year. Could it be a wandering herd of ghouls? A pack of wild demons coming to devour my flesh clean off my bone? My body shakes with uncertainty as I paw about the dirt. 
Ever since I was a little girl, my brothers have warned me about the wood. I should never go in alone. I should always bring someone. I should always have a weapon or a horse or something to protect me. Monsters are said to lurk in the bog that the wood surrounds in a thick sea of lush brush and vegetation. 
An owl hoots overhead as the sound grows thicker, heavier. The footfalls inching closer and closer by the second. The wolf’s howl sounds off again, this time the cries from the beast desperate - the noise much too close for comfort. 
No, I think as I freeze with a bone-chilling noise that vibrates off the trees around me. Not just one lone wolf howl. There are two very distinct animal noises that echo off the earth I lie bound to. One softer and longer. The other a little nasally and short - more like a bark than a howl. 
I should have run to the market, I think, body shaking from the cold and acute fear that plagues my mind. I should have tried to hide with a peasant or two until this treacherous act blew over or married a nobleman’s family in a neighboring town. Mentally I chastise myself as the thunderous noise draws closer and closer. Why am I so rash?
My heart hurts, it clenches in around itself as I look up into the shimmering moon hanging low in the sky. In a bed of thorns I lie, blood from wounds of my own and from my father still flows down my body, exhaustion overtakes me finally. I’m entangled, suffocating in the sharp spikes that pierce my body, choking me from the freedom I so desire. I can’t move my muscles, my body tense and sore, my feet blistered and cold. I’m weary. A tear rolls out of my eye and falls onto my dirty cheek as I snap my orbs tightly closed, the horses almost upon me, I think as I hiccup a sob. 
All of a sudden, the boisterous noise of what sounded like a hundred horses pounding toward me, stops. I suck in a breath and prepare for the worst. An eye for an eye, right? So they should slit my throat like I did to father.
It is my turn to die. 
“Little bird,” a soft, steady tenor of a voice purrs out above me that I don’t recognize. My eyes fly open, revealing a glowing torch light and a few handsome faces I cannot place hanging around me. “It seems you’ve flown far from your nest.” He simpers, flames dancing off his puffy lips as he gently brushes a stray hair away from my unkempt face. He shows no disgust, only empathy as he gazes upon me trapped in this tangle of wild thicket. 
I flinch as the long thorn branches I have ensnared myself in are being removed from my shivering body. The other boys, I’m unsure of how many surround me, take extreme caution, trying not to harm me as they pull the plants off of me. 
“Are you from Royaume des Diamants (Kingdom of Diamonds)?” His puffy, pink lips utter quietly in the night. I stare at his sculpted face, admiring his accent as I feel like the terrors of the darkness are melting away with his soft speech. I say nothing but look up into the rich eyes that seem to glow a golden-amber shade in the torch light. They bewitch me and I am in awe. “Little bird?” His perfect brows twist into an expression of concern and I take a moment to glance away from his otherworldly face and to his other features for a second. 
Dressed in rich purple with gold medals hanging from his broad shoulders, I can tell he was from a family of prestige. His lips are giant and lush but they are not out of place on his pale face. He appears to be a prince from those fairy tales I’ve heard so much about from the stories my brothers have told me since I was a babe. His dark hair envelopes his face, curling just at the ends, making him look far younger than I am sure he is. They finish uncovering me from the thorns and all gaze upon me covered in blood, dirt, sweat - looking positively disheveled - the farthest thing from a princess. 
“Hyung,” a deep bass speaks from behind the broad shouldered noble-man, “she’s shivering.” A tan boy with thick eyebrows observes above me. His velvety voice makes my cold body feel warm with the way his timbre seems to echo off the wood of the trees around me. 
“I know you are probably frightened and it looks like you have been through a lot…” The prince-like man holds an arm out for me to take. “...and even though your lips don’t speak, I do not wish for you to freeze out here in the wood.” The boys surrounding me shake their heads in agreement with the handsome one speaking. “Will you come with us, little bird?” 
I don’t want to die and I don’t want to die out here in the cold night. Even if they want to hurt me or worse, I don’t want to die frozen to death in the thicket. Somehow, I don’t think they are bad men, but my threshold of trust was high due to the internal struggle I faced with my family. Still, I feel oddly comforted by the seven who are mostly quiet above me. 
As I go to speak - to tell them ‘yes’, opening my lips slowly, nothing comes out. Not a peep or a squeak I can utter. The boys share looks of confusion at my lack of acknowledgment. My orbs flit from one handsome face to the next. Are they all princes wearing the same cloaks of purple and gold? I register you all, I swear I think in my mess of a mind. My body is too exhausted, not being able to do anything but nod once. 
That’s all they needed to collect me it seems.
“Come, little bird.” The soft voice purrs again as I am being propped up gingerly, carefully by one of the boys around me. I lull my head against his warm body, a blanket or a cloak (I haven’t a clue which) was placed upon my dirty body. This boy is strong, not struggling to hold me up in the slightest I think as my eyelids flutter. I look up to him. He has long, black-as-night curly hair that falls around his neck, smiling tenderly down at me, his nose is long and rounded at the tip, a little mole under his lip catching my eyes that flutter more and more with every breath I take. Sleep was overtaking my body now that I know I am safe. “We will take you to a place where you will not suffer any longer.” 
And with that affirmation, I nestle closer in the arms of the strong, young boy, believing the prince-like voice that hums a sweet lullaby. I yawn while he continues stroking my matted, tangled hair as I fall fast asleep against this stranger's chest.
I miss the seven smiles and nods, drinking me in with their sparkling amber gazes.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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51. “What? Does that feel good?”
66. “Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. that’s cute.”
notes; poly!wonhui, threesome, mxm, frotting(ive forgotten how hot this was yall omg), oral(male receiving), cum eating/sharing, WHEWWW its a little late but thats okay!! Its awareness day everyday!! And this is kinda long cuz I got lost in the sauce so the rest is under the cut! Thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕 also sorry if this is not at all what you intended for this to be dkjfhkjsdhfkjd ☠️ 
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A shiver runs up Wonwoo’s spine the second Jun’s lips meet his; eyes fluttering shut as he moans into the kiss.
“Wow, okay, just gonna start without me, huh.”
Jun laughs into the kiss, pulling away a second later as you join them on the bed. “Chill out, you act like we’re about to finish!” You roll your eyes at his statement, leaning in as you kiss Jun on the lips. Wonwoo watches the two of you from his place against the pillows; transfixed at the way you melt under Jun’s touch.
“You know, you can join us if you’d like, Wonwoo~” You tease; voice muffled against Jun’s lips before you pull away. “You don’t have to be shy~ Tell us what you want~”
The said male gulps, eyes blinking rapidly when you and Jun start closing in on him. “I--um, I’m not sure… I---I’ve never done this before…” He mumbles; a pink blush coating his cheeks when you start sliding your hand into his sweats. “Never?” Shaking his head ‘no’ at your simple question, he tilts his head back and lets out a breathy moan when you start palming him over his boxer briefs.
“But what about that time at Vernon’s New Year’s Eve party? Didn’t you kiss Jihoon?”
The blush runs up to Wonwoo’s ears as he bites his lip, “Yeah, but---but I only kissed him that time. This is different!” He grumbles.
“Okay, it’s time to try something extra different then~” Jun singsongs. He pries your hand out of Wonwoo’s sweats, placing his own hands on the waistband right as Wonwoo places his hands over Jun’s.
“Ah, he’s playing hard-to-get. That’s cute.” Jun teases, eyes dancing over to you. “Can you please help this man calm down or we’ll never get anywhere.”
You nod in response, shimmying up to Wonwoo’s side as you slightly tilt his head to meet yours. “Baby, you need to relax. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do, okay? Promise.” He sighs, nodding.
“I know… I’m just---I’m excited, just a little nervous.”
“We can tell.”
“Jun, shut up.” You quip, hand on Wonwoo’s cheek as you pull him into a kiss.
Wonwoo melts into your kiss; hands sliding off of Jun’s as he starts to relax. You lick at the seam of his lips, smiling into the kiss when he opens his mouth for you.
Jun takes this as a sign to continue as he tugs Wonwoo’s sweats and boxer briefs down in one swift motion. He takes the time to get undressed as well; tossing his clothes into the growing pile that you’d created on the floor. “Okay, just--if it feels weird, let me know and I’ll stop.”
The two of you pull apart to watch as Jun slots himself between Wonwoo’s legs. “Are you gonna---but I’m not---”
Wonwoo momentarily panics, sitting up a little more as he stares at you for confirmation.
“No, no, no, not that. God, with the way you’re tense I don’t think we’d ever get to that.” Jun jokes, hand on his own cock as he strokes himself. “We’re gonna try something else!” Wonwoo nods slowly, easing back against the pillows as Jun shimmies in closer.
Jun leans in close until his cock is right against Wonwoo’s, a smirk on his face when he wraps his hand around both of them at once. “O--oh…” Wonwoo feels his cock throbbing in Jun’s palm as he gulps. “T-this…”
“What? Does that feel good?” You ask, leaving Wonwoo’s side as you lean into where Jun runs his hand up and down both of their cocks. Wonwoo lets out a choked noise instead, eyes clamped shut as he tries to stop himself from thrusting up into Jun’s hand.
“You know what’d feel even better? Why don’t you try to suck us off at the same time?”
You grin up at Jun, pupils blown wide. “Don’t mind if I do~”
Wonwoo exhales shakily when he feels your tongue lapping at the head of his cock; the combination of Jun’s hand and your mouth sending his body into overdrive. “Oh, fu--fuck, please…” He whispers, peeling his eyes open to watch as you continue to tease him. You lick up the precum just as you move to do the same on Jun’s cock. “My mouth’s too small, I can’t fit both your cocks in…” You pout, brows furrowed when you look up at Jun.
The small bit of unintended praise has both of the males sharing a look; cocks throbbing as Jun spreads your saliva and their shared precum along their shafts. “That’s okay, baby. Just help Wonwoo feel good, okay?”
You nod, leaning back down as you wrap your lips around the tip of Wonwoo’s cock again. This time, you feel Wonwoo’s hand slide through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as you continue to lick and suck at him. His chest rises and falls in deep breaths; eyes hyper-focused on your mouth on him and Jun’s hand wrapped around both of their cocks at the same time.
The sensations have Wonwoo already close to his orgasm; hips canting up slightly as he starts to chase his high. “I--I wanna cum, fuck, god, I--ngh!” He throws his head back just as Jun tightens his grip around them both and you start digging the tip of your tongue into the slit of his cock.
“Go ahead, cum in her mouth.” Jun drawls, eyes flitting down to you. “And don’t swallow it.”
You and Jun work in tandem to get Wonwoo off; the grip in your hair tightening when the tension in his body starts to snap. “Fuck, fuck I’m---ah, c-cumming!” Wonwoo cries, abdomen tightening as he fills your mouth with the warm, salty substance.
Jun keeps stroking their cocks as you suck on Wonwoo’s cock head, moaning at the feeling of him cumming in your mouth. “Fuck, I can feel his cock throbbing against mine.” Jun grits out; his own hips moving on their own as he grinds against Wonwoo.
Wonwoo feels euphoric; his body on fire with the new sensations. It takes a few minutes for him to start coming down from his high, soft whimpers escaping his lips the entire time the two of you work him through it.
“Oh god…”
His bleary eyes flutter open just as you pull off of his cock and Jun loosens his grip. “C’mere.” Jun growls, replacing Wonwoo’s hand in your hair with his as you lean up to meet his lips in a wet kiss.
Wonwoo gulps when he notices your lips parting and pushing the cum into Jun’s waiting mouth, not a second later. “Oh…” He won’t deny the way his cock throbs when the two of you start passing his cum back and forth either.
When you pull away, a thread of spit and cum connect your mouth to Jun’s smirking lips. “Well?” He asks; this time directed to Wonwoo who stares agape.
“I--um, uh, that--- that was n-nice…”
“Okay, this is touching but I’m pretty sure I’m soaking the sheets so can either of you, or fuck, both of you please just fuck me…” Whining, you rub your legs together as you clench around emptiness. “Just thinking about both your cocks in me…” You trail off.
The two share a knowing look; grinning when they hone in on the wetness that coats your inner thighs. 
“Give me 5 minutes to catch my breath.”
“I’ll get the lube!”
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jeonwonhi · 3 years
Where can I find me a jeno, a Felix, a Vernon, a soobin, a Jake and a junghwan? ;-;
Also you need to introduce me to ateez because you're starting your cult and I wanna join and not feel left out
Take the first plane to Seoul and with a bit of luck, you might find them ;)
Kim Hongjoong
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Leader, lead rapper and songwriter/producer of the group
November 7th, 1998, INFP
He's the dad of the group
English king
A true fashionista, he even reforms clothes
In love with Seonghwa but will never admit it
Korean Big Minion™
Part of the demon line
Park Seonghwa
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Lead vocalist, visual and eldest in the group
April 3rd, 1998, ESFJ
He's the mom of the group
Wants to be part of Woosan, aka Woosanhwa
He failed and Woosan are bullying him ever since just like the rest of ateez
Auditioned as a rapper, but changed into a vocalist his rap is amazing tho
Clean freak
Visual king
Actor (Imitation)
Part of the demon and thot line
Tried to flirt with Lee Know during Kingdom - he managed to fluster him lmao
Jeong Yunho
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Main dancer and vocalist of the group
March 23rd, 1999, ENFJ
Learns the choreographies like a piece of cake
Golden retriever and energizer of the group
Extremely lucky and competitive in games
Actor (Lead Role in Imitation)
News anchor (ANEWZ)
Wholesome bf vibes :(
I love him bye
Kang Yeosang
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Lead dancer, visual and vocalist of the group
June 15th, 1999, ISFJ (my mbti twin)
Another visual king
The most quiet among ATEEZ - still a crackhead
Former BigHit trainee along with Wooyoung
He's friends with Yeonjun and Soobin of TXT
Has been friends with Wooyoung way before they joined KQ
He's really good at drawing
A fried chicken enthusiast
MC at SBS "The Show"
Don't let him near the kitchen <3
Part of the thot line
Choi San
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Lead vocalist, main dancer and face of the group
July 10th, 1999, INFP
Another english king
A total sweetheart
Embarrassingly in love with Wooyoung
He has a plushie named Shiber
King of facial expressions on stage
Iconic killing point in Answer
Actor (Imitation)
He's the cultural ambassador of his hometown, Namhae
Part of the demon and thot line
Song Mingi
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Main rapper, main dancer and songwriter of the group
August 9th, 1999, ENTP
Spits fire on stage
Was on a hiatus due to back pain during Wonderland promotions but came back to MAMA 2019 with a mf BANG
A goofball of energy
Clumsy af but cute
I cAnnOt EngLiShY
Fake maknae
Honorary member of ONEUS lol
Has been on hiatus due to psychological anxiety since 15/11/2020, but he's coming back soon <3
Jung Wooyoung
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Main dancer of the group
November 26th, 1999, ESFJ
An amazing performer
Insanely sexy
Underappreciated vocals :(
A whole ass tease
Former BigHit trainee with Yeosang
Embarrassingly in love with San
Besties with TXT Yeonjun, TBZ Juhaknyeon, SKZ Changbin, ASTRO Moonbin
Adopted Felix during Kingdom
A diehard ARMY (ppl say he looks like Jimin)
Mukbang and cooking king
Noisy af
Part of the thot line
Choi Jongho
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Main vocalist and maknae of the group
October 12th, 2000, ESFJ
Hits highnotes like breathing air
Mans can crack fruits with his bare hands
Main reason the rest of ATEEZ are scared of him
Otherwise, a baby <3
Extremely good at aegyo, but he's shy afterwards uwu
He's a diehard Monbebe
Friends with lots of 00 liner idols (TBZ Eric, SKZ Hyunjin, Felix, Han and Seungmin, Golden Child Bomin, ASTRO Sanha, AB6IX Daehwi) + SF9 Hwiyoung (they film Imitation together)
Actor (Imitation)
They debuted on October 24th, 2018 with the mini album "Treasure: All to Zero". Their motto is 8 makes 1 team and their fans are called ATINY (ATEEZ + Destiny). They participated in Kingdom and finished third overall, giving out insane performances.
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
Psychonauts 1 (Family Swap)
[First post] [Second post] [Third post] [Fourth post] [Fifth post] [Sixth post] [Seventh post] [Eighth post]
Psychonauts 1 Family swap AU post!
So this is the post that will be about the Psychonauts 1 campers with Lili Zanotto as the protagonist.
Lili arrives at camp, and makes friends with Chloe, because they're both kind of lonely girls who never really had anyone to talk to about their interests. Lili's been amazed about stars ever since she left the city, and Chloe is more than happy to tell Lili about all the different star systems.
Crystal also really likes Lili because she's so cool and nicer than Kitty and Franke and also you like flowers? My middle name is Flowers!
Lili is reminded by other girls from school when Elka is around, so usually Lili tries to avoid that mess. Kitty and Franke also remind Lili but Lili is willing to spit fire back at them, just like she did to her bullies back home. At least here the teachers seem aloof enough to let her get away with things instead of just making her apologize for standing up for herself.
Milka and Pheobe... Lili doesn't really get a chance to bond with them considering Pheobe is attached to her music and Milka's painfully shy.
For the guy campers, both Bobby and Benny make fun of Lili to hide their insecurities about how much stronger she is than them. Usually through making fun of Crystal and Lili standing up for her.
Clem gets along with Lili, mainly thanks to Lili being friends with Crystal. And he's also very impressed by her.
Chops and J.T., Lili tries to stay away from. (Elka drama, but she feels an empathetic happiness for them when they get their brains back)
Mikhail calls Lili scrawny, which earns him a pinecone to the head. This just makes him double down that she's weak with scrawny arms, having to use herbaphony to hit him. No, the plants just like her.
Nils absolutely grosses her out. She socked him in the jaw when he tried to get a kiss from her.
Dogan and Lili actually get along very well. It's Lili's first time in a forest so sometimes the voices get overwhelming and she has fire. She just has to interact with Dogan once to think: This is my friend, we are friends.
Elton still has his crush on Lili early on, and Lili is uncomfortable. She's never had friends, let alone guys who are nervous to talk to her instead of bullying her to hide their emotions. She's so relieved when Elton moves on to another girl.
Lili also helped Maloof the same way Raz did, so he has a very similar arc in the story.
Vernon is one that Lili absolutely tries to get away from, reminded way too much of her boring teachers.
Now for Razputin Aquato. Where to begin with him? An absolute sass master who hides a sweet center, taking some lines from Lili in the first game. He tries to put up walls but Lili's just. She's a girl who knows what she wants and will take no shit.
Raz: "Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." Lili: "As if I'd want a picture of you."
He's never been into the whole camp romance but now...? He can see why some kids think about kissing each other. He's seen his parents and older siblings be sweet with their SOs and he wants that. He wants that from the little firecracker girl who broke into camp.
Lili: "Raz, a deranged madman is breaking into camp, stealing campers brains, and we're the only who can stop it!" Raz, in a daze: "I really want to kiss you right now." Lili: "UGH! DO KIDS ONLY THINK ABOUT KISSING AT THIS CAMP!?"
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yoonzeeno · 3 years
of fire stones and icy waves.  ━━ kmg x hvc
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part one of the svt x pokémon!au — kanto.
❀ summary: broke pokémon trainer kim mingyu decides to go on an adventure to look for a fire stone. vernon unwillingly accompanies him. ❀ pairing: mingyu x vernon (brotp) ❀ word count: 4.7k ❀ genre(s): adventure, friendship, slice of life, slight action ❀ warning(s): none, i guess? lmk if there are any!
━━ a/n: my first fic is finally done! i planned this to be around 1-2k words but it's pokémon and seventeen - two of my favourite things together, so i couldn't help myself. anyways, lmk what you think and i hope you enjoy it! i finished this at five thirty in the morning so pls pls pls love it :(
━━ update: updated the poster bcs this one sucks less than the previous one.
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the sun was shining bright and the weather was perfect, but sadly mingyu had to ignore the euphoric feeling of his feet sinking on the sand and rush towards the ocean. behind him was vernon, also running, but with untied shoes.
“i’m gonna kill you, hyung!” vernon cried.
“you can kill me once i get that fire stone!” this made absolutely no sense to vernon, but he didn’t have any energy left when it’s being used to run for his life.
once they reached the shore, mingyu motioned at vernon, hands moving frantically. “quick! quick!” vernon fumbled at his belt, looking for the right poké ball, before finally taking his dive ball — a blue ball with white waves etched on the upper half of the ball.
“lapras, go!” he shouted, aiming the ball towards the ocean as he ran before pressing the button twice — once to enlarge the ball, and once more for lapras to come out. an energy filled silhouette emerged from the half-opened ball, and a blue dinosaur-like pokémon finally solidified. her front side was mostly cream colored, and her ears were tightly curled. she also had a short horn on her forehead, four flippers with the foremost flippers bigger than the hind, and on her back was a heavy, gray shell, covered in blunt knobs. she floated in the ocean, letting out a beautiful cry.
mingyu braked in front of lapras in fear he would actually hurt the pokémon. his sudden brake caused vernon to crash into his back, which also resulted in mingyu falling face first into the sand. lapras watched them, letting out a cry in confusion.
vernon rose while groaning at the pain on his nose, while mingyu pressed his palms on the ground to lift himself up, spitting out sand from his mouth in the process. as soon as vernon was able to stand up, he hurried to his lapras, rubbing his neck to soothe him down. lapras closed her eyes and hummed. lapras was well-known for having a beautiful voice.
“vernon, we got no time!” mingyu said as he ran to hop onto lapras’ back, but vernon stopped him.
“don’t ride her before she says its okay! she’s going to throw you off her back!” mingyu clucked impatiently, feet tapping on the ground.. when lapras started nodding, vernon stepped onto her shell, before hauling himself upwards. as he finally settled down, he reached out to help mingyu on, and with vernon’s help, the older kid hauled himself upwards, settling himself behind vernon, vernon’s small backpack separating them. mingyu leaned on his backpack, gasping for air as vernon pat lapras’s neck twice. lapras let out another cry before she finally started surfing the sea.
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“so, are you going to tell me why you banged on my door at seven in the morning?” vernon asked once the two of them calmed down after the morning run. lapras was surfing quite speedily, the wind hitting them felt refreshing on their necks. vernon’s lapras was smart — having braved the ocean before letting herself be caught by vernon. she had memorized the seas of kanto by heart, so it only took vernon to tell her the destination for her to surf towards the island.
mingyu sighed, patting his poké ball for reassurance. “i have to get a fire stone.” vernon raised an eyebrow at him.
“and… you have to wake me up at seven in the morning for that?” he asked. mingyu thanked god vernon was a pacifist. he knew if that was any other person, he would be in big trouble already.
“well, tomorrow’s the tide. and i have to get it before the tide starts or it’s gonna take a lot of time and i don’t know if the fire stone will still be there or not after the tide.”
“and you couldn’t have just rode the seagallop?” vernon asked, referring to the ferry. mingyu smiled sadly.
“well, if i had any money i would’ve ridden it instead of waking you up at seven in the morning.”
“then you could’ve just bought one at celadon’s department store?” vernon said in exasperation. “i wouldn’t mind accompanying you to celadon city by foot!”
“again,” mingyu mumbled, “no money.” vernon softened at the older boy’s words. money was hard, especially since mingyu’s ace, growlithe, can’t evolve without a fire stone. growlithe was mingyu’s pokémon since he was born, and vernon knew that there was no way mingyu would trade growlithe for anything else in the world.
but, since growlithe was unevolved, it means there are some limits to his powers. his stats wouldn’t be high enough to beat fully evolved pokémon, and even though growlithe himself was considered fast even as a growlithe, evolving into an arcanine would definitely make growlithe even faster.
“look, i’m sorry i had to drag you into this,” mingyu said, the wind sweeping up his hair. “i’ll make it up to you once we get back to vermilion, i promise.”
“it’s okay,” vernon said, quick to understand the older boy’s position. he was lucky lapras was already a fully evolved pokémon — no evolutions, to be exact — so if he won matches, especially gym matches, money came easily to him. and it was also the reason why vernon already finished kanto’s gym challenge, and mingyu hadn't even started his. “i needed to get out and go adventuring again.”
it took about three hours for them to ride from vermilion city to one island, where mt. ember was located. mingyu insisted that the fire stone was located at mt. ember. no trainer appeared during their ride (probably smart enough and rich enough to ride the seagallop, mingyu thought), but groups of seel and dewgong swam along them, and mingyu leaned back, his long arm reaching down to skim the surface of the water. sometimes, groups of staryu and horsea would appear, and mingyu would play with them, jokingly splashing water at them (mingyu didn’t know how he forgot about the fact that they were water type pokémon, but he did, and in return, got splashed by their water guns). the groups of seel and dewgong would also appear from underwater, waving their fins at him before swimming somewhere else. mingyu figured they probably saw the ferry often, but the ferry couldn’t stop to play with them.
it was about two and a half hours into the ride when the island finally came into view. vernon was currently knocked out, leaning his head on lapras’ neck with his hands around it. mingyu felt bad for the boy, for he did wake him up without any messages, so he decided to let him sleep some more. his hand reached out for the only poké ball he had with him, fumbling with it nervously.
to be honest, he had promised growlithe that he will evolve in two days, and growlithe had believed him, barking happily. mingyu knew that growlithe loved to battle and wished to battle stronger opponents, but mingyu also knew that if he didn't evolve he would have a hard time, and mingyu couldn’t beat seeing growlithe suffer. growlithe was, in a way, mingyu’s baby.
when mingyu could spot the pokémon center ahead, he tapped vernon’s shoulder, signalling him to wake up. vernon groaned as he opened his eyes, releasing his hold on lapras. he stretched to release the stress from his arms.
“we’re finally here,” he stated as lapras gracefully glided ashore. mingyu stepped off first, his feet hitting the soft sand, the sea water slightly splashing. mingyu held his hand out to help vernon off lapras, and vernon took it gratefully, before hopping down with a grunt. vernon turned to pat lapras’s neck, and lapras let out a happy cry before lowering her head, asking for a pet on the head. vernon laughed before obliging, and lapras hummed in satisfaction. vernon took out her poké ball, pressing the button to lapras’ neck. lapras then turned into a white silhouette, before completely disappearing into the poké ball.
“thanks. you did great.” vernon hummed, before turning around to face mingyu.
“i’m gonna have to go to the pokémon center first to rest lapras. is it okay?” mingyu nodded. after all, they had reached the island thanks to lapras. mingyu guessed it would be fine if they spared a few minutes for lapras to recover.
the two of them started heading towards the red roofed building otherwise known as the pokémon center. one island was a small island — so there were literally almost to no buildings besides the pokémon center and probably five houses. mingyu heard that bill, the guy famous for creating the pokémon box, lives here. he would want to meet bill if he had no deadlines, but sadly he had to fulfill his promise to growlithe.
the trip to the pokémon center only took them five minutes. vernon wanted to stop to eat, but mingyu stopped him, telling him they can eat during the way (for it was already eleven in the morning and mingyu didn’t want to waste any more time).
“according to the map, it says we should head for kindle road. it’s east from here.” mingyu said, staring at his map. vernon headed where east was, before stopping on his tracks.
“hyung,” he called. mingyu looked up from his map before it dawned on him.
“we’re have to surf again.”
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this time, however, it only took them around fifteen minutes to surf from one island to kindle road. mingyu, feeling guilty for interrupting lapras’s rest, had fed her five oran berries as soon as they arrived on kindle road. lapras, delighted to see the berry, had eaten it speedily, almost chewing off mingyu’s hand in the process. as lapras was a gentle pokémon, she felt terrible, and rubbed her head on mingyu’s as a way to ask for forgiveness.
mingyu chuckled. “it’s okay buddy. you’re forgiven.” lapras cried in delight before vernon finally returned her to her ball.
mingyu turned to look at the scenery in front of him. he could see a lot of greens ahead — wild grass, where wild pokémon can be found and caught — and tall cliffs surrounding them. he could already see herds of ponyta and rapidash even from far away. flocks of spearow and fearow were flying above their heads. mingyu reached for his poké ball, pressing the button twice before a puppy-like pokémon emerged, barking happily as he finally solidified. mingyu grinned and opened his arms towards it, and the big orange ball of fluff leaped into mingyu’s arms.
“we’re finally here, growlithe! in a few hours you can evolve!” growlithe barked once more, wagging his tail in happiness.
in a glance, growlithe looked more like a tiger than a dog. growlithe’s fur was orange with black stripes, and the fur on its muzzle, chest, belly, and tail was beige, an additional tuft of fur on top of its head.
vernon smiled at the sight in front of him. he too, wanted the elder boy to start his gym challenge soon. that way, they can finally fulfill the promise they made when they were kids — battle each other with fully evolved teams. now mingyu was so close to his first step, and vernon wanted to help however he could (even if it meant being woken up at seven in the morning).
another small promise they made was to trade pokémon that can only evolve by trading. vernon already caught kadabra, and
mingyu put growlithe down, and the pokémon stood by mingyu’s side, wagging its tail furiously. growlithe is a loyal pokémon, and wouldn’t run until given orders otherwise. vernon could tell it was itching to run ahead, but since mingyu hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t run until mingyu says it’s okay to do so.
“let’s go!” mingyu said, running for the greens ahead. growlithe barked happily, following his owner. vernon laughed at the sight, before running ahead after them.
“wait for me!”
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the three of them slowed down once they reached the wild grass, afraid to startle any wild pokémon. the herds of ponyta and rapidash had been friendly, letting growlithe play with them once in a while. vernon sent out his own rapidash, who got along very well with the other rapidash.
after walking for half an hour, they settled down under a tree for lunch. mingyu had packed sandwiches and kimbaps — apparently, mingyu had packed a lot of spares for vernon and his pokémon too.
“i make a lot and i usually just give the leftovers to any wild pokémon in sight.” mingyu had told vernon when the latter accused mingyu of planning to take him all along.
vernon sent out all his pokémon except for lapras, which included the currently grazing rapidash, kadabra, scyther, snorlax and wigglytuff. snorlax, taking up most of the space, was still sleeping, as if he’s still inside his poké ball. scyther pokéd her scythes on snorlax’s stomach lightly, whilst wigglytuff went towards mingyu to help him, which mingyu accepted gratefully. meanwhile, kadabra headed towards growlithe in curiosity, and used his psychic to lift the puppy pokémon up. growlithe yelped in surprise before howling.
“kadabra, we do not randomly lift people up with psychic. now put growlithe down, please.” kadabra looked at vernon with a sad face, but vernon’s firm face made him lower growlithe down. as soon as growlithe's paws reached the ground, he ran for mingyu, wailing.
“it’s okay, baby,” mingyu cooed, petting his head. “he’s just playing with you. why don’t you play with bulbs too?” mingyu reached for the only other poké ball he has and released his bulbasaur out. growlithe barked in happiness as he leaped for bulbasaur, whose quick reflexes helped her catch growlithe with her vine whips.
mingyu had prepared a feast, to say the least. he had prepared lots of sandwiches (spicy ones for fire types growlithe and rapidash). they spent an hour for lunch (with snorlax eating almost half of mingyu’s sandwiches), and another thirty minutes to clean up. vernon sent back all his pokémon into their respective poké balls, letting rapidash say goodbye to her newly made friends.
bulbasaur had helped mingyu clean up the place before mingyu called her back to her ball. mingyu had offered growlithe to return to his ball to rest, but growlithe was too energetic to rest.
“how long is it going to take us to get to mt. ember?” vernon asked as he zipped his backpack close. mingyu looked at his map, and then at his watch.
“around two to three hours?” he said as he rolled his map before putting it on the side of his backpack. “it’s currently one pm, so if we hurry we can arrive there by three pm, and then go out by five pm. hopefully we can reach one island back around seven or eight pm, then head back to vermilion city.” vernon did not need to go through mingyu’s itinerary to feel exhausted. even only listening to the plan seemed exhausting — how were they going to finish that in less than twelve hours?
mingyu, however, wasted no time. as if the sandwich he ate earlier restored all of his energy, he ran towards north, growlithe catching up to him in no time. vernon realized that if he doesn’t run now, he probably would not be able to catch up with mingyu.
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mingyu wanted to go to the ember spa so bad, considering his muscles were starting to cramp from running all day. but they were behind schedule, and mingyu’s perfectionist ass didn’t dare to waste another second.
they ran into trouble once when growlithe bumped into an angry graveler. growlithe’s fire typing was definitely a loss to them, but thanks to mingyu’s quick thinking by sending out bulbasaur, they managed to weaken the graveler to let them pass through. if bulbasaur had been a higher level, mingyu would’ve definitely caught that graveler — and trade it with vernon. but mingyu didn’t want to let any of his other pokémon evolve before growlithe — if his puppy was going to be loyal to him, then he’s going to be loyal to his puppy too, no matter what it takes.
once they passed the ember spa, they came to a slope leading towards a beach. when the horizon came into view, mingyu sighed in relief — if they can already see the ocean, that means they’re already halfway there. one more hour to go and they can finally begin the search for the fire stone.
growlithe started barking happily at the sight of the ocean, running even faster than before towards the icy water. mingyu shouted for growlithe in fear — he’s a fire type, for arceus’s sake! before anything bad could happen, mingyu spurted forward, using all the energy he has left to stop growlithe from diving into the ocean.
thanks to his long legs, mingyu reached growlithe right as growlithe’s paws touched the icy water. growlithe yelped in surprise when mingyu picked him up before losing his balance. mingyu’s body fell to the sand below, gasping for air. his legs had given out — he had ran as if his life depended on it. and in a way, his life did.
growlithe whined at the sight of mingyu panting for air, his head lightly bumping mingyu’s, as if asking if he’s okay. not soon after, vernon arrived next to mingyu. kneeling next to the boy as he handed the boy a bottle of lemonade. mingyu took it gratefully before sitting up, gulping almost half of the bottle in one shot.
“growlithe,” mingyu called, still wheezing for air. growlithe climbed into his lap, no longer as energetic as earlier. he probably understood that he did something bad this time, vernon thought.
“you’re a fire type,” mingyu said gently. “you remember what happened when you first battled lapras, right?” growlithe’s ears were down, and he let out a small whine.
“yes, you lost because of lapras’s water pulse. and the ocean,” mingyu gestured to the beautiful view in front of them, “is made of water. if you dive in there, arceus knows what would’ve happened.” growlithe was quiet, but looked at mingyu as if asking for forgiveness. mingyu ruffled growlithe’s fur, and growlithe looked a little bit better.
“maybe it’s time for you to return to your ball,” mingyu said, reaching for growlithe’s poké ball. “i’ll let you out again once we cross the sea, alright, buddy?” growlithe barked in agreement, and mingyu gently tapped the poké ball to growlithe’s body, who transformed into a white silhouette before completely disappearing into the poké ball. vernon patted mingyu’s shoulders.
“that was a close call,” vernon said, stepping towards the sea. “you go take a breather. i’ll get lapras out from her ball and ready her for our journey.”
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as soon as mingyu was able to stand, he wasted no time to continue on the journey. the sun was shining bright on them — it was two in the afternoon, after all. the surf across wasn’t as fun as earlier, though — instead of friendly groups of seel and dewgong, the ocean was filled with groups of tentacool and tentacruel, and mingyu definitely did not want to touch any of the water.
lapras, however, was swimming faster than before — probably because the sun gives her energy. vernon occasionally patted her on the head, and she would cry in delight.
after an hour, they finally arrived in front of the entrance of mt. ember. mingyu heard vernon thank lapras before returning her to her ball. he took a deep breath.
this was it. they finally reached mt. ember after all the journey.
as promised, mingyu let growlithe out of his ball. growlithe barked happily, almost as if the incident earlier never happened. but then again, they were so close to getting the fire stone for him.
but growlithe — being a fire type — barked because he smelt something familiar. growlithe started for the cave, and mingyu and vernon followed behind him.
“he must’ve smelt the fire stone,” vernon stated. mingyu tilted his head.
“growlithe’s a fire type, and you know they have a very keen sense of smell,” he explained. “he’s been looking for the fire stone for all his life, and he’s a growlithe, so he must recognize the smell.”
true to vernon’s words, growlithe had sniffed the tracks, navigating their way towards the rocky mountain. sometimes mingyu and vernon would come across a machop or a geodude, but growlithe was so focused into searching for the fire stone that he moved so quickly, even the machop and geodude couldn’t catch up to him.
vernon was starting to lose energy half an hour into the hike — it was a mountain, after all, and the fire stone wasn’t located on the base of the mountain, sadly. he wanted to ask for a fice minute break, but he knew mingyu wouldn’t want to waste any more time, and he also knew growlithe wouldn’t stop for him. they’ve been waiting for this for almost ten years now, and vernon wouldn’t want to ruin the fun for them. he slowed his pace, still quick enough to not lose them, but enough for him to slowly regain his energy.
after what seemed like forever, growlithe finally stopped his tracks. vernon was leaning on a boulder, no longer capable of climbing anymore. but to his luck, they were already on the summit — now looking for the stone is all they need to do.
“hey, vernon,” mingyu called. “you just sit and rest. growlithe and i will look for the stone.” vernon did not oppose. he let his body fall to the ground, panting for air as he felt his legs cramping. he probably should’ve just called for kadabra to teleport him up to the summit — now, why didn’t he think of that? better yet, all of them could just teleport home after this!
he felt incredibly stupid for only realizing this now, but then again, mingyu also did not realize, so that makes the two of them.
on the other hand, mingyu and growlithe were actively searching — there were a lot of boulders and rocks. an hour passed and mingyu was sure they’ve been looking at every nook and cranny, but there were no signs of the fire stone anywhere.
that is, until growlithe kept barking into a certain boulder.
“what is it?” mingyu approached, but growlithe only continued barking. his front paws started scratching the boulder, so mingyu stepped forward to remove the boulder from the way. it was heavy — there was no way mingyu could do this on his own, but he didn’t want to trouble vernon anymore.
suddenly, growlithe let out a cry before pushing his whole body onto the boulder. the boulder moved, and mingyu realized right there and then that growlithe was using strength.
“good job, growlithe!” mingyu said, pushing together with growlithe. growlithe let out a little growl as the boulder finally moved out of their way, and in front of them was a small rock. growlithe pounced on it once for the rock to crack. mingyu took the rock and slammed it on the ground, and the rock finally cracked, revealing an ember colored stone. growlithe pounced on mingyu happily as mingyu fell on his back, hugging growlithe.
“we did it, growlithe! we found the fire stone!” growlithe was licking mingyu’s face and mingyu didn’t mind one bit. mingyu was laughing — a few hours ago he didn’t feel like he would succeed on his quest, but he did and he was so happy.
his happiness was cut short when vernon ran towards them, panting.
“hyung! i’ve been calling you, didn’t you hear me?”
“vernon, we found the fire stone!” mingyu grinned at him as he sat up. vernon looked frantic — what’s happening?
“that’s great, but i think we have a big problem!” mingyu opened his mouth to ask what the other boy meant when a cry of a bird broke the silence. above their heads, a red silhouette flew over them, and it felt like they were near a volcano. mingyu gulped. bird, red, hot. this could only mean one thing.
moltres landed on a boulder fifty metres ahead of them. mingyu and vernon were gaping in awe — they’ve heard legends of the legendary birds, but didn’t think they would ever come in contact with any of them! (when he got home, it occurred to mingyu that according to the legends, moltres resided on the summit of the mt. ember — mingyu didn’t know how he forgot about that small fact).
moltres was gold — it had a long, flowing head crest and a billowing tail, both made of reddish-orange and yellow flames. additionally, its wings were also shrouded in fiery plumage. it was eyeing them carefully, and none of them dared to move a muscle.
“should we make a run for it?” vernon asked. mingyu longed to take the fire stone, but he was scared moltres would attack him if he moved his hand.
“vernon,” mingyu said. vernon hummed in response, not daring to turn his head.
“this might be our only chance to ever battle moltres.”
“hyung, you only have growlithe and bulbasaur. we’re never gonna win.”
“it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” mingyu said. “besides, i need you to cause a distraction for me.”
before vernon could take his ball out, growlithe barked in anxiousness, and all hell broke loose.
from his beak, moltres fired a flamethrower towards growlithe and mingyu. growlithe yelped and jumped off of mingyu, and mingyu’s quick instincts screamed at him to roll to the right, which he did. the pebbles and rocks on the ground caused him to groan in pain.
“lapras, go!” vernon threw his dive ball out, and lapras emerged, crying out her battle cry.
“lapras, hydro pump!” lapras shrieked before shooting out a powerful hydro pump — but moltres dodged it easily, for it has wings.
while moltres was distracted, mingyu jumped for the fire stone — moltres might be beautiful and all, but mingyu will never forgive it if his quest fails, especially not because he’s a legendary pokémon.
moltres shot a fire blast at vernon and lapras, but growlithe leaped in front of the fire blast, getting slammed by the fire blast into the ground in the process. he yelped, and mingyu didn’t realize he had shouted for growlithe’s name in despair. he needed to get the fire stone to growlithe somehow!
“hyung!” vernon cried. “i’ll cover, so you go evolve growlithe!” lapras let out another cry before using avalanche against moltres — moltres’s flying-typing neutralizing the damage, instead of it being not very effective.
mingyu wanted to run for growlithe, but he knew if he did, moltres would turn him into a roasted mingyu, and mingyu didn’t want that. he saw growlithe grunt in pain, but managed to stand up, his feet stumbling. so mingyu did the only thing he could think of.
“growlithe, catch!” mingyu threw the fire stone towards growlithe, and moltres was too distracted by lapras to notice. growlithe jumped in the air and caught the fire stone in his fangs, and he shined.
everyone was too distracted by growlithe’s evolution to continue the battle — even moltres. growlithe’s body grew — his body and feet grew longer, the taft of fur on his head grew towards the back of his head, and his tail got visibly longer and bigger. when the blue light vanished, growlithe was no longer there — arcanine roared handsomely, eyes ready to battle.
mingyu choked back a sob. after ten years, his growlithe was finally an arcanine.
he didn’t have much time to rejoice, though, because once the evolution process was done, moltres decided it was a good time to attack them with another fire blast (in a way, it was though). vernon shouted at lapras to dodge, but mingyu knew lapras wouldn’t have made it. arcanine, however, with his newfound speed, managed to push back the fire blast with flamethrower — a stronger version now that he was fully evolved. he ran towards mingyu’s side in no time, his eyes staring at mingyu, full of trust.
“vernon,” mingyu called.
“if we die fighting moltres, i have no regrets.”
“you won’t, because the minute we start to become the losing side i will have kadabra teleport us back home.” mingyu laughed, too happy too contain his joy.
“well, i wanna fight first. how about you?” vernon smirked at the elder boy.
“i finished the gym challenge — i never run away from challenges.” mingyu smirked as both him and vernon switched into battle stance.
“lapras/arcanine,” they said in unison, “i choose you!”
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bard-llama · 3 years
WiP Wednesday: rorveth + isendain + throne3 snips!
Y’all, I have been up since 5:30am and somehow still have not accomplished a damn thing today. But I HAVE played an awful lot of Sims Medieval and I’m having fun! So far I’ve made Lyria and Rivia with Meve as the monarch and the Free Pontar Valley with Saskia as monarch and Philippa as wizard. Also, they gay.
Anyway, here’s a bit from the next chapter of To Claim You As My Own. Warnings for seriously dubious consent in the premise (Roche is captured by the Scoia’tael) and straightforward discussion of sex and sexual assault.
Iorveth/Vernon Roche:
“I’m not your therapist,” Roche pointed out, “and you should definitely have one. But I can tell you that snapping at him and humiliating him is not gonna help things.”
Eldain’s snarl made Roche question if the no-torture thing would stay true – but then Eldain slumped back down. “Fuck,” the elf grunted. “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to apologize like, real well. Time to break out the flowers and jewelry and shit.”
Eldain stared up at him in bafflement – what, did elves not apologize for fuck ups the same way? – and then seemed to notice the state of him.
“Wow, you are disgusting! Is that smell you!?”
Roche scowled. “Considering I’m your captive, how I smell is rather your fault.”
“Huh. Yeah, I guess it is. Well, this is my tent now, and I absolutely cannot have a stinky tentpole captive in the middle of my tent. So we’ll just have to fix that.”
Blinking, Roche’s brow furrowed. Was Eldain kicking him out of his own prison cell? 
Instead, Eldain leaned out of the tent and flagged someone down to call for a bath. Like, an actual bath with a tub and everything. Roche blinked.
Was he going to do something like bathe himself in front of Roche but not actually let Roche be clean? As torture methods go, it would be untraditional, but mental manipulation did play a large role in torture.
Only instead of rolling a basin into the tent, Eldain began to pick the knots on his bindings. Did that mean he was getting kicked out? What the fuck?
Eldain kept his wrists bound behind him and walked him outside the tent – where numerous elves were pouring buckets of water into a massive tub.
“What, humans don’t do communal bathing?” Eldain asked in amusement, stopping them next to the tub. “Here’s how this is gonna work. I will untie your wrists so you can wash yourself, ‘cause uh, gross, but I’m tying your ankles, plus you’re surrounded by Scoia’tael, so like, don’t even try it. Do not make me have to tell Iorveth that his dh’oine was stupidly killed trying to run away.”
Roche opened his mouth, blinked, then closed it as he realized he had no idea what to say. 
Eldain didn’t appear to expect an answer, because the elf untied his wrists – and gods, that was a relief, they’d been tied too tight – and wrapped the rope around his ankles. Then Eldain handed him some soap and a bucket and flourished his hand to indicate that Roche should go ahead.
Clearing his throat as Eldain stepped back, Roche awkwardly attempted to clean himself of all the evidence of how he’d been used and how he’d liked it. He grit his teeth, breathing deeply, and pretended that he was working in his mom’s brothel, a weekend shift to take over for someone like he often did. Yeah, he’d had sex. Yes, he was covered in evidence of it. No, it was no longer hot and now just annoying and crusty and he scrubbed hard to remove it.
The other Scoia’tael elves were definitely looking at him – curious, perhaps? Or plotting his death? – but there was nothing Roche could do about that, so he pretended they were just other patrons at the Clarabelle. It was at least enough to keep his blush limited to his face.
Then he was done and he poured the bucket over his head, rinsing off. He looked back to Eldain. “So… how exactly do I get in the tub with bound ankles?”
Eldain’s smirk did not bode well for him and he held out his arms uselessly.
“No, wait–” 
Eldain grabbed him, hauled him up overhead, and then dropped him directly into the tub. It wasn’t really that deep, but Roche still flailed as he struggled to surface. Finally, he was tossing back wet hair and sputtering, just to find Eldain laughing his ass off.
Roche narrowed his eyes. It wasn’t the mean kind of laughter Eldain had given before when insulting Isengrim, so he wasn’t actually that bothered by it, but he did think it was only fair if he got to retaliate.
He moved to the edge of the bath as Eldain kept laughing and it was honestly far too easy to pick him up and pull him into the tub by his tunic.
Eldain splashed around a lot more than Roche had, and when he surfaced, he slowly spit the water out of his mouth through frowning lips. “This tunic was new,” he whined, face downcast.
Roche rolled his eyes. “Meaning newly salvaged from the corpse of whatever poor sod wandered into your forest?”
“Sometimes they come from corpses that you put there,” an elf nearby murmured, glaring at Roche. And that hit Roche… weirdly hard, considering he was just a soldier doing his job. 
But he didn’t have time to dwell on it, because his and Eldain’s presence in the bath apparently signalled that it was Time to Bathe and a number of elves hopped into the tub next to them. Roche stiffened, but they mostly seemed occupied with settling in the tub or chatting with each other. 
Eldain wiggled out of wet clothes and threw them over the rim to deal with later, then settled next to Roche. Which meant that Roche was sitting naked in a bathtub along with 10 other entirely nude elves. And a lot of them kept glancing at him. Some were definitely angry, but others were… curious?
He swallowed hard, trying to keep himself from staring at all the elves around him. But they were just so unreasonably beautiful, so instead, he made himself look too closely, until he could notice the flaws. 
Every single elf here had at least one scar that he could see. Every single one. He gulped again.
One elf noticed him staring at a healed gash in their shoulder and bared their teeth at him. “Recognize it? I was the one that got lucky. You didn’t kill me. My entire squad, on the other hand…” 
They growled and Roche wondered how he was supposed to fight with his ankles bound in a bathtub filled with elves.
“Enough,” Eldain snapped, and where his voice had been whiny and amicable before, it was now stern and commanding, reminding Roche that the elf beside him was a commander, an equal to Iorveth. And Eldain’s reputation was even worse than Iorveth’s.
Several elves huffed in irritation, but they did turn away from him. Since they were mostly gathered on the far side of the tub, Roche didn’t really care. But the ones near him still kept staring.
“What?” he demanded when a dark skinned elf with her hair in pompoms continued to stare.
Her lips twisted. “I’m just wondering – how do you know how to make someone come so hard they scream like a siren?”
Next to him, Eldain choked, flushing, but he just blinked at her. “The same way anyone else does?” he answered hesitantly. 
Blank faces answered him, and for the first time in his captivity, he worried for the wellbeing of these elves. He took a deep breath, “okay, so first thing is erogenous zones.” He launched into the kind of lecture he’d often had to give young men whose groomsmen had brought to a brothel to ‘get rid of that pesky virginity’. 
The good ones just wanted to know how to make their soon-to-be spouse feel good.
It happened often enough that Roche had multiple versions of the speech – the three minute version, the ten minute, the half hour version, even one that was an hour long. He picked and chose which parts of the speech to include based on the knowledge and availability of his audience.
This audience? Very minimal prior knowledge, even about themselves. It was honestly kind of sad.
He was just in the middle of explaining how a soft touch to the back of the neck could make an elf melt into a puddle when he noticed Iorveth standing a few paces away gaping at him. 
“Are you teaching my men how to have sex!?” Iorveth’s voice was incredulous and high pitched and Roche kind of reveled in having garnered such a response.
“Well, nobody else has,” he shrugged, keeping his eyes on Iorveth even as his previously captive audience blushed and ducked down. “There’s only two ways to learn: experience, and being taught. And obviously experience is more fun, but it’s much better if you’ve been taught some stuff to bring to the experience.” 
He wasn’t sure if his words actually reassured any of them, because he couldn’t take his eyes off of Iorveth. Iorveth stared back at him with just as much intensity and he could feel his breath starting to come faster.
Okay, this WiP is actually part of the Love Breeds Love ‘verse, but it’s kind of concurrent with the rorveth plot of that. The two storylines will meet eventually and work out some of their trauma and issues, but we’re a ways away from that. ‘cause the FIRST thing that has to happen is the breeding lol. If pregnancy squicks you out, this is NOT the series for you. Seriously.
Anyway, this bit is after Isengrim and Eldain have partnered up for this “let’s get pregnant and save our species” event and after chatting for a bit, Eldain invited Isengrim up to his room to ‘hear him play’. 😉
As the last notes rang out, Isengrim’s eyes met his and Eldain found himself strangely breathless. 
“You’re very good,” Isengrim intoned and Eldain smiled on instinct. 
“I am,” he agreed with a wink. “Thank you.”
Isengrim was very close to him and Eldain found that all he could focus on was the slight distance between them. Then Isengrim licked his lips, and Eldain’s eyes snapped back to Isengrim’s face.
“We’re expected to have sex later,” Isengrim murmured, voice deep and washing over Eldain like a warm fire. 
He hummed in acknowledgement, eyes half-lidded.
Staring into his eyes, Isengrim stepped even closer and said, “we could get a head start.”
“For practice,” Eldain nodded, tilting his head back and licking his own lips.
“Exactly,” Isengrim’s whisper fluttered over his mouth just before Isengrim kissed him, and Eldain melted into the meeting of their lips, so soft and sweet and hungry.
Eventually, the pulled apart and Eldain shivered when Isengrim growled, “put your lute away.”
Later, he would think about how Isengrim must really have understood musicians, because as much as he wanted Isengrim to jump him, he absolutely would not be okay with his lute getting damaged, no matter what his horny brain said. But in the moment, he was mostly just desperate to touch, so he set the lute aside and seized Isengrim’s face, drawing him into another kiss.
Isengrim sighed into the kiss, guiding them to shuffle back into the bed until the mattress was against the back of Eldain’s knees and he had to either sit down or fall down. Instead of climbing into his lap like he’d half been hoping, Isengrim dropped to his knees and dragged Eldain’s hips closer to the edge of the bed, pressing his face into Eldain’s crotch.
“Fuck,” Eldain whispered shakily. “Oh, fuck, please!”
Given permission, Isengrim’s fingers were quick to undo his belt and tear down his trousers, letting them tangle around his knees. Then Isengrim pulled his hips closer again and glanced up at him before licking across his already-wet folds. Eldain shivered, hand reaching out to stroke through Isengrim’s hair, pushing long strands behind one ear and tweaking it.
Isengrim’s body twitched, but he was not distracted from his quest, exploring what kinds of sounds he could pull from Eldain’s throat and what sorts of movements made Eldain jerk and what made him gasp and what made him scream. 
Some time later, he felt dazed and hazy, body humming with pleasure and delight. “Fucking hell,” he muttered, reaching out to tangle his hands in Isengrim’s hair again. “Yeah, somehow I really don’t think we’ll have a problem later.”
Isengrim laughed, mouthing across Eldain’s chest. “No?”
Eldain huffed a laugh. “How is it no one every mentioned that the Iron Wolf is a fucking god in bed?”
Isengrim stiffened, not responding, and Eldain belatedly recalled that Isengrim… didn’t particularly seem to like his moniker.
“Sorry,” Eldain said softly, stroking through Isengrim’s hair. “I’m just a little surprised that the gossipmongers never got ahold of that one.” He tugged on Isengrim’s hair until Isengrim rose enough for Eldain to kiss him. “God knows after the one fucking time my people overheard me, they never stopped bringing it up.”
Snorting, Isengrim relaxed slightly. Eldain wagered he could get him to relax a lot more.
Ugh, I have so many WiPs for these 3 and yet, nothing finished. 😭😭😭 But amongst my list of WiPs is one that’s actually more Reynard/Gascon without Meve in the equation (sorta) and it was started for the @witcherkinktober‘s prompts “Dacryphilia | Dirty Talk | Sounding”. No actual porn here, but much discussion of it XD
General Reynard Odo regarded his strict self control with pride. Gascon, on the other hand, took just as much pride in attempting to poke through that control until Reynard blew up. Until recently, Gascon had assumed Reynard half-hated him for that, but someone – probably Meve – seemed to have let Reynard in on the idea of antagonistic flirting. 
Next thing Gascon knew, Reynard was backing him up into the wall and kissing him fiercely. Since then, Gascon had gained a delightfully well-rounded education on all possible permutations on how a stern general and a bratty bandit could fit together. And he loved getting wrecked by his silver fox of a general, he really did. But it would be nice if, on occasion, he could see Reynard lose control.
In retrospect, Meve was probably just sick of their shit, because she was the one who drove Reynard to act – and now it was Gascon’s turn.
“You called for me, Your Majesty?” Gascon announced his presence, pointedly not bowing. 
Meve turned to face him, tapping her fingertips together. “How old are you?”
Gascon blinked. “Why?”
The way she looked him over was assessing, but her narrowed eyes showed that it was not his appeal that she was measuring. “Reynard,” she said eventually, just as he was starting to get antsy.
“Uh… yeah? What about him?”
“You want to see him fall apart,” she said bluntly and Gascon’s face flushed bright red.
“Uh, I mean–” he cleared his throat, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
Meve cut him of, clearly impatient with his embarrassment. “Reynard would never say it, but he wants that too.”
Taken aback, Gascon inhaled sharply, wondering if he could truly trust in those words. It seemed far too convenient for Reynard to wish to give up control to someone like him. 
“So,” she continued, “I am going to tell you what you need to know.”
Glancing around and half expecting this to be a joke, Gascon arched an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
“Sounding drives him wild. Every time, guaranteed.”
Gascon’s forehead creased. Sounding? What that some musical thing? “What is sounding?”
Meve sighed, lips pressed together. “I suspected as much,” she muttered to herself. “Perhaps we should start with what experience you do have.”
“I – what?”
“Sex,” Meve grunted, blunt and factual, “I’m talking about sex.”
Swallowing hard, Gascon really, really hoped that none of her guards could hear them. “It – you – why!?”
Meve rolled her eyes, apparently entirely comfortable with this conversation. She was very much alone in that, because Gascon had never been more uncomfortable. The queen was giving him sexual advice to fuck her top general. There had to be a catch. As far as he could tell, she didn’t even like him terribly much. She tolerated him because she had to, because without him, she had about two dozen men and absolutely no chance at all of reclaiming Lyria. So why would she give him advice to bag her second in command?
“For reasons that escape me, Reynard adores you.” She ignored Gascon’s surprised squeak. “Which is fine, except that you’ve got him lovestruck and distracted and frankly, I need my general at his sharpest. So fix it.”
Bewildered, Gascon sputtered wordlessly for several moments. “Fix what!?”
Her sigh was clearly disappointed and his gut clenched at the idea of disappointing her. “Fix him. Right now, you drive him to distraction. So I’m officially ordering you – go drive him out of his mind and give him everything he needs to be able to think straight again.”
Gascon’s jaw dropped. “You – are you serious!?”
Meve’s look was dripping with judgement. “Believe me, if I ever joke, you will know it.”
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