#and unfortunately i'm pretty sure the Empire made a weapon like this
off-brand-likes · 11 months
Kallus now realized why Kanan had been so glad to let him pretend to be a stormtrooper officer for a change. The corporal he'd taken this armor from had not made much time for cleaning and maintaining it. Dirt made the joints grind together. It stank.
At least Kallus didn't have to wear it for long. He was here to apply the corporal's code cylinders, unlocking a storeroom with containers currently bound for Coruscant so the rest of the Ghost crew could distract the guards and reroute the containers to rebel contacts on Rodia. Finding the storeroom in this base shouldn't be difficult, but it was laid out like someone had followed tunnels dug by stone mites...
"Corporal! With me."
Kallus stood taller as he turned to salute whoever had decided they had the rank to boss corporals around. Ah, an Imperial army captain, that would do it. "Sir, I'm under Sergeant Bordear's orders to--"
"And I'm countermanding them. Move." The captain turned, clearly expecting Kallus to follow.  Without the distraction that Sabine was waiting for his signal to set off, shooting the captain in the head would be a death sentence for Kallus too, one way or another. Kallus followed at what he hoped was an appropriate distance.
Stormtroopers had never been encouraged to ask questions. Kallus concentrated on memorizing their path through the base, and noting interesting signs along the way. They were heading toward the base's prison, according to the hallway signage, unless something were happening in the staff cafeteria which required an officer's attention.
They passed the storeroom Kallus had been looking for, and the cafeteria. They wound through the prison corridors, which were ominously unguarded, in Kallus's opinion. As they reached an intersection, a couple troopers at the far end of the hallway focused on the sergeant and turned around and quickstepped down a different hallway. Kallus clutched his rifle tighter. His sweating palms pressed unpleasantly against his stolen armored gloves' worn lining.
They stopped at a group holding cell, designed for keeping twenty or so Class 2 or 3 prisoners in one place while the staff work through a processing queue. The captain frowned at Kallus. "I'm having trouble with the troopers who are supposed to be assisting in a weapons test here. All they have to do is hold prisoners in place for aerosol dosing, but they're balking. The test material has been specifically designed at a droplet level their helmets should filter out. Do you understand what that means?"
"Sir, that means the helmets should stop the chemical before they breathe it in." Damn, Kallus should've said "we," not "they."
The captain was indeed giving Kallus an odd look, but all he said was, "The helmet filters will catch the chemical before they breathe it, corporal. Emphasize that to the troopers, then lend a hand securing the prisoners."
Kallus's mind offered suggestions for how ISB-021 would've secure prisoners for such an operation, but he kept his mouth shut. The captain said he was conducting "aerosol dosing" for a "weapons test." This sounded like some new Imperial monstrosity in the making. Kallus had assisted with enough of those for a lifetime.Inside the windowless holding room were about twenty prisoners, none of them human, all of them in binders with a remote release function, among other new conveniences in the latest models. They turned hostile gazes on the new arrivals. The troopers holding rifles on them didn't look any more welcoming, in their posture anyway.
The captain frowned at Kallus. "Well, get on with it."
Kallus looked over the prisoners again. Whatever they'd done to end up in Imperial custody, it hadn't earned them the death this experimental weapon was supposed to bring them. Kallus couldn't be a part of this. Even if he could, he couldn't imagine going back to the Ghost and telling Zeb what he'd done.
Nor did he have any chance of shooting his way out. His best chance at survival lay in surrendering. He'd either break out of a cell or fight when the odds were closer to his favor.
"Sir, I cannot follow that order." There was always the chance he'd just send Kallus out in disgust...
The captain drew his sidearm and pointed it at Kallus's head. So much for that. "If you will not help conduct the test, then you'll join the test subjects. Surrender your weapon and armor. Now."
A couple of the troopers were aiming rifles at him now, too. If they were this afraid of the new bioweapon, then the captain's threat would motivate them well. Moving slowly, Kallus set the rifle on the floor and followed instructions. He wasn't yet well known enough to be recognized on sight, at least.
"If you don't want to become a test subject as well," the captain told the troopers, "then follow orders. Put this one in binders. Start administering the doses as instructed. Now."
The new binders weighed Kallus's wrists down more than the older models had. Now that all Kallus wore was the grimy black undersuit troopers at this base wore under their uniforms, the room's chill sent a shiver through him. He flinched as a trooper held a mask over his face, covering it from eyes to chin and part of his neck.
Cold liquid misted over his face. He held his breath. Around him, other prisoners struggled against the same treatment. A trooper did something to the Mon Calamari beside Kallus, who groaned.
An armored fist thudded into Kallus's stomach. His air rushed out his mouth into the mask as he doubled over. For a long moment he couldn't have taken a breath in if he wanted to, and then he couldn't stop himself.
The air in the mask smelled sour, the same sour that the liquid he inhaled left on his tongue. His face was soaked in the stuff and it kept pumping out of the dispenser in the mask anyway. Barely enough air came into his burning lungs with the liquid to keep him conscious.
A scuffle to his left distracted the trooper holding him. He pushed the mask up and off his nose and mouth. A blaster shot sounded, and the Mon Calamari collapsed. The wound in his chest smoked faintly. The rest of the prisoners accepted their masks without fighting.
Kallus focused inward, searching for the first hints of the chemical's effects on him. Aside from his elevated heart rate and the familiar ache in his bad leg, he felt fine.
"Everyone out." The captain picked up Kallus's rifle and as many pieces of the armor he'd worn as he could hold. The troopers backed toward the door and kicked the few remaining pieces of armor out before they shut the prisoners in.
The binders on everyone's wrists beeped and released their arms. Everyone stared at them in confusion as they caught their breaths.
Kallus forced himself to stand straighter, despite his bruised stomach. "Has anyone tried breaking down that door yet?"
"You want to get shot out in the hall, you try it," a Twi'lek said.
He had a point. Kallus was about to suggest undoing the bolts that held down the benches around the walls and using them as a battering ram anyway when a Sullustan on the other side of the room screamed. She clawed at her face, drawing bloody tracks down her cheeks, then launched herself at the person standing next to her.
Other prisoners pulled her off the person before Kallus got to her, but the prisoner who'd been attacked was snarling almost as loudly as the Sullustan. The ones holding the Sullustan looked furious too. One of them threw her too the floor and raised a foot to stomp on her.
"Wait!" Kallus shouted. The Sullustan launched herself off the ground at the person about to step on her.
The whole room dissolved into furious shouting and flailing limbs. Kallus still didn't feel any different, but the other prisoners were all angrily lashing out at each other. It'd be just like the Empire to make a poison that specifically did not affect humans.
Kallus felt an appropriate amount of anger at that. He did not feel the need to attack the people around him. Climbing up on the nearest bench seemed like a better idea. That'd at least keep his head out of most people's reach while he figured out what to do next.
Although... Were these people not even trying to fight their instincts? It was literally the least they could do. No, this did not feel like an appropriate amount of anger, actually.
Kallus dug his nails into his palms. If he couldn't bear the thought of killing these people with a weapon, then killing them with his bare hands should've felt like a worse idea, not a better one. Facts. Facts would get him out--
Somebody dug claws into his leg and pulled. He tumbled into the swarming bloodbath of prisoners on the floor. For every person he kicked away from him, another latched onto his arm, kicked his side, tore at his back with teeth or hands.
Kallus was punching and scratching and biting along with everyone around him. Every new bolt of pain through him made him fight harder. They were ripping each other apart.
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s10127470 · 1 year
My Ideal Revival of the Disney Heroes Franchise
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What you’re looking at is the official logo for a now defunct franchise known as Disney Heroes.
Disney Heroes was basically meant to serve as the sister…..or more appropriately, the brother franchise of the Disney Princesses, with the focus being placed on the male heroes of the Disney pantheon.
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The franchise initially started back in 1999, but under the name of Disney Adventurers. Not only that, but the line-up was rather small, consisting of the titular protagonists of Hercules, Aladdin, Peter Pan, and their most recent film at the time, Tarzan.
The franchise mainly existed through toys, with some notable merchandising besides that here and there.
The franchise remained this way until about 2003, when it got a notable revamp.
The franchise would get its current name and it would expand the roster quite a bit. The new members included Merlin and Arthur from The Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, and Li Shang from Mulan.
I also think Simba from The Lion King was a part of the roster as well, I think I remember seeing him on a backpack done for the franchise.
But in 2005, the Disney Heroes franchise had a another revamp…this one notably different from the previous ones.
Although the franchise mainly existed through toys and play-sets that more or less stayed faithful to their respective films, these however…..
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Your eyes are not deceiving you….these were actual action figures created and designed by Disney for the Disney Heroes franchise…..and I couldn’t be anymore happier.
Hercules looks like an ancient Greek warrior with the golden armor, plus he’s carrying a big xiphos and a golden shield with the face of a lion.
Peter Pan is now sporting some tan gloves, boots, and ever a mask, carrying a bow and quiver of arrows alongside his trusty dagger.
And Captain Hook has a more swashbuckling look, and his rapier has been replaced with a big ass cutlass!
Prince Phillip and Maleficent were also apart of this line-up of action figures as well.
Phillip had a more knight-like appearance, even having a helmet with a golden falcon on top.
And Maleficent…well, she was in her dragon form.
Sadly, only five action figures were made in this style….
And it’s a shame, given that there were plans to revamp the franchise with a more action-oriented style.
These designs by Disney animator Ruben Procopio for planned future figures for the franchise really highlight this…
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Aladdin was gonna look like an Arabian Knight, complete with a dagger and a huge ass scimitar that would make Cloud Strife impressed.
Tarzan was gonna go for a Conan the Barbarian-esque look, complete with a headband, a vest, a tooth necklace, boots, and even a quiver filled with spears, knives, and arrows.
And as you could see, they were even gonna introduce The Beast from Beauty and the Beast as a new member of a roster, with the appearance of a warrior prince and a mace as his weapon.
Unfortunately, these figures never came to be....
Although Disney Heroes franchise was doing decently fine, it was nowhere near the level of success of the Disney Princesses.
As a result of that, Disney slowly but surely phased out the franchise over the next three years.
By 2008, the Disney Heroes franchise silently ended, only merchandising through coloring books and their only new addition since 2003 being....of all characters....Milo Thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
So yeah....that's pretty much the story of the Disney Heroes franchise.
It's honestly a shame because I could totally see this franchise being pretty successful today.
And given the rise of nostalgia and crossovers in media over the last decade, I could see this being an absolute goldmine for all parties involved.
And today, I'm gonna share on how I think a revival of the Disney Heroes franchise should play out.
.It would aim more towards a older audience, mostly teenagers, similar to the Disney Villains franchise. It wouldn't really focus all that much on toys like the Disney Princesses, though there would be some figurines here and there, instead focusing on media that's more accessible with a older crowd like novels, comic books, video games, and even animation.
.Unlike it's previous iteration, and to that extension the Disney Princesses, it would be more gender-neutral, featuring male and female representatives of most of the represented films as members of the roster.
.Also unlike the Princesses, this franchise has its own backstory. Various Disney villains have joined forces in other to further their respective goals. In retaliation, a group of various Disney heroes, led by Merlin, have united to fight against the villainous alliance and protect their respective realms. I know it's a pretty simple premise, but I think it's the perfect that way.
.The franchise will have a major focus on action and adventure....which for a franchise like this, should be expected.
.Many of the characters will be receiving redesigns in the veins of the ones done for the franchise back in 2005, which give off a fantasy warrior, almost Dungeons n' Dragons vibe. While these wouldn't be to the extent as say, Disney Mirrorverse, they would clearly by different from the characters' usual attire and makes them come off as more like warriors ready for adventure and battle.
.The series will essentially expand on the worlds of the films and bring in elements from their original source materials, official continuations like the TV shows, and even the cultures they represent.
Okay, now that we got the major elements out of the way, I'm gonna briefly share who would be apart of the roster for this new franchise, and list them in chronological order of movie release.
.Peter Pan
.Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip
.Merlin and Arthur
.Robin Hood
.Ariel and Eric
.Belle and Beast
.Aladdin and Jasmine
.Pocahontas and John Smith
.Hercules and Megara
.Fa Mulan and Li Shang
.Tarzan and Jane Porter
.Milo Thatch and Kida Nedakh
.Jim Hawkins
.Tiana and Naveen
.Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
.Anna and Elsa
.Moana and Maui
Just imagine.....seeing this iconic heroes going on various adventures, from the hottest deserts to the deepest jungles. Fighting against mythical monsters, thieves, wild beasts, villainous knights, deadly invaders, mysterious spirits and swashbuckling pirates!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm planning to go more in-depth on this idea, fleshing out the characters and their worlds.
If you have any ideas for this franchise, let me know.
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carboniteprincess · 4 years
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Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, Canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, character death, murder, you're literally a rebel sniper, it's enemies to lovers boba is not going to be nice to you yet, love at first fist fight, I cannot stress this enough, ENEMIES TO LOVERS, he's kind of arrogant? but he's young give him time
Pairing: Boba Fett x F! Reader | 2.0k words
You're arguably the best sniper in the entire rebel alliance, with hundreds of high ranking Imperial officials on your belt. When you're given the order to kill Boba Fett, you are under the impression that this would be like any other mission. Unfortunately, he seems to have great skill of getting out of situations that aren't in his favor. Now you're on Tatooine, where your comrade Orda has lured him into discussing business in a shady restaurant under the guise of being an Imperial Commander. His luck has to run out at some point, and you intend that to be today.
Crossposted on Ao3!
Being a rebel wasn't as glamorous as you thought. You weren't conducting high-level espionage or anything of the like. Instead, your penchant for sniping was homed in on, making you one of, if not the best in the entire squad. The only flaw you had, was arrogance. Never have you let a target walk away, never have you allowed yourself into a tight spot. 
You were always ahead of the enemy, so when your general gave you the order to kill Boba Fett. You assumed it would be an easy in and out job, perhaps he would've posed a threat to other members of your squad. But to you it would be simple, right? Unfortunately not. 
This is your third attempt at some kind of ambush, luring him into a perfect position. Mandalorian armor had few weak points, meaning you had to meticulously spend hours figuring out where would land a good, clean blow. His neck. If angled correctly, one tilt of his helmet and it would be over. Right through the jugular, no more bounty hunter. Another imperial dog to add to your list. 
If he would just turn his head, a little more to the right. Sweat beads on your forehead, eyes focused down the scope. Being a good assassin was all about your ability to linger, to wait. You're positioned on a balcony, a blind spot to the restaurant below. Your associate kept him talking under the guise of being an Imperial Commander, negotiating pay for the next rebel target. Boba Fett sits across from him, drink untouched. If you could see his face you'd swear he seemed bored. His legs wide open, leaning back nonchalantly. 
Fingers clenching on the trigger, you close your left eye. It wasn't like you enjoyed your job, when this war was over you'd swore to never lift a weapon again. The Empire made you, molding you like clay into a perfect killer. A painful truth, a driving force. Your parents. Both were medical professionals, caught smuggling medication to the galaxy's poorest. Promptly executed and then you, an orphan. A street urchin, nothing more. 
It wasn't long into your teens that you heard of the resistance, your heart burned with a want of revenge. So you got stronger, learned how to use a blaster, pilot and any skills that would make you useful to their cause. But you weren't a rebel, not really. You didn't care for politics, didn't even bother listening to the speeches about restoring the Republic. It didn't matter to you, but what did matter was taking out as many Imperials as you could before you die in battle or finally become numb to the anger. 
Self-preservation was no concern of yours, and that made you dangerous. A loose cannon, hot-tempered, and scarily a woman. You were used to being underestimated by your peers on gender, height, birth planet…. and you were the one who gets the high-profile missions. You were the one who has the highest accuracy, years of practice which left your trigger finger calloused, and every other emotion muted. 
Boba Fett had become a real thorn in your side. Threatening your record, career and possibly your sanity. His uncanny talent for escaping situations, even if all cards were against him, was exasperating. You would be lying if you didn't have some modicum of respect for him though, you were somewhat alike. Respect, no matter how great, does not destroy a death warrant. 
Someday soon his luck would run out, and it would be you at the other end of the blaster. That day was today. Lips twitching into a smirk, you watch his neck turn. Bingo. You steady your rifle, pulse pounding in your ears. At last, this mission would be over. You'd become a legend, the woman who killed Boba Fett. 
Bang. You take the shot, accurate as ever. A hum leaves your lips, watching him fall to the ground. Your calculations were correct, there was a weak point. Every armor has one, even Mandalorian. It was like a drug, the puzzle pieces clicking together with every fragility you discovered. 
The restaurant below descends into chaos, even the bartender is panicking. All guests rushing from their tables, abandoning their meals as your associate checks the man's pulse. You stare down your scope, watching the ordeal. He gives a thumbs-up, definitely dead. A buzz in your ear alerts you to a comlink.
"He's dead. But I think you'll want to come down here." Orda replies through static. Your brow creases, what the hell could've gone wrong. Muscles twitching with irritation, you make your way through the currently uninhabited building. You were ordered to avoid collateral damage by all means necessary, a false fire alarm did the job well. 
Your feet tap against the stairs as you make quick work of assessing your surroundings— if something is wrong, then it's always better safe than sorry. It seemed to be all clear, so you proceeded out the door and onto the street. This area of Mos Eisley was pretty habitable, aside from the abundance of criminal undertakings. Dust kicks as you march into the restaurant, pushing through various guests who were piling out at lightspeed. 
With a gruff, you finally make it to the rooftop, an exclusive VIP spot which proved difficult to doctor identity necessary to enter. You're about to start asking what the hell could've been so important that he dragged you down here, but your eyes meet Orda's now slumped body, face down with all color residing. A frustrated sigh leaves you, he was a good man. Even worse, he was a great rebel. His heart was in it, unlike yours. He shouldn't have been the casualty here. You reach down, pulling out his identichip and stashing it in your pocket. An action that you've taken with far too many of your comrades. 
Painfully you pull yourself from Orda's body, standing upright. Lingering would be a deathwish, whoever killed Orda was skilled. An impressive marksman, obviously one of Boba's accomplices who mistakenly thought he was the one that shot him. You could go over what-ifs later, right now you were going to finish the fucking job. 
The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in crimson constellations as the wind settled. Inspecting Boba's body was your primary concern, whatever Orda discovered, it cost him his life. You were determined to find out what exactly it was, from a glance it seemed like Boba Fett. With a grimace, you move his drooping head around. Concerningly heavier than expected, beskar is light and durable. 
You hook your fingertips under the helmet, pulling it off and coming face to face with…. not your target. Fuck. You'd be deceived, spectacularly. Knuckles white, feeling bile in your throat threatening to explode in a cocktail of frustration and admiration. The crudely made edges of the helmet abrasive against your palm, a reminder of your failure. 
Without a second thought, your balled fist comes into contact with the wall, encasing the helmet and sending tendrils of pain, a shock wave through your arm as you verbalize your confliction with a strangled scream. Orda died for nothing, you were a joke. Everything you had built, buried and locked away was floating to the surface. 
But you haven't felt this alive in years. Being outsmarted, so cunningly sent a morbid thrill up your spine. You could almost laugh, had you not heard footsteps approaching. Impulsively your hand fell to your blaster, making a mental note to thank your teacher for always carrying more than one. 
"Surely you didn't believe it was that easy to kill me." Before he can finish you turn, firing your blaster in his direction. Of course, his armor deflects it with ease. "I must admit, I'm impressed. Not everyone could distinguish beskar through weight alone." A snort leaves him at your feeble attempt to hold ground, looking over your pathetic secondary weapon that could barely injure an Ewok. 
"Go thing I'm not everyone then." You stand, keeping your right arm extended, blaster aimed at his inner thigh. It wouldn't kill him, however it would allow ample time for escape. "You killed my friend." He's circling you now. "Who's your Intel? How did you know I'd be here?" 
"You are hardly in the position to be making demands, little rebel." Another chuckle, you'd heard of him toying with his advisories before, but this was different. A teacher disciplining a student. 
"You're going to kill me anyway, what's the harm." You huff, shrugging. He stops pacing, chewing over your words. 
"Killing you would be a waste." That bastard. "Of my time and resources." He adds matter-of-factly. 
"Orda wasn't?" You spit, voice cracking in frustration. Figuring out what made others tick was your specialty, but the lack of motivation and reason within Boba's actions is what baffled you. 
"That was a favor." He sounds like you should be grateful, almost insulted that you hadn't figured it out yet even with him practically dangling the answer in front of you. Perhaps you weren't as clever as he thought. 
"A—favor? How would killing my comrade benefit me!" You reply astounded, cheeks burning red, hand shaking on your blaster. 
You think for a second, taking your eyes off him. Why did it take until after the kill for Orda to realize what was wrong with the body… He isn't… wouldn't…could've of… you've been double-crossed. "He wouldn't— I've spent months with him—" 
"And every little thing you did, he told me." His admission is calm, you look over Orda's body, no longer do you feel remorse. Just shame. You couldn't even see betrayal under your nose. 
You walk closer to him, the barrel of your blaster getting dangerously close. Nothing could stop you from finishing your mission right now, but he's letting you. Knowledge is far more appealing than rewards in the resistance. 
With your grip around the handle tight, you slam it down across his helmet, your knee reaching his groin. "You're very easy to fool." A smirk replaces the look of misery on your face, it was a dangerous game to pretend to let your guard down. Your risk paid off, managing to get a shot at his thigh. 
Swiftly, you press all your weight on him, knocking him back just enough to make a run for the edge of the balcony. He groans in pain, you're so close to the edge, escape almost in your grasp— when a grappling hook wraps around your ankle. 
You struggle against the cold floor, doing anything you can to wriggle free from his grasp.
It's fruitless, as soon as he's in reach you're kicking him, hurtling all kinds of abuse. Your attempts to wrestle him are almost comical and in a frenzy, you grip the only thing that seems viable. His Helmet. You manage to free it, your fingers hooking under and pulling it off his head, sending it on the floor beside you. For a moment you're the one stunned, not him. 
Dark curls frame his face, a beautiful border to tanned skin. His nose is prominent but compliments his features. Scars pepper his face, but he's young. Younger than you thought. You watch as his forehead crinkles in anger, hands pinning yours beside your head. 
Wasting no time, you bring your head to crack his, sending him back with a kick to the stomach. Your nose pours from impact, dripping onto the floor as you clamber to your feet. 
"This isn't over." You hear his voice, unmodified. You rush to the edge, peering over and assessing if you can land in one of the speeders below. He stands, trying to rush over to stop you. "Don't!" 
With a wink, you throw yourself over the side. In seconds you're hurtling onto the street, watching a bare-faced Boba Fett grow smaller with each passing second. His eyes are widened in either admiration or shock for your bravery. 
He eventually dares to look over and finds that you're gone. Whoever you were, he finally had a worthy opponent. He would find you again. His little rebel. 
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starrysnowdrop · 4 years
Hey there! I don't know how to write this so I hope you won't mind my awkward phrasing XD
I've see a lot of negative posts about the Sorrow of Werlyt Quest Line, some even pretty aggressive. Now I feel so bad for liking it, I love the Siblings and how Gaius turns out to be an actually somewhat good Dad. I like the fights a lot, especially the second one. Had massive fun with posing and fooling around. I also love how the Villain is just that, a mean bastard who deserves some stab wounds.
But now I'm desperately searching for other people who like this quest line. Long story short... I've just wanted to ask how you see the story arc 😔 sorry again for writing so much nonsense 💜
Hi sweetie, thank you so much for reaching out to me @xxcrowfeatherxx! Before I begin my essay long answer, thank you so much for the amazing ask!
First, please don’t feel bad for what you enjoy, or begin to think that your opinion is invalidated because some are really vocal about what they dislike. You are allowed to enjoy the Werlyt storyline despite the fact that there are some who dislike it. Also, please don’t take my opinions as gospel either. Regardless if my opinions are similar or contradict your own opinions, please go on enjoying the Werlyt content! With that being said, let’s get into it, shall we?
My Thoughts on The Sorrow of Werlyt Up to Patch 5.4
I think I will get the less controversial aspects of Werlyt out of the way and say I’m in LOVE with the fact that we are fighting the weapons from FFVII. VII is one of my favorite games in the FF series, so I have been hyped since Ruby Weapon was announced. I absolutely loved all of the weapons and their respective battles, with Ruby giving me utter chills with Nael van Darnus popping out of the weapon all gooey, then the absolutely EPIC Sapphire duty that is taken right out of my childhood fantasies of wanting to pilot a gundam! Emerald Weapon’s trial even on normal mode was so much fun, and it tested my ability to stay alive and dodge all the mechanics really well. And just seeing the VII weapon designs in full HD quality just makes me squeal with joy every time.
Now, for what you are probably waiting for me to comment on: the Werlyt story. Obviously since we haven’t seen it through to completion, I can only comment on how it’s going so far through 5.4, so my opinions may change down the road. That being said, I don’t hate the storyline, but it’s more in the execution of certain plot points that annoy me.
For example, I adore that we are exploring Gaius’ past and the reveal that he had more “adopted” children, as it shows the kind of person Gaius really is behind the armor so to speak. I don’t hate that the Raen kids are there, or that Gaius seems to be on his way to having a full redemption arc, unlike some more vocal people have said on Twitter recently. I’m actually all for a redeemed Gaius, I just hope they do it well, and not just brush over certain things... unfortunately it seems so far that they have.
Not sure if you’ve seen the meme going around, but after Severa explained her past to Gaius, he had full shocked Pikachu face, right? That bothers me, because how can he NOT know that a majority of pure blooded Garleans look down on other races as inferior? I mean, Cid knows, how can Gaius be all shocked about this? I understand that Gaius may not be aware of all the dealings going on in other legions, sure, but the overall ideals of the Garlean Empire even talk about “subjugating primitive peoples” (that’s an Emet quote by the way for the reference), so that sounds like half-assed writing to me. It seems to me that they are painting Gaius as if his biggest sin is being ignorant of the problem instead of him coming to terms with himself being part of said problem.
There’s also the huge issue of what sounds like victim blaming Livia sas Junius for how she turned out to be. Millisandia’s friend explains to you that Gaius always tried to keep Livia at arm’s length because she was getting obsessive over him and trying to keep the others from getting near him. Well, Livia was another of the “adopted” children as well, so if anyone is to blame here it’s Gaius, not Livia. Yeah, “keeping her at arm’s length” by making her his right hand! Talk about mixed signals here. If he knew something was up about Livia’s behavior, he should have done something about it to help the situation, instead of rewarding her for her devotion instead.
Also, others have brought up the point that the Werlyt storyline with Gaius and the Raen “adopted” children is sort of redundant when this has already been explored in Cid’s backstory, and I agree to a point, but not fully. The fact that Gaius takes in children and raises them like they were his own is not new to Gaius’ story certainly, as Cid tells the WoL that “He was there for me father, when you were not”, but it’s not explored that much more than that. And as we know, Cid defects and leaves Garlemald to fight for Eorzea instead of following Gaius. Therefore, it’s interesting that the Raen children look to Gaius as an example instead of what Cid did, so I actually like that we have been given more exploration into the backstories of these characters in this storyline.
There’s also the fact that people have been critical about Cid seemingly forgiving Gaius for everything he’s done and just brushing it all aside like it’s no big deal in this storyline. I guess people get that impression when Cid tells the WoL that when he saw Gaius again in Praetorium, he doesn’t know why he wasn’t that mad at him like he thought he would be. Now, I need to go back and screenshot this conversation just to be certain of the details, but the impression I got was that Cid had mixed emotions about Gaius, but he was willing to put it aside for the greater good (ie: defeating the Weapons that will kill all of Eorzea). Also, Gaius practically raised Cid himself, and in a lot of ways, Gaius was more of a father figure to Cid than Midas ever was. So does this make Cid’s feelings towards Gaius complicated? Absolutely! Gaius still feels like a father to him, so I believe Cid gets a pass for having mixed emotions about the whole situation. Not to mention that Gaius wasn’t the one that almost killed him... but anyway.
I haven’t talked too much about Valens yet, but he’s so creepy and freaks me out, and that’s a great thing! He’s definitely a change from our more sympathetic villains we’ve had lately with Emet and Elidibus, so I’m actually happy about that as well. I honestly can’t wait till that piece of shit dies!
I know I made this way longer than anyone probably cares to read, but I’m honored that you asked me for my thoughts on Werlyt and I’ll be happy to talk about it anytime with you! Once again, thank you so much for the ask!
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Thanks to this wonderful idea from a tumblr user, here is more about my Hunter
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Guardians name: Chloe Faith Brask
Age: 24
Race: Human
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Hunter
Preferred subclass(es): Gunslinger
Ghost's name: Moondance
Fireteam name: The Sisterhood
Fireteam teammates: Isabelle Brigham, Tori-3, and Sage Heathcliff
Favorite legendary weapon: Rose
Favorite exotic weapon: Ace of Spades
Favorite exotic armor: Lucky Pants
Favorite ornament armor set: Vanguard Dare
Favorite weapon ornament: Big Blind
What stats do they focus on: Mobility and Recovery
Are they offense, defence, or support: Chloe is always offense, mostly because she just springs into action with no real plan in mind.
Do they prefer being close, mid, or long range: a combination of all three
Do they lean more "Element of Surprise" or "Upfront and Aggressive": Both
Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible: Gambit
Who was their mentor(if they had one. If it is a character you created, tell us about them!): She doesn't really have one
What ship do they have: Queen of Hearts
What is their Sparrow: Gambler's Palm
Favorite Ghost shell: Spelunking Shell
Favorite shader: Circadian Chill
Favorite color: Electric Blue
Favorite food: STEAK!!!
Favorite piece of Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): A Polaroid Camera
Favorite Pre-Collapse music(if they've heard any): Country music (Prime Country ro Modern Country)
Favorite place in The Last City(if it's a place you created, give a little description!): A bar called the Golden Horse
Favorite NPC(s): Cayde-6, Banshee-44, Saint-14, and Amanda Holliday
Favorite patrol location: The EDZ
5 things your Guardian likes(can be anything): Horse back riding, camping, art, and photography
Least favorite food: Zucchini and Squash
Least favorite shader: Cayde's Dubs (unfortunately)
Least favorite patrol location: Formly Mercury, Currently Europa
Least favorite Pre-Collapse tech(if they've seen any): iPads
Least favorite NPC(s): Suraya Hawthorne
Least favorite weapon ornament: Pride of Omolon
Least favorite ornament armor set: Forbidden Visage
Least favorite legendary weapon: Any scout rifle
Least favorite exotic weapon: Whisper of the Worm
Least favorite exotic armor: Worm Huskcrown
5 things your Guardian dislikes(this can be anything): Being patient, being stuck in the tower, following orders, the Hive, and lizards
Your Guardian has to rest. What is their living space like: it's a studio loft with art supplies scattered everywhere
Does your Guardian have any casual wear?:
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What hobbies and/or skills does you Guardian have: Drawing, Painting, Riding (Horses), Photography, playing piano
What would your Guardian's lore book be called: Reckless Danger
Where was your Guardian reborn?(If you created the location, give us a little description!): Cheyenne, Wyoming
What were they wearing when they were reborn: T-shirt, jeans, and boots
What was their reaction to being reborn: "why? What? Holy Fuck it's cold!"
What was their reaction to their first rez: "OMG, that's awesome!"
After being reborn, did they meet friendlies first or hostiles: Hostiles, namely the Eliskni
Who was the first other Guardian they met?(Same thing! If you made them, give a little description!): Isabelle Brigham, Chloe's best friend and the one who makes sure Chloe doesn't over do it.
Did your Guardian get reborn with, or find, any indication of their past life? If so what do they have/found: A photo of her and her father (Andal Brask) at her high school graduation
How did your Guardian get their name(if they didn't rez with past life momentos): the photo of her high school graduation had "Chloe and Dad, Graduation 2015"
Going back to your Guardian's lore book, what would be some some quotes or passages from their book: "You can't move mountains sittin' on your backside.", "I'm a hunter, knives ARE my religion!" OR "Why aren't you prettier than a magnolia in May."  (This is directed to a horse)
Does your Guardian have a significant other: Cayde-6
Did your Guardian go explore first before going to The Last City? If so, where to: Chloe went to straight to the The Last City.
What was their reaction to first seeing The Last City: She was surprised at how many people there were.
Is your Guardian a part of a clan: No
Does your Guardian's clan have a back story? If so, what is it?(if you want to or able to share): No
If your Guardian would have a quote as a flavor text for a weapon and/or piece of armor, what would they be: "Oh, these old things, can hide hundreds of knives in them."
If your Guardian has had any interactions with any civilians (The Last City/The Farm), Eliksni, Cabal, Vex, Hive, Taken, Scorn, Rouge Lightbearers, or Iron Lords/War Lords(if your Guardian is an Old Light) tell us about it!: Chloe loved helping the kids on the Farm learn to ride horses. She loved watching the smiles spread across their faces as they rode like the wind.
Does your Guardian have any unconventional allies or connections(By Vanguard standards): She has a civilian friend named Nikki who helps get supplies and ammunitions.
How does your Guardian feel about themselves or others using Stasis: At first, Chloe had no idea how she felt about it, seeing how she'd rather blow something up with her solar. After a while, she loves using it, especially in Gambit.
Did they run The Last Wish raid? How did they react to seeing a live Ahamkara a.k.a Riven: Chloe's not one for raids
Did they run The Deep Stone Crypt raid? How did they react to the Crypt and seeing Exo Eliskni: Absolutely shock at how thay was possible
Is your Guardian from D1? How did they react to seeing Taniks alive once again: Yes, she's from D1, let's just she was not happy.
Where did they go and what did they do during The Red War: Chloe helped escort civilians to safety and taught them self defense.  She mostly worried about Cayde when he was MIA.
Here are some characters that are either polarizing or have created a strong enough mass emotion within the community. What opinion does your Guardian hold on each of them(These are only a handful of characters!)>>>
Osiris, First Warlock Vanguard, originally exiled: Grandpa!
Eris Morn, Bane of the Swarm: Slightly creeped out, but overall really good friends with Eris.
Cayde-6, Sixth Hunter Vanguard: Chloe's fell head over heels for the exo
Ikora Rey, Second Warlock Vanguard: Mad respect
Commander Zavala, Second Titan Vanguard: Eh, she could careless about what Big Blue says
Saint-14, legendary Titan, First Titan Vanguard: Exo Grandpa!
Lord Saladin, Iron Banner handler, One of the last remaining Iron Lords: Wolf Man!
Lord Shaxx, Crucible handler, Hero of Twilight Gap, living megaphone: Chloe tends to avoid Crucible if possible
The Crow, New Light, Ex-Enforcer to The Spider: She's rather cold towards him.
The Spider, The Shore's Only Law, founder of "House" Spider: Eh, Chloe dosen't really care as long as she'd paid glimmer for her services
Uldren Sov, Prince of the Reef, Master of Crows: A deep dislike for him, he left a bad impression on her when they first met. Though she has to tolerate him since Isabelle is head over heels for the Prince
Mara Sov, Queen of the Reef, Queen of the Awoken, Ex-Kell of Wolves: She tolerates the Queen.
Variks, the Loyal, founder of House Judgement: Chloe doesn't trust people/Eliskni easily. Variks is maybe maybe only Eliskni, besides Mithrax, that she likes.
Mithrax, the Forsaken, Kell of Light, founder of House Light: Same answer as before
The Exo Stranger/Elizabeth "Elsie" Bray, Granddaughter of Clovis I and Sister to Ana Bray: Chloe finds her closed off and unable to really connect with her.
Eramis, of House Salvation, Kell of Darkness: "BITCH, YOU FROZE MY GHOST! THERE AIN'T A SOUL ALIVE WHO MESSED WITH HIM!"
Empress Caiatl of the Cabal Imperial Empire: She can't stand the Cabal, so Chloe doesn't like Caiatl very much.
Taniks the Scarred, the Perfected, the Abomination, the Shadow Thief: He killed her father in front of her..... rage is all she feels
The Darkness is fast approaching. How is your Guardian handling it: Pretty well actually.
And finally, does your Guardian have any advice for any New Lights: "Think 'what would Chloe do?' then do the polar opposite..."
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