#and tumblr is being a butt
purpleminte · 9 months
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She is a “stocking stuffer.” In a sense.
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armedteen · 10 days
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wonkastarshine · 8 months
I am G A G G E D
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teekapoa · 9 months
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And then one day on his way home from a vacation, he vanished.
What happend?
Is he alive?
Stranded somewhere with nobody in sight?
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mrbigpepperoninipples · 2 months
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A amazing digital circus comic I did cuz I was bored (try to read it with my handwriting)
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9w1ft · 5 months
Taylor saw the "I want to believe" Kaylor meme and liked it some much she wrote a song about it 🙈
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tarohonii · 1 year
HTBAD as Tumblr Text Posts pt. 2
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florshedworf · 7 months
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i NEED people to see these cool as heck concept sketches. like this show was entirely storyboarded with comic pages !!!! (source)
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firstkanaphans · 6 months
I was just going to let this drop, but apparently I can’t. The sheer audacity of fans to insist that CPs do fanservice—to the extent that they’re not even allowed to date anyone else publicly—and then turn around and accuse them of queerbaiting just because they do it on April Fools’ Day??? And you know those same fans are the ones that shame the actors who actually do come out because it’s only okay to be gay in theory. The industry needs to stop catering to these bigots.
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repurposedmeatlocker · 5 months
I gotta make a post about this. It will drive me insane otherwise. But I really REALLY like the way in which Beavis and Butt-Head incorporates the music video commentary segments within the context of the actual show.
On one hand, it is indeed a way for musicians and creators to be promoted, albeit in a satirical and tongue-in-cheek way, through the banter of two ignorant fifteen year old boys. But this does not mean these segments are floating around unrelated. Actually, the commentary segments are completely intwined within the world of the show. They are not just used as opportunities to make pop-culture references and trash the musicians, but as a jumping-off point for Beavis and Butt-Head to get into off-topic tangents. Ranging from simple questions to sparse recollections of their home-life. I can't say this definitely since I haven't exactly been keeping track, but it appears to me that most of the sparse information out there about their moms and family come from statements made during these segments. Then there are also all those moments during music videos where they aren't even paying attention to what is on-screen and instead are doing stuff like looking at magazines, trying to cook, fighting, falling asleep, etc.
This all is such an odd yet interesting window into their lives, and how much it revolves around their television. I don't think this is unintentional at all. The characters are first introduced in the pilot, as being parked in front of their TV getting off on a woman advertising exercise equipment. Mike Judge is indeed making some kind of commentary here regarding the modern dependence on TV and cable television (especially in the context of the 90s when the show came out). At the same time though, I don't feel like this is a completely mind-numbing experience in the case of Beavis and Butt-Head. In fact, I find their interaction with the programs on television extremely "active" whether it be actually constructing opinions about what they are watching (even if it rarely is more complex than 'this rules' or 'this sucks'), or deciding to do something based off of seeing it advertised or talked about on TV. When you think about it, most of the plots of the show use the television as a catalyst for the episode's plot, which just ties the TV to the show as a whole even more.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 9 months
If the seasonal depression could stop making me just ✨exist✨ outside of work, that would be great. 👍🏻
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sandpaperoctopi · 2 months
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Amble and Lucilia
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wanderinthedeep · 1 year
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what if we made out
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skulltreefairy · 1 year
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And they were roommates o3o
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noisytenant · 6 months
i'm no longer in college and i have relatively niche and abrasive hobbies so i've been able to pretty much entirely rid myself of the presence of "chaos gremlin" type white queer people. it's pretty nice and i recommend it
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homosociallyyours · 2 months
56 & 63 👀
Hi Lauren!! THANK YOUUUUU!!! This is such a good one.
Awful First Meeting + Everybody Knows/Mistaken for a Couple
Harry and Louis meet when they're stuck in an elevator heading to their cars after seeing a double feature at the local movie theater. It probably wouldn't be so awful of a first meeting if Harry hadn't decided to eat nachos with extra cheese sauce and drink what felt like a gallon of soda PLUS his usual travel water bottle during the last movie. In short, he shits his shorts-- and then pees himself, because WHY NOT, at a certain point?-- in front of the hot stranger he hopes he never has to see again.
Unfortunately, the new hire in his department starts that Monday and GUESS WHO IT IS?? Harry's co-workers take his unusual awkwardness around Louis as evidence that they've hooked up in the past, and Louis' teasing banter only makes things worse.
Just when it feels like things couldn't get worse, the two of them get trapped in the elevator again, this time at work.
"We really have to stop meeting like this," Louis says, biting back a teasing smile, and Harry wishes he could laugh but all he can think about is the wave of shame he'd felt a few weeks earlier in nearly this exact situation. At least this time he used the toilet less than twenty minutes earlier and had been staying away from lactose since that day. Still, he can't stifle his groan as he shuffles forward and lays his pointer finger on the button for the lobby, pressing as hard as he can.
"Hopefully it won't be as--" Harry stops himself from using the word 'shitty,' because REALLY? "Bad." He turns to Louis, brow furrowed, and frowns. "As bad as that particular, um, incident."
"Y'know what? It could've been worse."
Harry huffs a laugh as he looks back at Louis expectantly. "If we'd been stuck there another five minutes, I would've been in exactly the same boat as you.
That's RIGHT, Louis is also an IBS girlie or whatever, and literally shit his pants in his car on the way home! PLOT? MEET TWIST!
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