#knock your butt on my wood I mean
wanderinthedeep · 1 year
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what if we made out
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demonpiratehuntress · 10 months
The Straw Hats (+Ace) with you being injury prone
Featuring: Zoro x Reader, Luffy x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Usopp x Reader, Ace x Reader
Summary - you get hurt very easily. waking up with random bruises, tripping over your own feet, walking into walls, etc. and your boyfriend is extremely concerned.
Warnings - like one swear word
A/N: im super clumsy and VERY injury prone, so i thought this might be fun to write. writing this with ice on a bump on my head :))))
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Zoro tends to get murderous when he spots an injury or even the smallest cut on you. He is immediately ready to tear up whatever caused it, or slice the person responsible into ribbons. So you try to hide it as best you can, especially since you are especially clumsy and getting hurt is your biggest skill. Got a cut or bruise? You're wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Bump on your head? Beanie or hat.
Sometimes, though, your body forgets you're trying to conceal your clumsiness and it will blatantly expose you, such as right now.
You had been trying to sneak up on Zoro, who was laying out on deck - you guessed it - taking another nap. One of his eyes opened at the sudden cry, landing on your figure nearby. You were hopping around on one foot, clutching your knee with both hands, your expression pained. The swordsman sat up.
"How did you hurt your knee?"
Indeed, there was nothing around for you to hit your knee on - a precaution taken by Nami and Chopper, the only two who knew about your unfortunate tendency to get hurt.
"I...I kicked it."
"How did you-" Zoro was absolutely stunned. He was an idiot, but even he knew there's no way you could kick your own knee. It was physically impossible. He got up to come an inspect it.
"I'm fine!" You promised, setting your foot down - unfortunately for you, it twisted and took you down with it. "OW!"
Zoro's jaw dropped. It took a hot minute for him to react, too shocked to fully comprehend what had just happened. When he got over it he carefully lifted you up, taking you back to his hammock so he could take care of you. He had turned his back for a second before he heard a loud thud.
You groaned.
He was immediately rushing over to pick you up again, keeping you in his arms this time. He was so worried, the poor guy, eyes grazing over your body in concern. You didn't look physically hurt, but he could tell you were in pain. Mostly from the impacts of your falls. From then on, he's your personal bodyguard, having to physically move some things so you wouldn't knock against them, or move you so you wouldn't hit anything. As for the hammock...he always made sure to get on first so he could hold you and keep you from rolling off.
Good luck convincing him to ever let you walk anywhere - or do anything - alone again.
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Luffy is a menace. Far from being concerned about you when you would trip or bump your head, this damn idiot has the nerve to burst into loud, uncontrollable laughter.
"You're funny, (Name)!"
And he doesn't mean to hurt or upset you, it's just the way he is. He's seen you on the battlefield, mercilessly crushing whoever got in your way, so he doesn't think much of these little accidents. He thinks you're not hurt, that you're completely fine and doing it on purpose to - yes this is his reason - entertain him. After all, why else would such a ruthless fighter just flop and fall around for no reason?
"Luffy, I don't think she did that on purpose..." Usopp tried to tell the captain, who was trying to convince you to fall again.
You frowned, trying your best to not get upset with your dumbass boyfriend, and before you could stop yourself, your body already obliged. You turned and walked right into the mast - face smashing against the hard wood. You groaned and stumbled back, your nose hurting and eyes glossing over. You fell onto your butt, earning another round of obnoxious laughter from Luffy.
"DON'T JUST SIT THERE AND LAUGH!" Sanji knocked Luffy so hard on his head that the captain fell to the floor, hitting the deck face-first. Then the cook came to help you up.
"Thanks," you mumbled, feeling so embarrassed.
It was then that Luffy noticed your tears, and he sprung to his feet - completely unaffected by Sanji's attack. He came up to you and grabbed your arms, making you look at him.
"(Name), what's wrong?"
"I'm fine," you smiled, shaking off his concern. You made to walk away, but you once again turned and slammed into the mast.
"But that's...that's always been there?" Usopp said-asked meekly.
You shot him a glare so withering that he screamed and cowered behind Luffy, who just laughed and wrapped his arms around you, extending them until he had you completely encased in a cocoon made by his arms.
"There, now you can't get hurt!"
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Sanji, like Zoro, tends to overreact when you get hurt. And by overreact, I mean he dropkicks everyone and everything that dared to cause you harm. So you try to hide your injuries from your overly concerned boyfriend, opting to cover them with layers. Sanji found this a bit odd, but otherwise didn't press. But slowly he started to notice things he hadn't before.
"My love, watch that-"
You bumped into the wall, sending your book crashing onto your face.
He rushed over to check if you were okay, laughing a little when you pulled the book away from your face to smile at him sheepishly.
"I'm fine."
Seconds after you said that disaster struck again, with you tripping over your own feet - with absolutely nothing being in the way - and falling over. Sanji's eyes widened and he quickly helped you back up.
"You are very clumsy, (Name)," he chuckled, not knowing that was exactly it.
"I am," you agreed, hiding your embarrassed blush behind your book.
Before he could say anything else, you took off and tried to quickly walk away before he could notice the growing bruise on your knee. That failed, as you hadn't taken three steps before you crashed into one of your oncoming crewmates, and fell backwards.
"Mosshead! Why did you push (Name)!" Sanji yelled, coming over looking ready to throw hands.
"As if I would do that!" The swordsman snapped back.
"Well she's on the floor isn't she?!"
"She bumped into me!"
"How dare you blame (Name) you big oaf!"
You quickly stood up and got in between them, averting the total destruction of the Going Merry.
"He's right, Sanji. I bumped into him. I told you I'm clumsy."
You didn't have to say more before you were suddenly scooped up into the cook's arms, hearts in his eyes with his next words.
"Well then I'll just carry you everywhere my love!"
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Generally speaking, Usopp is a lot more alert than most of the crew. So it's no surprise that he picked up on your clumsiness early on, but he didn't think it was anything to worry about since it was just small stuff. But the moment you walked in one day with a bag of ice on your head, unsuccessfully trying to conceal it under a hat, Usopp grew alarmed.
"(Name), is everything okay?" Your concerned boyfriend asked you, stopping you from lifting something up. "Your head-"
"Is fine," you finished with a smile, kissing his cheek. "But thanks babe."
You walked away before he could insist on you telling him what was going on. But unfortunately for you, your two left feet gave you away and you stumbled forward, dropping the box and then tumbling over it. Usopp cried out in alarm and ran to your side, helping you up.
"(Name)!" He fussed over you. "Okay that's it, what's going on?"
"Should have known I couldn't fool the brave Captain Usopp," you smiled, trying to divert his attention.
"Well, I-" He stopped laughing confidently when he realised what you were doing, "Hey! You can't do that! Tell me, I'm worried."
You sighed, "I'm just clumsy, that's all. And injury prone."
"That...explains a lot..."
You growled and smacked him, "Is that all you can say?!"
"S-sorry!" He apologised quickly, rubbing his head. He was about to take you to Chopper for nothing other than he was worried you were hurt internally, when you suddenly tripped and fell on top of him.
He groaned, "Clumsy is an understatement."
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He notices right away. There was no way it was normal for someone to walk into a wall that they knew was there, or to trip on a flat surface, or bonk their head on a shelf that they knew was over their heads - multiple times. But somehow, you managed to do all of that and more, and poor Ace was sick with worry about your physical health.
Ace's head shot up from the bed, "What happened?!"
"I hit my head again..."
"Same shelf?"
"...Same shelf."
He chuckled before getting up and going over to you, bringing you into his strong arms. He placed a kiss on your head, replacing your hand rubbing your sore spot with his hand.
Later on, you were trying to bring him something, when you stubbed your toe on the bedframe and tumbled onto the bed, startling the poor man out of his nap.
"(Name)!" He figured you must have tripped, but he was not prepared for your tears. "Where does it hurt?"
"My toe..." You pouted. "I hit my food on the bed."
He face-palmed. It takes a lot for Ace of all people to face-palm, so embarrassment creeped up on you. Before you could protest, he pulled you on top of him and made you lay on his chest.
"I swear, you're a walking safety hazard," he teased. "Looks like I can't let you leave the room now."
He meant it. And if you did leave, it was with him. He was just too worried about not being around when you hurt yourself, which was valid because he was always your source of comfort.
"What happened to your eye?"
"I...fell...out of the bed..."
You are on the verge of making Ace cry.
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moonstruckme · 6 months
Now that your requests are open I need more ceo Sirius content PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for requesting! You didn't ask for smut but it's what popped into my head lol, hope this is okay
cw: smut mdni, semi-public sex
ceo!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 636 words
“Baby.” Sirius’ voice is low and smooth. Compelling. “Let me see you, dollface.” 
You struggle to pick your head up from where it’s dropped off the edge of his desk, finding your boyfriend watching you from his plush chair. 
“There’s my girl.” He grins, eyes glinting with humor at your flushed face. His hand strokes up and down your thigh, a soothing touch that’s completely at odds with the mess of slick between your legs. 
It doesn’t seem particularly fair to you how casual he looks. Sirius is relaxing in his chair like he’s sitting in a meeting, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and hair tied in a loose bun like he might’ve just pulled it back to have his lunch. Meanwhile, you’re spread half naked on his desk, seeping wetness onto the varnished wood. 
His fingers dip into you, the heel of his hand rubbing against your clit, and you make a choked sound. 
“Breathe,” Sirius reminds you. 
You roll your hips in search of more, but he stops you with a firm hand, pressing down just below your navel. 
“Easy, sweetness. We’ve got all afternoon, remember? Don’t want to tire you out too early.” 
“Sirius.” Your voice comes out breathy, teetering on the edge of a whine. “Come here.” 
He hums and curls his fingers inside you. You make a sound like you’re dying. You might be. “That wasn’t very polite, was it?” 
He gives up the act easily, standing and bending with his fingers still inside you to lock his lips with yours. The way he kisses you says enough about how much he’s been exercising his patience, too. Greedy passes of his tongue along the inside of your mouth. Deep, long kisses punctuated by little nips. You meet him all the way, half sitting up on the desk to be closer to him even as the butt of his palm works ceaselessly into your clit. 
You’re the first to break the kiss when there’s a knock on the door. 
Sirius sighs, but his fingers don’t so much as stutter inside you. He raises his voice to be heard through the door. “I thought I told you not to bother me, Len,” he says, a slight bite of annoyance in his tone. 
“I know, I’m sorry. But Mrs. Burke’s assistant called, she wants to move her meeting to three today.” 
Your chest starts to burn, and you realize you’ve been holding your breath. You keep a hand pressed over your mouth, terrified of letting out some small sound that could give you away. As if on cue, Sirius’ fingers curl inside you again. Your thighs start to tremble.
“What happened to two tomorrow?” 
“She’s had to cut her trip short and will be leaving tonight. Three’s her last availability.” 
Sirius frowns, glancing at the clock on the opposite wall. That means he has to have you out of here and have his office cleaned up in an hour. His eyes meet yours, flashing with challenge in a way that has your shaking worsening. He smiles, wolfish. 
“You can let her know that’ll be fine,” he says. “Thanks, Len.” 
He waits a few seconds for Len to go from the door, then takes your chin in his hand. “What’d we say about breathing, doll?” 
You finally let the air escape you. Sirius watches amusedly, fingers still moving in and out of you at an indolent pace. 
“Should I go?” you ask once you catch your breath.
Dark eyebrows flick upwards. “No,” he says, sounding almost surprised. “Didn’t you hear Len? My meeting’s not until three.” He bends close to your face, a lock of hair that’s escaped his bun brushing your cheek. “I reckon we can get at least two good ones out of you before then, don’t you think?”
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cmncisspnandmore · 9 months
heyyy so i saw that your requests were open so i wanted to ask:
could you write an Simon Ghost Riley x fem!reader where she kinda has control issues as she could never trust people with doing the bare minimum so she always does it herself- (she is a civilian by the way). so one day simon sees her breaking down, losing her golden patience and being a crying mess because she is so stressed with doing everything
(ngl i need some comfort after that happened to me)
love you and dont stress yourself!!
Hi Nonny! I hope you're feeling a little better now. You can always message me if you need to talk. I'm sorry this isnt super long, my 3D printed tiny human is having a rough day, but i wanted to get this out for you. I hope i did it justice, its kinda hard to put into words what doing everything looks and feels like. But I did my best. If its not what you wanted/needed please let me know and I will try again. Lots of Love <3 Paige
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Pairing: Simon X Reader
Warnings: Overwhelming feelings, soft simon, little bit of butt touching. Like one swear word.
Word Count: 960
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You were tired.
Beyond tired, you were exhausted.
The kind of exhaustion that seems to be radiating from your bones. Your hands shake as you sit on the floor of the bathroom. Your back pressed against the side of the bathtub. The cool surface sends chills down your spine as you wipe your hands across your cheeks. It was a pointless action, the tears were falling faster than you could get rid of them. Your cheeks are raw and sore from the constant rub.
Your chest aches from trying to hold back the sobs that threaten to escape. You clamp a hand over your mouth as your shoulders shake, strangled gasp for breath leaving your lips. A pair of boots stop outside the bathroom door and you know that you’ve been caught. Your best efforts to keep quiet, to not worry Simon, have been foiled.
There's a soft knock on the bathroom door, followed by the handle being turned, the wood creaking as Simon’s blonde hair and brown eyes peek behind the door.
“Love?” He says softly, as he slips through the door and closes it again, coming to crouch down in front of you. His brows pulled together in worry. “What's wrong?” He asks softly.
“I’m tired… I just.. I need the world to just pause for a moment so I can catch my breath,” you sniffle, as Simon takes a seat next to you. His arm wrapping around your shoulders as they shake.
“What do you mean Lovie?” He asks, his fingers brushing along your upper arm as he listens.
“I feel like I can never relax.. There’s always something that needs to be done. The dishes, the laundry, something at work, going to appointments, making sure the house is taken care of while you’re gone. I feel like i'm running on empty,” you sob, resting your head on his shoulder.
Simon is quiet for a moment, his hands continue to stroke the fabric of your shirt sleeve as he holds you. He knows the feeling, the inability to let someone else do something for you because what if they don't do it right. Or what if they don't do it at all? He's been there before, after his family was killed. After he was buried alive. He didn't trust anyone else to do the job, so he did it all himself. Wore himself out so thin he wasn't sure he would ever recover.
He noticed it in you too, at first he thought you were just trying to be independent. That you wanted to show him that you could do things on your own when he was away. Which Simon appreciated, he liked to know that you would be okay while he was gone but it quickly became more than that. You started taking over all the chores, making sure that everything was done before he got the chance.
It wasn't to say that Simon didn't try to help you. He did, but you were often insistent that you could do it, you didn't need him to look after you. Night after night you would come home, make dinner, clean it up, and do everything in between, while waving Simon off with the promise you could handle it.
But now, as Simon holds you in his arms on the bathroom floor he wishes he could take what you're feeling away. He wishes he tried harder to get you to relax, because it was clear you hadnt relaxed in a long time. Simon takes a deep breath, his head resting on yours.
“You gotta let me help you, Lovie…” he whispers.
“But i can do it…” You sniffle, pulling away slightly to look at him with teary eyes.
“I know you can, but you don't have to. You don't have to do everything yourself, we’re a team…” His hand comes to rest on the side of your cheek, wiping away your tears. “How can we be a team if you do everything yourself? You know how much I love you right?” You give him a small nod, leaning your cheek into his hand.
“Good girl…” he smiles slightly, “And because I love you, I need you to start letting me help you out. You don't need to be the one who keeps the house in order, or makes dinner every night, you don't need to pretend that nothing is bothering you. I know how stressed you are at work. I know how you feel like you're being pulled a million different directions at all times because you feel like you have to do everything, control everything. But you don't, Love.” Simon’s thumb wipes some of the tears from your cheeks.
“So what you're going to do now, is you’re going to change into your comfiest clothes, and you’re gonna go to our room and lay down, pick out a movie, and i’ll be there in a moment. Then we’re gonna spend the rest of the day in bed, napping and eating junk food until you feel a little better, okay?” He leans forward kissing your forehead.
After a moment you let out a small sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. “Okay…” you mumble into his shoulder as his arms wrap around you, one hand on the back of your head. “I love you Simon…” You whisper.
“I love you too, now go,” he smiles as you pull away. As you stand up and head out of the bathroom, Simon's hand smacks your ass, a yelp leaving your lips as you look back at him with a small smile on your face.
“Simon!” you scold.
“Sorry Darling, I couldn't help myself,” He smirks as he follows you out of the bathroom.
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generalpalacefishgoop · 8 months
Bad reveals to Pomme about Ron
Ghostie :"What happened to Ron?"
Bad :"Um...poor Ron. We need to visit him. He's been alone."
Pomme :"Who?"
Bad :"Oh um, yeah Pomme, did I tell you about the federation worker that I kidnapped?-"
Pomme :"?????"
Bad :"-while you guys were kidnapped? Oh yeah, so uh basically I kidnapped a federation worker. Locked him in the basement in our house in a little dungeon and um.. fed him nice meals of chicken."
Pomme :"WHY THO"
Bad :"Oh yeah I was trying to get information, like I thought the Federation had kidnapped you. This was before it turned out that they hadn't kidnapped you....but I didn't know that was the case. So, in my defense......anyway...um point is, kidnapped him, held him in our house for a little bit.."
Pomme :"Nah fair enough"
Bad :"Yeah, that's what I'm saying, that's what I'm saying...then um basically....yeah...eventually...he kinda became family...and I let him go...well...that's not true, I didn't let him go, I still couldn't risk him like telling the Fed about what was going on...so uh....-"
Pomme :"Okay wdym family now 0_0"
Bad :"Yeah no he's kinda family now, but he's in a house somewhere. I put him in a little farm. That's not like a saying, like "put him on the farm" and meaning like I killed them, that's not what I mean, I put him on an actual tiny farm that's very cute, I built it. Um...and then lo and behold, got you guys back, showed him to Dapper, and uh yeah, they became "friends"-ish, I think. Eh yeah fun, its a fun little romp, but he's kinda been alone there for a while."
Pomme :"Can we really trust him? D:"
Bad :"Well...Pomme...that's kinda why...he's still...anyway that's kinda why...he is still...-"
Pomme :"mhm?"
Bad :"-on the farm, cuz can I really trust him, I mean I'm pretty sure I can...I don't think he would betray us, but the problem is Pomme, he gets kidnapped...by the Fed again...reveals like info...-
Pomme :"yeaaaaaaah"
Bad :"-about the location...about the fact that I kidnapped him...anyway it just creates this giant pain in the butt. That's just not worth it. So-"
Pomme :"kinda got yourself in annn interesting situation it's the least we can say"
Bad :"Yeah, he's gotta stay kidnapped for a liiiiitle bit longer. But I think he likes it, on one hand, I think he kinda likes being kidnapped um...nah that's not true he doesn't like it at all, um yeah its the least we can say. Exactly, its like "Hey buddy, as soon as we take down the Federation or they agree not to punish and/or kill me...well...try to kill me..for any wrongdoing, then we're golden!
Pomme :"lmao can they kill you?"
Bad :"uh...I mean it hasn't happened yet, Pomme...knock on wood...um but theoretically, Pomme, they could lock me up, which would kiiind of suck. Yeah, getting locked up is kind of on my "no" list of things I'd rather not have happen."
Pomme :"Nahhh we would free you"
Bad :"Yeah no that would- I hope you would free me. I know you and Dapper like to watch a lot of TV and so it might seem fun to keep your father locked away but-"
Pomme :"I'll go to war against them if needed"
Bad :"Aww, thank you, Pomme. I appreciate that. Hopefully, that doesn't come to pass...but at least I know I can count on you and Dapper. Just make sure you guys are taking care of yourselves."
"You know the worse part is, Pomme, even if, today I had been there, or even if, I had the NINHO 2.0 the egg basket egg carton set up today er yesterday, it still wouldn't have saved Empanada. That's the horrible thing, cuz I would've had to get them all set up today. Urgh that's suuuucks. Urrrrrggh."
Pomme :"I mean. I meannnnn. U know me"
"It'll still prevent future accidents"
Bad :"Everything's gonna be ok."
Pomme :"I meannnnn I'll go to war to save any of the people I love you already know that"
Bad :"No I know Pomme, I know... (continues building and stops) Urrggghh I'm so done, all the death, all the pain, all the suffering."
Pomme :"I'm so upset :D They will pay :D"
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Unexpected 20
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Sequel to Unsolicited
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, car sex, Lloyd being the worst, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The steam wisps around you as you slam off the faucet and sigh. A night spent on the couch has done little for your hips. Why are you the one confined to the stiff cushions? It should be him.
You let the thought drift away, the agitation needling in the back of your skull. You slide open the cloudy glass door and exclaim as you're met by a figure holding out a fresh cotton towel. You swipe it away from Lloyd and cover yourself quickly before stepping out on the fluffy bath mat.
"I locked the door," you say flatly as he remains unmoved.
"I have a trick for getting past those," he replies flippantly, "good morning to you too, sunshine."
"Is it?" You wipe the fog from mirror and look at yourself; tired, bloated, old. Same as every day. 
"I'd say," he sidles closer, "lookin' good, peaches."
"Not gonna work," you dismiss him and turn to the door. 
As you open it, he reaches over your shoulder, shoving it back into the frame. You yank on the handle, unable to get an inch. You sigh and slap your hand on the wood.
"Lloyd, let me out," you sneer.
"Baby," his other hand tickles up the back of the towel, "you haven't even let me apologize properly. I'll get on my knees–"
"I mean it, let me out."
"Baby cakes," he grips the back of the towel, "I miss us. Can't we just put all this behind us?"
"Us?" You scoff and cling to the cotton, barely keeping him from pulling it free, "I will scream and you can explain why to sweet ma and pa."
"Come on," he pleads.
"You, come on," you snap, "let go."
He sighs and his fingertips flutter along your shoulder before recoiling, "the bed's emptier, you know. Three nights now–"
"I don't care," he pull on the door and he drops his arm.
He lets you go but you feel him watching you. You dip into the master to snatch up an outfit but don't stay. You'll change in a guest room and figure it out from there.
Dottie is generous, if not careless, with the credit card; swiping, tapping, spending amounts you never could fathom months ago. Her taste is more decisive than your own so you let her take the lead, not picky between walnut or birch. The baby won't care either.
You go along, as you've come to do with the younger Hansen. The dull ache sits in the small of your back. You just want to be still but you can bear the pain if it gets you away from Lloyd.
"One last stop," Dottie adjusts her glasses as she squints through them at her handwritten list, "got all the boring stuff out of the way."
She loops her arm through yours and guides you along the street to a storefront with colourfully tinted windows. Before you can read the moniker, she's ushering you inside. Like mother, like son. You cringe as you enter the sex shop.
"Oh, Dot–"
"Don't be shy with me, hon," she insists, "A newlywed and pregnant at that. Your hormones must be burnin’ up."
"I think I grew out of that problem," you mutter. 
"You're never too old to have a bit of fun," she unhooks her arm from yours and pinches your butt, "besides, you and Marion are on rocky ground. He needs to suffer…" she goes to a shelf of suction toys, "but you shouldn't."
"Uh, I guess," you look around evasively, "but uh, I think I'm good–"
"Orgasms are good for stress and there ain't more stress in this world than a child. Why, when I was pregnant, Harlan couldn’t get enough of me. I was scared he was gonna knock me up twice," she declares, "but we women know, we always get the job done better ourselves."
She grabs a thick nine inch dildo and wiggles it. You shake your head and take it from her, putting it back on the shelf.
"That's a bit much."
"I always like a challenge," she winks, "alright, fine, don't wanna poke the baby in the eye, got it."
You barely keep from snorting. The more you get to know Dottie, the more you see the maternal bond. She's as crass as her son but in a very different tone.
You try to seem unbothered as you examine the package of a flesh-toned toy. You still have that basket from the wedding night and Lloyd always has something hidden up his sleeve, sometimes literally. And sex is really the last thing you’re worried about. It’s what got you into this whole mess.
“Ah, I know my son is a lot to handle,” she comes up beside you as she holds a vibrating finger sheath, “and I don’t mean sexually.” You try not to grimace at her joke as you read the back of a bottle of lube, “I’m not saying you needa let him off easy, in fact, that’s why I brought you here. He needs ta see that you don’t need him. Really shake him up.”
“Dottie, I don’t think… that’s the issue.”
“You’d be surprised the power a man’s bits has over the rest of him. I see it. He’s wild for you so you should drive him crazy,” she goads, “really show him what he’s missing out on. Make him suffer.” She clicks her tongue, “to think, he would put you and the baby in danger. Oh, what a– now, I don’t wanna be nasty, but I’m ashamed to say he’s my son, knowing that. And he didn’t even stay with ya in the hospital.”
“Dottie, really, I don't want you to feel bad for what he did. It’s not your fault.” You tap your lip and turn back to the shelves, “you know what, you’re the expert, I’ll let you choose.”
“Oh, that’s a dangerous thing you’re doin’,” she giggles, “but I’ll take it easy on ya. Both of ya.”
You chuckle as she gives a thoughtful gaze to the products. She picks out a few things, including some tingling mint balm, and continues her perusal of the shop. You follow her around awkwardly.
“So, dolly,” she says, “I never asked and ya don’t needa tell me if it’s private but… how come you got no parents?”
You’re quiet as you trail her, rubbing your chin as you think of how to say it, “sometimes you’re just better off without certain people, you know?”
“Ah, oh, I get what you mean,” she nods and picks up a cock ring. “Harlan’s old one’s getting a bit stretched out–”
“What? I got stamina,” she giggles, “sorry, I didn’t mean to derail.” She adds the ring to her armful, “anyhow, I’m sad to hear it. It’s a wonder. You got a good head on your shoulders, you’d think someone like you would have the ground steady ‘neath her feet too.”
“Well, life isn’t always what we think it is,” you mull.
She’s quiet as she heads up to the counter and greets the associate behind it with a smile. As the man rings up her haul, you look anywhere but. Dottie turns to you and startles you as she puts her hands on your arms.
“Hon, you’re a strong thing but it’s okay to be sad,” she pulls you against her suddenly, wrapping you up as she rocks you, “and sometimes you just need a good hug to put the world back in perspective.”
You let her embrace you. At first, rigid and reluctant, then you soften, easing into her hold. Your eyes tinge and your nose twitches. You sniff and hug her back, turning your head down against her shoulder. The tension drains from you slowly. You fight back the burn in your eyelids and heave.
You part and she lets you, cradling your face as she gives your cheek a soft caress, “I think you need a milkshake. It’s your day, dearie, and you deserve all the best.”
You nod and clear your throat. The associate patiently waits and gives the total as he bags up the toys. Dottie pays with the black card and thanks him joyfully as she scoops up her prizes. She grabs your hand and pulls you towards the door.
“Thank you, Dottie,” you say as you step outside, “really, I… Lloyd is really lucky to have you.”
“Lloyd? Ah, sweetie, I’m your mama now,” she squeezes your hand, “I always did want a daughter, ya know? As much as Marion liked trying on my dresses, it just ain’t the same.”
“He– he what?” You scoff.
“Mmm, I probably shouldn’t have told ya that,” she laughs, “but he’s got some good calves.”
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justmeinadaze · 10 months
Rara's Nightmare (Part of We're a Family Universe)(Steddie X You)
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From this AU
A/N: Idk where this came from in my brain but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Enjoy the FLUFF!
Warnings: While is from a Steddie AU this is mostly Steve taking care of Ro when she has a nightmare. No angst or smut, just good wholesome fluff.
Word Count: 1043
Aurora woke up with a gasp as she looked around her dark room terrified of how the things she knew now seemed threatening as they lurked in the shadows. Grabbing the little stuffed dragon her daddy bought her, she braved the hallway as she excited her room. 
The house was quiet except for the little creaks of the wood as the wind hit the side of her home. Taking a deep breath, she headed for the stairs passing Dylan’s room along the way. She could hear the low rumbles of his music through the crack at the bottom of the door. Aurora contemplated knocking and waking him up but sometimes her brother could be grumpy if you woke him too early. 
Plus, she knew the monsters that were probably hiding in her room were too big for Dylan to fight on his own. No…she needed to be brave and get to her parents. Her little chocolate-colored eyes quickly darted around as she descended the stairs clinging to her dragon for protection. 
As she entered the living room, however, she suddenly felt lost. In the dark everything seemed to be different. Had the couch always been there or did it move on its own? Wasn’t James’s room just around the corner? She saw the kitchen but then why couldn’t she find her mommy and daddy’s door?
Backing up slowly, her feet abruptly slipped out from under her as she fell on her butt and started to cry. They sound of a door opening startled her as she curled up into a ball and cried harder. 
“Ro? Honey, what happened?”, Steve cooed in a concerned voice still husky from sleep. “What are you doing out of bed?”
Aurora promptly wrapped her arms tightly around her father’s neck knowing that if any of the monsters decided to attack she was safe with him. Pressing her head gently into the nook of his neck, he lifted her into his arms, and rubbed her back comfortingly as he got to his feet.
“What happened?”, you ask quietly, the sound of your voice calming her more.
“I think she just had a nightmare. Go back to bed, baby, I got this. Sweetheart, do you want to say good night to mommy?”
Even though he turned her to face you, she didn’t lift her head as she clung to him tighter. The little toddler sighed when she felt your hand pet her curls before kissing the top of her head. 
“Good night, Ro. I love you.”
“I love you to, mommy.”, she garbled making you and Steve lightly laugh.
The long trek it took her only took her father a few moments as he took a seat on her bed and placed her under the covers. She watched with wide eyes as he leaned towards her nightstand and turned on the nightlight they had gotten her for her birthday. Aurora couldn’t help but smile at her ceiling as brightly colored stars painted the makeshift sky. 
“What happened, honey? Did you have a nightmare?” Hugging her dragon tighter, the tears begin to fall again as she nods. “Hey, hey now. Everything’s ok, baby. Do you want to tell me what it was about?”
Adamantly, she shakes her head as she sinks lower into her blanket. 
“Ok, that’s ok.” Steve watches as her eyes flick to her closet and more fear washes over her. “You know, daddy’s not the only master in this house. I mean, he may be the only dungeon master but I’m a force master. I became a Jedi when I was a little bit older than you.”
“Oh yeah.”, he grins as he bends down and grabs the toy light saber she keeps by her bed. “May I borrow yours? Mine is downstairs.”
“Daaaad!”, she giggles. “That’s not a real light saber.”
Steve playfully scoffs as he rises to his feet and spins the sword around in his hands like they do in the movies. 
“That right there is dark side thinking, Rara. This saber here is as real as you want it to be.” As he reaches out to touch the end with his fingers, he lightheartedly winces as he pulls it back pretending he got burned. “Ow. Hot.”
As her demeanor softens, he smiles as he takes a fighting stance and begins looking around her room. 
“Alright, fair warning to any dark side users in this room! Come out now or you will be killed if I find you.” They both waited in silence to no one and his joking wide eyes met hers making her laugh. Slowly heading for her closet, he pushes open the door and moves some of her clothes around to find it empty. “No one there.”
Taking careful steps around her room, he shines the toy light in dark areas and her grin grows as she realizes everything he passes is things she knows like her stuffed animals on her furniture that seemed to tower over her before. 
“Dada.”, Aurora calls and when he turns to look at her, she points under her bed. 
Placing his finger over his mouth in a shooshing motion, he moves towards the edge of her mattress before dropping on his heels seeming to startle anything that may be hiding. 
“Damn, nothing. I think if anything was in here, they know I’m your dad and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”
She beams up at him as he turns off the light saber and places it on her bedside table next to the night light as he shifts his weight onto his knees to lean over her bed.
“You’re safe, sweetheart. Now can you go back to sleep?”
Lazily she nods her head as he eyes lids begin to droop. 
“Dada? Can…Can you stay with me till I fall asleep again?”
Smiling, he lightly pushes on her back signaling for her to give him some room as he crawls in behind her and brings the blanket up to her chin before kissing the back of her head. 
Pushing her body into his chest, she reaches for his hand and grips two of his fingers in her tiny palm as she begins to drift off again. 
“Good night, dada.”
“Good night, Rara.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @nailbatanddungeon
@dad-steddie @manda-panda-monium @alligator-person
@decadentwombatmiracle @katie-tibo @marsupiooo
@local-stoner-bitch @steamystrangerfics @lunatictardis
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@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
@munsonzzgf @munsonmoonshine86
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malicedragoness · 1 year
I didn’t realize this was almost 1K words, and I still feel like I didn’t get to put everything I want. So there may be a part 2 to this. But I want to get some of my other WIPs done first. You can see what I’m working on with my Pinned Post.
The Reiko brain rot is intense yall. And I blame @brittlecakes92 @bihansthot @mintspider for being the main Reiko hoes.
NSFW under the cut. Minors do not enter beyond this point. If you do, you’re taking full responsibility for yourself.
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-Reiko doesn’t mind getting roughed up a bit during sex. In fact, with his dangerous life as a soldier, he’s used to it and loves it. It feels familiar to him. Pulling his hair, scratching his back, biting him, slapping his face, choking him, spitting on him. He loves to see all the marks you leave on him when he first wakes up in the morning. (When he said “I love the smell of kombat in the morning.” He wasn’t talking about kombat.)
So don’t be surprised if he walks around in his hoochie armor (yes, it’s hoochie armor. Because that armor won’t protect a damn thing on his perfect body) showing them off. And Reiko is either completely oblivious to all the stares he gets, or he just doesn’t care.
Cause he could wake up and have his entire back scratched up, hickies on his neck, and bruises from the bite marks you left on his abs and tiddies. And simply put on a pair of pants to go buy tomatoes from the local market, and not be bothered by the stares he receives.
-Speaking of not giving a fuck. He also doesn’t care who sees him naked. It’s not that he gets off on it. It’s from being a soldier all his life. When they’re out on a mission and need to urinate or bathe, they do so with the company around. They don’t have the same privacy normal citizens do. That’s his normal.
So there may be times when someone wakes y’all up with a knock on the door, and Reiko answers it butt naked. Morning wood and all. And simply asks, “what is it?”
Now when it comes to someone seeing you naked, he’ll beat them to a pulp. Butt naked. No fucks given.
-Reiko loves to display his strength. He typically loves positions where he can stand and hold you in his arms. He would have you put your arms around his neck and pick you up with your knees on his forearms and fuck you standing.
He also likes to surprise you with your legs wrapped around his head and then stand up, your back against wall and your head is almost touching the ceiling.
If you’re watching him train with the soldiers, he might go harder on them than usual. He wants to impress you and he wants all of your attention on him.
-Reiko doesn’t mind getting nasty during sex. What I mean is that once you’re his, every part of you is his. He will lick, kiss, and suck every inch of you. It’s part of his undying devotion to you.
Including that ass. He’ll kiss and bite those ass cheeks and bury his head between them, worshipping your forbidden hole.
Another example, you’re laying down and Reiko has got you in the missionary position but he’s sitting up, watching his cock go in and out of you. And if you press your feet into his face, or lock them behind his head, he doesn’t care. It’s not that he has a foot fetish. He loves and accepts every part of you.
He will also lick the sweat of your body during and after sex. He’ll also pounce on you when he’s all sweaty after training or fighting. If he’s covered in blood, he’ll make sure not to stick his fingers in any of your holes.
-Reiko also has a huge spit kink. Don’t tell me he doesn’t, because he does. He likes to pull your head back by your hair, squeeze your mouth open, and let a dribble of spit hit your tongue.
He’ll also spit on your chest, ass cheeks, and your pussy. And if you decide to spit on him, he likes it when you do it on his abs and his cock.
-Brat Tamer. That’s an official title he has because he’s the best in the land at what he does. So if you’ve been a thorn in his side all day, expect some retribution that night when you get home. Reiko is a soldier, discipline and punishment go hand in hand.
Expect him to spank that ass and then force you on your knees, his hand grabbing your jaw to force you to look at him, as he talks through his teeth.
“You will listen to me and obey my every command.
“One, you will only speak when spoken to.
“Two, you will only be able to say my name, or ‘yes Master.’ You will not say any thing else.
“Three, if I tell you to open your mouth, you will take whatever I put in there.
“Do not make me repeat myself at any time. Do you understand, you little slut?”
You better answer soon, because he doesn’t like waiting. Expect your punishments to be spanking, choking, orgasm denial, and then followed up by overstimulation.
I told you. He’s the best Brat Tamer in Outworld.
-Anal sex. Reiko is an ass man and I will gladly go to war and die on this hill. Anal sex turns him the fuck on. He’ll take his time to get you properly stretched out, worshipping your hole with his tongue and fingers, even if it takes a few days. Once he sees the tip of his cock disappear into your ass, he will let out the most feral growl you’ve ever heard.
If you let him do anal every week he’ll probably marry you within a month. He loves ass. But this goes both ways. If you want to stick a finger into his ass and rub his prostate while giving him a blowjob, he will not say no. In fact, he’ll put a baby in you.
-One last thing to keep in mind. Reiko would never force you into anything you’re not comfortable with. You don’t want to do anal? No problem. You don’t like him spitting on you? That’s understandable.
He would never do anything without your consent. Because sex is supposed to be enjoyable for both partners. And the last thing he would want is to make you uncomfortable or to hurt you.
He worships the ground you walk on, and he would kill any motherfucker that would make you feel less about yourself.
If having a safe word would ease any worries you have, then he will commit it to memory. Anything for you.
After all, he lives to serve. 😉
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Lover boy [h.j][f]
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Contains: profanity , han x reader , strangers to lovers , mutual pining , mentions of 3racha + hyunjin
The sun casted down on to the floor of your living room , it’s warm glow covering you and the furry friend next to you in a sheen of golden hues as you stood hands tacking away at the keyboard of your laptop . Boxes remained unpacked , clothes bundled around the apartment , silverware casted on the table as you sat absentmindedly in the chaos looming around you , all but a bookshelf now holding swarms of paperbacks and binder books places strategically to ensure maximum packing . Your legs ached , the dull pain you felt hours ago now throbbing as you sat prezeled as the heat from your laptop burned into your thighs . Truth was you were too invested too move too far into the book that your eyes felt sore every time you looked away from the gotham book font clad on your laptop . Your hands stilled your laptops battery warning sign popping up jolting you up from your spot on the carpet , startling the feline next to you as you sprung to locate your charger “ shit , where is it?” you cursed rummaging “ I know it’s here somewhere “ your hands pushing past the boxes your attention being drawn to the cat you were once next to , it’s quiet meow sparking your attention “ not now Delilah I’m looking for” your eyes trailed over its figure now nuzzling into the plug of your charger “ you’re a genius! “ you celebrate patting the feline and plugging your laptop on .. the screen now blackening out, “ NO WAIT “ your progress now thrown aside like yesterdays garbage as you stared at the black void in front of you holding not even the faintest sign of your work . You sighed plopping to the floor , cat now grazing its head against your knees in an attempt to soothe you. “ oh I’m sorry delilah , I didn’t mean to startle you , I just worked so hard on it !” You said head now in your knees as you cradled yourself . Your body leaning to the side as you laid against the floor , the warm wooden flooring calming your panicked nerves as you laid untouched , unbothered . But like all good things , it must come to an end at some point and for you your end , your unnecessary, unneeded but some how much wanted , coming in the form of three Kurt knocks to your door . The heavy wood harbouring the identity of the individual as you pulled it open . Brown eyes staring into yours , your breath hitched your lungs felt heavy , full ,aching almost as you stood doorknob now slippery between your sweaty palm . The man leaned back , a hand running through his hair as he stood straight clearing his throat before he spoke “ I’m so sorry , I live next door and my roommates and I heard you shout and we just wanted to know if everything’s alright ?” His words soft ; honey coated floating through your mind as you took in his appearance , black hair curled ever so slightly falling just above his eyes , toothy smile plastered on his face as he spoke punctuating each sentence by flashing it ever so slightly grinning as he observed you .
A shiver sparked your attention as the man in front of you spoke , the hair on your body practically on end as you looked down as your cat now rubbing herself against your legs , thankfully pulling you out of your trance like state as you picked her up cradling her in your arms “ roommates?” Your voice trailed as your eyes met three other head pokes slightly out of an apartment door , two of which seemed to be cheering for the friend , one flashing you a warming smile which you gladly returned “ everything’s alright I’m so sorry I just had an unexpected turn of events “ you laughed awkwardly as the cat in your arms attempted to head butt you repeatedly “ you moved in yesterday right?” He asked doe shaped eyes scanning your apartment taking in the mass of boxes lined up behind you , your face grew hot at the realisation of the man in front you , your unorganised life on display “ I did actually , I was planning on introducing myself but I don’t think anyone was home “ you said watching as he leaned over to pet the cat in your arms , his hand gently ruffling her fur as she purred at the gesture , climbing out of your hold as rubbing against his jeans “ we weren’t home yesterday, work ran longer than we expected “ he chuckled now crouched down scrathing the cat
“ I’m yn, it’s great to me you” you said “ and that’s delilah “ you spoke watching as she attempted to climb onto his shoulder” I’m Han and that-“ he spoke turning to be met with an empty door way his roommates long forgotten in the pursuit of other activities as you two spoke . He chuckled , running his hand over the back of his neck “I actually domt know where they went they were here a minute ago..” he trailed off eyes casted at the empty doorway “ oh that’s okay I’m sure I’ll meet them soon “ you said smiling politely, hans eyes flickered , brightening for a split second as he stood in front of you “ have you unpacked yet?” He asked watching as you shook your head “ great why don’t you come around for supper !!” He Chirped eyes brighter than they were before as he spoke excitedly .
Four men living together is exactly what you thought it would be , chaos taking new meaning as you walked through the door , cake in your home in attempts to not be rude and come over without something . It wasn’t bad per say , various weights placed neatly in the corner in an attempt to clean up , water bottles decorating the side of the sink and thin layer of dust forming from their absence on the tv wasn’t the worst scene your walked yourself into . Their apartment despite its modern appearance and space like decorum felt warm , maybe it was the overhead heating that one of them grasicouslu put on or maybe it was the chunky sweater that you insisted on wearing despite your cats protests to sleep on it swaying your from the idea . Introductions were short , discussing names and places of birth always seemed like pointless idle chat , but it soon prompted into more as you sat infromt of the coffe table in their lounge , cheeks stuffed with food as you laughed along to one of their stories . The obvious choking Hazard unphasing the men in front of you “ there’s no way you actually did that” hans voice surrounded the room of giggle and cackles “ I did too” changbin added in “ he did I was there !” Thinking managed to huff out “ he totally sat on it “ he squeaked his breath heavy from the laughing as he turned to face you “yn “ he spoke catching you off guard cheeks still puffed out as you chewed , you hummed in acknowledgment “ so like what’s your deal?” He asked watching as you swallowed roughly “ my deal?”
You spoke head tilting sideways at his absurd choice of words “ like don’t get me wrong , this building is big but it’s expensive too and living here isn’t something just anyone can do” he said chopsticks now poking its way into your order of orange chicken “ hyunjin !” Chan hissed “ you can’t just ask people if they’re poor or not “ he spoke mentally cursing at himself for his choice of words , your laughter sounded out around their living room , it’s warmth casting a smile on their faces as you calmed down “ I’m a poet , I write poetry for a living “ you spoke watching as their eyes widened “ have you published anything !?” Han asked in awe standing from his seat now on the floor infront of you. You nodded , shuffling to find your phone pulling out a list of of books you written and sent out “ wait triumph” Han looked over the list “don’t you have that ?” He asked the shell shock man next to him , who’s eyes seemed to widen ten times than what they were before “ oh my god “ he spoke hyunjin now standing up backing away from you hand places over his mouth “ do you know how many times I’ve read that, it’s the most beautiful collection of poems I’ve ever bought “ he spoke .
Writing should be easy , the words flowing easily off your tongue through your fingers and down on the paper , a synchronized machine that works perfectly in tune , channeling your feels and emotions into one subtext providing your readers with entertainment; writing should be easy however the man in your head , filling your subconscious seemed to prove things more difficult than you’d like to admit , maybe it was the was the way he seemed to occupy every moment of your day , from your morning stop to fetch your mail to your nightly return home from wherever you’ve been . Han was always around and that at the right time too always offering you help, inviting you in to spend time with him or opting to idle chat with you his small talk always catching your attention leaving you in his hold for longer than you intended , but when the poems your wrote , so carefully pouring your heart out on paper started to sound exactly like him , to express feelings towards him that you yourself were unable to decipher to color code your heart in annotations of emotional or love and lust for one man in particular it no surprise it left you questioning your stance . The coffee mug your placed on your desk hours ago now cold , the taupe liquid forming a skin on the top as it cooled off your pages of printouts pulled next to you “ what am I’m going to do Delilah “ you spoke to the furry feline next to you gracefully licking her paws “ everything I write is about him “ you slumped “ everything , from the sonnets to the lyrical poems his ways , his voice , how he makes me feel and how I feel about him is so painfully obvious I can’t publish anything ! “
The cat next to you meowed in acknowledgment “ I feel terrible , a creep at best , like I’m leaching on to someone who’s just being nice but I can’t help it I’m clinging on to hope for something I know I can’t have “ your voice cracked as your head hit the table , exhaustion taking over your frail heart as you laid , silence holding you close like two beloved’s parting for the first time as your tears trickled down your cheeks pooling on the print outs below you . “ she’s just not into me man” Han said pacing his apartment as hyunjin watched from the balcony , paintbrush in hand working on his latest masterpiece “ you’re so stupid “ he spoke eyes rolling slightly as he dipped his brush in a glass next to him strategically placed next to his drinking glass for convenience let alone confusion , the water saturating the paint as he swished it around “ she obviously is madly in love with you , I mean why would she just stop coming by? Why would she just stop talking to any of us ; she’s avoiding you man and the sooner your realise why the better things will be , it’s hard to put yourself out there and hope for what you think is the best but you’ll honestly never know how she feels unless you actually ask her “ he spoke watching as his friend stood dumb founded in the doorway “ I’m just saying that’s just what I think , don’t blame me for ruining your life if things don’t work out” he shrugged eyes back on the painting . With the promise of a new collection of poems , hans feet wandered to your door ; your book clutched under his arm as he knocked his breath quickened and his eyes uncertain of the words that would fall from his mouth .
Your door cracked open your brightly coloured odd paired socks making an appearance before the rest of you , hair tussled and sweater hanging on your frame as you pushed the glasses perched on your nose higher up your soft expression making hans heart melt . His hand tracked under this coat pulling the book forward “ I saw - I mean hyunjin told me well actually I told him that you had a book out … it’s a pretty big deal people are out there buying almost all of them I had to fight someone for this copy.” He chuckled dryly as he looked over the cover of the book “ uhm can I come in ?” He spoke watching as you nodded backing away from the entrance giving hi space to walk in
Your apartment warm , the blankets covering the couch perfectly just as he remembered placing them from your movie night weeks ago, you too tired to stay awake resting your head on his shoulder as he tried to maintain his composure. Your scent engulfing him making him feel giddy at the mere thought of it . Han set the book down on the counter , you now avoiding his eyes as you stood in front of him “ I guess you’ve been busy right? That’s why I haven’t I mean we you know the guys and I haven’t seen you “ he spoke watching the way your eyes darted everywhere but at him as his words holding more weight than he knew “ I was busy.. but I didn’t mean to ignore you.. I mean the guys and you I just got caught up you know with the release of the book and everything “ you spoke “ oh the book could you sign it for me … I would love to have you autograph it “ Han smiled “ did you read it yet “ your voice hitching as you watched his flushed cheeks grow brighter as the realisation of your question . Truth be told Han had no clue it was about him but one too many late night fantasy’s kept him up thinking that maybe just maybe he’d have the honour of a feature , his words were slow “ I did ..” as he spoke watching you draw on the page in front of you “ what did you think ..?” You asked your words uncertain “ I thought it was great … you seem very inspired by someone recently and it’s showing in your work “ he spoke your head rising “ inspired?” You asked your breath hitching in your chest “ well it is a collection of love poems , and you do talk about your feelings a lot “ his words seemed to upset himself as the mention of you being in love “ so who’s the lucky guy” he spoke his words thick with malice as you watched a scowl form on his face “ wait ..you don’t know ?” Your confusion evident on your face “ don’t know what ? “ he asked “Han the poems are all about you “ you spoke his eyes widening in disbelief “ HUH!?” He bellowed his face red and his arms now coming to grab your shoulders “ you wrote about me ?” He asked slightly softer this time lightly shaking you “ yes ..they’re all about you “ Han backed away in disbelief “ why didn’t you tell me before !?” He asked “ it was a personal issue “ you spoke “ you being in love with me also kind of involves me “ he said now inches away from you arms snaked around your waist back against the counter “ how could you not tell me” he spoke his words a low whisper as his eyes flickered between your lips “ I didn’t think you’d feel the same ..” you admitted “ I’d be crazy not “ Han smiled reaching down to kiss you without warning , without permission simply because he didn’t know what else to do his lips melting so perfectly against yours , messily gripping on to your hips panting into your mouth as the muffled moans poured off your lips drowning him completely in you
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FFXIV Write, Day 8. “Wait For Me”
Char knocked on the door once. Twice. Three times. And finally from within, a woman’s voice decreed the door open. The door obliged, and Char stepped through.
“Hello, Charlotte.” Y’shtola closed the tome she had been browsing with a puff of dust. “I have been expecting you.”
Of course she had. Y’shtola knew EVERYTHING. Char tried to find the bravery that she had latched onto en route to the conversation, but stumbled over her words and settled on “H-hi.”
“You have a question to ask me, yes?”
The older woman certainly did not beat around the bush. “Y-y-yes,” Char stuttered. Then with more confidence, she repeated, “Yes. There is something I wish to speak to you about.”
Y’shtola’s milky white eyes traced Char’s frame. “You’ve changed your hair.”
She had indeed. Saoirse hadn’t seen it yet, thank god. She would lose her mind that they no longer had perfect matching waves that draped down to their butts. They no longer looked the same. Char liked it. Every time she looked at Saoirse, she saw herself—and she hated seeing herself.
“It suits you.” Y’shtola stood up and crossed around to perch on the edge of her desk. “Sit. Let us talk. I’ve been waiting for this day.”
Char did as she was told. “It does suit me,” she answered quietly. “My hair. For the first time.” And it truly did. For the first time in her life, Char had begun to—
“You want to know why I told your mother she was having a boy and a girl, and not two girls.” It was not a question.
Char nodded vigorously. She wanted to hear the witch say it. She needed to hear it.
“Most viera are girls, it’s true. But I can see deeper. I see you, who you really are. You were never a girl, my love.”
The words cut into Char so abruptly that she burst into a flood of tears. “Why would you never say?”
“It was never my place to say. But you’re no longer a teen, and it’s time for you to declare who you really are.”
“And who is that?” Char reached up automatically to twirl her long hair before remembering it was no longer present, that she’d chopped it all off with a savagery born of years of being someone she wasn’t.
“I can only say what I see, child. The rest is up to you.” Y’shtola draped a light hand on Char’s shoulder. “I believe you know the answer. Perhaps you are afraid to say?”
Char thought over her childhood. Holding hands with her sister. Braiding each others hair. Hunting smocks and dresses instead of pants. So much pink, both intentional and not. Saoirse loved pink.
Char never had.
“I…am male.” Char had never uttered those words before, in writing or in speech, but they were the truest thing he had ever said. “I’m male.”
The witch smiled, drawing the boy in for a long hug. “I am proud of you, child. And honored you chose me to be the first to tell.”
Y’shtola really did know everything.
“What do I do now?” Char drew his legs underneath him in a crossed knot. “Where do I go from here?”
“Only you can answer that.”
“But what do you SEE.”
Y’shtola turned her blank but full gaze first to the ceiling, then to the boy. “You can go home. You’ve been there, visited. Many times. They would accept you with open arms.”
The witch did not mean home with his parents. His sister. The witch meant….”The wood.”
“You belong there.” With a swish of her skirt, Y’shtola returned to the other side of the desk and sank back into her chair. “But. You must see your sister before you go.”
He did not want that. He did not want that at all. It would be better for them both if he just left. And the people of Celestria Wood didn’t treat men as poorly as they’d used to. It would be okay. Fine. All of it. “I will just go. No one here will miss me.”
“That is your choice, child, but know it is the wrong one. They will miss you. Deeply.”
Char got to his feet then and made for the door.
The witch’s voice ground him to a halt. “Yes?”
“You will be the one to bring them all back together. You need to know that. It is of utmost importance.” With that, Y’shtola opened her tome again and ended their conversation as suddenly as she’d began it.
Char stepped out into the night and headed into the trees. There was one particular spot where the aether was strongest and a portal could be opened. A portal in the aether to take him to the wood. He needed nothing from here. Not the clothes or the books, not anything else he had spent his entire life sharing with his sister.
Though he did wish to see his mother, Alannah, one last time. But he knew this was for the best. Just like Alannah had fled to give herself a better life as a teen, so too would Char. It didn’t mean anyone had done anything wrong, just that it would serve the person Char would become better to be in another locale. But with a glance back, a dream that his mother might appear, it occurred to him he could leave a note, however brief. He kept it simple, just a few words, and stuck it to the tree by where he always tuned into the aether. The place he had first opened a portal with his mother and sister, and visited the wood.
*It’s not your fault. I’ll see you again, someday. The witch knows.*
The magical words glistened on their parchment. With that, Char held out his hand and connected to the aether.
“Char! Char, wait!”
The connection flickered, and Char dropped his palm and spun around.
Saoirse sprinted toward him. “Wait for me!” She arrived in front of her brother, spent and out of breath, and bent to clutch her knees. “You move so fast!”
Char had no words.
Saoirse straighted then, took in Char’s new appearance. “You. Cut your hair.”
“Yes. I did.”
Tears glistened in Saoirse’s eyes, held back by a strength Char had always both admired and desired. “We don’t look the same anymore.”
“We were never the same,” Char whispered, his fingers itching to reopen the portal and escape into the aether, thereby avoiding this uncomfortable conversation.
“The witch told me you were leaving.”
Of course. Of course she had.
“She told me it was important I be here. And I didn’t believe it. I didn’t believe you’d actually—“
Behind Char, the aether opened again of its own volition, a portal born from Char’s deepest desires. “I want to go home.”
“You ARE home.”
“I never belonged here.” Char turned to face the portal, ready to venture into his version of eternity, and then glanced back to his sister.
“You are the heir to all of Doma!” Saoirse’s ears flickered uncertainly, because she knew the words she uttered were not true, in the same way that Char knew it was best they spent some time apart. Not as twins. As individuals.
“Sister.” Char turned back to her. “That was always you.”
They had both known this all along, though they’ve never spoken it out loud. For the task at hand as the heir of Doma, Saoirse was the stronger twin. She may have been only a few minutes older, but she was so much more at ease in this world. She was happy. And Char had to go where he could be the same.
Saoirse reached out suddenly and clasped his hand. “Wait, brother, wait for me. I’m coming too.”
So she had known, who he was. And he loved her for that. But all Char could do was shake his head, shake her hand off, before stepping into the aether’s light. There were no words to make it better for his sister. This was journey that, for the first time in his life, he would take on his own.
Char absorbed the pain of Saoirse’s sobs as the aether surrounded him. He did not look back, could not look back. He could not change his mind.
And he knew it was not goodbye. It was merely see you later.
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aerodaltonimperial · 3 months
(💚🖤, happy birthday babygirl)
It's an unknown number, when it comes through, and normally Darby wouldn't pick that up, because while it's fun to argue with scammers trying to get his credit card information for phony car warranties, he gets kind of tired by the end, but he picks it up. Can't explain why, just does; it's got a California area code.
"Hello?" he asks, just in case it's one of his buddies who drop-kicked his fucking phone into the lake. Not that that's ever happened, or anything. Not that he's ever done that.
"Darby," the voice on the other side says.
Darby pauses. "... Jack?"
"Did you know," Jack says, drawing the syllables long, "it's my birthday today?"
"Uh," Darby says. "I didn't." There's noise in the background, enough that he can pick it out: music, for sure, though only the bass line is coming through, and voices. Someone yells, and then there's a burst of laughter, and all of a sudden it gets muted, like Jack walked out of a door. "Where are you?"
"The, uh..." Jack laughs. It goes a little high at the end. "Uh, Matthew and Nicholas threw me a... birthday party."
Darby stares at the trees outside his deck. "Okay."
"You know, it's, uh. It's good manners to get someone a present."
"Dude, I didn't even have your number," Darby says, and Jack laughs again. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
Another laugh. Whatever's happening in the background, it's getting softer, so Jack must be walking away from it. "Yeah, it's something you do. Dante and Darius gave me a present, you know, so..."
"Are you high right now?" Darby asks, because fuck, that's somehow hysterical. Jack's wound tighter than a god damn mouse trap, and Darby can't imagine him finally shedding all that baggage, even just for a night.
"I'm not, uh." Jack hisses something, an expletive. "A little bit? A little... yeah, fairly. Fairly, yeah." Another mumble, like he's walking and keeps tripping on things beneath his heels. "I'm... I'm good."
"Yeah, it sounds like it." Darby leans over the deck railing. "Why are you calling me?"
"Because it's my birthday."
"Yeah, you said that already," Darby says.
A pause, and an audible exhale. "Because... because on your birthday, you're supposed to get things that you want."
That nearly knocks Darby sideways. His palm slides across the wood and he gets a damn splinter in his skin for his trouble. "Jack."
The other side of the line goes quiet, and this... feels like something Darby was woefully unprepared for. He tries, "You don't like me."
"That's, uh," Jack starts. "That's... not, strictly speaking, true."
What the fuck. "Jack."
"Do you, um. Do you not like me?"
Oh, he's not even remotely prepared for this, and Darby drags his hand down his face watching two of the dogs jump up onto the half-pipe, butts wiggling in the air. "I don't... I don't dislike you, Jack."
A laugh. "That's, uh, better than it could be? I guess it's... yeah, that's better than it could be."
"You mean, considering we tried to murder each other?"
Jack laughs again; there's something intoxicating about it. Darby's not sure he's ever really heard the sound before. Jack doesn't really laugh, especially not now. Especially not anywhere near Darby. "Yeah, considering that. But I wouldn't have."
"No, I don't... want that," Jack says. The wind hisses a little through the speaker, so wherever he's wandered off to, he's outside. "That's not what I want. From you."
Darby presses his tongue against the back of his teeth. "You said I was supposed to get you a present. What, exactly, do you want?"
The other side goes silent. Darby waits, for long enough that he worries Jack honestly could have fallen asleep, and finally asks, "Jack? What would you have wanted from me?"
"Can you figure it out?" Jack asks, voice soft.
It's Darby's turn to laugh, only because ten minutes ago, he never could have dreamed of this fucking phone call happening. "Probably."
"Maybe you can give it to me next time you see me."
"Are you gonna remember this tomorrow?" Darby asks.
A pause, and then, "I fucking hope so."
"Go back to the party, Jack," Darby says, low. He sinks his teeth down into his bottom lip. "Go enjoy your party."
"Yeah." A ragged inhale. "Yeah, okay."
"Jack?" Darby tries. "Happy birthday."
"Thanks," Jack exhales against the phone. "I, uh. Yeah. Thanks."
He hangs up, and Darby stands for a long time staring out at the treeline on his property, wondering if he should have seen this coming, or if this was always gonna slam into him like a god damn freight train.
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ghostedeabha · 3 days
hi hon! just saw your posts about the req being deleted and it’s all good! i was wondering if you could write a smut fic for william where the user is being bratty while he’s trying to work and he gets fed up with her so he puts her back in her place. ૮꒰˶ฅ́˘ฅ̀˶꒱ა
much love !
absolutely yes i can!! i hope you enjoy it my darling! lmk how it is.
william afton x brat!reader
wc: 984
warnings: minors dni, 18+ themes, spanking, bdsm, fingering, edging, age difference (reader is 18+, i wrote reader to be in her 20’s. will is 46.). no p-in-v.
a/n: NONNIE I AM SO SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! it took legit like 11 months, i'm so mean😭 but as y’all know my mental health is crap and that kinda knocked me for a loop for a bit, brief tw for abuse (nothing explicit) but i’m living in an abusive household and writing has been challenging. on top of that… i accidentally temporarily locked myself out of my blog on the 18th of sept😭 i just got it back, thank God🙏☦️ but i was so stressed and upset. that said, i’m trying to use writing as an escape again and hopefully will be more active so PLEASE send in requests, random asks, whatever. y’all are free to send asks anytime🫶 onto the smut!
william had had enough of this. (name), one of the newest hires, had been being an absolute brat the entire week and it was finally getting under his skin.
mouthing off. talking back. deligating her work to other employees whilst she sat on her phone looking pretty. what was worse is that afton knew she could do better, he’d *seen* her do better. so why she was acting this way now was a mystery to him. a mystery that exponentially pissed him off.
so of course, he’d do something about it. right on time, he can hear the gentle rap of your knuckles against the wood of his door.
“come in.” will answers with a gruff sigh, flipping over the document he was filling out.
as the door creaked open, he peered up from the pages that covered his desk, eyes landing on you. the freddy fazbear's pizzaria uniform shirt you adorned tucked into your skirt, knee length to be work appropriate of course.
“did you want something?” you ask as you stand in front of his cherry wood desk, tone that of a bored child’s.
william’s gaze narrowed and darkened at your response, eyeing you as he lets out a disappointed “tsk.”
“do you know why you’re here?” he asks sternly, a tone that suggests you should damn well know, and he expected that answer now.
“no?” you shrug, raising your brow as you give him a slightly annoyed look.
goddamn brat.
“wrong answer.”
“you need to be taught a lesson.”
“you heard me. now come here.” william’s tone is strict and demanding, his voice deepened a few octaves with both anger and lust.
you hesitate, taking a small step forward but otherwise staying still. you’re quiet for a minute, a small little mischievous grin coming to your lips as you peer at william straight in the eyes.
“make me.”
in an instant, a large hand shoots out and roughly grabs your arm, tugging you off your feet and you’re landing in will’s lap. now splayed across your boss’ lap.
“what do you have to say for yourself?” he asks, a hand creeping up the back of your right thigh slowly, squeezing the flesh gently as he got closer and closer to your ass.
“nothing.” you reply, defiance and playfulness sparkling behind your eyes.
*smack*. without hesitation, will had flipped your skirt up and brought a hand down onto your ass. the bratty girl’s eyes going wide as a small gasp leaves your lips.
“wrong, again.” will barks.
“i’m sorry.” you apologize with your best pout and puppy eyes.
*smack. smack.* two more spanks, one to each cheek.
“wrong, try again.”
“i’m sorry, sir.” you pout, eyes pleading with the older man. for what, well you weren't sure. for more? perhaps. for him to stop? absolutely not. for him to fuck her? absolutely.
“good job. you’re learning.” the older man grins, his hand coming down onto the tender flesh of your butt four more times, twice to each cheek.
his hand moves from your ass to between your legs, rubbing over your clothes cunt gently with a finger, feeling the small patch of arousal that had gathered on the pink, frilly material.
“look at that… dirty brat. you knew exactly what you were doing, huh?” he mocks, finger tracing over where you needed him the most ever so gently, his fingers like feathers.
a small whine of desperation leaves the young woman, hips wiggling in need.
deep chuckles rumble through william’s chest at your desperation. “aww, sweet little brat, all you wanted was to get this cute little cunt filled isn’t it?” he continues to mock you, fingers just ghosting against your clothed pussy.
you nod with despondace, another whine leaving you as you try to push back against the calloused fingers that teased you.
“beg for it then.”
the younger woman feels her heart skip a beat at the order, your cheeks glowing the same red your ass was. you mustered every ounce of desperation and need to beg as best you could, hopefully to the older man’s satisfaction.
“please, sir… please i need you to touch me! i’ve been a bratty slut all week because i wanted your attention sir, wanted you to fuck me~!” (name) pleads with her boss, looking up at him with a pathetic pout and eyes that resembled those of a little bunny’s.
“awww, dolly… since you begged so nicely.” will responds with a chuckle. long and slender fingers move to push your panties aside and plunging two fingers straight into your cunt.
your hips bucking back against him as you moan with a squeak, eyes widening at the sudden intrusion. he starts his pace right away, steady yet quick as his fingers plunged deep inside of your cunt with each thrust.
his fingers curled as he shoved them into your sopping hole, hitting against your g-spot with expert precision, causing your hips to wiggle and squirm around.
soft moans and chants of ‘sir’ flow from your lips like a mantra, eyes struggling to stay open from sheer pleasure. curses slipping past your teeth as you reveled in the sensations he was bringing to your body.
his long fingers plunging deep into your cunt, in and out, in and out, a steady rythm of pleasure that was causing your legs to tremble and eyes to roll. a steady rythm of pleasure that was suddenly cut off. cut off just as you felt your climax beginning to build.
a loud, desperate whine leaves your lips. confusion flooding your system as william pulled his hand away, your panties back over your pussy and skirt back over your ass. pulling you back up to stand.
“get back to work.” he demands, cocky, sadistic grin on his face.
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sleepsonfutons · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
Ope it's double tag time >:D thanks @spockandthings & @bazzybelle for the tags~
This one's got length to it so get the scoop under the cut lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Shoot, how many do I have... let's see now... ooooh, that'd be 18!!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Eyyyy 104,261 since I started posting last year :3
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Sandman and The Witcher, though mostly Sandman so far lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
hmmmm, those would be...
In Awe, I Stand -> 370 kudos
Dream of the Dark -> 226 kudos
My Comfort. Your Touch. -> 216 kudos
Every Inch of Me -> 161 kudos
Starlight, Star-Bright -> 139 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do my best to, yes indeed! That doesn't always means it happens though cuz life and energy and honestly attention-span...but I read every single comment I get and cherish them. They are bright spots in my day and I like to share the joy I've been gifted with the person who gave it when I'm able 💖
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohoho that's gotta be Don't Ask Me To Say Goodbye!! I have Plans for that AU, but as it currently stands it's angst-central with only heartbreak~
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings I wanna say, but happiest has got to be a toss-up between Starlight, Star-Bright and My Comfort. Your Touch. They're both super soft, self-indulgent delights :3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
*knocks on wood* nah
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do [hellmo.gif] How do you feel about potatoes? (but also like relatively "normal" stuff: butt stuff, mouth stuff, touching stuff, eldritch stuff, basically a variety of different stuff >;3 LOL)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not so far, though I'd not be opposed to writing one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
*knocks on wood again* not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, but open invite to anyone who might want to! Just give me a shout when you're done cuz I'd love to see~
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
HECK YE!!!! @phinofthestorm is outstanding and I literally can't say enough nice things about writing with her! The amount of time we've spent on the same brainwave with our collab fic As a Stranger I Know Myself has been mindblowing and fantastic!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Honestly, I'll never get over GrimmIchi (Bleach) I don't think lol. The nostalgia factor is unbeatable at this point.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Truss Me Up But Never Leave Me Hanging probably fits the bill best, much to my chagrin. It was meant to be a canon-verse Dreamling shibari fic, but *vague handwaving* I wound up getting in my head over whether I could write it to the level of accuracy/quality I feel it deserves
16. What are your writing strengths?
Setting the scene? aka "purple prose" and metaphors
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Concise, "non-flowery" writing in general and dialogue
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean if it makes sense, idk why not. Only caveat to that is if it's not a language you speak yourself, definitely get someone who does speak that language to proof it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Witcher with the bday fic I wrote for my bestie: Where You Least Expect It
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Dang, twist my arm why don't'cha... Sheesh favorite fic I've written... I love 'em all honestly, but I reckon Along the Garden Path, We Meet. It's just a short little thing though Dream being a lil shit to Hob early on, before even their first centennial meeting in 1489, absolutely sends me every time.
Woooo we made it to the end! Now to torment tag to join the fun with 0-whole pressure @seiya-starsniper @phinofthestorm @mentallyinvernation @certifiedbisexualdisaster @blueberrymffn @gabessquishytum @delta-pavonis @aquabluejay
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determinedwriter · 11 months
Whumptober 2023: Day 28: “We might not make it to the morning; so go on and tell me now.”
I should be used to this by now. Running away from some jerks with guns who want to murder some Avengers.
And yet, right now I’m pissed because it’s happening again. More bad guys with guns and more chaos. What a surprise.
But I think I might really be in trouble this time.
The compound is in shambles and I’m running through the woods nearby to escape, too overwhelmed by enemies to fight them. I only hope I’m running in the right direction.
After a while, I use my powers of fire flight to suspend myself in the air and survey the area, soon realizing I’ve made a mistake.
All I see now is trees. The woods surround me on every side as far as the eye can see. How long have I been running?
For too long, clearly.
I land on the forest floor, trying to think of what to do next. I’m completely alone. Everything happened so fast that all I have are the clothes on my back and my pocket knife. I always carry it with me. It was my mother’s.
My breathing picks up so I place a hand over my heart and try to calm myself. “You’re fine. Everything’s fine. You’ll get back home and everyone will be safe.”
Maybe if I keep telling myself that, it’ll become true.
Things weren’t looking too good when I left. I just remember a ton of smoke, chaos, and my dad yelling at me to run. To get out of there.
I think his instinct saved my life. At this point, I can only hope he is alive too. He’s more than capable of defending himself, so I’m sure he’s alright. I just hate not knowing for sure.
And Peter? I have no idea where he is. We weren’t together when the compound was attacked. I tried to find him, but when my dad told me to run, I did. I didn’t have time to find my best friend.
God, please tell me he’s safe too. Even if it means he’s lost in the damn woods just like I am. That’s a lot better than him being dead, no matter how confusing the endless trees are.
After some mindless wandering, I find a small, clearly long abandoned shack. It’s deep enough in the woods that I’m wondering who would’ve left something like this here.
It also makes me think of my mom. She and I lived in a little hideaway honestly not that much bigger than this one for the first nine years of my life.
It only ever ended because HYDRA found and killed her. Bucky Barnes found and killed her. Or I guess the Winter Soldier did. I’ve tried my best to make peace with that.
But God, it’s hard. It’s not that I don’t forgive Bucky, I’m just never going to be able to forget that day. The day she died right in front of me with a bullet to the head.
I sigh, trying to think of something else as I enter the shack. Just focus on staying safe right now. No time to reminisce about your shitty past, Ro.
Try to forget how it hits you like a freight train.
With enough time and focus on the situation at hand, I stop feeling like I’m about to cry. I have to pay attention right here and now. It could get me killed if I get lost in my head.
No time for tears.
There’s a rustling and the sound of footsteps outside maybe an hour after I arrive at the shack. Startled, I hurl a fireball out of a broken window and towards the noise.
I hear someone fall to the ground with a thud. “Whoa!”
Holding my breath, I wait for them to either fight me or leave. Please be the ladder. “Stay the fuck away from me or I’ll make sure I burn your face off, asshole!”
“It’s me!” I hear a voice yell shakily.
“Peter?!” I exclaim, quickly exiting the shack and seeing him on the ground, wound in his side. “Oh my God, Peter!”
“H-Hey.” He says, not having the energy for much else.
“Did I hurt you?!” I ask, feeling terribly guilty. “I-I thought…oh my God, I thought you were one of those guys at the compound! I’m so-“
“I’m fine. Well, I’m not fine but you didn’t hurt me. Someone else did.” Peter explains. “You kinda just knocked me on my butt.”
I chuckle in shock, kneeling beside him. Tears burn my eyes. “I’m so sorry. L-Let me help you. It’s alright. You’re gonna be fine.”
He doesn’t look convinced, but allows me to help him inside the shack where I lay him down on the floor. “Don’t move. I’ve got you.”
I can tell he’s trying to keep quiet, not wanting to scare me with cries of pain. “Okay.”
With nothing else to do, I use my jacket to make strips of bandages, cutting it with my knife so I can wrap it around Peter’s wound.
Peter grins, despite the pain. “I really liked that jacket on you.”
“Shut up.” I reply teasingly.
He grimaces in pain as I apply the bandages, struggling not to scream out. “Hnnngh…”
“I know.” I say. “I know, Pete. I’m sorry. I know it hurts.”
The bleeding seems pretty bad and the strips of fabric aren’t doing much to help that. Peter seems to realize that too. “Ro?”
I nod. “Peter.”
“You should leave. Before those guys find us.” He suggests. “If they surround you, I’m not gonna be able to help.”
“I can take care of myself. And I’m not abandoning you.” I reply. “Don’t even entertain that idea.”
He sighs shakily. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you either. I’m staying. End of story.” I tell him. I love you, I love you, I love you.
But of course I don’t say that. I don’t tell him I love him. I don’t tell him I’ve had a crush on him since our freshman year.
“Ro?” He asks again. “I…have an idea.”
“As long as it doesn’t involve me leaving you, I’ll listen.” I say.
Peter nods. “It doesn’t. It actually might help me. Or hurt me worse. But we’ll see. Umm…”
“Spit it out.” I press him.
“You should cauterize the wound to stop the bleeding.” He suggests. “It’s not gonna stop if we don’t do something about it.”
I grit my teeth. “You want me to use my powers to possibly make things worse and burn you?”
“What other choice do we have?” Peter questions me.
I pause, sighing. “I could kill you. We should wait for help.”
He grabs my hand, his covered in blood. “I don’t think help is coming anytime soon. It’s your choice, but I…I don’t know what else to do. I’ll bleed out.”
I bite the inside of my cheek so hard that it bleeds, too anxious to stop holding my breath. “If I kill you, it’s your fault.”
Humor. It’s how I’ve decided to cope right now.
Because I won’t let myself cry.
Peter chuckles weakly. “Got it.”
I summon heat to my palms. “Sorry in advance.”
“It’s alright.” He says. “Gotta get it done.”
I look at him earnestly. “I really…I…”
“Don’t be scared.” He reassures me. “I trust you.”
I gulp. “It’s not that. I…I just wanted to…tell you I…I love you. I…I mean I…”
“I love you too, Ro.” Peter replies with no hesitation. “I’ve always loved you.”
My cheeks heat up. “That works out then. So don’t die.”
He looks me in the eyes. “Not planning on it.”
“Just in case we don’t make it out of here, I needed you to know that.” I explain. “I love you, Peter Parker.”
“I love you too, Aurora Stark.” He echoes.
I place a soft kiss on his lips. “Be strong, okay?”
He nods. “Let’s do it.”
Despite my fear, I lower my hands down to his wounded side, trying to be as gentle as I can as I literally burn him.
Peter bites his lip, groaning in pain and wincing. “Sorry.”
I blink at him. “You’re sorry? I’m the one hurting you. Don’t you say you’re sorry.”
He lets out a pained laugh. “Fair enough.”
My stomach turns as I continue to work on him, feeling terribly guilty as I burn his skin. I absolutely hate hurting this sweet boy.
But thankfully, my work seems to pay off. The bleeding almost completely stops with enough effort on my part. I wrap the makeshift bandages around his side, hoping it’s enough to keep him safe for now.
“Thanks…” Peter breathes.
I kiss him harder this time, tears streaming down my face. I can’t hold it in anymore. “Don’t you dare die.”
“Thanks to you, I think my chances are better than before.” He says. “You’re a literal lifesaver, you know.”
“Jury’s still out.” I reply. “We’ll have to see. But you know what, I’ll stay optimistic for your sake.”
Peter takes my hand again. “Good.”
“Good.” I copy, laying on the floor beside him. “Stay alive.”
We lay on the floor together, neither of us knowing for sure what’s next. I just hope everyone else is alright and that we’re found soon. Maybe I should survey the area again.
I move to get up and Peter grabs my arm. “Where are you going?”
“I should fly up and see if I can find anyone and anything that will help us.” I tell him.
“I’m scared of you leaving.” He admits.
I kiss his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
Leaving him there, I fly up into the air and see a hovering figure in the distance like a speck of red and gold. “Dad?!”
The figure turns to me, rocketing over and hugging me in the air. “Oh, thank God.”
I let myself extinguish, Dad holding me close to him as we stay in the air for a moment. “You’re okay! I wasn’t sure. God, I’m so glad you’re not dead.”
“I’m glad you’re not dead too, kiddo.” He says.
“You’ve gotta help Peter though, come on!” I exclaim, showing him the shack where the boy lies on the floor with his makeshift bandages nearly soaked through with blood. I’m unsure if I’ve even helped him at all.
“Mr. Stark…” Peter croaks weakly. “Boy, am I glad to see you.”
“Come on, kid. Let’s get you to SHIELD. There’s a base not far from here and it’s where everyone is regrouping.” Dad explains.
We quickly take Peter there where he is treated and I’m told my cauterization of his wound worked and significantly reduced blood loss. Thank God for that.
And with our love confessions still in our minds, Peter and I will not soon forget them. Even if it does make things a little awkward in a schoolyard kid kind of way.
I’m still shy to show my feelings to the boy, despite having kissed him. That life or death situation really pushed me to be bold.
And I guess it worked out, because Peter actually likes me the same way.
So maybe bad guys with guns can result in some oddly good things, including love confessions.
Let’s just hope we don’t have to deal with any more fighting for the foreseeable future. I’d like for things to be a bit calmer for once.
Plus, I’ve got a date with Peter Parker.
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thet-wordfearer · 2 years
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Your laugh is like golden sunshine
Watched Willow (Netflix) and now I can’t get this idea outta my head so…
Also first fic please don’t hate me for this being bad
Ler: Jade
Lee: Kit
TW: T-word fic so yeah that’s it
Loving someone is a mess. Jade knew that all to well.
And loving Kit was like wanting to hold fire, it only got you burned.
Kit being the hard-headed, stubborn, mostly apathetic, bratty, woman she was. She was fire incarnate.
So when a friendly spar turned into a secret discovered, oh was the red-head going to take advantage of that.
“I can do fine on my own. I don’t need more training.”
Kit lay a giant a rock in the woods they had entered and she really just didn’t want to get up at the moment.
Jade rolled her eyes, as stubborn as Kit always was, Jade was almost at her limit today.
“Fine, a friendly spar then. Show me you don’t need my help, princess”
Kit narrowed her eyes, then sighed “Fine, I’ll prove it to you then.” Grabbing her sword of a rock, and stapling the sheath to her waist, she begrudgingly got up and followed her friend.
Making their way into a clearing, the young knight unsheathed her sword and the princess followed suit.
“Ready to lose?” Kit confidently teased
“We will see” Jade replied
The sound of metal striking each other filled the sunlit trees with a clanging echo, and Kit at first seemed to be gaining the upper hand, until she was knocked on her butt again, then again, by the third time she was getting irritated.
“Am I losing yet?” Jade smirked
“Shut up” the brunette growled
The princess made a jab in which the knight had side-stepped grabbing her side to push her when a squeal escaped Kits lips, she flinched away from the touch.
“Are you hurt?” Jade quickly rushed to her girl friend’s side, dropping her sword next to her.
“No. I- you- you just surprised me. That’s all”
But by the blush creating across Kit’s face, Jade knew she was lying.
“Wait, Kit, are you ticklish?” Jade laughed out
“No! I mean no, no I’m not.” Kit had replied far to quickly and for to enthusiastically to be believed.
“No way, I can’t believe I didn’t know this” Jade smirked, oh this was going to be good.
Kit had take no more then two steps back when the knight had suddenly tackled her friend and a short wrestle had ensued.
Jade sat on her friend’s waist, smiling victoriously.
“Jade- Jade, don’t, I promise, I’m not ti-“ but her words were immediately stopped as Jade dug her gloved hands into Kits sides, and the reaction was immediate.
“Nohohohoho waahahahahaiat”
“Oh this is absolutely golden” Jade laughed as she squeezed up and down her crush’s sides, watching as Kit squirmed and laughed, pushing feebly at the assaulting hands.
“Hahahaha dahahahamn ihihihihit, gehehehet ohohohohof
Kit’s laughter took a higher pitch and came out more frantic speed to it as Jade reached her ribs
“Is there something wrong Princess?” She teased as Jade moved her hands to her victims stomach.
Kit. Screamed.
“Why? Bad Spot?”
Kit’s face was a deep scarlet, but couldn’t reply due to laughing so hard.
Finally as her laughter went silent, Jade decided she had enough. Pulling her hands back and smiling down as Kit gratefully gulped in air, a smile still plastered on her face as residual giggles still left her mouth. Jade looked down into her face, the way her face was flushed, hair messy and all over her beautiful face, eyes twinkling in the sun, tears around the corners. She was smitten and all she could do was stare.
“Uh, Jade, still sitting on me.”
Jade blushed a deep red, “right, sorry.” She got up and offered a hand, which Kit took.
“I can’t believe your ticklish.” Jade laughed as she bent down and picked up her and the princess’s forgot sword, throwing the other to Kit, they headed back to camp.
“Don’t even think about telling anyone.” Kit huffed as she walked along side her knight.
“You know,” Jade smirked
“Ugh now what?” Kit groaned as she looked at the red-head
“You never did say stop.”
“Yes I- I mean I- shut up”
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redpandaramblings · 2 years
I need to know this:
How does your Omegaverse work?
Since everyone does it different with who can get pregnant and who can't. Would maybe explain some things how your omegaverse is? Like public bathroom, rarity, their biological body (I mean who has a vagina who has a dick; who can get pregnant)
Oh anon, the dangerous permission you have just given me to ramble about this…
Okay. So-
First off, my Omegaverse changes a little from story to story to suit my needs. For example, I might write about an “omega run” where omegas sign up to be chased through the woods as a way to organically find an alpha mate. That’s not going to be true in Like Caramel’s universe. So these answers are gonna mostly apply specifically to Like Caramel.
The genders are fairly even dispersed. Roughly 30% alpha, 30% omega, 40% beta.
Heat/Rut happen 4 times a year for 3-7 days at a time, unless suppressed through medication. It’s advised to allow 1-2 Heat/Ruts a year, to avoid a huge shock to the system when coming off of medication. (Reader is going to be screwed in Like Caramel, because they’ve suppressed their Rut for about 7 years. Whenever they go off their medication, it’s going to be a very intense 2 week rut where they’re barely coherent.
Bathrooms are divided by what is inside, not by gender. So- toilets, urinals, family/parents bathrooms with changing tables and shorter toilets for kiddos…. Plus stalls would be more fully enclosed.
But for the real question- who has what parts- long story short, my preferences aren’t what I tend to write. In Like Caramel I’m keeping it intentionally vague, because it’s a PG-13ish story. My personal favorite version of omegaverse is female alphas and male omegas essentially being intersex. (I’m non binary, so I know that’s honestly a big reason why. It’s very comforting to have a universe where mascs can get pregnant, where femmes can do the impregnating, and primary gender doesn’t matter that much in terms of reproduction.). It does effect fertility, with most fertile being omegas during their heat, then betas, then omegas outside of their heat, then alphas. So, a male omega could knock up a female alpha, but it would be rarer than the other way around.
However, I usually write for my readers. And I know that most of my audience isn’t ready for default Baku-pussy. So unless labeled otherwise, what I usually write is Primary gender determines parts, male omegas produce slick from their butts during heat but can’t get knocked up, and alpha females tend to have larger clits than average but don’t produce sperm. So, female alphas get pregnant, but have lower fertility.
Any other specific questions, feel free to ask!
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