determined writer
201 posts
Whump writer and Tony Stark enthusiastshe/herlgbt friendly and pansexual 18+Read my stuff at your own risk. Sometimes nsfwhump.
Last active 2 hours ago
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determinedwriter · 4 days ago
spidey’s fic rec list, as of 06/27/24, this will be continued
all of these and more can also be found on my ao3 bookmarks! (those aren’t sorted nor are they solely marvel, however they’re always up to date) happy reading!!
here are the categories:
amnesia - self explanatory
uncle rhodey - fics where rhodey and peter’s uncle/nephew relationship is one of the main plotlines
smart/strong/powerful peter parker - peter being really really good at things and everyone else realizing it
avengers and peter - fics where peter and the avengers are a team
fostered/adopted peter parker - self explanatory
peter is tony’s bio son - self explanatory
peter gets trapped under a building (again) - self explanatory
peter can lift mjolnir - self explanatory
the classic field trip trope -self explanatory
put your phone on speaker - fics where people call peter in class and he has to answer it on speaker, leading to capital-s Shenanigans
pov outsider - fics from the point of view of someone who is not tony or peter (most likely a minor character or an oc entirely)
tony finds out about the stark expo - self explanatory
platonic tony&peter soulmates (not st//rker) - i reiterate. NOT ST//RKER. STOP SENDING ME ASKS ABOUT ST//RKER, I WILL BLOCK YOU.
peter and morgan - they are siblings, your honor
tony/the avengers come to midtown  - the team shows up to midtown, embarrassing peter in the process. we love it
peter and the avengers kids - fics where peter meets or is friends with the rest of the avengers kids
endgame/ffh/nwh fix-its  - fics where the FOCUS is fixing those three movies, not handwaving it away and pretending it doesn’t exist (my go-to solution lmao)
angst fics - fics where there is more angst than comfort
peter and the midtown gang - peter being besties with the whole decathlon team. listen i’m a sucker for a big friend group. sue me
fluff or hurt/comfort - fics where there is more comfort than hurt
social media - yknow. those fics that are all from the point of twitter or comment sections
injured peter - fics where the focus is peter getting hurt and everyone Losing Their Minds
no category - fics that don’t fit neatly in any of these categories
this is a continually updating list because i am continually updating my bookmarks
sometimes fics will fall under multiple categories and i’ll put them in one even if they fit better in the other and if that happens: shhhh i always do these at like 2am 
note for future me, most recent fic in bookmarks was: Almost Familiar (dated 13 jun 2024)
most recent updates: added explanations for the category lists, but other than that not much!! just catching up on the last FOURTEEN MONTHS of fics lol
authors i like:
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determinedwriter · 9 days ago
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happy Thursday the 20th
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determinedwriter · 2 months ago
I take great pride in being the one (or at least one of the ones) to suggest vocal cords. The POWER I HOLD IS IMMEASURABLE! (/j)
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this year's prompts were chosen through an open suggestion poll (in which we received over 4,000 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where 5,019 votes were submitted. the top 28 make up the core prompts, and the febuwhump mod's favourites that remain have become the alternates. the first prompt in the 28, "vocal chords", was our number one prompt of the vote, with 1,625 total votes.
i am so insanely excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and i hope they're inspiring enough to trigger a whole month's worth of creativity for you!
as an extra added challenge, some creators will be undertaking another, smaller goal, of including apples in each of their prompt fills as an ode to the wildly popular prompt suggestion of "apples" that didn't make it through to the poll. this is totally optional, but is a good extra challenge if you'd like to take part in it!
if you have any questions, please check out the faq before sending an ask, or skim the blog's previously asked questions to see if your question has already been answered.
please note: notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form released towards the end of febuwhump, and if you are interested in joining the febuwhmp discord server, the link will be available to do so for one week towards the end of january.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: vocal chords
DAY 2: holding back tears
DAY 3: pinned down
DAY 4: hivemind
DAY 5: not trusting reality
DAY 6: forced to stay awake
DAY 7: alternate timeline self
DAY 8: bleeding out
DAY 9: necromancy
DAY 10: magic exhaustion
DAY 11: demonic possession
DAY 12: used as practice
DAY 13: “i don’t trust anyone else”
DAY 14: becoming the monster
DAY 15: icarus
DAY 16: eaten alive
DAY 17: power instability
DAY 18: living weapon
DAY 19: death wish
DAY 20: “i did good right?”
DAY 21: put on display
DAY 22: “grab the little one”
DAY 23: gunshot wound
DAY 24: forced to beg
DAY 25: bound and gagged
DAY 26: concealing an injury
DAY 27: post-victory collapse
DAY 28: recovery
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: major character death
ALT 2: blowtorch
ALT 3: pick who dies
ALT 4: body swap
ALT 5: die a hero
ALT 6: emergency surgery
ALT 7: body horror
ALT 8: on the run
ALT 9: in another life
ALT 10: feeding tube
soft rules:
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce any kind of media they want
you don't have to complete all the prompts to take part
you can use the prompts after the event ends
you can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post to any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing links and prompt fills posted to tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame, you must inform this blog by the 3rd of march that you have completed all of the days using the provided form
if you have questions, consult the faq before asking
hard rules:
to be a completionist, you must complete all 28 prompts, in order, in whatever medium you want, before the end of the event
(specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (or febuwhump2025)
the relevant day's tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2...
nsfw (if relevant)
any important trigger warnings
you can also tag the blog: @febuwhump
I cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog. a random selection of properly tagged works will be reblogged every day of february.
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determinedwriter · 2 months ago
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determinedwriter · 2 months ago
Your Heart is your Masterpiece
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(Kinda an Avengers Christmas fic, mostly Tony and my OC Ro focused.)
you are an artist
but heart is your masterpiece
and I’ll keep it safe
Ro’s POV:
I’m a total bundle of nerves today.
It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m finishing up my present with Peter at my side, constantly watching the door to make sure Dad doesn’t spoil his gift.
“What if he hates it? What if he replaces FRIDAY? I’d feel bad for her. What if I-“ I ramble.
He sits next to me at the computer where I continue to work. “Easy. Easy. Take a breath. He’s gonna love it. If anything, Jarvis and Fri will be friends.”
Peter kisses my forehead. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
I bite my lip. “Yeah…yeah, okay. What do you think, J? Are you ready?”
An orange orb emerges from the lab’s holotable. “As ready as I’ll ever be, Miss Stark.”
I blow a raspberry. “Oh yeah? And how likely do you think it is that I’ll screw this up?”
“I seem to be in working order. I think your father will be happy with my updates as well.” Jarvis replies.
I nod. “Okay. That’s good. What do you think, DUM-E?”
DUM-E spins his claw around in a circle and whirrs happily.
“I’ll take that as your stamp of approval.” I say. “Thanks, buddy. That should be your name. BUD-E.”
DUM-E rolls over to me, seeming excited and gently taps his claw on my forehead. I laugh. “What was that?”
He repeats the gesture with a happy hum. Peter chuckles. “Are you kissing her forehead? Like I did?”
DUM-E whirrs cheerfully, spinning around in joy as if to say ‘Yes! Yes, he understands!’.
“Aww.” I coo at the robot. “Thanks, best friend. My favorite lab buddy. You knock it out of the park. Don’t listen to Dad when he gets mad at you. You’re the best.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Peter jokes.
I stand up and kiss DUM-E’s claw. “Good boy.”
Peter grabs me from behind, causing me to giggle, spinning me around to kiss me several times. “You can’t escape me now.”
“There’s no mistletoe in here! It’s not allowed!” I tease.
He shrugs. “Better find some then.”
“I must say, it is great to formally meet you, Mr. Parker. Aurora has told me so much about you in our talks about what has happened since Ultron.” Jarvis chimes in.
Peter looks to the ceiling. “You too, Jarvis. Can’t wait to spend more lab days with both you and Friday.”
“I’m also looking forward to this.” Friday says. “I do hope I am not being replaced.”
“Never, Fri.” I tell her. “I won’t let that happen. It’ll be like a party here with you, Jarvis, and Aries. Just don’t go rogue please. Or like…some Roko’s basilisk type stuff.”
Peter sighs. “Man, now you’ve got me thinking about that. I couldn’t sleep when I first heard about it.”
“It is not for the faint of heart, I suppose.” I reply. “I think we might be safe though considering we have three AIs here that like us. Or…I think they do.”
“Don’t forget Karen!” He chirps. “She’s like a mom.”
“Okay, tell me honestly…did you name her after Plankton’s computer wife?” I ask.
Peter blushes. “Maybe?”
I roll my eyes. “Of course you did.”
“Oh! Oh, Dad alert! Dad alert!” Peter points to the door.
I quickly take Jarvis off of the holotable. “You’ll have your time to shine real soon, buddy.”
Dad opens the door. “Why was Peter just pointing at me and panicking like a sim who just set his house on fire?”
I blink in surprise. “I didn’t realize you were a man of culture.”
He winks. “Of course I am. Anyways, don’t change the subject. What’s going on? Friday?”
“Mini Boss is working on your Christmas gift. I believe she has just finished it.” Friday explains.
“Narc.” I mutter.
Dad ruffles my hair. “Can’t wait, kiddo. You look like you’re about to throw up though.”
“I’m…nervous you won’t like it.” I admit.
He gives me a soft smile. “I’m sure I will, bambina. Now come on upstairs with everyone else before Cap makes us watch something even older than Miracle on 34th Street.”
I nod, rolling my eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
We end up watching a few classics before going to bed, but not before some hot cocoa and couch cuddles with my very favorite people.
Dad kisses my temple and smiles as I lean against him. Peter is holding my hand, but has his head leaning against Aunt May’s shoulder. I’m glad we invited them to spend the holiday with us.
“Well, you seem jolly.” I comment to Dad.
“I just…I’m soaking in the moment.” He tells me. “Love you tons, Ro.”
I grin. “Love you tons.”
Even Clint and his family are here, along with Scott and his girlfriend, daughter, his ex wife, and her husband. The parents look at their children similarly to how Dad did to me. It makes me warm inside.
The Avengers are a dysfunctional family, but they’re mine. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
That night as we go to bed, Peter sneaks into my room despite being told to stay in his guest room a few doors down.
I’m pretty sure Dad must know he comes into my room or I go into his whenever he stays over, but he’s never said anything.
I think I may have Pepper to thank for that. She’s the one that talked to him when I told them both that I was dating Peter.
Dad was as overprotective as ever about it, Pepper reining him in with promises of giving me ‘the talk’. I went a little red when she said that, but it's better than not being allowed to date at all.
So here we are cuddling until we fall asleep together, twisted in bed sheets as the sun rises. Peter is the one to wake me up. “Psst…”
I crack one eye open, groaning a little. “Pete…what time is it?”
“It’s already eight. And Santa came.” He jokes. “Come on.”
I chuckle, throwing on a hoodie over my pajamas. “Okay, okay. You’re lucky I love you.”
Peter takes my hand and we go to the common room where the big Christmas tree is, seeing some of the others are already awake.
Scott’s daughter Cassie smiles at me. “Good morning! Merry Christmas! Look, Santa brought us all a bunch of stuff!”
“Did he eat those cookies?” I ask.
“Yeah!” She replies ecstatically. “And he drank the milk and the reindeer had the carrots and and-“
I laugh. “That’s pretty cool.”
Cassie nods. “It is! It’s super duper uber cool!”
It doesn’t take long for the younger kids to wake up their parents and start the present opening. I am giving far too many presents. More than I deserve. I’m really lucky.
And now it’s time to show Dad his gift. “Okay, your present is, well it’s kinda everywhere.”
“Air? Christmas cheer?” Dad jokes.
I pull a hologram up on my Stark Pad, showing the orange orb that is Jarvis. “Alright pal, showtime.”
“It’s a pleasure to see everyone together for the holidays, Miss Stark. Sir, I am delighted to be reunited with you.” Jarvis says.
Dad blinks a few times in disbelief and I swear I see tears. “J-Jarvis? Is that…?”
“It is indeed, sir.” He replies.
I hold my breath, waiting for his reaction. Dad wipes a hand over his face, eyes wide. “Aurora Anthony Stark, I can’t even begin to imagine how you did this.”
“So…you like my present?” I ask.
He scoffs. “Are you kidding? Ro, this is…”
“May I suggest some adjectives, sir?” Jarvis chimes in.
“No thanks, J. Words will fail to do it justice. How did…I-I thought Jarvis was…” Dad stammers, seemingly speechless for the first time in his life.
“I found some old archives with Aries. I guess I had some backups I didn't know about in her system.” I explain. “It took some work, but I got him all updated. Just promise me you won’t replace Friday.”
He grins. “Never. Oh bambina, I think I’m dreaming.”
I smile back. “So I did good, huh?”
Dad hugs me tightly, not letting go for several seconds. I hear him sniffling, trying to hide his tears of joy. “Yeah, Mini Stark. You did real good.”
I melt into his embrace as he kisses my forehead. “Merry Christmas, my favorite daughter.”
“I’m your only daughter.” I point out.
He scoffs. “Still. You’re my favorite.”
I roll my eyes, still wrapped in his arms. “Merry Christmas to you too, Dad. I love you tons.”
“I love you more.”
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determinedwriter · 3 months ago
please don't let them see me, sure there's nothing left to try ❤️‍🩹
more of my videos
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determinedwriter · 4 months ago
Posting this from the bird app since I hope it can help people.
People have been contacting the White House directly to demand a recount, especially since there has been evidence that not every ballot has been counted and will be thrown away if it hasn't been cured.
The link to contact the White House is here!
The following screenshot comes from here!
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If you need help writing something, check under the cut! I've provided a prewritten response from one of the replies!
"I am a concerned citizen, and I need you to hear me. I urge you to recount the ballots from this election and investigate election interference. Bomb threats have been called into multiple polling locations, causing some to close early. Domestic terrorists have burned ballot boxes. An unprecedented number of ballots have been rejected and require curing. There have been reports of polling officers allowing voter intimidation in and outside of polling places across the country and an estimated 20 million mail in ballots are unaccounted for. In addition, many people have reported that ballots were not counted for suspicious reasons such as signature invalidation which is information that vote counters do not have access to. These events have occurred in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Georgia, for instance."
Feel free to add and change what you want, this is just a base for you to work off of.
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determinedwriter · 4 months ago
💙 USA 💙
national suicide prevention
national domestic violence hotline
national sexual abuse hotline
trans lifeline and resources
list of suicide hotlines by country
domestic violence hotlines and resources by country
sexual (+ domestic) abuse agencies by country
international trans resources
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determinedwriter · 4 months ago
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
how’s everyone doin tonight i just broke tumblr
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
watching Avengers Assemble and eating Chinese food is absolutely the best thing ever
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
rubbing my hands together like a supervillain thinking of an edit I want to do of Tony Stark to Heaven Up There by Palace.
“I’m a selfish man designed to die.”
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
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Things I like about this decal on a restaurant window: -the insane orange waiter -that he’s carrying his plates in the air like a strongman -the couple looks like this isn’t the first time he’s done this, but it’s easier to just let it happen at this point. -the sign says PASTA as if he’s screaming it like a frankenstein -but he’s holding a plate of an entire chicken and a plate of wine glasses -there’s three wine glasses -one’s for him.
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determinedwriter · 5 months ago
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I’m just gonna leave this here.
(I watched Spider-Man: Homecoming last night.)
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determinedwriter · 6 months ago
My Little Hawk (Tony Stark x Daughter OC)
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Title from Fourth of July by Sufjan Stevens
Content Warnings: sickness, seizure, vomiting, hospital stay, medical procedures
Tony raises Ro from birth AU
Ro has been under the weather lately. It started with just mild headaches, but they’re getting worse. She tells me she’s been getting chills. I checked her temperature and she has a fever, so I assume it’s just a cold, maybe the flu.
I put her down for bed not too long ago and now I’m working on a car and doing some tune ups when I hear little footsteps enter the garage.
“Do I hear a little gremlin?” I tease, coming out from under the car. “What are you doing up?”
She frowns, looking pale and clammy. “I don’ feel good, Daddy…”
“Oh baby, let’s get you more medicine.” I coo.
“I don’t like it. It’s icky.” She complains.
I card my fingers through her hair and kneel in front of her. “I know, mini. But you have to take it so you’ll feel better.”
“I don’t feel better yet…” Ro pouts. “When is it gonna work?”
I sigh. “Soon. Come on, let’s go back to bed. I have something else that might help you feel better too.”
I take out a project I’ve been working on, looking at the glow in the dark aromatherapy and voice commanded stuffed bear with Jarvis installed to help monitor her breathing and heartbeat while she sleeps to keep my mind at ease.
She smiles weakly when she sees it, hugging it to her chest. “Th…th…tank you, Daddy.”
Ro doesn’t quite have her th sounds down yet, still having a baby voice. I’m gonna hate when it goes away. She’s growing up too fast.
Rubbing her eyes, Ro sways on her feet. “Mmm…feel sick…”
I hate seeing her like this. It breaks the heart I didn’t think I had. “I know. I know, hon. It’ll be better soon. I promise.”
She suddenly vomits all over the bear and the front of her ninja turtle pajamas, immediately bursting into tears. “I’m s-sorry, Daddy!”
I put the bear aside and scoop her up in my arms. “Shhh, it’s okay. You’re okay. Don’t be sorry.”
“I ruined it…” She sniffles, pointing at the bear.
“I’ll fix it.” I reply. “Daddy fixes things, remember?”
Ro nods. “Uh huh…I ‘member…”
I kiss her head. “Let’s get you into a nice bubble bath, huh? And fresh pjs.”
She snuggles into me, probably staining my shirt with vomit, but I don’t care. Some things are more important than the grossness that comes with parenthood. Raising a six year old tends to cross into gross territory often. Especially when your six year old likes to make mud pies and play with worms.
And eat spaghetti with her hands. It took forever to get her to use a fork. It wasn’t even that she didn’t know how. It was that she didn’t want to.
I love that kid to death.
She barely has any energy in the bathtub, barely able to sit up straight while I gently scrub her body, trying to relax her by massaging her scalp with shampoo and conditioner, washing it out with warm water and brushing her hair softly.
Her eyes droop and close, fighting to stay awake. I quickly take her out of the bath and help her dry off, dressing her in a pink nightgown with little white polka dots on it.
I’m barely able to brush her teeth due to her fatigue, but I manage, carrying her to bed and taking her temperature.
It’s gotten higher. I thought the medicine would’ve helped by now. “Get some sleep, bambina.”
“Can you hum Nonna’s song?” She asks with a yawn.
I grin. “Yeah, of course I can.”
Anything for you, Ro.
She falls asleep while I hum the song my mother used to hum to me. I think it’s something she made up. I never heard any words, just the humming and vocalizing. It always put me right to sleep.
I’d honestly forgotten all about it up until Ro was born. Her birth reminded me of my own childhood and brought the song out of me as I held her for the very first time, tiny hand wrapped around my finger, head against my chest, content and quiet.
That’s when I knew she was my girl.
She wakes up in tears again, fever not going down. Her head hurts and she’s complaining of a stiff neck. Poor baby.
I’m not able to give her more medicine so I just put a cold cloth over her head and try to cool her down. She’s whimpering and shivering in my arms as I cuddle her in her little twin bed.
I drift off once she starts to sleep, waking up maybe a few hours later to see her shaking, back turned to me.
“Oh baby, it’s okay. It’s okay. We’ll visit the doctor tomorrow morning, alright? I’ve got you. Don’t you worry, Ro.” I coo.
I gently flip her towards me so I can see her face, a chill running down my spine when I realize her eyes are half closed, vomit on her lips as she convulses. She’s not shivering, she’s seizing.
“Oh God.” I gasp. “Okay…okay, it’s okay. Jarvis, is this what I think it is?”
“It appears that the young miss is having a seizure. I recommend you get her medical attention as soon as possible.” He replies.
My stomach lurches. “Do I move her?”
“Lay her on her side and wait for the seizure to end.” Jarvis instructs me.
Watching her continue to convulse is hell. She’s so tiny and pale and vulnerable. She shouldn’t be going through this. What is wrong with my kid?
Once the seizure ends, I hurriedly carry her to the car and drive right to the hospital where they take her in right away and start to do tests.
Ro comes to, blinking confusedly at her surroundings. “Daddy?”
“I’m right here, baby.” I reassure her. “You’re safe.”
“Where are we?” She asks.
“The hospital. But you’re okay. The doctors are gonna figure out how to help you, sweetheart.” I tell her.
Ro frowns. “I thought the medicine was gonna make it better. You promised…”
My heart sinks. “I know, bambina. I know…I’m so sorry. I thought it would. I’m sure the doctors will find out what’s wrong and give you brand new medicine. Then you’ll be good as new.”
She nods sadly. “Okay, Daddy…”
It both warms and breaks my heart that she trusts me so wholeheartedly. I will let her down. I already have. I hate to break that trust when she’s so purely good and innocent and young.
But I ruin relationships. I self-destruct and hurt the people around me. It’s inevitable. I don’t know why I thought it would be different with Ro. Why I thought keeping her was a good idea.
I love her more than anything in the world, but I’d give anything for her to be safe, even if that means I never see her again.
But in my heart, I know I’ll never leave her. Part of it is selfishness. I don’t ever want to live without her because of how much I love her. She’s my kid. My little girl.
But that love may destroy her.
The doctors tell me they have to do a spinal tap after they do some blood work, not satisfied with the results and needing more diagnostic tests.
They mention a brain MRI. God, how serious is this?
I hold Ro while they stick the large needle in her back, causing her to shriek and cry. “D-Daddy! Daddy, it hurts!”
Clinging to her and fighting back tears, I manage to speak without breaking apart, though my voice wavers. “I know. I know. I know it does, bambina. God, I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry. It’s all gonna be better soon. I got you. I’m not going anywhere. I love you tons, honey. I love you so much.”
Things eventually calm down once the spinal tap is finished, but they go ahead with the MRI, taking her into a room with the large machine.
The thing looks like it swallows her once she’s inside, the technicians telling her to stay still multiple times because she won’t stop squirming in fear at the sound of the machine whirring.
I speak into the mic when their instructions don’t seem to work, hoping my voice will calm her. “Baby, you have to stay still. I know it’s scary but I promise it’s okay. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Daddy’s still here. It’s almost done. Just keep still and it’ll be over before you know it and I’ll give you a big hug.”
She does as I say, finally allowing the technicians to get a clear reading. Once she’s out of the machine, I go to give her a hug but am stopped by a doctor.
“Sir, I’m sorry but you need to keep your distance. We’ll give you gloves and a mask to wear but you have to be careful. We suspect it’s fungal meningitis and it is highly contagious and dangerous.” He explains.
Ro looks at me fearfully, making a face like she’s about to cry. “I don’t care. I don’t. I need to hug my kid. I need to hold my baby.”
“No. No, I have to. I can’t let her do this alone.” I interrupt, hoisting my daughter up in my arms and carrying her back to the hospital room, laying her on the bed.
I do wear the mask and gloves, which seems to spook her a bit. “Daddy, you look like a scary doctor…”
“Why a scary one? I’m Dr. Stark. I’m a good doctor.” I reply.
“The mask covers your beard.” She explains. “It doesn’t look okay.”
“So you’re saying I should never shave it off?” I ask.
Ro shakes her head. “Nuh uh. That’s weird.”
I smile. “Okay then, baby. I’ll keep the beard. But u do have to keep the mask and gloves on too.”
“Why?” She questions. Such a curious kid. It’s a blessing and a curse.
“Because Daddy could get sick. We don’t want that.” I say. “We’ve gotta focus on getting you better.”
She nods. “Okay…”
“Love you tons.” I tell her.
“Love you tons.” She replies wearily.
Ro falls asleep for a bit while we wait for results, waking up a bit scared. “Daddy, where are we?”
“The hospital, baby.”
“W-Why?” She cries.
“You’re sick. But you’re gonna get better. I promise.” I reply.
“Why do you look scary? I-I don’t like it…I don’t like it…” Ro whines.
Why has she forgotten about the mask? Why can’t she remember where she is and why she’s here? It scares the hell out of me.
The doctor soon comes back and confirms that it’s fungal meningitis, explaining that they will give her an antifungal medication through an IV and that she should recover.
Thank God.
I’m still not at ease, but it’s a little weight off of my shoulders. I’m never at ease. Not after having a kid. I wasn’t expecting that when I first became her dad. The constant worry.
But my brain seems to hate me and decides to come up with ways that she could die or get seriously hurt. Wild scenarios that leave her in the worst of situations.
That feeling was particularly strong when she was an infant. I worried she’d get SIDS. That she’d smother herself or suddenly stop breathing.
Once she was crawling, I worried about her sticking her tiny fingers into electrical sockets or choking on some small pieces of something I forgot to put away.
And when she started to walk, I was scared that she’d bang her head on sharp corners or fall down. That she’d get tall enough to open cabinets full of hazardous materials.
Other than a few bruises and the occasional fall, I’ve done pretty alright so far. So this whole fungal infection thing has me feeling anxious and guilty.
How did she get something like this? Is it something I did? Something I could have prevented?
The doctors say it’s rare, so I’m left wondering how my six year old kid managed to get it.
After a few days on the medication and staying in the hospital, Ro is showing serious improvement and is allowed to go home, the infection running its course.
I don’t end up getting it even with my close proximity to Ro, refusing to leave her side. I’m pretty lucky. I wish it happened to me and not her though.
Once she’s all better and fully rested, I give her her now clean stuffed bear and allow her to eat ice cream for breakfast while we have a Barbie movie marathon. I didn’t want to give her these things while she was sick for fear of making her feel worse. Plus, I haven’t had time to fix the bear.
And by fix, I mean clean the vomit out of its fur.
Those Barbie movies are cheesy and annoying, but she absolutely loves them. I can’t really complain when I see the look of excitement and wonder in her eyes as she watches the screen.
Hugging the bear to her chest, Ro falls asleep on the couch as the credits roll on the fourth movie of the day.
I drape a blanket over her and kiss her head. “Goodnight, sweet pea.”
Despite all of my faults and fears of destroying her, I know I could never leave her side.
Plus, we’re gonna be okay. Me and Ro against the world. Nothing will stop me from being her dad. From raising her and watching her grow into the woman she’ll become one day.
I feel it in my bones.
Just don’t grow up too fast, baby girl.
Thank you for reading! Please let me know if you’d like more like this!
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determinedwriter · 6 months ago
“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”
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