#and to save dash clutter;;
haarute · 1 year
unpopular opinion but personally i enjoy the creepy clown and welcome him into my house
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holygroundsound · 1 year
i know a lot of fellow former twitter users are a bit confused by this app, so here’s some hopefully helpful tips!
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this is what you should see at the bottom of the screen when making a new post
the first button (Aa) lets you change the size of your font into a bigger heading or subheading, or even make your text a cursive or times new roman type font
it also lets you make these bulleted lists! to use it, just tap multiple times until you get the setting you want
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tap this button to add links, then just type the site name in the box and hit return. for example: http://heresalink.com
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these are where you can add gifs, pictures, and music! for pictures, just tap the icon and select what you want, then you can press and drag to move it around or drag to the trashcan to delete
gifs are very similar to twitter - type in what you want and scroll through the options
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GIF by taylorsnationblog
music is also similar. type the song you want and tap on it. podcasts also work!
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this button is for polls! tap and add your silly little answers. the duration can be a day or a week
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this button lets you make a “cut” in your posts which is basically a “read more” button. got a long post you don’t want cluttering up everyone’s dashes? click here!
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lastly, this button lets you set content warnings! specifically this is for “mature content”, but when you click mature you can specify whether its due to drugs/alcohol, violence, or sexual content
this can be helpful to clue people in to potential triggers but PLEASE ALWAYS TAG YOUR SPECIFIC TRIGGERS ANYWAYS.
Other Helpful Tips
“highlight” your text by pressing and selecting like normal to unlock a bunch of cool formatting options including bold, strikethrough, and colors
hitting the three dots next to the post button lets you access a bunch of post settings like queuing posts, scheduling posts, saving drafts, making posts private (PLEASE NOTE: you cannot unprivate posts after, but you can share the link), and choosing who can reblog & who can pay to promote your content
CONGRATS you’re now ready to make better posts like a tumblr pro
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brokebonewritings · 2 months
Running Into Your Arms
Matt Murdock x Reader
Tags/ Warnings: 18+, Mild Violence, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You are being chased by men looking for Matt. In a whispered prayer, he arrives to save you. Though you are actually the one about to do the saving. Song: Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode
Word Count: 2K
Navigation | Series Masterlist
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You raced down the hall of the building you had just run into. Not knowing where you were or how you even got there. Panic coursed through your veins as you made a split-second decision to take the nearest staircase. 
The sound of your own footsteps echoed off the cold walls, the only other sound was your frantic breathing. As you reached the third floor, you skidded to a halt in front of a heavy metal door.
Behind you, you heard the sound of heavy boots and shouting for you to stop. Without wasting another moment you push the door open to find another hallway. This one was a bit different though. There was clutter and doors throughout the tiny passage.
Without hesitation, you darted inside an opened door and closed it behind you, praying that it would buy you some time. The room was dimly lit by a flickering lamp on an antique desk in the corner. 
You scanned the area frantically, searching for any possible means of escape. Your eyes landed on a window obscured by heavy drapes. With a surge of hope, you rushed over and yanked the curtains aside, only to be met with the sight of a sheer drop outside.
Taking in a deep breath, you turn around to see a tall figure standing behind you. You let out a yelp as the figure closes in and covers your mouth with his hand.
You struggled against the figure's hold, your heart pounding in your chest. His grip was strong, preventing you from making a sound as he stared at you with intense eyes. Panic surged through you as you wracked your brain for a way out of this dire situation.
Just as you were about to give in to despair, a loud crash echoed from the hallway outside the room. The figure's grip faltered for a split second, and you seized the opportunity to elbow him in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Without looking back, you dashed towards the cluttered door on the other side of the room.
You needed to get out of there. You wanted to scream Matt’s name, but you knew that was the last thing you should do. If anything these men would pinpoint your exact location and finally get the chance to grab you.
While you ran, you patted your pockets. Maybe your phone had survived your initial attack. Empty. Every pocket was empty. Then you began to whisper. 
“Matt, please, if you can hear me, please I’m in the abandoned building near 48th and 9th. Please.”
You hoped that your pleas were heard as you ran into a room filled with covered furniture. Perfect. Suddenly, as you were catching your breath behind a dusty sofa, you heard footsteps approaching the room.
Your heart raced as you tried to control your breathing, willing yourself to be invisible. The door creaked open slowly, revealing a shadowy figure standing in the doorway. Your muscles tensed, ready to bolt at any moment.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are," a deep voice taunted from the other side of the room. Fear gripped you like icy claws as you realized there was no way out except through him.
With trembling hands, you reached out and grabbed an old vase sitting on a nearby shelf. As the figure moved further into the room, you mustered all your courage and hurled the vase in his direction. It shattered against the wall with a loud crash, causing him to startle and turn towards the noise.
Seizing the opportunity, you sprang from your hiding place and ran towards the door. Before you could reach the door a second figure appears in the dim light, blocking your path. With adrenaline fueling your actions, you made a split-second decision and lunged towards the nearest window.
Glass shattered as you crashed through, feeling a rush of wind against your face as you plummeted towards the ground below. The ground rushed up to meet you, but before impact, strong arms wrapped around you, breaking your fall.
You gasped for air, disoriented and terrified as you were gently set down on the pavement. Blinking rapidly, you focused on the face in front of you. Matt. He had heard you, but he wasn’t in his Daredevil uniform.
Relief still flooded through you as he pulled you into a tight embrace, shielding you from the chaos behind. “I got you. You're safe, sweetheart.” He said in his gruff voice. 
“I don’t know what happened.” You started, voice quivering. “They said they were looking for you.”
“Did you see their faces?” He asked and you shook your head. “Well, I think we’re about to find out. Run.”
You never hesitated whenever he told you to run. So you ran. Running further into the parking garage you had landed on, you never once looked back. You knew he would be behind you shortly. Until you hear a shot ring out.
The piercing sound of the gunshot echoed through the garage, sending a wave of fear coursing through your veins. You skidded to a halt, turning back to see Matt silhouetted against the dim lighting, his hand clutching his side where a red stain was rapidly spreading across his shirt.
Time seemed to slow down as you watched in horror, unable to move as more armed figures emerged from the shadows, closing in on him. Without a second thought, you raced back towards Matt, determined to help him escape this dire situation.
As you reached his side, he grimaced with pain but shook his head, urging you to keep running. "Go, get out of here!" he urged, his voice strained but firm.
But you refused to leave him behind. With adrenaline pulsing through your veins, you scanned the area for any possible means of defense. Spotting a metal pipe lying nearby, you grabbed it and began to swing at the two men.
The metal pipe connected with the arm of one of the assailants, knocking the gun from his hand. With a sudden surge, you swing again successfully hitting the man upside the head knocking him to the ground.
The second man lunged towards you, but you ducked just in time, the adrenaline sharpening your reflexes. With a swift motion, you brought down the pipe on his knee, causing him to crumple to the ground with a cry of pain. With another crack to the head, you watch the man fall unconscious.
Breathing heavily, you turned back to Matt, who was leaning against a nearby pillar for support. His jaw was clenched in pain. “Darling, where did you learn to fight like that?”
“From the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. Please let me take you to the hospital, or at least a clinic.”
“No.” Without another word, you looped his arm over your shoulder, supporting him as you both limped towards the exit of the garage.
The sound of approaching sirens filled the air, signaling that help was on its way. But you knew that you couldn't wait for them to arrive. You needed to get Matt home before he bled out on the sidewalk.
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As you staggered out of the parking garage, the cool night air hit you like a shock. The weight of the situation pressed down on you as you struggled to keep Matt upright, his arm draped around your shoulder for support.
Every step felt like an eternity, each one a battle against time and the fear that threatened to consume you whole. You glanced back over your shoulder, half-expecting to see shadows lurking in the darkness, ready to pounce on you both. But all that greeted your gaze was the empty street, illuminated by the flickering lights of the surrounding buildings.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you reached your apartment door. You fumble with the keys for a moment, looking around to see if anyone was watching. Not a soul in sight. You open the door, and walk inside. Setting Matt on the sofa, you rush to your kitchen where you kept your “trauma” kit.
Quickly, you retrieved bandages, antiseptic, and other supplies, your hands trembling as you dropped the tweezers on the ground. Returning to your fiancé on the couch, you tried to ignore the way his breathing had become shallow and labored.
The adrenaline that had fueled you during the confrontation was fading, leaving a deep sense of dread in its wake. Removing his shirt, you assessed how bad the wound actually was. The Bullet was still lodged in his side, but what not far enough in to be fatal.
Matt winced as you removed the bullet. Cleaned, stitched, and dressed the wound, but he remained silent. His jaw clenched in pain. You could see the strain on his face, the toll that fighting back had taken on him. 
As you finished bandaging his wound, you sat back on your heels, a mixture of exhaustion and relief washing over you. Matt reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring.
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice rough with pain. "I owe you one."
You shook your head, a small smile tugging at your lips. “The only thing you owe me is staying alive.” 
Matt squeezed your hand in response, his gratitude evident in his eyes despite the pain etched on his face. You sat there in silence for a moment, the weight of the night settling around you like a heavy shroud. But amidst the chaos and danger, a sense of peace enveloped you both as you sat side by side, united in a bond forged through adversity.
“Who were those men, Matt? What did they want with you?” you ask curiously.
“I don’t know, if I had to guess they work with a new underground crime group I’ve been tracking down.”
“I can’t believe I jumped out of a window.” You say after a few minutes of silence, cause him to chuckle.
"Well, you've certainly lived up to your end of our unconventional partnership," Matt said with a weak smile.
You stand, still holding onto his hand. “Let’s get you to bed. You need to rest.”
He nodded in agreement, and you pulled him into a standing position. Stumbling, you both make it to the bedroom.
Taking great care, you helped Matt lie down on the bed, adjusting the pillows to make him more comfortable. He winced as he settled against the soft sheets, his eyes closed against the pain that still pulsed through him. 
Once you made sure he was okay, you settled into your side of the bed.
As the adrenaline wore off, your body began to tremble uncontrollably. Matt noticed and quickly wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to his chest. "We're safe now, just try to relax," he whispered soothingly.
Despite the danger they had just faced and the pain Matt was in, a sense of comfort and safety enveloped you both. You snuggled closer to him, feeling his heartbeat slowly synchronize with yours.
“That could have been really bad.” You say as tears fall down your cheeks.
“I know.” He says, pausing a moment. “I won’t go out for a while okay?”
You nodded, grateful for his assurance. In the quiet of the room, you both lay there, the night settling around you like a heavy blanket. Matt's steady breathing eventually lulled you into a restless sleep, his warmth a reassuring presence beside you in the darkness. 
The events of the night replayed in your mind like a haunting film, each moment etched into your memory with stark clarity. You never wanted something like that to happen ever again, but at the end of it all you still had him. You could continue to run into his arms at the end of the day.
“I love you.” you whisper, “Thank you for saving me.”
“I would save you even if it killed me.” he starts. “I love you to the ends of this earth.”
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@alexxavicry @guacam011y || join my taglist!
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
This is inspired by @acuar-io !! Thank you for doing this and THANK YOU FOR THE TAG!! (even tho it didnt tag me properly 🤧)
Tumblr is silly and while I will tag ppl, I know not everyone will be properly tagged, so if u see this, skim thru the list for your name ESPECIALLY if your my mutual ! 🫶
To start off, I just wanna say that Fae (acuar-io) has some absolutely STUNNING sims, it's hard to exactly word it, but their sims are SUPER recognizable, and their saves (Snow flower, Cozy save, etc) are SO nicely edited, so aesthetically pleasing to the eyes 🫶😩
@oshinsimblr is the reason why I started storytelling (even before my simblr time) and why I try and find a story-related reason on why my sims/characters do certain things, her videos are also SO comforting and i love her lovesick series!!! and of course, @minimooberry the whole inspo for this simblr and why I render in blender!
@mattodore and @cinamun are AMAZING simblrs if u want rich storytelling and/or well-thought out characters, River has inspired me to really tear into my characters and give them more personality, and cina just genuinely makes such realistic characters and the tea is ALWAYS hot and simblr aside, she has very good takes >:P
@groovetrys and @circusjuney have been around on my blog and as my mutuals for a LONG time and they really are some of my biggest hype people, lori has an AMAZING legacy going on with her sim, Melody, and u should DEF check it out, and june makes the most amazing clown sims 🥹 theyre always so pretty and STUNNINGGGG
-> To add onto the above category, id also consider @miralure as one of my biggest hype ppl!!! Although they havent been around as long as june and lori, they always hype me up and it makes me stupid happy 😭 they make REALLY good lookbooks and i love their sim style SMMMM
if u dont know about @rebouks what are you DOING with your simblr-life, bc becca has some of the most human-feeling story/dialogue, i always get a stupid sappy smile on my face when i read her story posts
@jarakio has an AMAZING story called Girls with Guns and its prolly my fav story that ive read on simblr, the dialogue? amazing, the poses? amazing, the vibes? AMAZING, i'm ALWAYS hooked in whenever i see GwG pop up on my dash
@stellarfalls just HAD to be on this list are u kidding me????? Bree has a PHENOMENAL save called Valley, even tho there's no dialogue, each image and gif speaks more than words could, she's inspired me to kick up the quality of my posts and also start making gifs, I also consider her to be one of my biggest hype ppl, she always be coming in with the best compliments 🥹🫶
@torissims !!! She makes BEAUTIFUL posts, her blog is very yellow and orange and i LOVE IT, she pulls a lot of inspo from Studio Ghibli and even tho ive never seen any SG Movies, I can just see and feel the inspo, shes def underrated af 🥹
@amburgundy has BEAUTIFUL builds, and they dont just do TS4, they also make builds in other sims games!! (u did a phenomenal job with Madi's legacy house amber 🤝) I LOVE the clutter and they always looks so cozy 😭
@flovoid is another one of my hypemen LMFAOOO bro you and your tags literally make me so happy, i LOVE reading them. Flo makes AMAZING SIMS, and you should check out literally ALL of their sims, especially their sims Roo and Norman from Majima Land (first post under my Roo tag is me reacting to one of their posts with Roo and Norman, funniest introduction to a blog ever), Also their sim, Draco Almond??? He's got me tucking my hair behind my ear... 🫦🫦
@elderwisp has some of the most immaculate editing ive ever seen, the lighting, the vibes, the dialogue, the poses, the expressions, i be eating those posts up like im fine dining 😩😩
@changingplumbob is so chill, I love how much passion she has for her rotations, and her love for cats?? Perfect mutual to have, I also literally LOVE reading her behind the scenes posts, they're literally so funny 😭😭
@tricoufamily and @dejasenti99 make absolutely phenomenal renders, like if theres any renders on simblr that im gonna recognize immediately, its these two's renders, they're genuinely more HQ than my fucking eyes 😭😭
-> Also Nat (Missatan) makes incredibly HQ renders as well, these three are like... my biggest blender render inspos...
@buttertrait @missatan @virtualfolk @pearlean @claudtrait all have BEAUTIFUL sim styles, butter's is very unique, i know they arent really a sims 4 blog anymore but i ALWAYS recognize butter's sims when i see them on my dash and I genuinely love their sim style sm. Nat (Missatan) has SUCH a gorgeous sim style, you've heard of them hips dont lie, well her sims' lips dont lie 😩🫦 Virt (Virtualfolk) and Sam's (pearlean) sim styles are SO animated (if that makes sense), they're like eye-candy. Den (claudtrait), like Nat, has a sim style with the most luscious lips and poutiest faces ive ever seen and are just SOO pleasing to look at, like i just feel blessed in the eyes when i see their sims
@yukikocloud 's Apricot save and storytelling is incredibly reminiscent of Bree's posts, and I just LOVE looking at and reading her story posts, this post in particular just absolutely captivated me, I was drawn in and just get so giddy seeing the Apricot save pop up on my dash 🥹
@alientown @venriliz @nefarrilou @druidberries @machinegrl make STUNNINGGGGG occult (or cyber/robotic in Baja/Machinegrl's instance) sims. Nef always makes beautiful sims for their Cryptid "series", im just in AWE when i see their cryptids... Ven and Ana (alientown) both always make absolutely gorgeous alien sims and they also just have very unique/beautiful sim styles 😍 Baja's cyber girlies are just >>>>>>>>>>>>> I love her whole dystopian/cyber theme, its literally so good and so cool, and her Deadstars series? SO good. Alexis' (druidberries) elowen is so pretty, and her sim style, especially with occults, is just MWAH chefs kiss, literal eye candy
@swallowprettybird is just one of the sweetest people on simblr, I love reading what she has to say about mine and others' posts, and she makes amazingggg posts, I loved that one national geographic inspired post with the zebra, it was so well done
@softle0 makes some absolutely stunning builds, they always look so lived in, so cozy and I would ABSOLUTELY live in pretty much every single build they make
and honorable mentions to @droolski @felysline @pamsimmerstories @swiftviolets @weirdosalike @mushbop @calicosimgirl @shadowtrait and @seriallovertrait because I feel like they're all SO underrated, they're all passionate about their own stuff and I just love seeing their posts, and if you're seeing this, FOLLOW THEM 🫵🫵
Thank you Fae (acuar-io) once again for starting this train up, I love seeing stuff like this and it's so sweet to see what everyone has to say about one another, I may have spent 1 or 2 hours doing this, but it was INCREDIBLY well spent to be able to admire and appreciate all these people, them and every other simblr person, whether i follow them or not, deserve every last drop of love and appreciation genuinely
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rayclubs · 4 months
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Posting my best works because I'm opening commissions starting June 1st. Portraits like these are done in digital, take 10-15 hours on average, and will be around $50 depending on complexity. The only way I can get paid is through Pаypаl.
I'd appreciate it if you reblogged even if you have no interest in commissioning me. I'm going to be applying to university this year and I'm trying to save up some extra money.
Drawing queer people and characters during Pride Month gets a 10% discount and a kiss on the forehead from me personally. I'll be making another post sometime in June with all the other work I do, hope y'all won't mind your dash being a little cluttered. Cheers!
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
What games I think the ATVS cast has on their phones if you were to ask them:
Miles: Those paint by color games but also somehow Minecraft Java cause that’s how it is in his universe. Most intricate and beautiful pixel art known to man on those worlds but is dog shit at making them in the computer.
Rio: 2048 cause she thinks it stimulates the mind and wants to have something in common with Miles and thinks it’s improving her math skills. Also cut the rope cause the alien is cute.
Jefferson: Classic solitaire or Wordscapes. Goes to Miles constantly when he can’t figure out a word or move and brags about how Miles is for getting a word like Suspect.
Miguel: Every single candy crush, at the highest current level and logged into Facebook to save his streak. So much gold cause he never loses a level and one time he did he broke down and banned candy for a week.
Peter: The most obscure like bottom of the barrel game you see on those tik toks. Charge phone simulator or he literally turns the internet off and plays the Dino game cause he’s too poor to afford the gigs for game space.
Mayday: Those fake phones from Claire’s that play the little jingles but she drooled on it and shorted the battery so it just sound like the wails of the damned.
Gwen: Girl has PianoTiles un ironically and pirated geometry dash. She can play both with her eyes closed. Also that hairstyling game that she may or may not use to choose her next hair color.
Hobie: Doesn’t believe in phones due to governments stealing ur data and uses a cup and string he throws through a portal to talk to the others instead.
Pavitr: Cookie run kingdom but his kingdom has the most cluttered design to mimick Mumbattun. Worst team set ups of your life. Also one random virtual pet game that he takes way too seriously
Margo: Episode and Bitlife but she hacks Episode for diamonds cause she ain’t gonna have her characters act or look like raggedy bitches
Jess: Candy crush but not a freak like Miguel. Probably has Farm life too. Only plays them at night in bed like that one image of Peter Griffin
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ariadnew · 2 months
Hello, friends of Tumblr!
How would you feel about doing a little character questionnaire? A very easy, very straightforward one, where you simply bold your answers; minimal thinking required. You might even enjoy it (wouldn't that be shocking?) I thought it might be a nice, gentle way for people who are interested in character development, collaborating and/or storytelling but aren't sure how to proceed or are daunted by the prospect to dip their toes into the water... or a nice distraction for those who are already doing these things. :)
The questions are under the cut (to save me cluttering your dash); you can either reblog the post with your answers, or copy + paste into a new post. They were adapted, added to and subtracted from a post made by another user quite a while ago, so credit to the creator, as well as my apologies- they've been in a Google doc a good 10 months now and I've no idea where they originated.
If anybody goes ahead and does this, please tag me so I can see? I really enjoy learning about the different personalities in the community. Conversely, if you've been tagged and don't care for this sort of thing, (1) I apologise, (2) safely ignore this, and I'll take it as a signal not to bother you with this nonsense again. :)
[feel free to include a picture!]
♦ Financial: Obscene Wealth / Well Off / Comfortable / Struggling / Poor / In Poverty
♦ Medical: Fit / Reasonably Fit / Average Health / Sickly / Disabled / Disadvantaged / Other
♦ Class: Upper / Middle  / Working / Unsure / Other
♦ Education Level: University / Trade School / High School / Primary School / Other
♦ Criminal Record: Yes, for Major Crimes / Yes, for Minor Crimes / No / Has committed crimes, but not caught (yet?) / Yes, but charges were dismissed / No Comment
♦ Children: Has Children / Has No Children / Wants Children / Does Not Want Children / Undecided
♦ Siblings: Close with Sibling(s) / Not Close with Sibling(s) / Has no Siblings / Sibling(s) Deceased
♦ Parents: Orphaned / Adopted / Disowned / Raised by Birth Parent(s) / Other
♦ Relationship Status: Single / Smitten / Dating / Committed / Married / Divorced / Widowed / Complicated / Other
♦ Extroverted / Introverted / In Between ♦ Optimistic / Pessimistic / In Between ♦ Outspoken / Reserved / In Between ♦ Disagreeable / Agreeable / In Between ♦ Disorganised / Organised / In Between ♦ Fixed Attitude / Open-minded / In Between ♦ Calm / Anxious / In Between ♦ Stubborn / Pushover / In Between ♦ Proud / Humble / In Between ♦ Cautious / Reckless / In Between ♦ Patient / Impatient / In Between ♦ Serious / Playful / In Between ♦ Leader / Follower / In Between ♦ Empathetic / Cold-blooded / In Between ♦ Selfish / Selfless / In Between ♦ Hard-working / Lazy / In Between ♦ Practical / Dreamer / In Between ♦ Loyal / Disloyal / Unknown ♦ Faithful / Unfaithful / Unknown ♦ Cultured / Uncultured / In Between
Tagging: @kullabergs @katrinbergling @madiwx @calveroterranorasj @highgrovesims3
(and the rest in the comments because apparently one cannot tag more than five people in a post)
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beevean · 2 months
If NFCV were a well written show, I would praise the design of N!Hector's Styrian uniform, and what it conveys.
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N!Hector's original uniform is a simplified version of Hector's, but due to them being very different characters, the details don't fit him.
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Every detail of this uniform conveys something precise. The armor on his chest and boots make him look combat-prepared, as well as the arm guard and the single glove on the hand he uses to wield weapons. He wears dark colors and a general bat motif to tie him to Dracula. Then, there is the sash, a bright spot of red that breaks his dark palette: not only that is Isaac's color, tying the two together, but it can be seen as symbolizing Hector's brash, emotional personality. He's not a "true" Blue Oni like his appearance would suggest, after all. A nice visual cue.
The sash was kept on N!Hector, and for some reason, it was made a very important part of his design. While N!Isaac also has it, suggesting at first that it's part of their not-uniform, N!Hector is nevertheless seen with it in the past:
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No matter what, he has to wear that bright spot of red.
Why so? N!Hector has very little of Hector's personality. He certainly isn't nowhere near as belligerent as our Hector in CoD. But more than the blues, more than the bat motif, he has to be associated with the sash.
The Devil Forgemaster uniform ill fits N!Hector as a character: he's not a fighter, he's not combat ready, N!Isaac wears a completely different and even darker uniform which makes N!Hector look only messy. However, I'm willing to salvage the sash for this reason:
While being naive, Hector is stoic in the face of hardships that befall him. Lenore found it nice that even "beaten down a dozen different ways," Hector doesn't give up on himself.
It was... terribly, awfully, incompetently conveyed, but there is a kernel of truth in Lenore's manipulation here. N!Hector has the spine and moral compass of a wet sheet of paper, but he doesn't cry or wallow in misery, and there have been very rare times where he fought back. In S2, while N!Dracula and N!Isaac were so close to dropping the R-slur on him, N!Hector was working with Carmilla behind their backs to pursue his goal: sure, he was being manipulated by her, but he was the one who decided N!Dracula wasn't good for him and he would rather save himself. And, of course, his background is that he set his own parents on fire as revenge for their abuse, and he accepted to put humanity into pens as more or less punishment for how he was treated.
Again. Too inconsistent to be seen as an intended character trait. But very generously, one can see N!Hector as being smarter and more willing to fight back than people assume of him. And it can be seen in the choice of him wearing a red sash ever since he was a child.
All of this preamble to finally reach his Styrian uniform in S4:
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That is a very nice, elegant uniform, that keeps the original silhouette (look at the pointy shoulders) but removes all the clutter that doesn't fit N!Hector. He has two gloves! He looks protected, but also looks like a smith, not a knight!
But notice the palette.
He's black, with dashes of blue and silver. Silver? Well, Styria's livery is black with white trim. It fits, but silver doesn't quite stand out like gold did.
He also lacks any sort of red on him now.
Red is a bold color that represents strength and vigor, and for how nice his uniform looks, N!Hector is still supposed to be a slave - or worse, a pet. He's meant to look meek, demure, blending in. Professional, but lacking any sort of personality: the role N!Hector was tricked and beaten into. A subtle humiliation in his comfy living conditions.
Which, of course, works to the advantage of someone who is once again plotting behind his jailer's backs :) N!Hector still holds onto that splash of red inside him.
... But I'm putting way too much thought into this. We all know how rushed and slapdashed S4 was, and how N!Hector at the end of the day has zero personality and his plan wasn't even for himself, and how the writing refuses to remember how N!Hector was abused into slavery. The idea was that N!Hector is stronger than he seems, but the reality of the writing is that he's a weak-willed victim who did everything in his power to crawl back to the people who hurt him.
Let's be honest: we all know the real reason he wears blue and black without red now.
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In S3, Lenore wore a full black dress with blue trim and white fur, which was meant to make him look like a "winter princess" or a "princess in mourning", but really didn't fit her at all, much like her character is basically three concepts stitched together. For S4, she changes into a quite cute blue and black dress that better goes with the idea of her being a melancholic princess.
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You don't need a master in cinematography to get the Symbolism™. Lenore is N!Hector's only characterization, after all.
(funnily enough I could also point out N!Isaac dressing in bright blue in S4. But it's a completely different symbolism, for him: get it, he has found peace.)
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
may i please ask what are all of lloyd's titles and their functions? the ones in wiki are based on the manhwa and all of them are basically joke titles and descriptions 🙏
oh this is a hard one, okay let me see if i can remember (and find) all of them-
uhm, turned out this got longer than i anticipated so. for the sake of not cluttering everyone's dash everything's gonna be under a read more
Ch. 101 [Exemplifying Punisher] [Title Level: Fiefdom rumor] The hooligan is out for trouble again! He endured everyone’s mockery. In doubt and suspicion, he fought while drenched in sweat. Against the sword of the traitor, he stood with bravery. No retreat. He remained canny. At last, he punished the big snitch. The root of injustice he plucked, willful and witty. Lloyd Frontera, the hooligan, the eldest son of the barony. [Compliment Effect: You hold great influence on those below you. Those who work for you pay more attention to your words. Cases of disobedience and insubordination will be reduced significantly.] [Title Region: Frontera barony.] [Active Period of Title: 7 years] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 1]
Ch. 101 [Builder of Dead Estates]
Ch. 101 [Honored Warrior of the Barbaric Tribe]
Ch. 101 [Guardian of Cremo] [Title Level: Regional talk] Carpeted the night sky, the monster’s gaze. Stood a man’s powerful will. The city’s blaze died at his yell. The monster’s heart dropped as his feet fell. Night of disaster may not quell. But the morning ray shall fall. Come. Oh, the monster of the deep sea. Come. Oh, to the dawn of protection. [Compliment Effect: When you fight an opponent ten times or heavier than you, “Iron Stance” is invoked. The damage you deal against the opponent will double. The damage you receive from the opponent will be halved.] [Title Region: Entire Cremona region, including City of Cremo.] [Active Period of Title: 120 years] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6]
Ch. 101 [Magentano Carry] [Title Level: The unofficial history of the kingdom] Faster than anyone else, you have arrived. The poison hungry for my heart, you have plucked. Without reservation, you have left your mark on my heart. You have gasped for air in place of my breath. Your eyes trembled in place of mine. You have even tried to sacrifice your life to save mine. At last, your back carried my body, and you protected me with an indomitable spirit. My dear brave Frontera. How can I ignore you? How can I forget you? My soul is indebted to you for as long as your breath lasts and heart beats. [Compliment Effect: As the lifesaver of Queen Magentano, you have her absolute trust. Your opinion and advice will be positively received. Moreover, for as long as her reign continues, you will never be suspected of treason or rebellion.] [Title Region: Magentano Kingdom] [Active Period of Title: Queen Magentano's reign]
Ch. 109 [Bell Saver] [Title Level: Regional talk] Murky clouds covered the eastern sky. Carrying an apocalypse, they flew. Livestock perished, houses crushed. Humans weeped, swords snapped. When death neared everyone. When two fiefdoms despaired as one. A bell tolled aloud in unison. Bong. The livestock was saved. Bong. The people woke up. Bong. Hope was alive. That's why we shall chant out for our savior. [Compliment Effect: The Frontera barony and Lacona viscounty, who have undergone the attack of the plague of locusts, will consider you as their lifesaver throughout your lifetime. Moreover, every form of insect monster instinctively will fear you and get discouraged when they see you.] [Title Region: Frontera barony and Lacona viscounty.] [Active Period of Title: 110 Years.] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 3]
Ch. 119 [The Eldest Son of the Frontera Family.] [Title Level: Regional talk] There are times when you incur a loan or take on debt. But you see... When misfortune sweeps over your life, when crippling debt burdens your shoulders, you and many others will despair. You and many others will berate destiny and bad luck. That isn't bad. Perhaps, it's only natural. Anyone would react that way. That is why he is so great. No one had trusted him. Everyone considered him to be impossible. And yet, he didn't despair and gave up easily. So, my son, when the weight of life seems to crush you down, look toward his accomplishment. For potential is always present in everyone. [Compliment Effect: You have attained the highest financial credit ranking in the Cremona region. You can now acquire an investment in the most advantageous conditions and with the lowest interest rate available at any time. Moreover, no one will pressure you for an investment or any form of a loan.] [Active Period of Title: Lifetime] [Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 2]
Ch. 139 [The Leader for the Weary] Title Level: Fiefdom history I lost my home. I ran out of food. I didn't even have fire to warm me. I roamed without aim. Aha, this is how it ends for me. My tears and sighs were endless. I crawled, comforting my starving child. I wandered for a place to die. There was no paradise in sight. Not even somewhere to lie down. I gave up and dispaired. Then, I met him. That was when I finally realized. Someone held out his hand to me. To me, who had given up on myself. I realized that there was one person left to save me. Compliment Effect: The refugees settled in Frontera county sincerely revere and look up to you. They wull work the land in their utmost capacity to pay off their debts. For the next 30 years, the terrace fields will have 300% more chances of a bumber crop. The crop will be raised by 200% on default. Title Region: Frontera County Active Period of Title: 30 years Monthly CP earned from the Title: 3
Ch. 160 Do you want the red or blue pill? Title Level: Kingdom History A long, long time ago. In a remote fiefdom in the east, there lived a petty young master. This young master, owning such a foul and warped character, stuck his nose in everyone's business, even regarding their bathroom habits. People thus then asked, young master, my dear young master, why must we collect our poop and throw it here? The young master enthusiastically waved his hands and said, it's smelly, so you might as well hurry. They tilted their heads. But a few years later, they realized. They realized their villages, fiefdoms and fields no longer held traces of any infectious disease. From the moment the news spred, people from all over the kingdom, most of the residents in the fiefdom no longer disposed of their wastes anywhere they could. Compliment Effect: The chances of an infectious disease plaguing the fiefdom are zero for the time being. Moreover, any infectious disease that starts outside the fiefdom will be stopped and eradicated with 100% certainty. Title Region: Frontera county. Active Period of Title: 50 Years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6
Ch. 177 Hell's Singer Title Level: Reguinal Epic Tale & Scary Story The Namaran's Wall stood tall and high. People fell, crying out loud. Everyone searched for redemption when the silver-haired knight got to his feet. Combat he did against Hell's Knight. But he was outpowered. The power of hell was overcome, only to return. The silver haired knight pleaded before the mysterious power. Who shall stand shoulder to shoulder and fight with me? Who shall, with valor, come forward for everyone? I only seek one. Then someone called out. I want peace! Mahavanya Suri Suri Sabaha! Like a leech, the man clutched the Hell's Knight's leg. The thunderous voice plunged the Knight into doom. Stop it! Do not Sing! No more noise, please! Those were the last words of Hell's Knight. Compliment Effect: You have become a celebrity among all existence, including the undead. You are now notorious for oening a devilish musical sense in this earth and hell. For this, every creature in this earth and hell will fear, or at times respect, your singing. Title Region: Namaran County & Hell. Active Period of Title: 80 years (Namaran County)/30,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP earned from the Title: 4
Ch. 197 Top Gun from the West Title Level: Regional Hero Tale There's no water. We're thirsty. Sultan abandoned us. Even the administrator fled away. No help came our way. That seemed to be it. That seemed to be it without change. All may perish, but nothing will change. Everyone gave up. That was the reason. When a young master from a neighboring country woke us up. When he gave us water stressing it was coming from him. What a strange man he is, we thought. What a creepy man he is, we thought. We never knew then. That this young master will never give up on us. That he would toil covered in sad all day when the sultan and administrator abandoned us. So what happened now? Allow me to ask you a question first. My dear customer, would you like some tea? Compliment effect: You have become the livesaver and hero of the entire region by solving the chronic drought that plagued the Kandahar desert. Your tale will spread to all corners of the desert. The shamans of desert tribes in the world bless your name with gratitude and respect. Thanks to it, you will not experience dehydration in any situation in the regions of the complement influence. Title Region: All desert regions. All areas whose annual average climate is 104 Fº and above. Active Period of Title: 300 years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 4
Ch. 241 Frozen Hands, Frozen Feet The lava giant is scary. The lava giant is hot. The lava giant is violent. So shh. You can never anger the giant. That is what we believed in. The King of Hell is busy. Hell's Knights hate doing rough work. We never dared to call them, so we just got beaten up. We thought staying low was the answer in life. But it wasn't. There was always a way. Lloyd Frontera, that human. I never expected that humn to start this. Wonder what it is? Let's close the door first if you want to hear it. The cold wind is blowing... A-achoo! Compliment Effect: You have played a critical role in destroying the most dangerous and violent creature in Hell, the lava giant. Thousands of demons clearly saw your feat and this heroic tale will spread across Hell. Thanks to that, you will be feared and respected by the demons equal to Hell's Knight. Moreover, you will not suffer from hypothermia in cold climates and will not freeze to death. Title Region: All Hell regions. All areas whose annual average climate is 32 Fº and below. Active Period of Title: 120 years (Human world)/100,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 6
Ch. 271 Upper abdomen! Upper abdomen! Upper abdomen! Title Level: Maritime legend. (I'm skipping this one. It's not worth typing out all of it) Compliment Effect: You have resolved the Kraken's indigestion in one try. The Kraken and thousands of members of the Mermaid Corps clearly witnessed this. For this, your heroic feat will spread throughout all the seas in the world, and getting hit in the upper abdomen will become the go-to-method among marine creatures to treat indigestion. Moreover, you have acquired <Underwater Breathing> and <Upper Abdomen Jab>. The former skills allows you to freely breathe underwater, and the latter skill enables you to empty anyone's stomach in the water with just one jab. Title Region: Any terrain that has a water level of above 20 inches, which includes seas, rivers, lakes and bathtubs. Active Perdio of Title: 3,000 years. Monthly CP earned from the title: 5
Ch. 295 Don't Look Down on a Human Ever Again Title Level: Regional Folktale Trot. Trot. There once was a man. He ran in the morning. In the afternoon. In the evening. With his only two legs, he waddled and created a distasteful sight. And he was slow, so slow that even a foal would yawn. But he was faster than four legged creatures. He ran across the vast plain and reached the territory of the humans. He proved that the one who arrives at the finish line first is faster than the one who runs fast. So, what do you have to do if you wish to run like him? How about you start running southward? Just 372 miles. Compliment effect: With your marvelous show of tenacity and endurance, you have opened a new era of long-distance running to the centaurs. The centaur champion and many others who watched the race genuinely accepted your long-distance running method. Owing to it, your reputation will spread to every corner of the vast plain, and the new running method - running a long distance while saving energy - will be a trend among the young centaurs. Moreover, you have acquired a new passive effect <Fuel Efficiency> that reduces the energy consumption by half in situations where your heartbeat goes over 140 every minute. Title Region: The Great Plain of Klamath. Any plain ground with a land mass of over 1,000m² Active Period of Title: 160 years. Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 2
Ch. 359 Hell's Top Talent Title Level: Hero's Legacy Okay, it’s time to study the railway of the past. Open your History of Modern Civil Engineering Book to page 359. Yes. That’s the famous Pantara Railway, which I’m sure every one of you knows. Student in the front row. Could you briefly walk us through how this railroad came to be? Excellent. That’s correct. The Pantara Railway, just like what the student said, is a masterpiece built by Lloyd Frontera, who received an order from the Magentano House. Hahaha. Are you all bored? It’s Lloyd Frontera again. Look at this section, and you’ll find Lloyd Frontera. Move on to the next part and you still find him. I, too, am sick of him. Had it not been for him, we would only have one eight of what we will study this summer. But what else can we do? That son of a gun set the groundwork for the civil engineering of our empire. So, it would be unfair if we were the only ones to suffer, no? Let’s hit the book. Come now. Let’s study harder, create new theories and make it harder for the students who’ll come after you all. All right, so the Pantara Railroad introduced the switchback system for the first time in the world… Compliment Effect: You used every means possible to finish the railroad in the Pantara Range. In this process, you tricked countless people who shuddered in shock and repulsion. The demons watching over you could not give you enough praise. As a result, countless residents of Hell and the undead have come to respect and admire you even more strongly. Precaution: The affections of the demons may come at the expense of Hell's King overwhelming desire to recruit you. Title Region: All the Regions of the Human World and Hell Active Period of Title: 1200 years (Human World)/750,000 years (Hell) Monthly CP Earned from the Title: 8
ok so. those are all i could remember off the top of my head and find today. i am almost certain i missed one but i can't for the life of me remember what arc it's in. still! hope this helps!
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xxreader-writerxx · 2 years
A/N: Alright I've come out of my hidey hole. I know you missed me ;) Anyways enjoy my perfect flowers.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader (not yet dating)
Warnings: Nothing really. Just pure fluff.
Summary: Remus wants to preparefor your birthday but struggles to be perfect.
Word Count: 1.5k
It was a bright, sunny day as I walked across the courtyard. I giggle as a rogue pygmy-puff dashes across my feet. The fluffy hair tickling my ankles above my black shoes. I tuck my books into my bag because all my classes are done for the day. Scanning the yard for my favorite boys and snicker at the sight. Sirius tries to flirt with some Gryffindors and James ruins it by magically mocking him. I walk over and Peter pulls me into a hug.
“Finally someone to help me with these idiots.” He jokes into my ear quietly. I cover my smile and lightly hit his chest. My face morphs into a slight frown when I realize Remus isn’t with the boys. “And when I finally made the shot I could feel the rush- Yes darling?” Sirius asks when he feels the tap on his shoulder. “Where’s Rem?” I asked him since they were together last. “Oh last I remember he was skipping off to our dorm. Saying he had something to do.” He tells me and I kiss his cheek. “Thank you pads.” 
I giggle as he starts to rush an explanation to the Gryffindors in front of him, blushing furiously. I make my way inside. I smell what the elves are making for dinner waft through the hallways as I pass the painting to the kitchen. There are traces of mushrooms, steak, and bread in the air that could make any stomach growl. The best part of Hogwarts is that even the non-magical things that even muggles could do become magical just by default.
Fingers dragging along the cool stone walls, the bumps of the pillars halting them from time to time. The castle is warm but somehow the walls themselves have a type of independence, choosing to have a cool temperature that could save you from the day’s heat. The wallpaper of the walls goes all the way to the ceiling, delicate designs most likely made by fairies. The hallway is full of quiet chattering, footsteps, and laughter. Some students having clubs rush past to make it on time, others not having a care in the world letting time fly during the free time they have.
The fat lady comes into view, singing her famous “operatic” melody that might not break glass but certainly can burst an eardrum. Her pink dress ruffled looking like she’s been running around, most likely searching for an unwilling audience. “Password?” Her cultured voice sings and I nod. I tell her the password and the painting opens to show the common room.
The common room always smells of firewood and old books. A fire is crackling underneath a painting of an old man. I was half expecting to see messy brown curls tucked into the red sofa but it was completely empty besides a cozy blanket and pillows. Huffing, I look at the staircase that leads to the boy’s dorms and begin my journey. Posters scattering every other door, some muggle sports and some wizarding. The seeker of the Irish team winked at me as I passed by, making me a bit shy. He was always a flirt, making the boys I often have by my side huff about how he wasn’t all that charming.
Finally making it to the door I was looking for I raise my fist to knock but pause at the sounds inside. There’s crashing and rummaging like someone was looting around. Folding my hand around my wand I whisper “Alohomora,” there's a click signifying the lock opening and I turn the door knob. Opening the door quietly, hoping to not let any possible intruder know someone was entering. Instead of a burglar all I see is a cluttered room with a messy Remus in the middle of all the clutter. “Where is that damned thing?” He mutters to himself as he throws a shirt behind him, unknowingly landing on me.
I begin to pick up around the room, folding jerseys, putting trinkets back into their designated shelves, and other things as I slowly walk up to him. I place the folded clothes on Jame’s bed and place my hands softly on his shoulders and go on my tippy toes. “What are you looking for Remus?” I softly question and his shoulders relax for a second before they stiffen.
He flips around and I nearly fall if it wasn’t for him being there. He holds my wrists softly looking down at me. “What are you doing here?” He questions and I bite my lip. It does seem a bit strange that I welcomed myself into his dorm room unannounced. It’s normal for me when all the boys are in here but never when only one is inside. My face heats and I place my heels back on the ground. “Oh um- I’m sorry. I just- and you were-” I stutter and he smirks at me. “I’m not upset darling, I just wish it wasn’t a whole mess for you.” he tells me.
He looks behind him, still not breaking contact, using one of his hands to shuffle the mess on the table. He finally finds what he was looking for and takes his wand. “Scourgify.” He casts with a whip of his wand. The room around us starts to put itself away, as if an invisible maid or butler was making their rounds. He walks with me over to his side of the room and I notice that his foot is kicking a box under his bed. I quirk my brow and lean down grabbing the package. 
“No don’t-” He sighs, pinching his brow “...do that.” Looking at the package I smile. “Oh Remmy…” I gasp, placing my hand at my chest. “I- I was trying to wrap it for your birthday but… but-” He groans, flopping on his bed. “No one ever taught me how to wrap presents.” He whispers under his hands. My fingers trace the broken parcel around the present. There’s strips of tape trying to hold it together and the brown parcel is crumbled with a string holding it in place. “Oh Remus, how did you know?” I ask, feeling tears prick at my lashes. “Well I overheard you saying that you didn’t care much for your birthday and I- I couldn’t bear the thought. I also noticed whenever we were heading to the Broomstick how you eyed this. I scrounged some money together and bought it.” He blurts out and I climb next to him on the bed.
Lightly peeling his hands from his face, I smile at him softly. “Why are you so stressed? I love it, Remmy…” I tell him and his face stays solemn. “I wanted to make sure it was perfect, now I spoiled it and it’s all messy…” He frowns and I lay my hand on his chest, tracing small pictures across it. “Remus, it’s already perfect because you made it. You could’ve gotten me a stink bomb and I would’ve loved it.” I tell him and he holds my hand, squeezing it. “But it’s not. It’s all torn and I can’t find another roll of parcel.” He complains and I giggle. I raise my wand and wink. “Acio roll of parcel.” I smirk and he groans slightly laughing. “I didn’t think of that.” He mumbles and I reach out for the parcel floating towards us.
I pull him to sit on the ground with me. I reach for a box similar in size and he raises an eyebrow. “What’s this?” He asks and I shrug. “I’ll teach you.” I whisper and he wipes under his eyes though they are mostly dry. “Ok…” He whispers back and we get started. 
“So, I fold it like this… And how do I tape it without it unfolding?” He asks, holding down the triangle he just made. “Well you are a beginner and that is a high level move…” I joke and he rolls his eyes. “Here I’ll help you this time.” I say and quickly jut my hand out to take his place. My fingers graze the back of his hand and I jerk it back for a second. My face heats up in an instant and I place my hand back. “Ok…” He says, looking up at me. His nose nearly meets mine and we lock eyes. “You- You can tape it now.” I mutter, his hand unmoving. He makes a small noise agreeing but still doesn’t move his hand. “Your eyes always take my breath away…” He mutters under his breath and I gulp. So quickly I question if it even happened his chin moves closer, lips almost touching but never making contact.
He moves away and grabs the tape and I stay there amazed. I snap too once he finally tapes the last part and he laughs. “I did it!” He tells me and I nod happily. “I have no idea why you were so worried. I never took you as a perfectionist.” I say and he sighs. “Because it’s for you. I always thought you were the most perfect person I’ve ever met and wanted you to know that…” He admits and I smile. “Remmy…” I sigh, I lean closer only to be interrupted by Sirius barreling into the room. “You completely ruined my chances, you asshole!” He yells and I laugh, hiding behind Remus to dodge the pillows being hurled.
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nihilnovisubsole · 1 year
i wasn't going to keep cluttering people's dashes up with my ffxiv stream-of-consciousness posts. but after a chance run-in with @arcanistvysoren in the dusk vigil one night, i was encouraged to make more. so, hey! heavensward! that was a lot!
one thing you can always count on final fantasy to do is give you leitmotifs. sad scene? leitmotif. climactic battle? leitmotif. quest accepted? leitmotif. hey, dragonsong is nice. why not?
it's difficult to overstate how habitually this game throws beautiful atmosphere at you and makes it look effortless. i know i keep repeating myself, but it keeps being true. the quiet desolation of riding through the coerthas western highlands at night with a blizzard battering you and fog obscuring the horizon. ough
i was looking forward to royce's role as a self-exiled ishgardian in this part of the story, and i was very much not let down. heavensward spends a lot of time emphasizing what an irreplaceable asset the warrior of light becomes to ishgard, so the bitter taste that she would have experienced during the early coerthas ARR quests rises to a nauseating pitch. oh, now the ishgardian authorities care. now they want her around. now they want to heap praise on her for pulling them out of the fire. when they did nothing to help save her squad five years ago and went damnatio memoriae on her when she vanished. they're lucky she's too heroic to let them burn.
i'm not exactly sure how she works through her feelings by the end. i'll have to think about it. write about it, maybe. we'll see.
the dragon plot is fine. it works! it's cool! it's all very mythic in scale and appropriately tragic. i'm just more drawn to the expansion's mundane side. it's easy for final fantasy to get carried away with itself when it's got aether and primals and multiverses flying around, so we need the periods where we deal with interpersonal conflict to keep it grounded and speak to lived human experience.
i mean, the windows into how ignorant ishgardian citizens are and how deep their religious indoctrination actually goes? that's meaty. a church covering up everything from their archbishop's love child to the history their core theology was founded on? that's the good stuff
god, it's hilarious how much estinien and aymeric were engineered in a lab for fans to fall in love with them. they're elves, they're tall, they have deep voices and piercing eyes and swooshy hair, they're brooding, they're burdened with great and terrible responsibility. estinien is beat-for-beat the "character 1" archetype of otome games: mysterious and mean, but defrosts over his story arc. you have dinner at aymeric's house! the dev team had to know that these fellows were going to have a following and leaned into it.
actually, wait, does aymeric fall into the "responsible authority figure" otome archetype? is haurchefant the "flirty, excitable younger guy" archetype? am i onto something here? pepesilvia.jpg
poor haurchefant ):
speaking of characters, cid is growing on me. i didn't pay much attention to him in ARR, but i like that he continues to play a major role. he's a fun guy to have around. royce draws heavily from cyan garamonde, who's a notorious technophobe, and i wonder whether she inherited some of that character DNA too. you are a good man and i trust you but do not dare augment my lance. more power means more parts to break. cold steel will never fail you
the vault and baelsar's wall are awesome as dungeons, but lol, lmao. there is something to be said for bark trigger volume. filthy rats! [crackling fireball noise] sickness must be purged! [explosion] filthy rats! [griffin sword swing] sloppyyy!! [another explosion] sickness must be purged!
i have finally found a part of the game i dislike: leap of faith. UGHHH. why am i good at every GATE except that one. UGHHH
oh i have THOUGHTS about that duel with raubahn
emmanellain's job is just beach
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skunkes · 9 months
Could you do a tutorial on how you stylize animals/furries?? I love your art btw
i very loosely follow mcmadmissile's mini tut while also just gathering a lot of refs and getting used to animal anatomy... i rarely use refs for smunker anymore and its jst stylization i wldnt know how to describe, but i still have lots of skunk pics saved
otherwise i rly dont know. cow al is drawn from muscle memory (and also ref pics!) and other cow fur stylization ive seen, im still learning to draw cats. the primordial pouch talon was drawn by eyeballing this cat pic (under readmore so as to not clutter dash ⬇) but just...drawing the way i know and like drawing...and i still struggle drawing many species even with the mini tutorial i linked. so i cant rly help t_t
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sesshy380 · 4 months
Since I needed more practice on drawing expressions with Kat, I found this on Pinterest and decided to use it help me practice. More hand tracing (I have entire boards saved on just hands hoping one of these days I'll find something that will just help it *click* on how to actually draw them without wanting to throw myself on the ground like a two-year old).
Here's the final result (had to flip the 4th panel bc the way I do her bangs it looked weird facing the other direction)
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Individual panels below the cut (so I don't clutter the dash)
Panel one seemed more of an eyes closed while laughing thing (plus I wanted to figure out how I would draw her eyes in this instance)
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Then you got the shy/'I'm sowwy' expression (I liked doing this one bc it helped me figure out the changes in eye curve for the expression)
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Next one I did a hands vs no hands, and I had to do the eye sparkle (which was another fun one for me to practice something different)
Hands/'Giving you the eyes so you will buy her lemon cake':
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No Hands/'OMG is that lemon cake????'
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And lastly, just a generic smile. Not entirely happy with her hair, but idc, bc that wasn't my focus for this exercise. (I may have to redo the face and attempt the Barbie mugshot meme with this one lol)
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cyle · 1 year
You have mentioned that you've been using the new dash layout for several months and love it - as someone who's never created a post I'm curious, what do you like better about the new layout?
faster / easier access to just about everything, like my activity. we also re-ordered the nav items into functional sections, like the top three are consumption-based, the next three are for receiving things, then your account and settings, and those are ordered almost exactly by overall usage as well. also i just like having icons + labels / words, rather than just icons. it's more visually cluttered, but clearer for me.
also now i always have the account menu expanded so it's saving me a click there to hop to my queue or drafts or a different blog's activity.
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TPWTBAM intro scene
Heyyyy so I'm finally going to post an actual passage from this project! I'll admit it needs some revisions but I'm stuck on them so I decided to go ahead and post it and see what you guys think! Any feedback would be super appreciated.
Content warnings: murder, a brief description of a body, incest mention, uh idk if I'm missing anything but those seem like the most pressing thing
"I eat pretty girls like you for breakfast, let's fucking do it!"
Pio gripped his daggers, and he could see Emero across the room doing the same. Liasal was watching the scene with something close to glee, making no move to intervene in the situation.
The situation being the hazy-eyed intruder who was threating Princess Rasiel.
Pio stepped between the two women quickly, facing the attacker and getting into an offensive stance. The woman was gripping the hilt of a sword- the King's sword, which the intruder had stolen from his hands, his dead hands as he laid dead on the floor with an axe nearly bisecting his skull- with both hands, low at her hips with the blade pointing up at about forty-five degrees. The tip of the blade was nearly level with Pio's head. The woman had a good amount of height on him, but then again, so did every adult he'd met.
"Stand down," Pio demanded. The assassin laughed at him.
"Pio." He tensed at the sound of Rasiel's voice. He didn't take his eyes off the red-haired intruder, but he turned his head slightly so the Princess would know he was listening to her.
"*You* will stand down. I will duel her properly."
He made an anxious noise. Rasiel had been the one to suggest a duel in the first place, but he'd thought maybe she would forget about that, or that she would at least have him fight in her place.
Reluctantly, he stepped to the side, suddenly hyperaware he was wearing the most expensive outfit he'd ever been in, and that reporters all around the room were filming this, all having gotten much more than the wedding they'd expected when they'd down up today.
He cursed himself for not being prepared enough, and at the same time, he was a little glad. The King was dead, so he couldn't have Rasiel anymore. Maybe she would win and everything would be fine.
Pio kept his daggers unsheathed even as he stepped aside, gently using the pad of his foot to push the King's body a little more out of the way.
Emero didn't need to be asked to retrieve Rasiel's sword, and he dashed off and got it immediately, handing it to Rasiel. It was a long, deceptively pretty piece, with a gilded hilt that went wonderfully with the golden accents on Rasiel's pine green wedding dress.
The Princess inspected her sword calmly as she spoke to the intruder. "May we hear your name?"
The red haired woman grinned. "Iodia Einir."
"Hm. Well, mine goes without saying." Rasiel shifted into a poised stance, her back foot twisting to find a comfortable angle. Her tail swished, rustling the hem of her dress. "May the best woman win."
"All moves fair?"
"All moves fair."
Pio's eyes burned as the two women began to circle slowly, sizing each other up. Everyone save for Emero and himself had backed up a fair distance, and he could hear the urgent, cluttered words of the reporters attempting to make sense of the situation they were broadcasting, and was this worse or better than what would have happened had the wedding not been interrupted? Pio desperately wished they would stop filming.
Rasiel tested the waters first, faking a strike at Iodia, who half-stepped out of range with her sword held ready to parry. Pio gasped and grabbed two fistfulls of his curly black hair, torn between not wanting to watch and being unable to look away.
He noticed that Iodia's fighting style had completely changed. The reckless fervor that she'd had while swinging her axe at King Caisan was gone. He wanted to write it off as being because Rasiel was armed while Caisan hadn't been, or because maybe the change in weapon was throwing her off. But the way Iodia danced around, sidestepping and parrying more often than she actually struck, was almost reminiscent of an older sibling taunting the younger, as if this were a game and not a public duel that would determine the next ruler of Selvarem.
Rasiel saw it too, and Pio could tell she was getting frustrated. She started attacking more aggressively, getting in Iodia's space. The assassin grinned, and Pio felt sick with anxiety as he realized that Rasiel's frustration was probably exactly what she wanted.
Pio could only stand there and pull at his hair as Rasiel's frustration led her to lunge in a bit too far. Iodia brought a heavy cut down towards Rasiel's head. The Princess blocked the blow with a grunt of effort and a hand stabilizing the blade of her sword, probably cutting herself in the process. But with her arms occupied above her head, she was vulnerable. Iodia didn't hesitate to kick her in the stomach, and Rasiel fell back against the wall. Rasiel's sword clattered loudly against the floor as Iodia disarmed her. Pio nearly sobbed.
"You fucking cheat," Rasiel hissed, trying to stand up. Iodia put her sword against her throat to stop her and grinned smugly.
"You said all moves would be fair."
"All sword moves!"
"Well, you should have specified." Rasiel glared at Iodia but stayed silent, aware she'd been defeated. Iodia grabbed Rasiel's sword in her free hand and took a cautious step. When Rasiel made no move, she backed up further before she turned and faced the crowd. Those who weren't commenting on the scene were staring in shock or recording with their Mirs, and some were wisely making their way to the exits.
Pio ran over to Rasiel and kneeled down next to her, taking a look at the hand she'd grabbed her sword with. The cuts weren't terrible, luckily. He took off his jacket and tenderly wiped the blood away.
Iodia smiled at everyone. "As we can all see, I have won. Caisan is dead and Rasiel is defeated, and I have the right to the throne." She paced over to the King's cooling body with meandering steps, stooped down, and took the crown off his head. She placed it on her own, slightly lopsided. "Naturally, I should exile Rasiel, but I have a better idea. After all, we wouldn't want to lose our beloved *Prophet*."
Iodia said the word with just enough mocking to make it clear she was one of those people who doubted Rasiel's divine appointment. Pio's brow furrowed, and Rasiel huffed.
The assassin turned her back to the crowd and looked down at Rasiel and Pio, a smirk on her face. "So, Rasiel Viatlak... will you marry me?"
Rasiel laughed, incredulous. "What?"
"I said, will you marry me?" Iodia was entirely serious. "No pressure, of course. But you will be exiled if you don't. And considering that one of your guards looks like a child, another laughed when I beat you, and the last one probably has eyes bigger than his brain, I doubt you'll have much a chance of taking the throne back."
Pio bristled at the offensively correct assessments, and when he looked at Rasiel, he could tell she was pissed, in that beautiful and poised way of hers. But even more terrifying than her fury was the intrigue he saw behind it. She wasn't considering this, was she? Was she being passed from an unfair groom to an unfair bride?
Pio pulled at a piece of his hair, watching the two women stare at each other, their faces lighting up and then darkening again with the flash from a camera.
"It would be a shame if I'd planned this whole wedding for nothing." Rasiel stood and smoothed out her dress. "Let's do it immediately."
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itspupppycat · 3 months
It’s going to be a long shift. I’m literally pining over my sims right now. I’ll put it below so as to not clutter up the dash with all my nonsense words.
I was playing with the original Humphrey household I made. Someone recently liked that post about original Terri and I just had to set them down in a proper save of their own. Right now it’s a very low mod/almost no cc save. I have my favorite defaults, a few overrides for a bit of variety and some mods for quality of life stuff. I was actually having a really fun time, I just really love the ranch/farm life in the sims. They don’t have a lot of simoleons but I’m not worried about it at all, it’s not like it’s super challenging to come by even without cheating.
I also made a copy of an edit of one of my favorite gshade presets and it didn’t copy exactly for whatever reason but I tweaked it and I love the way the game looks when I use it. I’ll share some screenshots later when I get home.
I guess I need to come up with a tag now to tell the difference between original Humphrey family and alternate Humphrey family. Maybe ranch life Humphrey and alternate life Humphrey?
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