#and this isnt really something many people care about
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can you speak on your severance s2 opinions? i promise this isnt in bad faith or anything, im just anon bc im shy lol, im genuinely curious
i'm gonna put this under a read more because it's gonna be long but...yeah [scratches head] if YOU the person reading this looooved this season and see nothing you didn't like about it, thats awesome and i'm happy for you. i also liked things in this season, and also its normal to be able to critique things you like, love and light <3 its literally just television
generally, yeah, i found myself disappointed with it. i think the writing this season, both the dialogue and then the actual character/world writing, fell flat and/or seemed like it was completely incongruous with the characters and world that we had seen in season 1. i think something i really appreciated about season 1 is that yes, mark was our main character and the lens we got introduced to both the inside and outside world, but both felt so much BIGGER than just him.
season 2, the entire plot and world and characters bend and contort to make mark like, the center of the universe lol. it's kind of ridiculous, the extent to which the world revolves around him now. it makes the world feel SOOO small. parts of my favorite worldbuilding aspects are seeing how the outside world feels about severance--i think the part where we see how working as a severed employee makes it almost impossible to work anywhere else is great! and in concept i like seeing other towns that have been devastated by lumon's industrialization, though i don't love the execution that we got. so like...everything lumon does is about mark? ALL of it? i know we don't know exactly how long lumon has been operating but like...they've been working on this stuff for longer than two years, lol. like, how many files have dylan completed? irving? petey? that girlie who wrote the lexington letter? is all of their work literally meaningless? like i get that there were people before gemma who failed the tests and they died, sure, but what about when mark started working there? what about the files that irving started and didn't finish, why don't they care about those? ohhhh right, because that's not the one that mark's working on. i get that it'd be a big deal if they got it to work fully once, but surely they'd want to make it work AGAIN, right??? like a science experiment?? i just wish we got like, A nod to other people on the testing floor, because i think the implication is that all of them are working on files connected to…different people, but maybe they're all just different versions of gemma?
honestly all of the innie stuff this season just felt so…idk, aimless? it feels like parts of the building only exist when the writers want them to, and just generally are not interested in exploring anything outside of the romantic aspects for all of these characters. like sure, after the season 1 finale, their asses are not gonna wanna work (EXCEPT FOR WHEN THEY DO? TO MOVE THE PLOT ALONG?), but where's the camaraderie? what about all those other people in O&D, they literally export things to the testing floor, maybe they know about gemma? fundamentally i think the thing that's the most frustrating about innie mark is that they keep telling us that he doesn't care about gemma. which, sure, outie gemma, he doesn't have that same connection with as helly, whatever. but also, he DOES care about her, he literally knows that that's ms casey and that lumon was just going to do what they always do when they fire people????? like s1 mark cared soooo much about his coworkers, ALL OF THEM, even the ones that weren't there anymore—seeing petey and then ms casey get removed was like, a HUGE deal and vital to his growth as a character!!!! and the way that they constructed this whole season basically to remove everyone that isn't mark and helly by the end. lol. i'm honestly shocked that they didn't make a new version of the desk that was just two chairs, like dylan was just excluded from the finale except for when they needed him to come in and hold the door against mr. milchick. again. lol
i don't inherently have a problem with exploring the romantic stuff, i think that could have been done well, but i just don't think it was. and that's primarily because, i think the writing this season for helly was ass! they took away her agency and subjugated her to be just the love interest for mark! especially with the finale, i just feel like the helly i know would've been like mark, what are you doing??? go?!? like she wants to take down lumon, THAT's what will take down lumon! like whatever, mark made the choice that he did, but helly playing along with it makes no fucking senseee. like they want us to think that it's the same ol helly we know and love, they give us crumbs of her anger, like when she's rallying the marching band people or whatever, but again, only when it's plot convenient. WHY WOULD SHE NOT ATTACK JAME? he's like 90???? and helly doesn't like this man???? she has nothing to lose???? fucking THROW something at him helly!!!! the helly that tried to chop her fingers off and hang herself and gave that speech in the s1 finale is not in the room with us. and i don't mean this in a way where i think it's helena again, it's not. they've just completely fumbled her character because they want mark and helly to be together at all costs. and honestly, i think it's so reductive to make this show just about ships, but textually it feels like that's what they want us to do, and i think that's sad. again, it makes the show feel so SMALL, when the world within it used to feel so BIG and like we would want to learn more about it. i care about mark and helly--before they kissed!! i think it was rewarding to see the ways they challenged each other and grew as people!! them as a romantic thing could work but they haven't put in the work to MAKE it work. and, it feels like of redundant even to say, but i do think it's fucking ridiculous to write a story where we get kissing and fucking for allllll the straight characters and then the one gay couple doesn't even get a kiss before separating them completely and writing irving out of the show, basically. like what are we in, hayes code era television?
but yeah, the information they chose to reveal vs what they didn't was also frustrating. i honestly wish they revealed less! there's so much TELLING this season. it feels like they think we're stupid (which, i can't speak for the entire population watching the show, maybe some people literally do need mark to look at the camera and explain everything, idk). like there's sooo much clever storytelling in the first season that just, completely gets snuffed out from overexplaining. i understand in the finale that oMark needs to tell iMark about why he did all of this but like, WE as the audience already know??? we don't need to see this?? and cobel confirming stuff i feel like we already knew about how the numbers work and like, i just don't knowwww. like you can just show me it, i was picking up on it. like we know about the four tempers, you show it to us all the time, cobel having to look dead in the camera and explain it just made me feel like there was a better way we could've done this. i do think some stuff benefits from a "hard" confirmation. like i'm glad they confirmed the helena thing, BECAUSE it backs up and supports all of the lovely and subtle things they had already shown to prove that it WAS helena! like i've known since the first episode LOL, so they do KNOW how to do subtle storytelling. and i think the gemma episode was great, i loved seeing her as a character and thought it gave her so much depth. but again, i think allll of the explaining they do this season not only snuffs out the fun of speculating on the viewing end, but from a writing perspective it just kind of writes them into a corner. i think they're focused too much on making these elaborate set pieces and events take place without thinking of how they fit together, not only on like a writing/episodic level but just the world of lumon at large.
i think a great way they showed story in the first season is through the paintings, and through irving and burt bonding over the paintings! like it not only establishes the lore of kier and then we get to learn more about them as characters through their reactions to the paintings. the paintings this season, honestly, were weak, they were so heavy handed. love and light to whoever painted them, but they were nottt doing the job for me.
(this is a small thing, but like…the intake questionnaire asks them to "name a US state or territory," so they KNOW that delaware is a state. so why would they think the equator is a building? again its just like. a cutesy moment for mark and helly to banter but they could've done it in a way that isn't contradictory to like, our understanding of what information crosses over the sever and what does not).
i keep thinking about the ORTBO, and it just seems fucking CRAZY to me that they aren't freaking out about SEEING THE SKY? BREATHING FRESH AIR? FEELING FIRE? SLEEPING?? WASN'T THE WHOLE THING THAT THEY COULDN'T FALL ASLEEP???? i guess my impression of how the chip works is that the technology doesn't know how to handle when they enter a subconscious/asleeep state, so the innie and outie memories begin to bleed together, hence why dozing would be a bad thing on the job. but again, they clearly had this idea of how they wanted irving to reveal that it's helena in the waterfall, and yes, i did enjoy the spectacle of the episode, but its another example of how they'll build these moments and only focus on what they want to see. like there's so much interesting stuff that they could explore and just choose not to, because (usually) it doesn't involve mark, or mark and helly.
also, i'm just gonna say it, i feel like the writing for the women this season all was kinda bad! it's, again, a byproduct of the world revolving around mark now. reghabi is brought into the story when mark needs her, and cast aside when he doesn't want her anymore. devon has been completely reduced to mark's lackey, like i guess ricken and the baby are fucking fine or whatever??? because she only exists when mark is around, and her only job is caring about mark (which obviously yes, they're siblings, of course they care—but s1 devon had a life outside of mark as well). cobel is only brought back into the story to explain to mark how cold harbor works. i said this before but honestly i like the concept of her little solo episode, though the execution wasn't great, because at least she was doing something on her own (except for when she needs that guy to help her. heaven forbid a woman does something of her own accord without a man to help). and again, helly is completely flanderized to be mark's love interest. i think there's a way to have mark and helly be together and them be their own people, but for the length of the season they did not have the proper time to unpack all the shit from the ORTBO episode so everyone just…conveniently gets over it very quickly, like in the span of a day. like i do think it's a jump to go from "i don't trust you, are you even you?" to missionary under plastic tarps that quickly, i'm sorry. and i think even gemma suffers from this fate as well. i think with hers it makes more sense, like she fucking loves her husband, but i wish she was given opportunities to like…want things for herself, too. like she hasn't been outside in two years! i bet she misses her job, her students, her family, devon, ricken, like anyone outside of mark? but she has to be the tragic love interest that can't be with mark but can't run away from mark, either. she's reduced to set dressing for mark and helly by the end.
they constructed this season i think, with the hopes and knowledge that they'll likely get a season 3. which yes, we know now that it's been confirmed and approved or whatever, but they didn't know that when making season 2, and it feels like no one got a full character arc. it's all start and no follow through. we've had the same "mr. milchick experiences racism in the workplace" moment like what, five, six times, and yet we haven't even started to see him DO something about it yet? like sure he told mr. drummond to eat shit, but then to play along with the minstrel show cold harbor shit, they just didn't care about giving that plot line any action so it'll just get brushed along to season 3. (and while there's intentional commentary about race in the show, it also feels like there's unintentional consequences to their writing choices that upholds the whiteness. like, natalie is just forgotten about, reghabi is dropped as soon as mark doesn't want to play with her anymore, ms. huang barely gets to do anything before being written off and sent away, and yes, i do think having gemma suffer as mark and helly skip away is part of it. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, sorry!). i think dylan is maybe the closest we get to an interesting arc, and i enjoy the inclusion of his wife, but even he's reduced to JUST this story, only getting to talk to mark or helly when the writers need him to, i guess. and the stuff with burt and fields is so nothing, like it feels like it should be going somewhere but they're just leaving it open for season 3 (i guess??? even though it seems like irving isn't going to be in it at all, so why would we be following burt and fields??? and also don't even get me started on how the outie irving stuff is just NOT EXPLORED AT ALL. like whatever sure who the hell cares, sorry for wanting to see that go somewhere or whatever).
it's too early for full reintegration to happen so, we'll just finish that in season 3. (then why introduce it so early in season 2? ohhh right, we need cliffhangers to end every episode on). it almost feels like they don't have faith that people will keep watching without introducing these dramatic moments, but it's all just gasps of breath, there's no actual momentum. like, i've already watched the first season, you don't need to bait me with the prospect of seeing meaningful progression and then take it away from me when the next episode starts. the structure of how episodes speak to each other is that they…don't? like obviously i don't need every episode to pick up on the exact moment the last left off, but the timeline of this season is just soooo strange. the first two episodes are in the same span of time, and then there's gemma and cobel's episodes back to back…it genuinely just feels like they didn't consider the season as a whole which, considering how much money and time it took to make it happen, makes no sense.
and to continue on the timeline aspect, it feels so confusing as to how much time has really passed. it feels like the wanted the structure of the first season, but the pacing mechanic of the first season (working up to the end of the quarter to get to the waffle party) makes the pacing of the second feel even worse. like a.) mark's completed like 3 files a quarter (if we assume he's worked there for 8 quarters, i.e. two years), so making THIS file the super special final one truncates the possible time by at least a third.but then also, b.) he's been at like 95% complete since like, episode 5..? again, i just think it should've been considered more during the planning stages. and it kind of boggles my mind that the creative team views the marching band in this finale to be analogous to the waffle party in s1 when, it's way closer to the music dance experience? (they said this in the like behind the scenes for the finale ep). and in that regard, it really does kind of feel like a retread that doesn't work as well because, again, it's all about mark! especially after the shit with the kier statue, why would mr. milchick play along with the song and dance, like it just feels like they wanted to use tramell tillman's dance experience again, and they wanted to use the colored lights again. he could've just stood by the door to make sure mark and helly stayed there, which was obviously the goal of having all those people there. and yeah, i get the work is mysterious and important or whatever, but the implication that they have ALL OF THESE PEOPLE whos sole job is to be a marching band makes no fucking sense, i'm sorry. i find it hard to play along with the worldbuilding, again it makes lumon seem like its run by like dr. doofenshmirtz or something, it's so cartoony. like are they a global and successful company, or are they incompetent and leave gaping holes for their employees to undo everything? this is THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN LUMON HISTORY and they couldn't…shut the door to MDR like they had before? the goat sacrifice room is directly outside the exports hall door? the music dance experience works so well as a catharsis moment because everyone has their own shit going on, and we get to see the guy who hasn't really disobeyed yet (dylan) finally snap, and we see the others come and support him as a TEAM. it's just spectacle for us, the viewer. and especially the thing where they make the panels with mark's face on it—HE CAN'T SEE IT???? i don't need fan service winking moments like that, i dunno, that just annoyed me lol.
anyway, i feel like i have more to say probably but i gotta go do things so, i'm gonna leave it here. in conclusion, i'm missing my friends from s1 MDR sooo so bad, i feel like i haven't seen them this season at all. i did like parts of this season, but overall it was not what i was hoping it would be. (i don't even really KNOW what i wanted it to be, and of course it doesn't matter what i "want," but i feel like what i "want" lined up with what they wanted to do explore with season 1 so…maybe that's where the dissonance is coming from). and whereas at the end of s1, where i left it being like "where are they going to go from here?? (as in, theres so many possibilities", this season finale has left me asking "…where are we gonna go from here?" because i'm left like, inherently incurious about the people we have left and the choices they've made. and, i feel like THEY (as in the executive team making it) must feel this way too, because apparently they've completely scrapped the writers room from this season and added on two new showrunners. good luck to whoever that executive story editor is LOL
#asks#severance#ive been seeing some people get silly anons so. just know if that starts happening#it will just live in my inbox. love and light#also it is just my opinion. we're playing with toys
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Inhuman!IV Headcanons
Note: Up next is IVy!! I really am enjoying all the world building I'm getting to do with these.
The youngest of the vessels, and has only been officially converted for around 100 years, which isnt long in the grand scheme of things. As such, he hasn't quite been able to discover his specific "inhuman power" yet like the others have. He has the general powers (increased strength and vision, telepathic connection, etc), but not his specific one yet.
He's on the verge though - he can do as many growly metal screams as he wants and his vocal cords stay intact. So IV is pretty sure his go-to inhuman talent will have something to do with his voice.
His physical appearance is probably the most "human" of the rest as well: two eyes, and his canines are only slightly sharper than normal.
There's also a very small patch of skin on his chest that hasn't quite finished changing to the charcoal-black color (when a vessel converts, the black color starts on their toes/fingertips and spreads inward over time).
A bit of a troublemaker (the one most likely to get into Shenanigans with III), but also does his best to not overdo it. Deep down, he's afraid he'll make a misstep and be cast out. It'll never happen, but it's still something that keeps him up at night sometimes.
Has the mouth of a sailor. None of the vessels are adverse to cursing, but IV is on a different level. It's not quite as bad as when he first arrived simply because he's mellowed out a bit over time, but it's definitely there.
Cannot dance to save his life, but he loves doing it anyway. Sure, it's more of a "drunk uncle at a wedding" shimmy when it's just him, but that won't stop him.
Has a very deeply hidden fear of being abandoned. He's finally found a home, finally found his people, and he's subconsciously terrified he'll lose it all someday.
IV sometimes gets self-conscious about the little patch of non-painted skin on his chest. I am begging you to kiss him there whenever you get the chance. He may act a bit flustered and cranky, but he really loves it.
Dances with you a lot. He's a bit less awkward when he's with you as opposed to when he dances on his own, and is a fan of twirling and dipping you if you'll let him.
Like II, he tends to be more quiet in his affections. He absolutely has a soft spot for you, however, and that much is obvious if yo know what to look for.
Another vessel that takes advantage of the telepathic connection you share quite often. He doesn't mind saying things out loud at all, but sometimes he simply likes to communicate in other ways if he's sharing any words of affection. Bonus points if he's got his lips on yours at the time.
Always making sure you're taken care of. And if he's around while you're trying to do anything for yourself (like make yourself food or grab something off the shelf), he's immediately stepping in to do it for you if you'll let him.
If you ever get up and wander around late at night, it's usually IV who comes to find you. He always acts like its a coincidence, but both of you know better. He just gets worried sometimes that something's wrong, and if there is, he wants to be there for you.
His fear of being abandoned doesn't stop with the vessels, it extends to you, too. You can feel it sometimes through your mental connection. He'll never mention it, but you can tell by the way he holds you that much tighter or whispers soft words of affection to you.
The biggest cuddler!! He doesn't care who sees either. If you're around and no one else has started curling around you first, it's almost a guarantee that IV will fill the spot next to you and wrap his arms around you.
Smut (under the cut):
Very good with his hands, if you catch my drift. Loves to use them on you, too, because he knows just what to do to get you making the prettiest sounds. It only takes a couple of encounters for IV to be able to read you like an open book.
IV is more likely to be fast and rough. Not all the time, but often he's driving into you hard enough to leave bruises the following day. It's purely because he can't get enough of you, honestly, and most of the time if he tries to go slow, it doesn't last very long because he can't control himself.
Likely to switch up to different positions (read more about that here), but he's a sucker for a good mating press. Let him fold you in and be at his mercy and he'll have you seeing stars in no time.
Gets VERY growly when he's close to coming. As soon as his words start getting gravelly and low (if they're still intelligible by that point), you can tell he's about to fill you. It's as if his words start coming straight from the bottom of his lungs with how low they tend to get.
Speaking of, IV loves pumping you full. He hates the idea of pulling away from you when he comes, and on top of that he gets the added bonus of watching it drip out of you after - which usually leads to him helping clean you up with his tongue.
He's usually fast and hard, but that doesn't mean he can't be slow and gentle too. Sometimes he gets stuck in his own head and needs to show you how much he cares about you. That usually translates to a few hours in bed with him worshiping every inch of your body.
A HUGE tease. Loves to hear you beg him for more, and likes it when you're specific. Definitely the type to respond to you asking him to touch you with a sly "I am touchin' you" even though he knows damn well that's not what you meant.
Very big on dirty talk as well. Loves the feeling of you clenching around him when he tells you how good you feel, how much he loves being inside of you like this. He also loves including descriptions of what he'll do to you later in your foreplay.
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i'm, like, the van gogh of reblogging my own posts months later or whatever frank iero said <- incomprehensible. possible covid brainfog? (/JOKE)
this same friend has done the "im gonna start making now for real" [masks for a week and then stops] thing TWICE since i posted this im so tired man. like. idk it's the fourth time now i cannot keep going Maybe this time she'll stick with it! i just gotta accept that one of the people ive considered myself closest to for 6 years just isnt gonna be Inconvenienced by The Plague whatever its fine its fine
the other day i went to the mall w my friends and she texted me beforehand (tho i didnt see it til after) like "hey ive had a cold recently its not that bad but if u want me to mask lmk i want you to be comfortable"- and the thought's appreciated but it's so far from the point, yknow. like a) if u wear the mask u probably wouldnt be sick in the first place??? and b) i also dont want Other people to get sick and c) its the principle of it !!!
like i dont wanna be seen as the hypochondriac friend or whatever who u have to be careful around, not bc theres the Plague That Gives You A Disability still going around and u should be careful generally, but bc you might Make Him Uncomfortable. like its not about comfort ,i dont want people to get sick and i dont want to BE sick because it'll nuke my body again and idk how much my body can deal with before i'll be too sick to do like. anything. Like god i wish i could just ignore covid and pretend it isnt happening and never happened but unfortunately i live in my body so thats not really an option and the more i read into the research the more insane it is that people are Able to ignore it. but whatever
and now ive got fucking Something and bc she drove me home its almost def whatever she had and its like. we couldve prevented this!!
and like oh my goddd and the You Need To Change Your Entire Life talk i got a few weeks ago (AND DONT PUT IN THE NEWSPAPER THAT I GOT MAD /reference) was from her and the friend who gave me covid back in may who also doesnt mask - and its just very ironic getting the "U have to take care of urself u have to stop taking so many painkillers u have to use a mobility aid u have to try to get a job and change ur entire life" talk from people who dont try to prevent the thing that fucked up my body in the first place, i dunno. like these are people who have seen me sit down in stores and driven me four-minute walks and its like. youre seeing the effects of covid in me why doesnt that click for anyone in the world
sorry if this is mean and bitchy or whatever it's year 5 of the plague and im tired . and i basically just repeated what i said in the other reblogs sorry again i feel like slamming my head into a wall I'm so tired
talking to a friend last night who's said a couple times that she's gonna start masking again and never ends up doing it and she told me basically that it's too inconvenient slash annoying and shes only gonna mask when shes sick or if ppl near her are coughing.
but from someone whos said like. multiple times. that she recognizes that im right abt covid, and she needs to do better, and shes gonna mask again. its like. what can i do to convince you to mask for more than a week lol. if masks fog ur glasses use a mask with nose foam, like.
like this is from someone whos always talking abt how important it is to make sacrifices and activism isnt easy or convenient and how people put their personal convenience over doing the right thing
this is from someone whos watched my health deteriorating for the past few years . like! dont you want to stop this from happening to other people! or to stop me from getting covid again and getting worse!!!!!
i cant afford to keep getting it every time my body gets weaker and i want to be able to live as well as i can and i dont find wearing a mask very inconvenient in most circumstances but even when i do its better than getting sick! and its better than wondering if im getting other people sick! and i cant afford to take chances and i wish people who are close to me would do the bare minimum to protect me
also my dorm's elevator is broken and has been for days and i live on the 4th floor so i spent a lot of time yesterday sitting on the landings halfway up each flight of stairs. and i dont know when itll be fixed and i need to save my energy so i can get to the dining hall and classes so i cant be walking up and down four flights of stairs all the time. and i dont want to be in a bunch of pain about it either. idk if its worth reaching out to my RD or disability services about, maybe itll be fixed today, maybe its already been fixed in the 2 hours since ive been in the building, idk. i used to be able to go up stairs with no problem. i remember my first time going up stairs that werent my home stairs after that "weird cold" i had in march of 2020 and my vision went dark and i was sweating and i didnt know why. and i was like, thats weird, im sure it was just a one time event and not going to get worse every year for the next half decade and counting
now i have to stay out of my dorm room unless i want to be basically stuck there all day w no access to drinking water + very little food. and my closest friends find it too inconvenient to wear a mask.
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Hi I made a little thing! For Tolkien gen week! It's writing! for an incredibly obscure character
Day 1- Family, Mentorships, Community / Day 5- Culture, Diversity, Traditions
Tar-Ancalimë- Daughter of Ill-Pairing
@tolkiengenweek :)
(story below cut)
Her father had gone off to sea again for the last time, and her mother thought now of drowning herself in it. Her father had gifted her the sceptre, and she would only say it was a long time coming, for it had been nothing to him but a heavy plaything. Her father gifted her with it the bulk of his life’s dissatisfaction, and now it was hers upon her strong and unhappy hand. She held it well, they said, she held it like a man. She dearly hoped they were wrong.
Tar-Ancalimë fingered again the crown of silver and gold, pondering the slight ache of its wearing, the unforgiving shape of it. She must always wear her hair in tight and thick braids if this was to fit on her, which she did not mind. It was much preferable to the life of decorum and dust that was to be a princess, and she would rather run away into the hills than have her hair arranged like a fruit bowl every day. She was much too old for that, and so long had she waited for it to finally sit on her head that much of the novelty had already worn off.
She took the crown at least in part just for the satisfaction of her ego, and the knowledge that she would be a far better ruler than anyone else in the line of long-lasting childhood. She took the crown for many reasons- and it was another reason perhaps never to return to hateful Emerië. She had tried all other professions, and none suited her. Númenor was just not exceedingly large, and she had remained a princess whether she abided as a shepherdess or a wild thing in the woods, whether she covered her face in dirt or cut her braids and wore men’s clothing. The men saw her, and knew her, and still called her beautiful. Ancalimë did not understand the meaning of the word, and never wished to. Suitors spoke of her long, thick braids and deep olive skin, her dark lips, her long and regal nose, how she glowed when wearing white and gold. In her face, she only saw her mother and father, as everywhere else.
So a queen she would be instead, and here she returned, and knelt like a soldier to receive the crown. As soon as it was upon her head, she told her father to go play off at sea. It was as if she had severed his chains, and he smiled, and was soon gone.
Her rooms were still here, in the palace, and she returned to them now, with a bitter and cloying feeling. When her father had returned the first time, he had been much surprised to realize his child continued to exist in his absence, and had bidden her to Armenelos, away from her home in the country. He had given her everything. The rooms were grand and decorated and filled for her with things she did not like, or at least had not liked since she had been very small. There were useless gifts made of the gold of Middle Earth, gifts of the grey-elven peoples, worthless souvenirs of places she had little interest in. Aldarion thought they would make her happy, in some convoluted way. Aldarion thought perhaps they would make her his daughter, and not the daughter of Erendis.
Perhaps if she had been raised the son of Aldarion, they might have. If she had grown up at sea in the company of merry and singing men, eating salted crap, waving to foreign forests and elves who had not left them since before the rising of the sun, running from all responsibility- Maybe then she would have been happy, taken up a sword and drawn blood of strangers, and grown to be a senseless king, quickly siring an heir and leaving all care of it and the woman to someone else.
But in this world, she was her terrible mother’s terrible daughter. In this one her father left again, and she was only glad for it. She had explored all other pathways, and all only led again here.
The room had been redecorated long ago, but now the wallpaper began to peel, and beneath it still lay a pattern of twin birds, stained and filled with dust.
Ancalimë turned to the maid beside her, looking upon the rooms. “Now that I am finally queen, I may leave this place for the royal chambers, correct? It is not as if my parents have ever used them.” She surveyed the chamber she had inhabited through her adolescence, and would be glad to leave it, having few happy memories or well-slept nights within. “I would like to enjoy a larger bed and higher view. Those rooms may grant me a far glimpse of my homeland, instead of the sea.”
It was a bittersweet thing, of course. Her father had ruined the sea, her mother had ruined the northwoods, her father had ruined the trees. Everyone upon Númenor had ruined the pastures, but the palace was little better. She could not answer if questioned how this made sense to her. The place where she had power remained the best option, as she had roamed the whole island and found only more of her parents and the endless politics of marriage. Never again to the pastures would she return, nor would she speak to her mother, and she would not learn of her death until far after it had occurred. Neither would she weep, until she had barricaded herself somewhere far away, for her mother would curse her name if she had bent to weeping.
(She would do it anyway, no matter how her mother had ruined her.)
They would return to the sea, and she would stay on land, stubborn and unforgiving.
The maid pursed her lips, and threaded her hands together. “Oh, well, your highness, not yet, see- the royal chambers are only for a wedded king and queen. Surely you may enjoy them as soon as you have found a suitable man, but until then you will not have need for more than a maiden’s chambers.”
Ancalimë narrowed her eyes. “It’s your majesty.”
The maid looked down. “I am sorry, I am just unused to it is all. We have never had a queen ruler, and I have known you so long.”
Ancalimë seethed and set off down the hall, and the maid followed. “I am not a maiden. I am two hundred years old, and I have waited long enough to have my way. I will not marry. There is no one whom I would marry, and I truly do not expect that to change.”
Her maid was now bent with age, and unmarried as well, for she dismissed any that chose to. But the little lady bowed her head and sighed. “Now surely that is unwise. No one would wish you rule without a king.”
“Well then the land shall be disappointed, for this is my rule, and no one else’s.”
“But do you not wish for love?” the maid asked, grieved. “You are lonely, I know this. You talk to yourself. You wander at night, and never speak to your family except to bid them leave.”
She made her way to the balcony, and wished to be left alone, if nothing else, if somehow the highest office in the land would still not let one live as they wished. When she had been young, Aldarion had once promised she would have everything she had ever wanted. Aldarion appeared to think she wanted different things, for now she was only less free than ever before.
“I am not lonely. You see me talking little because every man who has ever dared to speak with me wishes only to take me as his wife,” she shouted, and kicked open the balcony’s doors. “I do not wish for love, and I do not understand anyone who would. I ask you, for neither are you married. Would you truly wish to give up your autonomy? To share your secrets, your bed, your own body and heart? It seems to me that all lovers have caught a disease I want no part in. I see what it has done to my mother.”
The maid set a hand on her shoulder, and smiled sadly. “I am not married, yes, but I would be if I could. Not all love is as unhappy as that which you come from. I have lived long with my lover, and I would not give her up.”
The queen looked out upon her kingdom, and still did not understand. “I am glad you are happy where my parents were not. But I would not have a woman in my bed either. I enjoy sleeping, and I enjoy being alone. Two things I am already exceptionally deprived of.”
The wind was fair, the sky was clear and the city streets were still decorated for her coronation, though very few were happy to see her take her due, and a thousand relatives and suitors had not yet gotten the order to vacate the palace at once. Far away to the west, Gil-Estel glittered, and was a guide only for those that ventured at sea. It was ever silent to her.
In her hand was a piece of paper now older than half the men in the capitol, and on it was a list, written by her at the tender age of fifteen. She looked down to the maid, who had followed her anyway, and held it up, reading it aloud in a strong and bitter voice.
“Rules I am going to make when I am queen.” She looked down, reading the bulleted list. “Number one, divorce is legal. Number two, my father has to get one. Three, all my servants get free horses and we ride them every day.” Ancalimë turned red, moving on to the next one. “Four, I never have to get married and no one is ever allowed to bother me about it ever again.”
The list went on, for an embarrassingly long while.
“It appears that most of these things are beyond my reach even now. Already my cousins call me to surrender my crown.” She narrowed her eyes. “But it is mine, and as long as I can I will live how I wish. Tradition means nothing to me, and my father is not here. This is my palace, and I shall sleep in the royal chambers. Alone. You may inform the rest of the staff of this order. I am tired.”
The maid frowned, bowing and hurrying away. Ancalimë threw the list to the wind, and closed the door, walking with head held high, holding still to her dwindling ground, high above all others.
The weight of the family hung like cobwebs upon her crown. The decisions of Elros were not hers. No legends ever taught made space for such a queen. When she had as a child walked through these massive libraries, all stories of the ancients were love stories.
Her mother had told her when she was young that Númenor was no place for a sane woman, and all was but a collection of the power fantasies, the land of gift to happy men. Her mother told her she would never be happy. But her mother had told her many things, and most were nonsense.
Perhaps the land of gift was not made for her, nor would it remember her well. But she inherited it whether anyone wished her to or not, and Tar-Ancalimë would live as she willed.
Far away on the open sea, Aldarion spent his last days on stormy waters, free as a child, and knew he should never have married. Near enough, on the ports of Rómenna, Erendis stood again as a sailor’s wife, and did not speak nor weep, grey and spent on nothing she had been able to keep. Though free of the house of Elros she would never be, the daughter of the ill-pairing would never suffer from such an affliction, and did not grieve it one bit.
#rowan screams into the void#tolkiengenweek#tar-ancalime#the fall of Númenor#this is the first time ive ever actually finished something in time to post it for one of these challenges damn (wrote this all today)#i might post this on ao3 but idk its short#and this isnt really something many people care about
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Saw someone say tiktok gave neurodivergent people a bad name. Um. I dont know how to break this to you but we've always been disliked and hated to some degree. People have always found us weird and annoying. Tiktok didnt do that i fear.
#floyd.txt#tiktok has so many flaws. i do not use it. but some times you guys are really silly#this also goes in hand with people assuming anyone claiming to be say adhd is lying online/on tiktok and i just dont know#at most people are just misinformed theres no reason to lie about it#its not super crazy for teenagers mainly to feel somethings wrong with them and latch onto whatever sounds right#but also i dont care sometimes like whatever. self dx initself isnt some Evil it can be helpful#i just think some people are too concerned other strangers . i dont knoooowww
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Erin, to her crush: You're a dick
Mason, the crush: I won't argue! But to clarify -
#my characters#its so sad that all of erins character development and kindness is on paper and nothing digital to show her growth#she picks on mason for many reasons and she kinda narrows her eyes at him but its more to squint than to glare#because she watches him from a distance when hes off laughing with others#though they are united on peter being worse than mason at least they can agree no matter what peter is worse#but also masons right arm is metal and she thinks its fascinating bc theres so many high tech prosthetics#why is he using the equivalent of a trash can ? is it some weird flex to not needing advanced stuff?#and its just he was from a poor family and was born with one full arm and then a stump#and he lived a lot of his youth with just one arm so once he got a second arm (installed basically) he went cheap#since he only wanted the other arm to get better jobs cause not many people would hire him with one arm#and he never really cared much about her comments because her lil verbal pokes of#so rogers whod you piss off? the mafia? is actually nicer than stuff he heard as a kid without the fake arm#so he tells her the only reason he has a metal limb is because god knew hed be two strong if born with two arms#and shes like uh huh sure thing rogers#and yeeeeah eventually something happens where mason is injured and erin is panicking#and hes acting like its okay to die because hes a dick remember TRYING to make light of it and she gets so sad#and after hes recovering and better he feels guilty making her so sad and hes talking to her#and she says that she doesnt have a lot of friends and she didnt want to lose one of the few people she liked#and hes just oh.......................... ididntthinkthatwouldbeme#so he starts to be super friendly to her and enforcing the crush that she doesnt wanna own up to#and then she does eventually confess and mason is baffled as to since when and shes like day one? and he just#erin you have got to be kidding me you were glaring at me for months#and shes just i have bad eye sight and im shy what did you expect#he isnt super smart or super stupid hes just exceedingly average
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Hey oi no. A milestone is a milestone!!! You’re doing fantastically, and congratulations on 80 kudos! ❤️
<3 Thank you! It means a lot to me <3 It feels like a very silly thing to care about because it's not like actually all that impressive in this fandom (there are other fandoms I've written for where like 10 kudos makes me jump for joy, but ML is a lot bigger) and I especially feel silly when I know there are so many writers that have multiple fics at 1k+ kudos who would never give me the time of day. But like, why bother waiting for a miracle to happen? I just want to feel honored anyone read it and take the time to enjoy my dumb little arbitrary milestones!
#ask#anonymous#thanks this was really nice!!!#i feel simultaneously very silly but also like. why not be silly#i spent so much time caring about metrics because i desperately wanted other writers to like me and make friends#like you know how there are so many people in fandom who just will not care about someone else unless theyve#met a certain threshold of fandom fame? like you dont need to be a bnf but you need to have one fic that did well#or one art piece that did well or was reblogged by a bnf or something#like your work isnt good unless it has been collectively decided by fandom that it's good#I'm just like tired of failing that all the time. clearly these people dont want to be friends with me and thats okay?#like if theres nothing i could do that would make them like me then. they just wouldnt like me so why would i want to be friends#with someone who will never like me ajsdklf it's so stupid#anyway so now I'm just gonna be happy for my stupid accomplishments because it's okay this is the best i can do#and i'm allowed to be weirdly happy for stupid reasons !
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Ithinks we need to relax. Dtop worrying about the littlest dumb things and get actually upset when something is bad maybe.
#maygpe the tumblr update is really bad and we need to yell at them i agree#and keep talking about the strikes and revolutions#y are we fighting more about syscourse rn#system babbles#osdd#actually osdd#wtf is going on wasn't tulpamancy fine#also isnt there many versions for many reasons like#ALSO as far as I've researched it isnt a closed term#why do i keep seeing people argue about endos on my dash good LORD who cares#everyone experiences something and 1 thing is Not limited within 1 group of people almost ever ever ebrf#like pelase get a ggrip reality is murky confusing and all grey areas#labels are helpers not exclusionary fences#syscourse#negative#dni if youre gonna be a dick
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man it sucks so many people on here have absolutely convinced themselves that entire categories of consumer goods like perfume are bougie. you are depriving yourself of little treats by just assuming you cant ever afford anything! this isnt an avocado toast post either im not saying 'just save up and buy it lol', i would never say that, what im saying is perfume (that is: scents in liquid, paste, oil or solid form intended to be worn as a personal adornment) as a commodity starts at "free" and gradually increases in price from there. my favorite perfumes are priced everywhere between $0 and $300. one of the most lauded amber scents in the world (regrettably JUST discontinued), "Amber Paste" by Kuumba Made, is one of those little hippie oils you get at Whole Foods and it cost $10.
and im not telling you to wear perfume, obviously people have allergies and shit, or just dont care for it, im talking to the people who WANT to own fragrances. im saying they aren't all going to cost $150.
you can also get unlimited (unlimited over a long enough timeline, they limit you to a couple or three per visit) free samples at a lot of sephoras and nordstroms if you live somewhere that has those stores (this depends on the location and a lot of other organic factors, you'll have to check ahead of time or just try it if you're nearby, it's sort of random). if you're actually buying something at sephora (and they have a lot of stuff that isn't a million dollars as well, despite their branding) ask for every free sample at checkout that they have. they will often load you up, and not just with perfume. secondhand outlets like Value Village and Goodwill also do huge business in perfume because people are ALWAYS donating it.
sephora also does perfume refills. if you actually do buy a full size bottle, they can refill it for much less than buying a whole new bottle of the stuff. i don't know exactly how much it costs because i havent used this service myself. and idk how careful yiou have to be about reeceipts either, but look into it if you bought a full size and its running out
idk it just bums me out there are all these people who actually want perfume and seem to think it's out of their price range. the really basement-tier dupes of popular brand scents are so good these days it's often worth dropping the $10 at Walmart or Rite Aid too.
some of my favorite ever perfumes were some weird crap i got in a crystal wizard store, or a drug store, or a goodwill, or whatever. if you want perfume you can get it
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You know what. It's never that serious. Just chill.

#oh so you messed up and gave a gauze to the doctor who kept asking for a swab big whoop#so you blurted out a semi intrusive thought to a doctor you dont work with and couldn't tell by her reaction whether she was offended or not#people perceive you as something other than the perfect obedient little worker bee you try to come off as? boohoo#it doesnt matter! these little things dont matter. them seeing flawed but harmless parts of your personality is not the end of the world#not all of their opinions matter#white man asked you about your religion and you're not sure if you explained it well and whether he was being judgy or genuinely curious so?#it is not solely your responsibility to make it palatable and educational for them#its okay if he judged you#their judgement doesnt matter#they dont even give it a second thought let alone the many you are giving them#so just chill. its okay. it really isnt that serious.#just vibe and enjoy ajd have a good time while working hard for your goals and pray#thats all#take care self you are doing okay
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#god i wish i could talk to someone abt how i feel. but the only people i can talk to are the ones who are making me feel this way#my sister really wants me to move out and find myself but then id just be alone in this state. i dont have amy other family or friends here#and i would never want to move back to california. too many unhappy feelings and being around my mom would probably just make me feel worse#i wish i could talk to my roommates about how i feel but i think one will get mad at me and the other will shut down again#i want to feel happy and normal so bad but i just feel so sad and alone all the time#whats wrong with my brain. i wish i could just take something and make this all go away#im so tired of crying. at least my roommates cant hear me rn#if only i ciuld just disappear. i guess im not doing well if being at work makes me feel more happy and wanted than i am at home#i would actually love to work over 40 hours rn. being there at least gets my mind off things.#when im there im not sitting around all the time crying or being mute.#ash rambles#i wish i knew what to do. where to go so i can feel happy again#i should feel happy. im not struggling with money. i have friends who mostly care about me. my job isnt terrible#yet it doesnt feel good. i dont feel happy. instead i just think about all the ways im not good enough. i dont deserve any of this#i wish i could disappear#get consumed in the deep ocean or something#that would be nice.
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I've gotten two comments on this now so I'm going to try and explain myself a bit better, since I'm not sure I did a good job phrasing this.
By rewarded, I meant two things: they get revenge and the character's life improves, or they get rewarded with the revenge by being "good" first. Brandon consistently sets up his characters to be able to get revenge but in a nice perfectly packaged "moral" or justified way, but Moash wasn't given that.
Kaladin was a nice patient good boy and got to kill amaram once he went full evil (I suppose rock got the killing blow but still).
Adolin was always planning to murder sadeas in the dueling ring, and so even if he faces conciquences in KoWT for killing him in a hallway instead, getting revenge on sadeas was throughly backed up in the narrative and by dalinar as a good thing. Not to mention that either way he was rewarded with no longer having to deal with sadeas.
Vin and Elend tried their best to be diplomatic and good but when that didn't work out vin went ahead and just chopped Straff and yeah, good for her.
This is speculation, but I'm sure if navani were to murder moash (getting revenge on him for killing elhokar), a lot of people would cheer her for it.
Moash has just as much justification for wanting revenge on elhokar; he's the reason his family is dead. Moash had every reason to believe that Elhokar continuing to be king would bring further harm to other darkeyed families. The scale isnt the same for elhokar as it was for like, the lord ruler, but try telling that to a boy who came home to find out that his only family rotted in prision for no reason but being darkeyed and being in the way.
The story didn't give Moash his chance. So he took things into his own hands. Unlike these other characters, he paid for it.
Time and time again characters in the cosmere are rewarded or at least justified in the text for committing revenge murder but when MOASH DOES IT-
#now whether or not someone should try to get revenge for things is a moral discussion i really dont care to have because i just#dont care#this isnt really about if moash is right its just about his situation being treated differently#and just to reiterate something i said in the last paragraph#i dont think elhokar is as bad as sadeas or straff or whatever he's definitely not#but moash had every reason to think elhokar continuing to be king would bring more suffering to his people#and where is the line that makes murder justified? how many people have to suffer before it becomes okay?#do you really expect a 20 year old or whatever in pain to be like#'hm but hes not killing hundreds at one time so these killings here or there get a pass'#and didnt elhokar literally want to hang kaladin for challenging amaram like you know there have been other incidents besides moash's#stormlight archive#taravangians-storming-posts
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i wish having to remind someone something three or five or fifteen times or however many it takes until they remember it on their own was more destigmatized within the framework of disability accomodations
like i understand the emotional significance given to the act of remembering, i have myself have had the kneejerk reaction that maybe i'm not as important to someone as they say i am if they forget something i asked of them or told them. i get it. but that's like. a societal expectation that isnt necessarily true, you know.much like eye contact to mean you are listening or a smile to mean you are friendly. like, yeah, of course an asshole who isn't listening to you might not make eye contact, but that doesn't mean that every single time someone isn't making eye contact it means they are an asshole.
to me disposition is much more important than memory, especially in the realm of boundaries and cohabitation, like: let's say you don't like it when your partner puts their shoes on the bed. extremely reasonable thing to ask them not to do, and something that, if not done, would very quickly become a point of contention because them continuing to do the thing you asked them not to is interpreted as a dismissal of your feelings and a violation of a reasonable boundary. and i know a lot of people themselves already struggle putting up boundaries and enforcing them and are extremely reactive to anything that can be interpreted as a boundary being crossed, and this can be super hard to deal with. but like. disabilities ARE hard to deal with, you know, they are frustrating and they might slow you down or inconvenience you, and that's just part of the deal! is it really an accomodation if the line is drawn at whatever arbitrary point someone decides they're done accommodating? do you walk alongside a person on crutches for three blocks and then are like, ok, i've accommodated you enough, time to go at my pace now?
and yes, yes, i know "i forgot" or "i didn't know" can be used to truly harm someone else in a number of infinitely nuanced scenarios. context clues, people. to me that's where disposition comes in and separates "literally struggles to remember" from "disrespecting and pushing boundary", and i think that separation, albeit fuzzy for people who strongly correlate memory and respect, can be learned?
if my partner was like, "hey, don't put your shoes on the bed!" then a respectful disposition towards their boundaries would immediately make me go, "oh no! sorry i forgot! here, i will stop doing it immediatly, and if necessary amend the damage of me forgetting (in this analogy, washing the sheets)". and if this has to happen thirteen times before i remember on my own, i would feel truly bad about it because i'm letting my loved one down even though it's something i legitimately can't control. i don't know! it's the "if you cared, you would remember" unstoppable force vs "if you cared, you'd cut me some slack for not remembering" immovable object, it's hard. like thats what i mean by context clues, what is more likely: that a person who in every other way has shown up for you has suddenly become toxic/selfish/abusive specifically about shoes on the bed, or that they struggle to remember?
i don't know man. the way i see it, ultimately it's a lot more feasible to adjust your expectations of what someone loving you and caring about you will look like and how it shows up in their behavior, than it is to literally force yourself to remember something. and my memory issues are not even that bad! after the fifth or sixth reminder something will generally stick around (unless it's a situation that does not happen often, in which case the large stretches of time in between might hinder my progress), and like someone might just decide the rest of the Me is not worth the trouble, and that's their prerogative, but i do think it says more about them than it does about me.
everyone's always up for disability rights until it becomes inconvenient or clashes with their idea of what "good behavior" should look like. like i can't help but think that if this is something that *i* struggle with socially, i can't imagine what people who have a legitimately debilitating memory disability, who may need to be reminded forever, feel like every day of their damn lives
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Something incredibly annoying when dealing with non-pnf stans when discussing with PnF is discussion of Candace being accidentally gaslit by her mother. In that they assume everyone is in on the fact to make Candace feel like she's crazy. NOBODY ELSE is doing that. In fact, nobody BUT Candace seems to understand the whole brunt of the situation.
The backyard gang are not "bullying" Candace or keeping her from telling her mom. In fact, they tell Linda about it themselves MULTIPLE TIMES. They talk about it off handedly a bunch of times too. Theyre just also 10, and Linda thinks it's part of the "games". She thinks theyre being imaginative. Theyre NOT. The backyard gang is NOT lying to her, and they are NOT perpetuating the assumption that Candace is crazy. Linda just doesnt believe them. The backyard gang doesn't KNOW this. THEY ALL THINK LINDA KNOWS.
LAWRENCE is not perpetuating the idea that Candace is crazy. He ALSO thinks Linda knows. HE HAS SEEN the backyard projects a bunch of times, and HE TELLS Linda about them TOO. However, and this is important, he only ever sees the cute, relaxed and sweet projects, and never the potentially dangerous or fatal ones, so he thinks Candace is being anxious and overprotective. Which she is, but that's a separate issue. LAWRENCE is not lying. HE thinks Linda knows.
JEREMY has seen the projects and parties. He talks about them at length, and how cool Phineas and Ferb are! He's never lied. He thinks Linda knows.
STACY has seen the projects and parties. She FREQUENTLY vouches for Candace. But shes Candace's best friend, so of course Linda doesnt believe her.
Linda isnt doing it on purpose. NOBODY is lying.
DO i think Linda should believe her daughter now and then? And should Lawrence stick up for her more? Of course I do. But it's not malicious. Just....a bit neglectful. But Candace's assumption that everyone is against her is largely perpetuated in her own head and anxieties and miseries. She ISN'T alone. People ARE on her side, and she has more allies than she thinks. There are MULTIPLE episodes where Phineas and Ferb try to bust THEMSELVES (AKA attempt to show Linda their project with her own eyes) when she simply asks them to. A lot of people think she's really cool, and caring, and her brothers think shes unironically, absolutely AWESOME. Which has been the point of many episodes, AS WELL AS Candace against the Universe.
#all the memes about ah how the turn tablea#when someone has a story for Candace that Candace doesnt believe so its frustrating and all#is funny#but it ticks me off the wrong way#yeah Candace is being gaslit Cassandra of Troy style#but nobody's doing it to bully her or make her feel crazy or small#at least not on purpose#her vendetta against the Strange Universal Force seems silly in universe canon#but shes RIGHT#and the audience knows it#because the force has another name. called a plot point#it HAS to happen#Candace is doomed by the narrative#Candace Flynn#Candace Flynn Fletcher
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okay, okay, okay, bear with me
mobei jun already knows about shang qinghua as airplane
oki ive decided to take advantage of the fact that WE NEVER GET A MOBEI JUN POV AND I'LL BE FORVER SALTY ABOUT THAT SHIT
but like, shen yuan figured airplane out REAL fast, right? they barely spent time together before the immortal alliance and then it takes one surprise before airplane is saying stupid shit, right?
and i cant help but think, mobei jun aint dumb and he's been spending How Many Years crashing at shang qinghua's leisure house whenever the fuck he feels like it?
he also finds shang qinghua to be Hella Sus because come on, ofc he does. a human just declares their undying loyalty to you after one fucking meeting??? even if he believes shang qinghua is being sincere in the moment, the fact that he was so quick to betray his sect doesnt speak of a loyal servant
so why wouldnt he snoop? why wouldnt he pay extra close attention when shang qinghua says shit that doesnt make sense? why wouldnt he notice when shang qinghua speaks or writes in a language that he doesnt recognize? airplane canonically isnt fluent in english so if he used a bit of it, especially chinglish, wouldnt mobei jun be able to learn some of the meanings of the words just by context clues? especially when he has YEARS to decode it? like if airplane was fluent, maybe he could hide the meaning, but a limited vocabulary adapted to another language isnt actually super hard to decode. it's the same reason that you can generally understand what slang means before you look up the definition. you might not know what 'rizz' means, but you can pick up the meaning from context clues.
anyway im over explaining the linguistic aspects ALL IM SAYING IS what if airplane kinda depends heavily on chinglish to be his Secret Language that Theres No Way That Anyone Here Can Get. and sure, for most people, it does seem like gibberish. but again, mobei jun has YEARS at his side and reasons to nitpick at it and decode it.
like what if airplane had a habit of writing out pidw plot points in chinglish bc look he is Going to forget shit no matter what, he wrote that novel a lifetime ago, but theres some info thats pretty important for him to Not Forget. so mobei jun is just left with a huge stash of Impossible Information that shang qinghua writes about
everything ranging from future events to obscure demon world facts that theres just no justifiable reason for shang qinghua to know about and just everything in between.
but also what if shang qinghua wrote his feelings? his thoughts? his issues? like cmon, he literally has NO ONE to consult with about the insanity of his life before cucumber-bro, and his life is really crazy, and he used to be the person who wrote out his feelings via novel but look dude he's not about to tempt fate by writing out another novel rn so a diary makes sense. or at least like, random venting
and again, this isnt even mentioning airplane having some potential verbal fuckups that mobei jun can add to his ever growing file of "shang qinghua has something fucking going on"
and like, maybe mobei jun hasnt actually figured out the exact truth but he has some eerily close guesses. or maybe airplane wrote a lengthy journal explaining literally his entire fucked up life and mobei jun knows Everything.
look im just a little bit obsessed with mobei jun casually being aware for YEARS that shang qinghua is from another world and might have once had god-like powers over this world. i think this is very funny and i think it could work in a canon compliant way. cuz i also like to think that some of mobei jun's aggro at shang qinghua was a mixture of
you literally wont tell me who you really are. you claim to be my loyal subject but you wont even tell me your real name and Yes I'm Upset About That
you fucking fucker, you literally PLANNED that horrible event to happen???? you suck so bad omfg. THAT WAS TRAUMATIZING FOR ME YOU JERK NO I DONT CARE IF YOU FEEL BAD ABOUT IT NOW
your handwriting sucks and im mad that i didnt just have to decode your weird other language, i also had to decode your fucking horrendous handwriting and i dont know if i can ever forgive you for that
you barely ever show your real personality in front of me and i have to learn how you really feel by reading this fucking notes and YES IM UPSET ABOUT THAT
i also just love the idea of Something Happening to do with the multiverse and basically mobei jun is the only one who isnt remotely surprised lmfao. binghe is in crisis mode, cucumber thinks he's gonna die, airplane is freaked out, and mobei jun is just like "yeah, figured some dumb shit like this might happen. you didnt know binghe? dont you pay any attention to your husband :/ dude, they're not even good at hiding it, i thought you were supposed to be smart"
also the simultaneous heartattacks that cucumber and airplane would have that mobei jun just KNOWS like thats hilarious. imagine they need to talk about something secretly in public and its super urgent and mobei jun just starts using chinglish or webspeak or something perfectly and cumplane are FREAKING THE FUCK OUT
mobei jun: that mofo is hella sus, but keep it on the dl. ttyl i need to do a vibe check
cumplane: ?!?!?!?!?!?
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Question for the artist, whats the parameters for drawing fusion fanart? Because a lot of people see it as a romanic thing, but it isnt always that. For example, are you okay with fans drawing steven fused the crystal gems? Are you okay with fans drawing any fusions including CG, or is that an ick?
Okay, SO. I apologize for answering this late - I was trying to find the correct way to reply to this ask without coming off as someone extremely senile and jaded.
First things first - I really appreciate you taking my feelings into consideration on this! I can tell it comes from a place of genuine kindness and caring, and I think that's awesome.
I'm not unfamiliar with the fact that some artists feel very protective of their characters, and sometimes try to lay down rules about how they are to be viewed, how they are to be drawn by others, etc. So I don't blame you at all for assuming this is something that needs to be done, given the current fandom environment in certain spaces.
That all being said.
This idea that drawing characters in Situations Which May Be Uncomfortable To Someone With A Specific Interpretation Of The Media (which is not at all supported by canon text) is transgressive is..... boy...... that's not a good one.
It is..... Extremely Evangelical in its conception.
Guys. GUYS. Thought crime isn't a crime. ART isn't a crime.
But to answer your question -
Yes, you can absolutely draw Steven - WD!AU Steven - fusing with the gems or CG.
Yes, you can absolutely draw CG fusing with Steven or the Crystal Gems, etc.
Even if someone DID assume fusion was romantic primarily, that doesn't mean it should be the default, and in fact it ISN'T. Many, MANY fusions in the show are not representative of romantic relationships.
Canon Steven, in the Canon show, fused with TONS of people he didn't have romantic feelings for. Most of the people, outside of Connie, for a start.
Even if imagining CG in a romantic relationship with the Crystal Gems DOES give me the 'ick' (which, actually, yeah, it kinda does I guess, given that I can't really see that thing happening given that she's effectively (not LITERALLY) a child) that doesn't mean YOUR art has to be limited by my presumptions of what fusion means in this context, if we disagree on it
And not to put too fine a point on it but
Fusion ISN'T inherently about romance.
Fusion ISN'T inherently sexual!
No part of the show supports either of these ideas. Fusion is and always has been explicitly about various types of RELATIONSHIPS - including things like sibling bonds (Smokey Quartz), parent-child relationships (Steg, Steven and ANY of the CGs), friendships, Unhealthy Control-Seeking (Malachite) and just straight up collaborative murder (a la Aquamarine and Ruby).
Yes, some fusions ARE inherently romantic in nature, but that does not mean ALL fusions adhere to these rules. In fact, MOST fusions aren't even about that.
And even if they were.............we're all allowed to express our OWN interpretation of things using art. That's not an Ungood Thought that you should be shamed for.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
#chekhov answers#this ask made me a little feral sorry#nothing against the OP#just this attitude that has become Normalized in fandom#is NOT healthy
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