#and things are still shit for me right now
papaya-twinks · 2 days
Lando finding a pregnancy test reader hid and gets angry because he think she doesn’t want a baby with him but she’s just waiting for a custom made McLaren baby race suit to surprise him with the good news
Warnings: angst, swearing, happy ending, pregnancy, mentions of cheating
Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
“Y/N!” Lando yelled up the stairs as you peeked your head round the door, a little confused why Lando sounded angry. He shouted a bit sometimes, but not because he was angry, angry, just…for fun usually. “Yeah?” you asked, walking down the stairs.
“Explain,” he said, thrusting the pregnancy test at your chest. That one word alone made your face pale as you fumbled to catch the test. “I…uh…” he didn’t even let you finish. “So? What is it? You cheated or you don’t want it?”.
You weren’t even concerned with the second part, but the mere mention of you cheating on him made you just as angry. “Cheat? You think I’d cheat?” you scoffed, “you’re more likely to-,” you were cut off. “Oh defensive much? I didn’t say you cheated, I asked, but you clearly did, then!”.
“Im not a cheater, Lando,” you scoffed. “Who’s baby is it, Y/N?” Lando snapped, not ready to listen to hear you out, he was pissed. “You’re a fucking cheater, Y/N,” he said, his voice sing-song, as if mocking you in some sorts as you scoffed.
“It’s yours, you idiot!” you said, yelling over his voice as he rolled his eyes. “I don’t care what you think you can say to me,” Lando said, his voice still sing-song, “you’re mocking me with your lies, Y/N Y/L/N,” Lando said sarcastically.
“I was waiting for a fucking order to tell you, you’re just a dick, Lando Norris!”. That made Lando pause. “I…what?” There was a second of silence as Lando’s expression fell. “It was some stupid McLaren baby shit thing,” you mumbled, “to surprise you,”.
“Im so sorry,” he mumbled, his eyes wide as he looked down, almost embarrassed. “It’s fine,” you sighed. You didn’t have the energy to fight him right now. “Don’t accuse me of…of cheating next time, alright?” you said, a little weakly as he nodded firmly. “Never,” he agreed.
“I…oh my god,” Lando gulped, “baby I’m so dumb,” he swallowed slowly, eyes wide, “fuck, Y/N,” he took a shaky step towards you. You weren’t happy Lando had accused you of cheating but this was a big moment nevertheless.
“Im not mad,” you said quietly, moving his hands from your face to your stomach, his face softening, “I love you, and it’s yours, okay?” you said quietly. “I love you so fucking much,” he said, his eyes wide before he brought his lips to yours.
“My baby’s having a baby,” he mumbled into your lips as you laughed weakly. “I guess so,” you smiled.
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suiana · 1 day
yandere! cheater and gn! reader who's in their villain arc...
you've suspected that something was up when your boyfriend started to get busy with his work, coming home late, hiding his phone from you...
of course you just wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that he really was just stressed from his work. he was yourboyfriend after all. you had to trust him, didn't you?
well everything was shattered when you found one of his side chicks under your shared bed. she was naked, only wearing a pair of undies while holding in her pee.
"wtf why are you hiding under here?"
"your bf doesn't want u to know that he's cheating. told me that he'd kill me if i came out."
yeah, so the girl was an asshole to get with your man when she knew that he was in a relationship but at least she told it to your face straight up. also she pissed herself while getting out from the bed so there's that.
meanwhile, your boyfriend was sobbing and crying when he came home. you had found out of his side affairs, a side he never wanted you to find out about. to be honest, your boyfriend didn't know why he he got with others in the first place. he had everything he could ever want in you. you made him feel alive, all the good things you know. being with you was like a dream come true and he constantly felt like tearing out his skin from how happy you made him.
you were his god.
oh, yeah, thinking about it now that's probably it. he felt that you were too good for him and didn't want to taint you. which... was why he resorted to sleeping with others.
shitty move, yeah he knows. don't need to repeat it.
but you... why were you so forgiving? you welcomed him back with open arms, sobbed a little and told him how hurt you were! he thought you'd have up and left by now!
but you didn't.
he knew you were too good for him, he had to treat you better now. he just had to, this was obviously you giving him a second chance, right? oh he just loves you so much!
unfortunately for him, it wasn't a second chance. no, you were about to absolutely ruin this man.
it started with the small things. small rumours about him ranging from how he had a small dick to how he's a pushover... you needed to start your plan slow, you know. tear his reputation of a good and sensible man bit by bit. gotta build up that tension teehee >w<
then from the rumours, you started manipulating the people close to him. crocodile tears, white lies, and a whole pity party for yourself... telling his friends and family members how your boyfriend was an absolute shit of a boyfriend, how he didn't treat you right and how he was the worst an alive... well, it wasn't much of a lie. he did spoil you and treat you like a deity but if he really treasured you why would he cheat in the first place? there's no space left in your life to pity him.
the most important part was to constantly reassure him that you loved him and to make sure that he never finds out that you were the one ruining his life from behind the scenes. can't let him find out that his angel lover is the one that's bringing him to social death now!
by this stage, your boyfriend was completely dependent on you. everyone around him was looking at him like he was the absolute scum of the earth. where did the rumours come from? why was everyone avoiding him? he couldn't even go to work without his coworkers side-eyeing him like he grew an extra head! he's just lucky he didn't get fired-
oh and what do you know. he got fired.
he comes home crying, an absolute mess and a shell of the man that he used to be. what was once a confident and charming man is now a desperate and pathetic boyfailure.
"baby i got fired, i'm so sorry. i don't deserve to be with you."
his arms wrap aorund your legs, tears staining your pants as he seeks comfort from the only person still left by his side. yes, you're the only person left dying for. even his own parents desserted him, yet you stayed. he's so thankful-
"yeah, you're right. you don't deserve me."
it's like time stops the second the words fall from your lips. he slowly looks up at you, eyes widening in horror as his tears dry up. what? was he growing delusional? he must've heard you wrong. no way his beloved god just said that!
"haha... you're so sweet baby. joking around in a time like this-"
"i'm not joking. you don't deserve someone like me."
you slap his hands away, looking down at him as he remains on his knees on the floor. you had a smug smile, expression all cocky as you even started to laugh.
"haha! did you really think i wanted to stay with you? fuck no! i have standards okay? i really didn't want to stay with a cheater!"
your boyfriend didn't know what to think. what were you saying? he doesn't understand. is this a late april fools prank? the way his heart was clenching and the way he felt his face paled shows just how much he doesn't like your words.
"babe stop-"
"i hate you god damnit. i really thought you'd be the one for me but no! you just had to go ahead and cheat!"
but you didn't listen to him.
"let's break up."
oh yeah, you hear that? that's the sound of his heart shattering.
he quickly crawls over to you, face pale as he grips onto your pants tightly. his hands shook with each word he uttered, tone desperate as tears streamed down his cheeks once more.
he never thought he'd start begging for someone to stay when it was usually the opposite but... you were his god. the one he's devoted his entire life too.
so he'll gladly get on his hands and knees for you if he has too. you can't leave him. he doesn't want to be alone.
"please! forgive me! i know i did something wrong but i'm trying! you can't leave me too!"
he looks up at you, face completely flushed as he continues to turn himself into an even bigger pathetic mess. he doesn't care what he looks like now. he's practically lost everything. he has nothing left to lose.
"i promise i'll be better! i haven't cheated since you found out last time! d-doesn't that count for something?"
he gives you a shaky smile, as though that would convince you.
it wasn't.
in response to his words, you could only give a disgusted expression, kicking him away before walking past him to the front door. what a pathetic man he was.
"you know, you look best when you're like this."
you state, glancing at him with a smile before turning to leave his house. well, there's that. your plan was complete and your now-ex boyfriend was absolutely destroyed.
so why did it feel like... something bad was about to happen?
you quickly look back at him, keeping your cool and remaining nonchalant before you feel the blood drain from your face. your best friend?! where did they come from?! and the fact that your crazy ex was holding a knife to their neck-
"no... don't leave me... you can't leave... i have no one else but you..."
what were you supposed to do now that he was holding your best friend hostage?
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itneverendshere · 2 days
the aftermath of sex with rafe and you’re about to roll out to leave and he’s like “what’s going on” and you’re like “oh you want me to stay?”
decided to use this request for bitchy!pogue!reader, bc i love their dynamic in my last drabble for them and wanted to see their relationship develop!! hope that's okay and thank you for the request!!🫶🏼🫶🏼
said it a million times, only stay with you one more night - r.c drabble
pairing: bitchy!pogue!reader x rafe
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your breath was still shaky as you lay in rafe’s bed, staring up at the ceiling. the room smelled like sex and bad decisions—the same old combination every time you found yourself tangled up with him.
what the fuck had you done? again.
you groaned internally, rolling to the side and blinking at the mess of clothes on the floor. your clothes. you needed to get out of here, like you always did after. this was a routine by now—fuck rafe, get dressed, leave before shit got weird.
but, of course, it was always weird with rafe.
he was your worst mistake on repeat, the asshole kook you swore you hated but couldn’t seem to stop ending up in bed with. and you weren’t entirely wrong. he was an asshole. that perfect jawline of his clenched every time he looked at you, like he wanted to snap or—snap you in half, depending on the day. he acted like he couldn’t stand you most of the time, and you loved it.
especially when you knew exactly where that frustration would end up: right between your legs.
you knew the deal. this thing with rafe was nothing but sex. pure tension. you loved driving him insane, loved the way his face would twist, how his hands would grip your hips with just a little too much pressure, like he had something to prove. but the second it was over, he always turned cold. he’d stare at you with that same look—disgusted, maybe even regretful—like he couldn’t believe he’d let himself touch you.
and you weren’t about to stick around for that bullshit.
with a sigh, you pushed the covers back and swung your legs out of the bed, standing up with a wince as your body reminded you just how hard he'd fucked you. the soreness in your thighs was a not-so-subtle reminder of how you ended up here, naked, in his bed again when you swore to yourself that the last time was really the last time.
you didn’t even bother looking at him as you reached for your jeans on the floor, pulling them on quickly. you needed to get out of here before he started up with that whole “i don’t even know why i did this” attitude, like you were the problem.
 “where are you going?”
you didn’t even look back at him as you yanked your top over your head. “leaving. what’s it look like?”
the bed creaked as he sat up, and you could practically feel his eyes burning into your back. “what the fuck is going on?”
you paused, one arm halfway through your top, rolling your eyes at his tone. now he wanted to act like something was different? “what do you mean, what’s going on?” you shot back, sarcasm dripping from every word. “’m leaving. you know, like i always do after we fuck.”
rafe didn’t answer right away, and for a second, you thought maybe he’d just let it go. but then he surprised you.
“you don’t have to go.”
you turned around slowly, narrowing your eyes at him. “what? you want me to stay now?” he never asked you to stay. hell, he was usually halfway out the door emotionally before you even got your clothes back on.
his face hardened at your reaction, that familiar pissed-off look settling into his features. “yeah, i don’t know, maybe i do.”
you laughed, genuinely surprised. “since when? you want me to hang around and play house after?”
“do you always have to make everything so fucking complicated?”
you raised an unimpressed brow, “okay, i think you hit your head on the bedframe earlier.”
“shut the fuck up and get in bed.”
you froze, mid-laugh, because—wait—what? rafe cameron, the king of "get out before i pretend you don’t exist," actually wanted you to stay.
“excuse me?” you blinked at him, fully expecting him to break character any second
he was unpredictable like that. one minute, he was treating you like you’re beneath him—like you were the dirty secret he couldn't believe he kept hooking up with—and the next? he was saying stuff that made your heart do this stupid thing it had no business doing.
“get back in bed,” he demanded, like he actually expected you to listen.
“why? so you can flip back to being a fucking asshole in the morning?”
he rolled his eyes and groaned like you were the exhausting one here, “can you just—” he hesitated, clearly fighting with whatever stupid thoughts were bouncing around that kook head of his. “just come back to bed.”
and oh god, why did he have to sound almost...vulnerable?
you stared at him, fully aware this was a bad idea. the two of you didn’t “do” feelings. shit, he barely “did” conversation after sex. this wasn’t just out of character for him; it was out of this planet.
so you crossed your arms and tilted your head, leaning against his dresser like you had all the time in the world. “are you serious right now, cameron? you actually want me to stay? for what, a cuddle session? netflix?”
he gave you that trademark irritated look, tongue poking his cheek. “you’re so fucking difficult.”
“yeah, well, you’re not exactly easy, baby.”
you smirked, half expecting him to snap again. but instead, he did something you never saw coming. he ran a hand through his messy hair—full-on frustrated—and sighed. a real sigh. and then, in this quiet voice that was so unlike him, he said, “maybe i just don’t want you to leave.”
you felt your stomach flip. no no no. this wasn’t part of the deal. you two weren’t supposed to catch feelings. but the way he was looking at you, all raw and real for once, made your brain go foggy. you could leave right now. walk out, just like you always did, like a smart girl.
but something in his voice was pulling you back, like maybe this time was different. “rafe…” 
“just stay,” he murmured, eyes locked on yours, and for the first time since you started this whole messed-up dance with him, you saw something in his face that wasn’t anger or lust or annoyance.
it almost looked like...he cared. maybe you’d stay, just to see what this was about.
you weren’t about to let your guard down completely. you weren’t some naive kook princess. you knew how to protect yourself—especially from guys like him, because let’s be honest, rafe was a certified disaster in human form. and you weren’t any better.
you sighed, running a hand through your hair. “if i stay, you’re not gonna pull some ‘i don’t know why i did this’ bullshit tomorrow, right? ‘cause ’m not dealing with that again, cameron.”
he huffed, but there was this softness to it. “can you just stay without turning everything into a fight?”
“turning it into a fight?” you raised a brow, incredulous. “that’s literally your specialty.”
rafe’s jaw tightened—again—but instead of snapping back like usual, he just stared at you. “’m not asking for forever, alrigh’? just one night. jesus.”
one night.
you could do one night, right?
you climbed back onto the bed, settling into the sheets next to him. it felt...weird. not in a bad way, just different. usually, you’d be out of here by now, shorts half-buttoned, sneaking out like some guilty secret. but this? lying next to him, clothes still off, in his bed, with his scent all around you? it felt more intimate than any of the wild, angry sex you’d had with him before.
“happy now?” you muttered, glancing over at him.
rafe didn’t say anything for a second. he just looked at you, like he wasn’t sure how to act either. “yeah. maybe i am.”
it was bizarre, how different this felt from all the other times. there was no rush to leave, no awkward scramble to avoid the inevitable “i shouldn’t have done that” speech. just the two of you, lying there in silence. you felt his hand brush against yours under the covers. it wasn’t a big, dramatic move, just his fingers lightly grazing your skin.
it was such a small thing, but somehow, it felt... huge. rafe was the last guy on earth you ever expected to be soft, especially with you. but here he was, in this tiny, almost awkward moment, doing something that felt closer to intimacy than anything else you’d ever shared. what the hell was happening?
“you’re acting like a human being. it’s weirding me out.”
he smirked, but it didn’t have the usual arrogance behind it. “maybe 'm just tired of being an asshole.”
you chuckled, shaking your head. “that would be a first.”
he didn’t fight back like you expected. instead, his hand moved a little under the covers, and suddenly, his fingers were really holding yours, not just grazing but actually intertwining with your own. you blinked down at your joined hands, feeling your heart flip-flop in a way that annoyed you. this wasn’t what you signed up for, not even close.
but then again, when had anything with him ever gone according to plan.
“why are you doing this?” you asked quietly, trying to ignore how fast your pulse was beating.
rafe’s jaw clenched—again, with the jaw clenching—but this time, it didn’t feel like frustration. he was thinking, actually thinking about what to say, and that alone was enough to make you nervous.
“i don’t know,” he admitted, “i just—” He stopped himself, taking a deep breath like the words were hard for him to get out. “maybe i don’t hate you as much as i thought i did.”
that threw you for a loop. he was never this honest. you stared at him, eyes wide, waiting for the punchline, but there wasn’t one. he wasn’t smirking, wasn’t trying to act like he didn’t care. he just... said it. like it was the most normal thing in the world to admit feelings when feelings weren’t even on the table.
“Wow,” you breathed, genuinely shocked. “you really hit your head earlier.”
he snickered, but it sounded different—soft, even. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
“should i call for a doctor?”
it was unsettling seeing him like this, not lashing out or shutting you down with a snide comment. 
“you don’t always have to make everything a joke.”
your eyebrows shot up at that, the surprise clear on your face. “excuse me? that’s literally what we do—” you gestured vaguely between the two of you. “that’s our thing.”
he just sighed, shaking his head like he was genuinely exasperated with you. before you could throw out another sarcastic remark, he grabbed you by the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
his hand gripped the back of your neck with just enough pressure to hold you in place, but there was a tenderness in the way his fingers tangled in your hair. his lips met yours gently at first as if testing the waters, and the softness of it scared you. you were so used to him being all teeth, nipping, and biting, that this moment of quiet, hesitant intimacy caught you off guard. he kissed you like he was savoring it—like this was something he wanted to remember.
his thumb brushed lightly along your jawline, as the kiss deepened, his lips pressing a little harder against yours, but it still lacked the aggression you’d come to expect from him. there was no desperation here. his tongue flicked against your bottom lip, gentle but insistent, and without thinking, you parted your lips, letting him in. your bodies stayed close, but it wasn’t the usul closeness that came from lust. the slow, languid rhythm of his mouth against yours was intimate in a way that felt too personal.
rafe was kissing you like you were someone he cared about, like you were more than just another way to burn off steam. this wasn’t what you two did. you weren’t supposed to share soft touches and slow kisses. you were supposed to fight, tear each other apart, then fuck like it was the only thing holding you together.
when the kiss finally broke, you felt dazed, staring at him like you didn’t recognize the person in front of you. rafe, however, didn’t seem fazed. he just looked at you with those piercing blue eyes, still holding the back of your neck like he was afraid you’d bolt the second he let go.
“i meant it,” he said quietly, his voice a low, “i don’t want you to leave.”
“i don’t do this,” you muttered, shaking your head. “we don’t do this.”
rafe’s grip on your neck loosened, but his hand didn’t move. “i know. just tonight.”
you closed your eyes, breathing him in. he smelled like sweat and sex and something that made your entire body hurt in a way you hadn’t expected. maybe he wasn’t asking for forever, but staying here with him felt like it could change everything.
one night and you’d worry about tomorrow when it came.
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1spooky2me · 2 days
I wrote a thing based on the scrunchie comic, I typed this up on my phone I hope it fits in an ask omg:
“I need him…”
“…?” Bill turned slowly, and Ford realized with horror the words had slipped from his mind out of his mouth.
“Who said that,” the men chorus in unison. Ford blinks, fire and sweat on his face, as Bill sports a shit eating grin.
“Oh, well *hello,* Sixer,” the once(?) demon drawls, and Ford quickly tears his gaze from Bill’s neck. “You *like* this?” Raising a greyish hand to the nape of his own neck, Bill’s grin increases appraisingly as Ford flushed further, blush darkening his ears. Cute!
“-Don’t bother lying, you’re terrible at it.” Cutting off Ford’s defiant tone, Bill slinks closer to the slightly slumping man, who stiffens at his approach.
Now in the same small block of space, Bill stares unafraid up into Ford’s narrowed eyes. They shine like constellations, teeming with mysteries Bill wished he still had the power to pluck from his mind. …However, knew he had a power over the man, yet. Time for testing; reaching for one of those large six fingered hands, Bill grasps and pulls it, allowing Ford access to the bared back of his neck. Much to Bill’s delight, Ford’s breath hitches.
“…Really?” Ford won’t meet Bill’s eyes at the question, but he’s not moving his hand away, either. “Sixer~ look at me.” This has the opposite to desired effect, as Ford’s gaze stays stubbornly fixed on the wall. “Ford.” Finally, the man’s surprised eyes widen and he leans down just close enough-
-For Bill to grab his face and kiss him. Ford freezes for but a moment before -yes!- kissing Bill back. Kissing as a human was *different,* and Ford was a better kisser than he knew. Not that Bill would tell him. He’d just enjoy their little secret, as alway- Bill’s blurring thoughts are interrupted by a quiet gasp. He opens his eye to see a blur of Mabel- as Ford breaks their kiss, grabs Bill by the collar, and yanks him into the next room, slamming the door.
“…Oops?” Bill offers, wincing at the pressure of his shirt near his Adam’s apple -human bodies were inconvenient, after all - and Ford drops him, expression pained.
“You can’t- don’t kiss me in front of- *other people,* he whisper-screeches, face red as his sweater, and Bill’s smile drops entirely.
It makes sense. It makes Ford would be ashamed of him- of them. Bill isn’t expecting the hand on his shoulder, turning him briskly back around as he tries to walk away. He wasn’t expecting the look on Sixer’s face. He wasn’t expecting another quick, but passionate, kiss.
“It’s not that,” Ford sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand as Bill’s shoulder’s tense.
“*You* didn’t gain mind reading powers, did you?!” The shrill question is met with a low chuckle.
“Of course not. You’re more expressive, now.” Bill vehemently utters a word that would not have gone past Disney’s sensors, and Ford’s lips tilt up at the corners, before he frowns seriously.
“Bill…it hasn’t been shame. Not for…awhile, now.” Bill’s eye widens comically, and Ford smiles, running his fingers over the exposed nape of Bill’s neck, enjoying the shorter man’s shiver. Then he sighs. “Just…don’t kiss me in front of Mabel. Or Dipper.” Bill’s smile returns, as he extends a hand.
“…It’s a deal.”
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p4p1l0nn · 2 days
that nerd is mine.
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aus. enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, etc. wc: 21.5k
pairing: nerd!haechan x cheerleader!reader
content warning: 18+ locker!room sex, smut/pwp, oral, degradation, switch!haechan!reader, several smut scenes, etc, mdni.
notes. didn’t plan for this to be so long, but it kinda got away from me. it’s slow at first, but i promise it picks up. this one’s for my fullsun enthusiasts <3
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“you're gonna have to do something about that,” karina said casually, her arms stretched above her head as she rolled her shoulders. the soft crack of her joints sounded in the otherwise busy gym.
you don't have to ask what she means. your latest algebra grade had just been posted, and it wasn't looking good. you stare at your phone, the red numbers glaring back at you.
“i know,” you sigh, tucking your phone away and running a hand through your hair, trying to shake off the knot of dread building in your stomach.
your friend glanced at you as she bent to touch her toes, barely breaking a sweat from the warm-up routine. “i'm serious. if you don't get your gpa up, coach will bench you—or worse.”
“i'll figure it out,” you mumbled. you weren't just worried about passing algebra anymore. it was bigger than that now—your spot on the cheer team, your future, all of it felt like it was hanging by a thread.
karina straightened, eyes narrowing in your direction. “you better. last thing we need is you off the team.”
“yeah, yeah, save the motivational speech for someone else.”
the cheerleader huffs, clearly unimpressed. “uh-huh. i'm sure your algebra teacher's gonna be real charmed when you—”
“we're starting in five! hydrate yourselves well!” the cheer captain's voice cuts through the chatter of the gym.
the gym is a mess of movement. cheerleaders are scattered across the floor—some stretching, others practicing lifts, while a few attempt shaky flips that end in laughter and encouraging cheers.
on the far side, the basketball team runs drills, their sneakers squeaking loudly against the polished wood with each quick pivot and pass. the steady thud of basketballs hitting the floor mixes with the chatter of teammates calling out plays.
you reach down into your bag, searching for your water bottle, only to come up empty. a groan escapes your lips as you stand up abruptly from the bench, catching karina's attention.
“where are you going? we're starting in five,” she asks, watching you with raised brows.
“forgot my water. gonna grab some from the fountain real quick,” you say over your shoulder, already making your way toward the door.
you weave through the crowded gym, dodging cheerleaders and basketball players alike, your mind already half focused on the looming algebra test. in your rush, you don't notice the person bent over at the water fountain until you slam right into him, knocking him off balance.
“shit, i'm sorry!” you blurt out, stepping back quickly, eyes widening when you notice the familiar jersey number. it's na jaemin.
he doesn't acknowledge you at first, still bent over the water fountain, casually drinking like nothing happened. you stand there awkwardly, heart racing, until he finally straightens up.
he turns to you, sweaty from practice. his arm muscles glisten, his jersey clinging to his toned chest in a way that makes it hard to look away. you force yourself to meet his eyes, but he's already looking at you, that warm smile lighting up his face, his eyes sparkling like they always do. the smile that gets you every time.
“it's okay, don't worry about it,” he says, his voice easy. he nods toward your empty bottle. “refilling?”
“yeah!” you answer, a little too quickly, your voice coming out louder than you intended. you cringe inwardly, wishing you could dial it back. what a fool.
jaemin chuckles softly, reaching for the water bottle in your hand. his fingers brush yours, and a flurry of butterflies explodes in your stomach.
and just like that, you've lost your cool. again. right in front of na jaemin—the college's star basketball player, and the guy every girl (and most of the teachers) seem to fawn over. it doesn't help that you've had a crush on him for as long as you can remember, making moments like this even more unbearable.
you want to keep the conversation going, to say something clever or at least not completely embarrassing, but nothing seems to come out right. the words are stuck, swirling in your mind but refusing to form. so, instead, you blurt the first thing that crosses your mind.
“you . . . you didn't bring your water this time?”
as soon as the question leaves your mouth, you regret it. out of all the things you could've said, that was what you came up with?
jaemin finishes filling your bottle, tightening the cap with a twist, though he doesn't hand it back right away. he's still holding it, that easy smile never leaving his face.
“a team player who was in charge of bringing our stack of water forgot to grab it.” he shakes his head lightly, clearly amused by the situation, not at all bothered by the blunder. “we're all running on empty until someone does a water run.”
“i see . . . nervous for the game, aren't you?” you ask, mentally kicking yourself again. really?
jaemin's lips twitch into a smirk, “nah, we always win,” he lets out a soft chuckle, leaning in just slightly. “maybe it's also because of your cheering in every game.” he adds.
“so, you do know?”
you're grateful that this awkward conversation has turned into something more enjoyable. jaemin's conversation skills have a way of making everything feel effortless.
a flicker of hope stirs in your chest—maybe he likes you back? it's a thought that feels daring to entertain, but for now, you push it aside. just being able to talk to him like this is enough; it's the longest conversation you've had with him, and it leaves you feeling giddy.
he opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get a word out, a high pitched voice interrupts from behind you.
“coach is calling for you, nana!”
a sigh escapes your lips, and you roll your eyes, already knowing who it is without even turning around. of course, it's him—your overly enthusiastic rival, always bursting into conversations at the worst possible moments. just when you thought you might finally get to have a real moment with your crush.
lee donghyuck (aka haechan), the top student on campus, the kind of person everyone admires for his perfect reputation and spotless grades. while you and haechan share the same level of popularity, the similarities end there. to you, it feels like a joke. he's got everyone wrapped around his finger, effortlessly charming every teacher and student alike, while you're just trying to juggle cheer practice and your sinking gpa.
you, on the other hand, are the cheerleader with loud pom-poms and even louder laughter. you thrive on the adrenaline of routines and the camaraderie of your team, but academically? you're more of a mess. you're passionate and energetic, but that often leads to your grades slipping as you prioritize practice over homework. while everyone else finds haechan endearing, you find him utterly annoying.
“pom poms!” he yells, his voice playful and teasing as he approaches, flashing that infuriatingly perfect smile. it's the nickname he loves to throw at you, a jab at your cheerleading persona, and it's enough to rile you up.
“sorry, not sorry,” he says with a little too much satisfaction in his voice, “i'm gonna have to steal mr. star here because he's got a more important thing to take care of.” his eyes trail over you deliberately, and you catch the way he looks you up and down, lingering for just a second too long.
your arms cross over your chest instinctively, and you shift your weight to one leg, tilting your hip in a way that screams sass. “eyes up here, perv,” you snap, raising a brow at him. “shouldn't you be revising for your school work or something? what are you even doing here?”
it's a fair question—haechan isn't on the basketball team, and he's definitely not the type to be caught dead near a gym. he's more the 'top student with his nose buried in textbooks' type. you don't even know how you know that, but somehow it feels like common knowledge.
“why, pom poms, you keeping tabs on me?”
you scoff, rolling your eyes. “i'll be going now.” you say, your tone clipped, already done with haechan's nonsense.
but just as haechan reaches out to snatch the water bottle from jaemin's hand, you're quicker. you grab it back before he even gets the chance to touch it, yanking it close to your chest with a sharp glare.
“it's mine, dumbass,” you mutter. you barely spare him a glance, turning back to jaemin with a softer smile. “see you around, jaemin.”
haechan lets out an exaggerated gag, clearly disgusted by the shift in your tone. “gross. why do you sound like a lovesick puppy with him but turn into a drill sergeant with me? it's disgusting!”
you ignore him.
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“what about mark?” karina whispers next to you, barely looking up from her notebook.
“no. the guy laughs at everything. i'd be trying to solve for x, and he'd be cracking up over how the letter looks like two crossed legs. i'd fail even harder.”
karina smirks, scribbling something in her notebook. “okay, so you don't wanna pay for a tutor, and i've gone through almost every possible name on campus. you keep rejecting them all. except one . . .”
she pauses dramatically before adding, “last chance . . . haechan.”
your hand freezes mid-note. karina's got to be joking. “tsk, einstein?”
she nods, a mischievous glint in her eye. “yep. he's great with numbers, algebra's basically his second language. plus, he's used to tutoring.”
you groan, resting your forehead on the desk. “yeah, but it's haechan. i'm not friends with him, and you know that.”
“or,” karina drawls, tapping her pen against her chin, “he'd help you pass. your choice.”
you avert your eyes to the front row, where haechan sits, laughing along with his friends. look at him, you think, watching as he gathers his things, perfectly at ease with himself as the class prepares to switch. you're still glued to your seat, your thoughts swirling around what your friend just said.
“wish me luck for my presentation. i'll see you during lunch, bubble pops.” karina blows you a kiss and strolls out of the class, leaving you to sit there, contemplating. as much as you hate to admit it, she's right. if anyone could help you pass algebra, it's haechan. his reputation speaks for itself, even if he is the most annoying person you know. and as much as it pains you, you really, really need to pass.
before you know it, your feet are moving on their own, chasing after him.
“haechan!” you call out, catching up just as he's about to leave the classroom. he stops, clearly surprised to see you running after him.
“you got a minute?” you're practically blocking his way out, standing your ground as he gives you an unimpressed look. without a word, he moves to shove past you, but you sidestep to stay in his path.
“i need a tutor,” you blurt out, the words tasting foreign and awkward in your mouth. “and you're my best pick.”
“no thanks.”
did he just reject you?
your mouth falls open in disbelief as he walks right past you, out of the classroom, without a second glance. panic sets in, and you rush to catch up, your legs working double time to match his annoyingly fast pace.
“state your numbers. i'll pay,” you offer, the words flying out before you can think better of it. if karina heard this, she'd probably be on the floor, wheezing from laughter.
“i'm busy.” his tone is dismissive, and he doesn't even slow down. you stop dead in the middle of the hallway, staring after him, utterly speechless.
is he really blowing you off like that?
but you're not about to give up that easily. gritting your teeth, you jog again to catch up, slightly out of breath now.
“listen, einstein,” you pant, pointing a finger at him as you try to keep up with his ridiculous long-legged stride. “a little birdie told me you used to tutor people. and let's just say, i need some serious help before i fail this stupid class. so, are you really gonna leave me hanging?”
he finally stops, turning his head slightly to look at you, one eyebrow raised. there's an amused smirk playing at his lips, but no sympathy. “and why exactly should i care?”
you huff, barely able to catch your breath. “because if i don't pass algebra, i'll have to repeat the semester. and then, i'll still be here, haunting you for another year.”
haechan eyes you for a moment, clearly enjoying your desperation far too much. “so, your whole plan is to annoy me into tutoring you?”
“pretty much,” you deadpan. “now, are you in or not?”
“fix my computer.”
you give him a confused look, furrowing your brow. “huh? what does that have to do with me needing a tutor?”
“everything,” he replies, smirking. “you help me with my homework, and i'll help you with yours. i can't have my computer malfunctioning while i'm trying to ace my classes, right?”
“wait, so you're saying i have to do tech support in exchange for algebra tutoring?” you can't help but roll your eyes, trying to suppress a smile despite your annoyance.
“unless you'd rather face the possibility of failing your class, then yeah.”
“okay okay. but if i end up breaking your computer instead of fixing it, don't come crying to me,” you retort, crossing your arms defiantly.
“deal,”he replies, that infuriating grin still plastered on his face.
“well? aren't we gonna exchange phone numbers so we can keep each other updated?” you cross your arms, annoyance creeping in as you stand in front of him, desperate for this to end.
haechan chuckles softly, shaking his head as he pulls his phone from his pocket. “my place tomorrow. room 304.”
you quickly punch in your number, eager to wrap this up. just as you're about to leave, he adds, “see you tomorrow, pom poms.”
“i have a name, einstein.”
“so do i. now scram.” he waves you off dismissively.
“rude ass.” you roll your eyes and turn away, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a second glance.
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the sound of your sneakers squeaking against the gym floor fades as practice wraps up for the day. it had been a long practice, but it was nothing you weren't used to. what you weren't used to, however, was the fact that tonight, you'd actually be going to his dorm for tutoring.
the very idea makes you groan inwardly.
you've already had to reschedule twice because, apparently, his “winning streak” on some game was more important than your need to pass algebra. the guy might be top of the class, but he's also annoyingly good at avoiding commitments that don't involve him showing off his skills—whether academic or in gaming.
“see you tomorrow, coach!” you call out, waving as you head out of the gym, your duffel bag slung over your shoulder. karina, having already left, had wished you luck earlier, teasing you the whole time about spending your night with haechan.
tonight. you sigh, mentally preparing yourself. you're going to his place for tutoring, and you'll have to put up with his smug face, his constant teasing, and probably his video games blaring in the background.
when you get back to your dorm, you shower, eat, and stare at your phone for a full five minutes. the time you'd agreed upon was closing in fast, and even though you didn't want to, you text him anyway.
you: still on for tonight?
the response comes almost immediately.
einstein: still winning. gonna be a little late.
you roll your eyes so hard they could fall out of your head. of course, he was. it takes another two rounds of coaxing, using what little patience you have left, before he finally agrees to wrap up his game and “be ready” in fifteen minutes.
fifteen minutes, your ass. but you grab your stuff and head over anyway.
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as you approach the door to haechan's dorm, you hear faint shuffling sounds from inside. not just one set of footsteps—two, maybe three. voices murmur, laughter filters through the door, and you pause with your hand mid-air, hesitating.
he couldn’t have brought his friends over, right?
you frown, knocking firmly. there’s a beat of silence, then the door swings open, revealing haechan leaning lazily against the doorframe. his hair is tousled, like he’s been lounging around all day, and he’s wearing a hoodie and shorts. of course, he's still clutching a game controller in one hand, looking as if he’d just finished a match.
“you’re late,” he grins before you can even get a word out, the cocky look on his face making you grit your teeth.
“you’re the one who kept postponing,” you shoot back, arms crossing automatically as you stare him down.
he shrugs, unbothered. “well, do come in.” he steps aside, allowing you to pass, but the way his eyes flicker with mischief makes you uneasy.
the moment you step inside, you hear it—the distant sound of voices from the back of the dorm. not the muffled hum of a tv, but actual people, talking and laughing. you pause mid-step, glancing around.
haechan’s dorm is surprisingly clean, given the fact that he’s a notorious gamer. but the voices make it obvious that you’re not alone.
he shuts the door behind you with a soft click, watching as you scan the room. “oh, yeah,” he says casually, noticing the way your eyes narrow. “got some company.”
“you invited your friends?” you ask, irritation creeping into your voice. this was supposed to be a tutoring session, not a social gathering.
“well, johnny lives here.” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm, “and, uh, a couple others came to hang out. no big deal.” he waves it off like it’s nothing, moving back to his gaming chair, settling in like this is just another day for him.
from down the hall, you hear someone calling out, followed by the unmistakable sound of johnny’s laugh echoing through the small dorm. great, you think to yourself, so it’s not just a tutoring session—it’s a tutoring session with an audience.
you sigh, glancing back at haechan, who’s already grabbing his phone, probably to check if he missed any messages from his friends about another round of gaming.
you roll your eyes, dropping your bag onto the floor near his bed. “you’re lucky i need to pass this class, or i’d be out of here.”
“oh, the pleasure’s all mine,” he quips, still grinning like he’s won some kind of victory. he tosses his phone onto the desk and stands, stretching lazily. “alright, let's get started before the gang decides to invade.”
but before you can open your textbook, the distant voices grow louder. footsteps thump closer, and johnny’s tall frame appears in the doorway, grinning when he sees you sitting on haechan’s bed.
“yo, what’s up? didn’t know you were coming over tonight.” johnny says, his deep voice carrying a teasing edge, though there's a warmth behind his words. it's the kind of tone only someone like johnny could pull off—your senior, technically, and definitely the more responsible of the two roommates.
you resist the urge to groan, flashing him a polite smile as your eyes flick to haechan. he's still lounging lazily on his chair, unbothered. of course. haechan meets your gaze and just shrugs, as if to say what can i do?
“just trying to get this one to study,” you say, nodding toward haechan with more than a little sarcasm dripping from your words.
johnny chuckles, shaking his head. “good luck with that. kid's got the attention of a squirrel on caffeine.” he folds his arms, leaning against the doorframe, towering over you both with the signature father-like aura he seems to carry with him effortlessly. “say, we're setting up a game in the rec room. you should join us. it'll be fun—better than babysitting him.”
there's a laugh in his voice, but you catch the sincerity too. johnny's cool like that—casual, chill, but respectful in a way that makes you reluctant to turn him down. still, you know if you say yes, it'll be game over for any chance at getting this tutoring session started.
“thanks for the invite, johnny,” you say, smiling, “but i really need to get this done.” you glance over at the said kid, who is now suspiciously quiet, his expression is unreadable as he messes with the controller in his hand.
“suit yourself. you know where to find us if you change your mind.” he pushes off the doorframe, giving haechan a knowing look before heading down the hall, his laughter echoing behind him.
the door clicks shut, and you turn back to haechan, who still hasn’t said a word. you narrow your eyes, already sensing the gears turning in his head. he’s always scheming, always got some half baked plan to get out of doing anything remotely responsible. sure enough, he leans back in his chair, stretching with exaggerated effort, like he’s been hard at work all day instead of procrastinating the tutoring session for the third time this week.
without warning, haechan starts rummaging through the mess on his desk—papers, textbooks, and crumpled wrappers littered across the surface. you watch as he digs through the chaos, mumbling to himself, before finally pulling out a battered notebook. he flips through it quickly, tears out a couple of papers, and then—with absolutely no warning—tosses them toward the bed where you’re sitting. the pages land in front of you in a messy heap, some of them sliding off the edge of the comforter.
“here,” he says, like he’s just handed you the holy grail. “you can read my notes. you’ll get it when you see it.”
you blink, staring at the papers now scattered on the bed. his handwriting is barely legible, and the equations are written in a way that only he would understand. he’s expecting you to catch up by just reading this? you raise an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“that’s it? you’re serious?”
haechan, now fully reclined in his chair, looks entirely too pleased with himself. “yep. my notes are solid. trust me, my technique’s way easier than the textbook. just follow the steps—it’ll all click.” he smirks, kicking his feet up on the desk like he’s done his good deed for the day.
you pick up one of the papers, squinting at the chaotic scrawl of numbers and symbols. “right. and i’m supposed to figure out all of this without any help?”
he shrugs nonchalantly. “look, if you need anything,”—he pauses for dramatic effect—“please, hesitate to ask.” his grin widens as he flashes you a fake, overly sweet smile, and points to the door. “i’ll be with the boys. good luck, pom poms.”
before you can even argue, he’s already halfway to the door.
“haechan,” you call, frustration lacing your voice as you drop the papers back onto the bed. “this isn’t tutoring. i didn’t come here to just– look at your handwrit– i can’t understand a single thing?!”
he stops at the door, one hand on the frame, turning just enough to give you a quick, disinterested glance over his shoulder. “you’ll figure it out. you’re smart enough, right?”
you open your mouth to retort, but he cuts you off with a lazy wave of his hand. “don’t stress. if it gets too hard, just scream. i might hear you over the game.”
and with that, he walks out, leaving you alone with nothing but the mess of barely decipherable notes and the distant sound of laughter coming from the other room.
you stare at the papers, annoyance bubbling up inside you. he’s unbelievable. you didn’t come here to sift through his half hearted attempts at teaching. but still, part of you knows he’s not coming back anytime soon, and if you want any chance at passing this semester, it’s probably going to be up to you.
one thing’s for sure, you think, shaking your head as you pick up the notebook again. this is going to be the longest semester of my life.
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the school gym was alive with excitement. students packed the bleachers, decked out in school colors, waving banners and signs. today was the big tournament against the neighbouring school, a rivalry that stretched back years.
the first half of the game had gone effortlessly in your school’s favor. every basket was met with cheers, and your team moved across the court with smooth, calculated ease. it was like they’d been born for this moment, and the energy in the gym mirrored that confidence.
your squad was on fire, too. each cheer landed perfectly, each chant igniting the crowd, and as a flyer, you knew the stakes were high every time you were launched into the air. but you nailed every move, trusting your team as they caught you mid flight. the adrenaline surged through your veins, pushing you to perform with a precision and power that matched the basketball team’s energy. the crowd roared with each flip, lift, and toss, and for a while, it felt like you couldn’t lose. everything was falling into place.
until it wasn’t.
the neighboring school rallied in the final moments of the game. what started as a comfortable lead for your team slowly evaporated as their players found their rhythm. shot after shot, they closed the gap, and in the final few seconds, they sank a three-pointer that sealed the game.
the gym erupted into a mix of cheers and groans. you, like everyone else, could hardly believe it. one moment, victory had seemed so certain; the next, it had slipped through your fingers.
you wiped the sweat from your forehead, heart still racing as you made your way back to the locker room with karina at your side. she was fuming, muttering under her breath about how the referees missed a foul call in the last quarter. you didn’t have the energy to argue. your legs ached from the constant jumps and tumbling, and all you wanted to do was collapse on the bench in the locker room and breathe.
“do you want cold water?” karina asked. you glanced at her, but before you could answer, your eyes caught something—or rather, someone—over her shoulder.
he stood just a few feet away, talking to some of his friends, and for a moment, it was like time slowed down. the gym’s noise—the chatter, the footsteps, even karina’s voice—faded into a distant murmur. his eyes locked onto yours, and it was like the world shrank to just the two of you in that split second. your heart gave an involuntary lurch, a mixture of frustration and something you didn’t want to name bubbling to the surface.
you fumed inwardly, your breath hitching. the memory of his words from weeks ago came crashing back, stinging more than it should. it took everything in you not to glare.
“i’m good,” you said flatly, tearing your gaze away from him and turning back to karina. “i’m gonna head to the locker room first.”
without waiting for a reply, you made a beeline for the door, the need to escape his presence outweighing everything else. your chest felt tight, anger simmering beneath your skin, but you pushed it down as you entered the locker room.
inside, the rest of your cheer squad was already there. some of the girls were sprawled out on the benches, half-heartedly stretching while others chattered excitedly about the game.
“the refs were a joke!” one of the girls was saying. “chenle got pushed so hard, i thought he was gonna snap.”
“jaemin should’ve gone off on that guy,” another chimed in. “no way mark kept his cool. did you see him? he looked ready to fight.”
you couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you listened to them. this was a normal occurrence in the locker room. no matter if it was basketball or football season, the girls were always talking about the same thing—the guys. it was as if every game turned into an analysis of who got hit, who looked the best sweating it out on the court, or who they thought was going to snap first. and honestly? you couldn’t blame them.
being a cheerleader meant you got front row seats to all the action, and let’s face it, being able to see the most popular athletes up close wasn’t exactly the worst thing. whether it was jaemin’s focused scowl or mark’s calm but ready-to-fight aura, the girls never missed a chance to comment. sometimes, you wondered if half of them joined the squad for the eye candy alone.
the chatter bounced off the walls, filling the space with laughter and banter, but you found yourself tuning in only half heartedly. normally, it was easy to get swept up in the conversations, joining the girls as they dissected every glance and gesture from the players like they were breaking down the final moments of a rom-com.
but today? today, it just felt like background noise.
minutes later, karina walked into the locker room, still tossing you the water despite your earlier refusal. “figured you’d need it anyway,” she shrugged, sitting down beside you. her expression softened as she watched you take a sip, but it didn’t stay that way for long.
“did you two fuck?”
her voice sliced through the quiet, blunt and unfiltered. you choked, coughing as you set the water bottle down on the bench. the locker room suddenly felt too small, like the air had thickened around you. you blinked at her, trying to gauge whether she was serious or just being nosy.
karina leaned in, eyes gleaming with curiosity. her expression was one of genuine innocence, though. she didn’t know. not really.
you sighed, slumping against the cold metal lockers. it’s been weeks since that first and last tutoring session with haechan, and despite how much you’ve tried to forget about it, his words still hang over you like a shadow.
why did i think this was ever a good idea?
your thoughts began to wander, taking you back to that night. the tutoring session that was supposed to help you salvage your failing algebra grade. the session that turned out to be the last one. it had been weeks since then, but the memory still stung as if it were fresh.
twenty minutes. that’s all it took for you to realize haechan wasn’t even trying. you sat there, flipping through the pages of his notes, trying to make sense of the chaotic scrawl of equations and half solved problems. but nothing clicked.
so, you decided to leave.
but instead of just leaving, you felt compelled to find him and at least say goodbye. maybe even confront him about why he’d been half-assing the tutoring sessions.
you followed the sound of voices from the game room down the hall, but before you could push the door open, you heard them.
“since when did you start tutoring?” one of his friend had asked.
“i've been tutoring for a while,” haechan had replied casually. “started again because she's desperate.”
you had stopped in your tracks, just out of sight, heart sinking as the words hit you like a punch to the gut.
“well, technically speaking, you’re not exactly doing your job?” another voice chimed in, laughter following the remark.
haechan snorted. “yeah, well, i don’t want to tutor her. it’s a waste of my time.”
you’d felt sick to your stomach, but that wasn’t even the worst of it. he went on, his voice dripping with arrogance as he called you a “typical cheerleader,” saying you cared more about your reputation than actually learning, and that teaching you was “useless.”
you hadn’t expected much from him, sure. you knew you two didn’t get along. but hearing it out loud? it hit differently.
and then he hit you with the final blow, the words that still echo in your head late at night: “yeah, right. she’s smart, but girls like her? they use their brains for one thing. she’s just trying to get close to us. i’m just the stepping stone. once she’s done with me, she’ll latch onto one of you guys. classic cheerleader playbook.”
you’d stood there, frozen in place, tears burning the back of your eyes, the embarrassment threatening to swallow you whole. haechan had reduced you to a stereotype—a shallow, manipulative girl who only cared about attention. and the worst part? he actually believed it. he believed that was who you were.
karina nudges you, snapping you back to reality. “you’re spacing out. so? did something happen between you two?”
“the tutoring didn't go as planned.”
karina raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with your vague response. “did he say something?”
you didn’t want to talk about it. not again. but the words spilled out anyway. “he’s a jerk. and i let him get under my skin. that’s all.”
“gah damn—”
“i know.”
“no, no, no, i mean, gah damn!” her eyes widened as she pointed behind your back. the sudden squeals and gasps from the other girls in the room quickly followed. confused, you glanced over your shoulder, already knowing the cause of the excitement.
there, just outside the girls' locker room, stood jaemin.
he wasn't inside, of course—he was leaning awkwardly against the doorframe, basketball jersey still clinging to his frame, his cheeks flushed with a shy smile. luckily, the girls had all finished changing, so it wasn't as if he was walking in on anything. still, the sight of him sent the locker room into a frenzy.
jaemin. why was he here?
he pointed, and it took you a second to realize he was gesturing toward you. blinking, you glanced around before pointing to yourself. “me?” you whispered.
the star player nodded, still smiling, his eyes meeting yours.
before you could react, karina nudged you with a knowing smirk. “go. now.”
you could feel the girls watching, but your feet carried you forward, slipping past jaemin and out of sight. once you were both out of view from the prying eyes of the locker room, you turned to face him, still caught off guard by his sudden appearance.
“you can't just casually walk up here, peeping tom,” you said, hoping you hadn't sounded too rude.
jaemin chuckled, running a hand through his slightly damp hair. “i wasn't peeping, i promise,” he said, his smile disarming. “i came to invite you and the girls to dinner tonight. you know, celebrate the season.”
he shrugged, eyes flickering with an almost embarrassed look. “we lost the game, but we're still gonna celebrate.”
you blinked, processing his words. “oh . . . dinner?”
“yeah,” he said, looking a little sheepish. “figured it'd be fun for all of us to unwind, win or lose.”
“sure,” you said casually, trying to suppress the smile creeping up on you. “the girls are probably gonna be excited.”
but not you—not with einstein likely there too. you'd just ignore him, right? just like you'd been ignoring his texts. easy.
you forced yourself to focus on jaemin, who was still smiling at you in that soft, effortless way that made your pulse skip. “i'll see you tonight?”
“i'm looking forward to seeing you tonight,” he replied. that simple sentence sent a flutter through your chest, and you suddenly felt a little breathless, like you were falling headfirst into something you couldn't quite grasp.
you waved goodbye, and jaemin did the same, his smile lingering as you both turned to leave. the moment you stepped back into the locker room, though, the atmosphere was completely different. it was almost electric, like a charge in the air, and you didn't need to be a mind reader to know why.
the girls were suddenly very occupied with whatever they could find. one was aggressively retying her already perfectly tied shoes. another was staring way too intently at her phone, scrolling through what looked like her home screen. a few were casually adjusting their hair in the mirror, glancing at each other with barely concealed grins. it was obvious—too obvious.
you bit back a laugh, shaking your head as you grabbed your bag from the locker. “i'm guessing you guys heard that?” you teased, raising an eyebrow. “we're invited.”
the reaction was instant. the fake nonchalance crumbled as the room erupted in cheers and high pitched squeals.
“i knew it!” one of them shouted, clapping her hands together.
“oh my god, jaemin asked us?!” another girl practically bounced in place, eyes wide with excitement.
you couldn't help but laugh as the girls swarmed around, chattering about the dinner plans, talking over one another in their excitement. it was like watching a bunch of kids on christmas morning.
karina sidled up to you with a smirk. “so, how long before you and jaemin become a thing?”
“don't start.”
“i'm not starting anything!” she shot back, hands up in mock surrender.
you shot her a look, but before you could respond, one of your teammates chimed in, “you two wanna come grab some ice cream with us?”
karina didn't hesitate, “oh, absolutely!” she turned to you with an expectant look.
“i'll catch up with you girls later,” you said, glancing down at your still unchanged clothes. “i need to get out of this uniform first. is it by the café near the park?”
“yeah, that's the one,” your teammate nodded before waving. “see you later!” she headed out with karina, who gave you one last knowing glance before following.
as you started to change, you heard karina's voice echo from the door—
“oh, and by the way, that water earlier? it was from haechan.”
and with that, she was gone.
school. practice. repeat.
that's the cycle you find yourself in now. with the weekend having passed in a blur, you're back with your usual routine. the celebration from a few nights ago was a blast—friends reuniting and sharing stories. you had fun, even managing to dodge haechan throughout the night (sticking close to karina or jaemin—though the latter didn't offer much conversation either, thanks to his friends constantly interrupting). haechan made a few attempts to talk to you, but you expertly averted your gaze, pretending to be deep in conversation with someone else.
now, as cheer practice wraps up for the upcoming big football game, you find yourself in the girls' locker room. of course.
“are you coming?” karina asks, glancing back at you with an eager smile. ice cream has become the cheer team's favorite hangout spot after practice.
“nah, i'll stay back. find me at the library if you need me,” you reply, pulling off your top and tossing it into your locker.
“ugh, what encyclopaedia are you reading nowww?”
“actually, it's the history of mathematics,” you shoot back, trying to sound nonchalant.
karina bursts into laughter. “wow, you really are a nerd! i can see it now—”
you roll your eyes, chuckling at her exaggeration. “algebra test on thursday. better start studying.”
“gosh, you're starting to sound like mr. einstein over there.”
you shoot her a deadpan look, but before you could come up with a witty comeback, she's already sprinting toward the exit, calling back over her shoulder, “wish you luck, bubble pops!”
one by one, the girls had filtered out, leaving you alone to finish up. you pulled the hair tie from your ponytail, letting your hair cascade down over your shoulders.
turning to your locker to grab your shirt, you caught a glimpse of a silhouette by the exit out of the corner of your eye. curiosity tugged at you, and your gaze followed the figure, and—
“haechan! what the fuck?!” you exclaimed, spinning around. you quickly grabbed your shirt, holding it in front of your half naked body while trying to angle your back toward the locker. in your rush, you accidentally slammed the locker door shut behind you, realizing you'd left yourself awkwardly exposed.
haechan’s eyes shot down to the floor, his ears glowing red. “s-sorry! didn’t mean to walk in on you,” he stammered, looking everywhere but at you.
“what are you even doing here? perv much?”
“i’m not a perv! i came to talk to you,” the latter said defensively, raising his hands. “you’ve been ignoring all my texts!”
“you barged into the girls' locker room just to ask me about that?!”
“well, what else was i supposed to do when you’re acting like i don’t exist?” he finally looked up, his gaze flitting nervously between you and the floor. "thought you might actually answer if i showed up in person.”
“you could’ve waited outside! normal people do that!”
“i didn’t plan on walking in on you half naked!”
he fired back, still clearly flustered, but standing his ground. “but i couldn’t wait anymore. we need to talk.”
you rolled your eyes, still fuming but aware of the absurdity of the situation—standing half dressed in front of him while he tried to explain himself. “yeah? well, now’s not exactly the best time for a chat.”
as you turned to finally open your locker, you barely had time to blink before haechan grabbed you by the shoulders and spun you back around. your back hit the cold metal of the locker with a soft thud, and suddenly, you were face-to-face with him. his hands stayed firmly on your shoulders, pinning you in place as his breath ghosted over your skin.
“gosh, you never listen, do you?” he growled through gritted teeth, leaning in closer. “always got something to say, running that mouth like the brat you are.”
the words were meant to bite, to provoke—but they did something else too. the intensity in his voice, the way he had you trapped between him and the locker, made your heart race for reasons you didn’t want to admit. you hated him—or at least you were supposed to. yet somehow, his ability to talk you into corners, the way he wielded his frustration, was working you up more than you'd like.
you scowled, trying to mask the fact that your pulse was speeding up for all the wrong reasons. “and you’re pissing me off, so fuck off!” you snapped back, though it came out breathier than you’d intended.
“how am i pissing you off, huh?” his voice dropped, almost taunting. “all i’ve been trying to do is talk to you, and you’re the one avoiding me. so tell me, how exactly am i pissing you off?”
your mind blanked for a second. the more he spoke, the closer he got, until his face was just inches from yours. you could see the constellation of moles dotting his tan skin, perfectly aligned, and suddenly every coherent thought you had vanished. why was it so hot in here? you struggled to find your voice, but all that came out was,
haechan’s lips curled into a slow, teasing smirk. “everything? you’ll have to be more specific.” he tilted his head, eyes gleaming with amusement, like he knew exactly how to push your buttons. “i don’t get it. what about me pisses you off so much?”
you clenched your jaw, fighting to keep your composure. the way he was looking at you, the smugness in his tone, it was driving you insane. he knew he was getting under your skin, and the worst part? he was enjoying it. you could feel the words bubbling up inside you, frustration building like a dam about to burst.
“you!” you spat out, your voice rising. “you piss me off by always getting in my way with jaemin! you’re always there, acting like you own the damn place!”
with each word, you inched closer to him, the anger fueling your every step. your noses were almost touching now, the heat of his breath mingling with yours. haechan didn’t back down either—he pushed himself forward, lowering his head just enough to stare you down, his gaze dark and intense.
“go on,” he muttered, his voice low, challenging. “say it.”
“you’re smug, you’re cocky, and just seeing your face annoys the hell out of me—”
your heartbeat quickened, a mix of frustration and something else entirely as you pressed forward, your chest brushing against his. you were toe-to-toe now, and before you realized it, your breasts were firmly pressed against his chest. the contact jolted through you like electricity, and for a split second, the air between you both shifted—awareness creeping in, making the moment heavier.
that’s when it hit you. you were still in your bra and cheer skirt, practically half naked, standing so close to him that you could feel every rise and fall of his breath. his gaze flickered down for the briefest moment, noticing the way your bodies were pressed together, but then his eyes met yours again, burning with something that only made your skin tingle more.
still, your pride refused to let you falter.
“y-you . . . you piss me off just by being h-here,”you said, though your voice had dropped, losing some of its venom as you felt his body heat radiate against you.
“you sure that’s what’s pissing you off?”
“fuck yo—”
suddenly, his hands were on your face, pulling you in. his lips crashed into yours, silencing your words with a fierce, angry kiss. it wasn’t soft or sweet—it was rough, almost desperate, like he’d been holding back for far too long.
his lips tasted faintly of something sugary—popcorn, probably from the match he’d just watched—but there was also a hint of salt, the mix making your head spin.
before you could even process it, his hands slid down your body, boldly cupping your still covered breasts. his touch sent a shiver down your spine as he pushed you back against the locker with more force than before. his lips pressed harder, swallowing the soft moan that escaped you, the kiss becoming a battle for control neither of you were willing to lose.
your hands, almost instinctively, moved to his chest. through the fabric of his shirt, you could feel the taut muscles underneath—harder than you expected. since when did a nerd like him work out? you wondered, your fingers tracing the lines of his toned chest. the realization only made your pulse quicken, your mind spinning with questions you didn’t know you had about him.
“i’m taking this off,” he said, breathless, pulling back just enough to meet your eyes. his hands ghosted over the clasp of your bra. “can i?”
you could only nod, words failing you in the heat of the moment. in a swift, practiced motion, he expertly snapped the clasp open, the ease of it catching you off guard. what other surprises does he have? you thought, momentarily stunned by how fast he was.
before you could dwell on it, his mouth latched onto your breast, warm and wet, while his free hand kneaded the other. the feeling was instant, sending shivers down your spine. you instinctively reached up, fingers tangling in his soft brown hair, which smelled faintly of citrus and something woody.
a groan rumbled through him at the tug, his breath hot against your skin, and it sent a pulse straight through you.
his other hand, no longer content to just hold, drifted down to tease circles on your stomach. goosebumps broke out along your skin as his fingers traveled lower, finally cupping your core with a harsh grip that made you hiss.
“you don't have to be so rough, jerk,” you managed to grit out. his response? he sucked harder on your breast, making you gasp, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin just enough to blur the line between pleasure and pain.
“oh, but you like it,” haechan muttered against your skin, the smirk in his voice so clear it made your blood boil. his mouth never left your chest, teasing and toying with you as his fingers pressed harder against your core, rubbing through the fabric.
“yeah, but i didn't say you could be a cocky asshole about it,” you sigh, hips arching into his touch.
haechan let out a breathy chuckle, clearly amused, but you weren't going to let him get away with it. you tugged his hair sharply again, a little warning. his reaction was instant—eyes squeezing shut as he groaned at the sting. it was satisfying, seeing him react to you like that.
“don't push your luck,” you muttered, a smirk tugging at your lips. but before you could gloat any further, he pressed a last, teasing kiss to your breast and sank to his knees.
his hands gripped your hips firmly, almost gently, like you were something delicate. when you reached for your skirt to take it off, he stopped you with a quick look.
“leave it.” he muttered, his eyes dark as he ducked underneath the fabric, getting beneath your skirt in a matter of seconds.
you barely have time to react before his mouth is on you, tongue flicking out and hitting your clit with no hesitation. it's so sudden that you have to bite down on your lip, refusing to make any noise that might give him the satisfaction. you can handle this. or at least, you think you can—until he licks you again.
the way his tongue moves, teasing with soft strokes and little flicks, has you gripping the locker behind you, your body betraying you. you fight the urge to moan, swallowing it down, but he's relentless, not giving you an inch of control.
he pulls back just enough to say, “already so wet? you're loving this, aren't you?”
his finger slide into you as if proving a point, the stretch making your thighs tremble.
you grit your teeth, hating how easily he's getting to you. one finger pumps in and out, and another pumps in, curling just enough to make your body jerk, and you feel like you might explode right there. you can't believe how a nerd like him is quickly working you up.
“f-fuck,” you hiss under your breath.
as his tongue keeps teasing your clit, a sharp wave of pleasure hits, and you gasp, louder than you intended. your body tightens around his fingers, but you still refuse to fully let go. you're not giving him the satisfaction.
but haechan notices. he always notices.
“you trying to hold out on me, baby?” his voice is cocky, and it only fuels your irritation.
“funny how the girls were right . . . guys really do suck at giving head,” you taunt. “and you're just proving their point.”
it's a low blow, and you know it. but it does exactly what you want.
haechan stops mid-movement, his tongue pausing against your skin as he looks up at you, his expression darkening. the absence of his touch makes you shiver in frustration.
“if you're gonna be a brat,” he says flatly, his voice lower now, more serious. “i'm not gonna make you cum.”
your breath hitches at his words. is he serious? he can't be, right? but the look on his face tells you he's not bluffing. a wave of embarrassment washes over you because as much as you want to defy him, the idea of him denying you like this . . . turns you on even more.
before you can respond, he moves away from between your legs, standing up as his hand moves to his zipper. with deliberate slowness, he pulls it down and frees his length, fisting it lazily. his eyes stay locked on yours, that infuriating smirk playing at his lips.
you can't help it. your mouth goes dry at the sight of him, his hand stroking himself as if you're just there to watch. the heat between your legs only grows worse, the ache pulsing through you, and you're caught between being turned on and pissed off. that dark, smug stare of his makes you feel small, powerless. you hate how much you want him right now, how badly you need the release he's withholding.
you're losing this game.
“hyuck . . . p-please . . .” the words fall from your lips before you can stop them, voice shaky, desperate. “need to cum . . . it hurts . . .”
he lets out a short, humorless scoff, shaking his head. “look at you,” he murmurs, the amusement clear in his voice. “acting all tough, but now you're begging?”
his hand continues its slow, steady motion as he strokes himself, and your stomach clenches at the sight.
you don't care about pride anymore—you just need to feel something. anything.
“you don't deserve it yet, baby. not until you stop being a brat.”
desperation wells up inside you. “please, i'll be good! i promise, just . . . just make me cum,” you plead, your voice shaky and breathless.
“are you my little princess? 'cause i could just leave you like this . . .” there's a hint of seriousness that makes your heart race.
“i'm sorry . . . please, hyuckie . . .” the way you say his name feels like a plea and a promise all at once.
a smirk spreads across his face as he removes his hand from his aching cock. “you're gonna be my good girl, hm?”
“yes! i'll be your good girl,” you reply eagerly, heart pounding with anticipation.
without wasting another moment, haechan doubles his efforts. his fingers slip back inside you, moving in a way that makes your head spin. meanwhile, his lips wrap around your clit, sucking and teasing with just the right amount of pressure.
“a–ah fuck, ngh! i'm gonna cum! can i please?” you gasp, panting heavily as the pleasure builds.
he hums in response, the vibration sending shockwaves through your core, making you see stars. it pushes you over the edge, and you cum hard, your thighs shaking violently as the waves of pleasure wash over you.
“cat got your tongue?” his voice is smug, and it makes you want to roll your eyes, but you're still coming down from the high, your body spent.
you let out a small laugh, breathless. “i need to breathe,” you joke, your chest still heaving. but then something dawns on you.
he hasn't cum yet.
“wait, w-what about you?” you ask, your gaze dropping down to his crotch, confused.
he smirks again, completely unfazed. “i came, see?” he gestures down to his boxers, and your eyes widen as you spot the sticky mess in the fabric, cum staining the material.
“seriously?” you ask, incredulous. the idea of him getting off just by watching you cum is a bit shocking. “you came just from that?”
he shrugs casually, pulling up his pants as if it's nothing. “what can i say? you looked hot.”
“you're just now seeing that, nerd?”
you run a hand through your hair, tugging at the strands to make yourself look halfway decent. adjusting your clothes quickly, you try to shake off any trace of what just happened. the last thing you need is for anyone to catch on, even though the gym's empty. the chances of someone hearing you and haechan earlier are slim to none, but still, the thought nags at you.
the silence stretches between you two, but it's different now—less tense, but still heavy with everything that's just happened.
haechan breaks it first.
haechan's voice cuts through the room so suddenly that it stops you mid-motion, halfway through putting your shirt back on.
you shrug, pulling your shirt over your head, trying to play it off as if nothing happened. “forget it. i didn't mean anything by it.”
“no, seriously.” his voice softens, catching you off guard. “i didn't know you were that serious about jaemin.”
you feel your face heat up and quickly look away, fumbling with your clothes. “i-i'm sorry too, okay? i wasn't thinking straight,” you mutter, stuffing everything into your bag.
it's awkward now, the air between you both feeling heavier. you're about to reach for your bag when haechan casually grabs it, slinging it over his shoulder like it's nothing.
“i'll walk you home,” he says, his tone too easygoing for the tension still hanging between you.
“b-but someone might see us,” you stammer, glancing around nervously.
haechan smirks. “they know me as your tutor, pom-poms. relax, we're not gonna get caught.”
“right. good point . . . and uh, about that . . . sorry i've been ditching our sessions.”
“i'll make sure you don't pull that stunt again. we had a deal, remember?”
“yeah, well. i'm not actually going home, though.”
haechan frowns, confused. “where are you going then?”
“the library,” you shrug.
he stops in his tracks, turning to you with a teasing grin. “you? the library? since when do cheerleaders read?”
“what, a cheerleader can't have hobbies? i'm allowed to read, nerd.”
“damn, baby, i must've knocked something loose in your brain earlier. you're slowly becoming more like me.”
you shove him playfully, rolling your eyes. “gross.”
his grin only widens. “touché. what kind of books are you reading then?”
“just some literature.”
haechan's eyebrows shoot up, his expression shifting from playful to downright perplexed. “literature? like actual books with more than ten pages? you're telling me you're reading something that requires even more brainpower than i have?”
“see, cheerleaders aren't all airheads.”
he mock gasps, placing a hand over his heart. “you're telling me you're more of a nerd than me? literature is like, the ultimate level of nerd—so many pages, so many words.” he's rambling, clearly caught off guard, but then his face shifts, like he's putting the pieces together. “wait, wait, wait . . . let me guess—are you a literature major or something?”
you smile sheepishly and nod. “guilty.”
the boy blinks, genuinely surprised but impressed. “damn, i didn't see that coming. you're officially nerdier than me. you're not just out here reading, you're studying literature? and i thought i was the brainiac between us.”
“you're not the only smart one, you know.”
“yeah, i see that now. you might just be rubbing off on me with all this reading stuff.”
you raise an eyebrow. “me? rubbing off on you? you've got it backwards.”
he laughs, nudging you back. “okay, fine. but seriously, a literature major? that's pretty cool. what's your favorite book then, miss smarty pants?”
you pause, thinking for a moment. “right now, i'm stuck on the catcher in the rye. it's intense, but in a good way. you'd probably like it. it's about this guy who thinks he's too smart for everyone else. kinda like you.”
he groans, rolling his eyes dramatically. “oh great, so i'm that predictable, huh?”
you grin. “pretty much.”
“you do know how to flatter a guy.”
you laugh, shaking your head. “yeah, well, i'm also studying for my algebra test, so it's not all fun.”
“i can stay with you if you want. help with the studying part, i mean.”
you hesitate, not sure if you want to spend more time with him or if that would make things more complicated. “uhh, if you want to, i don't see a problem with it. maybe you can help me with some . . . equations?” you offer, half joking but also kind of hoping he says yes.
he reaches out and pats your head lightly. “of course, pom poms, that's why i'm here, remember? now come on,” he grins as he starts walking ahead of you, your bag slung effortlessly over his shoulder, like he's done it a million times.
but something nags at you, a knot tightening in your chest as you watch him. “um, haechan?”
he stops mid-step, adjusting the strap of your bag on his shoulder as he turns to face you. “yeah, princess?”
there's a flutter in your stomach at the way he says it, the nickname rolling off his tongue with such ease that it almost sounds affectionate. you clear your throat, trying to steady your voice. “uh, earlier . . . it was just casual, right?”
haechan stands in front of you, calm, one hand stuffed in his pocket, the other gripping the strap of your bag. his face is unreadable for a second, but then his eyes—those deep, warm eyes—catch the light, and something in them flickers. it's fleeting, but it's enough to make your breath catch in your throat.
you've never really looked at him like this before. he's always been the teasing, arrogant nerd who got on your nerves, but right now, standing there with his messy hair and that calm, steady gaze . . . he's beautiful. and you wonder, with a sudden pang of regret, how you've never noticed it before. how much you've missed, blinded by your irritation.
but you panic, realizing the silence between you is stretching too long. “i mean—” you stammer, the words tumbling out too quickly, like you're trying to catch up with your own thoughts. “i wasn't expecting anything or . . . hoping for anything from you or-i-it's just . . . i just felt like i needed to clarify, you know?”
you're blabbering now, and it feels stupid, like you've just dug yourself into a hole you can't get out of. your heart is pounding in your chest, and you're painfully aware of how awkward you must look, fumbling with words that aren't coming out right.
haechan doesn't laugh. he doesn't tease. he just stands there, looking at you in that way that makes your insides twist. and then, with a small nod, he says softly, “of course.”
it's so simple, so calm. but there's something in his tone that you can't quite place.
for a second, you wonder if maybe-just maybe-he's not as unaffected by what happened as you thought. but he's already turning away, leading the way out of the gym, leaving you standing there.
“come on, pom poms, don't wanna fail that test, do we?”
there's the haechan you know—playful, always teasing, the jackass who can't help but have something to say. but as you watch him throw a lazy grin over his shoulder, you notice a warmth in his voice that wasn't there before. a small smile creeps onto your face, and your heart feels just a little fuller.
it hits you how easy it is to be around him. even with all the teasing and his cocky attitude, he makes everything feel lighter. as much as he drives you crazy, you kinda like it. you kinda like him—this annoying, nerdy tutor who, despite all the nonsense, seems to actually care in his own weird way.
even if he's a jackass half the time, he's your jackass—and a soft one at that.
you aced it. within three days, you managed to catch up on everything in algebra, and you might actually be starting to like the subject—or maybe it was just because of your tutor. thanks, haechan.
thursday classes rolled by quickly. you could barely remember what you learned in each period; all you could think about was the algebra test. now, you're walking to your last class with karina, chatting and laughing about random stuff.
“seventy-nine percent! miss smarty over here!”
you roll your eyes, a grin breaking through. “one good test doesn't make me a genius.”
“pfft you used to fail everything,” she counters, nudging you with her shoulder. “at this rate, you'll be tutoring me by the end of the semester.”
“don't count on it. it was just one test!” you laugh, shaking your head as you approach the classroom.
as you both enter the classroom, your eyes dart to haechan, who's sitting in his usual spot at the front. you give him a quick smile and mouth a silent “i passed.” his response is a cheerful thumbs-up that makes your heart flutter just a little.
you settle into your usual spot at the back, but suddenly, you hear a commotion nearby.
“what the f— haechan!”
“i call dibs!” he yells, playfully pushing karina aside.
you blink at them, confused. “why are you two fighting over a seat—”
“it's my seat!” karina protests, hands on her hips, glaring at haechan.
“not anymore,” he retorts, plopping down in the chair beside you with a satisfied grin.
“you think you can just swoop in and take my seat like that?”
without a word, she reaches out and tugs on haechan's hair, causing him to yelp dramatically.
“ow! what the hell!” he winces, rubbing the spot she pulled. “okay, okay! in exchange—i'll give you jeno's number. fair?”
karina pauses, pretending to consider it, but then her hand goes right back to his hair, tugging even harder this time.
“ow, ow! okay! i'll hook you up with him! or i'll ask him to approach you—whatever you want! just let go!”
“just making sure i get something out of this.” karina winks.
the poor boy winces, still rubbing his scalp. “jeez woman—”
“but seriously, can you ask him to sit with us during lunch? i mean, he's so cute, and i want to get to know him better.”
haechan looks at her with a mock—serious expression, pretending to think hard. “hmm, that might be a bit of a stretch. i'll need to pull some strings. i'll see what i can do.”
“i'll hold you to that,” karina says, flashing haechan a devilish grin before dramatically marching to his usual seat at the front.
you stare at him, eyebrows furrowed and lips slightly parted, wearing a confused expression as he unpacks his things like he's right where he belongs. he puts on his glasses, the ones he only uses to see the board from far away, and adjusts them casually before turning toward you.
“hi,” he says with a grin.
“hello to you too?”
haechan's hand suddenly squeezes your thigh, as he whispers, “face the front, or you're gonna get in trouble.” his fingers glide away slowly, teasingly, and you can feel your pulse jump, repeating his words in your head.
or you're gonna get in trouble.
your lips curl into a mischievous smile. so this is how you wanna play, huh? you straighten up and turn toward the front as the professor begins the lecture, but focusing is suddenly the last thing on your mind. your thoughts are racing, already plotting your next move.
you sneak a glance to your side. sure enough, haechan is jotting down notes in his notebook. his glasses have slid slightly down the bridge of his nose, and his head is bent, fully immersed in whatever the professor is saying. his lips, those soft plush lips, are gently puckered as he concentrates. the sight makes your stomach flip. god, i want to ruin him.
you're not even pretending to pay attention anymore. his woody scent fills your senses, his very presence making everything around you buzz. your pulse quickens as your mind fixates on one thing: i want to ruin him.
you crave his attention, his reaction—anything that will make him take control again, just like he did in the locker room. without thinking, you slowly bring your hand up, resting it on his thigh, your fingers brushing lightly over his pants.
you wait for a reaction, any sign that he's affected by your touch—but nothing. not the slightest flinch, not even a glance your way. is he that good at hiding it? you wonder. or maybe he thinks you're just being casual. either way, it's not the reaction you're looking for.
so, you push a little further.
your hand inches higher, testing the boundaries. it's only then that you feel his body stiffen. his breath catches for just a moment, and you glance over to see his face slowly turning a shade of crimson. his jaw tightens, and for the briefest second, his gaze flickers down to where your hand is-hidden under the table, but doing things it definitely shouldn't be. he swallows hard, then looks up at you, eyes flashing a silent warning.
you meet his gaze with an innocent look, wide eyed and all too knowing. it's a look that always works, and you use it shamelessly. you pretend you don't know what he's warning you about, all while your hand moves higher, edging dangerously close to where he's most vulnerable. the higher your hand goes, the redder his cheeks become.
and then, without breaking eye contact, you squeeze.
his whole body tenses, a barely suppressed gasp slipping from his lips. you feel a rush of power surge through you, like a predator who's just caught their prey. the way he's struggling to keep it together—god, it's intoxicating.
despite how tense he was, how his breath seemed to catch every time your hand moved, he couldn't find it in himself to tell you to stop. the thought of how close you were to his crotch, the slight brush of your fingers, only made him harder.
just as the professor turned to scribble something on the whiteboard, you sneaked a quick glance under the table. his bulge was unmistakable, straining against his pants. you couldn't help yourself-you traced a slow, teasing circle on his inner thigh, deliberately avoiding his growing erection but grazing close enough to drive him mad.
it was working.
he's trying so hard to act unbothered, but you can see it-the way his grip on his notebook tightens, the way his jaw clenches.
“b-baby,” he whispers, so soft it's almost drowned by the noise in the room.
“yes, hyuckie?”
his expression said everything—eyes half lidded, brows drawn together like he was barely holding on. he looked like he was suffering, like he needed you to touch him more, right here, right now, in the middle of class. his lips parted slightly, but no sound came out. just the look on his face was enough to tell you how badly he was craving your touch.
you felt his thigh tense under your palm, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the edge of his desk. his need for you was written all over him, and you could feel the heat pooling between your own legs, your body reacting to how desperate he was.
“p-please . . .”
“we're in the middle of class,” you whispered.
“i know but, baby, please, do something,” he whispered, desperation lacing his words as he shifted in his seat, trying not to let the heat between you both distract him.
you pulled your hand away, pretending to be innocent. “w-what? y/n, please!” he exclaimed, eyes wide with need. you had him right under your spell.
“shush, eyes on the front,” you said, mimicking his earlier tone. the groan that slipped from his lips caught the professor's attention.
“mr. lee? is there something the matter?” the professor asked, looking over his glasses with a raised brow.
startled, haechan straightened, trying to play it cool. “um, n-no, sir,” he stammered.
“very well then.” the professor turned back to the whiteboard, and just then, he called on haechan again. “mr. lee, can you explain the significance of the treaty of versailles?”
"uh-y-yeah?" haechan replied, his confidence wavering.
“surely this question is easy for you,” the professor pushed, expecting a solid answer.
you couldn't resist. as haechan struggled to focus, you reached down, groping his bulge through his pants. his breath hitched, and he fought to maintain his composure, his eyes darting nervously between you and the professor.
“uh, the treaty of versailles . . . was in 1919?” he blurted out, his voice shaky.
you continued your teasing, stopping just short of the tip.
“uhh . . .” he mumbled, clearly struggling to think. “it-uh, it . . . imposed reparations on germany?”
“mr. lee?” the professor prompted again, not buying haechan's floundering.
his breath quickened as you kept your movements steady, your fingers pressing down a little harder. “yeah, uh . . . that's right!” he stuttered, but all you could focus on was the way he squirmed in his seat, desire clouding his judgment.
“good job, but can you elaborate on that?” the professor asked, clearly expecting more detail.
“y-yes,” he said, but the words were barely a whisper, his eyes locked on yours, pleading for more of your touch.
“the. . . the reparations,” he stammered, “put a huge financial burden on germany . . . which, uh, led too . . .” his words trailed off as you gave him a teasing squeeze right at the tip of his cock.
“come on, you dirty boy, you're the top student, right? answer him.” you mumbled.
“led to . . . resentment and uh—”
the professor raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by haechan's lack of composure but nodded. “correct. but i expected more detail from you, mr. lee.”
“y-yes sir. sorry,” he managed, but his eyes were glazed. he was holding on by a thread.
haechan let out a shaky breath, leaning forward with his head resting on his arms, trying to keep it together. his voice was barely a whisper, just for you. “i'm gonna cum . . .”
his whole body was tense, and his hand gripped the edge of the desk, trying to keep from making too much noise. he was watching your hand through hooded eyes, the way you palmed him through his pants, the pressure making him lose it. his hips jerked a little, needing more of your touch, and he looked at you with a desperate kind of hunger.
but just when he was right on the edge, his breathing uneven and his muscles tight, you pulled your hand away. his eyes widened in disbelief, and before he could beg you to keep going, you leaned in and kissed his shoulder quickly. your voice was soft and teasing when you whispered, “after class.”
he groaned softly, burying his face into the crook of his arm as he sat back up. there was no arguing with you now. he had no choice but to wait.
the minutes dragged on endlessly. haechan could hardly sit still, shifting uncomfortably as the pressure in his pants only worsened. every second felt like an eternity, and he kept stealing glances at the clock, praying for the class to finally end. he couldn't focus on anything, aching for the moment when the bell would ring.
when class was finally dismissed, you quickly gathered your things, offering a quick wave to your friend across the room.
“i'll see you around, babes!” you called out to karina, your voice carefree as you headed toward the door.
he scrambled to grab his stuff, still moving slow because he was trying to hide the obvious bulge in his pants. he was walking awkwardly, trying to stay calm even though he was still ridiculously hard. you were already a few steps ahead of him, and he watched as you glanced around before spotting an empty janitor's closet.
you grabbed his arm and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind you. he stumbled in after you, groaning as you practically dragged him along. “fuck, baby, that was so hot,” he said, leaning against the wall.
“shut up and just kiss me already,” without waiting for a response, you pressed your lips to his in a heated kiss.
the boy melted into you instantly, his hands sliding to your hips, pulling you closer as he let out a long, relieved moan into your mouth. his body reacted on instinct, grinding against your leg, desperate for any kind of friction. you felt the way his hips moved, eager and needy, and you couldn't help but smirk against his lips.
“humping that cock like the desperate nerd you are, huh?” you teased, pulling back just enough to catch the frustration on his face. his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, and a soft whimper escaped him. his wide, pleading eyes locked with yours, already completely at your mercy.
“words, hyuck,” you command. “i need you to use that pretty mouth of yours.”
haechan's grip tightens on your hips, his breath coming out in short gasps against your neck.
“i-i'm too dumb to even talk . . . p-please,” he pleads, voice trembling, his body pressing into yours desperately. the tension makes your head spin, and you can feel the heat pooling between your legs, wetness already soaking through your underwear.
slowly, you start stripping, teasing him with every move. his eyes never leave you, dark with desire, his lips parting slightly as he breathes harder. you shimmy out of your top, then your bottoms, leaving nothing but skin between you. he's biting his lip now, unable to look away.
“fuck,” he breathes out, eyes roaming over every inch of you.
“come here,” you whisper, reaching for him. he practically stumbles into you, arms wrapping around you like he needs to hold onto something solid. his lips move urgently over your skin, kissing, nipping, and leaving a trail of warmth down your neck and shoulders. his breath is uneven, little whimpers escaping him as he tries to steady himself, but his body's already shaking with what's about to come next.
you giggle softly, but it catches in your throat when his cock brushes against your thigh, hot and hard. a gasp slips out, and you feel him press closer.
“god, you're so wet,” he murmurs.
at this point, the both of you are completely naked, bodies pressed against each other as the heated makeout session stretches on, your breath mingling with his. your lips part just enough to breathe out, “put it in, hyuck . . . i wanna feel you.”
his eyes darken, and he gives you that teasing smile. “you gonna let me fuck you raw, baby?”
you nod frantically, gripping his shoulders to steady yourself as you look around the small janitor's closet. it's cramped, the shelves packed with cleaning supplies and barely enough room to stand, which leaves no other option. your back is pressed against the wall, the cold surface contrasting with the heat of your skin, making you shiver. the scent of bleach lingers faintly in the air, but all you can focus on is the way his body feels pressed up against yours, the tension building as you wait for him to move.
“y-yes, yes please,” you plead, your voice soft, breathy. “touch me, do whatever you want.”
the sight of his cock, thick and long, makes your mouth water. you can feel your thighs clenching. slowly, he lines himself up, his tip brushing your entrance before he starts to push in. you both moan in relief at the same time, the sensation overwhelming. he's big, stretching you inch by inch, and your body tightens instinctively around him, making him groan deep in his throat.
the sweat on his face glistens under the dim light, his glasses slipping slightly down the bridge of his nose as he presses into you. haechan pauses, giving you a moment to adjust, his jaw clenched tight as he tries to hold back. you're so tight, your walls clenching around him, and the stretch makes your legs tremble. your head falls back against the wall with a soft thud, eyes squeezed shut as you try to breathe through it, your lips parting with little gasps.
he leans in, his lips brushing softly against your neck, peppering kisses all over your exposed skin as if to comfort you.
“fuck, you're perfect,” he whispers, his breath hot against your skin as his hips slowly begin to move, dragging his cock in and out of you in slow, deliberate strokes.
each roll of his hips has you gasping, fingers digging into his back as your body clings to him.
haechan's hips still as he looks down at you, concern softening the lust in his eyes. “you okay, baby?”
you blink your eyes open, barely able to focus with how full you feel, but then something hits you. glancing down between your bodies, you realize with a rush of need that he's only halfway in. the sight makes your stomach clench, and a greedy want pools inside you. you're so full already, but you want more.
“'m okay,” you pant, your voice trembling slightly. “g-go deeper.”
that's all he needs to hear. a low groan escapes his lips as he leans in closer, his forehead pressing against yours for a second, and then, slowly, he begins to push further in, stretching you even more. your legs tense around his hips, your hands flying to his shoulders as he sinks deeper, inch by inch. the feeling is intense, overwhelming, and your breath stutters in your throat as his hips finally meet yours, flush against you.
his cock fills you completely now, reaching places that haven't been touched in so long that your body practically sings from the sensation. the pressure, the fullness, it's almost too much, and yet not enough all at once. a broken moan escapes your lips as you try to adjust to how deep he is inside you.
your body is still adjusting to the overwhelming fullness when an idea flashes through your mind. without even warning him, you push lightly against haechan's chest, just enough to create a little space between you. his brows furrow in confusion for a split second before you lift one of your legs, bringing it up to rest on his shoulder.
both of you gasp, his breath hitching as he sinks even deeper into you. you feel the stretch, as he presses right against your core. it's like he's filling every inch of you, hitting spots you didn't even know could be reached.
“fuck, so deep,” haechan groans. his hands grip your thigh where it rests on his shoulder, keeping you steady as he draws back slowly, only to thrust back into you even harder. the new angle allows him to hit deeper with every stroke, the head of his cock pressing insistently against that sensitive spot, making you cry out.
his pace quickens, hips snapping against yours with a bruising intensity. you almost lose your balance, your fingers scrambling for purchase on his arms as his thrusts become more relentless. the slapping sound of skin meeting skin fills the cramped space of the janitor's closet, mingling with the slick, obscene noises of your bodies moving together.
“baby a-ah . . . you're so w-warm,” his voice rough now, nothing like the sweet tone from earlier. the tightness of you wrapped around him is clearly driving him insane, his eyes half lidded with lust as he watches you struggle to keep up with his brutal pace.
“a-all for you,” you manage to gasp out between thrusts, your voice shaky as the pleasure overwhelms your ability to think straight. you're practically cock drunk at this point, each thrust sending a shockwave of pleasure through your entire body. you can barely form a coherent thought, let alone worry about how loud you both are.
haechan leans in, his lips brushing against the skin of your calf resting on his shoulder as he grinds into you even deeper, chasing the high that's building between you both. his glasses are fogging up, slipping down his nose, but he's too lost in the feeling of you, the way you're clenching so desperately around him, to care.
there's a sudden shift in haechan's eyes as he glances down at you—taking in the sight of your flushed face, the little drool pooling at the corner of your lips, hair plastered to your forehead, your chest rising and falling with each labored breath.
you, on the other hand, can feel the tension in the air shift, the intensity in his gaze making you squirm. it's like he's seeing right through you, stripping you down to nothing but raw desire, your most vulnerable self on display for him alone.
he snaps.
without a word, his hand wraps around your throat, his grip firm but controlled as he presses you harder against the wall. he stretches your leg higher, folding you almost painfully, making you feel every inch of him buried deep inside you. his rhythm becomes more frantic, hips slamming into you with an erratic need that has your moans growing louder, desperate. the small space feels suffocating, the hot air thick as your breaths come out ragged, and you struggle to keep up.
“my princess,” haechan breathes out, his voice dark and low, each word rolling off his tongue slowly, possessively. “this cunt, all of it, it's mine, right? only for me?”
he doesn't wait for an answer, leaning in to lick into your mouth, swallowing your gasps as his lips move hungrily over yours, leaving sloppy kisses between his words. “taking my cock so well, baby. like a fucking good girl.”
you can't even think straight, your body trembling as the pleasure builds higher, every nerve ending lighting up at his rough words, his ruthless pace.
“need to cum, hyuckie,” you whimper. “please . . .”
his eyes darken at your plea. “then cum for me,” he growls.
the moment the words leave his lips, you're gone. your orgasm crashes through you, head falling back against the wall as your body seizes up, a muffled cry escaping your throat. haechan tightens his grip on your neck, muffling your sounds, keeping your pleasure a secret between the two of you in the tiny space. he fucks you through your high, each thrust prolonging the waves of ecstasy until you're completely spent, trembling and gasping for breath.
he pulls out, barely able to hold back, stroking himself furiously as you drop to your knees, mouth wide open, ready for him. the sight of you like this—eyes glossy, lips parted, waiting-pushes him over the edge.
“my dirty baby,” he groans, his voice wrecked as he spills into your mouth, hips jerking as he releases. you take it all, swallowing greedily, looking up at him with an innocent gaze that has him nearly collapsing above you.
with one final kiss, haechan helps you stand on shaky legs, both of you still giggling like kids caught in the act as you help each other get dressed. haechan tugging your shirt back into place and smoothing the wrinkles while you busy yourself wiping the fog from his lens, exchanging playful glances.
he fusses over your hair, combing his fingers through the tangled strands. you let out a sudden laugh, catching him off guard.
“what, baby?” he tilts his head, amused by your sudden outburst.
“does my hair look like i just got fucked in the janitor's closet, or does it look normal?” you ask, eyes sparkling with mischief.
haechan grins wide, planting a quick kiss on your forehead before chuckling. “nah, you look like a witch.” but even so, he gently fixes some of the more stubborn strands, tucking them behind your ear. “there, better.”
“thank you,” you say with a soft smile, running your fingers through his hair next, trying to neaten it up. “now that's the nerdy haechan i know.” you giggle, and he watches you with this soft, almost dazed look.
he bites his lip, hearts practically shining in his eyes as he looks at you. “we should celebrate. ice cream? maybe?” he suggests, his voice all of a sudden way too excited for someone who just finished what you did.
you blink at him, momentarily lost. “huh?”
“for passing your test. it's a good start, don't you think?” he grins, and that funny feeling in your stomach stirs again, catching you off guard.
“oh . . . right.” you laugh, still surprised by the change in pace. “yeah, sure, why not?”
“i'm free this weekend. you can come over to my dorm if you want,” he says, his excitement infectious. “and don't worry, i'll have the ice cream ready before you get there.”
“that'll work,” you reply, smiling.
haechan beams, his smile so genuine it makes your heart skip a beat. he leans in to give you a quick kiss on the lips, leaving you speechless and flushed as he pulls away. “i'll text you, baby,” he murmurs softly.
you swallow, the warmth spreading through your chest as you nod. what is this feeling? you can't quite place it, but it lingers long after his lips leave yours.
“i'll go out first, or . . . ?”
“you go first,” you reply, still trying to process everything.
he peeks out of the door, scanning the hallway before slipping out like nothing ever happened. the door shuts softly behind him, leaving you alone with your thoughts, heart racing.
for a moment, you just stand there, replaying the whole thing in your mind, a smile tugging at your lips as you adjust your clothes one last time. something has definitely shifted between you, but whatever it is . . . you can't help but feel warm all over.
maybe this is just the beginning.
the weekend finally rolls around, and as you head to haechan's dorm, excitement bubbles in your stomach. to your surprise, haechan is already there, leaning casually against the doorframe with that signature grin.
“hope you don't mind, but the boys are here too for a movie night,” he says, hands tucked behind his back like a kid caught doing something he shouldn't.
“that's alright,” you reply, curiosity piqued about who else is here.
haechan opens the door wider and ushers you inside. as you step into the living room, you scan the space, your eyes landing on a familiar face—jaemin, with his bright smile, and sitting next to someone you don't recognize.
“oh, hey, y/n! didn't know you'd be joining us! come sit!” jaemin gestures for you to take a seat beside him.
“y/n! come join us!” johnny chimes in from the other side of the room.
as you move to sit down, you notice haechan's expression shift when jaemin lights up at your arrival. a hint of annoyance crosses haechan's face before he seems to shake it off. jaemin doesn't know about you and haechan yet; he didn't get the chance to tell him.
you take the spot next to jaemin. haechan quickly slips between your legs, settling in a crisscross position. it's sweet, but you can't help but feel a bit self conscious with everyone watching. you adjust your sitting position, inadvertently brushing shoulders with jaemin.
this is your second time at their dorm; most of your tutoring sessions with haechan take place in the library. you've tried to avoid his place, not wanting to remember the hurtful remark he made about you to his friends—the "typical cheerleader playbook."
now, sitting here surrounded by his friends, you feel a wave of insecurity wash over you. do they really think you're like that? the thought gnaws at you, filling your mind with a barrage of what-ifs. what if they know about your secret hookups with haechan? you feel small and out of place, the weight of their potential judgments pressing down on you.
what if they believe you're just using him? the notion makes your stomach churn. if that's the case, then what does haechan really want? everything seemed perfect between you two, but now that one question lingers at the back of your mind—what do you want? and what does he want?
you're on the verge of spiraling when jaemin's voice pulls you back to reality.
“wha—yeah?” you blink, a little dazed.
“everything okay? you looked kinda lost there.”
“yeah, everything's fine. were you saying something?”
“i offered you a blanket. wanna share?”
you feel haechan shift uncomfortably under you, but you manage a small nod.
“sure, thanks,” you say, your voice softer than usual. maybe it's the proximity of jaemin's face or the guilt gnawing at you because haechan's by your feet, and you can't seem to give him the same attention. it's like you're trying too hard to hide your secret hookups with haechan, but in doing so, you're overcompensating with jaemin.
jaemin smiles at you—that cute smile that makes his eyes sparkle—and it makes your stomach twist. it's the same smile that makes you feel sick with guilt. he reaches for the bowl of popcorn beside him and offers it to you. “popcorn?”
before you can answer, haechan cuts in, his voice sharp.
“she won't be eating that—here, this is gonna melt if you don't eat it.” he hands you a tub of ice cream, the one he promised you days ago. you look at him, feeling the corners of your mouth tug up into a soft smile. you're not sure if it's because of the ice cream or the way haechan's trying to remind you of your connection.
“it's fine. i'll have some later,” you say to jaemin, feeling a bit guilty. you don't want to reject his offer entirely, so you add, “would you like to share?”
haechan deflate under you, his eyes narrowing as he rolls them and mutters something under his breath, clearly annoyed. he even mimics what you said, quietly mocking your words. it stings him to see you so quickly offer to share something with jaemin, especially after he went out of his way to bring you ice cream. the thought festers in his mind—you'll share with jaemin but not me? seriously?
you're too focused on keeping up appearances to address haechan's annoyance directly, though. sitting next to jaemin, with haechan's head resting near your legs, it feels like you're trapped in some weird balancing act. you hope that sitting next to jaemin is a good enough excuse for why you can't let haechan coddle you too much. you can't think straight with him so close.
less than half an hour into the movie, jaemin's getting a bit too close for comfort. his shoulder brushes against yours every time he moves, and his knee presses into yours thanks to the cramped space on the couch. it's all subtle, but enough to make you notice, especially with haechan's eyes flicking your way every few minutes, pretending not to notice—but you know he does.
suddenly, haechan speaks up. “do you guys want a refill?” he points at the two empty bowls of popcorn sitting on the table in front of you.
johnny jumps in, “yeah, and grab some sodas while you're up.”
haechan stands up, and his eyes land on you, holding your gaze for a moment longer than he probably should. “come help me,” he says, though the tone of his voice suggests it's more of an expectation than a suggestion.
you hesitate for a second, then nod. he's clearly looking for an excuse to get you alone, away from jaemin's attention, and you can't blame him. you follow him out of the living room and into the kitchen, feeling the slight weight of the tension between you both. it's quiet at first, the only sound being haechan grabbing a fresh bag of popcorn and loading it into the microwave.
leaning against the counter, you watch him as he fiddles with the microwave, neither of you speaking.
finally, he breaks the silence. “what was all that about?”
you blink, caught off guard. “what do you mean?”
he doesn't look at you, just keeps staring at the microwave. “you and jaemin,”
you feel a flicker of defensiveness but try to keep your voice calm. “we're sitting on a couch, hyuck. it's cramped. i wasn't doing anything.”
he finally turns to face you, eyes searching yours. there's something in his expression that's hard to read—irritation, maybe?
“it didn't feel like nothing,” he says quietly.
you feel a sudden rush of anger rising in your chest. what the hell is he mad about? you think to yourself, frustration bubbling up.
“first of all, there's no 'me and jaemin,' if that's what you think.” your voice is sharper than you intend, but you can't help it. “it's just a casual hangout, right? and second—why are you being such a dick to me right now?”
haechan scoffs, running a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated. “me? that's on you, y/n.” he pauses, eyes flicking to yours. "i thought we—”
“what, haechan? what did you think?” you snap back, rubbing your temples as a headache starts to creep in. you're tired. between school assignments piling up, nonstop practice, and the sheer weight of everything going on in your life, this confrontation is the last thing you need right now. you're starting to regret even coming here if it's all going to end in a fight over something that doesn't even make sense.
haechan exhales, his voice rising with frustration. “goddammit, y/n, i fucking like you, okay? why do you think i invited you over tonight?”
his words slam into you, and suddenly, everything goes quiet inside your head. you freeze, your heart stuttering in your chest as you stare at him, wide eyed. no, you think to yourself, your pulse speeding up. not again.
“i wanted to confess, but here you are all over star boy.” his voice is bitter, cutting through the air. you don't know what hurts more—him assuming the worst or the fact that he's saying it like it's all your fault.
“you told me it was to celebrate—”
“i like you, y/n,” haechan repeats, his voice softer this time, stepping toward you. “and i assumed you liked me too . . . right?”
he reaches out to grab your hands, but instinctively, you take a step back. your mind is racing.
“you're sure about that?” your voice wavers, but you force the words out anyway.
“you're sure you want to be with someone who's just 'using you to get into other people's pants'?”you quote his words, throwing them back at him, your heart shattering as the memory of his careless comment floods back.
fear spreads through you, twisting up in your gut. “are you sure you want to be with the 'typical cheerleader' you warned your friends about?”
haechan's face falls, his eyes widening as the weight of his words sinks in. the realisation hits him—you heard everything he'd said about you. “no, no-baby, i didn't mean—” he steps closer again, but you pull away further, your voice breaking now.
“do you still want to be with me?” you ask, choking on the words as tears blur your vision. “when you think i'm just using you to get closer to your friends? that i'm going to break your heart?”
you can't hold it together anymore, and before you know it, you're sobbing, the pain and confusion tearing you apart.
his expression softens immediately, the frustration melting away, replaced with guilt and panic. “baby, look at me” he pleads, his voice gentle now, desperate.
he reaches out, trying to pull you closer, but you step back again, your heart too shattered to let him in. “y/n, princess, i didn't mean any of that, i swear.”
he moves closer, his hands trembling as he gently takes your face between them, forcing you to meet his gaze. “i don't care about what i said before. i was an idiot. i don't care about what anyone else thinks. i want you. just you.”
but it feels like the damage is done. you pull away, stepping back from him, arms wrapped tightly around yourself, trying to hold together the pieces that are already starting to crumble.
“then why would you say that about me?” you whisper, voice broken. “why would you ever make me feel like i'm just another girl to you?”
haechan's face crumples, and he looks at you like he's seeing the full impact of his words for the first time. “i don't know,” he mutters, barely loud enough for you to hear. “i was stupid. jealous. i thought . . . i don't know what i thought. but i didn't mean any of it.”
you wipe at your eyes, trying to catch your breath, but it feels impossible. everything hurts, and you can't stop the sobs from breaking through. you want to believe him, you really do, but the sting of his words is still fresh. too fresh.
“give me some time to think—”
“i messed up so badly. i don't even know where to start. i hurt you, and i can't take that back, no matter how much i want to. you didn't deserve any of it-none of the things i said, none of the ways i treated you. i was too caught up in my own bullshit to see you for who you really are. i had this twisted idea of you in my head, and i let that poison everything between us. and now i've ruined it. i'm sorry . . . i'm so fucking sorry. i don't expect you to forgive me, but i can't stand the thought of you walking away thinking that i didn't care, or that you were just another game to me. you were never that. you were never that to me.”
this time, you didn't pull away as he gently wiped the tears streaming down your face. the warmth of his touch contrasted sharply with the pain still gnawing at your heart. “i wouldn't blame you if you think i'm a bad person . . .”
“no, y/n, you're not a bad person. not even close. you're—”he paused, searching for the right words, his eyes softening as they locked onto yours. “you're the sweetest angel i know. you have this way of making everyone around you feel special. i've always admired that about you.”
“haechan . . .”
“and you're funny too,” he added, curving into a smile. “a little careless sometimes, but that’s not the point.”
he took a deep breath, his expression softening. “you make it so easy to fall for you. you’re smart—okay, maybe i’m smarter, but—”
“haechan,” you interrupted, unable to suppress a laugh as you lightly hit his arm. the playful exchange began to ease the tension.
“what? just speaking the truth,” he replied. then he looked at you, his expression a mix of hope and uncertainty.
“do you . . . like me too?” he asked, fidgeting slightly, as if the question itself was a fragile thing.
in that moment, you felt as if you were drowning in a tidal wave of emotions. the weight of your feelings threatened to pull you under. it annoyed you how easily you wore your heart on your sleeve.
“i do,” you admitted, your voice trembling a little. “i really like you, lee haechan.”
his smile was bright and genuine for a heartbeat, but it faltered just as quickly.
“but like i said, i need some time to think.”
he took a deep breath, his expression softening again as he continued, “take as much time as you need. i’ll always be here waiting for you. i will wait for you, poms.” his gaze drifted to your lips, lingering for a moment, but he held himself back.
“see you around, hyuck,” you said, forcing a smile despite the turmoil inside.
“yeah, see you. take care,” he replied as you turned to leave.
with one last look, you slipped out of the dorm, careful not to draw attention from the other boys. the moment you stepped outside, the floodgates opened, and tears streamed down your cheeks, mingling with the rain pouring from the dark sky.
you walked and walked until you couldn’t muffle your cries anymore, and all that escaped was a sob.
it felt like goodbye.
days blurred into weeks, daylight faded into dark skies, but it felt like forever since you last spoke with him. the silence between you wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. you figured this was the best way to give yourself some space to think.
of course, you’d seen him around. glances shared in passing, a fleeting brush of eye contact. you could feel him holding back, giving you the distance you needed, though his presence always seemed just within reach. like some strange law of the universe, it felt like the more you tried to avoid someone, the more they showed up in your life.
there he was, at every corner, and in every room.
now, sitting alone outside the convenience store, the neon lights flickering above you, you stared blankly into your cup of ramen. the steam curled into the cool night air, disappearing as quickly as it rose. it was a small ritual, something you’d found comfort in lately—a temporary escape.
the noodles had gone soft, but you didn’t care. it wasn’t really about the food, anyway.
the soft ding of a bell pulled you out of your thoughts, signaling someone had just stepped out of the convenience store. you didn’t bother to look up, figuring it was just another passerby.
“y/n? hey there!”
the voice startled you, and when you looked up, there he was—jaemin, flashing his usual bright smile as he spotted you.
he looked genuinely happy to see you, and for a moment, you almost forgot about everything weighing you down. “oh, hey,” you mumbled, trying to muster a smile in return, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes.
jaemin took a few steps closer, eyeing your sad cup of ramen before sitting down beside you without hesitation. “thought i'd run into you eventually.”
jaemin had that way about him—light and easy, like he could chase away the heaviness with just a few words. but even that didn’t take away the sinking feeling in your chest. not tonight.
even his usual playfulness dimming a bit when he noticed the distant look on your face. “you good?”
“yeah,” you muttered, swirling the noodles around with your chopsticks. you didn't know what else to say.
he raised an eyebrow, letting out a breathy laugh, the kind that signaled he wasn’t buying it. “you know, this feels way too familiar,”
the boy glanced at you from under his lashes, stirring his ramen like it was no big deal, but you could hear the teasing in his voice. “it's like deja vu. i swear i asked you the same thing the other day, and you gave me the exact same answer.”
you paused for a second, realizing he was right. you’d been dodging the same question every time. you had brushed it off then, just like now, pretending nothing was wrong when everything felt wrong. busted.
a quiet laugh escaped your lips, the kind that comes from recognizing something too familiar. “yeah, i remember.”
jaemin nudged your arm lightly, a small smile playing on his lips. “haechan told me everything,” he said, his voice casual but with a hint of curiosity. “how’d it go?”
the moment his name left jaemin’s mouth, a sharp ache twisted in your chest. it didn’t take long for the pain to spread, and suddenly, it felt like the walls were closing in. your heart raced, breath hitching as you fought to keep your composure. but it was no use; you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t focus. everything crashed down all over again.
jaemin's smile faded when he saw you breaking right in front of him. his arm instinctively wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you close. “hey, hey,” he said softly, trying to offer comfort. but that only made it worse. the warmth of his arm, the concern in his voice—it broke the dam.
tears fell faster, and before you could stop them, you were crying into his side.
“this is embarrassing,” you muttered, laughing weakly between sobs as you wiped at your face. “i’m sorry, jaemin. i’m all over the place right now.”
“hey, no, don’t apologize,” he gently said, rubbing your arm in small circles. “it's okay. i’m all ears. whenever you're ready, i’m here.”
jaemin stayed quiet as you took a deep breath, trying to organize your thoughts, wiping the last of your tears with the back of your hand. once you started talking, though, everything just spilled out—things you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding back.
“i don’t know what to do,” you confessed, your voice shaky as you avoided jaemin's eyes. “i like him so much it scares me. i’ve never let anyone get this close to me this fast. and i just—” you stopped, your chest tightening as you tried to find the right words. “i can’t stop thinking about how much it’s going to hurt.”
jaemin’s eyes softened, but he stayed quiet, letting you continue.
“because if i let myself be with him . . . i know i won’t ever want to leave. and that’s terrifying. i’ve been here before, and it always ends the same way.”
you sniffled again, voice cracking with emotion. “i’ll end up breaking his heart—before he even gets the chance to break mine. not because i don’t care, but because i’m scared. scared i’ll ruin everything just because i can’t deal with my own fears.”
you felt your throat close up, and the weight of those words sat heavy in the air between you and jaemin. you hadn’t meant to spill so much, to admit to things you barely let yourself think about. but here you were, the raw fear and confusion hanging on your every word.
“i’m scared,” you whispered, finally looking up at jaemin. “i’m scared i’ll ruin everything because i don’t know how to just . . . let myself be happy without worrying about it all crashing down.”
jaemin was quiet for a while after you poured your heart out, his eyes never leaving your face. you could see the wheels turning in his head, absorbing everything you had just laid bare, taking it all in. he leaned back a little, letting out a slow breath before finally speaking.
“i get it,” he said softly, his voice careful, measured. “i get why you're scared. it’s natural to want to protect yourself. but . . .” he paused, looking at you as if he was searching for the right words, something that would cut through the fog in your mind.
“haechan’s a good guy, y/n. you know that.” his tone was soft but firm. “he’s one of the few people who would never hurt you intentionally. and i think that’s why you’re scared, isn’t it? because you know how good he is—and how good he could be for you.”
his words hung in the air, the truth of them settling deep in your chest.
“and listen,” he continued, leaning in a little, his gaze intense but gentle, “the fact that you’re scared, that you feel this much—it’s not a reason to run. it’s the reason to stay.”
you blinked, his words striking something raw in you. stay?
“if you didn’t care this much, if you didn’t feel so deeply, then yeah, maybe it’d be easier to walk away. but that’s not the case, is it? you do care. and that’s exactly why you shouldn’t leave.”
you felt your breath catch, the weight of his words sinking in. he was right. every feeling you had, every fear, every bit of confusion—it wasn’t a reason to run. it was a sign that you were in too deep, yes, but that didn’t have to be a bad thing.
jaemin’s voice softened, his hand resting on your arm. “look, you’re afraid because this is real. because you’re letting yourself be vulnerable, and that’s terrifying. but haechan . . . he’s worth it, isn’t he?”
you nodded silently, the lump in your throat growing. he was worth it. and maybe that’s what scared you the most.
“i can’t tell you what to do,” jaemin said, his voice gentle now, “but i can tell you this: if you walk away now, you might save yourself some pain in the short term. but you’ll miss out on something real, something that could actually make you happy. and in the end, that’s the kind of regret that sticks with you, you know?”
his words hit hard, the truth of them cutting through the noise in your head. he wasn’t pushing you. he wasn’t telling you what to do. but he was laying it all out there, clear as day. and you realized, in that moment, how right he was.
you nodded again, tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. “i’m just scared,” you whispered.
jaemin smiled softly, his hand squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. “being scared isn’t a bad thing. it just means it matters. but if you care about him as much as you say, then maybe it’s time to stop running from it. maybe it’s time to let yourself have something good for a change.”
he leaned back, giving you space, but his eyes never lost their warmth. “whenever you’re ready,” he said quietly, “he’ll be there. just don’t let fear make the decision for you.”
you swallowed hard, a sad smile tugging at your lips. “you’re right . . . thank you, jaemin.” the words came out quieter than you intended, but they were genuine. then, almost shyly, you asked, “c-can i hug you?”
“bring it in, pom poms,” he said, haechan’s playful nickname for you slipping out as he opened his arms wide. you couldn’t help but laugh, diving into his embrace, letting the warmth of the hug settle over you like a blanket of comfort.
“jaemin?” you asked softly, barely letting go of him.
he hummed in response, waiting.
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice cracking slightly.
he didn’t need to ask why. the understanding was written all over his face, and for a fleeting moment, you saw a flicker of something deeper in his eyes—a longing, a hope, something unsaid that hung in the air like a fragile thread. but he quickly masked it, forcing a smile that felt more like a shield.
“all good, y/n,” he said, his tone gentle yet heavy with the weight of what was left unspoken. “it lasted short, but i’m happy i got to spend some time with you—even if it was just as a friend.”
his words struck a chord deep within you, sending a ripple of guilt through your heart. it didn’t feel like it could ever be enough to cover the complexity of what jaemin had just quietly endured. your apology felt like a band-aid over a wound that needed more than just a quick fix. you were grateful for his kindness, for his patience, for the way he seemed to understand without needing anything in return. he had always been there, a steady presence, never demanding more than you were able to give.
but it wasn’t enough. it could never be enough.
“go get your man,” he teased, his grin softening the tension in the air.
you let out a real laugh this time, feeling some of the heaviness lift. “thank you, jaemin,” you said again, the words carrying more weight now, more meaning. you gave him one last squeeze, holding on a little longer, trying to convey everything you couldn’t say in words.
with a smile and a final glance back, you walked away, ready to find your way back to haechan.
“he's out right now, but he should be back soon.” johnny stood by the door, gesturing for you to come inside. he gave you a reassuring smile. “make yourself at home. i'm heading out anyway—hope you don’t mind being here alone.”
“oh, no, it's fine.” you hesitated, glancing around the familiar space. “but are you sure it’s okay for me to be here?”
johnny chuckled, grabbing his keys. “poms, you’ve been here before. don’t worry. i’ll catch you later!” he gave a casual wave before shutting the door behind him, leaving you alone in the quiet dorm.
you sat down on the couch, feeling the weight of the silence. minutes passed, and still no sign of haechan. you started fidgeting, glancing at the door every few seconds, wondering if you should just leave. the longer it stayed quiet, the more your thoughts spiraled. what if he didn’t want to see you anymore? what if he changed his mind?
your stomach twisted as you stood from the couch, deciding maybe it was better to come back tomorrow when it wasn’t so late. you reached for the door handle, ready to leave, when you heard the sound of keys jangling outside. the door creaked open, and—
there he was.
haechan stood in the doorway, looking completely caught off guard. no polished outfit, no sharp looks—just him in an oversized hoodie, glasses, shorts, and sandals, and yet somehow, he looked just as irresistible.
“y/n?” he said, eyes wide.
“haechan?” you stammered, feeling your heart race.
“y/n?!” he blinked, as if still processing the fact that you were standing there.
“that’s me!”
before either of you could say anything else, you threw yourself into his arms. haechan caught you instantly, his arms wrapping around you as if he’d been waiting for this. your lips met in a soft, yet eager kiss. it wasn’t rushed or desperate—just two people who missed each other. his lips molded perfectly with yours, his hand sliding to the back of your head to pull you in closer, while your arms tightened around his neck.
you could feel him smile into the kiss, like he was still processing that you were really here, in his arms. when you finally pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the quiet, warm moment.
“i can’t believe you’re here,” he whispered, his voice soft, filled with affection. like he couldn’t quite wrap his head around it.
“believe it,” you replied, eyes locked on his, voice steady despite the rush of nerves. “because i’m staying.”
before you could say another word, he attacked you with light, fluttering kisses all over your face—your cheeks, your forehead, down to your neck. you squealed, trying to scold him, but the ticklish sensation overpowered any attempt at seriousness. your laughter spilled into the room, filling the quiet with warmth.
“say it, baby,” haechan murmured, pausing just enough to meet your eyes, his gaze holding an entire universe of emotion, as if you were the only thing that mattered to him.
your heart swelled, and with the butterflies still dancing in your stomach, you whispered, “i want to be with you.”
“i wanna be with you too, poms,” he replied, his voice soft yet sure. his eyes glimmered in the dim light of the room, catching the glow of the streetlights filtering through the window. to him, your face was like the soft glow of the moon—steady, calm, and beautiful in a way that made his heart race.
“does this mean you’ll be mine?”
you giggled, unable to hold back the joy bubbling inside you. “i think i’ve been yours for a while now, nerd.”
the look on his face was pure joy, like he couldn’t believe his luck. his eyes sparkled, wide and excited, as if he’d been waiting for this moment forever. but you barely had a second to take it all in before he leaned in, his lips crashing against yours again.
this kiss felt different—deeper, more intense. it wasn’t just a kiss anymore; it was a need, a rush that made your heart pound and your knees weak. you could feel him pulling you closer, like he wanted to melt into you, and suddenly, words didn’t matter. it was all about the way his lips fit yours perfectly, like this was exactly where they were meant to be.
when you finally pulled back to catch your breath, a flicker of doubt washed over you. that familiar voice of insecurity whispered in your mind, making your chest feel tight.
“you'll lead me, right?” you asked softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
the fear of the unknown tugged at your heart, but before you could say anything else, haechan’s lips were on yours again.
he didn’t answer with words—just kissed you again, gentle but firm, as if trying to reassure you without saying a thing.
you pulled back slightly, eyes searching his for something more. “what if i mess this up?”
what if i don’t know what to do?”
another kiss. this time slower, deeper, like he wanted to kiss away the doubt building inside you.
“what if—”you couldn’t even finish the sentence before his lips were on yours again, cutting off your thoughts, as if telling you that there was nothing to worry about.
“i’ve got you,” he whispered between kisses. “i'll always lead you.”
haechan didn’t let go, not for a second. his lips stayed pressed to yours as he walked you through the house, one hand firmly on your waist, the other reaching out, fumbling for the bedroom door. when he finally found it, he pushed the door open and walked you back until your legs hit the edge of the bed. he pulled away just long enough to lay you down gently, his eyes scanning over you, filled with awe.
“my beautiful angel,” he whispered.
your cheeks burned as you started to pull off your clothes, and haechan followed suit, though he kept pausing to watch you. you couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped your lips when you caught sight of him—his thick length, standing proud with its pretty pink tip glistening from his arousal.
your thighs instinctively squeezed together at the sight.
“fuck,” he rasped, eyes dark with desire. “i’m never letting you run away again.”
you spread your legs wide open, feeling eager and ready for him. haechan didn't waste a moment; he dove in, pressing a hot kiss to your sensitive clit, sucking it into his mouth and letting it go with a wet pop.
“you taste so good. i can't wait to have you, beautiful,” he murmured.
his sweet words had you floating, even though your body was practically screaming for him. how did he manage to sound so soft when things were about to get so dirty?
“hyuck . . . please–”
haechan brought his hands to either side of your head, your faces just inches apart. he looked into your eyes, before bringing one hand down to align his cock with your entrance.
“breathe, baby,” he said softly. with that, he slipped the head of his cock up and down your folds, gathering your wetness as he brushed past your clit, sending jolts of pleasure through you.
with a soft sigh, he finally pushed the tip past your folds, looking deeply into your eyes as he paused, waiting for your signal to continue.
your muscles suddenly clenched at the entrance, and your hands shot up to grip his shoulders.
“you okay, baby?” he asked, concern lacing his voice.
“yeah, just—” you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, then softened your grip.
“why do you feel so . . . big?” you asked, a hint of disbelief in your tone. last time had felt rushed, but this time, you were fully aware of him stretching you, and your pussy was tight.
haechan chuckled softly. “you're taking it so well, little champ.” he held his hips still, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. “i'm gonna go slow.”
you nodded, letting your hands relax to rest on his chest, feeling his heart race beneath your fingertips. the stretch of his tip had settled inside you, and you could feel the pressure easing around him. you couldn't shake the thought that he was huge—you always knew he was—but you didn't remember it feeling quite like this. and honestly, you loved every bit of it.
painstakingly slowly, haechan shifted his hips, sliding his cock into you. your mouth fell open, first in a silent scream, then letting out a choked moan as your wetness welcomed him deeper.
when he finally bottomed out inside you, the feeling was overwhelming. he pressed soft kisses across your open mouth, each one igniting a spark of warmth that spread through your body. this felt different from before—so much more intimate. you might actually consider this your favorite experience yet.
it was soft, tender, and filled with a sense of love that made your heart race.
“you like my cock inside you, baby? does it feel good?”
“yes— fuck, feel so good inside me. please—please move,” you breathed, the words spilling out in a desperate whisper.
“look at me while i fuck you,” he commanded, his gaze locked onto yours. he slowly pulled himself nearly all the way out, then slid back in, a steady rhythm building between you.
each thrust had you feeling more and more overwhelmed, your body responding instinctively to him. you could feel the sweat beading on your brow, your bottom lip caught between your teeth, and the way your shallow breaths began to crescendo into soft whimpers.
your heat was unbelievably tight around him, drawing him closer to the edge faster than he wanted. haechan's eyes darkened with desire as he lifted his right index finger, bringing it to your clit and rubbing slow, careful circles around it. the sudden sensation forced your back into a strained arch, your toes curling in response. the heat radiated between you, and you pressed your chest flush against his, feeling the hard peaks of your nipples stimulate against his skin, heightening every sensation.
“just like that, baby,” he murmured. “you're so tight. you gonna come?”
tears brimmed in your eyes as an orgasm more intense than any you'd ever felt threatened to spill over the edge. you felt that familiar tightening in your core, building pressure that was almost overwhelming.
“f–fuck, i'm gonna cum— ngh!” you moaned, your voice trembling.
“you know what to do. cum,” he urged, his tone both commanding and sweet.
a stinging sound rang in your ears as the fireworks in your stomach finally went off. your hands gripped the bedsheets, and your head fell back, letting out moans that matched haechan's rhythm as he thrust in and out of you. the pressure kept building, but his finger on your clit stopped moving, making you grind against him even though the sensitivity was almost too much to handle.
“come inside me, hyuck . . . 'm on birth control,” you panted, your breath coming in short gasps.
as soon as you gave your permission, he came hard and fast inside you. his thick cock pulsed, filling you with warmth, and his hips stuttered through the end of his climax. you could feel every twitch, every spurt of him deep inside, and it sent another wave of pleasure crashing over you.
once he was finally empty, he collapsed on top of you, your chests pressed together, slick with sweat. “you're fucking perfect, so, so good for me.”
you hummed softly in response, nuzzling your nose against haechan's neck, making him giggle. was this really the same guy who had just made you cum so hard?
he suddenly pulled away, excusing himself to check his phone on the nightstand. his expression went blank as he stared at the screen.
“hyuck? everything okay?” you asked, a hint of worry creeping into your voice.
then, without warning, he erupted into laughter, his whole body shaking. he pointed his phone at you, and you leaned in to read the text.
it was from johnny, asking him to let him know when you two were done fucking because he had left his wallet in the room. you stared at haechan, bewildered for a moment, before you joined in on the laughter, both of you collapsing onto the bed in a fit of giggles.
after the laughter died down, you sighed, the comfortable silence between you settling in. but not without a quick trip to the bathroom to clean up. you exchanged quiet smiles as you wiped each other off and returned to the bed, curling into one another under the covers. his warmth was familiar, comforting, and it felt like home.
haechan pulled you close, wrapping his arm around your waist and letting out a soft, content sigh.
“hi, girlfriend,” he said, like he was testing out the word for the first time.
you tilted your head up, meeting his eyes as a small smile played on your lips. “hi, boyfriend.”
for a moment, the room was still, just the sound of your breathing filling the space. then haechan spoke again, his voice even softer now, as if he were speaking a truth he'd always known but never said aloud. “i guess we found each other.”
you felt your chest tighten in the best way, the warmth of his words wrapping around your heart. “we fit each other,” you whispered back, your fingers lightly tracing patterns on his chest.
“like a nerd and a . . . well, maybe not the smartest girl,” you teased.
he chuckled, shaking his head lightly. “nah, baby, you're smart where it counts. i'm the brains, and you're the— uh . . . everything else,” he said with a grin, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek.
“whatever you say,” you laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
with him, everything just fit.
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Okay, so here I go. (I’m sorry if words are misspelled or if I used the wrong words; I’m dyslexic but thank goodness for autocorrect. Sometimes it corrects it for me and at others it puts a completely different word then what I meant; so fair warning.)
So, I was wondering if it will be Ghost that cat reader opens up to about her fear of deep water. It was pretty obvious that she has trauma from it from that one time Ghost tried to give her a bath after she was done for the day doing her “mouse killing” duty; it is most likely a deep fear developed from trauma from being held under by an abusive old owner/partner.
Like yes, it’s obvious she irritates Ghost out of “spite” (and probably does it for shits & giggles on her end) but HE was the one she clung onto when it was made clear of her fear of deep water. She may have been terrified but she felt safe enough to hold onto him & allowed him to comfort her during that event; she cuddled herself under his head and tapped her head against his chest which are signs of trust for a cat.
Yes, she’s definitely more friendly & open to Gaz (first to earn that with her), Soap (second) and Price (third to earn the right to be comfortable with her) but what if it actually came down to core issues/serious concerns it’s actually Ghost she goes to. Mostly because she can tell that although they annoyed each other (not really but more just for loving fun) that they DO understand each other on a level that the others just can’t.
The other three are there for basically nap time together, to play with and being cute with; but it is only with him will she be THAT open with serious things/issues. For her, he becomes her special & only companion for those kinds of matters. (Which once he realizes that she views ONLY him as special/worthy enough to be open with stuff does he feel honored instead of annoyed about it. After all he was trying to make a connection with her and now he has a strong one that only he has access to; she won’t open up about serious stuff with the others in a way that she will only do with him.)
Basically is will be the bases/beginning for her to start accepting him as a comfort source/companion. Of course, she’ll still be a little brat/little shit towards him; but it will be out of good fun/love intentions behind it, no malice or hatred behind her annoyance towards him anymore.
Hope this helps you come up with an idea. ☺️
Oh, babe, you got my vision perfectly LMAO. (And no worries about your dyslexia, I understood you perfectly!)
CW: mentions of past abuse (and technically attempted murder)
I won't go so far as to say that she would never go to the other boys, but yes, she has an extra special bond w/ Ghost because they both understand what it's like to survive abuse--especially abuse at the hands of someone they should've been able to trust. It's also very much an "I hate you" relationship in that they only "hate" each other because of that similarity/understanding. We tend to be more critical towards people like us because of how we perceive ourselves; we are our best critics, after all.
In short, "canonically," reader got tossed over a bridge into a river when her past owner tried to get rid of her. Something along the lines of--she became too big of a burden. Being a birthday/Christmas gift, they didn't expect the true responsibility of raising a pet. The reason doesn't really matter, though; either way, she scratched her way out of the soggy cardboard box and dragged herself to shore, then made her way to the old abandoned farm nearby. Hence why she doesn't like deep water--especially not when someone is carrying her towards it.
But next time Ghost tries to clean her, he's learned his lesson. Fills a small tub just 2-3 inches high, and instead of casually tossing her in, is surprisingly patient as he places her back paws in first--letting her wade a few seconds before plopping her front feet in. She's still whiny, of course, used to washing herself, but with Ghost's help, he get's the places she can't reach. Not to mention that the shampoo he's using smells pretty good.
"Not so mean when your buttons ain't pushed, huh?" he sighs, only to add-- "Sorry 'bout last time. Should've respected your boundaries."
You're quiet for a little before bumping your head into his hand, as if in acceptance of his apology.
"'Sides, you've got your reasons," he goes on, moving to scratch under your chin as well. "And fear ain't your fault."
You meow in understanding, then blink slow.
"Ha--" He copies the blink back. "Think this is the nicest you've been to me."
The rest of bath time is quiet, save for the sound of you shuffling around in the tub in response to Ghost's ministrations. But just as he finishes rinsing you clean of suds, Gaz comes around the corner, ready to kick off his boots after a long day.
"See you're gettin' close with the kit there," he smiles, dusting his hands off in mid-air. And while you half-expect Ghost to respond with acceptance, instead, he mutters--
"What else am I supposed to do? She stinks."
Well, there goes the moment.
You swipe at his hand with a hiss, only to be met with his scowl and a towel that swallows you whole.
When you do eventually tell him--the reason for your fear, that is--it's after another bath, and when you're snuggled close under the weight of his arm. His hand cups the back of your neck, callouses almost silky from how he handles you oh-so gently. A tempered practice he's forced himself to learn since you met. Because though kindness doesn't come naturally to him, it doesn't unnerve you; sometimes you wonder if kindness, as a choice, is better.
"You know I--" he clears his throat-- "we'd never. Right?" Simon whispers, his voice as deep as the purr that eventually rumbles through your chest.
Your fingers dance through the fine blonde of his hair, illuminated only by thin streaks of moonlight filtering through the blinds. Then you draw your palms down, so instead, you're holding the sides of his face, the scars and marks of his beautifully imperfect skin like stories untold beneath your thumb. And you press your nose to his.
"I know."
(He may or may not run into your former owner eventually, and he may or may not threaten to kill him or worse. But that's a story for another day :D)
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cheriladycl01 · 2 days
Kinktober 03/10/2024 Daniel Ricciardo- Hate Sex
Plot: You and Daniel get into a massive argument when he comes home after a race in a pissy mood for the 3rd time in a row.
Warnings: Kinktober, SMUT, eating out, oral (f-receiving), arguments between reader and Daniel, hate sex etc 18+ Minors DNI
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The first time, it was a DNF where he’d collided on track in a fight for 3rd place with Perez. He’d come home, ignored you and the meal you’d cooked for him, got changed and went straight back out. You guys didn’t talk until the next morning, where things were a little tense until he cracked a joke and all was forgiven.
After that race you came with him and it was one of his best races, he was so happy and cheerful celebrating with you and all his friends at a points finish and with the podium sitters of the day. It was very fun.
The second time, it was the team giving him wrong orders and ending up with a cooling issue on the car that set him all the way back in 18th place. This time he didn’t even bother coming home and went out with Lando and Max for a week before coming back and acting like everything was okay. Of course you were a little hurt, but decided against bringing it up to him as you guys were okay!
The third time and it was a rookie mistake on his part, he went into a corner car to quick and didn’t break quick enough meaning his car was in the wall and his race was over.
He come home instantly this time, getting into Max’s jet with him on the Sunday straight after the race and ending up home at a decent hour.
He came stomping in through the door, his suitcase hauled through and left in the entrance way as he started to walk straight past you. You step in his way managing to stop him now that he was in your line of vision.
“Mmmmm yeah no way, not happening” you say to him crossing your arms.
“Please get out of my way” he says looking over you with an unimpressed look as to why you were actively stoping him from getting to your guys room.
“No Daniel, I’m sick of this! Everytime you have a shit race for whatever reason you become … I dunno Elsa or some shit. I’m sick of you running out on me when you can’t man up and fucking talk to me about this and think it’s better to run away, making me feel like ass and then come back the next day and act like nothing is wrong. It’s exhausting and I’m not doing this again. So we’re talking right here right now” you say pointing to the floor with your hands that had helped you embellish your points as you were speaking.
“That’s what you think this all is?” He asks his head cocking to the side, frustration still evident on his face but with who or what you are none the wiser.
“Well it’s fucking clear it is. When I have a bad day at work, you’re quite literally the first and only person I want to interact with. I get being angry but I can’t keep going on like this if you keep having bad races!” You explain trying to remain calm.
“Are you saying I’m not going to improve? Maybe this is why I don’t come to you, because you could never ever understand something as complex as Formula One and how much pressure there is from the team and other drivers. You could never understand what I deal with every day” he shouts at you an angry look in his face.
“You know what, maybe I don’t. But I won’t because you never seem to talk to me anymore. It’s so frustrating Daniel because I’m trying to be there for you but you won’t let me!” You shouts back, tears starting to roll down your cheeks.
“Maybe I don’t want you too! Maybe I’m so sick of your constant nagging and preening seeing if I’m okay and shit and maybe just maybe I don’t want that” he says, his face like thunder. Your eyes are so wet that you actually cannot see the instant look of regret on his face as he says that.
To you that was like he’d basically just said he no longer loved you. Daniel was the centre of your world and it revolved around him, Daniel was your everything and for him not to appreciate all you do for him and reciprocate those feeling was hurtful.
“I hate you so much right now” you cry turning away and running up the stairs to your shared bedroom. Daniel follows storming after you, he pushes you against the wall, anger evident on his face.
“Don’t walk away from me, and don’t fucking say that” he says almost glaring at you.
“Well, I wouldn’t lie to you. You’ve exhausted me these last few weeks and I cannot do it anymore” you cry looking at him with a frown, your brows furrowing in disgust.
You both just stare at each other for a little until Daniel leans forward and kisses you roughly. You are shocked for a second trying to push him away but his arms encase you against the wall, leaving you nowhere to go.
You guys eventually go into an intense make out session. Daniels tongue exploiting every cavern of your mouth while all you can do is lean your head against the wall and let him.
As much as you were irritated with him right now, and hated how he was acting, you couldn’t deny that you’d missed his close contact and the intimacy.
“I still hate you” you say looking at him with a fierce look in his eyes, almost like a challenge to see just how far he would go. And without a word he lifts you up chucking you into the bed. He crawls up to you, spreading your legs open, pulling your shorts and panties down in one and he leans down to kiss and bite your inner thighs.
A hand comes across to cover your mouth, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how good he was making you feel just from light contact on your inner thighs.
The minute he started to lick strips up your slit you were done for, his large nose bumping your clit making you squirm and a breathy gasp leaving your lips.
“You still hate me gorgeous? Because you don’t sound like you do?” He smirks diving back in and eating you out like a 5 course meal in a 3 star Michelin restaurant.
“Danny” you cry and he just laughs into your creating more incredible vibrations.
“Still hate me? I dare you to say it” he asks and there was still a petty part of you that was so upset be annoyed with him that you couldn’t even understand your own emotions right now?
Was it hate?
“Yes I do” you answered, but Daniel could here the confusion in your voice.
“Maybe I just need to fuck the hate out of you huh?” He asks coming up from your clit, his fingers dipping in making your gasp and grab his wrist making eye contact as he come up to kiss you on the lips, making you able to taste yourself in his lips.
“How does that sound? Letting me take all my frustrations out on you” he says as he speeds up his fingers inside you. He takes them out, licking them clean before pulling his own jeans and boxers down letting his dick spring free.
“Or how about I take MY frustrations out on you” you say flipping his round and straddling him. Holding him down by his shoulders.
He just smirks up at you, hands going behind his head as he relaxes with your weight on top of him.
“Gone if then baby girl. Do your worst” he says and before he can say anymore your mounting him, slipping down onto him bouncing up and down. Your hands find their way to his hair as you grip his curls and his find their way to your exposed boobs, letting them fill his hands as he starts to tweak and play with your peaked nipples.
“Fuck Dan, why’d you have to ignore me” you all but moan as you speed up and Daniel starts to thrust up to meet your bounces.
“I didn’t wanna fucking hurt you, I knew I’d say something nasty to you coz I was hacked off” he gasps out as he grips your hips, helping you bounce.
“You’re so stupid” you cry, out looking at him as you clench round him and fall into him having no more energy. Daniels thrusts become sloppy and he eventually slows down, with one big thrust before emptying himself inside you.
“Still hate me?” He smiles as he pulls you into him for a hug, his breathing ragged as he looks down at you.
“Always” you smile, pulling him into a sweet kiss.
“Damn, we need to have more sex when your angry” he sighs, wiping the sweat away from his forehead.
“No way had my sexiness bested a high performance athlete” you laugh, looking over at him. And he can’t help but laugh too.
“Mmmmm of course you have” he answers.
“But next time, you talk to me okay? I swear I’m not doing this again Daniel” you say seriously and he rolls his eyes with a small pout.
“But your so hot and sexy when you hate me” he pouts making you shake your head laughing before lightly slapping his shoulder.
@littlebitchsposts @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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remlionheart · 2 days
hiii !! may seem a bit basic, but chuuya picks up reader after a stressful day at work with his motorcycle fluff and smut 👾.
thank you, u're the best !!
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୨ৎ❀ hey, there’s nothing wrong with simple! i appreciate you sending me a suggestion ♡ it's been awhile since we've visited my fave ill-tempered redhead anyway and he deserves all the attention ୨ৎ❀ fluff. smut. deep throating. praise. rich-boyfriend!chuuya x fem!reader. quick lil 1.9k word drabble. lemme know whatcha think, luv u ୨ৎ❀
♡ MDNI ♡
Me 'n My Girl 。˚☽
so proud to be in your world, just me and my girl ⋆.˚
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
A warm mid-evening breeze swept through your hair as you stepped out of large doors of your office building and let out a sigh. The smell of petrichor bounced off of the pavement while a light rain cascaded over downtown Yokohama.
Under normal circumstances, it would’ve been your favorite weather, but the stillness of it was just another reminder of the unrelenting storm of anxiety that’d been plaguing your mind all day.
Nothing had really happened. Work went okay. Your commute there was okay. Your coworkers were okay. Your lunch was okay. Everything was seemingly okay, but that's what made it worse. You couldn't pinpoint the source of your discomfort. Couldn't place the blame on any one single thing for making you feel so off. It was a phantom annoyance. A problem that didn't seem to exist to anyone else besides you.
"Shit." you mumbled, feeling your purse slip from your shoulder as it, along everything it was holding, fumbled out of your reach and spilled out into the middle of the sidewalk.
You were halfway down the stairs, your pumps clicking against the concrete when your hand suddenly reached for the railing. The heel of your shoe breaking clean off, almost knocking you completely off balance.
It wasn't the time to cry. You'd made it so far - managed to hold it together for your entire shift and you were finally at the finish line, but your capacity to handle any more minor inconveniences was well beyond its limit. You swallowed down the lump in your throat, unable to fight back the hot, frustrated tears that streamed down your cheeks while you took both of your shoes off and you gathered up your belongings in defeat.
Chuuya rounded the corner not a second too soon, the loud vroom of his engine coming to a gradual halt as he kicked his foot out to put the motorcycle in park before stepping off.
He smoothed down his disheveled hair, his smirk quickly fading the closer he got to you.
"Baby..." he said softly, looking at broken pair of shoes in your hand and the haphazard way your bag had been slung over your shoulder. "What happened?"
"Nothing," You lied, shaking your head. "It's fine."
He knew you too well though. Knew that if he simply nodded and waited a minute, it would pour out of you without him having to pry. He put a hand on your shoulder, letting you avoid his stare until you finally caved.
"Today was just stupid," You sulked, "Everything was horrible for no reason and then my fucking heel snapped and now," You were fighting an uphill battle against your emotions. More tears pricking at your eyes as your gaze caught his. "And now I can't even ride on the back with you because I'm barefoot and everything is ruined."
Even though he hated seeing you get this worked up, he couldn't deny that there was something so fucking cute about how pouty and helpless you became when things didn't go your way. He took pride in knowing that you needed him, that he was the one you relied on to pick up the pieces when life got too stressful.
"Stay here," he said, taking his leather jacket off and draping it around your shoulders. "I'll be right back, okay?"
You nodded at him, watching him tuck his hands into his pockets as he crossed the street. It was easy to forget who he was sometimes. How merciless he could be with other people when he was so gentle and attentive with you. He was a Port Mafia executive who doubled as a golden retriever boyfriend when no one was looking. Calloused and feared by some of the scariest people in Yokohama and yet for some reason, physically incapable of saying no to you.
You wiped your tears away watching him flick his cigarette onto the sidewalk, an unexpectedly large Chanel bag hanging from his wrist.
"C'mere," he said, taking your hand as he led you to the Ducati.
You plopped down on its leather seat with both legs dangling off to one side while he knelt down and opened the bag, sliding a gorgeous pair of black open-toed suede heels onto your feet.
"Gimme the broken ones."
You pulled them out of your purse with a small smile, letting him throw them away in a nearby trashcan before returning back to you. "Better?" he asked.
"You know there's an Adidas store right around the corner?"
He smirked, placing both hands at either side of you, his mouth grazing yours with a whisper. "My girl had a terrible day at work and you expect me to make it worse by buying her cheap shit?"
Your heart fluttered, another slight grin tugging at the corners of your mouth as you breathed in the comforting smell of his cologne. "Your girl is really lucky to have you."
"Yeah, well…" he mused, "I have a feeling she'll be makin' it up to me later.”
⋆.౨ৎ˚.⟡˖ ࣪
The ride back to his house was peaceful with hardly any traffic for a Thursday night.
There was something about being on the back of his motorcycle that made you feel so indescribably close to him. From the way your body pressed against his to the way he'd tell you to hold onto him tighter. You loved the looks people would flash the two of you as you'd speed past them. The butterflies that flooded your stomach each time he'd start to go faster than he should've. Even if he had a bad habit of occasionally breaking the speed limit, you still trusted him entirely. He was well aware of the difference between having a little bit of fun and being reckless and he'd never cross that line when he was with you.
You felt infinitely better by the time you pulled into the garage, carefully letting your legs fall as he shut off the engine. Your bad day felt like a distant memory - your mind now comfortably occupied with the thousand-dollar shoes that were decorating your feet and the way his eyes lit up as he helped you down.
It was hard to process sometimes that he'd been waking up next to you almost every day for the last year and still looked at you like you had put the stars in the sky.
You grabbed his arm before he could make it inside the house, gently pushing him back onto the seat of his bike. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't stop you as you hovered above him and began undoing his belt.
"You always make me feel so good." You whispered, reaching up to let your lips catch his while your hands continued to unbutton his pants. "I wanna return the favor."
You could feel him growing hard as his tongue swirled against yours with fervor. A gloved hand resting on the back of your neck to pull you in closer while you reached for his zipper and freed him from the fabric that was separating the both of you.
He let out a low groan when your palm met the base of his cock, delicately wrapping your fingers around it as you started to move uppp and downnn at just the right pace, earning even prettier noises from him.
His grip tangled into your hair, moving your head to the side so that he could descend down your neck. Kissing and nipping away at your soft skin while you continued to stroke him. His movements were getting harder to control the faster you went, squeezing him so fucking perfectly that he nearly ripped the front of your shirt open.
You let out a small yelp as he roamed across your chest, lightly slipping your nipple between his teeth while his blue eyes travelled up to yours. "Get on your knees for me."
You nodded, keeping your stare locked with his. Your hand still going in the same motion as you repositioned yourself, kneeling in front of him so that your face was front and center with where he wanted you. You pulled his pants down further, your core aching as you obediently slid your tongue along his base.
"Fuck," he hissed, his mouth dropping open at how tantalizingly thorough you were, "God, that feels – hah – that feels… so.... good."
You took your time, coaxing more heady praises out of him as you made your way up his length, letting a generous amount of spit trail down his shaft while your hand held him in place. His pink tip was practically dripping with pre-cum by the time you reached it, begging to have your pretty little mouth wrapped around it.
You smiled against him, looking up at him with doe-eyes before giving in to his body's needs. "It's all mine, right?" You asked, causing him to twitch in your hand.
"All yours." He groaned, doing everything he could to stop himself from shoving your head down onto him. He wanted you so bad it hurt, but even in the midst of his clouded thinking, he was still more concerned about you. If you needed to hear him say it, then that's exactly what he'd do.
"It's all yours, baby." He exhaled. "I'm all yours… Every inch of me is all – fucking...your...s"
His words were quickly taken from him though, stolen by the way you’d flattened your tongue and pressed it firmly against his tip.
You watched his eyes roll back as his hand gripped your hair, the two of you working to find the perfect rhythm.
You loved the breathy noises he made for you. The way his hips thrusted forward while he buried himself into the warmth of your mouth. The feeling of him getting harder with each slurp and squelch that echoed across the garage as you struggled to take the whole thing.
"Keep going." He grunted, still fighting the overwhelmingly feral urge to slam into you. "Doin' so good f'me."
You went as deep as you could, easing him into the back of your throat while your tongue continued to glide across his shaft.
His movements became more frantic, his voice breaking the faster you went. "God – damn..."
You kept up the same unrelenting pace, drool spilling down your chin as your eyes locked with his again.
"Fuck," his moans turned into guttural whimpers, his body thrusting desperately in search of release. "Just like that," he choked out, "just like that, don't – fucking stop, please baby... don't stop, I'm –"
He looked lost, completely entranced by the hold you had over him as a lewd warmth coated the back of your throat. More carnal obscenities pouring from his lips as he slowly regained control over his breathing and pulled out of you.
"Next time –" he panted, helping you to your feet before leaning in to kiss you. "I'm buying you the whole fuckin' store."
⋆.౨ৎ˚.⟡˖ ࣪
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princessbrunette · 16 hours
GIBSON GIRL ࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ ⊹ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃
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♩ethel cain — gibson girl ♩
pairing: toxicbf!jj x reader
cw: jealousy, manhandling, exhibitionism, outdoor sex, cnc, degradation, toxic relationship, one spank.
you are responsible for your own media consumption. welcome to kinktober day four.
you’d liked to think you’d done nothing wrong.
jj knew what you were when he started dating you — friendly, sociable, a party girl, infact you’d even say those were some of the things that drew him to you in the first place.
as you step up to the chateau, having walked there in a pair of sandals that were rubbing your feet just a little too much, and your eyes dry from last nights drinking antics at the kegger — you could already tell jj wasn’t pleased with you from the look on his face.
he’s leaning up against that big tree outside the house, smoking a cigarette. jj was an avid stoner, yes — but he only smoked cigs when he was mad. you sigh, leaves crunching under your tread. in the back of your mind you note the uncharacteristic, slight chill in the air too — an introduction to the muggy autumn weather the obx briefly gets once a year.
“yeah i’m like shocked you even came.” jj calls out before you’re close enough, glancing between you and the cig he was now stomping out beneath his sneaker, twisting his ankle to smush it into the dirt.
“why?” your voice rasps, still that little bit hung over. jj laughs, bitterly and he doesn’t look at you— whipping his hat off and raking a hand through matted blonde hair before shoving it back on. oh, here we go.
“thought you’d like — leave to go fuck some other dude. y’know, seein’ as our relationship just means jack shit to you.” he shrugs like he doesn’t care but the look in his eyes tells you everything.
“what have i done now, jj?” you lean on your hip and he meets you in the middle on the grass, licking over sore, thin red lips.
“so you’re just gonna pretend you weren’t shakin’ your ass for the whole of the cut last night? lettin’ juuuust everyone see up your skirt? you got a man so like, you can’t just act single — i dunno know, that’s just my opinion—”
“you’re mad at me for dancing? at a party?” you step up to him which you know was a mistake as soon as his eyes flutter slightly as he glares down at you, suddenly pinning his mouth shut— jaw slightly clenched.
“yeah you’re right. i’m crazy, huh?” his nostrils flare, eye contact persisting. truthfully, yeah — he was, which is why you struggled to stand on business, not knowing what his next move might be. you shrink a millimetre in stature but you know he notices. “nah, don’t back down now. say it. say m’crazy mama.” he enters your space, filled was rage and smelling like marlboro reds.
“i’m not doing this—” you go to move past him, but he grabs you by the waist, even when you fight. “jj get off!”
“yeah we are, yeah we’re fucking doing this babe—” you speak over eachother frantically as you struggle until he’s wrestled you to the ground on your front, pressing your cheek into the dirt with a hand on the back of your head. you feel those thick cheap rings digging into your skull.
“acting like you don’t like this shit or something.” he scoffs as he straddles the back of your thighs. he’s rough, rougher than usual because there’s real anger behind each move and your heart pounds in your chest. what’s it called when you love someone so much you let them do whatever they want to you? even if it’s not warranted? it seemed like every guy round here was the same. no different from the rafes of the world — just violent and dirty and cruel. yet you couldn’t live without jj.
“jj, you’re — i don’t —”
“you didn’t mind showin’ off infront of everyone last night so you don’t mind if i just take what i want right here, right? nah, course you don’t.” he mutters, not even considering expecting a reply from you as you starts to fight your wriggling hips out of your denim shorts, sliding them down your ass. anyone could come by and see this obscene act, so naturally you felt hot all over and sadly, sickeningly aroused despite the thick knot in your stomach.
“s’not like that.” you whine, tears in your eyes as you turn your head toward the house— coming into direct eye contact with john b, who stood in the window with a mug of coffee.
he wouldn’t admit it, but john b didn’t mind all the borderline violent scuffles that you and jj would get into. bruises on your body from the rough and degrading sex showcased up and down your thighs when you’d lounge on the boat with the pogues, or red scratching of the word ‘MINE’ carved into jj’s back from your fingernails when his insta following would go up. for the most part he figured it was just kinky sex, nothing he wasn’t familiar with — but he had to say, he took a weird sick pride in hearing about you getting punished.
since dating you, you’d eaten up a good chunk of the time john b gets to spend with jj alone. jj used to be down for anything, would drop anything and anyone to be at his best friends side— and maybe john b had been selfish in letting that continue on to the point of expecting it. anytime he’d get time with the blonde, there you’d be nagging at the corners of the conversation or arriving unannounced to start something. it had gotten to the point where he too had began to indulge in violent sexual fantasies toward you, getting his own chance to put you in your place. you’re not one of us, he’d say — because he’s tired of being the kind and mature one.
“jj, j—john b is there you can’t—”
he’s already got your panties down, spreading your folds open to look at you a little too widely to the point you wince, jerking.
“alright and so what, it’s just john b. you didn’t care ‘bout all the extra eyes last night.” he shrugs one shoulder which surprises you. for someone so possessive, he really didn’t care.
when he pushes himself into you, you’re still locking eyes with the brunette through the dusty window. john b was typically courteous and would pretend to look away when jj would get to aggressively fondling you, but now he stares — puppy eyed and unabashed like he was doing nothing wrong, bringing the mug to his lips to take a leisurely sip as his best friend fucks you in the dirt. you even swear you see him shaking his head, all disappointed and dad like.
despite your walls clasping and clenching around jj, your head pounds and eyes burn with humiliation so you continue to squirm. maybe, somewhere deep in your mind you only squirm because you know that jj wants the fight, he wants you to struggle and suffer and pay for what you did. learn a lesson, so he’d say. despite everything, despite this — you just wanted to please him.
“had to make sure no one’s been breakin’ in these pretty tight holes babe, you understand right?” he pants, hands pressing into your back to keep you still. you already know the front of your clothes is ruined with dirt and mud.
you let out a pathetic groaned whimper similar to a ‘hnnnng’ sound as your brows furrow in defeat, eyes dropping to the way john b strains against his shorts, only turning to walk away when you watch him adjust himself. somehow, it makes your cunt flutter more and you wait for the blow of jj’s realisation.
a hard smack on your ass, there it is.
“my god, dude of course you’re gettin’ off on this. i knew you were a slut but jesus, way to prove it to me.”
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laughingfcx · 1 day
kinich x fem reader ! celebrity au, .9k words PLUS exes to lovers, swearing, suggestive jokes + implied nsfw ( ? scene transitions from their conversation to "the morning after")
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it's at a high-profile red carpet that you see him again — at least in person. kinich, two and a half years older, and much more mature, but exactly the same otherwise. there's even that stupid signature smile of his, lazy and smug, plastered onto his face as usual. you'd loved it once; now you despise it. or so you've tried to convince yourself.
he's not wearing anything spectacular, a dark unbuttoned suit and matching dress pants and a white shirt that deliciously accentuates the broadness of his chest. somehow he still manages to effortlessly knock the breath right out of your chest — and even more so when you notice the colour of his tie; it matches your outfit perfectly.
in the back of your mind, you know this has something to do with your mutual friends, but you can't be bothered to worry about that right now. not when he's grinning down at you, arms crossed over his chest, waiting for you to break the silence.
you jut your chin up defiantly; not today, kinich. he tilts his head to one side curiously, shit-eating grin widening. your lips purse; he blinks. it's getting awkward now — he's so annoying. you scoff angrily, and kinich has won.
"what what?" you feel a sudden stab of pain — you've missed his voice.
"what do you want?" you get out through gritted teeth.
kinich is good at what he does, always has been. he's never been the type to hesitate, always straight to the point. now, too, it does not change. "come back with me tonight."
your first response should be something related to the fact that the two of you broke up for a reason. that going back right now will be suicide. but instead...
"what about her?" you hiss, jerking your head in the direction of (you hope) his hotel. a thoughtless gesture, asking about the woman he's been seen with after your very public breakup.
he laughs. "that? it was just publicity, darling. she means nothing to me."
then, softer: "please, i've missed you every single day since then; it's only ever been you."
"prove it."
never one to back down from a challenge, he leans in closer to you. "how 'bout i show you in my hotel room?"
smooth. aloud, you acknowledge it as such, too, but still. "really, kinich?"
"if you want, i'm sure we can find some privacy here," he teases.
you grimace, nose crinkling up cutely. "how do you know i even want this? what if i don't want anything to do with you?"
there is suddenly an air of triumph about him; you realise that you have made a big mistake.
"my love, those questions just confirmed it."
the unfamiliar nickname makes you bristle, but it's surprisingly not unwelcome.
he waits for your confirmation, and well?
(you end up in his bed anyways, so your answer should be pretty clear.)
you wake up in an empty bed; if he's intended for this to be a one night thing, you're going to murder him, you think. he walks back into the room a second after that, though, and now you're chewing on the inside of your cheek because of the very noticeable lack of a shirt on him.
"baby, we've gone viral," he grins.
"again? kinich, you suck!"
"that's not what you said last night when—"
"okay!" you cut him off. "shut up, i get it!"
he tosses his phone to you, where a video's playing, captioned: deaf woman lipreads conversation between kinich and y/n at the red carpet.
"oh god," you groan as it begins to play. one side of the bed sinks down as kinich climbs in next to you. his arm wraps around you as he pulls you into him; you nestle into his side and it's painfully familiar. you've missed him more than you thought.
"let me watch, i haven't finished it yet."
the woman on the screen begins to speak into the microphone she's holding up. so, kinich starts speaking. he wants them to go back to his hotel, but she's asking about a "her", who's probably chasca, AKA his ex. he says it was for publicity, and ooh— he just called her "darling"! he says it's only ever been y/n... woah... she's not buying it, she's asking him to prove it. he says he'll prove it at his place, wow, that was smooth, that's what she said, by the way, not me! she's still not impressed, now he's talking about finding somewhere private here, like at the event! i think he's joking, though, oh my gosh, he just called her "my love"! that's so cute—
you pause the video. "can she stop talking for a sec? this is so annoying!"
"i know, right?" he agrees. "can't even talk to my girl without some freak on the internet trying to listen in."
my— his— oh. your brain short circuits. "kinich."
"hmm?" he's not paying attention, leisurely tracing hearts onto your hipbone.
"what are we?"
he gets up, readjusts the two of you so your eyes. "married soon— i mean, in a relationship again, at least. be honest, don't you think we could try again? we've changed enough, i think."
"well, yeah, i guess. we were both stupid back then."
"we still are now," you correct him; kinich is not amused.
"you didn't answer my question, can we try again?"
"i think we can," you nod thoughtfully. "but what if it ends the way it did before?"
"naaah, it won't end at all," he laughs, and then he leans down to kiss you.
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author's note :: this has been eating my brain for the past 48ish hours here u go xoxo lina
ps kinich come home im at 70 pity
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Day 3: Orgasm Denial with Bakugo Katsuki
Warnings: fem!reader, sex, creampie, premature ejaculation, humiliation
Tag List: @pixelcafe-network, @actuallysaiyan, @helloiamadrawer
Wanna be on the tag list? CLICK HERE!
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The first time you and Katsuki had sex was, in your opinion, wonderful. On the other hand, he wildly disagreed. 
“I can’t believe I only lasted for two thrusts!” he had yelled as he paced your room, face red and jaw tight. “I can’t be a two-pump chump! That’s fucking pathetic!” Then, his red eyes had fixed on you in an accusatory glare, “It’s your fault! Why do you feel so good? You were clenching on purpose, weren’t you?” 
Accusations aside, you wouldn’t have changed a thing about it. Except for the fact he didn’t want to do it again. Steamy makeout sessions led to heavy petting which led to…Katsuki pulled away with some excuse. Usually, he was tired from training or had an early day the next morning. The more he turned you down, the more you both grew a little frustrated. Finally, one night he jumps off the couch and growls. 
“Listen, if you’re gonna fuckin’ paw at me all the time then you have to agree to help me,” he points his finger at you. “You have to help me train!” 
“Train?” you tilt your head to the side, “What?” 
“My dick! You have to help me last longer!” 
Was it the most romantic proposition you’d ever heard? Nope. Was the idea of finally having him fuck you again enough to overlook it? Yes. 
Especially when it led to him underneath you, red-faced and panting. His fingernails leave deep crescents in your thighs.
“Dammit woman,” he growls. You can feel him throbbing inside of you, and the tensing of his stomach is a hint that he’s close. 
“Not yet,” you slow your rolling hips to a stop. “Breathe.” 
He grits his teeth instead and throws his head back against the pillow. With a quick glance at the clock, you realize it’s only been five minutes since you started. 
“Fuck,” he growls and slowly opens his eyes to look at you again. Seeing the smirk on your face, he scoffs. “Stop enjoying this!” 
“But you look so cute right now,” you giggle. 
“I am NOT CUTE!” 
“Right, right,” you roll your eyes. “Can I move again?” 
He loosens his grip on you slightly so you can rock your hips again. His cock brushes against your sweet spot, drawing out a soft moan from your lips. You reach down to rub your clit as you ride him, and you’re so close already. Your walls flutter around his cock as you move faster, chasing your high—
“Shit, shit! Stop!” 
He pants as he grabs your hips, trying to force you to stay still. It takes a moment for your mind to catch up with his demand, and you finally go still. The coil that had been tight in your core begins to loosen as you sit on his cock, whining from the loss. 
“I almost fucking came,” he growls. 
“Yeah, well, so did I,” you pout. 
He doesn’t let on the guilt he feels for stopping you from reaching climax. He pushes it from his mind, knowing he can get you off with ease to make up for it. At least as long as he can hold out longer. 
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wcnderlnds · 3 days
spooky scary movies | peter maximoff
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✧ fluff/angstober day one | scary movies ✧
・❥・warnings: peter is a lil suggestive bc he’s peter and mentions of chucky ig. ・❥・ authors note: a day later than i wanted but we here. also trying out a new format 💕
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“Sweet! What snacks we got?” Peter jumped over the back of the couch, sitting down next to you. It took him no time at all to start rummaging through the snacks you’d placed on the small coffee table.
Somehow, you had managed to convince Peter to have a scary movie marathon with you. Spooky season was finally here and there was no better way to kick things off than with a marathon of all the best spooky movies. It was even more of a necessity when Peter had told you he hadn’t seen most of the ones you’d listed off to him. How could he not have seen the classics like Friday The 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street?
Peter wasn’t exactly the type of guy that sat and watched movies. He had tried — he had really tried so many times but sitting still for such a long period of time wasn’t in his repertoire. Focusing on just one thing for more than ten minutes was hard, he constantly had to be on the go, had to be doing something. Sitting down and watching something for almost two hours seemed like torture to him. It was so slow. Too slow but for you, he’d get his shit together and give it a go even if it pained him. Besides, it was worth it to see the wide smile on your face. Your excitement made him feel all gross and tingly inside — he hated the feeling and loved it all at the same time.
“Peter,” you scolded him, batting his hands away. “Don’t finger all the food before the movies even started.”
“I’d like to finger someth-” You cut him off with your hand over his mouth before he could even finish his sentence.
“Behave,” you blushed, moving your hand away when he licked your palm. “Gross.”
He snickered, quickly snatching a Twinkie off the table. He leaned back against the couch, ripping it open and almost stuffing the whole thing in his mouth. All you could do was roll your eyes. Typical Peter but you wouldn’t have him any other way.
The silver haired speedster had had your heart for the last six months. It had been a slow blossoming romance. It had started with lingering looks, hugs that lasted longer than they should’ve until one day he had ran right up to you and, in a flurry of words, had asked you on a date. From there things had only grown and here you were now.
Peter’s arms were stretched out on the back of the couch, one of his legs crossed over the over. He looked like the epitome of comfortable as he finished chewing his Twinkie. “We’re watching the one with the weird doll first, right?”
“Chucky and yes, we are.” She hit play on the movie. Peter had insisted they watch this one first because the idea of a killer doll seemed hilarious to him.
An hour into the movie and you were cuddled into his side with his arm wrapped around your shoulders. His leg was bobbing up and down, his fingers drumming on the arm of the couch. It was getting harder and harder for him to stay still but the fact he was trying for you warmed your heart. You looked at him, his eyes were focused on the movie until you placed your hand on his bouncing knee.
“Hey,” he smiled down at you.
“You hate this, don’t you?”
“What? No! I…. it’s just hard for me to stay still but I’m enjoying it, promise. Being here with you, watching this freaky little doll is a blast. Promise, babe.”
You searched his eyes for any sign that he was just telling you what you wanted to hear. When you found none, you cupped his cheek. “You’re too good to me, Peter Maximoff.”
“Pfft, shutup.”
“Make me.”
Peter grinned. In one swift movement, his lips were on yours in a soft, gentle kiss. His hands gripped your hips to pull you into his lap, your arms wrapping around his neck as you settled into him. His tongue traced along your bottom lip and it took no time at all for you to part your lips, his tongue meeting yours. The movie was completely forgotten now. As the kiss grew more passionate, Peter slid his hands under your shirt, holding your waist. A content sigh passed his lips briefly before they captured yours again.
It was very, very reluctantly that he pulled away. His forehead rested gently on yours, his eyes closed until he spoke and ruined the moment in only the way he could. “So, this Chucky doll… he’s totally real, right?”
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lovecla · 3 days
TAKE YOUR PAIN AWAY | quinn hughes.
chapter four:
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➴ chapter warnings: drinking and kinda suggestive? sex is mentioned!
➴ word count: 3k
💌 from me to you: i think one of you cast a spell on me because i cannot wait until friday to publish this. also, i listened to self righteous by bryson tiller while i wrote this. just saying!
2024, APRIL.
Vancouver, Canada
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liked by nickharris_img, imgmodels, lhughes_06 and 390,813 others
madisoncarter mood because bella and i are the newest vancouver girlies
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vic_alonso 🤩🤩🤩
ellecanada Welcome, love 💛
madisoncarter_updates Omggg we’re so excited for you babe!!!!!!!
peterrocky she’s never beating the “idk who the hughes brothers are” allegations
nickharris_img I miss you already Mads 💔
lavieenrose Welcome home, Flower! 🌷🌼🌹
“WHAT DO you think, baby?”
Bella stared at you before she started running around the place, sniffing every corner.
It was officially your first day living in Vancouver. You had been coming and going to Vancouver ever since you’d signed your contract with La Vie en Rose, arranging things and getting your shit together.
Nicholas was right, their team took care of everything, and they got you a nice place too. You still had to pay rent but at least you didn’t have to go apartment hunting, which was something you hated.
You and Bella landed in Vancouver last night, and you didn’t have the energy to do anything but lay on your bed with her and sleep the entire Saturday. It was Sunday now, and you were trying to get Bella used to the rooms before you had to leave for your first shooting on Monday.
“It’s not so bad, is it?” You asked her, putting your hands on your waist. “I think it’s nice.”
Your phone rang and you picked it up, reading Quinn’s text with a smile on your face.
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You’ve been texting everyday since that day at his house, and you felt like the world was finally spinning right again. Having Quinn back in your life— and consequently Ellen, Jim, Luke and Jack as well— made you so happy it was almost unbelievable.
He texted at weird hours, sometimes at three a.m. and sometimes at six p.m., but he always asked about you and how you were doing. Have you eaten? How’s the moving going? Do you need any help?
You’d stare at those texts and ask yourself the same thing you’ve been asking since you were eleven: why he was so kind to you? Not that you were complaining. It just felt weird to have someone who cared as much as he did again.
You told him you were now permanently living in Vancouver and he told you he’d come see you whenever he got back from Seattle. You felt your heart beating faster just with the thought of him at your place, both of you alone for the first time after that awkward moment at his house, with you hangover as fuck.
Now you would be sober and in your space, not his.
You sighed, watching Bella preparing herself for a nap in her massive bed by the balcony and you decided that napping was the right solution for you too.
YOUR FIRST day at La Vie en Rose had been a success, not that you expected anything else.
Turns out your editor-in-chief, Victoria, was one of the nicest people you had ever met; she talked you through the process of working for La Vie en Rose and answered all of your questions with patience and kindness.
“You were our target for a long time before we managed to snatch you,” she joked when you mentioned that working with them was a dream come true. “So we’re the ones who should be thankful.”
She took you to her favorite restaurant and bought your lunch while she talked your ears off, in the best way possible. You never had a girl friend before. Between casting and auditions, you never got to make many friends. And in the world of modeling, there weren’t friends— you had to see the other girls as your opponents, people you had to defeat. Your body had to be better, your hair had to be shinier, your catwalk had to be smoother.
So when Victoria treated you as a friend, even if you’d met each other a few hours ago, it was like the universe was being kind to you again.
You were on your way home, enjoying the view as you walked down the streets, grateful that you still didn’t have a car because the city was really beautiful, even with the cold weather.
You arrived at your apartment, going all the way up to the ninth floor. When you opened your door, Bella almost knocked you down, jumping on you and licking your face.
“You’re going to hurt mommy, baby,” You laughed, caressing her fur. “I missed you too.”
She barked and you got up, finally closing the door and removing your heels. You left your bag on the couch and ran to your bathroom, desperate for a hot shower and pajamas. The best part of your house was the central heater system, and the fact that you got to wear your tiny pajama sets even when it was snowing outside.
You did your nightly skincare and spread the vanilla scented lotion on your entire body, before applying your favorite perfume— no need to specify the scent. You were a vanilla girl through and through and you would never leave the house unless you smelled like a bakery.
It was only eight p.m. but you were so tired that all you wanted to do was crash in your bed and sleep, but you still had to give Bella her dinner. So you walked to your laundry room, where you kept all of her things— you were that king of dog mom who buys your dog three hundred winter clothes and five hundred chewing toys— and grabbed her food pot, shaking it lightly to grab her attention.
Which worked momentarily because next thing you knew the doorbell was ringing and Bella was running to the door, barking loudly.
“Bella!” You reprimanded her, putting your index finger in front of your mouth and shushing her. “Quiet, please.”
You opened the door even without knowing who was on the other side, which was probably a bad and dangerous thing to do, but it was just Quinn, wearing a suit and holding a suitcase.
“Quinn?” You watched as Bella jumped on him, excited to see someone else. “Bella, down, please. Leave him alone.”
“Oh, hello there,” he bent over and patted Bella’s head, caressing her fur while she licked his hands. “Who are you, hm?”
“That’s Bella,” you said, opening the door so he could get inside. You watched as he got up and stared down at you, eyeing you up and down. You followed his gaze and realized that you were still only wearing your pink, almost see through pajama set and with the cold breeze that hit you when you opened the door, your nipples decided that now was a good time to mark through your shirt. “Um.”
Something flashed through Quinn’s eyes, but you didn’t know what. He coughed, closing the door for you. “I didn’t know you had a dog.”
“O-oh, right. Bella,” you looked at her, watching as she sniffed Quinn’s things. “I adopted her when I moved to LA. We were both alone and she was living at a shelter.” You smiled, remembering the day you took her home. “She was so small and so scared. She was sitting alone at a corner and I just… I couldn’t leave her there.”
Quinn chuckled, nodding. “You’re still the sweetest person I have ever met.”
“Oh, stop it,” you croaked, smiling.
“Just saying,” he shrugged, putting his hands on his pocket and resting his body against the door. “I just came to check on you. Nice place you got here.”
You looked around, agreeing with him.
“It is, I was just telling Bella this,” you started. “It’s not big but it’s perfect for us. I like it a lot. Especially the heater.”
“That’s nice too,” he agrees. “What are you having for dinner?”
You stared at him, confused. Only that you couldn’t tell him that dinner wasn’t something that happened everyday in your world.
“Hum,” you stutter. “Nothing? I was just ready to go to bed, actually.”
“That’s too bad,” he removed his shoes and started walking around your place like he’d been there a million times before. “I’m starving. We just got here from Seattle. What do you want me to cook?”
“You don’t need to cook anything,” he cocks his head at you, eyes staring deep into your soul. “I’m not hungry. But I can cook something for you if you want to.”
“I don’t like eating alone. And you can’t just go to bed without eating anything.”
“Quinn…” you sigh, placing your hands on your hips. “Don’t do this. Please?”
“I’m not doing anything, I’m just saying. So,” he claps his hands. “What are we having?”
“Jesus, I forgot how annoying you are,” you roll your eyes, holding back a smile. “We can maybe have a salad.”
“If you want to kill me, there are faster ways to do it,” he whines and you laugh. “Can I take care of dinner and you take care of Bella while I cook?”
“I wanna help.” You pout and he smiles.
“You can help by sitting there,” he points at your dinner table. “And looking pretty. You’re good at that anyway.”
You laughed out loud, wrapping your arms around your chest. “You’re old and annoying, Quinn Hughes.”
He opened your cabinets, searching for something with his eyes.
“What do you think about rice and salmon?” He asks, picking up the rice package.
“Maybe potatoes instead of rice?” You suggest, pointing at the potato sack sitting in your kitchen trolley.
“Alright,” he pulls up the sleeves of his suit, and goes to the sink to wash his hands. “Let’s get to work.”
To your surprise, Quinn moved around your kitchen with ease, even when he had never visited you before. He finely chopped the potatoes, putting them in the oven to let them roast before he moved to the salmon, seasoning it with the spices you had in your cabinet.
He listened to you the entire time, with you yapping about your day and how nice Victoria had treated you and how Nicholas had called you mid-shooting to ask how you were doing.
“What exactly do you do?” He asked, while you grabbed a wine bottle from your fridge.
“Well, it depends,” you replied, grabbing wine glasses from your cabinet and opening the bottle. “Sometimes I just take pictures all day, in different locations and outfits. Sometimes I have to go to runways. Sometimes both. Not to mention the social media work, the TikToks and all of that.”
“I don’t even wanna hear about TikToks,” he rolls his eyes, making you laugh. “The Canucks media team are always asking us to do stupid trends and answer weird questions. What does ‘very demure’ even mean anyway?”
“You’re too old for that, Quinny,” you joke, filling your glasses up. “Do you know what I think?”
“I think you should come see me at a runway show,” you suggest, knowing damn well Quinn would never sit on a chair for an hour and a half just to watch women wear weird, provocative clothes and catwalk on a platform. “It’d be interesting.”
“Only if I get to bring my team with me so it’ll be less boring.” He fires back, checking on the salmon in the pan.
“I’m sure they won’t mind watching women in underwear or something similar.” You smile, watching as he nods with his head and sips on his wine too.
“I’m sure of that too.”
He resumes cooking while you finish your first glass of wine, already in for your second. You set the table, turning the TV on for Bella— she likes watching TV sometimes, and that’s fine!— before sitting down to eat Quinn’s tasty-looking meal. After you got your first bite of the salmon, you couldn’t help but moan.
“I didn’t know you knew how to actually cook, Quinn Hughes,” you say, chewing on the fish. “When did you even learn that?”
“I’m a grown man now, Maddie,” he laughed and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Like that means anything. I know Ellen would cook for you everyday if you asked her to.”
“Yeah, but I’m not around her so much anymore, so I just figured out it’d be good for me to know how to take care of myself. And turns out I really like cooking.”
“This is heavenly, thank you so much,” you sip on your wine as the same time he sips on his, smiling because you liked his company a lot.
“AND THEN, Jack asked them to flash him and the worst part is that someone caught that on camera.”
You laughed, letting your body fall forward, feeling lighter than ever. You and Quinn were sitting on your couch, already in your second bottle of wine. Bella was chewing on one of her toys and it was already ten thirty.
Quinn was now wearing just his white, dress shirt with the first two buttons open, his jacket lost somewhere alongside his tie. You couldn’t help but notice how the fabric of the shirt held his muscles in all the right places, getting tighter every time he flexed his muscles.
Quinn was hot, and he had always been in your eyes. He was only twenty-four, almost twenty-five, but he looked older, mature. Something about him being a hockey player, the captain, made you feel confused and hot at the same time.
“Jack girlies must have gone crazy with that video,” you add after you stop laughing, watching as Quinn nods.
“Tell me about it,” he runs his fingers through his silky, somehow hydrated hair, and you find yourself wondering how it’d feel for you to do the same. “It was crazy. But I don’t really get the appeal.”
You scoffed. “You don’t get the appeal? Have you seen you or your brothers?”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “So what? We’re alright, I guess,”
“You’re crazy,” you roll your eyes at him, incredulous. “I spent my teenage years ignoring guys because you ruined all of them for me and you’re saying you’re just alright?”
He chuckles, turning his head around and staring at you, blue eyes darkening.
“What do you mean by that, Madison?”
Maybe it was the fact that it was already late at night and you were tired, or maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe the fact that the last time you had had sex with someone had been more than six months ago, but something about the way Quinn asked you that question, calling you by your name out of all things, made you wonder.
You were both grown up now. You weren’t fifteen anymore, innocent and afraid of voicing your needs. And Quinn looks like he knows how to make a woman see stars…
Besides what they say about big noses, you caught yourself thinking, before you could even stop yourself.
Crossing your legs and unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, you answered, softly:
“It’s silly,” you bit your lip, unsure of what you would even say. This is definitely the wine’s fault. “I had a crush on you growing up.”
You expected him to laugh and play it off, like he used to do whenever Jack or Luke mentioned that one of their girl friends had a crush on their older brother, Quinn. You expected him to give you that brotherly look he used to give you when you were younger and asked him questions about his life and family.
But the look he gave you had something different, something rawer. Something that made your skin crawl in the best way possible, that lightened something inside you.
“Did you now?”
“Mhm,” you nod with your head. “That’s why I’ve never had any boyfriends or hook-ups, even after you left. You ruined them all for me.” You wanted it to sound like a joke, but it hadn’t. How could it, when you were telling the truth.
“Should I apologize, Maddie?” He manspreads on your couch, and you let your gaze fall on his thighs for a brief second— just not brief enough for him not to notice.
“No, it’s— it’s fine. I’m not fifteen anymore.”
“I can see that,” he whispers, and you can feel yourself slipping into his little trap, slowly.
You were so fucked. Ultimately, stupidly fucked, and not even in the way you wanted to. After all these years of swearing to yourself that Quinn wasn’t meant for you, and that you wouldn’t see him again with lovey eyes anymore, you couldn’t believe the reactions your body was having to just his words and stares. This isn’t normal.
You needed to do something because— you will not fuck this up again. Quinn’s friendship’s too precious for you to ruin it with horny thoughts.
So what if Quinn looked like he could fuck you six ways to Sunday? He was your friend. It hadn’t even been a month since he got back in your life.
“Yeah, but I’m over it now,” you brushed it off, making a pft sound with your mouth. “Grew up and all of that.”
He takes a while to answer, but when he does, you can feel he wants to say something else.
“Got it.”
After that, the tension between the two of you is almost ten times bigger, and you have to stop your brain from blaming yourself. Whatever happened between you and Quinn seconds ago could never happen again. He was your friend.
“Think I’m gonna go now,” he says, getting up. Bella runs to his body, licking his hands and asking for pets. “Hey, baby girl. I’m going home now.”
“You don’t have to,” you suggest, the thought of him leaving because of you making you sick to your stomach. “I have a spare bedroom. You drank, it’s not safe.”
“You’re right, but I’m not drunk and I’ll drive slowly, I promise,” he smiles, leaning down to give you a peck on your forehead. “Great to see you.”
“Drive safe, please,” You watched him leave with Bella by your side, heart squeezed tightly inside your chest. “Text me when you get home.”
“Will do it.” He answers, before putting on his jacket again, grabbing his suitcase and closing the door of your apartment.
And just like that, you had to spend the night trying to convince yourself that you did the right thing by pushing whatever that was away.
taglist: @hischierswhore @ru-kru @alwaysclassyeagle @he6rtshaker @nope-i-am-done @nngkay 🤎
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michiviv · 2 days
flufftober, day 3: favorite scent, k. bakugo > the smell of him can calm you down in an instant.
warnings: healthcare worker reader, work day stress
authors note: i need a man who smells like him or smt... also dont like this much jajaj-- july me was crazy
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work felt like it dragged on for years today. usually you're ready for the strenuous work but it was just patient after patient after patient— you were exhausted.
the day was rough too, when you went to work you stopped by a coffee shop just to find out they were closed. small things, doesn't matter, right?
you went to the break room and served yourself coffee from the break room when some guy bumped into you and made you spill your coffee.
dickhead didn't apologize.
you took a deep breath and decided to attempt to refrain your mindset, maybe he was stressed, overworked, overnight shift... so, we will move on.
as usual, patients can be... frustrating, refusing to eat, refusing to take their medication, it all happens but when they throw shit?  christ you just wish you could make them pick up everything themselves. a client, in a fit of anger and refusal to eat any food, threw their food towards the floor.
so you painstakingly had to clean up the spilled food, trying to keep a neutral face as to not give the patient the satisfaction of having pissed you the fuck off. then, of course, a medical emergency where you were called in due to an influx of clients causing you to miss your lunch break.
starving but still having to work, you ate while you filled your paperwork and as if to taunt you the computer decided to have technical difficulties causing you to take twice as long as you usually would've to complete the paperwork.
todays mission was to make it through without crying at work... and it was proving so hard right now when it all seemed to be going against you.
you let out a sigh as you finally walked through the door of your apartment. The stress of the day weighed heavily on your shoulders, making your entire body ache. You kicked off your shoes and tossed your bag aside, feeling too tired to care about where it landed.
the smell of the food that your boyfriend was making reaching your nose, causing you to seek him out in the kitchen.
"youre home late, you didn't text." bakugo spoke, his voice carrying the usual grumpy tone. Katsuki Bakugo, your boyfriend, looked up from the pan, his expression softening when he saw the exhaustion on your face.
"Yeah, it was a long day," you muttered, trying to muster a smile but failing miserably.
Bakugo sighed and opened his arm, pulling you into a side hug, his presence immediately starting to ease the tension in your body. He pulled you into a gentle hug, and you buried your face in his chest, inhaling deeply.
The smell of him—a mix of smoky, caramel and something uniquely Katsuki—washed over you. It was a scent that had always brought you comfort, grounding you even in the most stressful moments. Instantly, the chaos of the day began to fade away, replaced by the soothing familiarity of his embrace.
"You look like you've been through hell," he said softly, his voice rumbling in his chest.
"You have no idea," you replied, your words muffled against his shirt. "But this helps."
you hummed softly, pressing her head against his chest and looking at the pan of food. "what're you making?"
"Your favorite," he replied with a smirk. "Figured you could use something nice after a shitty day."
"Thank you, Katsuki," you murmured, feeling a bit lighter already. "I love you.."
"love ya' too, now go shower. wash the bad energy away or whatever the fuck mina says."
You chuckled and reluctantly pulled away from him to wash up, leaving his side with a kiss on his cheek.
After taking a cold shower to wash away the stress of the work day, you felt slightly more human. You returned to the kitchen, where Bakugo was plating up the food. The sight and smell of the meal made your stomach rumble, and Bakugo chuckled.
"Hungry, huh? Sit down. I'll get you some tea, too."
You sank into a chair at the table, watching him move around the kitchen with ease. It always amazed you how someone so fiery and intense could be so gentle and caring when it came to you. He placed a steaming plate of food in front of you, followed by a cup of your favorite tea.
You took a bite, savoring the flavors and the warmth spreading through your body. "This is amazing," you said between mouthfuls. "You always know how to make things better."
"Damn right I do, i'm amazing," he said with a smirk, sitting down across from you with his own plate. "Now, tell me about your day."
As you recounted the various frustrations and challenges you faced, Bakugo listened intently, occasionally grumbling in sympathy or making snide comments about the people who had annoyed you. His reactions made you laugh, easing the heaviness in your chest. Momentarily, you were also thankful he didn't know the dickhead who knocked the coffee out of your hands.
When you finished eating, you took the empty plates to the kitchen to wash them. As you washed the dishes, Katsuki stood behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist before resting against your neck, taking a deep breath.
if any of his friends saw him right now, he would never hear the end of it.
"Do that later, let's watch something," he suggested, guiding you by the waist to the couch.
As the two of you settled onto the couch, he grabbed the remote and pulled you close. You snuggled into his side, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest and the familiar scent that always calmed you. As the TV flickered to life with a cheesy sitcom, you felt the last remnants of the day's stress melt away.
"You're my lucky charm, you know that?" you whispered, looking up at him with a grateful smile.
"Tch, you're just saying that because I feed you," he teased, but the softness in his eyes betrayed his tough exterior.
"Maybe," you said with a chuckle, snuggling closer. "But I mean it. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Bakugo tightened his arm around you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "You'll never have to find out," he murmured. "I've got you."
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batboyblog · 3 days
The recent Chappell Roan thing is why I absolutely hate the lack of political literacy in this country. Big-name celebrities think they're really cooking when they say "well Kamala still supports blowing up Palestinian babies because she won't cut ties with Israel, so therefore I'm not voting for her and you shouldn't either! Both her and Trump suck so I'm not voting/voting third party!"
Like it or not, Israel is an ALLY of the United States. We CAN'T just cut ties with them unless it's a long drawn-out process, and even then it's probably NEVER going to happen. This is basic shit we learned in social studies, holy shit!
Trump would be so much fucking worse for everyone involved, including Palestine, and not voting or voting third party is pretty much just handing your vote over to Trump due to how voting WORKS in a two-party system dictated by the fucked up electoral college.
This was a long ramble and you've probably gotten similar asks the last few months like this, but fuck, I just have to get this off my chest, and the most recent event with her was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Celebs in general need to shut the fuck up about politics unless they are actually partaking in activism instead of this virtue-signaling bullshit.
Taking things one thing at a time.
I'll admit to having only seen Chappell Roan's final video on the subject, so idk what she said before that (outside of generally)
The two things that really stuck out to me and pissed me off about that live/video was she 1. accused Democrats (she said "the left" but was clearly in context talking about the Democrats) for "transphobic policy" (also genocidal, equally silly) and it was SUCH a groundless lie, such a baseless, stupid, uninformed, silly lie. It'd be like saying "yes the right is bad! but Kamala Harris says she wants to shoot a pony every day of her Presidency and I can't support that!" And to be a Queer artist who's whole thing is centering Queer art, particularly drag who's got a young maybe not very informed queer fan base who's made talking about trans rights your main political thing to just lie about the nature of the threat to trans rights and trans lives at this moment is fucking awful and downright criminal.
Listen right now Republicans are aggressively attacking Democrats on trans rights. Trump went after Harris at their debate for "trans surgeries for illegal aliens in prison!" Republicans are attacking Tim Walz as "tampon Tim" for the idea that he supports trans male students having access to tampons (and other crazy transphobic attacks on him) Republicans are centering transphobia as a main campaign issue, anyone who gives a fuck about trans people in this nation should know Trump and Creepy Vance in charge of the federal government? is the nightmare. You can't claim to care about trans people or be "centering" them and not be doing all you can to stop Republicans at the ballot box this November. And both siding it and saying bullshit that somehow it will be just as bad if Democrats win is not stopping Republicans no matter how you personally vote.
The Second thing in her video that really annoyed me was she said she was voting for Harris but then had a whole word salad about how everyone needed to make up their own minds about who would be best. Basically saying that while she was voting for Harris, a vote for Trump was a reasonable conclusion people could reach. Again if you truly care about the issues she says she cares about, no, you can't vote for Trump. And again to use your platform to push "both sides" is to throw the very people you claim are your brand under the bus in the worst way.
I don't like to throw people under the bus for their family, Tim Walz' brother is a MAGA lunatic for example, but Chappell Roan talked about Republican family that "loved her" and I can't help but wonder if she was thinking of her Republican State Rep uncle, Darin Chappell. Again people can't control family members and I'm not asking anyone to come out and attack their family in public. I'm just wondering if her views on Republicans and finding a middle ground and "they still love me" is colored by Uncle Darin and not understanding he might love her and be proud of her but he still walks into the Missouri state capital and votes for abortion bans and transphobia.
to move onto the meat of your ask which I think is less about Roan in particular and more generalized about a certain type of celebrity and GenZ very on-line types. On the whole Israel-Palestine thing, I think most of the people posting about it know very little or know a lot of misinformation, you every see people boldly posting "I don't need to know everything to know right from wrong!" you run into that a lot. And I'd say yes, you do need to know a lot to comment on a complex multi generational ethnic-political conflict with many state and non-state actors.
Last night JD Vance and Tim Walz had their debate and every time there was an issue, housing costs, medical costs, gun violence, inflation, Vance would move it around to how if we just deported all the immigrants the issue would be fixed, no more drugs no more gun violence, housing would be cheap, just get rid of the people I don't like.
And I see a lot of that with Israel, "Palestine is a climate issue!" "Queer as in Free Palestine!" etc where if we just get rid of Israel it'll all be fixed. Which of course connects to long standing antisemitic ideas about Jews running the world, people happily sub in the word "Israel" or "Zionist" and then repeat the same old racism thats followed the Jews around for 1,000 years.
So long and short I think most people talking about Palestine don't know enough to talk about it, but what's worse don't really care about Palestine at all
I'm reminded here of Trump's "Deal of the Century". Oh? you don't remember it? shocker, in January 2020 Trump released a "peace plan" drawn up with no Palestinians involved, where Israel would be allowed to annex everything in the West Bank it would want, the Jordan Vally cutting Palestine off from Jordan and totally encircling it with Israel. The West Bank would be Swiss cheesed up into little pockets connected by tunnels or overpasses but with Israeli territory running through it everywhere. The Palestinians said "no!" and then Netanyahu claimed that Trump had green lit Israel to annex the land it wanted even without Palestinian agreement to the plan and without giving the Palestinians anything. There was some confusion and thankfully that didn't happen. We may never know the fully story of what stopped it, but I do think Trump agreed to annexing much of the West Bank, but pulled back under pressure from Gulf Arab Oil states who later in 2020 made peace with Israel in the Abraham Accords in an effort to stop Netanyahu's annexation plans.
any ways to point out, 1. Palestine was on the edge of annexation the end of the dream of Palestinian statehood in any meaningful sense, and where were the protests? the encampments? etc? it never comes up, 4 years ago, and all the people who live and breath this stuff never mention it? 2. We have reason to believe Trump signed off on a far-right government of Israel annexing much of the West Bank, his "peace plan" abandoned the outlines that American Presidents since Bill Clinton set forward for getting a Palestinian state on 95+% of the West Bank in favor of "what does the Israeli right want?" and again no one is talking about it in the context of this election, we know what he'll do, because he's done it before.
but again its not really about the Palestinians, its not about building a Palestinian state, its "get rid of Israel" and then what? what happens to the 9 million people who live in Israel? and people don't have a realistic answer, because its a political fantasy that if they just do X everything will magically get better, even on totally unrelated issues.
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dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 91)
(TW: Sexual Abuse)
They were almost to the second pod. Thank Robo-God.
N was slightly ahead of them, doing scan after scan with each of his different eyes as they inched closer, it had fallen in what used to be a small park… but was now a frozen lake of ice.
The pod was mostly intact barring the fact it's landing legs had snapped and it was half buried in the ice of the lake and covered in snow. The door was stuck open, but there wasn't any sign of life, and especially no corpse spire that would indicate anyone lived there.
“I wonder why you guys are the only dissasembly drones we've seen…” Thad pondered aloud, and both N and V gave a small unknowing shrug.
“I'm not sure… these pods imply that there should be more don't they?” N replied, his movements slightly sluggish from not sleeping last night.
“Let's not jinx it, it's a good thing we haven't. We'd probably have to fight them.” V added, Lizzy at her side looking tired from sleeping on the ground.
“V's right. It's probably a good thing.” Uzi nodded, Tera was curled up in one arm - not asleep, but nibbling on her bat plush gently.
“We could take ‘em.” Lizzy hummed with a smirk, and V smiled. “Love the attitude, but a full squad of dissasembly drones would be a hard fight, even for me.”
“Aww, V being humble, never thought I'd see the day.” Uzi teased and V growled back in response, tail flicking in irritation.
“Shut up! I can still kick ass you little shit!” She seethed, ans Uzi couldn't help but laugh as V grumbled and growled at being teased.
Khan slid off the forklift, grabbing a metal rod and prodding the frozen lake, the ice was completely solid at it's bank, though visibly got lighter the closer you got to the pod.
He called over his son in law
“Hey! N! Need you for a sec!” She shouted from across the caravan group, and N gave Uzi a small kiss on the cheek before he took off and landed next to the older worker drone.
“I need you to check out the pod on the ice, see if it's thick enough for us to drive the lift over.” Khan pointed to the precariously placed pod, who's bottom was entrenched in the lake itself.
He nodded, that was a simple enough task.
His wings stretched out again and he softly landed on top of the pod, which didn't even budge with his added weight, he shook it, jumped on it, anything he could think off the test if it would move.
“Looks pretty good!” He shouted back, and Khan nodded. But shouted back. “Check the ice around it! Make sure it's not too thin!”
He lept from the top of the pod to in front of its entrance, scanning the thickness of the ice with the myriad of sensors that covered his body.
The ice was thick… but the pod was putting significant strain on it already, large cracks furrowed deep into it. Still the only still liquid water he could sense was under 5 feet of pure ice, and so long as they were careful…
He decided to take a look inside the pod, maybe by some miracle some of it was still functional.
But N did find out what happened to the occupants almost as soon as he stepped inside.
There were three bodies, dissasembly drone bodies. And all three had the same severe warping of their chassis, and the scorched hole where their cores should be.
They had overheated, either immediately or soon after making landfall as the pilot hadn't even left their chair before she began melting to it, molten plastic clung to her coat.
They all had that same, silvery blonde hair, which made it feel more like he was looking at the bodies of his siblings then anything else. He sighed, although this was probably better for the group then finding a squad of three hungry dissasembly drones, he felt bad… overheating was such a slow way to go.
A red glint caught his eye.
He shifted his gaze downwards to the floor.
There was a pristine little JCJenson pen slowly rolling towards him, confused, he bent down and turned it in his hands, what was this doing here?
The door slammed shut behind him, plunging him in darkness for a moment while his vison switched into night mode. He backed up against the console, immediately switching to a sword as he frantically looked around.
“Well, well, well… what do we have here?”
His core stuttered still, the familiar voice of business casual and customer service experience running through his audials and making all the oil pumping through him run ice cold. Phantom pain flared in his tail.
“J?” His voice was shaky, this was impossible J was dead, he'd destroyed her core, he'd run it through with his tail until is dissolved into nothing- how? How was this possible?
Five balls of light suddenly flickered on next to the door, a long tail with a yellow, glowing tip reveling itself behind a feminine silhouette, her visor flickered on- an ‘><’ that was unblinking and unwavering.
“The one and only!” She sneered, taking a step closer to him, his eyes hollowed and he used every ounce of energy he had not to tremble.
“Y-you died.” He forced out, still not being able to believe what he was seeing, he'd watched her die.
“Effective drones are cloned more.” She smirked, dread filled the pit of his stomach, she was between him and the door, him and safety.
“You don't look too happy to see me… aren't you glad your leaders alive and well?” She asked, dripping with a kind of patronizing professionalism that she always used when talking to him, he hated it, he hated it.
He growled, fear lighting the fuse into anger.
“You should've stayed dead.” He grunted, it was venomous- so much unlike him but oh did it feel good, he stood up a little straighter.
“Ouch. That's hurtful, N.” She pouted, and N felt his fist clench as she began to move slowly towards him; his confidence wanted to fade, he felt the urge to cower, to beg for forgiveness, to falter.
He didn't. He wouldn't.
“Get out of my way.” He spat, eyes sharpening into a glare that V would be proud of, J stopped for a moment.
“Ooooh~ Such attitude~” She mocked, a fake shiver going up her spine. “Last time I checked though. I was your boss, not the other way around.” The faux freindlness in her voice fell, blessedly.
N stepped forward, closing the gap between them with a speed that startled the former leader into stepping back. His claws flexed, his visor glitched into an X.
“I said. Get out of my way, J, NOW.” The way his voice echoed around the pod was enough to make his own audials ring. J lifted an eyebrow and gave a too-wide smile.
“You don't scare me.” She laughed, one of her claws tapping on the glass covering of his core, his stance faltered breifly. “I know what makes you tick…”
“N? You alright in there? The door slammed shut.” V's voice echoed from the shut door, J looked over to it, grinning.
“Tell her everything's fine…” She whispered, and he grunted when he realized she'd grabbed his tail, She grinded her finger roughly against the canister.
He was still growling when he hit the floor, furious more then hopeless.
“V! Mph It’s!”
She yanked on his tail harder, and he had to muffled the scream that wanted to escape.
Instead of Fear, like she wanted, there was anger that was boiling over, instead of obedience- it was rebellion.
“ITS J! SHE'S GOT MY T-AGH!!” He was swiped in the face by claws, and J angerly growled. “You little fucking-”
The door was blasted open, V was there, missile launcher aimed at the door, teeth bared and a wild look in her eye.
V wasted no time in grabbing J by the throat and tossing her out onto the ice for all to see, she looked back at N.
“Are you okay?” She asked, watching as N used the busted console to pull himself up, his tail brushed the floor and he let out a grunt of overstimulation.
“I'm fine.” He growled. “Don't worry about me.” He gestured to J, who was almost stood up on the ice again, and V nodded, throwing herself into battle with duel swords.
“I was aways a better fighter then you.” J hissed, blocking a blow with swords of her own. And V hissed back. “I don't care!”
V kicked her former leader in the midsection, making her grunt in pain but not double over, V brought out a rifle instead.
J immediately took off into the air, dodging the stream of bullets that erupted out of the tip of V's gun, a wild smile on her face.
“Aww did I upset you too? Didn't like the way you were disciplined?” She jeered, and V seemed to get more angry at that.
“Shut the fuck up!” She screeched, unleashing her wings and claws and straight up tackling the cocky drone back into the ground.
“I didn't know you were doing that to N too!” She yelled, landing a decent shot that cracked Js visor before she was able to push V off and fly back into the air
She just shrugged. “The best discipline is consistent. It just worked on you better.”
V's yell of rage was loud, but not quite as loud as N's, who came streaking from above to kick J in the head so hard she broke through the ice, splintering it in several places and making the whole lake shake in a shockwave.
“You too…?” N asked gently as he landed, and V looked away, either ashamed or embarrassed. “I don't… wanna talk about it.”
N nodded softly, keeping it as a note for later.
J Clawed herself out of the icy pit, soaking wet and visor just now completely healing.
“Insubordination! I come back to see you and this is how you repay me! I-” Her gaze twists, Thad and Lizzy are creating a barrier around Uzi and Tera, but Uzi is trying to watch, to make sure N and V are okay, and J sees her, sees her and the little toddler in her arms who looks scared.
“Now I get it. You got attached…” Her grin turns feral, and N and V both realize where she's going a second too late, she's already off, throwing Thad and Lizzy to the ground and picking up Uzi by the front of her shirt. Uzi yelps and kicks, J looks her up and down, landing on her distended stomach, running a clawed hand down it gently.
“Awww… is this N or V's?” She purred, eyes then flicking to the toddler who started screaming in fear, clinging to her mother tightly “Or both?” She snickered.
“Let me go!” Uzi spat, growling as her tail comes out in an attempt to bite, but J just grabs it, her fingers are grating and it sends an unpleasant shiver up Uzi's spine.
“Oh. I plan to.” She tosses Uzi like garbage, and Uzi quite literally throws Lizzy Tera in hopes that she'll be spared from whatever J has planed for her, Lizzy catches her, thankfully, and Thad covers them both in a body block.
N moves first, pouncing on J but getting shoved roughly back into the ice, V goes for Uzi herself, trying to get her away from danger like her instincts were screaming at her to, but she gets her head kicked and her vision goes into exclusively thermal.
Uzi tries to scramble away, spines prickling out of her back as she tries to run, fight or flight kicking in and self preservation choosing for her.
She gets picked up again, this time by the tail, J ignoring the spines peircing into her fist and holding her up upside down- right above the hole in the ice.
Panic grips her and she squirms like a caught rabbit, trying to claw at her captor or kick or… something. J sneers.
“You two clearly can't be trusted… look at this!” Uzi feels herself be shaken like she's actual trash. “This is disgraceful!”
Then… she's dropped.
The ice comes to envelop her faster then she can react, she hears not only N and V, but her father scream her name. She's plunged into sub zero waters, the temperature taking her breath away as she sinks like a stone.
N stares blankly, every thought in his head instantly evaporating into nothing. Mouth hanging open in shock.
In another second, it feels like his core snaps in half, every single light on his body turns red, and a primal scream rips from his throat as he throws himself at J with all his might
She doesn't even have time to react before one of her wings is ripped off by his claws, maw clamping down on one of her arms ad that too is detached from her body. She screams in pain.
“What the- No! Get off me! Get off me!” She struggles to get away, she kicks N's midsection as hard as she can but he doesn't even react to it, he's drooling all over her, visor stained in a crimson X as his tail whips around to peirce her visor, dumping every drop of acid into it without control.
He grabs the base of her tail and pulls, and he doesn't stop until it snaps off in his hand, a feral, euphoric laugh erupting out of his throat as tears prick in her visor. She kicks and kicks but even as his side breaks open with the force of her blows, spilling out oil he doesn't even flinch.
It's only when she fires a missile point blank at his face that she's able to get him off, throwing him backwards, headless.
She looks between the group, V, fishing her hand inside the hole she dropped Uzi, a downed N, before hoisting herself up, flying away into the distance, though off balance due to a missing wing and visor leaking golden acid she can't contain.
It was cold… so cold…
It felt like ice was invading Uzi's core, bubbles left her mouth as her heavy, titanium body sunk deeper, any attempt to go up only forced her deeper.
Until something glowing yellow grabbed her wrist and hoisted her up, she gasped for air as she was suddenly able to breathe again, everything on her sopping wet. Her optics opened a crack, V's tail was what brought her up, and now she was being held as close to her as possible, the heat radiating off her and into her frigid body.
[CORE TEMPERATURE CRITICAL!] Was written on her visor, V tried to to think about that too hard as she cradled the small worker in her arms, core beating out of her chest.
N groaned, head regenerating, and he looked around confused for a moment, processors lagging behind until it all hit him at once, he rushed over to his mate, ignoring the intense pain in his side and his splitting headache.
“S-she freezing, her bodies in shock, N what… what do we do?” V looked up at him, something desperate, apologetic.
N grabs the cold body of his mate.
“Make sure the pod gets back home safe… I got this.”
Then he's off; grabbing Tera on the way as he flies as fast as he possibly can to the warmest place he can think of…
The Nest.
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