#and theyre... very closed off from most of their friends. they feel like they have to be.
fukashiin · 2 years
how they admire you from afar
— w. ace, deuce, floyd, kalim, jamil
⤷ times when they stare at you and think "wow theyre pretty"
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- you? beautiful? him staring at you because of it?
- audacious. seriously
- he stares at you so much and he hates YOUR guts for it somehow
- like why do you have to look so breathtaking when doing the most ordinary of tasks? do you WANT him to stare at you? (not like you’re aware of how much he does anyway)
- and you miss the salty side eye he gives to the previous person you were talking to
- fail to notice the subtle pouts he sends your way and he ignores you back for the next week
- like literally what is his problem
- but the time he spends trying to “ignore” you doesn’t last for long
- because. you don’t know. how beautiful you are in his eyes.
- scribbles the most illegible notes down in his journal back in his dorm because he just can’t get rid of the sight of your face (no human is supposed to be that pretty. he’s just being ridiculous)
- posts weirdly ominous captions on his magicam stories about how “he’s going to lose it” or “how can someone be THAT blind?” 
- he removed you from his close friends just so you couldn’t view it
- and he’s still wondering why you aren't taking the hint? ace please wake up you're going to harvard
- the next day is his basketball tournament. you were invited
- and the moment he was about to shoot the ball through the basket, he saw you amongst the crowd, cheering for him, yelling his name, encouraging him to score a point for NRC’s team
- he misses the shot with his hand a centimeter away from the basket and the ball bounces off the ring
- the whistle blows and the tension falls off of everyone’s shoulders
- he’s not ashamed in the least. in fact he was still focusing on you. why did you look so confused? head tilted and everything? now is not the time to distract him when he’s in a tournament you know? this is a very important day for him and he absolutely cannot miss this shot.
- he comes back to his senses when both teams that were competing against each other disappeared from the ring. only turns out it was time to take a break and he was informed of his foolish mistake 
- he sees you running up to him, scoffs, and turns away
- why do you have to put him through so much? just when will you notice his dumb advances towards you?
- but all his thoughts dissipate into thin air when you smile at him so sweetly and reassure him that he’ll do better the next round
- he really hates you
- and he’s really down bad for you
- no. he can’t accept this. he won’t accept this. what happened to his first priority to become NRC’s notable honour student?
- stage 1: denial
- his gaze settles on you entirely, while you’re taking notes in class and you’re unaware of a hungry gaze that burns into the back of your head
- deuce then realises that he’s been balancing on the front two legs of his seat this entire time
- slips and hits his chin directly on the edge of the desk when mr. crewel calls out his name
- pull out the bandages with my melody characters cutely printed onto them, he’s going to need it 
- but when your hands come in contact with his skin
- he absolutely
- “let me bandage it up for you” you said. “i promise it won’t hurt one bit” you SAID
- stares at you the whole time while you’re focused on cleaning his bruise (caused by you)
- he takes notice of the bandages and feels the childish tears pricking at his eyes (caused by you)
- mutters a weak ‘thank you’ once you’re done and when you push your hair back to get rid of the accumulated sweat on your forehead, he feels an arrow shooting right through his heart
- can he blame you? everything you do is just so seemingly flawless and attractive that he can’t help but wonder if he’s truly worthy of your attention. after all, you are aware of his past 
- spams his mother’s phone once he’s back at the dorm in the evening, telling her that there’s this person who’s so drop-dead gorgeous that he can’t get them out of his mind and he’s begging her, asking her what he should do with such unfamiliar feelings that poke at his heart
- except ms spade was probably dealing with a workload that evening and had her notifications off for the entire day (and probably forgot in the process so she’s worried about his son not texting her for one whole day)
- they’re bothj so silly
- the next couple of days fly by, same as ever, with deuce admiring your features at the other side of the table while you help wipe the crumbs off of grim’s face during lunch
- his entire thought process was just about how dreamy you were, he’s so lovestruck it’s insane
- and great seven does he thank them above for being able to live this day
- because you suddenly remembered that your fridge back at ramshackle dorm was out of stock
- so you offered deuce this golden opportunity to head to sam’s store together to help shop for missing groceries that you desperately needed to fill your fridge again 
- he snaps out of his own thoughts and nods his head. violently. was he trying to mimic those bobble head figures?
- you were content and looked at him with that killer-smile
- instant K.O
- ace watches from the sidelines and gets up to purchase another deluxe steak hamburger that the cafeteria was handing out for a limited time
- completely ditches his work at mostro lounge just to sit at the booth you’re at to stare at you
- he doesn’t even say anything
- he just stares
- maybe even twirls a lil strand of your hair if you consent to that
- and he’s completely head-over-heels for you. but who knows that other than jade and azul thanks to their gifted intuition? not you, for all they know
- absolute menace
- casually slings an arm around your shoulders, wrap his arms around your waist from behind-he does all of these and starts a countdown out of nowhere for the person that you were conversing with to get away from the two of you
- you: ( ゚д゚) Floyd: (*^ω^*)
- what’s that about personal space??? yeah he has zero idea of what that is while he continues staring at you
- your lips to be specific.
- every part of you just seems so-pretty? whenever you two have mixed classes together all his thoughts go right through the window and you’re the only thing that his eyes see
- leaves the classroom feeling pretty goofy. slacks his arms behind his head and accidentally whacks a student right in the face with his elbow
- hallway chases are nothing new
- you have to run twice as fast as you do in PE
- he justt thinks you’re so cute the nicknames are endless
- “my adorable shrimpy” “my cutesy little sherbet in a cup” “my one and only mike wazowski”
- they’re not even related to sea animals anymore
- revoke his pet name privileges please
- smitten the moment he makes eye contact with you
- menace number #2 (lovingly)
- what’s wrong? you don’t want a costly chandelier installed in ramshackle’s lounge? Funny! kalim does not bother and your complaints fall on deaf ears
- cups his cheeks in his hands and kicks his legs while he watches you from afar like a little high school girl
- he has a big fat crush on you and he isn’t afraid to show it
- INSISTS jamil that they should bring back every traditional cuisine from their hometown for you to try out
- sends unprofessionally written love letters onto ramshackle’s doorstep when he’s away for the holidays (jamil modified some parts of the letter to not make it too hard to understand)
- think his only love language is giving gifts? absolutely not. doesn’t even know what the five love languages are but masters them all (and it doesn't even take him any strenuous effort)
- rambles to jamil about how beautiful you are during lunch. proceeds to even make an hour-long powerpoint presentation to show to his 30 younger siblings back at home with low-quality images downloaded from shutterstock.
- “how pretty are they?” “are you two going to get married?” “can i see them in person some time? I’ll be nice!”
- no you did NOT give him permission. but you’re okay with that. you love him too much to scold him anyway<333 
- one time you were invited to scarabia’s dorm where they were holding a large banquet (kalim sat beside you and mindlessly kept placing portions of food from the table onto your own plate-it started overflowing you HAD to stop him from grabbing the tongs)
- by the time everything was settled, you went back to your own dorm to get a goodnight’s rest
- but kalim was so adamant on not letting you go that a student from his dorm basically had to rip him off of your figure 
- he loves you and your cute face so much 
- scratch that he loves everything about you from head to toe
- when he was back in his room daydreaming about you, he heard the door burst open
- turns out it was jamil needing to inform him about the upcoming dorm leader meeting happening the next day
- kalim accidentally called him “teddy bear” thinking it was you who decided to come back and give him a farewell kiss
- jamil took his first shot that day
- jamil viper is not like the other guys
- no he’s different
- he stubbornly pushes all his surfacing feelings down and outwardly ignores the elephant in the room!
- which is his abrupt crush on you
- but seriously-he has no idea what to do
- when you offered to help him make dishes for the next dorm feast scarabia was having
- he couldn’t stop staring at the way your hands handled the kitchen utensils so effortlessly 
- and how you looked so laser focused on chopping the ingredients with beads of sweat starting to form on your forehead
- he’s DEFINITELY not into you at all. there’s nothing outstanding about you. he does not think you’re even pretty in the least. (press X to doubt)
- kalim takes notice frustratingly quick and suddenly he’s not a dorm leader anymore but a persuasive wingman
- kalim: you like them right??? do you want me to confess to them for you???? i promise i wont make you look stupid!
- jamil: PLEASE STO
- but when you start to become aware of the subtle signs and how he’s much more softer when it comes to you, jamil assures you that you had no fault in this at all and he’s stupid for letting such affection get to his head
- “It’s not you, it’s me.”
- (he secretly tells himself that it is kind of you because you’re just too charming to take his eyes off of??? inflexible much)
- but he still continues to stare at you. he doesn’t even know if it’s out of pure habit or if he’s just shameless anymore (news flash: it’s both)
- throw your personality into the mix and he’s very much in love
- and you were kind enough to not pay mind to it. when you do notice and call him out-he’s flushed. he’s flustered. bro ascended.
- and when you do accept his feelings, he’s relieved. he even offers to cook for you every day 24/7. and you’re rather surprised at his ability to balance all his responsibilities on his shoulders without a single slip up.
- sometimes kalim would walk with you guys in the hallway when arriving to your locker to pick up some books for your next lesson. jamil doesnt particularly mind but
- why does it feel like he’s the one who’s third wheeling?
- but in all honesty, he doesn’t mind in the least
- because he knew that you reciprocate his feelings so sincerely-and he’s grateful for it.
- mega W if you start dating jamil you won in life
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
hey about that ask and post about how trans lesbians dont have any real in to the community to start figuring out their identies i think your missing a bit of the point because yes trans gay men dont have an automatic connection either and mlm and fandom spaces are pretty bad about 'cishet women' consuming alot of mlm content or relating to mlm ships and characters but while theyre there they are kinda (probably in a harmful way) learning about queer identites at least hearing the words to look up and research on their own but thats a different thing to trans lesbians not even having a space to get that close to queer people if at all without being kept out of conversation about queer identies and so never or much more rarely having space to find out about trans lesbians or given space to relate to wlw or queerness
of course most trans men in either of these spaces are celebrated for coming out unless they find groups of transmen in fandom even but i dont think that makes these experiences all that similar i think we should appreciate these as diffrent experiences without lessing eithers impact
I mean. there are closeted trans lesbians who have an awareness of queer identities through their friends or through online communities from the perspective of an ally. This is not the same as being able to identify oneself with queerness and feeling that you are accepted as an insider in those spaces, but that feeling isn't necessarily handed to closeted gay trans guys being read as heterosexual cis women either. And still, it's not as if there aren't any "straight" "cis" "men" who have queer friends or engage in communities frequently by queer people.
And I feel that having this conversation on Tumblr biases us, seeing as this is The Website for "straight" "cis" "women" who get really into MLM shipping. What about gay trans men who aren't chronically online in that way? Who live their lives as "normal" straight cis women, and whose only exposure to transmasculinity is the vague concept of "butch lesbian becomes masculine straight man"? Outside of Tumblr culture, I do not see gay trans men being given much visibility, with the "ex-lesbian" narrative still having a strong grasp over how most trans men are perceived.
I just feel like this argument is working off a very specific and local-to-Tumblr idea of the experiences of a gay trans man. Like, there are (in my experience), more gay trans men active in Queer Tumblr than gay cis men, and the same is not true for cis lesbians vs trans(fem) lesbians. But if you go to the vast majority of areas, where gay cis men dominate, gay trans men are not always being given space or visibility.
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rossithepixie · 10 months
Alrighty since people seem interested in this I guess i'll make it an official post with a an open tag!
What JJK polycule would you be a part of?
For me like I said in my original post I took it twice and the common factor was Gojo in both
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satoru gojo and suguru geto this would be a super chill, deep and fun relationship. i think you’d all be best friends. its the kind of relationship where youre all comfortable with and know each other so well that words arent really even needed. gojo loves you and geto, geto loves you and gojo, and you love them both. you would die for each other. people might not even be able to tell if you guys are together or just close friends, but the answer is: both! you have fun together, no matter where you are or what you do. i feel like you and geto have to take turns being the responsible one; if you and gojo are up to something he’ll gently persuade you not to do something that ends with jailtime, and when he and gojo plan an elaborate, sinister prank on nanami you have to tell them to please leave the poor dude alone. gojo is also the clingiest mf in the world, so youre gonna have to let him cling to you or geto like a koala sometimes. geto isnt as clingy, but will want to just rest with you while reading a book. both of them crave stability, but also fun. oh, and i just see them being protective as hell. theyre the strongest, so you never have to worry about anything happening to you. overall this relationship is just very stable and sweet, and you all love each other more than anything.
(the true otp of my self ships. Roruru)
And a bonus below the cut if you wanna see it without getting it yourself is nanago polycule
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satoru gojo and kento nanami this would be a… kinda chaotic but sweet relationship. you are the middle ground that keeps nanami from killing gojo. they bicker pretty often, and disagree on a lot of things — i do think theyd love each other, though. its just in subtext. when nanami tells gojo to fuck off, its said with love. all jokes aside, i think this relationship would work out well, as long as you can balance them out. sometimes gojo needs someone to be a menace with him, sometimes nanami needs someone who ISNT a menace. gojo will steal both your and nanamis clothes, and also cling to you 24/7. nanami usually pushes him off, so youll have to oblige, otherwise he’ll sulk and ask you when the divorce is coming. he’ll buy both of you gifts all the time, and even if hes annoying sometimes, he loves you; and tries to show it, even when it ends up with him audibly saying ”cringe” afterwards. nanami is more lowkey with his affection, but shows it through acts of service and words of affirmation. he wants to make sure youre not feeling overwhelmed, especially considering youre the one who has to ”put up with gojo” most of the time. they argue and bicker, but the relationship is full of love from all sides.
I can see it but I also think I would be more stressed in this dynamic than I am in my roruru one.
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cowpokeomens · 10 months
nicholas finger fucking you in front of the rest of the guys :(((( n theyre all degrading you for being such a slut that likes when her bf’s friends watch Oh my lord
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! This started out as a headcanon then turned into 2.5k words. I'm not sorry, but I thought you should know.
It starts with a discussion. 
Nicholas, sweet boy that he is, always wants to make sure all parties are enthusiastically consenting before getting into anything. You’re the one who brings it up first- the thought of being watched, the thought of being watched by those closest to him. You had been hesitant to admit how much it turned you on. But Nicholas is nothing if not a devoted boyfriend who will do whatever it takes to make you come, so he gets to work.
Noah is the first to agree. You, he reasons, are objectively hot. He is, objectively, horny 73% of the time. It works out well, he thinks. The nice thing about Noah is that he helps set boundaries with Nicholas. Nicholas quickly realizes that he’s fine with them watching you, fine with them talking to you. But touching you? Out of the question. The mere thought of it gets Nicholas feeling feisty so he decides to save that for another time, after he sees how this goes.
He also realizes belatedly that he's not sure he wants all his bros to see his fully erect dick yet, so that part gets shelved for another time, too. There's lots of ways to make you come without fucking you, though, so he's not even sweating it.
Next up is Nick- who would be the most surprised at the offer, I think. Like, again, hell yeah, you're hot; But also woah Nicholas is sharing? Inch resting. Asks lots of questions about what he can and can't do, makes Nicholas realize that maybe...... Nick has thought about this before. He bookmarks that thought, Nick helps plot how they're gonna do it. 
Now Jolly. Jolly likes to watch and I'll die on this hill. I've seen this man on a stage, you’ve seen this man on stage, he has a commanding presence, okay? He very much enjoys the idea of watching a display, doesn't get too hung up on it being one of his best friends and said friend's partner, he's just down to clown.
So with the Avengers assembled, Nicholas gets to plotting. It starts with a cozy night in; There's wine, there's a movie, there's dinner. You're feeling loose as a goose, relaxing on the couch with your back against Nicholas' chest when he pipes up. “Remember what we talked about, about the guys watching?"
Um?? Fuck YEAH you remember!!!!
"Mhm" is your demure reply.
"Wanna try that tonight?" His voice is against your ear, kissing you softly there. You give it some real thought, wanting your answer to be honest, not clouded by worry or anxiety. Finally you realized that, yeah, you were ready, so you tell him so.
You could feel his grin. You didn't see it, but he sent off a quick text to the guys with your affirmative. "Color system sound good?" 
"Yep. I'm green. Obviously." 
He’d snort, hands coming around to tug at your nipple. It was just supposed to be a night in, so you were absolutely wearing the largest shirt in Nicholas' closet and a pair of shorts.
You’d arch into his hand as he rolled the bud around between his fingers, as his other hand would start tugging at the hem of your shorts, trying to get them off. Lifting up so he could pull them off, his hand immediately cupping your mound. You'd whimper slightly, grinding up into his hand as your eyes slip closed
"Good girl." He'd say sweetly.
"Good girl?" A snide voice repeats.
Your eyes fly open, landing on Noah's imposing figure standing in the kitchen.
"What kind of 'good girl' let's herself be finger fucked on the couch of a shared living room?" He questions as he fills a glass with water from the fridge. He's looking at you expectantly, waiting for an answer you don't have. You feel a rush of wetness at his gaze.
Finally he speaks again. "Folio, come check out the show."
Your cheeks turn crimson at his words, but soon Nick comes into view, freezing when he sees you. A smirk makes its way across his face. "Well, what do we have here?"
Your legs come together instinctively, trying to hide yourself from their hungry stares.
"Nope, open them up" Nick barks. "Noah got to see, now it's my turn."
Slowly, you open your legs back up for them, blushing profusely at the vulnerability. You could feel Nicholas' fingers back on you, stroking your folds softly. He went just a little deeper and you shivered, body arching into him.
"She's so fucking wet, dude." Nick said to Noah.
The way they talked about you- like you weren't even there- sent sparks up your spine.
"Of course she's wet." Noah said flatly. "Little slut likes being watched."
That made you gasp, grinding into Nicholas' hand again.
"Where's Jolly at? He'd get a kick out of this" Noah asked, still looking at you. 
"I'm here." came a lightly accented voice in the doorway opposite them. You jumped again at his presence.
"Take a look." Nick gestured with a nod in your direction. Jolly finally looked your way, cocking his head to the side.
"Not much of a surprise, is it? I mean, we all knew she was a greedy little whore." Nick shrugged.
Jolly nods. He's the first to speak to Nicholas. "How many times can she come?"
Your mouth goes dry. You can feel Nicholas looking down at you, then he speaks.
"As many times as I feel like."
You gulp loudly, Jolly giving you an evil grin. "Bit late to be nervous, pretty girl. We can all see how wet your slutty little hole is."
Your mouth is open, panting. "Oh, she likes that." Noah is smiling too, the kind of smile you see in horror films. "Likes knowing all her boyfriend's friends know what a dirty girl she is. How bad do you wanna come?"
Your chest is heaving, you can't even think of words. Nicholas slaps your pussy once, to get your attention, making you moan at the contact. 
"Stop being rude. They asked you a question." He pushes.
"I-" You stammer "I wanna come."
Noah rolls his eyes, Nick outright laughs at you.
"You can do better than that." Jolly finally says.
"Please" Your voice is barely above a whisper. "I wanna come so bad, please."
"The little slut does know how to beg, isn't that nice?" Nick croons at you.
They're all slowly moving closer to you, and you finally snap.
"Please, please, I'll be so good, please I wanna come-"
"That's better." Noah praised. "Now take off your panties. They look soaked anyways."
You were scrambling to yank off the garment before he had even finished his sentence. Before you could lay back down, Jolly spoke up. "Shirt too."
You felt your blush deepen, but did as he said, laying back against Nicholas again. "Color?" You heard him whisper.
"Green" you breathed, wriggling around, trying to get comfortable.
"Good girl." Jolly said before Nicholas could. 
You didn't have time to linger on that before Nicholas was stuffing two fingers deep inside you. Your back arched off his chest, a wanton moan escaping you.
"Christ, didn't ease her into it, did ya?" Nick muttered.
"She likes it." Nicholas said flatly, pulling his fingers out to thrust them back in.
"Oh yeah? Do you like that, slutty girl?" Noah asked you, sitting down on the edge of the couch.
You nodded profusely, canting your hips into Nicholas' fingers.
"Look at her go, she'd probably just fuck herself if you let her." Noah sneered.
"Let's try it." Nicholas said, halting his movement, fingers still inside you
You understood immediately what they expected of you, shame coloring your cheeks as you began fucking yourself on your boyfriend's fingers in earnest.
You couldn't fight back the moan that you made, hands coming up to cover your face in shame. 
“Hands by your sides.” Jolly commanded immediately. 
Your hands came down instinctively, fingers digging into your thighs as you looked at them all helplessly. 
“Think she could come like that?” Nick wondered aloud.
You could feel Nicholas’ smirk behind you. “Wanna see?”
He curled his fingers up inside you, aiming them just barely left, and- oh fuck.
“Fuck-” was your only warning before you were shuddering through your orgasm, walls clenching around Nicholas’ fingers. Your legs shifted as the waves passed over your body, toes curling. You were still panting when Jolly spoke.
You gasped, head swiveling around to look at each of them. Even Nick was grinning now, obviously pleased with the direction the evening took. Nicholas slapped your pussy once, again, directing your attention back to him. 
“Ask to come again.” He demanded. 
“What-” You were cut off by another slap, making your whole body shake with the stimulation. 
“Color?” He asked quickly.
“Green.” Was your immediate response. He kissed your temple once, then slapped your pussy a third time.
“Ask to come again.” He repeated. 
“Can I come again?” You whined.
A fourth slap. You could feel your own wetness leaking out of your hole, sliding down your thighs. 
“You can do better than that. Put on a show for our friends.” His words were directly in your ear, breath hot on your neck.
“Please, can I come again, please- I need it so bad, please-” You were a stuttering mess, wriggling around in his lap. 
“That’s a good girl.” Nick said approvingly, sounding smug. You didn’t have time to relish in your victory before Nicholas was rubbing at your clit, the slide of his fingers having virtually no drag amongst the wetness of your pussy. 
“The little whore is gonna ruin the couch.” Noah stated flatly, as if you weren’t about to lose your mind in front of him.
Jolly snorted. “Like you won’t be in here trying to wring out the cushions into your morning coffee tomorrow.”
“Fuck off.” Was Noah’s quick-witted response. 
You could barely hear them over the sensation of your clit being played with, the overstimulation pushing you so close to the edge. 
“She wants it so bad.” Nick said with a soft chuckle. 
“Tell Nick how bad you want it.” Nicholas’ voice was in your ear again. 
“So bad.” Came your hoarse response. “I want it so bad, please let me come again, please, I’ll be good.”
“Such an obedient girl.” Jolly praised. “Do you always do what you’re told?”
A shiver went up your spine. “Um-”
“No, she doesn’t.” Nicholas answered for you. “I had to practically fuck her through the mattress the other day because she didn’t get her way.” 
Your eyes glazed over at the memory. You’d been extra bratty that day, but putting you in your place was something you knew Nicholas enjoyed thoroughly. 
Jolly tsked at you. “Maybe not so obedient. Maybe you shouldn’t get to come again, if you can’t be good.”
“I’ll be good for you.” Was your automatic reply. Nicholas’ ministrations slowed momentarily, then he plunged three fingers into your waiting cunt. 
You came with a sound so carnal that it left your throat sore. You were shaking, whimpering, clawing at the couch beneath you as you all but convulsed in Nicholas’ lap. 
“Look at how her pussy is clenching.” Nick sounded amused.
There were tears in your eyes now from the constant stimulation. Nicholas was kissing your head, petting down your hair. “Color?”
“Green.” You whined softly. 
“Think you can ride my thigh?” Nicholas questioned, rubbing circles on your hip with his thumb.
“Yeah.” You responded, sounding pitiful even to yourself. 
“Three?” Noah asked, looking surprised.
You could hear the smirk in Nicholas’ voice. “She’s had worse.” He shifted you so that his thigh was nestled between your folds, the friction already causing your legs to quake. “Whenever you’re ready, baby.” 
You ground down experimentally, eliciting a moan from yourself that surprised even you. The glide was delicious, smoother and gentler than Nicholas’ calloused fingers. You knew you wouldn’t last long.
Still, you continued to ride his thigh, body on full display for the other three men in the room, who were watching you with rapt attention. 
“Feel good, slutty girl?” Nick questioned, sounding like he already knew the answer.
You nodded, unable to form a cohesive sentence. 
“You have a pretty mouth.” Noah said suddenly. “Shame to see it so empty.”
You shivered at his words, an idea coming into your head. Slowly, deliberately, you brought your hand up to your mouth, popping three fingers in and sucking deeply. 
“Poor slut needs all her needy little holes filled, huh?” Jolly goaded, eyes dark. You realized belatedly that all of them were sporting obvious bulges, pants tenting over their cocks. Nick was outright palming himself. 
While sucking on your own fingers gave you something to focus on besides the feeling of being set on fire, it wasn’t enough to fight off the tears of overstimulation as you grew closer and closer to your third orgasm. They rolled down your cheeks as you ground yourself further and further onto your boyfriend’s thigh. 
“C’mon pretty girl, give us one more.” Nick encouraged, sensing how close you were. 
Nicholas’ hands came up to your waist to help slide you back and forth on his thigh, fingertips digging into your flesh. Your free hand came up to rest atop his, as you popped your fingers out of your mouth. 
“Nicky, I’m so close, I’m-” You all but sobbed to your boyfriend. 
“Shh, I know sweet girl, it’s okay, let go.” He said soothingly.
“No, Nicky I- I-” You stammered.
Realization dawned on him. “That’s okay, baby, you can do it.”
That was all the confirmation you needed as you came with a sob, your slick squirting onto his leg in rivulets. You shook violently as you came, only staying upright due to his hands on your waist. Someone said “Holy shit.” but you couldn’t place the voice, overcome with pleasure as you trembled through it. 
You were still shaking as Nicholas pulled you down into his chest, rubbing arcs onto your back. “Good girl, you did so good baby, good job.” He was whispering in your ear softly. A split second later, Noah was there with a glass of water for you. You took it and gulped it down gratefully, giving him a small, “Thank you.”
Jolly was next, laying a blanket over the both of you, hands careful not to brush against you. You hadn’t realized you were shivering, and you were about to thank him when Nick handed you a sleeve of Ritz crackers, making you giggle at the gesture. 
“Thanks guys.” You gave them a small smile, tearing open the package and nibbling on a cracker. 
“Thank you.” Nick said with a bow, making you laugh again. 
“Seriously, I’m gonna go have some ‘me’ time and burn the last 2 hours into my brain so I can recall it when needed.” Noah said with a grin. 
“I was thinking of having a frame by frame storyboard tattooed on my back.” Jolly added helpfully. 
You snorted. “Guys, please no brain burning or tattoos. There’s always next time.”
They all froze, then spoke in unison. 
“Next time?”
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numberonecodwomenfan · 2 months
ok yall heres my thoughts for a potential olympics au.
price boxes. 100 percent. no clue why but he just has the Vibes. it’s definitely not his first olympics. he’s getting close to retiring from the olympics (which no is not an old man joke, they genuinely just have a very small age window to be like in their prime to compete. simone biles is 27 and she’s considered on the older side for olympic athletes).
gaz does gymnastics. look at him man he just looks like a gymnast. it’s his first olympics and while he’s not really an underdog he’s not very well known. he is however definitely getting the stephen nedoroscik treatment (immediately becoming the country’s sweetheart, having tons of fan edits, etc).
soap plays soccer (IT’S CALLED SOCCER 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸) as a goalie and again, scotland’s sweetheart. they eat him UP. i mean look at him why wouldn’t they. he and gaz become immediate friends in the village and post online together. they make jokes on tiktok about getting freaky on the cardboard beds (ilona maher and nicole heavirland style) and no one ever shuts up about it. he’s new to the olympics as well.
ghost plays rugby because he’s massive and angry. i feel like this is his second olympics and he’s lowkey still mad his team lost last time but he’s pretending not to be 😭 he doesnt participate much in the dicking around, but since he, price, and gaz are all team england he gets spotted in some of the online shenanigans (can u tell i pay more attention to the athletes goofing off online than the actual games)
farah i feel does beach volleyball. shes tall (5’8” which is crazy because she looks SHORT next to some of the other characters) so good for volleyball, and i’d imagine urzikstan’s team would unfortunately be pretty small considering. yk. so they might only have enough athletes for beach volleyball since it only requires 2 players. im imagining this to be set in a world where farah wasn’t leading the ulf but the occupation and stuff still happened, but it’s over and urzikstan is slowly healing again. throughout the competition farah is very vocal about her pride for her country and she talks about her brother and parents, and says that she’s competing in honor of them. she also becomes one of those athletes that everyone roots for no matter where theyre from, simply because of a) how good she is, and b) the way she speaks about her family and her country, and how emotional it makes people.
alex surfs. look at that man and tell me he doesnt surf. i know we agreed he’s from some podunk midwest town but i can also totally imagine him being from like socal and being the most doofy surfer dude. he meets farah in the olympic village and is immediately infatuated. also i feel like he would have an obsession with one of the foods there like that norwegian swimmer with his chocolate muffins and post about it online.
(again can yall tell i pay more attention to the athletes dicking around on tiktok than the sports)
i wanna say rudy and alejandro both do equestrian because yk. vaqueros. but i cant tell if it’s too on the nose. let me know ur thoughts.
laswell does archery. i believe its one of the sports that is more likely to have “older” athletes (although i could be wrong) and i imagine laswell is like 45 ish. lesbians love her. this is not her first rodeo she has olympic’d before. people see her talking to alex on the boat during the opening ceremony and theyre like “is she his mom or smth wtf???” bc they look similar and they eventually just lean into it. like yeah this is my mom she’s like 7 years older than me. dont think about it too hard the numbers make sense. i swear.
könig wrestles because he’s massive. i fear booktok gooners would obsess over him and it would simultaneously give him a huge ego boost but also make him deeply uncomfortable. he’s a good wrestler tho so he toughs it out 😭 the gooners see him without the doofy little wrestler cap for the first time, realize he’s fugly, and move on. he can live in peace again.
horangi does shooting because i keep seeing that hot korean shooter kim yeji everywhere and shes so cool. also bc horangi is in the military in game so um. yeah. dude is cool as fuck and he knows it.
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freedjustinemywife · 6 months
Thunder legion hcs but some of them get weirdly specific bc i think abt them too much
(Part 1??)
- Originally Bickslow and Freed lived together as roommates, Evergreen lived in fairy hills and Laxus had his own penthouse. When Fairy Tail disbanded they began living together while they were in Blue Pegasus as it was just easier, and they never stopped (im running off the hc that theyre all living together for most of these)
- Freed is the cook of the raijin tribe, they used to have a cooking rotor but it slowly became just Freed cooking every night
- Evergreen CAN cook basic meals but hates doing it so just, wont. Back when there was a schedule she asked Freed to do it instead and he usually agreed because he enjoys cooking
- Bickslow also can cook, but likes to experiment quite heavily and will not be convinced to make a normal meal. Got banned from cooking after he served shrimp pasta with ice cream
- Laxus can cook you a damn good grilled cheese, but thats it. Only cooks when people are feeling like grilled cheese
- Bickslow is a painter, not-quite Reedus level but still good, they like to paint from the imagination more than from reference which ends in very interesting (and only mildly disturbing) pieces
- Evergreen likes to garden, its something she started when she was young because her mother told her fairies like to care for nature. Their apartment is filled with various plants that she keeps and cares for, and while she could use magic to help them grow she prefers doing it by hand
- Freed enjoys playing a lot of musical instruments, hes best at violin and has been playing since quite young along with piano, but can also play gutair and bass as of more recently. Also has a collection of books in the apartment, originally all stored in his room before he ran out of space
- They have a schedule of getting up at about 7am at the latest most days, its not heavily enforced day to day but they stick to it on missions, if not getting up even earlier depending on the job
- Off-mission though? Nobody is actually getting up at 7am. Bickslow doesnt have a set time to wake but tends to actually be an early riser, he enjoys the mornings so he usually gets up a bit before 7, occasionally to do some painting or stretch ect
- Freed wakes up at 6am sharp and gets straight out of bed, no yawning or stretching or anything just stands up and walks away
- he is also the one attempting to enforce the 7am rule (sorry king) but bickslow usually joins in if only to annoy people
- Evergreen prefers to sleep in a bit more where possible, usually till half 8 or 9 if she can get away with it, then spends way to long in the bathroom doing her hair, makeup, and picking an outfit
- Laxus normally gets up at 10 and is impossible to wake before that, youd have to kick him awake and hes still grumpy afterwards
- Freed is French (I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL) and comes from a military background, specifically a noble house that specialised in military trading and training in France (i have an entire backstory mapped out for this freak if anyones interested drop me an ask)
- Bickslow grew up in the circus, hes always been naturally flexible but its where he honed that ability as well as learning some acrobatics, however it burned down when he was a teenager and the puppets (“babies”) he keeps around are the result of friends who died in that fire
- Evergreen is Scottish and grew up mostly raised by a single mother, her father was around for a few years but was generally a horrible man, a drinker and abuser who eventually left her mother alone. She also has a brother a few years younger than her who she helped to raise and is still close to
- Freed is the tactician of the thunder legion, comes along with being a leader but hes usually the one coming up with the plans
- Speaking of, hes someone who prefers to have a plan before a fight where possible, particularly as his magic is one where its difficult to construct quickly, especially if he wants a high powered jutsu shiki. So while he can think quickly on his feet hed rather have a plan mapped out
- Evergreen is the one who’s best at thinking quickly, if they end up in a situation where a snap decision needs to be made shes confident enough to make it and order her teammates around without second guessing herself
- They also all understand the importance of teamwork and its the main reason they’re so effective (as seen in the battle of fairy tail) their close bond allows them to work extremely well together, even if they tend to argue sometimes
- When Bickslow dislikes someone they have a habit of showing it on his face, usually by pulling a disgusted expression
- Ever does this too in a more subtle way, usually exchanging a glance with one of the thunder legion if shes not liking what somebodies saying. She WILL be gossiping about it later
- If Freeds not interested in a conversation he just silently walks away when youre not looking, people have gone 10 minutes before noticing hes left before
- Laxus just leaves mid-sentence though, doesn’t even think about it just walks away
- None of them can drive anywhere for various reasons, Laxus obviously gets extremely motion sick so is out for the count right off the bat
- Bickslow was banned due to being deemed “a danger to himself and others” after he got too many speeding tickets and crashed the car into a postbox
- Evergreen literally applies makeup while driving, shes blasting the radio while doing lipstick without looking at the road and its terrifying
- Freed is who people THINK would be the most responsible driver, and while he’ll get you to your destination safely, he also has a bad habit of ignoring the speed limit and accidentally running red lights. Unlike Bickslow however hes somehow managed to avoid getting any tickets
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wizisbored · 2 months
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the inevitable nimona centaur au baybeeee
lore dump under the cut:
this au is mostly film-based, but theres some comic references in there too
nimona is not a shapeshifter and gloreth is not a legendary figure, theyre both centuar foals. gloreth is a noble, ambrosius' younger cousin - their family is still incredibly high up in this setting, possibly having direct ties to royalty. nimona, on the other hand, has been on and off the streets since she was six due to constantly running away from orphanages. shes not originally from the kingdom, but at six she was the only survivor of a raid on a nearby villiage. shes eventually found by knights from the kingdom. she doesnt want to go with them but its not that hard for them to catch a young foal. they dont ask if shes got surviving relatives elsewhere or even give her a chance to grab anything other than the mandolin she was already carrying, they just carry her back to the kingdom and put her in an orphanage. years later, she still considers that event a kidnapping.
im not quite sure how nimona and gloreth meet, but theyre best friends for a good few years. it's sort of an escape for gloreth from uptight nobility. but shes still taking in everything she's being told about how knighthood is the best and most noble thing you can do and that the kingdom is the best place, so as nimona becomes more vocally anti-establishmet things start to get tense between them.
now, to those knights. ballister and ambrosius are knighted when nimona and gloreth are less than ten, and while the director isnt happy about the first commoner knight its not quite enough for regicide this time. knights are expected to take a few years after graduation to gain experience before taking on and training a squire, and in ballister's case those few years are very important.
with no regicide conspiracy to throw things off, the queen's announcement that anyone will be able to sign up for knight training is put into practice. and with orphanages in the kingdom being overcrowded and underfunded, staff quickly begin encouraging foals in the system to go into the institute. with each passing year its pushed more and more and the idea that its optional shrinks down, until the year ballister decides hes ready to take on a squire when its reached the point that foals are simply sent sent from the orphanages without being given the choice. the arrangement is something of an open secret.
nimona is vocally against knighthood and the kingdom in general, but at maybe 14 is sent to the institute. her finding out that this is going to happen is the breaking point for her and gloreth, because gloreth still thinks knighthood is an honour and doesn't sympathise with her anger.
not long into nimona being at the institute, foals are selected to be paired with knights that are taking squires that year. some are pre-arranged, like gloreth being apprenticed to her cousin ambrosius, and some are institute-assigned. the director, in an attempt to harm ballister's reputation, deliberately puts him with a 'problem foal' - nimona. with his zero kid experience, ballister is in no way prepared to wrangle her.
at this point, theres no bad blood between ballister and ambrosius, and they have no idea of their squires' history until they have them sparr during training and it goes terribly. but with how closely they work they decide the fillies need to get over their argument and force them together a lot, even arranging for them to be roommates. a lot of the time this leads to nimona feeling ganged up on, since obviously the other three are all quite pro-knighthood.
but anyway, thats the setup. plot is something im still brainstorming - including how ballister loses his arm - but ive got a couple thoughts :)
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zombii-ships · 1 month
What would fusion with MC and Joseph, MC with Shaun, MC and Bo, and fusion with MC and Jack be like? (Those are separate fusions with MC) Would some of them have super strength? Mind reading powers? Or teleportation powers? What would their fused personality be like and how would they feel being a fusion?
ANON YOUR BRAIN IS MASSIVE this would be so fun!! Gonna include some fusion dance ideas too because im steven universe trash
MC & Joseph :
Lotssss of spins and hes smooth as FUCK with it. I feel like the fusion def gets the kind of aloof nature Joseph has, and kind of a dry wit aboot them. The fusion also gets a great sense of improvisation during a fight. I feel like he’d be really nervous at first when y’all fuse, he can’t see you and he’s worried he did something wrong. But after the first ten or so times he warms up to it. He likes the closeness but worries about his thoughts making things unstable, so focus is key for him. As for powers, I’m thinking super strength, also some kind of empathy abilities, like a spidey sense when someone nearby isn’t okay. Ya’ll get the power to feel like omens/premonitions.
MC & Shaun:
Shaun’s ready to shuffle his ASS off. There’s also a little krump thrown in for pizazz. Idk man he gives rave glowstick goth to me and im a shaun simp so this one’s a lil unfair. Yall are getting the most MAGNIFICENT hair, first things first. Also hear me out….four arms type beat. The fusion is a total showoff, and a massive teasing goofball. Big smiles and peace signs!! They get animal communication(which shaun adores because he gets to talk to moonpie!!) Alsoooo FANTASTIC sight. (He’s a director, he’s all about the vision!) Shaun fucking FREAKS the first time yall fuse, but then it settles on him that hes so so close with his best friend like this, and he loves it to bits.
MC & Bo
Sweet boy is absolutely HYPE and FULL of energy! He’s always so damn excited about fusing with you, you can see it all over him. From the first time it happens, he’s so so on board, he’s literally in the same form as you, its like a cuddle…but MORE. You guys of course get the ears and tail! So much floof. With that you get super hearing, like from a damn mile away, and a speed boost! Also hear me out, electronic control. Yall can hack games & some machines while you’re fused. The fusion’s getting Bo’s determination & talkative nature, and theyre such a people person. Theyre all about good deeds and praise.
MC & Jack :
Okay, so he is SO attuned to you. His main goal is just to be close to you, and he’ll match every move. Jack absolutely adores fusing, and he’d be a permanent fusion if you were down. He’s addicted to being so close to his sunshine, being almost in their head. Whenever it’s time to unfuse he mopes for a little while afterwards. He’s gonna find every excuse to do it again asap! This fusion gets teleportation powers via screens & tvs! They also have a hypnotic ability which can stun, suggest, or make people fall asleep! They’re smooth when they move, almost sleepy looking, but it’s because theyre so calm. They’re also very quiet but very sweet, and incredibly caring. , and they get Jack’s affinity for taking care of people. This fusion’s also VERY tall and their hair keeps Jack’s blue color, but the facepaint reflects MC’s personality.
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paingoes · 1 month
cute delta things i didn’t get to focus on as much as i wanted
ie my underrated facts and as of yet unused whump ideas :)
-he literally faints all the time when using his powers and needs to be carried back out. mostly by simon. sometimes by paris :)
-martino has med students!!! they pop in sometimes i never really acknowledged them directly tho. theyre older than delta but not by that much. he is basically a case study to them but some of them do try ti get close and immediately get demoted/reassigned because of “inappropriate attachment”
-i had this idea for martino taking delta to a medical conference. delta having to be on display/used for tests w really green and overexcited students. extremely awkward stay at the conference hotel. delta is probably high for a lot of it tbh.
-also. delta is on a ton of medications to keep his powers elevated. he is only vaguely aware of this. its actually kinda considered doping in universe so most people are NOT aware of this!!!!
-simon and martino fighting more. i like the idea of simon being gentle w delta and martino going out of his way to try and counteract it and dehumanize him again to preserve his conditioning
-simon and paris talks. simon is way too much of a pussy to confront paris head on and i think they generally get along fine? becuz simon is a bystander. also paris pretends not to remember either of the handlers names even though he definitely knows them.
-delta is totally starved for affection but he would not accept it from just anyone i think hes actually kinda picky about it bizarrely enough. hes v distrusting and when his internet friends tried to be nice to him his response was invariably “just fuck off”…. and he actually likes them he just gets mad anyway cause he cant handle it 😭
-delta and paris kinda just hang out sometimes LOL…. paris always (correctly!) feels like hes in an adversarial environment whenever he has to go anywhere for work and delta is usually the only person there he trusts so if theyre not doing anything else its just gossip time.
-incidentally ^ delta was really deliberately not taught anything about history or politics or ethics at the institute because they didnt want him getting ideas but paris is heavy into that stuff and complains about it so much that delta just picks up on it. he absorbs info like a sponge its why he was such a good whistleblower.
-to me this is obvious but paris’s chillness-over-time graph is a bellcurve. like he is AWFUL at the beginning and awful at the end but in the middle he got very close to actually chilling the fuck out. he barely knew delta in the beginning and i think he did v much warm to him overtime and loosen the parameters of their relationship a lot. this is peak chill time. the assassination ruined everything but paris still… liked delta afterwards he was just insane and dangerous and delta was at ground zero of that. 
         (sidenote: some of the early paris chapters are so bad in terms of what he did and how he was written i actually feel the need to retcon some of it? it took a while for me to hit my stride w him, take the early stuff w a grain of salt)
-anyway. people LIKE delta. even though he doesnt talk hes v cute and unflappable in a way that’s very endearing to people even in empire. people do definitely go out of their way to fuck w him and its dehumanizing and they shouldnt do it but its not necessarily mean-spirited a lot of the time they just think hes interesting.
-sometimes it is meanspirited though. wanted to write something w misc soldiers trying to bully him. cause delta is obviously v submissive and incapable of defending himself but he’s also not trained to obey just anyone. in fact he would have some v large objections to that! (also an excuse to write protective paris at the end lol u know theyre dead)
-more simon carewhumper status. i wrote destroyer before i knew almost anything about whump like i didnt even know what a “carewhumper” was when i wrote it so i was surprised to see someone tag it w that. i guess it’s technically true! anyway i feel bad i let simon fall so much to the wayside. i think delta deserved more comfort over the events of destroyer and his relationship w simon really was very important to him so its on my list.
-thorn era sickfic. maybe the same psychic fever that makes him loopy? might be good for a non-canon bonus i cant tell if it would be more hurt or comfort yet
-this is a lot to get into but if i had to explain the way delta’s powers “worked” i would say that his only true ability is being a conduit. he is not really producing anything he is just tapping into something that is already there. it is not a meaningful difference to an outside party but in terms of what it feels like to use them….. its very psychedelic and psychospiritual and trippy. wouldnt recommend. also i really liked the tag that called delta a mage. its cute bcuz he actually loves pulp fantasy. he would like that :)
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froglover7789 · 2 months
Why don't the prequels work as Vader's backstory? It's literally about how anyone no matter how good or well intentioned has the propensity for evil if they let themselves make bad decisions.
Narratively I think it's beautiful and tragic that way.
i think the prequels r actually about how corruption and manipulation and desperation and fear can ruin a person---not just bad decisions :3c and the prequels r consistent with some of the messaging of the originals in that way but that doesnt necessarily mean they serve as a good backstory
heres a handful of reasons why i dont think anakins back story really works with vader:
the originals imply that anakin and uncle owen are blood brothers or at least grew up together. owen sees anakin in luke and this is something that would only really be possible if owen knew anakin well as a teenager. this is also the reason why owen doesnt tell luke about the jedi; he thinks that luke will, like his father, run off to become some sort of war hero and die in the process bc thats what he thinks happened to anakin (some ppl think that owen suspects anakin became vader but i think this is a stretch). the prequels establish that they dont know eachother and didnt grow up together. owen doesnt know anakin outside of what he mightve seen in war/ republic propaganda and thats not very indicative of character. this also raises questions about why obiwan gave luke to owen/ why they took him in in the first place. it makes more sense for anakin and owen to have been very close bc then obiwan wouldve heard of owen and would genuinely trust him to raise his best friends son and owen wouldve cared enough about luke to raise him as his own
what we're led to believe in the originals is that anakin was a powerful jedi who lost sight of what he was fighting for. we're led to believe that he was torn, that the war corrupted him, that war isnt the answer. this works bc the originals r meant to be symbolic of the vietnam war (where the empire would be america) and so this idea of the consequences of war and the importance of peace is a huge part of the originals message. while this is somewhat supported by the prequels its undermined by the fact that anakins fall is mostly bc of YEARS of grooming starting from when he was a kid. this wasnt a normal, good man who lost sight of what was right and crumpled under the weight of a war. this was a man who was the most special of them all and fell bc he had space hitler literally whispering in his ear since before he knew he was a person. thats not the same thing at all! and that steals the implication that vader could have been any soldier, any general and makes his story all messy
side note- leia has vague memories of her mother which means padme shouldntve died in childbirth and should probably have died/ left the twins when they were at least a year or two old. this would also give more reason as to why the lars have luke call them aunt and uncle rather than mom or dad. i think what probably shouldve happened is that padme got pregnant right before anakin was shipped out at some point so he didnt know he had kids before "dying" and she ended up getting involvef in the rebellion/ fearing for her kids safety and had to get rid of em. literally anything else than what happened in canon lol like wtf is dying of heartbreak get OUT
my final thought i can think of rn is that having hitlers right hand man be a slave is just kinda a strange backstory? like i cant be the only one who doesnt like that. idk. doesnt feel right :/
obv most this stuff is just preference and obv you can argue against most of it. the prequels Do technically work but theyre not great backstory. im also not a fan of how the jedi order and all that mess was established. like you can only be one if youre raised one since diapers but luke literally didnt know what the force was until he was 19 but he ended up being one of the most powerful jedi ever??? yeah. makes perfect sense. :////
i do agree that the prequels r tragic and beautiful in their own right. i think the story they tell is good in some ways and bad in others ans one of the ways they r bad is how they tie in with the originals lol
hope this answers your question :3c or at least helps you see where im coming from :33
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strlitetheatre · 29 days
thank you @biscuits-spooky-diner [ sorry for the tag again lol ] for reminding me w ur reblog i went fucking bananas w this LMAO
a lot of these are heavily headcanon-centric and i wanna preface that before i get into it bc i know some people may not agree!! thats fine!! i just like thinking these silly lil things
thoughts below the cut because its a Lot and i may add to this but idk?? shrugs we'll see
starting off strong, i really am a sucker for the 'two [ or more ] characters that one actor/actress plays are related on some level' concept and i believe mark and duke are cousins bc CAN U IMAGINEE
theyre cousins on their moms sides but their moms dont really get along due to differing views and ways of parenting, but mark and duke are pretty close. theyre each others favourite cousin
mark and karen are both gay in opposite directions but they were very close friends growing up due to overlapping social groups (their parents, church groups, most likely abstinence camp goers, etc), and because of their respective families and being unable to be true to themselves, they got married and had grace very early after they graduated highschool
mark loves karen very much, but purely platonically. he is the type to tease her, sometimes poke fun at her, and he respects her immensely! they both work insanely well as a duo, and they hold down the fort of their picket fence home extremely well, but they are not in love
he n karen live a very domestic life, they can even be pretty physically affectionate at times [ hugs, cuddling, kisses to the head, cheeks, hands even ] and share quick 'i love you's before separating for the day, but something about it was always just slightly askew from romantic love and affection
circling back to highschool, mark and ted definitely had a secret on-again-off-again relationship for at least a few months to a year.
they inevitably fell out because ted was sick and tired of being kept as a secret [ i have so so many thoughts about the spankoffskis too dont get me started on that tho ] and ended up giving mark an ultimatum: either choose to stay with ted and become public, or choose his family and run away from himself
i think its clear which mark chose. they dont talk much anymore
his middle name is anthony :33 no reason for this i just think it fits. mark anthony chasity :3333
he is a very sensitive man! growing up was extremely hard for him between an overbearing and coddling mother, and a hardassed and pushy father, and being heavily sheltered on top of it all
he wasnt shown a lot of genuine love and affection growing up (his mother would lovebomb him, his father didnt believe he needed it, and they were both pretty strict considering he was their only child) and he tries to do better with grace but still ends up unintentionally repeating cycles out of wanting to keep her 'safe'
he truly does love his daughter, he loves grace s o fucking much, but he n karen didnt have many positive role models to base themselves off of parenting-wise, therefore carrying a lot of fabricated truth into their relationships both separately and together with grace
mark has an architecture degree and he would love to be an actual architect but alas. realty was what he could get into
hes the one in charge of most of the chasity homes interior decoration! he has an eye for colours n specifically he really enjoys pastels, but his favourite colour overall is actually green
MARK CHASITY IS THE MARK FROM WORKIN BOYS [ getting forcefully pulled off stage, gripping the mic ] PLEASE P[LEASE JUSR HEAR ME OUT
before mark began working in realty, he worked at a bank. golden parachutes bank [ 'golden parachutes' is something mentioned in show stoppin number w like no context?? this concept is my gfs idea tho ] [ **I WAS INFORMED ITS A BUSINESS TERM but atp i feel like hatchetfield Would have a bank named after a business term lmfao ]
mark met greg through duke when he was about 20 or so [ I ALSO FIRMLYY BELIEVE THE GREG FROM WORKIN BOYS IS MAXS DAD BUT MY JÄGERMAN FAMILY TREE IS A WHOOOLEE OTHER CAN OF WORMS ], began seeing him, and greg was the one to bring mark into the polycule around 23-24
all of them worked at the bank! henry hidgens was one of the younger executives there
HIS N HENRYS DYNAMIC SPECIFICALLY was never sexual i believe, but it wasnt healthy overall because there was a power imbalance between them, and i also believe mark wouldve been one of the younger men in the polycule
henry and mark had a very 'wolf and lamb' dynamic, mark being perceived and treated as 'innocent' due to how he carries himself and how he was raised, and henry sometimes doing specific things to intimidate and even scare mark
all in all things do not go well. yeah. i am Not gonna get too deep into that bc it delves into pure indulgent au headcanon bullshit [ this entire post rlly lol ] but to shorten it: i believe mark to be a sole survivor of the workin boys incident in some aus and after the deaths of the boys he quits the banking job n goes into realty god bles
coughs. anyway. he really likes historical art and i believe mark n grace are so similar in how theyre both So abnormal about historical things [ graces general interest and infatuation w the waylon place and its history that she basically infodumps about in npmd ]
he would infodump about historical pieces and their stories to anyone that would listen, which is usually his wife or daughter
SPEAKING of historical art n bringing back his architecture degree, when grace was around 10 mark built her an exactly-to-scale miniature replica of the waylon place as a dollhouse, down to the scaffolding, lighting, wall decor, etc
it took him years and was a complete surprise. it is his favourite and most pride-inducing project to date, even more bc it was for his baby
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sscrubberhose · 6 months
Ya got any dialtown headcanons? :3
hooo boy. ive been chewing on this all day and I think i have a decent amount to say!
Spoilers for Dialtown!
Tw for mentions of suicidal ideation and religious guilt
-Is aware of everything that happens in my fics but forgets
-is more aware of how people perceive them than people give them credit for, wants to make everyone happy
-has a strong fear of being alone, which is why they bother people so relentlessly. if they were to be fully ignored for an extended period of time they would have a breakdown
-Has both the phone and the typewriter head and can change them out at will, dont ask where they keep them.
-has bitten theoroar many, many times and will do so again. is even more fearful and hateful of him after the zoo explosion
-has a lot of love to give and genuinely prefers being around their friends
-has a level of intelligence that is genuinely sort of surprising sometimes. this intelligence is used at random
-is surprisingly easy and hard to kill at the same time
-the narrator is actually a separate entity to them who cares about them very much
-seems to be passively suicidal but no one can tell if theyre joking or not
-roger rabbit rules, whatever biology is funniest is what they have
-perceived height changes based off of this rule as well. no one notices.
-breaks into town hall once a month for funsies
-enjoys sweet things quite a bit
-autistic beast
-is actually a decent cartoonist, but rarely draws due to hand pain. likes drawing gingi and oliver the most
-has a lot of religious guilt due to growing up catholic with a very very strict, religious father, left home as soon as he could. also why he is afraid to talk to God.(hobo)
-father harped on him his entire childhood about being a burden, now feels that he owes the world for existing. this is slowly healing.
-due to his upbringing hes still learning how to function as an adult, i.e cleaning, cooking for himself, things like that. hes working on it!
-has sensory issues, has ASD
-fear of cgi animals comes from having to watch weird religious propaganda films for kids when he was young. he is getting over it thanks to oliver.
-extremely observant and notices things a lot of people don't, but usually doesnt say anything for fear of being annoying
-knows shooty and stabby on a first name basis(not that he knows whos who)
-sees Norm as a father figure but would never admit that
-has a long list of phobias that hes working on recovering from, but is too nervous to go to therapy for
-has a LOT of plushies in the ticket booth that Oliver and Gingi have given him, refuses to get rid of any of them
-taking the bandage off wont instantly kill him, he doesn't know this.
-can skateboard, does not do this often
-gets sick very easily, has to be forced to rest as he tries to insist hes not sick
-is roommates with Oliver, they have a bunk bed
-got his number changed so the hotline wasnt tied to him anymore
-is actually a good singer, never sings due to thinking he sucks. Will hum to himself while working at the ticket booth
-Has actually gotten fairly close to the other datables since the conclusion of the game, doesnt know how to express this
-Visits Dialtown for a few months out of the year to catch up and spend time with her friends
-part of her contract with helping rebuild was better wages for those who worked at the bank. It took a lot of arguing but she felt that no one should suffer like she did.
-expresses her love for her friends by making them ponysonas. Is a huge pegasister. will infodump about it for hours to anyone who will listen
-enjoys botanical illustrations the best, next to drawing horses
-draws horses with normal horse heads as a form of abstraction
-puts capsaicin oil in her paints so Gingi will stop drinking them. This did not work.
-enjoys vintage movies and game shows and talks at length with Oliver about them when they go out for coffee or dinner together.
-she and randy doodle together sometimes
-also has severe sensory issues and has safe outfits she wears. will cry if she has to touch certain fabrics. (LOOKING AT YOU CRUSHED VELVET)
-safe foods are microwave dinners and pasta, but she keeps her diet balanced.
-her and Norm get along now and will sometimes go for hikes and chat about life(and ways to wrangle gingi)
-allergic to shrimps
-can play piano
-Got a new therapist who doesnt think hes weird or annoying(it didnt phase him but thats not groovy to say to someone)
-has POTS, often needs to sit down at work so he doesnt faint.
-is a HUGE horror fan, could tell you everything about the behind the scenes of every major and minor horror movie to come out in the last decade.
-works as a haunt actor for the Dialtown Haunted House every single Halloween, wants to run it someday
-has a log of every new thing he notices about Gingis biology, the log is three books long now.
-Really wants to run a youtube channel where he does amateur ghost hunting with randy, has yet to convince randy that this is a good idea
-is very physically affectionate, though he does ask permission first before touching anyone!
-Has had top and bottom surgery and is comfortable where his transition is, thankfully his insurance under Mr. Dickens covered it! (Mingus isnt a TOTAL monster)
-has a digital scrap book of all his favorite memories with his friends
-makes rage comics unironically.
-favorite color is actually black, red just seems to be his thing!
-has been legally adopted by Mr. Dickens but decided to keep his last name as Swift because "it was rad."
-is actually friends with most of the ghosts and poltergeists that live in the cinema/scareshack
-kept the popcorn and soda dispensers, but got the soda dispensers to dispense SODA and not...whatever the fuck it was doing before.
-helped renovate the basement of the cinema into a haunted maze that he helped design, the theme changes once a year!
-got those unicycle lessons and knows how to juggle as well!
-likes rollerskating, has Heelys on all the time
-allergic to peanuts
-can play guitar
-Is aware that Gingi sees the face on the sticky note change and thinks its sort of funny
-Is actually good friends with God and the two go out to lunch once or twice a month
-enjoys fishing and will take Randy and Oliver on fishing trips, Gingi usually follows regardless of invite.
-Sees himself as a father figure to most of the dateables, and is willing to fill in that role.
-apologized to Karen for his behavior by baking her fresh bread. is actually an extremely good cook
-irises and pupils are both void black due to exposure to the wormhole. He has not noticed this. Eyes used to be honey brown.
-Has to stop Mingus from doing a new evil scheme once a month, has a spray bottle for this purpose.
-does actually have other outfits for when the space suit needs to be washed, is never seen outside the house when this happens
-Oliver, Karen, and Randy have seen his real face, they were like "cool" as Gingi is just...far weirder.
-i imagine him as strawberry blonde. Short hair, either buzz cut or just short. maybe some stubble. I dont have a good image of what his face looks like, it is just bag to me
-not great at public speaking but REALLY good at pretending to be
-is actually very good at using technology but will sometimes pretend not to be just to tease Oliver.(it works every time)
-can also play guitar
-okay okay i have one. You could use his fur to make yarn IF you washed it. You will never be able to get close enough to brush him though.
Misc headcanons:
-heads can be repurposed after death, like cadaver bones!
-the more popular headtype for modern business men and women is a laptop
-after what happened to Callum Crown, the answering machines function was completely separated from memory storage
-Snakes have syringes for heads
-peter and his wife are poly and want roger to be their third, but roger is as dense as a brick and peters too formal to just say it out loud.
-Harry and Jack are a couple in this universe, Jack is just a very odd boss to work for regardless
-Billy is Abel's kid. The mother is unknown. probably a one night stand.
-the swans miss randy :(
-there are a few headtypes that are banned for various reasons, one of which is having a megaphone AS your head.
-Roger is autistic and has a stutter, and sometimes has to use ASL to communicate. Peter knows ASL for this reason
-The Narrator could talk to the others, but only if it was an emergency
-all Dialtown OCs are canon. theyre in town somewhere, having fun and living their lives!
-Dialtown is bigger than shown in game, including the town square which has a fountain and a park surrounding it, as well as a skate park, rec center, arcade, a pizza place, etc.
-all the dateables have met satan at least once, they just didnt know thats who that was
-shooty and stabby are dating, theyre just very bromance about it. good for them...
-rotery phone heads are coming back in fashion as a sort of 'retro' vibe.
-getting prosthetics/emergency plastic surgery and medical care is actually quite accessible.
-jerry and his wife come visit dialtown every christmas soley so that gingi doesnt run all the way out there to visit them and get hopelessly lost. theyre doing quite well!
-there are competent members of the dialtown mob but they dont really do much other than hang out at the bar
if i think of anymore Ill let you know!! thanks for askin!
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zvmz · 1 year
A few Duchess Swan HCs <3
this one was very interesting to do. shes such a tragic and complex character. definitely one of my favorites. sorry in advance about the angst-train.
she views her dancing as a kind of emotional outlet. whatever shes feeling, she puts all of that emotion into her dance
its a different story, though, if shes dancing for a grade.
if shes dancing for a grade, it has to be PERFECT in every way. she will not accept a grade lower than an A
she would practice a routine over and over all night until she collapses from injury or exhaustion if she has to
she also tries to get perfect grades in the rest of her classes, but flashing forward to legacy day, by that time shes so burnt out and depressed that shes failing most of her classes from lack of trying
lizzie and duchess never said so much as a word to each other until the 5th day of living together, since they are both very closed-off and thought the other was strange
their very first verbal interaction happened after duchess hurt her foot while dancing and had to wrap it
it went like this; "what happened to your foot?" "dancing accident" "oh" and that was that
the two have a very strange relationship
they consider each other, not quite friends, but more than acquaintances.
they rarely speak to each other, only when absolutely necessary. most of their interactions are more like quick nods, or simple acts of kindness. like lizzie will occasionally bring her coffee and set it down next to her without a word, and duchess will make sure lizzie, who has a habit of sleeping in, gets up in time for school
it may not seem like much, but duchess will always treasure that relationship because its one of the only times she feels shes allowed to be 'nice', even in a small way
deep down she knows her attitude towards others plays a big part in making her so miserable, and she does want to be nicer to people and make friends, but its a sacrifice she feels she has to make in order to steal her own happily ever after
since each odette turns into a swan at the end of her story, they are assigned a random prince to produce an heir with just before their story begins
since duchess's mother became a swan, duchess lives in the castle with her father, who takes no interest in her
she was mostly raised by the castle staff, though shes had the same personal dance teacher since she learned to walk. duchess considers her the closest thing she has to a mother
she used to go to the lake to visit her swan mother every once in a while, but she went missing years ago. duchess assumes she either went to live the rest of her life elsewhere, or was killed by hunters
duchess likes to only wear black and white, but her mothers favorite color was lavender, which is why she incorporates a bit of that color into some of her outfits
faybelle and cupid both offered to teach duchess how to fly, but she (quite rudely) rejected the offer
which resulted in a few too many rough falls from high places, many bruises and a concussion
when she came back to the dorm lizzie took one look at her, grabbed her by the arm, and walked her to the nurses office no questions asked
she did eventually learn how to fly, though
shes one of those people who is constantly complaining about the temperature. shes always either too hot or too cold
she always has airpods in. shes usually listening to classical music throughout the day, but she keeps them in even when she isnt listening to music, just so nobody will bother talking to her
she put lizzie on lana del rey
she has a deal with kitty cheshire that if anyone happens to find the lake she always dances on, kitty will come and scare them away. in exchange duchess gives kitty test answers, which she stole from sparrow
she finds sparrow incredibly annoying, and knows he feels the same about her
despite that, they always find themselves together. duchess thinks its because theyre just comfortable with each other
they dont have any romantic feelings towards each other, but there have been many rumors around school about them being together
they have more of a sibling relationship. they can have terrible arguments with each other, then an hour later ask if the other wants to grab coffee. no apologies necessary.
their hangouts usually consist of people watching and judging/gossiping about everyone they see
she does feel some regret over what she tried to do to ashlynn and hunter, but would never actually apologize for it. she never spoke to either of them again after true hearts day. in fact, duchess actively avoids her
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larrythefloridaman · 1 month
Thinking about Dani talking about J0hn and Larry in terms of romantic tropes of knights and damsels (calling j0hn 'larry's knight in shining armor,') and how Larry played a role for so long it became a part of him even when he acts like he hasn't changed and how Dani came away from a Comforting Offscreen Peptalk about the fictional nature of reality with her old friend Larry, the apparent takeaway for her from whatever he said being essentially 'sorry j0hn this might not make sense but if im Made and Exist to be a Winner and kick ass then that Rules actually.' and Larry expressing an appreciation for Bing's normalness because it's what allows guys like Larry to really shine. Larry, being especially... touched? Comforted? By getting a positive answer from us in the nelson expressing that we care what happens to them and how they feel after discussing Spectrum's powers with us, clearly knowing what we are, his heart apparently put at ease by the thought of an audience, a loving god who wishes them well?
Thinking that. maybe. Lawrence Home has undergone some Ideological Shifts in the spiritual sense in the past seven years. With regard to his knowledge that hes a character in a story and Spectrum and the Audience drive the world. and is maybe taking his beloved for granted just a bit. On account of them being clearly matched soulmates at the narrative level.
And thinking about how ryan compared j0hn and johannsen in terms of the most important people in their lives being missing from it for a long time, an animal described as loyal like a dog is and who has a clearly very rose-tinted impression of that loved one and is deeply distressed by the idea that they could be hurting at all let alone in ways he doesnt understand, because they should know, theyre too close not to. and how j0hn's in therapy but Larry isn't because he doesn't want to contribute to Therapuppy's overworking herself and insists he's over it all anyhow but then has a brief episode of forgetting where and when he is just seeing Dr. O walking around uninhibited in a dream and is explicitly uncomfortable with Susan, whom j0hn has apparently grown friendly with. And then he makes a deal with crimson which rather conveniently means he will not be in the lab he spent years aiding and abetting and committing scientific atrocities in with that woman's evil and fucked up counterpart for an extended stretch of time and.
Not actually have to talk to j0hn about what's bothering him. Because its been 7 years and on some level he IS Different now and even if he wants to trust that things will work out fine and loves him and believes still that they were basically made for eachother, he still hasn't had to have a serious talk of this kind with the love of his life in almost a decade. and thats. Scary. its Awkward and Uncool and a little too Real and Vulnerable for a guy who's been a mental lockbox for 7 years and embraced the performance based reality of being fictional at this point even if hes forced to go off faith a lot of the time since he has no innate sixth sense for any of it. this is a guy who said it was Embarrassing of all things that we knew he died offscreen at one point Larry is not.doing normal and hasnt been in a LONG time
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kkbardd · 1 year
so uhh i got summoned to asurei court, if anyone's interested in my testimony papers, theyre down below the cut. (aka my whole take on how i believe their dynamic would develop in cannon)
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asurei isn’t for everyone & its whole point is unhealthy dependence.. toxic yuri if u will.. anything resembling a healthy relationship would only be in one of the alt universes created by the 3rd impact 💀 rei and asuka both have what the other wants (whether it be the worth asuka puts on recognition of piloting skills or rei's desire to break from mindless obedience like asuka seems to do so easily.) They both hate and admire each other for this, and asuka specifically expresses this by lashing out at rei. asuka's whole relationship w lesbian comphet plays a HUGE role into all of this but let’s gloss over it for the time being. (now, with asurei u gotta get a bit delusional cuz cannon doesn’t give us much so from here on out is just my opinion on how it'd play out.)
in terms of rei's POV in this:
rei hates the attention they gets from men, and is especially disgusted by gendo's fake kindness. he sees rei as a replaceable doll and pushes yui's image on them. gendo has never actually seen rei for who they really are, and rei later begins to hate and despise not only gendo but themselves too. in the anime, rei is shown to have self destructive tendencies & suicidal ideation because not only are they constantly being replaced & having their memory wiped, but each time they forget any sort of emotion that they learn in the meantime. recall the scene in which rei, right after being "revived" and left with no memory, sees gendo's glasses. although they cant remember anything, its hinted that their "soul" still remembers and hates him. rei tries to break the glasses but in the end, they’re still unable to defy and break free from their situation. feeling frustrated and helpless, rei starts crying & remarks how this should be the first time they've experienced it but somehow it feels like its not. back to the present, reis acting very reckless in battle and basically using themselves as a meat shield. they're so full of self-hate, and seeing asuka's obvious inferiority to them just upsets them even more. why does she put so much worth on the one thing that acts like a plague to them? compared to these pointless test results on a screen, asuka has something so much more valuable. the ability to think for themselves, to not be someone's doll. asuka's inferiority is almost insulting. rei verbally lashes out at asuka in the elevator, showing defiance that they never knew they could produce. it felt almost liberating. they find that being around asuka gives them emotions that they've always longed for, no matter how ugly they may be. they soon find themselves seeking asuka out, and the inferiority that was once insulting became a means to control and keep her close. asuka, someone who was seemingly invincible and can roam free without care, has one weakness that causes her to crack and shatter from the slightest touch. and that weakness is none other than rei themselves. rei becomes possessive in a way that they've never known possible. so much so that a part of them starts to hate themselves, fearing they've become just like their abuser gendo. nonetheless, rei begins to value their life more. they become deathly afraid of dying & being replaced by some mindless clone that has forgotten everything they now know about asuka and themself.
now what is asuka doing in all of this?
asuka deals with a lot of comphet and its an integral part of her character, so much so that it doesn’t seem right to not mention it. but to quickly summarize, because of this she has a love-hate relationship with attention from men. she feels disgusted by it but gets extremely jealous when it seems like another girl might replace her. then comes rei. (now what most ppl don’t seem to notice is asuka didnt start off hating rei, she tried to be friends but ever since the beginning misato has ALWYAYS pitted them against each other. this of course led asuka to feeling threatened & seeing rei as an enemy. especially since it involves piloting ability, something that asuka sees as her whole point of living.) she begins to hate her because how can someone who is so good at piloting be so brainless and doll-like. that’s exactly what asuka was trying so hard to not become! in this aspect, rei's entire existence defies what asuka has tried so hard to believe in up to this point. her hate & inferiority towards rei is only made worse when she sees that they're not only being objectified by men, but are seemingly unbothered by it unlike asuka. rei is now constantly on her mind, and asuka starts to realize that what she's feeling towards them isn’t just hate. its around the time of the elevator scene that these confusing emotions and inferiorities are at their peak. right after this, asuka goes into battle & is ordered to be rei's backup. she defies this order but receives a mental attack from an angel that causes her to re-live all of her trauma & comphet issues. the person that saved her from this is none other than rei. at this point asuka is at an all-time low, and states that she'd rather be left for dead than saved by someone like rei. she’s still confused by her feelings towards rei, but right now her hatred and insecurity is taking priority. its right after this battle that her synchro rates plummet and she loses the #1 thing she based her life worth on. she then goes out to die in an abandoned building but is eventually retrieved by NERV. I believe that during this time alone, she’s also wallowing in her feelings for rei and coming to terms with a lot of comphet stuff, especially after that psychological attack. right after this the world like ends or whatever but lets forget that for now & extend time cuz the gays need it 🥰 .
rei and asuka at this point realize their feelings in one way or another, and there's a lot of tension in their conversations. asuka is at a very fragile point rn bc of all the stuff that just went on, and rei is unsure how to go about things, half due to their inexperience & half due to their fear of becoming like gendo. however, asuka realizes rei is acting different from before, and advances on them as a way of lashing out. but to her surprise rei is undefiant and actually willingly helpless in her hands. she feels a rush of superiority and is amused by how inexperienced rei is. she also realizes that unlike her previous experiences with men (like when she tried to kiss shinji but didnt want to see, smell, taste, or even feel it & had a mental breakdown afterwards lol ) she actually likes it!? the romantic/sexual affirmation that asuka has always wanted from men like kaji is being fulfilled by rei in a way that asuka feels completely in control & comfortable. she's not forcing herself or being objectified, but rather is taking the lead. this is something she never imagined possible before. and all of this is with rei to boot! the rei that, in asuka's eyes, has always looked down on her and been unobtainable is now melting in her hands like putty. there’s a sense of accomplishment she feels, which makes her want to push rei even more. she finally has authority and to make herself feel better, she takes it out on rei through advances like this. she goes further and further, and in an ironic way, uses intimacy as a form of self-harm. she feels shame and despises herself for doing such things with ill-intent, and with another woman at that. its a toxic relationship that tries to fill the hole in her heart, but only leads to a bigger one forming.
when asuka first advanced onto rei, they felt something unlike anything before. unlike when gendo would often touch their shoulder, rei didnt recoil from asuka's touch. rei also felt something similar to asuka, in that the person who always seemed unbound by anything in now giving them her undivided attention. the fact that this came from an act of anger didnt really bother rei, since they knew from the beginning that was one of the only ways to get asuka to even spare them a glance. rei would gladly become hated if it meant binding asuka to them. in a mix of touch-starvedness & unhealthy dependency on asuka, rei kept looking forward to any interacting with asuka, since it was what really made them feel alive. asuka slowly becomes rei's world and meaning for living, but they eventually realize that causes a great insecurity. asuka is independent and can go anywhere she wants if she feels like it. from rei's pov, asuka desperately wants attention from men, something that rei could never give her. rei's afraid that asuka will leave them, & to tie asuka down they play the role of a villain. rei keeps asuka feeling insecure by becoming what asuka envisioned them as, and slowly starts hacking away at asuka's Achille's heel. rei desperately uses the short time that asuka has given them to engrain themself into her, so much so that asuka would be nothing without them. rei cannot let asuka realize her worth for fear that she would leave them. rei notices that asuka enjoys seeing them helpless and plays the part, almost like a honeytrap. slowly tho I believe that rei starts to take control of the relationship in hopes of making asuka dependent on them.
Asurei is in no way a wholesome relationship, and ik that’s not for everyone.. my vision of a happy end for them would be both of them becoming comfortable in their relationship and finding that the actions they once used to express hatred for themselves and each other is now slowly becoming fueled by love and desire for each other. They form a very unhealthy co-dependence on each other, but for them it works. They cant envision a world without the other in it.
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roughentumble · 26 days
ok, logan joins the brotherhood AU. xmen2000 happens very similar, but logan and rogue are on magneto's side, and logan knows a lot more about his past without actually remembering any of it. the timeline is stretched out instead of condensed into a few days, because it gives everyone more time to bond and more time for Things to Happen. we're putting deadpool in there in his slightly more morally loose much more merc-y self as hired muscle, because i like him. charles invades logan's mind during a conflict to try and pursuade him to the "good side" as xavier sees it, uncovers old memories that logan had heard about but not remembered firsthand, he decides he hates that shit and never wants someone in his head again so magneto agrees to surgically implant the same metal/circuitry that's in his helmet directly on logan's skull. no psychic is ever gettin in fort knox again, logan's brain is his own. through their newfound bond, logan starts deradicalizing magneto against specifically human hatred-- not the need to fight back against injustice or the genuine war against mutants that's on the way, but the idea of mutants being evolutionarily superior. he's actually making headway, good for him. the plan to have rogue sacrifice herself is instead a plan for her to absorb magneto's AND WOLVERINE'S powers+lifeforce, so she will survive. the x-men still stop their plan, but not before half the summit gets mutated, because wade is there to fight them off. the majority of the brotherhood gets away, but magneto is arrested, and they dont know where he's held. during all these events, the brotherhood including marie, logan, and wade have become like a little polycule/family, so this is a massive hit to morale, but mystique still decides to work things from the inside disgused as a now-reformed mutant hating senator.
X2 happens. logan's been trying to keep the brotherhood together with erik gone and mystique busy playing someone else, but it's a pretty small group. instead of logan left at the manor, colossus is given the honor, and he gets as many kids out as he can when the mansion is invaded, while bobby and pyro escape by hotwiring a car and calling the x-men to let them know what's going on. obviously the magneto escape plan goes off as does in canon, with logan's feathers ruffled that he couldnt be a part of it on account of metal skeleton. in the scene where the two disparate groups meet, it's the x-men(ororo, jean, nightcrawler, bobby, pyro) meeting the fully reformed brotherhood(magneto, mystique, wolverine, rogue, deadpool). bit of sparks between jean and logan, but jean Fully does not like or trust the brotherhood and logan literally doesnt even know she's married so the "women marry good guys" "i could be a good guy" scene plays out much harsher, but also he's not cut /quite/ as deep because he doesnt know this woman. it just reaffirms to him his commitment to the brotherhood and their ideals and their family, because he doesnt feel rejected there, and his ideals arent under attack. he was always gonna feel that way tho so its not revolutionary. logan still splits off from the group when he sees stryker, because even though he thought he closed that chapter of his life he still does have questions about his past and he feels compelled. this means he's not around to talk magneto out of his plan to target humans instead of mutants, which is a major schism in the brotherhood when he finds out about it later. they do pass each other in the hall, though, as magneto and mystique make their way towards the helicopter and logan makes his way back inside. magneto says theyre leaving, and logan says he has to go back. "i'll leave with rogue and deadpool in the jet, you two get out of here." he says. magneto asks if he's sure, and logan says "most of the mutants in here are kids. i cant just leave them." and magneto watches him carefully for a moment, then claps him on the shoulder. tells him good luck, my friend. they nod. magneto and mystique leave in the jet, while logan rushes inside. the end plays out pretty similar, with logan not as devestated because he didn't have that relationship with jean, but it's still rough to see such blatant self-sacrifice from someone he did ostensibly respect despite being on different sides.
obviously when the x-men appear as a group to the president, logan and marie aren't there, but that active role in trying to influence politics for the better ends up being the unknowing laying of foundations for the eventual merging of the brotherhood and xavier's institute, its the first stone layed that the other side needed to see
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