#and they’re like ‘but what’s his name maybe I know him’ noooo you don’t I’m sorry but I just know you don’t
diari0deglierrori · 1 year
Btw you know I talk shamelessly about him a lot here, but when asked about him irl I always kind of freeze
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gyuwoncheol · 7 months
Down Bad
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Pair: Mingyu x f!reader
Genre: fluff, inspired by soft Mingyu during that GyuHan live
Summary: Clingy, lovesick Mingyu just wants your undivided attention
Warnings: tipsy! Gyu, mentions of alcohol, use of pet names, so much fluff, barely proofread
WC: 1.7k
Author's Note: look at me actually publishing something. This is once again very self-indulgent because Gyu was just so so adorable in that live and it had me in shambles. Shoutout to my sweet Cherry @shuadotcom for listening to me fawn over Mingyu when this live happened and building ideas of the scenes with me! I love you darling!
Author’s Note 2.0: LISTEN, SHORT HAIR MINGYU IS HANDSOME OKAY. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY SOME DON’T LIKE IT ON HIM??? LIKE BRO GET YOUR EYES CHECKED. But seriously, it does kill me when I watch Gyu kinda second guess his new hairstyle. Like I know he just laughs it off most times, but I hope the self doubt doesn’t eat him up. I will die defending his short hair. idc.
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“Is it bad?” You grimace as soon as Seungcheol releases you from his hug and leads you through the hall.
Cheol laughs, “well…” he stops walking to look at you, “he’s not drunk… yet. But he did get tipsy quite fast.”
“That’s cause he’s also tired,” you reasoned, “but thanks for calling me, I don’t think I’d want him to drive home by himself and—“
“Oh no no,” the leader interrupts, resuming his steps towards the dining area where you could already faintly hear your boyfriend whining, “he asked us to call you. Besides, you know that if he did get drunk, I’d force him to crash here.”
“Babyyyy!” Mingyu shoots up from his seat and rushes to you with arms wife open when you surface in the room. He was beaming at the sight of you, puppy senses fully kicking in. A faint smell of alcohol and his cologne hits your nose when he bends down and engulfs you in a hug, his face nuzzling deep into your neck.
“Miss you,” he mumbles with a tight squeeze and you run your fingers through his short locks.
“Missed you too, bub. Should we get you home?”
Mingyu pulls you off him to hold you by your shoulders, his lips pursed and eyebrows scrunching, “no no, not yet. Comeeee, join usssss.”
You’re dragged by your tall boyfriend to the dining table, both Seungcheol and Jeonghan giggling but also sending you an apologetic look for the state that Mingyu is in.
“What are we doing?” You question when he offers you chopsticks and shows you all the food on the table.
“We’re celebrating Minghao’s birthday so we have to stay first, okay?” Seungcheol laughs at your boyfriend’s justification.
“Aaaand Hao is where exactly?”
Mingyu shrugs, “dunno. But that’s okay, we called him awhile ago already and we even sang for him on live. Do you want a drink?”
You reach out to stop his hands from pouring the alcohol on the glass, “no i’m good.” He looks at you intently and then decides against convincing you to drink. Instead, he sits back down and wraps his arms around your waist, sighing softly when his head rests on your shoulder.
“You okay, my love?” You ask after kissing the top of his head. “Tired?” He nods against your shoulder and hum an affirmative. “Maybe we should go—“
“Noooo,” your gentle giant whines, a full pout on his lips, making both his hyungs laugh at him.
“Okay, okay.”
“We’re still having fun… well, they’re having fun,” Mingyu gestures towards his two older members with scrunched brows.
You reach your arm up to touch his cheek, caressing his soft skin, “And you’re not?”
“They’re making fun of me.”
“We are not!” Seungcheol denies with a laugh.
“You laughed when the fans called me a potato on live.” The two boys start giggling again, recalling the conversation on the many forms of potatoes Mingyu could represent.
“I also said you were handsome with your short hair,” Cheol added, “the potato comment is just funny!”
Jeonghan, who was seated on Mingyu’s other side, now pokes at your boyfriend’s fingers before snorting with a laugh, “heh. french fries.”
Seungcheol and Jeonghan erupt in laughter much to Mingyu’s chagrin, and you yourself couldn’t help but giggle at the antics of the two boys. Mingyu crosses his arms defiantly, sulking like there’s no tomorrow.
“Oh cmon, Gyu, it’s funny!” The group’s resident trickster calls out.
“Babyyyyyy, protect meeee,” your boyfriend whines, hiding his face on your shoulder. Mingyu was no stranger to being teased by his members, and almost always, he’s a very good sport at taking it all in and staying calm and collected. But the facade easily drops the moment you’re around. He gets to be his true self, a big baby. Your big baby. Luckily for him, the boys listen to you.
“Okay, cut it out, guys,” you call, earning a smile from your boyfriend which immediately drops the next second when you say, “the potato is sad.”
“HEY!” Mingyu’s bottom lip juts out as he scowls at you, not at all impressed by your joke. You leave a kiss on his lips and he tries hard to hide the smile.
“I’m kidding, I don’t even know why they think that. You’re my puppy,” you quickly correct, cupping his cheeks and pecking his lips, “my handsome puppy.” That was enough to have your boyfriend unravel his arms and wrap them around your waist, a huge smile on his face as he leans on your shoulder. He was flustered beyond words. If there was one thing Mingyu agreed on, it’s that he was a puppy.
“You’re so whipped,” Jeonghan states the obvious and while you knew it was directed to your boyfriend, it also felt like it was a jab at you. Eitherway, neither you nor Mingyu denied it. Especially Mingyu. He was deeply in love with you and it was written all over his face.
You settle in nicely to a conversation with the boys, discussing the new cafe that just opened near the Hybe building and talking about the recent broadcast shows they’ve done for the comeback.
With each passing minute, the more Mingyu clings onto you like a koala. Mostly smiling and staring at you with lovestruck eyes that would immediately change into a silly face if you looked back at him. Eventually, his head constantly leaned on your shoulder or his face buried in your neck, relishing in the way your hand would subconciously reach up to run your fingers through his hair or scratch lightly at his scalp. You really loved his shorter hairdo, never missing a chance to compliment him about it. When he had cut his hair, he worried you’d stop running your fingers through them, which is why moments like these, even with his shorter strands, always made him sigh in content.
“What’s wrong?” You quiz when he pulls on your shirt sleeve after you laugh at one of Jeonghan’s jokes, your hands detaching from his hair to give the older member a high five. When you look at Mingyu, his eyes were even more half lidded than earlier, and the bags underneath a little more red and puffy.
“Nothin’,” he feigns but you know what he wants.
“Hmm… you sure you just don’t want my whole attention?” Mingyu scrunches his face in shock, like he’s trying to deny the way you just exposed him. But he doesn’t say anything, and instead, juts out his lower lip for his biggest pout of the night.
You decide to tease him a little bit more and roll your eyes playfully, putting your attention back to two of his brothers who were currently going through funny videos of Minghao.
Mingyu huffs loudly and tugs you closer to him, earning a giggle from you. “Okay big boy, I was only kidding, you have my attention,” he tries to maintain his sulking but fails badly when his lips quirk into a smile after you plant a kiss on them.
“I love you,” he whispers, blushing wildly at his own confession and hiding behind your shoulder blades.
“I love you too, Gyu. But can I bring you home now? You look like you’re about to fall asleep any minute.”
“Nooooo,” Mingyu whines loudly.
You were about to reason but Seungcheol beats you to it, “Mingoo, my hyung’s about to come home now. You guys have to leave soon.”
“See, baby? Cheol needs us out of the house.”
“That’s rude,” he complains, “but his hyung likes me. We can stay.”
You flash Cheol an apologetic look, letting him know you got it under control. Just then, you stand up and bend down to cup Mingyu’s face, forcing him to look at you. “Baby, we have to go. If you fall asleep on me here, you bet I won’t be carrying you home. So choose, big guy, do you want to be beside me in bed tonight? Or beside Seungch—“
“OKAY! BYE HYUNGS!” The 6 foot 2 man shoots up from his chair in full height, not even giving you enough time to process things before he’s pulling at your hand and dragging you out of the dining room, “We’re going. Thank you for the food, Coups hyung!”
“YAH!” Jeonghan scolds, “you said you would bring me home!”
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TWST boys with a Diana! Reader?
The reader's a really and I mean REALLY popular and a captivating woman from Siodonna, many rumours were spreading of a beauty from Siodonna yet the TWST boys decided to ignore the rumours, taking them as only bluffs until they met the reader performing in the streets for the poor children. The boys quickly fell head over heels for they're kind nature, and alluring looks. The way those crystal like (Colour) eyes gaze into theirs sending their hearts pounding again their chest. Being lucky enough to marry the woman of their dreams was a big accomplishment but they're happiness was short lived when they found out the risk of the reader dying during childbirth, the TWST boys being selfish asked her to choose them over the child yet the reader didn't have the heart to do so and decided to give her life for the child, only doing as much as witnessing how they're child grew as a wandering spirit and visiting them in their dreams to interact with they're child. How would the guys react when their child(or children) mentioning they're mother's name when they've actually never met or heard of her?? <3
- M. Draconia ; V. Schoenheit ; R. Rosehearts ; L. Kingscholar ; I. Shroud ; L. Vanrouge
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"I'm sorry for not choosing you, but I couldn't bare giving it up ( sacrificing an innocent life) either..."
- (Name)
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Mentioning Your Name | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Its an average day your child casually mentions some advice you gave. It takes them off guard and the problem with lovers as in love as they are suffering from your loss–this can be received very differently:
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Malleus Draconia 
“What did you say?”
“I said (Y/n) told me I should try harder to talk to you because your socially immature.”
“....when…when did they say this?”
“In my dream last night, I asked how I was supposed to get you to smile at me and they told me to be ins-st-i-dent?”
He remembers what you said to comfort him before the birth
And honestly if it hadn’t been for that and this child having your smile
He would’ve smited him long ago
But to hear that you’re still here in some capacity
He smiles more 
Speaking into the quiet of the room 
Practically serenading your lingering spirit
“Thats…just like them…”
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Vil Schoenheit 
“Wearing those two patterns is a travesty, we won’t be doing plaid with polka-dots–”
“Noooo! B-but I said I would!”
“...To who?”
“To (Y/n) of course I was telling them all about how I’d wear them-”
“Wait wait what did you say?”
He doesn’t believe that you’re meeting in their dreams
Its more than likely one of his close friends slipped up while babysitting
And now they’ve taken the name of their mother for some imaginary friend
Needless to say he’ll get to the bottom of this
Even if it takes a forceful kind of truth serum
“(Y/n)...my half is dead…so whoever they’re speaking to is something else.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“(Y/n) would hate you so much!?”
“H-how do y-you–!”
“They said I should be free! That I should be allowed to play with others!”
“Where?! Where did you hear that?!”
He thought that he wouldn’t need to be hurt again
But here you were showing up in your child’s dreams 
But since you’ve left him…what do you words mean now
“You’re not appearing to me and you aren’t here to parent…therefore you’re words barely scrape the height of a suggestion.”
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Leona Kingscholar 
“(Y/n) doesn’t think I’m weak!”
“THEY said I’m plenty strong and that you don’t know everything!”
He’ll continue to lock the child away 
Scratching at his post some interloper as he thinks about what his child has said 
“Even across the grave you’re fighting me…can’t do much from where I’m at now can I?”
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Idia Shroud 
“Papa I made my own drone…”
“Uhm and uh (Y/n) says that you should maybe look at me when I show you mystuff so…”
Is floored
Since your departure he’s been torn with hating this child and eliminating anyone who interacts with them
So consumed with grief he shuts himself in his workshop and watches his child relentlessly
He knows them well in fact he’s sure he loves them 
but he can’t stand to speak to them without wanting to cry
So this is all the more painful to him and in his desire to reach out he might end up inventing something meant to capture your wandering spirit
“Just you wait (Y/n), I’ll have you soon.”
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Lilia Vanrouge
“Just trust Papa on this you stay inside, my little bat.”
“(Y/n) says you should let me outside more.”
“Oh yeah they really–said…that?”
“Yeah! And that you need to properly comb out my hair you can’t leave it a tangled mess.”
“Hahaha yeah.”
He believes in ghosts, well he knows they exist
So he believes thats what that is about 
And if thats the case than maybe if he suggests somethings for your kid to recite
Maybe he can still reach out to you
“Hey! Hey! Maybe the next time you see them can you tell her how much Daddy loves her?”
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Replies replies! Some shirt ones + one pretty old ask about tops and bottoms.
Anonymous asked:
Floyd/Idia comic?! Noooo, i would love to see that! What a shame DD:
I'm hoping you'll get your Twitter/X Account back. 🙏🏻
Yeah, it really sucks :( There is so much stuff we want to post in general, I hope we’ll be able to do it soon.
Thank you for your support, Anon! Maybe the fact that I keep refusing to call it X is the real issue here lol
Anonymous asked:
get this, idia as public breeding property in a cow bikini (could be female or male idia)
Ah yes. His true and final form… Both versions, please. A boy and a girl. 😔
How many people are going to comment on him not having much milk when they see him like that and why is it everyone… It’s okay, this cow is for other purposes.
Anonymous asked:
raincheck, Ortho and Octavinelle gangbang Idia together because we both love and want to make Idia suffer in this household
Why not add Lilia and Sebek to this mix as well? I’m not driving. 😎
Just kidding; honestly, you’re very right, there is something absolutely special about the Octa+Igni combination, I really really want this entire group to have more interactions… and for Ortho and the Octa-trio to gangbang Idia together!
Idia should’ve known that these fuckers are bad influence on Ortho, but jokes on him: this whole thing is Ortho’s idea lol
Anonymous asked:
Heyy Ryuichi, do you know there's different types of tops/bottoms? like service tops, stone tops, pleasure bottoms, gentle tops, pillow princess/prince, and so on... Which category do you think does the twist cast fall into?
Bc i was thinking, and i think Service Top fits Jade/Rook the most.
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! I am aware that there are different types, but I didn’t really know the names for them.
I think we have a bias when it comes to these things, so a lot of the characters that we see as tops would be classified as stone tops/aggressive tops masquerading as service tops whenever it fits them LOL But there is still nuance and difference to them, even though technically it’s the same category!
For example, both Jade and Rook could absolutely aim to present themselves as service tops, but they’re actually more selfish than that; Rook is closer to being a genuine service top (his demeanor helps this image too), but he still has his own desires that he ultimately ends up prioritising. And Jade, well, Jade loves being the best at any type of customer service activity that he does, but there is always a catch with him…
I would call Sebek (with Malleus) and Trey service tops, but to be completely fair, these two aren’t 100% genuine service tops either…
And if by “stone tops” we generally mean touch-me-nots, those who prefer to do everything and want total control over the situation, I think Azul and Lilia are the biggest ones at that.
When it comes to bottoms, hmmm…
Bossy bottoms and power-bottoms are two different categories, but we don’t have a lot of them either way; I would say that Vil and Malleus are the biggest examples of that. Whenever they don’t feel like being pillow-princesses, of course. Riddle, however, despite being super bossy all the time, is very timid when it comes to sex, and he is one of the biggest pillow-princesses out there. Idia is one too, and also Leona (he lazy).
Malleus is also one of the brattiest ones, but the second brattiest is Epel, and also sometimes Idia… but Idia just talks too much and doesn’t know when to shut up :(
When it comes to service bottoms, Silver is the absolute king of that. He is very obedient and I guess sexually submissive overall.
Anyways, these are my thoughts! I haven’t named every single character this time, but it’s because the rest didn’t give me strong enough vibe to label them as anything… I was thinking about Jamil a lot, but I guess Jamil’s just out there trying to survive, that poor guy lol
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aphidclan-clangen · 2 months
if every adult cat had a novella, and yes, when the kits grow up, i’ll send another one of these for them!!
Pearlstar’s Company
would be about how pearlstar says “i am alone” to bliss, how pearlstar HAS no company, yk??? how pearl has nocat to hold, and how he’s lost everyone except bliss. maybe focuses a bit on his new kits? idk, we don’t know a whole bunch about em. idk if he would get that company he wants at the end of the book, but it would be how life story, about how he lost everything.
Firebeetle’s Wandering
would be about how he got lost. it would be about how firebeetle wanders with gravel, the prologue would probably be him having his kits?? idk, but the whole mini inbetween moon gravel and firebeetle things would be the whole book basically. by the end of the book, it would be nice if fire got back to camp with gravel. but yk, whatever happens in the comics!!!
Blisswhistle’s Doubt
this one would def be about bliss’s self doubt, about like,,,, everything?? bliss does doubt herself a bunch, it would go through his story of how he gains confidence over time. a major plot point would be her and gold’s fight about kits. and it would also tie into firebeetle’s story kinda, bc when gold and bliss get back to camp, fire’s gone. but it would focus more heavily on blisswhistle’s life. her relationship with her parents, her self doubt, her relationship with gold maybe?
Stormwhisper’s Sight
i’m not too sure about this one, but i wanna say that his book would be about what he saw before lilac died. it would be about his visions as a medicine cat, how it scared him, how he could confide in spark. they would be soooo close, besties. this would have maybe a bit about cresskit?
Goldshine’s Heart
would be about his relationship with blisswhistle, because they’re really cute. it could be about how he’s opening up star’s heart? how he’s getting less.... closed off? idk, i’m not really certain.
Sparkspeckle’s Guilt
maybe about, like.... her uhhhh...... idk, she’s my favorite, i just really want a novella about her.......
Shadebreak’s Light
could maybe something like, about their apprenticeship to goldshine? how they looked up to him, and how they got to be a warrior? basically shade’s life story, what they go through, what they’re like.
Icesheep’s Mind
idk man, i just like him.... i have noooo idea what his novella would be about.
Lilacpaw’s Limit
would be about how lilac’s backstory is quite different from most cats. how she came from a kittypet life (i think???). how she died and meets paradiseskies. and i want them to gossip together, that’s all i request...
Paradiseskies’ Loss
would be about how she..... ummmm... uh. i do not know. but i like her, so she gets to be on the list.
Gravel’s Choice
this would most definitely be about the metalden colony’s rule of having no closse relations. gravel having to make a choice of her colony, and fire’beetle. it would have all her hardships, and experiences, and memories. how she falls in love with fire, and how she realizes that she should’ve seen how important he was to her. how she should’ve left for him sooner. i would love if the book had some like, gravel getting used to clan life, and how she’s a bit stiff around everyone, especially her kits. but in the end, she gets comfortable with them, and loves them like a real parent, even if she didn’t know them at first. how she apologizes to everyone, how she adapts to her new life after being awkward and nervous.
Spiderglade’s Regret
would be about his relation to the metalden colony. and i think it would be cool if we spent most of the book in the dark forest, not the canon df, what YOU depict the dark forest. i dont know a lot about him. i wanna see how he copes, how he thinks and acts.
and thats all :3
Yesss I love this. I love all the names! (Especially Lilacpaw’s Limit, that made me chuckle thinking about Lilacpaw just being like “I’m at my fkin limit” hehe)
I’d love to explore this idea more tbh, especially since the comic isn’t in a written format so I can’t really do special one-off series or books focusing on individuals. Unless my plans for this change in the future, what you see in the comic is pretty much all you get (plus asks). If this weren’t the case however, I’d love to write a novella centered around Spiderglade. Growing up with bugs family in the clan, bugs training as a mediator, leaving the clan, meeting a…certain someone… his time elsewhere… his death. The people he visits after bug dies.
If there’s any other cat I would write a novella for, it’d be Gravel. Or Pearlstar. Both would center a lot around family, love, loss, and new beginnings. A Sparkspeckle novella would also be super interesting once we have a lot more of her life depicted in the comic, and Paradiseskies might be an interesting perspective to explore! Spiderglade would definitely be a more prominent character in a Blisswhistle novella, mostly during rainbows childhood growing up (before bug leaves)
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icetobes · 2 months
911 s7 e7 thoughts
- eeek the promo is THE beginning
- oh my fucking god
- she’s so good at her job yall MADDIE BUCKLEY I LOVE YOU
- yall they got thrown back im scared
- no driver 😦
- this is so stressful lorddddd
- he took the baby didn’t he oh good LORD no no no
- mara :((
- i feel like she’s spoken to denny…
- OH SHE HAS ???
- she’s got a baby brother :((( she doesn’t know where she isss 😭
- CHRIS 💀💀💀
- “we could leave her now” good idea
- HES SO :(((((
- “look like you’ve seen a ghost” girl you don’t even know
- (i missed a few minutes idk ???)
- hen and mara :((
- “sometimes nighttime is the hardest” real and true
- she’s telling hen ohhh my heart
- ATHENA AND MADDIEEEEE (im gay for them)
- so the guy wasn’t her husband ??? oh my god
- maddie :(((
- “i assumed she was me” baby awwww
- wtf is hen wearing she ????
- “you are the system” the system sucks girlie
- awww she’s telling them where to find her brother aaaa
- the sceeenee the sneak peak scene !!!
- this scene is so sweet 🥹
- “idk why i just told you that” venting queen just like me
- “we’re” she means businesss !!!
- girlie what the fuck is wrong with him he’s so stupid
- this is crazy HES LOSING HIS MIND
- not a fucking candle
- not them flirting lmaooo
- “just me and my son, single dad” LMAO YESSS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO HEAR
- good lord that’s a loud room of children
- their name stickers awww
- “we’re here to talk to you” that’s INSANE behaviour not going to lie
- tyson is so cute 🥹🥹
- maddie and that call :(( babyyy
- “it’s me you’re husband” THEYRE MARRIED YALL 🤭🤭🤭
- he’s so supportive 😭
- SHES AFRAID SHES GOING TO DIE i’m gonna end it all now maddie buckley you deserve nothing buck happiness
- ohhh she’s so smart omg
- she had a stalker OH MY GOD
- WHAT ????
- “about santa” LMAO
- “i’m here” no you’re in fucking bed with shannon 💀💀💀
- they’re teaming uppp aaa
- “they’re hiding from him” OH MY GOD HE FOUND THEM
- creep what the fuck
- ew i fucking hate him
- “time to find a new mommy” i’m gonna kill him ???
- he’s so fucking creepy i hate it here
- maddie is so smart i caantttt
- oh he’s gone 🧍
- awww josh is so proud of herrr
- the girl :(((
- oh he doesn’t but he does ??
- “they’re bonding” karen is so me lmao
- she’s here with tyson 🥹🥹
- oh my gosshhh aaa
- babies :((((
- “dad already ordered a pizza” where is his faith in buck
- buck throwing food at eddie lmaoo
- they’re so perfect aaaa
- the dreams hand they’re so cute oh im going to SOB
( i didn’t write down my reactions to e6 i filmed myself cause i was drunk sooo maybe ill put that in my notes at some point )
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transboysokka · 11 months
Chris watches Howl’s Moving Castle for the first time
* Another one I’ve heard mentioned a lot and know nothing about
* HOLY SHIT GIANT MOVING CASTLE?? idk what I was expecting
* Oh, so Howl’s a bad guy?? omg is he a werewolf I s2g if he’s a werewolf named howl…
* Claiming Sophie on behalf of the Trans Community
* Oh no is that him why is he dressed like some anime guy, he reminds me of the beast in beauty and the beast after he turns human. Is this a beauty and the beast adaptation??
* Don’t let him seduce u Sophie be strong!!!
* I do love the wild fantasy elements of all of these movies, and this one feels like it’s gonna do some worldbuilding. Into it.
* What is with these movies and creepy old ladies?
* I do think maybe I have a weird phobia of old people? Wild way to find out
* Jesus Christ I just know that scarecrow is alive
* Oh maybe not
* Aw he’s so sweet
* This studio loves to animate flying things and old ladies. But hey, this is the first one I’ve seen that doesn’t start with someone moving somewhere new, so we’ve got that going for us
* Lmao the scarecrow did bring her a house
* This castle freaks me tf out and I haven’t even seen inside. Real Baba Yaga energy
* Bye Turnip, what a cutie
* Okay so the fire is a cute lil guy
* Magic door? Into it. So where is she really and why is it so Cottagecore
* “Calcifer said I could come in” “I did not!”
* That bacon looks so good and I don’t even eat bacon
* I love the idea of something being built into a spell to keep you from telling anyone about it
* I love calcifer and I love Sophie’s dynamic with him
* Turnip is back, yay!!
* I bet he’s under a curse too
* I wonder if he’s the missing prince!!
* I could probably paint that lake
* I’m really intrigued by him as a character though
* omg that’s Christian bales voice as howl lmao no wonder these dubs are so uncharacteristically good
* omg I’m looking at the English cast kw this SLAPS
* goddamn am I having gay thoughts about a weird anime guy noooo
* I’m crying why does howl have to be such an ugly dog
* how does the Lauren Bacall witch fit in that little carriage thing if she’s so huge, I swear this is one of the funniest movies I’ve seen in a long timd
* ok but I still don’t really get why Sophie had the spell cast on her in the first place, she wasn’t bothering nobody before
* I’ve gotten some antisemitic vibes from characters in other ghibli movies so far and I’m not a huge fan of the fatphobia with the villain, I just gotta say
* Lmao the dog isn’t even howl?
* wait why tf does the castle have a mouth
* why is the bad witch tagging along dump her ass
* So Sophie is young when she sleeps? I don’t get that
* Ok…. So she’s just…. Young again?
* Creepy?? Toy cave??
* Wtf why are these movies so confusing
* I might be imagining it but Sophie does seem to be gradually getting younger
* I love how gung-ho Howl is about his family and his house. Love that in a man.
* Found family themes just Get Me, u know?
* On one hand I don’t Get What’s Happening with the war, but also… I Get this movie
* Also still don’t get the aging and de-aging and I’m not sure if it’s only supposed to be metaphorical or what
* So… why did he eat her hair??
* I gotta say that I love that the only sound the ugly dog makes is us a dry cough
* Maybe the dog is called heen bc he has chicken feet and heen is like hen
* yeah I have no idea what the fuck is going on right now
* Wtf howl is just… right there?
* Why was his heart even gone in the first place? Seems like he had it the whole time anyway. Did he know calcifer had it? Like I really don’t get any of that
* Lol why is Sophie his true love
* And now they’re just gonna end the war???
Okay that was definitely more fun than any of the other ones I’ve seen so far. CONFUSING AS FUCK like I don’t get it at all but it was really fun. Really funny, with GREAT characters, and I was loved Billy Crystal Fire Guy, so glad I happened to watch the dub.
Also I can’t explain it, but this one is just For The Gays
I’ll watch Princess Mononoke next
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constellama · 1 year
I’m sure everything is completely fine and nothing will go wrong
Llama reads TRC: Chapters 26-30 of The Raven Boys
Chapter 26
Ok this is gonna go by faster cuz I don’t have many interesting thoughts ngl
Currently on chapter 28 but I wasn’t live blogging so I’ll leave my brief thoughts here
Talking trees!! Either it’s the actual trees talking or maybe Gansey can hear voices??
The forest is funky dude someone definitely died there
Chapter 27
Maura lowkey reminds me of Lorelei Gilmore. Just a bit. The cool mom vibes are there
Also I love how she’s just “oh you’re doing something I told you not to do? Damn that sucks, carry on”
Chapter 28
Haha things started getting interesting
Gansey saying “I could kiss you.” Gansey please be normal /lh
Gansey is so silly I would bully him /hj
Oh my God I was right about the wasp thing.
“I died.” What 😀
You’re telling me. That his near death experience. That I’m guessing happened around the time of Czerny’s death?? WAS BECAUSE OF WASPS??
Oh ok that was kinda traumatizing actually
Wait. Is that why both Gansey and Noah could hear the trees?? Cuz they’re both connected to death in some way??
Gansey :(((
Uh oh, spooky things happening
AN ARM?? Night in The Woods?? Is that you??
“The face on the driver’s license was Noah’s.” WHAT?? HEY??? HOLD ON WAIT NO NO N ONO
Ok I’m ngl I knew smth was gonna happen to Noah bUT I DIDNT THINK ITD BE THIS SOON??
“I don’t really care” WHY is Noah being so overlooked this is upsetting
“Mine.” WHAT.
“I told you. I told everyone.” OHHH MY GOD. HES A GHOST??
I just went back to the page where they met Ashley HE DID LITERALLY SAY HE WAS DEAD FOR 7 YEARS
WAIT this entire time I thought the Czerny that Whelk was referring to was like an older brother or relative of Noah or smth bUT YOURE TELLING ME IT WAS ACTUALLY JUST HIM??
Oh my GODDD it was so obvious too
Guys you can’t just ask a guy how he died
Well if he’s dead then at least nothing worse can happen to him right? …right??
Chapter 30
What do you mean it was clear he’d never been alive. What.
“Maybe it’s because his body’s been removed from the ley line” noooo :( please come back Noah
Neeve why are you so creepy
“You’re looking for a god. Didn’t you suspect that there was also a devil?” Well that’s incredibly reassuring
“There’ll be more before it’s done.” oh lovely
Sorry these updates are so slow, I’m not having much time to read lately. Good news though, we’ve almost got 100 pages left!! This is only the first book and I’m terrified cuz I’m guessing that it only goes downhill from here.
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bigsnzstanacct · 10 months
Ahhh okay this is very niche BUT, I have a Ch/eck Plea/se scenario on the brain with these two characters Nur/sey and D/ex and maybe I will edit to explain who the characters are but my vision is basically like… they both have the fetish, their mutual friend Chow/der knows about Nur/sey’s but not De/x’s, they’re on a kind of enemies to lovers track in my brain, ANYWAY (putting more under the cut bc then I don’t have to put the dumb slashes in the names, right?
Okay so Dex has like The Biggest Sneezes, so loud, so wet, so desperate and intense, and Nursey is Into Big Sneezes BUT Dex is SUPER shy about the fetish (like one of those can’t say the word sneeze, can barely bless people types) and HATES sneezing because it draws so much attention to himself specifically about the thing he is awkward about. Anyway so like Chowder and Nursey are high and talking about the fetish and Dex overhears and he has All The Feelings like OMG this guy I have the hots for has my same fetish OMG how dare he TALK about it he’s going to EXPOSE US and also wow I wish I was that Free and Open but also WHAT KIND OF SNEEZES DOES HE LIKE DOES HE LIKE MINE I LIKE HIS SO MUCH. And Chowder and Nursey are like “okay okay what about me do I have Hot Sneezes?” “I mean yours are good, but like I can’t see you that way you’re like a) straight and b) basically my brother.” “Okay okay what about… Holster” “omg so hot so loud, excellent” (and Dex is over there like “omg me me I have loud sneezes but wait no I hate having loud sneezes ahh feelings are confusing!”)
Chowder: “okay uhhhh… how about Jack? Did you ever hear Jack sneeze?”
Nursey: “ughhhhh noooo but I want to so BAD that guy is gorgeous I mean no offense to Bitty not tryna steal his man but that ASS goddamn!”
Dex: *feeling identical feelings very intensely and also why is this man strumming my pain with his fingers and singing my life with his words* (he only knows that song bc Nursey yes it’s the Fugees version).
Chowder: “how about… Lardo?”
Nursey: “oh. 100% yes, ten out of ten, her and Shitty both—I have heard Shitty by the way and like… okay hers are lowkey so LOUD especially for how tiny she is and then his aren’t as loud but they’re like… so desperate and he’ll go like five times in a row… lmao I can’t believe I’m telling you this shit you must think I’m SO weird.”
Chowder: “nah dude, like you always say we’re all weirdos. I mean you know about my thing.”
Nursey: “it’s like adorable how pink your ears get when you even mention it hahaha”
Dex: *wondering if Nursey would find his pink ears cute*
Chowder: oh! Oh! What about Dex?
Dex: *stomach drops, rises, roller coasters, heart does a whiz bang flip flop*
Nursey: “ugh… that guy.”
Dex: *heart craters*
Chowder: “Nursey, don’t be that way. I mean doesn’t he do that like… he doesn’t let it out, but isn’t that like a… sexy mystery or something?”
Nursey: “I mean… it would be but he’s such a prude I mean. I could never talk about this with him he’d look at me like I was so disgusting. And besides, I know the mystery… he like… never let’s it out. He ALWAYS stifles. I’ve been his roommate for like months now” (did I mention they were roommates??) “and not. even. once. And like, not even on my kinky shit but like it looks like it hurts him. And I told him it’s his room too he can sneeze but nope. Repressed, like everything else about him. Kinda sad.”
Dex: *emotionally flailing, on life support, smushed, a Kafka-esque insect (and actually he had read Metaphorphosis before he met Nursey ThankYouSoMuch) beneath the boot of Bad Feelings*
Chowder: “maybe he just doesn’t feel comfortable. Still… you are curious aren’t you.”
Nursey: “well I mean… I don’t want to take advantage of him but like… maybe it wasn’t tooooooootally true that there’s noooooo kinky curiosity there…”
Chowder: “I knew it! Called it! You totally wanna know.”
Dex: *emotionally revived, risen from the ashes, also so confused, nearing emotional shutdown, everything is happening at once how do I get out of here without making noise they cannot know I was spying on them like this omg omg omg he’s gonna hate me internal roller coaster noises*
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antlerx-art · 11 months
is that the bentley thing he’s using????
“there you go, lovely”😭😭😭
“i’m Aziraphale” / “nice meeting you” AND YOU WON’T TELL US YOUR NAME? MH??
“LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS.” and aziraphale looking at him oh lord
nah crowley has a point shut up aziraphale
london present day hiiiii HI AZIRAPHALE
this is so cute i’m going to combust
OHH CROWLEY AND SHAX SCENE i know this by heart
so i guess the something going down in the up is gabriel
“you’ll tell me what i need”???? which is?
frozen peas💀
HERE WE GO another scene i know by heart
“i have no idea what that feels like”sure👍🏻 stay in denial
“I think it’s my brain but i’m not sure” oh i know he’s gonna be the funniest
“his royal smugness is in trouble that’s so sad” why is this so???? i love crowley
the box is empty well I should’ve expected it
“you’re funny, i love you” okay so gabriel confessed before crowley 😍
“jaaaames long for jim short for gabriel”
aziraphale has A LOT of patience i could never
hi muriel!
TONE OF VOICE? i love them
“ASK HIM PROPERLY.” bye i thought it was gonna be some sort of miracle but it’s actually just crowley shouting at jim
“YOURE ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS ONE”? like crowley is right i also wouldn’t trust him BUT COME ONNNNN
OHH THATS WHEN HE SMOKES AND EXPLODES but the scream is different from the trailer
and nina and maggie are locked in 🫢
michael acts like my maths teacher
THEYRE IN HELL what the. hell?
I KNEW IT i knew they were gonna offer him to become duke of hell
“EXTREME SANCTIONS” again the marketing for this show is great
okay so anyone involved with gabriel’s disappearance will be deleted from existence and crowley is worried about aziraphale
nina and maggie are literally crowley and aziraphale i love them
so what they’re saying is that *aziraphale* is the one who knew maggie’s great grandmother lol
WAIT all those theories about crowley ringing the bell and then saying “i’m back” being two different scenes because of his position in the room when he was actually just being dramatic and took 20 steps away
apology in 1941? HMM????
aziraphale and crowley will dance in season two! the actual dance: 🧚🏻‍♂️💃🏻
I want to see every single wrong take of this scene every single blooper
oohhh so that’s why muriel won’t recognize him that’s smart i should’ve considered it
no rapunzel you have to stay here fathers know best ‼️
I was about to say that even though episodes are shorter than season one you don’t actually notice the difference but maybe I just paused it too many times and it became half an hour longer
tagging @neil-gaiman since he said he was interested in reading live reactions
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ninthfeather · 2 years
Let’s Take a Chance
A/N: Title from the 14th Detective Conan opening, “Start” by Aiuchi Rika. This fic is based on a request from Mirrorfalls, who wanted a fic co-written by me and @hawk-in-a-tree with a plot along the lines of “Ran somehow becomes inducted into the Batfamily (or at least fights crime with them for a little while).” We had a lot of fun writing it! The warnings are in the end-note as always.
"What've we got, O?" Stephanie asked as she peered over the edge of the rooftop at the warehouse below.
Why was it always a warehouse, anyway?
"Riddler found the heiress to a Japanese megaconglomerate touring downtown, and he's trying to hold her for ransom," Barbara said, voice crackling slightly over the earpiece. "Dad's been on the phone with her uncle all day, trying to get him to pay up, but he isn't interested."
“Why not?” Dick asked from beside her. He was currently scouting the different rooftops around the warehouse.
“Apparently he regularly gets raided by a riddle loving thief and this is par for the course,” Barbara replied.
Dick exchanged a look with Stephanie. 
Stephanie shrugged. ”I guess Japan also has its own villains with weird quirks,”
“But another riddling thief?” Dick asks. 
“Nightwing, please tell me you remember who my dad is,” Stephanie said. 
Barbara snorted.
“Whoops,” Dick said.
“It’s not like you dislike riddles either,” Stephanie said.
“Noooo,” Dick said, dragging the word out. “I like puns, that is entirely different!”
“Sure it is,” Oracle said.
“Anyhow, what’s the game plan here?” Stephanie asked.
“I don’t see any of the Riddler’s goons on the rooftops,” Dick answered. “They must be holed up inside. If we can get on top of the warehouse, we’ll be able to see what’s going on inside. Oracle, was the heiress the only one taken?” 
“No, there was another person with her,” Barbara said. “A school friend, I think?” Stephanie could hear keyboard strokes from the comms. “I’m finding some newspaper articles but I’m not sure if they’re all about the same person or not.”
“Do they have a common name?” Stephanie asked.
“I don’t think so?” Barbara said. “But what I’m finding can’t all be about the same person. Either that or she’s been an eyewitness a whole lot of murders.”
“Okay, then,” Stephanie said “You try and figure that out, we’ll see what we can do about getting her and her friend.”
Dick looked ready to answer, but the report of a gun cut him off. It was followed by a yell and then several extremely ominous thumps.
“Time’s up!” Dick said as he somersaulted off the roof. 
“Right,” Stephanie leaped after him, using her grappling hook to slow the fall and landing softly right next to the warehouse door. 
“It’s not even locked,” Stephanie said. “Gotham’s minion quality has gone down.”
“Pizza delivery!” Dick yelled as he flew through the door, wingdings ready to throw. Why were they called wingdings again? He had to know how that sounded to other people. 
Stephanie wasn’t sure if she wanted to groan or laugh, but either way she followed him in, escrima sticks at the ready.
As it turned out, she shouldn’t have bothered.
A dark-haired girl stood in the middle of the room in a karate stance. Her hair was mussed, there was a small tear in her miniskirt, and one of her knee-high socks had slipped halfway down her calf. A bottle-blonde girl in a designer dress stood behind her, all but using her as a human shield.
Three adult henchmen were splayed out on the ground around them, in a way that looked almost decorative. The Riddler and two of his henchmen were still up, but the girl didn’t look particularly concerned.
“Looks like you’ve got a handle on things!” Stephanie said.
“Not you again,” the Riddler grumbled. “This day just keeps getting worse.”
Stephanie smiled at him. It wasn’t a nice smile. She may have hated her father, but she was more than willing to uphold his rivalry with the Riddler, if only because she also disliked the man.
“Well, maybe you should stop kidnapping people,” Dick said. “No one to thank but yourself”
“He’s not even cute like KID-sama,” the girl in designer clothes complained. There was a slight accent to her words, but Stephanie couldn’t place it.
Stephanie also had no idea who this Kid-sama was, but filed it in the back of her head for later.
“Be quiet!” Riddler said. “I already told you, if your uncle doesn’t pay up, you’ll really be in trouble!”
“And I told you he’s not going to!” the blond girl said. “There’s a policy about it and everything.”
Stephanie happened to know that Bruce had a similar policy in place for his adopted kids, so she found herself unsurprised.
“You heard that, right?” Stephanie said. “You’re definitely not getting any money out of this. So why don’t you just let them go? It’ll definitely make the court case go more smoothly.”
“You’re not going to arrest me,” Riddler said. He was very confident for a man who generally spent as much time in Arkham as out of it.
“And why, pray tell, aren’t we? Dick asked. His tone was light and jovial, but Stephanie could see him tensing his knuckles around his escrima sticks, ready to bounce on him as the first wrong move. 
“I’ve rigged the warehouse--not with explosives, no, that’s too pedestrian,” the Riddler said, pulling a small black object out of his pocket and holding it aloft. “But this whole building is one gigantic trap. When I push this--”
The brown haired girl, apparently tired of the monologue, dashed up to him and then delivered a textbook-perfect high kick to his hand. The device clattered to the floor, while Riddler stared.
“I-I think you broke my hand,” he said.
“I hope that teaches you not to kidnap people,”  she snapped. Unlike the other girl, her accent was pronounced, and clearly Japanese. 
“It won’t,” Dick muttered, looking at the girl with an impressed face. 
The girl didn’t seem to hear him, but she was very intent on her task. She followed up her kick with a blow to Riddler’s stomach that made him crumple. When the two remaining henchmen approached, she fell into a ready stance again.
Stephanie decided it was time to lend a hand. She rushed one of the henchmen, and saw Dick doing the same with the other out of the corner of her eye. 
Normally she’d use her escrima, but with an unfamiliar, unarmored ally, it seemed like too much of a risk, so she stuck to hand-to-hand. Despite having no familiarity with one another’s styles, they worked well together--the girl had a surprisingly good sense of when to attack and when to draw back in order to give Stephanie an opening.
The fight was short, and at the end, Stephanie found herself looking at the other girl with the same admiration she’d seen on Dick’s face earlier.
“You’re not bad at all,” she said aloud. “Thanks for the help.”
Meanwhile, the blond girl cheered. “Thank you, Ran!”
“You’re welcome, Sonoko,” the girl said. “I just wish we could go on vacation once without something like this happening.”
“Is this something that usually happens when you go on vacation?” Stephanie asked.
“Not kidnapping specifically,” Sonoko said. “But it really is always something.” She turned to Ran. “Especially when you bring that little brat.”
“He’s not even here,” Ran said.
“And that’s why there wasn’t also a murder. Ugh, it wasn’t even KID-sama this time,” Sonoko sighed.
“We’re in Gotham, why would that thief even be here?”
“I can wish! Can’t I?” Sonoko replied.
Ran sighed. “Of course, Sonoko.”
“So, which one of you ladies is the one with the rich uncle?” Dick asked. “We should probably tell him that you’re safe.”
“That’s me,” Sonoko said. “But he’s not worried. This kind of thing happens a lot.”
“Unfortunately,” Ran said.
“It would’ve been better if it were KID-sama, but it wasn’t so bad,” Sonoko said. “He didn’t even tie us up.”
Riddler, still on the ground, made a grumbling noise that seemed to indicate that he had some regrets regarding that decision.
“Well, we should probably get these guys to the police,” Stephanie said. “Are you two all right to get back to where you’re staying?”
“Spoiler!” Dick exclaimed. “We can’t just ask them to walk through Gotham alone, at night.”
“Ran here just wrecked the Riddler without even trying that hard,” Stephanie said. “Anyone who messes with them is going to regret it.”
Dick looked conflicted.
“Actually, we wouldn’t mind the escort,” Ran said. “This city is, uh, what’s the word….oh, spooky! It’s spooky at night. Too many weird shadows.”
“What Ran’s trying not to say is that she thinks this city is haunted and it freaks her out,” Sonoko said.
“A common misconception,” Dick answered while nodding along. “It’s not haunted. Per se. But there's plenty of scary, non-ghostly things lurking around the city, so it’s not recommended to go out at night.” 
“You’re sure there aren’t ghosts?” Ran pressed.
“He is, maybe,” Stephanie said.
Dick gently swatted her in the back of the head. “Yes, we are. Just supervillains,” he said.
“Oh, that’s fine then,” Ran said. “Well, not fine, I’m very sorry about your city--”
“Thank you,” Stephanie deadpanned.
“--but it’s better than it being haunted,” Ran said.
“Because you can hit them?” Dick guessed.
“Yup!” Ran answered.
“You tell B and Oracle that the situation’s handled,” Stephanie said. “I’ll take these two back to--where are you staying?”
Ran gave the name of one of the city’s more expensive hotels. Fortunately, Stephanie did know where it was.
She was on her way to the door when Ran asked, “What are your names? Or, uh, what you call yourselves when you wear the costumes and fight people?”
“You mean like codenames?” Sonoko asked. “Do you have codenames?”
“Yeah, we have codenames,” Dick said with a grin. “I go by Nightwing, and the one in the purple is Spoiler.”
“We’ve had this conversation before,” Stephanie said. “The color is eggplant. Say it with me. Egg-plant.”
“Spoiler?” Sonoko asked. “Like a TV-spoiler?”
“Yes, exactly,” Stephanie said. 
“Huh.” Sonoko replied, seemingly not sure how to continue.
“Well, it is nice to meet you, Nightwing and Spoiler,” Ran said.
“Likewise,” Dick replied. “Now, get yourselves back to the hotel, and I’ll clean up here.”
“Thank you!” Ran said.
“Come on, you two, I’ll be your guide on this scenic tour of Gotham’s nightlife,” Stephanie said, leading them toward the exit. “Now, to your left, you’ll see the pothole that’s been here longer than I’ve been alive, and to your right, you’ll see the streetlight that Batman likes to hang criminals from. He says he doesn’t have a favorite, but I promise you, he does, and it’s this one.”
Sonoko snickered, and pulled Ran along as they walked into the Gotham evening.
_ _ _ _ _
Dick didn’t want to do this. No, that wasn’t strong enough, he absolutely hated doing this. But the Justice League had picked a fine time to be off-planet and he was having trouble getting ahold of the current roster of Teen Titans.
Arkham breakouts were practically a routine at this point, but usually they weren’t accompanied by Ra’s Al Ghul sending at least half of the League of Shadows to attack the city. Dick was in over his head, he could admit it.
He knocked on the hotel room door. 
A middle-aged man with a receding hairline and a bristly mustache opened the door, then startled so badly that he fell over.
“Ran!” he called. “Do you know why Batman is outside of our hotel room?” 
He was speaking Japanese, and Dick tried very hard not to snicker and give away that he understood.
“Batman?” came Ran’s familiar voice. A few moments later, she appeared in the doorway behind the man. This time, she was wearing jeans and a sweater, along with a gauze pad on her cheek, presumably the result of one of Riddler’s thugs getting in a lucky shot.
“We met earlier, but I was…dressed differently,” Dick began carefully, speaking English.
“Ahhhhh, Nightwing-san!” Ran exclaimed. “Is something wrong?”
Dick took a deep breath. “Yes, and I’d like to ask your help with it. There’s been a prison break, and we’ve got a little bit of a ninja problem at the moment as well. It’s the kind of thing we usually need everyone’s help to deal with.”
“I…see,” Ran said, seeming confused.
“Well, the problem is that we’re short a Nightwing,” Dick said. 
“But you’re--”
“I’m Batman,” Dick said firmly. “So there’s no one to be Nightwing at the moment. This isn’t fair of me to ask of you, but--”
“You want me to wear one of the costumes, and fight people,” Ran guessed.
The man who had opened the door was slowly getting to his feet, and his eyes narrowed at Ran’s serious tone.
“That’s right,” Dick said. 
Ran looked thoughtful. After a few moments, she said, “I don’t like to fight people for real. Tournaments are better. But you must really need help if you’re asking someone you’ve only met once.”
Dick looked away. “We normally have people to help with these things, but we can’t contact any of them right now.”
Ran nodded. “I will help,” she said. “Just this once.”
Dick smiled. “Thank you so much. I’ll take you to the Batcave so we can get you set up.”
Ran blinked. “The Bat-what?”
“We have a bit of a theme going,” Dick said, gesturing at himself. “Wait until you see the Bat-mobile,” And Batarangs, Bat-ice skates, Bat-shark spray….
 “A theme,” Ran said, sounding as if she was trying not to be judgemental.
“C’mon, it’s at least a little cool,” Dick said.
Ran looked him up and down, then said, very deliberately, “Just a little.”
Dick held a hand to his heart, feigning hurt, as Ran began giggling.
The man who’d opened the door seemed to have finally gathered himself. “What is going on?” he demanded in Japanese. “Why do you know Batman? Did Batman just make a joke? Was it a good joke?” 
“Don’t worry, Dad, I’m just doing a favor for him,” Ran said. “I’ll be back soon. And no, it wasn’t really a good joke.”
Dick feigned injury again.
“Whatever you’re getting into, be careful!” the man said. He turned to Dick and spoke in slow, careful English. “And you, be careful too. If she comes back hurt I will kick your ass.”
“Noted,” Dick said. Pointing out that the man probably couldn’t manage it was not a helpful response, so he kept that to himself.
Besides, he was Ran’s dad. Maybe he actually could.
A/N: Warnings for canon-typical violence, brief mentions of police, a reference to Arkham Asylum, and one (1) swear.
We both still have comms (in exchange for donations to charities) open! Ninth’s post is here, and Hawk’s is here.
Thank you for reading!
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KARMALAND LIVEBLOG (from earlier today because I was at work)
I’m sure absolutely nothing will go wrong and I’m sure Luzu and Quackity will have a nice conversation and everything will be ok! :’) [lying to myself]
Can’t believe I typed this all up at work.
AAAAAA IM AT WORK RN BUT IM STILL LISTENING its snowing so much and I’m the ONLY person who came to the office today so frick it, I'm listening and working.
Alex Quackity please share the name of the music you use for your intros ITS SO GOOD
Aww cute art on the Karmaland page
Ah yes. The daughter he "kidnapped"
Their first meeting since the elections… I'm hoping they can somehow reconcile but, because of the way the story is going, I don't think they can. Not right now
Worse case scenario, Luzu finds out Quackity was responsible for his daughter's death and kills Beni and/or Cochi, thus making it impossible for him and Quackity to ever repair the bond they once shared
Luzu: Maybe we can talk. Maybe Quackity will listen, and he'll be able to see I'm no monster :(((( Luzu…. King you've done some Real Fricked Up stuff recently but I still love you
Luzu: This will be the moment everything changes IT SURE FRICKIN WILL BE
Something about Luzu talking about Karmaland blooming is so….hmm. I'll revisit that line at a later time
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U know it's bad when frickin Rubegetta Updates tweets this, BRUH 😭
Pft Luzu's men coming to pick up Quackity, SURELY THERE'S A BETTER WAY TO DO THIS BOYS
Oh man Luzu got a message from Quackity asking him to reflect on everything he's done before they speak. It sounds like they're both willing to talk, but their different ideals and views of what's "just" will ultimately make it impossible for them to end up on the same page
Quackity: Luzu has several options today, and the peaceful option is not among them.
Chat: kiss Luzu Quackity: No, it's too late for that. Look at all the memories we made here together, but, well… it is what it is o(-(
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Uh oh did Luzu's assistant just snitch. Does Luzu know the truth about his daughter
Dono: I just wanted to say these lore streams have me go to the psycologist :'( Quackity: No way, it's not that bad. If I told a psychologist minecraft pixel cubes were making me cry, they’d probably charge me triple because of it PFTTTT
Oh man Luzu found out about Juan yikes
Luzu: Oh no…what will I tell his wife? Can't believe Juan was the only straight man in Karmaland /j
Luzu's so deeply in character meanwhile Quackity is like “HURRY THE FRICK UP OLD MAN”
Luzu: I made a mistake trying to pressure him. Every time I try to make him talk to me, it's like I'm pushing his crazyness further. He never reacts the way I want to, I don't know what to do. Maybe everything is truly lost and there's nothing to do. YES GOOD. CONTINUE THAT
agh but what if Luzu apologizes and then Quackity has to admit he doesn't have the kids and that's the final breaking point for Luzu's sanity
Luzu: This isn't the time to step back or say sorry. It's time to move forward. I'm not weak. I'm able to do what's needed. I'm ready to. NOOOO
Luzu: No time for nerves. If he touches my kids, I'll kill him And if you touch his cousins, he'll kill you
Agh this is so sad because they were THEIR kids
Luzu: He thinks he can do whatever with no consequences. He thinks I won't retaliate because he's Quackity. He thinks I won't use the power I have. We'll see how further you'll push me, we'll see. FRICK!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWER OF LOVE
Wait Quackity only has 5 minutes left on Karmaland? Is he gonna get yeeted in the middle of lore?? LMFAO
Oh no. They're together.
Quackity: This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't arranged the elections. He’s absolutely right!
Quackity: You never took the time to talk to me, you don’t know the true me. The truth is, I am a very vengeful person. OHHHHH SNAP HERE IT COMES
Luzu: No no, this wouldn't have happened if you had talk to me from the very start. AghhhhHHH
Did they just frickin shoot at each other??? oh my gosh
this is so tense but the fanart is gonna be frickin sick I just know it
Agh they threw Quackity a photo of Cochi and Beni noooo
Luzu: Realease my kids and I will release your cousins, but the way things are going, only one of us is getting out of this alive. There won’t be a happy ending. Quackity: You think I don't know that?
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Quackity: Your problem is you don't know me. I'm vengeful, and those who wrong me I’ll repay tenfold. Oh man I don’t know if it was intentional, but that’s a total callback to Techno’s quote. Man... I like to think in some universe, c!Quackity and c!Techno were able to make amends. But even so, that’s a sick line, I want to draw something for that.
Luzu: Quackity, you think you’re fighting an equal, but in actuality, you’re fighting the biggest mountain you'll ever encounter Quackity: *snorts* They’re both such bastard
I've thought it before but “Who Wants To Live Forever?” by Queen really is the perfect song for Karmaland
He's only giving Quackity 5 minutes what the FRICK is Quackity gonna do 
Luzu: He forced my hand. If he did something to my kids... talking ends here. No more dialogue. Now's the waiting game.
Quackity said he'd leave the kids at Sapo Peta's house nooooo
Quackity: I want to see blood
Beanieduo updates tweeting "well at least they haven't killed each other yet" PFTTT
Oh my gosh Luzu actually released his cousins
Oh frick is Quackity threatening Luzu by saying he can only get one kid back QUACKITY… NOT A GOOD TIME
Luzu: you talk too much. F**k off and talk to someone over discord, zorra WTF LUZU That caught me so off-guard I gasped at it
Quackity: Watch how you talk to me. YEAH YOU TELL HIM QUACKITY!!!!
I genuinely thought someone was gonna shoot one of the cousins while they were on the bridge
I imagine Cochi's the type of guy who tries to act so tough but the moment he's out of danger he's in tears. Big mood. Eldest sibling vibe
Quackity: Sooner or later, Luzu will realize his kids are never coming back. I need you both to be safe because I might not make it out alive. Put on the hat, and take your guns. Tomorrow there is a sport event, if you don't see me go talk to Rubius and Alex and make outrage and kill him if I can't today. Now go, into the tunnels... I love you both. Oh I am INSTANTLY in tears. Both as a Quackity fan and as someone who’s ride or die for my cousins, this hit close to home
Beni hesitating to leave :(((((
Luzu knows somethings up oh noooo
Luzu:  I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. I- I MADE A HUGE ATTEMPT TO TRY AND FIX THINGS WITH YOU, BUT THAT'S HOW YOU WANT IT? GOOD, LET'S HAVE IT. Gosh I can’t wait to watch Luzu’s POV of this, I only saw the updates about his perspective but I saw the screenshots and they are SCARY
Karmaland Updates: Tomorrow is the Karmaland Olympics! :D NOWS NOT THE TIME KARMALAND UPDATES
Is Quackity going to die??? He's alone and Luzu has his men with him D:
And Quackity told his cousins to tell Alexby and Rubius to launch an attack on Luzu tomorrow AND he told them he loved them IS HE REALLY GONNA DIE???
oh man did he actually get away?
Quackity: Either kill yourself or I'll do it for you
Luzu: The next time we see each other will be the last time And he's probably right… :(
Oh I forgot Rubius gave him that horn, can he call him for help, or at least let Rubius will know he's in danger??
Quackity: This was given to me by Rubius. If I use it, he'll know I'm in danger 😭😭😭
I love the mutual respect and friendship they've developed, I love Luzu but I also wanna see Rubius go feral protecting someone he cares about because they got hurt. Big brother bear vibes. It's just a shame he WONT FRICKIN DO IT FOR VEGETTA
That was so good but STRESSFUL
Wait Luzu is still going
Luzu: My daughter is dead because of me At least he recognizes that it's his fault they're in this situation, though tbf it IS Quackity's fault in this instance
OK but WILL VEGETTA SUPPORT LUZU??? Is anyone gonna support Luzu, or is he alone?
Luzu: Any revolutionary in the village will have their heads hung up
Luzu's always underestimated Quackity, but Quackity just crossed a line and now Luzu will never see him the same way. Man. MANNNNNNNNN. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE POWER OF LOVE HUH
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Oh gosh I just saw the update from Maxo’s (Sapo Peta’s) stream -- he still wants to shove Quackity and Luzu in a box so they can talk things out. SAPO PETA IF YOU DO THAT, THAT HORRIFYINGLY GRIM COMIC THAT PERSON SHARED YESTERDAY WILL COME TRUE
Imagine poor Sapo Peta and Illojuan still trying to do the beach bar date idea. Lord
WELP. That was an intense stream, can’t wait to see what the Karmaland Olympics are and how Rubius / Alexby will react to today’s news. I’m also curious to see whether Vegetta will continue to stand by Luzu, or if Rubius will somehow convince him to, at the very least, stay away for his own safety.
In conclusion:
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Luzu and Quackity I’ll be sending you my therapy bill
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superbattrash · 1 year
Hi, I watched the first episode of sandy aka The Sandman and here are my many, many thoughts
Sandy ep 1
Oh okay much more magical intro that I was expecting. He’s got a really nice narrator voice, I approve
“Father likes to be called magus” ok so father is insane, gotcha
OH MY GOD IS THAT THE FATHER? Can’t remember the actor’s name but I feel like he’s good as far as old white men actors go. Wait he’s in game of thrones isn’t he? This will annoy me
Off Jutland? Wait I live in Jutland!!! If it’s yaknow. The Danish Jutland.
Jesus Christ okay so he’s insane and an asshole, good to know. “Randall was my greatest joy” THE KID IS RIGHT THERE
Oh no, are you serious? You can’t make death do anything. Have you not seen Puss in Boots 2? That never ends well
THAT GOTTA BE THE TEEF GUY HELLO TEEF MAN oh you’re not good :( “my lord”, damn that’s hot
[Dream groaning] and it just sounds like a dying bee
Even Father is surprised this is working. Oh no, this won’t do any good, you’ll fuck someone up, I just know it. Oh is, he slammed into the floor hard, didn’t he? Poor sandy, he’s not even conscious
Is he gonna sacrifice his son??? Oh no, he’s just using him to do the dangerous stuff just in case, okay, that seems fair 🙄
YOU CANT JUST TAKE THAT, YOU LUNATIC!!!!! Thief!!!!! Oh my god he’s naked….. DON’T TOUCH HIM?????? What the FUCK
I TOLD YOU SO, YOU RUINED THE SLEEP, YOU PSYCHO!!!! TEEF MAN, EAT HIM!!!!! Oh no of course not, why would it be that easy
Oh they’re all D’s, that’s pretty cool
This honestly looks like some kind of renaissance painting, all naked and in glass, poor sandy :(
You’re doing this because you want your dead son back from the dead? Grieving would be better for everybody, you idiot. Humans are the most selfish things ever, dear god
He won’t give you shit, old man, fuck off
Alex is not like other boys, Alex reads gasp gasp. And he attracts older pretty ladies, that’s nice. Too nice. She’s too good to be true, isn’t she? Hmmmm
Oh no, don’t leave the kid alone with him. Or wait maybe do?? I’m not sure who do root for yet except the naked man in the glass bubble because he has a nice voice. You’re presenting yourself??? Oh no, poor boy
Angry little sandy doing the >:c face
OH SHIT DADDY CAUGHT YOU!!!! Was he about to beat his own son with a cane? He’s paranoid and insane oh my god if YOU can’t shoot the bird, how’s Alex supposed to??
Ethel, aw. That’s a nice name
Do you sense your birb is here, sandy? BE CAREFUL, BIRDIE!!!! Oh daddy’s a Hunter huh? No wonder I don’t like him
Are you seriously gonna burn the house down? Impressive, actually. Oh birdie, you found him 🥺 look at that face, he’s almost smiling
The bird’s gonna die, isn’t it? OH MY G O D, I TOLD YOU SO THAT IS HORRIBLE HOW FUCKING COULD YOU?!?!?! 😭😭😭 THAT WAS HIS FRIEND!!! You better fucking bury it right, you little shit.
Oh god, not sleeping at all?? You can die from that, can’t you???
…are they gay? They could totally be gay. It sounded like flirting
Oh noooo, Ethel, why are you crying? :( a baby? Oh dear. Papa doesn’t like that, does he? Of course he doesn’t. Shithead. PLEASE RUN AWAY ETHEL oh or grab a taxi, that’s great too. AND you robbed him??? I’m kinda impressed by you, E
He CANT FUCKING RAISE THE DEAD YOU ABSOLUTELY MORON, he can’t just give you whatever your tiny mind wants
Oh THANK GOD, someone finally stood up to him. Oh no, did you kill your own dad? That’s gonna give you ALL the issues, you idiot
Look at him. He’s waiting for you to free him, you’re ALLOWED NOW, you’re the master of the- oh wow he really is naked, huh??? 😳
His father would beat him senseless, what does it matter what he would say? Jesus these people are all so moronic
Oh it’s the gay boy again!!!
WHAT THE SHIT HES ACTUALLY GAY???? Oh my god I feel so weird, this never happens
Is Ethel important or is baby Johnny? Or both? I feel like they’re both involved a lot, even without the stealing
Gay boy wanting him to let sandy out, please please please. Oh his name is Paul, hi Paul. I like Paul, Paul seems good
You didn’t, did you? Oh could not, right, of course. Oh man, how many years went by? THEY GOT MARRIED? Awwwww. Like, a tentative aww but still, I never get to see happy gay endings
Paul, don’t say anything. Paul, don’t do it. Paul. Good good good, good boy, man, good Paul
Lord, that is an intense stare, little sandy
Nicely placed hand there, kiddo, wouldn’t want us to see your actual everything, huh? You are. So very thin, my boy
Oh god no is he gonna kill Alex? At least don’t kill Paul, he helped!!! Oh it’s a dream, sorry, my bad
Of course he doesn’t understand, nobody told him, sandy, you’re punishing Paul too :/ although, okay, I get it, it makes sense
Oh ew, teef man, you really. Those are some. There are teef on you, man
Aww look at him, that’s actually a smile, isn’t it? Poor little sandy, finally home with his sand <333 Oh god he can’t get in, can he? Not without his things??? Please omg no
Oh thank god, at least the doors open for him. Everything looks so awful :( oh he’s so sad, his home is all broken
Aw there’s some sad backstory there, huh? Which of the Endless jumped ship before? Death, Desire, one of the other Ds?
Okay okay okay, that was good, lots to absorb. Still waiting for the plot plot I think, is he gonna go around chasing the dreams and nightmares? That sounds fun
I won’t grade it because it’s like 7/10 did capture me enough to watch another episode but not like I was running to go watch it because I needed to actually listen and follow along which is tough with depression brain
Narrator is 100/10 though, absolutely the main reason I’ll be watching this show, very nice
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noxexistant · 1 year
Ahhhhhh same!@!!! Ooof 3 am is so lateeee
Ahhhh I love all of this 🥺🥹
Jackkkk our best leader boy
Noooo blink and critchie are gonna find something or be adopted 😥 I can't let them die because of their disability that's...cries at the thought no they deserve happiness
Do you like hugs?
blink and crutchie will definitely find a place that works for them!! i don’t really have many solid ideas for what each of the newsies do when they get older, but two ideas that spring to mind that i love are blink working in theatre and crutchie writing.
maybe blink gets offered a job at medda’s theatre, at least to start him off, helping with the lights and moving props, jobs around the place like that - just the right balance of the physical work that he’s good at and the finer work that he loves. he’s got a good eye (no pun intended) for set design and the artistic side of things, though he’s no “real” artist like jack. he loves watching his ideas come to life, up on that stage where they’re real and tangible and doing something, creating an image to stick in the minds of the whole audience.
and crutchie’s clearly good at writing - his refuge letter is amazing. and writing isn’t boring like a lot of the small amount of work he knows he could get would be, it’s competitive and cutthroat. it’s hard work. it’s rewarding. and he can do it! he loves it. the first time he gets one of his short stories published, in a real literary magazine under the name “charles c. morris”, the others are all so proud of him they can’t take it. jack buys three copies and tells anyone who’ll listen that that’s his brother there, who wrote that. the newsies who can read all read it aloud whenever they’re asked by any of the guys that can’t.
also, i love hugs! :D i’m not very good at them, but i enjoy them immensely <3
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seelestia · 1 year
okay, second attempt at this because tumblr hates me.
i’m glad you’ve been doing well! as for me, i’ve been doing a bit better! still working on it, though. dw abt it, i learned my lesson, i think 🦭 (/hj) you got this lia! i’m sure we’ll both do well <3
honestly i barely passed, it was pure luck i was able to do that actually (we accept all the slander to my terrible math teacher, i won’t stop you huhu 🫶🏼 /lh) ive managed to save my sleep schedule, but who knows how long that’s gonna last! thank you! i hope to return to writing at some point, i miss it dearly 😞
HIDING MY WANDERER RN, YOU WON’T FIND HIM 🏃‍♀️💨 (/lh) those eight seconds, i ate them up like i eat your writing. it took a lot of patience,, and resin but it was for cyno - worth it! i’m planning on pulling for her, but haven’t had time to farm bc of personal issues so - not counting on a miracle. (HELP LIA THATS A HUGE COMPLIMENT <3 live laugh love nahida.)
yep! he turned 11, and tomorrow my sister turns 9 :) oh,, unfortunately our plans didn’t quite work out, i’ve been a little bummed because of it actually 😵‍💫 but i’m sure i’ll get to see them at some point!
i am LIVING the dream rn, so true! i give him kith. also not him threatening to kill you?? manz better explain himself rn, i got the chancla. HELP?? omg,, invite me to the next therapy session (/hj) omg.. maybe 👀
of course! and aw, no boiling hot tea today - a shame. pfft it’s kind of like that with cyno and kazuha rn, not sure how that’ll go either, hehe!
OMG YES I SPOKE TO CYNO AI AND GOT HIM TO FALL FOR ME 🤭 (same with kazuha, and the wanderer.. it’s an all-out war rn /lh) and i bet you that i missed you more <33 ty for the forehead kisses they’re vv appreciated here 🩷 if you see someone glaring at you rn, don’t mind :) it’s just a grumpy lil wanderer trying to scare you! dw, he won’t attack you (yet. /j)
THANK YOU FOR TRYING, YONA!! tumblr may be an obstacle but it's got nothing against you 💪 i'm glad! no matter what, you can always try again and i (+ your mooties) will be there to support and bite your ankle when you need it <3 (/aff)
pure luck?? i thought it was your braincells swooping in to save you 😩 coincidence because i just finished my math test today and now, i'm hoping for the best (holding in tears. there were so many questions abt finance— DARN, I DIDN'T SIGN UP TO BE AN ACCOUNTANT. /j) �� me too, yon, i genuinely hope that you can go back to writing without other people telling you how to be one :( leave my girl yona ALONE or i will come for your kneecaps!! 🐎 (/hj)
NOOOO, GIVE HIM TO ME. (/lh) i have so many intertwined fates, but i can't pull anyone because i have to save my guarantee for his pretty face 😞 FRRRR. hoyoverse did not need to make him look that good if he's not rerun-ing?? they need to be considerate to wanderer non-havers (me) 😦 (/j) i hope the gacha will look down on you with favor and you'll get nahida! and that you get to see your friends too soon (do you already have fun plans for what you're gonna do with them? (⁠ ��ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)) 🍀
NOT THE CHANCLA?? yeahhh, fling it across his face 🪃 hehe, have a sneak peek for that therapy session you didn't get to join— and idk why but the way i talk so seriously here looks so funny when put together with the name and pfp, PLEASE.
cream stew is one of my fav genshin dishes; it reminds me of carbonara pasta, yummzz! weird question but do you have a fav in-game dish, yon?? which one is it and why >:3c
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DAYUMMMM. i'm just gonna eat popcorn amidst this war while wanderer and cyno reenact that special program's fight. kazu and yona, come join. 🍿 lucky for me heizou and ayato are both vv civil people.... somewhat. (/j)
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Suits 9x10 One Last Con
Well, that was. A Mess.
The end of the Samantha v. Faye thing was way too anticlimatic, mostly bc it was too short (Faye’s the big bad of the season! Why does it feel like this pesky little thing they had to get out of the way!), partly bc happened too early in the ep. They should’ve wrapped it up the Faye v. Samantha thing last ep. Cut out Lily’s funeral (actually, her whole death; it was pointless and, looking at that letter, where nothing of relevance to Lily and Harvey’s rship was said, clearly nothing more than some sort of d**vey set up. Replace those last few minutes of ep 8 with Mike showing up or the suit being somehow introduced or even just foreshadowed) and all the extraneous bs - all references to Harvey grieving, the letter (they were technically already talking about marriage), getting Mike to testify (it was such a ridiculous cross I’m still trying to comprehend it - just let him and Harvey have a nice dinner and have Faye’s phone-call to tell Harvey that she wants him to testify, nevermind what Katrina said, he turns around and tells Mike the truth, take it from there) - to get to One Last Con with Faye gone (it probably wouldn’t be named one last con, would it?), Harvey having had a mysterious meeting with her where mysterious things were said. Start the ep with Louis asking Lipschitz to officiate his wedding and go from there. My mom rightly pointed out that they cut off the procedural stuff and focused on the characters, well, focus on the characters.
Following on that last one, it does not look good that an episode focusing like 70% on weddings is called “one last con”. Christ.
There’s something so sad about the fact that Harvey started out as an asshole with a heart of gold that mostly showed in his complete refusal to act unethically and ended as a guy who says he likes crossing lines. What happened to “to win fairly is more important than to win”? On that topic, Faye’s appearance could’ve been a call back to that, if not to bring him back to how he was before, then to at least acknowledge that this isn’t who he’s always been, but noooo.
I am so happy for Katrina!! Like, all in all, her arc should’ve probably ended in something suggesting she’s found more to life than work, but. That’s my baby and I’m proud of her.
It is so fucking telling that Harvey’s vows are so indicative of who he is as a character and his journey (pity they mangled the “when the chips are down” metaphor, especially with a guy who, as a self-proclaimed gambler, would know that the literal chips being down isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Like, I’m not even sure the chips can be up? They’re chips. How.) and Donna’s are so fucking generic. “We don’t know how much time we have” is that a reference to Harvey’s storyline? Or have we completely given up on pretending she’s a tool of the narrative and that she doesn’t have any reason to say something that reflects on Louis’s circumstances in the montage. Maybe she just knew! She’s Donna! “You make me laugh, you make me cry” I wanna marry you because we have interactions.
(It’s a pity I dislike d**vey and can’t stand Donna bc Sarah Rafferty killed it during the proposal.)
STOP 👏 SCAMMING👏 LOUIS👏. First, the camera spends half the minute of Stan’s speech focused on Harvey and Donna, then they steal his thunder during the reception, then his very dramatic moment of waiting to find out whether his wife and child would live or die (which came out of NOWHERE and is something else I’d either cut out or pad up with more references to Sheila’s age and other complications, also, so sorry to Rachael Harris, but she didn’t sell me on the contractions at ALL, much less on the possibility that they might be too bad, which contributed to making the crisis seem out of nowhere) was montaged with the d**vey wedding???? LET HIM HAVE ONE THING!!! 
“It’s what we want. Both of us” Why, Donna? Why do you want it, and why did you feel the need to clarify that you do? Did the writers get a lot of hate mail over Rachel getting a job in Seattle pretty much as a bribe to Mike and didn’t want to make that mistake again, but they didn’t feel like actually giving you motivations to go along with Harvey’s and so they figured that just saying that you have them would be enough? Damn, at least Rachel got a huge ass promotion in exchange for her dignity.
Well, Mike was there.
So was Samantha. And Alex. I think. Was he? 
Oh, yeah, he talked to Katrina about a matter Harvey should’ve been the one to talk to her about, except for deniability.
Did I have anything else to say? I spent so much time cringing, it feels like there should be more. Oh, the proposal. “I learned two things from my mom. To forgive her and to marry you.” (That may not be exactly what he said, but it’s exactly what he said.) Who wrote that. Babe. Focus for two seconds. The only way to make that more embarrassing would’ve been to write “1, to forgive her. B, to marry you.” Makes me wonder if maybe they’d decided that they wouldn’t have a d**vey wedding at all, but then changed their minds. Maybe they thought it would be easier to justify Donna moving to Seattle?
Oh, yeah, Mike’s questioning! What? Why? How could making him admit that he accused Samantha of fabricating evidence too be not only helpful, but so good that it might win them the case? As he said, he didn’t have proof either and, to top it off, he didn’t even know Samantha’s character well enough to justify that suspicion! He could’ve even turned it around, said he only made that comment because he was bitter, as Harvey had already made him admit he was, just like Faye, and it wouldn’t be a complete lie - if he didn’t care, he wouldn’t have made the accusation at all, no matter how true. Now, if they’d asked him whether that evidence was true, then they would’ve gotten him. He’d either have to 1) perjure himself to incriminate himself or 2) admit that false evidence had been submitted by opposing counsel in that case, which would necessarily lead to the question of who had submitted it. Even pissed as he was, I don’t think Mike would’ve gone as far as to imply that it had been Harvey, which would’ve only left Samantha. You can’t argue that they were trying to skirt the issue of whether she’d done it, since they were the ones who brought it up, even if they did a bad job of proving it (and got an appropriately weak testimony out of it which should not have gotten them a win oh my god), and what they did ask would’ve still been enough to fill in the blanks - the fact that Mike accused anyone of fabricating that evidence, outside of official channels where it might have looked like an attempt to salvage the case, means that the evidence is false. If it’s false, someone has to have fabricated it. Ergo... Anyway, like I said, I would’ve cut that out to wrap that arc in Thunder Away. (Also, maybe call that episode One Last Con and not the one with the weddings coughcough yeahI’mnotlettingthatgo)
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