#and they said nee so it was more like we're having fun!!
forcebookish · 5 months
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that's not what that means 🥲 i think they meant o-tanoshimi kudasai 🥲
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threepandas · 3 months
The Vod's List: Yandere Clones
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The Galaxy changes, thanks to spit.
It's not even the first time it's happened, in my peoples history. But it's... kinda weird it happend? Twice? The FIRST time we actually PLANNED for it to happen. It was biological warfare. But this? This was just an accident. One that could have KILLED somebody.
Cause, see, the Techganic people? Are... well to put it lightly, we are the result of centuries of an ideological and spiritual holy war, that nearly tore our plant apart. The two sides don't really "talk" to each other any more. Or... you know... ACKNOWLEDGE the other.
They are waiting for the other to "inevitably die off, due to their own hubris".
Yeeeeeah. Fun times. You can see why I wanted OFF that dirtball.
At least on other planets? The politics aren't PERSONAL... is what I naively thought. Forgot about empathy! You know, like an idiot! Kark. Where was I? Right! Galaxy, changed, spit. Okay, sooo... here's the thing? My family was part of the bloody bone-sucking Holy Naturalist Empire. (Translated to Basic, the word "Naturalist" has more of a specific to the body? Meaning? Not so much "nature of the world" as "nature of the Self" you know? And in THIS case, the word they are using for "holy" in ancient means less strictly "divine" and more "pure like the divine"? It's Complicated.)
And the Progress Collective was ORIGINALLY this whole project, supposedly, that got WAY out of hand, became a cult, then a religion, and tore the planet apart? It was a technological hive mind that want to "perfect" the planet to a "higher state of being". And then extend its reachs to the stars.
We held the karking LINE. Died in legions. Refusing to give our bodies to be made machines. Droids and puppets. Refused to give our freedoms, our homes, our planet. Any of it. But it was at the cost of our original bodies. The only way to truely fight BACK? Was to become... poison.
The Jedi who eventually came, some how FEELING our distress, dispite the blockade the Collective created on the interplanetary transmitters? Our planet's holonet connection? Said that the creator of Our Salvation was guided by the Force. None of us could really argue. The Salvation treatment was madness. A machine so ahead of it's time, we STILL aren't sure how it works, just that it DOES.
We had a choice.
It was no choice at all.
And now? NOW? Kriffing CENTURIES later? I am STILL a biological weapon! Not do much to non-human adjacent races, but anyone human or human modified? Human descended? Kriff, even a few humanoids! If they're CLOSE enough!
I have to take neutralizers if I plan to be swapping any sort of bodily fluids with ANY race that isn't on the "verified Safe" list. For MONTHS. So it can build up in my system properly. And the side effects? Ugh. Stars and Bone, is it AWFUL! Like I GET why people do it. You love who you love. But the nausea! All those meds just to counter the side effects of other side effects!
It made me kinda glad to be single. Stars, poor cousin Tango.
Of course, I AM responsible. I always carry a FULL kit of emergency neutralizers with me. Just in case, Bones and Blood forbid it, the worst should occur. I have some for accidental blood mixing, some for plasma, a couple for bile, and the majority of the rest? Saliva. The most common accident reported. My kit even has an emergency medical guide on a lil piece of flimsy, on the inside lid!
...I feel like I'm getting distracted agai- OH! Right!!
I work in the senate building, now! Astral, right?! Center of the GALAXY! First step to making a DIFFERENCE! Granted, I am basicly the assistant nobody of no one... but STILL! It's a start! I'm ON Coruscant! That's more then most people can say! I go to work passing THE jedi temple each day! You can see them coming and going from your airspeeder!
Unfortunately? Rent is BRUTAL. I live in a glorified closet with barely a bunk and a sonic shower to my name. Not even a proper 'fresher! It's not like we're traveling. Or my species needs to avoid water! No, I literally just CAN'T AFFORD IT! And if you saw the prices? Droids be carting you off to the medcenter before you know it! Where do they GET their water? The outer rim?! Do they deliver it by HAND?!
.....I haven't had my Caf. Ignore me. I just miss feeling proper CLEAN. Sonic showers just... I know it's a psychological thing, but it doesn't FEEL as clean, you know? I am pouting. Pouty me. Unhappy.
Wait... what time is i- OH KARK!!!
See, on Coruscant there is no real "beating" the traffic. But there ARE certain steps you can take to cut travel time. Like making sure you're on the Senatorial speeder. It has right of way and is pretty comfy. And? If I get ON it early enough? Blend in with the walls? I not only can't get kicked off by some plasbone slimeball of a "I think I'm better then you" senator's aid... but they'll run their mouths!
I have learned SO MUCH that way~!
Unfortunately for me? The Caf merchant was REALLY popular today. So dignified I am NOT.
"Hold the 'LIFT!"
It more a desperate plea then an order, but two seperate armored hands immediately reach out and stop the turbolift's doors from closing. Out of breath behind my Goverments mandated mouth gaurd, I struggle to catch my breath as I finally make it. The kriffing thing makes running almost impossible. It makes most things karking near impossible.
"Tha... thank! You!" I manage to pant, trying not to double over. I am a bit light headed. It's hard to remember what I'm supposed to do when I'm like this. "Kriff! I hate running. Can.. never breathe! Afterwards!"
The lift is full of Coruscant gaurds, their mysterious gazes presumably locked onto me. I could only assume, given how their helmets were turned towards me, but ultimately it was impossible to tell. The gaurd standing next to me was more heavily painted then the others. I still couldn't for the life of me figure out what the marks MEANT. Rank maybe?
"Should we be requesting a medical droid?" Came the mechanized voice of... I was fairly sure the one to my left? I turned to address the one I was preeeeetty sure had spoken. It was a small, echo-y lift.
"No, no. It's just the mask. Makes it kinda hard to breathe. Gover-"
I never got to finish explaining. Just as we reach the Speeder platform. As the doors began to open. An explosion ripped the world apart. The very mask I disliked so much, likely saving my lower jaw from being ripped completely off. The turbolift slammed back, crashing, durasteel screeching as supports ripped apart and gave way.
Rapid fire, more explosions. The Gaurd next to me grabbed me, tucked me tight as they braced. Away from the exit. As.. the world... slowly LEANED.
All I could do was stare, terrified, down at the sheer drop of the now frantic Coruscant traffic below. Commuters desperately trying to avoid falling debris. I could hear alarms. The transparasteel below my face cracked.
The 'lift had leaned. MORE then leaned. It was half unmoored. Hanging out into open air. I clung to the gaurd that held me, my caf dropped long ago, now seeping like dark blood through the cracks to drip... drip... drip... out into that terrible drop.
I.. I couldn't breath. My heart was pounding. Too fast. Too hard. Oh Stars that take us in the End, oh Bones and Blood, that we are! C-can't BREATHE! I managed to make a hand unseize. Rip the glorified muzzle from my face, so I could suck in air. I was drooling. Like a mad hunt beast. A panic response, I remembered distantly.
So far down. Oh Stars. We were going to fall so far down!
A creak. A snap. We jerked and swung downwards. I think... I think I sobbed. Pressed as tight as I could make myself to the red heavy gaurd. He was sturdy. Hold strong. I could hear the other gaurds working quickly and in tandem behind me. But... but I was frozen. Useless. N..nothing but dead weight.
I must have started babbling. Apologizing. Because the helmet near my head turned slightly, the arm around my waist tightened just a bit.
"You have nothing to apologize for ma'am. We were trained for this. Made for this. Not you. You're going to be just fine, all right? We'll get you out of here. Just stay calm and try not to move."
We are almost out. Almost free. When the next attack hits. The cheap duracrete crumbles and we DROP. Gravity releasing us for a few, brief, and terrifying moments.
I do not face them with dignity. I am terrified. A fractured, strangled, scream trying to rip its way free of me. Fear too great to let it. Some stars blessed 'Lift cord catches, arresting our fall violently. We slam into the side of the building the Senatorial Speeder pad is on. Throwing gaurds around the lift pod. Smashing us all together.
The man holding me has his helmet knocked off in a violent bounce that leaves his jaw sporting a shallow but painful looking scrape from someone's boot. Two panes of the transparensteel are just... GONE. Howling wind a deadly reminder of what waits below, should anyone fall through those holes.
"Hammer, Tricks! Get those doors open NOW! I don't care if you have to BLAST them open! We are running out of time and I'd prefer not to learn what the low levels taste like at SPEED." Growled a commanding voice in my ear. Then the voice turn reassuring. "We got you. You're not dying here. We're getting out, okay? Just hold on."
I managed to nod. Drool had long ago overwhelmed my mouth, now painting my chin, smearing everywhere. A mess. It mixed with my tears and some part of me was screaming. Dangerous, dangerous! But... but all I could see was that DROP. Gonna fall. Oh Stars, gonna fall! Please. Scared. Don't let go!
I pressed closer. Ignorant of the way my drool wet cheek pressed against the still bleeding wound on his his face. Ignorant of how I was doing the ONE THING I had been warned time and time again to NEVER EVER do.
The turbolift door gave a screeching clunk as they were force out of place. Toppling away. The gaurds ignored it, immediately getting into action. There was a patrol speeder clearly waiting to get into position. One by one the jumped into it. Careful not to destabilize the already precarious lift any further.
Finally it was our turn. And? With a gut turning drop as I was carried down? We were safe. The Speeder immediately making room. I cried. Clung. It took me entirely too long to remember that something might be amiss. It was only when the gaurd I was clinging to stumbled. Admitted to a "bit" of a headache. That everything came crashing back.
Like ice water to the soul.
Oh Stars! What have I DONE!?
I scramble for my neutralizers. The full anti-spectrum kit. Oh Stars! It's in his BLOOD! I stared in horror at the damning sheen of my own spit against his cheek, my hands shaking, trying to rip open the pack. A medic takes it from me. Opens it for me and reads the flimsy guide in side. Curses.
There is no way to REALLY know who was exposed to me. So everyone has to go to the medcenter. Immediately. Get emergency shots just in case. Then follow up with medical droids for a couple weeks afterwards. BARE MINIMUM.
Why? Because my spit carries organic nanites. They hunt and DESTROY anything they deem "non-native" to the body... as defined by MY species. They ignore obviously alien races but human adjacent ones? They were DESIGNED to destroy augmented humans. "Purge" them of their enhancements. They can't tell they difference. Alien humanoid? Augmented Techganic? Same thing, right?!
Without the neutralizers? The nanites will RIP PEOPLES BODIES APART. And even WITH them? All it does is soft reset them to whatever current race their in. They still cause massive problems and medical trauma as they go about "fixing" any perceived damaged. Like, you know, medical devices. Or shrapnel.
They are meant to break and cannibalize what they can. Fix indiscriminately. If it causes YOU unimaginable agony? So be it. At least you will be "whole". Die Technoganic. Pure. The pain has KILLED people. The nanites? Dumb enough to attack VITAL STSTEMS they deem "wrong". Killing their hosts before they themselves can FIX anything. They were a WEAPON. And... and I infected an innocent man.
I am a monster.
All I can do, is apologize. Again and again and again. Stare in horror, into the eyes of the man who SAVED me, and know that I returned the favor by poisoning him horribly. If there was room? I would grovel. This is... this is unforgivable.
He grimaced past the building headache. Pats my shoulder.
The worst part is... is no one is blaming me.
T-they SHOULD be...
The hand on my shoulder spasms, grip turning crushing as my savior's body violently seizes. His hands shoot to his head, limbs twitching and lashing. Blood trickles from his nose. Eyes shut tight against some terrible pain. They've GIVEN him the shot! It should be countering the nanites! The only reason he should be in this much pain would be if there was something lodged in his brain!
All at once... like a doll with his string cut... he relaxes. Just in time for us to arrive at the Medcenter. They try to usher me away from the gaurds. Push them off towards some "take care of it yourself" corner of nowhere.
I throw a FIT. Loudly.
I am prepared to sit on the floor and scream and cry like a youngling, and it must SHOW, because they hurriedly rush us along. People GET their kriffing bacta. Their technoganic poisoning shots. Yes, I had to harrass the nurses it digging the shots out of storage. NO it couldn't KARKING WAIT!
I learned my saviors name was "Fox". That he's actually stationed in the same building as where I work. The Senate.
Thankfully? "I got BOMBED" is a valid excuse not to show up to work. I was allowed to head home. Fox even escorted me. Showed me where the Gaurds all get their off duty meals. Pretty spicy! But good! I don't really notice how clear headed Fox seems. Surely he always was, right? I can't have CHANGED anything, right?
I don't notice him bracing for headaches that never come. Having thoughts that don't slip away. Seeing the world and for once... REALLY seeing it. Being about to trace all the changes back to one person. The smiling, laughing, soul who NEEDED him so much.
He...he was MADE to be needed. To serve and protect. But does everyone DESERVE his service?
Huh... a strange new thought, that one.
But THIS one... this one might make The List. He really hopes she does. Nodding to a passing vod, his eyes drift back to her. She was warm. Stands as a rare bit of bright in Coruscant's filthy everything. He'd... He'd really like to keep her. Feels too soon, but it's true.
Everyone else have their generals. What do the Gaurds have?
Maybe this? Might be nice.
He hopes she makes the List.
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sunshine-overload · 7 months
[BSTS] Valentine’s Day 2024 ‘Ask Yourself’ Event Story
all chapters!
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Chapter 1
-rehearsal room-
saki: Hello everyone.
mizuki: Yo, we've been waitin' for you, Saki. Now everyone is here.
lico: And so? What did you call us here for?
mizuki: Because the next show is gonna be us, obviously!
lico: Really? But next is the Valentine's Day show, isn't it?
hinata: A team B solo show? Woohoo!
kongou: We performed for White Day last year, so this year we're doing Valentine's?
ran: Oo! I'm lookin' forward to what kinda song Heath comes up with.
saki: I'm sure your Valentine's show will be a blast.
mizuki: Of course. We're gonna go all out an—
lico: Stop right there.
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mizuki: Huh?
lico: I'm not letting this show end up like how White Day did last year. Women hold Valentine's Day in high regard, it's a special event for them, so there'll be no violence.
mizuki: What's your problem?
ran: C’mon, how about we hear Lico out? His idea might be just as excitin'!
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Fine, what do you wanna do?
lico: Keep it simple obviously. A traditional Valentine's Day.
mizuki: Huuh?
lico: We'll put on a show that makes our feelings clear to all the ladies in the audience. Valentine's is the day of love after all. Right, Kotori-chan? You want to receive my love too don't you?
saki: Y-your love?
mizuki: Christ Lico, everything you just said is gross as hell. Besides there's no way we're gonna do some sappy shit like that anyways.
lico: Tch...
heath: ...Why not?
mizuki: Huh? I ain't putting on some show that looks like K or P's.
heath: I promise it'll still be a B show at its core. I won't waver. So let's do it, a 'Traditional Valentine's Day' overflowing with B's flair.
mizuki: B's flair you say... Well that's fine then. Let's show em who's boss.
lico: Wait, actually?
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mizuki: What, you're the one you suggested it.
lico: Yes but... No, nevermind.
ran: Sounds like its gonna be another fun B performance. Speakin' of, I have an idea of what to do for our special activity durin’ the event!
Chapter 2
-rehearsal room-
ran: Since it's a special show we should have a special activity too! So how about the guests make chocolate with us? Kongou's on our team yeah? So food related things are B's forte!
lico: How come you actually just said a normal idea right now? But, we can't be making the guests cook, right?
kongou: Having them make chocolate with us would be difficult, but decorating would be possible. For example, we can prepare chocolate cupcakes and decorate them with the customers. How does that sound?
ran: Ooh, that sounds fun!
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hinata: What kind of toppings will there be? Can I make some suggestions too?
kongou: Sure. We can brainstorm what would be good toppings to provide. If there's a larger variety I'm sure it'll be more fun.
hinata: Yay! Ok then umm, I'd like fruits, cream, cookies and marshmallows...
lico: We can't fit that many more extra tables in the restaurant. Well, whatever, how about we let the guests choose their toppings when they order? Then we can bring the stuff to their table and decorate the cupcakes there with them.
mizuki: What the fuck do we need to do all that for?
ran: What!? Ya don't think it sounds fun, Mizuki? What do ya think of my idea, Nee-chan?
saki: I think its great.
ran: Hell yeah, then it's decided! Ain't it fine, Mizuki?
mizuki: Fine...
lico: Huh? Seriously what's going on today? Everything is going so smoothly.
mizuki: Oh shut up, do you wanna do this shit or not?
lico: Well yes it's fine for now. Make sure you look forward to Valentine's, Kotori-chan.
-time pass, behind starless, day-
hinata (on phone): Hello? Hey listen to this! Valentine's Day is going to be a B solo performance! I wonder what it's going to be like~ I'm so hyped! Since I messed up last time I want to make sure I properly help out this time.
hinata (on phone): I can do it, I told you this already! I want to see my dream come true at this store. Ah crap, I forgot I need to call Iwa-san after this.
hinata (on phone): No he's been really mean to me~ Despite never even dropping by the store he keeps asking me to give him reports on what's going on... Yeah that's true, I know. I'll call you again soon then!
-hangs up-
hinata: Aah~! I really can't wait to see B's show~!
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Chapter 3 
-shopping centre-
hinata: I'm so excited to be here shopping with you all~!
lico: Sigh... Why'd we have to bring the whole family shopping.
kongou: Because I'd like to have a nice variety of toppings. You being here is a big help, Lico. We all went shopping like this for White Day last year too didn't we? And before that...
heath: We also went shopping for New Year's and Halloween.
kongou: Yeah. It's like it's become tradition for us to go out as a group for our seasonal performances.
mizuki: Oi, where's the meat section at?
ran: They're doin' taste tests of fried stuff over there!
lico: Hold up, what does meat have to do with anything? We're here to get toppings to put on top of cupcakes with our fans... Jeez, oh, these are cute.
kongou: How about we get them? Though, if they were a little smaller they would be easier to put on a cupcake.
lico: Hmm.
heath: I found something we can use so I'm putting it in the trolley.
kongou: Sure, thanks.
mizuki: Oi Kongou, you're just buying sweet shit, candy ain't gonna fill anyones stomach.
kongou: Well of course it's all sweet. There's going to be special Valentine's menu items.
mizuki: Tch, pain in the ass. Then you shoulda just come shopping on your own.
kongou: Well that may be true...
lico: You're the one who wanted to tag along in the first place, Mizuki. Instead of complaining how about you pick out some toppings too?
mizuki: Oh, they're doing taste tests over there!
-mizuki runs off-
hinata: What, meat!?
-hinata runs after him-
ran: Guess it can't be helped. I gotta go make sure Mizuki doesn't eat too much!
-ran runs after them-
lico: He says yet he just wants to eat the meat too... It always ends up like this, that lot really are just a bunch of damn kids.
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heath: ...This outcome was predictable.
kongou: Oh well, let's pick out the toppings ourselves.
Chapter 4
-street, day-
ran: Alrighty, all the additional shoppin' should be done now.
-phone rings-
ran: Hm?
ran (on phone): Heya, it's me. Yeah, I'm on my way back now.
ran (on phone): Ooh, so somethin' finally came up. Yeah, be there in a moment.
-alleyway, day-
underling: Good work out there.
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ran: Man~ And here I was lookin' forward to participatin’ in the cupcake trial after finishin’ my errands.
underling: My bad, bro.
ran: I’m jokin' don't worry bout it. And so? What happened?
underling: Well...
-thug explains situation to ran-
ran: I see...
underling: Yeah. There's evidence of them being drowned, however any info about who they were working for has been scrubbed clean. 
ran: Hmm. That's not a good sign.
underling: Um, bro... Looking into this any further is dangerous. Please hear me out, I suggest you come back already.
ran: What? What happened for ya to say somethin' like that?
underling: Well, I received a message from the boss... He said that if you're going to keep doing whatever you want, then he'll have to remind you of your place. So let's give up on this already! We can't have you losing face before you become the head.
ran: Dummy. I can't back down now.
underling: But...!
ran: I started this. If I don't see it through to the end then I can't take responsibility for it. Even as things are now, I'm still able to properly assess the situation. Tell my old man that I know what I'm doin'.
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(tl note: if you’re confused about who drowned check the xmas story chapter 4)
Chapter 5
-street, day-
saki: (Hm? Is that Ran-san over there? I wonder if he's on his way to Starless.)
-saki walks over to him-
saki: Hello, Ran-san.
ran: The fuck ya want?
saki: Woah...
-ran realises who it is-
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ran: Oh! My bad, it was just you Nee-chan! I was just a little on edge.
saki: .....
saki: Did something happen?
ran: It's nothin' ya need to worry about. Sorry for scaring ya. Oh right! As an apology let me invite ya to the Valentine's trial event! We're gonna be testin' out all sorts of toppings, sounds fun right?
saki: Sure, If I wouldn't be interfering.
ran: Of course ya wouldn't be, we'd love to hear your opinions too!
saki: Yes.
ran: I was actually just out doin' some extra shoppin'. I got some chocolate pens and chocolate sprinkles, stuff like that. See?
saki: Wow... You sure bought a lot.
ran: Uwah!
saki: W-what's the matter?
ran: Lico told me to buy some dried fruits! I forgot~ I gotta head back to the shops. Sorry, ya should come with me, Nee-chan! 
-ran grabs saki’s hand-
saki: Wah.
ran: Hm? What's up?
saki: Your hand is ice cold, Ran-san...
ran: ...Oh, you’re right.
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saki: Are you ok? If you're not feeling well then...
ran: Ahaha, sorry that must've surprised ya. It's super cold today that's all! Your hand is nice and warm though. Could I keep holdin' it like this?
saki: I don't mind...
ran: Yay! Then let's get goin'! Once our Valentine’s show begins, let's make some chocolate together, ok?
Chapter 6
saki: Good work on the show everyone, it was lots of fun.
ran: Ooh Nee-chan! Thanks for comin' to greet us~ We really put on a great show didn't we!
mizuki: Did you see that, Saki? B's the best ain't we?
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lico: As always.
heath: But we really did put on an exciting show.
lico: I suppose. I feel like I was properly able to convey my feelings to our fans this year.
kongou: It was our opening show though, so it was a bit nerve wracking. It looks like a lot of guests ordered the cupcakes too, I'm glad.
ran: Well it was my idea after all, of course it's successful!
lico: Even though it was basically only Kongou and I that selected the toppings. What about you, Kotori-chan? Did you enjoy decorating your cupcake?
saki: Yes, I loved it. There were so many toppings to choose from, I'm already wondering how I'll decorate the next one.
lico: Right?
mizuki: Shut up, quit looking at her all mushy like that. Though, the cake didn't taste that bad I guess.
lico: You just let the guests do all the decorating, didn't you?
mizuki: Excuse me? I supervised.
kongou: Well, as long as the guests are pleased that's what's most important.
-hinata appears-
hinata: Good job everybody! Today's show was amazing, it was the best! B are the coolest ever!
mizuki: Of course.
hinata: Man, I wanted to tell you what I thought the moment you got off the stage~
saki: Did something happen?
hinata: Well y'see, there were just so many chocolate cupcake orders that I had to deal with, so I got here a little late.
kongou: I'm thankful.
ran: If it's that popular we'll surely get a bonus, right!
Chapter 7
-behind starless, night-
heath (on phone): Hello. I'm done for today. Thank you again.
heath (on phone): This much is nothing, I'm fine.
heath (on phone): That has nothing to do with this. They're all songs that I've created up until now using my own words. And that will not change.
heath (on phone): Yeah, see you.
-heath hangs up-
-ginsei walks up-
ginsei: Good work today, Heath. Could I speak with you a moment? Or wait, are you heading home?
heath: What is it?
ginsei: The script for your show was great. You handle all the script preparations yourself, right?
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heath: Yeah, I do.
ginsei: The vibe of each of your shows has changed multiple times. Like with 'Idaten' and 'No Longer Human' for example... 'No Longer Human' especially portrayed a more sensitive side... It had charm and was interesting to watch.
heath: ...Thanks.
ginsei: And so I wanted to ask, was that—
heath: Is that all? I'd like to go home now. See you.
ginsei: Ah, wait.
-heath leaves-
ginsei: What’s up with him...
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-outside shrine, night-
heath: Me... And B's songs... No, not yet…
(tl note: Heath’s dialogue is extremely vague here idk what he’s talking about either hdjsj)
Chapter 8 
saki: Congratulations on the closing show, everyone.
lico: Thanks for watching, Kotori-chan.
mizuki: Hey Saki, we put on another kickass show didn't we?
saki: Yes, it was amazing. Thank you for the wonderful Valentine's gift.
mizuki: Nice!
heath: I'm glad my feelings were conveyed.
saki: You too Kongou-san, good work.
kongou: Thanks. It was a bit hectic but I'm glad we got to the closing show without incident. It may have been due to how busy we were, but Hinata behaved himself too, unlike during the Christmas show. I'm glad to see he's reflected on his actions.
ran: Nee-chan! Did you enjoy our Valentine's gift?
saki: Yes, it was really fun.
ran: I'm glad. I still have so much further to go. If you think this is our limit then you're sorely mistaken.
saki: Hm?
ran: Ya think so too right? That Ran-chan's capable of way more.
saki: Y-yes. But your show tonight was already wonderful.
ran: Thanks! It's because of ya support that we were so fired up for the closin’ show. It's Valentine's, so I'm glad we could repay your kindness!
mizuki: Huh? Valentine's has got nothing to do with it. Whenever it is and whoever it is, once we've accepted it, B will pay it back in full.
ran: Hahah, true! No matter if its a debt or a grudge. Well anyways, Nee-chan! Make sure ya keep supportin’ us lots and lots!
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ageless-aislynn · 8 months
I so dearly wish I could GIF these first 2 season 2 Halo eps but in lieu of that, have my random jumble of thoughts:
SPOILERS, NATURALLY (or spoolrrs since Ais and touch typing on her tablet go together like an Elite and singing karaoke 😋)
Ackerson is deffo evil because he said "ONI" properly one time then spelled it out all the rest. My dudes, the classic Halo: Reach level is NOT "Oh En Eye Sword Base" it is "Oh Nee Sword Base." Enough said. If I saw nothing else from him in these eps, I'd know he was eeevil. 🤷😉
Kai let the red grow out/wash out of her hair. I'm conflicted but she's still mah beautiful bb grl.
Pelletless Vannak was so fun and I approve of his animal documentary obsession, lol!
Sweet mother of pearl, Riz sold me on how much pain she was in, poor bb. 😭 I liked Louis and hope he'll be around in further eps.
I paused the second ep towards the end as soon as Chief said Visegrad relay to blurt out "The Covenant is on Reach!" And then Chief said the line, eee! (I love all Halo games but Reach is my jaaaam, man. 😉 )
Okay, I loved seeing the marines interact with the Spartans and that dinner with Chief and Perez and her family hit a few surefire tropes that had me kicking my feet and squeeing with heart eyes. Of course, I ship it, need you even ask? Ya girl's a fool for love, lol! But again, it was fascinating to see Chief out of his Mjolnir, interacting with Perez and her family. "You're very large." "Yes, ma'am." Which may not be exactly correct but that was the gist and I looooved it!
John and his Cortana stand-in hit me HARD in the feels. 😭
The fact that Ackerson has Cortana in her stunted form locked up in the basement made me raaaaage. I wonder if we're not going to get s1 Cortana back and this will essentially be the Weapon? Could be why they changed her face/appearance, I guess? Her appearance obviously changes through all of the games, true, but I have to say I currently prefer her s1 look more. I'm sure I'll get used to it, though. I want her to remember John, however, so when they meet again, it's a proper reunion. I wonder if they're going to have her be in his helmet ala the game version now or will they make it so that she has to be put back in his head to stabilize him or something? 🤔
I don't know how Makee survived but I can't wait to see how it works out!
I was so happy to see a new Spartan team in Cobalt but their ribbing of Silver, especially saying they have feeeeeelings now and all that didn't make sense to me because THEY were showing waaay more emotion, IMO. I mean, are they not Spartan IIs with emotion dampening pellets themselves or did I miss something?
I get why Chief was pushing Riz so hard because of his fear Silver wouldn't be ready for the upcoming fight but DANG, Chief, she's not going to be great in a fight if she's dead! 💀
One day, I will GIF all of the shirtless scenes. *fist thump* 😇
Lastly, they got the rights to THE THEME, YEAHHHHH, BABY!!!
Okay, enough for now from me. What did you think? Fav moments, ??? moments or the like? 💖💖💖
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xxlady-lunaxx · 10 months
I'm just like you, Nee-san! | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Angst mostly I think
Note: Slightly gore-y at the beginning but the descriptions aren't explicit so dw :33 If I could handle it than it's prolly fine!! (I hate gore sm!! Can't stand it yet I write it sometimes)
Major spoilers!! DKT! 
The picture makes Giyuu look so majestic (i mean he already is but even more so yk)
Giyuu's eyes sparkled as he watched Tsutako smooth out her dress.
"Nee-San! Nee-San, I'm going to be like you!" he said giddly. "I'm going to grow up like you and be really nice! And then—and then I'm going to find a boyfriend and marry him!"
"Oh really?" Tsutako teased. "A boyfriend?"
Giyuu nodded, then paused. "Should I have... a girlfriend?" he wondered. 
Tsutako shook her head. "Either one will be fit to you! I'm sure girls and boys would be falling on their knees for such an adorable Giyuu," she said, laughing. 
Giyuu smiled bashfully. "Well... more so for you, Nee-San!" 
Tsutako knelt down and hugged him. "You're the best person in the world, Giyuu."
He flushed. Tsutako complimented him ceaselessly but he always was unsure how to take them, embarrassed. "You!!" he shot back. 
She pulled away and booped his nose. "I'm sure you'll be an amazing person, 'Yuu. You already are so wonderful." 
Giyuu smiled brightly. "Can I help you pick out more flowers for your wedding?"
"That's so random!" she laughed. "But alright, why don't we go out tonight? The moon will be beautiful."
He nodded. "Okay!"
Tsutako held his hand tightly as they made their way back home. They'd been out longer than she had anticipated and she wanted them home soon given that her wedding would be tomorrow and she didn't want them both tired.
They entered the house and she had a strange feeling that something was off.
The door hadn't been locked.
Hurridly, Tsutako whispered, "Giyuu, go to our room and hide. We're going to uh.. surprise our visitor! Okay? Here, take the flowers. I'll be right there."
Giyuu nodded, confused but obeying, for he trusted Tsutako with his life. He hid under the bed, thinking that they would jump out on her fiancé (whom he assumed was the 'visitor') and scare him for fun. They often played around like this before and Giyuu loved amusing himself with these antics.
He heard Tsutako saying something from the room over as he slipped under the blankets of the futon and made himself appear to be a pile of pillows.
He heard her scream and at first mistakened it for one of surprise because she hadn't hid in time, but then he heard a note of panic in it. The door opened ever so slightly and Giyuu peeked out, confused. He looked right as a fast-moving figure slammed his sister against the wall.
Tsutako screamed again, pain lacing her voice and cracking it to pieces. Blood spilled out of her and Giyuu barely stopped himself from shouting out. He shut his eyes tight as the other figure beat her to death. Giyuu shook under the blanket, pale and terrified.
The figure left, then, and Giyuu waited a few minute in complete silence except for the light dripping of blood. When he was sure the other person was gone, the young boy stood and rushed out.
All the blood drained from his face as he saw his sister, not even recognizable, plastered all over the room. Some of her limbs were missing and blood painted the walls a deep, terrifying red.
Giyuu let out a choked sob and fell to his knees weakly. Why... Why had this happened... 
He didn't know what happened after that. He vaguely remembered someone coming by to see what was all this noise. He thought it was Tsutako's fiancé but he couldn't bring himself to think about her. He thought that perhaps something had happened and he'd explained everything but he only knew that now everyone was shouting at him, calling him dislusional and stupid. 
Giyuu found himself in a house he recognised but didn't know how to place it. Then he heard a voice calling his name. A familiar one.
"Giyuu!" the voice said. "Come here, you need to eat."
Not wanting to eat but knowing it was impolite to not respond, Giyuu stumbled towards the voice and into the room. A man stood there. He looked kind and sad. Familiar.
"Who are you?" Giyuu mumbled. He realized he didn't want to know the answer, though. But why?"
"Uhm.." The man looked confused for a second, then his expression softened in a bit of realization. Giyuu was going through a hard time, it was only normal for him to be a bit weary of everyone. "Your sister's fian-" 
Before he could finish, Giyuu's eyes snapped open and he turned abruptly and ran off, not wanting him to finish. He didn't want to be near this man. He didn't like it. This man had something to do with her. He would only make it worse, he would make him remember.
Giyuu ran for a long time, he didn't know how long or how far. He stopped only to take a breath, his legs weak with exhaustion. He breathed quickly, trying to calm his heart, and he panted pitifully. He sunk down into a crouch and looked around, resting his elbows on his knees to give him more balance.
To his relief, he didn't recognise this place. It must've been far from... there. Anywhere he knew would only bring back painful memories.
Giyuu sat back onto the grass and closed his eyes, leaning back. He would stay here for some time. 
And he did.
He fell asleep.
When he woke up the sky was already darkening and there was a person standing above him. Someone with a red tengu mask. Giyuu jolted up, confused. 
"Who are you..?" he whispered.
"Sakonji Urokodaki. What are you doing out here by yourself? It's dangerous," the man said, helping Giyuu stand.
"I... ran away?" Giyuu said tentatively, unsure what to say to that.
"Well, bad things can happen to children who run away. Why did you come all the way out here? There aren't many houses nearby," Urokodaki said quietly.
"Bad things already happened to me. I don't care." Giyuu crossed his arms and looked away.
Urokodaki paused and seemed to think about something. "Did a demon attack you?"
"A demon?" Giyuu asked, giving him a strange look. 
"Or not, sorry, I heard something about it a woman dying by a demon and decided to see what this was all about."
Giyuu flinched. "My... someone... died." He looked down, willing the tears not to come. No. He'd come here to escape the memories, not relieve them.
Urokodaki's posture seemed to soften and he crouched down to Giyuu's level. "Hey, do you have anyone to care for you?" he asked slowly. "I train people to become demon slayers, to rid of the demons who make the world horrible by killing our loved ones."
Giyuu looked up. Become a demon slayer, hm? If he did, could he... help people like Tsu-... like she did? Like she had done right up to her death..? He nodded carefully. He could be a wonderful person for her. He would save people because she had saved him. "Okay. I want to become a demon slayer."
Urokodaki nodded as well. "How old are you?" 
"Twelve..." Giyuu mumbled. Perhaps because he was so young that he wouldn't be allowed.
"I have another young boy your age I'm training at the moment. His name is Sabito. Would you like to meet him?" Urokodaki asked.
"You don't have anyone caring for you now, I take it?" the trainer asked as he stood.
"No." Her fiancé didn't count. He was... not an option. He would only remind Giyuu of her. 
"Alright. Let's go."
Years past in a blur. Sabito, the boy Giyuu had befriended, died a year later at Final Selection. It was horrible and it brought Giyuu into a daze, but he had to get back up. He had to save people like Tsutako had done. Like Sabito as well.
It was necessary. Something he felt would redeem all the times he'd been saved. 
Giyuu trained ceaselessly, pushing himself past his limits.
He became a Hashira.
He didn't know how, he didn't feel as though he deserved this title, but he had to do it. He couldn't back down.
And then... something happened.
He happened.
Sanemi was rash and arrogant, the Wind Hashira. He was... beautiful. Giyuu loved him. 
In the past, Giyuu had thought about marrying. Finding a lover and marrying them. He'd told this to Tsutako. Well, he thought, here was the lover.
And what came after that? He'd said something about wanting to grow up like Tsutako and marry someone... 
Only one more step to that.
Of course, if Giyuu lived to see a day he could actually marry peacefully.
He wasn't all too hopeful on that, deciding there was no point on hoping for something so absurd.
And yet... 
Sanemi and Giyuu grew closer, surprisingly, despite their extreme differences. All of the Hashira were having a hard time believing it—including the two themself—but none of them were complaining. 
They ended up dating and Giyuu felt himself want to hope for the best for the future. He wanted to think that it would all be alright. He wanted to wish for a time when he could marry Sanemi. Where he could be happy.
But he forgot. He forgot one thing.
He wanted so much to be like Tsutako, he'd been striving to be as much as like her as he could.
He wanted to be kind like her, to help people his whole life and save other's. He wanted to find someone to love and to love him, to grow with him and to live with them to the end. 
But he forgot one thing about Tsutako. He forgot that she had died before she married. He forgot that she hadn't actually married yet.
Giyuu had fought Muzan and his Akaza and all the other demons that had been put out there for them in the Infinity fortress. And now... it was over.
Muzan was... dead. He was dead.
Giyuu found Sanemi amongst those who had survived. Unfortunately, Sanemi wasn't in a good shape. And yet, there was still hope. He was still alive.
"Sanemi," Giyuu whispered, placing his remaning hand on his lover's chest. 
Sanemi opened his eyes slightly and gave Giyuu a small smile. "Told you we'd get through it."
Giyuu practically laughed in happiness, tears springing to his eyes. "I love you," he said. "I'm glad you're alive."
"Yes, now we're going to marry and then live—actually live," Sanemi said, referring to the plans Giyuu had spoke to him before about. 
They'd agreed to marry when it was all over. If it ended. If not, then when they retired. It could've taken decades but luckily, they'd made it through. 
Giyuu got up and said, quietly, "I'm going to check on Tanjiro, alright? I'll be back."
"Mhm." Sanemi gave him what appeared to be a nod and Giyuu turned and left, looking for the Kamado he hoped was alive.
But... he wasn't.
Giyuu had failed.
He'd wanted to be like Tsutako, yet no matter how hard he tried, people died one after the other. 
Tanjiro was dead.
Giyuu sank to his knees and tried not to cry, bringing his head against Tanjiro's. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry."
Tanjiro looked up. 
Giyuu blinked.
The Kakushi around them moved, confused.
And suddenly, Tanjiro brought his arm up, moving as if to kill the Kakushi.
Giyuu moved instinctively, pushing the Kakushi out of the way.
"Tanjiro..?" he said.
The boy looked at him. Only, he was no longer the boy Giyuu knew. He was a demon.
"No!" Giyuu shouted. "Move. Move!" 
The Kakushi were confused, unsure what was happening.
Giyuu darted forward, knocking the Kakushi away from Tanjiro's attacks. 
"He's a demon! Anyone who can still fight! Please assist!" Giyuu shouted towards the direction of the others.
He heard people start to come around, but he didn't wait to see if they would come. Giyuu pinned Tanjiro down, trying to burn him in the sun. 
Why? Why did this keep happening?!
He saw Inosuke and Zenitsu move over and start fighting.
Inosuke hesitate and Tanjiro nearly killed him if it weren't for Nezuko moving in front.
"No! Nezuko! Don't do that!" Giyuu and Zenitsu shouted almost in unison.
Tanjiro wouldn't burn. He had resisted the sun.
Giyuu shoved Inosuke out of the way, not wanting him to die from Tanjiro. 
Nezuko was saying something to her brother, shouting. She blocked one of his attacks and Giyuu hurriedly slipped between Nezuko and pushed her onto Zenitsu, trusting him to care for her.
"Don't you dare hurt them," Giyuu said, his voice shaky. "Tanjiro! Come back! Come to your senses!"
Tanjiro looked at him with his blank, demonic eyes and plunged his hand into the Hashira's chest.
Giyuu let out a strangled scream and fell limp onto Tanjiro's arms.
Someone shouted and another darted forward, injecting Tanjiro with the last concoction to turn a demon back into a human. 
Both bodies fell onto the ground and Kanao lifted Tanjiro up and away, away from the person he'd just killed. 
Inosuke fell to the ground next to Giyuu's body and slowly turned him up, facing the sky.
"He died," Inosuke murmured.
Zenitsu nodded, leading Nezuko to her brother to save her from seeing the Hashira.
"He saved me," Inosuke said to himself, looking at his hands. "Tanjiro killed him."
When Tanjiro learned what had happened, he'd told them to kill him. He said that what he'd done couldn't be forgiven. 
But in the end, Tanjiro stayed alive.
When Sanemi was able to speak to him again, having been the closest to Giyuu out of anyone, had said that the guilt would be enough punishment. He said there was no use killing Tanjiro anyways since it would mean more bloodspill than necessary, and Giyuu had cared deeply for the boy and would've hated for something like that to happen.
Later, when Sanemi was allowed out, he made his trip first to Genya and Giyuu's graves. He had to see them.
First, he went to Genya's, sinking to his knees in prayer and apologizing to him. He left a couple flowers on the gravestone and moved on to Giyuu's.
When he got there, he stared at it for a long time, the shock still wearing him out to the bone. Then he bent down and placed a bunch of flowers on the stone. He sat down and placed his hands on his knees, looking down and closing his eyes. 
Why had Giyuu done that. Why had he let himself die...
"You wanted to be like her," Sanemi whispered finally. "Like your sister." He looked up, his eyes lingering on the words, "Giyuu Tomioka." 
"You said you would be like her... save people and then marry. You said she died before she married her fiancé. You are like her, Giyuu. Only, more so than you meant to be," Sanemi murmured, a sob lacing his voice. "Idiot. I wish you weren't. You should've lived. Why? Why'd you...
"Giyuu, I came here to tell you that living is going to be hell. More than before. Because you're gone. I loved you, Giyuu. I did. I do." Sanemi sighed and stood, looking one last time at the gravestone before turning away. "Goodbye. I'll see you soon."
{Word count: 2504}
I'm so proud of this. Why? I'm not sure, BUT I AM!!
i didn't swear ONCE in this whole thing :p 
I don't think hell counts anyways.. 
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greatunironic · 2 years
Hey!! I absolutely love your writing. You always strike such a good line with emotion, characterization, and background character management (I'm looking at that scene where Will is running book on Steve and Eddie). I was wondering what your writing process is like? You just fit so much in so seamlessly and its just so good.
aw shucks thanks -- that means so much!! also this got long so i'm dropping it under the cut so i don't clog up people's dashes, and folks can ignore me rambling pretentiously about The Process lol.
(i should also preface this with saying that i am a very type a person, and i like lists + guides, and the idea of writing a story without an ending in mind makes me want to break out into hives.)
(and also everybody is different!! write how you want to write, write what you want to write and what makes you happy, and have fun, and if you find something valuable in this, that's awesome! if you don't, that's awesome too!!)
so my personal background with writing comes from playwriting, specifically, and then screenwriting, so i feel like i come at it from that angle a lot? or, at least, it informs how i think about structure + storytelling + planning...
when i'm getting started, i like to do a sort of logline, which helps solidify the main story thrust for me; often these will become my summaries, which you can see for "remarkable" specifically + also the regency au.
from there it depends on if i want to do a one shot or something with parts. if it's a one shot, i'll expand the summary and write out the major events that i want to happen in a list; if it's a multi chapter project, i'll write out the major events for each chapter. for example, here's what i did for the first three parts of the regency au:
part one: introductions to steve + the harringtons, loch nora manor, robin, the town; we go to market day, listen to some gossip, begin to see a little something going behind steve’s mask part two: the new tenants arrive + steve, robin, chrissy go to say hello; eddie is introduced; we also get a glimpse into something that happened to steve post-eddie, that only mrs hopper (nee byers) and max (hopper’s ward) seem privy to part three: steve finds himself becoming part of the hopper family’s day to day existence, after the children find out he is an excellent rider, all of them demanding lessons from him on his gentle bay mare bimmer; steve is slowly befriending hopper’s demon horse as well, is determined to ride it at some point; he attends a few dinners with the hoppers, etc etc; two encounters of note: one with mrs hopper, and one with eddie; we also introduce heather in this part as a potential love interest for eddie
this is also when i write out the list of characters i'm using, and the roles i want them to play in the story. another regency au example: "joyce: a former governess, now his wife – knows steve’s darkest secret from when she was a governess for the hargroves ". depending on the story, these will be more fleshed out here + there in an attempt to make sure everyone has some sort of internal life i can reference, even if they're not the main focus of the story. sometimes this gets unwieldy; i have a genuinely insane document in my google docs called "remarkable apocrypha" that details the lives of the kids and other characters off screen for that story.
if we're covering a lot of time, i also write out my timeline around this step for any prior major events that may have happened preceding the story, so that i can easily reference them + make sure i'm internally consistent with said timeline.
also, if there's any specific research i want to do for the story, i do that around this time too, and give that it's own google doc. (each story or universe has it's own folder in my drive, so i can manage it easier lol.) i compile any musical influences, or mood boards, here too to get my vibes in line. (i talk a little about that here in reference to titling stories.)
after i have those written out + organized, i do an outline; these typically look like the diary of a crazy person, to be totally honest. it's stream of conscious stuff, lots of asides to myself, occasionally actual lines and phrases that i want to use. it's really about fleshing out smaller events around the main beats that i want to hit with the story-telling. having written all the character + timeline stuff previously, i pick + chose from there too to add any background color for people, or throw away jokes (specifically like will running book on them in "remarkable").
once i have the plot completed, i'll start writing in earnest, using my ramblings as a guide post. obviously, things change. (if you're reading the regency au, you'll see above that the part three summary makes no mention of the dance -- this idea appeared when i was outlining/plotting it out.) sometimes my ideas don't work, or sometimes i think of something else to add, and i need to shift some stuff around to make something make sense. sometimes i get long winded and end up writing 8k about a fictional dnd encounter and have to add an entire extra chapter to something because i've lost control of my own life! shit happens!!
all of this to say: this is why i find all the leg work i do leading up to writing the actual story super valuable, because if i write myself into a corner, there's usually something in there that helps me get out; or, if i'm writing + posting in real time, it helps me adjust course + fine tune ideas based on reader feedback or observations or, indeed, those verbal sojourns into nonsense (but fun) interludes.
then, after i get a part (or a story, if it's a one shot) finished, i let it marinate out of sight for a few days before i circle back. this is when i like to read it on a different device than i wrote it on -- personally, i write on a laptop and then read it on my phone. something about the way it looks helps on a different screen helps me see it in a new light as i begin the first phase of editing. i also like reading aloud here and there, because that also helps me catch typos or overly repetitive lines, and if the dialogue actually sounds like a human being and not too overly poetic or pedantic.
i edit it myself a few times like this, switching between devices and sometimes just even changing the fonts or background colors (i'm in dark mode constantly on my phone and it's a white background on my laptop), i'll try to send it off to one of my homies for a final pass + edit from a different set of eyes. usually, tho, i'm pretty happy with it at that point -- usually by the time i'm writing, i've worked out most of the bugs through the outline or the idea generation stage, but sometimes someone will suggest different pacing, or moving a scene around.
finally i set it free in the world (and catch a few new typos on the ole ao3, naturally) and anxiously await the approval of the readers like i'm sweet dee in "it's always sunny". (tell me that was good tell me tell i'm good tell me i'm good tell me --)
anyhoodle. i hope this answered the question, and i hope if you got to the end of this there was something interesting in it lol.
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safyresky · 11 months
Crystal Springs Chapter 23 now on ao3!
Would've been sooner but the uh. Season 2 premier broke my brain a bit? (Derogatory). I am still recovering. Both from that AND a lack of sleep thanks to a REALLY GOOD CRITICAL ROLE EPISODE. (looks at tsc series: I have hobbies outside of you)
Anyway, catch Chapter 23: Fae Brand HERE on ao3 (and here on ff dot net I suppose)
Chapter 23: Fae Brand
Heartfelt goodbyes are had at Frost Manor as Jack and Jacqueline head back to the North Pole to try to fix the Dome once and for all.
And a little sneak preview for you all (that was very hard to pick tbh)
"We're gonna be okay," she said. "Uh, duh," Jack nudged her gently. "We're Jack Frost! And there is not a force in this world that can keep us down for long," he shouted, tossing his apple core behind him. "They can try, but they'll be in for a nasty surprise soon enough," he finished with a smirk. Jacqueline laughed, swaying gently into his arm. "Thanks, Jack." "Any time," he replied, swaying back harder. She narrowed her eyes, swaying back just as hard. Jack raised an eyebrow, swaying back into her even harder. "You are fighting a losing battle, brother of mine," Jacqueline threatened, swaying back hard enough to nearly knock Jack sideways. "Am I?" he replied, swaying back hard enough that Jacqueline nearly toppled over. "Yeah! You really are!" And with a feral grin, she leaned back, palms out, and pushed him right into the pond. Jacqueline cackled, absolutely delighted when Jack belly flopped with a splash, the fish darting away from him. Her laughter echoed around them, bouncing between the rocky walls and up into the sky above them. "I win!" she said gleefully as Jack righted himself. The water wasn't deep at all; it sat just at his hips. He glanced up at Jacqueline, ready to retaliate with a splash, only to find her back on the ground, laughing. The thought of something much better than a splash occurred to him, then. Smirking, Jack carefully waded towards the bank, trying not to disturb the water too much. Crouching as he got closer, he carefully, carefully, reached out and grabbed Jacqueline's ankle. Before she could even fully shoot up and gasp, Jack pulled her in. "AH!" she screamed, as, with a strength they both didn't realize he possessed, she slid right into the water. She almost caught herself! Almost! Her bare feet touched the rocky ground ever so briefly before she lost her balance entirely, and fell over with her own splash, the rest of her scream lost in a stream of bubbles. "HA!" Jack shouted, pointing at her as she sprung up out of the water, steadying herself messily, arms sticking out widely. Jack laughed; she looked like a startled cat! Her hair was poofed up like a cat's tail and everything!
Hashtag siblings or whatever.
We've also got BLINTER INNUENDOS ft JACK GETTING EMBARRASSED! Fun sibling times!! TRAUMA for Lucy and Curtis and everyone up North! BUD'S HERE AND HE IS BUD-ING IT UP! (He's fun to write lmao)
All that and MORE in Crystal Springs Chapter 23: Fae Brand, right HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfic dot net :D
Wanna start from the top? You can read the Prologue: An Encounter right HERE on ao3 and THERE on fanfic dot net.
Sounds fun, tumblr user safyresky! but what's it even about?
You can find that out with the STORY SUMMARY below the CUT :D
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
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gren-arlio · 1 year
After a week delay, Episode 5 of Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon is here!
Yeah, I kinda needed that extra week. School Finals are happening and as much as this means to me, school is a bit more important. However, it gave me time to revise and fix this episode, so we're all good. Sorry about that though.
As usual, here's the new portraits, with new Arle ones, and new characters such as Succubus, totally not Schezo, and Black Kikimora (Or Biki as I'll put) :
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And the video itself:
And now, Timestamps:
Skeleton-T Encounter. Again: (0:05)
5th floor shenanigans: (1:15)
Succubus Boss: (6:45)
Succubus Defeat and Totally Not Schezo Encounter: (11:45)
Kikimora Goes Outside For Once: (14:29)
Arle Appearance (With A Carbuncle): (15:00)
Rulue Appearance: (16:32, 17:13 is just "Alright, let's go inside" thing.)
Menus, and Double The Kikimoras: (17:27)
Biki Leaves You: (18:42)
Ending: (21:41)
I think from now on I'll just call Black Kikimora "Biki". And off topic, this game really did a great job showing off Kikimora as a character, she gets tons of screentime.
With that, enjoy.
Skeleton-T Encounter. Again: (0:08)
What is it, are you okay with just slacking off like this?
No way!
A lady with a whip suddenly came into the shop. I was kicked out.
A lady with a whip? There's such a person?
No, not at all!
It was "Nee-Chan"! Nee-Chan with a whip!
[I had to make sure this was right. Apparently it can mean older, more mature women, but that's...really up in the air for me.]
Oh wow...they seem strong. Where is she? Is she on the 5th floor?
I heard they went beyond the 5th floor.
What the hell...then what floor are they on?
That, I have no idea.
However, if you have 3 orbs, then you should be able to go beyond the 5th floor. [No clue how he knows this.]
Hmm...3 orbs. Okay, let's try the 5th floor then.
[Then the usual phrase happens after this. Let's go inside.]
5th Floor Shenanigans: (1:15)
What the?
The Voices: [No real name but I'm giving it one for convenience.]
He who holds 3 colored orbs, raise them.
Orbs...I believe I have 3...
(Schezo has the 3 orbs.)
Okay. Now we can move on.
Alright. Let's go.
Succubus Boss: (6:45)
Succubus: Mhm. ♡ Come on in. [Why my phone has that but not music notes remains a mystery.]
What the hell are you!? [You can also replace hell with fuck if really wanted, because that's an actual result.]
Me? I'm a Succubus.
And I'm here to take you into a world of pleasure.
Oh! A world of pleasure!?
Fufu...you're real eager. ♡ So you want to become my servant?
(Servant? ...Does she mean a retainer?)
If you become my servant...
I'll give you "That thing," as well as a lot more...♡♡♡ [Man I don't like using those hearts.]
No thanks.
What!? ...I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
What do you mean?
I don't take orders from others!
Rather, YOU should be my servant! [Or retainer. Either or.]
Oh my~♡ You got a lot of energy. ♡
Fufu ♡ That's the least you can be to make this fun. Alright, go for it!
Let's go!
Succubus Defeat and Totally Not Schezo Encounter: (11:45)
Ahh ♡ [...Your guess is as good as mines. Not a fan tbh]
You idiot, trying to control me;
Schezo Wegey. You dare rule over me? [You can also replace idiot with stupid bitch to get that Rulue feel from episode 1.]
...Huh? This evil presence...
...Come out! I know you're there!
Mystery Voice:
Ah...did you sense me?
As expected, even when weakened...
What the hell!
You bastard, you're mocking me!
You son of a bitch...here, I'll cut you into pieces!
[Its getting more difficult for him to NOT Swear so I said screw it.]
Mystery Voice:
Don't rush. We'll fight sooner or later.
In the meantime, regain the strength you lost.
[Voice vanishes]
Who...who was that guy?
That evil spirit...that magic...he's not an ordinary guy.
But I feel like I've seen him before...
[14:10 is "Do you want to leave?"]
Kikimora Goes Outside For Once: (14:29)
Mr. Schezo! I've been looking for you for a while.
Huh? I didn't ask you to find me, alright?
I heard you were getting rid of that whip lady, right?
Um...I don't mean to thank you, but here. It's yours.
(Schezo got a "VIP Pass".)
Tickets...I'll take it.
Well, excuse me.
[Kikimora leaves]
...What did you thank me for?
I don't recall doing a thing that warranted a thank you...
Arle Appearance (With A Carbuncle): (15:00)
Oh, hey Schezo!
(Hmm...we can't continue like this...)
Hey! Perverted Mage!
Whenever Arle, Rulue, or that whip lady is involved, bad things happen!)
Hey!! Pervert! Nekkid, Bumdtious Mage! [Nekkid meaning a form of Naked. Bumditous just means incredibly self-assertive or proud to an annoying degree.]
You're so loud!
Schezo, you've been acting strange lately.
What's troubling you? Maybe love, for example.
You! You're the one!
What!? Me? That came out of nowhere, what're you trying to say!?
I'm just saying...
(What the hell does she mean?) [Schezo is staring at her, it's just not told. Yet.]
Oh my God! Don't stare at me like that!
(I'm full of love! Now I can take Arle's magic!) [...Whatever this means. I'm a tiny bit unsure.]
I want you!
Guu! [...He shot a laser at Schezo.]
Wait a second, Carby!
You can't shoot beams in a place like this!
But still, he deserved it. He's still a pervert...
I can't help but say that. Let's go, Carby!
That's not true... [I assume to Arle's statement.]
Rulue Encounter: (16:32)
Oh no, there's a pervert here!
Oh, the meat muscle woman is here!
Excuse me, what was that!?
You're the one who treats me as a pervert!
Minotauros, just end this now!
I don't have time to be a punk here! You can all rant and rave for all I care!
Hey, wait!
It's a waste time to get invoked with that stupid bitch! [He's been swearing often. You can also just say woman. And 17:13 is "Alright, let's go inside!" Again.]
Menus, and Double the Kikimora's: (17:27)
[Menu goes as followed:
Listen <-
What do you want me to explain?
[More Menus going:
Cleared Attractions <-
When You Get Cursed
Tales of the Black Market
About Rankings
When in Need
When you enter an attraction, you may be surprised by the new monsters too.
And if they're too strong, then it'll end in a game over.
I recommend going back to cleared attractions.
You'll have a much easier adventure if you get more levels and items before going into new attractions.
And I, as a man of much power, do not need to do this amount of work.
Is that so? Well...I'm not saying that it's impossible.
[Menu again, this time they click "Tales of the Black Market.]
Between you and me, besides Momomo's store, [Or Momo-San]
There are rumors of another shop that sells items.
I hear they sell expensive valuables that don't sell here in this place.
Hmm...sounds like it could be a good thing. Where is it?
Hmm...I'm not sure.
As expected...you're useless.
"As expected," huh...come on...
[She then repeats "What do you want to hear about?"
And now, they go back to the menu, click back, then click "Bulletin". It reads:
Horror House
Wonder Jungle
Peddler Fufufu
Mana usage <-]
Eh? You're the one who's supposed to explain this?
Black Kikimora (who I'll call Biki):
That's right...follow me.
Biki Leaves You: (18:42)
Hey! What the hell are you doing bringing me here!?
Let me tell you something good.
What? Well, lets hear it.
Even traps, which can be quite a nuisance, can be a powerful weapon if used well.
For example, you could use a Trap Magic Circle Scroll to trap enemies, then attack.
...Try it.
[She leaves while enemies spawn]
Hey! Where are you going? I wasn't done!
Damn it! Let's get these guys out of the way...
Ending: (21:41)
Looks like the way out.
[He exits the area.]
Well, well, well...Impressive.
Boo. [I guess to scare her?] Of course it is.
...Say something.
...It's over.
... ... ...
(As usual...I mean, she's not pretty and is unsociable.)
(WHAM!) [From Biki's broom.]
Whoa! What're you doing! You hit me from behind with a mop!
Sorry for being ugly then! Scram!
It was just a slip of the tongue...or was it a futile excuse?
And that's all. Next episode might take another week or two, since they're getting longer, so heads up for that. Thanks for reading though.
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whydoibe · 1 month
This is continuation of anthor post this au I dub The Lost Agent AU
So here's the story
Orginal post
It was a normal day in the land of lost things geo said he spotted something yesterday and wanted to retrive it for one of his statues Cole.
"OK geo I will go but we can't bring the kids that place is pretty far"
"Yeah I know but with your rock mech we should be able to stall the hoarder just for the right amount of time"
Cole left making thier way through the tunnles long dug out to avoid the hoarder easier.
"OK we're nearly there geo you sure you know hat Ur looking for?"
"Yes Cole, I know:" Geo replied, reaching his his hand out as it glowed with the elemnt of fussion as Cole made contact the earth, surrounded him as he rose in his stone amour mech. Cole saw Geo run off as he went to distract the hoarder.
"Ahh" a scream what the that wasn't Geo it sounded like no he thought he was hearing things it was so faint it was memory's seeping through there he finally spotted the hoarder and started to charge this thing could be fun sometimes when he just needed to fight something crash this thing kept getting bigger he was fighting till he spotted a small glint of blue near a pile in the distance it was nothing he thought probaly just an old statue of Geos.
"Cole we got it" geo cried finally he thought getting away from the hoarder till he spotted that blue spark again this tim taking notice of it fully there it was a person who seemed to be observing the fight as he got closer he saw blue crackle then yellow and lightning no he thought that was lighting storm just like jay. jay he finally took notice of the figures face jay he ran closing the distance before the figure passed out just as he dismantled his mech he ran over seeing his old friend laying there he couldn't help but cry tears of joy it was jay his old friend his best friend. Then he finally released what he was wearing a suit. Jay hated suits he said they were too stuffy. What had happened he looked sick pailer and he rembdered his face was bruised but it was undinbley jay his oldest friend he new he couldn't leave him here or else he'd be hoarder meat.
"Geo" Cole screamed the hybrid quickly made his way to Cole.
"Yeah Cole" geo paused taking notice of jay "whos that?"
"An old friend, I need help to get him back home. I need a boost," Geo understood, touching him, allowing Cole to summon his mech he picked jay and geo up in his hand cradling hid friends as he made his way quickly home dismantling the golem and dragging jays unconscious body inside the house.
"Whose that?" Bonzle questioned as she took notice of jay.
"Yeah whose the new person" spitz and Fritz said in complete unison.
"His name is - ahh." Cole was cut off as eltricty coursed through his body, and his hair stood on end. Jay stood hands drawn in a fist face clearly showing confusion anger and fear over his face eyes glowing blue with lightning." Jay" Cole muttered as he got back up.
Jays eyes widened and then he spoke " how do you know my name who are u what are u are u here to dragg me back to hell" jays voice volatile and booming as the cabin started to flicker the lights breaking Cole new jay if he was this angry that the lights were flickering than something had happened to him but then why didn't he recognise him
"Jay it's me Cole don't you rember me "
Jays face contorted to one of confusion "how do you know my name awnser me" he cried the thunder crackled and the siren nose started to flicker Cole new if jay continued he was gonna destroy everything here and then all shelter from the hoarder and there only deterint would be no more.
"Jay, it's me, don't you remember me? I am one of your greatest friends the names Cole master of earth don't you rember me please just calm down you can trust me."
"Why should I trust u I have no need to trust u If your one of them I am not going back to the administration"
"OK jay it's OK I am one of your old friends even I'd you don't rember please Ur lighting might rember let it speak to u and see if it rembers me please if you keep this up your gonna destroy my home and kill us"
jays face stared at his hands as if thinking or talking to it his eyes widened as the lighting stopped crackling and the lights stopped getting brighter he fell to his knees hands covering his ears as he rocked back and forth in distress tears streaming.
"Well cry baby much," bonzel stated going back to not caring much.
"Jay" Cole reached his hand out geo caught his hand
"Cole we don't know if he will attack u again" geo tried to plea but those words landed on deaf ears Cole new jay was in distress and even if he didn't rember him he needed him to comfort his friend and ethier way letting a clearly delrouis man with lightning powers with in distress on the floor wasn't realy a good first impression.
"I know, but that's jay, my friend, and if he doesn't remember me, I could care less he needs me he needs comfort." Cole stated casually approaching jay, laying a hand on his shoulder, retrieving a near imdent eltricty shock, but it was light it stung but only a little bit jay head shot up meeting Coles gaze with those blue eyes he just stared at Cole for a solid minute till finally speaking.
"Who are u why do you know my name If your not with the administration" a gut punch Cole felt as the final words hit him.
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kawaii-night666 · 1 month
Ch 14- K.T. turns into a girl!
Time went pass with practice as they now have break.
Goshiki waiting in cafeteria for Tobio, he felt nervous but at the same time excited always curious about Tobio who Ushijima find interesting along with Hinata but the one who been called ‘king of the court’.
Tobio came in the cafeteria after all Karasuno try not to let Tobio go but sadly Tobio wants to make friends even though the guys think it was a date.
Let’s rewind of why the Karasuno boys think that shall we…
Tobio went back with their team in the room until Suga asked Tobio while the others listen in on the conversation while Tobio look up while has their hands on Hinata head for being well Hinata for being loud in their ears and listen what Suga about to say “Kageyama, what you and Goshiki talked about?”
Tobio blink then reply “Oh umm he wants to hang out with me.”
As Noya shouted “LIKE A DATE!”
Tobio blush a bit at that then shake their head saying no
Yamaguchi, Hinata and Tsukishima eye twitch a bit after what Noya stated and its not only them that feel that way.
Daichi cross his arms as Asahi sigh at Noya jumping in conclusion but worry for Tobio as well and for Suga well he evil smile wide with eyes closed and planning a murder Goshiki for hanging out Tobio without his permission first but at the same time happy for Tobio for making new friends at the same time.
Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita and Kinoshita look like they want to plan a murder along with Suga. Tobio blinks at them wondering what the big deal we just hanging out...right.
Time moves forward for Tobio to hang out with Goshiki.
Goshiki saw Tobio as Tobio saw him waiting as they rush up to Goshiki. Goshiki asked “So let get to know each other, Kageyama!”
Tobio nod as they both went but not before people who saw this interaction and plan to follow them behind while the managers shake their heads at the boys for being silly and felt sorry for Tobio.
Goshiki keep asking questions about volleyball as Tobio respond honest and might add bluntly with their words Tobio almost wince when they felt bad of what they just said but jump a bit when Goshiki look determine defiantly remind Hinata.
While for the guys whose following behind them well for some who are worry, or just making sure if someone won’t do anything or try not to kill someone. But they do keep their distance though but Goshiki get the feeling they being followed even felt some murderous aura which makes him shiver which makes Tobio frown a bit and asked “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m alright. This is fun by the way maybe we can hang out more again. Oh! I can give you my number…here” Goshiki gives his number to Tobio who just blink in surprise a bit as Tobio got Goshiki number but when they got back from the gym (yes, after they met at the cafeteria, they decide they want to go to the gym and play volleyball but off course for Goshiki to asked questions.)
Time went by as Tobio go back to room where the managers.
Tobio thought when they lay down on futon ‘That was fun, wonder what tomorrow would be like?’ Tobio let out a small smile as they close their eyes ready for tomorrow.
Author-san: Chapter 14 guys woohoo
Tobio: Why are you trying to get me with all guys from different teams
Miwa: I thought its cute
Tobio: ....
You both are scary
Author-san: Nonsense Tobio
We ain't scary right Miwa
Miwa: How mean Tobio 
But author your right we're not scary
Tobio: ...
Suree whatever you say
Author-san: Don't be like that Tobio
Tobio: Why do I have to be with Goshiki 
Author-san: Aww fine I do everyone
But when will I turn back 
Miwa: Never
Tobio: Your mean nee-san
Miwa: Gasp muah mean never
Author-san: Oof wth
Miwa: Oof I know
Anyways see you in the next chapter
Tobio: Have a good day/night
Author-san: Peace out ✌
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angrennufuin · 4 months
But wait, I have more: trust in others
MOST TO LEAST TRUST IN OTHERS: shocking no one, most of these adventurers have trust issues.
Silence is a naïve baby and nothing (permanently) bad has ever happened to her. She trusts and loves everybody around her, unless she is actively feuding with them, or her older half-sibs have convinced her they're evil and deserve to be punished.
Asa cannot conceive of people behaving in a manner inconsistent with Fae Rules. What do you mean people actually lie? Sounds fake.
Rosenrot has lots of faith in humanity, but she has that faith mainly because she's going to do everything herself, so she doesn't have to rely on anyone! It's fine!
Aysel is even more grimly determined to be independent than Rosen, and less fond of people as a whole. Orphan gang rise up.
Hongyan believes most people when they talk to him/doesn't really know what lying is either, but he's also inclined to be suspicious and occasionally bite strangers.
Linmir has some pretty chronic issues with trusting others, especially in intimate relationships, but she gets points for wanting to get better and actually, actively working on said issues. We're all very proud of her, but sometimes she wakes her girlfriend up in the middle of the night and says "OKAY IF YOU'RE GOING TO START MIND-CONTROLLING ME INTO BEING YOUR KILLING BLADE, COULD YOU PLEASE WARN ME FIRST, I'D JUST LIKE TO KNOW."
Nee is that EXTREMELY STUBBORN AND SUSPICIOUS measuring tape mark from Mary Poppins, embodied. She assumes most people are out to get her or are making fun of her, and she only bothers to work on this when it actively saddens her Lawful Good teammates.
Sûl, who works for a spy guild, whose pseudonyms have pseudonyms, who plays a slightly different version of herself with every Friend* she spends time with, who has told exactly one of her party members her home address... does not have much trust in others, no.
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k0uhi · 6 months
the family competition in baranomiya is so absurd that i have no idea how it works but the angst potential is so fun. how are contestants chosen? what happens when yukari graduates? does the family just evolve and evolve? does that mean yukari has had other children and siblings and been married before?
actually seems like it's a different set per academic year
and it looks like you can volunteer
but it seems likely that everyone goes through it at least once
but when yukari graduates it seems like the family will be dissolved
so im thinking. haruhi getting tripped up and confused about her feelings towards yukari bc shes not sure if it's just her being gay or that family system or that she feels indebted towards her (it's definitely a combination of all three)
yukari's graduation drawing near and haruhi being like. shit we're probably so close to winning the game but then what. im gonna lose them again
she said to protect her and ive done my job but then after graduation... what. what!!!!
kasuga has been severely unhelpful in this entire mess and has only smiled beatifically each time haruhi dropped by
the children—should she still be thinking of them that way?—call her dad or father within the school, and she expected that. she didn't expect them to call her that on their impromptu excursions outside too. chihiro especially seems torn, because there were moments haruhi swears she was about to see "nee-chan" or "senpai"
(she doesnt wanna admit it either but she's so soft for them. the little ones ask her for help for their homework. ayumi sheepishly ties her hair back. when he's up for it, ryu in the quiet of the school grounds outside, would ask her if it was fine that he might be taking his role as a brother too seriously, and if it was normal that he might want to continue that role, even after.)
classes continue, despite all this. she's only ever invited as a sports sub, and her classmates call her natsukawa-sama, which shes desperately unused to. she goes home to a modest house that they finally upgraded to after some stupid home decorating competition. she and yukari still sleep in the same room because they once tried to sleep separately and they were deducted 5 points for creating an unloving home environment. she goes to sleep. she wakes up with a grown limpet clinging to her because they lost the blanket sometime in the night. she goes to class
she loves this, this warmth that she's used to. she doesnt want to let them go. she cant bear the thought of being strangers in halls anymore
and next year she'll be — if they lose, then yukari won't be h— theirs. (she wont be *their's* she reminds herself forcefully.)
so she does the stupid competition. if she lets herself into yukari's space for longer than necessary, if she thinks of yukari as her wife, if she stares at a pretty face, illuminated softly by the morning light, a beat more than necessary and inhales the scent of warn sugary perfume, that's not for anyone but for her to know
but what's this? yukari has someone to meet on the weekends. her face doesnt lose its grace but haruhi can tell the simmering annoyance beneath when she returns.
she wants to ask who. but isn't it obvious?
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noblesandsstories · 8 months
AN: It's been a hot minute since I've written anything, and then suddenly one of the Muses or Apollo smacked me with this. I would not consider this proofread by any means, so proceed with caution and enjoy the fluffy goodness. (Fun fact: As I write this my area is under a severe snow warning and we're expecting to be frozen in. Irony!)
Pair: Jasper (MasoKitty OC) x Ophelia (My OC)
Warnings: Fluff (scawy), light (?) angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss, mentions of traumatic past, let me know if I missed some
Ophelia wasn’t paying too much attention to the state of the apartment when she let Jasper in. She was honestly too caught up in her damn research paper to notice that it wasn’t quite up to snuff in many respects.
But the moment Jasper walked in and visibly flinched and shivered, she realized she might have overlooked some stuff.
“Shit, baby,” Jasper practically rasped out, voice snatched by pure shock. “It’s colder in here than outside.”
She was already putting one of the throw blankets she had lying around over his shoulders, not even bothering to let him take his coat off.
“I know, sorry. I should have had you come over another time. I didn’t make enough at work this past paycheck so I had to figure out what to prioritize. I felt like I could survive without heat, so I turned it down, but then the cold spike came through…” She paused, catching her breath. “You can go home. I get it, it’s rough.”
It looked like Jasper was in shock, then his face turned into something sterner.
“Baby, you can’t live in this. You’ll get sick.” She went to speak, but he held his hand up, stopping her from replying. “There’s no room for debate. Now, where’s the thermo-?”
“Jasper, no. I-,” Ophelia interrupted, stopping when his head whipped around so fast, she worried he hurt himself. (She never realized till that moment she didn’t tell him no very often) “I can’t afford the bill.” She realized how pathetic she sounded, quickly following with, “I’ll be fine! I grew up in Montana, remember? I'm used to the cold.”
With every word she said, Jasper looked more and more like he might have an aneurism. “Love, just because you are used to it, doesn’t mean that it is how it should be. I’ll help pay for it, if you nee-“
“I can’t ask that of you,” she blurted, eyes wide. “That’s not-“
“You are not asking. I am telling. This is final. Do not make me repeat myself. Where’s the thermostat?”
Ophelia’s mouth betrayed her brain. “It’s in the kitchen.” Did she just say that?
Whatever mental lashing she was about to dish muted at the sight of his smile. “There’s a good girl. Now, you go grab your schoolwork and bring it to the table out here.”
Her brain practically purred at his words, body moving before she could think.
He always did that to her, with honeyed words and well-placed compliments, she was putty in his hands. She couldn’t refuse him. And he knew it.
But she realized he never abused this power he held above her. The only times he went explicitly against her will was when he felt like she wasn’t taking care of herself properly. Almost like he felt some kind of responsibility to take her in his arms and personally see to her care and comfort.
And she liked it. She liked feeling like she didn’t have to watch her back, because he was. Like he would take care of anything that could hurt her. Like he truly treasured her.
Ophelia had put her laptop and books down pretty roughly on the table, fighting every bit of emotion she was feeling back with a broom.
Jasper moved around the small wall dividing the kitchen and living room/dining space, two mugs of something in his hands, and Ophelia realized she wasn’t going to hide it in time. Maybe she didn’t want to.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he looked at her, and for a second the room was still. Until the first tear left her eye.
Jasper was right in front of her in an instant, the mugs gone from his hands, which were now caressing her cheeks.
“No no, baby don’t cry, please. What’s wrong?” His voice was soft, like silk brushing across her heart, making the squeeze it caused feel less painful.
She choked, suffocating over her words and emotions, unable to say anything for a long moment before she finally sputtered out some miserable words.
“You love me.”
She felt the air in her lungs halt, brain barely processing the words she just said. Only able to focus on his beautiful amber eyes that seemed to read into her soul, find the shattered pieces of herself, and pull them out of her so he could kiss it better.
Those eyes that now looked so sad, that she could scream at herself for hurting them.
“Ophelia, did you not believe me till now?” It was the first time she ever heard him sound so…weak. She wanted to deny it, to take it all back. But she didn’t.
She shook her head and attempted to speak. “No one’s ever- Not like this-“
She cracked, tears flowing freely after her pathetic confession. Pain and joy and sorrow and love all swirling within her like a typhoon.
Jasper didn’t say anything. He just pulled her close, letting her bawl into him like she was a child, slowly guiding her to the couch. He sat down, pulling her with him and cradling her to his chest, her face buried into his shoulder and his rested on her head.
And there he held her for what could have been minutes or hours, Ophelia couldn’t tell. She was feeling the room start to warm up subtly, which, of course, made her cry harder at the reminder of everything that had happened. But soon the warmth and Jaspers touch brought a soothing comfort that she hadn’t felt since the first time the cold felt so painful, when she was so young.
When she was locked in the shed outside her foster home for the sin of curiosity, denied food and a blanket. She probably would’ve died, if it wasn’t for Dee pulling out the old window and sneaking in with a blanket.
A wave of longing hit at the thought of her sister, causing her tears, which were receding, to flow once more.
Both Ophelia and Jasper looked over to see Thacker sitting by the couch, staring up at them.
“Let me up.”
Ophelia tried to move to pick him up, but her position on Jaspers lap made it tricky. Not to mention she was half blinded by tears and felt as if she was in a daze.
Jasper nudged her back into place and maneuvered himself to reach for the rabbit, who, to Ophelia’s utter shock, let himself get picked up. Jasper placed him in Ophelia’s waiting arms.
Thacker maneuvered himself to where their chests were along each other, his heart beating over hers. His lungs released heavy, controlled breaths, and with each exhale she felt her emotions even out, no longer overwhelming her.
With the fading of the emotions and memories of the past, came clairvoyance of the present. And Ophelia realized quite quickly she made herself look like a damn fool.
She shot her head up so fast she nearly missed whacking Jasper in the face. As she looked him in the eye, she felt her face flush with embarrassment.
Sure she’s had her moments in front of him before, but by the gods, she just bawled in his arms because he cares about her. What sane person does that?
Jasper's laugh, smooth and rich and warm, brought her attention back to him.
“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, you know that?” He teasingly flicked her nose. “Even though you don’t need to be. I know what you’re about to start on about. So sit silent and listen.”
“You are my partner. Me listening to your problems, taking care of you, drying your tears are all part of the job. And I want to do these things for you. I want you to be the best you can be and I want to support that as best as I can. Because you’re right. I do love you. And I want to show it as much as I can.”
If Ophelia hadn’t spent the past gods know how long crying, she probably would have teared up again. But instead…
“Can I…”
She spoke so softly, Jasper had to move himself closer to hear her.
“Can I kiss you?”
Ophelia’s chest tightened, studying Jasper's face. But he only smiled gently.
“Sweetheart, you never have to ask.”
Ophelia had never kissed anyone, hardly knew how it worked. She was hoping it was as easy as it looked on the few movies and shows she’d seen.
She leaned into him, lifting her head to look him dead in the face. He was watching her intently, not moving an inch. She mustered up her courage, and shortened the distance, connecting her lips to his.
Her heart melted, swooning at the feeling of him against her. Her body, as if on instinct, moved to grasp onto his arms, using him as a tether to this reality. This marvelous reality that she never wanted to leave.
Jasper subtly leaned back, breaking the kiss gently and bringing his hand up to cup her jaw. Their eyes met, and Ophelia did her best to not to show that she was quite disgruntled with the end to their moment.
“Well, baby,” he purred, his voice in his lower register, the sound making her spine shiver, “Was it good for your first kiss?”
Of course he’d figure it out.
She nodded, burying her face in his shoulder to hide her blush, to which Jasper laughed.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” he cooed, gently cupping her face and moving it to where he could see her. “There you are. My pretty girl.”
Ophelia went light headed at the praise, subconsciously nuzzling her face in his hand. She came back to Earth fast enough to see something dark shining in his eyes quickly go away, as he began to maneuver her off his lap so he could stand.
“I'm pretty sure the tea I made for you has gotten cold, but I’ll heat it back up for you. Go ahead and get your school work out while I fix it. And you may want to take your jacket off. Seems like the heat kicked on.”
Ophelia watched him disappear into the kitchen, trying to uncover what emotion he just pressed away a second ago.
“Maybe you should keep him around.”
Ophelia looked back to Thacker, who was no longer snuggling but sitting in her lap, staring at her.
“Why’s that?” She whispered.
“He’s reasonable enough to turn the heat on during a freeze warning.”
He jumped out of her lap and began to head over to his “room” (a closet she repurposed), but before he went away she heard one last thing.
“He makes you feel safe.”
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have other things happening, going on and it is helping.
-there are a few things happening one of them is Tommy effing his ship have to leave we're finally ways to get it out we are finding ways and soon it will be moving other ships are going to be pushed off and they think the lunch will be tonight and really the other engines were run for a week and a half and it's been over two weeks for these that should be good she danced a lot of much more than a week and a half they usually don't run them that long anyways. And her son and daughter caution so it might be having to mess it up on purpose
-we have other things going on with this becoming a nuisance these people here suck this guy with the ship sucks he's been telling us to clean out some of this crap that's too much of it then the max started to really suck I don't want another group getting very powerful, and getting an edge up for me ever this is so terrible he has a plow through all that crap and it's not necessarily different they're sitting here threatening him it's not right these people have to go the other way they're trying to harm me by using other people and suffered for it that's why they're dying and tell me if knows the math better than these people and was forced to shoot at our son the other ones who had him do it and he figured it out and he saw how and we went ahead and held the liable for it and the warlock are all almost gone. Didn't see helped him get through school Billy z helped him get through school and have to study and things like that and Dempsey was useless and other people were not college students or idiots and you couldn't even talk to them about school it was terrible and he's right he would not have gone to school without I'm doing it it was happy to do it because he felt better cuz he had to read and study and these guys were not doing it it was a hard School for them and it was a lot harder with our son there and it's a miracle that they went through it.
-going to apply ourselves today these Jokers and winners don't want to do anything else than what they're doing anything really get somewhere and they lost big time last yesterday last night and this morning they learned about 15% last month and dropped the 13% 2 weeks ago and it was still at 12% a couple days ago Island for all of the morlock and last night they started all this trouble it was after yesterday they had already lost 1.5%, they went around and believed everybody it started bothering him yesterday he said I'll get the grinders going, so they moved off and it looks like he come down on it and I said don't make it a habit. So you said you don't make it to have it you s*** I'm the one with a grinders and they turn around and said grind. And you said good right here we open it up on you faggots. It said to you remember you ever would leave it alone I would not leave him alone and we killed shitloads of you here and the idiots making the noises and we put them into a grinder. There's a lot of people listening I know they're not in couple noodle and we don't feed them to people they do feed them to cage you and grind them up and we stick him into a human skin took some pictures them getting swallowed. Now Dan is saying that he can do that to us so we're going to grind his up continuously. It last night it fell from 10.5 to about 9.5 and early this morning they started making fun of us and said is that all you got and stuff like that and I heard our son say no of course not to make you pay here too so I can take your territory okay Mr idiot ics you do he says I sort of get it and he says I doubt you do very strongly. LeBron saying it they go around saying it then they threatened him and he says proceed and take theirs more so and they were told they were going to take more of theirs and we took huge areas of theirs Georgia and start taking Alabama and the Midwest and upper Midwest started pushing them out and other areas in California places like that we don't need you there and start slaughtering you on your Islands so I think you're doing better they started screaming last night he shouldn't even be here said who is that let's make them pay for it double and it was bja so he started hitting him more so let's get some of those empire chips we can incident so we went ahead and did that and we flattened an area it's all mad stuff then the bunkers went figures out the empire is doing it goes after them on his own Island where you said they weren't there. Hey is there pain and back for what happened in the upper Midwest also they got really mad and said they did that it's so what that's just the idiots we're attacking. And they're hit again because he started to counter and to respond it's going that way with these morons. A lot of people hate him because he's so stupid our son is one of them he needs to get him jumped out the window he managed it and people tell me Allen out the window because of when our son said about 50 times three times he landed on his head because he's stupid.
-there's several other things going on but these people are pain in the ass and trying to say something and they interrupt so dropped another percent and now it's almost 8% like we said last night it would be and they haven't taken that big bite out of themselves yet but they will momentarily they're building up to attack the max
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
simpgirlsposts · 3 years
『𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳』 ‼️𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘮
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𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝘆'𝘀 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿.𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁,𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘆𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶,𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗻.𝗔𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗿𝘂𝗶𝘀𝗲,𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲'𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱.𝗛𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱'𝘀 𝘂𝘀𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 '(𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲)-𝗻𝗲𝗲' 𝗼𝗿 '(𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲)-𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗽𝗮𝗶' 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿,𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗿𝘆....𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗻..𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴...𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴...𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻..𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱.𝗢𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁,𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘂𝗽 𝗞𝗶𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗲,𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗞𝗶𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂.
Currently you were running to where people said there were gang fights,of course you got a call from Hinata saying and explained that Takemichi was friends with the gang and is currently in trouble.You ended up seeing Moebius and Toman fighting,you clicked your tounge.You tied your jacket in your waist tightly,as you joined in punching,kicking and spraining people's arm or leg.Basically trying to look for Takemichi as you do so.
"TAKEMICHI!WHERE ARE YOU,YOU LITTLE BRAT!"You yelled out in frustration and in worry.Punching & kicking people who won't move out of your way.
"MICHI!!"You yelled out again,of course some people did notice you but,they were too busy fighting.Finally when you heard,some kind of sirens or what ever.Moebius ran off,as Toman was victorious.You look around to see familiar faces,it was Kiyomasa's goons.
"HEY!YOU!"You yelled out,pointing to one of Kiyomasa's goons as they flinch seeing you.
"Where the fuck is my brother?!"You ask,walking towards them.
"Who?"The guy decided to play stupid,you were furious no enrage.
"I.SAID.WHERE.THE.FUCK.IS.TAKEMICHI.?!"You said spitting word by word.You were now in front of Kiyomasa's goons as you kick them all sending them flying.The other Toman members immediately look to see you.Punching the one who's much closer to Kiyomasa.
"You son of a bitch!Where the hell is my Brother?!Where the hell is he?!Talk now!Or I'll murder you here!"You threatened,tears daring to spill out if your eyes at how mad and worried you are.
"If something happens to him,I'll kill you!"You said,punching the poor now unconscious guy in the face.
"Oi!Who the hell are you?!"You heard a voice as you look behind you and glared,gritting your teeth,you stood up.
"Where the fuck is Takemichi?!"You ask,gritting your teeth.
"Takemichi?What do you want with him?"A short blonde boy ask,his eye's narrowed at you.
"What do I want?!BITCH!IM HIS FUCKING OLDER SISTER!WHAT THE FUCK DO YA THINK I WANT?!"You yelled out,clenching your fist,while gritting your teeth in frustration.
"Takemichi..he took Kenchin to the hospital."The blonde guy said,as you fave palm.
"Great,now he really is involved in this."You muttered,under your breath,as you turn your heel and ran off once again.
"Hospitals...Tsk...great..here I am again."You muttered as you entered you saw your brother,and the other guys from before.You actually hated the hospital more than anything.
"Oi!Michi!"You called out,your arms cross as you have a pissed off look.Takemichi look at you surprise.
"Nee-san how did you-"You cut him off.
"And this is why,You don't do or join gangs.I don't know what he hell happened,but we are going home."You said,grabbing his arm.
"Eh?But wait...D(o)raken-kun..He--"Takemichi was about to finish when you cut him off.
"Tsk.It either he dies or live.Even so,we humans die in the end."You said clearly pisses off,as Takemichi pulled away from you looking concern,he knows your overprotective and stuff like that.But you weren't this harsh to say something like that.
"Nee-san?Why are you being like this?You've never been this harsh with your words."Takemichi said concern,as you click your tounge.
"Nothing!I just hate the hospital!That's why we're going home!"You said,eager to get out of the hospital.
"..Nee-san.."Takemichi said concern,you two were now in the hallway,just the two of you away from the others.
"Nee-san...why are you acting like this?Did..something happened?"Takemichi ask concern.
"...Takemichi....Promise me something..."You began,as you stood up straight still not facing him.Takemichi's ear and Attention was now fully on you.
"Promise me...to cut your ties with that gang,or any other gang."You said,as Takemichi's eyes widen.
'No no no no...I came back here to save all of you.I've got this far...I cant...'Takemichi though to himself,as he clenched his fist.
"No.I'm sorry.But....I can't."Takemichi said,as your eyes widen.
"What do you mean no?!"You said,now facing him.
"I...don't want to cut ties with them..Mikey-kun...he's...reall nice...really!-"Takemichi was about to continue till you cut him off.
"DIDN'T YOU SEE THAT?!That guy you saved just now got here!Meaning that if YOU keep this up you may end up just like him!!"You yelled.
"Then..I'll try to be careful...not to almost die."Takemichi said trying to ease you.
"What?!Try?!No!Takemichi it's dangerous!To dangerous!"You yelled.
"What?How so?How would you know?I said I'll be careful then..I just don't want to cut ties!"Takemichi said,raising his voice a little as you clenched your fist.
"DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY ALEXA STOP CALLING AND VISITING US?!BECAUSE SHE'S DEAD!SHE DIED DURING OUR GANG FIGHT!WE BROUGHT HER TO THE HOSPITAL.SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO RECOVER!BUT SHE DIDN'T!"You snapped,as Takemichi's eyes widen,he couldn't believe his ears.You?In a gang?His overprotective caring sister,was in a gang?And your beloved sister like bestfriend was in it too?And she died because of it?The reason you had bruises on your arms and legs was because of fighting back then?!When?!
"When..how long.."Takemichi ask in disbelief.
"...Just a year ago!..It was fun 2 years ago!But..after witnessing Alexa-chan's death....I just had to...no...I MUST not let you get in this gang life!It's...ridiculous!"You yelled out,putting your hand on your head.
"If the same thing happened to you...I wouldn't know what to do.."You aid,as tears slowly rolled down your eyes.
"..Nee-san...I'm sorry...I...didn't know...But...That still won't stop me from going and being friends with Mikey-kun and the others."Takemichi said,as You look up.
"...why.."You ask in disbelief.
"Because...I can't..really tell you..but...I have a goal!Your my big sis right?You'll support me right?"Takemichi ask,as you look at him in disbelief.Takemichi never spoken like this to you,he was always like 'Stop treating me like a 5 year old!'or'Im old enough to know that!'
"You...brat."You said,in someway you saw your younger self in Takemichi just now.
"You really are my brother are you."You sigh,as you wipe your tears away.
"...As much as I hate what I'm going to say..who am I stop your goal..but you better make your that goal of yours isn't dying."You began.
"But..I suppose I'll let you off the hook.But I'm going home,I still hate the hospital,tell Hina-chan to call me big sis too.After all she's my sister-in-law screw that,SHE'LL ONLY be the one dating a stupid reckless guy like you."You said,ruffling your brother's hair who pouted.
"That's just mean...but yea..soon she'll be your sister in law."Takemichi said.
"Come home after this Drama."You said,as you turn your back and walk off.
Tbh....I don't know what to do anymore:,) hopefully y'all like this TvT.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hiii hello. Sorry I didn’t send anything about flux, I wanted to sooo bad but I got covid (this is now my third day of fever☺️), lost a really close relative in the span of like 12 hours and I’m in pain cause I’m about to get my period sooo my concentration is stagnant: level 0🙂. Everything is pretty much hurting like a bitch but don’t worry I read as soon as it came out and OF COURSE I sent it to 🌚 and we started arguing again. (Btw she knows everything because even tho she’s still at the beginning I was tired of not having anyone to vent to so I literally told her every single detail that made me go crazy lol).
Let’s start off by saying I’m like 50% satisfied? Wtf jk? Nothing more to say? Sure? Never took a pill in Ibiza? Alright that’s gonna be a fun conversation, just saying☺️. I swear with this guy it’s like one step forward and 10 steps back. Also jungkook got MAD, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry towards her before. Should I say justified? Eeh I mean he never expressed how he actually felt regarding the Seojoon thing so for him to explode at some point was to be expected. I mean he got mad like at the beginning when the whole Lasagna Gate happened in her apartment but I don’t know, it hits different now.
Also, dr Kim I have a crush on you and the emotional stability you provide. You’re doing god’s work, truly. Even if you make me feel bad for defending Sasha because the rational side of me knows how there is no right or wrong in *most* situations here and everything is on a spectrum buuuut my irrational side is like fuck everything hug Sasha. A week ago we were talking about this in my group chat and I said “I think I empathize this much with her because we share some toxic traits so I try to find justification in her” and my friends (including 🌚) said “you think we’d let you to all the self sabotaging shit Sasha does? Don’t you dare, ESPECIALLY if you’re hooking up with Jeon Jungkook. You’re our key to become millionaires and you think we’d let that go to waste??” So loving and caring, my friends.
By the way I loove the discord channel, that was a great idea. I just need to figure out the time zones so i can text when everyone is awake😵‍💫
NOooooooooooo! I am so sorry! You have so many terrible things going on at once! I'm so sorry for your lost most of all; hopefully you'll be over the worst of covid soon. 💟💟💟
I hope the Flux drama a mental and emotional distraction when you needed it! Get wrapped up in their drama but rest in your own life 😢
I don't see why you would nee to feel bad about defending Sasha, though! Do you mean overall or in this specific instance?
It's been interesting reading commetns because I think we're all just so primed to be like "ok who was most right" in any situation we read, but I intentionally write really gnarled ones where there isn't usually some villain with an evil plan lol. I think too we were all so excited for Jungkook to finally speak up about some things we know he's been holding onto that we've forgotten he made that choice to not speak up about them in the first place and that doesn't excuse his behavior, even if it explains it. He can't hide his feelings and then when it's a convenient defense, finally let them erupt! Even if that's very human to do haha. Like if my kid kicks his brother, he can't just tell me "but he kicked me first" and I say oh ok, you're good to go then. Or even "he called me a poop head three days ago," "ah, got it baby, take him down then." 🤣
As much as we may want a partner to read our mind and notice when we are hurt, it's not fair to expect that and we need to communicate those things if we expect change. Now there are things they've argued about before that might still be happening, so I'm not saying this is just a wash in Sasha's direction either! That's why I had suggested in some other asks, it's really probably best to take things one at a time rather than trying to balance out some grand summation --not just because there are things on both sides, but because even though the context and cause behind things may be cumalitive, that doesn't mean the resulting actions were the mature/right ones. The mature relationship skill isn't to hold onto those things until you've hurt your partner and then whip them all out to deflect. I don't know that he was consciously doing that, but it's not that different actually than what everyone was mad at Namjoon doing. "Forget about X, she did Y so she's not allowed to be mad about Z."
Anywayyyy this is fun and tangled and I suspect mrelationship conselors would be salivating over this scenario LOL. But I'm glad you have friends who are looking out for you and your relationship with JK, even if it's so they can piggyback on your wealth 😂
I hope you get to feeling better soon and my best warm vibes go out to your family, I hope that isn't lessened by the goofy fic talk in the iddle of this ask.
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