angrennufuin · 1 month
Haze's Party Opinions (as of 08.23.24)
Aysel She's so pushy and a little reckless, but... somehow, I feel like I can't lie to her. She just looks right through me. Still, I'd rather she not learn any unnecessary details about me – I think she'd just use them to tease me. At least she leaves it at teasing; I don't think she's cruel. In fact, I think some of her boisterous personality is just an act, a way to make her seem older and tougher than she actually is. She claims she used to be a pirate? But I wonder about that. I thought pirates couldn't just stop being pirates.
Brân Reliable, but I worry about them. Something definitely happened to them before they came to Xen'drik, but I think they're tough enough to take care of themselves... I hope. Their axe is probably bigger than my head, and they can wield it like it's nothing -- it's really a sight to behold. They can be vicious, but they can be very gentle, too, like with that strange bipedal lizard we ran into. And they knew to try and differential me from my reflections when we were attacked in that flooded room... they really have a way of looking at the world. I'd like to learn from them.
Gawain She's tenacious, more than I initially gave her credit for, but I guess I should have expected that after she bit me on the ship; she's certainly scrappy. Ha, and I guess that's a pun -- the stuff she can make out of metal, it's incredible. Her iron beast is even bigger than she is, but somehow, when I look at the two of them together, Gawain's the one who seems to loom over Havoc. I'm glad we're friends – wait, are we friends? I just know I don't want to be her enemy.
Harth I'm still surprised I met up with her again, but I'm happy, too. She seems more comfortable now than when she was first recovering from her injury. Still, there's something about her – I can't put my finger on it – but I feel like she's changed. Maybe it's 's arrogant of me to assume I knew her well enough to say that, though; it's not like we were best friends or anything. I'm glad I've been able to see her do some smithing, too -- she seems really passionate about it. I think the Xen'drik expedition will be a good experience for her.
Ishtar The first thing she did when we met was beat me senseless in Conqueror. The second thing she did was walk me through the game in excruciating detail, explaining the pros and cons of certain strategies -- and that's Ishtar, to me. She's incredibly knowledgeable and she knows how to apply that knowledge, too. The way she can translate Giant is incredibly impressive -- I can't believe the monks made me spend ten years memorizing the Quori script when Ishtar can't be older than me and she speaks like six languages. She's brave as hell, too. I'm glad to have her here.
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angrennufuin · 1 month
It has been like 106F/41.1C all week with the Real Feel much higher -- I wish my behavior was on a beach!!! here's the rest of the gang.
Aysel loves the ocean the way only someone who grew up on a tiny island can. She is going INTO the water and she is NOT coming out unless someone procures a surfboard or some kind of water vehicle, and then she's just going to monopolize that. She tans (and acquires new moles) but I'm inclined to think she wears a practical, navy-blue wetsuit so most of her skin is covered anyway. You will have to drag her off the beach.
Rosenrot isn't the biggest beach fan, but she'll go and have a pleasant time! She likes digging in the sand, and possibly burying herself (or a friend) in the sand, but she's a little spooked by the vastness of the horizon. I think she'd wear a cute retro bikini - high waist, probably some bows; I don't know if tieflings can tan or burn? She does freckle, though.
Silence prefers pools to the beach. If there is a hint of plant or animal life, if the sand is not perfectly clean and the water is not perfectly clear, she DOES NOT WANT IT. She enjoys sunbathing; she does NOT enjoy getting her face wet; she has an enormous wardrobe of fashionable bedazzled bikinis.
Asa is a swamp creature and therefore has an uneasy truce with the ocean. They wear their one (1) tunic to the beach the same as they wear it everywhere and they regard the water with deep suspicion right up until they realize they can fish in it, whereupon they try to catfish-noodle ocean fish. Your dinner is settled but god at what cost. They tan almost metallic gold.
Hongyan also wears exactly what he always wears. He also does not have any other clothes. Incidentally, don't take him to the beach: he's got MAJOR beef with seagulls and he WILL spend the entire time making it worse. He burns, but the burn always develops into a tan without a gross peeling stage at all. Cursed with human beauty, rifp.
Beach behavior post
Reminded of this idea by Jules, but the initial twitter thread is from June 2021:
How do your characters feel about the beach? What do they wear? What do they do when they're there? Do they get sunburned or tanned or actually wear enough sunscreen like some kind of monster? Gimme the beach takes!
Sûl has an enormous sunhat and spends most of her time under a giant beach umbrella wearing impractical Haute Couture swimsuits with filmy coverups and ogling beachgoers. She still gets horribly sunburnt and has to spend the following day lying in a dark room and wincing at sudden movement.
Lin has already made friends with the nearest beach volleyball team, tried unsuccessfully to surf, swum out inadvisably far and got slightly mesmerized by the pull of the ocean's vastness, caught a sheepshead fish and screamed but cooked it anyway. She's having a GREAT time. (Linmir tans shockingly dark and her hair bleaches shockingly white. She wears luridly patterned bikini tops with men's swim trunks and open Hawaiian shirts.)
Nee has gone full tidepool science and is collecting samples and shells and stuff. She wears watersocks or flippers, one of those giant goggle masks that go over the nose, and an incongruously frilly one-piece; she keeps excitedly pointing out interesting organisms she spots while swimming. She tans! But she wears a LOT of sunscreen, because she once read an article about skin cancer and has been paranoid since. She keeps wrestling her drow friend, Lylah, into putting more sunscreen on.
New kids coming in separate addition! Ah, 2021, having only 3 characters... What a time.
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angrennufuin · 1 month
Party Dossier: Cinders
[How Aysel would describe:] [as of the ship battle/search for Halberd]
[they/them, ??? (changeling) beast-path barbarian/Archfey warlock]
A mysterious figure clad in shadow-colors, with incredible strength and power in battle. They’re touched by something unworldly. Their reflection doesn’t always match reality. They have no memory of their past. None of this excuses them being so Goddamn tall! Oddly nice for someone clearly being whispered to by dark forces, and I should know.
[she/her, goblin artificer]
Little spitfire. Bit me on the ship over here, which I think was more a feral defense response than actual aggression. Missing two out of four limbs, don’t know why yet. She seems Cannith-aligned and I don’t have any patience for houses, but it’s fun to have someone sworn to me by blood oath… if that is what the friendship pin situation was about. And I believe we share a certain element of chaos in our souls.
[she/her, half-elf forge cleric]
A quiet little mouse of a house mage. Maybe an ex-house mage now? Priestess of Onatar, how boring, but fun to tease. Desperately afraid of getting into trouble. Afraid of lightning, too -- I think she felt the kiss of my God in that accident she talks about. Isn’t she tired of being nice? Doesn’t she just want to go apeshit? Or is she actually as boring as she acts?
[he/him, kalashtar monk, way of the ascendant dragon]
For a guy whose midriff is always out, he’s a total square. Every time I say something outlandish, he looks like I personally ruined his beauty sleep, which is obviously a reason to keep doing it. Used to live in a monastery but he’s not spiritual. Fights barehanded, and therefore not to be underestimated. Nice hair.
[she/her, minotaur inquisitive rogue/fighter]
Pretty minotaur. We share a similar ethos on earrings and dramatics. Seems kind of nerdy and know-it-all, but I get the impression the all she knows is from books. That said, she’s been shockingly competent thus far, and sometimes you need a nerd to figure out stupid wizard puzzle bullshit. Goddamn can she sprint.
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angrennufuin · 2 months
no context cinders meme
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Kiss Prompt
Linmir/Lylah (WITH Xiphos)
"You have a question" Xiphos stated, nodding her head at Lylah. Her hands were still around the (empty) glass, and though the Warforged had no face, her voice carried amusement, possibly a tinge of mischief. "You may ask". Linmir set her own glass down, leaning towards Xiphos "She can always tell when there's something on your mind, but like, yeah just ask whatever. We won't mind" she says with a fond smile. Lylah looked down into her mug, mortified that she'd been that obvious.
"Well" Lylah began, choosing her words carefully, "It's silly to ask - and and it's none of my business if you don't want to share but.." She lifts her gaze to look at the couple, feeling more stupid by the minute "Do you two kiss? Since Xiphos doesn't have a face, I mean. Augh, sorry"
Running her hand through her hair, Lylah only blushed when her question was met with laughter. Linmir's laugh was loud and sharp, like she could wield it with the same finesse as her rapier. Xiphos' laugh was more akin to music, flowy and inhuman but beautiful all the same. Both laughs were very dangerous, Lylah thought.
"That's it? God, I was expecting way worse" Linmir says. "Yeah, we kiss. It's just different." Xiphos leans in close, angling herself next to Linmir's ear and whispering. Despite having no face, she was incredibly emotive in her own way. The tilt of her head and the fluid way her shoulders dropped could tell Lylah that she was in trouble. Linmir only confirmed that suspicion, her grin widening and taking an almost predatory edge. Her eyes narrowed and Lylah heard her mutter "Yeah, I agree" before she abruptly stood.
Linmir rounded the table, as fast as always, much to Lylah's envy. But instead of teasing or roughhousing, Linmir grabbed Lylah's chin, her gloved hand guiding Lylah's head upward as she leaned down to meet her. The glove was smooth against Lylah's skin, as Linmir's hand drifted to her cheek. Linmir kissed with purpose, with fire, as if it would kill her to give anything less than her everything. Lylah reciprocated as best she could, matching every kiss and feather-light touch until Linmir finally pulled back. She looked over her shoulder to Xiphos while Lylah pretended like she wasn't trying to catch her breath. The Warforged seemed to light up, lovingly caressing Linmir's face as they swapped places with effortless grace. Lylah was still reeling from the first kiss before she realized what the switch would bring.
Cool, metal hands slid over her neck to cradle the back of her head and Lylah instinctively shivered, noting uselessly that Xiphos had etchings in her "fingerpads" not unlike fingerprints.
Smooth metal met Lylah's lips and on instinct she kissed back. Xiphos may not have had a mouth, but the slender fingers playing with her hair and the telltale feeling of Xiphos' magic building, like the sound of an orchestra tuning, echoing inside of Lylah's head were just as intense and passionate as Linmir's kiss had been. Lylah cupped Xiphos' cheek, making a surprised hum when the ghost of a kiss crossed her lips, and slowly pulling away she smiled crookedly at the two women. Linmir's sharp grin hadn't left her face and Xiphos brought a hand up to her faceplate, musical laughter soft but self-satisfied.
"You could have just said that you use prestidigitation" Lylah said, trying to play it off as if she hadn't just been kissed so thoroughly she'd have a new, impossibly high standard set. Linmir slung an arm around Xiphos and kissed where her temple would be. "We thought there wasn't any fun in just telling you".
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Party Dossier: Faeberron Campaign
Silence's thoughts (as of the catastrophe in the drow bar) on:
[she/her, half-elf/halfling druid, circle of spores]
Hypatia doesn't think we're sisters but we totally are. She's got an elf father and a halfling mother and a drow father, plus our parent-who-is-Tyche, which is a lot of parents for anyone to have, but our parent-who-is-Tyche is supposed to be, like, really magical? So that's probably how that happened.
She's very short and she always wears a mask to keep out the manarot, and she does, like, all sorts of magic with mushrooms -- like, she has a giant mushroom she rides around on and I think she can grow mushrooms too. She's kind of sharp-tempered and strict but she's also super-duper smart, and a doctor! I don't actually know how old she is? Definitely older than me. I'm not sure if she's older than Vinsla. She sure doesn't like dwarves.
[they/he, fire genasi fighter/barbarian]
They're my sweetest sibling, definitely! They're older than me by a little and taller than me by a lot. Also they're planestouched, like me, only they're a fire genasi instead of a tiefling so instead of just being a little fireproof, they're actually on fire, all the time. They fight people for money, and right now they're fighting people who pick on us for money, because they don't know they're our sibling yet, either. Don't worry, I'll tell them soon!
"They're, like, really tough, but they let people boss them around too much and they had a really overwhelming time when we were breaking into that drow lady's office in the tavern, so I think they're kind of stressed right now!
[he/him, aberrant dragonmark human artificer/cleric]
I've known Vinsla the longest out of my siblings. Well, second-longest, maybe, because I think I met our sister Dyleth first? But she's kind of distant, and Vinsla is quite nice to me. He keeps getting in trouble because he's been mean to someone, though, or else flirted with them. He has a lot of opinions about dragon-mark houses and guilds, which is because he has a dragon-mark that I think he's not supposed to have for some reason?
Anyway, he's very street-smart, and book-smart too. He makes all kinds of gadgets and gizmos, and he's always telling me all kinds of interesting things about the world. It's really nice to have an older brother to look out for me! Even if I don't understand what he's talking about most of the time, haha!
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Linmir & Nil || 12. Almost Kiss
Genesis Campaign Content warning for alcohol
Right, so. Right. Well. Rough night in Sharn, your hands shaking with exhaustion, Freegift off somewhere tinkering, Nil at your door with a bottle of wine, their lovely smile gone all wobbly. And now it’s like  an hour later, both of you are well on your way to drunk, and you’re thinking about kissing again.
Let’s clear this up right now: you are not a homewrecker, and drunk-kissing your friends who aren’t interested in you is an asshole move that isn’t even particularly original. If you ever decide to blow your life up, there are more useful and interesting ways to do that, right? And, anyway, like, you’re not even really thinking about kissing Nil, specifically, just. Kissing, in general. It’s nice. You know?
You miss kissing.
And Nil’s nice. Nil’s probably nicer to you than anyone ever has been.
“What are you thinking about?” asks Nil, and --
You can’t say Kissing, or The shape of your lips, or, damningly, When I look at you my heart feels like a crashing airship, so you panic and say, “The economy,” which is so fucking stupid, but --
Nil laughs outright, clear and ringing, with the lamplight catching in their pale hair. It hits you like a sledgehammer, and you sway forward without thinking about it.
Then you think about it and bonk your head on the wall. 
"Oh my god, are you okay?" They're giggling still, but there's a real note of concern there. You grin up at them.
“Fan-fucking-tastic,” you say, peaceably, and ruffle their hair. The last time you fell in love, it didn't feel like half this bad an idea, and it still blew up in your face. You're not risking your best friend on that. You slump onto the deck next to them and gently bump your shoulder to theirs. "Did you see me eat shit yesterday when I was sparring with Percy?"
You tell the story, deliberately goofy, to keep them laughing. To cheer them up, and it stings in your chest a little bit, but not much. You wouldn't give this up for anything.
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Lin/Xiphos || 25. [artist’s choice] Snap-out-of-it Kiss
Genesis Campaign Content note: this is not how it happened, but we had met Xiphos (warforged bard, member of the Blades) a few times as an enemy NPC at this point. Our party had killed the warforged lieutenant she was in love with and we all expected to get our asses kicked for it.
Xiphos snarls as your blades cross, as you try to push her away from Argos.
“He took her from me,” she’s saying and her voice is-- her voice--
You can feel blood trickling from your nose and ears with the reverberations of it, but you press forward anyway.
“What am I supposed to do without her? What would she want me to do?” Beneath the magical onslaught of her voice, you can feel just the simple emotions -- rage, grief, absolute misery. The kind of things you felt when you realized Lairit was never going to love you the way you loved them.
With a flick of your saber, you disarm her -- you get the impression she wasn’t trying that hard. You drop your own sword and grab her wrists instead. “Listen,” you blurt, “You don’t have to-- this isn’t-- oh, goddamnit.”
You slide your hands down her forearms to grasp her elbows. You say, softly, fiercely: “Xiphos. You have more to live for than her.” Then you press your lips to where hers should be.
This isn’t so different from kissing someone flesh.The steps are basically the same --  raise one hand to cup her cheek, hold her gently to you, tilt your head to get a better angle. It may have been a while, but you still do know that much. Of course it’s weird not to feel skin under your own, or really much of a response, but you’re distracted from that by how hard you have to concentrate -- by the sheer mental effort it takes to throw every scrap of healing, purifying magic you have into Xiphos.
It feels like a rushing river blasting through you. You cling to her harder, trying to keep from being washed away, and you feel the moment the magic hits her: feel the shock go through her frame, feel her -- maybe -- start to kiss back. Is it working? You can’t tell if it’s working. You’re 85% sure that when you let go of her, she’s going to blast you across the battlefield.
But you have to try. Even if you can’t save any of the other Blades, even if you fail to save this one -- you can’t just leave someone wallowing in a despair like yours without trying to pull them out. 
“Linmir?” someone says behind you, in tones of abject horror.
You open your eyes to discover that sometime in the last -- thirty seconds? thirty minutes? -- you instinctively dipped Xiphos, supporting her back with one arm while the other still cradles her jaw. She’s looking at you with an unreadable expression. Hysterical laughter bubbles up in you and you bite it down. “Sorry,” you whisper. “Sorry.” Then you set her carefully on her feet again, and wait for whatever consequences are coming your way.
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angrennufuin · 2 months
WaxSûl 5+1 1+1 times he got cheeksmooched
Abnegation Campaign
[without asking]
The black curtains of unconsciousness are just beginning to close on your field of vision when you feel the healing spell take hold. It wells up in you like a fresh-tapped spring in the driest of summers; Wax’s, then.
“Thank you, dearheart,” you breathe, wiping away a trickling of blood from your nose. “I was sure I was done for that time.”
“Hey, no problem, man.” He’s bouncing on his feet again, birdlike, edgy. “That’s what I’m here for, right?”
“All the same,” you say, and lean down to press your lips to his cheek.
Your fault; you are not customarily so careless. It must be the bloodloss, you think hazily a moment later, as electricity crackles through you. You know he doesn’t like unanticipated touch. 
He’s really quite apologetic as he heals you again.
[with asking]
An instant before you can stab him, the Azorius guard disappears behind a wall of flame. You glance over your shoulder to Wax, who’s shaking out his hands and yelling “fuck the Azzies!” and who is possibly the most adorable thing you’ve seen today. The kind of scrappy child you would have liked to have been, though far less well-fed than you ever were.
You fall back to hover next to him. “Fuck the Azzies,” you agree. And then, mindful of your previous experience in this area, “May I kiss your cheek, Wax?”
He side-eyes you, but nods. “Like, sure, gran? Why?”
“For good luck.” You ignore the gran comment with, you consider, masterful grace, and press your lips to his cool, dry cheek. Then you ruffle his hair and sneak a bonbon into his coat pocket, and return to the fray.
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Judgement & Sûl || 4. Shut-Up Kiss
Abnegation Campaign
“Judgement,” you say waspishly, “are you listening to me?”
“Sure, princess.” She’s not. She’s cleaning her nails with a knife, and she hasn’t so much as snorted at the last three appropriate pauses in your very funny party story. You grind your teeth a little, genteelly.
It doesn’t help that the pain is worse again today. You’re far too well-practiced to hunch forward and cradle your stomach the way you want to, though it is easier when you know you have an audience. But mainly, you never could abide a pretty girl looking away from you.
You drum your feet absently against the desk you’re sitting on. “Of course, there’s no accounting for taste,” you continue. “For instance, does Maeve know Boros-red cloth clashes horribly with copper-red hair? Is that a deliberate choice or some sort of guild-wide affliction?”
“Hey,” says Judgement, shooting you a glance.
Oh? That’s what it takes? You smile: close-lipped, a little cruel. “Though why I’m assuming either of you know the first thing about fashion, I don’t know. You know what they say -- don't expect charity from an Orzhov, don't expect brains from a Boros--”
Jud stands up abruptly and puts her knife away. She plants one hand on either side of your desktop perch and leans in, gold eyes intent, catlike pupils gone round with focus. 
Then she kisses you.
If anyone asked, you’d say you expected Judgement to kiss forcefully -- which she does. You didn’t expect her to kiss so thoroughly, however: to cradle the back of your head in one hand, to cup your jawline with the other. To kiss like kissing is in itself an end, and not a prelude nor a distraction nor, as is obviously the case, an attempt to shut you up. Gods-damned Boros sincerity again, you suppose. No teeth, surprisingly… and a little disappointingly...
She rests her forehead against yours for a moment before pulling away. You blink at her once, twice, open your mouth to spout a witty rejoinder and realize you haven’t got one. 
Judgement raises an eyebrow at you. She doesn’t even have the decency to look smug. 
You… you actually think you may be blushing.
“Stop being mean,” she says, mild as milk, and sits back down.
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Penitent & Sûl || 12. Almost Kiss
Abnegation Campaign
“Good morning, Shiv!” You smooch them on the cheek -- more of a raspberry than a kiss, really, more noise than contact. They grumble about it but don’t get out a knife, so you twine an arm around their waist and hook your chin over their shoulder. “What are we doing today?”
“I didn’t know we were doing anything,” says Shiv drily, shrugging you off with acrobat’s ease, and you’re still laughing when you catch sight of Penitent on your other side.
She hasn’t said hello yet, but her head is turned toward you. Her regard rests on you with familiar heat, though its exact cause...
“Ah, Sister Contrition, did I make you jealous?” You tilt your head back, let your smile go slow and tender. Penitent is looking, after all, and doesn’t she deserve something to look at? Sources say definitely.
She looks away, performatively, because you can’t see her eyes, and… no. No, you don’t think you’ll allow that! You lean over, catch her chin between your finger and thumb while contriving to look up through your eyelashes at her. “I did, didn’t I! Poor Penny…” You lean closer still, closer, until you can feel her breath on your cheek, until you can make out the eyes behind the mask… they’re very wide, which is adorable…
“Well,” you murmur, stroking your thumb up her jawline. “I understand. But on the other hand…” You just barely brush the edge of her mask -- and then, all at once, let go of her and step back, spinning away with a wink and a laugh. “A little jealousy’s good for you! Keeps you sharp.”
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Sûl & Bonnie || 23. Wrist Kiss
Abnegation campaign Content warning for Sûl's not-particularly-healthy relationship to alcohol and sex, but they'll be fine
Rakdos parties aren’t exactly your scene, but you’ve had enough to drink that you don’t remember why. The whirl of color and noise and laughter sucks you down, swirls you around, and spits you back out in someone else’s shirt with greasepaint smeared on your hands and cheek. It’s exhilarating, if you don’t stop to think about it.
You tumble to a stop in front of a familiar face; Sprinkles, reclining on a chaise lounge with a wineglass in hand, blinks all six eyes at you. You’re pretty sure four of those are meant to be paint. Maybe you’re more drunk than you thought.
“Heyyy, Jinglebells,” you sigh, melting gracefully to the floor next to her. “Some party, huh?”
“You okay, princess?” Her voice telescopes out strangely and you laugh, pitching sideways until you catch yourself against the chaise. “Woah there.”
“I’m good! I’m good, I’m golden.” You rest your head on the chaise and forget yourself enough to give her a real smile. When you see the surprise on her face, you correct to a grin instead. “Sprinkles,” you croon. “Aren’t you enjoying the party?”
“Oh, sure, I am. Whatcha doing here, Sûl?”
You pout up at her -- up! Ha, what a novelty -- and try to swipe her drink, then pout harder when she holds it out of your reach. “I would never deprive you of the chance to do your own research, darling. The party calls, and I must answer… give us a drink, won’t you? I’m parched.”
“Maybe ya need some water,” says Sprinkles critically. You can’t quite read her expression, apart from not turned on. “Ya don’t look good.” She puts a hand out towards your face.
“I always look good!” You dodge her touch, then, by way of apology, catch her hand between your own and press your fever-hot lips to the cool muscles of her wrist. “Are you worrying about me, Shiv?” you murmur against her skin, too low for anyone else to hear. “That’s so cute.” You look at her from under your lashes slyly. “But not really necessary, darling.”
There’s a brief silence. The room spins vaguely around you, sweat trickles down your back beneath the borrowed shirt. Your mark is here somewhere, occupied with someone who is not you, which should probably concern you more than it does…
“...Yeah, okay,” says Shiv, and you startle a little. You lost track of the time. “Stay put, princess, I’m gonna get you that water."
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Nee & Oz || 13. Hair Kiss
Titanomachy campaign Context note: Nee and the party ranger, Oz, have kissed a few times but have not had a Relationship Talk on account of being chased across the countryside by hags
The hand posture is the same as it is for Lightning Bolt, but with the wrist at a forty-five degree angle. “Which,” you explain, “should alter the duration radical to make it a series of bursts rather than a straight beam. No more catching you guys in the trajectory. I sacrifice a little on the average impact, but I think the specificity really outweighs that.”
“Huh,” says Oz, peering at the blasted trees you just practiced on. “Just from a minor pose change?”
You wave your hands dismissively. “And a chunk more raw power to fuel it. About one point five times more, so I can’t cast it as often, but it’ll hit like hell when I do. Are you impressed? You should be impressed. I couldn’t do this level of spell three months ago. I’m trying to fix the collateral damage problem we keep having on this team. Because friendly fire sucks, and I am a benevolent god of the arcane. Although, maybe if I mess with it some more, I can get more targets--”
Something warm presses against the top of your head, where your hair is cropped short. Something like a pair of bearded lips, maybe. 
“What!” you say, almost dropping your wand. You spin around to goggle up at him. “What!!”
“I’m impressed,” he says, peaceably. “If you’re not going to burn yourself out using this instead of the other one.”
“You--!” You’re still stuck on him kissing your head, actually. Otherwise you’d give him what-for about how you know your own limits. Your face is scorching. Oz is smirking, the tall bastard. “You! What! If you want to kiss, come down here and kiss me properly! Hey!! Hey, come back here--”
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Gonna do little like... intros to the rest of the parties from my characters, I think? Both as a fun development thing and also to help introduce people who follow this blog but aren't in a given game sort of get the lay of the land
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Kiss Prompt
Harth/Aysel: Distract-Someone Kiss
It was already a shitty day, as far as Aysel had been concerned. Stuck underground, far off from the stars or from the crisp ocean's breeze, she could feel herself getting more and more restless. Feeling increasingly trapped. Fingers drumming on her thigh, breezing through the rooms of this ancient temple to try and trick herself into thinking there was more space, stretching to prove she wasn't about to touch the ceiling, none of these things worked as well as she’d hoped.
It wasn’t made much better by having Harth assigned to her, something stupid about "not wandering alone" and a “buddy system” as if her god wouldn't keep her safe. As if Aysel wasn't the apex fucking predator of this stupid temple.
Harth had been...a hinderance, as much as Aysel didn't want to say out loud (more than twice). She couldn't really see, was kind of clumsy, she had to be led through the dark with precise directions or by holding her hand. Not to mention, every little thing startled her, which sometimes startled Aysel (not that she'd ever admit it) and that made the claustrophobia feel like it was setting in even faster.
Aysel led Harth until they found a large room - some sort of barracks for priests of a time past. It was taller than the other rooms they'd been in, with vaulted ceilings painted to look like the sky above, and for that Aysel gave a sigh of relief. But that would be short-lived, as Harth stumbled on, Aysel noticed something. Not that Harth could see, but there was a huge rat perched on the base of a torch affixed to the wall. Aysel could only imagine the ear-splitting sound a prissy house agent like Harth would make if she saw THAT creature. No, that would not do. This ONE moment of being able to breathe would not be ruined.
Before Aysel could think about a way to scare off the rat or get Harth's attention, the Lyrandar girl had already brushed her fingers against the torch, luckily missing the rat by a few inches.
Aysel acted before Harth could further inspect the torch's fastening, grabbing Harth by the arm and pulling her close. With a fluid motion, she cupped Harth's cheek, turning her head towards Aysel's. Goddamn, shame that nobody was around to see it, Aysel lamented briefly, because that was the smoothest shit she’s pulled since she got stuck with this party. Ishtar would have clapped.
The kiss was brief, chaste even! Aysel hardly even brushed their lips together before Harth sent her tumbling backwards with a shockingly strong push. Right, she worked metal. She would be stronger than a wet noodle. Harth's pink cheeks were almost cute, and her angry, flustered spluttering was kind of funny, it made Aysel wonder briefly if this had been her first kiss.
Thankfully the lack of light hid the flush of Aysel's own cheeks, and she'd never admit to her own pace quickening. She picked herself off the ground with a laugh, holding her hands up disarmingly. "Hey, jeez! Sorry. I needed to distract you; you know how it is."
Pointing to the torch, Aysel’s hand sparked with electricity, illuminating the rat clearly unhappy with the sudden light AND having to hear these two big, loud creatures make a fuss. Aysel flashed a toothy grin at Harth "Didn't have time to warn you away from that".
Harth turned towards the torch, squinting as her gaze found the perched rodent in the dim light. A moment of silence - much too long for Aysel's liking, before an irritated sigh left the shorter girl. "What, the rat?" Harth's hand shot out, quick as a whip, and grabbed the rat. Leaning down and setting it on the floor, her hand retreated before the rat could even think about biting her. “There, it is fixed. May I light the torch now?” she said with a pout, ignoring the dumbstruck look on Aysel’s face
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Kiss prompts from forever ago, since Lodi reminded me.
Complete, just need (cross)posting:
Sûl/Bonnie wrist kiss
Nee/Oz hair kiss
Penny/Sûl almost kiss
Judgement/Sûl shut up kiss
Wax/Sûl cheeksmoch
Lin/Xiphos smooch v 1.0
Lin/Nil almost
Not started:
Lylah/Nee || 11. Goofy kiss
Maeve/Sûl any
Tallest/tallest Eberron forehead
Loudest/tallest shut up kiss
Lin x Leif not-sad kiss
Linmir/Lylah || 18. Jawline kiss
Also some fantrolls
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angrennufuin · 2 months
Kiss Prompt
Bene & Rosen 13 (Hair Kiss)
It was early, an hour or two before the sun would rise, but Benediction preferred to be up at this time. The world was quiet, and the village was peaceful. There were no artisans working outside yet, no children yelling as they played, no marketplace hustle and bustle. It was nice, he could take his time getting dressed and stealing away into the forest.
He was fastening his cloak when he heard a choked sob. Behind him, in the spare bed was Rosenrot, the newest addition to his house. Her brow was furrowed, and her hands had the blankets in a white-knuckle grip, before another strangled cry escaped her. Benediction paused for a moment, staring at her. This was the sort of thing his mother was better at, but Philomena would still be asleep for another hour, and waking her would throw off her carefully maintained schedule. Briefly, Benediction wondered if he should leave Rosen alone, but a stuttering inhale tugged at his heartstrings and he knew if the younger girl woke up screaming again, it’d be bad for everyone.
Thinking back to his own childhood, Benediction tried to remember what his mother had done to soothe him. Carefully, he walked over towards Rosen, sitting on the edge of her bed. Yes, that was familiar. He laid a hand on her arm and gently, but firmly rubbed circles. “Rosen, you are having a nightmare. Wake up” he said softly, giving her shoulder a teensy shake. Big black eyes opened to meet his, still watery and full of fear, confusion. “You are in our home; it is safe here. It is winter, it is well before dawn and the day after tomorrow we are planning to make pancakes”.
Sitting up, Rosen scrubbed her eyes with a sleeve, considering her glasses before ultimately leaving them on the bedside table. “Sorry, Benediction” She croaked out, her other hand reaching out to hold the ends of Benediction’s cloak. “Did I wake you and Miss Philomena up again?” Her breaths were still quick and shaky, but Benediction remembered what step had been next.
He smooths her hair with his free hand and leans over, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. Her hair smelled like shampoo and the sleep-wild locks escaping her braid tickled his nose. “I was already up, and Mother is fast asleep. You are okay Rosen. Do not rush your breathing”.
The hand on his cloak loosened, and the tense line of her shoulders softened as she counted her breaths. They sat like this for a few minutes, Benediction tracing the leaf pattern of oak trees into Rosen’s shoulder, before she seemed to come back to herself fully. She looked down at her lap, at a loss for words, but Benediction was not bothered. “You have plenty of time to sleep, if you so wish” he starts, mercifully ignoring her embarrassment, “I will be heading out shortly to the woods, I will see you when I return”. She slinks back into the pillows, letting his cloak go free and as he turns to leave, she manages to mumble “Thanks, Bene”.
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