#Succubus puyo
gren-arlio · 1 year
As my laptop dies, the quest for knowledge doesn't. Welcome to Episode 7 of (Waku) Puyo Extras. (Feat. A bit about a trope.)
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(At what point do we begin to feel bad for Schezo?)
Hey everyone, it's the dude who translates a niche video game for a living. As my laptop seizes to exist, my phone survives, and it's thankfully enough to do Waku Puyo Extras, as well as doing some stuff to work under Puyo Preservation as a proofreader.
As writing this, (September 25th-30), my laptop cannot run most things anymore, including what I use for translations, but I'm not the one to leave people in the dust. So rather, I decided to work on Extras because hey, I like writing these and people kinda enjoy these well.
I thought this time, with my inconsistent as all hell schedule, speak about these today:
Honey Bee. Weird pick, I know, but it could've been worse, and at least she's super hard carried by the Waku Puyo Manga. Plus, her origin is pretty interesting.
Something a little goofy. Schezo's "love life", or really, the people who chase[d] him around during the run of Puyo and Madou. That, and the trend itself in the games, since it goes even to Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.
As per the (Kinda) Dead Laptop Arc I'm going through, there are no videos for a good while.
And before we begin, I want to ask y'all a question:
Both will be covered but for a TLDR for people who dunno:
Serilly's Happy Birthday is a sorta Princess-Maker (Where you're basically raising a young girl, but in this case it's Serilly) game where you help plan Serilly's birthday on a week-to-week basis and invite people for her birthday. Gameplay itself I dont fully know myself, but I DO know that there are several endings to this game depending on who you decide to speak to and befriend.
Arle's Travel Log is a text-adventure game where Arle and Satan fight over Carbuncle and get blasted back in time, and Arle and Carbuncle trying to get past to the present. Game itself has some actual Madou Monogatari-like exploration, a point and click battle system, and features not only the Madou cast, but some actual historical figures and JUMP HERO, another series made by COMPILE.
This poll will last about a week. With this, I really hope you enjoy.
So, What're Honey Bee's Origins?
Honey Bee's origin is kinda weird, similar to Kikimora. She first appears in a Disc System Daimadou Senryaku Monogatari, a turn based strategy game, as one of the "Units" Arle and her enemies can use.
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These are the rivals Arle can face, ranging from Easy on top, Moderate in middle, and Difficult on the bottom. Yeah idk how Witch or Zoh got into the Difficult status. Oh, and the tile on the very bottom right? That's where the final boss is...which is Rulue.
And on the bottom screenshot, you can see Archan and Kodomo as well, who also made their grand appearance here.
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Now you couldn't exactly pay me to tell you how the gameplay really works, but I do know that this game got a balance patch in form of another game. We getting the Street Fighter treatment for these. I'm thankful to even find gameplay, as another Disc Station game, Madou Sugoroku, I legit can't find any footage for.
...Maybe the next Extras will be about these game, I dunno.
So Honey Bee herself had a kinda interesting origin, even though she was sorta a blank slate along with the rest who joined her. SUN didn't exactly do much better.
She first appears in Arle's route and comes down trying to stab Arle with her syringe. Arle dodges and says that what Bee just did was dangerous, but Bee chases her with the syringe. And on Schezo's route, she actually stabs Schezo, but his head must be made of steel because he thinks it's just his imagination and walks away.
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(The moment of the attack, 1996, Circa)
So not the best, but she got something, right?
Well. Waku Puyo blows everything out the water...in the manga.
She comes in and does a few things. Either poison you, lower your attack, or makes you sleep. When she's about at 1/3 of her HP, she retreats very quickly, which is more annoying than it sounds. She sounds evil in this game, man. So much so that my friend @kirstenonic05 made a nice little video about her experiences.
(Song used is Lying Coldy in Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations.)
Besides bosses, from my pals experiences, Honey Bee holds the distinct honor of being the most annoying enemy to fight.
So how does the Manga carry her?
It HEAVILY carries her, 90% of her personality as a whole is there to be honest.
We meet her in the first volume, and she says her goal quite clearly: To beat Schezo, even though she doesn't even know why she has to herself. Even Schezo's confused as hell.
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However, unlike Puyo SUN, she doesn't just attack the man outta nowhere. She gets one ACTUAL look at Schezo's face, and is flabbergasted by how pretty he is. (In this style of art? He's alright for the most part)
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After some shenanigans going around, what with Bee stabbing him and her getting smacked around because she's barely the size of Schezo's neck and head, decides that she's not gonna kill him, and rather join him for whatever cause he has because...Love I guess. Damn, love really does make people do crazy shit.
She then (To the dismay of Schezo) follows him around for a majority of the adventure, even helping him with fights occasionally, and being absolutely pissed when Incubus appears and tries to seduce Schezo.
I should mention here that Bee thinks that she and Schezo are husband and wife. Or at least "together". That's how many on Schezo?
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Now, if you've seen the Serilly Extras post, you know that she was also there with Schezo, but at the start, rather than try to help Serilly, who was manipulated by Satan to be there because he said he was her friend, try to attack her several times to know where the Orb was...only for Schezo to smack her aside several times.
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Thankfully, she got the memo and decided to help Serilly out, only to get upset when Serilly saves Schezo and he carries her bridal style, and also when Schezo says he'll visit again if he feels like it.
After Schezo gets possessed by Incubus (I'm not saying seduced. He full on got possessed,) Bee goes to Momomo, who then goes to Serilly for help and...yeah the manga ended there.
So yeah, that's Bee's importance in the manga. Quite a large one, but to Schezo, she's just another annoying admirer/person who loves him.
(If you came for the analysis, this ends here. Thanks for reading up to here, and enjoy my goofy ramble about a trope.)
Speaking of Annoying Admirers/"Lovers":
Poor Schezo. Man's trying to live his life and just gets chased around by some of the oddest people out there, or in some cases, stuck with them. This has obviously not been the case for Modern Puyo, but back then? Oh boy. Lets cover that.
Let's start with the one from the manga itself, the one y'all JUST saw:
Honey Bee:
Frankly, Schezo got it rough if a Bee thinks they're married, when in-game, she's easily the most infuriating enemy out there excluding bosses. She frankly loves the dude, much to Schezo's anger. She sees other girls talking to him or whenever Incubus decides to be wacky as cheating, and gets really upset at that.
And that's not even including Serilly, where she tried to attack her over it...and also the orb but shhh, forget that. We forget them here quite often.
You may be wondering, "What does he do again?" and I'm glad you asked. Man spends the entire time chasing around Schezo trying to "Seduce" him and such, much to Honey Bee's dismay and chargin.
Though like any villain, he does have a reason. Y'see, the big thing about Waku Puyo is these orbs, the big shiny things that are important. Incubus wants those orbs, and when Schezo gets one from Serilly, he does possess Schezo for it. Love it or not, the guy had a fairly decent plan. I have to unfortunately respect it. Poor Bee, though.
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(Yeah, I forgot this happened, ngl.)
Another one is Succubus. Now with this one, this is more due to things like, oh idk,
She's a damn Succubus. It's her job.
Incubus I was a little confused about, but in general, it made sense, Succubus is just doing what she usually does. We all know what she did to Schezo in Madou Saturn, but in Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, she does appear in all routes in Battle Castle as well as in Schezo's route.
In both her boss fights, she tries her absolute best to make Schezo her servant...to basically little avail, because he was tempted at first. (Also, in Arle's route, she makes an exception for her because she only goes for "Good-looking men," but Arle can be excluded.)
If you've followed me at any point in time or casually read whatever she does in Madou, you know as well as I do that Witch chases this guy around. A lot. She could be considered the OG Schezo Chaser. (God I'm laughing at that name during typing)
They began to get associated in Tower of the Magician, and there, they're going their own routes but they team up sometimes for puzzles and the sort. Nothing bad. Then it happens again in SUN, with the now infamous "I want you," to Schezo, before clarifying its his robe she wants. I feel like this one was a genuine misunderstanding.
Then out of fucking nowhere, she dials it up to 11 in 1998 with both Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon AND Madou Saturn. Least in Saturn, she was stupid curious about this "Perverted man" and asked to touch him, and that's about it. In Waku Puyo, she just...chases him the entire time for his clothes, and keeps saying how cool he and the robe are. IK I mention this often but it's relevant to this for once. Plus, Waku Puyo is like 50% of my brand.
Then she does the unthinkable and continued it in PPT2...yes I know Marle possessed her but still. It's funny. And to quickly mention 20th, she does do her iconic SUN line again, so Wahoo.
And special shout out to when she told everyone about the meaning of Schezo's name during that beauty contest. Gotta respect that she knows the lore.
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(I don't think any of us expected this. But it's hilarious. Unfortunately I will not be submitting to you.)
About this "Lover chases their crush"/Chasers Trope;
They're pretty common in Puyo as a whole. Rulue with Satan, Satan with Arle, Schezo with Arle for straight power, Witch with Schezo, Draco with beauty, Strange Klug with trying to get out that fucking book, list goes on.
I won't deny, it's a little outplayed, and Rulue specifically got it the roughest. Like 60% of her is just about Satan, and I just find that wild, least in modern Puyo. I think Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 did it wonderfully, as Rulue still very much loves Satan, but it's not her entire character.
Maybe Puyo Tetris 2 is just really well written, I dunno.
Overall...I'm fine with this trope. If done well it can be very funny, just hope to God it's the main thing about the character.
And I think with that statement, that'll be all for this week. Hope you enjoyed this, and be sure to vote on the poll too.
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puyopuyoconfessions · 25 days
I don't understand why Succubus got such a drastic redesign
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puyotism · 1 year
Ok actually uhhh gonna start posting art on here again anyways arts i did that i just forgot to post 👍👍👍👍
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reblogs > likes btw 👍👍👍👍
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modmamono · 9 months
Behold: This is Lamia from Puyo Puyo Quest.
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As found on the section of the 25th Anni book(, and unless some Japanese text is there to contradict me,) it seems this is the only Madou Monogatari-only character that made the jump to SEGA's Puyo Puyo run.
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(Probably retroactively though I feel the same about Succubus who gets the same treatment as her in this same book, but has been accepted as the same for a while now.)
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douglasanondr · 5 months
Question For Puyo/Madou Fans but Specifically Madou Fans
Does Schezo have any beef with any of the Monsters?
Not Humanoid Monsters like Draco, Serilly, Harpy, Incubus/Succubus, Mandrake, Skylla, Satan.
Monsters like Minotaurus, Suketodara, Mamono, Skeleton T, Owlbear.
Does he show any real Animosity to monsters, like he would some of the human characters sometimes?
Important for a thing.
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closedrop · 11 months
My good chum keeps asking me weird as shit random questions about the Puyo lore since that’s how he is
Yesterday’s fabulous question was “are there any characters who have canonically had sex?” And the answer to that is yes. But shortly after he followed up with are there any characters who you feel like would. So I’m gonna answer these here on this hellsite
Okay so uh I know that Choppun as far as I’m aware is the only confirmed character to have had sex? I mean he has a child which could have been adopted but idk.
And then for the ones who probably have? I said Incubus
And Satan
Mostly bc it’s those two’s whole thing and Satan has been alive for god knows how long (100,025)
And then there’s Schezo who most definitely has not had sex ever at all in his life
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suspiciousvivi · 1 year
Unused Puyo Puyo 7 sprites in Art Collection
Oh hey. I made this post after I watched DaEgg123's Cut Content in Puyo Puyo games video, specifically in the part where they talked about Succubus' original design from the Compile games being planned for Puyo Puyo!! Quest in one point. In that part, he talked about the Puyo Puyo Art Collection book that was released in early 2021. What is interesting about this is that he only talked about the Succubus part, and there's one part of the book that I wanted to talk about.
So, in the Puyo Puyo 7 section of the book, they show all the sprites for all characters used in cutins, manzai cutscenes, and other things such as the UI. However, I found that two characters that have designs used in the book that didn't appear in 7, those characters being Dark Arle and Skeleton T. Let's begin with my favorite of the two.
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Dark Arle has this sprite that is between her Bayoen cutin sprite and her official artwork for the game. This shows her in the pose from her manzai sprites, but with a glare expression on her face. As far as I can get, this sprite is not used in the final game, and Dark Arle only has two manzai sprites...
...However, in Puyo Puyo!! Quest, the idea of Dark Arle glaring was used in her 6 Star artwork for the game, and this glare expression was used on her sticker in the series' LINE stickers that was released around 2015-2017.
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From now on, I had said everything about Dark Arle, so let's talk about Skeleton T.
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Skeleton T has a variant of his normal manzai sprites, but this time, it shows him in an agressive expression. Like Dark Arle, Skeleton T only has one manzai sprite for the game, depending on the skeleton that he represents, which implies that this sprite was originally going to be used in the scenes where he is shown angry. Unlike Dark Arle, this idea was never used again.
(If you see the sprite above being bad quality, it's becuase I couldn't find the Google Drive link for the book, which had better quality.)
At the end, none of these sprites where actually used in the game itself, with one of them being reused in the future. If Puyo Puyo 7 gets a remaster/remake of some sort, it would be nice to see these sprites used in the game in this scenarios, alongside other unused content from the game. Heck, it would be nice if the potential remaster had the Museum from Puyo Puyo Fever 2, where it would show all the artwork for the game.
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gren-arlio · 1 year
I'm back after a small break. Welcome to Waku Puyo Extras.
Hello everyone, I'm alive once again after taking a small break and from posting on a Wednesday. It's been a bit, but I think we'll be back on schedule now. Might throw a funny image or the sort down here every Extra, IDK.
I want Extras to be more casual than the others, so besides the actual translating part, expect me to be more informal and joke around more.
First things first, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who reads these. Wasn't expecting so much support from the community, and it was a fairly good motivation boost, so I feel more confident than ever about what I do now.
With that thing outta the way, I think I'll start this post by something simple: Revisions from previous episodes. Obviously, when I started, I wasn't so great at this, so I made a couple of mistakes, notably:
Schezo (unfortunately) doesn't call Rulue a bitch in the first episode. Wish he did but alas, he doesn't. Instead, by an anon telling me, he more calls her a "Meat-headed woman," or something along the lines of "All Brawns and no Brains."
This also goes for episode five, where Schezo first hears Doppelganger Schezo. While yes, he does call Doppel "Kisama," a very rude version of saying "You," with how Puyo is, I don't think they'll be hard swearing anytime soon. I believe it's more of "You little..." or just "You," though any Puyo translation experts can correct me on that one.
This post will have two things:
A new video. It's a short one.
The Menus for the shop, provided by @kirstenonic05. Special thank you to you.
With those minor things out of the way, time for the first actual part of this:
A whole new video.
It's not a long one at all. It's fairly short compared to the rest.
This was the Witch and Succubus thing from my Retrospective. It's fun.
Schezo says "Hm? There's no one here..." at the start.
Succubus Refight: (23:30, defeat at 25:25)
Witch Trade Offer: (27:25)
With that, this'll be the Read More section of the blog.
Succubus Refight: (23:30)
It's you again!
Why are you so happy about it?
Hey, how does that remotely sound happy?
You're not very honest, so your sense of joy is very twisted.
Don't decide that on your own!
As usual, you're still shy...You okay? You can be honest with yourself. ♡
Leave me alone!
With that, I want you to be my servant. ♡
What's the "Why" then! I've had enough!
Well...guess I'll have to force you to be mine.
Oi, oi, that's the woman's line!?
Come on, be mine!
No thanks!
(After her defeat, she says "Ahh...I can't take it anymore..." and then when Schezo opens the chest, it says "Schezo got a book.")
Witch Trade Offer: (27:25)
Dang (or Damn)... it wasn't here either...
But what exactly is this Grimoire?
Ahh ♡ (Here we go again.)
There she is again...
You...I want it. ♡
Ugh, you're persistent! I'm not getting undressed here!
...I was going to say "I want that Grimoire that you have," you know.
...Though of course, I'll take your clothes too. ♡
(Hm, is this grimoire really worth that much?)
[Text says Give or Don't Give. They say Give.]
...I finally have my hands on the "Meteor Grimoire".
...Yes, in return, I'll give you a copy of the "Areiado Special Grimoire".
...Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
...Oh, and as for your clothes, I'll get them later. (WE WENT 3 SENTENCES WITHOUT CLOTHES BEING MENTIONED. HUGE DAY.)
"The Areiado Special Grimoire"!? Well, let's see if it's true...(it was.)
For the past 3 years I've had this image of Witch from Puyo Tetris saying "SHE will turn you into HORRORS BEYOND ALL COMPREHENSION." and never understood it. Now I do.
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(Maybe someday there'll be a remake. Or I'll remake it IDFK. This single girl has given me like 3 sleepless nights from translating, so thank her for that. Still my 3rd favorite character)
That's the small translation piece out of the way, now it's time for the good part.
Thanks to Kirstenonic helping me out, I've now been able to translate the menus of the shop. You'll still be a bit confused by some stuff but its better than nothing, I hope.
There'll be no timestamps for this.
Here's how it goes:
The player goes into this menu, and this happens: (this part will look odd.)
Welcome to the shop.
Icons appear, from the left side being:
[Cash held: 58]
And the right being:
Player clicks buy.
What do you want to buy?
The left now shows:
Page 1:
Magic Crystal:
A mysterious crystal that revives you when you hit 0 HP.
Curse-Breaking Scroll:
A scroll that removes an equipped curse (I assume debuff.)
Scroll of Light:
A scroll that makes floor traps, magic circles, and scrolls disappear.
Nothing will happen if you drink it. Its just water.
Hermits Wine: [Unsure of the name.]
Restores MP by 50.
Restores HP by 50.
Green Potion:
A potion that restores your status at the cost of half you HP.
Page 2:
Delicious Herbs: (It also says Grass but I'm going with Herbs. Replace Herbs with Grass if wanted.)
Edible Herbs. Might cause a stomachache.
Gentian Herbs: (Type of flower.)
Herbs that make your strength go up by 1.
Cotton Herbs:
Herbs that make your skill go up by 1.
Zoysia Herb: (Or the No-Mow flower. Both being the same. Had to study a bit about flowers.)
A herb that increases your magic by 1.
Happiness Herb:
Herbs that increases your luck by 1.
Spinach: (...Is it spinach?)
Slightly restores HP.
Mental Herb: (Slightly unsure of this name.)
A Herb that restores MP.
Antidote Herb:
Herb that cures poison.
Page 3:
Geranium Herb: (Another flower.)
Herbs that make you stay afloat for a while. (...What?)
An ordinary apple that'll fill your stomach.
Golden Apple:
Level up by 1. A mysterious apple.
Curry and Rice:
A normal bento that'll fill your stomach.
Super Spicy Curry and Rice:
A bento that makes you feel full, but halves HP.
Large Curry and Rice:
A very filling bento.
Special Extra-Large Curry and Rice:
A bento that'll make you full.
Don't overeat it.
Ice-Storm Grimoire:
A grimoire that allows Arle to learn this spell.
Page 4:
Palm of the Fire/Water God: (They have the same description.)
A manual Rulue can use to learn this special skill.
The player then goes back to buying to see Momomo lines.
Momomo: (In order.)
What're you going to buy?
I don't think you have enough money. How about something else?
That'll be 30G. Will you buy it?
There's no reason not to buy it.
After that, they go to sell.
What are you selling?
Showing the menu, it's:
?Medical Ring
?Medicine (Back to back.)
Ring of Fire (1)
They click one of the ? items.
What're you going to do?
Menu pops up with:
[Sell, <-
Break Curse
Unidentified things are worth 1G. Is that okay?
(They say yes, and leave.)
Thank you for your continued patronage.
Hope to see you again. (At the very end.)
That's episode 1 of Extras. Bit scuffed, but it'll ease in. Have a few things planned for next time. And remember, if you want anything specific from the game translated, let me know. I'll try my best.
That'll be all. Thanks for tuning in.
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blu3illusi0n · 3 months
[Puyo Puyo Quest: Succubus]
Went totally artistically free with her design.
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avernale · 3 months
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Incubus and SuccuCrisis by Veolesette on DeviantArt
Last October I asked my followers for characters to appear as incubi and succubi in art with my succubified OC's. The only respondent suggested Incubus from the Puyo Puyo series.  So here we are. Being a powerful spellcaster, Crisis also makes for a powerful succubus. This form was only temporary, but there were plenty of demons who wanted to see her remain this way full-time.  I don't know if this Incubus is actually a demon, but from what I've seen he's probably conceited enough to think he could seduce her into embracing this form permanently. YCH by Veolesette on deviantArt. (Also @Veolesette here, but they haven't posted there for two years now)
Posted using PostyBirb
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gren-arlio · 1 year
After a week delay, Episode 5 of Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon is here!
Yeah, I kinda needed that extra week. School Finals are happening and as much as this means to me, school is a bit more important. However, it gave me time to revise and fix this episode, so we're all good. Sorry about that though.
As usual, here's the new portraits, with new Arle ones, and new characters such as Succubus, totally not Schezo, and Black Kikimora (Or Biki as I'll put) :
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And the video itself:
And now, Timestamps:
Skeleton-T Encounter. Again: (0:05)
5th floor shenanigans: (1:15)
Succubus Boss: (6:45)
Succubus Defeat and Totally Not Schezo Encounter: (11:45)
Kikimora Goes Outside For Once: (14:29)
Arle Appearance (With A Carbuncle): (15:00)
Rulue Appearance: (16:32, 17:13 is just "Alright, let's go inside" thing.)
Menus, and Double The Kikimoras: (17:27)
Biki Leaves You: (18:42)
Ending: (21:41)
I think from now on I'll just call Black Kikimora "Biki". And off topic, this game really did a great job showing off Kikimora as a character, she gets tons of screentime.
With that, enjoy.
Skeleton-T Encounter. Again: (0:08)
What is it, are you okay with just slacking off like this?
No way!
A lady with a whip suddenly came into the shop. I was kicked out.
A lady with a whip? There's such a person?
No, not at all!
It was "Nee-Chan"! Nee-Chan with a whip!
[I had to make sure this was right. Apparently it can mean older, more mature women, but that's...really up in the air for me.]
Oh wow...they seem strong. Where is she? Is she on the 5th floor?
I heard they went beyond the 5th floor.
What the hell...then what floor are they on?
That, I have no idea.
However, if you have 3 orbs, then you should be able to go beyond the 5th floor. [No clue how he knows this.]
Hmm...3 orbs. Okay, let's try the 5th floor then.
[Then the usual phrase happens after this. Let's go inside.]
5th Floor Shenanigans: (1:15)
What the?
The Voices: [No real name but I'm giving it one for convenience.]
He who holds 3 colored orbs, raise them.
Orbs...I believe I have 3...
(Schezo has the 3 orbs.)
Okay. Now we can move on.
Alright. Let's go.
Succubus Boss: (6:45)
Succubus: Mhm. ♡ Come on in. [Why my phone has that but not music notes remains a mystery.]
What the hell are you!? [You can also replace hell with fuck if really wanted, because that's an actual result.]
Me? I'm a Succubus.
And I'm here to take you into a world of pleasure.
Oh! A world of pleasure!?
Fufu...you're real eager. ♡ So you want to become my servant?
(Servant? ...Does she mean a retainer?)
If you become my servant...
I'll give you "That thing," as well as a lot more...♡♡♡ [Man I don't like using those hearts.]
No thanks.
What!? ...I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
What do you mean?
I don't take orders from others!
Rather, YOU should be my servant! [Or retainer. Either or.]
Oh my~♡ You got a lot of energy. ♡
Fufu ♡ That's the least you can be to make this fun. Alright, go for it!
Let's go!
Succubus Defeat and Totally Not Schezo Encounter: (11:45)
Ahh ♡ [...Your guess is as good as mines. Not a fan tbh]
You idiot, trying to control me;
Schezo Wegey. You dare rule over me? [You can also replace idiot with stupid bitch to get that Rulue feel from episode 1.]
...Huh? This evil presence...
...Come out! I know you're there!
Mystery Voice:
Ah...did you sense me?
As expected, even when weakened...
What the hell!
You bastard, you're mocking me!
You son of a bitch...here, I'll cut you into pieces!
[Its getting more difficult for him to NOT Swear so I said screw it.]
Mystery Voice:
Don't rush. We'll fight sooner or later.
In the meantime, regain the strength you lost.
[Voice vanishes]
Who...who was that guy?
That evil spirit...that magic...he's not an ordinary guy.
But I feel like I've seen him before...
[14:10 is "Do you want to leave?"]
Kikimora Goes Outside For Once: (14:29)
Mr. Schezo! I've been looking for you for a while.
Huh? I didn't ask you to find me, alright?
I heard you were getting rid of that whip lady, right?
Um...I don't mean to thank you, but here. It's yours.
(Schezo got a "VIP Pass".)
Tickets...I'll take it.
Well, excuse me.
[Kikimora leaves]
...What did you thank me for?
I don't recall doing a thing that warranted a thank you...
Arle Appearance (With A Carbuncle): (15:00)
Oh, hey Schezo!
(Hmm...we can't continue like this...)
Hey! Perverted Mage!
Whenever Arle, Rulue, or that whip lady is involved, bad things happen!)
Hey!! Pervert! Nekkid, Bumdtious Mage! [Nekkid meaning a form of Naked. Bumditous just means incredibly self-assertive or proud to an annoying degree.]
You're so loud!
Schezo, you've been acting strange lately.
What's troubling you? Maybe love, for example.
You! You're the one!
What!? Me? That came out of nowhere, what're you trying to say!?
I'm just saying...
(What the hell does she mean?) [Schezo is staring at her, it's just not told. Yet.]
Oh my God! Don't stare at me like that!
(I'm full of love! Now I can take Arle's magic!) [...Whatever this means. I'm a tiny bit unsure.]
I want you!
Guu! [...He shot a laser at Schezo.]
Wait a second, Carby!
You can't shoot beams in a place like this!
But still, he deserved it. He's still a pervert...
I can't help but say that. Let's go, Carby!
That's not true... [I assume to Arle's statement.]
Rulue Encounter: (16:32)
Oh no, there's a pervert here!
Oh, the meat muscle woman is here!
Excuse me, what was that!?
You're the one who treats me as a pervert!
Minotauros, just end this now!
I don't have time to be a punk here! You can all rant and rave for all I care!
Hey, wait!
It's a waste time to get invoked with that stupid bitch! [He's been swearing often. You can also just say woman. And 17:13 is "Alright, let's go inside!" Again.]
Menus, and Double the Kikimora's: (17:27)
[Menu goes as followed:
Listen <-
What do you want me to explain?
[More Menus going:
Cleared Attractions <-
When You Get Cursed
Tales of the Black Market
About Rankings
When in Need
When you enter an attraction, you may be surprised by the new monsters too.
And if they're too strong, then it'll end in a game over.
I recommend going back to cleared attractions.
You'll have a much easier adventure if you get more levels and items before going into new attractions.
And I, as a man of much power, do not need to do this amount of work.
Is that so? Well...I'm not saying that it's impossible.
[Menu again, this time they click "Tales of the Black Market.]
Between you and me, besides Momomo's store, [Or Momo-San]
There are rumors of another shop that sells items.
I hear they sell expensive valuables that don't sell here in this place.
Hmm...sounds like it could be a good thing. Where is it?
Hmm...I'm not sure.
As expected...you're useless.
"As expected," huh...come on...
[She then repeats "What do you want to hear about?"
And now, they go back to the menu, click back, then click "Bulletin". It reads:
Horror House
Wonder Jungle
Peddler Fufufu
Mana usage <-]
Eh? You're the one who's supposed to explain this?
Black Kikimora (who I'll call Biki):
That's right...follow me.
Biki Leaves You: (18:42)
Hey! What the hell are you doing bringing me here!?
Let me tell you something good.
What? Well, lets hear it.
Even traps, which can be quite a nuisance, can be a powerful weapon if used well.
For example, you could use a Trap Magic Circle Scroll to trap enemies, then attack.
...Try it.
[She leaves while enemies spawn]
Hey! Where are you going? I wasn't done!
Damn it! Let's get these guys out of the way...
Ending: (21:41)
Looks like the way out.
[He exits the area.]
Well, well, well...Impressive.
Boo. [I guess to scare her?] Of course it is.
...Say something.
...It's over.
... ... ...
(As usual...I mean, she's not pretty and is unsociable.)
(WHAM!) [From Biki's broom.]
Whoa! What're you doing! You hit me from behind with a mop!
Sorry for being ugly then! Scram!
It was just a slip of the tongue...or was it a futile excuse?
And that's all. Next episode might take another week or two, since they're getting longer, so heads up for that. Thanks for reading though.
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namoart · 5 years
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Succubus too....
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