#and they just showed up w the rain scene straight
avalawliet · 10 days
The part i hated about death note was that they didn't expand on L and lights actual relationship in the yotsuba arc at all and we didn't had a single scene of how they actually lived chained together. im starved. guess i'll go back to fanfics
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wtfsteveharrington · 5 months
take the upper hand | carmen berzatto x reader
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push the reset button we're becomin' something new
description: carmen berzatto is stubborn and anxious and doesn't always know how to express himself. your best friend drags you to a party that carmen knows you'll be at and he shows up to make amends and thank god he does because he saves you from dealing with some drunk asshole.
content warnings: angsty!! drinking/party scene, shitty drunk guy w/ a shitty guy mentality!!, reader gets hit on with one night stand suggestion tones, carmen's ready to swing, mentions of anxiety and jealousy. mentions of reader drinking. kissing, mentions of intimacy related scratches, some light smut references.
author notes: my first time posting something that isn't just smut!! also something that no one but me has read!! normally i always get a proof read, not today. but this idea has been rattling around in my ole noggin' for a minute now so here we are. reminder!! you are responsible for your own media consumption!! if this won't be your jam then there's tons of other fics in the sea (: ily thank you!
even if it's handcuffed i'm leavin' here with you
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
The last place you wanted to be tonight was some house party in Wicker Park. With Pitbull, of all artists, playing so loud in the basement that the floor upstairs was still vibrating. Everything was sticky and stinky and you did not wanna be here.
But your best friend was hooked on this guy from her gym. 
It didn’t help that Carmy recognized his name from high school and mumbled out some remark about, “Oh yeah, no Dave’s a pretty solid guy.” She was convinced it was a sign that they were meant to be. Not to mention she found his mom’s Facebook and a post from two years ago that included his birth time. The whole train ride over you listened to how compatible the two of them were and how much she loved that he was a Scorpio rising. 
She had begged you to come to this God forsaken party and help put in a good word for her. Something had her convinced that if you mentioned just how well you were getting to know Carmen to this Dave guy that he would hold your opinion of her in higher regards.
And sure, maybe there was a part of you that hoped Carmen would be here even while the two of you were feuding. He knew it was coming up but couldn’t promise he’d be off in time - Something you got quite used to. It normally didn’t bother you that he had so many late nights at the resturant but when it rains, it pours and now you’re stuck sitting next to the sink littered cups filled with what can only be best described as some sort of horrific finance bro jungle juice. A mix of 1942 and fresh pressed juice. 
Your nose wrinkles up at the smell but you’re quickly refocused at the booming sounds of Ethan Callaghan stumbling through the back door. Another man Carmy knew from high school but didn’t like as much. Something about always being too in-your-face. Though you were pretty sure he was close with the guy your best friend was currently hooking up with in some random bedroom down the hall. 
The second his eyes land on you there’s a lopsided smile being thrown your way as he tries to fluff his hair and stand up as straight as possible. He’s stumbling into the kitchen with a full drink in hand, droning on and on about how he was ‘just so jealous’ that your friend went into that bedroom earlier. How nice it must be to not end the night alone. No pleasantries at all, just right into the whole lonely and horny act that was grossing you out. 
No one particularly knew you and Carmy were together yet - He wasn’t the type who wanted to label right away and potentially mess things up and you weren’t the type to out your dating status to random drunken men either. Besides, you weren’t so sure that ‘I have a boyfriend’ would put an end to this pitiful man’s sob story. 
As if, on queue and manifested right out of thin air, Carmen rounds the corner and takes a second to soak in the sight in front of him. You’re sitting there with your eyes trained on the water bottle in your hands. Ethan’s yapping away about how pretty you are and how big his apartment is. An excellent view in Streeterville that you’d love to see with the best brunch place in town two blocks away blah, blah, blah. Your shoulders are hunched over, body leaning away from Ethan as he stands at the window watching his reflecting in the window above the sink. 
“Hey - Been looking for you.”
Your head whips around to the sight of his voice instantly. There’s a pang in your chest at the sight of him standing in front of you after you two had been apart for these last few days. He looked tired. Wearing a sweater he knows you love because he wants to look nice for you. God you wanted to run over and crash yourself against his chest. Screw the petty fight. Instead you’re stuck giving him a very pointed look, hoping he takes the hint to save you. 
He’d be lying if there wasn’t a split second where Carmen feared you were actually going to go home with this loser until he saw the panic and annoyance written across your face. Ethan’s laughing at the sight of him. “Hey, Dude. Think we’re all good here, yeah?” Oh he hates this dick. 
There’s a thick level of tension in the room as Carmen squares up his shoulders and steps further into the room. His eyes are trained on Ethan who clearly wasn’t expecting much of a fight out of Carmy. He stops when he’s standing between your knees, putting himself between the two of you. Something about the way he instantly turned possessive turned up a feeling deep in your stomach no matter how annoyed you still were. 
“Pretty sure someone out back was looking for you, Dude. It doesn’t seem like anyone in here wants you around. Now either you’re too fucking dense to realize it or you don’t care that you’re not wanted, but I’m here to let you know. So I suggest running out back and getting the fuck out of our hair.” 
Ethan’s clearly entertained while looking between the two of you, a playful glint in his eye. You’re silently begging him to walk away and find yourself bringing a hand up to put on the small of Carmen’s back. While you’ve never seen him actually fight, you’ve seen many scraps between him and Richie. Heard stories of him growing up and heard the Bachelor party story. 
You’re fine not having your own fight stories to tell. 
T-Pain is now blasting in the background and the contrast of people laughing and singing downstairs versus the situation you’ve found yourself in is making your head spin. The whole time your best friend is clueless and wrapped up in Mr. Scorpio Rising. She owes you big time. Like you’ve secured friend of the year already and she needs to throw a parade in your honor after going through this.
Ethan’s finally putting his hands up in the air, that shit eating grin still plastered across his features. “My bad, my bad. Didn’t know you were already claimed.” Claimed. Gross. Your fingers press into Carmy’s back, a silent plea to beg him not to escalate this even more. He’s laughing at the sight of the two of you before snagging a half finished bottle of vodka off the counter and backing up towards the back door. 
Carmen steps out from between your legs and follows Ethan to ensure he leaves. Shoulders pushed back, chest puffed out. You’d find the sight entertaining if you still weren’t so on edge. Carmen Berzatto, your protector. 
And sure, he’s probably just making this asshole someone else’s problem for the night but he doesn’t care. The main priority is getting you away from him and getting you safe. 
You catch the sight of his curls out of the corner of your eye when Carmen returns and instantly steel your spine. The shift in the air now that Ethan is gone was thick. He was a distraction from the distance between you two but now you’re preparing yourself for another argument when really you had no energy left to give it. There was a small worry that he’d think you gave Ethan any inclination that you were interested. Even though you two had been tense, there was never anyone else but you but him. Even if you’re too stubborn to drop that information just yet.
Carmen’s quiet. His heavy boots against the floor make your heart beat faster. Everyone had scattered out of the kitchen when he walked Ethan out of there but not before giving you two a nervous glance as they went. Some probably disappointed there wasn’t a fight if we’re being honest.
You don’t dignify him with a response. Crossing your arms over your chest and taking a sudden interest in the magnets that littered this guy’s fridge. Toying with the idea of putting the ‘Area 51 is for Lovers!’ magnet in your pocket. You figured you deserved something for going through this hell of a night. 
He stops himself once he’s reached your side, the silence awkward and thick in the air. Carmy’s hand is on your knee now, his touch not as firm as you’re used to. The whiplash of emotions once again not helping either of you know just quite where you stand. 
“M’still mad at you.” 
He winces but he knew it was coming. 
The two of you wallow in silence. Carmy’s just about to finally speak but someone stumbles in on the hunt for vodka, takes one look at the annoyance on your boyfriend’s face, before quickly muttering they’ll find it somewhere else. 
And you still won’t look at him. 
He’s grabbing at your waist now, pulling you from the counter and against his chest. You wanna protest but there’s still a buzz going through your body that makes it hard to think quick enough to push back. Plus God does he feel warm and smell so good.
Carmy’s walking backwards towards the fridge, waiting until his back is flush against it to slide down. Bringing down those magnets you wouldn’t stop staring at, family photos, whatever was in his way came with the two of you. He’s tugging you until you’re straddling his waist while he brings his knees up to support you. Grabbing a hold of your face, finally making you look at him and fuck he looks like shit close up. Dark circles, hair a little messier than he’d normally allow, a bit of fear deep in his eyes. 
“You gotta tell me how to fix this.” It’s all unfamiliar territory for him. There wasn’t exactly a good example set for him growing up to say the least. 
Four days ago Carmen watched as the barista at some coffee shop you wanted to go to flirted with you. That shit already annoyed him, but he tried to bite his tongue. Then your latte came out with a heart in the foam and you kept explaining that’s just how they all come out but he was jealous and possessive and didn’t know how to communicate that so instead the two of you fought in the car for an hour. It was so stupid and he’s been kicking himself in the ass ever since. 
The past four days you refused to talk to him and had done a good job at dodging the situation. Normally you two fight, you fuck, and then you pretend everything’s okay. The cycle was getting old and wearing you down.
Until now. 
You give a heavy sigh, reaching out to toy with the bottom hem of his shirt. Carmy really did look like it had been going through it so you’re throwing him a small bone. “Maybe not making me sit on a sticky floor would be a good start.” He’s muttering out this small laugh, thankful to hear anything coming out of your mouth let alone a joke, the sound vibrating against your fingertips and you hate how much it fills your heart. 
He waits for the rest. The other shoe to fall. Every ounce of laughter is gone when you finally collect yourself enough for - “Do you think we’re good together, Carmen?” You can feel him stiffen under you, his hands gripping at your waist because he needs something to give him some stability. 
A beat goes by. “I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” Another beat, this time it’s Carmy who refuses to look at you. Eyes downcast and trained on your lap. “But I’m not sure I’m good for you.” You weren’t expecting that. 
Once again silence falls between the two of you, still toying with the hem of his shirt before you lean in to bury your face in the crook of his neck. Taking a deep breath that’s filled with his cologne, faint smoke, and just Carmen that you’ve grown to crave. “You just gotta learn to trust me, Carmen. Outta everyone in this world, I’m the main one who never wants to hurt you. Especially for some barista with a fuckin’ comb over.” 
You hoped he would laugh again, but the sound never comes. Instead you feel his arms go tight around your body, his knees coming up a bit more which makes you fully lean into his chest. He’s clinging to you, wishing so badly he knew what to say (or could let himself) say what he knows he needs to. Instead he’s just pressing a kiss ​​to your head, sighing into your hair. 
“I wanna be better for you. Just don’t know how.” 
The two of you cling to each other and fight to get as close as possible. The distance apart these past four days has left the both of you physically aching for one another. It’s been hours, days of a tense heart and checking phones for texts neither of you knew how to send. You press a kiss against his neck, leaning back just enough to grab his face in your hands and stroke your thumbs over his cheeks. 
“It’s scary for me too, y’know? This, us. You’re not alone in being scared but lashing out at me isn’t gonna solve anything. I’m not going anywhere, Carmy.” You take the first step in mending the relationship by leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. There’s a hand coming up to cup the back of your neck, holding you in place as if he’s still scared you’re going to change your mind and run off before he can realize it’s happening. 
He’s letting you take the lead and only deepening the kiss once he feels your hands slide under his shirt. Fingers trailing along the toned skin while Carmey licks your bottom lip. Your hands glide around his back where you’re able to trace over healing scratches left on the skin from your last night together. 
Your lips part and you take the lead once again, letting your tongue slide along his and giving a low moan into his mouth as you taste him. There’s the lingering taste of cigarettes mixed with black coffee and Carmen. Once again indescribable and simply him. His grip on you tightens up in response and you know if you’re not careful then you’ll end up disheveled and tangled up in the backseat of his car or bent over one of the sinks in a disgusting bathroom. Both options you refuse to pick over getting home and letting him properly make this up to you. 
Dragging your nails along the healing marks, Carmen starts to lose track of his kissing. His grip on your neck tightening a bit more, hips rocking up towards you against his better judgement. The motion’s getting needy and sloppy and you have to pull away much to both of your disappointment. 
Shaking your head and bringing your hands up to rest flush against his warm chest. “You’re not gonna fuck me on this nasty floor. I deserve better than this.” Which, of course you do. He just gets carried up when he’s wrapped up in you. He’s nodding in agreement but can’t stop himself from licking his own lips to chase the sensation of you.
He’s looking over your features, his heart picking up pace even more than he thought was possible anymore. “Think you’re meant to be my forever, y’know? Sometimes I look at you and it scares the shit out of me because I look ahead and-... It’s you. Kids sitting at a table in the restaurants doing homework. A honeymoon overseas where I get to drag you around different pasty shops and restaurants and we’ll find random art in flea markets to hang when we get home. Take photos that end up framed. It’s you. Always.” 
Now how are you supposed to be mad when he’s this open and honest. Unpacking a future you had thought only you considered so far. You hope this behavior sticks. It’s not easy for either of you, but it’s worth fighting through the learning curve. “Kids, huh? Multiple? They’ll be your harshest critics, Carmy. I dunno if you can handle their reviews quite yet.” He’s chuckling, shaking his head with a lazy smile. “No, not yet. But one day.” The promise of more between you finally putting an end to this discussion for now. You make a mental note to remember this moment when the two of you bicker in the future - No matter what there’s always more on the road ahead of you. 
Which makes you smile too. Wrapping your arms around his neck. “One day.” You reward him with one more kiss, knowing that’s all the two of you can risk before you end up sprawled out on this floor. 
Carmy’s desperate to keep the lightened mood. He’s giving it a moment for both of you to calm back down from kissing before playfully scrunching up his face. “God you taste like shitty tequila.” It works. You’re laughing and swatting your hand against his chest, feeling a bit lighter than you did when you walked into this place. “Carmen Berzatto be nice to me!” 
He’s beaming at you now. Bright, happy. 
It’s a stark difference from the funk you’d both been stuck in since this fight started. The sight makes your heart swell and you bring a hand up to push some curls back off of his forehead. Leaning in to press a kiss against the tip of his nose. 
“Lemme take you home, yeah? Get you some food on the way? Gotta make sure someone so pretty doesn’t wake up with a hangover.” He loves taking care of you in anyway you'll let him.
You nod and carefully start to shuffle off of his lap. Getting yourself to your feet before reaching down to help tug Carmen up to his feet. You catch as he adjusts himself in his pants, a flush blooming along his cheeks and down his neck. Stepping back in until you’re chest to chest with him, you press a line of kisses along his jaw. Rough stubble going away once you find his lips yet again. You hum against his mouth, bringing your hand up to cup his cheek. “You gotta shave in the morning, Carmy.” He’s nodding instantly, reaching his hand down into his pocket to fish out the car keys. 
There’s a notification lighting up your phone - Perfect timing. A simple “Gonna spend the night ;)” text from your best friend. You can’t help but to grin and roll your eyes, turning the phone around so Carmen can see the notification too. He’s laughing while sliding a hand into your back pocket and starting to lead the two of you out of the kitchen. 
“Yeah, remind me to tell Dave that his friend fuckin’ sucks.” 
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No!yuu au- Prologue
A twisted wonderland were everthing is the same, except a certain magicless student never came to this world
-Grim invades the mirror chamber and wonders which coffin he should open
-he honestly just does eeny meeny miney and ends up chosing one of the coffins close to the windows
-and when he can't open the lid, like usual he blasts the thing with a fire ball
-but since Yuu is not there he would end up picking another first year
-Ace is sudenly waken up by a loud rumble and heat
-he screams, grim screams and ace falls face first on the floor, then quickly kneel and rub his head, damn his forehead hurts
-"w-w-what ?!? what just happened !??! " he gets up,the coffin lid is on the floor and is burning, with blue fire, why is the fire blue ?!?
-"Hey human don't ignore me !"
-the voice came from...down....? he looks at the groud and theres a grey...weasel ? raccoon ? cat ? wait were it's ears on fire ?
-"....seeing a talking weasel... i think i hit my head stronger than i thought"
-"HEY ! i'm not a weasel, i'm the great grim! well whatever, hey human give me those clothes now" he then blows some fire on the floor and smirk "or else i'll roast you alive"
-"WHAT THE HELL ?" ace pulls his pen and uses wind to blow away some flames that were a little too close for confort
-chaos breaks
-ace and grim then start to fight, grim trying to burn everthing and ace defending, ace blowing away almost every attack but his wind magic can't do much damege on grim either, and soon the chamber becomes almost covered in a sea of flames
-grim and ace become more and more frustrated the longer the fight takes
-the doors the suddenly open and the headmaster catch them both with the love whip, kalim uses oasis maker to put out the fire, making everyone soaking wet in the process
-after they manage to stop vil from murdering kalim the headmaster start to scold the troublemaker duo
-lamenting about how the students are more premature each year, causing problems even before the first day, how could they fight like that on the ceremony room ? that fire could have destroyed his precious mirr-*cough* the poor students that are still sleeping on their gates
-"and you mr trapolla !!! how could you let this happen ? you should have more control of your familiar !"
-ace says there's no way that piromaniac weasel is his familiar, grim agrees and just to emphasize tries to set ace on fire
-riddle then steps up and collar the two, unfortunally for ace "why me?", riddle then proceeds to lecture them for 20 minutes straight
-and that just didn't last longer because crowley said they were gonna be late for the cerimony(even he felt a little bad for the two after that)
-ace and grim, now properly traumatized, stayed tied up and by the headmaster side to avoid further problems
-he released ace when his turn came and he was sorted to heartslabyul, riddle felt his soul leaving his body
-grim began to make a scene saying he should be sorted too, "mr trapolla control your familiar !"
-ace then finally had the chance to clarify that no, grim wasn't his familiar, he never saw that fire hazard before and would prefer if things had stayed that way
-grim is kicked out the school kicking and screaming, riddle sighed lightly, alright, maybe that student wasn't so troublesome after all(haha this poor motherfucker)
-grim tries going to ramshackle to escape the rain, but without yuu there he can't do anything about the ghosts, he aims with his eyes closed !
-he runs away and have to sleep beneath a tree
-next day he goes to NRC again and ends up on the main street, he asks himself about the queen of hearts and surprise ! ace shows up
-ace is kinda rude from the start, recognizing grim as that weasel from yeasterday and insulting he here and there, but he still awnser the questions about the great seven
-by the end ace asks grim why he wanted his robes and grim why he wanted his clothes, and grim tells he is destined to become a great mage, but since the mirror didn't recognize his greatness he just had to enter himself
-ace laughs and says there's no way that could ever happen, that's the stupidest thing he has ever heard
-they fight like in canon, the queen of heart statue gets burned
-crowley shows up, "you two again ?!" he tells ace to clean 100 windows and kicks grim out again
-without yuu there ace manages to sucessifully skip the punishment
-grim keeps invading and getting kicked out, becoming a frequent headache to crowley
-throught sheer persistence grim managed to eventually tire the ghosts and they let him sleep on ramshackle
-he and ace keep coincidently meeting eachother, at the start they aways fought, ace laughing at grim and grim insulting ace the best he can, but not atacking eachother to avoid trouble
-after some encounters they manage to have some normal conversations, when ace encounter grim while skipping class
-grim then complains about how dificult it is to find food and cries about being hungry
-ace felt sorry for him and gave him half of his sandwich "it's only because your crying is really pathetic"
-and grim of course stuck to him like glue after that, they managed to get along, just a little, ace didn't aways bring grim food but it happened more times than he could justify just happening to have something extra
-and hey, teasing and talking to the fire monster turned out to be quite fun, funnier than those boring history classes anyway
-this whole thing lasted more or less two weeks
-then one day crowley found them, he was searching for grim after they notfied he entered again. and no one managed to catch him
-so when saw one of his troublemaker students skiping class and feeding the sourse of his persistent headache ?
-he was anoyed to say the least
-"you know, despite not being your familiar this monster follows you quite a lot doesn't he ?" ace gulped, crowley was so fed up
-Crowley then had a brilliant idea, one that would make that monster someone else's problem and also punish that shameless student (Crowley was very resentful after finding out that Ace didn't clean those windows, bacause of that he had to actually pay people to clean them !!!)
-he smiled and said grim could stay on the school, they looked shoked at him, why of course~ he was so gentle he would let grim remain on the campus and even use the library to study, so as long as he causes no more trouble and stay with mr trappola
-that's right mr trappola ! grim is now your responsibily~! if he causes any trouble you will be held acountable for it
-grim is beaming, it's not the ideal but is still great progress, ace wants to die, he tries to beg, to convince the headmage to see the reason and don't do this
-crowley just gives him a side look and says "oh would you rather be expelled then ?" ace quickly shuts his mouth
-ace avoids going back to heartslabyul the longer he can, how the hell would he expain it to the housewarden ?
-he then explains to grim that the housewarden is super severe and kiiiiinda psychotic about the rules for some motive, the guy is like a bomb ready to explode so it's best avoid him alright ?
-they get to the dorm past curfew, grim is hungry again, and ace is too, it is really late after all
-they steathily enter the kitchen and search for something
-and on the fridge there's three whole strawberry tarts, oh lucky them~!
-ace cuts two pieces for him and grim
-and while they're singing their praises riddle appears from behind
-ace is stuttering trying to find an excuse(what is he guilty of ? he doesn't know but he saw enough of the housewarden to know that face means no good)
-riddle then looks down and asks "what is he doing here ?", they nervously tell what happened
-riddle faz uma pausa. ele fecha os olhos. ele aperta o nariz e inspira profundamente
-then an scream echoed throught the night
-the rest is story
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Is anyone still trying to figure out the final code on the MV? The one with (the world of abnormal sentiment dances)? No judgement, I have no idea what's going on with it either, but I'm surprised there's so little discussion of it. I’m making this post to share some observations, and some of the things I’ve tried as I go insane over this MV. Warning, don’t expect anything too revolutionary.
+First, the code doesn't have a direct parallel in the original LGI MV, so no clues there.
+But I did find something possibly peculiar. You know the "find the 'n'" bit that shows up right after it? Well, it's lifted straight from the original LGI video, but the symbol you're supposed to find there is somewhere else.
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That's the equivalent from the og LGI.
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And there's the n. It's in a completely different spot, which makes me wonder if it's somehow related to the code. The n does pretty much coincide with a number of the images. Here's a transcription of the numbers, with the numbers related to the n in blue (you should still check I didn't fuck anything up though). Italics and bold means I'm not completely sure about the number.
1 4 6 3 1 4 8 4 2 6 8
1 7 3 7 4 1 0 2 0 1 4
3 0 3 6 4 5 1 1 7 5 9
2 3 3 6 8 6 3 6 2 7 8
9 3 0 4 0 4 9 2 3 7 4
3 0 8 2 4 3 6 7 7 2 0
6 9 7 0 5 2 1 7 3 2 6
4 3 6 0 7 8 8 6 5 0 3
7 1 8 8 1 1 5 2 5 7 9
8 7 6 4 3 2 1 6 8 6 4
9 5 6 2 8 0 7 1 3 5 3
0 8 5 9 5 6 3 3 0 7 1
7 5 8 1 4 9 8 3 7 5 2
9 1 4 4 4 1 0 0 5 2 6
Does it mean anything? Hell if I know! I have no idea how any of this works!
+Perhaps a more out there possibility is the changed alphabet. I've mentioned it before, but there's a point in the David MV where a modified alphabet shows up.
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In case you can't tell, not only are letters listed in both capital and non-capital form, the alphabet ends W-U-X instead of W-X-Y-Z. This changed alphabet is not in the original LGI.
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This is the equivalent scene. You can see it's perfectly fine, and as far as I can tell (aka: zero Japanese, just the translation and vibes) the letters aren't listed twice. And this is the video the David MV is based on, there are a lot of similarities.
This would imply, in my mind at least, that the alphabet was changed for a reason. I've seen it interpreted as another sign David doesn't see himself as human, as he doesn't even use the same alphabet, but it feels like a weird way to go about showing that to me.
So, uh, if you're trying something, and some words don't look right, maybe this can help?
+I have no idea what footnote 14 is supposed to be. "Hint: word length of 256". I've seen it suggested that it relates back to Hamlet's "To be or not to be" thing, but... while I think I did see one source with 256 words once, the word count is highly inconsistent throughout the internet, and almost none of them have it as 256 words. I checked with wordcounter.net.
-Wikipedia: 275 words.
-Poetry Foundation: 259 words.
-Poets.org: 276 words.
-Nosweatshakespeare: 275 words.
-Representative Poetry Online: 265 words
-Shakespeare Resource Center: 261 words.
-Litcharts: 273 words.
See the issue here? And now I don't have any idea what footnote 14 is. Here's some other things that it isn't.
+Literature Girl Insane: >256 words.
+Colored lyrics in the MV: ~190 words
+Lemon: Way more than 256 words
+The part of lemon in the MV: 113 words.
+The defense of Socrates: Way more than 256 words.
+The defense of Socrates, but only the part in the MV, and extended to the next end of sentence: I want to cry. 257 words. 257. One off. Why? Why are you like this? Please, someone check the fucking text and tell me I accidentally pasted in a word I shouldn't have. PLEASE-
+That part of the Little Prince in that one part before the tally 5 code: 198 words.
+Undefeated by the Rain poem: 139 words (in English Wikipedia, or 180, in the English translation found in Spanish Wikipedia, because my life can't just be easy so apparently the English version of the poem is different in different languages of Wikipedia what-)
+Just the correct/incorrect code: The most is 247 characters, if you include "correct13" and "incorrect".
+Yamanashi, the story "kapukapu" comes from: Thousands of words.
I didn't check anything else, but I can't for the life of me find what this is referring to. And it feels important, seeing as it's on the goddamn equal sign. Maybe it’s one of those excerpts from that part of the MV right before the “correct/incorrect” code? I don’t know.
If it helps, I’m pretty sure the code’s going to translate to something related to Xander, seeing as his numeral flashes on screen right before that. And because of that, it’s possible this 256 word thing refers to some kind of revolutionary speech or text or something the like.
How would the footnote matter? Well, you know the ampersand symbol (&) that shows up between the numbers?
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Maybe, if we put the numbers on both rows together:
14 43 66 30 17 48 88 46 25 60 83
17 71 38 78 41 11 05 22 05 17 49
38 07 36 64 43 52 11 16 78 56 94
29 35 36 62 88 60 37 61 23 75 83
90 38 05 49 05 46 93 23 30 77 41
37 05 88 21 44 39 68 73 77 25 02
69 91 74 04 54 21 10 70 35 22 66
Then reference whatever text is 256 words long, we can assign each number a word. Possibly, we would only start where the n appears, just to give that some meaning.
Like, here's what you get if you do that with the Wikipedia version of "To be or not to be", starting with the 05 the n represents (starting from the beginning gives you a completely nonsensical message, I didn't even go all the way).
to - sleep - to - and - dream - of - against - to - die - opposing - to - that - and - no - them - consummation - to - to - fortune - be - devoutly - death - die - not - the - and - question - to - and - arrows - ‘tis
Like, that almost sounds like it works, but obviously we would need to find the actual text of 256 words, which isn’t the Wikipedia version of the Hamlet speech. I also tried with the Socrates text, but I don't think it works (from the n you get, like, "O - but - O - word - ashamed", and that's going to be in there even if you start from the beginning).
I also tried some kind of alphabet cypher thing, both with the regular alphabet and with the modified alphabet, and while I would like second opinions on account of my skill issues, I didn’t get anything.
If that’s not what the ampersand is for, here's what you get if you add the numbers together instead of just putting them next to each other:
5 7 12 3 8 12 16 10 7 6 11
8 8 11 15 5 2 5 4 5 8 13
11 7 9 10 7 7 2 7 15 11 13
11 8 9 8 16 6 10 7 5 12 11
9 11 5 13 5 10 12 5 3 14 5
10 5 16 3 8 12 14 10 14 7 2
15 10 11 4 9 3 1 7 8 4 12
It looks like it could be translated to hex almost perfectly, with the 16s possibly just translated to 10s, but I don't know what to do with it. I tried converting to hex and just putting it in as a Tumblr image URL, but nothing. Though there’s a chance I just didn’t do it right, I guess. I even took the first part up to the "n" and put it in th goddamn tally 5 page just in case it did something, but no. I tried the "word association" thing with the Hamlet thing as well, but nothing. Also tried alphabet cypher, even with the modified alphabet, and nothing. But again, any cypher cracking I tried to do should be taken with a grain of salt, since I’m a bit of an idiot at it.
One thing I didn’t do, simply because I don’t know how to, is try to use column cyphers. You can look them up and try them yourself, but I sorta doubt that’s the answer.
Finally, it’s a possibility “world length of 256” is actually some kind of cypher key. Like, not whatever it’s referencing, just “word length of 256” as a key. I severely doubt it, but if anyone wants to try it, be my guest.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I kinda just wanted to tell someone, I guess. I’m going insane over most of the MV anyways, might as well share a bit of the madness. Also because of the content drought caused by me working on the MV video which is coming I promise but it’s going to take a while-
Anyways, thanks for reading my inane ramblings for so long! Take care!
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hakuna-my-ass · 1 year
Call me a bitch one more time
Maybe ill believe you
Call me a whore again
Maybe ill conceive you
Call me a slut to my face
Maybe ill believe you
Cause the way
I wade through the dirt
Is a pain
You cant see through
Call me your mom, call me your baby, call me your daughter
Call me whatever you want
I thank god im not your father
I would beat you, mistreat you, just like mine did
I wouldnt eat you, id leave you
To rot in your sins
Not here to please you, just deal you with the cards of your kin
Calling me your queen wont work cause bitch im a goddess
On the scene when i twerk
Cant help it im flawless
Tell me again how youre gonna cum all over my face
Show me again the way i feel pain
Tell me again about my ass and my titties
Like my uterus wasnt enough to give a buck fifty
Ya'll niggas iffy, filthy... long john? miss me!
Your bullshit squishy
According to the stars and the cards im a bull, hard headed
According to my pops, he's a dog, im hot headed
If i listened to any of you bitches id be mal tempered
I guess this is why rap was invented
Telling me i got legs for days when i got bills to pay dont distract me with your petty bullshit
I got brains for decades dont trash me ill behead you
Asking me for head? Youd rather be dead
Spitting on your grave, does that count?
Illy for years, been down south
Been in cuffs but i was rough before they tried to put me down
Like i cant fight, dont have might, i wear my horns like a fucking crown
Cause just like a bull i see red
But as a taurian i get paid diamonds, no respect
So tell me again how horny you are and how i make you
Show me again how you cum
And i may believe you
Born in May so its easy to distinguish sun from rain
All ya'll bitches run when you see me in pain
Cause my limit is about where my choker is
You helped me reach it so lets not forget i know how to choke a bitch
Like i said call me a bitch one more time
Call me dumb, ill show you whats mine
Cause none y'all have the stripes im covered in
Chinese eyes, my chinese sign starts roarin in this bitch
Y'all came straight outta hell
I came from something even lower
Learned and broke yall spells STOP FUCKING CALLING ME BROKEN
They tried and failed not even the universe could own her
Put her in a ditch, shell make a pie and make you eat
Youll attempt to take everything
Fucking fakes nothing more than leeches
Got poems so old, damn i should start preachin
Cant say ive never been to church
The bible aint a secret
Y'all preaching to the choir
So i brought a choir just to sing this
Bring me down to the ground
I might believe you
Silencing me
Wicho irritating sounds
Yous a nuisance
Thinking yous all that?
But aint got time to prove it
The grass is greener where i smoke it
The waist got leaner
Now they tryna poach it
Taking credit for my successes, my strength, my will and why im the bestest
But i didnt see NONE of yall when I was in duress, hella stressed, just tryna make it out w me n mine
Yet over time i realised its just me and im mine
To make things CLEAR
Im not here to fall into your sextraps
Sextrolling while im rolling
Youre fucked cause i got strapped
Youve never seen a gem like me?
Thats common knowledge.
Oeh im so different?
Caught me yawning
Turned up the degrees to see where youre boiling
Dashed so fast couldnt even keep it a hunnid
Annoying. Disgusting.
As a vegetarian i dont eat meat
Why dfq do u think id wanna see yours when i open my feed
Yall aint got nothin better to do than to focus
On fucking
I got better shit and poo so i focus on commas
The only zeros im interested in are the ones on my bankaccount
I like danger and dangerous numbers that make me moan and shout
Not yo itty bitty dick wrapped up in clout
Next time you see me dont ask me how im doing cause good girls do it bad and bad girls do it badder and im the worst
Your sins cant make it better
Scratch that
Royal Deity
The unholiest chick with the most purity
Chique, fine and thick
But you wouldnt know bout nunna that
Intelligent, since we keepin it straight facts
Sharp shooter, never miss my aim
Even if i fail, still winnin this game
S/o to all the gamers, the players, the fakers
Addressin y'all as my main haters
Slapping my insecurities in my face
Like i might do somethin w it
Undress, heaving chest, make a mess in the kitchen
Callin me gay just cause yall aint got a pot to piss in
Mad pissed, yall blocked, try to mess with this bitch
On all fours like a horse come too close ill stomp ya face in
Insulting me vagée, she's not an animal, yall the pussies
Saying put it on my face
Like you got the right or earned it
Yall demands undeserving
High on supply i dont follow commands
Baby your stressed let me help you with that
Bitch please take a seat id rather do a handstand
Know your place before its too late and yo ass gets jabbed
Call me baby one more time i might believe it
Call me sweet once mlre and ill know youre deceivin
Call me your love, your honey, babycakes, babygirl
Havent been a baby since i entered this world
Tell me that you love me one more time and ill bust out my edges, limited edition blade collection
Jessica rabbit blasian
Blazing stages
Saying you wanna fuck
So i did
Sorry not sorry i fucked you up instead
Mustve been a slice of miscommunication
Over time i developed a bullshit translator
Not sick in the head, just sick of y'all
Planning me demise and downfall
Ik ben een lijdende leider, een overlevende strijder
Thats why i give myself errything i be wantin
Preparin myself for these scheming ass bitches that be hauntin
Mightve gotten startled in the past
But im badder and better so issa wrap
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quadrantadvisor · 2 years
I have some thoughts for what the actual plot of owl house season 3 is about to be and I figured I ought to write them down in case I have anything right lol
We still technically have two big bads in play, seeing as Belos escaped back to The Boiling Isles and The Collector is over there doing something. I have no idea what their Owl House game is gonna look like, I'm just expecting it to be highly creative and chaotic. I don't think anyone is being seriously hurt.
(I have seen a lot of different takes on The Collector. Some people are interpreting him as straight up evil, some people seem to think he's essentially harmless. I would say neither are true. They have limitless power and a fundamental lack of empathy. Their highest priority is having fun, and they've never learned to value oth]er people's lives. They've also been hanging out with That Motherfucker Philip Wittebane for 350 years, which can't have been good for them. Basically, they aren't evil, they're just a child, but even that makes them incredibly dangerous.)
The Collector is beyond our reach to actually challenge in any meaningful way. He can move the moon with the twitch of a finger. How I see it, we have three options: making a deal with him, tricking him, or convincing him to change his ways. Any one of these has the potential to be really really interesting, but I do hope that we don't have to resort to trickery because that brings up more parallels between our protagonists and Belos and that would hurt me personally.
I think that we'll deal with that first, which brings Belos back to being our big bad. Just because Belos actually is evil and that makes the confrontation with him more narratively climactic. I could definitely see people saying and/or hoping that I'm wrong about this, since it could feel like retreading old ground, but I think the crew can make it work.
In any case, I think we're going to be getting a story of everybody teaming up against one big bad, but it's not gonna be like, power of friendship or w/e, more like, "Wow, this is messed up, it would be literally ridiculous to NOT be on your side." I'm basing this on just a few scenes that I think are potential set up.
I'm really expecting the Titan Trappers to come into play, mostly because it would be really fucking cool, but also that they have a pre-established connection to The Collector. Yeah, their teleportation thing got broke, but they just have to sail from the opposite side of the planet, it's not so bad. Personally, I'm expecting a bait and switch. We're meant to assume that they've come to either hunt down King or to serve the Collector, but they actually end up helping.
For one thing, it really complicates their lore if The Collector and King are already friends. But mostly, there seemed to be some set up in their episode. Tarak and King appeared to be legitimately bonding, and when Bill tells Tarak that King is a Titan, he gets a look in his eyes that looks damn near vulnerable to me. Still, Tarak rejects King and agrees to help sacrifice him. But after that, it's revealed to the entire group that Bill has been lying to them. Yeah, they still chase after Luz and King, but it seems like seeds of doubt in their belief system have been planted. I won't be surprised at all if we find they've changed their ways and come to help. Or, maybe they get here and see that The Collector isn't what they expected and flip sides then. Either way.
Similarly, I think the rest of the coven heads will be allies. They're bad people, sure, but they were in this for glory and power. None of them will want to be the plaything or a child-god or under the thumb of a genocidal dictator. They all know that Belos tried to kill them. It's the same as Kikimora during King's Tide. They'll also have much more to gain from helping out than by not. I'm mostly basing this on Snapdragon's moment with Raine during the draining spell. That shows us that she, and presumably the rest, are aware of what happened and will be ready to go against their former master.
Moving on to potential ending stuff, I don't thunk the characters will end up having to choose between realms. We will either get an unambiguously happy ending with free travel back and forth, or, in what I consider a far less likely option, we'll have a much darker story where King dies. Not only is King, y'know, full of Titan's blood, but we've also seen him do at least one task that could have been accomplished by blood just by like, being a Titan (freeing The Collector.) I'd say that that's enough set up for King to somehow learn to open portals. So if King is here, there's no reason that portals wouldn't happen. Thus, no isekai dilemma for Luz.
So yeah. Obviously these next two episodes are going to be harrowing and dark. But ultimately toh has been a pretty hopeful show about family and connections. I think a lot of people are going to come together and everything is gonna turn out basically okay.
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psych 2x16 commentary
Shawn (& Gus) of the Dead
SF, CH, KK, JRr, DH, I wish they had fewer persons for these commentaries, especially when they have similar voices.
I love how they always start with fake names.
SF directed this one!
DH: *Feet up, chewing on a cookie* KK: Just turn his mic off for this episode Henry: Scaring shawn af
I love these long shots, but: John Landis my beloved: STOP PINNING THE CAMERA AROUND
On time AND under budget!?
SF: I was like a kid in a candy store, with all the tools CH: & a pocket full of money!
That poor bear
I'm actually thrilled that their dinosaur is in there. I love the reference back to it. Discovered by Psychic paleo-sleuth Shawn Spencer (in comic sans), & then tiiiny font: photo by bruton gaster or w/e they put as his name this time.
JoH: Do you think he's up? Me: No. I have to wake up that early for work & it sucks; I like waking up somewhat early. Shawn is the kind of guy to sleep in until noon. Then again, if he sleeps in until noon, he totally could be going to bed at 4am, even 6am. SS: No I'm wide awake. Want to watch a movie together over the phone? *60 martin short movies* Love his giant camera lens & the pool slide
CH: & he's got a leather jacket on
the dinosaur behind their heads when shawn sees his plaque (apparently for the first time even tho he literally mentioned it???) is the same one from the red phantom comiccon ep
The camera crew band doing the theme song in this room is something I wish I could have seen.
SS: *inexplicably starts smelling the curator* *shot gets cut*
Bless you. I am glad that lassiter's "I didn't like you at first but I've come to accept you" speech got cut.
"You know it's going to work out, but you can't seem too callous,"
*not letting Gus see*
SF: Gus has never been to a mummy exhibit because I am afraid of being cursed & Gus got that from my personality. I visited one for this episode & quietly apologize to them.
Spooky child mummy, "Henze get out of there", cheating boyfriends, "It was more Berman sized", this has it all.
I love the ceiling camera facing straight down.
Oh no JRr & DH were both sick, making arrangements to leave, SF jumping up & down at the end of takes...
DH's mom! *shawn running behind her* DH: That's my mom y'all!
The carpet was pretty good "I almost bought that for a second"
Steve franks! "I do not have a pancake butt!"
Gus making fun of Shawn is SO good.
JRr: sick as a dog, running around a museum with a bucket on his head
SF, seeing the set for the first time: Hey wouldn't it be funny if Gus went behind that tarp backdrop? DH: On it
ugh my fricking freezer is broken & now I have meat dripping & pizza thawing & we HAVE so much stuff in the freezer because the oven is also broken so we can't cook ny of the stuff that requires an oven.
JRr DH & AB rewrote this entire scene ten minutes before they needed to shoot it. Darn rain.
Shooting within twelve minutes
In bulk! You ot McNab's number? I like how it's still canon.
KK: Ask apple to give us a laptop for product placement. Studio: they don't know abt this show Apple: LSKDJFKSDHFKJDSHF YES
SS: I need the winsome smile that hides the sad jamaican clown inside.
DH: I'm a PC man, I had to get Microsoft to send me up something.
ML doing her lines killer.
Gus eating Henry's baked goods XD
Ooh ooh idea for the future! Excited!
frantically cleaning
"Do you want me to come with you to prom? Awkward class?" Gus is like his wife.
They had to reshoot this scene bc CB was casting a shadow on JRr SF: It's such a fun relationship to write. Each time one of you reaches out, the other one springs back.
Oh the wheeling backwards is soo good, stay on the TV but watching Lassiter go back like this. His little walk back is so good. I love it. TV, zoom, TV, & now we're in the psych office, thanks film school 101!
I would have loved to see more of Ken. Ran over their feet with his wheelchair.
SF: Hannah the film student was supposed to be all quirky, strange, but when she showed up to set she was ready for the red carpet with long flowing hair & I was like "No, No!"
*german tourists getting drenched in the rain*
NOW they let her hair out & then gus sniffing
That poster is smth SF made as an undergrad
Gus knows so much niche information. He knows frame rates & stuff, & look at his 29.97 frames per second off the top of his head.
SS: 30 times faster BG: 1 800 times faster.
I love the night cycle name tho. *Gus gone*
Ken just there I love him but then the dang eleven point turn. They had to cut so much of the show to leave room for it.
I love stunt drivers. Mountains in midnight & "the great white north" & this was filmed in Yukon!?
"It's zero degrees outside" Me, canadian: That's nothing Them, american: 0f = -18c me: oh DH: *delirious from being sick*
"fairly to pretty damn" & at the end Shawn runs & leaves him hanging. Ooh SF' dad Carlytown XD
"Not my first time alone in a coffin" what kind of a psychfact is this?
That was shot on the stairs from lights camera homicidio
His dad was acting as the consultant on the show this year
She knows. She saw it say Bruton Gaster. She knows Shawn takes private cases.
SF: When Kirsten first read the script I forgot to tell her how it ends, so she actually was very very nervous she was being written off the show.
DH & SF: arguing over KN's name Me: I can't hear the difference
I forgot his mom shows up! His face, his fricking face. & Henry just had a date last episode with that crazy Sue B, the chief's friend.
That was great, thanks for the show!
All the people in the world!
0 notes
mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s15e15 gimme shelter (w. davy perez)
DEAN Well, right now, weak is all we have, okay, 'cause nobody's found anything. And without Amara, we're screwed. So, Atlantic City? All-you-can-eat prime rib, and possibly one all-powerful cosmic being. Come on, man, sounds like a roadtrip to me.
it sounds good to me but i've been striking out with this season in the fun department :p
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cracking up at cas trying to get sam to back him up that taking jack on a murder investigation is a bad idea, but sam backs dean instead and dean is so pleased. and jack is just happy to be involved. reminds me of that scene in hannibal 2x10
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all right so we get cas and jack being awkward with local law enforcement, that's a combo.
JACK Like Sam always says, when in doubt, try social media. CASTIEL Oh, yeah. I did that once. There were so many cat photos, it was just... There were too many cats.
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JACK It says I need a parent or guardian's permission to join. CASTIEL You have my permission. JACK Ah. I have his permission.
cheap but i'll take it, it was cute
ZACK No one's making deals. Like, at all. Uh, Rowena has a hard "people will end up where they belong" philosophy. It can be nice, less quotas. But, like, look at me, uh, a crossroads demon who can't bring in a deal? Like, what even am I? CASTIEL You're a deviant soul corrupted by Hell. ZACK Well, yeah, yes, but II mean more in, like, a work-life-balance sense.
look at this, throwing the bog standard demon a bone and having some personality, and the potential changes rowena would make
SAM That's not what I meant. We've been on the road for almost two days, and I get not wanting to talk about it, I do, but, you know, what we're planning on doing, killing Amara. DEAN Well, we're not pulling the trigger. SAM Sure, but we still have to find her. And then, if we find her, we have to lie to her. We got to set her up for her own death. DEAN Hey, man, Billie called us "Messengers of God's Destruction," okay? Did you think that was, what, gonna be easy? Bloodless? Mhmh. We knew there was gonna be a catch. Least this time it's not you or me.
okay. i'm not sure i'm following here. it's like they have some good feelings about amara and they're bummed about having to kill her. but aside from the whammy on dean, do they? like, she decided to not wipe out existence and no one had to kill themselves to take her out, and she brought mary back so maybe there's some feelings from that? anyway, don't really get this but ok. i'm also not convinced she actually has to die, but whatevs
JACK Well, I have more dads than most, and I always just feel like I'm letting all of them down.
a) cute cute b) oh, jack
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spn s5e8 steve bacic as dr. sexy / s15e15 as pastor joe
thought this pastor joe guy looked familiar, apparently he was dr sexy in changing channels 5x08. and 3 episodes (as different characters) of the xfiles! oh okay i looked him up before lol, he was in the episode pusher as someone who was compelled to kill themselves by the baddie. didn't apparently deem it worth an hiky though
PASTOR You have kids? CASTIEL I, uh... It's complicated.
find it kind of interesting how jack talks about his dads straight up but when other people talk to said dads, they deflect to avoid saying they have a kid specifically. or maybe i just selectively remember the times they worm around the question
PASTOR It's kind of part of the job. My wife, she grew up in this church and loved it. They were a bit more hardcore back then. Chalked everything that happened up to God's will. Never seemed to realize that– CASTIEL God just doesn't care.
getting some laughs out of me. look at you, davy
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sitting on the cold, wet car 😩
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appreciate their commitment to filming in whatever weather, and at least in some shots showing them with the rained on/snowed in hair
so, based on that dun dun DUN type music, are they wary about the amara business just because she's you know, a juiced up god and presumably hard to kill? and not because they don't want to kill her?
SAM How'd you find us? AMARA I smelled you from two states over. You have a very distinctive musk. DEAN Thank you.
okayyy. that's something. he's pleased, for whatever reason
CASTIEL My name is, um well, my name's not important. I do know what blind faith is. I used to just follow orders without question, and I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. And then, of course, when it all came crashing down, I found myself lost. I didn't know what my purpose was anymore. And then one day, something changed, something amazing. I… I guess I found a family, and I became a father. And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.
ha. after i just said they never tell outsiders that they do have a kid. here's cas, stepping up. i have no clue what the timeline would be on the, found a family thing. i have a terrible time keeping his plotlines straight
SAM The former Death, he told us you were the firstborn. AMARA Or he told you what you needed to hear.
they seem a little rattled about that, but they know billie hasn't always been right about everything in the past so it seems reasonable to not talk everything she says at face value? and presumably same for death 1.0
AMARA Chuck and I, we're twins. Creation and destruction, light and dark, balance. And when we split apart, all this was created. SAM The Big Bang? AMARA Eh.
huh. ok. how does that work with the alternate universes then? i feel like this is a very loosely thought out idea :p
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this is very se7en :p if dude wakes up to thrash around....
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DEAN No, no. No. Why did you bring her back? You said that you wanted to show me something, that you wanted to, uh to teach me something. I don't know if you were following along, but your little experiment, it came to a not-so-happy ending. My mom is dead. So what exactly did you want to show me? What was the point?
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AMARA I wanted two things for you, Dean. I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person, that the myth you'd held onto for so long of a better life, a life where she lived, was just that, a myth. I wanted you to see that the real, complicated Mary was better than your childhood dream because she was real. That now is always better than then. That you could finally start to accept your life.
kind of shocked we're having this meaningful character moment and not plowing along with the plot. i... well. i'll be generous and attempt to believe that this was actually thought about when they brought mary back
DEAN And the second thing? AMARA I thought having her back would release you, put that fire out. Your anger. But I guess we both know I failed at that. DEAN You're damn right. Look at you. Just another cosmic dick rigging the game. You're just like your brother.
can't really argue with that, but they're making her out to be very nice this time around
AMARA It was a gift, Dean, not a trial. DEAN I'm not angry, Amara. I'm furious. To know that all my life, I've been nothing but a hamster in a wheel, stuck in a story. And you know whose fault that is? Chuck's. And it ain't just me. We're all trapped. Sam and Cas and Jack and even you. And you want to talk about the people that he's killing right now AMARA Stop. DEAN Why? He's not stopping. And you're doing nothing to stop it. Think he gives a rat's ass about you? Well, now who's living in a dreamworld?
this is all very convincing manipulation if he's just trying to maneuver her into a situation where she can be killed
PASTOR Whatever she needs, whatever it takes, I'll find a place where she can get help. I spent my life taking care of all these other people. Should've been taking care of her.
the subplot of the murdering pastor's daughter, all the meaningful looks between cas and jack. cas getting to come in and save the day, fingers, gut stab wounds
now cas and jack get to have a nighttime car chat about their feelings
JACK When we – When I kill Chuck and Amara, I'll die, too. CASTIEL What? JACK Billie's spells have been turning me into some kind of bomb, and when I go off, God and Amara will cease to exist. And... I won't survive. JACK Don't tell Sam and Dean. CASTIEL Oh, yeah? Why not? JACK They won't understand. But I know... This is the only way they'll ever forgive me.
of course! well, i can't say i'm surprised
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CASTIEL No. I watched you die once, and I will not do it again. JACK It's not your choice.
true that
DEAN Wait. What's happening? Where are you going? CASTIEL Going to look for another way. I have to. DEAN What the hell are you talking about? CASTIEL Dean, in case something goes wrong and I don't make it back, there's something you and Sam need to know…
distressing way to leave the episode but ok. so that mean he's not keeping jack's secret? that's good
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Alex Calvert posted a photo of the volunteer registration form Jack filled out at the Community Center
lol ok. that's a lot of exclamation points. and the marital statue made me laugh
didn't bitch my way through this ep, i'll take it
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
I have to share this
Okay I am gonna go straight up... I was having "fun" in my room yeah... And my mom was out to go walk the dog and I should have had time. I ALWAYS HAVE TIME to go a little louder when she goes for a walk you know ? Like with the dildo😶😳 Otherwise I have to stick with my fingers and dont make a lot of noise because I live with my mother in a small appartment and my room is no far away from the entrance (and her room😑) door... wait for it.
So... I was having my time and all. I was really into it. You know what I mean. Laying on my belly and all 🙄 This pose is great but when your head is in the pillow you dont hear much... And she USUALLY takes a lot of time walking the dog in the morning (well oops its not summer anymore and it rains so sh*t... shorter walks bruh)
When I tell you I was moaning and all and suddenly I hear the door shriek (the key turn), pretty violently and I was like- Oh-Shit shit shit.... I stood up. Closed my door and stayed silent. And I know she heard it... and she knows I know bc she always says "Hi I am back"... Nothing. And I always say "Hi" Nothing.... OMG akward... Then she made a lot of noise doing some stuff and all... AND GUESS WHAT ??? She f*cking left without saying a word ? 😳😭😂😩😩😩 She was like... "I am going to let her finish..."
It was pretty high pitched bc I was close and she heard me suddenly silence—😖😭 I am gonna cry.
What makes it EVEN more akward is that she thought I was still innocent.... like one time, it was probably six months ago I asked her to check on me (like any other mother...well I hope so) it ended up being a mole and stuff and she pointed out at my clit and she said "That's the clitoris" she was like so proud and ready to make her whole speech.
When I tell you I had to stop myself from laughing. Like Mom I know VERY well what it does...
So now she must be like... "Okay yes..."
So akward Sooo akward
I swear if I dont vanish... I dont know how to go out of my room a be like all normal 😂😅
Oh god HAHAHAHAAAHAH sorry bestie i shouldn’t be laughing but i too would be mortified. I remember once i came back home w my boyfriend and we brought condoms and lube and stashed them in the back of my closet and then we forgot about them and my mum LITERALLY TEXTED ME A PHOTO OF THEM AND ASKED ME WHAT SHOULD SHE DO WITH THEM, when i tell you i wanted to DIE!!!
I say just take the L and try to move on and pretend it never happened hshahaahahah, or maybe lie and say you were watching a show and it was a explicit scene?? Hahahahhaha idkkkk bestie!!!!
All i can say is good luck and smooches!!!
0 notes
insane4fandoms · 2 years
What are your headcannons for the matpat egos in a relationship with Y/N / captain?
Of course, dear Anon!
Matpat Egos Towards Reader/Captain
- He sees you.
- That’s all I’m going to say. He sees Captain, and goes straight through the eyes, pin pointing to where you are exactly while reading this. He sees what you’re doing.
- He knows exactly what you’re here for. He is aware that you are on this platform, reading this post.
- And all he’s going to say is that… is that he’s flattered. He should get used to people being big fans of him , but never his alter egos before. Makes him feel like he’s apart of the big league YouTubers. ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
- Matt sees absolute chaos in Captain, with their impulsive behavior and does their own reckless things. It reminds him of Mirror Matt and Ash.
- He’s fond of them, finds them a great person to have long length, deep conversations with. Captain is a great listener, and doesn’t mind when people give monologues, backstories, or rants. They find it comforting.
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- He is amused at Captain, seeing them go from wormhole to another, getting more stressed and scared. The anguish fuels him.
- However, he is fascinated by how strong and dependent they can be. Captain picks him up and he immediately went feral. Not in a bad way, but in a “join me and we can dance under the bloody rain” way.
- It would take a while for Captain to gain trust from Madpat, maybe help him with cleaning up one of his crime scenes, and maybe… JUST MAYBE, he’ll be cool with Captain.
- However, Captain’s head engineer looks a little familiar… So keep them away from each other, don’t want more fire at the main controls.
- If he truly trusts them, he’ll give Captain his iconic flame throwing chainsaw. But even if he trusts them, he’ll try to stab them out of love. He does the same with Hermit, despite the protests of the other alter egos. They just don’t get it.
- He is fascinated about the Captain. A possible dimension jumping leader who has unthinkable strength and has also been through a lot of shit.
- He is a little nervous around them however, seeing how strong Captain is, it just reminds him of Strong Man… so he’s a few feet away from them.
- But that doesn’t mean he’s full on afraid. He admires Captain’s leadership and letting their intrusive thoughts take over. It reminds him of a few of his friends back at etn.
- The two will probably bond about how many times they “died”, and how they care about their team, their friends, and how they consider them as family. Truly a heartfelt moment if I do say so myself.
- When it comes down to whether or not he sees Captain as an ally or foe, Detective absolutely sees them as a friend. He might even share Blanche with Captain! That’s basically god giving you eternal life.
- Hermit knew he recognized Captain! They’re his old friendo he met not long ago!
- Oh how he’s glad they’re okay! He was afraid that he’ll never see his friendo ever again, but now they’re here! It may be a mistake on the Captain’s fault, since now he doesn’t want to leave Captain’s side, but that’s a different story.
- Like Mad, Hermit sees familiarity in the head engineer, but that is also alright! More friendos to have, and the less lonely he gets.
- All he wants to do now is to feed everyone the meals he cooked, the meat, the pastries, a whole feast for a king! He still won’t tell where he gets the meat, but the less you know, the better… trust me.
- He’ll also give Captain random things as a sign of affection, such as coins, buttons, bones (separated by the meat of course, don’t want chaos), shiny glitter, ect. All in all, I would say he likes Captain.
- You know how Captain’s and Mack’s first interaction played out.
- But let’s put this in three categories; Crewmember, Head Engineer, and Dictator.
- He is just like Mark. He ADORES the Captain very much.
- He works hard and shows them what he did like those kids making macaroni art. When Captain says he did a great job, he’s happy for a whole week.
- He trusts Captain with his life, but is very observant when something happens with the ship and with Captain, so he does tend to get wary.
- Still, he’ll do his best to make Captain proud, and when he does, it proved his worth on the Invincible II.
Head Engineer
- He wanted their position, and is condescending when he tells them their flaws.
- When that failed, he still suggest it time to time, and was still smug about how much he knows more than the Captain.
- Captain simply rolls their eyes, but keeps him around, since besides Celci, he’s a somewhat reasonable guy. That’s when Mack realized they see so much potential in him, he’s in awe on how Captain gives him respect, unlike the others.
- He tones down the patronizing, but still tries to flex on how he could do things better, but Captain simply smiled and pats his head. Whenever they do that, he internally melts.
- Oh how he loves Cappy~
- He keeps them around out of amusement
- He has a god damn dog bed next to his throne that is labeled “Lil’ Cappy” for crying out loud! Don’t know if that’s what he’s into, but we don’t kink shame here. (Within reason)
- It’s a complicated relationship, Captain just wants to rest and take a break from being leader, Mack at first wanted power and to get rid of them, but wanted them around because he grew to be obsessed with them.
- He pampers Captain, if they’re good. If not, their neck be in pain by Mack pulling them harshly by the leash. He only does it because he cares for Captain! It’s them who needs to understand that.
- As Matt, he sees you, and he loves you!
- He wasn’t aware that people acknowledged him for more than 5 minutes from his one and only appearance.
- But that doesn’t matter, all he cares about what’s going on in Captain’s mind. Do they truly know what is going on? Do they have any theories? Are they aware that they are merely a fictional character where the viewer sees through their eyes and are doomed to be victims of the viewer’s decisions, be framed as the villain and be plunged into an endless loop, where each ending is only for entertainment?
- Uhhh… ignore that last question. Not because Warf is holding be at scissor point-! But because of something else! Heh… anyways-
- His relationship with Captain is simply a interviewer and interviewee, at least that’s what Warf says. In reality, he loves the fact there are people who adores him. Sure, just a handful of fans, but he’ll take it!
- He could only interact with his fans through Captain, which grew into him seeing Captain as one of his only friends.
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
Are you going to Stay?
(Fuckboy! Jungkook x Reader) (Idol au) (Soulmate Au)
Summary: It’s been a year since he last saw you, and every day he misses you more. It was only a matter of time until he turned up at your door asking for another chance.
Tags: angst with a happy ending, best friends to lovers, Themes of unhealthy coping mechanisms, sexual tension, emotional intimacy, physical intimacy, brief sexual scenes, Jungkook really loves the reader's thighs, Touch starved Jungkook, Mentions of hookups, talks of love languages, alcohol mention, Jungkook is intoxicated for most of this.
W/c: 6.4k
Song rec: Jk- Still with you 
A/N: there is a lot of time jumps in this where Jungkook is thinking through his memories while drunk, so if it sounds confusing that's the point. this is really near and dear to my heart- I wrote the bulk of this in one hour after listening to jungkook’s song still with you. it is directly inspired by that song. A lot of the dialogue in this story is based on things that have been said to me or I’ve said to others- so yeah- hope you like this self-indulgent story! 
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“Of course I’ll never turn you away- but…do me a favor Jungkook, and don’t come back until you’ve decided what you want from me.”
One year. It’s been a little more than one year since he’s seen you and still- the last words you said to him haunt him as he walks through the rainy streets of Seoul. His fellow strangers on the sidewalk giving him a few weird looks for not having an umbrella.
He pulls up his facemask a little more, the bucket hat soaked through to his hair. The cold rain feels good against the back of his neck- the contact startling. Maybe Jungkook’s just too touch starved to make the right choices right now. Maybe its because he only wants someone to touch him if it’s you.
It didn’t always use to be that way. before he’d met you; he’d regularly needed a more sexual outlet for all his frustration, excess energy, and stress. It was healthy right? To need that? To want a connection without any strings in his line of work. 
Jungkook is a truthful person, and he stays that way by only ever lying to himself.  
When it rains in Seoul- it’s one of the few times that it ever feels quiet. The air pinning down the smoke and the smog, leaving space for the longing to clog up his lungs and spill out red on his tongue. Memories of you, the way you’d felt in his arms, your smile- your everything.  So many months without you and Jungkook can’t help but miss you a little more with every moment that passes.  
Some nights he gets restless like this and can’t help but walk and walk and hope his feet didn’t lead him to your door. Sure- at least half of the year that he hadn’t seen you had been because of the tour and the comeback schedule. But the last few months were his fault. He hadn’t had the courage to text you or pop up at your door. His stubbornness mixed with guilt, or something else entirely- a different sort of longing for someone you missed having, but had never really had in the first place.
Jungkook is great at lying to himself. That hasn’t changed in the last year.
Back then Jungkook had been too much of a coward to tell you how he felt. And so he was left out here- standing in the rain wallowing and wondering what could have been. 
You’d been best friends this time last year.
You’d been his one secret hideaway from his idol life, someone to drink with and sneak onto roofs and watch the stars with. A piece of the youth that he’d never had, but more than that too- something entirely new. How many times had you said, “it’s never too late to be a kid.” and never judged him for turning up at your door and needing a hug. 
Your entire relationship was some sort of reclamation for him, a better future found than the one he faced now. Going out sometimes, always worried about being spotted, never really having fun. Always looking for something better when he knew he wouldn’t find it. When he knew all he really wanted was to go back in time before he fucked it up with you.
You were his emergency contact; his someone to turn too on a bad day, or when he got too drunk at a club and couldn’t call management because he didn’t want to get in trouble. His drunken self that always wanted to see you- to drink in your laugh like a shot that made his knees weak. Your care, so freely given better than any party or hook up.
The countless times you’d taken him home to your apartment and given him a pair of soft pajamas and dealt with his drunken happy babbling about everything- always asking him about the places he’s seen and what one been his favorite. sometimes fooling him with shots of water just so that he’d get some liquid in him. his relentless pressuring for you to take a sip too- just to know the sweet truth- that your lips had touched the same spot his had. 
Jungkook is a fool when he’s in love. He tells himself he would have let your friendship go on forever if it meant never losing you. 
“What do you mean you don’t like New York!?” you’d asked, looking down at him with his head in your lap. Jungkook trying to resist turning over to nuzzle his head into your thighs- you’d always had such pretty thighs- the kind that look like they’d keep the memory of his fingers like memory foam if he squeezed hard enough. He wants to sleep on them. And he’s dangerously close to waking drunken poetic about them- marshmallows or clouds or just- fluffy.
He’s whiney when he answers but you don’t look bothered you only look endeared, helplessly swallowed by a wave of affection. “The buildings are too tall there and the city isn’t colorful enough- I love how Seoul just goes on and on and on, I could walk it forever if I wasn’t worried about being followed.”
He still loved how the neon lights looked in the puddles of the rain, the color bleeding everywhere with nowhere to go. The way he sees it now crossing a street in front of a makeup shop, the neon lights blinking red even though it’s closed.
But in every pink and red he can’t help but see your lips- your favorite shade of lipstick that you’d been wearing when you’d given him a key to your apartment. you were strange like him- there were some things you never liked wearing out of the house and that shade was one of them. No matter how many times he told you it looked nice, you'd always rub it off with a makeup wipe before you left. 
He remembers looking down at your house key, and the little keychain with a fluffy black ball attached at the end of it, heart-shaped. “I thought you didn’t like me popping around like a stray puppy?”
You laughed at that “you’re more like a stray pure-breed from the west minster dog show that I’ve kidnapped- but you should take it anyway- I know you like to get away sometimes- and it beats having to wait for me to come home right?”
He’s got the keychain and key in his pocket now- he rarely ever takes it out of his bag. And he fiddles with it in his pocket- the softness no less soothing then it was at the beginning. He rarely ever leaves the house without it- he tells himself it’s his good luck charm but he knows it’s because he wants to fools himself. Jungkook can’t be himself unless he has a piece of you. 
Maybe that's what soulmates are. People that you voluntarily give a piece of you, to keep it safe. 
He’s so lost in his memories that Jungkook almost tips his shoulder into someone passing by- narrowly avoiding getting thrown into the street as a result. Is it the several shots he’s downed that make him clumsy? Or the way that thoughts of you fill his head and leave no room for things as simple as the pull of gravity. Is it the memory of you that makes him shake- or the fact that he’s had too much caffeine and hasn’t slept in days?
Someone sitting in a cafe looks up and does a double-take, but he’s already moved on by the time they’ve lifted up their phone. The best they get is a picture of his back disappearing around the corner. He wonders if they’re going to type on some message board tonight “I think I saw an idol walking around in the rain, I wonder what could be on his mind?”
He remembers your words the day after your first kiss.“Do you ever wonder if we’re soulmates that met in a different lifetime? Or that we met a lifetime too soon?”
He’d tilted his head to the side, not understanding what you meant. You’d told him you were too drunk to remember the kiss the night before. But the way you’re looking at him now it almost seems like you do- but just didn’t want to tell him. How could you be worried you’d been too forward when he was the one who had initiated it? 
“Never mind Kookie- I’m so tired I’m getting philosophical, we should go home before it gets any later.”
Jungkook’s soul is certainly searching for something now, the world spins for a moment, and he loses track of where he is- the same way he’d lose track of you all those months ago. Those few miss begotten kisses like a wrong turn made on a highway- because he hadn’t been ready for something sensual, something soft and lingering like you’d been wanting.
The night that you’d gotten a little too close, your lips wet and hot and sticky with sweet drinks against each other. You crashing onto your bed with a giggle, so trashed. Jungkook helping you take your pants off because you could barely see straight, and it wasn’t sexual at all- when he paused to kiss the leading line of your knee. At least not the way that he’s used to. This is loving.
He’d kissed you up to your underwear. You squeal in surprise when he bits into your thigh a little bit. Teeth sinking into the skin he always wanted to touch and grab. Unable to stop his hands from grabbing fistfuls of your skin, so sweet and soft. You giggle when he does, his fingers hitting a sensitive spot and making your leg jerk out and almost kick him- too ticklish. “God I’ve been waiting so long to do this”
He’d uttered and whatever words you’d been about to say die in your throat. Suddenly a little less eager then you’ve been before. “Can we go slow?”
“Of course baby” Jungkook nods, and you don’t end up going any further that night, or at least any further than some heavy petting and making out. “God it’s almost 4am- we should sleep” both of your lips chapped red. and Jungkook feels like he can’t function without his lips pressed to your skin, nips at your neck, and your throat as you trail your hands up and down the back of his neck. All over. He feels and smells you all over and it’s driving him crazy.
Eventually, you wind down. Jungkook stretched out on top of you, his hips in-between your legs with only a few layers of thin fabric separating you. His ear pressed to your heart to listen to it. His body jelly finally sated to be so close to you. Your words are shy and scared in the darkness. His arousal burns low- and it’s not the most important thing- not in the slightest. 
“When I wake up, are you going to still be here Jungkook?” you had to ask- because he’s told you all of his tells before. You know his m.o. even if you’ve never seen it in person. you know that he never stays the night after hookups. had looked over one too many text messages of girls calling him an asshole, begging you to tell him how to respond. 
“I’ll stay,” he says, and at that moment- he swears he never felt a hit of the icky fear of being not enough. Curled up with you he’s not afraid of your relationship falling apart, you hating him, or you not wanting this. Every reason why he’d never stayed the night after hooking up before, invalid because he’s with you- someone he loves.  this wasn’t just another hookup; he loves you.
“Promise you won't?”
“I promise.”
And then in the morning, when he’d woken up with a pounding head and found you curled up next to him. Horror filling him but of course- you’d been drunk too. You have a few hickeys on your neck and he checks himself in the bathroom mirror afraid for a moment before he sees that luckily- his skin is unscathed. The fear- the worry, everything crashing down on him as he watches you asleep in your bed, relaxed and peaceful.
Jungkook isn’t a relationship person- he’s never been in one that didn’t end in his heart being broken. He can’t be- his love with you wasn’t supposed to start this way- not after another drunken night. Like so many, he’s had before in the past that have ended poorly. 
He doesn’t know where to go from here besides leaving. He’d even told you once “I don't think I could ever start a relationship after just- hooking up. like how do show someone the most vulnerable parts of you and then expect them to love you.” 
He leaves, starts the schedule for the day feeling terrible, the others asking why he looks so upset, why he’s snappy. After practice, he checks his phone. Finding only a single text from you; ‘you promised me Jungkook’ and nothing else. And he hates it- hates everything- because he wants to love you- he really does. But maybe a part of him doesn’t know how to love safely without ruining himself in the process.
Maybe that’s all that it was, love. The whole thing falling apart if you aren’t willing to love a person in the way that they want to be loved. Or maybe it’s less premeditated than that. He thinks about love languages, about how you’re supposed to give and receive love.
Though you’d already had the right kind of intimacy. You’d need a little more time then he’d been willing to give you. You’d told him that the next time you’d seen him. And you’d spent a few weeks pretending nothing was wrong when everything felt awkward suddenly. And by the time you were ready to adjust- Jungkook had convinced himself that you didn’t mean anything to him.
The time that you said you’d been going out to meet with one of your male coworkers and wouldn’t be able to hang out that night. Jealousy stinging Jungkook’s heart like a beestings- and for the first time in months he’d gone out looking for a hookup.
The hickeys you’d seen low on his hips the next day when he’d stretches up and you’d barked out “what the fuck is that” scalding and angry. Jungkook shrugging it off like it didn’t mean anything. The words he’d said haunt him in the hours of the night when he can’t sleep and only the hum of the air conditioner can hear the words he wishes he had said. If only to save you the disappointment of thinking he was a different person than he is.
“You went out with that guy last night- so why can’t I have a little fun?”
“He’s my coworker Jungkook you can’t honestly think- oh- I get it- you were jealous.”
Jungkook spluttering, rebuking your claim with a roll of his eyes, “there isn’t anything to get jealous over. We’re not trying to be in a relationship anymore.”
“That’s not what you said last-”
“Well I changed my mind” but he hadn’t not really- he would never change his mind about you he was only being stubborn.
“What do you mean you changed your mind Jungkook- you were the one who wanted this.”
“But I didn’t expect you’d be so clingy, and we can’t always be together and I just- I have needs and you can’t fill all of them” you flinch back, and Jungkook instantly wishes he hadn’t said the words. Because they were a lie- a lie meant to hurt. If anything he was the clingy one. He just- he couldn’t let it go.
“So you fucked up a perfectly good friendship because you were just lonely? I’m not one of your hookups- we’re supposed to be friends Kookie.”
His heart dropping, “you mean we’re not that anymore?”
“I never wanted anything with you if it meant jeopardizing that” and then him- unable to stop himself from asking you. “Are we still friends?”
“of course Mookie, I think I just need some time to think…you should go Jungkook.”
The first conversation you’d ever had about it is what he remembers too. “Do you think I’m a bad person?” your snort enough of an answer as you take a swig of the bottle of Soju. His hand splayed on the towel that you’d lied down so that the roof tar didn’t stain your clothes. “of course not.”
“Even when I’m…” this makes him uncomfortable even to talk about.
“The problem you started with? People who hook up and pretend that there aren’t any feelings involved but in reality, the denying of feelings tells you enough about how they feel. You wouldn’t have to stop yourself from getting closer to people if they didn’t matter to you- and if you weren’t afraid.”
Your shoulder had been so close- he’d been able to lean his head there. He remembers how good it had felt when you’d combed your fingers through his hair. (if he likes your thighs then you like his hair).  So much better than any hook up he might have had tonight. In truth- he’d been halfway to some girl's apartment when he’d called it off- and decided to go to your place instead.
Sure- you might not give him the exact kind of physical closeness that he was craving, but he loves the head pets, the way you’ll play with his hands. Like his hands are an extension of yourself, the motion so automatic like you barely realized you were doing it. 
He always left your place feeling more like himself. With everyone else, it felt like he had to fight to get himself understood, had to dilute or distill his words so that they’d get it, but somehow you were always on the same page. “I wouldn’t be too worried Kookie, you’ll grow out of it eventually.”
“You sure?” he’s so relaxed- he almost feels like he’s going to fall asleep against your shoulder. He shifts a little restless, turning so he can press his body against the line of your legs. Curling into your warmth.
“Yeah, I grew out of it too.” with anyone else- that sentence would feel patronizing. But with you- it was just comforting.  
How wrong he was- even now- you were all he could think about. Maybe that’s why somehow he ends up at your door. no- that’s not right-  The reason why he walks to your house right now, a year after the last time he’s seen you was because he’d released that song today- the one about you and missing you.
Of course, he couldn’t stop himself from checking in on you- still knew the username to all your old accounts. Enough to go and check if you’d commented on his song- and you had- a single broken heart emoji. Whether you meant for him to find it- he didn’t know. The fact that you still checked upon him the same way he checked up on you. That was enough for him to need to start drinking.
Your door is the same as it was back then, your slides sitting on the stoop- just inside the small alcove to keep them out of the rain. Your small house tucked into a side street. One of the last few in Seoul that wasn’t a complex- because you’d wanted a yard outback. You’re home, the light from the windows spilling like honey out into the wet street. You’d said that you’d never turn him away. So Jungkook steals himself and knocks, quiet. Ready for it to go unanswered because it’s so late.
You don’t look much different either when you open the door, hair shiny and dry like you’ve just blow-dried it already in your pajamas. “Jungkook!? What are you- your shoes are soaking wet! You’re soaking wet! Come inside before you catch a cold” it’s true- he must have stepped in a few puddles on his walk here. his chunky shoes slosh when he steps into your entryway.
In a moment all of your shock and apprehension melting away. And you’re fussing over him like its only been a few days since you’ve seen him and not a year. Your hands pushing his jacket off his shoulders. His mouth dry for a moment before the words tumble out again. 
“I miss you- I miss you so fucking much and it hurts. Can we talk? Please I-” your hands freeze where you’re popping his soaking jacket into your drier. Hands suddenly hovering on your counter.
Your house is just as bright and well-loved as Jungkook remembers it. Some days he lives more in those happy memories than he does in the present. The countless hours you’d spent on your couch, teaching Jungkook how to cook a little better in your kitchen. Even now- something sweet bakes in the oven, fresh bread or some other baked goods
Hours spent in your little nook in the corner taking personality quizzes on the Internet just to pass some times. The love languages quiz. “I think it's bullshit that they don’t consider food as a love language- because I love cooking for the people I love.” 
and Jungkook blushing and finishing his quiz in peace, finding out that his love language was physical affection too, tied with quality time. But that didn’t matter- the only thing he could think about was your love language. You love to cook for people you love, and he’s unable to stop listing all of the times that you’d cooked for him in his head. Nearly once a week at least.
Did that mean you loved him? You hover near that spot now. The first time that Jungkook had ever truly realized you were both falling in love.
Now that he’s not in the rain you can tell that he’s crying. His eyes bloodshot and red like he’s been doing it for hours. You reach out cupping his cold cheek with your warm hand and rubbing the moisture away. Is it a tear or just some rain? You can’t tell. And Jungkook’s whole body shivers at the contact, so sweet, he can’t help but teeter, almost falling into you as he tries to lean into it. 
Maybe he’s drunker than he thinks.
“I think you should shower first- you’re shaking Kookie- you need to warm up.” he nods quietly and lets you be his benevolent puppetmaster as you make him take off his pants soaking and stuck to his legs, leaving them with his shoes and jacket. Leading him to your bathroom. You tell him to leave his shirt and boxers outside so you can put them in the drier too.
You’d always been so good with this- ready to baby him and heal his woes whenever he’d come to you after a particularly bad day. Before he’d had you, he’d supplemented his usual bad habit with a hook up to sate his need to be self-destructive.  A month into your friendship he’d stopped because by then he’d only needed you. You’d patched him up when he’d been feeling hurt- without him ever having to hurt himself.
Compared to you, everyone else was just a fling, But they’d started out as first loves. Women that never gave him more than a few nights and left him broken-hearted when he got too attached too quickly. He’d been hurt a few too many times by the fact that they never stayed and spent the night. 
He’d convinced himself that was just how it went. Don’t get too attached, don’t get too personal and cuddle because no one wants to be that close to someone they barely know. He told himself to be satisfied with the closeness he got through sex even if he was vaguely aware that wasn’t what he really needed or wanted. 
And then one day he’d gotten up and realized that he was the one breaking their hearts- all because he didn’t want to get close to anyone anymore. Not in the way that meant being truly intimate. That was too much of a risk for his fragile heart.
True intimacy was the kind he’d had with you. You’d never needed to sleep together to cuddle him no- Jungkook just had to turn up at your door and you’d be ready to give him all of the physical contact he needs. Enough to stop feeling like he was about to jump out of his skin. 
That was what the love language quiz had told you what your love language way- physical affection, a love that Jungkook was always eager to receive.
The shower is warm and exactly what he needs. He walks out of it smelling like you; his heart hurting in such a keen way- everything in your bathroom familiar and new. The times you’d let him shower here, once after getting caught out in the rain with you (a literal downpour, eventually you’d gotten too soaked and just settled for being goofy, sloshing in puddles in the park, spinning around underneath a lit lamp singing a bad rendition of singing in the rain, spilling your bottle of soju with little regard for who might think it propper.)
A whole day he’d spent kneeling on this tiled floor after one bad night, holding back your hair when you were puking. Jungkook berating himself for his choices because He’d taken you to a bad club in Gangnam, and you were worried someone had tried to slip something into your drink- no other reason why you’d be puking like this. 
He’d apologized profusely, got you chocolate-covered strawberries as a thank you. Not knowing that you where allergic. “why the fuck did you eat them if this was going to happen” you were whiney, cheeks all puffy and red- lips a little swollen too. Gesturing for Jungkook to hand you the ice pack already, the itchiness getting to you.
“Cuz they looked really good and you were being sweet.” He slaps your hands away and holds the icepack to your cheek, moving it around every few seconds. Your eyes fluttering in relife. You’d spent the afternoon like that- Jungkook holding the icepack to your cheek watching a drama on your couch. it was the least he could do- after maybe inadvertently getting you drugged and giving you an allergic reaction. 
And still- next week you’d responded to his texts. He’d been ready for you to leave him after that, but no- you still called him your friend.  
While he takes a shower you put his clothes in the drier. Your heart humming because- he’s back. He’s actually come back. You never really expected him to stay away for so long- not more than a week at least. But then you’d heard the news of the tour and just assumed he couldn't. And you think through all the text messages you'd almost sent him asking for him to meet up for dinner or something but in the end. you’d been too worried that he would turn you down- that he really didn't care anymore. 
Your hands feel something in the pocket of his pants. you still - pulling it out not really believing it- but it’s your key. The key you’d given him hoping he would stay in your life. and seeing it- knowing he’s kept it with him all this time. you grip the edge of the counter, trying not to cry. 
When he gets out of your shower he finds an old set of his own pajamas there- probably left here at one point or another. He brings them up to his nose to inhale a deep breath, and they smell like you too. The simple joggers and black shirt- you must have worn them. Did you curl up in them on the nights that you missed him most? Did you even miss him? You’d never said it back at the door.
When Jungkook pads out into the living room, you’re sitting on the couch- head in your hands, a towel in yours, you jolt up when you see him. And your expression is unreadable as you gesture for him to sit in front of you. “I’m going to dry your hair” 
The clearly communicated intent makes Jungkook’s whole body tingle, his touch starved ness already making a reappearance- always wanting more and more. He sits, tipping his head forward so you have access to all of his hair, his eyes on the couch, and your crossed legs. They aren’t as plush as they once looked. In the past year, you’ve lost a little weight and he wonders if that’s because of him.
His whole body shaking as you bring the towel up and through his hair, drying it this way and that. Eventually leaning his cheek against your clothed thigh, before he jolts up. Catching himself with an arm out behind you. He looks up, and your breath hitches when you see his arms, the way they’ve grown over the past year.
He knows he’s put on muscle since the last time you’ve seen him and it makes the tiniest bit of pride well up in his chest to know he’s impressed you. It only lasts for a moment before you keep drying his hair looking down at your hands a sour feeling rising up in both of you. Like you’re both suddenly realizing how much you’ve changed in the last year. 
Your bodies might be strangers- but your souls aren’t. Even after all this time, not a single silence is awkward.
“Don’t want you to get a cold,” you say softly, and Jungkook only makes a small noise to let you know the message is received. He’s happy to be on the receiving end of your affection. After so long without any intimate contact, he needs it like he needs air. You continue in silence for a moment before Jungkook lists forward so hard that his head ends up pressed to your collarbone, his forehead warm against your skin. You don’t flinch back.
“Why are you being so kind to me? The last time I was here- I wasn’t- I never treated you well” his voice is broken and wavering. The darkness of the cloth concealing the fact that he’s crying again, but you can feel his tears against your skin anyway.
“I’ll always patch you up Kookie. And you did treat me well, maybe not the way I wanted to be treated- but you never treated me terribly.” That’s a little debatable, but Jungkook isn’t about to convince you not to forgive him for being an asshole.
“Will there ever be a way to go back?” it’s the one thing he’d been unable to stop himself from wondering- if there was a way to repair what you’d had. And he dreads the answer now almost more than not knowing. You bite your lip, folding your hands over your chest, leaving the towel hanging over Jungkook’s head like some kind of veil. Facing each other cross-legged on your old couch while the rain patters on outside.
“I never hated you Kookie- you’re still my best friend. Maybe we fight, and yeah it’s been a while. But at the end of the day, your soul still fits mine.”
He gulps audibly, hands reaching out to touch yours, you marvel for a second, eyes tracking over his new tattoos. He hadn’t had those the last time you’d seen them- you’d seen them on the Internet, of course, it was hard not to check up on him. 
“Do you remember what you said to me in that cafe that day?” his voice is low, as thick as the color that bleeds onto the wet asphalt outside. While in here you’re in a bubble cozy and safe. Out of time and out of place.
Your eyes are heavy-lidded, as he gets more brazen with his touches, fingers rubbing up and down your forearms. You make noise in agreement. “Soulmates that met too early.” your eyelashes flutter against your cheek- it is late- and you look as tired as Jungkook should feel where it not for the caffeine in his system- but the shower did a good job of calming him down.
His words feel thick as he swallows, “what if that lifetime is now?” your eyes shoot open. And you’re about to say something when Jungkook jumps in. “I miss you. I miss you so bad that I think it breaks my heart sometimes.”
“Jungkook” it's just his name, but the way it sounds on your mouth- Jungkook would follow that call anywhere. He slumps forward, leaning his head against your shoulder, and you smell so good. He can’t help but turn his head to nuzzle into your neck; you don’t stop him- you don’t even flinch in fact. 
You relax more- like you were waiting for him to lean into you. Hands coming up to encircle his shoulders and pull him in for a hug. “You missed me- but what do you want me to do?”
“Say you miss me too- say it's not too late. Say we have a chance.” your hands are gentle as they come up to run through his still-damp hair, “say it’s another lifetime and we can be soulmates again.”
“Are you going to stay?” you ask instead. You realize your miss-step, Jungkook sits up and you wish he didn’t so he wouldn’t see the blush on your cheeks. “stay the night I mean-” you swallow, “do you want to sleep here?”
“Yes” he flicks his hair out of his face, “if that’s okay?” both of you pretend that you mean only tonight. Even though you know- you both know what you meant.
His hair is drying curler and longer now. “You’re drunk Kookie- you should sleep. We can talk properly in the morning.”
Jungkook knows you’re probably just saying that because you want a little more time- but that’s okay. In the past year, he’s learned to be patient. And if you need the night to think it over- if you need the whole week or month. He’ll give it. “Okay,” he says, tilting his face up to look at you smiling. 
“I’m not making any promises Jungkook- we have a lot to work through to get back to how we were”
“I know,” he says, but still can’t stop smiling, letting out a watery little giggle, and damn his cute doe eyes and his easy smile- because you can’t help but think he’s the cutest thing. This boy that looks hard on the outside but isn’t anything more than the squishiest romantic when you get to know him, who turned up at your door and told you everything you’d been hoping for the second he’d walked out your door.
“I can wait as long as you need to wait, I’ll be okay as long as we just talk again. I missed you so so much” he’s definitely drunk; maybe it just took a little while for the shots to hit him.
You get him a blanket and a pillow and he sleeps on the couch and he might let his lips brush along the outside of your when you reach down to run your fingers through his hair again but you don’t pull away. A look on your face like it pains you to leave him on the couch. But those little acts of love were never out of place back when you used to talk every day. And you can’t bring it to yourself to scold him for such a blatant act of intimacy when it makes your heart flutter.
There had been a few times near the end. when Jungkook had let himself in with your key and crawled into bed with you. And you’d always woken up before him, had breakfast and something planned for the day- someplace you wanted to explore and Jungkook ready to company you anywhere and everywhere. 
He waits and watches the light underneath your door until it winks out and you go to sleep too. And he might wake in the middle of the night thinking bout crawling into bed with you but he knows enough to give you your space. His heart brimming with the possibility of more- more everything.
It’s worth it in the morning. Jungkook dreams about the love languages. Your words again ‘preparing food should be considered a love language.’ when he wakes in the morning the rain has stopped. Your porch doors open to your small back yard to let in the city sounds. The mist clearing over the rooftops, the smell of rain on the wet earth musky and sweet, quiet, and relaxing.
He smells eggs and French Toast, hears your soft humming in the kitchen. It’s Your love language to cook for those you love. And he knows somehow that you still love him when he hears the oil frying in the pan, the smell of cinnamon and sugar there too. everything sweet and nothing hurting.  
A single tear drifts down his cheek. And he’s unable to stop smiling, even if he is half-asleep, unable to open his eyes even. He falls back asleep and wakes to the feeling of your fingers running through his hair.  
There will be other times, when Jungkook can hop up from your bed and join you in the morning, back hugging you and peppering little kisses along your shoulder. Hands slipping under the edge of your shirt to squeeze at the ticklish spot on your hips. Or the small kisses he’ll press to your sleeping cheek when he has to leave early in the morning. Or the mornings when he’ll wake to you still in his arms kissing down his chest. 
Countless mornings, days into the future when things will be easier. And even if they're not easy, Jungkook knows trying with you is worth it. Now that he’s lived without you- he will do anything to stay by your side. For Now, he’s happy to sleep off his hangover dimly aware of the sound of you moving around your house. 
For a second, it almost feels like you’ve bent down, the warmth spilling across his face, the faint brush of your lips on his cheek. He tells himself it’s just a dream.  
Jungkook is good at lying to himself. 
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(if you want to find out your love language; here is a simple quiz to find out!) 
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imagines-mha · 4 years
✩ hq as terrible dates ✩
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tanaka: goes for the simple dinner and a movie approach but he TALKS SO LOUD during the entire movie and you can hear everyone complaining about him bc he just cant stop making observations n askin u pointless questions
ennoshita: he asked you to play board games with him and you agree cus you think hes being cute and nerdy… until you���re three hours deep in monopoly begging him to finish the game but he wont give up until he wins. He accuses you of cheating three times cus he is the WORST loser and cant accept it
hinata: takes you bowling and accidentally slips on the runway where the bowling balls roll and busts his nose open and you end up in the hospital with him smh
tsukki: you guys go on a walk while the skys clear, and it goes super well until it starts fucking POURING RAIN from the skies and he forgot to bring a jacket and he cant see through his glasses and he feels embarrassed cus u tried to tell him to bring one so he just walks in silence the entire time and makes you feel like the rains UR FAULT
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kuroo: bless his soul. He takes you on a drive and u think its gonna be cool and hot but hes so nervous the entire time his hands keep sweating and he messes up literally every sentence he says to you and almost crashes the car twice 
kenma: he asks you if you wanna have your date on minecraft and legit means it, then when you laugh it off he straight up ghosts you for 3 days
lev: he takes you for karaoke even if youre shy af he doesnt care. sings HORRIBLY the entire time cus he wants to recreate the first scene in high school musical but hes in college and cant hold a note to save his own life. People actually start booing him on stage when he tries to sing and you literally wanna disappear
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bokuto : MINI GOLF only he accidentally swings his golf club back too fast and hits a middle aged woman in the face and has to spend the rest of the date begging her not to call the cops
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futakuchi: takes u ice skating cus he wants to be cute but he has NO IDEA how to ice skate and falls like 60 times but in the most AWKWARD WAYS you get the worst second hand embarrassment
koganegawa: you try a brand new fancy restaurant and he tries to seem cool by ordering one of the spiciest things on the menu (futakuchi told him girls liked that shit and my boy doesnt have a brain) and long story short he ordered it and basically cried the entre time but refused to stop cus he was so determined
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oikawa: takes you to one of his matches and sends his usual flirty waves to all the other grls who came to watch and pays u like NO attention smh just date mattsun or makki instead
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ushijima: he brings you on a nature trail bless his soul but he doesnt rlly have anything to say so he just rotates the same 13 sentences over and over like a talking teddy bear ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️
tendou: you guys bake together and its super sweet but he has a habit of jumping up on you at the worst of times and you accidentally burn your fingers and cry for like an hour
semi: he plays you a private concert in his bedroom cus you always wanted to hear him sing but his voice cracks midway and he goes into a bad mood for the rest of the night
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atsumu: takes you to an amusement park with the rest of inarizaki and tries to show off by going on the scariest rollercoasters but he eats ice cream before it and throws up PUBLICALLY. thankfully osamu takes you home
suna: you both agree to have a no strings attached date cus he cant handle commitment even tho he fuckin ADORES you but he freaks out and smokes too much weed and just sits floating through the astral plane the entire time
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daisho: takes you to a coffee shop and spills his all over his shirt and makes you both go home so he can change he doesnt even let you order smh
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terushima: he takes you to an arcade and spends the entire first hour being WAY too competitive w you to the point you were deadass HURT by his comments and then spends the second hour trying to get you to fuck in the photo booth for ✨ ambiance ✨
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Ok saw the matchup thing and instantly my brain went to one answer: Childe (not because of the earrings LOL )
So so ok listen LISTENNNN u guys have the perfect balance every relationship needs
Wait no scatter brained let’s start from the top
U guys are defo enemies to lovers cuz my athletic bby (u said u used to play quite a few things right?) would want to win whatever competition u two have and obviously as we all know that’s instant heart eyes from him to u so although ur all
“Fuck I have to beat him” he’s giggling and twirling his hair and tossing sly comments here and there but eventually u give in after seeing how kind he is to his family and how he acts in private
Once ur in a relationship u tots are always bantering and poking fun at eachother and planning fun dates, he loves ur quick witty remarks <33
Remem ages ago AGESSS ago I never got to ur matchup for my event cuz my brain collapsed??? Yeah well I had ur matchup in mind and it was koko <33 (this is practically a matchup to make up for that btw sorry Angel</33)
I think he would be so absolutely smitten w u, ur this little ball of pure sunshine T^T he loves takinf u shopping not cuz he’s materialistic he just loves how u dress and wants to see what u get so he can get similar items for his wardrobe and then y’all can match
Also ur one smart cookie (even if u say ur not 0_0🖕) and he would love studying with u for ur exams and school work whilst bringing u study snacks n water
Me thinks that he would find ur light hearted nature so refreshing, it probably mirrors the lifestyle of love that he actually wanted before getting stuck up w all that gang shit. He’s smart, your smart the teasing banter between u two never ends although he does like to throw in a lil Mischievous one here and there to see u flustered he’s a lil shit
Anyways yes <3 there bam end scene good bye heheh🤭🥰💕
DARLING!! i don’t need a match up when i already have you ଘ(੭˃ᴗ˂)੭
childe’s competitive ass and my competitive ass would be the perfect combination for enemies to lovers; he’d be so smug and such a show-off, it would make my blood boil and make me want to wipe that smirk of his face at first
i totally wouldn’t take any of his advances seriously because surely he’s just mocking me but then something happens and all of a sudden the possibility of him being genuine doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore, the confidence with which he acts is somewhat attractive and i guess he can be quite charming if he wants to be…
relationship dynamic: we’re always having some playful banter, being sassy and sarcastic with one another, but if somebody else dares say something against childe/me, oh boy, then we’re out for blood
also lots of rough housing and play fighting, do we look like actual adults to you??
childe and koko? now you’re just spoiling me >///<
okay but “ball of literal sunshine” is making me cackle like a witch; so many people online have said that and honey, you’ve got a big storm coming because i’m as much sunshine as a rain cloud is… but i guess with the right people there’s some truth to it… <3
anyway, koko fuelling my fashion obsession? yes please!! i’d love to go shopping with him because he actually knows his stuff and he’d tell me straight away when something does or doesn’t look good on me
also ahem, helloooo? matching/coordinated outfits! matching jewellery!! we’d slay, you just know it; put together is our middle name lol
with koko next to me, i might actually have the motivation to study ㅠㅠ
despite my nickname/ contact name for him being koko chanel, i’d love to shower him in genuine affection and positive affirmations; there won’t be a second where he can doubt his own worth with me because i’ll always be there to remind him that he’s so much more than just a money making genius; he spoils me and i spoil him with all the love and care we can give ♡
also i’d be absolutely weak for his smirk and his teasing, he’d take such pride in flustering me so easily; running his thumb over my rosy cheeks as he tilts my face toward his, so i’ll look him in the eyes while he coos about just how cute i am
okay bYE
match up ask game ♛
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Night Meeting Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 夜会之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
Important references are made to Victor’s Return Home Date, which has not been released in EN. Do read that first before proceeding :>
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[ This date was released in CN on 26 October 2020 ]
The red light makes its countdown from 99 seconds. Victor pulls on the handbrake, turning to look at me. 
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Victor: What are you looking at - the rules of the competition?
MC: Nope. I’m checking to see who’s participating in the competition, and whether there’s anyone I recognise.
Half a year ago, Victor sent out invitations to small-and-medium enterprises - LFG’s investees - inviting them to participate in a simulation competition in Loveland City.
The winner of the competition will acquire a fifty million dollar investment from LFG.
A few companies politely declined, feeling that LFG was too lofty. But a few open-minded young CEOs were willing to participate.
And I am one of them.
Victor: Goldman is responsible for this competition, so you can look for him if you face any issues.
MC: Does this mean Goldman will have all the contact details of the participating CEOs?
I hold up the notebook laptop in my hands and show it to him, deliberately giving him a sincere smile. 
MC: Do these business elites have good editing skills, or are they truly this handsome?
A sudden drizzle descends from the gloomy sky.
Victor taps on the steering wheel indifferently, his ring finger clicking the windshield wiper.
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Victor: There isn’t a discrepancy between the actual people and the photographs.
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MC: So they truly... have their merits.
Probably because my awe sounded too genuine, Victor’s eyelid twitches slightly.
Victor: You could look for them yourself to get their contact details. The reason why LFG is holding this competition is to allow for interaction among elite businessmen from different industries, and to expand their network.
MC: ...yes yes yes. A few days after interacting with them, we’ll be able to clarify what they are good at, what sort of personalities they have, and whether there’s a possibility of collaboration in the future. To a start-up company, financing channels that can provide these resources are even more important than the funds themselves. Victor... I know all this.
Victor: But?
MC: But according to the rules of the competition, I have to be locked in the hotel for a full seven days.
Victor turns a deaf ear to me. He pushes the handbrake, stepping on the accelerator.
In a soft voice, I continue sending out hints. 
MC: Don’t you have anything else to warn me about? For example, to take care of my safety?
Victor turns the steering wheel to the right, casting his line of sight to the rearview mirror.
Victor: You’re very safe in LFG’s hotel. There’s nothing to be cautious about.
With this, the logo of LFG’s hotel comes into view. 
I reach out to unbuckle my seatbelt, but Victor stops me.
Victor: I’m driving to the underground carpark.
MC: The rain isn’t that bad. Alighting me at the entrance will do.
Victor doesn’t respond. He has already passed the gate, and has entered the carpark.
After coursing through the familiar carpark, the car pulls up in front of the elevator. 
Since it’s still early, only a sparse number of cars are in the carpark. The surroundings are quiet, and there’s not a single person around. 
...I first glance at him out of the corner of my eyes.
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MC: I’m off.
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Victor: Mm.
Then, I unbuckle my seatbelt. 
MC: Are you going back to LFG now?
Victor: Mm.
After a pause, I take my handbag.
MC: I’m... leaving now?
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Victor lowers his eyes slightly, releasing a very soft chuckle.
He’s doing this on purpose! I immediately push the car door open--
A hand suddenly lands on the right side of my forehead. I subconsciously turn my face to the left. He leans forward, pressing his lips to my hair.
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Victor: Be safe.
His low voice encapsulates a mildly teasing smile and breath. It’s as though he’s giving me a tiny, tangled compliment. Even his lowered voice is mixed with cheerful satisfaction.
I nuzzle my head into his palm. His sleeve and wristwatch slide downwards, revealing the edge of his palm and his long, slender fingers.
MC: You too. Drive safely.
After disembarking from the car, I turn around again and wave at him.
MC: I’ll strive to win the competition!
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Goldman: Firstly, I’m grateful to all the participants for coming here despite your busy schedules.
Goldman: I trust that everyone has taken a cursory look through the rules of the competition before coming here. 
Goldman: In this competition, you have to study an LFG acquisition case, and produce an analysis report from any perspective. 
Goldman: The employees will be distributing the case study materials to the participants. According to the rules, the submission date for the report is the final day of the competition. 
Goldman: In the meantime, everyone can use the leisure time in the evening to work on this task.
Without a lively atmosphere that other competitions have, Goldman informs everyone about the important topic of this competition the moment everyone takes their seats.
The meeting room is on the 32nd floor. The view outside the window features Loveland City’s financial centres and tall skyscrapers, the glass windows of every building refracting rational, cold light. 
Enveloped by the overcast sky and light drizzle, the entire business district looks extremely serene. 
Very soon, hardcopy versions of the case study materials, as well as a USB drive containing the files, are in my hands. The sound of paper can be heard as the people around me start reading.
After a while, the participants exchange glances, and start discussing softly.
??: Business plans, meeting minutes, financial statements, employee resumes... LFG is letting us look at every brick of SE. 
??: It was worth making the trip here - this is all insider information! It’s such a waste that there aren’t contact numbers on the employee resumes, so I can’t tell who is who. 
??: I like this topic. It’s in line with Victor’s style. 
Out of all LFG investments, SE - a network video platform - was its worst.
When the information was first announced, every financial platform used phrases like “LFG’s Battle of Waterloo” or “Victor’s wrong decision” to attract attention. 
Even though many people have already forgotten about this matter with the passage of time, Victor, without doubt, still remembers it.
In the evening, I read through the materials, which span over three hundred pages, seriously. Every day and night that Victor revisited SE’s business model flashes past my eyes. 
Victor must have found a lead here, and clearly identified every minor detail resulting in SE’s collapse. 
Now that I’m the one in his shoes, can I do it?
Feeling drowsy, I clip up my fringe and lean against the chair, staring at the ceiling.
My phone suddenly rings. It’s a certain someone’s special ringtone, and I’m so surprised that I jolt awake.
Victor: How was today?
MC: It was very enriching. I made so many new friends, and participated in the most difficult ERP Sand Table Simulation in my entire life. I even had a seafood buffet in LFG’s hotel, which is deserving of its reputation. What about you? Are you still in the office?
[Trivia] An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) Sand Table Simulation (沙盘模拟 - “sha pan mo ni”) is a relatively new teaching mode of accounting in China, which cultivates one’s ability of business operation, coordination and interpersonal communication. It basically simulates the operation of an enterprise, which includes marketing, production, logistics, financial centres, etc.
Victor: Mm.
MC: Are you standing at the window looking at the scenery?
Victor: Mm, I just realised that the rain has stopped.
I draw back the curtains, looking at the night view beneath my feet. It’s already very late, but the lights from office buildings illuminate the night distinctly. 
They even reveal the sharp and lonely colours of the cloudy night.
This is one representation of “business”.
Before the collapse of the magnificent SE, its building was often lit up - a starlight converging with the city’s night scene.
The same goes for LFG’s building.
MC: Once you’re done, head home early to rest.
Victor: Are you preparing to sleep?
Looking at the tiny mountain of materials on the table, I let out an anguished wail.
MC: CEO Victor, don’t you know how demanding the rules you set for the competition are? How could I be sleeping at this time!
At the other end of the line, Victor cannot help but laugh.
Victor: In that case, I’ll wish you the winning prize?
MC: Sure, I accept your blessings!
This is the fourth cup of coffee I’m having today.
Time is tight, so I’m unable to comb through every single one of SE’s business proposals and then formulate them into words. I need to go straight into the heart of the matter, and hit the nail on the head!
Even so, I stare at the file on my laptop which currently spans over thirty thousand words. There’s a sense of unease in my heart.
Did I include too much nonsense? 
It’s already the evening of the fifth day, and I’ll have to submit the report in 37 hours...
Restless and anxious, I down the remaining half of my americano, then draw a bunch of squiggles on my draft.
The doorbell suddenly rings. 
A possibility flashes in my mind. I run over frantically, looking through the peephole at the person standing outside.
MC: W-wait for a moment. Victor, wait for a while!
With fiery speed, I rush to the dressing table to tidy myself up, then rush back to open the door.
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Victor: Did I come at the wrong time?
MC: No you didn’t...
Before I finish speaking, Victor reaches out to touch the pimple patch on my forehead.
Victor: What’s this?
MC: Worry, internal heat, loss of sleep, supper... The main reason could be the fried chicken I had for supper the day before yesterday.
Victor: You don’t know how to eat something better even with the competition funds from the company.
Without waiting for him to continue, I press him down onto the sofa in the living room.
MC: Let’s continue our chat later. Hold on, I’ll tidy up some things!
It becomes evident that I have some issues estimating how long “a moment” is.
By the time I finish combing through my outline and prepare to do a further refinement, more than an hour has passed. Victor remains seated on the sofa, waiting for me. 
I blink at him guiltily.
Victor: Are you done?
MC: Not yet, but I can take a break~
I walk over, kneeling on the empty space on the sofa, leaning my entire body onto him.
Victor shifts closer, placing a hand on my waist in a habitual manner.
Victor: How’s the competition?
With a frown, I shake my head.
MC: As of now, I’m ranked in 13th place. Your fifty million dollar investment wouldn’t reach me.
Victor glances at the outline and the half-completed draft in my hand.
Victor: You still want to compete when you have no prospects?
MC: Of course. I’ve already worked on this for so long, so I should at least produce something.
I tilt my head on Victor’s shoulder, taking another look at the report I've spent days writing. The more I look at it, the more dissatisfied I am. So, I just heave several deep sighs.
MC: But some of the competitors are really formidable. I can tell that they’re treating this competition as a game - they don’t put much heart into it, and they aren’t very serious about it. Even so, they win very easily, and take the lead very easily.
I say excitedly, straightening up and facing Victor. 
MC: For example, the CEO from Yao Yue, the media company, has won me over. During the ERP Sand Table Simulation on the first day, he actually went to other groups to poach members halfway through. And poaching other people was just the first step. Once their funding chain was in operation, they went around purchasing other production lines, and continuously expanded their scope.
Victor smiles faintly, his expression reflecting a tacit understanding.
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Victor: You aren’t bad either. Goldman told me that among all the competitors, you were the first one who thought of capitalising on rent to construct the production line. 
MC: You said it yourself - whatever isn’t prohibited in the rules is permissible.
Furthermore, Victor had prepared for numerous eventualities during the game, and arranged for Goldman to react accordingly. Nobody’s creativity can disrupt the process of the game. 
Thinking about this, I once again feel disheartened, plopping myself back atop Victor’s chest, looking at the report that I have no idea how to amend.
MC: As compared to them, I’m still far behind... It’s so difficult to surpass you.
Victor suddenly lapses into silence, his hand on my back.
The air-con in the middle blows out rustling wind. It’s very soft, but I hear it very clearly because of how quiet the room is. 
Accompanying the regulated white noise is the comfortable warmth from Victor’s arms. Four cups of coffee doesn’t seem to be of much use.
Drowsily, I stare at a sentence on the report, warning myself repeatedly: I can’t sleep yet.
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Perhaps noticing that I haven’t spoken for a long time, and that I’m so tired that my eyes have drifted shut, Victor gently takes the file away from my hand.
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MC: ...I’m not sleeping.
Hearing my indistinct mumble, he lets out a resigned chuckle. 
Victor: Are you going to continue amending it?
So tired that I can no longer open my eyes, I give him a nod, rubbing the side of my face on his chest.
The scent of a fresh bath entwines with cologne, twirling around the tip of my nose. It’s such a pleasant scent that it makes one feel as though breathing is a kind of luxury.
Likely not knowing how to deal with me, Victor holds onto the file and doesn’t move.
It’s only until I hug his waist contentedly like a cat which has had its fill of being coquettish, that he flips through the file, probably wanting to have a quick look at what I’ve written.
After a while, he touches the ends of my hair.
Victor: The overall reasoning has no issues. But regarding the marketing strategy...
I reach out to cover his mouth. Because I’m not looking, my fingers fumble on his face for a moment.
MC: This is a competition, so you can't help. And this is my competition, so I can do it independently... Also, you specially came over at night just to comment on my report?
Victor: Why else do you think I’d be here?
I open my eyes lazily and look at his chin. With a hum, I bury my face into the crook of his neck, coquettishly blowing into his ear.
MC: Teacher Victor...
MC: I’m calling you ‘Teacher’ not because I want to talk about business methods and progress in work.
Victor doesn’t say anything. He places the file on the coffee table. After a pause, he speaks softly.
Victor: You never mentioned that your goal was to surpass me. 
MC: I have, but you didn’t take me seriously...
I rise from his chest, giving him a firm look.
MC: I’m not that silly to think that just because I’ve won a few media-related prizes and produced a few good programs, I’m already on the same level as you. You’ve been taking care of me in a greenhouse, keeping out the wind and rain for me. All I can do is to make a few flowers bloom under your meticulous care.
The lenses of his thin spectacles reflect the warm and yellow ceiling lights. Behind the lenses, there are deep emotions in Victor’s eyes.
Victor: When did you have such a thought?
My line of sight falls onto the file on the coffee table. On the first page of the report, the words “SE” have been circled with a pencil.
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MC: When SE got into trouble, you flew to France and were so busy that you didn’t sleep for days...
MC: And when you were back in the country, you spent half the year arranging for the sale of the property and didn’t tell me a single word about it. That’s when it started.
This has been a knot residing in my heart, and I've never brought it up to him.
I really wanted to help even a little, but I didn’t manage to do anything.
Unable to be needed by him, unable to become a person he can face difficulties with... A voice in my heart has always been reminding me of such a reality. And I'm not going to simply resign myself to it.
Victor: What happened with SE is just an example. We’re from different businesses and different fields. There’s no need to compare yourself with me. Also, I’m older than you. When you’ve reached my age, you might attain the achievements I have today.
Victor lifts his head to look at me, his eyes filled with his usual resoluteness.
Although I only said one thing, he seems to have understood everything.
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Victor: You’ve never been a flower I’ve been raising in a greenhouse. At any point in time, I do need you very much. When SE was in trouble and the PR Department couldn’t communicate with the media, they talked to you about it. It’s not as if you weren’t of any help.
You tilt your head to look at him. Furrowing your brows, you bite your lip.
MC: Could we not talk about such general principles? I can understand them, but the things I can do are always limited... Which is why I’ll not give up on this goal.
Victor sits upright, closing the distance between us. His grip on my back tightens slightly, and his voice is even lower than before.
Victor: Who was the one who said she didn’t want to talk about business methods and progress in work? 
Victor: Is the phrase “I need you” also considered a general principle?
I lower my head and chuckle, pushing at his chest lightly with my fingertips. He doesn’t pull back. Instead, he shifts forward even more.
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Victor: What do you think I specially came over so late at night to do?
His voice carries with it his exhaled breath, reminiscent of a silk thread on my collarbone, causing a ticklish sensation to surface.
I have no choice but to lift myself up, cupping his cheeks in my hands.
MC: Teacher Victor, you look very good in spectacles.
Victor: Still amending your report?
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MC: I will. I’ll amend it after you leave.
Victor: In that case, when do you want me to leave?
MC: ...
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MC: I still have an entire day tomorrow.
Victor: Are you sure?
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MC: ...don’t tempt me!
Victor: I’m seeking your opinion. The decision rests with you.
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Victor: Looks like the dishes in LFG’s hotel are passable. A certain someone actually put on weight after being locked in for seven days,
MC: Fried chicken! Five star recommendation! The breaded chicken thigh paired with plum sauce was so delicious that I was on the verge of tears!
Victor: I’ll give you an opportunity. Bring your proposal over and exchange it for the secret recipe for the dipping sauce.
Victor: Looks like the dishes in LFG’s hotel are passable. A certain someone actually put on weight after being locked in it for seven days,
MC: Not just the dishes - the wine was also very good!
Victor: When did you secretly drink wine?
Victor: Looks like the dishes in LFG’s hotel are passable. A certain someone actually put on weight after being locked in it for seven days,
MC: Every meal was a buffet, so it’s difficult not to gain weight...
Victor: A greedy cat always has many excuses.
Phone call: here
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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peachycheol · 4 years
“upside down” w/ vernon 😌 - from your dearest 🍒
| upside down |
➸ pairing: spiderman!vernon x mj!reader ➸ warnings: heavy petting, semi-public shenanigans, this is straight up the kiss scene from spiderman if sam raimi were a little hornier  ➸ tags: @chewmycherry
➸ a/n: kiona 🥺  i’m sorry this is not as kinky as you are, but i hope you still enjoy it, my love!! 💗 💗
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Vernon is dizzy. Whether it’s from the euphoria of finally feeling your lips on his or from hanging upside down for this long, he isn’t really sure, but he doesn’t care enough to figure out, especially since you’re teasingly swiping your tongue across his upper lip and oh god he might actually pass out. The groan that leaves his lips makes you giggle and gives you the courage to whisper something that has him scrambling to come down from the rope of web he was hanging on. Once his feet hit the ground, you don’t hesitate to reattach your lips to his in a kiss that’s more urgent, needier. “Fuck,” he curses under his breath when he feels your warm body press up against his, your thigh grazing against his growing bulge. 
Your dress, which had been soaked through by rain, clings to each and every one of your curves, leaving very little room for imagination. When you reach down to teasingly squeeze him through his suit, Vernon does his best not to press you against the wall of the alley and show you just how enhanced his body has become. Not wanting to rush things, he opts to dip a hand beneath the hem of your conveniently short dress and begins to rub your cunt over your panties. He nearly loses it when you spread your legs to accommodate his hand, watching in awe as you slightly rock against it, your eyes glazed over with desire. “Mmh, more p-please.”
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CLOSED: follower milestone game: send me a title + a member and i will write you a spicy drabble!
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