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yakocchi · 2 years ago
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6th Anniversary Gacha Cards // Leonardo & Comte
“Let Me Have All of You, Now and Hereafter” (Leonardo)
“When our bodies part, I instantly yearn for you again. …’Sorry for being a brat that endlessly craves you, eh?” “I don’t regret having taken the rest of your life (for myself). The part I took… No, I love you more than what had been taken. Therefore… let me have all of you, now and hereafter.” “Hey— Beg, as adorably as you can. …Because if a good girl truly desires me so, I’ll spoil her to bits. Well…?” ⭑
 “…A Tantalizing Poison” (Count)
“No matter how many times we make love… I wish to become one with you even more. Haha… Yes, I long for you from the bottom of my heart.” “Your voice, your body, your heat— It is but a sweet poison.  Even if this toxin were fatal, I would care not (for what it would do to me)… A tantalizing poison it is.” “From within this eternity, I found you… Yes, I’ve said that before, haven’t I? How is it even possible to abandon this fate? I, won’t let you go… for eternity, you know.”
⭑ the line is “(…) I’ll spoil you to bits”, but sentence flow
last min grabs. sacrificed competing in the election for it, but it’s k. most ikevam elections are boring bc there’s not much competition to be had lol
one thing that’s kinda annoying when trying to translate the words of ppl who live forever (as long as a special spear dun stab em in the vitals ig) is that there’s a difference between “as long as humanly possible” forever and “temporal eternity” forever. i dont have a whole lot of leo content on hand, but when he means “be with me forever” he means “be with me til u die”. when the count or vlad say “be with me forever”, it’s “be with me even when it's 5394 AD”
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yakocchi · 2 years ago
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Ikemen Vampire (w/ Animate) - Digital Archive rambling
mm sorry i have been posting nothing. but the few mobile games ive been playing are very uhhh unimpressive in output. ill try to translate stuff i found mildly amusing tho if that interests y'all but u see today im powered with annoyance. the most empowering emotion when it comes to getting stuff done
so cybird decided to make a “digital archive” on animate for a crisp ~1500 yen. the description was kinda vague (+ i dont have the ikesen one, which i think exists? idk idc) so i was curious. iirc there were “deluxe” preorder vers with acryl stands, while this basic preorder one comes with a sheet of glossy paper. u can purchase the code by itself the day of release, so idk wtf they were thinking. dawg i spent $30 USD to ship this bc i timed my forwarding shipments poorly sigh
a “digital archive” according to whoever set this up is just a lazy online artbook. if you like full body shots this is fine (...doesn’t have all of them), otherwise it’s kinda garbage. ig there’s a niche for it, as ikevam downgraded the quality of the character portraits in-game a yr or so ago, but lol man they couldn’t even provide all of the story CGs. don’t see the point in making the former a secret anymore as all of the main stories are 3+ yrs old and said art is used for public promo anyway i was curious if they’d provide all of Galileo’s emotion portraits (since the smile one hasn’t been seen in HD yet) but they conspicuously left out all the ones we haven’t seen. they don’t even provide shots of jeanne’s uncovered face....... the most important lesson was remembered today. never get emotionally attached to a GaaS
idk if u wanna pay a few bucks to look at legs, feet, and backgrounds they’ve got u covered tho
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yakocchi · 2 years ago
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Standard Cards // Galileo & Drake
hiya! been a while. ive just been... very tired these past months. u know when u just want to consume media and not do uh effort posts abt it lol. well speaking of low effort
didnt have a burning desire to get these, was mostly trying to get them out of the card pool so they dont get in the way when i pull on real limited gachas the quotes are just your typical sexi man / panting quotes these cards always have, so it's just... idc until the main story comes out. i hope their routes come out within the next year but they sure r taking their sweet time with sequels
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yakocchi · 2 years ago
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The Emperor's Peak (VIP) // Completion
"Come here; You've got 5 minutes."
ayo new year, new january to sap money from eisuke enjoyers. well as the teens say, the fit do be bussin tho
i only bothered to pay up as theyve “graciously” given free VIP access for a bit. still no way to purchase subs on Passport, which is wild considering how much they push using the site
the stories are mostly fun. theres even a ministory about their middle-aged life (20 yrs into their marriage). obv they cant have their ikemen look crusty, so eisuke just looks like a disgruntled anime Beatle
the more interesting SR story is where they time travel to eisuke's 5th bday. so back when he was still formally a Kuga, but after his moms been hospitalized. the boy is naturally home alone. the story is quite sweet, but honestly was looking forward to more of the ichinomiya brothers so hmph
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yakocchi · 2 years ago
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The Celibate Vampire (Part 2) // Ranking Cards
"No Matter How Many Times..." (Leonardo)
"Hey... You like it when I bully you, don't you? Your body says so, you know. ...Very well; How about I'll tease you to bits tonight?" "You're not being honest. At times like this, when those lips of yours say 'Don't', or 'No'... it's merely to cover up your embarrassment. So... let's give in?" "Haah... No matter how many times I take you, it's not enough... You're a terrifying one; Terrifyingly... adorable."
"I Want You" (Vlad)
"Both my body, and yours... are terribly hot. When our skin presses together like this, I hope that we can truly become one..." "Hey, face me... I want to feel you more deeply— I want you." "Discard your reason, your common sense, your shame— Discard every piece of your 'everyday' self, and lose yourself to me. ...I shall fill you with me."
"When Your Eyes Tear Up Like That..." (Count)
"How about you show me where you like to be touched? (kisses) Here... (kisses)... and here, right? It seems I've hit the mark, hm?" "You are a sensitive one, so... you must already be on the verge of torment, no? Ah, when your eyes tear up like that... (kisses)... That face, it rouses me so." "If you cannot suppress your voice... I shall block it for you... (kisses)... Thus, you may cry out to your heart's desire. And as you do, let me lust for you even more..."
Happy Holidays! been engaged w/ other hobbies for the past... half yr, sorry. maybe ill do a lil smth smth this holiday hmm
a lazy photoset. wouldve been better if i actually had the group card (used the in-game visual here), but im not the type to pay 8.5k yen on a bad event value item set. not saying im better than ppl who did; i am the type of person who paid 4.5k to secure top 100 so i just have brainrot in a diff way
the event itself was mid. the avatars were very cute. the stories were stories that were written. id vent further but i dont want this post to get lengthy lol
(please credit if you post/use these anywhere! ty!)
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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Ravaged Reason (VIP) // Completion 
Full Title // Thoroughly Desired, A Sickeningly-Sweet Night
google’s been cracking down on foreign IAPs, so wowee i had to do some nonsense to even partake in this one. hope voltage (bothers to) figure out how to sell vip subs on passport cuz wtf
This VIP event is mostly garbage. 15 of the items are phone bgs and social media icons of prexisting images, are you kidding me
There’s not really a real connecting theme to all the stories? they done phoned it in
extremely brief discussion under the cut (spoilers)
So TL;DR the SR Eisuke story is about them going to a fashion show in Paris. Ladies be hanging near Eisuke & MC gets insecure, and then Eisuke himself gets jealous later. granted, idk wtf she expected when ota was like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “dont be tellin our secret now” and then eisuke gives the stank face asking wtf is the secret and she still doesnt tell
The SR Soryu story is about her getting kidnapped by some dudes who want some shiet from the auctions. what's new. obv soryu saves her but then it’s revealed that the special item that soryu was going “ugh tf” earlier when he was going over the items was....... a sexy maid outfit with cat ears. MC is like “i should try it on eh (jokingly)” and then soryu is like that chad meme guy with the beard going “yea”. she wears it and he’s very into it. tho it’s not about him being into catgirls, it’s that mc wearing something sexy is Nice
the Rare stories are just lil unrelated bits of their cute lil married life. ......maybe not cute for everyone but eisuke’s. like the soryu one almost has him wanting to bone in the auction warehouse.  the normal stories are just His POV versions. 
anyway, i did not crop MC’s face off on purpose. i just go ham on the cropping so it’s not a complete image. rip
see kbtbb mc is a very cute girlie
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honestly concerning to realize in one of these parallel fictional universes she’s supposed to married to the likes of this dude
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wish his lil paris outfit here was full drip tho. like this loser
ok thats all, ty for reading! lol
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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5th Anniversary Card Gacha // “I Want to Live with You, in ‘the Present’” (Count)
“I am a vampire, and you, human— A truth that cannot change. Thus, for that very reason, I want to fervently gather up every second, every moment… You taught me that, you know.”
“One day, I shall pierce this thin neck with my fangs, and drag you into ‘eternity’— But, just for a moment longer… I want to live with you, in ‘the present’.”
“Now and forever, let us express our love over again and over again. Moreover, I hope that we, as two, will want to continue gathering up our joyful moments of ‘the present’. …I will love you, for eternity.”
He says “this neck”, which implies that her neck is physically close to him (you can kinda hear this with how softly he speaks for this line) “The present”, as in “present” = specifically “now”, and not the general temporal…space of the present, but this is getting into some metaphorical mess beyond my paygrade of zero (0) money
Ikevam’s fifth anni is around the corner! feels a bit phoned in this year, but that’s what happens when u are now a less-favored child of cybird. ahah The cards seem to only have a basic bg animation this year, where the clock moves with the same ol cheap sparkles and minimal rose petals. maybe arthur/vlad/charles will get fancier cards? hmm
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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2021 General Election, King 7 Gift // Eisuke Ichinomiya
long time no see everyone. sorry for no posts in forever. id like to say i have a good excuse. but i do not. even worse, im getting back into maplestory again
Solo CGs + a matching His POV ministory were rewarded to players who voted for the eventual King 7 in the 2021 Election. yes, you get a reward for voting for those who ended up being the most popular. U SHEEP
well i would like to judge, but last yr I actually bought garbage that gave me ballots. and so, me recognizing that eisuke maintaining his high rank is probably the one thing that’s keeping kbtbb from dying, i gave some ballots to eisuke (along with soryu). which is why i got this set of stuff
the story itself is extremely brief. so they have a photoshoot where eisuke himself picked the outfits. they go to the garden and he’s like “the warm light illuminating the cold garden is just like her very existence” blah blah, it's very poetic i promise. The rabbit on his brooch is supposed to be like maron & marilyn (im guessing they’re wearing matching charms? the story dun clarify) + then internally he’s like ok but this lavender jadeite tho - everything in this photoshoot is stuff that connects us!! proving this man is very into couple stuff as long as it's Big Muney
…as a side note, they have also finally put the project stories on sale. im… not sure what i will do with my translation as it will soon become irrelevant. maybe ill make it pword-protected on my wordpress idk (i will edit the post accordingly when i make a decision)
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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A Tipsy Time with Him (Gacha) // Tastes Like Wine (Count)
“It’s quiet tonight… Ah, yes— How about I tell you a secret? Lend me your ear. …Could you stay with me a little while longer tonight?”
“Haha— What’s that adorable face for? …Haah, my beloved’s charm is truly endless.”
“It appears I’ve drank a bit too much. (kisses) Right…? Tastes like wine, does it not? (kisses again) How troublesome… I can’t stop kissing you…”
well yay saved muney by rolling it this early but dang. already used up some wine sets this event to be on track to get the gacha medals.... im very “but wat if i need those 10 yrs from now” abt items in these games
i like how they give him the mature img when he’s coupled w/ most of the other characters. but then if leo’s in it too, he has to be the delicate one as if 2 mature, triassic era vampires is too much for a roster of 10+ audacious young men. we have crusty musty vampire dad and vampire grandad uncle, surely we even have room for some dude to play ancient vampire mom
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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2021 Election Benefit Gacha Cards // 3rd Place in the Captivating Category (Leonardo)
“I’m unusually tipsy today, huh... I want to dote on you more than usual. So, make a mess out of me.”
“No matter how much time passes, I just can’t keep my eyes off you; You’re a woman that never ever fails to captivate me, you know.”
“You really are the tenacious, preserving type... Today, I’ll listen to all of your selfish (thoughts) and demands, and spoil you. Now come on— Sit on my lap.”
⋆ “Captivating” is a simple way to put it; it’s to describe someone who is very good at attracting people (+ since they’re hosts, specifically women); Magnetic, kinda. Also, in the last line, the term he uses is more like someone who stands strong when the going gets tough. 
The count and leonardo's power and willingness to show the tiddie is truly... inspirational
anyway um ikevam, can u pls do an in-universe scenario event this yr. preferably within next month. u have only released AUs this yr. i do not like reading intimate and/or romantic scenes where the Count is referred to as the Count and the AU acts like he has no name
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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A Naughty Kiss in the Sweet Chapel (Epilogue) // Eisuke
"Nothing has ever been such a nuisance as (this) emotion that cannot be logically explained."
o… i guess ive been gone for over a month. sorry yall, ig there wasnt much of note LOL
anyway speaking of only few things of note, eisuke’s wedding epilogue is finally out! whyd it take so long and with essentially zero kbtbb content in between? it_is_a_mystery.png
below the cut, briefest + blandest summary in the world
so continuing from the route, they do a lot of public weddings, including one where eisuke is a Prince and mc a princess. mc was very into that. apparently very good with the PR, these sort of weddings. but tbf my anti-capitalist mind wouldve been like "smh my head rich people" if i saw that plastered on the news anyway between all that (apparently they had a “wedding night” for each of these weddings… bruh), eisuke tells her to think of what she’d like for their honeymoon. so after some thinking, she finally says that’d she’d like to relax with him at an onsen. Yes, unsurprisingly eisuke is like “wow kind of basic, lady” but LOL w/e, it’s not like he’d deny her even if she wanted to sit in a trash can for a week. so later he drags her to a very fancy private resort in Central America in the rainforest with AI macaws and stuff (they say “colorful birds” so… macaws). the onsen part is a fancy waterfall with warm water. later it’s revealed that ota helped design the whole thing, which added context to earlier where ota was with eisuke at the penthouse going like “okay like, im working here, but meanwhile u…” + got startled when mc walked into the room. also lots of boning sprinkled about. happy end
eisuke is surprisingly pretty cute in all this lol. it’s more like “im grumpy that you are all focused on the ring all the time instead of me, so im going to yeet u into a pool”… it feels both uncharacteristic of him and at the same time the correct amt of petty for him lol it's cute to see him actually be openly yakimochi OK!!
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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My Husband, The Grand Emperor (VIP) // Completion
the event is not advertised as a Birthday Event, but i guess it’s supposed to be one in a way? idk maybe they dont want ppl thinking bday events for characters are a given lol. man… i saved up money thinking this was going to be a general kbtbb event. better than the usual nothing i suppose.
the content is like 80% “garbage”, 20% new stories. thankfully it’s only 30-something items and not like 40. all items are new and exclusive to the event, and completion also comes with a Eisuke POV mini-story
i will be very briefly covering the items after the cut if u r interested
please credit if you take any of this stuff! much appreciated (・ω・*) spoilers behind the cut!!
in the “definitely garbage” tier, there are the 6 VIP Room backgrounds, 3 CGs meant for personal use: a social media icon, social media header image, + an edited CG that’s narrow enough that i assume its supposed to be a phone bg 5 line packs for Eisuke (the lines he says when u tap him), and 5 outfits for Eisuke: the hakama u see in the wedding story, a silver tux, the black suit he wears in the wedding story, him in a crown, the long winter coat he wears in Season… 3? (the proposal season, idk the number anymore)
there are 3 mildly interesting “garbage” CGs:
the first one is a marriage form where Eisuke already signed his name. ure supposed to fill out everything else, which AHEM IF I RECALL CORREKLLIE that is inconsistent with the proposal season where it was the other way around and MC was supposed to just sign it!! literally unplayable
the second is an “Eisuke Schedule” where it details what he does in a specific week + a memo. the events imply that it’s the same week that occurs in Part I as it notes meeting with both families and finding a very good breeder for the rabbits. i think the latter is supposed to be what leads to their second rabbit (in Part I, they get a second rabbit bc it seems like eisuke might have been worried that Maron might be lonely) anyway most of that week is unsurprisingly just lots of work (meetings with others, administrative work, etc.)
third CG has the rest of the main cast (of the OG 5) make comments about what they think about Eisuke finally getting married. it’s cute but also just kinda w/e bc it’s so short
anyway, onto the stories:
there are normal grade stories for once, but that’s where they shoved everyone else. lol well if u like very brief banter, that’s what the stories are
there are 2 SR grade stories:
There is “Becoming a Family With Him” Part 4. LOOOL yea gl ever getting these stories for a decent price ever again i mean… it’s cute of course. kaito kisses a little girl on the cheek and MC is like :O while eisuke is like 😏 MC asks why he did that and hes like i did it so she would stop crying. after all, whenever daddy kisses mommy, she cheers up. nooooo so later shes like can u stop a bit with the public skinship since the kids are getting older. eisuke is like sure but then obviously later she’s internally like……… i miss the skinship tho. eito is like it’s fine, w/e makes u happy
+ obv the lovebirds fuc later. the skinship returns, fin
A Love Between a Married Couple that Could Even Melt Snowy Mountains: they go to Canada to go ski. he teaches her and it is cute. further shows he is moderately pleasant to the people he likes, it’s just that that list of ppl is incredibly small then a blizzard starts and theyre pretty much stuck in their lodge. then they fuc with her on his lap. yea hot mm if u like that sorta thing, the eisuke bonus story on hikaru’s otona love story is similar (where mc is on top). too bad it’s like… a $6 thing and it’s just a single mini-story with the main course, the hikaru story. hikaru story is still good obv but i know most kbtbb are usually single chara stans
there are 6 R grade stories:
POV versions of the SR stories: - Becoming a Family with Him Part 4, Eisuke POV ver. - Becoming a Family with Him Part 4, Eito + Kaito POV ver. - A Love Between a Married Couple that Could Even Melt Snowy Mountains, Eisuke POV ver.
My First Job as a Newlywed Wife (Eisuke POV): so since now shes the wife of a Very Important Guy, she has to do public appearances and stuff she appears on a program and everyone else watches her on the tv at the penthouse she praises him and obv she’s still blushy abt having to call him her husband blablabla eisuke leaves to go pick her up + he’s like be careful cuz u know, wat u say will affect the hotel’s image but inside he’s be careful, i dun want u to show those kinda expressions to anyone but me (literally “there isn’t an expression that you may show to anyone besides myself”) anyway it’s cute cuz he gets a little shy abt how much she’s able to gush abt him
Happy Birthday, My Dear Husband: well she wanted to plan a cute bday but then she gets a cold. so then he babies her a bit instead
I Tried a Live Broadcast of (the state of) My Newlywed Life with Eisuke: yea it rly does have this light novel af name im sorry
so he makes her do a livestream of their “lives” so they can promote the suites and stuff. not even eisuke is above doing it for the gram obv he pretends to be a sweet, nice dude so mc is startled abt how upfront he is abt saying ilu and stuff. obv she gets a reward for being all “i only belong to eisuke” etc. when the cameras are off. or so she thought
anyway thats abt it maybe ill do an extended translation of some stories but for now, i play the vidya gaem
as always, thanks for reading!
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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A Naughty Kiss in the Sweet Chapel (II) // Eisuke
idr the official eng name srry
woo yea start the year off with eisuke. love that in a surprising turn of events, i actually like soryu's story more than eisuke's for once. prob because soryu's felt more relevant to his character (his dad) than eisuke's (which is still kinda abt family but not as much), but they already did the mysterious dad plot point for eisuke so ig they ran out of ideas. part 2 is much better than part 1, but theyre honestly both kinda wack LOL. this story's high point imo is that it's the closest in getting eisuke in any real danger. which was pretty much being in a coma for... half a chapter. yea the bar is low
very weird decision on their part to release eisuke's so early imo, but i guess they sense kbtbb fans getting impatient idk
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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Kiss x Kiss x Kiss (Collection Event) // Count
hope youve been having a wonderful new year / new years eve so as u probably know, there’s an Event to coincide with “Season” 2.5. it’s honestly very... meh. not sure what purpose it serves besides giving exposition for new chara(s) to easily move in. which. ok
the appeal of these mini-stories is that it comes with sounds, which imo should be in all stories to begin with. i guess it would get a little old since they probably wouldnt make like 20+ clips for each chara
Spoilers under the cut!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
His kisses… never fail to make me lose myself in them…
[Kara]: “Nn- Count…” [Count]: “Kara…” That night, I accompanied the Count to a party… where we were sharing kisses on the balcony. Paired with the mood of being alone together, my own mood stirred in excitement, our lips melding over and over again. Whenever I moved away, rendered breathless, he would kiss me endlessly once more, and my mind went completely blank. (I want more… more of this…)
[Kara]: “…nh-!” I was lost in his sweet kisses, when I realized voices were coming this way.
[Kara]: “Count, someone’s comi— Nnh-!” [Count]: “Shh…”
I thought that he was going to stop— when he deeply devoured my lips instead. (Even though… there’s others nearby, he’s…) He defiled my mouth as if to mercilessly drag the pleasure out from within,  the hand around my waist leisurely petting me.  [Kara]: “Ha-, nh-…”
I knew that this was indeed taboo, but my body reacted so candidly, against the faint remnants of my reason.
Even though they were unaware of our presence, having others close by us seemed to further rouse the obscene excitement of it all more than ever. (For a feeling like this… to be within me…) The kisses continued to where it became difficult to even breathe…
And eventually, I could hear the departing footsteps of those who had been nearby.
[Count]: “…-Hah,” [Kara]: “ngh-… What, are you doing...?” Raggedly panting, with my face flushed scarlet I rebuked his actions— and a naughty smile danced on his lips. [Count]: “I was merely blocking so you wouldn’t make a sound.” [Kara]: “Jeez…” (He’s - so calm right now. Even though my own heart is furiously beating…) My heartbeat still restless, I place a hand to my chest when…
[Kara]: “Wah-!” My body was gently lifted into his embrace— And as if to soothe me, he gave a tender kiss.
[Kara]: “A-, bel…?” His eyes, with a love concealed within them, turn to me, and my sour mood melts away entirely.
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[Count]: “I apologize. …You were just too adorable, I could not help but want to take you.”
I had thought that he was calm, composed; but when I stared deep into his gold irises, a (burning) passion different from his typical elegance flickered within… ⋆1 I could sense that he wanted me.
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[Count]: “Your angry face is adorable too, but… Let us pamper our dear Princess.”  [Kara]: “…ngh-“ He dropped one more firm kiss (to my lips), and once more, my heart leaped with a thump.
Carrying me in his arms, he takes us in the direction of the guestrooms. ⋆2 Coupled with the sound of my beating heart, my immoral anticipation for what will happen from here instinctively swells.
(…Abel’s kisses, are like magic.)
No matter the time or place, A single kiss of his envelops me in an unparalleled joy—
⋆1: The imagery is supposed to be like how a flame will flicker. this is bit easier to connect in JP bc “passion” has the character for “heat” in it. to try to ensure one will think “fire” and not smth like “lightbulb”, I added a (burning). ⋆2: The specific phrase she uses to describe her being carried is more commonly used for babies (cradling a baby sort of thing). the actual position is obviously a bridal/princess carry, but the implication n stuff
i really want the new year’s card, but the gacha for it is extremely brief (half a month). idk why? i guess new years would be old news by mid jan, but maybe they shouldve started it earlier?
i would rather try for the other gacha as this might be my last chance at getting his anniv card + im missing his idol card (i have leo’s and will’s, so u can see how my attempts on the idol gacha went). but... the story.....
as always, thanks for reading! 
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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Season 2.5 Art Card // “I Shall Never Let Go of This Hand, for Eternity” (Count)
“It astounds even myself, but there are times where I don’t want to show you to anyone else. Wanting to have you all to myself... is just like that of a naïve youth who only recently learned of love.”
“If anything stands in our path, I will absolutely protect you. It’ll be all right; set your mind at ease and hide behind me.”
“Taking your lips, melding our bare skins— I want to confirm our love, over and over again. (kisses)… I love you… I shall never let go of this hand, for eternity.”
The first line is more like, “Sometimes the thought of 'I don’t want to show you to anyone else’ comes to my head”. the third line is literally “(my) skin pressed over yours”, but this is a very common euphemism for uknow
anyway ggez. whew rly glad tho cuz once the odds change to skew towards the vlad trio, the chance of getting this would essentially be zero even w/ the pity roll. odds are already nonsense at 0.4% and those are proportionally boosted... lol i can see why some of the playerbase pretends the gacha doesnt exist
they're hyping up season 2.5's eventual arrival. the count (as always) got to be in the splash art cuz he's significant to the greater story. moral of the story is stan the one who would create the largest plot holes if he was deleted. this is how he always gets to be arbitrarily added
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
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After-Hours, He’s a Man (VIP) // Eisuke
yes, the original title is closer to “the (side of) him during the late hours (of the night)” but we have fun here
it’s me, ur eisuke stan in denial. i am still in denial, this guy sucks
this VIP Room Event focuses on the top-ranked charas of the 2020 Election. so there are CGs for 6 of the Kings (tsugaru had his own separate event) and everyone gets stories. the stories are a touch two-fold; the His POV ver. of the story is a separate item, so if you want both for a guy uh. good luck. esp gl if you like ayumu or toshiki bc theirs are SR. i guess cuz theyre second and third? i think? look i barely know the king 7 as it is... i had to stare at my id card just to remember who’s in the group
completion prize are alt. art versions of the 6 Kings’ CGs, which is just an alt expression. for eisuke thats prob just a ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) face. idk the me with 40 more bux to throw at this and worse luck would know i guess
since kbtbb seems to be on the backburner until next yr (until further notice, the only kbtbb stories for the rest of the yr will be eisuke special stories) i figured id ramble abt the relevant stories (eisuke and soryu) i guess
please credit if you take any of this stuff, much appreciated (・ω・*)
spoilers behind the cut!!
so the soryu one (think this is the first post-wedding story of his btw, wow) starts with the MC waiting in the living room for soryu to return from work. she falls asleep but wakes up upon hearing the door open. she’s embarrassed that she fell asleep like a kid so she pretends to still be asleep. he’s like aww waifu and then kisses her hair and carries her to bed. then he gives her another kiss and tucks her in. the entire time mc’s like waaaaa husbando so sweet. he vanishes to the bathroom and then she’s like waaaa i did not know that’s what he did every time i pass out
next morning soryu’s like tonight im gonna return home late again so just go to bed before me k. but then mc’s doing step 3 of the scientific method and going, if i pretend to pass out again, he will do the cute stuff again probably
cut to nite. she pretends to be asleep in her bed. soryu comes home, takes a shower, and then finally crawls into bed. just like mc hoped, he gives her a head kiss. to hide her reaction, she turns her back to him. but then in doing that, he gives her a hug. he straight up starts breathing down her neck and now it’s getting very hard to pretend to be asleep. then he starts unbuttoning her pjs and puts his hand on her waist?? uh oh pervert in the house. pervert who apparently isnt that sleepy at 2am after a hard day of morally questionable work. red alert, a mega pervert
well the pervert nonsense escalates by a lot and obviously MC eventually makes a noise. soryus like gotcha and then is like, tell me why u were pretending to be asleep. mc confesses that she had also pretended last night blah blah she just wanted to have waaa cute husband moments soryu did not know she was asleep last night. but then he’s like well i have my own confession to make. when i see ur defenseless sleeping face, i cant help but want to dote on u, kiss u. so then naturally i end up wanting to put u to bed and stuff. soryu’s embarrassed abt it but obv mc likes it so it works out then they bone a lot the end
now eisuke’s story begins with the mc spacing out at the penthouse. eisukes like HEY and then mc realizes eisuke’s calling for his coffee. the others wonder if he even says her name (or if he even needs to say it). mc wonders if he has a certain standard on when he’ll say her name. so while theyre doin sexi stuff, she’s like “Eisuke… I like you…” “Mhm.” “...I love you… Eisuke.” “I know.” “I like you…” “Pfft… You’re like a broken toy.” one of the members of the popular characters clique, everybody
shes trying rly hard to get him to say her name. obv he knows what’s going on and isnt gonna do it easily. blah blah extended sexi stuff and then while hes balls deep he says her name. “If you heard what I had just said… then whisper your love to me until I’m satisfied.” fin
whenever this VIP comes out in engl, make sure to try ur shot at getting stories like this! i cut down on the sexi scenes cuz i assume thats the appeal of getting these stories
also cuz i mentioned it earlier and i dun think it’s worthy of a separate post, this is wat the id card looks like
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i got this several months ago. it was free if u had the membership to their niconico channel (so not rly free). cute if u actually live in JP, otherwise was annoying to ship this dumb useless thing ahah. there’s a space for ur name on the back, but cuz i signed up for it like a day or so before the cutoff i dont think they had time to print my name on it lol… o well
as always, thx for readin!!
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yakocchi · 3 years ago
Maple Memories With the Prince // Voiced Mini Stories
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wooo yea likely the last bmp1-related event of the month. yes, yakov will be featuring in the election benefit event coming soon, but since that’s likely gonna be an AU bc he has to be a knight. meh
but hey, this event overlaps with yakov’s season 2 campaign. i dun care for the route itself bc ive read it multiple times, but they have done minor edits (like better bgs) so thats better than nothing imo season 2 is very filler arc-y bc they introduce a character that takes up a variable amt of screentime. they serve as a personified test to their relationship and/or the prince’s character, but for some routes it’s just... is this Joshua’s route or Hana’s (the side chara’s) route. cough i guess bc yakov’s was written much later than everyone else’s (by several years), they figured out what makes a sequel enjoyable to read bc his is good. no bias i assure u
quicc translations behind the cut
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Glenn (CV. Ishikawa Kaito)
[G]: “This here, is a place I quite like.” [G]: “In the fall, the green leaves turn red and yellow, and then you can enjoy the autumn leaves.” [G]: “I wanted to come here with you no matter what.” [G]: “…I’m glad you like it here too.” [G]: “For some reason, being here with you right now has made me way too happy.” [G]: “It’s made me truly think that it’d be nice if time could stop.”
Zain (CV. Hirakawa Daisuke)
[Z]: “What do you think of the autumn shades of Nobel Castle?” [Z]: “I never tire of seeing your expression change with the seasons of the Castle, you know.”   [Z]: “…Somehow, they resemble you.” [Z]: “You also show me all sorts of faces depending on the season, place, situation at hand...” [Z]: “…(kiss)” [Z]: “…If I do that - What kind of face will you show me, I wonder?”
Joshua (CV. Namikawa Daisuke)
[J]: “Ever since I discovered it as a child, I’ve kept this place in mind.” [J]: “A spectacular view of the leaves changing for autumn…” [J]: “I thought, ‘I want to take you there.’” [J]: “I’m pleased that it could become a reality, too.” [J]: “You hear me? This place is a secret between the two of us, after all.”
Edward (CV. Okitsu Kazuyuki)
[E]: “The autumn leaves are lovely— Oriens’s autumns have several beautiful spectacles, hm?” [E]: “Since you were raised here, with this beautiful scene surrounding you,” [E]: “I wonder if you have a similar heart of such beauty within?” [E]: “More and more, I want you to show me things that shall make me think of just how beautiful you are.”
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Keith (CV. Kondo Takashi)
[K]: “What, you like the fall leaves?” [K]: “Hm, well, how about I get a bunch of maple trees planted in Liberty Castle’s gardens?” [K]: “Huh? You don’t want that?” [K]: “…’the Hell, I just wanted to see your delighted face, and you…”
note that the original phrase isn’t a swear, but has an informal “what the heck” vibe so yea
Roberto (CV. Kimura Ryohei)
[R]: “The autumn leaves are so pretty!” [R]: “I was thinking that I wanna burn this very scene with you into my mind, but…”   [R]: “Maybe I don’t have to after all, I guess.” [R]: “Soo, it’d be okay to renew this (memory) every year, right?”
⋆ the term he uses for “renewing (this scene before me)” is closer to “overwriting” (commonly used in the context of computers, e.g., “overwriting” files, data, etc.), “writing over something” but in engl, (at least to me) overwriting smth like a memory has the implication that the preceding memory was “bad” (and not so much “old”) so yea
Wilfred (CV. Sakurai Takahiro)
[W]: “You see how the autumn leaves have piled up over there?” [W]: “When I was a child, I would often keep this a secret from Claude…” [W]: “I’d throw myself into a bed of autumn leaves, and stuff like that.” [W]: “It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to do that again.” [W]: “…How about we do it together?”
Yakov (CV. Yasumoto Hiroki)
[Y]: “The autumn leaves are quite splendid.” [Y]: “When I look at these red-tinted leaves, your face comes to mind.” [Y]: “It’s because they resemble the hue of your bashful cheeks, I suppose.”   [Y]: “Heh- Don’t sulk like that.” [Y]: “When you’re with me, I can’t help but want to tease you.”
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