#and they entrust cas with protecting their loved ones too
shallowseeker · 6 months
Look at Jack's anger here:
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bing-bang-bingo · 4 years
- 4x3: c. 40:00 Cas comforts Dean after Mary makes a deal w/ Azazel
- 4x7: 15:50 Dean stops Sam from shooting Cas, then Sam mentions that he’s “heard a lot about him”
- 4x7: 39:00 Cas tells Dean he prayed he’d save the town, then he tells him about his doubts and Deans future troubles
- 4x10 & ???: Dean calls “last night on Earth” his best line. He uses this line on Cas
- 4x10: 27:15 “Castiel has this weakness. He likes you.”
- 4x10: 32:50 Cas looking jealous and sad when Dean kisses Anna
- 4x16: 7:30 Cas tells Dean he got in trouble for showing emotion and getting to close to Dean. 8:20 “I would give anything not to have you do this”
- 4x16: 39:00 Cas warns Dean to be careful while Dean is in the hospital, they discuss the first seal and saving Dean from hell
- 4x18: 31:30 Cas tells Dean how to save Sam from Lilith even though he’s not allowed to interfere
- 4x20: 38:00 Deans face when Cas tells him he “learned his lesson when he was in heaven”
- 4x22: 30:40 Cas considers rebelling for Dean. 33:00 He does. 35:20 He fights multiple Archangels for Dean
- 5x1: 5:45 Dean denies Cas’ death 8:25 “I learned that from my friend Cas you son of a bitch”
- 5x1: 31:00 Cas saves Sam and Dean from Zach
- 5x3: 6:10 Cas-“I need your help because your the only one who will help me”
- 5x3: 10:20 Dean fixes Cas’ tie and jacket
- 5x4: 38:50 “Don’t Ever Change”
- 5x8: 38:20 Dean makes Gabriel bring Cas back, then makes sure he’s okay
- 5x13: ?:?? Cas won’t let Dean meet with Anna because it’s not safe
- 5x17: 30:30 Cas and Dean discuss what it’s like to have a deadbeat dad
- 5x18: 25:15 Cas kicks Deans ass for trying to sacrifice himself
- 5x21: 3:50 Cas and Dean bickering like and old married couple then Cas gives Dean a heartfelt apology.
- 6x17: 18:55 “No you’re confusing me with the other angel, the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you.”
- 6x17: 38:00 Sam: “So you killed 50,000 people for us?” Cas: *looks at Dean*
- 6x19: 25:20 Bobby reassures Cas that they’ll be back soon, Cas acts like a worried and disappointed wife.
- 6x19: 36:25 Cas yelling “Dean!” when Eve bites him
- 6x19: 40:00 Dean is the only one who doesn’t think Cas is working with Crowley (he’s wrong but it’s sweet)
- 6x20: 4:50 Dean v v worried, “But Cas you’ll call right? If you get into real trouble?”
- 6:30 Crowley implies that Cas is distracted by Dean and tells him he reeks of the Impala.
- 7:20 Cas says that Dean taught him how to care and what to care about. Then Cas saves Sam (for Dean)
- 13:15 Cas says that the worst part of working with Crowley (basically his sworn natural enemy) is that it hurt Dean and that he hated lying to him.
- 25:20 Cas refuses to ask Dean for help because he has “sacrificed too much” even though it means Cas could die.
- 26:00 Crowley tells Cas he has a way for everyone to get a happy ending “with all possible entendres intended” while Cas stares longingly at Dean.
- 33:00 Dean is close to tears when he learns that Cas is working with Crowley, Cas says he did it to protect Dean.
- 35:25 “Dammit Cas we can fix this!” “Dean it’s not broken!” He then tells the boys to run from the demon cloud and Dean gives him the saddest look in the world before being forced to leave him behind.
- 38:00 Cas watches Dean sleep. “I’m doing this for you Dean. I’m doing this because of you!”
- 6x21: 22:40 “I do everything you ask. I always come when you call and I am your friend. Still despite your lack of faith in me and now your threats I’ve just saved you yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you?”
- 6x22: Dean to Cas- “Don’t make me lose you, too.”
- 7x2: 5:35 Dean nearly cries on screen when he thinks Cas is dead
- 7x17: Cas says “I remember ~you~” as soon as he regains his memories.
- 7x17: Cas ask why Dean didn’t tell him all the horrible things Cas did. Parallels the conversation Karen and Dean had about telling Bobby she remembered him killing her and her telling Dean that he had never been on love before.
- 7x21: The face Dean makes when he sees Cas again plus the prolonged eye contact when Cas says Deans name.
- 7x21: Hester telling Dean that when Cas first saved him from Hell he was lost- parallels- Lucifer/Jess saying she was dead the moment she met Sam.
- 7x23: 8:50 “Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first.” Meg to Dean about Cas
- 7x23: 32:45 “I’m sorry but I’d rather have you, cursed or not.”
- 7x23: 36:50 Cas steps in to protect Dean despite spending the whole season avoiding fighting and saying he won’t fight.
- 8x2: 25:00 Cas ran away to keep the Leviathans away from Dean. Dean refuses to leave purgatory without Cas.
- 8x7: 20:30 Deans reaction to seeing Cas all cleaned up.
- 8x7: Dean convinced himself that it was his fault Cas was still in purgatory because he’s a sweet idiot boy who hates himself
- 8x7: 35:00 The whole Dean and Cas conversation about purgatory and Cas doing stuff that puts him in danger.
- 8x8: 12:30 Cas just casually going through Deans stuff and Dean not saying anything.
- 8x8: 13:00 Cas offering to watch over Dean while he slept
- 8x8: 15:15 Dean talks to Cas about feelings and heaven even though Dean hates talking about feelings.
- 8x17: Cas fights Naomi’s mind control for Dean
- 8x23: 22:50 Dean and Cas sadly discuss Cas closing the doors of heaven and say goodbye
- 9x1: Dean prays to Cas and tells him he isn’t mad about the angels falling.
- 9x1: Cas’ first instinct is to explain himself to Dean then to come help him.
- 9x1: Dean begs Cas to “for once, look out for yourself.”
- 9x3: 36:45 Dean to Cas after Cas came back from the dead “Don’t you ever do that again!”
- 9x6: Literally just Dean trying desperately the whole episode to hang out with Cas
- 9x10: 26:00 Dean and Cas talk about how Cas is doing and Dean offers him a rare sincere apology. Plus the “I prefer the term ‘trusting’. Less dumb, less ass.” dialogue
- 9x18: Cas’ little smile when Dean makes a joke about Honor Bars and Cas is just so happy to hear his voice.
- 9x18: Metatron’s illusion of Gabriel calls Cas Dean’s boy-toy
- 9x18: Cas can tell something is wrong with Dean, then Cas yells at Dean about getting the Mark of Cain
- 9x22: Cas chooses Dean over all of Heaven once again
- 9x22: The Cas and Dean conversation about the three of them being enough when an army wasn’t and Cas giving up an army all for Dean
- 9x23: “I’m blaming you for taking Cas’ grace.”
- 10x1: 5:00 Cas about Dean- “I miss him.”
- 10x2: 9:00 Cas’ reaction to learning that Dean is a demon
- 10x3: The conversation between Dean and Cas at the end of the episode. “You look terrible” “You on the other hand, your looking good.”
- 10x5: Deans reaction to Cas and Dean actors hugging and holding hands
- 10x5: “Put as much sub into that text as you possibly can.” *looks directly at fake Cas*
- 10x9: 15:00 Cas tells Dean he’s a good role model. Then asks him if he’s okay and when Dean lies and says he is he pushes it further. Dean makes Cas promise to kill him if he goes Dark
- 10x22: Dean and Cas fight and parallel Cain and his Wife.
- 10x23: Dean sees Cas’ bloody face in the mirror
- 11x1: Cas being more worried about Dean than himself even though Cas is under a spell that will kill him.
- 11x2: Dean calling Cas and stressing out when he doesn’t answer
- 11x3: Dean trying to coax Cas out of the attack dog spell, refusing to fight back when Cas was attacking, freaking out when Cas took a minute to wake up, refusing to let Cas heal him (because he “had it coming”), and refusing to let Cas apologize (because “there’s nothing to apologize for”).
- 11x10: “Dean, I came as soon as you called.” Also: “Stick your tongue out.” Dean-*does*
- 11x11: Dean realizing that something is wrong with Cas (while he is possessed by Lucifer)
- 11x11: Mildred says that Dean is pining for someone else(probably meant to be a reference to Amara, but she told him this after he had seen Cas for the first time in a few days.)
- 11x14: The sadness on Deans face when he realizes Cas is Lucifer and then his determination to save Cas
- 11x15: Dean getting kinda dark when he talks about what he’s willing to do to save Cas and he prioritizes saving Cas over bearing Amara.
- 11x17: Dean once again prioritizing saving Cas over saving the world. Sam reassuring Dean that they’ll save Cas (even though Dean didn’t say anything about what was upsetting him)
- 11x17: The camera zooming in on Dean after Michelle says that there is no normal after losing the man you love.
- 11x18: Dean refuses to put Lucifer in the cage or let him fight Amara while using Cas as his vessel.
- 11x18: The difference in the way Dean looks at Lucifer vs at Cas
- 11x18: Dean about Cas: “Lets go find that idiot and bring him home.”
- 11x19: Dean has been looking for leads non stop for a week since Amara took Cas
- 11x21: Amara uses Cas’s heart to find Dean, then shows Dean images of Cas beaten and bloodied to convince him to turn against Chuck
- 11x23: Dean’s face when he realizes Cas is back and Lucifer is gone.
- 11x23: Dean tells Cas he isn’t stupid and that he always helps
- 11x23: Cas: “Dean are you okay? How do you feel?”
- 11x23: Cas hugging Dean super tight before he goes off to die. Dean entrusting his life’s purpose (look after Sam) then thanking him for everything.
- 12x1: Cas seeing that Dean is alive and hugging him while his voice breaks.
- 12x1: Cas taking the job Dean have him very seriously
- 12x2: Dean adorably venting to Cas about his mommy-issues
- 12x3: Dean- “Morning sunshine want some coffee.” Cas- “No thank you.”
- 12x7: “Well at least I don’t look like a lumberjack.” They are such husbands
- 12x7: “Engaged in what Cas? killing you?”
- 12x8: Cas being so worried about what happened to Sam and DEAN that Kelly escaped.
- 12x9: Mary-“You left them!” Cas- *voice breaking* “Dean told me to go!” Also, just Cas looking so hard for them.
- 12x9: Cas blaming himself for Sam and Dean being taken
- 12x9 Cas knowing how long the boys have been gone down to the hour.
- 12x9: Cas’s voice and eyes when he hears Dean’s voice on the phone.
- 12x9: Cas killing Billie because “You mean too much to me” and “The world needs as many Winchesters as it can get.”
- 12x10: Poor Sam having to deal with Cas and Dean while they fight like an old married couple.
- 12x10: Dean immediately telling Ishim to go to hell when he insults Cas
- 12x10: Sam telling Dean to go to Cas when Dean thought Cas was in trouble
- 12x10: Cas immediately believing Dean about Ishim even though they’re mad at each other. Dean about to let Ishim kill him to save Cas.
- 12x10: Ishim comparing Dean and Cas’s relationship to Ishims relationship with his human lover, then saying he was going to cut Cas’s human weakness
- 12x11: “And Cas is my best friend.”
- 12x12: Dean about Cas- “My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here...”
- 12x12: Dean stressing out and voice breaking as he tries to comfort poisoned Cas
- 12x12: *looking at Dean* “I love you.” Then adds “I love all of you”
- 12x12: Cas- “Run.” Dean- “Cas, no.”
- 12x12: The look Dean gives Cas when he won’t stop staring at him after he’s healed.
- 12x14: Dean says some very harsh stuff to Mary after finding out the reason they Cas almost died at the lake house was because Mary was working for the British Men of Letters
- 12x15: Dean could tell something was up with Cas after talking to him for less than a minute, over the phone.
- 12x18: Sam trying to make Dean feel better about not hearing from Cas.
- 12x19: Dean literally always acting like a scorned wife when Cas comes back after long periods of time
- 12x19: Dean made Cas a mixtape
- 12x19: Cas- “I ~needed~ to came back here with a win for you.”
- 12x19: Cas- *gesturing between Dean and himself* “You mean... we?” Dean- “Yes, dumbass, we.”
- 12x23: Dean screaming for Cas when he attacks Lucifer and trying to chase after him forcing Sam to drag Dean back through the rift. A direct parallel to Dean pulling Sam away from Jess and the fire in Pilot
- 12x23: Dean kneeling next to Cas’s dead body looking up at the sky completely devastated.
- 13x1: Dean couldn’t bring himself to say dead when referring to Cas
- 13x1: Dean PRAYED to GOD to bring Cas back
- 13x1: “We just lost ~everything~. And now you’re gonna bring ~him~ back.”
- 13x1: Dean personally wrapping Cas’s body and giving him a hunters funeral.
- 13x1: The look of complete devastation on Dean’s face when he burns Cas’s body.
- 13x3: Dean refusing to help save Jack because he blames him for manipulating Cas and getting him killed.
- 13x4: The Empty to Cas: “I know what you love, what you fear. There is nothing for you back there.” He loves Dean and Cas fears that Dean doesn’t love him back.
- 13x5: Sam being worried about Dean who has given up all hope since Cas died.
- 13x5: Dean being so distressed thinking Cas is gone forever that he tries to kill himself
- 13x5: Dean seeing Cas alive again and they both have tears in their eyes.
- 13x6: Dean hugging Cas and saying he’s been gone for “too damn long”
- 13x6: Dean being immediately happier and nicer to everyone once Cas is back
- 13x6: Cas saying “Yes. Yes, he does” (in response to Jack saying Dean really likes cowboys) with the tone of an exhausted spouse.
- 13x6: “I told you, he’s an angry sleeper. Like a bear.”
- 13x6: Dean made Cas watch Tombstone with him.
- 13x6: Dean and Cas dresses like cowboy husbands.
- 13x6: Cas saying “I’m your huckleberry” to Dean in a deep accent and Dean looking away.
- 13x6: Their undercover names are Russel and Kilmer
- 13x14: The whole scene where Cas and Dean fight Gog/Magog and act like an old married couple.
- 13x14: The angry, dark look Cas gives Donatello when he tries to kill Dean
- 13x16: “Dean has him by the thigh!” Cas, jealously: “He ~what~?”
- 13x16: “and that includes the Cartwright twins.” Cas, again jealously: “what did you do with the Cartwright twins?”
- 13x19: Cas angrily confronting Naomi about forcing him to kill a bunch of Dean clones.
- 13x21: Cas secretly sliding Dean more pizza when Mary and Sam left the room.
- 13x21: Cas having to hold Dean back from going after Sam. Dean would have beat the shit out of anyone else who tried to stop him.
- 13x23: Cas trying to stop Dean from giving himself to Michael even if it meant losing Sam AND Jack
- 13x23: Cas sitting alone in the bum jet with tears in his eyes after Dean left
- 14x1: Demon: “How is it you lost Dean. I thought you two were joined at the... everything.”
- 14x1: Dean trying to save Cas from Lucifer then vs Cas trying to save Dean from Michael now
- 14x3: The look that Dean and Cas give each other when Dean comes home.
- 14x9: Cas almost being happy seeing Dean happy. And then having to force himself to not be happy so he doesn’t die.
- 14x12: Cas being phased at Dean for wanting to put himself in the box with Michael forever
- 14x14: Cas is the only Dean will let talk to him about Michael and be honest about how Dean feels
- 14x14: “No, it’s on us.”
- 14x14: Cas’s voice breaking when he talks about the possibility of Dean dying one day.
- 14x18: The pure self loathing in Cas’s eyes when he feels like he failed Dean by not telling him about Jack’s soul.
- 15x2: “You asked ‘what about all of this is real?’ We are.” THE MOST ROMANTIC LINE EVER. (Plus later Eileen and Sam have the same conversation but they get to kiss because homophobia)
- 15x9- 20:00 Dean said that they lost everyone they cared about, then added Cas specifically. Then he says “I had to bury him” not “we”
- 15x9- 23:00 Dean cries when he can’t find Cas. Then he prays to him and apologizes for letting him go. He falls to his knees praying to him and fully crying
- 15x12: “I created the world.” *shows Destiel*
- 15x15: This time when Dean sees Cas leaving the bunker, he stops him. (In reference to Cas saying “you didn’t stop me” when Dean got mad at him for leaving)
- 15x16: This is the the only version of Cas that rebelled for Dean. This universe is literally being saved repeatedly because of Cas’s love for Dean
- 15x18: CAS CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO DEAN then goes to mega hell for being gay
Anyway, Cas loves Dean and Dean LOVES HIM BACK, OKAY?!?!? Feel free to add more
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goodluckdetective · 4 years
Fic Snippet: Best Man
A preview clip from a fic I may never finish (because it’s already 2k and I can’t write anything short). AKA the one where Castiel def visits Sam on Earth as the world’s best angelic carrier pigeon, a wedding is held and Eileen is the smartest of them all.
Post Carry On. Finale Fix it. 
He calls Castiel a few days after he proposes to Eileen.
Cas appears at once, a grin spread across his face as he wraps both Eileen and Sam into a tight hug. Sam laughs, still giddy she said yes and when he pulls back from the hug, he’s still chuckling. Cas looks at Eileen’s hand for a ring and when he doesn’t see one, he frowns.
“I thought a ring was customary for this human tradition.”
Eileen smiles and pulls on the chain around her neck, holding her engagement ring. It is a simple band, engraved with protection sigils. Beautiful and practical, just like her.
“Chain makes it easier not to lose it,” she says. “But he could have given me a knife and I still would have said yes.”
Sam is struck by how much he loves this woman all over again. 
They celebrate with a small dinner, even though Cas doesn’t eat. Cas shares some word from Dean and promises to tell him of Sam’s engagement. Sam’s heart aches that he cannot tell Dean himself, and while that ache is not as painful as it once was, it still hurts. Eileen grabs his hand and squeezes, a comfort. She also has ghosts that will haunt their wedding. 
“He will be disappointed he cannot be there,” Cas says as Eileen finishes the last of her beer. “He would have liked to be the best man.”
That hurts too, but it also reminds Sam of the other reason he called Cas down here. He clears his throat and squeezes Eileen’s hand. She gives him a knowing smile. They discussed this already and she wholeheartedly approved. Not that Sam expected her to argue. They both like Cas. 
“About that-“
Cas looks to him, brow raised, head cocked slightly to the side. He frowns, pained. It’s a look he often gets when he feels he has not done enough. Like he hasn’t already given the world everything.
“Sam, I’m afraid I cannot bring your brother back to-“
“No, not that-“ Sam interrupts. “I know you can’t. It would be nice, don’t get me wrong, but I know. But just because Dean can’t come doesn’t mean I can’t still have a brother there.”
Cas still looks confused. “Adam is also-“
“No, not Adam-“ Sam shakes his head. He reaches forward with his hand not holding Eileen’s to grab Cas’ shoulder and squeeze it. “Cas, I meant you. Will you be my best man?”
Cas doesn’t answer. He looks shocked. Eileen brings her hand up to her mouth to hide an amused smile. There is something eternally amusing about catching an ancient heavenly warrior off-guard.
“You’re like a brother to me,” Sam continues, because “no chick flick moments” was Dean’s rule and Sam has no obligations to enforce it. “You should be there. It’s not like you don’t have the formal wear for it. And if Dean can’t be my best man, I can’t think of anyone else better for the job.”
Sam doesn’t say it, but he knows Dean would approve. When he went to take on Amara, Cas was the one Dean entrusted with watching over Sam. He won’t be offended Sam asked Cas to take his place. In fact, he’ll probably be pleased. It might not be official, but Cas is practically his brother-in-law at this point. Dean would be mad if Castiel didn’t attend. 
Cas looks to the hand on his shoulder. He reaches up and places his hand over Sam’s. His eyes look watery. 
“I would be honored, Sam.”
“I knew he would say yes,” Eileen says, smug. 
Half a year later, they have the wedding. It is practically a hunters conference with how many folks come. They have it in a church, not for religious reasons (obviously) but for the warding it will apply to any monsters that try to crash the nice day. Some try anyway, a pack of vampires, and Sam almost laughs when half of the guests pull out weapons they have concealed on their person in response.
The blood on some of their second-hand excuse for formal attire is a shame, sure, but Sam gets to kiss the bride regardless, and that’s what matters.
The ghosts of those they’ve lost make the event bittersweet but they don’t ruin it. Sam doesn’t think he could ever marry someone who didn’t understand what it was like to live in gaps of those losses, someone who didn’t understand how empty space could feel suffocating. Eileen invites a pair of hunters who were friends with her adoptive mother to serve as father and mother of the bride, and they are both delighted and shocked to see her settling down.
“She’s always insisted on working alone,” they tell Sam at the reception. “You must be special to make her change her mind.”
Sam thinks she’s pretty special too. 
Charlie and the girls make-up half of Eileen’s wedding party, Charlie taking Maid of Honor. Her and Eileen have become close since everything happened, their grit complementary. On Sam’s side, Jody steps in as Mother of the Groom with delight, and Donna takes other Mother of the Groom because “I said so.” Garth organizes the bachelor party instead of Castiel, which is for the best since Castiel finds party planning “intimidating.” His daughter is delighted to be the flower girl.
And then there is Castiel, best man. He gets a formal tux for the occasion and everything, even though half the guests idea of “dressing up” is having clothing without new stains. He’s by far the best dressed there. Sam hugs him so tight before the ceremony that he’d be worried about hurting him if not for the angel thing.
“I am so glad you came,” he says, getting weepy way too early. Castiel just hugs him back tighter.
The reception is an open bar and the first dance is awkward, but fine. Charlie gives a speech and then it is Castiel’s turn. He looks nervous and pulls out a sheet of paper.
“Hello everyone. Thank you for coming,” he says, like he’s giving orders to a troop about to go into battle. “I was informed that it is custom for the best man at these events to give a speech but I am afraid I am not well suited for such a task.” He glances at Sam and smiles. “So I asked a dear friend if he could help me write one instead. Since he should be the one standing here instead of me.”
Sam’s breath catches. He feels stupid he didn’t consider this possibility sooner. Castiel winks at him, a gesture he had to learn from Dean, and clears his throat as he begins to read.
“Hey Sammy. Sorry I couldn’t be here in person, so I sent our favorite angelic carrier pigeon to deliver this instead. Please make sure to tip him: cross planar delivery is a lot of work.”
Sam is already crying. Eileen hands him a ziplock bag of tissues out of nowhere. He raises an eyebrow and signs.
“You knew about this.”
She signs back after she deposits the tissues into his lap.
“Someone had to smuggle extra tissues in her wedding gown. I’m the inside woman.”
The speech is pure Dean, ribbing at Sam’s more silly failures (losing his shoe, getting wasted off a light beer as a teen), crowing over his his biggest achievements (sealing away Lucifer, saving Dean from countless monsters) both woven with a sentiment underneath to tie it all together. Sam bawls but no one seems to mind. A lot of the guests are bawling too.
“You treat Eileen right,” Cas says, wrapping up the speech. “Because she’s awesome and you know it. Live long happy lives and go buy some furniture not from IKEA. You both deserve it. Don’t rush up here anytime soon, but when you do, I’ll be here waiting at the end to buy you both a beer,” Castiel smirks in a way that is so Dean, Sam is convinced he’s been practicing the expression. “Love you, bitch.”
Sam’s too choked up to respond with jerk but he doubts anyone blames him. 
Castiel gets another hug after the speech, Sam getting tears and snot all over his tux. Castiel doesn’t comment, because he rocks, and simply hugs back.
“Thank you so much,” Sam says. 
“You’re welcome, Sam.”
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norahastuff · 5 years
What I find most interesting is even after Lucifer stolen Jack's grace, he still took his son. He could have left him with the Winchesters but he didn't. Your views?
I have been really interested in how they’ve been exploring relationships between powerful cosmic beings on the show these past couple of seasons. First we had Lucifer wanting Jack with him to remake the universe and this season we’ve had Michael making an appeal to Jack in 14x09:
Michael: Oh, but, Jack, we’re family. You know, in fact, we’re the only kin each other has left in this world.Jack: My uncle’s in the Cage. And you – you’re not family.
Michael: Well, not literally, no. Our connection, our relation is more a matter of scale of power. (…)You don’t even know what time is. But you will. Real time, the time that makes mountains, that wipes out species. You’ll see it all with me.
It seems even archangels feel this sense of isolation and loneliness, but they also have a disdain for humans. The only other beings they feel any kind of kinship with are beings that are as powerful as they are - like Michael said it’s “a matter of scale of power.” And with God gone, Jack is the only other being that is on that level for both of them. 
However there’s one big problem. Jack is half human. Yes he’s an immensely powerful immortal Nephilim, but he’s also the son of Kelly Kline, a truly good person who gave him all the love she had to give and entrusted care of him to Castiel. Cas in return put his faith in Jack, cared for him and did all he could to protect him, and when he couldn’t, Sam stepped in to be there for Jack. And then Dean. And then Mary. And then AU Bobby. And then Rowena. The point is, not only is Jack half human, he has all these bonds and connections with humanity that Lucifer and Michael have no way of understanding. The only archangel who did was Gabriel.
And this was something neither of them could accept. Michael was content to wait it out and play the long game:
“Year by year, century by century, and as your power returns and grows, we’ll only become more alike. Oh, I know. Your loyalty to Castiel, the Winchesters, the rest of humanity? It will fade.”
Lucifer on the other hand was less patient. He wanted Jack to stay with him, but on his terms. The two of them together, the most powerful forces in the universe, and he wanted it now. At first he appealed to Jack’s sense of otherness and his feelings of not belonging:
“See, humans are…limited and fragile. And I’ll admit, they bring out the worst in me, I gotta say (…) It’s just, us and humans, we’re like oil and water. You know, sardines and strawberries. It’s just a bad combination.”
It almost worked, and Jack was just about to leave with him, but his connection to his family (his chosen family) proved too strong. And when he learned how Lucifer truly felt about humans, how he killed Maggie and was willing to let Michael nuke the world - that was it.
The final straw for Lucifer? What leads to him to stop even trying to win Jack over and just take his grace?
Lucifer: I killed the girl! Big deal!She’s a – she’s a human! She doesn’t matter!
Jack: So am I!
Lucifer: Yeah?And that’s your problem. You’re too much like your mother.
After which he slits his throat. But interestingly he doesn’t take all of his grace. He leaves him a little. And takes him with him. I do think he still wanted Jack around. But entirely on his terms. He was not willingly to accept Jack as the person he was, half human, kind, a kid who loves movies in which the heroes crush the villains. In the church he focuses on his less wholesome qualities when he’s trying to convince Sam that he’s evil - the people he’s killed etc.
 In Jack’s current condition he could control him. Maybe even mould him into the kind of son he wanted. How was it that Ishim described Cas in his early days…“an angel’s angel”, not one weakened by their love for humanity. So Lucifer laid out a plan with 2 options.
1) Jack could kill Sam, thus proving there was a glimmer of possibility for his connection to humans and earth to eventually weaken
2) Jack wold fail, and Lucifer would know for sure that he truly was too much like his mother and his human side would always win out.
So yeah sorry I went off on several tangents there, but I’ve really been fascinated with how they’ve been exploring the ramifications of being powerful and how it affects your view of all those around you. Of who is worthy of your love and attention. On the one hand you have Lucifer and Michael who want Jack because humans are beneath them and his power makes them feel a bond with him. It’s his human side that they see as a weakness that needs to be stamped out.
 And then on the other hand you have Cas, he of “I vastly prefer them to angels” and “in love with humanity” fame. He’s the angel who understands the scale of power and how he and Jack are not human. He knows all the cons of loving humans and yet he encourages Jack to do it anyway. To embrace both sides of his being - the human and the angelic one. Lucifer never could have done that.
 And I think that’s the reason Lucifer never could have been Jack’s father no matter how much he wanted to. He was never going to accept half of what Jack was, and even if Sam hadn’t tagged along when Lucifer took Jack in 13x23, if Lucifer decided to keep Jack around, he would have done everything he could to suppress Jack’s human side until he either succeeded or realised he couldn’t, at which point I highly doubt he’d have any desire to keep Jack around anymore.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
13x12 - Episode Review - What is Fifth Base Anyway?
So the people at Google must have been confused when they discovered the number of searches for “fifth base” drastically went up overnight… Steve Yokey you cheeky bugger I love you! (Show of hands everyone who did this? Go on, admit it!)
This episode was really good. One of the stronger ones of an already very strong bunch as season 13 continues to exceed in quality. It had jokes, it had deep emotional revelations, it had Cas once again using his SuperPower of sassing the fuck out of things to get what he wants. Yeah it was pretty awesome! So let’s delve into the main points.
The Red Herring Love Spell
We were all expecting this to be an episode similar to 12x11 based on how it was marketed to us. Dean is under a love spell! It’s up to Sam and Rowena to save him! That seemed to be the gist of the PR team’s focus. As ever, PR is not Showrunning and this turned out to be one giant red herring.
The love spell lasted all of five minutes. So why bother? WHY was a love spell even PART of this plot?! Seriously? Someone tell me how this episode couldn’t have followed the EXACT same narrative with the sisters using some other spell to force people to do things for them? The fact is, that love spell was pointless for the plot but excellent for getting people thinking about LOVE. Specifically, Dean Winchester and LOVE, or at least, what love should be, and what it most definitely is not.
Aside from the fact that the clunky music whenever the love spell was invoked made me cringe, I thoroughly enjoyed how innocent it all seemed. Dean got to play Prince Charming to the princess and provide her with a gift of her choosing. I think it says something about Dean that the love spell encouraged this fairy tale vibe specifically for him, when for Dale at the start it was all about him playing protector and hero through violence and theft. I just thought it was an interesting statement about Dean’s wishes and desires compared to other men. Though I gotta admit, the gift giving, goofiness and oh I dunno, protecting his lover from a gun? It all seemed rather familiar to me… Hmmm…
I mean who else has Dean previously entrusted with powerful one off weapons?
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Who else has Dean had to recently protect from a pointed gun much to his own horror rather than the recipient who is unlikely to be harmed by a regular gun anyway?
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Who else makes Dean goofy and pull these silly delighted faces?
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*looks into the camera like on the Office*
Yeah, but see these are not really examples of true love, even though they are all things done with Cas. What IS true love in season 13 is something that subtextually KEEPs getting referred to in EVERY EPISODE. That in 13x01 – 13x05 Dean was deeply lost in grief. Deeply mourning over the loss of Cas – someone who he is truly in love with. Love makes you do crazy things? Yeah, and as Billy said in 13x05 (Yokey’s last episode FYI) Dean wanted to die. Cas’s death had brought him to that level. The fact that now it is SAM who is feeling low, feeling powerless because of the loss of Mary and Jack, and Dean is able to remain focussed and have HOPE that they will save them, continues to be astonishingly hypocritical of Dean given where he was when Cas was dead. But it does keep drawing our attention to that fact, and for that I love it.
Bonus point for “I think you may be right, I think its time we go ahead and call Cas…” … “I’m in love” because Yokey could have written Sam saying ANYTHING at that point but he chose to remind the audience about Cas at that exact moment… as Dean announces he is in love, because the two are connected (and because it then wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to assume that Sam’s initial reaction is “Oh… so you finally admit it?”)
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(FYI this crappy gif is my own. Don’t judge. It’s the first I’ve ever made.)
Sam’s mild amusement here just fits the “oh so you finally admit it? We can call Cas and start the wedding preparations?” interpretation and NO ONE can stop me seeing it that way! :D
Bonus Point two for the mentions of “Soulmates” (which relate to Angels in the show) and “Cosmic” (which again, tends to relate to angels and Cas).
Bonus point three that this is an episodes marketed as Dean being in love! LOOK AT ALL THIS HETEROSEXUALITY! It seems to scream at our general audiences, and yet, as always in SPN, if the GA are seeking heterosexuality, they are to be disappointed. They got a 5 minute mini love spell plot and Dean once again is without even a hint of an actual true female romantic partner. Nope, sorry heteros seeking a woman for Dean. You won’t find that here!
Basically, it’s not too much of a stretch to interpret this entire love spell mini plot as exposition for the TRUTH regarding Dean and “true love”. Because we all know it. It’s right there in the subtext. I just wish they’d make it text already.
Review continues under the cut as per usual...
Addressing Long unspoken Trauma – FINALLY
Officially my favourite part of the episode (unofficially my second fave part after “fifth base”), the conversations between Sam and Rowena about their trauma at the hands of Lucifer had me welling up. This is the first time in SPN history that Sam has actually opened up to ANYONE about his Lucifer trauma. Read that again. Be amazed that it has taken this long. Send Dabb and Yokey a fruit basket for this.
One thing season 13 has been excellent at doing, is making things textual that were previously only implied. This seems to be a continued trend following on from the reveal in 12x22 that Dean is effectively Sam’s parent (A fact meta writers have been talking about for YEARS.)
I don’t really have much to say about it actually, because it’s all just THERE in the text. It has left me kind of speechless.
SAM: Its not gonna change anything, you’re still gonna feel helpless. What Lucifer did to you…
ROWENA: I told you I don’t… before he crushed my skull, Lucifer showed me his face. His true face. I’m scared Sam. All the time.
SAM: I’ve seen it too. What he really looks like behind… behind whatever vessel… yeah it still keeps me up at night.
ROWENA: How do you deal with it?
SAM: I guess I don’t deal with it, not really. I mean I…Ive pushed it down, and the world kept almost ending and so I keep pushing it down and I dunno… I don’t really talk about it, not even with Dean, I mean I could… he would listen but, it’s not something I really know how to share.
SAM: Even if you do get the book, and even if you get your power back. It won’t matter. You won’t ever be able to change what happened, you won’t be able to change how helpless you felt, or how helpless you feel. You’re still gonna get scared. That feeling, that feeling never goes away.
ROWENA: Never?
SAM: Never.
Honestly it’s perfect. Yokey has decided that enough is enough. We need to discuss this. We need to talk about the fact that our main characters have a shit load of trauma. It’s about GODDAMN TIME.
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I just want to scream about the shots for a second though because god bless Amanda Tapping for being so excellent at capturing emotions. I am starting to think she is one of the best directors for it. The intimate long close ups on the actors faces as they open about this stuff, it just works. The soft music in the back ground pulls no focus away from the gravity of Sam’s words. It’s intense, and harrowing and kudos to Jared here because I think he must have been ITCHING for a moment like this for Sam for YEARS (and for god sake someone ask him about this scene at a con instead of more bloody prank questions PLEASE.)
I also love that it’s Rowena who Sam opens up to about this stuff, because she has that in common with him. I know that it can be argued that Cas has also experienced trauma at the hands of Lucifer, but since Cas is an angel it’s not the same. I doubt Lucifer’s true face would affect Cas, since Cas is already an angel with the ability to see and cope with seeing things that human minds struggle to comprehend.
I think Rowena and Sam is our new Dean and Crowley. They are enemies, but they have a mutual respect for one another and I see this as a really good thing both for Sam and Rowena. Because Crowley was changed thanks to his bond with Dean (love for Dean), he was able to find redemption in that. Rowena could also now find redemption, especially considering her newly powered up status. For Sam I think it was a smart choice to give Rowena the pages at the end. It wasn’t just about the bond they formed over shared trauma, it was Sam knowing that Rowena is right, that Lucifer will always find a way back, and Sam knows that eventually he will have to face him again, and he needs all the help and power he can get, so a powered up Rowena is a powerful ally to have against the creature that tortured and broke both their spirits.
Am I shipping them? No, not really. I still think Rowena is a villain. I never shipped Drowley, though I acknowledge it’s existence in the show as basically a hairsbreadth away from canon. (it’s technically just as close to canon if not more so than Destiel and strongly implied that they hooked up in various episodes). But if the show did go there with Sam and Rowena I wouldn’t mind it as such. I just don’t think it would be endgame. But sure, it could work for a while. I see them more like frenemies with mutual interests. Besides, I’m a Saileen girl all the way and will continue to hope for Eileen’s resurrection this season.
Narrative Mirrors – Witches and Winchesters
Ah narrative mirrors, don’t we love them? I especially love them when they highlight the Winchester family dynamics and just how screwed up they all are. Our witchy sisters fall extremely easily into this category. Jamie and Jenny or “J2” as I now plan to call them (I see what you did there Yokey). So J2 are motivated to do whatever it takes to bring back mum. Whatever it takes even though they are hardly competent witches and only seem to have one spell mastered – the love spell. The older sister uses her charm to encourage the victims to do whatever they wish for, whilst the younger sister is the smarter of the two, more skilled in magic (I wonder who they are supposed to represent?)
They have one purpose, and will stop at nothing until that purpose is fulfilled:
JAMIE: I’m sorry, I know I’m the big sister and I’m supposed to be the strong one or whatever.
JENNY: Yeah?
JAMIE: I just really miss her.
JENNY: I do too.
JAMIE: I know, and I like, really believe in us
JENNY: Jamie, I just want her back so bad
JAMIE: And we’re going to get her back, even if we have to cast every spell in this book and curse the souls of like a million people to make it happen.
Doesn’t this sound rather familiar? Like from 13x09:
DEAN: You were right, about mom you were right, this whole time we should have been looking for her
SAM: I was just hoping, I didn’t know. And anyway it doesn’t matter, now that we do know.
DEAN: We find her, no matter what it takes.
Which always made me kinda uncomfortable. There is a reason that Billy didn’t want Dean knowing their mum was still alive. Because Billy knows that the Winchesters would break the Universe to bring her back. “House of Cards” she called it. What’s the betting that thanks to Sam and Dean this “house of cards” is going to come tumbling down just as Billy predicted? Because I would put money on it.
At the end of the episode, we realise that Sam and Dean are in exactly the same place as J2. Jamie – the older sister, trying to support and reassure her younger sister, the one who “wants mom back so badly”. Jamie, unlike her sister, is totally focused on completing their task, whereas Jenny has her doubts. Just like Sam and Dean. We know that Dean is back to “We’ll figure it out” and “you and me” even though Sam is NOT on board with this, but like Jenny, Sam will follow Dean into a hornets nest if it means doing what they set out to do and save mum.
The girls mum came back wrong though, a zombie. When Mary was first resurrected she certainly wasn’t what the boys expected either, and now she is lost again, whose to say just what state she will be in when she is finally freed? Perhaps the message for the boys here is to actually let her go? As in, let go of the memory of Mary that they had sat on a pedestal (Dean in particular) and start to accept the woman their mother actually is, and let her do her thing, because otherwise it may kill them all.
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And isn’t this moment just a perfect visual representation of the toxic co-dependency that is the Winchester brothers? Stab stab stab. One of them even has a hammer… LOL.
(Yup its another one of my crappy gifs.)
The Sassiest Angel in the Garrison
Oh Cas, I have missed your beautiful face…
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(Dipper agrees with me)
Now I think everyone knows by now that I hate Lucifer. As in, I find the character extremely irritating and just want him off our screens dead and buried, and that Mark P can go annoy some other shows audience. The ONLY thing that makes watching Lucifer remotely bearable for me, is Castiel - wonderful, perfect, funny, grumpy, brilliant Castiel, sassing the fuck out of him. Bearing in mind all their scenes but one took place behind bars, I was as always captivated by Cas and the brilliant genius he is.
So far in season 13, Castiel hasn’t actually spent much time using his powers, his grace, to actually get anything done. What he has done, is be incredibly smart and used that tactician brain of his to talk himself out of any situation. Everything Castiel does has a purpose. He is generally a creature of few words (except when it comes to Dean) and therefore, whenever he does speak, it is usually with a great deal of thought. (There was a brilliant meta on the word “assbutt” and how it is the worst insult he could possibly throw at Lucifer and yet everyone still ridicules him for it. Don’t knock the word assbutt. Cas knew exactly what he was doing!)
And so Cas isn’t just being a sassy little bitch in this episode. He’s being a sassy little bitch with purpose. Lucifer may be powered down, but he still has power. Cas knows this. Cas knows that the best way to get Lucifer activating what little power he has is to make him angry. So what does Cas do? He sass’s him, over and over. Pissing him off until eventually, it works.
“Turns out rage is a good motivator”
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Such a badass. Bye bye little Dipper.
This is why you should never underestimate Castiel. He will always get the better of you. He will always come out on top in the end.
“This is me, learning from my mistakes” he says whilst stabbing Lucifer at the end of the episode. I thoroughly enjoyed that moment of course, even if we know already it doesn’t stick. Since Lucifer is alive next episode. *sigh*.
Lucifer has been continuously hinting all episode that he want’s Cas’s grace. It seems possible due to pics from next week, that he may actually get what he seeks.
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Cas has blood on his collar, which he doesn’t have at the end of 13x12. So is Cas about to become human again? Or at least graceless? It’s possible. @tinkdw​ wrote this post about it (yes I stole her screencap). We were discussing this in our group chat yesterday and thanks to the themes that would come from another human!Cas story I can certainly get behind it, even if I hate the idea that it isn’t his choice yet again. This time, having Lucifer steal his grace seems worse than the first time. But as I mentioned above, Castiel has already shown several times this season that his grace is in no way where his strengths lie. I just hope that it is still his choice in the end to give it up, or not regain it, however that story may pan out.
But yeah maybe prepare ourselves for a human Cas whose grace was stolen by Lucifer plot? I mean if it doesn’t happen great, but if it does... don’t say we didn’t warn ya okay? I know how sensitive we all get about Cas stuff - this is literally the first any of us had thought of this. Besides, he’ll still be amazing even if Lucifer does take his grace, He’ll get in a few more stabs before the end. No doubt.
Other Awesome Stuff
The “fifth base” scene. Yeah this was certainly risqué of Yokey. I was screaming about this to Tink in the chatty bubbles, trust a gay writer to throw in a gay joke aimed at our currently in the closet bisexual lead character and have him act all awkward like he doesn’t know what it is… *glances at Sam* What? Nope, I’ve never… There’s NO SUCH THING AS FIFTH BASE. Sure Jan. Just as I scoff at the idea of Dean not knowing basic French, the idea that Dean DOESN’T know what fifth base is, is absurd. These are purposely input into this episode to raise our eyebrows and DOUBT them.
Baring in mind the way Rowena asks that question “Did THEY get to fifth base?” not “Did YOU get to fifth base” strongly implies actually that Rowena was asking if Dean was pegged. Let’s get that clear. Once again, we have a bottom!dean joke in the subtext of the show. (At some point we need to round up EVERY reference to Dean’s ass and compare it to the other characters just to make this point.)
Oh gosh I haven’t even got to “What’s by is by” yet. The top result in google for this supposed saying is a destiel fanfic written as coda for this episode. There is NOTHING else. It doesn’t exist. What is Yokey playing at exactly? Bygones be bygones maybe? But she had to say it like that? After a reference to anal? To DEAN? Yeah I know everyone is probably already yelling about this on tumblr but still. This is a very huge WTF from me to Yokey that he would ever think we WOULDN’T pick up on this. He did it on purpose. It has a reason, just like everything else. The reason being “Dean is Bi”.
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The final scene with Rowena is spectacular. It’s also oddly erotic but maybe that’s just me. Rowena is finally unbound, powerful, free, and probably quite deadly. Here’s hoping she raises a hell of a storm. I have always loved Rowena’s character so for me this idea of her being “unbound” and basically immortal is really interesting. I just hope this paves the way to her helping the Winchesters defeat the big bads to come. Because I see her becoming more of an ally as time goes by. I hope she continues to have a big part to play in the story, and after this final scene I am practically sure she will. 
Castiel speaking about Jack like he’s a proud parent gives me life. He truly loves the kid. It’s beautiful.
Why does Lucifer attract so many dick jokes nowadays? I’m actually almost getting tired of them. For shits and giggles I’m gonna accept it at face value that Lucifer, unlike Crowley, is not well endowed. It makes sense. The tantrums, the violence. Little man syndrome. Pfft.
I’m also going to take it at face value that Cas is most likely huge. Yeah, that smirk is telling.
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We all know he’s a big boy. ;-)
Hats off to Brenda. The biggest star of the episode. Never failed to make me laugh every time I watched.
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You go Brenda. You were awesome.
Solid episode with lots of great moments. Now all I need is Cas to find the boys and get really pissy with them when he realises they didn’t ONCE figure out that Colonel Sanders was impersonating him. I mean sure, Dean has super low self esteem and was clearly grumpy with Cas at the start of the episode for only really checking in with Sam, not coming home after taking off, clearly CHOOSING the road over being at home with HIM... But that doesn’t excuse him being blind to Asmodeus’s impersonation. Bring on next week. I hope Dean grovels.
787 notes · View notes
theheartchoice · 6 years
dean/cas  |  teen  |  2.7k  |  coda for 12.12  |  sam pov  |  ao3 
Wally burned like St. Patrick’s Day. Something in that barnyard gasoline colored the flametips shamrock-green.
“He would’ve loved that,” Mary remarked from beside the pyre. “His mother was Irish. His family get together for a big thing, every year..”
She was gazing into the flames, lost to them, adrift in some private reverie. 
Sam, tall and broad and officially two people in stature, stood with an arm loose around his mother, his other hand shoved deep in his jacket pocket to stave off the nightime winter chill. His eyes flitted to Dean, who was offering similar support to Cas.
Though his brother’s hold was more secure around the wounded Angel, pulling him in close to his side. And both Dean’s hands were put to use: one on the forearm nudging his torso, the other wrapped around, rubbing not untenderly over the bunched and ruined fabric of Castiel’s trenchcoat.
Dean leaned aside Castiel’s ear, murmuring something which was lost to Sam in the crackle of elm and sizzle of maple.
Sparks spit at the shadows from the brush skirting the platform as the structure engulfed itself—a blaze of green and orange, huffing out thick black smoke. The heat swayed on the winter breeze. Flames licked higher and higher into the starless sky, consuming and reaching beyond their grasp as they waved their goodbye.
Little else was said as their friend burned. Not that Wally was really a friend—more an aquaintance. But he was a good guy, and a decent hunter. One who had gotten caught up in the dime-a-dozen demon play the Winchesters had grown accustom to, but which they tended to forget was still so alien to other hunters.
Wally had agreed to help in order to learn, rather than just cut tail and run. And for that, he was brave.
They parted ways in the small hours, Mary saying she would pay a visit to Wally’s mother in the morning. Dean stole the driver’s seat of Castiel’s old Ford ute after he and Sam helped him into the passenger side.
Dean entrusted his little brother with the keys to the Impala, snarking through his exhaustion that if he didn’t treat her with the respect she deserved there would be hell to pay.
Sam, in his good graces, stifled a smile with a yawn and took the threat in his stride, remarking inwardly that he knew damn well how much that car meant to Dean—to both of them—and how anything that could take Dean (willingly) away from his Baby was something else worth respecting—something significant, something special.
Their family caravan rolled out of the chalky drive, pyre spent and demon bodies disappeared (assumedly) by Crowley. With sunrise a few hours away, and having been beaten and bloodied and built their own Burning Man, Dean had called it: some much needed shut-eye at the motor inn before attempting the long road back to Lebanon.
It didn’t escape Sam’s attention how worried his brother was about their best friend. From acting as a human crutch in the ten steps from carpark to motel room, and again across the few feet of carpet to the bed, to how he insisted Cas let him burn those ragged clothes as he undressed him—and then re-dressed him—in Dean’s own sleepwear. 
But not before dabbing a warm, damp washcloth over Castiel’s grimy skin, his temple and shoulders and stomach—those previously cracked and blackened abdominal muscles, which were presently taught, a healthy bronze hue, and void of any telltale scarring.
Dean also didn’t take no for an answer over the sleeping arrangement: he settled Cas into his bed with the intention of bunking on the couch. No biggie. Not that he would get a whole lot of sleep.
Sam suspected the events of the evening would weigh on his mind, and that even if he wanted to, even if he had a bed of his own, Dean’s conscience wouldn’t let him sleep. He’d be glancing over at Cas every five minutes to check he was still breathing, still there.
  Sam was right.
He was right about most things when it came to his brother and his best friend—that is, the unspoken thing the two of them shared. 
The very special, very powerful, utterly distracting, all-consuming, heart-felt, soul-deep thing. The thing that had prompted Castiel to speak certain weighty words back in that barn with his dying breath. The thing which, now, had Dean lying awake in the dark staring intermittently over at his sleeping Angel.
It wasn’t uncommon for Sam to rouse from sleep after a particularly gruelling hunt, one in which the loss outweighed the win. But it wasn’t usual for him to lose sleep over a big win like this.
Sure, they lost someone. But they also saved someone—or, he was saved—someone close to both him and his brother. On top of that, words were spoken which had been, in Sam’s opinion, a long time coming. And Castiel couldn’t take them back any more than he could raise Wally from the dead, no matter how much Dean may have wanted him to.
Not that they were horrible words. They were confronting.
Sam’s older brother was emotionally stunted, afterall. And dealing with complex, intense, intimate, one-on-one feelings—moreover for a guy, his best friend, and a freakin’ Angel of the Lord—was not something he was likely prepared to deal with.
Sam sympathised with that.
He padded over to the armchair adjacent to his brother, who was now pointedly staring at the ceiling, the wall, the loose thread on his sleeve..
“..How’s he doin’?” Sam spoke softly, sinking into the old cushioned seat.
Despite the lack of lighting, Sam gave his best C’mon-Dean-Really? face, and the shadows seemed to convey it, for his brother sighed and fidgted, his feet planting on the sofa and knees rising high. His form was a sihlouette vaguely outlined by the pinkish neon glow of the motel sign through the window.
“He’s sleeping. Angels, aren’t spose to sleep.”
“You’re the one who insisted he get some rest,” Sam mumbled around a yawn.
“Yeah, well.. least he’s still breathin’.”
Thankfully. Because even though it was something Dean not only deserved but needed to hear, Castiel’s confession probably would have worsened Dean’s grief had he not survived. Because now it was out in the open, it was real. And Dean would have lost his final chance to speak his heart, to tell Cas how he felt in return—that he felt the same, Sam suspected.
Hell.. he knew.
“So..” he tiptoed toward the elephant in the room, “You wanna talk about it?”
Sam’s voice was quiet and measured, though he half-expected Dean to spike the volume as he snapped in frustration of unshared, unbroached feelings. But his big brother did manage to meet him halfway and surprise him, from time to time.
Sam could see a head shaking wearily in the hazy contrast of shadows and light.
“You noticed too, huh?”
He gave a soft chuckle. “I’m neither blind nor deaf, Dean. ‘Course I noticed.”
He seemed to be contemlplating something, perhaps playing the moment back in his mind: trying to discern exactly what he was feeling when those words left Castiel’s mouth; when he looked directly at Dean; when Dean couldn’t meet his eye..
“..Love and.. Love, right?”
Sam smiled, “Right,” and he let it sound in his voice.
Dean settled back into thought, arms folded behind his head, eyes drifting over the static patterns cast on the ceiling from outside. Sam left him to it, feeling the call of nature before he could catch another hour of sleep before the half day of driving ahead of them.
Five minutes later Sam emerged, flicking off the bathroom light and pulling the door half closed. behind him.
In those few seconds of illumination, he noticed the second remarkable thing this night: Dean was sat beside Cas on the edge of the bed, hand curled gently over the sleeping Angel’s.
He didn’t say a word, and Dean didn’t flinch from his position as Sam padded back over to his bed and slipped between the covers.
However much Dean would grumble over it, Sam would describe it as a ‘loving moment’. One filled with care and cherisment, the kind of moments he and Castiel often shared through looks alone, and not often enough through physical contact, bold or otherwise.
The image lured a warm, happy feeling into Sam’s chest as he drifted swiftly back to sleep. 
Fifty six minutes later he woke to his alarm vibrating under his pillow.
It was after sunrise, though still very much still morning. Better they get on the road as soon as possible and leave this place behind, bad memories and all. Or so was decided last night as exhaustion threatened to claim them before they piled into their vehicles and drove away from Wally, from the barn, from Ramiel and a scorched ring of holy fire, from an entourage of dead demons and the memory of an almost-dead Castiel.
Dean was back on the couch, his aging hunter’s body failing to bend in a way that would allow for comfortable sleep. Sam knew he would be tired either way, but he had a sneaking suspicion Dean had spent most of the past Fifty six minutes perched on a mattress, too awake to sleep or fighting off the need to sleep so as to watch over his Angel, just as he had watched over Dean so many times over the years.
It was Dean’s turn to protect him through slumber, and marvel at his friend at rest, at peace, dreaming, healing.
With Castiel sleeping soundly and his brother most likely having just slipped into unconsciousness, Sam pulled on his jeans, boots and jacket and snuck out of their room with two goals in mind: coffee and breakfast.
The morning was grey and damp and the air was still holding that last chill of winter. Hot coffee and a hot breakfast would hopefully lessen the grievance of waking, and soften any grumpiness from the others when he returned.
And it did.
But in Dean’s case it seemed less the magic of double-spiced breakfast burritoes and triple-strength coffee that did away with his morning crotchetiness, and more the simple presence of his best friend, alive and well.
Dean still looked to be dreaming: all moony-eyed staring at a sleep-softened Cas, hair mussed and eyes shining that peaceful pastel blue, lips easing up into a smile as his concentration flitted between the hunter and his barely-touched food.
The colour had returned to his cheeks and, Angel or not, Castiel was enjoying his own breakfast, along with the close company of Dean, obviously, who had yet to allow more than a few feet to separate them since waking and helping Cas out of bed, across the carpet, and guiding him down into one of the chairs circling the little kitchen table.
It was déjà vu. 
Sam felt an odd, wonderful, rare little peace that grew to settle in the air like a fresh new atmosphere. The coming of Spring and the promise of new life, of rebirth and many beautiful things.
He ate quietly, enjoying their win. He smiled at Dean smiling at Cas who smiled right back at him—gladness and fondness and shyness and coy little secrets that weren’t so secret anymore. Or ever.
When all seemed to be unsaid and done, the three of them trading glances and knowing smiles, Sam took the reigns of driver, keys in hand, as Dean ushered them out the door, chasing after his brother.
“Sammy, no. C’mon—“
“—You need sleep, Dean—real sleep.” He obviously wanted to quash that with some adlib remark about Sam’s face or hair or whatever, but he didn’t, because he wanted sleep. “What kind of brother would I be if I let you drive and risk you falling asleep behind the wheel.”
“Wh—? You think I’d knowingly endanger my Baby?!”
“Which one?”
Sam didn’t bother trying to hide his smirk. Instead, he let it bloom into a grin as Dean shifted into cranky-mode and side-swiped him with his bag enroute to the car, muttering some warning about respect and carefulness and.. yeah, Sam’s hair.
He kind of wished Dean had joined Castiel in the backseat, the mental image urging a new smile every time his thoughts wandered: the two of them, slumped beside each other, head on shoulder, cheek on hair, hands comfortably twined between them, on display for any and all to see..
But Dean wasn’t the clingy, romantic type—at least not when others were looking. Dean was content to let Cas curl up in the backseat—until Cas forced him in there himself.
Because Dean may have forgotten about the considerable strength of his Angelic best friend, even when below 100%.
The look on Dean’s face was priceless as he straightened his jacket, Cas slipping in beside him.
His Angel was doing much better, and the tables had once again turned on who was looking after who.
Castiel and Sam traded smirks in the rearview mirror as the engine roared to life, Dean muttering something about betrayal and lousy family and waffles.
He was edging into non-coherance, and by the time they pulled onto the interstate he was stretched out and dozing along the leather seat, spare jacket bundled under his head for a pillow.
There was space between the two of them, both Dean and Castiel gravitating towards the window and armrest along the door. Perhaps there was too much space to casually initiate contact.
Rain pattered down, hazing the road ahead. It was a peaceful, scenic drive. Mountains turned to forest which eventually to famland. Dean’s gentle snores were a comfort, as was their known destination: Kansas. The bunker. Home.
They weren’t together nearly enough, and if recent events meant—on top of other things—that Cas would be with them, living and hunting (and other things) together, then maybe it was all worth it. 
Castiel’s truck had been left behind, Dean promising to get it back to Kansas, somehow, else abandon it and find him some new wheels since the thing refused to start in the morning cold.
Helps to know your car, Cas, Dean had told him. But if you’re not schooled in the ways of the mechanical beast, then you should at least have a ride that won’t die on you every hundred miles.
He’d made a passing comment—a promise—to teach Castiel a thing or two when they got back to the bunker, pocketing the keys and letting the warmth of his coffee permeate his then-chilled bones as he swallowed, accompanying Cas back to their room.
The thought of home and family and a damn good win pooled in Sam’s chest like a sun-warmed lake at the turn of seasons.
He could feel change coming—it had already come. It was here, and it was good.
It allowed him to feel real hope for the struggle ahead—for the journey, and the darkness they would encounter.
There was always something just beyond the horizon, waiting in the shadows, waiting for night to fall.
Usually, with his brother and his best friend beside him, Sam felt they were a force to be reckoned with. That together they could take on anything.
And now that the truth was known, now that they were something close to happy, now that they were stronger in and of themselves for it, now, like this, in the open presence of love, the three of them could fight and probably win.
But more importantly, when the dust was settled and the threat destroyed, they would have each other. Not someone just to kill for, or die for, but to live for. To truly be with.
Change had come, and it was strong, and real, and good. They deserved this. And if the world depended on them, and happiness was akin to some mighty strength, then that was just a bonus.
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whitewitchdani · 7 years
The White Witch: Chapter 4
Read Chapter 3 Here 
Word Count: 745
Pairing: Eventual Sam x OC Evelyn Singer
Warnings: none
A/N: Chapter 4 is finally here! Sorry it took so long. I hope you guys like this new chapter and as always let me know if you’d like to be tagged and feedback is welcome! 
The White Witch Masterlist
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"A White Witch? What the hell is a White Witch?" Dean was getting frustrated. He looked from Evelyn to Cas, expecting one of them to answer. 
"I don't know about the God stuff but if you calm down I will tell you what I know and I'm assuming Cas can fill in the blanks. Does that sound like a plan?" Evie looked at the men in front of her. When the three of them nodded, she reclaimed her seat in the middle of the room and the men found seats of their own. 
"White Witches are the servants of nature. The witches you are used to get their powers from demons or black magic, which is why we are called White Witches, we use white or light magic. My power is pure and comes from nature itself. We'll touch more on my powers in a little bit. When others learned of our natural power, they wanted to take it from us. When they couldn't, they wanted us gone. 
“Demons and witches alike began hunting the White Witches. Our coven got smaller and smaller until there was only a small group of about 4 women who lived in secrecy outside of Colorado Springs. But soon, they were found as well. One by one, the women wouldn't return home until there was only one woman left, my mother. She had just given birth to me, but had managed to keep this hidden. She knew the demons were on her trail so she left her only child with the next-door neighbor, a retired hunters researcher. A demon finally caught up with her in an old abandoned warehouse. Bobby had been on this demon's trail but was too late to save my mother. He did what he could, but she knew she was dying. So she entrusted the hunter with her secret, and asked him to protect her child. He agreed. He fetched me from the neighbor’s house and carried me out to his car. He just looked at me for a minute, trying to decide what to do. He was a hunter; he couldn't raise a child. 
“So, he decided to do something he never thought he'd do. Bobby had a brother, Jim. They were estranged, but he knew Jim and his wife were trying to have a baby and weren't having any luck. So, he drove to Indiana and brought me to his brother, asking him to raise me and protect me. Dad knew of hunting but refused to enter the life. Dad and mom took one look at me and fell in love. 
“So I became a Singer. They raised me as their own. I was a normal kid until I turned 16. I came into my powers and none of us knew what to do. My powers are tied to my emotions and so when I got upset mirrors would break, books would fly off the shelves, lights would flicker, and I was freaking out. So my parents called Bobby. He came and sat me down and explained everything. Hunting, monsters, my past, everything. He brought with him some things my mother had left me for this very day: a few grimoires and a letter. In it she apologized for not being there and told me to embrace my newfound power, but to be wary as there were people who wanted to harm me because of it. 
“I started practicing and I kept getting better and better. By the time I graduated high school two years later I was doing very well. I wanted to start hunting, put my magic to use. My parents and Bobby outright refused. So I went to college where I double majored in Occult Studies and History. But that's when my hunting career began. I never went very far away from school, but if there was a case nearby I took it. By the time I graduated I was an expert in monsters and how to fight them. My parents died in a car accident soon after that and I began hunting full time. So here we are now. I'm 25, a hunter, and the last living White Witch. Not something you see everyday." Evelyn smirked as she finished her story. 
The boys looked at her in awe. "A witch who's a hunter and a college graduate. You're pretty impressive Evie." Sam smiled at the huntress and she blushed.  
She turned to Cas, "Is there anything you would like to add?" 
"Much actually."
Read Chapter 5 Here
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
5.13: Angels are watching over you...
Anna gatecrashes Dean’s dream. Awkward. Tries to plant suspicion of Cas, but Dean... trusts Cas and tells him everything.
Anna wants to stop the apocalypse by killing him in such a way that he could never be resurrected, but Cas insists they “Find another way.” And then reports back to Sam and Dean (who ask if Anna has a point here), but Cas is clearly already 100% on Team Winchester. He can see that yes, Anna does have a point, but he’s more ready to sacrifice Anna-- an angel he’s known and been close with for MILLIONS OF YEARS-- than Sam.
If Anna can’t get to Sam in the present because Cas is protecting him, she decides to try going to the past, to kill Mary before Sam can even be born.
(Sam experiences his first Angel Booping)
(Dean puts Cas up in the Honeymoon Suite for five nights with a Do Not Disturb Under Any Circumstances order... like did the desk clerk dude think Dean was gonna be up there with him?)
MARY: I don't do that anymore. I have a normal life now. You have to go. MARY moves to close the door. DEAN holds an arm out to stop her. DEAN: I'm sorry, but this is important, okay?
(surrrrre Mary. You don’t do that anymore)
Mary has let John believe that Samuel died of a “heart attack.” I wonder how she explained how her mother died the same night? Either way, it’s interesting that it’s JOHN who really wants Sam and Dean to stay for dinner, because he hasn’t met much of Mary’s side of the family. Which further proves that it was John with the notions of family that have formed the basis for Dean’s definition of what family is.
Mary picks up an angel blade for the first time, and John has his first encounter with the Supernatural, prefacing the Most Awkward Family Road Trip ever.
Poor John trying to pretend that all of this is just fiiiiine, that learning that angels and demons are real and your wife and her entire family have been monster hunters going back generations and this is the first you’re hearing about it is just another Tuesday... And just defiantly accepting all of this and making himself useful. Maybe next time don’t just angrily draw the knife across your own palm like that. There’s a reason Sam and Dean usually cut their forearm instead of their hand... best not to have injured hands if you’re gonna be in a fight situation, you know?
(as a Marine he really should’ve know that already...)
(still, for grumpy defiance while still cooperating with this huge pile of insanity that was just dumped on him like this, I’d say he was doing pretty well for himself okay)
(enough for Dean to comment that this version of John really reminds him of his dad... >.>)
SAM: Uh...I wanted to say I—I'm sorry about all this. I—I know it's a lot. JOHN: Look, how long have you known about this...hunting stuff? SAM: Pretty much forever. My dad raised me in it. JOHN: You're serious? Who the hell does that to a kid? SAM: Well, I mean, for the record, Mary's parents did. JOHN: I don't care. You know, what kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—Y-you know, you could've been killed!
(without knowing it, John judges his future self really harshly...)
SAM: I used to be mad at him. I—I mean, I used to... I used to hate the guy. But now I—I... I get it. He was...just doing the best he could. And he was trying to keep it together in—in—in this impossible situation. See... My mom, um... She was amazing, beautiful, and she was the love of his life. And she got killed. And...I think he would have gone crazy if he didn't do something. Truth is, um, my dad died before I got to tell him that I understand why he did what he did. And I forgive him for what it did to us. I do. And I just—I love him.
Meanwhile, Anna calls down Uriel and LIES TO HIS FACE:
ANNA: In the future, these people are going to kill you, Uriel. I'm giving you the chance to kill them first.
(heeey who killed Uriel, Anna? Oh, right. YOU DID.)
Dean has his first “convince Mary he’s who he says he is” moment, just like the one in 12.01... 
MARY: I raised my kids to be hunters? DEAN: No. No, you didn't. MARY: How could I do that to you? DEAN: You didn't do it. Because you're dead.
And it seems that’s the WORST thing she can imagine. Not that she dies, not that John becomes a hunter too, but that her kids grow up to hunt themselves.
SAM: Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad, but you can't. I'm sorry. It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die, and your children will be cursed. MARY: There—there has to be a way.
And Dean only gets one second to realize that there’s two of him in that room, because Mary’s already pregnant with him... before Uriel shows up to kill them. But then Michael shows up to save them. Because apparently despite Anna’s orders from Heaven, Michael still wants this Apocalypse to happen. Not just to kill Sam so Lucifer can’t have his vessel, but he really WANTS the whole thing to go down as planned.
DEAN: Oh, I get it. You got beef with your brother. Well, get some therapy, pal. Don't take it out on my planet! MICHAEL: You're wrong. Lucifer defied our father, and he betrayed me. But still...I don't want this any more than you would want to kill Sam. MICHAEL turns away. MICHAEL: You know, my brother, I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him. MICHAEL turns back. MICHAEL: But I am going to kill him because it is right and I have to. DEAN: Oh, because God says so? MICHAEL: Yes. From the beginning, he knew this was how it was going to end. DEAN: And you're just gonna do whatever God says. MICHAEL: Yes, because I am a good son.
And this conversation right here is EXACTLY why I give zero fucks about Lucifer suddenly being labeled as “the older brother.” Well, this in combination with everything else we’ve ever learned about archangels going all the way back to 4.18 and Cas’s warning to Dean, that “archangels are fierce. They're absolute. They're heaven's most terrifying weapon.” They’re also sort of the antithesis of Free Will.
Michael’s loyalty, Lucifer’s rebellion. Raphael’s s6 insistence of restarting the apocalypse... (sure Gabriel broke the mold a bit, mainly because he’d always been stuck in the middle between Michael’s loyalty and Lucifer’s rebellion, but he was the biggest proponent of “Play Your Roles” in the history of the show. Gabriel was always the one trying to just get the whole apocalypse over with. Because he always knew how it was intended to end-- one of his brothers would have to kill the other.
Exactly the way Lucifer convinced Cain that he must kill his brother.
Exactly the way Cain tried to convince Dean that he would have to kill his brother.
From the moment Chuck entrusted Lucifer with the Mark of Cain and locked away the Darkness, THIS BECAME THE SCRIPT. This literally became the story God was writing, and to the archangels that meant that this became their reality. This became their roles, and Michael and Lucifer both played their roles.
But EVERYTHING about them playing their roles came down to Dean Winchester saying NO to this, to denying God’s plan for him. Just as much as Castiel has always been a spanner in the works for Heaven, Dean has been the same for Humanity. And they’ve both been there for each other to help defy God’s Plan, to unravel the script and rewrite it over and over again.
In doing so, Dean broke free from his destiny, from the script to be nothing more than another iteration of the old script. Taking on the Mark of Cain and overturning THAT part of his “destiny” and his family’s legacy was just the next step (and he couldn’t have done that part on his own... he still needed Sam to step up and say NO, along with Cas).
After the Darkness was free, Sam almost gave in to take on that destiny for himself (taking on the Mark himself, thereby starting the whole cycle over again but with Lucifer in the role of the “first son,” since Lucifer was on the scene and NOT being offered the responsibility of taking on the Mark again... 
But Lucifer is still an archangel, he’s still “absolute,” and he still has no idea what to do with Free Will. He has no script, he has no role to play. So for the first time in his entire existence, he IS the “big brother.” With Michael in the cage, his link to his “true vessel” severed by Dean’s rejection of it, he’s become “lesser than.”
We’ve gone off script here, and Lucifer’s learning that in this post-destiny world with Chuck having relinquished the earth to Humanity, he can write his own script just like everyone else. And this is Lucifer’s story now.
(I mean, from Lucifer’s pov here, not that SPN is now the Luci Show, because no it’s obviously not...)
Because to an archangel, there is no such thing as free will:
MICHAEL: Think of a million random acts of chance that let John and Mary be born, to meet, to fall in love, to have the two of you. Think of the million random choices that you make, and yet how each and every one of them brings you closer to your destiny. Do you know why that is? Because it's not random. It's not chance. It's a plan that is playing itself out perfectly. Free will's an illusion, Dean. That's why you're going to say yes. Oh, buck up. It could be worse. You know, unlike my brothers, I won't leave you a drooling mess when I'm done wearing you.
(Yeah, sure, Michael. I mean, how long did y’all plan all this BS out? How hard did y’all have to work to make sure Sam and Dean were born? And that they would be raised to be hunters, to be born, bred, raised, and trained to be the Ultimate Vessels? 
just see Cas in 4.16:  Strange. Strange how a leaky pipe can undo the work of angels when we ourselves are supposed to be the agents of fate.
yeah, angels are the “agents of fate,” moving the playing pieces into position and setting up the apocalypse...)
DEAN: Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there. It's awesome. SAM: It's not funny. DEAN: I'm not laughing.
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speedylandcollector · 4 years
TOP 10 mistakes when opening a restaurant
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Here are some mistakes that the beginning entrepreneurs make when opening a restaurant:
1. Spend all income
The weakness of beginning entrepreneurs, especially if things are going well from the very beginning. More than half of the newly made bankrupt are burned at this. There is an axiom: in business, there is no “own money”. There is only customer money and working capital. Money should always work, and the foodservice industry is no exception.
A brief example. A client comes to you and pays in advance for the corporate party. An inexperienced entrepreneur argues: “I was paid 50,000, of which 10,000 were food and alcohol, 15,000 were paid to staff, 10,000 were musicians and a presenter, but 15,000 were mine, I can dispose of them as you like.”
This is the first mistake. Until the client has received his product or service, this money is not yours. It is always necessary to consider force majeure: they turned off the electricity, the sanitary and epidemiological station arrived, the musicians did not have time to arrive on time, the fire in the kitchen or the client decided to postpone the date.
The task of a skilled restaurateur is to invest in your business, develop it, and not squeeze the last juices in the hope of temporary success. The average life span of a restaurant in Moscow, according to GVA Sawyer, is 3 years. Then its relevance fades along with the interest of solvent customers. Only a few restaurant concepts survive on the market for more than 4 years. In the regions, the situation is better, but still - no more than 5 years. Therefore, you must understand that you need to constantly improve your business and think ahead, and not immediately spend money on a whim.
2. Do not keep records
The first error often occurs against the background of the lack of any accounting in the institution. Do not neglect financial accounting! Until you see the real numbers, you will think that everything is in order, and then the first debts, interruptions in supplies or theft will appear.
Protect yourself from the very beginning - implement an automation system. Reporting time in a notebook is long gone. Accounting systems give many more opportunities: statistics, cash shifts, inventory, loyalty programs, etc. And cloud solutions like poster, implement it even easier. Any tablet or laptop turns into a cash register and terminal when a printer is connected to them. You can control the work from anywhere and at any time through the browser.
3. Do not delve into the work of the institution
A good owner should be aware of everything that happens in his establishment. A typical mistake when opening a restaurant is to rest on the laurels of the effectiveness of a sound strategy. No one disputes that strategy is important, but which of you will be a general if you have never been on the battlefield? You need to be able to command - your staff should know that you can check-in at any time or personally help during busy hours, as Dmitry Sikorsky, owner of the Bodega 2 Karla restaurant in Odessa, does: “If there are a lot of guests, and I'm online I see that the administrator and the waiter can’t cope - I myself can quickly come to help. ”
You should be known in person, not afraid to ask something. If you entrust all the work to an administrator or manager, then he will be for them the director, the owner of the institution. It is necessary to earn credibility, and without appearing at the workplace this is out of the question. Especially if you want to avoid collusion between employees and theft. You should also know what annoys your guests in the restaurant.
4. Do not pay attention to advertising
You might think that this is too obvious: no advertising - no customers. But, as practice shows, not everyone realizes the importance of promotion. A common mistake of restaurateurs is a lack of understanding of marketing and advertising technologies.
If you think that it will be enough to distribute flyers a couple of times at stops or in the subway, hang balls and put loud music on an opening day, then, unfortunately, this is not so. Have an interesting party with free drinks or big discounts, promotions - many people will come, but will they become your regular visitors?
Most likely not - such people are only interested in free food, short-term benefits, they are unlikely to drop in for a second time. Put on a show and set the bar high - you will disappoint in the future those guests who came only for such events.
There will be a small group of people who work or live near your establishment. The income from such visitors is usually enough only to go at least to zero and then not always. Much depends on the place. New establishments may open in your area that will lure these people.
Decide on your target audience and the main competitive advantage - what will set you apart from other institutions. Advertising should achieve its goal. Less unnecessary information and more meaning. The main questions that your advertising should answer: why your institution, how do you differ from the cafe opposite and how are you better? It is not enough to inform about your discovery, to show the interior and menu. It is necessary to come up with a story, put in meaning and a concept, and constantly develop it. More details on promotion tips are described in our other article.
5. Do not think through the menu
The problem for beginning restaurateurs is to take up the menu last or at the stage when the whole concept of the establishment is already embodied in the interior. Never start the selection of furniture, equipment and do not open a cafe or restaurant until you have a menu ready. At a minimum, you need to decide what your kitchen will be, the style of service in the institution. If you do not want to make such a mistake, be sure to read our article "How to Develop a Cafe, Restaurant Menu".
6. Low passability
Error with choosing a place for the institution. An obvious fact, but still, some novice restaurateurs get burned at this point. Patency - one of the most important criteria for choosing a location. A large flow of people in a shopping center or on the street where you want to open an institution significantly increases the likelihood of success for your business.
Our tip: Don't settle for super-low-cost friendly rental offers in remote areas or industrial areas. For example, in the territory of a closed factory or warehouse. Of course, you will significantly save on rent, but it is likely that you will not earn anything. Renting in good places is not just more expensive - you can earn much more there.
Your location should be consistent with the concept of the institution. For example, in poor, remote sleeping areas of the city, traffic will be high. But will they come to you? Tired residents after work are bought in stores and go home, not in a cafe. In such areas, even fast foods have a hard time. If you have a restaurant or cafe with high prices, then these people will definitely not become your customers. They will pass by your institution and may remember its name, will make appointments at the entrance, but this will not affect your income.
7. It is incorrect to determine CA
A mistake in determining your target audience and choosing the concept of the institution. For example, most of your acquaintances and friends love pizza, and so you decided to open a new pizzeria. This is a false feeling when you are sure that everyone thinks the same way as your surroundings. But you do not want to open an institution for them. You can not rely on the opinion of a dozen people and equate it with the opinion of the majority of residents of a certain area or even the whole city.
Take a closer look at this issue. Conduct market research or order a similar service from marketing consultants. They will show you statistics on establishments in your city, demand for various cuisines and growing trends. After you decide which concept will be more profitable for you to develop, you can go further.
8. Do not have reserve capital and do not close debts
Perhaps one of the few good tips from all business consultants. If you do not have a financial reserve for at least six months of rent, salaries and utility bills, then opening your own institution will be very risky. You need to be prepared for initial losses and work on mistakes, recover and move forward. If you have a very modest supply of money, then the very first setbacks can put you out of business. Is it worth it then to start? Perhaps it is better to revise the concept and make everything more modest but put aside the stock.
In addition to reserve capital, a novice restaurateur should take into account the increase in planned expenses. The easiest way is to multiply them by 2. For entrepreneurs who are already in the business for 3 to 5 years, this ratio will be at the level of 1.2-1.3. In order not to entertain oneself with illusions, the expected income can, on the contrary, be cut in 2 times.
9. Take relatives and friends into the business
Everyone knows about this, but for some reason they still make mistakes. The main problem of such partnerships is the lack of notarized conditions for cooperation. If you cannot influence any processes in the institution’s work, then you have incorrectly built a system of job responsibilities and restrictions.
If you control only part of the work processes, you need to clearly distinguish between areas and prescribe instructions. Otherwise, a big surprise will be waiting for you, when your relative partner or friend with whom you suddenly quarrel, decides to leave, and you have no idea how to run his part of the business. Before you start working in a partnership, ask yourself: “How will you share responsibilities and profits?”
Another point when you take relatives on staff. No concessions and nepotism - everyone should work on the principles of business relations. Any employee has the right to complain about your friends, and they are responsible for their mistakes along with everyone else. In this case, this will not be a problem. If you have something wrong, then we have bad news.
10. Do not plan expenses
Most novice restaurateurs rarely plan their expenses for more than 3 months in advance. They postpone the repair and purchase of new equipment at the last minute if they inherited the establishment. Imagine the situation: December corporate events suddenly come and your dishwasher breaks down or ventilation is clogged. This is not a vile accident and not the machinations of competitors, but simply a negligent attitude. If you pledge funds for the repair of working equipment, this will not be a surprise for you.
As a result, restaurateurs are often mistaken in raising prices, which will only exacerbate an already unenviable situation. After that, even those few visitors who have become accustomed to your new institution will stop coming to you. The pricing policy of a cafe or restaurant is a very delicate tool, and it will not save you from all financial troubles.
Read more!
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riverdamien · 5 years
Praying in Faith Book of James
Praying In Faith-What We Are Meant to Do! And Birthday Reflection. James 5:13-20 "Are there any among you suffering? Let them pray. Are any cheerful? Let them sing psalms. Are any among you sick? They should call the elders of the church, and they they should pray over the sick person, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. Faithful prayer will rescue the sick person, and the Lord will raise them up. If they have committed any sin, it will be forgiven them. So confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another; they they may be healed. When the righteous person prays, that person carried great power. Elijah was a man with passions like ours, and he prayed and prayed that it might not rain--and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. Then he prayed again, the sky gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. My dear family, if someone in your company has wandered from the truth, and someone turns them back, know this: the one who turns back a sinner from wandering off into error will rescue that person's life from death, and cover a multitude of sins." -------------------------------------------------------- "Prayer as we know it and talk about it can be very seductive. "Pray that Grandpa gets well," we tell a child--all the time knowing that the grandfather's time is already measured. "Pray for a nice day tomorrow," we say casually, as if the local meteorologist doesn't already know whether tomorrow it will rain or snow. "Dear God, please make Tom call, or the letter come, or the red light on the next corner turn green", we recite with a kind of Christian piety that smacks more of our own desire to run the world than it does to trust the God who entrusted it to us. Too often, we use prayers to forgive ourselves for being less that we are meant to be. Too often, "I'm praying for it" means that I don't intend to do anything else but pray that someone else will do for us what we should do for ourselves. But the situation is obvious. There is nothing done humans that humans cannot undo. There is no reason to deny our own responsibility to get it done by foisting it on God. We must get up and do it ourselves. The truth is that we must pray for the strength to do what we are meant to do. We must pray for the courage to meet the challenges of life. We must pray for the endurance it will take to go on even when nothing changes. We must pray that the spirit of God is with us as we do what must be done, whether we succeed in the process or not." Sister Joan Chittister, The Breath of God As we conclude the Book of James what are your thoughts on prayer? ------------------------------------------------------------ Birthday Reflection The Prayer to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots is as follows: “Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exists in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exist in my life. You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of His children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. No one, not even the Evil One himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands, there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with your Son and my liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot. (Mention your petition here.) I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all. You are my hope. O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives me, the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution, and, with Christ, the freedom from my chains. Hear my plea. Keep me, guide me, protect me, O safe refuge.” Pope Francis has discovered on his life's journey, "Mary the Undoer of Knots, and in the last seven years she has journeyed with me as well. My life is full of knots, and as I struggle daily to undo these knots Mary is tirelessly working in her efforts in this journey of undoing my knots. Tomorrow is the day I celebrate my coming into the world. A friends father once told him, "Age is a defining number, never define yourself, live a liminal life, a life with out definition of numbers, and in doing so you will relate to everyone, sustain and respect all of life, and collaborate with everyone." He worked forty hours a week and died at 99. His philosophy has lead me on this journey. And on this day I recommit myself to three vows: relativeness, mutual sustainability, and mutual collaboration. Usually I spend this day on Round tree Blvd. in Marin with my friends. This birthday will be spent in the City because of the order to to remain in our homes. My spirit will be with all nine of my friends, my team, remembering the past years of having a party with a birthday cake, hanging with them as they played their games, and arguing as we always do. This year I will hang out with my street kids, listen to their fears, give them socks and food--joking about being six inches a part. My phone has been turned off this past week in order for me simply to relax. Constant snap chat and texts wear me out, and in coming to a new understanding of our new environment and way of living has been exhausting. I am content, in an excellent mood, and healthy. I will soon turn my phone on to my ministry of listening through snap chat, and continue to listening to my street kids, feeding them, giving them socks, and so on. I will go to Whole Foods and pick up a decent meal and eat with the spirit of my team around me,and give thanks to God for my life. Father Henri Nouwen sums up my feelings on this day, and we invite you to join us in finding hope in his words: "Again and again you see how Jesus opts for what is small, hidden, and poor, and accordingly declines to wield influence. His many miracles always serve to express his profound compassion with suffering humanity; never are they attempts to call attention to himself. As a rule, he even forbids those he has cured to talk to others about it. And as Jesus’ life continues to unfold, he becomes increasingly aware that he has been called to fulfill his vocation in suffering and death. In all of this, it becomes plain to us that God has willed to show his love for the world by descending more and more deeply into human frailty." Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God! ---------------------------------------------------------- Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T. P.O. Box 642656 San Francisco, CA 94164 www.temenos.org [email protected] 415-305-2124 “Why am I compelled to write?... Because the world I create in the writing compensates for what the real world does not give me. By writing I put order in the world, give it a handle so I can grasp it. I write because life does not appease my appetites and anger... To become more intimate with myself and you. To discover myself, to preserve myself, to make myself, to achieve self-autonomy. To dispel the myths that I am a mad prophet or a poor suffering soul. To convince myself that I am worthy and that what I have to say is not a pile of shit... Finally I write because I'm scared of writing, but I'm more scared of not writing.” -Gloria E. Anzaldúa Tenderloin Stations of the Cross Good Friday, April 10, 2020 Noon-2:00 p.m. Polk Street side of City Hall We will have the Stations of the Cross. Our plans are to do it alone, and have people go through the Stations at home. . Holy Communion We take Holy Communion to individuals who request the Sacrament. We administer the Sacrament outside, and have plastic gloves on, standing six feet away. We give only use only wafer, as it contains the whole body of Jesus.
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Birth order essay
leaven Topic:\n\nThe splendor of the nativity modulate and its impact on the spirit of the kid and its future.\n\n travel break through Questions:\n\nWhy is the murder score so all(prenominal)-important(a) for the personality of the pincer? What does the fight for creator has to do with the p atomic number 18nthood invest in ane accustomed family? What do Adler and Toman say well-nigh put up auberge grandeur?\n\nThesis Statement:\n\nAdler believed that the rattling reason for such differences surrounded by cognates is the fight for ca determination: the commit to control the situation, the pr angiotensin converting enzymeness to be dissimilar, to be individual, to stand turn out from the crowd of early(a) squirtren and to rule the love of the p arnts\n\n \nBirth vagabond Essay\n\nTable of contents:\n\n1. accession\n\n2. Birth edict importance\n\n1. First natural(p)(p) youngsterren and still(prenominal) peasantren\n\n2. midriff natur al(p) fryren\n\n3. Last born infantren\n\n3. couple minorren and other commits.\n\n4. Girls and male churl in different deport dresss.\n\n5. result\n\nWhatever your family was, you ar.\n\nDr. Kevin Leman\n\n1. Introduction\n\nBirth put in is sooner squ atomic number 18 in different cultures wholly over the world. In few cultures the most prefer incline was and still is the position of the first chela. around cultures cogitate the youngest tyke to be the governing one. It goes without facial expression that the conduct ensnare has a disperse to do with the further companionable em signalment of the newborn. The reasons of this social status inwardly and outside the family run through a lot of premises. Different positions of brook order create certain differences amongst children belonging to this or that position. These differences alto sign upher explain wherefore blood relations be non a similar. The verge siblings is used to identify chil dren that were born from the same p arnts or in other words children who ar brothers and childs. The widely spread word-combination sibling rivalry whitethorn be interpreted as a phenomenon caused directly by the fork over order. Alfred Adler was the number 1 to speak round the meaning of the tolerate order for the future life of a child and the differences surrounded by the children in accordance with their have got order. correspond to the research of Alfred Adler, who was as well the break off of individual psychology and the arc due south child in his family1, the birth order of a child is the prophesyor of his future characteristics and peculiarities [Adler, 1998]. Adler believed that the admittedly reason for such differences between siblings is the fight for power: the rely to control the situation, the liking to be different, to be individual, to stand out from the crowd of other children and to circumscribe forth the love of the pargonnts\n\n2. Birth order importance\n\nAs Walter Toman confirms the patterns of manner and reactions atomic number 18 precise a p to to each one oney deal defined through their birth order and depend on whether the person was the first, middle, the youngest or the alone child in the family [Toman, 1993]. severally child in his maturation simulates certain models of behavior. The first-born volition imitate grown-ups, as they his significant terminal persons, who are the further participants of his social interactions. The minute of arc child take ins an opportunity to choose whom to imitate. This is primarily overdue to the fact that the eldest children in the family a good deal actively clutch part in the serve of bringing up jr. children so can to a fault fit a model. These birth order positions do non simply separate brothers and infants fit in to their year of birth, scarce predict the further lifestyles of these siblings.\n\n2.a. First-born children and simply children\n \nThe first child converts the marri make on with of twain tribe into a real family. Ordinarily, the parents are young and quite an inexperienced and roughly clips as yet not build for the child. Parents hand over to dedicate all their expel time to their child and to open as m every cultivational techniques as it is possible, nevertheless these techniques oft contradict each other and it may result is the uniform anxiety of the child. First-borns are real a good deal over-protected, as their parents make the studyity of decisions for them. These children are very(prenominal) parent-oriented; they want to meet expectations of their parents and stick out as small adults. A standard situation of the first-born and hardly children is when they are in the refer of tutel bestride of the adults [Stein, 2003]. As a result they are very confident and organized. They are constantly in a requirement for enate and social favorable reception and do everything possible to deflect paradoxatic situations. The eldest child easily takes debt instrument. The lone just about(prenominal) child has a problem sharing whatsoeverthing within his social contacts.\n\nSome children anticipate the exclusively ones for their altogether life, put some of them at a point turn into the eldest child. This position changes some characteristics, because the birth of another sibling causes trauma for the first-born. The child does not understand wherefore parents do not pay as much attention at him as they used to do before. Being the first to be born he feels he has the right to pay all their attention. First-borns are very firm and become true leaders, as they need to prove the adults that they are the best and the first congeal is still after them. The eldest child is much than presumable to follow the family traditions and it more conservative. If it is a boy, they may inherit their spawns professions.\n\nThe problem of the eldest child is that origina lly be the just child in the family he loses all the advantages of this position and as Adler stated - power, when the second child is born. So basi bring upy, the first-born children go through both study stages: the child is the only one in the family and is in a privileged position, than the second child is born and the first-born competes for existence better. As the result first-borns are emotionally unstable.\n\n2.b. Middle born children\n\nThe middle child in the begging of his life is the second child in the family. For this child in that location is al elbow rooms soulfulness ahead of him. The major polish of the second-born is to overtake the first-born. It is obvious that this subject of siblings may acquire problems with self-determination due to the fact that they are at the same time the older and the junior child. The only exception is when the middle child is the only little girl or the only boy in the family. In this case they similarly satisfy a li mited position for their parents. Middle children mix the qualities of the eldest and the youngest child in the family. These children often squander troubles conclusion their true place, because adults forget somewhat them, paying special attention to the eldest child (the keen one) and to the youngest child (the abetless one). Middle siblings learn how to live in harmony with everybody, are often friendly, and make friends without difficulties. They do not feel too conscience-smitten for their failures as the fist-born children do only when cope easily with whatever loss. Middle children are undefended of seeing each shot of live from two contrary sides, which results from the ability to live between two other birth order positions and are great negotiators.\n\n2.c. Last-born children\n\nThe last-born child is carefree, optimistic and ready to taken someones protection, care and concentrate. Very often he remains a baby for his family. He does not have to meet the st eep parental expectations, which the eldest child experiences, because the parents become less demanding to the childs achievements. He has a lot of people to support him: his parents and his elder brothers or sisters. This exceeding support often spoils this sibling. The major problem the youngest child faces is the omit of self-discipline and difficulties in the welkin of decision-making. The last-born child is often manipulative. He may get pique or try to juggle in order to get what he require. Ass these children get plenty of attention they normally do not have troubles in socialization. The last-born child may have enormous ambitions.\n\nThe youngest child has two alternatives of developing any relations with the surrounding enviroment, and in particular with his brothers and sisters. He needs either to pretend to be a baby his whole life, or find a way to overtake the other siblings [Sulloway, 1997]. This typesetters case of children is unremarkably very weighty to understand, as they seem to comp allowely contradict the other children. They are often very creative.\n\nIt is believed that the parents provide have a more consequent approach to the education of their youngest child than to the eldest or the middle child. As a result he becomes emotionally stable. They break rules easily and are often what people call a rebel. Last-born siblings usually make other people laugh and need to be in the center of attention. They do not feel self-conscious when people look at them that is why the stage is a perfect place for these children.\n\n3. match children and other positions.\n\nFor twins the position of the eldest or youngest child are excessively very important and depend on the multitude of children they were born in. For instance, twins who have an elder sister or an older brother entrust behave as the youngest children. If the adults accentuate that one of the twins was born earlier, than the position of the eldest and the youngest c hildren are divided automatically. Twins usually tend to communicate with each other than with other children and are less adult-oriented. They major problem for twins is the identity problem. Twin children experience difficulties in separating from each other.\n\nThe situation when there is only one boy in the family changes the meaning of the positions, because the boy gets a special position for cosmos not a girl. In a situation when there are two girls and one boy in the family. No matter what position the only boy occupies he volition either alship canal use all possible ways to prove that he is a man or become effeminate [Leman, 1998]. If there are only boys in the family, the youngest one, being a rebel, and trying to be different may also be effeminate. In a situation where there is only one girl among boys in a family the girl gets a lot of protectors. The typical reaction to these positions is either very feminine girls or tomboys. If a girl becomes a tomboy she needs t o be better than her brothers at least in some activities or physical abilities.\n\n4. Girls and boy in different birth orders\n\nThe attitude of the adults towards the sex of the child is of a great importance. The volume of the families prefer sons. The older sister very often takes responsibility for bringing up younger children and takes a part of parental functions. In such a position if the youngest child is a boy than he is the one to get the glory and advanced parental expectations. There is also a high prospect that the families that have only girls leave continue their attempts to give birth to a son, while the families with only sons entrust stop at a fewer measuring rod of children.\n\nA very significant factor to mention is that if the age difference between the children, no matter what sex they are, is more than six historic period, each of the children will have the traits of the only child and some characteristics of the positions he is limiting to. For inst ance, the brother that is ten years elder than his little sister will probably remain the only child but will also have the trait of the first-born child. The more the age difference among the siblings is the less is the luck that they will compete.\n\n5. Conclusion\n\n distributively child in any family want to ensure his individuality, occupy his own place, a place that is designed for him only. Each child needs to emphasize that his is unequalled and there is nobody else like him. This is the main reason why birth order has such a big importance it explains why children are the whey they are according to what they have to overcome to prove that they are unique. So if a old child who is serious and trustworthy will be set as an example for the younger one, then the younger child at least from the desire to be different will become noisy, restless and naughty. The birth order does psychologically warp the child. The literature on this return is wide but it all claims the imp ortance of the birth order for the further life of the child.\n\nAlfred Adler was definitely right to say that the desire to be unique is the major leading force for children in the family. So parent would be more democratic and let the children be successful in different fields so they do not compete.\n\nIt goes without saying that these birth order regularities are not fatal, but only point out some trends of development of the children depending on their order of birth. Knowing these tendencies will help adults to avoid a lot of undesirable consequences to which the mentioned above roles of the children in the family may lead.\n\n1 Alfred Adler is the source of the inferiority complex.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework li ve help. 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shallowseeker · 4 days
It took a lot for Dean to want revenge. Time and time again he turns away from revenge. Even in his reversal power/demon Dean arc, he does not reach for revenge per se.
At worst, he became a short-lived Rowena-esque figure, willing to kill Sam to have freedom. He rebels against all friends and family, almost like a test. Crowley verbally abuses him and betrays him, Sam hypocritically does terrible things but in the end loves him and lowers his blade to be willingly killed by him, and Cas too won’t raise a hand to him, only asking him to stop and not to murder the world.
In the end, it is Dean’s “human/angel” family that lower their blades to his rebellion, gently submitting as family must lovingly submit to each other. (This sense of family is why Dean entrusts the first blade to Cas, and it’s also how Dean tries to explain family ties re: Rowena to Crowley.)
But it was Chuck killing Jack that seemed to “break” Dean—kinda wild when you think about it. Jack also “broke” the best of Cas, twisting his “where you’ve been isn’t as important as where you’re going” into flirting with predestination.
Dean’s crisis/nervous breakdown was about Dean’s nihilism and the existential crisis, too, but it was also a lot about Jack. Jack’s death was so painful that Dean couldn’t even say his name; used “Bel” as code for having the conversation.
And when they got Jack back, they were so relieved, they just… went along with Billie’s plan. They wanted to “trust” Jack, so they trusted Billie.
It was odd behavior for both of them. They didn’t wanna rock the boat with each other or Jack, and they didn’t question. I still maintain I’d rather have seen them drop-drag fighting in the library rather than toasting each other.
But anyway, point being… I think, fandom tends to minimize how much Jack means to everyone, hyperfocusing on the “Jack is not family” of it all.
Dean was hurt. He wanted payback, he wanted poetic justice, for Chuck to be killed by his own grandson. Dean gave up the gun after Mary’s death, but the death of Jack was so painful, it had him buying into revenge. Dean has never wanted revenge.
Jack was family, and Dean saying that Jack wasn’t was a way to steel himself and deaden tremendously painful emotions. Rowena and Sam trade more in this kind of dissociation in order to carry out heinous missions, and I think it just feels odd for people to see it coming from Dean. Sundering Jack from family was a coping mechanism.
But truthfully, Jack’s death was the ultimate thing that “broke” Dean. And Cas.
Cas was raised that to care about something, it had to be cosmic mission—to be important. So he is constantly putting his loved ones on pedestals to justify his own caring/emotions. He’s “allowed” to care if it’s a mission.
Cas partially recovers in 15x18: “We don’t care about you because you’re part of some grand design.” But it’s too late; Jacks bomb was lit and detonated. So, Cas fights death on his behalf.
Dean was raised that to care about something, you lay down your life for it; it’s your mission to protect them. Jack is stronger than Dean, always has been, he defeated Michael when Dean was too weak to do it. This time, Dean told Sam they were going to, “get out of the way.” If family must be protected, then Jack “is not family.”
Dean too comes to his sense in 15x18: “Hey, hey, hey, we're not giving up on you, okay? (to Sam) Uh... magic. Magic. One of Rowena's spells. Come on, we've got to do something!” But it’s too late; Jacks bomb was lit and detonated. So, Dean fights death on his behalf.
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riverdamien · 5 years
COMPASSION Not Me but God 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 English Standard Version (ESV) "14 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; 15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. 16 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.[a] The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling[b] the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." "Compassion lies at the heart of our prayer for our fellow human beings. When I pray for the world, I become the world; when I pray for the endless needs of the millions, my soul expands and wants to embrace them all and bring them into the presence of God. But in the midst of that experience I realize that compassion is not mine but God’s gift to me. I cannot embrace the world, but God can. I cannot pray, but God can pray in me. When God became as we are, that is, when God allowed all of us to enter into his intimate life, it became possible for us to share in his infinite compassion. In praying for others, I lose myself and become the other, only to be found by the divine love that holds the whole of humanity in a compassionate embrace." Fr. Henry Nouwen "Today we are witnessing an immense longing for relational, mutually empowering feminine qualities at every level of our society . . . which have become far too warlike, competitive, individualistic, mechanistic, and non-contemplative. (Tuesday) In blessed Mother’s view, all are lovable; all souls are accepted, all carry a sweetness of heart, are beautiful to the eyes; worthy of consciousness, of being inspired, being helped, being comforted and protected—even if other mere humans believe foolishly or blindly to the contrary. —Clarissa Pinkola Estés (Wednesday) My God is an incarnate feminine power, who smells like vanilla and is full of sass and truth, delivered with kindness. She’ll do anything for her creation; her love is fierce. She weeps when we do and insists on justice. She is God. She is Love. —Jacqui Lewis (Thursday) The feminine . . . is shifting the global paradigm from one of dominance and individualized salvation to one of collective awakening and service to all beings. —Mirabai Starr (Friday)" Daily Meditations by Richard Rhor -------------------------------------------------------------- Second Corinthians 5 calls us to be an Ambassador for Christ, "making his appeal through us." The appeal is one of loving ourselves and our neighbor. Jesus lived a life of love, even to the point of death. Yesterday as I went to the post office I bought an individual a sweat shirt, gave another socks, another food, and a person walking by said: "I see you are doing your job today." The truth is it is not just my job, it is the job of all of us, it is being an "Ambassador for Christ." We are all called to be an "Ambassador for Christ," and if that would happen, there would be a new attitude on our streets, our state, our nation, and our world. If each one of us would feed one person a day, give one person a day a set of clothes, insist they get medical and mental health treatment, give of our money for housing, the world would be changed. In the twinkling of an eye, we would live in a new world. Our political leaders and candidates would certainly be talking about homelessness and climate change, rather than ignoring the questions. Personally I believe when we enter into ourselves, spend twenty minutes a day alone, going for a walk, sitting, swimming, any activity one can do alone, and simply stay in silence, our lives would change, for we would see our own neediness, our own fears, our own struggles, and in doing so see them in others, and enter into new relationships with all. We would live without fear. We need to recover the divine feminine within us, and in so doing we recover love for our fellow human beings and creation. Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God! Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T. P.O. Box 642656 San Francisco, CA 94164 www.temenos.org
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