#and there happend so much and my one shots are normally already so long
skijumpingf1 · 6 months
These are mine now (D. Prevc X D. Tande)
Welcome back to another Domiel fic. This time they are in Vikersund. Again, you can read it independently, but it is set in the same universe as Part 1 and Part 2. There is mention of Domens sunglasses. Also, I feel like there is a bit more other people especially Peter. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice day.
Wordcount: 4945
Vikersund is presenting itself mystical this Friday. With the fog and the snow, it is almost impossible to see up the hill. Nevertheless, Peter and I are standing on the side of the hill. We both have our phones in our hand. Mine is doing a videocall with our other brother, while Pero is calling our mother and Ema. Dad is standing next to us here in Vikersund. He couldn’t resist on coming to Norway and seeing his daughter fly for the first time ever and possibly even seeing her win her first crystal globe. Eva, the jumper in front of Nika, is getting on the bar and I can feel my nerves tensing up. Every jump from one of siblings is nerve-racking to watch. It doesn't matter if it is Peter doing a training jump like he did a million times before, Cene doing his last one ever or Nika doing her first flight. Same goes for Daniel as well. But some jumps are more special to watch then others. Like this one. I can’t believe that my little sister is already ski flying. The same way I can’t really believe that she is leading the women’s world cup and is almost certainly winning it. At just 19. “Domen! You need to put the camera in the direction of the hill.”, Cene is complaining. “Shut up. She isn’t even jumping yet.” Through Peters phone I can hear a small laugh from our mother. She would have loved to be here as well, but Ema still needed to attend school. “But in a minute, she will be.” “If you wanted to you could have been here. You can’t complain when you choose not to come. Twice.” Peter is rolling his eyes at us, but I can see a smirk on his face. I bet he misses the time where we all three were in world cup and I would split my time being annoying between the both of them. Next year I would have to annoy my other teammates since both of them will be gone. “What is twice supposed to mean?” “Boys. Calm down. Nika is next.” When Dad says a word, we all follow. So, Cene and I shut up. I turn my phone in the direction of the hill and then we wait. Snowflakes are falling down the sky and are flying around us while wait for my little sister to finally get closer to the dream of flying.
The jump is good for her first flight. When she lands safely Dad, Peter and I let out a collective breath. “That was alright considering the jury is too careful with them.”, is Cenes judgement with the jump. I agree with him. But the problem honestly runs deeper than just a low gate. Even the fact, that the women had so few large hill comps, contributes to the short flights we witnessed - not just from Nika - but from most of the field. “More than alright. She landed safely.”, says our Mum. I exchange a look with Peter. Hopefully Nika wouldn’t get too nervous now. We both knew how much a first short flight could affect a weekend.
“How was it seeing Nika fly?” Daniel and I are standing in the village in between the cabins. He is in his normal team gear. If the media is asking, he is here to support his teammates.  I am stretching a bit but honestly, we are more talking than that I do a proper warm up. “Nerve racking. The last time I was this nervous seeing someone jump, was your first jump after Planica.” He raises an eyebrow at me. “You never told me it was this stressful for you. Judging on your behaviour this morning it must have been terrifying.” “It wasn’t that bad.” In all honesty, it kind of was that bad. This morning, I constantly checked the weather forecast and the wind. When he came back to the hill it was kind of similar. I even inspected the outrun while he was changing. Danny steps a bit closer to me. I can feel is body heat against me. One tiny step to the left and we would be touching. I look up to him and our eyes meet. “Why did you never tell me that me going back to the hill was so hard for you?” A tiny shrug from my part is enough to get me a caring look form him. “It was about you and not about me. Going back was hard enough for you without being worried about my feelings.” He flexes his hand and I know that he is fighting the urge of touching me right now. We are already standing too close with the cameramen around. Holding hands isn’t possible right now. “We will talk later about it.” “It has been almost three years and now days it´s still nerve racking watching you jump but not terrifying. So, there is nothing to talk about. The better question is if you come to Nikas birthday party tonight?”
Nika got the full jackpot today. 19th birthday and first-time ski flying. Considering she has a competition planed for tomorrow morning, we are keeping it simple. Our father reserved a table in the hotel restaurant we are staying at. Just Dad, Peter, Nika and me. And Daniel if he wants to. Nika asked him in Trondheim to join us. He is a bit hesitant since my dad would be there as well. It is not like that my dad disapproves of Daniel per se. He is more type though-love then welcoming and my boyfriend is absolutely not used to it. Mina also took her time getting on the good side of her father-in-law, so I am hoping that eventually Daniel will be more relaxed around him. “I don’t even have a present for her.” “You don’t have to gift her something. Or we could just say that my present is from the both of us.” Daniel steps a few centimetres away when a few people pass us that we don’t know. Getting the appropriate distance between us. I sigh. I hate this so much. “Okay I will come. But if it is awkward, it is your fault and I expect you to get me out of it.”
I have the honour of the single bedroom this weekend. Normally it would have been Lovro´s turn but it was surprisingly easy to get him to give it to me. Officially it isn’t allowed that Daniel is spending the night here, but nobody is knocking on the door and controlling it, so we do it anyways. Not even Peter is saying anything against it anymore. “Is a simple shirt enough or should I get my nice stuff?”, is Daniel asking when he steps out of the bathroom. His hair is still wet from the shower he just took, and a few drops are falling on his bare chest. I take a moment to admire him and let my eyes wander down his body. He is already wearing his jeans but has still two shirts in his hands. I know him with all my heart, but I love looking at him, nonetheless. “I am wearing a hoodie and training pants.” And not even my own cloth. It didn’t even occur to me to dress nice. Daniel is groaning. “You always wear your team gear. I want to see you dressed nicely again.”
A knock interrupts us and I stand up from the bed where I scrolled a bit on my phone. I give Daniel a small peck on the cheek on my way to the door. “I don’t even have anything else to wear here.” I open the door to my hotel room and Peter is standing in front of it in the open hallway. He is dressed nicely in a button down. “Can I come in?” “Danny, forget everything I just said. Take the nice shirt.”, I scream back at my boyfriend in the room. With that I step aside so that my brother can come into my room. The room is a typical small hotel so there isn’t really any space to hide here. “Hello Daniel.”, my brother greets my boyfriend, who looks a bit puzzled at me. “Can you warn me next time?” Daniel is quickly putting his nice shirt on. A light blue button down which highlights his eyes. Good choice. “Relax. Rember the family holiday last summer? You guys went swimming. It is not that different now.” Swimming is the understatement of the century. They had fierce water polo fights that even were too intense for Cene and me. “Sorry if I interrupted you guys. I was just wondering if you are getting Nika something for Thursday?” My eldest brother is scraping the back of his head and looking down a bit embarrassed. “No. Should I? I probably should.” I turn around to Danny, who is shaking his head at me. “She is winning the world cup. Of course you get her something.” “Did I get you something?”, I question my brother. Pero is shaking his head at me, and I hear a sigh from the Norwegian. That just further proofs his theory that I missed a few important developments in social norms. “But you were 16. I honestly didn’t expect anything. For Nika though, Cene and I thought we could get her something together.” “But you don’t know what to give her?”, I guess. Cene and Peter rely on me for gifts for our sisters most of the time. I spent the most time with them and grew up with them more. “I don’t know. What do you gift someone, who just won the most important title in our sport?” Peter would be the best to answer that question. He already won big. “Maybe something for her cat?”, Daniel is suggesting. Peter shakes his head. “Cene and I already give her a basket full of cat toys for her birthday.” The same present as last year. I don’t know why Mina isn’t helping them come up with better gifts. It is not that hard and that is coming from me.
“What about a few bottles of good wine? It is festive and maybe we can even like personalise the bottles.” Peter raises an eyebrow at me. “Nika barely even drinks. Why would we gift her wine?” I chuckle a bit. Barely even drinks, that is a good one. Daniel, who sits on the bed now, clears his throat and shakes his head a bit. Oh. Nika probably never calls Peter whenever she wants to be picked up from a party at her classmate’s houses. And he probably never gave her an alibi for our parents. It is not like Nika is partying every weekend. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to perform on the level she is. But she is 18, well now 19. You want to spent time with your friends and alcohol is a part of that sometimes. So, from time-to-time Nika asks me if I can pick her up and if she can sleep at my place. I didn’t even think about the fact that Peter and Cene never seen her drink more than a glass wine at Christmas. She never had to call them because I was there. “She is 19, Peter. Do you really thing she never drinks?” “Yes, to be honest.” I sit next to Daniel on our double bed. He lays his hand on my left thigh. It is thoughtless movement, but Peter notices and his expression softens a bit. “Let’s put it that way. If we gift her wine, she will drink it. You know how it is when you are 19. I can remember that you haven’t been that abstinent for your whole life either.” And I know for a fact that he needed to pick up Cene a few times because he couldn’t get home anymore. Funnyly enough, I am the least experienced with alcohol from my brothers. Back then I was always too busy training or traveling. “But Nika is always so responsible.” I raise my shoulders. “She is responsible, Peter. She always gets home safely and as far as I know she never even puked.” Even when one of her friends brings her home, she always sends me a text that she made it home safely. In the future I would have to rely on that. If I am really moving to Norway, like Danny and I talked about, Nika won’t be able to call me when she needs a ride. A wave of nostalgia hits me. Leaving Slovenia wouldn’t be hard regarding ski jumping. It would be hard in relation with my family. Until now it didn’t really hit me that stuff like picking Nika up, wouldn’t be possible from the other side of the continent. Like I knew it but in the time of face time, I thought that I wouldn’t miss that much.
Daniel notices the change in my mood before even I do it. His hand wanders from my thigh to my hand, and he grabs it. A gentle squeeze. I turn my head towards him. My boyfriend is shooting a small smile at me. His eyes say you don’t have to do it. And I know that I don’t have to do it but also want to spend my life with Daniel. Not just see him from time to time when our busy schedules align. I want that seeing him is the first thing in the morning and touching him the last thing before I fall asleep. My brother is still standing in the entrance of the room and is watching our small interaction. “What am I missing?” I exchange a look with Daniel, who nods at me. “It is just that I have been considering moving to Norway. Thinking of Nika and how I can’t pick her up after a party or something, made me realize that I would miss important steps in her life. And not only her life.” Nika and Ema are old enough to communicate regularly through the phone, but my nephews are still too young to do so. I would miss seeing them growing up. “You are thinking about moving to Norway? Since when? We never talked about it before.” Peter is pulling the chair from the desk. Thankfully it is still early in the weekend, and I haven’t put my dirty clothes on it. When he is also sitting and we are face to face, he opens his mouth and closes it again. “Well, we have been thinking about it. There is nothing planed. Also, you are the last one to complain. You told me just two days before the public that you want to retire.” It actually hurt a bit that he didn’t consult me when making the decision. I mean I get it. It is his decision, but I am his brother and we have been doing this sport together since ages. Cene talked with both of us about retiring. How he didn’t feel like he could give 100% anymore day in and day out. He wanted to hear our opinion on it. Pero however, just told me. He sat me down an hour before he told the rest of the team.
Another knock on the door makes us look up. I raise an eyebrow. Who else would come to my room at almost eight? “I´ll go.”, Daniel says before I can stand up. He lets go off my hand but not without squeezing it again. “Moving to Norway is a big step. Have you talked with Robbi about it?” My brother changes the language to Slovene and I sigh. He always does this when Daniel leaves the room and when the Norwegian comes back, he thinks he is a burden because we need to speak in English with him. “No. I haven’t talked with anyone about it apart from Daniel and now you. I would appreciate if this stayed in the room for now.”
Dad collects us and together we go to Nikas room. We sing a short happy birthday for her and then we get to the hotel restaurant. Dad speaks a short toast and then we all sip on our glasses of champagne. “I don’t think, we will jump tomorrow anyway.”, Nika says when Dad asks her if she really wants a glass. Peter, who sits across of me, and I exchange a look and I wink at him. We will definitely gift her wine now. Daniel sits next to me and under the table I put my hand on his knee. He still feels a bit out of place. I can tell by the way he scoops on his chair. My boyfriend always struggles with feeling out of place with my big family. But especially when Cene´s girlfriend and Mina aren’t there. ”The forecast is really bad. I don’t get why they didn’t do a competition today and cancel tomorrow already. Now we will have waiting games.”, I add and take a sip of champagne. Waiting games are always annoying. With ski flying they are also nerve-racking. Nobody wants to fly when the conditions are bad. Not even me. “You will at least get a substitution. I bet with you that if the competition really gets cancelled that we women don’t get a new date.” “I really hope they get a new race director for you guys. The one now is a disaster. It starts why the low gate and ends with the many cancelled competition.”
Cancelled competition is probably phrase of the day. It starts with a cancelled trial round for the girls and then the comp gets completely sacked. Nonetheless we need to get to the hill since the conditions might improve. I have over 200 world cups under my belt, and I know that we won’t jump today. The wind, the snow, everything is against it. But since money and a tournament depend on the competition today, they are not cancelling the race just now. They wait and hope. Even though everyone who knows this hill, sees that nobody will jump today. Not even a brave trial jumper.
My trainer is just finishing his little rundown of things we should do while we wait. A light warm-up, imitations and stretching is all we would do today. He is still optimistic that we would get at least one jump today. Probably to keep the moral up in this tiny cabin next to the hill. The wind is howling outside and is overpowering Rob a few times. “Just try to be ready. If they find a window for the jumps, it can be quite soon and without much warning.”, Rob ends his speech. Lovro and Timi jump up to get outside. They would probably play a few rounds of volleyball. I will join them in a few moments, but I have a thing to do before. Peter is shooting me a funny look when I stay behind. Normally I am the first one out. The small cabins they usually have at a hill, always feel too cramped for me.
I try to look busy with sorting my stuff until everyone except Robert and I left. When Peros closes the door behind him, I stand up from the bench. With a clearing of my throat, I get the attention of my coach. “Can I help you, Domen?”, he asks. I nod slowly. “Actually, you can. If you have five minutes or so for me today, I would really appreciate it.” Today is probably the last good day to have a conversation with my trainer during the season. Tomorrow will be busy since we will most likely get a substitute competition. Then there is the whole craziness of Planica. This year especially with Peter retiring and Nika getting her crystal globe. “Please not you too. I can’t lose all Prevc brothers in a span of two years.” Robert is sitting down on one of the benches and is shaking his head at me. It takes a few seconds till I understand what he means. “Oh gosh no. I am not retiring. You will have to keep up with me for at least another five to ten years. Probably more.” A loud sigh escapes his mouth. The relief is plastered on his face. My opening for this conversation wasn’t the best I assume. “That is good to know. What is it then?” “Daniel and I have been thinking of moving in together. It is time to take the next step. But since we are on different teams, we honestly don’t know how to handle it. Could I just move to Norway and do my day-to-day training there? Or could he do it with us? A fifty-fifty split?” My trainer points on the bench next to him and I sit down. Robert is eyeing me up a bit. “Honestly. I have been waiting for this conversation for two years now because I knew that eventually we would end up here.” A small chuckle comes from me. Of course. Rob is always two steps ahead. Equally in training or in personal matters. “Have you come up with a solution?” My trainer sits up a bit straighter. “If you want to make it work you can. Decide what you guys want to do. I will support you no matter what and we will make it work.” Talking to Robert and Peter makes this whole thing a bit more real. Like we are really doing it. “I´ll let you know if we decide on something.” Rob pats me on the shoulder and smiles at me. “I am really happy for you. That is a big step, and I am so glad that you are finally taking it.”
I am right. The competition on Saturday gets cancelled and now the schedule for Sunday is packed. First the girl’s competition, who sadly but not surprisingly didn’t get another comp, then we will have a go. In the afternoon the weird competition three round format takes places. Today the weather is at least nice. If we have to spend the whole day at the hill, I rather do it with sunshine than snow or rain. “It is so sad that I can’t be at your nationals. I would love to see you jump again.”, I complain while I jog through the forest with Daniel. The Norwegians apparently like torture and put their national championship between Vikersund and Planica. Whoever had the idea for this timeslot, must be unaware of the season plan because in my eyes is it just dumb. Even putting it after Planica would have been more reasonable. “I won’t perform anyways. This season is just not for me.” I roll my eyes while jumping over a small stick. “A bit more optimism, Danny. Otherwise, I will send you to our mental trainer.” At first, I hated mental training, but I have to admit it helped. Daniel tried it as well after Planica but stopped going. “Also, I like watching you jump even if you do it shit.” Daniel shrugs. “Next season will be better hopefully. I am more excited for Planica. The whole weekend will be so emotional. I bet you are gonna cry.” “I won’t cry. It is not like I won’t see Peter again. He is literally my brother.” My boyfriend raises an eyebrow. We are getting closer to the team cabins. The music of the DJ is getting louder, and a few fans are already audible. Soon we would have to behave distant again. Not like a couple, more like friends. If even that. That’s why I stop in the middle of the trail. Daniel comes to a halt a few meters after me.
“Is everything okay?”, he questions. I take a few steps until we are directly in front of each other. Carelessly I sling an arm around his torso and pull him closer. It is cold today. We are both wearing our thick winter jackets from our teams. Even with the two thick layers between us, it is lovely to hold him. Just the sunglasses on Daniels face feel a bit out of place with the beanie on his head. Daniel leans against me and I enjoy the feeling of his body weight against me. “You will cry like a baby, I bet. Rember how much you sobbed when you told me he was retiring.” My boyfriend is smirking at me, and I roll my eyes. “I made my peace with it.” “Did you? Is that the reason why you still change the subject when I want to talk about it?” Daniel is putting a hand on my cheek. His thump is gently stroking my jaw. I lean into the touch. His hand warms my cold face, and a nice heat is spreading through me. “I am currently trying the ignore approach if you must know. I´ll ignore it until the next season when he isn’t there and then I am dealing with it.” I can feel Danny´s eyes on me even with the sunglasses. He leans his head a bit to the right. “If you want to talk about it, you know I am here and I won´t leave your side next weekend if you want to.” The meaning of this words hits me after a few seconds have passed. I open my mouth and close it again. He is ready to go public. If I say yes now, we won’t hide it – us – anymore. I wrap my arms around his neck. “Not next week. Next week is about Nika and Peter. I don’t want to take attention away from them. But after Planica …” I look around. No cameras nearby. I lean forward and give him a short kiss. When we part Daniel takes my hand and squeezes it. An unspoken way of agreement. A bright smile is building on my face. Finally, we would do it.
The ringing of my phone is interrupting us. With a sigh I take the call. Of course it is my older brother. “What?” “I just wanted to let you know that Nika is jumping soon. You wanted to see her?” Is it already this late? Shit. Spending time with Daniel always flies by like nothing. “Alright I´ll be there in a minute. Where are you watching?” My brother gives me his position and then he hangs up. “Nika is jumping soon.”, I explain to my boyfriend. “Then let’s go.”
Dad, Peter, Daniel and I stand on the side of the hill. It is nice that Daniel decided to join us today and not disappear in his team’s cabin. “I should have gotten my glasses as well.”, I complain while holding my hand up to shield my eyes from the bright sun. The reflection of the sun on the white hill makes it almost impossible to look at it. My brother has his ski mask on, and I should have done the same thing. “You are such a baby.”, Daniel says but takes of his glasses and gives them to me. “Now you can’t watch.” “She is your sister.” I know that arguing with him won’t help so I take the glasses. “You know that these are mine now?” A bright grin is building on my lips. Daniel begins to laugh and nods. “I figured, kleptomaniac.”
My jump in the first competition was good. Pretty great even. Good length and with a beautiful telemark. Jumper after jumper is landing behind me and I keep standing in the leader’s box. With Danny´s sunglasses on. He is helping his team with getting the stuff around the mixed zone but here and there he smirks at me. I tap on the glasses whenever he is around. It is pleasant having him with me even if he is not really around. Lovro, who jumped a bit after me, is done changing and is standing next to me now. “Do you think it is enough for a podium?”, he questions. I raise my shoulders. “I hope so.” He pulls out is phone out the pocket and looks at the ticker. Like he always does. I swear he is glued to this thing. “The wind is getting a bit better.” I just nod and look up the hill. “Thank you again for letting me have the single room this weekend. I´ll make it up.” Lovro shakes his head. “All good. I haven’t seen you this relaxed in ages that’s worth sharing a room with your brother this weekend.” I pat him on the shoulder. “I will give you an alibi if you ever want to smuggle someone in.”
After my brother lands behind me in the standing, I know I made it on the podium. Peters is giving me a close hug in the outrun and he grins at me as if he is the one on the podium. The hug is closer then normally. He probably thinks that this could be the last time he ever sees me get on the podium. I shallow hard but don’t let the smile drop. As soon as I step out of the gate, Danny runs into my arms. It is an innocent hug that last a second longer than it should but right now neither of us cares. “I love you. You did so good.”, he whispers in my ears. “I love you more and I am so glad that you are here to celebrate with me.”
And when I step onto the podium, still with his glasses on, I feel happier to be on the podium than I ever did.
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Can I request a long one shot with Endevaour? Where he gets killed?
Reader and Endevour had previously been, years ago, been a couple and he just dropped her for someone else and she finds out that he broke her heart just because the woman had a betrer quirk and would be better to „reproduce“ with?
So Villain!Reader when she finds out makes enough ruckus to draw out Endevour, confront him and then manages to kill him?
Oh my god!! I absolutely adore this request!! I have so much fun writing it!
So, just to be careful: It can be pretty dark for you.
I am sorry that it is not as long as I wished but it just felt right at that length.
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Once upon a time, you loved a person in a way you never believed or being capable of. You had devoted your whole life around them. Even trying to go lro hero even though you did not wholly agree with the idea. But you would have done everything for that person.
For Enji Todoroki.
The man you gave your heart and soul to. The man who you wanted to cherish. The man who you wanted to marry. The man who you wanted a family with.
And then he left you.
Just like that.
He stood up up on a quiet evening while reading books. Saying he was sorry and he had to break up. He just left. Without even saying why.
You abandoned your carrier as pro hero. You worked a normal job in child care while being a villain at night. You trained the whole time, shaping your strong wind quirk and mastering it. To the point where a lot of pro heros had no chance against you.
You lived your life content, even though the hurt form all those years ago, was still there. Until you heard from another villain the reason why Enji Todoroki left you. Quirk marriage. He found a woman that supposedly had a better quirk than you, one that would even out his hot fire. He even had four children with her but one died.
And with that, your anger burned through the hurt. He left you and married another woman because she had a better quirk? You would show him how wrong he was. Because air made fire stronger and without air, fire can't last. And so, you would snuff out the shining fire of pro hero number one.
All you had to do, was to draw him out. It was an easy thing since he tended to patrol a lot. You finally had your moment, just after he arrested a mug and the police drove them away. Enji wanted to continue on until he noticed that someone was standing before him, just ten meters away and looking at them. Their aura screamed anger.
Motionless you stood before your former love of your life as you waited that he would notice you. The side street was still cleared out from the quick fight with the mug.
"What do you want, villain?", Enji shouted across the street, his voice booming and sounding annoyed. You just chuckled as he asked that.
"Don't you remember me?", you asked instead. If he didn't, it was honestly embarrassing that you once loved that man who wasn't even able to recognize former classmates and lovers.
"It is no concern for me who you are.", was all he said while he stepped closer. Well, he was smarter a few years ago. And prettier. Thar marriage let him age quickly, you darkly thought to yourself.
"Oh, Enji. That is really sad. Are you that old already that you can't even recognize the person who was for years your partner?", you mocked. Slowly you pushed your hair more out of your face, making your eyes even more visible. A cocky smile was on your lips, dark and promising pain. "After all this time.", you dramatically sighed.
An even bigger smile tugged at your lips as you saw the emotions in Enjis eyes. Thes shock at the recognition who you are. Grinning you nodded, confirming his wordless question.
"Long time no see.", you added after a few seconds of just waiting until something happend. Enji did not react. Something which angered you even more. After all this time, you were not even a sentence worth. Your eyes darkened.
"What happened to you?", he finally asked but it was not what you hoped for. So, instead of answering, you just rolled your eyes and put your hands on your hips.
"You know...", you started. "I spend a lot time thinking about why you left me. Hating myself for being not good enough for you.", you scoffed at yourself, for thinking you were at fault while he was leaving you for another woman. No, he was at fault. He never even apologized. "Then somebody told me the truth. A quirk marriage. You married a woman with an ice quirk, to balance your quirk out. In the hope the children would become stronger than All Might."
Enjis eyes were still wide while you talked. He didn't move. You could just see his emotions in his eyes, his absolute horror and shock. Trembling fists on his side and his mind working as fast as it could to try to find a solution.
"You married the wrong woman.", You said and began to slowly walk towards your former lover. You could see his struggle. His struggle to process and if he should fight or not. Well, he would have no other choice.
After all, you were there to kill him. And succeed at it.
"You could have children with strong quirks. Our quirks combined. Because you know what?", you stopped, than scoffed and shook your head. "No, of course you don't know it. But my quirk would have made yours so much stronger. But now? It will end your life with it's power.", was all you said.
Then you attacked. Not even hesitating. There was just so much anger and resentment. Now was finally your time to let him pay and close that chapter which dragged you underwater for so long.
Sadly or not so sadly, Enji reacted and blocked your enhanced punches. But he tumbled a bit, not suspecting this much power behind it.
You left him now time to react, punching and kicking. It took you some time until he finally attacked back and used his fire. And then you truly started.
You used the air to weaken his fire. Slowly so he would not notice it at first. It meant that you also got some hits in. Your rips were aching from his hard fists and the burn at your thigh felt as it was growing blisters so fast you could feel it.
"We don't have to fight!", was a desperate attempt he tried. You simply ignored him, punching and punching while slowly preparing to finally steal his fire.
The fight pulled some attention. People were on the street, pointing at you and filming the whole fight. Good. Because they would film a fight.
The air around Enji became tighter as you sucked the Oxygen out. His breath was labored, sweat on his forehead as he tried to suck in air. Enji noticed quickly that something was not right. He put a hand on his chest, his wide eyes had terror in it as he realised he was slowly suffocating.
"What are you doing?", Enji breathless asked. He had stopped attacking you, after his body became weak from the lack of Oxygen.
"I am sucking the Oxygen out of the air around you. You can't escape. It is too late.", you grinned. You could see how his legs began to tremble, struggling to keep him upright. It just took some more seconds until his legs gave out and he fell onto his knees. His hand was at his throat while his breathing became erratic.
Soon, he would not notice you anymore. He would be to much in panic.
"You will die a slow and painful death.", you began. His eyes focused an you one more while you stepped towards him, just shy of a metre away from him.
"I hurt so much after what you did to me. This is your final lesson. You were arrogant and cocky and it will be your end. And you know what? At the end, my quirk was better suited for yours than ice."
And with that, you pulled the last remaining Oxygen from the air, watching as Enjis eyes bulged and became bloodshot. A single tear worked its way across his cheek as he realised, he would now die. So many unspoken words were in his throat. Many apologies and even more words of love. Words he never spoke in his whole life and now regretted.
"Goodbye, Enji Todoroki."
And his vision blacked out as his body lost the battle of consciousness. He fell hard against the pavement with his head. It took just some more seconds until his heart stopped beating.
The people around you were screaming in terror while you stood motionless beside his body, watching it for a few more seconds to make sure he would not move again before you cancelled your quirk and launched yourself into the air to escape the incoming heros.
Some days passed after the tragic death of pro hero number one, Enji Todoroki. His family was mourning and his funeral was already held.
You quietly sipped on your cocktail at the bar, watching the people mingling with others, laughing, drinking and dancing.
"Hey, honey.", A warm voice said towards you. A kiss was pressed on your head and you turned towards your boyfriend to properly kiss him.
"How was patrol, Shinya? People still shocked about Enji?", you smirked. A smile played across your boyfriends lips as he kissed you once more. "He is not important anymore, darling."
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kanataka-san · 2 years
So this oneshot is to this request
It's my first request and one shot (it's been a very long time since I wrote one so please don't eat me)
I'm sorry for any mistakes
(is it too late to say english isn't my first language?)
thank you so much for requesting @xjustmarsx ♡
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The only thing that (Y/N) wasn't expecting to happend this week was to get trapped in the infamous upside-down Hawkins without a way out, fighting with some nasty bats like creatures wanting to make a meal out of them, be chased by angry baseball jocks while trying to fight the evil d&d character hunting his friend and thinking how to clear out the Munsons name before something worse happens to the innocent boy- it was a lot to take in three days and he was sure Eddie was slowly loosing his mind, if he didn't already.
Walking next to Robin and looking around at his friends made (Y/N) re-remember some crazy things that happend the year earlier and even if they weren't the best memories they made- bringing trauma and many different things along the way- but this also brought them closer together into working as a team making them kind of a familly.
"Hey Robin, remember that time in the Starcourt bathroom when-"
"We got drugget out of our minds and puked all over the toilet? Kind of hard to forget." both laughed at the awfoul remainding of the 48 hours they were trapped in the elevator, succesfully getting out then running for their lifes when only the two youngest made it back out and got help- thinking it was the end but in reality was just the beging.
"Yea- well about the whole 'truth thingy' we had back there, well- I just want to come clean to you- in case all this shit becomes tottal catastrophe in the end." Breathing out though his mouth while anxiously rubbing hands together (Y/N) looked at his firend that was already looking at him with a curious shine in her eyes.
"Just so you know, you're not alone in all this liking not-who-you're-supposed-to-thing-"
That information made one of Robins leg catch a tree root nearli falling on her face but thankfully taller boy prevent her seeing the black veiny ground up close. "Wait you too....?"
Nooding his head (Y/N) moved a bit away to give the girl some space to stand up.
"For as long as I can remember girls weren't really my type- I liked them of course- had something going on for a while but that wasn't it? It just didn't feel right."
Pointing her finger to the back where Steve and Eddie were waking Robin made an assumption "Is it because dingus was trying his hardest to get you a date while working his shifts at the family video? I remember everytime you rented a new casset and a girl happend to show an interest in you."
Looking back in time, recalling all the times Steve had at least one paper note with a phone number of some girl, ready to be handed to him made the boy shiver. "In a way yea- but also I kind of have that one person, 24/7 on my mind and normally if I wasn't- you know- I would ask my dad or even Steve but seeing how he has no go with anybody and definitelly not guys-"
They both agreed without any obstacles on that fact, making (Y/N) continue. "on the other hand- my dad would kill me if he knew- and we're simmiliar in that area, also your advices aren't the "Steve the hair Harrington" kind of way meaning they can actually make up my train of thoughts-"
Noticing the gears turning in his friends head, he decided to give the girl time to process every information she was given and look out for things that could make her trip again.
After collecting her rapid thinking Robin began to slowly speak up. "So you want to tell me about your crush and want my help with comming with conclusion for it?"
Cathing the eye contact taller boy sudently felt shy and the overthinking started working it's magic inside his brain. "Basically- it's ok if you don't want to listen about it, it's kind of pointless-"
Cutting off the self hated shit (Y/N)s mouth produced, Robin tried to lighten up the mood in her own way. "We are literaly in hell, anything could kill us at any minute and we really don't have anything better to do than walk to Nancys house, praying there will be some clue how to get out of here. I don't mind, and if it helps us get some sort of tension out by speaking like we do everyday? Count me in."
Chuckling at the shorter gils antics (Y/N) relaxed his shoulders knowing there would be no judging in what he's about to confess. "Right- well. The basics: He's tall, got those warm brown eyes, long dark hair, dunno why but the rings do it for me also he's a tottal goof ball if you got to know him better. You've actually meet him not that long ago. Oh and everyone in this fucked up town wants him dead, thinking he's a cult leader responsible for all the killings."
With mouth half open at the relevation, gazing up and down at the boy walking next to her, blond haired girl shook her head. "Wow...  never in my life have I heard anybody describe a person that way, also- never thought metalheads were your type?"
"I'm being totally honest with you here- I didn't know that untill one day we meet at the RRs place and it turned out I'm not the only dealer around here."
This time she was full on staring.
"We've been friends for so long and you didn't tell me?"
"I though you already knew this!"
Her dramatic and weird hands gestures nearly hit the flannel wearing boy in the face. "How was I supposed to?"
Moving his hands up in surrender, avoiding the danger of possibility getting knock out, (Y/N) laughed quietly "Steve's nickname for me is literally grass boy?"
"I though it ment as in gardening like, moving the lawn, triming hedges or even planting the flowers!"
"Yea, planting the flowers that get you high-"This response got the two dissaprooving looks by Nancy as they laugher was getting louder by the second.
Trying to keep quiet not to anger the shorter girl, Robin simply changed the subject of the conversation. "Ok, back on the track of the main problem, I'm sure you've seen his back pocket? The bandana? There is still a chance, the worst that could happend would be rejection."
"You know unlike Steve, I don't hate that you're right most of the time.. thanks Robs, for hearing me out."
"No problem, that's what friends are for."
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astvs-p1ece · 3 years
do you do requests for p1harmony imagines if you do could you do one about how they would act around there idol crush!
A/N: of course! This is my very first ask and I was excited to wrote that. Sorry you had to wait ! I hope you will like it 💙💙 All of the scenarios are short this time, but I wanted to keep them like that :))
T/w: nothing! It's just a fluff, boys being a little bit shy you know the jezz
P1harmony scenrio:
You are his idol crush!
He laughed akwardly seeing the comments on Vlive. Few hours before, the boys had a stage for a MusicBank and your group shered it with them.
He had hope his red ears and face would not be notticed my anyone, but it was all that p1ces were talking about right now. He recalled the memory of your dialog that was scripted. After the rehearsal he thought he could handle your eye contact, but feiled miserably after you had to do aegyo.
It wasn't his foult you were so freaking cute and that your laugh made him giggle a little too much!
"It wasn't that deep, guys!" He say to the camera. "There was just so hot and this just influenced my temperature!!"
But even the emberresment he felt for hours and now again, wasn't a big price for your number you gave him after the show. His akwardness made him seem funny in your eyes and after the encouragement from your group members you shoot your shot.
He blushed again at this memory.
He realised he was looking at you for a little too long at the award show. But how could he not? Your outfit was really making you look like a fairy and your smile while you were giving a winning speech was someting he could watch all along.
Don't be weird, he thought to himself and took his eyes off of you to look at his fans and wave a little to them. He then remembered his menager's restrictions about not interacting with any idol too much to not couse any rumors.
Keeping that in mind he looked at you once again and then at the table the boys were sitting by. Playing with water's bootles, he was listening as you were continuing your heartwarming thanks.
After that part was over, the crowd applause you again and Theo felt his heands burning because of his harsh smacks.
"So pretty" He mumblle to himself and then the rest of boys started to laugh, pointing to him that his flushed face was on the big screen now. He get his grip together now that he was given more attention to, but he couldn't make the red cllour on his ears go away.
Yes, the script sometimes made him cringe, but wasn't it worth it when he could litearlly see you few times a week? It definitly was.
He felt really lucky when he heard that you will be his MC partner for Inkigayo. It was a great oppurtunity to get to know you. Yeah, the emberresment was definitly worth it. He kept telling this to himself before your first show.
God, the things he did to become friends with you...
"You don't have to be this nervouse, Jiung. This is a part of being an MC and this is so normalise nobody will really pay atention to the shit we're saying" You smiled at him and tried to cheer him up a little.
Jiung was a really geuine person and in your eyes he was good friend, so you didn't like seeing him like this. You hoped your words would helped him even tho you knew you didn't said very much.
And it did helped him. He felt a storm of butterflys in his stomach when you smiled at him like and when he realise you grew close togheter althought you didn't knew each other for a long time.
Intak smiled at the screen of his phone.
Recently your group released a new content. The episodes weren't too long and it main purpose was to keep your fans entertained. So Intak, as your fanboy no.1, was very entertained seeing how much screen time you got.
All of your members were wearing the headbands with animal's ears and you looked particulary cute with fox ears, all excited trying so hard to win and get snacks.
After he finished watching the video, he cought himself smiling a little too much and he was honestly suprised he got this happy from just a video. He already knew he had a soft spot for you and for him you kept getting more and more atractive each time he saw you, but his feelings weren't deep and he wasn't crushing on you, right?
Later when you two met at the company building, he accidenly said he thinks foxes suied you. It made you blushed, you didn't thought he was watching all of your content. And it also made him blush, panicked that he just made his crush for you so oblivious.
In the week you weren't seeing each other, Intak was getting thru mini breakdown over your latelest interaction. But it gave you a confidence to akwardly flirt with him next time you saw him and ask for his number, so at the end of the week, Intak turn from an emberessment bean to a happy bean full of love and energy.
"Have you seen new Y/N's vlive?" Jongseob read the comment on their live. Shota made it very clear before that he was your fanboy and talked to p1ces about some of your songs.
"No, something happend on it? I think I had classes on that time."
After that, the comment section blew up with the explenetions. Apparently, you were doing solo mugkbang and when you asked about songs recomendations your fans sugested P1Harmony. After listening to some of their songs, you then stared watching MV videos and dance practices.
He honestly didn't know what to say, so he only told fans that he will watch this vlive later. Althought he seemed pretty calm on the outside, he felt like the excitment was almost too much to hendle. Thought about you, his long time celebrity crush, acknowledging him was someting he didn't expected all of sudden.
After few hours, when he finally had time, he watched that and you really said you love his dance break, huh? This gave Shota a confidence bost. He hopeed that someday he will be able to thank you in person for this compliment.
Your groups were on a show where after recognising a song, you had to dance to it.
Before shooting your groups had time to say hello. Your members were goofing around with the boys and you were a little too shy to join, so you stand closer to the quiter members of P1Harmony.
You were talking with Jongseob and Shota when you realised that you were looking a little too much at the yunger boy. They both were really inteligent and funny, but Jongseob atracted you with his cute smile and witty remarks. Because of that you blushed so much and said you had to ask stylist to fix your makeup.
You stayed in the other room with your eldest member to the time the shooting was about to start.
The game was fun and since you really loved kpop dances you stayed on the middle of the dance floor almost all the time. Laughing, you listened hosts as they were commenting on your dance skills.
"Really, you stayed there so much you didn't even caught Jongseob looking all the time at you with doe eyes." This took you off guard. Your blush came back to your face and left you speechless.
When you were hiding behind your leader's back not knowing what to say. Jongseob thought he was going to die. He felt like a kid when his crush was being exposed, and to be honest this is exactly what was happening.
He looked at the other members and luckily they didn't fail to rescue him.
"Yeah, when Y/N dances it's hard to not look at her. I think it's normal when someone is this talented" your member add.
Shooting was over and you calm down a little. You waited for the opurtinity and told Jongseob you also coudn't stop looking at him. This day you came back to dorms with big smile, his kakaotalk ID and your members constant teasing.
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
How HQ Boys React to Someone Flirting With Their S/O
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Character(s) included: Atsumu & Osamu
Requested by: My sibling who doesn't read my work lmao.
Warning(s): Cursing, Forcefully pinned to a wall [Atsumu], Hand forcefully around your waist [Atsumu]
Song of the day: Where Do I Go? by Lizzy McAlpine
A/N: Ah okay here is the new prompt. To kick it off we have "Grey hair both twins" requested by my sibling. Anyways this will be a Multipart series so request who you will want next! Thank you all for the love on my last series so hopefully you will like this one too. This one can be a bit heavy, being that this "flirting" can be very forceful as shown in the warnings. Please keep this in mind before you decided to "read more". If you wanna chat don't be scared, I like to think I am quite the kind person. ALSO- Please check out my cool moot @taeyamayang [i hope it is okay if I tag you..]
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
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Atsumu was always invited to parties and rarely went but today was different, today was celebration of their newest victory. So it would be weird not to bring his lover right..? Of course it would. Sadly you weren’t much of a social person. You looked amazing but Atsumu knew how much you hated compliments like that, it made you feel like that’s all you were good for. Like that was the only reason people stuck around. Which was why Atsumu normally complemented your intelligence, or amazing sense of imagination, or your strong sense of wrongdoing but not only that but so much more. He made you feel so loved in his arms. So maybe this once everything would go okay. It wasn’t like you could say no to going to such a big advent. It was important for Atsumu so it was important for you too.
When the night came up more anxiety hit, you weren’t one to party or anything so this was not something you were used to. You grabbed one of your more ‘fancy’ pieces of  clothing. The last time you wore it was years ago. It was a beautiful outfit so much that Atsumu claims when he saw it on you he fell in love. He just had to talk to you. He had heard so much about how you were so free and he loved that. He loved people who just rolled with it. Which was exactly what type of person you were. You were deep in love.
Atsumu walked out in this dark blue suit. God he looked so fucking hot. He had his hair styled back, he had a white shirt underneath the blue jacket. He was wearing a matching tie. “How is ma angel feeling?” he chuckled softly, meeting you in the mirror wrapping his arms around your waist burying his face in your neck. “ya smell so good.. yer perfume is so sweet.. I could eat you up,” he chuckled softly, his words muffled as kissing your neck as he held you.
“Baby that tickles,” you laughed softly, holding on to his arms. God, you felt safe in his arms. “I am good, how are you? You look amazing, hopefully nobody tries to steal you from me.” You laughed though to be honest you weren’t joking. He was all over the internet. He was the man of everyone’s dreams. Tall, handsome, funny, cute, strong, he was free and so much more.
“I am doing great, baby.. ah you know that wouldn’t happen, love,” he kissed you again. “Come baby let's go out to the front they are waiting,” he took your hand as you guys walked out to the front and was met with a limousine, “You guys are too extra,”  he muttered as he opened the door. There was Bokuto, Sakusa, Hinata, their partners and a few of their friends. “Where is the rest of the team?” He chuckled softly as he sat down gesturing to you to sit next to him which you did.
“Because we had to wait for you, they left already,” Sakusa muttered, sounding a bit pissed but his partner gently nuzzled him and he seemed to calm down in their arms.
“Ah I am sorry to all of you this was all my fault I took a bit longer then I should,” You smiled softly as they reassured you it was okay. As you arrived at the party the paparazzi was already waiting for the rest of the team to come out. The door opened and immediately the cameras started clicking which made you nervous. Atsumu’s warm arm wrapped around you as he kissed your head.
“Come on angel.. let's go have some fun then we can go home and cuddle,” he smiled softly as you shook your head. “I love you,” he whispered softly as he led you out. Cameras surrounding the others as they came out with their partners. You nuzzled into his side a bit more, gently he tightened his grip on you as you walked inside the large building. Loud noises surrounded you as he led you to the rest of the team. “Hey guys! This is ma angel!” he called out as they smiled a bit. A few laughs were heard. God he really was good at embarrassing you but to be honest you have only been dating like 3 months. You were at every game but still he acted like no one ever noticed you.
After an hour or so he offered to get everyone drinks, which everyone accepted and next thing you know Atsumu, Bokuto, Sakusa and Hinata were off grabbing the drinks while everyone else kinda stayed in a huddle. The music was too loud so you kinda moved to a corner waiting for him to return. Well in that moment someone decided to take their shot with you. Making their way over, you already noticed a few things. They seemed confident, a bit too confident. Flaunting to their friends about how some way they were going to get you. Some way he was going to make you fall in love at first sight. News flash.. you didn’t. Quite the opposite you wanted to leave as soon as you saw them approaching. “Hey Hun~ are you alone?” he questioned. Of course not. No one in their right mind would go to a party like this by themselves. Instead of answering you kept quiet. Which made them pursue you farther. “Awe don’t worry it is nothing to be embarrassed about~ I will keep you company.” They chuckled softly. Taking a step closer you were clearly uncomfortable.
“I am not alone.. I am with my boyfriend..” you muttered softly, your eyes glued to the ground, scared to even look up. You weren’t too good with things like this where they would push and push, to the point where you were forced to except. To the point where you would give your information just to be fucking left alone. You just wanted Atsumu to come back soon.
“Come on, give me some sugar. Your boyfriend doesn’t need to know about us, eh? It will be our little secret. I can tell you're smart. So why not just hand over the phone number and maybe we can hang out soon? That sounds nice right..?” Their voice was annoying, it wasn’t calm or sweet like Atsumu’s. It was demanding and rough. He didn’t care what you wanted. He didn’t.. he was going to push till you gave it out. You just had to hold on a bit longer and maybe Atsumu would be able to save you from this terrible, awkward moment. You just had to wait a bit more.. just a bit longer. Before you could say anything his hand was already around your waist
“Please get off me,” you pushed him off. Which seemed not to be the right move because next thing you know you were forcefully pinned to a wall, his arms tightly around your waist.
Next thing you know he is off you and then shouting. “Who the fuck do you think you are touching ma angel?” There he was, Atsumu. Finally.. It felt like it took ages but now he was here. He punched the guy in the face and you immediately rushed to his side to try and calm him down. He gently wrapped his arms around you. There it was. That warm feeling only he could give you. That safe feeling. He wasn’t forcing you to hug him or anything. You felt safe in his arms. You held him close. “ya okay angel.. I am sorry I took so long,” he muttered as he gently kissed your head. “He didn’t hurt ya did he? I will kill him, don't worry, just tell me,” he whispered in your ear. The guy was still recovering from the hit.
“I am okay.. thanks to you,” you whispered softly as you held on tight. To be honest you were a bit scared, not that Atsumu was going to hurt you but that you couldn’t tell if Atsumu was kidding when he said that he would kill that guy. He sounded dead serious but you really wanted to think of it as a joke. All you wanted to do was walk away right now. You wanted to go back to the group and pretend none of that happend. But of course that could happen. Of course that couldn’t because someone really wanted to piss off Atsumu.
“You know it sucks that cutie is left with you, I mean you only punch someone when they aren’t looking at you.. are you that worried? It is funny, now come on cutie do you really wanna be with this guy? I have a bunch of money.. that's why you're with him right?” Of course not. You really loved him. But right now you could tell he was pissed and you didn’t know what to do to calm him down. He let go of you and next thing you know he wasn’t in your arms anymore but on the floor punching the guy, making a mess out of him. You wanted it to stop. It only took a minute max before Bokuto and a few other people were pulling Atsumu off what was left of the guy. He was covered in his own blood now. Atsumu just looked annoyed, he wanted to kill the guy, or that's what it seemed like, it really seemed like he wanted him dead right now.
“Atsumu what the fuck are were thinking you could have gotten pulled from the next match for that shit!” Sakusa scolded, “I understand that you are pissed at him but that shit isn’t what you pull! Look at him!” he pointed to the guy. “When were you going to stop if we didn’t pull you off huh?” He seemed upset. You on the other hand were still in shock.
Atsumu made his way over to you and stood in front of you unsure what to say to you. So you took the lead, “fuck Atsumu,” you muttered as you clung to him his arms wrapping around you next. “What in gods name were you thinking, Sakusa is right, you could very much be fucking kicked from the next few games.” You muttered softly in his chest.
“I wanted to make sure he would keep his mouth shut about you. He had no right talking about you as if you are just an object. He had no right touching you. So I gave him a taste of his own medicine. I touched him without him asking and frankly I don’t regret it. I would do it all over again and I wouldn’t mind being suspended from the game if that means you would be okay and that he wouldn’t be touching you ever again.” He muttered back. “I really love you and it pissed me off. I am sorry if you are disappointed with me but there is a fine line with me, and he crossed it. He pushed me to the edge, I wasn’t going to do much more than that one punch if he just shut his pretty little mouth. But of course he had to bring up the fact that yer be a better fit with him.. I couldn’t let that pass by. I just couldn’t lose you.. please forgive me angel..” he muttered. Clearly he was a bit drunk as his words slurred a bit. He seemed all over the place but it was okay. “I really just wanted to protect ya..” he chuckled a bit. He didn’t seem to regret doing it but maybe he seemed a bit upset because he worried you were upset with him, which you really weren't. To be honest it was quite the opposite. You were so happy he did that, otherwise you would probably still be in that ‘guys’ arms.
“‘Tsumu thank you.. if it wasn’t for you I don’t know what I would be doing without you right now. You really saved me back there and not only that but you really make me lose my mind when I am around you. You really are the love of my life. So no, I am not disappointed or any of that shit, if anything I am worried about will happen to you now that you did that, I really don’t want you to get in trouble because you decided to help me get out of my mess… I am sorry that you were dragged into this baby.” you muttered as you kissed his head.  You weren’t lying when you said you were worried.
“Don’t worry about me angel, I will be okay. Okay? Don’t feel bad it was ma idea to attack the guy, none of that was yer fault. It is everything but your fault you wouldn’t have had to come if I hadn’t begged you too. If I didn’t go get the drinks and leave you by yourself you would have had to deal with him.. if he listened to you when you said no then everything would have been okay and everything would have gone much smoother. If he hadn’t made that remark he would not be in the state he is in. So angel none of what has happened was yer fault. Believe me okay, I really love you and I don’t want yer worrying about this. I will handle everything and keep you updated..”
You shook your head softly as you held him close, “I love you too babe.. I love you so fucking much.. thank you..” you whispered. You were a bit cold, and it must have been noticeable because Atsumu took off his jacket and placed it on you. “thanks..” you closed your eyes for a moment taking in his embrace.
In the end in a not so surprising amount of events Atsumu was benched for a little bit of time, for some reason he still claims it was worth it even though his teammates don’t. Which he almost threw a fit over, because they didn’t think that , ‘protecting his angel was worth not playing a few games’, though in reality they just meant that there were other ways that he could have gone about it but he decided to take the most violent approach. Which didn’t seem to work out in his favor. In the end the guy tried to press charges but after a bit decided to drop it. Nobody knows why but they think it had something to do with the lawyer or something. You and Atsumu were happy and that all that mattered. He was always there to protect you. He would never let that happen again. At night he held you closer than ever after that happened. He made sure you felt comfortable as he had one leg on top of you as the rest of his body was wrapped around yours. Which was surprisingly comfortable.
You just had one thing bugging you so you decided to address it. “Atsumu.. remember when that guy said that I was only with you because of your money.. I really hope you understand that he couldn’t be more wrong. I love you for so many things like your freeness, your ability to change, the way you can be so protective and loving at the same. Not only that but the stupid little things you do. Like the way you make stupid little jokes to lighten the mood. The way you call me when you are out and about just to make sure I am happy and am feeling okay, and if I am not how you make this cute little fucking dates to make me feel better. The way you remember small parts of a story that I tell you and will mention it at random times without even thinking.. The way even if something is not of your interest you take your time to learn it with me and listen to everything I tell you.. God you make me lose my mind but I really love you.. I really do..” you whispered breaking down into tears as he held you close.
“Angel.. it is okay.. you're always there for me. You make me feel special and you make me feel loved and for the first time in a while I find myself thinking I have finally one upped my brother. I have finally found someone who loves me for me and I really really love you. So don’t cry okay..? I never believed that guy. I know you love me and I hope you know I love more than just your body okay.. I love you so much so don’t ever.. ever think I don’t.” he held you to his chest. You gently shook your head. He was so good at making you happy. God he was just so fucking amazing. You really loved him and he really loved you too.
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Osamu always seemed to be favored, so naturally a lot of people asked him on dates, not only that but a lot of people did go on dates with him. But now you were dating him things slowed down. He stopped going on dates and naturally asked people to stop showing up when he was out with you. Well one thing for sure you are big now. You were Osamu’s lover. So of course people wanted you too now. You were everything everyone wanted, tied with the fact you were with Osamu and that just made you want more. This was a lot and to be honest you would have loved this before you met Osamu but now you kind of hoped all of that would stop. News flash it didn’t. Of course it didn’t, to be frank your opinion really matter to them, all that mattered was you were good looking enough to be with Osamu.
Your relationship was built on love and that’s all that mattered. You two really did love and trust each other. It was what your relationship was built on. It was what all relationships were built on. Your personalities went hand and hand. You loved going out and dancing. You loved midnight slurpees and driving on the freeway to nowhere, all windows down. You had to have the sunroof open and blasting music, singing on the top of your lungs. You loved the feeling. Osamu loved watching you feel so free, having so much fun with that amazing smile on your face. Who wouldn’t love that? You dragged Osamu to do cute things that nobody else would get. You loved dressing up, either in tight fitting clothing or loose fitted ones. It didn’t matter. You just loved the feeling. You felt invincible when you did that. You felt so free and you didn’t care if people judged you. Your opinion was the only one that mattered. You thought you looked amazing and that’s all that mattered to you. You loved dancing in the rain. Osamu didn’t mind at all. He loved to be with you and he was open to new things no matter how ridiculous it was. You guys jumped off a fucking plane one time together. Of course with a parachute but god you guys trusted each other that much.
This was the man you wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He was everything you ever wanted.. and now you had him as your partner and god that made you so happy. You were so happy. Your two year anniversary was soon and you knew you had to do something big. You got the whole day ready, you started off with just a movie. It was a romance movie, and you planned to ease into it. You didn’t wanna do anything too much. Something where you two could just be near each other. It might have sounded stupid, but that was all you really needed to be happy at the moment. You just felt so free when he was near you. You felt so fucking happy with him, and it was so hard to explain.
Then you had dinner together, you decided it would be best to have something more fancy. You wanted to show all your appreciation for all he had done for you. He stuck by your sides at your lowest moments and you didn’t know what else to say but thank you. You wanted to show how much you loved him, and to be frank, you weren’t too good at showing your affection. Everyone told you that. You knew it was true. You knew from your last relationships. You wanted this one to be different.. you couldn’t let him leave you, you couldn’t live without him now that you were dating him you felt safe, but never really comfortable. Too afraid to lose him, too afraid to fully let loose around him. You didn’t wanna scare him off. You really wanted to make this last.
Lastly, a nice walk.. right now they had a Christmas tree show. They were decorated.. Little did he know you actually had a tree in the show. It was in a park area and people just gotta have hot coco and relax and walk and see the trees. You decorated one just of you two and such. You tried your best to make it look nice but in the end you were just overwhelmed and wanting to give up. Atsumu reassured he would love it, and he was lucky to even have you so there was nothing to worry about anymore. Osamu loved you and that wouldn’t change over just some stupid tree. You have been good to him.. right?
When you met with him he was all dressed up. You two decided to wear matching scarfs and you were excited to see he went through with it. It was a warm dark burgundy color. With that he had a brown large coat and just classical dark brown shoes on. You were wearing A white turtleneck, a regular sized brown coat, black boots, and the signature burgundy scarf. Osamu looked so good in it, you two were matching more then you too though you would but you were quite glad. You slowly walked over, it took a moment before Osamu gestured for you to take his hand which you happily did, You never took the lead for that stuff. You always waited for him to ‘let you’ take his hand. Which might be stupid but it has been two years now and would it be weird to start now..? You didn’t wanna push your luck. You didn’t wanna ruin anything right now. Not when you were so happy.. Not when everything felt so nice. Not when everything seemed to be going good. You just had to hold on a bit longer. Just a bit longer.. maybe a bit would be forever but as long as everything stayed like this then you would be more than happy to continue as you did.
You guys arrived at the movie a bit later, You guys got one of the best seats in the whole theater but not only that but you also had the best person next to you in the entire world. Osamu. For most of the movie you guys exchanged loving glances and such. Your hands were cold as you interlocked with his. His fingertips were warm to the touch and not only that but holding his hand made you so happy. This date made you so happy. Just hanging out with him made you so happy. Sometimes it felt as if you couldn’t breathe and maybe that was a bad thing.. but god that tight pain in your chest made you feel so happy. You started to crave that feeling.
“The movie was great, baby.. Thanks for taking me to it.” He chuckled a bit, kissing your cheek as you two got up and started walking to dinner.
“Mhm of course love.. thanks for coming with me..” You muttered you were not too good with feelings so maybe this wasn’t the right thing to say at the moment but you didn’t mind.
“Ya of course, I am glad that you came out with me.” He whispered his grip tightening a bit as you walked with him. “I love you so much hun..” He muttered and in response you just smiled and shook your head. Osamu wasn’t one to throw around the word love. You learned that when you mentioned something about someone's appearance and saying you loved it. It started this stupid argument about how strong the world love meant. Osamu never liked it when you mentioned someone else and in the same sentence said the word love. He felt as if that word was and should only be used with people who are close to your heart, not just some random classmate or waiter. At first you didn’t understand but then Atsumu explained that Osamu’s last relationship ended because of cheating. He used to use the word love with everything but now only for you, and you alone.
After a few minutes you finally said something about it, “I love you too my darling..” you whispered in his ear as you held the door open for him. You moved to the side letting him go in first. You smiled a bit as you got moved next to him,  waiting for your turn to be seated. You luckily made a reservation, the place was packed with people, but of course it was. It always was, so now with Christmas coming up you weren’t surprised people were trying to get anything close to then. Soon enough you were seated and all you could focus on was Osamu, and his small beautiful smile. His perfectly calm face. His sweet tone. All that made you so happy. It always made you so happy. He glanced up from the menu chuckling a bit as he spoke, “Hun.. are you going to look at the food or me the whole time? I don’t want you going hungry,” he smiled a bit.
“Oh.. sorry,” you felt the warmth of the blood rush to your cheeks and tips of your ears. You didn’t think he had noticed, and since he did it was more embarrassing than you thought it was going to be. You glanced at the menu, you smiled a bit as you found what you wanted. Looking back up your eyes met with his and you immediately looked back down. “For someone who told me to look at the menu instead of the person of you then I would think you would do the same,” You smiled softly looking back up to find his ears and cheeks having hints of pink.
“Well I have picked out my food have you, hun?” He smiled a bit as he looked up to you. You and him always got the same thing, though you both pretended to act like that wouldn’t happen, you both pretended that you were interested in other options. Maybe because it felt really repetitive or something but it was what you liked.
“Mhm the same as always.. Are you getting what you usually do..?” You asked and in response he just shook his head. You order soon after. Once the food came, it was the same as always. The flavor coating all over your mouth. You were quite happy with the taste. You always ordered a cream sauce risotto, with mushrooms and shrimp. Osamu ordered squid ink pasta with a cream sauce and shrimp as well. The food was always so good so you were glad it was the same today. After you got dessert. Osamu whispered something to the waiter as they walked away. A few minutes later they came back with a lemon sorbet. Next thing you know Osamu smiled a bit and pulled out a small box flipping in open. There were two initials carved into it. They were matching promise rings.
“Y/n, I love you so much. You were always there for me and I want to thank you. I know we are both still young but I want to make sure you will stay mine. So y/n can you make a promise that when the time comes we will marry..?” He asked softly. You were tearing up a bit as you shook your head and then the ring slipped on. God it was perfect. But now you were worried your gift wasn’t good enough being that Osamu bought you a ring and you just decorated a tree. Osamu and you finished dinner by getting up. Now just one more place to go. The Christmas tree show. You walked with him slowly, not wanting him to be so disappointed faster. When you arrived at the park Osamu ran to the bathroom for a second. To be honest he had been nervous the whole time so now he just wanted to freshen up a bit.
As you waited for him a male approached you. “Hey love.. you here alone?” he chuckled a bit. A bitter smile plastered on his face.
“No, I am actually here with my boyfriend. I am just waiting for him at the moment,” You tried to give a smile back, though you didn’t like the nickname love, It made you feel as if he and you were in a relationship, though you haven’t met this man once.
“Ah  what a shame that he is making such a pretty face wait..” He muttered, “how about you and me get a hot chocolate? Hm?” He chuckled a bit more. Though it seemed extremely forced, unnatural.
“No I just wanna wait for him, but thank you for the offer,” He was taller than you, maybe Osamu’s height. Close to that. You didn’t feel comfortable, you felt anything but comfortable right now you just wanted to leave. You didn’t wanna be near this guy one more minute, but at the same time you wanted to wait for Osamu to come out of the bathroom so he didn’t think you left him. So In the end you just waited for him.
“Ah well could I just get your number sweetheart..?” He chuckled a bit, throwing those nicknames that made you want to throw up that made you want to cry out for help. But when you said no he just kept pushing. Then that warm arm around your waist. Osamu's warm arm.
“Oh hey,” He knew what was happening but he knew that you were more loyal than anyone else he had ever met, he knew that you didn’t feel comfortable, “sorry for making you wait hon, we can go see the Festival now okay?” He lucky got you out of there, “I am sorry about that hun did he do anything to you,” He asked, walking down the trail slowly.
“No he didn’t do anything, don't worry, thank you for helping me get out of there, I really appreciate it,” you muttered softly. Soon enough you had arrived at the tree, his face turned from stunned to a weird emotion that you couldn’t quite read. Which was quite new you normally could understand what he was trying to say and now this just made you ten times more worried then you should have been.
“You did this..?” He muttered softly, turning to you as you shook his head, “Ah I see, I really like it. That photo is when we first met. I was so nervous.. Did I tell you that? I saw you just sitting there and I thought I was late. That one is from the first time you met my brother, oh god he even annoyed me with the amount of questions he asked you. That one was from our first slushy night, after your bitch of a friend dumped you to hang out with the cooler kids though I swear you were the coolest person in the world. Oh at that one is when we were about to go skydiving together, god I was so terrified did I tell you that? You acted so excited so I tried to pull off a cool face but once we were doing it god it was so fun. This is so beautiful. Thank you baby.. This is the best gift in the entire world.” He whispered tears falling from his cheeks as he pulled you to a hug. “God I love you baby..” You felt all the worry and doubt melt off of your shoulders. You were so glad he liked it. You were so glad he remembered these memories. These were some of the best memories of your life but you knew more were going to come.
“I love you so much too baby. I was so worried you weren’t going to like it. God thank god. You do so much for me and I couldn’t wish for anything more than this. You are the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I feel so free with you, I feel so happy with you, I feel like myself with you.. I get nervous to hold your hand. Every time you smile I just fall in love again. Everything you do makes me feel so free and happy, and I don’t want this feeling to ever end so thank you so much for everything you ever did for me. Those slushy nights are the best nights of my life, any time when I am with you I feel like nothing can hold me back. Nothing can harm me. You make me feel like royalty.. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but thank you for staying with me. I love you so much.” You muttered softly. Next thing you know you were pulled into a kiss. His warm lips pressed on yours, both of your salty tears mixing with each other. Little i love you're falling from both of your lips. This is how it was supposed to go. You and him, forever. You were soulmates, you knew you guys had to be.
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kevkesblog · 4 years
Translation: Julian Brandt Interview for “11 Freunde” (June 18, 2020)
Attention: long post! Julian talks about overblown salaries in football, why he even stays at two-star hotels, why he thinks football should not be dramaticly reformed and why you won’t see him in Gucci clothing & more.
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Julian Brandt, what do you miss the most at the moment?
Ju:     Just going outside and sitting in a café with some friends. Enjoying a bit more freedom. But I think many people have the same wishes right now.
Yet, the break because of the Corona pandemic seem to have lifted you. You were involved in all four goals during the 4-0 win against Schalke.
Ju:     I would still have preferred it, without the break. I mean it’s like this: sometimes you need just a few days to arrive at a place, sometimes it takes months. Feeling well in a city, a club and with my teammates is important. I’m a football player that needs a comfortable environment.
How was it for you at BVB in the beginning?
Ju:     There were definitely no fireworks at the beginning. But honestly, I kind of expected to need more time. I think thats normal after five and a half years at Bayer Leverkusen. It was a great time there, but in the end it was a comfort zone for me. I switched to BVB because I wanted to do something new.
And because Marco Reus asked you.
Ju:     Many people were in favour of me going to Dortmund. Even my mother wore yellow pullovers astonishingly often, during the time before my transfer happend. And Marco asked me at the national team, that’s true. I felt honored, but I saw a chance playing for a team which plays competitively for the title until the end of the season and is represented in the Champions League regularly, those were the main reasons for my transfer.
What else is different in Dortmund than in Leverkusen?
Ju:     Dortmund is bigger in almost every regard. Even the stadium is enormous and it becomes even more imposing with people in it. Building such a stadium somewhere is one thing. Brining it to live however like in Dortmund – that’s an art in and of itself. You don’t get that very often in Europe. Leverkusen – and I have to be honest here – has never been on my radar for me as a boy. But it’s the perfect club if you want to develop as a young player. I already suspected this after I talked to Rudi Völler for the first time.
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I was told, you said „Rudi Völler has honest eyes“ to your father afterwards.
Ju:     He has a sincere attitude. I would have believed everything he said. And his promises became reality. We were playing attractive and successful football. And you don’t get so much pressure as a young player from the outside. The media landscape for example is much smaller in Leverkusen than elsewhere.
Do you miss the fans in the stadium in Dortmund?
Ju:     I was never that guy who was aware of stuff that happend on the stands. But after the game against Inter Mailand, where we were behind 0-2 before the break and won 3-2 in the end – I recognized how important football is for the people here and how much they were willing to support us. It was so honest, authentic and direct. One of the best games thus far.
Before that Michael Rummenigge critized you as „C-youth player“. That was after the Inter game where you scored as well. Was that a key moment?
Ju:     Everybody can voice their opinions that’s totally fine for me. I’m not a person who jumps on it.  And I wasn’t really satisfied with my game as well. Perhaps the 2-1 win against Gladbach a few days before was a turning point. Not only, because I scored twice, but rather because I was able to play on the ten for the first time. After that my game became better.
You said in the beginning of your time at BVB „Peter Bosz liked the risk. We don’t really have that here in Dortmund“. Did the way you play now changed?
Ju:     We play nice football under Lucien Favre. He likes an offensive tactic. Adding that, we score alot of goals. But Peter Bosz was a special coach in that regard because we played a modern version of football with a high amount of ball possesion – often over 80 percent. And we not only wanted to keep the ball all the time, while playing until our opponent gets tired like it’s the case with tiki-taka football. We were always on the attack. At BVB we put more emphasis on the defensive at the beginning. It was a change for me, since I wanted to have the ball and not running behind him all the time.
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Is football an elegant game?
Ju:     My room as child was full of „Bravo“-magazine posters with offensive players. Nedved, Robinho, Del Piero and the best among the best: Ronaldinho. I liked it whenever players carry their street football skills to the pitch. Whenever somebody is looking for something spectacular. I want to gamble and not just act in a rigid system.
Doesn’t modern tactics prevent something like this?
Ju:     You are basically being funneled at youth football academies with: receive the ball, passing, receiving, passing. There a strict requirements you have to follow. But I think good teams need self-confident players, saying „No, I won’t fit in, but I rather go into a one-on-one situation“. We have such guys in our national team. Leroy Sané or Timo Werner. Kai Havertz is a player who has a street football mentality too. Often it looks very easy, but it’s not. It just passed over into blood.
You are wearing the jersey number 10 at the national team. Like you also wore at Leverkusen. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     I feel lighter in some sense. Perhaps because I know that you have to earn the number ten. Not like in the past, but I do think it has a certain meaning yes.
We heard you don’t like to talk about your strengths. Why?
Ju:     I think, it looks like I’m a show off. I have enough self-confidence already.
Yet you do know that you can shoot really good. Who taught you?
Ju:     Many things happened because I just tried. I even knew as a ten-year old boy: if I want to become a great football player I have to be able to shoot well with both feet. So, for weeks I shoot with my left foot on our lawn. Shot, flank, pass. It helped a lot. I met Federico Palacios during my youth time in Wolfsburg. He taught me insane techniques. I had a phase were I was obsessively training my first contact: not trying to stop the ball between the lines, but rather take the ball without defender nor midfielder getting the ball instead.
What are your weaknesses?
Ju:     My headers. But I’m currently working on it and I often score. At least without opponent (laughs). Some people say I can work more on my defensive work. And yes, there is some truth to it, even after I already worked on it for quite some time. The thing is: I’m not an aggressive person, its not who I am. But of course, I understand whenever coaches say I need to have a certain minimum amount of aggressive behavior on the pitch.
Do you have a career plan?
Ju:     No, everything I do, I do spontaneously.
But everything you do looks so reasonable: youth football for your home club. Training at a football academy in Wolfsburg. Professional debut at Bayer Leverkusen, your transfer to BVB a year ago…
Ju:     Honestly: I could not have imagined going to VfL Wolfsburg as well at the beginning. Why should a boy do this, when he basically grew up just a 20 minute bike ride away from the Weser stadium in Bremen and was standing in the fan curve in his youth?
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Because Werder [Bremen] overlooked you?
Ju:     That’s not true. I even got invited to a try-out training. But then I looked at some other academies. I wasn’t only looking at VfL Wolfsburg. For example I looked at FC St. Pauli as well. Yet, I had the best feeling with Wolfsburg.
Especially during the ages 15 to 18 a lot is happening: you grow, your muscle mass is increasing, you slowly get to play with the professionals. On the other hand, many doors are opening. Your friends go partying for example. I liked being on a football academy for two and a half years. You couldn’t leave the campus after 11 o’clock in the evening. Apart from that we were very successful and won the German a-youth championship. But I can still remember how perplexed my parents were at the breakfast table, back when I told them about my decision to join Wolfsburg.
You are being called the “Anti-Star” of the business quite often. Does that do something with you?
Ju:     Many people seem to think it’s probably because I have no tattoos and my father is my agent. But to be honest: there are some football player clichées I fit in. I like fast cars. I like playing playstation and I have 40 pairs of shoes in my closet. I just try not to pretend to be someone else. I wouldn’t look good in a Gucci-pullover.
Others like to call you “premature”. You were allowed to train with the professionals at the age of 15 in Wolfsburg. How did you do that?
Ju:     That was insane and unreal. I was riding my bike to the training ground one day and the assistant coach Bernd Hollerbach took me to his side and said: “Introduce yourself to the coach”. So, I went into his office. “Hello Mr. Magath, I’m Julian from the under-17 team.” Of course, I was suspecting he already knew me otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten an invitation. But he was just staring at the television. After a while – it felt like an eternity – he looked at me, didn’t say a word, total silence and then he turned away. And then I was sneaking out of the room.
Magath wanted to test you?
Ju:     I was unsettled a bit, but I wasn’t thinking about it anymore on the pitch. It doesn’t matter who is on your side, or whether your opponent is twenty years older than you and who your father is.
Did you nutmeg someone?
Ju:     I would have been beaten for that. On the other hand: the pain fades away, the nutmeg stays (laughs). I remember I unintentionally shoot a ball into Marvin Hitz’s face.
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How many agents were lining up at your doorstep at the time?
Ju:     I stopped counting it after a while. I don’t think all agents are bad but I don’t need one at the moment. I have my father. He may not be Mino Raiola with thousands of contacts all over the world. But he doesn’t need them.
Nevertheless: this son-father-constellation also has it’s potential conflicts…
Ju:     Our family sticks together – we are very harmonic and strong. I can’t remember a time where we were had an argument. I lived together with my brother in Cologne. I also have a connection with my father because of football. He used to play for the first team at SC Borgfeld – which was also my first club. I still remember: we went into the clubhouse whenever the Champions League was on. It was the best day of the week.
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Now it’s about big business. Do you know your own worth?
Ju:     It was downgraded since the outbreak of the pandemic. I read that on so some sites.
But it’s still 40 million euros. What does such a number do with you?
Ju:     I can handle that because I can manage those numbers quite well. There is a lot money floating around in football. And I know its not easy to comprehend it with normal standards anymore. We live in our own bubble in that regard. The salaries in football are in no relation to what normal people earn – even with football being the greatest sport on earth. But why is that the case? Because sponsors are flushing so unbelievable high amounts of money into football. I think it’s important not to make the sport a luxury item. It has to stay affordable. In the stadium as well as in front of the TV.
Explain to us: why does a professional football player negotiate whether he should get 10 or 11 million euros per year?
Ju:     It shows how greedy people can be sometimes. But that’s not football specific. It’s as unfair as the richest one percent of the world’s population owning more than half of the world’s wealth, right?
Could this crisis perhaps be a chance in order for football to calm down?
Ju:     Perhaps in the short term. For the next one or two years. If any. I can’t imagine a player like Mbappé being sold next year for 80 million euros. Someone will always pay those insane sums of money.
How do you ground yourself?
Ju:     Through my family and friends. Many are studying or doing an apprenticeship. It’s never about money when we talk, I just like having a great time with them. We don’t need a luxury vacation. But one time: we went to Mallorca for four or five days just as we qualified for the Champions League with Bayer Leverkusen. We stayed at a normal two-star-hotel, one room with a bed and a bathroom – that was it. We went to the beach and relaxed.
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Has there never been a situation where a friend or family member had to take you back to the ground?
Ju:     No. I can’t remember that I ever reacted arrogant or snooty. Or a situation where I thought: “Wow. That’s not who you are”. I’m fully aware of my very privileged life. In short: my greatest worry is whether we will win or loose on the weekends. It’s important to be thankful and to remind yourself what you got every once in a while.
Why do you have to remind yourself stuff like that all the time?
Ju:     In order for it never to become normal. I know cheese costs about 69 cents at the grocery store and a different one costs 1,29 euros. But if a tool or device breaks down I sometimes just buy myself a new one. Whereas in the past I would have repaired it by myself.
But is football still the same game you fell in love with as a kid?
Ju:     Absolutely. The game itself hasn’t really changed much. Okay, we have the goal line technology – which I support. And we got the video assistant referee, were people can argue. I abstain in that question. Once in a while, new ideas are being floated: like reducing the playtime to 60 minutes, new tournaments, elite leagues – I think it’s all bullshit. Keep football like it is. The way we learned it. With all its faults and tricky aspects. Even if something goes wrong.
Like during the World Cup 2018. Did you know that you could be the first DFB-team leaving the tournament after the group stage?
Ju:     At some point he heard of it. It doesn’t really look good on your vita but it happened. Perhaps we needed this in order for something new to emerge. You have to remember: other great football nations also failed in similar ways. Italy, Spain or France all crashed out of the group stage after they won the World Cup.
Did the photo with Mesut Özil and Erdogan brought some unrest into the team?
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Ju:     The fact that almost all reporting was revolving around that topic was irritating sometimes. Don’t get me wrong: I think its important for the media to cover political topics extensively and with background stories. But I remember after the game against Sweden – after we barely won because of Toni Kroos free kick: shortly after the game you get asked whether the poor performance during the first 75 minutes were due to the photo – and you thinking: why don’t we talk about the game? Mesut became the poster boy for the disappointing World Cup. That’s nonsense. We all played shitty.
During the Confed-Cup the year before, many young players were in the team. At the World Cup the established players came back. Did Löw put his trust into the wrong players in Russia?
Ju:     You can come to that conclusion afterwards, but you don’t know it in advance. I could fully understand Low though. He was loyal and in some cases he felt some gratitude. He couldn’t and he didn’t want to replace a World Cup winner from 2014 with a young player. The way we were defeated at the World Cup was not foreseeable. Because we also played great football between 2014 and 2018.
The team made it to the semifinals at the EURO 2016 and you became second with the Olympic football team in Rio.
Ju:     A great experience with a team that was just thrown together. A contribution of Horst Hrubesch.
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What makes him special?
Ju:     He is just great, the guy! He’s from a different generation which you can tell with a lot of things around him. Once he wanted to show me how to shot from the side. I almost tore my muscle fiber doing it. But he manages it very well forming a team with young players. He’s a very free coach and very direct. He always called me lazy (laughs). And he has a very nice and dry sense of humor.
An example?
Ju:     Me and the Bender-twins were sitting together shortly before the semifinal against Nigeria. He came up and said: “Guys, losing today doesn’t make any sense anymore.” A funny sentence, but also true if you think about it.
Julian Brandt, you made over 200 Bundesliga games, played Champions League and participated in one World Cup. You just turned 24. Do you even still have time to suck it all in and enjoy it?
Ju:     Football is quick. I can still remember coming to Leverkusen – as if it was yesterday: my first game for the under 23 team against Essen. My Bundesliga debut against Schalke a week later. That was a little more than six years ago already. Crazy. Veteran players always say: “Enjoy it, because quickly your career will be over.” But how should you enjoy it? A game every four or five days. New photos, new events. You don’t have an awful lot of time to let everything sink in for a moment. I usually do that on new years eve. On a friend’s balcony. I even get sentimental then.
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cherishingstydia · 4 years
You’ve Got My Back, And I’ve Got Yours
Trigger warning: mentions of gunshots and blood(not graphic or descriptive)
Buck has always wanted to keep Maddie safe. She’s his big sister, but he is very protective, and has always felt it’s his duty to keep her out of harms way. Now she’s in danger, and he has to save her.
The dispatch center is on lockdown and there are men in fake police uniforms holding the workers hostage. He wants to get in, but there are armed police officers surrounding the building, but he can’t leave her not now when she needs him the most. He still feels guilty about Doug taking her, even tho she’s told numerous times it wasn’t his fault.
With Chimney yelling, and insisting they let him through to save her it was just the distraction needed for him to slip by with out anyone noticing, but one person noticed. Eddie followed along.
“Eddie you can’t do this.” Buck demanded.
“Remember when I said you could have my back any day? Well you told me I could have yours. Well consider this me having your back. Anyway If you really think I’d let you go in there alone you’re crazy.” Eddie said.
The two of them snuck in and could see the area of which the workers were being held captive.
Buck saw one of the men in a fake police uniform raise his arm gun in hand he froze it was like everything he wanted to do he couldn’t. He wanted to grab Eddie and drop to the floor, but terror took over. This was it he was gonna be shot, but better him than Maddie. The man didn’t even seem to notice him or Eddie but he still fired the gun in their direction.
Before he could even compute what happened Eddie had pushed him to the ground.
“Thanks for having my back.” Buck said.
“Any day.” Eddie winced as he clutched his side.
“Eddie you’re hit.” Buck panicked and pulled Eddie to a near by closet where he could hopefully tend to the wound.
“Listen to me if anything happens.” Eddie said.
Buck removed his button down leaving him in a white V-neck he using the shirt to apply pressure to the wound as he cradled Eddie in his arms.
“Nothing is going to happen! We are gonna get you out. Gonna save them all.” Buck cried.
“Chris already lost his mom and if he loses me. I need you to be there...I know you will be, but I need you to raise him. I know how much you love him. Promise me you will.”
“Eddie I-“
“Promise me!”
“I promise.” Buck cried.
As soon as he heard Bucks promise his consciousness began to fade.
“I’m so tired.” Eddie said hoarsley
“Eddie stay with me please. Don’t leave me. I need you, Christopher needs you. You have to stay. Come on Eds I love you...please.....please don’t leave me.” Buck cried as Eddies eyes closed completely no longer fluttering back open.
“Please.” Buck cried as his tears soaked Eddies hair. “You’re a fighter!! Keep fighting.”
Buck didn’t know how long they were in that closet was it minutes or hours?
It felt like hours. He was praying for a miracle.Petrified that two of the most important people in his life needed him, and he was helpless. The worry the gunman would find them and finish the job before help arrived was overwhelmingly terrifying. Buck heard footsteps approaching the door. The door opened and Buck saw a man in a police uniform. He lowered his head into Eddies shoulder cowering in fear.
“I found them!” The man yelled.
Suddenly he saw Athena and he knew he was safe.
“Eddie was hit.” Buck cried as he looked down at the blood soaked shirt.
Athena radioed about the gunshot wound to get Eddie the help he needs:
“What about Maddie and Everyone else.”
“Maddie is fine. Eddies is the only injury that will require the hospital.” Athena said.
Buck didn’t even truly realize what was happening as Eddie was removed from his arms and put on the gurney. He walked out led by Athena. He was in a daze all the events were cloudy.
“Evan!” Maddie ran and wrapped her arms around Buck. “Eddie must’ve been hit by the warning shot. He shot his gun a few times to scare us.”
“It’s my fault.” Buck choked as tears streamed down his face.
“This is not your fault.”
“It is! I was stupid and reckless and now Eddie might die because of it.” Buck shook his head.
“Evan listen to me. Yes I will say neither one of you should have snuck in, but it is not your fault and it is not Eddies fault. The men who were arrested are completely at fault.” Maddie assured.
“I was supposed to have his back. I can’t lose him if he dies I-I-I can’t do it. I told him I would take care of Chris. I can’t...I’d want to, but I’d be so broken. That’s nothing a child should have to go through. This kid has been through more than any one I know. I couldn’t even keep him safe for one day, I can’t keep you safe, I can’t keep Eddie safe. I’m a fraud I’m supposed to save people it’s who I am, my job, but when I really need to I fall short every single time.”
“Stop it!” Maddie yelled. “You need to stop right now. I know this is awful and I know how much Eddie means to you. You have to realize you can’t blame yourself every time someone you love is hurt or in danger. You always want to take care of everyone else. Now let me take care of you.”
Despite being a foot taller than Maddie Buck was crouched down enough to where Maddie was cradling him. Her arms tightly wrapped around him and hand gently rubbing his head as she hummed.
Bucks breath was erratic, but slowly began to get back to normal.
“Hospital. I have to go I should’ve rode in the ambulance but I couldn’t. I was too scared. I’m such a coward.”
“They wouldn’t have let you ride along and you know it. Even brave people can be scared sometimes it doesn’t make you a coward it makes you human. Ev you ran into a hostage situation a coward would never do that. You’re brave. Braver than anyone I know. Look I know you, and you never give up so please have some hope and some faith that Eddie will be ok, and if you can’t it’s ok I have enough for the both of us.”
Buck got to the hospital and it felt like the entire place was spinning. He could hear the echoing of voices,but couldn’t focus enough to hear them. It was all so real, too real. Two words seemed to breakthrough for Buck to hear.
“Eddies ok.” Bobby said as he placed a hand on Bucks shoulder.
“He is? He was unconscious.” Buck said.
“It was just shock. He lost some blood,but the bullet didn’t hit anything vital. He’s gonna be ok.” Bobby said.
Buck collapsed to the floor fully sobbing. Bobby joined him on the floor arms wrapped around him as he wept.
When Eddie was finally allowed guests Buck went in, but he was asleep from the pain medication. Buck sat by his bedside holding his hand.
Eddies eyes flicked open.
“Eddie.” Buck said softly.
“You look like shit.” Eddie laughed wincing slightly from pain.
“Well it’s been a rough day. I thought I was gonna lose you.”
“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Eddie smiled.
“This is all my fault. Eds I’m sorry.” Buck said eyes once again full of tears.
“Did you mean it?” Eddie asked.
“Of course I meant it I’ve never been more sorry. Eddie you were shot because of me.”
“You saved me. You got me to a safe place to wait for help.”
“You never would have been there if it wasn’t for me.”
“ I couldn’t let you go alone. It was my choice there’s nothing you could have said or done to stop me. Now I’m gonna ask again Did you mean it?”
“Of course Eddie! I’m so sorry.” Buck apologized.
Eddie shook his head. “You love me?”
Buck went wide eyed. “You heard that?”
“Every word.”
“I meant it. Every word.” Buck said as he sat on the edge of Eddies bed.
“I love you Buck. You saved me.”
“That’s bull shit you wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for me. You would be at home with Chris.” Buck sighed.
“Hey.” Eddie placed his hand on Bucks thigh. “This is not your fault. Just because something bad happend doesn’t mean you should blame yourself. I trust you more than anyone.”
“How can you? I lost Chris and now this?”
“A natural disaster and a hostage taker are not your fault. You know this is one of the reasons I love you. Your compassion for others...you care so much, maybe even too much. Evan I promise you nothing you mentioned was your fault. Nothing at all. You got me to a safe place, you kept pressure on the wound, YOU saved me just like you saved my son.”
Eddie reached his arms out to hug Buck. Buck laid next to Eddie in the hospital bed. Eddie left a soft kiss on a Bucks temple.
“Do you believe me yet?” Eddie asked.
“I’m starting too.” Buck batted his eyelashes. “Why are you taking care of me? You’re the one in the hospital.”
“Yeah, but I can see you’re hurting. I can’t stand seeing you like this.” Eddie said snuggling closer to Buck.
“YOU WERE SHOT.” Buck let out a small laugh. “You’re the one who needs a o be taken care of.”
“Yeah, but you are hurt too and love is the best medicine.” Eddie smiled.
“I’m gonna be with you every step with your recovery, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
“There’s no one I’d rather have being overbearingly protective, and taking care of me than you.” Eddie laughed wincing slightly.
Buck sat up quickly. “Oh no I’ll get the nurse.”
“Buck it’s fine. They literally told me there would still be some pain even with the medication. You being here and making me smile is what I want and need. Thank you.” Eddie grabbed Bucks hand and gave it a gentle kiss.
“You’ve got my back, and I’ve got Yours.” Eddie smiled softly.
“Any day.” Buck grinned
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The Sky in Your Eyes  (Inglourious BasterdsxReader)
Requested by @svonschroeder​ 
@owba-chan​ @inglourious-imagines​ @war-obsessed​
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in these! :)
"Y/n! Y/N LOOK OUT!"
The only times you ever heard Hugo Stiglitz was grumbling under his breath, or muttering a forced 'thank you' if you treated him for a wound, or handed him some food.
You never heard him shout like that before.
It shocked you for a moment.
Then you realized what he was yelling about.
A nazi seemed to rise from the dead, covered in his own blood, a bullet through his eye, as he hit you on the back of the head with a rock.
You were stunned, a dull pain shocked you as the world around you began to gray, and blood trickled down your neck. You stumbled.
You heard gunfire around you seem to be echoing from miles away. The basterds' and nazis' voices seemed to be a battle field  away. You fell.
"Y/N!? Y/N?!" You looked up, and saw nothing.
You couldn't see, but you knew that voice. You heard that sense of urgency and anxiety every time something went wrong on a mission.
"Smitty?!" You blinked, desparately hoping you'd see him again... He was your best friend, after all...
You felt someone hold on to you. His hands were shaking. They were covered in something dark and vengeful.
His or yours or a nazi's, you didn't know.
But he held onto you.
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"Smitty, I-I'm fucking blind..."
"No, no, no, don't say that, it's ok, you just...you got blood in your eyes, that-" You felt his hand against your face.  He was wiping blood that had trickled into your eyes, but it didn't change a thing.
"Smitty, no...I..I can't see..."
You realized the gunfire was beginning to stop. You could hear a final distant thud from a bloody baseball bat.
Your heart raced, you started panicking, "SMITTY. I CAN'T- I CAN'T FUCKING-"
"Sh, sh, it's...It's gonna be ok, relax, sh...." You felt his arms wrap around you...
You let tears slip onto his shoulder.
No one, not a single nazi, or basterd had ever seen you cry, and it was disconcerting to the basterds in the distance.
Frightening, even.
To the point where they all knew something had indeed gone horribly wrong, it wasn't just Utivich being dramatic.
You heard muffled crunching leaves behind you under a boot. Someone rested a hand on your back awkwardly, for a few seconds, giving tentative taps. You heard a low voice, "Ja....It's ok..."
Hugo pulled his hand away as if you were a piping hot stove, unsure how to react at all.
He’d already done what he was trained to do: Killed the nazi that almost killed you....but even to Hugo Stiglitz, that wasn’t enough.
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You heard someone running close. "ALDO WANTS TO...Wh..What's going on?!" Hirschberg came to a halt a few meters away, confused at the sight.
For the past two years, the basterds had an ongoing secret bet about whether you'd end up with Donny, or Aldo. They'd had brawls over you...not that you knew of, because if you did, you would literally kill them.
And there you were, in Smithson Utivich's arms...What confused Hirschberg even more was the fact that Hugo was touching you...no, comforting you (in his own way, of course...)
Then he realized it.
You were hurt...
The next few hours were a daze, lost to the winds.
You woke up in a bed, assuming the basterds had brought you back to the inn you were currently all hiding out in.
The instant you stirred, you felt a hand on your shoulder.
Wicki's voice was soft, almost lamentful, "Stay. You need to rest..."
"W-Wicki...is it ever gonna come back?"
Wicki, Donny, and Aldo turned to each other. They had hoped you'd gotten your eyesight back when you woke up.
"...Just rest for now, mausebar." Wicki, along with Hirschberg, Smitty, and Andy were in the camp betting you would end up with Donny. Wicki tended to call you mausebar, something Hugo (who was betting on Aldo) once begrudgingly explained to you: A german term of endearment. It meant mouse-bear. Clearly, Wicki alluded to the differences between you and the Bear Jew...a bit 'in the face' but Aldo and Donny never caught on.
Just as well.
The bet was a bit heated, at times causing factions amongst the basterds, not that you noticed.
If you'd noticed, they'd all be done for, and they knew it.
They all cared about you...
Even Hugo.
While you were still asleep, Wicki was bandaging the gash on the back of your head, and Donny and Aldo managed to call a truce.
For your sake.
You felt a hand slip into yours, and give a tight, reassuring squeeze. The hand was rough from calluses, years of blistering winters and endless fighting. Wicki reassured you, "I'll be outside if you need anything. Donny and Aldo are here, ok?"
You nodded, and felt Wicki's hand slip away from yours, "Don't kill them, mausebar."
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You smiled a little, which calmed everyone in the room down a little, including yourself.
You heard Aldo ask, "How do you feel, little lady?"
"How long's it been?" They could have said twenty years, and you would have believed it.
"You feel ok? We can get you a d-"
"How long's it been?" Your tone came off more forceful than you intended, but you couldn't help it. You felt trapped...
"Just a day, darlin'. Don't worry, everything's gon' be alright, darlin'."
Donny let it slide the first time Aldo called you 'darlin'  But twice?
What happend to the truce?
Donny sat by you.
Aldo shot him a glare.
You tried to stay calm. You may have been blind, but you weren't oblivious.  You could tell there was some tension around you.
You tried to change the subject, "What's the day like?"
Aldo sat on your left, opposite of Donny, and held your hand...
Normally, Donny would have been infuriated...But he didn't want to hurt you.
He wanted to make you feel better, even if Aldo was part of it.
"Sky's about as perty as it's ever been. Spring's rollin' in. Got plenty of clouds here and there, bright blue sky, just like the 'un in the Smoky Mountains."
Donny rolled his eyes, there he went again with the goddamn Smoky Mountains.
Donny smirked, "Kinda cold...bit like Boston this time of year. Not freezing, just enough to wanna stay in."
Aldo glanced away to hide his scowl...
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When he turned back, he found your head was resting in Donny's lap as he ran his hands through your hair.
That would have infuriated Aldo, but he knew it calmed you down, and if there was anything you needed, it was to stay calm.
Both the sergeant and lieutenant were relieved to see a soft smile on your face as you heard about the day.
You got a melancholic feeling when they talked about the rest of the boys' nazi hunting.
They looked at each other... stories and summaries weren't enough. You were upset, and lonely, and they knew it.
You broke the silence with  a question they didn't have an answer to themselves, "What's gonna happen?"
They both stalled for a second, then Donny asserted, "You're gonna get better, that's what, kid."
You grimaced...that was far from what you thought was going to happen.
Aldo nodded, though you couldnt' see, you felt his grip get a little tighter around your hand, "You're a basterd. You have to."
"I'm blind."
Aldo smirked.
You could hear the smirk in his voice, "You're the goddamn reason this team hasn't fallen apart."
You spoofed...he wasn't wrong....And that was what worried you. "Yeah...and what happens when the OSS discharges me?"
They were quiet again.
They hadn't quite thought of that yet.
Donny then said the first thing that came to his mind, "You get to go home, you'd be safe."
You shook your head. You knew he meant well, but that felt like a nail in your heart. "I don't get to go home, I get to be a fuckin' burden on my mother."
Donny rested his hand on your cheek, "Hey, you ain't a burden to anyone."
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Aldo said, "Besides, what's all this talk about goin' home? This may not even be permanent. Doc we got for you said so."
You didn't say a word.
You didn't have to.
They could read you like a book.
Donny tried to make you feel better, "Hey, come on kid. You're a basterd, for cryin' out loud. Krauts gave you a cool nickname, ya know? And-"
"That doesn't mean anything."
Aldo countered, "Means everything, Private L/N. You're one hell of a fighter."
You knew he meant you'd fight through it, but you couldn't help but feel like you'd hit rock bottom. "Not much of a fighter if I can't fucking see what I'm fighting."
"Hey." You heard a slight shift in his tone. The one he gave when he reminded the basterds who the fuck he was. "You still owe me twenty-seven scalps. You're not goin' anywhere. You joined my command, you took on a debit, one you owe me personally, ya remember that?"
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, I remember. But, you gotta remember I'm now useless to the team."
Donny froze.
He couldn't stand that.
He stopped playing with your hair for a moment. "You're not fucken useless. Beethoven was fucken deaf, and people still listen to that guy's music." He shifted a little, "I'm more into Glenn Miller and all that, but...Anyway, you ever hear of Dr. John Nash? Guy's got schizophrenia, and he's a fucken genius. And for fuck's sake, y/n, the presiden't in a fucking wheelchair."
Aldo raised his eyebrow, "Donny, how do you...."
Donny shrugged off the questioning look. "My sister was born deaf, you know...She's the smartest kid I ever knew. You know what she does, y/n? Works in a navy base, breaking codes. Doc's got you checked out, and we don't know if it's permanent or not, but if it is, it doesn't mean a fucken thing. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, you're still you, and I-" Donny caught himself...he was a man of his word (most of the time) and remembered the truce. "We...all love you, you're a fucken basterd, y/n, and nothing's ever gonna change that."
Aldo nodded, a bit stunned. Donny wasn't always the most articulate basterd...abd normally Aldo would have chewed him out for the truce,  but some things were more important.
You were..
To all of them. Every day, one basterd stayed with you until everyone else came back.  Then, Donny and Aldo would set aside their rivalry, sit down. And talk to you. They'd tell you about the mission, the scalps, and what the sky was like.
One day, they didn't.
Their rivalry almost cost them their lives.
And you knew it.
You got the rest of the basterds to talk.
Smitty tried to defend himself with a plate, hoping it would hold some worth between him and your wrath.
The rest of the basterds stood behind him.
He was your best friend...you'd have to get through him before you got to them..
Smitty was laughing nervously, still clinging onto the plate, "But you can see now...isn’t that-isn't that amazing?!"
You scowled, "The only reason I'm not killing any of you right now is because we almost lost Aldo and Donny."
You stormed past them.
You felt stupid for not realizing they had all been keeping it from you.
And even more because you couldn't figure it out on your own before.
You opened the door to the room where Aldo and Donny were resting.
Aldo mumbled, "Y/n? Y/n. You're here?"
You crossed your arms, "Yeah, and?"
Donny knew something was up,  "Uh...you...you look like...yourself today..." he could tell you were angry.
Didn't quite connect the dots yet.
Neither of them had.
You walked toward them, "Beautiful day out, boys." You looked at him, "It's a shame you almost never saw another one..."
Aldo and Donny smiled as they looked at each other, then you, "You can see again?"
"Mostly..." It wasn't as good as it was before, but you could manage, and you would be staying with the basterds. After all a basterd's work was never done.
You scowled as you crossed your arms and looked at your sergeant and lieutenant.
It appeared as if your work with those two was never ending.
Especially when Donny and Aldo tried to derail the conversation. Donny said "I...I bet you can't wait to get back out there with us, huh kid?"
You pulled a chair up between their beds.
"Yeah? And speaking of bets, what's this I hear about a bet between you boys?"
Donny and Aldo glanced at each other. For a moment they both were relieved that you were alright.
Then Donny smirked.
Aldo narrowed his eyes.
The truce was off.
It was every man for himself...normally they would have jumped at the nearest opportunity to try to win you over...
But...to Aldo the Apache, and the Bear Jew, you were currently the scariest person in the room. Seeing you smile again was all they wanted... Well... That, and to win the bet, each hoping to be the one to make you smile every day of your life.
As for yourself, you were annoyed. You crossed your arms and started walking out. You had a bone to pick with your entire team...and they knew it. "Y/n, wait." You sighed, "Sir?" Aldo was a bit taken back hearing you call him sir again. "What's the sky like?" You sighed again, and looked back at them. They both looked at you with wide eyes, waiting for answers, hoping to spend each day by your side. You knew things would settle between them at some point. For fuck's sake, it had to, or someone was really going to die some day... Everything would fall into place eventually...and you knew your place was there, with them. You did your best to tell them about the day, and get them to see the world through your eyes, and settle them down. But when they looked through your eyes, they remembered what they were fighting for. They remembered they were brothers in arms. And they remembered you came before their egos. Donny broke the silence, just as he drifted to sleep, his hand over his stomach, resting over the bandages covering his bullet wound, "You're....you're not mad, are you kid?" Aldo looked to you tentatively, waiting for an answer, waiting for some relief.
You sighed, and smiled softly, "No...No, everything's gonna be ok." That was all they could really hope for, until they found a way to end the war, until they could learn to see the world through your eyes, and learn to set aside their rivalry. That hope was all they had when they looked into your smiling eyes.
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Hey hey! May I request a fluffy Kaito x Maki story and Nagito, Kokichi, and Rantaro with and s/o who is hurt and they are trying to protect her from more danger. I would love to see these! Thank you!
I love you. You asked for FLUFF of my favorite danganronpa ship aaaand asked for something that can make me go a bit more creative!
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Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa (fluff story/headcanon)
It wasn't long since these two got together. They weren't too affectionate in public and limited each other to holding hands and from time to time hug each other.
Yet normally Maki wasn't still too comfortable with affection Kaito understood it and gave her time. And of course she sometimes took his jacket-
It started with small kiss on a cheek coming from Maki but Kaito couldn't stop himself from saying "Aww Maki-Roll I can't believe you missed!" and then he proceeded to kiss her on the lips. She was stunned for a bit but yet she enjoyed the kiss.
It didn't took long for her to get used to all of his undying love and need to be close as she stared feeling exactly the same of course about being close since she already felt undying love towards him.
One day he was dying to hold her close/kiss her and not give a damn about everyone around as Maki just waited until they were alone so she could get lost in his eyes while they whould cuddle and give each other smaller kisses.
They both looked at each other as they nodded in agreement that they want to leave as fast as possible.
This wasn't anything big so they left as soon as they saw an opportunity. They went to Kaitos place and showed each other affection like they never did.
With time they just didn't move as they were hugging on the couch. Kaito decided to attack Maki with tickles and he heard something beautiful- her laugh. He didn't knew that she was ticklish as she begged him to stop and accidentally hit him in his face.
She felt guilty as she apologized her hit was hard and Kaito used ultimate move "kiss it and make it better" surprisingly she did it as his face was covered in kisses.
They felt like the luckiest people alive.
Of course Kaito didn't forget about the fact that Maki is ticklish and sometimes he whould tickle her to her her beautiful laugh.
(is it fluffy enough???? Did I do good???)
Nagito Kokichi and Rantaro protecting their injured S/O from getting further damage.
Nagito Komaeda
He blamed himself for this. He couldn't belive when he saw you deeply injured. He called for help as he was extra cautious not to let anything happen to you.
What happend? Despair. The remnants (let's say that the class didn't go ballshit crazy and the tragedy isn't THIS big) attacked you they thought you were now hopeless as they left you to bleed to death. No one helped you but Nagito.
He went for a second to do something leaving you alone and he regretted it.
Moving you was awfully risky since you might have broken bones. Nagito tried to get help calling hospital not leaving your side.
When he saw same remnants come back he protected you for his life. He didn't die but he got injured not as much as you and he managed to kick some ass thanks to his luck.
He looked like a true hero at that moment. Since these despair filled people ran away.
You two were taken to the hospital and everything was fine. Nagito recovered faster and that's for sure but he never left you side as he waited for you to recover.
Kokichi Ouma
You were walking with Kokichi it wasn't late but there wasn't much people around. He asked you to wait for him as he wanted to buy you waffles (or something else if you don't like waffles).
You sat on the bench when you were more cautious since you saw someone quite shady approach you.
It attacked you and tried to kidnap you when Kokichi heard your scream he immediately ran towards you and jumped on the attacker. You moved when Kokichi noticed blood and horrified look conning from you.
The only other witness quickly called the police.
The attacker was stunned for a while as you two took opportunity to run.
When it stood up it threw knife at you and aimed for your leg. It didn't miss.
Then again the other witness tried to stop the attacker aswell as it managed to apprehend them and they couldn't move.
Kokichi heard you yelp in pain when he picked you up bridal style and rushed towards nearest hospital.
You didn't thought that Kokichi was so strong... He managed to run while holding you quite big distance.
After that everything went well you were alright and that fucker got arrested.
Rantaro Amami
He was with you running away from remnants of despair (yet again this isn't "the worst incident in human history" just remnants are couple of terrorists/cryminals and there are not many of them) from two to be more exact.
You ran. Ran for your life as they missed each bullet they shot but one. They got you pretty badly but the shot wasn't lethal. Either way it made your body drop on the ground.
Remnants were out of bullets and Rantaro decided to fight since he needed to defend you and he couldn't run anyways since he was out of breath.
One with the crowbar tried to get Rantaro but he quickly dodged it and threw them onto ground taking crowbar.
He didn't kill but he harmed it enough to disarm it. Both remnants were on the ground passed out.
He picked you up as you were in shock after what you saw. Still you were injured and had to go to the hospital.
He was with you the whole time and you were so grateful to have someone like him...
~Mod Chiaki
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Okay this might seem like a weird question, but @ Tiny Fandom, what’s your opinion on (pre-emptively, and by someone who’s more mother-languagely in English then me) putting in a request ticket for an ‘Peter Grant - Extended Universe’-Fandom-Tag at the OT3? I’m assuming a Tag for the Series will be happening anyways, but here’s my reasoning: 
This fandom is still very small, so preemptively sorting will be a lot easier.
We’re barely 8 year into this ‘universe’ and current (!) canon is already spread out over at least three mediums and a shit ton of publications/platforms (Books (+Short Stories, +Novellas, +Moments), Comics/GNs, Audio Exclusives) with a fourth on the way
The Show is definitely going to establish a separate canon
There was talk of spin-offs before, and the novellas are already heavily inching in that direction
(Worst/Best Case Scenario there might be an American Knock-Off Show)
We’re already all making up our own continuities re: Which parts are canon and which aren’t (Which is a great way to approach canon, as long as everyone stays civil, which we are generally quite good at, I dare say)
I’m bringing this up because I feel like I’m life watching the start of a similar thing as the Hannibal Lecter Extendet Universe is right now, and we have a tag over there, and oh boy do we need that tag.
For those unfamiliar, there wasn’t really much of a fandom in the sense we’d think off until the show happend, at least on A03, and that fandom’s general approach to canon is ‘has been taken out back, shot, disassembled, but though a grinder and served as Tatar to the unsuspecting reader’; there’s currently the four Books, the four Movies*, the Manhunter Movie from the 70′s and the Show, and that’s only the stuff I know off. There might be more. It’s a sprawling mess.
Now here’s the thing: The movie and book fandoms are relatively normal and literally no one gives a shit about Manhunter, but the Show’s fanon timeline is A Mess. As in generally a Hannibal TV fic might include: The Show, Hannibal Rising (The book or the movie or both, they don’t match up with each other or the rest and are both kinda bad), one of the tree Clarices OR an unholy agglomeration of all three (four, if you count Miriam Lass), random shit from Hannibal (the novel), Hannibal (the movie) or both of them, James Bond - Casino Royal, Charlie Countryman, any other movie Mads Mikkelsen and/or Hugh Dancy ever starred in. I’m not talking about crossovers, I’m talking about this fandom randomly colonizing a James Bond Movie and a Romanian romance drama staring Shia LaBeouf and declaring it ours.
A lot of this, I think, is down to Bryan Fuller not (re)establishing backstories, so people used the one from the books, except the series takes place during the early 2010′s, making backstories and birth dates written for the 70s a right mess. And then there’s the weird stuff, of course.
There’s weird fanon, and then there’s the Hannibal TV Fanon Timeline. I’d draw you a map, but quiet frankly skdjksbvksv
Basically what I’m saying; The ‘Rivers Of London’ Tag might devolve into a giant mess really fast, and preemptively clearing house and making a specific tag for the people who want to pick and choose canon from all properties vs the people who only want the books/only want the series etc. might be a good idea. Especially because I already see us running into the ‘no clear backstory in this property but in that other one over there’-problem, and also conflicting worldbuilding.
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43th3rz30n · 5 years
A fluffy curse, chapter 2
--Let's travel a bit--
"Harmony," Raika says, holding Harmonys hands "Is it true that true loves kiss will get rid of this..." He began to wag his tail slightly. "Yeah but you're kinda cute as a Neko..." Harmony giggled, caressing Raikas cheek. Raika purred slightly "Stop.... you're making me purr..." He smiled slightly. "Well.... How about it? Shall we try?" Harmony asked, her eyes sparkling in the light. "Try what?" He blinked. "Kiss, silly" She giggled again, bringing her face closer to his. "Ah, I should've guessed..." Raika then brought his face closer to Harmonys, allowing them to kiss. Once they kissed, Harmony watched as Raikas ears and tail disappeared, meaning he was finally normal. "Thank you" He gave her a warm smile "Now then.... what's say we-"
But.... all that was just a simple dream.
"GAH! IM AWAKE!" Harmony shot up, her breathing heavy. "Harmony, are you okay?" Raika asked, hopping onto her bed. "I-im fine.... it's just... I had a dream and..." Harmony tried to explain what had happened, but she couldn't. "Anyways, the other two have been whining and meowing for food. I told them to wait, but they refused" Raika pounced down from the bed and left the room. "Oh no.... that could only mean one thing..." Harmony sighed, getting out of bed and leaving her room to enter the kitchen. There, she found Lan and Chaud snacking on some cat biscuits they had knocked onto the floor. "You guys.... seriously?" Harmony nudged them away with a dustpan and brush and began to clean up their mess. "We where hungry..." Lan whined as he began to try and shove as many biscuits into his mouth as he could. "Why not just wait next time?" Harmony sighed again "I really don't wanna be doing this kind of stuff..... guess I'll have to manage..." she placed the floor biscuits into the bin "Now then.... Lets get you lot fed then...." She then opened the cupboard again to both put away the biscuit box and get out a fresh tin of cat food. "Don't worry, I'll get you all some water in a minute..." She said, putting the cat food in their bowls. I forgot to mention this, but they where both appropriately coloured and had their names on them so they could tell who's is who's. Once done, she picked up their water bowls and, of course, filled them with water. "Now then..... I gotta make myself some food...." Harmony placed their water bowls back down.
"You guys wanna go out and explore a bit today?" Lan asks, still munching on his food. Chaud shook his head "After yesterday, let's not.... that dog could still be out there..." Both Chaud and Lan then shivered from just the sheer memory of the dogs barking. Raika, on the other hand, didn't, as he didn't go with them and was asleep most of the time. "Hm? So, you guys encountered.... him...." Harmony growled at the word 'him'. "Do you know that dog?" Lan began to almost shove his entire head in his water bowl. Harmony nods "Yes. His name is Inferno and he recently ran away from some thing where people force animals to fight. It's a tv show, but I only watch it so I can take notes in hope I can someday shut it down and save those poor animals..." she explained "And please don't drown yourself, Lan...". Lan pulled his head from the water bowl and began to gasp for air. "What're you trying to do, exactly?" Chaud asks "I'm sure that's not how to drink water....". "I do what I want, Chaud. It's my life" Lan huffed in response, shoving his head back in his water bowl for another 5 seconds before pulling back up and properly drinking the water.
"What. The. Fuck." Chaud would facepalm, but he's a cat, so he obviously can't. He just decides to walk off, but finds himself inside a small room under the stairs(*distant harry potter theme*). Lan had finally finished his and left no trace.... apart from some minor splashes of water and a few pieces of cat food. Raika had actually finished before the both of them, but was just sitting near his two bowls. "Hm? You haven't left yet?" Harmony said, crouching down and gently petting Raika. Raika growled as she did so, causing her to pull away. "So, you don't exactly like being pet, do you..." Harmony sighed. Raika mumbled something under his breath, getting up and walking off, putting his tail up as if to say 'hecc off'. "Wait did a 12 year old just swear a few seconds ago?" Harmony stood back up "I think so....". "I'm so bored..." Lan began to roll around on the sofa, before accidentally turning on the tv via rolling on the remote. The other two cats stop what they're doing and come over to inspect what was going on. Lan pounces off of the sofa and joins Chaud and Raika in watching the tv, sitting in the middle of the two. What was on tv appeared to be some horror movie. The movie was titled 'The beast in the portrait'. When one of the beasts formed from a portrait that was hung up on the wall and began running towards the screen, Lan began to loudly meow. "Lan, shut it!" Chaud gently bonked Lan on the head. Lan growls "Alright, Alright....". "I heard this movie is rated 18. We shouldn't be watching this." Raika spoke. "We'll be fine, Raika." Lan replied, eyes fixed on the tv screen. Then, a spooky thing happend, causing the three to hide in all different places, scattering god knows what all over the place. Harmony heard the spooked cat noises and entered the front room "Really? You're watching THIS of all movies?" She growled, turning off the tv. Chaud came out of hiding, with Raika following, who was dragging Lan along.
"Look, I'm going out today to get you three some toys and a cat flap. Can you stay out of trouble, please?" Harmony sighed, facepalming. Raika and Chaud nodded. "Oh come on, aren't we too old for toys?" Lan walked up to her and sat down. "It's just to keep you entertained." She then walked to the back door and opened it, watching as the three ran out "And stay safe!" She called out as she closed the door. "Alright. Now let's go!" Lan jumped up on the wall and ran off. Raika and Chaud looked at eachother before following the Havana Brown towards the town. "It feels so good to be back!" Lan stretched. "But Lan, this place is pretty dangerous..." Chaud lands next to Lan after jumping off a trash bin. Raika began to sniff the area, curiously. Lan signalled for the two to follow him. Okay now I know this is a bad time to cut but
-Meanwhile, in the cyberworld-
"I'm still wondering why that cat was meowing at me" Megaman said to both Protoman and Searchman. "Normally, cats meow quite alot" Protoman replied. "Yeah, Well.... I feel like this one was trying to talk to me..." Megaman done that hmm emoji thing idk how to describe it. "Did you see the collars?" Searchman spoke up "They had our Navi marks on them. Perhaps they where actually our NetOps". "But they're cats..... how can they?" Protoman is SERIOUSLY that dumb in this fanfic? I mean... he thinks he's god.... AAAANYWAYS, it eventually clicked. "THE MYSTICTINY!" They all said in unison. "I mean, it was pretty obvious" Searchman sighed. Megaman just laughed, but Protoman.... he just zoned out
'Why did Harmony have to exist'
Back with the main trio now. Yeah, the cyberworld talk was short, I know. I'm sorry. Will have longer parts for them
Anyways, Lan was leading the group through town, as he had more knowledge from previous trips to Aurora. "What should we do today...." Lan looked up at the sky, not watching where he was going. "There's not much to do as a cat other than walk around.... and watch where you're going!" Raika began to chase Lan as he began to wander off in a different direction. Chaud sighed and followed. Lan ended up bumping into a wall..... so it seemed. It was the same dog from yesterday. "H-hi.... uhh..." Lan took a few steps back as the dog growled "Don't worry, w-we're leaving..." he then ran off, leaving Chaud and Raika behind. "What's say we follow him?" Chaud suggested as the dog walked closer. Raika nods "Yeah...." and the two where off like a rocket. They soon found Lan in the same bakery as yesterday. He had a piece of pastry in his mouth. This time it was larger than the last one. It was actually a full one... whatever that means. Anyways, Lan brought the pastry over to the two and placed it down infront of them. "It's a little buuut..... we'll manage" Lan took a bite of the pastry, only to yowl out in pain "GAH! I WAS WRONG! WE WONT MANAGE" He whimpered. Chaud chuckled "Just let it cool down, then we'll manage, just like you said".
After a long while of waiting, Chaud and Lan began to eat the pastry, but Raika didn't. "Raika, what're you waiting for? Dig in?" Lan said to the Russian Blue, mouth full of food. Raika was silent. "Okay, fine, I stole it... but it was worth it" Lan just openly admitted to stealing. Ok. Cool. Don't steal, kids(Oh god without the comma that could turn unusually dark quick). "That's exactly why I'm not even taking a bite out of it...." Raika huffed. "Oh come on! Just because it's stolen doesn't mean - oh I dunno - that it's poisoned or something" Lan then procceeded to take some meat that was inside of it out and handed it to Raika. Raika looked and sniffed it before eating it. "See, it's nothing bad..." Lan then began to eat the pastry again. 'I mean.... it'll be fine, won't it?' Raika thought to himself as he took a small bite of the pastry. He deemed the pastry okay and began to eat it with the other two and in a matter of minutes, the pastry was gone. "Alright, what next?" Lan said, shaking as if he was drying himself. The other two practically shrugged, but they can't because they're cats. "Let's just have a look around, since there's nothing really to do as cats" Chaud suggested "And maybe it might help us get around here the next time we come". "If we ever get turned back into humans, that is" Raika added. "I'm sure we will, Raika! Now come on! Let's go!" Lan then ran off to explore, Raika and Chaud following. "At this point we're just going back to places we've already been...." Chaud sighs. "Hey, I don't exactly wanna get lost" Lan growled slightly "..... oh, hey... it's the fountain again" He then ran towards the fountain, allowing himself to sit on the wall thing idk what it's called. The other two did the same thing, but Chaud felt a little evil and had the urge to shove Lan in. He slowly raised a paw, but noticed Raikas expression as the eldest cat shook his head. Chaud sighed in defeat but decided to then get behind Raika and shove HIM in. "Chaud? Why'd ya do that?" Lan asked, giggling. "I don't know. I just felt like it" Chaud grinned in response. Raika growled and, with his mouth, grabbed Chauds front right leg and pulled him in. "Raika!" He yelled "What was that for!?". "Hey, you did it to me. It only seems fair that I do it to you, too" Raika gave Chaud the same grin he was wearing a few seconds ago.
They then noticed that Lan was gone. "Hey wait- where's Lan?" Raika asked. Soon, they heard footsteps - or should I say 'pawsteps' - coming closer. "Oh no..." The Angora and Russian Blue said in sync as they noticed what was about to happen. "CANNON BALL!" They hear Lan shout as the Havana Brown dives in, unfortunately landing ontop of the two. "Lan!" They shout as Lan gets off of them. "Sorry." He laughed. Chaud then charged at Lan and knocked him over. "Alright, fair.... " Lan got up and shook off, getting water all over Chaud, dispite the fact he was already soaking. "We should get going now.... plus, cats can't shake off as easily as dogs" Raika says, hopping out from the fountain and shaking off, the younger two joining him. Lan soon walked off, leaving the other two behind. He eventually found himself sneaking inside of some shop. As he entered, he saw all sorts of candy, ranging from bubblegum to rock candy. I mean.... He had wandered into a candy shop and boy was it large! Lan knew he would have to come here when he's human again. "Wow.... look at all this candy!" He gasped "This all looks so good!" Lans mouth began to water, but then he shook his head and snapped himself out of it "No. I'm a cat.... cats can't eat candy". Even though he was a cat, Lan decided to take a small look around until he reached a section that had a sign that read 'Pet candy'. " 'Pet candy'?" He tilted his head as he walked over to it. There, he found all sorts of pet friendly candy for all sorts of animals. Ranging from cats to birds, there was a candy type for everyone. "Woah... they do this stuff?" Lan made his way over to a basket with a picture of a cat on "This must be the cat section...." He then took one of the candies from the basket. It was in a wrapper, so Lan figured out how to open it with his mouth. Underneath the wrapper revealed a brightly coloured stick of what appeared to be candy especially designed for cats. Lan took a small bite of the candy and meowed happily at its strawberry taste. He eventually ate the whole thing. "Wait.... do I have to pay for all of this when I'm a human..." Lan gulped and fled the scene, leaving an empty wrapper behind. He eventually bumped into Raika and Chaud, who appeared to be covered in dirt. "We where looking for you!" Raika hissed. "I even got my fur dirty!" Chaud, too, hissed. "Oh come on! I mean, I recently discovered that Aurora has invented pet friendly candy!" Lan smiled, pushing past the other two "We have the rest of the day ahead of us, so let's go explore!" He ran off again. "Will he ever stop running off?" Chaud sighed, angrily, as he and Raika chase Lan. It soon got crowded, and the three had to stick together.
"We should head back.... it's getting a bit too crowded..." Lan says, almost stepping on Raikas paw as they where literally sticking together. "Yeah, but which way is back?" Chaud asks, turning his head to look around. "We had better not be lost..." Lan, without thinking, runs on ahead. "Lan! Wait! We're supposed to stick together!" Chaud calls out to his friend as he and Raika chase him..... again. The area started to get less crowded as they soon found Lan, walking around in circles. Chaud then tackles Lan for no actual reason. "Quit running off, would you!?" He yelled at the smaller cat. "I can't help it!" Lan yelled back, kicking Chaud off of him and getting up. Chaud began to growl and hiss at Lan before turning around and walking away "Let's just go home before someone gets hurt...." he says, taking another path back home. Raika and Lan are quick to follow him.
Once they arrived back at home, They quickly rushed to get through the door, but little did they know..... it wasn't open and they all..... went through it? It appears that Harmony had installed a cat flap and in a single file, they fell through it, Raika being the last one to come through. "Welcome back, you three" Harmony greeted the fluffy trio as they walked over to their bowls, which had food and water already in them. Lan was quick to dig in to his food, but Raika and Chaud just went off to sleep. "Hey wait...." Harmony stopped the two before they could go to sleep. "Hm? What is it?" Raika asked. "I got you these" She held out two collars that looked like the ones they had on already. This time, they had their names on them and, while it wasn't visible, it had a crystal inside that could allow them to communicate to humans and NetNavis, but also talk to animals, which they already could, as they where animals. She took of their current collars and placed the new ones on. Lan came over to see what was going on, as he was eating and wouldn't let Harmony touch him while he was doing so. "What's going on?" He jumped onto the sofas arm. "I just gave Chaud and Raika new collars..." She replied, getting out a third. This one was the same. Identical to Lans current collar but with his name on it and a crystal that allowed him to communicate to humans and NetNavis. Lan was hesitant at first to get a new collar, but soon he allowed Harmony to take off his current and put on his new. "Hey, you guys wanna explore some more tomorrow?" Lan pounced on both Raika and Chaud, sitting inbetween the two. "Let's have a day in tomorrow...." Raika moved away slightly to curl up and go to sleep. Chaud sighs, also moving away to do what Raika did. Lan didn't. Lan wanted to go back outside to explore but.... he couldn't. He decided to curl up on Harmonys bed and go to sleep.
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 41 Review.
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The cutest and funniest episode of Rockman.EXE I’ve seen so far!
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“Good” is a relative term.
We open the episode with some shots of Densan city under a thunder storm. A lightning bolt hits a building causing a black out, and for some reason the lightning bolt also appears in the cyber world shocking a strange glass case with what looks like a cat inside. The cat escapes and somehow appears as a giant in the real world, covering the whole city with it’s shadow.
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After the title card, we see a dog happily munching on a bone when something strange walks by causing it to drop the bone in shock.
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The strange creature stops in front of Netto’s house where we see our blue bandana boy enjoying some curry his useless mom brought him along with some tea while Midorikawa talks in the news about the weird cat shadow seen last night.
Netto finishes his meal, but notices that the tea is missing.
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What is wrong with this woman? In what universe is that normal?! (oh, right, anime, and maybe Charlie Brown)
Netto is understandibly confused about seeing Rush in the real world, he even touches him to see if he is a hologram.
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He is not. I doubt Rush has hair, so I guess his head must feel pretty smooth.
Right after this, Netto receives a phone call from Meiru-chan telling him that she can’t find Rush. Netto tells her that Rush is drinking tea at his house, they are both confused about this so they think their Navis might know what is going on. 
Netto runs to his room to talk to Rockman, but...
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I got to be honest, the first time I saw this I was actually expecting to see Rockman on Netto’s bed or something, but that already happened in the manga, and it was freaking hilarious! XD
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Also, Netto’s mom was called out for being so calm in weird situations.
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Anyway, instead, Netto and Meiru get this.
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So cute! :3
Both Rock and Roll have become cat navis. Their confused netops ask them why they look like that, but nya-ther of them know the cause.
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According to Japan, cats say “Nya” instead of “Meow”. The more you know.
Inmediately after, Netto receives calls from Dekao, Yaito and Tohru at the same time, their Navis have also been turned into cats.
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Iceman is playing with Gutsman tail during this scene. X3
Not only our heroes, but according to Midorikawa, the whole net has been affected, Navis and viruses everywhere have turn into cats for some unknowen reason.
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LOL, Higure’s face.
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Like we need a reminder that CGI is inmune to these kinds of things. But if that’s the case, then how come she was under the control of a virus in episode 27?
Netto and friends are wondering whats going on, luckily for them, Netto’s dad appears out of nowhere to give them the answer.
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“Where the hell have you been?!”
“Doing computer stuff in the Bahamas, nothing out of the ordinary”
Seriously, nobody asks about the tan! O-O
Netto’s new tanned dad tells them that the cause of everything is a new computer virus that escaped a research lab last night. The virus is called the “Neko Virus”, which means “Cat virus”, and it has the ability to transform Navis and other viruses into cats.
Netto asks about Rush appearing in the real world as well, but amazingly enough, his dad has no clue and doesn’t think it’s related to the Neko virus. After taking another look at his adorable new cat navi, Netto asks if there is a way to change them back.
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At least somebody finds her useful.
We cut to the Net Agents ready to jump into action.
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But somehow they didn’t realize that their Navis were also affected by the Neko virus. The worst part is that Sharkman is still a fish.
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Not the kind of catfish you’d expect to see in the internet-nya? :3
After a pointless scene of Netto’s useless mom serving them lunch, and Rush trying to seem charming, we see the Navis thinking in the cyberworld until something suddenly happens to Iceman.
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Yuichiro tells them that if they don’t get a vaccine soon, the Navis will permanently become cats and that the speed of the transformation depends on the size of the Navi. The vaccine might not be ready on time, so their only hope is to find and capture the Neko Virus. 
In the next scene we see the five Navis walking around an empty Internet City trying to find the virus.
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That’s a brilliant plan, Rockman. Also, wasn’t Iceman’s body transformed in the last scene? And where is his tail? Just how consistent is the animation for this episode?
They even look for the Neko virus at a ball shop, yes, a “Ball” shop, just so we can get this scene where one of the balls fall out forcing the Navis, except for Iceman, to fight their feline instincs of playing with it.
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I’m all for the Rockman butt shots, but do we have to see Gutsman’s butt too? And there is a coloring mistake in the fourth panel which answers my question of the animation quality for this episode.
The Navis keep searching knowing that they can now relate to the Neko virus, they deduced that the virus is taking a nap, since cats love to take naps, and the best place for that is the park.
They arrive at Internet city’s park where they find the Neko virus sleeping and they try to ambush it, but the virus wakes up and scratches Gutsman out of its way.
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Gutsman gets angry and tries to attack the Neko virus, but ends up getting his claws stuck.
Now, lets forget for a moment that Battle chips are not allowed in Internet City and just enjoy this next scene.
Rockman gives chase to the Neko virus, Netto sends him a Mini Bomb, but since the bomb is round you can guess where this is going.
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“Iceman got to play with a ball, it was my turn!”
Netto then sends a Sword, but for some reason it won’t appear, so Rockman tries to attack the Neko virus with his claws, but he misses and gets scratched instead.
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Neko virus uses fury swipes, its a critical hit.
The Neko virus dissapears after this, and a huge tremor happens in the real world where Netto and the others discover that the virus has materialized in Akihara.
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After commercials, Netto and the others are out on the street trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
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There are two things wrong with this. One, Netto already checked earlier that Rush isn’t a hologram, and two, if Rush isn’t affected by the Neko virus because he is a dog, then why are other animal type viruses and Navis affected by it? Sounds like the Neko virus is racist against dogs.
As they keep staring at Nekozilla, Tohru discovers that Iceman has fully become a cat.
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At least Icecat hasn’t lost his freezing powers- nya :3
Netto fears that Rockman will have the same fate and runs to capture the Neko virus by himself.
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Sea lion? I wouldn’t be mad, I would be confused.
The Neko virus gives chase to Netto.
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At least one of his parents worries about him.
Netto lures the Neko virus into a street between two large buildings and this happens.
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The giant Neko virus struggling causes debris to fall on Netto, but Rush saves him in the last second. But before a second block of concrete from the building falls on them, Yuichiro figured out why the Neko virus grew so big and creates a lightning bolt with his computer to hit Rush. For real.
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“By the power of science! I summon a thunder storm!”
This is where the episode passes from cute and funny to ridiculous. 
Acording to Yuhichiro the lightning bolt at the begining of the episode was what caused the Neko Virus to become a giant in the real world. Now, with his super scientific power and a really awesome computer, he creates a lightning bolt to make Rush become a giant as well, saving Netto from the falling debris.
Rush becomes a giant and fights the Neko virus, but I’m not gonna waste time taking sceen shots because the “battle” was also a waste of time, it’s like watching Snoopy trying to be epic and failing.
Anyway, the Neko virus starts beating the crap out of Rush until he summons a hole underneath it.
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Long live the king-nya :3
The hole sends the Neko virus back to cyberworld where Rockman and the others can finally catch him.
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Unfortunately they’ve gone too deep into the transformation to remember what they were suppoused to do.
After Gutsman and Glyde’s bodies change, which disproves what Dr. Hikari said about the transformation depending on the size of the Navi, the Neko virus starts to walk away. 
Netto checks his chips to see what he can do to prevent the Neko virus from escaping again and has an idea.
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Netto uses the Ratton virus chip to make Rockman and the others happily chase it around. Also note that Gutsman and Glyde’s bodies aren’t different, once again the art department got lazy.
The Ratton virus dissapears near the Neko virus and Netto fools the Navis into attacking it.
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Looks like Rockman snaps out of it, because inmediately after, Netto activates the Elec Brother Style and we get this Nya style change sequence. :3
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Why can’t they put this amount of effort in the other scenes? I guess that’s too much to ask because the Neko virus tries to get away from the normal looking Rockman, but Elec Brother Rockman stops it by using one of Roll-nya’s candy hearts.
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Rockman uses his electrical attack and defeats the Neko virus, and gets the cat girl. Nya! :3
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Thats a nice detail how the electric attack looks like a cat.
And the episode ends with Rockman narrating everything that happend afterwards.
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Tell me about it, Rock.
What do I think?
This was a fun episode to watch, and even if you want to pretend that this isn’t canon, it is because Rush can now travel between the cyberworld and the real world as he pleases, giving me another reason to hate this character.
As you may already know from my review of episode 24, I talked about why I dislike Rush. At first he is just a pet for Roll that appeared once in a while to help the Navis with something by using his holes, in this episode the writers decided to give him a “personality”, but all they did was make him a japanese Snoopy, and giving him the ability to travel between worlds was pushing it too far. Many fans, including myself, would love to see Rockman and Netto in the same space together, because we know that since Netto is a human and Rockman is a computer program that can only exist in the cyberworld it isn’t possible, so having seen an opportunity for this to happen and giving it to a minor character feels like the anime was trolling us. >:C
Japan seems to have a thing for cat like characters or just cat girls in their animes, so there was bound to be an episode featuring that in any way that they could posibly think of.
In case you were wondering, no, there was no scene showing Blues as a cat, even though there is no way Enzan could prevent that from happening, he is just too cool to appear in a funny episode.
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love4kpopstars · 7 years
Hidden feelings- Jungkook
AN: Sooo Im back with one shot and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Sorry for any mistakes.
Genere: Romance
WC: 3407 (hehe) ENJOY
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Jeon Jungkook- everyone knew this name. The mst popular guy at school and of course capitan of the school’s football team. Jeon is the exact opposite of you. Shy, nice and not wantig to be in the centre of other’s attention. It was cliché but every girll dreamed about him. He was charrming, handsome and sexy. No matter how much you wanted o hide it from yourself you also had a crush on him. But how can you not when he looks so good everyday and his smile is to die for. Jungkook always dated the popular girls -obviously- but it never was longer than 3 months. Everyoe in the school including the teachers loved him. Fortunately or maybe unfortunately you were in the ame class so even if you tried to forget abut him or uncrush it was simply impossible. You and him never really talked besides that one time when in your sophomore year you two had to do a project together. that’s when you two talked and spend a lot time together and also this is the time when you started having  crush on him. Now it was only a little glance in the corridor or  question if he can brrow a pen. It didn’t really bother you because as a person that doesn’t like too much attention you knew that it was better to kee away from JungKook before some stupid girl will start to get n yur nerves and taunt you.
You started our day as usual, You woke u at 6:20 am and started gettig ready. You did your everyday gentle makeup, wore your gasses and just like any other day wore jeans withwthe top and some black jacket. At 7:20 you were ready to go out. School was only 10 minutes away from your home so you took your time and went to grab a coffe. When you got to school you saw your best friend Jun.
- Hi Jun. How are you?- You asked as ou came up to your friend
- Ah Y/N hi. I’m great and you?- He greeted you with a big smile.
- I’m good too.- You smiled back at him.
- God it feels like I haven’t seen you in weeks.- Jun laughed.
- Yeah we haven’t seen each other for 2 day.- You said sarcastically.
- It’s way too long. Oh I see you bought me coffe.- He said as he took your coffe away.
He was right though you alwayss bought coffe but could only drink a lttle bit and then he would finish it. You two went inside and waited for the first lesson to start. You still  had 10 minute beforee it would start so you tarted reading a book you were currently in the middle of. You don’t know when but the bell ran and the teacher was already in the classroom. Soon you heard thee door open and you lifted your head and saw no ne else but him. Jeon Jungkook. You felt your cheek started getting hot and you quickly looked down. He sat in his seat right behind you. You lifted your head again only to see Jun making fun f you. He knew about your crush on Jungkook and he loved teasig you about it.
- Jun focus!- Ms. Lee scolded him and you stuck your tongue out.
After the class ended you went on with your day as usually. Nothing outstanding really happened. It was finally lunch break, you and Jund were talking about everythng and nothing. In about 5 minutes you saw one f Jungkook’s friend coming in your direction.
- Hi Jun, Y/N.- The boy greeted both of you. You were surprised that he remembered your name.
Jun was this person that got along with everyone and had a lot of friends. He was friends with some of Jungkooks so that’s probably why he knew your name.
- Sup Minjae.- Jun greeted him back and you simply smiled at the boy.
- So Jun I don’t know if you heard but this weekend there will be a party. It’s my birthday and I wanted to invite you. And you too Y/N.- He informed while smiling.
You almost chocked when you heard him say that you are invited.
-That’s great. We’ll be there.- Jun assured his friend.
- Great. Saturday at 8pm sharp.- He smiled for the last time before going back to the resst of hiss friends.
- Are you crazy. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t even knw them that well. No way I’m no going.- You started telling Jun.
- What? Come on Y/N. Minjae invite you himself.  You never go ut on weekedns. Come with me it will be fun I swear. They are really fun.- Your friend tried cnvincing you.
- I have nothing to wear and you know I’m not the party kinda girl.- You tried telling Jun.
- We will go shopping and if you’ll be bored or uncrmfortable we’ll leave.- He looked at ou with puppy eyes.
-Ughhhhh...Fine.- You finally agreed.
- Yes!- He was really happy.
As the day came to an end you decided to go to the library to do your homework. You sat at the table alone and fell into your world of boks and thoughts. You had yur headphones on and your favourite songs playing. After 20 minutes you decided to take a brak and just relax. You closed your eyes and sat there for a little bit. Then you heard some shuffling arunf near you. You stopped the music and opened your eye to see Jungkook sitting in front of you.
-Hope it’s okay if I sit here- He smiled at you. Half asking and half saying.
-Ummm… yeah of course.- You answerd quietly.
You didn’t really konw what to do. You just sat there like a fool and stared at him. You noticed that he was looking at you too and it wasn’t just a normal look. You don’t really know how to decribe it but it was different. After a while you took your things an left, you could swear that you saw hm smile at you as you were leaving.
The rest of te week went smoothly, othing happend and before you knew it was aleady Friday. You and Jun greed to go shopping so that you can buy omehing for yourself you wear to the party. After 2 hours of looking you wanted to give up there was nthing that caught your attention. You and your friend decided to get something to eat and look again.
- I can’t belive that after 2 hours you still haven’t found what you’re ging to wear.- Jun nagged jokingly.
- Well sorry that everything that we looked at didn’t suit my style.- You answerd.
- Don’t worry I’m sure we’ll find something.- He tried to cheer you up.
- I hope so.- You said and the two of you started eating.
- Oh look Y/N it’s Jungkook.- Jun pointed with his head and you looked behind.
- Yeah.- A little smile fund its way to your face as soon as you saw him.
- Stop blushing.- Jun teased.
-I’m not. - You rolled your eyes at his response.
- Anyways are you going to do anything​? - Your fried asked.
-About what?- You asked confused.
-About your crush on Jungkook.- He looked at you with a questioning look.
-Why would I. It’s not like he likes me back or anythng.- You looked sad.
- Hey okay let’s not talk about this and let’s look for something again.- Jun said as he grabbed you and yu two started walking towards the shops.
Finally after another hour you found something that you liked. Sleeveless, white top and and blak leather pants. It looked really good n you and you already had planned n how to complete this look. You thanked Jun for helping you and after saying your godbyes you went home. For the rest f the day you were watching movies and reading books. When you woke up on Saturday you cleand your room and did your homework. Around 5:30 pm you started getting ready. First you took a shower and then did your hair. You went for little beach waves. After that was ready you did your makeup. You wore contacts so you decided on adding some eyeshadow and dark lips. You finally put on your outfit, you completed th look with a black leather jacket ad white slip ons. After you were ready you called your friend and asked if he was ready to go. You met with him at 7:40, he asked his brother to give us a ride and we were at Minjae’s place at 8 pm sharp.
As soon as you went inside you noticed all of Jungkook’s frieds and him. He looked like a star and as if the light was only on him. He saw you and you two made eye contact. When you and Jun were coming up to say hi to his friends everyone looked so shocked when they saw you. ‘You look amazing’, ‘Wow’, were only a coupe of thing thath people sad when they saw you. At first you felt uncomfortable but then you gained confidence and started enjoying yourself. After couple of hours of dancing and meeting new people you had to go to the bathroom. After you finished your buisness you saw staris thath led to rooftop. You decided to go up and get se fresh air. As you tood thereand looked at the view you heard some noise, at first you got scared ut as you looked what it was you saw Jungkook standing at the edge of the rooftop, it looked as if he was abou to fall over so you quickly ran up to him and held him. He turned around and met your eyes.
-Y/N...- He mutterd and smiled.
- Yes it’s me. Jungkook you’re drunk. Let’s go sit somewhere.- You sugessted.
You took him to the corner of the rooftop and sat there with him. The two of you stayed like thath for a while in a complete silnce. Then you heard Jungkook humming. Even th sounded so angelic. You looked at him and  he looked at you.
(recomed listening to this while reading this scene)
-Yoy know this song?- He asked and started singing.
- Yeah.- You whisperd.
-Good. I love this song.- He said with his big, beautiful smile.
- Me too.- You smiled also.
You could  feel his eyes on you, you tried to ignore it but it was hard.
- We should go back.- You said as you looked at him again.
- Let’s stay a little longer.- He grabbed your hand.
You stumbled a litte and fell on him. As you tried to move away ou felt soething wam on your lips. It took you a second to realise what is happening. But when it struck you, you didn’t konw what to do. He was kissing you. Jeon Jungkook was kissing YOU. After a while you pulled away frm him, shocked at what has just happened. You quickly stood up and ran downstairs. When you found Jun you told him you wanted to leave, he saw that you were jittery. He took his and your jacket and you two left. Bfore thath you informed Minjae about Jungkook being on the rooftop. On your way out you bumped into someone, quickly mutterd sorry and left. On your way home you told Jun what happend with Jungkook on the rooftop and all he could say was ‘wow’. After you got home you changed into pj’s and went to lie on your bed. You culdn’t stop thinking about Jungkook and his lips on yours. It felt like a movie but also like a dream thath you’ll wake up frm in a little bit. You decided to talk with him on Monday about it. You were hoping that maybe...maybe there will be something more. Sunday was a lazy day for you. You did what you always do. Read books and watch some movies.
Next day you woke up pretty early. You were nervous but also excited. You couldn’t wait to meet Jungkok and talk with him. When you got to school you tried looking fr him but it was unsucessful. At the lunch break you saw him in the corridor. He was alone. Perfect opportunity to talk. You went in his direction and saw him looking at you and cleary he saw you but as soon as you were about to say smething he just turned arund no ‘Hi’ n smile no nothing. It hurt you. He was like that for the rest of the week, and the next week, and the week fter that. After a month yu couldn’t belive how childish he was. He igored you for a moth. You were heaartbroken and couldn’t belive how stuid you were to think there could be something more between you two. You slowly started to forget about him and the crush you had.
- I can’t belive how selfish and childish he is.- Jun was annoyed at Jungkook’s behaviour.
-I know, but it’s also my fault thath thought, like a fool, thath he might like me.- You agreed with your friend.
- I mean how could he do something like thath to you and then just ignre you!- Jun was getting more angry.
- Jun calm down, it’s fine. I’m over it now.- You assured your friend.
-Umm...Hey, can I intrrupt you?- You heard a male voice, both you and Jun looked at the person that said it.
- Yes.- You smply answerd.
-Can I talk to you Y/N in private.- The guy asked.
-Sure.- You stood up and followed him away from Jun.
-I’m not sure if you know me but well I got  a question.- He started.
- I do know you Shin. You’re Jun’s friend. I remember we met some time ago and I bumped into you at the party.- You smiled.
- Well i’m glad then. I wanted to ask if it will be alright if I ask you to go out on a date with me​?- He looked at you with worried look.
-What? Me? Really, I’m surprised. I didn’t know you liked me.-You couldn’t hide your confusion.
-Yeah I really like you, I think you are very pretty and funny.- He bluhshed.
- Sure, why not.- You patted his shoulder and smiled.
-Great. I’ll pick you up at 6 pm.- You never saw a bigger smile than his.
You went back to Jun and told him that Shin just asked you out and thath you agreed. To wich your friend reacted positively. Shin seemed to be a really sweet guy and you wanted o do something that will help you forget Jungkook definetevly.
-Guys you won’t belive it. She agreed.-Shin annoucd t his friends.
-What are you talking about?- They asked simultaneously.
-Y/N, I asked her out and she said yes.- He answerd happily.
When Jungkook hearg thath smething broke in him. He got angry and jaelous. Hecouldn’t belive how you could’ve said yes. He wanted to talk to you about this but he cold not find you anywhere. The truth was Jungkook liked you. A lot. Ever since the project you two did together but he was too scaared to tell you. He cared too much about his reputation and also that you wouldn’t want to date. But he just realised how stupid he was. Even though he was drunk thath night he remembers what happened between you and him.
Later that day you started getting ready for your date with Shin. You chose a simple dress with floral dress and slip ons. You did a gentle makeup and tied your hair in a ponytail. You went with Shin to a nerbay coffe shop. You talked a lot with him. He wa actually very sweet and gentle. He ade forget about Jungkook for a long while. After the date ended he walked you home and kissed your forehead. Around 9 pm you heard knocking on your door. You thought it might be Jun but oh boy were you wrong.
-Y/N we need to talk.-Jungkook said as you opend the door.
-What are you doing here?- You asked with annoyend and surprisein your voice.
- I want to talk to you.- He repeated.
- Well I don’t s go away.- You wanted to close the door but he stopped you.
-About what happed at the party...- He started.
- HAHA the party….nothing happened. When I wanted to talk you avoided me and ignored me. Now after 2 months you can go and fuck yourself. You know wha I knew you were an asshole but I never imagined you would be thath awful. I was such a fool to fall for you. But you know what I’m glad thath I’m over you so stop coming here aand trying t talk to me at school.- You straight up told him what you think about him and closed the door.
Jungkook did as you wishd he didn’t get in your way anymore and it went back to the way it was before. You two didn’t talk nor look at each other.You started spending more time with Shin and really started to like him but the only problem was that  not in the way he would want.
-Shin, listen to me. You are great, ou are sweet, gentle and loving and I reall like you...- You started.
-But you don’t like me in that way, you like me as a friend.- He finished.
-I’m sorry...-You looked at the ground due to the bad feeling you had inside you right now.
-Truth is Y/N the day I asked you out, I did it to make Jungkook realise his mistake. I knew you loved him and I know that you tw kissed at the party. But I also knew that he wouldn’t do anything about it. I really do ike you I ner lied about that but I just knew that I had no chance. I just wanted to help my friend.- He explained.
- Shin you….you are amazing. But why would you help him.-You conyinued t ask.
- Because he loves you too Y/N, ever since thath project you two did. He fell for you but wast to sacred to say anything.- Shin looked at you with a warm but sad smile.
You hugged him and thanked him for telling you the truth. You went t look for Jungkook and mt with Jun on the way. You asked if he has seen him but he couldn’t answer becasue he was interrupted by an annoucment cominf frm the school’s speaker.
I know I’m stupid and that you don’t want to listen r see me. Bu please listen to this at least. I know you may think I’m a jackass and a coward fr avoiding the topic oof what happend between us. And I know you’re probably right but when I see you I caan’t help but act like a fool and try to act cool but that’s because I love you. I feel for you head over heals whe we were assigned to do the damn project. Ever since then you are the only one on my mind and I can’t go on with my day if I don’t see you. I loe seeing you smile and laugh but when someone else makes you laugh i get jaelous and when I see you with other guys I just wan to came up to you and screaam thath you are mine and that i don’t want to lose you. Y/N did you hear me? I LOVE YOU AND I DON’T WANT TO LOSE AGAIN!!
You were standing there lika a fool with tears in your eyes. You wanted to run and when you turned you saw him. Standing there with smile on his fac, looking at you.
-And what are lauging at you fool?- You asked while smiling.
- Just happy to see you.- He answerd.
-Are you going to just stand there and smie or will you finally do something.- You laughed and so did he.
He quickly came up to you, grabbed your head, looked you deep in the eye and….Kissed you.
-I love you Y/N.- He said while caressing your head.
-I love you too Jungkook.- You said back and smiled.
-I’ve been waiting for this so long.- He truly felt happy that he revealed his hidden feelings.
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gearchronicles · 7 years
Danganropa Re:Birth Class Trial One Transcript
I didn’t find any translation on the Class Trial of the video that Miwashiba posted yet, so I did one.  
【DRRB】ダンガンロンパ-Re:Birth- 裁判(前編)【非公式二次創作】.
And well heads up, while I did try my best shot on translating this, I have never really translated anything before yet, did no proof checking, or grammer, or an y other kind of checking yet (because it’s 2 am and I’ve been sitting on this since 6pm non stop), and it’s a rushed one person project I just did for fun.
You should only use this if you absolutely have no idea what they are saying, and even then only as a reference. I have no actual confidence in my japanese, if you could even call it that. I just barely managed roughly translate what they are saying. Sentences in { } mean that I actually have no idea if that’s what they are saying or not. Well it still should be possible to get the gist of the trial with thsi transcript... I hope. 
Also I can’t actually read japanese properly so I did this mostly by ear. Segments with Fujimori thinking are not translated because of this. Since it’s not voiced. Please do bear in mind it’s almost 3 am and I didn’t go over this script over yet. If you’re asking yourself why I used their first name instead their last name (except Koga). I have absolutely no idea.
Danganronpa Re:Birth Transcript -Opening- -Menu- -Class Trial Start- Monodora: Well now then...! I shall give simple explanation for the first Class Trial! Monodora:  In a Class Trial the one [Who did it] will be deduced and you'll vote on the culprit based on that conclusion. Monodora: If you can come to the rightful conclusion on who the blackend is, only the blackend will be punished... but if you by chance make the wrong person the blackend... Monodora: Everyone besides the blackend will be punished, and the left blackened will obtain the right to Graduation and will be allowed to graduate from Kaiho Acedemy! Monodora: Ah, and futhermore. Be sure that during Voting time to vote for someone. The person who didn't vote, shall be punished too, okay Monodora: Well then! It's the awaited start of the Class Trial! Ayumu: Well... it s-started, but... Kasumi: That is, it's just like what that Drago said that you'd understand, right? Aren't your ears rotten? Maiko: Man-! It's not the time to be insulting each other. If we don't cooperate, we won't find the culprit, you know! Misuzu: It's just like you said. ...First off, in order to discuss logically, we should start with laying our emotions aside, how does that sound? Akira: Do we have time to take things so leisurely? Let's quickly find the culprit and return... Kego: If we can find them by chattering, {that's not what makes them blackend} ? Arumi: Monodora killed, in order for us to participate in a Class Trial... isn't that what could've happend? Monodora: How rude! I wouldn't do something like that! Monodora: {After all, it's way funnier to look from an absolute and safe position after all! I wouldn't need to manipulate the results after all!} ? Maiko: Uwah... he really has bad tastes. Koga (Horse): If Monodora that bastard didn't do it, then that means the culprit is someone within our circle, doesn't it! Koga (Deer): Ehhh~ I don't want that... {I'd rather have this conclude fast...} ? Kazuomi: I'd be grateful if it went like that, but I don't think it will, right. Ayumu: That's right... Now since the Class Trial opend, I think the culprit plans to escape like that and go to the outside. Ayumu: In exchange for our lives... right. Kasumi: I- I don't want that! Kasumi doesn't want to die yet! Kasumi: Ah, but if I died then I wonder if I can become an existence like [those childs]/[them]...? ((I think Anoko refers to children? Considering her profile I she talks about ghost though)) Mikoto: That's not going to happen. Let's already start the Class Trial. Kasumi: Uhh--! W-What, it's fine even if you don't glare! Narumi: But, but- I haven't done something like a Trial yet. How do you do it? Nico: Over there, there's a person who seems to know how to. Kego: Miss Himuro... if you look at me that much, I'll  get embarrassed. Kego: Underground citzien, {because they continue to keep shut} are undergound, you see. Kego: Now in a situation {like that, (stopping to act undergound like can't be)/(I'll lose my right to be undergound right)} ((Truthfully I'm not entirely sure what he says here, 6:39 revisit)) Narumi: J-just in what kind of world did you live in...? Seishi: That's right... even if you say Trial, we don't have any {knowledge or experience}. Seishi: For starters, {it's important to talk first.} After that, I think it's fine if we take turns to organise our information. Seishi: If we do that, we should be walking directly into the truth. Marin: That's true. If we talk about the most important thing- Marin: Why did Saisai die, that's it right- Aruma: Well that's- it's fine to think that you're talking about Rokudo-chan, right? Misuzu: About the death? I think it's fine to talk (from a point where we can (continue)/(move forward from))/ (from a more advanced position). ((I think she means that they can skip the part about why he died)) Seishi: No, we should make sure everyone has the same level of information. Seishi: {So that we can make sure that the culprit doesn't say something like only they didn't know. That kind of development can happen too.} ((??? I think he says something along these lines)) Koga (Horse) : That happens quite often in Drama's right! Kazuomi: Well {reviewing the case}, starting from there is fine too I think. Misuzu: Yeah that's right... I'll {reflect} ((I actually don't know the last word she said)) Seishi: Well then, let's review what everyone know's about Rokudo's case. Ayumu: *thinks in words I can't read* Ayumu: *continues to think* Ayumu: *more thinking* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Misuzu): On [Rokudo-sans's corpse] was... Second statement (Misuzu) : evidence left that his head was hit, right? Third statement (Akira): That's what was written in the Monodora Files too, right. Forth statement (Narumi): The time of murder was... during [{Night}] wasn't it? ((I'm not sure about the highlightend word, but considering how the trial goes the murder occured somewhere after midnight)) Fifth statement (Aruma): But Rokudo-chan... Sixth statement (Aruma):  why was he killed during nighttime in the [boy's bathroom]? Seventh statement (Kasumi) : If you say stuff like he "suddenly wanted to move his body", that's not going to happen right...? Eighth statement (Marin): Surely someone called for him- Ninth statement (Marin): cornered him, and was firmly [strangled by hand], right? ((I'm not sure if it says struck down, strangled, hanged, or something else, I'll go with strangle)) Ayumu: *thinks* -Circles through the bullets and replays debate- -Shoots [strangled by hand]- -Ayumu "No, that's wrong"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: No, Seiji-kun wasn't killed by being strangled by hand. Marin: Eh? The murder method- it wasn't firmly strangling him by both hands? Ayumu: It's just like the Monodora Files say, {on the back of Seiji-kun's neck there were traces left of something thin and fine that strangled him} (yeah i don't understand the second part at all) Ayumu: That's why..., that he was strangled by hand, I don't think that happend. Marin: I see- Right, if the hands are small, it'd be hard to {wrap them around} his neck, too. Nico: I don't think it's decided that the culprit is a {} person. ((Yeah it's always the important words that I don't know orz)) Kazuomi: But you know, that thin and fine like thing. Inside the male's bathroom, there didn't seem to be anything thin like that. Ayumu: I looked here and there, and there wasn't anything like that. Maiko: So within Saiji-kun's proximity, there wasn't a weapon like thing? Kego: If that's the case, where do you think the culprit found that thin like thing? Aruma: {Close by}, there was something seemed like a rope. Aruma: But it's so long and thick... {if it was an Amateur, I don't think an amateur would use it}. Narumi: Inside the dining hall there were noodles, but I don't think anyone would use them. Narumi: Normally, nobody would use them to strangle someone right? Kasumi: You're the scary one for being able to think something like that up... Seishi: Not quite, even if we weren't able to find that thin and fine thing nearby facilities, Seishi: You all should have seen something like that at least once. And it's even closeby. Ayumu: *thinking* Ayumu: That weapon that we've seen somewhere... Answer One: *Still can't read* Answer Two: Own Room Answer Three: *Something japanese* -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Inside our rooms! Narumi: Our rooms... was there something like that in our rooms? Seishi: Not quite, if we were to talk about in more detail, it was inside the decor, right. Ayumu: Yes. Kazuomi: ...Ah you're talking about our weapon-set aren't you? Misuzu: The weapon-set... the thing we received together with our videos from Monodora, right? Ayumu: That's right. Everyone, won't you please recall once more what the content of the weapon-set was. Kazuomi: Inside the weapon-set were... A knive, rope, hammer and a {small bottle}, weren't there? Maiko: ...Ah! That rope! Ayumu: Right... If it was the rope that was included with the weapon-set, I think we should {reconsider, because of the evidence left on Saiji-kun} Seishi: {It's fine enough} and the lenght is excatly 1.5 m long. In order to wrap it around a neck, I think that lenght is more than enough. Mikoto: During the investigation time, I ran around and looked at all facilities, but... Mikoto: Just like the other say, a rope that was long enough to be used as a weapon to strangle Rokudo, only the one inside the weapon-set could have been used. Mikoto: That's why, I think we can confirm that the weapon that was used was that rope. Misuzu: Running around investigating... you want to say that you looked around such a large perimeter during such a short time...!? Mikoto: What? It's not like I'm saying something impossible, right. Maiko: I do have some confidence in my stamina, but... Maiko: even so investigating, while running around every facility, I think that's pretty impressive. Maiko: Itsuki-san, when you have to do something you sure do! Mikoto: If you have time for {useless banter}, use that to proceed the discussion instead. Maiko: Eh--- it wasn't {useless banter} though. Ayumu: Umm... Then, we can agree that that was Saiji-kun's murder weapon, right? Seishi: That's right. Should we review the murder next? Seishi: The next thing we should consider next is... the murder location, shouldn't we? Misuzu: We want to confirm the location where Rokudo-san died, isn't that so. Narumi: The one's who watched over the male's bathroom were - Samejima-chan, Koga-chan, Todoroki-chan, weren't they? Kazuomi: Yeah. We wouldn't have stayed quiet if someone tried to erase evidence, alright. Kazuomi: That's because, I vigilantly stayed watch after all! It's fine to be relieved. Seishi: That's true... Then we will have those three speak now. Seishi: What did you see, and what did you notice. It'd be nice if you told us. Koga (Horse): Well it can't be helped alright! Be grateful and listen to my words! Koga (Deer): Why is Uma-kun (Horse) always like he is looking at others from above? Koga (Horse): Shut up! Those who have {strong flesh}, are always at the top! Narumi: Uma-chan (Horse) is more like flesh to be eaten isn't he? Aruma: Well I'll do something about it. Ayumu: *thinking* Ayumu: *thinking* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kazuomi): Rokudo was found in the [male's bathroom] late at night. Second statement (Aruma): Did Rokudo-chan go to the male's bathroom on [his own volition], I wonder? Third statement (Koga (Deer)): That's the only way, isn't it? Fourth statement (Aruma): No, not quite, it could be... Fifth statement (Aruma): did someone call him out there? Sixth statement (Koga (Horse)): That does sound possible! Seventh statement (Kazuomi): But you know... Eigth statement (Kazuomi): There wasn't [anything suspicious] like that in the bathroom, right? -Shoots [anything suspicious]- -Ayumu "That's wrong!"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: ...No, I found something that suspicious inside the male's bathroom. Aruma: Oh my? Was there anything like that? Ayumu: It's this. Marin: Well this is, a letter? Ayumu: Yes. It was in the trash can, mixed with the other garbage. Nico: So, is that letter the one which summoned Rokudo-kun? Maiko: Ah... I see! Maiko: Then just like Aruma-chan said, Saiji-kun was called by someone, isn't that so? Ayumu: No... this Letter is indeed used to call someone to the male's bathroom. Ayumu: But, the receiver wasn't Saiji-kun. Kego: Hm, if it wasn't Mister Rokudo, then to whom exactly is this Love Letter addressed to? Ayumu: Samejima-san. You knew about this Letter, didn't you? Kazuomi: Ah...!! Koga (Horse): Ehhh!? You bastard were the culprit!? Kazuomi: Y-You're wrong! Why should it be me!? Koga (Deer): {So noone would notice that you'd get rid of the evidence, you volunteered to stand guard didn't you} Kazuomi: Nghh---!! Kazuomi: I didn't say that! The whole time while I stayed watch, I was asleep! Akira: Is that your weak excuse? (Is something that weak your excuse?) Seishi: Fujimori-san. I think it would be fine if you told everyone it's content. Ayumu: Right. So... Ayumu: [Regarding the motive video, if you want more information, it's hidden inside the male's bathroom's locker.] Ayumu: This was written inside the letter. Misuzu: The motive video... That is the video we received from Monodora, right? Narumi: What was it? There was a continuation to that video!? Kego: Then, the one who sent that letter was Monodora? Ayumu: No... the name of the one who sent it wasn't on it. Ayumu: But, even though we can't determine who sent it, Samejima-san, receiving this letter, you went to the male's bathroom, didn't you? Kazuomi: I'm telling you, I didn't go there... Mikoto: If you say that you didn't go, isn't it weird that this letter was in the bathroom's trashbin? Mikoto: You... if you're lying you should be prepared {for the consequences.} Kazuomi: Ngh...!? Misuzu: Please wait just a moment. Koga (Horse): Ehh? What is it, do you have any complaints? Koga (Horse): No matter how you look at it Samejima-san is suspicious! Misuzu: No, I think it would be too rash to determine that Samejima-san went to the bathroom just based on that letter. Misuzu: I mean... we can't deny the possibility that someone else threw that letter away on purpose. Nico: And that is for what reason? Seishi: From the information that we've gathered, perhaps in order to draw suspicion on Samejima-san and  avert suspicion away from themself. Misuzu: That is right. That's why we shouldn't blaming Samejima-san without evidence or concrete proof. Nico: That {Neet} over there, {} you seem to be awake every night, don't you know something? Akira: Hah? Since when did I develop that kind of rotten {habit}. Akira: Even if I was awake, if I was in that windowless room the whole time, I wouldn't know about anything that happened elsewhere, you know... Akira: {While everyone was collecting evidence}, I was in that room the whole time, you know. Narumi: So you really were all alone, weren't you. ((You're really a Hikkimori, Shut In)) Misuzu: If you don't have any concrete evidence... shouldn't we think about an other possibility then? Kazuomi: Heh... it's just like Aisaka said. Kazuomi: That's what I said from the beginning that I didn't go! Kazumi: If you want proof, there is some... Kazuomi: If you say that, say it {more straight forwardly}. Kasumi: If you want proof, there is some!! Kazuomi: Uwahhhh!!? Nico: Don't raise your volume so suddenly. {Those poison like rotten eyes, shall I turn them around...?} Kasumi: Ihhh! Wh-what...! Even though I was just about to tell you about the proof...! Kasumi: If you say you don't want it, then I wont tell about it! Ayumu: Uh-- no, that's not the case! Ayumu: That's why... Izumo-san, won't you tell us about it? Maiko: Yes, that's right! Bullying is not good! Kasumi: Uhh.... uh.. I... I saw it. Kasumi: Kasumi saw Samejima last night. Kazuomi: Ngah! Koga (Horse/Deer): W-What did you say-!? Mikoto: I wonder if that's the truth. Kasumi: What's with you! Kasumi dosen't have a reason to cover for that {half assed, thick skulled ape} Samejima! Kazuomi: Who are you calling {half assed, thick skulled ape}!? Seishi: Well... it's true that we asked around who went around during nighttime. Seishi: But, at that time, why didn't you tell us about it? Kasumi: Hii--- B-because... Kasumi: Then you all would look at Kasumi with those blaming eyes...! Ayumu: W-we didn't have any intention of that though... Seishi: A..hahaha... I'm sorry. Well anyway I'd like you to continue, if that's alright. Kasumi: I, I understand... Kasumi: Ihi... hihihihi.... you better listen to Kasumi properly.... Kasumi: You better be careful, because if you anger those children, even Kasumi can't lend you a hand...! Seishi: Ahahaha.... I'll take note of it. Ayumu: *Thinking in process* Ayumu: *More lines thought* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kasumi): In order to play with those children, Kasumi always goes outside at night... Second statement (Kasumi): And last night, ((Kasumi)) saw [Samejima Figure]...! Third statement (Kazuomi): And was that really me!? Fourth statement (Kasumi): It's the truth! I wouldn't tell somelie! Fifth statement (Kasumi): The one who walked towards [the gym], {Kasumi} really saw them! Sixth statement (Kazuomi): But it's not like you saw how he walked towards the male bathroom! Seventh statement (Kazuomi): If there's [no other evidence] that I went to the bathroom, then... -Shoots [no other evidence]- -Ayumu "That's wrong!"- -Debate BREAK!!!- Ayumu: ...Not quite, there's proof that Samejima-san went to the bathroom with high probability, that's left within the bathroom. Kego: Hmmm... there was something else than the Letter? Ayumu: Yes. Ayumu: That is... the locker. Kazuomi: The locker? What do you want to say? Ayumu: If Samejima-san went to the bathroom, then- no, Ayumu: He should be able to remember. About the locker door, that {was wide open.} Aruma: The Locker's door which was open... It was the one where Rokudo-chan was inside right? Ayumu: Yes. About the Locker's door state before the incident, Yodagawa-san should know about it. Seishi: Hmm... that Locker's door, when I investigated it before, it was closed shut. Seishi: {Except that the door wouldn't budge, it was in a beautiful state.} Marin: If that's the case- why was the Locker open then-? Koga (Horse): Wasn't it in order to hide the body inside of it!? Koga (Deer): That's it~! Mikoto: Koga, you're annyoing. Shut up. Koga: ... Kazuomi: Wait a second! Just because that locker was open, why would it be my fault!? Ayumu: That locker, it wasn't just closed. Ayumu: The hinge, it was in a bad condition. Kazuomi: The hinge...!? Ayumu: Yes. That's the reason why the door wouldn't unlock that easily. Seishi: My strength as one boy, I couldn't open that door. Narumi: But still, Samejima-san just has the "strength of one boy" too. Ayumu: No... if it is Samejima-san there would be a possibility. Akira: And that reason is? Ayumu: *thinking* Answer One: SHSL Karate Fighter Answer Two: SHSL Akaido Fighter Answer Three: SHSL  Fighter -Selects Answer One [SHSL Karate Fighter]- -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Samejima-san is the SHSL Karate Fighter, isn't that right? Ayumu: Using that talent's physical strength... it would be possible to open the door without much problem wouldn't it? Kazuomi: Huh...!? Akira: That's right... that he {even wears an outfit fitting to such a tick skull/ physical idiot} Kazuomi: How is that even related!? Maiko: But, there doesn't seem another boy with that kind of strength, right? Maiko: Suprisingly, there might be another girl who could thought! Seishi: Just like I said before, I couldn't open it. Kego: I wouldn't do something so uncool, like forcing a door open. Akira: I am... just like you see. Koga (Horse): He can't carry anything that's heavier than a puppet! Marin: Ahh-! Your forcast seems quite downcast, right! Ayumu: A, ahaha... well. Ayumu: Between the boys who could open that Locker's door... After all I think only Samejima-san could do it. Kazuomi: Ngh.... Mikoto: Samejima, I just told you didn't I? Mikoto: If you're lying, you are better prepared for the consequences. Kazuomi: ... Ayumu: Samejima-san... Ayumu: I'm going to borrow Yodagawa-san's words... If we talk about it, we should be walking straightforward to the truth. Ayumu: That's why, won't you tell us about what really happend? Kazuomi: ... Kazuomi: ...I went. Ayumu: Eh? Kazuomi: Last Night... I went to the male's bathroom. Nico: So you really went there, huh. Kasumi: See! It's exactly what Kasumi said! Kasumi was rigth, e... ehehehe... Ayumu: That is, after you read that letter, was it? Kazuomi: Yeah. Kuzomi: It became nighttime, and I went to take a shower. Kazuomi: As I went out of the shower... that letter fell out nearby the door. Kazuomi: Probably, it was from the {doors slit}. Nico: Eh... So, you went just like the letter asked you too? Nico: I think {even a coward like you}, can be cute. Just kidding. Nico: Just a moment... isn't your {pride} a bit too low? Kazuomi: J-just leave me alone! It's {about my weak point after all!} Kazuomi: I thought I could've been from that Monodora... Kazuomi: But when I went to the male's bathroom, there was noone there. Seishi: Not even Rokudo-kun? Kazuomi: Yeah... he wasn't there. Seishi: Hmm. Then that means, it was before the crime happened that's when Samejima-san went to the male's bathroom, huh. Kazuomi: Well I wouldn't know about the time, anyway I opened the Locker then. Mikoto: Your motive video, is it so important for you? Kazuomi: At the very least, it's nothing I want others to see. Kazuomi: That's why I thought if there really was that Video {I thought about retrieving it.} Aruma: Then that means, what kind of secret was it? Kazuomi: ... Kego: Heh... Mister Samejima. If you keep quiet you won't be able to tell us anything. Ayumu: If it's impossible to speak about... Kazuomi: ......... {perfomance, }.... Ayumu: Eh? Kazuomi: My performance, it {}... Narumi: Is that something to be embarrassed about? Kazuomi: Ahh!! It's embarrassing! It's extremly embarrassing!!! Kazuomi: On a level where I'd die!! Ayumu: T-That bad... is it? Kazuomi: That's why I wanted to retrieve it at all costs! Seishi: I see... That's why you opened that Locker, even though it's bad state. Kazuomi: But... inside the Locker, there wasn't any continuation of that video!! Kazuomi: Then I though that it was some kind of prank... I got extremly irritated, threw that Letter into the trash and went back. Mikoto: So that's your take on it huh. Kazuomi: I just told you the truth, so it's fine right. Ayumu: Uhn. Thank you, Samejima-san. For telling us the truth. Koga (Horse): Is that truly the truth? Ayumu: Eh? Koga (Deer): Couldn't we think of another posibility...? Koga (Horse): The truth is Rokudo was there first and found that video!! Kazuomi: Guh...!? Misuzu: Koga-san, do you want to say that Samejima-san is telling a lie? Koga (Deer): After all~ {Even if you gather all the evidence~} Koga (Horse): I think the only culprit could've been Samejima after all! Seishi: I wonder about that? It is possible that someone else entered the crime scene. Koga (Horse): That's why I told you! It could be possible that he didn't open that locker in order to search for that video, but to hide the corpse! Kasumi: That's true... It's just like Koga says... Kasumi: That's what the children are saying too... that Samejima is the culprit! Kazuomi: I've only told the truth! Nico: Well then... why didn't you tell us right away? Nico: If you would have told us from the start, we wouldn't need to be so suspicious about you. Kazuomi: That's because... if it was found out that I was at the crime scene, I'd be marked as the culprit. Kazuomi: And I didn't want to talk about the video after all... Kasumi: That's why, isn't the reason why you hid that because you are the culprit? Kazuomi: You're wrong! That was really not me! Kazuomi: I wouldn't do something like killing Rokudo!! Kasumi: The way you're getting angry about it... {on the contray doesn't that make you suspicious!} Narumi: Uhmm, what should we do? My mind is swirling around--...? Maiko: So it has become a discussion of wether we should believe Kazuomi or not? Kego: Well, if Mister Samejima is truly the culprit, then it'd be fine to just vote. Misuzu: However we can't be certain that Samejima-san is truly lying, is rushing the voting time really fine...? Aruma: {If it isn't the blackened}, then we'll be the one to die you know? Nico: But if we look at how Samejima-san has acted so far, it seems rather like that he had told us a lie rather than the truth you see. Maiko: Kazuomi-kun you did deny that you went to the bathroom at first... Kazuomi: W-what's wrong with this kind of atmosphere... Kazuomi: It just looks like, {you believe} that I'm truly the culprit! Akira: Well no matter how you think about it, that's how it is. Akira: Just until now {it looks like you're repeating the same routine} Kazuomi: Ugh...!? Nico: Well... isn't it fine to just vote? Koga (Horse): {Just let us get over this already, and let's end this!} Misuzu: No, shouldn't we talk this through a little bit more... Kasumi: What are you talking about...! {If you want to increase this unpleasent atmosphere then...} Kasumi: I can't bear that!! Ayumu: *Thinking* Ayumu: *More thinking* Ayumu: *Why isn't this voiced* Ayumu: *Well at least I got an excuse to not translate this* -Flash Anagram start- First letter: Ko Second letter: I Third Letter: So Fourth letter: Ku [Rules] -Ayumu "That's it!"- -COMPLETE!!- Ayumu: Everyone please wait! Ayumu: The voting, can you please wait for it a bit longer? Kasumi: W-what's with you. Fujimori are you Samejima's ally? Ayumu: That's not what I'm saying... but with this kind of information, I don't think we should start voting yet. Aruma: If you say it like that, is there anything that you're curious about? Ayumu: Everyone, won't you please remember this school's rules once more? Misuzu: Rules? Akira: If a murder occurs and one become's blackened, if you get caught they'll be punished and be executed. Akira: Are you talking about this rule? Ayumu: That's right. Ayumu: If you get caught as a blackened, there is a rule that you'll be executed. {A simple rule like that anyone could understand} Nico: That is only if they are caught isn't it? Nico: Just like Koga-kun said, {being shown the video, what then...?} Akira: {Realistically}, there's the possibility that he called {him to the crime} Ayumu: Even so... the fact that that evidence was at the crime scene, you'd get caught. Ayumu: *thinking* Answer One: *I'm trying my best you know* Answer Two: *But stuff I can't read* Answer Three: *That's just impossible* -Answer One- -Ayumu "That's right!"- Ayumu: Well, the Letter Samejima-san got that was thrown into the trash bin in the bathroom, Ayumu: If Samejima-san's name was written on it, something so easy to {figure out}, would he truly just leave it at the crime scene? Seishi: That's true, there was proof that {Samejima-san was in the bathroom.} Seishi: Stuff like the Letter and the Locker, isn't that so. Mikoto: If by chance Samejima truly went outside to commit a murder... he would have tried a little bit harder to conceal the evidence. Mikoto: That's why, {he should've burned or hidden the letter somewhere}, so it wouldn't reach the eyes of others. Mikoto: ...but he didn't just think about it, that kind of possibility exist too, though. Kazuomi: Not even I am that stupid! Misuzu: That's right... {now that we see more than one possibility, I think it's foolish to start the voting.} Mikoto: So we're starting to guess who the culprit is again... Marin: Uhmm... The outlook has become quite gloomy again... Marin: I want to quickly {ask Otengi-sama again} Narumi: But is there even another suspicious person? Seishi: We need to discuss who could be suspicious once again. Kasumi: Kasumi can't think of anyone else but Samejima... Nico: However...{} Kego: The one who are to be doubted are, the assembled men's here, that means every boy is suspicious right now. Seishi: If we think about the current information, right. Maiko: The male's bathroom... only boy's can enter it rigth? That's a rule isn't it? Akira: I didn't do it. Koga (Horse): I too didn't do it. Kazuomi: Well, I didn't do it either, alright! Marin: That's quite bad! Everyone is saying that they didn't do it! Misuzu: Well if the culprit said that he was it, then he'd get punished after all. Misuzu: Well then... the one's who {are targeted right now} , won't we just let them talk? Aruma: Truly, I think that's good. Aruma: The dogs who are lying... I'll throughoutly reeducate them alright...! Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Misuzu): [The crime scene: The male's bathroom]... Second statement (Misuzu): can only be entered by males, so I think the probability that the [culprit is male] is high. Third statement (Kasumi): So besides Samejima, is there a boy who entered the bathroom? Fourth statement (Narumi): Tsuchiya-chan [didn't leave his room], so it's not him right! Fifth statement (Nico): Because he is a {Shut-In}, on the contray he should have been quite active. Sixth statement (Aruma): Sakuma-chan is a DJ, so he's quite active at night too. Seventh statement (Marin): This sister thinks, the one's who should be fast asleep during that time are Set-chan (Deer-chan) und Uma-chan (Horse-chan), isn't that so? Eigth statement (Marin): Mitssun seems to [be talking to his puppets] before he goes to sleep, that's the kind of image I get. Ninth statement (Nico): Huh... that's kinda {creepy}. Tenth statement (Misuzu): Well it seems the {these are all that are [under the suspicion] of killing Rokudo-san} -[Under the suspicion] shot through- -Maiko "That's wrong!"- -BREAK!!?- Ayumu: Eh? Maiko: ... Misuzu: Kagura-san, what do you mean that "that's wrong"? Maiko: There aren't only five suspicious people. Misuzu: Eh? Aruma: Yodagawa-chan, Koga-chan, Tsuchiya-chan, Sakuma-chan, Samejima-chan, that's five right? Narumi: Rokudo-chan died after all, so there is no one else is there? Maiko: No. There is one. One more boy. Akira: The phantom sixth player? Kasumi: As if there a miracle like this would just happen!? Maiko: That you all wouldn't know is natural! After all... Maiko: Because the one is the one, who hid the fact that he was a boy after all. Maiko: Isn't it so, Fujimori Ayumu-kun? Ayumu: Uh...!! Kasumi: Eh? Ahh! Fujimori, you were a boy!? Marin: Ehh-! Ayumu, you were a boy all along! Marin: Sister couldn't tell at all- Koga (Horse): But hey wait! While looking at us like you had nothing to do with it, you doubted us!! Koga (Deer): Uwah...! Scary~ Human's are scary~ {Sniff sniff} Mikoto: While the others didn't know about it, why did you know about it? Maiko: I heard it directly from Ayumu-kun. Maiko: When we investigated the gym. Misuzu: That's true... that day the one who investigated the gym were Fujimori-san, Yodagawa-san and Kagura-san, those three. Maiko: Yes. When we went to the gym, Seishi-kun looked into the boy's bathroom, and I and Ayumu-kun were to look into the girl's bathroom, that's what we said. Maiko: Once I took his hand to drag him into the bathroom, he took away his hand. Maiko: At that time Ayumu-kun talked to me about how he actually was a boy. Misuzu: I see... because of the rules entering the bathroom of the opposite sex is forbidden, so he had to tell you the truth, is what you're saying. Mikoto: So concering this information, Fujimori won't you say something about it. Ayumu: ... Ayumu: ...there's nothing. It's just like Maiko-chan says. Ayumu: I am a boy. Mikoto: Is that so. Misuzu: Monodora were you aware of this? Monodora: Of course! The student's information even {}, are known to the headmaster. Monodora: Fujimori Ayumu-kun is proper {} boy. Akira: If you knew, why didn't you say anything... Monodora: Just like Tsuchiya-kun said, if you don't ask I won't answer! Monodora: And futhermore, in this world there are a lot people with different hobbies, right? Ayumu: You're saying this, even though you know that's wrong... Kazuomi: You... have a hobby pretending to be a girl. Misuzu: N-no, it's just like Monodora said, everyone has a different kind of sensevity on how far hobbies go... Misuzu: Fujimori-san! There's nothing to be bothered about by it! Ayumu: That's why, I'm telling you that that isn't my hobby aren't I! Monodora: Puyahahahahaha! Now that your shocking secret has been revealed, should we get changed? -Outfit transformation scene- Ayumu: Eh? Ayumu: So there was such an uniform as well... Monodora: Well of course there is? Even I won't do something so lowly. Monodora: Well since I wasn't asked, I didn't tell either! Ayumu: *shocked thinking* Kego: Now that we know that Miss Fujimori is Mister Fujimori, that only increased the suspects, didn't it. Kasumi: No, if we talk about the most suspicious one, wouldn't that be Fujimori? Kasumi: After all, since he hid that truth, isn't it because he did something suspicious? Ayumu: N-no that's wrong! I didn't do something like that! Marin: But, why didn't you tell anyone else? Ayumu: Well that is, there are a lot of reasons, but mainly because I didn't find a good timing for it... Seishi: Thinking about how we met the first time, you already had the female appearance right? Ayumu: Yeah, Yodogawa-san said I had such a cute and female like name, I panicked and couldn't correct him either... Ayumu: And just like that, I greeted everyone like that. Kazuomi: I believe you. Kazuomi: Fujimori cleared {the doubt about me}. He's trying to seriously face this trial after all. Misuzu: I too, think it's weird to suspect Fujimori-san just based on that. Misuzu: Just like Sakuma-san said, the other boys could have entered the crime scene too. Kego: Hmm, {} Kego: If you asked me, the change from cute girl to cool boy is the only thing that happened. Ayumu: {Even if you say that to me like that,} Nico: Is that wrong? Ayumu: That's wrong! Ayumu: A-anyway I'll apologize right away from not being honest about my gender. Ayumu: But even if you knew that I was a boy... it's not like the other's suspicion have been lifted yet. Ayumu: That's why let's continue talking, while adding me to the suspect list. -Kasumi "You're being {trapped}"- Kasumi: What are you talking about, the way you tackled this, the one who is steeped in sin the most... Kasumi: Fujimori, that's only you! Ayumu: Eh? Maiko: Hey Ayumu-kun. Maiko: The one who's least likely to be found out in this case, it's only you right? Maiko: I mean, if you kept shut about your gender, nobody would've doubted you. Akira: Well that's true. Akira: Choosing the boy's bathroom as the crime scene, {the one most likely to choose it is} Fujimori isn't that so. Aruma: If you say it like that, it's kinda convincing. Narumi: Uhmm, I might have started to think like that too... Ayumu: T-Thats... Kasumi: That's why the one who should be doubted the most is... Kasumi: Fujimori!! That's not wrong is it!!? Ayumu: I didn't do it... I... Ayumu: Saiji-kun, I didn't kill him... Koga (Horse): Well you're only saying it after all!! Akira: So- isn't there a more logical response to that. Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* Kasumi: See, since you're not saying anything at all, that means... -Seishi "That logic is faulty, you see"- Seishi: Hey Izumo-san. Kasumi: Uhe!? W-what is it? Seishi: You're trying to push Fujimori-san as a culprit, but is there something that you have that can confirm your suspicions? Ayumu: Eh? Kasumi: Th-That the fact that Fujimori hid his gender is enough proof isn't it? Seishi: Fujimori-san gave you a good reason why he did so, didn't he? Seishi: And besides that? Could it be that there isn't anything? Seishi: If there's nothing then... it's boring to hear you{r tantrum}. Kasumi: Ih... B-but... Kazuomi: It's just like Yadogawa-san says. Don't you believe what Fujimori-san says? Kazuomi: Up until now, Fujimori's deductions only have saved us from the wrong choice! Koga (Horse): Well that was only an act to deceive us from thinking that he is the culprit! Koga (Deer): I don't want this~ Humans are scary~ Misuzu: Not quite... By unraveling the mystery, we draw closer to who the culprit is. Misuzu: If Fujimori-san is the culprit then, his deduction up until now {feel kind of weird} Aruma: That is because he had confidence that his true nature wouldn't be revealed wasn't it? Narumi: Uhuh! If the flow kept going that the culprit had to be a boy then, Fujimori-chan definitely wouldn't have become a suspect! Akira: Yeah that's right. Fujimori himself has been quite quiet since then. Ayumu: ... Mikoto: {}. {Being suddenly doubted to be the culprit, it's not like that wasn't likely though.} Mikoto: It's just like what we said earlier for Samejima, dropping those kinds of hints... Mikoto: And then believing that one wouldn't be suspected, is something that's quite {}. Ayumu: I can't refute that... Kasumi: What? Are you guys going to be Fujimori's allies? Seishi: Well Allies or not... Coming to that conclusion through logic {are the white's duty} is something I am saying. Seishi: Instead of being consumed by one piece of information, I wonder looking for other possibilities  isn't a better solution? Seishi: Well I don't plan to {give you some weird/misleading} hand though. Kasumi: N-no matter what things you say... Kasumi: Kasumi doesn't think that she is going to stop looking about evidence that might be able to pin the blame on Fujimori after all! Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* Mikoto: Fujimori. Ayumu: Eh? Mikoto: Do you think that it's fine to continue like that? Ayumu: hu... Ayumu: There's no way that I would think like that! Mikoto: Right. Then get that messy brain organized. Mikoto: {And face it straighforwardly.}  In order to change something, you need to walk forward. Ayumu: ...! Ayumu: Itsuki-san, thank you. Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* Ayumu: *thinks* -Debate start- -Bullets loading- First statement (Kasumi): The fact that Fujimori hid that he was a boy, isn't that the truth? First Counter (Seishi): Well that's because everyone around him saw him as a girl, that he couldn't tell anyone that he was a boy... he said so himself didn't he? Second statement (Maiko): But if we wouldn't have realized that he was a boy, {we couldn't make sure that he would be a suspect too.} Second Counter (Misuzu): Fujimori participated with his logical deductions. If he truly was the culprit wouldn't that be weird? Third statement (Narumi): But the male bathroom only boy's can enter so, and Fujimori is a boy after all... Third Counter (Kazuomi): It's true that he could've been at the crime scene, but we still haven't found evidence that he was indeed there! Fourth statement (Koga (Horse)): It's fine already, just let's get the voting starting! After all the culprit is going to be Fujimori after all! That's why he has been so quiet the whole time! Fourth Counter (Mikoto): If you keep pushing at him from above, there is no evidence that you couldn't have been the culprit either. Fifth statement (Azuma): However there was no [other suspicious place] other than the male's bathroom, was there? -Shoots through [other suspicious place]- -Counter side "We're going to shoot down that statement!"- -Debate BREAK!!- Ayumu: No, the only suspicious place isn't only the male's bathroom. Aruma: Eh? Was there somewhere else? Ayumu: The female bathroom. Ayumu: Before the incident happend, the place where something changed was the female bathroom! Aruma: W-what did you say? Kasumi: What are you trying to say with that? Kasumi: Rokudo's death is unrelated to the female bathroom isn't it? Seishi: Not quite, we can't say that for sure yet. Kasumi: Hhii-- Seishi: Fujimori-san is talking about the {something important} inside the female bathroom isn't that so? Narumi: Oh... besides the {} , he's talking about that right? Ayumu: Right, however when I began investigating, I looked at it again the cart was in a slightly clean state. Misuzu: Then that means--- {it was used for something, is what you want to say?} Ayumu: That's what I believe. Ayumu: Hey Maiko-chan, the one who told me about {that thing}, was Maiko-chan wasn't it? Ayumu: This information isn't wrong is it? Or did you move {that thing}? Maiko: Uh, no, I didn't touch the cart. Ayumu: I see, then it's fine to think that that's the truth isn't it? Maiko: Yes... Akira: But even so... that's not proving that this is related to this trial at all is it? Seishi: Well then, is there someone who touched that cart? Kasumi: ... Maiko: ... Narumi: ... Seishi: It doesn't seem that way. Seishi: Since noone {is taking responsibility for that}, couldn't that mean that that cart too can be seen as evidence in this case? Mikoto: If that's the case... Mikoto: It becomes that one of the female's is the one who did it. Asuma: Ehh? Marin: Ohh? And why is that so? Mikoto: Just like only boy's can enter the male's bathroom, only girls can enter the female bathroom. Mikoto: The one who used that cart can only be a girl. Narumi: H-How should we know about that? Narumi: Yodagawa-san is a girl after all... isn't that how it can turn out too? Misuzu: While I can understand that wanting to avoid doubting eyes. Misuzu: The only one who has such hobbies... I do hope it only remains with Fujimori-san. Aruma: Well I'd welcome it. Ayumu: *thinks* Marin: Uhm, but still to say that that cart was used to kill Saisai, that wasn't determined yet, right? Nico: Truly, it could have been used for another purpose after all. Kasumi: Y-yeah that's right, if it was used for something else there's nothing special about it after all. Kego: Humm, but earlier nobody responded to Mister Yodagawa's question. Kego: That means. There's a high chance that it was used, isn't there? Kazuomi: That's right! And that's after you all suspected that only boys could be the culprit... Kazuomi: Now that you stand on the same level, there's nothing you can say! Misuzu: That's right. On this ground called Class Trial, you are already in a position to be doubted that's what you need to confirm with yourself. Misuzu: Futhermore you need to clearly convey that you're not the culprit with your own words and speak the truth. Nico: Eh... There's a weird doll thinking that it's a human, trying to push us to start the voting and blaming others to be the culprit. Koga (Deer): She's clearly talking about us isn't she? Koga (Deer): uhuhuh, the way you worded that was cruel... Even we are trying our best... Nico: {Even though you're not telling us your name, thinking you could get away with that, aren't you a bit too full of yourself} Koga (Horse): Shut UP! The truth is we're trying to {cope with the death}! Koga (Horse): If we forget the way the dead one thought, that's too what a true bully is right? Nico: Ah... {the fact that you think about the deceased, I wonder if I should compliment you on that.} Akira: Well anyway... from here on... what are we gonna do? Seishi: Obviously, we're going to keep discussing. Seishi: The theroy on who the suspect is from one of the girls. Kasumi: That's why, Kasumi didn't do it! Narumi:  It's not me either! Marin: Sister isn't it either! Ayumu: Uwah!? Stay calm, one after another! Kasumi: Fujimori please be quiet. Ayumu: Ehh!? Why only me!? Seishi: Oh my, oh my. This situation has become quite {fickle} hasn't it? Seishi: Well if it's Fujimori-san, he's going to be alright. Ayumu: *Thinks* Ayumu: *Thinks* -Class Trial Intermission-
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sky-girls · 7 years
Can you maybe do a really emotional one shot of Luna being like really tired of everything like Matteo being weird the sol thing ( deep down she knows she is sol but it's soo much ) and just everything that happend at roller? Nobody writes Luna being emotional and just tired bc she is always so happy but I think you could really pull it off. Only if you want to 💖💖
This is super short and maybe not what you wanted but or that good but I really liked the prompt so I had to get to it, I hope you like it and thanks for the trust
She lets herself fall in the bed, this weird feeling in her chest that has been following her for days has intensified after her talk with Matteo and what happened with Simón. She closes her eyes trying to calm down but she still feels like her heart is fighting to keep beating on her chest so whenever it manages it’s with more strength than necessary, crashing against her chest and making this uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling spread all over her body.
She feels it wearing her down, clutching to every muscle, making it hard to move, to breathe to feel. Truth is that she is tired, she is so tired and it’s not the the kind of tired you feel after skating all day, all sore and achy but still unequivocally happy, it’s not the tired you feel after a long day of school, where your eyes and head hurt from all the learning and the exercises and you just want to sit somewhere to talk and laugh with your friends to relax your brain. It’s the kind of tired that makes you want to stay in bed, covered by your blankets wanting to be safe but at the same time it makes you want to run around to make sure that everything is done, that everyone is safe, it’s the kind of tired that puts a permanent pressure behind your eyes, almost like you are about to cry but for some reason you just can’t manage even if the only thing you want  is to break down completely. The kind of tired the makes it hard to smile. The worst kind of tired.
She hugs a pillow,her hand going to grab her necklace instantly, but it’s not there,the last thing that made her feel like life could keep itself straight, that made her feel like herself. is gone, one last proof that everything is falling apart around her and she has no way to stop it. Maybe it’s a little bit dramatic to feel this way about a necklace but it’s the only thing that has been constant in her life, even before the memories with her parents came there was the necklace, always there, always for her, always protecting her.
It was what gave her strength when Matteo stopped calling, when he started to act weird and distant, when he told her that things between them couldn’t work anymore, what made her keep her head steady when he started acting more like himself again just to drop that he had feelings for another girl and the thing that made her not boil in complete rage when she found that it was all a lie.
If it wasn’t for her necklace she wouldn’t have managed to pull herself together after the roller burned down, it helped her keep her feet well planted in the ground and not to lose sight of her goals, even when they looked so far away. And when she needed strength to be her usual cheery self it was made her remember who she is supposed to be, how she is supposed to act.
Even that time when Ámbar showed them her old doll with that melody that awakened things inside her she can’t name yet it was her necklace in the end that managed to calm her down for good, the reminder  that her own past is not lost forever, that maybe just like Ámbar she has a chance to find out exactly who she was to find a better sense of who she is and could be.
And now, now it’s gone.
Now the only thing that connects her to her past, to her old life, the only thing that could ever help her find the answers she is so desperate to find has disappeared. And she was so close, she could feel the answers right at the tip of her fingers, right at the tip of her tongue even. She stills feels that way, somehow, like everything is right under her nose, like if she just looks hard enough she will figure it, like she is overlooking something so incredibly obvious. She also feels like she is doing it on purpose, that despite all of this searching and investigating she is afraid of what she might find.
She feels tears stream down her face, she wipes it away violently, she doesn’t want to cry, she doesn’t want to feel anything at all, she wants to sleep and wake up when everything is solved, when they have won the competition despite the fact that Ramiro just got into the team, when she knows who her biological parents were and why the gave her up, when she has no feelings for Matteo, when everything is easier.
She can feel her own sobs fill the room but she doesn’t care, she just hugs the pillow tighter, her mom always tells her that you have to let things out, that the only way that you can keep a real smile in you face is to give yourself these moments to cry and her smile has been wearing down so much lately, maybe she needs a good cry.
Even if crying feels like her chest is on fire and her lungs are filling with smoke, suffocating her so much she doubts she will manage to breath normally ever again.
“Luna.” She hears her mother call, probably for dinner but she doesn’t answer, of course she doesn’t answer, she just stays there hugging her pillow.
She wants her mother to come and hug her so hard that she will put together all the pieces of her life that are falling apart as much as she wants to be left alone. She hears her footsteps coming to her room, her heart divided between wanting them to go away as fast as possible and wanting them to be here already.
What a weird feeling it is when you want people to know you are not okay so much but at the same time you want them to think you are perfect not to worry them. She hears her door open and she makes herself smaller, hiding her face on the pillow while she tries to calm down her breathing.
“Oh my god, Luna.” It’s the first thing her mother says when she sees her, she runs towards her and sits on the bed. “What happened?”
She turns around, peeking at her mother with one eye before completely throwing herself at her mother, she hugs her tight instantly and Luna hides on her neck, her hands start rubbing soothing circles on her back that only make her cry more.
“Oh, sweetie, please tell me what happened.” She begs and Luna’s heart breaks even more.
How to explain that nothing really happened? That the way things have been going lately finally got to be too much for her? That situations have been piling up every day and as much as she tries to keep her chin up they have only dragged her down completely? How to explain that everything has been happening for so long and now she finally couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Is this about the necklace?” She asks but Luna doesn’t answer, she just hugs her tighter, it has never been hard for her mom to understand what she needs so she just hugs her, not asking anymore question.
The pressure on her chest eases a little in her arms but the only thing she wants to do right now is still cry.
Tomorrow she will go back to being brave, cheerful happy Luna Valente, but now she will be a little girl crying in her mother’s arms hoping that somehow this fix the world for her.
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Difficult Times
Fandom: Brettonio
Tv Show: Chicago PD / Chicago Fire
Rated: M
Words: 2377
Part: 1 of 2
Characters: Sylvie Brett  Antonio Dawson  Kelly Severide  Gabby Dawson
Genre: Romance, Drama
Part 1
She was standing her ground, she knew she was wrong but was not going to give in anyway. The sun had already settled a few hours ago but she just came home because work had taken longer than she had expected when she told her friend to go home to her kids and she'd take care of her stuff as well. She hadn't noticed time flying by as she was deep in thoughts. The radio had been playing quietly in the background playing music. She had really lost track of time, when she heard the vibrating of her phone inside of her purse.
She picked it up without looking who was calling. "Where the hell are you?" Antonio's with anger filled voice shot through the line. Sylvie was taken aback by his sudden outburst, so much, she almost dropped her mobile.
"Still at work." She snapped back. "Come down will ya. I have a lot of work. I just lost track of time."
"We said we have dinner together tonight. I cooked."
"I am so sorry hon. I totally forgot."
"Don't Hon me Sylvie. You better make this up to me or...-" "Or WHAT?" Screaming into the phone, Sylvie stood up not carrying that her chair fell over at her sudden reaction.
The line went dead.
Stunned that he hung up on her, she picked up the chair and decided to leave. She knew the moment she'd arrive at home, things would pick up where the call was left off. She wasn't up for another fight, praying that he maybe had gone to sleep already she parked her car in the driveway, grabbed her coat from the passanger seat next to her and got out of the car.
Opening the door she walked inside the townhouse she owned. The house was still lit but Antonio was nowhere to be seen. Throwing her handbag to the floor, she got rid of her shoes and coat by throwing them to the floor, making as little noise as possible.
She found him sitting on one of the wooden chairs at the dinning room table. The table was beautifully set, the candles he must have lit hours ago, were burned down, drops of wax had hardenend on the golden tablecloth that was beautifully laid on to the half glass, half wooden table. His gaze was hard, his body on edge. "I can't keep doing this."  There was no more anger in his voice just sadness. She felt the sharp pain go through her body as if someone was stabbing her. "What are you saying?" His eyes bored into hers, she could see how he tried to controll his anger.
"Antonio please, I had just a lot of work. I will remember next time."
"I thougt Cindy was working today as well, couldn't she jump in for once?"
"She did, I sent her home so she could be with her family." She said apologetic.
"And what about your family? Huh? Am I nothing to you anymore?" Sitting there calmly he let his head fall down to his chest, shaking it.
Defeated, silence filled the room. Tears dropping down to the livingroom floor. He stood, head held high, he walked past her. "Antonio..." "Not tonight." Putting on his coat and picking up his black dufflebag she now noticed being next to the front door, he left, shutting the door loudly behind him.
Crying she let herself drop to the floor, letting out all the emotions she had held back. ----------
Days went by slow, she hadn't eaten since the evening Antonio walked out on her. She had lost weight, her skin was pale, almost white. She looked like crap and she didn't do anything to hide it. She just didn't care. She pushed herself to go to work everyday even though she just wanted to stay at home in her bed hiding under the sheets until this whole nightmare would be over. But that wasn't going to happen, she was well aware of that. Sylvie had lost track on the number of how many times she had called Antonio's cell these past few days. He had never picked up once, but she kept on calling.
He didn't answer.
She tossed her phone into the nearest wall, regretting it a second later. It scattered to the floor leaving pieces all over the place. Great now she needed to buy a new one. As if she had the time and the money to do that. Well she had time, because cleaning up, she had done whenever she felt the need to forget, so apart from the phone on the floor, it was clean, to clean.
Grabbing her coat, she left her apartment, got into her car, and drove into the city. It was a beautiful day, the sun stood high in the sky. It warmed her body through the windows of her car. She arrived after a few minutes of driving and was lucky to find a parking spot near the mall she had planned to go.
The store was crowded, she waited in line and was soon annoyed of people bumping into her. She was about to say something when a familiar voice called her name. Turning around she spotted Gabby and Kelly who had just entered the store together. "Hy guys. What are you doing here together?" Curiously she waited for an answer.
"Kelly here, is helping me to find a birthday present for Matt." She patted Severide's shoulder and smiled at Sylvie. "What are you doing here?" Severide looked her up and down as if he knew that something was up. She hadn't seen her friends in a few weeks, and it seemed like Antonio hadn't talked to them either because it looked like they didn't know that he had left her.
"Broke my phone."  
Gabby's phone was ringing, she excused herself and went outside to take the call.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Kelly asked concern swinging in his voice. "You look bad."
"Yes I'm ok. I'm up next. I call you sometime this week with my new phone." Faking a smile she hoped would convince him, she added. "Bye."
"Bye." He leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek before leaving the store.
She could fool everyone around her, but not herself. Deep down she knew her marriage was over the moment Antonio had walked out on her. He had given her many chances and as hard as it was to admitt, she hadn't taken them. She had thought he was just saying these things so she might change, never ever would she have thought he would leave her. Had they always had such a strong love and bond.
They had met right after she got her new job at the law firm she was still working, only had she then been the rookie and not the boss like she was today. It had taken her a lot of long nights and hard working hours to be where she was now.
She had bumped into him as he was walking on the sidewalk deep in thoughts, she remembered how young he looked back then, how young they both were. Falling flat on her ass after the crash, she looked at him, looked into his beautiful brown eyes. He wore a black leather jacket that day, a grey shirt underneath compaired with a blue jeans and sneakers. She remembered just sitting on the cold stony ground watching him. Smiling he helped her to stand up. When his hand touched hers, she could feel electricity lingering in the air surrounding them.
"I'm sorry." He had said after a while pulling her up and into his chest, like it was the most normal thing to do. She felt his hard chest under all that clothing, smiling up to him but somehow having lost her ability to speak.
She had to call him again. Try to win him back. After all they went through together this couldn't be it, this was not how it was supposed to end. They were meant for each other, she knew that, deep down she knew.
What had she done, when had her job become more important than her marriage? She couldn't remember when things had started to change, she just knew that it wasn't supposed to go this way. She had to find out where he was staying, clearly it wasn't at his sisters.
She had no clue where he was staying. So she had no other choice as to call Severide. She picked up the phone and dialed his number.
"Hey Sylvie, I was just about to call you..." Pause. "Heard what happend."
"It's ok really, I'm fine." She lied.
"No you're not. I saw you the other day, remember? You didn't look fine, and now I know why." She heard him suck in a deep breath before he continued. "Why didn't you say something? I am here for you."
"I know Kelly, thanks. Actually you really can help me with something... Do you know where Antonio is staying?"
"I think he's at a motel. Saw him the other day at Molly's and overheard him talking to Voight."
It was quiet for a moment. She heard Kelly breathing on the other end of the line but didn't give it any attention.
"Sylvie? Still here?"
"Yes. Sorry, I was just thinking of something."
"Wanna go grab a drink? Get your mind off of things?" He asked.
"I don't know..." Cutting her of midsentence he spoke. "C'mon, you need to get out a little, live a little. There is nothing you can do about your situation tonight anyway, so let's grab a drink at Molly's."
She was struggeling inside. She knew her friend was right, she sure could need some company and someone to talk to, also a glass of white wine sounded very tempting. "Ok. Pick me up please, I plan on drinking tonight. " She decided in a moment of weakness.
"See you in an hour." Then the line went dead.
There wasn't much going on at Molly's. Severide was walking through the door behind her, she could feel his hand on her lower back, guiding her. Her slender legs carried her through the almost empty bar her friends owned. The smell of cheap booze hung in the air and matched the dark mood she was in.
They sat down at a table near the bar, she suspected so Kelly could make sure that she always had a drink standing in front of her. He sat down opposite from her, carefully eying her.
"Is there something in my face?"
Smiling he said "No, I was just thinking that you look like crap."
"Well, thank you very much." She said indignantly.
"You're very welcome." Her smile grew wider and soon they were laughing. "There she is... Sylvie is back." Kelly said as the laugther had faded. "I missed you." She said and meant it. She couldn't remember when she last went out. All she ever did was working. "Bring me a glass of white wine?" With doggy eyes, she added "Pleease?"
Kelly just smiled and shook his head as he got up from his stool and made his way over to the bar. Sylvie looked after him.
His back reminded her of the memory which was long forgotten. Kelly's broad torso turned into Antonio's in front of her inner eye. Smiling she walked away, but turing back to look at the man who she just had walked into. His back was to her. His leather jacket, was moving in sink with his steps. -----
She should have talked to him sooner, Kelly turned out to be quite a good listener. Loud noise coming from the bar got her attention and pulled her out of her thoughts quickly. Kelly was shouting, pushing someone.
"Leave her the hell alone!"
"Get lost or I'll arrest you." Her whole body stiftend as she identified the voice as Antonio's.
"Give her some time man." Sylvie watched as Kelly held up his hands in surrender, taking a step back.
"Mind your own fucking buisness." Antonio hissed and walked away, kicking away an empty chair who was blocking his way. She followed him with her eyes as he used the back door to get out of the bar.
"What was that about?" Sylvie asked as soon as Kelly sat down on their table again, placing a glass of wine in front of her. "As promised." She thanked him and took a sip of the cold liquor. Kelly waited until she had put the glass back down before he started telling her what just had happend.
"He was pissed that you came here with me." He started, his tone flat but his eyes focused on Sylvie's. "I told him that we're here as friends and that I had no intention doing something behind his back but he got into my face, throwing accusations before I even could explain." Kelly paused a second, she watched him sucking in a deep breath. "Maybe he was right." He almost wispered that part, and his eyes got lost somewhere for a second. "What do you mean?" Lifting his head up again, he found her eyes, blue met blue. "Maybe I still like you."
Sylvie couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he saying he still had feelings for her? But they haven't seen each other so long. Did she just not notice. Shocked she moved away from him, her back hitting the wall behind her chair. "Kelly..." He looked at her, sweet and sad. She could see the angst of rejection behind his eyes as he kept looking at her. She didn't know what happend in that moment, all she knew was that she wasn't going to waste another minute not knowing what could have been if things would have worked out between them.
"Then let's find out!"
End Part 1
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