#and there are like shit tons of keys on there
cokoweee · 19 hours
Heavens to Betsy I’ve been meaning to go on this rant forever but I keep forgetting for some reason
Quick disclaimer- I’m not analyzing your comic at all, I just notice little accuracies that make me happy.
Ok coming from a psychology major student, your description of PTSD and mental health issues is actually pretty dang good. Idk if it was intentionally researched or not but there’s like a ton of stuff that’s consistent with real life trauma and it’s quite frankly impressive
Again not sure if this was intentional or not but the thing on his back reminds me so much of old school electroshock therapy which I adore bc
A: it causes confusion and memory loss which you’ve shown and
B: kinda implies that maybe he did his own research when deciding how to deal with everything or
C: again is incredibly accurate in the fact that most trauma patients continuously seek pain out, and in turn report feelings of extreme boredom and numbness when not actively experiencing pain or reliving trauma. In his case going borderline catatonic when he’s not freaking out.
On the topic of “freaking out” a lack or decrease in serotonin leads to a more reactive and intense episodes in PTSD. Or, because the little guy is like mega depressed coz of the whole situation, he gets way more intense and violent episodes that someone who was on like Prozac. And would tend to be more on edge and sensitive to triggers.
Then there’s his family. For some background, there’s a part of your brain called the amygdala. It typically works to control basic emotions, but responds very well to fear. In traumatic experiences, it pairs with the hippocampus (the memory center of the brain) to store vivid and occasionally sensory memories.
When a memory trigger is provoked and brought back into consciousness, it actually changes slightly depending on the context of which it recalled. Those memories are changed to fit how we make sense of them. So if he feels guilty for his brothers death, then his memories will reflect it whether or not it’s actually true.
Essentially, him having his brothers showing up all the time (looking the way they do) is really bad for him on multiple levels, and not just because they’re triggering visually. They’re like actually impeding his ability to recover by keeping him in an aggressive form of already intense fight or flight that comes from trauma.
On a happier note, one of the best ways to improve is to establish and nurture caring relationships. Awww
Aight ima stop here so I don’t bore you to death with random psych facts, but like kudos to you my dude because I could go on forever about some of the stuff in there
Uh yeah
-writing anon 🤡
Bein real I dont do much research on shit even tho I should. I just go off what I’ve seen/ learned throughout the years. It’s always good to hear I’m doin ahit right tho!
Lowkey right with the shock tho. Or high key lol. Seeking pain there’s other ways people do it but mmm somehow this seemed the tamest way. Oh writing anon u silly lil saltine cracker
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mushroom-kin · 8 months
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The Oboe section - Xianyun, Nahida, Tighnari
This is part of a very complicated Orchestra AU cooked up by my friends @h4msanta and @kanonavi, I will leave the explaining to them when ever they feel like telling the world about it. The document of this is currently 9 pages long.
They are the oboe section of an University Orchestra group. Xianyun is a professor that just ended up joining, Nahida is a genius prodigy who is a student at this university when everyone else thinks she is the daughter of some professor, Tighnari is wind section lead who is very helpful but can be strict at times.
This is also to celebrate both Nahida and Xianyun on banner! I hope everyone gets who they want. And I am going to try my best pulling for a Xianyun while she is still on banner.
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Truly sorry people have forgotten the whole "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" adage. But also that others are sending you the not so nice things that are being said. Like, that definitely kinda sucks too. Best to you and focusing on things that make you happy!
Oh god everyone's being so nice now I'm so embarrassed.
You're very kind dear. Well the people sending me stuff are only sending me nice things! At least on the main post! But then there will be comments or replies that complain about it - oh I don't like them anymore because they wrote BT, etc.
(Side note - BT stands for BuckTaylor so people using it for BuckTommy - dear GOD please stop. The ship names are confusing enough with y'all picking like ten of them. Please. I am smol and confuséd.)
So the people sending this stuff are well-intentioned. I only meant to explain why (among many other reasons) I won't listen to the (again, well-intentioned) people who say oh my gosh you're missing out on all the kind things people are saying on these other sites! I appreciate all that kindness, really I do and I'm so very lucky to have such enthusiasm and such love for my writing. But I would honestly rather miss out on some of it if it means that I'm protected from seeing the more spoiled or bad faith actors. I have seen very very little 'discourse' over this whole ship war that's sprung up and I'm glad for that, but part of how I've avoided it is by purposefully staying very much in my lane, not go looking through tags, and honestly even deeply limiting who I follow.
Honestly I don't let it usually bother me. 90% of people are so kind and lovely, and I know that the people being angry are not the majority. And I doubt that most of the people complaining even view it as all that deep, they're just venting because they're annoyed and being overly dramatic as we tend to be in fandom because acting overly dramatic is how we do everything around here (hell knows I do it too). I'm just really struggling in my 'real life' and having a bad day so it just kind of got to me, especially since my next three fics are BuddieTommy and I won't be publishing any Buddie until Halloween, and I was feeling kinda low like great, I'm gonna publish these and people will talk shit I guess. Not fun! I gotta say!
But I am and will be okay. I honestly did not expect my inbox to explode the way it just did when I vented in those tags. I, uh, don't expect people to care? that much? which sounds bad but I just mean that I don't expect people to pay all that much attention to me. So it's very sweet that people are sending me love and support.
Thank you for your kindness and thank you to everyone else. I really don't want this to be a Thing so I'm answering all other asks privately. Thank you dears.
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ghostbeam · 2 months
Cool. So I guess this really was my hero academia or whatever the fuck ever
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murdererofthumbs · 1 year
Listen, although I do find it pretty exciting to see Kendall entering his Evil Era and actually becoming a killer, I can’t stop thinking about the consequences of him leaking all the shitty mud information they have on Logan. Like yeah, PR-wise that might be a great idea, it might actually solidify his position as a CEO (and he is obviously going to try and fuck up Matsson deal and take over the Waystar - I don’t know why he would want to captain the fucking sinking Titanic, but okay). But on the other hand, all the dirt coming out about Logan will be potentially catastrophic for Roman. Apart from the fact that Kendall is very clearly betraying his brother, literally like 5 seconds after he preached about them being a team; Roman will very likely suffer the most if stuff about Logan being an abusive father comes out.
First, it will flip his whole viewpoint upside down - he is so deep in denial and so trauma-bonded to Logan that he doesn’t even acknowledge his abuse, not even when in happens in real time. He doesn’t want to see his father as a monster and as his abuser, because that would actually require him to accept that he was a victim, that he was this beaten dog that everyone already sees him as (to one degree or another). Not to mention all the lies he tells himself about Logan and him being a good dad will go straight down the drain, and can you imagine what happens when something you believed for 40-or-so years cracks down in front of you? Kendall is about to break his reality.
Another aspect is that exposing Roman’s abuse to the whole world will likely destroy any and all opportunities that Roman ever had when it comes to rising to power (even if I’m unsure how much he actually cares about becoming a CEO). He might get some sympathy points, although I very much doubt that he will ever accept that form of pity from anyone. His image will be forever tainted and solidified as “the abused one” or the “one that was hit by his dad”. Can you imagine Roman’s reaction when that whole shitshow leaks? He does say at some point in the preview that he is finished, and although it might allude to Gerri putting out the whole dick pic situation, it might also very well be that his public image will forever now revolve around how his dad hit and abused him (his dad who was essentially his god in more than one way, who he was, and is trauma bonded to, who he came back to time and time again).
Kendall has a tendency of using his siblings trauma to forward his own position (even when he wanted to one up Logan in episode 2 by bringing up Roman’s and Connor’s trauma) and this is no different. But it’s a very easy way for him to blow up whatever alliance was ever between sibs. So yeah, I think Kendall as a killer is a great thing to watch, but also… well, Roman girl in me is already screaming in the void from the possible pain we might come to watch unravel in real time.
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magentagalaxies · 11 months
also speaking of (date post + kithfluencer post) on my coffee-date today i of course got on the topic of kids in the hall (in my defense they asked about the doc i'm making lmao) and they hadn't heard of scott thompson before so they were asking me to explain what his work was like and long story less long that's how i ended up essentially reciting the "faggos" sketch to my crush this morning
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joanofexys · 4 months
i need to shut the fuck up about my name before i just start to annoy y'all i'm sorry i haven't stopped complaining abt it i don't even know why it's causing such a problem for me
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moe-broey · 4 months
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dontmindme2600 · 2 years
I had no idea Vashwood was so popular when I first watched Trigun, I find it funny that I just saw the first episode they were in together and was like “Yep. These bitches are gay” with like no context beforehand that they were shipped together so often, or that Trigun even had a fandom
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muminous · 9 months
txt AND their fans' desire for them to literally be shinee/"pick up where they left off" is so strange
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mxdotpng · 9 months
castle in the sky posts on my dash. making me think about my castle in the sky zestiria au
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specterpants · 1 year
well my laptop keyboard is broken. that might be the end of me for artfight sadly depending on how long it takes to get fixed
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aspeckof-stardust · 29 days
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raskies456 · 4 months
slab wedging would fix me
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i think it's soooo fucked up that people can be racist to u at work and make decisions for your career based off of that and u just have to ignore them : ]
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muah-lani · 1 year
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