#and then this?
I'm living the asexual nightmare. Two of my doctors have said that the only way to regulate my condition is to have a child.
Fuck, I don't even want to have sex and you're telling me that my options are:
Take contraceptives for the rest of my life.
Had regular sex / get pregnant.
Take analgesics with every menstruation.
Remove my ovaries so I don't go through the menstruation.
Literally suffer the worst pain I've ever gone through to the point of fainting.
I really don't want to hate my body, but being born a woman would mess with you in ways that are beyond nightmarish.
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ellynneversweet · 8 months
I had a properly terrifying nightmare last night. Like, I woke up panting and crying and making fists, wtf brain. Brief description under cut, you’ve been warned.
I ended up working at a Golden Arches fast food joint somehow (in the chip section because I was a useless newbie), and they had these…giant glass fronted ovens where cows and pigs were literally being roasted alive. As in, when I looked in they still moving while their skin was cracking and they were blinking at me while their eyeballs started to burst and leak. I have genuinely never had my brain conjure up something more horrific in my entire life.
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stanleypollable · 1 year
sure, everyone’s being nice to you now. but come poll time, who says that’ll stick? you were right before—everyone saw the tags and voted for the bad options anyway, because it was *funny*. and it was! it was hilarious! do you seriously think they like you enough to put in all that work? because if i’m remembering right, you don’t exactly have a history of being likable.
well, i mean, it's possible when they plugged the computer back in they were just misinterpreting you? a simple misunderstanding! and then the actual stuff in the fire, maybe they genuinely don't know how to put out a fire! not to mention the fact that none of those choices would've ever worked anyways.
ignore them, everyone's on your side!
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Is My Only 12% going to be bad for my emotional stability? Because it sure looks like it.
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xie-solarin · 3 years
worst day ever like fr
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
Man, can we talk about Lloyd's face here?
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(this is when Jay is zapping the battery btw)
You can really feel his despair here. Jay and Lloyd's friendship is underrated y'all
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ruffrowdyboy · 5 years
Hi quick question what the fuck just happened
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theartfuldodger26 · 5 years
Last night I dreamt that I was at a japanese restaurant, just sitting there minding my own business, when Hannibal and Will walked in and took the next table. They chatted a bit casually, ordered, and things seemed to escalate from there. By the time food arrived they were arguying badly, so Hannibal yelled to the server to bring "something unintelligible". Will (and I) had no idea what the dish was, until all the chefs came out carrying a giant wok the size of a small hottub in which water was bubbling. Will gave it a look and just took off his shirt and jumped in. Hannibal joined him like it was Christmas. They proceeded to enjoy and bath while the patrons and staff watched like idiots.
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theavatarspirit · 7 years
the bridge s2: like the bridge s1 but with unexpected gay 
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sam-crevellari · 7 years
If Pod dies, I’ll riot.
If Jaime dies, I’ll riot.
If Arya and Gendry don’t get reunited again, I’ll riot.
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the-g3stalt · 8 years
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Hey DragonBall fandom
what the fuck is going on in Super?
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ice-and-lights · 8 years
holsom AU where holster is rushing ransom’s frat and ransom is crushing super hard and the crush culminates when they joke about who even uses the frat rushing paddles for anything except rushing and whoops it turns out that the paddle is really good for spanking holster. 
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victoriouskrum · 8 years
Are you single/in a relationship/ready to mingle?? ;)
single and not at all interested in anything but my career and work at the moment, sorry. you could say i’m in a relationship with the idea of success. we’re very much monogamous.
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whosaidsoup · 9 years
I was thinking that maybe I should catch up on Agent Carter, but then I realised all the gifs I've seen from it has been about Peggy choosing between different men. And then I saw a gif of her kissing Souza so you know what? I think I'm good.
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