#and then theyll have reason to show up again
smittyw · 4 months
oc asks....... i know razz has evolved but do you still have your other fangan ocs......
absolutely i do & theyve evolved the same way :-)
the main change besides the context theyre in now is that i shifted focus really drastically. fred and noemi and kita are all still here and theyre at the forefront now; its less clear bc they werent as developed back then, but even Q and molly were meant to be in the old story (in the reserve course & working for the foundation respectively lol) so they existed and evolved since then too
unfortunately i did scrap two of my former main ocs, maddy and amari, for everything except incidental roles in the au i still kick around with vanpires and shit. that decision was solely bc i was uncomfortable w them being direct self inserts; they were the first of the cast i made bc they were literally sonas for myself and my friend who got me into dr ^_^.. and as a result the 'main' group with ross (formerly russel i changed his name for fun) and alex got super destabilized. and i had to rethink where to fit them into the plot and social circles, which worked fine with ross but not so much for alex bc i literally dont know what to do w that guy
if ur curious abt anyone else in particular i can give a rundown of their current whereabouts & any changes that have been made 🤓☝️
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mufos-photo-album · 12 days
Late night ramble: Lately I've been toying around with the idea of making a new Sky OC (or OCs, plural) based on these moths (attached below) I drew to promote my Sky headcanon page.
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Individually they don't have much to them in terms of backstory (compared to Mufotsuki or Piripu, anyways), but they're supposed to work best as a group. Describing them from left to right...
Cifanan (pigtail moth): She is the oldest of the bunch by a few months. She has an inviting disposition and is the best at communicating among the three. De facto leader.
Tagur (short hair moth): Middle child in terms of age. He's quite timid and has trouble standing up for himself. He likes to study others.
Lotiras (standard moth): Youngest. A moth of few words but is quite expressive otherwise. Sometimes they scare Tagur.
They're all around the same age (maybe like 8 to 10 years old developmentally), but as mentioned before, their ages differ by a few months. Tagur and Lotiras were born in the Isle of Dawn, but Cifanan was born in the Daylight Prairie.
I have no clue if these characters will show up in my work in the near future. But they're cute.
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aerialworms · 2 years
hello dear mutual! I have a question. I'm no longer in the fandom but I like watching from the sidelines. there was a poll asking if destiel will still be made canon and my question is: how. isn't the prequel planned about the parents? I would love an explanation cause I don't understand. thank you so much!!
Hello there friend!! I'm happy to explain, I love rambling about this batshit show so much!
So yes, the prequel is about the parents, but I'm not sure how much you know about it so here's a little primer: from what I've seen, it's actually Dean telling the story of how his parents met and fell in love, presumably while he's up in Heaven post-finale (y'know, where Cas is also supposed to be). Jensen and his wife Daneel are executive producing, and the prequel is being showrun by Robbie Thompson, known for writing such episodes as Goodbye Stranger (the crypt scene my beloved!!!!!!), Meta Fiction ("What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext?"), and Fan Fiction (the musical ep! With Sam teasing Dean about destiel!). So from the get-go everyone was like 👀 because Robbie has always been a destiel-positive writer! Plus, apparently, Daneel's favourite character is Cas, so it would make sense for them to bring Cas back if they (and Misha) wanted!
Please bear in mind that I haven't actually watched any of the prequel, i've just been living vicariously through my dash. People who have actually watched it/know more than me please feel free to add on/correct me!
So, to my knowledge, the reasons people are thinking they might make Destiel canon in the prequel are (in no particular order):
a) A few weeks ago there was an episode that had Gabriel (as played by Richard Speight Jr) as the MOTW and also had a background cameo from Rob Benedict in a very bad wig (unclear if that was Chuck or not), and there have been quotes from (i think) Robbie saying that they're only having cameos from OG SPN actors if it's relevant to the story they want to tell (and since the Rob cameo was not explained or plot-relevant people are thinking they're possibly going to do a Chuck won scenario? It could turn out that he was never actually defeated in 15.19 and now Dean has to show up to fight him again (and get Cas back?? maybe??))
b) In that same episode, there was a scene where Mary and John look at a picture of some dude who'd given them a clue or talked to John or something - it was Dean! So he's alive again, briefly, in the 70s. Could be time travel, could be he's escaped from Heaven. So if Dean is around in the show, whether just as narrator or as a character in the story, he has the potential to go rogue and look for Cas, or be telling the story to Cas up in Heaven. In either case, there is the potential for canon destiel, if they (Jensen, Daneel, Robbie, Misha, etc.) decide they want to do that.
c) Jensen has said various things at cons recently which are kinda 👀, including that he'd have been happy to keep going on SPN for another 6 years, and, most recently (this weekend), which I think sparked the poll you were talking about - that if Dean and Cas reunited Dean would say "Hey, can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" and then joked that nah, it would be more like "hey, buddy, good to see you, old pal" but THEN said "I don't know, maybe we'll get to see that, that would be interesting" (Here's a gifset of him saying that if you're interested)
Also this:
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[ID: Tweet from Toni @JensFloofHair.
Misha: I mean, you have the Impala.
Damn right, nothing stopping them!!
#JIB11 /End ID]
It's no secret that Jensen Did Not like the finale, apparently Eric Kripke had to talk him into it and he still makes salty jokes about it even now. Add the fact that he got someone else to film the confession for him because he wanted to have a record of it, and has said they cut out key parts of his performance in that scene (which is why the editing of it is so janky). So it's possible that he intended for there to be actual reciprocation in that scene and, well, now he's got the reins. He could do it if he wanted!!!
d) The prequel finale - airing next Tuesday, Jack help us - is titled "Hey, that's no way to say goodbye". Which was already kinda 👀 before the con this weekend, but combined with Jensen saying Dean would say "can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" is um. Look I don't wanna get my hopes up. But also........ 👀👀👀
I think the prevailing theories at the moment (from what I've seen on my dash) are that either:
a) They're baiting us to keep interest in the prequel (I trust Robbie but I don't really trust Jensen, so this seems likely)
b) They really are gonna bring Cas back, either as him being the one Dean is telling this story to up in Heaven, or using that Rob Benedict cameo to retcon the finale and make the show about breaking free of Chuck's control for realsies this time (which hopefully means Cas actually showing up and not being explained away in one line like the finale)
Like I said, I don't wanna get my hopes up because I don't quite trust Jensen. But. Given Robbie Thompson showrunning and Daneel loving Cas and Jensen dropping all these maybe-maybe-not hints. If they DID make destiel canon. I would not be surprised.
Well maybe a little bit but in an "I can't believe I was right" way.
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jellitchi · 2 months
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hello friends heres some more artist au ,,, i have A huge infodump under the cut ... u were warned
uhm mumbo is a tattoo artist in this au, hes the towns electrician primarily but he does tattoo work too. hes terrified of needles on his own skin but really enjoys the process of tattooing. i think he mostly does geometric stuff. probably hrm.
gem runs and owns the fishing dock/bait shop. shes born and raised in this town so shes been here her whole life. shes okay at painting but her real passion is with clay- specifically sculpting. shes taking a pottery workshop w grian but she like the freedom sculpting has that the wheel cant really give her...? if that makes sense.. she still likes it. when she paints she gravitates towards gouache and watercolors, she likes the fluidity she can achieve w em. also is very fond of how gouache lets u set it down then return and reactivate it w water again lol
pearl is a relatively successful artist, shes constantly traveling for art shows and also to host workshops/look for inspiration. she used to paint a lot, thats how she kinda got her fame... she used to paint this one girl a lot idk she has curly orange hair and freckles and shes always painted really beautifully. then stuff happened and now pearl mostly sculpts now. she still paints and her paintings are her most popular works but shes more into working w clay.
hm more abt this au, pearl and grian are siblings and both grew up learning oil painting. jimmy is also in this au im still figuring out a role but hes their cousin— basically brother— i was thinking pearls manager js coz i think itd b funny lol.
the setting is a small coastal town hrmm havent thought too much else abt it, was mostly pulling from coastal norcal ish...
in this au scar and grian are really really tight and have been living w each other for like 5/6 ish years. i dont think they officially get tgt... they think theyre woke asf n say they dont like labels (kinda kidding) the real reason is just timing. whenever grian is sick of running circles and works up the courage, scar usually has some complications hes working through and grian feels like hed just be another stressor added to his plate so he just wills it away... then when scar is like Im gonna do it. Im gonna tell him. Grian is experiencing sum kinda dilemma and is rly stressed so then scar is like well it can wait... (this goes on forEver.) whenever they do sync up, usually theyre far too scared about ruining their friendship and having to find a new roommate or something. they both r very important to each other and if bottling up their feelings means they can hold onto each other and keep each other around then thats what theyll do...! yeah theyre doomed🤦‍♂️.... they still basically do romantic activities tgt- they just think its normal coz its them.... also everyone around them thinks theyre secretly dating or smth anyways Yeah this is the au in a nutshell im such a sucker for long term pinning friends to lovers or whatever😭😭😭😭😭...
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notsohehehahanow · 2 months
I know the mike initiating a kiss or making the first move is a popular thing among bylers but i dont think that would be/should be the case AND HERES WHY 🤓☝ *mcyter with lists voice* (i get sidetracked so bear with me)
For starters; we've come to a conclusion that mike has internalized homophobia and there's plenty of evidence to back this up, he wants to be "normal" and in the 80s being gay was abnormal, this is a commonly known thing that's mentioned a lot amongst bylers and its precisely the reason i dont think mike would be the one to make the first move
Mike does everything in his power to be a normal person which is why i think he was willing to lie to el so easily in season 3
This is where i get sidetracked but really its just backup analyzing for this
Before gay marriage was legal, lavender marriages were everywhere or at least a fairly common thing, in case you dont know lavender marriages are marriages that were used to cover the sexuality of one or both of the people getting married, which i think ties in with mike and els dynamic (will get to that later)
Mike uses el as a cover or a way to be normal, its what he grew up around and its what he saw on tv gay relationships just werent considered normal
In season 3 mike lies to el so he can continue to see her, to continue to have a cover or something that convinces him hes "normal", and all they really did was make-out because "thats what couples do"
You have the season 3 rain fight which ive seen multiple people mention that mike was blatantly reflecting but ive never seen anyone explain it more - will says something about mike and el (seemingly) constantly kissing, referring to el as "a stupid girl" and while mike did defend el, he couldve just left it at "els not stupid", "its not my fault you dont like girls" did not need to be there. He felt like will was seeing through the amount of effort he had been putting into normal and panicked, saying something he didnt mean and we can visibly see he didnt mean it
In season 4 theres the rollerrink fight, another instance where mike says something he didnt mean or like to say - will complains about mike not sending him letters whereas el has "a whole book of them", mike tells him "thats because shes my girlfriend" to which will asks "and us?" Which mike once again saw as will seeing through mike and he panicked, feeling the need to clarify that theyre just friends and wont be more, wills follow up shows hes more upset mike doesnt treat him like theyre best friends than the idea of them dating, wills already accepted the idea that mike doesnt like him the way he likes mike
The letters isnt because mike didnt want to talk to will, he most definitely tried (sitting by the phone and whining about joyce being on the phone all the time making it busy) but its because EVERYONE in hawkins knows who will is and theyll hear about it him growing up, hes the boy who was dead for a week and came back literally all over the newspapers as "zombie boy"
Mike would not be able to get away with being seen as "normal" while writing and receiving letters from another boy, especially if someone found out because for all he knows they could be the wrong person and suddenly all the work he puts into being "normal" has been washed away
With all that said; mike and will both have internalized homophobia on different ends, will knows and accepts it knowing he cant change it but he also hates it, and mike knows but denies it - i dont think mike would be the one to make the first move, i think it would be will
Idk thats it thats all i got
Will byers making the first move 🙏🙏
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thornswoggled · 6 months
on chises family, "a storm brewing in the east," and future arcs
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hello im back from two years of not posting on this sideblog to spitball a theory thats been burning a hole in my brain since i caught up with the manga. all loose speculation, id be extremely interested to hear thoughts on this
now that fumiki is back in the picture, id like to theorize that yuuki hatori will soon follow. for the purpose of this theory im going to skip all the reasons why yori is absolutely fumiki. imo theres no point addressing all the evidence here, but id be happy to summarize if not. more attention being paid to chises life in japan, chise wondering why her father "abandoned his role," and elias expressing curiosity over the circumstances that led her to meet seth are all hints towards yuukis story coming to light
one thing TAMB does that i love is how tertiary characters are facsimiles meant to help us understand our main characters. for example, all the "toxic" pairs we see in season 1 that we are meant to compare and contrast elias and chise to, all in various ways that help us understand the ways their relationship might evolve. these minor characters may seem unimportant, but are preparing us to accept developments in the main cast. i believe there are two characters in the college arc that are prepping us for yuuki hatoris story - seth noel and adam sargent
lets first address fumiki, who ill just call yori. yori seems to have mastery over his eyes, which "have the power to bind [fae]" according to gabriella. this is a power both he and yuuki have, which protects chise and chika for a time. however, chika implies in chapter 19 that he didnt always have this ability, or perhaps didnt have the sight at all until he became involved with her. which is strange, considering yori has a "family business" important enough to require he study abroad to train for:
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lets run with the idea that yuuki started off with weak or nonexistent powers. have any other men in this series been booted from their families because they lacked the skill?
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its possible that this "family business" (assuming yuuki didnt found it himself, and that yori doesnt just mean the church, which i dont think he does because he seems specialized in exorcism) eventually learned that yuuki acquired his binding powers, as well as a child with the same ability. again, are there are other men who are forcibly dragged back into their family, to the detriment of their young daughters?
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theres a few reasons why i think such care and time was put into the backstory of philomelas family. chise has done much of the character growth thats possible for her at this time, and attempts to "fix" philomela as a way of fixing herself. she projects on her, and for good reason too, since we are meant to compare them almost 1:1. i believe that the amount of time sunk into adam sargents story is meant to warm us up to understanding yuukis situation, regardless of whether we are meant to forgive him for his abandonment. seths story, too, introduces us to the idea of magical families booting their unworthy kin. which leads us to:
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going back to the screencap for the beginning, lets give yuuki the benefit of the doubt and assume hes being truthful when he promises hell be back for the girls one day. this phrasing is really interesting, and i feel like it implies yuuki knows the place hes going is too dangerous for them. assuming hes returning to his family, or to some sort of organization (which i say because yori is part of the conclave/church), perhaps hes afraid that theyll be taken advantage of. or... maybe he was just lying! there is very little we understand about the church, so there are all manner of reasons why yuuki and yori may have ended up involved with them
so, great, okay. fumiki is here, and yuuki may be coming soon. under what context might he show his face? i have some ideas, but this soon into the arc everything is too subject to change. im also not convinced any of this will be addressed in the fiendbane arc. after all, yori was first introduced at the beginning of the college arc, and is only now becoming relevant. so all of this may only be laying the groundwork for yuuki to return in another arc, if not this one, which appears to have a lot cooking already with the dragon, the new mage, etc. but then again, we get oberons little prophecy:
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i think we all understand this is japan, right. like, it has to be. it doesnt seem that oberons phrasing in the JP text matches what the great wall of china is called in japanese, but i dont think we are meant to interpret it any other way. what else could it mean, hadrians wall? cmon
all of this focus on chises family, past, and meeting with seth are perhaps warming us up to these people and places becoming relevant when the storm breaks. and i believe yori and yuuki will be the ones to involve chise in it all. now, at this point its clear yori doesnt know who chise is, and is just as likely to not know he had a sister at all. but i think this guy knows:
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now... i double checked, and im almost certain this is not seths bodyguard. they have similar hair and fashion, but seths bodyguard parts his hair to the side. its been so long since yuuki has appeared in the manga that its impossible to know for sure if this is him, and im not confident at all that he is. they share some qualities for sure, but that doesnt mean much in this medium. he certainly has yoris swooping hair, at least, so if hes not yuuki he might still be related to him. in the same family business, perhaps? all we know is that hes been here before, and may have been keeping tabs on them in the same way the church does
the use of "wrest" in the above panel is notable here. to wrest is to forcibly take something, and what kind of "blessing" would they want to seize from elias' possession? maybe a useful slay vega that yuuki failed to disclose? if, IF this is yuuki, his demeanor has changed much over the years, and perhaps he is more willing to put chise to use now that he knows where she is. its possible yuuki is making good on his promise, and really is coming back for his daughter like he said he would. we have, after all, seen in chapter 99 how liam and isaac are both unwilling to return to their homes, and the sudden development of philomela being taken in by the scrimgeours. again, philomela is meant to be a near 1:1 chise dupe, so its compelling that we are just now seeing her spirited away to join another family without warning. again, developments among secondary characters prep us for developments among the main cast
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again, too soon to tell, and the next chapter is coming soon, so theres a chance this will all immediately blow up in my face. however, we have already seen chise get scouted by another mage, and elias considers how frightened he is that chise will desire something "he cant provide." so how catastrophic would it be if she was also compelled to rejoin her family, searching for answers and closure in a way elias cannot understand? personally id love to see it, though itll be a long way off
do you think yuuki is coming back? do you think yori is a red herring? let me know. ill leave you with this
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writingsofwesteros · 3 months
Just a few of the possible kinks Trailer Park Aegon might have
DEFINITELY into runny makeup/ruining makeup. He really loves seeing his girl all dolled up and then making a complete mess of it
Public sex and being watched. Sometimes both, depending. He absolutely gets off on the smugness of having a pretty girl on his dick. And this girl is indeed, very pretty. He also enjoys the embarrassment for her. He would 100% send a fake text to a former boyfriend of hers to meet again, only so that he can see her getting absolutely railed into next week by Aegon. Or gagging on his cock. Might even annoy/harass the guy by sending links to some videos that he made with her. Absolutely gets really touchy in public. Especially after dark. He’s constantly pawing at her and begging for “just one go” and only with the hand MAYBE the mouth. This won’t last. Soon she’ll be braced against a wall with her skirt up. Or he’s discreetly bouncing her on his cock near an ill lit bus stop. If he ever does get on the bus late with her, he WILL be asking for that handjob again anyways.
Body writing can be fun for him. Loves to write degrading things on her. Along with cumming on her body sometimes of course. Or writes “property of Aegon” on certain body parts. Occasionally jokes about her getting it tattooed
Blindfolds are an absolute hell yes for so many reasons. Sometimes he’ll make her think they’re alone when they’re far from it. Or sometimes he’ll make her think they’re being watched when they’re alone. He’s a menace and he knows it
He dabbles in general with light bondage. Definitely does it more when they’re filming. But otherwise he might do things like gag her with her own panties as punishment for wearing them without permission. Or tie her hands with his belt. Will 100% be open to collaring her tho. Having her sit by his feet and tugging at the collar when he wants that pretty mouth to get to work.
Other honorable mentions
MASSIVE fixation on breasts. Is very needy in his own way and does beg, just in a “come on, I need you so bad just let me have you.” Way. And is very clingy after. Totally gets off to other guys watching them but would NEVER allow one of them near her holes. Those are his. Discovers a breeding kink after accidentally getting her pregnant and it’s all over from there. He loves how she’ll always be tied to him now. And how he was responsible for that change in her body.
He also loves the money it makes to be fair but-
Definitely makes a show of feeling her up if someone has a meeting with him. Telling her to go get the goods and smacking her arse as she leaves. And sitting her next to him or in his also and squeezing her breast when she returns.
Let’s her take charge occasionally in his own way when she rides him. Encouraging her to “milk my cock!” And “oh fuck, I love how you clench around my dick. Keep riding good girl, take all of it”
Essentially he’s a smug, touchy, pervert. But honestly he’s most likely gotten really attached and he would lose it without his bimbo. He’s a nasty menace but he grows to love her more than anything
Love all of this and completely agree !!
Poor thing is completely ruined by him and now can't go hours without him close. Aegon has her in his grasp and will not let her go.
He forces her head up and down whilst she's completely unaware of the audience of her ex so close .
Theyll be at a rundown diner and he'll be playing with her under the table. Making her order their food in between whines
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paranoiac1963 · 5 months
see on the one hand i do think it is somewhat important that none of the merrily trio ever got involved with one another because so much of the show is about the simmering tension of frank as the ever-unavailable, out-of-reach rising star that mary and charley are both always yearning for but can never truly have............ but also, selfishly, i do think it would be really fun to write a fic where they have an ill-advised threesome one night and all three of them emerge from it kind of shaken up, not for any of the reasons you'd expect, but because it's incredibly unsettling how good it was and how right it felt. and they all know that, like... theres no real way the three of them can keep that feeling going in any sustainable way. not when they have careers, and marriages, and polite society to fit into. so they don't ever speak of it again and all three of them spend the rest of their lives convinced that the other two regret it and that theyre the only one who felt what they felt. but they didnt. and theyll never know.
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posebean · 1 year
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more rinkittys from the brilliant minds of bean and sana at ungodly hours
mostly kitty lore
more on rinkitty au
if formatted weirdly its because we literally played rinky tennis and popcorned everything in discord @sanaimissyou ily
niku was at the cat cafe/adoption place because she was found with parents nowhere to be found hungry and small very very small (kinda like someone we know-) and so she knows what being alone is like and one day when she sees two people sit in and everyone else swarms one of the guys while the other is just. all alone and she doesn't like leaving people alone and for some reason she feels the need to go up to him so she breaks from the crowd and goes over on her little kitten paws and mewls , rubs her head against his knee "hi i'll be your friend" and when rinne sees her he cries
When Niki makes him leave her he tells her “I’ll come back for you” and she believes him and he visits her every now and then so she doesn’t forget him but she doesn’t really register what’s happening every time since she’s so small
Cat melodrama
It’s like 3 AM and there’s meowing in the living room and they think it’s just Niku with the zoomies but no she’s talking to a whole other cat
whole other cat is an alley cat that just passed by one day and saw her and Instantly fell in love and keeps trying to talk with her but Niku is having None of it
He keeps coming by and she eventually just warms up to him because he is. Kind of cute and very charming
the rizz is working
She saves some of her food for him sometimes ‘cause she learned to share food from her dad (Niki) 
niki: niku why arent you finishing your food 
niku: pacing around in front of the window, looking for other cat
Other cat comes by sometimes during the day when Rinne and Niki are out and other cat (she just calls him Nya-kun now ‘cause he doesn’t really have a name) offers to take her on a little city adventure since she doesn’t go out besides a small neighborhood area when Rinne and niki take her on walks
he takes her to his favorite spots and shows her so many things she has never seen and each place they stop at she falls a little more in love (nya-kun is already so in love he cant fall even more hes at full love)
He drops her off at home and she’s just so happy and purring and everything and good kitty things and Rinne and Niki have no idea why she’s like this but they can’t really complain
he comes by again and takes her out and it goes well at first but then they get into a fight with some other alley cats that does not go well; niku is okay and a little shaken but nya-kun is hurt and bleeding
She brings him back to the apartment and kinda tears some things and drawers apart looking for the first aid kit that she’s seen Rinne and Niki use and she’s trying her best to patch him up but Nya-kun’s sitting there thinking and kinda regretting everything ‘cause she got put in danger
nya~kun: i love her. I Love her. But I'm just an alley cat. she has a loving home, she doesn't belong out there. not on the streets. not with me. she's beautiful and everything ive ever dreamed of but i have to let her go. 
niku panicking while trying to patch him up : nya-kun please stay my dads will help i dont know what to do but theyll know ! where are you going? theyll help you, i know they will!
Nya-kun says this isn’t gonna work out for them because she’s just not a street cat, it’s not safe for her out there and she should stay here, where she has a loving home and people who love her, and he thanks her for spending time with him and putting up with him and he leaves And Rinne and Niki come home like “Niku what the fuck happened you’ve never done this” ‘cause everything’s still a mess and she’s just sitting there 
for the next few days she's so, so, sad at first she thinks he'll come by but he doesn't and doesn't the next day and doesn't the day after that or after that or after that but she still waits by the window with her food unfinished waiting for him and rinne and niki notice and are so worried because their baby is hurting and they have no idea why
In all her alone time she realizes that she had no say in his decision to leave her alone, and that it isn’t fair ‘cause he made the decision for her when she didn’t want it in the first place so she makes her own choice to go look for him A là “It’s my life I get to choose” Niki-style
so one day when she gets the confidence and niki and rinne are out at work she nudges the window open and jumps out and runs to every place she can remember him taking her , his fav spot by the pachinko, his fav place to take shelter in, etc, until she finds herself back in the same alley and face to face with the alley cats that had attacked them before. the alley cats recognize her and seeing that her companion isnt with her move to attack her for revenge because though he got hurt, he left a. number on them
Nya-kun jumps in at the last second and fights them off and he’s like “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here you don’t belong here!” (This is all in meows by the way) And Niku’s like “Even if I don’t belong here, you belong with me!” She can’t stand the thought of him fighting for his life while she’s just living comfy so she finally begs him to come home with her ‘cause
 “Dad and dad will love you!!” 
“How do you know that!?”
 “Because I love you!!”
he's so absolutely speechless and starts sobbing (in meowspeak) and is like i love you but im just a street cat, and niku is like if you love me you will come home with me please and nya-kun FINALLY finally breaks down and moves forward slightly closes his eyes touches his nose to her's and gives out a breathless "okay"(meow) and she takes him home and they slip in through the window and sit in the living room cuddled up together waiting for her dads to come home
Anyways yeah that’s how they got the second cat (Rinne and Niki have no idea any of this happened btw [time period unspecified]) and Nya-kun is now called Rinnya-kun but Niku still calls him Nya-kun
and theyre still in love
another thing about niku being so tiny when she was at the cafe is that she doesn’t remember the one other friend she had at the cat cafe that was a tiny orange cat who ran away
that tiny cat was her only friend but he hated being in the cafe and ran away and she barely remembers anything but only knows she felt comfortable in that short time and for some reason the tall red haired guy reminded her of that cat
when the entire B plot ends up being more emotionally charged than the main plot
This entire thing is literally just Rinnya meeting his in-laws
and falling in love with he kitty wife
All cat dialogue is just meows with subtitles
“How do you know that!?” “Because I love you!!” 
"Meow meow meow meow meoww?!" "Miaou miao mewl MIAOUW"
Imagine being someone walking by on the street like “what the hell is goin on over there”
Also Rinne and Niki have no idea ANY of this happened
Rinnya has a scar from that first fight since he left and didn’t let it heal properly and whenever Niki’s petting him he’s like “man where’d you get this scar from buddy”
niku takes time to lick it gently everytime they r cuddling. to show that she is thankful 4 him everyday and loves him so much
Licks are the kitty equivalent of kisses (which Rinne is. Still constantly shaming him for) but nose touches are way more personal for them
man literally went thru hell for her he deserves to be a slut (saved her life)
Rinnya: What the hell is a marriage is why is there no kissing before it, what is a “wife” Niku: I dunno, but dad calls dad his wife so I guess that means someone you just really really love a lot 
Rinnya: I suppose you’re my wife then
niku: i guess i am~
niki: rinne-kun why are you slutshaming the cat again
rinne: u dont understand niki they are breaking the sanctity of marriage
niki: rinne-kun. they're cats. they dont understand the concept of marriage 
niki:. rinne-kun. they literally have CHILDREN 
niki: (sighs) will it make you happier if we throw them a mini ceremony? ill call kazehaya-kun 
rinne: NO they are not marrying before us 
 niki: but then they'll be still doing that thing you dont like 
rinne: niki never said no to us eventually marrying :) 
niki: why do i love a man so stupid
Niki: Hey did you give Niku too many treats again, he looks like he’s getting rounder Rinnya: ……does dad not know you’re a girl
Rinne: ……OH uhhhhh Niki I forgot to tell you something—
rinnya: oh god i knew he was stupid (rinne) i didnt think it could get worse
they meet 14/17 (cat years)
11 months and 1 year and 3 months respectively
all the big stuff happens (when rinnya finally comes to live with her) 18/21 (cat years)
1 year and 4 months and 1 year and 8 months respectively
5 human month slowburn / 4 cat years slowburn
It takes place from the tail end of spring throughout the summer
8/03 when he finally lives with them
Rinnya is petty enough to call Niki dad and Rinne just Rinne
When they get married it’s “dad and his husband”
the first time rinnya calls rinne dad is the last meow he says, a small "thanks dad"
Niku’s last little meows
To niki: stay happy with Dad, Dad
To Rinne: It’ll be okay, Dad
To Rinnya: I love you.
sad kitties cuz i like being in pain i guess
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silver-wield · 2 months
theyll probably show her death sequence whole thing in part 3 but I'm not really looking forward to it. Ig it's there for the audience who want to see her die like in OG. Obviously they're gonna make a big deal out it. But i hope that doesn't deter the actual goal in part 3. But it would be really funny tho. We see her die, some gets all sad i wont, and then they'll call her life "sad" and then she sees zack lmao. I don't feel anything for that dead when it is what actually leads her to her happy ending. I just hope devs make her focus only on zack on the extra scenes (like Zack's). I'm done with her stalking and acting performative friendship with the ff7 gang, yes including our protagonist and especially tifa. And I'm also done with devs over bearingly making ff7 "about her" when it's not. So if they ever cry or reminisce wtvr, i hope they don't make that shit cheesy, avalanche didn't even get that (i honestly don't get why biggs and wedge didn't get a proper send off, why only jessie?? Like in rebirth??).
Some people think there's gonna be this whole thing in the whirlwind maze segment but imo that shit would totally detract from the point of it all. It's about Cloud. It's not about Cloud being sad/not sad because aerith died. And Sephiroth already called him out for his fake tears during the final battle cut scenes, so there's no reason to bring it up again.
I seriously think people have missed the point of Cloud's identity crisis. Sephiroth wants him to lose his mind and break that final connection to Tifa. Going off about aerith and showing her death scene won't do that. It takes the focus away from Cloud.
I just hope Nojima doesn't think we wanna see that bitch pop up during the lifestream scene and saves the omg lookit the lake burial when they go back to the forgotten city with bugenhagen.
There's times and places for characters to appear. Aerith has no place in the whirlwind maze or lifestream scene. Zack does because he's the key to the mystery.
People need to understand the plot before talking shit about it.
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came across a show called cruise ship killers which is just Peak Daytime TV Crime Documentary, and somehow i think im marathoning it and notes so far:
cruise ships continue to be the ugliest boats ever
people have to come up with real unique excuses when they killed someone on a cruise ship which led to a guy changing his story from "my wife was blown overboard" to "the ukranian government is framing me for murder".
he was found guilty. the jury did not believe all of ukraine was guilty as he claimed (this case was in the 90s btw)
several times its noted that other passengers are annoyed that their holiday has been so rudely interrupted by a murder and can everyone just hurry up please so they can continue?
on some cruises, you can go to the staff and be like "hi, my room was broken into and all they stole was my underwear, please can i move cabins?" and theyll be like "sorry, were all booked up but you can disembark at the next port we stop at on your own cost :)". this is not a surprise
theres one case where theyre like "based on the victims diary, it has to be this guy" which is a fascinating approach to solving crime that does not lead to a conviction thankfully.
the show notes "an all male jury found him not guilty" in the diary episode as if its like a bomb theyve dropped, but when your entire case is based on the victims diary, its kinda hard prove murder beyond all reasonable doubt?
as ugly as cruise ships are, they do get some real pretty shots of the ocean and coasts
they really love to just repeat the same information over and over and over again. we get it, the guy was seasick.
remember the guy who stole someones underwear? yeah, he did that and then a few hours later, the victim was dead and it wasnt him. his wife was his alibi though so im sure that was fun for him.
there was another guy who didnt kill the victim but was being creepy and after establishing it wasnt him, the captain ordered him not to talk to any other women and to stay in his cabin for the rest of the trip.
also, they found him because someone came forward and was like "i dont know his name, but hes so suntanned, hes basically a tomato, youll recognise him" and they did
i think they say a variation of "little do they know, theyll be the last person to see X alive" every episode
its always nice to know that if you do go missing/overboard on a cruise ship, theres a decent chance your death will be ruled a suicide for convenience's sake <3
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kiruliom · 1 year
hihi reddit's mogai peeps, welcome to mogaiblr, here's a (not so) small guide by your host Vivian to help you grow accustomed to this place.
press the read more/keep reading thingy to continue, dont worry, it dont bite!
general tumblr etiquette
tag your stuff, they wont be seen otherwise.
do not crosstag (tag a group youre complaining about), or tag unrelated stuff
reblog, reblog, reblog! if you see a post that interests you, reblog! this is super important as there is no algorithm and all the like button does is basically save the post for later
tag triggering things!! [thing] tw or [thing] cw should suffice, dont tag every possible version of a trigger, you only have 30 tag slots, it's the reader's responsibility to block all possible tags as theres no limit on blocked tags. I suggest trigger tagging after the 20th tag as tags after the 20th one dont show up on search (stupid I know) but still gets blocked okay
get a profile photo as soon as possible, this site has a massive bot problem and if youre thought to be one you will be blocked without hesitation
if youre on pc, I highly recommend you get xkit, its a browser extension that helps a lot with your tumblr experience
these are the basics, these have been talked about over and over with twitter refugees as well so I wont drabble on them too much
mogaiblr etiquette
1: keep in mind the intersectionality
the mogai tumblr community has a lot of overlap with other communities, namely the disabled community, nonhuman community and plural community. respect them, and listen to them, for they are your allies. you will see the overlapping community get referred to as "LIOM" a lot (like in my username), it stands for labels, identities and other minorities and is meant to be an all encompassing umbrella.
2: make your posts accessible
as I just said, theres a lot of disabled people in this community, so its important to make your posts as accessible as possible. I will talk more on this later
3: dont be afraid to ask individual blogs
there is no subreddit posting system, and if you just post a general question you likely wont get any answers, if you get seen at all, so dont shy away from asking individual blogs about stuff, if their asks are open, it means they WANT you to talk with them and ask them stuff, so never view it as bothering them. the askbox doesnt always say "asks" and similar stuff though due to being customizable, so just know its the little button to the left of the follow button.
4: check pinned posts
pinned posts are posts that are pinned on top of a persons blog, when you open someones blog, theyll be the first post to be seen upon scrolling down. a lot of people use these to introduce themselves, set boundaries, give request rules, talk about availability, etc. so its important to read these through whenever possible.
more on accessibility
1: image descriptions!!!
its basically where you describe the image, as the name suggests, tumblr has an alt. text function for it but it doesnt always work so little [boxes like this] right under the image is ideal for most, yes it makes it look less pretty, but is your aesthetic worth more than someone whos visually impaired not being able to understand the post? trust me no one cares if your posts are pretty or not. anyway, the ideal way to know how to describe an image is pretend youre explaining it out loud to someone across from you, who cant look at your screen for whatever reason.
2: plain text!
yes, tumblr has a lot of cool text features (like bold or italic, or even colored [PT: like bold, italic, or even colored. end PT]) but this is, again, unfortunately inaccessible, due to tumblr being a broken website it often doesnt register formatted text for screenreaders, plus it can be hard to navigate for people with disabilities even without a visual disability. this goes for fancy text and symbols as well (like stars emoticons or a cursive text font). so you have two options, offer a plain text alternative or dont format text at all. offering plain text can be done in the same way as image IDs (theres even an example above).
3: eyestrain
bright colors are awesome, trust me, Id know, but not everyone can view them properly without a migraine or even worse, a seizure. so its important to tag your posts with eyestrain if you decide to make a brightly colored flag, or even better, do your best to make the flag accessible instead, with slightly duller colors with more (or less depending on the flag) contrast. it doesnt make your flag as ugly as youd think, trust me ^^
4: availability cant do one or more of the things mentioned above for any reasons? dont fret! theres blogs out there that can help you, most of them do this out on their own accord.
currently the most active ones are @plaintextpro , @accessmogai and @transflorall (my blog hehe), who specialize in plain text, image descriptions and eyestrain-help respectively
thats about it that I can think of!!! thank you for reading, and if theres anything you'd like to add, dont be afraid to!
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geffenrecords · 8 months
I see your posts about tim and dally and i think they're hilarious so I was wondering if you had any hcs for them?? they're so underrated it's criminal bc I'm honest to God obsessed w them 😭
whoevr the ffuck asked this thank you somuch I LOVE TIM AND DALLAS.....ARGHHH theyre so fucking interesting to me forever....okay in the book its stated that dallas and tim were always kind of buddies . pb specifically notes that even though dallas got angry and slashed tim's tires for no real reason and then tim retaliated by breaking his ribs that they were still friends. tim goes to see dallas in the hospital, which dallas claims he only does to rub the rumble in his face but i (choose to) believe it was like...more .
tim isnt really a character in the books very much tbh . he has 1 single appearance in the outsders and one in that was then this is now. most of what we hear about him is word of mouth, but when he is onscreen hes described as very cold and scary. ponyboy notes that tim reminds him of an alley cat, and tim praises pony and johnny for killing bob. he kind of just stalks around and talks to everyone a little bit and thats the most we see (besides him breaking his nose again LMAO). pony mentions him A LOT in this book. something thats kind of a '''fandom'''' thing that pisses me off is how people say that darry & soda wouldnt like pony hanging out with curly because he's a ''bad influence'' but this just..isnt true ? pony is always mentioning both the shepards and even says he actually is friends with curly and likes him. the cigarette burning in the hands incident (i think its so cute and funny that tim stopped them. like curly robbing a liquor store is something hes lowkey proud of but curly and pony burning holes in each others hands pisses him off?) and even mentions when he was with curly one time and how he broke something while jumping off a pole. its also noted that despite all the differences between the shepards and the curtis', theyll always help each other and they truly do have each others back. no one makes any comments about how they distrust tim or anythign. in That was then This is Now, tim also shows up once but is mentioned a lot. curly and angela have the most screen time obviously in this book, but i do LOVEE tim's appearance in this book. after mark shaves angelas head, he and curly go and beat up bryon and tim is described as a very frightening person. bryon says that curly is mostly just kind of dumb and violent but tim is genuinely a mean person, noting that curly threatens a lot of people but tim really does mean everything he says and that whatever he says he'll do to someone, he really will. i think this is great! but yeah. twttin also says that the shepards live with their mother and stepdad but i kind of like. ignore this. i think their dynamic is so much more interesting if they live by themselves. i think tim is particularly fascinating BECAUSE of angela and curly. like even tho tim is a terrrible violent person he still raises and takes care of his younger siblings. adds so much more..i think..
but as for him and dally....fuckkkkk dude. the way i view them is that tim is like, genuinely very in love with dallas. like he knows it everyone knows it. usually when i do stuff with them dallas is affectionate towards him in a mostly joking manner, but doesn't really seem aware of tims feelings. obviously i dont think tim or dallas ever really like..talk about their feelings but they have subtle ways of letting each other know. i think theyre most interesting when they hate and love each other. they get in a fistfight and curse each other out b4 going behind bucks and making out for a couple hours . that sort of thing. ponyboys words about them are that theyre "two of a kind" which is CRAZZZYYYYY . like i dont even know where to begin with that one . so anyways . to me, dallas is some little weird nyc freak whos had various on/off relationships, like with sylvia. they kind of cheat on each other and mostly just argue so thats how he views his relationship with tim, and he doesnt really stay with him. however tim does. tim doesnt really have any romantic experiences or anything ( i know that the outsiders says he got the scar on his face from 'a tramp hitting him with a bottle" and that this is most likely implied to say he was trying to get sex from her but i think of it as he got into an argument with some random prostitute. which is honestly kind of funnier. whys he beefing with this poor lady) so to him, dallas is very real and sort of his only thing he has going for him. he takes everything dallas does to and with him VERY personally. if dallas shows up at HIS doorstep after a fight instead of the curtis', tim basically takes this as dallas' version of saying he loves him, even if dallas only did it because his house was closer or whatever. however dallas also will tell him about things going on with sylvia and this pisses tim off so theylll beat each other up about it. and have like car sex after idk. since dallas grew up in the nyc streets and was LITERALLY JAILED AT 10(?) i think of him similar to neil mccormick from mysterious skin . most likely abused at a young age, has sex with a lot of random people to cope with it, "young and willing", that sort of thing. so to him, tim is his buddy hes close with in a really weird way, who cares if they have sex. except tim like really falls in love and dallas is kind of like oh . okay word. i dont know if dallas being in love with tim would really be like...realistic but hopefully it is . hehe. the worst people youve ever met are madly in love with each other...dallas cracks a bottle over tims head when he gets pissed off but they cuddle all night (after almost killing each other fighting it out). itd be like the first time either of them have ever like..experienced a relationship so theyre total weirdos but so sweet in a way ? tim would give dallas stitches after a fight and lay with him all night to make sure he doesnt have a concussion . dallas helps tim get home drunk even when tim tries to shove him away . that sort of thing. i also think curly interacting with dallas is SUCH a funny ass concept and i wish people did stuff with it more. im aware the shepards are boderline my ocs atp but i dont even care . dallas walks in and is like ummm wheres tim and curlys like why 🤨wtf do u want...and dallas just gets So angry. hes literally like beefing with this 14 year old for no fucking reason . dallas would lock curly in the bathroom and forget hes in there when pissed off enough but angela would bully dallas . and he cant really do anything actually harmful to them bc tim would beat his ass so hes just So pissed off.
idk . big fan of whatever se hinton mildly laid down in that book lol.
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CELEB READING: Hi! Could you do a reading on Jackson Wang’s future spouse? Since he had always express how he wants to settle down!
Hiya!! okay here we go!:
Jackson Wang Future Spouse Reading:
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Disclaimer: tarot readings are for entertainment purposed only.
Dice: Sun, Virgo, 4th House
Personality: The World, Six of Swords Reversed, Page of Wands
this person seems like theyve reached some sort of success. They feel like whatever cycle they are in they have reached the end and are ready to begin a new adventure! I also feel a want to settle down, specifically settling down in a specific place/city/country. Maybe they have travelled often for work or other reasons, and they now feel like they want to stay somewhere long term! Overall they seem very settled and grounded, I also feel like they are a creative as well, though im not getting any specific messages about what that creative pursuit is. They have a youthful fiery energy! but they also seem like an analytical person that is able to make wise decisions about their path in life. I just keep seeing someone moving very fast. They could also be very skilled, and have more than one skill that they find pride in and like to show off.
Career: Strength, The Hermit Reversed, Nine of Wands
SO! i think they might work behind the scenes! could be that they are in the entertainment industry but they work cameras, makeup, management, etc... like theyre there but hidden from view. I think their career is very stressful and busy. they are always on the go go go! and i see they have the physical and mental fortitude to take on all those challenges! however they may be prone to overworking and to stress. I suddenly felt tired and tense in my throat chakra, so maybe they feel they cant fully express themselves at their work and it weighs on them heavily. I did say that they felt very skilled, but i also get the sense they may have been an apprentice of some sort? i think they work with their hands and do various tasks under guidance. but i feel they may be ending this apprenticeship and moving into a more stable position now!
Their Relationship: Ten of Cups, Page of Coins, Seven of Coins
Okay so.. literally what you said in your ask! theyre family oriented and willing to work to maintain that beautiful family life they have! With page of coins i see that maybe they will be learning a lot on how to build a family and this wisdom they gain together will only serve to strenghthen the relationship. Its basically what they both dreamed of, but it will take a lot of work to maintain it and nurture it! thankfully they both seem like the types to be able to handle it hehe
How They'd Meet: Judgement Reversed, Nine of Cups Reversed, Queen of Wands Reversed
So this might come after a heartbreak for either of them. either they lose someone or they start to lose hope that they will ever find the one. They will need to put aside the initial judgement between them though! im seeing that during their first meeting they might not be too open to each other in a romantic way, it could be they meet in a situation where theyre not able to connect in deeper manner. It could be at a gathering, bc the nine of cups also reminds me of a host and it being reversed gives me drunk vibes hehe so maybe its a party or a gathering, could be a club? I think this will introduce them to each others circles, and this is where theyll end up crossing paths again and again. Though i do sense they are very wary of each other at the beginning of their connection. This would obviously develop and grow over time and eventually become romantic. I think they are very similar and i really love this connection!
let me know your thoughts! i loved this reading! im not that familiar with jackson wang at all as ive only heard one or two of of his songs from when he was in got7, so i hope i hit the mark here hehe.
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w3ath3r-0f-sw34t3rz · 10 months
taylor parts that live in my head
gold was the color of the leaves when i showed you around centennial park hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
myyymyyymyyyyymyyyyyyyy lover<3
but you keep my old scarf from that very first week
love you to the moon and to saturn
additionally: every instrumental part of haunted
a beautiful boy who died
you never gave a warning sign (i gave so many signs)
the intro to i knew you were trouble. that shit gets me going
cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned everything you lose is a step you take so make the friendship bracelets take the moment and taste it you've got no reason to be afraid you're on your own kid. yeah you can face. this you're on your own kid. you always have been
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight // only rumors bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs, oh lord
the instrumentals in the moment i knew i lose it every time😭
on the way home // i wrote a poem // you say 'what a mind' // this happens all the time
bold was the waitress on our three year trip // getting lunch down by the lakes // she said i looked like an american singer
whispers of 'are you sure' // 'never have i ever before'
OOO OO OO OO OOOOOOOOOOO (it's nice to have a friend [in case you couldn't tell])
have i known you 20 seconds or 20 years
you drew stars around my scars
every speaking part in wanegbt. like. ever.
no one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
the entirety of enchanted
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bit of a weird ask but how do you feel about fics of your fic? ive been having a drought in motivation recently so it wont be coming out anytime soon and i have summer school but ive just been wondering what lucis been thinking esp regarding charlie. js wonderin :3
i was shocked that there was already a chapter today. while im glad that lucis back, i feel like hes being to harsh on husk and angel? like they have gone through hell (heh) and back for this girl, i dont think theyll be trying anything anytime soon
I'm totally okay if anyone wants to make fics of the fic! It's the same as I'd feel for fanart, playlists, and any sort of art/appreciation for the fic. It's a huge honor!
And, yes, Lucifer was a little harsh, but he does have his reasons. He does acknowledge that Husk and Angel have been through a lot trying to get Charlie home, but there are so many outside forces that we're about to learn about that are kind of influencing his paranoia. He's also kind of in shock, because he initially thought Charlie was safe back in San Diego, then learned she almost died and was being escorted by two relative strangers across the country, then they dropped off the face of the earth for the majority of a year, and now suddenly they show up with his daughter out of the blue? And when he does find them they're sneaking through smuggler tunnels with his kid? Like a pretty blatantly dangerous method of getting into Boston and their reason was because they were smuggling stuff in for someone who gave them a ride? Yeah, he's a little guarded, and a little suspicious.
I think he's also dealing with some guilt and taking it out on the wrong people too. He left his daughter in a place he thought she'd be okay, thinking they'd only be gone a few weeks to a month and she almost got killed. Then she went missing again for another 8-9 months and he couldn't find her.
And that's not including the reason he's even in Boston in the first place and all of the crap going on there, but I can't go into much detail with that without spoiling endgame things.
TLDR: Luci's a lil stressed out, but he'll warm up eventually.
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