#and then they refused to just take my word to switch my insurance back to my then-current policy
chrismerle · 2 years
I fucking hate CCS Medical. I don't think there is a single person working for the company who gives a single sloppy shit that people are relying on their business to receive their necessary medical supplies.
I had a shipment of insulin pump and CGM supplies due to ship out on Jan. 3. Knowing that, and knowing my insurance was changing with the new year, I called the company in December to ask if I could give them my updated insurance info in advance, to make sure the switch wouldn't cause issues with my upcoming shipment. I did this because the company has fucked up my insurance multiple times already for no goddamn reason and I wanted to try to head that shit off at the pass.
It is the 7th now. I haven't received any notification that my order shipped. So I went online, and for SOME FUCKING REASON the pending order is also no longer on my dashboard on the patient portal, and it isn't listed with past orders. It's just gone. I am willing to put real, actual money on the odds of them having not actually updated my insurance info like they said they would, so they just decided that I no longer have insurance and cancelled my order. Which means now I'm just stuck sitting with my thumbs up my ass until Monday, when I can call and harangue them about my insurance yet again.
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seresinsbabe · 2 years
Conveniently Yours
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: In a desperate attempt to pay for your mom's cancer treatment you take a job as a dancer at one of NYC's prestigious strip clubs where you meet Jake Seresin who just happens to need a wife.
Warnings: Cancer, talk of death, talk of parental death, cursing, eventual smut. Uhhhh nothing else I can think of. If I missed anything I apologize!
Word count: 1k
A/N: Prologue is here! I'm going to try getting chapter one out today or tomorrow, just depends on what my holiday plans end up being!
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
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Masterlist | Next Chapter
“The board thinks it would be good for the company’s image if you had a woman at your side.” Jake Seresin rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. The sleeve of his shirt pulled down enough to show off the expensive Rolex on his wrist as he rubbed his eyes out of frustration.
“That’s ludicrous. What does my relationship status have to do with a fucking tech company’s image?” He stared over at Javy who just stared back apologetically.
On the other side of the meeting table Chester Cain cleared his throat. Fucking fossil that asshat was. Jake had been hoping that when his father retired and passed the company on to him that Cain would take his leave as well. Apparently Cain decided to make it his personal mission to throw a wrench in every aspect of Jake’s life until he died a bitter old man. “The latest tabloid photos of your escapades have caused a downturn in our stock numbers. You either stay out of the public eye,” Jake let out a snort. That wasn’t going to happen. He was a social creature, he couldn’t just avoid the public eye. Not when you were the CEO of the world’s largest tech giant. He was named number one in Forbes latest “Forty under Forty”. Avoiding publicity wasn’t a possibility for him. Besides, he liked seeing his face plastered everywhere. 
“Or you settle down. Get married to a respectable woman. Not one of these aireheaded heiresses you like so much.” If looks could kill Cain would have met his long overdue death right now.
Sure, maybe when he’d been young and naive he had thought about marriage. Then he started to really date and he learned that money is what ruled the prerogative of most. Women didn’t want him for who he was, they wanted him for what he had. After getting burned more than he felt his fair share, Jake knew a meaningful relationship wasn’t in the cards for him.
Javy could see that his vision was growing red and he called the meeting. If they let it go on any further it was bound to get explosive. “We’ll come back next week and discuss this further.”
The other board members cleared the room, Cain staying longer, intent on saying something but Javy stopped him before he could. 
“I wish the old man would bite the dust already.” Jake mumbled dryly. “What changed? I mean, our stocks waver all the time. That’s the nature of the fucking stock exchange.” As far as he was aware the stock hadn’t dropped that drastically. Maybe a point or two, nothing they couldn’t come back from.
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“I’m sorry, we’ve tried everything to get approval through insurance, but they won’t approve it.” Doctor Sandlin’s eyes held an apologetic look as he watched you take in the information. For weeks they’d submitted everything they could, he’d been on the phone with the insurance company more times than he really cared and still they denied to cover your mother’s cancer treatments.
You felt your mother squeeze your hand from her spot next to you. “What does that mean doctor?” Her normally vibrant voice was weak. She’d already gone without several rounds of her chemo and the cancer was hitting back hard.
The treatments had been doing well and she was getting closer and closer to beating it and then suddenly insurance flipped the switch. Refusing to cover any of her costs.
“It means any future chemotherapy sessions will have to be paid out of pocket prior to treatment.” You stared at a poster on the exam room wall. Your vision started going blurry as you tried to wrack your brain for something you could do. 
In all her life your mom had never done any wrong to anyone she’d ever met. You wished you were half as kind hearted as she was. Ellen had never met a stranger, she never made an enemy. Your friends loved her, but maybe that was because she was like a second mom. Out of all your closest friends, you were the only one that had a stable home environment. Two loving parents, you didn’t have a ton of money growing up, but you never had to worry about a meal or having a warm bed to sleep in.
Everything came crashing down two years ago, when your dad had been killed in a mugging. Suddenly your family was without a father and without the main source of income. You’d nearly completed nursing school, but you had to drop out to work way more than full time to make ends meet. And then when your mother started her cancer treatments she couldn’t work anymore, which left you as the sole bread maker. 
“If she doesn’t get the treatments, how long does she have?” It was a question you weren’t sure you wanted answered, but knew it needed to be.
“A matter of months.”
“And with the treatment?”
“Provided it works, she could go into full remission and have years left.”
You drew in a shaky breath, tears brimming in your eyes as you pictured life without your mom. Of course you always knew one day it would happen. Just…you hadn’t imagined it being this soon.
“I’ll figure it out. We’ll schedule her next chemo treatment and I’ll have the money.” Both your mom and Doctor Sandling looked at you, your mom with concern and Doctor Sandlin with skeptical pity. You weren’t backing down. Not anytime soon.
You hadn’t been able to save your dad, but you would be damned if you didn’t at least try to save your mom.
While your mom scheduled the chemo appointment you walked around the corner, not wanting her to hear what you were about to do.
The phone rang a couple of times before Natasha finally answered.
 “Nix, is the club still looking for another dancer?”
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breatheinbitedown · 1 year
i’m getting my bug out bags organized. one for my car (best case scenario) and one for my room (fallback if i can’t get to my car).
for now i’m sleeping with my key fob hidden in a specific spot in my bed to give me easy access and to make it hard for someone to slip in at night and take my keys. it’s next to my knife, just in case. hopefully soon i’ll have a taser i can keep on me instead rather than only having my knife to rely on.
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the plan is to save the zipper pocket boxers for sleeping. one pocket will be for my car fob in a case so i can’t set the alarm off in the middle of the night. the other pocket will have the key to my padlock in it. that way i can sleep with them on my person, even in my unventilated room in the bama summer heat. when it’s cooler i can go back to sleeping in street clothes and keeping things in my pockets.
today we installed a latch system on my bedroom door. i wish i could use it 24/7 but the potential consequences put me in a body bag so for now it’s only there for emergencies. it should hold him off long enough for me to drop out of the window and make it to my car (or far enough from the house that they don’t know where to start looking immediately).
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the trunk and the padlock are exciting. i can keep my emergency shit (important documents, highly sentimental items), the shit my dad likes to steal (my medication, money, wallet), and my “mind your business” shit (sex toys, my vape and smoking shit, my journals), and my devices (laptop, switch, my second phone that i *should* have in a couple of weeks). if i need to bail out quick - not emergency bug out quick, but get the hell out of dodge and figure out the rest of my shit later quick.
for now i’ve been staying out of the house from the moment i wake up til 1-2am. now my partner and i use discord to video call from my laptop overnight while we sleep (or try to sleep) to deter my dad from making his way in here at night. they’re working on getting obs set up to screen record the whole call so it’s like security footage almost. i’m case something happens.
the big thing now is that i’m not a minor. i’m a fully grown adult and i have a lot more going for me when he does things. my word is just as powerful as his because i’m not a kid anymore. on top of that, i have more eyes on things now. my partner, my mother in law, and my aunt (who my parents respect and are mildly terrified of).
my bedroom is directly off of the kitchen. the lights in the kitchen always stay on. i have my mugs on a rack over my bedroom door. so when my door gets opened, my mugs clang loudly and the room gets flooded with light. it’s like it’s own alarm system. there’s a box fan i keep on directly in front of the door, so anyone who tries to walk in has to stop and move it out of the way. it gives me a second to get my bearings before i have to potentially fight him off.
only a few more months. i’ll be out for good this time. i’ll be on my own phone plan and i’ll have a new number they don’t know. i’ll have the car title in my name. i’ll get my own car insurance. i’ll have my own health insurance. all of the things they refused to let me off of so they could keep me dependent. im not asking this time. i will never have to see any of them again. so i won’t. im so close. i survived worse i can survive this.
0 notes
miraculouscontent · 3 years
It’s heeeeere! Another summasalt, this time with nearly twice the length of the first one!
(Turns out that not having caffeine doesn’t help me talk any slower.)
Script below:
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on Rocketear?
Can you Rocketear the newest episode apart with your salt, my beloved Salt Queen?
Penny for your thoughts on Rocketear?
Aw, anon! You can have that for free! I'm a generous goddess.
"Rocketear" begins with Chat Noir and Carapace - just Carapace, really - holding back a pack of what I presume to be the physical manifestation of the writing staff's age, or at least a representation of how behind the times the writing seems.
Just as the dinosaurs break through Shellter. Ladybug shows up with the scientist who revived the dinosaurs in the first place and said scientist uses a whistle to calm the dinosaurs down. There's also a line from Bob Roth about putting the dinosaurs in a theme park to make money and I know what it's referencing but it's so incredibly random that it doesn't really come off as a proper joke.
Carapace was notably sad right after battle, but insisted that he was fine when Ladybug asked. Rena, sporting a... - I would like to say "new design" but it's a recolor in every sense of the word - is hiding behind part of a building and smiles after the heroes before walking off. Ladybug takes Nino's miraculous back but sees that he's still upset and asks him again what's wrong. Nino asks where Alya was and Ladybug claims that she only needed Carapace for the job, which cheers him up but only until Ladybug is already gone.
Mm, I guess Nino and Adrien relate in heroism not being enough for them unless they have their respective love interest to flirt with.
Also, I know this is an obvious set-up, but the show can't tell me that Ladybug just always brought Nino and Alya whenever she needed one of them. Season 3 required her to go to Master Fu to get the miraculouses, and unless she already knew that Nino and Alya would be in the same location - which, okay, the show does basically shove the two of them together whenever Nino is onscreen, fair, if two characters are in a relationship in this show then it's weird for them to NOT be with that person - but it just seems like a gamble, not to mention proof to Shadow Moth that the two are close if Ladybug constantly brings both of them.
Anyway, Ladybug goes into the sewer and asks Rena if she's seen any sign of Shadow Moth or his traps. Rena didn't see anything and they de-transform. Marinette is about to leave when she thinks of something, but Alya assumes it's about her new look, which was apparently not voluntary on her part and the suit automatically adapted to Alya's new role as Rena Furtive, which she has now named it as.
Marinette reminds her that this is supposed to be a secret and that they agreed that the fox has no owner. When Alya is evasive about whether she told Nino that she won't be Rena anymore, Marinette stresses that everyone needs to believe that Alya won't be using a miraculous anymore so that she can remain an undercover spy.
What's the point in changing the look if you're not going to show yourself anyway? I mean, insurance, I guess, but still.
Alya, exasperated, parrots what Marinette has apparently told her before: that she helps Ladybug with Mirage in case Shadow Moth tries to follow her so Rena can follow him instead. Marinette stresses the situation again and Alya tries to get Marinette to agree on her telling Nino that she's Rena Furtive, but Marinette refuses.
At Marinette's house, Alya talks further and explains that she doesn't know if she can lie to Nino since they don't keep any secrets--Alya, babe, you kept Rena Rouge from him and didn't tell him that you knew he was Carapace until Ladybug was forced to give you your miraculouses at the same time. I don't wanna hear it.
Marinette states that it's too late for that and also not technically a lie, but Alya gets upset and says that Nino will never trust her again if he finds out that she kept something from him. Marinette brings up how she had to keep secrets from Alya too, but they're interrupted by Tom appearing and wanting to play games with them. Marinette makes an excuse about homework that she's repeated many times, as Tom comments that the teachers give her too much. After Tom is kicked out - hang on, lemme just... - Marinette uses the moment to show Alya that she's lied to her family a lot and hasn't played games with her father in months. She states that there's no other option as they have to protect their identities, and Alya agrees to talk to Nino.
In Alya's room - I just presume at this point that Nino's house doesn't exist and Chris is an illusion - Alya tells Nino that they need to talk, but stammers and states that it's hard to talk about. Nino thinks that she wants to break up with him, but Alya assures that she loves him. She finally gets to the cover story that Rena herself made up in "Sentibubbler" and Nino understands, sad that she won't be around anymore but agreeing if it's what Ladybug thinks is best.
Is it weird that Nino respects Ladybug's wishes more than Alya does?
Nino hugs her and is confused by why Alya was nervous to tell him, as she can tell him anything and nothing will change their relationship. Alya feels guilty and hugs back, murmuring about how they don't have any secrets; that's not what Nino said, but sure, push this plot to its already predictable conclusion. I mean, I thought it was vaguely sweet that Nino switched to seriousness immediately when Alya said that she wanted to talk, but how am I supposed to be invested in this couple when their dynamic boils down to "STRONG, INDEPENDANT WOMAN who wears the pants in the relationship because her boyfriend is portrayed as a wimpy coward"? Like, the show constantly dragged Nino down to make Alya look "powerful" by comparison, and then when it comes to characters like Marinette, we get a girl who works very well outside of her relationship with her endgame love interest.
It's the fakest form of "girl power," dragging guys down to raise girls up or actually making a strong girl character but having her love interest be a weakness that creates flaws in her that weren't there originally and having that love interest be who she's "destined for."
I'm rambling, sorry.
In class, Marinette assures Alya that she did the right thing and Alya agrees. As they're leaving school, Marinette talks about how their "night walks" start soon, and Alya non-subtly talks about how Rena Furtive will be on the lookout while Ladybug and Chat Noir patrol. She stops, however, as gets excited about some pictures she took of herself as Rena Furtive, which has a lot of details that Marinette hasn't seen. I don't know whether to groan at what I just heard or remind everyone that Rena Furtive is literally just a recolor and therefore this is the writers patting themselves on the back for this design, so let's just move on.
Alya then shows Marinette her phone--AUGH, MY EYES--and suggests making a poll on her Ladyblog so people can vote for their favorite Rena design. Marinette has to stress again that Rena Furtive is supposed to be a spy and thus invisible, which Alya admits that she forgot about.
Okay, I've been holding off on talking about this, but now seems like the best time to bring it up. Alya has been a trash friend as well as a trash confidant, and her role as Rena Rouge boiled down to, "it was convenient for her to be the fox at the time it was needed." She's not particularly stealthy like one would expect of a fox, and she was easily one of the worst candidates to be told Marinette's big secret. I'll get more into this later, but I have to stress that Alya has treated Marinette no differently since learning of Marinette's identity and has already gone against Marinette's orders once before at the time of this episode airing. Episodes are constantly torn between validating their decision to have Marinette tell Alya, having Marinette be worried about the decision while the show considers her to be ridiculous for it, and then having Alya either consider or make choices that clearly don't gel well with what's good for her role. Much like Marinette, she lacks a sense of self-control and--wow, a female character who's impulsive, never seen that stereotype before.
Point being, "Sentibubbler" stressed over and over that Alya was the right choice and deserved to be both the permanent fox and the understudy for guardian, but then we have "Rocketear" here where Alya is making basic emotionally-driven errors that I'm not even remotely sympathetic to when Marinette has gone through so much worse over the course of three+ seasons.
Alya laments that it's hard to find new content for the Ladyblog - ah, yes, tell me more about your struggles, Alya - but figures that at least she can post stuff about Chat Noir instead of--I don't know--making fake Ladybug theories to lead people off Marinette's trail. Marinette says that it's a great idea, though Alya still doesn't look too happy. The scene then rewinds to a little bit to show a different point of view, this time with Adrien and Nino. Wait, this feels familiar, wasn't there another episode that did something like--ohhhh no, this is going to hurt.
After saying good-bye to Adrien - something I wish I could do every time he's mentioned or on-screen - Nino catches the bit of conversation where Alya talks about the Ladyblog. Nino talks as if Marinette isn't there and asks Alya out to the movies because Marinette is chopped liver and this is about Alya and how sad she is, guys.
Wow, she's turning into Adrien faster and faster.
Alya hesitates, but Marinette assures her that there's still time. Alya excitedly runs off with Nino and they watch what I presume are previews given the narrator, featuring recycled footage from the Ladybug PV. Nino is upset because Rena is mentioned but not Carapace, and the preview features Rena telling Chat Noir to forget Ladybug because it's Chat and Rena herself who are trulu made for each other.
I don't know what's funnier; the complete lack of self-awareness or the suggestion that a biracial couple would exist in this show outside of a special that gives them maybe a minute of screentime and acts more like suggestive canon anyway. I think I might've been too generous with that line about dinosaurs.
Nino is offended by the preview and Alya brushes off his comments, stating that it's just a cartoon and it's made to entertain people, though Nino himself is certainly not entertained. Can't say I entirely blame him considering that Alya doesn't really try to say anything substantial or even agree with him. No cuddling or reassuring kisses, she just gets slightly sad and turns to her phone for a bit.
After the movie, Nino is cheered back up again until he catches Alya on her phone once more. He offers to take her home, but she's distracted, and he comments that what she showed to Marinette looked pretty nice; I don't know because they didn't show it. Nino asks what it was and Alya evades the question, stating that her battery is running out. Nino is suspicious, but spots Andre's ice cream cart and the two head over there. Andre calls them his favorite couple and asks what they want, but Alya sees Ladybug gesturing for her and has to run off, giving Nino a cheek kiss as she goes which feels like too little too late at this point.
Nino catches some conveniently-placed kids arguing over who Chat Noir loves, but they settle on the fact that girls in general love Chat Noir. Nino is then seen at the Seine watching the Ladyblog's latest video, where Alya is talking up how amazing Chat Noir is. I hate to stop every five seconds to complain - okay, actually I don't - but I presume this video must've been made after the movie since Nino seems like the type who would actively follow his girlfriend's blog, yet not only is this video perfectly set up to echo the kids and the movie preview, but Alya - despite apparently caring about her boyfriend soooo much that she kept trying to convince Marinette to bend the rules - didn't even try to warn Nino or text him so he doesn't take it too seriously. It's like "Sentibubbler" with the conflicting messages about identity rules; Alya cares about her boyfriend but both isn't thinking about how he'll take the things she says and apparently doesn't know him well enough to realize that he wouldn't be mad over her keeping a secret that she was told to keep. I already talked about how they play up Nino to be the emotionally weaker one of the relationship, but then they don't have Alya try to cover or make up for that. She's been acting very much not like Alya - you know, the one who in "Sapotis" practically bragged about how great she'd be at covering for Ladybug - with her stutters and weak excuses, so I can't completely blame Nino for being upset after everything that's happened when he sees the writers projecting onto Alya as she talks about how Chat Noir is brave and funny and cute and showing all these images of him as well. I don't agree with all of his actions, but--oh yeah, speaking of which--
Nino calls Adrien and is talking to him about how Alya must be in love with someone else. Adrien dismisses the idea, as Alya and Nino are together basically all the time, and asks who she could possibly be in love with. When Nino suggests that it's Chat Noir, Adrien laughs and jokes about it being Fang instead. Nino points out the video but Adrien did see it but is overall unphased and convinced that it means nothing. Nino says that he'll find proof and hangs up, but Adrien is certain he'll find nothing. Plagg comments that Nino will find someone because Plagg's charisma has definitely contaminated Adrien.
Adrien expresses concern that he put on the cat's charm too much and accidentally made Alya fall for him, and decides to visit Alya as Chat Noir to be sure.
Meanwhile, we get a reference to film noirs as Nino narrates. That's the second blatant reference this episode and now I feel like they wrote this script while doing a movie marathon.
Chat Noir arrives at Alya's house and Trixx hides before Alya opens the curtains to reveal her surprise guest. Nino is nearby watching the scene with his phone as Alya wonders aloud if something's wrong. Chat assures that everything's fine, but brings up the video she posted. He insists that it made him happy, but points out that she's been following him and Ladybug since the beginning and that they know each other much better due to everything that's happened. He has some conveniently-worded dialog as he starts to say that he hopes something's just an illusion and Alya gets worried that he's about to bring up Rena. Chat continues and clarifies that he wonders if she started to feel something for him, though adds that he understands because just look at him.
Chat clarifies by making a heart with his hands, which Nino sees. Alya laughs at this gesture and states that she has a boyfriend, doing the same heart gesture and suggesting that her love for Nino is even more than that. Chat Noir apologizes - hm, I didn't know he had the capacity to do that - and hugs Alya, saying that he was just confused.
An absolutely unnecessary hug for two people who, at least in terms of their current selves, have had very little screentime together, but this is also the show where making eye contact basically means your friends and it's all just to push the plot along so Nino inteprets that Alya is in love with Chat Noir, so whatever I guess.
Alya states that Nino is far more irresistable than Chat, then adds that she doesn't even know his secret identity, and she'd never fall in love with someone she doesn't know. Nino then runs away upset and the scene cuts away to the next day where--
Wait, wait, wait, hang on a second. Two things right off the bat there.
First off, we're just gonna sidle past that "wouldn't fall in love with someone you don't know the identity of" while ignoring the existence of the love square? Not even Chat thinking about how he doesn't know Ladybug's identity and trying to excuse that he doesn't have to? This guy is that certain of their relationship?
Secondly, Nino is practically sobbing and Shadow Moth doesn't take this as his opportunity? Same guy who akumatized Mr. Pigeon 72 times and has akumatized Gigantitan more than once? What is this pacing???
But--alright, so Adrien comes into school and sees Nino, still dressed up in his detective gear, which gets ignored completely as Adrien goes to tell him about Chat Noir and Alya. Because the show doesn't know how Adrien would convey this within reason, Nino interrupts him, taking him down into the lower part of the school where he has a desk and chairs set up. Adrien goes to ask when Nino had time to do this, but Nino slams his hand on the desk to cut him off. Nino presents the evidence he took and they go back and forth, likewise with Adrien turning off the background music while Nino turns it back on. Adrien insists that it's a misunderstanding, but pleads innocent when Nino asks how he knows. Adrien states that Alya is just a superhero fan and that she and Chat Noir have nothing in common.
Again, the complete lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
Adrien repeats what Alya said about secret identities and how she wouldn't fall for someone she doesn't know - they're really ignoring this, aren't they? - and continues hitting Nino's soft spots about how unlikely it is until Nino decides to tell Adrien something he's not supposed to.
He tells Adrien, not only that Alya is Rena Rouge, but that he's Carapace. Adrien goes through a range of emotions beyond sAD for once, shocked at the fact that they know each other's identities. Nino states that they don't keep secrets from each other, except now Alya is with Chat Noir. Adrien still doesn't understand and brings up how secret identities have to be protected, or else Nino wouldn't have told him because Ladybug wouldn't agree to it.
Oh, here we go. So that's why they waited.
Nino states that it was Ladybug herself who gave them their miraculouses at the same time; not giving the reason why, of course, nor pointing out that they're temporary heroes so there's understandably some leeway. Adrien is having a moment, but manages to bring the subject back to Alya and Chat Noir, who he still doesn't think are a thing. Nino argues that it's because Adrien doesn't know Chat Noir, but he does because he's Carapace and knows how Chat Noir acts. He says that it's all flowers and confessions when Ladybug appears, but he gets rejected because Ladybug thinks that he's annoying, and she's right. He adds that Chat flirts with Rena Rouge and that's all that needs to happen, with Chat stepping in on the first mission Carapace lost in. Nino laments the loss of the love of his life and wishes to shut Chat Noir up forever; we all do, Nino, we all do. Shadow Moth finally steps in with - oh, less than eight minutes left in the episode, yikes - and Nino is akumatized into Rocketear.
Rocketear rejects Adrien's pleas to stop, insisting that Chat Noir is who he's after, not Adrien, and Adrien transforms in sad fashion despite Plagg's reminder of who Rocketear is after. Alya, meanwhile, is in the art club with Marinette - wait, since when was Alya in the art club - telling Marinette about how Chat Noir thought she was into him due to the video, which Marinette groans at. There's an earthquake and they peek outside to see Rocketear firing his tears at Chat Noir, shouting that he stole Alya from him. Chat Noir tries to tell him otherwise, but Rocketear won't listen.
Alya groans at Nino doing this, then she and Marinette set off to find a place to transform. They conveniently go to the same place Adrien and Nino were, so they see the desk that Nino had set up.
Genuine question, how seriously does this episode want me to take itself, because now when I recount all the unnecessary love square drama in my head - because you know that's where this is going - I'm going to have to think, "Nino, dressed in a detective outfit, ripped off his fake mustache and told Adrien both his and Rena's identities, and also that Ladybug was totally cool with it and thinks that Chat Noir is annoying."
Gettin' two completely different vibes here. The episode clearly wants to be important but it doesn't take itself seriously either, which it totally could while including enough jokes to keep things light. Instead, I'm just left scratching my head and wondering what tone they're going for.
Marinette finds Nino's phone on the desk - I'm calling continuity error on that one because he at no point put it on the desk, at least not on-screen - and she questions Alya on the video she sees. Alya insists that nothing happened, apparently completely unphased by her boyfriend having spied on her, and says that he wouldn't have misunderstood if he'd heard the actual conversation.
The two transform and Ladybug immediately uses Lucky Charm, receiving a projector. Ladybug is clueless and Rena Furtive suggests creating an imaginary movie like Nino. Ladybug gets an idea, remembering Alya's earlier comments, and Rena confirms that she remembers every word of it.
Aaaaand, just like that, all of the tension has been completely sucked away. You know, "Backwarder" was a trash episode, but at least when Ladybug was showing every step of her plan, she didn't tell us what it was.
Meanwhile, Rocketear and Chat Noir are still arguing--I started zoning out at hearing the same thing over and over again at this point, so I just presume they were fighting over who does stuff behind their love interest's backs better; I don't think they came to an agreement but they're both losers anyway.
Chat Noir says that he'll prove his innocence, tossing his baton aside to show him giving up, but Rocketear points out that it proves nothing and strikes Chat Noir with his tears.
Our endgame love interest, everyone. Straight As yet about as smart as a sack of bricks, and that at least won't flirt with anyone non-consensually.
Chat Noir makes a point that he doesn't want to hurt Rocketear, and Shadow Moth tells Rocketear to take his miraculous before finishing him. Chat Noir can only weakly tell him not to before Ladybug snags Rocketear's wrist and diverts the shot. Ladybug explains to Rocketear about the projector and how it'll let him hear the audio of the recording he took. She adds that she doesn't know what Chat said, but she trusts him.
Marinette, I'm sorry, I feel so bad for you.
Ladybug turns on the projector and Rocketear relaxes at actually hearing what was going on. Rena then de-transforms and hurries out to meet with Rocketear, hugging him as Rocketear apologizes for doubting her. Alya also kinda sorta apologizes in a way I don't understand and Rocketear then breaks his akumatization, very casually, all on his own.
Yeah, just--casually, in a matter of seconds in fact. You know, it's really sad when people resisting akumatizations are more tense and emotionally compelling than them breaking them. This is twice in one season now and has zero impact considering that Nino's reason for being akumatized was already taken care of so he had no reason to stay akumatized anyway. Him breaking his own object to release the akuma would've at least been different, but instead it's just a repeat of what Alya went through with even less tension considering that Alya's wasn't even that good in the first place, relying on her relationship to Ladybug rather than who she knew to be her best friend.
Moving on, Ladybug captures the akuma and uses Miraculous Ladybug to bring everything back to normal. Shadow Moth monologues about how love and secrets don't go well together and he's sure that she has a lot and I'll talk about this later.
Ladybug hands over the magical charm, which Nino takes but insists that he won't need it, as he'll never let Shadow Moth use his love to manipulate him again. Plenty of other things to get akumatized over, but they gave the supposedly ace character a robot to help him stick out and also gave the supposedly aro character a miraculous back in season one to give her more importance. If characters aren't in love then they need something to ceompensate for it.
Nino apologizes to Chat Noir for being wrong and Chat Noir assures him that everyone has doubts, even him. He gets sad and Ladybug asks him what's wrong, but he insists that he's fine - officially throwing away his right to be upset at her later as far as I'm concerned - and they do their usual fist buuuuu--
Everyone then splits up and Chat Noir sulks by himself instead of--you know, talking to Ladybug, or asking her anything, or making any sort of excuse for her because that would mean he actually has faith in her and understands that their partnership is different from temporary heroes, even if the excuse was as basic as her wanting to protect him more than the others because he would be that egotistical if they didn't want to stretch out this unnecessary drama.
Later on, Adrien is staring at a picture on the Ladyblog that might be a metaphor for the show considering how "in the foreground" Chat Noir and Rena are.
Adrien vents about Ladybug giving miraculouses to Alya and Nino, but Plagg states that she's the guardian. Adrien clarifies that he's referring to Alya and Nino knowing each other's identities, but Plagg doesn't see the issue. Adrien gets huffy and asks why the rule exists for LadyNoir but not Ninya, but Plagg again points out that she's the guardian, so she makes the rules, though obviously he uses cheese metaphors to convey it.
Okay, Plagg is only, like--half-right because he doesn't have all the information. If you don't mind me rambling for a bit, I'm on the fence here because, on one hand--yes, I agree that Marinette should be allowed to make her own rules, and I often do that in my writing because I think she should be permitted leeway in order to let herself be happy, but on the other hand, it's not technically her rule, as she had to let Alya and Nino in on their identities back in the Season 2 finale, so Fu was still around for a season. She wasn't even guardian yet!
Now, presumably so the fandom could blame Marinette if anything happened, Marinette never discussed this with Fu on-screen, so I can't say whether or not Fu knew, but I feel like he must've since Marinette had to have told him the heroes' identities off-screen, given "Party Crasher," and thus I imagine that Marinette would tell Fu everything that happened, which is consistent with what she does on-screen even if she'd keep things from him for a little while.
"Furious Fu" had also established that not even Master Fu followed rules completely, meaning that Marinette is in this awkward spot of mostly following what Fu taught her, which aren't all guardian rules anyway, and having to break the rules on occasion for various purposes. I can't say what Fu approved of and what he didn't, because episodes spend so much time on the love square that they forget about Marinette as a person and how she interacts with everyone else. From an emotional standpoint, I can't blame Marinette for not revoking the miraculouses of people whose identities get discovered because of her, as I imagine she feels guilty and it probably doesn't seem fair to force them into another miraculous or have them be entirely without one because of a mistake that she made, meaning that someone needs to be throwing a lot of red flags for Marinette to be through with them.
Though obviously, from the show's standpoint, it's just an excuse to not make new models, but I complained about that enough in "Sentibubbler" and this episode even went out of its way to design a detective model for Nino while spraypainting Alya's bodysuit in the same breath, so this is the world we live in.
Anyway, Marinette is essentially in this position where she still has Fu's rules hovering over her, but she's also trying to step out on her own and make her own decisions to varying degrees of success or failure depending on your point of view. Tikki--wait, no, bad idea--Su-Han then, could easily give input on these things, perhaps with Marinette discussing a modern day set of rules for someone her age and going back and forth with Su-Han on what the right choices to make are, finding something that's comfortable but within a realm of predictable control. Su-Han was okay with some rules being broken after seeing how Ladybug handled them and they could've easily made this episode about that instead, but instead, we get rules being set and then being broken on a writer's whim.
Which now brings us to the end of the episode, where Marinette is on the phone with Alya and apologizes for causing trouble between her and Nino. Alya tells her not to worry and she'll fix things - you know, those things that, to Marinette's knowledge, have already been fixed - and asks if Marinette trusts her. Marinette does, and Alya hangs up in order to face Nino.
Yeah, that feeling of dread in your stomach? That means you know how predictable the writing is and what's about to happen, good for you.
Alya explains that she has to tell Nino something and he's worried, this time trying to sheepishly break the tension. She explains that she's still Rena Rouge, much to Nino's shock, and adds that she's in hiding, which is why Ladybug didn't want her to tell anyone. Nino asks why she's telling him if she's not supposed to tell anyone - proving my point from a while back that he wouldn't have been upset had she kept it a secret - then asks if Ladybug agreed with it.
I want to give him a pat on the back for considering Ladybug, but he didn't even tell her when he had the chance that Adrien knows his identity now, so I'm just beaten down at this point.
Instead of answering the question directly, Alya says that she can't hide her identity from him because she loves him and they don't have secrets.
You know, like Nino telling Adrien about Rena's identity, or Alya saying specifically that she's a permanent holder, which I'm sure both of them will confess to since they said that they don't have--aaaaand the episode ends on happy triumphant music, okay.
I mean, I guess Alya at least didn't tell him that Marinette was Ladybug, but that is such a low bar and not even remotely worthy of congratulations when Alya told Nino the specific thing that Marinette told Alya not to tell; the thing that they had agreed on.
Nino wasn't upset anymore. He won't be getting akumatized either. Alya endured the supposed hardship of being a permanent fox holder for four episodes before breaking down and telling her boyfriend. Even her excuse doesn't hold any water because, again, they're both still technically keeping a secret, particularly Alya who knows Marinette's identity as Ladybug. The episode also apparently forgets that Alya and Marinette's friendship must not be as strong by her logic of telling Nino specifically everything, as Alya kept Rena Rouge a secret from Marinette for all of Season 3, but tells Nino about continuing to be Rena Rouge in Season 4. Boyfriends before BFFs without explicitly saying it, or to be more specific, whatever screws Marinette over the most, because that's what this comes down to, made worse by "Optigami" where Marinette told Alya that she'd tell her everything and I guess that doesn't go both ways.
"Sentibubbler" had Alya stress that no one would ever know. She promised Marinette and told Marinette to trust her, and the episode spent its entire running time talking her up and assuring Marinette that she was the right choice, even considering Marinette ridiculous for worrying when Alya had done something without Marinette's permission the episode right before it. Then, three episodes after "Sentibubbler," when Marinette is finally comfortable and trusts Alya completely, Alya betrays that trust. Nino betrayed that trust, knowing he wasn't supposed to do so but telling Adrien his and Rena's identity anyway, because he was losing an argument and needed to PROVE something.
Marinette gives them an inch and they take a mile. Marinette bent the rules so that they could continue to have the miraculous they'd started with and they disrespected her because it was hard for like a day.
And if this bites them back, it won't reflect poorly on them, it'll reflect poorly on Marinette.
It's not like Alya just overrode Marinette. She didn't go, "Hey, I'm telling Nino, I'm sorry," or tried her hardest to go back and forth with Marinette until they both agreed. No, she did what she told Marinette she wouldn't do without saying a word to her, because LOVE and SEEEECRETS.
And this only applies to her, of course, because don't think I didn't notice the parallels between this episode and "Truth," because WOW.
Episode begins with Marinette hoping for something and it blows up in her face? A date at the cinema that ends on a sour note? Plot-centric couple trying to get Andre's ice cream and the female with a secret needing to leave in a hurry? Boyfriend character getting akumatized over their girlfriend's secret? Boyfriend assumes/suggests that the girlfriend's secret involves Aaaaaadrien - or his alter-ego in "Rocketear"'s case - and the episode hints as much to him even though he's completely wrong? Akuma's colors are blue and black? THE BRIDGE?
But, ahhh, little difference, here and there, y'know, like how Marinette was forced to break up with her boyfriend while Alya got to keep hers, and Nino got to have long talks with Alya while Luka got little to nothing with Marinette.
Because do note that Alya, while trying to convince Marinette and talk to Nino about not keeping secrets, at no point suggests that Marinette deserves to be happy and deserves to have a boyfriend and that Marinette should be allowed to tell Luka her secret so they can get back together, so you have Alya here selfishly prioritizing her relationship with Nino while making no comment about Marinette's relationship, essentially asking Marinette to allow her what Marinette herself didn't have the luxury of, and Alya knows this because Marinette told her. It is both incredibly insensitive of Alya and incredibly insulting of the show to make so many parallels between this episode and "Truth" just to have everything crash down for Marinette because she's Marinette while everything goes well for Alya and Nino because they're not Marinette.
We've talked before about the formulas that are literally baked into the show, and one of those is how Marinette makes a mistake in every episode and has to learn from it. What that mistake is in this episode, I don't know, but considering that she apologizes for Alya and Nino's problems, I guess the show blames her for what they themselves had taught her.
Point being, there's a clear karma system in place, but it only applies to Marinette, and forcing her to mess up in every episode means that she is literally not allowed to be with Luka because had she been able to clear things up between them, he would've eagerly accepted her and they could've been happy. It'd be too difficult for her to mess up when Luka doesn't put mountains of pressure and expectations on her like everyone else. Factor that in with how she can be herself around him and it leads to situation that are too difficult for her to screw up in because her mistakes - more often than not - center around Adrien or her role as guardian.
And because another rule in the show is to bring up Adrien so they don't "lose him for too long," she can't avoid bringing him up either. If he's not in the plot, he has to be mentioned, leaving Marinette in a lose-lose situation that she'll never be free from.
So, let me just get this straight then:
The guy who spied on his girlfriend instead of talking to her about his assumptions gets to keep his girlfriend, not because he realized it was wrong regardless of whether he was correct or not, but because the situation had been cleared up for him, yet the guy who actively resisted his akumatization, saddened by his girlfriend's secrets but wanting her to share them when she was ready, gets broken up with and tossed to the wayside because he's not a rich blond boy who got a miraculous because he happened to be within the twenty meters of space where Fu was searching for new holders?
Meanwhile, the girlfriend who has gone against the wishes and insistence of her best friend - guardian of the miraculouses, by the way, so she calls the shots, something that Alya herself said in "Optigami" BEFORE GOING ON TO DO HER OWN THING IN THE SAME EPISODE AND BEING REWARDED FOR IT - is allowed to go against the wishes and insistence of her best friend again for the sake of "all love, no secrets" with her boyfriend and so she can have the happy ending she wants, yet the girl who was chosen for a miraculous without her consent, forced to screw up and talk about a random boy who doesn't even go out of his way to spend time with her, treated like absolute trash by writers who find humor in her misery, and is the only one to receive overly harsh and long-lasting consequences for her actions while also covering up and forgiving the actions of others within the episode where they do it...
doesn't get her happy ending, and won't ever get her happy ending. That thing Shadow Moth said about love and secrets not going well together? Yeah, only goes as far as the writers want it to, because both Nino and Alya still have secrets, and some of the ones they did tell each other were forced by someone else and kept until that very moment. This idea that people in love have to tell each other everything and that it makes a relationship stronger makes me immensely uncomfortable, and that lesson is also in "Guiltrip."
People should be allowed their secrets, and obviously there are exceptions for things that are being hidden with malicious intent, but being essentially forced to share everything or risk not having a "full and complete" relationship is stifling and sounds like it'd only cause stress.
This episode sucks. It furthers and confirms everything I've already thought about the show, Nino's screentime continues to be dependent on Adrien, Alya, or both, there are pointless references that completely take me out of the experience, and the utter betrayal from Alya and supposed message of the episode just reminds me that Marinette is inevitably going to be stuck with a guy who didn't even DO anything in this episode and is going to let himself stew instead of asking for any sort of clarifications from someone he apparently trusts so much.
So the takeaway is that Marinette's life is awful, she'll be forced to apologize for rules that she didn't even come up with herself, her best friend will walk all over her for the sake of her relationship with a guy - not even for the sake, really, they were going to be fine, it was more for HER personal comfort if anything - and the guy who actually makes Marinette happy and could've known her identity instead BECAUSE HE AT LEAST DIDN'T HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF SPILLING HER SECRETS gets treated in the exact same way that she does; like nothing, just something to abuse unfairly.
What a waste of an episode.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Smile for Me Oneshot (Reader x Habit): Make Love, Not War
*crawls out of my writing slump*
I live, and bring forth new reader content! This was inspired big time by a fellow Smile for Me fan I met on Discord, so if you're reading this know that this goes out to you!
Word count: 2563
Summary: The last thing you wanted to do was fight Habit, but you had no choice! Unless…
Thinking back to what Kamal had warned you about when you had first expressed an interest in confronting Habit and his scheme, you were not too sure what to expect. You had assumed the towering man would immediately be hostile, that some sort of fight might break out, a fight of the verbal and mental sort rather than physical, and for you to use your wits to secure victory.
But, toothfully-
That gas Habit had hit you with was definitely making thinking significantly tougher than usual at the moment. 
Truthfully, you had been hoping, praying, that you would be able to get out of this without hurting anyone, or being hurt in the process. Hoping that everything would go according to plan. 
Of course, entering Habit’s office and getting gassed, being knocked out, and waking up restrained in some dentist’s chair was the furthest thing from the plan. Essentially being powerless as you were forced to listen to his rambling, only able to nod or shake your head was also something you had not planned for. To see him so… unhinged, to quote Kamal, and so menacing, it was… 
It made you sad to see him like this, especially with what you knew about his past. Those diary entries, and that slideshow-
The abuse.
You could see what Kamal meant. Habit’s soft spot, something that drove his horribly twisted need to “help” people, was fading. If you took too long or hesitated, it would be too late. 
And you did not want to think about what too late would mean, and what you would have to do.
Once Habit left, you made your move and broke free, even though it meant using your teeth to get out. 
You… you were going to repress this moment to the furthest corners of your mind, the sight of Habit looming above you in the gloom, the numbness that gave way to panic, fear, and sorrow. The tears that had bubbled up in the corners of your eyes.
 It was a good thing you had dental insurance, too.
After acquiring the mirror and managing to hit the buttons in front of you, occasionally missing due to the lingering dizziness from the gas, the restraints popped open and you were free. From there, it took no time for you to get the door open and stumble out into the lobby-
Directly in front of Habit. 
You honestly had no clue who was more surprised at your sudden appearance, you or him, but the shock you both experienced quickly wore off as a frown crossed Habit’s face. 
“You… You Flower Brat!” He spat as he stepped towards you, his shadow engulfing you. 
Why did he have to be so tall?!
Instinctively, you raised your hands and took a step back. Okay, okay, you had to do something. You had to get him to stop, to calm down, to snap him out of his angered state. Unconsciously, your gaze wandered over to the various signs plastered over the walls. You did still have that glove-
No, no! The last thing you wanted to do was resort to violence! You did not want to hit him!
Knock him onto the fragile, glass balcony behind him… 
You shuddered in horror at the thought of such a horrible outcome. 
Suddenly, an idea came to mind. Just before confronting Habit you had conversed with Jerafina in the Lounge, and gained a very special item in the process. An item that could definitely prove to be useful in this situation. 
So, without warning, you jumped up and kissed Habit. 
It was, thankfully, a gentle kiss. Your lips brushing against his jaw, the only point of his face you could reach even with your jump. You were just so short and he was so… so tall!
And bright red. 
Indeed, the moment after you kissed him, a brilliant blush consumed his face, frown vanishing in an instant. He took a step back in shock, giving you some welcome space, due to the unexpected gesture. 
You… you had kissed him. Not hurt him, insulted him, or done anything cruel to him. 
No vengeance for all the cruel things he had done to you, said about you. 
His mood immediately took a dive as he recalled all the hurt he must have caused you, as well as his employees, the people he was responsible for taking care of and helping. The Habiticians, too, must have been hurt by his actions. He took a step back and looked towards the ground, long fingers knitting together. 
He couldn’t, wouldn’t, look you in the eyes. 
He was too scared to see what he might find. Was that kiss the last of your compassion? Your empathy? Would you mock him? Hurt him much like his father had-
“Flower,” He began, voice shaky as beads of sweat began to roll down his face. “I… You want to stop fighting, yes?” 
You quickly nodded your head, hopeful that you had managed to get your point across. All that was left now was to talk everything out and get Habit smiling again!
“I… see.” The dentist nodded. “Flower, I am… confuzzed. I do not know what to say-”
He cut himself off and let out a quiet, tired sigh. “Perhaps it... would be best if you left. I won’t bother you again.”
Oh, there was no way you would allow things to end like this. Habit was still sad, still hurting, and you refused to stop helping him until you managed to cheer him up. So, you strode over to him and quickly shook your head. 
He would have to carry you out if he wanted you to leave. 
Habit looked exasperated by your refusal and quickly pointed at the open door that led to the lobby. “Out-”
Deciding to take advantage of the gesture, you quickly reached out and tugged on his arm, still shaking your head. He did not move, you were far too weak to actually pull him around, but hopefully it was enough to help him understand that you wanted to talk. Slowly but surely, you managed to navigate Habit towards the ground where you both sat down beside one another. He still looked confused, but at least he had stopped trying to kick you out. 
From your spot on the ground, you carefully pulled on Habit’s arm once more, encouraging him to slowly lay down, his head resting in your lap, his hat falling off in the process, not that he seemed to care about it at the moment. His hair was so soft, so fluffy, but you managed to wrangle your urge to run your fingers through it. He looked up at you in confusion, and you smiled warmly at him while tilting your head to the side. 
A compassionate smile that you hoped conveyed the words you wish you could say, but knew he would never understand. 
It’s okay, you’re safe with me, I promise. 
I won’t hurt you.
You can talk to me.
It was as if a dam broke the moment he saw your smile. Words rushed out of Habit almost faster than you could comprehend, but you were able to keep up. Stories about his childhood, his family, and his pain. The coherency of his speaking fluctuated, and there were times where he started speaking in Russian before switching back to English, but your attention never faltered. 
You nodded, and expressed concern, and occasionally pat the top of his head to help him calm down. 
“Thank you, Flower. It’s nice two be able too talk.” Habit mumbled as he looked up at you. It was obvious he was doing better than before, more stable and calm, but he still was not happy. 
You pouted in annoyance as you tried to figure out a way to cheer him up. You knew you were getting close to what he needed, the conversation had definitely helped, but you just needed a bit more oomph! 
Unfortunately for you, you were unaware of Habit’s amusement towards the endearing and adorable expression on your face. He had never seen such a look before, and it made that smile on his face grow just the slightest bit larger. 
“Flower cutie…”
Immediately a blush took over as you looked off to the side at the compliment. This was unfair! He couldn’t call you that, especially with that almost-smile on his face! He was the one who was adorable, not you! 
Instinctively, flowers started to sprout out of the top of your head, as they always tended to when you were very happy, embarrassed, or startled. Several daisies popped up, petals unfolding and swaying in the momentary breeze. Habit chuckled at your reaction, causing the last flower to bloom. 
It resembled a typical lily, although there were some differences. The petals held more of an orange and yellow hue, and seemed to smell nicer than the rest of the flowers. The scent was not overpowering, but it was calming, and while you were unaware of the significance of this new flower, Habit was not. 
He sat upright in surprise, oblivious to you jolting backwards and nearly falling over. By the time you managed to resettle yourself he had turned so he was facing towards you, a hand stretched out in your direction. His eyes were focused not on you, but on the flower sprouting from the top of your head. 
His Lily... 
You were quick to let out a cough, snapping him out of his dazed state. He blinked a couple times before looking down at you, clearly trying to figure out what to say. You looked up, tilting your head to the side and causing the flower to sway in the process. 
Flower… flower… oh, that’s right! 
You held your hands up, before quickly rummaging around in your bouquet. With all the chaos, interactions, and people you needed to help you had completely forgotten about planting the Erythronium seed Millie had given you. It was tooth shaped, which made it seem like the seed had a connection to Habit, especially since Millie had found it in the Habitat. Upon locating the item, you grinned victoriously and held it up for Habit to see. 
His jaw dropped, unintentionally exposing far more teeth than you wanted to see. You suppressed your winced and quickly thrust the item in his direction, your intentions clear. 
Take it.
As though he were handling glass, Habit carefully accepted the seed and looked it over, a gentle, genuine smile crossing his face. 
He looked so cute!!!
“Do you kno what this is?” Habit asked. You shook your head and tilted it to the side to show your interest, and the dentist was quick to answer your unspoken question. 
An explanation about the Tooth Lily, the importance of the flower, and how challenging it could be to grow it. It dawned on you that perhaps the reason why the Tooth Lily had bloomed atop your head now had to deal with that kiss you and Habit had shared… 
Something that you wanted to do again. 
You blushed once more and looked off to the side, quietly frustrated with how emotional you were being at the moment. You were just so… so flustered! The fact that Habit was so cute, and warm, and how safe you would feel if he wrapped his arms around you-
Pop! Pop! Pop!
As more flowers bloomed, you hid your face in your hands to hide from your shame. You were faintly aware of Habit shifting so he was sitting a bit closer to you, that bubblegum smell growing stronger. Curious as to what he was doing, you looked up-
Just in time for Habit to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
Immediately, another Tooth Lily bloomed and you swore you were going to pass out with all the blood rushing to your face. However, before you could respond and attempt to get back your dignity, the sound of the door to the lobby opening caught both your attention. 
Kamal had, apparently, decided to check up on you, probably since you had been with Habit for so long and to make sure nothing bad happened. You appreciated the compassionate gesture, even if it did nothing but make you feel more flustered. 
It seemed as though he was just as flustered as you were, a blush appearing on his face as he started to sweat. Habit was silent, appearing to be completely stunned by the appearance of his ex assistant. 
“Erm, uh,” Kamal stuttered as he retreated back to the lobby. “I’ll just be waiting out here for you guys! T-Take your time!” 
As Kamal vanished from sight, kicking up a trail of dust in his wake, Habit let out a distressed noise and reached towards him, as if trying to get him to come back. Of course, by the time he moved it was far too late for Kamal to have noticed his gesture. Like a wilting flower, Habit visibly drooped in disappointment and sorrow. Concerned, you reached out and took hold of one of his hands, rubbing slow, gentle circles into the back of it. 
“... I hurt so many people.” He said after a couple moments of silence, sounding completely worn down and exhausted. “Kamal, Wallus…” 
He nervously picked at his sleeve with his free hand, his anxiety growing. Would any good come from him apologizing? Kamal had to hate him at this point, and even if you seemed to be alright with him, the kissing certainly helped to soothe those fears, who knew if the same could be said for everyone else? 
You frowned to yourself. He was starting to spiral again, losing that light you had seen in his eyes. Apologies were definitely going to be awkward, but they needed to happen, for the sake of Habit and those he had hurt. 
You pushed yourself up so you were standing in front of him and held out a hand. He appeared confused for a moment before slowly placing his hand in yours. Rather than pulling him up like he expected you would, you turned his hand over, palm facing up, and slowly traced letters into it.
Letters that formed words.
Words that made a sentence. 
I’ll help you.
His eyes went wide as he looked up at you, stunned at the offer. You were quick to trace out more words, internally agonizing over how long the process was taking. Perhaps when you got out of here you could encourage Habit and the others to learn a bit of sign language since nodding and shaking your head only went so far. 
Or at least carry a notebook around to write in.
Everyone deserves to be happy, and that includes you. You might not be able to fix everything you did, but apologizing is a good place to start.
You gestured for him to stand up as well and then pointed towards the lobby. Kamal had been hurt the worst out of everyone and was the most deserving of an apology, so he would be the best person to start with.
As Habit stood up to join you, you leaned forward and pressed one last kiss against his cheek, your touch spelling out one final sentence. 
I believe in you. 
And in the end your belief, your support, was what Habit needed most. 
I, like the reader, am an immense simp for Habit hugs, but then again I just crave hugs in general XD
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (4/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Note: Feedback is very much appreciated!
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Link to cross-postings: AO3
As it turned out, Hange’s thesis wasn’t just about jumping.
But it would be nice to do it about flying. She had mentioned, echoing that same sentiment in those numerous interviews he had read.
A case study on the changes of an athletes body and muscle composition from preseason to postseason.  
Levi only found out exactly what Hange and Moblit were doing for their final thesis as she ran through it with him over coffee the morning after they met in the lab. He had to admit, he had forgotten whether or not Moblit had explained that same thing to him which was probably just easily overshadowed by the pages and pages of waivers that had been laid out in front of him.
Hange had a different approach to the documentation. She had the same waivers that needed to be signed but had completely understood that no one would have that same drive to read the whole thing and consider the nuances and implications of every bullet point. She had just asked him to check everything and sign or she would not be able to work with him.
Compensation. Injury Insurance. Transportation Subsidy. Meal Subsidy
Levi quickly complied. In fact, he probably would have complied even without the benefits that came with participating in the study. He was already half way through mindlessly checking the boxes by the time Hange had mentioned those parts after all.
“Everything is funded.” Hange had explained. He knew their university was particularly well off. Being an athlete he had been a beneficiary multiple times of free branded shoes, gym bags jackets, meals and even gadgets with championship wins
The generous funding she had received to conduct the research was particularly seen in the well equipped sports facility where Hange was to conduct said research.
Cardiovascular endurance, strength power, speed, power etc. He listed the physical fitness components she wanted to study, the logistics of switching partners and starting anew completely forgotten.
It had been less than 24 hours since he visited her office and it was as if Hange wasn’t as deep into her research as Moblit had made it out to be.
She’s been cooped up in the lab lately, watching track and field videos.
She’s already been talking to Elijah, they did a few tests.
There was truth to what Moblit had told him. Hange did admit to having already the preliminary data needed for her case study but as Hange had shown him soon after they started talking, she had no problem just scrapping her data or giving it to Moblit and starting again from scratch.
As Levi soon found out, she was too passionate about her research to consider the preliminary data wasted work.
Levi had found that last part out after their talk in the lab after she had casually mentioned her lurker Instagram account on top of her blatant refusal to use Facebook and Twitter since too many social media sites were just too much to manage. He could not resist the urge to check the accounts she followed and just as he expected, they were all famous athletes from all different fields, the one thing common about all athletes being the almost inhuman height and airtime they achieved.
Nanaba Briete her friend and the subject of her high school thesis, was a volleyball player. Elijah Miller was a horizontal jumper. Moblit pointed out as well, her data for both players was too comprehensive beyond what was expected from someone of her level of study.
Levi soon realized with her YouTube and Instagram lurker activity, she probably was a stan and for some reason, he was one of the objects of her stanning activity. Levi had seen those types of people on Twitter and Instagram. They had weird voting conglomerations, used some sort of weird language and interacted incessantly with any post on the object of their stanning activity  Hange was not vocal in particular, her Instagram profile and YouTube channels both empty.  He only had to go through the profiles she followed to see that she left likes in most if not all pictures. Among those she had liked were profiles that reposted pictures of his jumps.
Liked by Wingsoffreedom132 and thousands of others.
Levi soon realized after hours going through most if not all the accounts she followed that just like the average stan, Hange spammed the like button like crazy
Looking deep into the comments of one of his jumps that year, he had found a comment from her. A pair of wings and a heart next to it.
How long has she been following him?
Did she have those dreams too?
“Why what?” Hange asked.
“Why me?” Levi continued.
“I told you before. You're amazing. Your forms are all perfect, your body composition is good and that crazy fast improvement  from no name player to rookie of the year?" Hange seemed too sure of herself and glimmer of hope that somehow she had any inkling of their connection in Levi's dreams dissipated. She started to rattle off numbers relating to Levi’s height differentials and vertical leap every year since high school, Levi had to note that there was some truth to what she was saying.
High jumping events had suddenly become much easier for Levi when he moved to the city for college. He had attributed it to the more frequent training that came with the more competitive environment of collegiate sports. It was an ironic turn of events though since that was also around the same time he had started experiencing those painful mornings after dreaming things he could barely member. He chose not to mention that just yet. The connection was just too illogical to be a causation or even correlation issue. It might have even just been an irrelevant coincidence.
Levi continued to listen as she explained schedules and outlines for meet ups. There was preliminary data gathering, multiple tests to be done on weekends in a sports facility a little farther away from the school. There were a few more documents that needed to be answered and submitted similar to what Moblit had sent. It would be time consuming, inconvenient. The prospect of Hange being there made it somewhat bearable.
So bearable, that Levi had found himself arriving at the train station Saturday morning one hour earlier than they agreed upon. They were going to the sports facility for preliminary data gathering. To his pleasant surprise, Hange was already there waiting.
“I hope you don’t mind the shitty schedule,” Hange said in greeting. She was staring at the duffel bag Levi had slung over his shoulder.
Levi had to stay overnight. With the sports facilities being shared among multiple researchers and multiple athletes, Hange found the most she could secure for a last minute booking was an early morning slot, offering instead to provide lodging to Levi for a night so he wouldn’t have to take a taxi late night and early morning when the trains were already closed.
“As long as there’s a place to stay.” It’s still better than commuting at 3am.
“Let’s drop your stuff first.”
The sports facility was a 15 minute train ride and as Levi exited the station, he was greeted by a large building that stretched out a fair number of meters in both directions. Was that the sports facility?
That wasn’t their destination though. Hange guided him through a few alleys and out into a main street where a quaint mid rise condominium was located right to their left.  
“My condo only has one bedroom so I hope you won’t mind staying on the couch. It has a pull out bed though so you wouldn’t be too uncomfortable.”
Somehow Levi had expected a hotel. “Wait, I’m staying in your place?”
The area Hange lived in turned out to be only 15 minutes away by train but oddly enough, it was Levi’s first time there. He found himself just gazing at nothing in particular but whatever was in front of him at that moment as they walked through the streets. They were going to have brunch in a nearby cafe, Hange had clarified. He found himself particularly entertained by the crowds, the grey pavement and the tall buildings that lined his view all making up the urban jungle of the center of town.
The university and the surrounding town where Levi spent a good chunk of his five years was located in a quieter part of the city which Levi had gotten accustomed to pretty fast when he moved there. He never left that area unless necessary for competitions or for schoolwork. Consequently, he was not completely used to the bustle at the center of the city,
They had settled into a diner in a small part or town with Hange offering to pay for the lunch. As soon as they had given their orders, Hange slid a document to him with the words “personal data sheet” written in bold on the top. “In the final output, you will remain anonymous, Erwin just requested we keep the basic data on everyone we study.” Hange explained.
Levi scanned the document before looking up at Hange again. By the way she had looked at him, Levi was sure she could have answered some of it for him. “Why don’t you answer it for me.“ He challenged.
“It’s your data Levi so I---”
“I wanna see how much about me you know.” Levi answered with a no-nonsense tone.
Hange turned red as she pulled the form back towards herself. She scribbled a few things on the paper. “Where do you live?”
Levi gave his city and province.
“I knew that much.” Hange admitted. “Exact address?”
Levi answered it briefly, spelling it out when needed.  “How many siblings do I have? What are their names?”
“Trick question. You’re an only child.” Hange said, looking up from the data sheet.
“The number question isn’t a trick question. You can answer with zero.” Levi continued. He did not need to make an effort to keep his tone playful. He was amused already. “And how do you know about my family?”
“Interviews.” Hange answered briefly.
Levi smiled. “I know you’re an only child too.”
“How did you know that?” Hange asked.
“Interviews.” Levi could see she had relaxed, a small smile creeping up her lips.
“So you’re researching me too.” She asked.
“You started it.”
“Which city am I actually from?” Hange challenged.
“You grew up here…” Levi answered. He sat up a little straighter. Seeing the amused smile on Hange's face, Levi felt it was a good time for other questions. His mind raced as he articulated one of his passing thoughts as he read through her articles.  “Which brings up the question, if you live so near campus, why do you live in your own condo?” The public transport here isn’t shit either. Levi noted to himself. She had little excuse to live alone and from the looks of her place, she seemed to come from a well off family who could at least afford a place like that.  
“I wanted freedom.”
                           A Tale of Two Slaves
The gym was huge. It was also so complete, the coverage so comprehensive that Levi was almost inspired to take up all the sports offered. They had indoor basketball courts, tennis courts and a complete track and field set.
The important part Hange pointed out as they entered though were the devices that could measure things like speed, weight, pulse, all necessary for her study. One of the more boring parts of the tour but surprising none the least.
Levi found himself particularly fixated on the fact that Hange was greeting everyone in the job like a regular.
"Hey, you weren't at the gym this morning."
"Had to pick up my friend here. He'll be helping me with my thesis."
Levi felt a tap on his back, brief and light. Maybe hesitant? Levi could not help but entertain the passing thought that if he were Moblit or maybe anyone else, she probably would have had her arm around his shoulders. He had seen her make that gesture towards Moblit and Elijah after all.
As Hange walked towards the desk and made conversation with what looked to be the receptionist, Levi watched her from behind. At first she had seemed too nerdy and too geeky that he had expected her to be lanky under the sweaters and the white coats she wore.
That day, she was in shorts and a blouse and Levi could not help but notice how her body curved underneath her clothes, and as he focused on her legs, he could make out the subtle muscle cuts on her legs. Hange's physique was definitely more toned than average and Levi pondered Hange's own physical fitness.
Her vertical. Her endurance. Her strength. The same things she had mentioned wanting to study about him.
As Hange gave him a tour though, Levi decided that it could wait until later.
                               A Tale of Two Slaves
That morning, with only less than a minute to drop his bag and could only afford a glance of her room.
As he arrived back there late in the afternoon  after a long tour of the gym, he had to stop himself from making a face. The fastidious side of him was silently judging Hange.
It was obvious in the way Hange had prepared the bed and the way that most tables and furniture had space for a visitor to sit or rest that Hange had at least cleaned in anticipation.
But she's a horrible cleaner.
The sofa bed was prepared but the sheets were wrinkled. The trashcan was overflowing, a disturbing sign that Hange did not segregate her trash. The dining table was empty but a display table at the corner of the room took the brunt of what Levi guessed the dining table used to carry.
There were jackets messily folded on the display table and Levi recognized her schoolbag particularly by the keychain he had returned only a few days ago.
“Make yourself at home.” Hange dropped a few towels on the sofa bed before making her way to her own bedroom. “You can use the shower in the powder room. Also, what do you want for dinner?”
“Anything.” Levi answered. He was still bothered by the state of the room to demand much of anything. The food was free, the accommodation was free, he felt guilty just complaining internally.
Hange seemed unbothered by the shitty state of her “cleaned up room.” In fact she had seemed proud as she toured him around her house. As Levi watched Hange with her goofy smile as she played with her phone in between bites of the pizza they had ordered, he could not help but feel guilty for having harbored such negative thoughts when Hange seemed more relaxed than he had seen her in a while.
“What are you watching?” Levi asked, an attempt at conversation more than anything. There were things he had wanted to ask her, yet at that moment, he felt would seem too intrusive.
Hange turned her phone to him. The video Hange had been looking at was that figure skater glided to the rink and jumped into the air, rotating quickly.
“I didn’t know you liked figure skating.” Levi said, his eyes focused on the heart on the side, to see it filled over. Hange liked the video.
“I like a lot of sports. I definitely would have wanted to try skating as a kid. Maybe gymnastics or even track."
Levi tried to imagine Hange in a tutu or a leotard, having to hold back a snort as he did. “You never looked like the type to wear a dress.”
“I wouldn’t. But I’m pretty sure you know how fun it would be to be able to launch yourself up in the air like that. You’ve done it multiple times.”
Levi thought back to the interviews he had read, the answers she had made even since grade school. I want to see how people can fly . “Why didn’t you take a sport as a kid?”
The smile she had given him after was wry, a little sullen and Levi knew he must have hit something sensitive inside her. “Because my parents didn’t allow me. If I take gymnastics, I’d break my neck. If I take skating, I’d break my spine. If I take track and field, I’d break my knees." She explained in an almost mocking town." They never ran out of excuses when it came to sports. But when it came to academics, they were always shipping me off to some new competition.”
I wanted freedom. That afternoon in the cafe, Hange had answered it so casually, he had brushed it off as they continued to fill out the data sheets. As he listened to Hange explain her situation right there, Levi could not help but recall a twinge of sadness in Hange’s voice as she had said the word “freedom.”
“Don’t get me wrong, academics can be fun.” Hange said.  “But I don’t think it’s ever going to beat the adrenaline rush of jumping or sprinting.”
“And that’s why you’re going to the gym a lot now.”
“I’m in college. My parents can’t stop me now. But yeah, my childhood is done. I don’t think I’ll ever get to your level, even when I train everyday.”
Levi had heard people say that before. The body of a child is flexible, the bones and muscles can still be easily molded. By the time people grow to be adults, their body is set and sure, they could probably jump or run along a track casually, collegiate competition and professional competitions were out of the question for most if not all people who start a sport as an adult.
"Maybe I can teach you?"
                                    A Tale of Two Slaves
The Hange in Levi’s dreams was able to fly. She was the one who would be screaming as they glided through the air in those contraptions. She had the ability to launch herself up in the air, to flip, to spin, just like the athletes in the videos she constantly followed.
Hange wasn't at all out of shape either. In fact as he saw her in gym clothes and as he watched her do a few rounds around the empty track, he had to note that her form was good. Her physique and the cuts in her muscles were also well defined. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the Hange who was watching him do rounds of jumps as she took notes was the same Hange in his dreams.
The bar Hange had set for him was clearable with little to no effort. After clearing a few rounds, enough for Hange to be satisfied with the preliminary data, he took the stopwatch from her hands and guided her to the place he had positioned himself a while ago. He opted to adjust it a few centimeters lower, at a height he had seen less skilled jumpers back in high school clear with no problems.
He spent a few minutes going  through the basics with her, particularly the method of softening a landing, having seen teammates from long ago get injured from that in particular.
“You’ve seen me jump countless times. I’m sure you can do it.” Levi assured. He knew that that last part was for himself more than anything. It pained him to see her nervous. Her face was a far cry from the Hange he knew.
She should know how to do it right?
Keeping the bar at its minimum and going through that landing with Hange a few times had turned out to be a good decision. It was in the way Hange had run to the bar, through the way her eyes went wild as she ran and as she landed right next to the bar that had fallen did Levi realize though, that Hange was terrified.
Terrified yet determined. Hange went back to her starting point and prepared herself for it a few more times.
“You don’t have that bounce in your step when you take off.” Levi bounced on the balls of his feet a few times for emphasis.
Hange gave him a quick nod before readying herself to run again. Levi could see she was tired. As Hange went through the motions pre jump, Levi could feel his heart beat faster. It took him a split second longer to realize why. Hange’s motions were wild and unsynchronized.
Levi did not say anything for fear of distracting her and possibly causing injury. He found himself running towards her instead. He was too late though. By the time he had arrived by the bars, she had fallen on it. One side of the bar flailed up in the air as Hange landed and she let out a loud gasp of surprise.
“Hey, you okay?” Levi asked, as he crouched next to her. He had kept his voice soft for fear of her hearing the panic in it.
Hange was lying face up on the mat, her light brown eyes looking longingly above her.
They had started training in the stadium at four in the morning, hours before the sun was scheduled to rise. It was only when Levi saw how unnaturally light Hange’s eyes were did he realized the ceiling above them was glass, and the sun had risen enough for the light to reflect on it.
“Must be nice to fly huh?” Hange voiced out before sitting back up again. “I’m fine but I think I bruised my shoulder.” She reached out for her right shoulder with her left hand and winced.
Having been jumping almost his whole life, Levi had forgotten for a while, how difficult the mechanics would be to pick up for the average adult. While gazing at Hange who had bent her head back and continued to watch the sunrise from the glass ceiling, Levi continued to reflect on it. If it were any other person, he probably would have even removed the bar as he thought them the mechanics.
The game changer in those particular circumstances was that it was Hange he was teaching, the subject of his dreams, the one who was flying with him from tree to tree in the forest. The one who was smiling and doing backflips, provoking him to chase her. For the life of him, Levi could not believe that she was not able to clear that jump.
                                   A Tale of Two Slaves
The sullen mood of a while ago quickly dissipated to something a little more bearable when Levi suggested they play on the trampolines adjacent to the track.
It had felt ridiculous at first. As Hange continued to gaze upward, mumbling about wanting to fly and as Levi himself dealt with the disappointment of what just happened, it had seemed like a logical suggestion.
It was the most mindless way he could come up with to get both of them flying and jumping and maybe, get them both cheered up in the process. They only had to bounce a few times for it to be exciting. After a few bounces, Hange started to laugh, she started to scream in excitement.
The same excited scream he had heard so many times before in his dreams. Levi found himself staring at Hange as she jumped. The spark in her eye was brighter than it had ever been. Her cheeks were starting to flush from what could have been excitement or exhaustion. After what could have been a few more minutes of jumping, Hange landed on her ass and let out a loud laugh in between gasps.
“Something tells me you haven’t done this before.” Levi said as he settled on the floor of the trampoline next to her.
“Parents didn’t allow me.They said I’d break my ankle.” Hange answered, after she had gotten control of her ragged breathing. She was sweaty and flushed but she looked carefree.
That was the Hange Levi was familiar with. Before Levi even noticed it, he had brought out his hand and lightly touched her on the side of her arm. Oddly enough, she did not resist the light and quick squeeze he had given her. As Levi looked closely at her, he guessed she probably didn’t notice or didn’t care. He quickly let go of her arm, a few seconds after he had noticed the odd action. Before that, he had allowed himself a few seconds to process the  warmth of her skin and the up and down movement that came with her heavy breathing. It was oddly calming and assuring.
She's real. She's alive. She's warm and she's breathing.
Soon after that, they were kicked out of the gym.  Actually, no one had kicked them out. The Sunday gym goers though had taken up their territory on the track as they started their warmups. Levi and Hange soon realized their time was up. The rude awakening to that reality had felt like they were being kicked out anyway.
It also turned out the giant trampoline Levi suggested they played on was only for the children's use. One reason, Hange had never bothered to touch it even when she did frequent the gym.
Hange had sleepily explained that part to him as she sprawled herself on the sofa of her condominium that afternoon. The early morning in the gym had left her exhausted. She fell asleep soon after and Levi could not help but notice the smile on her face as she slept. He wondered if she usually smiled in her sleep.
Levi settled himself on one of the chairs around the dining table in a good position to watch her, busying himself by going through all the Instagram profiles Hange had followed, following them using his own account. Some of the videos were in slow motion and Levi found himself in that same blackhole as Hange had been in many times before, begrudgingly agreeing that Hange was right.
The slow motion videos in particular showed the detail. The way the legs make a slight bounce before launching up, the slight movements the body made as it is suspended in the air. Levi knew there was a lot of body coordination involved in getting the highest vertical possible. Seeing the body work together, the miniscule movements all cooperating to get the jumper spinning, flipping or twisting was oddly satisfying. Levi was distracted, so distracted the only thing that could break it was the vibration of his phone accompanying the banner on top.
Coach Greg.
Levi was once again pulled out of his blackhole. Of course he’d have to train. He had missed multiple trainings the past week due to the wound in his knee. He had also missed yesterday morning’s training having to meet Hange. Their season was starting in a few weeks and he was their best chance at a championship that year. Levi wasn’t too surprised that their coach was more than ready to run through drills with him on a Sunday night.
After a few minutes of digging through Hange’s unit, Levi managed to unearth a pile of post-its and a pen. Thank you for letting me stay over. Gotta run. He wrote. He kept it short and simple, knowing he would probably end up chatting with her soon anyway. He stuck it on the dining table, slung his overnight bag over his shoulder and silently left the room.
As he took the train back to campus, Levi continued on his little blackhole. A video was just released, taken in a tournament in Russia just a few days back.
Quad Queen Alexandra Trusova.
Levi did not know his way around figure skating jumps but he found himself watching it in slow motion anyway. The sped up version was surprising but the slow motion version that followed was mesmerizing. Levi counted four spins in the air, noting both the slight bounce before the jump and the bounce that followed the landing.
As Levi refreshed the video on his phone, he could not help but notice that Hange’s name still wasn’t among those who had liked the photo. Was she still asleep?
He could only imagine the smile she makes as she watches videos. He clicked the paper airplane icon below the videos, scrolled through the users and clicked send on Wingsoffreedom132. He made sure to add a wings emoji and a heart emoji, the way Hange had done in a few of the videos.
Somehow, after doing that, it became easier to imagine that goofy smile a little more vividly.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
hello and good day! i would like a matchup for a3! and ikerev, please! she/her pronouns. you can call me juice, though! hm i think a good description of me personality wise would be im usually cheerful, friendly, childish but i tend to hide a lot of my negative feelings and overthink quite a lot. towards others i'm always curious about the littlest details of someone's hobbies or interest and sometimes i talk more than i listen. love literature and things like fashion or games (1)
Hello, thanks for requesting juice! Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoy it! I was pretty excited to write a match up for a3! since it’s been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks. I got a little carried away with the last prompt cause it was so fun to write, but I hope you like it! Also, the ikerev one might take some time but I’ll try to not take too long. Have fun!
I match you with
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The two of you first meet after you watch one of their plays, “A Clockwork Heart.” When you realize that the lead and writer is a classmate of yours from college you can’t help but approach him a few days later to discuss the play further.
He seems self conscious at first but quickly opens up as the two of you discuss his script and before you know it one conversation has turned into an in-depth discussion over lunch.
After that first encounter, both of you start talking more often, quickly growing closer. Tsuzuru appreciates your cheerful attitude, making it easy for him to be comfortable around you.
Considering your love for literature, you often help him brainstorm for new ideas, always looking forward to seeing how he brings it to life on stage.
It is easy for you to fit in with the rest of the boys from Mankai, despite their constant prying on your relationship with Tsuzuru. After all the time the two of you spend together, it is no surprise when none of the boys (except Azami) bat an eyelash when you make it official, after a lot of back and forth between friendship and romance.
Prompt: Bonding
“The reason S was created in the first place was because Luke needed a companion. It’s tragic that he was the one who left him in the end.”
“Well, yes, but he also taught him to open up to people, insuring that he wouldn’t be alone when he was gone.”
You and Tsuzuru had been discussing the end of his latest play “A Clockwork Heart” for a while, arguing over whether or not the ending was tragic. When you approached him to offer your praise for his work earlier that day you hadn’t been expecting him to engage in your opinions on a play he wrote, but he was actually deeply invested in the conversation, despite the matter at hand being trivial to the actual substance of the story.
“He couldn’t have known though. He also put his own wishes aside to protect him. That alone makes the ending tragic.” You vividly remembered the tears you had shed when the show reached its climax, a result of both his script and his acting.
“It depends on your idea of what the ending was. S was a machine, so as long as Luke was alive they could meet again, when it was safe for the both of them. That makes the ending-“
Ring Ring
You almost chucked at the generic sound his phone made as it vibrated.
“Give me a sec.” he moved away from the bench before answering. It wasn’t long before he returned, a flush expression on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had kept you for so long. I actually need to get going.” He ran a hand through his hair, smiling shyly. It was only then that you noticed what time it was.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you for that long!” Now you were both flushed, the realization dawning on you that you had spent two hours talking.
“I-it’s fine. Um, we can continue this tomorrow, if you’d like?” you were surprised he actually wanted to talk again, a smile spreading over your face.
“Definitely. “
“Okay. See you then!” he waved as he ran off while simultaneously trying to dial someone, resulting in him almost falling on his face. You looked forward to tomorrow.
After that first encounter, you continued to meet during lunch to talk about other works, quickly realizing you had a similar taste in books and movies. It was an easy transition, going from acquaintances to friends.
“How’s the summer troupe’s play coming along?” It was easy to tell that he had been losing sleep again from the – almost – comical black circle under his eyes, but you asked anyway, hoping that you could offer some help.
“I know what I want to write, the words are just refusing to form and settle themselves on the page.” The frustration was evident on his face as he tried to put the pieces flying around his head in order. You tried to think of a way to help him but you knew that he needed to figure this out on his own.
“Come on.” You forcefully pulled him out of his chair, carefully shutting his laptop.
“W-wait. Where are we going?” you pushed him along, despite his protesting.
“Trust me.” You flashed him your biggest smile before setting of, only mildly aware that your hand was still around his wrist.
“The movies?” he seemed confused over what your objective was but you were confident it would help him out of his slump.
“Yes. Come on, I’ll even get us popcorn!” you were beaming as you led him inside.
“What are we watching?” Tsuzuru, finally resigned to his fate, flipped through the leaflet, looking at the moves currently playing.
“Your choice, I’m fine with whatever.” You hurried to the bar to pick up snacks, leaving him at the ticket booth.
“Look at those effects.”
“The acting is top notch.”
Tsuzuru had been so immersed in the movie he seemed to have forgotten all about his tiredness. When you exited the theatre you could practically see the gears turning in his head.”
“It’s a very different take on pirates than the summer troupe’s play, but if I exaggerate the characters even more then there would be great opportunity for comedy.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you observed him, completely lost in his own mind.
“So I take it the creative juices are flowing again?” he looked back at you, as if seeing you clearly for the first time in days.
“Yes! Thank you!” He put his arms around you, too far lost in his excitement to feel any awkwardness.
“I-I have to go write! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He continued shouting thank you over his shoulder as he run off with newfound energy. You expected you wouldn’t see him the next day, considering he’d probably be passed out by then, but you smiled anyway.
“See you later!”
Prompt : Cinderella:
“So, you’re thinking of doing Cinderella for the next play?” You and Tsuzuru were hanging out in his room, taking full advantage of Masumi’s absence that weekend.
“Yeah… I’m not sure how to go about it though. Everyone in the Spring Troupe agreed that I should be lead this time around but I just don’t see myself in the shoes of a prince… Itaru would probably be a better fit for the role.” You couldn’t help throwing a pillow his way.
“Hey! What was that for?” You sat up a little straighter, tempted to glare at him until he picked up on your annoyance.
“I can definitely picture you in the role of the prince.” You cleared your throat before switching to your best narrator voice.
A long, long time ago there lived a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends when they were children. The boy would often sneak out to meet with her and they would play for hours. But their happiness would not last long.
You see, the girl grew up to be the maid of one of the less-fortunate royal families in the kingdom. She had been forced into that position by her father’s latest wedding. It would also turn out to be his last, for he died a few years later, leaving her in the care of a wicked stepmother.
One the other hand, the boy grew up to be the most charming prince in the land. The women fawned over him and he always had everything his heart could desire.”
“I’m literally none of those things.”
“Fine then.”
The prince was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of himself and never asked for help. He constantly worried his friends over his health but they loved him anyway.
“That’s not any better…”
“Shh, let me continue the story.”
Their difference in class ripped the two friends apart, putting an end to their relationship. While they weren’t allowed to meet again, they promised to never forget about each other. To keep that promise, the made matching bracelets and agreed to never take them off until they could meet again.
“Friendship bracelets? Who does that?”
“They were kids! Would you have preferred rings?”
“Wouldn’t those basically be promise rings?”
“I’m coming up with this on the spot, give me a break!”
That bracelet was what gave the girl the strength to continue living, despite her struggles.
When news of a ball arrived at the estate, her step-sisters were quick to start preparations, eager to have a chance at the prince’s hand in marriage. The girl was simply happy at the prospect of seeing her friend again.
When her family found out she was planning to attend the ball, they locked her in the cellar, not willing to risk any competition. The girl wept and wept, until suddenly a kind seeming lady appeared in front of her.
“Isn’t this just the movie?”
“Give it a second!”
The lady promised she would help her get to the ball if that was what she wished. Despite her suspicions, the girl earnestly declared that all she wanted was to see her friend again. And so the kind woman flicked her wrist and the rags the girl had been wearing were replace by a rich ball gown, paired with a glass slippers. The girl thanked her again and again before heading off in search of her lost friend.
“She doesn’t warn her about the time limit?”
“There’s no curfew here, it’s a stupid conflict anyway.”
You couldn’t contain the excitement and adrenaline that flowed through you as you went up the steps of the grand palace. You hadn’t been here since you were a child, when the king’s father still allowed you to visit, and childhood memories flooded your mind. It was difficult to keep your nerves at a reasonable level as you approached the guards at the front gate. By the time you had arrived at the palace, most of the guests were already inside, so you were completely alone when you handed the invitation, hoping the witch had done her work well.
“Enjoy your evening.” They smiled before urging you to step inside. A sense of awe filled you as you walked through the somewhat familiar halls, remembering all the places you and Tsuzuru would hide from the servants, before his title meant anything to you.
You weren’t sure you remembered the way to the main hall, so you followed the noise, hoping you could make your way there.
When you finally stood outside what seemed to be the entrance, you took a few deep breaths before walking forward, determined to see your friend again. When you stepped though the door you quickly realized that the door wasn’t the room’s main entrance, but the top of the grand staircase. Dread filled you as everyone’s eyes fell on you. If it wasn’t for the railing you thought you have fainted right then and there. You breathed in, allowing you hand to wrap around the bracelet the two of you had made so long ago, letting the warm feelings it carried spread through you.
You bowed once before making your way down the stairs, hoping you wouldn’t trip on your dress and make a fool of yourself before the night even started.
The moment you were off the last step, your eyes fell on your step-mother, eyeing you with absolute envy and disgust. You hoped the mask would be enough to conceal your identity.
You walked around the room for a bit, keeping to the less populated areas, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tsuzuru, disappointed to find that he was nowhere to be found.
“Please let this not be for nothing…”
You were about to make your way to the balcony, but a swarm of guests was suddenly in your path, dancing to the waltz the band had just started playing. You frantically looked around, searching for a way out when two arms wrapped around you, pulling you along with the rest of the dancers.
“I guess you’re my partner?” the face of the man that stood before you made your jaw drop. You had thought of so many things to say, but now that Tsuzuru was standing before you, the words seemed to catch in your throat.
“So, uh, are you having fun?” he was as awkward as you remembered. Something about the familiarity filled you with a sense of calm. I found him.
“I am now.” It was hard to contain the smile quickly spreading around your face.
“Actually I was-“that was when it was time to switch partners. When you felt his hand slip from yours, panic flooded through you. No… I didn’t have the chance to tell him.
As he pulled his hand away, his fingers brushed the bracelet on your wrist, eyes widening as he was whisked away by another partygoer, realization evident in his features. You tried to get closer, but were quickly taken away by another guest. Your eyes landed on Tsuzuru a few times but the hall was too crowded. It was almost suffocating. You took the first chance to slip out on the balcony, eager to get away from the crowds.
You stood at the railing, letting the air cool down your heated face. He had seen you, but you weren’t sure he would care enough to search. Negative thoughts occupied your mind as you gazed at the land beyond. Maybe this was foolish… He probably barely remembers me… He’s a prince after all. He was more important matter to attend to than a peasant he used to spend his free time with. You felt tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, your own loneliness catching up with you.
“Please don’t cry!” You were shocked to find Tsuzuru standing a few feet away from you, his face flushed and his knees bent. He must’ve been running.
“You’re the girl from back then, aren’t you?” he glanced down at your wrist, pulling up his own sleeve to reveal a bracelet identical to yours.
“Y-you kept it.” Your voice cracked, barely audible in the midst of the ongoing celebrations.
“Of course I did! It meant a lot to me.” The words seemed to call to something inside you and so you let the tears fall.
“W-what did I do? Please don’t cry!” he took a step closer, still unsure of what boundaries existed between you.
“I-I can’t help it. I’m just so happy!” you wrapped your arms around him, not caring who saw you. All that mattered in that moment was that the two of you were reunited at last.
“I missed you.” You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was crying too, by the way his heart beat against your, the way his hands shook, still wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Year’s worth of loneliness and regret spilled out of the both of you in a single moment.
You stayed like that for quite some time, allowing the relief to wash over you. When you looked at each other again, you couldn’t help but laugh at your state. You knew the scene must look ridiculous to any outside spectators, but none of them mattered. It felt like you were alone in the world, no barriers between you. Your class didn’t matter. You were just a boy and a girl who had been reunited.
“ The king was skeptical at first, knowing a commoner queen wouldn’t create any new alliances, but he could see the love his son had for the girl. And so they married. It’s said that the pair practically run down the stairs of the palace after their wedding, eager to get to their honeymoon, their laughter echoing through the streets.”
“That’s an ending befitting a prince Muku reads about in manga… I still don’t see where I fit into this… ”
“Fine. As they descended the staircase, the prince fell on his ass, causing even more laughter from the girl. A moment she would never let him forget.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the earnest look on Tsuzuru’s face. He may be clumsy, but he has always been kind.
“It will need a lot modifications, especially considering the fact that none of us can exactly pull off female roles, but it could work.” At some point through the story Tsuzuru seemed to have pulled out a notebook, in which he was now scribbling away.
“Are you seriously taking notes?” he was still focused on the story, not letting the inspiration go to waste.
“Of course I am. You’re brilliant!” he pulled you in for a kiss, taking you completely by surprise.
“You’re the best.” He turned back to his note taking, leaving you with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
“You too.”
And they lived happily ever after.
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March Ado About Nothing
Series Summary - A series of one-shots and  drabbles written based off of prompts posted in the TSS Fanworks Collective server. The goal is to take traditional whump prompts and fill them in the least-angsty way possible every day through March.
A note that though some of these fills are written bait and switch style (written in a way you think is going in one direction but reveals it to be the opposite towards the end) they are all written in a fluffy or silly style with very little, if any at all, actual angst.
Day 4: A Nice Family Outing
Summary: It was always nice for Janus and Patton to get out of their house and take the twins somewhere they could play and scream without disturbing the neighbors...again.
Prompts: *Stabbing*, Rescues, Adverse Reaction  
Ships: Married Mociet (Janus x Patton) with kids Roman and Remus
Warnings: play fighting with sticks. Let me know if there are more!
General taglist (ask to be added or removed): @/janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi  @/im-an-anxious-wreck  (in an effort to not flood your inboxes I’m only tagging in the first part ^-^)
WC: 850
Watching their sons stab each other, while an interesting way to spend the afternoon, definitely wasn’t the wholesome family fun outing Patton had imagined it to be when packing the picnic basket that morning. He chewed idly on a fingernail, tracking each movement with the quickness and accuracy that one really only acquired in parenthood- an instinct born from constantly trying to make sure your children didn’t die or kill/seriously maim each other before it was time for them to get their own insurance, and by that time one expected their sweet little gremlins to be grown up into something at least halfway civilized so that none of those instances happened by their own hands.
As it was his husband simply sighed in exasperated fondness beside him as the two run circles around each other a few yards away- both wielding sticks that they had been allowed to have on the grounds that if either of them seriously injured the other on purpose they would both be grounded for a month. In hindsight they really should have thought to bring the foam swords from home before they left but so far they had both been good about keeping the sticks away from their faces and not getting any more scrapes or bruises than was usual for all their roughhousing.
“I stabbed you you gotta play dead!” Remus yelled far too loud for Patton to be comfortable in public.
“Nuh-uh! Dad said no face stabs and you stabbed my face so it don’t count!” Roman screamed back.
“Doesn’t count Roman.” Janus supplied helpfully, earning an elbow in the ribs from Patton even as he snorted.
“Doesn’t count!” Roman parroted as he swung the stick at Remus’ knees.
“Does too! I hit your shoulder!”
“That's my face area so it doesn’t count!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is too!” Remus, apparently having enough of the brotherly banter, abandoned his stick to tackle Roman to the ground instead, bringing him down with an indignant shriek as they began to roll in the dirt. Patton sighed and mentally ticked off the laundry he had already done that weekend and added the twins’ clothes to the pile he still had in the laundry room. It was only mud and they were old clothes so he wasn’t too worried- honestly most of his concern was whether or not they’d have enough bandaids for all the scrapes they’d probably have on their legs afterwards. He smiled and leaned back on his hands, at least there was never a shortage of Make-It-Better-Kisses. “Should we pull them apart now or wait until someone comes over to tell us we’re bad parents?” Janus drawled as he took a sip of grape juice from his wine glass.
“They aren’t being that lou-” Another shriek brought his attention back to the boys as they were now play sword fighting with the previously abandoned sticks. “...give five more minutes they’re having fun.”
“Mm.” They watched in silence for a couple more minutes before Roman and Remus eventually got tired on their own, both of them flopping down on the blanket to pant and rest in front of them. Reaching forward Patton gently carded through Remus’ hair, trying to ruffle as much dirt and grass out of it as possible. He looked over to see Janus doing the same To Roman’s face with a wet wipe, though it seemed both of their efforts were in vain. Seeming to give up on the fussy child Janus instead took Patton’s hand and began wiping it off with the cloth, taking it when he was done and placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles and causing his face to turn a brilliant red as he struggled to get words past his sputtering lips.
“Gross Dad.” Roman quipped from his place on the blanket. Janus glanced down with a wholly unimpressed expression and reached for him.
“Gross huh? I’ll show you gross!” Before Roman could wiggle away he was scooped up into Janus’ strong arms, shirt tucked up and away as his lips blew raspberries into his sensitive stomach. The unholy shriek that left Roman’s mouth was piercing enough to give any demon a run for its money, wiggling and giggling uncontrollably as his attacker refused to let up.
Patton turned to Remus, who was simply laying and watching quietly. Patton poked his forehead. “Feeling left out?”
Patton grinned and reached forward, choosing to attack Remus’ more sensitive ribs then taking his husband's approach. Remus tried to stay still, face turning red with a held breath that was let out a moment later in an explosion of laughter and squirming that only brought him closer to the offending fingers rather than away. Janus stopped first, panting heavily and laughing just as hard as Roman as Patton finally let up and placed a hand on Remus’ forehead where he was resting on his lap. The sun was going down and they’d have to leave soon, but it was nice letting out the last of their laughter for the sun to enjoy before they made their way back home.
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theskyeandsea · 4 years
When You Get What You Want... || Cutler & Skylar
Timing: Late January 19th,  shortly after this chatzy
Location: Clarke’s Convenience Store
Tagging: @clarkesconvenience & @theskyeandsea
Description: Skylar’s rampage around town continues; Cutler offers a helping hand.
Warnings: Drug use, addiction, body horror, memory loss, medical blood
Disoriented and covered in flour and blood, Skylar stumbled down the road away from the shop, a giddy smile still on her face as her feet began to skip across the pavement. She bounded down the road before turning abruptly, eyes caught by the displays in the window. Staggering forward, she pressed her fingers against the glass and the same sticking sensation filled her. The atoms and molecules and all the tiny parts of what made her a person shifted until she was crashing into the center of the convenience store. With a dazed grin on her face, Skylar began to push displays over. Blood trickled down the side of her face from her ear, a clean jagged section of her earlobe ripped free and stuck in the glass of the convenience store. She barely noticed as the liquid splattered across the clean floors while she shoved at the shelves. Cutler had been mentally preparing himself for a break-in since he had come home. It was bound to happen eventually, as it had for his parents several times over the course of his childhood. When it did, he would handle it the same way his parents had: with calm, slow movements and total compliance. 
It didn’t go that way. 
For one thing, he had expected it to happen while the shop was open and the money would still be in the register. Instead, the crashing sound of displays being toppled downstairs had awoken him in the early hours of the morning. The cool and collected man of his practiced break-in fantasies was quickly replaced with a groggy version of himself in a wrinkled t-shirt and boxers, squinting in the dim light. 
Slowly, he took in the scene before him in pieces. Spidery crimson tracks spilling down pale skin and dripping onto waxed tile, collapsed shelving units spilling all manner of dried goods onto the floor, and a familiar, crazed look behind wide, dark pupils. He had dealt with this many times in the ER. Well, maybe not this, exactly, but he knew intoxication when he saw it. His hand hovered over the light switch to his right and he called out before clicking the buzzing fluorescents on above them, “You need some help.” A statement, not a question; carried with the arrogant weight of medical school behind it. “I can patch that up for you.” 
Stepping on bags of spices, Skylar took particular joy in watching as the dried herbs crumbled under her shoes. She ran her hand along the shelves, knocking more and more of the goods onto the ground, blood dripping across the crinkly bags. And then, she realized she wasn’t alone. Someone had entered from the back of the shop. Skylar spun around to look at him, tilting her head at him quizzically. “Help? I don’t need help, I have all the help I need.” She said with a giddy smile on her face, her teeth bright and gleaming in the lowlight. “Don’t want patches, nope, I don’t need another patchwork skin, nuh uh.” She said to herself, rubbing the sores on her arms as she spoke. She could feel something leaking from the raw abscesses that dotted her legs, but the pain was like a distant memory, far far away from her right now.
Bright white light washed over the store, revealing the full extent of the damage. Product littered the floor under the shifting soles of his unsteady guest. Cutler dropped his hand from the light switch and walked forward, sidestepping the lentil spillage by his feet. “Uh huh.” The wheels in his mind ground against each other, desperately trying to wake up in time to process the finer details of the situation that wouldn’t come together. Sharpened teeth inside a lazy grin and his front door still locked and unbroken; pieces of a puzzle that refused to click. “Can I take a look?” The wounds on her body were various levels of depth and severity, ranging from dark and old to bright and fresh. The whip-sharp crack of a brown paper bag crinkling under his foot caused him to freeze in place. He stared, cautious and gentle, afraid she would startle like a wild animal. His hand extended slowly, pale pink underside raised to her in timid surrender. “I’m not gonna hurt you. You know it makes it worse when you scratch them.” His voice continued in a muted string of comforting sound, filling the space between them. “Nothing intensive. Just get something on that ear, stop the bleeding. Do a once over for breaks and fractures, maybe disinfect those sores. If it’s food you want, I can get you some of that, too.” 
Skylar watched as the man continued to walk towards her, slow, so slow. She didn’t want to slow down, she didn’t want to pause to stop and think and let all the thoughts she’d left behind catch back up to her. She just wanted to ride this wild, cresting high as far as it would take her and this man? No, no, no, he seemed like he’d put a stop to it. When he asked to look at her, Skylar squinted at him. “Why?” She asked. He took another step and then froze for some reason that she wasn’t quite sure of. There was a muffled sound, but she couldn’t tell what it was. Running her finger tips around her ears, Skylar remembered why. “Oh, that makes sense.” She said, tapping the place where her hearing aids normally rested. Focusing back on the man, she laughed. “You can’t hurt me, even if you wanted to. Even if I wanted you to,” Skylar paused, staring down at the blood that covered her. Looking up at him abruptly, she asked, “Do you think I need help?” Cutler watched her fingers lower from her ears, slick with blood. There was no alarm in her face as they came away, only a laugh that felt discordant and wrong. Even if I wanted you to. When her eyes met his, he felt his heart clatter against his ribcage with deafening irregularity. Something distinctly inhuman looked back at him. Or maybe it was the lack of something. “I do.” He replied, hoping his honesty would cut through the frenetic, animalistic energy to the person behind it. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know. Accepting help.” 
Another step toward her. She was almost within his reach now. He blinked slowly, a prayer running across the back of his eyelids: Please don’t fight me. “At the very least, let me get some gauze on that. You’re bleeding all over my floor.” His hand reached up and touched his own ear instinctively, brushing against his full intact earlobe. He ran his tongue across the flat backs of his own teeth, feeling the square edges. Hers were definitely unnatural. Modified, maybe. “I haven’t even asked your name. How rude of me.” A ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, echoing the grin he might have worn in lighter circumstances. “I’m Cutler. And you are?” 
He thought she needed help. But so had everyone else and that wasn’t what she’d wanted. Erin and Morgan and Leah and even Shiloh and Rio. They all said they wanted to help, but how could she know that? Skylar mulled over his words, tapping her fingers against her chin, ignoring the way the pads of her fingers stuck to her skin. All of them knew her, they all knew her and they knew what she was and who she was and even if they didn’t know why she was-- Skylar didn’t know why she was even though she could remember every pretty little pill she’d swallowed-- they knew what she should be. And this man didn’t. So maybe that made his help real. “Okay.” She said blithely, not realizing how much tension hung between the two of them. “Oh, but there is. Because people will help you and help you and help you and then one day, they leave. Because they’re too tired of putting up with all your shit and think it’s better to quit while they’re ahead.” She said earnestly. 
At the mention of his floors, Skylar glanced down to the mess of crushed herbs and ruined inventory that were spattered with a thick trail of blood. “Oh. Whoops. I have a lot,” She said with a nod, before gesturing around at the mess. “Of blood. Lots of blood. This is… probably okay.” She said with a shrug. Squinting at him, Skylar repeated his name. “Cut-ler.” She let out a slight giggle, wondering where her knife had gone. Cutler. She could make that literal. “I’m Skylar.” She said, before looking expectantly at him. “So, are you going to help me not bleed all over your floors?”
Cutler listened intently. Someone had hurt this girl, and he didn't intend to be the next in the long line of grievances she had suffered. "If people desert you, that's their shame. Not yours." The contempt in his voice bled through and he swallowed it back down into his stomach. "I'm not going anywhere."
He followed her gaze down to the floor, and back up to her nonchalant shrug. "That's me. You ever go by Sky? I've gone by Cut to my friends." His mouth moved on it's own, giving his mind a chance to catch up with the unreality of the situation. 
"It is a lot of blood, huh. Whooole lotta blood. Still limited supply, though." A deep sigh shot downward as his hands drifted to the resting spot on his hips where his apron drawstrings usually hung. He focused his gaze back on Skylar, unwilling to think about the cleanup he was going to have to do later. Alone, of course. No insurance company is gonna cover an illegal surgery. "Let's get something on that. I've got supplies back here. Gauze and tape and uh, all sorts of stuff. You need a hand?" 
Shrugging, Skylar’s mind wandered to all the people she’d loved, who’d left this place, who’d left her behind because they had to go. Nic and Winston and Remmy, they’d left. They hadn’t abandoned her, not the way Ricky and her parents had, but they’d left this town and they’d left her too. “Sometimes people leave and that’s just what happens. And then you’re left trying to figure out who you were without them.” Skylar said with a nod. 
“S-K-Y-E, yup. Just friends, though.” She said as she followed behind him, her footprints leaving thick smears against the linoleum flooring of the shop. At his question, she shook her head vigorously. “I don’t want a hand, nope, nope. Got two right here, don’t need more.” She said. “One of my friends kept losing their hands, but now they’re gone.” Skylar said, mostly to herself. “Gone, gone, gone.”
Cutler led the way to the back of the store, propping the EMPLOYEES ONLY door open with a coffee can of ice salt. “Alright, no hands. No problem.” Beyond the crack of the door, a grey cement room stared back at them, devoid of all the usual upholstery; no shelving, or paint, or tiling. The floor sloped ever so slightly downward, puckering at a large metal drain. Under the naked bulbs above him, he knelt to root through a box, pulling out various medical supplies and glancing over every so often to assess the damage. 
“Skylar.” He called back, tendons in his neck jumping with the strain. “What hurts? Can you tell me if anything hurts inside?” As he ambled back toward her, his gaze shifted from sympathetic to critical, mind kicking into higher gear. Silicon gloves rolled down his wrists and his hand paused inches from her lesioned arm, waiting for permission. “Is there any point in me telling you to get rest after this?” 
Skylar hadn’t been in the back rooms of many stores before, but she had a feeling that they didn’t look much like this. Staring around as he began to pull things out of a box, Skylar’s attention dropped back to the floor as she watched droplet after droplet of greyish red splash against the tile. They began to form a small trickle, flowing down, down, down the drain. At Cutler’s words, Skylar looked up and looked at him. “Nothing hurts. Nope, nope, can’t feel anything.” She said and, to prove it, she reached up with her fingers and grasped the chunk of her ear and pulled on it. Blood ran down her fingers, but she didn’t flinch because there wasn’t any pain to feel. It was all just light and bright and nothing at the same time. Holding out her arms, she shrugged. “I can rest. Sometimes I lie down in the woods for hours and hours.” She replied.
Cutler's lips parted in protest, too late to stop her from tugging on her ear. They came back together in a constricted wince. Crimson slick coated her hand and he redirected his attention from her unusual lesions to the fresh tear beside her face. "Okay. Alright. Let's clean this up." His voice was robotically measured, practiced bedside matter. Whether he was trying to steady her or himself, he wasn't entirely sure. "No pain is good. This still might sting, though. Let me know if you want me to stop."
The act of cleaning a wound is intimate by necessity. In close quarters, he could see the rise and fall of her chest below him and the heat of her skin under the sanitizing pad. He afforded her a gentle smile. It didn't say everything he wanted to say; that he too, had lain for hours in the forest while intoxicated. That he has, on more than one occasion, injured himself while drunk and mercifully felt no pain. Instead, he opted for a subtler approach. "Mhm. That sounds nice. Peaceful. Stay still for me if you can, Skylar." The skin of her neck started to become visible as he fastened a series of bandages to the area and wiped away the gore with soft, consistent movements. "Do you know what you took?"
Skylar was barely aware of the gauze pressed against her face. She could smell the sharp of the alcohol as it was used to clean her wounds, but the moment it touched her flesh, it felt like nothing at all. There was no pain, there was no pressure, there wasn’t even hot or cold. Her entire existence was just the manic thrum of excitement and giddy happiness that she had no control over. “Nope, it doesn’t hurt. You can keep doing your stuff.” She said and let Cutler wash away the blood. Sitting still was hard, but she managed it, even as her fingers felt like they wanted to sink into the nearest wall. She couldn’t do that, no, he wanted her to stay still. And he was helping her.
“Oh, it’s really nice. Really, really nice. Sometimes I’d just stay out there for days and days, because it was better than having to feel. But this, this is even better than that. Because I’m just so happy. So, so happy. I’ve never felt this happy before.” Skylar said breathily. At his question, Skylar grinned, remembering the way the pills had looked in the palm of her hand, the way the smoke had burned in her lungs, the soft burn of the Bliss as it ran through her veins. “Some pills, something in a cigarette, a mushroom or three and lots and lots of Bliss.” She said, her expression dreamy as she thought about the box of “supplies” she had stashed away back in her room. 
Cutler concentrated on not letting his concern bleed through his expressions as he listened, resisting the downturn of his mouth and darkening of his brow. His hands moved from wound to wound, adept at giving them exactly the amount of attention they needed before moving on. When he had addressed everything in his view, he extended the white bundle of gauze toward her. “If there’s anywhere else. Underneath your-I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
Of course he understood that sores don’t end at the boundaries of his patient’s clothing. It was more than likely that she had significant injuries that weren’t immediately visible. But she hadn’t come to him as a client, and he wasn’t about to start peeling clothing off a vulnerable woman, even to help her. “I need to make a quick call, anyhow. Do you mind?” His thumb was already swiping through a digital rolodex of old work contacts, distant friends, and exes. “I’ll be right over here, and you can call me if you need help. How does that sound?” 
Skylar didn’t notice the way that Cutler’s expression shifted, she was more focused on the way her fingers were wrapped in gauze. Already, she could see the tips of white beginning to darken as blood soaked through the cloth. What started out as pinpricks of color blossomed into thick circles and Skylar pressed her fingers against the side of the wall, watching as the blood spread through the gauze. As he handed her another roll of gauze, Skylar looked at it blankly for a moment before realizing what he was saying. That’s right, she had the gash-- a gaping slash, a gash-- on her side. Mm, she should take care of it.
With clumsy hands, Skylar slid her hands under her shirt and pressed the pad of gauze against her bleeding side. It was hard wrapping the bandages around, but she managed it after a bit of effort. At Cutler’s words, Skylar tilted her head. “What are you doing?” She asked, standing back up, the world shifting around her as she did. Her head felt light, lighter than air, as her vision went black round the edges, but she didn’t care. Taking a step forward, Skylar shook her head. “Who are you calling?” Doctors? Hunters? People who’d poke her, prod her, hurt her, kill her? No, no, no. 
Cutler’s eyes only flicked down to his hand for a moment, enough to dial but not enough time for his impromptu patient to injure herself further. He hoped. Next to his ear, the phone rang out. Once, twice. In his periphery, Skylar wrapped the gauze around her body. She looked strangely fragile in the unshaded bulbs; white fluorescents piercing sickly pale skin to sharp bone underneath. “I’m just making a call.” His chin tilted upward, speaking away from the still-ringing cell. Before he could come up with a lie that she would accept-not that he thought he had one ready-the soft click over the phone alerted him to the presence of someone on the other end. 
He shifted away slightly, hoping the broad slopes of his shoulders would shield the storage room from the soft words he was speaking into the phone. “Hi, it’s Cut. Sorry about the hour. Yeah, yeah, long time. Listen, I need a favour. Do you still work at the Crisis Response Unit? I’ve got a young woman here who’s in distress. No cops, she just needs-” He was interrupted by scuffling behind him, turning just in time to see Skylar getting to her feet. She swayed so slowly that the room seemed to tilt with her. “Skylar-” His protest died in his throat as she lurched forward with surprising intensity, causing him to take a mirroring step backward. She was substantially smaller than him, but something in her eyes caused his heart to leap to his throat. It took another step forward for him to recognize it. Hatred. “It’s just an old friend. She might be able to help you. Better than I can.” 
As the man turned his back on her, Skylar’s ears strained to pick up his hushed tones. She couldn’t pick up specifics, but her mind was already buzzing with possibilities of who was on the other line. Her eyes flicked around wildly, looking at the strange utensils that were laid out neatly on the table he’d taken her to. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she remembered that this was… a store. A shop in the center of town. With packets of chips and gum but also scissors and scalpels and gauze and gloves. Lips curling into a feral grimace, Skylar reached out and grabbed one of the shiny silvery tools from the table and pointed it at Cutler.
“Put down the phone.” Skylar said clearly, glaring at him while blood pounded in her ears. She could stab at him, plunge the tip of the scalpel into his chest over and over and over. She could lunge at him and bury her teeth into the soft flesh of his throat. She could rip him to pieces, she could hurt him, hurt him the way that Hunters wanted to hurt her. A trap, was this all a trap? “I don’t want your friend’s help-- I don’t, I don’t even want your help.” She sneered, tempted to rip the cotton gauze from her hands just to prove it to him. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I could. I could want to hurt you.” She said with another laugh, shaking her head. “So just, just put down the phone.”
The voice on the other end of the line began to rise into a higher register, tinny treble crackling through the rectangular mic at the bottom of the screen. “I’m completely fine. No one’s gonna hurt anyone here. Let me call you back.” Cutler spoke the words loudly and clearly, hoping the slight shaking his hand didn’t translate to his voice. Light flashed off the thin reflective blade of the scalpel. It was a tiny little thing, almost dwarfed in her white knuckle grip, but it could do serious damage. He knew that better than anyone. 
“I’m putting it down.” The phone clattered to the cement floor, sending a nervous jolt through his body. Nice, Cutler. “I don’t think-” His tongue felt heavy against his sticky-dry lips, struggling to form the words he wanted to say. “I don’t think you’re a bad person. And I don’t think you really want to hurt me. If you did, you would have done it by now, right? You’ve had plenty of chances.”
Skylar watched as the man spoke, her eyes trained on him. The lights were bright and sharp around the two of them and it made the scalpel in her fingers glimmer like quicksilver. Liquid in her fingers, she could let it flash out, once, twice, a hundred times, she thought. She could let it slither from her grasp and embed itself into the man’s body, she could watch the blood flow, so slow, down down down the drain. It would be so easy, so quick. A sliver of silver, a knife, a life. The dull thudding of the phone against the floor brought her back to her senses and Skylar nodded. “Yup, it’s down.” She said before kicking out a foot, sending the phone skittering away.
“I could, I could. Everyone could. Everyone wants to hurt people, everything’s only ever wanted to hurt me. Why shouldn’t I hurt someone else? Why shouldn’t I be just like them?” Skylar asked, though the scalpel was already lowering in her hand. She didn’t want to. She didn’t really want to do that. Her arms felt weary, heavier than they’d felt in… well, she couldn’t remember. But the weight of the sharp blade in her fingers felt as though it was dragging her to the floor, pulling her down. “I never wanted to be like this.” She said gesturing to herself with the scalpel, hands waving wildly. “I thought I was normal. I thought everyone was normal. But it’s not and I’m not and I’m just some… thing. Some kind of monster.” Skylar said before letting out a watery laugh. Swiping at her face with her free hand, Skylar wondered when she’d started crying-- why was she even crying? There was nothing to be sad about, nothing to feel. “I-- I…” She stammered, shaking her head as she backed away towards the door she’d come from. Tossing the scalpel away, she looked at the man, mind caught between the urge to charge at him and to run far, far away from him. “I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.” She said, shaking as she turned around and ran.
Cutler watched a thousand emotions pass over Skylar’s face in an instant. One well-placed slash with the scalpel in her hand and it could be over for him. The karmic balancing of the scales; a fitting end for him, maybe. But she wasn’t going to. He could see it even before her arm started to lower. She was at breaking point, tears overflowing their hitch-breath confines and words spilling out of her, stream-of-consciousness. “I know.” He said softly. And he did. He knew that she wouldn’t let him help. That she was leaving, and there was nothing he could do to stop her. “I know.” 
For a moment, it appeared as if she had changed her mind and decided to tackle him anyway and he tensed, ready to parry or dodge whatever she threw at him, including herself. At the last second, she pivoted, running by him in close quarters. A quicker man might have blocked the door. A stronger man might have reached a hand out to stop her as she passed. Cutler was neither of these things. Instead, he just watched her go.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Darkwing Duck Reviews: Tiff of the Titans
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Uh-Oh, Gizmoduck Comes to town! In the first of a series of reviews building up to Just Us Justice Ducks,  the dopey, arrogant, anti-charasmatic, national embarrassment heads to St. Canard to guard a super weapon from F.O.W.L. Naturally, he ends up being more of a problem for our hero than the actual bad guys. Also a look at Tad Stone’s claims the series isn’t in the same universe as Ducktales.  Full review and recap commissioned by @weirdkev27​ under the cut
This review, much like Death, Taxes and Thanos, was inevitable. I’d been planning to watch and review the first appearances of each of the justice ducks and fearsome five as my next step in watching Darkwing duck anyway, and while I’ve already got one member’s appearance in the wings anyway, I’ll get to that tomorrow or Saturday just in time for Halloween, hint hint, Kev pushed this one into the queue with a commission and I  was happy to take the side trip to see just what the Darkwing version of Gizmoduck and Steelbeak, two of my favorites in the reboot, were like originally. So welcome folks to the build to the greatest superhero team made up of ducks of all time, let’s get quackin. 
We open, here in Duckburg, where the Eggmen are breaking in. Sadly they do not have the master plan, but they are here to steel the Comarant, a super powerful land, sea and air device the military is storing there. They instead find Gizmoduck! Who makes a good first impression, being a hoaky superman parody in iron man’s costume in this continuity, but it’s a nice way to contrast to Darkwing’s batman parody with a touch of Sandman.. the pulp one not the neil gaiman one.  Sadly he doesn’t have a cool gas mask but the Darkwing Duck costume is iconic without it. 
Point is the eggmen are easily repelled, though they do get away by blasting Gizmo with a tank. The General in charge is thankful for Gizmoduck’s help, but notes the Comarant will be heading to St. Canard soon for a demonstration at the big air show, and asks that Giz go over and protect it, maybe even work with Darkwing to protect it. Though Gizmo shoots that down, and not only insults Darkwing but says he’s not sure if he’s good or bad. While the latter comment did sour me on the guy.. research bears out Darkwing has been framed once or twice, and my own experience with the pilot saw him you know breaking out of jail and basically clamming superheroes are above the law, so I COULD get why someone wouldn’t trust him, even if Giz’s attitude about it still isn’t great. So fenton quick changes behind a sign and heads off to see his old buddy Launchpad.  A quick aside before we get going this episode doesn’t so much torch Tad Stone’s retroactive claim this isn’t the same universe as Ducktales, as burn it to ashes, take a whiz on those ashes and send each separate ash on a seperate probe to the farthest reaches of space. This episode not only has a cameo by Scrooge on a billboard.. but it’s one for DUCKBURG. Where Gizmoduck is said to be from. He also knows launchpad well, and vice versa, and outright mentions McDuck Manor. the episode couldn’t be saying “this is the same universe as ducktales’ harder if Scrooge himself showed up and started ranting about a Sea Monster eating his ice cream. I do like and respect Tad Stones, but I will never like or respect this claim of his and even if HE had that idea in his head during production of the show, it’s very clear everyone else including Disney who greenlit the Darkwing Duck comics explicitly connecting the two universes, felt it was a shared universe, and there’s really no reason they can’t coexist. 
If it’s because “Well launchpad wouldn’t leave scrooge”.. besides the fact Scrooge tried to fire him MULTIPLE times, it’s not farfetched Scrooge would put him in charge of a hangar both because he trusts him.. and to get rid of him since he doesn’t like Launchpad very much. Plus Donald has to come back from his tour of duty sometime and likely could easily do Launchpad’s job as pilot, as he did in the source material. My point is there’s tons of ways to write the man out easily, and he could just as easily be doing both jobs like in the reboot. This feels like a weird, unnecessary retcon no one wanted and everyone just politely ignores, like the creators of Doug saying he and Patti didn’t end up together after High School. Which even then makes more sense than this claim, since at least there I get the creators not thinking a high school romance would last forever. That’s fair.. it’s just not something fans really wanted to hear after spending two separate series and a movie getting them together. It would be like if Girl Meets World had revealed Cory and Topanga had divorced. Yes it’d be possible since they’d broken up twice over the course of the series, but no one wanted that, why would you do that. I’m getting off topic, the point is a few breakups aside Doug and Patti clearly married eventually, and Darkwing Duck and Ducktales are in the same universe. Sometimes you just have to ignore Word of God for your own sanity.
Back at the actual episode we cut to Steelbeak’s Bowling Alley Hideout... and I do love a job that allows me to say things like that. But in a really fantastic bit Steelbeak is bowling his minions over as punishment for failure.. even though they have a valid reason but eh he’s the bad guy and he has to get his bowling average up for FOWL’s bowling team somehow. Their insurance covers evil punishment related accidents anyways, they’ll be fine. 
But yeah let’s talk about Steelbeak for a second. I honestly hadn’t seen any of the original version so I was curious.. and he’s really damn awesome. Rob Paulsen always does a great job though and is always a pleasure, but he really does a good job here and with the contrast in him: He’d seem like a dumb thug, what with his gangster accent and general cockiness and swagger.. but he backs it up with great combat and even greater planning. He’s a schemer, a fighter and damn if he isn’t fun to watch.  It also makes me love the reboot version even more. While I already loved him for being played by Jason Mantzokus, being enjoyably dim, while also still enough of a threat to be freaking cool, it’s even cooler knowing he’s still fundamentally the same character. Much like Drake he’s simply been tweaked a bit. For drake it was softening the edges since Ducktales isn’t as broad a show, and neither will the darkwing reboot i’m betting, so his ego and selfishness is sanded down considerably. For Steelbeak it’s giving him an actual origin: Instead of starting at the top of FOWL, he’s starting as a very competent but very wet behind the ears and full of himself agent, working his way up to becoming justifably full of himself like the original show. He has the same swagger and badassery, he’s just not a master planner yet and he’ll get there. Like many of the reboot characters, he’s simply an already great character given some extra depth and rounding out. I love both and can’t wait to see him again next ep and hopefully he’ll show up in the Darkwing reboot so they can go for round 2. 
So with that out of the way, Darkwing naturally interrupts, and cleans house with his gas gun, forcing Steelbeak and his crew to literally go underground into the sewers. This successfully fools drake, and Steelbeak bemoans how both Darkwing and Gizmoduck have been thwarting his plans.. until he gets a great idea; pit them against each other so he can pilfer the comerant while their too busy fighting. It’s a classic supervillain tactic, and one that works perfectly because one of them’s an egotist and a dick and the other is also that but with more style and likeability.  Back at Drake’s place, Gosalyn and Honker are watching a horror movie they clearly aren’t supposed to till Drake and launchpad come back in via their easy chairs flipping them in from Darkwing Tower which is just.. really cool. I like it. I also like that much like the Shakespeare bust in Wayne Manor, Darkwing has his own neat statue to provide acess to his lair... a tiny bronze statue of Basil from the Great Mouse Detective.. I REALLY need to fucking watch that film but it’s a nice nod. But yeah Launchpad brought them back because he feels drake could use a break while Drake refuses to stop because crime never stops and he doesn’t have time for it and your usual self destructive bollocks. It’s interrupted by a knock at the door? 
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It’s Fenton! Whose stopped in to see his old buddy launchpad, who is happy to see his old friend and the two catch up, though Drake dosen’t like the interuption because Classic Drake is kind of a grumpus. Fenton naturally is here because Gizmoduck is but says he’s doing a job for the military.. which makes no sense but given Drake doesn’t know what he does and Launchpad dares to be stupid, if not nearly as stupid as his reboot version, no one questions it. When Fenton says he needs to find a hotel Launchpad, being Launchpad, invites him to stay and while Fenton watches the movie with the kids, Drake wants him gone because you know he has a secret identity to keep and a case to work on and they don’t know if they can trust him with it. It’s fair.. but since this is Drake he almost handles it with the subtly of a howitzer. But before he can try to literally throw Fenton out on his ass, a news report comes on about an attack at a local theater and both head off to take care of it.. we also get a nice moment where both react to it with the same words at the same time.  Fenton.. is actually really likeable. He’s a bit awkward, more in that he sort of barges in and makes himself comfy.. but it’s very easy to see from this and the one Ducktales episode of his i’ve seen where the utterly marvelous reboot version gets some traits from: his nervousness, his pluckness, his lack of thinking things through ocasionally when he’s not overthinking them. Fenton is charming. The issue is once he switches on the costume he goes from utterly charming to punchable REALLL quick. I’ll explain my problems with his alter ego in a sec. 
At the theater Steelbeak fakes it to look like Darkwing’s doing the bombing, if half haphazardly and leaves Darkwing with the bomb so when Gizmo shows up he thinks he’s responsible. Darkwing naturally says it wasn’t him, but Gizmo dosen’t buy it and asks if he’s so good how come he wears a mask... says the guy in a helmeted visor’s whose only defense when that’s pointed out is it came with the suit. Which yes is a joke.. but it fails to land and instead of being funny just makes Gizmo look like a hypocritical dick whose assuming someone is evil based on flimsy evidence, and what’s very obviously a setup. it makes him come off as the biggest dumbass alive instead of this world’s superman and that is annoying. More ranting about him in a minute. We do end up getting an incredibly funny bit where the two end up arguing over who gets to defuse a bomb, with both wrestling over it till Gizmoduck takes care of it and both fall into the theater. Gizmoduck tries to arrest Darkwing who ignores him and runs off.  The next day the Mallard family, including Honker naturally, watches Gizmoduck get a parade, a key to the city and other good stuff on the news while Drake sulks before turning it off. And yeah i’ve waited long enough let’s talk about this version of Gizmoduck and why he does not work. I get in theory he’s supposed to be “The Cape”, minus the cape: The big cheese that everyone looks up to and loves to Darkwing’s  dark avenger of the night, a parody of that whose also really dumb. The issue is two fold. The first is .. the classic archtypical cape type chracter has been parodied to hell and back by 2020. He’s been a monster, an asshole and as with here an idiot. And even for then a superman parody, if not in apperance or powers but in treatment, whose really dumb wasn’t very new. 
And you CAN parody a big silver age type hero: Justice League International did so well without being too overt, having most of the team either annoyed or actively hostile to Shazam/Captain Marvel. But it was done well there because well.. billy’s a very corny very earnest and likeable kid in an adult’s body. To us he’s charming and loveable. But to a bunch of actual adults he’d be offputting at best and annoying at worst. While some have been annoyed at how he was handled, I a fan of both JLI and Shazam liked it and thought it was an interesting take. Another REALLY good and REALLY hilarious take on this is from fellow superhero action comedy Danny Phantom, one of my favorites and one I need to revisit. One episode had Danny split himself in two so he could crimefight and have fun with his friends resulting in one self whose a burnt out slacker, and another whose an over the top crimefighter who says things like “you Felonious fiend!” And “This looks like a job for the vacuum cleaner!”. It’s a damn good episode. My point is it’s been better done before and since. 
What doesn’t help is the episode tries to paint it as equal, since Darkwing’s problem in part is Gizmoduck stealing his thunder.. but it doesn’t work. Darkwing is a fully fleshed out character we know and love who despite his huge ego and rampant jackassery, is a decent person whose fought hard for St. Canard, loves his daughter and most damingly... is entertainingly sickish. Gizmoduck’s dickery just makes him come off less likeable and incredibly dense, while Darkwing’s is part of his charm and, along with his ego, has backfired enough to balance it out. Gizmo just doesn’t get comeuppance for his behavior, and instead gets rewarded with a parade, a key to the city, cheerleaders and Gosalyn looking up to him just for having powers in his gadgets. And really his methods aren’t that different from dark wing: While Darkwing is secretive, a loner and uses gadgets.. Gizmoduck’s suit is basically one BIG gadget, and he refuses to see. And I get that’s probably the joke but it just. doesn’t. LAND. It just makes him insufferable. And as far as I can tell in the original show he wasn’t: he was an awkward dork we root for like in the reboot, not a gloryhogging jackass whose squandered his good will long before he gets Darkwing isn’t evil and tries working with him to the point I don’t care by the time that happens: He’s already been so obnoxious it dosen’t make up for it. Maybe later appearances are better but he’s just a chore to watch in costume here. And that’s WITHOUT comparing him to the 2017 version, one of my favorites there, one of the best animated superheroes i’ve seen in a long time, and a toughly likeable character who struggles due to his superhero identity but took it up for exactly the right reasons and wants to help people. Darkwing Gizmoduck thinks he’s the cape and an inspiration when a good guy when he’s worse than the guy he hates at times. Reboot Gizmo is an honest, decent guy who simply wants to help people and use the gizmotech as a way to do that, to help change the world for the better and save the helpless, and only clashes with Darkwing due to his ego and lack of understanding that Gizmoduck and him really aren’t that different. Finally if THIS is why Tad Stones wants them to be different universes, because this Fenton is different from the Ducktales one in personality.. then that’s on HIM. That’s on him for writing this version poorly or letting him get written so poorly and not on the fans who had no reason not to connect a dot. God this character was disappointing and hopefully when I watch more of him at work in Ducktales, he isn’t this obnoxious, nor will he hopefully be in his sequel episodes.  Thankfully moving on Darkwing gets to work, because you know he has experience, and finds Steelbeak trying to pilfer the cormorant but Captain Clueless interrupts and tries to arrest him. The two then finally fight and while it’s sadly short, it’s a fun clash and I genuinely hope the reboot has it’s own fight with them, as given how damn good they are at fight scenes, it’s bound to be even more awesome. But Steelbeak gets away, and uses the comarant’s secret weapon.. a giant fake egg that drops a giant pile of yolk to drown them. Gizmo finally realizes he’s been fighting the wrong guy but our hero's are now running out of time. Darkwing , being the actually capable one here, has Gizmo uses his propeller to beat the eggs and the two head off.. though after a funny bit where Gizmo breaks the Ratcatcher’s sidecar Darkwing lets him use his spare tier, which is huge and likely intended for the main vehicle. Good stuff.  The two get after Steelbeak and while Gizmo makes me pray for death but death won’t come we get a fun battle with Steelbeak including Steelbeak using his beak to bite down and destroy the gas gun. It’s a damn fun bit I must say. But eventually the good guys win, disable the comarant and Darkwing beats Steelbeak. The day is save, FOWL is foiled, our heroes are on shaky but better terms, and Drake and Fenton depart on good if equally shaky terms, before arguing about which of them is better. And we’re out.  Final Thoughts: This.. was a disappointingly mixed bag. Gizmoduck REALLY drug down what was otherwise a good episode with a great concept: Bringing in a hero whose stronger and more popular than Darkwing.. but mostly uses it to make Darkwing look good, which he didn’t need, and make Gizmoduck look REALLY bad, intentionally or otherwise. Steelbeak is a delight and his plan, and the egg trap, are really good, and as mentioned there are enough good set pieces to prevent this from being a terrible episode.. but as an old friend says for me time and time again...
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100dad · 3 years
100 things that made me America’s Dad
#1 I had Sex. It is tough to be a Dad when you do not have a kid. Full credit due for invitro dads, for adoption dads, and stepdads. I am not trying to bash on anybody’s parade. I just did it the old-fashioned way. Had a lot of fun. It is a natural talent.
#2 I got my priorities in the right order.  It is not about me anymore. Faith. Wife. Kids. Then me. My hobbies take a back seat. The gym became less important.
#3 I made my marriage a priority.
#4 I made sure I could financially provide. Check income. Track expenses. Budget.
#5 Financially prepared for the future. College. Retirement. Big Purchases. House. Cars. Etc.
#6 I made sure I had a Will.
#7 I made sure I had Life Insurance.
#8 I recognized that I am now a role model. I should at least act like it.
#9 I stayed optimistic about everything. Because pessimism sucks.
#10 Made sure Mom and Dad are on the same team.
#11 My discipline game was on point. Strong, Firm, Reasonable.
#12 I protected my family.  From physical harm, spiritual harm, emotional harm, evil.
#13 I am thankful for everything. Where I was born. The people I have met. That guy that gave me an idea. The guy that said I couldn’t. The ones that said I could. To authors. To haters. To supporters. Everything. Everyone.
#14 I provide. A roof, food, and water. Stable home. Education. Unconditional love. Discipline. Consequences.
#15 Not rigid. I stay flexible. Not only in the sack. I’m not going to be rigid in my parenting. Times change. Kids have different personalities. I adjust accordingly.
#16 I shouldered the responsibility. And the blame.  All of it. I can handle it.
#17 I set the tone at home. It’s what a leader does.
#18 Made sure our family name means something in our community. How we carry ourselves and how we treat others.
#19 A good home life was more important than faking it on social media.
#20 I made sure our house was a home.
#21 I kicked ass at work. I tried to be the best. Because that is how you succeed.
#22 I prepare my kids for the real world. Age appropriately, of course.
#23 My values and morals are firm. I do not compromise on those.
#24 I put in the effort. Because this is too important to wing it.
#25 I became good at relationships. It’s amazing what being nice, reliable, and offering help will do for your reputation.
#26   Humbled myself because I realized my ego will be my downfall.
#27   Perspective was everything. I learned to put myself in other people’s shoes.
#28 Taught my kids about guns. If I am going to have them, we might as well make sure safety is taught and they do not become forbidden fruit.
#29 I reassessed who I hung out with. I wanted to elevate myself not be held back.
#30 This is who I took advice from. People who actually did what I wanted to do. Good Dads. Good businessmen who built from scratch.
#31 Time. Quality and quantity. I recognized its importance in raising a family. Time is everything.
#32 Let my kids be them. Not what I wish I had been. My Values and morals are firm but I let their personalities and talents bloom.
#33 I read books to my kids. Good bonding. Good teaching moments.
#34 I Play with my kids. Both when it was fun as they get older and when it was boring when they just laid there.
#35 I remain Calm under pressure. Cool heads prevail over emotional drama queens.
#36 I build up my kids’ confidence. Because self-esteem does not result from being crushed all the time.
#37 I give them frequent reality checks. If I’m going to be humbled��so will they. This isn’t a fairy tale.
#38 Created a stable home environment. Rules, routine, predictability.
#39 Realized how much these kids see and absorb…..and modified my behavior.
#40 I hated negativity. Still do.
#41 Vices – not for me. I can say no. I can handle stress. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, tobacco….I make sure my mind is more powerful than temptation.
#42 My secret formula. Hard work + Good Decisions + Faith =Success
#43 Failing does not bother me. In fact, it oddly is fun for me.
#44 Plowed thru fears. Pushed forward. No, what-ifs.
#45 Live without regret. I do not want to be 90 wishing I had been a better dad or tried to make something of myself.
#46 Not afraid to make the unpopular decision because I know it is the right decision.
#47 I do not get painted into corners. If A and B are the only options. I find or create an option C.
#48 I am not afraid to get weird and step outside my comfort zone.
#49 I did not say the things I wanted to say when I was angry. Because I knew I would regret it and once those things are said they never really get taken back.
#50 Loved taking those scary leaps toward opportunities.
#51 Gave my kids independence and freedom as they earned it.
#52 I am not a helicopter dad. But I do verify the trust and freedoms I have allowed are worthy.
#53 Comparison was motivation, not depression. I was never envious, just inspired.
#54 Our house had RULES. Because structure is important.
#55 I refused to sacrifice my family to excel in my career.
#56 I let my kids fail…. a lot.
#57 Became okay with asking for help…. letting go of that ego thing.
#58 Actions were more important than words…. anybody can say the words.
#59 I didn’t make excuses, I just got things done.
#60 Willingness to do what others would not. I found there is much value in doing the things others find demeaning or too hard.
$61 I found the best balance is balancing over longer periods of time. Not day to day or even weekly. More seasonal.
#62 I gave myself reality checks. Check that ego.
#63 I realized how good I have it. And I did my best to soak in that contentment.
#64 Recognized my kids’ genetics and focused on their talents, skills, and personalities.
#65 Respect is important. Earning it & Giving it.
#66 Bravery is important. Super important. Stand up for what I genuinely believe in.
#67 Raising my kids to be fully functional adults.
#68 I used short-term tactics with long-term visions.
#69 Pushed my kids to be better, braver, stronger.
#70 Teach my kids everything I can about life, so they are prepared when they enter the real world without me.
#71 Recognized how important dads’ role is in the family.
#72 I document a lot. It’s great for memories. Reflection. Appreciation.
#73 I controlled my kids' influences. What they see, experience, hear.
#74 Strong man- Kind heart.
#75 The secret to a good life is simply being happy.
#76 I do my best. Give my best. Because effort is huge!
#77 Realized my wife was insanely important to our life.
#78 I drive our family value home repeatedly. No one and done. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
#79 Started my own businesses giving us control of our lifestyle.
#80 Worked close to home because I hated the idea of traffic instead of family.
#81 Made big efforts to be incredibly involved in my kids’ lives. Even the not so fun things.
#82 We switched to homeschooling. More time. More freedom. More control of influences.
#83 Knew my priorities in life. Faith. Family. Work. Friends.
#84 Budgeting was a huge deal. Both of us stayed involved and adhered to it. Neither of us wasted our hard-earned money.
#85 I did not borrow money. No partners. No inheritance. All on my own. No scapegoats. No crutches.
#86 Willing to do unpopular things and go against the grain. Because going along with crowds seems so…. basic.
#87 Cared more about building a net worth than impressing people.
#88 Despite mediocre grammar skills I enjoy writing out my thoughts. Creates clarity and conviction!
#89 Never traveled as a kid, Limited travel as an adult= Strong desire to travel!
#90 Sold a valuable business to the right company at the right time. Luck helps. Luck seems to happen to people who work really hard and do the right things.
#91 Realized having cash and no debt gives you options and freedom and tremendous peace of mind.
#92 Set huge, big goals. Never achieved them totally. But when I came up short, I still did great!
#93 Never afraid of work…even hard work, willing to outwork everyone.
#94 My hobby was my family and work. I excelled at the 2 things I focused most on.
#95 Leaned heavily on my Faith. Put my worries, struggles, anxieties on shoulders bigger than mine.
#96 I knew I did not want to replicate the bad parts of my father …but I did want to replicate the good parts.
#97 Married a girl with the same values and morals as me. With similar goals. With similar ethics. With the same determination to work through bad times and build a good life.
#98 Looked at my ancestry and wanted to become a legend in my family. I wanted our name to really mean something.
#99 Lived a life that if someone wants to dig into it there is nothing to find. Squeaky clean.
#100 Wrote down our family values. This became our compass and roadmap.
100% Dad is currently on tour traveling the country promoting the 100% Dad brand. Townsend Russell is the Founder and Personality for 100% Dad. Townsend has been on the tour for over 15 months with his family with plans to continue until January 2023. Townsend sold his businesses and retired in 2019 and has been building 100% Dad and creating insane memories with his family along the way.
Find out more about 100% Dad on the website 100dad.com
Rep the brand on 100dad.com/shop
Follow on Insta @100Dad
Youtube channel 100% Dad
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maidenof-thesea · 5 years
Snakes & Butterflies | Part V
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Soulmate Au!, Fluff, Angst, Smut (Maybe, still debating)
Words: 3.1
Warnings: minor swearing
Note: Yay! Part 5! I’m sooo sorry that this took so long, well it felt like it took me forever to write! Anyways, I hope u enjoy!
Reminder: * conversations in Korean *
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When the sun set, the hyungs started to head back to the beach house. Or cottage. I’m not sure as to why they advertise it as a cottage, it’s as big as a house, well it's even bigger than an actual house. I counted five rooms on the second floor, most homes I knew had only like three bedrooms and that does-
“Hyung let’s dump Taehyung in the water,” Jungkook said in a whisper. “Jimin said he’ll help.”
“Jungkook,” I said. “Do you know why the owners call that house a cottage?”
“Hmm,” Jungkook said thoughtfully. “Noona also calls it that as well...I’m sure out of habit...hmm I wonder why as well…”
“Namjoonie!” Taehyung yelled as he came to cuddle next to me on the sand. “Whatcha guys talking about?”
“Nothing important,” I said, yawning. “We should head back in, Y/N is bringing pizza.”
“Okay,” Taehyung agreed, already getting ready to head to the trail. Jungkook gives me an annoyed look to which I smirked. They were gonna get sick if they went into the water and I don’t want to be babysitting them if they did. “Where’s Jimin?”
“JIMIN!” Jungkook yelled, cupping his hands. “YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!”
Jimin then climbs down the hill that leads up to the road.
“What were you doing up there?” Taehyung asked.
“They were supposed to ambush you and dunk you in water,” I said, already passing Taehyung on the path. 
Taehyung runs back down to chase after the mischievous cousins and the sound of laughter dances together with the sound of the waves and I feel a smile spread across my face. I took my time, and already the cousins raced past me with a laughing Taehyung right on their heels. Hoseok was waiting for me at the entrance of the path. 
“Namjoon, do you think we could switch rooms with you?” Hoseok asked. “Your bed is big.”
“Hyung, just combine the twin beds, it should be fine.” I said. “Besides, I thought you guys were gonna keep it low-key, since we’re living with a human.”
“I mean we don’t have to tell her about it,” Hoseok said, inclining his head. “Please??”
I sighed and just as I was about to say yes, Y/N was pulling up the driveway and I waved to her. Saved by the bell. I love big beds, mostly because they tend not to break as easily as small beds, since I have the tendency to break everything eventually.
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She’s wearing my sweater. She’s wearing my sweater. She’s wearing my sweater. She’s-
“Jimin,” Taehyung whispered. “Stop staring, you’ll get it back later.”
“Why would she put on Jungkook’s sweater?” I whispered in disbelief. 
“That’s what you’re concerned about?” 
Why am I concerned about that?
“I mean,” I whispered. “I knew they were close as kids, but like it’s only been a week?”
“Jimin,” Taehyung whispered. “I don’t know what to tell you but like chill, okay?”
“You don’t think he likes her?” I whispered seriously. “Like likes likes her?”
“Jungkook is waiting for his soulmate,” Taehyung whispers in annoyance. “No matter how much I tried to convince him that he should date, he always refused. Stop overthinking.”
“JiMIN,” Taehyung whispers/yells as he reaches to hold me back but I can’t even stop myself. It was like my body was not in my control, my vision was turning red around the edges. My body shook with unconstrained rage. I was on the verge of a black out, when I registered that I had pulled her out of Jungkook’s arms and her squeal is what made me let go of her almost immediately, leaving her to drop unceremoniously onto the ground. She turns to look at me and then back at Jungkook, almost immediately she gets up and opens her mouth to speak but before I could even think, I interrupted her.
“This is actually my sweater, do you mind?” I said looking at her, forcing the rage away. I made a promise, I was gonna try to keep it. 
“Oh my god,” Y/N said her face turning red. “I had no idea! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine,” I said, clenching my hands to control how shaky they were. “I just realized I left something important in my pockets, didn’t want you to lose them.”
I heard a barely contained chuckle from behind us. She quickly pulled her arms out of the sleeves and took it off carefully so whatever was in the pockets wouldn’t fall out. Her outfit was…
“I’ll be right back,” Y/N said as she headed towards a room that was most likely hers. 
“Cute shirt,” Jin said in English as he winked at her, causing me to glare at him. She only blushed more and walked even faster. “What? I’m not allowed to compliment her now?”
Once her door was closed, Yoongi laughed out loud, barely able to contain his amusement. Jungkook attempted to walk past me, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“I need to talk to you,” I said, pulling him towards the front door.
“Go easy on him!” Namjoon yelled. “We don’t have health insurance here!”
“Hyung,” Jungkook whined. “I’m sorry okay?”
“Do you like Y/N?” I asked him seriously.
“What?!” Jungkook sputtered. 
“You heard me.”
“Hyung, she’s like a sister to me.”
“I don’t think you hug sisters like that.”
“Like what?”
“Tucking your face in her neck!”
“Why does that matter?” Jungkook asked me, crossing his arms and squinting at me. “Why do you care how I hug her?”
“You know why.”
“Remind me.”
“She’s not yours.” I said clenching my fists. 
“Of course she isn’t,” Jungkook laughs. “Noona is an independent woman.”
“You know what I mean Jungkook,” I said annoyed. 
“No,” He said cheekily. “As far as I’m concerned, Noona is single. In fact she’s never been in a relationship. So she’s basically available. Maybe I-”
“Do you think this is a joke?” I said feeling my face burn. She’s never been in a relationship? With a body like that? “And how do you know that? How did the topic of dating even come up?”
“No,” Jungkook laughs once more, ignoring my other questions, which made my eyes squint in suspicion. “I’m actually afraid for my life right now. You’re scary when you’re mad hyung. I’m sure Y/N’s life flashed before her eyes. I know mine did.”
“I lost control,” I sighed sitting on the steps of the porch. “That’s never happened before. All these emotions...I thought I wasn’t gonna ever feel them this intense again.”
“What do you mean?” Jungkook asked me. He took a seat right next to me. 
“Ever since my Mark became like this,” I said pulling my sleeve up to show him Mark. “I don’t feel emotions as strong as you do.”
“Wait,” Jungkook said, turning towards me. “Your emotions...they’re strong now?”
“Yea,” I said fidgeting with my sweater, it smelled like perfume. “Almost like being close to her again brought them back.”
“Jungkook,” Y/N said as she lightly knocked on the door. She had on some pajamas and a t-shirt much too big for her, and I felt a sense of relief that she was no longer wearing that outfit. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but I brought you a slice of piz-”
A flash of light bursted, making us all freeze. Was that a flash of a camera? Next there was the sound of a car starting. Jungkook launched from the porch with me right behind him. A sleek black car with black tinted windows was quickly taking off from across the street. 
“HEY!” Jungkook yelled as he ran onto the empty street. Before he could continue running, I grabbed his arm to stop him but Y/N kept running and she hurled a rock and hit the tail-light. Instead of stopping, the car went even faster. 
“Are you guys okay?” She said as she ran back to us, running out of breath.
“Where did you get that rock?” Both me and Jungkook said in shock.
“From the garden,” she said shrugging and almost immediately she winced and I realized that she wasn’t wearing shoes. 
“Noona, here get on my back,” Jungkook said as he crouched down. 
“It’s fine,” she said, glancing at me warily and walking around him. “I can walk just fine, just need to avoid the gravel.” 
She started walking back carefully, I went ahead and started to kick the loose gravel out of the way. I glanced back at Jungkook who was hovering around her, causing her to roll her eyes, but she still had an endearing smile for him. 
She’s like a sister to me.
As we headed up the pathway, the others were outside, barely realizing we were gone. 
“What happened?” Yoongi asked, almost twirling me to inspect me for injuries. 
“Someone took a picture of us,” I answered. “They got away and they didn’t even have a license plate.”
“What the hell?” Taehyung said as he stepped all the way outside. “Who would-”
“Crap!” Y/N sighed, causing Jungkook to laugh. They were both staring at the now broken plate and pizza on the ground. “Rosa is gonna murder me.”
“I’m sure she won’t.” Jin said, bringing a dust pan and a broom. She thanked him and reached for the broom but he shooed her away and commenced to broom up the broken plate and pizza. She watched him in surprise and Jungkook coed and pinched her cheeks. “Leave her alone Kook.” 
That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time
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“Do you think the council sent someone?” Yoongi asked me as I pulled my phone out of my pocket, no messages from father. 
“I doubt it,” I replied. “Should we report it?”
“The last thing we need is the council snooping around,” Taehyung said and I glanced at him in question. I followed his gaze and Jimin was staring intensely at Y/N. He’s right the last thing we need is the council being involved. 
“I expected to see Jungkook dead out here,” Hoseok said with a smirk. “If someone hugged Yoongi like that--I don’t know how I would have reacted.”
“Never mind that,” Taehyung said. “Why would someone take pictures?”
“Hyung, you should have seen Noona,” Jungkook said in excitement as Jimin walked past him. Y/N was helping Jin hyung by opening the nearest trash bin for him. “She threw a rock at them!” 
“She what?” Hoseok said in shock and all of us stared at her in shock. Jimin then came back with a pair of slippers, and walked past them heading in her direction. “Oh my god, could he be even more obvious?”
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“Here,” Jimin said as he crouched in front of me. He placed slippers right in front of me.
“Oh than-ooff” I started to say as I lifted my foot to put the first slipper on, but he grabbed my foot to brush off some of the gravel on the underside of my foot and placed the slipper on. In my surprise, I clutched his shoulders to keep my balance. Once I realized what I did, I quickly let go. “I’m sorry! That just surprised me..”
“It’s okay,” Jimin replied, already grabbing my other foot. “You can hold on to me, I know you have trouble with your balance.”
Why is he so hot and cold?
“They must have been watching the house,” Jimin said as he stood up, brushing his hands off. “They didn’t take the picture until after you came out...have you noticed anybody strange around the house lately?”
“No not that I know of,” I said, ruffling my hair. “But the lady down the road said she caught a peeping tom outside her bedroom window...like two weeks ago?”
“Do you think that could have been the same guy?” He said in a serious tone.
“Most likely,” I said, shrugging. 
“Why are you so nonchalant about possibly having a pervert after you?” Taehyung said from the porch.
“Oh I wish he would try me,” I said cracking my knuckles. “I’ve been meaning to test my taser.”
Yoongi then laughed once more and came to put his shoulder around me and started walking inside, missing the way Jimin’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“I knew I would like you,” Yoongi said laughing. “Jungkook made you seem all innocent as if you needed protection.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook said turning red. “She used to cry every time she had to go home by herself even though she lived across the street from us! Jimin would have to walk her home every single time!”
“I did?” I asked Jimin, turning around. “I don’t remember…”
“You don’t remember?” Jimin said with an unreadable expression. 
“I don’t remember much from then,” I admit breaking eye contact. “It’s all hazy, almost blurry.” 
“Well maybe your memory will start coming back slowly,” Hoseok said hopefully. “Now that you guys are reunited.”
“Maybe,” I whispered and I watched them walk back into the living room. I glanced down at my arm, the henna tattoo was starting to fade. I remembered the butterfly Mark from the dream, how it glowed. There’s no way that was a memory.
“Are you okay?” Jimin said, staring at my Mark as well with a furrow in his brow.
“Yea,” I sighed crossing my arms. “Sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to put on your sweater, there was just some asshole giving me a hard time at the pizza place.”
“No you’re okay,” Jimin said, putting his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry too, for like dropping you, I guess I was just surprised.”
“That’s okay and about Jungkook…” I said carefully. “I’m sorry if I overstepped.. I know I’m the only woman here..I just hope that it won’t complicate things...I know Jungkook was really shy at first when we were kids and then he was super affection-”
“You remember that about Jungkook?” Jimin said once again with an unreadable expression. “But you don’t remember that I used to walk you home everyday?”
“Uh,” I said, not meeting his eyes. “It was such a long time ago, maybe Hoseok’s right, it’ll come back to me. I mean Jungkook has been here like a week and it feels like we just picked up right where we left off..”
“Do you even remember the day before I-we left?” Jimin said, almost frustrated. “You know what? I’m actually feeling tired from the time difference, so I’m gonna head to bed.”
“Oh, okay,” I said confused. “Goodnight.”
Then Jimin headed upstairs and Taehyung trailed after him after wishing me a goodnight and thanking me for dinner. I never felt so confused in my life. It was such a long time ago, why should I feel guilty about not remembering anything about Jimin besides the fact that we were friends and that he never bothered to say goodbye to me when they moved? I headed to the kitchen and Jin was already there, washing some cups. 
“Jin,” I said, taking the cup from him and handing him a towel. “You do know you’re on vacation?”
“Sorry habits die hard,” Jin laughed. “I just thought you would want some time to talk to Jimin since it’s been awhile.”
“Thank you,” I said smiling. “But as much as I want to go down memory lane, I also need to work so why don’t you go get some sleep and I’ll finish these cups?”
“I think I’m gonna like living with you,” Jin said with a smile.
“Oh my god,” I said blushing. “Your smile should be labeled as a weapon you can kill men and women with that smile.”
And he started laughing and his laugh sounded like someone was wiping windows and I almost peed my pants from how funny it was. He proceeded to tell me some of his most famous Dad jokes and I couldn’t help but laugh, almost dropping multiple cups. It was getting close to eleven pm and I knew he must have been tired since he kept yawning but his presence was so easy going that it made me wish he wouldn’t go to bed just yet.
“Hyung,” Namjoon said coming into the kitchen. “You should head to bed, the others have already gone upstairs.”
“Okay, goodnight Y/N” Jin said and he looked at me expectantly.
“Goodnight oppa,” I said turning red. I remember Jungkook teaching me what that word meant and he warned me that Jin had a ‘Oppa Kink’. He did a little victory dance and headed up the stairs.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Namjoon said with wide eyes. “There’s not a lot of girls who can call him that anyways I had a question for you..actually several..”
“Ask away,” I said, starting the dishwasher and lifting myself onto the now clean counter top. 
“Okay, safety first,” He continued, tilting his head. “About the person who took your picture-”
“Wait,” I said giggling. “What makes you think they were taking pictures of me? I mean this is a beach tourist area, some girls could have been taking candid photos of Jimin and Jungkook.”
“True,” Namjoon said, agreeing with me. “But I still think we need to consider the possibility that it wasn’t, are you gonna be okay down here by yourself?”
“Of course!” I said hopping off the counter. I gestured for him to follow me and I showed him the ‘office’ which was just a room right next mine. In the room was a surveillance monitor that had cameras at all the entry points. “We have a security system, normally I don’t use it but when I have guests I do activate it.”
“Wow,” Namjoon said in awe. 
“Yea, Yuki was always triggering the alarm because she was always walking in and out so I silenced it for now.” I said grabbing the mouse to turn off the silent mode, and just on time an alert came up.
“Motion detected at patio door.”
“Yuki?” Namjoon asks. “Oh your cat!”
“Yea I better let her in,” I said, silencing the alarm once more and choosing the option to send alerts to my phone. We headed to the living room and sure enough, Yuki was there meowing at the patio door and putting her paws on the window. I opened the door and scooped her up in my arms. She began to purr and rub herself all over me. Namjoon looked like he so badly wanted to pet her. But Yuki was gone all day for a reason, she must have felt overwhelmed by the new guest. “You said you had more questions?”
“Oh yes,” Namjoon said, taking his eyes off Yuki. “Why do the owners call it a cottage?”
“That is a very good question,” I said giggling. “Um it used to be one I think, until my friend’s parents decided to renovate it to make it an airbnb about two years ago. They added the extra rooms upstairs and upgraded the kitchen.”
“But still,” Namjoon said. “They could just call it a beach house.”
“Rich people.”
“Rich people.” He agreed, shaking his head.
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prorevenge · 6 years
1 & 20 Years Paying the Bitch Back
Buckle up. It’s a long ride with a pleasant finish.
Some time back I was hired to a company by a CEO I had previously worked for someplace else. He was a good friend so when his newest company wasn’t achieving sales, he headhunted me to join the new one.
The company hadn’t made a sale in two years. Year one the software product was in beta so it wasn’t ready to be sold. Year two they realized using the tech staff to make high end sales to C-level executives was the shittiest sales model one could conceptualize. In general, and there are exceptions of course, these two personality styles don’t speak the same language. Tech people talk tech. Buyers talk benefits and how the potential product fills needs. I bridge the gap well by translating tech-speak into natural conversational language so buyers better understand how their needs will be filled.
The job was an hour and a half drive one-way from my home so the CEO said I could work from home as long as I kept the sales management tool current (it’s where you keep the notes of each prospect’s status), came to important meetings and made sure the executive team had daily sales reports.
The first month I made the daily 3 hour commute because I needed to have solid, constant interaction with all the departments to rapidly form my sales strategy and develop a two-way confidence level with the section heads.
Once I had a handle on things, I was ready to launch my sales plan. In the meantime, the CEO hired a VP of Sales (bitchboss) who started 4 days before I hit the ground running to get in front of buyers.
She was a VP coming from the banking industry and had a long career in sales and marketing in finance products. I hated her from the moment she arrived. She knew fuck all about tech and I spent huge time trying to orient her which wasn’t ideal because I needed to work on my sales strategy. They brought her onboard because she had strong experience gaining financial investors.
Nevertheless, I forged ahead. Traveled to a target state and spent 19 days criss crossing it. When I came back I had 17 contracts from buyers totaling about $2M in sales. My CEO was overjoyed.
Fast forward six months and now working from home, I’m rocking and rolling. Sales are strong. CEO is happy. Good things are happening.
Bitchboss has landed an investor willing to drop $6M into the company, and they are coming into town for a discovery meeting. She asks me to drive up because they specifically want to meet the salesperson. Seconds before walking in the door for the big meeting, bitchboss pulls me aside and says she needs me to back her up on lie she has told them. Basically she doubled my sales numbers. I told her there was no way I was going to do that. She says the CEO has okayed the lie.
We get to the part in the talk where the investor is looking over my inflated sales numbers on the prospectus, then directly asks me how many sales I’m making a month. Bitchboss is behind him waving her arms but I was having none of it and answered truthfully. He looks askance staring at the document which has the false number listed, while she’s giving me the stink eye behind him.
No one says a word. Dead silence.
I ask to see the document and fates have aligned allowing me to solve the dilemma. I explain the first two numbers were transposed (they correlated well to my real sales versus inflated sales if you flip-flopped the first two digits.) Potential investor is satisfied and we move on.
Switch gears. About a week later I was meeting with the CIO in his office and he referred to my “big tits.” I’m no shrinking violet but it stunned me because it was so unexpected.
That night I was chatting with my BFF who happens to be a lawyer and told him about it in casual conversation. He said I should tell the CEO so he can address it. Thinking along smart business practices, I decide to tell bitchboss to whom I directly report as proper protocol since we don’t have a HR dept yet. Side note-I also reported directly to CIO as a boss since my role was a muddy mix of sales and tech.
The next day CEO calls me and I take him through it telling him it’s no big deal but to make sure he talked to CIO so it didn’t happen again. He says he’ll do it right away.
Two days later I check in with him and CEO still hadn’t talked to CIO because the investors were in town. I gently push him to get it done and casually mention my best friend who happened to be a lawyer was the one who urged me tell him because “any good CEO would want to know about it.” I reiterate I’m not mad or upset.
The only word he heard was “lawyer.”
He went apeshit that I was bringing a lawyer into the mix. Now this guy was my good friend. We’d worked together at two companies for years. I calmed him down (or so I thought,) explaining that I only wanted him to talk to CIO. I also told him I HADN’T brought a lawyer into it, that I had been innocently chatting with BFF who just happens to be a criminal defense attorney. He seemed okay and we hung up.
The next day I’m working as usual and I get a call from an attorney who explains the company has hired her regarding my sexual harassment claim. I’m flummoxed and adamantly told her that was not the case, that I had no claim against the company. She said otherwise.
And that’s when everything changed. Dramatically.
CEO was furious with me for bringing this on when investors were looking at us. His reaction set the tone which filtered down. The company began to retaliate against me. Bitchboss now made it her mission to make my life hell: “forgetting” to tell me about important meetings I was supposed to attend, freezing me out when I was in the office, telling me I could no longer even speak to CIO (a problem since I’m selling a multi-million dollar tech product needing his input AND I directly reported to him as my other boss), denying me a long planned, approved vacation, basically anything she could devise to screw me over-she was gleefully working it.
Coinciding with this was a serious health problem I developed ultimately requiring surgery. My illness had no impact on my work as I was able to work from home which made things easier on me health wise. Bitchboss then decided that I need to come to the office every day despite a 3 hour round trip commute.
Now I know you’re thinking why didn’t I just leave, get another job somewhere else...
I needed the health insurance. There was no way to turn around another job fast enough and I had a complex surgery scheduled requiring 3 surgeons for my procedure.
My doctor gave me a note for them which released me from having to make the daily commute so I could continue to work at home. As long as my work didn’t suffer, they legally couldn’t force me to commute especially since working from home was a part of my employment contract from the outset.
The night before my surgery, bitchboss calls to tell me they’ve cancelled my health insurance. After hanging up with bitchboss I collapsed on the floor in a faint. I was so, so, so sick, and mentally exhausted from all the stress.
The next morning the CEO frantically calls asking to talk to me. My mom refuses to let him. I’m on official leave as of that morning and we’re heading to the hospital. CEO had told their lawyer about canceling my health insurance and she chewed him a new asshole telling him it was illegal. They immediately reinstated my insurance.
In the two weeks I was out, my mom had found a lawyer for me as it was clear shenanigans were going on. I still needed them as an employer because I was in no shape to rigorously job hunt while recovering.
Turns out all the bullshit they were doing to me is illegal. Companies aren’t allowed to retaliate against employees when they report nefarious acts against them.
I met with my new lawyer who said I had an excellent claim for retaliation and took me on. He said I had to continue working there while he did his thing to stay within protocol while he filed the EEOC claim.
Now it’s time for me to return to work. The company had relocated (planned) during my absence and bitchboss refused to tell me where so I couldn’t come back to work. Company lawyer told them they HAD to tell me so bitchboss gives me wrong directions making me late on day one.
I walk in the new office and it looks like any other place except for one thing. There is a wide open area directly in front of the CEO’s glass office with a single desk in the middle of it. Welcome to my new desk.
Also, I wasn’t allowed to do sales anymore. In fact, I wasn’t allowed to do anything, at all, period.
They had hired a bunch of new people to the company and they treated me like a pariah. Turns out bitchboss had gone to them telling a pack of lies and if they know what’s good for them they’ll stay away.
Since I had nothing to do but couldn’t just sit there looking like a dope, I worked on documenting everything being done to me per my lawyer’s advice. I was meticulous in my note taking.
Bitchboss began writing me up. Stupid stuff like not answering my phone on the first ring and for asking questions during company wide meetings, asking to see my personnel file which employees are legally entitled to do although not entitled to photocopy any of it.
Each time she wrote me up, I had to sign the write up. There was a space for me to reply to it so I consistently wrote, “I do not agree with this assessment.” It infuriated her so much, she wrote me up again for writing the statement that I didn’t agree with it.
There were several instances where she called me into her office and literally began screaming at me loudly and enthusiastically. I wouldn’t engage though; my standard answer to everything was OK which made her apoplectic. At one point, she’s inches from my face screaming, her face beet red and I just sat there with a dreamy expression whilst envisioning her blowing a vein in her head stroking out. I infuriated her with my equanimity.
Still and all, I was in it to win it at this point. It didn’t matter what new humiliation they dished out. I took it all with a bland face, then went to my desk and documented it in my notebook.
She loathed my notebook, sure that I was doing exactly what I was doing. Documenting. Because it was my personal property though, she couldn’t take it from me. I had to carry all my belongings with me everywhere (company wide meetings, the bathroom, lunch) because I caught her one time going through my desk drawer....in my fucking purse!!!!! (Although it gave me great joy to write a note reading “fuck you” which I left in my backpack and jerry rigging it so I could tell if she went into it...which she did.)
I withstood it all with a brave face only breaking down once I left for the day. My attorney took a lot of sobbing phone calls during this period.
Finally the day comes that my attorney has what he needs and I can resign, better still, he advises I don’t have to give a two week notice. I come back from lunch and type up my letter with one sentence, “I resign immediately.” I take it into the HR guy (who also took part in their evil machinations) and hand it to him. His mouth forms an O shape and he half stands up from his chair as he reads it. He looks up and I give him a smile and say bye bye just as sweet as pie, walked out the door and drove home feeling mighty fine.
One month later, my lawyer and I are at the EEOC office along with the CEO, bitchboss and their lawyer so the EEOC can review my claim.
In my state, you can’t just bring a lawsuit against a company for things like harassment and retaliation. Claims must first be evaluated by the EEOC, and then if they determine you have enough grounds to file a lawsuit, they issue a Right to Sue document.
My lawyer presented my case logically and forthright detailing all the evidence. It took him 40 minutes to go through it all. Then they presented their side with allegations of my poor employment along with their “evidence” which were all the copious write ups bitchboss had written. EEOC asks about the timeline of the write ups inquiring if they before or after my claim occurred. Bitchboss wearing a smug self-satisfied smile states they were all prior to my claim as noted by the dates on each document.
EEOC Lady looks at my lawyer. My lawyer looks at me. I look at bitchboss then serenely pull out MY photocopies of the documents. Whilst handing them to EEOC lady, bitchboss barks “she’s not supposed to have those, they’re company property.” I show EEOC lady that the dates have clearly been altered by Bitchboss. (She had made copies with the dates blanked out then backdated them.)
You see whenever she wrote me up, I had to take the document personally to the CEO to put in my personnel file. Along the way though, I stopped at the copier and took copies. She never knew I was doing this.
You could’ve heard a pin drop.
EEOC Lady reviews the copies then slowly sets them on the table. She didn’t say a thing for a long time, then she spoke. I can remember her words exactly to this day.
“I’ve seen a lot of ill treatment and illegal undertakings by both employees and employers, including forged or altered documents, but I have never see someone so incredibly stupid to present documents this easily disproved. Not only are employees entitled to receive and keep a copy of formal write ups but reading these ridiculous allegations, it’s obvious you are trying to manufacture your case.”
She went on to say I had a clear case for a lawsuit, and moreover I would win it. She recommended their side go in another room and determine a settlement amount to pay me immediately or risk the lawsuit.
They went to a nearby office and I could hear the lawyer dressing them down. Words I heard included “lied to me” “lied to EEOC” “presenting false documents” “broke so many laws” “figure out a number big enough to pay her so this doesn’t go to court because you will lose.”
They came back with a $50k offer which we accepted. My lawyer and I left then did a football touchdown dance in the parking lot. Looking up at the EEOC window, I could see bitchboss in the window looking miserable and crying.
She had just been fired.
That was my year 1 revenge.
I’m not a hateful person. I get mad and get over it. But... for bitchboss, I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge, so I kept tabs on her, and discovered she opened a finance marketing company after she was fired. Then I waited a year before exacting my petty delight.
For the past 18 years, I’ve executed a wonderful, soul-refreshing project. Each year I go to her website and write down all the work email addresses and phone numbers for the employees. Then I subscribe them all to “get more information” from places like online schools, online insurance companies-all those bullshit aggressive organizations that keep your contact information longer than a gypsy fucking curse while trying to sell you stuff.
The last few years, I’ve subscribed them to an email bomb service where the service takes the address and instantly subscribes it to 1000s of newsletters, request for more information feeds and other online buyers of email addresses for marketing services. I tested it with a burner email and it wreaks havoc on your inbox with thousands of emails received within seconds, and they never.... fucking... stop....
You literally have to close down the email because it can’t be salvaged. Each year when I go to collect the contact information, all the emails have been changed to new ones.
Last year my cousin took a job in the same building. I enlisted her help and she made it a point to befriend a receptionist working for bitchboss. After executing my yearly plan, my cousin went to lunch with her. The receptionist was in a foul mood and explained the entire organization was in disarray because IT had to redo all the emails again. “It keeps happening over and over and nobody can figure out why.”
She said the owner (bitchboss) has had to get her cell phone number replaced 3 times because of all the texts and phone calls she gets whenever it happens again. (sometimes bitchboss would have her phone number on the website which I duly subscribed to everything under the sun.)
The best part for me was hearing how she lost a mega client because they felt the company was in too much turmoil so often.
The thought of this keeps me warm and cozy at night, and I sleep so very, very well.
(source) story by (/u/digitalgirlie)
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faithhudson · 4 years
Raise Your Glass || Fae & Evan 07.01
Fae wondered to herself what the hell she’d been thinking.  Yes, she was learning and growing or whatever Sawyer thought she was doing, but that didn’t mean she should have volunteered to spend time with Evan.  She was still a Hummel, still one of the people her mother had insisted were family when she knew better than that, and the fact was that spending time with her wasn’t something Fae had ever volunteered to do before.  But when Evan had messaged because she needed to go into town and couldn’t do so without an escort, Fae had somehow convinced herself that it was a good idea to say yes.  An idea she was very much regretting.
“Hey,” she greeted Evan with a half-hearted wave.  “You ready to go?  The shuttle will take us into town.”
She had been extremely surprised when Fae had agreed to go into town with her. This would be the first time, in ever, that Fae had agreed on her own account to do something with her. Evan wasn't even sure what had prompted her to ask Fae to go with her. Before she had arrived at the institute, Evan had made peace with the fact that she and Fae would never have any relationship with one another. And yet, when she had arrived, the fellow Switch had offered to get her some things from Florida. It had felt like a step in the right direction and she supposed she felt like she needed to try and take a step in that direction as well.
"Hey, sounds good." She agreed with a nod, already feeling the awkwardness. But it was better than an angry tension. She was glad for the change, however small. "Thanks for coming." Evan said, stepping onto the shuttle and finding an empty seat.
There was still a part of her that wanted to turn tail and run, but it was too late for that now.  She’d been a bitch and worse to Evan over the years, but Fae simply didn’t seem to have it in her anymore.  The Hummels weren’t her family, and she still resented any insinuation that they were, but after years of little to no contact - and the way that Madeline seemed to be calming her worst instincts - it seemed harder to be angry anymore.  “No worries,” she was still having a hard time finding friendly words, but she was doing her best to at least be okay company.  She found the seat right in front of Evan and turned back to face her.  “I was a little surprised you asked.  But you can buy me a drink in town and we’ll call it even.”
Maybe that was a terrible idea, but Fae was worried about getting shaky again on the trip and having some alcohol in her system seemed like a possible solution.
"Honestly, I was surprised too. But here we are." Evan said with a slight shrug. "I honestly figured that you would have said no. But I can't say I'm mad that you didn't." 
Evan wasn't a stranger to the issues that Fae had had throughout her teen and young adult years. It would be impossible to live in the Hudson-Hummel household without being knowledgeable about at least some of what Fae had done and struggled with. But she also knew that one couldn't change completely without taking some steps and it did seem like she was taking at least some element of a step forward. "Sure, Fae. I'll buy you a drink." She replied with a chuckle.
A smile tugged at Fae’s lips, surprising even her.  “Honestly, I’d have figured that I’d say no too,” she admitted with a nod.  “But I’m not mad about it either.  You needed to get into town and I could help you, so I’m good with it.  And even better because you’re going to buy me a drink,” she grinned.  The coach roared to life, an unhealthy amount of black smoke billowing from the tailpipe, and she looked curiously out the window.
“Starting to wonder if this is an elaborate plot to kill us off and collect some kind of insurance policy,” she observed.
"I've seen some things that people have mentioned have happened. And honestly that wouldn't be surprising to me." She rubbed at her forehead and then wrinkled her nose. "Hopefully they can at least get creative with the way that they complete the task." Evan crossed her arms over her chest. "How are you feeling about this whole camping thing?" The Switch questioned, trying to make some conversation. It had been a long time since they'd had a long-ish conversation. She couldn't even remember the last time before the text convo they had had during the Florida trip.
“You mean that wide thing?  Yeah, people have only talked to me about that in like...hushed whispers.  I still don’t really know what they did.”  Fae grinned at where Ev’s train of thought went.  “Right?  Like something better than ‘their bus went off the road,’ please.”  She was grateful for the effort that Evan was making, because she was having a hard time finding conversation material with someone she hadn’t talked to properly in years.  “I’m not much of a camper?  But I can get some points out of it, have a drink, so it could be worse.  How about you?  Any of those…” her mind refused to spit out the word for a moment.  “Excursions!  Any of those excursions you’re excited about?”
"Yeah, the wide thing in general though. Sounds like people have been through some rough shit here. It's a little surprising." Evan explained. "Exactly! Not really what I'm looking for." The Hummel nodded as Fae expressed her opinion of the trip. "I think that the rock climbing will be fun. And hopefully everything else is exciting too. I'm also excited to get some points. It will be nice to make some progress on that front." She stated, wanting to make the most of every opportunity to get points. 
“It doesn’t totally surprise me...I mean they did offer me a choice between this and jail, so I assumed it had to suck in at least a few ways.  But I gotta say I’m a little surprised that they can like...out and out torture people.  Even jail usually can’t do that.”  Admittedly, she hadn’t spent that much time behind bars, but she knew at least that much.  “They’re handy things to have, if you plan on getting out of here,” she smiled a smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes.  “I hope you have a blast with all of it.  I don’t think I’ll be much of a rock climber.”
“It is surprising and a little unsettling. But who knows...it could be the same other places too. So I guess it’s you know...hopefully get out of here as soon as possible.” She noted the change in Fae’s face and hoped they could get back on track. “You don’t think so do you? What about exploring the caves? Do you think you’ll be any good at that?” There was tons of stuff that Evan didn’t know about Fae because the girl had never wanted to let her get to know her. Hopefully this would be the start of that changing. Even if they were never sisters, it would be nice to at least be friends. 
“Could be,” she admitted.  “I don’t really know anything about Institutes except what I learned in the flyer on the way here.”  As many issues as she’d had with Evan, the last thing she wanted was for her to be stuck in Lima waiting on a claim.  “Something tells me you won’t have problems there.  People’ll be lining up.”  She held up a hand, showing off a slight tremor that wasn’t caused by the coach’s rough movement.  “Fine motor control’s not really great for rock climbing.  But yeah, the caves actually sound like they could be fun.  Long as I don’t get too lost.”
The compliment from the Hudson was a surprise that she hadn’t been expecting, but she was grateful for it nevertheless. “I don’t know about lining up, but it’s nice to hear.” Evan said. “That makes sense.” She mused, nodding her head slightly, biting down on her bottom lip. “Don’t stray too far from the group and I think you’ll end up just fine.” The Hummel expressed, smiling softly. “Just hoping that our entire trip ends up having nice weather. It would be suck to just be stuck within the tents the entire time.” Evan expressed, glancing out the window as the shuttle took them towards the town.
“People like to couple up here,” she shrugged.  “You’re pretty, and it’s only a matter of time before you’re getting asked for scenes and that kind of thing.”  Fae nodded, considering that.  “Seems easy enough.  We’ll see what happens when the time comes.”  They’d actually slid into a fairly seamless conversation, and she didn’t want to stop it if she could help it at all.  “Good point...do you know any of the people you’re with?”
“Scening and ending up with someone though…completely different things. We’ll see though.” The Switch uttered. “Anyone catch your eye?” She wasn’t sure if Fae would answer, but it didn’t hurt to ask. “Nope. None of them in my campsite are anyone that I have ever spoken to before. So that’s...fantastic.” The Switch said, shaking her head slightly and rubbing the back of her neck. “Only have to deal with it for a few hours for a few nights so I think that I can handle it.” Evan stated. “How about you? Do you know anyone that you’re sharing with?”
The coach turned off and began to slow, indicating that they’d made it into town.  “You’re not wrong,” Fae admitted.  “But one usually leads to another sooner or later.  And all you can do is try, right?”  She hesitated, trying to decide how much she wanted to share.  “Someone I like...yeah.  But I’m not really looking to saddle anyone with me for life.”  A frown tugged at her lips, because being on the trip without anyone in her tent that she was friends with or even knew sounded shitty.  “That’s good at least.  And yeah, I’ve got Sawyer in mine, and Madeline - so two people I know.”
“Maybe so. But I’m not really in a rush.” Evan admitted, nodding when Fae said that there was someone she liked. “Hopefully you at least have fun with whoever they are.” She continued. “Well, you got lucky then. Good for you, Fae. Hopefully you have some fun.”  Evan uttered. It sucked that she was with people she didn’t know, she had to be honest, but at least it was only for a little while each night. She could make it through that without too much of a hassle. When the bus stopped completely, she hopped out of the bus after Fae and glanced around. “So I just need to get a new bathing suit. Because the one I brough decided it had had enough of being a bathing suit.”
“Oh hell, no.  I mean you’ve got lots of time before you’re thirty, and you don’t have to throw yourself at anyone just because you feel rushed.”  She nodded, a little smile on her face.  “Yeah, we have some fun.  We’re doing a scene while we’re here, actually.”  It did suck that Evan was stuck with strangers.  “Drop by and visit anytime, I’m sure Sawyer would like to see you.”  Fae led the way off the bus, wobbling a little on her feet as she waited for Evan.  “Oh damn - bad timing.  Yeah, there’s probably a dozen places in town that sell ‘em.  Pick a direction and I’ll follow after you.”
“Exactly. As long as I’m sceneing and working on getting the points, I’ll be happy with the progress. There’s someone I talked to who graduated really quickly and didn’t get to take all of the classes that he wanted and I honestly don’t want that for myself. If I’m actually going to leave here with someone I’m supposed to spend forever with, I kind of want to have experienced as much as possible here.” She shrugged. “What are you doing, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m doing a scene as well. And I’m...a little nervous about it.” At the offer, she smiled softly. “Thank you, Fae. I’ll probably take you up on that.” She chuckled and nodding at her words. “Terrible timing but that’s sure what I’m hoping for.” She glanced both ways down the street and then made her way to the left.
While she didn’t plan on graduating, ever, what Evan was saying made perfect sense - if you were supposed to leave with your claim and knowledge, why rush through it?  “Yeah, I can understand that.  You’ve got till you’re thirty, so it’s not like you need to be out of here tomorrow.”  Fae shook her head.  “I don’t mind.  We’re doing fire drumming, which is basically what it sounds like.  How come yours is worrying you?”  Fire was damn scary stuff, especially when you had to trust someone not to burn you.  Following after Evan, Fae took the chance to look around the town a little - it was quaint, but still crowded.
“That sounds pretty exciting honestly. I hope that it’s a good time for you.” When she was questioned about why she was worried, she paused. “We’re trying fire flogging. And I don’t know...I’m just nervous. The person I’m doing it with says that she’s experienced, and I don’t think that she’s lying, but it’s far from what I have ever done before.” Evan answered, surprised that they were actually sharing things like this with one another. It wasn’t something that she had ever imagined would be happening. Finding a small little shop, she stepped inside. If there was nothing there, they could always check out a different place, but she would never know if she didn’t try.
“I think it should be pretty cool.  It’s supposed to be relaxing, or at least that’s what the stuff I read says.”  She stayed in step with Evan as they walked, eyes widening when she found out what the Hummel had in mind - she had read about the fire flogging during her research, but that had sounded too intense.  “Damn.  I mean, color me kind of impressed - I hope it goes okay, and it turns out you didn’t have any reason to be nervous.”  She followed Evan inside and let her eyes adjust to the dim light.
“That sounds nice. I’m hoping that it goes well for you.” Evan smiled, truly hoping that for the other Switch. “I’m hoping that it’s something that I didn’t actually need to be worried about too. But it feels good to be trying something. Even if it’s something that seems this wild. As long as I come out on the other side I will consider it a win.” Evan uttered, shaking her head slightly. “If not, get Saywer to tell my dad I loved him.” She said with a soft laugh. Noting a section of bathing suits near the back, Evan made her way towards them. “So, you willing to tell me honestly if a bikini looks good or bad?”
“Thanks,” Fae nodded.  They were actually cordial, and the conversation was flowing, and that was better than she could have expected.  “It’s cool that you’re really going all out for this one, and I hope it goes really well.”  She snorted.  “I think you’ll be alright, but I’ll pass the message along if that happens.”  Following Ev toward the back, Fae nodded.  “Yeah, of course.  I’ll be my usual brutally honest self.”
“I appreciate it, regardless.” She smirked when Fae said that she would be her usually brutally honest self. “Perfect. That’s exactly what I need right now. I knew there was a reason that I asked you to come along.” She teased, shaking her head in amusement. The conversation was going pretty smoothly and it was actually a lot easier than Evan had imagined that it would be, and she was grateful. She just hoped that they could continue taking steps forward instead of having them both take steps back after what had begun as a good day.
“Now it all makes sense,” she agreed with a laugh.  “You knew there wasn’t anyone else who’d tell you the truth.”  She looked through the racks as they passed, secure in the knowledge that most of what the town sold was to tourists.  There was clearly no other explanation for some of it, and she hoped that most people who invested in clothes from the store threw them out immediately on getting home.  Otherwise it would just be disheartening.
Looking through the racks of bathing suits, she found three that were the right size and that she thought might work well with her body and her skin tone. “Alright. I’ll go change into the first and you can tell me what you think.” If Burt and Carole could see them now, they wouldn’t have actually believed it. There was no fighting, Fae wasn’t running away from an interaction with Evan, it was actually good. She slipped on the first bathing suit, a plain black bathing suit that had looked good on the rack, but didn’t quite fit well enough. But she had told Fae she was there to judge and so she would let her. Stepping out of the dressing room, she quirked an eyebrow.
Amusing herself by watching the other shoppers go by and trying to guess what state they were from, Fae took a seat and waited for Evan to return in the first of her choices.  It was hard to believe they’d been in the same place for this long and no one had died, but Fae found that it didn’t upset her.  They could be friends, maybe, in time, as long as they didn’t have to be family.  Playing candy crush on her phone after the tourist game got boring, she looked up as Evan stepped out and immediately wrinkled her nose.  “Nope.  Good color on you, but it’s...lumpy.  That one’s a fail.”
She chuckled at Fae’s words and nodded her head. “I thought so too. Glad we’re in agreement with that. Here’s hoping for better with the next one.” She made her way back into the dressing room, setting that suit on the side of the room that she had deemed the nope pile. She slipped into the next suit, a purple choice this time. Evan thought that it fit better and it was definitely a maybe at the very least. She opened the door and placed a hand on her waist. “How do you feel about this one?” 
“I’m glad too, I wouldn’t have wanted to break your heart,” Fae teased.  She waited patiently as Evan tried on the second suit, and when she stepped out again she gave the girl a long once-over.  “Fit’s definitely better.  It suits you.  I’m not a hundred percent sold on the color, but I could maybe warm up to it.  If you can find something that isn’t purple, though, that might be better.”
She snorted slightly and shook her head. “If you haven’t broken my heart by now, I doubt there’s anyway that you could.” It might have been pushing it, but they both knew that things hadn’t been good between them and there was no point in trying to pretend that it had been. Moving forward was great if they could, but Evan was pretty sure that the only way that they would be able to move forward was through acknowledging the past. As Fae discussed her opinion on the bathing suit, she nodded. “I’ll put it in the maybe pile then. Maybe the next one will be what I’m looking for.” She stepped into the dressing room and put on the final choice she had from that store. It was similar to the feel and look of the purple with just small changes; but this time in red. She felt sexy in it and thought it might be a good choice, but she had brought a second opinion for a reason (even if part of that reason was because she couldn’t go alone). “So?”
Fae couldn’t resist laughing at that.  They didn’t exactly have a great past, and it was more than a fair comment.  “I’d say you’re right about that.”  She nodded, letting Evan head back into the room and playing for a few more minutes on her phone before the door opened again and Evan stepped out.  If she were boiled in oil she wouldn’t have admitted it, but...Evan actually looked hot.  To the point that Fae was jealous.  “That’s a winner.  Hands down, solid gold, ten point oh.  If you’re looking to turn heads on this trip, that’s the one I’d go for.”
The fact that Fae was offering her so many compliments had Evan knowing that it was the right choice to go with. Fae didn’t owe her anything and so speaking lies about how Evan looked in the bikini was pointless. Smiling, she nodded her head. “Then this is the one. I’ll get changed, pay, and then we’ll go get you that drink that I owe you.” The Switch offered, moving into the changing room for the final time. She changed out of the suit and back into the clothes that she was wearing. Making her way out of the changing room, she headed to the front of the store to offer the worker the payment that was due.
“Sounds like a plan,” Fae nodded.  As Evan disappeared a store security guard wandered by and she immediately tensed up.  She was in the store legally, on a trip sponsored by the school, and under supervision the whole time, but it didn’t stop the nerves.  It wasn’t as if she’d had many interactions with police that were positive...or any, truth be told.  Her hand shook a little more, but she managed a smile as he looked at her and she made a beeline for the cash register just in time to meet Evan there.
There was something off about Fae when she reached the cash, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. Not that the girl would tell her if she was right or not. She just hoped that as they moved forward, they could help her feel better about whatever had just happened. She paid for the bikini and then led the Hudson out of the store. “Alright...um...did you happen to see a place to get a drink when we were walking here? Because if I’m being honest, I wasn’t paying attention.”
As silly as it might have been, Fae found herself a bit shaken by the encounter.  But she dragged her attention back to Evan as she spoke, immediately perking up at the idea of a drink.  “Yeah, actually.  There’s one across the street and like...two doors back.  Looks like kind of a tourist trap, the ones with bartenders who all wish they were in Cocktail, but hopefully it’s bearable.”  She pointed in the direction of the bar, which advertised itself with neon lights (even during the daytime, apparently).  “Thanks for this.  I definitely need a drink.”  She didn’t know how many rounds she’d get away with, but anything was better than the craving.
“Well, I guess you get what you can get.” She winced at the look of the sign, but she knew that there wasn’t much that they could do about it and there probably wasn’t a ton available. As long as the drinks were good, then she supposed that they could deal. And she hoped that maybe they’d have a nice snack or two that Evan could dig into while they were there. She wasn’t sure if Fae would eat, but she could use a bit of food for the rest of the day. Walking towards the bar, she opened the door and let Fae walk in first and choose where they would sit, following after.
“Just once I want to find a town with a Coyote Ugly bar,” she joked as they walked.  “Bunch of gorgeous women who serve drinks and dance on the tables?  I mean come on.”  Truthfully Fae wasn’t sure any of them were still in business anyway, but it would have been nice.  The minute she stepped through the door, it felt like home.  The smell of sour beer, the music from the jukebox, the chatter of the crowd - she knew it like the back of her hand.  Guiding Evan to a table near the bar, she raised a hand in the air and was immediately found by the bartender.  “Sex on acid, please,” she requested, looking to Ev for her order.
“I have to admit that I definitely wouldn’t complain about that at all. Though the strip bar might be as close as we end up getting.” Evan expressed, smiling at the other. While Fae knew immediately what it was that she wanted to drink, Evan took a quick look at the menu in front of her. “I’ll have the blue lagoon special please. And maybe some potato wedges, thank you.” She expressed, watching the bartender walk away to prepare their drinks and give the order to the kitchen. 
“I have heard good things about the strip club, actually.  I wouldn’t mind checking the place out someday.”  Her fingers tapped in time to the music as she looked around, taking the place in.  It was well-lit, the floor painted in a dark swirling pattern - much nicer than her usual haunt.  “You know what this reminds me of?” she asked, snapping her fingers.  “Hotel bar back home.  The...Marriott, maybe.  They had carpet, though...in a bar.  Which honestly seemed like the worst idea of all time.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard good things too. Might not be a bad thing to go see.” She mused. “Hm?” The sound left her as Fae began her thought before she chuckled and nodded in agreement. “That was honestly the worst idea ever. I can’t even imagine who thought that was a good idea. Beyond dropping drinks, dropping food, dropping people...it seems like a complete disaster waiting to happen.” She mused, shaking her head. “Can only imagine how hated the carpet is by the people that work there.” 
“If you get there before me, send me a review,” Fae grinned.  “I’ll look forward to hearing all about it.”  Nodding instant agreement, she tapped vigorously on the table.  “Exactly!  What kind of nitwit would actually think it was a good idea?  I cannot imagine how many years of spilled beer and food was in that carpet.  It used to be a bet, my friends and I - if anyone would put their mouth to the carpet we’d buy drinks for them for a month.  And literally no one ever did it.”  Which said something, given how much they loved to drink.  As if summoned by magic, their drinks arrived.
“I’ll be sure to do that so long as you do the same for me if you get there first.” She paused. “Could always just go together and then we don’t have to worry about sending a review at all.” Evan wasn’t sure what Fae would say to that, but it was an idea and it was out there. If Fae said no, Evan wouldn’t be surprised and so it wouldn’t really hurt. It would be far from the first time that Fae had avoided doing something with her and at this point, Evan was just used to it. “Oh god...that is disgusting. I have some more respect for your friends that no one ever did it.” She said with a laugh. As the drinks arrived, she thanked the bartender and took a sip. It was pretty good, something she may order again.
“Fair deal.”  Evan’s next statement made her pause.  Until now she’d have immediately said no, possibly with a few choice words thrown in.  But so far, at least in this one controlled experiment, they’d occupied the same space at the same time without either of them ending up hurt by what the other had to say.  “Tell you what - let me know when you’re thinking of going, and if I’m free we can do that.”  It was an olive branch, the sort of thing she’d talked about with Madeline, and it was worth a try.  “I’m surprised I never did it, honestly, for a month of free drinks.”  She palmed the shot carefully and slammed it back, not even blinking as it hit her throat.  “That’s the stuff.”
She had been expecting a flat out no. A no that was so loud and so strong that Sawyer would have heard it back at the camp. And yet, that’s not what happened. It wasn’t a yes. Fae could still end up saying no down the road when Evan actually asked her to go again. But it was something. It was more than she would have gotten in the past. “Alright, sounds good.” She agreed, not wanting to be silent and make Fae seem like she wasn’t happy with that idea. It was something, however, that she wasn’t going to tell Sawyer, Eli, or anyone else from the Hummel clan though. “Want another?”
This careful peace between them might be too good to last, but at least it was holding for the moment.  “I do, but you only promised one drink - I can take of round two when you’re ready for another.”  Already she felt better, the familiar feeling of alcohol in her blood lessening the symptoms of being without for too long.  Their potato skins arrived and she was surprised to find she could actually eat - they were deep fried and smelled perfect, and the bacon they were topped with was crispy and plentiful.
She hummed thoughtfully when Fae said that she would take the next round and she nodded her head in agreement. “Sounds good to me.” She spent the next little while finishing up her drink and had just finished when the food arrived. “Perfect. Thank you. Can I get another? Same drink as before please.” Evan expressed, turning her attention to the food. “That looks so damn good.”
“Another for me as well,” Fae greeted the waiter.  Things were better now, she could relax and know that she wouldn’t start to shake in the middle of their meal.  “It really does.  That’s perfect bar food right there.”  Not that tended to eat a lot when she was drinking, but she’d been in enough bars in her lifetime to know what a good snack looked like.  “Mind if I grab one of those?”
"I don't mind at all. Go ahead, Fae." She responded, offering a smile as she took her own piece of the potato. She took a bite and hummed. "Delicious." She put a bit of the garlic aioli sauce that they offered on her next bite and moaned. "That's even better. So much better." She offered the dip to Fae so that the Hudson could try some as well.
“Thanks,” Fae grabbed herself one of the skins and bit into it, the combination of crunchy potato and cheese and bacon filling her senses.  She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until that first bite.  “Really delicious,” she agreed, washing it down with some of the water they’d each been poured.  “Ooh,” she murmured as she added a bit of the dip and took another bite.  “Damn, that’s good.”
"Who knew this place was going to have such awesome food. I wonder if the rest of their menu is this good." Evan mused, finishing off the first skin before grabbing another. She was extremely famished and was glad to finally have some food in her system. The day together had gone well and part of Evan didn't want it to end, but she also didn't want to push it too far.
Swallowing her mouthful of food, Fae nodded.  “It’s kind of a hidden gem, I gotta say.  Even the drinks are alright, and they knew how to make a decent Sex on Acid without any prompting.  If I was the kind of person to leave yelp reviews, they’d get a good one.”  She shamelessly helped herself to another of the skins as well, glad to see the second round of drinks arrive.
She chuckled and nodded her head. "Maybe I'll leave a review for us them." Fae may not be the type, but Evan had left a few reviews in her lifetime. As the drinks arrived, she thanked the bartender again and took a long sip. It was delicious and definitely a way that would cool her down. Though she was also glad that she had a new bikini so that she could hop in the water when they got back to the camp.
“Fair enough,” Fae chuckled.  When her second round arrived she reached out with one hand to hold the bartender before palming her shot with the other and tossing it back.  “One more, please,” she handed the glass back and returned her attention to Evan.  “What are you up to with the rest of your day?”
"I'm not too sure as of right now. I'll probably go swimming at some point and then maybe just hang out around where the camp fire will be. I have my scene tomorrow so I want to be well rested for that if I'm being honest." She drank this next drink slowly and glanced at the time on her phone. "We should probably head back after your next drink." She mused, glancing down at the quickly demolished potato skins. "What are you planning to do the rest of the day?"
While part of her - or most of her - would have been much more content to stay where she was and enjoy the cool of the bar for a while longer, three drinks would be enough to let her fly for the rest of the day.  So she could let that go.  “Makes sense. Sounds like the kind of thing that could really take a lot out of you, so resting up is a good plan.”  The thought of being flogged with something that was on fire was enough to make her wince.  “I’m not sure, honestly.  I’ll probably just lay on the beach and listen to music or something.  I don’t really have a lot of plans for while I’m here.”
"Yeah, I'm not too sure what it's going to be like so it can't hurt to prepare myself however I can." Evan expressed before listening to Fae's explanation of whay she would be doing. "That makes sense. Can't hurt to just take advantage of no classes regardless of where you are. Hopefully you have fun no matter what you do." She mused, finishing off her drink.
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onewaywardwitch · 6 years
Just A Typo (3/?)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Hacker!Reader
Summary:  It was a simple challenge between a very competitive group of friends. A challenge that ended very differently than anticipated.
Warnings: Small bit of language
Word Count: 2300
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this part. I would have posted yesterday but I spent half of last night in the hospital because my friend nearly broke my finger! Enjoy part 3!
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The drive up was… strange. If I had known I'd be sharing such a small space with two Avengers, I would have used more deodorant. A silence quickly settled over us all. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. At least, it wasn’t until I asked Sergeant Barnes if he had a large magnet collection. He must have thought I was making fun of him as he huffed and stared out the window grouchily. The air was definitely tense after that incident.
The tower was different to how I had imagined it in my head. There was a lot less people around for me to gawk at. Sure, the ground floor was pretty busy with all sorts of people running around. Many of them stared at our party of three. I liked to think it was because of me, but the two super soldiers flanking me on either side made it difficult for me to keep up my pretence.
“Why does an interrogation room look more expensive than my apartment?” I whined as the Captain closed the door, leaving me inside alone. He must have sensed my nerves when we were in the lift on the way up and reassured me that they only needed to talk to me. It didn’t help.
I took a seat at the table and leaned back on the legs of the chair. Rocking slightly, I began to sing to myself, seeing if I could remember all of the words to Alphabet Aerobics. I gave up once I got to ‘H’, the boredom slowly seeping in. I resorted to pulling faces at whoever was watching me behind the glass, because surely someone was standing there.
Just as I was about to start using hand gestures to go with the facial expressions, Captain Rogers walked back in again, this time accompanied by none other than Tony Stark. Even behind his tinted glasses I could tell he was eyeing me with interest before standing in the corner of the room. It was Rogers who was left to sit in front of me.
“We didn’t get your name earlier, Ms?”
The soldier sitting in front of me seemed to be in charge of getting answers from me. I was easily more comfortable in his presence than in any of the others. I couldn’t help it. There was just something so welcoming about Captain America. “Y/N Y/L/N. But really, I was just messing around earlier. It was a stupid dare and I- “
“How long?”
I turned to Stark, who had decided to remove himself from the corner. He stood just beside Rogers, awaiting my answer. I was only starting to realise how much trouble I could be in, and I was mentally cursing Becca for putting me up to this in the first place.
“How long for what,” I asked, hoping to buy myself a few more minutes to work out a proper excuse. I hadn’t confessed to anything yet, except back at my apartment, and there's no proof of that exchange taking place. I just had to distract them for a little while.
“How long did it take for you to illegally hack into my private cameras?”
Shit. New plan.
“Is this the part where I say I want my lawyer?”
“Can you afford a lawyer?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
“Yes, of course. I just need to get rid of my health insurance first then I'll be good to go.”
He snorted at my comment before taking off his glasses. “It should be near impossible to break through my firewalls. Even if you were to do it, it would take hours. Days, even. And by that time, we would have your location and be able to stop you before you even finish. But we didn’t even know someone was in our system until you were already done. So tell me, how long did it take you?” Stark’s face held none of the amusement that the world was so used to seeing him with. He was all business now. And while his tone sounded threatening, there was hint of something else that I couldn’t put my finger on.
“Just over half an hour.” I gave my answer slowly, unsure of his reaction to it. I hadn’t realised just how complex the system I hacked into was until Stark’s little speech. I was always good at computers, I knew that. But I didn’t tend to show off too much. Becca, Angie and I hacked companies all the time for fun and to keep our skills up to scratch. I was the quickest out of the three of us. There was never anything malicious behind our actions. Hacking was our hobby, and the foundation of our friendship. We didn’t tend to aim for any big businesses, but we knew we were good enough for the big leagues. A lot of shady people would pay large sums of money for the skills we possessed.
Stark stared at me before leaving the room. I had nearly forgotten that the Captain was still here until he started speaking again.
“Did someone pay you to hack into the tower? Who put you up to it?”
“My dick of a friend did. But she claims to pay me in hugs. Apparently, our friendship is worth more than any amount of money. At least to her. I'm still broke, I could use some cash. I really only did it for bragging rights.”
He smiled softly at me and I instantly relaxed. Steve Rogers, all around good guy, believed me. He didn’t think I was some lunatic determined to sell all their secrets online. He asked me what I saw on the camera footage and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Let’s just say that your Robin Hood should not be allowed anywhere near the fridge.” I winked at him, but before he could question me further, Stark returned, this time with my laptop.
I immediately sat up straighter when he placed it on the table in front of me, my fingers itching to open it again.
“My best employees have all been taking turns trying to unlock this. I tried to unlock it. You’re good, I'll give you that. But I won’t believe it until I see it.”
I couldn’t hide the curiosity that was beginning to make its way onto my face. I had an idea of what he was going to say next, and I didn’t know whether I should be relieved or wary.
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I hope I'm not going to regret this, but I want you to hack into my system. Again.”
I narrowed my eyes at him slightly, before biting my lip to hide my smile.
“There’s one thing I'm going to need first.”
“Why were we sent to do this?”
It was Bucky and Sam who were given the task of getting the pack of jellies for their current ‘guest’. After Y/N had announced that she couldn’t do anything without her Haribos, Tony had sent the pair to the nearest store without questioning any of it. She refused to even open the computer before they came back.
“I don’t get why Tony is so worked up about her,” Sam commented nonchalantly, walking down the aisles.” She doesn’t seem like anything special.”
But Bucky couldn’t disagree more.
He found her more interesting than he cared to admit. The energy she possessed had a youthful and carefree tone, and her smile was infectious. Since he had joined the Avengers not long ago, people had been treating him with caution. He tried to ignore it, but it was difficult when everyone around still acted as though he was the Winter Soldier instead of just Bucky Barnes. The Avengers themselves were fine, it was just the rest of the world. He had a feeling that people would take a long time to accept him, if they ever did.
But Y/N had looked at him with respect when they first met. Awe. Maybe even admiration, he hoped. All that hope quickly disappeared when her nerves settled in as she began to understand the reason for their visit. Her smile fell and for some reason, Bucky couldn’t help but find himself feeling guilty for being the cause of it.
“Hey! Earth to Barnes, you with me?”
Bucky was jolted back to reality by Sam’s loud voice and large hand waving right in front of his face. He mentally cursed himself for zoning out completely and followed Sam to the cashier to get the sweets this strange woman apparently couldn’t do anything without.
Stark had been patient, I'll give him that. It was just us in the room and I'd been wasting my time, opening the jellies far slower than necessary, spending too long chewing on one cola bottle, until he finally had enough. He opened my laptop and gave me an irritated look.
I could tell he was beginning to think I was just pulling his strings. That I hadn’t really done anything spectacular. That I was just the face of the operation, not the brains.
“Well, call your bomb squad Mr Stark, cause I'm about to blow your mind.” I smirked back at him in response and popped another jelly heart into my mouth.
Within a few minutes I found myself in the same position I was in earlier. Except this time, I was sitting with Tony Stark instead of my misfit friends. And I was much more prepared this time. I knew his system better now, which definitely worked in my favour as I tried showing off my skills. I was better prepared for the defences he had set up and after nearly forty minutes, I had accessed not only cameras, but Stark Industries’ private server and F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s server too.
I cleared my throat as I pressed a small speech button in the corner of the screen, hoping it was what I thought it was.
“Here’s Johnny,” I said in a low tone, hearing my voice echo throughout the room, and I assumed the whole tower as well. When I looked up at Stark he was focused completely on my laptop, a small yet noticeable smile playing on his lips.
“I don’t think I've ever had to say this before, but could you explain how you got through those last few firewalls? Slowly?”
After showing him what he failed to comprehend (!!!), I switched my attention to the footage coming from the cameras around the tower. I felt Stark leaning over my left shoulder, determined not to miss what I was doing. It was only mere seconds before I had the footage I was looking for. It didn’t him long to realise what he was looking at. There on my screen, were many of the Avengers, crowding around a glass window through which I could see myself and Stark.
I looked up and waved directly in front of me, where I now knew Dr Banner was standing. I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t thrilled by the audience I had attracted. All I had to do now was wait for Stark to realise I'm not some threat that needs to be eliminated, and I could go back to my life of cheap wine and pining over fictional characters.
“How would you like a job?”
That’s the exact moment I felt betrayed by my beloved Haribos as one got stuck in my throat and I began choking violently. Stark watched on in amusement and I gave him a thumbs up while my face got slightly redder.
I was not expecting that.
I didn’t get a chance to reply to the sudden offer, before Black Widow herself practically stormed into the room and dragged the billionaire out.
It took a few minutes for my brain to catch up with my eyes and my gaze finally snapped away from the door that was slammed closed only moments ago.
“What is happening?” I cried out, allowing my head to just drop onto the table in both confusion and exhaustion. I had momentarily forgotten that my laptop was still in the room with me.
I lifted my head up quickly and began typing to gain access to the sound in the room hidden in front of me, as well as the video footage.
“What were you thinking?” Romanoff was seething.
“I was thinking that no one has ever done that. Ever. Did you see how quickly she accessed everything? I was thinking that I'd rather have her on our side than not.”
My eyes flickered from the faces of each of the Avengers, trying to figure out where each of their thoughts lay. All their faces showed varying degrees of anger and apprehension except for one. Sergeant Barnes didn’t look concerned, just intrigued. The fact that there was one person who didn’t disagree with Stark gave me the confidence to press the speech button once again.
“Sorry to interrupt.” All of their faces snapped up to look at me almost instantly. “But my rent has gone up and I wouldn’t say no to a bit more cash. If it makes any difference, I promise I'm not part of some covert foreign intelligence group. Plus, you kind of owe me. I'm most likely fired from my actual job because I didn’t show up today.”
Stark gave his friends a pointed look before speaking out loud.
“Perfect. You’re hired, kid.”
Natasha turned and spoke to him quietly.
“I know I can’t stop you, Tony, but don’t be surprised if this bites you in the ass.”
While I watched him leave that room, only to enter my own a moment later, the rest of the Avengers filed out. All except Bucky, whose gaze remained fixated on me.
(if there’s a strike through your name it means I couldn’t tag you)
@amybarter15 @imperialoath @throw-some-music-my-way @mamaraptor @marbleowl @lydklein1 @wantingtobekorra
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Congratulations, Joss! You’ve been accepted to play Aaron Murphy (previously Aaron Khan, last name changed to fit the new FC’s ethnicity). Your request to change his FC to Bob Morley has also been approved. Please make your page and send it in within 24 hours.
Admin note: Joss, you’re absolutely flawless. You make it very easy to fall in love with your writing, and you’ve given Aaron so much depth! I can’t wait to see him on the dash! - Admin V
CHARACTER DESIRED Aaron Khan DESCRIBE THE CHARACTER IN YOUR OWN WORDS If you told Aaron to turn out his pockets and show what he’s accomplished in life, you might see it as just empty hands, but to him, being a dealer is the only thing he’s ever been really good at. He’s got learning disabilities, dyslexia and ADHD, that prevented him from ever really settling into a normal life or doing well in school, but when it comes to weed, he’s a fucking prodigy. He can tell the weight of a bag just by looking at it or holding it, he can tell from the smell if product is good or not, and he knows how to spot an undercover cop at 100 yards. His greatest skill is in being able to read his customers. He can tell from the moment you approach him what strain you’re going to need, how much, and what you’re willing to pay. He’s friendly, never tries to force you to be his friend, and always stands by his product. If weed were legal, he might be paying taxes and living the good life at a cannabis dispensary. As it is, he’s the guy on everyone’s cell phone under “Aaron Green”. People usually assume when you say your home life was bad that someone was smacking you around or there was no food, maybe your parents were junkies or crackheads. But it doesn’t have to be that dramatic to be bad. Sometimes your family can just forget you exist. Aaron was one of eight kids and none of them ever really had a chance. He disappeared in among his siblings so that no one ever noticed when he never came home at night. His home was loud, but there was never any real love in it. His parents were immigrants who’d come to America as children and never gotten out of the ghetto neighbourhoods of Detroit. They never had enough money and worked all the time, and when they came home, they would just stare blankly at their children, as if to say, “are you still here?” Aaron doesn’t think they were ever even in love; certainly the photographs never show people who looked happy to be together. Sometimes he lets himself wonder if they were like him, with dreams that they could never achieve and a burning need to do something, and if they just got beaten down by life, but it’s not like he can ask anymore. Chicago was the farthest Aaron could get from Detroit on the money he’d saved up, and it seemed like a town that still had hope, while Detroit was just dying slowly around him. He had a cousin there whose couch he crashed on (Aaron has cousins everywhere, they come out of the woodwork whenever one of them needs somewhere to crash), and a few job possibilities lined up, but he’d get itchy if he got stuck working behind a counter or washing dishes or shifting mail around, needing more stimulation than entry-level jobs provided. If he’d had the money to do training in a trade or something, maybe he could’ve done something with his hands that kept him occupied, or trained to be a tech expert, since he loves video games and can play them for hours if need be. Instead, he asked his dealer if the guy could hook him up with a gig, and one thing led to another. Working for the Costellos is mildly terrifying at times, but it feeds that part of him that needs to move and stay active. He doesn’t deal anything too hard, just weed and some party drugs, and he’s a favourite of club kids and college students for the quality of his product and his innovations when it comes to packaging and branding. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night with a brilliant idea about a new line of edibles like peppermint chocolates for the on-the-go buyer who doesn’t want to overindulge, or flavoured strains of CBD oil laced with hash to give a smooth high without any paranoia, or making their own line of e-liquids for vapes (something he’s very into, do not get him started on the unfair legislation around vaping rights), and spend the next three days making it happen only to crash once his latest masterpiece is complete. He could probably survive without a roommate at this point (though he’d have to live somewhere shady to do so and he’s become a little too comfortable to move back to the hood), but he used the excuse of needing one to let Corinna into his life. She’s the first person he’s lived with that he doesn’t feel anything but uncomplicated affection for, and the idea of having friends that you’re not either also selling to or working for is new and interesting for him. He’s a genuinely nice person (more so when baked but also overall), and he’s always happy to share his groceries or just sit up with her and listen to her talk. He may even someday tell her about his family, though that remains a subject he doesn’t address.   WRITING SAMPLE “Hey, man-bun!” Aaron turned around by reflex, even though someone yelling anything at you out of the blue was, at best, 50/50 gonna be a shitty situation. “That’s what your mom called me last night. At least I think that’s what she was saying, there was a lotta moaning going o-” Aaron didn’t get to finish his sentence, the punch catching him straight in the jaw. He looked like he could handle himself in a fight, but his muscles were all for show. Staggering back, he checked to see if all his teeth were still there. That was one thing that hadn’t gone wrong yet. “You sold me bad shit, motherfucker! Gimme my money back, or I’m gonna end you!” If this had been back in Detroit, Aaron might have taken this conversation more seriously, especially because he’d just gotten punched in the face, but this was Chicago, and he worked for the Costellos. Some little trust fund baby wasn’t gonna roll up on him and try and get a fucking refund. “That’s a shame. You still got the stuff? I’ll trade it in for new shit.” They were outside a bar in Costello territory, and the guy squaring up at him looked like he rowed every day and ate ivy for a living. Sure, he was dressed like he was living that thug life, but c'mon, no one’s teeth were that straight in Chiraq. That was the problem with cities like this, everyone thought they could front. Nobody in the suburbs would’ve even bothered, they’d have probably said please and thank you, but out here, people watched too many movies and thought you had to act like an OG. His friend, cuz of course he had a friend, punks like this never tried anything when it was a fair fight, just stood slightly off to the side and switched between grinning and sneering. “Are you fucking stupid? Did you hear me? Gimme my fucking money now! You’re lucky I don’t call my boys down and fuck your shit up for giving me lousy stuff!” It had gotten to the point where Aaron wasn’t really a street dealer primarily anymore, he was the guy you called when you needed something. He did deliveries and hung out at parties and clubs. When you were selling a product people wanted, you didn’t have to pound the pavement to sell it. But he was doing another favour for Holden. Aaron always did favours for Holden, no matter how many times the other man asked. He couldn’t help it. And normally he could spot an asshole a mile off and choose to refuse service, but Holden needed his quota to stay up, so Aaron had been a little too liberal with his sales tonight. Figures he’d get punched on his night off. “Like I said, I can do a trade if you’re unhappy with the product, but this isn’t a Target, man. We don’t do refunds. So hand over the shit, and I’ll give you some primo Afghani Kush. I’ll even top up the bag free of charge, cuz I wanna preserve our relationship.” The kid wasn’t having any of it. “I already smoked it and it did jackshit! I’m not even high! We even mixed it with some coke and it did fucking nothing!” Oh boy. So on top of assholes, they were idiots too. “You can’t mix it with coke, man. That just ruins both highs. If you’d said you’d wanted something to blend with uppers, I coulda-” Aaron was prevented in continuing with his sales pitch when the kid pulled out a gun. The fucking sikik seemed to think he could draw down in public. Granted, it was a shit neighbourhood, but it was still a Neighbourhood. “C'mon guy, this is a bad move. You really wanna think this one through, you know?” This whole evening was really turning into a bummer. If he got shot by this at hırsızı, he’d never live it down. And he didn’t have health insurance. The kid’s gun didn’t waver, and his friend had pulled a piece too. Awesome. “You coulda just given me the money, now I’m gonna take everything, and I’m gonna kick your ass too, you piece of shit fag-” The conversation ended abruptly with a squealing of tires and bright lights. Aaron jumped out of the way, rolling across the sidewalk and dragging himself up when there wasn’t immediate gunfire. The kid and his friend were now lying in the road groaning in front of a red Ford pickup. The door opened and Holden got out, looking at Aaron with bewilderment. “What the hell happened?” Stumbling forward, Aaron had the sense to kick the guns away from the two kids as he limped over to the truck’s passenger side. “Just a difference of opinion, don’t worry about it. But I’m thinking we talk about moving you to somewhere a little more high-class. This neighbourhood is going to shit.” As Holden slammed into the car and peeled away, the neighbourhood returned to normal, like it had never happened. It was Chicago, weirder things happened every day. Aaron leaned his head against the glass and dug a joint out of his pocket, inserting it between his lips and expertly lighting it with his lucky Zippo. “Don’t smoke that in the car, you’ll make it reek in here.” Laughing, Aaron rolled down the window. “You’re the weirdest dealer I know, man. C'mon, night’s still young, let’s hit Lake Forest and make some money off the preps out there.” Holden, shaking his head, took the turnoff and headed for the suburb. “You ever take anything seriously, cabron?” Aaron winked. “Not unless I can’t avoid it, kaşar.”
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