#and then they proceeded to sit
chromxena · 15 days
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it's probably for the better that i lent my copy of p5r to my sister - otherwise i'd be playing tycoon all day everyday,,
(this is based on a tycoon game i once had hehe <3)
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bbbbbbbbatman · 1 year
Bruce decides it's finally time to reveal his identity to Clark but he does not want to make this into a whole Thing™. He does not want this to be a big emotional moment, he just wants it to be done--he would tell Clark over text if he could but he knows Clark would never let him live it down. So one day when they're completely alone in the watchtower discussing a mission, Bruce just reaches up and takes off the cowl while Clark is talking, and Clark freaks out bc literally what the fuck?
Bruce realizes he may have underestimated the reaction he would get and maybe there should have been some build up, bc now Clark is freaking out twice over. One, because his best friend just revealed his identity which is a Big Deal™, and two, bc it's Bruce fucking Wayne. If Bruce had said something first, Clark would've at least been prepared for some shocking information, but no, and now Bruce has to awkwardly sit there while Clark goes through the seven stages of grief.
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shadystranger · 5 months
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throughout dean's death scene he tries to hide his pain from the rebar stabbing right through him. he keeps smiling and tries to joke as much as he can to lessen sam's sadness because sam keeps looking at him all panicked and crying
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like dean plays his own death off to be as sweetly as possible to sam he tries to assure him, coddle him as if when they were kids and he'd try to make sam laugh to take his mind off everything terrible in their life
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s7ven-art · 3 months
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arealtrashact · 4 months
hey i was curious if you ever have seen The Dark Crystal? It seems like something you'd enjoy haha, since I know you make Labyrinth fanart a while ago as well!
Indeed I have ! I greatly enjoyed Age of Resistance too ( still mourning its cancellation . . . )
My favorite character was Deethra ✿
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dragon-spaghetti · 4 months
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I have art 🤭 shall be posted tomorrow ✨
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awallflowerdraws · 6 months
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one new hyperfixation coming right up!
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spilledmilkfkdies · 7 months
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cat-of-starlight · 28 days
Played the To The Moon Beach Episode and I'll have you know I only cried for an hour
However, I'm never going to emotionally recover from what this game has done to me
100/10 game though, would recommend
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dickpuncher420 · 5 months
i am so good at doing absolutely fuck all
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sandu-zidian · 1 year
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Blorbo in situations that surely do not affect the rest of the story. Of course not!
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milkweedman · 11 months
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Needed something to do last night bc I couldn't sleep, and spinning takes about a million times less brain power than knitting or crochet, so now I'm working on this.
Its from a 2.8 ounce batt that I had labeled southdown Romney blend, and I'm 99% sure that what I was told it was when I bought it (I remember thinking how much I love a good southdown blend), but when I finally unrolled the batt last night it had a label that said Suffolk hampshire blend. I think that's what this is--it feels 100% down breed rather than a down and strong wool blend. Honestly I probably still would have bought it as a hampshire blend, so I don't mind that much.
No clue what to do with it. It's not soft but the prep wouldn't do for socks, which is my usual idea for coarse down wool. It's also got a much darker section that I've been trying to decide how to feature (if it's worth doing at all).
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prismit · 4 months
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terraria 1.4.5 is the new silksong. to me. here's some quick doodles i made to cope about it lmao
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hiraethwrote · 1 month
it should be illegal to try and hit on someone while they’re at work. like sir, it is flattering but i cannot escape the premises — i am paid to be polite to you my guy
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tennisarchives · 9 months
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jannik sinner is joined by a butterfly for his australian open interview (01.2022)
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thatdoodledcrow · 1 year
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She :]
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