#and then there would be a really bad night and regulus would reply
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calamitoustide · 2 days ago
thinking about one of those soulmate aus in which whatever your soulmate draws on their skin appears on yours and thinking about how James would constantly be writing on himself whether he's trying to communicate with his soulmate or just writing little lists or doodling he's always got some kind of ink on his arm he never gets anything in return though because the Black family doesn't involve themselves in soulmates and Regulus would get punished if he even thought so much as draw a single line
Regulus has to always wear long sleeves so no one will see it or his mother would throw a fit, she might even take him out of school if she truly saw how much his soulmate wrote but it was one of the only things bringing him comfort and he spent so many nights tracing his fingers over the lines because out there somewhere someone was made for him and even he could never have them at least he knew they existed
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novvabee · 3 months ago
could you write about the mauraders when they go to the shrieking shack for the full moon and there’s another werewolf? Idk something like that
ooooo, this gave me a really fun idea, hope you enjoy 💗
The Deer, The Dog, And The Two Wolves
summary: remus meets another wolf
word count: 2.3k
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“I mean, did you see her? Talk about fit!” Sirius laughed, walking through the portrait into their common room. He was talking about the new girl, the girl who had started halfway through the semester.
Poor girl was paraded in front of the whole school for her sorting. She was obviously embarrassed and uncomfortable to be the center of the whole school’s attention.
“Too bad she was sorted into Slytherin,” Sirius said as he threw himself across a sofa in the middle of the common room, “I would have liked to get to know her.” This made Lily and Mary scoff from the opposite couch in front of the fireplace.
“Why’s she starting in the middle of the semester?” James asked.
“Maybe she just moved here.” Lily supplied.
“Lucky her,” James said, “she just missed midterm exams.” Everyone chuckled at that.
While everyone was conversing and laughing, Remus had dread looming over him. His muscles began to ache and he could feel the effects of the approaching full moon. The moon would be tomorrow night, but Remus had been feeling it all week. After a while of chatting, all he wanted to do was crawl into bed. 
“I am quite tired,” Remus said, standing and motioning for the boys to follow. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow?”
“Yeah! Just meet us in hogsmeade.” Mary says.
Remus nods, the other boys say their goodnights and they all make their way up to their room. As soon as the door was shut behind them, Remus was falling into bed.
“What is the plan for tomorrow?” James asked, they usually had no trouble sneaking out and waiting in the shrieking shack for Remus, but this time, the girls insisted the boys come with them to hogsmeade for the day. Only Lily knew about Remus, so sneaking away was going to be harder than normal.
“I was thinking I could cut away from the group with Remus and we could head to the shack while you help Lily distract the others.” Sirius said, having planned that out fairly quickly. “That sound alright?” he asked Remus.
Remus was too tired, too weary to answer vocally so he just nodded. The boys looked at him with pity, they knew how he was feeling, so they just opted to let him sleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The day spent in Hogsmeade was lovely, despite the pain and tenseness that Remus felt, he still enjoyed himself.
They made their way from shop to shop, buying candies from Honeydukes and gadgets from Zonkos. The girls begged to stop by Gladrags and the boys reluctantly agreed.
“Fine,” James said, rolling his eyes, “but only because I need a new tie.”
The group piled into the shop, the girls immediately rushing towards the new dresses and coats, Remus and Sirius turned to browse the rings and necklaces. 
Remus felt… odd. He felt the hairs on his neck stand and a chill run down his spine, immediately set on edge. He had never felt this before, a new experience for him. He put himself on high alert, scanning the shop, but seeing or sensing nothing out of the ordinary, just that unfamiliar tingle.
“Dear Merlin,” Sirius muttered from beside him. Remus followed his gaze across the shop to see Regulus. It seemed like the brothers noticed each other at the same time, because Regulus turned to his group of friends, and they swiftly exited.
“Still in a spat?” Remus asked Sirius.
Sirius huffed and replied “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Remus left it alone, seeing as the day was going very well, he didn’t want to ruin it in any way. 
James got his tie and the girls all bought different clothes and were ready to continue on. It was getting later in the day, the sun would set soon, so Remus wanted to finish the trip.
“Butterbeer, anyone?” he asked and the whole group perked up and started down the street towards The Three Broomsticks.
Remus opened the door for the group, allowing everyone in, before stepping in himself. Once inside, that grating feeling was back. He looked around again, but was met with the same outcome, there was nothing awry. Confused, he just figured the moon was messing with his senses.
The group found a table towards the back of the pub and they all squeezed in. Remus found himself sandwiched between Marlene and James. The whole bunch was lively as ever, laughing and joking, talking about everything and nothing at all.
The witch who ran the pub asked the table for their orders and James ordered butterbeers for the whole table. So typical of James, to order and pay for everyone, spend his fortune on his friends and a good time. 
Mary gasped from across the table, making everyone turn their attention to her. “Don't look now,” she said, “but that new girl is sitting with the Slytherins.” 
The whole table snapped their necks toward where Mary was looking.
“I said don’t look!” she squealed.
She was right, the new girl was sitting next to Dorcas and across from Regulus, looking like she was in a deep conversation with them. But, almost like she felt their eyes on her, she looked over to them. The whole group tried to turn and make it look like they weren’t just staring at her(it was so obvious), but she caught Remus’s eye before he could look away.
It was like she looked directly into his soul, and there was that feeling again. Remus could have sworn she sat up straighter, taken by surprise for some reason. She narrowed her eyes at him, looked him up and down, then returned to her conversation.
Their butterbeers arrived and Remus put the interaction aside, deciding to just enjoy the rest of the time he had with his friends. Once the group finished, Sirius casually yawned and turned to Remus. “Fancy a smoke?” he asked. Remus nodded and exited the pub with Sirius.
They began their journey to the shrieking shack, Remus feeling the nip in the air, but also that feeling. He took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, handed one to Sirius, then lit them both. Perhaps a smoke would ease the odd sensation. Walking in comfortable silence, taking drags of their cigarettes, the boys eventually ended up at the shack.
Remus dropped the butt of his cigarette and snuffed it out with his shoe, Sirius taking one last drag, then doing the same.
“Now,” Sirius started, “James will meet up with us but it’s business as usual right?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, just try to stay in the forest like normal.”
“Gotcha,” Sirius replied. “Gotta lock you in now, Moons.”
Remus opened the door to the shack and stepped inside. He pulled the door closed and heard Sirius mutter the spell to magically seal him in until he transformed, then one of them would open the door and they would spend the whole night racing and playing in the woods in their animal forms.
Remus didn’t enjoy a lot of his lycanthropy, but being able to run in an animalistic way with his best mates, that was one thing he did enjoy.
Remus made his way upstairs to the old, beaten up bedroom, and layed on the bed. He began waiting for the transformation. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Something was off, Sirius could tell. He and James, who had broken away from the group finally, were sitting at the edge of the forest.
They heard Remus transforming, which was never easy, but this time it seemed that he was having a particularly rough time. James winced from beside Sirius and shook his head. Once they were certain he was fully changed, James magically unlocked the door.
They both transformed into their animagus form, but Remus didn’t come out. Sirius and James looked at each other and Sirius went inside to check on Remus, coax him out of the shack.
Sirius padded upstairs, expecting to see the wolf destroying something or clawing at the furniture, but he was met with a completely different scene entirely. The wolf was pacing around the room in a circle, sniffing the air and whining. When it saw the black dog that had entered, it perked up, but still looked around, as if looking for someone else.
The dog raced downstairs, goading the wolf to chase it. The wolf gave in easily and followed the dog down the stairs and out of the house where they were met with the large stag. The wolf tackled the deer, rolling and play-fighting until the wolf’s ears perked up. It snapped it’s head to the forest and bolted.
The dog and the deer had no chance to wrangle it before it slipped through the tree line and into the dark forest beyond. The dog and the deer looked at each other and then dashed after the wolf.
Sirius didn't understand what had gotten into the wolf, but raced as fast as he could to catch up.
That is when the howl came from deep in the forest. Everything stopped, the whole forest seeming to be silenced. Then the answering howl sounded.
The deer and the dog followed the sound to an opening in the forest, a small field with a large oak in the center. They expected to find Moony there, chasing something, but they were not expecting to see two wolves circling each other.
They hung back at the tree line, watching but ready to protect Remus if anything were to happen.
The other wolf was smaller, a female, but just as dangerous, still a werewolf.
The two wolves continued circling each other, tense. The smaller wolf noticed the dog and the stag at the forest’s edge, and growled, hackles raising. Moony stepped between her and his friends, protecting them, and growled deep back at her. The other wolf turned her attention to him now, focusing all her anger at him.
Moony wasn’t backing down, determined to protect the dog and the stag behind him. He clawed at her, catching her right under the eye. She wasted no time in returning the favor, and swiped right back at him, getting him good.
Moony, shocked, stepped back and sat down, like a dog asking for a treat. The other wolf blinked, then mirrored his actions. Moony pounced and ran off, the other wolf following, chasing.
They were playing. 
The dog and the deer looked at each other, then back to the two wolves, then joined in.
It was slightly harder, keeping track of two wolves rather than just the one, but at least they could rough-house with each other and not be too afraid to hurt the other, like Remus often was with Sirius or James.
The two wolves raced each other and swam in the lake, the whole group having fun, until Sirius noticed the morning light. Dawn would break soon and Remus would transform back, they needed to get him back to the shack. Moony, however, was being more difficult than normal. 
The moment Sirius and James tried to corral him and chase him back to the shack, Moony refused. He kept wandering over to the other wolf, trying to continue to play. So James and Sirius decided that both the wolves had to be wrangled into the shack, if that was the only way to get Remus back in.
That task was incredibly difficult, Moony bouncing all over the place and the other wolf threatening to snap at the boys if they got too close. They eventually managed to lock both the wolves in the shack with minimal damage.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Remus woke on the floor of the bedroom feeling more tired than he had ever been after a full moon. He felt like he could sleep for ages. His aching body needed all the rest it could get.
Small moments from the night came back to him and suddenly…
He snapped his head toward the bed to see a sleeping figure curled up in the old and torn blankets. That feeling tingled the back of his neck again. 
The figure sat straight up, feeling the same feeling. Remus knew that face, the new girl. She made direct eye contact with him, then quickly scanned the room, unsure of where she was.
He could see she was scared, so he calmly said “It’s ok, you’re ok.”
She looked at him unsure. “W-where are we?” she asked, voice a little raw.
“This is called the shrieking shack, it's where I come… to transform.” Remus answered, still trying to calm her and get her to trust him.
“You’re the wolf I was with last night?” she asked, more like putting the pieces together.
Remus nodded. “My name’s Remus.” He smiled.
“Y/N” she answered.
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” He said, noticing how she seemed to start relaxing.
“And… that dog and the deer?” she asked.
Remus chuckled, not knowing exactly how to answer that. “They’re harmless.”
She nodded and they sat in silence for a minute before she spoke again. “I didn’t know there were others… like me.” she said.
Remus didn’t know how to talk about this with anyone, he had never met another werewolf. All he could seem to do was nod.
“H-how long have you been… you know…” she asked timidly.
Remus smiled sadly. “‘I was bitten when I was really young, about three.” He answered.
Her eyes widened and she gasped. “Three!?” she looked in disbelief. “I am so sorry, you’ve had to deal with this for a long time…”she trailed off. “I was bitten a couple years ago. That's why I transferred schools, the other one kicked me out, thought that I was a danger to the other students.”
“I am so sorry,” this time it was Remus’s turn to feel bad.
She smiled sadly. “It’s ok, besides, now I know someone else like me.”
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psychoticallykind · 3 months ago
"Allergic" - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - 749 words
A bit NSFW.
Regulus was annoyed. And he had every right to be - every right, because this idiotic girl was still flirting with his boyfriend. His very polite, non-violent boyfriend. His boyfriend, who needed to get the fuck away from that Hufflepuff before Regulus did something very bad and very permanent to her.
"They want to do it the muggle way - do you know the muggle way? It's really very fun, you should come with us," she's saying now. Valerie, maybe. Regulus isn't sure.
James is smiling, and Regulus hates that he's smiling. "That sounds like fun. Lily was actually talking about that - have you met Lily? I can introduce you," he offers.
For a moment, the genuine look on James's face and the easy joy in his smile softens the edge of Regulus's irritation.
Then Valerie speaks.
"Maybe later," she replies, and Regulus can tell she doesn't want to meet Lily - no, she's perfectly fine here, with his boyfriend. "Anyway, last year they made it even better by adding cinnamon, and smore's are good no matter what, but - do you like cinnamon?"
"He's allergic, actually," Regulus cuts in, grabbing James's arm and pulling him closer. He sees Valerie's startled look but doesn't care. "And he's busy that night."
Valerie frowns, glancing hopefully at James. "We actually haven't settled on a night yet."
"He's busy every night." Regulus smiles, and he knows it's very obviously forced. "With me." And then he turns, pulling James with him. All the way up the stairs, into the (thankfully) unoccupied dorm room.
It's not until the door is closed that James clears his throat. "Are you okay?"
"Of course," Regulus replies, giving James an innocent look. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well," James starts, giving Regulus an amused look. "To start, I'm not allergic to cinnamon."
"You're not?" Regulus shrugs. "Strange. I must have gotten mixed up."
James laughs a little, reaching out to pull Regulus against his chest. "You did not get mixed up." He turns Regulus around, wrapping his arms around his chest and speaking in his ear. "You got jealous."
"I did not," Regulus denies, but James is tracing along the hem of his sweater and he's a little distracted.
"Okay," James's other hand trails up, settling just below Regulus's throat and teasing him, and Regulus feels the tension melt from his posture. "What would you call it, then?"
"Um," Regulus struggles, completely unable to focus as James's fingers dip slightly lower. "Being helpful."
"Helpful?" James repeats, and Regulus hums in agreement. "How were you helpful?"
"I - um - James," Regulus protests as James slides his hand back up, onto his stomach. "Touch me properly."
"But we're talking," James teases him. "About you being helpful. Remember?"
It's a game, and Regulus likes this game, made the rules - but right now he just wants to win, and he doesn't care how.
So he pulls away from James's touch - James lets go immediately, because he always makes sure not to trap Regulus, not really, he always has a choice - and spins around so that he can look at him. Wraps his arms around his neck and gives in.
Because while someone else might be persuaded to drop the conversation in favor of sex, James would not. No, James was big on communication, and Regulus was about 98% sure that unless he addressed it properly, James was going to refrain from any actual touching.
"Yes, I was jealous, and yes, I know I don't need to be, and yes, I know that you aren't allergic to fucking cinnamon," Regulus tells him, and he rolls his eyes a little - just because he's communicating doesn't mean he has to do it nicely. "But you were being nice to her and she likes you and I didn't want to stand there and watch anymore."
"I'll always leave if you're uncomfortable," James tells him, and it's so sweet but also very unnecessary because Regulus knows. "Just say the word, love. You're far more important than anyone else at that party."
Which is also unnecessary, but it's possible that Regulus smiles a little. Because it is nice to hear it - and James makes sure he hears it often. "I know."
"I wouldn't have talked to her if I knew it was making you feel bad," James tells him, and it makes his heart melt a little.
"I know," Regulus repeats, but it's softer. "Now please touch me properly."
James grins, picking him up and walking over to the bed. "I would love to."
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secret-writer-boy · 4 months ago
jegulus bad idea right au
exactly what it seems.
“Bloody hell,” says Barty, incredulous. “Did he really?” 
“Three hundred and sixty-five roses!” Regulus shouts. “For every day we’d been together! And they were all different colors!” he rubs his eyes and leans across the table to reach his cup of vodka. “Stupid arsehole-”
“Alright, Regulus, let’s not,” Dorcas moves the cup out of his range. “Don’t overdo it.”
Watching the cup, Regulus suddenly feels a stirring of irritation under his skin. “You’re not my keeper,” he says, rolling his eyes, a buzz of satisfaction suffusing him. He itches for a fight. “I can bloody moderate on my own without your mothering, Dorcas.”
“Well!” Dorcas rears back, clearly offended. “Someone’s got to make sure you don’t kill yourself.”
“And that’s you, is it?” Regulus glares at her. “You aren’t good for much of anything, then,” he barbs.
“Alright, Regulus,” Dorcas snorts, mocking for a moment before her features shift back to rage.
“Dorcas,” Evan sighs.
“No!” Dorcas cuts him off. “Reg always gets like this, and it’s always the same. We go out, he gets too drunk because he doesn’t know when to stop, someone has to interfere, and he’s awful about it!”
“Fuck you, Dorcas,” Regulus hisses. His chair gives a metallic scrrrrreech! as he shoves it back and gets to his feet. “I’ve got to use the loo.” Stalking away, Regulus tries to ignore his friends’ murmuring behind him. 
He knows it’s not healthy to still obsess over a relationship that ended months ago, and meant nothing anyways, nothing at all—”Oh, yes, tell Sirius all about this! Tell him everything, anything you haven’t already, you fucking liar”—he should have seen the breakup coming, really. Nothing good could have come of—
Regulus pauses. His phone is buzzing. Unknown Number, it says. 
Cautiously, he picks up. “Hello?”
“Regulus,” a voice replies. 
Regulus freezes. Even distorted by static, there’s no mistaking that voice. His voice. Oh, Regulus knows this voice. He’s heard it delighted; he’s heard it overjoyed; he’s heard it screaming; he’s heard it in ecstasy; he’s heard it in rage. Oh yes, oh yes, he knows this voice.
“James?” Regulus can hardly believe it—no, he can’t believe it. “James?” his breathing becomes slow and shuddering. 
“Hi,” James says, voice low and husky, and Regulus just wants to savor it forever, and maybe rip out James’ throat while he’s at it. Pent-up rage from their break up comes back to him in waves, and he wants to throttle James, really. But he won’t; Regulus is going to hang up right now and block James’ number and tell him to shove whatever he has to say up his arseh—
“Check your texts,” James tells him. 
Between one heartbeat and the next, Regulus thumbs to his texts. It’s James. How can he not?
Unknown Number: [Image Attached]
He opens the image and forgets how to breathe.
It’s him. It looks like he’s in bed—his eyes, his eyes are soft and light and oh so pretty and they’re difficult to see behind his glasses but Regulus manages (he always has) and his face is perfectly sculpted and his hair is so dark and silky and it’s short now, shorter, and still fucking messy and oh Regulus just wants to run his hands through—
“You got a haircut,” he says numbly.
“I miss you, Regulus,” and Regulus remembers the way James used to say his name like a prayer. Regulus remembers how deep and smooth his voice is—why oh why does he still have to want him so desperately?
“I—you do?” he hates how desperate he sounds.
“With everything in me,” James promises. Regulus knows it meant nothing. It meant nothing to either of them. None of it. He recalls the fights, and the rage, and the anger, and what came after—James against the wall; his hands on Regulus’ waist—it all meant nothing. Except…James doesn’t sound like it meant nothing.
“I miss you too,” his voice is hoarse, words slurring, and all he can think about is how warm James’ skin used to feel against his, and how his gorgeous hazel eyes would darken at night, and how he thinks he might die to see them do that again.
There’s another message.
“James,” he whispers, horrified, maybe awed. “Is this your address?”
“Maybe,” and there’s no mistaking his tone; that’s his—that’s his flirty tone, is he really— “Want to find out?”
And later, Regulus will swear up and down that he thought it through, really he did, and decided it was the best decision—
I should probably, probably not. I should probably, probably not. I should probably—
“I’ll be there in ten,” Regulus says, and hangs up the phone.
What the fuck did I just do?
He’s almost numb as he texts his friends. Leaving now. I need to get some sleep. He ignores the texts, the questions that follow. All he can think of is James. James, James, James, who makes him want to die and scream and also explode from sheer frustration. Oh, he hates James. Oh, he wants James so desperately he thinks he might die if he doesn’t have him immediately.
(Nothing good could have come from fucking his brother’s best friend behind his back. Especially when said best friend was everything to him. Especially when—)
Now he’s getting in the car, wrecking all his plans, and he knows he should stop (but he can’t). He’s speeding a bit, and it doesn’t take long before Regulus is there at James’ fancy apartment (just like his old one), taking the elevator to the second floor, and standing by—
It’s him. 
James is smiling his gorgeous smile, his blinding smile that stretches from one corner of his face to another. 
“Reg,” and Regulus is on him, pushing him through the doorway and attacking his lips with a fervency. James opens his mouth between kisses, seeming to want to say something, but Regulus stops him.
“No talk, Potter,” he whispers, something in him burning with an intensity. “Show me how good you are.” 
And James, falling apart, does just that.
part 2?
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 10 months ago
@jegulus-microfic | may 3 rush | words: 1365
hiii! the idea for this one comes from @bey0nd-1he-stars and i really hope she likes it <3 anyway, enjoy;3
tw: implied child abuse in the past
“James, we’re already late, c’mon,” Regulus managed to say between heated kisses. In response, his boyfriend mumbled something he assumed was ‘just one more’.
It started innocently enough—when Regulus and Sirius ran from Grimmauld and came to live with the Potters, James spent most of the nights sleeping in one bed with the two of them. And since sleep always came easier to Sirius than to Regulus, at least half of those nights James and the younger brother spent talking—sometimes about what they were doing that day, sometimes planning a night out with their friends, and sometimes, on worse days, about how Regulus wishes he could still live with his parents, because no matter how badly they hurt him and his brother, they still were their parents, and he still loved them.
On those bad days, James always held the other boy close to his chest, letting him cry and spit out all the pain he had in himself, all while stroking his back in a soothing gesture.
As the time passed and the brothers started attending therapy, James stopped sleeping with them. Instead, every night Regulus sneaked out of his room, going straight to James’ bed. The talks about their friends turned into ones about their feelings. Sleepless nights filled with guilt and fear turned into nights filled with tenderness and small, sweet gestures. And with the end of August, those small, sweet gestures turned into dancing tongues and hands all over each other.
Not much has changed since then—they were still sneaking around to meet at night, coming up with excuses to their friends and professors when asked about why they were so tired or where they were in between classes. There was one new thing, though: before every Quidditch game, they left earlier than the rest of their teams, saying they had to discuss something with Madame Hooch. In fact, the one who had a match that day went to the equipment shed and waited for the other one to show up to give him a kiss for good luck.
Today, even though they both played, was no exception. They met 20 minutes before the teams were scheduled to arrive on the field, locked themselves in a shed, and kissed senselessly.
From behind the closed door, Regulus could hear voices getting closer and closer to them.
“James, I can hear Sirius,” the younger boy gasped, tugging at the other’s hair to pull him away. It worked, if James’ terrified face was anything to go by.
“Shit, we’ve got to go,” James mumbled, putting Regulus back down.
“You don’t say,” replied Regulus, arching one of his brows.
They left the shed together, carrying the big chest with balls inside it as a disguise. After putting it in the middle of the pitch, both of them went to their respective locker rooms, wishing each other luck teasingly.
“Where have you been?” Dorcas asked Regulus as soon as he entered the room. Giving her a questioning look, he went to his locker, taking out his gloves, the rest of his uniform already on him. “I went to Hooch looking for you—she said she hasn’t seen you today, so where have you been?”
“None of your business,” he grumbled in response.
“Oh, so you were with—“
“Shut up.” He practically ran to her, putting his hands over her mouth. “I don’t know how you know, but act as if you don’t know, okay?”
“What will I get in exchange?” She mumbled from behind his hands.
“If you don’t tell about mine, I won’t tell about yours, deal?” Now Dorcas’ eyes went wide, but she nodded in agreement.
An hour and a half after the match started, Gryffindor was leading by 50 points, and normally Regulus would be livid because of that, but seeing James smile every time he or one of his teammates scored was enough to soothe him.
The game wasn’t really violent—the buldgers were flying around as always trying to get to one of the players before beaters from their team sent the ball frying to the opposite team’s players, but nothing more dangerous than any other time.
Regulus was lingering over the pitch, looking for the snitch. Gryffindor’s seeker, a third-year girl named Abby Baker, was following his every move, so every now and then he took off, trying to lead her in the wrong direction.
He teased her like this for most of the game until he finally noticed a small golden ball flying just above the girl's head. He took a wide turn in her direction, lying almost flat on his broom and speeding as much as it allowed him. Abby didn’t get what was happening until Regulus passed her by. She was fast, at his tail at all times, yet still too slow to reach the snitch before him.
Regulus was so close to it that he could practically feel the ball’s little wings in his hand when his brother’s voice came to his ears.
“Prongs, watch out!” and then there was a loud thud and terrified screams from the stands. And if Regulus didn't know who 'Prongs' was, he probably wouldn't even bother checking what’s going on.
But it was James.
His James.
As soon as he turned his head to take a look at what was happening, he could feel all the blood rush out of his face. The familiar silhouette of the boy who showed him what a real family looks like and what love really is—the boy who saved him—was falling down at lightning speed, his broom nowhere to be seen.
Regulus didn’t think even for a second that his team would lose or that the whole school would find out about them—he just took another turn, going as fast as he could to not let his boyfriend crush into the dirt below them. It felt like chasing the snitch, only this one was much bigger and still harder to put your hands on.
“James, give me your hand!” He yelled, flying a bit lower and reaching his own hand out for the other boy to catch.
Regulus almost had him, but their palms were too sweaty, and James slipped out, flying down at breakneck speed again.
“Fuck!” the younger boy exclaimed, making a risky decision and flying straight down. This time he caught James hand; he held on to it, but they were too close to the ground to come out of this situation in one piece.
Until they weren’t.
Regulus doesn’t know what happened, but one second he was in the air, hoping for the best, and the next he stood steady on the pitch’s grass.
“What the fuck, guys?!” Regulus could hear Sirius shouting from behind him, but he didn’t care about his brother right now—all he cared about was James.
“Are you okay? Where does it hurt? What even happened?” he was asking, checking every part of his boyfriend’s body to make sure he wasn’t hurt too badly. “Who sent the buldger? I swear I’m going to—“
“Reg, I’m fine. Look,” James said, shaking each one of his limbs and turning his head in different directions. “See? Nothing happened; I just need a new broom.”
“Nothing happened? Nothing happened?! James, you could’ve broken every bone in your body; hell, you could’ve died! Imagine it was you and not your broom, your parents—Sirius—and me! We would all die just from—“
“Hey, hey, hey,” suddenly James’ hands were on his cheeks, thumbs brushing away tears. When have I even started to cry? “I know you were scared; I was scared, too. But you caught me; nothing really bad happened; we’re both okay.” He pulled Regulus closer, putting him in a warm embrace. “It’s okay, love; we’re okay.”
They stood there, hugging for Merlin knows how long before Regulus realized what they were doing. He didn’t pull away when he said, “You know we’re in the middle of the pitch and everyone can see us, don’t you?”
“Yeah, baby, I know,” James whispered into his hair, still caressing his back gently.
And so they stood there, not caring about the world around them or Sirius screaming about incest—they just hugged, glad they were both okay.
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ourloveisforthelovely · 13 days ago
Away (Part 3)
Regulus Black AU
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T- mentions of abuse
Summary: Growing up in abusive homes has finally reached its breaking point. Regulus comes to run away with you in the middle of the night. Its time for a new life.
Link to Part 2
AO3 Link
You stood close to Regulus as Remus led the way up the stairs and into a bedroom. While you were relieved that Sirius and Remus were more than kind to the two of you...you couldn't help but still be uneasy. Maybe in time, your nervous nature would ease...but that wasn't going to be today or tomorrow. Regulus squeezed your hand. Without saying it, he knew that you were worried.
“The two of you can do whatever you like with the room since you live here now.”
Remus commented in a soft voice. You gave him a polite thank you as he turned to leave the room. Remus stopped in the doorway and turned. He wanted to say something inspirational but the shock of the evening took his logical thoughts away. Looking at the two of you, Remus felt sad. Neither Regulus nor yourself looked ready to start a marriage. The two of you looked like children who were thrown into something that neither was entirely ready for.
“Can either of you cook?
Remus finally asked. Regulus gave him a confused frown before shaking his head. You nodded.
“I can. Why?”
You asked. Remus shrugged.
“Because Sirius and I are pathetic and always tend to catch things on fire. It will be nice to have something edible from time to time. “
“I can help with that. The two of you won't be going hungry now."
You replied. Remus smiled and walked out of the room. There would be time for more questions later. For now, it appeared the two of you needed some form of actual rest. Sleeping with one’s eyes open could only happen for so long.
Once the door closed, you turned back to Regulus who was silently laughing to himself.
You questioned as Regulus moved to sit down on the bed.
“Oh, nothing…simply the image of those two attempting to cook something is hilarious. I can see Sirius running about holding a flaming potato in a pot asking Remus what to do with it.”
You chuckled too as you moved to sit down beside Regulus. This had been the first real moment of peace the two of you had in some time.
Regulus’ smile faded as his typical serious expression returned.
“Do you regret it? Marrying me and ending up here like this…”
You reached over and wrapped your hand around his before settling yourself on his lap.
“Not in the slightest. Regulus, like it or not, we would have had to do this at some point regardless. If we were going to be together, we never would have been able to have a proper engagement and wedding. Your parents would have never allowed it and neither would have my father. We can always have a wedding later with the people that we care about and if we don’t…that is okay too. We don’t have to have some kind of spectacle of a thing to be happy.”
Regulus gave you a small smile. His grey eyes were focused on your face looking for any sign of unhappiness. Regulus was relieved when he didn’t see any. It would have been just another slap if he knew that you were “potentially” unhappy over him.
“Yeah, we aren’t really a making something of a spectacle kind of people. You are right. We would have had to do things this way. It wouldn’t matter if we are 16 or 26. My parents will never change nor will your father. It will never matter how good I am to you…it will never be good enough for him. To your father, I will always be some snobby boy with a bad attitude.”
“And I’ll always be some half-blood devil.”
You added. Regulus moved to lay you back on the bed. Taking his place on top of you, Regulus held your hands over the top of your head. Snuggling his face into your neck, he took a deep breath. The sweet scent of your rose perfume had always been so comforting.
“I suppose there are worse things to be.”
You were quiet for a few moments before the thought of Regulus’ admission of being a potential death eater returned.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You finally asked. Regulus sat up on his knees giving you a careful look. He knew exactly what you were talking about. Regulus had been expecting this rather uncomfortable conversation for some time.
From the start of the war, you were worried about Walburga trying to get Regulus involved with Voldemort in some fashion. Regulus had always tried to keep your mind at ease but deep down you knew…and Regulus knew it. He wanted to protect you as long as he could...even if it was from himself. Unfortunately, that ended today.
While this wasn’t the conversation that Regulus wanted to have on his wedding night. There was no getting around it. Running hand through his hair, Regulus sighed.
“Because I didn’t want you to worry more than you already were. You knew and I suppose, in my own way, I was trying to protect you.”
You sat up and looked around the room before speaking.
“I understand that but you still should have told me. We could have gotten the fuck out of there a long time ago. What are we going to do when they come after us? You know that will be coming.”
Regulus frowned.
“Let them come. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever go back to that place.”
(the next morning)
Remus was making a cup of tea when Sirius stepped into the room
“I suppose the happy couple are still sleeping?”
Sirius asked before sitting down. Remus passed him a cup of tea before giving him a cold glare.
“Yes and from the looks of them proper rest is probably something that they need.”
Sirius nodded.
“Yeah…probably so. I have to say I am impressed with my brother. I always had this feeling that he would turn out like dad. That boy just burned all of the pages from that book. I also want to thank Y/n. She has been the one that made Regulus grow up.”
Remus swirled the spoon in his tea before humming in agreement. Sirius was right about that one. If someone had told Remus days before this would be happening, he would have laughed in their face. While Remus had always hoped that Regulus was “good deep down” he hadn’t seen much to prove it. Now…everything was different.
Remus could see how Regulus watched you. He knew that look in his eyes. That was the look that Sirius gave him. It was that look that, while expressing feelings vocally could be hard, said everything Remus needed to hear. Regulus loved you.
“What do we do when your parents turn up looking for him? You know this isn’t over.”
Remus questioned. A dark look formed on Sirius’ face. He was quiet for a moment before the doorbell rang.
“We kill them and bury them in the back garden. That's probably James and Lily.”
Remus chuckled before taking a sip of his tea. Killing Walburga and Orion and then burying them in the back garden was something everyone could probably agree too.
A few seconds later, Sirius returned with James and Lily. While the times were dark, James never seemed to lose his smile. Plopping down, he looked between Sirius and Remus. Right away, James knew something was going on. He only hoped they hadn’t lost another member of the order. There had been too many deaths and disappearances lately,
“So, what is going on?”
Sirius sat down before smirking.
“How do you feel about killing someone and burying them in the back garden?”
James’ smile faded and was replaced with a confused expression.
“I don’t think we could bury Voldemort in the back garden.”
Lily gave James an annoyed scowl while Remus shook his head. Sirius sighed.
“I’m not talking about him. I mean my parents. Do you think we could put them under enough dirt and crap where they won’t be missed?”
James scratched his head.
“I, mean, sure…we could. Are you having a hard time with them again or something?”
Sirius shook his head before nodding.
“Not at the moment but it will be coming along…let me explain why. We have two new order members.”
Lily frowned, trying to figure out where this conversation was going.
“What do two new order members and your parents have in common?”
She asked, trying to make sense. Sirius smirked.
“Its Regulus and Y/n.”
The room went silent while James and Lily stared at each other before turning back to Sirius. They were clearly thinking that Sirius was messing with them.
“Regulus and Y/n?”
Lily questioned again. Remus nodded.
“Yes. Regulus and Y/n are on our side now.”
James turned back to Sirius.
“Did hell freeze over and we weren’t made aware?”
Sirius shook his head.
“They turned up here late last night. Mum knocked the cream cheese out of Regulus again. He has finally had enough of their crap. I am thankful that he finally woke up before getting sucked into that mess. There is more. The death eaters have been trying to recruit him. Thankfully, he was smart enough to say no…but they could have.”
James ran a hand over his face while Lily gasped. Both James and Lily had talked about Regulus being the perfect target for the death eaters. Now, once again, they were right about something.
“Bloody hell. I’m glad he said no and came here. It looks like there is hope for him after all.”
James said in a stunned voice. Sirius nodded and stood up.
“There is more.”
Lily had sat down beside James and was still trying to take in the information that she was just given.
“What more is there?”
She asked. Sirius glanced over his shoulder. He didn’t want either Regulus nor yourself to walk in while being the topic of discussion.
“Regulus and Y/n got married.”
James and Lily looked even more stunned. Lily’s mouth dropped while James did math in his head.
“But they are 16?”
Remus nodded.
“They are.”
Sirius had gone back to his tea for a moment before speaking.
“They lied on the application. I understand why they did it. They felt like they had no choice. My parents will never accept them and apparently, Y/n’s father isn’t too fond of Regulus. I couldn’t turn them away. They need someone who is in their corner. Regardless of what happened with my family, Regulus had nothing to do with it.”
James frowned.
“He never spoke to you after you left. That is saying a lot if you ask me.”
Sirius frowned. While he and James didn’t argue often, Regulus would be the topic that Sirius would “flip a table” over.
“He did what he had to, James. He had to keep himself safe living in that house. I’m not asking you to become his best friend but I am asking you to give the two of them a chance.”
James was quiet a moment before nodding. He didn’t have a problem with you. You had always been nothing but kind to James. There had been many times that James wanted to ask what exactly you saw in Regulus but he never did.
“Fine. That doesn’t mean that I am not going to be keep an eye on them.”
James replied. Sirius sat back in his chair.
“I would expect nothing less of you.”
@millies0bsimp @geeksareunique @knreidy1 @jessyballet @fific7 @teletubiswszpilkach @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @dumbbunnys-safes @dumybitch @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @i-love-scott-mccall @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @f4iryluvy @bennyberry @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @shaylybaby2032 @rogue-nyx88 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux @criminalyetminimal @kindestofkings @rubes-xoxo @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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uhhlifeig · 5 months ago
Witch - October 12 - word count: 535 - @wolfstarmicrofic
PT 2
Remus leaned against the kitchen doorway, taking the Halloween party in with a half-smile, a red plastic cup in hand.
He had to admit, Halloween wasn’t really his thing, but the others had been insistent. Especially Sirius. 
Sirius, who, at this very moment, was across the room, laughing loudly with James, his ridiculous leather jacket and aviators completing his ‘bad boy biker’ costume. 
Classic Sirius Black, always choosing the laziest outfit he could find and somehow pulling it off effortlessly.
“Remus,” Lily, dressed in a sleek black dress, her face adorned with glittering silver stars, walked over. “Why are you sulking over here by yourself?”
“I’m not sulking,” Remus replied.
“Come on, Moony,” Lily said. “It’s Halloween! You might as well join us.”
He laughed lightly, taking a sip from his drink. “I’m not much of a dancer, Lily. You know that.”
Mary rolled her eyes from where she stood next to Lily. “That’s because you haven’t tried! Come on, Remus, it's Halloween, the one night of the year where everyone can be someone else.”
Before the taller boy could respond, Sirius’s voice rang out across the room. “Oi, Moony! Come over here!”
Remus flushed slightly, walking over to the older boy. 
James, who was dressed as some kind of cartoon knight, was standing next to Sirius, shaking his head with a fond grin.
Beside the hazel-eyed boy was Regulus, looking effortlessly cool as usual, wearing a tight black turtleneck and leather pants, his ‘vampire’ costume consisting of a cape thrown over his shoulders. 
The subtle way the younger boy leaned toward James didn’t go unnoticed by Remus.
“Why are you standing there like someone summoned you from the dead?” Sirius asked, grinning cheekily. “Halloween’s about fun, Moony. Come on, live a little!”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Says the guy who didn’t even bother to wear a proper costume.”
Sirius gasped dramatically. “Excuse me, this is a highly authentic portrayal of a rebellious biker. I’ll have you know I put a lot of thought into this.”
James snorted. “Mate, you put that on ten minutes before we left.”
The gray-eyed boy shrugged unapologetically, his grin never faltering. “Details.”
Meanwhile, across the room, Marlene and Dorcas, dressed as a pair of witches cackled over some inside joke. 
Evan and Barty whispered to each other in their matching serial killer costumes, looking entirely too pleased with themselves.
“So, Remus,” Sirius said, drawing Remus back into the conversation. “What do you think of the party?”
Remus shrugged. “It’s alright. I’m just not really one for crowds, you know that.”
Sirius tilted his head playfully. “Then why are you here?”
“Because you made me come,” Remus said, his tone exasperated but a teensy bit fond.
“Exactly,” Sirius said, his grin widening.
Remus sighed. “Shut up.”
“No, you.”
The dirty blonde was about to reply when James piped up. “Oh, come on, Moony, we all know you don’t hate Padfoot. Why else would you let him drag you to every party?”
“He’s secretly hoping you’ll stop talking,” Regulus said dryly.
Remus smirked. “Dear Regulus, you read my mind. Care for a dance?”
James gasped. “Reggie! No, please don’t leave me here with Sirius! I can’t bear it!”
“James, shut up.”
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aithusarosekiller · 8 months ago
Trans Reggie black brothers fic:
NOT EDITED (will be before it goes onto ao3)
Words: 2239
Warnings: outing (sort of, Sirius figures it out and asks him about it but nobody is told against reg's will), reference to bigoted parents
The light twittering of birds was silenced as Regulus strode across his room and pulled the window shut with a slight thud. If he wanted to get any work done before he was due to return to school he would have to do it now, or he would put it off until the last minute. It was a bad habit picked up from Dorcas but one he had come to keep under control for the most part. So long as nothing else disrupted him, he should be okay to continue. His parents were at some important function and Kreacher was out collecting shopping so there wasn't too much that could distract him.
He had managed to sit down at his desk and unscrew the lid of his inkwell by the time his bedroom door slammed open behind him. He heard the unmistakable sound of his brother's heavy-footed stomps come up behind him and had to force himself not to snap right then and there.
“Yes?” His tone was clipped but Sirius either didn't notice or actively chose to ignore it.
“Are you busy?” Without waiting for an answer he attempted to sit down on Regulus’ desk, only stopping when he received a murderous glare and shark smack to the arm; he narrowed his eyes petulantly and tried to hide his irritating grin. “Move and I'll sit in your chair then, my legs are tired.”
Regulus pretended to have not heard him and returned to the introduction of his Defense essay. After a few moments Sirius stood and walked over to the bed, sitting down silently and waiting for a few minutes to see if Regulus was going to say anything. Nothing happened.
“Turn around, you little brat.” Nothing. “Please.”
“Don't call me that,” The reply was quiet but Sirius still heard it.”
“Merlin, I try to be nice once,” He grumbled under his breath, trying to keep his composure and her to the point. “I want to talk to you about something.”
Regulus looked at him as if to say ‘go on’ so he did.
“Look, can you just come here? I'm trying to be nice to you and do sibling bonding or some shit so the least you can do one nice thing and not stare at me from across the room? I'll distract Father so you can visit your friends on Sunday if you let me have this.” He let the suggestion sink in for a moment, then watched as Regulus pushed away from his desk, stretching out the time it took to close the ink and place down the quill, then made his way over to his bed to sit at the opposite end to Sirius, his posture perfect and his hands clasped in his lap.
“Sorry, do you or do you not have a pair of 35 galleon shoes in your wardrobe as we speak?”
“First of all, I got them in muggle London so technically they were £170, not galleons. And secondly, that is a very good price for a well-made, hand crafted, long-lasting product you intend to use frequently.”
Regulus couldn't help but laugh at that. “You sound like Narcissa.”
He didn't stop laughing when he was slapped on the arm or when Sirius snapped at him to shut up, it was only when Sirius attempted to redirect the conversation that his face fell back to his typical moody stare.
“I wanted to talk about school.” He managed to ignore Regulus’ sigh, having grown fairly immune to the constant dismissals by now, even if it still made him feel a little hurt when he thought about it late at night. “Over the summer term and a little bit before that, I've heard-”
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, if this is going to become one of your anti-Slytherin, ‘you're all evil' rants, I really want nothing to do with-”
“It isn't that!” He hissed, almost laughing at Regulus’ affronted reaction to being cut off halfway through his sentence as if he had not just done the exact same thing mere seconds ago. “Stop coming for my throat and give me a change to finish my sentence before you assume you know what I'm going to say.” He took a deep breath and started again. “I have recently been hearing your friends talk to you while you're in the corridor and then again while they're alone. And I noticed a few things.”
It was then that Regulus finally picked up on what the conversation was going to be about.
“Oh, for-”
“Shush, let me finish. I heard you and your friends talking quite a few times and I heard that they called you a different name.” He looked at Regulus knowingly. “You might disagree but I'm not stupid. I mean my grades speak for themselves really, I don't think I did any revision before the day of for my exams and I still…anyway. Your friends were calling you Regulus and they were calling you he and I'm no idiot. I know what that means.”
“You understand names, well done. Maybe you aren't a complete imbecile after all.”
“Alright, you're being rude because you're nervous so I'll let that slide. I know that it means you don't want to be a girl anymore. And that's great! That's okay. I just wanted to give you the chance to talk about it. With me. If you want.”
Regulus looked at him blankly for a while. He opened his mouth to speak at least four times before closing it. Eventually he picked up the courage to actually say something.
“I'm not a girl.” Sirius nodded along. “Your eavesdropping was right there.” Sirius frowned in disapproval but did not get the chance to interject. “I am a boy. My name is Regulus. Yes, like the star. My friends are okay with it because they aren't completely despicable people despite what you Gryffindors may like to think. And you didn't have to interrupt my homework to talk to me about this, you haven't spoken to me besides polite greetings since November.”
“Actually, it was your birthday.”
“December, then. My point still stands, Sirius.”
“Is it rude to ask when you knew?”
“A little bit, yes.” Regulus snapped. “I didn't always know.” He seems to consider telling the story for a second, then decided not to. “I don't want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” Sirius nodded. Maybe if the rest of the conversation went well he would tell him another time. “It's a nice name. Bit long but not bad.”
“Thank you.” It was robotic and almost cold but Sirius was not deterred.
“I might shorten it to Regs. I've heard your annoying friend call you Reggie but you'd probably kill me if I called you that to Regs it is. It's short, efficient, and probably won't get my ears cut off and fed to Kreacher.” Regulus couldn't help a smile like that, which seemed to get Sirius out of his tentative, unnaturally calculated state and make him grin himself. “I'll take that as a yes.”
“I have a brother,” He mused to himself. Whether it was with shock or glee neither of them could say.
“You can't tell anybody.”
“I won't! I'm great with secrets. Really, name one secret I haven't been able to keep.” He took in Regulus’ meaningful look and recalculated. “Yeah, alright, but I won't tell anyone this. I promise.” He attempted to look as sincere as possible. When he looked down at the sight of movement, he saw that his brother’s hand was extended, palm up and waiting.
Sirius couldn't help but smile when he was it, moving his own hand to place on top before taping each of their fingers together as he muttered the words 'I swear on my life’. It was a silly way of making a promise that Andromeda had taught them when they were younger and caught her writing to her muggleborn boyfriend. They knew not that she had just made it up to get them to stay hushed but they had never really grown out of it. Without a word, they both retracted their hands, but Sirius was now smiling and Regulus seemed at least somewhat more relaxed so it was worth it even if it was a kids thing.
“I just wanted to say that I am glad you were honest with me,” Sirius began the little speech he had prepared in his head. He had gone over it time and time again, attempting to eradicate any signs of his usual self to form a kind, welcoming speech that would soften the situation. “And I am glad that you have been able to find yourself like this.” Regulus groaned into his hands and swore under his breath. “I am here if you want to talk about…this and I would be really happy if you trusted me to talk about you being….a guy now.”
“Oh Merlin, this is humiliating. Stop. Stop. Sirius, stop.” He waited for him to trail off awkwardly before letting out a relieved sigh and beginning his own explanation.
“Okay; thank you but I really don't need a lecture on my ‘validity’. I am aware of it. And I didn't not tell you because I was scared, it was because we haven't spoken properly in months and I doubted that you'd even care. It would be weird, that's why.” He grasped around for another point to make while he had the silence to be able to get a word in. “And don't you think I should have been able to tell you this in my own time instead of just barging in and asking me about it.”
“When would that have been?” He wasn't expecting an apology, but the bluntness of the reply still caught Regulus off guard. “Would you have told me? Would you really? Hm?” He got no answer. “Reggie.”
“The point is that I should've gotten the choice.”
“Well I admit I didn't think it through that much!”
“That's new.” Regulus drawled.
“I was just shocked when you didn't tell me. I was shocked that they knew basic crap about you that I apparently don't. Call me selfish but I care quite a lot about that. You used to tell me everything.” The anger in his voice was barely-veiled. “We used to be best friends but I feel like I don't know anything shoot you anymore.”
“And who's fault is that?”
“Yours! You are the one who got all those amazing Slytherin friends and decided I was the shit on your damn shoe, Regulus.”
“I don't want to do this right now.”
They fell back into relative silence. The sound of the wind against the old, thin window was all they could focus on for a few minutes. Eventually, siris cleared his throat and reached out his hand, patting his brother on the shoulder a few times like he was a delicate animal.
“What are you doing?”
Sirius blinked. “I'm comforting you.”
“Don't do that.”
“Fine, I won't.” He looked away again and waited.
“I can tell you want to ask something else.”
Sirius shrugged noncommittally, then gave in and asked what he had wanted to know the entire time. “Who else knows?” The hint of desperation in his voice was embarrassing but he hoped Regulus hadn't picked up on it.
“My friends,” He provided. “That's all really."
“And…” He didn't need to say it for the implication to be obvious. They both looked towards the doorway despite knowing the house was empty, as if anticipating their arrival. Regulus slouched slightly, seemingly having given up on acting properly.
“Do you think I'd still be here telling you about it if they knew?”
“Don't say that.” Whispering was uncharacteristic for Sirius but he didn't exactly want to say the words that left his mouth, they just sort of did. Giving away the card he held for his brother's wellbeing even after all this time.
“It’s not exactly a shock, is it? The perfect angel of the black family ends up being a man with a woman’s features, guess what happens next.”
“Regulus, stop.”
“...Sorry.” The apology sounded almost forced out but it was better than none at all in Sirius' opinion.
Sirius shook his head lightly. “It's fine. It's not like it's your fault. Hey, uh, if you wanted to, we could go shopping together at some point. Get you some stuff that makes you feel less, y'know.” ‘Girly’ was the obvious end to that sentence. Regulus frowned and turned to face him again.
“I can go shopping with my friends, thank you.” Sirius waited. And waited. Then, “When would you want to go?”
“Why, do you can be conveniently busy that day?” He suggested; Regulus stared silently. “Next Saturday?”
“Yeah, good, alright. Cool. You're paying for your shit though.” He added as an afterthought.
“What? Why one earth to would you invite me shopping if you're not paying for anything?”
“I'm not your Mum Reggie.”
“You're uglier than her, that's for sure.”
Taking it as the natural lull to the conversation, Sirius pulled a face and turned to leave, spinning back around one step out of the door so he could confirm their agreement.
“Next Saturday, yes?”
“Yes, that is what I said.”
With that Sirius nodded silently and left, leaving the door wide open and Regulus sat on the bed wondering where in the name all of that had come from.
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lulublack90 · 8 months ago
Prompt 10 - Penpals
@wolfstarmicrofic July 10, word count 983
‘Dear Padfoot,
Wales is the most beautiful country and there are so many exciting things to do here, so why did my parents pick the most boring village to live in? It’s so dull here. I miss the chaos of our dorm room and the library. There’s a library van that comes here every two weeks, but the old duffer who drives it won’t let me take more than three books out at once. I need more than three!
How’s it going at home? You said in your last letter that your Mum caught you replacing her chinaware with nose-biting teacups. While I’d pay good money to see Walburga Black with a teacup stuck on the end of her nose, Sirius, we talked about this. Please keep your head down, we both know she doesn’t mess around. If you can’t go the next few weeks without causing some mayhem, please, keep it to your room. Maybe use that extra strong spellotape I gave you for Easter?
Don’t be a dick.
‘Dearest Moony,
Please find enclosed a photograph of one Walburga Black with a teacup attached to the end of her nose. Free of charge, I might add. You can keep your good money, this one’s on me. 
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply, but I think you can guess why. It was totally worth it though. 
Your idea to use the spellotape you gave me was genius, Moony! I stuck all of Regulus’s bedroom furniture to his ceiling, it took them all night to get it down. Regulus took my bed while Kreacher worked on his room. But I just got in with him. He was not impressed. This house has ten bedrooms. I don’t know why he didn’t just use one of them. 
Prongs sent me some frogspawn soap, and I’m going to put it in my father's bathroom. Not pranked him for a while, I bet he’s missing it! 
I’ve sent you some of the lesser dark arts books from our library. Maybe don’t let Hope touch them, as I’m not sure if there are any antimuggle curses on them or not. Knowing my family there probably is. 
Love ya Moons,
Pads X.’
‘Dear Sirius,
I swear you get some sick thrill from being punished. WHY WOULD YOU PUSH HER!!! Although the picture is my new favourite thing. I got it framed, and it is now on my bedside table. It’s the last thing I see at night. 
Thanks for the books. I’ve hidden them from Mum just in case. They’re really interesting. Do you know that not all dark magic is bad, and it’s just a few idiots that gave it a bad name? According to this book, light and dark magic users used to live harmoniously until a dark wizard took it too far, and dark wizards have had a bad name ever since. It’s fascinating. Please send more if you can. I finished them far too quickly.
Sirius, please stop pranking your parents. Remember what happened last summer? Do you want a repeat of that? You can pull off a lot of looks, but a shiny bald head is not one of them. So knock it off, or they’ll send you back with hair like Snivellus!
There are three weeks left, Sirius, please, please, please stay out of trouble. 
Love you too,
Remus x.’ 
‘My sweetest, most handsome Remus,
It is not in my nature to behave. I am a natural prankster and I go into withdrawal if I don’t prank at least once a day. You know that!    
I’ve sent as many books as mine and Reggie’s owls could carry between them. Reg is going to kill me, but it’s for a good cause. He’s actually been alright with me this last week. We’ve been hanging out in the library together while I’ve been looking for new books to send you. We haven’t spent this much good time together since I went to Hogwarts. 
That’s what I’ve been telling you for years, it’s only pricks like Bellatrix that give dark wizards a bad name. But oh well, what can you do?
The weirdest thing happened, Remus. Father finally used the soap I swapped out in his bathroom and he laughed. I didn’t think Orion Black was capable of such things. It's unnerving. 
I will admit that I’ve taken to committing small pranks in lieu of bigger ones. I drew moustaches on all the portraits the other night while they were sleeping and so far no one has noticed. It’s been three days, Moony! 
I can’t wait for the summer to be over. I have a whole notebook filled with pranks for next year. Plus, I really need to stretch my legs if you know what I mean. These paws of mine are itching for a run. How about yours?
Love you 
Sirius XXX
P.S. How dare you, I totally pulled off the bald look! Mary did an excellent job of painting that lion on the back of it for our first Quidditch match!’
‘To the biggest pain in my arse,
Sirius, you are such a pest. STOP PRANKING!!! We can get as many Slytherins as you want when we get back to school. Hell, we can start on the train if you need to prank that badly. Thank Regulus for the use of his owl. I’ve nearly finished all the books you sent again. I just can’t put them down. Hogwarts should have some of these in the library. I’ve clearly been missing out on a fully-rounded education. 
Not much to report here. I baked a cake with Mum, and we ate most of it before Dad got home from work.
We have a run the first week back, so not long to wait. 
I miss you,
Remus X.’ 
I can’t wait.
Miss you more than you know
Yours forever
Sirius XXX.’
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thedvilsinthedetails · 1 year ago
Rosekiller band au microfic!!!
hey guys, I wrote the first microfic in the lil series I’m doing, you can find the original idea for it here
ik I’d said I’d wait but I’m impatient hahaha
(some of the ppl that asked to be tagged if i ever wrote it: @always-reading @blu3stars @chaoticgaywitch @1284646imjusthere @depressedtheatrekiddo @idk-what-to-put-here-123)
anyway just wrote this pretty quickly so it might have some mistakes n stuff sorry abt that I don’t do grammar or punctuation anyway here you go, enjoy:
(EDIT: link to part 2)
••• Pink lipstick stains, cigarette butts
I lie in bed, I hate my guts
A day in the dark 
A muddled afternoon, yeah
Barty pressed his cheek close to Evan as they sang into the same microphone. He could feel the buzz of the music through the vibration of the stage below him. 
Oh baby darling how I long 
To become your suicide blonde
He ran a hand through Evan’s platinum curls as he sung the line. Evan leaned into it, eyes meeting Barty’s, grinning as he sung. 
To lie beside my Romeo
Oh what a wicked way to go
Evan’s fingers moved deftly on the guitar, he lifted a hand, twirled the pick in his hand before resuming immediately, he didn’t take his eyes off Barty the entire song. 
“Ah fucking hell look at the comments Bee.”
Evan was sat at the base of the sofa, scrolling through the comments on a video of their performance last night. He held the phone up to Barty on the sofa, who squinted before taking it and reading it out to the room.
“Skittlefiend57 says ‘omg Blarty and Evan! I’m so gone 4 them u guys’”
Regulus raised an eyebrow.
“We’ve been getting my name wrong all these years guys. Wow that’s a crazy thing to discover at 23.”
“Bad spelling aside, there’s way more. And it’s not all good stuff.”
Evan said and Barty looked back down at the comments. 
“Barty and Evan are queerbaiting, they act so gay but they’re not dating. It’s all clearly faked to get attention. Fucking pathetic. Why thank you peenisonapizza. Glad to see you know us personally and can therefore speak on our behalf.”
“Don’t know why they’re obsessed with accusing a band with two trans guys of queer baiting.”
Evan pinched his furrowed brow and shook his head in disbelief.
“They don’t even care about the fucking music, just us and whether we’re dating or not.”
Barty laid down on the sofa, dropping one arm around Evan and resting his chin on Evan’s shoulder.
“Hey cheer up Rosie. They care about the music. There’s a few assholes but that’s a given. If they weren’t talking about us acting gay they’d be talking about whether my tattoos are real or fake.”
“Or some conspiracy theory that Reggie’s not actually lactose intolerant.” 
Pandora chipped in.
“I’m not lactose intolerant!”
Regulus replied indignantly.
“Is that you talking or your obsession with chocolate?”
Dorcas rolled her eyes as she spoke. Regulus avoided her gaze as he mumbled out a half hearted response.
“Remus got me hooked on Tony’s chocolonely.”
While the rest of the group squabbled Evan leaned his head back against Barty’s shoulder, he pulled out his phone.
Hey everyone, I’ve noticed there’s a lot of speculation about me and @Barty.Grouch.JR and I wanted to say that it’s none of your business, you can think what you like but please don’t ask us or spam comment sections with theories. As always thank u so much for listening to our music, the skittles luv u x
Evan breathed in and passed the phone to Barty.
“You think this is good?”
Barty read it over and nodded.
“You’ve been really nice about it too.”
Evan huffed out a laugh.
“I was normal about, not my fault you would have said something like-“
“Roses are red, violets are blue, you are a cunt and I hate you @peenisonapizza.”
Barty took a small bow, flourishing his hand dramatically. Evan turned around and flicked him in the leg, which only succeeded in making him laugh. 
 “Ok I’ve posted it.”
Evan clicked post and watched as the ‘likes’ number quickly began to climb.
“Now I’m just not gonna read the comments on that post.”
Evan huffed out a laugh and Barty patted his shoulder.
“Good on you Rosie. Now who wants to watch a movie?”
Evan clambered onto the sofa next to Barty who leaned against him immediately, head resting on his shoulder.
Barty whispered.
“Yeah Bee?”
“Give me your phone. Look we both know it will bother you all evening not reading those comments if you have your phone on you. Just- out of sight out of mind, I’ll give it back to you once the movie is over but you deserve to have an evening off.”
Barty’s eyes were wide, expression genuine as he spoke. Evan hesitated then reached in his pocket for his phone.
“Don’t spam it with photos alright?”
A smirk spread on Barty’s face quickly, eyes sparkling.
“I make no promises Ev.”
Evan rolled his eyes but handed the phone over. 
The movie was something Pandora had picked, something from the late 80s, a strange mix of fantasy, reality and meta theatre that Evan actually didn’t hate.
Still he drifted to sleep at some point watching it, the stress of the day had clearly gotten to him and something about the way the top of Barty’s head made for a great pillow probably didn’t help.
Either way he woke up to the feeling of Barty shaking him.
“Come on sleeping beauty, let’s get you to a real bed. Here’s your phone back.”
Evan rubbed his eyes and got up, stumbling to his room as thanked Barty in a half asleep murmur.
He got to his room and turned on his phone, wincing at the glaring brightness, turning it down quickly. He opened his photos app, just as he’d suspected his camera roll was filled with new photos.
He began to scroll through them. There was one of his friends, all waving at the camera. A zoomed in shot of Inigo Montoya‘s face on the TV screen from a funny angle. Himself, looking dumb, sleeping with his mouth slightly open. He scrolled to the next picture and stopped. Barty with that cheeky grin of his, curled up against Evan, flipping off the camera. Eyes twinkling in that way that always made Evan feel a little warmer, a little brighter. He fell asleep again dreaming of a body pressed against his in a hug, the hum of a movie no longer playing, soft hair tickling his face and mischief painted in big brown eyes. 
For info about the position they’re sat in (it’s clear in my mind but I’m not sure how clear it is in the description), the song that they are playing and the movie they watch, look below the read more:
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Position they are in before Evan gets on the sofa, red is Evan, green is Barty - yes Barty is uncomfortable, yes he would sit like that anyway bc Barty will do fucking contortion to be able to hug Evan argue with a wall
Don’t question the drawing skills, I can’t draw and did it in a moving vehicle
the song is EVOL by MARINA
the movie is the princess bride suggested by the lovely @lulublack90 who u shld defo check out bc she’s rlly amazing at writing
(Oh also Evan and Reggie are both trans in this)
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floralembarrassment · 2 years ago
Bad Date (1/1) (jegulus)
Regulus was annoyed. He had been trying his best to get back out there and start dating again, but meeting people was hard these days.
He was mostly annoyed because after he spent a week and a half chatting, he finally went on a date with this person and it was awful. The ass turned out to be one of those "nice guys," talking down to Regulus all night and then he dared make fun when Regulus talked about Sirius and used all their pronouns.
This earned the man a drink in the face. Regulus wasn't annoyed about that part.
But it was now 10pm on a Friday and he wasn't about to sulk back home to his empty apartment.
Regulus walked towards his favourite bar, knowing full well he could get a few drinks and at the very least dance with someone for a bit of fun. He texted Barty and Evan who were happy to meet him there, the pair would be insufferable grinding on each other but at least they would make sure he had fun.
When he got there, he walked straight up to the bar and with his sultry voice got a drink right away from the bartender. The sweet man slid him over a shot as well that he downed before sipping his cocktail. He was cute but he didn't want to make a move with him, he wanted to be able to keep coming back here so the light banter was flirtatious enough.
Waiting for Barty and Evan, a man bumped into him from behind, nearly making Regulus spill his drink.
He turned and was about to tell him off, but the man was angel like, eyes of honey and skin glowing golden brown. Nothing came out of Regulus' mouth when he went to speak and he was lucky he didn't drool.
"I'm so sorry!" the man said fussing about, "did I make you spill? Please I'll get you another," he said putting his hand up for the bartender's attention.
"No it's fine, thanks," Regulus said placing his hand on man's arm to pull it down. Turning to him finally looking in his eyes, Regulus watched as the man caught his beauty. Regulus knew he was good looking, it was really the only the thing he liked about being a Black.
The man stuck his hand out, and spluttered. "J-jam-James. I'm James." He finally managed.
"Regulus," he replied taking James' hand. He didn't shake it but he didn't let go, just held it for a moment. Both of them enchanted.
"Do you- um do you want to dance?" James asked, and when Regulus nodded, James led him by their still clasped hands to the dance floor, Regulus finishing his drink on the way.
He knew it was a good idea to come here tonight.
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psychoticallykind · 2 months ago
Jegumas Day Twenty-Four - The Night Before Christmas
576 words
“You seem sad.”
“No,” Regulus denied. “Not sad.”
“No?” James leaned against the wall next to him. “Okay. What are you?”
“I’m,” Regulus paused, struggling to find the words. “I’m quiet.”
“You’re quiet?” James checked.
“Mmhm.” Regulus tapped gently against the wall, not sure how to explain. “I’m not - I’m not sad about anything. But I - I don't know.” He frowned. “It’s Christmas Eve.”
“Yes,” James replied. He sounded concerned. “It is Christmas Eve.”
“And I’ve never celebrated Christmas Eve before,” he admitted. “It - it wasn’t important in my house. We were supposed to be quiet so that they could focus on the important things for Christmas - the guest lists and such. So I know how to be quiet. I - I like being quiet, James.”
Regulus chanced looking at the other boy. “You aren’t quiet. It’s - here - it isn’t quiet. You have stories and cookies and music, and there’s this whole thing about it being the night before Christmas and I’m not used to any of it mattering. I’m not used to mattering - James, it’s loud here, everyone knows how to be loud and I don’t.”
James blinked, very obviously confused. “Are we being too loud for you? Do you need to hide in my room for a bit? Or yours, obviously.”
Regulus shook his head. “No, I - I have a room?”
“Of course,” James told him. “You’ve been staying in mine, but you have your own. It’s across from Remus’s.”
Regulus tried to process that, failed, and decided it was definitely a later problem. “Right. No, I don’t need to hide. I just don’t know how to stop being quiet, and I don’t think I really want to stop being quiet, but you guys aren’t quiet and I don’t want to ruin your evening.”
“Do you think it bothers us that you’re quiet?” James asked, voice colored with alarm. He stepped away from the wall, turning to face Regulus directly. “Reg, we love you however you are. If you like being quiet, then be quiet. It’s okay.”
Regulus met his eyes, heart pounding. “But none of you are quiet. Even Sirius isn’t like me, I - I don’t fit.”
“There is no one in the world like you,” James replied softly. “And that is not a bad thing. You’re quiet, and smart, and funny, and beautiful, and we are grateful to have you here. No one here wants you to be anything you’re not. I promise.”
Regulus swallowed hard, blinking away tears. “You said ‘we love you’.”
James nodded. “I did.”
“Did you - “ Regulus stopped, shaking his head. “Never mind. Thank you, James.”
“What were you going to say?”
Regulus took a deep breath. “Nothing important.”
James nodded, looking almost hesitant. “Hey, Reg?”
Hope flickered in his chest. “Yes?”
James took his hand, squeezing gently. “I love you.”
“You do?” Regulus asked, and immediately winced. “Merlin, sorry, that wasn’t a good reaction -”
“I do,” James interrupted, smiling. “I love you. I’m in love with you, just as you are.”
Regulus sucked in a breath, pulling his hand out of James’s so that he could wrap the other boy in a tight hug. “I love you, too.”
James hugged him just as tightly, and they stayed there for a bit.
It was safe, and quiet, and comforting in a way Regulus wasn’t used to yet.
But that was okay.
He would get there.
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atlasdoe · 11 months ago
Things that The Marauders fandom say that pisses me off
warning: i will not be holding back. if you are sensitive do not read. feel free to disagree or anything in the replies but don't be a dick
i'm only doing this cause i'm bored and have a lot of rage in me
also just to be clear if we're mutuals then i'm not on about you :)
"It's so sad that one of the only things we have in cannon is the prank"
or something along those lines. If knowing that the prank is cannon makes you upset then I have some great news for you. Nobody cared about the prank in cannon!!!! it's literally just another Tuesday for the Marauders and not once does anybody lose any friends or hold any grudges about it!! yay, now you can sleep at night!
"Dumbledore raised an army of children twice"
I've already spoken about this before but for anyone who wasn't here please know that this is a lie! Neither time did Dumbledore raise an army of children. You had to be an adult to join The Order and although the Marauders were young they were not children. As for everyone else, their ages are not confirmed. We are the ones who made Marlene and Dorcas the same age as them. For all we know The Marauder's could've been the youngest in the Order by far. As for the DA, Dumbledore literally had no part in that. It was Hermione, Harry and Ron who made the DA. All Dumbledore did was take the blame for it because they named themselves after him
"Dumbledore could've helped Regulus, Evan and Barty"
Firstly it amazes me how these three are the only Death Eaters yall have any sympathy for. I understand Regulus to a point considering we only really hear good things about him from Kreacher but with Evan and Barty genuinely what makes them so special?? Evan is in the exact same pool as Wilkes and y'all don't give a shit about them. Also Barty helped resurrect Voldemort and tortured Frank and Alice. Either way regardless on if you like them or not trust me when i say that if they would've gone to Dumbledore for help he would've helped them. When have we ever seen Dumbledore turn somebody down because they were a Slytherin. This man literally tried to help Draco as he was about to kill him and help the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts. Dumbledore doesn't know everything and he's never passed on the chance for a new spy.
"This fandom is misogynistic for making Lily/Tonks bad mothers/surrogates"
Fanfiction does not equal headcannons. Just because Lily or Tonks are bad mothers in a fanfiction does not mean that the author dislikes them or thinks that they're a bad person in cannon. Also reading about your favourite ship raise a child is a very common trope in fanfiction and as much as Harry and Teddy are Lily and Tonks children they are also James and Remus'. James and Remus are just as responsible for their children and I see nobody batting an eye when the roles are reversed. On top of all of this, Lily and Tonks were young mothers and it's very likely that they would make mistakes or in other universes not be as good as they were in cannon. That does not make them bad people nor does it make them unworthy of being liked. If you don't like it, don't read it cause i know that nobody is saying that Regulus and James raised Harry in cannon.
"Marlene/Dorcas/Mary/Evan is so underrated!"
No they're not. They're mentioned like once or twice. If anything they're incredibly overrated. Nothing wrong with that. Just facts
"Jily is dying out because people are scared to go against Jegulus"
Don't make me laugh. Jily is one of the only cannon ships we have they are literally the blueprint to the entire series. Jily is not dying out, you're just seeing more Jegulus posts because you keep interacting with them and fucking up your own algorithm in order to argue with people in comment sections
"[Insert ship here] need to stop hating on [Insert another ship here] (same with characters)"
I remember one time in the Riverdale fandom when a Bughead shipper did an interview with a magazine pretending to be Lili Reinheart and told this magazine that Bughead will be cannon just to piss the Barchie shippers off. Y'all would not survive "real" fandoms. Just because somebody doesn't like your ship does not make it hate and even if someone does say something like "Jily is trash and I hate it" so fucking what?? it's one person and trust me there is another room on the internet for the both of you. I don't even think I've seen anyone truly post hate about a ship since 2020 when i was in the instagram fandom and the Wolfstar and Blackinnon shippers had each other by the throat
"Jegulus came out of nowhere and I don't understand why people ship it"
Jegulus has been around for as long as i have (2018) and at least to me it's very obvious why people like it. It's the best friends brother, opposite sides of the war, secret relationship, forbidden romance tropes that people love. it's not that hard to understand. And as I said before we know just enough about Regulus to get some sense of what he was like but not all of the bad parts.
"Sirius was tall but Remus was TALL"
There's nothing necessarily wrong with this. I just hate it. Especially if you're commenting on somebody's post about how Sirius is canonically tall. Half the time, unless they say it themselves, they don't think that Remus is taller and don't care if you do
that's all i've got for now. i may do this again :)
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 1 year ago
@jegulus-microfic | feb 13 street | words: 385
part 2
James has admired the way his parents loved each other as long as he can remember. How his dad brought fresh flowers for his mum every other day, how she read to him in the evenings, how they both acted like teenagers with their discreet touches. It was always the smallest gestures that showed the most in their case.
So, with that being the way he knew love, he tried really hard to give it in similar fashion. When Regulus had bad days, James could spend them in bed with his fiancé, cuddling with him and whispering sweet nothings to make him feel even a tiniest bit better. When Reggie was tired after work, there was always a hot bath and dinner ready for him. And when he achieved another milestone in his life, James was there every time to celebrate with him.
On the Saturday afternoon, after putting together new furniture for their kitchen, James popped open a bottle of white wine, the one they drank on one of those nights when they just started dating and had to hide from Sirius.
“To our flat” he said to Regulus, giving him a wineglass and clinking it with his own.
“To our flat” the black-haired man replied with small, adorable smile on his face.
They sat on the loggia with fond smiles on their faces, as the gentle noise of the street below created a subtle melody for them. While they drank the wine, Regulus started planning how would the next room look after renovating it.
“And there will be a big bookshelf, I’m sure we can find one on that flea market next to Pandora’s house. And I really want a green couch, it can be velvet or monolith, I don’t care as long as it’s green” he went on, playing with James’ fingers as the older man held him close to his chest.
He kissed Reggie’s hair and softly whispered to him “I would buy you every green couch there is, if it made you happy.”
His fiancé melted in his arms at that. He could feel the other man tightening the grip on his hand, before he turned to look James in the eye.
“You have no idea just how much I love you, Jamie.”
“You know,” he murmured “I think I can imagine it, love.”
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lulu-recs · 11 months ago
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lead me into the light by third_crow
“wh– well– why–” james stammered, attempting to get his bearings, because if he didn’t, and he let regulus tell him ‘kiss me’ one more time, his heart would probably give out. “why don’t you get sirius to help?” regulus narrowed his eyes. “because sirius would just knock his teeth out,” he said as though it were obvious. “yes,” james hissed, “and he’ll knock my teeth out if I kiss his little brother.” “oh, yeah, great, so I’m the sacrifice,” he sighed. “you can take a hit, Potter, I’ve seen you on the quidditch pitch,” regulus waved him off, and james groaned, leaning away from him. “precisely,” regulus stepped right into his space, and james felt his chest go a little hot.
or, Regulus asks James for a favor to get his ex off of his back, and James makes bad choices.
like real people do by third_crow ♡
“could I get a name for the order?” marlene asked. “serious,” the man replied. “like the star,” he clarified, and remus mentally scratched out 'serious' and rewrote 'sirius' in his head. “the… star?” marlene asked, her pen hovering over the cup as she hesitated. “s-i-r-i-u-s,” remus said. he stocked croissants into the display case, not looking up. “the dog star,” he added, “brightest star in the sky, actually. visible from both hemispheres.” when he looked over, the man– sirius– seemed surprised, his eyebrows raised as remus spoke, and when remus finished, he blinked a few times before smiling lopsidedly. “er– yeah,” he breathed a laugh. “that.” there was a baby on his hip. somehow, it had taken remus a second glance to notice that.
or, remus works as a barista and sirius comes in every morning with the world's cutest baby, and man, these two just wrote the book on mutual pining, huh?
season of pumpkin spice by blackoccamy
out of many obvious perks of working at a coffee shop - like actually being paid and having near unlimited access to coffee - if you had to select one, you would point to the customers you could observe. of course, you knew all the stories about how working in customer service was a pain, people being basically just people, sure. but it has never been the case in the coffee shop that you worked for now. it was hard to explain why. all kinds of different types of beings would parade in front of the counter on any given day, but either there was some actual magic at work, or the enchanted cafe only attracted the polite ones.
the lines we cross by yumenouveau
once the idea hit him, sirius could not get it out of his head. remus was perfect for him, so why had they never dated? and now that they were both newly single, why did remus think it was such a bad idea?
moonstruck by pixelated (prettyremus)
sirius can ease his aches with a few little tricks he’s learned over the course of their friendship and inevitable romantic relationship— a nice hot bath, a few pain relieving potions, a full-body massage… a good fucking.
and, luckily for them both, sirius knows how to tame the wolf.
the other side of the wall (or laundry day is every day) by bluberd
sirius has never been the most moral of people, but he's pretty sure that wanking off to the sounds of remus having sex is crossing some sort of line.
you make loving fun by playitasitlays (on going)
remus lupin is a barista with zero social skills and boom one day he meets the mysterious, leather jacket-wearing sirius black. also, remus is best friends with regulus black. what could go wrong?
one single thread of gold tied me to you by itsprettyunfortunate ♡
after a really terrible one-night stand, sirius wants nothing more than to forget what happened. it doesn’t help at all that he keeps running into that handsome stranger wherever he goes.
would that I by third_crow (on going) ♡
sirius studied Remus’ face. he was curious what he thought of all of this, the only one of them who didn’t have a mark– theoretically– and the only one with a muggle parent. muggles didn’t get marks, he knew. if remus’ parents were soulmates, then they wouldn’t know it. he wondered if there was a way to tell, though. if they could just feel it, somehow, even without the help of some magical fate.
because it seemed like something you would just know, just from being near someone, from being close enough to them, from being in the same space. like their souls would attract like magnets or like water droplets traveling down a window, waiting to merge until the last moment when they realized they were on the same path, and then they’d become one.
was that fate, sirius wondered? he realized remus was staring back at him, his eyes puzzled and curious and warm. sirius looked away first and didn’t look back, pushing down something heavy and impossible in his chest.
or, the marauders soulmates au where your soulmate shares your scars in gold, and everyone is oblivious, pining, and/or in denial.
what's it gonna be? by fen (alarainai), industrations ♡
the probability of meeting the same stranger twice in london is low. but three times? well, that’s pretty damn impossible. it’d take fate, destiny and some divine intervention from the universe to have them meet again.
“sirius?” ...maybe the universe really is looking out for him.
or sirius, remus, missing trains and the embarrassing pursuit of happiness.
say what you mean by fen (alarainai), industrations ♡
james thinks the man might be new, which would explain his attitude and lack of real grace as an attendant. james still grabs the drink with a thanks, taking a much-needed sip.
“anything else?” regulus asks. your number, your life story, your hand in marriage.
“nothing for now.”
or winning over the grumpy flight attendant: a guide by james fleamont potter.
stay with me by charmstwit, pigeononacloud (on going)
secondary genders have been repressed for generations until one day they are suddenly back. james, remus, and sirius are just trying to navigate 7th year at hogwarts without losing their minds. luckily for them, they are best friends who are willing to help each other out. it's just a little bit of knotting between friends, right? totally temporary.
casanova & his moon by youprettythings (on going)
it was difficult for him to ignore. sirius was impossible to ignore, really. he knew what he had signed up for. he knew it wasn't a good idea when he put his signature down on the lease, but he couldn't help himself. remus liked to think he was an intelligent person, but it seemed logic and self preservation went out the window once a certain steely eyed individual became involved.
remus loves sirius. sirius is clueless. after pining after his best friend for years, remus decides he needs to put an end to it. he gets out of his comfort zone and tries to move on - making questionable decisions in the process.
sirius sees something he wasn't meant to and deals with the aftermath.
two idiots falling in love in winter by r33sespieces
when art history PhD student remus lupin books the last ticket to an anniversary showing of titanic, he’s forced to share a loveseat with a stranger, and a chance encounter turns into so much more.
a cauldron full of hot, strong love by r33sespieces
when sirius black bumps into his favourite omega camboy at a work event, it doesn’t go even remotely as he expects. he smells wrong, for one thing. for another, he has a partner sirius didn’t anticipate. but when sirius snags an invite home with him anyway, what else is a lonely alpha to do?
it is a good time to panic! by blackoccamy
when drama strikes, who you gonna call? Harry calls his fey-father. obviously.
borrowed potion by stardust_kenobi
after a long day, remus suggests using the veritaserum he borrowed from severus in a game of truth or dare with you and sirius. you aren't able to hide your feelings any longer after just a few drops of the potion.
the winner takes it all by damn_it_derek_hale
you planned to leave your life in wizarding britain behind after your relationship with sirius black and remus lupin fell apart but then mycroft holmes presents you with the option to take his place in the duelling competition that hogwarts is hosting.
unfortunately, this means coming face to face with remus and sirius who have realised what they've lost and will try anything to win you back.
raspberry donut by samunderthelights
since losing his job, sirius spends his days at the coffee shop where remus and lily work. remus is happy to spend more time with him, but he can't help but worry that sirius is in trouble. because he spends hours scribbling something down in his notebook - which he closes as soon as Remus comes near him - and it isn't like him to keep a secret.
my cup of tea by fivepips
sirius runs a queer coffee shop, remus waits outside to meet up with a friend every week -- until they finally come in one day.
i can be mean too, baby by rottin6
wide eyes stare at remus and he loves it. “what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” he can feel where pale cheeks heat up beneath his palms. he can see where small hands clenched into fists down at his sides.
sirius looks down at his lips and the motion makes remus look down at his and before he can even look back up, sirius is all over him. his mouth on his, slick with cherry flavoured lip-gloss. it’s all consuming, heavy and everything he wants. and even though something nags at him to pull away, he kisses him back.
kisses him like they weren’t fighting a few hours ago. kisses him like they didn’t break up and ruin each other completely. kisses him like he can’t get enough.
or, sirius crashes his ex's party.
blends by rvltn909
words got in the way sometimes, but remus got the sense sirius knew what he was trying to say.
another coffee shop au.
bewitched, bothered, and bewildered by anonymous
it is the marauders final year at hogwarts and the graduation ball is fast approaching. but remus doesn't know how to dance. luckily, he has just the friend to show him.
staying strangers by 3amandcounting (on going) ♡
sirius get's given a wrong number, remus definitely isn't being sarcastic, and they should probably agree to stay strangers...
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only survivor (barty crouch jr)
a/n: back with barty! i’m still not totally confident with him but all practice is good practice so we write anyways. the way i’ve been bothering my friends for inspo recently is by asking them for an emotion, a character and a colour, and this one was despair + barty + red so. foreshadowing! heads up for death and angst and what’s probably a very implausible car crash
The crash is entirely Barty’s fault. There’s no way around it, in the end. He’s the one in the driving seat, he’s the one who’d been putting off the MOT and going round recklessly without a valid license, and he’s the one who swerves on the ice. Barty is the one who crashes the car. Pandora’s the one who gets her ribs smashed in.
A little while after Barty’s woken up properly, bleary-eyed and panic-stricken in the hospital, the curly-haired nurse at his bedside tells him it’s a miracle he survived. She runs him through his list of injuries, winces when she gets to the bit about blood loss, and - with a very soft voice that Barty immediately despises - gently tells him what happened to the other passenger. That’s what she says, verbatim. The other passenger. It takes him a while to connect the dots in the state that he’s in. When he does manage it, he reckons he’s about to be physically sick. He isn’t. The curly-haired nurse futilely attempts to reassure him that it’s not his fault she’s dead.
No amount of bodily harm can hurt him after that. The fractures and the bruises and the sharp wrathful knife in his lungs that twists every time he breathes all fade away into inconsequence, unable to contend with the insurmountable, indescribable pain of grief. He spends long, aching days lying in bed with nothing to do but blame himself, and long, aching nights wandering through nightmares with nothing to do but scream. He’s exhausted. The walls of the ward press violently against his temples and the stale air feels solid in his throat. He thinks shamefully of Evan, who - he’s been told - cannot bear to face him. They’d phrased it more politely than that when he’d asked, but he knows very well that that’s what it boils down to. He believes fervently that Evan would rather he go on and give into his injuries and just bloody die already. Barty can’t even condemn him for it. That was his fucking sister I killed, he thinks. The thought writes and rewrites itself into his eyelids until it’s all he can see when he tries to fall asleep.
It’s late into visiting hours when Regulus comes to see Barty. He’s dressed with less care than he typically is, his shirt creased with the buttons done up wrong, and he seems tired as he approaches.
‘You’re awake,’ he says softly, drawing up a chair.
‘I’ve come to visit twice already, but you were sleeping both times. I didn’t want to wake you - I thought it would be better for your recovery.’
‘Very considerate.’ Regulus studies Barty intently.
‘You hate it here,’ he says, finally, and it isn’t a question. Just an observation.
‘Who doesn’t?’
‘No one, I suppose. But it’s worse for you. Being stuck in bed.’ Barty doesn’t reply, but he doesn’t really have to. Silence is admission in and of itself. He just gazes at Regulus’ pale, gaunt face. He looks harried, and sad. Barty doesn’t have to guess why that is. The guilt that’s been pooling in the bottom of his stomach since the accident swirls viciously.
‘How have you been?’ Regulus inquires quietly. Barty feels nauseous again.
‘Not as bad as Ev’s been, probably.’
‘I didn’t ask about Evan. I asked about you.’
‘Fine. Awful. It doesn’t matter. I deserve worse either way.’ Regulus frowns at him.
‘Are you in much pain? Are they attending to you properly? I’ll talk to them if they aren’t. I could get you moved rooms if you wanted.’
‘They’re too fucking nice, if anything,’ Barty spits bitterly. A helpless silence falls. They’re both lost in their own ways.
‘Do you miss her?’ Regulus asks after a while.
‘Do I get to?’
‘It’s not a matter of asking for permission.’
‘I don’t buy that,’ Barty mutters darkly.
‘The only person you could possibly ask for permission right now is dead. I know you loved her. We all loved her. You can miss her - should miss her.’
‘She was the very best of us, Reg. She was miles better than any of us could ever be, and I’ve fucking killed her. It’s my fault she’s dead.’ Barty’s voice is thick and strained as he speaks. It’s hard to breathe. If he had any more mobility he would smash something, but he can’t. He’s stuck in bed in a hospital, and there’s nowhere to run.
‘Maybe. Maybe you are to blame. But it doesn’t matter any more. Pandora is gone. She’s just gone, Barty. You’re not going to change that, believe me, I know that much.’
‘It should have been me.’ Regulus sighs wearily.
‘Well, it wasn’t. Whether you like it or not, you’re the one that survived. Do me a favour and just… try. Try to want to live. Don’t let me lose two friends in the same month. You know Pandora wouldn’t have wanted that.’ Barty stares at Regulus for a while. His expression is pained. Then he shifts away from him as much as his injured body will allow and closes his eyes without speaking. Regulus rubs a hand across his forehead and stands up.
‘I’ll be back tomorrow at seven again. I’m a bit less busy, at least for now. Evan probably won’t come. He doesn’t hate you, though. He’s just grieving.’ He pauses.
‘Look after yourself, Barty. As best you can.’
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