#and then the cat got in a fight with a different cat
yanderes-galore · 3 days
DogDay vs Catnap from Poppy Playtime rivalry concept??
Sure! As usual, using my form of the characters. Deviates from Canon of course.
☀️DogDay Concept☀️
🌙CatNap Concept🌙
Yandere! DogDay vs CatNap Concept
Pairing: Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Jealousy, Overprotective behavior, Kidnapping, Blood, Violence, Murder mentioned, Drugging, Isolation, Stalking, Possessive behavior, CatNap eats DogDay in one end, Forced companionship(s)
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Naturally, cats and dogs aren't usually big fans of one another.
While these two used to get along, as the years have passed they no longer do.
Far from it, actually.
CatNap becomes a predator, a creature that hunts other toys for food and fun.
DogDay, meanwhile, is a lost pup in the facility ever since all the workers were slaughtered.
There's actually two ways to view the rivalry.
You were a kid of one of the caretakers who created the Smiling Critter experiments.
That, or you were one of the creators of the experiments.
Either way allows both experiments to know you before the Hour of Joy... and potentially after the Hour of Joy.
Before the Hour of Joy, you knew the two experiments and their other friends.
CatNap and DogDay were the main ones who took to you.
If you were a child, the two often acted like babysitters.
Using my version of the two, they often stayed in their plush forms for you, regardless of if you worked there or if you were a child.
DogDay always acted like a guard dog while CatNap would put you to sleep and lay on your lap.
The two originally got along together.
There were some petty arguments, maybe barking and hissing at each other, but the two usually were fine once given attention.
Things are fine in the beginning.
In their young plush state you could look after them well or play with them.
DogDay would always follow you, barking like an excited dog always wanting to play.
CatNap, however, preferred to stay quiet.
He would always crawl onto you and purr when not putting you to sleep.
However, CatNap liked to be the one who put you to sleep then cuddled you.
Back then the two were well-behaved and many paid attention to them.
The smell of vanilla and lavender were always comforting scents during your time at the Playcare.
The only signs of rivalry were the occasional arguments or fights the two had before you separated them and gave them attention.
When you return to the facility after the Hour of Joy?
Everything's different.
Including them.
CatNap is a hunter who stalks through the facility, claiming Playcare as his territory and hunting grounds.
Meanwhile DogDay tries to stay out of the way, scars and blood covering his fur from previous fights.
The two used to never use their monster forms.
Yet once abandoned, it was their safest bet if they weren't hiding.
The other Smiling Critters either died of natural causes or due to them fighting with one another.
Now it's just DogDay and CatNap.
CatNap became the apex predator in Playcare, having a large den and being capable of gassing his prey with Poppy Gas.
DogDay, however, had learned to stay out of the way of the purple cat.
Soon, you make your return to the facility.
The two experiments back where you left them.
You're either a child all grown up who lost their parents here, or an old employee wanting to know where your coworkers went.
One way or another, you come searching for the truth.
Except... You end up finding old friends.
How I imagine the dynamic for the rivalry goes is this;
DogDay acts as your guide through the facility when he finds you again... while CatNap hunts you both down.
CatNap has tried to hunt DogDay down for a long time now.
Yet the dog has managed to evade the cat for the most part.
Most of the time DogDay has had to hide in his smaller form, only using his monster form when necessary.
DogDay finds you by accident... but thankfully he was the one to find you first.
He at first watches you from the shadows, unable to believe you're really... you.
DogDay hasn't seen you, or any human, in years.
All the ones he knew of were dead.
Yet here you are... alive... alone.
Why are you alone...?
DogDay would hesitate on approaching you at first.
Although, once he feels he's scouted out the situation enough...
He approaches in his plush form.
At first, you're nervous as every other toy here has tried to kill you.
Yet despite the scars and the blood... You remember this one...
This is your DogDay.
The reunion is quick yet cute.
You end up scooping the small orange dog into your arms, cuddling him close.
Vanilla and blood fill your nose, a strange combination, yet you can only focus on the adorable hound in your arms as he excitedly nuzzles you.
DogDay becomes your companion after this, refusing to leave the only friend he has now.
Plus... What if CatNap decides to hunt you?
Speaking of which... CatNap no doubt picks up on a familiar scent in his hunting grounds.
From the shadows you are followed by the much larger purple cat, body skeletal as he hunts.
He smells that dreaded dog... but he also smells you.
You are a figure he hasn't seen since he was a much younger cat.
Your scent still relaxes him... Until he notices DogDay nestled in your arms.
The rest of the rivalry would probably go similar to the game... with some changes.
First of all, DogDay is a constant companion you carry around as you explore and try to find an exit.
CatNap isn't hunting you to eat you... No... He's hunting you to keep you to himself.
While both of them have monster forms, a rivalry is a bit one-sided for one reason.
Poppy Gas.
CatNap could easily put you and DogDay to sleep if he wanted to.
Except... The cat has always enjoyed a good chase.
DogDay would lay down his life to protect and care for you.
He's as loyal as a dog can get.
He loves you as his beloved friend, his angel.
There's times when you two think you're alone he's swap to his monster form just to keep you cradled against him when you need a rest.
Although, he prefers staying small to not scare you.
He may also just like being held by you.
DogDay isn't all that violent, but he'd do anything just to make sure you aren't taken.
Unfortunately... CatNap is a clever cat.
He stalks you two like you're both prey... Just so he can pounce when you two think you're safe.
While I personally think CatNap may come out on top in this rivalry, this could go two ways.
CatNap wins... or DogDay wins.
Eventually CatNap is going to get tired of stalking and waiting.
A confrontation would be the peak of this little game you're all playing.
Unfortunately... You're screwed no matter who comes out on top.
Let's talk about the more unlikely option... DogDay.
If CatNap finally decided to pounce and attack you and DogDay, the loyal dog would fight no matter what the outcome is.
Both experiments would fight tooth and nail to keep their beloved friend to themselves.
They've become animals, feral monsters that only know one thing.
Somehow maybe DogDay will come out on top, pulling away from the purple cat with blood around his mouth and paws.
He looks... terrifying after this.
He has his hunting instinct in full swing and only seems to soften once he sees his angel.
I feel, even though DogDay said he'd bring you to the exit and protect you... He ends up turning back on his word once he realizes he no longer has to hide.
He's in control of Playcare now, that and you;ve come back for him... You're all his!
Unfortunately... The dog would no longer wish to bring you home or out of the facility.
He apologizes for betraying you, but he doesn't want to be alone anymore.
Now... Now you have to stay with him.
DogDay promises he'll take care of you...
But your new home becomes Playcare, your loyal hound now at your side for as long as you live.
Then there's if CatNap wins.
He's been waiting ages to properly hunt this dog.
But now... CatNap has a new treat to play with.
CatNap would begin his attack by drugging you both.
With one big breath, Poppy Gas fills the room, leaving you and your loyal dog exhausted...
Before you eventually pass out.
By the time you wake up, you're in the purple cat's den.
He's curled around you, long furred tail wrapped around you like a snake.
You smell lavender wash over you... and the scent of blood... rot
You dread what that means... Yet as you look at the cat's sleeping face, you can see red around his mouth.
He's purring away... He no doubt devoured his friend before taking you in as his precious toy.
It terrifies you, the beast having not only found his prey...
But his old friend.
CatNap will never hurt you, even now he still cares for you.
However, you won't ever see the outside world again.
Once again... Playcare becomes your new home with your new forced furred companion.
Either end is a horrible way to be condemned to your fate.
You wish you could go back in time... to when these monsters were merely cute toys...
In reality, unfortunately, they were probably always monsters in the end... Just waiting to make their move.
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lexytoga · 2 days
Headcanons for Loki :
 They don't really smoke, just think it's gross and weird for humans to do
Loki prefers wine than beer, he likes sweeter drinks in general
Loki really can't sleep half the time  cause of the darkness most of the time he doesn't sleep (mobius might have gotten them a light lamp)
  Loki half the time goes to buy outfits from thrift stores he would go to places like Gucci but I feel like he would be offended by the prices 
Loki braids his hair hair before he sleeps mainly to get natural waves 
Loki likes candies a lot, mainly the sour and sweet ones but he didn't like the key lime pie and mostly ate the frosting until mobius gave him a pumpkin pie which Loki loved 
He wears eyeliner and carries eyeliner to fix it
Loki's Jontun form has gloves on cause he can't touch people since he would burn them
Loki mainly crafts his own weapon and powers them with his magic (like a poison knife)
Loki listens to Lana del Rey and sometimes Taylor Swift mainly cause he likes the sad and romantic vibes of it 
Loki weighs like a Frost giant even in his Asgardian form even though he is small the illusion doesn't change his weight (from what I know he is like 500 pounds) so mobius really has a hard time dragging Loki away
On a sunny day, Loki really has sun allergies but it's very light but worse in his jotunn form, it's one of his weaknesses, that the burns really don't heal that fast 
Loki has every birthday gift he was given because it is the only time he feels loved in a way, especially by Thor who would just get Loki a plushie
Speaking of plushies Loki has a bit of separation anxiety, it is not that bad but he does panic when someone he loves doesn't text back, like when mobius goes somewhere unannounced, as kids Thor and Loki would share a room cause of it, sometimes thor had to hold Loki when he sleeps, as an adult thor taught plushies would remind him that he is always with Loki
Loki's grave (the Infinity War Loki) would be visited by Thor every day, he would clean it and put plushies and flowers on the grave
Loki has a lot of pets some of them are Thori (a hellhound from Hel) Ikol (a nod to comic, and a magpie) a snake, and a cat named Clementine 
(This is more like a modern Loki au) Loki would have used his magic to make himself an apartment to stay on earth, Loki would come home to Clementine and hang out with her when he gets home
not really a headcanon but he does have all-speak, speaking all languages (again in the comics)
Loki sometimes wears high heels, but he would conjure shoes if they got uncomfortable
Loki sometimes bakes pies since he really isn't good at cooking, but he learned to bake a pie for mobius so he didn't have to eat from the TVA
Loki would conjiur a blanket on mobius when he would overwork and fall asleep on his desk
Mobius doesn't know how to fight so Loki uses his magic to protect mobius and help him heal
Loki has BPD (borderline personality disorder) but mobius tries to help him and calm him down when he gets angry
Loki usually scoops mobius up and hugs him random moments taking advantage of there height difference
Mobius would give Loki candy or a star after they complete a mission to encourage Loki to be more less violent
Loki doesn't curse at all but he uses more older words like quim and all or he would just mumble in asgardain, he has a habit of going back to old English using "thy" "aye"
Both Loki and mobius love language is touch and glares, Loki would telepathically talk to mobius when they are around people
Mobius loves how Loki would explain in a Shakespeare
As a kid Loki mainly pranked thor to cope with his insecurity, he still does but it was getting better with mobius comforting him
Mobius sometimes feels like he is lesser to loki and thinks he isn't good enough since Loki was a god
Loki would visit a variant of frigga who ofc knew it wasn't her Loki but yet treated him like no other
When frigga met mobius she was noting but happy and knew Loki was happy with mobius and other way around, she was glad her son found some he can be real with
Mobius always treated him equal to everyone and sees him as a lover and a friend, and never used the god title unless Loki wasn't sure of a mission being successful
(please note my version of loki is like a combo of MCU loki and comic loki! Most of these are not cannon in the MCU but it might in comics! and I keep using he/they prounce cause i am confused as hell-)
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Better late than never, yeah? Nowhere NEAR a comprehensive or full masterlist, but it’s what I could manage to do. I’m just glad to have it all together, it took, WAY to long 😭  
Also! This will now be attached to my pinned post!
Random TF2 Headcanons (Pt.1)
Random TF2 Headcanons (Pt.2)
Random TF2 Headcanons (Pt.3)
TF2 Mercs Pizza Preferences! 
Scout and Scout's Mom Headcanon 
TF2 Mercs at an amusement park!
What Do The TF2 Mercs Hate?
Would Red and Blu Mercs Get Along?
Red And Blu Team Differences!
TF2 Mercs and The Will Wood Songs I Think Fit Best. 
What Rhythm Games Do The TF2 Mercs Like and Why?
TF2 Mercs and Their Hobbies!
What's Songs Do The TF2 Mercs Like?
Soldier Headcanons!
How Do the TF2 Mercs Write?
TF2 Mercs At The Beach!
TF2 Mercs Reactions To Finding A Puddle After It Rains!
TF2 Mercs As Animals!
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favorite Animes?
TF2 Mercs Go To The ✨️Barbie✨️ Movie!
TF2 Mercs Cooking And Baking Skills!
What Kind Of Pajamas Do The TF2 Mercs Wear?
What Would The TF2 Mercs (+ Miss Pauling) Do If They Saw A Kitten Mid-Fight?
TF2 Mercs Halloween Costumes!
Mini Headcanon About History
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favorite Bands/Music Artists?
Medic And Junji Ito's Gyo: Tokyo Fish Attack
A Rant About Medic
Would The TF2 Mercs Survive In Their Favorite Video Game World? (+ Their Favorite Video Games)
How Would The TF2 Mercs React To Being Given A VR Headset?
PhDs and the Mercs
TF2 Mercs Getting Their Nails Painted/Nail Designs
Mini Headcanon- The Best Compliment You Can Give Each TF2 Merc!
Medic's Past Headcanons (Also Some Archimedes Content!)
What Would The TF2 Mercs Jobs Be If They Weren't Mercenaries?
HeavyMedic Angst/Comfort Saga:
Thoughts On Medic Reacting to Heavy's Death (Self Harm Warning)
Pt. 2
Pt. 3 (Suicide Warning)
Medic talking to Zhanna 
HeavyMedic Fluff As an Apology For The Angst!
Zhanna Gets her Brother Back, Medic Gets his Lover Back.
The TF2 Mercs Favorite Books!
Medic and Creepypastas!
How Would the TF2 Mercs React to a Close Teammate Dying In Battle? (Angst)
What Subjects Would The TF2 Mercs Teach?
What Mythical Creatures Would The TF2 Mercs Be?
SpyDad Post
Thoughts On Spy (Comic Spoilers)
Drunk Sniper Thoughts
The TF2 Mercs With A Pet Bunny!
Drunk Scout Thoughts
SpyDad Angst
What Instruments Do The TF2 Mercs Play? (Minus Medic and Sniper!)
SniperScout Angst Headcanons (No Respawn AU)
Scout's Reaction to Losing His Voice
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
How Scout got his Top Surgery
The TF2 Mercs Reactions to A Nightmare!
Soldier and PTSD
SniperScout First Date
❤️Red Demo + Blu Soldier💙
Scout and Chronic Pain
Swordvan Headcanons!
Sniper Loses an Eye HC (ft. Swordvan)
Spy/SpyDad Characterization
Medic Thoughts
Hyperflexible Spy and Scout
Headcanon Ask Game Ft. The TF2 Mercs:
Sniper and Engineer
Thoughts on the Heavy Part of HeavyMedic
❤️Red Sniper + Blu Spy💙 
Mercs Reaction To Finding Snow In The Morning!
The TF2 Mercs Spice Tolerance!
TF2 Mercs as Taffy Flavors
Talkative Medic Thoughts 
DemoSolly First Date 
Mixed Headcanons
The TF2 Mercs Favorite Flowers + Their Reaction to Receiving Them 
What Merc is the Worst at a Checkup?
HeavyTF2 Tummy Fic (Body Positivity) 
Jamison Breaks Down the Meet the Merc Videos (Work in Progress):
Jamison Breaks Down: Meet the Medic
Ask Game Headcanons Pt.2 Ft. The TF2 Mercs:
Engineer Headcanons
Fête des Pères 
TF2 Mercs as Cats!
Updated LGBTQ+ Mercs Headcanons (Pictures)
Nazi Medic Thoughts (It's bad.)
Medic TF2 Thoughts 
Spy's Past
Medic's Past
And more to come!
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pokeberry5 · 9 months
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i feel like i never draw tim smiling but bb robin tim smiles a lot! (in between angst and tragedy)
brought to you by my continued attempts at figuring out tim’s early robin hair
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golden-girl-daisy · 10 months
Living with a shiba is no different than living with a velociraptor. (Sound on)
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
fuckign obsessed with sabigiyu... sabito's tough and snarky and brash when hes around people but then see him with giyuu and hes the biggest fucking puppy... constantly touching and being affectionate whenever he can, harshly stopping/snapping at anyone who tries to badmouth giyuu or even looks at him wrong, always glancing back when hes talking looking for giyuu's attention and recognition- he so freely displays his love and its just so sickeningly sweet to anyone around as witness
giyuu's a youngest child too, you know he'd eat that shit up. he fucking loves how much sabito spoils him- the occasional time sabito tries to be stern or ignores him all he has to do is bat his eyes and raise the corners of his mouth and sabito near immediately caves to whatever he wants. anything to see giyuu's full smile, and giyuu never hesitates with him
they know exactly what the other wants at a given moment, know when to be soft and sweet or when to be rough and wild- quietly sitting together close enough for their thighs to touch and enjoying the warmth of eachother's presence to playfully pushing buttons until the other snaps and gives their full attention to grappling the other to the ground. they'd both stop at the drop of a dime for the other for whatever reason needed, lovingly teasing and calling the other an idiot the whole way out
#loserboy giyuu posting#fratboy sabito posting#sabigiyu#sabito x giyuu#i found Anything You Want(JAWNY ft. dojacat) and i just asfdghgjhykdsfghjkyj sABITO#he fucking loves giyuu sm. theyre both utterly obsessed with eachother but sabito's more outgoing abt it so its#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a different person when sabito's#way more obvious to outsiders. anyone who actually knows how giyuu is see how down bad he is- hes a completely different person when#sabito's around vs when hes not and everyone thinks they're ridiculous#sabito got in a fight one time bc he called someone pathetic for being scared to openly love their partner#giyuu had to drag him out like a cat carrying an angry kitten. he was staring them down with death in his eyes then as soon as line of#sight broke he looked to giyuu with a proud little smile and giyuu dropped him on his ass for getting into a fight for such a stupid reason#sabito tried to defend his superior opinion but stopped when giyuu kissed the top of his head and started walking off. scrambled to get up#and follow- whatever he was gonna say forgotten and no longer important#ough...#sorry im unwell about them#i like thinking of what they'd be like if they hadnt lost eachother and turned cold in eachother's absence like they did in canon#sabito asshole & giyuu spoiled brat supremacy#also this is ambiguous as to whether its canon-setting or modern its just Them#'youve got the funk- gets me stupid gets me drunk- ill do anything that you want- anything that you want want want'#its just oUGH
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thedrotter · 5 months
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re:kinder goofy (for the most part) doodle dump !!! last two are from. five months ago when i was barely starting to draw these characters but i found them amusing 😊 enjoy snacks
#re:kinder#fanart#doodles#hiroto re:kinder#rei re:kinder#shunsuke takano#aya re:kinder#yuuichi mizuoka#and company !!!#isnt it fun to see how i struggle to keep ym art style consistent even through my doodles isnt tjat awesome#miss mizuoka is there so i dont forget the fact i can draw adults but i dont wanna draw anything that isnt rekinder related#not because of anything serious just because my brain feels the barrier of being FORCED to draw other media...#must draw character from comfort media ONLY !!!! /lh#ou do forgive the goofy look of chie's cat i eont know how to draw a cat to save my life im so sorry#learned nothing from warrior cats phase 😞#for the uninformed the mistresses are holding tazos which are. idk little plastic disk things that used to come in potato chips in latam#its like em beyblades for americans (i think) . brag yo dragon ball tazo collection and fight with em#oh yeah ARE THOSE YUUICHI'S OCS LIKE GENUINELY ARE THE MISTRESSES HIS OCS OR IN UNIVERSE FAIRYTALE CHARACTERS#i ask myself that often like. is he just good at character design at 8 why do his monsters have such variety and nice color palettes#the sizes i drew for the mistresses are VERY VERY messy and i would likely draw them differently scale wise . but who care for funny doodle#sixth doodle pic was a palette cleanser after fighting for my life imitating 10 year old me's art style#i drew yuuichi as i would have as a child and i got afraid i would forget how to draw him in my current art style for some reason#its so runny now that i think about it#so many more things can be said but im zzzźzz good good night
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petalstem · 11 months
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Anyways here's my shot at guess which cat is which in the two big group shots we see in the new preview. Some of these are incredibly easy to guess, and others I'm a lot more hesitant on. Obviously all of the easy ones like Longtail, Tigerclaw, Whitestorm, Oakheart are guaranteed, but RiverClan is probably THE Clan most effected by the inconsistent allegiances in the first arc. I'm pretty much certain the cat I labeled "Mistyfoot?" isn't her at all, but I needed SOMETHING to put there. It's incredibly possible and decently likely that the cat I labeled as Stonefur is actually her, as we know they were both present at the battle.
Also the brown ear that Potentially-Stonefur is fighting is absolutely Mousefur. We know based on the original books that Mousefur was present at the battle, but notable she's also not a tabby and doesn't have green eyes, so she can't be the cat hanging on the ledge (Who's most likely Runningwind, as a brown tabby with green eyes), so the brown ear at the bottom fighting Potentially-Stonefur is absolutely Mousefur
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My partner finally finished BG3 but has no idea that his ending was actually bad cause he was a pro-Vlaakith githyanki who rode off with Lae'zel but got NO EPILOGUE where Withers points out y'all died im 😭😭😭
they have no idea what happened with Gale or anyone else (who was still alive) after flying away 🙃🙃🙃
#i cant even tell him cause hes gonna play again more “normally”#its so tragic he would like skip dialogue and just fight to get the jump on boss battles instead of waiting for the cutscenes to start#and he didn't exhaust dialogue trees!! like... how... why...#and also he staked Astarion 😭 and p much never reloaded#and didn't clear the shadow curse so no Halsin#also everyone at Last Light Inn died so Dammon was gone and Karlach only got 2 upgrades#and he didnt know moonrise towers was basically a second town#and his game was buggy a lot maybe? cause he kept trying to be hella creative with things and do things out of order#like killing gortash before doing steel watch 🙃#it's fine it's fine everyone plays differently#he tends to care more about gameplay than anything else but still!!#i just want him to know all the character backstories and see everything that made me emotional#i mean he did say he was sad when Lae'zel broke up with him in act 3 and when Karlach died and when he had Gale use the orb in act 2#which he considered his canon ending :/ sigh#i dont think he got Jaheira's lines about death#and he didnt understand why Karlach wouldn't go back to the hells#and he thought Wyll was happy being the duke (and has NO idea you could save his dad cause the mission didn't happen!! 😭)#the iron throne was like my fave mission outside of killing Cazador and I can't discuss either one cause he didn't do them properly yet 😭😭#he also avoided talking to children so he missed those quests and yenna glitched so no cat appeared in camp 🙃#sighhhhh cannot believe he plays so differently than i do lollll#he didn't even do unlimited kisses with Lae'zel!! meanwhile im over here kissing Astarion every night hahahah#hoping my partner doesn't see IRL if I have the office door open as if it matters lmfaooooo#i need him to play again and see why im in love with a video game character lol#maybe we could both um... benefit from knowing more about all of Astarion's scenes lmao#but like he has NOT SEEN Astarion's silly or sweet side yet just him being a bit of a chaotic vampire#and thinks i like him cause of vampires WRONG!! play the game again and see that i love his silly & sweet real self!#bg3 spoilers#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3#baldur's gate 3
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garrettwrites · 3 months
I see so many posts about cats being dumb that I honestly question if the countless cats I've been around my whole life are/were real or not. I've only ever met one dumb cat. Every single other one would win at chess if their far superior brain, geared towards bigger achievements, could spare time to comprehend the rules.
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bluejaybytes · 7 months
@snowshinobi Hiiiii :3 I'm responding to your tags on a new post and not the original since the original was already somewhat lengthy, and I plan on being LONG and RAMBLY, but I have sooo many thoughts on what you said and I'm going to say them. Also my browser crashed TWICE (TWO TIMES. 2) when trying to write this post so I'm really fighting for my life out here to get my silly little OC posts done. Also it's under the cut because it's looooong as hell LMAO
Firstly, you're so nice to me forever <3 Secondly, I think you've basically hit the nail on the head. The majority of the issues Maggie has coming back from death and her 9 years gone are really tied almost exclusively to her close family, because she... never really had anyone else. While in-universe it's only 9 years, realistically the jump in technology and culture is around ~20-30 years (Maggie died in the 90s/early 2000s essentially, and wakes up in a just barely futuristic city), but... the most jarring thing to her in terms of what she missed out on is just. Flipphones are no longer popular. Other than her family, she's only close with one other person... who just so happens to be a ghost, and therefore both 1. Wouldn't change much over the timespan due to how long she's been a ghost and 2. Unlike her family, was aware that something happened, since she could see the ghost-of-a-ghost Maggie left behind (The ghosts name is Opal, she positions herself as a sort of "guardian angel" figure, though she's not actually, and serves as just another parental figure for Maggie while also getting after the ghosts that constantly harass her to pass on messages to the living). Maggie has no real relationships outside of her family, and while her relationships with her family are massively impacted by her unknowing death, other than that... the timeskip itself doesn't weigh on her because she had no one regardless. Her struggle to adjust to everything thats happened would've happened regardless of the timeskip for her, because she was such an isolated shut-in that it's the same whether it happened the next day, or nearly a full decade later
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So another very interesting thing is that you've actually completely seen where I was going with everything, in spite of everything I said being very surface level and not actually delving into the plot at all. I completely skimmed over Jenna (She's very important to the plot, but she's by in large a regular person as opposed to Maggie's... everything), but for some additional context, Jenna has a horrendously shitty homelife, so her moving in with Maggie is both a gradual process (It goes from spending time there, to spending nights, to eventually just never going back home and moving in fully), and also serves as an escape for her. Part of that is also, so vitally, the food aspect. For some additional additional context, souls essentially serve as a persons lifeforce, practically every bodily function is improved by a soul that's stronger, though the "strength" of a soul is essentially entirely random, and not dependent on the individuals actions of any kind. Maggie had a generally weird soul before (Seeing ghosts inherently means she has to have something going on with her soul), but when she wakes up after her death, her soul is now even weirder, and part of that is that it essentially lets her get away with bad habits she absolutely should be seeing more consequences for. She barely eats, and when she does, it's basically exclusively crackers and whatever other safe foods she has around the house, because actually making food is a level of care and effort she just... doesn't give to herself in the slightest. Part of Jenna staying with her is that Jenna, without really discussing it, entirely takes up the mantle of caretaker of the apartment, with the biggest task being food prep, Jenna sees Maggie's unwillingness to take care of herself and silently steps up and starts making her actual meals so she's eating properly.
The problem is is that this also kinda... just straight up sucks? Jenna doesn't think much of it, it's something that needed to be done so she's doing it, she wants Maggie to be well fed even if she won't do it herself, and she's already been responsible for making all of her own meals for years prior anyways, so it's just another thing she does. Except that's shitty! Maggie's seen firsthand how terrible her homelife is, and it really weighs on her how even in her escape from that, Jenna's still being put in a position where she feels like she must care for her or else she just won't eat properly. So food is such a massively important thing to both of them, it's this symbol of love for both of them, it's love on the part of Jenna, for stepping in and taking care of Maggie when she can't do it herself, and it's love on the part of Maggie, for realizing how her own bad habits impact the people she cares about and wanting to lift that weight by taking care of herself better. It's also very vital for Maggie because she just... doesn't... have hobbies. Learning how to cook becomes really her only hobby and she puts all of her love and care into it, because for the first time in a long while she's actually passionate about something! ...Unfortunately she also is very very bad at it. She's inventing new dishes like "Burnt Salad" and "Please Help I Fucked Up Kraft Mac N Cheese" and still having to have Jenna come in and help her. But it's the thought that counts, and it'll only be a matter of time before she can make something vaguely edible.
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And finally, the stuff about names! I didn't post it here, but while idly talking about her in a Discord server I'm in, I definitely think that had I made Maggie like even a few months later than I would've done she would've been nonbinary. As it stands right now though, I'm saying she's probably some form of genderweird but too busy trying not to die to think about it <3 Growing up knowing that ghosts are real and routinely being shut down by authority figures in her life about it has made her very aware of how bullshit a lot of things are and how the people who claim to be knowledgeable tend to not know what they're talking about (Beyond just the "people don't think ghosts are real", she's also got ghosts willing to tell her when people are lying because they've got nothing better to do than just gossip) , so if she spent even just a moment thinking about gender as a social construct she'd instantly recognize that and probably take up some form of genderweird label, but as it stands she's just too stressed with Being The Protagonist to think about that
Now, the thing with Margaret. I'm not even going to lie to you, I think you made a better connection to how a name connects with community in terms of the narrative themes than I did. The thing with Margaret denying the name "Maggie" existed for two reasons, the in-universe explanation is that, with the little scrap of soul Margaret has leftover from Maggie, it's essentially working overtime just to keep her vitals working, it can't dedicate time and energy to making her an individual with preferences and a personality, so part of that is that she doesn't respond to "Maggie" because ultimately, that is not her name. Her name is Margaret and she's not going to respond to "Maggie" because "Maggie" isn't her name. Of course, out of universe the reasoning is that I wanted an easy way to distinguish between Maggie as she is the protagonist, and the version of her that lived in the years she was gone, so different names makes the most sense.
I think your connection to how name relates to community genuinely works on a level I hadn't fully pieced together myself yet and I really love that because I think that absolutely works with everything. One of the main conflicts of the plot is how Maggie is entirely disconnected from her family thanks to the years she was gone, with Margaret having no priorities beyond "survive", she basically never spoke with her parents or brother for years. While her family tried to reach out to her repeatedly (Especially given that, while they're unaware the truth of what happened the night Maggie was murdered, they do know something happened, and they believe that whatever it was severely traumatized her, and that's where the sudden and drastic shift in personality came from), there's a point where they just... gave up. She wasn't trying to talk with them or contact them in the slightest, so around a year or two after Margaret moved out, her parents gave up on her. Her brother would still be there a bit, but he also didn't really... try... anymore.
When Maggie wakes up, she tries to call her parents... and they don't pick up. They'd grown resentful over the years, and now that Maggie wants to talk to them, they don't forgive her for the years of not speaking to them, and aren't interested in whatever she has to say after nearly a decade of trying to reconnect with her and being met with nothing. It's her insistence that she wants to be called Maggie that actually gets her brother to realize she's telling the truth and that something happened. She shows up at his door, already something that Margaret wouldn't have done, and that combined with her being visibly upset when he calls her Margaret and tells him that's not her and that she's Maggie, it signals to him that whatever's going on is real (...though he would've figured this out eventually, given that she also literally 17 again and not in her mid-20s, and has a giant glowing stab wound in her chest). I think it works absolutely perfectly as being a symbol of community, her disconnect from her community is what led to her being called Margaret, and her desperation to be returned to that community is when she's Maggie again. So uh. Congrats on getting the themes of my OCs better than I did <3
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And uhhhh closing thoughts! I honestly did still skim over the majority of the plot (Literally never even mentioned Eli or what's going on with her stab wound </3), but I think you reeeeally hit the nail on the head with everything I'm kinda getting at with these OCs, which is... frankly wild given how little main plot I actually got at. Basically everything I mentioned in my original post was the setup, not the main plot. But waaaaugh thank you for being so niceys to me and also giving me another excuse to ramble endlessly <3
#my OCs#uhhh MAGGIE FUN FACTS:#Animals can tell when a soul is weird so she has a colony of stray cats that hang around her apartment door#she doesnt even LIKE animals that much (She barely takes care of HERSELF shes not taking care of any animals.)#but they all like her weirdass soul and keep hanging around because of it#When the plot ends she gives one of the stray cats to her parents as a 'sorry i died' gift#The cats name is Marge- named by Jenna and also specifically its 'Marge' said in a Simpsons impression. any Simpson#It's Jennas FAVORITE cat out of the strays bc she says she looks like Maggie. also Marge is a male cat#Neither Jenna nor Maggie know how to tell the difference between a male and female cat reliably so they assume Marge is female- hes not#Also Eli's the closest to the 'main antagonist' the story gets. hes an old coworker of Margarets and basically her only friend#and Maggie's too scared with her whole 'is actively dying' thing and doesnt know how to tell him 'hey im not your friend- she died'#ELI thinks that Margaret is essentially have some sort of extreme mental breakdown and is trying to get her help bc he cares about her-#-unaware that Maggie is essentially a different person and doesnt know him#anyways uhhhh Maggie attempts to beat him to death with her laptop once. sorry Eli. luckily shes 17 and scrawny as fuck-#-so he's able to throw her off of him but its still. BAD#Maggie's got INSANE insomnia for a large variety of reasons- and falls asleep on the floor one night while on her laptop#Eli- having gotten off work late and going to check on Margaret- who hasnt shown up to work in weeks and isnt answering her phone#-spots Maggie passed out on the floor and assumes shes having some sort of medical emergency#Margaret had left her spare keys at work which he'd grabbed- so he lets himself in to get her to a hospital#Only for Maggie to wake up. With a strange man in her apartment in the middle of the night. Wuh Oh !#THIS time however- when she's home alone (shes not alone Jenna's asleep in the other room) and she spots a stranger in her house-#-she ends up with a fight reaction and NOT freeze <3#also her full name is Margaret Elisabeth Newell and her brothers name is Hawke#one of the very few times i will give my OC a full name- and entirely bc my friend suggested her last name LMAO#also she believes in bigfoot. GHOSTS are real and theyre WAY less believable than 'big ape' so she fully believes it#Opal keeps trying to tell her no that ones ACTUALLY not real and shes like uh huh. sure. ill believe it when i see it
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mini-minish · 1 year
cr discourse (ish?) in the tags cause im sick and i need something to complain about that doesnt actually affect anything important in real life 💖
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zkretchy · 2 years
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@alllthequeenshorses you continue being too funy-have this for now and also thank you for all the tags they made my day(night?)!!
#the witcher#possession au#kiyan#geralt#the duo of kiyan and roach is also something terrifying to imagine thank you#i currently have 1(one) serious note in my...well note file of this#which is imagining the hell that would be cut loose#is kiyan was around for the threads quest aka 'hey karadin killed aiden help me get revenge'#but like...now you have a whole extra cat to consider who will be very pissed#lambert&kiyan ready to tear karadin apart rIGHT NOW#geralt having to be the reasonable one currently trying not to have every city on the way report them for gruesome murder#and also actually getting them to skellige etc#i KNOW in game you have the option to be nice and soft and not kill everyone...but like....I am not going for that#i dont think geralt would protect karadin either#i know the sniper died bc i was like 'oki lambs go have fun and do it how you want <333' and then woops i got to stab people#a win win as far as i'm concerned really#anyway thats again a completely different topic but yeah#in my griffins au aiden def gets to live bc there are a couple of kids ready to protect and fight for him#and while he will survive whenever i want this would prob keep it more like a hidden faked death case#just so i can imagine the terror ghost/demon kiyan could bring on top of everything#more fun#also apparently kiyan now got my trait of 'be quiet/more introverted a lot of time but also overshare and poke at everything bc emotional-#zoomies' or smth#idk i either do nothing or wanna run across the ceiling no betweens#rn its a ceilings case-I have been switching between 10 videos the past 2 minutes and am not relaxed/tired enough for anything relaxing#insert cat fuck/fight zoomies here i GUESS#how do you exhaust a ghost though.....fuck#art#zkretchy
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heavystep · 1 year
Okay I tried out clangen and my medicine cat became mates with the leader, said medicine cat had an affair with the bloodthirsty deputy and had kids with him in secret, and then the deputy murdered one of the kids from the med cat's relationship with the leader. And then the med cat murdered the leader's apprentice. And then the deputy took an official mate and that mate murdered the leader's only other remaining biological child. Already there is so much going on
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carnationcomplex · 2 years
grad school update: I have a fucking book report due on monday
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waffultaim · 2 days
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Some mama time sketchs too
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