#and then the car service getting there i felt so fancy and as the drive started the clouds were magically dissipating
carcarrot · 3 months
this time last year i was probably sitting in the kitchen while my dad started making an early dinner of chicken bolognese trying not to get too nervous about the concert i'd be going to in a few hours
#the nyc concert was last year. LAST YEAR .#thats so insane like yeah that feels like a year ago but good god the insane amount of stuff that has happened since#but god i remember that day so well#it was cloudy and a little rainy in the morning which made me ough thinking it was a bad omen and wouldnt be as fun#and i remember going to library and printing out my silly letters (i should have just. not done that lol)#and on the DAY OF on the way back home from the library#i even bought a cropped black blazer specifically for my concert outfit. havent worn it since lmao#and my dad and i even watched a movie at lunch#a short movie but a movie nonetheless. lol and even then i was like oghh my gosh excitement and nervousness#and then the car service getting there i felt so fancy and as the drive started the clouds were magically dissipating#so that it was a nice clear evening when i got to the theatre#and then all the insanity of the show. god i cant believe it still after all this time. wowie#going to listen to a playlist of the show setlist im gonna get emotional now. guys........#one of my fave memories is how everyone started standing up as they went into so may we start so i was like ok are we all doing this#and stood up too and then stood for the entire rest of the concert. i think the first 3-5 rows were like that for the whole show#surreal and insane i was front row. those guys were REAL and CLOSE#i was also very excited to notice russells new shoes :) when i wasnt like awooga (how i was 99% of the time)#there was one so may we start jump that was well. yeah. front row baby#i think after latte i was like ok i cant film i gotta just vibe#religious experience doing the 'ah ah ah's during that. really interesting#ok im not gonna go through the whole show again but wowie one of my most insane nights. second only to hollywood bowl#wow what a fun year it was. just so many incredible moments#ok yay 💖 happy one year to all that. love those guys so much#spars#ok not actually done beaver o lindy was INSANE LIVE!!! AS WAS EVERYTHING ELSE. so fun ok now done for real
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svtswhorehouse · 4 months
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• sugar daddy or boyfriend? (the answer is both.)
• the definition of a REAL MAN. no one has ever treated you with as much respect or given you as much love as seungcheol has.
• you're his pretty little passenger princess and he's your personal chauffeur.
• mom and dad of the group, duhhhh.
• he would drop anything and everything just to give you his undivided attention, no matter how important it is.
• yes. he would still love you if you were a worm.
• he would definitely give you his bank card without a second thought. it would also be linked to your phone, he insists on you using it always and would throw a fit when you don't.
• you would also give him your card at times and he always takes it without a fight, but would never use it.
• would take you out on dates in which you can dress up pretty and maybe dine at a fancy and EXPENSIVE restaurant. don't be fooled though. he also pays attention to the little things so if you're into books, he's taking you to a library themed restaurant. if you like animals, he's booking a ticket to orlando and ya'll are going to the rainforest cafe or something.
• you would never have to lift a finger ever again.
• he would wash your car, fill it up with gas, and take it to go get serviced without any complaints.
• he would burn down the world for you.
• he always puts you first. if he had to pick between you or the company (if they ever made him choose) he doesn't even need to think, it would be you every time.
• also your body guard ! any social gathering ya'll attend, he always has his eyes on you no matter how far away you are from him.
• times in which you do drive yourself, ya'll are definitely the type of couple to have life 360 on each other. he would text you saying to slow the fuck down if you're speeding.
• no matter how much you insist he goes to sleep and no matter how late you're getting home — it could be 4 in the morning, he will ALWAYS wait up for you.
• he has the habit of buying you anything you even slightly mention. he also pays close attention to the things you look at when out shopping together and they would show up delivered to your apartment the next day. he would take the heat from you, but still would continue to spend his money on you.
• when you have a bad day, he is already there with open arms ready to give you the biggest bear hug and shield you from the rest of the world.
• whenever you two go out together, he always has a hand on your back to guide you through crowds or just so everyone knows that you're off limits.
• if you ever lose during game nights with friends or really anywhere, he would do the penalties for you!
• he always makes sure you're on the inside when walking near a street.
• if you ever doubt yourself or feel insecure, prepare for a long serious conversation with lots of tears because he WILL NOT be having any of that. no. not when he thinks you're one of the most beautiful, talented, and honorable people he knows.
• you have never felt so safe and secure than when he's around.
• he will constantly be saying "i love you." definitely the type to call you back immediately if you forget to say it and hang up.
• he has a personal agenda out for revenge against anyone who hurts or disrespects you in any type of way.
• he will be your designated driver for not only you BUT your friends as well during girl's night out.
• he may be competitive, but when it comes to you, he would let you win just so he can see a smile on your face.
• says he CAN'T (won't because he's stubborn) fall asleep if he's not cuddling you.
• he becomes the softest most kindhearted person in the world when it comes to you.
• he gets jealous easily, but he trusts you with his whole heart so he doesn't dwell on it for too long.
• when it comes to arguing, no matter if he was in the right or wrong, he is always the first to apologize. definitely the type to get you chocolate, flowers, and ALWAYS gets you a teddy bear after.
• would make you sit on his back when doing pushups or would give you a piggy back ride when he is doing pull-ups !
• he LOVES when you wear his clothes. you would always find his shirts or hoodies on your side of the closet and be like "hmm, how did this get here?" ask your boyfriend.
• rarely ever calls you by your name. always calls you baby or something cute. he also insists that you don't call him seungcheol. he will pout if you do.
• definitely impressed your parents right off the bat. your family absolutely adores him and your parents treat him like a son.
• he would tease you by giving you a hug when he's all sweaty after practice.
• he INSISTS on picking you up EVERYDAY after work.
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
I've been meaning to write for Sugar Daddy!Price, so here it is. This is me caving into my personal desires.
Minors and Ageless Blogs Do Not Interact!! While this post is SFW, my blog isn't!!
Perhaps you're in need of more money because of your student debt, your inflated rent, or simply because you want to live a more lavish lifestyle. Either way, you find yourself one of those sugar baby websites, putting yourself out there for all potential sugar daddies to see.
It took you a few failed sugar daddies, who only wanted you for sex, to find John Price. He was a military man, which made you wary, but he seemed really sweet in his chats with you and the real kicker?
He didn't want you to have sex with him.
So despite your initial hesitance, you took up John's offer of going out to dinner with him to sort out all of the details of your arrangement. You put on the fanciest suit you owned, leaving the house and getting into the very nice car that John sent over to pick you up.
When you got to the restaurant, which was indeed as fancy as you thought it'd be, John was there to greet you. He hadn't yet gotten seated at the table, leading to him gently guiding you as you two followed the waiter to your table.
The hand he placed at the small of your back warmed you through your clothes, as if it was touching bare skin. His pressure was firm, but not too firm to feel as though he was the only one driving your footsteps forward. It was more protective than commanding.
"Here, let me get that for you," John murmured as he went to pull out your chair for you. Despite you both being men, he clearly seemed to still want to be a gentleman, pushing your chair in when you sat down.
He ordered the drinks, giving you the option of an alcoholic drink or a non-alcoholic one. As the waiter left you two to go over the menu after giving you your drinks, you found it was the perfect time to start the conversation.
You worried your lip briefly before speaking. "So you said you're not looking for sex, but what are you looking for?" you asked, curiosity dripping in your voice. "What does being your sugar baby entail?"
John smiled at your question, leaning back in his seat to look at you fully. "It doesn't entail much, I'm away on deployments most of the time. I just want someone to take out on dates and to be in my presence when I am home from deployments," he answered, blunt to the point where you were surprised by his honesty. "I don't expect you to only have one sugar daddy or even not have a boyfriend, though I will still pay you even if I'm on deployments, I just ask to have your attention when I am home."
"Too busy to date?" you teased, relishing in the way your comment made a mischievous glint sparkle in Price's blue eyes.
"I am too busy to date and most people don't want a partner who's away for months on end." John swiped a drop of wine off his bottom lip before it could fall, your eyes instinctively tracking the movement. He then refocused on you. "Sugar babies are much easier in that respect, I don't have to worry about someone not liking waiting for me because they're getting paid."
You took in his words, mulling it over in your mind as the waiter came back, taking your orders. You then glanced up at John, taking in his handsome features and the offer he was giving you.
It was so nice to know that even when he was going to be deployed, he'd still be sending you money. Part of you felt like you were cheating him out of a good service, but the part of you that craved the money couldn't care. He clearly didn't.
As the food arrived, you two continued to sort out everything, John writing things down for when he'd draw up a contract for you two to sign. The rest of the dinner went well and since he was paying you for this dinner, you offered to come back to his place despite the fact that there was no contract yet.
John thought it over a while before shaking his head and gently turning you down, kissing your forehead and placing you in the car. He bid you goodbye before closing the door, signaling to the chauffeur to drive you back home.
You had a feeling being John's sugar baby would be interesting to say the least.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
Welcome back! I have been enjoying your writing but never sent you request before. Would you write maybe Alfie and a younger reader and he likes her. He wants to marry her but she is not ready so he tells her he would wait forever and it's really sweet and patient. something like that I don't know. you can decide if you like it. Thank you!
“Libretto” — (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader)
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SUMMARY — Age difference between you be damned, Alfie was quite happy to wait for you forever.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Thank you so much for the request! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Feedback is always much appreciated.
WORD COUNT — 1,678
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The first time you met Alfie Solomons was purely an accident. At least, you had to lie and swear to the police that it had all been an accident, if only in order to wriggle yourself out of getting arrested.
Now, had you known the man you nearly ran over with your brother’s car was the gangster boss of Camden Town, you could have been persuaded to drive a little more carefully. Especially since the car had been “borrowed” as well.
But, of course, how could you have known? Which was precisely the reason why the first words you uttered to the man were:
“Watch where you’re fucking going!” 
All due credit to Alfie Solomons, he couldn’t have been more shocked.
Now, you have to understand that a man like Alfie Solomons, a particularly dangerous man like Alfie Solomons, usually wasn’t shocked by much. It was not every day, however, that he met a girl with eyes so full of rage, driving a fancy Bentley so obviously outrageous and most likely stolen. It was more than enough to get his interest.
“Well?!” you shouted again as you got out of the car. 
It wasn’t until two police officers approached you, however, that you changed your tune. Immediately spotting your confusion, it was time for Alfie to enter the game.
“Alright, Mr. Solomons?” one of the policemen asked, feigning concern, though both of them were so obviously in Alfie’s pocket that they would have arrested you on the spot—had Alfie still not been so mesmerised by your outburst. And so, to your astonishment, they simply awaited his orders.
To Alfie’s absolute delight, you tried your best not to show how scared you were at that moment, so Alfie took his sweet fucking time before saying:
“Right, gentlemen, thank God you’re here, ‘cause there I was, mindin’ me own business, yeah, an’ there she comes, driving like the Devil’s on her tail, hair a mess—!”
“I beg your pardon, my hair is not a mess!”
“Right now it is, yeah.”
“No, it is not!”
“Are ya suggestin’ I should lie about what I saw, Miss?”
“So you… want us to arrest the lady, sir?” one of the policemen interrupted that exchange, incredulous at the interaction between you and Alfie. 
It served Alfie right, however, since his reputation had always been one to take care of the women in his community. As things were between him and the law, that charity probably remained the only thing between him and the noose.
“Nah, ‘course not,” Alfie waved his hand dismissively. “She’s clearly in a hurry, ain’t ya, luv?” Alfie asked you, with a smirk so devious you felt your cheeks going hot.
“Yes,” you said meekly, then saw Alfie make a face to encourage you to keep going. To spin the tale. 
“I… You see, it’s my grandmother,” you said smoothly and Alfie’s smirk only grew. “That’s my brother’s car, he let me borrow it to fetch the doctor. It’s consumption, you see. Overtakin’ her as we speak.”
As the cherry on top, you stifled a fake sniff.
“Now you see, gentlemen, it’s a case of utmost emergency!” Alfie shouted, waving his cane about and obviously taking great pleasure in participating in your lie. “Thank you for your service, lads, there ya go.” 
As the policemen gladly accepted a not-so-discreet bonus to their payment, you saw your chance and started to get back to the car.
But you thoroughly underestimated Alfie’s game.
“There now, I’ll drive ya, luv, you can never be too careful in these parts,” he said and quickly, quicker than you anticipated for the man, he made himself comfortable in the driver’s seat.
“Wouldn’t want any more accidents on the way, now would we, luv?” Alfie grumbled as he promptly handed you his cane and proceeded to fumble with the breaks and the accelerator as if he was trying to tame the car, not run it.
“There we go,” he announced as the engine sputtered and roared and you two sped along the street in a no less reckless manner than you had been driving before.
“Watch out!” you shrieked as Alfie almost drove straight into a flower cart on the corner.
“Don’t worry, luv, I know the way!” Alfie replied, then made a sharp turn towards London Bridge.
“You do?!”
“Right, not exactly, no, but it’s plain as day you’re not from Camden, luv.”
“What gave it away…” you sniped. 
“Now, don’t get cocky, right, ya still almost ran me over an’ I have to tell ya, luv, that takes balls, right! ‘Cause as things stand, the bounty for me is as high as they go.”
You paled at the notion and when Alfie glanced at your expression in between the turns, he roared with laughter.
“Naaah, luv, don’t be like that! Just pullin’ your leg.”
“Very funny.”
“I like to think so, yeah.”
Obviously too pleased with himself to notice, Alfie missed you paying close attention to the cane you were still holding. It was definitely heavy and so well-used that you had trouble distinguishing what used to be the shape of its head.
“Right, seein’ as you almost ended me on my own bloody street, luv, you might as well give me your name,” Alfie interrupted your musings, not too pleased about your close inspection of his personal belongings (even though the contradicting bastard gave it to you for self-keeping himself).
But you gave him your name regardless and he remarked he thought it pretty. When you also gave him your address, he drove you straight home and even got out first to open the door for you. You thanked him quickly for what you supposed was straight up hijacking the car, but seeing as you had done so first to your brother, you thought the deeds even. You only prayed no one would see you with Alfie through the window. You knew your sisters would never let you forget it had they seen you two together.
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You couldn’t have known that wouldn’t be the last time you saw Alfie Solomons. Somehow throughout the following weeks you seemed to have more chance encounters together than the Fates could possibly allow.
He was always pleasant about it, though, and sometimes even brought you flowers. Then he started buying you lunches and somehow it turned into a little tradition just between you two. You ate lunch together every Thursday.
You weren’t stupid of course, you knew what Alfie was after, but truth be told… You wouldn’t exactly mind giving it to him.
He never outright proposed, but he hinted at marriage enough times that it became just one more piece of the regular fun little puzzle between you.
“An’ how’s my favourite girl this mornin’?” he would ask you when he met you for a stroll.
“Very well, thank you, Alfie,” you’d reply, your tone thoroughly overdone on the casual side. 
“Not too cold?”
“Not too hungry?”
“Don’t think so.”
“So how ‘bout you marry me today, luv?”
“Oh, I can’t, Alfie!” you giggled as you looped your arm through his and let him lead you around the park. “I’m—”
“Right, let me guess,” he smirked. “Got my shirt inside out again?”
“No, the shirt is very clean today. That’s very unlike you.”
“Well, that’s a first.”
“Well, I told you not to fire your housekeeper, haven’t I?” 
“Yeah, no harm done, I offered that old bat her bloody job back,” he grumbled and you giggled again.
“You’ll thank me later, Alfie.”
“I’m sure I won’t, luv.”
“You’re one stubborn man, d’you know that?”
“Yeah, can’t say I’ve never been told that one before.”
“So why can’t I marry you today, Alfie? You promised to guess.”
“Right, how’s about you’re too cold?”
“No, the weather’s quite nice.”
“Too hot?”
“Not really.”
“Too old?”
“Too young?”
You paused and so did he, because he somehow sensed this time it wasn’t just a game between you two. This time it wasn’t just banter; it was real.
“Luv, if I’m makin’ you do anythin’ you wouldn’t want to—”
“No!” you interrupted that train of thought as quickly as possible and took his hand in yours. “No. It’s just that… I don’t think I’m ready to be a wife, yet.”
“Right, in what way?”
“In… In every way, I suppose. I have no idea about running a household or ironing shirts or…”
“Right, thankfully yours truly has already been told he’s a slob.”
“Alfie, this is serious!”
He looked at you expectantly. You still haven’t let go of his hand, which he thought was rather promising.
“I just think I’d make a lousy wife, Alfie.”
“Yeah, that’s that then, luv, right, ‘cause look at the pair of us, I’d be a real lousy husband.”
That got him another giggle out of you, which he thought might have boosted his chances a little.
“Luv, if your parents don’t approve—”
“My parents don’t give two shits, Alfie, I’m not a princess or an heiress,” you chuckled. “I have two younger sisters and two brothers, as far as my chances stand I’d be happy if I scored a baker or some sort.”
“Right, funny you should say that…”
“A front doesn’t count, you madman!”
Even though you knew you crossed a line there by the way he looked around you two, he never did anything to chastise you or show his disapproval at the revelation you just uttered at full volume. In a way, it already told you everything there was to know about the man, had his previous behaviour not been proof enough that he cared about you a great deal.
You already knew you wanted to marry him, age difference between you be damned. So what were you so afraid of exactly?
“Luv, you already know I’m happy to wait for you forever if—”
You shook your head and got on your tiptoes to kiss him mid-speech, since you already knew that a speech was coming. The answer was, with Alfie by your side, you wouldn’t be afraid of anything.
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 (𝟏𝟖+)
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[ PAIRING ] Sangwoo Oh x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] I'm sorry. [ SYNOPSIS ] Desperate for guidance you turn to your parish's beloved priest. [ WORD COUNT ] 5.2k [ CONTENT ] DARK CONTENT, modern AU, y/n wears a dress, sacrilege (I sexualize Saint Sebastian among other things), violence, gore, noncon, sadomasochism, oral sex (m + f receiving), facial, vaginal fingering, virginity loss, alcohol, drugging, manipulation, gaslighting, degradation (he calls you a bitch and a slut), strength kink, size kink, creampie, blood, cannibalism, murder.
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Mass was the only thing you looked forward to. All week you would anxiously await Sunday morning, unable to sleep. Sitting in the pews, hanging on your priest’s words was the only time you felt even a modicum of joy. It was a sanctuary, a place untainted by the trappings of the world.
The world was cruel and unforgiving, secular and obscene, a temptress. It stirred up the wanton feelings you tried to keep buried. Its lax rules and unrestrained passions marred you, kept you away from God’s shining light. However you never considered yourself wholly devoted to God; your relationship was always on shaky ground. Even as a kid you doubted your place in the church. The darkness lurking inside you convinced you that you weren’t worthy.
Your love of your family trumped your love of Christ. You coveted the riches of your neighbors, their fancy cars and their fashionable yet tasteful clothing. You were lazy, haunted by the illnesses you feigned as a child so you could miss school. You felt envious of your peers. Being a good Catholic came so naturally to them. Why was it such a struggle for you? Why were you cursed to wrestle with Satan?
For the longest time you kept your struggle to yourself. Sometimes you even fantasized about leaving it all behind. God wouldn’t miss a heathen, especially one constantly fighting the disgusting beast inside them. There was no point of keeping up the charade if you were so bad at it.
But that all changed when Father Sangwoo took over your parish. He was young for a priest, maybe a few years older than you at most. You constantly found yourself gazing at him during service. His voice was deep and reassuring. He was tall and had broad shoulders. He was an image of perfection, though he did look perpetually sleep deprived. His beauty was enough to make you recommit yourself to the Lord.
This revived fervor came with a new shade of self-loathing. You spent every Saturday night fingering yourself and whimpering his name. Lusting after a priest was unforgivable. But you couldn’t help it; you were insatiable.
This loathed hunger gave you the courage to linger around after mass though, your eyes fixed on Father Sangwoo. You never uttered a word or even approached him. You knew you’d end up saying something stupid. Lurking was the only intimacy you could handle. Having his direct attention would be agonizing. It’d bring you to your knees.
Usually you were content with this arrangement, but sitting in the back of the pews while two women preened him was driving you crazy. One fastened a loose button on his shirt. Another plucked a stray hair off his shoulder. You clenched your fists, digging your nails into your palm. They didn’t deserve to touch him.
You were so absorbed by your silent rage you didn’t notice him staring back at you. You flinched as your eyes met his. You tried to get up, but nearly tripped over your own foot. Your face was hot as you escaped, baptized by the crisp morning air.
“We’ll see you next Sunday, Father,” one of the women said in a sing-song voice as she brushed past you.
“We’ll see you next Sunday, Father,” you repeated under your breath mockingly.
A weighty hand grabbed a hold of your shoulder, pulling you out of your hateful haze.
“What was that?” Father Sangwoo asked, freezing you on the spot.
Your nerves got the better of you and you laughed. “It was nothing.”
You turned around to face him. He tilted his head to the side, his concerned look left you feeling exposed. It was as if he could see through you, like he could peel back whatever lies you were desperately trying to craft.
“I was just talking to myself.”
“Well that was obvious. But you didn’t answer my question. What were you saying?” he asked with a smile.
We’ll see you next Sunday, Father. You repeated the words over and over in your head, trying to conjure up a sentence that had a similar ring to it. It was maddening. Nothing came to mind. It was as if you had never spoken in your life.
“I… I said… I was saying—”
“Father!” an old woman shouted as she scurried out of the church. “There’s a bat in there!”
“Not again,” he sighed.
You went to leave but he latched onto your wrist. His grip made your joints pop.
“I’ve noticed you hanging around after service. It has me a little concerned.”
Your eyes widened. “Oh tha—that’s because I’m waiting for my ride.”
“Then why do I always see you walking down to the bus stop?”
“That’s where they get me!” you said, trying to pull your wrist out of his hand.
“That doesn’t explain why you look so miserable all the time.”
“Miserable?” you repeated in a small voice, finally freeing yourself from his grasp.
You felt ill. You always assumed you kept your anguish hidden on Sundays.
“I only noticed because I feel like that more often than not. If you ever need someone to talk to that understands, I’m here for you.”
It sounded strangely rehearsed, like he was acting in a play. But that could have been because speaking to him felt unreal. You never planned on getting this close to him.
“Father! The bat!!” the old woman called out impatiently.
“I’m on it!” He turned his attention back towards you, his gaze gentle. “Why don’t you come by the rectory tonight?”
He nodded. “You deserve my full attention.”
“I do?”
He patted you on the head. “Yes. I want to help you in any way I can. I hate to see any of my children so upset.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” he replied, disappearing into the church.
You stood, mouth agape. He had noticed you. This whole time he knew you were hanging around like a kicked puppy, watching him with sad eyes. You felt so exposed. But a part of you was elated. He wanted to be there for you. It was like a dream come true despite the anxiety it agitated.
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The day crawled by. You felt like time slowed down to spite you. You paced around, practicing what you were going to say. Making a fool of yourself wasn’t an option. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you messed everything up.
Once the sun began to set you started to get ready. You dug through your closet, desperate to find something cute and modest. You weren’t planning on seducing Father Sangwoo or anything; you just wanted to look your best. You decided your best option was a black denim pinafore dress cut at the knee with a boxy white t-shirt underneath. Not too flashy, but not too matronly.
You took the last bus. It was a risky move, but you planned on asking him to drive you home after your talk. There was no way he’d say no. You’d be stranded without his assistance. Plotting to take advantage of his kindness felt bad, but you were greedy. The more time around him the better.
“Don’t say anything stupid. Don’t say anything stupid,” you chanted on your way up the hill.
Seeing the rectory made your stomach hurt, nerves once again getting the better of you. You stood in front of it for several minutes before you found the brave to knock on his door.
“I was starting to think you weren’t going to come,” he said.
The sunset’s warm light made him look angelic. His hair was damp, towel dried by the looks of it. He was dressed incredibly casual in a cozy, chunky sweatshirt and a pair of low hanging sweatpants. You struggled not to stare at the deep, muscular v-cut of his abs.
“You didn’t specify a time so I, uh, just left when it felt night-ish.”
“I said seven o’clock.”
He was lying. You remembered how he proposed. His wording was vague.
“No. You definitely said night.”
The warmth left his eyes, but he maintained his cheery disposition. “I don’t need you telling me what I said.”
You couldn’t imagine why he’d lie about something so benign. Maybe he did say seven and you couldn’t remember. You were pretty on edge during your conversation. It would make sense that your recollection would be tenuous.
You stared at your feet. “I’m sorry, Father.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said as he let you inside.
The rectory was sparsely decorated. You would never expect a man of God to have lavish material possessions, but Father Sangwoo’s home was barren. There was nothing on the walls except for a wooden crucifix over what you assumed was the door to his bedroom.
It smelled fetid, absolutely reeking of cigarettes. The walls were stained a nauseating yellow. Everything looked worn. You wondered if maybe the furniture was handed down from the previous priest. You tried to not let it phase you, but you couldn’t help but be alarmed by the chef’s knife stabbed into his dining room table. It was sticking straight up, erect in its posture.
“Take a seat.”
His couch sat low to the ground and was woefully uncomfortable. There were cigarette burns in the cushions which you willed yourself to ignore. In front of it was a round wooden table with a dying succulent in the middle. 
He took a seat beside you, his body broaching your personal space. “So,” he said. “What’s bothering you?”
“Um. Where do I begin…”
“I don’t know. Maybe the beginning.”
His tone was still sweet, but there was a bite to it. He was probably just trying to be funny, but you didn’t feel familiar enough with him to joke around like that.
“I’ve never felt as close to God as I should.”
“And why is that?”
“I don’t know.” You paused; you couldn’t remember any of the things you had rehearsed earlier. “I’ve never felt good enough. I feel… unworthy. I want to be closer to God, but I don’t deserve it.”
He frowned. “What makes you think you don’t deserve it?”
Your palms were clammy. You opened your mouth to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out.
“I—uh. It’s like… I just—”
“You need to loosen up,” he interrupted.
You felt ashamed for being so uptight. He looked so bored by you.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing,” he sighed as he got up.
Your heart was in your throat as he walked past the knife. For a brief moment you had the clearest image of him grabbing it and lunging at you. You felt so guilty when he left it alone.
He came back with two shot glasses and a sizable bottle of soju. He lazily shook the bottle before cracking it open.
“Grab a glass.”
You looked at the shot glasses on the table. One looked dustier than the other. You went to grab the cleaner looking one.
“Not that one.”
You grabbed the other glass. You looked at the bottom of the glass and saw what looked like powder.
“It looks a little dirty,” you said, holding it out.
He glanced at it. “I don’t see anything.”
“Really? It—”
“Do I look like someone that would offer a guest a dirty glass?” he laughed.
You shook your head and watched him fill it. Your cheeks felt hot.
“This is my first time,” you blurted out.
He raised his eyebrows. “Well, I’m the perfect person to break you in.”
You laughed nervously and tried to avert his gaze. It was like having a spotlight on you. The glass felt so heavy in your hands. You weren’t sure how to wield it. You never saw your parents drink alcohol, excluding the Eucharist. There was no point of reference so you knocked it back in one gulp.
It didn’t taste nearly as bad as you were expecting. It was crisp with a faint sweetness. The finish was bitter. You felt like something had coated your mouth. You didn’t like it.
“Impressive,” he said smiling. “Have another.”
You held out your glass and watched him pour you another drink. You drank it just as fast the first time. You were pleased that aftertaste was pleasantly astringent rather than bitter. You went to set your glass down, but he poured you another drink. You didn’t want to be impolite so you accepted it.
“Aren’t you going to have any?”
“I will when you pour me some.”
You wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you said, taking the bottle from him. “I—I don’t know what I’m doing.”
Your hands trembled as you served him. It didn’t help that he was watching you so intently.
“That’s obvious.” He took a sip and set the glass down. “Now tell me why you don’t deserve to be close to God.”
“I’m a bad person. I mean, maybe I’m not. But I feel like I am. I’m jealous of everyone. And nothing makes me happy so I just never do anything… which makes me feel worse. I don’t know. I feel like I’m bad at loving God and cherishing his gifts no matter how hard I try. And—this is so ridiculous—but If I can’t be the best at it, why even bother?”
“That is ridiculous,” he said, pouring you another shot.
“I know. I know. And that’s why I never wa—wanna talk about it. It’s so stupid. It’s not a competition. I tell myself that all the time, but it doesn’t stop me from comparing myself to others. It makes me wanna give up. But I’d feel so lost without the church and the world is so… overwhelming. I get swept up in the temptations. I’m not strong enough. Not strong enough to leave. Not strong enough to survive. I’m stuck.”
“Temptations? Like what exactly?”
You swallowed hard. “Uh. Um. You know… people.”
He poured you another shot. You drank it down happily, but noticed he still hadn’t finished his.
“They’re…” You let out an embarrassed laugh. “I get urges.”
He smirked. “Everyone has those.”
“Do you?”
“I said everyone, didn’t I?”
Your cheeks were on fire. You wanted to bury your face in your hands, but your arms were too heavy.
“What do you do about these urges?” he asked.
“Father, I’m not sure we should talk about that.”
“I can’t help you if you keep things for me.”
“… I don’t act on them. I wanna wait until I’m married. But… sometimes at night I…I can’t. It’s too embarrassing.”
He leaned in. “You touch yourself, don’t you?”
You started feeling woozy. “I know I shouldn’t, but I don’t know what else I’m su—supposed to do.”
“You can always find someone else to do it for you.”
“Isn’t that even worse?” you slurred.
“It depends on the person.”
He put his hand on your thigh. Your head was swimming. Your body felt heavier by the second. It was like you were slowly descending into an abyss. He slipped his hand under your dress. You closed your thighs and cursed the wet spot blossoming between your legs. You didn’t want this. Fantasizing was one thing. Living them out was terrifying. If you fooled around with a priest, you would burn in Hell for eternity.
You tried to brush his hand away. “Don’t.”
“Shssh. Let me help you.”
He lifted up your dress and opened your thighs. You winced as he rubbed the wet patch on your underwear.
“I’m serious. Stop.”
“Don’t be a tease.”
“We’re not allow—”
“Who fucking cares,” he cooed as he forced his hand under your underwear. “Just relax.”
“Father, please.”
He spread apart your folds and slipped his fingers inside you.
“I can’t,” you whimpered, your body tensing up.
He ignored you and rubbed your clit. You hated how good it felt. It made the pain of having his fingers inside you a little bearable, but still the inherent wrongness of it all weighed on you. You tried to keep quiet, but a breathy moan fell from your lips as he applied more pressure.
“Who would you imagine touching you?”
“I don—I don’t wanna say…'' you drawled.
You were losing your grip.
“Quit being a bitch and tell me,” he demanded as he fingered you.
He curled his fingers inside you, grinning as you gasped.
He smirked. “Aw. This must be a dream come true then.”
Your body was getting limper by the second. Staying conscious was barely possible. You writhed against the couch as he thrust his fingers deep inside you. You arched your back and rolled your hips against them. You wondered if this was God punishing you for not being devout.
“Look at how easily you’re falling apart.”
You cursed your body for betraying you. 
“Don’t. Please,” you begged.
“You think you get to act like a slut and tell me no?”
Tears trickled from the corners of your eyes. You felt like an idiot for crying.
“I’m… I’m s—so sorry, Father.”
“It’s okay.” He wiped away one of your tears. “I forgive you for tempting me.”
He was knuckles deep in your cunt and showed your clit no mercy.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you moaned.
He smirked and pulled you into a kiss. His mouth tasted like cigarettes. You thought about pulling away, but things weren’t so bad now that he couldn’t berate you. It was kind of nice actually. You steadied yourself by placing your hands on his chest. He bit down on your bottom lip before brushing his tongue along the tender skin. You opened your mouth and rolled your tongue against his. You had no idea what you were doing and prayed you were doing a good job.
“Father,” you whimpered. “I don’t feel so good.”
You felt yourself losing consciousness. You could barely keep your eyes open.
“You’re fine,” he said, pressing his lips to your neck. “It’s okay.”
You tried to speak, but all you could do was groan. He sunk his teeth into your neck and you drifted away.
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A stinging pain roused you from your daze. You didn’t know where you were or how you ended up there. You could barely open your eyes; it was as if they were glued shut. It was such a simple act, but for some reason it was a herculean effort. Your body felt like lead and your head was throbbing.
You felt a cool breeze against your skin, stronger than a fan or air conditioning. You fought to lift your head, but all you managed to do was roll it slightly to the side, your chin pressing against your chest. You groaned and tried to will yourself out of your haze.
God must have taken pity on you because like clockwork your eyes sprung open. Unfortunately what roused you was the sting of something penetrating your ribs. It was the kind of pain that came on sharp and fast, and radiated through your body.
You groaned and tried to focus. The world was a blur, the light blinding. You were freezing and sore. You tried to swat away whatever had penetrated you, but your arms were bent back and tied at the wrists. All you could do was writhe.
You looked down and saw your body, unclothed and bruised. You choked on your breath when you noticed two wooden arrows jutting out of your thigh. Your stomach was in your throat. You could barely shriek as another arrow whizzed past your ear.
“Whoops.” It was a low voice, eerily familiar. “Don’t move around so much.”
The saccharine tone made you sick. Spit pooled in your mouth. You finally found the strength to lift your head. Your eyes met his. You recognized him. No, you knew him. 
“Good morning,” Father Sangwoo said, shooting another arrow at you. It pierced the soft skin of your underarm.
“STOP!” you screamed. “What are you doing?!”
Stomach acid inched up the back of your throat.
He smiled. “Isn’t it obvious?”
You spat at the ground before shaking your head. You couldn’t make sense of anything. The muscles in your shoulders felt like they were on fire. You must’ve been tied up for hours.
You turned your head to the right and saw a dense forest of red pines.
You inhaled sharply. “Why ar—”
He sighed and set his bow down gently. His looming figure made his way over, dread pooling in your stomach. His steps were slow and deliberate. His lips curled into a smirk. He grabbed you by the hair and forced you to look at him.
“Why all the dumb questions?”
“M—my rib—”
He glanced at the arrow sticking out of your ribs. “What about them?”
“Hurts,” you choked out through gritted teeth.
“C’mon. It didn’t even go in that deep.”
He yanked it out. A stream of warm blood flowed from the wound. All you could do was shriek.
“Yell all you want,” he said, licking your blood off the tip. “It’s not like anyone’s around to hear you.”
You decided to take a chance and kept screaming. Your voice cracked as you called out for help. At first he seemed amused, but his expression soon changed to one of disgust and boredom.
“Are you done? Did you get it out of your system?”
You let out one last anguished cry before settling down. Your throat ached.
“I don’t know why you’re so upset. You agreed to this last night.”
You sniffled. “I would never agree to something like this.”
He laughed. “Oh, really? You told me I could while I was filling your ass with my cum. Or at least I think you did. You were saying a lot of weird shit.”
“You’re lying!”
“So what if I am? It’s not like me telling the truth is going to help you.”
His cock was hard, fighting against the cloth of his sweatpants. You started to sob.
“Please just let me go.”
“Why would I do that? You’re my little crybaby.”
“I won’t tell anyone. I won’t say anything,” you pleaded.
You clenched your jaw, grinding your teeth. You desperately tried to ignore the searing pain of the arrows.
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m not letting you go.”
You fought against the rope tying you to the tree. You wanted to kick his teeth in. Your fear had mutated into a fury like no other.
“Let. Me. Go.”
“Alright. I’ll let you go.”
He quickly untied your arms. The relief was immense. You could have sworn angels were singing as your shoulders finally relaxed. As you sunk down into the ground he pulled out his erect cock.
“But you gotta suck me off first.”
You immediately opened your mouth. You’d do anything to get out of there.
“Good girl,” he said, stroking his shaft.
It was long and veiny, the slit dripping precum. He guided it into your mouth, groaning as you struggled to take it in. Tears ran down your cheeks and you choked.
“Breathe through your nose.”
You heeded his advice and it helped a little. You were too weak to bob your head so he held the base of your skull and gently thrusted against it. Anytime his cock slipped down your throat you gagged. He looked so smug as he stared down at you, grinning as you struggled to suck.
“You’re so pathetic,” he said as he rutted against your face. “You’re lucky you’re cute or else it’d be annoying.”
You whimpered.
“Is it too much for you?”
He pushed you off of his cock. A thin string of drool clung to it, connecting your mouth to his tip.
“Mhm,” you answered feebly.
“Really? Do you wanna stop?” 
“Ah, I see. So you’re rejecting me? That doesn’t make me feel good considering I listened to you bitch about your life last night. You should be kinder to your host. Didn’t your family teach you any manners?”
“I—But you said you were going to help—”
He laughed. “What is it with you and telling me what I said? You keep doing that and I’m gonna have to bash your skull in.”
Your eyes were so wide you thought they were going to fall out of your head. You refused to believe this was happening. You pretended like you were anywhere else. You tried to ignore the cold breeze pricking your skin, the blood drying on your body, how exposed you felt, and most of all you tried to ignore Father Sangwoo.
“Don’t look so scared.”
You shut your eyes and thought about your warm bed. Your cat was probably curled up at the foot of it, waiting for you to come home and feed him. All it did was make you cry harder. You should have kissed his little forehead before you left. But you were in such a rush, too eager to meet up with the Devil himself.
“Hey.” He kicked you with his bare foot. “Listen to me when I’m talking to you.”
“What?” you sniffled.
“You look terrified. You should smile.”
Your expression didn’t change.
“Do you wanna live?”
You nodded.
“Then smile!” he cheered.
You grimaced.
“Perfect,” he said as he jerked off.
You sat there, grinning like an idiot and trying to ignore the immense pain you were in. He looked down at you with a predator’s gaze, teeth biting into his bottom lip. His breathing grew shallow and he tossed his head back as his cum splattered against your face.
“Do you feel blessed?” You didn’t, so you chose not to answer and kept smiling. He kicked you again. “I asked you a question.”
“Yes, Father.”
“Good girl,” he said. “You look cold. I think you’ve earned going inside.”
He took his time pulling the arrows out of you, talking about how badly he wanted to fill your wounds with his cum. He assured you he was kidding, but gave you absolutely no reason to believe him. How could trust someone so duplicitous?
He carried you like a bride through the red pines. He did it with such ease; it made your heart flutter. You were still terrified, but you clung to him. You imagined you were in the arms of someone else, someone that wouldn’t call you names and maim you.
“How much further?” you asked. The forest seemed to have no end.
“I wouldn’t be in a rush if I were you.”
“I’m ju—just really cold.”
He kissed your cheek and assured you it wouldn’t be much longer.
When you reached the grounds, he went in the opposite direction of the rectory.
“Don’t worry about it.”
The church wasn’t much warmer than outside. You actually felt less comfortable. You knew you were going to Hell. There was no escaping your fate at this point. You buried your face in his neck.
He laid you down on the altar. A clear plastic tarp was draped over it. It stuck to your grimy, bloody skin. You attempted to cover your chest with your aching arms.
“I don’t know why you’re trying to be modest now,” he said as he got undressed. “I’ve already seen everything.”
“Not in here,” you said weakly.
He rolled his eyes and spread apart your legs. He positioned himself between them and ran his tongue down your folds. Your toes curled as he kissed your clit. His gaze never left yours. He took in every whimper and moan that fell from your lips. You found yourself enjoying the bliss of his kiss and the pain radiating from your wounds.
“Father,” you mewled as you ran your fingers through his hair.
It was so soft. You twirled a strand between your fingers as he feasted on your dripping cunt. You rolled your hips against his face, surrendering yourself to euphoria. He kissed the inside of your thigh before biting into your tender flesh. You winced as he applied more and more pressure. His teeth broke through your skin. You tried to push him away, but you were too weak.
The pain was indescribable. You would have rather he shot you with more arrows. His teeth dug further into your thigh and he pulled away with your flesh between his teeth. Blood poured from the newfound wound.
You watched in horror as he swallowed. You looked at your thigh and shrieked when you saw the chunk he took out of you.
“What?” he asked as he lapped at the blood spilling out.
You tried to get up but he held you in place.
“Please stop! I’ll do anything!”
He ignored you and bit down on another part of your thigh.
“Just let me go! I won’t say anything! You’ll never see me again! I’ll leave you alone! I promise! I swear to God!”
He ripped off another piece of flesh. Your blood covered the bottom half of his face. He looked like a wild animal. He crawled back on top of you, his face unbearably close to yours.
“You should be honored,” he cooed.
You tried to wriggle away from him, but he was too strong.
“I usually don’t do this, but fuck. You’re so pure. I need you to be a part of me.”
All you could do was weep.
“Hush. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay,” he consoled as he forced his cock inside you. “Jesus Christ, you’re so tight.”
He began to thrust. He clenched his jaw and rutted against your limp body. You watched as his cheeks turned pink and his brows knitted together in rapturous agony.
“I couldn’t throw you away like the others. You’re such a precious, little thing.” He kissed you. “I needed more time with you. I thought about snapping your neck last night, but that would’ve been such a waste. You deserve better.”
You felt so small underneath him.
“Fuck! If I could keep you I would, but that’d be too complicated.”
“So yo—you’ll let me go?”
“Huh?” He moaned as his cock hit your cervix.
“After this… you’ll let me go home?”
He burst out into laughter. “What? Are you a fucking idiot? Of course I’m not letting you go home.”
“Then please keep me! I won’t cause you any problems! I won’t say anything to anyone! I’ll do whatever you want! Just please don’t kill me! I don’t wanna die!”
“Wouldn’t death be better than being miserable all the time?” he asked, stroking your cheek. “Think about it. It would solve all your problems.”
“No, it wouldn’t! I don’t wanna give up. Please just let me live.”
“I’ve already made up my mind. I’m sorry,” he said. “It’ll be okay. Your death won’t be in vain or anything.” He picked up the pace. It felt like his cock was going to split you in two. “I promise I’ll put your body to good use.”
“Shut up,” he said, covering your mouth. “I’m gonna come.”
He filled your cunt to the brim with his cum. He held your body close to him and pressed his forehead against yours. You lost all hope. There was no escape. You had completely resigned yourself to your fate. All you could do was hope his hand would be swift, and you wouldn’t suffer much.
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squishpies · 10 months
~I fell in love with a war~
Sanzu x reader - Angst (cheating)
It was a nice spring day, and you were walking down the street to your local store to find some snacks.
You then noticed your phone started to ring, you picked up to see your boyfriend, Sanzu calling.
"Hey babe, I'm not gonna be home later tonight, I have some business to attend to." He said, sounding like he was in a real pickle,
"Oh.. okay, I'll see you later then.." You replied, sounding sad.
You hung up, and then walked into the store, then grabbed a few snacks and paid, then left.
*A few hours later*
You walked into your shared apartment and took in the scenery, as you saw keys on the kitchen counter, which were your boyfriends.
"It's been a few hours since he was gone, how couldn't of he come back and grabbed them?" you asked yourself, picking them up.
You then decided to try and track him down, so that you can hand him his keys.
You walk out the door and open your tracker app to see your boyfriend was at an unknown location. You get in your car and drive off to where the location takes you. It stops at a fancy hotel, and you feel unsure about yourself, because there was only so very much few cars in the parking lot. As you walk in the hotel employee greeted you.
"Hello, do you have a reservation?" the employee asked, smiling at you.
"Is there a reservation under the name Sanzu?" you asked, looking unsure of yourself.
The hotel employee looked straight at the computer lying in front of them and started tapping away. "Yes, it is, room 204."
You thanked them and headed straight for the elevator, then you pressed the '2' button.
You arrived and ran down the hall and found the room, you stood infront of it as regret filled your senses.
You turned your hand into a fist as you prepared to knock on the door. You hesitated before knocking.
You heard rustling and you instantly felt nauseous. The door suddenly opened, and and there was a tall, gorgeous blonde female, she had pink lingerie on.
"Yes, are you room service?" she asked, looking you up and down.
"N-No, I came here because apparently my boyfriend is here, according to my tracker." You said, unsure of yourself.
The tall woman looked at you with worried eyes, "W-Well, I don't think your boyfriend is here, maybe he is in another room.. the system probably got messed up.." she replied, looking at the ground.
All of a sudden you heard footsteps behind you.
"Y/N..? What are you doing here?" Sanzu said, looking at you with a shocked expression on his face.
The tall woman suddenly closed the door shut and locked it, so nobody could open it.
"What.. What are you doing with that woman, Sanzu?" You asked, looking up at your boyfriend, you could tell he was guilty of something.
"I..I was taking care of a business proposal. I'm sorry Y/N, you wouldn't understand." Sanzu replied, looking at you and frowning.
"I know you slept with that woman.." You replied, with a saddned face.
Sanzu looked away from you, I..I'm sorry Y/N. I am."
"Why would you do this to me? All I've given you is love and support. And you cheat on me?"
Sanzu didn't reply he just looked down at the floor in embarrassment as you continued to yell at him.
He suddenly got a call and took the opportunity to run away.
You started to cry and ran out the hotel, as you got into your car and drove off.
You arrive at your apartment, and you run to your room and continued crying.
12 years later
You wake up and remembered you had to attend a meeting with a gang in your in, you hurried to get dressed and headed straight out the door.
Your leader, Mikey, had recently called you to inform that you must attend the meeting since you are new, so you can meet everyone.
You rush to the meeting site as you see Mikey there already.
"Welcome Y/N, the members will arrive here sooner or later." Mikey said, looking up at you with his black soulless eyes.
"Okay." you said as you sat down next to him, awaiting your co-workers arrival.
The first one was two tall men, they are called "the haitani brothers".
The second one was a man with black hair and a wicked scar on his face, his name is kakucho.
Then another man came, he was gorgeous and he looked very familiar.
"It appears that everyone who could attend is here." Mikey said, looking around the room. "We have a new member, this is Y/N."
The familiar mans face dropped, he looked like he saw a ghost.
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nordax · 5 months
in the crooks of your body (i find my religion)
hi. hello. it's been a while. like, a year and a half since i've written anything but sometimes a situation just requires some soft porn, you know?
this is technically for @captain-flint hi it's your anon pls don't think i'm a creep
anyway. buck x tommy, body worship, nipple play & titty fucking coming. word count: 4k ish
also on ao3
“You look… incredible.”
Buck’s words are almost a whisper, and he can’t tear his eyes away from Tommy, who is wearing a dark button up, some flowy, nice material, and the buttons at the top are undone, flashing a lot of chest.
“Thanks”, Tommy says and Buck can hear the smile on his face as he steps closer to kiss him. It’s like a ritual, every time they see each other, that Tommy presses a soft kiss to his birthmark and then grabs his chin, softly. It’s no different this time and it makes Buck’s heart soar and flutter in his chest, like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies. Their teeth clash a little but it’s alright, and Tommy tastes sweet and familiar and it makes his knees buckle a little bit.
It’s a date night, the first in a long while because of course their schedules were opposites for what felt like an eternity. Realistically, it was probably like a week but every day that Buck went without seeing Tommy felt too much. His heart aches with longing, even now, as Tommy’s hand finds its place on the small of his back, pulling their hips together and he has to fight the urge to grind down on him.
They have a reservation at some fancy place Buck’s never been to but Tommy assures is great, and he doesn’t want to ruin their plans but the desire to pull Tommy into his apartment and take him on the kitchen counter is intense.
Still, he lets Tommy take his hand and lead him to the stairs and down to the car. Like the gentleman he is, he opens the car door for Buck and it still makes him feel special. Loved.
It’s a short drive, and the place is admittedly very nice. The food is good, the service great, and all Buck can think about is the way Tommy’s shirt hugs his chest, even with the top buttons undone, and how badly he wants to tear off the shirt and just go to town.
Tommy has incredible pecs. Well, he’s incredible and gorgeous all over but something about this look in particular is driving him crazy. When Tommy leans forward, Buck can almost see his nipples and it makes his mouth go very dry. He wants to get his hands on them, pinch and lick and suck, see what kind of sounds he could pull from Tommy.
Earth to Evan, he hears Tommy say and there’s an amused look on his face when Buck finally meets his eyes.
“Seeing something you like?” he asks, leaning back in his chair and rolling his shoulders, stretching, pulling his shirt taut over his chest and highlighting every curve.
“Uhhh y-yeah, sorry”, Buck manages, feeling his cheeks heat up. “I’m sorry. You look so gorgeous. What were you saying?”
He wants to listen, of course he does, but he’s pretty sure Tommy is teasing him on purpose. He almost maintains eye contact, drifting only to Tommy’s lips and back up.
“Look who’s talking”, Tommy says and nods towards Buck. “You are allowed to look, but there’s drool and maybe that’s for a less public setting. Like back at your place. I could let you take this shirt off but don’t tear it, I can almost hear you thinking about that. It’s a nice shirt and I’d like to wear it again, especially since you seem to like it so much.”
Buck feels heat pooling in his stomach and Tommy leans in closer again, taking Buck’s hand in his.
“If I was, say, shirtless in your bed. What would you want to do?” he asks, voice low and rough and he’s going to kill Buck if he keeps going.
“I- I don’t know”, Buck says and Tommy cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow like he’s saying yeah you do, we both know and Buck swallows hard. “I want to undress you myself. I would tear that shirt but since that’s off the table, maybe open it painfully slowly. Button by button, kissing you. Let you get all worked up. And I would touch you, cup those incredible pecs in my hands and pinch your nipples before getting my mouth on that.”
Tommy’s pupils are blown wide and he’s biting his lower lip, squeezing Buck’s hand.
“I bet you like that, don’t you? I’d worship you all night. Bite you. Mark you. I can’t wait to get my hands on your tits.”
The word slips out from his mouth and his heart skips at least three beats. He did not mean to say that, even if he was thinking about it. But Tommy only chokes out a moan, and it makes Buck’s dick twitch in his increasingly uncomfortably tight pants.
“How about”, Tommy says, pausing and his eyes flicker to Buck’s lips, “we skip dessert and head back instead?”
Buck nods enthusiastically and almost knocks the table over in his hurry to get up. Tommy gets the check, and they’re back in the car in record time. Buck lays his hand on Tommy’s thigh, dangerously high, rubbing circles with his thumb and Tommy is gripping the wheel with his knuckles white.
It’s a miracle they make it back in one piece, with Buck continuing his speech about everything he wants to do. Like map Tommy’s body with his tongue, and find all the spots that make him sing and cry and moan. He palms at his own dick through his pants and Tommy’s eyes are hungry, darting between him and the road.
“You’re gonna kill me, kid”, Tommy laughs as they stumble up the stairs and to the door of Buck’s apartment, and his hands shake as he opens the door. The way Tommy says kid makes his heart flutter, again, and his dick twitch.
“Yeah? Is that a challenge?” he muses, tossing his jacket in the general direction of where it should go, pulling Tommy along with him, up the stairs to the loft and why did he have to move somewhere where the bed is so far from the door?
Their clothes leave a trace from the door, along the stairs and to the foot of the bed, and in his hurry to kick off his pants, Tommy trips and lands on the bed and Buck can’t help but laugh.
“You really that eager?”
Tommy shoots him a knowing look, eyes wandering to the obvious bulge in Buck’s pants.
“As if you aren’t.”
Buck shrugs and steps out of his pants and boxers, and slips his socks off before climbing on top of Tommy, still wearing his underwear and that damned shirt. He straddles Tommy and the fabric of his underwear rubbing on his dick sends sparks through his entire body.
Tommy raises his arms above his head, studying Buck’s body and slowly meeting his eyes and there’s such fondness in his eyes it makes Buck’s heart tumble in his chest oddly and he relishes in the undivided attention.
Slowly, with shaky hands, he takes the first button of Tommy’s shirt and opens it. It’s difficult this way around and he would much rather tear the shirt and maybe buy a new one for Tommy. But he continues to the second button, taking it slow like he promised even though he can feel his dick leaking onto Tommy’s stomach. You’re so wet, he remembers Tommy saying the first time he gave him a blowjob and it made him blush violently but Tommy said it with so much love and adoration, and not to tease him and it almost made him cry.
“God you’re fucking gorgeous”, Buck breathes as he finishes opening the shirt, letting it fall open and Tommy shivers. There’s a cocky, confident smile on his lips that Buck can’t wait to wipe that off and replace it with a blissful, spent smile. “I can’t wait to ruin you.”
Tommy moans at that and then covers his mouth, like he surprised himself with his reaction. Buck takes his hand and places it back on the pillow above his head. He leans down to kiss Tommy, on his lips and on his chin. His version of the ritual.
“None of that. I wanna hear you”, he says and Tommy nods, rendered breathless and speechless. It’s a rare occasion, and Buck kisses him again, sloppy and wet and greedy. He trails open-mouthed kisses down Tommy’s chin and along his jaw, down his throat, scraping his teeth softly against the skin. It earns him little gasps and he can feel Tommy’s muscles twitching and moving underneath him. The strength makes his head spin a little. Tommy could relatively easily throw him off, change their positions, but he seems content underneath him, Buck’s thighs framing him.
Buck keeps his eyes on Tommy’s face as he lays his hands on his chest, testing the waters. He squeezes and gropes, letting his fingers dig into the skin and there’s muscle, yes, but softness too. It’s a wonderful view, watching Tommy’s mouth fall open and his head tilt back. He’s sensitive, that Buck already knows, but he’s never really focused this much on his chest. He ghosts his fingers across the soft skin and Tommy groans, arching his body, trying to push into the touch.
When Buck ghosts his fingers over the dark and splotchy scar on Tommy’s ribs, he draws in a sharp breath through his teeth.
“Does it hurt?” Buck asks, even though somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows it’s an old scar. He’s heard the story before, when they laid in bed and he traced Tommy’s scars and asked about the stories behind them.
“Surprised me, is all. Most people aren’t a fan of those. Reminds them too much about how dangerous the job is”, he says and pauses. “Still not used to… this.”
And he doesn’t need to say anything more, because Buck understands and he knows what Tommy means, like he knows Tommy understands when he doesn’t talk about the lighting strike or the ladder truck.
“Reminds me that you’re still here, despite it all. Still alive. With me.”
Tommy hums softly and blinks a couple times, and it feels like too much, for a moment, like he might drown in this emotion and then Tommy’s hands reach for him, pulling him down for a kiss. It grounds him and when Tommy drags his bottom lip between his teeth, he feels those sparks again, lighting a fire in the pit of his stomach.
With his mouth still on Tommy’s, he grabs Tommy’s left nipple between his thumb and index finger, twisting it and drinking in all of Tommy’s soft moans. He ducks down to lick circles around Tommy’s right nipple, just above the scar, circling it with the tip of his tongue and Tommy breathes out his name, pleading. Buck grabs more of his left pec, as much as he can, and thinks about how good his cum would look splattered over Tommy’s chest and face. Wonders if he could fuck those pretty tits of his.
It requires some coordination to do two different things at once, but Buck is good at this and he knows it. While his mouth is busy with Tommy’s right nipple, licking and sucking, he squeezes and twists the other one, and Tommy whines, high and needy. His hands come down, one twisting into his hair and the other sneaking past him, grabbing his ass. Tommy pulls on his hair and Buck moans against his skin. It sends electricity all through him, makes him tingle, the way Tommy grabs his hair and doesn’t let go, doesn’t pull him off but just holds him there, guiding him where he wants him.
Buck scrapes his teeth over the nipple in his mouth and praise rains from Tommy’s lips. Encouraged, he bites at Tommy’s chest, between the nipple and the scar. Soft at first and when Tommy doesn’t protest, he bites a little harder, tugging on the skin with his skin and sucking on it, and Tommy tastes like salt and sex and home.
He sucks three marks there, and it leaves the skin red.
“Admiring your work?” Tommy asks and his voice is a little hoarse, his lips plush and red like he’s been chewing on them. Buck nods and ducks his head again, nuzzling his face between Tommy’s pecs and Tommy laughs softly. He cards his fingers through Buck’s hair, and it feels so nice. He lays there for a moment, listening to the steady beat of Tommy’s heart. When he slips his tongue out and licks the skin, he feels Tommy’s dick twitch against his ass.
Right. Priorities. Like trying to get Tommy off without touching him.
He grazes his teeth over Tommy’s left nipple and in response, Tommy curses and praises him, says his name like a prayer, words all mangled together and the hand in his hair tightens again. Buck licks and sucks and bites until Tommy is panting, hips bucking up and it makes Buck’s heart swell with pride. He sits up just to squeeze Tommy’s tits, pushing them together and he looks so gorgeous with his cheeks flushed and chest all wet and covered in bite marks and bruises.
“Can I fuck your tits?” Buck asks and Tommy chokes on his moan, hand falling from Buck’s hair. He would be embarrassed if he wasn’t so turned on. “Like, can you push them together for me? I want to paint you with my cum.”
“God, Evan”, Tommy breathes and places his hands on Buck’s hips. His fingers dig into Buck’s skin and silently, he hopes Tommy would grab him hard enough to bruise him, to leave his fingerprints on him.
“Can I? Please?” he asks again, watching Tommy intently and trying to convey all of his emotion in that single look. His hard, neglected cock twitches and he resists the urge to touch himself. He wants to give Tommy time to think, because they’ve talked about this before, about trying things they might like.
“Yeah, Evan. You can”, Tommy says finally and Buck moans, deep and throaty and leans in for a kiss. Tommy’s hands slide from his hips and up, along his back, cradling his face and this, right here, is where he belongs. He pulls back breathless and Tommy has that stupid, proud smile on his face. It falters when Buck rotates off of him, crawling to the side of the bed, rummaging through the drawers and returning with a wide grin and a bottle of lube.
“Can I take the shirt off now?” Tommy asks and Buck pretends to think for a moment, because he already decided not to ruin his shirt and they’re trying something new, he doesn’t want Tommy to be uncomfortable. With his permission, Tommy sits up and slips the shirt off, and Buck thinks he sees Tommy flexing his muscles just a bit more than necessary. He hooks his fingers into the waistband of his underwear and Buck stops him, grabbing his wrists.
“Not yet. I want to watch you fall apart for me, so no touching”, he says and Tommy’s eyes flash with something, lust. Hunger. He lets Buck guide his hands to his sides, and straddles him again, shuffling until his dick is perfectly between Tommy’s pecs.
“You look fucking gorgeous”, Buck says because he can’t not, because Tommy is the most beautiful thing he has ever had the pleasure of witnessing and his words make Tommy squirm.
“Really?” he asks, and his usual confidence is hiding somewhere. There’s uncertainty, and Buck understands because he’s pushing Tommy out of his comfort zone but then again, Tommy pushing him out of his was one of the best things to ever happen to him. That, and the constant reassurance.
“Yes, really. Only thing that would make this better is my cum all over your pretty face.”
Tommy makes a choked sound, and grabs Buck to pull him down for a kiss and his hand sneaks between them, fingers wrapping around his dick and he swallows Buck’s moan effortlessly.
“Can’t wait”, Tommy whispers and gives a few good tugs on his dick and Buck is already so worked up he thinks about letting Tommy just jerk him off, it would have the same end result. But he’s been wanting this for a while now, a little longer than he’s willing to admit.
“You’re gonna make me cum”, he says and doesn’t pull Tommy’s hand off, just closes his eyes and relaxes. Tommy works him with certain hands, squeezing the base of his cock and it sets his skin on fire, sends his heart soaring through the roof. He feels so good in Tommy’s hands. Tommy’s big, strong hands that seem to fit on him like puzzle pieces fit together and how their bodies slot together like they were sculpted from the same piece of clay.
Like they were made for each other.
“You wanna fuck my tits or not?” Tommy asks, and it brings Buck back to this moment, and the heat pooling in his stomach. Buck swats Tommy’s hand from his cock and squeezes a generous amount of lube on his own hand, spreading it all over his dick and letting it drip onto Tommy’s chest. He gasps and complains that it’s cold, and it’s cruel to do that without warning, and Buck makes a mental note about pursuing that further one day. Right now, he has more pressing concerns. He orders Tommy to push his tits together, and he does, a lovely blush on his cheeks and it’s such a pretty look. There’s enough soft flesh there to form something he could fuck.
Buck tries slowly pushing his hips forward, guiding his dick between Tommy’s tits, and it feels euphoric. The way Tommy looks so thrown off balance and yet so eager, eyes darting back and forth between Buck’s face and his dick, and the obscene sound of his dick against Tommy’s smooth, slicked up skin.
He wants to do this slow, to make it last, but he can’t, not when Tommy looks like that. Buck leans forward, looming over Tommy and grabbing the headboard for support. Tommy slides his hand to Buck’s dick, guiding it down and deeper between his tits and Buck moans at that, low and rough and oh he’s so wrecked.
“You’re so fucking good for me”; he says and his hips stutter. “Not gonna last long.”
Tommy groans in response and tries squeezing his chest in more, with his arms more than his hands and with a slightly awkward angle, he manages to wrap his fingers around Buck’s dick and tries jerking him to the rhythm of Buck’s thrusts. Buck thinks he might pass out. Tommy is breathing hard under him, and he looks so gorgeous, and somewhere in the back of his mind, Buck thinks about Tommy’s poor neglected cock but then Tommy rubs his thumb over the tip of his dick, along the slit and it almost sends him over the edge.
“Tommy, please”, he manages, voice hoarse.
“Do you want to cum on my tits?” Tommy asks, breathless and so desperate. He tugs on Buck’s dick, matching the increasingly inelegant pace and then he opens his mouth, like an invitation.
It’s like he wants Buck to pass out.
He thrusts harder, faster, desperate for release and he feels his balls tightening and that heat from his stomach rising to his chest, and he chases that, bed groaning under them as he shoots thick ropes of cum over Tommy’s tits and his throat and some of it into his mouth. Tommy keeps pumping his dick until Buck is shaking with overstimulation, gasping out little moans.
“Good?” Tommy asks, the bastard.
Buck opens his eyes just in time to see Tommy wipe the cum from his face and licking it off, slowly, one finger at a time.
“You’re such a cum slut, aren’t you?” Buck asks, still a little dazed and floating somewhere between his bedroom and seventh heaven. Tommy laughs and his hands are on Buck’s legs, stroking up and down his thighs, softly kneading his bad knee before going up again and settling on his hips.
“For you? Anything”, he says and it makes Buck’s head spin. He reaches behind himself to palm at Tommy’s cock and there’s a wet patch on his underwear. Tommy moans and tries bucking up into the touch, fingers digging into Buck’s skin.
“Want you inside me”, Buck says without thinking really, still riding his high. There’s a distant throbbing pain in his knee. “Want you to fuck me into the mattress.”
Within milliseconds of the words leaving his lips, Tommy slides him off of him and then pushes him down, and in a flurry of motion his underwear ends up on the floor and Buck finds himself lying on his stomach, Tommy settling between his legs. It makes his stomach swoop, the way Tommy manhandles him so easily.
He hears the cap of lube opening and Tommy’s hands spreading his cheeks, a finger circling him before pressing in. He can’t help but moan and whine when the finger pushes in deeper.
“Good?” Tommy asks and Buck mumbles out a yeah, more please, and Tommy chuckles and pushes his finger in deeper for a moment before almost pulling out and Buck pushes back, trying to fuck himself on Tommy’s hand. He’s done that before, and Tommy watched him with hungry eyes.
“More”, Buck says, muffled against the pillows.
“Who’s the slut now?” Tommy asks, but obliges, pushing in a second finger, slowly. It feels like an eternity before he curls his fingers, pulling them out almost all the way before pushing  them in again, scissoring and stretching him. Buck tangles his hands in the bedsheets and begs more, more, please, Tommy-
It’s a blinding pleasure, feeling the tip of Tommy’s cock on his entrance. Buck bites into the pillow and tries not to whine like a cheap whore but it feels so good, to have Tommy fill him and he feels himself getting hard again. He relishes in the stretch of Tommy inside him, and how Tommy’s hand finds its place on the back of his neck, steady, strong. A promise.
Buck arches his back and pushes back, his ass against Tommy’s hips and Tommy’s fingers wrap around his throat. He squeezes lightly and  thrusts into Buck, fast and steady, singing praise. You’re so good for me, Evan. Take my cock so well.
It’s almost enough to make him hard again, balancing on the edge of being too much, too painful. Tommy coaxes filthy moans from him, whispering his name and yes I’m good for you, I’m yours, I’m yours, Tommy I’m yours until Tommy’s hand recedes from his throat to grab his hips, lifting him to his knees. He fucks him hard, like Buck asked, hips slamming into Buck with abandon.
“Please make this fast, can’t take much”, Buck chokes out and he’s shaking, but Tommy wants this and his fingers are painfully deep in his hips, and he’ll bruise for sure. Something about them wearing each other’s marks makes his heart swell and rise to his throat and when Tommy cums inside him, Buck feels tears burning his eyes.
Tommy leans down over him, kissing his ear and his neck and his shoulders, down along his spine, dragging skin between his teeth.
I’m so in love with you, Buck wants to say and all that comes out is a muffled moan, and Tommy hums in response. When he pulls out, Buck feels his cum dripping and trailing down his thigh. He slumps down and feels Tommy lay down next to him, a hand coming to frame his face and a thumb wiping the tear from his cheek.
“Are you okay, Evan?” Tommy asks and his voice is so soft and filled with love and worry that Buck can’t open his eyes because if he does, he’ll actually start sobbing. Not because he’s not okay, because he’s more than okay, he’s full of Tommy, he’s loved and sometimes it’s just a little too much.
“I love you”, he answers instead and reaches for Tommy, wants to hide his face in the crook of his neck where he knows it fits perfectly, like it was made for him. But he misses and his hand lands in the sticky, cold mess of lube and cum on Tommy’s chest. “That’s a bit disgusting.”
“The love or the mess you made?” Tommy asks and again, Buck can hear the smile in his voice. He doesn’t reply, just slowly blinks his eyes open and he feels another tear escape. His eyes are drawn immediately to Tommy’s chest, and it’s covered in the marks he made, and they’re getting darker by the second. He might have been a little over-enthusiastic. He traces them with his fingers, a little mesmerised.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks and finally, meets Tommy’s eyes.
“No. It was… really good”, Tommy says and brushes his thumb over Buck’s lips, leaving him breathless. “Feel up for a shower?”
Buck hums in response and there’s a weariness making itself home in his bones, and the ache in his knee is becoming stronger. But he knows they’re sticky and probably made a mess of the sheets too, and falling asleep like this will definitely lead to incredible discomfort when they wake up.
“Carry me?” he asks, holding his arms up and Tommy laughs, but he gets up and pulls Buck up to sit on the edge of the bed, and there’s a certain determination in his eyes like he’s actually going to haul Buck up to his shoulder and carry him to the shower. Unfortunately, there are stairs in the way, and having to call 911 because you and your boyfriend slipped on the stairs, both covered in cum, is a horrifying thought.
“I’ll carry you back to bed, and I promise to be careful with the stairs”, Tommy says, and offers a hand to Buck to help him up and that sounds infinitely better. His hand fits into Tommy’s like it was meant to be there.
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milomarigold · 1 year
Skinny Dipping Shenanigans pt1
Gender Neutral | Suggestive | Baxter Ward x MC
Part 1 | Part 2 
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(Art by MELLodrawmatic on Twitter)
                                                   🌲 🌲 🌲
You couldn't believe you were going back to the Rocky Mountains. The fancy mountain lodge you'd stayed in 5 years ago coming into view after a worthwhile scenic drive. Fir, pine and aspen trees as far as the eye could see! What was most surprising is that the same neighbor from so long ago was accompanying you, Mr. Baxter Ward. You turned away from the green forest beyond the car window and towards him.
Did he always look so handsome driving? One hand on the steering wheel at 6 o'clock, his right arm resting on the door ledge. A steady gaze on the road ahead he knew by heart. Warm summer light making him glow and an easy tranquil grin. From your thorough observations, you also noticed gray.
Ever since you two had started dating, you couldn't help but notice this small detail that'd made a younger Baxter so restless. Baxter's hair wasn't naturally black, it was more of a gray. He'd started dying it meticulously when he was 14, bothered that it wasn't exactly black. An "imperfection" he couldn't afford others to notice. So, it surprised you that it seemed he hadn't noticed his natural color resurfacing. It was only about an inch of gray, but that was still more than you'd ever seen from the ever careful Baxter Ward.
Or perhaps he had noticed, but he longer saw it as such a flaw. Perhaps, he felt more secure in showing you this vulnerable side of himself? You hoped so, you thought, smiling secretly to yourself.
"See something you like?" Hm, or perhaps it wasn't so secret. Baxter smirked roguishly at your reaction.
You attempted to recover however, "I can't help it, you look so handsome while you drive!" You said honestly and beamed a smile of your own.
Your bluntness had him chuckling. "Well, I wish I could indulge you longer, but I wouldn't know how to explain to the front desk why we were late for check-in."
"It was a matter of great importance!" You joked and reached for your seat belt once Baxter had stopped the car. He shook his head at your antics but had the softest look in his eyes. The two of you retrieved your luggage and made your way to the log hotel.
You may have been here before, but the familiar grandeur still managed to impress you as the hefty door closed behind you. The inviting hearth of the fireplace, the elegant red rug, stone walls and rustic furniture was still the same with only a few refreshing renovations.
The check-in went smoothly. You both settled into your room/s and ordered room service for dinner. The food was so divine you couldn't resist sending Liz a picture. Baxter came out in frame and you asked him to hold out a piece sign. He did. To which she responded, "Look at you living the high life, with your gentleman suitor!" She also sent you a picture of her having dinner with college friends. You smiled and showed your suitor.
The sky had darked significantly by the time you both finished dinner. So, your food comas suggested you head to bed. The drive had tired you out more than you thought, so you could imagine how tuckered Baxter must be. "Good night," Baxter held the back of your head and pressed a kiss to your forehead, "sleep tight." You were sure you would.
The next day, the two of you walked into the small town for a late breakfast. Afterwards, you both explored the shopping area. While looking at trinkets and souvenirs, you got some gifts for Cove, Terry, and Miranda. "Are you getting something for Xavier?" You looked over his shoulder as he compared several pins.
"Perhaps." he settled on a 4 pack of pastel pins with pictures of the rocky mountains "Yes, these will do." Although he was doing something nice for a friend, his tone resembled a villain picking a poison for their nemesis. Oh, Baxter...
Souvenirs in hand the two of you made your way out and stumbled upon a street performer with a sizable crowd. The Great Who Dini was performing a magic show! You held Baxter's hand and excitedly led him to the front of the crowd. You both watched as he shook his hat, but nothing came out. It was empty, or so the audience thought! The Great Who Dini reached in and pulled out a flurry of petals! You marveled as the petals fluttered around you. Baxter chuckled and clapped along with the crowd, "How delightful!"
The magician bowed with a flourish of his purple cape and a twist of his mustache. You were distracted from the show, however, when you felt your lover remove a petal from your head. Tilting his head to the side with a placid smile. A thought came to you, "You know, The Great Who Dini kinda reminds me of you."
"Because I'm mysterious?" He played with a flip of his wrist.
"Nope, because you're both dramatic!" you quipped with finger guns.
He gaped, a slender hand lifting to his heart as if he'd been shot. Alas, all it did was prove your point.
After the performance, you both made your way towards the lodge. Along the way, was a fork in the road with a sign pointing in different directions. One pointed towards the lake. "If you're not too tired, would you like to take a detour? The lake looks wonderful as the sun sets."
You didn't have an objection to that in fact, especially when there was an ice cream vendor along that path! Baxter paid for both of you. It was delightful to see Baxter choose another comical treat, this time he'd picked one that resembled a blue hedgehog.
Baxter sold it short when he said the lake looked wonderful. It was such a marvel you almost dropped your ice cream! Shades of orange, purple and pink reflected off the glittering water. Best of your boyfriend was in the picture, in more ways than one. That's right, it was the perfect picture opportunity!! You put your arm around his shoulder and prompted him towards your camera. You both smiled lightheartedly. Click!
"It's perfect." He said smiling boyishly at the picture. Then you both took a seat on the dock's edge to finish what remained of your frozen desserts. You gently leaned against him and he did the same. It really was perfect. A comfortable silence followed, until Baxter said something that surprised you. "Seeing the water really makes me want to take a dip."
"The elusive Baxter Ward swimming in a body of water?? Unheard of!"
"It's the uncertain depths of the ocean that frightens me, at least here I can see the bottom." Baxter justified amused. He was right, the pebbles glittered beneath the water.
"I'm just teasing, I'd never actually fault you for being afraid of the ocean. I'm actually proud of you for giving it a chance." You added sincerely, giving his side a hug.
Baxter turned towards you, with an easy gaze, "Thank you,. Honestly, I don't think I would've tried it without you."
It was then that you noticed the ice cream on the corner of his lips. Sensibly, you used your thumb to gently swipe it and try the treat yourself. Nom. "Mm, cherry?"
Baxter watched you, eyes wide. A touch of pink on his marshmallow cheeks. Then his confidence kicked back in, "Yes excellent guess, but there's a second flavor. Care to find out what it is?" You look down at the bit of ice cream that remained on the popsicle stick, and surveyed as he swiftly took it into his mouth. Canine easily dragging the cool treat in. Did he mean to drag the popsicle stick out slowly? Absolutely.
You blushed. However, you liked to think of yourself as a bit of a detective and you couldn't leave this mystery unsolved. You leaned closer, "Yeah, I do." He grinned, eyes lidded and met you halfway. Behaving while you trailed your hand along his jaw and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He leaned into it eagerly. You noticed his cologne as you kissed him. It was floral, you loved it and lightly bit at his bottom lip. He gladly gave you permission to deepen the kiss. Now what could the second flavor be? He tasted tarte, but sweet.
While you put your detective skills to work, the sneaky dark haired man snaked his arms around your waist. He pulled you against his chest securely. You let out a content noise, wrapping one arm on his shoulders and a hand on his nape. This was a tough mystery, who knew how long the investigation would have to go?
You couldn't help tugging playfully at his hair. Baxter started to groan softly and gently pull at your shirt. Ah, you had it! The second flavor was raspberry! You should let him know you figured it out. Suddenly, you felt yourself moving, Baxter was pulling you onto his lap. Letting him guide your body, you confirmed his lap was better than any chair you’ve ever sat on. His dancer legs could never disappoint. You’d let him know you’d figured out the second flavor later.
Pulling back to take a breath, you started trailing kisses along his jawline. Humming happily he tilted his head back for you. Leaving another smooch behind his ear, you were one kiss away from his iconic beauty mark. His hand traveled down to your thigh- when a strange light flashed across your vision. Strange.
"Hey! You crazy kids, didn't ya read the sign??" The two of you parted startled by the sudden voice calling out to you. An old forest ranger stood holding a menacing flashlight. "No shenanigans allowed!!!"
The two of you looked at each other confused, before Baxter asked the ranger "Pardon? Oh...I see" Both of them directed you to a sign a little bit away that indeed read ‘No Shenanigans!’ in bold red paint. You couldn't believe your eyes and let out a snort of air.
"What?? Do you think this is funny?" Asked the ranger aghast. "Do you know how many juveniles come round here, lighting up fireworks, smoochin’, and causin’ havoc?! Begone, it's past open hours anyways!" It was hard to take the old ranger seriously when he was wearing spectacles and trousers many sizes too big, but neither of you could bear to tell him ‘no' either.
Fixing his hair into place, Baxter cooled "Do excuse us, we hadn’t noticed the time. We didn’t mean to cause trouble. Especially at such a well cared for area such as this. You must be very dedicated to keep the place so gorgeous.” He got to his feet and offered you a hand.
Your lover knew how to charm his way around an older crowd. The old ranger stood taller, flattered "That's right, gotta do my job! People be crazy round these parts, skinny dipping and the such."
"Oh don't worry we wouldn't dare do something so audacious." Baxter assured, straightening his button down shirt.
Your head tilted to the side surprised and asked “People skinny dip around here?” your boyfriend fixed your top to its proper place as well.
The ranger answered, "Yes, that's right! You wouldn’t believe the gall of some youths!” one hand pushed his giant spectacles up his round nose.
Baxter picked up your things and took your hand into his, “We'd wouldn't dare make your job harder, keeping the forest safe is no easy task. That said, we should get going, it's almost our curfew." You knew he was joking, but the ranger didn’t catch that. You both waved innocently goodbye at the ranger who cracked a smile and waved back, “Goodnight, y'all get back safe! …maybe those youngins ain't so bad.” He grumbled, and you left the lake, heading back to the lodge.
When you were far enough away Baxter started holding back snickers, fox eyes glittering in the moonlight. You had to ask "Baxter?"
"Darling, we wouldn't dare skinny dip right?" He flashed a wolfish grin at you. Oh you loved it when he was mischievous! You smirked, encouraging him to continue. "And get caught~" He finished.
"Baxter Alexander Ward, you little devil!!" You gawked nudging his shoulder playfully. Both your laughter rang like bells into the night sky. When you settled, just about reaching the lodge you gave him your answer "Well partner in crime, we better start planning our great escapade."
Your dramatic man looked at you, dead impressed! He hadn't actually expected you to want to go skinny dipping. With a swipe of his dark bangs, he leveled you with a look you'd only ever seen in movies when the villain is planning something evil. "Let us start some shenanigans."
To be continued…
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
Part two.... Damn this shit. Long as fuck not even done
Warabi: it's the coldest time of yeeeaarrr! But cod damn I'm so warm in siiioode! When you're close to me and you smile at me! My excitement has no place to hide!
Neta: Warabi
Warabi: while the kids are laughing and screaming and grandma starts to siiing! I pull you aside. A nice place to hide and I pulled out that. Platinum. diamond. ring!
Neta: Warabi please
Warabi: you quickly tried to denyyyy it and that smile. I see you hide it! I give you the best ooooon Frosty Fest cuz our love.is.stronger. than. allllll the rest!
Neta: I'm trying to drive
Warabi: baby take my hand and make me your man- Why'd you turn the radio off?
Neta:........... We're sitting in silence
Warabi: but....it's but it's frosty-
Neta: shut up! [Eating]
Warabi: Don't eat all of the salmon bites. Those are for the guests!!
Mahi: holy shit. This place is huge.....it's bigger than the original store.
Baja: look he has two stories! Wow! I wonder what he's going to put up there!
Mahi: He said he wanted some sort of cafe lounge or something? This place is really fancy
Baja: Neta really went all out for this- *gasp* it's.. it's
Mahi: calm down. Take some breaths. Don't be fucking weird..... Hey ikkan you bought some wine I didn't know if it was a white wine or a red wine kind of party so I bought both..... Also this is Baja
Ikkan: thanks. You can just set them on the table over there. You must be Warabi's boyfriend he told me about you It's nice to see you.
Baja: Yes I've heard a lot about you. Not just like from TV and social media and the news. I mean but so has everyone else because you're very successful and famous. I'm sorry I'm rambling but Neta told me a lot about you and it's really nice to see you in person.
Ikkan: It's nice to see you too.... What model saxophone is that?
Baja: ... It's a shanty 44 model it's an Alto. Neta wanted me to bring it to play heheh.... It's the same model as your bassoon. It's a shanty 43 model you played it at the hard shell banquet hall at memorial service If your old high school band director 3 years back.
Ikkan: uh.... Yeah... That's.... Yeah that's correct. Wow ......how did he know that? That's very impressive you know a lot about music
Baja: Yeah it's mostly just history stuff.
Ikkan: That's really cool..... What do you usually play?
Baja: I was in jazz band and I also played an orchestra for the last two years of school
Ikkan: do you know how to play Funtime Frost?
Baja: yes
Ikkan: I'll be right back. I'm going to my car.
Baja: I think we're friends!
Mahi: you two are dorks. I'm going to set up the drinks
Carrie: *gasp* Baja!! I knew you'd come! What do you think of my dress. Pretty isn't it? I usually don't wear light colors like cream or white, but it kind of felt special. I also bought my cello I was going to play it for you remember? but I was rudely interrupted by -... Oh It's just you.
Mahi: Yeah, it's good to see you too you little brat. Get on my way, Baja's over there. Also when Mizole shows up don't try anything. This is a big deal for your dad. I don't ruin it.
Cirrina: as if I would talk to him willingly.... Why is he even showing up? This party is supposed to be for important people. Not has beens like your boyfriend
Mahi: you know what!?!
Neta: Mahi do not fight with my daughter unless you want to be fired! Cirrina crab cakes please don't start fights with the adults. Okay? Show everyone at the party. What a sweet, pretty girl you are.
Cirrina: ok daddy.. ..Oh Bajaaaa! [Flips off mahi]
Neta: monster
Neta: awwww my baby's first crush... She's growing so fast they really do slip through your fingers......*sigh* anyway, everything is set up. Decorations are good... Drinks are all set... The waiters are setting up their trays...... Now we just need to wait for the people..... Baja?
Baja: I've already set up! ikkan's getting his bassoon right now! I can't believe I'm going to be playing with the Ikkan Kane! think I'm going to faint
Warabi: hey Mahi
Mahi: ooh those look good!
Warabi: No, you can't have any of these All right. I made 80 of these and Neta already ate five of them!
Neta: They're good!
Warabi: huff I made 40 cooked ones and 40 raw ones so we have options. DON'T eat all of the raw ones mahi! Save some for the actual guests and that goes for you too babe!
_____________________hour in the part____________
[live music playing over a crowd of people talking]
Pearl: you know when you said Frosty fast party. I thought you meant the ones you used to have at the boathouse.
Neta: Oh you mean the one when l passed on the floor in my own barf?
Pearl: Yeah those parties were fun hehehehe
Neta: getting too old for that now can't handle my liquor like I used to
Pearl: you couldn't hold your liquor back then either Jackass hahahahaahaha remember you get your hands stuck in the toilet hahahah we had to call the fire department hahahaha
Neta:heheheheh It was the party where you flashed the cops
Pearl: Yeah! I got one of the lady cops' numbers and after hehehe *sigh* good times..... Oh this is the Marina. She's my fiance
Marina: Hi, I've heard so much about you. I also saw you once in concert with squid squad! You're so talented! It's been honor to meet you actually
Neta: ahhh finally meeting you in person. I'm a big fan of you as well. I love the dress by the way you look great. Hope you're enjoying the party
Marina: I definitely am. This is such a gorgeous place and this is going to be your store?
Neta: Yes! We usually just sell music, merchandise, instruments.........concert tickets.
Marina: well That's interesting. Dance socks is actually starting another tour next year... Here is the number to our vendor they make most of our merchandise and I can see if I can contact 'ticket stand' and provide you access to our supply.
Neta:oh thanks!
Marina : We're going to refresh on some drinks and we'll catch up with you and talk about this little business later.......What is this about you flashing cops?
Baja: Yeah so father was actually an apprentice of ikkan's old band director he spent one year in Krillarney. He had to leave when you was born.
Zuzu: wow! That's true he lived in Krillarney for 5 years! How do you know that ?
Baja: It was in an old interview on subshellet I read. I think it was 7 years ago
Zuzu: hehehe I should hire you to write my memoir you seem to know a lot more about me than I do heheheh...... Hmmm
Mahi: *sigh*.....*sip*.... Mizole!! Hey over here! Hi babe. [Kiss]
Mizole: hey babe.. [ kiss] I got you a gift..... But it's in my freezer at home. You can't have until tomorrow Mahi I want you to meet wet floor. Guys, this is my partner Mahi.
Mahi: hay guys. Nice to meet you finally...
Wf Candi: He didn't cheat on you yet did he?
Mizole: Candi!!
Mahi: hahaha no!!!..... I hope not
Raley: Oh then he's probably loyal......probably cuz you would definitely know if he was cheating. He's a terrible liar
Mizole: what the hell!! I have never cheated on anyone!!!
Keaton: Yeah I have to back him up on that. He doesn't really cheat. He has ghosted people and never told them that he broke up with them before dating someone else
Mizole: but this time it's fucking different!!. I actually like this one! Mahi makes me happy and I want to see them happy!
Mahi: oh.... mizole.
Mizole: and you know what?? for our one year anniversary that's in a couple months I'm going allllll out! Take them on a trip or some shit! That's how much I care for my partner.
Neil: well I for one am happy you actually found someone that you like.
Mizole: thank you Neil
Neil: I'm more surprised they like you back
Mahi: hehehe .. I'm going to go get some food. You hang out with your friends and be nice to each other and I'll be right back and -oh shit. Sorry man I wasn't looking where I was.......... Why the fuck are you here?
Mahi and Baja ate all of the raw salmon bites before anyone else could get them and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort Saw the whole thing and didn't say anything
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motherofdragonflies · 2 years
A Very Prompty Christmas Day 17: Lights
“You drive safe, okay? The roads are icy,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows and staring pointedly at Sam until his brother rolled his eyes and nodded.
“Who says Sam’s driving?” Eileen asked, her own brows raised as she looked at Dean. “It’s my car,” she said, pointing at herself.
“Oh, hey, didn’t mean to step on any toes,” Dean said, holding his hands up in surrender, and then clenching a fist and rubbing it on his chest. “I know better than to get between a lady and her car.”
Eileen nodded. “Damn straight,” she said and grinned.
“Well then, you drive safe,” Dean said to Eileen. He started to add something about not letting Sam bore her to death with his serial killer podcasts, then realised that no matter what Sam played, Eileen wouldn’t be able to hear them.
“You sure you don’t want to come with us?” Eileen asked, concerned.
“Nah,” Dean replied, shaking his head. “You guys go. Have fun.” He added the sign for ‘fun’ to emphasise his point, and Eileen nodded her acceptance.
They had woken this morning to discover the calendar had opened door number sixteen to reveal an outline of a bell, wrapped in glittering gold wire, almost looking as though it were lit up under the harsh kitchen lights. It had been Sam’s idea to drive the four hours to Kansas City and take Jack to see the extensive Christmas lights displayed across the city. Eileen had immediately been on board, but Dean…Dean had begged off. He didn’t want to be the third wheel, interrupting Sam and Eileen’s time together. He wanted Jack to be able to enjoy the experience without worrying about Dean.
Sam had fought him, all but begged him to come. They were going to stay overnight in Kansas City, he cajoled. They’d splurged on a fancy hotel. Egyptian cotton sheets. Room service. But none of those appealed to Dean. He preferred his memory foam mattress, the burgers he cooked in his own kitchen, and the familiar sight and sounds and smells of the Bunker.
Eileen must have seen something in his eye, though, because she had laid a hand on Sam’s arm and signed something to him, and Sam had backed down.
Dean walked down to the garage with them, watched as they loaded their bags and climbed into Eileen’s cherry red Valiant (not the Impala but a sweet little ride nonetheless) and watched as the three of the drove off.
The father, the mother and the son, off on their happy family outing, this time leaving the creepy uncle at home.
As the tail lights of the Valiant disappeared up the ramp, Dean turned and slowly headed back towards the main level.
He slowed as he approached room 7B, resting a hand on the door and closing his eyes.
He hadn’t gone into that room since…since that night. When they had searched for Mrs. Butter’s Christmas decorations, Dean had directed the others to search that room while he searched the archive room across the hall. He didn’t want to go there, didn’t need to see the brick wall that the Empty had erupted out of, and dragged Cas through.
He saw it in his dreams often enough.
Dean continued up to the kitchen, poured himself a cup of coffee and took it to the library. He didn’t have any research to do, and didn’t need to be there. He could very easily have read the online editions of the local papers in his bedroom, but he wanted the company. He wanted the bustle of the hunters moving about the Bunker, the low susurrus of conversation, the reminder that he wasn’t alone, even as he felt so very much apart from everyone.
When he walked up the library level, he noticed a pair of feet sticking out from under the tree and quickly dropped his coffee cup and laptop on the closest table before hurrying over and grabbing the exposed ankles, pulling out—
The young woman blinked up at Dean in surprise.
“Are you okay?” Dean demanded, scanning the young hunter’s—Violet? Viola?—body for any sign of injury or illness.
“What?” Vivian stared up at him in confusion. “Oh! Because,” she gestured at the tree. “No, yeah, I’m fine.” She laughed somewhat embarrassedly, pushing herself up into a seated position. “I just…have you ever looked at the lights from underneath?”
Somewhat thrown, trying to force his heart rate back to its normal rate, Dean shook his head.
“I had a cat growing up,” V (he’d given up trying to remember her name) said. “Every Christmas, he’d lay under the tree and just stare. I always wondered what he was looking at, but our trees were so small, I couldn’t fit under there.” She turned and looked over her shoulder. “Not like this one.”
“So what was he looking at?” Dean asked, curious.
V smiled. “Come see,” she said, laying back down and wriggling until her head and shoulders were back under the tree.
“What about the train?” Dean asked, worried.
“Oh. I turned it off. It’s behind the telescope, I think,” came V’s voice, muffled slightly from under the tree.
With a shrug of why the hell not, Dean lay down and shuffled backwards until he was under the tree, lifting his shoulders carefully over the track, his head next to V’s, and looked up.
The tree glowed. The multi-coloured twinkle lights were softer down here, the branches diffusing their brightness. The tree was beautiful when you looked at it from the outside, but from underneath, it was almost magical. He couldn’t see any baubles or tinsel from under there, just green needles and glowing lights.
“It’s like another world under here,” V whispered next to him, and Dean had to agree.
“Whiskers—that was my cat’s name, original, I know, but in my defence I was, like, five when I named him—sometimes, he’d bat at the baubles and try and pull the tinsel off down. Other times, he’d just lay there, almost like he was transfixed by the lights.”
“I know the feeling,” Dean whispered back.
They both lay there for a few moments, enjoying the play of the twinkles on the needles of the fir tree. A clatter of bootprints and an exclaimed “Vi?” broke their private bubble, and Vi turned to give Dean a sheepish smile.
“See you later,” she said apologetically, wriggling out from under the tree and sitting up. Dean lifted his head to see Tan reach down and help Vi to her feet, the ringing of their boots on the tile and their cheerful chatter fading as they walked down the steps and away from the library.
Dean remained where he was, watching the lights dance above him. There was a blue light somewhere to the right of Dean that glowed almost white, and as Dean watch it the light seemed to pulse, shades of blue to an almost blinding white and back again until it seemed to fill Dean’s field of vision, surround him with light, and in the distance, as though through a fog Dean heard a voice call out urgently, “close your eyes!”
Dean started, knocking his head against the underside of the tree, the needles shaking with the impact.
“What’re doin’ down there, boy?”
Dean wiggled his way out from under the tree, groaning as he sat up and accepting the hand that Bobby held out to him to help him to his feet.
“Just looking at the lights,” he said, wincing as he back protested laying on the tile floor.
“You can look at the lights from here, ya idiot,” Bobby scolded.
Dean chuckled. “Yeah. You need something, Bobby?”
Bobby considered him sceptically for a moment and then shook his head. “Nah, just came up here for a book, saw your stupid ass lying flat on the floor.”
“I appreciate the hand up,” Dean said, and Bobby grunted, muttering under his breath and he walked over to one of the reading nooks and started searching the low shelf.
Dean looked back at the tree one last time, his eye drawn to the one blue light that was glowing brighter than the others, before walking out of the library, scooping up his coffee and his computer on the way.
He’d do his reading in his room today.
Come back tomorrow for Day Eighteen: Christmas Miracle!  (Trust me. You don’t want to miss this one).
Day One: Advent Calendar
Day Two: Tinsel
Day Three: Ribbon
Day Four: Shopping
Day Five: Ugly Sweater
Day Six: Candy Canes
Day Seven: Christmas Spirit
Day Eight: Mistletoe
Day Nine: Gingerbread
Day Ten: Eggnog
Day Eleven: Naughty or Nice
Day Twelve: Snow
Day Thirteen: Sleigh Ride
Day Fourteen: Tree Farm
Day Fifteen: Decorations
Day Sixteen: Angels
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A Memory
When the Empress had to travel for her final role, due to unforeseen circumstances, we were not given our usual driver from the Director, but instead, forced to call upon our own car service. This was much to the chagrin of myself and the other assistants. When I reported such instances to her, she took it in stride, stating simply. “You worry too much. It’ll be fine, the drive isn’t far.” 
“But it’s rude to make you travel like this. He should treat us better. And anyway, how could he forget?” I complained, as we waited on the street for the service to arrive. We had been waiting for a while then, the driver was running ten minutes late. The air that night was thin and cool, with a slight breeze that was enough to slightly chill you, the night lights glittering throughout the street like golden jewels. 
Before the Empress could even reply, the car skidded to a halt in front of us, burning the road with the putrid scent of rubber, and splashing us with filthy water except for the Empress, much to our indignation. He then lazily rolled down the car window. We immediately began to cough as the smell of cigar wafted out of his car, a lit Cuban cigar in his hand. He was a rather loathsome creature of a man–his teeth yellowed, his fat head completely bald save for a few pathetic wisps of grey that circled upon his head like a cuckoo’s nest, and beady eyes that stared at us greedily, making our skin crawl. He grunted out her name and we quickly nodded in shock. He then motioned his thumb to the back, not even bothering to get the car door for her, though in hindsight it may have been a blessing as to even stand around his pungency and see even more of him would have been detestable. I, of course, opened the door for her, only to be further disgusted by the sight inside. 
A haze of smoke filled the car, obfuscating things in a slightly blurred fashion, burning my throat and causing me to immediately cough again. The seats were torn and filthy, the leather worn and shredded in various places. The floor was completely littered with wads of tissues, plastic wrappers, and other trash that I chose not to examine too closely for the sake of my sanity. As we were already running late though, and it was too late to call another car, we were forced to quickly enter, despite our reservations. 
We rode in awkward silence. The only sound was of him loudly chewing, while he blasted some horrendous rap song on the radio to the point of grating all of our ears. All of us, despite our exhaustion from the day, were much too afraid to fall asleep in such a car, lest we be kidnapped or not taken to our destination. Finally, he began, much to my annoyance, to speak. 
“So, y’all rich fellas or somethin’? Never see the likes of ya ride with guys like us.” He said, laughing to himself as if he had something amusingly clever. 
“How did you know?!” 
“Could tell by your clothes. You dress too fancy.” He said, clearly unaware of my mockery. 
“Ya know, I have a rich cousin too, he is wearing all that supreme stuff. Made money on cryptocurrency.” 
“Fascinating, tell me more about it.” 
And so he did, droning on for the rest of the car ride. After what felt like years off of my life, we finally arrived at the hotel. We quickly exited the hellhole of a vehicle, not even bothering to thank him as we desperately desired fresh air, having been trapped in such unpleasant fumigations. The only one to stay behind was our dear Empress, who quietly spoke to the driver for a minute, before exiting 
When I later inquired her on what she had asked him, she said with a soft smile and laugh that she had thanked the man for his entertainment and tipped him for his services. I found myself in a state of shock at such kindness despite his unpleasantry, though this would not be the first nor the last time.
0 notes
Street Signs
TW: abuse. that’s all my account is. it’s writings about my experience as an abused child.
I am scared of street signs. 
Specifically the ones that tell you the speed limit. 
It didn’t matter much when I was younger. I could read a book or play with my Barbies and I was none the wiser to which street signs we passed on our drives. 
It got a bit more complicated when I started driving on my own. Operating a vehicle was stressful enough without the overwhelming panic that set in every time I had to look for the speed limit. I had to get one of those fancy cars with the screens that told you what the speed limit was, simply because I couldn’t look at the signs on the side of the road like a normal person. 
We couldn’t afford it. But my mother saved up all her money, and helped me get a loan, and she made it work like she always did. Instead of being excited, I felt bad the day she pulled up in my shiny new car that was more expensive than anything she’d ever bought for herself. 
It wasn’t her fault that I was so scared of something so stupid. 
I’m scared of a lot of stupid things. Most of them have a story behind it, but some of those stories I can’t even remember now. It’s funny, because most of the things that terrify me are things I used to love. 
Wild flower fields, nightlights, television remotes. Diving boards, showers, ashtrays, beer cans. I’m scared of the smell of cigarette smoke and pink dog collars and christmas-tree-patterned wrapping paper. I’m scared of exercise machines, I’m scared of eating too fast, I’m scared of street signs, and I’m scared of him. 
I used to love most of those things. The things I’m most scared of. Or, at the very least, I thought I did. Maybe my brain just blocks out some of the reasons they terrify me so much now. And sometimes it’s easy to think that they don’t scare me. That I’m only being dramatic. 
But then I remember the car, and my mom, and the feeling of absolute panic when I so much as think of a speed limit sign. I’m not being dramatic. 
It’s not her fault, though I’m sure she blames herself. I blamed her for a while. But I didn’t tell her until I was 12, and I didn’t let on to just how bad it was until I was 18 and he legally had no claim over me anymore. I didn’t want to deal with any more Child Services Agents and I knew she would make me. He’d already given up visitation rights, anyway. 
Oh, yeah: I’m scared of Child Services Interviews. 
I’m sure my mother blames herself, but it wasn’t her fault that she had a kid with a monster. She didn’t know. She couldn’t have. I had made sure she didn’t. 
I often wonder if all kids in my situation have so many irrational fears. I wonder if they remember the reasons behind those fears. I only remember half of my own stories, really. I tell people I was too young to remember. My therapist disagrees - she says I probably just blocked out the trauma. 
All of my irrational fears have a story, and every single story relates back to my singular rational fear: him. 
But this story is about street signs, and I do remember that. 
This story starts in a PT Cruiser. There’s a five-year-old bouncing in her seat with her hand out the window. She has known pain at this point, but she luckily doesn’t remember. This story starts with laughter, and the desire to be helpful, and a called out “35 miles per hour!” to which Mamma laughs along. 
This story ends in a Dodge. There is an eight-year-old crying in her seat with her head against the window. She has known pain at this point, and the new bruise on her cheek will not let her forget. This story ends with tears, and the burn of a cigarette on skin, and a shouted “I know the damn speed limit” from a father who does not know the monster he has started to create. 
This story ends with a fear of street signs.
0 notes
The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 5
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter's Note: It's time for your lunch date with Loki!. Beta by @zaria-04 <3
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Chapter 5: Lunch Date
For once, you knock on the door of the suite instead of going right in. It's more polite today, since you just want to pick up Loki. For the occasion, you've thrown on an elegant dress and chosen shoes that are both comfortable and daringly high. You may have used a little magic for this combination. Since it's cloudy and a bit chilly outside, you've thrown on a thin summer coat.
It's not long before Loki steps out the door.
You were curious regarding what he would wear, because until now you only knew him in Asgardian clothing. Today he looks like he's stepped straight out of a commercial for Armani: he's wearing a perfectly fitted black suit and a dark shirt to go with it, the top two buttons undone. A tasteful combination of sharp and casual. You can see green cufflinks flashing at his sleeves.
The difference between him today and Thor yesterday is like night and day, you notice with amusement. Even though they're both incredibly handsome in their own ways.
"Glad you followed my instructions," you greet him. As if Loki has ever shown poor taste in his choice of clothing.
His eyes scrutinize you, traveling down and up your body once before nodding, as if your appearance has received his approval. However, his gaze lingers on your high neckline. "You, on the other hand, could have made more of an effort," he retorts.
You merely roll your eyes at that without being offended. You get into the elevator and go straight to the underground parking garage. Tony made a joke by installing stereotypical elevator music in all of them. It jingles softly while you take the way down in silence. Loki is standing close to you, you feel him in your personal space. You don't let it show, though, nor do you move aside.
A dark car with a driver is already waiting for you in the garage. It's a fancy limousine, you realize. Presumably Tony doesn't own a single inconspicuous car.
Loki is faster than you and opens the car door for you. He gets a small smile in return but nothing more. You don't want him to think this impresses you.
He takes the seat next to you. "Where are we going?" he asks as you leave the garage.
"It’s a surprise."
Loki chuckles. "You’re making me curious, Witchling."
You notice the new nickname. "Oh, have I been promoted?" you ask amused.
A wide grin spreads across Loki's face. "Don't you worry. You're still my pet."
You leave it at that without a comment.
The drive doesn't take long; the restaurant is only a few blocks away. The car pulls up in front of it and you get out. The restaurant is on the second floor of the building. You climb the stairs and are greeted by the receptionist.
The staff has been briefed in advance and they all behave totally professional. You can't tell if they recognize Loki. Probably the name Tony Stark and the promise of a more than generous tip helps overseeing his past if so.
Maybe it's also because Loki acts like a courteous gentleman. He helps you take off your coat, exhaling sharply as he sees the low back neckline of your dress. You smile knowingly. That was absolutely intentional.
You are led to your table, Loki letting you go ahead. You feel his piercing gaze at your back.
At the table, he passes you and pulls out your chair. You sit down as if it's the most normal thing in the world for him to do. Just because he shows some manners for once doesn't mean you forget his other acts or let them lapse. But it's a nice change from your other interactions and you actually enjoy it. And it's a good show for the staff to see this side of Loki.
He takes a seat across from you and you both get poured champagne.
You two are the only guests at the restaurant. Stark rented the whole place just in case there was trouble. It was apparently not a necessary precaution, but this way the meal has a more private atmosphere.
You raise your glass. "To what are we toasting?"
"Fine food and lovely company."
"Can't argue with that."
The appetizer is served and Loki is in his element. Maybe it's the luxurious surroundings. It's probably a nice change for the prince to be pampered again. Despite the luxury of his suite, he's otherwise on his own in the tower, and aside from Thor, no one else is friendly to him. You wonder if he misses his home. Difficult family circumstances or not. It was certainly a difficult adjustment for him when he arrived back on earth.
"Is this how it is now?" Loki asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. "I wish for something and you make it happen?"
"I thought we'd already established that this isn't the case," you reply.
"Then why the lunch now?" He seems genuinely interested.
"I thought it would be a nice change," you admit, "and you asked nicely. Besides, it's a good opportunity to talk."
You definitely plan to take advantage of the fact that he can't just run away. Tony and Thor are just waiting for a call and would be right here. Loki seems to sense that.
"About what?" the Asgardian asks amused. "My inclusion into the team of these heroes?" He pronounces the word with every ounce of sarcasm.
"I'd love to hear from you about what the attack in New York was like for you."
Loki is taken aback by this change of topic and for a split second his face falls. Then he has a neutral mask back on, but the lightness of a moment ago is gone. "I have nothing to say about this. I'm sure you've already been told about it in detail." He turns his head away, looking seemingly interested at the paintings displayed on the opposite wall. But you're not intimidated by his dismissive manner.
"Some things hurt. But they don't get better unless we talk about them. I imagine it must have been hard to go through all that, to have a captured mind and then to be punished for it later." It's your honest opinion about it. You have had your own experiences with mind control magic and you know that the more complex and stronger the mind is, the more painful the procedure is for the victim. At least if it is done involuntarily. But who would like to be a voluntary victim?
"Then you can guess my opinion about my stay here on Midgard."
"I wouldn't like it either," you admit, "but I'd make the best of it."
"I do."
"Really?" You raise an eyebrow. "Because to me it looks like you just sit in your room and sulk most of the time."
The corners of Loki's mouth twitch up. "I'm sitting here with you, aren't I?"
You nod. "That's right. Thanks, by the way, for calling my company the best."
This makes Loki laugh and his spirits seem to rise again. You've already noticed that his mood is as fickle as the weather on a spring day in April. "I’m planning on calling you other things, too," he promises you with a suggestive look.
"I'm not sure if you earned that yet."
Something in Loki's eyes flashes. It's a challenge you didn't intend, but one he accepts. Fortunately, at that moment, the next course is brought, together with a red wine.
"Can you read the future from entrails, Witchling?", Loki asks you, looking at his beef tartare.
"The only thing I'm reading out of this is that we're going to have a delicious meal." You try your beef and it’s really good. Tony really has the best recommendations for restaurants. However, you don't want to know how expensive this lunch is. In that respect, it's really convenient to have a rich employer.
"When I was younger, I learned the art of palm reading," Loki tells you, drawing your attention. "It's been a while, but I dare to say I’m still good at it.”
Amused, you catch his gaze. He holds his hand out to you. "May I?"
You put down your knife and lie your right hand into his. He turns your palm upward and studies it, tracing the lines. He takes his time, as if he were looking at and analyzing a work of art. His fingers are firm but their touch is gentle.
"Well?" you ask after a while of silence.
Loki looks up at you. "It seems you are quite blessed," is his professional opinion.
"Am I?"
Without averting his eyes, he brings his lips to your hand and kisses your wrist, right where the pulse is. A pleasant shiver comes over you. "You are now." His voice is low as if he were casting a spell on you.
You blink and a moment passes before you remember to react.
"Silvertongue." You chuckle and draw your hand back. But you register that you should be more careful. It’s not wise to be lulled in by his charms. Loki seems to notice his effect on you as well and he winks at you before he turns his attention back to his food.
For dessert, a platter of various small sweets is placed on the table. Loki tries everything and you notice that he seems to have a sweet tooth. You let it go unremarked, but make a mental note of it for future reference.
"So, why are you doing this?" the Asgardian suddenly asks you.
Somewhat puzzled, you look up. "What do you mean?"
"I know it's a great honor to be in my presence, but I'm still wondering why you are here."
You now he doesn’t mean here in the restaurant, but with him in general. "That's quite simple actually: a friend asked me and I was curious," you explain.
"A friend?" Loki asks. "Stark?"
"No, the Sorcerer Supreme."
Loki grins. "Look at you, Witchling, casually throwing in the fact that you are friends with the Sorcerer Supreme."
"Let's just say he's a friend from work. Why? Do you know him?"
Loki swirls the red liquid in his glass. "I've met various Sorcerer Supremes in the past. Can't say I’m fond of the current one."
That makes you curious. "Why not?"
"Let's not talk about that second rated wizard," Loki says firmly, putting his glass back on the table. "This evening is too lovely to ruin it with that."
You drop the subject, but you'll definitely ask Stephen what happened between the two of them. There has to be a story behind it and you are determined to find it out.
Eventually, you finish the meal and stand up. The bill is sent directly to Tony, so you have nothing to do but collect your jackets. On the way to the reception, Loki stays by your side and puts a hand on your back to guide you. Your back tingles at the skin contact and it's not because his hand is surprisingly cool.
You feel the loss of his touch as he pulls back his arm and helps you into your coat.
You leave the restaurant and wait for the car to pull up. The streets are filled with traffic and people whose lunch break has just ended and who are on their way back to their offices. There is a lot of honking, you hear the siren of an ambulance and a child is crying somewhere. You would never think of driving yourself in these narrow streets and you silently thank Tony for offering a chauffeur. New York is really a big city, you haven't gotten used to it yet and you're glad you can spend most of your time at the Avenger Tower. There are a lot of people working there too, but the hustle and bustle isn't as noticeable.
It may be the nature of your being that you're not a fan of large crowds. A large crowd always has its own essence, its own mind. And in your experience, nothing good ever comes out of it. You remember only too well how people used to gather to watch someone similar to you undergo a test. The rules were always simple: if the person died, they were not a witch. If they did not die, they were a witch and had to be killed. The end result was always the same. Fortunately, your mother was always careful to teach her children how to stay under the radar. When it was better to get to safety and move to a new place. The cards helped you do that. It's always quite good to have a little glimpse into the future. Unfortunately, not all of your siblings had the same luck. The modern era got off to an impetuous start. You yourself only barely escaped once. But by now, things had really improved for witches. People were no longer focused on eradicating the occult or simply what they didn't understand. Or at least you stick to those countries where it's like that.
You see your car arriving and turn to Loki - only to find he's no longer standing next to you.
Oh Shit.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Your heart hits your stomach. You've been so preoccupied that you haven't paid attention to him. Searchingly, you turn around, but you don’t spot him anywhere. His tall figure should be visible above the heads of the others. Silently you curse that you have been so careless. The friendly conversation at dinner has put you in a false sense of security. You reach for your cell phone in your pocket to inform Tony or Thor, while walking down the sidewalk a bit. They wouldn't be thrilled at all that you lost the younger prince. Tony had specifically warned you about this.
Suddenly, you hear his voice and as you round a few passersby, you see the Asgardian god kneeling by a child in front of a store window. It is a dark-haired girl with a backpack in the shape of a rabbit, who has red puffy eyes, as if she had been crying bitterly until just now. Slowly you approach the two, your cell phone still in your hand, but not dialing a number yet.
"Loki?" you ask cautiously.
The dark-haired man looks up at you. "There you are. Little Lady Sofía here is lost and can't find her way back home."
Once again, big tears well up in the eyes of the girl who may just be in elementary school, if at all. Loki reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a handkerchief, which he hands to her.
You, meanwhile, decide that you can scold Loki later for just disappearing like that. Instead, you hunker down next to Loki to the girl, who backs away a bit, though.
"It's okay," he reassures her. "She's a friend of mine and she's helping us."
There are so many things you wonder about. Loki's reassuring way of talking to the child. How he even managed to get her to trust him so quickly. That he called you a friend. But for now your focus is on the girl.
"Where do you live?" you ask her.
"In a tall house," she answers, sniffling loudly. Unfortunately, that applies to pretty much every building in New York, so it doesn't help you.
"There you are," you suddenly hear a voice behind you. As you turn around, you see a short, broad man approaching you, his gaze on the girl. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
You rise. "Are you her father?"
The man shakes his head. "The uncle. I was supposed to pick her up from school, but I got held up at work. By the time I got there, she was gone." He turns to the girl and leans down a bit toward her. "I'll take you home now," he promises her, holding out his hand.
That's when Loki pushes his way into his path, arms crossed. "Don’t get any closer," he growls at the man, who looks at him in surprise at his sudden aggressiveness.
"It’s none of your business," the man says, but uncertainty resonates in his voice.
That's when Loki grabs him at the shoulder and pushes him back. "If you touch her, I'll kill you." If his eyes were daggers, they would have killed the stranger immediately.
You put your hand on Loki's arm. "Loki, what are you doing?" you ask him calmly but firmly.
"He's lying," the Asgardian growls. "I can smell the falsehood in his words."
This makes you frown. You have no reason to doubt the man. However, you have no reason to doubt Loki's words either. Therefore, you lean down again to the girl, who has been watching the whole scene with wide eyes. "Do you know this man?" you ask her, but she only plays sheepishly with the handkerchief she got from Loki. She is too intimidated by the attention of all these strange adults and doesn't answer.
"Let go of me!" the man demands meanwhile, trying to free himself from Loki's iron grip. Some passers-by become aware of the scene and stare at you curiously. You don’t like that, because it's not good when Loki's face is in the public eye in a story like this.
"Let him go," you therefore say to him. "We will report him to the police, but first we need the girl to get home safely."
Loki turns his head toward you and your eyes meet. You nod at him in what you hope is a confident and reassuring manner. This must not escalate or you both will be in trouble. He seems to realize that, because he reluctantly lets the man go, pushing him back a bit while he does. "Lucky for you, the voice of reason is present.”
"You'll hear from me!" the man scolds. But it is half-hearted and he quickly disappears between the passer-by.
Loki clenches his hands into fists and closes his eyes for a moment to take a breath and resist the urge to hurt the man after all. He looks in the direction he disappeared and with a small gesture he sends a spell after him anyway. You don't know what it is and you don't ask. Then the Asgardian turns back to you.
Meanwhile, you've spotted a police officer among the people, who is grabbing something at a food truck. He's probably on his lunch break, but you don't care right now. With what just happened, you'd better get an official party involved. "I'll be right back," you say to Loki and walk over to the officer.
"Excuse me, officer."
"Yes, Miss?" he turns to you questioningly.
"My friend and I found a child who got lost. I'm afraid she can't tell us where she lives," you explain and he looks in the direction you point. Between the passersby, Loki and Sofía are only vaguely visible.
"A child you say? A little girl?"
"Yes, about this tall." You point at hip level.
The cop hands the food truck owner some money for his food, then reaches for his walkie talkie. "Officer Decker, this is Daniel. Are you still with the woman who lost her daughter?" he asks into the device. "What's the girl's name again?"
After a brief pause, the device crackles. "Yes, she's still here. The daughter's name is Sofía, seven years old."
Daniel gives you a questioning look and you nod. "Come over to 34th Street and Lexington Avenue. I think I found her here."
He follows you to Loki, who looks towards you. "He might know where the mother is," you explain to him as the cop leans down to the girl. But Sofía doesn't seem to be in the mood for further acquaintance and hides a bit behind Loki's leg. Daniel looks questioningly at him, but the Asgardian merely shrugs. You all decide to wait.
A few minutes pass by, when the girl suddenly shrieks. "Mommy!" You follow her gaze and see a petite woman step around the corner alongside another police officer. When she hears the call, her worried face turns to relief. Then she spots her daughter.
The child runs toward her and the two embrace.
The policemen follow the women a little slower, taking care of the details. Loki and you stay around briefly to make a statement, especially because Loki insists on reporting the strange man from earlier.
It turns out that mother and daughter were shopping when Sofía left a store while strolling. She wandered around a bit and then couldn't find her way back. Apparently she got two blocks far. The mother, who only let the little one out of her sight for a short time, had all the employees search the entire store.
She's very glad to have her girl back.
Loki and you take your leave quietly and get into your car, which is still waiting for you nearby.
Relieved, you exhale. What an afternoon. You hadn't planned something like this to happen when you organized lunch at the restaurant. But with an Asgardian god, you never know exactly what's going to happen next.
Loki looks out his window, seemingly bored, but turns his head to you when you put your hand on his arm.
"You did great," you tell him with an honest smile.
He looks at you with an unreadable expression. His eyes move down to where you are touching him and he withdraws his arm. Then he looks wordlessly at the window again. You get no response. But you don't care, because you know Loki did the right thing when it mattered.
What you don't know is that he is so surprised by your unexpected praise that he doesn't know what to say. He's not used to it and it actually makes him a little embarrassed.
Surprise! Loki didn't run off at the first chance he got. He behaves decently when he is treated decently. Shocking news I know! Kids trusting Loki will be a recurring trope in this story. He deserves all the love and trust. Also, you finally got your nickname: Witchling. Yay
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu
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juanarc-thethird · 3 years
A Jaune of All Trades
In the cafeteria.
Ruby: Jaune, I don't want to sound rude, but how do you pay for things? You know, the comics, the maintenance of your weapons, going to the movies, etc.
Weiss: I wonder that too. I mean, the school already takes care of housing, education and food. But the rest? Do your parents send you money?
Jaune: I have an answer for that. I have my own business.
Ruby: *amazed* Oooh, what do you do?
Jaune: I provided different types of services to my clients.
Weiss: That doesn't sound good.
Jaune: What do you mean.... Oh god no! Not that kind of service. I only do simple things like deliveries.
Junior: Where is the “package”?
Jaune: *Leaning on a car* In the trunk.
Junior's goons open the trunk.
Man: Please! Don't hurt me!
Jaune: I also give rides
Ruby: *Smiles* You know how to drive?
Jaune: Yes I do and I'm pretty good at it.
Roman and Neo get into a car with bags full of money.
Roman: Driver, it's time to go.
Jaune: Hold on *Runs Engine*
Neo: 🤘😆🎉
Jaune: Sometimes I provide musical entertainment.
Weiss: I don't believe you
Jaune: Well, believe it
Jaune playing the piano in a fancy restaurant. He sees a couple of girls and winks at them.
Malachite twins: *Dreamy eyes* Aww~😍❤️
Jaune: Sometimes I help some restaurants when they don't have enough staff in the kitchen.
Ruby: Can you bake cookies?
Jaune: Yes
Jaune is wearing a chef's outfit and is finishing up a dish.
Jaune: And done.
Gordon Ramsay: Amazing. *To his staff* This is a real chef. Not like all of you worthless pieces of-
Jaune: I also give a hand in some computer stuff.
Weiss: Like remove a virus?
Jaune: Something like that
Salem: Any progress, Dr. Watts?
Dr Arthur: *Having trouble hacking the Atlas military network* One moment, my Queen. *quietly* Who is this Jboy and how is he so good at this?
Jaune: I also help people recover things that they lost.
Ruby: that’s nice
Weiss: I suppose
Vernal: What do you mean we're not going to do anything?! He collected a lot of information from us, our targets, names, locations, everything from us! We can't let that traitor escape!
Raven: And we won't. Don't worry, I have the right men for the job. Just come drink some tea with me and wait.
A guy runs through the woods.
Man: Hehe, I'm going to get rich from all this information once I- What the hell?!
He felt something grab his leg and pull him to the highest point of a tree.
Jaune: *Wearing a stealth suit* Hi, I'm going to take this. *takes his Scroll* Now, let's go visit my client.
Jaune: I also-
Jaune: Sorry, just a moment. *Checks his phone* Oh, sorry girls but I have another client who needs my services. I'll tell you the rest later. byeee *walks away*
Weiss:...I don't believe him.
Ruby: I do
I was thinking of doing something like Jaune is the worst at fighting (of course) but he's the best at everything else, like EVERYTHING else you can think of.
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captains-simp · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff ~ Fake It Till You Make It
Tumblr media
Wanda version of this fic as requested by @yeetus-thyself
7.7k words
Warnings: shitty family and homophobia
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Pleeaasse, Wan" You pouted once again. You had been begging Wanda for the favour for an hour now; her stubborness was proving hard to overcome.
"I'm busy." Wanda said, her accent strong as she walked around her appartment to collect things for her next mission.
"But will you be busy on the 10th?" You asked from the couch where you watched her disappear into various rooms as she talked.
"I thought you said it was a few days." Wanda quipped, seemingly only giving you half her attention.
"It is." You confirmed with some hope.
"So I'd need to clear my schedule for more than just the 10th." You huffed and rested your head on the back of couch.
"Yes you would. I'm sure Natasha can manage without you for a few days."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." She muttered.
"Please, Wan." You tried. "I need a win." Wanda stopped by the kitchen counter and gave you a long, considering look. You had long given up on your puppy dog eyes and instead copied her expression as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'll think about it." Wanda finally said before grabbing something from the cupboard. It was the best response you had gotten all night and you knew you wouldn't get anything more. So you accepted it and hoped for the best.
Your parents had invited you to their cabin for a few days just like they did every year. It was a beautiful place. You could spend your whole visit in the forest along the back. Or swimming in the clear lake that was a short walk away. The cabin itself was the cosiest place you had ever been and had been where some of your best memories had happened as a kid.
As you got older things changed. Being around your family, especially your parents, wasn't as enjoyable. They had high expectations for their children, expectations that your siblings had met without a problem but ones that you had struggled with. You enjoyed your life. You had the kind of relationships you had always hoped for, you loved your job and you had the perfect balance of the two. But you could never shake the feeling that you had failed.
Your brother was a surgeon who always told you all stories of the lives he saved and the close calls he had swooped in to save people from. One of your sisters was some hot shot lawyer who had done great things like help people wrongly convicted but still put dangerous people back on the street. And your other sister was the CEO of an energy company that you never quite understood. They even all had equally successful partners who loved to talk about themselves as much as your siblings did. You didn't have any of that. But you did have Wanda.
Knowing the Avengers was the only thing about you your family took interest in. They were always subtly hinting at wanting to meet your friends. But you knew the Avengers had to endure enough fan service and didn't want to push your family onto them, especially with how annoying they all were.
However as your family's unrealistic expectations reached their all time high you were sure you wouldn't be able to handle another trip with them without a win, and you were far too petty to take the moral high ground and just not go. Not to mention that was a huge part of you that was dying to see what the Wanda girlfriend experience would entail. Yep, that was what you were asking of Wanda. To pretend to be your partner for the duration of the trip.
You knew it wasn't a smart choice. That if Wanda agreed your crush on her could get out of hand. You knew you would end up getting too caught up in the act. You could have, no - should have - asked Natasha or Yelena or even Carol if she was around. But your family knew you were the closest with Wanda and she would be the one it felt the most natural with, and the most believable. At least, that was what you told Wanda.
"When are you going?" You asked, changing the subject in hopes that Wanda wouldn't suddenly conclude she didn't want to do it (then you really would have to ask one of the others).
"Tomorrow." She answered, keeping her focused tone.
"When will you be back?" You attempted to keep the concern out of your voice but the glance the redhead gave you told you you hadn't done a good job.
"The day after." She said, softer this time. You nodded as you looked down at your lap and tried not to think about everything that could possibly go wrong on her mission.
"Be safe." Wanda strolled over to you and placed her hand gently ontop of yours and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Got any plans Saturday night?" Natasha smirked knowingly at her friend as they preped for their mission.
"No." Wanda replied as she adjusted her earpiece.
"Nothing with y/n then?" Nat asked, partly genuinely but mostly knowing Wanda would still say no.
"Nope." She said again, biting the inside of her cheek in consideration before speaking again. "Not this Saturday."
Natasha raised an eyebrow in surprise and interest. Wanda rarely made any kind of special plans with you as you would always hang out casual and it was never anything fancy or different. She had always wanted to though.
"Plans for another time?" Nat continued as she double checked her pack.
"Maybe, I'm still thinking about it." The redhead turned fully to her friend at her words, confused at why Wanda was hesitant to spend time with you. "She wants me to go to the cabin with her and her family." Nat had heard all about the infamous cabin and your family.
"That sounds fun." Nat nodded. The cabin sounded fun. Your family did not.
"As her girlfriend." Nat's eyes widened excitedly but before she could speak Wanda clarified. "Her pretend girlfriend."
Nat paused and looked as though she was going to speak for several seconds until she stuck to just giving a confused look.
"Yeah." Wanda sighed. "Thinks it would seem impressive." Wanda had tried not to be hurt over that. She knew you weren't just friends with her to show her off to people, because you never did. But it hurt her to think the only time you could see her in a romantic way was when you were pretending.
"Well," Nat muttered as she adjusted the zip along the front of her catsuit. "Fake it till you make it." It was Wanda's turn to give Nat a questioning look. "Maybe it'll be an eye opener for her."
"You think I should do it?" She asked, fully open to hearing and accepting her friend and mentor's advice in that area.
"Definelty." Nat confirmed. She wasn't sure about it for the reasons she said though. Wanda's crush on you was obvious to everyone except you, just as it was vice versa.
You had been overjoyed when Wanda told you she would come with you to the cabin and play along as your girlfriend. She had told you when she came back from her mission, in fact it was the first thing she said after she had let herself into your appartment. It was never really brought up after that, but you couldn't deny you were incredibly anxious on the week leading up to the visit.
On the drive up to the cabin you and Wanda stayed in a comfortable silence most of the time, clearly both lost in thought. You had the radio on for background noise more than anything else, but you would occasionally lightly tap the steering wheel if there was a tune you recognised, oblivious to Wanda's acknowledging smiles.
"So what's the plan?" Wanda asked as she looked at you expectantly. Right, of course the Avenger wanted a strategy.
"Keep things simple, I guess. They know how we met already so we can just say at some point we took things a step further than friendship." Wanda didn't seem convinced at the simplicity of that. "Look they're not going to want to hear about us, not much at least. They prefer the sound of their own voices, they'll be trying to impress you is all."
"Impress me?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, hope you warm up to them so one day they can invite you to their snobby parties." Wanda chuckled her heart warming laugh as she glanced out of the window, knowing there was a lot of truth to what you said.
"And what are those like?" She enquired curiously.
"I wouldn't know, I've never been invited." You said simply. You had gotten over that a long time ago, gotten used to being forgotten. Wanda clearly hadn't though.
"It will be an honour to turn them down." Wanda said. You shook your head and smiled at her. That did sound pretty nice.
When the cabin came into sight between the trees your nerves spiked. You figited in your seat and bit your lip when you saw some of your family gathered outside, their attention instantly on you. You shot Wanda a quick smile which she returned before you got out of the car.
"Y/n! So nice of you to come." You mum said as her eyes flickered to Wanda more than you. She opened her arms for the shortiest hug in human history before turning to Wanda. "You must be Wanda, we've heard so much." You mum insisted as she brought the redhead in for a hug too. She raised her eyebrows at you over your mum's shoulder and you bite back a laugh.
The others came over to greet you and mainly Wanda in a rush, overwhelming both of you.
"You two will be in the upstairs bedroom on the left." Your mum told you as you went to grab your bags. You did a double take, convinced you had heard her wrong. That was the best room in the house. A big difference from being in the small room in the basement every other time you had been there.
"First one on the left." Your dad confirmed. There was no way your parents were going to be in the basement so you wondered who else had been moved around but didn't ask, knowing whoever it was wasn't going to be happy.
You and Wanda made your way up to the room and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the spacious room and the door you knew led to your en suite.
"That was...a lot." Wanda summarised as she said her bag under the bed.
"I would tell you it gets better but I don't want to get your hopes up." You sighed as you got a couple of things out.
"It's just a few days." Wanda said despite the fact you should have been assuring her.
"Yeah." You nodded and stared down at the floor. "Now c'mon." You suddenly said as you took ahold of Wanda's hand and laced your fingers together. You missed the startled blush that crept onto her cheeks when you turned around.
Your family were sat outside whispering amongst themselves when you returned. Their interested gaze fell to your entwined hands in an instant.
"So you work with the Avengers?" Your brother, Dalton, said as soon as you both sat down.
"I do, I'm one myself." Wanda said as she continued to hold onto your hand.
"Must be crazy, what are they like?" He enquired.
"They're good." Wanda said simply. Everyone clearly expected something more but Wanda pretended not to notice making you smile.
"I almost did business with Stark once, decided against it in the end." Claire announced proudly. You and Wanda exchanged knowing glances. Stark had told you all about his encounter with your sister, it definetly wasn't her turning him down.
"I was invited to one of his parties." Anna said quickly. "I was busy that night unfortunately."
Bull. Shit.
"Yes I remember working with Doctor Strange when he was still in the medical profession." You gave Wanda an I-told-you-so look as your family erupted into conversation over who had the most contact with the heroes. That had to be a new record of how quickly they started talking about themselves.
They continued like that until your mum called everyone in for dinner. The food smelt undeniably amazing as you took your place at the table next to Wanda and eyed the dishes infront of you. Your parents efforts to impress the redhead weren't all that bad.
Your family continued to catch up and and you and Wanda half listened as you ate. They were all doing as well for themselves as ever and still hadn't learnt any modesty.
Although you were proud of your siblings for what they had all achieved, Wanda had contained four potentially devastating bombs from going off in the space of half an hour a week before but she wasn't going to bring that up anytime soon. Eventually though, the attention turned to you to bring you out of your silence.
"And you're still working in that little café, y/n?" Your mum asked curiously.
"I own it, mum." You corrected quietly as you stabbed some pieces on your plate.
"Ah yes, quite the contrast though, isn't it. Between you two." She said as she pointed at you and Wanda with her fork. You didn't say anything to that because you felt there really wasn't anything to say in response. It wasn't like you hadn't thought that exact thing every now and then.
"The team loves it." Wanda said suddenly making everyone, including you, look at her in slight surprise from speaking up. It hadn't taken your family long to learn Wabda wasn't much of a talker, not to them anyway. You couldn't get her to shut up half the time. "At least one of us goes everyday. If we're lucky we all can. Nothing beats it." She defended simply before turning back to her food to show she wasn't going to say anymore. You smiled down at your plate at her words and the truth of them.
No one said anything in response, clearly shocked from this new information until Dalton spoke up.
"But doesn't Stark like fancy, top of the line, restaurants? I can't imagine him in some random coffee shop, no offence sis." He nodded towards you though you knew he didn't mean it. He couldn't let you have just one win.
"That random coffee shop has catered some of Stark's parties. Not that many though." A smug smile crept onto Dalton's face as he opened his mouth to make a snarky remark but Wanda cut him down again. "Because y/n's invited to the rest as a guest and a close friend." Your family stared at you with open mouths.
"You've been invited to Stark's parties?!" Anna exclaimed. In your defence, your family never wanted to hear about your life so you never got the chance to tell them anything.
"It's not really my crowd." You shrugged. "I just go to hang out with them after." Dalton's jaw clenched in annoyance and he didn't say anything for the rest of dinner. It was only really your mum who kept talking. Telling everyone about her latest travels that fell on death ears.
It was certainly a first for your family.
When everyone had finished their food you and Wanda excused yourselves and said goodnight before retiring to your room. Wanda shut the door gently as you collapsed onto the bed on your back and glared at the ceiling. The redhead shuffled around quietly to get her toothbrush and toothpaste and some other things you weren't really paying attention to and went into the bathroom.
When she came back out she was in her bedclothes and lifted your feet off the floor to turn you so you could fully lay on the bed. You smiled at her weakly.
"You should go get changed." Wanda said as she got her laptop out her bag. "Then you can pick a movie." She announced when she had gotten under the covers and started her laptop. You smiled more and nodded.
You tried not to think about your family and everything they had said at dinner as you got changed but it proved difficult. Everything they had said echoed around in your head but most of all you couldn't shake the disregarding ways they said it. It was as though you could do no right with them. Maybe they would never be proud no matter what you did.
You placed your toothbrush back I'm the holder and rinsed your mouth before heading back into the bedroom to an awaiting Wanda.
You got under the covers next to her and rested your head on her shoulder as you glanced at the Netflix screen and pointed to one of the comedy movies.
About ten minutes into the movie Wanda spoke. "You okay?" She whispered as she continued to look at the screen although that wasn't where her focus was.
"Yeah." You whispered back.
"You can talk to me." She said after a second." You moved your head away so you could see Wanda clearly.
"I'm so glad you're here." You said honestly. She smiled and nodded as her eyes searched yours.
"I'm glad I'm here too." You knew Wanda wasn't glad she had to spend the time with your family. She was glad that she could support you despite their efforts to bring you down. You were incredibly lucky to have her.
You rested your head back on her shoulder and neither of you spoke for the rest of the movie. Or the rest of the night. You must have fallen asleep about half an hour in.
Wanda was one of the most intimate people you had ever met. It was mainly something she aimed towards you and Natasha but didn't refrain from comforting others and giving hugs to anyone who would take one. She never held back at all with you, as far as you knew. But when you woke up and couldn't tell where your limbs started and Wanda's ended, you were still surprised to find yourselves like that. Butterflies flew around in your stomach in a way you knew was dangerous but couldn't help but love.
You were resting your head on her rising chest and had your arm slung across her stomach. Your legs were tangled together and her arms were holding onto your waist. A warmth spread through you and you decided to settle back into her hold and closed your eyes with a content smile.
You had about ten minutes to enjoy that before Wanda woke up. You could feel the moment she realized you were so close, she physically froze. You waited in anticipation for something for several moments until your friend very slowly unhooked her legs and guided your body to lay against the mattress and pillows as she slipped out of bed towards the bathroom.
You sighed when you heard the door close and rubbed your eyes slowly, knowing you should get up but wishing more than anything that you could return to how you woke up.
"Morning." Wanda croaked when she left the bathroom and saw you sitting up in bed.
"Morning." You said back with a smile and tried not to focus on how ridiculously attractive her voice sounded.
You gathered some random clothes into a bundle and went into the bathroom to change again and brush your teeth. When you came out Wanda was pulling her shirt over her head and gave you a generous view of her toned stomach. That training with Natasha really was paying off. Your face heated up when you saw it and you turned away to pretend you hadn't seen when Wanda noticed you.
"Don't make a sound." Wanda warned. You glanced up at her with some confusion. "I don't think your family's awake yet, that means we get the kitchen to ourselves." She grinned and you did too.
You and Wanda had gotten so used to getting up early for your jobs you forgot other people would still be sleeping. It was hard to break out of the habit but it proved useful.
The pair of you made a quick breakfast and ate it outside thanks to the warm weather even at that time. But soon enough your parents came downstairs and ruined the peaceful atmosphere with the clanging of pots and loud convosations.
You wandered around the side of the house and saw the old table tennis table that bad been folded away years ago and hadn't been set up since. You went over and started setting it up when Wanda joined you and eyed the table with a glimmer of mischief.
The redhead wasn't all that competitive, in fact you were pretty sure she let other people win games on the regular to make them feel better about themselves. But there was an undeniable spark of mischief in her eyes when she saw the table.
"You played this before?" You asked convosationally.
"I have." She said as you both automatically took up your positions of opposite ends of the table.
"Me too." You said confidently. "A lot." Wanda hummed in acknowledgment and swivelled her bat in her hand and stood ready. You smiled at her seriousness for the game.
You served surprisingly well for someone who hadn't played in a few years and Wanda was able to hit it back with ease. Once you had developed a steady pace you started hitting the ball more daringly to Wanda who was caught off guard before she started doing the same.
The moment you missed the ball a small smile tugged at the corner of Wanda's lips, her celebration was short lived when you suddenly sent the ball back her way until it was too late.
"That wasn't fair!" She exclaimed childishly.
"That was tables tennis." You said seriously but started smiling again.
Wanda huffed dramatically and flipped you off as she trudged back to the table and served the ball with force. You managed to send it back but took a step away from the table in caution.
You continued like that for a while. The competition tension rising as you picked up the pace, one of you occasionally getting a point before the other evened it out.
At one point you were vaguely aware of Dalton sauntering over to see what you were doing and arched his brow at the sight of the table.
"We still have this thing?" He questioned and you hummed quietly in response, too focused on the game.
"Hey Claire! Get over here, we're playing table tennis." You rolled your eyes at the intrusive and could sense Wanda refraining from doing the same until an idea popped into your head.
You caught the ball in your hand and smiled at Wanda's protests as you moved round to her side of the table just as your sister came out.
"I didn't even know we still had this." Claire laughed as she picked up another bat from the box.
"Maybe we should take it back with us." Wanda whispered to you and you bit your lip to contain your smile because yes, yes you should.
Inevitably, your siblings sucked at table tennis. You had suspected as much you just never thought they would be as bad as they were. They missed almost every hit and everytime they did they got increasingly angry, which meant they ended up flaring their arms around like idiots. It was a memory you would be sure to treasure.
"Stupid game" and "probably broken" kept echoing across the table until your siblings finally stormed off to throw a tantrum.
The rest of the day went by quietly. You and Wanda sat by the lake for most of the afternoon to enjoy the sun and heat. You reveled in the most recent memories of your siblings embarrassment and had to keep hushing down to childish whispered whenever one of them was nearby.
Surprisingly, dinner went by peacefully too.
You weren't asked anymore questions at the table. Instead, your family were content with talking about their upcoming plans between stealing glances at you and Wanda that the redhead never failed to notice.
The pair of you slipped off to your room the first moment you got and easily fell into bed besides one another. Wanda picked out a DVD from her bag of an old Sokovian show she used to watch as a child and had you hooked on as well as teaching you the language.
She settled down beside you and within the first few scenes she wrapped an arm around your shoulder so you could sink into her further like she did sometimes when you watched things together. You were barely paying attention to the series after that.
Despite trying to keep your focus on understanding what was happening in scenes of the show, you couldn't help but want to melt under the warmth of your best friend. You hoped it was something you got to experience more, you felt safer than you ever had in Wanda's arms.
Little did you know that having you in her arms was the most comforting feeling Wanda ever experienced and she always tried to do it as little as possible to refrain from falling for you more. It never worked.
You had thought waking up in Wanda's arms the morning before had been the best thing to awake to. But that day when you woke up not only were your legs tangled together again but the redhead was slowly stroking your hair while your head rested on her chest.
It was a gradual gesture that maintained a perfect rhythm and made you want to fall back asleep. But you were afraid you would mistake it for a dream later on. No, it was definitely real.
Luckily, your head was already tilted upwards slightly so when you secretly opened your eyes to risk a peek at your friend you saw her staring out the window as though she was in a trance. She was clearly so deep in thought she hadn't noticed you wake up, you had never seen her like it. But the feeling was too good to ignore, too compelling.
Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off back to sleep.
When you woke up again Wanda was gone. Her absence left an emptiness you knew wasn't good for you. As the days of your visit went on your fake relationship with Wanda was going to effect you even more when it was over.
Over...you couldn't think about that.
Once you got up and got changed you found Wanda in the kitchen looking at the news on her phone as she sipped her coffee.
"Morning, honey." You grinned. Wanda blushed slightly into her coffee, something you thought was undeniably adorable.
"Morning yourself." She tried to play off smoothly making you grin more.
You made breakfast for you both just as your mum came into the kitchen and greeted you both with an overplayed smile, already talking to Wanda about an upcoming party that she should go to. Wanda mumbled something about a busy schedule as you managed to whisp her away outside with your food.
Eventually, you and Wanda became bored with sitting around in the house when you had such amazing surroundings on your doorstep. You declared that you were going on a walk with the redhead and left before any of your family could invite themselves to go with you. Especially as you had told your friend to wear her swimwear underneath her clothing as you had a surprise for her.
You made a point of holding Wanda's hand as you left and once you were far away from the house went to take it back only for her to hold on tighter.
"You never know where they could be lurking." She joked as an excuse, so you starting swinging your arms playfully as to assure her you wanted your hands to stay linked together too.
You spent hours in those woods and was thankful for having a spy best friend who of course knew to pack the essentials like food and drinks so you could stay away from the house as long as you wanted.
The redhead brought so much you were able to have a small picnic on top of a hill that overlooked the large lake that stretched out all the way back to the house. You remembered thinking up stories as to explain the strange shape and curves to it as a child.
"It's beautiful here." Wanda said as she picked some grapes from the bunch between you.
"It is." You agreed with a fond smile.
"I used to want to live in a place like this." She muttered, sparking your interest.
"In the woods?" You asked curiously and she nodded.
"I thought I could retire to the woods and get a small cabin and I could grow my own food and that was all I needed." You hummed with a smile as you studied Wanda's features.
"Sounds lonely." You thought aloud.
"I'd have a cat." She said simply making you laugh. "I never used to think that but now when it crosses my mind and I picture that life... I picture someone else there with me." You knew she was imagining it as she spoke and you wished you could see exactly what it was she wanted.
"We could always downgrade the holiday house." You half joked as you nodded in the vague direction of the house. "Make it a simple cabin."
"We?" Wanda asked hopefully, the emotion clear before she had a chance to conceal it.
"There's no one I'd rather run away and live in the forest with." You joked although there was a lot of truth to your words. The redhead considered you for a while before smiling and nodded as though she had reached her own internal conclusion.
"Come on." You said suddenly as you stood up and dusted yourself off.
"You want to go back?" Wanda asked and you grinned.
"I'm going to show you that surprise." You declared and packed the remaining food away. Wanda did the same, eager to see the surprise you kept secret the whole way.
It was quite a way back to the house. The whole time Wanda kept asking more questions about it but you wouldn't say. She could only make guesses based on the swim wear which should have left only a few options, non of which she got right.
Finally, you arrived where you wanted to and grinned at Wabda before starting towards the edge. The redhead frowned as she watched you approach the ledge and became worried when she invisioned the steep slope that didn't always lead to water straight down. If you were to fall... your friend didn't have to wait long to see that. You slipped along the edge and disappeared from her view as she gave a startled cry and sprinted towards the edge and knelt over with wide eyes, expecting to see something that could haunt her forever but instead she saw you on a wide ledge but seven feet below her.
To your left was part of the ledge that had been dug into randomly and acted as perfect aid to get back into the woods above.
"Come down here." You beckoned as you starter to take your top off. Wanda's eyes widened more and quickly turned around and dropped down next to you steadily.
She glanced over the side of the small ledge to glance at the fifty foot drop into the water. There was nothing in the way to fall onto but there was no telling how deep that water was.
"You can't go in like that." You laughed as you kicked off your shorts and pushed them to the side.
Wanda's face heated up at the sight of you in your y/f/c bikini as you assessed the view. But even in her flustered state she was able to put it all together.
"You want to jump down there?" She exclaimed making you laugh.
"I've done it tones of times." You assured. "It's fun."
"It's a death wish! What if the waters not deep enough?" She questioned making you laugh more.
"Are you scared, Wan?" You teased as you took a step towards her making her avert her eyes from your form. She scoffed to play it off.
"Of course not." You hummed in faux belief.
"Well then I'll see you down there." You grinned and took a couple of steps back until your feet were no longer on the platform and you were plummeting down towards the water where you landed with a splash.
Wanda held her breath as she waited for you to resurface for a few agonising seconds. When you did with a gasp and started kicking around frantically to keep yourself afloat with your built up adrenaline the redhead sighed in relief and started taking off her own shorts and shirt and placed them next to your things.
You've jumped from higher. She told herself as she rocked on her feet. And you have powers! She argued back before she shoved those thoughts aside and threw herself off the ledge and into the water below. You laughed as she came back up and pushed her hair away from her way. You swam closer to her and saw her wide smile.
"Fuck." Wanda whispered with a laugh as she looked back up from where you had both come.
"Told you it was fun." You teased as you tried not to focus on the low cut on her bikini bra.
"Yeah yeah." She laughed and paused when she looked past you and saw you were surprisingly close to the house. She could see the outline of your family sat outside.
"They're looking." Wanda muttered. You could tell by the look on her face who she was talking about. It wasn't like there was anyone else around either.
"Do you think they've caught on?" You asked nervously as you stared at Wanda's brown eyes to stop you looking at your family.
"Maybe..." She considered and glanced around. "It's not like we've been acting like that much of a couple." You scoffed at that.
"At home everyone assumes we're dating and the one time we need it be believable it isn't." You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile.
"I know." Wanda laughed for a second but then paused. "Then let's give them something believable." She gently placed both her hands on your waist and pulled you slowly towards her. You let her guide you and took extra notice of the water droplets across her face. You almost trembled when your bare stomachs pressed together in the water lightly.
Wanda's soft hands left your waist and gripped your thighs to pull you up to wrap your legs around her own waist. You couldn't help but giggle at the gesture as you wrapped your arms around the redhead's neck and held onto her waist with your legs in a lock.
"Can I?" Wanda whispered when she lifted your chin with her finger and her other hand came round the back of your neck.
"Just shut up and kiss me." You demanded with a playful smile and leaned in to do it yourself.
You smiled into the kiss and felt Wanda do the same. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be. Her lips were soft and fell into place perfectly against your own as they moved together. Your mind was hazey and your stomach was doing flips at the realisation that you were actually kissing your long time crush. You forced yourself to remember that it was all a show. That Wanda didn't mean it. But she put on a believable act and kissed passionately, even slipping her tongue through your parter lips to explore your mouth further.
When she eventually pulled away you rested your foreheads together to catch your breath and grinned as you closed your eyes.
"You're a really good kisser." You blurted out making Wanda chuckle.
"Not too bad yourself." She teased.
"I hope not, we're gonna have to do that again." You smiled and instantly realized that sounded like a confession you desperetly wished you could claim. "You know because...Once probably wasn't enough to make it entirely believable." You rambled and Wanda nodded somewhat stiffly and let your legs drop back down. You wanted to say something to her, anything but it was all stuck on the tip of your tongue.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a small murmurarion of starlings flew across the lake, some of them skimming the water then gaining height again as they got closer to you and Wanda. You both ducked instinctively as they flew over your heads and off towards the forest again as you watched them in awe until they disappeared. You glanced up at the sky and noticed the sun had gone behind a cloud, ableing you to continue looking up at the other birds higher up.
You kicked your legs up slightly so you could lay on your back and outstretch your arms to keep you afloat in the water so you could stare up at the sky without hurting your neck.
You didn't realise Wanda mimicked you until her hands brushed against yours. She withdrew it as soon as you touched and went to murmmer an apology but you smiled and held onto her hand as you both lay watching the birds.
Neither of you had to say anything. It was a comfortable and peaceful silence that was occasionally filled with birds chirping or the sound of a calm breeze. Of all the things you expected to feel on that trip, relaxed was not one of them.
You stayed like that for a while until you were both snapped out of your daydreams by the distant yell that declared dinner. Well, you had to go back to them eventually.
Both of you took your time swimming back to dry land and only felt a shiver when you left the water and the breeze hit you. Wanda spotted and reached the towels before you and wrapped yours around you tightly. You thanked her with a small blush as you both sauntered up to the house where the mouthwatering smell of a barbecue greeted you. Your dad was leaning over it while shooing your brother away as he tried to offer his 'help'.
You and Wanda went inside to change swiftly and came back outside as the food was being placed on plates and your mum finished setting up the buffet. Everyone starter helping themselves and you piled as much food as you could onto the plate. You parents had asked what food Wanda liked and when you gave them a brief list you added in a few things you knew you both loved.
"You gonna eat all that?" Anna asked as she eyed all the food on your plate. Guilt and insecurities washed over you until Wanda purposefully grabbed a large handful of small sausage rolls and put them on her plate that was piled with a considerable amount more food than your own. You smiled at the reassuring gesture as she sat down with a satisfied grin on her face when she saw Anna close her mouth to stay quiet.
"Thanks." You whispered to her as you sat down.
"If you don't eat all that I will." She declared. You were pretty sure she went back for seconds.
Instead of disappearing back to your room like you did the previous nights, you and Wanda stayed with your family for a while after dinner. It wasn't to do with their company, more the mesmerising fire in the firepit you all sat around. You were cuddled up into Wanda's side with a blanket over both of you as you stared at the flames, smiling at their small flickers and dances.
"So Wanda," one of your sisters began, "are any of the other Avengers...you know." She nodded her head in the direction of you both.
Oh boy you though.
"I don't think it's my place to say." Wanda said because yes, a lot of the Avengers were queer.
"Oh come on, you can tell us." Anna encouraged as she sat forward eagerly.
"I could, but I'm not going to." Wanda continued to defy.
"Lay off it guys." You mumbled but was ignored. Your family took it in turns saying her teammates names in hopes of sparking a reaction, clearly forgetting they were facing someone who had been trained by Natasha Romanoff.
"Stark!" Claire said but was instantly shut down by the others.
"He's married!" Dalton objected.
"Could still be bi though." Claire tried but Dalton just scoffed.
"I suppose there's going to be more surprises."
"What does that mean?" Wanda asked with narrowed eyes, feeling protective of her teammates. Dalton met her gaze with his own challenging one.
"I just never thought one of the Avengers would be a dyke." You felt Wanda stiffen as you all held your breath. There was no way to tell what was going through the redhead's mind, especially as after all those years of friendship you still didn't even know what team she batted for. She was an ally at least, but would she see this as her battle to fight?
Upon getting no reaction, Dalton continued. "It makes sense why you'd hang out with y/n though, we always knew something was wrong with her but-"
"That's enough." Your mum snapped with a guilty expression she failed to mask. You swallowed hard and moved to get up, deciding you had heard enough.
"Then you're idiots." Wanda stated as she glared daggers at your brother while you sunk down.
"I'll have you know I have a doctorate-"
"Your idiots." She repeated. "There's nothing wrong with y/n, which is impressive considering she's grown up around you lot." You looked at your friend in awe as she continued.
"She's the most amazing person I've ever known, including any of the Avengers. She's everything that you're not and I'm lucky to call her my girlfriend. It doesn't matter what any of you think of her, I love her and I always will." She declared as shot daggers at each individual family member who had fallen silent. She took your hand and pulled you up from your seat to take you inside.
You couldn't get her saying she loved you out of your head. You reminded yourself over and over again on the way to your room that it was just an act. That the redhead was making her point. But God, how you wished it was real.
She was so gentle with you as she guided you through the house. When you got to your room and broke down sobbing she held you on the bed for a long time until your cries turned to sniffles. The thing was, you weren't sure what you were crying over. Sure, what Dalton had said had hurt. As did the confirmation that your whole family had always looked down on you. But you had known that was the case for a long time, you had moved on from it.
Instead, you may have being crying over what you didn't know and didn't have. How much of what Wanda said was true? It was all based off of something that wasn't real. What if she saw you the same way your family did?
When you stopped crying you became aware of Wanda gently stroking your hair as she rested her head on yours and held you close to her. You remembered the memories you had accumulated over the past few days with her. The kisses, the hand holding, the nights together, how she stood up for you like no one ever had. You loved her so much.
"I think we should go tomorrow." Wanda mumbled and you nodded into her shoulder.
"I'm not going to leave you though, you know that right? You can stay at mine and we'll watch more of those crappy American movies you like." She mocked lightly making you chuckle against her. "Whatever you want."
"I just want you." You said honestly. You knew you shouldn't have said that, but you were too emotionally drained to care.
"I just want you too, y/n." You pulled away from the redhead to look at her clearly.
"I don't think you know what I mean." You sniffed and she smiled at you fondly.
"I mean what I said earlier, around the fire." Your eyes widened slightly and you held your breath.
"It was all an act though." You whispered and Wanda chuckled as she exhaled sharply.
"No y/n." "I think I am inlove with you." She said as she took ahold of your hand and searched your face for any signs of a reaction to her confession.
"Me?" You questioned, not quite believing it.
"Yes you, idiot." You smiled and sighed in relief, not being able to find the words to express your overflowing happiness and numerous other emotions you couldn't quite pinpoint. You let go of Wanda's hand and brought them both up to cup her cheeks. You had done a lot more handholding than kissing in the previous few days. It needed to be evened out.
You closed the gap between you and kissed Wanda with just as much passion as you had in the lake, except all hesitation and questions were gone. Because you knew she loved you. Oh God she loved you. You grinned into the kiss at the thought and felt her hand fall to your hip while the other caressed the side of your neck in the most gentle manner you had ever seen from her.
When you eventually pulled away you rested your forehead against hers, a smile still playing on both your lips.
"Told you we'd have to do that again." You said and and laughed. "I love you too."
"Well I hoped that wasn't a pity kiss." She joked and you smacked her arm playfully.
"It definetly was not and I'll prove it to you by taking you on a date when we get back." You promised as you sat back to look at her clearly.
"Oh yeah?" She asked with a playful smirk and leaned over so her face was inches away from yours.
"Yeah." You said back.
"Well until then, my real girlfriend should definetly just keep kissing me." She said as she pushed you down gently and kissed you again. You smiled against her gleefully.
"Your girlfriend would love to."
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Someone said I was invalidating the experiences of abused children today and I got angry and I got triggered and I wrote a 705 word short story on my personal experience of being an abused child so here’s that.
Obvious trigger warnings for abuse and shit.
I am scared of street signs. 
Specifically the ones that tell you the speed limit. 
It didn’t matter much when I was younger. I could read a book or play with my Barbies and I was none the wiser to which street signs we passed on our drives. 
It got a bit more complicated when I started driving on my own. Operating a vehicle was stressful enough without the overwhelming panic that set in every time I had to look for the speed limit. I had to get one of those fancy cars with the screens that told you what the speed limit was, simply because I couldn’t look at the signs on the side of the road like a normal person. 
We couldn’t afford it. But my mother saved up all her money, and helped me get a loan, and she made it work like she always did. Instead of being excited, I felt bad the day she pulled up in my shiny new car that was more expensive than anything she’d ever bought for herself. 
It wasn’t her fault that I was so scared of something so stupid. 
I’m scared of a lot of stupid things. Most of them have a story behind it, but some of those stories I can’t even remember now. It’s funny, because most of the things that terrify me are things I used to love. 
Wild flower fields, nightlights, television remotes. Diving boards, showers, ashtrays, beer cans. I’m scared of the smell of cigarette smoke and pink dog collars and Christmas-tree-patterned wrapping paper. I’m scared of exercise machines, I’m scared of eating too fast, I’m scared of street signs, and I’m scared of him. 
I used to love most of those things. The things I’m most scared of. Or, at the very least, I thought I did. Maybe my brain just blocks out some of the reasons they terrify me so much now. And sometimes it’s easy to think that they don’t scare me. That I’m only being dramatic. 
But then I remember the car, and my mom, and the feeling of absolute panic when I so much as think of a speed limit sign. I’m not being dramatic. 
It’s not her fault, though I’m sure she blames herself. I blamed her for a while. But I didn’t tell her until I was 12, and I didn’t let on to just how bad it was until I was 18 and he legally had no claim over me anymore. I didn’t want to deal with any more Child Services Agents and I knew she would make me. He’d already given up visitation rights, anyway. 
Oh, yeah: I’m scared of Child Services Interviews. 
I’m sure my mother blames herself, but it wasn’t her fault that she had a kid with a monster. She didn’t know. She couldn’t have. I had made sure she didn’t. 
I often wonder if all kids in my situation have so many irrational fears. I wonder if they remember the reasons behind those fears. I only remember half of my own stories, really. I tell people I was too young to remember. My therapist disagrees - she says I probably just blocked out the trauma. 
All of my irrational fears have a story, and every single story relates back to my singular rational fear: him. 
But this story is about street signs, and I do remember that. 
This story starts in a PT Cruiser. There’s a five-year-old bouncing in her seat with her hand out the window. She has known pain at this point, but she luckily doesn’t remember. This story starts with laughter, and the desire to be helpful, and a called out “35 miles per hour!” to which Mamma laughs along. 
This story ends in a Dodge. There is an eight-year-old crying in her seat with her head against the window. She has known pain at this point, and the new bruise on her cheek will not let her forget. This story ends with tears, and the burn of a cigarette on skin, and a shouted “I know the damn speed limit” from a father who does not know the monster he has started to create. 
This story ends with a fear of street signs.
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