#rwby miltiades
juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Grandma was right.
Working at Junior's Bar
Jaune: *Working as a bartender*
Melanie and Miltia approach him.
Melanie: Hey, Jaune.
Jaune: Yes?
Melanie: Are you free this weekend?
Jaune: (Wait! This is that "We promise our boyfriends to go on a date, so can you cover our shifts?" situation! This is the worst... I never thought I would have to personally experience an event where the social recluse is preved upon by the outgoing type... Not to mention, its along weekend! I am free on that day, BUT!... Its about taking over a shift, Taking their shift! Fuck that!) Well you see...
Flash back
Grandma Arc: Listen well, Jaune. Become a man who can help others in need without hesitation, so that you yourself can one day find happiness too.
Flash back ends
Jaune: (Grandma... I'm sorry... I almost forgot the words you told to me.) *Confidente* Of course I'm free...
Miltia: Are you absolutely sure?!
Jaune: Yes. (Be happy you two, have fun with your boyfriends)
Melanie: Then...
Jaune: Hm?
Melanie: *Blushing* Would you like to grab a dinner together with us this weekend?
Miltia: *Blushing* It will only be the three of us.
Jaune: Su-Sure. (Grandma!! Sorry for doubting you!!)
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
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This took forever to get done, from getting Jaune's sisters made to just arranging everything and trying to memorize my favorite One Piece scene
And seeing how RWBY might come back and I know for a fact that Kerry and Eddy can't be trusted to write a good scene for these two to save their miserable lives, I'd do what I could.
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howlingday · 2 months
The boys and jaune are at the club looking for a girl so jaune can get laid.
Here's the link to more of the scene on YouTube. And thank you for inspiring me to make something a bit... creative at the end.
Jaune: (Smiles)
Cinder: I've got a secret~.
Jaune: Oh?
Jaune: ...
Harriet: (Chugging shots) See, that's the problem! I can't find a man who can satisfy me! Some guys can go an hour, maybe an hour and a half, but that's it! A man's got to put in overtime to get me off!
Jaune: ...
Yang: I'm not interested in a guy unless he rides a motorcycle.
Jaune: ...
Willow: Yeah, baby, well, I'm almost single. My husband's on death row!
Jaune: ...
Melanie: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Miltiades: This is the first date Missy's been on since the doctor separated us!
Jaune: ...
Blake: I'm into the group thing.
Jaune: ...
Sun: (Smiles)
Salem: I was a powerful witch in a previous life.
Jaune: ...
Penny: (Beatboxing)
Ruby: My name is Ruby, and I'm the best~. Everybody always wanna feel my breast~.
Ruby: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up...
Jaune: ...
Nora: I've been doing some videos, but what I really want to do is star in my own videos, because I want to become a pop singer, and a rock singer, and write my own songs, and sing my own songs, and then I want to be an actress...
Jaune: (Nodding in and out)
Tyrian: (In a dress) I hope you don't mind me coming over and sitting down, but I've been watching you all night~. And I wanna tear you apart~.
Jaune: !
Tyrian: And your friend, too~.
Cardin: (Spits out drink)
Neptune: So, how's the hook up going?
Jaune: Terrible. I've spoken to probably a dozen girls tonight and not one of them feels right to me.
Cardin: Pssh! It's not about feeling right, Arc. It's about getting you some so you can stop being such a sad-sack!
Ren: I think what Cardin is trying to say is that you're looking too deep for a commitment. Tonight is just helping you make an attempt with a woman. Nothing more, nothing less.
Sun: Well, you guys might be losers, but I managed to get that groupie chick's number.
Jaune: Yeah, have fun with that. Hope you can find a player two.
Sun: Easy! Neptune, you in?
Neptune: Sorry, Sun, but I'm already spoken for tonight. See, I was just having the most interesting conversation with that hottie in the black dress.
Jaune: Well, be careful, because I don't think you're the only one working some magic tonight.
Cardin: Damn right! That babe in purple was hungry for some Winchester, and I'm ready to serve myself up on a silver platter~.
Jaune: ...Cardin, no. Just no. (Sighs) Ren, can you help him?
Ren: I'm afraid not, no. I'm going to be busy with my own escapades tonight.
Jaune: Yeah? What girl?
Ren: Women, actually. The biker girl and the dreamer.
Jaune: Oof... Hope you've got the horsepower and the earmuffs to land it, buddy.
Ren: I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Thank you for your concern, Jaune.
Jaune: So, everybody's getting laid tonight but me?
Cardin: Ah, just hammer back a few and pick one, Arc. It's not rocket science!
Jaune: Yeah, you're right. This makes brain surgery look easy.
Jaune: (Malachites dump drinks on him)
Jaune: ...I'm going home.
Sun: Dude, don't-
Jaune: Nope. Not doing it. (Walks out)
Neptune: Poor guy... Think he'll be okay?
Cardin: He's fine! Now, where'd that feisty purple chick go~?
Jaune: (Walking up the stairs, Sighs) Fucking stupid-ass...
???: Are you okay?
Jaune: Huh? (Sees woman in work clothes)
???: You look like you've had a rough night.
Jaune: That's 1 way to put it. (Unlocks door) But nothing a shower can't fix, right?
???: Ooh...
Jaune: What?
???: I just spoke with the super. He said that side of the building was going to be without water until tomorrow.
Jaune: Great. Just... fucking... great. (Sighs)
???: I... don't think it's as great as you say it is. (Chuckles)
Jaune: No, but it's basically par for the course.
???: Oh, do you play golf?
Jaune: Uh, no, I'm not really a sports kind of guy.
???: Oh, really? Would you say you're a drinking kind of guy?
Jaune: Better in me than on me, actually. (Chuckles)
???: (Giggles) Well, I don't have anything stronger than coffee, I'm afraid.
Jaune: Agh, and I forgot to get coffee today. (Chuckles) Guess I can't get a win tonight, huh?
???: I guess not. But if you'd like, I could make us a cup.
Jaune: ...I don't think your husband would appreciate me coming inside smelling like I do.
???: Husband? (Looks down) Oh... No, I... I'm afraid I'm not married anymore. (Twists ring)
Jaune: Oh... Shit, I... I'm so sorry.
???: Thank you, but... It's been some time since he passed away. Maybe... Maybe it's time I move on... (Pulls off ring)
Jaune: I... I think you should move on when you feel like you're ready to move on.
???: (Smiles) You're sweet, you know that?
Jaune: Yeah, well, sweet only takes you so far.
???: Well, if you're not too sweet, you can use my shower. So long as you don't melt like sugar.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Thanks, and, uh, I promise not to melt in your shower.
???: I should have coffee ready by the time you're out.
Jaune: Oh, well, thank you. Uh, do you have sugar, too, or should I dip you in my coffee instead?
???: ...
Jaune: Too far? Sorry. I think it's the booze in my hair.
???: No, no, it's fine. It just took me a minute to realize you were making a sugar pun, too. (Chuckles)
Jaune: Yeah... Uh, listen, is it really okay if I use your shower?
???: Of course! I was going to use it myself, but you look like you could use it more. (Opens door)
Jaune: Thank you, (Walks in) and I promise not to take all the hot water.
???: Please don't. (Walks in, Shuts door) I could use a shower myself after such a long day.
Jaune: Rough night, too, huh?
???: Well, nothing's too rough for this tough, little lady. (Giggles)
Jaune: And, uh, does this tough, little lady have a tough, little name?
???: Hardly. If anything, it's as delicate as a flower.
Jaune: Well... My name's Jaune Arc. It's short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it~.
???: (Snickers) Do they, now? Well, my name is Kali Belladonna, but I don't think I can come up with anything as creative as your introduction there.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Yeah, sorry. But at least it's not as bad as the songs I come up with.
Kali: Oh, you sing?
Jaune: Just as a hobby. Is this the bathroom here?
Kali: Mhm. Help yourself.
Jaune: But not too much. (Winks) Beautiful flower like you needs water, too.
Kali: (Giggles) Oh, stop~.
Jaune: (Enters, Locks door)
Kali: ...
Kali: (Sighs)
Kali: Kali Belladonna, this is how you get hurt.
Kali: (Takes off clothes, Unlocks door) Well... Here's hoping this is worth it...
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logar3 · 6 months
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Jaune Arc/Melanie & Miltia Malachite - Double Trouble
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novankenn · 7 months
A Side kept hidden... (4)
( Table of Contents )
Jaune had 3-1 odds on him winning the match, and considering he had put everything he had on himself... he had to win. One could ask why Jaune was where he was. Inside a chain-link cage, circling another young man.
Attending Beacon was expensive, and his fairly substantial savings was continually declining so he needed lien and in substantial quantities. So he did some digging and located an underground fight club... and joined as a combatant.
With active aura he was in the "Aura User's" division, and this was his first match, but the second of the night's card. Bringing his heavily wrapped hands, he began to slightly bounce on the balls of his feet... it was time.
"Next match! Arc vs Birch!" yelled the announcer. "Place you bets!"
Jaune wasn't sure what style Birch was using, as his stance seemed very similar to the one Jaune had taken. Unknown to everyone at Beacon, Jaune was not as untrained as they all assumed. While he has barely any talent with the sword and board, he was not completely without skills. His family was Valean, and were longtime practitioners of a very Valean style of unarmed combat.
Jaune and Birch closed, touched fists and then began to circle one another. Jaune dodged back avoiding a leading punch from Birch and replied with a hard round-kick to Birch's exposed ribs, followed up with a flurry of jabs and straight hands.
Birch backpedaled, getting out of Jaune's range, and composed himself. Jaune didn't push his advantage. One attempted strike by his opponent wasn't enough for him to come up with an effective attack plan.
The cheers and jeers of the crowd surrounding the cage, fell upon the ears of both fighters, as the continued to circle, throwing out feinting punches and kicks testing the defenses and responses of the other. Birch finally having enough of the testing moved in fast and hard with a flurry of punches, forcing Jaune to cover up as he attempted to move sideways out of Birch's range.
Throwing an off-balance round-kick Jaune instantly chambered and fired off a side-kick catching Birch straight in the gut. With Birch's momentum stalled, Jaune reset his base and retaliated, unloading with a barrage of round-kicks to the body and the head. Birch unwilling to just be a target dummy closed in and was rewarded with a straight punch to the face, followed by a nasty right-hook to his exposed chin.
Seeing Birch rocked, Jaune moved in fast and hard. Slamming Birch's ribs on the right side with a hard round-kick, Jaune hopped and twisted his body hard and fast bringing his left across and into the side of Birch's head with a head high round-kick.
Jaune knew from how Birch stumbled and shook his head, that his bell had been rung. With a hop forward Jaune planted a push-kick to Brich's face taking him off his feet and causing his head to crack against the very thinly padded cement floor.
The announcer who also served as the official rushed forward and after a quick check, stood grabbed Jaune's wrist and raised his hand into the air.
"Winner! ARC!"
Jaune took a couple deep breaths as the fevers of the crowd followed the rain of useless betting slips. He was satisfied. One match and he was once again solvent.
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weathermanpolls · 3 months
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Propaganda is below the cut.
“they are incredibly close, also Ruby was totally jealous in vol9, she told me herself.”
“Yang basically raised Ruby and has been there for her since day one. Protective big sis Yang and her precious little rose. The dragon and her baby sister. They are just meant for each other. Not to forget that the red and yellow goes together so well.”
“The original! Before there was White Rose there was Enabler—it’s history really, and damn if they aren’t cute. Goth little sister x jock older sister, trying to protect your baby sister x trying to be as cool as your big sister? So good.”
"So many fics and they work because they have those vibes."
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Hey so uh...
I'm guessing you haven't read "Roman Holiday" because uh...
I just figured I'd let you know that Melanie and Miltia were already in their early twenties five years prior to the series (back when Neo was 18) and thus their ships with Team RWBY should probably ALSO be marked red for the "massive age gap".
I get that they don't LOOK like they're in their mid-to-late twenties, but they are.
Oh yeah I haven’t read Roman Holiday. I’ve heard it’s good, I just haven’t had the chance
Thanks for the head’s up, though! I shall update the ship sheet accordingly
And by the way, I’d any of y’all have any rare pairs or updates you want me to make, please let me know. I’m also working on making platonic duo names, because I’ve always been a fan of those
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Motion Sickness Chapter 22 Snippet
“Who’s this Melanie?” A voice purred from behind me. A girl’s voice. I ignored it because ignoring women was my MO.
“I don’t know Miltiades, some new huntsman.”
“He’s decent looking.”
“Tall, too.”
I looked around. There were two girls looking at me. They had dark hair and pale green eyes. I looked them up and down. “Are you talking to me?” I wondered. It went against my MO. Explicitly, even. One had a pair of silver blades attached to white boots to match the overall ensemble of a white dress. The other had red claws strapped to her back. The red claws matched a tighter red dress than the girl in white who could only be a sister. Maybe a cousin if I was stretching.
They looked damn near identical, though, so I was really stretching. 
“Who else would we even be talking to?” I looked around, the girl in white made a fair point. There was nobody even close to me. They were to either side of me out in the open. 
“So what brings a huntsman like you down here?” The girl in red asked. 
“I’m with him.” I pointed to Qrow, not seeing any point to lying. I pushed him into this place afterall. Out in the open. “Need to get him back on his feet but we’re a little short on cash.”
“And what is he to you?” The girl in red asked.
“He’s not much to be completely and totally honest. Family of a friend,” I answered vaguely. “I didn’t catch your names.”
“I’m Melanie Malachite.” The girl in white introduced herself. “And this is-”
“Miltia.” The other finished. Malachite, like the woman in charge. Well I'd better be polite and not fuck things up. That was all the advice I’d been given. 
“Well, can I buy the two of you a drink? Or drinks, rather?” I doubted they would be sharing.
Instead they just giggled a little at me. Cute girls laughing at me was nothing new though and after a few years it meant surprisingly little. Girls like this tended to laugh like that. It would be better for my sanity if I didn’t take it personally.
“I thought you were short on cash.” Miltia returned, hiding her smile behind a hand and failing. Probably intentionally.
“Short on cash for a pair of legs. Not for three drinks.” I lifted my glass to my lips. It was already empty and the glass clinked around in no liquid. “Make that four drinks. What’ll you two have?”
“A white russian,” Miltia said.
“A hurricane.”
I ordered for them and another whiskey for me. Then I slid the red drink to the girl in white and the white drink to the girl in red. I was sixty percent sure they were fucking with me. Somehow. And it was totally working. They were messing with my head completely and totally and probably for kicks. 
But they took drinks from their cocktails with a familiarity that threw me off. Maybe they did drink these exact drinks a bit. I nursed my own, making sure to take it slower on my second glass of something straight. 
The last thing Qrow and I needed was for me to be wasted. 
"So where are you from?" Melanie pulled back from her red drink and bounced out the words. I hope she wasn't clumsy because that drink would stain like a nightmare on her white clothes. 
"Vale. I, uh, I used to go to Beacon." I took my weapons off my back and set them on the stool to my left. The stool on my right was occupied by Miltia. 
"We're from Vale too." Miltia said. 
"Not really the biggest fans of Beacon students but we can make an exception."
"Lucky me." I slipped. "Well the 'ex-Beacon student' is kinda important anyways. I left that place behind after the attack."
"We left with the collapse as well." Melanie added. 
"Decided it just wasn't safe enough." Miltia clarified. 
"Makes sense. I was out of there in a hurry myself. How did you two get here then?"
"Airship." Miltia informed me. 
"Our parents own several so we just flew." They  were sisters, then. 
"Must have been nice," I let myself grumble. The thought of my feet aching from walking ached. 
"Sounds like there's a story to how you got here." Miltia pressed. 
"I walked, rode horses, and took a train. Just extra steps comparatively. More monsters, you know?"
Melanie blinked. “You ride horses?”
“Well aren’t you a regular old fashioned knight.” She eyed me in my thick armor. She may be reading into my look and figuring some other things. They were all wrong but she was figuring some things.
"I had to learn on the way. It's not like that."
"Did Qrow Branwen teach you?"
"You two know Qrow?"
"We know about Qrow." Miltia corrected. 
"Some hunters are famous like that."
"Him and his sister are both well known but there are others too." 
"Winter Schnee, Glynda Goodwitch, General Ironwood." Melanie counted. 
"Well Qrow didn't teach me that but I suppose he is mentoring me in other things."
"Like what?" Miltia asked. 
"Like being a better fighter, I guess. He knows a lot about how to kill things, and not much else to be on the level with you." I reached the bottom of my drink and debated with myself before ordering another one. I was on the heavy side anyways, so it should be fine? "I really try not to take his advice on other things."
“You’re a heavy drinker.” Melanie watched me order more whiskey. 
"Yeah. That's one of those things I really don't want to pick up from Qrow but it might be too late. I might have the sort of addictive personality that leans that way."
"You're not sure?"
"I'm really not the kind of guy that goes to bars much."
"You seem like a regular to bar or club life."
"Yeah. With the right haircut you could be a plain old ladykiller."
I blushed. "I don't think so..."
"Come on."
“I know, let us give you a makeover.”
"Nobody likes a good-looking guy with no confidence."
"Nobody likes a guy with the wrong kind of confidence either. Trust me on that one." I thought of Weiss. She really hadn’t been all that into me. Like at all. But hot girls not liking me was nothing new to my life. It was the rule and there were two redheaded exceptions. Weiss was… probably a friend? Now? I wasn’t really sure. I learned to dislike her a little as a self defense mechanism. And to be fair, while that was probably an unhealthy coping mechanism, it kept me slitting my wrists the short way rather than the long way. I sucked on my third drink. My vision was getting a little shaky and my lips and face a little looser. "Where did you girls train?"
"Get your huntswomen training, I mean."
"Huntswomen," Miltia giggled. 
"I know he's so careful." Melanie laughed back. 
"Listen, I have gotten my ass beat by so many women that it pays to jump through that kind of hoop. It just does."
"We don't have any formal training." Miltia returned to the previous question. 
"We're from the mean streets of Vale."
"We're with the gang so…" Miltia finished. 
"I see." I nodded along. 
"You think it doesn't count?" Melanie prompted. 
"It's probably more real than any training someone gets at like, Signal." I disagreed with her implication. "My real training came from after Beacon fell, in the wild. Hunting criminals and real Grimm instead of practice dummies or training partners."
"Plus whatever Branwen is teaching you."
"Eh." I managed. "The chair happened around the same time that I met him. Most of the training he has given me has been verbal rather than hands on. All-l, really-y." I slurred slightly. 
"You seem perfectly capable anyways."
"Maybe gang life would suit you."
I watched Miltia trade drinks with Melanie. They took a pull from the others' drink in perfect synchronization. At my look she leaned over. "We don't mind sharing things." She winked. 
"Uh huh." I managed stupidly. “So what kind of haircut should I get? Asking for a friend.”
“I don’t know.... What do you think Melanie?”
“Well he looks alright now but he could tame it even more. Slick it back and nice and short. Nothing to grab onto but it would be smooth.”
“Yeah, he’s sort of in between right now. Like go scruffy or comb it over. Pick one and commit.”
“Pick one and commit…?” I trailed.
‘Yeah. You’re scruffy-”
“But not full on scruffy. And you have the comb over-”
“But you didn’t commit to it. If you’d pick one and go with that one who knows what could follow.”
“No one likes a guy who’s indecisive.”
“Seems to me like you girls don’t like a lot of guys,” I cut in. “Indecisive, no confidence, wrong confidence. Boy, is there anything about me girls actually like. I’m honestly asking.”
“What should your angle be? You mean?” Miltia asked.
“Yeah? What cards do I play? I’m too nice for edgy and too honest for mysterious.”
“Well you’re tall and broad so you’ve got that going for you,” Melannie pointed out. “Everyone likes a huntsman. Who doesn’t like a huntsman?”
“Okay, I hear that. Let me ask you something. I met the most beautiful girl in the world when I was at Beacon. A smart, gorgeous huntress. Let’s say I was really trying to impress this girl and I tried everything I could think of. I tried singing. I tried asking her to the dance. I tried asking her alone and in groups and in and out of classes. I tried it all. Okay? I tried literally everything and the kitchen sink.”
“And nothing worked?” Melannie asked. 
“Nothin’,” I said. “Nothin’ worked. Not a damn thing. I think she hated me.”
“Well it sounds like you were trying too hard. Nobody likes that.”
“And if you’re going to go honest you have to commit.”
“C-o-m-m-i-t,” Melanie hit the back of her hand into her palm with each letter. She spelled it out for me which was good because I’m fuckin’ stupid. “Honest is fine.”
“Honest is good, even. But if you’re dishonest in any way a smart girl will smell that from a mile away. You said she was smart right?”
“The smartest.”
“So what did you really do?”
“We can’t tell you unless you’re completely honest with us,” Melannie ordered. 
“Real talk?” I asked. “I… I tried to fake my confidence… and most of my personality...”
“Yeah that’s not gonna work.”
“That’s not gonna work at all,” Miltia agreed. “You can't play the nice guy card and then try and fake it like that. A girl just knows.”
“A girl totally just knows. We would notice if you were faking it right now. It’s like a guy faking their orgasm. It’s not a thing.”
“It’s not like girls can really fake it either…” I pointed out. “It’s pretty obvious and world shaking when a girl finishes for real. And when you do it right she isn’t sure if she wants more or less. Can’t fake that. Come on.”
“He knows…” Melannie trailed. 
“He’s onto our entire gender.”
“Who would have thought?”
“Scraggly, tall, and blonde has moves in the bedroom.”
“Please,” I waved off. “It’s so stupid easy to make girls come. It’s literally brain dead. If I can do it, anybody can. The clitoris and G-spot are not hard to find. You can make a girl finish even when she is begging you not to.”
“Can you not with guys?” Miltia asked.
“Not a chance. It’s easy to get a guy into it but if he’s not completely into it you cannot get him off. Bet.”
“Is that a challenge?” Melannie wondered. “Are you challenging us?”
“Bet,” I repeated. I finished my drink. 
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alullinchaos · 1 year
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highly specific rwby textpost? yes, i have one of those
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brokentrafficknight · 10 months
Jaune x Lil Miss Malachite for more MILF ships
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I don't have one of her sadly BUT have some other Malachites and a different MILF criminal to substitute
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howlingday · 2 months
Jaune: Remember, we're sneaking into the Torchwick Gang, so there's going to be a lot of dangerous rogues in there.
Ruby: No problem! I know exactly how to speak their language...
Ruby: (Kicks down the door) WHAT IS UP, MY (lock) PICKERS~?!
Junior: (Offended gape)
Miltia: (Offended gape)
Melanie: (Offended gape)
Neo: (Offended gape)
Roman: (Offended gape)
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Miltiades by ADSouto
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ninjasofl0v3 · 1 year
The Malachite twins and Yang with anythig you think would work
🦋 content!: incest — siblings. multi. public sex. oral. tribadism. restraints. shoe grinding. vouyerism. wax play. drugging. knife play.
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lots of club sex, especially when the twins end up getting yang super drunk & bring her to one of the backrooms so they can push her on the couch. miltia grinding on her face while melanie grinds their pussies together, the blonde being utterly used for their pleasure & left fucked dumb & dazed.
sometimes they'll slip a little something in her drink (knowingly) that has yang just feeling on fire: her cunt aching & desperate to be touched the entire night. on those nights they'll practically fuck her on the dance floor instead, yang humping either of the twin's thighs while messily making out with the other.
shoe grinding ✨ yang behind restrained in the cutest fuzzy cuffs with bell clamps on her tits, not allowed to cum while having to grind her needy cunt on the shiny leather of the twins boots. miltia teasing how much of a needy, slutty puppy she looks like right now.
the twins also love fucking each other while yang's made to watch, letting her see just how cunt struck melanie is as she buries her face in her twin's pussy & licks & sucks until miltia cums on her face. miltia teasing & tugging on melanie's tits while her twin bounces on her shiny red strap, a grimm knot at the base of it. pushing her thighs apart so yang can get a real good look at how melanie's greedy cunt takes it so well.
wax play ✨ all over the swell of either melanie or yang's tits, miltia relishing in the whines & soft hisses. she loves knowing that they can't do a thing but take it & try not to squirm too much when she scrapes off the wax with her favourite knife, careful not to cut.
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novankenn · 7 months
A Side kept hidden... (6)
( Table of Contents )
"Fuck." Melanie swore as she entered the private sitting room of Miss Nikos, and saw the state her sister was in. "Fuck."
Mel's body was still feeling the effects of the last time she herself suffered through the administrations of Pyrrha. The healing welts on her buttocks and thighs still stun as the fabric of her pants rubbed against them. Moving further into the room she proceeded to free her sister from her restraints.
The click of heels against tile, caused her to stiffen, and then shiver as a pair of strong arms snaked their way over her shoulders and down the front of her shirt.
"Your sister is such a darling..." Pyrrha's husky voice whispered into Mel's ear as her hands began to gently fondle her. "Please take good care of her while I'm away."
"Of... of course Miss Nikos." Mel stammered.
"You're such a good sister." Pyrrha purred as she indulged herself, "I wish I had one of my own... but alas... I'm an only child."
Mel flinched at an exceptionally hard squeeze. The hands were soon withdrawn from inside her shirt, and latched onto her shoulders. Mel wanted to resist, but she knew it was futile. Pyrrha's strength was insane, and any resistance would only spark additional molestation by the unhinged celebrity.
Now facing her "employer" Mel bit her bottom lip as Pyrrha placed a single finger under her chin, and tipped Mel's head upwards.
"I'll be gone for a little while." Pyrrha grinned at Mel, her luscious lips forming a sinister grin. "As per Mister Xiong's advice..."
"Understood Miss Nikos."
"When I return..." Pyrrha's smile grew darker, a light of excitement filling her emerald eyes. "I would... love... to send some quality alone time with you."
"I... I look forward to that Miss Nikos."
"Are you?"
"Take care of yourself Mel," Pyrrha purred before leaning in and whispering directly into her ear, "I'm so looking forward to our... rendezvous... so very much looking forward to it."
With that Pyrrha turned and made her way to the ensuite bathroom. Mel shivered in revulsion and fear as the door closed behind the sadistic woman. Turning her attention to the sweaty, welt covered and panting sister, she proceeded to assist her to her feet.
"Are you okay?" Mel asked her twin in a hushed voice. "Did that bitch hurt y..."
"Miss' touch hurt so good..." Miltia partially moaned out. "So good..."
"Fuck." Mel cursed under her breath. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."
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weathermanpolls · 1 year
RWBY Jaune Cup: Round 2
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