#the witchling and the god
The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Epilogue
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter’s Note: Check out the Witchling Art tag |Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 32: Epilogue
Rays of sunlight fall through a slit in the curtain, which is not properly closed, and pull you out of your sleep. Not yet fully awake, you feel something move next to you and turn to it. Reaching out, you touch cool skin and hum something.
A chuckle sounds next to you. "Good morning, my love."
Loki’s voice is low and your favorite thing to hear in the morning. You open one eye, finally being awake enough to do so, and come face to face with your lover.
"Morning, dear."
He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him to steal a lazy kiss from your lips. Happy to comply, you bury your head in the crook of Loki’s neck and surrender to the sweet moment between sleep and fully awake. You are both naked and your legs are tangled together under the sheets.
Your muscles ache, especially the ones in your thighs. But it's a good kind of ache and you smile as you remember where it came from.
“We have to get up,” you murmur into Loki’s skin, not really in the mood to leave the comfort of your bed. “Or else we’re going to be late.” You feel his slender fingers under your chin, as he tilts your head so he can look at you.
“We can reschedule.” He rolls you over so that he is leaning over you. His naked torso feels cool against your hot skin. He leans down to you, but before his lips touch yours he stops. “You look ravishing and I am a starving man.”
You can't help but nibble from his lips, pulling his face fully down to you.
Loki's intentions are clear and it is a very tempting idea. It wouldn't be the first time you two would get distracted. But the matter is important enough that you are willing to be the voice of reason.
"We already postponed it last time."
Pressing another quick kiss to Loki's lips, you wriggle out of his grip and off the bed. Without bothering to pick up your yesterday's clothes from the floor, you walk naked as the day you were born towards the bathroom.
Loki's eyes follow your every move and he licks his lips.
You throw him a glance over your shoulder. "Join me in the shower." It's not a question.
A light comes into Loki's face, a sparkle that is reserved only for you, and with a wide smirk he is on his feet. "Temptress."
Half an hour later you are standing in front of a house. It is cute, painted in red with white window frames – quite typical for this area in Norway.
The real estate agent greets the two of you in English, with an accent.
"It's a fifteen minute drive to the next town. They have everything you need for everyday use. For anything else you would need to go to the city that is about an hour away," the agent tells you as she leads you through the house. It's been empty for a while and needs a bit of work: some painting and minor repairs. Maybe a new kitchen, you think as you enter it.
But the house has the perfect size for a couple. And there’s quite a distance to any neighbors who would notice after a few years that you and Loki age differently.
"What do you think?" Loki asks you after the agent stepped aside for a moment to give you two some space.
"I like this more than the last one. But I still want to see the other two on the list."
One of them was located in Iceland. You agreed on a temperate climate, since Loki prefers it in the long run to the warmer areas of Earth.
"This one has a nice view," Loki agrees with you, looking out a window. The house is situated on a hill, giving a view of the town in the valley. On the south side of the property, there was enough space for a vegetable garden.
You don't have to make a decision right away, but you have a feeling this is the current favorite for both of you. Especially when the Asgardian adds, "How do you feel about brunch? There's a lovely restaurant in the town."
"Oh? Someone did his homework."
You say goodbye to the estate agent and Loki takes you to the promised brunch, which is more of a late lunch due to the time difference. The sun has already passed its zenith here.
But the both of you don't mind and take the time afterwards to explore the area until it's time for you to return to New York and get ready for the gala that will take place there in the late evening.
Pepper has organized the PR event for the Avengers. It’s the night where Loki will join the team officially.
In the media, of course, the Asgardian has already been seen alongside the heroes, but so far there has been no press conference about it. Just a few statements about his general stay on Earth.
This will change tonight.
Loki is quite popular on social media. There are numerous photos and short clips of him holding the flaming sword of 'Bloodweeper', saving the Sorcerer Supreme and fighting a demon from Hell.
Someone even looped a video of him wielding it and stabbing Mephisto. They added funny music to it and it went viral for a week.
"Midgardians are weird," was Loki's only comment on it when you showed the video to him. But he can't fool you. You know he saved it in his new phone Tony gifted him.
It will be good blackmail should he ever need a favor from Strange.
The Asgardian looks spotless as always for the event. He rocks a classic dark suit that shimmers green in the right light. A small brooch in the shape of a golden snake hangs from his lapel. No tie yet – it still lies over the back of a nearby chair, while Loki adjusts his cufflinks.
You take the tie – it's green and gold – and step up to him, placing it around his neck. With practiced movements, you form it into a classic knot.
You yourself are still in your dressing robe. Your hair and makeup are done but you haven't changed yet. With good reason, because you have a request for Loki.
"I couldn't decide on an outfit to match yours. Maybe you can help me out with your magic," you murmur against his lips, your fingers still gripping the tie so he can't move away.
As if he'd ever want to.
"With pleasure." Loki's eyes shine darkly, thinking about what exquisite things he could put you in. He slips the robe off your shoulders and kisses the exposed skin, up to your neck.
You allow it for a moment, basking in his affection before relenting. "We need to get ready or we will be late," you remind him for the second time today.
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
You chuckle, but still prevent him from pulling you to the bed. Instead, you whisper in his ear what you have in store for him after the event, if he keeps his good behavior up during the gala.
"I'll get back to you on that." The Asgardian loves a good challenge. "Now step back and let me work."
He considers for a moment, his gaze wandering over your body, before casting his magic. For a moment a green shimmer curls around you, and then you are wearing a stunning and very dramatic dress. It's not a mere illusion but actual tangible matter, as you feel it when you run your fingers over the fabric.
You move in front of the mirror and take a look at yourself. It’s very much the counterpart to Loki's suit, with a plunging but tasteful neckline.
"Wow." Thrilled, you do a little spin to admire the dress from all sides. "I should let you do my wardrobe more often."
Pleased with the praise, Loki steps behind you, his hands on your waist. Your eyes meet in the mirror.
"It's an easy task if the canvas is beautiful like this. However, there's just one thing missing." He conjures a necklace with a small golden snake as a pendant, just like his brooch.
You look at him, unsure. He knows necklaces are not your type of jewelry. Nothing that is too close to your throat is. But the gaze he gives you reassures you and you trust him enough to allow him to continue.
Brushing your hair aside, he puts it on you before placing another kiss in the crook of your neck. It's so light you don't even feel it on your skin, like it's not even there.
"Now, it's perfect."
Your fingers find the pendant and you feel a touch of magic.
"It contains a little spell," the Asgardian explains.
You turn in his arms. Your gaze is soft as you place one hand against his cheek and run the other through his hair. "I love it." Truly happy about the small gift, you thank him with a kiss.
Little does Loki know that you have a gift for him yourself. It is a letter that you keep hidden in your drawer. A reply from the Queen of Asgard, whom you have invited to tea in the near future. Loki and you can't go to Asgard for a visit, but no one is stopping you all from meeting here on Earth.
You plan to tell Loki about it later tonight.
Loki breaks away from you and holds out his arm. "Shall we?"
“Do you plan on using the elevators?” you ask back.
"How boring. What do you take me for? I plan to make an entrance." Loki's grin is wide and you mirror his face, taking his arm.
"We shall."
The gala is already in full swing. Tony has provided a hall for it on one of the lower floors of the tower. There is a buffet, an open bar, and additional waiters passing champagne on their trays among the guests. In one corner, a string quartet provides unobtrusive music that blends into the conversations as a lovely background noise.
The guests consist of all the active members of the Avengers, some influential political figures and selected people from the press.
This last group of people ensures that everything feels a bit put on. People's smiles often show too many teeth to be honest. Controversial opinions are only expressed quietly.
People are aware that this is an event to present themselves to the public – even if the actual public won't read about it until the next day.
Tony is talking to the mayor. Smiling politely while listening to boring stories is like second nature to him. He wears it like some kind of PR skin.
But after some time he grabs a new drink from one of the waiters before he clasps the mayor on the shoulder and uses an excuse to leave and find Pepper.
Suddenly, the lights flicker, go out completely for a moment, while the music also falls silent, as does every single conversation.
Then suddenly Loki and you are standing in the spotlight of the room.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the Asgardian announces. His voice carries through the room without any effort.
The light and the music both go back to normal. A few seconds pass, during which the guests are too surprised, perhaps even too startled, to react.
Then a flurry of flashbulbs from the journalists goes off. Everyone is reaching for their cameras and phones to snatch a photo. Loki enjoys the attention and smiles at them, like the prince he is raised to be. He raises his hand and gives them a short wave before leaning to you and giving you a kiss on your temple. More photos are snapped.
You don't mind, because you know that their attempts to find out more about you will be fruitless.
When he thinks it's enough, Loki leads you by his arm to the side of the hall and conjures the two of you some drinks. Tony is at your side almost instantly.
"Cute entrance." His voice was noticeably neutral, as if he himself hasn’t been known for his notorious extravagance in the past. "We should have made this a Halloween theme party to fit with the spooky flicker of the lights"
His gaze shifts over to you and he smiles. "You look stunning as always, Sabrina."
Taking your hand, he spins you around once to look at you from all sides.
You giggle, flattered by his words. "You're not bad yourself." As you stand next to Loki again, you don't miss the Asgardian's possessive arm sneaking around your waist.
But his voice is leveled when he asks, "So, what's the plan for tonight?" He knows Stark is no real threat or competition for him, but, still, he doesn't appreciate anyone touching what's his.
"We have fun, mingle with the commoners," Tony explains with a wink. "Then there's a speech where you get up on stage and after that more fun, and booze."
That sounds easy enough. Pepper and the PR team would issue a few more official statements, but you two have nothing further to do than to make a good impression tonight. And personally you are quite happy about that.
You're no longer holed up in your little cottage somewhere in the middle of nowhere, but all this public relations work isn't really your thing. It's enough for you to stand by Loki's side as his support. For him, of course, such appearances are nothing unusual. As the prince of a whole realm, he was raised for this.
Maybe he and Tony aren't so dissimilar in that regard, but you'd never dare to say that out loud.
You briefly stop listening to the conversation between the two men when you catch a glimpse of Thor. His tall figure is clearly visible over the heads of the other people, even with super soldiers and enhanced humans attending.
He waves at you and grins, presumably a comment on the entrance of Loki and you.
You reply with a shrug like, 'well, what did you expect?'. You see him laugh as he turns back to his conversation partners, and you turn back to Loki as well.
As you do so, you notice that Tony has left and the Asgardian is watching you with amusement.
"Having silent conversations now, are we?" he observes, amused.
“Only within the family.”
His eyes soften, because despite all his prior conflicts with Thor, he is still his brother, and he is glad you two get along so easily. And Loki with your siblings too. It was only last weekend when the two of you met Elizabeth and Gabriel for lunch.
For Loki, family has always been a two-sided dagger. Something that was familiar, and yet something he never dared to open up to completely.
Frigga was the only one who saw him – like really saw him – but even in her company, Loki had never fully let his walls down. And that was not because she was not his mother by birth.
With Thor, he shared a camaraderie that could only be built by fighting side by side for centuries. And yet they got along better on the battlefield than in the palace that used to be their home. Perhaps because children can only develop truly and freely when they are not overshadowed by their parents.
The stay on Midgard really did their brotherly relationship good in this respect.
In the presence of your siblings, Loki has been initially reserved, always the observer first, studying dynamics in order to react to them. But both Bell and Gabe had welcomed him into their midst with open arms – probably not least because he had helped save Gabriel’s life.
Whenever you met now, which was only moderately between your various duties, lives and the time difference between the US and Europe, a lot of quips and teasing were thrown around between you siblings, and Loki didn't hold back either.
He didn't, however, tell you about the shovel talk he had received from Gabriel the other day when you briefly left the room to help Elizabeth prepare the dessert. Your brother is still recovering, but moving fast with all the healing potions you brewed for him. Only the fading cross on his forehead testifies to what happened to him – at least outwardly. The mental scars in the form of a haunted look that sometimes takes over his eyes will last way longer. But he doesn't talk about that. Not yet.
Loki has to admit that the young man – still older than any normal Midgardian – can look rather intimidating when he puts his mind to it. Not that he can do anything really harmful against a god, but the curses Gabe threatened him with, should it come to his ears that Loki is not treating you well, would be a real inconvenience, even for Loki.
It’s fortunate that he has no such intentions.
"Would you do me the honor of a dance?" Formally, Loki holds out his hand to you and you put yours in with a smile.
"I'd love to."
He leads you to a space near the string quartet, which has been unofficially claimed as the dance floor.
It's a simple dance, swaying slowly, and it gives a sense of intimacy between the two of you, though you're sure you're still being watched by more than one pair of eyes. After all, Loki is the main attraction of the event.
"They will be furious when they find out about the cloaking spell I put on you," Loki says, as if he had been reading your thoughts.
It has been a condition of yours to accompany him to this event. While you want to support him in all his steps with the Avengers, you don't want to be in the public eye yourself – even though you know this will inevitably happen. But for now the trauma of what happens to witches who are exposed as such still roots too deep within you. You are still hunted, even in these 'modern' and 'enlightened' times.
The solution Loki offered for the problem was ridiculously simple.
"I would love to see their faces when they notice the blurry spot on every single photo you are in." Loki chuckles at the notion.
You can't help but grin as well. "Maybe they'll think I'm Bigfoot," you muse, wondering if the origin of the cryptid creature had a similar explanation after all.
Loki knits his brows. "Your feet are not that big," he states as he leads you into a swirling spin.
You don't correct him. The one time you told Thor about the Loch Ness Monster, he was about to go hunt it down to take credit for slaying a legendary beast.
You're not taking chances. After all, they are still brothers.
After another spin, you put your hand back on his shoulder and look up at him. He is still leading the dance, but his mind seems to have drifted away.
Sometimes you still have a hard time figuring out what's going on in his mind. It is much easier when the two of you are alone, but in company he involuntarily pulls up these old walls around him. You are fine with it, because you know that he will let you through regardless, that they don't apply to you. Not truly.
But every now and then he needs a little nudge in the right direction.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask him softly.
“You would look gorgeous with a crown.” With this, the Asgardian prince reveals more than he actually wanted to, but neither does he give an explanation, nor does he take his words back.
"One day at a time," you remind him, taken off guard by this sudden change of subject and somewhat flustered by the hidden meaning of it.
The smile on Loki's lips remains a mystery to you. "Indeed, my little Witchling."
You both have enough time without having to rush things. More time than you would even know. It's a secret of his own for now, but Loki knows that the day will come when he will go and find Idunn to ask her for one of the golden apples. She owes him a favor anyway.
Until then he will stay at your side, dancing the night away.
And with that we reached the end of the story and I almost got my goal: writing something that is as long as The Hobbit (~95k words)
A big thank you to everyone who joined this ride and made it to this point. To everyone who, liked, commented and reblogged it. It brought me much joy to read your reactions and thoughts to every chapter ♥
Every reader-insert story I write is deeply personal. There’s part of me in the Witchling, part of my siblings in hers. So whenever I publish a new chapter it feels a little bit like putting a small piece of myself out there.
That's it, I have no more to say. Just this: be nice to people! You never know who might be a witch.
And to the Witches: don’t play with forces you can’t fully comprehend or understand. You never know what you might provoke. Be careful.
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @sofi786 @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @msrawog @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @eleniblue @eleniblue @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove @eleniblue @hyojin-2579 @just-someone11 @marygoddessofmischief @fall-myriad @melavoris @baebeepeach
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roaenexists · 10 months
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altars to-go
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sailorrose19 · 2 years
Two days ago, I took a hop on hop off trolley tour of the city these were taken at Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee and I'm still in Nashville until Sunday.
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I saw this replica of the Parthenon where the nice tour guide said contains a very big and beautiful statue of the goddess, Athena. Part of me wishes to go visit since I felt it might be the closest I'll get to the real deal which is among the ruins in Greece.
I wish I could see that statue of Athena and maybe snap a picture and probably pray to her to grant me courage and wisdom but Tennessee is the buckle of the "Bible Belt" and folks there don't take kindly to polytheistic pagans like me and through their ignorance see me as a false idol worshipper or a something heathenous The gods tagged along with me for this trip and Aphrodite liked how my pictures turned out and told me I will get to see the real deal in Athens one day.
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moonstruckme · 1 year
So, I know you don't commonly really write for steddie, and you don't have to write this if you don't wanna. But what about Like, reader graduates hawkins high and goes of to college (eddie is probably still held back for his last year???) And when she left she was more on the quite side, soft color pallet, kinda stariotypical pastel sunshine character. And she comes back for the summer and she's like, more punk-ish??? Like a few more piercings, and same kinda quite personality but kinda different aesthetic?
I think you could do something similar with poly!marauders as well, where same thing happens but it's over the summer between years?
Idk, you dont even have to write it, I just have a stupid soft spot for this weird trope/character arc. Make sure to take care of yourself and have a lovely day!!!!!
I'm happy to write for any characters on my list, thanks for requesting gorgeous! Hope you're having a lovely day and taking care of yourself as well <3
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 637 words
Steve and Eddie are scanning the crowd for you up until the very moment you come up to them. Even then, it takes Eddie a second to recognize you. 
“Hey,” you say, tentative. 
“Hey,” Steve says, stepping forward. “Shit, honey, come here.” 
You grin, some of the apprehension easing from your features as you hug him. 
“Shit,” Eddie agrees, wrapping his arms around the both of you. “Almost didn’t recognize you, sunshine.” 
Sunshine might not even be the best nickname for you now. When you’d left for college last fall, you’d looked like the rainbow had befriended you personally. All pastels, colorful sweaters and flowy little skirts. Now, it’s like you’ve been plucked from a graphic novel. Your clothes are dark down to the shoes, with ripped black tights under your shorts and lace-up combat boots that, frankly, Eddie thinks might get a little hot in the Indiana summer. He wonders if you’d be amenable to him calling you his little bat. Or witchling, maybe? He’ll have to workshop it. 
“You look so different.” Steve sounds positively flabbergasted, stepping back to take you in more fully. “I mean, not a bad different, I just—wow, it’s really…” Eddie snickers. In his opinion, you look far less like someone Steve Harrington would ordinarily date (the girl next door, preppy style, Nancy Wheeler clone) and more like someone he would (cool as fuck). Luckily for you, they both love you down to your ooey gooey core no matter how you present yourself. 
“It’s a new look, babe, and it’s fucking sick,” Eddie summarizes. “Is this what college does to people? Maybe I should come visit.” 
You roll your eyes at him, flushing faintly. Another pro of your new style: the pink of your face stands out ever-so-much-more brilliantly against your new dark palate. 
“I’m serious, sweetheart,” Eddie goes on, delighting in watching your color change. “I need you to start coming to my shows so we can lure in your crowd. You’re too fucking cool for us now.” 
Your shoulders start to come up around your ears, but Steve saves you, tucking you under his arm with a kiss to the top of your head. “She was always too cool for us,” he says. It’s the truth, and Eddie sends you a wink to make sure you know he knows it. “You look amazing, really. God, we’ve missed you so—is that a tattoo?”
Eddie all but lunges for you. “Where?” 
“Here,” Steve says, stretching the collar of your shirt over your shoulder, where an inky design sits starkly against your skin. “Shit, this is so cool.” Eddie jostles for space, head squishing between yours and Steve’s to get a better look. “It really works for you.” 
You smile bashfully. “Thanks.” 
“Fuck me,” Eddie breathes, and you shiver pleasantly as his breath his your shoulder. “Actually, if I can get us to Steve’s in five minutes, would you top me right now? This is too fucking hot—oh, don’t look at me like that, Stevie boy. You know you like it too.” 
“I do,” Steve says, giving Eddie a look that’s probably aiming for stern but only hitting fond as he tries to coax your face from his chest. “It looks great honey, when did you get this?”
Your voice is characteristically quiet, but a bit proud, when you say, “That one’s from a couple months ago. I got my first last November, though.”
“Your first?” Eddie’s gobsmacked. “How many are there? Wait, no, don’t tell me.” He grabs you by the legs, hoisting you over his shoulder. “I wanna find ‘em.” 
“Eds, put me down!” You hiss in his ear, but your words are undercut by giggles. “Steve!”
“Sorry, but I’m kinda on board with this one,” Steve says with an apologetic shrug in your direction. He tosses Eddie the keys. 
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Never Enough (A Loki Comfort Fic)
Summary: It's not a easy life in Asgard's palace as Frigga's witchling apprentice and a victim of relentless teasing thanks to Thor and his warrior posse. You feel like a failure and a misfit, until the patron god of failures and misfits decides to comfort you.
A/N: Angst, comfort, fluff fic (ultimately feel good). Wholesome. Pre-Thor 1 Loki. Loki x reader. Just a little something I wrote to cheer myself up after a week of feeling like I'm getting it all wrong and being stupid. I hope it makes you feel better too if you're going through the same thing.
You slammed through the double doors and took long angry strides down the hallway, anxious to get to the privacy of your quarters before tears released themselves from your eyes. None of them...NONE of them...had ever seen you cry, or scream or loose your temper, and you'd be damned if they saw it now.
You considered it some kind of dysfunctional personal record at this point. You saw inscrutability as a strength. If you had to feel alone, you figured, you could at least lean into it and make yourself strong enough to not need the people who would reject you anyway.
All they saw was the serious apprentice in the black velvet gown who stuck to the shadows in every way. Thor, however, saw this seriousness as an opportunity for jest between himself and his warrior friends on many occasions. One day, when the entire court dined together, he turned from his pile of food and gallon of ale to smile at you. Your heart and stomach dropped, knowing he was somehow about to make an ass of you despite your best efforts.
He bellowed your name. You closed your eyes and let out a long breath, gathering your patience for the great oaf.
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Tell me, who do you favor in the races?”
“I know not of them, Prince, so I have no preference.”
“Yes, but for the hel of it. Pick one,” he goaded.
“I suppose Volstagg's steed, as it has the better record?”
The entire room erupted in raucous laughter. All except for one person. The younger prince of Asgard sat quietly with a dangerous look on his pale face.
Fandral shouted drunkenly, “My lady, Volstagg's steed couldn't jump over a single brick, much less a full set of hurdles. Are you entirely sure you're Asgardian, knowing so little about these things?”
Another ripple of laughter erupted around the room. This, you thought, was the final straw. You couldn't stop making small stupid errors lately in your magical training with Frigga. Although she was patient and kind, you could see the disapproval in your beloved mentor's eyes and that was worse than a tirade. And now this.
You took a breath, gathered yourself behind the inscrutable mask you were so accustomed to now, and politely excused yourself for the evening with some remark about the late hour.
Now you raced against your feelings as you stepped quickly down the marble hall, nearly to the safety of your quarters, to privacy. I'm going to make it. You told yourself.
As you reached towards the door of your quarters, a blinding green light interrupted you and Loki's form materialized in your path.
You flinched a little, surprised that the younger prince stood before you with his hands calmly held behind his back.
Alright, just a little longer. Keep it together just a little longer. You ordered yourself.
“Your...Your Highness. What can I do for you?”
He took a measured breath and stepped closer, icy eyes looking down to meet yours, “Dear lady, I was actually wondering what I could do for you.”
You swallowed hard. You had always found the sly brilliant prince intimidating. You studied magic alongside him under Frigga's tutelage. He was spectacular, running circles around you every single lesson. In all these years, he never so much as said an entire sentence to you until now. He seemed barely aware of your presence, in fact, focused instead on larger schemes, ambition and glorious purpose.
You chuckled at the thought. Glorious purpose...meanwhile I have no purpose at all.
“What's so funny?” the prince asked, brows knitted in confusion.
To your horror, you found you had only begun to laugh harder and suddenly you couldn't stop, “Sorry...my liege...I just. Sometimes the arbitrary cruelty of my stupid life strikes me as, well, very tragic...and very funny.”
To your surprise, Loki smiled...not a small polite grin that you'd seen him give many times, but a full wide mischievous Cheshire cat smile, broadcasting an almost manic delight. It frightened you a bit, but gods, he looked even more shockingly handsome than before. You didn't think that was possible.
You flinched a little as he walked closer and his hand came to your face. His fingers felt cool against your hot skin as you realized he was wiping tears away; tears you didn't even realize you had begun to cry.
He nodded toward your door and placed a graceful hand on the small of your back, guiding you. With an understanding kindness in his eyes he whispered. “Come on, let's sit and talk.”
As you sat facing each other on your couch, he conjured two warm cups of tea and a blanket around you. Surprised, you gripped both closer to you and the warm comfort began to seep through the cracks of your icy loneliness.
“Thank you,” you said with a small smile.
He inclined his head of beautiful black hair in a graceful nod. “My pleasure.”
“Forgive me for asking, Your Highness...”
“Loki...just Loki...please.”
“Loki,” you said slowly, cautiously. “Why...why are you doing this? Why are you being so kind.”
He sipped for a moment, taking time to gather his thoughts (a habit his brother apparently didn't share). “I know what it's like. I've been where you are. I've felt what you feel.”
His large lovely eyes never left you, bright and blue and full of sincerity. Not what you were expecting from the god of lies. “Forgive me, Si....Loki...but no, you don't. And no, you haven't.” You took a deep breath and looked to your hands, his intense gaze becoming too much. “You're perfect...at magic...at everything...a prince of the realm. Your place is solid and secure and important. You have a glorious purpose. I...I am simply not enough...not good enough...not smart enough...not enough like them.”
You began to sniff and squint and look away, horrified that the hot tears dared to fall in front of him, of all people. His long hand found yours and encompassed it. He scooted closer and said, “Darling, I assure you, I'm not perfect. I've also been the butt of Thor's stupid jokes and mockery for years on end, the mere spare prince to my kingdom. No one listens to me. I'm not like them. I never was, and I'm not sure why. Much like you, I say very little because I'm trying to be strong, trying to not give them any more fodder to ridicule me. I live in the shadows, just as you do.”
You met his piercing eyes this time, with your soft ones. Loki thought they looked so kind, that you looked so beautiful in this moment and he scolded himself for not reaching out to you sooner. He had always had so much affection for your, but he never dared come closer. You had built walls around yourself just as high and thick as his own, after all. Of course, It didn't fool him, and he always wanted to know what was behind them. “That's a shame,” you said, squeezing his hand. “How can they not see how incredible you are. How dare they treat such a beautiful person so badly?” You said in awe.
He peaked his eyebrows and smiled sweetly, his own eyes welling at your praise. Loki had always seemed dangerous and alluring to you, all angles and metal and leather and deep silky voice. You had never seen him so solicitous and vulnerable. You said carefully, “I...I realize, that this is a gift, you've given me. I don't take it for granted.”
“What do you mean?”
“Seeing you more...intimately. I'm grateful. It's good to not be alone for once.”
“You matter, darling. You are so much more than 'enough'. You are exquisite.” he said, kissing your forehead. “Now,” he said, conjuring a dagger with a dangerous glint in his eye, “Let have a bit of fun with Thor and his friends, shall we?”
@evelyn-rathmore @muddyorbs @icytrickster17 @unlucky-number-13 @lokischambermaid @lokisgoodgirl @peaches1958 @sweetsigyn @ladyofthestayingpower @loz-3 @alexakeyloveloki @coldnique @acidcasualties @marcotheflychair @gigglingtiggerv2 @smolvenger @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @lokihiddleston @peachyjinx @thedistractedagglomeration @thenerdyoldersister @sarahscribbles @sailorholly @littlespaceyelf @eleniblue @mochie85 @infinitystoner @tripleyeeet @goblingirlsarah @mischief2sarawr @mischiefmaker615 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @holdmytesseract @viv-annelore
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
I loved “our little witchling” so much 🥹 Both of them being so protective but especially Manon was so cute like Manon was immediately so attatched. Would you think about doing a part two with what happens during the birth? Like they were already worried about pregnancy being dangerous what if something goes wrong (but of course is alright in the end) and Manon just struggling because there’s no villain to kill, no one did this, things just happen. And their reactions to meeting the baby? I really love how you write angst and fluff!
Manorian x Reader
(part one) 
Summary: Reader has some birth complications 
Warnings: blood, angst, not proofread 
A/N: ah I’m so glad you liked it <3 thank you for the idea and request! you’re so kind. this can be read separate from part one!
Manon felt terror she hadn’t experienced in years. Not since … But your slowly paling face, the blood rushing from you, the healers swarming you. She wouldn’t let go of your hand, couldn’t. And snarled at everyone who tried to separate her from you. She couldn’t lose you - or this witchling, couldn’t. She wouldn’t let it happen. There’s nothing for her to destroy her, no revenge to be had, no enemy to destroy, and all she could do was have faith in the healers, and you. She’d never felt so helpless. 
Dorian’s hand covered her own, an arm wrapped around her shoulder, but she couldn’t look at him. Your hand was slowly growing limp in hers, and one of the healers let out a slew of curses - quickly silenced by another. 
She watched your breaths grow heavy, shaky, and slow. 
Please, she begged, please hold on. And sent prayers to the three-faced Goddess, to silba, to any god or goddess she could think of. 
Dorian couldn’t rip his eyes from you. His hand covered Manon’s, and his thumb brushed against the edge of your thumb. Cold, your skin was so cold. 
He glanced towards the edge of the bed, to the bloody sheets, and swallowed harshly before fixing his gaze on your face. 
His mind cycled through the books, everything he’d read… 
“The baby,” He whirled, taking the small form from the healer’s arms - who let her go without a fuss, and crouched next to you, holding her, the little witchling, against your chest. Manon took your arm, folding it over the small form. 
He brushed your hair away from your forehead - covered in sweat, before pressing a kiss to your brow. 
He watched as your fingers twitched, tightening around the form, before your eyes slowly blinked open. The baby was silent, watching you with wide eyes. A smile crossed your face, and Dorian let out a slow breath. 
“Y/n,” he called softly, but your attention didn’t leave the small child. 
“Hello little one,” you cooed. The world was fuzzy around you, but you saw the small baby in your arms. The little witchling. Sweet and wide eyed. She has Dorian’s nose, and you could’ve sworn a bit of gold flickered in her eyes. Maybe you were hallucinating. 
Something had gone wrong, that much you knew, and the buzz of healers around you and magic flowing into you told you that. 
You don’t know how long it took, but eventually you felt Manon’s hand atop yours, helping hold the baby still, Dorian’s hand gently stroking your forehead, pushing sweaty hair away from your face. 
You turned to them with a slightly dazed smile. “Hello.” Tears, tears lined Manon’s face and you frowned. “Nothing to cry over.” Manon choked back a sob, but squeezed your hand lightly. Her own tears, the sight over her upset, made a few fall down your own cheeks. 
Dorian’s thumb brushed them away. “Nothing to cry over,” he repeated your words and you let out a weak laugh.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Sexiest Man Alive
Chris Evans x Female Reader
You wake up to the news that your boyfriend has been named the Sexiest Man Alive.
Warnings: 18+ please! There’s a little bit of smut involved in this one
Note: So, this is just a quick something I wrote when I woke up to this news about Chris. Can’t believe he finally won. As he should. Enjoy!
Chris Evans Masterlist, Main Masterlist
When you wake up, it’s to the sound of your phone dinging over and over again. You worry it’s an emergency, so you reach over your sleeping boyfriend to get your phone.
What you see is just about everyone you know texting you about Chris and some photoshoot. You try to think of which one they mean and come up short. He’d gone to a few lately.
But when you open your messages it all makes sense.
“Chris, oh my god!” You say as you likely shake him awake.
“What is it, babe?” He asks with an adorable Bostonian morning voice.
“You’re the sexiest man alive,” you relay what the magazine says.
“Oh thanks,” Chris says.
“No, Chris you’re on People magazine,” you say, not thinking he understands that you aren’t just complimenting him.
“Yeah, baby. Did that come out today?”
“I guess so. Everyone is sending it to me and-“ you get distracted from your words as you start looking at the photos. And god, does he look good.
“Do you think it was a good choice? I don’t know because there are so many other guys,” Chris starts being a little bit insecure.
“Chris, my love, you are the sexiest man alive. The universe agrees. Do you need me to show you?” You ask him.
His cheeks blush a deep red as you toss your phone to the side and straddle him. He holds you as you lean down and kiss his lips. They’re soft like always and his moan of pleasure satisfies you.
“Y/n, please,” Chris says when your hips rock against his.
“I’ve got you, sexy,” you say and the two of you giggle at how it sounds. “Okay, maybe I’ll stick with not saying that one.”
“Sounds good, babe,” Chris agrees.
You show him instead of call him sexy as you move down his body to take his cock in your mouth. It’s a practiced action as you lick and suck him until he’s practically squirming underneath you.
“I’m going to cum, baby,” Chris says.
“Go on,” you say. And with that he reaches the ultimate pleasure with the shout of your name.
“Fuck, y/n. I need to be named the sexiest man alive every morning,” Chris jokes as you move back to lay next to him.
“I agree. I’m never going to stop looking at these photos,” you say as you grab your phone again.
“Well, let me at least help you out while you do,” Chris drops a kiss to your cheek before he moves to bury his face between your legs.
“Oh Chris, yeah it was definitely the gray in the beard that made them pick you,” you as you feel his beard brush against your thighs.
“You think so?” He asks with a cute smile.
“I do.”
“Guess I’ll have to grow it out again so the gray will show up again,” Chris says.
You don’t have time to agree before he dives into your core.
And you are out of this world excited about your boyfriend being named the sexiest man alive.
Tag List: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @be-missed @mythosphere-x @hehehehannahthings @likefirenrain @mrswidowjohansson @natashasilverfox @rach2602 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @raajali3 @sarahdonald87 @pandaxnienke @mrspeacem1nusone @wandas-slut-heart @patzammit @charmingprincess @randomwriter1021 @itbeila @notbornbutforged @blue-serendipityy @bookfrog242 @wizardofstories @karsonromanoff @adeela-j @natismywife @dumb-fawkin-bitch @sunshine-punk-witchling
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profound-imagination · 8 months
Little Witch - Ruhn Danaan - Part 2
A/N: It’s finally here, part two of Little Witch. This part is for @sweetshifter and @sweetshifter only.
T/W: Mentions of torture, nothing too descriptive but it’s there!
W/C: 1.7k
Ruhn was growing frustrated. He had no right to be. He’d caused this, his actions had brought about her silence again but gods how he missed her voice. It didn’t help that he had a sneaking suspicion she spoke freely to the others when he wasn’t around, she spoke to Ithan at the very least if not the others. Smug little Pup.
He couldn’t complain though, she’d stuck by him through every step of his ongoing healing. She tended his wounds, pulled him out of nightmares and cast little balls of light in her hands when the entire room was shrouded in his shadows as a result. She’d wept silently as he and Lidia told their story, wept for her older sister when she learned the truth of Lidia’s life. Lidia in turn had sobbed for her baby sister when she told her own story, casting those starry eyed gazes at him that he’d missed so much when he entered the story. She attended every therapy session with him, the ones she knew about anyway, and held his hand. His silent pillar of strength.
He could hear the thump thump thump of the music blaring through the house as he approached. Flynn must’ve been throwing another party, the guest list was small these days. The three found brothers who were now five if he counted Ithan and Tharion, which he did. Bryce and Hunt. Lidia and his Little Witch. No one heard the door open as he strolled in although he knew Dec knew he was there and approaching the house long before he first heard the music, yes, his brother was that good. He couldn’t help the grin that split his face when he took in the scene in the living room. Bryce perched on Hunt’s lap in the beaten up armchair, Dec with a laptop in one hand, beer in the other, Lidia and Tharion chatting on the sofa. Flynn was dancing on the coffee table, screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs, Ruhn’s Little Witch on his back, arms wrapped around Flynn’s neck, mouthing the lyrics along with him a brilliant smile on her face. “You’re going to drop her, Flynn!” Ithan was hissing from his seat, leant right forward ready to catch her when Flynn did drop her. “No I won’t, Pup! I’m completely in control-“ famous last words as Flynn’s foot slipped and he fell, Y/N let out a scream as she lost her grip on Flynn and a purely Fae protective possessiveness flared through Ruhn.
He snarled at his friend as he caught her, her doe eyes looking up at him, a brilliant smile on her face. “Hi there.” He purred at her and delighted in the colour that flared in her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around his neck in a greeting hug and then untangled herself from him and pulled Flynn to his feet. But Ruhn knew in his bones, in his very soul, that the peace they had found wouldn’t last forever.
Tuesday started like any other day, you’d woken up with Ruhn curled around you like he always was, whether you’d fallen asleep in his bed or yours, you always woke up with his strong arms wrapped around you, your head tucked under his chin, his heat radiating into your back. You weren’t sure why you hadn’t spoken to him again. There was no doubt that you were irrevocably in love with this male but every time you opened your mouth to speak, to maybe tell him, the whole thing flashed through your mind again, the hurt. Losing him. The dress you never got to wear, the ball you never got to go to. Ruhn shifted pulling you from your thoughts and pulling you with him, turning you as he went.
He smiled up at you as you took in his beautiful face. “Good morning, Witchling.” He said, tightening his arms around your waist. You smiled at him and nuzzled your face into his neck. “What have you got planned today?” He asked into your hair, you shrugged in response. “I’m heading out with the guys, we got a tip off on the DreadWolves, Tharion, Ithan and Lidia are following up on one about Pollux, are you gonna be okay here by yourself?” He asked, lifting your head to look at him. You smiled and nodded at him and pointed to his bookshelf, he grinned, “I can’t wait to hear about which one you picked when I get home.”
You’d been pottering around the kitchen having decided to bake, Ruhn had once told you that lemon cake was his favourite, maybe if you couldn’t tell him you could show him how you felt. It was a good idea in theory, but standing in the kitchen covered in flour was proving the opposite, still you persisted. Studying the recipe so hard you almost didn’t hear the front door swing open. No, not swing, bang open. You turned, a sense of dread filling you at what you’d find behind you, still clutching the mixing bowl.
Devastatingly beautiful was the only way to describe Pollux Antonius as he filled the doorway, smiling a lover’s smile at you. “Well, I can see why Princey is keeping you locked away, a perfect mix of your two sisters, beautiful little thing.” He purred. Terror seized your body as he took a step towards you. “Your friends won’t make it back to you in time, Mordoc is giving them the runaround.” He took another step towards you, “Now, be a good girl, don’t run, it’ll only make this worse, don’t fight and I promise you won’t suffer for long.” He grinned. You finally convinced your limbs to unlock and move and you launched the mixing bowl at him and fled the room.
He was on you in two strides and pain lanced through you as he threw you into the wall. All the air left your lungs as you slid down the wall and rallied your power. You could do this, you could control the power, the power didn’t control you. Ruhn had been training you, so had Flynn and Dec, you could do this. “Ah ah ah” Pollux crooned as he knelt in front of you, “None of that nasty raw power of yours, sweetheart.” He sneered as he snapped a pair of cuffs onto your wrists, not Gorsian, no, these were the same cuffs the Witches had used. You screamed as they embedded themselves into your wrists and drained your power from you. “It’s funny how giving the Witches are now they’ve turfed your sister off of her throne.”
He dragged you by the wrists into the garden, your back scraping against the floor, towards the trees and hung you between two of them and began. You screamed until you could scream no more and he talked and talked, spitting his venom, apparently Ruhn had given him nothing but attitude during their time together. You smirked at that. Of course he had. “But you, hurting you,” he crooned, “hurts all of them, Princey, Lidia, the Pup, and when they come back and find you dead it will fracture them all so much their little rebellion will fall apart.” You mustered the little fight you had left and spat at him.
The pain got worse then as he started carving out parts of you. “I wonder if I cut out enough if I’ll find the source of the raw power you possess, take it for myself.” He asked as he brought his dagger to his mouth and licked the blood from the blade. You blocked him out then, his words and his ministrations. Ruhn, you thought of Ruhn. Of his kindness, his smile, his persistence! He never gave up on you, not once, he was still there, still fighting for your words, words you never gave him and now you never would. Blackness started creeping in the edges of your vision. Ruhn, Ruhn, Ruhn.
There was nothing but endless blackness and pain. Was this death? Was there really no peace? “Baby, no! Please, please come back!” Ruhn? You span, searching for him but he was nowhere. “Little Witch, can you hear me? Please come back, don’t leave me! You don’t get to leave me!” Was he crying? You could hear other things as well now, a wolf was howling, Ithan, that was Ithan. Flynn was shouting. “Shock her again!” Tharion, that was Tharion, “Hunt! Shock her again!” “I can’t! Not with Ruhn there!” A snarl, that was unmistakably Ruhn. “All of you move!” Declan. “Baby please wake up!”
You weren’t going to wake up, you were sure of it. “Goodbye Ruhn, I love you.” You weren’t sure how his mind speaking worked, he’d never tried it again after it had terrified you that first time. Then there was a primal roaring in your head. “No! You don’t get to do this! You don’t get to say goodbye, that love you me like this! You wake up and tell me that!” Ruhn growled into your head. “Hunt, shock her again, I’ll move.” Pain splintered through you as he let you go.
You gasped as your eyes flew open and your lungs burned. There was so much pain running through your body. Declan was knelt next to you, his healing magic working the best it could on the cuffs he was trying desperately to remove. Ithan sat at your back, supporting you, keeping you upright. Then there was Ruhn. “Don’t you ever scare us like that again!” He growled as he ran his hands through his hair. Blood, he was covered in blood, as if reading your thoughts he said “He’s gone, he’s dead, he won’t hurt you or anyone else ever again.” Lidia knelt next to Ruhn, “I’m so sorry, Y/N, this is all my fault.” It almost killed you to move your arm to grasp your sisters hand but you did it anyway and gave her a weak smile before looking back to Ruhn.
“I love you, you big idiot.” You croaked, and his face shuttered, fresh tears fell down his face. “I love you too, Little Witch.” You smiled at him weakly, “Let’s get you inside and healed up, then you can tell me about how much you love me.” He grinned down at you. You reached up with the hand that wasn’t holding Lidia’s and wiped his tears away, “Okay, Ruhn.”
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hunny-beann · 10 months
Desiderium II
Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
<- Part I
Note: Thank you so much to everyone who left such kind feedback on the first part of this series! <3
Warnings: A little bit of angst, mentions of death/disappearances, a crazy amount of pining
Word Count: 6,170
It had all started well over one thousand years ago, when you and the now so well known god of mischief were but babes at the mercy of the wild world around you.
You, the daughter of a powerful and well sought after witch named Karliah and an experienced healer named Tal, born and raised for eight years within the woods of Asgard until destiny laid herself bare before you and stole you away.
A witchling by blood, and a strong one at that, your parents had brought you up with grace and dignity in mind, each passing day a new lesson, and each moment spent a gift, though one that sadly ended up being in low reserve.
Eight blessed years of life spent with two loving parents, before it was traded for a still well-loved, but slightly more lonely life with your aunt, whose adoration did not make up for your sorrows, but did keep you from going down the wrong path upon your loss.
'Abandoned' they had called you when your dear aunt moved you out of the woods and into the palace to live alongside her, 'Left behind', they'd said.
But deep down, nearly everyone knew the truth of the matter.
Karliah was no weak woman, and Tal no coward. If neither had come for their daughter within the first few days of their sudden absence, then surely something had come for them, something strong enough to harm the most powerful witch in the known realms outside of those found within the royal family.
Most shuddered at the thought of this, and stuck to the tall tales of your improper abandonment instead.
'Poor witchling, left to die, so lucky to have been brought in by the merciful hands of her aunt, the palace teacher, educator of the princes and all other royal manners of children, be them visitors or otherwise.'
Oh, and of course, you.
From eight onward, you had lived within the palace walls, wandering from corridor to corridor and exploring every available nook and cranny until you had all but mapped it out within your mind, branding this once so foreign place as your home with a childlike fondness.
And you had not done such a thing by your lonesome, had you?
No, of course not, for everyone knew of your friendship with the feeblest prince, little Loki Odinson, the magic bearer, the one who used his mother's feminine magic, the seidr, over that which had been deemed stronger by the many men of Asgard.
The boy cared not for his image after all, he was just a child, the second born son of a god, and thus not the one who would have to worry about succeeding the throne himself someday.
No, that duty fell to Thor, more brawn than brains, but oh so sweet, though he notably lacked the vast intelligence of his brother.
It was as if someone had cut the perfect child in twain and created some hilariously different duo to see what the Allfather might do.
And though he loved them both, it was clear that in Odin's eye, the brawn came before the brains nearly every single time.
So, while Thor had his expectations laid out before him upon his birth, Loki had spent his days wandering the halls with you, the little witchling and her trickster prince, bound together by adventure and some childlike wonder found only in the eyes of those who had yet to learn but craved so desperately to do so.
The two of you were as close as close could get, tugging each other along by the hand, whispering secrets into one another's ears, every day a new opportunity to amuse yourselves in spite of the boredom that seemed to surround the palace.
Though, notably, you seemed to be the most interesting character of all, and perhaps that had been what had drawn your trickster prince to you in the first place.
Your mother's daughter to be sure, just as she'd had prophetic visions, ones containing the future in bursts that she often controlled, you had something rather similar, though far less easily grasped.
You, Asgard's little witchling, had prophetic dreams randomly while deep within your slumber, something that you had learned shortly after taking up residence within the palace.
It made you miss your mother tremendously to have her powers, and you resented the lack of control that you had over them, but even so, as each passing dream came true, you found suddenly that you were far more useful to those around you.
You were able to say which one of two dinner options might be best for upcoming guests based upon visions you would see weeks prior to their arrival, and on more than one occasion, you had avoided being caught by straying away from the wrong hallways while on your adventures with your dear friend after having had a particularly useful dream a night or two beforehand
Loki, of course, so heavily fixated on his intense study of magic, was entranced by this naturally inherited power of yours, and would gladly spend hours hearing you talk about your visions, no matter how mundane.
Except after one dark evening, he found that you no longer wished to.
You had woken up pale, a sure sign of a vision the night before, one that the god of mischief, thirteen years old at the time, knew all too well.
He had greeted you enthusiastically, something that was not so uncharacteristic of him at that time, only to find that you did not wish to talk about what you had seen.
Something bad, he'd realized with a start, having never considered before the downside to a power such as yours.
Sure, your mother had been able to control hers in some ways, but yours could appear almost as nightmares to you, uncontrollable and painful, because in the end, waking up offered little relief.
It could still come true after all, more than likely would too.
Not a very fair situation for such a young witch to endure on her own.
So, he decided, you would not have to.
And thus, a promise had been made.
Under the blooming flowers of one of many beautiful trees in the queen's garden, you and the god of mischief locked your pinkies together in fealty.
You would no longer hide your visions, no matter how frightening, from your prince, and in turn, he would never lie to you, at least not on purpose.
It was a childish way to appease one another, but in the end, that promise was what ended up driving you onward far into the future.
In fact, that promise was why you had ended up in the Avenger's Tower in the first place, lying on the floor with an audience of heroes watching as the man who had once been your closest friend rushed toward you, falling to his knees close enough that he could touch you if only he reached out.
You had missed his touch more than that of anyone else throughout your many years of solitude, a fact which gnawed at you slightly when you thought about your aunt and the wonderful hugs she had once given, until the final one, which had oh so sadly been in farewell.
Still, even she could not top the feeling of being held by Loki Laufeyson, though back when he had still done so, he had been Loki Odinson to you, and to everyone that knew him.
It had been Loki Odinson who had danced with you at nearly every social event, Loki Odinson who had mastered the art of sneaking into your room each night, Loki Odinson who had held your hand sweetly since childhood as you'd wandered through paths yet untraveled by your feet, and Loki Odinson who had kissed you beneath that same tree which the two of you had made that binding promise under.
You could only hope, as you looked up at the man before you, that Loki Laufeyson was not so terribly different.
You were unsure if you could take another loss, after all, not after having been alone for so very long, yearning to see the face of the one you once loved, silently praying that he might find you somehow, back in that old cabin where the two of you had carved your names in your youth.
Over your one hundred or so years there, you had all but traced that carving raw, remembering what it had been like to have the god of mischief at your side.
There was no longing like that which you felt for Loki, and of that you were certain.
Even as he stared at you with such a wild expression that you almost wondered if he had gone mad at the sight of you after so many years, perhaps having long since thought you gone from him.
It would not be so strange, after all, that you would have died in the time that passed. As far as your dear Loki knew, you were but a witchling, your immortality fragile and preserved almost entirely by the safe life that you once had led in the palace alongside him until your "disappearance".
You almost shuddered to think about explaining all of that to him now, and wondered briefly in the back of your mind if any part of him blamed you for your sudden absence.
Had his father told him of all that had transpired? Had Thor? Or had your dear prince of Asgard been left to wonder what had become of you, assuming himself abandoned at your hand?
As you gazed up at his still so perfect features, taking in their persistent familiarity, you found that you could not tell.
That is, until he spoke up, voice husky and thick with what almost sounded like grief, or the impending weight of tears.
He repeated as if in disbelief, the familiar name causing you to freeze up instantly.
You stared, unable to move nor speak.
The entire room fell silent as everyone watched on in shock at the scene unfolding before them.
There, on the floor, having just fallen out of some magical hole in the wall, was a woman. The very same woman, in fact, that this small group of avengers had just seen smiling within Loki's hellishly realistic dream as the duo lovingly lived out their life together.
A life that had never existed.
A life that, according to the adopted son of Odin himself, never would.
Except he'd never anticipated this, had he?
No, they could see his surprise in the way he stared down at you, his hands hovering just inches away as if he were afraid you would turn to dust before his very eyes if he even dared touch you.
And maybe you would, it was hard to tell when one did not know, after all.
Hard to tell, indeed.
The silence persisted for several long moments, before finally, you spoke up.
"I-I found you,"
You began, a soft smile gracing your lips, though it notably did not erase the obvious exhaustion from your eyes,
"It worked."
Loki frowned at that, his eyebrows knitting with confusion as he remained on his knees before you, the god of mischief, so besotted and enamored by your presence that he would live upon his knees once more, for however long you so required.
A surprising sight, to be sure, at least for all who bore witness to it from the outskirts.
Though notably, you did not seem to pay it any mind, as if his almost pleading body language was a normal part of speaking with him that you had come to know so well.
Loki reached forward hesitantly, his fingers outstretched as if he were about to place his hand upon glass, and with another tired smile, you did the same, placing your smaller fingertips against his with a sense of ease that had the entire room outside of yourselves wondering what could possibly be going on in front of them.
Who were you? What were you doing here? How had you gotten here? And why was the god of mischief himself looking at you as if he'd seen a ghost?
Whatever answers they were seeking though, they did not find quite yet, not in the still pervasive quiet of that room you all inhabited.
Still, all watched on with immense interest as Loki's eyes widened at your touch, and he withdrew as if stung, expression morphing into one of confusion, pain, and longing all at once, all of these being emotions that few in this room had ever seen him experience before.
"What are you doing here?"
Loki asked cautiously as he lowered his hand back down to his side, watching with sharp eyes as you did the very same with a casualness that nearly made him shiver.
If this was not truly you, then it was a damn good copy, one that rivaled any of his own creation in the history of time itself.
You let out a shaky sigh, your smile somehow growing more exhausted each time that you wore it upon your face.
"I needed to find you. I know that it's been a long time, and that you probably won't have any idea what I'm talking about when I say this, but I made a promise, and I am bound not only by my word, or the title I was given, but also by my care for you to ensure that I keep it, no matter what."
You looked down toward the floor, clearly expecting Loki to overwhelm you with questions, having long since anticipated his reaction to a moment such as this one, especially since it had been so very long since your promise had been made...
But to your surprise, he only had one question to ask, one that had the entire room buzzing with quiet conversation and confusion, and your eyes alight with utter shock.
"You've had a vision?"
He asked gently, tone low and concerned, eyes seeking yours and clearly finding the answer he was looking for there within in instant.
You nodded anyway.
Loki turned immediately to the small crowd standing behind him, though he was most notably looking for Tony, his expression pleading for the very first time since he had been imprisoned within this realm.
"I apologize for the suddenness of my request, Stark, but might you have some available space for her to stay?"
He asked quietly, as if trying to keep their discussion private in spite of the crowd watching on curiously.
"I believe this conversation may take us some time..."
He trailed off, thankfully having his question answered before he had to elaborate any further.
"Uh yeah sure, there's an empty room two doors down from yours, have at it..."
Tony trailed off himself after a few moments, before finally he continued,
"Just uh, keep me updated, okay? I try to make it a habit to actually know the people who are staying on my property."
Loki offered the man a rather firm nod in response to his request, moving into a kneeling position and offering his hand to you, his fingers outstretched and his palm upturned,
"Can you stand, starlight?"
He murmured, and immediately you nodded, grasping onto the god's hand and pulling yourself to your feet just as he did the same, allowing the audience to truly see you for the very first time, though it was your clothing far more than your physical form that garnered their attention.
The cloak around your shoulders was a deep and stunning green adorned with familiar gold accents, though on the inside, it was dark and lined with what somehow looked to be a billion little gold stars lighting up a night sky. It was almost as if they twinkled even as you stood still, wrapping the fabric tighter around your neck as everyone seemed to stare.
"Follow me." Loki said quietly, letting go of your hand after a brief moment of hesitance, and though you nodded, taking a few short steps forward just as the god began to make his way toward the door, you did not make it nearly as far as he, instead having your eyes roll back suddenly before you pitched forward without warning, the sensation of a single strong arm wrapping around your waist from behind as voices sounded from all around you being the last sensation you felt before darkness closed in.
The next thing that you knew, you were waking up in an entirely unfamiliar room, in an equally unfamiliar bed with a soft groan of confusion and pain, your head throbbing and your bones aching in spite of your still relatively young age (as far as Asgardians went, that is).
Immediately, your eyes landed upon the god sitting in a chair beside you, his gaze unwavering yet somehow almost casual as he took in the sight of you once more.
How long had it been since he had seen you last? Over one hundred years at least, that was to be sure.
You gazed back at him, a pained groan leaving you just before you spoke,
"What happened?"
You asked, hearing the god of mischief hum from where he sat before he pushed a glass of water in your direction.
You took it eagerly, beginning to drink it in small and controlled sips.
"You over exerted yourself."
Loki said simply,
"Whatever it is that you did to get here nearly took every ounce of energy that you had."
His tone was disapproving as he spoke, but you chose to ignore it in favor of focusing a little bit too hard on your water in an effort to avoid him.
This was harder to do than you'd thought it would be, seeing him after all this time.
It didn't make it hurt any less, not even in spite of all the years that had passed, and you struggled not to stare at the way his hair still fell the same, and his clothing still looked so similar.
It did not appear as though either of you had changed in the slightest, and yet you knew for a fact that such a thing was not true.
"We both know that you were taught better than to risk your health for something foolish."
Loki said, his tone stern but his voice soft, as if he hadn't yet decided how he was supposed to address you.
You sighed in response, looking away at the subtle reminder of who exactly it had been that had worked so tirelessly to teach you better.
You did not dare allow yourself the opportunity to wonder what had become of her.
"We do."
You replied casually, though your tone betrayed your nerves, as did your fidgety body language.
"But this is far from foolish, I'm afraid."
You all but murmured, watching as your old friend leaned closer, urging you silently to continue,
So, you did.
You trailed off, briefly giving up before finally starting over again.
It was so hard to explain, all of this, all that had happened, but Loki deserved to know the truth, and if no one else would tell him, and you had made a promise, then who were you to deny him the knowledge that was so rightfully his?
You trailed off a second time as you watched the god of mischief flinch at the once familiar nickname, immediately causing you to clear your throat and try again.
"Loki, there is something that I have to tell you, and I want you to know that it was never my decision to keep it from you for this long. When I found out, I searched and searched all over for you, but Odin found me first, and there was nothing that I could do but flee..."
Loki looked down at you, confusion etched into each of his features,
"I do not understand."
He spoke,
"What does Odin have to do with the promise you once made to me? In what manner has he worked his way into this?"
You frowned, unable to meet the gaze of the being who had once been your best friend, and then almost so much more, as you finally spoke.
"Loki, Odin has everything to do with this, because it was he who banished me and made it impossible for me to find you for so long. He saw me as I was searching the palace for you, and could tell from my complexion alone that I'd had a vision..."
You trailed off for a moment, but Loki motioned for you to continue, his body language reminding you of the way that he had once so eagerly listened to the tales of your visions, his eyes always wide and his body always leaned in toward yours, as if he feared that he might miss something if he could not make out every little syllable and each individual pause.
Oh, how you missed those times with him.
Yet even so, instead of lingering upon those thoughts as you so wished to, you carried on.
"He could tell that I'd had a vision, yet when I would not tell him of what, and I insisted that I speak to you instead, he seemed to know immediately what I had witnessed, in spite of how hard I had tried to hide it."
Loki raised a questioning brow at you, his gaze still unwavering,
"So he knew what you saw and did not approve of you telling me?"
You nodded, but it seemed that Loki was not yet finished,
"Alright, that's easy enough to understand, but what does any of that have to do with this promise we made to one another? How did his knowing of your vision stop you from telling me of it for so long? And what could have possibly consumed you to waste so much energy on finding me just to keep your childhood promise after all of these years?"
You flinched slightly at the barrage of questions, but did your best to respond,
"I know this is complicated, but you have to understand, Loki, Odin never wished for you to know, and he was willing to do whatever he needed to in order to ensure that you didn't."
Loki sighed, dropping his head into his hand,
"And what exactly was it that you saw then, starlight? Do you intend upon enlightening me anytime soon?"
He was growing cross with you now, in that very same way he once had with his teachers when they did not give him the answers to his questions as directly as he wished.
He was still so hungry for knowledge, and you could not help but wonder what trouble that had gotten him into throughout your many years apart.
You placed your hand upon his, palm grazing the back of his hand more out of habit than anything else, though you did not move it even when he tensed, desperately wanting to believe that he still found something soothing within your presence, and that you had not lost him entirely, not when he still owned so very much of your heart and soul.
"I am going to tell you, Loki, why would I come here just to break my promise?"
You reasoned gently, watching as your dear god of mischief simply scoffed lightly before looking toward the ground, never one to admit it when he had overreacted.
"What I saw in my vision was no small revelation, and I want you to know that keeping it from you for so very long was never my intention."
You began, eyes growing desperate as you took both of the god's hands into your own, causing him to look up toward you once more,
"I was banished, Loki, never would I have chosen to betray you so otherwise, and I pray that you know that."
The god sitting before you pulled his hands away from yours at that, eyes growing weary, as if he was no longer certain that he could trust you.
It nearly shattered your heart to feel his touch be ripped away from yours after so very long of being alone, of missing him each and every day, but even still you did not reach back out for him again in that moment.
"Betray me?"
He whispered, his tone gaining a slight edge to it as he spoke,
"What do you speak of, witchling?"
He hissed, and you were quick to respond,
"My prince, you do not understand, what I am saying is that I never would have chosen to betray you by waiting as long as I have to tell you what I am about to. You have always been dear to me, and I have felt guilt eat away at me for all of these years that I have allowed this lie to endure in spite of my knowledge, even if I could not risk helping it until now."
Loki sighed, motioning for you to continue,
"Just get on with it then, I desire not to be kept in such suspense regarding my own life, starlight."
You took a deep breath, nodding as you began, trying your best to maintain eye contact even when it got hard.
"Loki, over one hundred years ago, I had a vision of some event far in the future, wherein you sought out your father's treasures, and learned a most difficult truth."
You watched as the being sitting in front of you stiffened slightly, his gaze widening as he slowly shook his head back and forth.
He whispered, and you watched on in confusion as he continued,
"No, no, it cannot be. You cannot possibly know. My sole comfort throughout all of these years was that you had no way of knowing..."
He carried on, and hesitantly, you reached forward to take his hand once more, and this time, he simply stared down at where you were touching him, as if not entirely believing your touch to be real anymore.
You offered him a look of deep compassion and sympathy, before finally you continued,
"You are not Odin's true son, Loki, but a-"
He cut you off, voice still quiet and body all too still as he stared down at your enjoined hands.
You shook your head,
"No Lo, not a monster, that is not what I-"
"My knowledge of your vision has come far too late, my dear."
Loki said gravely, a deep and humorless chuckle leaving him as he finally looked you in the eyes again, allowing you to see the tears that had built up there in spite of how hard he had tried to hold them at bay.
To the untrained eye perhaps, they may not have been so obvious, but even after all of these years, you knew his eyes far too well to not notice that they were growing wet.
Your brow creased in confusion and concern as you took his other hand in yours once more, squeezing both the way you always had before when he had experienced some great emotional suffering.
"Whatever do you mean, my prince?"
You asked gently, watching as Loki's expression morphed into one of so many emotions that you could scarcely name them all in the brief moment that they flashed upon his face.
Grief, sorrow, anger, longing, disgust, guilt. So many things to feel, and none of them good.
He continued,
"I'm afraid that what you have revealed is a truth long known to me, sweet starlight."
He said quietly, and instantly you understood, your expression falling as sadness overcame you, not only over you being too late to help him avoid further suffering, but over the way that he so clearly felt about himself.
He thought what he was to be a monster, something to be feared and hated as if it meant a thing.
You squeezed his hands again, urging him to look into your eyes, and drawn in by a habit he had once believed to be long since forgotten, he did, seeking out something within you that you were unsure of, but desperately wished to give.
"Loki, I am so very sorry that I was too late to tell you the truth. I studied so long to find some way to get to you, but I could not risk trying anything until I felt more certain of what might work for fear of Odin finding me."
The god before you regarded your words with utter shock, but you simply smiled in response,
"I will explain all when the time comes, sweet prince, but for now, please just know that you are no less Loki to me now than you ever were, nor were you any less Loki when I learned the truth. You are Loki Laufeyson, or even Loki Odinson if you so choose, and you are a crowned prince of Asgard and the god of mischief. No lineage could ever change that or take it away from you. You are no different now than you were back when you did not know."
Loki regarded you with brief confusion, as if he had never anticipated for you to feel such a way, or maybe for anyone to for that matter, and then suddenly, his eyes were squinted, his mind obviously deep in thought.
You had no doubt that this was partially in effort to change the subject to one he was far more readily prepared to discuss, but you did not tell him that you knew this.
He would talk when he was ready, if he ever truly was.
"Hold on a moment,"
He began,
"I understand that you did not explain all, but there is one thing that I cannot ever see making any sense."
He continued, eyes searching yours for the answer to a question that was yet unasked.
You shrugged,
"Lay it on me, Lo, I'm an open book."
Loki bristled a bit at the nickname, but said nothing, likely all too aware of how much of a habit it was for you, even after all of these years.
To hear it fall from your lips so easily though...
He distracted himself with his question immediately to stop that thought where it began.
"I know that you wished to keep your promise to me, that much is clear, but you spoke earlier of you having done so not for your word, and not for your title, but for care."
You nodded, cheeks reddening slightly at the memory, though the god sitting before you was clearly far too deep in thought to consider the connotation of your words as heavily as he otherwise may have.
"Your care is easy to understand, and your word is another worthy mention when it comes to reasons you may have worked so tirelessly to find me, but I do not understand what you mean by your title. What title is a witchling so bound by that would keep her from breaking her fealty to me? Why would you say such a thing at all?"
You looked away, unable to meet your old friend's gaze even as his eyes bore into you,
You murmured, eyes meeting his once more before you quickly looked away again, hoping somehow, that even after all of these years apart that the silence might speak for you the way that it always had with him.
He had been all but capable of reading your mind once, and who was to say that such a thing ever truly went away?
You watched as Loki's eyes widened by a millimeter, a slight inhale alerting you to some subtle realization that had just entered through the back of his mind, one that he had not been at all prepared to consider, but that made far too much sense for his liking, particularly as he considered all that had happened to you further.
His hand found the underside of your jaw, and without warning, he tilted your head upward, forcing you to look him in the eyes, allowing you to see all of the emotions building within his green irises.
Confusion, anger, frustration, but most of all, disbelief, though you could tell that the latter of the four was quickly fading.
"Starlight, did you tell Odin what you saw within your vision that day?"
He asked sternly, and, swallowing thickly, you shook your head, watching as the god of mischief's eyes widened even further.
He said matter of factly, repeating your answer as if it might make it easier for him to process what he was slowly coming to realize,
"You- You never told him what you saw."
His tone was incredulous as he spoke, his expression incredibly hard to read as he stood, using the grip you still had on his hands to tug you up alongside him.
His eyes found yours once more now that you were standing together, his head shaking back and forth almost as if he were in utter disbelief of what you were saying.
"And you know what he did, don't you? What you've become?"
He asked gently, and slowly, hesitantly, you nodded, watching as the prince of Asgard chuckled from above you,
"What a surprise you've been at every step of the way, starlight."
He muttered, leaning his head down against yours like he used to for the briefest of moments before he pulled away, clearing his throat slightly as he did.
"Well, now that we have some of those things clarified, what do you say we give the others a real introduction, hmm?"
You nodded after a moment of contemplation, moving to wrap your cloak around your shoulders once more, just barely missing the way that Loki's eyes shone at the familiar sight of it, his hands briefly reaching out toward you before he stopped himself and walked across the room to open the door for you.
From there, he guided you out into a long hallway, maneuvering the two of you about until finally, you reached a rather large common area, where you suddenly realized with a start that everyone from before was waiting.
Thor smiled at you from where he sat on the couch, the apologetic edge to it very nearly causing your heart to weep.
There were few who deserved to feel guilty over what had happened to you less so than Thor, who had only been doing what he was told.
You would have to speak with him privately soon, to thank him for having caught you when you fell forward earlier on in the day, if nothing else.
Though, you suspected that the two of you would have plenty to talk about beyond that.
The room was silent as you and the god at your side entered quietly, all eyes on the two of you as Loki cleared his throat slightly before finally speaking.
"So, as many of you have likely surmised, this is the witchling that was present in the portion of my dream that I showed earlier."
At that, you shot a glance toward the asgardian beside you, briefly wondering what on earth he could have possibly been referencing, when he brought the topic back to the discussion at hand, successfully distracting you for the time being.
"That said, she is no illusion or dream, nor is she some spirit come back to haunt me."
You watched as the man who had granted you permission to utilize a room earlier groaned at that, slapping a wad of green paper into the hand of a blonde woman who sat next to him, who simply grinned subtly.
Still, Loki paid this no mind, and continued after a brief pause,
"She is very real, and though both of us are rather confused, we are working together to figure out what exactly is going on here."
At that, a multitude of hands shot up, causing Loki to glare at those who had raised them until they begrudgingly lowered them once more.
"We will happily inform you of all that we know in just a few moments,"
He said pointedly, causing a few of the people who had been so eager to ask questions before to roll their eyes at his dramatics, though they appeared to be fairly used to them by now based upon their reactions.
"But before we get to that, I would like to introduce you properly."
Loki sighed deeply, casting you a sidelong glance of what almost appeared to be sympathy before he finally continued,
"Starlight, meet my... coworkers of sorts, the avengers."
He began, and you gave a small wave to the people in the room, smiling the tiniest bit when a few friendly looking faces waved back, some even eagerly.
Still, that almost peaceful atmosphere was clearly not meant to last forever, because after Loki's next sentence, well...
"Avengers, meet starlight, the Aesir goddess of compassion, mercy, and fidelity."
All hell broke loose.
Desiderium Tag List: @princess-ofthe-pages
Loki Tag List: @mischief2sarawr
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cherryc1nnam0n · 2 years
Cherry's Favorites
Contains NSFW, blood, dark themes and more, just my personal favorites, many characters and topics
Jim Hopper NSFW headcanons
Guard Dog | Brahms Heelshire
The Stains | Eddie Munson
Fake Plastic Love | Fwb!Eddie Munson
Meet the Munsons | Stepbrother!Eddie Munson
This is Wrong | Stepbrother!Eddie Munson
Man of the Month | Loki
Spell gone wrong | Loki
Tale as Old as Time | Jotun!Loki
Haunted | Brahms Heelshire
Hellfire Baby | Eddie Munson
Dungeons and (pink) dragons | Hellfire baby part 2
The "yes" policy | Eddie Munson
Affection | Eddie Munson
Loki's Di-Llama
Good Neighbors | Steddie
Clandestine Fucks | Loki
Toy Cars and Princess Tea Parties | Steddie
Three Men, a Little Lady a Baby and Steve | Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn horny blurb
The Witchling and the God | Witch!Reader x Avenger!Loki
As the world burns | Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Dusk | Joseph Quinn
Porn | Perv!Stepbro!Eddie Munson
Boobie | Joseph Quinn
Period Sex | Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Morning sex | Fem!Reader x Billy Hargrove
More boobies | Joseph Quinn
Save me | Brahms Heelshire
Letters to my (future) love | Fem!Reader x Billy Hargrove
Summer | Pregnant!Fem!Reader x Billy Hargrove
Billy as a father
The boys next door | Steddie x Reader
Breeding kink with Eddie Munson
Goofy Eddie during sex
It happened one night in recess | Omegaverse Eddie Munson x Reader
Steddie x Reader
Eye contact | Steddie x Reader
Like the wind | Fem!Reader x Billy Hargrove
Having sex in the school's bathroom | Eddie Munson
Spooning with Eddie
Eddie eats you out from the back any chance he gets
Sex tape | Modern!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
A new dungeon | Modern!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Waiter Eddie
Hopper loves pussy
Best boys (Steve, Eddie and Billy) with pets
I'll bite your dick | Eddie Munson
Get in line | Best boys x Reader
Eddie is strong boi
High sex drive | Joseph Quinn
Somno | Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson
Exhibitionism | Steddie x Reader
Morning, my love | Eddie Munson
Squirting and making a mess with Eddie
Riding Eddie's face
Eddie loves pussy
Falling asleep on him | Joseph Quinn
Fucked up | Drunkstepbro!Eddie x reader
New Year's Eve with Joseph Quinn
Watching You | Modern!Eddie Munson x FEM!Reader
Lose yourself | Eddie Munson x Reader
What is this? | Eddie Munson
Pegging Eddie
Stepbro!Eddie <3
More Stepbro!Eddie <3
Sudden dominance | Joseph Quinn
Steve's balls are his weak spot
Stepbro!Steve let's Billy fuck you
Best boys spoil reader
Joseph and pregnant reader
Harringrove x Reader
Eddie can't refuse a dare
Sleepy sex with Joe
Headboard | Eddie Munson
Are you leaving? | Eddie Munson x Reader
She's got the look | Eddie Munson x Plus size!Reader
In here loser | Steddie x Reader
Sweets | Steddie x Plus Size!Reader
Disfrutando | Brahms Heelshire x Reader
A crying shame | Prince Paul x Fem!Reader
Brahms' mommy kink
Mirror sex with Joseph Quinn
Pregananant reader with Joseph Quinn
Do Ya Wanna Taste It? | Eddie Munson
Inked | Eddie x Reader x Punk!Steve
Watch me | Joseph Quinn
Goofy Steve during sex
Babysitting for Steve Harrington
This whole masterlist has a chokehold on me
Steddie getting off thinking about reader
Dinner for Three | Steddie x reader
Gamer!Eddie x AFAB!Reader
Bad Habit | Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
Bad idea | Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Cute poly Steddie x Reader
Steve's development
720 notes · View notes
The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 13
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Previous | Next
Chapter's Note: Beta by @zaria-04
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Chapter 13: Have you ever thought about it?
"We're not alone," Loki says quietly. "Someone is following us."
You perk up, but you can't hear more than a rustling in the undergrowth. Loki takes a step between you and the trees, you feel the density of his magic increase around him as if he were gathering it. A low growl sounds from between the trees, and it is picked up by two or three more creatures. It is menacing, but still you can’t see any beast.
But you know exactly what lurks there. You step up next to Loki and put your hand on his, which he has raised, in case he has to defend you.
"It's fine," you tell him. "Lower your magic. It's threatening them."
Now it is he who looks at you questioningly. You smile reassuringly at him and look in no way concerned. So he does as you say. Instantly, the growling stops.
Still holding his hand, you make your way through the undergrowth into the forest, pulling the Asgardian with you. Directly to where the growls had come from.
You hear rustling, from your steps and from whatever else is out there. It's familiar to you, and you're actually sorry that you're actually on your way to make a delivery and don't have time for an extended meeting.
After a few yards you find a small clearing, at the edge of which you stop. You glance back, but the open field is no longer visible from here.
"You can come out," you tell the forest.
There is another rustling sound and then a wolf appears on the opposite side. He is much larger than he should be, nearly twice as tall and wider as well. The proportions of his legs are odd, a little too long, and if you pay attention to his paws, you see that they are not quite correct for a regular wolf either. His black eyes are on Loki, following his every move.
You wave at the wolf in greeting.
A pup jumps out from between the wolf's feet. He wags his tail and seems quite happy to see you, for he makes an excited 'huff'. He briefly turns his head up at the larger wolf and then, as if given some sort of silent permission, comes running to you. Smiling, you crouch down to greet him.
"Bonjour Noah, it's nice to see you."
You are pleased to see that the medicine you had given Yvette seems to have held its effect, for the puppy looks well recovered and fit. You hold out your hand for him to sniff and sign to your companion to do the same. "This is Loki from Asgard. He is a friend."
You speak to the cub, but your words are loud enough for his pack to hear. Noah seems fascinated by Loki, probably never had the opportunity to smell an Asgardian before, because he walks around him curiously.
There are noises from moving twigs and leaves all around you and more wolves step to the edge of the clearing. Eight of them in total. They have different colors ranging from gray to brown, but none is as large as the alpha across from you. Still, together they are an eerie sight. You wonder if they were on their way to you or just happened to be in the area. Normally, they move at dusk or in the dark so as not to be seen by walkers. But since none of the Bullions shift and you don't understand them in this form, you don't get an answer to that question.
Yelping, Noah tries to jump up at Loki. Young pups always have a lot of energy no matter whether they’re dogs, wolves or werewolves. A warning tone from the alpha calls him to order. A little reluctantly, Noah breaks away from you and trots back to him.
Loki and you rise again. "I'm afraid we're on our way to the town right now, but I'll be back soon," you say, and the wolf moves his head as if nodding in agreement. Then he turns and leaves, and with him the other animals disappear into the forest, as silently as they came.
You both step back onto the path.
"Shapeshifter?" You are asked by Loki, who had remained quiet all this time. He trusted you to have the situation under control and didn't want to provoke the pack by saying a wrong word. He, of all people.
You nod. "Werewolves."
Loki makes an amused sound. "You have interesting friends," he says as you continue on your way.
"Of course," you grin, "Only the best. You're one of them."
He chuckles.
The retirement home is located on the outskirts of a small town. Your path crosses onto a paved road that leads downhill to the large building. It has many windows and small balconies, and there is a terrace in the back, but nobody is sitting outside today. It's too cold for that.
The main entrance leads you into a large foyer where a young woman sits at the front desk to greet you. You've known Suzie since she started working here a few years ago after graduating from high school. Her father is a nurse here at the house, and her mother works in accounting. Her grandparents were also from this town and Suzie herself would never think of moving away from here. She loves this little countryside place way too much.
When she sees you, she greets you with a smile before her eyes wander curiously to Loki.
"Hi Suzie, is Eloise here? I'm bringing her order," you ask her.
"Yes, she should be in the dining hall or kitchen."
Thanking her, you lead Loki left through a door and then down a wide hallway. Suzie's gaze follows you until she can no longer see you.
"She was ogling you. Be prepared for her to ask for your number later," you tell the Asgardian.
"I don't blame her." Loki shoots you a quick look. "Jealous?"
"So, what if?" you ask, amused.
"I could decline her number – if you want."
"You don't even have a phone."
Loki snaps, making an expression as if he hadn't even thought of that. "Oh, yeah right."
It's clear he's joking and you shake your head fondly. This kind of banter feels comfortable.
The dining hall is a large room with tables arranged into groups. Retirees are sitting there, eating. It's just about lunchtime. You wave to some who look up and recognize you. You know some of them by name, you have treated them or simply spent afternoons here helping out.
You can’t find Eloise, so you go to the serving hatch on the wall. From there, a cook sees you and calls into the kitchen. "Eloise, a visitor for you!"
You see her head pop up from behind a kitchen shelf, and when she spots you, she comes to you through a door to the right of the hatch.
"Ah, I was wondering when you'd finally get here," she greets you with a hug. Eloise is a middle-aged strawberry-blonde woman, petite in size, but with a big heart. Always wearing high heels, even though she's on her feet all day. That's an impressive feat.
Her gaze wanders to Loki and she extends her hand to him. "Hi, I'm Eloise. I run this facility."
"Nice to meet you." The Asgardian wears his best smile as he shakes her hand. "My name is Loki, and I'm afraid I'm to blame for our lateness."
Eloise's eyes move to you curiously, but you let it go uncommented.
"We bring the delivery," you say instead, pointing to the bottles in the basket.
"Great. Can you put them on the shelf behind the counter there?" she instructs Loki, who nods and takes care of it.
Eloise seems to have sent him away just to have a quick word with you, because she takes you aside.
"You never mentioned you had such a handsome boyfriend. You can bring him around more often. If you're not too busy." Her meaningful look tells you what kind of business she means. Before you can object, though, she keeps talking. "Do you want to stay for dinner? Fish is on the menu today."
Loki pops up next to you and answers before you can. "We would love to." At that, he puts his arm around your waist like that would be a normal thing to do for him.
"Excellent. Get your food at the hatch, I'll find us a table."
Loki grins with satisfaction and winks at you as you grab your plates at the kitchen pass-through. You let him have his fun; it could be quite amusing. Besides, you suspect he's expecting a reaction from you, and not showing one might irritate him. At least that's what you think. As you toss him a quick glance, it only seems to encourage him in his fun.
You sit down at the table with Eloise, who only takes a coffee. She is at least polite enough to wait with her first question until the both of you have put down your plates and sat down.
"So, where did you two meet?"
"At work," you reply rather curtly, suspecting that her curiosity knows no bounds if you give her too much information.
Loki silently disagrees with that course of action. "She was hired for an important project. Really did an excellent job," he tells her.
Eloise raises her eyebrows. "You didn't tell me about a new project," she says, turning to you, but again it is Loki who answers.
"Of course not, there was a high level of secrecy. The client is very rich and famous." He puts his arm on the back of your chair and turns his face to you as he continues to speak to Eloise. "She is one of the best. What can I say? It's hard not to recognize her worth."
His words actually make you blush a little as you are so unexpectedly praised by him. Especially when he then leans in and gives you a kiss on your hair.
You give him a warning look while Eloise lets out an "Aaww".
"I'm afraid this project is also to blame for her not having as much time for the rest of her work." To an untrained listener, he sounds almost apologetic, but you know that's not the case. Of course it isn't. He loves to play these kinds of games. "And I'll probably keep her busy for a while. Maybe I'll even steal her away for a romantic vacation trip."
"How about the Mediterranean? I heard it‘s great for vacation," you suggest, just to add anything else to the conversation.
"You know I prefer cooler temperatures," he reminds you, as if you'd forgotten. "How about Scandinavia? I could show you the northern lights."
"That would be nice..." you mutter quietly, because it really would. You decide to stay out of the conversation before you say any more that gives you away. Loki and Eloise are having a splendid conversation, with the Asgardian never tiring of praising you. It's unusual, but not unpleasant. You only wish that he really meant all those things and that they weren't just for show.
You leave soon after dinner. You thank Eloise for the meal and take the empty basket. When you leave, Suzie is not at the front desk, so you don't know if she would have really asked Loki for his number.
Meanwhile, the sky has become even more overcast with clouds. "That was fun. I should join you at work more often," Loki notes.
You can well imagine that Eloise and Suzie wouldn't mind seeing him again. But before you can answer, it starts to rain thick drops and a few seconds later there is a downpour. The Asgardian puts his arm around your shoulder and the next moment you are standing in front of your cottage. This is just fine with you, because you don't feel like walking through the rain.
You unlock the door and step indoors.
"Then you'll have to keep our ‘relationship’ going," you continue the conversation as you put the basket down and walk into the kitchen.
Loki follows you. "Would it bother you?"
"Moral-wise, maybe." Using some magic, you light a fire in the stove against the chill of the rain. And while you're at it, you also put on some water for tea.
"So, it's the pretending that bothers you?" Loki asks and you can hear the smirk in his voice.
"It's lying," you insist, "You're the God of lies."
"I don't lie. I merely imply. Sometimes I exaggerate. But I mean the things I say."
"You would actually take me on a romantic vacation trip?" You turn to him - and almost trip into Loki, who is standing right behind you. You didn't even hear him step up to you.
"Have you ever thought about it?" he asks you, his voice like liquid honey running down your spine. "I mean us, on a romantic trip, kissing."
You're so perplexed by his sudden closeness, his question, that the words fall out of your mouth before you can think about them. "Can't say it never crossed my mind."
The corners of his mouth twitch upward. "I wouldn't be aversed to it either." He said it teasingly, a hint of humor behind the words so that you could play it off as a joke easily - a fun little imitation and nothing more.
But your reaction was instant. Your eyes widened in surprise, your body shivering involuntarily. And there it was: that blush; your face turned that beautiful shade of red that Loki had been picturing all week since he pinned you at that small hallway wall during the mission.
He leans in for a kiss, you expectantly close your eyes but the awaited feeling of his lips enclosing on yours never happens. Your eyelids flutter open and you see that he's staring, conceited, pleased by your expectations.
Betrayed, you raise your hand, but before you can slap him with your magic right across his face, he grabs your wrists. His grip is not tight, you could break free if you wanted to. But you don't. It suddenly felt real. Far too real in your tiny kitchen.
His breath ghosts over your tingling skin and then he is finally kissing you. It's a slow, seductive and sweet kiss. You melt into his touch.
To your liking Loki lets go of you much too soon. Almost searchingly, he looks down at you. Your prayers must have been answered. You pull him into a new kiss, more longing this time. A satisfied sound escapes Loki's throat.
It was probably predictable. Like the rightful ending of a good book. It had to come down to this. It's not unexpected, but surprising nonetheless. Surprising that it's real – even after all the flirting between you. Loki had been suggestive from your first meeting, and made his intentions clear. A small, warning voice rises in your head, in the part that can still somehow think clearly. Loki had been out to get this from the start.
You push him away a little, breathless. Your lips are swollen, your cheeks still red. Loki spreads little kisses over your temple toward your ear.
"You should leave," you bring out softly. Your voice is a small plea. Your fingers clawed into the fabric of his shirt, screaming just the opposite.
Loki stops, puts his hand to your chin and turns your face upward. You only dare a quick glance at him. Loki's eyes are darkly on you. You detect a hint of glee, but mostly lust and hunger. Quickly you avert your eyes down.
"Or I could stay,” he suggests.
It's just a game to him. Everything is.
What's so bad about it? - another voice in your head asks. Why not just have some fun? You can worry about the consequences later.
You're about to give in, already opening your mouth to keep him here. But not a single word comes out. With the last part of your mind telling you that this is a stupid idea and that he will only hurt you, you push him back a bit more.
"I'll see you tomorrow." You don't look at him as you do this, don't see the remorse that briefly appears on his face. Slowly, he nods and takes a step back.
"As you wish."
Your fingers release his fabric. Actually, you don't want him to go, want to grab him and hold him tight forever. You put your hand on the tabletop behind you to resist the urge.
Loki gives you one last look, but you don't stop him. And he objects no further as he steps to the door frame and activates the rune that takes him back to New York.
When he's gone, you take a deep breath, sighing as you do so. You are so confused. How can a single person have such an effect on you?
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r @maeisonline @marvel-love24 @sinsandguilt @kalinaselennespeaks @ohtellmelove
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roaenexists · 9 months
UPG Rant/Informal Essay incoming because Why Not (take a crazy chance)
I've been working with Hekate as my guide and mentor and have come to incorporate her as the Crone in my personal practice's trifecta of Artemis/Diana/Hekate. I work with them all as aspects of the One Great Goddess, which is the collective oversoul of the planet Earth and to an even greater extent the oversoul of all life in the universe (which is reflected in the below as the Mitochondria, the ultimate inner Goddess energy).
I also work with the Divine Masculine (though right now Hekate demands I focus on Her for teachings for the time being) as The Horned God (who I name as Cernunnos, Pan, and Lucifero), which I see as the oversoul of The Wild of The Earth, the parts of Human we pretend we have outgrown. As such, I view Him as being a limited aspect of Her (so I guess in some ways I'm doing a sort of Goddess tradition?).
Ultimately, though, both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are limited aspects of the Ultimate Divine, the Gendernull and Genderfull Summation of All. I believe this Being is found not only in living things, but in the matter and energy and particles which make up everything. The Movement and the Stillness. The Positive and the Negative and the Space Between.
This is the hardest abstraction of consciousness to access but there are still loads of paths that will get you there. I personally use mushrooms in a ritual setting because it's just not my vibe to sit in a cave and meditate on an empty stomach for forty days. However, I value the long-term health of my grey matter, so I only do this once or twice a year at most, with some years getting skipped altogether if the market can't be trusted. The rest of the time I work with what I believe to be the human-specific gendered subgradients of the Divine expression.
Don't Do Drugs Unless You're At Least 21 And Educated On The Risks And Willing To Take Them On. These Risks Include Legal Action. In The Interest Of Full Disclosure, The Mushrooms I Took Were Shitake.
(&, if anyone is curious, I mix Greco-Roman with pre-christian Celtic mythos because that's my mixed heritage)
So that's what deity work has been looking like for me lately.
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targaryen-realness · 2 years
Witchling Chapter 1
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Title: Witchling
Pairing: Osferth x Druidess!Reader
Warnings: Canon depiction of violence, mention of slavery, wounds and scars, magic, historical innacuracy (sorry medieval Scotland is not my specialty), talk about faith and christianity. The reader is fem but there is no physical description except for the fact she is a scot from the Highlands.
Summary: As they are riding away from Winchester, Osferth and Lord Uthred’s group come across a mysterious woman. She needs help but the power within her is obvious. Captivated, Osferth hopes she will stay, but as Uhtred asks her to travel with them, he cannot help but wonder what is going on in his lord’s head.
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Life with Lord Uhtred was many things but it was never boring. Osferth was watching the mountains unfurl before him as he rode toward an unknown place. They were once again leaving Winchester for the north of Wessex and once again he didn’t really know why they were departing. That was something he got used to, with time,  and the instability of this lifestyle had almost become charming. He was getting tired though, his back stiff, and his ass sore from the riding. It didn’t help that it rained all day and that in addition to the pain in his body he was now soaked to the bone. He could hear Finan speaking or screaming in the background, he didn’t know anymore. Uhtred had no intention of stopping apparently, because now they were galloping through the fields at great speed. His vision was bad to the point he could not distinguish anything that was a metre away and only the sounds of the other horses were putting him in the right direction. He was hoping, for the love of god, that they were approaching their destination and that soon he would be in a warm place, with warm food, a good drink and if possible dry clothes. 
“Why did you stop!” screamed Finan, finding himself in the same situation as Osferth. He was going to protest too but then he saw it. Saw her. You. At this very moment, he was sure of one thing, he will never forget this very moment. The rain was still pouring but Osferth thought it was now slower, so slow that the time had stopped. God had sent them an angel under the form of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. You had appeared from the river, soaked to the bone, your white dress glued to your body so much he could see your skin without trouble underneath the thin fabric. Your skin was glistening with water, your hair clad to your forehead and on your neck. But what struck him the most was your eyes, like a pit of darkness, so deep he could drown in it. He felt unable to look away, like he was staring into the void. He watched as Uhtred stepped on the ground getting off his horse and started to walk toward her. He wanted to protest somehow, to tell his lord to stay away but he could not. He watched her say something, in a language he could not understand, watched your face transform in fear and somehow rage. 
“Well lady? What are you doing here on your own?” said the lord. Osferth could hear the smirk in his voice. 
-A fucking Scot. 
-Very far away from home. 
-Very far away from home. 
-Did you get lost, little girl? 
-Not so little if you want my opinion”, one of them concluded, and Osferth suddenly had enough. 
“Stop it. She is obviously scared! And stop ogling her like that! 
-Oh baby monk, what has gotten into you?”
He didn’t answer, getting himself off his horse as well, finally touching the ground. His legs felt weak and as he approached you he felt his trust in his own body diminishing with every step. By some miracle he succeeded in taking off his coat, with the firm intention of covering you with it. He could not explain the feeling that overcame him the more he was approaching you. You looked even more splendid up close, an ethereal creature that came out of the world of the faes, a world of legend. Dangerous creatures, creatures of the devil for sure. But he swore as your eyes fell on him for the first time that you could drag him into hell right now and he would not object. Your skin was glistening with water, droplets falling from the tip of your lashes like little pearls. You looked like you were crying. He was following with his eyes the rain sliding along your skin, the way the water caressed the skin of your lips. He was in trouble. He could not help but follow another, along your neck, till it reached your breasts. He could see them very clearly. He should have had the decency to look away, to close his eyes, but he didn’t. He was in big trouble.
It was Sihtric's voice that got him out of his trance. He took his coat and placed it gently on your shoulders, careful not to scare you, but you seemed good with it. 
“Thank you” you said, surprising everyone. 
“She speaks!
-Can you believe that” 
You seemed to recoil on yourself, pulling the cloak closer. You must have been freezing, now he was able to see it, the goosebumps on your frozen skin. 
“She is gonna die from the cold.” he said, not really expecting an answer. 
“Let her die here then. She is trouble”
It wasn’t a man’s voice, and just by hearing it, Osferth felt anger course through his body. 
“No one asked” Lord Uhtred answered to Skade, the blond witch still on her horse, tied up to the one of lord Uhtred . 
He saw you move a little, your head straightening and your eyes falling on the witch. He saw your expression change, the look in your eyes getting darker. You knew she was danger, and not only because she just told everyone you should be left to die in the cold. 
“What is your name, girl?” Lord Uhtred asked, getting closer. Osferth had no other choice but to let him pass, and he regretted it instantly when he watched his lord now toe to toe with you. You were watching him intently. 
“Seer. That's all I’ve been called lately.” 
Your voice was melodious, with a heavy gaelic accent, but the words were well articulate and understandable. They sounded even better when you said them. 
“Are you a seer?
-Not really.
-Are you a witch then?
-I am nothing”
It almost broke his heart, the way you said this, because it sounded so real in your voice. He watched his lord take your face in one of his hands.
“We are taking her with us. She’ll ride with Finan.”
He could hear the almost loud “yes” form the man in question before he had to return to his horse. The disappointment that you were not riding with him was obvious but at least he will be able to watch your back for the duration of the ride. Small consolation when he thought about having your arms wrapped around him. A greater price for sure.
“We need to shelter for the night” was all Uhtred said before kicking his horse into action.
They found a hin after another hour of riding. The rain had stopped but now they were left with a strong wind that chilled their bones. He felt an immediate relief as they stepped inside. They looked like a bunch of outlaws for sure. Not trust worthy of any hin keeper or even brothel owners. He saw all the eyes turn toward them the moment the door closed behind. He even saw a man draw a dagger slowly which made him take a step back. 
“We are looking for a place to sleep and to get some food.
-We are not looking for trouble” said a man, probably the owner, stepping from the small crowd. 
“We are not either. We have silver of course”
That was enough for the crowd to return to their business, mostly their drink and plates. Uhtred made a sign to follow and they all did, even you. Finan had his hand on your shoulder to keep you walking and it was only now Osferth realised:
“You are not wearing shoes!” 
You looked at him then at your feet, and back at him. 
“You’re only finding out now” said Uhtred, mocking him. 
“He can’t take his eyes off her though.
-Probably not her feet he is looking at” 
Finan and Sihtric laughed loudly, taking you with them, leaving him deep in embarrassment. You didn’t say anything during your meal, seated next to lord Uhtred, you were swallowing spoons full of broth. 
“So where are you from exactly? 
-And why were you on that road”
You looked around, careful, and your eyes darted a bit too long on the blond witch. You finally settled them back on your plate. 
“Slave traders”
The silence at the table was heavy but you kept going. 
“I was on my way back to my home. When my brother and I were attacked. They killed him and took me”
He was breathless but it was nothing compared to the haunting look in your eyes. 
“Do you know the men that attacked you? Who were they?”
It was a simple question, but Osferth knew it was hiding more than just politeness or concern from his lord. Before he met them, Finan and Uhtred had been enslaved. They had been set free by Ragnar, Uhtred’s brother under the order of king Alfred. Lord Uhtred had also that ability to attract every runts in need of a home that he came across. He smiled at the possibility you might be staying with them. 
“One is a scot, named Alasdair. I know he is from Aberlemno. The other one was a dane. Gorn I think. There was a third one, but he is already dead. 
-They are not asking the right questions”
It was Skade speaking now. She leaned on the table, her eyes reflecting light in an unnatural way. Osferth could not argue, she was truly beautiful. But he knew she was sent by the devil himself. You let your spoon fall on your plate with a thud and straighten your spine. 
“I killed that third man and left. I jumped into a river and hoped I drowned before they could find me. But obviously the gods have other plans. I am still alive and I found you, instead. And I know you are not slave traders.”
No one said anything, but he could see the emotion in Finan’s eyes. Sihtric looked at you too, with maybe a bit more caution. 
“You are not a christian then?” Lord Uhtred asked, smiling. 
You sized him up and simply said:
“Probably as christian as you.”
Osferth could not help the laugh that escaped him, thankfully he was not alone as the two other men tried to regain their seriousness. 
“Do you pray to the same gods as me? 
-I do not. I practise the ancestral religion of the highlands. 
-You speak the Saxon tongue yet.
-My clan has ressources. I was educated in Latin, and also ancient Greek. Not that I remember any.
-How long have you been away from your home?”
You lifted your shoulders. 
“I don’t know how much time has passed since I’ve been enslaved. Maybe a few months, maybe more. Alasdair decided to not sell me right away. He kept me for himself. 
-Why? You are young and beautiful. You must cost a lot of silver.”
You snorted but did not deny that. 
“I have other” you marked a pause like you were looking for a specific word, “talents that he deemed more useful than the silver he could have collected by simply selling me. 
-You are a Seer?”
You moved your head taking a sip of your drink. 
“And other things. It is not my specialty but it happens.
-You are a druidess” said Finan so low Osferth almost did not hear it. 
“In formation, but yes. 
-In formation? 
-It’s a long process. Nineteen years to be more precise. 
-And you’ve been doing that since? 
-I was eleven. So it has been a while now.”
Your eyes trailed on him, and he stopped breathing. You watched his reaction intently, and he understood why. He was obviously the most christian of them all. Suddenly the cross around his neck felt heavy. He should have said something, he felt like he had to, but when you smiled at him gently, he kept quiet. 
“Thank you for helping me. You did not have to, but you still did. I will not bother you any longer.”
You started to raise from your spot, but the hand of Uhtred kept you seated. 
“Where are you going? 
-Leaving? Obviously? 
-How? You do not have any silver, any horse, any idea where you are. You do not even have clothes.”
You looked down at yourself and sighed. You wanted to protest obviously, but you weren’t stupid. Osferth could see you knew he was right. 
“I have nothing to give you in exchange. And I won’t sleep with you for help.”
It was Uhtred that laughed first, then everyone followed except for Osferth. He was still watching you, transfixed by the reflection of the candle light on your cheeks. 
“No one will make you do things you don’t want to. Especially not this. 
-But when you want to, you know where to find me”
Osferth made a noise of disapproval at Finan’s remark, but you smiled and his heart shattered for you. 
“Thank you my lord. I will not forget it”
Osferth watched his lord smile, but he could see that there was something else. A secret intent in his eyes. And this is when Osferth realised that there were now two witches at this table. They ended up leaving the dinner room for the bedrooms that were available. You disappeared from his sight and soon he could not find you anywhere. 
“Where is the seer? 
-She left to get a bath boy, are you going to follow her there too? 
-I haven’t done anything! Stop!”
Finan laughed and raised his hands in a sign of surrender. 
“I am just saying that she is quite a beautiful creature. Those witches, I am telling you, they are blessed by the gods they pray to. I haven’t met one that wasn't beautiful. 
-She is”, simply answered Osferth letting himself fall in the bed. But there was more behind his words. He knew it. 
He could not sleep, and as Sihtric already was deep in slumber and Finan had rolled on his belly already snoring , he decided to go for a walk. He did not know where he was going but when he heard a noise at the end of the corridor he simply followed. There was no one around, but the door was slightly opened. Curiosity was a bad thing,he knew that, but he was thanking god with so much ardour at this very moment. You rose from the big wooden tub. You were naked, your skin glowing from the  weak light in the room. His breath caught in his throat as his eyes travelled along your back. Scars, old and new, lacered your body, and he knew they were from whiplash. He had never wanted revenge in his life until this very moment. He thought to himself that if you came across the people that did this, he hoped to have the opportunity to kill them. Maybe you would kill them yourself. But that was not the only marks that punctuated your skin. He could also see older scars, that did not seem to be accidents. They were forming shapes, symboles, and he realised that they were probably linked to your magic practices. He was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t see you turn around to look at him. 
“Come in. I’m not gonna eat you”
He froze and almost combust on the spot. 
“I’m sorry my lady. I just wanted -
-It’s okay. I was finished.”
You grabbed a robe and draped yourself in it. You opened the door finally coming face to face with him. 
“Lord Uhtred gave me clothes, I just have to put them on and I’ll be ready. Was I too long?”
Your voice was so melodious, your accent, he could listen to you all day and night. He saw the smirk that grew on your lips as you spoke. You knew he wasn’t there because you took too long in your bath. He felt himself blush and simply nodded. He turned around fast when you dropped the robe to start getting dressed. 
“What is your name? I did not ask you earlier? 
-Osferth, my lady. I am simply called Osferth. 
-Well Osferth, nice to meet you. I am Y/n.”
He could not help the smile that crossed his face when you pronounced his name. He turned around, and you were finally dressed. You were wearing a long and fitting dress with a large slit on your right leg, that let you see a pair of pants underneath. 
“Nice to meet you, lady Y/n”
You smiled at him and he could not help but smile back even more.  
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zibiscusloon · 1 year
PLEASE TALK ABOUT JOSIE SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kajakakajakakajajakaj Thank you sm!! <33 (she’s one of my favorite designs so it’s nice to see others like her!)
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•She’s probably the closest to Luz & King between her siblings. King would carry her by the back of her neck like a kitten hen she was younger.
•She spent her early school years in the Human Realm and transferred to the Demon Realm later on. She didn’t really enjoy her schooling in the Human Realm as her teachers weren’t the best and there were plenty of parents who weren’t ok with witch students in human schools. She did at least enjoy having Vee tutor her!
•She wears a lot of hand me down clothing and jewelry, mainly a few of Luz & Hunter’s spare outfits and also mainly wears Camila’s old necklace.
•She’s very close to her Aunt Lilith! They’re both dumb nerds and Josie loves to go the Bonesborough Museum to hang out with her and Hooty.
•Raine was probably the least experienced with kids (as Camila and Eda had longer experience), they however are the closest to Josie, she always liked to be around them when they did played music (she’s god awful at bard magic herself, she just likes to listen)
•Rabbowl is very soft and huggable and helps his witch when she’s overwhelmed by letting her just sit around and hug him. He’s often mistaken in the Human Realm for an off brand furby.
•She’s close to her nieces, Raquel & Cendy. She’s essentially the only reason they get away with their shenanigans at Hexside.
•She’s aromantic. She’s never had any interest in a relationship and prefers her palisman to most people.
•Eda packed her around a lot at the University when she was little. She’d often stick with Luz and watch her older sister study (Luz taught her how to use glyph magic, which she prefers as opposed to her own magic)
•Owlbert & Fiddlesticks would babysit her anytime no one else was able to. Needless to say, both palismen are absolute disasters at watching a witchling.
•Collector often pouts on how she’s gotten taller than them over the years. She was supposed to stay small forever!
•She’s nicknamed “Owlet” by her parents and siblings. Her nieces call her “Tía Joe”.
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pixeldolly · 6 months
Walden BACC
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Eleanor: "Mom, c'mere. How are you feeling?"
Abby: "Oh you know...could be better, could be worse."
Eleanor: "I can't believe Snaggles is gone. She was the sweetest kitty."
Abby: "She was, and I miss her."
Eleanor: "At least you have Sunny to keep you company! And Louis, of course, and me! I'm always just one phonecall away, you know that."
Abby appreciated her daughter's attempts to make her feel better. She wasn't exactly a hermit; she had a high-powered, public-facing job, but that didn't mean she wasn't lonely.
Perhaps that was why she hadn't tried too hard to get Louis to move out.
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It was Louis who had suggested throwing a casual house party for family and friends.
An opportunity to catch up with people they might otherwise not see very much of, given everyone's busy lives.
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Louis: "I've been thinking about buying a guitar. What d'you think? You could be looking at a future rock god!"
Evelyn: "Yeah...I've heard you sing. I don't think it's happening, Lou."
Louis: "Playing an instrument is not the same as singing!"
Evelyn: "Do you have any idea how much work learning to play an instrument is?"
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Fiona: "So. You're the good little witchling my brother is dating. It's a beautiful night. Shouldn't you be out frolicking in the moonlight, communing with your goddess?"
Hannah: "Shouldn't you be skulking in a swamp, sacrificing babies to the dark gods or something?"
Fiona: "Oh, I don't do that. Virgin sacrifices are more my thing."
Hannah: "Good luck finding one of those. Now, are we playing or what?"
Hah! She was feisty, Fiona had to give her that. Maybe Rowan didn't have such terrible taste in romantic partners after all.
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throneofsapphics · 11 months
can i please request one where reader is rowaelins daughter and she goes out and parties with lysaedions daughter, manorians daughter and elorcans daughters? in this elorcans daughter is dating reader , they all know but help them hide,they organize a sleepover at the palace and sneak out when their parents are busy. they party all night long, going from club to club praying to all the gods that their parents don't catch them. they drink and flirt and dance until they grow bored and decide to go to a brothel for some fun. they finally leave and are met with the most scary sight ever, they freeze be they are caught by all of the parents.
all good things come to an end  
Reader (Rowaelin’s daughter) x Elorcan’s daughter 
Summary: you and your friends have a night out. 
Warnings: drinking, drug use, overprotective parents
Word Count: ~1.8k
A/N: a bit different, but still similar. thank you for the request I loved writing this! coming up with names was a struggle, but Elorcan’s daughter is Emelyn, Lysaedion’s is Brielle, and Manorian’s is Astra. 
Their parents went on the hunt. Well, the immortals were doing most of the searching. Elide and Lysandra watched in amusement. 
They knew their kids were up to something. Even though they’re of age, they couldn’t help worrying about them. Still, the mothers mostly wanted to catch them in the act. Aelin maybe to have something to hold over them - or make fun of them for. She loved a good challenge, and so far they’d done well. In a way, she was proud. The males, on the other hand, were in something of a panic. 
They were clever enough they’d never been caught, yet, each inheriting the best - or worst - of their parents. It was made tricky by Astra, Manon and Dorian’s daughter. She had inherited his magic, and used it to subtly alter their features - enough none of Orynth’s citizens would recognize the trio. Rowan figured it out when y/n came back last time - her normal Ashryver eyes hazel. They were fixed by the morning. 
“Fussy bastards,” Lysandra murmured affectionately, tugging on Aedion to get him to slow down. 
You spun Emelyn, your girlfriend, in a circle - the small laugh that left her brought a smile to your lips as you pulled her closer, running a thumb over her cheek. She leaned into you and pressed a light kiss to your lips. 
“Gross,” Astra hissed. 
“Don’t be jealous,” Brielle teased her. Astra had dragged her away from the male she was flirting with, one who’d bought all of them a round of drinks - a hopeful expression on his features. Like he might get very lucky tonight. 
“We’ve been here too long,” the witchling snapped back at her, eyes darting across the room. You’ve all had a feeling you’ve been hunted tonight. Astra insisted on modifying their features with each bar they went to. 
“Why are you so paranoid?” You sighed, separating yourself from her. 
“What’s the worst that can happen if they catch us?” Emelyn piggy backed. 
“Your father,” the other two said in sync. 
You ran a hand through your hair. She did have a point. Lorcan was the most likely to … overreact. Your parents were protective, but if they figured out exactly what you were up to when your friends visited, you couldn’t guarantee their reactions would be pleasant. When you and Emelyn were … “discovered,” Rowan had quickly shoved him out of the room, meanwhile your mother’s started asking when you’d be married. 
You’d stood in the garden, arms wrapped around her as you buried your face in her neck, breathing in her scent. Your thumb ran gentle strokes up and down the back of her neck. They’d approached so silently you had no chance of covering it up, “I didn’t expect this,” the Lady of Perranth’s voice hit your ears. 
“I’ve been hiding our scents.” You hedged. 
“And you give us a new look every hour.” Lysandra and Aedion’s daughter, Brielle, tagged on. You shot her a grateful look, that she was on your side for once. 
Golden eyes narrowed at you. “Let’s go.” She jerked her head towards the door. 
“Bossy.” You muttered under your breath. She was the unofficial leader of your group, even if the three of you gave her slack for it. She would either roll her eyes, or snap iron teeth at you, depending on her mood. 
“We should be afraid of your mother,” you said wryly. Emelyn’s elbow jabbed you in the side, and she shot you a look that said “don’t jinx us,” you returned with a grin you knew would irritate her. “I know where to go,” you announced. Orynth is your city. You led the way, stopping briefly for Astra’s magic to do its job and led them somewhere hopefully your parents wouldn’t recognize. 
The owner, a demi-Fae, smiled at you - undoubtedly recognizing your scent again, even if you showed up wearing various faces. “One of these days, you’ll tell me who you’re hiding from, she chuckled,” and led you inside. 
A small room in the back, a door securely locked and shielded with three layers of magic. 
“I wish I didn’t end up naked every time I shifted,” Brielle muttered - to no one in particular. 
You started re-arranging the small pipe on the table, surrounded by a few bottles of wine. You’d never pressure anyone into smoking, of course, and usually only you and the shifter indulged, the others picking up wine instead. 
“Mixing is a bad idea,” your girlfriend cautioned. 
“I’m an expert.” 
Astra snorted, rolling her eyes at you. “Say that again when I’m dragging you home.” 
“I,” you pointed a finger at her, “can drink any of you under the table.” Nobody disagreed. 
An hour later, you lay against Emelyn’s side, giggling at Brielle’s recent recounting of her latest encounter with visiting Courtier’s in Cavarre, she’d taken up her mother’s role of prowling the halls as a ghost leopard. Maybe taking a few too many liberties with her new position. 
“Do you ever want to leave?” Astra asked everyone, and the room fell quiet. 
“Sometimes,” you admitted. You weren’t first in line to the throne, thankfully. Emelyn ran a hand through your hair, combing out the slightly tangled strands. The two of you spoke extensively about traveling - leaving Terrasen to see other places. 
“Where would you go?” 
“The southern continent,” your answer was automatic. If you could convince the King and Queen to agree to a trip. Well, the bigger issue was convincing the Lady and Lord of Perranth to let you take Emelyn. You glanced at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. 
“We should head back.” You stood, swaying slightly on your feet. 
“For gods-sake,” Astra muttered - not at the thought of leaving, but at your current state. You knew an alcohol flush was over your cheeks - and likely your eyes slightly red, pupils dilated. There wouldn’t be any hiding that, but hopefully everyone else was asleep when you got back. 
Emelyn grabbed your hand, leading you out the door. You called out some thanks to the owner, slipping her another few silver marks. She winked at you, wishing you a safe walk home. 
Tracking you had failed, again. Rowan was caught between being impressed and pissed off. Lorcan and Aedion were stewing, Aelin and the other females seemed more amused, insisting they could take care of themselves. Elide yawned, but they’d insisted on staying awake to see them home. Actually - to catch them at the gates. 
With a flash of white light, he shifted, taking in the air to circle around and search for four females stumbling back to the castle. Finally, he spotted a group - heading towards a smaller side gate, all of them supporting each other. The group paused, one - Astra, using some sort of magic. He was right - about you all changing your appearances. 
Astra spotted them first, a string of very creative curses leaving her. “It’s too late to turn back.” She muttered. “Act normal.” She snapped at you, and you tried to straighten yourself. It should be fine. Should be. 
“They all came,” Emelyn whispered softly. “Are you sure we can’t turn around?” 
“It’ll be fine.” Brielle said, fake confidence edging into her as she straightened her shoulders. “We haven’t done anything illegal.” 
“Only mildly.” 
“You’re telling us this now?” Her eyebrows raised, voice rising. 
“Quiet, don’t pretend you didn’t know.” you tried to hush her and turned to the others. “There’s no law saying it’s legal but there’s none forbidding it.” An exaggerated groan left her. “I’ll take the blame.” 
“Yes you will.” Astra snarled and grabbed your arm, keeping you firmly upright. 
“Wouldn’t it be better if Emelyn held me up?” You turned to look at her, the world slowing down as your vision blurred. The female in question was currently propped up against Brielle. You swallowed your fear, and kept heading towards the castle gates, Astra catching you each time you tripped against a small stone or crevice in the path. Maybe you'd smooth this walkway out tomorrow. 
The Queen of Terrasen watched you approach, eyes identical to yours dancing, even if her arms were crossed. Your father looked decidedly less amused. His eyes tracked the entire group, stopping on Emelyn. 
“Your eyes are the wrong color.” He deadpanned, and you snapped your head towards her, swaying slightly. They were. Still dark blue instead of their normal Onyx. Astra hissed under her breath, probably taking it as a personal insult. Emelyn only gave a sweet smile. 
“I’m trying out a new look.” 
Lorcan, apparently, was fed up because he strode towards her, the rest of you shifting out of his way, as he tossed her over his shoulder and stalked back to the castle. You watched her pound against his back, calling him an overstepping bastard and many other things you’d never say to his face. Out of self-preservation. 
“I’ll have words with you tomorrow.” His head snapped over his shoulder, glaring at you. 
Aelin stepped in front of you, returning his nasty look. “You will not.” His eyes rolled, and he kept walking, probably cursing your name the entire time. Elide mouthed sorry, and took off after him - yelling for him to slow the hell down. 
Dorian snorted, eyeing the three of you left. “I’ve done worse.” He admitted. You fought the smile creeping on your lips - you could always count on him, or Fenrys when he was present, to de-escalate. “Impressive with your magic,” he admitted to his daughter. She shot him a smile - one that definitely didn’t come from her mother, in return. “And yours.” He turned to you. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” You tried to say innocently - words all slurring together. 
Your father let out a sharp exhale, and your mother took you off of Astra’s hands, giving thanks to her. “Just because you’re not first in line …” 
“Rowan shut up.” Aelin snapped. “That can wait. She won’t remember it now.” 
“Yes I will,” you insisted. 
“At least two of you are responsible.” Aedion muttered. His wife elbowed him sharply and he winced. 
“Rude,” you frowned at him. 
“Go inside.” Manon snapped. You were surprised she hadn’t spoken yet. 
“You don’t give me orders.” Aelin countered. Aedion, rightfully, had an alarmed glance on his face. 
“I think I’m going to-” you mimed throwing up. Rowan almost looked like he would call your bullshit,  but realized what you were doing. 
After you’d gotten inside, your mother out of earshot, he spoke to you, “you’re lucky I hid your scents. Lorcan won’t be out for blood.” 
Gods, you hadn’t thought of that. “It was only me and …” 
“Don’t tell me.” He interrupted. 
Fair enough. He steered you towards your room, making sure you actually got inside. “I don’t need you fussing.” 
“Would you rather your mother come in here?” 
“No. Nope. No.” You quickly said, heading towards your bathing room. Maybe you’d burn your clothes - hide the evidence for now.
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