#and then my parents give me a look and i remember that industrial music is in fact very niche and im just a freak who's known about it
vivisect-six · 4 months
day 1 trillion of ranting about that one band with a single ep
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hamletshoeratio · 1 year
"But no new content 😭!!" that means jack shit. We have several literal decades worth of content we can watch or rewatch. The writers and now the actors too are not only fighting for their livelihoods but for the futures and the soul of their industries.
Fuck new content, fuck the executives and producers and powers that be who make millions upon millions while the people, who create the content that make them rich, can barely make ends meet.
Here's some suggestions to anyone who doesn't know what to watch;
Nostalgia rewatch; watch old favourites, shows and movies you haven't seen in years but that stayed with you, the ones that mattered to you.
Watch the shows your parents didn't let you watch growing up because they thought the show was "too mature" for you.
Watch the shows and movies people have recommended to you that you never found time for before.
Watch indie films!!!
Look at different genres than what you've watched before and give them a go.
Try films and shows from other countries and/or in other languages. There's dubs and subtitles available and these shows and movies can be just as good if not better than their American and/or English speaking counterpart.
And remember when watching shows, that you do not have to binge them all at once, you can have your own personal tv schedule and watch say an episode a week like you would've done when/if they aired before streaming
Look at some older films and shows, why does it matter if it's in black and white or the camera quality is lower than 4k and hd, so long as it's good? And so many of those shows and films, while not perfect, have aged better than shows that have come out in the last decade, like the golden girls for instance has aged so much better than say glee (ok many many many shows aged better than glee but let's be real for a second, music was better when artists were terrified of the Glee cast doing a better version of their song on the show. I do still wish it was a show my mom didn't let me watch tho, lmao glee was fine but no, her twelve year old being obsessed with Les mis and rewatching it religiously was cause for concern 😂😭 I was just as obsessed with glee for seasons 1-4 especially).
It's ok to indulge your inner child and rewatch the classics tm. The shows and movies you grew up with. Rewatch the shows that got you through sick days from school, the tv movies you remember watching premiere, the cartoons that MADE your Saturday mornings, etc.
On the topic of animation, that's literally an unlimited genre you can tap into, which rarely gets the recognition and respect it deserves.
Don't be afraid to watch the one season wonders, the shows that networks and streamers cancelled after one season in spite of strong reviews and good ratings. Or the shows that ended abruptly around the season 3 or 5 mark because networks and streamers cancelled them because they didn't want to negotiate contracts and have to pay the actors and writers more. Get angry, remember what the actors and writers are fighting for.
The privilege of older shows that either concluded naturally or that writers were given a heads up on might be on it's last season is that you get closure, unlike with the above. That might not mean an ending is good but a bad ending is better than a cliffhanger. There's always fix its fics for a bad ending. And if the ending is good, it's typically GOOD in my experience. The fear of a cliffhanger and zero closure has already turned many against watching new content until the show is renewed for another season or is fully wrapped (and fans don't hate the ending).
Watch the shows that were in their day or are popular or critically acclaimed, they usually hold up to the hype.
Watch the old shows and movies your favs were on/in before they were your favs.
Try a soap or a telenovela, they can be entertaining af (holby city my love, Tuesdays have never been the same since the BBC robbed me of you).
If you liked a reboot or a revival of a show, try the original (in certain cases, the og is even better, see boy meets world v girl meets world).
If you like period dramas, try shows and films from other countries based on their history. A lot of times when people are telling their own history it goes far better than when Hollywood tries it (see the many times Hollywood has actors brought in because producers think they're good for box office and they then go on to butcher the accent their character should have, see Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep and so many others who have absolutely butchered the Irish accent over the years for instance. There's also many many instances even recently of just blatant whitewashing see Matt Damon as the last samurai...).
Listen to recommendations, watch the shows and movies you know your family and friends loved but you never got around to watching.
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tw0starz · 6 months
this is my 2nd fucking time typing this all out. i hate tumblr's mobile layout so much you have no idea.
OKAY SO, taking this from the top, I have a "hot take." ( @cxrpse-can , if u wanna weigh in on this topic :3 <3 )
hey babes that had a "2020 alt phase" and now make fun of alt people online,
you were never alt. you were a fucking poser.
I see. FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE ONLINE. who were ""ALT"" back in 2020, laugh at alt people and make fun of them.
Alt people spawned from music genres. Alt POSERS spawned from "tiktok trend" garbage and seriously bad FOMO.
If your "alt phase" was that short even, you never gave a fuck about the actual music. I've also seen people bring up industry plants in the music industry, where these people don't know a thing about alt music and the subculture as a whole. But they're professionally made to look like they're alternative artists.
Alt people themselves have an actual string of morals they all agree with. it is an INGRAINED PART of the community. you want my credentials to this? hi, i was raised by my parents, whom one was in a black metal band, and the other introduced me into most of what I listen to today. as a kid, i remember my mom taking me into a hot topic so she could buy herself stuff in the early 2010s. We're a household of satanists. I am well fucking qualified to give my 2 cents on this.
Alt people stick it to the man. Alt people are really about fighting for what they believe in, and spitting in the face of oppression and authority. The WORD "ALTERNATIVE" IS THAT IT IS ""ALTERNATIVE"" to what SOCIETY DEEMS "NORMAL," it's why over the years, it has become an ALL ENCOMPASSING UMBRELLA TERM. me personally, i dont enjoy being titled "alt," but I've always felt that way. ive felt that way since 2018-2019, when the term became widely used online. my cousin tried telling me, "you're not emo, you're alt. that's what it's called now." - I then looked at her and said "that's stupid, im emo." - But that's honestly just my personal preference.
to my alternative babes,
i love you.
ALL races, sexualities, genders, religions, disabilities, ethnicities, sizes, economic backgrounds... everyone. all of you. you are ALL welcome on my page. I will fight for, and with you, until the day i die. and then the bones of me will keep fighting; for, and with you. you are all wonderful people. truly. dont let posers cramp your style. be yourself, dont let any motherfucker stop you. <3
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got7ent · 8 months
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got7_isourname: 10 years with GOT7.
Time flies as people always say. It’s been 10 years since our debut and it’s been almost 13 years since I first got to Seoul Korea. From an athlete to entering the fields of music and getting trained professionally. From a kid, just starting his journey with curiosity to the man already walking 10 years down the road figuring out his artistry, and he still walking from no one recognizing & appreciating the artistry to having a crowd that supports and believes in you. Can’t say nothing but “I’m too blessed” to be able to receive. I really want to say thank you to “JYP“ entertainment, and all staff for casting me and giving me the opportunity back then. Also helping me to grow through training and it became a huge fundamental part of me today.
A coincident that happened back in school, when the casting team of “JYP” showed up and everyone in school left after exam. I was the one who stayed with a couple of friends that day when I should’ve went for fencing practice prepping for London, 2012. Well, I guess the casting team didn’t have much choice in that situation, but offer me the invitation to the audition. That’s how it happened… I want to thank HeeWon for always supporting me through my hard times and tolerating the immature me back then as a kid. I want to think Jimmy the CEO and J.Y. Park for guiding me through a seniors and as like parents in the industry.
I want to say thank you to my members, for being the partners in the battle. Being the brothers since trainee days from nothing to traveling and performing all around the world together. I believe each member is focusing on their artistry now and I hope nothing but the best for them. Really glad and happy that we are able to show each of our individual colors and character as artist now.
I want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, to every person that supports the group. Our crowd & fans. I still remember the day of our debut showcase. We were all riding that auto electronic skateboard looking thing entering the venue during the intro of the show. It was around 50 people but it was definitely one of the most memorable shows I did.
I want to apologize for a fans for all the moments you worried. Sorry for the unpleasant moments and the negative experience that happened. I’m sorry that there were a lot of times, random and miscomprehend things like gossip, issues about the stabilities of the group, all sorts of noises and scandals that were out in the industry affecting everyone’s mood. Supports and fans deserve a good experience. I’m sorry for letting you all experience those kind of moment. There are a lot of precise memories from you all. I used to get a lot of “스니스니“ from you all. Now that I’m almost 30 in a couple of months, as I age, I don’t think anyone calls me that anymore. But the memory shows and pops up in my dream once or twice a year haha. Not gonna lie…
I love you all, the time you all spent with us was precious. I’ve always wanted to make our fandom and crowd proud, as a team, also as an individual. I assume a lot of you are already in different industries/working in different fields already. I hope everyone can be happy and healthy. I hope everyone is able to find their standard of happiness in life. That’s all that matters. I’m also looking forward to what’s next for us. Without all of you, we won’t be here today. None of this would happen without you all. Thank you I love you.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Star Child Part 12
Yeah...it’s really looking like this story is coming to a close. And I hate it. I love this story, but my muse has me careening toward the finish line like a star falling to earth. Far, far too quickly. If my muse had any sense at all, it would drag out the plot with Creel and the label, but it doesn’t want to. It wants the boys to be happy ever after NOW not in five weeks (as was the original ending with Corroded Coffin’s final concert in LA and Steve confessing his feelings on stage).
Also there is a cliffhanger but I have written most of the next chapter so Monday you should get the resolution. And just remember, I promised a happy ending.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
Steve made a couple of calls himself. The first to Erica to make sure that being in litigation would prevent him from leaving the state. It didn’t, so his next call was to Jane. Between the two of them they crafted the perfect coming out plan. Complete with statements and interviews. His final phone call was to Robin.
“I’m giving you the heads up,” Steve said once she answered. “I’m going burn the label to the ground. Erica and Jane are all for it.”
“What made you decide to do it now?” she asked. “Instead of a week from now or even a month?”
“Because it’s better to be honest and open now,” he explained, pacing in his office, “then to have to do damage control. Let people know what I was forced into and how dangerous the music industry still is for the LGBTQ+ community. I’m tired of hiding, Robin.”
She sighed. “I know. I’m proud of you.”
“I almost came out at Love Loud...” he whispered into the phone.
There was silence on the line for a moment before Robin said, “Wow.”
He took a deep breath. “I got talked out of it by the record label. They told me to wait until after the last album was complete.”
“Something they thought was years off,” Robin said. “Those bastards!”
Steve hummed in agreement. “Pretty much.”
“You need me to come over?” she asked.
“No,” Steve murmured. “I’m going to fly out to Salt Lake City and do a couple of radio shows and be seen with Eddie.”
Robin huffed out a laugh. “And I can guess who’s idea that was.”
“Dustin is going to be insufferable,” he said with a sigh.
Robin cackled until Steve hung up the phone.
“In a released statement from Steve Harrington’s management and PR firm the pop star, formally of the boy band The Kings came out as bisexual. The statement went on to say that his parents and the label conspired to keep his attraction to men a secret, going as far as conversion therapy, threat of commitment to a mental institution, and even blackmail.
“Steve Harrington was seen at LAX this afternoon and our sources say that he went off to go into hiding until this all cools down. Further sources say that he is holed up in a hotel in Salt Lake City. Sources couldn’t confirm, however whether or not he was with Corroded Coffin who will be playing at the Vivint Arena tomorrow night to a sold out crowd.
We will keep you to date on all the latest news surrounding the sudden coming out of Steve Harrington...”
Eddie turned off the TV and turned to Steve. “That was quite the coming out story, sweetheart.”
Steve was with the band and their manager, Chrissy Cunningham in Eddie’s hotel suite.
“I just hope it gets the hounds of hell off my heels,” Steve murmured.
Chrissy pursed her lips. “I’m not sure I like this plan.”
Jeff nodded. “There are so many things that could go wrong, but if it goes right all of us will be able to sleep better at night, and you know it.”
Chrissy sighed. “I do like the guards outside the door, though. That’s a nice touch.”
Steve grinned. “Aren’t they fantastic?”
“We’re smuggling you out to LA,” Brian told her. “We don’t want you caught in the crossfire if this goes south.”
Chrissy’s eyes went wide.
“Which it won’t,” Eddie growled, glaring at Brian.
“You’ll be staying with my manager, Robin Buckley at my place,” Steve said. “Janice already has people there to protect you both if Creel decides he wants hostages.”
They all sobered up at that. Steve coming out was only a part of the puzzle and if all went well, they would have one creepy ass dude behind bars.
Steve had lunch with Eddie and they both made sure they had their location turned on so that they would be seen together.
“I think of all the parts of this plan I hate the most,” Steve said when he spotted the third paparazzo snapping their picture, “is that this is a setup. I wish it was something we were just out doing.”
Eddie’s heart ached even as the butterflies took off in his stomach.
“You telling me you want to go out with me, Stevie?”
Steve chewed his bottom lip and looked down shyly at his half eaten sandwich, “And if I did?”
Eddie cocked his head and smiled, “And were you just going ‘keep doing what you were doing and hope it was enough’, sweetheart?”
Steve blushed. “You caught me. It was about you all this time.”
Eddie lift Steve’s chin gently with a single finger. “I don’t do low key, babe. I’m very loud about who and what I like. I came up with the plan, because I wanted to be seen with you.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as Eddie pressed their lips together and he sighed into the kiss.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie murmured.
“For what?” Steve breathed out like a sigh.
Eddie kissed him again. “For not remembering our first kiss. For not running away with you when I had the chance.”
Steve brought his chair closer to Eddie’s to lean into the man’s shoulder. “I think I like it this way. Who knows what might have happened if we had, maybe we became a duo like the White Stripes or maybe would have struggled for years and never became anyone. But I do know that the Kings wouldn’t have been famous. Corroded Coffin wouldn’t have been a band. And I hate that thought.”
Eddie put his arms around Steve’s shoulder. “I love you so much. I think I always have. I just buried it deep. Twisted it until it was unrecognizable. But then you turned back up in my life and I wanted to write love songs about you in a week.”
Steve chuckled. “I’ve already written love songs about you.”
Eddie laughed. It wasn’t malicious or cruel, it was bright and clear. Like of course he did. “You record any of those sappy love songs about me?”
Steve pursed lips and looked up.
“Oh god,” Eddie said with a chuckle. “Can I guess which one? Unless there is more than one?”
Steve shook his head. “I think the label recognized it as being about a boy and carefully vetted each song before I could record it. It was then I realized I was never going to give them my best songs. Because all my best songs were always about you.”
Eddie blushed. “So it would have be off your first solo album...” Steve nodded. “Oh god...”
Steve laughed. “Yup.”
“Oh no,” Eddie moaned. “God that is super cheesy, darlin’.”
“Oh yeah,” Steve said.
“‘Drowning in Your Brown Eyes’, really?”
“In my defense I was eighteen when I wrote it, and just swapped out the pronouns when I went into the recording studio. But yeah, it’s about you, sunshine.”
“Are you going to tell people it’s about a boy?” Eddie asked, pressing his lips to the top of Steve’s head. “That it’s about me?”
Steve lifted his head. “Do you want me to? I mean it is pretty cheesy pop clap trap. I would rather write songs about you and then release it with the knowledge that it’s about you. With everyone knowing it’s about you.”
Eddie’s expression turned fond. “Okay, babe. We could write a duet. Like the Love Loud concert, only our song.”
“I did promise that I would let you write a song on my first non-pop album. I would be happy to have you, love.”
Eddie couldn’t resist pressing his lips to Steve’s. In that moment, everything faded away. The world in which cruel labels, psychopathic mob figures, and disappointing parents just vanished in the midst of their love.
They stumbled gleefully into Eddie’s hotel room, kissing and laughing at how happy they were now that they realized how much they love each other.
Someone cleared their throat and they froze. They turned slowly to see Henry Creel sitting in an arm chair. He was devastatingly beautiful as he always was. He wore a white suit with matching loafers and the jacket draped over his shoulders like a cape. The light blue button shirt was the exact color of his eyes. His blond hair flopped lazily over one eye.
Behind him were Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum.
“So you do only have two minions,” Eddie huffed. “Mike was right, you are stupid.”
Creel’s face twisted into a snarl. “I didn’t get to where I am by being dumb, Eddie.”
Eddie raised a questioning eyebrow.
“This room has been swept for electronic devices,” Creel continued. “So if you think that your precious federal officers are going to be coming to your rescue, do think again, won’t you?”
Steve looked him up and down. “Christ.”
Creel smirked. “Close enough. I get everything I want. And I want Eddie Munson.”
Steve scratched his cheek and cocked his head. “I don’t know if you realize this, but Eddie is a person, not a thing, not a possession. You can’t have him.”
Eddie took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “I told you when we first met, I don’t heel. I’m not a lap dog. You can’t bring me to my knees.”
Creel stood up and he was eye to eye with Eddie. “I can and I will.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “My bandmates already know not to trust anything that didn’t come directly from my mouth, thanks to that little stunt in Austin.”
Creel’s answering smile was cruel. “You forget one small detail, Eddie dear.”
“What’s that?”
“You would do anything to not see him harmed,” Creel said with a smug grin.
“You’re threatening to what?” Steve asked, with an eye roll. “To kill me? Hurt me? Throw me back to the wolves who are my parents? Let the record label win, so I’m controlled forever? What could you do to me that I haven’t done or tried to do to myself?”
Eddie heart shattered. “Sweetheart...”
Steve lifted his chin. “I went through hell, Creel. You are just another demon barking at my heels.”
“Castor, Pollock, take Stevie here to the other room and kill him,” Creel said over his shoulder. “Make it look like suicide, won’t you?”
Steve closed his eyes as they grabbed him roughly. Eddie moved to stop them, but he felt sharp pain in his side. He looked down to see Creel was holding a switchblade to him.
“Please don’t move,” Creel said sweetly. “I would hate to get blood on this suit.”
“It’s okay, Eddie,” Steve murmured. “He hasn’t won.”
Eddie jaw began to quiver.
Steve stopped just before the door and turned around to face him. “Make him pay.”
Eddie nodded.
The door closed and a few moments later...
Part 13 Part 14 Part 15  Part 16
Tag List: @bejeweledbaby @eboyawstenn @moonshadows-13 @ohlook-afrog @goodolefashionedloverboi @linkydinky06 @livelaughlexa @spectrum-spectre @cutepumpkin4 @whatthemeepever @gleek4twd @anything-thats-rock-and-roll @novelnovella @celtrose-ish @artiststarme @plasticcrotches  @failedstarsandgoldenclouds @anaibis @nelotegreitic @steddieassheg0es @abstractnaturaldisaster @scheodingers-muppet @tiny-enthusiast @yes-im-your-mom @thegingerrapunzel @milf-harrington @avacrebs @gregre369 @raisedbylibrarians @reverseteehee @lillys-weird-world @deadlydodos @runyousillydetective @justrandomfandomstm @piebook67 @clumsywriter @donttouchmycarrots @fiore-della-valle @idkareallyreallygoodname  @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @imfinereallyy @ravenpainter @ellietheasexylibrarian @maya-custodios-dionach @child-of-cthulhu @estrellami-1 @lillithhellfire @nerdsconquerall @space-invading-pigeon @localgaydisaster @bookbinderbitch 
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 3 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
Summary: Loki isn't the only one who's toxic in this fucked up relationship.
Warning: 18+ , Rough language, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters.
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You didn't know what he did to Rita, you didn't even want to know, you just wanted to rejoice in the knowledge of him fucking her up for you. It's not that he haven't protected you from such people before, there were several different reasons why you were so hooked to him ever since you were just a kid, he always protected you - from those kids who bullied you at the center, your own daddy, Odin, and then all those men who wanted to exploit you in the industry.
He always kept you safe but he also hurt you, you didn't know why, maybe he was as damaged as you were, maybe it made him feel good to keep you in his control, and maybe just maybe he loved you as much as you loved him. You wanted to know about his past and what happened to him before you two met, he was already sixteen when your parents joined the center. You remembered him always being so sad, you had memories of him being bruised. You wanted to ask what had happened to his brother Thor but he never revealed, never shared, he acted as if he was fine. 
You didn't know anything about him and you didn't care as long as you had him. 
"I'm gonna reward you sweetheart, you did so good today, made me so proud, wanna go shopping? Want to buy pretty little things to wear at home?" He whispered in your ears and you could only moan in response. 
"Can I get whatever I want?" You asked him and he smirked. Two could play this game.
"As long as you'd try it all for me at home" he winked at you and you felt all tingly. He took you to the mall, you bought a dress or two, a set of lingerie, you chose the color green on purpose and as soon as you two were home, he sat down on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand and he told you to show off for him. 
You twirled and danced for him, the music played faintly in the background, he was looking at you as if he wanted to devour you but you knew he was just torturing you, waiting for the right moment to deny you again.
"That's it? What about the lingerie darling, aren't you going to show me how it looks on you?" He asked you, his eyes stayed fixed on yours as he chugged his drink.
You ran back to your room and put it on, checking your reflection in the mirror you tried a pose or two, making sure you looked as sexy as possible, it wasn't as if he hadn't seen you before like this, he had seen you all naked too but he had never touched you intimately like that. You never felt his fingers on your intimate parts in sexual manner.
As you stepped out he tilted his head to look at you intently, scanning up and down as if you were just a piece of furniture he was trying to purchase.
"You got my color" his voice was whispery so you hummed in response "Sweet" he mumbled before he brought the rim of the bottle closer to his lips again. 
"You like it?" 
You asked him and he chuckled.
"Twirl around sweetheart, let me see that plump arse of yours" You didn't think a world existed where this was an appropriate interaction between a girl and her supposed guardian. You turned around, swaying a little to the beat of the rhythm, you pulled your hair up in your fist as your hips moved side to side. 
You heard him mumbling profanities under his breath so you turned around and walked towards him, you knew you were this close to him turning you away any moment but you wanted to enjoy whatever he was giving you. 
"You like it daddyy?" You asked him so he hummed in response, he was hard you could tell, it wasn't as if he was trying to hide that huge bulge in his pants. 
"I do like it, but then so do millions of other men out there who'd jerk off to your pictures. You enjoy that darling? Knowing that so many men wants to fuck you?" He grabbed your chin with his fingers and made you chug the rest of his drink. He was still pissed off about the bikini shoot you did just two days ago. He didn't want you to do it but the money was too good and you threatened him to do something awful if he wouldn't allow you to do it. You got your way this time but he wasn't going to make it the norm, he was the one who was in control in this relationship.
"How long are you going to be mad at me about that shoot?" You asked him as you hugged him tightly, your hips rolled over him and he took a deep breath.
"As long as it would take for you to engrave in your head that I can very well take away all the freedom you have here sweetheart. Don't piss me off on purpose" Before the dam could break he picked you up and threw you down on the couch, then he grabbed up his black leather jacket to storm out of the apartment making you groan and scream in response. You knew where he was going, he was going to find his new flavour of the night, bring her back here and fuck her so you could hear him, that was his favourite form of punishment, he knew it hurt you physically and emotionally as well, and he used it like a kryptonite whenever you crossed a line.
After a few hours when he didn't return, you realized that maybe he wasn't in the mood to be so cruel today, you were in the kitchen making dinner when he stepped into the apartment again. His calm relaxed demeanor was enough to tell you that he had sex and he had plenty of it. There was a grocery bag in his hand that he passed to you,
"What is this?" You asked him but he didn't respond, he went to his room instead, there was a tub of your favorite icecream so you sighed before you put it in the refrigerator. 
The thought of him buying you your favourite ice cream after fucking a random woman disgusted you but it also warmed your heart. He cared about you, he was just too damaged to tell you that. 
"You're my only priority you know that right???" you mimicked his accent to let your frustration out. 
Next morning, you were called for the screen test, that's where you met the guy again, Peter Parker, Tony's assistant. All the assisting had worked in his favor, he was the second lead in the show, you had a few scenes with him, there was a scene where you had to make out with him too.
"I think we got off on the wrong foot babe" He said to you so you glared at him. You looked at Loki and he wasn't too pleased about this scenario either. He wanted to punch the guy, not just for being Tony's assistant and taking you to the lounge knowing too well what that asshole wanted to do with you that night but also for lusting so blatantly after you.
"Your boss is an asshole, he ruined captain Jarvis for me" you mumbled so he glared at you.
"Uhhhuh just be grateful you and that agent of yours aren't blacklisted yet, he was too drunk to care about it or you wouldn't be here right now" your eyes teared up as he said that, the smug nature irritated you, you only enjoyed it when it was Loki. 
"Look I'm sorry, I don't know why I am being such a jerk, I am just nervous" He said to you so you looked at him surprised, at least he apologized. Loki never did.
"I am nervous too" he smiled as he looked at you so you returned it.
"I really don't want to fight with you for the rest of shoot, let's just try to get along okay?" he put out his hand as an offer of friendship so you shook it. 
Loki watched the whole interaction and he didn't know how he felt about it, every time there was a man who showed interest in you he made sure to drive them away from you, he can't lose you to them. They won't know what to do with you or how to deal with you whenever you relapsed and it happened once in a while. 
He had woken up to the sounds of you screaming and convulsing on your bed, the screams were so loud that it reminded him of that awful day at the center when Odin..
Before he could dwell deeper into the memories of the past you started screaming again so he climbed on your bed and got on top of you to stop your body from thrashing around violently, you must be having the worst nightmare to react this way. He grabbed your arms and pinned them to the bed, you were awake but you were still screaming, trying to get away from him. Your face was soaked with your tears and that broke his heart. 
"Y/n y/n hey baby hey hey hey…shhhhhh you're okay" he whispered softly but that didn't comfort you at all, you were still out of your mind, crying so furiously that he feared you'd hyperventilate.
"Let me go let me go. .. lolooo..mommmy..sister natasha …help meee please…please I'm scared I'm so scared" you cried out for help and his own eyes teared up. 
"I'm here I'm here sweet buttons I'm here baby shhhhh I'm here okay? You're safe I promise" you stopped squirming and screaming instantly at the mention of the pet name, that's how he knew what to do in such a situation, that's how he knew how to bring you back to him.
"Lolo?" you sniffled so he kissed your forehead, he raised your arms to make you sit up and then he pulled you into his lap, holding onto you tightly. His hands caressed your back as he rocked you back and forth gently to calm you down. Your sniffles died down slowly as you drifted back to sleep. He thought things would change between you two after the night, but the next morning you didn't even have any recollection of the nightmare, or that he spent all night taking care of you. You were back to being a brat who tested and challenged him every moment.
"Hii..hello there?" He snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a feminine voice calling out for him. 
"She's your client right? Y/n?" The lady asked him and he nodded, giving her his best smile. 
"I'm Wanda, I'm a casting director, we are looking for a fresh face for a horror series, she seems perfect. Would she like to audition –" he cut her off immediately before she could speak further.
"No ..no horror or anything that involves torture, rape or –" he hesitated for a moment before ge finished his words "Cults"  she looked at him curiously before she spoke again.
"Ohhh okay umm I just thought she could do well in there, she's good" 
He looked at you as she complimented you, you were doing your best with what you were given for the screen test, you looked radiant, your mother's features reflected through you sometimes. He missed her, she was a good mother and a good friend to him.
"Nothing in that genre. Here.. give me your digits, call me if something else comes up" he looked into her eyes and she smiled. 
Few hours later you were back to your room, with him enjoying his time to the fullest with casting director Wanda. You could hear her moans and her screams and it stung
"Mmmm yeah..harder harder, fuck me harder, ohhh yesss god, your cock is so huge ..rip me apart Loki " 
You often wondered how these women felt when he didn't give them any attention after such a fiery passion filled night. You remembered two years ago, there was a woman who had gotten so obsessed with him that she was stalking him wherever he went to, that's why you two moved here, she somehow had gotten into her mind that he was in love with her and he was afraid to tell her because of you, so she tried to harm you. He got her arrested and filed a restraining order, you never saw her again but you remembered the last conversation you two had with her. 
She was on her knees begging him to fuck her again, she wouldn't stop, he tried so hard to get her away but she didn't you so you did what you thought was right, you hit her on the head with a heavy object, what were you supposed to do? She was hurting him, and you couldn't have that, she didn't die thankfully and Loki had proof that she was the culprit here and that she has been harassing you both. 
When cops questioned he told them he was the one to hit her, with his own history he seemed suspicious but he had proof and he was able to file charges against her. 
You snapped out as you heard the main door opening and closing with a loud thud and it made you smile. He never allowed them to stay after that incident, he couldn't take the risk again. When you heard the commotion in the kitchen, you stepped out. This was your favorite sight in the world- him almost naked, freshly showered, hair slicked back, just him moving around in the kitchen effortlessly to make tea, he always craved tea after sex..
"Want some?" He asked you as you stepped inside and sat down on the countertop.
"I want milk and sugar in my tea" 
He chuckled as you said that.
"Anything else Madame?" 
He seemed to be in a good mood, better than usual and you wondered why.
"So that chick Wanda, was she good?" You asked him as you crossed your arms 
"Ohh yess" he snickered and it only pissed you off more "She was so good, such a firecracker, almost missing her company" he mumbled, his voice remained sultry. You played this game as long as it was just the game, but you couldn't bear the thought of him getting emotionally invested with his flings, it hurt so bad to think about the day he'd find someone he'd like enough to build a future with. What would happen to you? Would he still keep you with him or he'll ditch you?
The thought hurt deeply. Would you still be his priority? You didn't think so
"Why didn't you ask her to stay then?" You asked him and he chuckled, he didn't respond, he made you stew in the insecurities, not on purpose though. He didn't know how you were feeling this time, he just thought you were messing with him like you always did.
It was his birthday a few days later so he had invited a bunch of his friends and people he hung out with, you knew them too but you weren't really friends with them. Wanda came too and it bothered you alot but you tried your best to not let it ruin his day.
As people started to leave you really wanted to spend alone time with him. You had a gift so you hid yourself in his closet and waited for him to enter his room at some point, much to your disappointment he did come to his room but not alone, he had Wanda with him, he was drunk and he fucked her right against that very closet. You froze. You didn't know what to do, you didn't want to interrupt them but you couldn't take the noises he was making either, it hurt you, their interaction hurt you, the fact that he fucked her twice hurt you. 
He wasn't done even then, he wanted to do her again on the bed but you weren't in the mood to watch or listen so you stormed out of his closet and then out of his room.
"What the fuck Loki.. was she in there all this time?" She asked him and he was as shocked as she was. He thought you were in your room.
"I had no idea darling I swear" She didn't care, she pulled him on top of her but he was distracted now. What were you doing in his fucking closet?
When he was finally done with her and came out he found you mindlessly drunk on the kitchen floor which pissed him off so he asked her to leave immediately which pissed her off, this was the second time he was making her feel used and she swore to never see him again. He snickered in response because he didn't really care. He didn't care about anyone but you at the moment or ever really.
"Whyyy don't you go fuckkkk the bitchhh again you stupid dickhead whore" you slurred on your words as he grabbed your arms to pick you up from the floor. 
"How drunk are you hmm? You silly little child" he was angry, so angry but you were so completely out of your mind at the moment. 
"Why do you care you jerk, you fucking asshole I hate youu and your whorish self..happy birthday..I'll drink as much as I want" his jaw clenched at the disrespect, He grabbed the back of your neck and pressed you against the refrigerator, he was so furious and he knew he needed to control himself, you weren't in right set of mind to have a conversation or deal with his usual tactics. He punched his fist into the door of the refrigerator to let his frustration out, that made you flinch and cry and then it made you cling to him ultimately. The punch would leave a dent you knew.
You were too drunk to even walk so he picked you up in his arms and took you to his room, he placed you down on the single couch in his room so he could take a shower and change the bedsheet, he knew you'd hate waking up on the used filthy sheet. He was extremely aggravated by your behavior but he didn't want to teach you a lesson in such a state.
He went to your room and came back with a night dress, a makeup removing wipe and a bottle of water that he picked up from the kitchen. 
"Wake up" he mumbled as he made you sit back up on the couch properly, he grabbed your chin with his fingers so he could wipe your face clean. You whined and moaned to protest against his hold but it was futile. He took the dress off and put the night dress on you before he picked you up again to lay you down on the bed, he made sure to make you drink water otherwise he knew you'd wake up with the worst of hangovers tomorrow. 
"Daddddyy" you mumbled, you couldn't even keep your eyes open.
"What?" He asked you sternly.
"Sorrryyy…I'm sorry daddy" you sniffled and it made him sigh in response..
"We will talk tomorrow alright?" 
"I love you daddy" 
"I know" 
"You don't" 
"I do baby, that's okay" He didn't think you knew or understood what you were saying. 
"I had a gift..I wanted to give you a present" you sniffled again and his eyes teared up at the meak little voice.
"Is that why you were in the closet?" 
You nodded as he questioned you.
"Where is it?" He asked you so you pointed towards his closet. He loosened your grip on his body so he could walk towards the closet and check what you had kept in there. 
It was all wrapped up in a pretty box, that made him smile but his eyes welled up as he opened it. It was a photo frame, he didn't even know you had this picture with you. He remembered this picture, it was taken 13 years ago, he was just 19, that would make you nine. He had to be on his knees to match your small stature, his fingers trailed over your features, that adorable smile, he looked at the child in the picture and his heart shattered into pieces.
She was so innocent, so undamaged, so precious, she trusted him and he failed her, he failed her mother too. Odin tried to ruin you and he was helpless but he wasn't helpless any more, now he could keep you safe. Your mother would hate him for what he was doing with you now but he didn't know any better, he didn't know how to keep you invested in him in a healthier way. He was afraid.
He took the picture and placed it in his bedside drawer then he crawled into the bed to snuggle you.
"Do you like it daddddyy?" 
 "I do baby, thank you" 
"Please don't marry Wanda, please don't leave me" you mumbled so he kissed your forehead.
"I would never leave you sweetheart I promise, I'm going to be here forever" 
He cooed in your ears and only when you were in deep sleep is when he allowed himself to cry his heart out. 
Next morning when you woke up, things remained the same, you didn't remember the outburst and he didn't say anything about it either so the toxic cycle continued. All over again because you didn't want to break it.
You were afraid you'd lose him again if you did.
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moosekateer13 · 2 months
My Regin Ends
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Part 3 of You're Losing Me mini series
Warnings:  Angst, Mention of Breakup, Cyberbullying, Harassment,  Self Loathing, Medical Issues, Alcoholism, Death
Summary: After visiting her daughter who shut down her attempts to reconnect with her. Now Y/N's only has a bottle as her company. As her time runs out. She reflects on all her mistakes that led to her being alone.
Inspired by Taylor Swift's Castle's Crumbling Down
My foes and friends watch my reign end. I don't know how it could've ended this way. Smoke billows from my ships in the harbor. People look at me like I'm a monster. Now they're screaming at the palace front gates, used to chant my name.
Now they're screaming that they hate me. Never wanted you to hate me.
Oh how far I've fallen from royalty in the media industry to someone when people don't give a damn about. I'm here sitting in my mansion wearing a worn blue dress. It's the dress I wore when I pushed away the love of my life. I didn't see what was right in front of me. It's something I've been regretting recently. I stare at the coal-black walls reflecting on my life. It feels like I’m drawing in a pit of self-loathing. This place hasn't felt like home in a long time; it's just somewhere to lie down.  
The limelight wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
I started off as a young child star. I got caught up in the glamour of the limelight. I couldn't see the damage it was doing to those around me.
My boyfriend Jared broke up with me. I don't blame him. I was never home and never really looked after our daughter. Delia she hates me and she considers someone else mom. Well, I don't blame her Genevive raised her with Jared. Like an idiot, I signed my rights away and chose fame instead. I've got a grandchild on the way but they'll never call me grandma even if I was still around to see them grow. Jared's wife earned that title. I know I don't deserve it. It's good to see Delia is thriving though. She is a successful artist in both music and painting.  I'm proud of her. Thanks to her upbringing she is the complete opposite of me. I'm just washed up.
After getting trapped in the stereotypical role of heiress. I started to internalize that they were rich, entitled and spoiled. Unlike them, I didn't have any money to fall back on. So I sought comfort in the bottle and have remained in a drunken haze since. If I'm not drinking I'm caught up in an endless amount of flings.
All the stuff I've done to myself caught up with me. I have heart ischemia and don't have long left. Hence why I tried to make amends with all the people that I'd done wrong.  But as usual, I was pushed aside and locked out. What goes around comes around as the old saying goes. 
When I was diagnosed with heart issues. I also found out I had a rare condition called Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. According to the doctor I have had it since I was in my 20s. Since it was left untreated my perception of the world got worse.  The syndrome itself impairs my brain's processing of sensory input. The disruption alters my perception of the size of objects and my own body's feel or appearance. It can also warp my perception of reality. Ding, Ding yup that sure sounds like me I thought to myself when I was first diagnosed. 
I think back to when I was forced into fame by my father as a child. He never cared about my well-being, just saw the dollar signs.
I remember one particular day when I had a fever and he still forced me to work when I was a teenager.
“Come on Y/N you aren't sick. You just don't want to work. Now get your lazy ass into wardrobe.” Dad said
I tried to get more words out but I knew he wouldn't listen so I headed back to wardrobe.  My mom died during childbirth so he's been punishing me for just living. Well, it feels like it anyway. I hope one day I can be a good parent.”
The apple didn't fall from the tree and I ended up not being a good parent.
My head is pounding. I can't think anymore. All I keep hearing is the mob outside my mansion screaming that they hate me. It's been constant for years now and the police stopped coming.  Also, no security company wants to work for me. My reputation for treating people like shit caught up with me. I was never nice to my coworkers and just pushed them away when they tried to talk to me after work. Well, when I had a job anyway. I haven't worked in years.
Who would want to hire me anyway? I'm a mess. I get up to get some pain relief for my headache but I don't make it. I feel the world go black.
My castle's crumbling down And I watch all my bridges burn to the ground And you don't want to know me I will just let you down (just let you down) My castle's crumbling down You don't wanna know me now
Narrator P.O.V
I turn up the TV to hear the latest breaking news. 
Local Texas news reporter Genevive Padalecki was there to report the death of former Y/N Y/L /N. It looks like her medical issues or the bottle caught up to her. Maybe it's sad how far she's fallen. No one was there in her final moments. Well maybe if she treated people better she wouldn't have been all alone. We will bring you more information as it becomes available.
As an online news reporter. I want to check on the latest scoop. So I  decided to look online. There are no kind messages about her. I notice no RIP on social media. They just said she got what's coming to her. It's sad really but she stirred up all the hatred with the way she treated people. I close the tab on the page not wanting to read anymore.
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
I'm rereading Exorcism (now that its finished! yahoo) and I love Kitty Poes sm shes such an interesting characterrr would you wanna tell me about your process for developing her? ig I couldve DMed you but I myself love a chance to rant publicly so here you go lmao. I am unfortunately only on chapter 14 (though I got further than that last time) so if you wanna be spoilery just give me a warning and I'll read it later >:3c
kitty my best friend kitty
i think i can go over this without any spoilers past chapter 14! you have already seen her big arc and i am sooo happy people liked her <333
so! i've never mentioned this to anyone before, but kitty is a bit of a riff off of one of my oldest OCs. when i was about 18, i was big into katekyo hitman reborn, mostly because i was even bigger into organized crime as a general topic. catalena foggia was the youngest of four, and after a rival family took out her parents and all three of her older brothers (you know, the sort of backstory you give people as a teenager) she very grimly stepped up to the throne.
now whenever i need a female character with a "hello, i Run This Place" air about her, my mind goes to catalena, who of course was called cat by all her friends.
and i knew that i wanted a character like that as klavier's manager. generally, whenever i get to make OCs for my aa fics, i try to make most of them women if they aren't already implied to be men by canon like the rest of the gavinners, since aa refuses to have adult female characters that don't die. the gavinners started out as a bunch of teenage guys, the music industry is tough as nails, LA is horrible..... nobody but cat could've done it, man.
the whole dutch connection sort of happened on the fly. i knew i didn't want to call her catalena foggia, even if nobody but, like, the two irl friends i still have who knew me at 18 lol, knew of that oc. it was still important to me to differentiate, because this wasn't cat, this was a new oc who was very similar to and inspired by her. i remembered that kitty is a valid first name, so i went for that, because i like to think i'm funny. :^)
once you reach the end of exorcism, you'll find a little gdoc with bonus content i left in the end notes there, which among other things contains explanations for all the pun names i've used in the fic. including kitty's, but i'll reiterate here: the reason i stuck with a cat theme was that klavier gavin, in my mind, is absolutely a golden retriever, so i wanted to give him a manager/babysitter who is a cat. a big cat. kitty is short in stature, but i mention her lion's mane of hair often enough in the text, so, u know.
that's also part of what i wanted her to be. yeah, she had to be tough simply for the industry and for the fact that she was managing teenagers for a while, but i also knew that i wanted to give klavier friends, and people in his life who really care about him, and will stick with him through all this. kitty is lawfully loyal: if she doesn't agree with something, she has no trouble walking out, but once she actually takes to someone like she took to klavier, she will be fiercely protective. i never mentioned her age, but i imagined her in exorcism to be somewhere in her mid to late 40s. she's seasoned, she's experienced, she's capable - she's what klavier deserves!!! that's what i wanted. kristoph and daryan are so painfully incompetent, when it comes down to it. klavier needs people in his life who know what they're doing.
so, i wanted a big little lion lady for my dog boy. i sort of just clicked through my various dictionaries for a while looking up different cat terms in different languages to see if any of them sounded enough like a last name, and that's how i landed on poes. only after that did i decide to make the dutch conundrum A Thing.
thank you for asking about her <33333 enjoy the rest of the fic, feel free to keep me posted about ur reading experience too :3c
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dailysimoneashley · 2 years
Actress Simone Ashley, 27, grew up in Surrey before moving to Los Angeles alone at 17. She found fame starring in Netflix’s Sex Education, watched by 40 million in its first month. She starred in season two of Bridgerton, which became Netflix’s most watched show in English in its first week. She lives in London ~ Times UK
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Teachers called me “the brown girl” at school. I remember if I ever failed a test or misbehaved, the teachers would say, “Which one? Oh, the brown girl.” My first kiss was with a really popular boy in primary school but he denied it to our friends and said, “I would never kiss the brown girl.” I don’t speak about it much because I don’t want it to sound like trauma porn, but it is very real.
I didn’t grow up in a world where people would say, “You’re brown and beautiful.” I have always loved the colour of my skin. But the more I work in this industry, I look back and think no young person should ever feel discriminated against like I was.
We had champagne after we finished the sex scenes in Bridgerton. It felt like we’d done the hardest bit of the whole 11-month shoot. We did all of our intimacy scenes in one week. It’s a lot, gearing up for that every day and making sure you have enough sleep, doing whatever you have to do to make you feel ready. I am confident in myself and my body.
Therapy helps me clear my head. It can be a bit of a circus in this industry. There have been times when it was overwhelming, lonely and all a little bit crazy. The worst thing to do is to feel like the world is against you. Therapy has helped me learn how to communicate better, control my emotions and find useful skills for when things feel overwhelming. It means I can not take life so seriously and just enjoy it. If you can afford therapy, it’s an interesting way to learn more about yourself. Taking responsibility for yourself and who you are as an adult is important.
Corsets push everything down to the bottom of your stomach. That means when you take them off, you’ve got a little bump. I hated wearing those corsets filming Bridgerton. They’re so beautiful, but I hate them – never again! Luckily, we’re allowed to wear bras now instead and that has changed everything for me. I can do a 12-hour day and feel comfortable.
Going to an all-girls’ school made me grow up late. I was late to the part where I was interested in boys, and other parts of being a teenage girl. I was very much still a child when I was 14 or 15.
My mum tried to teach us Hindi and Tamil, but we grew up watching Lindsay Lohan in The Parent Trap. Growing up between England and California, it was hard for me to tap into that. My mum would speak on the phone in Hindi, or talk to us in it, and I understood it. That ability has gone now, but I feel at home when I hear other people speaking it. Because I left home so young, I didn’t have the means or freedom to spend much time with my family in India. My mum also made me play French video games, so I learnt bits of French.
I wasn’t happy in England as a teenager. All of us have had a bit of a rough time at school. But I felt happy in California, where I spent a lot of time as a kid.
I want to give more people tattoos. When I was bored in Los Angeles in lockdown, I did lots of stuff like tie-dying and learning a language. Then I realised how easy it was to get a rotary tattoo pen, found a nice design and gave myself a tattoo. On some sets that I work on, people are like, “Cool, when we wrap, give me a tattoo.”
My white male counterparts have had it very differently from me. They have more of a voice. I have had to work harder to have that kind of equality. I have learnt to have my own power. I might be different, but if I respect myself and use my voice, eventually the people around me will give me that same treatment.
Empowering a minority shouldn’t be taboo. Especially in the UK, we love Indian food, we watch so many movies inspired by Bollywood music. The people from that community deserve to be empowered and loved. It shouldn’t be a taboo thing to say, you’re brown and amazing.
Simone Ashley stars in a short film for Johnnie Walker’s Bold Steps campaign with Diet Paratha
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aesthyuckic · 2 years
☕️📓 cafe au lait !! ┊͙✧˖*°࿐
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based on a dream i had the other night weeks ago. happy (late) valentine's day. fem!reader. 2,65k.
In the modern age, it was no secret that malls were dying. Late stage capitalism was at play according to most people, and some store fronts remained empty due to how high rent got. Donghyuck saw many stores come and go in his years there, it was sad to see people he loved as neighbors and that took care of him as a child disappear before his very eyes. Some spaces were replaced by new owners because despite the dying mall industry they lived in a tourist area that got hit hard around holiday breaks and on the weekends. It just wasn’t the same anymore. Though, his family’s restaurant still remained in their spot…
It had been twenty years at this point. He had been here for that same amount of time only moving here from South Korea at the age of two. He had graduated college, yet his bachelor’s in music got him nowhere so far… and here he was yet again, working for his parents just like he did when he was teenager in order to make a living.
“Donghyuck, stop slouching against the door way.” His mom whined to him. “It’s bad for your back and that’s not how you attract customers.”
“Mom, it’s a Tuesday at 2 in the afternoon.” He fixed his posture. “No one is coming right now and I’m tired. Why do I have to wear a white button up, slacks and a tie? I use to only wear black.”
“You’re a young man now.” She cooed at him while patting his cheek, lovingly. “And you’re handsome. Plus, don’t you remember in high school how you use to flirt with all those girls and they’d keep coming back? Even those older ladies found you charming… We got more business because of you and it’s about time you get in a relationship. People will come, just be patient.”
“I was doing that for the tips.” He blushed. “I’m perfectly fine by myself by the way.”
His mother rolled her eyes at him before patting him on his shoulder and walking back into the restaurant. He sat back down on the stool at the entrance that had a podium next to it with menus staked on top.
The mall remained relatively bleak, until he saw a group of girls come in that linked arms with another while smiling and giggling to one another as they walked into one of the stores. Judging by the bags they had, they were came from school and he guessed college just because it was too early for high school kids and they looked around late teens to early twenties.
It wasn’t long before they came out with paper bags on their arms and then he noticed, they were coming his way. He got flustered and stood up quickly before they had made it over to him. He grabbed the menus beside him.
“Is it okay to get a table for three?” One of them asked.
It was the one that stood out to him most with the brightly colored soft coral hair. She was the tallest of the group of girls but still quite short in comparison to him. However, her baggy clothes made her appear much smaller.
“Uh, yeah.” He blushed. “Follow me.”
He lead them to a table before giving them their menus and running off to go get the water they asked for. Little did he know at that time, it’d become a weekly occurrence that that girl would show up with shopping bags and her friends to eat. He always remembered her order but never her friends… She always got the tteokbokki. If he was lucky, she’d come by sometimes without her friends and that’s really when he got to know her… He finally found out her name and that she was only two years younger than him and studying music at a college nearby. He felt his heart flutter a bit in his chest as he fell in love little by little.
She came by one Thursday afternoon and Donghyuck smiled once he had seen her. She had a bag on her arm and a cup in the other.
“Y/n!” He said, excited. “Same as always?”
“How can you remember my order but never my friends?” She questioned. “I’m just messing with you. But I’m getting kinda tired, do you have any suggestion.”
“Oh my god, my mom makes the best kimchi jjigae.” He hummed.
“I’m not the biggest fan of cabbage but for you… I’ll try it. To go please.”
There went that flutter in his chest again.
“Coming right up.” He nodded.
He ran off to the kitchen to give his mom the ticket before coming back out to talk to the girl. He stared down at the big brown bag that was on the floor.
“Every time I see you, you always have a big, brown shopping bag…” He laughed. “What do you even get?”
“Oh! It’s nothing.” The girl brushed it off.
“If it was nothing it wouldn’t be there.” He scoffed. “C’mon show me! Please! I’m so curious.”
“Ugh, this is so embarrassing…”
She bent over before rummaging through the bag before she revealed some albums in here hand.
“Is that Shinee?” The boy asked.
“Yeah,” She blushed before putting them back in the bag. “New Jeans, Red Velvet and WEi too.”
“No way!” He gasped. “I’ve loved Shinee since I was kid! I still have one of their albums my mom bought me as a kid.”
“You know them?”
“I’m literally Korean, Y/n…”
“I know but that doesn’t mean you like k-pop! And frankly, I thought you’d be weirded out by me liking it.”
“Do you hear what we play in here? Do you hear that? It sounds like Lion Heart by Girl’s Generation playing right now. Anyway, who’s your favorite?”
“For Shinee? Taemin but Red Velvet, I love Yeri and I love everyone for New Jeans and WEi.”
“Taemin’s my favorite too actually. I always wanted to be like him as a kid. Not to brag, but I auditioned for SM entertainment.”
The girl raised an eyebrow at him almost as an ‘oh, really?’
“I’m taking you didn’t get in?” She tilted her head.
The boy clutched his chest and acted wounded, “That hurt! You’re so mean! For your information, I did get accepted!”
“Why are you here?” She asked.
“I was thirteen, not stupid. I just thought about all I had to give up and I love music and attention and everything but I don’t think I deal with idol life. Being stalked and having such a strict beauty standard pushed on me. I was good.”
A middle aged woman came out of the kitchen with a bag full of food. She saw the two talking to each other and smiling. She saw the way her son looked at the girl and smiled herself before approaching slowly.
“Sorry to interrupt. I have kimchi jjigae for you.” She spoke slowly before backing away.
The girl grabbed the takeout bag off the podium.
“Thank you, Mrs. Lee.” She smiled. “It was nice talking to you, Haechan. See you later.”
The boy watched as the girl walked away, not even aware of the smile on his face. He moved his attention over to his mom who was also smiling.
“What?” His expression dropped.
“You like her…” She sang, happily.
“Mom…” He sighed.
“You like her, you like her. My little Donghyuckie has a crush.”
She continued to sing behind her son as he ran off into the back to escape her pestering.
The following week, he saw her again. He was sitting reading before he noticed her coming in his direction. She was holding a drink, looked like same from last week as she also took a bite out of a cookie in the other hand.
"Are you cheating on me?" He gasped as he acted offended as soon as the girl got closer.
"What? Just because I'm eating something different?" She snickered.
"What even is that?" He asked, curiously.
"Iced vanilla latte."
"I like them too, especially from the little shop from around the corner."
"That's where I got this actually... I love their cookies too."
She ended up promising the boy to come by a little later once she was done looking around. It was the only way he'd let go of his fake work. Really, it was just an excuse to be able to see her again as soon as possible. Her coming every week at least once was an excuse to see him but he didn't have to know that.
She came the next week, a cookie from the shop in her bag as well as iced vanilla latte for her friend in one hand another drink for herself in the other. She almost skipped along to find her way to Haechan. She smiled to herself as she saw the boy reading a book once again as he sat at the podium. She hid the drink for him behind her back before making her way over to him.
"Y/n, it's nice to see you again." He chuckled as he closed the book."
"Surpise!" She brought the drink out to hand to him. "To make up for cheating on you last week."
"Oh! Thank you!" He beamed. "What do you have this week?
"Butterfly pea tea with lemonade."
"Pea tea?"
"Don't be childish. It's good for your eyes and it taste good. And it's coool because it turns pink when mixed with lemonade?"
"And why would you need all that?"
"I'm blind basically."
"You never wear glasses though"
"I don't think I look good in them..."
"I doubt that. I think you'd look pretty cute in them."
He only realized what he said out loud after the fact. His expression fell before he turned his attention to the girl standing in front of him that had a blank look as she blushed.
"i'm sorry." He apologized, blushing himself.
"No, no! It's fine!" She reassured him. "I'll see you in a bit."
He waved goodbye at the girl as she rushed feeling the fact that maybe it was not fine. She didn't come back even though he waited all evening for her to come back. It left him broken hearted as he let his mouth get ahead of his brain once again which may of or may not have messed up everything going for him. He didn't sleep that night.
Donghyuck waited for her to come back daily but it wasn't until that following Tuesday he saw her once again. He saw her go into the album store with the friends she always came with. He felt adernline rush through his body before he asked his mom for his break.
He rushed pass the store th girl was in just to make it to the cafe around the corner and bought three packs of cookies. He started to work up the courage to go in the store to talk to the girl. He finally took a deep breath before walking calmy into the store. Her back was turned to him and so were her friends' It started getting warmer so she wasn't in her usual baggy attire. She had half of her tied up with a pink ribbon and wore a frilly dress that matched. He thought she looked so pretty, even if it was just from behind. He snapped out of it and apporached her before tapping her on the shoulder.
"Hyuck..." She mumbled once she turned around and saw the boy.
"Um, hi, you look really pretty." He blurted. "Sorry, that's not why I'm here... Can I talked you by the water fountian outside?"
"Thank you and um, yeah, sure."
He nodded, trying not to break a sweat in that moment. He had the cookies hidden behind his back the whole time. He took a step back and allowed her to go in front, following right behind. The both of them stood across from each other in front of the fountain. They looked at each other for a moment for the boy broke eye contact with her just to stare at his feet.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about last week again... And just now too." He admitted. "Anyway, the cafe was having a buy three get three free special so here are some of those cookies you like."
He handed them to her, "My break is over but I hope you like them. It was nice to see you again."
He walked away too quickly before she could say anything. The girl's friends came out of the store shortly after the encounter.
"What was that about?" One asked as she put her bags down beside her.
"I think he likes me..." She answered.
"I've been telling you that for weeks now."
"No, but a lot..."
It took a moment for her joy the register at that statement. He liked her... When does that ever happen. she got so excited that she started to gush to her friends about the boy. Then she realized she needed to talk to him again but of course, there was issue of his job...
She told her friends to just go home without her that evening. She waited around until they had to start closing for the night. She sat somewhere she could go unseen as he did his work. Once she saw him start putting up chairs she went toward the restaurant. His back was turned but he heard the footsteps.
"Sorry, we are closed for the night." He sighed as he put up more chairs.
"You say that word to much, you know?" She hummed.
He turned around, "Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"I waited. You didn't let me say 'thank you' and I guess I realized I have more than just that to say..."
The girl took a step closer to the boy which only allowed for a few inches of space. The boy look visibly nervous as the girl got closer.
"So thank you for the cookies," She started. "Also, I like you, Hyuck. I think you like me too, am I right?"
"I-I-" He stuttered.
"I think this game went on too long." She pouted. "Now, use your words please."
"Yes, I do... I do like you."
The music change to a slow song all of sudden. The girl looked up with a smile.
"I think that's a sign. Don't you?" She asked to which he nodded. "So, will you dance with me?"
She extended her hand out for him to take which he did but not without hesitation. He ended up taking the lead right after. One hand intertwined with her own as his other hand rested on her waist and her own on his arm. She rested her head on his chest, able to hear the rapidness of his heartbeat that she cheekily smiled at before his chin came to rest on top of her head. After the song was over, the two came to hold each other's hand as they stared at each other.
"Man, I've wanted to do this for weeks." He confessed as he cupped the girl's jaw gently.
He bent down to connect each other's lips to one another. Softly, they touched and it felt like forever in those few moment with another. It was like passion coming out of hiding and being expolisive and like all the emotion started to felt at it's fullness. She deepen the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her new lover's neck in an effort to bring him closer as well as deepen the kiss.
The two young adults were unaware of the mom that was upstairs messing with the radio once she accidentally walked in on their conversation and quietly exiting, unnoticed. She smiled at work through the cameras after playing cupid.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hi! I’ve just found your blog and I absolutely love it. I am entering my 20s and have never had positive female friendships in the past (always delegated to the DUFF, never had friends who were particularly interested in my personal life and would only turn to me for advice or if they knew I could give them something). I am deeply introverted. My only friend is my boyfriend and I don’t want to fall into the trap of depending on him for all my friendship. I have a bit of a tough time making friends at my university because it’s a very prestigious classist institution, and many of the girls I’d initially made friends with alienated me once they found out the neighbourhood I live in and where I’m from. Do you think you have any tips on how I can make sustainable, and meaningful female friendships; ways in which I could foster sisterhoods? Thank you in advance❤️
Hi love! Thank you so much. Finding meaningful, reciprocal friendship is not for the faint of heart, so validating your experience here.
It's great that you recognize the need for platonic relationships/connections aside from your partner (too many people fall into this trap!). Remember that if anyone judges you for something as superficial as where you live, those people don't deserve to be your friends anyways.
If I were in your shoes, here are the ways I would go about finding friends:
Find social activities involving your interests: Join or attend a club meeting about a skill, field, or cause you care about (think a painting class, social justice club, women in business/tech, etc.) to surround yourself with like-minded people. Having a common interest increases your chances of clicking with these people.
Strike up a conversation in class: Nothing bonds people together like the monotony of a lecture, meeting, or going through a deck. Consider making a comment about the class or offer a genuine compliment to get the conversation started.
Immerse yourself in online spaces: While it's great to have friends to socialize with IRL, social connection is social connection at the end of the – whether it's virtual or in-person. Join some relevant Facebook groups, Discords, Reddit communities, etc., and follow like-minded individuals on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr, to get started. You never know who you will connect with once you put yourself out there!
Here are more socializing tips for making friends, too:
Get Curious To Connect: Follow-up questions are your best friend if you get nervous and anticipate a wave of social anxiety. These questions have a dual benefit: You’re allowing others to indulge in subjects or experiences that resonate with them and helping to guide the conversation. Listen to ways that you can branch off into related topics, mutual interests, and shared emotions or experiences. Ask relevant questions to keep the conversation flowing and demonstrates your interest and desire to connect with the other person. There’s no quality more charming than making others feel special and understood. This interpersonal skill allows you to connect with others without feeling like you need to fill up air time or be more vulnerable than you’re comfortable. It can be especially helpful to remember this advice when conversing with a stranger, authority figure, or someone else you want to impress without looking inferior (teacher, boss, industry leader, partner’s parents, etc.).  
Read & Develop Interests/Opinions:  Expanding your knowledge base provides an entry point to more people, engaging conversations, and opportunities. It’s easier to speak to people when you have some understanding of relevant topics others are discussing around the table or are of interest to the person in front of you. Take time to read about and study topics you’re interested in. Stay on top of cultural topics (movies, music, books, TV shows, etc.) and news within your chosen industry (or one you’re hoping to break into), different destinations you’ve been to or want to go to, favorite products, etc. Develop some robust opinions (don’t share those on hot-button topics like politics and religion) on these subjects and current events. Having the ability to listen to others' perspectives on a topic with an understanding of the subject matter and dive further into the topic with a distinct POV makes for an engaging conversation (and a potential new connection). 
Learn The Art of The Follow-Up: If you hit it off with someone, exchange contact information (social media, phone number, email – depending on the context of the situation and level of initial connection). Send them a relevant message at some point over the next few days to stay connected. Try something related to the conversation – like an article on a topic you discussed, or a recommendation for a coffee shop in the area. Or, get more personal if you’re comfortable, and ask how a meeting went, if they ended up liking a certain show, movie, or book, or whether they want to grab lunch at that place they mentioned they love. Remain thoughtful and interested without looking desperate. People want to what know others are thinking about them as long you’re not obsessive.
One More Friendly Reminder:
Different Friends Can Serve Different Purposes: Have your class friends, going to lunch or weekday meals friends, going out friends, and then your genuinely close friends (if you find 1-2 of these types of friends, that's plenty and very lucky!). Don't be afraid to spend most of your time alone. As long as you have some social interactions and put effort into this area of your life, remember that we all have solo seasons or days. Think of this time as an opportunity to reflect, work towards your goals, and spend time with yourself to discover what you really enjoy and want in life.
Hope this helps xx
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teamwangph · 8 months
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"10 Years with GOT7.
Time flies as people always say. It's been 10 years since our debut and it's been almost 13 years since I first got to Seoul, Korea.
From an athlete to entering the fields of music and getting trained professionally. From a kid just starting his journey with curiosity to the man already walking 10 years down the road figuring out his artistry, artistry and he still walking...
From no one recognizing & appreciating the artistry to having a crowd that supports and believes in you.
Can't say nothing but "I'm too blessed" to be able to receive. I really want to say thank You to "JYP" entertainment & all staff for casting me and giving me the opportunity back then. Also helping me to grow through training huge fundemental part of me today! and it became a coincidence that happened back in school, when the casting team of JYP showed up and everyone in school left after exam. I was the one who stayed with a couple of friends that day when I should've went for fencing practice prepping for London 2012. Well, I guess the casting team didn't have much choice in that situation but to offer me the invitation to the audition. That's how it happened... I also want to thank Hee Wan for always supporting me through my hard times and tolerating the immature me back then as a kid. I want to thank Jimmy the CEO & J.Y. Park for guiding me through as seniors and as parents in the industry.
I want to say thank You to my members, for being the partners in the battle. Being the brothers since trainee days from nothing to traveling and performing. all around the world together.
I believe each member is focusing on their artistry now, and I hope for nothing but the best for them. Really glad and happy that we are able to show each of our individual colors and character as artists now.
I want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, to every person that supports the group. Our crowd & fans.
I still remember the day of our debut showcase.
we were all riding that Auto electric Skateboard looking thing entering the venue during the intro of the show. It was around 50 people but it was definitely one of the most memorable show I did.
I also want to apologize to our fans for all the moments you worried. Sorry for the unpleasant moments and the negative experience that happened.
I'm sorry that there were a lot of times, random & miscomprehend things like gossips, issues about the stabilities of the group, all sorts of noises and scandals in the industry that were out in the industry affecting everyone's mood. Supports and fans deserve a good experience and I'm sorry for letting you all experience these kind of moments. There were a lot of precious memories from you all. I used to get a lot of "스니스니" from you all. Now that I'm almost "30" in a couple of months. As I age, I don't think anyone calls me that anymore. But the memory shows and pops up in my dream once or twice a year. haha. Not gonna lie...
I Love You all, the time you all spent with us was precious. I've always wanted to make our fandom and crowd proud, as a team, also as an individual I assume a lot of you are already in different industries/working in different fields already. I hope everyone can be happy and healthy. I hope everyone is able to find their standard of happiness in life.
That's all it matters. I'm also looking forward to what's next for us. without all of you, we won't be here today. None of this would ever happen, without you all.
Thank you I Love You.
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iamborsh · 8 months
ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴇʀꜰʟɪᴇs William Afton/OC
Tags: au, modelling, fashion industry, coquette!original character, violence, age gap.
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ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ ʀᴇǫᴜɪʀᴇs sᴀᴄʀɪꜰɪᴄᴇ
Jennifer Christie is a 21-year-old girl. Beautiful, narcissistic. She grew up in a family of quite wealthy businessmen who gave their beloved daughter anything she wanted. Jenny grew up in luxury: dresses, bags, jewelry - for her these are just little things. Three years ago, she suddenly got wish to become a model, which her parents, of course, obediently fulfilled. Now Mrs. Christie is a popular model. Many agencies of that time would have liked to sign a contract with her, but the most of them were sent to hell by generous Jenny.
April 14, 1996, New York.
"That's not it! And this too!" with these words, the girl was sorting through her closet, which was literally bursting with lots of clothes from different designers. She had a contract signing with one of the agencies today. Of course, it didn't work out without persuasion, but Jenny decided to feel sorry for her manager and agreed.
This meeting means nothing to her, but you always have to look presentable.
Suddenly, the girl went to her tape recorder, covered with pink rhinestones. It was the first time Jenny had worked tirelessly, but the result was worth it. It would be a shame for a girl to have an ordinary gray tape recorder! She's not some kind of beggar.
Taking a CD of a song by a fairly popular band at that time, the room was filled with beautiful female voices.
Oh, say you'll be there ~ ♪
Jenny headed for the closet, but now moving to the beat of the vibing music.
I'm giving you everything ~ ♪
Jenny took three different dresses and threw them on the bed, they looked the best. And even though Jennifer still has a bunch of dresses, she still chose these ones.
All that joy can bring ~ ♪
Jenny danced around the room, darting past the mirror every now and then. It reflected the unearthly beauty of an African-American girl. Beautiful skin, gorgeous and lush curls, brown eyes, a few freckles, plump lips smeared with expensive glitter, which she probably bought abroad. She was wearing a white silk robe made to order, it fit her perfectly, and the image was complemented by yellow fluffy slippers.
This I swear, ow ~ ♪
The last line of the verse of the song sounded and the home phone rang.
"Oh, who is it now?" she went to the pink home phone. Her daddy bought it for her in Paris. It looked cute, elegant, a kind of curiosity that surprised everyone who came to visit Jennifer.
Picking up the phone, the girl held it to her ear.
"Excuse me, Miss Christie, they want to order an adver-" the man didn't finish his sentence.
"I'm not interested in it! How many times have I told you that I don't take ads? Or should I pay you a doctor to check your hearing?" the girl answered rudely. After all, who's he to be polite to him?
It was Jenny's manager, a man of 37 years of French descent, who helped her sign contracts. Well, although Miss Christie always decides for herself, and Mr. Martin is only needed for show.
The girl was just about to hang up when she suddenly remembered.
"Oh, yeah, you're picking me up today! I hope you don't have any problems with your memory and you haven't forgotten about my contract with Mr. Afton's modeling agency!" her voice sounded arrogant.
"Of course, of course, madam, is there something else?" Martin asked meekly in his French accent.
With a grunt, she put the phone back down. While they were talking, the song had already ended. Yeah, her mood to listen to music was gone now.
Her gaze fell on the bed, there were 3 dresses that Jennifer had selected.
Green with a circle, pale pink with lace bell sleeves and yellow with a black strap.
The girl threw away two dresses, namely a green and a yellow one. Yes, she was definitely in the mood to wear pink today.
Pink louboutins, a lace dress, a bow in her hair and an elegant handbag were perfectly combined. Soft-pink lipstick accentuated the beauty of her lips, and blush on her beautiful cheeks.
The girl twirled next to the mirror.
"Not bad, it could have been better. I'll have to buy more clothes, otherwise these are already… Too old and not fashionable." the girl said petulantly.
Her gaze fell on the clock on a white bedside table next to a huge mirror. The time was 2 p.m., 15 minutes.
"Already?" she exclaimed with a gasp, of course, Jenny, you like to sleep until lunch, and then preen up for three hours. "Has this idiot arrived yet?" the girl asked herself with a note of disgust.
Looking out the window of her house, she saw Martin's black car approaching. He must have remembered, apparently, his senility hadn't begun yet.
The girl left her room, went down to the 1st floor and went out onto the porch.
The view was beautiful. There was a wonderful garden near Jenny's house, where white roses grew, a variety of which was personally brought by Jennifer's mother from Holland.
"Mello, Madame Christie." Martin bowed to the girl as she walked impressively to the car.
Glancing at her manager, she extended her hand to him, turning away and wrinkling her nose. This is just an element of etiquette, nothing more. Martin kissed the girl's hand, on the fingers of which was a mother-of-pearl with a gleam of white and pink, a neat manicure. The girl pulled her hand away and got into the car.
"You look great today!" the manager tried to make a compliment.
"I know." Jenny replied indifferently, turning her gaze away from the window.
It was quite bright outside, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming. Jenny currently lived in a country house located near New York, and the road to the agency building took a little longer than if Jenny lived in an apartment.
The model turned towards Martin. He was not a particularly tall man with black hair, gray streaks flashed here and there, he wore round glasses, and also some kind of suit. He looked very ridiculous, as Jennifer herself thought.
"We arrived, madam." Martin said and got out of the car, walked around her and, like a true gentleman, opened the door for the girl and helped her get up.
The following picture appeared before them: a 4-storey light purple building with large windows.
"Not bad." having assessed the building, the girl concluded. "Even better than many similar buildings."
She'll probably never be happy with anything.
"Martin, follow me!" the girl commanded.
Martin really looked funny next to Mrs. Christie. Jennifer's elegant, feminine and graceful gait made passers-by turn around, while Martin walked unsteadily, trying to keep up with his "madame".
Martin was still able to overtake the girl and held the door for her. She didn't even say "thank you." For what?
The building inside also looked beautiful. Models and designers walked around the floor, carried plastic mannequins as makeup artists ran around. Jenny chuckled, looking at this, what a funny sight.
"Miss Christie?" a girl in a shirt and black trousers, standing behind the reception desk, addressed Jennifer and Martin.
The girl looked at the receptionist. Simple one, what to say.
"Well, yeah, me." the model replied with a haughty look.
"You must be at Mr. Afton's, come on, I'll take you there." with these words, the girl came out from behind the counter and headed for the 2nd floor. Jennifer followed her.
The receptionist looked somehow at home. Wrinkled shirt, oversize trousers, sloppy bun.
Picking up the rabble on the ad, Jenny thought with disgust. "If you work in a modeling agency, then at least look presentable."
"We're here, Mr. Afton is already waiting for you." the girl ran back.
The door was brown, and there was a sign saying "W. Afton."
"Martin, you're waiting for me downstairs." not waiting for an answer, Jenny entered without knocking on the door.
A fairly clean and well-maintained office appeared to her eyes. It contained a pair of mannequins, different from those that were carried around the 1st floor, a desk, a fluffy rug, like Jennifer's in the room, two sofas and a tea table in front of the desk. Everything was done in black and purple style.
"Hello, Mrs. Christie." a man's voice suddenly addressed her.
The girl turned around and was a little surprised. A rather pleasant-looking man of about 35 years old was sitting at the table. Long black hair, braided in a small ponytail, with a purple sheen in the light, silver eyes that Jennifer had never seen before. The man was wearing a purple shirt with a pin with the man's name on it: "William." Blue jeans with a yellow fringe at the bottom. He was wearing an expensive watch with a yellow strap at that time. As well as patent black shoes matching William's hair color.
If it had been worn on any other, then the girl would have said that he looked like a clown, but not in this case. Everything was so combined with each other that no image of any other fashion designer could compare with this. He was simply charming, it was the first time that Jenny fell in love with another person's clothes.
"Yeah, hello." no matter how surprised she was, confidence shouldn't be lost in any case.
"Come in, sit down, would you like some tea?" Mr. Afton kindly suggested, he also seems to be british, oh, how fascinating his voice sounds, just a delight to her ears.
"No, thanks." the girl looked around. The office was, of course, beautiful, but quite ordinary, except for one detail. Mannequins. They looked like real people. They werent just white, but all sorts of different colors. Both dark and beige, even with the effect of vitiligo disease. It's like they're made of real skin.
"So you like them?" the fashion designer suddenly asked.
The girl shuddered:
"Yes, yes… They're very, very beautiful." the girl answered uncertainly, this is the first time it's happening with her.
"I make them myself. Handmade, you can touch them." William said genially with a smile on his face.
The girl got up and walked over to one of the mannequins. She touched it lightly with the pads of her fingers. For real, like a real… Skin.
"I make them out of… Animal's skin. By coloring it in the desired color." why did he stumble on the word "animal's"? Oh, well, okay, it happens.
"It's impressive." she was still running her fingers over the mannequin. "What kind of animals do you use?"
Mr. Afton paused and then grinned hysterically.
"I make them from… Pig's one". his answer sounded as strange and uncertain as possible. As if Jenny had asked something she didn't need to. It's like she's asking too many questions. "Okay, let's move on to the contract." the man changed the topic.
The girl sat down on the sofa while William handed her a contract with a modeling agency. After reading it carefully, the girl picked up a pen and left her neat signature in a beautiful handwriting, and then handed the document back into the hands of the man.
He smiled.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you, I'll see you tomorrow." William said, returning to his desk.
The girl went out the door of the office. Well, tomorrow is her first day working for Mr. William's agency.
The dressing room was teeming with stylists, make-up artists and other staff. It was noisy. And Jennifer didn't really like noise, but she sat quiet as she didn't want to spoil her own reputation.
Instead, she sprawled impressively on an armchair while one of the makeup artists weightlessly applied powder to the already delicate skin of the model.
"Miss Christie, do you need anything?" the receptionist, whom Jenny and Martin saw yesterday, turned to the girl behind the chair.
"Yes, coffee." it was normal for her not to say "please", does she even knows about this word existence?
"Mrs. Christie, we're done." spoke the young makeup artist.
She, in turn, began to look at herself in the mirror….Yeah, could have been better. She'd do better one at home.
"It's terrible, but what can we do, you'll learn someday." Jenny criticized, taking her coffee from the receptionist's hands. Probably the makeup artist was hurt by her words.
The girl turned towards the rest of the room. Several of the same girls were sitting and waiting for them to be made up. Makeup artists swirled around them, applying powder, blush, foundation and other cosmetics.
The walls were painted a pleasant white color, wooden tables with lots of cosmetics on them, as well as upholstered chairs, on one of which Jennifer was sitting.
Suddenly, the main fashion designer, namely Afton, entered the room. He looked around the room and when he bumped into Jenny, he smiled.
Without taking his eyes off her, he said:
"The models can meanwhile prepare for the trial show, and I'll have to ask Mrs. Christie to come with me." Mr. Afton announced, nodding his head as if to indicate that she needed to follow him.
When Jennifer entered the office, she saw the same mannequins with different dresses, but one of them caught her eye. It was a beautiful puffy black and white dress… It was covered with artificial black butterflies, complementing the look. On the mannequin's head was a headband with the same medium-sized butterfly. The shoes were high-heeled.
"This is the dress that you'll wear for your first show at our agency." William purred contentedly, looking at his creation. "What do you think?"
The girl came closer. In addition to butterflies, the dress was decorated with thousands of small rhinestones.
"It's wonderful!" the model exclaimed. "you're really a true artist."
William grinned contentedly. He was flattered by Jennifer's attitude, although he's well aware of her character. He knows more about her than she would have guessed.
"How do you like it here?" William asked, sitting down at his desk and lighting a cigarette. "Do you like everything?"
"Well… Its much better here than in other agencies, except that…" Jenny walked over to the mirror in the study. "Though make-up artists should learn more." she tried to say it as politely as possible, but for some reason she wanted to impress William. This was the first time she acted that way, usually Jenny torn up contracts with other agencies with ease, without fear that it would change her life. But then something beckoned to stay here longer.
William looked at the model. He chuckled and said:
"I think I'll agree." he also needed to make a good impression on Jennifer, at least in some ways they are similar. "Is that all?"
No. Noise, annoying staff, disgusting coffee, according to the model's opinion and this is only part of it.
"Yes, everything else is fine." making innocent eyes, the girl said. "Can I go now? I need to get ready."
Letting the smoke out of his mouth, William nodded and the girl headed for the door.
Returning to the studio, she saw defiling girls walking along the catwalk, where the show will soon be held. They did well, of course, but not like Jenny. Its not surprising that she was made the main star at this show.
"Madame Christie!" the main director ran up to the girl. "You're just in time, you're going to be on stage now, go to backstage."
"First, explain they should do." the girl said irritably. "And what about me? Improvisation?"
"Oh, yeah, of course. So, look." the director, whose name is most likely George, began to actively gesticulate with his hands. "You go out in the middle of the stage, scroll through, and then all the model girls come out and together you do the crown pose. Is that clear?"
What an idiotic plan, but there's nothing to do.
The girl went on stage and began to act according to the director's plan with a model gait. All the girl's jaws dropped. Of course, anyone could envy such a figure, gait and grace.
The girl stopped and made a turn at the edge of the podium. Then she turned around and walked towards the other models who had already went out. A wave of the hands and the girls depicted a large crown. It was a pretty spectacular end to the show. Although, its rather strange that Jenny, as the main model of the show, was given very little time.
"Belissimo! Belissimo!" the director standing by the stage clapped. "Girls, you're great, everyone did their best, and you… Mrs. Jenny, especially beautiful." this man also had an accent, but it was Italian. Although, it was already obvious by his mustache that he's not exactly an American.
For the sake of decency, Jenny smiled and went to the dressing room.
Pretty boring and terribly long day. Preparing for the show was a tedious task, which didn't bring any pleasure.
After coming home and changing her clothes, Jennifer flopped down on the soft bed. She had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, but what? Nonsense. What could possibly happen in an ordinary modeling agency? Especially when there is such a handsome and kind chief fashion designer.
The girl was lying in her soft lace robe, which clung so pleasantly to her skin. Her bed was large, soft and comfortable. Silk pillows and blankets, there are even bedside curtains to shut out the whole world.
Suddenly, Jennifer's hand came across something fluffy and soft. Picking it up, the girl saw her old bunny Oliver from childhood, which her grandmother gave her. It was a white hare with a red tie. There were patches and scuffs in some places. It was strange that Jenny didn't throw it away, because it was surely worn and battered.
Memories from childhood flashed through her head.
October 27, 1985.
A little girl with thick afro-curls quietly entered the room and locked it. She looked to be 11 years old.
She walked lightly to the bed and climbed on it. There were various toys, dolls and much more on the bed, which all the girls dreamed of in childhood. But she picked up a white rabbit. Oliver. Her best friend.
"My parents have left again…" the girl began. "But they promised to play with me…"
Little Jenny always told her best friend everything. She trusted it like no one else.
"But I'm sure they'll come soon, right?" the girl assured herself with a note of sad hope. "Isn't that right, Oliver?… My parents love me, don't they?" tears flowed from her eyes, the little girl's face turned red and she hugged the toy to herself. "They love me! They need me, I'm their daughter!"
The girl didn't even notice how teary her eyes were. Did her parents need her? Or were they just buying her off? Yes, she has a luxurious life, but Jenny has never known what true parental love is.
While all the children were playing football with their parents and going on picnics, Jenny was sitting at home at that time and sadly drawing a portrait of her family. She wanted to make sure that her parents loved and cared for her. But instead, they're always at meetings, conferences or whatever.
And only Oliver listened to the girl's tears all these years.
"Okay, I'm crying because of a bullshit." with these words, the girl wiped her tears and put the toy back in its place.
After a while, the girl fell asleep.
Days, weeks, and then a month passed. Day turned to night, nothing changed. The day of the show was approaching. Jenny was 100% ready.
And here it is, the long-awaited x-day. Jenny had heard that the entire elite of the modeling business would gather for the show. Someone even said that some of them came only because of Jenny.
And the model itself was already wearing that black and white puffy dress. A headband and black heels complemented the look. It suited the model's face, as if it had been made for her specially. A light make-up to match the color of the dress sparkled on her face.
William walked around the dressing room and checked how the work was going. Of course, it is important for his agency not to screw up and meet the expectations of critics.
The models came out one after another. Cameras clicked and the audience applauded enthusiastically. The journalists were doing some kind of report and were trying to interview William, who was also standing in the hall and watching everything that was happening.
George was running around and saying something to the models who hadn't come out yet. Most likely, he was giving them some advice.
And Jenny was still sitting in the same chair and watching the painting. It's been a month since Jenny got a job at Mr. Afton's modeling agency. And every day she felt more and more uncomfortable around William. If before the silver eyes radiated calmness and kindness, now there is nothing but some kind of intimidation. His character hadn't changed, but his eyes spoke more.
A man's voice pulled out of his thoughts, which most likely belonged to William:
"You ready?" he put his hand on her shoulder, as if feeling her skin, or was it just her imagination? "Now it's your turn, you remember what you have to do?"
Jennifer nodded and headed towards the podium. George was standing very close to them, writing something down in his notebook.
"Madame Christie!" he turned to the girl. "Good luck."
Jenny nodded and went on stage. Hundreds or even thousands of cameras suddenly blinded her, some people clapped. Despite this, the girl didn't even blinked an eye and confidently walked to the middle of the podium. Jennifer's eyes darted. Maybe her parents came after all? The crowd of people was the same and almost merged, but the girl would have recognized her parents out of a thousand. They aren't there, however, it was no longer surprising.
The girl turned around and walked over to the other models who had already run up. They all looked different: orange, blue, light blue, pink dresses perfectly matched the black accessories on the them. Each of them looked beautiful in their own way. But tonight, the star of the night is Jennifer. But she also has every chance to go out today.
A couple of movements and the girls depicted a crown, which, as it turned out, was the symbol of the agency.
Enthusiastic applause, blinding the cameras again. The show was a success.
"Mrs. Jennifer, Mrs. Jennifer!" as soon as the girl went backstage, George addressed her. "You have met all our expectations! It was excellent." he spoke enthusiastically, even stammering a little.
"Thank you…" Jenny replied dejectedly, she wanted to rest.
"Mrs. Jennifer, can I talk to you for a second?" Mr. Afton appeared from behind.
Jenny and William moved away from the dressing room.
"Your performance was really amazing, I'm glad that you're working with us." for the first time, a compliment made Jenny blush, although the silver eyes were still frightening, but William's speeches were so pleasant… "How about dinner together?" that's… Is he asking her out on a date?
Jenny had always thought that William was married, as it was rather strange that such a handsome and promising man hadnt yet been taken away.
The girl had no plans for the evening, so:
"Yes, sure." the girl replied with a smile.
"Then you can go home, because I still need to talk to other fashion designers." it's a common thing after screenings at some agency. This was in the girl's favor as she would be able to dress the way she wanted. After all, the dress that William himself sewed was beautiful and elegant, but still belonged to the agency and was a little uncomfortable. "I'll pick you up at 8."
The girl returned to the dressing room to change clothes, and then go home with Martin. Her heart was beating in anticipation. Jenny liked William's attention. Now his eyes radiated not madness, but kindness.
"Martin, follow me!" Jenny called the man over and headed to the car. Martin and Jenny got into it and quickly drove to the girl's house.
And at the same time, a fashion designer was watching the whole picture, smoking next to the agency building. He knew that Jenny was an arrogant and spoiled girl who was easily manipulated, so he bravely took advantage of this without remorse, because beauty requires sacrifices, which William would do without doubt.
Jenny got out of the car and slammed the door. The white country house was illuminated by the streetlights and garlands that Jenny had hung on the house to make it look more cozy.
Martin's car drove off and Jenny headed home. Going into her room, the girl again chose what to wear. This is not just an interview, this is a date with Mr. Afton himself. Something about him attracted the girl so much, although she herself didnt realize that she was being controlled like a doll.
"Well, well…" Jenny was looking through the wardrobe, trying to find something that would suit her today. The choice fell on a white and airy dress. It was light, weightless. Jenny also wore lace stockings and small white heels.
It is worth admitting that everything goes for Jenny, even if she'd wear in a cellophane bag, she'll look breathtaking.
It was close to 8 p.m, the time when William would pick up Jennifer.
When the girl was putting on makeup, she heard the sounds of a car approaching. It was William, he stopped near the girl's house and waited for her.
Taking everything she needed, the model ran out of the house.
"Hello, Mr. Afton." the girl curtsied gracefully.
William looked at the girl and smiled.
"You look beautiful." Afton said with a wink. The compliment made her ears and cheeks burn. The girl gets hundreds compliments a day, but none of them caused such strong emotions.
Afton opened the car door and invited the girl. Jenny nodded "thanks" and got into the first seat. Afton walked around the car and got into the driver's seat.
The most amazing thing is that Afton, it turns out, lived very close to Jenny's house. A couple of minutes and they were there.
It was a 2-storey and quite large house. There were children's swings and toys in the yard. After all, he has children. The walls of the house were painted a shade of purple. Guess it's his favourite color.
Afton gently took the girl's arm and they went into the house.
The house looked even better inside. Beautiful, snow-white wallpaper, white wooden floor. The walls were hung with various beautiful sketches as there were also children's drawings.
Afton invited the girl into the kitchen. It was made in a rather fashionable style of that time called Baroque. No wonder, because Mr. Afton is still a fashion designer, after all. Everything was clean and tidy, all the appliances were in their places.
Jennifer sat down at the table and watched Mr. Afton's actions.
"What do you want for dinner tonight? This evening I'm your chef." William asked jokingly and with a touch of coquetry. The girl was embarrassed again.
"Since you are the chef today, I trust you." she put her elbow on the back of the chair.
"Whatever you say, Madame Christie." turning around, his smile changed to an annoyed face. He didn't like his own cheap show, which he himself put on. "Would you like some champagne?"
Jennifer doesn't drink, but since such an occasion…
"Yes, sure!"
Afton went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of expensive champagne. It finally came in handy.
"I'll pour it." he wouldn't let the girl pour it herself, because he only needs to add a pinch of magic powder to carry out his plan. Opening the lid of the bottle and taking out a glass, he began to slowly fill the glass. After making sure Jennifer wasn't looking, he took a small bag out of his pocket and just wanted to pour it…
"You have children?" the girl suddenly asked, startling William. He turned to her and took a deep breath.
"Oh, yes, i do… Michael, Elizabeth and Evan." Afton exhaled, looking at the portrait that Jenny had apparently noticed.
"And where is your wife?"
You know, sweetie, you're asking too many unnecessary questions that won't help you in any way.
"She left me with 3 kids." William was able to lie by looking into the eyes. Surely he wouldn't say that his wife had died a long time ago? It'll scare our little Jennifer away.
Jennifer began to feel sorry for William in her mind. How can you get away from such a smart, handsome and successful man? Even left him with three kids. She didn't know yet who she considered "kind."
While the girl was thinking, William managed to add the contents of the little bag to her glass. The powder quickly dissolved into the liquid.
The man turned to the girl and gave her the glass. Then he poured himself a drink. Slowly sipping the contents of his glass, he watched the girl. She drank it all quickly.
"It's too strong for champagne." the girl was getting sick.
"When you drink it for the first time, it happens, especially in one gulp." the man assured the girl.
The girl was dizzy and she was slowly losing consciousness. A minute later, she fell asleep.
William grinned at his new victim with his silver eyes.
Pain shooting through her whole body. The pain that made her want to scream, but something prevented from doing so. All the muscles were stiff and the girl couldn't move a single limb. Her vision slowly returned. The bright light of the lamp began to fill her eyes, making Jenny squint.
It was cold and only now Jennifer realized that she wasn't only tied up, but also almost naked.
"Are you awake yet?" a familiar voice, of course, it's William.
What the hell is going on here? Where is she? Why is she tied up? Little Jenny tried to say something, but only a mumble came out of her mouth, her mouth was taped.
"Are you trying to say something?" William spoke ironically. "Don't bother yourself, you can't, no one will hear you."
Jenny still didn't understand what was going on, but William, as if reading her mind, answered her question himself.
"You must be thinking what's going on, right? Let me explain."
William walked over to the table and took a syringe, pulling some substance into it.
"You remember the mannequins from my office, so that's it. You will become one of them!" Afton said enthusiastically. "You've always dreamed of beauty and fame, right? Then you must know the phrase: beauty requires sacrifice. I make these sacrifices, making people even more beautiful!"
Has Afton gone crazy? What he's talking about?
The girl remembered those mannequins… For real, are they all made of human skin? The girl had a gagging urge. She started kicking and trying to get out. No, she's too young to die. No, no, no!
William looked at this sight and grinned contentedly. He knew that Jenny couldn't get out, she was doomed.
"Don't worry, I'll make you into something more than just a worthless model." William spoke in a whisper, as if calming the girl. "You can't even imagine how wonderful it is to be a beautiful mannequin that everyone admires." he was a psycho who went mad, but he liked it.
He was sure he was doing people a favour by pulling their skin over a mannequin. He thought they were ungrateful if they kicked and tried to run away.
William slowly walked up to the girl and slapped her in the face to calm her down.
"And you….You're all ungrateful scums who don't understand that I'm doing this for your own sake." William grabbed the girl's hand and inserted a syringe under her skin. The girl tried to pull away, but unsuccessfully, it hurted her even more. But soon it became more difficult to make movements, her eyelids were closing, her breathing slowed down. William injected her with poison to make her agony easier. Although he could have skinned her for profit, he felt sorry for her.
William returned to the table and picked up a small surgical knife. He looked at the girl's lifeless body again. She will make a wonderful mannequin, she'll thank him again.
A knock on the door.
"Come in." William said without looking up from his papers.
Men in police uniforms entered the office.
"Hello, Mr. Afton, we have come to you about the case of Jennifer Christie's disappearance, do you know anything?" one of the men asked.
"Jennifer went home after the fashion show, that's it, I never saw her again." pretending that he didn't know anything, William answered the question.
"Did you see anyone suspicious around her?"
William pretended to think. Martin, for sure, he'll be able to divert suspicion from William.
"She left with her manager and as far as I know, she treated him pretty badly, so…." William gave a little hint to the police. Oh, poor Martin, he gave so much nerve to Jenny, and now he's going to jail probably.
"Great, we have a suspect, thank you, Mr. Afton." the men turned around and left.
"Have a nice day." William said goodbye with a smile.
His gaze turned towards the new mannequin with dark skin, dressed in the same black dress with butterflies.
"Guess what, they're looking for you." he turned to the mannequin standing next to William's desk.
Jenny dreamed of being a star. She became one thanks to her parents, who will never see her again, but not all stars are destined to shine forever, right? Jennifer became one of such stars.
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loevhyuck · 1 year
it's always hard to talk about someone you've known for so long, whose memories are directly related to yours. years have flown by, and this is the fourth birthday that i remember about you. i saw the person who became an example for me, support and someone I always wanted to follow further. the older I got, the more I found similarities in us, I saw my own in your pain and fatigue, and then I correlated what you said with mine and realized that our thoughts were similar. perhaps I absorbed like a sponge what was said, written by you, or initially everything coincided detail to detail. but now I know only one thing, and it is important to remember. I didn't become one person with you or lose myself, but grew up and became better together. you let me see the world with different eyes. through the broken thick glass of glasses. but it will be so little, if not to say that you have grown up with me and before my eyes. looking back, how much new music have you written? how many texts have passed before your eyes and does it correlate with the number of days you spent with yourself, resting? the answer may be no, but you know where you are right now. life can't be changed in any way and you're here. the world-famous idol is a child prodigy, followed by a golden boy and a talented child in the eyes of anyone who dares to look. shy, kind and with a big heart, someone who is not so scary to rely on, with bitten knuckles and big dreams. and maybe that's the way it is, you really have become one of the turning points not only in the lives of people around you, but also in your company and industry. you showed a completely different level of the artist and his attitude to work. a man who grew up in a family with a love for music, for people and a desire to give everything there is in this world. the child of his parents, who are now proud of you like no other. we are all proud of you when a very young Mark just joined the company and took the first places in the rating. still a little clumsy, insecure, but rapidly proving that talented children multiply their inclinations with work and work. and now, after many years, can anyone deny how much you are a rapper? how much are you a singer and a dancer, how well do you feel the music and everything connected with it? No, you become a landmark. it's scary how time flies and that it's already the fourth year (me with you) and you yourself are no longer twenty years old, you have become more mature, even more talented, open to the world. he trusted us with his secrets and told us why it is important not to let the bad feeling get the better of you. and it's like it's our turn to open up to you and know nctzens, markf, anyone will be here to shout your name loudest, laugh and cry with you. a year ago you released child, now golden hour, one day you dream of your own book and be in this place as long as possible. you once asked in one song ‘i hope you like it where i am now’ and the answer is yes. im proud of you, the boy from canada, who was not afraid and went after his dream. everything worked out for you and then only a bright future, in which there is always a place for you and a small guitar. It's strange to feel like I'm a twenty-year-old little adult, older than you when I first learned the name mark lee. it's funny, I'm twenty now and you turned twenty that year. but i hope that next time we will meet again, i am at the age of 21 and you are 25.
happy birthday, Mark, and thank you
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(It's possible this question was asked once but I don't remember the exact answer😅)
Hi, have you watched Avatar The Last Airbender? If so, what kind of bendings do you think the Avatar (blue one) characters would have? Also, if the characters in Cabin had these powers (but they didn't live in the world of ATLA, but still the one you wrote), what would they be and how would they affect the plot? (additionally, I'm curious about the AU where Paz would live and have 4 children with Quaritch (he gives me fire bending vibe), I think they would be different benders, so I'm curious what their children would inherit) Thank you in advance for your answer!
I wish you could have seen how done right giddy I got when I saw this ask. I love Avatar The Last Airbender! I was a little kid when the show was coming out and I loved it since the first episode. One of the extra Nickelodeon channels we had with our cable package did marathon of ATLA every summer with pop up facts on every episode that I’d watch constantly so yeah I’m a pretty big ATLA fan so I love this question so much!
Luckily Avatar is also kinda broken up into elements too
The Metkayina are a water tribe making them all waterbenders with Ronal and Tsireya having an emphasis on healing
I’m going back and forth on whether the Omatikaya should be earth or airbenders because I could see either. If I’m remembering correctly though air nomads where also big on music and the Omatikaya are a musical tribe so I’m going to say they’re all airbenders.
All humans are non benders so Jake, Quaritch and Spider can’t bend. Even after getting there avatars/new body Jake and Quaritch can’t bend. Jake also passed down his non bender abilities to Lo’ak making him the only natural born Na’vi that’s not a bender.
And obviously Kiri is the Avatar. 
Now in Cabin I’m still going to say Jake and Lo’ak are non benders and Kiri is the Avatar but I do think your so right that Quaritch would be a fire bender.
In ATLA and in Avatar the nations/ tribes don’t really mix. They communicate with each other sure but you don’t really see people from two different nations/ tribes getting together. That wouldn’t be the case in my modern au. Different benders would be mixing since the Industrial Revolution (like in legend of Kora) making it so you can pretty much end up with any type of bending regardless of what your parents are.
I think Tuk and Neytiri would still be airbenders. I had to think long and hard about Neytiri because I could also see her as a fire or earth bender because of how fierce she is but then I remembered how terrifying and dangerous a pissed off airbender could be.
Neteyam would be an earth bender. I know most earth benders we see in ATLA are very rowdy people (looking at Toph specifically) but earth to me represents stability and assuredness and that’s Neteyam to me. So an earth bender raised with philosophies of an airbender.
Paz would be an airbender raised with no attachment to any airbender culture so she is not peaceful/ monk like at all
As for Spider I can see it going so many ways. I can see him just being a non-bender putting him at a similar disadvantage as a human on Pandora. I could see him also being either an earth or airbender but I think I’d be most interesting for him to be a fire bender raised with air bender philosophies. Maybe even growing up hating that he’s a fire bender since fire benders are often the villains of the story. So Spider doesn’t use his bending very much. Some times even pretends like he’s a non bender so people feel safer around him.
When Quaritch kidnaps Spider the kid is woefully outmatched. Maybe, since this is a modern a.u something like pressure point patches that “turn off” someone’s bending have been invented. Because we saw fighters in ATLA that could take away someone’s bending temporarily by hitting the right pressure points. So Quaritch attaches these to Spider while he’s unconscious (I don’t know how you force someone to keep them on. Maybe it’s more technical and they actually dig into the skin like a leech and you need a passcode to make them release. I don’t know though that sounds nuts to me. There would have to be a way to lock them on though so you could “take away” someone’s bending semi-permanently) Since Spider doesn’t have his bending Quaritch just keeps the front door locked letting Spider walk around during the day while locking him in his room at night. If Spider gets rebellious Quaritch uses the threat of his bending to keep him in line. He’d never do something that would permanently scar him but Quaritch isn’t one to make empty threats. I could see Spider throwing and breaking things, picking up furniture and beating it against the windows to try and break them. Quaritch lights the palm of his hand and firmly tells him to stop or he’ll regret it. Spider doesn’t stop and before he registers what’s happening Quaritch snatches him up by his braid and turns it to ash in seconds. Spider freezes he’s so stunned and Quaritch just picks him up and tosses him into his room to “cool down.” The experience makes Spider much more cautious about acting out, unwilling to find out just how far Quaritch would take his punishments.
But things would pretty much play out like in Cabin with Quaritch using his bending as a fear tactic to keep Spider from acting out and doling out praise and love when Spider is being good in his eyes slowly eroding Spider’s scene of self and praying on his need for acceptance and love. I doubt he’d ever allow Spider to take the pressure point patches off until he is well and truly brainwashed after years of captivity. I imagine it’d take a few days for his bending to come back after it’s been blocked for so long but once his fire power comes back Quaritch starts training him to use his bending. Quaritch would be a fire bending master with blue flames and also capable of lighting bending. Sparing with his father actually scares Spider (or Miles by that point) even more because he knows without a doubt that he’s no match for him. Not yet at least. It would take years of training but eventually he’d be just as skilled as his father.
Now as for my other a.u’s (which I’m kinda surprised anyone still cares about. I have half baked ideas for a part 5 of the Paz lives modern au and a part 4 of the Cabin au where Quaritch and Paz had four kids before she passed and Quaritch kidnaps all of them, I just truthfully haven’t felt very motivated to finish them since I’m working on my other fics)
So for my o.c’s:
Hunter would be a water bender who’s particularly good at healing. When he’s pissed though he’s terrifying. Totally got mad during a full moon once and blood bended on accident freezing his entire family in there spots. It freaked him out so bad he cried for days. If this is in the Paz lives au where they’re a big happy family then his parents had to take him to therapy and be very gentle and encouraging with him for months before Hunter even thought about using his bending again.
Ada would be a fire bender just like her dad and brother but she really just uses her bending for showy theatrics. She’s a pretty amazing fire dancer.
Gunner is an airbender with the soul of an earth bender and so he’s just kinda bad at it. Makes big hard gust of wind that’ll knock you right over but can’t fly or do any of the more graceful airbender techniques that his mom excels at. Paz is really patient with him though (she doesn’t have a favorite child but it does make her happy that at least one of her children has her bending) and he gets better but he doesn’t get really good until his father works with him. His father’s brutal style of firebending just suits Gunner’s airbending.
Those are my thoughts. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for the question 💙
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madalice31 · 4 months
Diddy’s girls are going to prom and they don’t have dates. My bf was like what did I expect, all them boys scared of their daddy.
The ironic thing is, all this shit happening now backs up my point that I made a while back. As a woman who was raised by a father who dislikes women, trust me, men like that expect their own daughters to behave in a particular way. You are groomed when you have a father like that. Because his disrespect for women doesn’t stop at only the women he’s dating. And what he feels like is his ownership of “his” women does include his daughters.
And so a year or two ago when I noticed that Diddy had invited all these grown ass men to his daughter’s 16th birthday party, I was confused that no one was making a big deal of it then. The only thing people seemed to focus on was the fact that he got them range rovers 🙄. And now if you Google it, that’s legit all you see are footage from them relieving the car and the official pics they posted to Ig.
But before that, Daily Mail had some candid party shots that, surprise surprise I can’t find now. But these shots showed people like Chris Brown, Rick Ross, and yes even DRAKE at this party. Hell I think I saw Micheal B Jordan there too, looking kind of uncomfortable to be fair. Point is Diddy invited majority of what I would call “the eligible men” in the industry and not one had a teenage son to come along. The only person that we see that was anywhere close to their age at this party, aside from their own siblings, was the Game’s 12 year old daughter. Red flag right there. Idk about you but when I was 16, I wasn’t hanging with 12 year olds. We talking middle school and high school difference here. But that’s the only person close to their age invited? No other 16 year olds? Not even any 18 year olds? Why that didn’t strike anyone as odd at the time is beyond me. And do you remember what they all had on?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
That’s the game’s 12 [at the time] year old daughter in the middle of that second pic with her prepubescent “cleavage” out. I don’t know what “character” costumes these are supposed to be, but it look like something Meg would wear in one of her anime music videos. And here we are with two 16 year olds dressed like this. Why would Diddy allow his daughters to be on display like this in front of nothing but 30 and up men? These girls legit have on lingerie as if it’s a Pink Pony review (for non ATLiens, that’s an old strip club).
But we just brush it off as “rich people party differently” or “rich people are just weird like that”. “Oh if that’s what they wanted to wear, why blame him” 🙄. Y’all mean to tell me as parents you would let your 16 year old walk out the house like this? Yeah okay. It’s funny how as soon as you have money, suddenly everyone wants to give you an excuse.
The signs are always there. Y’all choose not to pay attention.
I hope these girls turn out okay.
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