#and then by the end u should be doing at least a lesson a day
lokh · 6 months
looking at the feedback I got from doing student teaching. bro I taught like 5 lessons in 20 days 😭
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mannaima · 2 years
Heard you wanted some dark requests for Joel? I have one!
How about Joel with a reader half his age. She’s an orphan growing up in the QZ. A sunshine type that’s always smiling and bright. She ends up striking a friendship with Joel but misses all the signs that he’s becoming infatuated with her because she’s naive. She doesn’t realize that people are terrified to get close to her because Joel’s made it clear he’s staked a claim on her.
One day she tells Joel she’s been asked out on a date. She’s nervous because she’s never gone out with someone and has no idea what to do. It’s not like the schools in the QZ are any good based off or what Ellie’s said. So she goes to her friend to ask him advice about sex. She misses how insanely jealous he’s becoming and how possessive he gets. Eventually he decides to show her, instead of telling her, what sex is like.
The next day she hears that the guy that asked her out is dead. Apparently Joel shot him while on a job as a guard because he showed signs of infection (how convenient). She’s heartbroken over losing him and doesn’t see how satisfied Joel looks. She has no idea he’s obsessed with her and will do whatever it takes to keep her.
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Summary: You look for advice from a friend, but he uses that to his advantage.
Warnings: NSFW (18+), smut, dub-con(ish), age gap (reader is 20 and joel is 56), joel being possessive, murder (at the end)
Word count: 5K
Summary: I like this! For reference, Ellie will be the same age as the reader, which is 20! Also, this is in a universe where ellie and Joel are in the QZ at an older age (yeah totally not canon but neither is any of this) Btw I didn’t proofread this at alllll so if u see any mistakes ignore it pls.
You had a good day so far, Ellie had invited you out drinking, which you happily accepted! Joel and Ellie had become really good friends, and you always looked forward to seeing them in your life. You had a simple life, go to work, come home, talk with your friends, and go to sleep. You enjoyed the laid back life, which was well deserved after the hell you spent a majority of your life. Though daily life wasn’t easy, it was much better than what you imagined you could’ve been if you had just made one wrong move fighting an infected. 
Sadly, it wasn’t very easy to make friends, a lot of people usually stayed away from you. You didn’t understand why, but you at least had Ellie and Joel to be in your life! 
“Ellie! Shush!” You both were laughing, you smacking Ellie’s shoulder as she said a dirty joke. 
“C’mon! You can't tell me that wasn’t funny!” She knew you too well, Ellie knew just how to make you embarrassed yet shift into a fit of laughter. You took a swig of your drink.
“Well, that might be true… But you can’t say that out loud! God forbid someone heard us talking about that…” You giggled under your breath.
“Talking about what? Say it or I will!” Ellie spoke a little louder.
“Please don’t.” You said, laughing with red cheeks.
“DIC-” You covered her mouth and both laughed to your heart's content. Although you loved Ellie, you admit she could be a little vulgar.
“Ellieee!” You whined “Shushhhh.” She laughed, and you uncovered her mouth.
“What do you know about that anyways, huh?” You mocked her, and she stuck her tongue out at you.
“You’re right, I should be screaming about pussy shouldn’t I?” You both shared a laugh, and she rested her hand on your shoulder,sharing a look. You both took a swig of your drinks.
“Hey Y/N!” Confused, you turned around, only to see a familiar face.
“Oh, hi Xavier!” A big smile grew on his face. Xavier was a friend you had met from work, both bonding over a familiar love for dogs initially, until you both started to talk more frequently at work. He walked over to you and Ellie, his hands nervously rubbing his arm.
“This is my friend, Ellie.” Ellie gave him a wave, and he gave her a smile and wave, his whole demeanor seeming a bit more nervous than usual, very shaky.
“So, um, Y/N…” You smiled, and nodded, letting him continue. “I was wondering, um, If we.. No… I-If I… Fuck…” He stopped and closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow. Like… A date.” Your eyes widened at this, breath hitching. You had never been on a date before, you don’t even think you’ve held a guy's hand before! You looked at Ellie nervously, who had a huge grin on her face, nodding vigorously. You looked back at Xavier, who had a terrified look on his face, before you nodded your head yes.
“O-Of course! That sounds awesome!” Xaviers look of fear was replaced with a huge toothy grin, and nodded.
“Alright, awesome! I’ll pick you up tomorrow night! S-See you!” He promptly turned around, and walked through the other people in the common area. Ellie grabbed your cheek and turned you to face her.
“Y/N!! You just got asked on your very. First. Date!!!!” You both squealed like preteen girls at a sleepover, you couldn’t believe it! 
“Oh my god! This is so crazy. What do I wear. What should I do? What if he wants to kiss? What if he wants to…” Your eyes widened to look at Ellie. She laughed and raised her eyebrow.
“Ellie… What if he wants to… Have sex…” You whispered the last part, and she laughed and slapped her knee.
“Ellie this is serious!”
“Why are you nervous? You know how that stuff works, right?” She gave you a laugh, before realizing you weren’t laughing. 
“Y/N… You aren’t serious, are you?”
“The schools at the QZ sucked, okay! They didn’t want us procreating!”
“Okay but… You seriously don’t know how sex works? You’re twenty years old dude!” You shushed her, trying to quiet her before others could turn their heads to see what you two were going on about. 
“It’s not my fault! I just never…Took much thought about it…” You put your head down in embarrassment.
“Hey, hey, Y/N. I’m just teasing. Sorry, I took it too far. But it's not all bad. I could teach you- No wait. I can ask Joel!”
“Joel?” You were confused, Ellie knew just as much as him, why did you need Joel to explain it.
“Joel’s actually got experience with… Y’know. Guy on girl action. So it would make more sense if he taught you, plus, he gave me the birds and bees talk!” You cringed at the thought. That talk was supposed to be given to kids who barely hit puberty, not twenty year olds. You nodded, and twiddled your fingers to try and ease your nerves.
“C’mon, it’s getting late. I’ll drop you off and Joel’s so it won't be as awkward with me there. Cause I’ll probably laugh every time Joel says penis.” You both giggled and walked to Joel’s apartment, the alcohol in your system making you a little less nervous about having ‘the talk’ with Joel.
“Alright Y/N, I’ll see you tomorrow, Good luck!” Ellie hugged you tightly, and did the same. You had barely realized you were already in front of Joel’s apartment. Taking a deep breath, you gave the door a few knocks before stepping back slightly. Hopefully he answered.
After a few seconds of silence, a few clicks were heard before the door opened, revealing a straight faced Joel.
“Hi Joel!” You said, maybe a bit too cheery, before giving him a little wave.
“Hey sweetie. What do you need?” He gave you a small smirk, body leaning out the door frame.
“I- Um. Can I come in?” Joel nodded, and moved to the side, allowing you to walk in. You felt a little nervous to ask him, nervous that he was gonna view you differently.
“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?” You looked up at him, his familiar face making you feel more comfortable, he was just a friend. A friend who could help you.
“So… Basically. Uhm…” You fidgeted around. “A guy… Xavier, asked me out.” You didn’t see the anger in his eyes when you said that. “And I’m super excited! But I’ve never been on a date with someone before. And I’ve never kissed a guy or held his hand or done anything romantic before.” You stopped your ramblings. “I was just wondering if. You could have the…. ‘The talk’ with me…”
“The talk?” Joel raised his eyebrow at you.
“Yeah! You know. Like the birds and the bees?” You nervously giggled, Joel’s expression worrying you. He just stared at you, and you couldn’t read his emotions. It was until he had a small, very awkward, smile on his face.
“Oh, alright. I guess I could tell you.” He walked over to his bed and pat the seat next to him. A wave of relief washed over you as you took the seat next to him, bouncing on the mattress. You looked up at Joel, his eyes staring into yours.
“Alright. So, basically, when two people love each other, they may feel… Hot. Warm. This is called arousal, but most people call it being horny.” You nodded. Taking a mental note of the word.
“And the man’s penis, his private part, gets hard.”
“I know what a penis is, Joel.” You giggled, and he put his hands up in defense.
“Just making sure! Anyways, the man gets hard. And the woman, well, she gets wet.”
“Wet? Like how?” Joel kind of stared at your legs for a little, seeming to debate in his head about a few things. He took a deep sigh and looked at you once more.
“How about I show you?” You gulped, what did he mean by show you?
“What? D-Do you mean like… Do it with me?”
“Yes. It’s better to show you. Plus, I doubt a guy like Xavier would know what he’s doing.” You nodded at this, realizing he was right, it would be better to know what you were doing than embarrass yourself.
“O-Ok. Show me, please?” You sounded so cute to Joel. He couldn’t get enough of you.
Joel had done so much to prevent any man from getting close to you, hell, even women too. You didn’t see the way he held a chiv up to people's necks just by mentioning your name, or how he shot a guy in the leg for waving at you, only letting him live to tell others to stay away from you, or else the next bullet would be in their heads. He didn’t want you corrupted by disgusting people of the world, he wanted to wait for the right opportunity to make you his, and it seemed Mister Xavier had given him the perfect opportunity.
“Alright. First lesson is gonna be on kissing. Get closer.” He commanded you, which made you slightly more nervous than it should’ve. You nodded, and obeyed, getting to the point that both your legs were touching.
“Alright, close your eyes. And purse your lips, not too much, just a little.” You did exactly as he said, and a few seconds later, you felt warm lips against your own. You felt the hairiness of his mustache and beard, tickling your features. He made a small ‘smooch’ sound before pulling away.
“See. It’s easy. You just had your first kiss.” You opened your eyes and saw Joel just a few inches away from your face. You giggled, and smiled with glee. You just had your first kiss! You kissed a man! Joel smiled back at you before rubbing your cheek and pulling your lip down, before letting it flip back up.
“Alright, lesson number two. Making out. Open your mouth for me darling, just slightly.” Your big eyes bore into his before doing exactly that. He suddenly slammed his lips against yours, his tongue slipping in your mouth. You let out a muffled noise before realizing he was playing with your tongue with his own. You kept staring at him before realizing his eyes were closed, so you followed in his steps. You both twirled your tongues against one another, your steps just being to follow him as closely as you could. His hands suddenly gripped your cheeks, cupping them in his hands, effectively pushing you closer to his lips. He seemed hungry, his mouth pushing against yours with such passion, his breathing getting heavy. You were very unsure of what to do, but it seemed he enjoyed what you were doing, so you felt okay. He kept pressing his tongue against yours, salvia dripping down your chin with how sloppy he was becoming. After a few minutes of making out, he pulled back, your tongue popping out your mouth as he pulled back.
“Fucking hell…” You heard him mutter under his breath, unsure if it was positive or not.
“Was that good, Joel?” You tilted your head at him, staring into his brown eyes.
“Oh.. Uh…” Joel had forgotten this was supposed to be a lesson for you. “Yes, you did amazing sweetie.” You gave him a large grin, so glad you did your best for him. Joel’s mind, however, was running a million miles an hour. His cock was so incredibly hard, throbbing almost, he had to contain himself from pinning you down and fucking your brains out. His hand was rubbing against his temple, trying to calm himself and collect his thoughts. Alright, he needed to focus on taking it slow for you. Stay focused.
“Okay. Next lesson is gonna be exploring your body. Let's take this off.” His large hands pressed up against your body, lifting up the hem of your shirt. You put your hands up, allowing him to slip the shirt off your body. He stared at your chest covered with a black bra, so simple, yet so arousing. He cursed under his breath again before gulping and softly rubbing your breast. 
“Get on my lap, sweetie.” You nodded and climbed over him, but he stopped you.
“Back to me, sweetheart.” His deep voice made you quiver a little, but you shouldn’t feel like that, Joel was your friend trying to help you out. You settled into his lap, feeling a hardness press against your ass. You shifted around, trying to find a comfortable position, unknowingly making Joel feel jolts of pleasure run through his body. The way your beautiful ass rubbed against him, god, he could cum in his jeans right now.
“I’m gonna touch you, is that alright?” You nodded, finally settling into a nice position on his lap.
His hands grabbed your breasts through your bra, large hands covering a good portion of it. You felt a flutter run through your body, Joel’s hands surprisingly warm. He kept squeezing and squeezing, making you feel a mixture of embarrassment at his possible thoughts, and a slightly tingly feeling in your lower regions.
His hands pulled the inner corner of your bra outwards, exposing your nipples. They hardened at the cold air, and Joel let the bra flip back, covering them once more. Joel’s hands snaked around your back and undid the bra with a ‘click.’ He guided the bra off your body and began to grope at you once more, this time with more passion, as he felt pure skin to skin contact. You whimpered, getting a weird feeling in your pussy at the way his fingers grazed your nipples. “Joel…” It was a quiet moan, barely a whisper, but Joel sure heard it. It rang in his ears, almost. His cock twitched at the noise, he was already addicted.
“You like it?” His voice was hushed, whispered into your ear. You nodded and bit your lip, a small and breathy “mhmm” leaving your lips. Joel's hands continued the groping movements, massaging your breasts almost, wanting to stay gentle for you. How badly he wanted to pinch your nipples and slap your tits as he fucked you while you hung off the bed, but this will do for now. He continued for a long time, before one of his hands snaked down your body, towards your stomach, down to your belly button and finally to where your jeans started. With one (skilled) hand, he unbuttoned them and slowly pushed his hand down your panties. Fuck. He’s supposed to be teaching you.
“I’m gonna touch your pussy now. It’s gonna feel good sweetie, have you ever played with yourself down here?” 
“N-no…” God, somehow, Joel got even harder hearing that. His heartbeat went up, he loved the fact you were so naive to it all, you definitely needed a man like him to teach you. It would be a waste for a bitch-boy like Xavier to take your pureness, no, you needed a real man to fuck you until you cried. 
Joel hand traced your skin, until he felt your clit. With a smirk on his face, that he was glad you couldn’t see, he began to rub your clit, which made you jump initially. But almost seconds later, you felt incredible pleasure as Joel rubbed circles into your bud.
“Hahhhh. Feels g-good Joel.” He hummed in response, feeling at peace with one hand groping your breast and one hand rubbing your clit. He wanted to wait until you were wet enough before fingering you, you did need a lot of prep for his fat cock. Your moans of pleasure were music to his ears, he loved the way you sounded. You felt him lift you up off his body, and slide out the way so you could sit back on the bed again.
“Let me take these off for you, baby.” Joel kissed your forehead before beginning to remove your pants. Your mind began to race, Joel always used nicknames like ‘sweetie’ or ‘sweetheart’ with you, but never baby. You had wondered if Joel ever saw you more as a friend, you saw him sorta like a mentor, someone to guide you, while also being one of your best friends, but the fact he called you baby made you second guess yourself. I mean, he was helping you prepare for your date tomorrow, so it couldn’t mean he was into you! Right?
“Your legs are so pretty, baby.” His rough hands rubbed your legs as softly as he could, feeling the warm flesh under his. You looked gorgeous like this, spread on his bread, practically naked. Only thing protecting your body from him was the small cloth covering your pussy, and he was seconds away from ripping it off your body. He wasted no time pulling them down, you aided him by lifting up your lower half for a few seconds to pull them off, and moving your legs to push them off completely. There you were, the love of his life, his everything, ready to be eaten like a beautiful apple off the tree. He waited so long for this, pumping his cock to the thought of doing every possible sexual thing to you every night. He dreamt of the way your body looked, and none of his dreams compared to the real thing, you were perfect in his eyes, and he wanted to make you his. 
Joel swiftly took off his shirt, revealing his chest to you, making you stare at him. He had smiled, softly, at you, allowing you to feel less nervous. It was only now you took a good look at his jeans, and there you saw it. The outline of his hard cock, it was a fucking giant! It was long and curved in his jeans, the thickness of it making you gulp. You had tried to say something, but Joel’s face was suddenly shoved in between your legs, and began to lick at your slit.
“Joel!” You moaned out, much louder than you anticipated, squirming around as he licked your pussy. You felt amazing, the mixture between his tongue flicking across your clit, to the way the tip of his fingers prodded your hole, it was pure ecstasy. You kept moaning as he continued to inflict the pleasure upon you, gripping the sheets of his bed as his face buried itself even deeper between your thighs.
“Feels so good… So good.” You moaned out, very drawn out, a weird feeling starting in your lower stomach. You only felt it for a short amount of time before Joel pulled away, a string of saliva connecting him and your pussy.
“You’re so fucking cute baby, let me feel you.” His fingers that went from simply prodding your hole began to push inside you, making you moan out at the way his two thick fingers pressed against your walls. You had covered your face with your hands, whining underneath your fingers at the way his fingers filled you. He couldn’t get enough of the way you reacted.
“Look at what you do to me…” His voice deepened, and you uncovered your face to see him rubbing against his cock. You gasped a little, his hands were so large but they seemed so small compared to his cock, the length and thickness making you curious.
“Is it hard?” You questioned, and his fingers pulled out of you, a small whimper leaving your lips.
“So hard. Wanna see?” You nodded slowly, curious to what it looked like. He unbuttoned his pants, revealing the top part of his boxers, and he slowly pulled them down. You sat up, eye level, and stared closely at it. Suddenly, his cock bounced up, hitting you on the nose with it, making you jump back and Joel lightly laughing.
“Touch it.” You let out your hand a little, touching the pink tip, making it twitch.
“Like this.” Joel grabbed your hand and guided it to wrap around his cock, a tight fist motion. You couldn’t wrap your hands around it all the way, however, which made Joel’s cock twitch once more.
“Good girl. Now move it up and down.” You nodded, looking up at him, and began to make the motion. He groaned, and you watched intensely as his foreskin pulled back to reveal the head of his cock, then went back to hide it once more. You continued this motion, Joel’s groans of satisfaction pushing you to continue further. Your head was then pushed forward, making your lips collide with the head of his cock.
“Yeah that’s right, lick it baby, put it in your mouth.” He kept roughly pushing your head, you forced your mouth open and gagged as Joel shoved your head into his cock. His hand, now pulling your hair, began to use you like a fuck doll while he shoved your head back and forth on his cock. It was rough, and his cock became slobbery with the amount of saliva you were producing from the gagging. He continued this, despite your whines and taps on his thigh, too enamored by the feeling of your warm mouth.
“Fuck baby. This is how you suck cock, you’re doing so well for a virgin.” His tone was sickly sweet, voice groaning in between words. Tears began forming in your eyes before he pulled your head back, letting you properly breathe. You took many deep breaths, coughing in the process as well, before Joel pet your head.
“Sorry, baby. I got a bit ahead of myself, didn’t I?” He let out a chuckle, and you nodded, feeling air come back into your lungs, and he bent down to kiss your puffy and drooling lips.
“I’m sorry baby, you’re just too cute to resist. Especially when you’re all ready for me like this. My gorgeous baby, all mine.” You felt your heart race at his words, all his? You didn’t understand, this was supposed to be a sex-ed lesson, but why was Joel acting like-
“Spread your legs baby.” Joel laid you back on the bed, and you hesitantly spread your legs, still unsure what were Joel’s intentions. He settled himself between your legs, lifting them to wrap them around his lower half. He tapped his cock on your navel a few times, making you twitch at the sensation.
“This might hurt, baby.” He began to push his cock between your lower lips, making you gasp at the sensation. Despite the lubrication you produced, it still hurt as he was pushing.
“Joel!” You groaned out, making him stop as he was halfway.
“Does it hurt, sweetheart?” You nodded, and Joel rubbed your thigh, a form of reassurance to help you with the pain. You both stared at each other, your chest moving up and down while you heavily breathed. Joel’s eyes bore deep into yours, admiring your beautiful flushed face, he thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. He gulped, and continued to push into you as the moments passed. You winced in pain, and he shushed you in a sweet way, letting you whine as whispered small reassurances. Once his cock filled you, Joel looked back up at you, his body pinned over yours.
“How do you feel, baby?” You bit your lip.
“So… Full.” He smiled, grabbing your hand to kiss it.
“You look so pretty like this, no other girl can compare.” You internally winced at his words. You had a feeling this wasn’t a lesson anymore.
“T-Thank you Joel…” His lips planted against your own, and his hand squeezed yours while he drew his hips back. Slowly, he thrusted into you, you squeezed his hand and moaned into his mouth. He continued these movements, hips drawing back and forth at an agonizingly slow pace, he wanted so badly to hold your hips and fuck you until you came, but he held back the urge as he wanted to make you feel good, not only him.
“Fuck baby, you’re s-squeezing me.” His tone was low and shaky. You moaned at his movements, pain long gone as you wanted more.
“Feels good Joel. I like your d-dick.” This drove him over the edge, opting to speed up despite his brain telling him not to. Thankfully, you responded positively by letting out a loud moan and squeezing your eyes shut. His lips began to suck at your neck, thrusting into you at a fast pace now. You were overwhelmed, the feeling in your stomach coming back while he messily sucked at your neck. You gripped the sheets with one hand, and squeezed Joel’s hand at the same time, your throat not being able to form the right words.
“J-Joel. Feels funny…” 
“That means you’re gonna cum baby. Just let it happen baby, I’m gonna cum too.” Joel wanted to last long, he wanted to feel you squeeze his cock for hours, but he was too sensitive from the way your mouth felt earlier. You began to clamp down on his cock, releasing a high-pitched moan as you spasmed around his cock, his body not being able to take it anymore. With one last thrust, he came inside you, cock twitching as your pussy convulsed around him. You both held each other as your orgasms hit its peak, and Joel messily kissed your lips. You and Joel rode out your orgasms before he pulled his cock out, a mess from his cum and your wetness. He sighed and fell on the bed, next to you and took a minute to catch his breath, he was still an old man after all.
“So… That was sex?” You still were taking deep breaths, but Joel’s ‘lesson’ became a bit unclear towards the end.
“Yep.” He was tired, clearly, and he moved your position to be the little spoon, Joel’s arm wrapping around you. Your feeble mind, despite being very innocent, had assumed that Joel’s lesson wasn’t of pure intent, not by the way he was holding you like a lover would. You were slightly uncomfortable, one part telling you it was wrong to be with a man this old, the other liked the way Joel treated you. The issue was you only saw Joel as a friend, you had never seen him as anything more, but you were sure that now he saw you as something deeper.
“I think… I have to go h-” Joel shushed you, and pulled you closer against his warm chest.
“Go to sleep.” You wanted badly to resist, but your body and mind were far too tired to fight against you. You nodded, and cuddled into his hand and began to drift off.
The morning after wasn’t too bad, you woke up to see Joel was gone, and your clothes folded in a neat pile in the corner of the bed, a note on top of it.
‘Had work. See you later.’
You sighed, thanking the heavens you didn’t have to deal with the awkwardness. Maybe Joel did see you as a friend after all. You got dressed and quickly head to work, trying to avoid being seen leaving Joel’s apartment. You rushed over to job assignment, not before seeing a huge crowd of people. Curiously, you walked over to see what all the commotion was about, looking around at all the people. You saw a familiar face, Ellie, and pushed through the crowds of people to ask her.
“What happened?” Her face was of displeasure, and she hesitantly told you.
“Some guy got shot dead, bullet to the head. They don’t know who did it, they said he was showing signs of infection, but there’s no bite marks anywhere.”
“Who?” Ellie stayed quiet for a second, before sighing and telling you.
“Xavier.” Your mouth gaped open, tears forming in your eyes as you swallowed a sob, you didn’t want to believe it. You moved away from the crowd, right before FEDRA officers began to tell people to move away from the crime scene. Ellie was right by your side, rubbing your back, assuring you that it was okay.
Joel watched from a distance, a smirk on his face, knowing you only belonged to him. You were his, and now, he was yours as well. You just need a little more time to understand that.
taglist: @avengersfan25 @sloanexx​ @flowercrowns-goodvibes​ @aerangi​ @st4rb0y27 !! inbox me to join/remove from the taglist!!!
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fictionismyreality3 · 9 months
I loved your writing btw
Omgomgomg hi babes!!!! You’re my first ask ever!!! You’ll forever have place in my heart 🥲 but really that is so sweet of you, and toTALLY STALKER JASON IS SO HOT HERE YOU GO
A Little bit of Sunshine
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: stalker!jason todd, innocent!reader
Warnings: stalking, mention of drugs
Notes: I’m actually dying at picturing getting stalked by Jay 😩 like that should not be hot but it is??? If people like this I might make it into a mini series or something 👀
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He was going to stop the first night.
At least, that's what he told himself.
Since Jason had come back from the Pit, being alive was something of a nuisance. Whatever weird ass magic they used to bring him back to life had made it harder to control himself in every way. He went on a year-long violent rampage, much to Bruce’s disdain, that left Gotham in shambles.
Only now was he actually putting a good face behind the name of the Red Hood. It’s not like he wanted to hurt people, but when everything was so vivid, it was hard to listen to Bruce’s non-lethal policy. But as much as he hated to admit it, he wanted Bruce to trust him again.
So, when Dick was called out of Bludhaven for some other crisis, Jason volunteered to help with patrol.
It was the third day of what was supposed to be a week-long shift in Bludhaven, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Sure he had broken the legs of a few robbers when they tried to run from him, but it was all in good fun.
In fact, Jason was dying for some fun. Bludhaven was somehow even darker and dingier than the rest of Gotham, and it was getting tiring only having drug dealers to play with. The rain was coming down, casting a foggy overcast to the darkening sky, and most of the sane residents had retreated to their homes. Everyone who had ever been to Bludhaven knew that nighttime was when the dangerous criminals liked to do their work.
Which is why Jason was a little astonished that a seemingly random girl was stupid enough to walk home in the dark.
Living in Bludhaven wasn't ideal, but the rent was cheap and that's all that mattered. You had been working at a donation center for the homeless for the last few months, wanting to help out the city in any way you could. It wasn't that you were trying to be a hero or something, you just didn't like seeing other people suffering. It also helped that volunteer work looked killer on a resume. The staff loved you, and quickly entrusted you with the keys, giving you the last shift of the night.
You usually walked home with one of your co-workers, a woman in her 60s named Rose. It wasn't the typical company for someone your age, but her never-ending stories were nice to zone out to after a long day of work. Rose was sick today, which meant you had to walk home alone. Looking out the window, you saw that it was already dark. Definitely not ideal. But, you had made the trip hundreds of times and knew all the shortcuts to get you home quicker.
Jason watched as the girl walked down the dimly-lit streets. He was going to just leave it, and let you learn your lesson the hard way, but then he took a second glance at you.
He thought the Pit bringing him back to life was the closest thing he'd ever get to seeing heaven. But now?
Now he knew he was dead wrong.
A soft face with pretty lips and pretty hair and pretty everything. Jason felt his heart beat inside his chest with a vigour that betrayed the dead man he thought he was. All of the lonely, unclear and dangerous thoughts in his head suddenly vanished. His breaths were heavy and he couldn't tear his eyes away from the pretty little thing walking all alone. He felt like there was blood flowing in his veins again. He felt alive.
If you were walking alone at this time of night you were either innocent or stupid, and the innocence was practically rolling off you in waves. You were far too sweet for this place. His eyes scanned the logo of the bag you were carrying and his heart exploded and regrew in his chest all at once. The kind face you had made sense if you were generous enough to work at one of Bludhaven's seedy donation buildings. His mouth went dry at the idea of anything remotely distressing happening to you.
Fuck it.
He was just gonna make sure you got home safe. That's all it was.
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Jason silently followed you as you walked home, watching from above like a twisted guardian angel. He was always on high alert, he was raised to be vigilant, but he found himself paying extra close attention to every single movement he saw out of the corner of his eye. Logic was telling him that if he was going through all this trouble to make sure a random girl was safe, he should just jump down from the roof and walk you home instead of watching like some-
Oh, that was cute.
Jason's gaze followed your hands as you pulled your keys from your bag. The fabric keychain they were attached to was dotted with tiny drawings of the sun. He hadn't even realized that you'd gotten home. Perching on a rooftop, he kept you in his vision while he quickly scanned the area where you lived. It wasn't the best, nothing in Bludhaven was, but at least it wasn't at the south tip of the city.
You had finally gotten home after a long day. Oddly, the walk didn't feel as scary as you expected. Sighing, you took out your keys and unlocked your front door, slipping inside your apartment. After making sure your door was locked, you kicked off your shoes and hung up your jacket, a yawn falling from your lips. You were definitely gonna call it an early night.
The soft clicking of your front door shutting brought Jason's attention back to the present. You obviously got home safe. He should get going. He should get going.
But he stayed rooted on the spot.
The rain fell around him, hitting the concrete rooftop he was frozen on. His helmet suddenly felt claustrophobic and he took it off gasping, the rain soaking his hair. The cold rush of despairing thoughts that he had grown used to flooded back into his brain. His heart grew still in his chest and he felt his smile disappear.
He had smiled?
He hadn't smiled since the pit. He hadn't smiled since he died. You retreated into your apartment and took all the sunshine with you. The sunshine that hadn't been able to reach his skin for years. With a sickening thought, Jason realized that he was about to make a very, very, very bad decision.
Who was he to deny himself happiness? Didn't he deserve to be happy after everything he had been through? He argued with himself as his gaze remained on your front door, trying to will himself to push away the wickedly possessive desire that he felt for you. Jason ran through all the possible outcomes that could come from.. whatever this was, but nothing held a match at the prospect of having you. He had to have you.
Fuck it.
Locking away the part of his mind which screamed at him to stop, he leapt from the rooftop, landing softly on the balls of his feet. Carefully, his head on a swivel for anyone walking by, he took out his phone. His finger hovered over the photo button, his mind telling him that if he did this, there was no going back. He snapped a photo of your apartment.
As he made his way back to the safehouse he was staying in, he could feel you being cemented in his mind. Every raindrop that hit his skin felt like it was washing away everything that he thought was important until only you remained. The image of your precious face became ingrained in his mind. By the time he got back to his safehouse, the only goal he had was to know as much about you as he possibly could.
He was already at his computer, his helmet tossed to the other side of the room. His clothes were still soaked from the rain, but he didn't care. This was more important. You were more important.
Using Bruce's tech, being careful not to leave a trace, he uploaded the photo he had taken of your apartment and began to run a search. Within less than 5 minutes he had everything he would need to keep you for himself. Your school records, social media posts, and more were at his fingertips. He took the liberty of adding himself to your bank account, hacking in so he could be aware of every transaction you made. Soon he would be the one making them for you.
Jason spent the night scrolling through your information. For once he was glad for Bruce's training, as his disciplined mind allowed him to commit everything about you to memory. His eyes burned from lack of sleep, and he was vaguely aware that it was well past 3AM, but he was enraptured reading your search history.
How to change a lightbulb?
As soon as he could get a copy of your key made you would never need to change a lightbulb again. Every so often he would come across a photo of you dressed up for some event; a christmas party, a graduation, whatever. When he saw those photos, every doubt that was trying to creep back into his mind was pushed away by his increasingly twisted desire for you.
Jason knew he had gone off the deep end, but if this is what drowning felt like he would gladly let you kill him all over again. When he went to bed that night, he fell asleep knowing you now belonged to him.
And you didn't even know it yet.
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kichiyosh1 · 1 year
Hi ,, my heads full of final exams and scara 🤕
this is my first request of a story of any kind but..
Top of the class reader who is trying to help her boyfriend scara pass his exams! But scara would much rather steal looks at her then look at the work questions in front of him. Reader scolds him but it goes in one ear and out the other, bc he thinks it cute (but wouldn’t want to admit it) ㅠㅠ
I’m not sure if you’ve done something similar but, I hope this was a sufficient request for u too work with ٩˙ヘ˙و
– 🌀 anon !!
Focus on the paper, not me!
modern au!scaramouche x f!reader
Sorry this was late! Woooh exams, good thing i won't be dealing with those for a while. That info is more than sufficient, in fact i was already able to picture a whole plot in my head thanks to it 🌀 anon!
"Scara, we've been at this for hours and we've only studied one chapter."
You'd say the situation was quite... hopeless. You weren't using that term on your boyfriend though. Of course not, you know how well he's able to do good with his grades, but his ways of staying academically afloat are indeed questionable.
Having to drink black coffee the moment he wakes up and cramming lessons and assignments by 3am in the morning was impressive, but seriously unhealthy. You wouldn't be surprised either if he did the same thing for his exams, but surprised you were when he came up to you one day to ask for you to help him study.
and that leads to now.
"How 'bout you try answering these work questions and we'll focus on reviewing the ones you get wrong. We'll start by answering the simpler questions before moving onto—" Your hands were busy rummaging through papers while your gaze shifted left and right across the work sheets.
It was at times like this where Scara's able to take a good look at you. The concentrated look on your face made you look so cute and eager. Your cheeks puffed out just a tiny bit like a little chipmunk busying itself with collecting acorns, or in your case, helping him study.
You handed him a pen and laid out the papers, reminding him that it was alright if he didn't get all of them right, just a couple to prove that he at least learned something. "How nice of you, though if I end up getting a score least of what you're expecting, then that's on you." he was already through to five questions, posture facing the paper but his eyes flicker from time to time to you.
"You should be grateful I'm even willing to help you. Do you know how many others would want to be in your position right now?" you crossed your arms with a huff.
"Good thing I got to you first."
"You didn't, I just declined tutoring all of them because I didn't have the energy for it."
"Oh, then how lucky am I, to have such a sweet, loving and caring girlfriend look after me, who also happens to be incredibly smart too~."
You would have nudged him hard, but you didn't want the ink of his pen to run the wrong way. So you could only look at him in disbelief, debating if you should feel happy about his compliment, or offended that he could have implied that he pursued you for your smarts. Knowing Scaramouche, you decided not to take it to heart, after all he was prone to teasing you one way or another.
"Your talk better be as strong as your bite, because unless you want to count my face as part of your exam, I suggest you keep your eyes on your paper, scara." You say with folded hands and a close eyed smile, though the irk mark on your forehead was showing.
He wasn't subtle at all, stealing glances at a time like this when he should be focused on answering. A single bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face, only a few more questions left.
'I'll have you know if this exam remotely has anything involving you in it, I'd ace it no problem.' he wouldn't tell you that though. It was already embarrassing how he couldn't think straight since his thoughts would always keep circling back to you.
"Even your ugly face would be more appealing to look at right now instead of this annoying exam." He says handing you his finished papers, stretching out his back before focusing his attention on to you.
"At least I'm not dumb enough that I would be in need of a tutor, right? Makes you think that pretty face of yours is all you have going" this time you could only give him a deadpanned look in return before scanning over his papers. His face is bright red because of the uno reverse you just pulled.
The silence after that was deafening, making your best efforts to ignore him. A part of him slightly now regretted what he said so standing up from his position, draping his arms over your shoulder from behind, he could only sigh.
"You're not mad because of what I said right? You know I didn't mean it. Your face is anything but that if not it's— pleasing. It's nice to look at. It makes me feel at peace whenever I see you smiling, or whatever kind of expression you're wearing it always makes me feel like everything's gonna be alright. Like right now, when you—" he got cut off when you titled you head to the side. Your lips meeting his, giving him a peck on the lips before having your body fully face him.
"It's nice hearing you say those things, but you don't need to explain yourself. I think you've given enough evidence to show the court how much you like looking at me. I mean I do too, but at least I'm discreet about it!" You chuckled while placing the papers down, leaving scara once again all red in the face, but it disappeared just as quickly when he saw the serious look on your face.
"Oh, and you didn't get a single answer right by the way. So I'm hoping you can focus on the paper and not me this time."
"Why are you just staring at me?"
"I'm soaking in the image of your face into my memory so that I don't keep looking at you later on."
"I take it back, you are hopeless."
If anything's inconsistent please ignore it lol I didn't proof read yet cuz my eyes keep going ⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️ cuz I'm sleepy so imma do that tomorrow.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: y/n i’m coming for a sleepover tn
y/n: are you sad or something?
tae: no?
y/n: ok good
no thanks then ❤️
tae: um wtf
y/n: ???
tae: the disrespect i face on a daily is not right and should be studied
jimin: don’t care
yoongi: didn’t ask
jin: L
namjoon: 10 years…
of this
jk: time flies when ur having fun
hobi: i want to blow my brains out tbh
jk: oh
tae: jungkook do you want to see a magic trick?
jk: YES
jin: do pretzels make you fat?
jimin: have you been eating them?
jin: yeah
jimin: yeah they make you fat as fuck
jin: somebody push him off a cliff before i do
jk: show me the magic trick before i kill myself
y/n: this really is my safe space ❤️
namjoon: guys we should all go to therapy
tae: i won’t
i tried therapy and the lady laughed at me
yoongi: real
y/n: icon tbh
jimin: my therapist tried to fuck me 😞
jin: why is he lying like omg get a life…
jimin: 30 years of age and still bothering young men like me LEAVE ME ALONE FREAK
yoongi: here they go
namjoon: one day we will all laugh and hold hands
y/n: i got 50 on jin
hobi: 50 on jimin
jin: namjoon pls don’t let him come in here and lie like that it’s actually heartbreaking watching the people closest to me be so fucking delusional and deranged think about the bystanders joon
jimin: END UR LIFE
jin: you first 🤭
jimin: ignoring you
y/n: i win
hobi: aw man
namjoon: are you guys all coming to the party later?
jk: what happened to the magic trick??
yoongi: 👍🏻
hobi: yes yesss
y/n: YES
tae: yup
jin: yes
jimin: NO
jin: don’t care 🥱
jimin: i’m leaving this group and leaving this country
yoongi: k?
hobi: when something is a foot long whose foot are we measuring it off?
y/n: if it’s by yoongi’s then a foot long as hell
jk: tae can you show me now?
namjoon: kook pls let it go…
jimin: i’m jumping of a bridge
hobi: how many of yoongi’s feet tall is the bridge?
jin: one foot could honestly kill him
tae: feet?
jk: there is no magic trick is there
y/n: it’s okay you’ll get over it my love
jk: i don’t think i will
tae: that was a life lesson
learn from it and become stronger
jk: how about you die.
hobi: WOAH
namjoon: no fighting i’m literally begging you guys
jin: didn’t know you were submissive like that
jimin: fr it’s gross as hell
he’s gonna tell us he kisses men next
jk: are you a homophone?????
jimin: are you fr rn
yoongi: wow
namjoon: don’t say anything
y/n: at least his heart was in the right place!
tae: namjoon likes men?
namjoon: no
jimin: yeah
hobi: like a stickerrrrr
jk: congratulations
tae: let’s make a song with drake
y/n: ew
yoongi: no thanks
hobi: pushing p
jimin: pussy
jk: where
y/n: ew again
jk: bts 4th gen leaders!
namjoon: ?
hobi: we are not 4th gen
jk: what?
jimin: we are 3rd gen
jk: oh my god
we are old as hell
y/n: that is actually so gross
jin: ur both being dramatic
jimin: he’s only saying that because he’s been old since birth
like how you 84 out the womb???
hobi: jimin ur going to hell
jimin: we were all thinking it
jin: everyone deny that rn
y/n: bts 4th gen leaders i agree with jk!!!
yoongi: this does not change the reality
tae: can i be 4th gen it boy
jimin: LMAO
tae: what’s funny?
jimin: nothing
jk: i would like to be best 4th gen rapper
hobi: i’ll be best 4th gen singer
y/n: fair
ig i’ll be the 4th gen it girl
jimin: i’ll be THEE 4th gen visual
y/n: yoongi for 4th gen it boy
yoongi: :3
tae: i wanted to be 4th gen it boy wtf
jk: joon the father of 4th gen
y/n: and jin the 4th gen ace
namjoon: u guys actually delusional
tae: i agree
namjoon: pls don’t agree with me ur making me uncomfortable
tae: sorry father
namjoon: don’t be mad u didn’t get a title
y/n: tea the girls are fighting
tae: i’m not mad
i don’t even care fr
namjoon: sure
tae: sUrE
namjoon: you seem mad
tae: if you died i wouldn’t care
hobi: 4th gen loser
tae: hoseok wtf
hobi: who said that?
y/n: 4th gen furry
tae: ummm?
jimin: 4th gen broke boy
tae: i asked for money ONCE
yoongi: 4th gen bitch
jk: i’m glad we all have titles now
4th gen is not ready for us
y/n: FR!!!!
kinda short pls forgive me
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tumblingghosts · 2 months
heyy backpacks!!! i've been having some sheaf time travel thoughts lately, where she tries to stop herself and panlo dying in the bombing so they actually have a chance to participate and work their plan (headcanon that they would've worked together during the games).
it works but she keeps getting so close in the games. seeing panlo die over and over again. she slowly realises that maybe surviving the bombing and playing the games isn't what she needs to do. she - and the other tributes who, begrudgingly, she's become quite fond of - need to escape.
hope u don't mind me leaving this here !!
hi bel!! (sorry it took me forever to reply!)
omg sheaf in a time loop!! here we go-
the very first time sheaf dies (book events), it's succumbing to her injuries after the bombing. she barely lives past otto (who clearly has issues with her for some reason), and wakes up back on the train. it takes her a bit to realize that she's back, rather than just waking up from a horrific nightmare, but as events start to repeat, she starts to plan. she's got a second chance, and she can't afford to waste it!
sheaf tries to subtly save brandy, just to spare herself and everyone from that terrible "funeral", but it doesn't work. she thinks she's subverted the event when brandy gets her hands on the cheese sandwich without slitting arachne's throat, but arachne doesn't magically learn a lesson, and is back the next day taunting brandy again, this time with a bottle of water. sheaf should have expected that brandy would not take the taunts lying down, knife or no knife, and when brandy smashes the bottle on the bars and stabs arachne in the throat, it is almost instinct when she grabs panlo and pulls him to the ground, right before the peacekeepers open fire.
sheaf might not have known brandy, but it's still awful watching the girl get filled with bullets. twice over now. she does manage survive the arena bombing this time, and save panlo too, so that's a plus. she makes it all the way to the arena and thinks the odds are alright. alliances have been made, but she and panlo are working together, so they can make it far, she hopes. she barely makes it a minute into the games thanks to otto, who shoots her with a crossbow. she stumbles, and he shoots her again. sheaf has no idea what his problem is. she dies, and wakes back up on the train.
it's at this point that she realizes that it wasn't a second chance, it was potentially unlimited chances. she's the only one who is being sent back like this as far as she knows, so she must be sent back for a reason, right? maybe this is a kindness, something in the universe saying that she should get to go home. so that's what she plans to do, she will win these games and go home. even if the only people that would have missed her were the others at the orphanage. even if most of d9 didn't want her back.
so she tries again. sheaf has a grudge against otto by this point, because seriously, what is that guy's deal? why is he so intent on hating her when she can't think of a single thing that she's done to him? she tries to save brandy again. it doesn't work. she makes it past the arena bombing, but it isn't enough to save panlo. he gets out with injuries, and the vet the capitol sends doesn't do enough for him, and he succumbs to his injuries. sheaf isn't prepared to go into the arena without him, and ends up dying to coral & co.
she wakes up back at the train again. she tries harder to save brandy, and succeeds! it takes snapping at arachne and shouting until the capitol girl leaves in a huff, but brandy is alive. it sparks up an alliance, and sheaf gets to know tanner and brandy better. panlo is hesitant at first, but more allies means a higher chance of survival, right? that's good, at least at the start. no one wants to talk about the case of what happens if it comes down to the four of them.
things go sideways at the arena bombing. arachne is still bitter that sheaf shouted at her (rightfully so) and makes sure that she and brandy are far away from sheaf/androcles in the arena tour. sheaf manages to save herself and panlo, but arachne and brandy die in the bombing. tanner is not doing well in the aftermath of brandy's death, and the alliance turns shaky. they're still allied when they go in, but when the three of them end up in a fight against coral and mizzen, sheaf gets injured in the process. panlo gets worried over her, and that hesitation is enough for coral to kill him. sheaf doesn't survive much past that.
next time, she tries even harder. maybe the solution here is to ally with coral and mizzen? there is plenty of wariness, especially since they killed her, but if they're allies, then she's safe, right? she tries to get herself and panlo in an alliance with them, but coral rebuffs them, saying that she and mizzen bring more advantage to them than they provide to her. she's not wrong, but sheaf is still put off by it. she gets to talking with brandy and tanner again, who are far more wary thinking that they're her "second choice" after seeing her talking with coral. sheaf isn't able to save brandy this time. tanner joins the pack. sheaf dies to otto again. she's seriously hating the boy from six now.
in the next loop, she confronts him over it when he makes a threatening motion to her. panlo sticks up for her, which only seems to make otto angrier. the argument doesn't go anywhere, but otto seems to kill her in the arena even quicker than that second time. it isn't until she sees the way he's glancing at panlo before glaring at her that it clicks.
she is more than a little bitter that the reason otto hated her so much was because he has a crush on panlo. seriously? if that was the case, then she was far from competition, since she had absolutely zero romantic interest in panlo. she tells him so to his face, because she might as well. maybe he wouldn't kill her over it. and if he did, then she'd just wake up back at the train again. otto denies it all, but it doesn't take much to see that he's lying. panlo is more than a little put off by it, but he's still up to ally with sheaf.
she manages to make it a little further in the arena this time. otto avoids her and panlo this time, but their mentors aren't sending food because they're playing safe. sheaf is annoyed, but she isn't like coral and mizzen. she thinks she can kill if it comes down to that, but she doesn't have the same physical strength that panlo does. making enemies by attacking people first is a sure way to die if they fail to finish them off. it's a slow path to starving, and the snakes that come are almost a mercy.
sheaf wakes up in the train and decides that those rainbow snakes are a terrifying way to die. she tries over and over and over again in dozens of different ways, getting further and further into the games with each iteration of events that she finds working. it's one selfish path that sees her as the victor- not saving brandy, hiding with panlo, taking out anyone sneakily in the tunnels if they cross their paths, and being ready to climb and avoid the snakes. lucy gray sings, and the snakes do not attack her. she's done this once before, but now she knows of the snake that lucy gray is hiding up her sleeve and acts quicker. that's it. there's blood on sheaf's hands, of so many lives that it had taken to get to this point, but the games are over.
she's won. she's finally won, and she can go home.
except, she is declared victor, and wakes up back on the train still. sheaf has a bit of a breakdown at that. so many tries, so many repetitions, she's finally been able to win, and that wasn't it? why was she repeating all this if not to get home? and she thinks she understands. it's the same reason that she was not surprised to hear her name. d9 did not want an orphan like her to come back. they wanted someone useful, someone like panlo. all these loops were to get panlo home, she thinks, and she starts again with that new goal.
except- that isn't it either. sheaf takes a dozen tries and a dozen more to get the right set of events for them to survive through it all. then it's down to only the two of them. sheaf and panlo. panlo does not want to die, but he does not want to kill her either. it's fine. sheaf has died plenty, and she knows all the ways to die first. he'll be the victor. he'll get to go home. sheaf will make sure of it. and she takes herself out of the games. sheaf dies, and she wakes again.
sheaf freaks out even harder than she had when she realized that her being victor wasn't the solution. if her winning wasn't the end, and panlo winning wasn't the end, then what was it? and as she's dumped in the capitol zoo, as she goes through the motions all over again, she comes to her realization. sheaf keeps brandy from killing arachne, and she thinks you deserve to go home. sheaf diffuses the one-sided beef with otto and thinks you deserve to go home. sheaf does her best to get them all through the arena bombing, and that thought rights through her mind with each tribute. you deserve to go home, i deserve to go home, we all deserve to go home.
so she starts off with a new plan. get them all out of hunger games. that loop is a bit of a loss, but she wakes up again and immediately talks with the other tributes in the cattle car she's in. (i'm going with d3 in this case) sheaf lays everything out about the time travel and loops. obviously, they're super skeptical, but she's been through this a lot and had gathered a bit of information about circ and teslee. it's not much, but it's definitely more than a girl from a different district should know about them if they truly "just met". and that's enough to create a tentative alliance.
by the time they reach the zoo, they've brainstormed a few ideas, and try to get the other tributes roped in on it. no one wants to die in the arena, but a risky plan where the capitol might to worse to them and their families if caught? it's a hard sell. no one is going to snitch, but not many are willing to join up. at this point, sheaf knows her mentor is useless (at least in regards to wanting to help her), but there's three that she knows always comes around: lucy gray's mentor, marcus's mentor, and brandy's mentor.
arachne is obviously not an option because she has zero sympathy for their situation. just because she consistently appears doesn't mean that sheaf has any interest in trying to appeal to such an unpleasant person. she's been put off by coriolanus from the amount of times that she's seen him act when hopping aboard the tribute truck (she's pretty sure he's only out to help lucy gray, and would see her dead to support "his" tribute).
so that leaves sejanus, and she knows he'll be around with the sandwiches soon. however, sheaf knows she can't talk to him for long without making it suspicious, so they have to get marcus on board the plan. this turns out to be much more difficult than planned because marcus has some personal beef with sejanus, which is where they learn that sejanus is actually from d2.
downside is that marcus is still resistant to talking to sejanus. upside is that the other tributes learning that sejanus is district gets them on board- there's hope there.
if he's not actually capitol, then he might actually be willing to help an escape plan, right? (ik this is supposed to be sheaf-centric but my brain inserts sejanus into everything) with the power of peer pressure (aka mizzen's puppy eyes), marcus reluctantly agrees to talk to sejanus. he's very on board an escape plan and tries to help them as best as he can. the only issue is that it's a very clunky plan & it crashes and burns hard.
sheaf wakes up back on the train with dampened spirits. she isn't completely ready to give up just yet though, so the next couple of loops are information gathering loops. she needs everyone on board, which means she needs a quick way for everyone to trust her for the "ideal" loop. once she gets enough knowledge, she tries over from the start, getting everyone caught up with the "i'm a time traveller & here's info i couldn't have known unless you told me" bit, and they're off with another try to get the heck out of the hunger games. they ultimately decide that they can't escape all at once.
the plan ends up being a mix of everything. it's shouting at arachne and laying into her about her behavior, which veers into the behavior of other visitors in the crowd who also thought taunting them with food was "funny". most storm off in anger, but some who were only spectating are uncomfortable (it's not much yet, but it builds). it's talking with sejanus and getting him to bring supplies that circ and teslee can use to hack the cameras. it's getting close with more sympathetic mentors for more food (in the absence of the visitors that they shouted away) to get them supplied for their escape, and invested enough in them to turn a blind eye when they're taken in for those questionnaires and more than a few of them slip away.
it's the panic of some tributes managing to get away leading to more mistakes happening. it's treech slipping away with the keys to the enclosure. it's reaper, marcus, and panlo wearing peacekeeper uniforms to give the illusion that the cage is still guarded (in uniform, no one can really tell the difference if they're not paying close enough attention). it's sejanus getting the tools for circ and teslee that "coincidentally" see the cameras at the zoo conveniently broken. it's sheaf working extra hard to get friendly with androcles that keeps the news from slandering them as badly as it might have otherwise. and it's one night where all these factors collide where the enclosure turns out completely empty, with no guards, no footage as to where they went, and no signs of a breakout by force.
sheaf has lived the path of the arena and the games many, many, many times, but this is the first that they're all out. she doesn't know where to go from here, but if this escape doesn't work- well. she's got plenty more chances to make sure that she gets it right the next time (or the next, or the next). she's quite done trying to win the capitol's games. sheaf plans to break the entire game apart.
i like to think that they escape from there! there's a lot of different ideas that could happen- like maybe after the loop where she ensures that panlo wins, he joins the loop with her. (aka victors join the time loop) or maybe the loop is iterative. every time she does something right, she wakes up at a new later point, rather than back at the train every time. like after gaining the other tributes' trust, the next time she dies, she wakes up already at the enclosure post-get-thier-trust (basically there's "checkpoints" for each correct action).
in any case, sheaf gets all the tributes working together & out of the capitol. gaul's lab mysteriously gets destroyed. the mentors who were quite attached to their tributes have no clue how that could have happened. highbottom doesn't care enough to continue the games, and stopping them is easy when their popularity had been dropping & there is no head gamemaker pushing for its continuation.
this got pretty long, but it was fun to think about! feel free to send any more thoughts- and thanks for sending this ask bel!! :D
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whoblewboobear · 2 months
Hiiii!!! 📓
Hellooo hiii~ and OUGHHH Thank u 🥰 
So I pretty much rapid fire throw all my lil fic blurbs that I’ll probably never write on here but one of them that hasn’t entirely gotten its own spotlight is Porter’s backstory/character study. It’s mainly in bits and pieces but I’ve thought about it ALOT. I’ve rattled man around my brain for so long to figure out WHY he’s like that. Sooo I’m gonna scream about what I think his deal is for a lil bit~ A lot a bit actually lmao so it’s going under a read more 🤧✌️
~ The minute Porter was born his parents chose war over him. Handed him off to his grandparents the moment they’d both be able to go straight back into battle to defend the sunstone clan. He was left with his Paternal grandparents where they pretty much raised him like a soldier. He was homeschooled and along side his regular lessons like Common and Math, a lot of history lessons came from his grandfather who was a big war guy. He loaded Porter up on so many texts about wars that have passed, tactics each army used, etc. This is where Porter’s love for history comes in. 
He also learned cooking from his grandma and a little bit of sewing because she believed martial classes should always have their own form of mending in their back pocket. “There wont always be a caster around to do the small stuff.” Porter disagrees heavily in present day. He can sew and it’s a skill he kept up with but he almost exclusively dates casters that don’t mind using a quick mending on some of his things. 
(Jace sees this, realizes this, and then punches Porter so hard in the arm when he finds him sewing a pair of his pants bc “you ask me to mend your clothes all the time! You can sew?!” Jace doesn’t mind but he does give Porter shit about it from now on. But enough about Jace. For once this ain’t about him 😗✌️) 
Porter was definitely way closer to his grandma. She taught him everything she knew about divinity. Very very devout woman. She 100% believed in Ankarna as a goddess of Justice because she thought what the clan was doing WAS justice. With Porter’s grandfather, he makes it very clear during sparring and fighting practice that their goddess is weak and needs to be changed for the better and that Porter could be the one to do it. He has that drilled into him from such an early age too. Like imagine little 12 year old Porter being told “you’ll be the next champion, you will take back what we deserve.” It’s a lot of pressure. The war ended some years ago, but his parents died for this cause. He owes it to them to at least try. 
His clan is mostly in hiding. Somewhere high up in the mountains of chaos. I like to imagine that it’s the Cliffbreakers and a few other giantkin that found a home there. It’s prominent enough but secluded enough that adventurers pass through every now and then to trade or get in a long rest for the night. Porter loves sneaking out and watching them. He’s never seen so many different kinds of interesting and well traveled people before. By the time he’s 16 he’s a little tired of his training. There hasn’t been a war in quite sometime. Adventuring is where the battle is. 
One night the rogue of a visiting party has spied him watching the last few nights and offers for Porter to join. So he does and he likes the conversation and their stories. Their bard sing folk songs that are so new and different from the ones his grandmother used to sing him to sleep with. This is new and exciting and when the party offers for him to join he jumps at the chance. He leaves a letter, steals his dad’s old war hammer, and heads off with them just as dawn is breaking. 
He stays with that party into his late teens. He’s maybe 19 by the time the party raises concerns with their cleric’s closeness to Porter. Truly a fucking scumbag that was pursuing him when they definitely shouldn’t have been. Porter doesn’t see the issue, he’s confused why everyone is fighting about it or why the first person he’s ever been interested in, maybe even loved is being ousted from the group. They sit him down and explain the nuance but he’s a little too young and a little too angry to understand. So he leaves. 
Porter cycles through about 6 other adventuring parties, being messy the entire time too bc he absolutely does date at least one person from every new party he joins. He doesn’t mean to it just sorta happens 🤭 he’s partial to mages. He’s so fascinated by the concept of magic. Sure he’s still in touch with his faith and the little magic he can do because of it is nice but it’s not raw unadulterated power. 
By the time he’s maybe 36 he’s with a been with a sorcerer woman for about 3 years, he’s happy. He loves her, they had a small wedding when they stopped in a quaint and homey woodland town. She helps a lot with his temper when the rage is a little too much. One day she comes to him and says it might be time for them to stop adventuring. He’s confused until she places her hand on her stomach and says they’re having a baby. He’s scared but overjoyed. He loves kids. He used to babysit here and there with his grandma back home. So they do it. They break off from the party and settle in a town not too farm from Elmville.
Porter takes small quests here and there to keep them afloat. It’s not much and it’s not particularly interesting but he’s happy at home. Until he isn’t. After his wife has their baby girl, they’re constantly fighting. Fighting to the point of hurting each other. It isn’t pretty and they try to keep it from their little girl but god the older she gets the more she notices and that’s when Porter and his wife sit down and discuss separating. She tells him he can get settled before they discuss co-parenting and he agrees. He moves to Elmville, finds that the big adventuring high school in town is looking for a barbarian teacher. He feels qualified enough. Maybe it’s the arrogance and the ego talking but he feels like he can do it. So he applies and honestly, it’s such a weird interview. It’s so bizarre. Arthur is so strange but he hires Porter on the spot. With his teaching money he can finally afford an apartment. About a month or so of him getting settled his ex wife calls and says a letter from his grandmother came to the house. Porter made trips back to the mountains every few years but it became a lot less after his grandfather died. It was all a little too difficult for him to be back there. 
When he gets the letter, it’s from the doctor that lives in his childhood community saying that Porter’s grandmother is sick. Not on deaths door sick but sick enough that she needs someone to look after her. It’s not even a question in his mind to move her in with him. He takes care of her and he works, and eventually he starts co-parenting. His life is alright.
Sometime around late freshman year or the summer after his grandmother takes a turn for the worst and passes. It’s a bit much and it’s not fair and his heart hurts so fucking much. And somewhere in his grief he hatches a plan. To become a god and fulfill his role as champion long enough to kill god and take her place. He’ll burn the world to the ground if he has to. To make his family and his ancestors proud.
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wario-speedwagon · 8 months
Dave and Old Sport Adopt a Kid: Chapter 13
Hello! Happy first birthday to this fic! I can't believe this fic has come this far. Thanks for all who have tagged along for the ride, and I hope you enjoy today's chapter! Full chapter below the cut! <3
Chapter 1 Chapter 12
Chapter 13
“So Scott sure wasn’t happy with us, huh!” Dave finally commented with fake cheerfulness to break the awkward silence that had hung in the air of that dingy car.
It only ended up making the following silence even more awkward than before when there was no reply beyond a deep breath. Jack didn’t have the spoons to start up such forced small talk, not with everything that was on his mind right now.
So seeing that Jack was still staunchly “focused on the road,” Dave went back to rubbing the shoulder of Pruny, who was leaned up against him in the back seat. He could practically feel her trembling.
Despite not really having one, his heart went out to her, as he could tell exactly how she was feeling based on her behavior, if only because it reminded him so much of his own during a “bad day” back in his Henry days.
Now that he thought about it, the way he himself was cradling his own injured eye with his other hand was also just as… nostalgic.
Dave figured it must be an Aubergine trait to keep up such a brave face in spite of it all, as despite being so shaken, there weren’t any more tears he could see. Dave petted her head out of bittersweet pride, to which she responded by readjusting herself more comfortably.
Dave would be content with this bittersweet peace, except unfortunately Pruny’s wellbeing wasn’t the only big concern of his. He couldn’t really take in all the confusion in the heat of the moment, but now that he could properly sit on his unanswered thoughts, the implications of the words exchanged today started to become… rather serious. But only if “Jack” could prove his fears were founded.
So after another couple minutes of sitting in all this uncomfortable nothing, Dave eventually took a shot:
“Hey, so we gonna talk about what happened or…?”
“...Because the other option would be to keep actin’ like it never happened, and I’m sure as hell not doin’ that.”
“...Later. When we get home.”
“Alright, fair enough I suppose.”
More silence settled in the air, though now with some of the tension broken at least. Dave found himself relishing in how Old Sport called it “going home.” And “going home” how it seemed to naturally include himself and Pruny now. Or maybe he was overthinking things again. Either way, for how much Sportsy played “hard-to-get,” he sure was falling easily into this new family dynamic.
It was good that his family was starting to form on its own, hopefully without further need for intervention. But after the shit that went down today… he couldn’t be too hopeful.
No, this stuff needs to be aired out now. Hiding secrets only ever led to more hurt later on. He learned that lesson from Henry a lot.
“How’s your eye doing?”
“Oh. Probably fine. It’s not the first time it’s been roughed up like this.” Although it was usually a blunt impact from a wrench rather than a scratch, but—
“We should probably take you to a doctor.”
“Hah! In this economy?”
“Okay then, coward, I hope you’re ready to be a pirate if it gets infected though, cuz I don’t have a first aid kit good enough for that.”
“You kiddin’? I’d look badass with an eyepatch!”
“...You might have to retire your kiddie strangling days though.”
…Well that came out of left field. Dave wasn’t comfortable with how serious he sounded either...
He’d never really put much thought into it yet since this all began… If they kept up this whole “family” schtick, then would it make sense to keep up their “kiddie strangling” schtick as well? He hated it, but Sportsy might have a point about that.
…But what if they made Pruny “Kiddie Strangler 3.0” and made a cute murder family? Now that'd be the best of both worlds—he was smiling just imagining it!
Eh, but something told him that Pruny wouldn’t be all that gung-ho about the idea. Even Dave himself hated the idea at first when Henry started with him. What if she warmed up to it though…?
From now on, this won’t be happening again.
Sportsy's earlier words cut through his thoughts. Was he really so willing to give up what they had that easily? Or maybe he didn't really mean it, or he meant something else… Fuck, it had him concerned though. Why was Sportsy such a doormat to that thing, anyway?
That whole scene today had so many questions to dive into.
And while Dave hadn’t quite pieced it together in the moment, he was sure now in hindsight that “Jack Kennedy” was what that thing—”Dee”?—was calling Old Sport. He’d never even considered until then that Old Sport had a name, but now he had to know.
The orange guy's head tilted accordingly.
“That your name? Jack Kennedy? That’s what she was calling you. And you were callin’ her ‘Dee’—”
“I’ll explain when we get home, Dave, just—please, not right now.”
“...But yeah, that is my name.”
“Huh…” Dave wasn’t sure if he’d be used to him having a real name.
But still: it seemed that the bright side of today would be that Old Sport was finally going to really open up to him about everything!
You don't even remember what you did to Jack Kennedy. And apparently neither does he.
…Okay, maybe he was feeling a just a little bit intimidated to unpack all that.
...Even more so now that he just remembered the name Dee Kennedy. And which of his victims it belonged to.
Violet, meanwhile, had been tuning out their occasional muffled conversation and reliving her experiences that day.
The puppet had been so nice and fun to her! Was it genuine, or was that thing really dangerous?
You were on your way out. Leave the kid alone, comprende?...
…Prune, get out of here.
The way Dave fiercely threatened that thing while Jack nervously negotiated with it, the way it tried to keep her from them and the way Jack pushed her to escape…
She didn’t know what conclusions to draw from all that except that they were not good, not at all. The puppet and them were clearly old enemies somehow. And right before she and the Phone Guy came back into the room, she barely yet certainly heard Jack shouting something inside, and Dave was on the ground covering his face like it was hurt once they entered. Dave was still nursing that injury right now next to her…
She wished she would have been able to tell what the puppet was apparently saying to them so she’d not be so hopelessly in the dark about what had just occurred.
Was this all her fault for running off with it? Did she cause this? Did she get Dave hurt? Is there something she could have done to make them not fight? Or would things have at least gone better if she’d just hurried up and spat out what she needed to say sooner to the Phone Guy—!
She realized she'd worked herself up again when she felt tears forming in her eyes again, so she tried to stop the what-ifs. But just after her breath hitched, she felt a giant hand pat her head again, knocking those tears loose down her face, before his hand returned to her shoulder again. She still tried to fight the urge to cry, but once her breath hitched a second time, she instead just let it all happen. And she heard Dave take notice as he softly cooed something in comfort to her (not that she could see what he said) while he hugged her tighter against him.
This... This was a new feeling. She'd never felt... good crying before... Was that even allowed?
...No. With them, she decided dumb rules like that didn't even matter.
The loud sound of the entrance doors closing reverberated through the dark and empty dining room, almost like some old, empty cathedral. Scott fumbled with his ring of jingling keys before finding the right one which he then inserted and turned to lock up the entrance, filling the haunting silence behind him with more echoing clicks.
And then he sighed loudly because no one could hear him but these walls. Well, in theory anyway. Because that puppet was still unaccounted for, and was frankly only the second greatest source of his stress right now.
First place of course went to the police investigation, the missing children scandal, the distraught parents he'd faced, all of it weighing heavily on his mind. It was unbearable, simultaneously hoping a solid lead came out of it for their sakes while actively fearing the fulfillment of that same exact hope for his own sake.
But then on top of that, there was the whole Jack, Dave and puppet fiasco, and it was putting so many extra thoughts on his mind, thoughts he just didn’t have the headspace to handle right now. Words replaying in his head repeatedly—
And you, Dee. I know you have no reason to believe me ever again— Save it, Jack. I’m not interested in what you have to say anymore. Dee, just listen to me— You listen to ME, Jack Kennedy! Dee— —Jack Kennedy! Dee—! —Kennedy!
The names especially kept repeating ad nauseum. For such few words he overheard, they haunted Scott incessantly. They agitated so many memories and images in his head that didn’t belong in his wiring—
His orange employee who recently knelt down comforting a purple child—except somehow that image felt like a much older memory than just a mere day ago… no, was it a different child maybe? But then why would Jack be there? Why would Jack be in his old memories? Or was it someone else he was being reminded of? ...Yeah, someone decidedly less orange, probably. But then why does he have the same last name as himself—a-as Peter? There’s simply no way that could…
...So does Jack know Peter? Is that the conclusion to draw? Does that puppet!? Because they clearly knew each other somehow with how they talked—Dee, that was its name? Dee?... Dee… Dee… Dee…Kennedy? Did that last name fit there too? Maybe it might but he couldn't be sure either way.
The puppet… is still out there hiding somewhere… Could he…
…ask it?
...Did he want to?
Either way, he had to find it to contain it and prevent Freddy’s from having any more reasons to shut down.
Knowing the puppet was maybe a person of some sort, though, that course of action felt kind of… wrong…
No, Scott didn't have time for such ethical quandries in these dire times. He reached for his flashlight and began his search. It was certainly daunting, both because that thing could be lurking anywhere, and depending on its mood, it could be any level of dangerous if he was caught unaware.
Then again, death by puppet was probably far more favorable than the “proper” way for a Phone Guy to go…
Scott decided he hadn’t checked the ballpit in a while today, so he made that his first search destination. As he approached the door for that room, though, a chilling whisper from behind him stopped him in his tracks:
“You’re looking for me, aren’t you?”
He immediately turned, and the flashlight beam revealed a damaged puppet standing amongst the dining tables just two rows away.
“I-I suppose I am, yes.”
“To put me back in my box, right?”
“I can't have you causing any more trouble for me.”
“Do I have to stay in there?
…I have no desire to hurt anyone you know.”
“Th-That’s not what I saw there in the Saferoom.”
“Those two were different. They’re murderers.”
Scott had suspected that a fair bit, actually, but it was still chilling to hear that seemingly confirmed. Dave was obvious, but perhaps after seeing how Jack was with that girl, he’d started to dismiss his previous doubts with him. He didn't remember Jack being like Dave—
“‘Dee,’ was it? Do you know Jack?”
“I do.”
“How so?”
“He was my brother.”
“Your brother?”
“I’m not a robot, Scott. I’m the soul of Dee Kennedy.”
Uncertainty was finally clearing up as things started clicking into place.
“And that makes him Jack Kennedy, then?”
But as addicting as the straightforward answers were, he still hesitated to get to the crux of his questions.
“... …Was there a Peter Kennedy as well?”
“Peter? He was our older brother. Why?”
That confirmed it. It was so obvious now that he knew for sure; Peter did have something like siblings, didn't he? Of course he did!
“Do you know Peter?”
“...Sort of? …This is going to sound strange because it is, but… I have several of his memories rattling around in my memory banks for some reason.”
“Memories? Like what?” she asked with sudden alert interest.
“It’s… Well, a lot of them involve a wife named Caroline. She’s in most of them. Her, and his job at Freddy’s before he died. Oh, and a kind of pinkish man, the guy that killed him. He and Peter both keep showing up in my nightmares lately…”
The puppet was perked up over something he said, though remained silent for a while. But then it eventually cut the silence, bursting with:
“Your ring, you have a wedding ring, right?”
“Y-Yeah, of course, I do have a wife besides Caroline…”
“Take it off! Is there any writing on the inside!?”
“U-Uh, hold on a sec…?” Scott did as told. After sliding it off, he carefully held the flashlight up to it at an angle where he could inspect the inside of it. After a few moments, he did notice some fancy etched calligraphy.
His heart skipped a beat.
“Does it say something like ‘Peter, lawful husband of Caroline’?”
“How do you know that!?”
“Because I was there when you picked it out! And you were so annoying when you made sure everyone saw it!”
Peter’s eyes were still glued to the golden ring he was holding, still in awe that such an answer had been on his finger this whole time, so he didn’t even notice her rapidly approaching—
—for a hug.
“It IS you! It’s you, Peter, isn’t it!?”
“...” He couldn't bring himself to reciprocate the hug.
“...Isn’t it?”
“... I don’t know. Just because I… have his ring… there's countless other ways I could end up with his ring. Because I-I’m Scott Cawthon. I have my own life, my own family, my own memories—”
“—But you have Peter’s memories!”
“It’s probably a programming fluke—”
“No way!” she whined.
“Puppet, it’s time you returned to your box,” he said coldly, unwrapping her rope-like limbs from their embrace.
“No! Not unless you tell me that you’re Peter!”
“...” He simply couldn't keep eye contact with her anymore.
“Please! Peter, I haven’t seen you in so long!”
“... Good night, Miss Puppet. Behave yourself, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Scott turned to make his exit.
Stringy arms immediately wrapped around him from behind again, holding him back.
“That’s right, I’m Dee! Your baby sister! You raised me yourself, you and Jack!”
“That’s enough, Dee, please let me go.”
“No! Please don’t leave me, not again!”
Peter’s heart shattered.
…No, he saw no other recourse than to just make a run for it, and with enough force that he broke free from her grasp.
“Don’t go! Please!” the child wailed behind him, abandoning her dignity. He wished this was only the first time he'd heard that wailing, because he couldn't help her this time—
His heart was racing—he fumbled through the keys again once he reached the locked entrance while the Puppet rapidly followed him; when she arrived—
“Dee, enough.” A different voice came out of him, and with enough desperate sternness that she stopped immediately in her tracks.
“Peter... that’s your voice…”
“Goodnight, Dee,” he firmly reiterated, switching back to the voicebox like nothing happened.
“No!” she protested one last time—
His cold, sweaty hands turned the key and quickly pushed the door open to leave as fast as he could— ...and then firmly pressing his back against the outside building wall which he started to slide down, he attempted to soothe a panic attack he didn't realize he was having until now.
At this rate, his brain was going to fry.
(Chapter 14)->
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causenessus · 1 month
HELLO!! okay lowkey i feel like we talk more through your inbox than we do in dms so im just gonna start ALWAYS talking here 🙂‍↕️ idk tumblr dms just don't work or something so GOOD AFTERNOON!! I HOPE YOURE GETTING A TON OF REST NESS bc tomorrow... we have to go back... sigh. and i have picture day tomorrow so i probably need to make myself look presentable ykwim?? 😞
but like about that friend i yapped about HIGHKEY SHE IS NOT IT YOURE RIGHT!!!! i think what makes it worse is whenever she thinks theres an issue between her and me and she goes to literally everyone but me about it to try to get other people to validate her?? FUNNIEST THING EVER because usually people side w me too pls 💔 like they'll defend me, and the people usually tell me when she starts yapping about it to them so like... just wondering why she feels the need to tell everyone in the world about what i apparently did wrong ⁉️ live laugh love i suppose... AND IF YOU EVER WANNA HEAR ABOUT STUFF THAT SHES DONE TO ME I LITERALLY HAVE STORIES FOR DAYS
its been days and the try again playlist is literally the only thing pulling me through... ness im forever grateful for the existence of this playlist‼️try again isnt even finished but like NESS i would marry it if i could i think i think about it even more than love notes omf 😭 i need yn as my therapist NOWWW!!! AND ADDING ONTO THAT, TONICS LOOKS SO AMAZING SO FAR OH MY GOD?? LIKE ALL THE DETAILS AND THE GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR ARTIST PROFILES AND EVERYTHING UGHH IM SO EXCITED
okay another thing, i think i told you about a phone vault before cause like my school was really talking it up... it was the stupid pocket thing on the wall. they're out there calling it a phone vault GOODBYE 😭 anyway ive given up on paying full attention in class and have reverted back to wearing and airpod in class so i can listen to music (the SOLE reason why i have airpods is bc they were a christmas gift i dont have enough money to buy those on my own 🫡)
HELLO SAV!! AND PLEASE TALK WHEREVER U WANT!! I WILL RESPOND WHEREVER <3 and omg good luck with picture day!! 😭 literally those pics never turn out good like they PURPOSELY WANT ME TO LOOK BAD they're always like "no no!! push your hair out of your face behind your shoulder so we can really see how much of an egg you look like!!" but i'm wishing you the best of luck and that your picture turns out well 😔
and also HELLO??? I'M SO GLAD EVERYONE TAKES YOUR SIDE BC LIKE,, THAT'S JUST EMBARASSING FOR HER 😭 I HOPE SHE TAKES IT AS A SIGN AND REALIZES LIKE...maybe she's in the wrong...or maybe she should go to you and sort it out with you!! instead of just complaining about it to others!!
AND AA YAY GOOD FOR YOU!! it's def expensive but so so worth it in the end 😭😭 i remember for me (idk if every state does this!!) but i actually did my lessons when i was like 16 1/2 (for many reasons we won't get into 😔) but anyway!! in my state or at least at the drivers ed school i went to if you were that age they'd allow you to do this thing where basically they just threw all the information you'd learn over the course of the week (or however long all the drivers ed courses are) in one night crash course style!! and then u take the permit test at the end of it and then u get ur permit!! and although i felt a little behind everyone else bc i didn't start drivers ed immediately yk i was kind of glad i got it all done in one night!! and like you learn all the info and then IMMEDIATELY take a test on it so it was kind of easy!! but best of luck to u!! i hope it all goes well <3
AND AA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE TRY AGAIN PLAYLIST!! i always listen to it in the morning when i'm still waking up and then will switch to the tonics playlist when i'm more awake LMAOO BUT YES!! DW i think now that i've gotten tonics intros out of the way i'm gonna work on try again while trying to outline tonics!!
BUT HELLO THE "PHONE VAULT" BUT BEING THE SHOE HANGER THING?? MAN THAT IS NOT A VAULT 😭 THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE OUT HERE COMING OUT WITH THE CRAZIEST NAMES EVER JUST SO THAT IT LIKE FITS THE AESTHETIC OF THEIR SCHOOL OR WHATEVER IS CRAZY but yes!! i think my wireless earbuds were also a christmas gift or something and then during this one play during high school that was literally the bane of my existence (and also simultaneously the best play i ever did) i NOT ONLY lost my earbuds but i ALSO bit my phone on accident and then broke the screen so like...i sacrificed blood sweat and tears for that play frfr (i also bled all over the set after cutting my finger on accident so i mean it...) so i had to buy myself another pair after that bc my mom was sick of me 😭😭 but they were like an off brand pair and tbh they're better than like samsung buds!! (what i have to use bc i'm not an apple user </3) so honestly it worked out in the end!!
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starmanbyler · 1 year
very important question ANY GCSE ADVICE i'm starting my gcse courses and i'm acc panicking sooo do u have any revision advice or anything!!!
and a fun question!! if u could be any animal for a day what would u be
first advice, don’t panic too much yet. or at all. i was freaked out when i started doing my gcses, but for now all you need to do is focus in lessons and if there are things you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask questions or look stuff up so that you aren’t left behind, because trust me, being confused about certain topics when everyone understands can be very frustrating. so if you need to do some extra revision to work on weak topics, that’s cool, but you will be fine if you don’t. at least take note of your weak points so you can focus on them later, because you’re saving yourself some unnecessary time. id suggest having a little notebook for that kind of thing.
if you want to revise this year (i’m assuming year 10) then i’d suggest maybe half an hour to an hour per subject in a week. and btw i did NOT revise at this point at all. i did revise for physics towards the end of the school year (like march-may) because i had a gcse a year early. but unless you’re really behind and stuck then just do the best you can and only intervene if you notice there are things you don’t understand, because again, this will really help in the long run.
i’ll be honest i didn’t start revising for the rest of my gcses until april this year. most of them i revised the night before. not to brag but then got 98877776666 😭 so in some cases you will do alright even with little revision. but you know yourself better than i do. look at how you do currently in exams and whether you struggle a lot without doing revision or not. some people tend to naturally be better at taking in and memorising content, but others need to work a bit more to solidify it which is totally okay and very normal. so if you do struggle then you should try and revise properly for the actual exams. start out just revising when you have specific topic exams throughout the year. revise for like a week before (cus these aren’t that important) and focus FIRST on your weak topics. that’s the key thing. don’t skim through easy stuff just cus it’s easy. it won’t help you much and is just a waste of time. you need to be honest with yourself and really try to improve the parts that are holding you back. try out different revision techniques every so often or when you have exams to see what works for you. i can’t give many specifics since i don’t know how to revise but there are a lot of resources and ideas online. some that worked for me are:
flashcards (i used quizlet over and over to memorise case studies and vocab)
free science lessons is a GOD
also mr salles is good for english! there is a little community on youtube of english teachers that i found helpful (and i’m doing a level now so hey i guess they worked) also just youtube in general is good for a lot of things, revision advice, actual specification content + explanation and whatever you want to find
if you play around with these now (and anything else you find useful) then you can be more prepared for actual exams.
when it comes to mocks (y10 and y11) they aren’t as important as people act like. unless there is a sudden awful outbreak of covid and they have to cancel exams (which is unlikely in a year or two), your mock results don’t have much effect. they may make you feel bad (i can promise you mine did) but even just a little bit of revision can make a difference come may of year eleven. from february mocks to gcses, i went from a 5 to a 7 in biology, and a 5 to an 8 in geography. i didn’t revise at all for mocks, and i did a day or two last minute for my gcses. i’m not saying that’s a good idea… but what i’m saying is that a little goes a long way. so don’t panic if you don’t get the results you want in mocks. i do suggest revising for mocks, to practice revising and so you have a better understanding for real gcses, mine is sort of a cautionary tale that just happens to have a happy ending. but if you don’t because you’re tired or struggling, don’t beat yourself up about it like i did, because it just makes you mad at yourself and it doesn’t help you motivate yourself. use this as fuel to try harder for the real exams.
id say for actual gcses, start properly revising in the january of year eleven. january is mainly mock revision, but after mocks, you can focus more on the right topics from march-may. and make sure to continue revising before each exam. it can work to just go over your weaknesses over and over again until it’s basically branded on your brain. even if you forget these the second you walk out of the exam, you will still succeed. especially with right-wrong answer kind of subjects (maths, science and maybe geography) gcses are 1% inspiration, 19% motivation and 80% memorisation. that’s probablt an exaggeration, but my point is, it’s okay if you don’t really have the capacity to fully comprehend every concept, just memorise things so you can regurgitate it into your exams. no harm done really. it’s only important to fully understand the subjects you plan to continue onto a level and beyond.
i knoww this is mostly year eleven focused so it might not be as relevant now but trust me the main point is do not stress right now. you are safe so don’t freak yourself out. it’s good to try and get ahead if you have the motivation, but now is your time to have fun and relax before all the academic pressure piles up. not slacking off, but just don’t worry! especially when it’s just september. you don’t need to start immediately, just try things out and work your way up to a system that works well for you!
and out of interest, what gcses did you choose? (besides the obvious maths english etc) and does ur school make you do religious studies?
and good luck of course!! i sincerely hope you do really well and you deserve it :) just work hard and do your best really.
also, if i was an animal for a day it would not be any bug cus i’m dead. if i had a human brain maybe so i wouldn’t act like an idiot and annoy people. or a dog because they’re chill. and cats can climb shit so maybe cat.
anywayssss love you i hope you have the best time at gcse cus i’ll be real with you i wish i could go back sometimes. sixth form is super interesting but way less worry free; so save your worrying for later!!
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can’t believe i just put a lana gif in a post. lmao
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jadenightthewriter · 1 year
OKAY SO. Attempt 2 at writing this ask. it starts when marcia and her mother get into a massive argument right outside the wizard tower. Bc the tower is open for visitors For Free, Right Now and marcia really really really wants to go. And her mother really does not want to take her. And there is yelling and waving of arms and marcias mother starts shit talking all wizards and says that if marcia decides that's what she wants to do then she won't be her daughter anymore. And marcia says well maybe that's a good thing!!!!! And immediately regrets it bc she Does love her mother very much. And I don't typically hc marcias mother as like. Particularly physically abusive but just this once she is very very angry and (shitty parent voice) sometimes u just need to hit a child >:( it's just like. Once or twice but yeah so she goes a little insane and there's a decent sized crowd now and she's yelling abt how all wizards r terrible and don't you dare even think abt being one if I ever see u use magyk again ill kick you out. And various ppl at this point have tried and failed to calm her down. And tiny marcia is like. On the floor crying. Surrounded by strangers who keep trying to hug her when she doesn't want them to. And they r right in front of the wizard tower still. And that is when the ExtraOrdinary Wizard shows up to go hey what the fuck is going on here. And he has a couple of ordinary wizards toss marcias mother in the nearest lock-up (those r a thing right?? Like the random tiny jails?? Dn1 looks like one from the outside I think) and sits down on the ground with marcia to wait until she's calmed down a bit and he puts his cloak on her bc she's shaking. And she actually calms down very quickly bc a) this is still marcia and she is well known to ignore her own issues when there's other stuff going on and b) the ExtraOrdinary Wizard!!! Holy shit :D!!!!!!! And anyway alther sees that she is very very excited to see him and (well aware she is Probably not going to ever see her mother again) decides to at least give her 1 good thing to remember abt today and brings her to the eow rooms for tea and biscuits :) and that's not where this ends but this is so so long already ajdufnifnffn I'll carry on in another ask later maybe once you've answered this.
Also relevant but not necessarily smth I was going to mention. I hc that the castle has REALLY strict laws surrounding child abuse. Unfortunately marcia has no friends and her teachers don't like her and she just wasn't there for any of the lessons on here's the things u should tell a teacher abt if they happen to u. So she just kind of got very unlucky and no one notices that her mother fucking sucks. AND ALSO I think it's illegal in the castle to try through any means to get a child to stop using magyk altogether. Bc especially in kids, it can lead to major magykal outbursts which r dangerous for the person and for everyone+everything around them. So even if marcias mother had not hit her she would still have been arrested bc of this
hi first of all I’m so sorry that happened to the original ask T^T
second of all I love this au so much i’ve been thinking about it all day but I was in school and couldn’t respond :(
anyway the dynamic marcia and her mom have, the not-very-good but not obviously abusive dynamic, the interesting social dynamic of the castle, it’s so so cool (also reminds me a bit of my parents) i ALSO simply love alther meddling in his wonderful meddling way it’s very satisfying
Tbh I never thought abt the castle’s laws and stuff before you mentioned it but it makes SO much sense like their society is based on magic fundamentally so obviously they’d have to reflect that in the way their culture developed
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mwahmichelle · 1 year
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🎀 goals i have before 2024 🎀
these goals aren’t necessarily things i want to achieve / be able to do by then. just things i want to get into the habit of doing :)
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physical goals
1. go to the gym three times a week
im kinda cheating with this one cus i already do this, but i want to be more productive (?) when i go. i also want to set a plan for those three days so i dont do random exercises. (eg arm day: 10 sets of _ exercise, ect.)
2. stretch and use the massagers every evening
my parents recently bought a foot massage machine, a hand massage machine and a neck massage machine. i used them for around two weeks before i stopped lol. i did notice a difference in how much pain and stiffness i was feeling throughout the day, so i want to start using them again, as well as using their back roller and leg bands to help me stretch.
3. walk my sisters dog four to five times a week
walking her dog was so difficult in the summer because of the heat, so hopefully it’ll be easier now that the weather is cooling down :,) its unrealistic to say that ill walk her (the dog)) every night, so ill stick to a minimum of four days :)
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study and work goals
1. work every day
sigh. i have a schedule where i work ~30-60 minutes every day, and 8 hours once a week. sounds easy. and it is. i just have problems with discipline, so i’ve been skipping a few days 🤥 that is not good, so i need to focus >:(
2. do homework the day its assigned 🗣️🗣️
in the past, i did all sorts of mental gymnastics to convince myself to do my homework the day before the lesson, but i end up just not doing it 💀 my teachers get pretty worked up about it, as does my mother lol. rightfully so tbh.
3. study ⁉️
i adore studying, so why am i not studying 🤨 makes no sense 🥱 lets get to it, mkay??
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self improvement goals
1. self care sunday (morning…)
i have classes every sunday afternoon, but they’re pretty chill, pretty enjoyable :) the main issue with self care sunday, is that most of the time, i dont do enough during the week to deserve them lmfao. its like every day is self care day 🫠
2. explore the city twice a month
i moved to a new city back in february, and still don’t know anyone or anything abt it 😧 i need (!!) to get out more. like, no joke. with my busy schedule, twice a month is the least i can guarantee. its more than i’ve done the past 8 months 🤷🏼‍♀️
3. read and meditate every evening
this one should be easy, but alas. i’ve never been able to meditate, and reading every evening is difficult when u don’t have any books 😺 i shall try my best anyways…
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yuh these are my goals ✨
i tried to make them achievable, so no excuses 😠
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gryffindorkxdraws · 2 years
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J A C K U N Z E L // Modern AU
Jack Frost x Rapunzel Corona
“There, what about those two?” Jack asked as grabbed a handful of french fries from his huge ass container of it. While he has been getting looks all around due to it, he didn’t care one bit. Not when Rapunzel was also enjoying the fries.
Rapunzel followed her boyfriend’s gaze and spotted an energetic braids girl and an awkward looking guy. He was taller than her by a lot, and had to leaned forward from his chair to get to her eye view. Thought he seemed to be doing that for the exact reason of getting closer to her as the braids girl rambled about her day.
“And Hiccup, did you know that my room now has a slide that leads directly to the kitchen?” The braids girl squealed in excitement.
“Really?” The guy, Hiccup, smiled with a tease. “What ever did you to to Elsa for her to agree to that?”
“I did nothing bad!”
“Sure, Anna, sure.”
“Okay, so maybe I accidentally made a hole on the wall...”
And that was when Hiccup let out a laugh, making Anna blush furiously. Though none of them meant any harm with the way they smiled at each other.
“Opposites,” Rapunzel finally said, “and yet somehow... I feel like they have this ongoing dancing-around-the-bush together, what more after seeing that smile they share.”
“Betting braids girl is the one who’ll confess first.” Jack grinned and tossed a french fry to Rapunzel’s mouth. The two were outside in a cafe, people watching to guess what exactly were going on between them. They weren’t exactly sure how it started, but they went on with it nonetheless.
“Ohh, and those two?” Rapunzel gestured at a feisty redhead and an easygoing guy.
The redhead was listening to the guy go on about these sappy romance novels he reads, and laughed when he made a complaint about how single they made him feel. While she initially made a comment about how she doesn’t care for those kinds of things, she never once stopped listening to him or told him to change the subject.
“Eric, best you drop those books if they make you feel that way in the end.”
“Come on, Merida, I can’t do that!” Eric gasped. “They’re good, and if you give them a shot, I’m sure you’ll agree with me too.”
Jack was so sure she would pass it up, but was surprised on what happened next.
“Ugh, I’ll do it if it means you’ll stop pestering me about it.” At that, Eric smiled all so brightly that it made Merida laugh. “Now hold on there, lover boy, I’ll read IF and only IF you’ll join me in my sword training lessons.”
“Man, I should’ve known there was a catch.”
“Of course. You should know by now who you’re talking to.” Merida gave him a smug look, knowing that Eric wasn’t exactly fond of training like how she was with romance books.
“Fine, deal.” The two then shook hands to seal the deal.
Jack and Rapunzel looked at each other, than at the two, then at each other once more. The pair was quite a shock to see given how different they were from each other, and yet somehow here they were.
“I bet they bonded over some problem before.” Jack concluded.
“Oooohh, like the pressures from their parents, or the expectations the world has for them.” Rapunzel suggested then immediately frowned at the thought of it. “I hope they get to break from it.”
“Cheer up. Maybe they already did.”
“I hope so.”
“Anyway, what more fries?”
Rapunzel laughed at how half full the container now was as her orders of cakes finally arrived. There were at least a dozen of them, but the two were deadset on trying each and every one of them out.
“You know, we‘ve been people watching for a while, but I have yet to see a cliche romance movie moment.” Rapunzel talked as she ate, then remembered her manners and covered her mouth.
Jack only smiled at that and shoved two slices of different cakes in his mouth in a way to make her feel less embarrassed. It worked, and now they were both laughing.
“What kind of scene do you have in mind, Rapunzel?”
“You know, like the couple has been away from each other for a while, and them BOOM! Finally, they’re reunited and one runs up to the other’s arms as they catch them.”
“Why don’t we give everyone a show then?” Jack’s eyes sparkled like a thousand snowflakes. With just one look at each other, the two giggled and made a run for it to different corners of the cafe. This caused the rest of the people to atch them from their sudden movements, but they didn’t care.
“OH, LOVER, LOVER, WHERE ARE YOU?” Rapunzel suddenly went all theater mode.
The two then pretended to search around until their eyes locked. With a dramatic gasp, they both ran towards each other as Rapunzel jumped mid run. Jack opened his arms wide to catch her, and once he did, the force of their impact made them spin around as Rapunzel wrapped her legs around his waist.
Merida hollered for them as Eric clapped his hands, and the next thing Jack and Rapunzel knew was that everyone in the cafe was cheering for them. Even Anna was jumping up and down in excitement as she tugged at Hiccup’s arm. 
The two went on with their impromptu act and once they were done, the applause was even louder than the first. As they held hands and bowed before them, the two looked at each other once more and smiled so big. Everything was always better when they were together.
for @jackunzel-time‘s event, week 3
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craacked-splatters · 2 years
DHMIS has been rotating in my head these past days like a microwave and I'm going mad. What if the traffic trio are just what they are: puppets. Like I KNOW they are but what if its more than just at the physical sense? All this time the hints of a possible backstory i was gathering was for the trio. But what if isn't? Puppets are used to tell a lesson or teach things to kids in a way they might understand like sesame street. You know what else? Stories. They can be used to tell stories too. What if the trio are bieng forced to play out this story that belongs to someone else? All these hints of life from before doesn't even belong to them. Might explain why they don't understand their surroundings or know each other or get confused when something breaks these dumb loops. They're not allowed to do anything different bcuz they're just puppets. They're not supposed to have these feelings or thoughts or dreams they're just supposed to act out the story given to them bcuz they're literally just tools. Maybe that's why dhmis lore wise is so confusing too. This show is so jam packed with lore it amazing. (at least I think so) They're so many things, so many hints and clues to SOMETHING. There's clearly something here, a backstory? A tragic life lesson? A limbo? Idk. All these pieces are so scattered and hidden so deep inside all these metaphors and symbolism creating this massive collage of chaos. Maybe what the viewers, us,bare seeing is the pov of the trio in all of it. Everything is so confusing and fucked up bcuz they don't understand or know anything about this story. They don't know anything. They're just acting it out. For who? Idk the lady in the attic? Maybe. A lot of y'all think she's in charge but she herself was in the doll house. Like the clothes she was wearing and the stitches in her face? Hello? There was also more stairs leading up above beyond the attic. Meaning there's MORE. She's just been in the attic rewinding the others below her. She has control but she isn't the main brain orchestrating everything. There's something above her. Something with more power. These puppets are at the bottom of the barrel. They have no power. If it turns out this true I'm gonna cry. These 3 really have nothing but each other. They're not allowed to have anything for themselves. They are tools. They were made to be used. They are stuck. They have no control, and everytime they try to break free from the script they just keep going back to the start. They fight and scream and maim bcuz all they have is each other. All these frustrations and buried trauma blowing out like this? I mean it's not like they get therapy. But don't u see? Despite it all they still stick together. Even if they get on each others nerves, fight, or seem indifferent they still try to be together.
In the job and family episodes, Duck tries to snap some sense into the other two saying they should just leave and go home. He wants all of them to leave together. In the transportation episode Red drags the others along with him on the trip when he could've just gone alone. He was desperate but he wanted Duck and Yellow to come along too. He even states that they could keep in touch when they get separate homes. In the Death episode yellow was so upset at the thought of never seeing duck ever again. He didn't want this blob replacing him. He only wanted it to be the three of them. Even Red shapes the blob into duck. Like c'mon. I haven't seen an instance where they flat out ditch each other.
At the end of everything all they have is themselves. That's so fucking sad. God these puppets r making me crumble. I need to sit down.
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meyousing · 2 years
AAAAAHHHHHHHH THAT WAS AN AMAZING READ, i'm not joking when i tell you that it has me kicking my feet and all. sorry this will be long but it's just so !!!!!!@!@!@!@!@@ 🫣🫣🫣🫣
In part 1, i loved how you do the scene of : mc noticing chrollo's overall apathy when he saw someone spilled coffee (i feel like chrollo...is the kind of person who doesn't rly show his emotion unless he can gain something from it, like when he "helps" neon) until it sinks in his mind that mc is his soulmate that he's quick to move + when he's wayyyy too interested in the mc's reactions when he drugged her
also, you make use of chrollo's charm point and that's what make me go feral like AGHDSFHDFSHD, that man (canonically) knows he's attractive to some degree (not just for his looks) and he used it to his advantage, of course even if it can be considered as "against" his soulmate
and this line...LORD - “Now that I’ve found you, I don’t plan on losing you any time soon? (...)” i feel like it's not that he "found her" in a genuine sense of the word like yk a niche cliche serendipitous meeting in a cafe and all that jazz. the way he phrased this plus the "coincidence" of mc finding his contact in the pocket of his coat make it sound more of, that, maybe he's been watching her for a while and on the day he's maybe on a lil break of his stalkerish schedule, that's when he officially meets the mc
“She knows how this will end. Best to let her get it out of her system before we get to that point.” GAHHHH THIS IS REALLY THE TURNING POINT FOR ME
Following to part 2, he purposely give mc a slight reprieve from the whole situation by running away + making that as a "lesson" and then gaslit the mc because, really after all he's done for her, taking care of her whether it's financially, emotionally or even physically, this is the way to pay him back? He spins the narrative onto the mc into some kind of "the crazy runaway wife even though she had the best partner someone could ever ask for, not to mention that they're soulmates- that's really a no brainer move on her part, don't you think so?" not to mention the power dynamics
And if chrollo's love has not been genuine at all, a passerby who heard the twisted narrative might sympathize with mc but the love is genuine, just twisted but yk...it's because they're soulmates that the pair should know better of the ahem "shortcomings" of one another because they were bound together in this life...or maybe even the next
He knows, Mc knows, and the troupe understand too that at this point mc is not just a butterfly unaware of the danger when it unintentionally flies towards a spider-web, but more so that the web is built around the mc instead, there has never been a way to escape it. Most, if not all the parts where chrollo has been seen as loving is genuine but at the same time, rather calculated just to ensnare the butterfly. Except the butterfly will not be eaten, not quite so at least, but it will be always under the stare of the spider even if it still struggles to escape
i might have missed some points but for now this is what's on top in my head
(unrelated to the chrollo fic but your sukuna and geto fic are AMAZING TOO, LOVE LOVE THEM AND HOW DEMEANING THEY ARE BECAUSE REALLY MEN WITH POWERS, SUPERNATURAL OR WHATNOT, IN THE JJK-VERSE ARE BOUND TO BE COCKY AND YOU DELIEVERED IT) - same anon who requested the chrollo soulmate au
no bc,, you literally got everything EXACTLY how i wanted u to anon !!! reading this has me OVERJOYED, its my turn to be kicking my feet ◙‿◙ ◙‿◙
like fr, you got it down to the smallest details that i wanted to include and was thinking, hmmmm did i express that enough? AND UR ANALYSIS IS EXACTLY RIGHT HOW I HAD HOPED so THANK U!!
sidenote, chrollo is just so much fun to write for. delving into his charm and personality in yandere situations,,, he really is one of the best, he's my awful fave (∪ ◡ ∪)
im so glad i was able to do ur request justice, thank you so much for requesting and inspiring me. im also glad you enjoyed my other works as well !!! if you ever have another req do not hesitate to send it over, i had so much fun making this for you id love to make more!!
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dojae-huh · 5 days
Coming back w the link to the last ep of MIK (@jamgiz on X). The ending is kind of sweet haha.
Ep 6 https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1qZB5p6QgQ7WkFOUgcp4aJKPGBDX2pAgX
Thank you for the review to the last 5 eps, I agree w you. Them feeling unwanted bcoz they don't get positive feedback reminds me of your comment on the last ep of Lastart. "You see, Riku realises he needs to fill in the shoes, that's why I like him, he is like Taeyong, he will improve relentlessly, some others don't feel the burden really...". The need to realize your role in the group & work on it, rather than focusing only on getting positive feedback as the goal.
Whether DA will last long: Aside from beating out the individualistic self, I also want to point out the motivation to join band like this. Idk much about the band culture in the West, I can only refer to what we know in Kpop; commonly being able to debut in ur group is the pride, the final dream (years being a trainee), long time commitment (TVXQ, Suju still active today), a name u want to protect (Haechan w NCT). Things might be different in non Kpop environment (contract as well)..
Hopefully they keep learning to be more as one group.
Thank you for reminding me people actually read what I write, haha.
I've watched the last episode yesterday. And even watched an English morning show for kids DA guested at for promotion (where slime was thrown at Blaize). The show left an impression... not of a good kind, lol. So they truly follow the k-pop route, variety shows including. (I kind of enjoy how one hobby (stanning one group) kind of expands in different directions and conbines different experiences. The way I related to Doyoung saying salak from the jungles was tastier than from the shop. Still couldn't find fruits as sweet as the ones from Waigeo island. At least Malaysia had the right round kind. The ones in Thailand are not really edible fresh.)
I liked how Reese told Hee Jun Yoon "I'm a good boy, not a bad boy", when she hinted that they should do alright as a group unless they get into scandals. It was funny. Either the UK producer (that old man) or SM team made sure to take the character of trainees into account. Evidently the guys weren't picked at random only based on how they danced and sang during the initial screening of candiadates.
The boys won a golden ticket, were given private lessons, were treated with care, and still needed multiple lessons to show that they are too over their heads. They wouldn't last a month in a real Korean idol-survival show, heh. I suppose "lashing out" was out of self-protection. "I'm working all day and doing my best, it's not my fault!". Reese wasn't scolded much because he corrected what he was told to correct, not just "put in effort".
Looks like most of them are in the group to perform (two did musicals, one has been singing from childhood, one is a tiktoker), i.e. to be liked and to have fun. Some have musical education though, Maybe song-writing or producing will appear in the future.
DA can last if they develop real friendships. 10 years is highly unlikely, but even 5-7 years will be a good result. With Blaize it was evident he wanted a found family. He looks very different (open, not closed off) in the interviews now in comparison to the show. It's a joint production with SM, the company will continue to participate. SM needs success with them to replicate this formula.
Speaking of Riku. He is on a quest of shipping himself with Jaehee. Considering fans like Riku/Yushi, it is also a consious decision to work for the whole group (three pairs: Shion&Yushi, Riku&Jaehee, Ryo&Sakuya, and the least popular quiet member brought to the spotlight). Of course, Jaehee being a good sport and an enabling friend helps.
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