#and then 'damn my favorite might be the literal worst off in terms of how much characterization he's gotten to his name'
ct-hardcase · 6 months
fun fact, TotE is making it a very distinct possibility that eighth will be the inquisitor with the least development in canon, depending on how much either marrok or the totj inquisitor make an appearance
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damienthepious · 2 years
this is truly an unhinged pull from me. did anyone ask for a flower shop au? no? TOO BAD I GUESS
Budding, Blooming
Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast
Relationship: Lord Arum/Sir Damien, Sir Damien/Rilla, Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla
Characters: Lord Arum, Sir Damien
Additional Tags: Second Citadel, Lizard Kissin’ Tuesday, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, (but there's still monsters), Alternate Universe - Flower Shop, Pre-Relationship, Romantic Tension, Poetry, Flowers, Valentine's Day, (implied but not stated. could be a some weird modern-citadel fest), DOESN"T MATTER
Summary: It is the busiest day of the year at his family's florist shop, and Arum is not in the mood to deal with the worst customer he has ever had. Again.
Notes: i've had this idea for about a billion years and it's vaguely valentine's flavored and i am SCRAMBLING so you get this i guess! Rilla is a tattoo artist in this au and she works literally across the street. Damien is desperately in love, as usual. hope you have some fun with this one! did up quick and dirty, and i don't know fuckall about how florists work. doesn't matter. also it's a modern au but arum's still a monster because why the fuck not. i like that better :P
Arum winces the moment he hears the bell above the door.
"If you are here to pick up, the door for that is in the back , and if you are not, turn around. We are out of everything," he snaps without looking up from the arrangement in his hands. "If you wanted something for the holiday, you should not have left it to the last possible second on the busiest day of my year."
"Please," says a fluting, pleading, familiar voice, and Arum instantly grinds his teeth.
"No," he growls, raising his snout enough to glare down it at his least favorite customer. Or- customer may not be the correct term, considering that this particular problem refuses to ever actually purchase a single damned flower.
"Please," Damien says again, clutching his hands together in front of himself. "Anything you have left, anything. I'll take a single rose, a single tulip, anything-"
"No, honeysuckle, you will not." Arum slices a section of ribbon as if it personally offended him, then deftly ties it into a bow across the boring mostly-rose arrangement in his hands. "You say you will take anything, but the moment I shove some imperfect bloom beneath your nose, your tune will change." He pulls a few stems of waxflower in front of himself, and begins to snip the bottoms off at an angle as he speaks. "You will realize that it cannot possibly be given to your perfect, lovely Rilla if it is not perfect-" snip, "and lovely itself, and then you will attempt to wheedle me into giving you something better-" snip, "when I-" snip, "have-" snip, "nothing left for you."
"But-" he looks lost for a moment, uncertain, and Arum (buries a spark of guilt, and) thinks that he might be able to avoid the rest of this annoyance, for once, before Damien seems to steel himself, stepping up to the counter and pulling out his wallet. "No. Please. This is- this is it. This will be the day, it will. Any arrangement you have. I'll double the price. I'm going to tell her today, and I need- I need-"
"You're going to tell her today," Arum repeats blankly. He thinks he feels his eye twitch.
"I am," Damien says, nodding, apparently entirely ignorant of the way that something in Arum's chest is bubbling over like a volcano. "I have to. I've finally written the perfect-"
"Poem," Arum barks at the same moment that Damien tugs a little folded scrap of paper, powder blue, from his breast pocket. He blinks, and Arum laughs without mirth.
"Wh- what?" he insists, and Arum bares his teeth.
"A poem," he spits. "Rather, another poem." Arum turns, tail lashing, and stalks to tug open the drawer beneath the rack of blue ribbons, grabbing out a small circular box that likely held candy at some point in the past. "Every week. At least once a week, you wander in to my shop and insist upon your angst, whining and moaning about your beloved Rilla - who you can barely bring yourself to speak to - and every single time, you say that you will finally tell her! You will find just the right arrangement of flowers, append it with just the right arrangement of verse, and then it will all be perfect."
Arum smacks the shiny-cardboard box down on the counter as Damien stares up at him with wide, almost panicked eyes. He shoves the top from the box, reaching in to pull out scrap after scrap of paper by turn.
"Poems! Countless poems! Verse after verse about her hair and her eyes and her smile and her brilliance, her cleverness and care, about her humor and her confidence and if she is even an ounce like your writing, then perhaps your cowardice is justified."
"Cowardice," Damien half-yelps, but Arum isn't quite done, yet.
"Because every. Single. Time, you lose your nerve! You abandon whatever overly complex floral monstrosity you insisted that I begin to put together for you, you leave your words in a crumple on my counter and you go sigh your way out of my shop without even the courtesy of an apology for wasting my time, let alone payment for the same, again and again and again! And now you come on the busiest day of the year, no notice! No planning! Last minute and desperate and insistent that your dilemma is the only thing that matters, but it is clearly true! Because you," Arum spits, "have finally written a poem. Because today is the day. For the hundredth time."
He levels his most potent glare at Damien, scraping his claws through the abandoned poems and crumpling the paper again. Damien only stares at him, swallowing uncomfortably.
"Today is always the day, and you will never, never follow through. You will never tell her how you feel. You will never buy a bouquet, you will never hand your poems to her, you will never grow a spine. I am tired of dealing with your dramatics and stupidity," Arum says, and then, in his blandest professional voice, "I do not have any flowers for you today, Damien."
Damien looks up at him with his eyes bright and his lip pulled into a pout- a wobbly sort of pout-
And then he drops his gaze. He tucks the new poem back into his pocket without unfolding it, curling his fingers around the leather of his wallet as he turns.
"I- I apologize for-" he wets his lips, then turns away entirely. "Wasting your time," he finishes.
(Another flash of guilt. Ignore it, ignore it. He might actually-)
Damien pushes the door open, and then he-
Pauses, in the doorway, the little bell chiming lightly above his head.
(something in Arum's stomach twists, a placeless sort of anticipation)
Damien turns, brow furrowing as he glances towards Arum over his shoulder.
"... Why did you keep those?"
Arum blinks. "What?"
"All those notes. All my poems, little scraps of abandoned love letters." Damien pulls his hand back, the door hissing closed behind him as he steps carefully closer to the counter again. "Why wouldn't you throw them away? Why keep them?"
If the earth opened up beneath Arum's feet, he thinks, then he wouldn't have to be in this conversation anymore. Out loud, he says nothing. Damien continues to meet his eye, something searching in his expression.
"You kept them," he says, his voice a little softer. "Arum."
Arum jolts, just a little, vaguely surprised that Damien actually remembers his name. He realizes that his claws are still half-buried in the candy box of poetry, and he pulls the hand back as if it might catch fire in there, another hand slapping the lid back down. "I don't," he says, but he doesn't actually know how to finish that sentence in any way that is remotely safe.
"Why did you keep them?" Damien asks again, and Arum struggles to regain his own tongue.
"B-because you- because you are the most obnoxious- to prove to myself that I did not invent you because it is impossible to believe that someone quite so annoying might actually exist," he stammers, but Damien does not look quite so bothered as he should.
"Did you..." Damien pauses, then reaches to brush his fingertips across the top of the box, tracing an errant loop of pink on the red. "Did you read them?"
Arum stiffens, his frill doing something incriminating at the edges of his vision, and Damien's lips curl into a strange little smile, the tension softening from his brow.
"Do you-" he seems to catch himself, and then he shakes his head. "Er. Right. Inconsiderate. Busiest day of the year, you said, and I- am inconsiderate," he murmurs, and Arum-
Does not know what to do, or say, or think. Mostly he would like to try standing very still, and maybe then Damien-the-worst-customer with the pretty voice and the terrible manners and the deft poetic voice will stop looking at him as if he has actually noticed him.
"What... what time, may I ask, is your shift over?" Damien asks, sounding almost meek.
"Not until at least seven, I should think," Arum says, too surprised by the question to be anything but honest. "Wh- er, why?"
Damien- shuffles his feet, almost boyish, and then smiles very slightly up at Arum. "I think I might owe you an apology," he says. "Or... at least, a poem for yourself. May I come meet you, later tonight?"
Arum stares, still baffled, still adrift. "I... I... suppose?" he manages, his voice sounding oddly distant to his own ears. "I nearly screamed at you. Just now," he says, blank. "Why would you want to..."
Damien only smiles a little wider, nodding, and then he turns. "I should leave you to it, I think."
"Honeysuckle," Arum barks, and Damien glances back towards him from the door again, his expression substantially softer, now.
"I... it isn't. Quite so bad," he admits, haltingly. "On the slower days. Hearing you out. Putting together something for you, even if you never follow through. On the slower days... I don't quite mind."
Damien smiles, a prettier bloom than anything in any of his bouquets. "Until tonight, Arum," he says, and then he nods and ducks out the door, practically bouncing on his heels until he disappears from sight past the edge of the window.
"Until... tonight," Arum echoes, noticing far too late the flowers he has clutched against his chest.
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radroller · 5 months
Totally impromtu and totally subective to my tastes! Focusing on Brian because his are the costumes i have the strongest feelings towards. Here we goooo!!!!
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Original: 6/10
This one is a-okay and ive seen it look really cool in the hands of some artists, but it’s not a fave. The mask is cool, i like the big lion, and the Union Jack armbands are pretty neat, but it just doesnt really come together to me. Also i think Lionheart wore it better, but nobody gives a damn about her 😔
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Alan Davis design: 10/10
PLEASE look at this suit, the simple iconic design, the color placements, the boots, the COOL helmet with the chin guard, i love it so much. I used to be confused by the huge X his costume makes but it does fit with how much he associates with X-Men characters. This will always be one of my favorite Alan Davis designs, and now that I’ve seen the other potential costumes he drew when brainstorming i can say we hit the fucking jackpot here.
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Alan Davis Redux: 9/10
I dont like this one as much as Davis’ original design, but it’s still really good. The color balance is more or less the same, and as as a person who has drawn the previous Captain Britain suit i do appreciate the simplification. Plus, the biggest thing I appreciate Davis bringing to Captain Britain’s design is his beefy physique, and that has yet to change. So what’s to complain about?
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Britannic: 2/10
In terms of 90s redesigns this is about as inoffensive as you can get, but it’s so damn boring. This looks like something Brian would wear for some one-off Excalibur mission, but it’s just his regular suit. Hell it looks like an undersuit that’s missing some kinda armor! Literally only thing worse than this costume to me is the name “Britannic.” Like are you kidding me. The only reason he isnt 1/10 is this is some of the best hair Brian has ever had. Literally a helmetless version of any of his costumes with this flowing hair would be SICK.
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King of Otherworld: 3/10
Really don’t give a fuck about this one tbh. It’s not all bad, it’s clearly drawing from his original costume with some of the iconography and i can certainly see that working, but without the mask??? The best part of his original costume??? Or maybe some variation on helmets? Also, again, Lionheart basically wore a version of this suit that was better in every way.
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New Excalibur: 8/10
Okay now we’re talking!!! A nice update of the classic design that makes a few interesting changes. I always thought the black sleeves were kinda neat, as is the helmet resembling a more traditional superhero mask. The modern detailings, however, i’m completely indifferent toward. You could tell me this was Ultimate Captain Britain and id believe you (which is funny as some of the Ultimate designs resemble the classic suit way more than this one does). Still, not bad at all!
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M.I. 13: 4/10
Im gonna be real, this is probably my least favorite one, but i don’t think it’s the worst. It’s just so bland. It’s not like a helmetless look couldnt work, Brian and Betsy rock that look quite a bit, and Ultimate Jamie Braddock KILLS with it. But like the overly simplistic design, thinner build, lame haircut, he’s just missing so many vital qualities.
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Sword of Might: 7/10
This design is very cool and i love how it combines his og and classic looks in a more armored appearance. If he had blue covering his mouth this would be my favorite upgrade of his original design. However i ultimately don’t think this is a design id wanna see regularly because i just don’t like his original suit that much. But still, so cool to see!
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Captain Avalon: 6/10
I greatly appreciate the return of the BEEF but i find this suit kinda mid. It’s just a Captain Britain reskin, like he’s Thunderstrike or the Scarlet Spider. But that’s perfectly okay. Frankly my biggest problem with it is that I don’t get why it exists. Like okay Brian is retired and he seems fine with that but there’s a million Captain Britains. There are LITERALLY retired Captain Britains hanging out in Otherworld all the time! Did they get new costumes too? Who knows. On the other hand, this is the least connected to Britain he’s ever been in terms of name and design, so in a way that makes it a secret 10/10!!! Wow!!!
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chessere · 1 year
Ethan Winters. Simon Jarrett. Existential Horror. Something. It's 3 AM Man.
First of all I have to say that I've never played SOMA myself before. When I say I'm horrible with horror I really mean it, but the core theme of the game and how it deals with humanity has been a huge source of inspiration for me for a while. The best part is you don't even have to play the game yourself. Just listening to video essays is enough to make you think for hours if you're not careful lol
Obviously spoilers for both SOMA and RE8, but like, the games are out for years now...
The point is, I feel like understanding Simon Jarrett would help with understanding Ethan Winters a lot better, and why just excepting that he's molded might not work for him. I feel like they have some similarities in terms of their existential horror but SOMA showed it better as it was the whole point about the game, while RE8 is left to be just an underlying thoughts as it was more action-focused... If you can't explain it properly using one game, then use another game baby!!!
Now, I don't think Capcom thought that far ahead, but hey, nothing wrong with trying to humanize your favorite character, right? That's my dad, y'know? So in that way it's pretty much a personal interpretation rather than an actual analysis. Again. It is also 3 AM right now. Hot damn.
Pretty early on in SOMA, you encounter a robot, or a Mockingbird, to be exact, who still thought of himself as a human. He fully believed himself to be an injured human and asked the protagonist to help him. Telling him that he was a robot would anger him, and he'd tell you he still had arms and legs... Or after that, another brain scan that shut himself down from stress once he realized something was wrong and had to be convinced that the simulation was real for him to give up. And then there's Simon himself, too. Initially, Simon also saw himself as a human, flesh and all. Only when he looked into the mirror did he become aware of his true appearance. Do you see what I'm getting at here. The brain does weird things to keep itself together is another thing that was also presented in SOMA.
Not only that, but Simon was also repeatedly explained about the process of brain scanning and how it works, how they'd always be left behind while it was their copies that would live on, but he simply couldn't comprehend it, or rather he wouldn't listen. Repressed, in denial, whatever. It was, after all, an awful truth. Anyways, the last thing Simon knew he was a normal guy with a brain injury, and then he wasn't anymore, but he didn't know that and kept thinking he was normal up until a certain point, sounds familiar?
The point is, you could probably apply the same thought process to Ethan, too, although less extreme as he didn't suddenly wake up a robot. I see a lot of people questioning why Ethan thought he could just reattach his hand and not realize that there was something wrong with him. Personally I think that what if, on a certain level, he did know that he wasn't normal anymore, hence immediately coming to the conclusion that he could just reattach his limbs, but he never questioned it or dig deeper because his brain shut it out to keep itself together. He died, literally. Foot to the head right after his wife chainsawed his arm off. That HAD to be one hell of a trauma. And by the time he finally realized he died, Ethan was angry and had a one-track mind. He did freak out for a bit when Eveline broke it to him ("Then what am I?") but he didn't have time to have a crisis. He had to pull himself together ("Family? F-Family? No! Rose! I have to...save...my daughter!") and save Rose. Then he died before he had a chance to fully comprehend the real horror that lies beyond his superficial humanity.
(I also think he's dubiously human as hell. Best case scenario is the mold revived him and he retained his consciousness. Worst case is the real Ethan died right there and the Ethan that lived on was an archived consciousness, or the mold integrated with him so well it inherited his memories and thought it was Ethan Winters. You can pick whichever you like. A little existential dread is fun once in a while-)
There's not much to talk about here but there's also a pretty interesting parallel at the end where the brain scan of Simon got launched into the ark, and as for Ethan, an archive of his consciousness lives on in the realm of consciousness.
That's probably enough for today I think. I really need to sleep instead of rambling about a fictional man's potential existential dread jfjdjfjjdjfj
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 5
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WC: 1526
Rated: M
Chapter Tags: angst, mentions of physical congenital defects, name calling, Freud, mention of psychological disorders, mention of disabilities
Maybe it was naïve of you to hope for an apology from him after the incident in the classroom. He was a dick, after all.
Six weeks into the term and things had not gotten better, but in fact much worse. Every little thing he did drove you up a wall. He would talk to himself out loud about who knows what. He would ask you your thoughts and opinions on the theories he studied, and then try to challenge everything you said. He would make you feel small as he spoke down to you or he would laugh at your ideas. He would ask for help with the dumbest things too, like picking up pens and typing up all his notes. And worst of all, he would just watch you. It probably wasn’t really all that creepy, he didn’t actually give you those vibes, but you felt like a bug under a microscope.
The only time you could tolerate the doctor was when he was giving his lectures. It was like he was a totally different person. Gone was the calculating and stubborn doctor, and in his place stood a thoughtful, passionate, intellectual that tried to see the world from as many facets as possible. He was so incredibly open minded. You'd even seen him crack a smile or two.
You wondered what he might be like if that was his personality all the time. Would the two of you get along better and argue less? Would he think more highly of you, and not just as some dumb assisstant? You doubt it.
“-And then he handed me a stack of notebooks and asked me to type everything up. All his handwritten notes. Like oh my god, get with the times and just type them the first go yourself.” You were set upside down on Bitsy’s bed. This week Kreizler had amped up your workload, so of course you had to vent to your friends.
Feeling the blood pool in your head you roll over and sit up with a huff. “He’s just so strange… and he’s left handed but to the extreme. I don’t think I’ve seen him use his right hand once the entire time we’ve worked together. Like how odd is that?”
“Maybe he’s got OCD or something?” Margo, your mutual friend suggests.
You contemplate what she said. Perhaps he did have something else going on? The more you think about it the more you realize he really didn’t ever use his right hand; when he asked for your assistance it was always for a two-handed job. Perhaps… You are broken out of your trance when Bitsy interjects.
“You need to either find a new hobby to distract yourself or you need to hate-fuck the guy already.” She doesn’t look up from her phone.
Her comment catches you so off guard you choke on your own spit. Margo pats your back as you overcome the coughing fit. “Bitsy what the actual fuck?” She just gives you a ‘what?’ look. Clearly she’s grown two heads to even consider suggesting that to you.
“It’s not so crazy. You like older guys, you said it yourself that he’s smart and he’s cute. Maybe this is what you both need. Get out some frustration.” She tosses her phone to the bed. “And to be honest I’d like to be able to talk to you about literally anything other than how much you can’t stand the ‘good doctor dickwad’.”
Your mouth is gaping at her in your shock. Her words settle in you like a bag of rocks. “Oh my god I really do talk about him that much don't I?” Shame and embarrassment wash over you as you realize that yes, the majority of your day is spent complaining about Kreizler. “I’m sorry guys, I’ll make an effort to tone it down.”
“It’ll probably help with the stress too if you stop,” Margo adds.
“That and getting dicked down - how long has it been for you?”
“Yeah no,” you get off the bed and walk out of the room, “I’m not answering that.”
“Too long then!” Bitsy calls after you with a laugh.
He really thought he had been doing better with you. He couldn’t say you were his favorite person by any means, but you were proficient at your job and the tasks he gave you. A hard worker. He tried to engage in friendly conversation or to talk about the lessons he was planning with you. As little as you had actually studied psychology he found your insights to be most interesting and enlightening. He actually enjoyed it.
You, on the other hand, apparently did not.
Today was going the usual route - he attempted to engage you in discourse; you were determined to defend and fight your way out of it. Oddly enough, for as much as you loathed talking with him you were always giving him your opinion on things.
“How could you be so base to believe that? We are all individuals with our own wants, needs, and desires, sure, but to only be subject to that? To have no freedom or choice in anything we do or say? It’s ridiculous.” You sat with your arms across your chest, a sneer on your face as you argued with him.
His face remains calm through your tirade. He himself took Freud’s work with a grain of salt, but he was interested in your reaction to his questioning. So he pushed you. “And yet you sit here now with the most basic principle being exhibited - the presence of Freud’s Id hard at work - as you become frustrated and angered by my words. Is that in itself not the desire to let anger take control? Acting without fear of consequence? To be exactly what you now claim is ridiculous?”
You scoff. “No, Doctor, because I’ve chosen to not put up with the bullshit. I choose of my own free will.”
“But what is free will, if not chained to our deepest desires and fears? Us acting on the primal needs within us so out of our control? You have no choice in the matter, only impulse. Nothing you choose matters, you are inconsequential.” Laszlo found that he liked to rile you up. You were more forthcoming in your ideas and defenses; a worthy partner to discuss psychological theory with. But today he had pushed you too far.
By this point you had had enough. His constant instagation had driven you to the end of your rope. In reality it probably wasn’t that bad, and you really weren’t that confrontational of a person. But god, with him you just couldn’t seem to hold yourself back. He drove you up the wall.
“Is that what you want? To study me like your little project, seeing how you can get me to crack? Your own personal basket case to psychoanalyze? What - does that get you off at night or something?” You don’t even care that he’s your boss anymore or how inappropriate your suggestion is. If he can push and push and push without regard to what is considered socially allowed then you’d be damned if you didn’t too.
His face is merely curious, a hint of a smirk on it, as you all but yell at him from your desk. He sits back, a pen in his left hand, his right resting atop the desk. You notice his right thumb twitch.
“What’s wrong with your arm?” blurts from your scowled mouth. You don’t know why you ask. Maybe his idea about being chained to our deepest curiosities, no matter how questionable, had some weight behind it.
"I beg your pardon?" His eyes change the second the question slips from your lips. No longer is he eying you with amusement, but he looks as if he might snap at any second. His face is hard, you can see his jaw clenched under the full beard he sports.
At his reaction you know that you screwed up. You never should have said anything at all. Sure he could be as rude as the day is long, but he wasn’t necessarily a cruel man. He had little moments where he was genuinely kind to you. He even made you tea once.
“I’m sorry- I…. I don’t know where that came from. It was inappropriate of me and I apologize, Dr. Kreizler.”
The silence that overcomes the room is deafening, so unlike the boisterous discourse that was taking place a moment ago. You turn away hoping to resume your work. You even take a moment to pray to whoever is listening that you didn’t just get yourself fired.
“It was a congenital defect.” You turn back towards him, but he does not meet your eyes. He speaks low again. “My arm never developed correctly so it is weaker and has less function. That is all.” You nod at him, swallowing. The look in his eyes does not match what he tells you. He has the look of someone haunted by their past. It is a look you are all too familiar with yourself. You both finish your work in silence.
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faeodum · 2 years
okay i just saw love and thunder and i need to get some things out. spoilers alert yk the drill
first of all i’ve said this in the tags a couple reblogs back but MY GOD don’t go see this movie if you want to see an action movie or worst a serious movie. this is not what this is. idk about you, but when i’m considering paying 15 bucks to see a movie i kinda want to know what i need to be looking forward to and L&T gave exactly what it said: an unserious, ridiculous, weird, corny ass lovecom that will allow you to turn your brain off for a little less than two hours and have fun
literally they described the plot as “imagine if you put a bunch of kids in the writers room, asked what they wanted to see in a thor movie, and then said yes to everything” and that’s what we got! why are you having a fit on twitter!!!!!!
ANYWAYS besides that it was really fun!! the room i was in was very open to the corny kiwi humor, everyone was laughing the whole time and even when it got cringey it was more funny than annoying and we all had a great time (im thinking of the “fake bad acting” choice in the directing but again i’m familiar with taika’s work so it didn’t bother me but some might find it upsetting)
AGAINNN its not the height of cinema and its not supposed to be. would i have liked more character development for val? yes absolutely this was my main hope so im a bit disappointed. but also i understand that there are more thor movies coming up and this one was about thor and jane and bringing closure to what we knew had been a serious/long-term relationship that just?? ended off screen suddenly. so i am hoping val is getting that next time and im not too worried about it
though you can’t take this away from waititi: the movie was really fucking pretty (yes ik a few wonky green screens but even actively looking for them i barely noticed besides the War Baby Flashback)
like hello the second face-off with the villain was insane???? christian bale is a crazy talented actor and i loved the video game-ish vibes it had (although ik my friend was kinda put off by it) but it was actually one of my favorite scenes
actually yk what the thematic of love was refreshing as hell… the fact that the antagonist had it against selfish and unresponsive gods rang with me and it was nice to see thor acknowledging that although he had very much been like that, he’s working on himself to be better
choosing to admit you’re defeated and just choose to pass ur last moment with your loved ones rather than fighting a loosing battle? how the movie treats important and heavy themes such as a loved one fighting a deadly illness, wanting the best for them and yet NEVER making choices for them… choosing love over hate always
again some people have HATED the last scene but guys? although i was not expecting it, it actually makes sm sense for thor. all he’s ever wanted was to take care of smn/someone, but the position he was given (crown prince then king) was just too much pressure on him and he just knew too well how utterly unfit he was for the job, and well although he could have grown into it, it was just not in the cards for him with the whole thanos disaster/ensuing depression
with this new development, he gets that AND stops this long cycle of loneliness and self-doubt he’s had going on for literal years. here he can’t doubt that he’s loved and needed, cause he now has a literal child in his custody that very definitely both loves and needs him and he CANNOT doubt that and thats so good for him and his confidence i think. also that single interaction was so fucking cute and natural are you kidding me??????
bonus points for the fact that it also allows him to grieve in a more healthy way because again, he can’t take care of a kid if he can’t take care of himself. no more brusso brothers alcoholism bs we’re in a healthy household now!
we knew it but val’s sexuality was confirmed and so were gay rock dads (squared)!!! and it felt damn good since last time we got that was with phastos which made me tear up a bit in eternals lmao
still laughing thinking about the gd goats
THIS WAS A MOVIE FOR KIDS!!!!! and that was so wholesome. yeah it’s a movie for kids and by kids too since the actors’ kids were all included both in the writing and monsters designing process (and featured in the movie too!) and i think it’s great that little kids out there can watch this movie and go huh i too can be a hero! it’s alright if i’m scared and it’s normal but i can do anything! and thats what heroes comics are about babeyyyy
might be repeating myself here but gd yall threw a fit because marvel was boring and yall wanted smn different and now you’re like “TOO DIFFERENT TOO DIFFERENT!!!” like pls go touch some grass its a fucking marvel movie it couldn’t be LESS deep
if, again, the movie was all about lame jokes, when it got to heavy scenes it did it very well. a few people got choked up during the final showdown and the scene just before it. and i think it takes talent to have people switch from hilarity to sad tears so organically
unfortunately the after credits scenes did not do it for me. although the prospect of bringing in greek mythology is cool ig, after seeing so many cool looking gods in that one scene i was like 1) zeus could have stayed dead actually 2) hercules is not the most exciting option but again? benefit of the doubt…lets see whats gonna happen…… also pretty sure the second post-cred was just waititi being like ‘aw fuck they killed heimdall? >:(( fuck that hey idris mate get ur ass on set’ bc it served nothing lmao but hey! not complaining about seeing heimdall one last time!
anyways yes thats about it for now!!! might add some later if something comes to mind but otherwise i’ll resume this with: if you have two hours and 10 bucks to kill, go switch off ur brain and watch thor love and thunder
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here!
A/N: maybe two more parts after this
Commission info for a Love Letter from your favorite HP character here - close 3/10/21!
You sigh as you lean your head back on the arm rest of Draco’s couch
You can see him extending a glass of wine towards you, and you take it gingerly into your hand
“I think I want to quit my job”
He doesn’t say anything, just raises an eyebrow and takes a seat in the arm chair next to the sofa you’re sprawled over like you’re at the therapists office
“Planning to coast along on your good looks?” He finally says, trying to keep his face as stern as possible.
Despite himself a smile arch’s onto the corner of his mouth
“I’m being serious!” You say, sitting up.
Draco openly laughs now, and he doesn’t stop until you throw a pillow at him.
“Well what do you expect when you say somethin’ like that out of nowhere.” He manages to say between bursts of laughter
You both have been dating for a while now, almost a year- you even brought him to a company holiday party
Life has been good
Having to hide his wizardry from you isn’t all that hard, he just had to completely reprogram the way he operates as a human being and now he’s fine
It’s been a little challenging
You sigh, a hand threading through your hair, eyebrows threaded together
Well now he’s a little worried, he figured you were just joking around but-
“Did something happen at work?”
Did someone say something to you- or maybe someone did something to you
Draco’s already running a list of curses in his mind by the time you sigh and shake your head
“Nothing that hasn’t been happening- not really.”
The cruciatus curse seems a little to far, maybe boils? No that’s too obvious
“It’s a nice place to work, I have it really good, it’s just-“ your eyes flicker from your glass of wine to Draco
“I always figured once I had a steady income life would be exciting yknow? And I would travel and be making memories but-“
You should be grateful, you have a good life. A comfortable job, a cozy house and-
Your eyes flicker to him, taking his impeccably handsome face, that ash blonde hair, and vibrant grey eyes
And you’ve got Draco
But even though you have all these things, you can’t help but feel like life is just passing you by, and before you know it you’ll be 80 on your death bed having done nothing at all
Draco’s quiet for a moment, picking up on the unspoken sentiment
Maybe you shouldn’t have unpacked on him like that- he’s got his own problems too after all
“Let’s go on Holiday”
Draco picks up on your confusion and elaborates on his reasoning
“You’re just a little burned out, you need a break.”
It happened to his Dad all the time when he was a kid, he’d get caught up in all of his dark magic council meetings and his board positions and wonder if this is just life was- an endless power struggle
And that’s when his Mum would swoop in with an elegant family trip to some exotic location, and they would all come back like new people.
Right now you need someone to show you the joy in life. That it’s not just going to work for fifty years and dying
There’s a long stretch of silence between the two of you
And Draco starts to wonder if maybe his Mum had it all wrong
Maybe he should have just offered to make you his spouse, he makes enough money for the both of you- you don’t have to work if you don’t want to when you’re his
He’s internally rehearsing his proposal speech, picking out which moments he should highlight
Which is pretty hard because every moment with you feels like a highlight
“Where would we go?”
Your voice is soft, almost hesitant, but Draco doesn’t overlook the twinkle in your eye
He grins
“Anywhere you want”
You find out pretty fast that Draco is a meticulous planner- everything is carefully decided
“Alright we’ll get off the flight, and we’ll get one of those mu- I mean we’ll get a car from there so we don’t have to worry about transportation-“
Literally everything is reserved, the hotel you’re staying in the city at for the first few nights, the car you’ll be using while you’re in France, the bed and breakfast Draco found out about in a small village in the French country side, even all the restaurants you’ll be eating at
Which is totally fine, some structure isn’t a bad thing
It’s just Draco’s never struck you as someone who plans everything out
“Is everything alright darling? Is this a personality trait of yours I’m just going to have to grow to love?”
You wrap your arms around his torso from the back, your chin resting on his shoulder to glance at the travel documents he’s reviewing
“Oh I never do this when I’m traveling alone- I don’t even take a travel bag most of the time, I can just buy whatever I need when I land- one time I didn’t even take my wallet because your phone is a wallet these days.”
You raise an eyebrow, what a little rich boy
You can’t think of all the times your family packed everything they could possibly need when going on vacation so they wouldn’t have to pay for anything when they got there
“So what’s the difference this time?” You ask, has hitting the quarter of life struck him with a lightening bolt that’s transformed him into a dad now?
“Because I’m going with you”
So everything has to be perfect. You’re taking a whole two weeks off of work, he’s got to make sure you don’t regret it, and give you the best time possible
“Don’t tell me you’re planning on proposing”
You’re only joking, but the disgusted look that crosses Draco’s features makes you flinch
You know it’s probably a little early to mention marriage, it’s only been a year after all, but you would be lying if you said that didn’t hurt
“I would never propose in France (Y/N), I have taste”
That whole country is just overhyped, and Paris is way too dirty - like most cities.
But it’s where you want to go- you like art museums and fresh baked bread so here he is
Going to god damn France
But he’ll be hexed before he proposes to you in that god forsaken country
“Oh so there’s going to be a proposal?”
“Of course there is” he says off handedly, verifying that both of your passports are up to date
And then he realizes what he just admitted and feels a ruby red blush creep onto his face from his neck
He turns around to face you, face bright red, only to see you smiling like you’ve just won the lottery
And he should be hopelessly embarrassed,
he’s been trying to play it cool for the last year, to play at your pace in terms of relationship development
Only to let it slip through his fingers in a single moment
But you look so happy to know he see’s a future with you
“Alright, sounds good. Just give me a heads up a few weeks before so I can get a spa appointment to look pretty for all our pictures”
You’re joking.... kind of
You don’t put it past Draco to have a photographer follow you both around and take pictures of the whole engagement thing
Draco’s actually taking your joke quite seriously though, a dopey grin on his mouth
“I’ll give you a hint the weekend before”
That should be enough time to get all your affairs in order
It’ll also give him enough time on how to break to you that he’s a wizard and well- his parents probably hate you
You’re smiling, an embarrassed expression crossing your features as you change the topic to which places you’ll be visiting
But there’s a shadow on Draco’s face
He sighs when you leave, saying you have to go back to your house to pack-
It’s always so lonely when you’re gone
He collapses on his arm chair, twirling his wand so that there’s a glass of fire whisky in his hand
He’s going to have to tell you soon- not just about his wizardry, but also about his family
His Mum’s already got half a guess there’s something going on here - but he bets the worst she believes is that he’s dating someone beneath him, maybe a muggle born at worst
Certainly not an actual muggle
His father’s clueless as always - too busy with his council positions and appearances
His mother will be fine , she would be upset of course, but she would come around eventually
His Father would disown him
He’s fairly confident about that
The second he says he’s in love with a muggle- it’s over for him
His dad might actually curse him when he finds out he’s marrying a muggle- bringing dirty blood into their bloodline
And Draco might curse him back
Because they can say whatever they want about him, but not about you-
Nothing about you is dirty
You’re the purest, kindest, loveliest person he’s ever seen
And he still can’t believe you’re his
You shouldn’t be surprised when you find out Draco booked you both first class seats
Or when you get to the airport and see a Mercedes convertible waiting for you
Or even when you get to the hotel - which turns out to be The Ritz
The tipping point is when you find out the “room” Draco booked is actually the penthouse
“Well that was exhausting, should we take a nap before going to the Louvre?”
You’re sitting on the sofa in the living area, your head in your hands
Draco doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy pouring Perrier into two crystal glasses.
“Draco, love, do you remember before we went on this trip, that I insisted paying my portion- even though you said there was no need?”
Draco looks up from the Perrier. But you’re still staring at the ground
“And then when I asked why my portion was so low- you said you got a really great economy deal from a travel package.”
That was the excuse he used wasn’t it
“Well there was a discount travel package, I just didn’t book it.”
Honestly he’s not sure what his end game was here- honestly he was just hoping you would believe this was all included in the package
Your palms are pressed together, your head resting against them
Draco extends a glass of Perrier towards you
You look at it for several long seconds,
he probably got it out of the mini fridge that charges 10x mark up
“I’m paying for our next trip” you say, accepting the glass with a sigh
Draco only grins
“So there’s going to be a next trip?”
You almost snort laughing
“Are you seriously asking me that after you basically proposed to me last week?”
Ah, you’ve got him there
You smile as you tug his towards you, pressing a kiss to his mouth
“Of course there will be you dork”
He smiles as he holds you close, kissing you again
Being in Paris is really cool
You go on a tour of the catacombs
“Watch your step” Draco says, offering his arm for support
“Thanks” you hold his hand as you make your way through the dark space
And the Louvre
“Am I supposed to be feeling something right now?” He asks
You’re both looking at the Mona Lisa, and you’ve got tears in your eyes, feeling very small
You’re almost humbled being in her presence, the painting that has withstood centuries
“Yes” you sniffle, taking the handkerchief Draco’s extended towards you
“You’re a rich kid, aren’t you supposed to be super invested in art and stuff?”
He gives you a mischievous grin
“I look at you everyday don’t I”
You manage a laugh, lightly smacking him in the arm
Things are going really well, you’re both having a really good time, and then something happens-
It’s your last day in the city before you head out to the french countryside,
you and Draco decided you would spend the morning souvenir shopping before heading there in the afternoon
You’ve put in an order for some macrons for your friends and the people at work
“Do you think they’ll still be good by the time we get back home?”
It will be at least a week until you head back, and longer until you see any of your friends
“I think as long as we freeze them” Draco assures
He’ll put a charm on them for good measure
The second Draco hears that voice he goes rigid
You see, being with you for a year has been utter bliss.
Draco’s had a good year, the best year of his entire life-
The thing is though, he got so caught up in who he was becoming-
that he completely forgot who he used to be-
Until this moment
“Weasley. Granger”
Weasley looks the same as ever, flaming red hair and a splatter of freckles across his nose and spilling onto his face
Still that tall, lean, but muscular build he had when he last saw him.
Granger looks great though, she’s got her curls framing her face, smooth dark skin glistening against a clean cut pant suit
“Lovely to see you both”
Draco seems composed
But on the inside he’s on the verge of having a panic attack
Maybe they’ll just give a wave and be on their way
Yes that’s entirely pos-
Nope. They’re walking over to you two
“Are you going to introduce us?” You ask with a teasing smile
Oh crap, he forgot the social protocols a situation like this calls for in his panic
“R-right, (Y/N) this is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger-“
“Actually we’re both Weasley now” Ron says with a proud grin
“- well she was Granger now she’s Weasley too, we um-“
Were sworn rivals. Mortal enemies. Fought on opposite sides of a great and tragic war.
“Went to school together”
He can honestly say that isn’t a lie.
They all did go to school together
A magic school in the mountains of Scotland, where they rode brooms and befriended magical creatures
Somehow he gets the feeling that’s not the type of experience you’re picturing though
To his surprise things are going pretty well, the conversation is mostly revolving around Paris, you and Granger seem to share a similar love for Mona Lisa
“And when you stand in front of her-“ Granger starts
“It’s like she’s judging you!” You finish
The two of you are only a moment away from embracing
Weasley looks like he couldn’t care less about Mona Lisa
And for once Draco thinks they’re in agreement
Maybe it’s because they’re from pureblood families
Because something surviving 500 years isn’t all that big of a deal to wizards
Not when the average wizard can live a few hundred years, his great grandfather even lived until the ripe old age of 652
“So are you two on Holiday?” You ask and Granger shakes her head
“No, we’re actually here for work on behalf of the Au-“
“On behalf of their museum I’m sure” Draco cuts in quickly
He was so comfortable in the fantasy  where his previously sworn enemies might become causal aquantinces that he completely forgot there were three wizards and one muggle in this conversation
“”They um-“ Draco clears his throat giving a meaningful look to Granger and Weasley before lowering his voice “they actually work for a rival museum. Managed to get an exhibit from right under me”
The lies just seem to stack on one another.
Draco’s not sure what’s worse- that he’s getting better with coming up with these lies-
“Is that why they aren’t invited to your hangouts with Blaise, Theo and Pansy”
Or that you trust him so much you wholeheartedly  believe each and every lie
“That is exactly why they’re not invited”
Some force in the universe must like him, because luckily enough that’s when your order number is called.
“Oh looks like it’s ready, I’ll see you in a bit darling” you press a kiss to his cheek before making your way towards the counter
And Draco’s so caught up in the subtle affection you’ve just shown him he’s completely forgotten all about the situation at hand until Granger clears her throat.
Ah yes, the mountain of lies he’s haphazardly built.
How could he forget
Granger looks like she’s got the gist of the situation,
Weasley on the other hand looks just as dumb as Draco remembers from school
His mouth agape
“Are they a muggle??”
Draco flinches at how loud Weasley says the word Muggle
“Yes, they are could you please keep your voice down”
He looks in your direction
Oh good it looks like you didn’t hear
He turns back to his old enemies
They both look like their mind is broken
“But your family they hate-“
“That’s my parents, that’s not me” Draco snaps quickly
But it was him, wasn’t it
All those times he tormented muggle borns at school, the dark magic artifacts he toyed with-
He looks at Granger
All the times he called her mud blood
He’s not as bad as his parents
-but he’s still not good
“Since I was there I got yours too-“
The second you’re back you can tell something is off
The tension hangs in the air like fog
Draco looks like he’s just seen a ghost, face pale and thin pink lips trembling
“What’s wrong?” You ask
Draco was a monster, that’s what’s wrong
“Nothing,” he puts on his most believable smile “we should get going or it will get dark before we get to the manse”
You nod, taking his hand in yours
It’s trembling
“It was lovely meeting you, maybe we’ll see each other again soon”
Granger who’s been awfully quiet for this whole ordeal smiles
“Yes, I hope we do”
The look Granger gives you is genuine and warm
- like she already considers you a friend
and it makes Draco feel twice as bad
It’s not like anything has really changed as you two drive through the countryside
You’re still joking like you always do,
Draco’s driving and he stops in several places on the way there so you can take polaroids in the French country scenery
But something feels...off
Like he’s just pretending to be happy
You really shouldn’t be surprised when you roll up to a large iron gate,
Draco types in the code into a keypad and they creak as they open revealing a rather impressive winding drive
At the end of which is an absolute unit of a mansion
“This isn’t a bed and breakfast is it?”
For one there’s not even a parking lot, Draco gives you a fleeting look before taking your bags out of the car.
“This is my family’s manse, we would come up here during the summer for vacation”
He was on the fence about bringing you here, but his Mum always had a rule that all dark magic artifacts would be kept away from their vacation home
His father could have free reign over the manse near London, but not here when they were on vacation
“You grew up here?” You say, taking in the fountain, the thirty windows you see in the front face alone, and the massive rose garden to the side
“Not really, we would just come here to vacation, it was really for my parents. I spent most of my time climbing up trees-“
And playing with the house elves, which his mother would later reprimand him for
It was always worse for them though
At least Father pays them a wage now, however meager it may be
“There’s no servants right now though, so it will be just us”
He says it as he leads you through the manse, passing the drawing room, a rather impressive parlor, up a long pair of winding steps into the east wing into a rather lavish room
“I hope you don’t mind staying in my old room, my parents used to use the master and that just seems... icky”
you laugh And he gives you another smile, and this time you know somethings wrong.
“We can go to the village nearby and grab dinner, or we can stay here but I doubt the pantry has-“
“Draco,” you stop him mid speech about getting dinner “What’s wrong?”
Draco does his best to smile for you
“Nothings wrong-“
“No, something is wrong” you cut him off quickly, taking his hand in both of yours
“You’ve been...sad”
that’s what it is, the emotion he’s been trying to cover up
He thought he was covering up his internal turmoil pretty well
Draco won’t lie, the fact that he’s more transparent then he thinks hurts
“Ever since we saw your old classmates at the bakery”
The way he flinches when you mention it tells you all you need to know
You feel a protective flare swell inside you
“Did something happen? Did they do something to you?“
you’re already thinking about how you need to protect you Draco from them, they work in the same industry so they’re bound to cross paths. Maybe-
“I’m the one who did something to them.”
Draco breaks you away from your thoughts
Draco looks into your puzzled face, and his heart squeezes
He didn’t want you to find out, not like this
Pretty soon you’ll be thrust into his history headfirst-
His hand is held in both of yours,
your eyes are so warm as they look up at him.
And all he can think is that he doesn’t deserve any of this
The truth is he didn’t want you to ever know
“I wasn’t a good person” he croaks
He knows he’s just as much a victim as the others, he’s got the scars and the death eater mark to prove it- both things he didn’t really want
It was coercion, they told him.
He grew up in an environment where he was punished for showing any original thought, his therapist had said
He’s a victim too
But that doesn’t mean it was okay for him to treat people like that- for him to call people that word-
“I was a bully, a monster, I was-”
Draco’s cut off when you pull him into a hug
Draco stumbles back when you throw yourself at him,  wrapping your arms around him
“Stop. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” You say
He doesn’t understand why until he see’s  the tears drop onto your hair
Oh, he’s crying
“Shh, it’s okay” you hum, holding him close as he sobs into your shoulder
And you two stay just like that for a long time
“I just don’t want you to think less of me” Draco murmurs, you’re both on his bed now, you’re both sitting cross legged across from each other
He looks so ashamed, it’s like he’s admitting he killed someone
In all honestly, you figured something like this might be the case.
Draco’s a rich boy, he doesn’t seem like someone who’s experienced financial struggle,
He’s  someone who experienced life with a sense of entitlement
You look at him, rim of his eyes tinged pink and swelling. The almost pitiful sniffle he lets out
But the Draco in front of you isn’t like that, not anymore at least.
His kindness is still a little rough...but it’s there
You know that, you see it every time he picks up on your mood, every time he comforts you when you have a bad day
You’ve seen it during this trip, where he catered everything so you would have a good time
You just have to make him see that now
“All of that, it’s in the past now Draco” you squeeze his hand, and he finally stops looking down and up at you
“You have a past, I do too” you give him a warm smile. “but that’s all behind us now, all that matter is where we’re going from here”
Your reassuring expression and tender words make him feel like he might cry again, but this time for a different reason
“We don’t have to talk about it, not until you’re ready” you tell him
he feels his eyes sting
“I don’t deserve your kindness”
And from another man you would think it’s a plot to earn your sympathy, but looking at Draco you know he means every word
He looks like a broken man
Like he’s haunted, worn down to the bone
So you do the only thing you can think to do, knees pressing into the mattress you hover over him. Your hands cup each side of his face, tilting it up so those brilliant grey eyes are looking at you
“You deserve every part of me my love” you murmur, peppering his face with kisses
Scattering them across his cheeks, his hairline, down his thin nose, and across his jaw
Before finally catching his lips, your mouth gently caressing his
“(Y/N)-“ your name leaves him in a breathless voice- half in want and half concerned
His hand caresses your face, stopping you as you kiss down his neck
He wants to tell you that You don’t have to do any of this just because he’s feeling emotional
But he doesn’t have to say anything, because you understand immediately, giving him a kind smile
“I’m doing it because I want you-“ you take his hand , pressing kisses to the end of his fingertips
“Do you trust me?”
And Draco, who doesn’t trust his voice, can only manage a nod
“I’m going to be good for you” you murmur against his hand, and you feel him shiver underneath you.
Draco’s made love to you countless times, felt your burning skin against his hands so many times he’s lost count.
But it’s never been like this
It’s so....
He looks at you underneath him, your eyes are warm as you look up at him, and full of so much love
This time making love to you is comforting.
Your hand presses against his lower abdomen, right above the place you both are connected, and it earns an involuntary shiver from him
But you don’t stop there, your hand trails up his stomach, across his chest, fingers lightly brushing against the nape of his neck before resting on his face
The action, mixed with that warm look in your eyes, feels so tender
“You’re so pretty” You murmur, your thumb rubbing tenderly across his cheek.
Caressing his face.
“My pretty boy Draco”
And he feels emotion well up within him once more.
A tear slipping down his face as he leans down to kiss you
He doesn’t deserve this, he doesn’t deserve your love
But he’s so grateful that he has it
That he has you
“Being good for him” extends past the bedroom it seems, because the next morning he wakes up to an empty bed, his body littered with kiss marks, a hot bath drawn for him with flower petals scattered across the surface, and a note
‘Took the car to the village, will be back soon. P.S take a bath and relax until I get back, I have your favorite tea in the kettle for when you’re done.’
Draco can’t help the goofy grin that spreads across his face
“I really don’t deserve you”
You come back only fifteen minutes later, while he’s still soaking in the tub.
You walk over to him wordlessly, rubbing his shoulders as you lean against the rim of the tub.
“How are you feeling today darling?” You murmur, kissing his temple.
“Better now that you’re here.” And he means it, he loves what you’ve done for him, but it’s always so lonely when you’re gone
He takes your hand in his, looking up at you with shining grey eyes.
“Will you join me?”
You laugh, your other hand caressing his face
“I have to go get things ready for our picnic- I thought it might be nice, there’s a place the locals told me about- a hill a few kilometers away from here.”
“That can wait can’t it?” He asks, and when you make no move to undress he adds -
He looks like a little boy, and you find yourself relenting, pulling off your sweater with a sigh
The tub is massive, probably half the size of your bedroom, so you give Draco some room, sitting on the other side of the tub
Last night was intense, for you and for him, you don’t want to overwhelm him with too much stimulation
But Draco doesn’t let you stay far away, beckoning you to him. Only satisfied when your back is pressed against his chest, his arms wrapped around your chest and stomach
“I’m sorry-“ he starts, but you silence him with a simple squeeze of his hand
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for”
And it’s true. How many times has Draco comforted you- bringing you dinner when you pulled late nights at work, or kissed your tears away?
“It’s nice. Seeing another part of the person I love” you reassure
There’s a moment of silence before Draco opens his mouth again
“When I was in school, I-I -“
“ you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to” you reassure,
the two have the rest of your lives to talk about these things, there’s no rush
But Draco shake his head, and offers you a small smile
“I want to talk about it, I want you to know”
And so Draco tells you as much as he can without giving away his secret
He tells you his family comes from old money, and he internalized certain messages from that
“It’s not an excuse,” he clarifies, “but it’s part of the story too”
He tells you how he was a bully all through this childhood and into adolescence.
Even early adulthood.
How he basically tormented the people he bullied-
“Granger... I was terrible to her.” He admits, you’ve since moved away from the bath tub, and you’re sitting in the garden, drinking tea and eating scones. “I called her terrible things”
He means he called her a mudblood, the greatest insult a person can get
You’re thinking he probably called her a b*tch or a c*nt.
Honestly I’m not sure which version is worse
“Did you have a crush on her?” You ask, and Draco sputters. His cheeks blooming red
He remembers being jealous of Granger, she was always at the top of their class, and he always came in second to her.
He remembers getting lectures for it everytime he came home for the holidays
His Father always fuming how Draco  was so inept that even a ‘mudblood’ could surpass him.
And some of that did transfer to his dislike for the person
He does remember thinking she looked awfully beautiful at the Yule Ball though, in that pink dress
“She’d look better in green” he had thought and then realizing what he just thought blushed and looked towards his date.
“Maybe I did.” He admits to you, almost a decade later.
And you laugh
“I bet you were a cutie” Draco only blushes even more
What you wouldn’t give to see a teenage Draco, you wonder what it would have been like if you met him when you were younger
How different would things be?
You watch Draco flush bright red, trying to cover his embarrassment with a sip of his tea
Well, the way things turned out isn’t so bad either
You spend the rest of the trip at Draco’s family’s manor, in domestic bliss
You stand on your tip toes, trying to reach a pair of mugs on the top shelf
“Here let me get that” Draco says reaching them with ease while standing behind you
You drink tea in the garden
“Draco darling, will you pass me the preserves?”
You’re both dressed like something out a a historical drama, he’s in a suit and you’ve got on a tilted sun hat and white gloves
Playing like you’re nobility vacationing in the Parisian countryside
Which... Draco sort of actually is
.... let’s not think of that
And go on picnics on the nearby hill
“Oh no” you mumble
“What’s wrong?” Draco asks while setting down the picnic blanket
“I forgot to bring glasses for the wine” you sigh
Draco shrugs
“We’ll just drink from the bottle”
You make a face and he laughs
“What does the thought of an indirect kiss make you nervous?”
You lightly shove him with a laugh
And late nights spent in their family library
“Your family sure has a strange book collection” you say holding up a book titled ‘witchcraft in the mid-1800’s’
Draco scrambles towards you
“Y-yeah that’s probably my dad, he’s kind of interested in that occult stuff...for fun, not like, because he’s apart of a cult or anything”
Not anymore at least
“I wasn’t thinking that he was apart of a cult... but I am now” you joke
You’ve moved on, scanning the rest of  their collection, but Draco’s looking at you-
This last week has been like something out of a dream
He can’t imagine how happy he would be to have this everyday
He watches your hand brush against the spine of a book
He extends a hand over your own, stroking your ring finger
“Make sure this finger is empty for me, okay?”
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Do you kinda wish that Isayama would just come outright and say that Levihan is actually legitimate? I believe it is and that he tried his best to show it but people *still* fight against it and deny it to the best of there ability sometimes and I don’t know why. I admit, I have a selfish desire that he will just confirm it for us because I’m tired of being attacked out of nowhere or made fun of for believing it’s real and appreciating it. Forgive my mini rant. I’m just tired of the hate ^_^
I kinda wish he would too. But at the same time, I think one of the reasons why I fell in love with this ship more than others is because it was incredibly subtle and it left a lot for me to speculate.
I don't really fall for ships that are pushed by the author or are admitted to be 'canon' either through material or through interviews because for me, it's like "Okay, you had to tell everyone that they were together. You made them kiss, you made them fuck and you made them all mushy in the big screen" and it doesn't hit as hard as the subtle ones for various reasons.
For one, if they aren't mushy in canon, but there are enough hints for people to speculate, it implies one thing for me, the two characters--- in this case, Levi and Hange--- are naturally not romantic people but someone-- or some bond--- is changing them for the 'better' or someone was close enough to them to have them doing just the slightest things and isn't the 'slightest things' much more believable than having Levi and Hange just have forest sex in chapter 126 lmao. (I mean, if they did it would definitely feel like a cop out.
And a lot of the shows I watched or books I read which had my favorite characters end up romantic had romance fall flat for me because two things usually happen: One they just end up together with little to no reasonable development or two they make the romance such a big part of the story that it becomes annoying.
For example, I know twilight is a romance novel lmao but I remember having this rant with a few of my friends about how Twilight had such amazing lore which could have really been explored if the author didn't use up half the whole series showing how damn indecisive Bella was.
I mean I think I've pointed out that my favorite couples really were Yuuri and Victor for one because sure they were so obviously canon but the thing is, the fact that they hid the kiss in episode 7 and the engagement promise rings, just made all the speculation sweeter. And even if they didn't develop obviously, I found the dynamic and how their relationship developed just extremely natural that they were definitely one of the most refreshing ships I have witnessed in my life and definitely one of my favorites. I could say the same for both Royai, Percabeth and Shikatema, they had good grounds for a relationship.
Tbh, I have no problem with mushiness I guess but I usually only enjoy it already when I'm already invested in the couple and I think they have gone through enough soul searching and suffering on their own before getting together. Romance has to be worked on. Nobody falls in love with anyone over night. And I've said it before, but I don't find kisses and sex as 'moving' as a lot of other scenes. I mean I love my smut and all but kissing, making out and sex are really easy to do and most people could literally do it with a stranger because let’s face it, most if not all humans were biologically engineered to be intimate to keep our race alive but like humans also have a natural survival instinct to stay within their comfort zones. 
Love is a feeling which is supposed to transcend our current facilities as humans so if it’s not pushing us out of our comfort zones, it might not be love. Sure, it can be intimacy, it can be attraction but I like to think that intimacy and love or attraction and love can be mutually exclusive. 
Loving is very difficult to do. Thus I liken it more to cooperation than to intimacy or attraction 
If you really loved someone, you'd go to hell and back for them and I am a firm believer that you never know if you really love someone until you've seen the worst parts of them or how difficult it is to actually be with the person. So, how to check if someone really loves you, how do they handle anger when you piss them off, how do they handle you when you're at your most difficult. How do two people in a relationship handle each other when they're both at their worst states?
My favorite scenes in romantic movies were definitely the less mushy ones like in crazy rich asians, I really loved the mahjong scene when she confronted the dude's mom because kissing your boyfriend is easy, confronting the low key racist and anti-poor mom? In six of crows, Kaz and Inej too tbh, I mean come on, Kaz putting his damn business on the line for her? That's way better than a kiss.
Okay I'm digressing lmao, thanks for listening to my rant but in terms of 'canonicity,' yes I get frustrated that people don't notice it or just say 'best friends do that too because I dunno? I really think that most if not all best friends have considered dating the other at least for a while. Because no one gets that close without considering living together for life and living together for life? Isn't that the point of marriage? So like talking about living together for life, just the two of you, even just platonically is just like hmmmm. I mean no need for the romance and all but if people are willing to commit to someone like that, I think that's love.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.
If you wanna be in a fun, healthy, happy long term relationship you marry your best friend or you know, make your partner your best friend. Like date someone you've gone through hell and back with because relationships are hell and you're gonna go through hell and back again and again and again in an endless cycle so might as well do it with someone you're used to struggling with right?
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hamliet · 4 years
I still think Hawks and BJ are the antagonists to the Todoroki plot. I mean they’re the two worst characters to be involved (BJ being a little bitch after Touya’s reveal and Hawks refusing to acknowledge that Enji sucks), but with them being outward and open about their involvement, in what way do you think they can pull off being the antagonists? They said they wanted to fight with them so they’re not gonna sneak around or anything...so I’m wondering how it could work.
Well, this is harsher than I’d be towards Hawks, but I also agree I don’t think any other role makes sense with what we have so far, unless Horikoshi is just... dropping the ball on Hawks. 
See, I think what bother me in fandom is that people tend to either think Horikoshi is writing a masterpiece in which every shift in framing is utterly brilliant and done deliberately and he never indulges in not-so-great writing, or that he's a terrible, incompetent, and even offensive writer. 
I truly don't think either of those are the case. I critique everything, even my beloved Dostoyevsky and Shakespeare (oh and I’m def subject to critique too), but I also don't think BNHA is reinventing the wheel or that it is terribly unique or revolutionary. I wouldn’t call it on the same level of literary impact as manga like Shingeki no Kyojin, but I would say it has a lot of value to analyze in and of itself too. I also don't think Horikoshi is a bad writer, which is why even with this bad writing this chapter I'm not overly concerned about the overall story trajectory. I think he knows how to tell a story and he has deep compassion that is evident in his characters and arcs. Some are willing to wait for a full story before criticizing; others are not, because serial fiction is supposed to satisfy and tantalize at the same time in each installment (which is almost impossible to do imo, but the strengths of serial fiction as a medium far outweigh the drawbacks). 
I personally think that if this chapter attempts to show Hawks on a good trajectory, it’s bad writing objectively speaking (well, good/bad writing is always subjective, but it fits the broader literary consensus of what constitutes poor writing). You don’t redeem a character by having them face no consequences (guilt, even internal guilt, is a consequence!) and still improve. Hawks has no guilt. He’s supposedly inspired by Twice, inspiration that lingers even after Hawks literally stabbed him in the back. Sorry, that doesn’t make any sense in a story. If this is really what inspired Hawks to change, well damn then, why not let Dabi kill Enji or Shigaraki All Might? Let that inspire them to change, since murder can work, right? Unless the answer to Toga’s questions is supposed to be “actually villains are not people,” which I think we all agree is not the case.  
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I’m with you and not quite buying Hawks’ seeming alignment with the Save Touya Squad. If it is supposed to be genuine, then I’m happy for fans while also thinking it’s cheap writing that offers nothing remotely interesting to the story. Stories need consequences (positive and negative) for characters to progress. We need to see how they progress from Point A to Point B. 
It’s why I am not thrilled with Shouto's writing of late: much of it is told rather than shown. Give Shouto his own struggles instead of holding him up as a shining beacon of light to protect the Todofam and hero society from trauma he happens to share. Let Shouto feel his pain and excel in his strengths; that is what makes Shouto a compelling character for me, by far my favorite of the heroes. It seems like Shouto is constantly categorized as one or the other: a hero who saves his family, or a traumatized abuse survivor, black (red) and white, hot and cold, scarred and whole. Let him be both, please and thank you. While characters like Rei seem to acknowledge this, the story is not like... showing it in the framing. You’re telling me that he’s hurting, but we don’t get to see Rei convincing Shouto that Enji has to take responsibility and that Shouto doesn’t have to be the hero of the family alone. We’re just told this happened--offscreen. 
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I’m often hit with “you want the villains to escape consequence!” when I say I want the villains to not go to prison at the end. However, this isn’t true. I have said I’m fine with a hospital setting (healing) and a chance to work with other troubled kids eventually (if safe, but story) to save them. And most important? I want Touya, Tenko, and Himiko to realize their murderous destruction and hedonism were wrong. I want them to realize the world shouldn’t be destroyed, and that true empathetic heroes can exist. I want the ending, be it working with kids or in a hospital or whatnot, to show that they have changed and no longer think it’s fine to kill to make a point (which is what Hawks’ story seems to be saying right now).
Hawks needs to learn that killing Twice was wrong, and he needs a consequence to learn that that was the case. If he’s just magically snapping his feathers and now on the path of empathy and saving Touya, that’s nonsensical writing. How did we go from this...
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To Hawks saying he wants to be just like Twice? To Hawks partnering with the Todos to bring back a long-lost son who tried to kill Hawks? When as far as we know Hawks doesn’t seem to realize that Dabi’s flames got hotter and hotter because he really did care about Twice? Unless that happened too and we just... are supposed to realize it happened off screen? 
Do we think Hawks’ mode of confronting his negative foil in Twice is the Way to Go? That Deku, Ochaco, and Shouto should copy that when it comes to Shigaraki, Toga, and Dabi? I sure don’t think so. I really hope not, at least. If Hawks is going to be inspired by Shouto to realize he screwed up by murdering Twice, then why is he already admiring Shouto while also still not really showing regret? 
Is Shouto’s “he’s too close” humor, or a boundary thing symbolic of hero society controlling their family?
Then again, if Hawks is tricking the Todorokis, I still think that’s not excellently done because it’s not in-character. I would guess a conflict might arise later on to cause this trouble, but... again. Serial fiction and its inborn conundrums. This chapter just seems like bad writing. It doesn’t mean that Horikoshi’s a bad writer or that the story overall is poorly written. All stories have flaws, and overall, I really enjoy BNHA only behind BSD in terms of ongoing manga. 
Then again, the moment I got hope for Jin he then went the way I’d initially predicted and died tragically, so maybe I should just trust that the larger arcs of the story will make sense even if the individual chapters stumble a bit. which does not inherently mean hawks will die just that consequences and framing should be like a thing
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sierraraeck · 4 years
Spencer x GN! Reader
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Summary: After a long time without answers and your relationship ending on rocky terms, you run into Spencer and can finally put things to rest. Part one.
The prompt from @veraiconcos Fic Writer Challenge was “If I asked you to stay, would you?” This is bolded within the fic.
Category: Angst. Just pure angst.
Warnings: Cussing. Mention of normal CM stuff. Suggestive content.
Word Count: 5.5k
A/N: This was initially a songfic and now it’s not, however it was still inspired by the song “Daylight” by Maroon 5. If you wanna give that a quick listen, go for it, if not, that’s chill too. Also, I tried to make this gender neutral, but if I did not, please let me know what I need to correct.
Internal dialogue
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
In one word, complicated.
Yes, that was a cliche and overused, but there was really no better way to describe your relationship with Spencer. Unless of course people preferred terms like arduous, intricate, convoluted, twisted, entangled, or your personal favorite, fucked up. Although, that might be a little harsh. Kind of. It was complicated.
And things continued on that path when you waltzed into the San Jose precinct, ready to defend your client against none other than the BAU.
Despite being 28, you were already one of the most successful defense attorneys in the state, and had already had a couple run-ins with the FBI. Luckily, none of those had been against the ‘all-powerful’ behavioral analysis unit, and you were able to wrangle out some wins, or at least, the best you could have hoped for given the circumstances. This time, a man, Brayden Lee, had been arrested as a suspect for a series of strangulations, all of the victims tall, blonde, college athletes. Looking over his case and the amount of evidence against him, you felt sure that you could manage a favorable deal.
But now, your strides faltered as you saw the team of profilers standing around in a circle, speaking in hushed voices, immediately turning around to watch you in. Well, it wasn’t necessarily them that teetered your confidence, it was more like him. And that damn hair.
You were at your older brother’s graduation. A small, skinny kid with moppy brown curls walked across the stage, the gown he was wearing clearly three sizes too big for him. He looked really young, about your age, which immediately interested you.
“Spencer Reid,” the announcer called. He accepted his diploma, moved his tassel from one side to the other, and plopped right back down in his seat.
You just stared at him from your place high up in the bleachers, almost missing your brother as he walked across the stage. You clapped and cheered, but you still couldn’t tear your eyes from the strange kid who’d walked across moments before him. When the ceremony was over, you asked your brother who he was, and all he gave you was a shrug and an arched eyebrow. That was not exactly the answer you were looking for. So you took it upon yourself, being the awkwardly brave kid you were at 12, to find him and learn more. You ended up taking him home after the ceremony, and that was that. You still remember the dopey smile he gave you as he hopped out of the backseat, a smile that you would miss for three more years.
You tried to compose yourself as you avoided eye contact with any of them, marching toward the interrogation room to have some time alone with your client. But it had never been this hard to concentrate before.
Snap out of it. It’s been four fucking years, six if you really think about it, so you need to get it together. This man, the one right in front of your face, needs your help.
So you did just that. As a lawyer, you had to have intense focus, so you made yourself hone in on that skill. The two older men of the team came in to have quite the nice chat with you and your client, but it ended fairly close to how you predicted. He would be let off, for now, but you would have to stay on call in case they found more evidence of your client’s guilt. You ushered Brayden out of the station and into a cab, telling him that you’d be in touch if anything else came up and to keep a low profile.
You were ready to be done, but had to make sure there weren’t any other loopholes or things they weren’t telling you before you could leave. You trudged back into the precinct, expecting to talk to the two men you saw earlier, but found that once-nerdy boy you used to know waiting for you. Not to say he wasn’t still nerdy, you were sure he was, but he’d definitely changed since the last time you saw him.
You tried to act as professional as possible, “Is there anything else that I need to know about this case and your evidence against my client?” Honestly, you were shocked at how calm your voice sounded.
“As long as you’ve heard about his recent purchases and easy access to the material used to strangle these women, no,” he responded, just as casually.
“Okay great, and nothing else in the profile I should be aware of?”
“Alright then,” you said, turning on your heels to walk out.
“That’s it?” Spencer’s tone suddenly sounded confused, even accusatory, which was such a stark contrast to the smoothe, gentle voice you remembered.
You were at the local library studying for your midterms before the holiday break. No one really went there anymore, and there were a ton of good research tools available, so it was the perfect quiet study spot. Well, mostly quiet, that was, until the ever-so-irritating ping of books being checked out was going off non-stop. You’d had enough, so you shot over your shoulder, “Jesus, how many books do you need?”
The pinging immediately stopped, and you heard a small, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you.”
It wasn’t a lot, but something about that voice seemed familiar. You turned fully around to see those piercing gold eyes staring at you, and you recognized those curls.
“No way. You’re the kid who graduated high school at age twelve! I remember you,” you blurted before really thinking.
“Yeah. Hey (y/n),” he said.
“I’m so sorry I snapped at you like that…”
“Spencer,” he filled in, after hearing you hiss like a snake, trying to jog your memory of his name.
“Spencer! Sorry about that, I’m just kinda stressed about my exams,” you explained.
“It’s okay, I understand,” Spencer replied, gesturing to his ever-growing pile of books.
You inquired about how things were going for him, and he told you all about how his first year and a half in college had been, already obtaining his bachelor’s in mathematics.
“That’s so impressive. Think you could help me?” you said in a somewhat mocking tone.
Of course, he took you seriously, not picking up on the half-joke. “Sure.”
Although, you were thrilled he offered, and the two of you spent the next couple of hours talking about high school and college classes, your seemingly easy math compared to his, and him helping you with any other subject you needed help with, like AP biology and psychology. At the end of the night, you gave him your phone number, trying to cover up your little crush with a joke about needing his help as you rushed out into the freezing night air.
He never used it.
“Yeah. That’s it,” you shot over your shoulder.
“(y/n), hold on, I-” he started.
“Doctor Reid, they need you in the conference room,” some lady said. Now that caught your attention. You spun back around to look at him with raised eyebrows. His mouth was slightly agape, and his eyes flitted between you and the lady who told him he was needed.
“What are you waiting for, Doctor,” you sneered. He let out a sigh, giving you one last pointed look before turning away. You didn’t even know people called him ‘doctor’ now.
You returned home, hoping that the case would get cleared up easily, that they’d find a different culprit and you wouldn’t have to risk that floodgate of emotions bursting open. No such luck. They found Brayden at the scene of the crime, literally in the middle of digging up an old victim to do god knows what with, and took him back into custody. When you got back to the precinct, you told your client not to say a word, and asked what the charges were and if he was going to be transferred in the meantime. The answers to your questions were not in your favor, and you had one of the worst client-lawyer conversations you'd ever experienced. The man wouldn’t tell you a damn thing, and if he didn’t tell you anything, then you couldn’t help him. Of course, it was your job to try and help him as best as you could, but you whole-heartedly believed he was guilty too, which didn’t help you keep the right mindset. Plus, your heart was pounding into your ears for more reasons than being across the table from a serial killer.
Focus, please, you begged yourself. And you did, for a while, but it became a futile effort. At one point you just wanted to say ‘fuck this shit, lock him up’ and leave, you were that desperate.
When it was all over and the station was getting everything together in order to transfer him to a holding facility, you tried to slip out the doors and wait outside. Only moments after, though, you heard the door squeak back open.
“(y/n),” Spencer started.
“I’m sorry,” you quickly interjected. You had been contemplating for the last day or so if you needed to apologize, and just figured you would, if not for your sake, for your clients’. I mean, they would probably end up testifying at some point, not like that was the main thought going through your mind, but you convinced yourself it was. “I shouldn’t have conducted myself like that earlier. It was unprofessional and you were just trying to talk to me.”
“It’s fine. I probably deserved it,” he acknowledged.
“Probably, but that’s all in the past and I should have left it there,” you concluded. You both stood in absolute silence until it became too much to bear. You decided you’d at least try to act natural, “So how have things been since the last time I saw you?”
Spencer looked at you with surprised eyes, but answered with, “They’ve been interesting. There always seems to be a new case. How about you?”
“Same. Just one after the other, but it’s nice knowing I’m helping people,” you added.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
Come on, what else can you throw out there? “Uh, so, they call you ‘doctor’ now?”
He offered a small laugh. “Yeah, they do. When I started, you know, I was much younger than anyone else in the bureau-”
“Still are,” you interjected.
He continued, “-true, but one of my mentors, who’s gone now, told people to call me that and I guess it just stuck.”
“Well, it sounds nice.”
“Thanks. I hear you are doing pretty well yourself, getting national mentions and such,” he stated.
You raised your eyebrows, “You heard about that?” A year or so back you got recognized as the top rising talent in your field of work, but you didn’t think that news would make it to the other coast. Unless he was specifically looking for that information…
“Yeah, I did. The FBI likes to keep tabs on people that might cause them the most trouble in a case, you being one of them.”
“Seriously?” You were astonished. The FBI was keeping tabs on you? “Why?”
“Just in case they get tired of opposing you and would rather work with you,” he shrugged, “But you seem to be having fun opposing right now.”
You let a smile reach the surface at that. “That obvious, huh?”
“I’m a profiler. Plus, you’ve always had a thing for opposing the ‘overbearing’ power and sticking up for the little guy.”
That was a little too close to home. You knew he meant that in more ways than one, and you couldn’t help but think about that god-awful night when you were just two kids trying to take a walk in the moonlight. The night that solidified your friendship.
It happened so fast. All you did was walk away for a second to throw your trash away, but that was all it took for the boys to pounce. Spencer had been attending CalTech for three years, and you were there to pop into the chemistry class, which you conveniently had with Spencer. Those other 20 year olds hated you and Spencer for the sole reason that you were two nerdy 17 year olds that were making them look bad. They’d already gotten in a few good punches before you returned, but when you did, you were livid. They were holding Spencer up while taking turns at him. You worked quickly, setting your phone to record before stepping in between one of the boys and Spencer. You hadn’t intended on getting caught in the crossfire, but you did, landing yourself a pretty bruise on your cheek for the next two weeks. You yelled at them about how they were assaulting a minor and how you now had all of their faces on tape, along with some other legal shit. One of them smashed your phone and went for another punch, but you kicked him in the throat before he could get to you, putting him flat on his ass. He tapped out, and you later found out he’d gotten whiplash from how he landed on the ground. They ran off, and when you turned around, Spencer collapsed in your arms. He was littered with cuts, blood, and already developing bruises. You took him back to his dorm and cleaned him up, spending the night before figuring out how to recover the footage. Once you did, you showed it to the board members, effectively expelling the boys and bringing them up on charges for assault. They got convicted, and no one screwed with either of you again. That was the moment you really decided to become a lawyer.
“Yeah, I guess I have,” you murmured. Brayden was brought out in cuffs and shoved into the back of a squad car, which was your cue to get moving. You had a full case on your hands.
You turned to leave, but as you did, Spencer stopped you. “Hey, would you maybe want to catch up later?”
You didn’t remember him ever being so bold before, and were caught off guard by the question. You stumbled out, “Uh, what did you have in mind?”
“Just … coffee, maybe?”
“Sure,” you said, and immediately saw Spencer’s shoulders relax. “Do you still remember where Arnette’s is?”
“Of course,” he responded. That used to be your favorite go-to spot.
“Alright then. I should be done with this at around eight,” you said, hopping into your car before he could respond. The officer with Brayden had already sped away, and you needed to stay close behind.
The whole drive you kicked yourself for saying yes. You were getting over him. You had gotten over him. And you loved Jordan and couldn’t help feeling like this was somehow betraying him. Plus, why should you be meeting him to catch up? He hadn’t been interested in that for five years! I mean, you put everything into making your relationship work. Sure, you were realistic that it wouldn’t last, but he could have at least tried.
You had it planned out. You would keep in touch until you could go out and visit him during the summer for Fourth of July during your sophomore year of college. The next year, he’d visit you, and the one after that, you’d visit him and so on. But that was the problem. There was no ‘so on.’ You visited him for the second time and that was it. And pretty soon, you could barely get him to pick up the damn phone. The last thing you heard from him was that he was pretty busy starting out with the BAU, along with an unanswered text wondering how his first case went.
But, you already agreed, so you might as well just see what happens.
You threw on some nice, non-work clothes and drove to the little shop on the corner. God you felt like a teenager.
It was just before eight and Spencer was already there waiting for you. Of course he was.
You took a deep breath, reminding yourself that this was supposed to be two people who used to care about each other, and honestly still do, just catching up. Simply talking. About the present, no need to worry about the past.
“Hey, (y/n).” You always liked the way he said your name with welcoming confidence.
“Hey,” you replied. He opened the door for you and you shuffled in. With no surprise, you were the only two in there, and he went ahead and ordered for both of you, remembering what you wanted with ease. You gave him a bit of a confused look as you waited for your drinks.
“What?” he asked, clearly uncomfortable by your staring.
“Nothing, it’s just that you remember my order, that’s all.”
“I do have a really good memory,” he reminded you.
“Yeah, but you also told me once that that only went for visuals, and your eidetic memory didn’t really work on audio,” you quipped.
“That’s true. I guess some things just stick. Plus, it’s not like you made it hard on me. You always ordered the same thing.”
You laughed a little, “I guess that’s true.”
You grabbed your drinks and left the hole-in-the-wall, autopilot kicking in, taking you both along the path that went around the park. Spencer sighed.
“Hm?” you questioned.
“Just, you know, thinking,” he said, brows furrowed.
“About what?”
“How we used to do this all the time. You’d finish your high school classes, drive over to CalTech for chemistry, and then afterward we’d stop by for coffee and a walk,” his voice sounded like he was in a dream, and he looked into the night air as if there was some answer or memory floating around out there. You guessed there was a memory floating around out here.
“Yeah those were crazy years,” you recalled. “I felt like I was constantly on the move and everything was happening all at once and I had all of this stuff I needed to get done. But this was always a nice place where I could clear my head and forget all of that.” That feeling was starting to return as you kept walking, the sticky air of California clinging to your skin.
“It was nice. I miss those days sometimes,” he said.
What is he getting at? “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
You walked in silence for a while, but you could see Spencer’s posture tense up more with each step. There was something on his mind and he wasn’t telling you.
“What is it?”
“What is what?” he acted bewildered.
“What’s on your mind?” He tried to shrug it off and deny it, but you knew him better than that. It might have been a while, but some things, like he said, just stick. And the way his body acted when he was thinking was one of them. “Don’t even try that. I know when there is something bothering you, now out with it.”
“Who is it?” That was all he offered and it was your turn to be confused.
“Who has the other one?” he said, voice a bit harsher than before, motioning to the gold ring around your finger.
“His name is Jordan.”
“Jordan, huh?”
“What does he do?” Spencer inquired.
“He’s also a lawyer. We actually met in law school,” you answered somewhat hesitant. You still didn’t know what he was getting at, if anything.
“Oh. Nice.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” your attitude starting to flare up.
“Absolutely nothing. Just not what I thought,” he stated with a bit of an edge to his voice.
“What did you think?” You were trying not to get offended by whatever he was implying, but you couldn’t help it. He asks me to catch up just to make passive aggressive criticisms?
“I don’t know. Not that, I guess.”
At this point, you wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. “Well, you know, you could have changed that,” you replied in the same passive aggressive manner.
“What would you have wanted me to do?” his voice was raising, obviously picking up on what you were putting down.
“Uh, I don’t know, how about respond to one goddamned text?”
“I tried.”
“Not really. And then you just went dark,” you spat.
“You seemed to be fine with that. You moved on pretty quickly,” he hissed, not even bothering to look at you.
“Why do you think that is, genius? I visited you, and then you stopped answering my calls. You stopped responding to my texts. I basically never heard from you again, and then the next thing I know, your showing up on my fucking tv, in California for a case, and you don’t even reach out. You didn’t even ask to meet up anywhere, not even stop by to say hey. Nothing. You did nothing once your job swallowed you up whole. I know what that’s like and it’s hard, believe me, I’m a lawyer for Chrissake, but I found the time. Plus, for all I knew, you had already found someone else, so I wasn’t going to wait around for the guy who seemed to love me much less than I loved him.” By the end, you were yelling, and thanking the stars above you that no one was around to hear it.
“You’re right,” he whispered after a while.
You were stunned, and could only manage a small, “What?”
“You’re right,” he repeated. “I should have put in more effort. I don’t know, (y/n), I wish I had a better answer for you but I don’t. I was young, and stupid, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I let my insecurities get in the way of us, and I will never be able to forgive myself for that.”
“What?” It was seriously the only thing going through your mind, however, you were able to force out, “Insecurities?”
“Yeah. I was worried that because I was away, you were going to tire of me, that you weren’t going to want to stay in a relationship. I thought that maybe, by being ‘tied’ to me, so to speak, that I was holding you back, which we promised each other we would never do. We said that we would never get in the way of the other’s dream, and I wondered if maybe I was going to do that to you. I just … I had all of these doubts, so I panicked. I stopped responding. And I was so wrong to do that.”
Now that he’d said them, they sounded like some of the same doubts he expressed to you the night before he left.
“What time is your flight?”
“Seven, which means I have to be there by six, which means I have to be leaving here by four-thirty at the latest,” he recited. He had all of his stuff piled by the door, which was hardly anything at all. You were in his hotel room because his house was soon to be taken over by a young couple, since he’d be living in Massachusetts, and his mother was in a mental facility. You’d just come back from visiting her, which left Spencer in tears.
You ate dinner while playing chess, which he effectively beat you at. You were actually pretty good at it, but no match for his math-based brain. You snuggled into bed next to him, willing yourself to keep it together because the last thing you wanted to do was spend your last night with him an emotional wreck. He queued up a movie, but neither of you paid any attention to it. His arm was draped around your shoulders and yours were clasped around his waist.
Spencer’s hand lazily circled your back until it moved with purpose down to your thigh. He continued his lazy patterns when you looked up at him, a question in your eyes.
You’d been with Spencer for over a year, and recalled your first time. You were ready before he was, which came as no surprise, but that didn’t stop the nerves from racing through your head. But if you thought you were nervous, you had no idea what was going through Spencer’s head. He later told you that he was absolutely terrified because he didn’t want to do something wrong, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, and he didn’t want you to think less of him because of his body style, and a million other things that he was scared about. That’s how you accidentally said the ‘L’ word. “Spencer Reid, I would never judge you and you could never scare me away. I love you and your body and your brain, and you are not going to do something wrong, not like I’d know because we are both new to this and are doing it together. Understand?”
He gave you a shy smile. “I do.”
Now though, it was very different. Comfortable, confident, safe.
“Can I have you?” he asked, “All of you, one last time?”
You leaned up to kiss him, and he sighed when you pulled away. You looked him straight in the eyes, “I’m all yours.”
And you were. You felt like you always had been and probably always would be, and could only hope that he felt a fraction of the same. Your bodies pushed and pulled in perfect unison, fitting together as if you were two pieces of a puzzle, specifically crafted for the other.
You returned to your curled up position beside him, and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears silently flowed out of your eyes, but you couldn’t make yourself peel your arms away from him long enough to wipe them away. You attempted to sob without making a sound, knowing that if Spencer saw you crying, it would make him cry, and he couldn’t cry because it would make you cry more, splitting you right in half. It didn’t matter how quiet you were being about it, because when you looked up at Spencer, you saw the same silent tears glistening on his cheeks. It was only then that you pulled your hands from around him and brushed away his tears.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring the mood down,” you apologized. “This is supposed to be exciting. You’re going to the best school in the country to get your PhD.”
“It’s okay,” he replied, moving his hands up and down your arms, “Sometimes, I wonder if I’m making the right decision.”
This took you by surprise. He’d always seemed confident about this, passionate about furthering his education. “What makes you say that?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just don’t want to complicate things for anyone. For my mother. For you.”
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” You knew it was unfair, but it was the only thing you could think to say. The only thing you wanted to say. You needed him, and it was sickening wondering if soon, he might not need you. He stared at you dumbfoundedly, so you quickly covered it up with, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. You are about to start a whole new part of your life, and you should go, pursue your dreams with the best education this country can offer. I don’t wanna get in the way of that.”
You repositioned yourself back on his chest, and started to drift off to sleep when you felt him sigh. You lazily peered up at him, meeting his restless eyes. “Spence, you need to sleep.”
“I can sleep on the plane. I need this more,” he said, smiling at you. You tried to stay awake like you knew Spencer would, but to no avail. You did, however, wake up to him getting ready to leave. He kissed you goodbye, and you held yourself together until he’d walked out, the door shutting with a definite ‘click.’
All the air had been stripped from your lungs and you felt like you couldn’t breathe, like you’d never again without him by your side. You cried yourself back to sleep, willing this all to be one giant nightmare, but when you woke, he was gone. And you felt completely numb. So while you may have been two pieces of a puzzle, aiming to create the same beautiful picture, you no longer fit together.
You felt yourself starting to get flushed from constantly going in and out of anger then feeling bad and forgiving. It was exhausting, and probably part of the reason things didn’t work out between the two of you. That didn’t mean you loved him any less, though. He was, in fact, your first love, and you guess people were right about that stuff being more powerful and affecting you longer. Hell, you walked into the precinct for a total of three seconds before he was affecting you all over again!
You took a deep breath in before saying, “I guess we both made mistakes and wished we would have handled things differently.”
“What would you have handled differently?” He sounded genuinely curious.
“When I saw that you were in California for a case, instead of … doing what I did, I should have been the one who reached out. I could have just asked you then what was going through your mind and what was going on between us. Who knows how that might have changed things? But, I was petty,” you gave a cold laugh, “I guess I still am sometimes, huh?”
You had definitely been acting that way lately. You felt guilty and ashamed about it, but in that moment of anger four years ago, knowing that Spencer was out there ignoring you, you sent him a hurtful message and then blocked his number. Only a week or so prior, you’d met Jordan who was clearly hitting on you, and you were so firm about moving on that you asked him out. He eagerly agreed, and the rest was history. Or, at least, you thought was history.
Spencer shrugged and dodged the somewhat rhetorical question. “We can’t really dwell on that now.”
You knew he didn’t really mean that, considering he was the type of person who dwelled, but he was right. You were engaged to a great guy and soon to be married. This, Spencer, was something you were just going to have to come to terms with, something you realized you hadn’t come to terms with yet.
You’d been walking so absentmindedly next to him that you hardly noticed you were outside of a hotel. He stopped just outside the lobby entrance and turned to face you.
“Walk you to your room?” you offered. What the fuck did you just say? Why did you say that? You can’t say things like that. Stop it.
Spencer gave you that small, closed lip smile of his which immediately ended your inner scolding, and nodded, holding the door open for you. You walked up the stairs together in silence. When you reached his door, instead of getting out his card, he leaned his back up against the heavy wood.
“Alright, well, it was nice catching up, and I wish you safe travels in the morning,” you said, turning to leave. He quickly reached out and grabbed your hand, stopping you in your tracks, and you spun around to face him.
“If I asked you to stay, would you?” Those words pierced through your ears, ringing all too familiar from when it was you who said them.
“Spence-” you started. And then his lips were on yours. Those sweet, soft lips. It had always been so natural between the two of you, and you felt his tongue bypass yours as you pushed further into the kiss. Then you remembered where, and when, you were, no longer that hopelessly devoted kid but an adult with a wonderful man waiting for you when you got home. You pulled away. “Spence-”
“I would have said yes, you know,” he confessed. The question must have been etched on your face, because he continued, “When you asked me that night, given the chance, I would have said yes.”
His words stung, and your whole body ached from rehashing old feelings, to igniting new ones, to the guilt of what just happened weighing on you so heavily you might just crumble beneath it. You murmured out, “Why didn’t you?”
“I thought you were right. I thought I was doing the right thing. Out of all the mistakes I’ve made, all the regrets I have, you, (y/n) (y/l/n), are my biggest one.” His honey brown eyes peered right into yours, like he was looking at something far greater than just your eyes, and repeated, “So right now, if I asked you to stay with me, would you?”
It was too much to handle. After all the time you’d spent wishing he was still yours, he finally could be, but you could no longer be his. Tears were streaming down your face as they once did, the first time you lost him, and you choked out, “I can’t.”
One More Night
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superworldunkown · 4 years
Chase you to the Top
AN: Dad Bakugou fics are my favorite. I am 100% convinced, with evidence I made up myself, that Bakugou would literally be the best dad in the worst way. Would his children swear? Yes. Would they be wholesome and the righteous hero’s in the making? Fuck yes. I’m here for it. Also, Bakugou and a POC character would make the most cutest biracial babies, like I cant. But I’ll write it anyways. 
Summary: The day finally came when Deku passed Kacchan on the Hero Billboard charts...but, surprisingly, Bakugou is still on top. It’s mostly BakuDeku friendship, with a nice helping of Dad Bakugou, and a sprinkle of Bakugou x POC reader. The perfect recipe.
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Midoriya dreamed of this day. It was finally here. The Hero Billboard Chart JP Annual ceremony. All of the training, the battles, the wins and losses, it all seemed worth it to have his name once again be echoed in the same stadium as his mentor, All Might. Of course, Midoriya was nervous beyond recognition. But, in true Midoriya fashion, he spent all week preparing and perfecting his entrance walk, his wave to the crowd, and the speech the top heroes gave. He had it down to a science.   After all, he was now a top hero! However, he was not prepared for the ranking, 
Midoriya ranked 3rd.
He ranked higher. He surpassed Bakugou?! And now, the entire world was going to see it. This could very well be his final Hero Billboard Chart moment. He was sure Bakugou was going to blast him on live TV. Maybe he shouldn’t have invited his mother as his plus 1.
He gulped, despite how hard his body was rejecting any more fluid into his already churning stomach. The two hero’s stood side by side backstage, both dressed in their full hero costumes; Bakugou foregoing his left gauntlet. Since the war with the League of Villains several years back he only dawned both gauntlets in serious missions where the firepower was absolutely necessary.  
The roar of the crowed hummed through the walls and thick theater curtains. The two hero’s haven’t spoken to each other since their rankings were reveled in private late last night. Some hero’s weren’t even given any notice to their rankings. He and Bakugou were the exceptions.  Bakugou and Midoriya stood out for so many reasons. Both seen and unseen. To the public, they were the symbol of the next generation of Heroes. Also, the Hero Committee knew of Bakugou’s fiery temper, so it was probably for everyone's safety that it wasn’t publicly announced without notice. 
Midoriya thought for a moment. They weren’t kids anymore. And their friendship, dare he say it, had transformed so much from their days at U.A. They were on speaking terms, they trained together. Ran missions together. Bakugou even threw himself in danger to save his life once. Hell, he was even invited to Bakugou’s wedding, and only 5 other classmates were invited! They had become so much closer, but was that all about to be destroyed?
But Midoriya couldn’t live with the silence. He had to say something. Something to cut the tension. Something to make Bakugou look at him, acknowledge him. Even if he got screamed at, he had to say something. 
He began slow, and quiet, “So...Uhh, pretty exciting we both made it so high up, huh?”
Oh no.
Was that pandering? Shit!
“I mean, its great right? We’ve both worked so hard. You worked even harder you know, your quirk is so amazing and you’ve become such a great hero- not that you weren’t in the first place...Sorry not likethatKacchanijustknowyou’vebeenwatingforthismomentyourwholelifeandihopeI’mnotruiningitbecauseirankedhigherthanyouthisyearbuttheresalwaysnextyearwhoknowsmaybetheyputmehigherbymistake-”
“Damnit Deku! You’re muttering again! And It’s pissing me off!” 
The green haired man didn’t know why the abrasive response made him smile, “Sorry, Kacchan.” 
Bakugou huffed an inaudible response while he began tinkering with his gauntlet before setting it down at his feet, “Shit, forgot to turn the safety on.” 
“You’ve gotten so strong, you dont even really need those anymore.” Midoriya pipped up, “You’re now able to set of explosions that can be felt half a mile away-” 
Red eyes were cast his direction, “I should’ve gotten that restraining order. You know so much about me its weird, ya damn nerd.” 
“Am I really still a nerd to you? After all these years?” 
Before the explosion hero could respond, the presence of a small child caught their attention. The curly haired child stood in front of Bakugou, staring up at him with wide, bright eyes. She dawned orange dress with green polka dots and small black and red shoes.
“Oh, Hey Ki-” 
“What are you doing here, kid?” Bakugou’s brash voice filled the backstage. He knelt down in front of her, snarling, “Looking for an autograph or something? Well they ain’t free!”
The girl didn’t bat an eye. Rather, her freckled face scrunched up as she responded with a giggle, “You’re mean, Daddy.” 
He was beaming, “Damn right I am.” He snatched his daughter up his arms, lifting her in the air as he stood. The girl laughed at her new found height before she began reaching for Bakugou’s hero mask. 
“Kiara-there you are!” You called out while rounding the corner, eyes finally set on your daughter, “You can’t run away from Mommy like that.” 
Kiara was Bakugou’s 3 year old daughter. She was the perfect balance of you and Katsuki. She had your brown skin that glowed with tiny freckles, curly hair, albeit blonde like her fathers. She had your smile, big and bright. And just like her namesake, she was the princess. You were convinced she got that from Katsuki’s side of the family.
“Hey, Y/N.” Midoriya spoke, only to be enveloped in a big hug.
“Deku! I heard the news! I’m so proud of you, number 3 hero, that’s amazing! Try not to break any bones during your speech, okay?”
“Thanks, Y/N. I’ll try not to.”  
Bakugou let out a small laugh. You turned your attention towards your husband and wayward daughter, “And you, no swearing during yours either! I mean it Katsuki if she learns one more word...” 
Kiara watched you before mimicking your moves, waving her small finger in her father’s face, “Yeah, no spearin-” She finished with a squeal as Bakugou flashed his teeth playfully bit at her finger.
‘Top 10 heroes, take your position at the main stage. Again, top 10 heroes, main stage please.’ 
“Alright missy, Daddy and Deku have to go.” You reached out for your daughter who whined in protest, clearly not ready to depart to their seats.
“You sure you can hold her?” Bakugou asked softly, staring down at the small bump that showed ever so slightly from underneath your sweater.
“Trust me.” You reassured him, “If I let her feet hit the ground again, she’ll rush the stage. Okay, Kiara one last hug and it’s time to go.” 
Kiara gave her father a tight hug before leaning away towards your arms, “No madder what Daddy, you’re still my mumber one hero.”
While he only witnessed the tender moment, for Midoriya it finally dawned on him. At the end of the day, he didn’t surpass Kacchan, not even by an inch. Midoriya was still chasing after him, just like when they were kids. It didn’t matter where he was ranked or what the public thought of him. 
To the people that mattered. Who truly loved him, 
Kacchan was already number 1. 
AN: I just really want to write more Dad Bakugou. Mah Heart! Do you need Baku-dad in your life, too?  Let me know. 
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Secret of the Sun Drop (Part 1)
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Were now at the season finale folks and it’s the beginning of the end. This is the series’ highpoint, it’s all downhill afterwards. However, while this episode is good, it’s still got flaws so let's get to it. 
Summary: On Rapunzel's nineteenth birthday, Frederic tightens his grip on the Rapunzel and the kingdom, while Varian makes his move to attack. 
More Indication of the Timeline 
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Remember, Varian said that it would be matter of months until the rocks reached the island in QfaD and today is the day that they reach it. Now Raps is saying that Frederic has been lying to her for months. At least since TWoRR, which makes more sense if you remember that that particular episode was meant to slot between QfaD and this episode. 
The show has a bad habit of making the passage of time an important plot point but failing to showcase how much time has past. Showing episodes out of order didn’t help, but even more than that the audience shouldn’t have to rely on one line exposition to gain knowledge of what’s going on. The show fails to use actual visual indicators of what’s going on. There’s little visual change in seasons, next to no change in character models, and all we have are made up holidays to go by.   
Also yes, Rapunzel has left a fourteen year old alone for three months. This isn’t something that can be excused. Seriously, stop trying to do so people. It just makes you look bad when you do.  
Wow, Way to Victim Blame, Raps. 
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“Unstable”? We’re seriously going to use ableist terms to describe a grieving young teenager who’s been persecuted and neglected for months on in?
And Rapunzel knows he’s been persecuted and abandoned for months at this point. She’s read the note. She’s been attacked by same the guards that attacked him. She’s heard the rumors. She seen his father’s corpse. She has just admitted in this very spiel that Frederic has been lying. She knows how people are unfairly treated by Corona’s legal system and that ‘treason’ is a death sentence to anyone but herself.  
Yet, all she can do here is whine about how all of this only affects her. This entire speech is just me, me, me, and I, I, I. Don’t tell me she’s a kind and compassionate person when her hypocrisy is made into a fundamental plot point for the season’s main conflict. 
But let's get to the real reason for this little recap. It’s to create bias in the viewer. 
The viewer is aware that Varian might be up to something, but Rapunzel logically, should not be. Varian technically hasn’t done anything wrong yet. The worst he’s done is feed people truth serum, which is no different than Xavier drugging folks with the mood potion. Given how Raps didn’t care about Xavier doing that she shouldn’t care about Varian doing it either, especially since it didn’t physically harm anyone. Also Varian very much is in the right to take the flower and she knows the only thing he’s going to use it for is to free his father and possibly stop the rocks. He’s been very upfront about that. 
Also don’t you dare bring up the stupid reprise! Intent isn’t action. You can't condemn people for having negative thoughts. You can only condemn people for acting upon their negative impulses, which, once again, has not happened yet. 
Furthermore, Rapunzel isn’t privy to Varian’s innermost thoughts and hasn’t been present for those instances where he did voice negative intent. Ergo, him singing a misplaced reprise does not excuse her behaviour. 
The characters in the show treat Varian as a villain before he ever actually becomes a villian, and that’s only because the creator wants you to side with his self-insert instead of actually addressing the moral conundrums that he’s written into the show. 
Does Anyone Else Besides Me Find the Glorification of Classism In the Show Disturbing? 
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So supposedly all of these gifts have been given to Rapunzel by the regular citizenry of Corona. There might be a few from a couple of lower nobles or royals from outside of Corona, but for the most part it’s implied that all of theses presents are from poor people. 
Rapunzel is a princess. She’s literally the richest person in the whole kingdom and holds people’s lives in her hands. Giving a thoughtful gift because you like her is one thing, paying tribute to her very existence just because she technically owns you is another. 
Keep in mind people have been brainwashed for nearly two decades to worship Rapunzel. They’ve made a holiday out of her birthday. Later on we see the townspeople defend the King even when it’s been proven that he’s done them wrong. They follow Rapunzel blindly through out season three. ect. 
The people of Corona are dangerously loyal to feudalism, royalty, and authoritarian rule long past sanity, and given the other authoritarian messages in the show, it takes what is meant to be a sweet scene of a girl who grew up with nothing suddenly gaining acceptance and turns it into a creepy endorsement of the class system. 
More Evidence that Frederic is the Worst 
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This scene makes it clear that Frederic is the one who is threatening Cassandra here, not her dad. It was never Cap who held the convent thing over her head. Now you can hold Cap accountable for choosing loyalty to the crown and his job over his daughter’s well being, but that is one of the few things that is actually addressed in the show, in this very episode in fact, so why would you? 
Also, why only now? Frederic has known about Cassandra’s involvement since TWoRR when he first read Rapunzel’s diary. It’s strange he’d go out of his way to silence Varian for months on in but waits until the last episode to persecute Rapunzel’s bestie. You could argue that maybe he didn’t wanna risk tipping off Rapunzel but then why didn’t this happen during TAR instead?  
Once again the writer is playing favorites in order to create bias. It’d be suddenly a lot harder to excuse Frederic if he was hunting down Cass along side Varian as she’s a main character and you couldn’t keep that as a ‘read between the lines’ scenario. Which, incidentally, is why we never get a Varian focused episode to show his time on the run. You couldn’t get away with having the main character siding with your dictator self-insert if you actually visually showed him persecuting a helpless child. 
Don’t Expect This to Go Anywhere
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Rapunzel is rightly angry about this clear abuse, but then never brings it up ever again. It’s completely forgotten about after this point. Frederic is never held accountable for his actions. 
This is the Point Where Varian Actually Becomes a Villian
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Not the flower, not the truth serum, not the damn reprise, but here. This is the point where his actions cross the line. Violence, particularly violence against people who aren’t currently hurting you, is wrong. Varian is a villain, he does do bad things, and I’m not going to ignore that. 
However, knowing where, when, how, and why he becomes a villain is extremely important in not only understanding the story but in also navigating the moral minefield that is this show. 
Because Varian is still the victim even as he slides into the role the antagonist. There’s been no change in the power dynamics. His life is still under threat from the king. Every action he takes is a step to either free his father and/or defend himself from a corrupt government that would see him hanged just for daring to defy it’s dictator.   
People defend Varian to this day, not because he has a tragic backstory, but because he’s been forced into a dangerous situation with little way out. There’s nothing else he could have done that wouldn’t have lead to his eventual untimely death. Because indirect violence is still violence. Frederic is no less evil just because Varian fights against the king’s indirect violence with direct violence.  
Varian’s Life was Forfeit the Moment He was Turned Away During the Storm and This is the Show Confirming That
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This is a grown man, with all the power in the world, threatening a child. A child who he has cannonly persecuted for three months before this incident. A child that was neglected by Rapunzel despite him being her responsibility. 
Any excuse you give to defend either Frederic or Rapunzel is already made invalid by the simple fact that they are both adults and Varian is not. They are both in charge here, not the fourteen year old. 
We do not hold people under legal voting age to the same standards as adults for two simple reasons. One, they are powerless in making the laws that they are accused of breaking, and two, they haven’t reached the point of development where they can take care of themselves and be expected to make rational decisions within a functioning society. Now we could have an argument all day long about the pros and cons of when the rights and responsibilities of adulthood should be granted to people (16?18?21?), but at fourteen/fifteen, Varian isn’t there yet regardless. 
You can not in any good moral consciousness hold people lacking rights to the same responsibilities as those with rights. 
That isn’t to say that kids can’t do bad things. They obviously can and have before. But when enacting judgement and the punishment that goes along with that, you have to keep their lack of rights in mind and make the sentence proportional to both their age, circumstances, and their crime. This is why courts that try teens as adults are absolutely vile. I do not care what crime they commited, you don’t do that. 
I’m not criticizing Rapunzel and Frederic here because I personally dislike them or something. I’m criticizing them because I’m opposed to the messages that they become mouthpieces for. When you defend these two characters you defend their stance to persecute and abuse a child. Ergo, you spout the same authoritarian beliefs that are currently tearing my country apart and I will hold you accountable for it. 
Like them all you want, but liking a character does not mean blindly going along with their bullshit. 
This Still Abuse
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In fact it’s the same abuse that Gothel did to her. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now and there’s no excuse for that. 
What a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that you can be both a victim and a bully at the same time. What differentiates Rapunzel, Frederic, and Varian from one other is their level of respective power in the situation and how their trauma actually impacts the rationale behind their actions. 
Frederic is the most accountable in this whole conflict because he’s the one with the most power and because his personal trauma isn’t grounds for what he does. They’re a reason that’s been given, but past trauma isn’t an excuse to hurt others who had nothing to do with that trauma. He is, ultimately the instigator of all of the conflicts in season one. 
Rapunzel is not as accountable, but she’s not entirely blameless either. As both an adult and a princess, Rapunzel held the power to save Varian and stop things from getting this far and she choose not to do so. Rapunzel’s trauma is a reason for why she fails in her responsibility but it’s still not an excuse as Varian has nothing to do with her personal insecurities. He’s not responsible for getting her to fix her shit and had he done nothing she would have continued on ignoring both his and her own problems. Frederic’s abuse would have still been there with or without the black rocks or Varian’s involvement. She’s not deserving of how her father treats her, but neither is Varian deserving of how she treats him.
Varian is the least accountable. Sure there are somethings that he does wrong, but as a child he holds no power in the situation. His only means of fighting back is his own intelligence, but being the smartest person in the room isn’t necessarily a power imbalance. Also his trauma is currently ongoing and his actions are directly tied into making his abusers stop. Because yeah, both Frederic and Rapunzel are abusive to Varian. Neglect is a form of abuse.
Eugene is the Only Person in this Situation with the Right Response, Shame It Won’t Amount to Anything
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After all this, Eugene has no reason to ever trust Frederic again.  Neither does Rapunzel, nor the rest of kingdom. He should have been shunned from here on after. This isn’t promoting ‘cancel culture’ or whatever, this is acknowledging that ‘forgiveness’ isn’t and shouldn’t be a shield from the personal consequences for your actions. 
But Frederic is the Creator’s Self-Insert and Therein Lies the Problem
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I keep calling Frederic the creator’s self-insert not because I’m making assumptions or accusations but because this is something that Chris has admitted to publicly on numerous occasions. If you want a reference than just check out his interview during D23. 
There’s also more confirmation on his twitter and in other interviews. Though I’d personally recommend that younger fans stay away from him and his twitter, given his past behavior. (more on this later)
Chris has also publicly made excuses whenever criticism of Frederic has reached him. The same excuses that he then puts into the show itself. That’s why he and the show is so desperate for Varian to be the hated villain instead and goes out of its way to create a bias in how characters and conflicts are presented. 
Look, having a self-insert or a character you relate to isn’t in of itself a bad thing. Nor does having such a character mean that you personally avocate all that they do. I mean Varian is my favorite character in the show, partly because I’m a political activist, but that doesn’t mean that I approve of attacking government officials in their homes or something. Yet, if you want to make your self-insert likable to the audience then why on earth would make them an abusive dictator and then never hold them accountable to that? 
I cannot say what goes through Chris’s mind nor what his actual beliefs are, but the very fact that show won’t acknowledge corruption for what it is and constantly excuses abusers is worrisome enough on its own. It either means that Chris is woefully incompetent, actually encourages authoritarian thought, or some combination of both. Add in his bullying of younger fans, to the point where his was kicked off the Tangled discord, and what is left is not a flattering picture of the man. 
The Show Completely Assassinates Arianna’s Character Here
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You’re telling me that the Queen has no power? You’re telling me that the only mother in the show is going to stand aside and do nothing while her only daughter, who has been missing for 18 years, is abused? You’re telling me that Arianna only exists in the story to excuse her husband’s actions? You’re telling me that this ‘strong, independent, badass’ woman you co-opted from the movie is only here to be subservient to a man and you’re going to act like this is a good and noble thing, that it’s ‘true love’? You’re telling me that if she’s not only willing to do this, right now, then she apparently has done it before in his 18 long years reign of terror and oppression? 
Fuck whoever wrote this! This is an insulting to women everywhere and a slap in the face to people who were actually victims of abuse.  
This is Enabling Abuse, Don’t Do This! 
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This is the line abusers feed their victims all the damn time!!!
The movie smartly made the decision to keep Gothel’s personal feelings towards Rapunzel ambiguous. That’s why she is one of the best villains in Disney history. If we only look at the movie than she may have ‘loved’ Rapunzel too. Who knows? It doesn’t matter. 
Abuse Is Abuse Regardless of the Abuser’s Reasons or Personal Feelings Towards Their Victim
Many abusers think that they love their victims. It’s a lie that they sell to both themselves and their victims. But it’s a twisted, toxic, and possessive ‘love’ that doesn’t actually care for and respect it’s recipient. Ergo, not love at all. 
There’s not enough words to express my disgust with this exchange. There are children watching this. It’s directed right at them and sadly, yes, there are undoubtedly some watching who are trapped in abusive homes. The show just reinforced the beliefs of those abusers and helped to keep those children trapped in that situation by confirming what they’ve already been taught. 
This is beyond irresponsible, and someone higher up should have stepped in before this. It’s clear that this show lacked any sort of real oversight. You have a million dollar series being showrunned by two newbie producers with zero writing credit and no one thought  that there should maybe be a senior executive and editor involved?
That’s Not Enough
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Admitting that something is wrong, right after excusing it, isn’t enough. You need to show the characters taking action and changing their ways. If Arianna truly believes that this ‘isn’t right’ then why does she not do anything about it after this conversation? 
So What Did the King Do to Monty?
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He runs off the tell the king the very thing that said king has gone to great lengths to hide and has yet to admit his involvement in. Also Monty doesn’t re-appear until after Varian blows Frederic’s cover. So what happened in between now and then? Did Frederic persecute Monty as well, lie to him, or did Monty not ever reach the King before the scandal was revealed, because any one of those answers would conflict with Monty’s actions later in the story. 
Watch as Cass Forgets Her Motivation 
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We’re at the end of the first season and the audience is only just now getting this important insight into the deuteragonist, a reveal that’ll only be walked back on in later seasons. 
If Cassandra’s whole motivation and reasoning is just to earn her father’s approval, which she does gain by the way, then how come she gives a crap about what other people besides him thinks? If being a guard is her true goal then why is she after praise from strangers constantly? You don't get praise from being a guard. It’s a thankless job and she should know that from see what her dad has to do all the time to stay in Frederic’s good graces. Also why not make her dad more central to her arc and resolution, then? 
What I’m getting at is that Cassandra isn’t consistent. What she wants changes conveniently to suit the story’s needs rather than being based in any actual logical progression of events. Often flip flopping from one supposed ill-defined goal to another and back again; till in the end she winds up with no goal at all.
Set Yourself Free is the Only Point Where Rapunzel’s Arc Works
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This is the only lesson that Rapunzel actually learns. How to be assertive. This is set up, is build up to throughout the season, and then culminates into this climax/reveal. For once there’s an actual resolution here to a previously established problem. A resolution that isn’t then walked back on. Rapunzel remains assertive throughout the narrative and grows no further past this point. There’s nothing else learned, even as she takes this lesson and runs it into the ground by overstepping her bounds and going into full on bully mode in later seasons. 
Undermining Tension 
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I talked about this in What the Hair, but Cassandra conveniently ignoring orders without consequence, or even any real effort on her part, showcases that the convent was never really all that much of a threat as it was built up to be. It goes from being a ‘threat to her safety’, a basic need, to a ‘threat to her sense of belonging’, a psychological need. One is less of an immediate threat to her physical being and ergo holds less tension. 
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Even Hookfoot Admits He’s Useless to the Story
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Look, pointing out the flaws in your story doesn’t make them any less of a flaw. I like Hoofoot, but he adds literally nothing to the series. There’s was no need to include him if you weren’t actually going to tie him to the plot. Just like Monty, Friedborg, Willow, and Axel; Hoofoot is a character who could have been exercised from the show and it wouldn’t have changed much of anything other than to give more screen time to the actual plot and main characters. 
And for those who want to come at me for saying they should get rid of the tokenistic disabled rep, just remember there was no reason why Lance couldn’t have served both functions in the story. He could have been both disabled and black, while carrying all of Hookfoot’s episodes and being part of the ongoing plot. Much in the same way that Xavier and Monty should have been streamlined; combining both Lance and Hookfoot into one person would have left us with a more rounded character and a more focused show overall. 
Varian Isn’t Lying Here
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Look, just cause he’s the villain doesn’t mean he’s exaggerating the truth. Someone on tv tropes tried to claim that Varian was being unreasonable in accusing Frederic of ‘villfing’ him, but uh, no, that’s exactly what the king did. We got the on screen evidence for it back in Quest for Varain. It’s also true that he’s been keeping the rocks secret, lying to the populous, and has thereby endangered many of his citizens.   
Cap is the Only Parent on this Show to Get Called Out, Recognize his Failings, and Actively Change His Ways....and the Show Still Messes this up by Having Cass Apologize to Him?
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Cap is the best parent in the show, hands down, but that’s a very low bar to clear. What makes him the best parent is that he admits his faults and goes to great lengths to fix them. He never goes back or reverts to old ways and doesn’t offer excuses for his behavior. 
But the show seems to think that you should forgive dad’s just because they’re dad’s, not because they’ve actually done anything to earn that forgiveness. That’s why Cass interrupting Cap’s apology to apologize herself doesn’t work here. She, and no other other child on this show, owes him (or any parent) such an apology and Chris can go stick a rusty nail up his butt for ever suggesting otherwise.  
Oh, Look, Cassandra Getting What She Wants, Again
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What is this? The fifth or sixth time now that Cass has been rewarded by the narrative? Gee, it’s almost like she doesn't really have anything to complain about in seasons two and three. 
Varian isn’t Harming ‘Innocents’ Here
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Remember when I said that Varian is both the victim and the villian? That’s reflected in who he actually attacks. Arianna, the guards, Cass, Eugene, ect. are all enablers for his abusers. They’ve knowingly chosen to side with a dictator who has repeatedly done unacceptable things. The guards and the main cast at least are very well aware of the truth. As to whether or not Arianna knew of the full details behind Varian’s treatment, she does know about Frederic’s past actions and has excused them for years.   
That doesn’t make Varian treatment of her, or others like her, right, but Arianna isn’t blamess either. 
If you’re a person with power who is attached to a system of government who goes on to uphold corruption, and remain silent in the face of that corruption, you become a part of the problem. You become the oppressor even if you’re not directly involved in the more violent events yourself or even personally hold the views of the person committing those violent acts. 
A queen is responsible for a her people and she abandons that responsibility by staying with Frederic and supporting him. 
Turning his Pet into a Mutant Monster is the Only Time Varian Hurts Someone Who Isn’t Involved 
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As I said, Varian is a villian. I’m not going to act like he doesn’t do bad things or that all of his actions are justifiable. The reason I’ve gone into great detail about Varian’s reasonings into what he does isn’t to excuse his actions; it’s to point out that ‘heroes’ are every bit as much to blame as he is. 
Everyone is at fault here; not just Varian, not just the King, not just Rapunzel ect. But the show forces Varian to carry all of the blame regardless. Which is why the show fails. You can’t set up a morally complex situation like this and not follow through on it completely. Failing to do so winds up reflecting poorly upon the writers and those that try to excuse them. 
Dang, this took forever. This is why I’m following Disney’s lead and splitting the review into two parts. Come back tomorrow, where hopefully part two will be up. 
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popwasabi · 4 years
“The Mandalorian” S2 is a power fantasy with mini Star Wars trailers
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The term “Plot armor” is often used by readers and viewers to describe the myriad of ways writers keep their heroes away from any real danger no matter what choices or actions they make in the narrative. It’s typically a derisive phrase for the way a writer’s hero seems to escape death no matter what is thrown at him for the sole purpose of moving the plot forward.
In Disney+’s “The Mandalorian” this term takes a far more literal description in the form of our main anti-hero, played by Pedro Pascal, in his beskar armor which seems to be, by all accounts the most indestructible material in the galaxy far, far away.
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(I mean, it still looks really cool too, of course.)
The result of this narrative decision in this series is that action scenes often don’t have real tension to them. In another series you might be able to reasonably believe the hero might be in danger with blaster fire shooting all around them but with beskar it’s almost comically not the case at all. Stormtroopers fire laser blast after laser blast at The Mando and each time they bounce harmlessly off him as if he were fucking Superman. It makes scenes feel devoid of stakes and danger no matter what situation they are in.
The show thus becomes a power fantasy, as action scenes serve as extended highlight reels for the Mando. Where season 1 of the show mitigated the power of the Mando’s plot armor by putting him more often in situations where his beskar alone wasn’t enough to save the day, season 2 goes mostly full power fantasy as The Mando rarely runs into a situation he can’t just quite literally walk through.
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(“Aim for his armor, men! That’s his weak point!”)
This isn’t to say the season wasn’t without its high moments or even that it wasn’t enjoyable plenty of times but the series’ devotion to fan servicey action and callbacks to “Hey remember ____” makes it a fairly shallow story. At least for myself.
Season 2 of “The Mandalorian” continues the story of Din and his small Yoda-like companion, The Child (later known officially as Grogu), as he looks to complete a quest to return the burgeoning Force wielder to the Jedi. As he seeks to reunite The Child with the ancient Order, he encounters other Mandalorians who are on a quest to retake Mandalore and right on their tail is the nefarious Grand Moff Gideon who is still bent on capturing Grogu for whatever it is he has planned for the Empire.
Let me start this review by saying power fantasies aren’t inherently bad to watch or read. They can be good, cathartic junk food for the soul and can also be compelling, artistic, or even deeply metaphorical in their own way. A movie series like “John Wick” for instance is a power fantasy that aims to reinvent the wheel in action film-making with Keanu Reeves performing perhaps the best gun kata of all-time onscreen. Another film like Paul Verhoueven’s “Total Recall” can satirize the power fantasy to show how ridiculous it is in concept.
So, making your hero an unstoppable killing machine isn’t necessarily always a bad thing if used properly.
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(Seriously, this is one of the smartest action films ever made. Don’t @ me.)
Now that that’s established, however, “The Mandalorian” season 2, despite some strong moments here and there, is a power fantasy that lacks these elements for a more interesting narrative. If you believe killing dozens of stormtroopers onscreen while never suffering so much as a scratch for eight episodes equals compelling storytelling then boy does Disney have a series for you.
Through the first four-ish episodes, the new season is mostly just fine and even quite enjoyable. We have the Mando getting a fun side quest with Timothy Olyphant on Tatooine where they get to wrangle a sand worm in a callback to the Westerns that inspired much of the franchise’s aesthetic. The Mando gets to escort a frog lady to her home planet to give birth to some tadpoles and they run into some actual danger in this episode in the form of kyrnknas/space spiders. And we get the return of Bo Katan from Dave Filoni’s “Clone Wars” and “Rebels” cartoon series, with Katee Sackhoff herself reprising the role in a fun Mandalorian team-up episode.
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(I’m just so happy to see my girl, Starbuck, again more than anything honestly ;_;)
But the wheels started officially falling off for me in the next episode.
Episode 5 marked the live-action debut of fan favorite Ahsoka Tano, played by Rosario Dawson, and she meets the Mando by getting the jump on him with her lightsabers. In virtually any other situation we have been told lightsabers can cut through virtually anything. Now, beskar has been shown to be plenty durable throughout the series so far but lightsabers? Surely not.
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It is an overall good episode despite this but it marked the point for me where I badly wanted The Mando to just go the rest of the series without it. Obviously, the writers aren’t going to actually kill our hero, afterall The Mouse needs more money and he can’t have it unless we get 50 more Mandalorian episodes and spin-offs, but at some point I gotta feel like there’s a possibility at least that our hero might actually die or at least is in danger. It is actually super funny to me each time The Mando ducks or seeks cover in a shootout when I know, and the viewer damn well knows, he can literally walk right into the middle of it and shoot all these motherfuckers at his own leisure cause his actual plot armor is the stuff of adamantium and vibranium combined.
Episode 5 is mostly good though, it’s a nice callback to old school samurai flicks and for an old fan like myself it was enough to ignore beskar again saving the Mando’s ass.
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(This was cool...This...was...cool.)
If episode 5 marked the point in which the wheels began to come off though, episode 6 is where the show really spun out into the ditch for me. Perhaps, this series worst episode, personally, episode 6 reintroduces fan favorite and series inspiration Boba Fett back officially into the fold and the result was perhaps the most self-indulgent entry of the series.
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(I mean, it was directed by Robert Rodriguez so...)
Boba arrives to demand his beskar from The Mando who promptly tells him “no” before they are ambushed by a platoon of stormtroopers. Alongside Ming-Na Wen’s Fennec Shand, the three do battle with the stormtroopers with ridiculous ease. I’m aware that stormtroopers exist to be on the highlight reel of our heroes in this franchise and have a long history of not being able to hit the broad side of a bantha but again, I can only watch these guys die by the dozens onscreen over and over again while our heroes get away without suffering even a bruise before it starts feeling boring and repetitive.
It only gets worse once Boba actually puts on his armor. In a sequence that I would describe as “gratuitously” fan servicey, Boba wastes just about every last stormtrooper in this scene culminating with him destroying their two get-away vehicles in a single shot with a rocket. Considering he was killing them with ease just moments before with nothing more than a battle club and a bathrobe, it seemed almost hilariously needless that he donned his iconic armor.
(It would be tempting to say the stormtroopers fought as ineptly as the Putty Patrol here but even the Power Rangers have struggled a few times against these guys...)
I get that Boba is really important to a lot of fans, based on their perceptions of him in the original trilogy and subsequent books and graphic novels that came out in the following years, but here’s a hot take; this series didn’t need him in it. Maybe they didn’t need to keep him rotting in the Sarlacc Pit but this episode, alongside Ahsoka Tano’s feels more like marketing choices for the story rather than narrative ones. I’ll concede that there is a bit more substance to having Ahsoka there to commune with Grogu but their additions to the plot don’t actually show much of anything about the Mando outside physically helping him in a fight.
The way they tease, in both cases, stories that exist outside the internal narrative between Ahsoka’s search for Admiral Thrawn and Boba taking over Jabba’s palace at the end of the final episode, it feels like Disney threw in mini trailers for fans to nibble on at the expense of telling the Mando’s own story and letting it stand on its own like the first season.
The choice to have these characters shoved into this season again appears to be market driven not narrative. Once more, I get that these characters are important personally to many fans, but the appearance of these characters alone DO NOT equal good storytelling.
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(Me when a fan tells me “But Boba was such a badass in *obscurely titled EU book that a handful of general audiences have read*! He deserves this moment!”)
The final episode of the season is truly encapsulating of all these issues “The Mandalorian” has, however. Moff Gideon, played by the always sharp Giancarlo Esposito, has Grogu imprisoned aboard his ship. The Mando and his friends plan a rescue mission to save him and, just like nearly every episode before, it is stupidly easy for our protagonists.
The crew of five, again, walk through every Imperial on the ship. I don’t mean this metaphorically by the way, I mean this literally as Cara, Fennec, Bo Katan and Koshka Reeves (played by WWE’s Sasha Banks) without a single moment of real adversity just blast through every stormtrooper on the ship and never get hit once in the process.
A good action scene needs an element of danger, a sense that our hero might actually not come out of this alive even though we all know they will. An action scene without this has no tension and without tension it becomes booooooooring.
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(Even John fucking Wick is capable of bleeding, guys...)
The finale had a chance, however, to add real stakes and danger to the scene in the form of this season’s new enemy; The Dark Troopers. These Imperial battle droids were foreshadowed as these super soldiers at the end of episode 4 and seemed to be billed as a real dangerous match for our heroes to faceup against. When the Mando finally gets himself face to face with one he finds they are not as easy to kill as the nameless stormtroopers from before. To see The Mando briefly face real adversity for a change snapped me out of my cynical mood so sharply for a moment I thought I had turned on another series by accident.
But of course, danger never lasts long in this series as The Mando’s armor again saves him first from getting pummeled to death by the droid’s super fists then he uses his plot spear, cause of course he has one of those too, to finish the job.
Danger over.
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Moff Gideon doesn’t fair much better in this episode. This villain who had been built up for two seasons as this calculative monster gets stopped rather easily with Mando and his friends barely breaking a sweat. This character feels wasted because of this, even though I’m sure Giancarlo Esposito will return in the next season. He just feels about as much like a pushover as the nameless stormtroopers in this series.
The episode had one more chance though to show these Dark Troopers meant business toward the end as we found the heroes cornered on the command deck with nowhere to run and a dozen of these droids ready to blast and pound them into the floorboards. But help arrives in the form of a Deus X-Wing Machina.
Without having to face even one Dark Trooper, Luke fucking Skywalker arrives on the ship and kills every droid without breaking a sweat. It plays as inspiring in the moment but again I just found myself bored and irritated. A chance to see the series heroes actually use their wits and show their creativity in a moment of true danger thwarted to please fan boys.
I get that Grogu called out to him in episode 6 but creatively this felt like an extremley lazy way to solve the heroes’ dilemna.
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(“Hello my name is Jedi. I enjoy doing...*computes script* Jedi things.”)
This season wasn’t all bad. It certainly had nice production value that made each alien world pop and beautiful to look at. Every actor and actress played their parts expertly well, with what they were given, and made for interesting characters at times. There are also nice homages to both Western and Samurai cinema throughout the season that fans of both will appreciate. And Pedro Pascal is just so good on his own, especially in tender moments with Grogu, that you forget that his character is kind of a Gary Stu.
But the main crux of the issue here that I’m trying to get across is the reason you need to remove the plot armor of your heroes is not just because action scenes need tension and stakes, it’s that when faced with danger these scenes reveal who these characters are. I used to believe that the reason Mandalorians and Jedi had such a fierce rivalry in the lore despite the obvious advantages of wielding the Force was because these famed bounty hunters were just that fucking good at killing. That despite being, on paper, normal people they had great martial prowess, athletic skill, and the tactical wit to outsmart people who can literally sense their feelings. But now with beskar and the way this series is written, it appears the Mandalorians were challenging warriors just because they happened to harness the most OP armor building material in the galaxy.
It makes you wonder how the fuck they were conquered to begin with…
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(Maybe they just needed more knee rockets...)
This takes away from the mysticism of the Mandalorians for me. It makes The Mando less interesting to me in the way he fights. Yea he can shoot really good too but really it’s the armor that makes him the fighter that he is and I find that kind of boring. We occasionally get this character to remove the armor during the series, including a whole episode that was easily one of the best of the season, and in every case he’s more interesting once the helmet comes off. I get that fans hold a lot of reverence for that armor, yea it still looks really cool, but making it this impenetrable super material doesn’t add anything to the story.
If anything, it takes away from it.
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(Plus how could you not love Pedro Pascal when he’s out of armor? uWu)
I wouldn’t go as far as to say I hate season 2, even though I spent 2000 plus words just now lambasting it but I guess I just want to say I am unimpressed more than anything. I feel like I’ve seen better Star Wars be it in the movies, cartoons, books, video games, etc and I’ve certainly seen better action in the franchise as well.
Considering fan reaction so far appears to be overwhelmingly positive, I am definitely in the minority here and you are welcome to enjoy this series as much as you want in spite of how unimpressed I am with the season. But considering all I have seen of this fandom the last few years, regarding complaints about fan service (“Rogue One”), easily defeated/underdeveloped bad guys (“The Last Jedi”), and Mary Sues (The sequel trilogy in general), I have to ask again what is it actually that fans like or don’t like about new entries in the franchise? It’s not that there isn’t valid criticisms there and “The Mandalorian” is enjoyable in sincere ways too but it has many of the issues I hear commonly said of more divisive entries in the Disneyverse. So why does it get a pass?
I’ve been told it’s not worth my energy to talk too derisively about the fans in one of my earlier write-ups, so I’ll leave it at that but it does make me wonder.
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(“Rogue One” admittedly has a simarily self-indulgent action sequence though haha...)
Season 2 of “The Mandalorian” isn’t the worst piece of Star Wars media ever created, far from it, and for most part its solid enjoyable Saturday morning cartoon theater but if the series wants to really take steps to become more compelling in the future it might be good to stop bubble wrapping their heroes in plot armor. Literally.
Until then this is the way…I guess…
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Me getting ready for the backlash...
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
September 17: 3x07 Day of the Dove
I am incredibly discombobulated today—usual weekend nocturnal shenanigans I guess! Anyway it’s somehow midnight. Gonna try to write up these note on the Classic episode The Day of the Dove in as efficient a manner as possible.
Hmm, a planet with wavy pink Fraggle plants. I like it already.
But where is Spock? Very suspicious.
I really appreciate Kirk giving a little speech to set up the overall question/issue for us. (I know he does this all the time with the Captain’s logs but this is out loud and so… more obviously expository.)
Oh no, it’s our old friends…the Klingons.
I will admit that this ONE TIME, the Klingon is being reasonable. Like, it is reasonable to think that Kirk and the Enterprise attacked his ship, given that his hip WAS attacked, and who else would it be?
Three years of peace between the Klingons and the Federation? That is inclusive of the show so all this tension must technically be “peace” and also implies there was something more like a direct war going on, like, right before Kirk got the captaincy.
Zoolander voice: What is this, a colony of the INVISIBLE?
“We have no devil. But we understand the habits of yours.”
No takers? No takers on the torture? No volunteers to be mercilessly tortured by the Klingons?
Star Trek Beyond could have had Kirk and Chekov bond over being brothers! I mean, to other people.
They’ll kill 100 hostages at the first sign of treachery. He does know there are only 400-some people on the ship right? Maybe you should pace yourself, Kang.
Kirk’s so badass he needs MULTIPLE guns trained on him just to use the phone.
Oh-ho secret message to Spock. Which version of the iPhone will be capable of doing THAT?
The Klingons are “suspended in transit” is an awfully nice way of saying they’re just dematerialized atoms in space. Philosophy major and/or Bones nightmare fuel.
How did Kang not see this coming, by the way? Like, he just says “I’m taking your ship now, me and my 6 men versus your 400-some men, and I’ll do this by simply declaring it to be so. Now let’s beam up to your ship, where I’ll be greatly outnumbered, and there are armed security guards all around me.” Guess he’s been reading The Secret!
Aka the most important part of this whole episode.
Kirk’s face is very ?????? You can have both????
It’s legitimately not even important for her to be the science officer tbqh. Like that is so gratuitous. That’s just in there to drive me insane.
"We're prisoners, somehow, after I demanded to come on the ship, assuming they'd just give it to me without any kind of fight. How DID this happen?”
Federation death camps lol—someone’s been watching Fox News.
I do kind of wonder… is this an actual rumor that goes around the Klingon homeworld or is it something that the alien entity put in her head specifically to make her angrier right now? I mean it really could be either.
I also appreciate this episode for being pretty much the only one to actually attempt to give the Klingons a reason for being as they are. The Romulans… maybe aren’t well-described, but they do have a sort of regalness to them, appropriate for being related to Vulcans, and you can kind of imagine that they are the way they are because they’re Vulcans without the intense self-control. Plus they’re literally only in 2 TOS eps and in the second, the Federation are the aggressors. But the Klingons show up a half-dozen times only to be depicted each time as just like Cartoonishly Bad, aggressive, violent, and selfish for basically no reason. And I mean, some people really are!! But TOS has so much nuance in other places, that it always seemed a little disappointing to me that the Klingons are really just like ‘well we’re just bad and we hate everyone and we really like killing I guess.” At least in this ep there’s a little more added to that: that there is poverty on their world, that they feel aggrieved, that they feel unprotected, that taking and conquering is how they look after themselves…
I think that’s later in the episode though.
He’s detaining them in the LOUNGE lol. With their favorite dishes available to them to eat. Absolutely barbarous conditions.
I can’t believe Chekov is hanging in the elevator with the cool kids. Like, one of these things really isn’t like the others.
Kang is officially sure of himself for someone currently imprisoned in the lounge, that most fearsome of Federation death camps.
Hmm, could the glittery light alien have taken over??
You know what, that's a lot of tasks for Johnson to do all by himself: search the whole ship, fix the engines, and free 400 people.
Sulu would love this: everyone gets a sword!!
“Bridge. I gotta show this to Sulu immediately.”
Klingons have maintained a dueling tradition. That’s interesting. Finally some characterization going on.
Spock is really living up to his logical nature today. Everyone else has gone off the emotional deep end and he’s like “have you considered this completely rational explanation that accounts for the actual, observed facts??”
Whoops Chekov is actually an only child. Scratch that previous Beyond headcanon. (Interesting that his dead brother does really resemble Sam though—killed on a research colony??)
Love that Sulu knows that about him though.
Oh, that’s a pretty schematic picture of the Enterprise. I want that on a t-shirt.
Lol the pan out to the armory, now filled with… swords!!
Do ALL of these men have a fetish for swords? Sulu and fencing, Spock displaying swords in his quarters, and Kirk in his San Francisco apartment, and Scotty salivating over this Scottish blade.
“Klingon units.”
Finally Sulu gets his sword! It’s what he deserves.
Love that the shiny light alien also has a fetish for swords.
Oh no, it’s our old adversary, an alien life force.
What is the alien’s purpose? Um, I’m pretty sure its purpose is to start shit.
“An appropriate choice of terms, Captain.” I don’t even remember what this is referring to but I think it’s pretty clear that Spock is enjoying himself during a crisis again.
Bones, being so dramatic. Were there atrocities? He’s talking about the Klingons as if they were literally hacking off limbs—it’s a few stab wounds here and there, chill.
Oooh, time to behave like military men—strong words. (But I thought it wasn’t the military?? @ S**** P****) (This might not even be my best argument, given the context of this episode, but I’m sticking with it.)
This is like a giant game of capture the flag.
AU that’s just about the Enterprise crew playing capture the flag with the Klingons.
Sulu in the background standing guard with his sword
Damn, turning on Spock with the slurs now!!
Spock was absolutely ready to kill him. Like he would 100% have taken him out with a blow to the head. And he’d been doing such a good job of not feeling the alien’s effects so far! Admittedly, that was a strong provocation though.
Honestly, I really like this scene. It’s uncomfortable and tense and you can really see how the alien is bringing out the worst possible influences of their respective races. And I liked how Spock was definitely full on pre-Reform Vulcan for a minute there. It was a more effective portrayal of what that might have looked like than All Our Yesterdays tbqh.
A result of… stress?
Kirk got himself out of it first. He’s so strong. He knows himself so well, he cannot be outsmarted by any alien.
“We’ve been taught to think in terms other than war.”
“The alien brings out the worst of us—patriotic drumbeating…even race hatred.”
He’s so sad; he can’t imagine thinking like that about Spock :(
Sulu in a Jeffries tube! A man of many talents. It’s okay bb, take credit for turning on the lights.
The alien must have been getting bored. The Klingons must have been doing too well, and the playing field needs to be leveled for maximum shit-stirring.
“Let’s find that alien.” That’s how I ALWAYS feel.
Oh, Kang, you’re so close—“What power supports our battle but thwarts our victory.” So, so close to getting it.
Spock takes his sword, of course.
“Jim.” Obligatory Jim moments hit differently when they’re not so obligatory.
“Jim—stop hitting my protégé. And put that sword down.”
Kirk looks so sad, picking Chekov up to carry him bridal style.
Also in addition to ‘race hatred’ I think we need to add ‘rape-y tendances’ to the bad stuff that the alien is inspiring here.
“A brief surge of racial bigotry. Most distasteful.” Spock winning for understatement of the year.
They're assuming the alien is trying to test out their relative powers but I think it just wants entertainment. I mean, doesn’t it look like a naughty little thing?
Mara’s outfit is… little shorts? Interesting. Usually not my style but she makes it work.
Spock doesn’t even look at Johnson as he falls lol. Another one bites the dust.
“It exists on the hate of others.”
What does this remind me of? Oh, the Vast of Night and the whole “aliens made us do every bad thing ever” conspiracy theory. At least this one makes more sense, in part because it is not quite so overwhelmingly broad!
All hostile attitudes must be eliminated, he says, and there's Mara right behind Kirk giving him a death stare lol.
Kang is so obviously posing. Google Earth, always taking pictures.
Only a few minutes before drifting forever in space becomes inevitable? Good thing Kirk works well under pressure.
“Well… do whatever you can, Scotty. You know the drill.” Doesn’t even bother giving real directions anymore. We’ve been in this scenario before.
“So we drift in space, with only hatred and bloodshed aboard.”
And the 392 people below just get to…live in Enterprise prison, I guess.
Star date: Armageddon. So dramatic!
I’m not even making that up; that’s an actual quote. Can you imagine being an Admiral listening to this?
“Stop the war now.” An actual line, really aired on television.
Spock wants to threaten the wife lol. That's the old pre-Reform Vulcan seeping through. Surak who?
Damn, Kang is cold. “Eh, she gets the concept of being killed in battle.” They’re gonna need marriage counseling after this.
“There is another way. Mutual trust and help.” Yes that’s my hero!!
“No one can guarantee the actions of another.” Can’t remember the context of this entirely anymore, but great line.
The entity is loving this—multi-person choreographed sword fight!!
"Those who hate and fight must stop themselves. otherwise it is not stopped.” Another baller line. Spock has a lot of deep thoughts today. And so does Kirk. And Kang.
Kirk tries to reason with the alien. Nice try.
“Shoo. Shoo, alien. Off the ship, go away.”
Omg that last moment—Kang slapping Kirk’s back way too hard, Spock’s completely ridiculous wide-eyed expression when he does, like some sort of combo of amusement and confusion, and then Sulu just passing on by in the background….
Then the alien just yeets itself into space. And that’s the end!
Always feels weird when there’s no wrap up on the bridge.
Also, what are they going to do with the Klingons? They have no ship. They really did come out of this a lot worse than Kirk and co. No ship, huge casualties—and no one to blame even, but the alien.
I feel like the alien messed up a little in killing so many Klingons. Like, it could have accomplished its purpose, angering the Klingons and turning them on Kirk, by attacking the ship a little less violently—you know they’d react to 5 deaths pretty much the same as 400, and then there would be many more people to fight forever and produce that sweet sweet anger!
Maybe the alien’s powers aren’t strong enough to influence 800 people though. Also it wants equal forces and 800 people wouldn’t fit on the Enterprise, one assumes. So it still makes sense.
That was, of course, an excellent episode. 100% agree with is classic status, even though the main things I remembered going in were the wife + science officer bit, and everyone laughing at the end in a really forced, fake way, in order to make the alien go away.
I thought the Klingons were a lot better/more interesting today than usual. First, I think Kang is a better character, or a better actor maybe, than the others; he has a certain way about him that is… more watchable, more sympathetic. And he’s always saying these really dramatic things that make it seem likely he writes patriotic Klingon war poetry in his off time. Also, including his wife made them seem more… not human obviously, but normal. Not just cardboard cut-out villains. And of course the actual lightly specific motivations I earlier mentioned helped too.
Also, the plotting was very good: it built up slowly but surely over time, so at first the alien’s influence wasn’t that obvious, and then it became more so, and then it became horrifically obvious and extreme. And then you had to re-evaluate earlier moments: was that the alien changing facts in their heads, or a real part of the animosity between humans and Klingons? And it wasn’t always clear, which I appreciated. The tension when the people were at their worst wasn’t overdone, like in that moment with Scotty, Spock, and Kirk—or even in Chekov’s assault on Mara, tbh. The various strategies of the different sides were very entertaining too; there was never a dull moment, and they fit in a lot of straight-up actions and twists into 50 minutes.
The possible threat was truly terrifying, also: stuck in a space ship, forever, unable to die, feeling the worst possible emotions all the time, besieged, angered, despairing, fighting a war that can’t be won, being injured and suffering only to recover and fight again, and it never stops… A perfect nightmare mixture of insanity and violence and pain. And the alien, in encouraging hatred and anger, doesn’t discriminate between sides: they turn on each other just as much as on the Klingons, breeding paranoia and infighting. For eternity.
The episode also felt much more strongly anti-war than I remember tbh. Like it was not subtle. Kirk literally says “stop the war” in so many words. He has a part in his speech where he talks about the possibility of other aliens out there, encouraging other wars. And while I do think “maybe the aliens are making us do it” is a cop out explanation, or would be if it were real, the scenario gave the show a lot of room to say, like, pretty ballsy things: to include “patriotic drum beating” along with “race hatred” in a list of corrupting feelings they were experiencing; to show how the same instincts that lead to warring also lead to sexual assault and the aforementioned ‘race hatred;” to reveal the true horror of an endless war by making the participants unkillable and sticking them in a singular space ship in the middle of nowhere; to imply that the combatants of war gain nothing from it, but outside or third-party entities will pull strings of their own design to profit from the conflict as long as possible; even to make an impassioned plea to camera to stop the endlessness of the conflict. Like I can’t even totally unpack this but it is a lot!
Finally, it was also a great Kirk episode, which of course is my most important factor. He’s smart; he’s strong; he’s so sure of himself and his values that he cannot be manipulated to mindless hatred, he represents the values of the Federation, and the show itself; he treats even his enemies with basic respect and humanity; and ultimately, he saves the day.
Okay I was not efficient in writing this up at all! It is very late!!
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asagi-s-garden · 3 years
WB is the worst when it comes to DC. It's no coindence that Constantine is leaving 'Legends of Tomorrow" in the wake of the upcoming HBO Max show. And this pandemic ruined a lot of plans. As you said "BL" wasn't meant to be in the Arrowverse put when it happened they were all gung-ho for it. They had plans for Jeff to visit Central City and for Anissa and Grave to chill in Gotham. But then the pandemic and whatever BTS drama that got "BL" canned. Like *something* happened. It got an early renewal in Jan then it was cancelled in Nov. And CW didn't even bother to have proper trailers for new episodes. Don't tell me somebody on the show didn't rub the network the wrong way to result in that level of pettiness
Yeah, WB isn't just the worst with DC, but really the worst with favoritism in my personal opinion
They tried so hard to make the DC streaming service a huge success but as soon as they saw it wasn't going to be they got rid of everything like it was on fire, HBO Max is the new golden child so they're cutting their own throats in other areas to make it succeed- IE: Theaters
My poor Suicide Squad 2 ;_; no I won't say "my THE Suicide Squad" it won't roll off the tongue it was a sacrificial lamb to the damn streaming service :(
I know it's an unpopular opinion to not be all over streaming but they're really clearly cutting way more than just corners in order to feed that specific beast and try to make it compete with Disney+, that's why they're starting to draw the string on the Arrowverse :/ The same thing happened, I think, with the DC streaming service though, when they saw that the biggest success of DC was the Arrowverse, they decided to pull their dying streaming service as well as the DCEU into it to pump the Arrowverse up more, now that the Arrowverse is starting to go under- with three shows being gone, Batwoman being in questionable territory, and the two biggest successes of the year being largely disjointed from it (Superman and Stargirl), I think they're going to try to scramble it like eggs :/ They're doing the same with the DCEU to a degree though, by having loosely connected stories that do more universe hopping and tone changes (IE: Joker coming out just months before Birds Of Prey and having been preceeded by Shazam!) I think since they're seeing more promise in that approach right now for the movies, they might be trying to do the same for TV- or they're just trying to let the Arrowverse die of neglect so they can pump up HBO Max like you said
Ofcourse now that WB has been bought by Discovery, we might get some big changes to this; Discovery already said they wanted to pour seven BILLION dollars into DC properties specifically in the first year alone, and I know the rumor is that they're only going to try to gloss up DC so that they can sell the assets to the highest bidders once their "probation" period ends but like.... seven billion is a hell of alot of gloss..... and if they can start pulling in more numbers like Joker, Superman & Lois, and The Suicide Squad (wich may have not been a huge hit at the box office but wich reportedly smashed the HBO Max numbers enough that WB is circling James Gunn like a starving shark), then I have a hard time believing they'd be wanting to get rid of it, especially when, let's face it, DC is easily the most well known and most marketable asset Discovery has ever had and probably ever will have purely because of Superman alone, you can't find a person anywhere who hasn't atleast heard of Superman, regardless of how much the film properties are hit-and-miss financially, I have a hard time believing anyone would just throw that kind of name power to the wolves....
But onto Black Lightning, I actually have a pretty strong theory about that one
I'm almost certain that China Anne McClain is why the show was canned
And do not get me wrong, I don't mean that in a snippy way, but China quit Black Lightning pretty urgently- to the point that she only wanted to do limited episodes for the final season
Backing up a moment here though, let me explain why I think this was the nail-in-the-coffin
Black Lightning was very quickly becoming centered around Lightning specifically
That doesn't mean to say that it wasn't still Jefferson's story and that Anissa wasn't still important, but Jennifer was getting set up to be The Powerhouse of the show, with the bulk of the drama probably surrounding her and the thought of her potentially taking on her father's mantel
It seemed like the idea of Black Lightning retiring or atleast putting on the suit a little less was starting to become a thing, and with Jefferson firmly accepting his daughters as part of the world of Metas at that point, that would have lead to Anissa and Jennifer taking much more of the spotlight than they had in the beginning- that's a natural progression of things, and although I actually prefer Anissa's storyline (it's just more my personal cup of tea), I will readily admit that Jennifer was the one who had the ability to carry an entire season's worth of story on her shoulders.... not so much Anissa, who has her wife (so romantic subplots are pretty toned down), her powers are developed and stable (nothing quite like the learning curves Jennifer was facing), she has a stable job and a stable superhero identity- two, in fact-, so no literal schoolyard drama or issues with "Am I in my father's shadow? Is this how the world sees me and do I want them to see me this way?" much like what Jennifer was starting to experience in the end of the show either
TLDR Anissa mostly had her shit together, wich is great for her, but it doesn't lend to being able to carry the most dramatic storylines like it does with Jennifer, who's still figuring out pretty much everything
I think Jennifer was already starting to take a very large amount of the story as of the last season and even starting to steal the spotlight before that, if they were to come back for more I feel like she would have been in a place of being much more obviously groomed to take on the main charector status wile Jefferson stepped back just a little bit to be more supportive to her journey instead of the other way around
And the show could still exist very much as Jefferson's story wile that story happened to center on Jennifer
.....Buuuuuuuuuuuuut that's where the problem comes in
China said before the show was cancelled that she was going to step down from playing Lightning because she wanted to focus on her faith more and be removed from anything that wasn't "in service to God", wich is totally fine for her, but it does put Black Lightning in a bit of a difficult position because the charector they were gearing up to make their breakout star was suddenly going to either have to pull a Winn and just... be.... gone.... or have to get recast
To be entirely honest, I'm not sure why they didn't stick with the recasting instead, I thought Laura Karuki did a fantastic job as Jennifer and the "Am I Jennifer or am I JJ?" story would have been a great thing to explore for an entire season, but if I had to guess, they maybe just didn't want to mess with it?
Black Lightning had good numbers but it wasn't in the top five or anything to my recollection, not since it's premiere season anyway, and it could have been a compound decision of "We weren't going to keep this up much longer anyway so let's just take this as a sign to wrap it up", although I think that the way the recast was done could have presented a stable option for them if they had decided to give it a go for a full season, although maybe that's just my opinion and they initially made the recast so that the people behind the curtain could see if Laura would work well enough as Jennifer and when they decided that the vibe wasn't right they went on ahead and pulled the plug rather than risk getting the same um... resistance.... than Batwoman met over their recasting choices
Although I could go on for days about why that situation is different (to be clear: I do like Ryan quite alot but I don't think the Batwoman situation was nearly as seamless as Black Lightning's in terms of recasts, but that's another story for another day)
TLDR I think if China had stayed aboard they would have gone on for atleast another season or two, but there are some shows where members of an ensemble cast are so essential that their leaving is too big of a blow to stay through
It's much like when Dylan O'Brien had to bow out of Teen Wolf for a little wile, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a fan who absolutely loved season six, and even before that people were having a hard time staying with a lack of Tyler Hoechlin, with some even stepping away when Crystal Reed left, even though- at both of those points- most of the core cast was still there and at no point did the titular main ever leave, I feel like Black Lightning's situation is very similar, people were just too invested in Jennifer
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(Up to)!5 best and 5 worst types of villains in your opinion and why
Oooh this is a good one.
Top 5 best (in no particular order)
The theatrical villain. They know they’re evil (or if they do, they don’t care), they’re okay with it, and they love it. If there’s a backstory, it’s frivolous. They’re just here to have a good time and make sure you have a good time watching them. Presentation!
The angry villain. They’re the villain all right, they want to burn down the entire damn world, but it’s driven by a deep and (most crucially) understandable rage. The kind that can almost be mistaken for a power fantasy (because don’t you just want to snap sometimes?) if not for their motives often destroying themselves and innocents along with their targets. Their demise is rarely something to be celebrated, a waste of what could have been a powerful force for good. This type is most often female, but it can be pulled off by nearly anyone who’s ever been victimized by the world. Except for disability. We’ll get to that later.
The clever villain. Chessmasters, manipulators, magnificent bastards of all stripes. They’re fun to watch and fun to learn from, and exist to give our heroes a genuine challenge to their intellect, bravery, and skill. It is very easy to write this sort of a character wrong, either as a sort of masturbatory “oooh look at how smart I am and how stupid the heroes are” and/or just giving them a superpower of just knowing or predicting things incredibly precisely even when that makes no sense, but that just makes when it’s pulled off well that much more of a treat.
The complex villain. Often a tragic villain in scope, this villain could be a good person and might even do some good things, but their own flaws warp them into villains. Maybe they break out of it, maybe they don’t. They often have a tragic backstory, but that backstory is never used to excuse their actions, assuming they didn’t cause that tragic backstory themselves. They’re their own worst enemies and a reflection of the worst traits of ourselves, profoundly human, and have a deep pathos to them. In their eyes, we see a reflection of ourselves, the kind of people we could become if we give into our darker impulses.
The monster. It’s here to break shit, eat people, and look terrifying doing so. That alone would be good enough, but more often than not, the monster carries a sense of allegory with them. A monster can be an allegory for anything: the untameable power of nature, the danger of hubris, the banal evil of the rich and powerful, the atom bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The monster is fear made manifest. Or occasional, the monster’s just here to be big and scary and smash things. Hey, not everything has to be deep.
And now Top 5 worst! (in no particular order)
The disabled villain. Not a villain with a disability, but this phenomenon where  every fucking villain has to be disabled in some way. Scarred up, mentally ill, albino, using assistive devices to live (oh the horror of the pacemaker! the terror of the wheelchair!), generally anything that can be termed as a disability is slapped onto villains to underscore just how eeevil they are while our pretty, able-bodied, neurotypical heroes sit in contrast with them. I am so, so fucking sick of this trope. The worst part is that when people bother to explain why the villains are disabled, it’s always emphasized how tragic and unfair and horrible it is that they are disabled and that’s an excuse for their villainy and also their entire personality because wouldn’t it just be so awful to be disabled? UGGGHHH KILL THIS TROPE WITH FIRE.
The stereotypical villain. But hey, disability isn’t the only way to marginalize people, so let’s throw in every type of bigotry! The racist stereotype villain! The evil woman who is evil cause woman! The incessant and sometimes literal demonization of trans people! We just fucking hate certain types of people and think they’re inhuman or inherently evil, and you should too! Commit this one to the blaze too.
The "woobie” villain. Oh yeah, they tried to do a genocide or owned slaves or were horribly abusive but they had a tragic backstory isn’t that soo saaaddd? Not that they have any redeeming or even neutral qualities, they just have feelings and that automatically makes them worthy of forgiveness for everything, usually at the expense of their victims. Sure they killed people, but they cried while they did it, they’re the real victims here! :(
The villain who gets an undue amount of fan attention. This has nothing to do with writing or the quality of the villain themselves, I just fucking hate having to endure it.
The villain with no agency. It’s all someone else’s fault, most often the heroes. Denying agency can be a key trait of angry, tragic, and complex villains, but in this case, the narrative agrees with them. You gave them that formula, you were mean that one time, and most often, the heroes simply didn’t bend over backwards enough to forgive and do all the redemption for them. Blegh.
So yeah, that’s my list of favorite and least favorite types of villains! Thank you for asking.
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