#and the strength training helps me when i walk with my cane because i have the strength to hold myself up even if long distances are hard
amurder-ofcrows · 2 years
so i do personal training once a week and i mainly work on strength training and i have officially moved from dumbbell chest presses to the bench chest press. i was doing 35 pounds with the dumbbells (17.5 in each hand) easily so instead of moving up another couple pounds with the dumbbells, my trainer started me on the bench press. i don’t have any added weights on it yet, im only using the bar (which is 45 pounds) and i can’t do many reps yet (i can do ten at a time and only two sets) but i’m really proud of myself for building up this strength. i still need to work on strength in other areas, mainly my shoulders and calves, but i’m doing really well!
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [05]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. domestic abuse, car accident, slight angst, sexism, suggestive scenes, unedited and my naoya simping is obvious with this one, 
notes. TEAM NAOYA LET’S GOOOO *sighs* finally got this out from my drafts. anyways, here’s an earned it update while i recover from migraines because my schedule was so hectic last week and i’m so tired, might be sleeping a lot these days hence the hiatus :( also ik i keep saying this but future chapters will finally be more...UH SPICY AND MORE DRAMATIC, I guess? this is mostly an angst fic btw so please don’t expect too much fluff of heartwarming romance. there WILL be romance,,,it just takes some time hehe, anways ENJOY...or not :)
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Women were weak. Trained to be voiceless, compliant, and unable to fight – Naoya found them weak.
His own mother was the perfect epitome of that. For years, he’d watched her leave his father’s room with dried tears, wiping them away with the back of her sleeves. When she saw a little Naoya standing at the edge of the hallway, she’d immediately usher him back to his room, her tears replaced with a smile so convincing Naoya wouldn’t have believed she’d been crying if he hadn’t seen it for himself.
Naoya wasn’t stupid. How could he be when day and night, he’s surrounded by tutors, expected to take over his clan and lead them all to a brighter future?
How could he be stupid when he can’t sleep at night, for the screams and cries of his mother, the sound of palm hitting cheek resonating just from the other room, accompanied with the insults directed her way by his own father?
How could he be so stupid when he looked up to his mother – who he believed was the only source of light in the rather desolate walls of their manor – only to see that her beauty faded with each passing day, the brightness of her eyes now filled agony, with pain, with fear? She no longer smiled; not even for him. She no longer came around his room to read him bedtime stories no matter how much Naoya pleaded because he’d gotten tired of reciting scriptures and poetry. She no longer kissed him on the forehead as a morning greeting, opting to stay in the sidelines with her head bowed, acting as if she was a servant and not his mother.
Naoya wasn’t stupid. As the future leader of the Zen’in Clan, it was his duty to hear and see everything, to be wary of everyone around him and to observe. He knew his father abused her. He knew his father hated her, looked down on her, stepped on her at each moment he could. And as if that wasn’t enough, Naoya found out they weren’t married in the first place.
She had been nothing but a mere concubine whose role was to birth an heir. Now that Naoya had come to life, her purpose to live ceased to exist. And people who had no role in the Zen’in estate had no reason to stay any further.
“Mother,” Naoya cried out, tugging at his mother’s sleeve. “Mother, please don’t go, don’t leave me!”
She was crying again; he wished she’d stop doing that, that she’d stop being so weak. He wanted his mother to be strong and fight back, but she’s not even attempting to wipe her tears away this time, displaying her vulnerability and meek self to him. Had his father been there, she’d be scolded again, claiming that Naoya shouldn’t be exposed to behaviors of surrender and weakness.
His mother cupped his face, trying her best to keep the younger version of himself from dangling onto her robes; the expensive, silk material the last evidence she’d ever been a part of them.
“Naoya, baby, it’s okay. You need to grow up strong and be the clan leader, okay?”
“But why do you have to leave? Why do you never fight back?”
“I’m sorry, dear...” was all she said, finally kissing him on the forehead like she’d failed to do so for the past months. Somehow, it didn’t make him feel any better. Instead, Naoya’s cries grows louder with each minute, loud enough that he caught the attention of his manservants who paled at the Young Master’s wails that was sure to displease his father locked inside his study. His mother sent a glance their way that expressed messages he couldn’t yet understand due to his innocence. Strong arms wrapped around his smaller frame until they dragged Naoya away from his mother, the sight of a luggage behind her turning him weak in the knees.
“Remember, Mother always loves you.”
“No!” he fought against their hold. His servants did all they could to not harm the Young Master’s skin, but Naoya was too strong, too desperate that they were unable to hold him back.
Naoya kept running and running, uncaring of the fact his loose robes hindered him from going at full speed. He didn’t stop, even as his servants had trailed after him, desperate pleas for the Young Master to come back falling into deaf ears. His mother had arrived on a nearby bus from the open roads that led outside the Zen’in Estate’s outer gates, her hand frozen on the doors with her head slightly tilted to the side.
That slight moment of hesitance – to look behind or leave everything behind – was what made Naoya stop in his tracks. He breathed hard, sweaty palms on his knees as he silently prayed to the divine beings to bring his mother back, for her to look at him one last time.
But she didn’t.
And Naoya was frozen in his tracks, everything colliding into one crash and burn that he failed to make sense of everything. He stood there and watched his mother hop into the bus, her decision to leave him behind final and irrevocable. What had rung louder then? The way his heart shattered into pieces, or the loud honking of an incoming car that not even his skilled team of guards could protect him from?
Naoya figured it must’ve been the muffled cries of his mother behind the windows that rung the loudest even if he hadn’t heard it.
Until now, he carried the mark his mother left behind; a gnarly scar running inches from his kneecaps that throbs until now. It reminds him every day what could happen to someone once they’re weak, once they’re vulnerable, the horrifying consequence of not being strong enough to face in this world like a huge slap in his face. In a way, he felt grateful for the scar; at least it was proof he’d done his best to run after his mother, and this injury just taught him it was best to face things head on instead of running away.
This scar would always tell him that running away was never the option, and that was why Naoya felt so strong, so disappointed when he met you. Naoya saw much potential in you – the wrath firing in your eyes and the will to fight back is what pulled him in on the first place – and yet you were already trembling on the ground, your sweat dripping on the floor.
“Stand up!” he demanded, tapping his cane on the ground as he wobbled to his feet. “Do you really think being weak will make you survive in this world?”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re not trying hard enough,” he spat out, matching the intensity of your glare. Had you been any lesser of a woman, a servant, he’d have your eyes gouged out. But to him, you were a vessel of hope, an embodiment of strength he could help you hone that he let you off. Still, he felt extremely let down that he expected so much from you, and you’ve been pathetic so far.
Naoya shook his head as he left. “You’re going to die the moment you step out of here. And to think I actually had high hopes for you. As expected, you women are weak and pathetic. Each one of you is useless.”
He didn’t get very far when his injury throbbed again. Naoya fell to his knees and immediately bit down on his lip to conceal his groans, but it was too late. You’ve rushed to him in an instant, already pulling his slacks upwards to get a good look at his knee. Worry is painted all over your features still drenched in sweat and exhaustion, and he pried your hand away, a frown deep on his lips.
“Get away from me. I don’t need a woman’s help.”
“You’re so uptight, you know that?” you rebutted with a roll of your eyes. Naoya watched as you skipped to the nearest medical kit he always kept in his training grounds (which he rarely used) and popping out painkillers to hand to him. “Just shut up and let me take care of you. Unlike you, I don’t walk around calling people weak, and you having this injury never made you weak in my eyes, but you’re not impotent either,” scoffing at him, you pushed the bottle of water to a very annoyed looking Naoya. “At least let me take care of you every once in a while.”
His whole life, Naoya knew nothing but the familiar bitter cold. Being served tea, scaring his servants with his mere presence, the toxic view that everyone was below them drilled into his own head – that had been his life, and his feelings about it were neither hot nor cold.
To him, it was just the way he’s supposed to be.
But the warmth of your hands, the tenderness of your touch to his scars not because you found him weak but rather you cared for him…it tugged at his heartstrings. That had been at least five years ago and Naoya still remembered that moment very clearly.
He couldn’t understand whether he hated his inability to run away or not, because to be around you confused him to no end. One moment, he saw you as nothing but his one way ticket to fortune, but when he was alone with you, he was beginning to see you more as a woman rather than a pawn to his game. Soon, you became more than that, and nothing had terrified him even more that he let someone in his heart just like that.
Did he love you? No, most definitely not. A man like him didn’t know how to love. But with you – every time he saw you – Naoya is confident to admit that he could somehow understand what love meant.
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It had been a hellish trip – one he’d never admit it out loud that he wished to never go on again. He was just happy to be home before he laughed, because home? He’d never thought he’d ever say that, yet there he was, beaming at the sight of you pushing your weight off the limousine.
You looked as stunning as usual, running up to him even with your heels before wrapping your arms around his neck. Usually, Naoya didn’t like public displays of affection since it could greatly deter his reputation, but everyone knew both of you weren’t each other’s weaknesses that he didn’t care whether his people could see their leader grinning as his wife welcomed with a kiss. Naoya balanced himself on his cane to encircle a hand to your waist, pulling you closer and burying his face in your hair.
“I missed you,” you mumbled with your head buried in his shoulder.
Naoya’s smile wasn’t any less affectionate. “I missed you more.” And he did – a whole lot. Even as you both made it inside the limousine, the tablet passed to him per the usual to update him on what happened on the few days of his absence, Naoya couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His cane balanced between his knee and the door, while his free hand intertwined with yours, mindlessly caressing the matching rings that symbolized more trust than love.
“How did it go?” he brought your knuckles up to his lips and kissed it, his attention still focused on today’s stock market. “Did you convince him to lend us the lab?”
“Yes, my love, everything is under control. I told you I had it.”
“Cunning little minx,” he smirked at the confidence and triumph dripping from your voice. Naoya shut his tablet off with a click, hauling you until you were resting on his lap. Giggles erupted beautifully from your lips as you pressed your forehead to his, both your smiles equally mischievous. “Did you sleep with him?”
“No. Satoru is still hopelessly in love with me, so it didn’t really take much to push him to the edge with a few tears and white lies,” you smiled at him, soon dropping from your face when Naoya’s eyes darkened with an unreadable – no, unfamiliar hint of worry behind them. “Naoya,” you caressed his leg, “I don’t care about him anymore, you’ve got nothing to worry about. I just want to survive and put everything behind,” you cupped his face and forced him to look you in the eye, making sure he heard every bit of sincerity in your voice. “You know I love you, right? I’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. Him coming back doesn’t change a thing.”
“I know that,” he said, although deep down, in the dark recesses of his heart, something agonizing stirred within.
You were a smart woman – too intelligent that he may have feared you had he been any lesser – who could easily read through him, but Naoya wanted to be a step ahead of you that he caught your lips to stop you from seeking beneath his soul already. He knew that if you looked a little too close, you’d see everything, and that would be the last thing he wanted.
Snaking his tongue past your lips, he greedily swallowed your moans. Naoya’s touch was possessive as he gripped your thigh, seconds away from ripping off the material of your dress. He only stopped once he saw his driver pale in awkwardness, and he chuckled to himself, squeezing your hips to stop you from grinding on his thigh.  
“You’re always so good for me,” he praised, “I might just reward you once we get home.”
Home. Prior to meeting you, home had been nothing but a word in his extensive vocabulary. Home had been nothing but something that carried a meaning but no significance in his living, but now that he’d met you, home felt familiar. Home smelled like rose-scented shampoos, it resonated of bubbly laughter and curious hands finding its way to its belt. Home…you’d just given him something to lose.
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As per the plan, you managed to sneak past Satoru’s defenses. Naoya had once said that your secret weapon was not your tempting nature as a woman, but rather your intelligence that sometimes put his to shame. He’d shamelessly announced his plan to use you again with the goal of taking matters into your own hands, looping Satoru into the picture until you have him wrapped around your finger again.
It turned out to be easier than expected. Truthfully, you wanted to refuse. It wasn’t because you were worried you’d beat yourself in your own game and fall for Satoru again, but because it felt so uncomfortable to hold him like that, to kiss him like that.
Each second you spent with him just served as a painful reminder of how he’d mindlessly pushed you to the side from a failed plan of ‘protecting’ you.
However, you couldn’t complain nor deny Naoya’s wishes. He wanted to use your abilities to the fullest of its extent and bring out your potential. Besides, you trusted him wholeheartedly that you’d never question his motives, even if it included seducing Satoru with crocodile tears and a faux broken heart to get him to bend and move at your will. After all, your will was also Naoya’s, and that was what made the both of you so dangerous together.
Standing here now in Satoru’s laboraty, sending him phoney desperate glances as you clutched your husband’s hand, the game had just begun.
He was giving you both a tour of what you could use from his laboratory, and Naoya had kept silent the whole time. The whole drug manufacturing was more your expertise than his. He simply observed everything with watchful eyes, his gaze darting between Satoru’s longing ones and yours. It was a play pretend of push and pull, everyone in the room except for Satoru unaware that soon, you’d bare your fangs to rip his neck apart, and then you’d stand aside and let Naoya finish the business.
You would’ve laughed had Naoya not tightened his grip on your hand. Both you and Satoru paused as Naoya desperately shushed you up, his eyes wide and floating from one corner to another.
Suddenly, a loud explosion came out of nowhere. The blast crushed half of the building to bare rubble and concrete and you saw nothing but black, inhaled so much smoke that your lungs quivered. The ringing in your ears didn’t stop as you wobbled to unsteady legs, waving the smoke away and coughing whatever filled your system. Satoru was right beside you, his long limbs quicker than yours before he hauled you up, checking to see if you had injuries but you were too scared, too desolate to care for his worry.
For your husband laid under a pile of rubble, an arm and his head the only parts of his body saved from the explosion.
“Naoya!” You screamed and pushed Gojo away, taking your heels off before darting straight to where he was. Jumping from broken debris to one another, your feet scraped and burned with each contact, the ringing in your ears growing louder along with the pounding of your heartbeat.
“Naoya, baby, no!” you tried to pick up the heavy slab of concrete that had crushed his body, tears blurring your vision until Naoya’s blond hair swiveled with his dark clothes. “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t you fucking dare-”
“Gojo,” he choked out blood. You fell to your knees as you cupped his face and grasped his hand all the while, your entire body shaking. His name kept falling from your lips as you asked him to stand up but he pushed your hand away, not sparing you another glance as he glared at the shock still man behind you. “Take her someplace far – somewhere he won’t find the both of you. It’s T-Toji.”
“No, Naoya, please! I’m not leaving without you!” It was too late. Satoru had easily carried you and threw you over his shoulder, running away from the scene because that was what he was best at. You pounded at his back as the smoke enlarged and covered the entirety of the building that had fizzled with chemicals inside, your husband starting to disappear from view. “Satoru, let me go! We can’t just leave him there!”
“Listen to your husband! He knows what he’s doing!”
As the smoke cleared for a split second, your world stilled. Naoya’s face was smothered with dirt and stains, pain evident on his twisted features, and yet – he was smiling. “Go,” he mouthed, hands outstretched far enough for your matching rings to glint under the sparkling lights. “Live.”
You slumped into Satoru’s arms. It was too late.
You couldn’t comprehend the events that happened afterwards. Satoru had pushed you inside his car before taking off to who knows where. All you knew was that you’d left your husband behind, and you stared emptily at the streets that flashed by, unable to feel or understand anything. It wasn’t until Satoru dragged you out by the wrist and a plane whirring before you snapped you back to life, your feet turning heavy as you plant yourself on the ground.
Satoru looked back at you.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you shook your head, “I’m not leaving him behind, Satoru, he’s all I have. I need to save him – even if it means I die.”
“You’re not going to die,” he starts off slowly. Satoru moves to place his hands down on your shoulders as if to brace you, even going as far as to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, but you couldn’t really listen, not when the plane hummed to life and remnants of the explosion still clung to your skin.
“Listen, Naoya is a smart man, okay? You know that yourself. He’ll survive, you just need to trust that he’ll make it. Now we have to go before Toji catches up to us and we end up all dying here!” he shook you back to life when your sobs overpowered his speech that fell on deaf ears, and you cried harder, much less like a little girl who quivered in his arms. Satoru sighed, perhaps just as broken from seeing you this way. “He told you to live. Naoya isn’t asking you to die for him, he’s asking you to live and if you don’t get on the plane, we can’t fulfill his wish,” he convinced, but you only bit your lip, still looking back at the car. You could steal it – one punch to his nose and you could easily get away, get back to Naoya, until he said, “You love him right? So respect his wishes.”
You love him. You love Naoya. He would’ve wanted me to live. He asked me to live.
That was the only consolation you could give yourself as you allowed Satoru to take you inside. His right hand man, Geto or something, quietly closed the cabin doors behind you. He was making sure his boss was situated, who in turn was fretting over you. All it took was one last warning glare sent Satoru’s way before he backed off, raising his hands in surrender and falling back to his seat.
Sooner than you’d like, the plane had took off, leaving your heart right behind with each passing second. The higher you flew up in the air, the number you became.
“Where are we going?”
“I have a base in Italy. We should be safe there for a while. Gather resources, plan our next move, contact friends...we’ll be fine,” Satoru pinched the bridge of his nose. It was hard to believe things would be fine when he too seemed restless; whatever happened between him and Toji must’ve really left a scar; not that you cared. You huffed away from Satoru and stared outside the windows instead, your heart dropping the farther Japan was becoming. “Hey. You should get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”
“Whatever,” you snapped at him. You couldn’t stand his voice, not even if he’s saved you.
The only thing that mattered now was living up to Naoya’s wish, and as much as you hated it, Satoru was right. You had to hope he would survive.
The chances of him making it out were low, but knowing Naoya, low chances weren’t zero. As long as he had a little bit of something, he would keep pushing. You just had to place your trust in him.
Kissing your dusty ring, you wiped away your tears one last time, eyes shut tight as you chanted over and over, live, live, live for me! Live! Naoya couldn’t give up that easily. You both had a long way to go, still so many places to travel, thousand more enemies to conquer and defeat. He promised you the fun was just beginning and that you’d get your revenge soon, and Naoya never broke his promises. So you had to trust, had no other choice but to believe that soon he’d be right beside you. He may not be able to completely walk anymore, though none of that mattered. You just wanted to be with him again.
You didn’t realize you’d fallen asleep until Satoru’s hushed whispers woke you up. Sitting up straight, you saw him scowling to whoever he’s talking to on the phone. He looked grim, long, slender fingers caressing his forehead as he sighed. Whatever he heard, it couldn’t have been good, and curiosity got the best of you before you could help it.
“What is it?” Satoru stilled at the sound of your voice, having not expected you to be awake. He refused to meet your eyes as he shut his phone. It angered you further and you stalked his way, slapping a palm down the table before him. “I said, what is it?”
“It’s Naoya...” he said through clenched teeth, still refusing to look you in the eye. “He didn’t make it.”
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notes. team naoya...let’s go...cry 😭 when I said I would write more gojo x reader scenes and that they’re still the pairing, I meant it, I just had to take a dark route anyways DO YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND WHY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE THIS, I DIDN’T WANT TO DO THIS TO NAOYA BAE 😭 but on the bright side, italy arc is gonna be SHEESH
taglist open (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @sixeyesgojo @shingekiyofeels @q-the-rockaholic @whatthefuckisthatthing @rogueofbullshit @kat-su-ki @kellyyween @sebootyforlife @asshxcm @charlie-xo @aoi-turtle @ladywaifuuwrites @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @hannya-quinn @90s-belladonna @tinyfrogsinmybrain @kinekyuroo @evesmores @ambiguous-something @lilith412426 @kakashiharusohma @aizawap @yumeneji @dora-the-grownup @jotazinha @themrsgojo @d34r-s4t4n @marai-t @toji-bee @hai-cool @badsadbby @stesphy @peach-buns-unicorns @misslezah @riri-marley @gracefullyfallinglikeanime @iwaplant​ @mikiminaccch​ | bolder users cannot be tagged
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Intimate Date
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler. Happy Qixi Festival~
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Translations under the cut~
Whistle: Speaking of which, Mr. Lucien...
When the "whistle" spoke, I did not hear him clearly. He had to knock the steering wheel twice before I came back to my senses.
MC: Yes, what are you talking about?
Whistle: I said that this mission goal is rare to invite you to travel with. You must seize the opportunity and strive to completely gain his trust.
Whistle: You must record his destination, what he ordered on the train, and who he met.
MC: Yes, I remembered it.
My answer seemed to make him dissatisfied, and he looked at me warily through the rearview mirror.
Whistle: MC, It can't be... Are you tempted by that Mr. Lucien?
With a stern expression only face, I sat up straight up steeply.
MC: What are you kidding about, how can I be tempted by that kind of person?
Whistle: Hmm, you just have to know it.
There was no more words in the carriage, and the car continued to drive towards the train station. Looking at the bustling city outside the window, I tightened my lips.
How could I be tempted by Lucien?
If there is someone who fascinates me, it should...
I lowered my head and glanced at the book in my arms.
"Awakening" Snow fox.
ㅡThis "Snow Fox" who can guide me and give me strength first.
The first time I read Mr. Snow Fox's article, I seemed to be drunk, and all the confusion and perplexity I had been dispelled.
He used his pen as a knife to attack injustice and pave the way for peace.
He is a lonely walker with a torch in his hand, walking in the long dark night.
I am a small streamed firefly attracted by the hot flame, chasing this light silently.
Finally, with all efforts, I joined the organization of Mr. Snow Fox
Although I haven't seen his true face yet, but he once asked someone to forward me a book to encourage me.
MC: You are shimmer, you want to hide under the darkness.
I opened "The Awakening" and mumbled out a line of text on the title page—this was also a personal message from Mr. Snow Fox to me.
MC: I will never disappoint Mr. Snow Fox.
The car stopped by the train station, I put the book back in the secret compartment of the suitcase, and carefully sorted out my cheongsam.
The Whistle opened the door for me.
Whistle: For the last, check the mission target situation again.
MC: Okay.
Whistle: Who is your goal?
MC: Lucien.
Whistle: Who are you?
MC: Lucien’s blind date, which is a rich lady who has lived abroad since she was a child and returned to China for less than half a year.
Whistle: Your task.
MC: Monitor Lucien and find out his purpose of leaving Loveland City this time.
Whistle: Very good. One more thing, if there is a suitable opportunity in this trip...
Whistle: Kill him.
MC: Assassinate Lucien?!
This order was a little unexpected, and I couldn't help being taken aback.
Didn't the previous organization say that Lucien maintains the balance of the Loveland market and asks me to focus on surveillance and not to move?
MC: Why did you suddenly kill Lucien? Was it a temporary decision by the organization?
Whistle: What do you ask this for?
MC: Because this is contrary to my previous actions, so I want to confirm again...
Whistle: This is a private order from Mr. Snow Fox.
MC: Mr. Snow Fox...will give me a private order?!
My eyes widened in surprise, and when I wanted to ask a few more questions, a horn suddenly interrupted our conversation.
At the intersection not far away, three black cars approached us one after another.
The black goat logo on the front of the car was plated with a dazzling silver in the sun, like the cold light on the tip of a knife.
The original noisy street became extremely quiet, and only the tires made a slight rubbing sound on the ground.
The convoy drove slowly across the road, and after such a long distance, I still saw the clear profile face of the mission target in the car window at first glance.
It’s Lucien.
Whistle turned his face and saw Lucien's motorcade, and he frowned.
Whistle: You don't need to be too nervous, I will pretend to be an ordinary tourist at the next stop and sneak into the third-class carriage to meet you.
Whistle: Remember what I just said, once you find the opportunity to do it, use the transmitter in your suitcase to contact me.
Whistle: Okay, it's time to play, Miss MC.
MC: Mmhm.
I took a deep breath and got out of the car with a small suitcase.
The door of the middle car across the street also stopped at the same time. A group of black subordinates lined up, and one of them opened the door.
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The first thing that catches my eye is a hand holding a cane. The fingers are white and slender, and the nails are neatly trimmed, like the hands of a literati.
Only the thin calluses at the knuckles indicate that this hand can hold a pen or a gun.
The owner of the hand, leaning on a jade cane, stepped out of his right leg first.
With his figure, it may be more suitable to wear a slim dress, but even if the gown is tightly wrapped, you can still see the straight and slender legs.
The silk gown bends like flowing wrinkles between his knees, and the dark lines on the satin surface reflect the shimmering light as he moves.
He raised his other hand again, took a trilby from the hand of his respectful subordinate and put it on his head.
In the silence, Lucien got out of the car slowly.
It was so quiet all around, it seemed that he was the only protagonist of this silent film.
And after Lucien's gaze slowly looked around, he finally stopped at my face across the street at this moment.
In an instant, his indifferent eyebrows were stained with the temperature of the early morning, and the lip line also bends in a pleasing arc.
Lucien: MC.
MC: Mr. Lucien
Obviously his appearance is so harmless, three points gentler than the teacher in the school.
But when I think of the rumors about this "Mr. Lucien" in the market, I still can't help but feel a palpitation.
He held back his subordinates and walked towards me with a smile.
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Lucien: Sorry, did you wait for a long time?
MC: Fortunately, I also just arrived.
I took a step forward, trying to maintain my innocence and asked
MC: Mr. Lucien, where are we going this time, why would you think of inviting me with you?
Lucien: What we are going to is a very beautiful place. As for why I brought you...
Lucien: I think a smart girl like you shouldn't be surprised.
MC: You praise me like this, I'm so embarrassed.
MC: Now that Mr. Lucien decides to keep the sense of mystery, I will keep looking forward to it.
I reddened my cheeks pretending to be shy, but my heart was beating wildly because of the other party.
Whistle hurried to the trunk to help me take out the luggage, and Lucien also leaned down and naturally took the suitcase from me.
Then he straightened up, smiled and stretched out his other arm to me.
Lucien: Let's go.
MC: Okay.
I happily wrapped his arms, leaned my body against him-and walked towards the train station.
There is still a short distance from the start of the train. As VIPs, Lucien and I have already arrived in the luxury carriage in advance.
And after the whistle sent my luggage onto the train, he left immediately. Before leaving, he didn't forget to wink me a warning.
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Lucien leaned on the sofa. He glanced at the back of the whistle through the window and whispered.
Lucien: Miss MC, your driver...
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien.
The subordinate's knock on the door interrupted Lucien's words, and he frowned slightly.
Lucien: Come in.
The subordinate walked in quickly and whispered something in Lucien's ear.
I tried to prick my ears, but I could only hear a few scattered words-"clue", "check", "eradication"....
While listening, I calmly poured myself a cup of scented tea.
As Lucien listened to the report of his subordinates, the corner of his mouth moved.
Lucien: Don't worry, continue to follow him.
Subordinate: Did you mean...
I don't know if it was my illusion, Lucien's eyes seemed to turn to me.
Lucien: If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.
Lucien: After all, an excellent hunter wants to lure the "Snow Fox" out of the hole, and it can't do without enough delicious bait.
Snow Fox!
Suddenly hearing these two words, my fingers trembled, and the scented tea almost spilled from the cup.
Lucien: Miss MC, what's wrong?
MC: No, nothing, my finger was accidentally scalded by the teacup for a moment.
Lucien: Let me see.
MC: It's okay, it's just hot.
But Lucien had already held my hand, his strength was very light but I couldn't refuse it.
The cool fingertips rubbed my red fingertips, bringing out an ambiguous itching.
He observed it carefully for a while and saw that there was nothing serious, so he pulled a white silk kerchief from his arms and wrapped it around my finger.
Lucien: The walls of this porcelain cup are relatively thin, so you will remember to put something on your hand next time you drink hot tea.
MC: Alright, I remembered it.
Lucien smiled at me, and lightly shook my fingers wrapped in the kerchief.
When he spoke again, his words were directed to his subordinates.
Lucien: Follow the previous plan. I hope to hear some good news when I get to the station.
Subordinate: Yes Sir.
At this time, the sharp siren finally sounded, steam gushing out, and the steel wheels began to move forward steadily.
The people on the platform waved their hands, saying their last blessings and goodbyes to their loved ones, lovers, and friends.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, there is also the persevering cries of newsboys, one after another, like cicadas in the late summer, so ear-piercing.
News Boy: Sell ​​newspapers! Take a look! Mr. Snow Fox's new work "Dark Night Flame" is on the market!
Before I knew it, I had been on this train for three days.
During these three days, I was not restrained and could walk around in the train at will. The scenery on both sides of the train was beautiful, and the companion accompanying me was considerate and gentle.
If it is said that the only flaw is that there is still no intelligence.
MC: Lucien...
This man is indeed too perfect and too tricky.
I sighed and looked at the figure on the platform unconsciously from the gap between the curtains.
The train will stop next to a small station, and Lucien is talking to the owner of the food stall, he looked gentle and humble.
He paid the money and was about to return to the car with the paper bag. Suddenly, a boy with a cart next to him slammed his feet and slammed forward, exclaiming.
Seeing that the cargo is about to collapseㅡ
Lucien's eyes were quick, and he held the cargo box with one hand and the boy with the other.
Lucien: You all right?
Boy: You are?! sorry! sorry!
When the boy saw that he almost hit a noble person, he trembled with fear and apologized again and again.
Lucien: Don't be so nervous, you didn't hit me either. Go ahead.
Boy: Thank you sir, thank you sir!
The cargo boy ran away without looking back, pushing the front of the car.
-It seemed like a small accident, but from my perspective, I clearly saw the cargo boy quickly stuffing a note into Lucien's hand when he left.
Why did Lucien use this method to deliver messages?
I watched Lucien's calm and composed face, and suspicions gathered in my heart. I raised my head  and met his gaze.
MC: ...!
I drew back abruptly, avoiding his sight.
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien?
Lucien: Nothing, go up, don't let the kids wait in a hurry.
After a while, Lucien appeared at the entrance of the carriage. He smiled and raised the paper bag to me as if nothing happened just now.
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Lucien: Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, there happens to be a fruit seller in the station, wanna try it?
MC: Huh, today is Qixi Festival?
I couldn't help but froze. The spirit has been tense recently, but even the days have been somewhat forgotten.
Lucien: No wonder you forgot, it was my fault that kept you in the train for too long.
Lucien: But it doesn't matter if you forget these festivals, I will help you remember them.
When he made a promise, his brows were dazzling and his tone was solemn, as if he really was a caring beloved.
Lucien sat next to me and handed me the paper bag.
The small and lovely fruit inside exudes a fragrance, I picked up one and said with a smile to Lucien.
MC: "Begging every year is a coincidence in the world, and there are too many inhumanity in the world", my pleasure.
MC: Hmm... delicious!
MC: Mr. Lucien, do you want to taste it?
With a smile, I picked up another dessert and handed it to Lucien's mouth. He fixedly stared at me for a moment and bit it with a smile.
MC: How is it, isn't it delicious?
Lucien: Well, this is the first time I have eaten this kind of dessert. It is sweet and slightly salty, with a crunchy texture, and it tastes really good.
Lucien: What makes me even more happy is... You really like the taste of this hometown.
He just bit the word "hometown" a little bit harder, and it made my breath stagnate.
MC: I don't understand what Mr. Lucien's words mean.
Lucien: I remember that Miss MC who came back from studying abroad. Both your parents are abroad, right?
Lucien: It just so happened that my subordinates went to a country where Miss MC's parents, so I asked him to inquire a little bit.
Every time Lucien said a word, he leaned forward by a point, and the distance between us was closer.
His breath was burning, with the sweet fragrance of fruit, but it caused a chill in the back of my neck.
Lucien: In his reply to my telegram, he said...in the local area, there has never been such a family.
Lucien: So, Miss MC.
His hands are still cold, and when it touch me, it's like touching rare fragile objects.
His fingertips went from my brow bones, to eyelashes, to cheeks, and finally gently twisted away the fruit crumbs from the corners of my lips.
Lucien: Can you tell me who you are?
Silence flows between us. The train has not started yet. What can be heard is the shouting of the platform not far away, as well as the breathing and heartbeat close at hand.
As Lucien's breath enveloped me, there seemed to be a flame igniting in the place where he had just touched. I bit my lower lip and tried not to shift my sight.
MC: Is the answer to this question important to Mr. Lucien?
Lucien: Of course it is important.
MC: Why?
My question made Lucien raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Lucien: Haven't you noticed MC? You are a very important person to me.
MC: Haha, Mr. Lucien's words really flatter me.
tugged at the corners of my mouth stiffly, but my mind was spinning.
What does Lucien mean by "not found"? What does "very important" mean?
How much did he find out about my identity?
With Lucien's ability, as long as he catches any slight loophole in my words, it will be enough to destroy everything.
No, I can no longer answer any questions from Lucien.
It just so happened that the train whistle sounded again, and I put my hands behind me and pretended to pull the tablecloth inadvertently at the moment the train started.
The tea cup on the table swayed twice and poured in response. The remaining tea in the cup was spilled on me and Lucien.
I took the opportunity to sit up, lowered my head to help Lucien wipe his clothes, and apologized to him again and again.
MC: Oh, Mr. Lucien, I am sorry!
Lucien looked down at the tea stains on his silk shirt and smiled.
MC: I'm okay, but you have water stains on your body, so go back and clean it up.
As a pardon, I nodded and left immediately.
Lucien: By the way, I asked the train restaurant to prepare a candlelight dinner tonight, and I hope Miss MC will appreciate it.
MC: With Mr. Lucien's invitation, I will definitely be present in full dress.
Lucien: I believe MC, no matter how you dress it up, it will look good.
Lucien lifted the teacup on the table, seemingly inadvertently added another sentence.
Lucien: After all, such a good day as Qixi Festival cannot be easily let down.
I was sent back to my car by Lucien's subordinates. The moment I closed the door, I felt my strength slip away and plunged into the mattress.
MC: (sighed)
Being vigilant all the time makes me exhausted physically and mentally. Only when I’m in my car, I can breathe a sigh of relief.
My identity will be revealed sooner or later, and once exposed, would Lucien behave like a merchandiser who is pushing goods, showing me a touch of kindness?
Do I really have a fluke with Lucien like the whistle said?
I opened my eyes and slowly spread out my palms.
In the palm of my hand is the little note I just stole from Lucien.
There was a line written on it: Snow Fox is in the car, be careful.
At the moment when I saw these words, all kinds of scenes flashed past my eyes quickly.
Lucien: After all, an excellent hunter wants to lure the "snow fox" out of the hole, and it can't do without enough delicious bait.
Lucien: Haven't you noticed that you like ink? You are a very important person to me.
Could it be that... Lucien discovered that I was an organizer and wanted to use me as a bait to draw out the "Snow Fox"?!
Since this is the case, should I act first to be the best-obey Mr. Snow Fox's order and kill Lucien.
Snow Fox , Lucien...All the emotions in my heart are like a tangled mess. I can't help but reach out to the suitcase by the bed.
Across the wall of the box, the "Awakening" lay quietly there.
After a long time, I took a deep breath, sat up from the bed, and started preparing for the action tonight.
I first took out the wireless transmitter hidden in the suitcase and told the whistle that Lucien and I would have dinner in the dining car tonight.
Then quickly took off the pink dress and put on a purple cheongsam. Opened the secret compartment of the suitcase, took out a pistol from the inside and tied it to my thigh.
While putting on makeup, there was a knock from a subordinate outside the door.
Subordinate: Miss MC, Mr. Lucien is already waiting for you in the restaurant.
MC: Got it, tell Mr. Lucien that I will be there soon.
I put the lipstick back in the box and was about to get up when the light from the corner of my eye suddenly swept over something on the table.
It was the white handkerchief Lucien wrapped around my finger when I lied about being scalded.
When I returned to the car, I put it on the dressing table and didn't move it again.
Lucien's handkerchief is as simple as his clothes, and there is no other pattern except for the embroidered mark of his name on the corner of the handkerchief.
The moment I saw the handkerchief, Lucien's abrupt eyes suddenly appeared in my mind.
Why does a rumored "Mr. Lucien" who is obsessed with power and cruel, has such a pair of calm and sober eyes?
Obviously in my imagination countless times, only the "Mr. Snow Fox" in my mind would have such eyes.
MC: Mr. Lucien... is it really just Mr. Lucien?
I was shocked by the nonsense that I blurted out, and I took a step back abruptly.
I was a little flustered inexplicably. Just about to put away the handkerchief, my fingers suddenly felt strange bumps on the silk surface.
MC: Hmm??
I looked down and found that beside Lucien's name, there was a Morse code embroidered with silk threads of the same color.
I held my breath and fumbled for the code with my fingers, and finally found that they formed a words.
MC: My shimmer?
The setting sun outside the window was sinking, and the fluent sunset glow was gradually replaced by the night.
The lights are lit on each train, and the train shuttles through the mountains and forests like a golden dragon.
When I arrived in the restaurant, Lucien was still writing a letter at the table by the window.
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When he saw me, he put away the half-written letter and smiled at me.
Tonight, instead of wearing the daytime gown, he changed into a slim-fitting suit, and his temperament became more capable and chic.
MC: Sorry to let Mr. Lucien wait for a long time.
Lucien: Compared to Cowherd who can solve the pain of lovesickness only once a year, I only waited a while for "Little Weaver Girl", considered to be very lucky.
Lucien: Have a seat
He opened the table seat for me, and I took a seat happily.
Lucien: How have you been on the train these days?
MC: Mr. Lucien seems to ask me this every day.
Lucien: Do you think I'm long-winded?
MC: No, this is your thoughtfulness, I like it very much, and I have had a good time these days.
MC: Even too comfortable, I don't want to get out of the train
Lucien: This is bad.
MC: What's wrong?
Lucien: After eating this dinner, we are almost arrived at the station. If MC don't want to get off the train, I can only use other methods to get you off.
I quickly glanced at the closed door of the dining car, settled, poured a glass of wine, and continued to laugh with Lucien
MC: What other method does Mr. Lucien want to use?
Lucien: It depends on what approach Miss MC likes.
MC: Me, of course I want more....
Before I finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook! A hot air wave overturned the railroad tracks and hit the carriage!
Before I had time to react, I felt like the sky was spinning.
The next second, I fell into a warm embrace.
Lucien: Ugh...!
Lucien held me firmly in his arms, but his whole body was knocked to the ground by the air wave.
The world in the carriage was upside down, and Lucien's letters and official documents on the table were scattered all over the
The ornate decorations turned into fragments, and the wine in the glass was spilled on the brocade like drips of red blood.
The disaster came without warning, and the steel giant leaned on the rails, uttering a heavy mournful cry.
I turned my face to look at the mess on the ground. The crying and screams from the front and rear carriages made my brain go blank.
MC: What exactly is going on...
Lucien: The train was blown up. It should be coming for me.
Lucien took me up with one hand, and with the other hand drew the pistol from his back.
The explosion plunged the train into chaos, and Lucien's subordinates was at the other carriages and it was too late to arrive.
He turned around and looked at the exit of the carriage warily, while admonishing me.
Lucien: MC, If the other party wants to cut the grass and roots, it is estimated that they will take the opportunity to return to the restaurant to confirm my life and death, you have to be careful....
The words after were swallowed back, because a gun was hitting his abdomen at the moment.
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MC: Don't move.
Lucien's gaze moved up from the muzzle a little bit, fell to the hand of my gun, and finally stopped on my face.
For the first time, his eternally calm eyes rippled, and his lips opened slightly, and then he pressed tightly again.
In the next second, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.
Lucien: Miss MC wants to kill me.
Lucien's somewhat helpless expression made me feel embarrassed, as if I was just a little girl making trouble with her lover unreasonably.
MC: Why are you laughing?
Lucien: Nothing, the other side of MC really surprised me and couldn't help but laugh.
I glanced at him and opened his tie with the muzzle of my gun.
Then freed his other hand and groped his waist and chest roughly to make sure that there were no other weapons or wiretapping on him.
And Lucien opened his hands very cooperatively, as if he was at my disposal.
After searching, I glanced at the door again before turning my gaze back to Lucien.
MC: Mr. Lucien, before killing you, I want to ask you a question.
My fingers slowly touched his heart, and said word by word with an voice that only the two of us could hear.
MC: (Do you believe I will be shimmer?)
Lucien's eyes were suddenly bright, and he also answered me with his mouth.
Lucien: (From beginning to end.)
The moment his voice fell to the ground, I shot.
Lucien also slowly fell to the ground under the gunshot.
MC: ....
Holding the gun tightly, I kept my eyes locked on the doorway of the squeezed carriage.
Finally, after a while, a figure appeared at the door.
MC: Whistle..
Whistle: MC? You didn't...
MC: I was lucky, and it happened to be blocked by the sofa when it exploded.
Whistle: Y-Yes...what about Lucien?
MC: Didn't you hear the gunshot just now, I've finished him.
MC: Whistle, You seem to have expected this explosion?
The whistle glanced at Lucien, who was motionless, then glanced at me, his mouth suddenly grinned from an arrogant angle.
Whistle: Of course, this is my plan.
As he said, the hand of the whistle rose sharply, and the black hole pointed straight at me.
Whistle: Because you and "Snow Fox" both have to die.
However, before he had time to pull the triggerㅡ bang! A gunshot sounded faster!
Lucien: Finally bit the bait.
Lucien, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes. He slowly sat up with a gun in one hand, looking at the whistle for an instant.
Whistle: You..
The man's eyes were full of things, his shrunken pupils were printed with the figure of me and Lucien standing side by side.
When he was about to attack again, the sound of footsteps came from both ends of the dining car. Lucien's subordinates who had survived the explosion finally rushed over and subdued him to the ground.
Subordinate: Mr. Lucien, are you okay!
Lucien: I'm fine.
Lucien: Apart from this person, there must be other pests in this train. Clean it up immediately.
Lucien: Also, immediately contact the headquarters and the nearest hospital, check the conditions of the front and rear carriages, and take all passengers out of here.
Subordinate: But you...
Lucien: Hurry up.
The subordinates' throats stagnated, and they didn't dare to defy him, dragging the seriously injured whistles towards the two carriages.
There were only two of us in the carriage at this moment, and Lucien turned his eyes back to me after watching the last subordinate leave.
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Lucien: I just saw, Miss MC's acting is a little bit flamboyant, and she still needs a lot of polishing.
I didn't reply immediately, just stared at Lucien firmly.
At this moment, Lucien's face was strangely clear in the twilight, eyebrows, lips, cheeks... finally merged with "Snow Fox".
MC: ...Mr. Snow Fox's acting skills are outstanding, and the little girl is deeply impressed.
Lucien smiled deeper, and he carefully helped me straighten my temples.
Lucien: When did you discover that the whistle had a problem?
MC: From the beginning. When he faked "Snow Fox" orders and asked me to assassinate you, I began to doubt him.
MC: But at that time I was still not sure about his motives, then...
I took out the handkerchief, and picked up the letters scattered on the ground—the writing on it was exactly the same as the writing in "The Awakening" message.
MC: Did you also find out that there is a problem with the whistle from the beginning?
Lucien shook his head.
Lucien: No. I only found out that he had betrayed the organization and he also found out that I was Snow Fox.
MC: Then when you first got in the car, you said you wanted to get rid of "Snow Fox"....
Lucien: In addition to the whistle, there are other inner ghosts.
Lucien: I arranged this train and wanted to use this excuse to catch them all.
Lucien: But I didn't expect these people to blow up the train in order to get rid of me.
This is a journey of life and death. In the confrontation between righteousness and evil, everyone's identities are constantly changing.
Everyone feels that he is a hunter and the other is a prey. Lucien the Snow Fox. Whistle the traitor.
ㅡOnce Lucien dies on the train, the entire Loveland City may face a bloody storm.
When Lucien said this, his voice became more and more apologetic.
Lucien: I insisted on taking you in the train, because I was afraid that you would be silenced by the whistle while I was away. As a result, I almost made you fall into danger with me. Sorry.
MC: I am not afraid of danger, darkness must accompany danger, I just... a little angry.
Lucien: Why are you angry?
I blushed, and finally threw the gun to him, hold my breath to say the words.
MC: You... the big liar who always talks around the bush!
Lucien laughed loudly. The first time I heard him smile so clear, it was like the early morning when the clouds saw the sun.
He took me to the side of the carriage, supported the window with one hand, and dexterously take off from the carriage.
MC: What are we going to do?
Lucien: There is much more to be done.
Lucien: "Snow Fox" can disappear, but Lucien still has to exist.
Lucien: We have to continue this scene until the darkness fades.
He stretched out his hand to me outside the train. I held his hand and felt the solid strength of his arm.
MC: You are talking around the bush again.
Lucien: Hmm... Would you like to hear me say something less convoluted?
MC: Of course I do.
The glow in the distant mountains has long since faded, and the long night is approaching, and the wilderness will rise from the starting point of the firefly.
Lucien's eyes are brighter than stars and fluorescent lights.
He smiled and took me out of the trainㅡ
Lucien: It happens MC for me, it is indeed a very important person
Lucien: I am very satisfied with the result of this blind date, how about you?
Notes from me: You’ve done reading~ thank you for always read Lucien’s date~ I really love the interaction between MC and Lucien in this date, the way Lucien always want to protect MC and MC who wants Lucien’s kindness, is really make my heart fluttered. Again, thanks a bunch for everyone, HAPPY QIXI FESTIVAL!  (*≧ω≦*)
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five-rivers · 3 years
Long Night in the Valley Chapter 15
It's been a bit, hasn't it?
Toshinori pushed himself up off the ground with trembling arms. Although, by the position of the sun, it hadn’t been for long, he’d blacked out when—
“Oh, no,” said Toshinori. His head throbbed at the sound, making the edges of his vision go dark and fuzzy.
When All for One had broken through into the shared mindscape.
“Oh, no,” he repeated.
Where was Izuku? He had to find—Oh, thank goodness, Izuku was right there. He let out a sigh of relief.
His relief was short-lived. Izuku, to put it lightly, did not look well. His eyes were open, but only glazed slivers. His breath was coming shallow and fast, not quite to the point of hyperventilating, but it was a close thing. His skin was pale, except for deep, bruise-like circles under his eyes. He was sweating more than Toshinori had ever seen him sweat (which was really saying something; Izuku broke out into nervous sweats with some frequency). Perhaps most concerningly, he was shaking like a leaf.
Izuku was, Toshinori realized, still maintaining the effect of Two’s quirk.
He tried to reach inside himself, contact his predecessors, but swiftly pulled his mental fingers back, as if they had been burned. Bad idea.
“Izuku,” he said, “can you hear me?”
Izuku made a small, pained noise that tore at Toshinori’s heart.
“I’m going to pick you up, okay?” he said. Izuku didn’t answer, but then Toshinori didn’t expect him to.
The simple act forced Toshinori to call on the embers of One for All. Not enough to make his muscles swell, but enough to give him the strength of an ordinary, healthy man. His muscles and his remaining intact lung screamed in protest, not to mention his scars. He ignored them.
He stumbled forward, priorities shuffling themselves. They’d been trying to escape, but if Izuku was this ill… he needed a doctor. An exorcist might be a good idea, too, what with All for One running around in their heads.
But to get a doctor, they’d have to put themselves in commission hands, and Toshinori could feel the echoes of Two and Three telling him exactly how stupid that would be.
The commission had sent Hawks after Izuku. Toshinori had no doubt they’d throw him in Tartarus, and the treatment of criminals in Tartarus was one of the few things Toshinori had publicly disagreed with the HPSC on in his hero persona. Not that it had gone anywhere. He simply hadn’t had the time to really push it and the commission had somehow managed to paint him as somehow too good, too forgiving, to be trusted when it came to the disposition of terrible villains.
“’ll be’kay,” mumbled Izuku, the sentiment clearer over their mental link. “N’ospital.”
“Okay,” said Toshinori, slightly breathless. “Let’s—Let’s keep going, then. Find a good place to camp out, far away from Todoroki Touya, here. Yep.” He was aware he was rambling, and needlessly at that, but he couldn’t help it.
One foot in front of the other.
Was that a car running?
Toshinori, keen on getting help and care for Izuku, even if it meant hijacking a car, changed directions slightly. Of course, it would be ideal if there were friendly bystanders who didn’t believe the hero commissions lies and had a medical license and a healing quirk, but Toshinori would be more than happy with—
He stopped. Laughed. Laughed some more, a little hysterically. There, abandoned in a ditch like a beached sailing ship, was Vlad King’s much abused car.
Sure, it would have been reported stolen by now, and the police and heroes would be looking for it, but that was a problem for future-Toshinori. Present-Toshinori, on the other hand, was simply grateful for the windfall, and wary – the presence of the car could indicate the proximity of the League of Villains.
He gently put Izuku down in the passenger seat, turned the car off and made sure it was in the appropriate gear, then walked around to the back of the car and lifted it out of the ditch.
If his muscles had been complaining before—
He staggered back to the driver’s seat, leaning heavily on the side of the car the whole time. Blood dripped from his mouth. “This is nothing, my boy, nothing,” he said in what he hoped was a reassuring tone, as he felt Izuku’s concern press heavily against him. “Used to have worse every day of the week.”
Toshinori got the sense that Izuku was not, in fact, reassured. Nevertheless, he grinned, pouring every drop of his fabled ‘everything will be alright’ smile into the expression. Even if Izuku couldn’t see it, Toshinori needed some of the comfort that came with donning a familiar mask
“Let’s see if we can get to the Wild Wild Pussycats today, after all.”
“Eri-chan,” began Abe, tapping together her papers. She’d drawn the short stick. Ito was interviewing one of the older students, and Abe got the feral child.
“No,” said Eri.
“I didn’t even ask you a question yet.”
“Only people I like get to call me -chan. That’s the rule. Prinzible Nezu said so.”
“Principal,” corrected Nezu, cheerfully, like the unhelpful rodent rat bastard he was. If only she could have gotten him kicked out… but, no, he and Present Mic were both sitting in on the interview.
“PrincipalNezu told me, and he’s in charge.”
“You tell ‘em, Eri-chan!” said Present Mic, just a little more loudly than was comfortable.
Eri nodded to let Present Mic know the noise-cancelling earplugs were working.
“In this situation,” said Abe, sternly, “I am in charge.”
The girl tilted her head, and suddenly her expression went from ‘pouting child’ to ‘superior being contemplating an uppity insect.’
“Eri-san,” began Abe.
“No,” said Eri.
Abe looked up incredulously. What was wrong with -san?
She decided to ignore it. “You spoke with—”
Eri began to scream like a teakettle whistling.
“Can’t you control her?” Abe demanded, turning to Nezu, who chittered.
“This is very good progress!” he said, barely loud enough to hear over the ongoing shriek. “Before now, Eri-chan was too hesitant to act out or misbehave in any way, fearing the punishment that her former and completely unqualified caretakers would inflict upon her.”
Abe didn’t know which was more longwinded, the still-screaming child or the rodent principal. Her body was so tiny, how was she still screaming?
Eri clicked off the Present Mic-themed combo audio recorder and player in her pocket at the same time she shut her mouth. Principal Nezu was right! This was fun! At least, it would be if Deku was here.
“I get to pick what you call me,” said Eri, patiently. Since this person wasn’t smart enough to see that Deku was only the best hero ever and not a bad guy, she’d have to explain slowly.
The person evidently wasn’t even smart enough to breathe, as she was slowly turning purple.
“What,” she said, in stilted tones, “would you like me to call you.”
Eri let the smile Aizawa had taught her spread across her face. “Eri-sama.”
“Is that a joke?”
“It’s very important to respect the boundaries children establish, Abe-san,” said Nezu.
Katsuki blinked. It was about time he woke up. Stupid dream time dilation or whatever. Stupid boring soy sauce face and his stupid boring mindscape dreamscape whatever hellscape. There was a limit to what you could do in a square mile that mostly consisted of a tape-covered jungle gym and a boring apartment building. Katsuki had found it, and, after spending a good period of time being angry about it, had decided to go to sleep.
Dream time dilation or whatever the commission proctor had been going on about after the first billionty-and-one stupid hours, it didn’t matter, Katsuki hated it, it was just taking too damn long. If he didn’t have to do this to keep his provisional license, he’d tell the commission to shove this stupid pointless training up it’s—
About a minute after he should have twigged to something wrong, Katsuki realized the ceiling was too familiar.
He sat up. Why the hell was he in UA’s infirmary?
And not just him, about half the class was here with him.
He scowled. So, something had gone wrong with the test after all, and it looked like Deku wasn’t involved. Stupid nerd would hold it over him.
“Hey!” shouted Katsuki, spotting Recovery Girl. “What the f—”
“Language!” scolded Recovery Girl, shrilly, practically teleporting across the room to jab Katsuki with her cane. “You’re in a school, young man.”
“I know that!” protested Katsuki. “But why the f—” he faltered under the force Recovery Girl’s gaze even as she started to run through the checklist she usually did for people who’d been knocked out like wimps. “Fudge. Am I here.”
“I think the more pertinent question is, how are you awake? There should be at least one more hour, if not two, left to that quirk.”
“I went to sleep,” said Katsuki, attempting to fend her off.
“Well, you wouldn’t be waking up if—”
“No. In the shhhtupid dreamscape thing. I went to sleep.”
Recovery Girl paused for a moment, then sighed. “I don’t suppose you were the one whose mind they were exploring?”
“No. That was soy sauce face. Why are we back here? And where’s the nerd?”
Recovery Girl seemed to droop at his question, and a heaviness filled the air. “That’s a long story.”
“Did we get attacked by Dusty McGee again?”
“So, what did happen?” snapped Katsuki. “The nerd break out a new quirk in the middle of the training or something?”
Recovery Girl’s eye twitched, and she sat down on a nearby stool, taking a deep breath.
“The hero commission suspected Midoriya of working with the League of Villains and attempted to use the training to interrogate him. Under the influence of at least one mental quirk, Midoriya fled. At about the same time, All Might left and met up with him, after which the commission accused Midoriya of kidnapping All Might. They haven’t given him an S-Rank villain classification, but I suspect that’s just because the paperwork hasn’t gone through yet.”
All right. Honestly, with his creepy stalker notebooks and obsessive All Might shrine room, Deku probably seemed like a prime kidnapping suspect to an outsider, but considering that Katsuki had witnessed Deku and All Might’s sickeningly sweet interpersonal interactions, somehow managing to be a goddamn third wheel to some sort of surrogate parent-child found family drama nonsense…
“Has anyone told ‘em it’s more likely the other way around? And that if it was, it’d probably be for the nerd’s own good, too?”
Recovery Girl nodded tiredly.
“They hiding out here?”
“Midoriya is a wanted criminal.”
“So what?”
“We’re a school.”
“You’ve lost me.”
Recovery Girl sighed. “No, Midoriya is not here.”
“Well, that’s stupid. What are we doing about it?”
“Right now? You are doing nothing. Commission investigators are in the building, and it would be better if they thought you were still unconscious.”
Katsuki grumbled. “Should go and try to bring him back.”
“What, so he can be arrested?”
“No!” said Katsuki, defensively. “But he’s probably running around out there making everything worse!”
“Bakugo,” said Recovery Girl, patting his leg, “from what I’ve heard, the only thing that could possibly make this worse is being found.”
“Can you describe to me the circumstances under which you lost your quirk?” asked Ito, the other commission investigator.
“Sure!” said Mirio, hoping the man couldn’t detect his discomfort at the subject. Even if he’d made that split second choice to shield Eri with his body with full knowledge of the consequences, to jump in front of Nemoto’s bullet, it was still a traumatic experience. It still hurt, even if he didn’t regret it.
He took a deep breath. “Well, it was during the Shie Hassaikai raid. I had gone ahead to confront Chisaki Kai and rescue Eri. There were a few other yakuza with him, members of the Eight Bullets. Nemoto Shin, Sakaki Deidoro, and, ah, Chrono, I think. I can’t remember his proper name.”
“That’s fine. Please continue.”
“I engaged with Sakaki and Nemoto while Chisaki and Chrono went ahead. I was affected by their quirks, but managed to get by… It was a hard battle!” he interjected, suddenly. He belatedly realized he wanted to draw out this line of questioning, and dove into a supremely detailed description of his fight with Sakaki and Nemoto. It was funny, too, and he saw Ito getting sucked in.
Sir would have been proud.
“And then, I chased after Chrono and Chisaki!” said Mirio, gesticulating wildly to illustrate his movements. He continued narrating the battle, the wild swings of fate, Eri’s hope and fear, the strikes and counterstrikes! Just like when he’d first debriefed after the raid.
Weirdly enough, going through it like this also made him feel better. Less like he was reliving a terrible, painful moment in his life, and more like he was telling a very dramatic story.
“—aaaaaaand,” he wrapped up, “Chisaki tossed the gun with the erasure bullets to Nemoto – I hadn’t realized he was still conscious. I’d been too worried about getting to Eri.” He shrugged. “I got shot.”
“Despite your quirk?”
“I didn’t want Eri to be hit.”
“Even though the loss of her quirk might have been a blessing for her? Considering the difficulty she has using it and the pain it gives her.”
Mirio felt his smile settle into something blander and more dangerous than his usual beaming grins. “Are you suggesting that I should have let a six-year-old be shot?”
“Not at all,” said Ito, making a mark. “Now, where was Midoriya at this time?”
“He hadn’t caught up to us, yet,” said Mirio. “He was with Sir.”
“Sir Nighteye,” clarified Mirio. “Before that, they were with Rock Lock and some of the others, I believe.”
“But you don’t know for sure.”
“I wasn’t there, so… no, not really. But the exact situation should be on file, from our debrief, and Rock Lock can confirm or clarify.”
“Only the parts he saw,” said Ito. “Did you try to use your quirk after that? Or did you simply assume it was gone?”
“Of course, I tried to use it!” said Mirio, feeling somewhat offended. “I’d trained it to be reflexive. Right after, I kept thinking my quirk would protect me, and moving too slow to dodge attacks. I got really beaten up.”
“And was this before or after Midoriya Izuku arrived?”
“Before, mostly,” said Mirio. “It isn’t like the fight stopped the minute he showed up.”
“And you are certain your quirk stopped working before Midoriya arrived.”
“I’m sure.”
“How did you know you were hit by a permanent quirk-erasing bullet?” asked Ito.
“Well, when my quirk didn’t come back we were pretty sure,” said Mirio.
“But you didn’t know beforehand, for certain, that the bullets were permanent.”
Crap. Mirio had screwed up somewhere in there. He could feel it.
“I think Nemoto and Chisaki were shouting at each other about it during the fight,” said Mirio. “They were pretty proud of it.”
“But you did not know, for sure, that your quirk loss was permanent,” insisted Ito. “There was no way for you to know that their claims about the bullets were true.”
“I mean… not really,” said Mirio. “But, again, here I am without a quirk.”
“Yes… but that isn’t the only way a person can lose a quirk, is it?”
“The Scourge of Kamino was already in Tartarus when the Shie Hassaikai raid took place,” said Mirio. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”
“Did Midoriya Izuku come into contact with you before the end of the day?”
“We talked, yeah,” said Mirio.
“Physical contact.”
“Actually… no,” said Mirio. “After the fight, we were both whisked off to the hospital, separately. Midoriya came to visit me after we both got patched up, he felt guilty about not getting to me and Eri sooner, and--” Oh, dear, he’d have to think back on that conversation a bit more. Later. He swallowed. “--and… Sir’s death…” He looked down at his hands. “Sir… in retrospect, he didn’t like Midoriya very much, but his death hit Midoriya hard. First death in the line of duty. It… it was the first time I’d seen a hero die, too.”
“You’re quite certain he didn’t touch you? At all?” asked Ito, undeterred by Mirio’s not-at-all-feigned grief.
“Pretty sure, yeah,” said Mirio, now annoyed by the investigator’s callousness.
“I see.”
Ochako rubbed her eyes, but the darkness stayed. “What,” she said out loud, her voice somehow doing the opposite of echoing, “what happened?”
“I don’t know,” said Todoroki. He had positioned himself so as to guard her back.
“There was a bang,” said Iida, “and then…” He trailed off, clearly finding just as much difficulty in describing the event as Ochako did thinking about it.
“They were talking about All for One getting in,” said Ochako. “You don’t think…?”
“Maybe we timed out the quirk and we’re about to wake up,” said Iida, optimistically.
“Where’s Aizawa-sensei?” asked Todoroki.
“I don’t know,” said Ochako. “He was standing with us… I mean, I couldn’t see you guys at first, either.”
“I’m here,” said Aizawa.
Ochako turned to see their teacher methodically scanning their black surroundings, his eyes red. “Do you know what happened?” she asked. “Do you think this is just, I don’t know, a new transition? A memory?”
“I don’t know,” said Aizawa. He blinked, eyes returning to their normal colors.
“It isn’t,” said an unfamiliar voice. The figure of a young man with uncut white hair slowly faded out of the darkness. “Hello.” He raised a hand. “I’m One. Or, I guess, you can call me Kazuki. Sorry about the landscape. Most of our mental resources were just rerouted.”
“Does this have something to do with that vault thing Izuku mentioned?” asked Ochako.
“Yes, sadly,” said One. “My brother’s broken out. Which means you really shouldn’t be here. All our minds are about to become battlefields. I have some techniques that might help you get out, but--”
“Six told me there was something taken from Midoriya that we could get back, if the vault was open. Is that still a thing?”
One raised a fist to his lips, and pressed down. “You understand, don’t you, that to search for this is to go into my brother’s mind?”
“If it’s to help Midoriya,” said Todoroki, stepping forward, “we’ll do anything.”
“That is very admirable of you,” said One. “I do mean that, I really do, and I’ve seen your heroics and spirit through Izuku’s eyes. But I’m not sending children to fight my brother. Eraserhead, you’d be going alone.”
“I can work with that,” said Aizawa.
“But we won’t be in any real danger!” protested Ochako. “The worst that could happen to us is that we’ll run out of time and wake up. Right?”
“Don’t underestimate my brother. Judging from the fight at Kamino, he lost a lot of quirk control and strength after his first fight with Eight, or else he’d never have been captured. But that’s only if we take it at face value. I don’t doubt that he has five or six plans in place to escape Tartarus and steal every interesting quirk in there, thereby increasing his power exponentially, or even healing himself.”
Ochako blinked. How would anyone heal from… Wait. “Overhaul.”
One’s smile was a bitter thing. “I certainly wouldn’t have put the two of them in the same prison.”
The villain at Kamino, already strong enough to go toe to toe with All Might, with Overhaul's power? Ochako shuddered.
"What did he take from Midoriya?" asked Aizawa. "I'm going to need to know before I do this."
"You're sure you want to do this, then?"
"I haven't decided."
One sighed and pushed his hair back, out of his face. Ochako was struck, momentarily, by how the color of his eyes perfectly matched Izuku's.
"My brother took what he always takes," said One. "His quirk."
"But!" protested Ochako. "He has a quirk! He has..." she trailed off as another revelation hit her.
"He…" said Iida, next to her, "has several quirks."
"He has your quirk," said Todoroki with one-hundred-percent unwavering confidence.
"You had a quirk like All for One," said Aizawa. "But considering what we've seen… the quirk to pass on quirks?"
"That's why you call yourselves by numbers! Because that's the order you had the quirk in!" added Ochako.
"I prefer thinking of it as the ability to share quirks," said One, "but since everyone but Eight and Nine is dead, the distinction is academic."
Aizawa sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Okay, let me get this straight. You and... your brother both had meta quirks. He could… give and take quirks. You could just pass your own quirk on. He decided to become a criminal mastermind. You decided to, I don't know, invest your quirk until someone had enough quirks to fight your brother?"
"And they're all related," said Todoroki.
"And you're all related," said Aizawa with an air of suffering.
"It was significantly less intentional and more complicated than that, but, yes, those are the basics."
"And, for some reason, All Might thought that it was a good idea to pick a teenager for the job."
"In his defense, Eight thought my brother was dead. The one you should really be throwing shade at is Seven."
"I have questions."
One tilted his head. "Normally, I would answer them, but we're running out of time."
Aizawa sighed. "Alright. I'll do it."
"We want to help, too!" said Ochako.
"Three will find a way to ghost murder me if I get you involved in a fight with my brother."
"So would I, incidentally," said Aizawa, "and then I'd expel all of them."
Iida cleared his throat. "Is there any way for us to help without coming into contact with All for One?”
“Yes,” said One, clapping his hands together. “Getting out before that Suzuki fellow does and giving Izuku some good publicity.”
One’s image seemed to waver and split, then, as if Ochako had crossed her eyes. She blinked, hard, but after that there were still two of them.
“I’ll lead you to my brother’s mind,” said one of the Ones, waving at Aizawa.
“I’ll stay and try to help the rest of you get out,” said the second One. “We should - Oh.”
“Oh?” repeated Aizawa. “‘Oh,’ what?”
“Oh, we forgot about someone,” said One.
“Oh,” said All for One, catching sight of an anomaly. “Who is this little intruder to our gathering?”
“Just some government lackey,” said Miranda, hands still for now, but in a position where she could likely summon ball lightning in a matter of minutes. “Not someone you can use as a hostage.”
“Actually,” said Ryuji, who, unusually, had yet to disappear from All for One’s senses, “if you could figure out a way to get rid of him, it would be convenient.”
“Two!” snapped Nana.
“Come on, we were all thinking it,” said Ryuji.
“You can’t use a him as a murder weapon,” hissed Nana. “Nine will get in trouble.”
“You’rethe one who repeatedly dropped him from a dozen stories up. And the one who was fantasizing about murdering him in real life.”
“That daydream could have belonged to anyone.”
“It had Gran Torino in it.”
“Eight knows Gran, too!”
All for One coughed, returning the full attention of the vestiges to himself. “Is this a pathetic attempt at a distraction?”
“Do you know any other adjectives?” asked his little brother, who was slouching off to the side with his hands in his pockets.
All for One sneered. “Are you not taking this seriously?”
“Not really, no,” said Kazuki, “and neither are you, or else we’d be fighting already. We both know that what you can affect here is limited.” He started counting off on his fingers. “You can’t bring us back with you, you can’t affect Nine’s morality, you can’t take the stockpile, you--”
“I knew it!” shrieked the little intruder, jabbing a finger at All for One. “I knew it! You’re All for One! Midoriya is working for you!”
“Hey, if you’re going to do the sibling thing and prove me wrong about the whole ‘can’t do anything’ thing, can I suggest you start with him?”
All for One narrowed his eyes and scanned his relatives. There was an uncharacteristic lack of protest.
“Are you briar patching?”
“No,” said Hibiki, “they’re quite serious. I personally would prefer it if you didn’t kill him, but not enough to risk myself.”
He could always trust Hibiki to be blunt and straightforward. He got it from his wonderfully forthright and businesslike mother. He hadn’t loved her like he loved his current, still-living spouse, but she had been refreshing.
“Mood,” said Rokuya.
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” said dear, sweet Izuku, raising a hand, “but I’m not actually comfortable letting All for One kill him in front of us.”
“Don’t try that now! You’ve shown your true colors, traitor!”
“Don’t worry, kid,” said Daigoro, “we’re pretty sure he won’t be able to.”
“Torture, then.”
“Not sure he can do worse than Nana did.”
“All I did was drop him!” protested Nana.
“Repeatedly, from a great height,” Miranda reminded her.
Everyone was much more relaxed, now, and… were they ignoring him? They were!
“Are you all under the effect of a quirk?”
“Yeah,” said Kazuki. “How else do you think this is happening?”
“No, I mean… your personalities… they’re all…” He gestured at the One for All users who had stopped to watch him.
“Niichan, I’ve tried to tell you this before, but at least for me, I’m not all that great a person. You just suck so enormously that I look like a saint in comparison.”
“That’s not true!”
“It is,” said Kazuki. “I mean, think back to our first argument. I was less concerned with your overall morality and more concerned with the fact that the demon king alway loses--”
“Excuse you, but I’ve beaten every one of you.”
“No you haven’t,” said Hibiki. “I, at least, died with no input from you.”
“Killing you is obviously different from beating you,” said All for One.
“I mean, by the time you chucked me in that vault, it had evolved to a moral and ethical complaint,” said Kazuki, his one visible eye unfocused in remembrance. “But it started out with me worried about you getting yourself killed.”
“No it didn’t.”
“It really did. You know, I don’t think I ever told you this, but if you’d been twenty percent more ethical? I would have absolutely been on your side.”
“I mean, it was you, the government, and ragtag resistance groups, and the government sucked.”
“I can confirm that,” said Miranda, “and it continues to be disgustingly corrupt. But since you’re also swimming through the human experimentation cesspit, we’re staying where we are. Don’t get any ideas.” She ended the sentence with a hiss and fog started rolling in.
“I agree that if you stayed away from the kidnapping, murder, and cult stuff, I would have probably stayed with you,” said Ryuji. “Except you did do all that stuff… Why are we even talking about this?”
“I would add personal freedom to the list of things I’d want from you in the hypothetical world where we stayed on the same side,” said Hibiki, “but, otherwise, I agree.”
All for One blinked several times, a small part of his mind cherishing the fact that he had eyes. “Do you all feel that way?” he asked, oddly touched but also strangely disturbed.
“No,” said Daigoro, “the rest of us hate you and the government just about equally.”
All for One turned his gaze to the quivering ‘government lackey.’ “I see. So, I suppose I have the government to thank for this turn of events. Hm? What did you do to have these soft-hearted fools so upset with you?”
The little man squeaked and jabbed something like an epi-pen into his leg. A second later, he vanished.
“Wait,” said Izuku. “Wait. THAT’S how to get out? That’s so stupid! Can we do that?” The last was said as an aside to Nana.
“Not with him here,” said Miranda. Her voice had dropped back into its more dangerous registers.
“Oh, so we are going to fight after all,” said All for One, clapping his hands and smiling. “What fun.”
“I can’t believe you distracted him and got Suzuki to leave like that,” said Aizawa as they stepped out of the fog.
“Well, my brother always did like to hear the sound of his own voice. And be a jerk, but I’m sure that was obvious,” said One. They came to a stop in front of a normal-looking apartment building. One sighed. “This is where we lived,” he said. “Before…” He sighed again.
Aizawa examined One out of the corner of his eyes. He looked tired.
“How much of what you said back there was true?”
“Huh? Most of it, really. My successors built me up as some kind of big good, but I was never anything but a normal guy with a slightly more functional moral compass than my brother.”
From what Aizawa had seen so far, he suspected One was seriously underselling himself.
“I’m sorry,” said One, “but I’m going to have to leave you here. Nine’s quirk should look like a younger version of himself. He couldn’t have been any older than five when it was taken.”
“Anything else I should know about?”
“Sorry, not really… I’ve not exactly been inside my brother’s head. If you manage to find a switch labeled ‘empathy,’ you might take a second to flip it on. Or not. Could be booby trapped. Wouldn’t put it past him.”
“Great,” said Aizawa.
“Midoriya-san,” said Mr. Compress. “We’ve been searching for quite some time now, I hate to say it, but I rather suspect that your son has thoroughly escaped.”
“Escaped,” repeated Midoriya. “Like a prisoner.”
Mr. Compress coughed into his fist. Tomura glared at him through a fog of exhaustion. He was wearing a mask. Why bother with the fist at all? Sometimes, Tomura felt like the only sane person on a planet of aliens.
“Honestly, we didn’t even know he was in the area, Midoriya-san. But… Perhaps at this point, the best course of action would be to return to our, uh… temporary base so that you can get some clothes. I’m sure Dabi will have something that can fit you.”
“Or maybe,” said Toga, hesitantly, “Magne might have had something?”
“Excellent idea, Himiko! Yes, I’m sure Magne’s clothes will be much more appropriate.”
“I don’t know that dressing her in a dead woman’s clothes is a good idea?” whispered Twice.
“Normally,” said Midoriya Inko, “I would say that the fires of my anger at Hisashi provide me with enough warmth to scorch the ground I walk on but—” she shivered, ��—unfortunately you may be right. I’m not a young woman anymore, and Izuku would want me to be safe and healthy. So that I can give Hisashi a… firm talking to.”
Tomura shuddered. The ice in her tone was more frigid than the toilet seat in their stupid unheated bathroom at night.
… He hoped Sensei didn’t get a mind reading quirk in the near future. He definitely didn’t want him to know about that metaphor.
“Machia, will you be a dear and take us back? And Mr. Compress, would you put Dr. Garaki back in one of your marbles? I suspect he’ll be… more comfortable that way.”
At least Tomura wasn’t the doctor.
Machia leaned down and let them all get on, though not before fixing Tomura with a glare and delivering some glitchy threat about the ‘Little Lord’ and ‘playing nice.’ Completely redundant, what with Midoriya Inko’s much more pertinent and detailed threat regarding the same thing.
“Hey,” said Twice. “Do you guys smell--? It’s like a barbecue!”
Himiko sniffed the air. “It does smell kinda smokey, guys. Do you think Dabi got in a fight, too?”
“With who?” asked Tomura.
“Well, Izu-chan has to still be around here somewhere, right?” asked Himiko, putting a finger to her lips.
Machia sped up.
“It’s probably just the wind blowing someone’s bonfire smoke this way,” said Spinner.
Machia slowed down again.
Tomura frowned. “There shouldn’t be anyone close enough for that,” he said. If Dabi had set the forest on fire and given away their position, he was going to murder him.
Machia sped up again.
They came into sight of their current base and the source of the smoke.
These happened to be the same thing.
“I’m going to kill Dabi,” said Tomura.
“Are we sure it was him?” asked Twice.
“I don’t care.”
37 notes · View notes
oddduckthatgirl · 4 years
Sometimes you have to stop. Even August knows that. (I was terrified to write this so if you take the time to read it, thank you!)
Tagging @littlefreya who gave me a little nudge in the write direction. (see what I did there)
Warnings: safe wording, after care, mentions of abuse, mentions of emotional abuse, hints of pain play, anxiety, trauma, dom/sub dynamics, Cg(DD)/Lg (if you squint) If you aren’t comfortable with any of this shit please see yourself away from this fic!
Your voice is muffled by a gag but you know what you said.
His eyes meet yours as he quickly removes the offending object. He cups your face in his hands and studies you with an intense gaze.
You try to pull away; you can’t stop crying. “Aardvark,” a ragged sound leaves your throat.
Before you can even register the movement, he has your body in his grip. He reaches up and quickly releases the knots that were holding your arms above your head.
You try to get away from him. The sharp stabs in your hands only serve to make the tears fall even faster. You have no strength to push back.
He gathers you in his arms, “Easy, baby girl. It’s alright. You’re okay. It’s safe. No more,” his voice soft but firm. You know you’re moving and can feel his body lower.
It’s like a dream and none of this feels real. “Stop Mike, please…,”wheezing out of you as the sobs take over you once again.
He pulls a blanket over you and holds you firmly against his chest, “ssshh, calm down my sweet girl. It’s me, It’s August. Come back to me.” His hand starts to rub small circles over your back. He can feel the heat coming from the raised skin just under his fingers, “You’re shaking so hard. I know you’re scared but I swear you’re safe now. It’s just you and me.”
Your chest continues heaving as you gasp for air. Everything is too much and not enough. You’re hot and cold all over. Your skin is touching his skin but you feel disconnected.
August knows this all too well. He’s discovered telling you exactly what’s happening makes things easier, “Y/n listen to me. I’m going to help you. We’re just going to breathe together okay? Just nod if you understand.”
You give the smallest nod against the wet spot now on his chest.
“Very good. Just do what I do Princess. You’ll be fine.” August has trained his body to follow his own desire. Even though he’s worried, he can regulate himself and take deep, calming breaths. He keeps a hand on your back and pays attention to the feel of your breath against his skin. Every time your body begins to relax, your mind clearly sends the alert back for pain.
He silently curses himself for not looking you over better.
Your eyes keep looking around for the danger but August won’t let you budge, “Where does it hurt? Can Daddy see?”
You stretch your quivering hands toward his. You can’t even form the words to say what’s wrong. You try to tell him that it feels like pins and needles in your hands but it comes out as noise. It’s frustrating.
He takes one of your arms in his large hands and holds it as if it was made of glass. He looks you over and sees the indentations from the ropes. He sees the raw skin on your wrists.He notices your hands are cool to the touch all the way to the fingertips.
He begins to softly work his thumbs into your hands,” I need to push into your skin to help get the circulation back. It will only hurt a little but I promise to be as easy as I can, okay?”
You nod your head and wince at the first bit of pressure. It makes you cry out and your head falls against his shoulder.
“I know baby. It’s okay,” he kisses your palms, “I know it hurts. Just let it out.”
He continues to work on your hands. Normally he would be completely breathless seeing the rope marks on your skin. This isn’t what he had in mind. You fought so hard you actually have broken the skin around your wrists.
The mention of your ex didn’t escape his attention either. Right in this moment, you aren’t in any condition to speak about that but August knows he inadvertently triggered a reaction in you. You may not have even been aware of it at all. Deep down, it makes his chest ache to know he caused you this emotional pain. He will fix this.
Your shallow breaths and cold skin start to worry him. Your hands don’t feel as cold as they were but there is a thin layer of sweat over your skin that isn’t going away. He pulls you tighter into him and reaches for the water he thoughtfully set out beforehand.
“Lover,” he coos while he takes the cap off the bottle, “I need you to drink this water for me.”
“Can’t,” you shake your head weakly.
“Yes you can,” he adjusts the way you are sitting so he can support your body with his leg and your neck with his hand, “just a little bit sweetie. Can you try? For me?”
He cradles your neck in his large hand as he offers the water to you. You swallow down the small amount he offers to you.
“That’s my good girl,” he scratches along your neck with his index finger, “can you try some more?”
“Mmmhmm,” you eagerly take it down. You grab his wrist, “more please?”
“It’s nice of you to use your manners, but you need to drink this slowly. Too much too fast will make you sick to your stomach,” he helps you take another small drink, “doing so good for me Y/n.”
He continues to offer praises and light kisses as he helps you to drink the water. Your eyes feel less heavy and the ringing in your ears has softened by the time you finish the water.
“Feeling a little better now yes,” his fingers tracing over the welts on your back. You jump once he runs over one place near your spine. He stops his hand over the spot, “I need to see your back,okay?”
You nod and try to control your breathing as he leans you forward. You can’t help the shiver when the blanket is pulled away and your body isn’t against his.
August finds a small cut that is clearly the source of pain. You took the cane so well and never asked him to stop. You weren’t even sure you could do that. He swelled with pride at how far you let him take you. He made sure there was nothing more than that.
He shifts you back to leaning against him, “it’s not deep. I’ll take care of it after we get you calmed down.”
“Please,” you weakly claw against his skin.
“Y/n. Tell me what you need,” he tilts his head toward your face, “even if you can only whisper it. Tell me.”
Your mouth makes a few attempts before you can quietly answer, “hold me.”
“Thank you,” he kisses you softly before taking you in his arms. He slowly sways his torso. He knows rocking is something you do to self soothe. He watches your eyes droop closed and feels some of the tension begin to move out from your shoulders. Your breathing is starting to even out and even slow. He smirks at how adorable you are when you’re completely wrung out.
“That’s my girl,” he strokes your hair and it earns a moan of approval from you, “but I can’t let you sleep just yet. Let’s get you all cleaned up all right?”
“Okay daddy,” a yawn creeps through. You try to sit up but your body doesn’t cooperate.
He chuckles, “let me take care of you sweetheart,” he doesn’t wait for your approval. He slides out from underneath you, keeping a hand around your waist to help keep you upright. He stands beside the bed and slides you to him. He lifts you with little effort and carries you into the bathroom.
“Okay baby. Can you reach out and grab a towel? My hands are a little full,” he wants to test your movements without you thinking about it. He also knows in this state you’d do anything he asks.
You reach out and take one of the special towels August keeps for you. They’re soft and they always smell so clean. He walks you to the toilet and closes the lid with his foot. You jump with the loud sound and turn your head into his shoulder.
“Sorry little one. I tried to be quiet,” another soft kiss to apologize. He takes the towel from your shaky hands and sits it over the lid, “can you sit without falling over while I fill the tub for you?”
You nod and pout at the thought of being away from him.
August softly places your feet on the ground while keeping your upper body pressed to him. He’s careful of the angry stripes on your back, “sit down now. Nice and slow.”
He guides your body down to sit. You become acutely aware of more pain and wince.
“I’m sure that ass of yours is sore,” he comments softly, “you needed correcting.”
“Yes sir,” you mutter as you stiffen your spine and pull yourself upright. It takes everything you have to tilt your head up to look at August.
He brushes his thumb over your cheek and then your lips. He kneels in front of you and rubs his hands over your thighs. Leaving one of his large palms on you, he reaches over to start the water for your bath. He carefully watches your face out of his peripheral vision. Your brow creases and he can see the tears forming. He pushes the plunger down in the tub and turns his full attention to you.
He caresses your thighs, tracing a long scar just over your left knee. He feels you jump but you don’t pull away, “Y/n. I know you don’t want to but you used your safe word. We need to talk about it.”
You lock your eyes on his, “are you mad at me,” your lip quivers.
He blinks back the shock from your question. He stands and holds his hand out for you. You place your palm in his and he helps you to get to the edge of the tub. He takes your hand and dips it in the water so you can test it. You nod to tell him it’s okay and he slides your legs over the edge and helps you into the water.
He turns off the nobs and then reaches to push the hair from your face, “Sweet girl, I could never be angry or mad at you for finding your limit and knowing that you can’t go anymore.”
“Then you’re disappointed.”
He shakes his head, “Not even close. You shouldn’t feel like you’ve let me down because you used your safe word. I’m proud of you for trusting me to stop when you said enough. Especially after what you’ve been through.”
Mike. Even that bastard’s name makes August’s skin crawl. That poor excuse for a man abused your trust. He broke your self esteem and made you hyper aware. You were young and didn’t know how to check him out. You couldn’t even have known then. This narcissistic sadist disguised himself as a dominant to take advantage of anyone who he could. The scars that were all over your body was evidence of that.
August began to wash your hair. He wanted to get every trace of him out of this space, “Look I know you don’t want to talk about this but we have to. I need to know what head space I took you to so that I don’t ever do it again.”
The feeling of his nails against your scalp was magical. You secretly wished he would do this every night. Tender isn’t the word that comes to mind when you mention August Walker.
Protective. Attentive. Possessive. Domineering. Alpha. Those are the first ones you think of. But this version of him, makes you weak. It’s something only you get to see.
You sigh, “I said his name didn’t I?’
“Mmmhmm,” he tilts your head back so he can rinse it.
Your eyes turn towards him, “you didn’t do it on purpose.”
He says nothing. He knows the power of silence. He gently pushes your head back to a normal position. He lifts your arm from the water and begins to wash your skin, taking care to look over the damage on your wrist.
You close your eyes to try to fight back the tears, “whenever M...I was with him, he would absolutely lose his shit if I so much as smiled at some guy. Not the same way you do; you’re just trying to watch out for me and protect me.”
He smiled at your understanding.
“If he ever had a passing thought that I may have spoken to another guy, he would really lay into me,” you sniffled back the sadness and pushed on, “he would call me a whore, slut, dumb cunt, whatever he could think of. Not his. But those words. He would do whatever he wanted to and call me all those things. Then he would just leave me alone. ”
August’s hands stilled on your back and he moved himself so he could meet your gaze. There was a softness in his eyes like you’d never seen before.
“I know you were just talking. You know I wasn’t flirting with anyone at the party. But when you said I was acting like a cheap whore, not yours…..something broke inside me,” tears rolling down your cheeks, “every strike with the cane was like it was against open skin. All I could hear was his voice saying those words again and I…..”
August crawled into the tub with you, got on his knees and wrapped you in his arms. You sobbed against him all over again, “I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you in a way you wouldn’t like. I’m sorry.”
You nodded, “you didn’t know.”
“I do now. That’s what matters,” he squeezes you tightly. He lifts your face to his and wipes the tears away, “do you feel cleaner now?”
As it turned out, you actually did. This mystery of a man managed to help you wash away a memory you didn’t even know was lurking. This man who could easily cast you aside when things get murky. August, who was honest about not wanting a “relationship,” is right here with you when it’s hard, “I do feel a little better.”
“Good,” he gets himself out of the water and towels off. A cocky smirk drags across his face when he catches you drinking in his naked body with your eyes. The lust burning behind your eyes is something he craves, “see something you like?”
“Lots of things,” the blush is all the way to your ears, “even that face furniture. It’s a fun place to sit.”
“Easy now little girl. You need rest before I would even consider touching you,” he helps you stand in the tub, “maybe tomorrow morning.”
You feel his eyes on every movement. His hands are right beside your legs as you step out, a safe place in case you fall. Warmth spreads all over your body as he dries you. Seeing him on his knees before you, in such a submissive pose, you can’t help yourself. You drag your fingers through his wild, curly hair. He practically purrs and looks up at you.
“Thank you,” he folds the damp towel and drapes it over the tiled edge of the tub. His hand covers yours in his hair. Reluctantly he pulls you away from his scalp and tilts his head toward the towel, “sit.”
He watches as you lower yourself. He grabs another towel for your hair and gets the first aid kit he keeps in the linen closet. He also grabs the wet brush from a drawer in the vanity. You watch with complete contentment knowing he’ll take care of everything. You let a heavy sigh out which causes him to turn toward the sound.
He looks as you sigh and sees you tracing lazy patterns on the bath mat under your feet. There is a swell and a warmth in him that even Walker himself didn’t think was possible. He makes his way back to you and notices you’re softly humming to yourself. He thought it was cute. Only you could make him ever think anything is cute.
After toweling your hair as dry as he could, he brushes it out so it won’t be a tangled mess. Your whole body vibrates with happiness. This is the piece of this you love the most; someone taking care of your every need and being able to shut off your brain. All those thoughts that were screaming in your mind from before have fallen silent. All you can hear is the beautiful melody that is August and how he loves you. He doesn’t say it but the way he tends to you and ensures your happiness is enough for you to know.
August begins to rub lotion into your skin, concentrating on the welts and rough places. He also cleans and bandages any cuts into your skin. He kisses each place he bandages, which makes you giggle.
“I love you,” you can’t even stop yourself from saying it, “I love you August Walker and I don’t care if you won’t say it.”
He gives you a hard stare, “it’s time for bed.”
It’s his go to mode whenever you get too emotional. He takes control and becomes neutral. You slowly stand and shrug your shoulders as he puts a hand on the small of your back. You take the cue to walk to the bedroom. You slide into the bed and let him spread the blanket over you.
He settles into bed and pulls you into his chest. His fingers run up and down your spine and your eyes start to feel heavy. He softly kisses your forehead and begins to watch as you fall asleep in his arms. Never, in all the things he ever wanted for himself, was something like this on the list. He’s stripped this beautiful creature raw, took her apart and put her carefully back together. Taking the time to fix what’s broken so all her edges are polished smooth again.
Watching her sleep in his arms, he’s finally able to rest. He takes a deep breath and squeezes her to him. He breathes in her scent and opens himself to what he couldn’t think possible.
“I love you. More than anything.”
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hanibalistic · 3 years
genre | fluff, humor, best friends au, superpower au
word count | 1307
warning | none
note | hello, bub ʚ(´◡`)ɞ i hope you are having a good day! thank you for requesting and i hope this piece is of your liking!
request | from 💫 
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you flinched with a frowning smile when you gingerly touched the bruise you accidentally planted on jisung's cheek. it stained somewhere near the edge at the back of his jaw, blossoming with its dark purple glory that made you grimace every time you looked at it.
he, on other hand, wasn't much concerned with the bruise on his face, though. scribbling on the wrinkled paper of his chemistry notebook, jisung was busy writing down everything he was mumbling past his lips while he kept unintentionally dodging your finger that was smeared with some medicine cream.
it has become a daily essential; medicine cream, band-aids, umbrella (to use as a walking cane), and water bottles. those things have become a daily essential ever since you found out you developed superpowers after your seventeenth birthday, and jisung had excitedly urged you to let him explore more of your abilities as a stepping stone to you becoming a future superhero.
(or a science experiment, you also liked to say.)
"stop moving!" you exclaimed in annoyance after he lowered his head and dodged you for the nth time.
clicking your tongue, you reached down to his chin and grabbed him, tilting his head up so he stays in place. jisung let out a whine with his eyes squinted in pain, his wrist flicking so the tip of his pen hit against your wrist as a call for you to either release him or the super strength.
you immediately let him go, wincing back a little in the process as your hand flew down to your chest in a fist. you kept forgetting to control your strength! this wasn't the first time you accidentally used it on him when you weren't paying attention to keep your abilities in control. it was how he got the bruise on his jaw too!
"i'm so sorry," you hissed out timidly, leaning forward to face him better.
jisung laughed nonchalantly, appearing to be more interested in his notebook than in the fading pain on his bones. he waved at you with a smile, his eyes sparkling as if he was finally seeing the light at the end of a tunnel.
"it's all good! now we know your super strength isn't just a one-time thing, just like your super speed, which we have to work on later because sports meet is coming up!" he exclaimed with gently clapping hands, his smile more forever more enthusiastic than yours.
not a second later, he widened his eyes, his mouth turning into a circle in realization. you panicked at first, wondering if any previous injuries you accidentally caused him was catching up to his consciousness, but he only brought his notebook up and muttered, "hold on, let me add that to our to-do list..."
you stared at him incredulously but your face didn't show it.
jisung was the pinnacle of your calmness about this whole messed up situation. him with his notebooks, and ideas, and checklists. he was the only reason why you haven't gone insane and gotten yourself locked up in prison for accidentally destroying the city, and you genuinely have no idea how he managed to be so collected.
you sniffled suddenly, causing jisung to tear his eyes away from his handwriting. it took him a moment to register the few tears that rolled down your face, and he slowly placed his notebook and pencil down on the bench you two were sitting on in an abandoned warehouse.
"oh, why–why are you crying?" he asked with uncertainty, his eyes visibly panicking by darting across your face. he sat up straighter, his hands going up in a fumble. he found that all he could do was giggle to diffuse the tension. "what happened? what are you crying for? all of a sudden? what?"
"nothing! it's just..." you sighed and looked away. "this is so annoying! these things always happen to me! superpowers? that doesn't even make sense!"
you cut him off before he could say more. he closed his eyes, letting you continue.
"i have no idea what kind of powers i have, neither can i control the ones i do know i have. i'm going to accidentally give myself away someday and everyone will know i'm a freak!"
frowning with a pitiful glance, he watched you slam your palms to your eyes and moaned in agony.
"how am i going to save the world, i can't even save myself yet! also, it hurts! my eyes hurt, i used my super strength on myself! i'm a fucking dumbass!"
jisung gulped down a knot, his cheeks jutted out with the innocent smile on his face. he reached out to put a comforting hand on your shoulder, and he said, "i mean this with lots of love but watching you freak out like this makes me feel so much better about myself that–ahh, i don't want to help you out at all!"
he flinched back with a loud yelp when you snapped your head up at him and swatted his hand away. the menacing glare on your face far less threatening to him than intended, only because you two have been friends for too long to still think you could really get mad at each other.
"you're going to be fine, [name]!" he exclaimed after a moment of silence where he gathered what he wanted to say. "look, i've seen this phase, it happens in all superheroes–"
"superheroes don't exist, jisung."
"they will when you finally learn how to properly use your powers!" he argued. "you cannot be the only person who powers. maybe there are organizations, or there are other people just like you who just haven't spoken up yet! you can join others, or be the blueprint!"
"you just have to train and learn how to control," he muttered, "and i promise i will be here to help you... and make fun of you... and design your superhero costume..."
looking away from his face in fear that if you stared at him for too long you would get the urge to smack him again, you let out a distraught groan and leaned back against the bench, letting your body fall on his side.
staring ahead at the broken warehouse, the recollection that you have been tearing yourself to test your limits, and jisung has been risking himself to make sure he could understand your undiscovered ability was more permanent than ever, albeit it was his inner-nerd jumping at the chance to have his admired fantasy happen in real life.
what an eventful week. it probably would not have been possible without jisung screaming at you to keep going.
you would not be here without him. he was the pinnacle of your calmness and your will to continue, and you figured you owe it to him to at least try to get better at this. 
what would you have done without him, truly. 
"you are so not designing my superhero costume," you said with a shake of your head.
jisung smiled, his eyes gleaming at your words that meant more than its surface. he pursed his lips, smiling brightly as he leaned his head on top of yours and stared ahead at the falling debris of punched walls.
so many things filled with possibilities in this abandoned warehouse, the birth of the first superhero and their human sidekick.
"you need a costume," he hummed.
"no, i don't," you refused. "i am not wearing spandex. i'll save people in jeans and a hoodie if i want to."
"okay, fine," he rolled his eyes, "but i get to make up your superhero name."
you furrowed your brows, your eyes rolling up slightly then you sighed. "fine."
he grinned. "i will be the best sidekick ever."
you laughed, and he hummed.
or, well, the guy in the chair. that seemed more his speed.
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thebmatt · 3 years
FFXIV Write Day 3
Scale– each of the small, thin horny or bony plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles, typically overlapping one another. - OR - an instrument for weighing, originally a simple balance ( a pair of scales ) but now usually a device with an electronic or other internal weighing mechanism.
(yes there's other definitions, these two are what's relevant for my response)
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It was a somewhat chilly morning in the Azim Steppe as Dahkar Darkspear, Warrior of LIght and kahn of the Azim Steppe, strode through Dotharl Khaa, striding in the direction of the khatun's tent.  Hushed whispers seemed to follow him, as every Dotharl Xaela in the settlement could not stop watching him or speaking quietly to each other.
It made little sense to Dahkar. He was a Xaela himself and a regular fixture in the settlement at least once a week. He made sure to check in with all of the major leaders of the Steppe regularly to hear news, arbitrate disputes, and otherwise do whatever he could to ensure the people of the Steppe were mostly doing well.
Well, almost all of the leaders. He ignored Magnai and Daidukul on principle. Esugen, the Oronir's culinarian he'd helped a few times, made sure he was always in Reunion when he knew the khan would be arriving so he could pass on information about the Oronir and the Buduga.
He was a day early in this instance, so perhaps that was the reason behind the whispers. He put it from his mind as he approached the woman standing in front of the khatun's home.
Shar smiled and nodded to him. "Welcome, khan. You're early this week."
He smiled back to her. "That I am, Shar. How's your son doing?"
"He's growing well. The khatun does not yet know who is behind his eyes, but it has been but only a couple of moons. She is confident the soul within will reveal themself soon enough. I'm very excited to re-meet whoever it is!"
"I look forward to the day I can meet them. Is Sadu within? I have some...well let's just say an interesting proposal for her"
Shar smirked at him. "Oh, really now? Very bold of you, khan. Very Dotharl. I hope you're ready for a long fight. When my husband proposed to me, we fought for 10 bells straight!"
A look of shock crossed Dahkar's face, descending into horror. "What? No! Not that kind of-!"
She began laughing, loud and from her belly. "HA! Aahahaha! Oh, khan, the look on your face! Priceless!" In between fits of giggling, she opened the tent's flaps to admit him.
"Pretty sure there's rules against sassing your khan" he muttered to her as he walked past her, into the tent. "And if not, I'm gonna make some." This did nothing to stop her laughter.
The tent's sole occupant, a beautiful white-haired Xaelan woman dressed in her people's blue attire with a horned darkwood staff, turned to him. She smirked at him. Dahkar had often witnessed that smirk directed at him, but it was only now that he noticed Shar had given him a very similar one. Clearly she'd been taking lessons.
"Well, well, our glorious khan graces us with-". She suddently stopped and looked at him, frowning. "What in all the hells are you wearing?" she asked, incredulously.
Dahkar looked down at his attire, a style he'd seen many on the Steppe wearing during his first two trips there. He'd made sure to acquire some before departing that second time, aetherically aligned towards boosting magicks. "What? It's hardly unusual. Hells, I saw many of the Dotharl wearing very similar garb on my way in. Granted, this is white in color, but I didn't want everyone to assume I'd joined the Dotharl or-"
"No no, the garb is fine. But...I have never seen you wear anything other than that heavy black armor you favor. Or carry any weapon other than those slabs of metal you refer to as swords. Now you wear this? And is that the weapon of a conjurer on your back?"
Ah. That explained the stares and the whispers. "Yes, it is." He removed the cane from his back. The white crystal embedded in its head began to glow, a series of green-yellow energy lines shimmering around the head of leaf-covered branches. "Before I ever took up the sword of the Dark Knight, I was a conjurer. Pretty good one, in fact. So good they actually decided to let me train as a White Mage, which...well, you probably aren't aware of what those are or why it's a big deal. Suffice to say, I'm damn powerful with conjury."
"Hmmph", she signed, annoyed. "And what, you just decided that one day, it didn't work for you and took up a giant sword, instead?"
"Not quite that simple, but that's not far off the mark. Bad things happened to me and I changed in response to them in part by taking up the art of the Dark Knight." He shrugged and slung the cane over his back again.
"Oh yes, our glorious khan knows all about change!  You and that Doman. First you win the Naadam, as foreigners no less, then you rope us into this alliance of yours and persuade us to fight those men of metal and machines!" Sadu threw up her hands and turned her back to him. "Tell me, khan, what change will you bring next?"
Dahkar sighed. It was an argument he'd heard from her, and others, many a time. "Are we really doing this every time, Sadu? You know there's no rules against foreigners entering Bardam's Mettle, nor against competing in the Naadam. You agreed to help Hien and I fight the Garleans. Multiple times. You even told me you enjoyed the battle to liberate Ala Mhigo! You aren't actually angry about any of this, because you know what i know. Change is inevitable, stagnation equals decay."
She turns, smiling at him again. There's still mockery in her smile, but not as much this time. "Hrmph. Fine, you are correct. I suppose I just wanted to throw you off balance. As usual, you are hard to break. So what brings you to us a day early? It's too early in the day for you to have gone anywhere else first, so I assume this is important."
Dahkar smiled. "That it is. I want to talk with you about the future of the Steppe, and of the Dotharl, specifically."
Sadu's narrowed and her smile turned downward. She crossed her arms. "Speak. I suspect I will not like this, but you have earned the right, many times over, so I will hear you."
"It's simple, really. Many of the other Xaela fear the Dotharl. They see you as merciless raiders who seek only to deal death to them, who lust only for battle and killing. I would have you change that perception."
"And just how would you have me do that? Moreover, why would I even WANT to? The Dotharl live for battle. How many times have you heard me say it, khan? 'In battle do our souls burn bright, and in death do they sing'. Those are not empty words, they define us."
Dahkar smiled. "I'm well aware. I'm also aware that you very much realize that your way of life is not sustainable to the Dotharl's continued existence. You admitted as much to us, Gosetsu and I, that day we first met." Sadu turned her face away from him, eyes downward. "Hrmph. So I did. What of it? We have endured thus far. I will not compromise our way of life, khan"
"I'm not asking you to. What I propose is not a change to it, but a direction for it. I would have the Dotharl become protectors of the Steppe."
She turned to him again, her face a mixture of shock and rage. "...Protectors??  Have you heard a word I've said?" Dahkar raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture. "Wait, just hear me out. It's not as radical as it seems, and it will solve your biggest problem of numbers in the long run."
Sadu resumed crossing her arms, glaring daggers at him. "...fine."
"Very well. First of all, I ask you what exactly the Dotharl gain in making war on weaker tribes? You yourself told me that only in great battle does the soul burn brightly, so what does it gain your warriors to slaughter those of lesser skill in battle than you? Seems unworthy of you. Turning that strength on the marauders who engage in such unworthy predation? That seems like a far better chance for a real battle. Not to mention the Steppe is crawling with monsters and vicious animals of various types. They may pose no threat to most tribes, certainly, but there are those to whom a monster attack is a death sentence. You can protect them and test your strength and bravery at the same time."
"If memory serves, you told me that it was in a monster attack that your own tribe was slaughtered. Purbols, I believe. I can't help but wonder if this is why you ask this of me."
"Which leads me to the second benefit this would bring to you. What do you suspect would have happened had the Dotharl come to our aid?"
"I imagine you would have been grateful, which is hardly worth anything to us."
"Gratitude is a long-term investment, Sadu. Think on it. If I'd been raised on tales of the tribe of warriors that saved us from vicious monsters, that fought back against other marauding tribes that kidnapped people like the Buduga? There's a very good chance that I would have bid farewell to my tribe and joined you all the day I came of age."
A single eyebrow raised. "You would have?"
"Very likely. I became an adventurer because it seemed like the easiest way to earn a living helping people and making things better. If my tribe hadn't been killed and my mother fled the Steppe? I doubt I'd be so different as to not want to do the same, still. Joining the Dotharl, becoming an undying one, born again and again to fight to save people, to help them? Well, it would have been extremely appealing to me. And I doubt I'm the only one, too. In time, I believe this swell your numbers significantly. Furthermore, when the Naadam comes around again, all those tribes you helped? Seems to me like they'd be more willing to help you as allies. In time, this will tip the scales in the Dotharl's favor and you'll reliably have more than enough numbers to rout the Oronir without question. Frankly, I would rest easier knowing the Steppe was in your hands rather than Magnai's. So long as you don't intend to break your word to the rest of the Othard Alliance, that is.  I'll kick BOTH of your asses for as long as I have to, if that's your intent."
She smirks viciously again. "Is that a challenge, khan?"
All mirth or joy fades from Dahkar. "No, Sadu, it's a promise. I have fought through some hellish things these past few moons, and I know that the worst of it is yet to come, and it's going to affect the entire world when it does. I take it you've heard about that large metallic tower that suddenly appeared off the southern coast of Yanxia? They're all over the world, and they're part of it. The Steppe is going to get caught up in this whether the people want to be or not, and I would rather my people fight what's coming together with all of the Alliance than risk being slaughtered and their culture gone. So yes, if I have to fight you to preserve that, I will. But I'd rather see to it that the Dotharl are in a place to help preserve it and maybe even guide it to a better future without leaving tradition behind entirely."
Shock appeared on Sadu's face. "....very well, I'll admit your suggestion has merit. I will not give you an answer now, however. I will need time to think on this, discuss it with the others."
"I expected no less."
"And I demand another battle with you as payment for even entertaining your presence!"
Dahkar rolled his eyes. "I expected that would be the case as well. You DO know that we're going to be interrupted, right? Magnai and Daidukul and whatever others he decides to bring with him are going to show up and whine about us not asking his permission or something along those lines."
Sadu's vicious smirk was on her face again. "I am counting on it!"
"You don't actually want to fight me at all. You want to fight at my side."
"More than one way for our souls to burn bright, khan."
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janekfan · 4 years
Thank you @taylortut for helping me!!!
Jon looked at the clock.
The glowing numbers burned themselves into his retinas. How had it been less than an hour since last he’d checked? No use for it. Better to get himself up and ready for work. But he’d closed his eyes against the headache blaring like a klaxon and he’d have to open them again at some point.
Taking advantage of his lonely flat, Jon allowed himself to indulge the noise pushing its way through grit teeth as he maneuvered his sore legs from under the quilt. He sat a moment, pressing the bare soles of his feet on the cold floor and levering his heavy body upright with a shaking arm.
And it’s only--a quick glance.
The hell was wrong with him?
Since just before accepting the position as Head Archivist, and rightly pissing off both Sasha and Tim on her behalf, Jon felt like he’d been constantly coming down with something. Dizzy and nauseous and unable to eat, he was chronically exhausted and while he’d never slept well at the best of times, it was evading him more than ever.
And there were his mornings. Struggling to motivate himself out of bed, brushing his teeth with his eyes closed and leaning against the wall. Deciding he could forgo a shower just once more and choosing instead to make breakfast. Forcing himself to eat a piece of dry toast with his heart hammering away in his throat and half laying on the table, panting through his tea. Mentally, Jon prepared himself for the walk to the train, automatically going for his cane because lord knew he needed the support.
He’d get to the Institute hours early.
At least that made him look good?
Taking advantage of being a cane user, Jon opted for a reserved seat, the guilt at truly needing one eating away at his insides. But there were black spots at the corners of his vision and he had to sit down before he fell down and the guilt is a far sight better than causing a scene. The trip was too short. His chest ached from the constant pounding and he pressed the hand not holding his cane for dear life against his breastbone. It didn’t help but the pressure and touch grounded him enough to stand up. To head to the cross street. To wait for the lights to change. To stagger down the stairs and into his office, to drop into his desk chair and focus on every breath of air moving into his body and back out of it.
Jon put his head down. There was no one here. Wouldn’t be for a couple hours yet and he was exhausted, shaking from it. Nauseated. There wasn’t a fever. He’d gone as far as to purchase a thermometer to be certain when the strange symptoms refused to abate no matter how often he let himself rest, no matter the meals he tried his damndest to eat, the water he drank down. He was trying. Jon couldn’t remember ever taking such good care of himself and of course it refused to pay off. In Uni, he’d driven himself into the ground with little consequence. He’d maintained those habits until a few months ago and now--
Muffled voices drifted through his door, the rise and fall of easy conversation. The kind he’d once been allowed to partake in. Laughter filled the air and while Jon wished to join them he knew he wasn’t welcome.
Why had he done it?
Why hadn’t he refused Elias?
Because you’re selfish. You’ve always been selfish. Needy. Greedy, grasping, always striving to know answers and never satisfied with what you're given. You take what you don’t deserve.
Reluctantly, Jon stood, slowly, because doing anything quickly these days has him ducking his head between his legs or waking up on the floor without any recollection of how he came to be there. He could at least collect their research in person, greet them. Try to be the boss they deserved.
Sasha was the boss they deserved.
“Ah, g’good morning.”
“Jon!” Martin, smiling shyly. “You’re here so early!” He began to stammer and Jon’s legs began to ache. This wasn’t a good day. They seldom were anymore. “I m’mean, of course y’you are, you work very hard!” Martin was saved by Tim swinging an arm around his shoulders.
“You’ve broken ‘im, boss.” A flush rose in Jon’s cheeks. He could feel it. “No worries, Marto. He’s always been an early riser.” While it was said in jest, the tone settled heavy in Jon’s chest, directly beside the pain blossoming like a thorny rose. Luckily, he was rescued by Rosie, standing halfway down the stairs and informing him that Elias requested him in his office. Jon didn’t relish the climb, no matter how grateful he was to escape out from underneath Sash’s heavy gaze. She had every right and he would bear his punishment in silence until she chose, if she ever did, to forgive him.
An indeterminate amount of time later, Jon limped out of Elias’ office without any recollection of what they’d spoken about or if he’d even spoken at all. Thumping pain and panic and he knew he was rude to ignore Rosie at her desk but he wasn’t in any shape to hold a conversation, fairly certain that he wasn’t able to currently speak, far too focused on trying to hide how ill he was. But every sound was magnified tenfold in his ears and he could barely remember where the door to the archives was with the way his head reeled and spun. Jon wanted to sink to the ground once he had the door between himself and the lobby but he’d never make it to his feet again after that. Push through, he told himself. Get to your desk. He allowed himself a moment, two, just to put his head to rights, to try and breathe through the battering of his pulse.
And oh god he wasn’t going to make it and he wondered if somehow Elias knew. It was as though he’d kept him standing there talking about nothing until Jon hit his limit, knowing he wouldn’t have the strength to get back to his office.
But he had to try and he’d almost gotten down the ridiculously narrow stairwell before he forgot nearly entirely why he was there in the first place. Was he going up? Down? Meeting with someone? Just arriving? He could barely breathe and the panic welling in his throat was choking and the black was crawling over his eyes and the dizziness only increased and he needed...needed…
For a moment, Jon didn’t recognize where he was, the migraine, the fuzziness, conspiring against memory and reason. But he knew this color, the hideous lick of paint some contractor had splashed over the walls a lifetime ago.
“Jon!” He winced, his own name like broken glass shredding every sense to ribbons. “Christ, are you alright?” Martin, the sounds he made were shrill, grating, and if he’d been able to tell him to be silent, he would have. “We heard the noise--you’d, you fainted! On the stairs! Luckily it was only the last few.” Jon blinked, dull and dumb, forcing himself up, up, up, and through heavy mist and fog in his search for words. Weary to the marrow of his aching bones, Jon slumped on the cushions and tried to think of a way to stop Martin’s incessant chattering. Tim and Sasha, alerted most likely by all the commotion, stood over him and he craned his neck up to look at them. Tim especially looked furious.
“You could have been seriously hurt!”
“S’sorry…” And he was, between his rabbiting heartbeat, throbbing migraine, and difficulty drawing breath into his exhausted lungs, he wanted to cry with how sorry he was.
“This is ridiculous. You need to take better care of yourself.” Jon wasn’t sure why the sting from Tim’s accusation cut so deep and he hung his head, biting trembling lips to prevent the tears threatening to spring free.
It wasn’t fair.
By all accounts he was taking care of himself. More than ever!
“Did you even eat today? Drink anything?” He nodded, miserable, unwell, and equipped with no better answers than the truth.
“Tim. He’s just come to.” The understanding was the final straw, and Jon’s sight blurred with salt damp. “I’ll make sure he eats something before going back to work.”
“Alright, Martin. If he gives you any trouble, call.” At Jon, he pointed. “And you, no trouble.” And he nodded miserably.
“Okay, they’ve gone.” The familiar sounds of the kettle heating filled the room, the clink of a pair of ceramic mugs, the rustling of the tea bags, Martin’s distracted murmuring, all combined to calm him. “How long have you been feeling this way?” Jon looked up, surprised, and shrugged one shoulder, accepting the small plate of biscuits and nibbling slowly and when he finished those, Martin offered up the tea. Sitting with him in companionable quiet, he sipped on his own cup. Nothing more was exchanged and when Jon finished he thanked Martin for the company and locked himself away.
Jon was at wit’s end. Nothing he tried seemed to improve anything and the few times he did speak with a doctor, he was sent away with the same, useless advice, or worse, told he was imagining things, making it up, having panic attacks even though he was familiar with those and this was not that.
Work was a nightmare made even more miserable with the overwhelming amount of paperwork, statements, boxes, misfiled folders and envelopes and items and Jon missed the easy camaraderie and understanding he’d had with Sasha and Tim. Maybe he should resign, try and salvage what little of the relationship they still had, or, or invite them out for dinner, his treat, but Elias would never let him quit and the very idea of entertaining exhausted him. A cuppa appeared at his elbow filled with something new, something floral and slightly sweet, accompanied, as always, by a few biscuits.
“That’s a lot of work, Jon.” He sipped, grateful, lifting an eyebrow in response.
“I knew it would be when I accepted this position.” Undeterred, Martin stumbled forward.
“Y’yeah, I mean, you would have. Of course. I just--” A breath. “I’ve finished with my other assignments, ready for round, uh. Well, another round!”
“Ah. Alright, I’ll bring something over when I pick up your translations.” Martin took back the cup, nodding enthusiastically, and Jon appreciated that it was business as usual, selecting a few he’d been putting off and making his way toward his assistants ignoring inquiring looks in favor of taking the chair Martin offered up to go over his expectations. Short, succinct. A few notes on one translation, advice to remember for next time, and Jon felt reasonably confident Martin could handle himself. It wasn’t until he’d gotten back to his office that Jon realized that was the first time he’d been offered a chair. It was becoming apparent that Martin was good at noticing the little things about them. A blush heated his cheeks and he tried to rub it away, feeling ridiculous that such a small act of kindness made him feel so seen.
Jon pushed forward, ignoring the warnings his body was trying to give him in favor of plowing through his work like he’d always done, and by the time he made it home, was on the verge of collapse. Hot tears of frustration stung at the corners of his eyes, spilling over when Jon allowed himself to feel it. More than anything, he was used to having control over himself, working when he wanted, burying himself in the research, devouring knowledge. Now he was at the whim of his physical form. Paying more attention to it than ever before and never knowing if he was going to wake up and have a good day or a bad day and it was maddening. Managing whatever it was without knowing what it was, was impossible with no rhyme or reason he could discern.
So in the absence of both, Jon kept shoving his way through how difficult it was because if he could just be normal through pretending everything was normal, then it would be.
Jon knew Tim was cross with him and managed to avoid him for most of the day, taking breaks here and there like he’d promised Martin he would do. But his luck, while it had been holding steady, had just run out and he found himself cornered in the breakroom.
“What do you think you’re on about?” Frustration had long since turned to outrage, boiling over.
“Tim, I. I’m not sure what you mean--”
“Damn it, Jon! You’ve already taken on a job you aren’t fit for! You can’t keep heaping your work onto Martin and then swanning off!”
“That’s.” He balled his hands into fists, nails biting crescent moons into his palms. How could he explain when even the doctors thought he was making it all up? Heat rushed through him, top to toe, flushing his face and he wavered, legs threatening to buckle, vision threatening to go dark. He was going to pass out a second time today if he didn’t sit down. But that would mean walking away from Tim, and he didn’t think the man would let him. At least not until he was done telling him off. Better to be silent. Try not to pay attention to how erratic the persistent beating caged behind fragile ribs had become.
“Why didn’t you say no?” Because he wanted to be useful. Because Elias made him feel like he was capable even if he wasn’t. “Why didn’t you just let Sasha have this?” Because he was an awful, selfish person. “God, Jon. Why did you drag us all down here with you?”
Because he was lonely.
Because they’d been friends. Once.
Rather than remind Tim that he was free to go at any time, that he and Sash hadn’t been forced or coerced into accepting positions here in the archives, Jon pressed his lips into a thin line.
“Well?!” Sharp, strident, Tim’s shout echoed around in the space between his own hurting, agonal breaths in his ears.
“I. I, I need to si’down…” wanted to lay down. Wanted to sleep, trembling with exhaustion, about to go down.
“What?” Lashes fluttering as he gripped the thread of consciousness with both hands, he barely registered Tim’s hands around his shoulders, guiding him into a chair and pushing his head down between his knees. “Jon?”
“You are clearly not.” A wide palm settled on his back, keeping him folded over. It was helping.
“S’mm...been. S’fine.” The floor came back into focus, all the little cracks and imperfections and Jon counted the streaks in the pattern in an attempt to ground himself but kept losing track of the number. Neither moved until Jon attempted to sit up, slowly, accepting Tim’s help.
“Jon?” He looked spooked, pale. “Please, what’s going on?” His hand settled in the crux of shoulder and neck, thumb ghosting along his clammy skin, and Jon allowed himself to find a morsel of comfort in the familiar gesture, the threat of tears closer than ever. So he reached for him.
“I don’t know.” And Tim pulled away as if burned, the frustration and anger rising in his face again, and Jon was bereft. “T’truly! I--”
“Why won’t you be honest with me? Don’t you trust me?” Standing, he took a step backwards, away from him, the hurt in him a palpable thing. “We’re supposed to be friends!”
Yes. They were friends. It was most likely why for the first time in a long while, the pain in his chest wasn’t a physical ache.
“Tim, I.” Fingers folded to fists to rest on his knees. But he was already gone.
“Jon!” Tentative, Martin lifted his chin. “Oh, oh.” Having been crying, Jon figured his eyes were red-rimmed and puffy and he didn’t bother attempting to hide the evidence. “Alright.” Martin went about making tea, chamomile, herbal and calming, placing it before him on the table with a chocolate digestive. “Drink this down and then go home. It’s half six.”
“Sleep will help.”
“I could speak to them for you. If--”
“No!” All but shouted. “No. That won’t be necessary, Martin.” Carefully he stood, paused. “Thank you.” And left.
Jon called off.
Called off again.
Apologized to Elias in a curt email requesting leave and was granted it.
He ignored his phone. His texts. The knock at the door and Martin’s voice behind it. He slept when he was tired and he was tired often and it was easier besides, to finally listen to the screaming of his body. It was after hours on his fifth day gone when Tim let himself in with the spare key to Jon’s flat.
“Hey.” Sheepish, he held up his hands in surrender, a bag of takeaway from Jon’s favorite place dangling from one. “Martin said you wouldn’t let him in.” Dressed in the most comfortable clothes he had, which were also the shabbiest, Jon glared at him from where he laid on the couch. “I was an arse.” Slowly, he sat up, making Tim wait on purpose, a powerful frown still aimed in his direction.
“You were.” He was aware he looked a mess, greasy hair pulled back in a sloppy bun, but he felt a sight better for the rest he’d gotten.
“Would you accept an apology?” Folding his arms, Jon leaned back into the cushions and fixed his stare at whatever rubbish was on the telly.
“Might do.” Silently, Tim scurried into the tiny kitchen and Jon listened to the familiar sounds of him rooting around for cutlery. It smelled delicious and comforting, a reminder of nights spent together laughing at nothing on this same couch and despite himself, Jon began to relax.
“I’m sorry.”
“Alright.” Tim’s face split in a wide, relieved grin, and he flopped down next to him, planting a loud kiss to his temple before urging him to eat. “Martin sent you here.”
“An angry Marto is not to be trifled with.” Through a mouthful of noodles, Tim chuffed in laughter. “Wouldn’t tell me anything, other than to stop being a prick.”
“He did not.”
“He did not. But it was more than implied!” He put his bowl on the low table in front of them, sitting forward with his hands dangling between his knees. “And he was right. I didn’t give you a fair shake and accused you of awful things. And I know you’re doing your best at this job.”
“Gertrude isn’t making it easy.”
“Neither is your health, I take it.” Jon set his own meal aside, curling into the padded arm.
“No. It isn’t.”
“And you don’t know what’s causing it?”
“I know some things that help. M’Martin has been invaluable.”
“Has he, now?”
“Leave off!”
“Okay, okay.” But he continued giggling as Jon felt his face go hot, muttering.
“He really has.” This time Tim pulled him gently into an embrace.
“Then Sash and I will just have to catch up.”
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hana-bean · 3 years
Close to you (5/7)
Everyone walks on To meet just one person someday
As Seiya enjoyed his small breakfast in front of the televised morning news, he then limped his way toward the closed bedroom door after hearing a knock. He opened it to the sight of Serenity standing there with a solemn expression, hugging her crystal touchpad to her chest.
“Morning… um… do you have a few minutes?”
“Of course, your highness.” He backed up to open the door wider for her to enter, bowing as she passed by.
He closed the door as Serenity made her way toward the bed and sat. She placed the touchpad next to her, her movements slow and almost robotic.
“I’m sorry the latest hit was another false positive.”
He shrugged. “It’s okay. I’m sure there will be more.”
There was a pause before she decided to keep up with the niceties. “How’s your leg?”
“It’s fine. The doctor this morning said it was looking good. I’ve been able to move for a few hours without the cane the last couple of days”
She nodded. “Good.” As much as she tried to smile, the air hung heavy around her, causing Seiya to feel nervous. He felt the imminence of bad news and his mind jumped to being kicked out of the palace or completely off the planet. They both allowed the silence to slowly suffocate them, each one afraid to break it first, but Seiya couldn’t take it anymore.
“Is everything okay, your highness?”
She looked up, biting into her lips and her eyes glistening. “Um… I think so… but maybe not. It’s not up to me.”
Even more confused than he was before, he joined her on the bed. “What is it?”
Unable to bring herself to look at him quite yet, she sighed for the strength to get on with it.
“I’m sorry I waited to tell you this… I wanted to be sure before I talked to you… It took so long because I had to reach out to other planets to make sure what I had was right…”
He shook his head as it was spinning with all kinds of scenarios from her obscure rambling.
Her cerulean eyes finally worked up the courage to look into his dark blues. “Kinmoku is destroyed.”
Those three words hit Seiya like a vacuum, sucking out all the thoughts and feelings from his mind and body, rendering his expression unreadable and his movements frozen.
Serenity grabbed his hand and placed it in her lap in efforts to comfort him.
“The first night when we talked and I was looking it up, I noticed it had an uninhabited status, which is why I assumed you were a refugee. But then at the parade, when you told me your plans were to go back, I—” She used the back of her finger to wipe away a tear. “My heart just sank. You didn’t know and I would have to be the one to tell you. But I had to make sure my information was correct because that’s your home…”
Seiya’s eyes were fixated on his grip on Serenity’s hand, which only got tighter.
“I’m so sorry, Seiya. If you want to see for yourself…” She picked up the crystal pad, unlocking it to reveal it already displaying the referenced information on Kinmoku before holding it out for him.
With a slight unwillingness, he accepted the device, reading and scrolling through the database meant only for a queen’s eyes.
He shook his head in denial. “I don’t understand. We would check out information on Kinmoku whenever we got the chance and never saw anything like this. We would send out messages with no answer, but we just thought the farther we were, the slower the responses would be…” He trailed off as his mind became distracted seeing keywords like, ‘unsustainable,’ ‘high death toll,’ or ‘military training base.’
“With the inhabited universe being so vast, a lot of planets are slow at receiving information. Or they don’t have the resources to keep up. But also, a lot of stuff is classified for some reason. I know I sometimes have to double-check things with other places. But… the planets that are considered the most trusted had the same information as me.”
Seiya tossed the pad to the side and rested his eyes on the base of his palms as if to push the tears back in. “Fuck. What are we gonna do?”
Fighting the urge to pull his hands away from his face, while it felt wrong to only sit there and do nothing, Serenity’s hands gently slid over his arms and around his back as she rested her chin on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Seiya. I’m so sorry you had to find out like this.”
He welcomed the affection, wrapping his arms around the royal waist and pulling her closer for him to bury his face in the crook of her neck. She soon felt his warm tears falling on her skin.
“It’s okay… it’s not…” His voice was too shaky to continue talking in his attempt to try to hold back from screaming.
“I know you need some time to think and talk about it with the others, but you’re more than welcome to stay here with… us. In the palace…” The emotions of her heart gave her away while the supposed logic of her mind was only helping them. “And even if you have to leave to continue finding your princess, we can be your home base. As long as she’s out there, and with whatever happens after that, I will do everything I can to help you.”
With a sniffle, Seiya pulled back to wipe his face. “Thank you, Serenity. You’re so kind.” There was a considerable pause for him to lose the strength of his composure and submit to the heaving sobs.
She allowed her tears of sympathy to fall as she squeezed his shoulders. “Are you okay, Seiya? Do you want me to leave you alone?”
He shook his head. “Not really.”
She nodded. “Okay, I’ll stay.” Her pale fingers then threaded through his loose dark locks to push them out of his face and behind his ear before she guided his head back to her neck. And then ever so gently, she guided his body with hers to lay down on the bed.
Slowly, as they became wordless and emotionally exhausted, the lulls of random sniffles and sobbing turned into silence and blanketed them to sleep.
A couple of hours later, Serenity found herself the first to wake, her chin being tickled by the flyaways of Seiya’s hair as her hand still gripped his shoulder. His face lay only a couple of inches from her chest while his arm rested in the dip of her waist.
Carefully, she shifted to rest on her back while placing Seiya’s arm on his side, relishing moving onto a fresh, cool spot on the bed and being able to stretch her body. It didn’t take long for her movements to cause Seiya to stir, starting his wakeup process with a yawn.
“Hey.” Serenity smiled before having to yawn herself.
He rubbed his puffy eyes and returned the smile. “Hey.”
“How are you?”
“I’m okay.”
“What time is it?”
She then looked to the television that was still going on low volume, the news now turned into a morning talk show.
“I guess… maybe almost lunchtime.” And right on cue, her stomach rumbled.
He tittered. “Your stomach says it is lunchtime.”
“That’s only because I missed my morning snack.” She playfully whined as she hugged her tummy.
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Don’t be. I wasn’t going to leave you alone.”
“Did you have anything important this morning?”
“Yes—that’s why I’m here.”
Seiya smiled while his eyes peered at the queen with both innocence and allure.
“What they say when they call you Queen Odango… is that your odangos are stuffed with love and justice…” As he touched both of her buns with a single finger for both descriptive words, he watched her blush appear over her nose and cheeks. His digit then moved to rest on her head.
“…and in here, some barbecue pork.”
Serenity’s jaw dropped in humored outrage before grabbing his hand. “You’re so rude!”
The laugh that came from him sounded pure and sincere, indicative of a person in pain finding true happiness in the moment.
“I’m sorry, I’m still thinking about those dumplings from the parade. They were so good.”
“Well, be nice to me or I’ll have them blacklist you.”
“Hmm, okay, they weren’t that good…”
When she went to push on his shoulder to get him to stop his teasing, she became aware that their hands were still grasping and their fingers now interlaced. It seemed that he had just noticed too, as she watched his face soften in realization. And yet, none of them made any movements to release one another.
After some time staring, silently agreeing that they wanted the same thing, Seiya moved closer to take her lips captive with his own.
As Serenity slipped through the door and closed it behind her, she took a few steps down the hallway before passing by a voice.
“I know that dress.”
She jumped halfway to the ceiling before realizing Rei was leaning against the wall a few feet away.
“That was the dress you wore to your anniversary with Endymion last year,” the fire guardian cocked an eyebrow. “For your private dinner in your chambers. I remember it took you weeks to decide on it.”
Serenity rubbed down on the garment as if to brush out its wrinkles. “Well… it’s… so pretty. Can I not wear it twice?”
Shaking her head, Rei stood up straight. “I came here about thirty minutes ago looking for you. The king has tried calling you this morning… twice. But you sounded busy.”
Her shoulders dropped, the color of her face gone, yet with glowing red cheeks. She knew she was caught. “Rei, I—… that—… we—… he’s just…”
“Kind of irresistible? I know.” She twisted her mouth into a smile and stepped slowly toward the bumbling queen. “It’s okay, Serenity. You don’t owe me an explanation… at least for now. I’ll give you time to think of one.”
Still too shocked to really speak or figure out exactly what Rei was thinking, Serenity sighed instead. Rei then threaded her arm through hers in a motion of support and began to lead her highness down the hallway.
“I mean, if we're all immortal, boredom is inevitable. Just didn’t think it would have hit you after only four years.”
“I don’t… I don’t know what that was. It just happened. I went in there to tell him about Kinmoku—”
“Ah yes, grief: the greatest aphrodisiac.”
“He was just so sad and… defeated. I couldn’t leave him.”
“And couldn’t not sleep with him?”
“I don’t know, Rei. We just knew that’s what we wanted… and it just happened.”
Approaching the front door, both women stopped to face each other.
Rei crossed her arms. “So is that why you gave him his own cottage—so you’d be able to scream as loud as you wanted just in case?”
Serenity formed a bubble in her mouth, trying not to laugh, but it only came out as suppressed raspberries. Rei also found herself unable to keep in her own giggling.
Please note if you would like to follow this story, I will be updating the rest of the chapters under the tag: hanabean close to you and other iterations of the spacing. I love you all!
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A Zhang Of Redness ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
Warning: The first part has some angst to fluff, yet, if you’re brave enough to read the “Sad Ending”, then I warn you, I cried at least 6 times reading it, and 5 times at night, thinking about how to write it properly, all while listening to sad flute and zither ancient Chinese songs. I may need help.
Also, I forgot to explain, in case people don’t know:
Meimei - Term for younger sister. Jiejie - Term for older sister. Niangniang - Term for someone above in title, like an Empress or a Noble Consort. Changzai -  First-Class Female Attendant, called ‘Present’, and was the 2nd lowest title in the harem. Daying -  Second-Class Female Attendant, called ‘Promise’, lowest title in the harem. Hua Fei - It can vary as a title, but it refers to an Imperial Noble Consort. A Zhang of Redness - One of the 5 punishments from Qing Dynasty : Beating someone over the back, butt or the back of their legs with a some sort of bamboo or wooden bat/cane/rod until the tendons/muscles/bones were crushed, there was lots of blood, and the person either died or became paralysed from waist down.
Also, I got inspiration from watching the Chinese Period Drama ‘Empresses in the Palace/Legend of Zhen Huan’ that focuses on the Harem during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, aka Yin Zhen, the 4th Prince, and Duke Guo is the 17th Prince, his brother, very young, and very close to him
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“Now, Y/N, you and your sisters are of age, so you must go serve the Emperor. It will bring our family the greatest honour should you be selected as a concubine for the Emperor and bring a Prince into this world.” the father put his hands on Y/N’s shoulders, making her look at him with a blank expression, masking her disdain and disgust with excellence. “We are honoured to serve and serve our family and His Majesty, the Emperor.” she bowed gracefully, speaking with an adult maturity that many would envy. “Very well. Take care of your sisters. The Palace is a cruel place, but you, above all, must prevail and bring your sisters up with you.” were the last words her father spoke before sending off his three daughters into the carriage, ready to go with the ‘reaping’, as the eldest would call it.
Unlike her younger siblings, she prayed not to be accepted, since it would be the worst thing that could happen to her and she’d rather die than have to live in eternal imprisonment, having an old man touch her body and impregnate her, despite him being the Emperor himself.
When the three of them arrived at the Palace, and she saw the swarm of girls dressed the same, with the same accessories and hairstyles, she almost felt like puking, although she couldn’t blame them, since that’s how this lame fashion dictates.
She was the only one standing out, much like a sore thumb, completely different, both in appearance and clothing, which made her anxious and nervous, knowing very well how she will be the target of bullying, and in turn, deflect it to her unfortunate sisters as well.
Y/N was the only woman with vibrant red hair and green eyes like the evergreen forest, for her father is an Imperial merchant, and her mother was a foreigner, the most beautiful being alive, that could even compare to the Gods, and yet, the very same Gods she worshipped were cruel to her, as when she gave birth to the twins, she perished, leaving her husband heartbroken and alone to take care of his three daughters.
She didn’t wear any headpiece, nor had any intricate hairstyles, preferring to keep the upper part of her hair in a beautiful rose bun, while the lower part was let loose to cascade past her shoulders, down to her waist, like a fire waterfall. She didn’t use heavy make up, only choosing to highlight her eyes and bring out the shrewdness and brilliance in them. She didn’t wear any jewellery, save for some beautiful pink flowers carefully placed in her hair. She didn’t wear heels, for she was taller than most petite girls, and didn’t want to stand out more than she already did, and of course, she didn’t need them to highlight her grace and dignity. And, most of all, she didn’t wear the traditional clothes that every girl did, instead, worse a long, flowy dress, green, with flowers of a darker, more vibrant green - A dress that suit her like she was the embodiment of Spring, and her slender silhouette was shown off beautifully - Because, after all, this was the dress her mother sew specifically for her in the period while she was pregnant.
When the time finally came for her to present herself in front of the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, the six women walked in a straight line, in front of the Imperials...Only to see a little surprise.
Seven of his sons were there to attend, for one of them were to one day become Emperor, and they must know how things must be done.
“You...You are Y/N, I see. When your father mentioned you were beautiful, just like your mother, I couldn’t believe there could be someone even greater than Diaochan or Yang Guifei.” the Emperor chuckled, looking down at her. “Your Majesty, pardon my rudeness, yet truly, you must jest. My face does not put flowers to shame, nor does it embarrass Mother Moon herself. Likewise, I would say I that...That there are other women in history that would fit me better, should you truly wish to compare me.” she could feel the intrigued, burning gazes of everyone, and it took everything she had not to visibly gulp or show any kind of emotion. “Raise, child, and look at me. Who would you think I should compare you to?” the Emperor so gracefully talked, with the same dignity that any Imperial must have, yet now, it seemed to be warmer. “Tan Yunxian.” she spoke bluntly, her green eyes not wavering as she held eye contact with the Emperor. “Tan Yunxian...You are a bold one to speak like that. You are a sharp woman, intelligence is obviously sparkling in your eyes, you know what you want from life, and you choose to be branded a witch by practicing the medical arts that only men do and risk death, instead of aiming for a peaceful and resourceful life as a wealthy concubine and bring honour to your father. Why is that?” he asked once again, which made her bow, but not look away from him. “Most people tell the gender of a rabbit by its movement: The male runs quickly, while the female often keeps her eyes shut. But when the two rabbits run side by side, Can you really discern whether I am a he or a she? That is my reply to your question, and I would beg you to forgive my rudeness by speaking so directly, but this was never the life that fit me. The only arts that suit me are the exact ones - Healing, Calculus, Atrology, Physics, Alchemy...My sisters are much better at the arts of the heart, but I prefer to make a difference on this world. Too many women preferred to let themselves die because of scrutiny - A woman should rather starve to death than lose her chastity - they said, yet, for me, life is a sacred gift and should be treasured above all. There are no female physicians in the palace, Your Majesty, and males cannot fully comprehend the pains of a woman, nor can they properly treat one. With your grace, should you choose not to kill me, I would very much like to serve the Emperor with the way fate dictated my strengths.” she spoke without any hint of fear in her heart, already waiting for her death penalty to be told, and yet, the Emperor chuckled and looked to his right, sharing a look with one of his sons, the one dressed in vibrant gold, the one whose eyes resembled his the most. “My son, I see you are interested in this one as well. Tell me, what would you do, should you meet someone as peculiar as this one?” the Emperor asked, letting him have the final say in it. “She quotes the Ballad of Mulan so boldly, as if she herself is Mulan. Do you remember, Father, that in some stories, when Mulan was forced to join the Harem, she chose to commit suicide? I see this one none the wiser. With the proper training, she could prove to save more lives than most of those useless physicians could, I would say. She has enough fire and ambition...But What if she wavers in front of dangers?” the 4th Prince asked, almost rhetorically, only for his older brother, the 3rd Prince, to chime in. “Let’s see, then.” he shrugged, motioning for an eunuch to step forward. “Should you be able to keep looking into my eyes for the whole trial, your position as a physician will be locked.” the 4th Prince mused, his dark eyes peering into her jade like ones, and it seemed almost as if they were in a trance, and nothing around them existed anymore.
The little eunuch threw water at her feet, yet she nonchalantly stepped over it with no second thought. They made loud noises behind her, or close to her ear, yet her only interest was the beautiful dark shade of the Prince’s eyes. The test continued on, until the Prince walked forward and drew his sword, putting the tip under her chin, raising it. The silence created tension for everyone, causing her sisters to gasp and hold tightly onto each other from fear, while some labourers were confused and panicked at the sight before them, while the two only got deeper and deeper enchanted by the other. It wasn’t until one of the Gugu matrons stepped forwards with a cat held in her arms and threw it at the ground violently that the girl slapped the blade away and let herself fall to her knees to catch the poor feline, then rose back again, gently petting and calming the animal, while throwing a harsh glare at the elder woman, before turning back again to the Prince.
“You lost the trial.” he said, yet mischief was glittering in his beautiful eyes. “Life over all. ALL life over all.” she pointed out, stepping closer to the Prince, and as soon as she knew she was completely hidden by his much larger form, she smirked at him, challengingly, which made him scoff in amusement right back at her. “You lost the trial, but won the position with your virtuous, unwavering heart. Father, with your approval, I will be responsible of her, and she will be my personal physician, and the physician of all the women in the palace. Her thinking is mature, righteous and ahead of her times.” the Prince bowed in front of his father, vouching for the girl next to him, who could only look in shock at the Imperial Son who seemed to trust her so. “I dare not deserve such baseless praise. Wait until I have achieved anything of significance.” she bowed next to the Prince, letting the cat go back to its owner. “Very well, I approve of your request. From now on, Lady Y/N shall be promoted to Lady Shuyu, the Wise and Virtuous Lady, she will be taught by the imperial physicians and will report directly to you, 4th Prince. Likewise, she will be staying at the Palace closest to the Imperial Library, yet, I believe I should change its name, since it needs renovation. Do you have any preferences?” the Emperor asked, as the girl was bashfully looking at the ground, not believing that her dreams were finally becoming reality. “Father, if I may, I would suggest - Palace of the Blue Lotus - for it is the symbol of victory, intelligence, wisdom and knowledge, something that My Lady seems to be the embodiment of. I heard it once being called - The Perfection of Wisdom - and I believe it fits her very well. Look at her, with her outfit and hair, she almost looks like a Lotus flower herself, wouldn’t you say?” the 3rd Prince commented, making the Emperor nod in approval. “Very well, I agree with you, 3rd Prince. Then, Lady Y/N, until your Palace is completely renovated, you will be staying at 4th Prince’s Palace and have him look after you.” the Emperor’s order made her eyes widen and cheeks redden from embarrassment, yet she gracefully bowed in thanks for the Emperor. “Your Majesty is benevolent and kind above all, I thank you for giving me a chance.” she spoke in a much softer voice. “Look at this one, she can be anything she wants. A Hua Mulan, a Diaochan...Yet, above all, I believe she could even be the next Wu Zetian, wouldn’t you say, my Son?” the Empress Dowager spoke with a gentle smile, which made the girl gasp and bow to the ground, flustered. “Your Highness, I am undeserving of such praise! I am but a mere woman who wishes the best for her peers, but I will never be able to get close to Wu Zetian’s greatness!” she spoke rapidly, not daring raise her face to them, only to receive chuckles and laughs from the audience. “She may not be the next Wu Zetian, but she may as well be the first Y/N L/N.” the 4th Prince teased the girl as he offered his hand to help her to her feet, before pinching her reddening cheek. “Indeed, indeed! But what should I make of your sisters? You say they are talented in arts, correct? Then, I will accept them, and wait for the time they can heal my soul with their magic and grace.” the Emperor’s eyes held amusement, as all three sisters bowed in unison. “Your Majesty is great and kind above all.” 
And so, for the first time in their life, the sisters were separated from each other. While the twins enjoyed a palace to themselves and another high ranked concubine, Y/N was comfortably staying in 4th Prince’s Palace, having just one trusty maid, for more would be a hindrance, and dressing in whatever comfortable clothes she wished to wear, sown by her and her maid.
She wasn’t a fan of sewing, but she practiced it regularly because she believed having dexterous fingers meant you would be a great physician, so she continued her work, using the softest cotton bolts brought from Western countries, and she made a beautiful light pink nightgown along with a pair of shorts and embroidered small purple flowers, and since then, her sleep has been the best she’s ever had... Although the silks from her bed must have added to the comfort as well.
As thanks for the Prince, the girl decided to sew a blue pyjama from the cotton, Western bolts for the Prince with whom she was residing, and used Chinese threads of gold and violet to embroider dragons on it, wanting to make a little play on the Western symbols of royalty.
Days passed way too quickly in the Palace, as the 4th Prince was excellent company and would humour her often with a cup of tea and a lost game of chess since truly, he wasn’t the best at it yet, but the quick exchanges of wit were worth the time spent there.
When she wasn’t by his side, she would go to the swing in the Garden of Peaches all by herself and swing herself high, almost as if she was trying to reach the sky, and when returning, she would let herself lean down, to watch the clouds, all while laughing in complete freedom, just like the tale of the Crane Wife.
Every time she would stop swinging, she would take out her jade flute and, unbeknownst to her, the Prince would hide just to hear her play with such skill and emotion that it truly moved him, and he had to admit, the saddest song she played, Autumn Moon over Han Palace, the one that truly depicts the cruelty with which the young and innocent souls of young women get crushed in the palace, only to be rewarded with misfortunes and sorrow, and he knew then that there was no way he would let anyone harm her.
The Emperor made him look after her, and so, he will.
“4th Prince, now that I shall not be living in your Palace anymore, I should thank you for your hospitability and kindness for the time I bothered you and invaded your privacy. Please accept my humble gifts for you, as a thank you for all the goodness you’ve showed me.” she personally handed him the boxes of gifts, since it was too personal to let her maid handle this matter. “I thank you for the gifts, yet you need not thank me for something so trivial. Congratulations in moving in your own Palace, little Lotus, but don’t forget that this has been your home too, and you are always welcomed here. I have also sent you gifts at your new residence, I wish you will use them with a smile on your face.” the prince spoke, putting the boxes on the table and petting her hair gently. “Without all the snark and witty comments, I almost don’t recognise you, Yin Zhen. Could you perhaps be ill?” she scoffed in amusement, making the man flick her forehead. “Going by how red your cheeks are, I’d say you’re the one who caught a fever.” he spoke with an obvious undertone. “How rude of you, Prince! Don’t you know it’s unfair to tease a lady?” she pointed out with a flustered scowl on her face. “Sister, weren’t you the one who once that that if a man teases a woman, he must be in love with her?” a soft, yet playful voice came from behind Y/N, which made her yelp in surprise and turn around in shock. “You’re horrible sisters, you know that, don’t you? I only said that so you’d feel good about your little, young selves, when the general’s son came over to visit father!” she sighed, looking away. “He doesn’t matter anymore! Now, look at you, the most favoured woman in the Palace by the Emperor, the Empress, the Dowager AND the Princes! We couldn’t compete with that, even now that we both served the Emperor and we were barely given the title of “Changzai”, and that’s mostly thanks to your influence and the fact that you helped the Lady of Morality give birth to the Princess.” Liyan spoke out, tugging on one of the arms of the elder sister. “It’s a bit weird if you think about it. Y/N Jiejie is over here, falling for the Emperor’s son, while we are pillow mates with the Emperor. He’s older than father!” Xiyan spoke so shamelessly, tugging on the other arm, that it made the poor elder sister blush deeply, and putting her hands on the back of their heads, she hit their heads together. “Liyan Meimei and Xiyan Meimei should learn how to be less vulgar and have some shame! Now, if you would excuse me, I must go do a regular check up on the Noble Consort’s pregnancy, I have no time for your foolish nonsense. I bid you all farewell.” she gave a sarcastic bow to the three before rushing out of that place. “I haven’t seen Jiejie so flustered before. Remember when that young poet came over and started playing the zither and singing for her, and she still turned him down?” Xiyan giggled, intertwining her fingers with her twin. “Yes, I remember! And it was the famous JiKang, the best zither player in the country! It’s a pity, really, I remember Jiejie saying how much she’d have liked to be free and travel the world, but she has to honour her duty to her family, otherwise she will be a disgrace and get killed.” Liyan sighed, looking away. “If your sister heard you gossiping like that about her, she’d get very upset at you. Now run along, you two.” Yin Zhen commented with a hint of playfulness, ushering the two sisters to scatter.
Days and nights went by fast, and Y/N was quickly climbing the ranks of a physician due to her hard working and witty disposition, and yet, when winter came and snow started falling hard, and the Consort was now 5 months pregnant, and need to have her regular check up.  As Y/N gave her the medicine to drink, the consort started screaming in pain and collapsed on the bed, her nether regions bleeding. She was having a miscarriage. With the help of a few maids and physicians, she managed to stop the bleeding and keep her stable, but she knew very well it would be hell once everyone finds out about the loss of the Imperial offspring...
And the consort was a truly vengeful one.
“How could you...?! How could you?! You insolent wretch, you made me lose my child!” the consort was livid, thrown things at the girl who was trying to calm her down. “Hua Fei Niangniang, what have you been eating and drinking recently? Perhaps there may have been something put in your food or tea? Or perhaps the fragrances or incenses?” she tried to ask, but it was to no avail. The consort was so upset that the Emperor himself, along with the Empress, the Dowager, the Harem and the Princes had to come and console her. “Emperor! Emperor! This stupid bitch is jealous that you favour me and made sure I have a miscarriage! It happened just as I drank the medicine from her!” the consort threw herself in the Emperor’s arms, sobbing loudly. “Medicine takes at least half a day to act, and you barely took a sip from it. I’m asking again, has your food and drink intake been properly taken care of?” Y/N asked once again, in a gentle voice, hoping to have an answer...But none came, only screeches. “You vile devil! You came here to have all women of the Harem miscarry! You want favour all to yourself! That’s why you walk around the Princes like a fox, drawing them in! You’re a lust demon! Get the guards and take her! Make her punishment be fitting to her hair! A Zhang of Redness!” she shrieked, making all the women gasp in shock. “Your Highness, I have nothing to do with Niangniang’s miscarriage. You can have any physician look over the tea I prepared and all the prescriptions I gave her, and none of them hold any abortifacient plants. I rest my case, and I will investigate the causes of the miscarriage, and should it have been my mistake, I will accept such a punishment. If not, then I beg for Your Majesty’s mercy.” Y/N bowed deeply to the ground in front of the Emperor, who seemed to nod in understanding. “Very well. I won’t offer you much time, but until then, you have all resources at hand. Everyone is dismissed.” and thus, they all left...Except for the 4th Prince who crouched and helped the girl up, his expression unreadable. “You truly know how to get yourself in trouble, don’t you?” he spoke with obvious concern. “Though I withdraw my sword to cut the water, it still runs. I toast to dispel worry, and create more worry…The water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, And sorrow returns, though we drown it with wine…” she muttered, looking ahead of her, in the void of emptiness that became her heart. “You once said you were not talented in arts, yet here you are, quoting Li Bai. You will always be a surprise, won’t you?” Yin Zhen cast her a half smile, which she returned. “It only fits. Now go. The Emperor will have my head should I let a man rummage through a woman’s belongings.” she sighed, turning around to investigate the place, while hearing the taunts of the consort...Until she found a cup that oddly smelled like green papaya, and a mortar and pestle that still had some cinnamon and pomegranate seeds powder in it. Afraid that the consort would realise she found the incriminatory objects, she took out a bag and threw it on the table, feigning that she putting all her medical belongings back in the bag, only to have the cup and mortar taken as well, and with a bow, she hurried to her Palace to study them.
She didn’t know much about such plants since they weren’t exactly used in medicine, and yet, she had to study them, while hiding the bag with incriminatory objects very well.
It was a cold, yet beautiful snowy night, and Y/N felt so crushed by fear from the recent events, that without realising, stepped outside, her feet dragging her to Yin Zhen’s Palace, and she had no idea until his Eunuch spoke to her, welcoming her inside and scolding her for not wearing something warmer, before having the maids prepare tea and telling the Prince about her arrival.
Silence took over them as they played chess and drinking tea, yet her mind was somewhere else completely, making her lose for the first time...But he wasn’t surprised in the least.
“What did you find out?” he asked bluntly. “Do you hate me, Yin Zhen?” she asked, using one of her silver ring claws to stir the tea in her cup. “Why would you ask something like that...? Do you suspect me of framing you, or what?” he asked, shock obvious in his voice, until he realised the tears that were falling down her face. “Then...Why...? I...I thought you...Of all people...Wouldn’t...” Y/N was unable of cursive, coherent words as she raised her finger to eye level, showing that the silver claw became back. “I did NOT poison your tea! Shu Pei Gong, who prepared this tea? I want them brought here and held responsible right now!” the rage the Prince felt was immense, but he knew now to let feelings overtake his ration. “What did I do to deserve such hatred...? I’m not part of the harem, I never hurt anyone, I’ve always been respectful and helped everyone, I never wished for promotions, titles, ranks or favours...So why...Why...?! Why is this happening to me?!” she cried out, her heart suffering greatly, enough so that before he could say anything, she ran out again, taking a shortcut through the Plum garden, where she let herself fall to the ground, the freezing cold unbothering to her, as she felt as cold as ice from the constant heartache she suffered.
She hated the colour red, it was everywhere, yet people didn’t understand why she’d despise such a beautiful colour. It was the colour of her hair, the colour of Maple leaves, the colour of Plum blossoms, and of course, the colour of blood.
Blood, for that’s all she was seeing - Laying there, on the pure white snow, crystals falling from the sky, covering her in a soft blanket, the shade of her skin, contrasting her hair, her flowers and...The blood from her injury.
But as the dark abyss of death started taking over her senses, she saw two little jades that appeared and disappeared just like shy will’o’wisp spirit orbs.
What was in her head, running away like that, in the dead of such a freezing night, and why the Plum Garden that is like a crimson maze that could have served as her resting place.
Who would have known she would be so sensitive, Yin Zhen thought, and yet, he is her confidante, and she thought he poisoned her, which would be a shock for everyone, especially after everything going on in her life.
She looked so petite in his large bed, in his own pyjamas, as her own clothes were soaked from the snow and she’s already shivering, the last thing he’d want is for her to get deadly ill.
“Your Majesty, a blow to the back of her head with a blunt object cause her collapse and fainting, but the coldness worsened her health. She will need to rest and take medicine regularly. And...As much as possible, she must not stress, mentally, emotionally or physically.” the physician bowed to the Prince as he sat on the edge of the bed, gingerly brushing away the hair from her face. “Easier said than done when you’re dealing with such a stubborn hard-head...You may go now. I will look after her.” the Prince dismissed the physician who kowtow-ed and left the place that got quiet...So quiet...Save for her unconscious shivering. “What will I do with you, Y/N? How can I save you when you run away from me?” he muttered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “You should have left me there.” a soft whisper was her, as the girl opened her glistering eyes. “Don’t speak such nonsense.” he scolded her, yet his eyes were gentle. “What is death if not a blessing in disguise? For unfortunate people like me, only followed by misfortune...What is there to live for? Instead of investigating her case, I should have let her punish me. It would have been less painful than my discovery.” her voice was devoid of any life, yet the tears that delicately made their ways down her cheeks were enough proof of sorrow and heart break. “What are you talking about, Y/N? What did you discover?” he asked, his attention not wavering from her. “Wu Zetian? Diaochan? Hua Mulan? Tan Yunxian? Yang Guifei? What the hell was in my head? The only thing I could share with them is a broken heart. Why did I even dare to think that I, as a woman, would have any chance to achieve happiness and freedom? I can’t even try to be Lin Siniang, for I have no martial arts, and I can’t go and die in battle for someone. I’m completely and utterly useless.” the girl sighed, turning her back to the Prince, letting her hair drape over her face to avoid being seen. “Y/N, I am your confidante, tell me what happened. When you feel like you can’t trust anyone, not even your family, or the world, I will be here to listen and be honest with you, no matter what. I promise.” he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace, stroking her hair to calm her down, yet in only generated in her sobbing. “When I was struck and fell, I feigned being dead. I kept my eyes half-open, and I didn’t blink. I stopped breathing and looked up at the sky. And despite my blurring vision, I saw a pair of green orbs. And then, I heard a giggle, and a word. Just one word. You know what it was? They said - Finally - and then left. Do you understand what I mean, Yin Zhen?” she asked, letting go of him and looking him straight in the eyes. “You don’t mean...?” his eyes widened with surprise, not having expected something like that. “When I investigated the consort’s room, I found a cup that smelled of papaya and a mortar with cinnamon and pomegranate seeds. When she wasn’t looking, I stole them and went home to read more about these. My sisters visited me that night and we discussed about those items...And it was then that I found out that those plants cause natural, spontaneous abortions. They said they were worried about me...And then...They snitched on me to the consort. My maid warned me there were suspicious people lurking around so I secretly left my Palace and came to yours after taking the longest and darkest route. Somehow, they managed to make me paranoid enough by poisoning my tea in your own house...And I got scared and ran away. I was going to seek refuge at the Dowager, until the consort’s eunuch found me and yanked me over the head. That’s when I saw my sister’s eyes...The very same eyes that I hold...And most likely, they stole the items from my Palace and disposed of them...So what is there to live for, anyway?” she sighed, resting her head on his shoulder, weeping silently. “You have me and I will help you out. I won’t let anyone punish you, I promise you that.” he cupped her face, making her look at him with her sad, doe-like eyes. “Even if I escape punishment, who can mend my shattered heart? My father never supported my passions, so I did everything in secret...And my own sisters plotted and went against me, for some reason that I’m completely unaware of, considering I always took care of them, sent them any riches I had and got them out of trouble...And there’s no way I will ever escape the hell from the harem wrath, even if I’m not part of it. I am lost with no place to call home and nobody to love me. I should just go end myself with some wine, out in the Plum Garden. It would be a very fitting end with no pain. Very beautiful...Maybe some music would have made it perfect - “ she kept talking in self-deprecation, not realising how it upset the man in front of her, until he stopped her by kissing her with enough fire to begin the melting process over the frozen pieces of her heart, “Stop speaking like that, you are upsetting me. How can I marry you and spend the rest of my life with you by my side, if you let the world get to you and kill you?” he was scolding her in a gentle manner, his hand on top of her head, putting his forehead to hers. “How can I not, when my own sisters, that I raised and took care of since mother died, plotted my death and were happy to see me fall? My own family, Yin Zhen! How can I bare with that?!” her voice was full of emotions of all kinds, desperate to have someone to cling on. “Those who wish ill on you are not your family, even though you are bound by blood. You have me, Y/N. I vow to you, I would never leave you alone. I will always be there for you, no matter what, and I will never let anyone hurt you again.” the man said, making the girl sigh and shake her head. “What are you trying to say, Yin Zhen? There’s only so long until you’ll become the Emperor. Even if you want to, you won’t have the time to even remember I exist. And you will be busy with all your concubines every night. Don’t vow what cannot happen, or you will anger the Gods. Be realistic. You know how I am. I refuse to bare children, I refuse to deal with the harem. I will get jealous, and in the end, you will end up hurting me more than my own family did.” she hung her head, wiping away the stray tears. “When I become Emperor, I will be able to do anything I want to. It’s true, I will need heirs, but that’s what the harem is about, but that doesn’t mean I won’t hold you in my arms every night. You will be Empress, and you will help me with matters of the Palace. If the Consort can deal with the harem now, she can do so when I reign as well. Not to mention, the current Empress favours you, she will be kind with you once she becomes Dowager.” he explained reassuringly, which made her look up at him slowly. “Do you vow you always love me the most and have me and only me as your priority? And you will listen to me when I talk. And we will still hang out at midnight in the Cherry Garden, we will still go swimming, or swinging in the Peach Garden, we will still play the Zither and Flute together and you will still compliment me over the littlest things, no matter what?” Y/N spoke a bit more harshly, to get her point across, which only made the man chuckle. “I vow that I will still be your Confidante, and you will be mine, and things between us won’t change even when I become Emperor. Who else could sew me such comfortable pyjamas and then wear them much better than I do?” he pinched her cheek before kissing her forehead tenderly. “That’s because I have style. Now...Tell me, what should I do?” and her reply came in the form of a scoff of amusement as the Prince pulled her to his chest, making her sit on his lap. “Sometimes I wish you were more ruthless, little fox. But it’s fine, I will be ruthless enough for the both of us. Just trust me, and tomorrow, we’ll go together and prove your innocence once and for all.” he declared in a voice fit for an Emperor, before putting one hand on the back of her neck, while the other was on her waist, and pulling her flush against his chest, he kissed her, gently at first, to make sure she wouldn’t shatter in front of him like a precious china doll, only to gradually become more and more passionate.
And once again, just like when they first met, they locked tender gazes and got lost in their own paradise - You are mine and you can only be mine - He’d think, just for a split second, as he continued kissing and touching her skin, softer than any cloud.
The next day marked the beginning of his vow, as she woke up with his arms draped around her small form and him stroking her hair gently, before they got dressed properly and went to her palace, the Blue Lotus, only to find her maid freaking out and checking her for any injuries.
When they explained to her what happened, Shi Lian grinned and ran to fetch a bag that she buried in a secret place under the snow, revealing the incriminatory objects that she risked so much for. The maid then pointed out that some eunuchs came over and tried to search the place, with the help of one of her sisters, only to find nothing and return fearfully to the noble consort, their mission failed.
Wait until they see she isn’t dead, really.
And so, Yin Zhen baited the sisters into going to the consort’s house, and told the Emperor to wait outside of the door and listen, only interfering if and when he sees fit.
“4th Prince, what ever could be the reason for summoning us like that?” the consort asked with a feign-innocent smirk o her face. “I believe it’s high time to finish investigating a crime, correct, consort? The mystery behind your miscarriage?” Yin Zhen’s eyes were sharp, yet victorious. “Ahh, yes, but wasn’t it confirmed to be that woman physician’s negligence?” she preferred to fake admiring her hand jewellery, instead of looking at the prince. “That is quite the narrative you painted, isn’t it? Painted with her blood, and the blood of my father’s offspring. Clearly, there is no shameful level of low-ness that you wouldn’t stoop to, just to gain my father’s attention and favour, isn’t it? Even going as far as to frame the only physician who would properly be able to heal you and the women of the Palace. She fought hard to convince my Imperial Father, the Emperor, to allow her to be a medicine practitioner, with you in her mind, not her own well-being. You must truly be cruel and desperate to want to get the Emperor’s favour that badly, again. You must know you’re getting old and ugly, and you won’t be my Father’s favourite anymore...And his favourites will be the newer concubines...Like Y/N’s sisters, who have unique, green eyes, unlike all the other women here.” the Prince hit the nail spot on, making the consort look at him with fear and indignation. “U-Uhm, Prince, I know you favoured Y/N Jiejie, but why are you dragging us into this?” Liyan asked cautiously. “Because the consort came to you with an alliance - If you get rid of Y/N, you won’t bully the sisters for being young and favoured. However, the sisters were jealous of Y/N of having favour from everyone without having to conform to the norms every woman has to, for she is not a concubine, therefore, she had nothing to fight for except your lives. To think that her own sisters that she took care of would plot her own demise without a single speck of regret. You caught her when she was most vulnerable, alone, in the Plum Garden, then had some eunuch strike her over the head with a wooden bat. Truly horrific to think family would behave like this.” the Prince played the detective part, explaining the story he heard from the girl herself. “What gives you the right to accuse us of such treacheries?! We would never hurt Jiejie!” Xiyan growled at the man, only for a surprise to happen, as the woman in cause entered the scene dramatically. “Wouldn’t you?” Y/N asked in a low voice, earning gasps of shock from the 3 other women. “J-Jiejie! You’re alright! You’re alive!” Xiyan’s lips quivered, as her eyes were darting between her sister and the consort. “Why wouldn’t I be alive, Xiyan Meimei? Was something supposed to happen that would guarantee my imminent death?” Y/N tilted her head slightly to the side, staring deep into her sister’s eyes, searching for the truth. “N-No, of course not! Why ever would you claim something so cruel?” Xiyan chuckled nervously, walking a few feet backwards. “All my life I thought myself the family disappointment since I never was the perfect woman that father wanted me to be, to bring honour to the family...But I know for sure that I never raised a liar or a traitor. You are a disappointment. To think you’d partner up with the consort to kill me, and then, when I talked to you about the evidence I found in her palace, you’d try to kill me and steal the objects. My maid is my family more than you ever were.” Y/N shook her head in disappointment, taking out the bag, which made the three women widen their eyes in horror, knowing very well what was going to happen. “Look at them, they are already pissing themselves with fear. They know what is in them.” Yin Zhen scoffed at them. “This is the consort’s cup, from which she drank Green Papaya juice...And this is a mortar in which cinnamon and pomegranate seeds were crushed into a powder. All of these are known to naturally induce abortions, so it’s no wonder she had a miscarriage when I gave her the medicine. You wanted the attention and to kill me, so what better way to do so than to frame me, punish me yourself, and have the Emperor hate me and potentially kill me? A Zhang of Redness, you said. How cruel of you, Consort.” Y/N taunted her once again, showing the evidence, putting them on the table. “You’re insane! This is a conspiracy! You have 4th Prince’s and you got him to conspire against me! You’re the worst!” the Consort shrieked at the girl, almost getting physically aggressive, until the Emperor himself stepped in the room. “That’s enough! How shameless can you be? I understand being jealous of the women of the harem, but of someone who is here only to save your lives? Impertinent!” the Emperor’s booming voice resounded throughout the room, drowning out the consort’s whinings for a little while. “Y/N, you have been the wronged one here, I will let their punishment be of your choosing, no matter how harsh. I will take my leave now, I cannot stand to look at these wretches anymore.” and so, he left the place, letting the consort grovel on the ground, helplessly, shrieking in the worst high-pitched voice. “All’s well when it ends well, I’d say.” Y/N muttered, looking at her two little sisters. “What do you two have to say in your defense?” “We are sorry, Y/N Jiejie, we were wrong! Please, forgive us!” the twins jumped on her, hugging her tightly, stunning the poor girl. “How cruel. You know she’s soft hearted so you try to play her again. You are shameless leeches.” Yin Zhen spoke out, seeing the conflict in his lover’s eyes...Only for her to gasp suddenly and widen her eyes in shock. “Finally...Huh? You’re truly the worst...Yin Zhen told me to be more ruthless...Perhaps I should begin now.” with a pained expression on her face, she pushed the sisters away from her, revealing the bleeding stab wound from her abdomen. “How many more times are you going to try to kill me? As many times needed until you finally succeed...But you think a tiny blade like this will do the trick? If poison, a bat to the head and the freezing cold didn’t kill me, this is nothing more than a mosquito’s bite for me.” Y/N looked at Liyan with disgust as she snatches away the dagger by the blade, throwing it away.  “Y/N...!” Yin Zhen looked in horror at the wound that kept bleeding and bleeding, staining the green material of her beautiful dress. “This all began when you wanted to punish me with A Zhang of Redness. My hair is red. The Plum blossoms are red. My spilled blood was red as well. Now, it’s your turn. All three of you, I punish you with a Zhang of Redness, and should you live, I will take away all your titles and riches. Hopefully, you will see what I felt when I realised that death would be a blessing, rather than living. Enjoy your lives as paralysed traitors, you three.” despite the single tear straying down her face, Y/N’s eyes were cold and merciless, at least just for then, as hearing her little sisters scream, sob and plea for her to have mercy on them and forgive them was something that unavoidably crushed her, but there was nothing she could do about it anymore. “Every day with you is like watching a dramatic tragedy at the opera.” the prince sighed, picking her up carefully and bringing her to his palace, so the physicians would tend to her wound. “Isn’t my life a tragedy enough as it is, without you having to remind me?” she scoffed, turning away from him. “It won’t be anymore, my dear. I promise you.” and with that, Yin Zhen embraced Y/N once again, taking away all her sorrows, at least for the night, and many more other nights.
~~~ I also have a Sad Ending, read at your own risk. If I were you, I wouldn’t read it, but we all know how some need angst to live ~~~
But years passed faster than the blink of an eye, and as the norm asked for, problems still surrounded everyone in the Palace, since it wouldn’t be the Imperial Court otherwise.
It was needless to say was still mourning not having her sisters around anymore, as one of them died, while the other remained paralysed in the Cold Palace, and as soon as her father came by to sell his Western products and found out the fate of his children, he blamed Y/N for being heartless and bringing dishonor to their family by being the complete opposite of what a woman should be.
And so...They weren’t so young anymore, but double the age from when they met, and Yin Zhen now became Emperor Yongzheng, and Y/N was his Empress, just as promised.
At first, he was loyal to his vow - No matter who he’d be forced to visit for the night, he’d still return to her and hold her in his arms until the light of morning creeped through the windows, waking them up, but time is a feeble enemy, and words are easily forgotten.
Daily, became Weekly, just like Weekly, became Monthly.
He would barely come by to visit, let alone spend the night with her, and meals together were as scarce as trustworthy people in the palace.
Every day, she was forced to wake up and get ready to welcome all the concubines who had to pay their respects to her, only to be mocked for not being the Emperor’s favourite anymore.
It wasn’t like she couldn’t complain too much to the Dowager, as she already tried to remind her Son multiple times not to forget and neglect his own Empress, his own wife and beloved for so many ages, and yet, it only worked for a little time, and so, realising how she was being problematic to everyone by complaining about her loneliness, only to get shut down and reminded that that is the fate of any woman...
A woman, more alone now than ever before.
She would often go out to the special places she shared with Yin Zhen, often lost in thought, as memories kept flooding her mind and damaging her heart, only to realise that no matter how much she’d try to keep herself busy, her mind would still fly over to him.
She would try to practice the flute and zither from dusk till dawn, and even to the latest hours in the night, only for him not to even remember she could play, and asking the younger, pretties concubines to play, at all banquets held.
She would practice all kinds of intricate dances, wearing the flowiest of dresses that looked like the river, only to hear that she should settle for clothing fit for her age, and see him dancing with other women in the light of the moon.
She would sew random brocades and threads in whatever piece of garment she could think of, only to then throw it in the fire in frustration, knowing he hasn’t worn anything she’s made for him lately.
She would practice calligraphy until the candles were almost burnt and her eyes were burning from the sleep depravation and straining, only to rip the books apart, noticing the tears, smudges and shakiness on the pages.
For a while, she refused to leave her palace completely, only to realise her thoughts were much darker when alone, so she would walk through the secluded gardens and weep on the now deserted swing from the Peach Garden.
No matter how much she tried, her poor maid, Shi Lian, could never make her happy again, for the only one who can mend a broken heart is the one who threw it to the ground in the first place, but he was too busy with others, and Shi Lian was so angry at the Emperor, pitying the poor woman, especially since she, herself, was married and with children.
But she was happy, and Y/N was at least happy for her good fortune. At least she, her only friend, deserves to be happy.
On one winter day, the Emperor held a banquet, declaring that a famous Zither player would entertain them, and as customs said, the Empress must, too, attend, but big was her shock when she recognised that beautiful and otherwise stoic man with silver hair, whose emotions coloured the worlds while playing the instrument, and she couldn’t help but cry when she heard ‘Autumn Moon over the Han Palace’ and ‘Plum-Blossoms in Three Movements’ , songs which reminded her of her younger self, and the time he started courting her, before she chose duty over happiness and entered the Palace.
What a foolish decision. Instead of living for herself, she always lived for others, which only caused her sorrow and misfortune. Maybe she deserves it, and this is her karma for being such an idiot.
After the banquet was ready, she went to talk to the musician alone, who clearly recognised her as soon as he first laid his eyes upon her still beautiful face.
“Not even time can destroy such beauty. My heart is happy seeing you again, Y/N. And I see you became the Empress.” JiKang spoke, his voice warmer now than with anyone else. “Time is cruel, for it destroys words and promises. I am an Empress over nothing but the ashes of my own heart and the disrespect I receive from everyone. You, however, seem to be thriving as usual. I can only guess how many places you’ve visited thus far, and how much you’ve learned over the years. I truly envy you.” she spoke with sorrow and helplessness. “Women are forced to choose duty over themselves. If you, however, wish to defy all laws, my offer still stands.” he spoke, taking her hands in his, rubbing them comfortingly. “If I could turn back time, I would give up everything, just to be with you. To be free. To have someone who wouldn’t lie to me for decades and then forget I exist. I only wished to learn, love, and be happy...But I suppose I was too greedy to even dare wish for good fortune on myself. Which is why, I cannot leave without first talking to the Emperor. If I leave without another word, he would hunt me down, and kill you, above all else, and that is not something that I would ever wish for. I will tell him to fake my death and get another Empress. If he accepts, I will come with you. If not...Then...” she trailed on, sighing, without having the strength to utter those dreaded words. “Then, I will return to you another time and play songs, to mend your heart.” the Zither player promised, only for a brief silence to take over, as her green eyes, once full of life, like the evergreen forest, were as dead as the ashes of a pine tree. “...There will be no next time.” her sentence was coded, but him, as an emotional person, was the one who understood her the best. “Then I shall create a score and play the ‘Requiem for God’s Caged Bird’ and ‘The Lovely Fox Spirit and The Wavering Dragon’ in your honour, wherever I go.” was his last promise to her, as he watched her small form become no more in front of his very eyes.
And it was true, he never saw her, for the discussion between the Emperor and the Empress went as bad as it could get, even going as far as to strike her face, which reminded her of yet another promise that he broke. It should be all of them, by now, she thought, as she looked at him with an exhausted expression.
“You promised me so many things, and in the end, you broke all of them. Thank you, my darling Yin Zhen, for reminding me that I’ve been nothing more than your caged song bird that you forgot and threw in another room, in cold and darkness, to slowly starve and die in agony. The least you could have done was to fake my death and let me be happy, for the few years that I had left on this world. But, of course, nobody from your collection can escape, can they? Next time, I would suggest Zhen Huan, she is a lovely girl, and you love her the most, and in turn, she truly loves you. Just...Make sure not to treat her the same way you did with me...Goodbye, my beloved Yin Zhen. I truly loved you...And I still do.” she spoke...And then she left, not giving him the chance to say another word.
But that all happened during day light, as the next night, the true banquet would take place, to celebrate New Year’s Day, and JiKang would play once again.  And she wasn’t there, just as he’d expected. And he played more beautifully, more emotionally, than he ever did in his entire life, showing how much he cherished her, and how angry and frustrated he is with the Emperor took her away from him, mistreated her, constantly lying and breaking her heart.
“Shi Lian, my dear, why are you still here? You should be with your family, not with some old, pitiful woman like myself.” Y/N spoke from her writing table as she finished a note, putting her seal over it, and folding it so its contents won’t be seen. “Your Majesty, don’t be silly! I am your maid, I will always be here for you!” she chuckled brightly, which made the Empress give her a sad smile, her heart hurting as if impaled, once again. “Well...I won’t be going to the Banquet tonight, that much is clear. I can hear the beautiful music from over here. Here, take this. Give it to the Emperor’s Head eunuch as fast as possible, and tell him to give it to the Emperor when he wakes up in the morning, otherwise, nobody is allowed to read it, okay?” she said, wiping a few tears. “Yes, Your Majesty, I will hurry there right now!” the maid said, but before she left, the Empress rose to her feet, pulling her into an embrace. “Thank you, Shi Lian. You have been my only friend all this time. Thank you for everything. Now, please, after you’re done with this task, go stay with your family. I will have an early night...I am extremely tired.” she stroked her hair, almost in a motherly way, which confused the maid, but nonetheless, smiled at her master. “No, Master, thank you for being the amazing woman that you are. It’s an honour being by your side!” she bowed slightly, before rushing to the door. “Sweet dreams, Y/N Niangniang!” Shi Lian grinned cheerfully before taking off to the palace. “...I’m sure I will.” Y/N sighed, taking a bag and going to the Plum Garden, wearing nothing but her pyjamas.
She sat down on the soft grass, ignoring the cold that was paralysing her senses, and she took out the bottle of red wine, pouring herself a cup, before letting it spill on the ground. Then, she took a sachet, pouring its powdery contents into the bottle, and started rapidly gulping it down, letting the burning sensation in her throat be the only warm part in her body.  When the bottle was finally empty, she put it back in the bag, taking out a beautifully engraved vertical jade flute, that Yin Zhen gifted her after winning the competition where he played the zither, against the Princess of Western Liang, and so, she let all her emotions flow and be scattered all over China, through the wind, propelled by the sound of the instrument, all while the snowflakes were beautifully dancing around her, creating different accessories embellished with ice, that would set down on her, making her look like a Snow Empress.
If it weren’t for the tragic truth, she would look almost ethereal - With her white face, and white nightgown, the white decor, the green eyes and flute...The red hair, the red wine, the red plum blossoms...And the red blood.
She played and wept until she couldn’t feel her fingers anymore, not her frozen lips, as the flute fell from her hands and she let herself sit back on the bed of snow, looking up at the sky, just as she did, over 20 years ago.
Her death was tragically beautiful, just as she said back then.
“I should just go end myself with some wine, out in the Plum Garden. It would be a very fitting end with no pain. Very beautiful...Maybe some music would have made it perfect.” that’s what she said, long ago, and remembering her own words, she let darkness take over her, greeting it with a smile on her face - A smile, after decades of weeping.
A true smile.
The next morning, the Emperor woke up, with the beautiful Zhen Huan by his side, and his Head Eunuch waiting for him for any command. 
“Your Majesty, the Empress’ maid came by yesterday, saying that Her Majesty instructed her that you should be reading this now, in the morning, as you’ve waken up. She said she doesn’t know what it contains, as Her Majesty was secretive, but she said Her Majesty was behaving a bit...Odd.” the Eunuch explained the situation, as the Emperor, nodded with a grunt of approval, taking and unfolding the scroll that was neatly written in her beautiful calligraphy.
My Darling Yin Zhen,
To think that this is what time had in store for us...It’s almost pitiful to think that we would grow apart like this, considering how close we used to be at the beginning, when you were still a Prince, and we didn’t have any real worries on our shoulders.
Now, here we are, the same way we promised we would never become - Enstranged.
I missed you so much, every day and every night - I would always look at you, and see you, yet you never spared a glance my way anymore.
Saying that I used to be jealous is an understatement, I warned you of that before I even accepted to be with you, yet I never imagined that this would become beyond that, and that I would die of a broken heart, for my missing beloved.
Every day, I would count the promises and vows you made for me, and every day, I would cross them, one by one, and crush a flower in my hands, for every broken one, until there was nothing left.
You promised you would love me, and only me, but as soon as the Palace became flooded with gorgeous concubines, all yours to take, your heart forgot me, and it split all its love to all the women that you shared your bed with, and so, I crushed a Lotus flower.
Your promised you would always hold me in your arms at night, no matter of the woman you’d have to do your Imperial Duty with, and yet, it didn’t take long for you to remember that my bed was made for the both of us, and so, I crushed a Cherry blossom.
You promised you will always tease me, flick my forehead and pinch my cheeks, then kiss them, only for you to cast cold eyes at me whenever I spoke or did something silly, letting the Consort or Dowager deal with me, while you would play and to the same things you used to do with me, with other women, and so, I crushed a Plum blossom.
You used to compliment me on all my small achievements, no matter how silly or insignificant they were, but now, you gave away all the clothes I sew you, all the snacks, cakes and tea I would make you, and all the accessories I would spend days and night to make, and so, I crushed a Begonia flower.
You used to point out how my eyes were sparkling with life and joy whenever I was around you, and how all colours looked amazing on me, you said I was the Empress of Flowers, and yet, ever since you became Emperor, only dark eyes sparkle with happiness around you, and you said I should wear clothes for my age and stop fooling around, and so, I crushed a Peony.
You used to always accompany me whenever I played music, we even beat the Princess of Western Liang together, I with the flute, that you later gifted me, and you with the zither, and after that, you even gifted me that amazing Liang hair ornament...Only for you to forget that I can play musical instruments too, and only let the younger girls perform for you, and so, I crushed a Chrysanthemum.
You used to kiss me with so much love and passion, warming up and mending by broken, frozen heart, as you promised nothing in this life would ever hurt me again, and I would never be alone, and yet, you are the one who completely crushed me, forgetting about me, as if I was some ugly, ragged old doll, thrown away and forgotten by time and life, and so, I crushed a Camellia.
You used to be my confidante, my best and only friend, we trusted each other with all our secrets and gossips, and only each other, and yet, you completely stopped talking to me, making other confidantes now, and here I am, having no one but my maid to talk with, as my last living sister hates me eternally, and rightfully so, and so, I crushed a Narcissus.
You used to take me out at midnight and dance under the veil of stars, under the healing, guarding, loving light of Mother Moon, and we would confess our undying love for each other, and yet, nothing is eternal, and your love for me extinguished like the fire from a candle, and reignited on many other candles, and so, I crushed an Azalea.
But most importantly...
You promised that, no matter what, our hearts will always belong to each other, and nobody else - I kept my end of the promise, but you broke it as soon as you took the throne, and I watched you run further and further away from me, while I was wilting away, exhausted, starving, alone...And so...I crushed a thorny Rose...And let the blood spill on the pure snow...The same pure snow that was my life and innocence which you tainted with your negligence and lies.
The least you could have done was to let me live, at least for now, but it is as you once said - ‘Don’t look at other men, don’t leave me. You are mine, and you can only be mine’ - such an innocent phrase, that only applied to you, not to me, as I had to share you with countless women, yet you didn’t even let me tug on the last string of hope that coincidentally found itself in front of me. 
It was a mirage, just like the happiness you promised me, and no matter how much I tried to run, the image became further and further distant, until my legs gave up, and I began crawling...And crawling...Until it disappeared completely, and I lay grieving on the deserted snow, warmer than your own ice-cold heart.
I should have chosen happiness over duty - I should have eloped with JiKang back then, before I chose to honour everyone and come into the Palace, but that was my biggest mistake, and my greatest downfall - I met you, and as soon as I looked into your eyes, I was trapped.
I was truly nothing more than your caged songbird, and once you got tired of my song, you threw away the key, and my cage in some forgotten chamber, scary, away from any form of life, darker and colder than anything, even Hell.
But it’s fine.
In the end, if it wasn’t true for you, it was true for me, and on my last seconds alive, as I lay on the blanket of snow, just as I told you back then, listening to my own Requiem being played at the Banquet, I count the falling snowflakes, and with each of them, I would think of a beautiful moment that we shared together, and my heart, despite being shattered, smiled, after ages of forgetting how to.
I am happy, at least now, as I lay dying, knowing that I will finally see my beloved Yin Zhen again, as you took him away from me - You, Emperor Yongzheng, destroyed the love between me, Y/N, a simple physician, and Yin Zhen, the 4th Prince, who truly loved me with all of his heart, and I, in turn, loved him with every fiber of my very being.
I blame you, Emperor Yongzheng, for taking my beloved away from me, and taking my youth and heart and locking them in a cell, but at least now, I know that I can be happy, with him, my beautiful, sweet, lovely Yin Zhen, my husband, best friend and confidante.
The only person who was ever by my side all this time has been my maid, Shi Lian - And as a thank you, I want to promote her to Lady Yongqing, and all my riches go to her - I wish you only the best, and I hope, my dear Shi Lian, that you will be happy for me as well.
In the end, I was never Wu Zetian, or Hua Mulan, nor Diaochan or Yang Gufei - I was just Y/N, a pitiful Physician, a pitiful Empress, and, above all, a sad woman, trapped in a hopeless world of sorrow.
Y/N, the Female Imperial Physician.
Reading that, the Emperor didn’t realise that tears were escaping from his eyes, as he rushed out of the room, making his way to the Plum Garden, only to find the woman he loved with all his being dead, covered by snow, her skin paler than ice itself, and a red stain where her head was - Wine, replicating the incident many years ago.  Next to her, lay the flute he gifted her long ago, and he realised that she was playing her sorrows until the very end. He discovered the wine bottle and poison sachet in the bag, the very bag that she used to steal the incriminatory objects from the consort long ago, and on the snow, he saw a phrase written, one so ironic, yet painful beyond belief.
“A Zhang of Redness”
In the end, she was right - It all began and ended with A Zhang of Redness.
He was, once again, Yin Zhen, the man hopelessly in love, and hopelessly crushed, as he held her in his arms and wept, the salty droplets of water falling down her face in rivers, and in that moment, he couldn’t help but have flashbacks from his youth, all of them, with her by his side.
He truly was the worst, being capable of neglecting the one person he held in higher esteem than Buddha himself, and yet, he let this happen.
How could he let this happen? Why did he do something like this? Did the title of Emperor really get to his head like that? Did he truly forget who he was all this time? Was he, maybe, the one trapped in a false world, away from any exits or escapes?
He didn’t know, and yet, one thing was sure - Y/N was dead, and there was no bringing her back.
At her funeral, he invited JiKang to play, and the Emperor could feel the musician’s own heart throbbing in sorrow, as he looked at her with empty eyes, and yet, the pity and anger he felt was obvious from the way he played.
As night came, and they all lit lanterns to float into the skies, and put candles on lotus flowers, to light up her way to a better, more beautiful world, the two men remained alone, only sadness linking them.
“What were the songs that you played?” the Emperor asked in a low voice. “Songs that I promised I would play in her honour, the last time we talked. I knew what she was going to do, and yet, knowing that she killed herself when I played for her - And more - that she, herself, played, makes my heart ache even more.  ‘Requiem for God’s Caged Bird’ and ‘The Lovely Fox Spirit and The Wavering Dragon’  were the name of the songs.” the musician replied with a certain harsh coldness that resembled a blizzard. “I see...Very fitting indeed.” he grunted in approval hearing his statement. “You are the cruelest man alive. Instead of taking care of her, you let her die. You didn’t even give her a second chance of living. You were desperate to possess everything and everyone. To have everything under your control. So much that you don’t even notice, nor care, that the most beautiful flower wilted in your very own hands. You should be ashamed of yourself, to even call yourself an Emperor. You never deserved her, that much, is clear to me.” JiKang glared at the Emperor, not caring for any kind of repercussion. “You are correct. I never deserved her. I loved her more than anything in this world, and yet, I destroyed everything for her, and now, she is no more. She shares the same fate as all the Four Beauties of China - A most tragic end, for all of them. And the worst is that she needed to die in order for me to wake up, and now, I can’t even make it up to her. Honouring her after death means nothing, if I didn’t while she was alive. It changes nothing.” the Emperor sighed deeply, looking at the stars, the ones she loved so much, and would count together from the top of the flowery hill. “That star right there - It used to be our star. Whenever we’d go to the hill together, we’d search for it. It was our guardian star. It was the brightest, and most beautiful. And now, it seems to be be even brighter...Just like that tale of the Rabbit Moon Goddess.” “...At least bother remembering her after death, if you couldn’t do it while she was alive.” the musician left the Emperor to his own thoughts. “I am sorry, my darling Y/N. I love you. Forever. Endlessly. Only you.” the Emperor muttered, staring at the star, allowing himself to mourn properly now, away from anyone’s eyes.
The Palace of Blue Lotus became her shrine, filled with flowers and beautifully written poems, and guarding it, a statue of her, and a statue of a nine tailed fox, a Huli jing, were standing there, letting offerings of flower crowns, jewelleries, jades and trinkets be placed around and all over them, to honour her kind, beautiful heart, as it should have happened while she was alive.
As promised, the Emperor promoted Shi Lian, but to the title of Lady Shuyu, just like Y/N once was, and offered her a huge allowance, almost the size of an Empress, hoping that it would make Y/N happy beyond life...Yet seeing the maid grieving, her face pink and puffy, no longer cheerful, hurt him beyond belief, as he was reminded of the sins he committed.
And so, once again, he had to pink new concubines for his unfortunate Harem, along with his new Empress, Zhen Huan, just as Y/N said...And there she was, a beautiful young woman, full of life and hope, obviously not wanting to become a slave to him, so he interrogated him, just as he did with Y/N, long ago. This time, his brother, Duke Guo, a free soul seeking his soulmate, was by his side.
The Emperor ordered for a zither to be brought forth for the woman to play, and as soon as she did, his brother joined in, accompanying her in perfect sync, and just as it happened to him long ago, their eyes were trapping each other in a beautiful enchantment of love and bashfulness.
Please, Gods, let them be what I and Y/N couldn’t be, Yin Zhen begged in his heart, watching those two shyly exchanging looks.
“I know you never wanted to serve me as a concubine. You very much resemble my wife, the late Empress Y/N. If you were to join the harem, your heart will be destroyed. That is why...If you would want to, I will allow you to marry any man you fall in love with, even if it is my own brother, Duke Guo. He always preached about wanting to find the his soulmate, and you two look at each other the same way I and Y/N would, long ago. Don’t waste this love on stupid things, like I did. Cherish it, and keep your promises to each other. You never know when life snatches away your happiness, leaving only emptiness and sorrow behind.” Yin Zhen looked at them, his heart conflicted, feeling both happiness and sadness, as the man and woman in front of him appeared to be just another version of himself and Y/N.
He couldn’t see the girl, nor his brother.
He could only see a beautiful red haired woman with green eyes, flowers in her long, cascading hair, and her gorgeous green gown, looking like a Fox Spirit, or a Lotus...And a man, gazing at her lovingly, wearing vibrant gold, his expression soft, despite the deep, dark eyes, that now held love, warmth and tenderness in them.
It wasn’t some random girl and some random boy.
It was Y/N and Yin Zhen.
And then he wept once again for their lost love.
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urlocalbunny · 3 years
.bondage - vladimir.
Vladimir was looking. His eyes almost wouldn't budge, yet the questions were aching on his head. Eloise was sitting on top of a big rock, feet rocking back and forth. The girl had some wildflowers on her hands, and she was tangling them around. Ethan was sitting a little further on the floor, not too close to her. They both agreed that they could use some alone time since they became a couple, and Eloise would usually hang out with some of the other boys. She was even making the doctor warm up! He said he found her tolerable, so he called her to fetch some herbs with him. However, what Eloise liked the most was to do some crafting. She always came up with something. Once, she even braided Beliath's hair. He was envious. He was still dumb, of course, but he looked stunning. That was the beginning of the inner doubts his head was creating.
Vladimir found something strange sitting on her bed when she'd asked for a "sheet on top of the bed" for a paper lantern she made for her balcony, and he got the wrong one. It was simple to understand what he saw in the paper, yet he felt the shock and embarrassment creep, making him sit on the bed. When she called, he put it in his pocket and grabbed the right one, rushing outside.
He knew he should just read because, for some reason, he could never lie to her, and she didn't like him sitting idly to give her space. But she was just so cute, and now that he saw the paper, he couldn't stop watching her. He let air slip through his nose in amusement as she walked up to Ethan, who was watching the moon, the little happy bounce on her step he'd grown used to making his smile grow faintly. Ethan facepalms when she puts the flower crown on his head and starts jumping around, making him snort. A noise of someone clearing their throat, however, pulled him out of the funny scene.
"I am sorry. Did I bother you?" Raphael giggles at his question.
"Worry not. I can sense your happiness. It does not match the book you said you were reading just now. Perhaps, you are engrossed in yet another story?"
"I don't like your good perception sometimes." Another small giggle from his friend.
"It does not take much thinking to see your heart. I have never seen anyone on this manor sitting on the desk to look at the window."
Vladimir jumped down, shock written across his face. Raphael laughed this time, going back to his book. He left, saying he wouldn't be able to read. Holding his hot and most likely red cheeks, he stepped up the stairs to his room, not caring about his cane he left on the chair.
He sat on the bed, face flushed. He got rid of the coat and sat there thinking about Eloise. His face was red when he looked at a mirror. Soon enough, she seemed to be looking for him. He could hear the pitter-patter of the shoes, her labored breath, the way her eyes looked for him on the way. Maybe he was overthinking. Eloise was too sweet to do something like this. But maybe? No, just wishful thinking.
"Vlad!" She swung the door open, walking comically with her arms folded in front of her to show strength. He already knew she was going to make one of her "married man" jokes. "Where's my dinner, woman?!"
"Can you not knock?" He asked, smiling at her. She shrugged and closed the door, sitting close to him. "So rude..." He caressed her head with the tips of his fingers, inspecting her hair. When she stared, he averted his gaze, smiling to himself. She giggled, arms circling his neck and smelling his perfume.
"You smell good."
"What is it, baby? Don't like it when I compliment you?"
Ah, there she went, making his legs squirm together again. He had this weak spot for her touch and the things she said.
"I like it. But now I want you to pay attention to what I'm going to ask."
His teeth grazed on her earlobe, biting not long after. Vladimir whispered in her ear, then.
"I want to play with you a little. Consider this a little crafting that I need your help to make. Can I, baby?"
Eloise blinked at his word usage, the pet name lingering in her head.
"I got it from you. So?"
"Yes, of course! I love crafting! What are we going to do? A portrait? Maybe embroidery?"
"Hmm, not quite." The blonde rummaged through the drawers, pulling a big, red rope and a piece of paper. "Let's see... Can you tell me what this is?"
"What is it?" She extended her hands, but Vladimir swiped his own away, showing her the paper instead. Eloise gasped, looked at the sheet, and then him frantically, then she covered her now red face. "How did you find this?!"
"You told me to get paper, but this was on top of what I needed to see... Did you plan this?"
"No! Give that back!"
"Alright." he put the sheet in her hand, "But you could tell me what this is about."
"Hmmm, I like bondage, okay?!" He put a hand on his lips to keep them closed. "And um- I might train on myself because I don't have anyone to do it for me! Is there a problem with that, huh?!"
He chuckled darkly, looming over her smaller figure. "No problem at all, love."
"I know that nickname... Tell me, do you-"
"Like what I hear? Very, very much. It took you long enough to notice what I want. Now stop wasting time and take your clothes off.
"Yes, sir." She started to strip, tossing her dress and lingerie on the bed. Vladimir looked at the paper, then began his task. She was quiet when he tied her hands and made quick work of her wrists and arms. His silence was driving her crazy. She wanted to pounce on him, but at the same time, the excitement of finally having someone tying her up was making her buzz, so she stood still. His hands traveled around, squeezing her hips and pressing a kiss against her lips.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, sir."
"That is a good pet."
He began to touch her chest, ropes squeezing and settling against her skin, not too much, but not loose either. Her eyes watched him, looking down before he met her gaze. Her boobs popped out, nipples hardening under his not so subtle and unnecessary kneading. Eloise began rubbing her thighs, letting small moans leave her mouth. Vladimir kept working through, securing the ropes on her waist and hips, then passing them through her legs, around her womanhood. He tied the final knot, looking at her form.
"Sir. It's fine already. Can you untie me?"
"Why should I?" He snorted.
"I want to touch you... Please."
"I fear this won't happen, love. Go. Sit on the desk."
Her feet padded on the floor when she sat on the empty top. Vladimir sighed, opening her legs and watching her face intensely.
"Now, stay with your knees in the corner, and don't you dare move." He tied her calves to the table legs. Eloise was motionless, legs open. His eyes watched her figure between the red ropes. Her legs were shaking slightly, her folds wet, but what mattered was her embarrassed face.
"Do you feel bad now?"
"Um- I..."
"Can't even cover your face... My poor Eloise." She whimpered, shaking herself. "Want me to make you feel good?" She nodded fervently, wiggling her hips ever so slightly. He stepped closer to her, placing himself between her legs. She whimpered a plea, but he just ignored her, unbuttoning his shirt and letting his hair down. She sighed, grinding her core against the table. "Don't you dare keep going, or I'm pulling the whip out. Do you want that?" She stopped, startled.
"No, Sir. Please fuck me. I'll be good."
His cock throbbed. Did Eloise like fucking him this much that she stopped being so bubbly at the smallest threat?
Oh, was he going to give her what she wanted. He sprung free of his pants, reaching for her clit.
"No, sir!" She cried out. "please, do it raw. I'm begging. It hurts."
He couldn't even think for himself before his cock was buried deep within her dripping pussy. Her cry of victory made him begin thrusting fast, feeling how she clamped around him. Her eyes rolled back, tits bouncing between the ropes. His hand shot up, pinching her nipple. She tried her best to wiggle her hips to no use, but her filthy mouth made him snap his hips against her further.
"Yes, sir, please use me!" Her eyes rolled back, red in the face and neck. Vladimir moaned, feeling his neglected dick throbbing inside her. She was so soft, squeezed him so good. He couldn't stop even after he felt the spurts coating her insides. She was curling her toes, and the desk kept slamming against the wall.
"I am not stopping until you are crying, love."
"Please, Vladimir, please!" He growled.
"What was that?!"
"Hmm, "Sir" could be anyone. Only you could fuck me t-this good." She whimpered, throwing her head back and sobbing pitifully. Her legs trembled, her heady moans suddenly came to a halt when he pinched her clit in approval. He knew she was trying to trash around, but the ropes were tied well. His cock was already overstimulated, so all it took was her pussy clenching wildly around him to have him cumming again, hips violently bucking into her, then stilling. He pulled out, fingers now toying with her clit.
"Sir, too much." He chuckled, pants coming out of his lips.
"You have a safe word. I think I said until you are crying. Just a few tears won't do. I am going to use you how you like it."
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eryiss · 3 years
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Summary: Freed and Gajeel were total opposites in every way, only connected by the guild. When they were forced to train together under Makarov's orders, they expected antagonism and mistrust. Instead, they were given a lesson in how quickly opposition can turn to attraction. The issue: let the budding relationship simmer away, or let it explode. [Freed x Gajeel Multi-chapter]
Notes: Hey everyone, welcome to the last chapter. Thank you so much for reading through this. I know it’s a crack ship and not everyone’s cup of tea, but I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you all enjoyed it :)
Links: FFN, Ao3, Chapter List
Chapter Ten - Moving Forward
Two Weeks Later
"You feelin' okay?"
That was a loaded question, and one Freed wasn't yet ready to deal with. He and Gajeel were walking from the guildhall infirmary side by side, the first time that Freed had been outside since his demon had left him. It was mid morning and an entirely pleasant day, and Freed found himself angry at the sun beating down on them both. If it were raining or stormy then at least it would feel appropriate for his mood.
A cane. For the rest of his life, he would need a cane.
In terms of a mage's possible injuries, ending up with a cane wasn't much to complain about. People had been killed, mutilated and injured beyond recovery, so having to walk with a cane was hardly the worst that could happen. But every time he thought about it, Freed could only see a future limited by a piece of wood he would need to lean on.
The demon, it seemed, wasn't only eating away at his soul. It had slowly been sapping away at his energy both physical and magical, and the effect was more physical than Porlyiusca had thought. Porlyusica had said that, though she didn't know how long it would take, the demon would have eventually started to make Freed wither if it had been left to stay inside of him. The issue had been that, as the demon was being dragged from his soul, it's influence had exploded and affected Freed greatly, particularly in his lower right leg.
Porlyusica had said the influence had been like an ocean, slowly wearing away the coast. But as the demon was taken, it had turned into a tsunami.
He had been assured that the injury wasn't life threatening, and it was something that he could more-or-less get passed. Eventually, he would manage to bring the strength back to his leg, and when that happened the cane would only be a precaution for the occasional moments where the injury flared back up. Apparently he would be able to work as a mage again once the recovery began, though would have to change his fighting styles and work back up to the missions he had been taking.
Maybe he should be thankful that he would be able to continue working at all. He wasn't.
"Conflicted," Freed eventually said, walking beside Gajeel and determined to keep pace with him despite the unfamiliarity of the cane. "I'm glad you're here, though. Thank you."
"I wasn't gonna be anywhere else," Gajeel said firmly, and that was something of a consolation.
There was a lull in the conversation, and Freed knew what it was. Gajeel couldn't think of anything to say, because there was nothing that he could say to make the situation any better. No doubt, Gajeel knew that Freed wasn't fond of pity, and a lot of what a person might say in the situation might be seen as pitying, and so Gajeel was probably remaining quiet. Freed hoped this wasn't going to be a sign of things to come.
As if reading his thoughts, Gajeel suddenly perked up and looked at Freed with a mischievous smile. It was forced, but Freed didn't want to linger on that and so pushed it to the side and quirked up an eyebrow in a question.
"The stripper and the puppeteer are making Sparky and the flirt do their punishment this week," Gajeel said, and Freed laughed a little. "You wanna see them makin' asses out of themselves while being ordered around by two assholes."
"They actually went through with the butler idea?" Freed chuckled.
"Yeah. Even the thing about them being in their underwear and everything," Gajeel grinned, and maybe he was just happy to hear Freed amused. The last few weeks, he had been downcast at the best of times. "Even made sparky wear bunny ears. Though he was gonna fry all of us with how pissed off he looked. We were all laughin' pretty damn hard,"
"He takes bets seriously," Freed smiled. This topic, as stupid as it was, was a welcome distraction. "Are you sure you wish for me to see my ex in such a state of undress."
"Fuck yeah i do," Gajeel grinned. "You see him, then you see me and realise how much better you are now."
"So you intended to strip off too?" Freed probed. "I am being spoiled."
"Anythin' for my prince," Gajeel said.
Prince. Gajeel had been calling Freed that a lot over the last few weeks, and it always made him blush just a little. There was something so honest about the way he said it, as if Freed really were a man of importance to him as well as being someone to be revered. Freed wasn't the type of man to need complete adoration from a partener, but the fact Gajeel was so unquestioningly open about his reverence for him made Freed delighted. It was certainly better than city-boy, too.
And when he said he would do anything for Freed, it sounded like he meant it. Not just in the sense that he would do anything to make Freed's life easier now that this had happened. No, it felt like Gajeel was naturally happy to do things for Freed because he wanted to. Freed felt the same as Gajeel in that respect; he would do anything for him.
"I think maybe I'd like to go home for tonight," Freed eventually said, and Gajeel nodded.
"Thought you might," He said. "Don't worry about groceries or anything, I sorted 'em out. Spoke to yer team, so I've got everything you normally have, I think. Might make a cottage pie for dinner, Sparky said you like 'em. And I went to that bakery downtown and got you a banoffee pie for dessert."
And with a few statements, Gajeel had gotten Freed to cry.
The man who, less than a month ago, had been nothing more than a tedious acquaintance of Freed's was now somehow one of the most treasured people in his life. Because how could he not be? How could Freed not be entirely enamoured by a man like Gajeel? A man who had visited Freed every day in the infirmary, even sneaking in some nights despite rules saying he shouldn't. A man who, despite being known for his antisocial nature, had spoken to Freed's team to find out what he liked and what he did when the world was getting on top of him. A man who knew that something so trivial and comparatively not important as an empty fridge would be Freed's first thought after what had happened.
Gajeel noticed his sudden emotion and turned immediately. He looked at Freed with such open concern on his face, cupping Freed's cheeks with his large and calloused hands so carefully that Freed might swoon. Damn this brute of a man and his hidden fragility.
"It'll get better," Gajeel whispered. "I know it's shit now, and I ain't gonna tell ya how to feel 'cause that'd be shitty of me, but you'll get past it. Yer Freed fucking Justine, remember."
"I know," Freed chuckled, blinking a few times to cut off the tears. "Thank you."
"I ain't gonna let you do this alone, neither," Gajeel kept on. "Anythin' you need, anytime, I'm gonna do it for you. And you know you've got a whole guild full of people who'll do exactly the same. You'll get through it."
"I will," Freed whispered, and smiled at Gajeel. "You're too good to me."
"Like hell I am," Gajeel argued. "Now move yer ass. I wanna get in that damn bed of yours again. Mine feels shitty after havin' yours and yer runes would only let me in when I was bringing groceries."
Freed laughed at that. Gajeel certainly wasn't going to be treating him like glass. Good.
They walked down the streets of Magnolia side by side. For the most part it seemed normal, and on the few occasions where Freed's grasp on the cane wavered, or his leg buckled under him, Gajeel would help him back to being stable, held him while he walked for a few steps, and then acted like nothing had happened. Respectful, unpatronising, but there for him.
Gajeel was going to be there for him, and at that moment that was all Freed needed.
One Month Later
"Come on Prince," Gajeel yelled. "Nearly there, baby. Yer so close."
Gajeel was clapping as a form of motivation, standing on the side of the lake. He and Freed were in the forest that their relationship had begun in, having spent the night camping under the stars. The morning was a brisk and cold one, but Gajeel didn't care, as he watched his boyfriend keenly and with a ridiculous grin across his face.
Freed was so close. He was so close to getting there and Gajeel was so damn proud of him.
The couple had spoken at length about how Freed was going to move past his injury, and Freed had been adamant that he wanted to be as fit as he could and return to his missions as soon as he could. While Gajeel had been a little hesitant, he had worked with Freed on how they would accomplish that, and they had settled on building up his leg's muscle in small bursts. They would make goals for Freed to accomplish, and once he had accomplished one, he would move onto something more strenuous.
Swimming the entire length of the lake was the first goal. Although swimming didn't rely too heavily on his leg muscle, it kept it moving and put some on some burn. Multiple times a week they would get to the forest, and Freed would attempt it. So far, Gajeel had needed to dive in after and help him.
But this time, it looked different.
Freed was getting closer and closer to the shoreline and Gajeel could feel that this was the one. Finally Freed was going to get to the other end of the lake without any assistance. The water parted with each swift motion, and Gajeel was grinning from ear to ear as his boyfriend got closer.
"You can do this baby," He yelled again. "Yer fucking amazing. Yer so close."
Maybe Freed heard, because he seemed to speed up. As he approached the shoreline, Gajeel picked up his cane and rushed to where Freed was going to end up. He was going to do it! He was going to make it.
The moment Freed's hand hit the side of the lake, he removed his head from under the water. A look of shock turned to something close to joy, and Gajeel relished every second of it. To see the man he loved so happy, so proud of himself, was tremendous. Better still, Freed pushed himself out of the lake with no assistance, perhaps on an adrenaline high, and managed to stand up. It was wobbly, and he reached for his cane the moment it was within reach so he could prop himself up on it, but the fact he could do that after pushing his body so hard in swimming was incredible.
"Shit," Gajeel grinned. "You fucking-"
He was cut off when Freed grabbed Gajeel by the collar, pulled him down into a strong, passionate kiss. Gajeel stepped into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Freed's waist, not caring for how wet his clothes were going to be. He kissed back with as much passion as he could, because fuck - Freed had done it!
When they pulled apart, Freed had his left hand wrapped around Gajeel's neck. He looked practically giddy at his achievement. Fuck that was a handsome look on Freed, and Gajeel wanted to see it more. He pulled away, looked his man up and down and grinned.
Bastard shouldn't be able to kiss like that while dressed in a speedo.
Only Freed would be able to take the choice to give up sex until he was feeling reovered and turn it into a game where he'd try and turn Gajeel on every chance he got, just to piss him off. Motherfucking tease
"How d'you feel?" He asked, because Freed's health was more important than his arousal. "Nothing hurting too bad?"
"It burns, but like my arms do after lifting weights," Freed said, tentatively raising his right leg and moving it slightly. "But overall, I feel fantastic. Better than I have since everything began, I think."
"I'm glad," Gajeel grinned. "You wanna have some breakfast. Brought some pancake mix from the store if you wanna try it."
"Great," Freed grinned, and began to walk beside Gajeel to where they had set up camp. He looked up towards Gajeel with a spark in his eye that had been missing for some time. It was incredible to see it again. "I want to try and do it again tomorrow, to make sure that it wasn't a fluke. Would you mind sleeping here another night?"
"Of course not," Gajeel said immediately. Freed didn't need to ask.
"Once I'm sure that I can swim the length consistently, I think it makes sense to start working on exercises that focus on my leg, rather than using it as a secondary point of focus," Freed continued, seemingly unaware as Gajeel wrapped a towel around his bare shoulders. "I have a leg press at home which I could use, though perhaps that might be too much too soon. I suppose we can test it, can't we? You wouldn't mind being there, just in case something goes wrong."
"That's fine," Gajeel nodded, grinning at his boyfriend.
"Or perhaps some kind of ankle weights would be better," Freed continued, walking towards their camp as if walking on air. "They're not the most elegant solution, but they would certainly help build up muscle without too much strain. Perhaps you could make some for me, if you found the time of course. Maybe a continuous piece of iron that would snake around my calf, that way the weight would be distributed better around the leg."
"Makes sense," Gajeel said, chuckling. He was fairly sure he wasn't really a part of this conversation Freed was having with himself.
"I did want to start work on making the barn at the back of my property into a gym, but I've kept putting it off," Freed continued. "The space is rather a mess. Maybe the two of us could clean it out together. That would get me moving and help me be physical while using the cane," He then looked up to Gajeel and frowned. "Why are you smiling like that at me?"
"Yer cute when yer scheemin'," Gajeel grinned. "Glad I get to watch it."
Freed looked like he wanted to argue, so Gajeel leant over, pressed a kiss on the crown of his head, and smiled. Things were getting better.
Two Months Later
"Freed, no," Bickslow said firmly. "You can't do this to us."
"Why did you think this was a good idea?" Gray demanded, resting his head in his hands. "You've doomed us all."
"You're all so dramatic," Freed chuckled, leaning back in the chair and moving the wrapped box so it was out of sight again. "And I'm afraid that, when I'm choosing a gift for my boyfriend, I didn't prioritise the opinions of my friends."
"You should have," Evergreen huffed. "This is going to be awful."
The guild's New Years party had been going for hours now, and it had been a fun affair. People had drunk, made fools of themselves, and shared tender moments with their fellow guild members. While Freed hadn't engaged in much of the action, other than beating Max, Loke and Natsu in an arm wrestling contest, he had enjoyed a night of people watching and drinking with his friends and boyfriend.
As the night wore on, The Raijinshuu had flocked to a corner and sat at a table. Not only The Raijinshuu though, as Gajeel, Gray and Elfman were now mainstays of their table. It was odd, how quickly their small group had expanded and how easy these new friendships had been formed. Even Laxus, who had openly shown frustration at the fact he could have to go through the torture of becoming friendly with new people, had managed to find common ground with their new partners, even if he did pretend to be annoyed by their presence.
Or perhaps he was distracted. He and Loke could often be found glancing across at each other in subtle moments. Perhaps being forced to dress as sexy bunny-butlers had brought them together in a way fighting side by side just couldn't.
They were less subtle than Evergreen and Elfman, though. It was frustrating.
At that moment, Gajeel and Laxus had gone to the bar to collect the latest round. Freed had taken the opportunity to have a little fun with everyone else sitting at the table, and told them what his specific gift for Gajeel was. They had been less than pleased when they found out what it was, which only made Freed even more sure he had chosen the correct present.
"Hey," Gajeel said, placing a tray of drinks on the table and kissing Freed atop the head as he passed. "Why does everyone but you look pissy?"
"I told them that we couldn't open our gifts without you and Laxus being here," Freed lied smoothly, ignoring the roll of the eyes from Gray and Bickslow. "They were so enthusiastic to see what we've all got for each other, they didn't want to wait."
"Okay?" Gajeel frowned. "I don't believe ya, but if that's the story yer gonna go with, then I ain't gonna fight ya."
Freed chuckled. Gajeel really could see right through him.
Even though he didn't believe Freed's lie, the group did begin to open the presents they had gotten for each other. Elfman and Evergreen exchanged gifts first, doing so with the maturity of a woman who didn't know how to show off her affection, and the blush of a man who was delighted at even the smallest of compliments. Next, Bickslow and Gray, who had similar minds and had gotten each other gag gifts; Gray had been gifted ten coupons for a night with Bickslow, Bickslow had been gifted a pair of mens lingerie. Even Laxus had been given a gift from an 'anonymous' source, who had gotten him a small pendant shaped like a lion.
They really needed to be more subtle.
When it came to Freed and Gajeel, Gajeel offered his wrapped gift first. The box was long and thin, and Freed looked at it with curiosity as he began to unwrap it. When he looked at Gajeel, the dragon slayer was nervous.
"If you don't like it, that's okay?" Gajeel said, and Freed frowned. "It was kinda risky. So don't feel bad if you wanna change it back."
Not entirely sure what to expect, Freed opened the box. Inside of it was a new walking cane, one made of both wood and metal, a hell of a lot nicer than the one he'd gotten from Porlyusica. For a moment he wondered what Gajeel had been so nervous about, and what he meant by 'change it back', when he saw the handle. Rather than a simple handle, Gajeel had placed the hilt of Freed's sword on top of it.
The sword had been a constant burden for Freed over the past few months. He couldn't use it as his hand was occupied with the cane, so he had been forced to retire it. Looking at it was like a reflection of how much he had lost, and it had gotten so bad that he had put it in the attic and locked it away. Gajeel had apparently found it.
"I know the sword meant a lot to ya, but after what happened it made you feel shitty," Gajeel explained. "But I wanted it to make you feel good. Not something from yer past, but something from yer future."
"It's beautiful," Freed whispered, running his hand over the metal that had once been his hilt.
The sword had been the first thing he had brought with his own money, and the hilt had been the deciding factor over all the other weapons the armory had. For most of his life, it had been his most prized possession. Now, with the hilt attached to something that he could use, rather than something that taunted him with it's past importance, he could look at it with fondness and pride again.
"You sure?" Gajeel asked.
"Yes," Freed said earnestly. "It's perfect."
"You ain't seen everythin' yet," Gajeel was grinning now, and Freed removed it from it's box. "If y' push it into the ground and twist it anti-clockwise, you'll see what else I did."
Freed did as instructed, and heard a small click come from inside the cane. He lifted it up, and a thin blade was revealed to him. He looked at the shining metal with wonderment, and slowly brought the blade towards him. Another sword, more lightweight and agile than his previous blade had been, which worked better for his current state.
"I smelted down the old one and made it from the same metal, so it'll carry all the enchantments you put on it," Gajeel explained. "Thought you'd need one for when you started working again."
"It's perfect," Freed whispered, grinning at the blade. "Thank you so much, Gajeel."
"Happy new year, prince," Gajeel mumbled, pressing his lips against Freed's for a chaste kiss. "Yer gonna kick ass, I know it."
"I certainly intend to," Freed smiled, reaching for his gift to Gajeel. "While I admit it's not as thought out as yours was - I don't think anything could be - I do hope you enjoy what I got you."
Gajeel grinned and began to rip open the present, and everyone at the table who knew what he'd been gifted seemed downtrodden at the thought. Gajeel, however, looked into the large box with sparkling eyes and the biggest, most excited grin on his face. A moment later, he brandished his new electric guitar with anticipation rushing through him. Yes, Freed had definitely gotten him the right gift.
"Holy shit," Gajeel said with an excited laugh. "This is fucking kickass."
"I'm glad you like it," Freed smiled. "I should say, I expect a show."
Everyone groaned, but Gajeel ignored them. "Fuck yeah yer getting a show."
Before leaving, however, Gajeel leant down and pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss that was perhaps too deep for the situation. But with the constant PDA from Gray and Bickslow, the love/hate flirting from Elfman and Evergreen, and whatever the hell Loke and Laxus had between them, Freed felt he was allowed to kiss his boyfriend how he pleased.
"I should say," Freed murmured into Gajeel's ear as he pulled away. "I find musicians very sexy."
"Y' do, huh?" Gajeel grinned, voice a little husky.
"And if a musician were to dedicate a song to me, I could be persuaded to let him do anything at all to me," Freed continued, voice a sexy tease which he hopes would go right down Gajeel's spine. "Including, perhaps allowing him to bind me to my bed with the manicals that he thinks I don't know are hidden in the spare room," Gajeel's breath hitched. "I might let him keep me there all night, even. Though, I suppose, once I was bound, he'd be in complete control of me, so I'd have to do as instructed no matter what."
"Fuck yeah you would," Gajeel growled a little, and Freed smirked.
Once Freed had been recovered enough, the two men had restarted their sex life. Freed was happy both topping and bottoming, but Gajeel had shown himself to enjoy taking the top roll with sadistic glee. Freed had been happy to accommodate, and he'd been beaten and bruised by the man night after night.
"Something to consider before you start," Freed grinned, pulling away from Gajeel's ear to lean back in his seat.
Gajeel walked to the guildhall's stage with purpose, hefting his new guitar and plugging it into the amplifier. It seemed like everyone but Freed was unhappy with this turn of events, but neither man cared. This was for them, and they were going to enjoy themselves.
"I'm gonna dedicate this to my Prince, the hottest motherfucker in this guild," He looked towards Freed with an evil grin. "And this is a warnin' baby. You better be dancin' now, 'cause yer gonna be too fuckin sore to do it tomorrow."
Freed laughed, raised a glass to toast the sentiment, and sat back to watch his boyfriend perform.
Nine Months Later
Gajeel woke up with Freed wrapped up in his arms, and he still smiled at the sight of the sleeping man despite how much he'd seen it.
One year. He'd spent one year with Freed, and enjoyed every damn day of it.
Even if the start had been rocky, both with how they first felt anger towards each other as well as the difficulties Freed was facing with his leg, Gajeel wouldn't have changed a single day. Without their arguments on that first week, then Gajeel couldn't be sure that their passion would have turned into something more beautiful and more important than Gajeel would have ever predicted. And while he would give anything for Freed not to have had to face the demon and all the consequences of its possession, Gajeel was so proud of Freed for fighting through it all and was so glad he could be there to help him.
Now, Freed was a lot better. He was stronger on his feet and his cane was rarely needed, even if he always kept it with him. He could go on missions, both with Gajeel and with his team. While they weren't as action-filled as his previous missions, Freed was relearning his craft and creating a new fighting style that could accommodate his needs.
He was a fucking badass, and Gajeel loved him so much.
Life had changed for Gajeel too. Months prior, his contract in the shitty apartment had ended and Freed had invited him to move in with him. Now, every morning he got to wake up with Freed in their shared bed, in their shared home, in their shared lives.
Life was good.
With careful movements, he pressed his lips against Freed's to coax him awake. One thing that hadn't changed was Freed's adorable habit of sleeping in as late as he could, and normally Gajeel would be happy to accommodate. But today was their anniversary and he wanted to spend as much time as he could with his boyfriend. The afternoon and the evening were all planned by Freed, but Gajeel had a few ways of making the morning more fun.
"Wake up, baby," He murmured. "I got a surprise for ya."
Freed, as he always did when he was woken up before he wanted, blinked a few times and pushed his face into Gajeel's chest as if in protest to waking up. Gajeel chuckled, stroked his hand through Freed's hair, and gently pulled the man out from his chest. Freed was sleep worn and tired, but still smiled up at Gajeel.
"Morning," He greeted through a yawn.
"G' mornin'," Gajeel said with a grin. "Y' better not be tired all day. I've got plans for ya."
"Oh have you," Freed grinned lazily, hand resting on Gajeel. "Do tell."
"Not like that, y' horny fucker," Gajeel grinned. Of course, part of the day would be dedicated to screwing Freed senseless, but just not now. "Put on a robe or somethin', I'm gonna make ya breakfast."
Freed raised an eyebrow, but did as instructed and slowly removed himself from the bed. Once out from under the covers, Gajeel saw the man in his naked glory and smirked. Over the year, Freed had shown an interest in getting more piercings, and Gajeel had happily obliged. He had rings decorating his other ear, a stud on his nose, and a single barbell at the base of his cock. That was Gajeel's favourite. Day by day, he was turning his prince more punk.
In response, Gajeel had gotten himself some new tattoos in the shape of Freed's runes. They hadn't figured out how to implant actual runes, but the tattoos looked just the same. He now had the runic word for Dragon on his left arm, and he looked fucking kickass.
"When you said you were going to make breakfast, I hope you meant food," Freed teased gently. "Because at the moment, you look ready to eat me."
"Later, Prince," Gajeel promised, wrapping an arm around Freed.
They walked to the kitchen, and Freed sat at the table while Gajeel got to cooking. Freed mainly cooked for them both as he was better, but Gajeel was by no means bad when tasked with a meal. He also knew each and every one of Freed's guilty pleasure meals, and as such had decided to cook them both pancakes and bacon for their breakfast. They would need the energy for the rest of the day. No doubt Freed had something good planned, and then of course there was the double date dinner with Gray and Bickslow.
Apparently, according to Bickslow, they shared an anniversary, and as such had to celebrate together.
"Y' see that box on the table," Gajeel spoke over his shoulder. "Got you a present. Open it."
"I thought we agreed not to," Freed said, picking up the box.
"Yeah, I know. I had this already and thought it would be good for ya," Gajeel smiled to himself as he whisked the mixture. He heard paper ruffling behind him, and grinned when he heard Freed laugh. "Put it on. Every prince needs one, after all."
It was the wooden crown that he had carved when worrying about Freed in the forest. Once he had been sure Freed was okay, he had gone back to the forest and found where he'd left the carving. He had promised himself that, if he and Freed made it a year as a couple, he would give it to the man. By the amused expression on Freed's face, he had made the right choice.
Freed placed the crown on his head, rolling his eyes a little but smiling. Gajeel grinned and sauntered over to him. He pressed their lips together, grinning.
"Never thought I'd kiss a real prince," He teased. "Ain't I lucky."
"Not as lucky as me, I fear," Freed teased, running a hand up Gajeel's arms. When his fingers traced his runes, he stopped and smiled. "I never did tell you what this meant, did I? I suppose I was embarrassed. Would you like to know?"
"Yeah!" Gajeel exclaimed. He had always been curious.
"It means 'ownership'," Freed chuckled, and Gajeel's inner dragon leapt with joy. "It seems my magic has claimed you, Gajeel."
Gajeel grinned, wrapped Freed in his arms and kissed the hell out of him.
Yeah, life was pretty fucking good.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 71
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I leaned against my sword as the man introduced as 'Vine' carried Marrow away on his shoulder.
Ruby came dashing down from the observation box. She let go of Weiss's hand and Weiss followed at a more subdued pace with Penny in tow.
"That was amazing, Cloud. The way you fly around. You've grown so much."
I looked away from Ruby's praise. Color rising to my cheeks. She hopped up and kissed me on the cheek. I risked a glance down at where she was glowing up at me. I could feel her cinnamon and rose flavored aura.
"So you are Cloud? Not Jaune?" Penny asked. "I thought Ruby's boyfriend was named Jaune."
"It's complicated," I said. "Salem named me Jaune. Well her or Merlot. I'm not attached to it since I learned that."
"Well you did well at any rate, Cloud. You took on two Ace Operative members at the same time. I assure you that's not easy. Even I haven't done that yet," Penny went on.
"Yes it was very impressive, Cloud," Weiss said. "You've grown so much. It's unbelievable."
What was unbelievable was the thought that both these two ladies had the hots for me. I was still trying to wrap my mind around it. I could tell Weiss was too. She seemed a little flustered but just like Ruby she came up and pecked my cheek and walked back blushing. She was a little more uncomfortable with public displays of affection than Ruby was but it was something we would just have to learn.
We'd have to find an appropriate balance that made everybody feel right.
Or they would get tired of putting up with me and decide they wanted to be with each other. You know what I had my money on.
"Well thank you Weiss."
"Wait, I don't understand," Penny began. "Ruby, how does your relationship work?"
"Well I like Weiss and Cloud. And Weiss likes me and Cloud too."
"So the three of you are together?"
"That's right," I said.
"That's so fascinating. Relationships are so interesting. It seems a little..."
"Awkward?" I asked. "We're still ironing out the kinks."
"I wasn't going to say anything," Penny rambled. "It's not my business."
Ruby grinned and put an arm around Weiss and I. I smiled down at her. Her arm barely wrapped halfway around me at the waist.
"Penny, you were made in a lab, weren't you?" I began.
"I was. My father created me. Why do you ask?"
"Cloud was made in a laboratory too," Weiss said. Her eyes went wide perhaps realizing where I was going with it.
"Well I was wondering how you stay so upbeat? When I learned where I came from I was depressed as hell."
"Well for one thing I always knew where I came from. Perhaps that helped me," Penny began. "Why is it depressing?"
"Well we're basically both baking soda and vinegar volcanoes."
"You mean because I'm not even a real person," Penny confirmed.
"Me too. You’re not special," I ran with her train of thought.
"Oh would you stop that." Weiss hit my chest with the back of her hand. It was affectionate though. Her fingers lingered and our aura's buzzed together like electricity. "You're real."
"Both of you are real people," Ruby said.
"Hardly. Barely." I breathed. "If at all."
"Stop it!" Ruby protested. She slapped me harder on the leg than Weiss did. Much more insistent and less flirtatious.
"But you were made for Salem, correct?" Penny wondered.
"I was technically a failure. A prototype. I was made to be thrown away."
"That's sad," Penny said.
"Penny!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Well it is. I never went through a prototype phase like that. My father doesn't have the aura for it," Penny continued. "But you are loved. Doesn't that feel good?"
Weiss blushed again. She was still approaching her feelings tentatively. It had taken enough out of her to confess them, I suppose.
"It does…" I trailed. "I guess I get caught up thinking about it too much. I'm sinking in thinking about something depressing."
"I can see how you would get sad thinking about that. I suppose I am a prototype, too, but I was never meant to be tossed aside."
I nodded. "Mother just found another use for me. Otherwise I think she would have killed me. Her or my father."
"Cloud, I think you meant Salem," Weiss cut in.
"When?" I asked. I was genuinely lost.
"My father cares about me. Perhaps that's the difference. My parent cares about me," Penny went on.
"He has no idea when he does it sometimes," Weiss murmured to Ruby.
"I noticed that," Ruby returned. "He even did it before Haven once. I didn't think much of it at the time."
"That's decidedly bad news," Weiss went on.
"No idea when I do what?" I asked.
"You call Salem 'mother' often," Weiss said.
"I think it just slips out of you," Ruby muttered like it was a secret, nodding along with her own words.
"Oh shit, my bad."
"It's not inaccurate, though, is it? What's wrong with it?" Penny asked.
"I fucking hate her. That's what's wrong with it."
"I see how that could cause problems. I'm on good terms with my father so I don't really have that problem. I also don't have a mother," she happily chirped.
"Luckily I have these two," I picked Ruby and Weiss up with one arm each. Ruby giggled and Weiss let out an adorable yelp of surprise before she slapped my collar again, it was still slightly flirtatious and her hand lingered there longer than it needed to. It seemed like she was just coming out of her shell when it came to me, like she wasn't quite sure what she wanted, especially in terms of shows of affection. Hopefully we had time to figure it out. "They're both in my camp. Even though all the odds are stacked against me," I declared.
"Would you put me down, you gorilla." Weiss demanded. Her face was an adorable beet red.
I did.
I still held Ruby up. She wrapped her arms around my head and kissed me.
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"The last time we spoke it was about how you were an agent of Salem's. I'm sure you could imagine my confusion at the events of Haven," Ozpin said through Oscar's lips.
I was alone with him in his room at the academy. We were bound to talk eventually. When he summoned me I figured it would be better to get it over and done with.
"Yeah well imagine my surprise when it turned out to be true. I was Salem's agent. That's why I was at Beacon."
"I see. But you yourself had no idea."
I nodded. "False and half true memories all the way down. Memories of family from before are all like that. Even of where and how I grew up. I just never put that much thought into it."
"I see. But you know better now?"
"Maybe a little. I'm still working out what's true and false. I'm mostly counting everything before initiation as false, though. Some things were half true. Like my sisters."
"And you know this because…?"
"Salem mentioned them when she captured my mind at Haven."
"But you broke free. That explains why we were attacked by those looking for the relic. One question answered, at least."
"The others mentioned that too. That maybe they were my sisters. It's possible. They were successes made by a different scientist," I said.
"Whereas you were a failure created by Merlot," he clarified. He jabbed his cane at me as he said it.
"That's right."
"For a failure you have absurd strength. You killed Tyrian. That's no mean feat."
"Thank you…" I trailed.
"I can't help but wonder if there is some of my sort of magic in play for you. Aiding you along the way."
"If there is, it's well hidden behind my semblance and usage of dust."
"Why don't we try a simple exercise? It used to be well practiced back in the old world when magic like mine was common. Try to turn this needle into a feather."
He set a needle down on the desk before me.
I stared at it. I had no idea where to even begin with something like that for all that it seemed like a simple request.
I reached out and picked up the needle. Nothing called out to me in terms of where to proceed with it. It was just a needle. And I was just a man. How could I possibly transform it?
"Yes. Indeed, it took Oscar many attempts to succeed in this magic and I knew how it was done."
"I don't know where to start," I informed him.
He reached out and I was sort of able to feel what he was doing. I wasn't sure if it was aura or something more but I could tell something was up as he transformed the needle into a feather and back again.
"Now you try, Mr. Arc."
"It's Strife now. Arc was the name Salem gave me."
"I see. Very well, Mr. Strife."
I reached out once more and focused. Nothing happened. I imagined the needle turning into a feather and let out a little of my aura.
Nothing happened.
Because it was a needle. It was made of metal and a feather was not. If I hadn't just seen it done I would say that it was impossible.
"You must believe in yourself. Magic is about the things you can believe in. If you can't believe in it, you will never succeed.
I tried again. I tried to believe that I could.
I think I can.
The needle might have wobbled a little but it didn't turn into anything.
"Keep the needle, Mr. Strife. Practice a little every day. We will yet see if progress can be made with you. Focus and believe in your magic. You must extend your will in order to accomplish any magic."
"That sounds like bullshit. No offense."
"Believe, Mr. Strife. Just as you believe in your semblance. Just as you believe in your dust. It is the same. It can be. If you choose to make it so."
"I'll keep the needle. I'll keep trying," I promised him from my seat.
"See that you do. You could be an enormous asset to our side. I know you feel as though you cannot make up for the harm you have caused but that, too, is a matter of will and belief. I doubt Mr. Lie and Ms. Valkyrie would want you to give up so easily."
I hardly wanted to hear their names.
"Is that all?"
"Not quite. I know this may be uncomfortable for you but I wish to hear about how Salem was able to control you."
I nodded and grimaced.
"She spoke and her words had power to them. She told me to stay silent and I almost bit my tongue off."
"But you were still competent enough to slay Mr. Lie and Ms. Valkyrie? Would you say her control over you was both subconscious and conscious? You were able to plan for her desires but unable to resist them?"
"That's exactly right. It was both. She...she owned me. Completely."
"That's troubling. There is some magic for such a thing but it mostly implies one or the other. Not both."
"I'm telling you that she had all of me."
"I believe you, Mr. Strife. It is troubling is all. What happened next?" He asked.
"She talked to me. About Merlot and my sisters. She said we had long been in her dreams. Then Nora and Ren came in. She told me to kill them both and I had to obey."
I didn't like talking about it. I didn't even like to think about it. It was my lowest moment. It brought a lone tear to my eye which I wiped away with my right hand's forefinger.
"Well Mr. Strife, the control over you is very troubling indeed."
"Do you know how she did it? How she's in my dreams?"
"She is in your subconscious. When she spoke to you she was able to rise to the surface. That's how she took control. It must be in the nature of your connection to her from being grown from her cells."
"How do I fight it?" I pleaded.
"You already are, young man. Do not give up. Resist her. Resist her nightmares. Fight against them and rage against her ability to over power you. That is the only way you will stay in control. There is no shortcut, no easy path for you. Her control over you is not a simple thing for her either. I suspect you may be able to influence her as well."
"She's so strong." I didn't mean for it to come out as a whimper but it did a little. "She's so old. She's a goddess."
"Not quite."
"Then she's the closest thing to one without actually being one."
"Perhaps. She is powerful, but so are you. Resist Mr. Strife."
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"You might have the others fooled but I know what you are." Blake informed me. It was just the two of us in team RWBY's room while I waited for Weiss and Ruby to come back.
"I haven't fooled anybody. I've outright told them all what I am. The shit I'm capable of. It's not my fault that they chose to not believe me anyways."
"You're taking advantage of them."
"Maybe," I agreed. "What should I do? In your professional opinion, of course."
"Make sure you can't hurt anybody else."
"What? Kill myself? I thought about it. I even tried to."
She looked away from me. Wouldn't meet my eye. "What happened?"
"Couldn't hold my aura low enough to cut through my wrists. It was just after I broke Salem's spell. I was a little shaken up," I said.
"And now?"
"Now I'm on a lot of medications that are supposed to stop me from thinking suicide is my only option."
"Does it work? The meds?"
"A little. I'm still pretty fucked up. I've been open and clear with everybody about that. No tricks."
"You know how Ruby is. She just wants to see the best in people."
"And Weiss and Yang?"
"Weiss never wanted to believe it about you. She was falling for you. She had rose tinted specs. She couldn't see the thing you've become. Yang just wants what's best for Ruby in all this. It's hard to believe you're it, however."
"The thing I've become," I laughed. "You know what I think, Blake?"
"What's that?" She asked.
"You're absolutely goddamn right. I'm a fucking monster. I have killed and maimed and tortured. I killed my own best friends."
"You said Salem made you do it."
"And she did. But that only makes me a tool. Her weapon. That doesn't make the things I've done any less real. Most people get to wonder about whether they have free will. I don't. She speaks and I have to obey."
"So I want you to stay away from my friends."
"Hey," I said. "They're my friends too. Or girlfriends. Trying to wrap my mind around that one."
"Never thought it would happen to you? I thought that was most guys' dream. To have two beautiful women in love with them."
"Yes well. Compare how pathetic I was freshmen year to the shit that's happened to me now and suddenly it wasn't exactly in my realm of possibility or even the realm of my imagination. I thought just Ruby loved me. I come here and find out she's got some threesome business up her sleeve with Weiss who also wants a piece of me. It blew my mind. Especially after freshman year and how things were with Weiss."
"But you didn't say no. You said ‘yes.’"
"I said I was willing to try. Whatever form that may happen to land. Ruby and Weiss may decide they're better off without me," I said. "That would surprise me less than not."
"You hate yourself," Blake realized.
"You would too if you were me. Who wouldn't? I killed my best friends. I see Salem sometimes out of the corner of my eye. She lingers there just beyond the edge of my perception. Just beyond the things that are real. She'll want me to kill again. I can feel it ."
"Which is why I want you to leave my friends be. They don't need to be caught up in what you are," she said. She folded her arms at that.
"I need help. I can't survive without them. I tried living that way. Mostly alone. It didn't work out for me. And I'm right where I need to be to fight Cinder when she comes again. My hated enemy. I take it you haven't talked to them about this."
She shook her head. "They don't want to hear that you're unstable. Especially Ruby. Weiss at least I feel like I can get through to sometimes, but Ruby is just so happy you're back and safe."
"Am I back and safe?" I wondered.
"Well? Are you?" She shot back.
"Perhaps. I have psychic trauma that the medicine just isn't hitting. It's helping with my hallucinations but not the other stuff. My fears are too real. They keep pushing me up on the tranquilizers and sedatives like the things I'm afraid of aren't there. But they are. They can get me."
"You don't fight like you're sedated. You fight very awake and aware."
"Well thank you," I decided to take that as a compliment even if she didn't mean it as such.
I clutched at my side where Taurus had sliced me. It was healing a little still and I got the occasional pang of pain from it.
"Are you hurt?"
"I was. This White Fang guy did a number on me. He got lucky."
"What was their name?"
"Adam Taurus. Evidently he's this ol-"
"You fought Adam Taurus? When? He's in town?"
"It was a few days before my voluntary incarceration. You know him?"
"I did. Once upon a time." She rubbed her right arm with her left hand. "He was my partner in the White Fang before I turned."
"He's a real piece of work," I said. "I take it that wasn't always the case."
"No it wasn't. And are you really one to talk?"
"At least I know it."
"And you think that helps?"
"It literally couldn't make things worse for me. What do you want from me, Blake? You want me to kill Taurus? Would that make you happy? You want me to kill myself or go back into exile?"
Her ears flattened subconsciously.
"I just want my friends to be safe."
"I'll keep them safe," I vowed.
"Even from yourself?" She asked.
"I swear to do my best. What more can you ask from me? Besides for me to stop existing. Because I have a feeling you don't see that as a real solution either."
"So long as you don't hear her real voice you're in control?"
"That seems to be the prognosis."
"What about recordings?"
"I think she has to be behind it for real. There's a magic to it."
"And you can break the spell?" She reassured.
"With enough time."
She hesitated, her arms folded. She nodded once. "Then you have my tentative permission."
"Well thank you. I was really worried about what you thought." I paused. "That came out sarcastic but you're their teammate and friend. I think you were my friend once too."
"I still am. I think. It's just complicated."
"Mind control. It's a hell of a poison."
"I don't blame you. I just want what's best for them," she said.
"I understand. Really. I do. I'm the leader of the 'this sucks' camp. I do my best to remind them at every turn. I think they see me as someone who needs their help."
"You think it's the Florence Nightingale effect?"
"When nurses fall in love with their patient."
"Ah, maybe a little, then," I muttered.
"You underestimate their feelings for you. They really care about you. We all do. We hate to see the suffering you're going through."
"You're a bunch of empaths. One and all."
Ruby, Weiss and Yang walked in and saw us talking.
"Oh, Blake and Cloud…" Ruby began.
"Are you…?" Weiss trailed off.
"We were talking about Adam Taurus," I covered for us both. "I ran into him a few weeks ago. Before I was hospitalized."
"You fought him?" Ruby asked.
"And I've got the scars to prove it," I said.
"And what did you think of him?" Yang's eyes flickered between Blake and I. She had a sort of nervous energy to her.
"He got lucky. I can take him. Next time," I informed them.
"So Jaune-sorry. I meant Cloud. We were thinking. That is Ruby and I…" Weiss struggled.
I just cocked my head and listened to her.
"We wanted to try a date. The three of us," Ruby supplied. She sounded much less nervous than Weiss did about it.
Weiss had probably never been on a date like this where Ruby and I had. I wasn't sure what all she and Neptune had gotten up to and it probably wouldn't be for the best to ask.
"Yes. That," Weiss managed. A rosy blush colored her cheeks.
"I'm game," I said. "Do you mind if I bring my weapon?" I'd be uncomfortable walking around without Crocea Mors.
"Well we weren't going to leave them out of this." Ruby rolled her eyes. Her excitement was infectious and I grinned down at her tiny form. Weiss cracked a smile at her.
"I suppose you would consider this a six way date with our weapons involved," Weiss teased. She sounded a little more relaxed.
"A little," Ruby poked her forefingers together with a new found nervous energy. "They're important. Cloud also wasn't here when I got Crescent Rose upgraded. He might like to meet her again."
I laughed. "Of course, Rubes."
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bh7theseriesblog · 3 years
The Origins of Big Hero 7
Big Hero 7: The Series
*A flicker of black and white starts up for a while, static noises barely blocks out a voice*
Umm…Hello? Can you hear me?
*the flickering and static stops as it shows a 14 year old girl with dyed blue hair and purple eye contacts*
Can you hear me? Oh it's working!
*The girl sits on the chair in front of the camera. She smooths out her sea green skirt as she clears her throat*
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Hi! So…after some thinking I decided to make a video diary so I can remember what I said. After all, who knows when it'll come in handy right? Oh right! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Cora Mizichio.
*Cora chuckles slightly before continuing*
So I guess I should start with my life and such. Let me warn you though, it's kind of a long and wild story.
*she pulls out a phone and starts showing pictures*
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I have lived in San Fransokyo for my whole life with my Dad, Mizuchi and Grandmama, Kaguya. My mom, Akemi passed away when I was a baby.
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*image of a blonde hair woman smiled warmly before switching to Cora and her family. Her father being Goliath in stature and her grandmother dressed in a kimono with a cane*
Then my family found out that I'm incredibly intelligent for my age. I suppose hacking into your father's computer to send a birthday card at the age of 4 does that. My Dad is very sweet and an old softie, but is very protective of me and wasn't sure that I should go to school. So I was homeschooled, it was fun being taught by Grandmama and such about Marine biology, but…I felt kind of lonely…
After all my studies, I actually made a habit of bot fighting disguised as an unknown cat-masked competitor under the name 'Nekodomo'. It earned good money since at the time Dad hadn't gotten any luck with jobs due to his height. But it was my very first night of bot fighting that I met him…Hiro Hamada
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*she flips the photo to a young Asian boy her age, with messy raven hair, large almond brown eyes and a tooth gap in his smile.*
I've never had very much luck when it came to making or having friends, so if I someone told me that I would end up dating this guy I would had laughed. But yeah we did. I was paired up with Hiro in one of those special bot fighting events like the duo duel. We won, but than the cops were coming and I was so scared of getting caught that I couldn't move. But then the next thing I know Hiro grabs my hand and we were running like crazy before the cops even spot us! I have no idea how long we had been running, but to be honest I didn't really care because I was still awe-struck by the fact that Hiro had save me from getting arrested and we didn't even know each other at the time. But that was all about to change, because as we were finally approaching a safe distance from the cops, it was at that moment where I tripped and fell flat on my face, and at the same time broke my mask. Thankfully Hiro picked me back up and we started running again, with me leaving my broken mask behind. Once we finally stopped and knew we were safe, that was when Hiro and I actually first met face-to-face. Now I have to be honest with you, I've never really known if the whole 'Love at first sight' thing was actually real or not, but it's the only thing I can describe how I felt when I first looked into Hiro's eyes. It was there when we properly introduced ourselves to each other and after that, we started seeing each other more. And it was only after 4 months of hanging out together, that I finally got to meet his family, and he got to meet mine.
*The picture now showed Hiro with a woman holding a calico japanese bobtail cat and a young man on either side of him.*
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The woman on his left is his Aunt Cass, she runs a coffee shop called the Lucky Cat Cafe. The young man on his right is his older brother Tadashi. And the adorably cute kitty-cat Aunt Cass is holding is Mochi, their family pet. They are really cool people, and they always asked how I was doing and such, and Mochi is such a sweet kitty that he always tries to cuddle up to me whenever I come over. Hiro and I actually became an official thing one night when I saved his butt from Yama's minions. And boy were they surprised! Aunt Cass actually bounced when Hiro told them that I'm his girlfriend! Dad and Grandmama met them that night too, while dad wasn't too happy at first about me dating, Grandmama convinced him…after hitting him on the head with her cane.
*Cora giggled at the memory*
Anyway, After a slight misadventure where Hiro and Tadashi landed in jail and Cass had to bail them out, Tadashi actually took Hiro to SFIT, San Fransokyo institute of Technology that same night. Hiro told me that he met Tadashi's friends. There's Gogo: the cool biker chick, Honey Lemon: the stylish Chem genius, Wasabi: Laser neat freak, and Fred: the secret Billionaire super hero geek. Afterwards Hiro and I actually applied to SFIT by entering the showcase! Hiro made these miniature robots he called Microbots which he can control via head transmitter, I on the other hand did super strength suction cup shoes that can stick on any surface. We both won and we…were gonna celebrate until…a huge fire broke out in the showcase building and Tadashi ran back inside to help Callaghan, a teacher at the school….he didn't make it…
*Cora turned quiet, looking at her hands as she takes a deep breath*
Hiro wasn't himself for a while. I visited him a lot since the fire, and I mostly talked and tried to comfort and be there for him. Then came the day Hiro stubbed his toe and Baymax came along.
*A picture of a white inflated figure came to the picture*
Baymax was Tadashi's project, a robotic nurse to be more specific. He heard Hiro say ow and activated to help him. Then one of Hiro's microbots started acting weird, and Baymax followed the direction it went! It was then we found a guy in a kabuki mask controlling the Microbots. But they were destroyed at the fire right? Once Hiro pieced together that it was the kabuki-masked man that started the fire to steal them, which in turned killed Tadashi…Hiro decided to build Baymax some armor which…well
*the next picture showed Baymax in protective gear*
We traveled down to the port where we saw him take some type of machine out of the ocean. But then it turns out Baymax called the gang to help us, but sadly the guy in the mask saw us. We barely escaped with our lives that night! Thankfully Baymax being a walking marshmallow, also makes him an inflatable raft too. Afterwards we got to Fred's mansion and discussed over what to do next. Side note: it was weird to see that Fred is a billionaire.
*shows portrait of a young Fred and his parents in classy attire*
Hiro and I then built ourselves armor to fight the guy in the mask. Honey lemon got this cute chemistry purse to pull out what she needed, Gogo got some sick skates to zoom past us, Fred got a killer Kaiju costume that breaths fire, Wasabi got awesome laser blades on the backs of his hands, and I got my aquatic camouflage suit with squid strength suction cup shoes! And learning back from his previous work, Hiro turned Baymax from a stay puff marshmallow with bicycle gear to an awesome superhero!
*the next photo shows Baymax in his red armor*
After training and flying around the city we got down to business. We flew to Akuma island where the masked guy was, and it was there we learned something interesting. Krei and some government officials had something called 'Project Silent Sparrow'. It backfired when the portal sucked everything in, and the pilot was stuck. But then the masked guy attacked us! We tried to fight back but….
*a small clip showed Fred jumping only to be punched away *
We bombed, big time.
Hiro and I got lucky to get the mask…but the person was not who we thought….
Turns out Callaghan grabbed the transmitter and used it and the Microbots to protect himself in the fire…leaving Tadashi to die….
It was then that Hiro took out Baymax's health care chip and ordered him to kill Callaghan…
*Cora took a deep breathe before standing up and leaving the room, she returned back with a glass of water and started drinking it. Once she was done She then continued.*
Thankfully the gang got Baymax back to normal but Hiro was furious. He just left with Baymax…but we eventually met up with Hiro at his place, with a video of Tadashi…it was also when we showed him what we discovered. The pilot was no random person Krei hired. She was Callaghan's daughter, and Callaghan was out for blood.
We got to Krei Tech where Callaghan got his portal running. Hiro then learned what we needed to do to beat him; instead of the mask, we take out the Microbots, then he'd be powerless. But despite that, the portal was still open, and ready to tear itself to pieces. Then Baymax dropped the biggest bomb on us, Callaghan's daughter was still alive in there.
Hiro and I got on Baymax to rescue her. We found her pod but Baymax's thrusters were wrecked from the debris…
Baymax…he got us out by rocket punch…but stayed behind in the portal…
It's been weeks since then…
Krei agreed to keep our identities a secret, Callaghan is in prison, and his daughter is making a steady recovery at the hospital. And the news had been exploding over 'the mysterious group of heroes' that saved the city.
Hiro and I had been doing good, we talked to the gang a lot and we actually reapplied to SFIT again.
*Cora then looks at the clock beside her and gasped*
Oh man it's almost midnight! And first day of class is tomorrow! Anyway, thank you for listening! And…Baymax…I don't know if you can hear me..but Hiro has been doing good. We all miss you…especially me and Hiro...wish us good luck, cause who knows what happens tomorrow.
*Cora smiles at the camera before turning it off.*
A.N: This is an updated look for the prolouge chapter of Big Hero 7: The Series!
Liking the new visuals? ;3
This chapter has been edited by WolfWitchHuntress1318 at Fanfiction.net! Thank you for being my patient editor! Thank you for following and reading Big Hero 7! Love ya!
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pl-panda · 4 years
Damienette arranged marriage: part 25
Credits: Miraculous Ladybug team for the elements I take from MLB show. DC for their characters, @ozmav for the AU, @maribat-archive for giving me access to so many different stories to have take inspirations from, @thyladyanput for idea for Chat Damian and me for the plot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 part 14 part 15
part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Part 22 Part 23 
Part 24
Damienette arranged marriage: part 25
Tossing her weapon at him and using some of the moves she learned from maman over the years. 
This was like a spark. Immediately after Ladybug’s charge, other heroes also attacked. The battle has begun. At least until there was an ear-piercing cry of pain that got everyone’s attention.
During previous encounters with the superheroes Mayura had much less trouble. It was clear that Pink Tigress was much better trained. Nathalie herself was a master martial artist even outside of the suit and her skill only increased when she put on the feathered outfit. But this was something entirely different.
Mayura redirected a very quick jab of the Chakram with her fan, but she had no chance to counterattack because Pink Tigress did not lose balance and instead followed up with low kick. The blue villainess jumped up to avoid it and used the opportunity for a scissor kick of her own. Her opponent reacted in time to cross her hands in front and rebound her, but it only led to further stand-off. They proceeded to meet each other in close quarter, exchanging quick, but viscious strikes. They were pretty evenly matched, at least it looked like that for first minute or so. But with each move it became clearer that even if Mayura had skill to back her up, she lacked in terms of deadliness. Tigress was silent and composed as the fight went on, while the peacock miraculous started to panic. It might have been just three minutes at best, but Nathalie found herself at complete defence, being pushed back constantly. 
While the two women were fighting between themselves, Chat Noir and Ladybug had their own battle going on. Over the course of last month Marinette trained with her mother to utilize her yo-yo as more than just a simple thrown weapon. Before she didn’t really connect her fighting style with the projectile. It sometimes served as a shield for her to block the attacks but offensively it was much harder to utilize. At least until her mother helped her change perspective. The yo-yo was basically a blunt version of rope dart. She could use it both as a projectile as well as at close range. Sometimes the young girl even grabbed the weapon and used it like a stone to add weight to her attacks.
At the same time, it was clear that Chat Noir did not stop training. Marinette kicked herself over and over that she did not recognize clear fencing training before, but right now it was different. Adrien was now fighting with much more aggression than before. He did not back away or dodge the attacks, instead taking them on the weapon or even forearms or legs. He just pushed ahead. At first Ladybug tried to regain control and momentum she had in the beginning, but this new viciousness force her to stay defencive. She rather quickly got pressed to the wall.
“You don’t deserve to be Ladybug!” Chat Noir shouted at her. “Cataclysm!” The pasisian heroine managed to dodge the last second as the black bubbling energy crashed into the wall. The structure crumbled and cracks started to go up and onto the roof. Adrien turned where Ladybug lunged to to avoid his attack and fumed with anger. “You took everything from me Ladybug! You turned her against me! You corrupted her! But it doesn’t matter. She is the true ladybug and not some imposter. After my father is done I will give her your miraculous and we will be the greatest heroes Paris… No! The Wor…” He didn’t finish his speech because Ladybug lunged and pushed him away as a large chunk of debris fell where he just stood. Marinette could be disgusted with what Adrien has become, but deep down she still saw a friend. A friend she would not let die. In the impact, the ring slipped from his finger and rolled away. Adrien wanted to grab it, but a quick punch from his former partner knocked him out cold.
Elsewhere in the room, Viperion just managed to get the akumatized object. He quickly broke it and released the Akuma, causing the gorilla to fall down exhausted. Luka did not have time to focus on this. He turned to where Ryuko and Hawkmoth were going at it. She was a world-class fencer, but somehow Gabriel Agreste could match her and even overpower her. He was pushing the girl back. Then, he suddenly drawn a hidden sword from his cane and lunged at Ryuko. Without second thought, Viperion tossed his lyre like a frisbee to stop the attack. It worked, but he didn’t notice Mayura and Tigress fight getting dangerously close to him. Before he even realize the blue vilanness held him in front of her like a human shield, making it impossible for him to use second chance. 
“Give up Tigress. Or the boy will suffer.” She threatened and to make it more real, she pressed the bladed fan to his neck. “We wouldn’t want to spill any snake blood today, now would we?”
Instead of answering, Pink Tigress tossed her chakram up. The spinning weapon bounced from the roof and fell at Mayura. She had no time to follow up on her threat and instead pushed the boy forward while she jumped back. She did slip the bracelet from his hand at the same time, making him detransform.
Ryuko noted the whole event in the corner of her eye. She was grateful to Luka for helping her, but she would berate the reckless boy later. For someone so composed he rushed in too often. She refocused on her battle. The plan was to keep Hawkmoth busy while other heroes get rid of any support so they could overwhelm the villain. So far it didn’t work as planned. She was on constant defensive.
“Tell me, miss Tsurugi. What would your mother say if she saw you get defeated by a civilian with so little training.” Hawkmoth teased her. “She would be so disappointed in you.” He added in mocking tone. Ryuko withstood the banter without even blinking. She tried to shrug it off, but he started to get to her. He also had to notice that her moves became more sloppy, because Gabriel continued with the mockery. “Or maybe she already resent you for skipping so many classes and trainings to just play hero? I can’t imagine what will she say…” He finally managed to catch her sword in place long enough with his own blade to use the cane he still held in the other hand to strike her arm. The pain made her let go of her weapon, but she made no notable sound. She tried to punch him, but Hawkmoth stepped out of the way and grabbed her choker instead. Kagami detransformed and fell on the ground, panting from exhaustion. 
The whole building was falling apart and more debris now landed. A particularly big chunk would crush the fencer, but Sabine noticed in time. 
“Power Up! Strength!” She jumped to where the girl stood and stopped her from turing into a wet puddle. At the same time, more chunks fell, cutting them off for the most part. 
“Thank you madame.” Kagami bowed while still lying on the ground. “I owe you my life.”
“No worry sweety. Let’s finish it and go skin a cat, okay?” Sabine focused and used her enchanted strength to push the large chunk away and release them. She picked the girl and jumped out. 
In front of her, the scene was mortifying. Hawkmoth held blade at Ladybug’s neck while she was forced to kneel before him. Next to him, Mayura had Luka in similar position. 
“I think that was enough of the show.” The villain commented. You’ve all proven just how strong and heroic you are… But it ends here.” He was about to grab the earrings of Ladybug, but she started to toss around. 
“Hold still girl if you want to see your friend and yourself walk out of here alive!” Mayura threatened her. To enforce the point made by his partner, Hawkmoth pressed the blade closer, drawing some blood. A single droplet traveled along the edge and hit the floor. The heroine felt her whole body go stiff with fear. She silently accepted her fate when suddenly there was an ear-piercing cry of pain behind her. The blade, together with hand that was holding it, fell to the ground. Hawkmoth stumbled holding the stump that used to be his hand. Behind him Damian wiped the blood from his blade.
“Leave. My Wife. Alone!” He barked and turned to Mayura. “The game is over.” 
Taglist (sorry if I missed you)@pheonixashtree @sassakitty @unabashedbookworm @vixen-uchiha @maggiecc12 @actualdisasterwoman @tired-butterfly @shizukiryuu @floralfi @imanerddealwith @northernbluetongue @krispydefendorpolice @toodaloo-kangaroo @dast218 @bluesoulblueheart @theatreandcomicfreak @disneyfoxuniverse @mindfulmagics @alwaysnumberonetruth @nyaabinch @jardimazul @lenamau @rosep16 @dramatic-squirrel @sonif50 @daminett4life @lulutheawkwardess @weird-pale-blonde-person @mooshoon @jeminiikrystal @mochegato @moonlightstar64 @dragonflyswing @silverwhiteraven @shamefullove @magic-miraculous @valeks-princess @heaven428 @mlbchaosqueen @winter-gardenflower @spicybelladonna @emo-elaine13 @vetilora @karukofox21 @my-name-is-michell  @sturchling @lokiifriggasonn @redscarlet95 @melicmusicmagic @interobanginyourmom @the-fusionist @razzledazzle247 @miss-mysterys-blog @darkthunder1589 @i-is-mysterious @catthhay @the-one-woman-army @zestyzealot @dahjokester @write-for-your-life2 @mermaidreject @peachedpocky @sassakitty @dahjokester @crazylittlemunchkin @novicevoice @justafanwarrior @eliza-bitch @schrodingers25 @tired-butterfly @toodaloo-kangaroo @redscarlet95 @miukiiu @sassakitty @corabeth11 @vixen-uchiha @lilypos03
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hopecountysfavhoe · 4 years
‘Cold’ Chapter Two
Ok I got impatient so I’m not uploading a new chapter every week, I will upload more often until the point at which I have no more chapters posted on Wattpad. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,722
TW: Nudity, whump, pain descriptions, mild language, arguing?
     Jacob eventually fell asleep, sitting upright in the stiff wooden chair. His arms were folded over his chest, his chin pointing down at his lap. The fire was slowly dying, only coals were left at the bottom of the fireplace. The wind had died down, but the snow hadn't stopped yet and was stacking up at an incredible rate.
     The Deputy woke up to a cold wind on her face. The cabin was pretty drafty and something that was blocking up a hole must've fallen somewhere. She looked around, trying to piece together what happened. She saw Jacob asleep on his chair, and she got red faced when she realized how naked she was under her blanket.
     Despite her face growing hot from embarrassment, the rest of her was cold and she looked over at the dying fire. She spotted some firewood sitting next to the fireplace in a wood crib and figured she could put a couple sticks on to hot coals.
     Sitting up proved harder than she imagined it would. Her whole body was tired, like all of her energy was still trapped under the ice. Her hands shook, both from being chilly and from her exhaustion, as she pulled her blanket closer around her. She tried to be as quiet as she could, figuring that Jacob was a pretty light sleeper, she didn't feel like waking him up so that she could listen to him drone on about why he really rescued her. It probably had something to do with all of those wolf calls she'd been blowing up and so he saved her so that he could put her through more torture.
     She groaned at the thought of Jacob gloating about how she owed him or whatever now. The groan could have possibly been from her trying to stand as well though. Forcing her legs to hold her body weight was probably a bad idea but the Deputy was all about making bad ideas for the greater good, and at that moment the greater good was not being cold. She wished she had something to lean on, even a cane would work, but she just had to push forward using the arm of the couch as a support.
     She adjusted the blanket around her shoulders, hiding her naked body from view, and nearly stumbled as she made her way over to the fireplace. Carefully, she grabbed a piece of wood out of the creaky wood crib and semi-tossed it onto the coals.
     "What are you doing?" A voice spoke behind her.
     Scared, the Deputy spun around, coming almost face to face with a very awake Jacob Seed. She glanced back at the fire, clutching her blanket closer to her. "I uh...the fire looked like it was going out." The Deputy stammered out and Jacob looked at the fire behind her.
     He didn't say anything as he watched the gently flames curl around the dry pieces of wood. A silence settled over the cabin that made the Deputy uncomfortable. Jacob nodded at the fire, seemingly convinced of something, looking back at the Deputy. Her pale face was sweating and red. "Jesus, would you sit down?" He said gruffly and the Deputy was happy to oblige. She was certain that even a small misstep would cause her to fall right to the ground.
     Jacob watched as she stumbled around the coffee table, lowering herself onto the couch. She looked back up at her clothes that were hanging by the fire. "Are my clothes dry?" She asked, her voice little more than a creak. Jacob grabbed her shirt off the hook and felt it under his fingers.
     "They will be soon." He said, looking over his shoulder at the Deputy. He partially realized why she was so cold was because of the cold draft running through the cabin. And because she was still naked. He didn't say a word as he walked over to his mini closet and pulled out what looked like a long sleeve shirt.
     He tossed the long sleeve over to the Deputy, it landed on top of her blanket. "Oh, thanks." She was wary to say but she was relieved to be putting on real clothes. She unwrapped herself down to her waist in her blanket, quickly throwing the shirt over her head to hide her body. The shirt itself was about four sizes too big for her but she didn't mind. She looked over at Jacob who was shuffling something around in his kitchen cabinets. He had his back turned to her, not paying her half a mind of attention.
     Jacob could tell she was having trouble putting the whole situation in order. Besides, she was sitting in his cabin naked, well partially naked. He decided that he would explain to her the condition of the storm, then he'd come up with something to say to her. He pulled out two cans of soup and two spoons, walking back over to the Deputy.
     "Here, you need your strength." He said and gestured for her to take the can out of his hand.
     The Deputy reluctantly grabbed it. "How do I know you didn't poison it or something?" She asked and Jacob scoffed.
     "I figured you understood that we made a temporary truce, seeing as I did bring you to my cabin and made sure you didn't freeze out in that storm." Jacob took out a cold spoonful of soup, eating it while making eye contact with the Deputy. She looked down at her soup, mixing it around with her spoon.
     "Yeah...thanks for that." She said sheepishly, trying to ignore him staring at her. She took a bite of the soup, it definitely looked better in the can than it tasted but she knew it was good for her.
     "What are you doing all the way up here in the middle of a snow storm anyway?" Jacob asked, leaning forward on his knees.
     "I was hunting actually, I broke through the river between the two hillsides." She rubbed her ears, they were still ringing from the shock of the cold water.
     Jacob whistled. "That's a pretty deep spot." He said and the Deputy nodded.
     "You don't have to tell me." She shivered and ate more of the slimy soup. A time of silence passed before either one of them said anything. "How did you find me anyway?" She asked looking up at Jacob.
     "You weren't that hard to find, you were making so much commotion that damn near anything in this county could have found you." Jacob mixed his can of soup.
     "Yeah but why are you even up here? What are you following me or something?"
     Jacob let out a huff. "You do know that I have a life of my own, right?" He said sarcastically. The Deputy rolled her eyes and went back to her soup. They were quiet yet again, both of them focusing on their respective gross soups.
     The Deputy felt her bandaged side over Jacob's shirt, checking to make sure it hadn't come off while she was sleeping. "You should probably change that." Jacob broke the silence. "That bandage, it was a little damp last night but you fell asleep before I could do anything." The Deputy nodded, agreeing with him.
     "I was going to change it last night when I made a fire but...well you know that I didn't get that far." Jacob nodded, setting his empty can on the coffee table. "Where is your first-aid kit?" The Deputy asked.
     Jacob stood up and walked over to the cabinet he got the shirt out of, pulling out a yellow medikit. He walked back to the Deputy and set the medikit on the table. "Lift your shirt." He said, again not asking.
     "No it's ok I can clean my own wound, I've been doing it all this time." The Deputy said and set her can of soup on the table.
     "I wasn't askin'." Jacob said and grabbed a bottle of sterilizer.
     "Jacob I'm telling you, I'm doing it myself." The Deputy didn't lift her shirt and kept her arms folded.
     "Which one of us is more qualified? A Junior Deputy or a military man with actual medical training?" He asked rhetorically and knelt down in front of her. The Deputy was uncomfortable but yielded, uncrossing her arms and lifting the shirt just above the bandage. Jacob pulled the bandage off, making a low humming noise with his throat. "I figured, this wasn't properly bandaged." He said and set the old, bloody bandage on the coffee table.
     "I was in a hurry." The Deputy huffed, leaning farther back into the couch. Every time he touched near her wound she would flinch, not just from pain but also from his rough, calloused hands.
     "What even is this? I know it's not a bullet wound and it's definitely not an arrow wound." Jacob asked, pouring some sterilizer into the wound.
     The Deputy winced at the stinging pain coming from her wound and grit her teeth. "It's from a stick."
     "A what?"
     "It's from a stick! One of your goddamn Judges forced me over the edge of a much steeper hill than I remembered it was. I hit a couple trees on the way down." The Deputy let out a slow, long breath as Jacob wiped the sterilizer away with a towel.
     Jacob chuckled, it was a deep throaty chuckle, a real chuckle. "Who would have thought, I couldn't break you but a stick and a river could." By his tone the Deputy could tell that he thought the idea was incredulous.
     "Well," the Deputy wiggled in her spot, "I guess you're not stronger than nature, Jacob Seed."
     That statement made Jacob huff, obviously annoyed that the Deputy was getting her wit back. But he ignored that annoyance and studied her wound more carefully. It was red and irritated, almost like it didn't want to heal. He could see where the stick went in, and where the Deputy yanked it out. "Did you get the stick out?" He asked and the Deputy gave a quick fake laugh.
     "Of course I got the stick out, can you please just finish bandaging that?" She looked down and saw his furrowed eyebrows and intense stare.
     "I don't think you got all of it out, I think that there's a sliver of wood in there still." The Deputy groaned.
     "Look as soon as the snow lets up and my clothes fully dry I'm heading back down the mountain to Fall's End, I'm sure I'll get help from the doctor there, proper help." She added but Jacob shook his head.
     "It's already getting infected, did you not notice that?" He barked at her and she felt surprise wash over her. Why in the world would Jacob Seed be worried about her getting an infected wound? If it did kill her, wouldn't that just make his job easier?
     "I've been taking care of it, I just needed food so I went hunting. Here just hand me some ointment and a bandage and I'll finish the rest." The Deputy reached for the bandages but Jacob pushed her back into the couch by her shoulder.
     Seeing as she was still taxed from her exposure the day before she couldn't really fight him. Even though she wanted to. "You need antibiotics." Jacob instructed.
     "Ok, let me just run down to the store really quick! Look around Jacob, we don't have what it takes to fix it now so I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing until I can get to see a doctor." Jacob's face looked angry, but he understood the situation and pulled his hand away from her shoulder. The Deputy watched him carefully as he turned back to the medikit, grabbing her old used bandage and walking around the couch. He didn't say anything but she could tell he had a lot of rage at her that had been building for a while.
     She didn't know where he was going or what he was doing, and honestly she figured she was going to get yelled at if she tried to ask him so she just went to grab the ointment and bandages. The area did look pretty bad, but the Deputy knew there was nothing she could really do about it so she pretended to ignore how bad it was. She slathered on some ointment and quickly bandaged it up, making sure it was tight. It hurt a lot, more than it had been hurting but the Deputy just assumed that she'd blown it out of proportion in her head.
     "I'm getting more wood." Jacob said gruffly, being quick to grab his jacket and hat. The Deputy didn't say anything, she didn't really know what to say. When he opened the door, a violent rush of windy, snowy air flooded the cabin. He grabbed his axe and marched out the door, closing it firmly behind him.
    The Deputy had no idea why he was so mad. Was it possible that her talking back to him like that could get him so upset? It seemed ridiculous in her head, but on paper it almost made sense. He didn't like to be spoken back to, the only one that's ever really been able to put him in his place was Joseph, but that rarely happened.
     The Deputy pondered the thought while she stared at the fire. The wind had forced her to pull her blanket up to her chin as she shivered. She looked out at the swirling snow outside the window and shuddered. It had definitely occurred to her that if Jacob hadn't of showed up when he did then she'd already be dead by now. And that wolf would have been enjoying his easy meal.
     She tried to come up with an explanation as to why Jacob would have rescued her. She doubted it was because he felt sorry for her. She doubted even more that it was because he was worried about her. Because that was impossible. To Jacob Seed, the Junior Deputy was little more than an experiment, a tough case he was trying to crack. She barely thought that he thought of her as a person, she figured that in Jacob's mind she was only a favor for Joseph. Probably even an obstacle for him to tackle to prove how great at brainwashing he is.
     The Deputy realized that her laying half-naked in his hunting cabin to wait out a storm was the pinnacle of inappropriate, and decided that the soup had given her enough energy to start walking. Besides, while she was waiting for Jacob to bring back more wood the wind was dying down. She hoped it would stay that  way until she could get down to her truck again.
     She gave herself a quick pep talk, telling herself that waiting around on the couch wasn't going to give her energy, that making it would do that. She convinced herself that going downhill was going to be much easier than going uphill and that she'd be fine as long as she buttoned up. Finally she got up, only wobbling a little and took off Jacob's incredibly warm shirt. She replaced his shirt with her tight undershirt and base leggings. Both were cozy and warm from drying by the fire, which the Deputy accepted.
     She picked up her pack, which had also been drying by the fire, and shoved a couple spare bandages in it. She finished zipping that up and pulled on her snow clothes, sitting down to get her snow pants on. When she finished lacing up her boots and squeezing on her pack and gun she found a piece of paper to write a note on.
    Thanks for rescuing me, maybe we extend that temporary truce to until I get off this mountain? The Deputy's note read.
     She set it somewhere that Jacob would see it and added a couple logs to the fire. She grabbed her gloves and hat and trudged out the door, satisfied that everything she'd touched was back to the way it was when she found it. Except Jacob's shirt, that she folded next to the note. When she closed the door, she pulled her jacket up to cover the bottom of her face and started down the mountain.
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