#and the ren faire near us upped their prices so just to get in is like $100
quilleth · 1 year
I understand why a lot of the non-harvest related festivals happen in the summer, but also it’d be nice if they did some in the fall too :(
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ot3tropetober · 4 years
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-So Hardison gets rich playing the stock market as a teen in Nana’s basement. Mostly because the professor at the college econ classes he’s taking for extra credit said he couldn’t.
-By the time he’s graduating highschool at 18 he is filthy rich. (WhatLikeItsHard.gif) He has paid off Nana’s medical bills and her house and went over to the college to gloat a little and decided he doesn’t actually need to go to college when he’s already, you know, doing what he does.
-But he doesn’t wanna keep taking up Nana’s basement when he has heard her having to turn down emergency placements because there’s not enough room. 
-So he moves out. Into a giant mansion, because why not. He has everything. A pool. A fancy kitchen. A shower with like 16 sprays that massage your back perfectly. A hallway with a giant fancy staircase. A whole room dedicated to his computer setup, with all the latest gadgets. A special wine fridge he stocked full of orange soda. A damn fireplace in his bathroom.
-A lot of empty rooms. And quiet. Like, creepy-quiet. Right-before-the-killer-grabs-you-in-the-hallway quiet. He nearly jumps out of his skin when he forgets there is a mirror at the end of one of the hallways. His shriek echoes through the empty house.
-He considers getting a cat for one second but remembers he’s allergic. And it would probably just startle him even more. He gets a few roombas, but even with the giant googly eyes they don’t fill the space as much as he’d hoped. So instead he places an ad online for roommates. 
-He doesn’t get nearly enough responses as he suspects. Maybe ‘come live in my mansion rent free’ gives off some major serial killer vibes. He amends his ad to a reasonable but still low enough rent that people who really need a place can apply. 
-He runs background checks on everyone who applies. He may or may not disqualify some people for petty reasons. Sorry not sorry, this is his mansion and he’s not about to share his kitchen with someone who thinks Kylo Ren is cooler than Poe Dameron, okay?
-He has some interviews, but nobody seems to click. A lot of people seem to want to make his house some kind of party-mansion. And not the fun kind of movie-marathon, D&D session, LAN Party kind of parties. One girl keeps asking him when the ‘real owner’ of the house is going to be back. 
-He’s thinking about giving up and moving back home and finding a small apartment near Nana’s house when a girl shows up in his living room.
-She does not have an interview scheduled. Hardison knows this for two reasons: one, he thinks he’d remember background checking someone as pretty as her. Two: it’s three in the morning.
-“So I heard you’re looking for roommates,” she says. A roomba nudges against her foot, and she reaches down to pat it before it turns away. “I like your pet robots.”
-It’s probably the fact that he’s been up for like 48 hours by now, but he’s like: thanks, want a tour of the house?
-Parker moves in that weekend. He helps her move in, and does not ask why she has an entire box of the exact same creepy doll whose head turns around to show an even more creepy face. He just kindly requests she keep those in her rooms, not the shared ones.
-Parker is a great roommate. Her schedule is all over the place as well, but she’s tidy, she’s funny, and she’ll hang out and watch Doctor Who with him. She also names all his roombas. He pretends not to see her dropping some fortune cookie crumbs on purpose to feed Carl the kitchen roomba when he goes by.
-Their next roommate is Eliot. He’s a veteran who’s learning how to cook at some kind of culinary school. He gets a little flustered when Hardison shows him his rooms, plural, saying he must have read the ad wrong, and is almost out the door before Hardison can convince him that yes, the price in the ad is correct, no this is not a cult, he just bought a house that was much too big and he has Regrets okay, help a brother out.
-So Eliot moves in as well. He gets a little judgy when he finds out 95% of the kitchen cupboards are empty, and the rest is filled with cereal and junkfood. He brings in more boxes of kitchenware than clothes, and Parker is delighted at poking each and every thing he unpacks.
-Eliot’s schedule is kind of the opposite of Hardison’s. He is some kind of weird morning person. They mostly run into each other when Hardison is going to bed and Eliot comes back from his morning run. He’s mostly at school or working kitchen shifts to gain more experience during the times Hardison is awake, so they mostly communicate via text.
-Parker’s the one that figures out Eliot is all bark and no bite. Or actually, all growl and no bite. Turns out, he just really hates the little buttons on his smartphone, so his texts are very short and curt. Hardison starts leaving notes on the kitchen fridge instead and that works much better. Note-Eliot is way nicer than text-Eliot.
-The great thing about Eliot is that his homework is basically… fuck around in the kitchen and make delicious things. Which he then ‘makes’ them taste. So yeah maybe Hardison kind of… switches his schedule so he’s around more and awake for Eliot Cooking Time. 
-So basically he gets roommates, and free food and it’s all great. Except for that time he accidentally ate Eliot’s sandwich. Well, he didn’t leave a note saying NOT to! It ends up with him being dragged out of bed and interrogated (Parker shining a flashlight at him and being generally Chaotic Unhelpful) until he confesses.
-The only reason Eliot doesn’t kill him probably is because he babbles about how delicious it was. Or because he’s tired of Parker shouting unrelated cop-phrases at Hardison over his shoulder.
-They come up with a system where Eliot leaves very threatening notes on the stuff he does not want them to eat. It mostly works. Besides, Parker has totally found Eliot’s weak spots (puppy eyes) and can basically make him cook them whatever.
-It’s pretty great until it starts to heat up. And both Parker and Eliot start making use of the big outdoor pool. Which is great, that’s what it’s there for. But they then wander around looking sexy and damp and near naked and Hardison is starting to get Very Inappropriate Thoughts, okay?
-Okay so maybe he also had very inappropriate thoughts before, even when Eliot was wearing like 13 layers of clothing and Parker was wearing cozy sweaters and it’s still not fair for them to wander around looking so hot.
-But he’s not about to ruin a good thing with his crushes. Besides, he’s technically their landlord, that would be weird and creepy.
-So he just… quietly pines a little. It’s cool. He still gets to hang out in the kitchen with Parker and Eliot, and force them to watch movies they have never seen that they really should (neither of them talk to him for a week because of the whole Lilo and Stitch thing).
-And maybe he notices them huddled together whispering sometimes. That’s cool. That’s fine. They can date each other if they want. (Don’t think about Eliot and Parker together, don’t, it’s too hot and you won’t be able to look them in the eye ever again, dammit Hardison).
-Until one day he wanders down into the shared living space to find the dining room table to be all decked out, a table cloth and candles and roses and everything. And Parker and Eliot look up all expectantly as he starts backpedaling that he didn’t mean to interrupt their date before Eliot growls and says ‘sit down, Hardison’. 
-The table has three place settings.
-It’s one hundred percent worth his foster siblings quoting a meme at him all weekend when he brings the two of them home to meet his Nana.
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hollenka99 · 3 years
Growing up by the coast unlocks a special experience, if I'm going to be honest.
For a few months of the year, everywhere feels crowded. Good luck getting to your nearest coastal town quickly because you'll be slowly cooking in your car forever since everyone and their mum has decided to go to the beach. I have been late to work because of this despite leaving early enough to try account for it.
Teenagers can easily get summer jobs in restaurants and cafes because those places are desperate to get help with keeping up with the huge influx of customers. Sometimes you'll be 17 and standing outside a stall wondering why the fuck somebody decided to clean their child(ren) with the sinks or how the fuck all that sand managed to get in, around and on the toilet. And that's not even touching on how entitled people seem to be while on holiday. They will personally blame you for ruining their week away if things don't go perfectly, despite the fact you're literally just trying to get on with wiping tables for less than £5 an hour.
Holiday makers tend to come from inland where they possibly never had to worry about drowning in a lake or river etc. Which is fine, the whole country can't be made out of water. But oh my god, nobody seems to know how to read water safety information. It's on signs by the beach, on coasters you see in restaurants, even on the very glasses you drink out of as you look over the beach that tell you it takes less liquid than you're currently consuming to kill you when drowning. The information is definitely there. But there's always somebody who lets themselves get fucked over by high tides or stronger currents than they were expecting. This doesn't mean locals never get caught out because we're all human but the majority of incidents come from those not used to life near large bodies of water. Water does not give a shit about how you want to enjoy your break, it will unapologetically make you find out if you fuck around. Please stay safe and don't be dumb. The RNLI can only do so much if you get yourself into trouble.
Oh and growing up here also unlocks a distaste for rich people. Every summer, prices for snacks and refreshments skyrocket because local shop owners want to make the most out of the visitors. The high school I went to was within walking distance of the beach and for at least one non-uniform day a year, our donations would go to the local charity that helped local kids be able to afford to still live in the area. Because you know what happens when city natives (usually Londoners) keep buying their second homes by the sea? House prices go up to take advantage of their larger incomes, leaving the people who live there all year round to suffer the consequences.
And I mean it's not all horrendous. I had my fair share of rides along the beach on ponies and donkeys as a kid. The admission price is a bit steep but seals, otters and other marine life are just 15 minutes away if I want to see them. There's a boat called the Wash Monster that takes people on tours and every time I see those dumb shark teeth, I smile. The nearby mini golf place is cool and pirate themed, if I remember.
Also have you ever stood by crashing waves? I have a distinct memory of standing by railings overlooking the sea, it was high tide and the wind was strong that night. I stood there for a good 15 minutes after that shift as I waited to be picked up, letting the spray hit my face, laughing to myself from the euphoria of it all. It was simply myself and the sea. I wish I could replicate those few minutes but by its very nature, it's impossible to do so which makes it all the more special. I miss that feeling of nothing else mattering except the wind and the waves.
So yeah, the people who appear in their temporary droves can dampen the experience but growing up by the coast is definitely something else.
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amusement-spark · 3 years
Busch Gardens Tampa part 5: miscellaneous!
On my most recent visit to BG, I did not ride any rides. I just used the opportunity to enjoy the Florida air, and experience a lot of what BG has to offer besides thrills. I will make a separate post about all the animals. This post will be dedicated to all the random other stuff that doesn't fit neatly another category, as well as some other thoughts I had on this recent trip.
Currently Busch Gardens has three performances throughout the day. I have only had the chance to experience one, Cirque Electric. This dance/stunt show is in the Stanleyville theater over by Tigris and runs every couple hours starting at 3.
The first thing I noticed about the show was it's unique aesthetic. The stage is decorated with gears and other items to build a fun neon steampunk look to the show. The costumes also carry this feel, somewhere between burlesque and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Be aware, there is use of intense lighting effects as well as smoke machines. All the technical aspects of the show, lighting, costuming, sound, etc, are really fun. Arguably it doesn't go with the aesthetic of the park itself, but works as a change of pace from the sometimes generic ruins and buildings of the rest of the park.
The performance itself is a series of circus type stunt acts with dances in between as the transitions. The dances were quick routines, never more than 1 or 2 minutes, but nevertheless had unique costumes for each one, as well as the occasional extra showpiece. The dancers kept the energy going while the stunt performers were setting up for their next thing. You have roller skating, intense balancing, some chair based acrobatics, and a couple other surprises. Sometimes it felt like a mid-tier circus, other times I felt like I was at a particularly nice Ren faire. The final stunt act in particular. Anyone who has been to the Bay Area Ren Fair will likely know what I mean. The performers themselves were all great at managing the crowd and getting well earned applause. It really felt like they were having a lot of fun, even though a couple of the stunts felt just a tad under rehearsed. Possibly part of the showmanship. Still, Cirque Electric is a lot of fun, and a great excuse to get out of the sun for half an hour. If you're wandering Busch Gardens after lunch and need time to digest before your next thrill, check them out. Cirque Electric gets 4/5.
One major aspect of the park that I had not experienced until this most recent trip is the train ride, the Serengeti Express. Currently they only have two of the four train stations open, and since the Skyride is closed, the train is your only way to get around the park while resting your feet. Quick tip, pay attention to the signs that tell you when the next train is arriving. It can hold quite a few passengers, so you don't need to worry about getting there particularly early to ensure a spot on the next train.
The two stations currently operating are Stanleyville, right beside SheiKra, and Nairobi, near the Myobi Reserve and the penguins. Both trips take out around the inside of the park as well as out into the Serengeti area. If you want to spend a but more time out with the animals, I suggest taking the Nairobi station train. However, at least for the time being, you can always get on at one station and ride it until you get back to where you started if you want to see everything.
I'm not gonna lie, the train is kinda magical. The stations themselves have plenty of decorations to evoke an early 20th century adventure, and the train itself is outfitted with old fashioned lanterns. When you're far into the Serengeti, for a moment you can easily forget Tampa, Florida and experience the Safari for what it is. I'm not sure if it's the real train whistle and railroad crossing signs or the fact that that the employees have to wave you off as you embark, but the Stanleyville express is just wonderful. Seeing the rides and everything from a different angle really helps me appreciate all the effort that goes into designing a park like this. Trying to maintain a single theme throughout an entire park is difficult, and the train ride is the perfect way to experience some of the little touches. I'll touch more on the animals themselves in my next post but rest assured, seeing the antelopes and giraffes from the train is one of the best experiences in the park that comes with the price of admission. The Serengeti Express gets a 5/5. I guess I just like trains
The final thing I'm going to touch on here is the Giraffe Bar. Located right beside Cheetah Hunt, and up a whole lotta stairs, you will find, for the time being, the classiest eatery in Busch Gardens. In the same lobby as the Giraffe Bar is the Oasis Pizza, which looks decent, though I haven’t been hungry enough to try it yet. Coming soon they also have the Treetop Kitchen The ambiance of this area is a welcome change of pace. Even the long line felt surprisingly calm.
The Giraffe Bar was quite a few specialty alcohol options. Three frozen cocktails, three on tap, and two curated beer flights. Prices are what you would expect from amusement park alcohol, but on a hot day, a frozen cocktail is more than welcome. I personally tried to Serengeti Sunrise, a fruity rum drink with a orange wedge and strawberry for garnish. As far as ten dollar cocktails go, I've had worse. It was certainly refreshing. Next time I visit I am tempted to try the Thorn & Berry, a whiskey cocktail on tap. A couple of the spirits they use here are from conservation efforts, and presumably these drinks help support those funds. They all sound pretty tasty as well, and a step above the frozen strawberry daiquiri and margaritas you can find at other locations in the park. Bonus note: in order to cut down on single use plastics, the straws for the frozen cocktails are edible. Imagine sucking down rum with a long hollowed Smartie. Pretty dang tasty if you have a sweet tooth like me.
The Giraffe Bar also has three food options meant as small snacks, and not a meal. These were the Giraffe shaped pretzel with beer cheese, a brisket truffle Mac and cheese, and hummus with pita. I tried to pretzel. It's not much to write home about. I was especially disappointed with the beer cheese. Like, you're owned by Budweiser, Busch Gardens. Up your beer game. If you need some carbs, go for it. As expected, a bit pricey but if you're sharing (and have that sweet pass holders discount) not a bad option for an afternoon munch.
The outdoor seating is nice. The Serengeti isnt quite as visible as I would like, but maybe I was just at a bad table. I'll have to go back some time and try different drinks. Oh no, what a travesty. Giraffe Bar gets a 3.5/5. That extra half point was because some birds were chilling on the terrace looking for food and one of them almost went inside. What a cutie. I love birds.
Side note mini review: as part of the Summer Nights event, some of the vendors have new desserts and drink specials. I tried to beignets, nice and soft, and am dying to try the “Churro Explosion” that comes with a bunch of different flavored sauces. Fried pastry gets a 5/5 any day of the week.
Just in 2021, I have already visited Busch Gardens Tampa 4 times. I am still finding new things to experience and enjoy, all included with the price of my annual pass (except for food, obvi). It seems to me that they are always trying to shake things up, especially with drinks and snacks. I just think it’s a really nice park. Later this week I will have my review of the various animal enclosures and experiences. Happy Summer!
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lunermagick-sims4 · 4 years
Griselda’s Story Part 18
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  Griselda got up before Gemma,  like she always does. She goes to bed late and wakes up early, She laughs to herself. “I do not know why I sleep sometimes.” She feels a little funny this morning so she goes to use the washroom to her surprise there it was her period. “Ahh!” She got herself showered, put a pad on and got dressed. She checked on her garden everything looked fine and grabbed a blood bag. She feed her sweet little babies and by then Gemma was awake. “Morning!” Gemma groaned and went into the bathroom. She was not long and came out to get something to eat. “Morning. Sorry I had to pee could not stop to talk.” She laughed. “It all good. I feel blah to. My period started.” Gemma was getting left overs out of the fridge and was sitting down. “I started last night. Guess we are synced.” Griselda laughed. “I guess so.” Gemma looked at Griselda. “I am in love with your outfit today, leopard print and your top is striking. Got a little cap. You look fierce my friend.” Griselda smiled she liked the combination too. She is finding her taste in clothing are changing the more she is getting older. “Well thank you!” Gemma gobbled her food down and yawned. “I guess I need to get showered and dressed now.” Griselda was playing with Storm and Luna when Gemma came out. Her hair was up her shirt had a nice cleavage and the arms were fish neated with tight jeans. She looked beautiful. “Gemma, your gorgeous!” Gemma blushed “aw thanks.” They headed off to school but Gemma was tense through the flight. Once the school got into sight she headed to the ground away from the school. “Gemma!” Griselda yelled following her. Gemma landed trying to catch her breath. “I I I.. can’t breath.” Gemma said gasping. Griselda held her and told her to “breath, breath Gemma!” Gemma finally got her breath and she started to cry. “Gemma what is wrong?” Gemma said through tears “they keep making fun of me. I tried to keep what happened low key with Leeanne and I but someone found out. I did not want to be a couple just a hook up and friends, but the students are making fun of me now and I can’t handle it.” Griselda hugged her close. “If you are in love with her. It okay, Gemma.” Gemma sniffed. “I do not know what I feel yet.” Once Griselda got her calm down they headed off to school.
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Griselda got through the school day and Gemma still was down and feeling sad. Gemma said she liked to be alone to think for a bit so Griselda thought she go see her boyfriend. It had been a few days and she missed him. Griselda and Storm went over to the Vatore’s place and knocked on the door. “Come in!” She opened the door and walked in. Caleb and Lilith were sitting in the living room chatting. Griselda sat next to Lilith. “Hey!” Lilith smiled and Caleb face lit up. “Hey!” Lilith and Caleb said together. “So I wanted to cheer up my friend Gemma. She has had a few hard days and was wondering if you guys would like to come over?” Lilith smiled “I wish I could Griselda but I made other plans and I can not break them. But I would of loved too otherwise.” Griselda gave her a reassuring smile. “It okay. I understand it last minute.” Griselda looked over to Caleb. “I will make it.” Griselda smiled. “I got to get going. See you later.” Lilith left in a flash. Caleb came over to where Griselda was sitting. “I missed you!” He kissed her. “I missed you too.” Griselda got out through breaths. Caleb took Griselda hand and lead her up to his bedroom. She followed him up, once they were in the bedroom Caleb started to kiss her again they started toward the bed and she sat down. She missed him a lot and she soaked him in. Caleb always smelled of a type of cologne. He works so much and with her schedule they have not seen much of each other. The kisses heated up Griselda moaned and Caleb let one out too. He helped her out of her outfit and it was not long and their clothes started to find the floor. Caleb took control and made Griselda moan more, Griselda enjoyed his touch and they seem to fit together nicely.
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After she untangled herself from Caleb and they talked for awhile, she told him she needed to go and she would see him later. “Love you!” Caleb said. Griselda blew him a kiss and left to plan a party for Gemma to cheer her up. She called her family and even Ren. It hopefully would make Gemma happy to be around her friends! Griselda was happy everyone could come.  Gemma will be happy to see all her family and friends come together to cheer her up.  Griselda walked home and checked on Gemma. She was in bed moping. “Gemma!” She heard a sad moan from the sheets. “You got to get up.” Gemma just groaned at her. “Griselda got under the blankets with her. “You can not hide forever. Please come out.” Gemma looked at Griselda. “Okay” the two of them made the bed and a knock to the door came. “Who is that?” Gemma said. Griselda shrugged. Gemma fixed herself up and Emilie and Ren was at the door. Plus a client for Griselda. Griselda went over and gave her what she needed but told her to stay around. “Hey!” Ren said to Griselda. “Hey.” He smiled nervously. “I think it nice what your doing for Gemma.” Griselda smiled looking at her best friend smiling and talking to Emilie. “I hope she has a good time.” Griselda took her focus off of Ren.  “Hey, everyone come in!” While everyone was heading in Caleb started over towards Griselda. “Hey! Get over here.”
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She smiled and he followed in with everyone else. Ren and Caleb caught eye pretty quickly,  Griselda was tense and thinking she did not think this through very well.  She gave Ren a look and he focused on who was coming in the door, which were Minerva and Darryl.  Hey guy!” Everyone was chatting away and Gemma was happy to see her brother and mother. Griselda smiled. Caleb gave Griselda a kiss. “Your a good friends.” Griselda smiled at him. She looked around for Ren he did not seem to be in site!
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After going around and talking to the Charm’s and Miko she noticed Ren was gone. Griselda found it weird he never said bye but he just left. She felt bad she never told Ren she was seeing anyone and to see someone kiss her like that. She pushed it aside and focused on who was there. Miko came up to her. “I am heading out. Thanks for inviting me in. See you soon.” Griselda waved and she left. Caleb came up next. “I am heading home. I think your family is very nice. Thank you for inviting me babe.” He kissed Griselda.  “I am glad you enjoyed yourself. They liked you too” he smiled and got one more kiss from her. “Text you later.” He went out the door. Everyone was gathered in the living chatting away and Griselda joined them. It was nice to have everyone together. Gemma looked happy for the time being and that made Griselda happy.
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Griselda decided to head off to Strangerville today and once she got there she could see spores in the air. She figured the spores were coming from opening the door to the lab in the basement. It is really making this place look worse. She needs to get a filter and something to scan for spore. She needs to talk to a scientist or a military personnel to help her to get some more information.  First she head to the the little shack this guy has set up near the trailer park. He may have some equipment she may use.
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When she got there for some reason it was closed. She waited and waited until finally someone came to open it up. She bought a hazmat suit and a few different items she might need. She thank the man and took off to the library. She got there and started talking to a scientist about the spores. A women by the name of Rhonda finally answered her questions. “If you get me some spores from the lab. I can make you a proper filter.” Griselda was happy now she needs a scanner to find the spores. She headed off to the bar hoping Valerie was there. She was in luck as she was there. She asked her about how to go about finding a scanner and she said. “We got a bunch of those laying around but I will give you one for a fair price.” You do a number of sit up they are yours if not you pay me the price I am asking for them! Griselda agrees and starts doing the sit ups but fails terribly and ends up paying!
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Griselda felt like she did everything she could today in Strangerville. She was getting tired of talking to all these people and she just wanted to head home. She did feel like she was getting a little closer to finding out what happened to her parents but still seemed to have so much standing in the way too. She left Strangerville feeling a bit defeated.
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vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 8: Mission Prep
When Ren woke up, she felt Morgana cuddled up near the foot of her bed. She smiled. She liked the reminder that someone was there for her. She got out of bed and got dressed for school before Morgana woke up. She decided to wake him up. “Morning sleepyhead.”
“Ugh” Morgana groaned. “Morning.”
Ren smiled. “Get up. We’re going to school.”
“Oh. OK” Morgana said, half asleep. “Wait, WE?!” he said, waking up.
“Mm-hm” Ren said. “You heard Sojiro. This a restaurant. You can’t be hanging around here all day.”
Morgana seemed displeased. “I could walk around and stuff…”
“I guess” Ren said, sitting down next to him. “But I’d rather you be close by just in case.”
“Hm. Very well” Morgana said.
“Alright, in you go kitty” Ren said, opening her bag.
Morgana gave her an uneasy look. “Do you need to call me a cat?”
Ren looked surprised. “I thought that by affirming your status it might make things easier for you.”
“You mean the more you call me a cat, the more I’ll get used to it?” Morgana asked.
“Well, if most people are going to see you as a cat anyway, it would be beneficial to get used to it,” Ren said. “Plus, you told me you don’t mind it.”
“Well, I appreciate the thought,” Morgan said, “but I’m not sure if I quite like it yet.”
“Fair enough,” Ren said. “Well, hop in anyway. I don’t want to be late.” Morgana hopped in Ren’s bag, and the two set off for school.
At school, Morgana hid in Ren’s desk. Morgana helped Ren out on occasion, but Ren was knowledgeable for her age.
In the afternoon, Ren got a group chat message from Ryuji.
Ryuji: Hey, so I uh can’t take you to that weapon place today.
Ryuji: My mom needs me to go shopping today.
Ryuji: Does tomorrow work for everyone?
Ann: Sorry, I have a photoshoot tomorrow.
Ren: You do photos?
Ryuji: You didn’t know?
Ryuji: She’s a model.
Ann: Well, part-time…
Ann: And it’s not really something that comes up too much.
Ann: In case you forgot, something happened that would have put sharing that information on the backburner.
Ryuji: Right.
Ann: Why don’t just you and Ren go to the weapon place tomorrow?
Ann: It’ll give the two of you a chance to get closer!
Ren: Are you sure?
Ann: Of course!
Ryuji: Alright then. It’s settled. Meet me at Shibuya Station tomorrow Ren.
Ren: Got it.
Ren: I think I have a lead on some medicine.
Ren: I can handle it.
Ryuji: Alright. I’ll leave it up to you then.
Ryuji: Later.
Ren put away her phone and went back to paying attention in class.
Once school was done for the day, she traveled back to Yongen-Jaya. She asked about the doctor to the street dwellers and found that the doctor was close by. Dr. Tae Takemi ran a clinic here in Yongen.
She also heard a few off-hand rumors about her. She apparently has some strangely strong medicine, but she’s also a bit dangerous. Ren didn’t let that bother her too much. After all, she knew a thing or two about being unfairly labeled. Maybe they were just exaggerating.
Ren made her way to the clinic and walked in. Sure enough, she was there, although in a doctor’s coat rather than her full punk-goth getup. “Hello,” Ren said.
Dr. Takemi looked up. “Hm? Oh, you’re that girl from before. What brings you here?”
“Um, I need medicine,” Ren said.
“Medicine huh? What for?” Takemi asked.
“Well…” Ren was panicking. However, she thought she could use that to her advantage. “I’m exhausted.”
“Exhausted?” Takemi said.
“Yeah. I’m constantly worried about entrance exams. Not to mention all of my social anxieties” Ren continued.
“Really?” Takemi said, not quite believing her. “You seem fairly outgoing.”
Ren smiled. “Well, I guess I can be.” She paused. “But there are some things that I’m worried people will find out about me.”
Takemi smiled. “Say no more. Follow me.” Ren met up with her in the office. “So, based on what you said, I think some painkillers might do the trick. Is that alright with you?”
“Well, you’re the doctor,” Ren said.
Takemi smiled mischievously. “If that’s the case, maybe some sleeping pills might be better.”
“Hey” Morgana said from Ren’s bag. “That won’t work in the metaverse.”
“You think she’s on to me?” Ren whispered.
“Well, you can’t be a doctor if you’re not smart,” Morgana said. “Dang it.”
Takemi giggled. “Do you need some metal help as well?”
“Huh?” Ren said.
“You’re talking to your bag,” Takemi pointed out.
“Oh, uh, well…” Ren said nervously.
“It’s fine,” Takemi said. “You seem to be under a lot of pressure. Both here and at the cafe. You seem like a good kid though. I’ll get you whatever you want.”
Ren was relieved. “Thank you doctor.”
“For the right price, of course” Takemi stated seriously. “I do have to keep this place afloat after all.”
“Right. For your other patients” Ren pointed out.
Takemi was surprised then giggled. “I like you. Feel free to stop by when you need something. I’ll be here for you.”
Ren nodded. “Thank you.” She made her purchases and left the office.
While still in the clinic, she saw an aggressive man barge in. “Out of the way kid” he said, pushing her to the side. He barged into Takemi’s office.
“How may I help you?” Takemi said.
“Cut the crap. You know why I’m here” the man said.
“I’m a doctor, not a psychic,” Takemi said. “Although, if you’re looking for something like that, I’ve heard good things about a fortune teller in Shinjuku.”
“Obstinate as ever” the man said. “You should have known that any rumors about you creating special medicine would get back to me eventually.”
“Oh my. You’re keeping tabs on me?” Takemi said. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on me.” Ren heard the man growl. “However, I’m not one for these grade-school antics. I much prefer a more mature approach.”
“Laugh all you want for now!” the man yelled. “But if these rumors keep persisting, I’ll make sure you won’t have a license anymore!”
There was a silence. “Is that all?” Takemi said. Ren noted the change in her tone.
“Yes,” the man said.
“Then I’ll ask you to leave,” Takemi said.
“Hm” the man pouted. He left, passing Ren by rudely again. Ren followed him out
On the streets of Yongen, Morgana popped out and asked “Did you hear that?”
“Which part?” Ren said.
“Apparently Dr. Takemi is working on some special medicine. That could be more helpful than the stuff we bought.”
Ren smiled. “You’re always focused on the job, aren’t you?”
“Well, what did you take from that conversation?” Morgana asked.
Ren looked serious. “I was thinking of trying to help Dr. Takemi out with that guy.”
Morgana got serious as well. “I know how you feel, but what can we do?”
“Well, I was thinking,” Ren suggested, “what if that guy had a palace?”
“Hm” Morgana smiled. “Always willing to help others. However, let’s pump the breaks on that for now. We don’t know if you can take on one palace yet. Taking on another might be too much. Besides, Takemi seems like she can handle herself for a bit.”
Ren seemed frustrated. “Look,” Morgana said. “I know. And I promise, we will help her. But if you keep taking these tasks, you might break. Then you can’t help anyone.”
Ren smiled. “You’re right Morgana.”
“Of course I am,” Morgana said. “Besides, I have an idea as to what to do about him But we should focus on the Kamoshida thing first.”
Ren nodded. “We should head back. It’s getting kind of late.” The two returned to Leblanc and spent the rest of the evening doing some studying.
The next day, Ren met up with Ryuji at Shibuya Station. “Hey” said Ryuji.
“Hello,” Ren said.
“So, the shop we’re heading to is in an offshoot of Central Street,” Ryuji explained. “Since you’re new around here, just follow my lead, OK?”
“Got it,” Ren said. Ryuji began walking. Ren followed.
Ryuji was fidgety. “So,um, you wanna go grab something to eat afterwards?” Ren looked at him curiously. “It’s just, we don’t really know each other that well, and yet fate has tied us up in this Persona business. I figured we should at least learn about each other.”
Ren smiled. “I like that idea.”
Ryuji was shocked. “O-OK. Cool. I, um, know a-a pretty good ramen place we can go to. If that’s alright with you.”
“Ramen sounds great,” Ren said.
“Cool. Cool” Ryuji said.
Ren couldn’t help but giggle. “Why are you so nervous?” she asked.
Ryuji’s face turned red. “Well, it’s b-because…”
“You know this isn’t a date, right?” Ren added.
“Oh. R-r-ight” Ryuji said. “So, um…”
“And nothing you say will make it one” Ren said.
“Figures” Ryuji said in resignation.
“Hm-hm” Ren chuckled. “It was a decent effort on your part, but like I told Mishima, I’m probably not the right girl for you.”
“You turned down Mishima too, eh?” Ryuji said. “Well, I guess I’ll have some solidarity.
As they passed through Station Square, the pair heard a street orator speaking to a disinterested public. “People of Tokyo! Please, listen to what I have to say! These mental shutdown occurrences are continuing. Yet the government is in disarray! The government should be working for the people! Yet they do nothing! I vow to you that I will work hard for all of you!”
Ren was curious about this man. His speeches were passionate, and he had an aura of truth about him. Like he believed what he really said. However, she also noticed that she was the person paying attention to his speech the most.
Ryuji looked back to see Ren stopped. “Hm?” He looked at the politician. He walked back over to Ren. “Don’t tell me you’re into older dudes.”
Ren couldn’t help but laugh. “No. No. Sorry. No.” Ren took some time to regain her composure. “Sorry. I was just interested in what he was saying is all.”
“A politician, eh?” Ryuji said. “Well, it’s not like it matters too much, since we can't vote anyway,” He said, continuing to walk.
Ren began following him again. “I know we can’t vote, but it’s important to learn about the world around you. And who knows? He might be up for election when we are able to vote. I liked what he had to say.”
“Yeah Ryuji” said Morgana, popping out of Ren’s bag. “You’ve gotta pay attention. You could learn a thing or two.”
“Wha-WHAT?!” Ryuji said. “That cat’s been here this whole time?!”
“Yeah,” Morgana said. “By the way, you sounded kind of pathetic, trying to ask her out.”
“Sh-shut up!” Ryuji yelled. “It’s not like you’d do any better, you dumb cat!”
“I’m not a cat!” Morgana said. “I just happen to have the form of a cat…”
“Same thing!” Ryuji said.
“Boys! We have a mission” Ren said, calming them down
“Fine!” Ryuji said. “But why is he here anyway?”
“Well, I live in a restaurant,” Ren explained. “If there was a cat just wandering about, people would freak out, and I wouldn’t have any place to live.”
“Oh, I getcha,” Ryuji said. “Wait, you live in a restaurant?!”
“Well, you said it yourself, we need to get to know each other better,” Ren said.
“Well, yeah, but that would surprise anyone!” Ryuji said. “Are you doing OK?”
“Well, I’m doing as fine as I can be,” Ren said.
“Well, good…” Ryuji said. He sighed. “If you were in trouble, I’d be tempted to invite you over to my place, but we don’t got the room.”
“I see,” Ren said. “Well thanks anyway.”
They arrived on Central Street. “OK, it’s just round that corner. Keep close” Ryuji explained.
Ren nodded. She followed Ryuji around the bend and saw the shop in view. However, she got a sensation in her mind. She looked at the corner where they turned to see a blue cell door there, and standing next to it was Lavenza. Ren was confused.
“Do not be alarmed,” Lavenza said. “No one else but you can see this.”
“What’s it for?” Ren asked.
“It is to help facilitate your mission” Lavenza said. “If you ever need anything from myself or my master, you may be free to do so.”
Ren nodded. “Thank you Lavenza.” Lavenza nodded back. Ren walked back to Ryuji, and the two entered the store.
Untouchable, the store, was packed with real-looking weapons and other high quality gear. “Wow,” Ren said.
“I know, right?” Ryuji said. “This place is pretty cool.” He handed her some money. “Here.”
Ren was confused. “What’s this for?”
“Well, you seemed like a natural back in the village,” Ryuji said. “I just feel like you might be able to make the best choices for what I should have with me.”
“Understood” Ren said. She approached the surly owner. “Um, hello.” The owner looked up. “I was wondering what kind of stuff you would recommend for a really realistic-looking model.”
The owner seemed cautious. “What would you do with such a model?” he asked. “You two seem a bit young to be gun buffs.”
“What are you talking about?! I was here last week!” Ryuji shouted.
“Hm. Don’t remember you” the man said.
“For real?!” Ryuji said.
“Well, I’m a real gun aficionado” Ren said. “Truth be told, he showed me a gun he bought from here, and I insisted he show me the place.”
“Hm. I see” the man said, a smile adorning his face. “Well, for really realistic stuff, we have a few things.” The man helped Ren pick out weapons and gear for the whole team.
“Thanks,” Ren said.
“Come again,” the man said. “Just be sure to be cool when it comes to showing those to people. I don’t want any negative press coming back to me.”
“Understood” Ren said. She and Ryuji left.
“How did you manage to win him over?” Ryuji asked.
“Well, I do like guns,” Ren said. “I’m not that much of an expert, but I really do like the detail on these guns, even if we weren’t using them to shoot up shadows. Plus, he seemed like a man who takes pride in his work.”
“I see,” Ryuji said.
“Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her as well,” Morgana said.
“Shut up” Ryuji responded.
“So, how ‘bout that ramen now?” Ren said.
“Huh? Oh, yeah” Ryuji said. “Let’s head back to the station. It’s a bit of a commute, but it’s good.” The group headed out.
They arrived at the ramen place. “So this is it,” Ren observed.
“Yeah, it’s great!” Ryuji said. “But it is a restaurant.” He gave a look to Morgana.
“...Fine. I can just walk around a bit. Besides, this does seem like a personal thing between the two of you.” Morgana hopped out the bag. “I’ll meet you back here. Don’t worry.” He started walking about.
“So, shall we go in?” Ryuji said. Ren nodded. They stepped inside. Ren handed Ryuji some money. “Huh?”
“Well, you let me pick out the weapons,” Ren said. “And you seem to know this place better than I do. I’m just returning the favor.”
“Alright! I know just the thing!” Ryuji ordered them each a bowl of their best ramen. “Kay, so while we’re waiting, I guess I can tell you a bit about myself. What do you wanna know?”
Ren thought about it. “Well, you said Kamoshida took everything from you. What does that mean?”
Ryuji looked dejected. “Going straight for it, eh?” he said.
Ren panicked. “If it’s too much, you don’t-”
“Nah, it’s alright,” Ryuji said. “Truth is, I used to be on the track team. I’m not good at much but I was second to none when it came to running! So, I figured I’d try helping my mom out by getting a track scholarship.”
“Help your mom out?” Ren inquired.
“Oh, yeah,” Ryuji said. “My dad isn’t around anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” Ren said.
“Don’t be,” Ryuji replied. “The guy was the dictionary definition of the word scumbag. He left me and my mom and I before I graduated elementary school. All he would do before that was drink and beat my mom. I think he wanted to beat me too, but my mom wouldn’t let him”
“Sounds awful,” Ren said.
“Yeah” Ryuji said. “Still, I had thought I put all that behind me. But then Kamoshida showed up. He doesn’t like anything that he can’t control, and he knew that included me. He found out about my dad, and told everyone.”
Ryuji smiled, though he looked completely dejected. “I can still remember that moment. Everyone was looking at me in horror. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked and I ended up punching Kamoshida in the face.” He sighed.
“What happened next?” Ren asked.
Ryuji frowned. “Kamoshida knew something would happen, but I doubt he was expecting that. He got really mad and broke my leg. The school took his side in it all, and the track team was forced to disband. It’s bullshit! It sucks, you know?”
Ren calmly stated “Yeah. I get it.”
“Here you go,” said the server, delivering their bowls.
Ryuji was now curious. “You get it?” Ren nodded. “Well, since I just spilled my guts, it’s only fair you spill yours.”
“Hm. Fair enough” Ren said. She ate some of her ramen. “Wow, this is good.”
“I know, right?” Ryuji said, excited. “But back to the matter at hand.”
“I know, I know” Ren said. She sighed. “The truth is, I have a criminal record.”
“For real?!” Ryuji said. “What, did somebody think you were too cute and have you arrested?”
Ren giggled. “Ann asked me the same thing when I told her. But no. What happened was there was this man trying to force a woman to get into his car. I tried putting a stop to it, and the man fell and started bleeding. Some officers came by and he told them that I had assaulted him. I was tried and sentenced quickly, and now I’m on parole.
My family thought that a kid on parole in my small town would stick out, so they sent me here. The person I ended up with asked me to live in the restaurant they run because their home situation seems complicated. But he seems nice overall.”
Ryuji was in shock. “Holy shit! What an effing d-bag! I can’t believe it!”
“Ryuji?” Ren said.
“I can’t STAND selfish adults doing whatever they want while making us suffer! It’s BULLSHIT!” Ryuji continued. “How the hell are you so calm about things?”
Ren set down her chopsticks for a bit. “Well, it’s all I can do,” she explained. “I’m always worried about what will happen if everyone at school found out about my record. But fretting about it would be pointless. So I just need to press on.”
“That sucks,” Ryuji said. “You can’t just keep all that in.” He thought about it. “Well, I know I’m not the smartest person, but if you ever need anything, I’m always willing to lend an ear.”
Ren smiled. “Thanks.”
I am thou... Thou art I… Thou hast acquired a new vow...
It shall become the wings of rebellion that breaketh thy chains of captivity.
With the birth of the Chariot Persona I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to freedom and new power.
Chariot-Ryuji Sakamoto: Rank 1
“Well we should finish this ramen,” Ryuji said. “No sense in letting it go to waste.”
“Agreed” Ren said. The two finished their ramen and left to go home for the day.
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khadij-al-kubra · 6 years
Pairing: Prinxiety
Warning: Some swearing, near-panic attack, implied hanky-panky
Word Count: 3733
Summary: Virgil and Roman have been in a steady relationship for two years. It’s been some of the happiest times in Virgil’s life, but with Roman flying off to college all the way in New York soon, he is worried if they’re love will survive the long distance. So Roman reassures him in the best way he knows how.
Author’s Note: Okay, so I’ve wanted to write a Prinxiety piece for a while and finally got a good idea for one after @altruistic-skittles and @queer-human-being talked about Roman speaking in Spanish. Despite being half Nicaraguan myself, I am sadly not that fluent in Spanish. So to all of my fellow Latino readers/bloggers I hope I got the translation accurate and do you proud. I hope you enjoy this one-shot fluff. 
As always leave a comment if you have any feedback or constructive critiques on the writing. I am always looking to improve.
This was definitely Virgil’s favorite thing to do with his boyfriend (well, his favorite PG thing anyways). Just lying on the couch together in their PJs, eating snacks, and staying up late watching Disney movies. Tonight’s selection was one of their favorites, Lilo and Stitch. Roman, being the lovable cheese-ball that he was, wore his Stitch t-shirt and red sweatpants. Virgil of course was in his favorite purple flannel pants and Jack Skellington shirt. He snuggled back into Roman’s chest, soaking in the warmth his boyfriend radiated.
Enjoy it while it lasts Virgil. You won’t get to do this for a long time. No more cuddling on the couch, no more sarcastic teasing, no intimate nights in bed, no tender moments...
Since his parents were out of town Virgil had the house to himself (yeah, his Dad and Ren were actually pretty cool), so he’d invited Roman to spend the weekend together. It was the last week of summer break before college started and Virgil was dreading the end of it. By tomorrow afternoon Roman would be on a plane to New York for his orientation week. Roman would be going to acting school there and Virgil would stay behind in Florida attending community college.
He knew it was the right thing. Going to college out of state would’ve been too much for his anxiety and Roman was meant for more. He had such big goals, so many dreams to follow. The guy had gotten offered a full ride scholarship to the NYU TISH School of Performing Arts for crying out loud! Not only would Roman have been an idiot to turn it down, but Virgil would be a pretty crappy boyfriend if he let him.
He and Roman agreed that they were going to give the long distance thing a try. Their best friends had both come up with a list of ways to help too. Logan made a Skype schedule for them to follow that wouldn’t be too hard on their sleep habits (not that Virgil got much sleep anyways with his insomnia) but also gave them time to themselves. And Patton had suggested they go old school and write letters to each other weekly because it was ‘more intimate’ than just plain old texts, and it prevented the pitfall of excessive communication. They also found the cheapest prices and dates for flights between Florida and New York so they could take turns visiting during breaks. Virgil was touched by the effort, but he still couldn’t shake the fears that clouded his mind. He was more than willing to make it work and knew that Roman was too…
…But what if they grew apart despite their efforts to stay together? What if Roman got too busy with school and theater for Virgil? What if the long distance proved to be too much for them to handle, especially Virgil. What if Roman met someone more interesting and cheated on him? No! Roman never was and never would be the cheating type. But then what if Roman wanted to be with someone else but still stayed with Virgil and grew to resent him for it? What if they forget how much they care for each other? How were they supposed to remember if they wouldn’t see each other everyday, couldn’t hug or kiss or—
“Virgil darling, breathe!” said Roman.
The negative thoughts had snuck up on him so quickly. He only now realized how small his lungs felt. Oh great, his stupid anxiety was going to ruin their last night together! Suddenly Roman’s face was in front of him, the edges bleary. He heard Roman telling him to copy his breathing. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. In for 4, hold for 7, out for 8… Pretty soon he could feel his lungs again, see more clearly. After dating for so long Roman knew how to bring Virgil back from the brink. He swallowed down a big gulp of air.
“Feeling better?” Roman asked as he stroked his hair soothingly.
“Yeah…thanks Ro,” said Virgil. “That would’ve been a bad one.”
“Do you need a glass of water or something?”
“Nah…I’m okay now. Let’s just…get back to the movie.”
“Oh no you don’t. We’re going to talk about this first.” Roman picked up the remote and put the film on pause.
“I’m fine Roman. Seriously. Let. It. Go.”
“No, I am not going to ‘Let it Go’ ice queen,” Roman crossed his arms. “You nearly had a panic attack just now and I doubt it was from Lilo getting kidnapped by Captain Gantu. Something’s been on your mind all night, don’t think I haven’t noticed. So please Virge, talk to me. What’s troubling you?”
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
“Do I ever?”
Virgil sighed. He just wanted to have one last perfect night with his love. But Roman was right. Talking it out did help sometimes, and since this had to do with their relationship, Roman deserved to know.
“It’s just…I’ve been thinking about…how this is gonna be the last night we’ll be together for a long while. And how—I mean—this is—we’re—argh!”
“You’re still worried about us being long distance.”
“More like scared shitless but yeah.”
“I understand, and that’s okay. Know why? Because we are going to stay together. Yes, this is a big change but it’s one that we can control. We’ll call and Skype and even try Patton’s idea of writing letters. Long distance relationships are hard but not impossible if true love is on its side.” Virgil rolled his eyes but Roman the romantic was undeterred. “Just look at my parents. Mom was all the way in San Francisco while Ma was over here, and look at them now. They made it work and so can we!”
“Until you find someone better than me.”
Shoot! Virgil hadn’t meant for that to slip out. But it was out there now. Ah geez, Roman must hate him for sure. Virgil couldn’t look him in the eye, didn’t deserve to.
“Virgil Burke, look at me,” Roman said, tilting Virgil’s chin up. “What do you see?”
“A big idiot?” asked Virgil teasingly.
“Your boyfriend.”
“Same thing.”
“And I think it’s fair to say that I, your boyfriend, am quite the catch, right? After all I’m talented, charming, handsome, popular, and it’s no secret that I caught many an eye back in high school. Frankly I could probably have any man I wanted—
“Get to the point Princy, ‘cuz so far this ain’t cheering me up!”
“My point is…I could easily be with someone else, but I’m not because you’re the only man I ever want to be with. My heart belongs to you.” To emphasis this, Roman took Virgil’s hand and held it over his heart. “I am yours and you are mine. Nothing and no one will ever change that. I won’t let it! And I know that you won’t either Virgil because you protect the things you love, including us. Remember that! Alright?”
As much as his anxiety kept telling him otherwise, he knew Roman was right. They’d already lasted longer as a couple than Virgil ever dared to hope they would. If they’ve come this far together, then maybe they could get through this next chapter as well. He looked up at Roman’s warm smiling face, saw the tenderness in his eyes, and somehow it was enough to mitigate the fears, at least a little bit.
“Alright,” said Virgil, hugging him around the waist. “Thanks babe.”
“Any time, my dark and stormy knight.” Roman hugged him back. “In fact…this is a perfect segue. Be right back!”
Roman let him go and practically leaped off the couch as he rushed into Virgil’s room down the hall. What the heck was that drama king up to? Still, Virgil couldn’t help but smile and shake his head. He was gonna miss his boyfriend’s spontaneity. He heard Roman exclaim aha from the other room and then he was back, carrying Virgil’s black acoustic guitar.
“I have a surprise for you. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while,” said Roman, sitting back down and positioning the guitar properly.
“Since when do you know how to play guitar?” he asked.
“Well, technically, I only know how to play one song. I’ve been teaching myself for the past month. Seriously, how do you deal with the blisters? My fingers have never hurt so much in my life!”
“Years of building up callouses Princy, no pain no gain.” In all seriousness though, Virgil was impressed. Not many people could learn a new instrument in a month.
“Yes, well, I wanted to give you something special. To show you how much…how much I love you, and that no amount of distance is going to change or make me forget that.”
No way. He was seriously about to be serenaded by Roman friggin’ Soldato?Virgil hadn’t even heard him play yet and already he was moved by the gesture.
“So. Ready to be wooed edge-lord?” Roman asked, wiggling his brows.
“Eh, I guess.” Virgil smirked at Roman’s offended scoff. “Kidding. Go ’head. Play that funky music white boy,”
Roman raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m half Puerto Rican, right?”
“Really? Huh.” That was news to him. Although it did explain how he knew Spanish. “What’s the other half?”
“Italian,” said Roman, adjusting the guitar clamp and testing the strings.
“Cool.” Even after two years together, Virgil was still learning new things about his boyfriend.  Roman never ceased to amaze him.
“Out of curiosity, what are you?”
“An abomination,” he said, referencing the movie they were watching.
“True, but you’re my abomination.” They both laughed.
“Alright, hit it…mi amor.”
He smiled shyly at his boyfriend, trying to hide the heat that showed so obviously on his pale face. Virgil was happy to see that Roman’s olive toned cheeks were a shade or two redder as well. It was nice when he got to make the flamboyant boy flustered once in a while. Roman smiled back at him so warmly and began to play. The intro was familiar to Virgil. It was the main song from Coco. They had just watched it together for the first time last month. Roman had been reduced to a blubbering mess. Virgil on the other hand…okay he’d cried too, but come on. You’d have to be totally heartless not to.
And then, Roman sang.
“Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don’t let it make you cry
For even if I’m far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart”
He couldn’t help the sigh that slipped from his lips. Virgil really did love Roman’s singing voice. It was just so…lovely. It could belt out powerhouse notes like a thunderstorm, but also be as soothing as whispering wind through summer leaves. Whenever Virgil had a particularly bad panic attack, Roman gently sang to him afterwards, all while stroking his hair and holding him in those strong protective arms. It was one of Virgil’s favorite things.
Aunque tenga que emigrar”
Virgil smirked. “Show off.”
“You know you love it. Recuérdame
Si mi guitarra oyes llorar
Ella con su triste canto te acompañará
Hasta que en mis brazos tú estés
Yeah, he did love it. And Roman. So much it choked him up sometimes, how much he could feel for just one person. And to have that same amazing man who should’ve been way out of his league not only feel the same but now show it by serenading him in Spanish…Virgil would never figure out how he got so lucky. And he didn’t care. For once, Virgil wanted to just enjoy something without letting his anxiety spoil it.
In typical Roman fashion, he added a little improve guitar flare in the break. He hit a couple of sour notes, but played through it with a sheepish grin (too adorable) and went into the next part, getting more of a groove into it.
“Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Que nuestra canción no deje de latir
Solo con tu amor yo puedo existir
Virgil didn’t recognize this part from the film. Leave it to Roman to learn the full version of a Disney song, and in Spanish no less. Was there anything he couldn’t do?
“Si en tu mente vivo estoy
Mis sueños yo te doy
Te llevo en mi corazón y te acompañaré
Unidos en nuestra canción
Contigo ahí estaré
Virgil didn’t know too much Spanish but he was able to understand a few of the words. It was something about Roman’s mind and heart. Like, he would carry Virgil with him wherever he’d go, even as far away as New York.
“Si sola crees estar
Y mi cantar te irá a abrazaru
Aun en la distancia nunca vayas a olvidar
Que yo contigo siempre voy
Virgil felt Roman’s love for him pouring out of each note and guitar string, tugging at his own heartstrings. Felt Roman reassuring him through the song that they would always be in each other’s hearts. No amount of distance could change the bond they had. After all they’d been through, their love was too strong.
“If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll never fade away
Cierra tus ojos y que la musica fluya
Deja que el amor viva, nunca me desmayaré
If you close your eyes and let the music play
Keep our love alive, I’ll NE-VER fade awaaaay!”
That last belt felt as if Roman had basically ripped his own heart out and shoved it into Virgil’s hands. Any doubts and fears he’d had about keeping their relationship alive long distance ended right there. Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat, yet the tears streamed silently down his cheeks. He noticed that Roman’s eyes were getting watery too. Yet ever the performer he held through as he came to the last verse, slowing the melody back down to a lullaby.
“Remember me
For I will soon be gone
Remember me
And let the love we have live on
So know that I’m with you the only way that I can be
Until you’re in my arms agaaain
The guitar fell gracelessly from Romans hands onto the ground with a clank, but Virgil couldn’t give a damn. He immediately wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding tight as Roman sobbed into his shoulder. Little known fact: the popular princely actor was an ugly crier. Full on water works, puffy face, and runny nose. Virgil was one of the few people Roman let himself cry in front of and Virgil took that honor seriously. He rubbed soothing circles on Roman’s back, rocking him as the normally steady boy soaked his sleeve in tears and snot.
It took a minute or two for Roman to calm down. He squeezed Virgil’s arm to let him know he was better now. Virgil let him sit back up but used his thumb to wipe away the last few tears.
“I’m sorry,” said Roman with a sniffle. “I didn’t mean to r-ruin the song—or d-drop your guitar—it’s just—
“Shhh. It’s okay. Forget about that.”
“No, it’s not okay. I wanted this to be perfect! I just,“ Roman let out a shuddered breath. “I know we’ll be okay. I know in my gut that you and I are meant to have a happily ever after, but I’m still…so scared! Not just about us but everything! This is all so BIG, and as excited as I am about this new adventure I’m still terrified because what if I’m not good enough? What if I’m out-done by all the other amazing performers at that school? I mean for the love of Hamilton, this is NEW YORK for crying out loud! What if I can’t handle the pressure? And I won’t have you there to lean on or reassure me or tell me straight to my face when I’m being ridiculous or laugh with me about the stupid drama and silliness going on and I-I’m just going to MISS you so—
Virgil cut off his babbling boyfriend with a desperate kiss, pouring all the love and pride he felt for Roman into it. He felt the other boy practically melt into him, matching his kiss with equal fervency. When they pulled back Virgil cupped his face and looked Roman dead into those gorgeous hazel eyes he loved so much.
“You’re amazing. You’re strong. You’re gonna blow them all away, so don’t you dare for a second doubt that! I loved the song Roman, and I love you.”
Roman gave a shuddered smiled and leaned into Virgil’s hand, covering it with his own. “I love you too Virgil. So, so much!”
Virgil smiled at his words. Then he leaned forward to pepper Roman’s face with gentle kisses. One on each eyelid, then on each cheek, one on his forehead, and finally another kiss on the lips; He loved how soft those lips were. Roman leaned in to deepen the kiss. The passion of it sent shivers down Virgil’s spine, and when they broke away both were left breathless. Roman pulled him close and just held him.
No place in the world felt safer or more like home than in Roman’s arms. Virgil rested his head on Roman’s broad chest, heard his heartbeat. Ordinarily he found it relaxing but tonight, knowing that Roman would be on a plane flying far away from him tomorrow, it set his blood aflame. He mourned the loss of warmth as Roman released him to pick back up the guitar and lean it gently against the wall.
“So,” said Roman, picking back up the remote, “shall we finish the movie?”
Virgil took the remote control from his hand and turned the TV off completely. He tossed it onto the coffee table, stood up and grabbed Roman’s hand.
“Forget the movie,” he said. “I’ve got a better idea.”
If this was going to be their last night alone together for a while, then Virgil wanted them to spend it wrapped in each other’s arms. Roman seemed to get the message as he let himself be tugged behind by Virgil towards the bedroom.
“Ooh, I like this idea,” Roman said with a devilishly handsome grin.
“Princy, I’m about to give you a night you’re gonna remember for a looog time.”
* * * * *
Virgil stifled a yawn. He was exhausted from the night before, but it had been worth it. Except now there was no delaying the inevitable. Logan and Patton had come early in the morning to say goodbye as well. Logan was his usual stoic self, but Virgil swore he saw a tear in the corner of his eye behind those glasses as he clasped Roman’s hand. As expected Patton was a bawling mess, and Logan practically had to pry his boyfriend off of Roman. At least Virgil still had them. They could all miss Roman together.
They were in the back seat of the SUV (his moms had let Virgil come along) driving to the airport. All of the actor’s bags were in the trunk and Roman’s Ma was singing along to an old Santana song while his Mom drove. Neither of the to-be college boys had spoken the entire ride. There was nothing to be said that hadn’t already been expressed last night. Virgil just savored the sensation of them holding hands, their fingers laced and his head resting in the crook of his boyfriend’s shoulder. Roman gave his hand a gentle squeeze and he smiled.
They got to the airport with the usual insanity and traffic. When they got to just outside of the security check, the farthest they could go without a ticket, the Soldato family said their goodbyes. Roman was sniffling just as much as his Mom, while his Ma practically squeezed the life out her son with one of her famous pick-up-off-the-ground-bear hugs (Virgil’s ribs had suffered it once or twice before). Afterwards they gave Virgil and Roman some privacy to say their own goodbyes.
“Well…this is it,” said Roman, gripping his suitcase handle. “Into the unknown.”
“Yeah,” said Virgil, tugging at the sleeve of his patchwork hoodie. “Call me as soon as you land, alright?”
“I will.”
“And make sure you check your dorm for bed bugs. It is New York after all.”
“Ew, but I shall.”
“And I know it’s like a right of passage or whatever but don’t go eating from the hot dog carts. You don’t know what kind of toxic crap they make ‘em with.”
“Well now you sound like Logan.”
“How dare you,” he deadpanned. “Seriously though Ro. Take care of yourself.
“I will. And you too Virge,” Roman smiled. “Don’t go skipping meals while I’m not there to remind you to eat.”
“Now you sound like Patton.”
They both laughed. God he loved Roman’s laugh, so warm and full of life. It won’t be the last time you hear it, he told himself. You’ll be together again soon and talk even sooner than that. They gave each other one last hug, holding onto each other for dear life. Then Roman leaned down to kiss him and Virgil kissed back with all the love he felt. They broke apart, foreheads touching, and just stayed that way for a while.
“Recuérdame Roman,” Virgil whispered.
“Para siempre mi corazón,” Roman whispered back.
Finally they let go. Roman did still have a flight to catch. He grabbed his suitcase and trudged to the security line, turning to blow one final kiss at Virgil. He waved back, smiling at his beloved boyfriend before turning to go. It took everything he had not to turn around and run back to Roman, but he had to, for both of their sakes.
Yes, it would be hard being apart, but they’d be okay. They would make it work and their relationship would stay just as strong, if not grow stronger. No matter how much Virgil’s stupid anxiety tried to tell him otherwise, no matter how far away or busy Roman might be for a little while, no matter the fears, nothing could make them forget how much they loved each other.
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dragonsinkwell · 7 years
Snippet #9
And back to the Palace!AU but this time it’s a Bad End. Unlike my usual levity I’m gonna be straight up and warn you it’s going to be gory, there’s going to be upsetting themes and events and there’s going to be a death on the other side of that jump cut. I’ll almost certainly write more for the AU as a whole, including a much better end than this, but after talking about it the idea was just too tempting. Seriously, you’ve been warned.
As soon as you manage to scramble back to your feet in a desperate attempt to flee, a swift blow to your stomach sends you crumpling back to the floor. There's no time to recover before a vicious kick to your side rolls you over onto your back, your right arm curls around your front to try and shield you from further harm, while your left lies broken and useless out at your side. Though you hear his approaching footsteps, you can't will your trembling body to move, even as your mind screams at you to get up and run. Not that you physically could, not in this condition.
A steady pressure on your left forearm, right where it's broken causes you to yelp and then whine when you flinch on instinct, accidentally trying to pull your arm back. “Stop, please,” you gasp. “I don't want Ren to-”
“Don't you think that's the point?” Arsene interrupts, sneering down at you. To emphasize his words, he puts more weight on the foot he's using to pin your broken arm; you can briefly feel the bones grind together before the fresh pain drags an agonized scream from you. Between the tears and threat of unconsciousness, you can no longer keep an eye on your tormentor, but you can hear that damned, infernal smile in his voice when he continues speaking. “He knows the price of his power as well as you do. The boy's earned his own suffering in denying me. And if I may say so, love, you've made a wonderful contribution.”
A choked sob leaves you when the pain doesn't ease. You’ve sustained your fair share of injuries in fights since joining the Phantom Thieves, but this was on a whole new level. At least you know better now than to look at your arm; you’ve seen enough of your own bones today to last a lifetime.
Suddenly, and to your absolute surprise, the pressure lifts as Arsene releases your arm and steps back. For an extended moment you wait, terrified, for another attack. Except, no blow comes your way. Warily, you drag yourself to your knees, wondering what you can do now even without any semblance of a plan, and the effort winds you. Everything hurts, you can feel your heart pounding in your chest and ears, and each breath is more labored than the last. And yet, the drive to fight on that always seems so near here in the Metaverse keeps you from collapsing back to the floor. Only barely, that's for certain, but it's what counts. You can't just lay down and die here. However, even this meager amount of exertion, only enough to keep you kneeling upright, is exhausting. You realize quickly that standing is completely out of the question, much less walking.
An all-too-gentle hand cupping your chin makes you realize you've been swaying, teetering on the edge of wakefulness as the shock begins to settle in. Another realization comes several long seconds later when you remember there's only one other person here: Arsene himself. In a wild panic you attempt to pull your face away, to no avail. When he softly begins wiping the tears from your face, you are completely ready to chalk it up to a pain-induced hallucination. “After all this, you still think it's worth continuing on?” he asks, and the quiet voice he uses is disorienting. It makes you think of Ren.
“It’s- I want... want to live.” The words come, but both your mind and mouth feel clumsy. You're so tired and afraid. You want to go home.
Arsene laughs. “Doesn't everyone?” He pulls back the hand he used to wipe the tears from your eyes and you immediately lose track of it. “All this effort for such a base desire? You would run and fight and cling to every bit of hope just to avoid death? Nothing more?”
Well, that wasn't the most incorrect statement ever made. You really don't want to die, not here, not like this, not so early. But looking at Arsene makes you think of the one who's face he wears. “I want Ren to be happy.” You did. You still do. You owe him so much; you'd thought it natural to want to take this burden off his shoulders. “He'll be sad if I leave.”
“How noble,” he says, and with such praise a spark of hope lights itself in your chest. A deadly mistake, lost in the way he brings you closer, pulling you into a warm embrace. “That heart of yours becomes a more valuable treasure every moment I spend with you. Of all the fools that might have stumbled in here, truly I was blessed it was you.”
Words that might have been comforting, had he not punctuated them by placing a knife at your back. A new flash of icy fear goes through you as the tears return, as you're too weak to pull yourself free. “Please,” you beg softly, closing your eyes, burying your face in the crook of his neck. You don’t have the courage let his face be what you see at your last moment. “Please.”
“You are too kind, sweetheart. Thinking so tenderly of your own murderer, even as he carries it out.” You want to retort that this isn't Ren's fault, and he doesn't deserve the pain this is going to cause him any more than you deserve to have gotten caught up in it, but all that spills from your mouth are more muffled sobs. “I'll be sure to tell him how heartbroken you were. He might even suffer more than you have from that news alone, and heaven knows I've dragged this out quite long enough, hmm?”
Before you get a chance to process what he's said, much less consider a reply, a sharp pain in your back causes you to gasp. There is just enough time to recognize you've been stabbed, and for the pain to set in before the darkness closes over your mind for good.
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we-speak-english · 7 years
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Practical Good Omens References (25/?): Afternoon Tea at the Ritz
Part 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5
At this point, we’d been there for forty-five minutes (halfway through!; they weren’t exaggerating when they said this would last for an hour and half / hour and forty-five minutes), though it did not feel at all like that much time had elapsed. To mark the halfway point, we spotted one of the servers (this one slightly older) going around to each table with a trolley full of cakes. We saw him coming our way and were a little incredulous, but this was merely course #3. When he reached us, he asked if we’d like some of the “trolley cakes” (his words, no lie, trolley cake man has to be the best job in the world). There were two types available (these aren’t mentioned in detail on the Ritz menu, and nor are the confectionaries on the top tier of our stand, so presumably they change from time to time, or day to day), a strawberry sponge and cream cake and a sort of apple pastry. He informed us that the cake came included with the afternoon tea, so we got one of each and split them between ourselves. He provided us with new plates and utensils, and whisked away our previous ones. Somewhere in here we also got fresh pots of tea and hot water, even though we’d barely made a dent in the ones we already had and hadn’t even touched the hot water (I’m telling you, the sheer amount of dishes that place must wash on a daily basis has to be staggering). The strawberry cake was about what you’d expect, with plenty of tasty cream and a jam-like filling. The apple pastry was still rather cold (presumably they’d chilled it to harden the cream), and in my opinion would have been much better a few degrees warmer, as it was too cold to properly appreciate the apple taste. I haven’t the foggiest what the round things on the end of the slice were, but they were quite hard and impervious to my utensils, to such an extent that I, getting a little too firm in my jabbing, managed to flip it off my plate and into my lap (see, that’s what napkins are for!). Needless to say, I made an extra effort thereafter to keep my food on the plate. ;) This was the second major hit of sugar, and we were beginning to feel the strain even as we turned back to the top tier of confectionaries, which we hadn’t yet had the opportunity to eat.
Each of the confectionaries was set on a thin, gold, glossy circle made of something akin to cardstock, and was adhered to it with some sort of edible sticky glue. So when you picked one up, the gold base came with it, and you then had to peel it off (fairly easily) before you could eat the confectionary. We started with one pink macaron each. They were a bit crumbly but quite delicious, with a cream cheese centre and some sort of jam tucked away in the centre. We then proceeded to the vaguely spherical chocolate blob, which came topped with a tiny white chocolate circle with the word “Ritz” printed on it over and over in a pattern. The exterior of the blob was hard and crunchy but—much to our surprise and delight—very thin and fragile. The interior was filled with a light, floofy chocolate cream. Next was the fascinating-looking sort-of-biscuit with an elegant spiral design on the top. Despite appearing solid, the spiral wasn’t more substantial than cream, and the knife cut through it smoothly. Inside, it was layered with two layers of chocolate, at least one of which was also coffee-flavoured. This treat also came with a tiny white chocolate circle, this time with the Ritz “R” printed on it. The last of the confectionaries was the peculiar blob of jelly (Jell-O, to my American mind), adorned with another white chocolate “R” and half a raspberry. Surprisingly, it was only the exterior that resembled jelly; the interior was a light, raspberry-flavoured cream surrounding layers of raspberry jam and cream, all on a biscuit or pastry base. This third hit of sugar was proving too much for us, and our stomachs were also beginning to register the first hour’s worth of food.
We poked around with the second plate of sandwiches we’d been brought, and drank some more tea. We flagged down a passing waiter and asked for water, and were brought narrow cylindrical glasses (again, etched with the Ritz logo) with water and slices of lemon. The meal was nearing an end—Thank God, we said—and we’d been there nearly an hour and a half. One of the waiters asked if we wanted more of anything, an offer we hastily declined. The table was looking fairly decimated at this point, with the culmination of so many individual spoons, plates, and cups, each with their own designated purpose.
This served as lunch for us, and it was good that it did, too; I can’t imagine having eaten anything substantial in the preceding twelve hours, if I wanted to get anything close to my money’s worth out of it. Dinner also seemed like a rather foolish thought, as I’d been fantasising for the past twenty minutes or so about the next time I would eat a salad. Before we finish up, here are some other general observations:
Palm Court is quite a beautiful space, but I won’t get into the details of what it looks like, because it truly does look just like the pictures, both mine and the official advertising ones. A more useful note may be that, overall, everything seemed much smaller than I’d been imagining it, both based on looking at the outside of the building (where it seems incredibly large) and the architectural plans. On the plans, each of the rooms looks quite lofty, but the Palm Court only fits four small tables width-wise, with only enough room between them for the waiters to weave around. This resulted in it being a lot more intimate of a space than I’d been expecting. That being said, I wasn’t in a good position to make easy eye contact with anyone sitting at one of the other tables (perhaps due to the strategic placement of the chairs and floral arrangements), so it also felt like we had privacy. The noise level was about what you’d expect, with people talking and lots of china and silver clinking together, so we felt comfortable talking to each other at normal volume (helped by the fact that we were sitting side-by-side instead of across the table) while confident that no one was paying us any mind or listening in. Conversely, no one was sitting close enough that I was able to eavesdrop on anyone else (and, as I’m fairly certain you can’t order afternoon tea for only one person, why would you want to?). That all being said, it was relatively easy to flag down a waiter if needed, since there were always several floating around at any given time. The background noise was also added to by the playing of Ian Gomes, the resident pianist, who started playing at some point after we were seated. Though advertised as playing “Puttin’ on the Ritz” and “A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square,” we didn’t hear either, though we did hear “House of the Rising Sun.”
The clientle was overall rather mixed. It was a little hard to tell who was legitimately rich and who was faking it (because everyone was putting on their best), but no one looked too snooty. There were male-female couples, what looked like parent(s) with teenage child(ren), groups of old men or old women, etc. I would wager that a fair percentage of their visitors are tourists (or at least from outside of London), based upon a) the number of people taking selfies, b) the fact that our waiter asked if we’d been to the Ritz before, c) the fact that the trolley cake man volunteered the information that the cakes were included with the price of the meal without us asking, and d) the fact that, as we were preparing to leave, one of the waitstaff asked if we’d come far to be there. Granted, maybe the regulars all come at the proper afternoon time slots, because they booked six months in advance. Regarding photos, the menu said that they were permitted, so long as they were taken discreetly (some people were clearly not following those directions *looks pointedly at selfie people*), but you could also ask one of the waitstaff to take your picture with your phone, a request they were happy to oblige.
Speaking of the waiters, there was a clear hierarchy of employees, if you cared to look for it. The main waiters wore a classy uniform of a long black coat (short in the front but long in the back, complete with coattails), red waistcoat, white undershirt, and black bowtie. There were quite a few of these, so I’d reckon each was assigned to a handful of tables (three to five, I would guess). All of those that I saw were rather thin, young white men with black hair, though not necessarily of European decent (is there significance to the lack of fair-haired [or even brown-haired!] men, heavier-set people, or women of any sort? we may never know...). A second tier of waiter was the trainee; we saw one near the end of the meal. His uniform was a more sober, plain black suit and bow tie, and his duties seemed restricted to clearing and setting the tables, though he did also bring us our water. The third class is the manager. These tended to be slightly older men (portliness and silver-hairedness [or growing baldness] allowed in this tier). Their uniform was slightly different as well—I seem to recall there was a waistcoat involved but it wasn’t red, and there weren’t any coattails—and they were quite obviously in charge, directing the other waiters and overseeing the room. On the opposite side of the room from where we were sitting was what looked like a speaker’s podium, near which the waiters would occasionally cluster, presumably to receive directions and discuss things amongst themselves. Behind the podium was a door, which was where the waiters would enter and depart the room from. All of the waitstaff were polite and refined, and you could tell that they’d had training in serving etiquette; in addition to things like pulling out our chairs for us, I noticed that they swept one hand behind their backs when bending over to pour tea. But at the same time, you could tell they were also quite human, and that’s important to note.
Because, for as much as we were paying, and for the Ritz’s reputation, I was expecting absolute, five-star perfection. Was it perfect? No. There were strange stains on the carpet, the apple pastry was too cold, and the tea took a long time to arrive. But was it amazing? Yes. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.
They clearly had the afternoon tea crowd down to a science, as well. You can only book at certain times (11:30, 13:30, 15:30, 17:30, and 19:30 [there are other options on the reservation part of their website, but they’re always greyed out—what a way to create an illusion of scarcity!]), and they go in two-hour chunks. We were the 11:30 shift, meaning that we all arrived at roughly the same time, were seated within ten minutes of each other, and received our tea, sandwiches, scones, second round of sandwiches, trolley cake, and second round of tea like clockwork (perhaps this was why our tea was slow to arrive; they were waiting to serve everyone at the same time?). And then, when the hour and a half was up, we all paid and left within twenty minutes of each other.
Once we’d assured the waiter that we were fine without any more sandwiches, confectionaries, or tea, we were brought the bill in one of those black, rectangular “books.” It came out to exactly the £54 per person as advertised, meaning the total was £108. I supplied my card and the waiter returned with a handheld card terminal. There was no indication of whether a gratuity was included in that price, or if one was expected to be left.
Now paid, we retrieved our bags from their under-the-table table and descended the stairs into the central lobby. We were thanked for coming by one of the waitstaff. Other people were beginning to leave at the same time we were—around 1pm, an hour and a half after our arrival—and, in any case, we were obligated to surrender the table by 13:15 at the latest, presumably so they could ready the tables for the 13:30 booking.
We retrieved our coats from the cloakroom and meandered our way back in the direction of the east door. We paused in the vestibule to take some discreet photos and decide where we were headed next, and though we stood there for probably two minutes, no one appeared to tell us to bugger off. Once we were ready to depart of our own volition, we strolled (or perhaps ‘waddled’ is a better term) back out through the revolving door and down the steps to street level. The doorman offered to call us a taxi (I think a few were already lined up by the pavement), which we politely declined, and then we went on down the street and on our merry way.
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The Five (+1) Movies To Catch For the New Year
WOKE! 2020 Film Awards PReviews  
by Lucas Avram Cavazos
It is a mighty and yet daunting task this ‘2020 thing’ that is upon us. I think inherently we all know that some things are going to shift, others will change, some will expand and a lot more are likely to im/explode. Despite the factuality of it all, one constant I will always turn to, and recommend to you my lovelies, is cinematherapy. It goes without saying that some upcoming movies, which are either now or soon to be at our local VOS movie theatres, are also about to sweep some awards and with Oscar nominations going live this second week of January, I believe the movies below will soon be water cooler twawk, so me here at A Bitter Life brings you a BCN in VOSE look at the five (PLUS ONE!) films to catch before awards season intensifies.
In fact, it was a rather decent year for some great fare and not such a hodgepodge of Marvel and Disney movies forced down our throats every other week. The film I must start off with on this 2020 Film Awards Preview would be the excellent South Korean film Parasite ####-1/2, unanimously chosen as the winner of this year’s Palme d’ Or at Cannes and easily gracing the top or near-top of most film critic’s lists this year, as well it should. Telling the story of a South Korean family, the Kims, who slowly become interlopers within the confines of the uber-wealthy Park family. Starting off with one of them acting as a tutor, they slowly find a way to fill a need for the Park family, all while acting as non-related good Samaritans…that is until a botched getaway vacation and an underground bunker with a tale to tell reveal themselves and send the two families into a quagmire that must be seen and lived to be believed. (Now playing all over BCN/CAT/ESP)
Next up would be my personal favourite this year, though very closely followed by the aforementioned film! Once Upon a Time in Hollywood ####-1/2 became, at least for myself, a redeeming factor in the oeuvre of Quentin Tarantino after the meh! feelings given off by his last big screen outing a couple of years ago. Taking the tragic, real-life story of the Manson Murders that ended the life of Roman Polanski’s then-wife Sharon Tate, director Tarantino buckles his audience into their seats and sends them into a time zone tunnel to 1969 Los Angeles. One of the things that has always revolved around a Tarantino movie is the element of revenge. Here, we have a different take on a true event, but the concept is widened by the director using actors Brad Pitt, Leonardo di Caprio and even Margot Robbie as conduits of a bygone era that give a peek into a mindset and time that usually must be lived to be remembered. The fact that we, the viewing audience, feel like we were actually there in ’69 and then also given the chance to make up our own mind as to a possible different ending to the Manson family murders is mere evidence of a great director/writer who seamlessly gives us a choose-your-own-adventure saga with superb cameos. Excellent cinema once again. (Soon on DVD/Blu-ray & VOD)
The next big film that has increased the star power and respectability factor of Happy Gilmore, uh I mean, Adam Sandler is the ever-loved and heralded film Uncut Gems ####.  If we have to put some truth to power, it must be noted that part of the film’s appeal is that it is such a New York City film. When you then throw in the elements of a thriller mixed with the Diamond District of Manhattan AND a run-around plot that also includes ballers and entertainers like Kevin Garnett and The Weeknd playing themselves, what you get is a peek into  what feels like a true-life crime show playing out in front of your eyes. Add in the ever-excellent Tilda Swinton and Natasha Lyonne, as well, and even despite the long 2-1/4 hour running time, what you get is Adam Sandler, under the direction of the Safdie brothers and along with the good graces of Netflix (who will also be distributing the film in Europe), becoming the new Comeback Kid. (To be released in BCN/CAT/ESP via Netflix on Jan.31)
While we’re on the subject…Netflix. Whatever your thoughts may be on the streaming site service (and others like it), it goes without saying that VOD services have become the wave of the future. Home cinema and entertainment centres/systems are what make for the latest in silver screen viewing. For the last three-plus years, the world cinema system (not to mention film academies and award outlets) have had to adapt to a new reality few probably ever even thought of before this new digital age. Just a few days ago, perhaps showing a bit of wane after receiving the most nominations, only two actress winners took home trophies, Olivia Colman as The Queen in The Crown and Laura Dern for A Marriage Story, reviewed below. With that said, famed director/ writer/ producer Marty Scorcese decided to go the Netflix route for his (likely) last mafia opus The Irishman ####, detailing the life story and inner workings of the Philly mob, while also detailing intricacies of the Teamster unions, Jimmy Hoffa, the Kennedys and the inner workings of the US mafia and its many minions. Financed by Mexican firm Fabrica de Cine (mad side-eye and furrowed brow) amongst Netflix and other studios for international rights, the production of the film apparently ballooned up to (and some reports even say, well beyond) $160 million. With just under 8€ million reaped at the worldwide box office (taquilla) coffers, it’s fair to say that this film in all its glory should have been edited to a slightly shorter length and intended for movie theatres. It has had a fairly great response by viewers on the streaming site du jour, but even Sandra Bullock garnered hella more viewers with her formulaic thriller Bird Box earlier in the year. As a student and tutor of history, the elements of the film that stood out to me went beyond the impeccable performances, specifically by Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa, but of course De Niro and Pesci as Frank Sheeran and Russell Bufalino, as well, but it was Scorcese’s capturing of that forgotten time around which we find so many Trump supporters harkening to, and it details the trials and tribulations of the working class then…and perhaps, even now. That aside, I abhorred the expensive de-ageing CGI process to make the Italian acting kings look younger…just vile. It was like they suddenly became animated secondary characters from a dropped scene in Spielberg’s Tin Tin film a few years ago…bloody odd for a live-action mafioso epic. Still…Scorcese is the only working director who can capture that essence of a time gone by and dress it in Hollywood’s finest if overly-priced storytelling. Which brings us to the other Netflix gem to catch…but only when emotionally prepared.  (Now streaming on Netflix and select screens)
Marriage Story ####, a.k.a. that likely Oscar-nominated film that will require too many tissue moments, also makes its way to this list. Trust, I can get my heart strings pulled quite easily if the right sentiments abound, so I was non-plussed going into this because I had already heard from my film fest peops that it was a bit of a tearjerker. Undeniably, there is a brutally-displayed realness that envelops the main characters of this film, particularly actresses Scarlett Johansson and Laura Dern. Helmed by the wonderful Noah Baumbach, Johansson gives a near-best performance as former teen actress turned TV actress Nicole Barber, who separates from her NYC theatre-directing husband played by Kylo Ren himself, Adam Driver. When she takes a role and moves to LA, along with their child, things become even more real. There is a gutsy bravado that clearly makes itself beyond relevant, as the melancholy yet funny film continues, and I, for one, could hardly keep the sobs at bay with the ending of the film. This is the stuff that ‘rom-drams’ need last their heart, not that paltry shite fed to too many simpletons by Nicholas Sparks. (Now streaming on Netflix and select screens)
Aaaaaaaaand…lastly, Knives Out ####-1/2 rightly fixes itself into a final slot on this list because it is one of those long-lost wonders of vintage cinema…a star-studded quasi-whodunnit with wit and thrills and superb, serio-comedic acting by everyone involved. A mere smattering of those actors would be Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Spanish actress and Golden Globe nominee Ana de Armas, Michael Shannon, Toni Collette and even Don friggin’ Johnson! Following an investigation into the sudden death of famed mystery writer Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer), who had just invited main members of his family to his mansion for his birthday celebration, we see the touches of a perfectly poised ensemble film. Director/writer Rian Johnson has really stepped up to the plate with the best of the new directors and fresh off his box-office behemoth Star Wars: The Last Jedi from a couple of years back, his helming a film like Knives Out really plays his hand heavily in his diversity and directing tenacity. The fact that he also wrote this fine piece of script and dialogue makes him even more worthy of a possible director nod and it goes without saying that the cast is undoubtedly the finest ensemble piece made and released in the last year, and if you’ve been seeking a classic feel of a film with a smart, sharp modern twist, this film will satiate any of those olskie-olskie longings of a nostalgic murder mystery that makes you feel good after you leave the cinema. (Now playing in BCN/CAT/ESP)
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suburbantaste-blog · 8 years
Where I Come From: Part I
To understand where I am, you have to understand where I’ve come from.  This post is all about my favorite thing: me.
I grew up in a suburb. Hence, my suburban taste.  Growing up my mom worked and my dad was retired. I cannot say that he “stayed home with us” because he actually did the opposite.  He sent my brother and I to daycare at a nearby church (Baptist!) until we were school age.  My dad was 56 when I was born, and from the day I blessed the suburbs with my presence – he retired.  My parents made that choice together.  My mom still had many years of earning potential and she wanted to work.
Dad: My dad had worked since he was very young, supporting himself really as far back as he can remember. He did not come from much and was born during a time in our history – the Great Depression – when money, opportunity and wealth did not exist in his small hometown of Loogootee, Indiana.  Being born during that time was a blessing and a curse.  He struggled as a young man but had very solid, firm financial goals because he had seen the worst of the worst.  He lived through a time where the financial future was extremely uncertain and volatile. He made it a point to earn his own money and valued that money much higher than its true value – he saw it as his future financial freedom, a way to get out of Loogootee, Indiana.  As he worked and saved, he certainly made mistakes along the way – but he knew his end goal and he stuck with it, doing whatever he needed to.  He worked bad jobs, good jobs, hard jobs, long jobs and shady jobs – but he worked and he saved and he kept his eye on the end goal.  He did not buy flashy things even once he had enough, he just kept the end goal in mind.  So when 56 came around and this beautiful suburban baby came along, he was able to say, “Screw it,” to work and be home to have the flexibility he wanted.  
Mom: My mom worked since she was young as well, but not necessarily to support herself, more so to help out with her expenses, save for college, a car, etc.  Mom came from a middle class working family where she did not want or need for anything but certainly was not handed a wad of cash whenever she wanted either.  She had a similar mindset as my dad in that she knew when she worked that she was saving for something bigger – not just the  latest, greatest, flashiest – but for college.  She went to college, graduated and immediately started working. By the time she met my Dad and they had kids, she still had lots of working years and potential for more money – she also wanted to work since she did find parts of it rewarding from both the career aspect but also a social aspect as well.  I’ve watched my mom move up the corporate ladder into a pretty hefty career role and salary – so I’d say her decision to continue working was spot on.  At the young age of XX, Mom is still receiving raises, bonuses and title bumps, so I’d say they/she made the right choice.  She’s close to retirement age now but has planned well enough that she will live comfortably once she decides to pull the trigger. 
I grew up also not needing or wanting for anything.  Did my parents buy me a brand new BMW when I turned 16?  No, but both my brother and I were given cars (with no car payment or insurance payment attached) so I still consider myself very lucky.  I always had new “cool” clothes growing up (Abercrombie anyone? - sick.) and we were sent to any and all summer camps, day camps, sport camps, retreats, field trips, summer classes, etc. that we wanted – no questions asked – so I’d say, we had it very good and my parents managed their money well.  I grew up being shielded from any money issues really – my parents never lost a home, or had medical bills or an accident at work that kept them from working, there was no losing of jobs either.  I do know that at one point mom was laid off from a bank who was being bought out by another, but we never heard much about it, our parents did not have to worry because they had savings, and within no time at all, my mom had a new (better!) job than before, so it was almost a non-event.  For all of these reasons, and many many many more, I am a fortunate girl.  I worked a few jobs through high school (grocery store, babysitting, summer tennis camp) but really that money was mine to spend however I wanted (clothes and makeup). For these same reasons, I did not get a swift kick in the you know what, until I graduated college and was sent “off on my own.”
I graduated college in 2008 with two options, get a job or go to law school.  I had thought of going to law school seriously for two years and had somewhat of a plan of what I would do with a law degree but by no means had I thought through the finances of being a student for an additional 3 years. I was extremely and awfully fortunate to have two parents who planned since the time I was little for myself and my brother to attend college.  Not only did they plan by constantly instilling in us that college was part of our path, but they made sure that path was as easy as possible for us by providing fully funded 4 year educations.  I went to a private school in North Carolina for 4 years which by no means was the price of Northwestern, but was easily $30K-$35K a year including tuition and living expenses (if not more, the way they allowed me to live.) My brother went to a large public school in North Carolina, but again, the way my parents allowed him to live, easily cost $10K-$15K a year.  We both received incredibly respectful college educations, graduated in four years with no debt.  While I was preparing to go to law school and had seemingly, no worries, I had other friends working with lenders on a student loan repayment plan with money they didn’t even make yet.  This “debt free” life was not something I understood at the time, while I was in college or when I first graduated, but it is something I have come to understand very, very well.  Isn’t that how it always goes – by the time you appreciate something, the time has come and gone?  I know I’ve thanked my parents before for my education and for their diligent planning, but probably not to the extent I should have.  I like to think the way I can repay and “thank” them is by continuing to be a valuable citizen, taking advantage of any and every opportunity that comes my way and by passing the gift of education along by donating to my alma mater and planning for my children’s future.  I like to think that my life, now, is a proverbial “thank you” and I have used every ounce of what they gave me to my advantage and benefit.
*NOTE: I agree and understand college is not the only path to take after high school.  I acknowledge there are many paths that may be more economical and end up with the same respectful degree.  My path right out of high school was to go to college, my parents paid my full way there, I graduated in 4 years and use my degree daily.  I give back to my college quarterly and love where I went to school.  I won’t apologize for that.  I will acknowledge and agree there are MANY paths you can take to be successful. 
The moral of the story is: I had parents who from day one saw value in saving money and planning for the future.
This has really shaped me in the last few years as Mister and I plan our future and plan for a family. As we’ve thought through our own childhoods, our college experience, where we believe the education system is headed, we are fairly confident we want our child(ren) to have the same options we did and have the ability to go to college wherever they choose.
Mister grew up in England, in a mid-size seaside town.  His childhood was spent in a middle class family as well where he wanted for nothing but certainly was not flashing new cars or the latest and greatest.  He was taken on lots of travels and always had a plentiful Christmas.  His parents owned their own business for a number of years, giving him a glimpse into what a true work ethic should look like.  His college years were half covered by the government and the other half he paid himself.  He chose a college close to home to save money and worked throughout to put himself through college and for spending money.  Mister does not begrudge or wish for a different path, he liked his college and is glad he stayed nearby but it did make it even more concrete in his mind that he did not want his child to have to stay near home if they did not want to when the time came to choose a college.
When I graduated college, my parents helped me get my first apartment, a small one bedroom for $655 a month, 4 miles from the law school.  I had decided to go to law school and at the time my parents were a bit up in the air on whether they would help pay for law school or whether I would go it alone. For the first semester, it was a bit half and half.  By second semester, my mom laid it out.  I was on my own.  She felt depleting their savings or retirement carried a much larger consequence to everyone’s future than me incurring student loan debt.  She was absolutely right and I think her number one goal at that age and time should have been socking money away for retirement.  She would still pay for my health insurance but at 22, it was time for me to spread my wings.  She helped me apply for financial aid and get set up with a student loan.  While I do not resent or hold a grudge with her for doing so, the fact is from that day forward, I was on my own – suddenly making adult financial decisions without much education or support.  It was probably the smartest thing they could of done – rip off that bandaid.  To be fair, of course when we went out to dinner or if we stopped at the grocery to pick something up, she would pick up the tab, so there were certainly still fringe benefits coming my way but 95% of my expenses now fell on me.
The problem became the student loans.  Man, are they easy to get.  They don’t explain the terms very well or when they do, they’re not easily understood. Luckily all of mine were from the government and not private loans.  I attended a relatively inexpensive law school, a state school, so tuition and books were not as high as many of my counterparts.  But living expenses were another story.  I had always had the ability to go out to eat, buy clothes and go out with friends without batting an eye.  With student loans, you can still do those things because they will basically give you as much as you ask for.  Every semester, the first day of class, my new student loan I had requested would hit my bank account and I would “budget” out the next 6 months of living expenses.  I use the word budget particularly lightly.  By “budget” I mean, I would only budget out my rent, utilities, car insurance, and a few other necessities but pretended my food bill and fun bill were much lower than what they actually were.  By that 6th month, things were tight and I was foaming at the mouth for my next student loan check to hit my bank account unaware.  Much like gaining weight, it comes on easy, but is challenging to get off.
 It was around this time that Mister moved to America.  His income helped but with immigration and legal bills coming our way to get his visas and green card sorted out, we still relied on a student loan each month to make ends meet.  To his credit, he did everything he could to provide as much as he could on a limited work visa.  He worked bad hours with bad managers to help where he could (it was this fact and trait that would ultimately make me realize he was the type of life partner who would do anything when the going got tough  to get things done.)
 I made it through law school (it was a blur that I do not remember).  About 6 months before graduation, I started looking for a job. Wow. Wowwww.  I was in for a shock.  The job market was not at all kind to a 25 year old baby shark attorney without a law license.  The North Carolina attorney job market was over saturated – really the entire country was over saturated with other baby shark attorneys.  A bunch of Type A people, thinking they knew the law, biting each other for the chance at any job they could get their fins on.   It was around this time that Mister got a job offer in Texas at a new hotel opening, looking for new finance staff.  Mister and I took a trip to Texas and decided with the job potential on his end and the cost of living in Texas, it was a no brainer – we were moving to Texas.  I decided to suspend my job search until I was in Texas.  The day after graduation, I packed up my Ford Focus and drove to Dallas, Texas to meet my husband, who had already been there for 2 months and started a new life.  This was the best move we ever made.  Being away from everything we knew and being forced to really figure it all out on our own was a make or break it moment for our relationship  And we made it.
 We found a reasonable apartment to rent, Mister loved the change of scenery and being in a bigger city and I studied for the Texas bar alone in a SMU Law Library room for 3 months.  It was not fun or glamorous and I was miserable those first few months.  But I pulled up my boot straps, kept my head down, took the bar, and a week after the bar was hired on at a law firm as a true blue baby shark attorney.  I found out in November that I had passed the bar and received a hefty raise to make my shark status official.  We started looking at a new, nicer apartment, started making friends, started to create new memories and create new “favorite places.” We really found our groove and started to thrive as to young 20-somethings.
 We have now been in Dallas for 5 years.  We’ve steadily increased our income, decreased our debt and have matured in how we value each dollar we bring in.  In Part Two on my financial history, I’ll delve into what we’ve gotten ourselves in and gotten ourselves out of in the last 5 years.  
See you suburbanites soon!
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movietvtechgeeks · 8 years
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7 questions after 'The Walking Dead' Hearts Still Beating
"The Walking Dead" is returning much more quietly than it's fall premiere plus a lot less gruesome. Season 7 kicked off with a cringe-inducing double murder that was able to turn the stomachs of even its most longtime fans desensitized to the show's splatter fest. This was the first episode I can recall where people were saying the show had gone too far. Fans not used to seeing Rick Grims and company being put their paces weren't happy as they were all driven down by Negan into misery and subjugation for several episodes. Seeing Daryl Dixon forced naked in a jail cell eating scraps was a shocking change, but it was necessary to show the ramifications the group had when they went after Negan in season six. While Negan may at times be absurdly cartoonish with his antics, he's the worst villain to be on "The Walking Dead," and the only one to take Rick Grimes down to his core where he's lost even more than when he was taking phone calls from his dead wife many seasons back. The last episode of season 7A gave us hope as the crew got back together, and they know they have to fight Negan again or continue losing ratings and driving fans away. It won't be easy as they've now got to band together with other groups to help in their taking down Jeffrey Dean Morgan's memorable bad guy. For those that might be a little foggy on how things ended in December, here's the breakdown review from Heart's Still Beating and then those questions for the Sunday premiere.
The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 8 Hearts Still Beating Recap Review
Kids. Stay out of pool halls. Nothing good ever comes of it.
Could get stabbed. Maybe shot at. And even cause the death of a friend.
That’s the lesson learned in the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead.
This was a nice wrap-up to a tough season for the good guys. Sure, Team Grimes lost another team member. But the tide is turning. Even if only slightly.
Negan is still in full control, but his excessive bullying is gonna come back to bite him. He’s gotten away with terror tactics on folks that saw fighting back as futile.
Now he’s fucked with the wrong group.
A group that is now ready to go out on their shield if need be.
The episode started and ended with a shot of Maggie at the Hilltop gate. We got a reminder of how big a prick Gregory is, and I’m not sure he will last much longer.
Meanwhile, Negan is playing top chef at Rick’s house. He’s kinda impatient waiting for Rick to get back so he can tell him how Carl tried to assassinate him with the machine gun.
Rick and Aaron were busy getting to the little houseboat that the mystery doomsday prepper left behind. The duo managed to make it to the boat, but Aaron nearly bit the dust when he was yanked into the water.
Guess what, though. The prepper isn’t dead. Someone is watching Rick and Aaron as they load up the guns and supplies. I’m thinking this ninja prepper, whom we see at the very end of the episode, was waiting for someone to take his stuff.
He was out of ammo, so he wanted to find a new group. Anyone who made it through his obstacle course would be pretty powerful so that would be a good group for him to align himself with. Or herself?
We only got a tiny taste of the story at The Kingdom. We see Richard begging Carol and Morgan to help convince Ezekiel that they must fight off the Saviors. This little slave deal they have going doesn't sit well with Richard at all. He knows it will fall apart soon anyway. So why not fight sooner rather than later.
Were you shocked to see Daryl actually escape his cell?
Me too. I figured it was a trick all along. But he made it all the way out, along with Jesus. Of course, he had to use a steel pipe on the brains of Fat Joey before leaving on his motorcycle.
And he also yanked Rick’s hawg-leg pistol back from fat boy too. Could he have let the guy walk away like he begged? Yep, but no way Daryl was taking any chances on getting caught and sent back to his dog crate.
Michonne’s field trip with her hostage didn’t help much. She did realize how formidable Negan’s group is though after seeing the massive layout. She just headed home after popping her carjacking victim with her own pistol and silencer.
When Rick and Aaron arrive back in Alexandria, they get bullied and Aaron takes a real beating just for the hell of it. Nothing they can do. Take it or get someone killed.
Speaking of which, Spencer’s plan to get on Negan’s good side went terribly wrong. Turns out Negan doesn’t like a gutless wonder trying to get him to do Spencer’s dirty work. So he spills Spencer’s guts all over the street.
Didn’t even finish the game of pool.
Negan did slip up and ask the worst question ever. “Anyone want to finish the game?”
Rosita took him up on his offer and took a shot at the king with her single bullet. Barney Fife would have been proud.
But to quote Omar Little from The Wire, “Come at the King, you best not miss.”
She did.
Or more accurately, she hit Lucille instead of Negan. Damn, that was close. And it would have been cool to see Rosita take him out.
Not yet folks. The build up has to continue.
Negan is super pissed at this attempt on his life. He was just playing a friendly game of pool after all. This may change his mind about getting that vacation home in Alexandria he mentioned. Crime rate is just too high there.
Who paid the price for Rosita taking a shot at the king? Poor Oliva. She was murdered and still got insulted after the fact. Negan is cruel in case you have yet to notice.
So Eugene fesses up about making the bullet that is now embedded in Lucille. And he is taken back with Negan and company.
Rick put down zombie Spencer to complete the end of the Monroe family. His brother, mom, and dad all ended up dead after the arrival of Team Grimes. Thanks for coming.
The episode ended with Rick seeing the light as he and Michonne talked things over in the makeshift jail cell. Keep that location in mind for part 2 of season 7.
Rick is now ready to fight. Michonne says just being alive is important. But “it’s what we do with our lives that matters.”
They will find a way. A sensible way to fight an army that far outnumbers them, even if they are joined by the Hilltoppers and Kingdom dwellers.
The show concluded with a shot of Maggie on the wall again. This time, we saw hope on her face though.
Rick and the others walked inside, and hugs were shared.
The best of which was Daryl and Rick. No words needed. The gravity of what they both have been through showed on their faces. Daryl had been treated like a mutt for the past few weeks, and Rick has had his pride ripped from him as he’s watched his people tortured.
Norman Reedus is so good. My daughter actually clapped wildly when she saw him appear from the background at the Hilltop.
Daryl handed over the hawg-leg back to Rick as well. They may not have any bullets, but this group is well on its way to rising up.
The first few episodes of part 2, season 7, should show some careful planning. It has to be more than combining forces with other communities. The attack plan has to be super smart and unconventional.
Negan may be the most ruthless villain we have seen on TWD. Yet he puts himself in harm's way often. Carl could have killed him. And if not for TV luck, Rosita would have put him down.
The next battle Rick and crew wage should be one that they know for sure they can win. Short term and long.
“He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.”
           - The Art of War
Top 7 Questions The Walking Dead Premiere Will Answer
Who all got killed, again?
Glenn and Abraham were the big ones, of course. We also lost Spencer and Olivia, but they were pretty marginal. Daryl and Eugene were taken by the Saviors, but Daryl escaped.
Glenn and Abraham’s brutal deaths set a gloomy tone for the first half of the season, which was primarily about Rick and friends grieving the loss and being victimized by Negan and the Saviors. We also met some new groups, and … well, that was about it. But eventually enough was enough, and the midseason finale ended with the core good guys reuniting, determined to throw off the yoke of Savior oppression.
So is a revolt coming?
The tagline for this half is Rise Up, so it seems like a safe bet. Perhaps the more pertinent question is, when will the revolt happen? Teasers find Rick on a diplomatic mission to bring groups like the Hilltop and the Kingdom into the effort. How long will it take to persuade them to join the fight? Hard to say. Will it all be resolved this season? Considering that Negan doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, probably not.
Will we meet any more groups?
Season 7 has kicked off a new phase of “The Walking Dead” marked by colonies that are collaborating and clashing as civilization recreates itself in a postapocalyptic dawn. So far, in addition to the Saviors and Alexandria, we’ve met the weak but industrious Hilltop, led by the sniveling Gregory; the Kingdom, led by the Ren-Faire poser King Ezekiel; and Oceanside, an all-female group, led by the hard-nosed Natania, who hates outsiders but has lots of guns. There are also the Wolves, a murderous gang that was a real problem last season but hasn’t been a factor in Season 7.
So is that it? Or are there more introductions to come? Based on this season’s general world-expanding tendencies, it seems likely.
Who owned that mysterious pair of boots?
O.K., it seems very likely. The boots in question glimpsed in the midseason finale near the pond where Rick and Aaron found supplies, could very easily belong to someone from yet another group.
What’s up with that zombie herd?
In the last episode, we saw Saviors tending a herd of walkers, which may or may not be the same herd the Alexandrians loosed from the quarry at the beginning of Season 6. Whatever its provenance, the swarm seems sure to come into play somehow — we all know what Chekhov said about zombie herds hanging out on the highway.
When’s Carol going to snap out of it?
Carol has been a real bummer this season, moping through her scant few scenes as people like Morgan and King Ezekiel tried to breach the antisocial cocoon she’s spun around herself. They were unsuccessful, and after she’d sufficiently healed from her gunshot wound, Carol got herself a hermit’s hut on the outskirts of the Kingdom.
You’ll recall that the mousy housewife turned stone killer reached a breaking point last season, and sought to distance herself from others so she wouldn’t have to kill again. Carol would seem to be too intelligent to believe such a policy is possible in a lawless hellscape, but perhaps we’ll learn that there’s more to it. Or maybe she just needed some me time. Maybe she’ll learn about Glenn and Abraham, and emerge from that cocoon as a battling butterfly of righteous vengeance.
Whatever the case, here’s hoping she returns to the center of the show somehow, as it has suffered from the absence of both Carol and Melissa McBride, who plays her with grit and grace.
Will Negan tone it down?
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is electric in his performance, which is unfortunately also full of affected mannerisms — wild exclamations, an odd backbend-type move — that quickly grew tiresome. A big villain helps to give “The Walking Dead” focus, and Mr. Morgan has shown promise, so hopefully he and the writers will find the actual man behind the tics.
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