#and the progression of the character and dynamics between the Trio
teafiend · 11 months
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All gifs credited to @Nungchae (Twitter/X)
The LIGHTING. She was just so, so gorgeous in each and every shot 🤍🖤💙❤️‍🔥❤️ And the softness and concern in her expressions 🥹🥹🥹 Ep 10 Kang Gil Young was another layer of subtlety.
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batim-bowtie · 24 days
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Hello Tumblr! Welcome to BOWTIE, an in-production and soon-to-be comic series based off of the Bendyverse. This is a swap AU, and you can find ALL details, comic progress updates, and artwork here on this blog!
Yes, this is a repost to this new account as the other one has been deleted. I accidentally made the other one a sideblog, so it couldn't receive asks. ._.
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊ Above is the complete main toon cast design lineup so far!
CLOSEUPS + AU INFO below the cut!
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There are other designs, such as Mama Pluto and Mama Venus, who will be put into separate posts of their own as I want to lay out the rules of the Overworld, Underworld, and Heaven in those posts. This is simply an introduction post, so we will keep things simple!
The BOWTIE au centers Diana, Doris and Alex as they make their way through the Great Depression and onward to the mid 1940's. This AU is consistent with the Bendy Crack-Up Comics Collection, and the characters are based on the Crack Up Comics renditions of Bendy, Boris, Alice, and so forth.
It's 1944, and Manhattan is bustling with activity. In an ever-recovering economy past the Great Depression, DIANA is a young imp cast out of Hell in her 500s (or simply, early 20s) blessed with the gift of misfortune. After finally stabilizing and yearning for a traditional American white-picket-fence lifestyle, she often associates with DORIS, a wolf twice her size who knows her like no other. Troubled with her identity and struggling to move on from her past, Doris welcomes Diana into her abode, where she finds herself adjusting to much more than a new house—but a home. Becoming more fearful as time passes and her bad luck wears onto the people she cares about, it seems that the local townsfolk - and a certain someone - have started to develop plans to sabotage Diana's future and send her back to Hell. Quickly evolving from a small get-away scheme to send Diana back to her realm, unfair defaults about the world become unearthed; soon to stop not only affecting Diana, but the whole cast as we know them.
Most if not all AU events occur from 1944 and onward, however there are important character events that have occurred before 1930 that will be mentioned in future posts, either through comics or character backstories.
This AU has shipping involved, so here are the pre-established relationships and dynamics between characters.
Doris and Diana were "close friends" from 1930 until 1944, where they eventually settled down, established a relationship and moved in together. This relationship is important to the story, so if you are uncomfortable or view the original Boris and Bendy as siblings you might be unpleased with this. Borendy and Dorendy (Diana/Doris) are common themes in this blog, and you don't have to like it to be respectful of it!
Charlene and Barlene are married and have been for a long time. Marriage between same-sex couples is indeed frowned upon in the Overworld so they eloped, and consequently rarely speak about this marriage to anyone besides other Butcher Gang members and the Toon Trio.
Mama Pluto (Devil) and Mama Venus (God) were once lovers.
Alex and Cody are in a situationship - Alex is constantly busy on tours in 1944, making promises to Cody to come to his next show and hopefully they will have enough time after to spend time together. Cody never misses a show of his, and is slowly becoming exhausted by this.
The BOWTIE comic will total around 45 chapters, each with estimated 20-29 pages. The comic will be cross posted on Webtoon ideally. This is subject to change as the comic is in pre-production and in the writing stage of each chapter. Be patient, as one person is creating this! However, there will be daily art and updates.
Merry (AU author) is disabled and struggles with a condition that causes occasional blindness and limb numbness, especially to the hands. During inflammation periods, the comic may be delayed due to physical limitations. After the first few chapters are released, recruitment for additional help MAY begin so delays can be avoided, and comics can be produced faster. A Google form application will be released when ready.
Feel free to draw any of the designs or do pretty much anything with them (with credit) as long as it's not questionable obviously. You can ask about what the limits are with these AU characters if you'd like!
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ANYTHING TO ANY OF THE CHARACTERS, OR ASK IN GENERAL! Lore-based questions, general asks, etc. are permitted - so go wild!
Reblogs are appreciated, as this tumblr blog is new! Thank you so much if you read this far!
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I want to rewrite/ share my thoughts on this post because honestly what the fuck did I know at the age of 20? The title was a bit overdramatic, I wouldn't go so far as to brand the series misogynistic per se, but admittedly some of its less progressive moments reserved for the female characters really have me questioning if Sucker Punch had their best interest in mind. There are only 7 of them: Carmelita, Penelope, Neyla, Mz Ruby, the Contessa, Henriette, and if we're being extremely generous, Jing King. Also worth noting that out of the 65 guards only 3 are female. That's what I call equal opportunity! I think the main argument lies in whether or not the girlboss moments outweigh the... not very girlboss moments.
Carmelita's development, not only as a character but as a woman, throughout the series is the primary point of discussion here. In Sly 1, she's mainly seen as a foil to Sly's plans, which attaches her to 3 kinda harmful notions. Firstly, the 'woman who has no chill is out to spoil the boys' fun' trope. Secondly, the fact that a high ranking Interpol officer is unable to put 2 + 2 together and see the bigger picture while chasing Sly, who is desperately trying to show her that he's not the mastermind behind the Mesa City casino or the firework factory or the evil volcano lair. It makes it seem like she's not good at her job and lowkey stupid. Thirdly, her appearances are opportunities for Sly to flirt with her. Kind of a thin line here between developing their relationship and Carmelita 100% not reciprocating the flirt. The dynamic being presented is 'goofy guy has crush on serious boss lady' but if we're being a bit realistic, it can also be received as Sly not taking this female law officer seriously.
In Sly 2 and 3, her role transgresses these stereotypes because she's given more depth: her professional relationship with Neyla, her downfall and her conversation with Sly in the helicopter all transform her into a multifaceted character. That last one also shows that, even though she wasn't reciprocating the flirting in Sly 1, she enjoys Sly's company and wants to be with him too. And when she becomes playable in Sly 3, the idea that she's the most powerful character in the series is fully realised. Her move set - mega jump and shock pistol - as well as the fact that her segments are reserved for the bigger threats serve to prove that she is the ultimate force to be reckoned with.
Penelope suffers from having the opposite trajectory. Flight of Fancy and its display of gender commentary is such a strong start for her character but all of that is immediately thrown into the garbage for the sake of turning her into yet another love interest. She's better at hacking than Bentley and can fistfight on a moving plane but instead of allowing her to be one of the boys, she's reduced to Bentley's crush and made a hostage twice. I think this is why it took me so long to understand her character. Because there's this really abrupt switch after her introduction which dilutes all her best parts, mainly how she's a tomboy who couldn't give less of a fuck.
When I was re-reading that original post, I was thinking that maybe I was a bit harsh but then realised the main point I had failed to convey was that... well, there's no nice way to put this but, the series is a product of the male gaze, exclusively. Yes. The protagonist is narrating his own story alongside his two buddies, so the entire world of Sly Cooper, as we know it, revolves around his own understanding of everything, including his perception of women. There is a lot of flirting and a lot of damsel in distress-ing, and these reflect on Sly's character. With the exception of Henriette, all the female characters are treated to either of the two, if not both: the main trio (Carmelita, Penelope & Neyla) are pigeonholed into the role of love interests, the former two also needing to be rescued, whereas Mz Ruby and the Contessa are met with flirty chit-chat from Sly (and I don't want to hear any bullshit that this is not the case again. If Sly handles the female villains with a more suave, teasing attitude as opposed to their male counterparts, guess what that means). And then there's the case of A Cold Alliance, which yay! anti-arranged marriage rhetoric and female empowerment by having the gang absolutely destroy Tsao, a total misogynist scum of the planet. Surely this harrowing experience must've had dire consequences on Jing King... oh wait. Sorry I forgot that Tsao's victim, the character whose rescue mission is the central plot of the entire episode, is not given a face and speaks only 2 lines of dialogue in favour of the pain her father has to go through... Isn't this kinda counterproductive?
I feel like, in closing, I have to reiterate that I don't think the series is misogynistic. Let's make that clear. I just think it's a bit 'one step forwards, two steps back' because its brand of feminism as well as its depiction of femininity are similar to the one in Marvel movies or Katy Perry's 'Woman's World'. Birthed by the male gaze, basically. A woman doesn't have to mega-jump and have a shock pistol to be a "girlboss", however. And, even though the majority of female characters are depicted to have established careers, it doesn't help that they have to have their gender brought up in some capacity. Anyway, I was going to close off by asking you to imagine a game where the developers have Carmelita wear a miniskirt but fuck that. Power to women.
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jays-nook · 8 months
Watched the First 4 Episodes of the PJO Series, Here are My Thoughts:
I absolutely love the cast!! They are just so perfect for their roles!! I've seen my fair share of clips and behind the scenes footage to know the chemistry between the actors and how perfectly the main trio embodies their characters, but actually seeing their acting and how well they fit together just makes sense in my brain!! They're all so small as well and adorable that it really puts it into perspective how young they truly are to be going through all of this and the things the characters go through as the books progress. It hurts but it's also endears you more to the actors and the characters.
Walker is just absolutely perfect as Percy. He's such a little shit and the way he delivers his lines, whether they're angry/emotional/sad or just comedic, is simply amazing!
Although I don't have an issue with Lin Manuel Miranda as a person (I absolutely love his works and stuff) it does not make sense to cast him as Hermes, and that's just going off the elevator scene when he delivers the package! Like I honestly can't imagine this man as Luke's father :// It could've been better.
But the others are just great! Their energy is amazing and omg Mr. D was a blast! It's a much different portrayal than I was expecting since Mr. D is so chill and like aloof in the books, but seeing him yell and stuff at Percy to take on the quest just made me look at him in a new light!!
Every scene is shot so beautifully! And the choices they made with the places they add the music too!! Like the entire fight with the Minotaur being void of music was such a good choice. It just makes the entire scene so much more emotionally charged and tense while keeping the audience on the edge of their seat!! It was filmed so well and god it transported me to how it felt like when I read the books for the first time and went through that scene~
And omg the scene with Sally just sitting in the rain on the windowsill :(( That one was so soft and sad istg- any scene with Sally was just perfect, love her and the actress who did such a good job with her!!
Changes from the Books:
It's been around 5 or so?? years since I last read the books, so my recollection of what actually happened and what didn't was a bit fuzzy while watching the series but I was able to see how things changed. And so far, I don't mind the changes that much, like yes some had me staring at the screen like "hm" because they wetn a different way than I was expecting, but overall not too bad!
I did enjoy the scenes with Medusa, I liked having Percy wanting to hear her out and trusting to follow her inside because of what Sally had told him when he was a kid. I liked the conversations between Percy and her in the kitchen and even when she was explaining her side of the story to the trio. It was such a good way to present the scene, to show her resentment of both Athena and Posiedon, and also to show how she interacts with Percy to lure him in and play on his trusting and albeit naive nature at that point in the quest.
I did see people talking about episode 8 and the big reveal tho and I'm both excited to see it but also wary of the change they added cause I've seen a lot of mixed reactions. Some prefer the book version, some the version in the series.
General Thoughts:
I'm honestly enjoying the series, it's exciting seeing it all come to life and the dynamics and just sitting there in anticipation of what's to come.
I'm currently watching it with my big sis and let me tell y'all it's so much fun!! She hasn't read the books so all she knows is purely from when we watched the movies together a long time ago so she doesnt remember much (but unfortunately the big reveal at the end isn't going to be a surprise for her). I'm having the time of my life being a little shit and laughing at her confusion or whenever she'd start yelling "WHAT" at the screen like when Sally dissapeared HAHAHA she keeps turning to me and trying to come to conclusions and theories for things while I just smile or shake my head at outrageous ones. I am excited to see her reactions to certain scenes in the other books, especially when it comes to a certain someones end in the last book (she does not like him rn so I'm like 👀 rn to see if that might change along the way).
Uncle Rick did such a good job with the series so far and I'm excited to watch the rest of it, especially now that news of it being renewed for season 2 came out HEHEHE
And thats it for today! I'll be watching the rest of the series at some point this week and will be sharing the rest of my thoughts then. Thank u for reaching the end haha. Till then, have a good day folks and stay tuned! <3
*Last 4 episodes here*
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aeruthien · 2 months
Basically continuously during this campaign posts have popped up about BH's not talking as much as the Mighty Nein, or the relationships not having as much depth.
And while this may be due to the plot structure or the character dynamics, I think it is easy to underestimate just how much the increase from an (average) of 6, to a 7 and now 8 player group has on the 'screentime' of individual pairings (pairing as in literally two people, not a relationship pairing).
So here is a mathematical breakdown of exactly that. The results might shock you!
Let's focus on the unique one-on-one pairings, so for example Chetney and Laudna, or Caleb and Beau, and limit us to PCs. I'll ignore trios and more because those get even more complicated, and the same principle applies.
Let's say that an average episodes takes 4 hours, and about half of it is dedicated to interaction between characters instead of combat, plot related stuff, etc, so about 120 minutes. These numbers are all arbitrary because it is all relative, but an example makes it easier to interpret. Let's also say for the sake of simplicity that each pairing gets allotted the same amount of screentime on average over all episodes.
The M9 had 6 PCs for most of the campaign. This means that there are 5+4+3+2+1= 15 unique pairings. If each pairing gets an equal amount of dedicated screentime, each pairing has 120/15=8 minutes of screentime.
Now take BHs. They usually had 7 PCs which means there are 6+5+4+3+2+1=21 unique pairings. Each has 120/21= 5.7 minutes of screentime.
So for each episode, each pairing of the BH has 2.3 minutes less than or about 70% of the screentime of a pairing in the M9, just because of the number of players.
So what does this mean?
If BH's pairings only have 70% of the M9s screentime, this means that for each M9 epsiode, BHs need 1,4 episode to reach the same amount for each pairing. Reversely, the amount of screentime that the BHs reach at say episode 100, is reached by the M9 as early as episode 70.
So in other words, in the 100 episode we've had of BHs, they've had the same amount of screentime as the Mighty Nein at episode 70.
So while it is true that BH don't talk as much, they also have literally less time to have one-on-one conversations.
Now with Robbie, the party has increased to 8, which gives us 7+...+1=28 unique pairings, which is almost double of the M9. (28 / 15 =1.86). So we need 2 BHs episode for each M9 episode.
Now of course, an episode needs to do more than just people talking to each other: the plot has to progress; plans have to be made; shenanigans have to ensue. But because the run time is limited, this only detracts from the time for individual pairings.
So while discussing BHs interactions, keep in mind that while there is only an increase of 2 players, that means we have twice as much pairings to deal with, and so half as much time for each of them to talk.
(For those curious, if we look at trios, so let's say, Veth-Fjord-Jester or Orym-Dorian-Fearne, it goes from 20 unique combinations for a 6 player party, to 56 unique combinations for a 8 people party. Yeah.)
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suchine-toki · 3 months
hello! I read your Tae meta from last year and just wanted to say it was great and really gets to the bottom of the problems with how Sorachi handled Otae. My (unasked for ;)) two cents is that I think he was going for GinTae endgame but then changed his mind somewhere before Lesson 238 which I read as his way of giving a 'this is how it would happen but I'm not going to do it' resolution for GinTae. And it's fine to drop the romance but knowing he's not going to make any couples endgame and 1/2
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Hi! First of all, thanks for reading and taking your time to send this to me, I really like hearing other people's thoughts! I hope you don't mind that I combined both asks, given that they've points in common and I already had a draft of the one I received a while ago 🙈 This made me realize that I hadn't thought about it too much before… Even if I've talked about this topic with other people before, usually, the conversation ends with us agreeing and moving on to other topics lol so I think this is the first time I'm analyzing it. I'll try to do it from both the characters' perspective and Sorachi's intentions as the story's author. Before continuing, I want to clarify that my intention isn't to convince anyone to stop liking it, I just wanted to explore this topic and wow, did I explore it, because it ended up being much longer than expected 😂
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That said, I think one of the biggest reasons why many of us thought Tae was going to be Gintoki's main love interest is because of the setup. Tae is the first woman from the main cast to appear in the series, and her dilemma kickstarts the story and allows for the formation of the Yorozuya as we know it. Moreover, she's Shinpachi's older sister and also develops a strong bond with Kagura, so it was expected that she would also develop a strong romantic bond with Gintoki, connecting her to the main trio of Gintama.
However, as I mentioned in the previous post, things started to change with the introduction of Kyuubei, which solidified the Kondo-Tae-Kyuubei love triangle, and then with the introduction of Tsukuyo. I watched a video by Abbie Emmons titled "7 Deadly Romance MISTAKES Writers Make ❌ avoid these chemistry killers!" to help identify some points in the relationship between Gintoki and Tae, although I must mention that I don't think these were mistakes on Sorachi's part, quite the opposite, they were very conscious decisions. I won't go point by point; instead, I'll summarize the intent of the message.
Half of the video is about the development of intimacy between two characters. I think most of us can appreciate that at least until the Benizakura arc, it was clear that Sorachi still had in mind to develop the relationship between Gintoki and Tae romantically because they'd a scene where they were alone, had time to talk, and showed that they cared a lot for each other. However, as the series progresses, we stop seeing these kinds of scenes between them, as well as scenes where they're seen thinking about each other or having physical contact.
And although at the beginning of the series Tae participated more actively in the Yorozuya dynamics, after the introduction of Kyuubei, they're seen spending most of their time together, even when they're with the others. Tae remains an honorary member of the Yorozuya until the end, but it's clear that Sorachi wanted her to represent stability, emotional support, the place they can return to that will welcome them with a smile. So, even though Gintoki and Tae still care a lot for each other, their interactions will continue to be framed within the context of the Yorozuya for the rest of the series.
That said, I couldn't say exactly when Sorachi stopped considering a romantic relationship between them. I'd to look up chapter 238 because I didn't remember what it was about lol (for reference, it's the one where they're at a stall and there're only speech bubbles, in which other characters who look like Gintoki and Tae confess they're in love), and I think your interpretation is certainly interesting. The placement also makes sense, which is shortly after the arc introducing Tsukuyo, and it also follows the trend of other characters being the ones who tease them, and not themselves.
The other half of the video is about how the characters' relationships with the rest of the cast are shown. It's highlighted that there needs to be an emotional reaction from a character to the idea of the other being interested in someone else, something Sorachi showed in many different ways but not with Gintoki and Tae. In her case, at most, she was shown getting annoyed at Sacchan, but only when she was provoked first. When it came to Tsukuyo, there was no reaction. Similarly, Gintoki has no reaction when Kyuubei or Kondo demonstrate their love interest.
The last point of the video, but not less important, is when characters have more romantic chemistry with other characters. In Tsukuyo's case, I think Sorachi was already a more experienced writer who knew his characters better and knew what his story needed. In particular, I think he wanted Gintoki to have someone close with whom he could relate but who wasn't directly connected to his past, among other things. And as I mentioned before, most of Tae's emotional energy in the series is with Kyuubei, followed by Kondo.
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But why Sorachi didn't continue developing Gintoki and Tae's relationship romantically? The most obvious reason is simply because he didn't want to lol, but the explanation behind this, I think, is due to two main reasons. The first is that he wanted to keep the relationships within the Yorozuya platonic, and since Tae is an honorary member of the Yorozuya, it felt wrong to establish that there were romantic feelings involved. By comparison, it would be like confirming a relationship between Kagura and Shinpachi. And yes, Sorachi did some ship-teasing more than once between them too, but at the end of the day, he chose not to pursue it, and I think maintaining the familiarity is a cause.
The other reason is that as he wrote the story, he realized that Gintoki and Tae didn't fit well together. Tae can give Gintoki a sense of stability, but what can he offer her? Tae clearly values stability as well, hard work, having money. But Gintoki, due to his circumstances, doesn't meet those standards. If you think about it, the only two occasions when Tae unequivocally showed interest in Gintoki were when he lost his memory (Memory Loss arc) and when Hijikata was in his body (Soul Switch arc). Two occasions where Gintoki wasn't himself. But she liked that he seemed more serious and diligent, which implies that Tae's type is different.
It's also worth mentioning that Gintoki isn't shown making the same gestures towards Tae that Kondo or Kyuubei, the other two characters who are canonically in love with her (which is why I think they're a good benchmark) do. For example, while Sorachi chooses to show Gintoki teasing Tae about her breast size, in contrast, he shows Kondo buying her a kimono that will look good on her regardless, you know, like a supportive partner would. Even with all this, I understand that het shippers might've felt uncomfortable with the idea of pairing Tae with Kondo, and the other viable option was Gintoki. I think Sorachi was also aware of this, which is why he decided to develop Kondo and Tae's relationship in the final arcs.
While we're at it, I prefer kyuutae by faaar. As I've also expressed before, although I think Kondo is a great character, his persistence doesn't sit well with me. But whether it was because of heteronormativity or because Sorachi identified with him as a fellow gorilla, it's clear to me that he decided to emphasize Kondo and Tae's relationship much more. Even when gintsu and kyuutae were stagnating, he continued developing kontae as much as he could (probably because he'd already done the heavy lifting with the other two ships).
Sorachi didn't plan many things in his story, which I think is both a strength and a weakness. One of the things that reflect this is, for example, that Hasegawa was originally going to be part of the Yorozuya, an idea he later abandoned, but the remnant of Hasegawa's presence in the series remained. In the same way, I think his initial idea was to pair Gintoki with Tae, but eventually, he didn't. It seems that he also had the idea at the beginning to end the series with certain couples, but later decided to leave an open ending in that sense, although some of his inclinations were clearer than others.
I've seen people say there're subtle hints throughout Gintama that they fell in love, and while I don't want to say those interpretations are wrong, I think Sorachi is quite straightforward when it comes to these kinds of things. Even with unrequited loves, like in the case of Katsura and Ikumatsu, he showed that there was love. However, in the case of Gintoki and Tae, during the 15 years he wrote the manga, he didn't, probably because he felt it no longer fit the story after a certain point. That said, I think their relationship works just fine without the need for any labels.
Thank you again for stopping by, if you've another point that you would like to discuss feel free to message me or send another ask 🤗
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My ideal season 2 scenario is that Jayce is the only one out of the hextech triad to actually become gravely injured (narratively satisfying the pattern of him being punished for doing the right thing), and Mel and Viktor have to come together to find a way to take care of him/explore their magic artifacts/butt heads politically
Oh man anon I am so excited to see this trio's dynamic in season 2! I love the idea of Mel and Viktor exploring their magic and butting heads. There's a lot of great analysis out there on Jayce and Viktor's character and design similarities, and on Mel and Jayce's similarities, but hey, Mel and Viktor were designed by the same (EXTREMELY talented) man and I'm pretty sure he designed them to be opposites in every way, accommodating the magical forces behind their powers. But being explicit opposites also implies similarities. And I think they are written to appear diametrically opposed, but will end up being much more similar than they are different once the Piltover-Zaun war actually starts.
Without their opposite-but-similar magic, I think we could leave Mel and Viktor's dynamic where it is in season 1 (nonexistent and only acting as a reflection of Jayce choosing between opposing priorities). BUTTTTTT, magic is still a volatile subject in Piltover politics. Piltover tamed Hextech to fit into its image of industrialization, but Mel and Viktor both represent magic that is not like Hextech at all! Viktor's magic is everything Heimerdinger and Piltover have ever feared, and I don't see Piltover reacting with full fellowship to Mel's magic either. Because again, it's not Hextech! It's outside the boundaries of what Piltover knows and is comfortable with! And I think Jayce will be forced to choose between Piltover and Viktor, and likely, he will have to choose between Piltover and Mel too, at least until Mel takes steps to secure her position, which I bet she'll do.
Imagine it, anon! Mel clearly choosing peace over her mother and her birth. Mel revealing her magical secret to, I assume, save not only herself but others in the council room with her. These choices are Mel completely reversing the trajectory she was on for YEARS in order to be who she wants to be, which for her is a moral but still powerful figure, who is opposed to what Ambessa and by extension Noxus represent. And imagine that in season 2, it's Mel who's punished by Piltover, the city she loves, for doing the right thing! Because Piltover as a system has not wanted the "right thing" probably ever - it wants security, power, and profit. And Mel proves by the end of season 1 that those are not her true priorities.
This works well with the unspoken similarity between Mel and Viktor in that they are both technically immigrants to Piltover, outsiders who had to be smart and creative to find a place for themselves in Piltover's system. If Piltover turns on them both, I think this would unite them eventually.
Jayce believes he is doing the right thing, and I think that he's written amazingly well for a lot of reasons. One of those many reasons being that Mel has built him up into this personification of her own idealism. Someone who wants progress for progress' sake and not for profit's sake, who will sacrifice political alliances for peace, and who wants to grace everyday people with power and magic. Where I think the show's true genius lies is that these ideals don't represent who Jayce truly is after the season 1 timeskip. He thinks this is who he is because he is easily influenced, easily convinced, and easily led. Except that while Mel showed a clear break in her characterization at the end of season 1 to redirect herself and be a different person, Jayce so far has simply kept doing the same things he's always done, which is believe he's doing the right thing, make a grand gesture that appears to be the right thing until it turns out it was NOT the right move at all, and then become disillusioned and more frustrated ("They have Shimmer / We have Hextech." - "They're dangerous!" - "Do you not understand? I am a part of this now!").
The first 3 episodes of season 1 were an exception because Viktor showed up in Jayce's life as a total dark horse and reversed Jayce's fortunes, and then Mel was there also totally unexpectedly to save both of their asses from exile. Without Viktor and Mel on his side, Jayce's choices would've turned out badly for him!
The only thing we haven't seen after that final vote in the council chamber is the step where Jayce becomes frustrated and disillusioned. Anon, imagine Jayce, who's just burned all his bridges in Piltover to make the biggest and grandest gesture he could've possibly made, which is to circumvent Piltover's government entirely to make essentially a back-alley deal with a mob boss to create a new nation that would compete with Piltover for resources. With his barely surface level knowledge of economics, politics, and Zaun in general, of course he has every reason to believe he is saving the world with this gesture, he is saving Zaun's civilians as people living in what he believes is a disorganized, undefended place, and he hinged it all on a deal with Silco, whom he neither knows nor took the time to understand, and so of course he has no idea that demanding Jinx in handcuffs was as good as throwing his plan in the trash.
Imagine a Jayce who has done all this work, taken all these risks, and feels on top of the world both for believing he's achieved peace and for spitting in the faces of the council he reviles (except for Mel of course) - only to be nearly killed by the people he thinks he made all these sacrifices for, mere hours after his deal with Silco. The Jayce we know up to this point is not going to react well to thinking that Silco betrayed him, and with Jayce's sweeping generalizations about undercity people, my bet is that in his mind, Silco = undercity = Zaun, and it will be his biggest moment of frustration and disillusionment yet, such that he'll want to go to war.
I always like to remember that Jayce's character flaws don't come from him trying to do the right thing, even clumsily. They come from how he reacts to his plans and his surroundings going pear-shaped.
And goodness gracious, anon, imagine how much worse it'll be if Jayce IS injured in this attack! Jayce takes things personally, and this would make a war that's not really about him feel even more personal!
Contrast this with Mel, who has a line in the sand that she won't cross. She'll find another, less violent way to approach the conflict. And with Viktor's scene where he defuses Jinx's bomb, he'll want something similar. Another thing that will unite Mel and Viktor, in my dearest hopes and dreams lol.
My hope is that the drama for this trio in season 2 will come from Mel and Viktor wanting something very different from what Jayce wants out of the conflict with Zaun. I think that in most other situations, Jayce would still have Mel and Viktor on his side, but in such a huge and violent conflict like this one, I don't think he'll have them on his side. Which isn't gonna go well for him. What I am VERY interested to see is if he ends up allying with someone like Ambessa, and then has to come to his OWN conclusions for once about what he is being guided to do! I don't think he has to be a perfectly "lawful good" protagonist to be a great character, and I don't think that's how he's gonna end up, but I also don't think he'll end the season being a warmonger either. He'll change, and I hope that he either has to forge his own path all on his own, or Mel building him up to personify her ideals comes full circle and he decides to change to be more like who Mel truly is.
As for Viktor and Mel, I won't say too much because of very likely enormous spoilers. But while I think they will work together because of their similarities, Viktor being [REDACTED] and his foreshadowed bitter rivalry with [REDACTED] will force them apart ideologically in the end. My greatest wish though is that even though Mel and Viktor will clash, they will STILL need to work together to achieve their own ends which to me is the most delicious possible situation for season 2.
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starsreminisce · 26 days
I saw your tarot card reading on elain and I'm impressed. If it is alright with you, could give a read for koschei, vassa, and jurian. thanks!
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I had time today so I thought why not!
Remember readings are for entertainment purposes only. No facts, only opinions. This is what I pulled, what I saw and what I interpreted!
Cards that fell: Knight of Pentacles, Six of Wands, and Sun reversed.
The cards falling could suggest a narrative about how Vassa might have managed to leave Koschei. The Knight of Pentacles represents someone steadfast and determined, possibly Papa Archie, playing a key role in Vassa’s escape. The Six of Wands symbolizes a victory, perhaps the achievement of getting Vassa out, even if the situation isn’t perfect. Sun reversed indicates muted happiness or a situation that isn’t fully ideal, but it still represents progress. The overall message seems to be: “This will do, for now.”
Vassa appears as the Ace of Wands reversed, symbolizing a return to something old, which aligns with her desire for things to return to how they were, including her own situation.
Jurian is the Queen of Swords reversed. It’s interesting that Jurian, a male character, is represented by a Queen energy, often associated with a “mean girl” vibe. This reflects his tendency to provoke others and use his words to manipulate or incite conflict.
Koschei shows up as the Ace of Pentacles, which might connect back to the Knight of Pentacles. This could suggest that Koschei views his actions as providing an opportunity, similar to how he saw his partnership with Briallyn. It’s intriguing to think that Koschei might genuinely believe he’s offering something valuable to Vassa, despite the obvious power imbalance and the curse.
Vassa and Jurian:
The energy between them is the Magician reversed, indicating miscommunication and a lack of alignment. This makes sense, considering Lucien’s observation in ACOSF that their dynamic is worsening. The clarifying cards—King of Cups reversed, Ten of Swords, and King of Pentacles—add depth to this. The King of Cups reversed suggests emotional unavailability or recklessness, while the Ten of Swords indicates betrayal. The King of Pentacles represents someone stable and professional. These cards may symbolize how Vassa and Jurian’s emotional states are betraying their sense of duty. They are de facto leaders, always at odds, which might reflect a struggle between love and duty, something SJM could explore further.
Vassa and Koschei:
The energy between them is the High Priestess, representing the unknown and a need to trust in divine timing. Given how little we know about Vassa and Koschei's dynamic, this card suggests there’s much more to be revealed. It’s also worth noting that we have Major Arcana 1 (Magician) between Vassa and Jurian and Major Arcana 2 (High Priestess) between Vassa and Koschei.
The clarifying cards—Queen of Cups reversed, Seven of Wands reversed, and Page of Swords—suggest that Koschei might not understand why Vassa sees her situation as problematic. The phrase “Don’t be so dramatic, I’m giving you what you want” comes to mind, reflecting a lack of empathy for her predicament. The Queen and King of Cups reversed appearing on either side of Vassa could indicate a connection or parallel between these relationships.
Three more cards for clarity: Death reversed, Six of Pentacles, and Ace of Cups.
This trio suggests avoiding the inevitable, looking back to the past, and starting something new. It indicates that while Vassa can’t return to her old life, she can use her past experiences to forge a new path. The Ace of Cups represents new love, or perhaps a new emotional beginning.
This is interesting, especially considering the cards' imagery with Sailor Saturn and the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon. In that arc, Sailor Saturn sacrifices herself to save the world, and with the use of the Holy Grail by Sailor Moon, Hotaru was able to be reborn as a child while still retaining being the reincarnation of Sailor Saturn. This could hint that Vassa won't rid herself of the curse but might gain the ability to transform at will. SJM’s universe often evolves rather than reverting to the past, so this could be Vassa's path.
Final three cards: Knight of Wands reversed, Strength reversed, and Four of Wands.
Seeing Elain and Lucien’s energies reflected in this pull suggests that their actions will significantly influence Vassa and Jurian's storyline. The Knight of Wands reversed and Strength reversed indicate that Elain and Lucien might be facing their own struggles, but these challenges are leading them towards a potential resolution.
The Four of Wands suggests that despite these struggles, their efforts will ultimately contribute to a positive and stable outcome for Vassa and Jurian. Their actions, even if they seem reckless or uncertain, are paving the way for a happy conclusion, aligning with the idea that their journey will help bring about stability and joy for the other characters.
Alternatively, it might indicate someone taking a reckless gamble, lacking confidence but succeeding in the end.
Hope you enjoy this! Thank you again for asking!
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lindseybots · 7 months
Ahem, so you mentioned something about trying to find a good balance between Wind and Zelda and what Wind will do during the events of ST... I know you're probably still figuring stuff out but I really wanted to let you know that I'm very excited to see how it will end up as! There's so many options and possibilities for WW Link and ST Zelda's relationship (both my beloveds) and it's making me go dsaiuahkadsakb
The dynamic of a trio is so interesting to explore! Petting your AU and tucking it into bed gently rn...
Also thank you so much for the kind words! omg that means the world to me!! I will do my best as I explore this AU further!
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I’m very excited to explore the trio, so I am very happy you’re looking forward to it too! I think it’s really interesting that Wind is very experienced when it comes to adventuring while Zelda has no experience in that regard. In fact, they make it pretty apparent in the game that she doesn’t really leave the castle AT ALL. In terms of navigation or even some basic life skills, she has no experience.
Zelda and Wind are opposites in that regard, but in other areas I think they get along really well. They’re both very sassy, spunky, and even a bit stubborn. At the end of the day though, they both want to look out for each other and ST Link as best they can.
ST Link is in a bit of a middle ground. He has probably traveled a few places while as an apprentice to Alfonzo, as such he has some experience in terms of talking with people, navigating, and of course his train expertise. I always headcanoned that ST Link is a bit of an inventor too, or, at the very least knowledgeable about machinery. Just pulling into a station in the game can fix your train’s health, even if the location has no other characters. That definitely implies that Link is the one making any repairs.
On top of all of that, Wind was one of the people who raised him. Wind would definitely teach him some skills that he learned. He has no doubt heard all the stories about Wind’s adventures, if not from Wind himself then from Niko. If faced with an enemy that Wind has fought before, he’d be able to have some knowledge on a good way to approach it.
Still, this will be his first time actually on an adventure to save the world. He still has stuff to learn.
This is the perfect excuse for me to give a quick little update on some things I’ve been thinking about. This is already really long, so i’m gonna put it under a break. If you’re interested, keep reading.
I will eventually talk about this again later, as the stuff I’m going to mention is still being worked on. Still, here is some progress on things.
For ST Link’s nicknames, a few I have been debating are:
Little Spirit / Spirit
Specks (for his freckles and because it’s probably pretty common to find specks of dirt or oil or something on him.)
Engineer / Engine / Eng
I feel like using a mix of these might be good, not just sticking to one. Like how Wind’s primary nickname is Wind, but he is sometimes also referred to as Sailor, or something along those lines. None of these are really set yet and are all subject to change. Let me know your thoughts.
In terms of Wind’s involvement in the events of ST, one thing i’ve been debating is him being the one handling the train’s cannon. I feel like because it’s the “Spirit” Train, I can get away with the excuse that spirits or ghosts have a little more ability when in contact with it. Wind knows his way around a cannon. It’s one of the ways I think he could help. Plus, it would allow ST Link to focus fully on driving.
I also feel like Wind can summon any of his belongings for himself. He can’t give them to anyone else to use. They’re more like spiritual / ghostly copies of the real things, and if it’s something like his sword or bow and arrows, they wouldn’t be able to ACTUALLY hit anything. Still, it would allow him to summon things to help teach ST Link through demonstration.
The Tower of Spirits is really the trickiest part for me. I, honestly, don’t want him possessing phantoms. I feel like that’s something that should be reserved for Zelda.
I want Wind and Zelda to have different things that they can do. At least one thing exclusive to each while in the Tower. The excuse I’m going with is that she still has a tie to the living, even if it’s hanging by a thread. Wind, on the other hand, is fully a spirit. As such, the things they can do are different.
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duhbatmann · 8 months
Hearts of Los Santos
Chapter 1: Restless Souls
Michael's Discontent
Scene 1: Michael is seen lounging by his pool, a look of boredom and dissatisfaction on his face. He's surrounded by all the trappings of his wealthy lifestyle, yet there's a clear sense of emptiness. He has a brief, somewhat cold interaction with his wife, Amanda, which only serves to highlight the growing distance in their relationship.
Scene 2: Seeking some form of excitement, Michael decides to go for a night drive through Los Santos. The neon lights of the city reflect his inner turmoil as he grapples with the realization that money and luxury haven't brought him happiness.
Franklin's Dilemma
Scene 3: Franklin is shown in his house in Vinewood Hills, juggling phone calls from two women he's currently seeing. He's trying to keep his romantic life afloat while simultaneously receiving a call from Lester about a potential job. This scene establishes Franklin's struggle to balance his personal life with his criminal activities.
Scene 4: Franklin meets with one of his romantic interests, a smart and ambitious woman named Elisa. Their date is interrupted by a call from Michael, asking for a meet-up. Franklin's divided attention becomes apparent, foreshadowing the conflicts to come.
Trevor's Unexpected Encounter
Scene 5: Trevor is in his trailer in Sandy Shores, engaging in his usual chaotic behavior. A mysterious stranger, Alex, arrives in town, capturing Trevor’s attention. Alex is unlike anyone Trevor has encountered – calm, enigmatic, and seemingly unfazed by Trevor's wild demeanor.
Scene 6: Trevor and Alex have a bizarre and humorous interaction at the local bar, where Trevor is both intrigued and baffled by Alex's nonchalant attitude towards him. This marks the beginning of an unusual dynamic between them, challenging Trevor's typical approach to relationships.
Converging Paths
Scene 7: The chapter concludes with Michael and Franklin meeting at a high-end bar in downtown Los Santos. Michael shares his feelings of disconnection, while Franklin talks about the complexities of his love life. The scene sets the stage for their intertwined stories and lays the groundwork for the events to come.
This chapter sets up the initial state of each character, providing a base for their individual journeys and the challenges they will face, both in their romantic lives and their intertwined stories within the gritty world of Los Santos.
Chapter 2: Vinewood Nights
Unexpected Reunion
Scene 1: Michael and Franklin are already at the upscale bar in Vinewood, engaging in a somewhat philosophical conversation about life, love, and what they're missing. The ambiance of the bar, with its soft lighting and occasional laughter from other patrons, contrasts with their serious discussion.
Scene 2: Trevor unexpectedly arrives at the bar, initially causing a bit of a stir with his unrefined manners. However, he quickly settles in, intrigued by the conversation and eager to join. His arrival adds a layer of unpredictability to the evening.
Shared Vulnerabilities
Scene 3: As they continue to drink, the trio begins to open up about their romantic frustrations and desires, a rarity given their usual tough exteriors. Michael laments his failing marriage and the lost spark in his life. Franklin discusses the challenges of finding genuine connection amidst his complex love life. Trevor, in his own unique way, expresses confusion and curiosity about his new interest, Alex.
Scene 4: Their conversation reveals a deeper bond between them, beyond their criminal endeavors. They share laughs, advice, and even some gentle ribbing, showing a side of camaraderie that's rarely seen.
Reflections and Realizations
Scene 5: As the night progresses, each character begins to reflect on their own situation. Michael realizes he needs to find a way to rekindle passion in his life, Franklin contemplates the kind of relationship he truly wants, and Trevor considers the possibility of exploring something more meaningful with Alex.
Scene 6: The chapter closes with the trio leaving the bar, each deep in thought. The night has provided them with unexpected insights into their own hearts, setting the stage for the decisions they'll make in the chapters to come.
This chapter deepens the characters' development by exploring their vulnerabilities and desires in a setting outside their usual chaotic lives. It's a pivotal moment that sets the tone for their individual journeys and the challenges they'll face as they navigate the complexities of love and relationships in the world of GTA 5.
Chapter 3: Love in the Time of Chaos
Michael's Quest for Romance
Scene 1: Michael, inspired by his conversation with Franklin, decides to reignite the romance in his marriage. He plans a surprise date night for Amanda, attempting to replicate the modern, exciting dates he's heard Franklin describe.
Scene 2: The evening starts off well, but Michael's attempts at being trendy and current feel forced and awkward. Despite this, there are moments of genuine connection, hinting at the possibility of rekindled love.
Franklin's Influence
Scene 3: Franklin, meanwhile, finds himself playing the unlikely role of Michael's love life coach. He gives Michael tips on modern dating and how to bring excitement into a relationship, drawing from his own experiences. Their interactions are filled with humor and a touch of irony.
Scene 4: Franklin also grapples with his own romantic decisions, reflecting on the advice he's giving Michael. This leads him to reconsider what he's truly seeking in a partner and whether his current relationships fulfill that.
Trevor's Unusual Journey
Scene 5: Trevor continues to explore his unexpected interest in Alex. He attempts to show a more thoughtful side, organizing a unique date that's surprisingly considerate, yet still unmistakably Trevor-like in its oddity.
Scene 6: The date with Alex takes a series of bizarre turns, but there's an undeniable chemistry between them. Alex's calm demeanor balances Trevor's erratic nature, and Trevor finds himself genuinely enjoying someone's company in a way he hadn't anticipated.
The Chaos of Love
Scene 7: The chapter concludes with each character reflecting on their romantic endeavors amidst their chaotic lives. Michael feels a glimmer of hope for his marriage, Franklin questions his own relationship choices, and Trevor experiences an unfamiliar sense of connection. The complexities of love in their high-stakes world become increasingly evident.
In this chapter, the characters start to actively explore and challenge their ideas about love and relationships. Their efforts, filled with both humor and heart, reveal new dimensions of their personalities and set the stage for further developments in their individual story arcs.
Chapter 4: Tangled Hearts
Franklin's Risky Romance
Scene 1: Franklin's new romantic interest, Elisa, becomes more involved in his life. However, he soon discovers that she has connections to a rival gang, complicating both his personal and professional worlds.
Scene 2: Franklin is torn between his feelings for Elisa and the potential dangers her connections bring. He finds himself trying to navigate a delicate balance, seeking advice from Michael and even Trevor.
Michael's Misadventures
Scene 3: Michael, in his attempts to bring excitement into his marriage, plans a daring date for Amanda – a heist-themed adventure. However, things go awry when they accidentally entangle with a real criminal operation.
Scene 4: The situation escalates, and Michael must use his skills to extricate them from danger. This unexpected thrill reignites some of the passion in their relationship but also highlights the risks of his double life.
Trevor's Chaotic Love
Scene 5: Trevor's relationship with Alex takes a turn when Alex inadvertently gets involved in one of Trevor's shady deals. The deal goes south, leading to a chaotic series of events.
Scene 6: Amidst the chaos, Trevor and Alex's bond is tested. The experience reveals a new level of trust and understanding between them, but also the complexities of balancing Trevor's unpredictable lifestyle with a relationship.
Converging Complications
Scene 7: The chapter concludes with the three protagonists realizing how their romantic lives are dangerously intertwining with their criminal activities. They meet to discuss the escalating complications, each facing their own dilemmas.
Scene 8: The chapter ends with a sense of foreboding, as they acknowledge that their entangled hearts and criminal lives could lead to serious consequences.
In this chapter, the interplay between love and crime becomes more pronounced, adding layers of complexity to each character's journey. Their struggles to maintain a balance between their romantic aspirations and their criminal endeavors create a web of intrigue and suspense, driving the narrative forward.
Chapter 5: Double Lives
The Job
Scene 1: The chapter opens with the trio planning a high-stakes heist, an operation that requires precise coordination and focus. However, their minds are visibly preoccupied with their romantic concerns.
Scene 2: As they start executing the heist, it becomes clear that their personal distractions are affecting their performance. Michael is constantly checking his phone, worried about Amanda's recent distant behavior. Franklin is distracted, his thoughts on Elisa and her dangerous connections. Trevor, surprisingly, is the most focused, but even he is occasionally lost in thoughts about Alex.
The Fallout
Scene 3: The heist goes wrong. A minor mistake snowballs into a significant issue, forcing them to abort the mission hastily. They narrowly escape, but not without drawing unwanted attention from law enforcement and rival criminals.
Scene 4: Back at their hideout, tensions rise. Blame is thrown around, with each character's personal life being pointed to as a distraction. The argument reveals the strain their double lives are placing on their relationships with each other.
Reflection and Realization
Scene 5: Following the heated exchange, each character takes time to reflect on their current situation. Michael realizes that his efforts to spice up his marriage may be endangering his family. Franklin contemplates the risks his relationship with Elisa poses to his and his friends' safety. Trevor, despite his usually carefree attitude, begins to worry about the impact of his criminal life on his relationship with Alex.
Scene 6: They reconvene, somewhat calmer, and acknowledge that they need to find a balance between their love lives and their criminal activities. They agree to be more cautious and supportive of each other's personal endeavors.
Moving Forward
Scene 7: The chapter concludes with a renewed sense of camaraderie and a collective decision to be more vigilant. However, the complications in their personal lives are far from resolved, leaving a sense of uncertainty about how they will manage their double lives moving forward.
In this chapter, the tension between their romantic relationships and their life of crime reaches a tipping point, forcing the characters to confront the realities of their dual existences. This realization brings a new depth to their relationships and sets the stage for future challenges and developments.
Chapter 6: High Stakes
The Grand Plan
Scene 1: The chapter opens with the trio planning their most ambitious heist yet, targeting a heavily guarded casino. The job promises a huge payoff, but it also requires impeccable coordination and focus.
Scene 2: Each character brings their unique skills to the planning phase, but the tension from their personal lives is palpable. They make a pact to put aside their romantic distractions for the sake of the job.
Romantic Complications
Scene 3: As the heist approaches, their love lives intrude unexpectedly. Amanda becomes suspicious of Michael's secretive behavior. Elisa's connections with the rival gang threaten to leak information about the heist. Alex, increasingly worried about Trevor's safety, pleads with him to reconsider his criminal lifestyle.
Scene 4: The trio meets to discuss these complications. They realize that their relationships could jeopardize the job, but they're too deep into the plan to back out now.
The Heist
Scene 5: The heist begins with high tension. Each member of the trio is acutely aware of what's at stake, both professionally and personally.
Scene 6: Despite their best efforts to stay focused, elements of their personal lives start to interfere. Unexpected calls and messages create distractions, and decisions are second-guessed.
Tested Loyalties
Scene 7: In the midst of the heist, a critical moment arrives where their loyalties are tested. A choice must be made that could either secure their fortune or prioritize their personal relationships.
Scene 8: Each character makes a decision that reflects their current priorities, leading to a tense and dramatic climax. The outcome of the heist is left uncertain as they each deal with the consequences of their choices.
Reflection and Consequences
Scene 9: The chapter closes with the trio reflecting on the events of the heist. They consider the impact of their decisions and how their romantic entanglements have shaped their paths. The true cost of their double lives becomes clear, setting the stage for future challenges and resolutions.
In this chapter, the intertwining of the trio's personal and professional lives reaches a critical point, forcing them to confront the reality of their choices and the complexities of balancing love and crime. The high-stakes nature of the heist combined with the drama of their romantic entanglements creates a gripping narrative that propels the story forward.
Chapter 7: New Beginnings
Michael's Resolution
Scene 1: Michael comes to terms with the state of his marriage. He has an honest conversation with Amanda, where they both acknowledge their mistakes and the distance that has grown between them.
Scene 2: They decide to give their relationship another chance, focusing on genuine connection rather than extravagant gestures. The scene ends with them planning a simple but meaningful date, symbolizing a fresh start.
Franklin's Decision
Scene 3: Franklin faces a tough decision regarding his relationship with Elisa. The risks her connections bring are too great to ignore.
Scene 4: He ultimately chooses to end the relationship but does so amicably, understanding that their worlds are too different. The experience leaves him wiser and more aware of what he truly seeks in a partner.
Trevor's Unconventional Path
Scene 5: Trevor's relationship with Alex reaches a turning point. Alex confronts Trevor about the dangers of his lifestyle and his unpredictable nature.
Scene 6: In a surprising twist, Trevor shows willingness to make changes for the sake of the relationship. They agree to continue their unconventional romance, but with Trevor making an effort to involve less chaos in his life.
Reflection and Looking Forward
Scene 7: The trio meets one last time, in their usual hangout spot. They reflect on the events that unfolded, the decisions they made, and how they've grown through their experiences.
Scene 8: Each character shares their plans for the future, showing a mix of hope and uncertainty. They acknowledge that their lives will always be a blend of love, crime, and complex choices.
Scene 9: The chapter, and the story, concludes with them toasting to new beginnings. They leave the scene separately, each walking into their future, which is filled with new possibilities and challenges.
In this final chapter, the story wraps up with each character finding a resolution in their love lives, marking a new chapter in their personal journeys. Their final meeting is a poignant moment of camaraderie and reflection, bringing a sense of closure while also leaving the door open for future adventures.
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lans-rabbit-glade · 11 months
hello I’m here to recommend u youMysterious Lotus Casebook if you so wish, just noticed your watchlist and figure you might enjoy mlc. There’s a few why you should watch posts floating around here but I think the character dynamics between the min trio is very enjoyable, and the production quality is pretty damn high. It is also as gay or not a you want it to be in a good way. Also solving mysteries
oooh thank you so much!!! always appreciate a good show recommendation 💗
my watchlist is admittedly bit outdated, i haven't made much progress watching anything new in a while - but i've definitely seen some fantastic gifs from that show floating around and would love to give it a try :) i'll be sure to bump it up on the list!
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daylighteclipsed · 2 years
I'm not sure how much of an unpopular opinion this is (if at all) but it's so tiresome when I see a good majority of people wishing the Destiny *trio* to be the very best of friends. I don't think they've ever been on the same level as the rest of the trios. Sora really was/is the glue holding the three of them together and I've always found R+K interactions surface-level at best. Drifting apart doesn't mean they don't still care for each other and you shouldn’t have to force that relationship.
Before I respond to your comment, may I interest you in a few posts I’ve already written on the subject? x ⭐️ x ⭐️ x ⭐️
I think it IS an unpopular opinion. However, most of the blogs I follow share this opinion with me, so you’re in the right place lmao
I feel like a lot of older fans know or sense the Destiny “trio” is different from the other trios — like, they pick up on something — but they don’t want to accept it.
Because it hurts, right? It hurts if you grew up with these characters, if you spent years between game releases growing attached to what this friendship could be… only to have each new game move further away from that dream.
I started this series as an adult, with everything through MoM released, so I didn’t experience that… I picked up on a sense of division right away and felt as every game and trio introduced thereafter reinforced it… I realized I’m not supposed to expect Sora, Riku, and Kairi to be like the other trios. That’s not the story being told here.
And that’s not to say I’m not interested in their dynamic. I really am, especially from Kairi’s point of view. But it’s not as tight-knit bffs. I’m interested in the conflict canon suggests, the growing distance between people who hung out every day as kids. And in the case of Kairi and Riku, friends who seem to have always had mixed feelings about each other, who don’t really know how to talk to each other without their mutual bestie (Sora) around. That’s interesting, especially in a series about the power of friendship.
Sora being so big on friendship but failing to nurture his friendship with Kairi to the point where he has to build a new path to her heart is interesting — and also arguably parallels how Sora’s relationship with Riku deteriorates earlier in the series; Riku and Kairi kinda swap places as the “neglected” friend, but they also both fail to reach out to Sora and let him know how they’re feeling. (And because I associate Kairi with childhood/the past and Riku with adulthood/the future, it’s really interesting how Sora moves away from Kairi/childhood and closer to Riku/adulthood as the series progresses.) Kairi being so afraid of change and the one consistently left out of the action so she doesn’t quite grasp or refuses to accept how much Sora and Riku have changed without her. Kairi being quietly jealous of how Riku is the center of Sora’s attention. Riku being quietly jealous of Kairi as he believes she is the object of Sora’s affections. Riku and Kairi not wanting to be close friends again, if they ever really were, but still caring about each other… There are a lot of old friends I would drop anything to help, but that doesn’t mean I want to be their best friend again.
And that’s the thing. When people talk about wanting the Destiny kids to be close outside of fanon, they ignore that the characters — at least Riku and Kairi — do not act like they want to be close. There’s really nothing in recent canon that indicates they want to be best friends beyond Kairi’s general fear of change — and even that is kind of generous. There’s no concrete proof that Riku is really part of that, that she really misses him (as opposed to a period of time he was there for), not like Kairi writing letters she doesn’t send to the Sora of her memories in KH3, for example.
The Destiny kids not all being close doesn’t spark those warm, fuzzy feelings that the other trios do, but at this point it’s much more believable than if they were to act like bffs. Fanon is fanon. People are gonna do what they want. But when it comes to canon, I’m with you, that friendship shouldn’t be forced. Without some really solid development, it would feel painfully artificial and bastardize the last two decades of writing.
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thanks for making the poll! Adding a random thought or ten to the musical au because I can—
• Remus has a length of rope ending in a hook on the back of his costume. The hook attaches to Roman’s costume, and the rope visibly frays as the show progresses. When they finally split, they unhook and the rope breaks. They try to tie it back together later on, when they’re trying to put Remus back. The amount of times that they have accidentally tripped over the rope during choreo is high enough that the costume designer/s seriously considered removing it from the show.
• you are absolutely correct in regards to Remus having awesome creepy makeup. his character may or may not have a mouth. he cannot sit still for makeup application though, so the makeup often ends up smeared.
• I kind of really want to include the trio dynamic that 🐀 was talking about cause it’s really cool and fun and I feel like it could work well with this story.
• how do we feel about Roman thinking he has a crush on Virgil also? If I included that plotline it’d probably end with something cliche like:
"And you’re… okay with this? With me and Virgil?" Remus said, watching his brother carefully. Roman’s gaze drifted to the floor. "I’ve been thinking, lately, a lot. And I think—" He swallowed. Chanced a glance at Remus. "I think it wasn’t about Virgil. Or… I think I was scared to lose you. Both of you. And that got weird and toxic and I almost lost you anyway. So, yeah. You and Virgil is good."
"And…?" Roman looked up again, a small smile on his lips. "And I’ve been spending a lot more time with (name) recently, and they gave me their therapist’s number and told me to call whenever I needed, so… that might be happening?"
• ^ istg I have read that exact scene multiple times. The next step is a brother hug. I don’t know if I actually want to write a love triangle, cause I don’t really like reading love triangles (unless they end in polyamory) but it would be an easy source of drama and Complicated Feelings, so. there’s that.
• the platonic affection between the cast and crew is off the charts.
• ^ this has one downside and it is that Virgil is unable to tell when Remus is romantically flirting with him vs platonically flirting For The Lolz. (vs flirting with him solely to piss him off)
• Janus is short. this is more of a general headcanon, but I’m including it here because there are a lot of ways in which it applies to the theatre AU. he’s tiny and angy and all of the others can carry him easily, which they take full advantage of.
• there’s definitely a song about always being seen as the good half/bad half and never two complex wholes that the twins get way too into.
• we like besties to lovers, huh? how about best friends brother who you kind of hate at first but have suddenly become coworkers with to lovers?
• how old are they in this. please help.
Of course no problem! Damn who knew Bestie's Brother's lowkey down bad Rival to Coworkers to Lovers would have so much A N G S T and D R A M A Ro's definitely gonna need that therapy number cause good lord XD /light hearted Also I guess you can say Jan's short tempered I'll see myself out
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psychewritesbs · 11 months
Hello, I wonder what do you think of Megumi, Hana and Noritoshi as a trio? I know they're a weird team but tbh I've always wanted Gege to explore Megumi's parallels with these two. Hana representing the childish naivety of Megumi's tendency to put 'good' people like Tsumiki and Yuji on a pedestal (I'm not sure if it was linkspooky or you who pointed this out, or maybe both) and Noritoshi Kamo mirroring Megumi's circumstances as someone whose origins tie him to the big clans (like Naobito tying Megumi down to the Zenin by making him a clown head). And while they both went about this particular circumstance differently, I still believe there's so much similarities to explore between them.
I think if Gege plans on showing us Megumi's progress of growing out of his initially flawed and childish mindset, that seeing him grow alongside Hana and Noritoshi would be really interesting. And personally I just want some love shown to Noritoshi and esp. Hana. Like the hate on her in this fandom is so disheartening to see. The way people mock her for falling to Sukuna's obvious honeytrap and comparing her to Nobara. Like I get it jjk fans like strong, no-nonsense, I don't need no man female personalities, but I feel like it's being over-glorified to the point of absurdity y'know. Like anyone who falls short of that category is immediately a bad character. And in Hana's case it's almost as if character backstory doesn't matter.
Nonetheless, I hope Hana and Noritoshi's continued existence in the manga means Gege still has something planned for them. And I hope Gege will finally explore Megumi's dynamic with other characters more upon his return.
Anon! Love the thoughts! Thanks for sharing them.
To be honest I had never given much thought to them as a trio, but I love what you've written about them as if they existed on a continuum with Nori on one end (responsibility), Megumi in the middle, and Hana at the opposing end (naivety).
I have to say that one of the things I did like about Sakurajima was getting to see Nori more deeply as a character. Especially after he had been kicked out of the clan and how that had affected his sense of self.
As for Hana... le sigh. Tell me about it anon. I think I posted about it before but to me hating on Hana looks like hating on one's own naivety and vulnerability.
I just get the sense that Hana sees herself as a magical girl and was naive enough to think her power of love and friendship had managed to save Megumi. So it's almost like she felt like she had been able to do for him what she had done for her.
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That's not to mention that Sukuna fully intended to fool her, so this literally shows why Sukuna thinks love is useless.
As per usual, I think this might be a case of "people can only see things as deeply as they see themselves".
Also, I so love your comment on how a character that doesn't fit that specific mold (strong, no-nonsense, I don't need no man female personalities) is considered bad writing.
The "bad writing" allegations in this fandom often come back to "I didn't like it or it didn't live up to my expectations, so therefore it's objectively bad".
I can see why the execution might feel sloppy, and why people are tired of the "girl pines for boy" trope in animanga, and she does suffer from side af character syndrome, but Hana is by no means a bad character for having a crush on Megumi.
Anyways! Here's to seeing other characters support Megumi in the future anon! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.
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encrucijada · 2 years
nanowrimo is technically over and i barely made a dent on what was supposed to be my main wip during november. but one thought led to another and i made some changes that contradict the powerpoint i posted at the start of the month... so let me tell you about evergreen lung!
if you're new to my writing updates: because of how inconsistent i am with my progress i just label everything as a writing update and then theme them accordingly.
disclaimer: this is my original work, plagiarism of any kind won’t be tolerated.
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[ all images ids in alt text! ]
i was having a lot of trouble making the relationships between characters work, which is a problem considering character relationships would make or break this book in particular. i've only written one and a half chapters which, i know is too soon to know if the dynamics were really as bleh as they seemed in my head (especially considering i've only barely introduced the character of raquel)... but things just weren't clicking in an appealing way.
so what did i do? i opened my phone's notes app and started typing naturally lmao. i laid out all my troubles and i think i've found it now! the version of evergreen lung i like.
these are the changes
august is now a completely different character! originally she was supposed to be ezra's "friendship interest" (like love interest but for friend) but i was having this problem about their relationship being too similar to that of ezra's mums xiomara and katalina. something that was bothering no one but if i didn't do something about it it was gonna bother me for all intended 70k words of this. i've aged august up and now she is running the radio station mentioned in the powerpoint (there's also something new and magical about her but [spoilers]).
it also allowed me to implement a dynamic i would have otherwise discarded with the changes i did to ezra's family, which makes me happy as i really liked it. see, since her inception august has been the someone new by hozier sorta character where she falls in love with pretty strangers on the bus. in the earlier versions of evergreen lung, ezra was supposed to live with her aunt who couldn't really hold down a partner and that was going to contrast with ezra who didn't want a partner. now that dynamic is the one shared between ezra and august! they have more of a "queer neurodivergent student who imprints on their cool teacher" vibe
juan diego figueroa! you may remember him as santiago figueroa from the powerpoint, i changed his name. the obligatory adam parrish-esque character because this is a book about a sentient forest. he's ezra's new platonic soulmate. a story about two aspec kids with lots of nature imagery surrounding them and whose relationship people are being extremely amatonormative about. after all, they're a boy and a girl so they should be falling in love
not only are they extremely cute, but their dynamic immediately puts me at ease with being Different(tm) from xiomara/katalina/caleb, which is what was bothering me if i had made a little trio out of ezra/august/santiago. as said in the powerpoint, his family runs the greenhouse where xiomara buys all her plant babies and it gives juan diego and ezra a fun thing going on. where they know each other but will grow to be each other's best friends much to their surprise
okay! let's talk chapters
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i have named a few scattered chapters. these are the first five (at least for now some titles could be moved around later). as of rn i have only written chapters one and i'm working on finishing chapter two. yes, in my head that is more than enough to talk
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so for the uninitiated: evergreen lung is about this girl named ezra who died and then undied. what felt like passing out overnight in the forest for her turned out to be a year of her being missing.
i'd written the opening scene of the book many moons ago, around the time when i first had the idea for this story. it remains one of my favourite openers. here's an excerpt!
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I woke up again because I couldn’t breathe. It turned into crying. Blood smeared on my cheeks, my nose, my mouth. I think… I might have been having nightmares, but I couldn’t remember. The sun made nightmares go away.
Checked my phone again, mechanical. The dead screen spiderwebbed and mosaicked with the honeycomb light through the canopy of branches. I did that three more times, forgetting each time, until I sprung panicked because the weight of my own body made my arm fall asleep and I thought the fox was back and had taken it along this time. I pressed the power button on the phone like that might will it to work.
I also got bitten on the leg, the tender tissue on the back of my knee, and I kicked. A fox with shamrocks as way of ear tufts whined and sprang away. That made me sit up and I cried, whimpering apologies. Whimpering please forgive me’s to an animal that wasn’t there anymore.
i'm now gonna shout out @rxinbowbright and @chaoticdecember because it's thanks to them that i even conceived making any progress with this book at all. and it's all thanks to the characters of ezra's parents who are actually our ocs for a personal project we share. with katalina being teddy's and caleb being fluffy's, xio is mine. it makes sense for a story about the importance of queerplatonic relationships for our main character to be born into one imo.
a while back (a long while back) i decided to start using chapter titles. they add so much personality and i think they need to do a comeback in books. i'm especially fond of the two words structure which is what i'm gonna be doing with evergreen lung. it creates such vivid imagery with something as simple as creation act, especially considering the subject matter. ezra coming back home and all.
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aka ezra takes a walk around town and reunites with raquel, they go to a concert. alternatively: sometimes the main conflict is the fact your best friend has a boyfriend.
the plot truly begins here: ezra realises there's a disconnect between her and the person who's her best friend, she missed graduation and we all know how much things change in not even a year of being done with high school. the people you saw 5 days a week aren't part of your routine anymore, friend groups don't survive, everyone's got their own goals and no one's worried about the same homework as you.
other stories might turn raquel into the villain but there are no villains here (except for amatonormativity). i love raquel, and i love the relationship with her boyfriend like i love any other ship in my wips. they've got this fun garage band aesthetic going on and damian is friends with ezra... sadly while she was gone they planned and agreed to move out of town together. and now instead of having time to process this, ezra's arriving a month (or so) before it happens.
the title of pressed flowers is supposed to be a metaphor about preserving things.
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Raquel’s mum was a redhead like her two daughters. She was wearing an apron and a dress, hands clad with rubber gloves, she looked as if she’d stepped out of 50s USA nuclear family propaganda. Wendy was forced to stay outside and I stood in their kitchen on the verge of tears for an agonising ten minutes.
I kept asking them: Raquel? Raquel? Raquel?
And they put a glass of pink lemonade in my hands and hugged me until I spilled it on the floor anyways. You went missing, they said, as if I was a third-party stranger who hadn’t heard of the local tragedy. Instead of being the very subject of it. Yeah, I know, I said, objective, like speaking of the weather. Your parents— Raquel's mum started to say. They know, I said.
“She’s going to be so happy.” Marianela was holding the baby to her chest.
“Where’s Raquel?” I asked again.
“Not here,” her mum said. “She got this crazy idea in her head when she turned eighteen. Moved right out, said she was ready to be independent.”
“Where’s Raquel?” I asked again.
“She didn’t even have a job!” her mum said. “Now I think she’s working as a cashier.”
“Where’s Raquel?” I asked Marianela directly.
“The shopping centre downtown,” she said, patting the baby’s back as she became fuzzy. Warning of a wail. “They have these empty rooms serving no purpose at all.”
okay! i think that's gonna be it for now. i mainly wanted to talk about the changes i made (which also helps me it's the rubber duck method). and also hopefully this gave you a better idea of what the book's about, where it's headed.
the other chapters will tackle the following:
dead heading: the real weight of being gone
organic bodies: trying to reconnect
blink twice: ezra goes to a party with her old classmates
the sentient forest is coming, i promise.
cheers, pía
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readnburied · 1 year
13 Thoughts I had while Reading “These Violent Delights”
So I read These Violent Delights by Chloe gong this month and really enjoyed it. I loved the entire atmosphere and the setting, and most of all I loved the plot. I felt a lot while reading this book and wanted to share my thoughts here. So here’s a glimpse of my thoughts regarding These Violent Delights. 
1. A retelling? Wow! This will be exciting! 
This book is a retelling of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare which I read in junior high and didn’t like it. But I loved this book. 
2. Okay I’m loving this idea of rival gangs. And the names. I love the names.
The author’s idea of having rival gangs was a clever one and I absolutely loved the names of the characters and their personalities. 
3. Juliette is badass. She knows how to shoot. I want to learn it. 
Considering she’s the heir to the Scarlet Gang, it’s fitting that she’s strong and independent but I loved how she could wield a gun, because that is something I really want to learn. 
4. I love the relationship dynamics between Roma and the others. 
Roma is an amazing character. He will steal your heart without you knowing it. And I loved the dynamics between him and his people and Juliette. 
5. What is this monster? Lice? Eww. 
The monster is causing people to die in a unique and horribly gross manner. I’ve never read about this kind of monster. So as disturbing as it was, it was also novel. 
6. So much bloodshed. So much misunderstanding. Loyalty? Love? What do you choose? 
This is after reading about Roma’s and Juliette’s perspectives and the reason behind what they did. Both of them had it tough. 
7. I like how nobody questions Juliette and Roma and they can go wherever they want. 
Throughout the novel, they’re hardly ever home, which makes sense considering their lifestyle and what they have to do. But I like how no one questions them, because if I go out, a lot of people ask me to give them details. 
8. This madness is driving me mad. I hate people dying! 
As the story progresses, the monster takes hold of the city and plenty of people are dying. I hated how people close to the main characters become victims of the monster. 
9. Roma, Marshall and Benedict have my heart. They have it and I don’t regret giving it to them. 
I adored this trio and I wish I could meet them in real life. I wish they were real. The author has done a splendid job with these characters and their personalities. 
10. Oh my, I did not see that coming!
When the truth finally comes out and the audience gets to know who the monster is and why it was created in the first place. 
11. This monster is unreal. Good thing it’s fiction. 
Reading the physical description of the monster made me nauseous, but that’s just another proof of the author’s talents. But yeah, I found the whole monster thing kind of unrealistic but since it’s fiction, I can’t complain. 
12. Marshall!! No!! 
Marshall didn’t deserve what happened to him. And I wished I could protect him from such a fate. I love Marshall. 
13. Oh my… thank God! But wait, release what? 
The ending brought a massive relief but at the same time a fresh wave of anxiety, which made me hungry for book 2 and I can’t wait to read it. 
And that’s it. These are some of my thoughts while reading These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong. Of course I had other thoughts as well but I couldn’t write them all down or I’ll be here forever. If you haven’t read this book or series, I highly recommend that you guys read it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. 
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